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Old 03-11-2006, 02:16 PM
harlequin harlequin is offline
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SMS notification code

I am starting a new thread on this matter because, to my knowledge, it has never been brought up before. I need the views and opinions of fellow cheongsters & OKTs because we need to co-operate on this matter.

As you know, some OKTs send out mass SMS messages announcing new stocks or special promotions. Of course, they need to inform the bros about such matters. We, on the other hand, also need to be informed. So, it is mutually beneficial. After all, we cannot be constantly checking this forum or group websites.

The only problem is that the wife, parents, family members or even frends may see it. Just recently, I was at home and was taking a shower. My handphone was on the dining table and a SMS message came in announcing some new stocks. Fortunately, no one at home decided to see what the message was all about. Otherwise, I would be in trouble already. I am sure this problem applies to everyone, not just me. So, how to be kept informed but without arousing suspicions ?

This is what I propose. Each OKT should have a simple 3-character code. For example, Bro S can use “%@S” (sorry, bro, just using you as an example only) and send this out as a mass SMS to his group of contacts. When we receive it, we can then check this forum or group website. Otherwise, we can just phone/SMS back to the OKT when it is safe to do so. If the wife or other people see it, we can just dismiss it as an unknown message from an unknown party.

In order for this to work, enough bros must come forward and support the idea.

Secondly, the 3-character code must be co-ordinated otherwise we might get the same code for diffierent OKTs. This means that the OKT must announce it in this thread which code he/she is using (don’t worry, it won’t give AV any advantage by knowing this).

The alternative is for 1 person to be the co-ordinator. The OKT can PM the proposed code to him and, if no one else is using it, he will inform the OKT (by PM) that it’s ok.

Well, let’s have some response & feedback from the bros & OKTs.
Old 03-11-2006, 02:23 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

Definitely support this idea... I have so far avoided FL dome but recently quite attracted to it (thanks to the tarma opportunities...). But although I made contact with some OKT thro PM, I have yet to release my mobile number... SUPPORT.
Old 03-11-2006, 02:29 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

i do not have this problem, i think it is easier and less troublesome to just keep your phone safe

I do suggest getting a prepaid sim card? and slot it in when you are free to view the sms instead
Old 03-11-2006, 02:32 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

Originally Posted by harlequin
I am starting a new thread on this matter because, to my knowledge, it has never been brought up before. I need the views and opinions of fellow cheongsters & OKTs because we need to co-operate on this matter.

As you know, some OKTs send out mass SMS messages announcing new stocks or special promotions. Of course, they need to inform the bros about such matters. We, on the other hand, also need to be informed. So, it is mutually beneficial. After all, we cannot be constantly checking this forum or group websites.

The only problem is that the wife, parents, family members or even frends may see it. Just recently, I was at home and was taking a shower. My handphone was on the dining table and a SMS message came in announcing some new stocks. Fortunately, no one at home decided to see what the message was all about. Otherwise, I would be in trouble already. I am sure this problem applies to everyone, not just me. So, how to be kept informed but without arousing suspicions ?

This is what I propose. Each OKT should have a simple 3-character code. For example, Bro S can use “%@S” (sorry, bro, just using you as an example only) and send this out as a mass SMS to his group of contacts. When we receive it, we can then check this forum or group website. Otherwise, we can just phone/SMS back to the OKT when it is safe to do so. If the wife or other people see it, we can just dismiss it as an unknown message from an unknown party.

In order for this to work, enough bros must come forward and support the idea.

Secondly, the 3-character code must be co-ordinated otherwise we might get the same code for diffierent OKTs. This means that the OKT must announce it in this thread which code he/she is using (don’t worry, it won’t give AV any advantage by knowing this).

The alternative is for 1 person to be the co-ordinator. The OKT can PM the proposed code to him and, if no one else is using it, he will inform the OKT (by PM) that it’s ok.

