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Old 26-04-2023, 11:31 PM
alanaaron727 alanaaron727 is offline
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how i started

hi samsters, i'm creating a new account as i forgot my username/password that i created the last time. not sure if some of you rmb, my last post a couple of years back, probably ended with my sex escapade in a tertiary handicap toilet.

in any case, i'm starting this new account/thread and sharing my stories.. it may not be real, so it's up to individual to think about it. names in the stories are definitely fake though. any similar names are purely coincidental.

let me know how i need to improve on my stories. open for comments.

Part 1:

following incident started my journey and open my mind.

Year 200X,

after completing one of the national exams that most people needs to get thru, i decided to find a part time job and like most people, i started as a hotel banquet waiter.

on the first day of work, like me, there were other new staffs attending the induction/training programme. and then, that's where i met Alan, Aaron, Angela, Ashlyn.

AA (me) - 180cm, fair, medium build
Alan - 2 years older than me, around 180cm, tanned medium build (funny)
Aaron - 1 year older than me, around 165cm, fair, skinny build (quiet)
Angela - 1 year older than me, around 165cm, slim, tanned, at least a C (open-minded)
Ashlyn - same age as me, around 165cm, slim, fair, around B-C (shy)

Alan: nice meeting you all, i'm Alan, waiting to go NS
Aaron: hi, i'm Aaron
Angela: i'm Angela, this is Ashlyn, my best friend, we are waiting for tertiary school to start
Ashlyn: hi everyone *looking shyly at the ground*
AA: hi, AA here, same. am also waiting for school to start.

after the brief introduction, our supervisor brought us around the banquet halls, the lockers (which is also the storeroom) and explained that apart from doing banquet, we may also need to work at the cafe at level one. subsequently, we were all issued with our uniforms and started on the job training. nothing too serious to take note as a banquet staff, and everyone was just nodding their hand.

as time passed, we all got a little closer, especially Alan and myself as Alan has always been the one trying to strike a conversation with us (we don't have smartphone then) and usually, i'm the only one who reciprocate the conversation. it comes to a point where he is sharing about his relationship with his partner (yes you read it right) and how going to NS may affect their relationship. i was told to keep a secret for Alan as he has always been putting up a front to the others that he is all focus about enjoying NS and no time for relationship.

ending the 3pm-11pm shift work, while resting in the locker room....

~~end of part 1~~
Old 27-04-2023, 04:15 AM
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Re: how i started

First one here setting up tent
Old 27-04-2023, 05:49 AM
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Re: how i started

Good start. Pls continue.
SirLance is back and rides through sbf!

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Old 27-04-2023, 10:43 AM
alanaaron727 alanaaron727 is offline
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Re: how i started

ending the 3pm-11pm shift work, while resting in the locker room....

~~end of part 1~~

Part 2:

Alan: bro, anyway, you seems to like a person i can trust and since i'm leaving here in 2 weeks time, no harm sharing with you.

AA: what's up man? you interested in one of the girls here ah? Angela? she seems your type though.

Alan: nah bro, i'm not into girls, i actually do have a partner and he (yes you read it right) is so concerned about me going to NS, and not spending time with him. you know, singapore is still not that open about all these man. and him, being a foreigner, wouldn't understand our obligation on serving NS man.

AA: oohhh *i was too stunned to speak,, not because of his preference but because of his trust towards me to share something like that in about a month??*

Alan: you ok bro? shocking to you right? i understand la, not many will understand us, it's okie if you dont wanna hang out anymore man. i'm chill about it.

AA: eh no la bro, i'm just shocked you trust me that much into telling me all these man. appreciate it, no judgement, respect your choice and rest assure, i will not bring it up, unless someone else mention, and you being around.

AA: aiya, in any case, don't worry la. if it's yours, it's yours. he don't understand, wanna leave, then you look for the next one lo. doesn't matter one mah. NS cannot siam, BF can choose. choose someone who can understand lo. if not, you go NS find, machiam buffet leh. haha.

Alan: ma si tio (also correct), why i worry so much ah.?

AA: exactly!

just then.........
as we thought our conversation was ending, we heard someone clearing its throat and with a quick turn, Angela was just standing there, listening to all our conversation.

damn it, we were too engrossed in our conversation that we did not realise angela entered the locker room and was listening to all our conversation.

Alan and AA: oh damn!

~end of part 2~
Old 27-04-2023, 11:29 AM
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Re: how i started

Originally Posted by alanaaron727 View Post
ending the 3pm-11pm shift work, while resting in the locker room....

~~end of part 1~~

Part 2:

Alan: bro, anyway, you seems to like a person i can trust and since i'm leaving here in 2 weeks time, no harm sharing with you.

