View Full Version : Gers Are Still Gers
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03-05-2007, 11:52 PM
just to share....
i'll still stik to this....
u can walk thru life alone but never in a marriage....
04-05-2007, 11:42 AM
yes bro... its not even a battle, im just being annihilated...
i want n love her so badly i just keep giving, while she expects nothing less...
i know this isnt good or healthy at all but im afraid that if i do anything different i might lose her...
Im really at a loss of what to do.
Bro, i have been through this type of all out relationship twice, all failed.
I can only tell you, gers will take you for granted when they know their extreme importance in your heart. They will take & take & take, thinking its
their privilege, yi ge yuan da, yi ge yuan ai ma. Who to blame?
There might come to a time when you think the world is crashing down on you, & you can't let go even though your rational mind is screaming the solution at you.
But the truth is, its an unbelieveable relieve when you finally let go & you will feel that you never want to pick it up again (tangled in a one sided love).
For gers that want to play hard to get/ mind games, I will tell them fuxk you.
(In my mind lah, haha)
Being alone/ lonely is always better than living in despair & in pain.
Chok Dee.
04-05-2007, 12:13 PM
But the truth is, its an unbelieveable relieve when you finally let go & you will feel that you never want to pick it up again (tangled in a one sided love).
For gers that want to play hard to get/ mind games, I will tell them fuxk you.
(In my mind lah, haha)
Being alone/ lonely is always better than living in despair & in pain.
Wise men think alike. Women will take u for granted if u are the only party who sacrifices, gives, etc... End of the day, they will shit on ur head, and u suffer (both big and small dead) :D
P/S: deservedly added u +5points.
04-05-2007, 01:58 PM
whatever the down side of things may be, as my fren once advised me; wat doenst kill u only makes u stronger.... the way to success is to identify opportunity in the bleekest moments.
for those of us who've experienced bad times with local girls, well... take it as good exercise, training & sharpening of skills for handling women. the rewards shall be revealed in many folds when it comes to foreign chicks, or at least the fateful right 1 (sg gal) when opportunity unfolds. :cool:
04-05-2007, 07:19 PM
there're times when you have to cut your losses. painful it may be, but think about it (in the long run), if it benefits or is it gonna land u up in bigger losses? by that, you should be able to decide for yourself whether if its worth your while.
Bro, i have been through this type of all out relationship twice, all failed.
I can only tell you, gers will take you for granted when they know their extreme importance in your heart. They will take & take & take, thinking its
their privilege, yi ge yuan da, yi ge yuan ai ma. Who to blame?
Bros, thank you for your extremely good advice and experience. A pity I am unable to up your points so can only say thank you here.
I think I must make a decision soon. In the name of love I can tolerate somethings, but now it is up to her. If she doen't love me, and just making use of me then it might be time for me to move on.
05-05-2007, 03:10 AM
Being alone/ lonely is always better than living in despair & in pain.
totally agree with u, bro. it is our own lives we r talking about. we men also have the right to find our own happiness. if being together means we men must take the kind of crappy responsibility of giving, giving and more giving, then what good will come out of such relationships? but then again, i m not married yet, so i can comment as such. we should really see properly before we get married. my last ex betrayed me once, found out and broke up with her straightaway. no amount of tears from her would move me (actually moved but didnt show) no point already... or else i will not even want to touch her again, much less treat her well...
Wise men think alike. Women will take u for granted if u are the only party who sacrifices, gives, etc... End of the day, they will shit on ur head, and u suffer (both big and small dead)
why can we men band together??? women r always so united!!! when i broke up with my ex not too long ago, our female friends were all consoling her when she was the one who did me wrong!!! i mean, what the fuck, they still had the cheek to come ask me to forgive her and stuff, when she continued to go out with the arsehole to go partying with my female friends!!! that is the way she showed that she wanted to get back with me!!!
i just wish that sg men would band together like them!!! :( but with the number of desperados out there spoiling the market, i find that this is really hard.
whatever the down side of things may be, as my fren once advised me; wat doenst kill u only makes u stronger.... the way to success is to identify opportunity in the bleekest moments.
for those of us who've experienced bad times with local girls, well... take it as good exercise, training & sharpening of skills for handling women. the rewards shall be revealed in many folds when it comes to foreign chicks, or at least the fateful right 1 (sg gal) when opportunity unfolds.
whenever i see yr posts on these few threads, i really had to resist replying u. i dont want to stereotype anymore, but i cant help but to agree with u!!! but why is that so with local girls??? what is wrong with local girls??? what is it that makes them behave such??? i really have no answer to it.
recently, i have gotten myself a new gf by chance... a korean (PR now) who lived her for most of her life. she is immersed into the sg culture and environment, her friends are mostly sgreans as well. but it is just different with the way she treats me as compared to sg women!!! she just makes me want to give, give and give somemore, cos she has been doing the same thing!!! just giving without wanting anything back!!! when i asked her, she told me that giving is much more enjoyable than taking... not that she is complaining though.
so, i can strike off a couple of possible reasons for sg women behaving such:
1. it cant be the culture and environment they grew up in.
2. it cant be her friends who influenced such cos her friends r also quite mean to their bfs/husbands!!!
so what is it??? upbringing???:confused:
05-05-2007, 09:37 AM
.... whenever i see yr posts on these few threads, i really had to resist replying u. i dont want to stereotype anymore, but i cant help but to agree with u!!! but why is that so with local girls??? what is wrong with local girls??? what is it that makes them behave such??? i really have no answer to it......
so, i can strike off a couple of possible reasons for sg women behaving such:
1. it cant be the culture and environment they grew up in.
2. it cant be her friends who influenced such cos her friends r also quite mean to their bfs/husbands!!!
so what is it??? upbringing???:confused: bro, many wise men (in the past & present) have said it before, women r the wierdest creatures to walk the surface of this planet to understand. while its less obvious in many women of other continents, the problems persistantly exist regadless, its as though it runs in all their chromosome...
if its 1 thing i've noticed, its something related to "sense of securities" (notice its not just sense of security). from the 1st woman till the ones we see today, seem to have the same issues. they all need to feel the sense of securities. the only down side is due to the pace of things, that creates algorithms to the already complicated situations. i.e.:
1) in the case of a submissive gf/wife, she's never secure regardless how much her man can offer. she then compares to see how her peers r being doted & pampered by their partners/spouses respectively, hence expecting/demanding her man to meet the same, if not, higher standards.
2) in the case of the "girlpower"/career woman, she's decided to be independant because she can't get the sense of security from any prospecting man out there. and even if she meets with a man who can meet some of her standards, the woman's ever changing/increasing benchmark makes it almost impossible for men to meet.
women generally r liberal these days, hence some of different nationalities tend to be more expressive with their emotions, some bold enough to go round tackling men instead. mind u, some indeed can get very aggressive.
as for our sg-gals, i believe its the culture & upbringing that adds to the complications of their default diabolic settings. we're a modern society, but the traditional sentiments of woman being the weaker gender is still instilled in them. which explains why majority of them still expect the man to be the sole bread winner... not so that she can be a gd homemaker, but so she can be the modern day taitai.
why upbringing? notice those born since the mid-late 70's, when livelihood was moderate, luxuries were far fetched. parents used to cane their kids, and we often hear the preachings; "study hard, so u can be smart... then when u grow up, u can marry a rich man" (notice, its not find a good man). but for the boys typically; "study hard & be smart, so u can be a gd man & provide for your family"
this being the case, we're nonetheless obligated as men to provide for our own nucleas family & extended family. and since sg gals seem to be less appreciative, then its perhaps a better choice (not necessarily wiser) to marry a foreign spouse.
p.s.: by that, it also doesnt guarantee to sooth any broken ego/souls.
05-05-2007, 06:43 PM
bro, many wise men (in the past & present) have said it before, women r the wierdest creatures to walk the surface of this planet to understand. while its less obvious in many women of other continents, the problems persistantly exist regadless, its as though it runs in all their chromosome...
if its 1 thing i've noticed, its something related to "sense of securities" (notice its not just sense of security). from the 1st woman till the ones we see today, seem to have the same issues. they all need to feel the sense of securities. the only down side is due to the pace of things, that creates algorithms to the already complicated situations. i.e.:
1) in the case of a submissive gf/wife, she's never secure regardless how much her man can offer. she then compares to see how her peers r being doted & pampered by their partners/spouses respectively, hence expecting/demanding her man to meet the same, if not, higher standards.
2) in the case of the "girlpower"/career woman, she's decided to be independant because she can't get the sense of security from any prospecting man out there. and even if she meets with a man who can meet some of her standards, the woman's ever changing/increasing benchmark makes it almost impossible for men to meet.
women generally r liberal these days, hence some of different nationalities tend to be more expressive with their emotions, some bold enough to go round tackling men instead. mind u, some indeed can get very aggressive.
as for our sg-gals, i believe its the culture & upbringing that adds to the complications of their default diabolic settings. we're a modern society, but the traditional sentiments of woman being the weaker gender is still instilled in them. which explains why majority of them still expect the man to be the sole bread winner... not so that she can be a gd homemaker, but so she can be the modern day taitai.
why upbringing? notice those born since the mid-late 70's, when livelihood was moderate, luxuries were far fetched. parents used to cane their kids, and we often hear the preachings; "study hard, so u can be smart... then when u grow up, u can marry a rich man" (notice, its not find a good man). but for the boys typically; "study hard & be smart, so u can be a gd man & provide for your family"
this being the case, we're nonetheless obligated as men to provide for our own nucleas family & extended family. and since sg gals seem to be less appreciative, then its perhaps a better choice (not necessarily wiser) to marry a foreign spouse.
p.s.: by that, it also doesnt guarantee to sooth any broken ego/souls.
i have no problems with the general consensus that men should provide for the family. been brought up that way too by my parents. cant imagine myself being a house husband... well, even to the point of extending it to my extended family, i will also try my best. but of course, my wife would have to be someone who will treat me in such a way to make me want to do that, right???
sense of security... i agree men should provide their women with that. but shouldnt women do that for their man as well??? they want this and they want that... no $ liao, how to provide them with a sense of security...
benchmarking... that's the job of our inept govt or MNCs lah... how many single rich men r there in sg??? i consider my female boss rich, and her lifestyle is something i can aim for by working for her cos she has promised me that she is grooming me to take over her when she retires in a couple of years' time. but she is dwarfed by the lifestyles of those clients we have... the filthy rich men!!! their wives spend more in a shopping trip than what i make in a month!!!:eek: want to compare???
finally, r u agreeing with me that upbringing has a big part to play??? the more i think of it, the more i find it very reasonable!!! self-fulfilling prophecy??? maybe, but guess at the present moment, it is not my problem liao... not trying to rub sg men the wrong way here, but we need to widen our horizons and be opened to other nationalities for consideration of marriages. the effect might be as fast as we would love to have, but well, hit them where it hurts. thinking of sg women, i should thank my lucky stars at least for the moment, and also make sure that my present gf does not get away from me... cheers...:D
06-05-2007, 12:09 AM
When "julia" was 10yrs old (in 80s), she loved those $0.70 ice-cream selling at neighbourhood's shops. She crazed and satisfied with the $0.70 ice-cream to cool down the hot weather. After she finished the $0.70 ice-cream, she would happily go back home to complete her homework.
"Julia" grew up and admitted into uni at the age of 20. She got a bunch of friends from all walks of lives: rich, poor, fat, ugly, smart, retarded, etc... However, one thing has changed, that she would never enjoy the $0.70 ice-cream (although the price has gone up to $1.50). After school, she would join her peers bumming at HagenDaz for a scoup of ice-cream that costs her $4. She would chill out with her friends at one corner while enjoying the $4 HagenDaz ice-cream. (Remark: "Julia" is a uni student, therefore no income)
After slogging 4yrs of midnight oils, "Julia" graduated and found a decent job that bring home approx $2000. At 24, she no longer hang out with her 'uni-mate', instead, she clubs with her working adult colleagues at nightspots in the city. At times, she would pamper herself for an expensive high tea or sipping the $20 ice-cream at one of the most prominent hotels. Whenever she passes by the neighbour shop that sells $0.70 ice-cream, she never try to pick up the $0.70 ice-cream to remind her childhood's craze. In fact, she has scheduled the next $20 ice-cream date with her so-called "working professional" colleagues.
If U think the story ends here, nope, it doesnt end here...
06-05-2007, 01:51 AM
When "julia" was 10yrs old (in 80s), she loved those $0.70 ice-cream selling at neighbourhood's shops. She crazed and satisfied with the $0.70 ice-cream to cool down the hot weather. After she finished the $0.70 ice-cream, she would happily go back home to complete her homework.
reminds me of the song, julia says by wet wet wet...
julia says
she doesnt know what it's all about
she doesnt seem to care at all
open your eyes and see
love hurts
must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself... haggen daz (fyi, american company but european name so they can charge exhorbitant prices) ice-cream, nydc mud-pies not good enough??? must have hotel ones by renowned chefs whom most of us have never heard before??? worth it??? maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...:o
06-05-2007, 11:58 AM
If U think the story ends here, nope, it doesnt end here...
must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself...
i used to dream of a simple life in a small flat with the love of my life, living off a small income but contented with love and life. But now I realise, without money there is no love :mad:
06-05-2007, 12:43 PM
..must women become "whores" of the material world??? ..maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on.
Introspective comment. Reminds me of Madonna's song of past. Just popped by this thread, seems there's so much grief by the likes of our local chabor:D
06-05-2007, 07:21 PM
i used to dream of a simple life in a small flat with the love of my life, living off a small income but contented with love and life. But now I realise, without money there is no love
same dream here... whatever happened to a simple life, what happened to "love will keep us alive"??? material things wont make us happy, only makes us greedier...
sg never had anyone starved to death from poverty before, so what r our sg women looking for??? a husband who could afford everything so that she could be the one with the best husband amongst her friends??? sg women, grow up, please...:cool:
Introspective comment. Reminds me of Madonna's song of past. Just popped by this thread, seems there's so much grief by the likes of our local chabor
if given the choice, i would certainly want to have a sg soulmate/wife. the similar childhood experiences, the similar slang and the appreciation of local jokes and jibes. something that my korean OC could not give even though she has been living here for most of her life...
but alas, the sg pasture... they only want men who could turn them into another russell burbank when most of us sg men just want a quiet piece of heaven to call our own...:(
06-05-2007, 07:26 PM
sa husband who could afford everything so that she could be the one with the best husband amongst her friends??? sg women, grow up, please...:c
if given the choice, i would certainly want to have a sg soulmate/wife. the similar childhood experiences, the similar slang and the appreciation of local jokes and jibes. something that my korean OC could not give even though she has been living here for most of her life...
but alas, the sg pasture... they only want men who could turn them into another russell burbank when most of us sg men just want a quiet piece of heaven to call our own...:(
bro, how i envy you. you have a KOREAN OC. i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....:(
Sun King
06-05-2007, 07:35 PM
maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...:o
That is because we man know how to be happy on our own without magazines telling us how.
But more importantly, brother! That lovely chocolate ice-cream with 2 sticks has been extinct for a very long time liao! sob sob :(
06-05-2007, 07:55 PM
bro, how i envy you. you have a KOREAN OC. i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....
thanks bro. i m thankful too, but not bcos she is korean but the fact that she respects and appreciates who i m, always standing steadfast beside me, assisting me whenever she could. but then, will not make such a hasty conclusion... women have the ability to fake stuff. arrange for us to move out and live together, just the 2 of us. everything will reveal themselves when left to our own devices.:D
u still can count ah??? i only know of 1 good one, a colleague who is preparing to get married liao...
That is because we man know how to be happy on our own without magazines telling us how.
But more importantly, brother! That lovely chocolate ice-cream with 2 sticks has been extinct for a very long time liao! sob sob
in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!! and magazines dont tell us how to be happy and stuff... magazines tell women what they want to hear, that's all... it's true!!! ladies, flame me, but i m still going to say it!!! u just want to hear whatever u want to hear, u want to read whatever u want yourself to believe or to justify whatever it is that u r doing!!!
my dad is like 100X richer than my brother. why is it that my mum is not worried about PRC women when my sis-in-law is scared to death of them stealing her husband??? what is my mum doing right???
but the most important thing of all, the ice-cream with the 2 sticks really extinct liao ah??? thinking back, can still remember the slightly bitter aftertaste... shiok!!! and all for just 35 cents...:D
Sun King
06-05-2007, 08:06 PM
in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!!
but the most important thing of all, the ice-cream with the 2 sticks really extinct liao ah??? thinking back, can still remember the slightly bitter aftertaste... shiok!!! and all for just 35 cents...:D
Hohoho no wonder you and I hit off so well! Like minds think alike. That is why I never buy magazines.
Unfortunately so. It's not bitter but the strong taste of coco. So smooth and rich chocolately taste now gone for good! sob sob. Last then young not enough pocket money to indulge but now working got the money it is no more.
07-05-2007, 02:02 PM
..... finally, r u agreeing with me that upbringing has a big part to play??? the more i think of it, the more i find it very reasonable!!! self-fulfilling prophecy??? maybe, but guess at the present moment, it is not my problem liao... not trying to rub sg men the wrong way here, but we need to widen our horizons and be opened to other nationalities for consideration of marriages. the effect might be as fast as we would love to have, but well, hit them where it hurts. thinking of sg women, i should thank my lucky stars at least for the moment, and also make sure that my present gf does not get away from me... cheers...:D i think its all subjected to the issues & permutations of the individuals.... and applicable on case to case basis. nonetheless, my gut feeling tells me, its somehow related to the upbringing & peer pressure... leading to majority of our sg gals in the present situation. if left unchecked.. will bring about more distress in the near future.
07-05-2007, 02:12 PM
.... must women become "whores" of the material world??? nowadays, the $0.70 ice-cream is already $2. sometimes cant even bear to eat them myself... haggen daz (fyi, american company but european name so they can charge exhorbitant prices) ice-cream, nydc mud-pies not good enough??? must have hotel ones by renowned chefs whom most of us have never heard before??? worth it??? maybe we sg men (maybe just me) r still stuck in the past while they have all moved on... i will be perfectly happy with the chocolate ice cream that has 2 sticks... value for money mah...:o they say men r from mars, women from venus... somehow there's some truth in the saying i reckon. men by & large r often objective driven, whilst women tend to be disoriented... cos they're easily distracted/faltered.
if its ice-cream to quench the heat & thrist, then so be it, regardless if its a magnum from the friendly neighborhood mamak stall, or haagen daz from down town. ice cream is still ice cream. and if die die must have haagen daz, still available in tubs from the neighborhood econ/NTUC/shengsiong outlets.
whilst women often display their air-headedness, not knowing what they actually want. even if it was mutally agreed to settle for ice-cream from any joint, she's capable of suddenly changing the objective to another joint (as men we're expected to oblige).... and just when u're making ur way to the new plan, she'd either change her mind once more, or revert back to the initial plan.
