View Full Version : Q & A For New Babies N Lazy Cheonger
13-05-2012, 06:45 AM
I have a question.. do i need ic to book hotels like hotel 81?
21-05-2012, 04:00 PM
what's the process usually for meetup?
i book room, tell the FL the room and hotel and wait for her to turn up?
31-05-2012, 07:07 PM
what's the process usually for meetup?
i book room, tell the FL the room and hotel and wait for her to turn up?
I guess you could ask her if she will be late, so you can go ahead and book a room first then get her to join you. Or ask her to meet you at the hotel entrance then check in together?
I mean that's what i would do....but from what i read by searching around, some hotels got restrictions on the number of times an FL can enter a certain hotel in one day, so the FL must be sure she hasn't exceeded the limit before asking you to book first.
Experienced bros please correct if i'm wrong, total noob chiongster here :o
23-06-2012, 11:30 AM
I've been going around massage scenes since Kingston HC, Katong SC and EC HC still around. I never remember the exact name of the HC nor the exact address. Sometime I dont remember the girls name too. How do I share? Can I just give a vague description?:rolleyes:
23-06-2012, 12:10 PM
Can I just give a vague description?:rolleyes:
How will your vague description help the rest of the guys here?
23-06-2012, 12:24 PM
Work a bit, walk a bit. I know the floor but not the unit number. I know the road but not the blk number. I know the girl but not the name... maybe I'm too old to be cheongster ;)
22-07-2012, 02:10 AM
Hi Newbie here, first time knowing that such things are actually legal in singapore and have been horny recently. here's a silly question from me, the pages that are being advertised(Pacific stars, Cupid escorts, vixen club etc) are the girls all STD checked?
just taking some precautions as a first timer bros , sorry for this dumb question.
22-07-2012, 08:37 AM
are the girls all STD checked?
just taking some precautions as a first timer bros , sorry for this dumb question.
It's a dumb question because it's already answered in the forum preamble. :rolleyes:
22-07-2012, 04:48 PM
Really? where is it? Theres a lot of words to read through so i couldnt really pinpoint where is it :S again, sorry about the dumb questions
22-07-2012, 04:49 PM
It's a dumb question because it's already answered in the forum preamble. :rolleyes:
Really? where is it? its a lot of text and ads so i get a bit confused, again, sorry for the dumb questions :S
22-07-2012, 05:52 PM
Really? where is it? its a lot of text and ads so i get a bit confused, again, sorry for the dumb questions :S
Right here... in the forum preamble and the other two freelance sections too.
22-07-2012, 10:31 PM
Right here... in the forum preamble and the other two freelance sections too.
So like does that mean the advertised ones are 'safer', again im sorry for this constant probing, its just seems a bit vague for my understanding and yea i am a bit slow
23-07-2012, 12:06 AM
So like does that mean the advertised ones are 'safer', again im sorry for this constant probing, its just seems a bit vague for my understanding and yea i am a bit slow
Ok i just realised im actually talking to the boss of the forum, please pardon me for my slowness in this. I'll just cut the chase, i wanna fuck some girls in pacific stars and vixens club, are they checked? im a kia si guy so i just wanna fuck and dont tio any std, sorry for being so direct, wont wanna offend anybody by being a pussy about fucking girls
23-07-2012, 12:16 AM
Ok i just realised im actually talking to the boss of the forum, please pardon me for my slowness in this. I'll just cut the chase, i wanna fuck some girls in pacific stars and vixens club, are they checked? im a kia si guy so i just wanna fuck and dont tio any std, sorry for being so direct, wont wanna offend anybody by being a pussy about fucking girls
As long as you are fucking around, u better be prepared for stds. Exception is u are fucking multiple dolls.
25-07-2012, 12:09 AM
As long as you are fucking around, u better be prepared for stds. Exception is u are fucking multiple dolls.
Hmm thats true, and one last question, what is the definition of a Free lance(FL), like what girls are FL and what are not?
Once again, im bombarding this forum with meaningless questions that might annoy the senior samsters and i apologise for that.
Big Sexy
25-07-2012, 09:11 AM
Fl - those usually without a stable and
are mostly doing it illegally.
Hmm thats true, and one last question, what is the definition of a Free lance(FL), like what girls are FL and what are not?
Once again, im bombarding this forum with meaningless questions that might annoy the senior samsters and i apologise for that.
29-07-2012, 05:34 PM
I have never been to geylang before not even eating.I am planning to go there.However,i have alot of question.Hope all the experts here can help me thank you for your help.
1 What is defined as legal prostitute and what is considered illegal prostitute .
2 what is the nearest mrt to geylang brothel.
3 When i am in the room with the girl,should i tell the girl i am a noob at sex so she can guide me.
4 when i am in a room with the girl,should i take the initiative or she will take the initiative.
5 What is meant by 2shot per hours.Does it mean cum 2time or mean insert penis into vagina 2time.
6 Can i kiss the girl or lick her body ,suck her breast,finger her vagina or she body massage me like those in jav.Or is it NO FOREPLAY AT ALL u just stick your cock inside 2times and finish.
7 i see post about saying do not approach those prostitue wandering about on the street.Why
8 do i have to buy condom or they provide.
9 how many condom do u recommend to bring for 1sex experience.
10 what are the DONT to prevent hiv such as wearing condom or dont lick vagina.
11Sometime i see 2shot/1hr no room included.I thought i need go to the terrace house and choose a girl and have sex inside the terrace house.Does that mean i have to bring the girl out of the terrace house to a hotel
12 do most of u have sex with room included or u bring the girl to a hotel of your choice
13how does the hotel rate work is it by hour ?Normally how much does it cost for 1hour.
14 if u need to bring the girl out for sex,is it possible to ask the girl which hotel to go to so she bring u there.
15how much money do u recommend to bring for1sex experience with a normal pretty girl.
16is it neccessary to check the ic of the girl to ensure that she is above 18 or how do i ensure she is 18 and above.
17is it more advisible to bring as little thing as possible such as ipad and bag.Is there cases where u are inside and they rob u of everything and throw u out or something.
18when the person say 150/hours,does it usually mean total cost is 150 or there is like gst 9% or + room 120 dollar +condom cost + drink cost or what.
19 when i go to the terrace house,will the gate be opened or i must press doll bell or say something.
20 how to differentiate non brothel terrace house and brothel terrace house other than the big bright unit no which i see somewhere in the forum which i dont really get what it meant by big bright unit no.
21 what are the do and dont when visiting prostitute.
22 if i need get a condom in geylang,where can i get there any 7 11 there.
23what condom do u advise for newcomer.
24how much does the condom cost normally.
25 when i go to the brothel terrace house,what do i have to say.Can i just say i wan pretty girl. Or what should i say for the description of the girl since i dont have any specific name.For me ,as long as the girl normal pretty can le no need as beautiful as sora aoi or maria ozawa.
26 What should i do before visiting geylang.Do i have to brush teeth 1more time other than in the morning.
27 what is the best time to visit geylang.
28 what is the normal prince range.I have seen cat 50 80 150 200 in forum.What is the price determined.Is it by location of the brothel,boob size ,look of girl ,service of girl or see my face.Not happy charge me higher.
29after i say the description of the girl,for example i say pretty and slim girl,then a 200kg ugly girl comes out,can i reject and choose another one.