AA: what's up man? you interested in one of the girls here ah? Angela? she seems your type though.

Alan: nah bro, i'm not into girls, i actually do have a partner and he (yes you read it right) is so concerned about me going to NS, and not spending time with him. you know, singapore is still not that open about all these man. and him, being a foreigner, wouldn't understand our obligation on serving NS man.

AA: oohhh *i was too stunned to speak,, not because of his preference but because of his trust towards me to share something like that in about a month??*

Alan: you ok bro? shocking to you right? i understand la, not many will understand us, it's okie if you dont wanna hang out anymore man. i'm chill about it.

AA: eh no la bro, i'm just shocked you trust me that much into telling me all these man. appreciate it, no judgement, respect your choice and rest assure, i will not bring it up, unless someone else mention, and you being around.

AA: aiya, in any case, don't worry la. if it's yours, it's yours. he don't understand, wanna leave, then you look for the next one lo. doesn't matter one mah. NS cannot siam, BF can choose. choose someone who can understand lo. if not, you go NS find, machiam buffet leh. haha.

Alan: ma si tio (also correct), why i worry so much ah.?

AA: exactly!

just then.........
as we thought our conversation was ending, we heard someone clearing its throat and with a quick turn, Angela was just standing there, listening to all our conversation.

damn it, we were too engrossed in our conversation that we did not realise angela entered the locker room and was listening to all our conversation.

Alan and AA: oh damn!

~end of part 2~
If Angela didn't catch it right, might think is both of you together... LOL
My stories. Are they real or not? U decide lor. Anyway doesn't matter much cos I am reliving them...

How I got myself with an ex-colleague...

I did not know that side of my sis-in-law...
Old 27-04-2023, 02:40 PM
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Re: how i started

intresting intresting
Old 27-04-2023, 04:59 PM
alanaaron727 alanaaron727 is offline
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Re: how i started

Alan and AA: oh damn!

~~end of Part 2~~

Angela: nice to see you two guys! haha. it's okie, don't worry. i'm taking it to my grave as well.

Alan: tha....... *was interrupted before he can even say thanks*

Angela: but...

Alan: damn, i knew there's gonna be a but. what is it Angela?

Angela: don't worry la, i'm not gonna blackmail you or something, you are leaving in 2 weeks time, and who is gonna care? you yourself needs to be accepting yourself. there's nothing to be worried about. i'm just going to say, but you two, needs to accompany me home tonight. Ashlyn already pangseh me, i'm scared to leave the hotel and go home alone at night. not that we are staying far away from each other right?

Alan and AA: chey!

on our journey back home, Angela was asking many questions are Alan and his partner. where/how they met, how long have they been together, blah blah..

Angela: that's interesting, tell you guys something as well.. i think... i was once a lesbian as well.

*silence was in the air for a good 15 secs, considering it long as Angela was yakking non stop earlier*

Angela: come on, i didn't judge you, you guys shouldn't as well.


Angela: yay, it happened a few years back, dated some girls from my school, nothing sexual really happened, except from kissing and caressing each other.. just didn't like guys then. slowly after, caught my sister having sex with her boyfriend who had a thick dick, and damn, i started to be interested in guys and you know what.... i was interested in one of you.

AA: definitely you Alan, she said "was", am assuming that's before she knew.

Angela: you are right, but that's because i know Ashlyn is into you. and same for you. i saw you stealing glance at her so many times that i wonder if i'm even a girl to you.

Alan: i'm flattered Angela, thank you!! if this doesn't work out because of NS, maybe i will find my way back to girls, we never know.

AA: well, i'm not gonna lie on the peeking part but how you know she is into me?

Angela: last i checked, i'm her BFF of 8 years!
Angela: i'm home! thanks guys! i shall see you both this friday at work!

with that farewell, we parted ways and i couldn't sleep the entire night, thinking about what Angela said on Ashlyn.

~~end of part 3~~
Old 27-04-2023, 08:21 PM
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Re: how i started

Nice story bro, camping for more!
Old 27-04-2023, 11:08 PM
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Re: how i started

interesting story, waiting for your updates...
Old 30-04-2023, 05:43 PM
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Re: how i started

Very nice start TS, please continue soon
Old 01-05-2023, 01:12 AM
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Re: how i started

handicap toilet.
Old 01-05-2023, 06:00 PM
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Re: how i started

Anymore updates TS?
Old 01-05-2023, 11:40 PM
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Re: how i started

Nece story, enjoyed it
Old 03-05-2023, 02:54 PM
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Re: how i started

No more updates already?
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