View Full Version : Thread for UpZ exchange for bros and sis :) ......

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22-01-2016, 01:42 PM
up you bro. :cool:

12 positive points added :D

22-01-2016, 01:44 PM
up you bro. :cool:

Nine-Up! :o

22-01-2016, 01:46 PM
up you bro. :cool:

8 quarts of beer - cheers :D

22-01-2016, 02:00 PM
upz brothers

22-01-2016, 03:03 PM
+7 added to your pointsReturn your upz. Thanks, bro.

22-01-2016, 04:43 PM
Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

Returned 7. Thanks brother.

22-01-2016, 05:10 PM
Anyone wants to exchange points ??

22-01-2016, 05:26 PM
mplover, returned


justanewbie, Hurricane88, SureScore, Goalie, Spicy98, sg50, Exbros, bababoo, truthful

Upzzzzz you Bro WASILANG : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


22-01-2016, 05:39 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

22-01-2016, 05:52 PM
Returned your upz. Thanks, bro.

up u one shot kopi gao gao!

22-01-2016, 08:20 PM
Anyone wants to exchange points ??

Up 5 happy for exchange :D

Up list empty now open for trade :)

22-01-2016, 09:01 PM
Hope everyone loves this!! :D


Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
tuyet, DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo, bunty, Kuan Aik Hong, Fun12345, Denniswhite, Smoky7, skyleon, JokerDeBest, i^Xi0n, igor123, GoldRabbit, crackpod, Ktmakmak, ComplainKing, JulianLuther, silverstrike, lonebonker, deathryuk, Greenfrog, Supervert, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, ho-lee, tarma69

voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

22-01-2016, 09:49 PM
Up 5 happy for exchange :D

Up list empty now open for trade :)

added +7 to you

sc slayer
22-01-2016, 10:08 PM
Want to exchange upZz?

Love 6969
22-01-2016, 10:46 PM
Anyone wanna exchange :)

Min. 5 points for trade

22-01-2016, 10:48 PM
Want to exchange up?

23-01-2016, 12:01 AM
Hi bro KimEmma ... 21 Ang Pows have just been credited to your account at 11.50pm ... Huat Ah !!! :D


21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > Oh yes (23/1) ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

23-01-2016, 12:15 AM
Upped you back 6 liao...

up u 6 :)
any bros wana trade???

23-01-2016, 12:57 AM

23-01-2016, 01:35 AM
[CENTER]Upzzzzz you Bro WASILANG : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!

Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

23-01-2016, 08:08 AM
"Poor, badly educated individuals usually suffer more stress than people

who are affluent and have had extensive education.

Sleep deprivation and physical inactivity increases stress."

- Jorg Blech

23-01-2016, 08:16 AM
Can exchange.

Min 7 points to exchange.

23-01-2016, 09:09 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : Analingusman

Upped : hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

23-01-2016, 09:51 AM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Just up you.

23-01-2016, 10:42 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

23-01-2016, 12:12 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Upped you 3 points for exchange.

23-01-2016, 12:27 PM
Up 5 happy for exchange :D

Up list empty now open for trade :)

Up you 4 points bro.


23-01-2016, 12:29 PM
Anyone want to trade with me?
Min 3 points

How to up the power to 5?

23-01-2016, 12:29 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Hi bro goo_ey, would like to xchange points. Have upped ur points. Hope u don't mind. Thanks.;)

23-01-2016, 12:33 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

23-01-2016, 01:31 PM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):


Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

Upz you back +9. Any one for exchange?

23-01-2016, 02:47 PM
14 green apples returned to anotherlife today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Harvest (+12), Young Hero (+6), Young Hero (+6), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife

23-01-2016, 02:54 PM
up u one shot kopi gao gao!Put you on my upz list.

23-01-2016, 04:04 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

23-01-2016, 04:46 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

7 upped points for exchange.

Kuan Aik Hong
23-01-2016, 05:05 PM
Anyone want to trade with me?
Min 3 points

How to up the power to 5?

Up u 6 bro..

23-01-2016, 05:23 PM
Hi Everyone

5 points to be given away daily, please feel free to up my points too :D

All are welcomed! :)


23-01-2016, 05:38 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : Analingusman

Upped : hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

23-01-2016, 05:40 PM
Anyone with 4 points and up would like to exchange with me! Will up you ASAP when I regain my power. ;)

23-01-2016, 05:41 PM
Upz you back +9. Any one for exchange?

7upz to you :D

23-01-2016, 06:37 PM
Exchange Points to All

Love 6969
23-01-2016, 07:15 PM
Anyone wannna trade :)

Min. 5 points :D

23-01-2016, 08:03 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

23-01-2016, 08:32 PM
Only 1 is in my Queue
ready to up +15. 1st-come 1st-serve. :D

23-01-2016, 08:38 PM
added +7 to you

Thanks and return 5 happy :)

23-01-2016, 08:39 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.

Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.

up u kopi gao gao! :)

23-01-2016, 09:09 PM
Anyone want to trade with me?
Min 3 points

How to up the power to 5?

Lucky 8 Up! :D

23-01-2016, 09:10 PM
Just up you.

Bro, return you 9 points.

