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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 17-03-2019, 05:23 PM
decaptico decaptico is offline
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Thumbs down Bad KTV Management & Tricks

1) Girls Butterfly 1 hour, sit with you less than 5 mins
2) Limiting KTV time to 4 hours per session so that can get higher turnover
3) Bad Waiter Tipping culture meaning they come in to yr room during billing and stand there to wait for your tip.
4) Bad Attitute Mummy, cannot control girls. Nvr bother to come your room. Keep pestering you to call more of their girls but never really want to provide gd customer svc
5) Ridiculous pricing and categorising of room. Give you small room and tell you its a medium room. Some of ktv the room is very small...
6) Bad Attitute Girls who rather sit or loiter outside room to play hp then to go and sit with you.
7) Full of lies Girl, always tell you she go eat or take something but end up going out 45 mins
Old 17-03-2019, 05:49 PM
julienj julienj is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Service and Attitude wise, I think Seremban is better. Looks wise, SG is better.
Old 17-03-2019, 06:48 PM
decaptico decaptico is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Be careful how you treat people. What you do to others has a funny way of coming back on you.
Old 17-03-2019, 07:11 PM
ShittyAss ShittyAss is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by decaptico View Post
1) Girls Butterfly 1 hour, sit with you less than 5 mins
2) Limiting KTV time to 4 hours per session so that can get higher turnover
3) Bad Waiter Tipping culture meaning they come in to yr room during billing and stand there to wait for your tip.
4) Bad Attitute Mummy, cannot control girls. Nvr bother to come your room. Keep pestering you to call more of their girls but never really want to provide gd customer svc
5) Ridiculous pricing and categorising of room. Give you small room and tell you its a medium room. Some of ktv the room is very small...
6) Bad Attitute Girls who rather sit or loiter outside room to play hp then to go and sit with you.
7) Full of lies Girl, always tell you she go eat or take something but end up going out 45 mins
Which ktv joint?
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES
Old 17-03-2019, 07:23 PM
Lorres Lorres is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Bro Decaptico summarise it well! Lol

Although girls do sit more than 5 mins lah. Usually 10 to 15min. Your chosen girl might sit longer with you if she dun have other rooms to attend to or she find you handsome or your group interesting/fun.

May I add another
8) Min spending $150 per pax when share cost. (If go solo, costly. Might as well use the money to go Cat150-PRC tarma.)
Old 17-03-2019, 07:51 PM
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

If girls run long , plz can cancel the girl , get another one . If everyone does this , the girls will know to offer good service and not take for granted that their tip is guaranteed once you choose them .

Nowadays many girls have the fuck-up work mentality that they only need go back room 1 hr 1 time and just sit for 5mins or so . So they will just loiter around outside even if you are the only customer she has .
Old 17-03-2019, 07:55 PM
kombust kombust is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Do I have to pay the girl tips If the girl butterfly but didn't come back when the bill is settled? I usually give but I don't feel like giving to those who fly away very long
Old 17-03-2019, 10:04 PM
ShittyAss ShittyAss is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by kombust View Post
Do I have to pay the girl tips If the girl butterfly but didn't come back when the bill is settled? I usually give but I don't feel like giving to those who fly away very long
If joints with mummy, u can tell mummy to tell her to FO.

If without mummy one, they will kpkb non stop. Normally just give $20 to tell her to FO also. If really don't feel like giving them, then ask manager to come in to tell her to FO.
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES
Old 17-03-2019, 10:55 PM
SupremeSex SupremeSex is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by SpermForBrains View Post
If girls run long , plz can cancel the girl , get another one . If everyone does this , the girls will know to offer good service and not take for granted that their tip is guaranteed once you choose them .

Nowadays many girls have the fuck-up work mentality that they only need go back room 1 hr 1 time and just sit for 5mins or so . So they will just loiter around outside even if you are the only customer she has .
Yes, bro
You understand what I am saying. Thats what happen to us yesterday. I still pay their $50 tip even though I only sit one hour.
Old 17-03-2019, 10:59 PM
decaptico decaptico is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by ShittyAss View Post
Which ktv joint?
I had a bad experience at First Club recently under this Mummy Mina

So I think even if I chg mummy also same. Its like a disease within the joint.

Other Blacklisted Joints
1) W KTV
3) Club De Zara
Old 17-03-2019, 11:18 PM
ShittyAss ShittyAss is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by decaptico View Post
I had a bad experience at First Club recently under this Mummy Mina

So I think even if I chg mummy also same. Its like a disease within the joint.

Other Blacklisted Joints
1) W KTV
3) Club De Zara
FC is way toooo hot lahhh
Fav Retired joints@ ClubVanilla,HaruHaru,GeishaPlace,HaluHalu,
SpaOrange, JieLe, Mackenzie,M2,YHC,Fuji

Eat, Sleep and Enjoy Massage


I keep my dick safe to chiong for another day and not to end it today. Chiong safely!

Chionging is for life.. not chiong for the moment and regret

I have not hit round 2 for points exchange...not actively into points exchanging. Will return when i have time.

Do not reply my comments or pm me for locations if you are a CLONE account. ANTI-CLONES
Old 18-03-2019, 01:46 AM
kaki2018 kaki2018 is offline
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9) Beware of gold digger mummy.
Old 18-03-2019, 07:24 AM
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by decaptico View Post
I had a bad experience at First Club recently under this Mummy Mina

So I think even if I chg mummy also same. Its like a disease within the joint.

Other Blacklisted Joints
1) W KTV
3) Club De Zara
Now ktv all like that...I not a fan of ktv but my brothers are..the money spend at ktv I rather go massage n fire off..still cheaper...
Old 18-03-2019, 10:58 AM
Moomoofarmer Moomoofarmer is offline
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

Originally Posted by decaptico View Post
1) Girls Butterfly 1 hour, sit with you less than 5 mins
2) Limiting KTV time to 4 hours per session so that can get higher turnover
3) Bad Waiter Tipping culture meaning they come in to yr room during billing and stand there to wait for your tip.
4) Bad Attitute Mummy, cannot control girls. Nvr bother to come your room. Keep pestering you to call more of their girls but never really want to provide gd customer svc
5) Ridiculous pricing and categorising of room. Give you small room and tell you its a medium room. Some of ktv the room is very small...
6) Bad Attitute Girls who rather sit or loiter outside room to play hp then to go and sit with you.
7) Full of lies Girl, always tell you she go eat or take something but end up going out 45 mins
U kp similj? U don't knw they almost every day 3 sessions also full house ah. Their average girl one mth can earn ard 15k without opening legs. Not even mentioning their mummies. Chio ones can earn up to 30k per mth. Your salaries got even 1/5 hers snot. What is your $50 to them. Don't xia suay here bro. Got time kp here might as well tink how to make money so that when u spend $50 is like others spend $5.
Not happy dont cheong. Watch porn using wifi it's free bro. Lol
Old 18-03-2019, 11:11 AM
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Re: Bad KTV Management & Tricks

All market ... FLs , MLs , KTVs all spoiled by PRCs
Gone r the good old days by Malaysian mei mei
Save yr $$$ bros
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