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Old 06-10-2007, 05:33 PM
warbird warbird is offline
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Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

(Very sorry that the content of my previous posts under the same thread were deleted? This is a repost.)

Hopefully, this will lead to a discussion on PRCs in S'pore. I like to share this article w/ bros here because I find it interesting & potentially helpful. It may also be relevant & applicable, at least in part, to those PRCs here in S'pore. Comments & contributions are most welcome. I'm just "throwing stone to attract jade" here. Experienced bros are encouraged to share their experience & "secrets" w/ us.

国内找小姐秘籍[终身受益] or A Secret Treatise for Finding FLs In China [for your lifelong benefits]

对于找小姐,我想说明的是.我也看了一位朋友写的关于<<如何对付小姐>>的文章,他文笔流畅 ,词语精辟, 观点也很新颖,内容非常详实,我非常钦佩他的见解.另外也抛砖引玉就几个网友们问的最多的问题 重点说明一下 :
一般来讲,全国大范围内,什么地方的女孩子都有出来做的,但总体上说以东北和四川小姐最为广泛,其次为浙江 、福建、贵州、湖北小姐稍多点,当然,虽然挣钱多,但毕竟不是见光的好职业。所以一般嫖娼的时候,很少可以 嫖到当地货,我们遇到的大多数是外地人。如果从长相上说,东北和四川的都比较漂亮点,而且,东北的小姐身材 最好,前凸后翘,普通人眼里,乳房大,屁股大的女性,比较受人青睐。而且东北小姐喜欢做爱的时候和你说情话 ,乱七八糟的说些调情的话,既解决了生理上的郁闷,又放松了心情,很是受用。四川小姐的特点是皮肤比较好, 而且身材娇小,很适合喜欢玲珑型的男士口味。而且四川的身材柔软,可以做一些高难度动作。浙江的一般,长的 凑合,让人无法忍受的是她们说什么你一句也听不懂!个人来讲,我偏爱东北小姐,我也不清楚为什 么,俗话说就 是
这是大家都比较关心的问题,因为小姐的职业道德的好坏,关系着我们的血汗钱是白花或者是物有所值。所以,这 是非常关键的一步。我的经验是,一般丑话说在前头,做一次多少钱,包夜多少钱,做全活多少钱。没有脱衣服前 就先说好,一般包夜就是两次,但是要便宜点,如果你觉得自己非常渴望的话,选择包夜是不错的,而且还可以趁 热打铁,第二炮的时间在理论上会比较长,质量也可以高一点。但是要记住,包夜是从凌晨开始的,所以你如果早 有预谋的话,最好提前养精蓄锐,不要一炮之后就不醒人事,那就实现不了自己一炮到天亮的愿望了。而且,要问 清楚有什么不可以做的事情,一般的小姐,我指稍微有点档次的,大概说两点,一是不能接吻,二是不能使劲捏奶 ,一般只可以轻摸。所以就看你喜欢怎么样做了,有点卫生常识的朋友都知道,一般的疾病是不会通过接吻传播的 ,她们拒绝接吻,主要是怕你口臭,所以如果你特别喜欢接吻的话,建议可以自备“绿箭”,并且说明要接吻,第 二个是她们怕痛,也怕乳房上留下狼迹而已,所以你说一定要摸奶,一般是没有问题的。如果你不能拉下脸来把这 些事情说清楚,那物超所值的感觉就会小尼姑看嫁妆—今世无缘了。
人的本性都是欺软怕硬的,所以在小姐面前一般要表现出不好伺候,让她觉得你是个态度强硬而且有丰富经验的人 ,特别是在说话的时候要冷一点,谈价钱的时候可以带点粗口,并且装出如果不同意,我们就不噶耍 乇鹨盟 溃饫锖芏嘈〗悖绻凰骋獾幕埃褂泻芏嗳丝梢匝≡竦摹W詈貌灰盟醯媚愫芷惹校顾 夏概@丛戮坏了的感觉。
这是很关键的,因为大家应该都有份正当的职业,有个温暖的家庭,有着光芒四射的环境,虽然我们追求的是“家 里红旗不倒,外面彩旗飘飘”,但如果一但阴沟里翻了船,我相信不会只是一世英明付水流那样简单。所以安全是 关乎每个嫖客切身利益的头等大事,我们虽然渴望激情,虽然渴望变化不同的性交对象,但是如果不安全的因素涉 及到我们的家庭,我想我们不可能因噎废食吧!所以性福重要,安全更重要,不要小看了警察的能力,大意失荆州 啊!有点档次的宾馆和桑拿都有比较硬的后台,一般是没有问题,如果经济实力不行的朋友,可以去发廊,但是现 在带出台的小姐不多,所以就要冒一定的风险,最好是说服她们出去到你认为安全的地方。如果你初到外地,你可 以先从出租车司机的口里打听一下最近的动向,因为他们是最了解本城市的人群。千万不能冒险,不 要光屁股男人 坐石头—以卵击石啊!