23-01-2016, 09:14 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Auspicious 14 points up :D

24-01-2016, 01:06 AM
points for exchange.

24-01-2016, 01:29 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 /

Queue List:
Dengfeng / ReelSchnick /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

24-01-2016, 08:21 AM
Can exchange.

Min 7 points to exchange.

24-01-2016, 08:48 AM
quick trade 9 points

upz list empty...thanks

24-01-2016, 09:14 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : sex-newbie

Upped : Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

24-01-2016, 10:20 AM
Rep. Points Exchange Welcome.

Quick 4 points returned.

Up-list:- EMPTY

Those who wish to trade, Power 2 and above, please.

24-01-2016, 10:32 AM
Welcome bros who wanna exchange but min 8 & above only.

24-01-2016, 11:16 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

24-01-2016, 11:57 AM
Good morning. :) Happy Sunday to all.

24-01-2016, 12:41 PM
Upped you 3 points for exchange.

Upped you my humbl4 4 points.


24-01-2016, 01:55 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

24-01-2016, 02:00 PM
Upz u +8, cheers :)

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
DarthRevan, norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo, bunty, Kuan Aik Hong, Fun12345, Denniswhite, Smoky7, skyleon, JokerDeBest, i^Xi0n, igor123, GoldRabbit, crackpod, Ktmakmak, ComplainKing, JulianLuther, silverstrike, lonebonker, deathryuk, Greenfrog, Supervert, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, ho-lee, tarma69, memorablez

tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

24-01-2016, 02:12 PM
7upz to you :D

Upz you back +9.
Any one for exchange? My queue is EMPTY.

24-01-2016, 02:15 PM
Humble 2 up for exchange. Have a nice day!

24-01-2016, 02:20 PM
14 green apples returned to Harvest today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Arse-nal (+9), Young Hero (+6), Young Hero (+6), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest

24-01-2016, 02:31 PM
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]14 green apples returned to Harvest today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

+2 for you. Thanks in advance.

24-01-2016, 04:23 PM
Thanks bro for up. +7 returned to you:)

Returned 7. Thanks brother.

Thank you bro Analingusman & Evetan86 for the return upz :D

Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

24-01-2016, 05:42 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 /

Queue List:
Dengfeng / ReelSchnick / Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

24-01-2016, 05:53 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : sex-newbie

Upped : Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

24-01-2016, 06:22 PM
5 points and above for exchange at this moment. Apologies to 4 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)

Will the following forum member/s please make a new post for me to return the favour.


24-01-2016, 06:38 PM
HappY 8=========

24-01-2016, 06:41 PM
Anyone with 4 points and up would like to exchange with me! Will up you ASAP when I regain my power. )

Upzzz you SCARRLET : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


24-01-2016, 06:49 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

I queue for ups exchange. Tks bro

24-01-2016, 07:31 PM
quick trade 9 points

upz list empty...thanks

7 upped points for trade.

24-01-2016, 09:16 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

1 dozen points in addition :D

24-01-2016, 09:18 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Positive 12 points added :D

24-01-2016, 09:19 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Nine-Up! :o

24-01-2016, 09:22 PM
Anyone with 4 points and up would like to exchange with me! Will up you ASAP when I regain my power. ;)

8 quarts of beer to cheers :D

24-01-2016, 09:23 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

18 good deeds done :D

24-01-2016, 09:25 PM
Bro, returned you 12 goo_ey:D

Lucky 8 Up! :D

24-01-2016, 09:35 PM
Hi bro goo_ey, would like to xchange points. Have upped ur points. Hope u don't mind. Thanks.;)

upz u humble point bro :)

sc slayer
24-01-2016, 10:10 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

24-01-2016, 10:36 PM

24-01-2016, 11:19 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

24-01-2016, 11:56 PM
Want to exchange??

25-01-2016, 12:34 AM
Points exchange anyone ??

25-01-2016, 01:14 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng /

Queue List:
ReelSchnick / Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

25-01-2016, 03:20 AM
Upz justanewbie, next in Q Hurricane88

25-01-2016, 05:54 AM

25-01-2016, 07:32 AM
Tks bro... Returned.. :)
Happy Monday. Queuing for your kind considerations. Many thanks .. :) Have a wonderful week.

25-01-2016, 08:01 AM
Good morning, 7 points for exchange

25-01-2016, 08:03 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng /

Queue List:
ReelSchnick / Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

25-01-2016, 08:26 AM
Latest upz : BigBirdBird Next on target list : (too long to list)

Exchange acknowledgements :

(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)

So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all

*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys, Innoncent$

To compliment :
humhum (no new post), roamario (no new post), .....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every fortnight for the rest.)

Awaiting their return upz :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83
08-05-2015 09:51 AM Nato17
12-06-2015 09:12 AM assrammer
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam (min 7 power):(
14-08-2015 09:21 AM superdelta
17-09-2015 10:19 AM Woei
20-11-2015 08:44 AM Lionelboi
04-12-2015 08:37 AM Evetan86
05-12-2015 08:58 AM skyscrape
23-12-2015 08:04 AM Ash_Christiano

* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *

25-01-2016, 08:33 AM
Upped you my humbl4 4 points.


