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Old 11-04-2006, 08:17 PM
happycamper happycamper is offline
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Re: zapping for no reason

Almost everyone gets zapped as a newbie for reasons very much unknown. While it is discouraging it should not detract you from doing what you are here for in the first place - to share and to get info.

My only advice is to continue to contribute, be truthful and don't worry about the unreasonable zapping. Remember that getting angry is useless cos half the people you are pissed at don't know and the other half don't care. You are the only unhappy person - whats the point?

Cheers and happy cheonging.
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Old 11-04-2006, 08:58 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by happycamper
My only advice is to continue to contribute, be truthful and don't worry about the unreasonable zapping. Remember that getting angry is useless cos half the people you are pissed at don't know and the other half don't care. You are the only unhappy person - whats the point?

Cheers and happy cheonging.
totally agreed!i have this mentality here too.Cheers for that.
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Old 11-04-2006, 09:08 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor
What about all those who added to your reputation points for no reason. You want me to deal with them too?
one needle see blood.
8 oranges to give exchange daily. Up me and leave behind your nick. Will return favour when power recover .
Old 11-04-2006, 09:24 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by 8675309
Hmm so familiar.. thought i've seen it that somewhere.. ah yes.. delphi forum!

Tink..if another bro..goes "My advise...."
Dai Loh wil zap liao....

p.s remember reading Dai Loh repeatin this a few times juz today//
Old 11-04-2006, 09:30 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Why bros here feel so much able rep point? We here just to happy or get infor for happy....what point.... it wont bring happness......and you cannot carry it to your be cool and feel happy.....bros.....
Old 11-04-2006, 10:57 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

wah, like this come out complain about getting zapped oso can get people upping back more... i oso want le
Old 11-04-2006, 11:18 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by Leeson
wah, like this come out complain about getting zapped oso can get people upping back more... i oso want le
need help bro?kkekekeke..
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Old 12-04-2006, 02:57 AM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by ph1970
is there a way to stop high power bros to just zap whatever they want because it defeats the purpose of true sharing in this forum.
Bro ph1970,

If you had read the stickies posted by boss on rep points, you will understand how it works....the rep point actually represents how well liked or suppported you are from bros/samsters here.....its like a rating scale....nobody knows whether you are as what you proclaimed a "true sharing" bros.....only time will tell....I understand how frustrated you feel when you are zap for something that you think you did right and my advice to you is to do the following as rep points are built over time just like rome...not built overnight.....accept it negative or positive and proof your worth by contributing more here and bros will eventually recognise your effort and up you in time to come..........

Raising your unhappiniess and seeking redress from boss here will only show how weak you are to take failure.....I believe every samster here, expecially seniors here "earned" their points and not begged or seek pity by complaining here nor there.......

too tired liao....maybe english a little broken, hope bros here can pardon me.....

just my 2 cents......


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Old 12-04-2006, 03:05 AM
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Re: zapping for no reason

why care about the points ?

just take care of your brother .. let him have fun and free from virus
Old 12-04-2006, 08:31 AM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Just to clarify, I got zapped for my "Newbie requesting advice" post a couple of months ago, not for the sharing post. I did read the "FAQ" before I posted, but the "Stickies" were not something I had seen before, and at least some of them seemed to be SPAM-like add posts, so I missed the Sticky about Newbies and FL advice, and for that I got zapped.

Petty, if you ask me, but OK, if that's how you feel.

Like most Message Boards, this one has become a "club" of the "insiders," all of whom obviously feel more "cool" than the newbies and outsiders, and revel in zapping and insulting them. Human nature ... at least for some humans, sadly. There are threads here that go on for literally tens of pages without a single useful comment -- just the boys in the club posting "witty" one-liners back and forth.

It would all be meaningless and worthy of ignoring, but for the fact that some FL contacts will not respond to people with less than some minimum point count. On that basis, the zapping is meanspirited and exclusionary, and I think the FL contact would be better served by checking a member's post history rather than his point count, since the latter clearly includes some immature and spiteful actions by a handful of members.

I imagine my point count will go negative after this, but san68 and Poseidon888 know I am a good client, and others will be willing to help despite my low points. Unless my points go positive, though, I'm done posting FR's -- don't see why I should try to help a group that (on average) seems to prefer to make my life more difficult.
Old 12-04-2006, 09:52 AM
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Re: zapping for no reason

points are just numbers, it can't be changed to free bonks, blow jobs or wank jobs even. why make a big fuss over it.

As for being zapped for posting a FR, it could be that some people are just plain envious of you getting a good lay and feeling good about it. so they decide to give you some grief to balance out a bit.
Old 12-04-2006, 09:49 PM
happycamper happycamper is offline
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by FrigginFalcon
Unless my points go positive, though, I'm done posting FR's -- don't see why I should try to help a group that (on average) seems to prefer to make my life more difficult.
That way your points will remain at current stage for a very long time. It is not about who helping who in this forum. It is about sharing/getting information. I don't speak for everyone since there are so many members in SBF but i think no one is really out to make your life difficult. TO be honest you and me are like little fishes in a big ocean if you don't do anything drastic no one will ever take much notice of you.

I have been zapped quiet a bit with my first FR (think OKT don't like the negative FR) and I complained just as well and got zapped again but i am still posting FRs and some bros out there who benefit from it will appreciate your effort and up you. I do it for the bros whom i think post accurate FRs that I have benefited from anyway.

I have never zapped anyone yet (hope to never do it) and I try to dish out my megre 1 point to brothers who I think deserve it whenever possible. The way you approach this forum (negatively) will win you no friends. I guess it doesn't matter to you does it?

My only advice is to keep posting, be accurate, be honest don't worry about zapping and things will fall into place.
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Last edited by happycamper; 12-04-2006 at 10:05 PM.
Old 12-04-2006, 09:51 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
totally agreed!i have this mentality here too.Cheers for that.
CHEERS! thanks thanks!
By the way who is the chio bu in the pic next to your nick??
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Old 12-04-2006, 11:34 PM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by happycamper
CHEERS! thanks thanks!
By the way who is the chio bu in the pic next to your nick??
trust me bro,i dun even knw her myself but i very much wish to knw her as much as i think u will too!
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Old 13-04-2006, 12:22 AM
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Re: zapping for no reason

Originally Posted by Shuang_Jie_Gun
trust me bro,i dun even knw her myself but i very much wish to knw her as much as i think u will too!
Bro do you just wish to know her ONLY??? hahahaha I would imagine you would want more than that....
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