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Old 16-04-2017, 01:23 PM
koitea koitea is offline
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How would you respond in this situation?

Hi all bro / sis,

Just want to share something that happened to me at work, and I'm not sure how to respond to it..

I have been working in a company for a few years and I worked alot with colleagues in other departments in the same company. There was this lady (I'll just refer her as lady) that recently joined 1 of the other departments that I worked closely with. Lady (in her 30's) is slightly older than me and holds a higher company rank than me as well. She has a nice and curvy body, slim build and knows how to dress herself up pretty. When you walk behind her, she's seems like a natural catwalker with butts moving the right way that will draw any guys attention to it (absolute head turner).. 1 more fact to let you all know.. She's married with children..

To be continue..
Old 16-04-2017, 01:38 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

So the situation is...

She likes to approach me for work matters (part of my work duties) instead of my other teammates.. She would openly tell everyone she prefers to work with me than others..

Now all of the above may seem normal.. but now here's what made the situation complicated..

1) There was 1 time when I'm was lunching with my colleagues and we were queuing in at a food stall.. She and her teammate were coincidentally in the same place and when she spotted me, she came over and just hug me straight (like those ang moh hugs..) and said hi to me, while telling her teammate how she liked to work with me.. I felt kind of awkward that she would ignore my colleague beside me.. and I don't think I have seen her hugging anyone else in office before..

2) When I did had to meet her up for work discussion, at the end of it when we part from the discussion, she will say something like 'can't wait for the next discussion with you.. etc' and then winked and gave me an air-smooch.. I was abit stunned by her actions..

3) Other trivial but disturbing moments are like:
- she would say 'why never jio me for 1 to 1 lunch' whenever I'm eating with other female colleagues
- she would ask me my age and share her age without me asking.. as if she wanted me to know that our age gap is not that big..
Old 16-04-2017, 01:44 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

so all bro and sis..

Is she trying to give me hints? or am I thinking too much? So far I have been acting neutral about it..

How would you respond with you were in my situation?

Please don't flame my honest situations.. hehe.. I just feel abit disturbed that this is happening to me in work place and somemore she is married.. But don't get me wrong, cause I do feel happy at the same time.. just that since this is in work environment, I worried that if I made the wrong move it might have terrible effects in the work place and my job..

Old 16-04-2017, 02:28 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

easy. touch.
shoulders, ear, back and fingers and ultimate butt.
Old 16-04-2017, 03:07 PM
TitoVito TitoVito is offline
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Office affairs never turn out with favourable endings always. If you like your job.... stay away from her.

Never eat and shit at the same place.
Old 16-04-2017, 03:33 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Originally Posted by koitea View Post
so all bro and sis..

Is she trying to give me hints? or am I thinking too much? So far I have been acting neutral about it..

How would you respond with you were in my situation?

Please don't flame my honest situations.. hehe.. I just feel abit disturbed that this is happening to me in work place and somemore she is married.. But don't get me wrong, cause I do feel happy at the same time.. just that since this is in work environment, I worried that if I made the wrong move it might have terrible effects in the work place and my job..

Yes, she is coming on to you. R u married too? Any concerns about wifey, losing yr ricebowl over this, or the hubby coming to you with a chopper?

This type of office "affairs", more common than u think. How do I know? I've had female colleagues come on to me too, best part is...they're single!

So how I respond may not be how u would. For one, married women I dun touch, but that's just me.

If no concerns, just follow the Nike rule. Otherwise, be a good boy and keep the dicky in yr pants.
Old 16-04-2017, 03:52 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

I spent one third of my time in Europe the last decade.
Nothing unusual. Just friendly European style greetings and conversation.
Old 16-04-2017, 05:34 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Originally Posted by TitoVito View Post
Office affairs never turn out with favourable endings always. If you like your job.... stay away from her.

Never eat and shit at the same place.
yes I do agree never eat and shit at the same place.. especially if the potential affair is in the same team.. would feel weird if it doesn't work out..

But in this case, lady is in a different department.. Lady is definitely someone who values her job, same as me. Thus I'm thinking if this could develop into something interesting that exists in office only.. provided both of us have good self-control to keep it within working hours and not affect each other's personal time after working hours..
Old 16-04-2017, 05:43 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Yes, she is coming on to you. R u married too? Any concerns about wifey, losing yr ricebowl over this, or the hubby coming to you with a chopper?

This type of office "affairs", more common than u think. How do I know? I've had female colleagues come on to me too, best part is...they're single!

So how I respond may not be how u would. For one, married women I dun touch, but that's just me.

If no concerns, just follow the Nike rule. Otherwise, be a good boy and keep the dicky in yr pants.
Lucky you bro that even single females are coming onto you.. haha.. you must be an attractive hunk at work.. I'm in a serious relationship already, if not won't be thinking so much and just NIKE rule.. since it is quite common for singles to meet and match up at work..

I actually feel that if anyone wants to have romantic relationship at work (just to keep oneself energised and excited) without affecting own family life, best would be to find those who are married.. cause most likely both parties understand that there would be no commitment, or at least the commitment required exist only during office hours and does not affect each other's family..

I think maybe I watch and observe further.. take a little bit more initiatives to probe first..

Last edited by koitea; 16-04-2017 at 05:56 PM.
Old 17-04-2017, 02:27 AM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Originally Posted by koitea View Post
Lucky you bro that even single females are coming onto you.. haha.. you must be an attractive hunk at work.. I'm in a serious relationship already, if not won't be thinking so much and just NIKE rule.. since it is quite common for singles to meet and match up at work..

I actually feel that if anyone wants to have romantic relationship at work (just to keep oneself energised and excited) without affecting own family life, best would be to find those who are married.. cause most likely both parties understand that there would be no commitment, or at least the commitment required exist only during office hours and does not affect each other's family..

I think maybe I watch and observe further.. take a little bit more initiatives to probe first..
Lucky yes, attractive hunk no, just a normal friendly dude, maybe that helps?

I think u already have decision in mind Got cat dun eat fish? good luck!
Old 17-04-2017, 10:16 AM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

well TS - juz a question, why post this thread in Matters of the Heart and not Adult Sex Discussions?

this may help you answer the conflict you may have.

years ago, i happened to be on the same flight with an ex-colleague. she was older and more experienced. it started with evening drinks n dinner. and i was conflicted because i was already seeing someone.

looking back now, i'm glad we ended up fucking each other's brains out that trip.

my other relationship eventually ended years later. i don't think i could have saved it even if i'd kept myself from going off the straight and narrow. but i guess i'd never know.

so really there's no right or wrong. things will go differently for different folks. it's yr life and you have to live with whatever the consequences may be.

good luck
life is too short to be living somebody else's dream

Last edited by happywoody; 17-04-2017 at 04:45 PM.
Old 18-04-2017, 07:36 AM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Sounds like she wants to swallow you

I would hit her back and bed her. Tigresses are best bed partners when they're hungry

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Old 18-04-2017, 08:06 AM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Eh...maybe it is just harmless jokes and friendly greetings. A friend of mine that works in the finance industry has a lady's boss that did something similar. He thought that she is hitting on him, try to push his luck further. And end up getting sacked from the job he loved

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Old 18-04-2017, 07:50 PM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

Why respond? If you like her, or like to fuck her, you have to react.
Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
Old 08-05-2017, 12:00 AM
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Re: How would you respond in this situation?

If I'm a man, I'll make the moves.
Like a man. . Tease and flirt.
Watch her response.
Bait... wait. Tease.
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Will be fun.
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