Thanks. I've upped you before so can't up again.

25-01-2016, 09:10 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

25-01-2016, 09:33 AM
8 quarts of beer to cheers :D
12 mandarin oranges returned! Huat ah!:)

25-01-2016, 11:03 AM
Thanks. I've upped you before so can't up again.

upped you pls return.

25-01-2016, 11:52 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):

marlboroken: No new post

Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

25-01-2016, 01:28 PM
My humble 2 points to exchange

No Q :D

25-01-2016, 01:37 PM
I like to bonk Julie Tan:D

Bro, just returned favour.

Min 7 points to exchange.

25-01-2016, 01:59 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now (require fresh post).

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :

25-01-2016, 02:48 PM
14 green apples returned to Arse-nal today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Tho66 (+7), Young Hero (+6), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), DJMixologist (+2), Ladypink (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal

25-01-2016, 03:57 PM
points to exchange.

sc slayer
25-01-2016, 04:24 PM
Want to exchange upZzZ?

25-01-2016, 04:35 PM
No queue for now :o ... first come first serve !!! :D

21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

25-01-2016, 04:47 PM
Opening for trading :D

25-01-2016, 05:05 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng /

Queue List:
ReelSchnick / Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

25-01-2016, 05:13 PM

5 points and above for exchange at this moment. Apologies to 4 and below. I will lower the rates in due time. No offence to anyone :)

Updated return favour list: (Balance 8 to return)

NeedHelp (Post is expired)
laoba (Post is expired)


Alpha001 (+1)
HayDay (+3)
ExBro (+4)
tonyseng (+3)

I will be returning on a daily basis or as per forum's system daily allowance. Please be patience and do ensure that your post are valid for points adding :)

I will not be posting for the obvious reason as the list is getting too long, hence will post once every 2-3 days or till my list is cleared :D

25-01-2016, 05:23 PM
Thanks. I've upped you before so can't up again.

Thank you bro.

My humble 2 points to exchange

No Q :D

Up you my humble 4 points.


25-01-2016, 05:35 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

25-01-2016, 06:34 PM
12 mandarin oranges returned! Huat ah!)

Upzzz you bro KYC2110 : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


25-01-2016, 06:45 PM
Bros & Sis,

You think use these toys steady not with charbo?


25-01-2016, 07:39 PM
Thanks. I've upped you before so can't up again.


Just Returns +9 Back 2u..

Cheers Happy 2016..:)

25-01-2016, 07:46 PM
Upz you back +9.
Any one for exchange? My queue is EMPTY.

Upped 7 for trade.

25-01-2016, 07:50 PM
Opening for trading :D

Just up you.

25-01-2016, 08:23 PM
Thank you bro Analingusman & Evetan86 for the return upz :D

Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

To Up List:
norigo77, RapidoBoy, chochochang2, Mito, Abastor, 1deg, Spicy98, meatvegelove, CoCk shoCk, grey82, ZacCommand, jc_wtc, fullofrubbish, Exbros, SilentMan, lobangkingz, CherryPickle, Doubledare, ctchua, p00t, El bistro, Treemon99, Eternal Luck, Informer, ReelSchnick, Cafu, Xxon, bulleye, Naka_timo, bunty, Kuan Aik Hong, Fun12345, Denniswhite, Smoky7, skyleon, JokerDeBest, i^Xi0n, igor123, GoldRabbit, crackpod, Ktmakmak, ComplainKing, JulianLuther, silverstrike, lonebonker, deathryuk, Greenfrog, Supervert, cyberkoh88, baigonggong, ho-lee, tarma69, memorablez

DarthRevan, tuyet, voltaredonda, REYA, SirLance, powerkid, madpig88, anotherlife, badboys, hairy_abalone, surbana, starbuck, truthful, Slyer, tinalam, dysfunk, jay.lay, mePoke, S.B.Y.1, Sleepyguy2, owl888, compgen, cashcow, Nitro Trans, masterwanker, curiousSG, dyelook, wohaha96, Josh_Ray, kristoa7, Sailsingapore, esssinine, hamsapkwai, smartke, Lamborghini, Tho66, DevilChan78, cash8877, Rasta Marley, raw1, Kingsle, manu_no7, reading, simifly, guess67, ramirez, Chaku, Clownteaser, Koiz, vrossi1980, PeaceKris, mplover, bk4ever, hardone, mantaray73, Sexy_lion, JJmagic, Kalv, marlboroken, justanewbie, bbbjkim, ah rat, basfreak, sponge05, ebonkie, SureScore, Goalie, Hurricane88, BMW69, Rickey, Laoba, wittyman,HonestCrook, Jorje, Swagelock, Cumexplorer, 胡's your daddy!, waikeekee, ShaolinHamster, NorthEast, Apollo, Drpussy, clinton, NastyThaiboy, Pervy Sage

25-01-2016, 08:53 PM
For trade with min 5pts. Will up the brother tomorrow

25-01-2016, 09:20 PM
Opening for trading :D

Positive 12 points added :D

25-01-2016, 09:36 PM
Upz Today: scooby1 (+5 to 2816)

Upz Next:

Anyone keen to exchange?? :D
exchange of points welcome.. will surely return points to u..