30 is there any chinese prostitute other than vietnam china or thai prostitue .Like maybe from malaysian or singapore. Is it hard to find chinese prostitute.
31is it possible to state other requirement of the girl like c up ,no tatoo , non smoker
32i read somewhere that the girl will bath u first to make sure u are clean.Do i have to bring tower or something.What do i have to bring.
33 for the money who do i pay to do i have to show them my ic or something.
34 when i am in the room with the girl,do i have to tell the girl what to do like suck my cock or body massage me ,kiss me or she will do automatically.
35do the girl understand either chinese or english or they only speak dialect.
Most importantly,i think i am going there by mrt and alight and explore the places around.which mrt station should i alight.Is it very hard to find a brothel by just randomly walking around.Is it possible a situation where i walk for like 2hr and i couldnt even find a brothel starting from the mrt station.
Can any kind soul roughly teach me how to go to nearby brothel from mrt station.I noe it is stupid but i hope some kind soul can help me ty.
Thank you for helping and i really appreciate it.
OMG.I didnt know there a thread for noob like me.I think i should post here instead of a whole thread.
29-07-2012, 05:40 PM
Thank you for helping and i really appreciate it.
The answers to all your questions are in the forum. Read the stickies. Nobody is going to bother to respond to your long list of questions one item at a time. All you're doing is giving the impression that you're too damned lazy to do a bit of reading. :rolleyes:
03-08-2012, 10:00 PM
1Let say i wonder about and found a brothel terrace house.When i go inside,can i choose a girl or i must book before hand.
2After seeing all the girls there,can i reject and go to another terrace house.
3for massage parlor,some of u mention that it is illegal as the girl wont even take off clothes completely.However,some u mention that it is legal as they need register to open the shop.So which type of massage palour is legal.
4do the prostitute normally rush for your 2shots or is it possible that u spend 45min on foreplay and last 15min for chionging.
Big Sexy
04-08-2012, 09:03 AM
take my advice .. dont go there..
it is not a place for people like you..
I have never been to geylang before not even eating..
04-08-2012, 11:33 AM
4do the prostitute normally rush for your 2shots or is it possible that u spend 45min on foreplay and last 15min for chionging.
1. Do me a favour.
2. Bugger off.
09-08-2012, 09:31 AM
Hi boss happy national day. I just like to query if senior samster zap us , can appeal ? Thread on land of minahs i was zapped . TS pm box is full no reply and aft so many pages no FR , that was only qst and i got zapped . I think its unfair to get zapped for this. Can enlighten . Boss many tks
09-08-2012, 10:41 AM
I think its unfair to get zapped for this. Can enlighten . Boss many tks
Nobody has ever claimed that life is fair. :p
06-10-2012, 01:18 PM
I read from post 65 in
saying that 'from wat i noe, quite a lot of H81 reject PRC entrance'
Does it still apply now cos the post is made in 2010 .
I wanted to book a room at hotel 81 but i scared that they will tell me that prc not allowed into hotel.
Big Sexy
06-10-2012, 01:48 PM
why dont you call up the hotel front desk?
they will be able to tell you the answer straight away.
I wanted to book a room at hotel 81 but i scared that they will tell me that prc not allowed into hotel.
06-10-2012, 02:25 PM
why dont you call up the hotel front desk?
they will be able to tell you the answer straight away.
He would really appreciate it if you could make the call on his behalf and let him know the answer.:p
16-12-2012, 02:35 PM
Thanks for the info here
27-05-2013, 03:07 PM
If I ask the OKT to find me a different girl (they make a call and someone new arrives) and it turns out I don't like her after I see her, am I responsible for paying for a session anyways? Or can I walk out and go to a different house?
27-05-2013, 07:18 PM
If I ask the OKT to find me a different girl (they make a call and someone new arrives) and it turns out I don't like her after I see her, am I responsible for paying for a session anyways?
NO, you are not responsible for any form of payment if the girl is not your cup of tea only if the following conditions are met:
A. The OKT signed on your "FUCK AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS" form which clearly stipulates that you have the right to reject the "goods" at no cost at all. Hence, always arm yourself with such a form with the signature of the OKT on it before he selects the girls for you. This "FUCK AGREEMENT" form can be obtained free of charge from Keong Siak Street Vice Union Trade Association.
B. Due diligence effort has been made on your part to communicate and express clearly to the OKT your desired sex whores. Producing a picture of the type of girl your cock want to fuck to aid the OKT in selecting the right girl is useful.
Yes, you have to pay if both a) and b) were not carried out to protect your interest.
In the event, the OKT pressurised you in accepting your "reject goods" and refused to abide by the terms and conditions in the "Fuck Agreement", you must remember:
A. Stay calm and collected.
B. Just close your two eyes and fuck your "reject goods" till you explode all your hot cum inside your condom.
C. Remember, do not throw away your condom of filled cum as this is an important piece of supporting evidence.
D. Submit your filled hot cum condom together with your "Fuck Agreement" to RFVC (Rights For Vice Consumer)near Istana for the association to take up your case with the OKT. You will be reimbursed for your free fuck pleasure even though it is not up to your taste and likes.
E. No police report is required.
In summary, just remain cool, composed and rational because there is a legal avenue to address your concerns and any form of unethical vice practices.
You can log on to for a more detail help and information.
Or can I walk out and go to a different house?
You can walk to a different house if you do not mind the OKT break your leg and arms.
28-05-2013, 02:18 AM
Thank you for the response, I figured that was the case (take the girl and literally just fuck it). I'll need my legs! :)
17-06-2013, 06:37 PM
Nice thanks for this
30-06-2013, 04:09 PM
Hi there, pardon me I ask a qn...
Did any of u guys tried escorts in Malaysia eg De Imperial? They give a number to be called..
How does that work? Do you need to call in advance to book the gal or you call den they give u address for u to go n view?
And is it safe?
Thanks and Rgds
Big Sexy
30-06-2013, 08:16 PM
why dont u use the PM feature?
Hi there, pardon me I ask a qn...
Did any of u guys tried escorts in Malaysia eg De Imperial? They give a number to be called..
How does that work? Do you need to call in advance to book the gal or you call den they give u address for u to go n view?
21-07-2013, 01:36 AM
Hi everyone,
very nice forum.
I'd like to try a FL or pay a visit to GL but i don't speak chinese (and i'm caucasian), seems it could be a problem. any suggestion, place or contact ?
Big Sexy
21-07-2013, 10:40 AM
u dont need to know mandarin or even speak to them..
u just need to know how to screw..
some sign language and english will be enough.. :)
Hi everyone,
very nice forum.
I'd like to try a FL or pay a visit to GL but i don't speak chinese (and i'm caucasian), seems it could be a problem. any suggestion, place or contact ?
21-07-2013, 10:49 AM
Hi everyone,
very nice forum.
I'd like to try a FL or pay a visit to GL but i don't speak chinese (and i'm caucasian), seems it could be a problem. any suggestion, place or contact ?
You don't have to say anything. Just whip out your dick. She'll know what to do with it and where to put it.
These girls have loads of experience.
22-07-2013, 10:15 AM
These girls have loads of experience.
nice one ;)
Thanks for the advice. i'll pay a visit to geylang then, for FL english seems to be a pb.