To be continued.
Old 06-10-2007, 05:39 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

小姐们和你开始后,大多数会先脱个精光,然后睡在一旁,基本上只是用拇指和食指简单的摩擦你的生殖器,待你 的生殖器发生那怕一点点变化后,她们就会麻利地为你带上套子,如果你提出还不硬,她们会说可以先插入,动动 就硬了。这一来说明她们的职业道德差,二来说明她们的大洞可以海纳百川。说点题外话,早年我曾经和一个朋友 去宾馆找小姐,听说那里有两个俄罗斯浪妞,屁股大,奶子大,而且活特别好,又给口交什么的,虽然她们只会说 “你好,四百!”我们还是一人花了 400元开了回洋荤,玩完了后悔的要死,真不怎么样,也许是俄罗斯男人们的器物太大了,两个贱逼已经撑的不 象样了,用朋友的话说就是“一只竹槁江中游”,我的感觉仿佛滑船一般。
好了,言归正传。我一般和小姐进入房间或小姐到我房间后,我会先阻止她脱衣服或脱我的衣服。先去洗干净身体 再说,特别是下身,然后不穿内衣,把她们颇为风骚的外衣再穿上,然后,慢慢地进行,先调情,要知道,隔着性 感的衣服,一下就可以摸到乳头或者下身的话,是非常刺激的。如果不是太迫切的话,我会选择让她主动点,特别 指出要她帮我抚慰那个部位,让她做出什么动作,在进入身体后,她们一般会发出言不由衷的浪叫刺激你的神经, 促使你很快的完成交易所包含的内容。这时你可以直接指出,“闭嘴,再叫不给钱了!”在你换过N个姿势后,如 果感觉快把握不住,或者觉得要射的时候,你可以选一个拔出来射比较容易的体位。然后,快受不了的时候,你可 以迅速的拔出来,脱掉套子,射到她的奶子上也行,颜射也行。那就由你了,反正你也射了,所以你射到哪里都无 所谓了,只要完事后可以让她洗洗干净就可以了。
一般的双飞质量是不高的,特别是那位仁兄说的,她们不会让你乱干的。只是干完一个再干另一个。不过咱有金刚 钻,还怕没有瓷器活吗?现将双飞的攻略公布,如果小姐看了请不要骂我。我这可是蝎子拉屎—(毒 )独一份啊!
首先,双飞的两个小姐除非有同性恋倾向,绝对不会互相自慰对方的生殖器,而且,一般她们就是在一旁推着你, 要不,就在一旁配合那个你在干的浪叫,最多,躺在一边,摸自己的奶子。面对这样形势严峻的情况,我们该怎么 办?我的选择是,在调情阶段,可以让她们都爬在你身上,给你舔,如果可以一起口交就好了。如果不行,让她们 帮你舔遍全身也不错,一般我会找一个比较喜欢的小姐,一边舔她的奶,一般拉另一个小姐舔另一只,开始的时候 她不肯,你就加以威胁,比如换人,扣钱之类的都可以,也有实在不肯干的,我也遇到过,那只有换人了。然后增 加调情的时间,不到万不得以,千万忍住,因为两个女人在一起,你会射的非常非常快,所以增加并慢慢享受进入 阴道前的过程才是双飞里最美的,所以你尽可以提出各种想法,让她们来做,不愿意这个,可以换一个那个,反正 不要让她们很轻松的插就可以了。如果觉得前奏已经很完美了,应该插了,因为你只可以先干一个,不要让另一个 闲着,让她给干的那个舔奶,摸身上,或者让干的那个摸闲的那个奶子或下身,千万不要让她们一起对付你,拉下 脸啊。最后,你可以来个老汉推车,射到一个的背上,也很爽的!我曾经遇到过两个小姐,一个是东北的,一个是 陕西的,有点同性恋,那才是极品呢!因为这样,所以我经常找她们去双飞。
那个朋友说“洞里洞外两重天”,这个说法特别对。如果你不肯罢休,可是又无法坚持,一般有三种方法可以选择 ,一是马上停止活动,千万不能动,但是这可以和情妇、老婆、女朋友、一夜情使用,但是小姐马上感觉到后,会 拼命用阴道壁夹你的家伙,这样你还是会射,而且是更快的射。二是马上拔出来,待上至少30秒的时间,或者干 脆再调一会儿情,过一会儿继续战斗。三是停止活动后,用虎口部卡住阴茎根部,持续1分钟,效果很好,而且射 的感觉可以很快消失。
怎么让小姐动情,一般包夜的时候,小姐暂时就是属于你的,你可以发挥的能动性,提高小姐对作爱的兴趣,这样 让她尽情的发挥一下,一般如果你有这样的想法,你可以主动一点,让她们感到性刺激,多些调情的过程,不要在 乎她们的呻吟,因为她们的呻吟水分奇大,而且太专业了。在插入的时候,应该选择双腿放在肩上,这样插的很深 ,可以让她们很刺激的!而且如果淫水太多,你可以把淫水擦掉,再插,这样可以增加摩擦系数,会比较刺激。有 很多朋友喜欢摩擦阴蒂,但是一般要记住,阴蒂在摩擦的时候,必须有润滑,比如你的唾液或者小姐的淫水,如果 干着摸,不但不刺激,而且会奇痛苦。

