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Old 09-05-2014, 05:12 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by soggypanties View Post
Hmm... Then how do we explain cheating wives since what everyone here is saying the wife loses interest after childbirth? Does the finger then point back at us men as boring husbands/partners that wives are also compelled to seek thrills outside?
I'm afraid that's part and parcel of human evolutionary behavior too.

A woman. like a man, is programmed to ensure that she diversifies the gene pool.

It's a basic instinct that has to be suppressed which is a lot easier to do if there is mutual respect in the marriage.

For example I am faithful to my partner because I respect her and would not want to hurt her in any way. If she feels the same way about me, then she'll resist the urge to have sex with some other man because she does not want to hurt me either.

Once mutual respect is absent, primeval urges take over.
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Old 09-05-2014, 05:29 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by beater_buzzer View Post
twice a month would be devine for me.. its been nearly 3 years since i gotten married..i think less than 10 times sex...

ps iam waiting for the marriage to hit 3 years before i will end it
Hi Bro, did a quick research on the Internet. If you are still living under the same household and functioning as a family eg eat together, and assuming you can prove adultery, how are you going to get a clean divorce?
Old 09-05-2014, 05:45 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Is it because our wives are not tai tai that is why they do not see a need to give us regular sex? In order words, the rich men who let their wives stay at home have good sex?
Old 09-05-2014, 06:44 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

i met a female friend of mine (she's married for 3 years) last night n this topic came into our convo.. i’d thought i’ll share a little abt wht we chatted (which may or may not represent ur family situations.. )

resentment: most woman can't be physically intimate w a man they’re angry w. i think it's v common for many woman to bottle up feelings and angst instead of opening up the convo n letting u know why she’s mad at u. hence men end up being clueless about what went wrong. for eg, my friend gets frustrated when her hubby lacks involvement w the kids n she refuses to tell him abt it bcos she afraid she'll be too naggy. most womans' sex drive is dependent upon how emotionally fulfilled we r by our partners - hence emotionally when a woman does not feel secure and adequate, she will most likely not want to have sex.

familiarity breeds contempt: there’s a saying “u dont hunt what u’ve already caught” i think whn one gets married and comfortable w each other, u tend to stop making efforts to be romantic, spice things up, look gd for ur partner, do things for ur partner etc. n i think inevitably things will go downhill when u hv to worry abt paying bills, work etc. when this happens, the rs gets boring, n sex becomes a routine.

for me, a little effort goes a long way. for eg, foreplay does not jus happen in the bedroom or when im making out, it happens anytime and anywhere. be it if its a simple non sexual gesture of taking the trash out, a squeeze of my butt when we’re outside, or a flirty text when im at work etc. woman tend to pick signals like this up v quickly to be signs of respect, affection and concern. but of course it takes 2 hands to clap, woman also needs to do her part to make her man feel wanted and important.

3. is she really enjoying sex? or is she faking it: as much as we can orgasm more than men, it is nt easy for a man to push the right buttons to make a woman orgasm in sex. it takes time n effort, i have been in a rs where i cldnt orgasm at all and all i felt was just pleasuring him n thats it (but i didn't mind doing that then bcos i thought i loved him). so, perhaps ur gf or wife not wanting sex cld also be bcos she's not enjoying it as much as u r. and sex to her is probably like a chore where she has to get it over n done with.

i guess there are still many other reasons, but sometimes all it takes is a little more open communication. its quite sad if the end of sex = end of rs. but well, easier said than done. wish all u bros the best.
Old 09-05-2014, 08:06 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I am paying for sex...sad but true...
Old 09-05-2014, 08:34 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by bigbrudder View Post
Hi Bro, did a quick research on the Internet. If you are still living under the same household and functioning as a family eg eat together, and assuming you can prove adultery, how are you going to get a clean divorce?
3 years for consented divorce after separation. 4 years for unconsented divorce. Good luck trying to get consented. The point is to divorce asap, move on with your life.

One responsibility of being a wife is to ensure the sexual well being of the husband. If she doesnt wanna do their duty, then dun blame the husband in finding other ways to satisfy his urges.
Old 09-05-2014, 09:36 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

I thought I had it bad...
My fellow brothers, we are being deprived of one of the key elements of life.
I love my wife and she means everything to me. But, we just do not do it anymore. I have turned to Thai fls n syt prcs. Even picking them up at macdonalds. The sex with them were amazing but end of the empty inside. Physically satisfied but in my heart I know it was wrong. Although I will not stop with the way I get my sexual contentment, my wife will always be placed number one on my list.

If Bros here want to have coffee and just me, let's just go find a coffeeplace and just chat.
Old 09-05-2014, 10:35 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?


You are not alone. My wife also give me once a month only.

Originally Posted by parrotkid View Post
Sex life for me had gone downhill ever since my wife had our 2nd child. If i al lucky, i get to have sex with her 2 times a month. Sometimes just once. I thought they always say that women sex drive will increase when they become older? Any bros with similar experience?
Old 09-05-2014, 10:43 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I can categorically state that if anyone marries a girl for sex, you're going to end up going through life being frustrated and disappointed. There are very few exceptions.

Why else do you you see me constantly advocating that WHORES are for fucking not marrying. It's because marriage is not about sex. It's about a friendship and partnership.

Friendship is required when you want to enjoy life together. For this you need similar interests, similar ideologies, similar energy levels, similar value systems, similar intellect etc.

Partnership is when you're facing life's trials and tribulations eg money issues, starting a business together and so on. You need to face these issues as partners with each party contributing to the solutions.

If you think that just banging the same woman all your life is going to make your marriage complete, you're sorely mistaken.
The point is never about marrying the woman for sex. The point has always been why the stark difference in attitude towards sex before and after marriage and for some before and after child birth.