07-05-2007, 02:16 PM
...... i got to face reality that sg gers are incorrigibly materialistic. whatever happened to the hardworking virtuouous sg gers ? i can count with one hand....:( virtuous sg gal? ummmm.... i'm quite surprised u still can count w 1 hand... in my books, they extinct almost a decade ago.
07-05-2007, 02:27 PM
..... in my humble opinion, magazines r even worse than gahmen controlled newspapers!!! and magazines dont tell us how to be happy and stuff... magazines tell women what they want to hear, that's all... it's true!!! ladies, flame me, but i m still going to say it!!! u just want to hear whatever u want to hear, u want to read whatever u want yourself to believe or to justify whatever it is that u r doing!!! bro, i agree. i been doing pretty much research on my own, found out that magazines can corrupt the simplest minds. the more the women subscribe, the more unbecoming they become. columnist sometimes preach about girl-power, influencing readers to believe that men r dispensable/expendable/redundant...etc.
not to mention, the ads that come along r telling the gals to pamper themselves, indirectly teaching them to be self-indulgent & ignore all else around them.
its as per what marketing experts often smile about... women's $ easiest to earn/con.
my dad is like 100X richer than my brother. why is it that my mum is not worried about PRC women when my sis-in-law is scared to death of them stealing her husband??? what is my mum doing right???... sometimes its not so much as to how older women dont feel insecure about their ageing husbands... its just that they know the libido/testosterones have decreased, hence its less likely older men can achieve infidelity (flesh). at the most... just some monetary squandders. while its the younger & testosterone raging men that most women r insecure about.
ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her.
07-05-2007, 02:43 PM
ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her.
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.
I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....
What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
07-05-2007, 03:01 PM
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.
I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....
What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
so true.....:(
07-05-2007, 05:53 PM
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray.
I dare say maybe 10% of the infidelity is generated by high sex drive amongst us but 90% is due to crap you are receiving from your woman at home. When you get bitched at coming back late from work, nagged for not doing the housework properly, complain about your mother,father,brother,sister,dog..., complain not enough money to spend, complain got money but dont have your time, complain your are not sensitive to her, her mother,father, brother, sister, dog....
What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start...
Good Post. UpPed u. :)
07-05-2007, 05:57 PM
I'd say, in general, SG women r damn selfish & feeling insecure most times. When their guys look at another gal, especially if tat other gal is chio, she'll be unhappy. Several years back, many SG gals hate Thai gals, & dislike Msian gals as well. Cos many, if not most prostitutes are Thai gals, many prostitutes are oso from Msia. Many guys oso go Msia 4 commercial sex. They are selfish, they dun even allow u 2 look at other gals, 4 the fear tat there's the temptation 4 u 2 stray. Not 2 mention, the prostitutes from foreign countries seem ready 2 please SG men physically more than them!!! In recent years, SG gals hate PRC gals. Many SG gals I spoke 2, I ask them did they have bad experience in China, they haven't even stepped their foot into China, but juz said "look, those PRC gals r so cheap, unscrupulous, etc etc, hooking up men". In actual fact, these foreign gals r very attractive, both physically & even virtuously, it's v strong competition, or actually these foreign gals win hands down. Yet SG gals refuse 2 budge on their mentality, can only use such emotional blackmail 2 on their men...
Another perspective on their insecurity:
during the World Cup seasons, u oso see many magazines, asking / challenging the gals, how confident they are, tat their men love them more than soccer, who/wat gets more attention from the men: soccer or the gals. U see those magazines, teaching them some tricks, including being naked, see the men pays attention 2 the TV or her, how 2 get their men's attention, instead of the men glued 2 the TV, etc etc.
I juz came back from a holiday trip 2 Cambodia, wif an ABC (American Born Chinese). Tis gal's bkground is abit complicated, born in China (GuangDong or HK), partly grew up in Shanghai, partly in Canada. She now holds Canadian passport. She's exactly a "banana" (yellow on the outside, white in the inside, her mind), she oso admits tat. So her expectations of the ang moh gentleman, ie, open doors 4 her, pull chair 4 her, pour her drinks, serve her food, etc etc. But, being ang moh / democratic, she oso pays her fair share of the expenses on dates, if not more.
She's currently a director or CEO of 1 of the MNCs in Shanghai. But, in Cambodia, me being the man, the drivers open doors 4 me, service personnel expects the decision 2 come from me, assuming I'm the "paymaster", etc etc. She knows it's an Asian culture / society, so lan-lan, accepts tat. But, the main difference is, she's paying more 4 all the expenses throughout the trip than me!!! She's oso smart, in the sense tat she passes me the $$ behind the scene, eg, discreetly when we call 4 the bill, or when back in our hotel room.
In return, outta respect 4 her, I'll ask 4 her opinion every now & then, ie, where 2 go / visit, wat food / cuisine, which restaurant, etc etc. I'd oso made my schedule flexible enuf 2 accomodate hers. The dates / duration of the holiday, she flies into Cambodia, while I travel by land from Thailand. I can see tat she appreciates my flexibility & my respecting her opinions.
The hot weather + insects kinda makes her grouchy, & I can see tat there's really rashes / reaction from her skin! She whined & grouched a little, which I took it in my stride, taking it as sai-nai. When she goes further, I kinda gave her a serious look, & reminded her tat it's her idea of coming Cambodia 4 holiday, we can't expect much from this country, & we knew tat even b4 we arrived!!!
Best part is, she apologised after I reminded her. So I just gave in a little, just said I can understand how she feels, poor thing, etc etc, & allow her 2 whine a little bit more. And, she doesn't react like SG gals screaming & going berserk, when she sees cockcroaches, lizards, kena mosquito bites, etc. There was once, a big cockcroach came onto our dinner table. She saw it, juz said, "hey, wat a big 1". I juz used my middle finger 2 flick it away. The waitresses who saw it scrambled 2wards our table 2 try 2 catch the cockcroach, worrying tat she might scream. The cockcroach ended up on the next table, wif 3 ang moh gals sitting! The waitresses were again, running after the cockcroach. The reaction from the ang moh gals were even better, saying, "hey! wat r u doing here?", grabbed a napkin, & capture it. And then, they joked wif the waitresses, saying they should get a free drink for tat!!! The waitresses were relieved tat nobody screamed, & apologised 4 the cockcroach. But, we were all laughing about it, espcially cos of my flicking it from my table & landing on the next table. Tis Canadian gal even apologised 2 those 3 gals, but everyone was juz laughing happily. But, on the table on my other side, were 2 SG gals (from the language & their accents), they were not amused. I heard them saying, if the cockroach was on their table, they would scold the waitresses, blah blah blah, etc etc. I guess they didnt dare mention about me or my flicking it, cos they heard us speaking English & Chinese.
07-05-2007, 06:05 PM
I'd met quite a number of PRC gals, all professionals in the same industry (Consulting) as me, earning power is definitely strong. Avg salary is 3k USD & above, some even 5 digit USD a month!
Our job nature requires us 2 travel frequently. Many of those married ones, some of their husbands oso travel quite a fair bit in their jobs. During 1 of the discussions over the dinner table, many of them said due 2 their work commitments (requirement 2 travel away from family), they're not really able 2 fulfill their duties as a wife beside their husbands. If their husband goes looking 4 commercial sex during their absence, they'd close 1 eye, but a major criteria is they dun get any disease, n the guys must not bring the prostitutes back home! Their reason is simple, they know tat men have tis physical need, they're not able 2 fulfill it 4 their husbands during their absence, and, after all, it's a commercial transaction, no emotions involved. They'd be real unhappy if it wasn't a commercial transaction but wif emotions involved, ie, an affair.
Are SG gals tat generous?
09-05-2007, 11:16 AM
bro, i agree. i been doing pretty much research on my own, found out that magazines can corrupt the simplest minds. the more the women subscribe, the more unbecoming they become. columnist sometimes preach about girl-power, influencing readers to believe that men r dispensable/expendable/redundant...etc..
actually, i m okay with girl power and gender equality... it is the wanting the best of both worlds i cannot stand!!! if women want equality and respect as an equal, then they will get respect from me but dont use the emotional blackmail and that they r women and want us to give in to their whining, crying, throwing childish tantrums and such. if u want respect as a fellow adult, act like one!!!
not to mention, the ads that come along r telling the gals to pamper themselves, indirectly teaching them to be self-indulgent & ignore all else around them.
its as per what marketing experts often smile about... women's $ easiest to earn/con.
yup yup... pampering themselves at our expense. not that i cant afford my past gfs visits to such salons that use high pressure tactics to sell their programmes, but i came from a poor childhood, so i appreciate that $ can be spent better elsewhere... they dont feel hurt when they were drawing $ by the thousands... the branch i hate most in life... the taka 4th floor posb!!! the blood on the floor, mostly mine...:( they didnt seem to understand that despite the fact that i sit in an aircon office to work, every single cent is blood and sweat!!!
how i wished i m marketing some women's product, but unfortunately, 99.95%of my customers are men...
sometimes its not so much as to how older women dont feel insecure about their ageing husbands... its just that they know the libido/testosterones have decreased, hence its less likely older men can achieve infidelity (flesh). at the most... just some monetary squandders. while its the younger & testosterone raging men that most women r insecure about.
my mum is not worried cos she gave my dad no reason to want to look outside for sexual or emotional gratification. ask my dad and he will tell u the secret of his success is my mum, cos she will be there for him regardless, no questions asked. as for my bro, my condolences to him, cos his wife is the kind who will publish in the papers if my bro ever asked her for help!!! his wife is the typical sg modern wife!!! his money is her money, her money is her money... in the end, my bro will spend hours at my place, content to play lan games with us than to go home.
ironic it seems somehow, she doesnt give her man flesh, n worries about him having snacks outside of the matrimonial bed. odd... i think the magazines havnt tackled this issue, teaching how the woman can keep her man hooked on her
magazines would never in their dying breath, publish something their readers never want to read about and would never admit to having those problems. most self-deceiving people we will ever lay our eyes on... and for that, they shall have the broken marriages and self-fulfilling doomsday marriage prophecies to look forward to for the rest of their lives, if they even found someone to marry in the 1st place.:rolleyes:
09-05-2007, 01:33 PM
to me, im glad there are bros here has the similiar thoughts of gals, esp sg gals.
i recalled i talk to 1 of my sg gal-fren.
she said she will married a guy who has a higher income, stability in the career who she does not have much love wif rather than married a guy who she loves very much but no stability of income.
she said one gonna tink of the future, children education, piano lessons, expenses on the family etc.
she said love does play a part in a relationship but money plays a more important part.
we are not talking abt fantasy or fairy tale, we have to face the reality.
i admire her honest and straighforward character rather than others who claim only love is everyting and money does not play a part.
so guys wif no high income and stability, have to sit one corner and suck thumb?:(
09-05-2007, 01:37 PM
Amen to that. If family life is blissful and fulfilling, i gaurantee you that men will be less tempted to stray......
.....What to do...I agree with an earlier post regarding media trying their best to brainwash women to be "stronger" and give their mates hell...Before all this crappy "I, me, myself" syndrome was instilled in our fairer coutnerparts, life was simpler and a man can actually look forward to going home after struggling at work for one whole day. Nowadays, when the clock ticks 6pm, it is just a signal that his second job is gonna start... actually, man & woman the same, want to stray still can stray.
things r never the same as before liao. not too long ago, sg-gals were easier to please. these days, sg-gals think they're good on their own 2 feet, but still long for the pampering. double standards.
let's not rule out 1 of the root course?? sg-men set back by 2-2.5yrs of NS.
09-05-2007, 01:45 PM
actually, i m okay with girl power and gender equality... it is the wanting the best of both worlds i cannot stand!!! if women want equality and respect as an equal, then they will get respect from me but dont use the emotional blackmail and that they r women and want us to give in to their whining, crying, throwing childish tantrums and such. if u want respect as a fellow adult, act like one!!! bobian, they like to exercise double standards, wherever they go, and wanting the best of both (or more) worlds is already on full display in their wardrobe. she can buy 1 pair of shoes, but she's indecisive with another design. so to solve the problem, she buys both.
sad to say, we men r not shoes, she cant have 1 who stays home to give her undivided attention, wait on her, serve her, massage her, give he a gd rub down at the end of the day.... yet at the same time, able to afford all the family expenses, her expenses, provide for both parents & in-laws
09-05-2007, 02:53 PM
actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like. Sometimes even the Emperor oso cant tahan.
And there's definitely more than 1 personal servant 2 each princess. 1 full-time personal servant's attention is not enuf 2 cater 2 the princess' needs for attention.
But then, how many Emperors can there be, at any 1 time? Back 2 reality in 2day's modern society, or in societies such as SG, 2 cater 2 these "princess" behavior, u not only gotta be damn rich, u oso dunnit 2 work, cos u need 2 spend so much attention on SG gals, tat it's probably more tedious than working!!!
Looking back again, those princes, husbands (Fu Ma Ye) of those wilful princesses, aren't their fathers god-damn rich, $$$ is never a problem? Do these princes ever need 2 work? They oso Ah Siah kias!!!
10-05-2007, 01:02 AM
actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like.
exact sentiments ! ta boo lake tahan a gal on the train today... speaking at the top of her voice "I think this one not good.... I think this should not be done this way..... " WTF.. actions speak louder than words. don't complain or whine or act smart aleck.
not intended to put a sweeping statement... BUT.. sg gals... really utter disappointment.... whore to the material world. :mad:
10-05-2007, 01:31 AM
bobian, they like to exercise double standards, wherever they go, and wanting the best of both (or more) worlds is already on full display in their wardrobe. she can buy 1 pair of shoes, but she's indecisive with another design. so to solve the problem, she buys both.
sad to say, we men r not shoes, she cant have 1 who stays home to give her undivided attention, wait on her, serve her, massage her, give he a gd rub down at the end of the day.... yet at the same time, able to afford all the family expenses, her expenses, provide for both parents & in-laws
double standards nevermind... still expect us to be PSYCHIC enough to know when to treat her as an equal and when to "sayang" her like a little girl!!! they think the world is full of chris angels lor!!!:rolleyes:
think what they want is old money, inherited money... not the new money, money we make ourselves!!! how many rich heirs r there in sg??? wonder if they dare to behave like an arse when with those rich people??? confirmed dont dare... cos too much at stake... end of the day, whether they want to behave or not depends on money still!!! got money then the CB mouth will bloody shut up!!! sg women who r like that, pls do us a favour... stop taking us average sg men as alternatives, only settling for us when u cant get a rich heir...
actually, looking at it, SG gals r like princesses. Whines & tantrums, wilful as & when they like. Sometimes even the Emperor oso cant tahan.
And there's definitely more than 1 personal servant 2 each princess. 1 full-time personal servant's attention is not enuf 2 cater 2 the princess' needs for attention.
But then, how many Emperors can there be, at any 1 time? Back 2 reality in 2day's modern society, or in societies such as SG, 2 cater 2 these "princess" behavior, u not only gotta be damn rich, u oso dunnit 2 work, cos u need 2 spend so much attention on SG gals, tat it's probably more tedious than working!!!
Looking back again, those princes, husbands (Fu Ma Ye) of those wilful princesses, aren't their fathers god-damn rich, $$$ is never a problem? Do these princes ever need 2 work? They oso Ah Siah kias!!!
actually, their fathers were not rich and didnt and couldnt provide those material needs... so responsibility fell on the poor husbands... they thought marrying off means she gets away from the poverty.
and talking about princesses... the swallow princess show with her bloody high pitched voice, really personified the sg woman!!! irritating, total lack of manners and totally spoilt!!! never failed to make me want to slap her so hard that she gets stuck to the wall for good...:mad:
10-05-2007, 02:13 AM
double standards nevermind... still expect us to be PSYCHIC enough to know when to treat her as an equal and when to "sayang" her like a little girl!!! they think the world is full of chris angels lor!!!:rolleyes:
think what they want is old money, inherited money... not the new money, money we make ourselves!!!
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.
i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..."
maybe i not yan dao enuff or not as rich as her lah.... BUT the feeling of being treated like dirt is not fun and not good at all. :mad: i do not know if she is genuinely interested in staking out in this relationship.... she gave many misleading signs, can't interpret her intention... What's worst. She has a boyfriend and nvr told me anything on this... but the world is small.... my fren played soccer with her boyfren and saw her together with boyfriend... hmmm.... can't catch what she is thinking...
10-05-2007, 02:29 AM
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.
i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..."
maybe i not yan dao enuff or not as rich as her lah.... BUT the feeling of being treated like dirt is not fun and not good at all. i do not know if she is genuinely interested in staking out in this relationship.... she gave many misleading signs, can't interpret her intention... What's worst. She has a boyfriend and nvr told me anything on this... but the world is small.... my fren played soccer with her boyfren and saw her together with boyfriend... hmmm.... can't catch what she is thinking...
often get that as well... playing mind games... if they behave like the stock market, then i would already be happily married liao!!!:D
my strategy would be to arrange for meet-ups with my friends as well. if she decides to play games and not turn up, i would not be stuck in no-man's land. in fact, i would go on to tell her what an enjoyable nite i have had, too bad she was not there... i play mind f**k games quite well too... showing that while i would love to have her company, i wont die without her and proceed to have fun without her... it's her loss, not mine. if she does insist that we meet up alone, and she doesnt reply me, i will tell her i would proceed to join my friends for drinks liao... secret is no need to behave like we r desperate.
i have always likened dating to playing tennis, which i love!!! idea of the game is not hitting the ball, but making sure that the ball is in her court, not yours. that way, we r not going to lose out. if she doesnt want to play, it helps to have others (friends, buddies) to enjoy yourself with...:D
that way, no need to play dirty like her by making unfavourable comments... we r gentlemen, no need to sink down to her level... if i realised that she has a bf already, make it clear that u r not going to meet her alone lor... if she wants to join yr party, she is welcomed to do so. our dignity will be preserved cos u have already made it clear to her that u know and u wont sink to her level of playing the field. think of it this way, if u play along with her after knowing that she has a bf, that doesnt reflect very well on u as well. but by not hankering over the free f**ks and standing yr own ground, u get yr dignity and she will list u as someone of a much higher status: the "what if" category... that, to me, is worth much more than any free bonk at my dignity's expense.
my 2 cents... although i know a lot of bros out there would beg to differ...
