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Old 08-11-2006, 02:06 AM
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I didn't know my female friend is a whore

To all bros, this is another story that happened which i think is quite extraordinary but true... it proves one thing, that some girls really know how to make use of their assets to make money..

When you stay in a student hostel, it's natural that you make many friends there, both guys and girls. And of the female friends, it's natural some of them look a lot more fuckable cos of their sweet look or good bods. I hope all readers will take their time, read this and enjoy these bong incidents that i had...

I had a friend, call Aaron, whom i always hang out with during my school days. One thing about this guy is he sometimes like to brag to me about the bongs he had. Most of the times, the girls are from Geylang. (The conversation are roughly constructed. It's based on memories so not all words are exact)

One day, during lecture, this horny guy told me,"Hey man, you know, I heard from Andrew that there's a girl from the biz faculty here who is providing commercial sex."

"Issit?" I replied. "Who?"

"I dunno, but if I do, i'll let u know. Why? Wan to try her issit?"Aaron teased.

"Yeah right, even if i did, i wun let u know, fucker..." I replied. "Why don't u ask Andrew?"

"I asked him already of course! But he said he not sure also, have to go find out then tell me...And I'll tell u once I get to know it, and once I try her, Haha" Aaron answered.

"Yeah right, u horny kid. Wait ur girlfriend knows.." I replied.

I couldn't really pay attention cos somehow, this news distracted me. There are a few girls in biz faculty that I know. And a few of them are really fuckable. Sometimes, when I PCC, I'll imagine myself fucking some of them. Somehow, I dun think I'll know that girl. Or rather, that rumour is rubbish...

A few days later, Aaron came lecture late. He quietly came up and sat beside me.

"Hey bro, Andrew found out who that girl is already. She's really from the biz faculty. Got her contact through his friends and tried her yesterday. Sms me this morning. Damn it, he's fast." Aaron whispered.

"So he told u who that girl is?" I asked.

"Nah, he didn't ask for the name, but Andrew's sure he saw her around in the school", Aaron replied. "By the way, he gave me the contact. Heard that she only does referral. U wan it?"

"Haha, sure or not? Why not?" I replied, half believingly.

Aaron showed me the sms and the number. I copy it somewhere on a piece of paper.

"Eh, why don't u try SMS her and see if she really respond," I challenged.

"Yeah, why not. After all, tonight's Friday, it's fuck night.. haha" He replied.
Aaron has this habit of either going pubbing or Geylang on Friday night. He easily spend all his money on such vices. But still, he's a good buddy to me.

Aaron's phone rang. We both looked at each other, amused. He opened the SMS, I peeped over and we both read together. "Who are you? Where did u hear this from?" was the reply.

Aaron typed, "My friend, Andrew". And he sent. A few moments later, came the reply. "Ok. U know the rates?" Aaron nudged me, i looked over.

"Damn it, it's true". Aaron said excitedly. "No, I dunno the rates", Aaron typed and sent.

A few moments later, "$200 for an hour", was the reply. Aaron was excited, but he said, "damn! that's ex!" I gave him a bo chap look. But he said,"Nonetheless, I'm going to try. Shit, have to get the money from the bookie fast" (He's a gambler also, haha).

"Yeah right, u better be careful man. Better wear the protection." I said. Aaron gave me a evil grin. "U bet," he said. Aaron replied. A few moments later, the message was, "Where? And time? Pls tell me u stay in the hall.."

Aaron grinned as he showed me the message. "Yes, i do. It's XXX (hall name) and can u make it at 11pm tonight?" WIthin a while, came the reply, "Ok, I wan cash on delivery."

The day ended in the late afternoon and Aaron could barely contained his excitement. I said goodbye to him and told him to watch himself. He showed me a thumbs up and I make my way back to my room...

On Saturday morning, i received an sms from Aaron:"Brother, the $200 was well spent. Shot her 2 times in an hour. And the first one was into her mouth! She's hot bro!"

So, Aaron really did screw the girl and paid her the money. I thought to myself. "Wait till ur girl knows," i murmur.

And so, this ends the first part of the story. I hope it's a good build up and lets see some response to see if i should continue writing....
Old 08-11-2006, 05:47 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

decent start.
Old 08-11-2006, 06:31 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

nice one... pls continue...

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Old 08-11-2006, 07:57 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Quite nice...hope it gets better.
Old 08-11-2006, 08:05 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

let's hope there can be a twist in the story, unlike the usual usual.

the starting is good, now waiting for the soup.
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Old 08-11-2006, 08:07 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Wow, this is actually kinda exciting in a mysterious sort of way Pls continue bro!
Old 08-11-2006, 09:09 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

sounds good.. always wanted to screw a local uni gal.... LOL.. bring it on bro!

If i earn a penny each time i use my brain, I would probably starve to death ...!
Old 09-11-2006, 12:40 AM
windsor windsor is offline
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Looks like there's some encouragement..

So, I met Aaron on Monday as usual. "So, shoik right?" I teased Aaron. "Yeah man, confirmz. Thinking of doing again tonight. But too bad no money.."

What a heck.

For me, I didn't really try commercial sex before. Didn't really think about it. To be honest, my previous bongs are not a lot. Couple of times maybe, but still not as power up as Aaron. Think his weapon really has lots of ammo. (BTW I posted one of my previous story about my experience with a PRC student)

"Hey man, u said she's really from our school meh?" I asked Aaron. "Yeah, i've seen her around." he replied. "How about we go check it out and u tell me at the Biz canteen?" I asked. "Onz," he replied.