To be continued.
Old 06-10-2007, 05:42 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)


1。出的钱多, 一定博得小姐喜欢?
除非你实在钱很多, 否则这是典型的错误。 小姐的神经有个阈值,超过了一定的界限,多给只会落到她的不应期中.也就是没反应了。
例如偶抽你耳光, 每增加点力气, 你丫的痛觉就会增加一点, 相应的。 可是如果偶用了鞋底了, 可能你的痛觉也不会再增加了,
因为你丫的神经冲动无法释放更多神经递质来参与兴奋了. 所以以后如果你熬不住, 想多给小费, 先模模自己的脸, 有没有想起偶的耳光的比喻。

2。包夜泄的次数越多, 越值?
错。 因为这个结果是你付了钱, 而对方很爽。 女性的高潮和男人不同, 她们可以反复多次, 在很短的实际内反复高潮, 可你丫男的不行,
你必须经过一个不应期, 才能再有反应。而且你会越来越吃力。 这是男女有别的道理。 所以如果你坚信上面的道理, 结果是你花钱为别人服务。
真正的道理是让她难过, 看到她淫荡, 也就是挑逗, 但不让她完全泄, 或延迟她达到高潮的时间。
而你通过观察她的表情达到比你丫放掉更高的境界。 注意偶说的是境界。 不再是感觉而已。
错。 不明白为什么有人喜欢女大学生。 这相当程度上助长了造假文凭, 如果你不是学富五车, 麻烦别花心思验证对方是否是大学生,
这比你打听对方的初潮年龄同样无聊。因为这两件事情和你今晚爽否, 或者和对方的技巧没有直接关系。
除非你有理由相信对方可能是爽大毕业或在校生。 否则, 劝你丫歇了巴。
对方是出来卖的, 或者找刺激的。 应该首先判断波形,身材等。 口的大小, 和bj有关。 身材, 可能和今晚你使用的招数有关。
而学问。。哈哈哈,除非你丫是邱少云大大, 会吟诗什么的, 否则, 偶看算了。你多付得钱只能再次证明你的大头是没有文化的。
错。 虽然艾滋病通过bj的转播是可能性比较小的。 但是。 也许你丫特别走运, 偏偏敢上了小行星撞地球。 如果你丫本来就有毛病,
还喜欢bj, 那么你的lp, 或者gf有可能得淋球菌性喉炎, 如果你丫还颜射, 对方可能得淋球菌性角膜炎。 所以麻烦你在bj时注意。
当然效果会差一点, 偶指你的爽的程度, 不过你丫可以玩更多年, 折算成次数, 你还是赚得
5。冰火的时候, 温差越大越好?
错。 如果你丫的jb是不锈钢的, 可以。 不过如果不是, 请自重。这里仍然是个神经不应期的问题。 可能几次以后, 你觉得温差不够,
不是温差不够, 是你耐受了这个温差。 已经有真实故事, 有哥们小血管爆了。所以请你用大头为自己的小头想想。
对。 在你包她的时间内, 以偶的经验, 和别的大大的经验, 一般她们家的亲戚, 有时甚至是远房亲戚, 抱歉, 偶的遗传学不太好,
搞不清她们之间的关系。 常常会大病一场, 如果她在的那个省份出现了自然灾害, 可能相当于一场大暴雨, 那么你都是最近的捐款对象。
所以和公司作计划一样, 你应该在包她的时候就有预备队, 也是做好额外的预算。
请你为她家亲戚脆弱的健康和总是不太好的房屋选址(有一次她告诉偶她们家被大水冲了。 ), 作好思想准备。

To be continued.
Old 07-10-2007, 10:06 AM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Originally Posted by warbird View Post

1To be continued.

Chinese not powerful. Got english version

Old 07-10-2007, 11:47 AM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

The write up provides some useful tips. Not a good read. Thks for sharing bro.
Old 07-10-2007, 04:36 PM
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Talking Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Hi bro, thx fo ur interest, I'll continue to search for an English version. It'll take a lot of time if I hv to translate it myself. Will do so if there is enough demand out there.