Kyser Soze
10-05-2007, 10:05 AM
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.
i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..."
maybe i not yan dao enuff or not as rich as her lah.... BUT the feeling of being treated like dirt is not fun and not good at all. :mad: i do not know if she is genuinely interested in staking out in this relationship.... she gave many misleading signs, can't interpret her intention... What's worst. She has a boyfriend and nvr told me anything on this...
Mind games from girls are very taxing on a guy's mind. I encountered this girl, whom I find her quite pleasant in terms of personality and character. I took the chance to send her flowers and bear. She accepted it quite well. In fact, she SMSed me saying the items I sent are 'kinda cute'. I took it as a positive remark. Later, I continued my courtship within the next few weeks. Soon, she became rather 'black-face', ignoring my eye contact, refusing to reply to my SMSes or reply without much heart. All these from heaven-to-hell happen within weeks.
I wonder what really happens. She refused to tell. I asked her to spare my misery by telling me if I still stand a chance directly. She refused to give a straight-forward answer, citing she's trouble over her work commitment.
This is a pain, really is. I wished that I have never started wooing her. In the end, I'm in all kinds of emotional troubles. Ladies, pls spare a thought for the guys. If you are not interested, pls give a direct answer. So as not to waste each other's time.
10-05-2007, 01:22 PM
bro kyser, apologize if i being blunt.
she accepted it quite well, the gifts are free.
kinda cute maybe it juz another way to say thank you to u.
she turn black face, imho, maybe she expecting more gifts from u but u nvr give wor.
y ask her/woman qns, u nvr get an answer anyway.
Kyser Soze
10-05-2007, 11:47 PM
Bro no_faith,
I agree that it takes more than a rocket scientist to figure out what women are really thinking. In any case, women are women. Now I'm still pondering whether to continue to court this girl. :confused:
11-05-2007, 02:23 PM
double standards nevermind... still expect us to be PSYCHIC enough to know when to treat her as an equal and when to "sayang" her like a little girl!!! they think the world is full of chris angels lor!!!:rolleyes:
think what they want is old money, inherited money... not the new money, money we make ourselves!!! how many rich heirs r there in sg??? wonder if they dare to behave like an arse when with those rich people??? confirmed dont dare... cos too much at stake... end of the day, whether they want to behave or not depends on money still!!! got money then the CB mouth will bloody shut up!!! sg women who r like that, pls do us a favour... stop taking us average sg men as alternatives, only settling for us when u cant get a rich heir... LOL... bro, i like your style. indeed there's not many sg men out there who's parents own a mint. and when she finally lands herself w a rich man's son, she suddenly morphs into the sweet, nice & submissive gf. dont dare to breathe a word of opinion, dont dare to fart even.
actually, their fathers were not rich and didnt and couldnt provide those material needs... so responsibility fell on the poor husbands... they thought marrying off means she gets away from the poverty.
and talking about princesses... the swallow princess show with her bloody high pitched voice, really personified the sg woman!!! irritating, total lack of manners and totally spoilt!!! never failed to make me want to slap her so hard that she gets stuck to the wall for good...:mad: wat to do? over here, the species is very much just up to that level only. the good ones, already snatched up long ago.
1 of my less social inclined fren was curious & attended 1 of those SDU function once, he got the shock of his life & swore never to attend any of those things again...
reason; sg gals who're past the shelf life (90% CMI) r still typically hanging their noses high up. he even joked about being tempted to massacre the whole lot... hahahah.
11-05-2007, 02:30 PM
their mood even harder to predict than the stock markets. they suka suka treat sg men like dirt.... play them out... F*!#.
i met this sg ger, highly educated, somemore in legal profession.... suka suka said meet up... being nice, i went thru the planning for the session and smsed her on the details. somemore sms'ed her one day in advance to remind her of the appointment.. In the end, reply came on the actual day itself "sorry. i slept early and missed your sms. and i thought the appointment was called off.... shall we meet another day? lunch on me." this happened not just once.... but couple of times. i got so fed up that i made her do the planning, late to turn up, thruout the dinner, spare no face for her, seize every opportunities to said "you have put on weight.... etc..." ... fren, maybe its wise to try a target that's within reach & not beyond reach. she's in the legal sector could also mean she's drawing a better wage (not necessarily higher or equal to you), but she's ok on her own ... which puts u at disadvantage.
she could even be taking u as guinea pig to test those misleading signs, maybe to help her hone her skills in netting lawyers, or if not, its just something to boost her own self esteem.... knowing that she's still got something that sets the guy wagging his tail.
but i salute u for using the "u've put on weight!..." on her. well done!
11-05-2007, 02:37 PM
... secret is no need to behave like we r desperate. agreed! the more we behave desperate... the more vulnerable we are. its just like fishing... cant get the big catch if we keep reeling in the line when there's no tugging of the line.
i have always likened dating to playing tennis, which i love!!! idea of the game is not hitting the ball, but making sure that the ball is in her court, not yours. that way, we r not going to lose out. if she doesnt want to play, it helps to have others (friends, buddies) to enjoy yourself with...:D nice analogy, bt as refered to the movie "kate & leopold" which quotes: "... have the ball in your court.... leaving her in suspense & anticipation..." watever the version may be, i think the idea in general is to be in control of the situation. let her anticpate your actions, not us anticipating her's.
11-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Bro no_faith,
I agree that it takes more than a rocket scientist to figure out what women are really thinking. In any case, women are women. Now I'm still pondering whether to continue to court this girl. :confused: be reminded, the costs involved in courtship is peanuts, compared to the costs of maintaining the relationship for the long haul.
11-05-2007, 02:41 PM
LOL... bro, i like your style. indeed there's not many sg men out there who's parents own a mint. and when she finally lands herself w a rich man's son, she suddenly morphs into the sweet, nice & submissive gf. dont dare to breathe a word of opinion, dont dare to fart even.
ROTFL. But her fart would be raspberry scented, eh?
reason; sg gals who're past the shelf life (90% CMI) r still typically hanging their noses high up. he even joked about being tempted to massacre the whole lot... hahahah.
Their noses are held high for a good reason... they can't stand the smell of themselves.
11-05-2007, 02:50 PM
and talking about princesses... the swallow princess show with her bloody high pitched voice, really personified the sg woman!!! irritating, total lack of manners and totally spoilt!!! never failed to make me want to slap her so hard that she gets stuck to the wall for good...:mad:
Swallow princess of Mediacorp got high pitch voice meh?
11-05-2007, 03:08 PM
Swallow princess of Mediacorp got high pitch voice meh? i think he refering to 小燕子 personified by zhao wei.
11-05-2007, 03:29 PM
i think he refering to 小燕子 personified by zhao wei.
OIC... thought it was Imedeen.
Zhao Wei most welcome to swallow as well.:D
12-05-2007, 01:09 AM
Their noses are held high for a good reason... they can't stand the smell of themselves.
chow chee bye? chee bye 2 smelly?
12-05-2007, 01:17 AM
Mind games from girls are very taxing on a guy's mind. I encountered this girl, whom I find her quite pleasant in terms of personality and character. I took the chance to send her flowers and bear. She accepted it quite well. In fact, she SMSed me saying the items I sent are 'kinda cute'. I took it as a positive remark. Later, I continued my courtship within the next few weeks. Soon, she became rather 'black-face', ignoring my eye contact, refusing to reply to my SMSes or reply without much heart. All these from heaven-to-hell happen within weeks.
I wonder what really happens. She refused to tell. I asked her to spare my misery by telling me if I still stand a chance directly. She refused to give a straight-forward answer, citing she's trouble over her work commitment.
This is a pain, really is. I wished that I have never started wooing her. In the end, I'm in all kinds of emotional troubles. Ladies, pls spare a thought for the guys. If you are not interested, pls give a direct answer. So as not to waste each other's time.
I believe she's dating another guy, but she's not able 2 make any decision yet, she doesn't really exactly know wat she wants, etc. She's oso abit afraid of dating more than 1 guy at the same time, cos she's worried she can't handle, wat if they guys find out, etc etc.
By rejecting u, she lose all her chances wif u. By not rejecting u yet, if things dun work out wif the other guy(s), she still have u as a reserve, a spare tyre. Usually, such sudden changes, especially within a few weeks only, happen when another guy sweeps her off her feet (probably she oso dun expect tat).
The other possibility is, she's intending 2 end the r'ship wif the other guy, but hasn't totally resolved it yet. She wanna date u, but gotta tie up those loose ends in the other r'ship.
12-05-2007, 01:18 AM
fren, maybe its wise to try a target that's within reach & not beyond reach. she's in the legal sector could also mean she's drawing a better wage (not necessarily higher or equal to you), but she's ok on her own ... which puts u at disadvantage.
she could even be taking u as guinea pig to test those misleading signs, maybe to help her hone her skills in netting lawyers, or if not, its just something to boost her own self esteem.... knowing that she's still got something that sets the guy wagging his tail.
but i salute u for using the "u've put on weight!..." on her. well done!
yoz bro ! her bf same age as her... but not in legal sector. she's avg looking only, but if able to net her will mean a good bbbj free... thick lips.....
well... when it comes to the ultimum.. it means spare no mercy... she do lunar calendar 1st day, i will do lunar calendar 15th day.
don't treat sg guys like dirt ! is the message sent across to her... :D
12-05-2007, 01:44 AM
LOL... bro, i like your style. indeed there's not many sg men out there who's parents own a mint. and when she finally lands herself w a rich man's son, she suddenly morphs into the sweet, nice & submissive gf. dont dare to breathe a word of opinion, dont dare to fart even..
thanks for the compliment. totally agree with u... rich man's son, suddenly become the submissive slut. end of the day, still must use $ to stuff her mouth!!! isnt that the modus operandi of a high class whore??? but bear in mind, still a whore nonetheless...
wat to do? over here, the species is very much just up to that level only. the good ones, already snatched up long ago.
good ones married long time ago, faithfully attached already or died liao... which is why even the crappy ones also getting their time and day from desperate men...
1 of my less social inclined fren was curious & attended 1 of those SDU function once, he got the shock of his life & swore never to attend any of those things again...
reason; sg gals who're past the shelf life (90% CMI) r still typically hanging their noses high up. he even joked about being tempted to massacre the whole lot... hahahah
boy, why m i not surprised???
but please ask yr pal not to do anything hor!!! just leave them be, CMI and all. still hanging their noses up in the air and let them make lots of $ and die alone in their nice little condos. no one would notice until the smell becomes unbearable!!!:D
agreed! the more we behave desperate... the more vulnerable we are. its just like fishing... cant get the big catch if we keep reeling in the line when there's no tugging of the line.
that's what i have been saying... acting desperate will come back to haunt us all!!! think about it, if the girl accepts a desperado, that doesnt portray her in a very positive light either. and she would be expecting the same kind of treatment and men cant live it up for the rest of their lives trying to be an eunuch to their princess wives.
which is why i always tell my potential gfs, what u see is what u get. i cannot and will not treat her like a princess all the time... maybe only once in a while. cos i respect her as an equal. i m not interested in women who wants me just to pamper her like a little girl all the time. that would mean she is in it only for the material gains or just in between relationships. but what i can promise is that i can always treat u just as well as what i m doing now. the ball is now in her court to make me WANT to treat her even better...
nice analogy, bt as refered to the movie "kate & leopold" which quotes: "... have the ball in your court.... leaving her in suspense & anticipation..." watever the version may be, i think the idea in general is to be in control of the situation. let her anticpate your actions, not us anticipating her's
hey, that's my meg ryan u r insulting!!! kate in the show was interested in leopold as well... and i dont think there r more than a handful of girls who will give up their glittering careers for their men, unless well, if their men owns the mint, i guess... (remember, in the show, leopold was going back to a broke household hor...) hahahahaha...
Their noses are held high for a good reason... they can't stand the smell of themselves.
ha, can always trust u to come up with such comments. think yr wifey must be having high blood pressure with yr retorts... damn, i m pitying her more and more each day...:D
12-05-2007, 01:54 AM
yoz bro ! her bf same age as her... but not in legal sector. she's avg looking only, but if able to net her will mean a good bbbj free... thick lips.....
well... when it comes to the ultimum.. it means spare no mercy... she do lunar calendar 1st day, i will do lunar calendar 15th day.
don't treat sg guys like dirt ! is the message sent across to her...
wah lau eh!!! just for a bbbj??? or just for yr own esteem issues??? no offence lah, bro... but just let it go lah. have a feeling that u probably acted a lil bit too zealously. just dont put yourself in the firing line next time... always do a flanking manoeuvre next time u see her. i mean, u know she has a bf, slide up to her (but not literally lah) and tell her that u've caught her but u r not going to kill (expose) her. by doing otherwise, u would be sinking to her level lor...
send message not to treat sg men like dirt??? would she even heed, if supposedly she receives yr message??? remember, they r more than enough desperados out there. for every one of u who is spurned by her, a hundred more is ready to take a chance with her after u...:(
12-05-2007, 10:42 AM
OIC... thought it was Imedeen.
Zhao Wei most welcome to swallow as well.:D and when u do so, u gotta be holding her shoulders, telling her "... 你是最好地,你知道吗?你一定要记着,你是最好地。" (as seen in shaolin soccer)
12-05-2007, 10:51 AM
.... if able to net her will mean a good bbbj free... thick lips..... bro, thick lips cant guarantee good BBBJ also. cant judge a book by the cover, cant rate a BBBJ by the lips too.
well... when it comes to the ultimum.. it means spare no mercy... she do lunar calendar 1st day, i will do lunar calendar 15th day. don't treat sg guys like dirt ! is the message sent across to her... :D the way u describe it... this 1, i think is confirm guarantee + stamp + UV ink watermarked... authentic sg-gal. she's just a plain jane who thinks herself to be "princess", hoping many men would queue to court her... without realising in reality; men queuing to bonk her.
she 钓起来卖, u also no need to fret too much. she will hang herself up there long long... mermaid hang too long will also become 咸鱼.
bro, relax lah.. plenty out there also potential sextisfying BBBJ targets out there. no need to give up the whole padang for 1 blade of cowgrass.
12-05-2007, 11:40 AM
wah lau eh!!! just for a bbbj??? or just for yr own esteem issues??? no offence lah, bro... but just let it go lah. have a feeling that u probably acted a lil bit too zealously. just dont put yourself in the firing line next time... always do a flanking manoeuvre next time u see her. i mean, u know she has a bf, slide up to her (but not literally lah) and tell her that u've caught her but u r not going to kill (expose) her. by doing otherwise, u would be sinking to her level lor...
send message not to treat sg men like dirt??? would she even heed, if supposedly she receives yr message??? remember, they r more than enough desperados out there. for every one of u who is spurned by her, a hundred more is ready to take a chance with her after u...:(
definitely not for self esteem. if want to do it for self-esteem sake, might as well go and get one who is prettier.. heehee... i've exposed her in sms subtly recently... heehee.....
sigh... her bf unaware of what she is doing... the one to suffer in the end is still the guy....
cheers ! :D
12-05-2007, 11:43 AM
bro, thick lips cant guarantee good BBBJ also. cant judge a book by the cover, cant rate a BBBJ by the lips too.
the way u describe it... this 1, i think is confirm guarantee + stamp + UV ink watermarked... authentic sg-gal. she's just a plain jane who thinks herself to be "princess", hoping many men would queue to court her... without realising in reality; men queuing to bonk her.
she ????, u also no need to fret too much. she will hang herself up there long long... mermaid hang too long will also become ??.
bro, relax lah.. plenty out there also potential sextisfying BBBJ targets out there. no need to give up the whole padang for 1 blade of cowgrass.
confirmed lah... somemore she's from one of the so called top school .... sigh.... education system has failed to inclucate and instilled the correct values.
haahaa. very good description. fell off my chair when i read the salted fish and padang description ! :D :D
Kyser Soze
12-05-2007, 01:41 PM
I believe she's dating another guy, but she's not able 2 make any decision yet, she doesn't really exactly know wat she wants, etc. She's oso abit afraid of dating more than 1 guy at the same time, cos she's worried she can't handle, wat if they guys find out, etc etc.
By rejecting u, she lose all her chances wif u. By not rejecting u yet, if things dun work out wif the other guy(s), she still have u as a reserve, a spare tyre. Usually, such sudden changes, especially within a few weeks only, happen when another guy sweeps her off her feet (probably she oso dun expect tat).
The other possibility is, she's intending 2 end the r'ship wif the other guy, but hasn't totally resolved it yet. She wanna date u, but gotta tie up those loose ends in the other r'ship.
I think the first possibility is more possible. I believe she has a boyfriend, but she refused to tell. I have asked her to meet up to have a friendly chat on this matter. She declined. Days later, I got the official rejection. I am already well-prepared for this. So it is not that hurtful. Thanks anyway...
13-05-2007, 08:59 AM
definitely not for self esteem. if want to do it for self-esteem sake, might as well go and get one who is prettier.. heehee... i've exposed her in sms subtly recently... heehee.....
sigh... her bf unaware of what she is doing... the one to suffer in the end is still the guy....
good to hear that, bro... bet she told u that she only treated u as a normal friend, must be u who read too much into it... aiyah, immersed in their crap long enough, u will know their every step, just like my mum always say about me:- once i lift my tail a bit, she knows exactly what i m up to... treat it as a learning experience lor.
oh by the way, she is her bf's problem, not yours. and the bf is stupid enough not to know that she is moonlighting as the free shuttle bus, that is his problem, not yours again. just look out for yourself 1st, everything else is secondary...:D
confirmed lah... somemore she's from one of the so called top school .... sigh.... education system has failed to inclucate and instilled the correct values.
school system got teach anything about how to behave meh??? even school teachers r bloody peverted molesters liao lor, not to mention those who r doing social work!!! sg education system has never ever tried to inculcate anything but how to do reasonably well in exams, that's all...
that's why parents r so important when inculcating values and principles... and come to think of it, with the kind of crap we have for sg women, i pity the next generation... think i must spend more time with my nieces and nephews before my sis-in-law brings them to her level...;)
Kyser Soze
13-05-2007, 11:11 AM
school system got teach anything about how to behave meh??? even school teachers r bloody peverted molesters liao lor, not to mention those who r doing social work!!! sg education system has never ever tried to inculcate anything but how to do reasonably well in exams, that's all...
that's why parents r so important when inculcating values and principles... and come to think of it, with the kind of crap we have for sg women, i pity the next generation... think i must spend more time with my nieces and nephews before my sis-in-law brings them to her level...;)
I like your last statement. I almost laughed to tears. :D
Based on my hit rate on local girls of less than 10%, I have the reason to believe that the next generation needs to improve to a greater extent than the predecessors.