Is it because before marriage it is a forbidden fruit and so it is more exciting and thus the willingness to have sex?

Or sex becames a duty as part of your marital responsibilities after marriage that's why it lost its appeal?

Or it is because after marriage, you get the 'license' to have sex with fear of moral repurcussions and that's why the eagerness to have sex?

Or is it that after giving birth, you have fulfilled your marital obligations in ensuring that the husband's blood line is continued and thus factory close shop?

To sarahxx,

Resentment - So the punishment is less sex? So giving less sex can actually make the husband 'wake up his bloody idea' and start making the wife more emotionally fulfilled?

Edit: Make a you want to reinforce bad behaviour or do you want to reinforce good behaviour?

There is a hokkien saying that says " If the cow doesn't want to drink, it won't drink even if you bring it to the river." So how does this saying applies in this context?

Simple. It is your effort that matters, not his! It is up to you whether you want to feel emotionally secure or not. It's up to you whether you want to enjoy the sex or not. If you are already predisposed not to enjoy, nothing he does matters.

There are plenty of worries in the world but can they be solved immediately by not having sex? Don't let what you can do, stop you from doing what you still can do.

Whether you have sex or not, there are worries to worry about, there are unreasonable bosses to deal with, there are bills to pay and there are wailing babies to take care off right?

So why not have sex and enjoy the moment then? At least during that moment, you forget about your troubles. And if not having sex leads to more problems, isn't it then stupid not to have sex?

Last edited by xiaosiami; 09-05-2014 at 11:06 PM.
Old 09-05-2014, 11:11 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by xiaosiami View Post
The point is never about marrying the woman for sex. The point has always been why the stark difference in attitude towards sex before and after marriage and for some before and after child birth.

Is it because before marriage it is a forbidden fruit and so it is more exciting and thus the willingness to have sex?

Or sex becames a duty as part of your marital responsibilities after marriage that's why it lost its appeal?

Or it is because after marriage, you get the 'license' to have sex with fear of moral repurcussions and that's why the eagerness to have sex?

Or is it that after giving birth, you have fulfilled your marital obligations in ensuring that the husband's blood line is continued and thus factory close shop?

To sarahxx,

Resentment - So the punishment is less sex? So giving less sex can actually make the husband 'wake up his bloody idea' and start making the wife more emotionally fulfilled?

Edit: Make a you want to reinforce bad behaviour or do you want to reinforce good behaviour?

There is a hokkien saying that says " If the cow doesn't want to drink, it won't drink even if you bring it to the river." So how does this saying applies in this context?

Simple. It is your effort that matters, not his! It is up to you whether you want to feel emotionally secure or not. It's up to you whether you want to enjoy the sex or not. If you are already predisposed not to enjoy, nothing he does matters.

There are plenty of worries in the world but can they be solved immediately by not having sex? Don't let what you can do, stop you from doing what you still can do.

Whether you have sex or not, there are worries to worry about, there are unreasonable bosses to deal with, there are bills to pay and there are wailing babies to take care off right?

So why not have sex and enjoy the moment then? At least during that moment, you forget about your troubles. And if not having sex leads to more problems, isn't it then stupid not to have sex?
Totally agreed.
Old 09-05-2014, 11:33 PM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by soggypanties View Post
Suddenly I feel fortunate. I'm always complaining to my wife she doesn't seem to be able to indulge and can't seem to reach orgasms like before. There are times she also complains that I am unable to have a reaction towards her. Our complains lead to unhappiness and fights. But heres the fact, we have sex AT LEAST once a day since we started 4 years ago. We have a kid. So after reading the plights of bros here, the question to myself is are my expectations too high? Or have we raised each others expectations and anything less than our own norm would raise a red flag? Either way, it does now appear that its always a 2 way thing. Intimacy cant just be a giver/receiver concept.
Sex everyday for 4 years and counting

This is definitely a world record
Old 10-05-2014, 12:02 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by lateNightyOwl View Post
Sex everyday for 4 years and counting

This is definitely a world record
Sex at least once a day for 4 years is some great stamina bro. This means your are really healthy and fit.
Old 10-05-2014, 12:10 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Just got married not too long ago......for the past few months it was good ....almost daily sex except when her period comes....she knows my likes so she'll try not to make it routine...sometimes right after work reach home she'll suggest impromptu sex and let me strip her off her OL clothes and make love with her....sometimes she'll put on her satin pyjamas and have some decent sex with me....we do still check into H81 knowing the excitement like afraid of getting caught like those cheating couples...etc....

most important is keep fit and able to satisfy her physically...and also treat her well so that she love you...once a woman love you she will do anything for you
Old 10-05-2014, 12:31 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by joncheong View Post
Just got married not too long ago......for the past few months it was good ....almost daily sex except when her period comes....she knows my likes so she'll try not to make it routine...sometimes right after work reach home she'll suggest impromptu sex and let me strip her off her OL clothes and make love with her....sometimes she'll put on her satin pyjamas and have some decent sex with me....we do still check into H81 knowing the excitement like afraid of getting caught like those cheating couples...etc....

most important is keep fit and able to satisfy her physically...and also treat her well so that she love you...once a woman love you she will do anything for you
Lucky U... erm... newly married not counted...
But at least better than another samster who ate out while planning for his wedding shoots.
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Old 10-05-2014, 12:37 AM
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Re: How often does your wife give you sex?

Originally Posted by Tai_zi21 View Post
In my pov only

If she doesn't even bother to lied down and let u do the job,u think u will be getting a blowjob from her? And i always think that sg gal dun like to bj
Don't say I never jio you... there are many sg gals who like bbbbbj here... but all I tried to sian liao...

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