Post Expired: Priority will be given
Goldrabbit / saas / Moderator88

To Up List:
No Queue!!

Jan 16
scooby1 / winner38 / TwinTowers / Lawrence1713 / iluvp / avkaki / chatlovers / VIETLONER / Zeith / hongkongdoggy / MattJB

Upped in 2015 (https://www.sammyboyforum.co.nz/showpost.php?p=14039709&postcount=3927)

25-01-2016, 09:56 PM
Anyone for exchange? Low queue now :)

25-01-2016, 10:13 PM
Upped you my humbl4 4 points.


Fire u one upz kopi gao gao!

25-01-2016, 11:57 PM
Rep. Points Exchange Welcome.

Quick 4 points returned.

Up-list:- EMPTY

Those who wish to trade, Power 2 and above, please.

bro return +6 :D

26-01-2016, 12:01 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng /

Queue List:
ReelSchnick / Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

26-01-2016, 12:12 AM
Opening for trading :D

Up u 14 bro...

26-01-2016, 12:26 AM
bro return +6 :D

Up u 9 bro...

26-01-2016, 12:26 AM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

CoCK ShoCk
26-01-2016, 01:18 AM
Upz justanewbie, next in Q Hurricane88

6 shoCkers added.

26-01-2016, 03:05 AM
New list!

Following bros let me know when you have a new post:
no matches on name: 7 - NaughtynSensual simifly 002nabe tuyet p00t ExbroL ramirez
given before, need to wait: 1 - topcook1

26-01-2016, 05:23 AM
upz brothers n sisters

26-01-2016, 06:10 AM
No queue for now :o ... first come first serve !!! :D

21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

26-01-2016, 07:02 AM
upped you pls return.

Upz you my points to trade.

26-01-2016, 07:35 AM
NO queue NO Queue
ready to up +15. 1st-come 1st-serve. :D

26-01-2016, 07:41 AM
Me wanna pump too...
Good morning. Queuing for your kind considerations. Many thanks. :) Wishing you / all a nice day.

26-01-2016, 08:11 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

26-01-2016, 08:47 AM
points to exchange.

+6 for you bro

26-01-2016, 08:53 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng / ReelSchnick /

Queue List:
Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

26-01-2016, 08:53 AM
upped you pls return.

Already upped you before on 08-01-2016 12:52 PM.

26-01-2016, 08:58 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

26-01-2016, 09:19 AM
Upz justanewbie, next in Q Hurricane88

just upped you 3 points to exchange

26-01-2016, 09:47 AM
up u one shot kopi gao gao!Return your upz. Thanks, bro.

Oh yes
26-01-2016, 10:02 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

returned, bro. :cool:

26-01-2016, 10:14 AM
Up u 14 bro...

+4 points for exchange. Thanks.

Those who wish to trade, Power 2 and above, please.

26-01-2016, 10:46 AM
Reupz for you already... thank bro

Positive 12 points added :D

26-01-2016, 11:20 AM
39 points for grab

26-01-2016, 11:28 AM
Can exchange.

Min 7 points to exchange.

26-01-2016, 12:28 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

26-01-2016, 01:37 PM
Already upped you before on 08-01-2016 12:52 PM.

Upz u for exchange. Tks

26-01-2016, 02:16 PM
Thank you bro.

Up you my humble 4 points.

Return my 2 humble to spicy98

26-01-2016, 02:20 PM
My 2 humble points to exchange with all :D

Q Up List

26-01-2016, 02:31 PM
14 green apples returned to Tho66 today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Young Hero (+6), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), DJMixologist (+2), Ladypink (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66

26-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng / ReelSchnick /

Queue List:
Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

26-01-2016, 02:41 PM
14 green apples returned to Tho66 today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: Young Hero (+6), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), DJMixologist (+2), Ladypink (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66

Wow joint the long QQQ.................. ;)

26-01-2016, 03:20 PM
Hi, up u back , thanks! :D

Thank you bro atoz67 for the return upz :D

Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

26-01-2016, 05:35 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : tokyoman

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

26-01-2016, 06:00 PM
Points exchange anyone ??

26-01-2016, 06:19 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


26-01-2016, 06:36 PM
Reupz for you already... thank bro
Had upz u too. Cheers!

Uplist All Cleared

All Exchange Points Are Welcome

26-01-2016, 06:41 PM
Reupz for you already... thank bro

Upzzz you Bro WHISKYNAAM : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!!


26-01-2016, 06:41 PM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


26-01-2016, 06:46 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

26-01-2016, 06:57 PM
21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

26-01-2016, 08:14 PM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


Upped 7 for trade.

26-01-2016, 08:38 PM

Just Returns +9 Back 2u..

Cheers Happy 2016..:)

Just up you.

sc slayer
26-01-2016, 09:17 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

26-01-2016, 09:33 PM
Just up you.

Auspicious +14 up :D

26-01-2016, 10:24 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

26-01-2016, 10:44 PM
Thank you bro atoz67 for the return upz :D

Anyone keen to exchange for my +10 daily? :)

upped u bro :D

26-01-2016, 10:52 PM
21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

26-01-2016, 11:29 PM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


add +7 to you ....:)

27-01-2016, 12:02 AM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


up u 6 :)
any bros wana trade???