Yes, school system don't teach much really. All they emphasize is on academic results. Every school is like that, cos the competition is tense.
13-05-2007, 01:40 PM
good to hear that, bro... bet she told u that she only treated u as a normal friend, must be u who read too much into it...
school system got teach anything about how to behave meh??? even school teachers r bloody peverted molesters liao lor, not to mention those who r doing social work!!! sg education system has never ever tried to inculcate anything but how to do reasonably well in exams, that's all...
that's why parents r so important when inculcating values and principles... and come to think of it, with the kind of crap we have for sg women, i pity the next generation... think i must spend more time with my nieces and nephews before my sis-in-law brings them to her level...;)
bro, she never said anything I treated you as a normal friend.
sg skools failed in teaching the san chong shi de becoz we have become way too westernised in our education system and with the influx of the FTs, the system then had to focus on producing acedemically brilliant people.
definitely. family is the most important cell element in the society.
sigh... think i can take the vow of celibacy. heehee.
13-05-2007, 01:43 PM
I think the first possibility is more possible. I believe she has a boyfriend, but she refused to tell. I have asked her to meet up to have a friendly chat on this matter. She declined. Days later, I got the official rejection. I am already well-prepared for this. So it is not that hurtful. Thanks anyway...
they will hold onto two ends of the rope at the same time. will not let go of anyone end until they damn sure of securing the other end. :D
13-05-2007, 02:02 PM
bro, she never said anything I treated you as a normal friend.
sg skools failed in teaching the san chong shi de becoz we have become way too westernised in our education system and with the influx of the FTs, the system then had to focus on producing acedemically brilliant people.
definitely. family is the most important cell element in the society.
sigh... think i can take the vow of celibacy. heehee.
so what did she do when u exposed her with the sms??? she admitted it??? that, i can guarantee, she will never do that. if she never vehemently deny she has a bf or say that u r the one with the wrong idea, then only 1 possibility. she act blur and ignored yr sms...
tell u what sg schools r teaching their students... neighbourhood school students fight... sent to boy's home... cos why??? no future, especially a certain minority race!!!:mad: (nope, i m not from that race, just loathe to see crap) good school boy, whack bus driver and still continued to do so even when restrained, schools and even the state's paper trying to paint a nicer picture so that we mindless idiots as known as the sg citizens would not say anything if they let the fucker off!!! that is what they r teaching me, at least. telling me that i should learn from hitler, when propaganda works, i can justify racial discrimination!!!:mad:
family is the most important element of them all... but all depends on luck cos most of our parents have gone through the ultra conservative times, the free love period (in other words, free f**k period), the ugly clothes, the yuppies era and of course, the present feminist and SNAG times... so, guess we never know what we r going to get... kekeke...
taking a vow of celibacy??? good luck to u...
13-05-2007, 03:22 PM
well... when it comes to the ultimum.. it means spare no mercy... she do lunar calendar 1st day, i will do lunar calendar 15th day.
don't treat sg guys like dirt ! is the message sent across to her... :D
Payback is sweet and revenge is best serve cold but come to think about it, by treating her this way does not really elevate ourselves or make us any difference from them. For me, I will prefer to walk away and stay behind the scenes and see the events unfold. You know the game she’s playing and you know you’re not gonna take the bait anymore. Yes you lost some cool but be level headed, what good does it do to take a dig at her with your best shot for you’ll never know that the next gal you’re dating may be her best pal.
What goes around comes around; every dog has its day. I feel that what you had done is just giving them one more excuse to get a piece of us. There are more than enough cake to go around, if this is not your liking, go for another one then.
I had seen far too many fingers pointing but not knowing they themselves played a major part in getting their arse screw as well. They choose to react when walking on is a better choice, so one thing leads to another till matters got so complicated and no one knows where, when and how it started. Wasting of life I call this, there are far too many wonderful things in life which deserve more of our attention.
My two satangs worth. :cool:
13-05-2007, 03:26 PM
....taking a vow of celibacy???
At least, all's not a lost cause hehe:o
Kyser Soze
13-05-2007, 07:59 PM
Payback is sweet and revenge is best serve cold but come to think about it, by treating her this way does not really elevate ourselves or make us any difference from them. For me, I will prefer to walk away and stay behind the scenes and see the events unfold. You know the game she’s playing and you know you’re not gonna take the bait anymore. Yes you lost some cool but be level headed, what good does it do to take a dig at her with your best shot for you’ll never know that the next gal you’re dating may be her best pal.
What goes around comes around; every dog has its day. I feel that what you had done is just giving them one more excuse to get a piece of us. There are more than enough cake to go around, if this is not your liking, go for another one then.
I had seen far too many fingers pointing but not knowing they themselves played a major part in getting their arse screw as well. They choose to react when walking on is a better choice, so one thing leads to another till matters got so complicated and no one knows where, when and how it started. Wasting of life I call this, there are far too many wonderful things in life which deserve more of our attention.
Bro OceanEleven,
I like your rational view on this. Sometimes, I just hope to sit back, think twice before react. But when situations like this fall like heavy blows, the only thing on mind is hatred. In previous relationships, I normally don't care if the girl ditched me without a reason or reject me in my face. But as I grow older, I wanted to know what's the root-cause for such failures. Unfortunately, they refused to tell. Hence, I never have a chance to know what the reasons and my problems are. I don't have the chance to improve myself. Recurrence of rejections keep happens.
13-05-2007, 08:14 PM
ttz y i nvr fall in love. amusing? gay? nope.
there is no future.
14-05-2007, 12:49 PM
no one would notice until the smell becomes unbearable
But wouldn't that be all the time?
that's what i have been saying... acting desperate will come back to haunt us all!!! think about it, if the girl accepts a desperado, that doesnt portray her in a very positive light either. and she would be expecting the same kind of treatment and men cant live it up for the rest of their lives trying to be an eunuch to their princess wives.
My mistake with kimchi.
(remember, in the show, leopold was going back to a broke household hor...) hahahahaha...
I think she didn't know that.
ha, can always trust u to come up with such comments. think yr wifey must be having high blood pressure with yr retorts... damn, i m pitying her more and more each day...:D
Yeah... my GFs and FBs pity her as well... I wonder why.:D
14-05-2007, 02:27 PM
... tell u what sg schools r teaching their students... we mindless idiots as known as the sg citizens would not say anything ...wah! missed quite a bit not reading this thread for some time.
Could not agree more with bro. AXL.
with our schools environment like this, I'm concerned.
I shud be, with 2 school age daughters.
It seems to me that Gers Are Still Gers and Boys Are Still Boys. Many of our Gers will grow up to be women like what we described here, and many of our boys will grow up to be (off topic)...
without an opportunity to develop good values, they will grow up to be such Gers and Boys.
I promise to stay at home more often from now onwards, and hopefully my daughters will not become such Gers.
14-05-2007, 03:19 PM
At least, all's not a lost cause hehe
my demise is that i have to find that it is not a lost cause in a relatively foreign gf... doesnt change my view that sg girls r getting there quite steadily, a lost cause i mean...
But wouldn't that be all the time?
which is why people wont notice the rotting smell until their companies finally realised that they r not reporting for work, which they r very grateful for in the 1st place... until a fellow CMI old spinster complained too much...:rolleyes:
My mistake with kimchi.
luckily i made that mistake when i was much younger... and learnt my lesson well... kekeke...
I think she didn't know that.
thinking back, i guess u r right... but dont u just feel good about such fairy tales that it might actually happen with a SG gal... not that it is impossible, but very rare lah...
Yeah... my GFs and FBs pity her as well... I wonder why.
well, all i can say that is, if too many people r thinking that, maybe it is a good time to start looking at yourself and see if they r right!!!
wah! missed quite a bit not reading this thread for some time.
Could not agree more with bro. AXL.
with our schools environment like this, I'm concerned.
I shud be, with 2 school age daughters.
It seems to me that Gers Are Still Gers and Boys Are Still Boys. Many of our Gers will grow up to be women like what we described here, and many of our boys will grow up to be (off topic)...
without an opportunity to develop good values, they will grow up to be such Gers and Boys.
I promise to stay at home more often from now onwards, and hopefully my daughters will not become such Gers.
first of all, would have loved yr nick!!! completely and aptly described the general feeling of this thread in general...
personally, just glad that my words actually made u want to do something for yr children... hmm... wont yr wife be thankful to me??? well, enjoy yourself. nothing better than a family of your own, in my humble opinion, despite the problems u will face...
quoting a movie, "ever after" by my beloved drew barrymore, not every story ends with a "they lived happily ever after" but more importantly, they lived...
cheers and have a good day, all...;)
14-05-2007, 04:46 PM
mthinking back, i guess u r right... but dont u just feel good about such fairy tales that it might actually happen with a SG gal... not that it is impossible, but very rare lah...
They should make a sequel where she leaves him after she finds out he's broke... but then again its more fit for reality tv than a movie.
well, all i can say that is, if too many people r thinking that, maybe it is a good time to start looking at yourself and see if they r right!!!
Yeah... looking back, they should stop the pity... she does not deserve it.:D
14-05-2007, 08:07 PM
... doesnt change my view that sg girls r getting there quite steadily, a lost cause i mean...
See that sg gals are getting so much flak (err, stick) here. Can't honestly say I agree whole heartedly, didi and all:p But at least you guys are skeptical not cynical (latter's gone case liao). Better scram, as the lobby here's seemingly's leftist....:p
15-05-2007, 10:17 AM
personally, just glad that my words actually made u want to do something for yr children...not that I haven't been doing enough for them, I have. Even then, I seem to be getting more domesticated as I grow younger... :(
hmm... wont yr wife be thankful to me?haha! you may be referring to a lady who has seen what a man can or not do after 20+ years of marriage. she knows darn well what she is capable of, to influence his actions, and even thoughts. :(
... nothing better than a family of your own, in my humble opinion, despite the problems u will face... yup, in my case, it has been worth the trouble, thankfully.
15-05-2007, 11:03 AM
They should make a sequel where she leaves him after she finds out he's broke... but then again its more fit for reality tv than a movie.
ala the bachelor who is actually broke??? kekeke...
Yeah... looking back, they should stop the pity... she does not deserve it.
ok lor, whatever u say...
See that sg gals are getting so much flak (err, stick) here. Can't honestly say I agree whole heartedly, didi and all. But at least you guys are skeptical not cynical (latter's gone case liao). Better scram, as the lobby here's seemingly's leftist....
leftist? that a pun or a dig again??? skeptical bordering on cynicism already... can save us all from turning into cynics??? :rolleyes:
yup, in my case, it has been worth the trouble, thankfully.
nicest thing i have read this morning, besides the fowler tribute in the footy threads... bro jintulan, makes it all worth it, isnt it?;)
15-05-2007, 11:06 AM
bagger cannot be chooser.
15-05-2007, 11:11 AM
bagger cannot be chooser.
who is the beggar here???:D
15-05-2007, 03:11 PM
who is the beggar here???:D
Your turn to miss my point bradder. Its bagger-lah as in consecutive 3 strikes and you're out. Point in turn, it means those who donno how to pick they will die die die in the arms of a wrong one. Was trying to be witty here after reading what bagger in the newsy meant.
15-05-2007, 03:27 PM
Your turn to miss my point bradder. Its bagger-lah as in consecutive 3 strikes and you're out. Point in turn, it means those who donno how to pick they will die die die in the arms of a wrong one. Was trying to be witty here after reading what bagger in the newsy meant.
the only "baggers" i know r those times when i roll 4 strikes in a roll... oops, never happened before...:p
15-05-2007, 04:29 PM
they will hold onto two ends of the rope at the same time. will not let go of anyone end until they damn sure of securing the other end. :D quite typical lah, she cant decide to go for island A or island B... swimming to & fro... 两岸不着地... too bad, sooner or later will drown.
then when a sampan comes along to rescue, she'd be sulking that the sampan not big/stable enough... so she refuse & continue frolicking in the water.
when shark come, she curse & swear, cry heaven & earth... beat her "runway" chest like gorilla, say heaven unfair.... complain there's no knight in shining armor to come rescue her.
end up, shark dun fancy her as a meal...swim away, then she realise she must not be too choosy.
but by that time she wake up her idea, she's already a mess wrinkled/pruned skin + seaweed decoration.
15-05-2007, 04:50 PM
I just realized this thread goes no where. borrowing from a german word, this thread is an outlet for angst and more angst. Where are the anecdotes? Wahh... so jialat. Very depressing.
15-05-2007, 04:54 PM
..leftist? that a pun or a dig again??? skeptical bordering on cynicism already... can save us all from turning into cynics???
Nah, more socialist being upfront ..but then again, don't we all stand equal in our full glory b4 chabo (in some ways or another) kekeke..:p
..realized this thread goes no where. ..outlet for angst and more angst. Where are the anecdotes? Wahh... so jialat. Very depressing.
Came around to that earlier... can't help feel stuff is regurgitated (save for few insightful posts). But don't take any notice and excuse me here...
16-05-2007, 02:02 PM
never find a gf earn more than you and it jux like me my gf always blame me for using her money when going out most of expenses she pay but i earn less than her of coz i contribute less lor have to blame me huh? At 1st we start our relationship i already told her im poor guy no money but she said she very happy i so honest she don mind! Help me bro wat should i do? Should i break off with her i cannot face her anymore because she look down on me and even her family..
16-05-2007, 02:31 PM
never find a gf earn more than you and it jux like me my gf always blame me for using her money when going out most of expenses she pay but i earn less than her of coz i contribute less lor have to blame me huh? At 1st we start our relationship i already told her im poor guy no money but she said she very happy i so honest she don mind! Help me bro wat should i do? Should i break off with her i cannot face her anymore because she look down on me and even her family..
First thing you should do is to find ways to carve a better career so she won't look down on you! How do you expect to gain her respect when you just take a day as it comes and live with the fact that you earn less all the time?
I started poor too when i met my wife, when she was regional sales manager of a MNC, but now I've managed to set up my successful businesses and provide a better life for my family.....
Important thing is to let her see you making progress and this should gain her respect .....
16-05-2007, 02:54 PM
never find a gf earn more than you and it jux like me my gf always blame me for using her money when going out most of expenses she pay but i earn less than her of coz i contribute less lor have to blame me huh? At 1st we start our relationship i already told her im poor guy no money but she said she very happy i so honest she don mind! Help me bro wat should i do? Should i break off with her i cannot face her anymore because she look down on me and even her family.. Do what your heart & brain tell you. If you think you got the strength to face her mockery, then you carry on. If you think she don't respect you, then tell her F_ck off. Love is about sacrifices, but not on 1 party's expense.
16-05-2007, 03:04 PM
bro harrier, tbh we do not know the full inside story.
yes, u can worked super hard for the family but sumtimes u juz damn f**king
suay in life and the chances seem alway bypass u. wat can u do?
u r lucky but how many can be tat lucky? maybe bro coldckk has tried his very best to change tat.
summore, it could be his gf fault?
bro coldckk, pls tink carefully, watz the point holding on to a painful relationships?
but itz a matter of time she will ask for breakup coz she has lost her patience.
imho, no point dragging. it hurts more. itz no more love issue, itz abt despise.
leave her, try again in ur career. maybe itz her making u suay leh?(tis is joke)
maybe ur career really soared in the future and get another one.
16-05-2007, 03:51 PM
to all bro and sister ya me very tired abt it but i love her we together abt 2years plus tis problem bring up e second time i already sad and hurt y she insisted i used her money all e time i did contribute alot too but i think she think tat i never contribute more tat she did for wat she earn but sometime i think is a waste of money when we are outside makan good food with her family not once but twice every weekend i said no money but she said don mind she pay so i had no choice to eat with her family you cant go away to eat your chicken rice and they eat their meal when i together with them right ? Haiz hope you all understand my english because i study only ite..
16-05-2007, 03:58 PM
i have to take course to upgrade myself also need money she said where my money go to she already know i only spend all my time with her and my job i never go out when she not meeting me and yet still suspect i keep e money don wanna spend with her !
16-05-2007, 04:29 PM
Haiz hope you all understand my english because i study only ite..
Root of problem is that you didn't study well in your younger days........hence, you've only got yourself to blame for not earning as much as her....!
Either upgrade yourself or find another woman who is at your level and stop bitching already....
16-05-2007, 04:39 PM
ok i'll stop bitching !but other still wanna know my problem . If they don want i'll stop..
Five Stone
16-05-2007, 04:52 PM
never find a gf earn more than you and it jux like me my gf always blame me for using her money when going out most of expenses she pay but i earn less than her of coz i contribute less lor have to blame me huh? At 1st we start our relationship i already told her im poor guy no money but she said she very happy i so honest she don mind! Help me bro wat should i do? Should i break off with her i cannot face her anymore because she look down on me and even her family..
I don’t see much of a problem here, matter if fact why don’t you turn the tables around then. Bring her to places you can afford and make sure you pay unless you are getting too comfy for her to pay nowadays. You do your part within you abilities, case closed. :cool:
17-05-2007, 02:29 AM
quite typical lah, she cant decide to go for island A or island B... swimming to & fro... ?????... too bad, sooner or later will drown.
then when a sampan comes along to rescue, she'd be sulking that the sampan not big/stable enough... so she refuse & continue frolicking in the water.
when shark come, she curse & swear, cry heaven & earth... beat her "runway" chest like gorilla, say heaven unfair.... complain there's no knight in shining armor to come rescue her.
end up, shark dun fancy her as a meal...swim away, then she realise she must not be too choosy.
but by that time she wake up her idea, she's already a mess wrinkled/pruned skin + seaweed decoration.
bro, i really am impressed and was laughing at your analogy. Really creative. like what most people say - the value of women depreciates with time.... BUT the value of men appreciates with time.
17-05-2007, 03:10 AM
never find a gf earn more than you and it jux like me my gf always blame me for using her money when going out most of expenses she pay but i earn less than her of coz i contribute less lor have to blame me huh? At 1st we start our relationship i already told her im poor guy no money but she said she very happy i so honest she don mind! Help me bro wat should i do? Should i break off with her i cannot face her anymore because she look down on me and even her family..
depends on individual gal lah. I ever had a gf who earns more than me, & when I was down & out (really very very down), she even supported me like a good wife, cheer me up etc etc. All, if not almost all, expenses when we go out 2gether, she pay.
