So very agree with sis chanellno5 that a marriage without sex and horniness for it by both parties, is not a marriage at all and is bound to fail eventually ..glad to know she is one of the very few rare wifeys that like and enjoys sex very much while the husband is not ..this seems to be quite a negative trend these days
Yes, sis, your husband and other husbands like him who don't like to hv sex with their wives are really weird, very similar to the majority of wifeys these days who also don't like to hv sex with their husbands after some time ...if this is the case why bother to get married to each other in the 1st place ??
now talking about the case of the is always the guy who proposes marriage with love to the gal and seals it on their wedding day ..and it is she who he has selected to marry to become his it's definitely weird if he ends up losing interest in his wife sexually after that esp if she remains as attractive as ever
when husbands are not interested in sex with the wife, causes can be either mental or physical
- mental causes - new GF/FB, no longer interested in the wife, frustrations at difficulty in getting sex, severely stressed with work, etc.
- physical causes - medically unfit to "stand" for duty
Same case here. Married for almost 15 years and wife no longer interested. May be have sex once in 4 to 6 months. I have stopped asking her and prefer eating outside 2 to 3 times a month. No option otherwise unable to concentrate on work due to extreme stress.
Spent the whole night reading 66 pages of this thread! I realised that I'm not alone as well. Married for almost 20 years, in my mid 40s, 2 children. I've a high sex drive but my wife has the opposite. She is simply not interested in sex since our first born. She still orgasms when we have sex (average once every 2 months), but she has never ever initiated sex. I've to climb mountains, swim across rivers just to 'ask' her if she is 'in the mood'... and she'll obliged cause she felt it's her duty. But 90% of the time she's 'not in the mood'...
The sexual deprivation is causing me depression. I'm thinking of finding a FB...
Your case directly opposite mine. Husband low drive while I'm the one with high drive
I ever 'prostitute' myself to him and got rejected wtf
Never had rejections issues with my FBs
All of them thrown themselves at me. Not say I'm a goddess or what but I do get compliments all the time for being well maintained.
Next time before get married must go through sexual compatibility test. Haha 😂
Your case directly opposite mine. Husband low drive while I'm the one with high drive
I ever 'prostitute' myself to him and got rejected wtf
Never had rejections issues with my FBs
All of them thrown themselves at me. Not say I'm a goddess or what but I do get compliments all the time for being well maintained.
Next time before get married must go through sexual compatibility test. Haha 😂
Take test also no use la, will change through the years ma
The worst is I'm always the initiator while getting rejected at times.
Until I flare up. Sometimes we understand that wife would be tired. But the moment she say tired, end up watch TV say me time etc....
Maybe I'm having some issues getting hard but nonetheless I made the effort to see what can be done. The only problem is wife doesn't sees it. It can be demoralising at times. And yes we have three kids.
I want to thank the TS. At least l know I'm not alone. Very similar situation.
Originally Posted by mister man
Spent the whole night reading 66 pages of this thread! I realised that I'm not alone as well. Married for almost 20 years, in my mid 40s, 2 children. I've a high sex drive but my wife has the opposite. She is simply not interested in sex since our first born. She still orgasms when we have sex (average once every 2 months), but she has never ever initiated sex. I've to climb mountains, swim across rivers just to 'ask' her if she is 'in the mood'... and she'll obliged cause she felt it's her duty. But 90% of the time she's 'not in the mood'...
The sexual deprivation is causing me depression. I'm thinking of finding a FB...
Originally Posted by Latte
My wife will normally agrees on my 10th attempt of asking. But i always stopped asking after 5 fail attempts 😂😂😂
Originally Posted by rajjnu
Same case here. Married for almost 15 years and wife no longer interested. May be have sex once in 4 to 6 months. I have stopped asking her and prefer eating outside 2 to 3 times a month. No option otherwise unable to concentrate on work due to extreme stress.
Originally Posted by Unicornfan
The worst is I'm always the initiator while getting rejected at times.
Until I flare up. Sometimes we understand that wife would be tired. But the moment she say tired, end up watch TV say me time etc....
Maybe I'm having some issues getting hard but nonetheless I made the effort to see what can be done. The only problem is wife doesn't sees it. It can be demoralising at times. And yes we have three kids.