错。 因为你的对手是两个人, 因此不能简单叠加。 如何操作, 请看偶的双飞, 新客站一文。在精品区。 在此不赘述。
原则强调一下:第一次最重要, 记住是个多米诺骨牌效应。 你操那个次要的,
让次要的舔你今晚的主角(双飞中你更喜欢的一个)。因为女生接受同性恋比男的强, 也容易高潮。记住同样爽否与次数无关。
8。和妈妈桑很熟, 所以她介绍的坐台MM可以适当降低标准?
错。 妈妈桑对你的认识局限于你每次给她的小费和你出席她会议的频率, 并不和你是否愿意接受一个低标准的女孩有关。
而且一般国内妈妈桑的服务没有细致到清楚你的口味, 所以有可能她认为你喜欢这个类型。 或者你想换口味。
请同时记住, 选择是你的权力, 而她/他有义务为你的口味负责, 帮助你挑到一个好的, 否则,
不如自助了。请尊重妈妈桑/爸爸桑职业的产生原因。 也请尊重你的消费。如果是偶请你, 请你尊重偶的人民币。所以, 不满意, 请一定退货。
你的退货有可能激发竞争, 从而使偶等以后碰到恐龙的概率大大降低。 谢谢合作。
9。对方来了例假, 这时已经在床上了, 就算了?
错。 她肯出来, 说明她已经作好所有准备。 所以她一定作好用其他方法满足你的准备, 不然怎么可以出台。 你应该要求对方用BJ ,
甚至后庭满足你, 否则坚决不付小费。 如果你申请了宽带, 而中国电信告诉你管信号的出去度蜜月了, 而要求你仍然缴纳当月费用,
偶想你丫一定会删那小子耳光的, 就是他免你费用, 你仍然有理由让他赔偿, 因为他耽误你的时间, 造成了你的不便。 同样, 这妞耍你,
造成了你的不便, 她应该用可以调用的其他自资源来弥补你的损失。当然你有权挑选你喜欢的其他自愿, 例如是BJ 还是后庭,
既然你挑选二线资源, 有可能你必须多付出费用, 这也是合理的。
10。良家说她爱你, 说她追求刺激, 所以请你脱下防弹衣?
错。 也许她的陈述是真实可信的, 不过也许她是想怀孕。 有很多玩得久了得良家, 或者半良家都喜欢博一下。
而很多大大没有脸皮厚到可以抵挡她们的招数。 所以任何时候, 拜托你穿好避弹衣, 虽然避弹衣的质量不能保证你真正不被中标,
如果这个问题是由一个小姐问出来的, 你丫还答对,那么你可以去死了。
11。希望通过帮助小姐从良, 而挽救一个灵魂?
错。 当然这个小姐一定有什么非常吸引你的东西, 不然, 你就有此想法, 建议你去希望工程工作。 那里的服务对象可能更需要你的帮助,
毕竟一个是要读书, 一个是想过得奢侈。
除非你觉得自己的说教工夫可以象唐曾那样把一个妖精说得自杀, 否则, 你别试了。 很多人试过了, 结果白费力气, 请相信偶,
有的女人天生淫荡, 而且好吃懒做。 你不可能改变她的遗产密码DNA, 所以就别改变DNA他的产物, 蛋白质调控的行为了。 谢谢合作。
Old 07-10-2007, 04:39 PM
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12。偶想通过爽大学习到很多吊码子, 或者泡良家的做法?
错。 你可以看到很多例子, 可是不一定对你有用。 因为泡一个女人是不用交的。 这是一个男人的天性。 有可能你的天性被压抑了, 请释放他,
然后跟着冲动走。 正如偶无法教你作爱一样。 偶也无法告诉你如何去泡一个人


从辩证唯物主义的观点看,妓女和嫖客是一对既相互依存又相互排斥的矛盾的统一体。说到依存,因为他们谁也离 不了谁。妓女离了嫖客,她的肉体就变不成商品,她也就无以挣钱;反过来,嫖客离了妓女,他就没有了发泄性慾 的工具,只好回家“打飞机”。说到排斥,因为他们又是对头。妓女对嫖客,是希望用最短的时间,最少的服务赚 取最多的金钱;而嫖客则希望花最少的金钱获取最大的性享受。于是在这么一个怪圈里,双方斗智斗勇,生生息息 了几千年。俗话说:“知己知彼,百战不殆。”本文将站在公狼的立场上,依据耳闻目睹的资料,讨论一下国内妓 女对付嫖客的手段以及狼友们应对的策略。这里要说明的是,本文没有使用国际通用的术语----妓女(prostitute),而使用了“小姐”这个具有中国特色的词语,是因为在我看来,虽然国内外的妓 女在本质上是一样的,但服务方式有很大的不同,(文中还要详细论述。)我这里讲的主要是国内的 性服务。

小姐是不会同客人谈情说爱浪费时间的,因为这违背了她的从业原则。所以,一旦谈好嫖资,小姐往往直奔主题。 她们会装出急不可耐的样子,“老公呀,我等不急了。”“哥哥呀,快进来吧。”这是她们常用的台辞。有陪浴服 务的,往往会哄你先做后洗。狼友们需知,再厉害的男人,在异性反复直接对其性器的刺激下,要不了几分钟,就 会射精。(“梅开二度”例外。)一旦交票,便进入不应期。马上对女人失去性趣。这就是小姐哄你先做后洗的原 因。

坚持前戏,尽量拉长外围活动的时间。不要让她过早地刺激你的性器。充分利用这段时间从视觉,听觉,味觉,触 觉全方位的去玩赏她的玉体,能洗一个鸳鸯浴是最理想的。这段前戏起码要用去你1/3----1/2的时间。