27-01-2016, 12:17 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng / ReelSchnick /

Queue List:
Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

27-01-2016, 06:59 AM
returned, bro. :cool:

up u 8 brother

27-01-2016, 07:33 AM
My humble 2 points to exchange with all :D
Good morning. My humble 2 pts up . Thanks. :) Have a nice day.

27-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Just up you.
Bro, 16upz for u :)

min 6pts to exchange

27-01-2016, 08:51 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : tokyoman

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed :

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

27-01-2016, 08:52 AM
Latest upz : Reading Next on target list : (too long to list)

Exchange acknowledgements :

(Note: I will no longer list the nicks of those who returned my points as there is 4k character limit when composing a message.)

So here's a BIG "Thank You" to all

*Special mention :
All higher power bros who put me in their queue and return my upz
Most points (+48) received to date > Naka_Timo
Upped and immediately added me as a friend > eBonkie
Unable to return as acct was removed > drrtt
Did not meet their req or/and upped me 1st esp when they are higher power (+5) >
Ho-Lee, Kass, Volcano, Xtr3, CTChua, Kuan_Aik_Hong, Surbana, Wally888, GohZXC, NewYorker88, FatSpider, SunHuan-Con, Bunty, VoltaRedonda, SimiFly, Rasta Marley, Halogen019, Tiko, Retepoet, Prince7, Wu Song Jr, AnotherLife, BadBoys, Innoncent$

To compliment :
humhum (no new post), roamario (no new post), ....
(Note : Priority given to those higher power than me. Returning up once every fortnight for the rest.)

Awaiting their return upz :
17-04-2015 08:10 AM big_ben
21-04-2015 10:08 AM SiPayChun
24-04-2015 10:13 AM Pikadrian83
12-06-2015 09:12 AM assrammer
11-07-2015 08:56 AM tinalam (min 7 power):(
14-08-2015 09:21 AM superdelta
17-09-2015 10:19 AM Woei
20-11-2015 08:44 AM Lionelboi
04-12-2015 08:37 AM Evetan86
05-12-2015 08:58 AM skyscrape
23-12-2015 08:04 AM Ash_Christiano
28-12-2015 08:20 AM More

* * * Alert : Search function returns result off by 2-3 pages. * * *

27-01-2016, 09:54 AM
upped you pls return.

Just added you 3 points to trade, thanks.

27-01-2016, 10:08 AM
+4 points for exchange. Thanks.

Those who wish to trade, Power 2 and above, please.

Return u 14...cheers

27-01-2016, 10:14 AM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


Let's trade - Just Upz your reputation points. Thanks

27-01-2016, 11:03 AM
Just up you.

upzz u humble pt

27-01-2016, 11:32 AM
Can exchange.

Min 7 points to exchange.

27-01-2016, 12:15 PM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):

marlboroken: No new post

Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

27-01-2016, 01:16 PM
returned, bro. :cool:

Up you my humble 4 points bro.


27-01-2016, 01:54 PM

please trade, any points willl do


please trade brothers

27-01-2016, 02:02 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

27-01-2016, 02:03 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

27-01-2016, 02:32 PM
14 green apples returned to Young Hero today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: sbftiankon (+9), ReelSchnick (+5), RenaCross (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), DJMixologist (+2), Ladypink (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero

27-01-2016, 03:10 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.

1) Woohoo (latest)


1) Supreme_madness 2) Kp338

Kindly be patient for me to regain power before I can return the favour.


PS : Attention to all bros, I would kindly ask for a temporary stop on giving me points until I have returned to the remaining bros on my queue list. Currently I have 2 bros waiting for me to return them. Appreciate all your kind understanding.

27-01-2016, 04:09 PM
Do not zap Johnbass in the Matters of the Heart sub-forum and Adult Discussions about Anything Under the Sun sub-forum.

Zap in these two sub-forums will turn into a Up.


27-01-2016, 04:15 PM
returned, bro. :cool:

Just upped your points. Thanks.:)

27-01-2016, 04:46 PM
21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

27-01-2016, 05:42 PM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng / ReelSchnick / lalala89 /

Queue List:
Laoba / tinalam /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

27-01-2016, 05:44 PM
Just up you.

Just Returns +9 Back 2u

Cheers and Happy 2016;)

27-01-2016, 06:03 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed : tokyoman

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

27-01-2016, 06:44 PM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :


Upzzz you Bro SWINGER888 : Cheers from Sailsingapore !!


27-01-2016, 07:31 PM
Hi bro i32D ... 21 Ang Pows have just been credited to your account at 7.20pm ... Huat Ah !!! :D


21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > empty :eek: ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

27-01-2016, 08:28 PM
returned, bro. :cool:

+6 for you bro

27-01-2016, 08:36 PM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77

27-01-2016, 08:36 PM
Just Returns +9 Back 2u

Cheers and Happy 2016;)

Upped 7 for exchange.

sc slayer
27-01-2016, 09:03 PM
Want to exchange upZz?

27-01-2016, 09:40 PM
Thanks the following bros for your points.

Have up your points. cheers....

27-01-2016, 10:44 PM
Want to exchange???

