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Old 21-03-2016, 07:24 PM
bear196 bear196 is offline
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The decline of Sammyboy

This forum has got pretty bad and while there are still some good contributors, they are increasingly outnumbered by people with agendas and their clones.

I got zapped twice by an anonymous guy for voicing the opinion that Euros, while great to have, would be difficult to bring into Singapore.

Fact is this forum is losing viewer - simple googlefu will show a drop of 50-70% in traffic in the last year. Why waste time posting to get zapped?

I'm not boss Sam, but I do make an appeal as a forum that identifies good chicks and gets business for them is valuable to cheongsters. Without business, good chicks go back. When glowing reports get written on bad chicks, punters take their business elsewhere.

Anyway, this is my little vent. Hope things get better, it'd be a shame if they don't. I miss the old sharing, but then again I have other alternatives and won't shed tears for the current forum.

Old 21-03-2016, 08:14 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Don't care about the points and move on brothers
Old 21-03-2016, 08:27 PM
bear196 bear196 is offline
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Good advice bro.

Fact is I care a little bit, but not all that much about the points. It is after all nice to know that posts are valuable to someone.

The main problem is that points aside, when you try to contribute in the GL forum you often end up in arguments with people with agendas. Its like saying "Ignore the CB smell", just imagine its perfumed and fuck away.

To which I say - "No bro, its still a CCB. Get some antibiotics for fuck sake!!!" :
Old 21-03-2016, 08:28 PM
ahpiao ahpiao is offline
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

The reputation up and zap system is a failure. It has lost its original purpose, instead of upping good info, field report & good opinion, the system is abuse by members who create tons of clones to mass zap others or self upp for personal agenda.

Look at the number of account created, within a month of creation, the reputation point shot up few hundred point without any contribution. Bulk of the high reputation members achieve their rep pt thru exchanging point instead of positive contribution.
Old 21-03-2016, 08:52 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Yep, if I was only interested in points I'd never post on GL150, and only post on the points exchange and photo sharing sections.

I have a post on the exchange link to see if any bros will up me enough to get back my points from the silly fucker that anonymously zapped me twice for no reason. A test experiment, and so far thanks to one bro, I am up but let's see (bro K**** will up you if I have any points tomorrow!!!!).

Fact is though, in some ways I'm grateful for the smelly, slimy, hidden cunt that zapped me. I am getting a chance to find new and creative ways to call him a cunt and have so far polished off a bit over half a bottle of sweet Barolo while taping out the insults. I don't generally pick on people, but when its deserved its fun

Time to get serious for a bit. I don't know why I call him a cunt. I love cunts:

It must be that I don't love all cunts though. Smelly and slimy ones we can do without

So to my slimy smelly cunt friend, a toast. A fair and smelly adieu to you my cunty friend! We will never meet, because unless you sneak up on me from upwind, I will stay clear of your slimy, sardine and oyster cunty aromas! (Sorry, the red wine is bringing out the french in me)
Old 21-03-2016, 09:42 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Like what i have been advocating too.....its time to do away with zapping. Only reward with points so its a fairer system. Unless you up your own clone. Too many are innocently zapped for contributing to the benefit of others here. Hope the boss take some action or introduce some great measures or ideas to stop all the problems.
Old 21-03-2016, 10:01 PM
keverus keverus is offline
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

In all honesty, points do matter. For a start, you do need to have positive points to be able to post freely. Once in negative, there are restrictions like moderating of posts or limited pm inbox space. Unfortunately because this point system has ruled over sbf like forever, it has shaped the dynamics of this forum.
Old 21-03-2016, 11:34 PM
bear196 bear196 is offline
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

I hear you bro, but the way this site has been recently, would you lose sleep about not being able to post here?

To the OKTs and their clones, look at the site traffic. Remember Sim Lim and Jover. If your business is based on deceiving customers don't be surprised if after a while all you mostly have empty rooms and the rare carrot head.

Unless there is a change in this site and its reliability (which I don't expect) I don't imagine I will stick around. I'll go with OKTs I trust and swap them if they are not reliable.

For the OKTs killing this forum, I hope you will see some sense. Without a reliable source of information the pool of punters shrinks and it shrinks by a lot because all you get are drop-ins not regulars. If GL gets too shit or too much of a dice roll, my backup plan isthe FL route. Better this than read the fairy tales that make up half of this forum.

So Boss Sam, hope you can fix this forum. More than half your traffic has gone in the last year, and half of those that remain are agenda idiots and their clones. Mathematically, using these rough estimates your real cheongster traffic is down 75%.

To the agenda idiots our there, zap me all you like. All I'll do is disappear like the three quarters of paying customers on this site before, and you can pat each other's backsides and wonder why business is down.
Old 22-03-2016, 09:43 AM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

I keep a close eye on traffic and the reason for the decline is because I culled a huge number of members after the crisis last July when the mainstream press launched a campaign to shut down the forum. I also got rid of a large number of up skirt snipe threads which were more trouble than they were worth.

Gambling related threads are also removed.

Scandal threads are also a threat and many are removed because there are now laws against on line harassment. The net is no longer a free for all environment.

We should thank our lucky stars the forum is still around.

This place has never been perfect.

