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Old 14-01-2017, 01:34 AM
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Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Dear all,

Would like to seek your advice regarding something. I'm 26 this year, I've been having this kinda dull pain on the right side of my testicle, probably i would say where the pubic hair grows, near to the groin. I masturbated like once everyday.

It started one week ago - I masturbated before, then few hours later I went for a jog. When I came back and sat down, all of all sudden I feel this dull pain at stated area. There isn't any red patch or anything, everything visually looks okay. Usually if I don't touch it or anything, it's pretty unnoticeable, it's only when I hold my penis and when i move it towards the left or straight, there comes the dull pain again. Then I leave it alone, and when I do the same action again, feel it once more.

I have been masturbating everyday still since then, and I am still able to ejaculate and urinate as per normal, without any pain.

Right now, My groin area is aching as well, and not only that, been feel some sort of ache on my thighs/knees sometimes too. I'm feeling a slight "cramp" at my lower abdomen, kinda when your testicles get squeezed. And the dull pain is still at the area. Now it feels more significant or so.. It's not painful, it's just bothering. And me being a very paranoid person with past health issues, it gets me very worried. And just beginning yesterday, I have a more frequent need to urinate.. like every 15min or so. Even now after I just urinate, I still feel like there's something there.

Hope you can share some insights or advice for me. I'm quite worried here. I did some search and the closest I can link it to is prostatitis. Thank you all!
Old 14-01-2017, 06:23 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

try to do some excerise like swimming or light jogging. i have the same problem and it helps me
Old 14-01-2017, 07:20 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

From the way you describe TS, it seems that you might have just pulled a muscle
Old 15-01-2017, 09:34 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

probably your right iliopsoas muscle acting up. do you also have a varicocele on the right side? back pain or pelvic floor pain?

think you should go get it checked out with an ultrasound nevertheless.
Old 16-01-2017, 07:31 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Dear all,

Thank you for your replies, appreciate it!

It's been a few days since I posted, and since then I haven't masturbated as well.. but the pain is still apparent it isn't really dull, but just like a little mild sharp pain when the skin gets stretched after pulling. It's been 2 weeks already and no signs of it disappearing.. occasionally I also feel like my testicles are being "squeezed", leading to lower abdomen pain.

To reply to each of you:

bonkhq69 - Hi bro, noted, will do so! Just want to check if your issue has been resolved? And how long did you take before recovering? Did you visit a GP as well?

IAmAwesome - Hi bro, I hope so too. But honestly, doesn't feel like it's muscle.. feels more closer to skin than muscle. But I'm not sure as well..

meviusoption - Hi bro, I don't have a varicocele (don't see any enlarged veins), I have back pain but it's because I have an existing lower back condition. I would say this create some groin and thigh ache..

For my lower back, doctors couldn't figure out what is it.. not slipped disc or anything, they just said muscle sprain/strain, even after MRI/X-Ray. This was more than 5 years ago. Since then, I've been getting used to it, like the ache is pretty apparent.

I really hope this muscle strain (if it is) will go away somehow - kinda affecting my quality of life :/
Old 17-01-2017, 03:20 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Frequent urination, muscle ache, dull pain could also be a sign of uti. How about going to the polyclinic for some urine test and diagnosis. No harm to doing it also
Old 18-01-2017, 09:41 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

probably and very likely related to your back pain. read about the cremaster muscle and psoas impingments. something is likely to be compressing your testicle vessels, maybe overactive anterior hip flexors in response to your spasmed back muscles

find some pt who can do manual work/release on your lower ab and hip muscles and I think you will find much relief! worked for me at least. can pm me if you want

alternatively you can ask your GP for some muscle relaxants they help a bunch too in the mean time

but of course first thing best to ultrasound your abdomen make sure there isn't any obstruction
Old 18-01-2017, 09:43 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Also, you've got muscles at the base of your penis as well. The pain you get moving it left and right is the ischiocavernous muscles.

Yeah, some PTs work on that area as well
Old 18-01-2017, 10:05 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Sounds like prostrate to find a doc to diagnose it...

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Old 18-01-2017, 11:27 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Originally Posted by maxsee View Post
Sounds like prostrate to find a doc to diagnose it...
Good call. The only factor I would like to point out is Prostate Cancer is almost unheard of in 26 year olds.

However I agree that the pathology is probably from the prostate/pelvis. Either something mechanical or inflammatory like CPPS.
Old 18-01-2017, 09:29 PM
sigueroa sigueroa is offline
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Dear all,

Thank you all for your replies, appreciate it! Much better than posting in other forums..

Anonymous99 - Hmm I hope not.. but I'll monitor first for maybe 1 or 2 weeks.. if issue has no sign of subsiding, I will probably go to GP..

Meviusoption - Woah bro! Are you a doctor or something? You seem very knowledgeable in these issues.. all your replies have been very useful to me! I'll drop you a PM!

Maxsee - Thank you for your comments bro.. I would think it's not prostate cancer.. but might have something to do with my prostate..

DoctorTan - Hope you are a doctor too! Haha.. Yeah. I hope it's not..

To update all now, I don't have any frequent urination now, nor much pain in my pelvic already.. but the dull pain is still present, maybe just a little more significant when I move my penis.. Trying to refrain myself from "adjusting" it too much.. one thing that I have is itchy hands syndrome.. I will keep touching and adjusting to feel it.. Very bad habit of mine..

Anyway, I've gotten some pumpkin seeds (Read that it's good for prostate), gonna include it in my daily diet now..

Thank you all for the comments thus far!
Old 19-01-2017, 01:42 AM
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Might be hernia. Google it
Old 21-01-2017, 08:16 PM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Hi Footman,

Thanks for your reply.. googled and don't have symptoms as stated..

I think it's probably a muscle strain/sprain, and probably due to my chronic lower back pain, it kind of aggrevates it..?

Would massaging that area helps? I tried and I can feel the sore muscle inside. Right now, I'm just feeling like there's a sore at that area. The pain when moving my penis towards the left still persist. I'm finding that my lower back is aching a little more than usual now.. including my thighs and knees too on one side, sometimes the other.

Feel like my body is so weak..
Old 23-01-2017, 11:34 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Dear all,

Just an update.. I went to see a GP, and he informed me that it might be an inguinal hernia. He thought so after pressing the area and asking me to cough, comparing with the left side. I tried so myself and kind of felt something come out after coughing.

He referred me to a surgeon in SGH, but one thing that I'm really confused (and demoralized) about is, I don't even do any heavy lifting what so ever, and there isn't any bludge/sharp pain or any other symptoms that people assiocate inguinal hernia with. Although I found some people having mild inguinal hernia with no obvious symptoms at all.

Just feel super bumped that I've been trying to live healthily, ensuring that I bent my knees down properly when picking up things, avoiding heavy objects etc. But no matter how I do, this kind of health issue just negates everything and comes when it wants.
Old 23-01-2017, 11:48 AM
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Re: Dull pain on right side of testicle, lower abdomen pain, frequent urination

Originally Posted by sigueroa View Post
He referred me to a surgeon in SGH, but one thing that I'm really confused (and demoralized) about is, I don't even do any heavy lifting what so ever, and there isn't any bludge/sharp pain or any other symptoms that people assiocate inguinal hernia with. Although I found some people having mild inguinal hernia with no obvious symptoms at all.
Hernia is no big deal I've had 3 Hernia operations in my life.

It's a hereditary condition and is very common.

The operation will fix it for good. However it can recur somewhere else and it's just a matter of fixing each hernia that pops up.
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