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08-02-2016, 02:55 AM
Thats what i call CNY atmosphere....upon arrival,hehehe....

Ahh.. Should've stayed an extra night for this :p
Anyway, summary for my trip;
Visited 3 joints as planned.. (Was going to put bunga as 4th for backup as i saw the place while walking around in search of best money changer rates)
Permata, princess, happy8 (Thks for the tips on various joints' OKT.)

1.40pm(batam time); Went permata, girls all seated, 2-3 SYT. Pointed out one, mami quoted me 1.2, tried to put some new haggling skills to the test, but to no avail. (Willing to throw this deal; as I diddn't really felt any connection with the girl in the brief moment we were introduced.) "勉強" bookmarked her(just incase) and headed off to find newberry. Searched high and low, but diddn't managed to find it. Instead, saw princess and decided to check it out. 2.10pm; Mostly MILF, quoted around 800-1.2m. 2 out of 5 of the girls were still sleeping. English speaking male OKT then told me wait for 15min, he would call more girls in. Told him I will return later and hurried off. Walked around the block and saw happy8. 2.40pm; Headed in and was greeted by the indian-looking mami. Girls were mostly seated and at a glance can see like roughly 5-8 SYT. Stared at them with "火眼金睛" and marked 2. was quoted 1.5 for 1st, 1.8 for 2nd. Nego with the mami but price drop by abit only.(they know its the "fortune" period) In the end, took 1st girl for 1.4m mainly because she passed the "staring game" and i felt that this mami had a really firm and sincere assurance; when promising me the girl's quality.
Overall, good trip. Cheers! :D

08-02-2016, 03:19 AM
Try get a tent in camp Bravo? :D

08-02-2016, 05:52 PM
Looks like exchange rate for once a year is better in Sillypore (Chinatown and Arcade) than in Batam. Batam exchange rate at best (morning) is 9500/SGD,noontime at 9550/SGD.

Lots of Indians/Bangladeshi at booking joints/massage shop today.(out of 10 walk in customers to joints,7 was Indian/Bangladeshi) Lots of eating places closed,even Budi Siang Malam,chicken rice gonna be close in the next 4 days.Hypermart cashier counter require an average of 15 mins of waiting time for a customer to make payment. Most money changer is closed too (eve and 1st day CNY). However,Meximo Pub wan tan mee is open (but quite crowded as compare to normal days),hehehe...Tua Pek Kong is sure crowded this morning.


Planning for dinner now...after that would be a firework time.

08-02-2016, 06:13 PM
Happy new year to all bros in BATAM.

Black Page
08-02-2016, 11:38 PM
While I was in Batam, I posted this text already. I can add a pic today :cool:

Some years ago, the dancers at Pacific looked sexy only from distance. Seen close, they were not. Several of them even appeared to be heavy chewers (because of obat abuse, not because of gum in mouth). I saw one of them even waiting guests as FL sometimes, near the bar after hours.

Now, the dancers are DOLLS: sexy Indonesian faces, curvy lips, high cheekbones, flat nose, black long hair. I was mesmerized.
The photo is not great, because of poor light conditions, but it helps me to bring back sweet memories :p
This is to make also others who are not there to dream about Batam, as I do. :D

http://img5.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/22075/22075655382c056164d15f44fd55130679444c43.jpg (http://www.uploadhouse.com/viewfile.php?id=22075655&showlnk=0)

09-02-2016, 02:38 AM
Looks like exchange rate for once a year is better in Sillypore (Chinatown and Arcade) than in Batam. Batam exchange rate at best (morning) is 9500/SGD,noontime at 9550/SGD.

Looks like u enjoyed yrself this cny. :)

Thx for the info,bro.

Will be looking fwd to yr upcoming summary.

09-02-2016, 03:35 AM
Outside Windsor Tua Pek Kong on the 1st day of CNY.....


235am Batam time now,just after my past midnight massage time. Time for the OTOT....moving towards the 2nd day of CNY and my night seems young. :D

At this hour,can still hear fire cracker sound.

09-02-2016, 05:05 AM
my night seems young. :D

At this hour,can still hear fire cracker sound.

Later will hear your own fire cracker (pa pao) sound? :p

09-02-2016, 08:58 AM
Xiao Di here wishes all bro here a happy

09-02-2016, 08:59 AM
Outside Windsor Tua Pek Kong on the 1st day of CNY.....


235am Batam time now,just after my past midnight massage time. Time for the OTOT....moving towards the 2nd day of CNY and my night seems young. :D

At this hour,can still hear fire cracker sound.

Yes, that side more happening, if you are early sometime can see lion dance. I was there few years back and saw that.

09-02-2016, 02:14 PM
Bro Nono, what camera or hp u r using the pic color very sharp, Thanks enjoy urself. Happy Chinese New Year To U.

09-02-2016, 09:32 PM
Dear all,

Happy new year 2016!!!!

Is anyone planning to be on Batan April 9. to April 13.?

I would like to pay for a round or two because the helpfull Information you guys provide.

Regards BB

10-02-2016, 10:03 AM
Possible to do a day trip to Batam returning by 6pm? Thinkingvof going solo tomorrow.

10-02-2016, 11:02 AM
Looks like u enjoyed yrself this cny.

