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Old 28-12-2006, 10:41 AM
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天上人间 Ktv

anyone been to the above mentioned KTV in KL??
Old 28-12-2006, 11:34 AM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

wow 天上人间 Ktv, heard of it and 1 night u might spend about RM20k at least per night, i wanna know why is there so special and expensive?? or the girls all imported from other countries??
Old 28-12-2006, 06:16 PM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

This is the most expensive KTV in Malaysia, there is local and imported stuff there. According to one of my customer who had been there last year, He told for 3 hours he was there with a supplier, the bill came up to about RM4,000.

Detail ? I don't know but If Deluxe is already some what expensive for me, that place is impossible for me to go, even if it's on company expenses.
Old 28-12-2006, 11:19 PM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

I blur-blur. What is the name of this place in English?
Old 29-12-2006, 12:02 AM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

Originally Posted by dathinman View Post
I blur-blur. What is the name of this place in English?
Bookies Palace... opss, i mean Bintang Palace.
Old 29-12-2006, 12:39 AM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

$4000~~~~ OMG... i can visit lion for ... 20 times and i get back $20... somebody can talk more about this place? I'm interested
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Old 29-12-2006, 07:47 AM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

the girls working in the KTV must be a qualified girls lor, means they must be pretty and with good body figure, RM4000 only?? i think more than that ler, my friend's hubby even spent RM25k on that night, 1 girl already cost you RM1k+. i'm not sure on its location but heard it's near to star hill gua...
Old 29-12-2006, 09:34 AM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

Originally Posted by Qi_Qi View Post
the girls working in the KTV must be a qualified girls lor, means they must be pretty and with good body figure, RM4000 only?? i think more than that ler, my friend's hubby even spent RM25k on that night, 1 girl already cost you RM1k+. i'm not sure on its location but heard it's near to star hill gua...

Yes, this place is very expensive. I was there two years ago with some of my contractors. A total of 9 of us. We open two bottle of Gordon Bleu. We spent around 4 to 5 hours there & cost us around RM17K to RM18K. They charge us min 5 hrs for each girls that cost RM55/hr. Those who bring the girl back cost another 5 hr (paid to the KTV) + RM1000 to stay overnight (after bargaining). Not really worth the money imho but who cares cos not my money anyway...hehehe. The girl (local malaysian chinese) i brought out even drive a BMW 3 series.

The choice of girl there are plenty. The have malays, indians, chinese (local), thai, vietnamese. But on that day, didn't see much of the PRC. The best looking ones are those local chinese girl & PRC. Yes, one of my contractor call a girl that look like a singh.

The room is huge & their attached toilet comes with a big sofa. Also our room got a pool table in it.

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Old 29-12-2006, 08:14 PM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

Girls are not so chio lah... only price tag make everyone convinced (cos they cannot admit pay so much for that quality of girls :P) ...

It is not the most exclusive... that title belongs to SuperStar... hehehehe
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 29-12-2006, 09:25 PM
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Re: ???? Ktv

wah, the gals there so expensive 1 ar? price higher than the japs? (correct me if im wrong)

perhaps their holes are disalut emas? or taste more sweeter?
Old 29-12-2006, 11:50 PM
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Re: 天上人间 Ktv

well...a price for a quality
Old 30-12-2006, 02:04 AM
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Re: ???? Ktv

Originally Posted by solid_snake View Post
wah, the gals there so expensive 1 ar? price higher than the japs? (correct me if im wrong)

perhaps their holes are disalut emas? or taste more sweeter?
Not more exp than japs and koreans lah... u ever tried boh ...
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 05-10-2007, 01:28 AM
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Re: 22825;19978;20154;38388; Ktv

Was there last night with my client. He pays not me so go lor. There my client also arranged for me a PRC from outside for 6 hour over night.

When the PRC Xiao Yen arrived at about 12.30am, we were having drinks and play dice, after a few round start raba-raba lah. She even sit on my lap and lick my ear, shioklah. Then got horney and bring her into the toilet where there is a sofa and bang her there. Because we don't want to occupy the toilet for too long so she did not even bother to wash my didi as I told her I showered befor coming to ktv. She started by licking my nipple and then went straight to bbbj. Suction is good and didi came up hard in no time man! She was wet after I finger her for just about a minute, but she is not the type that is very-very watery, just a little damp only. During foreplay already some people knocked on the door want to use the toilet and we just ignore them. She cap me and the cowgirl for about 2 minutes and I ask for missionary. Whao she was so tight and she can really control her muscle and literally sqeeze my didi when fucking her. So only lasted for about 10 minutes and then unloaded. Quickly clean up and go out. When out of the toilet, all my client and his workers and frens staring at us, so pai seh lar.

Her body is slim and skin very smooth, face so-so only but very frenly. Abt 3 am my client went over to another feng tau place and I brought Xiao Yen back to hotel. Got into shower together but she did not bath me. So I just clean myself lor. Went out together and went straight to bed. Start licking her small nipples and play with her mei mei. She said she too high from the drinks but I just carry on digging and sucking. Again finger her and she was wet and stim also. This time she catbath me and again attack my nipples and gave didi another round of good sucking.

The rest are also sop , cowgarl, missionary, doggy and then back to missionary. because I just unloaded about 1 hour ago, so this time was really long, about 30 minutes of pumping until both of us was so sweaty. Unloaded just a little bit and we went to cleanup again.

Rested on the bed and it was already about 5am and my didi got live again and ask her for another round but she said no more condom. so end up only raba-raba and hugging and took a short nap before her agent came and pick her up at about 6.30.

While waiting for her agent she keep saying that I am very strong because I can do 2 times so quickly and can last quite long. Actually I am also a bit surprise of my own performance Before she left I gave he a tip of RM20 for her good service and she gave me her telephone number. She said she is going back to prc on the 10 and ask her to visit her again.


Name : Xiao Yen (PRC - Hunan)
Age : 23
Face : 6/10
Skin : 8/10 smooth and silky
Hair : 7/10 Long hair with clean shampoo smell, I like it. So WL never take care of their hair and some smell so sweaty and it is a real turn off
Boobs: 33 A or B, not too sure, just agak-agak onli. But nice to hold as I am not a big boobs lover so I give a 7/10
Nipples : 7/10 small and perky
BBBJ : 8/10 good suction and hard working. Also very careful not to hurt me with her teeth
AR : No. Not my cup of tea also.
FK : No but let me lightly kiss on her lips when drinking and fucking
FJ : 8/10 good moaning (it sound real to me) and she cowgal me really hard for about 5 minutes, the sound of her butts slapping on my tummy is lovely
Pussy Tightness: 9/10 Muscle very strong and she really knows how to sqeeze.
Damage : RM20.00 tips the rest my client pao liao, so I dunno.
RTF : maybe if I am going to KL before 10 of this month (most unlikely lah)

Overall : 7.5/10
Old 05-10-2007, 01:00 PM
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Re: 22825;19978;20154;38388; Ktv

Moderator please delete this post as I have move it to the FR section.

Old 06-10-2007, 02:31 AM
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Re: 22825;19978;20154;38388; Ktv

I maybe new here, but seems like I have never seen a PRC in BP. and RM20 tips ? You sure you have the right place ? I was there last time quoted overnight was about RM3,000.
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