Well, let’s have some response & feedback from the bros & OKTs.
Good innovative ideas, but sorry to say i personally do not encourage mass SMS fr OKT. Even your idea works but its still too risky to recieve it now or later. The best is don't recieve, I will source fr SammyB forum.
Old 03-11-2006, 02:38 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

My friend uses a PocketPC phones and installed a software called SMS filter.
Selective messages gets filter to the different folders according to the rules he apply.

What he did was to block all OKT/FL numbers and these information get logged. SMS messages get directed to his secret folder. He then checks regularly for the log and blocked messages. It is very safe and he is quite happy with it.
Old 03-11-2006, 03:11 PM
Gd2day Gd2day is offline
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Re: SMS notification code

Originally Posted by BustLover
My friend uses a PocketPC phones and installed a software called SMS filter.
Selective messages gets filter to the different folders according to the rules he apply.

What he did was to block all OKT/FL numbers and these information get logged. SMS messages get directed to his secret folder. He then checks regularly for the log and blocked messages. It is very safe and he is quite happy with it.
I don't think a lot of Bros have pocketpc phones. I dun carry one anyway. I support what Bro Harlequin is saying. The OKTs shld get their act together and send coded msgs.

In fact, they shld not send msg after office hrs as most likely we will be at home and someone might see the msg.

I would say that the msgs be coded and sent during 9 to 5.
Old 03-11-2006, 03:51 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

Actually most SMSes are OK, however, it is the one that say new gal, price lah tat is the problem. If OKT can just be smarter and maybe,
new meeting 11 Nov or something, this way the OKTs can hv their own secret codes which they can post on their yahoo groups.

I always specifically say no promotion via SMSes, but some will still send

So nowadays, once home, my phone on silent mode ...
Old 03-11-2006, 04:08 PM
tony leung tony leung is offline
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Re: SMS notification code

I agree with threadstarter.

Okt shld aviod sending mass sms to off-guard customers. Potentially a threat to world peace at home.

I suggest all okt should just send the message, "pls check email" as i believe now all okts have a yahoo group or have access to free internet access/.

Old 03-11-2006, 04:26 PM
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bart bart bart bart
Re: SMS notification code

For me, I maintain 2nd tactical phone, pre-paid. Always happy to receive mass sms from my OKTs without worry. Used to have a gadget to put 2 sim cards in 1 phone, but they seem unreliable, so just use 2 phones now. My tactical phone is kept under car mat at driver's side when not in use. (I'm the only driver)

Of course, everyone will have special circumstances, and must find a way that works best. However, to get all OKTs to work out a system seems impractical.

When considering your options, one should ASSUME that the OKTs WILL mass SMS you with incriminating messages. Also one MUST assume that your normal phone WILL be read by someone else. After considering this, only then will you be able to make a relatively secure choice.
Old 03-11-2006, 05:26 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

So long the OKT dun sms during weekend & off-office hrs.....should be ok, rite?

该付出的付出了, 全心努力的去把握过,
曾试图给她想要的一切, 曾试图为她而死,
但回报却是无动于衷, 于是在一次次寂寞的等待中,
心血一点一滴的滴干了, 最后心血全无,心灰意冷,
当爱情失去信仰, 当感情离开忠一的港湾后,
对于男人来说, 爱情是什么这一切就都显的无所谓了!
男人的心冷了, 就再也难以热起来,
Old 03-11-2006, 05:36 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

Originally Posted by linnaohia1
Actually most SMSes are OK, however, it is the one that say new gal, price lah tat is the problem. If OKT can just be smarter and maybe,
new meeting 11 Nov or something, this way the OKTs can hv their own secret codes which they can post on their yahoo groups.

