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I did not see that coming..
This story is complete fiction based on some real life events. Names have been changed.
Have been blissfully married to my wife for 12 years, her best friend who stays near us visits often and has 2 daughters of whom I am their god-dad. Her husband and I get along quite well with our love for sci-fi, cars and music. So it was always a good fit as we did not have kids of our own, we welcomed the laughter of the girls in our home. The girls came over regularly, especially since my wife and I worked from home, they would pop by just after they finished school, sometimes we would go pick them up from school to our place. The liked to use our indoor pool which was heated and they have spent many an hour in that pool swimming and with me watching over them as they grew up. The younger of the two is called Zoe a fearless, vivacious gung-ho type who is always up for anything. The older one Carol is more quiet and reserved and took me longer to get to know. Both girls call me god-pa. When we first met all those years ago, Carol was 5 and Zoe 3. I have watched Carol grow into a fine woman and Zoe not far behind. To be honest, I fell for Carol from day one, she was exquisite and very attractive even then. But as I was her god-pa, I really did my best not to have any naughty thoughts about her. |
Re: I did not see that coming..
To be honest, I fell for Carol from day one, she was exquisite and very attractive even then. But as I was her god-pa, I really did my best not to have any naughty thoughts about her.
Carol was always long and lean, had legs that stretched forever. It was a privilege for me to watch her grow up. I would be there for her at swim meets, at ballet and her net-ball games. Seeing her grow from an ungainly child into this self-confident woman, made my heart ache. I was torn with pride coming from the father bit and the scandalous thoughts from wanting her perfect body. I still remember the day I filled in for her dad when she was taking swimming lessons, she was 12 then, she started late, but boy did she have raw talent. I remember having to hold her afloat, her clinging on to me because she thought she would drown, her budding breasts squished against my torso. All too distracting for a grown man... and leading me to thoughts I should never have had in all honesty. But I kept it cool.. really really cool. I loved her, as my daughter and did not think to act on anything. It was sheer torture sometimes, but just to have her around, it was worth it. I knew her dad would kill me if he ever knew. Zoe and I had a more normal relationship in the sense that I always saw her as my baby girl and never once did I have any thoughts about anything untoward. Zoe has always liked me to give her tummy rubs, it was god-pa tummy rub rub.. and she would climb on my lap and sit there while I rubbed her tummy. Obviously this became awkward as she grew older, but she still insisted and her parents did not mind, so she would come to me and lie with her head on my lap and ask for tummy rubs. I would oblige and that was all I thought about that. Zoe would lie there and purr like a kitten. |
Re: I did not see that coming..
Things took a turn when on Carol's 15th birthday, her dad suddenly passed away. We were all really shocked by the incident and it left Yvonne, my friends wife devastated. As our house was quite large, my wife invited Yvonne and the girls to stay with us during this difficult time. I was out numbered in the house 4 to 1.
Though I have to say I did not mind. All 4 gorgeous women/girls to share a house with. Initially we were more concerned about taking care of the girls and their mother, we did all the usual, settling them in, helping with funeral preparations, etc. It was only the week after the funeral that my mind was able to wander. I am the one that normally does the washing in the house as I am particular with how I sort clothes etc. So without much thinking I gathered my own clothes and my wife's and was heading to the laundry when Yvonne piped up behind me.. Yvonne: Hey houses100 I see you are doing the laundry, could I trouble you to help with ours as I am too drained to do so. Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours. |
Re: I did not see that coming..
Good start bro, pls continue
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Re: I did not see that coming..
Camping here!
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Re: I did not see that coming..
Chop seat .
Re: I did not see that coming..
Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours.
Beep... beep...beep. The washing machine signaled the end of my wash cycle. I got up took out the clothes and hung them out to dry in the sun. I then went back inside the house to look for Yvonne. I knocked on her door... Houses: Yvonne, ready for your load.. Yvonne: Sure thing come in.. I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Yvonne's body was half turned away from me, forming a very nice silhouette. She was only wearing a very thin house dress which has become transparent with the sunlight behind her. No bra, perky breasts and pokey nips all showing, flat stomach.. my jaw dropped. Yvonne still had the body of a 20 something year old. Yvonne bent down to retrieve the girls clothes and hers from the laundry basket on the floor, as she bent down to pick up the basket, her house dress rode up her bum to give me a peek at her pink panties. Nothing special, just your plain pink panties, but as you all know. This is the sort of view that starts the imagination going. As I looked on I mouthed a silent thank you... She turned back and handed me the laundry basket and stepped in closer to give me a peck on the cheek. Yvonne: Thanks Houses.. As she did so, her breast brushed against my forearm.. how much more could one endure.. I quickly bade a hasty retreat and went to do her laundry. |
Re: I did not see that coming..
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Re: I did not see that coming..
Re: I did not see that coming..
Special thanks to bro scooby1 and bro Giansex for upping me and helping me get my 1st power. pending to return scooby1 10 more points and Giansex 4 more points! ~ Always a fan of local delight, just like how much I like Yakun ~ |
Re: I did not see that coming..
As she did so, her breast brushed against my forearm.. how much more could one endure.. I quickly bade a hasty retreat and went to do her laundry.
With the big basket in my hands I slowly walked to the laundry which was located on the ground floor at the rear of the house, we had a big laundry as my wife liked it big, she wanted space to hang clothes inside should it rain etc. We had lots of bench space and I absent mindedly placed the basket on the bench space in the laundry and started to sort clothes. My mind still lingering on the incident with Yvonne before. To say my shorts did not feel a bit tight was an understatement, it was the first time in over 12 years I had felt another woman's breast. I was doing my usual sorting routine separating the whites and the colours. Without looking I picked up the next item of clothing from the basket and could feel it was not cotton, but lacy. Looking down, I saw that it was a pair of panties, but too small to be for Yvonne. They were also pink and had a small stain on the crotch area. Without thinking I immediately put that part of the panty to my nose and took a big whiff. The smell was heavenly, it was then that I realized Carol kept her physical hygiene well, she used perfume down there and she also cleaned well, there was barley a smell of urine but more importantly, there was a sweet musky smell of her. It was only then that I began to go over the clothes that I had sorted to find all the lingerie and sorted them into three piles according to their sizes. There was a pile for Zoe, a pile for Carol and one pile for Yvonne. I noticed that Yvonne and Carol both had a perchant for expensive underwear. Carol liked Calvin Klein and Yvonne liked to wear Eres by Chanel. There were three piles of lingerie there, over seven days worth of them. Every perverts dream. |
Re: I did not see that coming..
Very nice story bro, please continue
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Re: I did not see that coming..
Good story! Please continue bro
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Re: I did not see that coming..
can't wait for the next part bro!
Re: I did not see that coming..
Digging trenches and building bunker
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