Since i'm here, any suggestion of House or girl ? I like both Thais and chineses. A little english would still help so maybe Thais would suit me better. CAT80/CAT150 both fine.
interesting...can u pm us his nick.. :)
Uncle mods, for your attention
The power clone master who zapped me has accquired more than 10 clones and mostly 14 pointers and above. Could it be SPF intelligence / anti vice :confused: ????
I believe the word OKT might have caught his attention and I could be 1 of the targeted suspected OKT because I posted this.
Because of this particular post, that zapper zapped me everyday with one liner, same time, same points everyday instead of all at once, not rude comments and sound more like a hint so I never think much of it.
This has been going on for quite some time and I just ignore however the hint today is "good luck" ... :confused: and it made me think of this thread as I see similar traits in it.
Hope uncle mods take note of it, please check out this suspicious clone master to prevent the site from being hacked. It is rumored that SPF acquired more than 800 points in this site.
I don't want my favorite site to be ramp down by the anti vice, u guys really did a good job. I cant live without SBF :(
*sob sob*
Btw r clones even allowed here? I heard from a fellow bro that his clones are found and disactivated by the mods?
Big Sexy
22-07-2013, 11:26 AM
mate, how would we know
we don't encourage or advise anyone to visit whores.
Since i'm here, any suggestion of House or girl ?
22-07-2013, 11:45 AM
nice one ;)
Thanks for the advice. i'll pay a visit to geylang then, for FL english seems to be a pb.
Since i'm here, any suggestion of House or girl ? I like both Thais and chineses. A little english would still help so maybe Thais would suit me better. CAT80/CAT150 both fine.
Check out the legal Geylang section ( There is loads of info there.
23-07-2013, 08:01 AM
Got 14 pointers meh? I think its more like 7 pointers with premium membership. Sis, I think you might have offended someone after you spurned his advances. :D :D Then he dulan and went to buy premium for his clones and started zapping. He indirectly helped to financed the running of this forum through the domestic scuffle between you and him.
If you imagine yourself to be part of anti-vice, what would zapping help you in your operation? Makes no sense right? If I were an anti-vice, I would have Upped people to get contacts instead, and raid those contacts. I would probably up more and more people to gain their trust and slowly expand my network before clamming down all at one shot.
This is just my humble two cents worth as a spectator.
24-10-2013, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the informative read. will try to comprehend and abide by the rules.
30-10-2013, 10:22 PM
Hey bros
How to view pics on
I end up at bet385
Thx in advance
ANyone know how many post and what i need to do to remove moderation?
Big Sexy
11-11-2013, 03:33 PM
click on the newb helpling in my signature and read it
ANyone know how many post and what i need to do to remove moderation?
23-11-2013, 08:33 AM
Hello, is there a specific thread already made for lap sup bar?
The search function had three threads specifically saying lap sup bar, but all three are about one or two specific joints, in different forum sections. Thank you!
Big Sexy
24-11-2013, 03:52 AM
why dont you start one?
Hello, is there a specific thread already made for lap sup bar?
The search function had three threads specifically saying lap sup bar, but all three are about one or two specific joints, in different forum sections. Thank you!
26-11-2013, 10:04 AM
Oh okay, sure!
17-12-2013, 10:02 PM
noob question here: are all freelancers illegal? does this mean that police can surf this forum and contact them pretending to be a customer to catch them?
18-12-2013, 07:05 AM
noob question here: are all freelancers illegal? does this mean that police can surf this forum and contact them pretending to be a customer to catch them?
Prostitution is legal in Singapore so independent operators are free go about their business without any problems with the law. EG Natsuki has been in business for a long time without any problems whatsoever.
Pimping is against the law though.
18-12-2013, 10:29 AM
wow... thanks so much for the reply, boss!
05-01-2014, 02:03 PM
boss, opera user here, why my browser cant load some small icon.gif like quote icon for a post. using latest opera
05-01-2014, 02:16 PM
boss, opera user here, why my browser cant load some small icon.gif like quote icon for a post. using latest opera
You'll have to ask your browser. :D
Big Sexy
05-01-2014, 02:19 PM
works fine on Opera and opera next 19
do a refresh or check your browser settings.
ensure that show all images (recommended) option is ticked
boss, opera user here, why my browser cant load some small icon.gif like quote icon for a post. using latest opera
04-02-2014, 04:26 PM
Hi guys I want to ask if all those massage ladies in the massage section, are they subjected to mandatory health checks? Is there certainty they don't have STD? Or is it just like the FLs?
04-02-2014, 04:39 PM
Hi guys I want to ask if all those massage ladies in the massage section, are they subjected to mandatory health checks? Is there certainty they don't have STD? Or is it just like the FLs?
Only licensed whores in the legal red light districts go for mandatory health checks.
The checks don't cover all STDs. Eg Warts and Herpes are not tested. If these two viral infections were tested for, there would be no whores left as the infection rate of Herpes1 & 2 plus HPV probably exceeds 80%
04-02-2014, 05:16 PM
Thank you for your reply! I also wanted to ask though, in the new massage forums, do you have any advice on how to select which masseurs i should chose? Like the safer picks?
04-02-2014, 06:42 PM
Thank you for your reply! I also wanted to ask though, in the new massage forums, do you have any advice on how to select which masseurs i should chose? Like the safer picks?
The uglier they are, the less they get fucked so if you want safety, choose the ugliest ones you can find.
..uglier they are, the less they get fucked ... choose ..ugliest ....
:rolleyes:Ugliest Safest - can't get hard-on !!
Boss, why your pts: 990 ? :pGot zapped ??
Happy & Prosperous New Year. :) Cheers.
!!! 恭喜发财 !!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai
18-02-2014, 12:34 AM
How do i ask someone from PRC if I want a French kiss?
18-02-2014, 04:49 AM
How do i ask someone from PRC if I want a French kiss?
I wouldn't do that if I were you. Most of them have very poor dental hygiene.
How do i ask ... PRC..want a French kiss?
Nothing to be shy. Ask her, "Can kiss?" or "可以吻 ke yi wen"? Alternative, do not ask, try kissing during sex, WL will turn face away / avoid, if "No". Progress from kiss to french if successful.
Important to project good/clean image: Handsome, clean, well dressed/groomed, shaven, good white teeth, non-smoker, no smell etc.
PRCs who agree, most likely french many others + ARs + BBBJs + " "Sperms stuck on teeth" (:p said one WL) from CIMs etc. Many are also smokers with stained teeth/cigarette smell.
Good Luck. :) Cheers.
18-02-2014, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the advice! Just curious lol.
07-03-2014, 02:08 AM
interesting thread n very useful for newbies like me...thank you TS for the effort.... Btw my silly ques??? what does TS mean...Izzit Thread Starter??:eek::eek:
Big Sexy
07-03-2014, 06:48 AM
yeap, thread starter :)
what does TS mean...Izzit Thread Starter??:eek::eek:
08-03-2014, 09:46 PM
Newbie here would like to ask.. normally hw long do i get out of moderation ar?
Big Sexy
09-03-2014, 07:58 AM
click the newbie helpline link in my signature ;)
question 45
Newbie here would like to ask.. normally hw long do i get out of moderation ar?
