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Old 23-03-2016, 10:22 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by korean View Post
I give my vote to hugs
i give my middle finger to you
Old 23-03-2016, 10:27 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by hugs View Post
i give my middle finger to you
wah i abandon my vote, later sis zap me to moderation i die
Old 23-03-2016, 10:28 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by korean View Post
wah i abandon my vote, later sis zap me to moderation i die
i wont zap la. i will irritate the hell out of you muahahah
Old 23-03-2016, 10:52 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor View Post
I deal with a lot of reported clone cases so just keep reporting them using the "report this post" feature and I will do my best.

As for harassment I have tried my best over the years and it is an impossible task to deal with for the simple reason that every party that I deal with will claim that the opposing camp started it first.

I cannot be judge, jury and executioner simply because I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes.

To be honest I'm very tired of running this forum. It has been 18 years if you count the Delphi days. I started as a bright eyed young man and I'm now in my twighlight years. If anyone thinks they can do a better job it would be great. It is a thankless task for me plus I have lost touch with what goes on in the Singapore sex scene.

Hi Boss:

I only started to visit this forum frequently like less than a year, but I really think you did a very good job.

Even more respect for you now that I know you did it for 18 years. Salute !!!

Cheers !
Old 24-03-2016, 09:59 AM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

My eye was twitching furiously. Now I know itz bcz someone mentioned me

I also seldom post nowdays, just quietly hang out at 1612 and 2062 and occasionally 2041. Fed up of kenah zapped by cheebyekias who got no balls to leave their nicks behind. Current favs are Bobo, Michelle, Jia Yan, LeLe and Yue Fei. Their service very tok kong, at least to me. Waiting to see how the new 1612 talents will shape up. When I get bored with GL, I hop over to BKK and lose my fucking mind in the agogos.

I had a great time with this forum since its Delphi days. Not sure if it went back to even the days. Peak was when I was friggin' surfing SBF even during work until the IT guy (also cheongster) had to come to me and tell me to not surf SBF so much during work hahaha. Really miss the old cheongsters such as Psycho107, HCDiver, AnalYST, Cuntking, GLWarrior (RIP), AllSwinger and so on. And yes Walao too (oi where are you? limpeh miss you leh).

SBF is more than just GL; you also have the Malaysia and International sections which are quite popular with the globefuckers, so SBF will continue so long there are no alternatives.

And yes boss, I agree with someone's suggestion here to increase transparency here. Make both zaps and ups transparent. It will increase the level of personal responsibility and civility, and also reduce the incidence of clones.

Originally Posted by bear196 View Post
I go back to days of Doomas CK and so on. A lot of my early posts have been wiped out, and I never posted all that much in any case as I realized there were a lot of people with their own agendas. I've seen your posts over the years and I think you know what I mean.
I have been fucking for decades. Indeed I fuck too much
My FRs are based on my experiences paid for by my hard earned salary. I do not get paid a single cent for them.
I do not care for points + I do not log in much now. But if you have upped me and I have not upped you back, pls PM me. Thks

Last edited by Doomas; 13-04-2016 at 04:41 PM.
Old 24-03-2016, 11:04 AM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Agree abt this Yao yao ..
Although I'm new but I'm not new to this Web. .
Normally no good I won't complain.. but this yao yao really too much fr .. I tried few weeks back and no frenching no painting.
Ass rim only like less than 1min. Ask me on top I refuse. .face abit black.. so i go on top and pump hard hard..
The only two plus points for her is her bbbj and two beautiful melons

Originally Posted by comm View Post
whats wrong about this section...hmm..i guess it is the number of fake FR being spammed using different accounts and the drowning out of Real FRs.

boss can see how clones are spamming away fake FR in my thread , all promoting the same WL (L1809: Yao Yao)

another issue is the toxic 'arguments' and 'personal attacks on other samsters' that has been going on Freely without any degree of control for a long time and poisoning the 'atmosphere' of this section. > Bronze god has also pointed this out in his post

and finally, maybe the real problem is that boss / mod do not go geylang so u dunno who is writing fake fr and who is writing real fr. perhaps boss should subsidize the mod to go geylang and do market research
Old 24-03-2016, 11:49 AM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

You guys think point exchange thread actually give ppl chance to farm clone acct with power to zap?
Old 24-03-2016, 01:04 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

will it be a good idea if this section becomes a zap free zone ??

i know i hardly get points for posting so many real FR , in fact most of my points also come from point exchange haha
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture
Old 24-03-2016, 03:02 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Since the rep system can be easily manipulated, just remove it altogether.