Happy time coming to an end soon.... *sob*

Feeling so sad now. :(

Later will hear your own fire cracker (pa pao) sound?

Hehehe...you spoke the exact same words like one of the bro who joined me in this CNY trip. :D

Yes, that side more happening, if you are early sometime can see lion dance. I was there few years back and saw that.

This year Tua Pek Kong windsor brings in some entertainment group from Taiwan as it was being announced by the staffs there...but i didnt stay around to watch it....really very smoky there with many worshipers in the temple. It was a good experience and well organized. Everyone was considerate to try to hold the joss-stick up and moving in orderly manners. Wont lose to Sillypore temple. :p

Got see my name below those giant joss stick? *joking*
(at Tua Pek Kong Windsor)

Bro Nono, what camera or hp u r using the pic color very sharp,

Am using a sony hp,a free one i got from signing the contract for 2 years,and the contract recently just end.

Possible to do a day trip to Batam returning by 6pm? Thinkingvof going solo tomorrow.

Possible,depending on how you wish to plan it.

Watch out for the ferry timing,as in the time to go and the time to come back. Remember to book the return of your ferry upon arrival at Batam to secure your a seat back.

10-02-2016, 12:48 PM
is the price for the booking joint increased for tmr? since its still cny period..

10-02-2016, 02:19 PM
is the price for the booking joint increased for tmr? since its still cny period..

Yes,most of them will remain higher than normal. Likely the price may come down a little as demand is lowered on 3rd day onward. Base on history,price goes back to normal usually after 15th day of CNY.

Most expensive booking joint in this CNY2016 is Bunga and Happy 8 (1.6 million minimum,up to 3 million+),2nd place is Gold Bird (around 1.2 million to 2 million+) and Newberry (about 1 million to 2.2 million). Cheapest is Hawaii and Permata (around 1 million to 1.6 million). Indah2 and MM didnt try. I am comparing on general term.

Lots of Indians/Bangladeshi 4 - 5 men book 1 girl situation and they didnt mind to pay 2.5million - 3 million for a girl. This is what i observe during CNY eve and CNY 1st 2 days.

Just sharing.

10-02-2016, 08:22 PM
Am using a sony hp,a free one i got from signing the contract for 2 years,and the contract recently just end.

Can disclose what model? I find its performance taking night time pics quite good.
Can see from your fireworks pics just outside formosa.

10-02-2016, 08:57 PM
Happy New Year!

Black Page
11-02-2016, 12:26 AM
Happy New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai you mean...:D

11-02-2016, 01:20 AM
Gong Xi Fa Cai you mean...:D

Bro, you know wat I meant.


11-02-2016, 10:54 AM
Happy time coming to an end soon.... *sob*

Feeling so sad now. :(
Hehehe...you spoke the exact same words like one of the bro who joined me in this CNY trip. :D

This year Tua Pek Kong windsor brings in some entertainment group from Taiwan as it was being announced by the staffs there...but i didnt stay around to watch it....really very smoky there with many worshipers in the temple. It was a good experience and well organized. Everyone was considerate to try to hold the joss-stick up and moving in orderly manners. Wont lose to Sillypore temple. :p

Oh ok, too bad, i m not there.

11-02-2016, 11:07 AM
Tua Pek Kong is sure crowded this morning.


Sure it is. Tua Pek Kong has pick pockets too. becareful. I nearly kena once while praying when there are a lot of people.

11-02-2016, 11:31 AM
And recently the satay was irregularly available... major, major sadness LOL!

Hehehe...have not tried the satay yet tho. So far,in my own opinion,the best Batam satay comes from : Warung Sunda Bu Joko (https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13241346&postcount=31113),the one beside Lai Lai Hotel.

I will be looking forward to try the satay from Botak Cun as well.

True it is cheaper than SG - then again - just about anything in SG is just too relatively expensive compared with all other South Asia (not just SEA) countries !

Hmm...you just reminded me,there used to be a bro in this forum who shared a similar resort (with in-room swimming pool) in the old thread with a similar concept like Montigo hotel resort somewhere in Tanjong Pinang. What he shared was he booked a girl from Batam,and spend a night at that resort by travelling there via a speed boat. Cant seems to find that post in that old thread....hmm....and it actually cost no more than S$150/night back then.

I think i will go look for that post one day.

Dear all bros I would like to know there is the joint near winsor food court what is the name . Many thank ��

Diagonally 10 o'clock opposite Hai Hai 2 hotel is Permata Indah. Which is just almost just beside Windsor Food Court.


Yes, there are Indians here too, mostly from Singapore as tourist. rejecting dark skin? Probably due to their smell( again no offense), batak people are darker than many Indians as I know. The malays also have a smell too, if you are keen in smelling. As they say smelling the Chinese. Even the Ang Mo have a distinct smell too. Due to climate and food we eat.

The scents of an individual could be ONE of the reason. Perhaps the characteristic behavior/trend of a certain group could be another. Just like when one China Chinese parent allows his child to poo in the open street (and another peeing in front of a restaurant table) and a few China Chinese adults who poo and pee in public tourist area overseas (even when there's a public toilet beside it),most will assume that majority of the whole 1.3 billion+ China Chinese population will likely do the same.

