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Old 08-08-2007, 12:40 PM
happyvirus happyvirus is offline
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Hi All Bro OKTs,

PS:Moderator, please dun delete this thread as I try to post previously but got deleted. If you already posted my previous Thread, please delete off this one.We are here to share so please allow this thread.If I done anything not right, please PM me so I can learn. thanks

Dun know am I asking for too much, but my request is not to SMS me out of the blue as my CO might be around at times.

I always indicate that as my rules whenever I apply to your viewing gallery and I believe you guys will understand what I meant when you approve it.

I thought that here will be paying for the service I enaged, pay, Fuck and forget. But however I still receive SMS out of the blue to promote new girls coming. Try to imagine and put yourself in my shoe, what will happen if my CO is reading my SMS without me knowing......anyone in their right mind will know that the result will be disaster.

Anyway luckily no harm is done. But still wanna put up this thread to ease my mind for future....please do not SMS me out of the blue unless I requested for some service. I hope that OKTs will run a good but discreet service here. Not sure I am the only one here feel that way but please please please do not do "cold call". Whenever I feel horny, have the money, I will know who to look for.

I am not here to break anyone rice bowl or frame anyone. But write to protect my own interest. And OKTs will know, i dont view gallery for fun as I already do enage a few transauction with a few diff OKTs already, Just that I seldonm write FR as I always have difficulties logging in.

I know from the OKTs SMS and I know these lots of OKTs are the more educated type and will understand what I meant and respect my opions.

Lastly, whichever OKTs thinks that I am asking for too much, my apologies.Kindly delete my contact from your database.
Old 08-08-2007, 07:54 PM
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Yes I agree...lately the sms(s) I received have been very explicitly descriptive in a sexual way....very dangerous for people like me whose OC sometimes check my handphone. Also, my female friends sometimes like to play with my mobile phone, so for goodness sake, if you really want to sms, be discreet about it and dun reveal too much details....just say something like "call me for new updates" more than enough.

Dear all OKTs, if we horny, our little heads will know where to find you

3 Laws of Virginity

1) You will be the world's biggest loser if you die a virgin.
2) Don't expect your wife to be a virgin, if she is, that's just a bonus.
3) If your future-wife proclaims she is a virgin, chances are she is referring to her arsehole.
Old 08-08-2007, 08:13 PM
bluedot bluedot is offline
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i can't help but agree with thread starter. i've been reader for years till recently engaged with okt here for fear of such risks. so far no problems but better be safe cause once found out will be big time.

at first i tot sms during weekday office hrs is safe but if i'm sick or work fr home and go for shower and oc is 'helpful' to chk sms then die leow. okt will not know wat's our condition and location, to be fair.

as they say 'don't call me , i'll call you'.
Old 08-08-2007, 10:30 PM
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That is why I dont patronize those okts who ask for my number. You want business, I will call you, not the other way round.

I will keep away from those okts that ask for your name and handphone number.
Old 08-08-2007, 10:59 PM
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I Agree..with that.
One OKt SMS me for new stock update.. (Included the Web Add).
Unfortunately My OC was around and read it. She tried to go to website as per sms...Lucky to me is that she could not reached to right page. I was so nervous if she found out what will going on...between us.
*So i want to suggest that Email update is just enough for everything.
Old 08-08-2007, 11:05 PM
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Wow! are so lucky bro!

Originally Posted by dethar View Post
I Agree..with that.
One OKt SMS me for new stock update.. (Included the Web Add).
Unfortunately My OC was around and read it. She tried to go to website as per sms...Lucky to me is that she could not reached to right page. I was so nervous if she found out what will going on...between us.
*So i want to suggest that Email update is just enough for everything.
Old 09-08-2007, 12:00 AM
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Originally Posted by dethar View Post
I Agree..with that.
One OKt SMS me for new stock update.. (Included the Web Add).
Unfortunately My OC was around and read it. She tried to go to website as per sms...Lucky to me is that she could not reached to right page. I was so nervous if she found out what will going on...between us.
*So i want to suggest that Email update is just enough for everything.
wah piang. bro i think if happen to me, i would be furious with the OKT.

recently there have been a few "out of the blue" smses from OKTs. dear OKTs, i know you guys are just carrying out some marketing and each sms is actually costing you money, but i suggest you just leave it to us bros to contact you. we are here in the forum and have joined your groups for a reason. no need to push the "product" under our noses. we will know where to find you.

SYT lover.....

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4 – dont waste time and $
5 – normal, bonk only if have $ to spare
6 – above average, bonkable
7 – very good, worth $ + Tips
8 – excellent, bonk even if u have to queue
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Old 09-08-2007, 12:06 AM
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I think we should boycott those okts who dont respect us at all! If those still dont heed our advice, lets blacklist all of them down here. This is to prevent and warn those people out there intending to join their group. At least they have be warned.

So who want to start the ball rolling?
Old 09-08-2007, 12:09 AM
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TipTops has got little hope of coming out of this alive!

damn. im not lucky enuff to get smses on new updates.. sian 1/2 =)
Old 09-08-2007, 12:13 AM
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Guess that you are still single

You want updates, very easy, just post your number here now and you will get instant updates

Originally Posted by TipTops View Post
damn. im not lucky enuff to get smses on new updates.. sian 1/2
Old 09-08-2007, 12:16 AM
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TipTops has got little hope of coming out of this alive!

ya lor still single. u guessed rightly. me here so ugly nobody wants me. =( luckily OKT girls still want me or rather. they want my money. hahaha.. sian 1/2
Old 09-08-2007, 12:19 AM
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And even though if you are handsome, they will still want your money

Originally Posted by TipTops View Post
ya lor still single. u guessed rightly. me here so ugly nobody wants me. =( luckily OKT girls still want me or rather. they want my money. hahaha.. sian 1/2
Old 09-08-2007, 12:22 AM
kendory kendory is offline
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Hi Bro,

I understand u guys....

y not deal direct with a few FLs and set your rules with them.....

unless u guys are itchy for new girl for every BONK then too bad....

as for me... I've retired... but kept 1 special PDMM..... she's exclusive to me ... expensive but worth it....

she's nice, very objective... hard working.... begining to have feeling... well just living day by day... now we are more like friends and Bonk buddies....

take care bros...

:-) kend
Old 09-08-2007, 12:33 AM
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Not workable bro, most foreign FL stays for only 1 or 2 mths, after that they will head back home, and some even not returning anymore. So how to stick to 1 FL?

Originally Posted by kendory View Post
Hi Bro,

I understand u guys....

y not deal direct with a few FLs and set your rules with them.....

unless u guys are itchy for new girl for every BONK then too bad....

as for me... I've retired... but kept 1 special PDMM..... she's exclusive to me ... expensive but worth it....

she's nice, very objective... hard working.... begining to have feeling... well just living day by day... now we are more like friends and Bonk buddies....

take care bros...

:-) kend
Old 09-08-2007, 01:13 AM
godeye_2k3 godeye_2k3 is offline
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Thumbs up Re: OKTs SMS

This is the top reason which keeps me away from OKTs.. though I am so attracted by their stocks sometime... sad... need to convince my little bro to think, which is DAMN hard..

Think of this, how about those online web sms? Like starhub/singtel, we could send sms online anonymously. For M1, the recipient needs to enable the internet SMS.

I understand since it is anonymous, the OKTs will be put at risk for any traps... but how about... with send SMS online with our SBF nickname appended in every msg?

Dear OKTs... comments? advices?

Happy bonking, but discreet only plz...
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