So all members will not have points etc.

Change to a rating system instead.

So eg samster A posts an FR, people can either like or dislike his FR.

And when you like it, you must leave a comment and the comment must be visible to everyone including your nick.

and make it transparent so everyone knows who like or dislike the post, and what is the reason.

This is better than the current rep system where you get your points reduced and lame reason given where it's obviously clones at work.

Or having your points increased exponentially by clones.

It also puts everyone on equal footing and SOME o those with high points will no longer be able to swing their weight around or to advocate mass zapping or upping.

Only then will the forum become skewed towards truthful reviews.

Cos now each review can only be supported by more genuine comments and no samster "benefits" by a seeming increase in power or points.

Samsters will know if the individual review is reliable based on the QUALITY of the supporting comments (is it a detailed comment from a genuine contributor who really tried the girl or is it just a nod of approval which any clone account can do by liking it multiple times) as now you MUST write your comment when liking or disliking reviews.

This will also make it pointless to have clone accounts to build up armies for zapping wars and so on.

Just some rough thoughts. Feel free to suggest further improvements.
Old 24-03-2016, 03:15 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Bronzegod, your suggestion would penalised the majority just because the minority abused the system. I dont abuse the system and i paid for the extra rep points and power.

How is that fair to people like me who actually paid to support the running of the forum?

Mr Leongsam, to be fair to you, i am telling u first, if u remove the rep system, i would demand my money back. You can then try to get the money from those who claimed they want to improve the forum by removing the rep system and see if they are willing to sponsor the running of your forum.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Since the rep system can be easily manipulated, just remove it altogether.
Old 24-03-2016, 03:48 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by teletubby View Post
Bronzegod, your suggestion would penalised the majority just because the minority abused the system. I dont abuse the system and i paid for the extra rep points and power.

How is that fair to people like me who actually paid to support the running of the forum?

Mr Leongsam, to be fair to you, i am telling u first, if u remove the rep system, i would demand my money back. You can then try to get the money from those who claimed they want to improve the forum by removing the rep system and see if they are willing to sponsor the running of your forum.
Not seeking an argument or fight here...

But my question to you is this - why did you decide to pay for the extra rep points and power? Why do people do that?

Maybe you can enlighten me as to why people would pay good money to have extra rep points and power in this forum? What is the motivation to do that?
Old 24-03-2016, 03:49 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Since the rep system can be easily manipulated, just remove it altogether.

So all members will not have points etc.

Change to a rating system instead.

So eg samster A posts an FR, people can either like or dislike his FR.

And when you like it, you must leave a comment and the comment must be visible to everyone including your nick.

and make it transparent so everyone knows who like or dislike the post, and what is the reason.

This is better than the current rep system where you get your points reduced and lame reason given where it's obviously clones at work.

Or having your points increased exponentially by clones.

It also puts everyone on equal footing and SOME o those with high points will no longer be able to swing their weight around or to advocate mass zapping or upping.

Only then will the forum become skewed towards truthful reviews.

Cos now each review can only be supported by more genuine comments and no samster "benefits" by a seeming increase in power or points.

Samsters will know if the individual review is reliable based on the QUALITY of the supporting comments (is it a detailed comment from a genuine contributor who really tried the girl or is it just a nod of approval which any clone account can do by liking it multiple times) as now you MUST write your comment when liking or disliking reviews.

This will also make it pointless to have clone accounts to build up armies for zapping wars and so on.

Just some rough thoughts. Feel free to suggest further improvements.
i think there might be too much work and opposition from point lovers to remove the point system and implement this system
FR is only a chance, not a guarantee
The more FRs the better to get a more accurate picture
Old 24-03-2016, 04:16 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

i am not fighting with u too. the purpose of my post was to let u know that there are many things one should consider before one suggest something. It is easy to say just remove or do away with something one do not like, however things aint as simple as they appear. They are consequences.

