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Old 26-11-2007, 10:18 PM
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Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex


Mum is sex slave for 4 years to man who claimed to have 'spiritual powers'
By Tay Shi An

The New Paper

February 12, 2007

IT is one of the oldest tricks in the book, yet it did not stop two women from falling prey to a lecherous conman.

The man, a 52-year-old businessman who professed to have 'spiritual powers', allegedly told both women that he was destined to save them, and that they had to be his 'spiritual wives' to escape the bad luck and hex that had befallen them.

One of the women, Jane, an attractive mother of two who recently divorced her husband, was so taken by the man's 'spiritual powers' that she apparently became his sex slave for four years.

Pictures: Kua Chee Siong, Mohd Ishak

During this period, the 37-year-old woman, who works as a beautician, claimed that the man drained her savings and forced her to have sex with him about once a week.

A second woman, Cynthia, a 43-year-old Malaysian who worked at the man's coffee shop, was also taken in by his words because she, too, had a bad marriage.

In her case, she claimed that the man told her that her husband had put a hex on her body and that the only way to cure her was to have sex with him. The man later allegedly stopped paying her salary for six months and threatened to tell others they had sex.

Both women have since lodged police reports against the man. When contacted by The New Paper on Sunday, the police confirmed both reports, adding that investigations are on-going. But the man has denied having sex with them.

We are not giving the real names of the women to protect the identities of their children. The two women spoke to us because they wanted to share their experiences so that others could be warned and that justice could be served.

Jane, who has two teenage sons, said: 'I just want him to be caught. He took advantage of my situation and cheated me - I don't know why I was so stupid then.'

Cynthia, who has a teenage daughter, has since returned to her hometown in Johor. In a telephone interview, she said: 'He is still out there. What if he goes on to cheat other women?'

In Jane's case, she said that she fell victim because she was going through a 'marital crisis' around 2000.

Her husband, Tom, a 40-year-old odd-job worker, was apparently prone to rage, violent outbursts and bizarre behaviour. He frightened her and her two sons.

Jane said that after he quit his job as a chef, Tom started gambling and they often fought over money.

Tom later became a cabby and it was then that he befriended a man known as Ah Fatt, a fellow cabby who was also a hawker and businessman.


Jane recalled: 'Tom said this guy was very good to him, that he would give him booking calls and the best routes to take.'

The family would frequently have dinner with Ah Fatt. Soon, he became the godfather to the couple's sons.

Tom also told Ah Fatt his marital problems.

Jane claimed: 'Ah Fatt told my husband that maybe I had been hexed, that's why I always complained about money. He claimed that he had helped a lot of couples, and told Tom to take me to him.'

She said that during the first few sessions, which were held in public places like coffee shops and temples, Ah Fatt performed some rituals using incense and scented wood.

And 'miraculously', her marriage did improve for a while.

She said: 'My husband became more attentive to the family. He helped me to mop the floor, took me to the doctor when I was sick, and drove me home from work - all sorts of caring things he hardly did before.'

Slowly, Ah Fatt gained Jane's trust. She started calling him 'da ge' or 'big brother' in Mandarin.

Her children also started to trust the family friend. Her older son, said: 'At first, I thought he was a very good man, better than my father. He would buy things for us and take us out.'

But Tom and Jane soon started quarrelling again. Then, about a year after she befriended Ah Fatt, Jane claimed that Ah Fatt told her that Tom had complained about their sex life.

She said Ah Fatt started asking her for details, like how often they had sex, and what she liked or didn't like in bed.

And he started going to her house when her husband was not in to give her 'treatments'.

She said that the first time, he allegedly pulled down her pants and touched her private parts.

'I was very uncomfortable and wanted to stop, but he said it's the process. He said he's my brother, so it's okay. He also told me to keep the 'treatment' to myself.'

But her husband's behaviour got worse, Jane claimed. Frightened, she confided in Ah Fatt, who told her it was 'black magic' and her husband had zou huo ru mo (Mandarin for 'gone over the edge'), that he was beyond help.

'Ah Fatt said the only way out was for me to be his 'spiritual wife'. He said he needed to have sex with me to cleanse me, because my body was dirty,' Jane said.

Fearful for her sons and family members, Jane agreed. She also filed for divorce in 2002, and Tom moved out.

While Jane continued to live in her flat in the west, Ah Fatt would allegedly go over whenever he wanted to have sex, which was about four or five times a month.

'He said I had to be willing to have sex with him. But I felt so terrible, so scared and upset. I washed myself so clean everytime,' she said.

Jane said she was fearful of Ah Fatt because whenever she made him angry, her ex-husband would return to harass her and her sons.

Ah Fatt also allegedly abused her and her sons and forbade her to contact her family.

He also made her help out at his coffeeshop stalls and write cheques to suppliers, using her earnings from her beautician business.

When she didn't have enough money, she would borrow from friends and relatives.

Now, Jane and her children are living with relatives. She plans to sell her flat and build up her beauty salon business again, to pay off her debts. Her younger son has also been seeing a school counsellor.

Jane said that in the four months since she moved out and filed the police report, she claimed that Ah Fatt continued to terrorise her.

He allegedly sent her more than 100 SMS messages in the first week after she moved out. In one of the messages Jane kept, he allegedly said: 'You think that by hiding in your mother's house, I wouldn't dare to go and find you? Why not we 'play' at your mother's house.'