The theory should be similar when i was younger,many Indo Chinese were popularly known to be arrogant and proud (during 70s and 80s) in Sillypore. Today when i walk the streets of Batam,the Indo Chinese (and the indos too) were one the friendliest people even when i have no dealings with them.

Side note : Come to think of it, I do remember reading an article written by an Euro tourist guide before,who says that a China Chinese man who just bought a US$60k branded watch was not willing to pay a small sum to use the public toilet there. That Chinese man instead peed beside public toilet bushes with the rest of the tour group.

2 sides of the coin.

A pros does not reject any size, race or age when it comes to money making.

No one would wish to reject a money making opportunity unless the "process" in between the deal were untold for in advance and unreasonable.

Be expecting more Indian tourists from India over time as according to the news


This sounds like a good opportunity for me when cheonging in Batam.

...in time to come,even more from other countries as more countries doesn't require VOA to travel to Indonesia.


The likelihood to push Batam into becoming like the more expensive Bali will be much higher. More Green Bean Soup (https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13290862&postcount=31268) will be in the making.

...& soon,direct flight from China to Batam may even be highly possible too


And this may eventually pose some social problem as China Chinese were popular known to vandalize and at the same time have the mentality to class themselves higher than others.

If in Jkt, I would buy fruits like mangosteen from mobile roadside vendors, they kinda cheaper. But in Batam, those roadside stalls selling fruits, I would not recommend. Truth is they really chop carrot unless u speak fairly good Bahasa, even then I found their weighing scale...from 1 stall I tried, 1Kg actual weight only 800g.

Now i understand why some Indo Chinese (my parent's ex.colleagues when i was younger) in Jakarta will carry those portable Karung Guni weighing scale when they go to the market,hehehe...:D

And they will always bargain regardless how cheap things were to be. I am guessing they are more adapted to the Indo culture.

It reli depends,sm China's countryside non city area,small town tat i went to b4 were more dirtier than btm.

Most people from the China's countryside village area (much lesser develop) has some of the nicest and honest people i have known. However they were lesser educated hence their knowledge on hygiene were very much lesser than those who lives in bigger cities.

I happen to live in those "more dirtier than Batam" places by your definition for almost a year,hehehe...having said that,i believe you havent been to some smaller scale village in Batam which is away from the Batam main city area before,right? :D

Want to go? Next time if fate allows,i'll bring you there.The kids in the schools there will surely brighten up your day. :)

11-02-2016, 12:06 PM
Can disclose what model? I find its performance taking night time pics quite good.

Experia E1,a cheapo phone (its free)...hehehe...next time if we get to see each other i show it to you. That was my Batam-only phone. :D

Can see from your fireworks pics just outside formosa.

Not taken from outside Formosa Hotel,but we were a small distance away. I took many shots before picking out the few best shots among them. The fireworks shooting up the sky is faster than phone cam's shutter speed. :o

I dont really quite like to take pictures.

Oh ok, too bad, i m not there.

It's ok,there is always CNY 2017,hehehe...:D

I learned that there are also fire crackers for sale in Batam even after CNY,hehehe...got money,everyday can also be CNY. Cheaper too. I believe the next round of fire crackering should be around Mooncake festival?

Actually,my friends all preferred Tua Pek Kong temple when it isnt so crowded. The smokes gets into our eyes and most of us were tearing,hehehe...some tells me if they were to join me in CNY 2017 next year,they will not want to join me to Tua Pek Kong anymore. Its just over crowded and ashes from the joss sticks were falling on our hair,some even get to their eyes too.

But all agreed that the CNY ambiance were many folds better than in Sillypore.

Sure it is. Tua Pek Kong has pick pockets too. becareful. I nearly kena once while praying when there are a lot of people.

Thank you.

Yea, crowded places surely will have pickpockets. The 1st thing i have in mind upon reaching there was pickpockets. What surprise me was there was also quite a number of policemen outside the temple keeping crowd-flow order too. They do however scares me a little tho.

11-02-2016, 01:29 PM
Hmm...you just reminded me,there used to be a bro in this forum who shared a similar resort (with in-room swimming pool) in the old thread with a similar concept like Montigo hotel resort somewhere in Tanjong Pinang. What he shared was he booked a girl from Batam,and spend a night at that resort by travelling there via a speed boat. Cant seems to find that post in that old thread....hmm....and it actually cost no more than S$150/night back then.

There are 2 resorts with in room pool, in bintan not at pinang although just need to drive only. One is Lagoi Bay resort (fitting the sg150/night u mentioned), the other banyan tree resort bintan :


Pinang itself got only 1 hotel with indoor (not in room) pool. But even locals there say CMI. Lol.

11-02-2016, 02:10 PM
May all have a
Happy and Prosperous
Lunar New Year


11-02-2016, 10:38 PM
Experia E1,a cheapo phone (its free)...hehehe...next time if we get to see each other i show it to you. That was my Batam-only phone. :D

Not taken from outside Formosa Hotel,but we were a small distance away. I took many shots before picking out the few best shots among them. The fireworks shooting up the sky is faster than phone cam's shutter speed. :o

I dont really quite like to take pictures.