At 1st, she can even feel, cos of my situation, I dun really want a r'ship. But she kinda told me off, 4 not only not giving her a chance, by oso not giving myself a chance!
Whenever I was troubled, not in good mood, & cos I was poor, no $$$, dowan go out, she'd make me go out wif her, have some fresh air, go makan, drinks, karaoke, etc etc, she pays most times, knowing tat I really poor.
We broke off cos I had no way out, no job, nothing, gotta go another country 2 find a living. She even encouraged me, knowing full well the risk that it may be the end of our r'ship. Shortly after I go overseas, I know I'll be out there for a v long time, if not rest of my life, while she cant leave her family 2 join me, I had 2 harden my heart 2 break off wif her.
17-05-2007, 03:41 AM
my heart not so hard ler.. just ask him if i still unattached when i come back then i marry him lor ~
17-05-2007, 09:25 AM
even i took to e places i can effort and i pay while i can she also think of she paying more than me and than she told me im useless too haiz..
17-05-2007, 09:51 AM
even i took to e places i can effort and i pay while i can she also think of she paying more than me and than she told me im useless too haiz..
then bro coldckk, let me ask u. by continuing to go out with her, u have to put up with her digs and frustrations that u r useless in her eyes... in my humble opinion, yr pride has taken a beating and do u think u deserve that? however, u said that she didnt mind last time but obviously, she does mind now. there might be a chance that she is unhappy with u for not trying to improve yr present situation. not having a good education or good prospects is not a crime, but not wanting to improve for her sake is a crime in her eyes. go find out and ask yourself, do u want to improve yr own situation, rather than sit back and moan about it???
but if she is regretting her decision now, then no point going on lah. yr pride dont deserve that kind of treatment and neither does yr family deserve to be looked down upon as well.
therefore, instead of spending time here talking about yr situation, why not find time to sit down and talk to her??? if she wants to, in the first place...
i went through a period of that when i first started working. my ex-gf was the same age, meaning she started working 2 years before i did. at that time, she was the one paying for quite a bit of stuff as well. but she never ever did pay in public. instead, she would quietly ensure that i have had more than enough cash in my wallet to do whatever activities we wanted to do, be it going for a meal, movies and stuff... in my view, that is the way for a woman who truly loves u and wants to help pay the bills. she was very mindful of my pride should she pays for me in public. that, really touched me. unfortunately, i was not matured enough and we didnt end up together. still regretting till this day...:o
my point being, if she wants to care for u, there r many things she could have done and she is not doing it. talk to yr gf and find out why she is not doing it. does she mind the $ so much or is it u that she minds? my 2 cents, ignore me if u find that u dont agree with me. cheers.
17-05-2007, 10:22 AM
simply weird to me when she said all such things but she still wanna carry on to our relationship but i cant take it her nonsense i already did wat i can to improve myself in tis two years how much i can improve maybe im jux a bad luck person all company i work for all close down but not because of me la haha!! I suspect she heard someone bad abt me! But really thanks to all brother who give me all your experience thanks alot to all i'll stop posting !
17-05-2007, 02:01 PM
bro, i really am impressed and was laughing at your analogy. Really creative. like what most people say - the value of women depreciates with time.... BUT the value of men appreciates with time. u see bro, many of our sg gals 生在福中不知福 (take things for granted) they tend to think that they can manouvre us like puppets, thinking men can be easily subdued by beauty. truth is, many hardly qualify for that category. some even to the extent where they use their pussies as collateral... which then examplifies the term "no $, no honey". (IMHO, its not any different from being whores)
whilst gals of some other nationalities, regardless upbringing/family background, tend to hold on tight, cherish the moment while it lasts, and mind you... possesive in their own unique way. in fact, some give you no reason to trash her.
if only our sg gals can fulfill ˝ or the above stated.
17-05-2007, 02:18 PM
u see bro, many of our sg gals 生在福中不知福 (take things for granted) they tend to think that they can manouvre us like puppets, thinking men can be easily subdued by beauty. truth is, many hardly qualify for that category. some even to the extent where they use their pussies as collateral... which then examplifies the term "no $, no honey". (IMHO, its not any different from being whores)
whilst gals of some other nationalities, regardless upbringing/family background, tend to hold on tight, cherish the moment while it lasts, and mind you... possesive in their own unique way. in fact, some give you no reason to trash her.
if only our sg gals can fulfill ˝ or the above stated.
Some Girls not pretty also do it the same way (no money no honey)
17-05-2007, 02:32 PM
sum gals not pretty, also hang up and sell.
coz they tot SG makes them worth more mah.:D
17-05-2007, 03:44 PM
sum gals not pretty, also hang up and sell.
coz they tot SG makes them worth more mah.:D
Actually, gers not pretty also can get loved. But cannot hang up & sell lar.
Dun believe? look around in thailand. farang tends to have dark & not so pretty thai gers as partner.
I think it shows, as long a you have a good heart/ inner beauty, you will
still be appreciated by someone. :)
17-05-2007, 03:57 PM
i remember my gf ask me now sg men like to go oversea find wife and i told her tat because sg girls are too realistic haha !!
17-05-2007, 04:01 PM
u see bro, many of our sg gals 生在福中不知福 (take things for granted) they tend to think that they can manouvre us like puppets. ...sadly or deservingly, that holds true too often.
I suspect there may be a design flaw in our genetic make-up behind all this. :(
17-05-2007, 04:06 PM
haha i don understand when girls really insulting you and humilated you and she still say she love you DOES IT MEAN SHE LOVE TO INSULT AND HUMILATE YOU??
17-05-2007, 04:36 PM
to me, sg gals dun have standard to hiam tan hiam terms of look characters, n sai nai...taiwanese gals r champion!! n they dun look down on faithful when they r attached...unlike sg gal, have bf liao still wanna mislead some other guys in order to get bf treament from em but hang ppl in the middle on the air...somemore cannot bonk leh..this i reli depise sg gals...they cant compare to gals from the region at all..!! so, i only treat sg gals when they can give me least have something in return...if use the words love....u die faster !!!!!
17-05-2007, 04:39 PM
there is no future liao lah:(
finance(cash) becoming the main factor to bring a couple together instead of love.
love, 1 kilo how much?
17-05-2007, 05:22 PM
Let's be honest here, though the girls may not have the qualities to 'hang up and sell' BUT it's the guys who allow themselves to be led by the ring on the nose!
A relationship is just like bringing up a child......sufficient privileges with the same balance in discipline and control.....will create an equal and balanced mindset.....
While walking on the street, i see young guys holding the woman's handbag and being submissive all the time. If there's no control or respect is established from the beginning, when married, you'll get the woman using the pussy as a bargaining chip.....
Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
Kyser Soze
17-05-2007, 09:57 PM
BUT it's the guys who allow themselves to be led by the ring on the nose!
While walking on the street, i see young guys holding the woman's handbag and being submissive all the time. If there's no control or respect is established from the beginning, when married, you'll get the woman using the pussy as a bargaining chip.....
Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
Maybe we guys are treating our local women well... sorry, too well. End of the day, these women take things for granted. Things are destined to be tough if there is no mutual respect at all.
18-05-2007, 10:58 AM
Maybe we guys are treating our local women well... sorry, too well. End of the day, these women take things for granted. Things are destined to be tough if there is no mutual respect at all.
I remember tat time i ask my ex you free tomorrow wanna go out for karaokie she told me ok! When e night come i already prepare to go meet her she told she cant she wanna go for mah jong session , i told her wtf you treat me like dirt right you take things for granted so be it out of my side ! She blur because i always let her do watever she like and now take me for granted like friends over me ! In e end she lost abt 1k on mah jong and i laughing at her and we broke up !
18-05-2007, 02:12 PM
Some Girls not pretty also do it the same way (no money no honey) then u can only blame yourself to be blind... go for sub-standard yet end up as her slave.
18-05-2007, 02:13 PM
Actually, gers not pretty also can get loved. But cannot hang up & sell lar.
Dun believe? look around in thailand. farang tends to have dark & not so pretty thai gers as partner.
I think it shows, as long a you have a good heart/ inner beauty, you will
still be appreciated by someone. :)
so in other words, most of our sg gals are actually 2 in 1 - she's the "beauty" & the beast
18-05-2007, 02:15 PM
i remember my gf ask me now sg men like to go oversea find wife and i told her tat because sg girls are too realistic haha !! wrong! realisitc means she's still able to rationalize, & will not come up with those out of this world demands for the man to meet, and she should be able to come to terms with "what u see is what u get", neither should she be exercising double standards.
the correct word is; too idealisitic
18-05-2007, 02:17 PM
sadly or deservingly, that holds true too often.
I suspect there may be a design flaw in our genetic make-up behind all this. :( the key word is, they THINK they can... but if we as men do not yield, then she can jolly well go home & drum her "runway" chest like king kong lor.
18-05-2007, 02:20 PM
Let's be honest here, though the girls may not have the qualities to 'hang up and sell' BUT it's the guys who allow themselves to be led by the ring on the nose!
A relationship is just like bringing up a child......sufficient privileges with the same balance in discipline and control.....will create an equal and balanced mindset.....
While walking on the street, i see young guys holding the woman's handbag and being submissive all the time. If there's no control or respect is established from the beginning, when married, you'll get the woman using the pussy as a bargaining chip.....
Just my 2 cents worth of opinion.
:cool: next time we see a guy carrying the gals bag for her, maybe should just point finger & laugh at him "eeeee... so kuniang, carry girl's bag".
18-05-2007, 02:25 PM
I remember tat time i ask my ex you free tomorrow wanna go out for karaokie she told me ok! When e night come i already prepare to go meet her she told she cant she wanna go for mah jong session , i told her wtf you treat me like dirt right you take things for granted so be it out of my side ! She blur because i always let her do watever she like and now take me for granted like friends over me ! In e end she lost abt 1k on mah jong and i laughing at her and we broke up ! eh, u also sub-standard lah. of all things find 1 who cherish mahjong over u. consider it a blessing in disguise lah. its over so its time to look for new target.
this time round, better wise up & find 1 that cherish u over mahjong.
19-05-2007, 03:06 AM
Just happened to stumble on this thread. I didn;t read it all but my opinion about gers is... they are basically using..
Well, I don't buy that, maybe some guys do and I am not desperate to get my hand under their skirt. Be they be pretty or ugly, is basically the same. If I am really horny and need a bonk, just pay for it. Paid sex is much cheaper than free sex!
Of course there are nice women but then if you want to find them, they are probably married.. lol
19-05-2007, 10:53 AM
next time we see a guy carrying the gals bag for her, maybe should just point finger & laugh at him "eeeee... so kuniang, carry girl's bag".
hah... ok, on!!! cos i m already doing that... point n snigger!!!:D
and those guys will look at me and suddenly shrink in size... for guys who dare to do it, i have this for u... please dont tell me that u r trying to pamper yr girl... pampering yr girl does not include having to shame yourself in public!!!:rolleyes:
19-05-2007, 12:04 PM
eh, u also sub-standard lah. of all things find 1 who cherish mahjong over u. consider it a blessing in disguise lah. its over so its time to look for new target.
this time round, better wise up & find 1 that cherish u over mahjong.
Many time had happen if you don really know abt it don say ppl sub standard la.. I was sharing anyway ! You +++ like i own you..
Kyser Soze
19-05-2007, 01:07 PM
I didn;t read it all but my opinion about gers is... they are basically using..
Well, I don't buy that, maybe some guys do and I am not desperate to get my hand under their skirt. Be they be pretty or ugly, is basically the same. If I am really horny and need a bonk, just pay for it. Paid sex is much cheaper than free sex!
Of course there are nice women but then if you want to find them, they are probably married.. lol
Paid sex is cheap or not, really depends on one's appetite.:D Unfortunately, most guys want sex.
Five Stone
01-06-2007, 04:19 PM
Paid sex is cheap or not, really depends on one's appetite.:D Unfortunately, most guys want sex.
To many, paid sex is straight forward and direct but to some it is the beginning of a nightmarish journey, they simply got sucked in and play beyond the rules and failed to realized but to relive it all over again. Sad but true. :cool:
02-06-2007, 03:31 AM
depends on individual gal lah. I ever had a gf who earns more than me, & when I was down & out (really very very down), she even supported me like a good wife, cheer me up etc etc. All, if not almost all, expenses when we go out 2gether, she pay.
At 1st, she can even feel, cos of my situation, I dun really want a r'ship. But she kinda told me off, 4 not only not giving her a chance, by oso not giving myself a chance!
Whenever I was troubled, not in good mood, & cos I was poor, no $$$, dowan go out, she'd make me go out wif her, have some fresh air, go makan, drinks, karaoke, etc etc, she pays most times, knowing tat I really poor.
We broke off cos I had no way out, no job, nothing, gotta go another country 2 find a living. She even encouraged me, knowing full well the risk that it may be the end of our r'ship. Shortly after I go overseas, I know I'll be out there for a v long time, if not rest of my life, while she cant leave her family 2 join me, I had 2 harden my heart 2 break off wif her.
Wow bro, this kind of gf is hard to find and is once in a lifetime u meet such nice girl. Too bad thing has to end in the way because of want the other half have better life...:cool:
05-06-2007, 08:33 AM
the 3 major combo terror a lady can pose to her mate:
1. Whatever
Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want la, eat steamboat later got pimples in my face
Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan cuisine
Women: Yesterday ate Si Chuan, today eat again?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood no good la, later I got diarrhea
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
2. Anything
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching movie? Long time we didn't watch movie
Women: Watching movie no good la, waste time only
Men: How about we play bowling, do some exercises?
Women: Exercise in such hot day? You not feel tire meh?
Men: Then find a café and have drink
Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: Anything
3. You decide
Men: Then we just go home lo
Women: You decide
Men: Let take bus, I will accompany you
Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't want la
Men: Ok we will take Taxi
Women: Not worth it la... for such a short distance
Men: Alright, then we walk lo. Take a slow walk
Women: What to walk with empty stomach woh?
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first
Women: Whatever...
Men: Eat what?
Women: Anyting
<blood boiling>
Men: I'm not in the mood for anything, I just wanna go home NOW
Women: Up to you
* "up to you" serves as the imunity trumph card
05-06-2007, 08:38 AM
hah... ok, on!!! cos i m already doing that... point n snigger!!!:D
and those guys will look at me and suddenly shrink in size... for guys who dare to do it, i have this for u... please dont tell me that u r trying to pamper yr girl... pampering yr girl does not include having to shame yourself in public!!!:rolleyes: rule of thumb. wanna dote, wanna cherish, wanna shed some TLC is fine... pampering the gal = digging own grave.
cos when she issue the fatal move ("you change liao! last time u not lidat.." + tears in her eyes...) then its time to sound for the GOH 3 gun salute for burial.
05-06-2007, 08:41 AM
Many time had happen if you don really know abt it don say ppl sub standard la.. I was sharing anyway ! You +++ like i own you.. fren, sorry if my words pricked you. i was just speaking my mind. i just felt u made a very wrong choice in picking 1 who values nonsense over u.
p.s.: no, u dont own me... btw, i think the word u're looking for is 'owe' not 'own'
05-06-2007, 08:44 AM
To many, paid sex is straight forward and direct but to some it is the beginning of a nightmarish journey, they simply got sucked in and play beyond the rules and failed to realized but to relive it all over again. Sad but true. :cool: there's always a vacuum in our lives. some in need for $, some in need for the attention, some for TLC... etc. as long as the vacuum is not fulfilled... enough is never enough, and the vacuum will soon consume us
explosion is scary, implosion is lagi scarier.
05-06-2007, 11:33 AM
fren, sorry if my words pricked you. i was just speaking my mind. i just felt u made a very wrong choice in picking 1 who values nonsense over u.
p.s.: no, u dont own me... btw, i think the word u're looking for is 'owe' not 'own'
haha it ok la u r rite bro i really very wrong to pick 1 who have so many nonsense
05-06-2007, 11:44 AM
rule of thumb. wanna dote, wanna cherish, wanna shed some TLC is fine... pampering the gal = digging own grave.
cos when she issue the fatal move ("you change liao! last time u not lidat.." + tears in her eyes...) then its time to sound for the GOH 3 gun salute for burial.
aaahhh... learnt that in earlier relationships. now is all "what u see is what u get"... when going after her, if we start at too high a level of TLC, guys will find it hard to keep up that level. i prefer to start at a lower level and let her make me want to treat her better as we progress in the relationship...:D
haha it ok la u r rite bro i really very wrong to pick 1 who have so many nonsense
kudos to both of u to have such a good reconciliation... cheers.:D
Thai Rak Thai
05-06-2007, 11:57 AM
kudos to both of u to have such a good reconciliation... cheers.:D
Sound like sarcasm 2 me lei :rolleyes:
05-06-2007, 12:10 PM
Sound like sarcasm 2 me lei :rolleyes:
no lah, bro... if i was being sacarstic, i would put the rolleyes smilie liao...:rolleyes: eh, not unlike u!!! kekeke...
it was heartfelt. one guy apologising and the other admitting that the initial comment had some truth in it. beautiful. not enough of that in this world... LOL
Thai Rak Thai
05-06-2007, 12:15 PM
no lah, bro... if i was being sacarstic, i would put the rolleyes smilie liao...:rolleyes: eh, not unlike u!!! kekeke... no bro..not you :) the again
05-06-2007, 12:22 PM
no bro..not you :) the again
oh, ok... my bad...:p
05-06-2007, 12:23 PM
no bro..not you :) the again Maybe that fella really is accepting the comment graciously. But maybe the phrasing sounds a tad sacarstic. He only 2pts left, give him benefit of doubt lah.
05-06-2007, 01:29 PM
Maybe that fella really is accepting the comment graciously. But maybe the phrasing sounds a tad sacarstic. He only 2pts left, give him benefit of doubt lah.
So cruel i only left two points how ar
05-06-2007, 01:48 PM
So cruel i only left two points how ar dont think begging for points works around here.
05-06-2007, 02:18 PM
dont think begging for points works around here.
Wah lau wat begging?was wondering wat if my point no more will wat happen to me sign tis guy really look down on ppl !
05-06-2007, 02:48 PM
Wah lau wat begging?was wondering wat if my point no more will wat happen to me sign tis guy really look down on ppl ! If zapped till moderation then your postings will be moderated, no big deal. And your asking of newbie question here is only going to make matters worse.
