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Old 29-05-2016, 01:04 AM
abcdefg7 abcdefg7 is offline
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Eating a lady


Please enlighten me on this - I personally love eating pussy. I actually read up and ask my lesbian friends on what's the best way but some how, women that I have gone down on love it to fucking bits but the tough part is actually getting her to willingly let me go down on her. Even after she's tried it and she loves it, the next time round, they seem so hesitant about it. And because of my dying hunger to go down, I always tell them it's fine and they should be proud of it and just lay back and enjoy the ride. But they just don't feel comfortable so can someone let me know is it just coincidental that this lady is one of the many or few that just don't want it.

Your thoughts please!
Old 29-05-2016, 09:45 AM
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Re: Eating a lady

Your title is misleading . It should be " Eating a ladies ' pussy " .
Old 29-05-2016, 09:57 AM
ddog ddog is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

Ladies need 30mins to get sexual, shorter if hot heavy petting. If ladies sufficiently aroused, they will say f*** it (many ladies I know use profanities), lick me silly, then open legs big big and thrust hips into your mouth while you eating. Spare the small talks, only weak beta males ask for permission.
That's Ddog experience. But pussycat all slightly different smell and taste too... like food, me like
up me up u
Ddog with long hard tail... luv chasing pussycats
Old 29-05-2016, 10:44 AM
JoelMatip JoelMatip is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

TS, so you are a girl and les?
Old 29-05-2016, 01:22 PM
anikisan anikisan is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

hi abc bro,

to begin with, we dont ask fro their permission to eat their pussy...yes, the earlier bro who replied as such is the truth - only beta males ask for permission! no offense though.

my approach is that i will make them super horny and then i will go down on her without them asking. usually they will let out a huge gasp and arch their hips fwd in pleasure, thrusting their lady bits further into your mouth while at the same time, saying no

so, my answer to this is...use lots of foreplay, dont directly touch her nipples, clit or pussy hole in the beginning, tease her juices out, french her, look her deep into the eye, caress her hair, smell her, tell her how pretty she is etc etc hahaha good luck bro!
Old 29-05-2016, 01:26 PM
paula0x paula0x is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

.use lots of foreplay, dont directly touch her nipples, clit or pussy hole in the beginning, tease her juices out, french her, look her deep into the eye, caress her hair, smell her, tell her how pretty she is etc etc hahaha good luck bro![/QUOTE]

Wow you are experienced!
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Old 29-05-2016, 01:35 PM
anikisan anikisan is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

Originally Posted by paula0x View Post
.use lots of foreplay, dont directly touch her nipples, clit or pussy hole in the beginning, tease her juices out, french her, look her deep into the eye, caress her hair, smell her, tell her how pretty she is etc etc hahaha good luck bro!
Wow you are experienced![/QUOTE]

haha no la! still got lots of learn. one thing i learnt though is, women are still women...emotional creatures who need to feel loved. normal girls or prostitutes are the same...they still want to feel loved, desired and be treated like a lady, not a piece of meat or sex machine...

when we treat them well in our manner, attitude, with gentleness and also the macho-ness of a man, it will turn them on greatly. for most of them la. of coz there are some who want their men to treat them roughly etc
Old 29-05-2016, 01:40 PM
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Re: Eating a lady

i'm guessing the lady you're mentioning was feeling a little self conscious.
she is not feeling confident in herself.
Well, that's what I would tell the guy that want to lick me down under
Old 29-05-2016, 04:17 PM
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Question Re: Eating a lady

Originally Posted by analyzed View Post
i'm guessing the lady you're mentioning was feeling a little self conscious.
she is not feeling confident in herself.
Well, that's what I would tell the guy that want to lick me down under
Sorry. Don't quite get you.
What would you tell a guy if you want to be eaten?
Normally a guy will just move down and enjoy the abalone.
Do guys normally ask?
Old 29-05-2016, 05:12 PM
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Re: Eating a lady

Some ladies aren't comfortable with such. (Me, for example) Haha. I love being eaten but yeap, its the whole not confident with my own body kind-of thing. I feel bad towards the guy actually.

Then again, like what majority have mentioned, use lotsa foreplay. Get her real horny, she'll most likely give way to you. I can testified this because I myself did gave way to the guy in the end.
Old 29-05-2016, 06:26 PM
abcdefg7 abcdefg7 is offline
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Re: Eating a lady


I personally feel it's a good idea to ask first. Because who knows how she feels. Like it's mentioned above, if she really is into it then of course she'll say "please do!!" So I don't see why it shouldn't be asked. You can actually ask it in such a sensual and erotic way that it can turn it up even more because she wants it and know she knows she's gonna get it.

2nd, what happens if she's not ready for u to go down on her for various reason and u dive right in and then it kills the mood?

Just food for thought guys, obviously the egos are playing up in a few lads here. But as I said, just food for thought and wanted to actually hear from the ladies themselves.

Whatever it is, enjoy.
Old 29-05-2016, 09:38 PM
bobhuat bobhuat is offline
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Re: Eating a lady

my humble opinion:

you are thinking too much. use your heart and feeling, don't use your brain too much. and most of the time you will see them loving your eating of their abalone.

sidetrack abit Bro abcdefg7, are you in a job that requires a lot of calculation and analysis? (eg: Accountant / Engineer? ) just thinking that you might be too left-brained. hehe...

Originally Posted by abcdefg7 View Post

I personally feel it's a good idea to ask first. Because who knows how she feels. Like it's mentioned above, if she really is into it then of course she'll say "please do!!" So I don't see why it shouldn't be asked. You can actually ask it in such a sensual and erotic way that it can turn it up even more because she wants it and know she knows she's gonna get it.

2nd, what happens if she's not ready for u to go down on her for various reason and u dive right in and then it kills the mood?

Just food for thought guys, obviously the egos are playing up in a few lads here. But as I said, just food for thought and wanted to actually hear from the ladies themselves.

Whatever it is, enjoy.
Old 29-05-2016, 09:43 PM
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Re: Eating a lady

I think other bros have mentioned, go with the flow. Foreplay and get them aroused, then just go down lah. Have you had any lady (even horny cock lover) whom ask you "Can I suck you"?

Sounds weird isn't it.
Old 29-05-2016, 09:47 PM
abcdefg7 abcdefg7 is offline
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Originally Posted by bobhuat View Post
my humble opinion:

you are thinking too much. use your heart and feeling, don't use your brain too much. and most of the time you will see them loving your eating of their abalone.

sidetrack abit Bro abcdefg7, are you in a job that requires a lot of calculation and analysis? (eg: Accountant / Engineer? ) just thinking that you might be too left-brained. hehe...
Indeed I am. I'm a bit of a dork actually.
Old 29-05-2016, 10:07 PM
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Re: Eating a lady

Originally Posted by anikisan View Post
so, my answer to this is...use lots of foreplay, dont directly touch her nipples, clit or pussy hole in the beginning, tease her juices out, french her, look her deep into the eye, caress her hair, smell her, tell her how pretty she is etc etc hahaha good luck bro!
Good advice although not many WL allow frenching, need to find other ways to tease her
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