Im surprised to hear that....I got this Experia E3......which is Foc w renewal contract.
The shop attendent told me this phone have no value. But since i ask for foc phone, this is the phone given.
E3 specs better than E1....i dun find the picture nice leh.....
I guess im a bad photographer......
My samsung galaxy just died....for no reason.....many batam pics inside.....
Guess ill use this e3. Guess ill start to fiddle w this phone after you post such nice pics. Mine got a lot crap apps though.....wonder can they be deleted?

12-02-2016, 08:51 AM
I am thinking of going next week but if booking price is still on the high end, might change mind and go after lunar 15th..haha..if happen anyone drop by the joint next week, can kindly update the range price ..tks in advance..

12-02-2016, 01:03 PM
Yes, that side more happening, if you are early sometime can see lion dance.

Can still see lion dance in btm outside some shps ;)

They went shp to shp to do the lion dance. i just got back yesterday.

Yes,most of them will remain higher than normal. Likely the price may come down a little as demand is lowered on 3rd day onward. Base on history,price goes back to normal usually after 15th day of CNY.

yes yes..it's still quite high the day b4 yesterday.

Most expensive booking joint in this CNY2016 is Bunga and Happy 8 (1.6 million minimum,up to 3 million+),2nd place is Gold Bird (around 1.2 million to 2 million+) and Newberry (about 1 million to 2.2 million). Cheapest is Hawaii and Permata (around 1 million to 1.6 million). Indah2 and MM didnt try. I am comparing on general term.

Yea,they r a bit lowered when i was there & but today is fri,prices may be go back up to CNY standard again. My colleague's other grp's 2 frens when they were there had 2 runway girls,1 from princess & another from Happy 8. Princess 1 no license,complain also no use. Surprising 1 of my fren who take indah2 girl,my fren say not bad.

My girl from Gold bird,1.6 juta milf. :p

Lots of Indians/Bangladeshi 4 - 5 men book 1 girl situation and they didnt mind to pay 2.5million - 3 million for a girl. This is what i observe during CNY eve and CNY 1st 2 days.

Ya,can reli see lots of ah neh visiting Bunga & Happy 8,3-4 men share share book 1 syt girl priced at 2.5 juta. The mami there tells me so. :D

10 ppl walk in,7-8 of em is ah neh. :)

12-02-2016, 01:26 PM
I am thinking of going next week but if booking price is still on the high end, might change mind and go after lunar 15th..haha..if happen anyone drop by the joint next week, can kindly update the range price ..tks in advance..

I tink price will still be on higher than normal side but will be much lower compared to cny eve & 1st 2 days. To completely lower back to norm will likely be nex nex week after 21 feb. Nw i tink okt all see ppl face quote price 1. If u reach early,price will higher. If u reach later noon,price lower,but choice left not many to choose.

Highest price joint like wat bro nono says is happy 8 & bunga.

Black Page
12-02-2016, 10:28 PM
2 days ago, 8 days after buying, I ate my last manggis (one of the debated ones bought for 25k/kg in the street stalls near Happy8...). Still perfect and fragrant. A delicacy. I will miss that sweet taste for months.
Expensive or not, the quality was excellent. They all endured a 20-hours travel by flight to Europe, from Formosa to my refrigerator via Harbour Bay - Harbour Front - MRT - Changi - Paris - my town, without suffering at all. I am missing girls AND fruit now. :(

12-02-2016, 11:03 PM
May all have a
Happy and Prosperous
Lunar New Year


Happy New Year

You are right, there is a shop near BCS selling fireworks. They are the only one in batam licenced to. Ask me how I know :


13-02-2016, 01:31 AM
Glad to know this thread is still active.

I'm planning for a maybe 3D2N visit to Batam and have been reading and compiling up to date information.

I'm more an ONS kind of person as i prefer private time with the FL in the comfort of the hotel room. So, discos, pubs and KTV are out for old man like me :p

Fish tank style of booking is new to me and hope to experience it in batam. As most of the take away shops are scattered around Nagoya mall, i am not sure if i can visit all the listed places by just walking or need to get a taxi. Some advice on this is appreciated.

Will continue to read more and hope to visit by March or April.

Thanks for the kind bros for sharing especially bro Nono1973 for your detail FR and advice.

Happy Cheonging !!!

13-02-2016, 11:08 AM
Looks like exchange rate for once a year is better in Sillypore (Chinatown and Arcade) than in Batam. Batam exchange rate at best (morning) is 9500/SGD,noontime at 9550/SGD.

The rate has gone back up to 9600 after more money open shops. :p

Will be looking fwd to yr upcoming summary.

actually me too.

I would like to pay for a round or two because the helpfull Information you guys provide.

In tis thread,i dn't tink there's a need to be paying any1 to go btm. Page 1 of this thread got a lot of self help info where u can DIY yr own trip to btm.

Feeling so sad now. :(

I going end of the mth again,u wan join me? :D

13-02-2016, 04:41 PM
Hello all, recently I have been to Batam, so I'm going to write a FR about the trip. A 2D1N trip, bought sindo ferry tickets at SGD29 2ways inclusive of tax.
Depart at 9am to Batam center. Shouldn't have use the Batam center, because nowadays, it's overcrowded with only a handful of immigration officer working. Waited almost an hour before clearing the immigration. Not sure about the other docks but will try them next time during peak periods.