09-03-2014, 08:43 AM
click the newbie helpline link in my signature ;)
question 45
opps wah didnt see the click here for more thanks :)
18-03-2014, 05:02 PM
Hi Zac,
Haven't seen u post for a long time. Spending time flying?
Yah, must fly around and then got allowance to bonking
His real full name is Zac Peh. He is a shorty at 1.6 m nia but still can be SIA Steward. SIA I tink now hard to find Steward. This kind of shorty ah beng standard SIA oso want, TK Tsk! Heha! Shorty equate to short dick also wor! :D
19-03-2014, 11:33 AM
hi all! newbie here... going to be my first time cheonging, and quite nervous to be honest.
i am a bit chubby 175cm/87kg, and have abit of self-confident issues since young. I am wondering how to break the ice during the session? Scared that it will be awkward especially due to my inexperience. :confused:
19-03-2014, 11:55 AM
hi all! newbie here... going to be my first time cheonging, and quite nervous to be honest.
i am a bit chubby 175cm/87kg, and have abit of self-confident issues since young. I am wondering how to break the ice during the session? Scared that it will be awkward especially due to my inexperience. :confused:
If you're paying for sex, you don't need to break any ice. Just ask to spread her legs and shove your dick in.
When you've finished, just pay her and leave. It's a commercial transaction not a courtship ritual.
You don't break any ice when you order char kuay teow from a hawker stall. Fucking a whore is no different.
09-04-2014, 04:06 AM
Hello, I am new and was wonderering how to earn the points so I could read more in this forum?
Big Sexy
09-04-2014, 06:26 AM
you dont need points to read in the forum.
points are useful when you want to get contacts so start to contribute and others will up your points.
Hello, I am new and was wonderering how to earn the points so I could read more in this forum?
01-05-2014, 05:22 PM
hi everyone. New to the forums. Just like to ask a question about HCs. Izzit most HCs dont offer FJ?
01-05-2014, 05:35 PM
hi everyone. New to the forums. Just like to ask a question about HCs. Izzit most HCs dont offer FJ?
You ask questions a bit too direct .... Lols :D
11-05-2014, 04:50 PM
hi everyone. New to the forums. Just like to ask a question about HCs. Izzit most HCs dont offer FJ?
Pai seh noob question, what is HC? :p
11-05-2014, 04:52 PM
How do i ask someone from PRC if I want a French kiss?
For me while missionary i just bend down and kiss neck 1st then try my luck lor... 1st time got lucky for me managed to kiss hehe...
17-05-2014, 05:25 AM
Testing 123. when my post will appear?
17-05-2014, 05:26 AM
Haha immediate appearance now
26-05-2014, 03:41 PM
HC means Healthe Centre. those massage palours.
27-05-2014, 06:17 PM
Hi to all! :)
08-06-2014, 11:15 AM
any reason(s) why my posts from 5 posts (last seen few hours ago) now became 0?
I still sees people quoting couple of my FRs. just the original posting by me disappeared.
08-06-2014, 10:57 PM
Hi all, just wondering what is your expectation for 'overnight' which I see advertised a lot? Is it unlimited shots? From what time until what time does it normally last? Do you guys think it is worth?
23-06-2014, 12:07 AM
Thank you Bro Anyrider for starting this thread.
May I know how i can up other bros points? Sorry if it's a kiam gan question but there are some TS with good stories and i want to encourage them to write further. Thank you!
23-06-2014, 07:19 AM
Thank you Bro Anyrider for starting this thread.
May I know how i can up other bros points? Sorry if it's a kiam gan question but there are some TS with good stories and i want to encourage them to write further. Thank you!
Your power is 0 at the moment so you cannot add points.
23-06-2014, 12:08 PM
i got 200 points for premium subscription. What is the function of the points?
23-06-2014, 01:02 PM
i got 200 points for premium subscription. What is the function of the points?
Exchange for vouchers. :p
24-06-2014, 02:30 PM
how to redeem voucher and what are the vouchers for?
24-06-2014, 02:56 PM
how to redeem voucher and what are the vouchers for?
If you go to the premium forum, there are discounts for you. ;)
Big Sexy
24-06-2014, 03:01 PM
mate, there is no need for any vouchers..
if u want discount from participating OKTs/sponsors just Pm them in the premium lounge and you will be entitled to the discount.
for all other benefits. read the stick on the premium membership (
how to redeem voucher and what are the vouchers for?
01-07-2014, 09:16 PM
How to chat in pub chatroom ??
14-07-2014, 09:32 PM
Hi all,
Just to find out if you happen to go to those website and look for a massage girl and the picture looks chio but when you arrive and find out the actual person looks nothing like the picture and she looks ugly n fat. What will you all do?
14-07-2014, 10:50 PM
Hi all,
Just to find out if you happen to go to those website and look for a massage girl and the picture looks chio but when you arrive and find out the actual person looks nothing like the picture and she looks ugly n fat. What will you all do?
Too bad .. just reject .. considered wasted time n try another ... n remember to share to warn bludders in the forum
06-09-2014, 08:03 PM
Hi I have been reading the fourm for quite some time and need some advice on the massage services provided in the fourm. I'm not exactly sure how it works but would need all the lao jiao here to guide.
So I see a lady that I really wish to try and text her.
What next? She will reply me with a location to go to? Hotel or apartment? If the location is not where I'm near how? What does it mean by room included and room not included? I need to pay for the hotel or need to get a hotel before calling?
Thanks for help
Big Sexy
06-09-2014, 09:14 PM
just call and check with the okt or the fl
Thanks for help
08-09-2014, 11:56 AM
hi, tried sms the number listed.
no reply, any idea why is this so, is it normal to not get a response?
Big Sexy
08-09-2014, 12:37 PM
no idea, i have never sms a whore in my whole life
maybe they dont understand your "england" why dont u try using another language or try someone else?
hi, tried sms the number listed.
no reply, any idea why is this so, is it normal to not get a response?
08-09-2014, 04:06 PM
Is it normal that pictures dont tally with real life.
just bonked one that totally doesnt look like the photo.
09-09-2014, 08:12 AM
that is what the software photoshop was invented for :D
Is it normal that pictures dont tally with real life.
just bonked one that totally doesnt look like the photo.
27-01-2015, 06:14 PM
Good Read \m/ ^.^ \m/
24-02-2015, 01:12 AM
This is boring
24-02-2015, 01:15 AM
Any bro like to go ktvs?
Big Sexy
24-02-2015, 08:04 PM
why dont u post in the Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos section ? (
Any bro like to go ktvs?
12-04-2015, 06:53 AM
Hello to all seniors! ERM, I joined in 16-08-2009. Never post anything at all so my salah. May i know if I still can get unmoded :confused: thanks in advance, i hope to seek enlightenment from all of you lau jiaos :D
12-04-2015, 07:08 AM
Hello to all seniors! ERM, I joined in 16-08-2009. Never post anything at all so my salah. May i know if I still can get unmoded :confused: thanks in advance, i hope to seek enlightenment from all of you lau jiaos :D
In order to get out of moderation, you need to participate in the forum.
If you remain silent, you're stuck in moderation forever.
12-04-2015, 07:10 AM
In order to get out of moderation, you need to participate in the forum.