You need to think about the majority rather than just for yours and the benefit of the minority.

As to why i decide to pay, i dont need to state the reasons here, but if you are really interested, then as i said before in my previous post, part of it was because i wanted to help support the daily running of forum cos leongsam once said the overhead cost of running this forum was very high.

However you can be assured that i didnt become a donor so that i have more points to zap other, like i said, i like many do not abuse the system infact i up others more than i zap.

Originally Posted by BronzeGod View Post
Not seeking an argument or fight here...

But my question to you is this - why did you decide to pay for the extra rep points and power? Why do people do that?

Maybe you can enlighten me as to why people would pay good money to have extra rep points and power in this forum? What is the motivation to do that?
Old 24-03-2016, 05:11 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Originally Posted by teletubby View Post
i am not fighting with u too. the purpose of my post was to let u know that there are many things one should consider before one suggest something. It is easy to say just remove or do away with something one do not like, however things aint as simple as they appear. They are consequences.

You need to think about the majority rather than just for yours and the benefit of the minority.

As to why i decide to pay, i dont need to state the reasons here, but if you are really interested, then as i said before in my previous post, part of it was because i wanted to help support the daily running of forum cos leongsam once said the overhead cost of running this forum was very high.

However you can be assured that i didnt become a donor so that i have more points to zap other, like i said, i like many do not abuse the system infact i up others more than i zap.
No worries. I actually don't give a shit anymore about the points system or anything in this forum, but just decided to contribute my 0.5 cents on how we can improve the harmonious environment here and reduce all the issues that this thread was started to address - including the zapping, clones, and contributors with agendas and all that jazz as per below.

I see your point about how removing the system will upset some who have accumulated points whether by paying or otherwise- but many in this forum I think do not contribute much - if they get upset and leave, then maybe so be it - let only those really willing to contribute with no agenda remain here and rebuild from there.

I guess since sammy created the system where people could pay for points, then to remove points will be tough. Perhaps moving forward, all points whether given or deducted must show the nick and must include a comment. And it should be made into something that all samsters can see at a go.

So if you zapped someone and left a vile comment, everyone can see your nick and the abuse you dished out. If people mass up you, people can also see which nicks decided to do that and why. This way its discouraging to manipulate the system.

This is the alternative to my earlier suggestion.

Originally Posted by bear196 View Post
This forum has got pretty bad and while there are still some good contributors, they are increasingly outnumbered by people with agendas and their clones.

I got zapped twice by an anonymous guy for voicing the opinion that Euros, while great to have, would be difficult to bring into Singapore.

Fact is this forum is losing viewer - simple googlefu will show a drop of 50-70% in traffic in the last year. Why waste time posting to get zapped?

I'm not boss Sam, but I do make an appeal as a forum that identifies good chicks and gets business for them is valuable to cheongsters. Without business, good chicks go back. When glowing reports get written on bad chicks, punters take their business elsewhere.

Anyway, this is my little vent. Hope things get better, it'd be a shame if they don't. I miss the old sharing, but then again I have other alternatives and won't shed tears for the current forum.

Old 24-03-2016, 05:18 PM
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Re: The decline of Sammyboy

Not trying to join in the fight but i don't know what will be the consequences if the rep point system is being removed.

Does it make one more vulnerable or naked or less superior online?

Originally Posted by teletubby View Post
i am not fighting with u too. the purpose of my post was to let u know that there are many things one should consider before one suggest something. It is easy to say just remove or do away with something one do not like, however things aint as simple as they appear. They are consequences.

You need to think about the majority rather than just for yours and the benefit of the minority.

As to why i decide to pay, i dont need to state the reasons here, but if you are really interested, then as i said before in my previous post, part of it was because i wanted to help support the daily running of forum cos leongsam once said the overhead cost of running this forum was very high.

However you can be assured that i didnt become a donor so that i have more points to zap other, like i said, i like many do not abuse the system infact i up others more than i zap.
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