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Old 03-01-2024, 03:24 PM
Logan Logan is offline
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Cool It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

GF of good buddy recently whatsapp me, told me he broke it off and asked if anything I could do to help her.
Was surprised, cos they just went on extended weekend trip to Thailand somewhere.
When buddy reached home after trip, told the girl they are no longer together. Reason, not compatible.

Long story short, my buddy did not say much, just if basic needs are not met, no point.
Most details got from girl.

Over the 5 days vacation, only had sex once.
Girl would be unhappy if guy wanted more, say gf is not just for sex.
Over 6 months into relationship, about once per 2 weeks to a month.

I told her, what did you expect ? Do you not like sex or what.
She likes it, but finds that guys who like it are shallow.(In bold wrong phrasing. Should be she feels guys who like frequent sex, more than once a week are shallow)
Refuses to change her mind or see it from another pov no matter what I said, just kept repeating it is very shallow to break up because of sex. And a guy would understand and accept it if he really loved someone.

Reverse logic don't apply. It is a thing her clique of mid 20s friends are into.
At the same time, kept asking me to help patch things up, to change my friend's mind, counsel him to not be shallow.

Which is what got me irritated and very annoyed.
I told her I would counsel him to not patch up no matter what.
She blocked me after that msg.

Ladies, it is not shallow for us guys to break up over lack of sex.
Sex is basic instinct, and it is damn fun to have and also a good way to enhance the relationship.

Single Bros, if you current partner is withholding or rationing it, don't hope for things to get better in the future or after marriage.
Be like my friend and move on.

Married Bros.....may the tranquility be with you ?

Last edited by Logan; 04-01-2024 at 11:11 AM.
Old 03-01-2024, 03:56 PM
wantedbryan wantedbryan is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Keep Complain the guy shallow but still want to patch with the guy?
I think she is the shallow one.
Old 03-01-2024, 04:38 PM
CR123A CR123A is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

This is the classic case of "I want to have my cake and eat it too."

She only sees the need of herself, but not her partner's. This is more and more common with the younger generation of females. They want their partner to be a service provider, but do not see that a relationship is a 2 way street. A service provider is also a service receiver.
Old 03-01-2024, 04:44 PM
thedevil666 thedevil666 is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Sexual compatibility is definitely a criteria to a good marriage/relationship.

It is only shallow if your friend determine it based on frequency only. Bcos that would mean he just need a cum dump.

The quality is very important. Chemistry applies to sex also, not just personality or lifestyle in general. Beyond the physical pleasure, when u meet the right sex partner, u really can reach nirvana.

Meanwhile, can ask the girl to read this:
Old 03-01-2024, 04:56 PM
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by Logan View Post
Long story short, my buddy did not say much, just if basic needs are not met, no point. Most details got from girl.

I told her I would counsel him to not patch up no matter what.
She blocked me after that msg.
Dumb ass
I don't exchange points. So no point adding me hoping I will up you back. No need to pm me about points too.
Old 03-01-2024, 06:53 PM
Cheeseburger03 Cheeseburger03 is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by wantedbryan View Post
Keep Complain the guy shallow but still want to patch with the guy?
I think she is the shallow one.
+1 bro

She keeps complaining that the guy is shallow cos he wants sex, then why on earth is she so despo to patch up with him?

Prob cos he is rich and a good catch
Old 03-01-2024, 06:55 PM
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by Logan View Post
I told her, what did you expect ? Do you not like sex or what.
She likes it, but finds that guys who like it are shallow.
Refuses to change her mind or see it from another pov no matter what I said, just kept repeating it is very shallow to break up because of sex. And a guy would understand and accept it if he really loved someone.
So she herself likes sex and it's noble, but when the guy likes sex, it becomes shallow and needs to be counselled?

Women's logic
Old 03-01-2024, 06:59 PM
Whazzzup Whazzzup is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by Logan View Post

Married Bros.....may the tranquility be with you ?
I laughed at this part.

And also soft warm hands, lol.
Old 03-01-2024, 07:13 PM
ilovepantyhose ilovepantyhose is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

decisive guy... know when to cut loss


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Old 03-01-2024, 10:24 PM
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by thedevil666 View Post
Sexual compatibility is definitely a criteria to a good marriage/relationship.

It is only shallow if your friend determine it based on frequency only. Bcos that would mean he just need a cum dump.

The quality is very important. Chemistry applies to sex also, not just personality or lifestyle in general. Beyond the physical pleasure, when u meet the right sex partner, u really can reach nirvana.

Meanwhile, can ask the girl to read this:
he can't - the girl blocked him. LOL
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Old 04-01-2024, 12:20 AM
WinterMelonTree WinterMelonTree is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by thedevil666 View Post
Sexual compatibility is definitely a criteria to a good marriage/relationship.

It is only shallow if your friend determine it based on frequency only. Bcos that would mean he just need a cum dump.

The quality is very important. Chemistry applies to sex also, not just personality or lifestyle in general. Beyond the physical pleasure, when u meet the right sex partner, u really can reach nirvana.

Meanwhile, can ask the girl to read this:
this. period. maybe the guy has bo. or 2 pump man. or limp dick. or micro dick. the prob might be with the guy. lol. if the sex is unsatisfactory, one can hardly blame the girl for not wanting sex.
Old 04-01-2024, 04:28 AM
TeaSpoon TeaSpoon is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Had one before, she uses sex as a reward if I do things for her, otherwise barely any action.
Not buy things for her but like wear differently, or wait for her, cut the hair in another style.
As time passed, found that she was always tit for tat on sex.

That relationship did not last long.
Old 04-01-2024, 11:09 AM
Logan Logan is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by Logan View Post
She likes it, but finds that guys who like it are shallow.
Refuses to change her mind or see it from another pov no matter what I said, just kept repeating it is very shallow to break up because of sex. And a guy would understand and accept it if he really loved someone.
Need to change the in bold part, as incorrectly phrased.

She finds guys who likes sex frequently shallow.
Frequent is more than once a week.
Old 04-01-2024, 11:13 AM
Laopizhui Laopizhui is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

during my days in ITE, plenty of such cheap and immature girls, they dont just tell one person, but in many groups of friends they have

she belongs to 'i am self entitled' bitch, she always the victim or i am not at fault type. she block TS indicating she did not get the answer she wanted or objective not met. this kind of trash is worse then a backstabber

this bitch is the real shallow and low, cheapskate mindset bitch, too many on the streets, lesser such people in ur social circle the better

ur buddy is the smart one to cut ties swift action. dont worry TS, u and ur buddy will surely meet better girls and friends.
Old 04-01-2024, 11:14 AM
Logan Logan is offline
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Re: It is not shallow for guys to break off if the girl refuses regular sex.

Originally Posted by Xgenre View Post
Dumb ass
Nah Dude, not going to a run around for her.
She is oblivious, and do not want to find out what other strange strongly held beliefs she has.

Originally Posted by Laopizhui View Post
dont worry TS, u and ur buddy will surely meet better girls and friends.
My buddy has no lack of options, he is just low key slow to warm up type
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