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Old 14-04-2008, 06:16 PM
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PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

SYT that Does COF,
24yo, 1.65M,
$140/90/2 (Check Group For Promotion)

Those Were The Days ....
Old 15-04-2008, 12:58 AM
leihoma leihoma is offline
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Looks: 7/10 (Girl Next Door type)
Body: 6.5/10 (Definitely not on the skinny side, but her 35C tits & 165cm height make her figure look proportional enuff)
Boobs: 8/10 (bouncy n very shapy, I like 'em natural!)
Frenching: Never tried.
BBBJ: 8/10 (Did once in bathtub, con't in bed)
CIM: Did offered me during shower, but I decline..
FJ: 8/10 (Sounds real & she really seems like enjoying herself provided you did your part..)
GFE: 8/10 (always cuddling beside you like your steady)
Service: 8.5/10
Attitude: 9/10
RTF: Yes, but mus try others 1st!

Would like to thank Bro Pierce for his understanding just now!
I was supposed to reach@7pm which I did & sms Bro for rm no.
but after waiting for almost 15 min, Bro never reply, I was quite impatient & sms for the 2nd time. There, Bro replied almost immediately & he claimed that he didnt receive my sms earlier on & was expecting my arrival sms. Nevertheless, he gave me the rm no & offered me until 9pm for my session (which I think he will probably offend the next patron because of me... still feeling quite guilty nw... hope you dun mind!) Bro Pierce, 100 & 1 cheers to you man!! You are really one genuine service-oriented okt! Looking forward to my next bonk under you...
Old 15-04-2008, 02:12 AM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)


Those Were The Days ....
Old 15-04-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by woot View Post
No l'm not an okt, and i have never really created a thread before, however, just doing pierce a favour by creating a new thread for the the latest squeeze in the house - Jaymi - because she is just that good - and i got first blood.

Prologue:Addiction to new blood

I find new blood really good for 2 reasons:

One, their fresh off the oven and usually very eager to please and still have alot of energy left.

Two, they know that first impressions are important and therefore will do anything to please to ensure business continuity.

Keeping that in mind moving on to Jaymi.

Jaymi is the type of slightly meaty girl with the meat located in all the right areas: eg on her tits, on her ass, on the curves, so when you are slamming your little brother home, at least you don't get bone on bone contact.

First impressions were, nice tittles, which of course i showered with some attention with a few well placed squeezes :P, nothing like a few squeezes of the tits and a cup of coffee to start the day.

Bath was nice, she loves to give you a nice tit fuck and her tits are just the right size for it, not huge and disgusting but nice and well endowed.

In no time i was drumming up a beat with my dick on her tits, slap slap slap using my dick, heeeee hawww.

Proceeded to the bedroom where she likes to run her fingers lightly over me oooo, reminded me of those cat bath types but nicely done as well.

While she sucked on my nipples, i fingered the nape of her neck behind her ears, flicked through her very well maintained and nice smooth soft hair, but i stopped short of fingering her as alot of times you injure the girls because you finger them so i didn't want that to happen as she is too nice.

Commenced blowjob, this vacuum cleaner can really suck, not just the boring bobble up and down repetitive motion but a panaroma of 180 degree rapid rotation, rapid tongue motion on your dick head, balls licking, if there was ever the god of tongues this woman would win hands down.

45mins later after non stop suction i was preparing to cum, so i wanted to do a COF naturally since she has a smooth, flawless complexion on her face .

She required some persuasion before she was willing to undertake a COF but once she did, it was a priceless pleasurable experience. Rubbing my dick all over her face, i eventually dropped my load right on her, hehe and the best part is she just stood there and took it like a champ, not running off to clean her face which i hate when girls do that.

Executive summary:

Looks:6.5/10 (Good complexion)
Body:7/10 (Curves and meat in the nice areas, but not the exceedingly slim and sexy type)
Tits:9/10 (Excellent for tit fuck lovers)
BJ:9/10 (45mins non stop what can i say)
COF:No rating, priceless (COF without running off)
FJ: I don't fuck anymore, nice trimmed pussy though
Attitude:9/10 Great basically does whatever you want

I just wanted to point out, it appears that while some people have a knack for business, it appears pierce has a knack for pussy, bring in consistently good performing pussy that is.
Thank You Bro Woot on the First Blood FR on JayMi...

ExpectinG to see more Power FR coming upZ !!!
Those Were The Days ....
Old 15-04-2008, 02:27 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by leihoma View Post
Looks: 7/10 (Girl Next Door type)

Body: 6.5/10 (Definitely not on the skinny side, but her 35C tits & 165cm height make her figure look proportional enuff)
Boobs: 8/10 (bouncy n very shapy, I like 'em natural!)
Frenching: Never tried.
BBBJ: 8/10 (Did once in bathtub, con't in bed)
CIM: Did offered me during shower, but I decline..
FJ: 8/10 (Sounds real & she really seems like enjoying herself provided you did your part..)
GFE: 8/10 (always cuddling beside you like your steady)
Service: 8.5/10
Attitude: 9/10
RTF: Yes, but mus try others 1st!

Would like to thank Bro Pierce for his understanding just now!
I was supposed to reach@7pm which I did & sms Bro for rm no.
but after waiting for almost 15 min, Bro never reply, I was quite impatient & sms for the 2nd time. There, Bro replied almost immediately & he claimed that he didnt receive my sms earlier on & was expecting my arrival sms. Nevertheless, he gave me the rm no & offered me until 9pm for my session (which I think he will probably offend the next patron because of me... still feeling quite guilty nw... hope you dun mind!) Bro Pierce, 100 & 1 cheers to you man!! You are really one genuine service-oriented okt! Looking forward to my next bonk under you...
thank You Bro leihoma For the FR... Was really sorry about the delay...
yesterday really corp up big time nokia phone when hay wire....

any recomend ?
Those Were The Days ....
Old 15-04-2008, 02:50 PM
doublekeen doublekeen is offline
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

FR on Jaymi.....