It's really very sad to see so many husbands here having the same problems with their wives and left high and dry by them...such are marriages today where at least one party ignores the other in sex forcing the other to eat out ...
tis has been happening since time immemorial and will continue to happen in the future to more young newly married couples unless they come together to discuss and solve their problems with each other
Your case directly opposite mine. Husband low drive while I'm the one with high drive
I ever 'prostitute' myself to him and got rejected wtf
Never had rejections issues with my FBs
All of them thrown themselves at me. Not say I'm a goddess or what but I do get compliments all the time for being well maintained.
Next time before get married must go through sexual compatibility test. Haha ��
Originally Posted by HorYiPeng
Take test also no use la, will change through the years ma
"Test driving" before marriage as pple call it is useful even though it does not guarantee 100% success is better than just going into a marriage blindly leaving it to chance and hoping for the best in the future is a big ticket item just like buying a property for example, when you will go and view a house 1st before signing on the dotted line to buy it...once bought there is no going back to the seller...and SEXUAL COMPATIBILITY is the MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT for a happy and successful marriage, HUSBAND AND WIFE MUST ENJOY SEX WITH ONE ANOTHER else the marriage will eventually it's best to know it before you sign on the dotted line to get married at the ROM...NOT after when it is emotionally stressful and difficult as well as costly to back out....that's why we know of so many bfs & gfs having sex with one another 1st (called pre-marital sex or test driving) before finally deciding to settle down and get married to their last to the MARRY WANNABES...take good note ok ??
when husbands are not interested in sex with the wife, causes can be either mental or physical
- mental causes - new GF/FB, no longer interested in the wife, frustrations at difficulty in getting sex, severely stressed with work, etc.
- physical causes - medically unfit to "stand" for duty
Yes, bro agree with you about the husbands...but wat about the other way round ? ..why don't the wives want to continue to have and enjoy sex with their husbands and some even preferring to hv it with other men instead ??
Yes, bro agree with you about the husbands...but wat about the other way round ? ..why don't the wives want to continue to have and enjoy sex with their husbands and some even preferring to hv it with other men instead ??
Yes, bro agree with you about the husbands...but wat about the other way round ? ..why don't the wives want to continue to have and enjoy sex with their husbands and some even preferring to hv it with other men instead ??
I would very much like to have a blissful sex life with my own husband. But unfortunately the balls is not in my court (pun intended).
I know of some women who became aunty and fat after marriage but they still have husbands who dote on them as seen on social media. 2 of my ex classmates who were school belles now so fat yet often I see them posting happy family pics.
I often wonder if their husbands secretly eat out or really still love them or otherwise.
Your case directly opposite mine. Husband low drive while I'm the one with high drive
I ever 'prostitute' myself to him and got rejected wtf
Never had rejections issues with my FBs
All of them thrown themselves at me. Not say I'm a goddess or what but I do get compliments all the time for being well maintained.
Next time before get married must go through sexual compatibility test. Haha 😂
I would very much like to have a blissful sex life with my own husband. But unfortunately the balls is not in my court (pun intended).
I know of some women who became aunty and fat after marriage but they still have husbands who dote on them as seen on social media. 2 of my ex classmates who were school belles now so fat yet often I see them posting happy family pics.
I often wonder if their husbands secretly eat out or really still love them or otherwise.
I have seen n encounted married women eat out. For the thrill, sexual pleasure, lonelyness or whatever reason.
Any ladies have kink to fulfill or enjoy teasing a man cock in public whenever she wanted? Don't be shy to PM me, very open to suggestion too.
I would very much like to have a blissful sex life with my own husband. But unfortunately the balls is not in my court (pun intended).
I know of some women who became aunty and fat after marriage but they still have husbands who dote on them as seen on social media. 2 of my ex classmates who were school belles now so fat yet often I see them posting happy family pics.
I often wonder if their husbands secretly eat out or really still love them or otherwise.
Sis chanellno5 is one of those good wifeys who hv been driven into the arms of another man by their sad ...she has done all she could to remain attractive to her husband like she say even "prostituting" herself to him but it is the darn husband who is still rejecting her for sex...serve him right for losing such a good wife to other men and like she said, the loss is his NOT hers
As to the question from the sis abt those fat wifeys, from the photos shd be able to tell whether the smiles of their husbands and happiness is genuine or not or is fake..there r still some guys who dun mind fat ladies, but few r they loh...they r in the minority