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Old 17-02-2008, 02:50 AM
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Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

I got to know I am Genital herpes positive on 14 Feb 2008, valentine's day.
My heart was smashed into pieces and I almost cried in the DSC counsellor's room. Till now I am still puzzled when and how I got it.

Let me briefly tell u my limited cheonging experience.

20.09.2006 PRC Jiang Hong. BBBJ but quick capped penetration.

06.10.2006 PRC Xiao Ye. Protected BJ and quick capped penetration.

15.11.2006. OKT's Thai gal. 2 times capped BJ.

06.01.2007. PRC. Protected BJ.

12.02.2007. PRC. Xiao Yu. Protected BJ.

01.03.2007. RTF. PRC Jiang Hong. (See above)

03.05.2007. PRC. Protected BJ.

12.06.2007. Singapore FL. Jessy.

10.10.2007 PRC. groin massage & handjob.
For her , I remember that she did not wash her hands before starting groin massage on me and she just had finished with another customer.

Not tried any one since then.

I went to DSC for Oral & Genital Herpes tests on 30 Oct 2007 since have time. Positive for Oral but negative for Genital. Thought very heng.

Late Jan or early Feb 2008, I had pimples on my chest, arms, waist and penis.
As I have atopic dementatis (sensitive skin problem) and out-break often, I though nothing of it. I though my new tremendous work stress triggered them.

On 4 Feb 2008, I had unprotected oral and virginal sex with wife first before using Durex Performa. The next morning, my penis was itchy and I discovered 4 pimples near the base of my penis. More pimples on the skin near the head. I thought I am allergic to local anaesthesia in Durex performa. How CNY was close I thought better to a check up at DSC. Causasian doc said could be Herpes or could be atopic dementatis so better to do a culture test. So it do.

As I know my wife would want sex on Valentine's day, I called DSC and rushed down to get result. Was told to see counsellor. Was told positive for Genital Herpes!!!!!!!!

My last commercial sex - protected oral sex was in June 2006 and my Oct 2007 blood test for genital Herpes was NEGATIVE. Long enough for window period to be over, isn't it? In between only had groin massage & HJ and sex with wife. What went wrong? can groin massage & handjob transmit Genital Herpes?
Can anyone enlighten me?

As my last sex with wife was on 4 Feb 2008 and I already had 2 pimples on my dick, is my wife likely to get genital herpes from me since she did bbbj and i did her raw before putting condom?

I am extremely worried as she had said that if I fooled around, she will divorce me and take the 2 kids way.

I rejected her sexual advance on 15 Feb 2008 morning and I am still suffering from my primary infection. I don't know for how long I can avoid her...

Before my primary attack started, i hand high anxiety and high stress month and I experienced body ache and flu. That could be the reason of the trigger.
I just read that men usually get 4 to 6 recurrent attacks a year and will decrease as years go by. I have to suffer till I die.

I am going to AFA to do HIV test next week. If thing goes wrong, I won't know how to face my wife and kids. I may commit suicide.

To new cheongers, quit commercial sex.
Old 17-02-2008, 02:56 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post
I won't know how to face my wife and kids. I may commit suicide.

To new cheongers, quit commercial sex.
bro don't do rash thing
Old 17-02-2008, 06:41 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post

I am going to AFA to do HIV test next week. If thing goes wrong, I won't know how to face my wife and kids. I may commit suicide.

To new cheongers, quit commercial sex.
30% to 40% of the sexually active population is infected with HSV2 so don't worry about it.

Most people do not experience any symptoms and don't even know they have it. For more info, go to Home page of the Herpes Viruses Association and Shingles Support Society
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Old 17-02-2008, 04:10 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.


I'm not trying to be funny here.

It seams that all your commercial sex, you had protection. The only one without protection is sex with your wife. Could it be...? You know what I mean.

Like I said, I'm not trying to be funny. But there ARE cases where the wife also have affairs, not only the husband.

Old 17-02-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post
I rejected her sexual advance on 15 Feb 2008 morning and I am still suffering from my primary infection. I don't know for how long I can avoid her...
I had to physically reject her sexual advance this morning, 17 Feb, saying that my penis was cut by shaving blade when I shaved in the afternoon. So just rubbed her to climax.

Should I just own up to her before she develop any symptoms or wait till she has the symptoms and diagnosed by doctor? She does complain of itch in groin area on and off.
Should I suggest she shares part of the blame?
The reason i eat out is because my wife deprived me for a long period of time.

I posted the following on 11 Oct 2006.

"Sex --> mostly off, rarely on.
Last count is 2.5 months of no-action.
Just requested for her to do HJ for me but been rejected outright, "Don't you know it is very late now? Don't you have to wake up very early in the morning?"
What the fuck!
No FJ, no BJ, no HJ. Sexless marriage!!!
No wonder my premature ejaculation problem deteriorates over the years.
Other guys' stamina get better while mine is the reverse.
Emotionally and sexually frustrating to have such a wife."

Our second child is born on Jun 2006. A few months after her delivery, after many many traumas at home, absence of child care support, and absence of sex, she told me she felt like committing suicide. Then I realised she is down with post-natal depression.