小姐和客人之间的性交,双方心态是不同的。小姐注重的是结果,即客人何时射精,因为这意味着她服务的结束; 客人注重的是过程,即整个过程带给他的性愉悦,因为射精意味着这个过程的结束。国内外妓女的最大区别正在于 此。国外妓女给客人提供的是她肉体的使用权,而国内的往往只是她阴道的使用权。国外的妓女给客人提供的性服 务是全方位的,可以满足客人的各种性癖好。口交,肛交,颜射等都不过是是常规程序。(当然sm是要加钱的。 )而国内的,只不过让你的dd在她的阴道里做做活塞运动而已。在国内,许多色情场所把一套完整的性服务给你 化整为零了。即所谓“半套”(只是活塞运动),“全套”(外加一些花活)之分,各是各的价钱。当然,明码标 价还是好的。更差的是一些小姐(特别是老鸡)把当今旅行社进一道门收一道钱那种骗游客的手段用到了嫖客身上 。她在和客人的性接触中,会适时地提出一些很有诱惑力的服务项目去勾你。搞得你心猿意马。想要吗,加钱。比 如,她会冷不防用嘴亲吻你的性器。“老公,舒服吗?再加五十元,我给你吹萧,让你爽个够。”

事先要问明价钱和服务项目。对于化整为零的老鸡,最好自认倒霉,做一下活塞运动走人。不要上当去要她哪加钱 的额外服务,那大都是物无所值。
Old 07-10-2007, 05:11 PM
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Talking Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

让客人尽快交票走人是小姐的从业原则。因此,客人刚一进入她的身体,小姐便会装出千娇百媚的样子,大呼小叫 。“快”是她们最常用的词。“快,老公,我不行了。”“快,哥哥,我要。”她们甚至会采用强制的手段,例如 紧搂你不放,加快对你性器的刺激,逼你尽快地射精。

不要理会她的装模作样,小姐接客一般是不追求高潮的。她们的大呼小叫大都是装出来的。你应该按你的游戏规则 去玩你的游戏。嫖娼是实践你平时没有性对象的性幻想的良机,射精只是最终的结果。你应该尽情地享受。当你的 高潮快要来临时,你一定要迅速果断地让dd离开小姐的阴道,使他喘口气,以利再战。需知,“洞内洞外两重天 ”啊。如此这般,你必能久战不疲。还有,驾驭自己性阀能力差的,慎用“女上位”,这是小姐让客人交票最得心 应手的一招。

这一手主要用在3p(也称“双飞”)时。凡是看过西方a片的,都会对3p心往神驰。不管是“一龙双凤”的“ 连环套”(即客人在干一个妓女时,她又给另一个口交。)还是“一凤双龙”的“三明治”(即两个客人同时对一 个妓女进行阴道交和肛交。)都会极大地促成我们的尝试欲。其实,凡是试过国内3p的都知道是和西片上演示的 大相径庭。小姐们在服务过程中相互的戒备比对客人还要严格,她们尽量减少肉体的接触,更不要说相互玩弄性器 了。实际上是“你做她,我看,然后换套子,你做我,她看。”所以国内的3p只不过是你花了两个小姐的钱,还 玩不到一个小姐的乐趣。而且,她们往往只带四个套子,两个回合,你不得不交票走人。

事办完后,小姐往往会又装出千娇百媚的样子,依偎在你怀里。“老公,我陪得好吗?”“哥哥,伺候的舒服吗? ”客人一般都会给以肯定的答复。“哪不加点赏钱吗?”好吧,掏钱吧。

不要心软。需知,你付出的嫖资和小姐提供的服务已经是不等价的了。没必要再花冤枉钱。另外,从比较经济学看 ,一个小姐接一次客(以一小时计)所得的报酬相当于她做保姆或饭店服务员辛苦半个月才能挣到的工资。这个比 差也太大了。再和我们这些工薪阶层比呢?[/sell]

在本文行将结束的时候,我要声明,我不是不尊重小姐。她们也是自食其力的劳动者。我说的是公平交易。毕竟狼 友的钱也不是从天上掉下来的。(公款者除外,也正是ta们惯坏了小姐的毛病。)

The End.

I've found the article useful, especially the advice on how to get your money's worth, dealing w/ PRC in general, safety of venue, use of CD, how to prolong the sexssion & indeed the whole process & issues w/ tarma pair, etc.

Pls don't forget to up me if you find the advice useful. Thanks A lot! Kam sia!

(BTW, I'll search for an English version.)
Old 07-10-2007, 05:17 PM
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Talking Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Sorry for duplicate posting.

Last edited by warbird; 07-10-2007 at 05:29 PM. Reason: duplicate posting
Old 07-10-2007, 05:55 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

bro warbird, thanks for the tips here. i find some quite true in my own experience.
Old 07-10-2007, 07:56 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Bro Warbird,
Solid. Should have read your posts before my visit to GongBei.
A very comprehensive guide. Will up you.
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Old 08-10-2007, 12:15 PM
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Smile Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

To all bros here. I got zapped for posting such informative article here. Too bad some bros don't understand Chinese well. I've many other articles but will refrain from sharing until my points are over 10.