Anyway, he's not looking down on you. Read all his postings, he's just a straightforward guy, if he really wanna be sarcastic, you will be banging your balls when you read it.
05-06-2007, 03:27 PM
Ok cool maybe i sensitive sorry abt everything Let back to the thread !
05-06-2007, 04:00 PM
So cruel i only left two points how ar
how?? register a new nick lor.. straightaway 10 points!!!! :D
Quite true..
Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want la, eat steamboat later got pimples in my face
Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan cuisine
Women: Yesterday eat Si Chuan, today eat again?
Men: Hmm..... then I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood no good la, later I got diarrhea
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching a movie? Long time we havn't watch a movie
Women: Watching movie no good la, waste time only
Men: How about we go bowling, do some exercises?
Women: Exercise on such hot day? You not feel tired meh?
Men: Then find a café and have a drink
Women: Drinking coffee will affect my sleep
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: Anything
(You decide)
Men: Then we just go home lo
Women: You decide
Men: Let's take a bus
Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't want la
Men: Ok we will take taxi then
Women: Not worth it la... for such a short distance
Men: Alright, then we walk lo. Take a slow walk
Women: How to walk with empty stomach?
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first
Women: Whatever...
Men: Eat what?
Women: Anything
(Man looks around... no one here, gonna kill her....)
hmmm... would you prefer to other extreme? :rolleyes:
Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: I want bak kut teh
Men: Again? Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want la, i want bak kut teh
Men: Whatever..
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Shopping
Men: Again? How about watching a movie? Long time we haven't watch a movie
Women: Watching movie waste time only, i want to shop
Men: Anything
(who decide?) - after a long shopping session
Men: Let's go home... my legs so tired
Women: No laa, let's go drink coffee
Men: But i really tired now
Women: You always tired laa. Go home so sian
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: I want to drink coffee
Men: Whatever...
Women: You sure?
Men: Anything
Women: ok, drink coffee
(Man looks around... no one here, gonna kill her....)
which one you prefer? :D
14-06-2007, 09:34 PM
siao man.. this thread must subscribe liao ah! :cool:
15-06-2007, 03:42 AM
which one you prefer?
i prefer yours, bro!!! what i see is what i get. i would at least begrudgingly respect the woman who knows what she wants!!!:D
the anything, whatever type which bro jwny described r the manipulative types. the new drinks: "whatever" and "anything". i bet my last dollar, invented by men!!! still waiting for some manipulator to tell me "anything"... cos that is what they will get!!!:D
15-06-2007, 02:37 PM
i prefer yours, bro!!! what i see is what i get. i would at least begrudgingly respect the woman who knows what she wants!!!:D
the anything, whatever type which bro jwny described r the manipulative types. the new drinks: "whatever" and "anything". i bet my last dollar, invented by men!!! still waiting for some manipulator to tell me "anything"... cos that is what they will get!!!:D the only reply i have to offer is "the fridge dont have anything"... "there's no stall here selling anything"
15-06-2007, 06:09 PM
the only reply i have to offer is "the fridge dont have anything"... "there's no stall here selling anything"
that will only piss them to say "dont u know what i like to drink/eat???" which is exactly the last thing u would think of...:D thank the heavens for the marketing guys behind the 2 new drinks, but fortunately, my present OC is not like that...:p
16-06-2007, 08:56 AM
that will only piss them to say "dont u know what i like to drink/eat???" which is exactly the last thing u would think of...:D thank the heavens for the marketing guys behind the 2 new drinks, but fortunately, my present OC is not like that...:p the irony is, they're always leaving the ends open, which to me i find is an entrapment. its like telling you to play football on a pitch laidened with well concealed anti-personnel mines.
indeed, i'm quite thankful that they decided to market those 2 drinks. then again, it may eventually backfire even if we did get them either of the 2 drinks. why??? she'd still deal the fatal blow "u think this is a joke? u dunno what i like to drink?!"
on the contrary, a gal of another nationality who's alien to these new drinks would most likely laugh it off in amusement. better still... may even find the gesture endearing.
25-06-2007, 12:30 PM
thank the heavens for the marketing guys behind the 2 new drinks, but fortunately, my present OC is not like that...:p
For once, we know what to buy when we ask them what they wanna drink. :D
25-06-2007, 12:36 PM
wow this is such an old thread hope i can contribute shortly after reading slowly
whats that old phrase? (cant live with women cant live without them) :D
25-06-2007, 01:47 PM
I am praying for product extension.
Anything and whatever should be extended to food, movies, recreational places. In fact they should add more product lines with names like 随便 and 不知道.
We can all rejoice after that :D
02-07-2007, 03:40 PM
I am praying for product extension.
Anything and whatever should be extended to food, movies, recreational places. In fact they should add more product lines with names like 随便 and 不知道.
We can all rejoice after that :D
Easier said than done, dude. Let's pray hard together. :D
02-07-2007, 03:55 PM
the irony is, they're always leaving the ends open, which to me i find is an entrapment. its like telling you to play football on a pitch laidened with well concealed anti-personnel mines.
indeed, i'm quite thankful that they decided to market those 2 drinks. then again, it may eventually backfire even if we did get them either of the 2 drinks. why??? she'd still deal the fatal blow "u think this is a joke? u dunno what i like to drink?!"
on the contrary, a gal of another nationality who's alien to these new drinks would most likely laugh it off in amusement. better still... may even find the gesture endearing.
ironic that when we bring them out, they insist on ending with a quarrel by dealing fatal blows. normally, i will know unless my gf always change the drinks she likes. well, there is always this other choice:- instead of playing footy on a minefield, we can always choose not to play...
i m trying not to generalise about girls of other nationalities liao... but my gf knows exactly what she wants everytime, so lesser trouble. her sister, on the other hand, does not but always trust me on my choices for her whenever we r out. guess my choices should be ok for her sis cos she still likes to go out with us. :D oh, they r koreans.
For once, we know what to buy when we ask them what they wanna drink.
been quite some time since i have seen u back at your own prestigious thread, eh? like i said, the drink is marketed by men who know us men with problematic/undecided gfs or with gfs looking for a quarrel...:D
as for product extension, good opportunity there actually. but the genius who came up with a pub called "anywhere" (dont think it is still around, maybe caused too many breakups...) should be given a marketing award, IMHO... kekeke...
02-07-2007, 04:10 PM
me: wat u wanna have for dinner
her: anything
me: than dont eat,only got drinks call anything dont have food call anything
her: ok i wanna eat ....
sometimes you need to throw the freaking ball into their hands in order to get things done and most of the time i thorw the ball into their freaking hands,only time i dare to take issues in my own hands is after a really good screw given by me to them(after that they happy anything also can)
the other way to do things will be sned her a sms 4hours in advance and tell her
"you go decide for dinner wat you wanna eat,if not later i make the decisions you dont come and kpkb"
normally that works for me really fine...
i mean life already so full of decisions to make,still must decide wat to eat meh?
29-08-2007, 01:04 PM
been quite some time since i have seen u back at your own prestigious thread, eh? like i said, the drink is marketed by men who know us men with problematic/undecided gfs or with gfs looking for a quarrel...:D
Been busy fighting with the angel and devil inside me for the most trival matters. Likewise like you, succumb to the entrapment of life, walking in the shadows of lust, desire, battling with moral and ethics, treading on outside the rules of relationship. :D
30-08-2007, 12:01 PM
Been busy fighting with the angel and devil inside me for the most trival matters. Likewise like you, succumb to the entrapment of life, walking in the shadows of lust, desire, battling with moral and ethics, treading on outside the rules of relationship.
haha... r u terming yours good or bad luck???
for me, i was at the crossroads of my life, cursing the heavens for bestowing me with mostly materialistic girls for almost all my life and when i finally found really good one, whom i feel i dont really deserve, he got me another into my life to make it a living hell!!!:(
i was blaming providence for a while for my dilemma until i realised that i was the only one to blame cos like u, i betrayed the trust of my OC and violated the rules of engagement. end of the day, this thread is actually a good avenue for me to explore another side of the argument...
that is... maybe there is nothing wrong with the girls afterall!!! at least not the ones i have met!!! here i was, blessed with an immaculate girl, she is everything i could ever ask for, but yet still have another on the side till i was contemplating the possibility of giving my OC up at one point. what was i thinking???
bros here may argue that my 2 ladies r not sgreans and thus i was "lucky" in that sense. maybe i m, maybe i m not... but i have recently seen sg women standing by their men when the shit hits the fan!!! thus causing me to fully understand one thing... it doesnt matter if the wife is around when times r good, they r the ones for life if they r determined to stick with u when times r really, really bad!!! to those women out there who have done that or r still doing that, my salutations to u!:D
30-08-2007, 12:03 PM
i mean life already so full of decisions to make,still must decide wat to eat meh? u hav to tell her eat to live not live to eat
31-08-2007, 09:07 AM
Dear IT Support,
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower, gifts and jewellery applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 un-installed many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as Formula One 5.0, NBA 3.0 and World Cup 2.0.
And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.
What can I do?
Desperate Housewife
Dear Desperate Housewife,
First keep in mind:
Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system.
Try entering the command C:\ I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download
Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0.
If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Late Night Teh Tarik 6.1.
Late Night 6.1 is a very bad program that will create SnoringLoudly.wav files.
Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-Law 1.0 or reinstall another
Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash
Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited
memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support
31-08-2007, 10:27 AM
.............. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited
memory and cannot learn new applications quickly.
You might consider additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Tasty Food 3.0 and Tongkat Ali 6.9.
Good Luck,
IT Support in order to maintain & optimize Husband 1.0 should also run daily updates for programmes like sexylingrie v7.8, hotraunchysex v5.1.2, bbbj v6.9
31-08-2007, 12:07 PM
basically - girls know what they want, usually. They just don't want to tell, cos they expect their bf to be able to READ THEIR MIND. Irritating, i know, it's something you have to get used to and just have to slowly decipher what she wants. Or decide for her lor - then maybe next time, she'd tell you what she wants.
02-09-2007, 08:38 PM
basically - girls know what they want, usually. They just don't want to tell, cos they expect their bf to be able to READ THEIR MIND. Irritating, i know, it's something you have to get used to and just have to slowly decipher what she wants. Or decide for her lor - then maybe next time, she'd tell you what she wants. u decide for her, u might get hell from her after that, or if not, u're just wasting the $, cos she'd say she cant finish it, bt eventually she orders something else.
03-09-2007, 11:42 AM
u decide for her, u might get hell from her after that, or if not, u're just wasting the $, cos she'd say she cant finish it, bt eventually she orders something else.
Yup, being nice and kind does not necessay paid off. Sometimes the harder you try, the harder you fall. :D
04-09-2007, 01:52 AM
gers are still gers but we still must treat them like how a gentlemen should, without their nagging we are nothing.. haha..
04-09-2007, 12:29 PM
Yup, being nice and kind does not necessay paid off. Sometimes the harder you try, the harder you fall. :D u got the point there! sometimes, its good to let them exercise their brains & feet to get what they want. otherwise, very convenient to pin the fault on us.
I Want
04-09-2007, 12:59 PM
u got the point there! sometimes, its good to let them exercise their brains & feet to get what they want. otherwise, very convenient to pin the fault on us.
The moral of the story is, since chabor want equality of the sexes in terms of salary, they jolly well do their share of work ..... whatever it is :D
04-09-2007, 01:53 PM
Gers Are Still Gers, don't bother fucking understand them, just fucking show ur fucking love to them.
Deep Blue
05-09-2007, 11:40 AM
u got the point there! sometimes, its good to let them exercise their brains & feet to get what they want. otherwise, very convenient to pin the fault on us.
Let them be the decision maker at times pays dividends though. Like my friend tends to let her GF choose where to eat and she always like to listen to hearsay and try here and there till one time she got a bad case of food poisoning then my friend jump in with the shining armour and shower her with tender loving care. Since then she became more submissive and less aggressive. :D
13-09-2007, 04:57 PM
gers are still gers but we still must treat them like how a gentlemen should, without their nagging we are nothing.. haha..
Hmmm…beg to differ though, got to understand sometimes their nagging is like a buzzing fly that keeps irritating you no end. Best part is that what had happened will haunt you forever and will be brought up again and again. :o
14-09-2007, 09:56 AM
Hmmm…beg to differ though, got to understand sometimes their nagging is like a buzzing fly that keeps irritating you no end. Best part is that what had happened will haunt you forever and will be brought up again and again.
dont mind me saying this... i m not defending anyone here.
but i really hate people to nag!!! my mum gets anything from me, just from nagging!!! having moved out, the best part is really to get away from her nagging and complaining.
but why our women nag??? that was what i found out:
1. they found out first hand from the encounters with my mum that it works on me. they decide to use that on me, to get what they want from me. these people have short term goals with me. no point for me to have long term plans with them as well, so i fuck them and tell them to fuck off after a while.
2. they dont have the required patience to reason with me rationally why i should be doing this and that. and so, they fall back to doing what their parents do best and works, nag. eventually, i will feel the housefly effect and break up.
3. i ever come across women, after having a bad day themselves, and then are determined to make everyone else miserable as well. it seems like they just cant stand seeing us enjoying ourselves and stuff. i know talking to them and reasoning with them, or even pampering them is the right way to go. but i dont have the patience, so i just drop them like a hot potato. someone else can take up that responsibility...
4. some women did try and i, being stubborn and lazy, dont listen to their reasoning or delay doing stuff that they tell me to do. so eventually, they have no choice but to end up not bothering to explain to me why i should be doing this and that, thus the nagging starts. happened to me before. so my fault.
there r many reasons for their nagging. find out and rectify. a relationship requires a lot of efforts on both sides. i m lucky to get an OC who is very patient and takes the time to reason with me and on my part, i would listen to reason and if i find them reasonable or sound, i would get off me big ass to go about doing as she told, even when there is a footy game on. and then she reciprocated by leaving me alone to watch my games in peace and eventually, she has picked up watching with me too.
i m not saying that i know the secrets to having a good relationship, but if we guys dont put in the effort to understand why they r doing this and that, we shouldnt be dismissing them for being unreasonable. but if we put in the effort and they r still like that, then dump them and never look back.
14-09-2007, 11:42 AM
dont mind me saying this... i m not defending anyone here.
i m not saying that i know the secrets to having a good relationship, but if we guys dont put in the effort to understand why they r doing this and that, we shouldnt be dismissing them for being unreasonable. but if we put in the effort and they r still like that, then dump them and never look back.
Been there, seen it and done it. It is really a blessing to find such a companion, this, is what I call a soul mate. One who knows and understands the simplicity of life starts from the most trivial matter, one who knows how to give before taking, let alone demanding, and one who knows taking a step back is the best form of advance.
We aint no goons who go goofing around waiting for judgment day to be call upon ourselves, nonetheless we do know how to reciprocate and comes with a sense of guilt. Kindness begets kindness, if we are as screwed as what she thinks we are, move on then. We have a choice and so does she. :cool:
15-09-2007, 09:56 AM
........... i m not saying that i know the secrets to having a good relationship, but if we guys dont put in the effort to understand why they r doing this and that, we shouldnt be dismissing them for being unreasonable. but if we put in the effort and they r still like that, then dump them and never look back. nothing to fret about not having the solution, but getting to the root of the problem is a good start.
18-09-2007, 03:05 PM
A religious woman rubbed a bottle and out popped a genie. The amazed woman asked if she got three wishes. The genie said, "Nope, sorry, three-wish genies are a storybook myth. I'm a one-wish genie. So... what'll it be?"
The woman did not hesitate. She said, "I want peace in the Middle East. See this map? I want these countries to stop fighting with each other and I want all the Arabs to love the Jews and Americans and vice-versa. It will bring about world peace and harmony."
The genie looked at the map and exclaimed, "Lady, be reasonable. These countries have been at war for thousands of years. I'm out of shape after being in a bottle for five hundred years. I'm good but not THAT good! I don't think it can be done. Make another wish and please be reasonable."
The woman thought for a minute and said, "Well, I've never been able to find the right man. You know - one that's considerate and fun, likes to cook and help with the house cleaning, is great in bed, and gets along with my family, doesn't watch sports all the time, and is faithful. That is what I wish for...a good man........”
The genie let out a sigh, scratching his head and said, "Let me see the fucking map again."
Here you go...Girls are still girls...
19-09-2007, 09:42 AM
........... The woman thought for a minute and said, "Well, I've never been able to find the right man. You know - one that's considerate and fun, likes to cook and help with the house cleaning, is great in bed, and gets along with my family, doesn't watch sports all the time, and is faithful. That is what I wish for...a good man........”
The genie let out a sigh, scratching his head and said, "Let me see the fucking map again."
Here you go...Girls are still girls... LOL, wishful thinking... too many ladybird fairytales; hoping for a knight in shining armor ( riding the white stallion, to rescue her from the monsterous queen, after which; he dismounts the stallion, discards & scrap/melt down his shining armor - cast into cosume tiara ( for her crown, put on the apron (, so to relief her of her domestic duties in the keep - and she sulks & complaints for an upgrade to a castle or palace, while she receives continued showers of gifts confiscated from the peasants, that she'd be served/pampered like a queen....??
(she forgets a knight is just another waged subject in the kingdom, and not necessarily blood relation to the royals that he serves/swears loyalty to... while she's just another peasent damsel in distress at the moment of rescue, and no princess/daughter of the king/emperor)
even the story writer for smallville ( authored clarke kent (with extra terrestrial gifts) raised to be an average joe-farmboy, and not a rich man's son.
gals sometimes confuse themselves of their expectations.... or should i say most of the time... though for some, its typically all the time
19-09-2007, 10:24 AM
LOL, wishful thinking... too many ladybird fairytales; hoping for a knight in shining armor ( riding the white stallion, to rescue her from the monsterous queen, after which; he dismounts the stallion, discards & scrap/melt down his shining armor - cast into cosume tiara ( for her crown, put on the apron (, so to relief her of her domestic duties in the keep - and she sulks & complaints for an upgrade to a castle or palace, while she receives continued showers of gifts confiscated from the peasants, that she'd be served/pampered like a queen....??
(she forgets a knight is just another waged subject in the kingdom, and not necessarily blood relation to the royals that he serves/swears loyalty to... while she's just another peasent damsel in distress at the moment of rescue, and no princess/daughter of the king/emperor)
even the story writer for smallville ( authored clarke kent (with extra terrestrial gifts) raised to be an average joe-farmboy, and not a rich man's son.
gals sometimes confuse themselves of their expectations.... or should i say most of the time... though for some, its typically all the time
This is sooo true, my friend :D
19-09-2007, 11:51 AM
......... even the story writer for smallville ( authored clarke kent (with extra terrestrial gifts) raised to be an average joe-farmboy, and not a rich man's son.
gals sometimes confuse themselves of their expectations.... or should i say most of the time... though for some, its typically all the time
This is sooo true, my friend :D some say, gers got 2 mouths (enough will never be enough), men got 2 heads (headache never goes away).