If you remain silent, you're stuck in moderation forever.
Right, right. Thanks boss for the clarification! I thought i would be "stagnant" already! :D
21-04-2015, 04:37 AM
Fuck you dead!
the moderator of this forum is a bastard balless retarded coward loser motherfucker faggot dog!
Last night I used a huge spiked stick to fuck your prostitute whore female family members's cunts untill all their intestines came out from their cunts! And then you this bastard balless motherless retarded scum dog ate my feces and you licked my anushole!
I also brought along 2 huge Alsatian dogs and my 2 dogs also fucked your prostitute whore female family members's cunts untill their cunts bled!
This forum's bastard yao siu retarded balless coward scum moderator dog and all it's whole family had already all died very horribly and very painfully in road accidents just now!
Fuck you dead!
17-06-2015, 01:10 AM
Hellos big bros,
Just like to ask how come I type things and submit reply, but it doesn't appear in at all? I probably would see this text. Just wonder where the text will go to. Like that how I put up FR or MR?
Big Sexy
17-06-2015, 07:34 AM
please read the stickies.
everyone starts off in moderation mode
your post will not appear immediately until you are out of moderation mode
Hellos big bros,
Just like to ask how come I type things and submit reply, but it doesn't appear in at all? I probably would see this text. Just wonder where the text will go to. Like that how I put up FR or MR?
06-12-2015, 01:21 PM
Howdy Dudes,
just back here after many years in an isolated place.
today, i am a newbird too.
must read slowly to enjoy tonight keke.
13-12-2015, 01:00 PM
How to get out of moderation?
04-01-2016, 10:25 PM
Hi, newbie here. Thinking of going for massage and would like to ask some questions:
1) Thinking of trying massage and Juagen. Will get STDs if just limited to HJ (not looking for BJ or FJ)?
2) Is it safe to use my number to contact them? Will it be traceable to me?
3) Need to prepare anything like disposable briefs or condoms? Any SOPs?
Appreciate your replies. Thanks.
Big Sexy
05-01-2016, 07:18 AM
1. HJ is safe
2. Not safe, yes to the other question.
3. always better to bring your own rubber. but why do u need a rubber if u are just going for HJ?
Hi, newbie here. Thinking of going for massage and would like to ask some questions:
1) Thinking of trying massage and Juagen. Will get STDs if just limited to HJ (not looking for BJ or FJ)?
2) Is it safe to use my number to contact them? Will it be traceable to me?
3) Need to prepare anything like disposable briefs or condoms? Any SOPs?
Appreciate your replies. Thanks.
05-01-2016, 08:51 AM
Spanish Fly/Germany ...., want cheap and good... if get it from Malaysia
is it safe? anyone brought it from Malaysia and tried it?
Big Sexy
05-01-2016, 09:04 AM
yea...i heard it is a good remedy for constipation and a ticket to intravenous infusions and multi organs transplant.
Spanish Fly/Germany ...., want cheap and good... if get it from Malaysia
is it safe? anyone brought it from Malaysia and tried it?
05-01-2016, 09:11 AM
yea...i heard it is a good remedy for constipation and a ticket to intravenous infusions and multi organs transplant.
WOW so horrible ah... really or not... lol... but mostly is buy for the girls not myself.... ^^
Big Sexy
05-01-2016, 09:24 AM
why do u want to be a murderer?
WOW so horrible ah... really or not... lol... but mostly is buy for the girls not myself.... ^^
05-01-2016, 10:06 AM
1) Thanks.
2) Any alternatives? was asked to SMS to contact.
3) I super noob. Don't know the protocol. Thanks for the advice.
1. HJ is safe
2. Not safe, yes to the other question.
3. always better to bring your own rubber. but why do u need a rubber if u are just going for HJ?
Big Sexy
05-01-2016, 02:20 PM
i am more noob than 99% here when i comes to kio kway..
post your question in the adult discussion or geylang section and see if someone else can help.
1) Thanks.
2) Any alternatives? was asked to SMS to contact.
3) I super noob. Don't know the protocol. Thanks for the advice.
08-01-2016, 12:29 AM
waaa sian. I still under moderation after so long. How ah. I want participate in the regular threads leh.
14-01-2016, 11:44 PM
I believe you can just walk in for massage centers, check the forum for details.
1) Thanks.
2) Any alternatives? was asked to SMS to contact.
3) I super noob. Don't know the protocol. Thanks for the advice.
15-02-2016, 04:06 PM
Hi everyone!! Im new here! Please more more point teach =P
sex crusader
16-02-2016, 08:12 PM
Lol....these clones really deserved the oscar!:D
19-02-2016, 04:25 PM
Hey bro, how many post until I can post attachments?
19-02-2016, 04:28 PM
Hey bro, how many post until I can post attachments?
You can add images at any time. Just use the "load pics" icon at the top of the message pane.
Big Sexy
19-02-2016, 04:42 PM
u cannot add attachment(files type) to your post, but u can add images like sam said.
Hey bro, how many post until I can post attachments?
wild fire
20-02-2016, 01:04 AM
Bro. How to add smilies in messages? I can't find it . Help
Big Sexy
20-02-2016, 07:32 AM
are u on mobile or pc?
if on PC, the smilies are displayed on the right of the message box
if on mobile, you have to switch it to the juicy full version or use the following icon to create them.
Note. each post has a max limit of 4 smilies...go try out the rest
remove all space...examples
: ) for :)
:confused : for :confused:
:eek : for :eek:
:mad : for :mad:
Bro. How to add smilies in messages? I can't find it . Help
21-03-2016, 10:45 PM
Hi I'm newbie, to all senior here pls guide me i just wanna check is this site trustable? just to make sure to avoid kena scam, tolong la senior bro all
22-03-2016, 02:06 AM
Hi I'm newbie, to all senior here pls guide me i just wanna check is this site trustable? just to make sure to avoid kena scam, tolong la senior bro all
look good leh! @@
22-03-2016, 07:23 AM
look good leh! @@
When I ask pay by direct cash? Yes it is
26-03-2016, 04:18 PM
why im unable to send PM ?
27-03-2016, 07:07 AM
did u get any error message? message box full because u are in mod status?
i think you can PM the moderators or the admin for help
why im unable to send PM ?
27-03-2016, 07:17 AM
why im unable to send PM ?
What happens when you try to send a PM? What sort of error message do you get?
28-03-2016, 09:06 AM
What happens when you try to send a PM? What sort of error message do you get?
when i send message , its not inside "sent message"
so i guess that the bros here dont receive my message .
Or it is normal dont have your history in "sent message"
btw , no error after send .
28-03-2016, 09:27 AM
when i send message , its not inside "sent message"
so i guess that the bros here dont receive my message .
Or it is normal dont have your history in "sent message"
btw , no error after send .
Did you tick the "save a copy" option? If you did not then it won't be in your "sent items" folder.
28-03-2016, 10:02 AM
bro, incase u are not aware, there is a newbie helpline you can find answer there.
when i send message , its not inside "sent message"
so i guess that the bros here dont receive my message .
Or it is normal dont have your history in "sent message"
btw , no error after send .
15-05-2016, 07:44 PM
I assume I need to pay advertising fees if I were to post referral links in my signature, yes?
