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Old 14-09-2016, 02:02 PM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Oh Sweet Memories

It was the receiving line at her wedding, and as I moved forward to congratulate parents, her hubby, and finally, on to her, all I could think of when I shook her hand was how nice her body felt beneath mine, on my bed, in my room, barely half a year ago. As we smiled at each other, her lips opened slightly, and I was reliving the memory of her doing just that, but she was kneeling at my feet, with my cock an inch away from her mouth. Her tongue giving my cock head a nervous lick, because "she wasn't the kind of girl to give blowjobs".

Oh sweet memories.

It was a strange time in my life, I had broken up with a serious girlfriend, found an irregular fwb who wanted more than being just fwbs, and I saw her. Right from the start, I knew I wanted to fuck her. Her body was tight, and she loved wearing fitting clothes, so you could see the curves in her body. She was a slim girl with a nice round bum, and small tits. I was pretty sure she was wearing padded bras, and had the chance to find out on my own a while later.

If only there was a way to transplate my ex-gf's head onto her body, I would be a contented man.

One short handshake, a nervous smile from her, a word of congratulations and wishes for a blissful wedding from me, and I moved on to the next in line, all alone with my thoughts for the rest of the day.
Old 14-09-2016, 02:18 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Good nice start!!
Old 14-09-2016, 02:36 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

camping for more and more
Old 14-09-2016, 06:33 PM
Wakuwaki Wakuwaki is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Another camper!!
Old 14-09-2016, 06:43 PM
SuxSex SuxSex is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Good start TS
Old 15-09-2016, 09:29 AM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Circa 8 months prior

Knew this girl L from a friend's event. I was there as a judge / event organiser, so, I had the chance to interact with a lot of the participants in that event. Though I had my sights on another girl B (B was the main reason why I agreed to help my friend with his event), L caught my eye when we were doing the introduction.

She was wearing a dark blue blouse, covered by a black jacket and knee length skirt. You couldn't see her knees, they were covered in black stockings, that ended way up her lovely thighs. Thighs which any man would love to lick and caress. Her bum was protruding out, lovely to smack or do doggie style in, and it was because of the heels she was wearing.

Some girls are not meant to wear heels, but others, totally built for heels and nothing else. L belonged to the latter group. Even clad in black stockings, I could tell that her thighs were slim but toned, a result of her thrice weekly gym sessions, as I later found out.

She was part of the group of organisers, part of the organisation itself, and I was the outsider brought along for my special expertise.

So, as we went around the group, introducing ourselves, I was the only one who didn't know much about the others, and the others didnt know much about. I paid closer attention when L spoke about herself, her area of expertise, and what she was in charge of at this event.

B wasn't around, and L was supposed to be the consolation prize, but as far as consolation prizes went, this might just be better than the big prize!

The rest of the day went by in a blur, the only memory I have of the working day itself was lunch, when L sat across the table from me, and we had a short convo about the event.
Old 15-09-2016, 10:26 AM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

TS, good start. Had similar experience. When she was unattached. Later she married mutual colleague. When shaking hand at the line, both of us had knowing look of what we have done together - as it is our shared secret.

Originally Posted by MagicFingers View Post
It was the receiving line at her wedding, and as I moved forward to congratulate parents, her hubby, and finally, on to her, all I could think of when I shook her hand was how nice her body felt beneath mine, on my bed, in my room, barely half a year ago. As we smiled at each other, her lips opened slightly, and I was reliving the memory of her doing just that, but she was kneeling at my feet, with my cock an inch away from her mouth. Her tongue giving my cock head a nervous lick, because "she wasn't the kind of girl to give blowjobs".

Oh sweet memories.

It was a strange time in my life, I had broken up with a serious girlfriend, found an irregular fwb who wanted more than being just fwbs, and I saw her. Right from the start, I knew I wanted to fuck her. Her body was tight, and she loved wearing fitting clothes, so you could see the curves in her body. She was a slim girl with a nice round bum, and small tits. I was pretty sure she was wearing padded bras, and had the chance to find out on my own a while later.

If only there was a way to transplate my ex-gf's head onto her body, I would be a contented man.

One short handshake, a nervous smile from her, a word of congratulations and wishes for a blissful wedding from me, and I moved on to the next in line, all alone with my thoughts for the rest of the day.
Old 15-09-2016, 01:54 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Camping here!!
Old 15-09-2016, 05:01 PM
GetThatButt GetThatButt is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Nice story TS
Old 15-09-2016, 08:16 PM
jesslyn jesslyn is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Camping too!
Old 15-09-2016, 08:51 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

repeat post
Old 16-09-2016, 04:48 AM
MagicFingers MagicFingers is offline
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

I got her contact from her over supper, afterwhich, we retired to our allocated rooms.

Another guy was assigned with me, and obviously, she was with another female. It would be near impossible to find a reason to swap roommates, and her room was quite far from mine anyway.

The second day of the event passed, and nothing much happened, other than our celebration when it ended.

Then it happened, our first less-than-innocent touch happened. We were told to gather for some photographs, I was in the centre, and she stood right in front of me, and bent over just a bit so she wouldn't be blocking me. The floral scent of her shampoo hit my nose, right before her shapely butt hit my groin.

Owh, the sensation was quite a bit to take in. Girls will know when they're in body contact with other guys, and if they're not comfortable, they will move away. She didn't.

My penis quickly became engorged with blood, and was nestled in the cracks of her ass, separated by only a few layers of cloth.

Grinding a girl in a club, where it's socially acceptable, and being ground into by a girl in a brightly lit public area, where it's not as socially acceptable is two very different things. And the forbidden illicit encounter of my penis with her butt was exciting indeed.

We did a few poses for the photographs, but the one I liked the most, and the one where it was most fun for me, was the last informal pose.

I pulled her into me, full body on body contact, my erect cock still against her butt, getting harder and bigger with every passing second. She did her usual kawaii pose, and I just pretended to goof off behind her, but I was taking in her scent, my left arm around her waist, head over her right shoulder, pressed into her.

Her butt wriggled against me, and if it had lasted any longer, I would have came there and then. In fact, I nearly did, when the photo was taken, and we pulled away from each other, her right hand brushed against my erection and she gave me a little smile.

She knew.
Old 16-09-2016, 08:47 AM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

TS, up 6 points as encouragement.
Minimum 3 points for exchange. Anyone?
Old 16-09-2016, 02:26 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Love the story . Please write some more .
Old 16-09-2016, 03:30 PM
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Re: Oh Sweet Memories

Support nice story
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