Thx anyway.
Old 08-10-2007, 01:48 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Originally Posted by warbird View Post
I've many other articles but will refrain from sharing until my points are over 10.

Thx anyway.
thats really mature, bro.
Old 08-10-2007, 04:02 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

I tried using the babelfish translation software on TS' stuff and. although it turned out not very informative due to poor translation can be quite funny at times to read

The home asks young lady the rare book [ lifelong to profit ] or A Secret Treatise for Finding FLs In China [ for your lifelong benefits ] Regarding looks for young lady, I want to explain am I also read a friend writes about the article, his style smooth, words and expressions penetrating, viewpoint also very novel, the content is extremely detailed, I extremely admire his opinion Moreover also offers a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas most questions which asked on several 网友 to explain with emphasis: First, where young lady quite well looks for: Generally says, in nation wide range, any place girls all have, but in the overall which does east of said north is most widespread with Sichuan young lady, next for Zhejiang, Fujian, Guizhou, Hubei young lady frequent spot, certainly, although makes money many, but is not the exposed good occupation after all. Therefore generally patronizes prostitutes, very little may chase women works as 地货, we meet the majority is the people from other place. If said from the appearance, northeast and Sichuan's all comparison floats the luminescent spot, moreover, northeast's young lady stature best, after first raised curls upwards, in the average person eye, the breast is big, the buttocks big female, compared with is favoured the person. Moreover northeast young lady likes the time which makes love and you say the talk between lovers, at sixes and sevens said flirt speech, both has solved in the physiological melancholy, and relaxed the mood, very is enjoys. The Sichuan young lady's characteristic is the skin quite good, moreover the stature is petite, very suitablly likes the exquisite gentleman taste. Moreover Sichuan's stature is soft, may make some stunners. Zhejiang's general, long assembling, lets the person be unable to endure is they said any your also cannot understand! Individual says, I am partial to northeast young lady, why amn't I clear, as the saying goes was Xu Xian's penis □date blames. After [ did sell=5 ] two, how find young lady to discuss quite well: This is everybody all compares the issue of concern, because of young lady's occupational ethics quality, is relating our hard-earned money is the lap waste or is the thing has the valve. Therefore, this is an extremely essential step. My experience is, the common offensive talk said in front, makes time how much money, a package of night of how much money, makes the entire job how much money. Has not escaped in front of clothes first to reach an agreement, general Bao Yejiu is two, but must cheaply select, if you thought oneself extremely longed for the speech, chooses Bao Ye is good, moreover also may strike while the iron is hot, the missile forces time in theoretically can quite be long, the quality also may high. But must remember that, Bao Ye is starts from before dawn, therefore you if early have the premeditation, best conserves strength ahead of time, after does not take an artillery does not awake the human affairs, that could not realize an own artillery to the dawn desire. Moreover, must ask clearly has the matter which any may not do, common young lady, I refers to slightly a little the scale, probably said two, one cannot kiss, two cannot make an effort to pinch the milk, generally only may lightly trace. Therefore looked how you did like doing, a little the hygienic general knowledge friends all knew that, the common disease was cannot through kiss the dissemination, they refused to kiss, mainly fears your halitosis, therefore if you specially liked kissed, suggested was allowed to supply for oneself "the green arrow", and explained had to kiss, second was they fears the pain, also feared on the breast left behind the wolf mark, therefore you said certainly had to trace the milk, generally was does not have the question. If you cannot lag behind the face to come to say clearly these matters, that thing ultra valve feeling can the young nun look the trousseau □this life did not have the good fortune. Third, how displays in front of young lady oneself: Human's natural disposition all is bullies the weak and fears the strong, therefore generally must display not not well in front of young lady serves, lets her think you are a manner are strong the person which moreover has the rich experience, specially is speaking time wants cold, discussed price time may bring a thick mouth, and ships out if did not agree, We 噶 did not play □乇 鹨 □the pledge □□溃 □饫 锖 芏 嘈 ] to disobey □绻 □凰 gallop the badger curtain Egypt □coat to flow swiftly 芏 oh the silk tree top circle ≡to respect copy the W 詈 appearance ash □pledge □acyl to flatter 愫 芷 annoy school □□Gu?? □summer generally @ Cong Lu? the □□bad feeling. Fourth, how selective security place: This is very essential, because everybody should have the share right occupation, has a warm family, has the light shining in all directions the environment, although we pursue are "in the family the Red Flag not but actually, outside colored flag floating", but if one but in the sewer capsized, I believed cannot only be th wisely pays fluent such to be simple. Therefore the security closes each brothel customer vital interest major event, we although hope fervor, although hope change different sexual intercourse object, but if the unsafe factor involves to ours family, I thought we are impossible to give up eating for fear of choking! Therefore natural luck important, the security is more important, did not have to despise police's ability, the general idea has lost Jing Zhou! A little the scale guesthouse and the sauna all have the quite hard backstage, generally is does not have the question, if the economic potentiality not good friend, may go to the beauty salon, but the present belt appears young lady are not many, therefore must take the certain risk, should better be convinces them to exit thinks the safe place to you. If you initially arrive the outside areas, you may first inquire the recent trend from in the rental car driver's mouth, because they are most understand this city the crowd. Surely cannot take risk, does not want the light buttocks man to sit the stone □to fight a hopeless battle!