28-01-2016, 07:31 AM
Good morning. :) Wishing all a nice day.

28-01-2016, 08:14 AM
Upped 7 for trade.

up u 6 bro :)
any bros wana trade???

28-01-2016, 08:46 AM
Festive season.. points to be given away.

28-01-2016, 08:56 AM
Welcoming exchange of points !!! Return of +7!!!


Up & Returned List:
retepoet / ml1138 / RenaCross / gilaxes / Jubilation / PPGirl / lobowolf / ken6890 / acemanfred55 / Dengfeng / ReelSchnick / lalala89 / tinalam /

Queue List:
Laoba /

Need New Post:
saas / fdomme / songest / roomai / Slide2despair / koebshaq0_0 /

Target: 1800 Points
Minimum 5 points for Exchange!

28-01-2016, 09:09 AM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed : tokyoman

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

28-01-2016, 09:27 AM
hi bro and sis,

Points for exchange :)


3 points added to trade.

28-01-2016, 11:48 AM
Hi Bros & Sis out there, I'm definitely welcome anyone with at least 4-Power Points who can help to up my points. My apology to those Bros & Sisters who have lesser than 4 power points & have upped my points as I won't in return up your points. Would like to seek your understanding on this requirement. Thanks.

For those Bros & Sisters who have at least 4-Power Points and have upped my points pls help to state your SBF nick in the "Comment" column so as I can in return up back your points. Pls also ensure that your latest posting is less than 48-hours old. Thanks. :)

Awaiting next in-line for me to up their points.

List of bros whom I need him to pm me his latest posting so as I can in return up his points. Thanks. :)
norice, bad^boi, virtualman, raiderxp, Rams75, wan25w, AVSPOP, Nemesis_v, shawnanderson, indignant, Driftmaster, gouflook, spatbrain, snowcap, happyguy801, howck001, elth, Sal1234, mariosuper, Honestkeith, Flinger(?), B-52, skyleon, iceboy29125, tanner132, sing-a-poo, Aceyfox, BC77Bro, upz you for exchange. Thanks in advance.

28-01-2016, 11:51 AM
In queue to be upped by me in exchange (in order):

marlboroken: No new post

Will return the favour to all, once I get my power back. Kindly be patient. Thanks to all, who have upped me.

topcook1, Javabeans, wasilang, chatlovers, Evetan86, Love 6969, deathryuk, simple2kee, smoky7, hamsapkwai, Mito, waikeekee, Lawrence1713, DarthRevan, Informer, mplover, Nzkiwi, grey82, justl00king, jay.lay, owl888, vampangel, baigonggong, raw1, clinton, ShaolinHamster, pilter, Tho66, justanewbie, bk4ever, WOOHOO, REYA, madpig88, Swagelock, wally888, Kingsle, kopigaogao, kristoa7, bulleye, curiousSG, szczesny, S.B.Y.1, ah rat, JJmagic, cash8877, DevilChan78, ebonkie, Andrew101, bababoo, ctchua, vrossi1980, Sexy_lion, voltaredonda, nastythaiboy, Rasta Marley, Spicy98, truthful, manu_no7, PeaceKris, NaughtynSensual, SureScore, Goalie, Koiz, Hurricane88, Clownteaser, powerki, Sailsingapor

Return u 14...cheers

28-01-2016, 12:12 PM
3 points added to trade.

Up u 9 bro...

28-01-2016, 01:26 PM
Up you 4 points bro.


Thanks for up and just return my humble 5 happy :)

28-01-2016, 01:38 PM
Anyone want to exchange with my humble 2 point ? ( NB : u need to have at least a power 1 to trade )

28-01-2016, 02:08 PM
Can exchange.

Min 7 points to exchange.

28-01-2016, 02:49 PM
14 green apples returned to ReelSchnick today

Another 14 green apples available for exchange today.

Green apples will be return daily.

Do join in the queue if you are interested.

Thank you :)

Note: Priority will be given to bros with the HIGHEST POWER.

Next To Up List: RenaCross (+5), lobowolf (+5), SunRayys (+5), skyscrape (+5), ExBro (+4), Spicy98 (+4), skyleon (+4), tittytitty (+2), DJMixologist (+2), Ladypink (+2), Nzkiwi (+1)

New Post Required KIV List: 0808 (+11), sbftiankon (+9)