However there is always room for improvement.
Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
  2. Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers, real names & addresses.
  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 22-03-2016, 12:24 PM
BronzeGod BronzeGod is offline
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I keep a close eye on traffic and the reason for the decline is because I culled a huge number of members after the crisis last July when the mainstream press launched a campaign to shut down the forum. I also got rid of a large number of up skirt snipe threads which were more trouble than they were worth.

Gambling related threads are also removed.

Scandal threads are also a threat and many are removed because there are now laws against on line harassment. The net is no longer a free for all environment.

We should thank our lucky stars the forum is still around.

This place has never been perfect.

However there is always room for improvement.
One thing you really should do is clean out clone activity in my opinion. Run your clone script and remove all clones leaving each user with their one original account and deleting/banning the fake/duplicate ones.

I'm not sure about other sections of the forum, but one of the reasons why many of us don't participate in the geylang forum is that it's become obvious that some forummers have been using clone accounts to ZAP or cyber bully others into submission - often even resorting to online harassment and other cyber crimes. The other problem is using clone accounts to post fake FRs to inflate the business of a particular house or girl in geylang, and then using these clones to launch attacks on those who question the obviously promotional FRs.

This greatly defeats the purpose of the forum, which is to exchange honest views aimed at giving brothers here a better and happier experience in geylang. Or at least that's what I thought it was, i could be completely wrong.

Anyway, whatever you decide to do, I and many others not likely to return as a regular contributor here. Just bored today and decided to chip in my 0.5 cents, but my opinion not even worth half a cent anyway, so don't worry.

So please continue doing what you like. I'm more than happy to watch this forum waste away, as long as geylang is able to continue bringing in nice lovely girls for us guys in real life with or without this forum which has become a wasteland
Old 22-03-2016, 12:43 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post

This greatly defeats the purpose of the forum, which is to exchange honest views aimed at giving brothers here a better and happier experience in geylang. Or at least that's what I thought it was, i could be completely wrong.
I created the forum for you guys to exchange information. With cooperation and mutual respect it would thrive.

With childish bickering, backstabbing and hidden agendas it will self destruct. I can't babysit the forum. It's up to the members to collectively decide what they want.

If it crashes and burns so be it. I don't need this forum anymore. It has done it's time. If a small group of Geylang cheongsters can't live in harmony it's not my problem. I'm not going to run this place like the PAP runs the country.
Tips for ALL samsters.
  1. Keep your identity secret.
  2. Do not divulge personal information eg phone numbers, real names & addresses.
  3. If you do arrange social meetings through this site, do NOT reveal your primary sammyboy nick.
  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 22-03-2016, 12:45 PM
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Ya. Totally agreed. I use to see this forum alway. Never post until recently. Post only when i manage to find a good one which suit me. Just want to share geniunely. Even though i only have poor 11point nia. 😂😂😂. I wish to see more geniune post by all bro here.
Old 22-03-2016, 12:45 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by bear196 View Post
Good advice bro.

Fact is I care a little bit, but not all that much about the points. It is after all nice to know that posts are valuable to someone.

The main problem is that points aside, when you try to contribute in the GL forum you often end up in arguments with people with agendas. Its like saying "Ignore the CB smell", just imagine its perfumed and fuck away.

To which I say - "No bro, its still a CCB. Get some antibiotics for fuck sake!!!"
I'm curious - you've only posted some 20 plus times in the last 10 years before this week, that's like only 2 posts a year, but yet you sound like a regular contributor to sammyboy. I mean, why else would you be up in arms over arguments by people trying to forward their agenda?

Not that I disagree with you, but just curious how come you seem so emotionally invested in such when you weren't involved in those arguments and hardly contribute?

Just curious

Oh, and your points seem to have quadrupled over night, so i wouldn't worry too much about the zapping I guess
Old 22-03-2016, 12:53 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Well said on the zapping culture.
I was a lurker before I decided to register and share FR. I got zapped many times for no reason, now points running low, hence stop contributing.

Most bro usually stick to favourite house due to various reasons like location, friends with OKT, clean rooms, lazy to hunt etc.
FR is subjective but nevertheless its a source of info. Zapping is discouraging.

I believe genuine members don't zap. Only those with vested interest will, as they have no case to start a discussion and only wants to zap.

On the whole, this forum is still a treasure trove of info.
Old 22-03-2016, 12:55 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I created the forum for you guys to exchange information. With cooperation and mutual respect it would thrive.

With childish bickering, backstabbing and hidden agendas it will self destruct. I can't babysit the forum. It's up to the members to collectively decide what they want.

If it crashes and burns so be it. I don't need this forum anymore. It has done it's time. If a small group of Geylang cheongsters can't live in harmony it's not my problem. I'm not going to run this place like the PAP runs the country.
"childish bickering, backstabbing and hidden agendas", well that happens in real life too. I'm not asking you to tackle that.

I recall you mentioned before that you had a clone script, what I am asking you to do is clean out fake profiles using that clone script of yours.

So eg if samster A signed up in 2006 with one profile but created some 100 clones after that, those 100 clones will be wiped out by the clone script hopefully and leave samster A with just one account. I mean you reported you could wipe out clones as per below, so why not do it for the betterment of the forum?

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I've been working on the "clone detection" script over the past few weeks and gave it a test run yesterday.

It wiped out about 50 clones in 5 minutes and caught a few big fish in the net too.

I'll start on the upgrading of the "anonymous profanities" script once I've finished with my clone catching tools.
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