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Old 30-11-2019, 11:29 AM
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Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

So I started shaving her clean since I’m sexually active with the mindset that a shaven pussy is much ‘inviting’ for some tongue action. Personally, I’m fine with or without cunninligus, depends on the guy’s preference.

I thought guys generally would rather go down on a shaved wet pussy like how I appreciate a publess Dick, definitely more receptive to blow and suck with ease.

But apparently general idea differs from reality, a shaven pussy does not guarantee tongue action, Perhaps I watched too much porn, therefore the misconception 😅

Jus sharing my findings, do share your insights too 😉

Anyway, am visiting a colorectal specialist (ass doctor), wonder what he thinks about seeing a shaven pussy while checking my ass
Old 30-11-2019, 11:49 AM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

In my opinion shaved pussy do really invite my painting haha ... that’s why I trimmed my own small head hair nice nice hope to have more action as well LOL
Old 30-11-2019, 11:51 AM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

it depends on the lips below also, if the lips are pinkish, believe the success rate is higher probably? post a pic of yours..
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Old 30-11-2019, 11:53 AM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Look more appealing and neat lah!
Old 30-11-2019, 12:27 PM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

I prefer shaved or waxed. But whether I go down on a girl depends on the smell. Some I reach tummy I come up alr. Some I can paint for ages
Old 30-11-2019, 12:33 PM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Only paint shaved pussy, am clean shaven myself too
Old 30-11-2019, 06:16 PM
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Wink Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

I definitely prefer clean shaved !! I have been shaving for the past few years but after a few days it will be very itchy down there, I wonder if waxing will not get itchy. Anyone there could advise where can I go for to do waxing and how much does it cost? Or is it cheaper or better to do it oversea?
Old 30-11-2019, 06:22 PM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Shaved pussies make painting easier or else need to use both hands to separate those bushes, cheers!
Old 30-11-2019, 06:53 PM
meowmeow1991 meowmeow1991 is offline
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Prefer trim if too hairy, but i still went down to paint my ex even she didnt. If guys love to paint and look at the girl unbearable expression or from a innocent to a slutty eat me more face, he will paint regardless unless too smelly i guess?
But for girl to give bj, i think mostly prefer guy shave or trim. I personally shaved with ipl and trim those where ipl unable use on.
Also for guys! After shaven or trim your dick look longer/bigger. Lol.
Old 30-11-2019, 10:18 PM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Shaved clean dicks definitely, unless ppl enjoy having the nostrils tickled or ‘pubs stuck in the throat feeling’ 😣
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Old 01-12-2019, 09:20 AM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Haha that sounded really disgusting. Yea I would prefer the pussy shaved or trimmed. Otherwise very messy when painting.
But I have met girls who enjoys sucking my dick without me shaving. Literally worshipping my dick, taking everything whole like a boss.
Either way, the odour is what turns me off haha. So, just gotta make sure me and my ex wash our part before we start foreplay.

Originally Posted by Livie View Post
Shaved clean dicks definitely, unless ppl enjoy having the nostrils tickled or ‘pubs stuck in the throat feeling’ 😣
Old 01-12-2019, 09:34 AM
Rickey Rickey is offline
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Originally Posted by Vivienne View Post
So I started shaving her clean since I’m sexually active with the mindset that a shaven pussy is much ‘inviting’ for some tongue action. Personally, I’m fine with or without cunninligus, depends on the guy’s preference.

I thought guys generally would rather go down on a shaved wet pussy like how I appreciate a publess Dick, definitely more receptive to blow and suck with ease.

But apparently general idea differs from reality, a shaven pussy does not guarantee tongue action, Perhaps I watched too much porn, therefore the misconception ��

Jus sharing my findings, do share your insights too ��

Anyway, am visiting a colorectal specialist (ass doctor), wonder what he thinks about seeing a shaven pussy while checking my ass
Yes, TS said it n her thinking is correct ..given the choice guys would rather lick and suck a clean shaven pussy than a bushy one ...but if no choice, hair or no hair on it doesn't long as it is dripping wet, not smelly n looks inviting, they will surely go down to taste n enjoy the sweet nectar coming out of the pussy hole in front of them

TS is still young, not sure why she needs to go thru a colonoscopy ??..but TS shd not need to worry abt the embarrassment of the doctor seeing her pussy bald, she won't be the 1st n last one they are seeing...they definitely hv seen more than hers ... anyway being professionals they hv to keep their comments to themselves...also most of them are ladies doing or assisting in the procedures...

nudity the sight of the naked pussy or penis is always an embarrassment in ordinary life situations but when in a hospital or medical setting, modesty is thrown out of the window...if you are told to strip n get naked, just do it with yr eyes closed if need be..I hv gone thru quite a few to know n share with her here
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Last edited by Rickey; 02-12-2019 at 08:10 AM.
Old 01-12-2019, 09:45 AM
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Originally Posted by hi2u View Post
Haha that sounded really disgusting. Yea I would prefer the pussy shaved or trimmed. Otherwise very messy when painting.
But I have met girls who enjoys sucking my dick without me shaving. Literally worshipping my dick, taking everything whole like a boss.
Either way, the odour is what turns me off haha. So, just gotta make sure me and my ex wash our part before we start foreplay.
Yes agree with bro's not so much abt having hair or not on or around the cock or penis, that girls are looking for when blowing the erected dick of their guy..wat they are more afraid of is the smell and the cleanliness of his penis which may cause bacterial infection to her mouth n who knows where else the bacteria travels to in her body ...even then smell or not, clean or not, the girls will still take the risks n blow their men if they like or love them very much whatever the taste or smell of his dick...salty n mixed with urine kinda smell etc etc

But the problem with a clean shaven pussy is that it looks like a little girls pre-puberty pussy, gives some guys the feeling that they are painting a small little girl.. rather disgusting feeling the best solution is for the girl or guy to trim their pubic hair short if they are too long or bushy 2 cents worth of tot
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Up my points n I will return immediately

Pls PM me if I haven return favor

Last edited by Rickey; 01-12-2019 at 12:47 PM.
Old 01-12-2019, 12:57 PM
onlyhuman onlyhuman is offline
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

Hairy pussy for mi
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PS: I loved hairy and bushy pussies
Old 01-12-2019, 01:27 PM
TheTrader2359 TheTrader2359 is offline
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Re: Shaved Clean / Trimmed / All Natural Bush?

I love to see clearly what I’m eating.. therefore shaved would be my preference.
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