Fifth, how only then may the thing ultra valve: After young ladies and you start, the majority can first escape 精光, then rests in the one side, basically only is simple rubs your reproductive organ with the thumb and the index finger, after waits your reproductive organ to have that to fear a spot change, they can deftly bring on the sheath for you, if you proposed is not hard, they can say was allowed first to insert, moves hardly. This first explained their occupational ethics is bad, two explains their big hole to be allowed 海纳 hundred Sichuan. Said 题外话, long ago I once and a friend went to the guesthouse to look for young lady, heard there had two Russian wave little girl, the buttocks in a big way, milk big, moreover lived specially well, also gave mouth junction any, although they only could say "you were good, 400!" We or a person spend 400 Yuan to open has returned to the ocean meat, played the regret to have to die, how really not, perhaps was the Russian men utensil too big, two inexpensively compelled already to support 不象样, with friend's speech said was "bamboo 槁 river middle reaches", my feeling as if slippery ship was ordinary. Good, 言归正传. I am ordinary and young lady enter room once in a while young lady after my room, I can first prevent her to escape clothes or to escape my clothes. First washes the clean body to say again that, specially the lower part of the body, then does not put on the underwear, puts on again they quite coquettish coat, then, slowly carries on, first flirts, must know, is away from sexy clothes, may trace to the nipple or the lower part of the body speech, is extremely stimulates. If is not too urgent, I can choose let her advocate the moving point, specially pointed out wants her to help me to comfort that spot, lets her make any movement, after enters the body, they generally can send out the wave which speaks insincerely to call to stimulate your nerve, urges you very quickly the content which completes the exchange to contain. By now you were allowed directly to point out that, "shuts up, again called not to give the money!" Has traded N posture after you, if felt the quick assurance, or thought must shoot, you may choose to draw out shoot the quite easy body posture. Then, quickly cannots bear, you may rapid draw out, takes off the sheath, shoots on her milk to be also good, Yan Sheye line. That by you, in any case you also has shot, where therefore you did shoot all not to matter, after so long as finished up may let her washes cleanly may. Sixth, I sees the general dual flight quality about the dual flight is not high, specially that my dear friend said, they cannot let you be chaotic dryly. Only is does to do another again. But we have the diamond, but also feared does not have the chinaware to live? Presently captures the dual flight the announcement, if young lady looked please do not scold me. My this but the scorpion defecates (poisonously) □alone! First, dual flight two young ladies only if have the homosexuality tendency, absolutely cannot mutually console oneself opposite party reproductive organ, moreover, generally they are pushing you in the one side, or, coordinates that you in the one side to call in the dry wave, are most, lies down in the one side, traces own milk. Facing such situation stern situation, how should we manage? My choice is, in flirts the stage, may let them all crawl on your body, licks to you, if were allowed the mouth junction to be together good.
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Old 08-10-2007, 04:10 PM
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Re: Strategies and Tips for Bonking FLs in PRC (in Chinese)

Here's the rest i translated

If is not good, lets them help you to lick the whole body to be also good, generally I can look for young lady which a comparison likes, at the same time licks her milk, generally pulls another young lady to lick another, starts time she is not willing, you to perform to threaten, for instance trades the person, 扣钱 and so on all may, also has really is not willing to do, I also have met, that only had trades the person. Then the increase flirts the time, does not arrive 万不得以, surely bears, because of two women in the same place, you can shoot is extremely extremely quick, therefore the increase and slowly enjoys enters in front of the vagina the process is in the dual flight most beautiful, therefore you may propose each idea, lets them do, does not want this, may trade that, did not have very with ease to let them in any case insert may. If thought the prelude very has already been perfect, should insert, because you only were allowed first to do, did not have to let another idle, let her give dry that to lick the milk, traced on the body, or let dry that trace the idle that milk or the lower part of the body, surely did not have to let them cope with you together, lagged behind the face. Finally, you may come an old man the cart, shoots to a carrying on the back, also very crisp! I have run into two young ladies, was northeast, is Shaanxi, a little the homosexuality, that is the best quality goods! Because of like this, therefore I frequently ask them to go to the dual flight. Seventh, fights a decisive battle small know-how attainment that friend to say "in the hole outside the hole the twofold day", this view is specially right. If you are not willing to give up, but is unable to persist, generally has three methods to be allowed to choose, one is immediately the bring up all standing, surely cannot move, but this may with the lover, the wife, the girlfriend, a night of sentiment use, after but young lady felt immediately, can go all out with the vagina wall to clamp you the fellow, like this you or can shoot, moreover is quicker shooting. Two is draws out immediately, treats at least 30 seconds time, or simply again adjusts a while sentiment, crosses a while to continue to fight. Three, after the bring up all standing, catches the penis root with the tiger oral area, continues 1 minute, the effect is very good, moreover shoots the feeling may very quickly vanish. How lets young lady get excited, general Bao Ye time, young lady temporarily belongs to you, you may display the activity, enhances young lady to the interest which does loves, like this lets her heartily display, generally if you have such idea, you may initiative, let them feel the nature stimulates, many flirt the process, do not need to care about their groan, because their groan moisture content wonderful is big, moreover too specialized. In inserts, should choose the double leg to put on the shoulder, like this inserts is very deep, may let them stimulate very much! Moreover if the obscene water too are many, you may wipe off the obscene water, again inserts, like this may increase the friction coefficient, can compare stimulates. Has very many friends to like rubbing the clitoris, but generally must remember, the clitoris is rubbing, must have the lubrication, for instance your saliva or young lady's obscene water, if the dried fruit is tracing, not only does not stimulate, moreover can the wonderful pain. Good, time not early... Also has been tired, talks about here!