Anyway, I went with another 3 friends, including me it's 4. So one of my friend had entered the wrong information and didn't match that on the ferry ticket, he has to go back to the counter and get in reprinted (we bought the tickets online so we have to send our confirmation to sindo ferry for the seats) thus he missed the ferry and had to take the next one with a SGD$3 admin charges.

It was alright as Batam is one hour earlier and with the long queue we manage to catch him from the later ferry and sneak him into our queue. Haha(that's how long we waited)

Once cleared we grab a taxi outside the terminal at 70,000rp to nagoya hill, no nego because it was on the counter. We all carried light so didn't want to check in first and we head for breakfast, guess what we had A&W for breakfast. Hehe.


Yea!! This time round, A&W is offering coney dog finally!! When I ordered she asked me if I wanted egg, so I was like thinking what is that egg?? Is it some kind of special egg? So i ordered the coney dog with egg, after ordering, I ordered the rest and she asked me if I wanted egg to go along with my rootbeer, it was quite weird as every item I ordered she ask if I wanted egg. So my advice is not to add egg, it's just a typical egg, nothing significant. Well A&W as the first meal didn't disappoint either, with their rootbeer float, coney dog, spicy fried chicken(really spicy) and of course their crispy waffle topped with ice cold strawberry cream! Yummy!

After the meal we decided to move back to our hotel, we stayed in horizon kings hotel, not a well known hotel as it is quite inconvenient to most visitors but for the price we paid, the room are huge, spacious, clean, neat, it's on top of a hill so there is nice view, saw lots of lion air cabin crews and pilots checking in and out and good variety of breakfast. Sadly I didn't took a photo of the room but I took some photos of the surrounding. The photo of the room is taken from google and it looks the same as the room we stayed. Price of the room is SGD$40 per night inclusive of breakfast.


Once checked in we rested in our rooms for a while, we didn't want to get ceweks from those KTV as we decided to get our FL from restaurant or either pubs. Will be more fun and entertaining. =)

We than left the hotel and took a private cab back to nagoya shopping center, change money, play arcade, cut hair and than we move to octopuss for our first round of fun.

Price list still the same for massage,
RP308000 - Deluxe
RP363000 - Executive
RP418000 - Suite
RP110000 - Facilities


There are also the gold/silver but pricing wise, no idea as we didn't ask, we just took the executive package. Once in, we went to the changing room changed and waited at the sofa for our masseurs, we wanted to have our massage first than jacuzzi. Waitress asked what kind style or girls we prefer so each of us gave her our criteria.

Waited around 15mins, followed the waitress to our individual room and was greeted by the masseur. Massage was as good, with good strength and technique such as back stepping. Soon turned around for pelvic massage or sometimes they called it manhood therapy, but in simple terms, it's handjob. Haha. But this time round was something new, before the start of the manhood therapy, my masseur showed me a bottle of "oil" and said "do you want to use this oil, it is good for your manhood, make it harder" a simple bottle of oil with no label or whatsoever, I asked how much, she said RP50000, I kindly rejected and said I prefer baby johnson. So she used that instead. After a while, I came out and took a shower. Joined the rest at the jacuzzi and chill.

Here is my rating for Octopuss,

Atmosphere : 8/10 (Clean, no smoke smell, spacious, good facilities)
Masseur looks : 7/10 (Young and experienced from Bandung)
Massage : 7/10 (good strength, technique and cover all parts including head)
Pelvic Massage : 7/10 (Take her time to arouse and slowly play with it)
Price : Very reasonable

Sorry I cant remember her name or number.

Feeling hungry and time for dinner, so we headed to A2


Good selection of food, quality of food is decent. Good crowd, beer girl nice to see and chat, number 22 beer girl quite pretty. =) Total damage around RP500000. Not all food in the picture. The chicken and char siew were very expensive, RP150000 if I didn't remember wrongly. We didn't order any beer because after that we are heading to pub to drink so just order normal fruit juice and soft drinks. Asked 2 beer girl to come over and seat with us, we shared some food with them and they are happy although we didn't bought any drinks from them. Had a great chat with them but we decided to move on, if there is no other option we probably will come back to A2 and try to bring those girls back.

After digesting things start to get interesting. :D:D We than headed to kampung bule for our night mission.


Lots of bars, so we decided to head to 89 Bar, saw lot's of angmoh, we are probably the only group that is non-angmoh. Order towers of beer one after another, one tower around RP370000. Good atmosphere, soon joined by girls and strip dance to bra and panties, we also ordered some ladies drink, RP120000 per cocktail and put some notes in the strippers bra and panties. =) The night was very fun.

As the night was almost ending, I tried to nego with my girl, was lucky to get mine at RP500000 for LT. So brought her back without barfine as it was almost ending. 2 other of my friend did brought girls back, 1 didn't. Took a cab back to hotel, most cab drivers didn't know the area, so have to guide them using gps.

Another thing about this hotel is that it doesn't have safe, but since one of my friend didn't have any girl, we left all our valuables in his room to play safe. My girl was really good in bed and I had a great time. Next morning we had breakfast together before she left.