16-08-2016, 10:32 PM
Hello brothers, which clubs to get lucky with ONS?
09-09-2016, 03:22 PM
Am I allowed to share information regarding the location and contact methods of massage parlours and hotels with working girls in the malaysia forum? I do know a few which are not mentioned by anyone in here yet.
12-10-2016, 06:31 PM
I have some really basic questions on hiring a FL... is there a faq... couldnt find answers.
13-10-2016, 03:08 AM
I have some really basic questions on hiring a FL... is there a faq... couldnt find answers.
I have a very basic answer... call the number/txt the id that is being advertised and ask and you'll get the answers.
There is no one answer fits all for FLs as each of them have their own modus operandi. :)
13-10-2016, 09:00 AM
I have a very basic answer... call the number/txt the id that is being advertised and ask and you'll get the answers.
There is no one answer fits all for FLs as each of them have their own modus operandi. :)
Alright, will do. Wasn't sure if they would get annoyed.
22-10-2016, 06:09 PM
If FL is annoyed by your query - it shows she has an attitude issue - DROP HER b4 u spend any $$$ on her
Hi, I had a qn about posting reviews or info in the Health Centre / KTV Lounge section.
On one hand this being a commercial sex forum I think large majority would want to know, whichever massage place or spa is being reviewed, whether there was GQ, what extent of service, what price, and so on.
On the other hand it feels extremely rare for me to see posters give details in FR even just mentioning HJ, BBBJ, FS. Many times posters who do this seem to then get scolded, especially if it is regarding independent places with no sbfsg presence (in other words, not those places heavily advertised/recommended by samsters).
I have also seen threads of places I visited before and was offered FS multiple times, be full of statements such as "This place is CLEAN!!!" and have zero or nearly zero mention of hanky panky. I don't think I am special at all, am 100% sure everyone got the same offers.
I do understand that AV on the prowl and stuff. So I honestly wanted to know moderator/seniors thoughts on what is the correct thing to do here...don't wanna screw things up.
Are mentions of GQ OK? What about addresses and names?
Must everything go through behind "pm me for more details" / "bro, I pmed you pls help!" kind of routine?
Anyone? Haha would appreciate any honest opinions or advice on this really. Don't want to start on the wrong foot if I post about places I haven't yet read about here.
Hi, I had a qn about posting reviews or info in the Health Centre / KTV Lounge section.
On one hand this being a commercial sex forum I think large majority would want to know, whichever massage place or spa is being reviewed, whether there was GQ, what extent of service, what price, and so on.
On the other hand it feels extremely rare for me to see posters give details in FR even just mentioning HJ, BBBJ, FS. Many times posters who do this seem to then get scolded, especially if it is regarding independent places with no sbfsg presence (in other words, not those places heavily advertised/recommended by samsters).
I have also seen threads of places I visited before and was offered FS multiple times, be full of statements such as "This place is CLEAN!!!" and have zero or nearly zero mention of hanky panky. I don't think I am special at all, am 100% sure everyone got the same offers.
I do understand that AV on the prowl and stuff. So I honestly wanted to know moderator/seniors thoughts on what is the correct thing to do here...don't wanna screw things up.
Are mentions of GQ OK? What about addresses and names?
Must everything go through behind "pm me for more details" / "bro, I pmed you pls help!" kind of routine?
07-06-2017, 12:09 AM
Hi, just want to confirm if I can't find a thread anymore, it must be bcoz was deleted? Got any archiving of inactive threads? (Was couple months back by SB). Tks
Big Sexy
07-06-2017, 07:44 AM
afew other possibilities... it could have been merge with another thread, moved or the title could have changed.
did u try using the advance search?
question 37
Hi, just want to confirm if I can't find a thread anymore, it must be bcoz was deleted? Got any archiving of inactive threads? (Was couple months back by SB). Tks
05-10-2017, 01:00 AM
Hey guys, I’ve some couple of question here. Dk if it’s still alive to get answer
1) for first time, you done with the FL, will you still get hard when taking transport while looking at those innocent gals.
2) does anyone of you here did more then 5 time on different FL but still free from STD?
3) am I allowed to sell foreigner number verification service in this forum? Such as WhatsApp/WeChat etc. if yes, which of the thread section am I able to post
10-10-2017, 12:22 AM
Hi guys. Very new to all this. Never dared to take the plunge. Now considering trying an ML I saw on the forum, but after asking arnd no one is sharing with me the contact. I understand I have low rep. Will just paying and becoming a premium member encourage those in the know to share the contact? I have no issue paying. I'm only interested to know if it will actually help me acquire the contact. I'm generally quiet and don't see my self being very active on the forum talking about things I'm unfamiliar with so getting rep points from there doesn't seem likely for me. Thanks for any help/advice rendered
30-11-2017, 07:07 PM
Hey all, newb here.
some ads don't post the language spoken.
is there some general rule of thumb to determine this? is it all mandarin by default?
Big Sexy
07-12-2017, 04:06 AM
use the PM feature to check with the poster.
Hey all, newb here.
some ads don't post the language spoken.
is there some general rule of thumb to determine this? is it all mandarin by default?
24-12-2017, 03:19 PM
Comming to Singapore for a meeting for 2 days.Was going through forum and found out the shops open at 12 PM , is there any shops that open say 9 or 10AM
19-03-2018, 12:51 PM
Newbie here,
this question one abit technical cos it has something to do with the forum site itself.
Where can I rate a thread?
Dunno if it's cos I'm using Chrome or I pressed something stupid while starting or cos I blur.
05-04-2018, 11:43 AM
Thanks for creating this. I don't read Singlish very well, and that seems to be a problem reading the Batam reports. Is there a glossary somewhere? There's quite a lot of slang that, even as a monger with experience, I'm finding quite difficult to follow.
Big Sexy
06-04-2018, 07:09 AM
try reading this thread
Thanks for creating this. I don't read Singlish very well, and that seems to be a problem reading the Batam reports. Is there a glossary somewhere? There's quite a lot of slang that, even as a monger with experience, I'm finding quite difficult to follow.
04-05-2018, 05:36 PM
newbie here,
saw a thread that is sharing favourite massage girl.
but i cant find similar thread sharing abt girl provide fj service.
can guide me? thanks
10-05-2018, 12:36 PM
Most website prc say customers dun use up full hour
Idit true? Can i after shooting paint her until 1 hr up?
27-05-2018, 11:18 PM
What does ctc mean? spent some time googling and looking at usage in this forums and it roughly means handphone number?
Big Sexy
28-05-2018, 08:02 AM
probably "contact"... if in doubt just pm the user..
What does ctc mean? spent some time googling and looking at usage in this forums and it roughly means handphone number?
28-08-2018, 11:07 AM
Hi all, question regarding private messages.
I haven’t logged in for 2 years and now I can’t seem to send private messages? I don’t see them in my “sent” folder after sending it.
Appreciate any helpful member to explain this to me.
Thanks in advance.
27-10-2018, 03:27 PM
Hi bros, paiseh but I've been seeing a lot of posts on the different drugs to make you last longer, but any bros got experience about which is the best/safest one? Don't mind paying a little more.
Big Sexy
27-10-2018, 04:40 PM
those prescribed by a qualified doctor are the best.