After lesson, we proceeded to the canteen. Gosh, the canteen is as usual swarm with many biz student girls. Quite a handful of them were quite hot. For a moment, the lust for a decent fuck overwhelmed me. But as far as I can, I try not to do it. After all, I'm suppose to have a gf. Then again, there are always times when u can't really control it.

"Which one?" I asked.

"Wait lah.." aaron replied. We both found a good place to sit and began looking around. After a good 30 mins, i can't stay any longer. Need to meet my discussion group. "Hey bro, think forget it lah. I need to rush" I told Aaron.
"Ok, bad luck for u bro. But honestly, I can tell u, she's really a good fuck. u should try."

"Yeah right! $200!! I can get cheaper at Geylang man!"

"This one different.. bro. This one is different..." Aaron gave me a evil grin.


Actually at this point in time, I was quite tempted for a good cum. The girls walking around the canteen are really tempting. After all, it's been a long time since my girl made me cum, even though the way she made me come was a joke (we have broken up now anyway).

I returned to my room after meeting my group. Need to study for a test. "Damn it man, damn sian" i said to myself. I sat down there with my notes and read. And began dreaming and fantasizing (about the PRC girl which made me cum)

After a while, my didi stood erected. Shit. I sat up and try to go back to the notes. But it was hard.

"Hey bro, u should try it. She's really worth the money..." Aaron's word repeated once in my mind. I was tempted more now, damn it. And the fact that I've won $400 over the weekend on EPL and that tml is a public holiday made it even worst.

I made on last move before the temptation win over me. I sms my gf to ask her meet me tonight. I waited.. for a good 5 mins before she replied.

"Sorry dear, can't. Meeting my friends to go chill tonight already." Damn it, it's always like this. Friends over me. Dunno keep her for what (for free fuck loh, haha).

The reply was the ultimate. I picked up the phone, and sms.. Aaron.

"Eh bro, send me her number leh" I typed and send.

A while, no reply. Suddenly the phone rang. "EH bro. Horny liao right!?" came Aaron's voice.

"Yeah lah, fucker. U say until so good, i tempted liao leh!"

"Eh, how about we go chiong tonight instead? I damn sian leh" Aaron ask. "Maybe can get free fuck leh?"

"Dun wan lah, i sianz also. Tml going Sentosa with the hall people." I replied.

"Lan eh, then I dun give u liao" Aaron tease.

"Eh, dun be a fucker lah, give leh!!" I told him off.

"Hahah, ok lah. U horny ass. I sms u later lah" With that he hang up the phone.

A few minutes later, the sms came. It contained the number. To be honest, I was a bit gan cheong that time. Excitedly, I entered the text, roughly "Hey, heard from Andrew that you provide some service. Available tonight?". And send.

The reply was quite fast. Think she might be waiting for "clients".

"Andrew gave u this number? U know the rates?" was the reply.

I act blur. "He told me, I not sure. How much?" i replied.

A while later -- "$300"

WTF! $300? I told myself." I replied, "But he told me $200 only! Hey, come on lah, so ex. Who will wan?"

"$250, last price", came the reply.

I sian a bit, cos need to pay $50 more. This sum cold get me at least a jug of house pour man. But nonetheless, "Ok lah. tonight 11pm can? My room number is XXX XXX"

"Ok. Please make sure u have the rubber"

Fuck man, this girl like got some attitude problem one. How the hell Aaron said she's good. I a bit regret at that time. And actually thought of cancelling it later in the day. BUt somehow, the idea that my gf bo chap me made me dulan. I decided to just spend the money.

The wait to 11pm was long. My room mate came back during the evening, packed his things and returned home as he has told me in the morning. Now I had the room for my own use. I decided to take a bath before she came.

11pm... no one came and knock the door. 11.10pm.. no one. I'm not sure if she's 20mins or 30mins. But still, the wait was terrible. Finally sometime around 11.30pm, someone gave a faint knock on my room's door.

I stood up, braced myself for a good one hour fuck and walked towards the door.

I opened.. and saw to my biggest shock, this girl whom was one of my ex gf's friend. This girl, is call "Doreen" (changed the name a bit, but the first alphabet is the same).

I stood there stunned before her... as she stared straight into my eyes.

End of part II.
Old 09-11-2006, 09:10 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

haha- camping here for school hoilday....lucky not yr Ex gf if not got to pay her more to shut her mouth...
Old 09-11-2006, 10:48 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Good build up!! Keep it up!!! Camping here liao!!!

Life is Short. Play Hard!!!
Old 09-11-2006, 10:58 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

great stuff!

u've made a few horny men even hornier

now i want her number too!!!!
Old 09-11-2006, 10:58 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Interesting part coming....camping here to wait for it.
Old 09-11-2006, 11:05 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Originally Posted by sianren
lucky not yr Ex gf if not got to pay her more to shut her mouth...
If ex gf, no need to pay liao lor

Nice story. Pls carry on, camping now
Old 09-11-2006, 11:23 AM
daniel_keh daniel_keh is offline
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Wah, so many ppl camping at here liao, i oso wan join in!! waiting for pt 3!
Pls do not ask me to xchange pts or up u back!!

If ur post is good, i will up u!!
Old 09-11-2006, 11:24 AM
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Re: I didn't know my female friend is a whore

Wonderful encounter, Bro Windsor
The definition of SEX is: It's an injection with affection to the mid-section with the projection without any objection and hopefully no infection.

My humble apologize should there be any photo have been posted before.
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