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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 11-10-2006, 10:13 PM
rolly rolly is offline
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Club Syt

Annoucing the formation of a new club called CLUB SYT where all the news and views and happenings of SYTs in sg are reported here, and only here!!!

under strict orders of my superior, and also my orders, from now on discussion on SYTs should be carried out here and outings and FRs all directed to this thread.

new members who wish to sign up feel free to try and we will see if u make the cut.

current news : it seems there will be a major CLUB outing proposed by serg OP and mission news will be out once our general has confirmed details.
unclesammi is working hard to provide more SYTs and we will do well to thank him.
upcoming swoop on SSH my capt rolly

further news on new SYTs captured will be refered here.

thanks for all yur support!
Old 11-10-2006, 10:57 PM
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Re: Club Syt

bro CPT Rolly,i was busy setting up my yahoo grp while u open up a thread,well done & thks!.

I hereby announce the Grand Opening of this new thread & my group.Existing members do click on the link for immediate access.

Here's a lates update of the current strength:

MAJ Rolly (Just promoted)
CPT Ahh Boi
CPT UncleSammi (Just promoted)
2WO OP (Just promoted)
2SG Mainair (Just promoted)

Next Target : 2888
Do leave your nick if you upzz me so that I can return favor.
I sincerely seek your kind patience as there is a list of favors I need to return.
If I do forget to, pls drop me a reminder PM.
Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 11-10-2006, 11:14 PM
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Re: Club Syt

Congrats on the opening of SYT Club. Great done up on the thread n group! Way to go guys!

Any recruitment for privates like me boh?
Old 11-10-2006, 11:32 PM
rolly rolly is offline
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Re: Club Syt

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
bro CPT Rolly,i was busy setting up my yahoo grp while u open up a thread,well done & thks!.

I hereby announce the Grand Opening of this new thread & my group.Existing members do click on the link for immediate access.

Here's a lates update of the current strength:

MAJ Rolly (Just promoted)
CPT Ahh Boi
CPT UncleSammi (Just promoted)
2WO OP (Just promoted)
2SG Mainair (Just promoted)


i not member, but i applied liao
Old 11-10-2006, 11:33 PM
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Re: Club Syt

u r most than welcome bro.Click on the link and u r raring to go.Cheers.

Next Target : 2888
Do leave your nick if you upzz me so that I can return favor.
I sincerely seek your kind patience as there is a list of favors I need to return.
If I do forget to, pls drop me a reminder PM.
Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 11-10-2006, 11:34 PM
GodsendSYT GodsendSYT is offline
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Re: Club Syt

can any1 of us join??? i'm a SYT lover also.. ha ha.. if u need some FR for some of the gals i try, no problem. hee hee.. or this is just for u'r own group only...
Old 11-10-2006, 11:34 PM
rolly rolly is offline
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Re: Club Syt

Originally Posted by oohay_lah
Congrats on the opening of SYT Club. Great done up on the thread n group! Way to go guys!

Any recruitment for privates like me boh?
well simple. jus click on the weblink from sjg.

just join one of our outings or outings that includes at least one of us in it(u can come join me on fri)
Old 11-10-2006, 11:38 PM
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Re: Club Syt

I happened to come across this thread and saw this new club. Congrats to you all bros and may you tua tua tan tan (earn big bucks)!!!

Old 11-10-2006, 11:49 PM
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Re: Club Syt

Originally Posted by curiouslooker
I happened to come across this thread and saw this new club. Congrats to you all bros and may you tua tua tan tan (earn big bucks)!!!

thks thks,anyway this group is a non-profitable grp,just a tool to bring like-minded bros together.
Next Target : 2888
Do leave your nick if you upzz me so that I can return favor.
I sincerely seek your kind patience as there is a list of favors I need to return.
If I do forget to, pls drop me a reminder PM.
Thank you all for your kind understanding.
Old 12-10-2006, 01:18 AM
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Re: Club Syt

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
I hereby announce the Grand Opening of this new thread & my group.Existing members do click on the link for immediate access.
Even got a tread started for this sia??
This SYT club getting bigger anf bigger


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Old 12-10-2006, 01:19 AM
GodsendSYT GodsendSYT is offline
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Re: Club Syt

can we join in??? ha ha.. if u want FR on some SYT I have try, no problem.. hee hee.. or is it just for u'r own group only....
Old 12-10-2006, 03:41 AM
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Re: Club Syt

I want to join!!!
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Old 12-10-2006, 03:49 AM
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Re: Club Syt

Can stat the defination for ur syt? Cos to someone like me, 25 also young. And 18 consider too young.
u are reading my signature
Old 12-10-2006, 03:54 AM
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Re: Club Syt

Originally Posted by Carebear
Can stat the defination for ur syt? Cos to someone like me, 25 also young. And 18 consider too young.

If you want to know the causes in your past life,
The way you live at present is the effect of your past life.
If you want to know what your future life will be,
What you do at present is the cause of your future life.
Old 12-10-2006, 09:47 AM
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Re: Club Syt

2 promotions within a week. Sibeh high flyer leh. A bit Exaggerating right?

This Fri what operation? How come no news one?

Wa this club is getting bigger man. Well done bros.
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