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Old 28-04-2008, 03:07 PM
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Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Hi There! I am new to this forum. Seeking some advice here from guys on how to please my man. Wondering if any of the massage girls here will service ladies as well? Just like to experience what it is like and learn or share some techniques together. Don't be mistaken, I am no lesbian or Bi-sexual. Just like to learn from "live" demo, hoepfully can spice things up for my guy. Having read all the forums on what to do to spice up sex life and etc and watching porno, I am still getting nowhere. Thanks in adv.
Old 28-04-2008, 07:44 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

can also go bookstore and check out books on sensual massage for couples.
Old 28-04-2008, 07:54 PM
legslegslegs legslegslegs is offline
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

don;t think you can learn much from watching a gal...cause its all about learning to:
i) touch/lick the right place/combination of spots at the right time
ii) ride at the correct angle to max. his sensation
iii) learn to tighten your v. that he can have it nice and tight!!!! remember.....let loose.....tighten.....loose.....tighten........tim ely it nicely with his stroke and he will be in heaven,,,,,
iv) don;t stop after he come.....keep sucking or riding him...till he's hard again.........
and of our his fantasy (nurse, maid, boss) and act it.....may be full fashion stocking and corset?

else have some fun with a few samsters here...and you will be super experienced soon.

Good luck!
Old 29-04-2008, 01:56 AM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

For the sensual massage, you will need to know the right spot of the guy's body. Try on your guy and ask him which is comfortable when you massage him. You can start as below.
1. Neck Massage - The catching of the neck must with sufficient strength using 1 hand.
2. Shoulder massage - duno how to describe!
3. Back Massage - Using thumb of both hand to press outwords from the spine. From top down and repeat again for about 10 cycles.
4. Groin massage
5. Guagen - duno how to describe!
6. BBBJ and then follow by FJ with your guy!

Hope you enjoy your session with your guy! Good luck
Old 29-04-2008, 05:27 AM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Originally Posted by Fade View Post
Just like to learn from "live" demo, hoepfully can spice things up for my guy. Having read all the forums on what to do to spice up sex life and etc and watching porno, I am still getting nowhere.

Wanna come along when I next visit Suki? You can watch her massage me and learn a few moves. She's the master in hard massage. She also does body massage where she uses her breasts to massage guys. Plus watching her do juagen. Got to hurry though, Suki's leaving and not coming back anytime soon. Not sure if Suki will massage ladies, she's quite conservative by nature. Pm me if you are interested, no need for u to pay anything or whatsoever.

Ever wondered if the problem lies with u or him? Normally, it's the guy who will work hard to spice up sex life right?
Old 29-04-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Hey guys.. Thanks for the reply and advise.. Well, sometimes i feel we gals also need to do our part as well. In this case, i would like to experience it personally from the massage gals, and not watch how she perform guys. Plenty to learn from Porno and books, but that's all theory i guess.. Need some practical too! I wonder if the gals atthe parlour will accept my request? Ermm.. Have fun with a few samsters here?? Nah.. Out of the qns.. Am no cheongster, but just a House slut..
Old 29-04-2008, 12:30 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Hi Fade, your guy is indeed lucky.

If you are serious about learning, you can check out this links.. i am in no way related to them. I just thought not enough ladies going out of their way to please their partners (the reverse is also true, I believe).

tantric.singapore - Experience the Amazing Red Tantra Massage in Singapore!

There is another website of a training school i came across, can't find it now.. if i find it, i will post it here.

May you and your partners have lots of fun times together.
Old 29-04-2008, 12:46 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

ok... found it.

TANTRAPATH - Tantra Sacred Sexuality

If you really tried any of them, maybe you can share your learning experience too.
Old 29-04-2008, 04:33 PM
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Talking Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Hey thanks peeps for all ur replies and advise!
Well.. I submitted a reply earlier but guess i had some tech prob and it didn't show.. anyway, my point is to learn from the massage gals and experience it personally. We gals need to do something for our guys also, cannot always wait for things to happen, and later complain abt this and that.. Well, I can get lots of info on books, online, in porno, discussing in forum and with my GFs. But all these are just words with no action. I need some "practical" lessons, and prefably from the massage gals since this is their livelihood and they make a living out of it, they must be real good. They are no doubt the professionals in this line. I have nothing against the cheongsters here, but nah.. trying out with samsters here is definitly out of the qns, afterall, i am a tame slut in the house..
Old 29-04-2008, 04:49 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Originally Posted by Fade View Post
Hey thanks peeps for all ur replies and advise!
Should be ..."... all your replies and ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a verb.
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Old 29-04-2008, 06:05 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

I can volunteer to be your guy
A . B i r d . i n . S e a r c h . O f . N e w . H o l e s

Thank You For Motivation

Thks to those who up:
WOOHOO,raider102,ray922,shanghaifun, more?

My 1st sharing lobang!
Superb Massage, Superb Special, Superb Environment
Old 29-04-2008, 10:43 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Originally Posted by Fade View Post
Hi There! I am new to this forum. Seeking some advice here from guys on how to please my man. Wondering if any of the massage girls here will service ladies as well? Just like to experience what it is like and learn or share some techniques together. Don't be mistaken, I am no lesbian or Bi-sexual. Just like to learn from "live" demo, hoepfully can spice things up for my guy. Having read all the forums on what to do to spice up sex life and etc and watching porno, I am still getting nowhere. Thanks in adv.
You prob need to try the massage to experience yourself. If you need I can try the massage on you. Some guys like it strong followed by sensual. Some just want sensual followed by some jua gen. Baby oil / aroma oil / or hot oil. PM when you free
Old 30-04-2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Originally Posted by Fade View Post
Hey guys.. Thanks for the reply and advise.. Well, sometimes i feel we gals also need to do our part as well. In this case, i would like to experience it personally from the massage gals, and not watch how she perform guys. Plenty to learn from Porno and books, but that's all theory i guess.. Need some practical too! I wonder if the gals atthe parlour will accept my request? Ermm.. Have fun with a few samsters here?? Nah.. Out of the qns.. Am no cheongster, but just a House slut..

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
Should be ..."... all your replies and ADVICE.".

"Advise" is a verb.

Hi Boss, you are right!
And also, plural for Advice is still Advice and not Advices, right?

I shall add this to my Thread "Spell Checker for New Thread Starters"
Corrections to errors in my postings are welcome and encouraged for the benefit of everyone!
Lasser Beam
Old 30-04-2008, 12:51 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

Originally Posted by Fade View Post
Hey guys.. Thanks for the reply and advi.. Need some practical too...! I wonder if the gals atthe parlour will accept my request? Ermm.. Have fun with a few samsters here?? Nah.. Out of the qns.. Am no cheongster, but just a House slut..

Yo Little Sis Fade, describing yrself as a house slut
maybe you should consider moving house or move to a hut
me thinks as a slut of the latter is better, and may just do the trick
as its means abandoning all inhibitions and engagely in wild but safe basics.
Old 30-04-2008, 06:47 PM
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Re: Can anyone advise: Massage for Ladies

hey sis Fade,

I've a DVD on erotic massage.
I can make a copy for you.
PM me.

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