But when she recovered from postnatal depression, she was busy with the baby and deprived me. I always ask myself during that period, "Why can't she gives me half an hour per week for sex? I don't last very long and, apart from sex, I need her love too". As such, I always reckon my wife to be a good mother but not a good wife.

Now is too late. Don't know how to face her and the kids. Extremely afraid of passing the disease to them, esp kids.
Old 17-02-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post

I'm not trying to be funny here.

It seams that all your commercial sex, you had protection. The only one without protection is sex with your wife. Could it be...? You know what I mean.

Like I said, I'm not trying to be funny. But there ARE cases where the wife also have affairs, not only the husband.

Good point brought up by big bro Midnightiger.......
Old 17-02-2008, 04:37 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post

It seams that all your commercial sex, you had protection. The only one without protection is sex with your wife. Could it be...? You know what I mean.
When it comes to herpes, condoms don't provide much protection as the virus is transmitted via skin to skin contact in areas not protected by the condom... eg the base of the shaft of the penis and the scrotum.

I have been warning everyone here about the risks of herpes and genital warts for the last 6 years!!!


The only way to avoid herpes 100% is never to have sex at all and no frenching and blow jobs either.
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Old 17-02-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.


My last commercial sex - protected oral sex was in 12 June 2007 (not 2006, typo error) and my 30 Oct 2007 blood test for genital Herpes was NEGATIVE. Window period of 2 to 3 months should be over. I should be tested positive for Type II instead. Could there be a chance the blood test be wrong or not enough antibodies to be detected as accurate?

I had groin massage & handjob on 10 Oct 2007. Can it transmit Genital Herpes? If can, won't be able to be detected by blood test since window period not over.
If yes, and if my wife discovers, i will tell her groin massage (which I seek to rectify my serious premature ejaculation) and handjob caused it, not the earlier adventures. I wish to keep my marriage and family intact.
Thank you.
Old 17-02-2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post

I'm not trying to be funny here.

It seams that all your commercial sex, you had protection. The only one without protection is sex with your wife. Could it be...? You know what I mean.

Like I said, I'm not trying to be funny. But there ARE cases where the wife also have affairs, not only the husband.

Bro Tiger,

I am constantly torn mentally whether to put the blame solely on myself, partly on her as she deprived me for a long period of time, or think that she has been unfaithful and passed Herpes Type II to me.

But for the time being I wish to keep the assumption that I am her only sex partner. I am her one and only boyfriend and we gave each other our virginity after our customary marriage.

Nonetheless, I need to eliminate my doubt by checking her hp.

I personally know of two cases of wife who strayed as their husbands are sexually stronger but did not give them enough attention.
Old 17-02-2008, 11:26 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Bro, guess only "White lies" could help to save ur marriage coz i dun think any wife would forgive her husband totally for 'eating out'.

U could tell ur wife u had some Juagen sessions whereby u heard from friend/internet which could help to solve ur premature ejaculation problem gradually. However, u went for a full body check-up and was referred by the doctor to see a specialist and found out tat u have contracted Genital Herpes whereby u have no idea of how u contracted it except tat u went for the Juagen sessions.

Hope it helps and all the best to u.
Old 18-02-2008, 12:49 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post
I had to physically reject her sexual advance this morning, 17 Feb, saying that my penis was cut by shaving blade when I shaved in the afternoon. So just rubbed her to climax.

Should I suggest she shares part of the blame?
The reason i eat out is because my wife deprived me for a long period of time.

"Sex --> mostly off, rarely on.
Last count is 2.5 months of no-action.

Errhh....u said ur wife these few days wanna bonk with u, but u kept rejecting her sexual advances? How cum now she feels like having sex with u? Is it becux she is guilty of what she done? Or has she became more horny with age.....
The strangest gift I ever received from a fan is herpes...

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Sex is great,
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When you get laid.
Old 18-02-2008, 12:51 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Or.....the alternative is that she might not even show symptoms. But if she does, who's to say she'll freak out and go to a doctor about it, she might just see it a irritation and forget about it. Either way, it's no time to freak out.
Old 18-02-2008, 01:37 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post
Bro Tiger,

I am constantly torn mentally whether to put the blame solely on myself, partly on her as she deprived me for a long period of time, or think that she has been unfaithful and passed Herpes Type II to me.

But for the time being I wish to keep the assumption that I am her only sex partner. I am her one and only boyfriend and we gave each other our virginity after our customary marriage.

Nonetheless, I need to eliminate my doubt by checking her hp.

I personally know of two cases of wife who strayed as their husbands are sexually stronger but did not give them enough attention.

Whatever it is, you have to face it up to reality. Check with the doctor on how serious Herpes is and whether it will affect your sex life with your wife or how to go about having sex with your wife eventhough you have Herpes.

If both of you can't die of it, then what the hell. Just make sure she's not pregnant again as I believe it will affect your your unborn child if you have herpes or if the herpes is "active" when you are having sex.

But if your wife wants to leave you if she finds out you have Herpes, just too bad. That's reality. If you have Herpes, means you have. Nothing can change it. Just see how best you can make out of the situation.