I always specifically say no promotion via SMSes, but some will still send

So nowadays, once home, my phone on silent mode ...
yup.. i agreed! at home, put silent..
what meeting on 11 Nov???
anyway, from my own observation, most okt will not sms if u tell them not to... those who do, u can easily condemn them! anyway, so many okts ard? some okts are smarter... they sms you, but in a diff tone.. nothing mentioned abt price, gals...
Agreed with bro bart too, if u wanna play it even more safe, get a 2nd SIM card, so thats purely for "business". Even if u have 1 SIM only, delete all SMSes... so no one will chance upon it. Save the okts' nos by their Name, not nickname.

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Old 03-11-2006, 06:21 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

Totally agreed with threadstarter, sms can be veri harmful if the wrong eyes see them, a suggestion to the okt, sms us in this format - (Fm:MINDEF) You have a National service Call-Up Notification. For more details, go to or call (okt's no.). For assistance, call 1800-eNSNS. Even OC see, tell her got call-up, will be safe and somemore got excuse to go out. hehe.
Old 03-11-2006, 06:23 PM
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Re: SMS notification code

I support Bro Harlequin's suggestion . OKT's must find tactical method of spreading the word. Either through codes or a discreet style of wording the message. Pocket PCs, 2nd Sim Card, really does'nt matter cause You never know when someone might be looking over your shoulder...
I should know , cause lost a girlfriend once as she sneeked up to surprise me with my birthday present only for her to read my SMS from "mistress"...
Old 04-11-2006, 11:03 AM
harlequin harlequin is offline
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Re: SMS notification code

Hi bros, looks like the proposed idea is generally well-accepted. Anyway, unless the OKTs themselves want to implement a co-ordinated plan, I guess it's no point discussing it further in this forum.

For my part, I have already assigned a code to each of my regular OKTs. The first 2 characters of the code is fixed, ie. “%@”. The last character is an alphabet, one for each OKT. There are 26 alphabets, so there should be more than enough.

If you like, suggest you do the same thing. Sorry, we couldn't have a co-ordinated plan which would be less complicated for us & the OKT.

Bonk with peace of mind, brothers. Cheers !!!
Old 04-11-2006, 11:31 AM
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Re: SMS notification code

Originally Posted by harlequin
I am starting a new thread on this matter because, to my knowledge, it has never been brought up before. I need the views and opinions of fellow cheongsters & OKTs because we need to co-operate on this matter.

As you know, some OKTs send out mass SMS messages announcing new stocks or special promotions. Of course, they need to inform the bros about such matters. We, on the other hand, also need to be informed. So, it is mutually beneficial. After all, we cannot be constantly checking this forum or group websites.

The only problem is that the wife, parents, family members or even frends may see it. Just recently, I was at home and was taking a shower. My handphone was on the dining table and a SMS message came in announcing some new stocks. Fortunately, no one at home decided to see what the message was all about. Otherwise, I would be in trouble already. I am sure this problem applies to everyone, not just me. So, how to be kept informed but without arousing suspicions ?

This is what I propose. Each OKT should have a simple 3-character code. For example, Bro S can use “%@S” (sorry, bro, just using you as an example only) and send this out as a mass SMS to his group of contacts. When we receive it, we can then check this forum or group website. Otherwise, we can just phone/SMS back to the OKT when it is safe to do so. If the wife or other people see it, we can just dismiss it as an unknown message from an unknown party.

In order for this to work, enough bros must come forward and support the idea.

Secondly, the 3-character code must be co-ordinated otherwise we might get the same code for diffierent OKTs. This means that the OKT must announce it in this thread which code he/she is using (don’t worry, it won’t give AV any advantage by knowing this).

The alternative is for 1 person to be the co-ordinator. The OKT can PM the proposed code to him and, if no one else is using it, he will inform the OKT (by PM) that it’s ok.

Well, let’s have some response & feedback from the bros & OKTs.

Dun waste time, you think OKTs got so much time to do sms coding. All cheongers who are married or attached always carries two sims. one is for the normal ppl to contact, and one is for OKTs or meimei, mistress to call. If say you are spending time on sunday all day then dun switch on the 2nd sim card loh....
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