Girl From 89Bar ( I can't remember her name)
Looks : 6.5/10 ( Decent makeup with fake eyelash, dark skin)
Body : 7/10 ( Nice body, slim and petit, average boobs, uses push up bra)
BBBj : 7/10 (Good and willing to suck for long long time)
FJ : 7/10 (Since the room is big I fuck her in the toilet, on the sofa and the bed )
Damage : 500000 + 50000 tips
Overall good experience with 2shots one when reaching back hotel another in the morning

After breakfast and after girl left, felt quite tired and since checkout is 12noon I went back to my room and slept again.

Woke up, packed and check out. Already in the afternoon, we took a cab to nagoya shopping center for lunch. What we have? Pizza hut. =-D


Plus lasagna and drinks damage around RP350000
After Pizza hut, it's still early for our ferry back so we wanted to recce delta spa since it is walking distance.

Went into the spa, met with the receptionist, asked about the pricing but recept told me we would have to go to lvl2 to ask regarding the price list, so she gave us locker keys and we proceeded to lvl2, while heading lvl2 via the staircase, passed by their facilities, looks really good and new. Met up with the recep, recep told us the pricing, I can't remember haha, but it's not cheap, I asked about the cheaper ones than she finally revealed it. I will come back again to batam and try delta and give another fr on it, for now, we walked away. As we walked I saw this poster


Hmmm, looks new, anyone tried?? But anyway will probably take up their package soon.

Left the building, flag a cab and went to batam center for our return journey back to Singapore.

So my next trip, would be delta spa and hooking up those girls working in the seafood corner in windsor foodcourt. ^_^

For now, thanks everyone for taking your time to read and have a good day!!
Credit to Bro nono1973

13-02-2016, 10:11 PM
May I know the operation hour for permata indah and the price range?

13-02-2016, 11:14 PM
Ya,can reli see lots of ah neh visiting Bunga & Happy 8,3-4 men share share book 1 syt girl priced at 2.5 juta. The mami there tells me so. :D

10 ppl walk in,7-8 of em is ah neh. :)

3-4 chaps gangbang one chick?
The chick also damn cham sia.

Like that, the OKT allow?

13-02-2016, 11:47 PM
I will be stay in I hotel baloi ! Any senior here can guide me where is the nearest pub to pick up the girls for overnight? Thanks in advance!

14-02-2016, 12:00 AM
3-4 chaps gangbang one chick?
The chick also damn cham sia.

Like that, the OKT allow?

I tink no one wld reject extra income if it's a reasonable deal.

If u a car technician working for a Car Repair company,one day while servicing 1 of yr company client's car,he ask u if u cld service his other 10 fren's cars on a personal scale & at a lower price,will u do it?

I tink the theory is same.

The more cham ppl is the chick's next day customers cos wen their pussy r sore,well...pattern comes. :rolleyes:

OKTs only wan extra $$$ in tis kind of deal,the rest will be up to the bking girl agree or not. Each guy if smelly smelly tip 100k each,3-4 guys will be 300k-400k extra income for the chick.If service good,smtime they will tip a bit more. Still better than bking by 1 guy who bonk her 3-4 times a nite & tip her 100k-200k nex morning. Make sense boh? :D

14-02-2016, 12:16 AM
May I know the operation hour for permata indah and the price range?

Bro, look at the signatures of some of the bros here....u will see a guide provided.....esp Bro Nono's guide....very comprehensive.

14-02-2016, 12:26 PM
3-4 chaps gangbang one chick?
The chick also damn cham sia.

Usually all parties involve will have mutual agreement,unless they come across those ah neh who drink a lot ,make the girls dead drunk & force themselves onto em. Those new bird syt girls who didn't knw will be cham.

Like that, the OKT allow?

Ya,so far okt in happy 8 & bunga so far will allow but usually will charge em higher booking price as scare they no tip the girls after their bonks.

14-02-2016, 12:54 PM
OKTs only wan extra $$$ in tis kind of deal,the rest will be up to the bking girl agree or not. Each guy if smelly smelly tip 100k each,3-4 guys will be 300k-400k extra income for the chick.If service good,smtime they will tip a bit more. Still better than bking by 1 guy who bonk her 3-4 times a nite & tip her 100k-200k nex morning. Make sense boh? :D

Ya,ah neh usually kena charge a higher price for such orgy services like 2 juta girl charge at 2.5 or 3 juta during cny. Mami says worry they no give tip or give too little tip later.

Bro,yr calculation a bit off. Most time,1 ah neh will wan avg 2 fucks so their 300k-400k+ earning is kena fuck (raw) 6-8 times or more 1 nite. Tis is wat my previous girl frm Happy 8 tells me. Still well-worth it for the ah nehs & the girls involved. Surprising sm of the SYT likes tis kind. So i tink every joint w different girls all operate differently.

14-02-2016, 12:58 PM
OKTs only wan extra $$$ in tis kind of deal,the rest will be up to the bking girl agree or not. Each guy if smelly smelly tip 100k each,3-4 guys will be 300k-400k extra income for the chick.If service good,smtime they will tip a bit more. Still better than bking by 1 guy who bonk her 3-4 times a nite & tip her 100k-200k nex morning. Make sense boh? :D

Usually all parties involve will have mutual agreement,unless they come across those ah neh who drink a lot ,make the girls dead drunk & force themselves onto em. Those new bird syt girls who didn't knw will be cham.