Was studying for an exam. Got overcome but the sudden urge to release.

Contacted a few but pierce was the 1st to reply. Asked him who is still available at this ungodly hour.

Like a bot of lightning i rush to the nearest atm and jumped into the taxi. Siao liao my heart was racing so fast that is was pounding against my rip cage. Recieved the infamous sms, i felt like i was in chinese period drama "sen zhi tao wan shui wan shui wan wan shui".... Room num ###.

At that moment face a little red. I was like a boy in novel brought to a xmas tree asked to choose from a huge stash of presents but could only take 1. Pressed the door bell. Trust me i was like waiting for my exam results.

The door sprung open in i saw a fair skin lady in a oversized office lady shirt. That gave me the eroctic feeling. Striped into our birthday suit and headed straight to the showers. Her body was of perfect proportion. Considering 60% Singaporean women have A cups. Fair skinned petite. Neatly trimed pussy hair. For a moment i was a little ashamed. Exam period din trim my unkemp bush for weeks le.

TCSS in my basic thai i aquired after 3 years chionging CAT 40 since NS days. Not really basic Thai a native speaker would be proud to converse in. Apparently i consider it pre sex language in basic Thai.

Shower was standard SOP. Cant blame her She looked very tired. 2am +++.

Jumped onto the bed. Cat bath was fast and furious. Junior was already nodding it head in approval. With each passing lick my dickhead began to swell. After the once crumpled skin was stretched drum tight emitting a pinkish shiny glow. I could see my own reflection. Think some of the reflection might have signaled her that it was time for phrase 2.

I was defenceless held at her mercy... Me being KS i opted for Bj instead. CAPS on. Bj was nothing to shout about. Dun consider myself well hunged but my whole dick wasnt in her mouth. Thus i conclude there was no deep throat. She was industrious though. Bobbing her head as she assulted my already badly trumatized junior. Was given a breather.

Phrase 3 she loaded herself onto my steel firing pin and began to go into this "denkee" like trance. Bouncing up and down but mindful enough not to piledrive her body weight into my pubic region. Time for me to "workout" as i fliped her into missionary. Me being ever so KS, decide to cut exercise after 2 minutes, (scared condom break).

Phrase 4 stripped my firing pin into its raw position and instruct her to polish it with KY. Not may gals know where my hj spot it lol not suprisingly she got it wrong too. Took over guided her fingers to my sacks. Instantly she knew my intentions and she teased them. By then there were signs of a inpending eruption. A little trail of skiny precum was the pre salvo warning. Like the insugence on Iraq i refuse to give up. Went into turbo mode, in a flash i surcomed to involuntery spasms. Like the a hot spring geyser i unloaded on to those twin nature marvels. All the cumshots recorded near misses. They were just 2mm away frm the tip of her nipples. None the less they manage to flow in to overwhelm the target. After the final salvo was fired her left nip was completely covered with goo.

Recovered and headed to the showers. Checked my hp FUG 21 missed calls frm my gf. Sian ... no 2nd round paid and left.

Face: 6 one man meat another poision very average imo
Boobs: 7 What more can u ask for perfect symetrical proportion. Lack the size for fetish though.
Body: 7 Not bad no complains.
Pussy: 8 Very typical thai pussy enuff said.
Attitude: 9 Very good Never Complain Or Rush. I changed caps for bj and fj done without sian look or angry body language very accomodating.
GFE: 6 somehow din manage to connect.

RTF: 1st let me thank the Sg goven $600 GST rebates hahahahahahah. I have another target PIERCE that will be my RTF hahaha
Old 15-04-2008, 09:38 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

SYT that Does COF,
24yo, 1.65M,
$140/90/2 (Check Group For Promotion)

Those Were The Days ....
Old 15-04-2008, 11:34 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Mr.Pierce, another COF lady. got mail.
Old 16-04-2008, 12:57 AM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by amazeme View Post
Mr.Pierce, another COF lady. got mail.
$100 for COF? i also want, uncle amazeme. tag me along!
Old 16-04-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by ahbengguy View Post
$100 for COF? i also want, uncle amazeme. tag me along!
Ah beng beng, you really my supporter. Everywhere I post, I see you quote me. Quick lei, start a thread "The Art of Sucking-up". I must support u back mah.
Old 16-04-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

How you know its $100, one hundred dollars, yi bai kuai, neung roy lian for COF?

heard from who ?? Anything to back you up ?

Or all ah beng and ah lian still do things without using their head ?

More of Your Sweeties Coming Over...
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Old 16-04-2008, 10:01 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by amazeme View Post
Ah beng beng, you really my supporter. Everywhere I post, I see you quote me. Quick lei, start a thread "The Art of Sucking-up". I must support u back mah.
waah bro fireman.. me waiting for u to write yr GP...
Old 17-04-2008, 05:17 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by kishiyui View Post
waah bro fireman.. me waiting for u to write yr GP...

hey dude why your point -23 ???
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Old 17-04-2008, 08:06 PM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

bro think i cof too much..... kana zap lo.. keke
Old 18-04-2008, 01:06 AM
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Re: PIERCE HAREM - JAYMI, RubbinG yr Dick all over her flawless Skin (Pic AvaiL)

Originally Posted by kishiyui View Post
waah bro fireman.. me waiting for u to write yr GP...
Yo bro, don't call me fireman lah. You call one time, I kena zap 5pts. The zapper don't like my avatar. Haizzzz...give up...

I only write real FR. I know very soon my FR for her will appear. Hehehe
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