Hi bros, paiseh but I've been seeing a lot of posts on the different drugs to make you last longer, but any bros got experience about which is the best/safest one? Don't mind paying a little more.
08-11-2018, 12:58 AM
Hi all
Newbie here.
How to change my username?
Big Sexy
09-11-2018, 03:11 PM
you cannot change your username... but u can register a new one. Hi all
Newbie here.
How to change my username?
09-11-2018, 05:26 PM
I was zapped without any reason. I did not go around disturbing or create any trouble for anybody.
Big Sexy
11-11-2018, 08:56 AM
just like you got upped for no good reasons too..:D
I was zapped without any reason. I did not go around disturbing or create any trouble for anybody.
11-11-2018, 10:04 AM
just like you got upped for no good reasons too..:D
Well said. He definitely no newbie. First act blur. next moment into points begging at the points exchange forum.
Familiar pattern of some doggie shit who has got his several clone accounts banned. But looks like he has more than what we know.
No meaningful posts from him. All he did was asked and begged. And within a single day, he could chalk up 70 over points.
Yes. I was the one who zapped him.
11-11-2018, 11:56 AM
Well said. He definitely no newbie. First act blur. next moment into points begging at the points exchange forum.
Familiar pattern of some doggie shit who has got his several clone accounts banned. But looks like he has more than what we know.
No meaningful posts from him. All he did was asked and begged. And within a single day, he could chalk up 70 over points.
Yes. I was the one who zapped him.
Bro, I really don't understand why must you zapped me? I created this account not to creating trouble or disturbing anyone here. Just because you are senior means you can just zap anyone you like?
11-11-2018, 12:06 PM
Bro, I really don't understand why must you zapped me? I created this account not to creating trouble or disturbing anyone here. Just because you are senior means you can just zap anyone you like?
You know better who you are. I zap clones who try to take short cut.
11-11-2018, 12:12 PM
You know better who you are. I zap clones who try to take short cut.
Bro, me not a clone.
11-11-2018, 12:53 PM
Bro, me not a clone.
don't have to put up an act la. Your latest points begging post is exactly the same as your banned clone..
All are welcome
11-11-2018, 01:02 PM
I not clone. I am your buddy RedDog :D
11-11-2018, 01:10 PM
don't have to put up an act la. Your latest points begging post is exactly the same as your banned clone..
You want to play I will play with you banana kia :D
11-11-2018, 01:28 PM
Curse whatever you want. Suggest you give up this clone account as well...
I want to have power for points exchange
11-11-2018, 01:30 PM
Curse whatever you want. Suggest you give up this clone account as well...
If you think it belongs to me, ask the mod to ban it. The stupid mod already banned so many accounts that don't belongs to me :D
11-11-2018, 02:49 PM
If you think it belongs to me, ask the mod to ban it. The stupid mod already banned so many accounts that don't belongs to me :D
dun bluff. all the same pattern n languages. of course you have your masters, quick go wag your tail
24-11-2018, 07:28 PM
Anyone tio reject because you are a newbie? :confused:
Had been following this forum for quite some times. As for some lady posted their contact on their thread so it saved our time but some strictly PM only so here i come. Was glad to see the reply but it turned out to be "Sorry, I don't take newbie due to some reason".
Should had register since day 1 I am here.
Big Sexy
25-11-2018, 07:21 AM
why dont u do something to get out of your moderation status and built up your reputation here?
if you choose to remain in your current status then don't complaint about being rejected... nobody likes to deal with dodgy characters.
Anyone tio reject because you are a newbie? :confused:
Had been following this forum for quite some times. As for some lady posted their contact on their thread so it saved our time but some strictly PM only so here i come. Was glad to see the reply but it turned out to be "Sorry, I don't take newbie due to some reason".
Should had register since day 1 I am here.
25-11-2018, 09:02 AM
Anyone tio reject because you are a newbie? :confused:
Had been following this forum for quite some times. As for some lady posted their contact on their thread so it saved our time but some strictly PM only so here i come. Was glad to see the reply but it turned out to be "Sorry, I don't take newbie due to some reason".
Should had register since day 1 I am here.
There are so many dodgy characters out there that people are very cautious when it comes to transferring on line interactions to real life.
Seniority and reputation in the forum provides some reassurance to the working girls that they are dealing with someone who can be depended upon. ;)
28-11-2018, 10:24 PM
How much post must i clock to be able to post in the usual forum
25-01-2019, 12:46 PM
Oh well. I just signed up in this forum and I've got to admit I understand nothing - the Singlish especially makes it hard for me. Can someone simply tell me if I'm allowed to post here as a professional dominatrix, and if yes where should I post? Thank you
Madame Amélie
29-01-2019, 01:29 AM
How do we know when we are eligible to post freely on other section of forum?
Big Sexy
29-01-2019, 06:28 AM
read the preamble somewhere at the top of the page..
however if u want to advertise your stuff here..
then pls contact the adv moderator greentea
Please note that NEW MEMBERS are on moderation for a couple days in the other forums. However, this test forum is unmoderated & your posts will appear immediately. Note that you are still free to post messages in ANY section you choose but messages that you post in the other sections will not appear until they are released from the moderation queue. Your moderation period is over when the "(M)" below your nick disappears. Reputation cannot be added or deducted in this section.
NB: You cannot get out of moderation by posting in this section ONLY. You have to contribute positively in the other sections.
How do we know when we are eligible to post freely on other section of forum?
16-02-2019, 03:05 AM
Any link to all the slang here (HC FR etc). I understood some from context but not all and didn't find anything that useful in the link. Any bros can help a newbie bro out?
Big Sexy
16-02-2019, 07:05 AM
there is a whole sticky thread on it..
Any link to all the slang here (HC FR etc). I understood some from context but not all and didn't find anything that useful in the link. Any bros can help a newbie bro out?
29-04-2019, 01:36 PM
Hi, how to delete a thread that I created? Need senior Bros here to advise.
Big Sexy
29-04-2019, 03:37 PM
there is no option for you to remove your thread
PM any of the mod/admin if you have a good reason to want to have your thread removed.
Hi, how to delete a thread that I created? Need senior Bros here to advise.
07-11-2019, 08:43 AM
I do apologize if I posted in a wrong spot. Does any one know what houses offer the best commando / raw experience? Also any ons services ? If so what is the average rate on that ? I’ve read around but can’t seem to get the answer in that . Thank you all kindly
Big Sexy
07-11-2019, 08:49 AM
post your question in the GL forum ( will get better response there.
I do apologize if I posted in a wrong spot. Does any one know what houses offer the best commando / raw experience? Also any ons services ? If so what is the average rate on that ? I’ve read around but can’t seem to get the answer in that . Thank you all kindly
07-11-2019, 08:54 AM
post your question in the GL forum ( will get better response there.
Thank you kindly
20-01-2020, 10:13 AM
hmm, many in FL1 dont take newbie ei , but if nv take, how to from new to senior?
08-02-2020, 07:17 PM
hmm, many in FL1 dont take newbie ei , but if nv take, how to from new to senior?
Keep on posting. And having sex i assume.
19-02-2020, 09:07 PM
Any acronym explanation thread? Found some, but some google also cant find, for example GS
Big Sexy
20-02-2020, 08:26 AM
there is already a sticky ... for those you cannot find just ask the user
Any acronym explanation thread? Found some, but some google also cant find, for example GS
13-04-2020, 04:02 AM
Deleted.. ....