18-10-2007, 03:45 PM
some say, gers got 2 mouths (enough will never be enough), men got 2 heads (headache never goes away).
I guess that's why we always plug one of their "mouth" with one of our "head". ;)
26-10-2007, 04:27 PM
I guess that's why we always plug one of their "mouth" with one of our "head". ;) of cos we try to use our other head to plug the other mouth. but at the end, her bigger mouth also making a lot of noise. we do all we can to silence her mouths, so we end up with headaches
26-10-2007, 05:25 PM
Interesting thread.....
Yeah, last sunday just went shopping and dinner with my girl, here's a summary of wat we did after dinner:
ME: Hey dear, long time never go out with u, I sayang u tonite, u go buy wat you want (I know if I don't say that, she will still ask anyway, so better for me to say first).
MY BITCH: Huh? I dunno what I want leh.....
ME: Nevermind, we go walk walk ard Suntec and see lor...
MY BITCH: Suntec don't have my type of clothes leh...too office wear liao.
ME: You not a kid, wat for u wan to buy kid's clothes?
MY BITCH: Kids ur head, I just like to buy cuter clothes. Let's go Marina Square.
ME: Okay...
MY BITCH (at Marina Square): Down here got nothing I want leh....
ME: (Phew!, Sliently praying....and thanking God)
MY BITCH: Let's go Orchard instead...Taka....
ME: (Oh fuck....)
MY BITCH (at Orchard, Taka): Wah lau...u tonight very lucky, cannot find anything I want leh....wat a waste of time!
ME: Haha....nevermind take ur time (and thanking God....but again too soon)
MY BITCH (at bag store): Hmm....this bag look very cute...which one shld I get? Pink or the white one?
ME: Oh....white one too kiddy for u...
(Fast forward....white bag was chosen and bought for a price of $369)
ME: So how, u happy boh, why u don't look that satisfied?
MY BITCH: Dunno time u give me surprise better ok....I'll wait for ur surprise hor....
ME: (Act blur) What u mean surprise?
MY BITCH: Errh.....just now we passed by Burberry (i don't know how to spell)...just get me any bag lor....
ME: Huh? I dunno wat bag u like...lata I buy wrong how?
MY BITCH: Just get anything lor....(hinting to me that the costs for the bags are all over $1,000)
ME: (In my heart....crazy bitch...u tink I print money?)
Deep Blue
24-11-2007, 03:44 PM
Interesting thread.....
Yeah, last sunday just went shopping and dinner with my girl, here's a summary of wat we did after dinner:
ME: (In my heart....crazy bitch...u tink I print money?)
Well, they do not require stimulation when it comes to shopping, especially when they are not the one footing the bill, hence you will face a trigger happy scenario. Never under estimate the appetite of them (us too), hence for no reason do not ever give them a surprise gift you the next gift will be 10% more costly than the previous one. Like you said, we do not print money but sometimes they do think that we grow them in our backyard. On second thoughts, better just stick with the special days in a year, Valentines Day, Birthday, X,mas, Anniversaries, these are enough to kill yourself. Other then that will depend on how fast you “grow” your money. ;)
28-11-2007, 03:23 PM
Well, they do not require stimulation when it comes to shopping, especially when they are not the one footing the bill, hence you will face a trigger happy scenario. Never under estimate the appetite of them (us too), hence for no reason do not ever give them a surprise gift you the next gift will be 10% more costly than the previous one. Like you said, we do not print money but sometimes they do think that we grow them in our backyard. On second thoughts, better just stick with the special days in a year, Valentines Day, Birthday, X,mas, Anniversaries, these are enough to kill yourself. Other then that will depend on how fast you “grow” your money. ;) sometimes we try our best to keep things stapled to the important dates, but nothing beats the situation; from waiting to pick her up at the pick-up point, to getting a summon from her royal highness to go park the car, go inside the mall join her at the cashier, to foot the bill for something that seemed only applicable for an anniversary and/or valentine's combined.
28-11-2007, 03:48 PM
I guess that's why we always plug one of their "mouth" with one of our "head". ;)
Wah brother OceanEleven, you're still active in the thread that you started three years ago! Peifu peifu... My old threads all si kiao kiao liao. :D
01-12-2007, 02:12 PM
The Silent Treatment
A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day,
he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight.
Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper,
'Please wake me at 5:00 AM ' He left it where he knew she would find it.
The next morning, the ! man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight.
Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him,
when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed.
The paper said, 'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.'
Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests.
A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word.
An earlier discussion had led to an argument and
neither of them wanted to concede their position.
As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs,
the husband asked sarcastically, 'Relatives of yours?'
'Yep,! ' the wife replied , 'in-laws
'Cash, check or charge?' I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase.
As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.
'So, do you always carry your TV remote?' I asked.
'No,' she replied, ' but my husband refused to come shopping with me,
and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.'
I know I'm not going to understand women.
I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax, pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root, and still be afraid of a spider.
A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day...
30,000 to a man's 15,000.
The wife replied, 'The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...
The husband then turned to his wife and asked, 'What?'
A ma n said t o his wife one day, 'I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.'
The wife responded, 'Allow me to explain.
God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;
God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!
A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each morning.
The wife said, 'You should do it, because you get up first, and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee.'
The husband said, ' You are in charge of cooking around here and you should do it, because that is your job, and I can! just wait for my coffee.'
Wife replies, 'No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible that the man should do the coffee.'
Husband replies, 'I can't believe that, show me.'
So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament
and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says..........'HEBREWS'
God may have created man before woman,
but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.
07-12-2007, 10:43 AM
Man comes home, finds his wife with his friend in bed.
He shoots his friend and kills him.
Wife says : "If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends". :eek:
08-12-2007, 12:20 PM
man comes home to find his best friend screwing his wife.
in a fit of fury, he raised his hands on his cheating wife. he packed her stuff in a luggage, banished her to her mom's.
after all was over, he turned to his best friend and said: "BAD DOG!!"
08-12-2007, 08:06 PM
after all was over, he turned to his best friend and said: "BAD DOG!!"
What a dirty dog! :D Must be one hell of a bitch. :p
Deep Blue
03-03-2008, 06:53 PM
Man comes home, finds his wife with his friend in bed.
He shoots his friend and kills him.
Wife says : "If you behave like this, you will lose ALL your friends". :eek:
Bro Pfingo got "fingered" badly, huh? :D
Five Stone
09-04-2008, 05:30 PM
I don’t get it. Why are there such people who are attached, married etc coming in here asking for advice of how to bonk other’s wives, GFs, best friend sisters, best friend GFs or asking advice of where to find MILFs, ONS, or asking how to dump a fling because already have a steady GF, getting married soon etc. Better still, there are some losers who got the girl pregnant and have the cheek to ask where to go for abortion. Why do they have the cheek to ask such things? I mean if it already happened, then fine, I don’t mind reading a good narration about it but not asking for such things.
I despised such people, if wanna do it then do it discreetly and up to his own ability to achieve it and not boldly asking in the forum. Such losers are really cyber hero and real life zero. :cool:
10-04-2008, 11:57 AM
I don’t get it. Why are there such people who are attached, married etc coming in here asking for advice of how to....... I despised such people, if wanna do it then do it discreetly and up to his own ability to achieve it and not boldly asking in the forum. Such losers are really cyber hero and real life zero. :cool: bro 5stone, no choice la. this is how the world is, some've come share their experiences, some've come to dictate others's experiences... 1 can impart knowledge, bt its also subject to the capacity of the learner/ enquirer. :cool:
Five Stone
10-04-2008, 05:25 PM
bro 5stone, no choice la. this is how the world is, some've come share their experiences, some've come to dictate others's experiences... 1 can impart knowledge, bt its also subject to the capacity of the learner/ enquirer. :cool:
Still I beg to differ on the questions asked by some folks here, morally challenging, perhaps a little too much for old tarts like me. :)
10-04-2008, 05:58 PM
may I contribute with a picture?
10-04-2008, 08:21 PM
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
lol bro i think got one can give her. not rice, not oily, not plain and is good for health. :D banana ;):p lol joking
ah ya girl are like this lol dont talk about eating. they said want to do this later u do liao they said dont want liao blah blah blah. sometime i also almost give my girl make me until i wanna ki siao
lol wah this post so long liao never notice lol. never mind
13-04-2008, 04:05 PM
ah ya girl are like this lol dont talk about eating. they said want to do this later u do liao they said dont want liao blah blah blah. sometime i also almost give my girl make me until i wanna ki siao
Sometimes I wonder are we being too nice or too stupid.....:(
13-04-2008, 09:33 PM
Sometimes I wonder are we being too nice or too stupid.....:(
I think we are just too nice liao, compared with Taiwanese, Hongkies and Koreans.
14-04-2008, 06:58 PM
I think we are just too nice liao, compared with Taiwanese, Hongkies and Koreans.
Will being nice ever get appreciated?
15-04-2008, 01:56 AM
Will being nice ever get appreciated?
im sorry brother. the sad truth still remains as a no.. =(
15-04-2008, 01:24 PM
I am praying for product extension.
Anything and whatever should be extended to food, movies, recreational places. In fact they should add more product lines with names like 随便 and 不知道.
We can all rejoice after that :D
Whenever my gf say 随便, i will say 那你要大便还是小便. This works but she will get angry and give me a black face and say 不要吃了. Lol
15-04-2008, 10:41 PM
The irony is that women is just another evil which man has to live with, just like the famous drinkable bactria based solution ... "vitagen".
I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.
Bro, reading wat you wrote put me heart to sadden as it remind of a friend'swife just walk of the family after 10+ years of marriage for another man. sigh...:(
19-04-2008, 07:04 PM
what to expect from gers? i feel they're born to leech and suck us dry. imagine u wanna bring your gf go parktor.
the guy pays to; call and court her, call and comfort her, call to ask her out on a date.
the guy pays for; the meal, the transport, the entertainment, the flowers, the gifts
if ever the guy suggests going dutch, or maybe stinge a little on any of the items listed, the ger classify him as no-standard.
Cyberspace Nerd
20-04-2008, 01:20 AM
what to expect from gers? i feel they're born to leech and suck us dry. imagine u wanna bring your gf go parktor.
the guy pays to; call and court her, call and comfort her, call to ask her out on a date.
the guy pays for; the meal, the transport, the entertainment, the flowers, the gifts
if ever the guy suggests going dutch, or maybe stinge a little on any of the items listed, the ger classify him as no-standard.
how come u singing the same tune as suteerak1099?? :rolleyes:
Think i am really lucky to have a singaporean gf who is totally opposite what you guys encountered.
she dont leech and suck me dry. only suck my cock dry hehe...
we go paktor, i drive her car...hehe
I only pay for meals and necessity, so far no gifts whatsoever .
If you have not slept with her or make out with her and you keep paying and paying and trying to woo her, I only can say you are stupid to continue. It's very obvious she is not into you. :rolleyes: Go find a new one.
Thai Rak Thai
28-04-2008, 12:59 PM
Think i am really lucky to have a singaporean gf who is totally opposite what you guys encountered.
gf got sister? :D
Thai Rak Thai
19-05-2008, 03:50 PM
Will being nice ever get appreciated? the nice things are always overlooked the small bad things are remember for life bro :cool:
19-05-2008, 03:56 PM
gf got sister? :D
Why? You interested meh? I thought you only want payaya pok pok??:D
19-05-2008, 04:36 PM
...thought you only want payaya pok pok??
Banana split, with vanilla ice cream (or was it yoghurt?) to go:p
..nice things are always overlooked the small bad things are remember for life
Or good taken for granted, with latter small baddies adding up?:o:D
19-05-2008, 06:51 PM
My ex gf also same,ask me buy things for her to eat,suggest liao,this dont want that dont want just ask me go geylang buy i say ok lor,buy,reach liao sms her.when reach geylang,i go bonk then go home slp,its been like that for quite sometimes til she fed up & break,tats y now is x gf..lolz..doesnt matter,already bonk her,so its ok.before bonk,everything about her is cute,bonk liao,everything about is bo liao or irritating
20-05-2008, 12:11 PM
Whenever my gf say 随便, i will say 那你要大便还是小便. This works but she will get angry and give me a black face and say 不要吃了. Lol
LOL !!! This one is good ... Next time I shld use this oso ...
20-05-2008, 02:56 PM
Personally, i do not believe in spending all my guy's money and not even forking out a single bit la. i'll feel bad making him pay for everything.
Anyway, some guys out there are equality guilty of taking their girl's efforts for granted.. I know of some guys who leech off their girlfriends too.. jobless, gaming at home everyday, use sweet talk to ask for money from their girl.
Some guys are just as hard to please... too sticky and they say there's no personal space.. too independent and they doubt that the girl loves him.. sometimes it's not so easy for girls to strike a balance between the two, you know.. :)
21-05-2008, 12:53 PM
Personally, i do not believe in spending all my guy's money and not even forking out a single bit la. i'll feel bad making him pay for everything.
Well, that is nice of you then but not all, in fact many gals will simply brush it off especially when it is the guy who date the gal.
Anyway, some guys out there are equality guilty of taking their girl's efforts for granted.. I know of some guys who leech off their girlfriends too.. jobless, gaming at home everyday, use sweet talk to ask for money from their girl.
This goes both way though, if the girl is willing then there is nothing much we can do. Likewise, if a guy willing to splurge on the gal and run into debts, still this is his call.
Some guys are just as hard to please... too sticky and they say there's no personal space.. too independent and they doubt that the girl loves him.. sometimes it's not so easy for girls to strike a balance between the two, you know.. :)
True enough, but more than often this happen on the girl side. :D
31-05-2008, 11:50 AM
Personally, i do not believe in spending all my guy's money and not even forking out a single bit la. i'll feel bad making him pay for everything.
Anyway, some guys out there are equality guilty of taking their girl's efforts for granted.. I know of some guys who leech off their girlfriends too.. jobless, gaming at home everyday, use sweet talk to ask for money from their girl.
Some guys are just as hard to please... too sticky and they say there's no personal space.. too independent and they doubt that the girl loves him.. sometimes it's not so easy for girls to strike a balance between the two, you know.. :) i guess we're all constantly puzzled by the common query "when is enough, enough?"... both parties r sometimes at fault for not trying hard enough, while sometimes also faulted for trying too hard. every individual have different threshold for pain or fulfilment, wat works for 1, may nt be applicable for another too.
reference to you example cited, leaves me to wonder y would any1 in the right mind be wanting a bummer for a partner? as if the situation in sg is not already tough enough to make ends meet (for some), or materialize wedding plans (for some others), or make babies (for another lot)... etc. if he's nt even trying enough to be self-sufficient? then y does it warrant burden to be bourne by the partner?
guy/gal demanding TLC & attention from the partner, expecting hourly updates, sprinkled with lotsa paranoia... etc. seems to me is just how ppl try very hard to mimic drama series.
31-05-2008, 03:17 PM
guy/gal demanding TLC & attention from the partner, expecting hourly updates, sprinkled with lotsa paranoia... etc. seems to me is just how ppl try very hard to mimic drama series.
You will be surprise….like many says “Love Is Blind.” And indeed many are “Blinded” by so many facts and truths which they choose and yes they choose to ignore and overlook. :rolleyes:
31-05-2008, 03:26 PM
i have seen my male friend asking their gf for money.
Deep Blue
31-05-2008, 05:16 PM
i have seen my male friend asking their gf for money.
Yes. And ask money for??:confused:
02-06-2008, 12:33 PM
You will be surprise….like many says “Love Is Blind.” And indeed many are “Blinded” by so many facts and truths which they choose and yes they choose to ignore and overlook. :rolleyes: ya, indeed quite alarming. i mean, if he/she is your's... then is your's lor. no need to fret so much on their hourly itinerary.
for those who insist on such updates, then its better off tagging the partner/spouse with GPS tracking device. as n when need an update, can perhaps over-write NASA satellite to get 1:100 scale aerial view on his/her movements. :D
this seems to be a hot topic these days :cool:
2008 June archive -- Just Jean (
29-03-2009, 07:19 PM
ya, indeed quite alarming. i mean, if he/she is your's... then is your's lor. no need to fret so much on their hourly itinerary.
for those who insist on such updates, then its better off tagging the partner/spouse with GPS tracking device. as n when need an update, can perhaps over-write NASA satellite to get 1:100 scale aerial view on his/her movements. :D better not bro never watch crying game meh? :D
29-03-2009, 10:58 PM
Leeching is always bad - male or female period! But society seems to take a sterner view on that if the culprit is male. ;)
29-03-2009, 11:12 PM
if gf is really (xiao qi) in chinese or easily get angry how to make her easily please :D
06-10-2009, 11:28 AM
my real life issues i deal with.
wife: dear, can pick me up?
me: we havent bought a car yet besides I am still rushing for deadline.
wife: but i'm carrying alot of things
me: let me know how much is taxi, will refund you later
wife: "comes back with long face"
wife: why you dont want to help me carry?
me: you hardly exercise, it's good for you.
me: what's wrong?
wife: nothing.
me: you sure?
wife: "silent"
me: you very sure?
wife: nothing.
me: if you want to say something, say now.
wife: "silent"
wife: aaa (before she says finish the first word)
me: not interested in hearing anymore.
me: any preferences?
wife: er...
me: meepok?
wife: I wearing white shirt
me: chicken rice?
wife: dont like the chicken
me: duck rice?
wife dont like the duck, too oily
me: fried rice?
wife: too plain
me: go buy yourself.
wife: i'm very tired dear
2nd night
wife: i'm very tired dear
1 month later,
wife: i'm very tired dear
2 months later
me: not tonight dear, i already did myself.
**we have sex like 10 times a year seriously.
wife: nag nag nag nag nag nag
me: if you want to say something, dont mumble.
wife: nag nag nag
me: what?
wife: nag nag nag
me: what?
wife: "shuts up."
wife: see! boys wont grow up
me: if boys dont grow up, then how we imagine the impossible and make it possible, like nasa?
wife: boys will always have their toys.
me: but not as many as girls with their bags and shoes. boys may choose not to grow up but girls never grew.
wife: "shuts up"
wife: dear, this bag very nice.
me: this looks similar to something you have @ home
wife: it's different, somemore very cheap. (smiles and winks @ me)
me: be right back, i go smoke.
