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Old 14-05-2017, 11:53 AM
JustAJohn JustAJohn is offline
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Unexpected encounters

I'm always amazed at how unexpected life can be sometimes. Some call it fate, some call it chance or serendipity, either way it can lead to some happy moments in life. What has been some of your memorable unexpected encounters with a woman or man?

For me the most recent and memorable happened this past week. About a year ago I met this really cute Singaporean woman in LA. About 156cm, a little chubby but beautiful face and super fun personality. We spent a fun weekend together exploring LA and each other. We were both just visiting LA so we parted ways Monday and kept in touch now and then but that slowly tapered off, as to be expected.

Last week I'm in SG working and she sends me a message out of the blue.

SYT: "Hi, was thinking about you so decided to say hello. I hope you're doing well, maybe one day we can meet again."

Me: "I'm doing well, just busy with work as usual. I'm actually in SG now. Project is delayed so the next couple of days will be slow, I'm trying to find something new to see. This was your city right? Any recommendations?"

SYT: "Really? You're in SG?! I'm here now visiting family... call me!"

So I call her and as soon as she picks up she's just screaming in my ear about how excited she is. She picked me up from my office later that night and wow... she dropped some weight and now has a flat tummy and skinny waist but somehow managed to keep her great butt. She looks amazing, I couldn't believe it. She jumped into my arms hugging me tightly and bombarding me with kisses. Of course one of my employees is peeking around from the back of the office and sees this. The next day everybody was asking about my "pretty young girlfriend" and "tell me how to get girl like that, what's your secret?" I think it's time to fire all of them and start over new.

Since it was a down period in the project I was able to delegate most of my work over the next 3 days, only having to go in for a couple important meetings. The rest of my time was spent with SYT as she showed me parts of SG I've seen and others I haven't. It was a lot of fun, felt just like our time in LA a year prior. Sadly my time was up and I had to return home. I'll be back soon but she's not sure if she'll still be there. I think it might be for the best if she isn't. Maybe the unexpected nature of our encounters so far is what makes is so special. If it is planned will it be the same? There will be a sense of anticipation leading up to seeing each other, but anticipation pales in comparison to the sheer thrill and exhilaration of a chance encounter. Either way, it was a great trip and one I'll remember forever.
Old 14-05-2017, 12:05 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Good start bro, camping here!
Old 14-05-2017, 12:17 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

So d u end up in bed ?
Nonetheless u sure had a great time .... treasures it bro it may b the only .... best wishes to u

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Old 14-05-2017, 12:38 PM
JustAJohn JustAJohn is offline
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
So d u end up in bed ?
Nonetheless u sure had a great time .... treasures it bro it may b the only .... best wishes to u
She stayed at my hotel every night so plenty of time for me to explore her hot new body, and for her to be disappointed in my fat old body.
Old 14-05-2017, 03:58 PM
Sumkiu Sumkiu is offline
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Originally Posted by JustAJohn View Post
She stayed at my hotel every night so plenty of time for me to explore her hot new body, and for her to be disappointed in my fat old body.
Nice! Do continue bro
Old 14-05-2017, 08:14 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

I hope TS did not do raw .
Old 15-05-2017, 03:35 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Camping here with potato chips .
Old 15-05-2017, 04:17 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Camping too!
Old 15-05-2017, 04:49 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Hey TS, really envious of you.

Would appreciate if you could share more about how it happened. What was the interaction like, between the 2 of you when you 2 first met.

Also, just curious, where are you from since you arent from SG. Expat? caucasian?
Old 16-05-2017, 09:35 AM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Good start, do share more.
Old 16-05-2017, 09:48 AM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Old 16-05-2017, 11:07 AM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Camping here
Old 16-05-2017, 11:15 AM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Camping here for more
Old 16-05-2017, 11:56 AM
JustAJohn JustAJohn is offline
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Dammit Eddie, how did you find that picture of me?

Folento: I live in America and yes, white guy. The department I manage has offices in a few countries so I travel frequently since I like to meet with all my employees face to face as much as possible.

We first met through WeChat. I was getting coffee and pulled it up to see who was in the area. Sent a few messages to different girls and she responded right away. She was a couple of blocks away and agreed to come over to the coffee shop. I told her what I looked like and that if she didn't like what she saw she could just turn around and leave, I'd be none the wiser. About 10 minutes later she sits at my table and we hit it off. We spent a couple hours talking at the coffee shop, the conversation was easy, lots of laughing and flirting, good chemistry between us. Spent the rest of the weekend with each other, eating, seeing the city, laughing, loving. It was by far the easiest WeChat pickup I've ever had or ever will have. I just got lucky, right time and right place.
Old 16-05-2017, 12:26 PM
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Re: Unexpected encounters

Originally Posted by JustAJohn View Post
I'm always amazed at how unexpected life can be sometimes. Some call it fate, some call it chance or serendipity, either way it can lead to some happy moments in life. What has been some of your memorable unexpected encounters with a woman or man?

For me the most recent and memorable happened this past week. About a year ago I met this really cute Singaporean woman in LA. About 156cm, a little chubby but beautiful face and super fun personality. We spent a fun weekend together exploring LA and each other. We were both just visiting LA so we parted ways Monday and kept in touch now and then but that slowly tapered off, as to be expected.

Last week I'm in SG working and she sends me a message out of the blue.

SYT: "Hi, was thinking about you so decided to say hello. I hope you're doing well, maybe one day we can meet again."

Me: "I'm doing well, just busy with work as usual. I'm actually in SG now. Project is delayed so the next couple of days will be slow, I'm trying to find something new to see. This was your city right? Any recommendations?"

SYT: "Really? You're in SG?! I'm here now visiting family... call me!"

So I call her and as soon as she picks up she's just screaming in my ear about how excited she is. She picked me up from my office later that night and wow... she dropped some weight and now has a flat tummy and skinny waist but somehow managed to keep her great butt. She looks amazing, I couldn't believe it. She jumped into my arms hugging me tightly and bombarding me with kisses. Of course one of my employees is peeking around from the back of the office and sees this. The next day everybody was asking about my "pretty young girlfriend" and "tell me how to get girl like that, what's your secret?" I think it's time to fire all of them and start over new.

Since it was a down period in the project I was able to delegate most of my work over the next 3 days, only having to go in for a couple important meetings. The rest of my time was spent with SYT as she showed me parts of SG I've seen and others I haven't. It was a lot of fun, felt just like our time in LA a year prior. Sadly my time was up and I had to return home. I'll be back soon but she's not sure if she'll still be there. I think it might be for the best if she isn't. Maybe the unexpected nature of our encounters so far is what makes is so special. If it is planned will it be the same? There will be a sense of anticipation leading up to seeing each other, but anticipation pales in comparison to the sheer thrill and exhilaration of a chance encounter. Either way, it was a great trip and one I'll remember forever.

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