Ya,so far okt in happy 8 & bunga so far will allow but usually will charge em higher booking price as scare they no tip the girls after their bonks.

I see....
Didn't know they allow such 3/4/5 P situtations....haha.:p

14-02-2016, 01:10 PM
Ya,ah neh usually kena charge a higher price for such orgy services like 2 juta girl charge at 2.5 or 3 juta during cny. Mami says worry they no give tip or give too little tip later.

Bro,yr calculation a bit off. Most time,1 ah neh will wan avg 2 fucks so their 300k-400k+ earning is kena fuck (raw) 6-8 times or more 1 nite. Tis is wat my previous girl frm Happy 8 tells me. Still well-worth it for the ah nehs & the girls involved. Surprising sm of the SYT likes tis kind. So i tink every joint w different girls all operate differently.

Raw? Is it a common thing that the girls don't mind doing raw? I tested two different girls by saying I got no condom. Both didn't mind.

14-02-2016, 02:03 PM
Good selection of food, quality of food is decent. Good crowd, beer girl nice to see and chat, number 22 beer girl quite pretty. =) Total damage around RP500000. Not all food in the picture. The chicken and char siew were very expensive, RP150000 if I didn't remember wrongly. We didn't order any beer because after that we are heading to pub to drink so just order normal fruit juice and soft drinks. Asked 2 beer girl to come over and seat with us, we shared some food with them and they are happy although we didn't bought any drinks from them. Had a great chat with them but we decided to move on, if there is no other option we probably will come back to A2 and try to bring those girls back.

Bro,may i ask u speaking bahasa indo? :)

Yr fr written very nicely.

Raw? Is it a common thing that the girls don't mind doing raw? I tested two different girls by saying I got no condom. Both didn't mind.

Bro,hard to answer yr question. Cos out of 10 girls i try,abt 6-7 will opt using CD if given a choice. I'm like u, tell em i no have CD b4,they will tell me they have.:) So i always if my CD no finish using all in my btm trip,i will pass it the balance to the girls & always advise em to wear during their deeds.

To my tinking,most girl in btm who don't use CD usually already have sm kind of STD & i also hear in news,estimate 20% of WL in indo has HIV or STD,so to kena 1 of this sex diseases is no longer harder than kena toto or big sweep top prize. It can be as easily as kena 4D starter or consolation. :D

More importantly for myself is i ownself must always equip & wear CD everytime. If girl feeling sick,i usually sent her back & call papi cos they sick could means they may have the symptoms. I don't wan my parents,my grandparents,my bro,my sis,my kids,my wife,my friends all got chance kena tat kind of thing.

i just shareing my own opinion,no offence to those who like to play raw in btm.

14-02-2016, 06:18 PM
Hi, i am new here. ' raw' mean? pls explain thx

14-02-2016, 07:18 PM
Fuck without wearing condom.

Black Page
15-02-2016, 01:20 AM
Just for laughing:

Please note:
1) I am not American
2) I do NOT like American porn!
3) my favourite style of porn is Japanese in all its variants and subvariants, hundreds of them (but I hate to see that pixellated areas)

PS: Worst job in movie industry must be the "pixellator-of-Japanese-AV-porn-movies"
:eek: 8 hours a day 5 days a week spent at desktop pixellating prohibited areas??

15-02-2016, 01:32 AM
any body want to go batam on thu fri coming week? pm me if keen to explore together

15-02-2016, 01:37 AM
Oh ok, too bad, i m not there.

wow .. 37K points !! just how long did u take to do it ?!
u must have worked really hard !
cheers ! Happy CNY !

15-02-2016, 10:20 AM
Went with my fren, the same fren on 4th trip. as usual we reach batam at 10am indo time. We went to atalanta spa to relax. My fren went to look for his regular girl but no working. so both of us tried the girls introduce by the GRO. My girl offered BM and Full service at $80 which I bargain until $60. My fren told me his new girl not bad.

Hmm...not exactly a bad deal with a S$60 BM plus full service ,given the fact it is a weekend. Looks more like a value-added service to me,hehehe...

We then walked to Formosa Hotel from Atalanta Spa. We checked in and rest for a while before visiting the joints

The walk would be good if the weather isnt too sunny.From reading this FR, i believe you are slowly maturing in your timing to go to places of your interest. I am talking about hitting the right timing on the right places,hehehe...cool!

And keep up on having a good time in Batam.

We then went to Instar Hotel to try the mee pangsit but not opened so try the Bak Gut teh. It was nice, better than the shop opposite Formosa Hotel.

I completely agree with you on this one. That opposite Formosa Bak kut teh so so only. Instar Hotel mee pangsit usually closes before 12pm. Best time to go is before 11am. ;)

After that, we went back to singapore. Till now 5th Trip, still havent try the Ocean Massage.

Hehehe...Ocean is forever so near and feel so far for most people here,hehehe.... Their shop is so beautifully situated upon arrival to Batam (from Sillypore) yet wrongfully located to the extend that most only get to see it when they are on their back home (which usually becomes too late to try it out by then).