NEW HANDPHONE( just happened a few days ago.)
me: dear, i got touch pro2 for you.
wife: really? "opens box" quite nice leh.
me: you like it?
wife: but it's not really what i want.
me: so you dont like it?
wife: i like it, but my phone is still working
me: ok then i use it for myself "walks away with the phone"
wife: dear, i want to change dining table
me: to what?
wife: i want bar top like style
me: (goes out to buy one)
1 month later
wife: dear, table not my style, too high for me. not the same height as normal bar top
me: it's the same height lah, i measured it.
me: (goes out to modify the legs shorter)
wife: dear, the table too low, very uncomfortable
me: i only reduce it by 10cm!!! it's only 95cm now
wife: nags nags nags nags
me: what?
wife: (shuts up)
next month,
goes with her to choose her table.
wife: wah this so nice, i want this!
me: (waves to get attention from sales rep)
me: please send to this address
1 week later
wife: er dear ah, the table dont fit the interior
me: dont make me throw out the table, it's either you make do with this table or no table.
wife: nag nag nag nag
me: what?
wife: nag nag nag
me : huh?
wife: you just dont get it huh?
me: (throws out a table that is less than 1 week old)
wife: silent
wife: dear the dining hall really empty.
me: go buy yourself. and oh, carry it yourself too.
wife: (shuts up and eat the humble pie)
*i'm not the type to tolerate indecisiveness.
06-10-2009, 01:37 PM
1) FINE: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2) FIVE MINUTES: If she is getting dressed, this mean a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if u have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3) NOTHING: This is the calm before the storm. This means something , and u should be on ur toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in FINE.
4) GO AHEAD: This is a dare, Not permission. Dont do It !!!!
5) LOUD SIGH: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with u about nothing. ( Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing)
6) THAT'S OKAY: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's Okay mean she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7) THANKS: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. ( I want to add in a clause here- This is true, unless she say "Thanks a lot" - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say "you're welcome" . That will bring on a "whatever").
8) WHATEVER: Is a woman's way of saying F**K YOU !
9) DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, I GOT IT: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's Wrong?" For the woman 's response refer to #3.
08-10-2009, 04:36 PM
this is my experience wif my gal..
happen abt 2 days ago only
Me: Dear today wanna go where?
She: Anywhere lo u choose ba, SG also very sian no where to go..
Me: Arbo we head over to malaysia to walk walk and see see lo..
She: Dun want la.. go there need to sit bus, sit until very tired.
ME: Ok lo.. we go out walk walk, go town area to walk and have our dinner lo.
She: Dun want la.. go town area expensive..
ME: Okay! We dont go town area then go like Vivo or Amk hub lo
She: Dun want la.. very far..
Me: Wa lan.. arbo u tell me where u wanna go ba..
She: Dunno lei u choose lo..
Me: Since go out waste money then we stay home watch our drama series lo
She: HUH! But i am eyeing on the bag in a store for quite sometime liao leh
Me: Then juz now i say go out walk walk u say u dun want then how to buy??:mad:
She: i want u to go to that shop and buy for me as a surprise ma..
Walked off speechless.. dunno wat to do or say... girls are difficult sometimes...:rolleyes:
08-10-2009, 04:49 PM
bro fabiann, your post give me a good laugh. give u 3 apples. :)
09-10-2009, 09:19 AM
bro fabiann, your post give me a good laugh. give u 3 apples. :)
ty bro for ur apples :))))))
28-10-2009, 12:10 PM
any more updates from bros in here???:D
28-10-2009, 11:31 PM
fabian bro,
ur gal very hard to settle. reminds me of my gal too. she also like that....
Gal: today very sian.
Me: Ermm.... we go vivo.
Gal: Dun want lah. I go there everytime.
Me: Go Orchard
Gal: Got what to see there... so many people.
Me: Go xxx place eat first ok or not?
Gal: Ok lah, i think there best.
After meal....
Gal: how arh? No place to go.
Me: Go mount faber see stars?
Gal: Dun want lah...
Me: Talk talk at your favourite place at xxxx.
Gal: Dun want leh. sian...
Me: How about go this place and see your favourite xxx?
Gal: Sigh... so sian. A bit sick liao..... *face look a bit green. also dunno if real or not*
Then, go here and there.... waste time. :( Its very stupid. Say want to watch tv or movie at home, she dun want. Its really v mah fan.
30-10-2009, 03:42 AM
I think not only gers have this problem some guys do too.
My encounter
Me: What do u want for dinner?
EX: Anything
Me: How bout Jap food?
EX: Don't want
Me: How bout western food?
EX: Nah don't feel like it
Me: So what do u want? (Frustrated)
EX: Aiya told u anything....
Me: *Kept quiet*
EX: You cook maggi mee for me to eat....
Man and woman are all the same...
30-10-2009, 09:33 AM
Man and woman are all the same...
Argreed some men are like that but most of the time, its the girls who are undecisive..
They usually dont really know what they want (not only on food) yet they expect us to read their minds...
If they cant make up their mind, what is there for us to read about in the 1st place? :rolleyes:
31-10-2009, 12:22 AM
Girls are still girls....dud...:D
31-10-2009, 01:07 AM
fabian bro,
ur gal very hard to settle. reminds me of my gal too. she also like that....
Gal: today very sian.
Me: Ermm.... we go vivo.
Gal: Dun want lah. I go there everytime.
Me: Go Orchard
Gal: Got what to see there... so many people.
Me: Go xxx place eat first ok or not?
Gal: Ok lah, i think there best.
After meal....
Gal: how arh? No place to go.
Me: Go mount faber see stars?
Gal: Dun want lah...
Me: Talk talk at your favourite place at xxxx.
Gal: Dun want leh. sian...
Me: How about go this place and see your favourite xxx?
Gal: Sigh... so sian. A bit sick liao..... *face look a bit green. also dunno if real or not*
Then, go here and there.... waste time. :( Its very stupid. Say want to watch tv or movie at home, she dun want. Its really v mah fan.
*sigh* its u who is stupid :D ...... she's hinting to you she wanna go hotel mah :p
31-10-2009, 09:27 AM
Girl: Don't want to break, then nothing to say. Break le at least I will talk to you.
Me *thinking* 'wah break le also nothing to say'.
*No choice, she xin ku, so I choose break, at least can be friends. But in the end, she just ignored me. Not even friends now.
Deep Blue
04-03-2010, 11:34 AM
Girl: Don't want to break, then nothing to say. Break le at least I will talk to you.
Me *thinking* 'wah break le also nothing to say'.
*No choice, she xin ku, so I choose break, at least can be friends. But in the end, she just ignored me. Not even friends now.
That is even better, a clean break and no more strings attached, move on then. :)
04-03-2010, 11:58 PM
*sigh* its u who is stupid :D ...... she's hinting to you she wanna go hotel mah :p
Wah.... here comes my long overdue reply.
She hint hotel.... my foot. :| kns, the conclusion with her was she only buying time. She already kena f left right by her ex. I was just a stand in. Blardy bitch.
If the ex-bf reading this, good job farking her. If the new bf reading this, good luck.... you need it. She already kena f left right so often. Still think so highly of herself. Hole not gold coated one. Everytime expect people to travel to her place and entertain her. Pui!
05-03-2010, 12:43 AM
Another scenario when going shopping with girl,
girl: (holding up two clothes) which one is nice?
boy: the blue one looks nicer
girl: is it? I thought the black one is more classy
boy: I agree, take the black one then
girl: But then, the blue one looks quite nice too
boy: yeah
girl: which one is better ?
if boy answer 'black', girl will say he keeps changing his mind and never shows sincererity and care
if boy answer 'blue', girl will say, " told you that the black one looks more class"
But no matter what the boy says, the girl will eventually choose the one she has already decided beforehand. A lot of the times, the girl might even put the two clothes back (after extensive trying) and says not interested anymore. really don't know what she wants. :confused:
Bro, what she is trying to tell you is --- she wants BOTH lor.... Ha ha ha
Deep Blue
05-03-2010, 07:59 AM
Wah.... here comes my long overdue reply.
Hole not gold coated one. Everytime expect people to travel to her place and entertain her. Pui!
Well, if you had gotten your fair share of the spoil, move on then bro. :)
05-03-2010, 10:22 AM
Haha, camping her for more of this gers "talk"! :p
05-03-2010, 05:12 PM
if ever the guy suggests going dutch, or maybe stinge a little on any of the items listed, the ger classify him as no-standard.
MOst often then not, I see many cases of Girls Walk :rolleyes:
05-03-2010, 08:11 PM
Gers are still gers......
Actions speaks louder than words, let this thread be the place for all brothers who have to endure all the hysterical and hilarious antics who our loved ones perform on certain occasions to perfection without the slightest hesitation which caused agitation and leads to confrontation and ends without a conclusion. :D
ME : What do you want to eat??
GF : Anything will do......
ME : Ok, chicken rice then.
GF : But I don't feel like having rice leh....
ME : Ok, mee goreng then.....
GF : Don't want, too oily.....
ME : Fishball noddle soup....
GF : Yeeeee...So plain....
ME : Then what you want???
GF : Anything lor....... :rolleyes:
not true leh. i always tell my ex exactly what i would like to have (meals) but he ends up feeling that i am too domineering. precisely as above, just that i don't reply 'anything'. ??? haha
06-03-2010, 09:29 AM
not true leh. i always tell my ex exactly what i would like to have (meals) but he ends up feeling that i am too domineering. precisely as above, just that i don't reply 'anything'. ??? haha
That is why he is your ex now....;)
06-03-2010, 02:11 PM
That is why he is your ex now....;)
Bang on.:p;)
08-03-2010, 01:29 PM
Bang on.:p;)
Still banging.....:D
09-03-2010, 03:35 AM
You chauvinistic bastards.
Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter) after a long week of guard duty and no matter how tired she is, still has to give in to you when you shove her against the wall trying to kiss her into having sex with you? Your sister for not telling on you that one time she caught your adolescent self and equally as adolescent girlfriend writhing on the living room couch?
The list goes on. Are they not all women? And you men complain. And find new partners. Is it women's fault, really, that our biological clocks do not tick at the same speed as men and we need sex more toward the stages of mid life crisis compared to men, who need it their whole lives? Really?
This has been a chauvinistic society for far too long. Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a female with all the sexual discrimination that comes with it? And don't try to pretend that you have, because all of you are right. You will never truly understand women. An example of discrimination can be seen as thus: when a guy loves sex, it is considered normal, natural, even, for him to want to perform the act with the added bonus of different partners. When girls love sex, what do they get? Men with loose tongues and all sorts of unflattering names to go with it. As a bonus, they also get labelled like a horse. "Too fat", "Her thighs are too big", "I like her tits but she has no brains,", "Good for sex and nothing else", "Can/Cannot cook", etc. A guy can let himself completely go, have a face like a roadmap and a beer belly three times as large as the average pregnant woman. You don't see wives cheating on their husbands just because they have no more erectile power left in that weak little excuse for a penis.
Another: You have never had to carry a baby and receive a disgusted look from people around you, just because you forgot to wear your wedding ring, when in fact, you have a lawful husband in your wedded bed.
Seriously boys, you spend your whole lives complaining about women, so don't even try to understand us. Sperm, spit. A woman receives what a man excretes. Take our shit like a man, like how we take yours.
And what is all this about the 'weaker sex'? Scientists have spent decades trying to prove that theory wrong, and it is true that women have less muscle building power than men. But all that power goes into storing strength for delivering a child. It is scientifically proven that if a man goes through the same amount of pain that a woman does during childbirth, he will effectively die from the strain. Also, women live longer than men. That much has also been proven.
So please, don't think you can lord it over us just because you have something dangling between your legs. Sure, men have pride. Do you really think women have none?
I cannot express enough.
09-03-2010, 03:37 AM
You chauvinistic bastards.
Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter) after a long week of guard duty and no matter how tired she is, still has to give in to you when you shove her against the wall trying to kiss her into having sex with you? Your sister for not telling on you that one time she caught your adolescent self and equally as adolescent girlfriend writhing on the living room couch?
The list goes on. Are they not all women? And you men complain. And find new partners. Is it women's fault, really, that our biological clocks do not tick at the same speed as men and we need sex more toward the stages of mid life crisis compared to men, who need it their whole lives? Really?
This has been a chauvinistic society for far too long. Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a female with all the sexual discrimination that comes with it? And don't try to pretend that you have, because all of you are right. You will never truly understand women. An example of discrimination can be seen as thus: when a guy loves sex, it is considered normal, natural, even, for him to want to perform the act with the added bonus of different partners. When girls love sex, what do they get? Men with loose tongues and all sorts of unflattering names to go with it. As a bonus, they also get labelled like a horse. "Too fat", "Her thighs are too big", "I like her tits but she has no brains,", "Good for sex and nothing else", "Can/Cannot cook", etc. A guy can let himself completely go, have a face like a roadmap and a beer belly three times as large as the average pregnant woman. You don't see wives cheating on their husbands just because they have no more erectile power left in that weak little excuse for a penis.
Another: You have never had to carry a baby and receive a disgusted look from people around you, just because you forgot to wear your wedding ring, when in fact, you have a lawful husband in your wedded bed.
Seriously boys, you spend your whole lives complaining about women, so don't even try to understand us. Sperm, spit. A woman receives what a man excretes. Take our shit like a man, like how we take yours.
And what is all this about the 'weaker sex'? Scientists have spent decades trying to prove that theory wrong, and it is true that women have less muscle building power than men. But all that power goes into storing strength for delivering a child. It is scientifically proven that if a man goes through the same amount of pain that a woman does during childbirth, he will effectively die from the strain. Also, women live longer than men. That much has also been proven.
So please, don't think you can lord it over us just because you have something dangling between your legs. Sure, men have pride. Do you really think women have none?
I cannot express enough.
terrible ted
09-03-2010, 07:59 AM
This argument will end with sad tears and angry semen. Now make me a sandwich ! woman!
09-03-2010, 08:56 AM
I thought this thread is dead....
Guess is open for business again!!! :p
09-03-2010, 11:52 AM
You chauvinistic bastards.
Have you no gratefulness to your mum for putting up with every whim and fancy of yours? Your girlfriend (or wife, for the matter)
I cannot express enough.
We are grateful, appreciative and love our mum hence for a start please do not drag our love ones into this by calling us bastards, what makes our mum then? We are indeed not perfect but for most are still responsible for our own doing. :cool:
09-03-2010, 12:38 PM
This argument will end with sad tears and angry semen. Now make me a sandwich ! woman!
So long as you do not add: go fetch . Thankful for little mercies?:p;):D
Reminds me of a pal who actually grunted at the telly, and his tirak brought the remote for him! Not that I endorse his, but brings to mind what some of us blokes are put on a pedestal.
09-03-2010, 01:10 PM
I have heard of a saying that "you can never really understand what a girl wants and you don't have to understand them. Even if you try to, you can't. Just pamper them and let them do whatever they want". Eventually, they will be grateful to you and will feel that you are treating them very well. That's why some guys who don't even love and understand their gfs, can make them feel so comfortable. Because they somehow bochap and don't really care to understand their girls. But the girls will in the end thought that their bfs understand them which in fact, they don't. That's my opinion.
hmm this sounds interesting. hahaha. shall QC my boyfriends next time to see if he really understands me
29-01-2015, 08:03 PM
Is anyone alive? Oceaneleven bro?
Was using another nick but restarted account. 10 yrs later older and somewhat wiser. :D but made some of the mistakes including being too impulsive. Shucks
30-01-2015, 07:49 AM
Girls, or for that matter, women are perpetually imperceptible to the mind of a common man.
While this is generally true, understanding and ability to grasp the needs of a women is genuinely beyond the intellectual ability and emotional capacities of the male species, however much women claim the simplicity of their socio emotional intellectual processes.
Their propensities for materialism is so apparent that even the blind can see.
The irony is that women is just another evil which man has to live with, just like the famous drinkable bactria based solution ... "vitagen".
My point of view is, regardless of whichever "char bo" one would like want to be with, his patience and willingness to yield, compromise and accomodate will determine the shelf life of the relationship. Whilst all the talk about "till death do us apart" is nothing more than mere flowery elaborated disguise of the honest truth that all relationships/marriages end up, in some way or another, becoming like a socio-emotional contract for the satisfaction of wants and desires.
Girls, ladies and, for that matter, aunties have this unusual tendency to proclaim their undying love for whoever they love. Far too often, this is only a half truth of what they truly desire. Being creatures of flesh and blood, love is only but a state of mind. When hardship strikes, how many of these females will stay?
Where hardship is beyond that which is perceived to be fair and acceptable, is it not true that divorces and breakups are easily the top few options considered? Where a guy earns anything less than what the female defines as acceptable or, for the matter of fact, elements constituting financial security or stability, is it not true (again) that most females would choose to look for other more eligible candidates?
In this day, declining birthrates are said to be jinxed by more ambitions younger working folks. Let us evaluate this other end of the spectrum, declining birthrates or, in my opinion, regression of population numerals is primarily due to the females' ever-so-legendary popular attitude of intolerance towards men of "lesser material endowments", despite the reality that earning less can be .... a personal choice.
If I have remembered correctly, girls like to lament about the lack of "good men". I say its pure nonsense and an outright insult to those who labour day and night struggling to ensure their families' daily 3 meals and have no time to entertain demanding young or even middle aged damsels of today.
Love is only a state of mind, whilst committment and responsibility is everything that makes a marriage and relationship work. It is not about spending money on expensive lunches and coffee. Some females I know of still think its a right to live off their guy friends' paychecks. I'm not against them or anything. The point is they don't know where and when to stop.
I can tolerate anything from con artists and backstabbers, but females who leech off guys are .... no friends of mine.
Very well said. This deserves to be a permanent paragraph in some book of love advice for men.
30-01-2015, 08:01 AM
Love is blind but marriage is an eye-opener.
Damn well said.
30-01-2015, 01:30 PM
in places like UK and SG where the new rush of sexual equality clashes with our conservative ways, it allows women to take advantage of the situation to practice double standards.
when it suits them they claim must have equality if not we're MCP.
when it doesnt, they claim must give way to ladies, if not we're ungentlemanly.
we can never win with them. so why not look for alternatives in other countries?
im considering :)
I agree with this double standard.
Nearly 8 years has passed since this comment was posted. Not much has improved since then. Perhaps significant improvement after another 8 years or a decade?
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