Take care and regards
Old 18-02-2008, 02:36 AM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

The tests aren't 100% accurate. I don't know what tests you went for but both false positive and false negative results are quite common.

From Herpes Serology

False negative and false positive results


All tests may sometimes give an incorrect result.

The current test used by our laboratory service gives a positive result in about 5% of people who do not have HSV infection (this is called a false positive result).

The test will give a negative result in 15% of people who really are infected with HSV (this is a false negative result).

The herpes blood test varies in its reliability, so the meaning of a test result must be considered along with your medical history.

Originally Posted by heatingup View Post

My last commercial sex - protected oral sex was in 12 June 2007 (not 2006, typo error) and my 30 Oct 2007 blood test for genital Herpes was NEGATIVE. Window period of 2 to 3 months should be over. I should be tested positive for Type II instead. Could there be a chance the blood test be wrong or not enough antibodies to be detected as accurate?

I had groin massage & handjob on 10 Oct 2007. Can it transmit Genital Herpes? If can, won't be able to be detected by blood test since window period not over.
If yes, and if my wife discovers, i will tell her groin massage (which I seek to rectify my serious premature ejaculation) and handjob caused it, not the earlier adventures. I wish to keep my marriage and family intact.
Thank you.
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Old 23-02-2008, 11:19 PM
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Re: Genital herpes Positive - My worst Valentine gift. Don't know how I got it.

I have been tearing these few days and spending more time with my kids. I become more tolerant of their annoying behaviour. Every time, I hug them, I become more emotional. I once teared in office and my male colleague saw.

19 Feb 2008, Tuesday

I went back to DSC for further checkup, to clarify many doubts, and ask for daily oral suppressive medicine. I was seen by the same Caucasian doc. Said that the culture test is 100% accurate so don’t have to do again.

I told her that my last protected BJ was in early June 2007 and my blood test was in Oct 2007. Only had genital massage and unprotected sex with wife in between. Yet…..

She said that if I had contracted HSV II from last protected BJ, my blood test should have shown. She raised suspicion about my wife too but, knowing my wife, I rejected that possibility.

The doc enquired about groin massage I had. I told her it is genital massage with bare hands that is supposed to treat my premature ejaculation. She said I probably contracted HSV II from genital massage via skin contact from one genital to another. I told her I remember that day she did not wash her hands and I was too shy to suggest that. I asked her that if I should be considered unlucky. She answered yes but she said HSV II is common. Some people get it on their fingers.

I also enquired when am I infectious (during & some days after outbreak. Normal day is just 3-4%), how to prevent transmission (no sex during outbreak & don’t share towel & shaving products), recurrent attacks (first two years more often then reduced).

The doc gave me another dose of antibiotics for standby though I asked for daily suppressive medicine. She suggested I monitor and understand my body better by waiting for another attack (ie. first recurrent attack). She said people have more recurrent attacks in the first two years. Some may have 3 or 4 in a year. Some may have once every month. I have hereditary sensitive skin problem and hereditary arthritis. I will die harder now that with herpes. Then subsequently the body develops resistance to it and thus less recurrence. Nonetheless, sunburn and exhaustion tend to lead to more recurrent attacks.

She suggested my wife to have a blood test.

20 Feb 2008, Wednesday

I went to AFA for HIV test. Being the first-timer for HIV test, I was asked many questions by health counselor. Told him I was just diagnosed with Herpes Type II and I asked him more questions. I told him my last penetration with WL was in Jan 2007 and last protected BJ was in May/June 2007 but my Oct 2007 was negative. I told him about my genital massage. He told me likely to be that as herpes can be passed on by skin to skin contact, not necessarily oral sex or virginal sex though virginal sex was the most common mode of transmission. He also said that some people have herpes on their hands.

My heart pounded for 30 minutes while I waited for my results. I almost collapsed there. Later numbers were called before mine. I thought die liao…

When my number was called, the counselor told me I am HIV NEGATIVE. I was so relieved. He told me to be more careful next time (when I visit WLs). I told him “No more!”

23 February 2008, Saturday
Anyway I have not had any erection since Valentine’s Day, the day I got my Herpes result.

I am going to tell my wife tonight, as I want her to go for a blood test and take precautions for the sake of our kids. I saw a few pimples on my son's forehead this morning and, remembering genital herpes can be on face also, I freaked out and decided to tell her tonight.

Hope she will forgive me, not break up the marriage and family, and keep this secret for me. I don’t want to be condemned by our parents and siblings.

For those who have offered ideas, suggestions and explanations, I thank you very much. But I still have a few critical questions. Brothers please help.

1. Can herpes virus in the body be detected by blood test even though the person shows no symptoms?

2. My handphone is registered under my wife’s corporate account. I am concerned that she would request mobile line provider to provide numbers and content of sms that i sent to FL or masseur. Will mobile line provider like SingTel or M1 be willing or able to provide details of my sms sent last year if my wife requests and pays?

3. My primary attack has started at the beginning of February and my penis still has dried-up pimple scars that have not gone away. Will they disappear completely?
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