Even after what she went through, Jane claimed that her ex-husband still sided with Ah Fatt. Three months ago, in November last year, Tom confronted her outside an MRT station and allegedly punched her, giving her a black eye. She filed a police report and got a personal protection order against him.

Both men have been to the homes of Jane's relatives and her children's schools looking for them. Red paint was also splashed on the door of her elderly mother's flat two weeks ago.

Jane said: 'I really hope that something can be done to stop the nightmare that we are facing.'


SHE said the worst decision that she has ever made was to work for Ah Fatt.

Cynthia, a Malaysian, said she decided to work in Singapore because her husband was jobless and she had to support her teenage daughter.

She found a job as a helper at one of Ah Fatt's stalls. Jane was also working there at that time.

Cynthia said: 'My family situation was bad, and Ah Fatt said my lower body was hexed and he could help me cure it.

'First, he told me to 'dig' out the dirty things myself, then he said he had to have sex with me. I was so gullible.'

Don't mess with me: Part of this SMS allegedly from Ah Fatt reads: "I even dare to kill, don't think I can be messed with. I respect you as my (spiritual) wife and I'm not afraid of you, do you understand."

After a few months, she said Ah Fatt stopped paying her salary and threatened to expose their sexual relationship when she asked about her pay.

Both Jane and Cynthia said they didn't dare to confide in others about what happened then because they were scared and ashamed.

Cynthia said: 'If I told my family, my marriage would be over. So I endured it.' SOUGHT SOLACE

It was only when Ah Fatt started to hit them both, that they couldn't bear it anymore. The two women found solace in each other.

According to Jane's police report, there was one incident in March last year when Ah Fatt punched her several times in the face while in a car, pulled her hair, and hit her head on the dashboard.

In September last year, Cynthia took a particularly bad beating.

Jane finally confided in a friend, who helped the two women get away from Ah Fatt. The friend invited Jane to stay at her house.

The friend, who declined to be named, said: 'Cynthia's face was slapped until it was all bruised. And Jane kept crying. She lost so much weight, she looked like a ghost.'

Cynthia also filed a claim against Ah Fatt with the Ministry of Manpower for six months of unpaid wages. The Ministry confirmed it has received her claim and it is 'pending further verification'.

Hiyah we are living in the 21st centruy but dunno how come some women still so guillible??

I must admit, I wont actually so such things to women cos of fear of retribution but I have fantasized about it.

Anybody fantasized about using religion to cheat women of sex??
Old 28-11-2007, 01:54 AM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

sad to say, there are and will still be women naive enough to listen to all this bullish crap.

but on the other hand, some women themselves also gian gian la...

the most famous one who used gong tao to threaten women into submitting is the Adrian Lim i think.
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Old 28-11-2007, 10:41 AM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

People sometimes dont learn from other people mistakes when they find themselves in a similar situation. And some people have low IQ, cant blame, some are too spiritual .... alot of reasons
Old 28-11-2007, 11:22 AM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne View Post
the most famous one who used gong tao to threaten women into submitting is the Adrian Lim i think.
Adrian Lim is nothing if u compare him to those big time cult in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. Not an easy task to resist invitation frm those who offer free sex. But u b in deep shit once u "sign up"...

Old 28-11-2007, 01:23 PM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

Originally Posted by gpang788 View Post
Hiyah we are living in the 21st centruy but dunno how come some women still so guillible??

I must admit, I wont actually so such things to women cos of fear of retribution but I have fantasized about it.

Anybody fantasized about using religion to cheat women of sex??
Only the unscruplous types used religion to extort sex from such women. Guess this a type of psychological thingie as the profile of woman victims always seem to be about the same. Those facing domestic violence or finincial problems and already at the stage of "road's end"

Old 28-11-2007, 01:38 PM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

Originally Posted by TheGreatOne View Post
sad to say, there are and will still be women naive enough to listen to all this bullish crap.

but on the other hand, some women themselves also gian gian la...

the most famous one who used gong tao to threaten women into submitting is the Adrian Lim i think.
You would think education would have done some good. Apparently it has been overrated
Old 28-11-2007, 02:39 PM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

This teaches us Samsters especially those Bros who are married to communicate more with our spouse before some Mfker conman take advantage of the situation..

Couple of weeks ago, Crime watch or Life Story (I cannot remember) did broadcast this case before over TV.. It makes the women looked so stupid to believe in this bloody spiritual conman that she was posessed by evil spirit.

I manage to catch the show with my OC and we exchanged comments.. End of the day, we concluded that both husband and wife in this case contributed to this disturbing incident by not talking about their problem with each other.

Just my 2cents worth..
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Old 28-11-2007, 02:44 PM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

Some people just dont learn. You have TV and the papers reporting all kind of scams and these people still get themselves conned. Just like the case of those striking lottery, bloody stupid can transfer tens of thousand then realised kena conned.
Old 28-11-2007, 04:15 PM
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Re: Cheated: Sex to get rid of hex

Actually sometimes we have to excused these people. The confidence trickster are so good that they can sell u black stone as precious healing stone

Not sure whether the people who kena trick have actually read of such things in papers liao or seen them on TV, and yet they believe. Maybe they are the ones that this 2 media have failed to reach ...
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