Common erroneous zone 1. Leaves the money are many, certainly wins young lady to like? Only if your solid money are very many, otherwise this is the typical mistake. Young lady's nerve has a threshold value, has surpassed the certain boundary, are many for only can fall to her should not in the time Also had not responded. For example the partner pulls out your ear and the area around it, every time increases the dot strength, your bifurcation 痛觉 can increase, corresponding. But if the partner has used the shoe sole, was possible you 痛觉 not to be able again to increase, because your bifurcation nerve impulse was unable to release more nerves to hand over the nature to participation excitedly Therefore later if you boil, wants to give the tip, first does the mold mold face, have remembers partner's ear and the area around it analogy. 2. Bao Yexie number of times are more, jumps over the value? Wrong. Because this result is you paid money, but opposite party is very crisp. The feminine high tide and the man are different, they may repeatedly many times, in the very short reality repeatedly the high tide, but your bifurcation male is not good, you must pass through not to be supposed the time, can again have the response. Moreover you can be more and more strenuous. This is the men and women has other truth. Therefore if you above believed the truth, the result is you spends for the others serves. The true truth is lets her feel bad, saw she is lascivious, also is teases, but does not let her completely release, or retards the time which she reaches high tide. But you through observe her expression to achieve bleeds off a higher boundary compared to your bifurcation. The attention partner said is a boundary. No longer is the feeling. 3. The female university student should pay a tip? Wrong. Did not understand why some people do like the female university student. In this suitable degree encouraged has made the vacation diploma, if you were not the well-read, troubled do not put the thoughts to confirm opposite party whether was the university student, this you inquired opposite party first menstruation age was similarly more bored than. Because these two matters and you are tonight crisp otherwise, or and opposite party skill not direct relations. Only if you have the reason to believe opposite party possibly is the crisp big graduation or the enrolled students. Otherwise, urged you the bifurcation to rest Pakistan. Opposite party is comes out sells, or looks stimulates. Should first judge the profile, the stature and so on. The mouth size, concerns with bj. The stature, is possible the strategic move which and tonight you uses to concern. But knowledge. . Ha ha Kazak, only if your bifurcation is the Qiu slight cloudiness is big, can read poems any, otherwise, the partner looked calculated. You pay the money only to be able to prove once more your big end is does not have the culture. 4. Bj does not need to bring tt? Wrong. Although the AIDS through the bj retransmission is the possibility quite small. But. Perhaps your bifurcation specially is in luck, dared the planetoid to hit the Earth. If your bifurcation originally has the problem, but also likes bj, then your lp, or gf has the possibility 淋球菌 laryngitis, if your bifurcation also face shoots, opposite party possibly 淋球菌 keratitis. Therefore troubles you in bj time pays attention. The natural effect can almost, the partner refer to your crisp degree, but your bifurcation may play more years, converts the number of times, you or earn 5. Ice fire time, the temperature difference is more greatly better? Wrong. If your bifurcation jb is the stainless steel, may. But if is not, please be self-possessed. Here still was a nerve should not the time question. After possible several, you thought temperature difference insufficient, is not the temperature difference is insufficient, was your 耐受 this temperature difference. Already had the real story, had the elder brother small blood vessel to explode. Therefore asks you to use the big end for own capitellum thought. 6. Two milks relatives frequently the body is not good or the luck is not good? Right. Wraps in her time in you, by partner's experience, with other big experience, generally their family's relative, sometimes even is the distant relative, was sorry, partner's genetics not too are good, do not clarify between them the relations. Frequently can greatly get sick, if she in that province appeared the natural disaster, possibly is equal to a cloud burst, then you all are the recent donation object. Therefore and the company makes the plan to be same, you should wrap her time has the reserve forces, also completes the extra budget. Invited you and always the not too good house selected location (has time of her for her family relative's frail health to tell the partner them the family to flush by the big water. ) Finishes the mental preparation.
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