26-05-2020, 10:02 AM
Any FR for D-Paradise ?
28-05-2020, 05:30 PM
Hi guys. Noob here. Need to rack up
Points so I can PM the bros
30-05-2020, 12:51 AM
Thanks for all the advice here! Can't wait to start
01-06-2020, 02:28 PM
Hi, may I know how to change my settings to enable posting of pictures/photos? My present settings do not have the function. Thanks a punch.
01-06-2020, 03:18 PM
where were u trying to post? use the insert image or the load pics feature
The food thread for example. When I click reply or quote , the post message box does not have the insert image and other functions. Only the emote icons below.
01-06-2020, 03:34 PM
are u using mobile? if so, change it to full juicy version or use a desktop to try. As far as i know, bosssam does not disable any feature for un-moderated users. If all fails, then please give bosssam a PM.
The food thread for example. When I click reply or quote , the post message box does not have the insert image and other functions. Only the emote icons below.
01-06-2020, 04:16 PM
are u using mobile? if so, change it to full juicy version or use a desktop to try. As far as i know, bosssam does not disable any feature for un-moderated users. If all fails, then please give bosssam a PM.
Resolved. Need to change at edit options at user cp. From misc option, change message editor interface to standard editor. Save and done. Thanks for your prompt response btw.
12-10-2020, 03:21 PM
Any threads on how to contact ladies? Such as how to get a SIM card or what messengers to use?
Threads on privacy and protecting oneself would also be helpful
08-11-2020, 08:51 AM
12-11-2020, 02:26 PM
How to exchange points :( Sorry if wrong thread
30-11-2020, 07:19 AM
Posting fr in this thread wll kena zap or not? Sorry if its a stupid question.
02-02-2021, 01:15 PM
hi points please.. thanks!!
08-02-2021, 09:10 PM
Newbie here, trying to clock post. Too late to ask if I can make such a post?
16-02-2021, 07:42 AM
Hi Bros,
Is there usually room charge on top of the usual rate for incalls?
27-03-2021, 01:38 PM
Been lurking for the longest time...
Hope to be useful now.. Cheers
06-05-2021, 08:22 PM
Hi DK if correct place to ask ah. Am interested to try the nuru B2B massage but idk 60 mins enough to enjoy plus 2HJ should just go for 90min?
02-06-2021, 01:57 PM
Resolved. Need to change at edit options at user cp. From misc option, change message editor interface to standard editor. Save and done. Thanks for your prompt response btw.
Learned something from your questions.
05-06-2021, 10:31 PM
Been lurking for the longest time...
Hope to be useful now.. Cheers
Same here. And about time too! This is my first post since joining in 2019!
07-06-2021, 06:18 PM
Hi DK if correct place to ask ah. Am interested to try the nuru B2B massage but idk 60 mins enough to enjoy plus 2HJ should just go for 90min?
Where is nuru B2B massage available ?
Can shared ?
12-06-2021, 04:36 PM
Test message.
05-07-2021, 03:16 PM
Is there still a requirement for 10 posts to get out of moderation huh?
18-07-2021, 02:17 PM
I don't think so, I'm new, only had 3 posts approved and posted.
23-07-2021, 09:38 PM
Hi guys, about to find FL for the first time and dome 2 looks interesting...but I heard nowadays they don't take new customers? :mad: also heard quite a lot of horror stories about dome 2...any tips/recommendations or should I just whack local?
31-07-2021, 09:15 PM
Any kind soul teach me how to up people points?
03-08-2021, 09:23 PM
Any kind soul teach me how to up people points?
You cannot up others yet with power zero.
Make more posts to earn your first power.
28-10-2021, 10:52 AM
Just super curious what are the things/signals you do to hint hint GQ? Or just ask directly got extra mah?
01-11-2021, 11:12 PM
Kinda new to this, us there a thread anyone can link me for hotel "check in" procedure? Please help !
05-11-2021, 02:04 AM
Newbie here.
13-12-2021, 03:40 AM
You cannot up others yet with power zero.
Make more posts to earn your first power.
So does that mean I just post around in this section then sooner or later will have power?
10-02-2022, 06:39 PM
Just ask only, nothing to lose.
Just super curious what are the things/signals you do to hint hint GQ? Or just ask directly got extra mah?
11-02-2022, 01:44 AM
How to up ppl point? :confused:
13-02-2022, 05:30 AM
How to delete account?
21-04-2022, 11:21 PM
Cannot see my reply
15-05-2022, 01:25 AM
New to this how to up pts and power?
17-05-2022, 10:38 AM
can't see my post
17-05-2022, 10:40 AM
27-05-2022, 02:30 PM
What is one dragon service?
15-08-2022, 12:46 PM
Let’s put up genuine FRs to help one another :))
16-08-2022, 03:45 PM
any way to identify if massage place offer extra service. i scared go into legit place and kena scolded.
also any etiquete faq for noob massage visitor. i dont want to look like noob and kena chop carrot. tia
21-08-2022, 10:05 PM
How to increase power?
1 year get +1 power.
How some people have over 100 power?
15-09-2022, 05:51 PM
Can Newbie rate threads?
Or must he wait until he has 1 power?
15-09-2022, 06:04 PM
How to increase power?
1 year get +1 power.
How some people have over 100 power?
Can also earn reputation power from points.
One reputation power is awarded for every 3000 reputation points.
15-09-2022, 06:27 PM
New to this how to up pts and power?
This is my understanding of the reputation system.
If a Senior member thinks you have made a valuable contribution in a post, they might reward you with some points.
You will get your first power when you reach 50 points.
You also gain 1 power every year.
you also gain 1 power for every 3000 points.
Anytime your points drop below 50, you will lose all your power. If you get back above 50 points, you get your power back.
16-09-2022, 08:58 PM
Hi All, sbf site will change once in a while, any tips on how to find the updated site? I always try to google but can only find outdated sites, in the end can only ask my tiko friends for the updated site. I’m not in any sbf twitter or tele group chats.
17-09-2022, 11:32 AM
Means I should I have 1 power at least?
17-09-2022, 09:46 PM
Means I should I have 1 power at least?
You must also have minimum 10 posts. You should get your power if you make 6 more posts.
18-09-2022, 09:06 AM
You must also have minimum 10 posts. You should get your power if you make 6 more posts.
Thanks bro!!
24-09-2022, 04:59 PM
i got zapped for a clone who has some issue with the stable or gal. How can i get my points up back?
22-10-2022, 01:48 AM
I’ve seen some bros with 100+ rep power. May I ask how do they get that high?
I read that 1 rep power is given 1 year
Edit: I seem to have found the answer by others that 3000 points = 1 power,
28-10-2022, 01:15 PM
Please ignore post. Found my answer… :)
06-11-2022, 08:21 AM
Hi just joined because I saw that SBF nick is needed for many providers. Thought I'd post here and ask for any tips and precautions for a guy getting started. Wish me luck.
Same here.. Newbies need some help post so I can pm providers..
10-02-2023, 11:02 AM
If I'm getting FL outcall, are there any hotels recommended to avoid (cause too much trouble bringing "guest")?
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