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Created for the two of you.
Please use this location to slug it out and do not pollute the rest of the forum please.
When you're done with fighting, please let me know so I can archive the contents.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: Created for the two of you.
I am selling pop drink and popcorn. If anyone need a synopsis pm me, I am charging only a dollar a 'pop'. Let the fight begins.
Round One please. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Battle Royale:
I take the front row seat. I use tissue to chop the 3 seats on my left and right. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Boss can put an advert tag? It looks empty at the top. Or a gif to help us zoom in. I had a hard time zooming in amidst the large real estate on the main sub forum. Yours is like a sub sub forum, if I have to argue word choices.
Re: Created for the two of you.
PopCorn Ready!!!!
Love Slugging fiesta!!! ![]()
(Que not in order) ~ NONE ~ saas<----Next! |
Re: Created for the two of you.
As per our previous PM exchange when you originally offered me this, I still do NOT see any value in having this sub-forum. I appreciate your consideration and thoughts behind this, but I’d rather just take your OTHER previous advice to me to heart. My sole motive has all along ONLY been to make unsuspecting Samsters be aware of and wary of crooks setting up traps all over the International threads. Never just to “Win” against any particular crook/group of crooks because the fact of the matter is that it would only be a hollow victory – being that they will just so easily deploy another nick/clone and that there are so many of these crooks actively infiltrating your International threads. Nahhh… your OTHER advice to me has made me all the more realize that it is precisely this type of “battle” response that these crooks always want to elicit. After years of engaging them, I learned their tactic is to cause chaos and confusion to “bury” anything that is against their nefarious agenda and will then trot out their own clones/accomplices and spur the forum loonies, kids and hooligans etc. into action and will be incessant in their attacks. There is no winning with them! They are just way too many, too crooked AND too dependent upon prevailing on SBF to fill their crooked rice bowl to ever give up! You had stated the following: http://samleong.shop/showthr...0#post13167550 Won’t my participating on this just result in further polarizing YOUR membership and/or driving them away? I have since your above post, on purpose stayed away from further battling them and have just been posting up my vanilla style API’s to direct Samsters to my thread - which is a GENERIC ADVISORY against being taken to the cleaners by these scammers. Sure, I can understand your exasperation that even after your above warning, 88088 and whoever else he has spurred still continue in their tirade. But allow me to just quote what I had stated yesterday on my thread to put this matter to bed AND TO STOP THE FURTHER DESTRUCTIVE INFLUENCE that all this has on YOUR forum. Quote:
Besides which, it is only one single li'l ole MOI against TEAMS of these crooks! What's so entertaining just watching a slaughter i/o a fair match - Yes? SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. Last edited by SEAJ; 15-06-2015 at 01:49 PM. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Tips for ALL samsters.
Re: Created for the two of you.
But I worry that I will never be off SBF doing so! Their "attacks" are so persistent, come from all sides/characters and actually, quite surprising that they would actually expand so much effort against just li'l ole me singly! LOL. But I get what you mean and will continue to be circumspect and measured when "reporting post" to you. Thank you SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.info/showth...1#post13179315 ![]() EVIL CLONES: SEAJ2, oolouis. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
I'm impressed.
Seriously. ![]() Pierre.
Do not zap Johnbass in the Adult Discussions about Sex and Matters of the Heart sub-forums. Watch this space for updates on how you can zap Johnbass. ![]() |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Very! And instead of using it to battle, please allow me to use this thread – which must be getting a lot eye-balls right now - to put in a plug for Boss If you CSI latest developments on SBF, you will see that he has of late taken a LOT of initiatives to improve our “User Experience” and strengthen SBF’s relevance in the Asian sex scene. From putting up the “Report Post” button on each post, to efforts to name and shame unethical OKT’s using fake pictures - http://samleong.shop/showthread.php?t=535322 and to controlling some of the worst spammers and trolls that has of late become more and more of a blight on SBF: http://samleong.shop/showpos...6&postcount=38 One significant thing about all these initiatives is the actual need to involve you AND your participation to actually make these hoped for improvements a reality. Something which I’ve been trying to highlight on: http://samleong.shop/showthread.php?t=535770 (Err… you like how I slipped that plug in?! LOL.) But perhaps best if we just take up the subject “What kind of SBF do you want?” to here as I’m quite sure that it will get more lively participation on this hot new thread! Better use for this unique sub-forum? Right Boss? If not, no problem to continue the discussion on that thread. SEAJ
MONGERING DANGER: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=508851 ![]() EVIL CLONES: sanuuk, osamabinladin, Snacky, various "..doggy.." IDIOTS/TOTAL LOONIES: ahtecklim, etct88, MGplayer, Xiaoqiang74. Last edited by SEAJ; 15-06-2015 at 06:10 PM. |
Re: Created for the two of you.
If it got no balls, then it is a bitch. No wonder, keep bitching here and there.
Now BOSS sort of officially allow confrontation once and for all, where the ffff is that SSOB....... ![]() |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Hooray the seaj puk gai gaogao!!!
Re: Created for the two of you.
That senile stupid old bitch called for fun and want to play games, but like a bitch (dog with no balls) dare not even continue what he suggested.
What a hypocrite...... ![]() goes to show he hallucinating ........ pity pity.... ![]() ================================= "..............time for fun and games...and get rid of crooks on SBF! OK, guys, let’s have some fun and games with these crooks!........... After YEARS of my trying to rid SBF of these crooks, they are still all over the International threads......Totally denigrating SBF’s good name AND disrespecting the rest of us. ..........Time to turn the tables on them! ......... PLEASE! They've been an irritating and dangerous................. Boss and the Mods are trying their best, and whilst they understandably do not want flaming wars to erupt everywhere – something which these crooks – with their well-oiled and organized gangs ALWAYS resort to, how can anybody accuse us of any wrong-doing if we are merely asking for more information/clarification etc. SSOB ============================== |
Re: Created for the two of you.
Tiagong Seaj bo Ji!
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