Already Up List: Lamborghini, Hurricane88, SureScore, Redapple26, simple2kee, sgiceboy, Naka_Timo, Cumexplorer, justl00king, Kalv, Nato17, xxxdreamer, waikeekee, submarinez, sex crusader, xlao, loneyheart, kyc2110, Apollo, mobliepod, Goalie, PPGirl, Rickey, sam30sg, nitecrawllerr, marlboroken, justfuckit, qizai, songest, lookingaround, NorthEast, compgen, ah rat, smartke, formula1, ShaolinHamster, clinton, wittyman, venussg, DrPussy, HonestCrook, lglg666, President, MMKing, fdomme, siam66, SEAJ, hardone, 胡's your daddy!, nocturnal1984, GeGe, sponge05, basfreak, i^Xi0n, Cash8877, aalibaba, joHnnyBoy90, laoba, SimplyUnperfect, cupid, MimeBoxer, Cafu, hayhay, beautyhunter, BMW69, bestlicker, saas, Josh_Ray, starbuck, acemanfred55, cumminology, Swagelock, watssupp, SMGG, Tnuc111, Joe Fox, Pervy Sage, JustANewbie, hornyhubby, Ramirez, macktamer, Koiz, andrew101, Hilary, ClownTeaser, Nitro Trans, justdoit, Devil-Man, PeaceKris, ProjectAlice, 002nabe, lovecim, conly, reading, oxeso, Acegik, sexy_lion, FeiGohGoh, jc_wtc, Yakuza, mazda1947, jimfairy, Javabeans, mePoke, memorablez, TingTongLove, jorje, 222nge, devilchan78, S.B.Y.1, hamsapkwai, esssinine, Woei, bunty, ken6890, Mito, guess67, shctaw, GoldRabbit, bbbjkim, Hanster, surbana, wpns, best123, snowcap, FishingPartner, Babarella, Spector69, HunnyCame888, BlueFinTuna, bk81665, masters, chaku, PeroPero, 99099, Supervert, iSaigon, Doubledare, Rasta Marley, Baigonggong, SirRumble, slyer, iphone1s, bizbiz, le113ru, Gem08, ComplainKing, BrillantKnight, masterwanker, Kuan Aik Hong, buzett, koebshaq0_0, ShiningGlory, More, AceAmando, Devil Reds, BlickBassy, Fishypartner, Abastor, takashi31400, KohOnly21, Evetan86, sleeping, Big Sister80, XiaoLaoPO, norigo77, 1deg, kthan10, sc slayer, urgg, JollyOne, GoldPool, CherryQQ, Jubilation, FookKew, b00bs, hairy_abalone, Ho-Lee, JokerDeBest, charcoalfilter, RedFrog, Lemon2, Treemon99, NRider, PowerSeh, raw1, bigbirdbird, Zacelfron, igor123, SingaHarimau, LeeHsienLoong, w00f, Greenfrog, Happyman007, VRossi1980, Raddy69, madpig88, curiousSG, Xxon, hakone, NastyThaiboy, Skypiea, BK4ever, MPLover, Truthful, JohnnyStorm, BBHumper, tarma69, mantaray73, MagicEight, Guardsmen, lion81, gilaxes, Coronet Peak, wester22, pompy, KnightScorpio, randily, crackpod, damong777, OserbergGold, manu_no7, tinalam, VoltaRedonda, fun12345, Sailsingapore, Shoot To Target, wally888, chatlovers, ctchua, Black Page, Abbie Mayo, ChinaAngel, CherryPickle, wohaha96, retepoet, zl1983, simifly, bababoo, gasscut, smoky7, anotherlife, Harvest, Arse-nal, Tho66, Young Hero, ReelSchnick

28-01-2016, 03:45 PM
Upped 7 for exchange.

returning upz...thanks!

fast trade with 9 points...empty list.

28-01-2016, 04:47 PM
Up u 14 bro...

+7 returned with thanks :D

28-01-2016, 05:01 PM
Just Returns +9 Back 2u

Cheers and Happy 2016;)

Up you my humble 4 points.


28-01-2016, 05:40 PM
Exchange of points welcome. Min power of 6 .

For those who upped me please leave your nick. No nick how to return ? Thank you .

Left to right

To be upped : ( empty )

Upped : sex-newbie ; Analingusman ; hairy_abalone ; cock shock ; Fun12345 ; arse-nal ; jaglooking4u ; hakone ; Eternal Luck ; Love 6969 ; shoot to target ; Littlerain ; Shiok ; Sal1234 ; more ; sammmysiao ; skunky ; marc5 ; skypiea ; Young Hero ; jay.lay ; evetan86 ; Black Page ; deathryuk ; Bluezben

New post needed : tokyoman

Need to spread some reputation around before I can up ___________ again .

28-01-2016, 06:13 PM
Festive season.. points to be given away.

for those whom I owe a up previously please PM me your latest post.

28-01-2016, 06:16 PM
Festive season.. points to be given away.

for those whom I owe a up previously please PM me your latest post.

You owe people points :eek: ... Lol

28-01-2016, 06:18 PM
You owe people points :eek: ... Lol

People up me.. I haven't return.. Can't find their latest post.

28-01-2016, 06:21 PM
You owe people points :eek: ... Lol

Did I owe you points? Don't think so. Think I up u before.

28-01-2016, 06:23 PM
People up me.. I haven't return.. Can't find their latest post.

O.I.C ... *phew* ... I was thinking of something else :eek: ... Lol

28-01-2016, 06:38 PM
Did I owe you points? Don't think so. Think I up u before.

Sure ornot ??? ... if my memory dun fails me ... so far there are only 5 donors who upz me ... but I dun recalled ever returning upz to you lei :rolleyes: ... Lol

28-01-2016, 06:42 PM
Sure ornot ??? ... if my memory dun fails me ... so far there are only 5 donors who upz me ... but I dun recalled ever returning upz to you lei :rolleyes: ... Lol

Maybe not donor yet.. donor for a year only.

28-01-2016, 06:43 PM
Sure ornot ??? ... if my memory dun fails me ... so far there are only 5 donors who upz me ... but I dun recalled ever returning upz to you lei :rolleyes: ... Lol

When regain power can try.

28-01-2016, 06:43 PM
Sure ornot ??? ... if my memory dun fails me ... so far there are only 5 donors who upz me ... but I dun recalled ever returning upz to you lei :rolleyes: ... Lol

Name the five? Lol I also want to know and test your memory muhahaha :D

28-01-2016, 06:44 PM
Maybe not donor yet.. donor for a year only.

Hmmm .... okok fair enough ... but dun worry ... I sure got return back de :cool:

28-01-2016, 06:49 PM
Hmmm .... okok fair enough ... but dun worry ... I sure got return back de :cool:

Return you still gain what.

28-01-2016, 06:49 PM
Name the five? Lol I also want to know and test your memory muhahaha :D

Lol ... Meow Meow ... hmmm ... let me try ... GM ... Iceage ... NakaTimo ... Botakhead ... and lastly you lar ... the pretty & forever young Meow Meow !!! :D

28-01-2016, 06:52 PM
Return you still gain what.

Dun return me back first ... see whether I can return you back first ... although it is more than 3 years leow ... so far only 1 bro can exchange with me again ... bro Lambo ... why you so special har ??? :eek: ... Lol

28-01-2016, 06:59 PM
If I can up u I up u. No need to return.

you provided me with afternoon entertainment.

28-01-2016, 07:03 PM
If I can up u I up u. No need to return.

you provided me with afternoon entertainment.

No cannot ... coz I dun like to owe people ... be it $$$ or rep points ... also you have entertain me this whole afternoon too :eek: ... Lol

28-01-2016, 07:05 PM
No cannot ... coz I dun like to owe people ... be it $$$ or rep points ... also you have entertain me this whole afternoon too :eek: ... Lol

Then all the more make u owe me.. ask my kaki to up u too.. then u owe me lots.

28-01-2016, 07:12 PM
Then all the more make u owe me.. ask my kaki to up u too.. then u owe me lots.

:eek: ... liddat not counted I owe you wor :eek: ... coz you play cheat !!! :( .... Lol

28-01-2016, 07:13 PM
:eek: ... liddat not counted I owe you wor :eek: ... coz you play cheat !!! :( .... Lol

No worry. I count the total points to up.. then send u if u.

u ready or not. Excluding this 45. At least another 40+

28-01-2016, 07:21 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now (require fresh post).

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)

28-01-2016, 07:23 PM
:eek: ... liddat not counted I owe you wor :eek: ... coz you play cheat !!! :( .... Lol

Already up 48. You owe me 48. Hahaha

28-01-2016, 07:36 PM
Hi bro tiztiz ... 21 Ang Pows have just been credited to your account at 7.25 pm ... Huat Ah !!! :D


21 Ang Pows for exchange

All are welcome

Huat Ah !!!

Queue / Delivery date > madpig (29/1) ... Ladypink (30/1) ... infinitiumus (31/1) ...

Post expired / PM sent > empty ... please PM me if you have make a new post :)

28-01-2016, 07:39 PM
Already up 48. You owe me 48. Hahaha

Lol ... no such thing one lar .... as long as I return what I promise in my siggy ... we are quits wor ... Lol

28-01-2016, 07:41 PM
People up me.. I haven't return.. Can't find their latest post.

If got extra up me pls.. tq :D

28-01-2016, 08:23 PM
No need to ask for contact.
Her number can be found in her official ad here https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=573152
Thanks for the upz. Had already return favor. Cheers!

Uplist All Cleared

All Exchange Points Are Welcome

28-01-2016, 08:35 PM
NO queue NO Queue
ready to up +15. 1st-come 1st-serve. :D

sc slayer
28-01-2016, 09:23 PM
Want to exchange upzZ?

28-01-2016, 09:29 PM
returning upz...thanks!

fast trade with 9 points...empty list.

+10 returned, tq

28-01-2016, 09:38 PM
+10 returned, tq

6 upped for exchange.

28-01-2016, 09:41 PM
up u 6 bro :)
any bros wana trade???

7 points returned.

28-01-2016, 10:36 PM
NO queue NO Queue
ready to up +15. 1st-come 1st-serve. :D

Upped 11 :D

Anyone for exchange?

28-01-2016, 10:46 PM
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?
Desire to INCREASE your Rep Points level?

I m READY to provide you wiz
48 points (on Normal Request) Upz or 83 points (on Special Request) Upz.. :p

Just click "agree" to add rep pts to my postings & await for good returns.. Act Now! Don't Wait!

PM me if Special request svc is required for those who are positive status wiz no power level & minimum 10 postings
(subjected to registered accounts from yr 2001 to 2006)

P/S:Those who recommend suitable accounts will also be rewarded. Those who have pro-actively upz me, pls pm me to return ur kindness.

28-01-2016, 11:14 PM
13+ to up daily.

Exchange for min power of 5 & above. Priority Q for min power of 10 & above.

Only ONE in up list queue now (require fresh post).

Please remember to PM me after up and I will return fast :)
5 Donald added to join the q.