Thank you for sharing and may your next trip to Batam be as good as this one,if not better.


15-02-2016, 10:48 AM
I have a question.
One of the things I like of Formosa, which offsets all defects including that infrastructure and furniture are dated, is the tripple-size bed. Yes, 3 people can sleep comfortably in those beds (especially if 2 of them are small-size Indo girls :p)
Are those beds common, or at least can they be found also in other hotels of similar category in Batam?

Most of Formosa furniture were made of very strong wood,not easily damage (tho there may be scratch and dent around). Old it may seems,but those were by now considered as semi-antique and were much sort-after by the older generation in Sillypore. Their furniture,were originally made and create to last years ago. Unlike today's new hotel in Batam where their furniture were made of metal,easily rusting away over time and at times creating a screeching sound when one drags it on a non-carpet flooring.

As for their beds,well...depending on the type of rooms you are staying in,the older superior room has a smaller bed. The deluxe room however has bigger bed. All of them Queen sized i suppose,wide but can be a little short for a taller person. Today,they do swap their beds around as the superior and deluxe rooms were being mixed together.

Most hotels in Batam will have the almost same kind of beds in Formosa,big enough for 3 person to sleep comfortably in even if its in queen. Some more expensive hotels in Batam has King size bed tho. Those were really huge for most Asian's body size.

In Singapore, hotels in range 100-200 SGD often offer no more than 1.5-size beds...

Most Batam hotel beds were bigger than that of Sillypore's 2 star hotel's bed (eg,Hotel 81,Fragrance etc). Unless you stayed in 3 stars and above hotels in Sillypore,you will be unlikely to see anything that comes close to it. Having said that, some older 2 star hotels still have beds of similar size as to those from Formosa (eg. Aliwal Hotel,Darlene Hotel etc).

But the real reason why I always go to Formosa and I will not change until they don't close down, is STAFF. Wonderful guys. Professional and always kind to support my needs whenever I ask something.

I learn that out of 5 staffs at the reception in any shifts,if they were to have new staffs,there will always have at least 1 or 2 senior staffs around. Put it in another way of saying,if they were to have new staffs,there will bound to have at least 1 or 2 staffs in the reception that i will know them by name (as much as they knew mine).

From housekeeping staffs,Security guards,Bellboys,Network Technicians,electricians,plumber to restaurant waiters/waitresses,its not easy to find any of them not smiling and greeting the hotel guest/s whenever they see one.

15-02-2016, 11:16 AM
The theory should be similar when i was younger,many Indo Chinese were popularly known to be arrogant and proud (during 70s and 80s) in Sillypore. Today when i walk the streets of Batam,the Indo Chinese (and the indos too) were one the friendliest people even when i have no dealings with them.

The Chinese are dam rich before the fall of Suharto. A lot of them, I mean. Not all. Those who can go overseas are the rich ones.

Indos generally are friendly. Especially the Javanese. They are polite people. Batak, Maduras, flores are fierce ones, more vulgar in general.

15-02-2016, 03:07 PM
any body want to go batam on thu fri coming week? pm me if keen to explore together

Yeah me too like to explore Batam but after 25th Feb... now looking for kakis or just go there alone..

15-02-2016, 03:28 PM
Anyone like to tag along this weekend 20~22
can just pm me just a relax trip :)

15-02-2016, 03:58 PM
The Chinese are dam rich before the fall of Suharto. A lot of them, I mean. Not all. Those who can go overseas are the rich ones.

Indos generally are friendly. Especially the Javanese. They are polite people. Batak, Maduras, flores are fierce ones, more vulgar in general.

The indo Chinese toned down a lot already.

Side track, Bcs mall has lots of pretty indo chi babes;)

16-02-2016, 12:16 AM
Bro, look at the signatures of some of the bros here....u will see a guide provided.....esp Bro Nono's guide....very comprehensive.

I tink most ans to his qn aldy at the first page of this thread

I see....
Didn't know they allow such 3/4/5 P situtations....haha.:p

Not every girl will like to do tat,so the key thg is must still check with the girls.

Side track, Bcs mall has lots of pretty indo chi babes;)

Any catch on the indo Chinese babes at BCS mall? :D

16-02-2016, 01:04 AM
Would like to ask the experts and seniors here whether is it better to change Indonesian Rupiah in Harbour Front or Habour Bay in Batam?

Black Page
16-02-2016, 06:37 AM
Would like to ask the experts and seniors here whether is it better to change Indonesian Rupiah in Harbour Front or Habour Bay in Batam?

None of them.
Go to Nagoya (where you presumably stay) and ask the best rate in NOT LESS than 4-5 places, for example along Jalan Bonjol (the big street in front of Nagoya Hill).
I suggest you search my previous posts on this topic for more details, but for changing USD to rupiahs I am usually offered rates varying even on the order of 5%, from place to place. If you change just few hundreds dollars, the difference in absolute terms is quite significant and worth the time spent for inquiring the best rate.

Black Page
16-02-2016, 06:47 AM
Most Batam hotel beds were bigger than that of Sillypore's 2 star hotel's bed (eg,Hotel 81,Fragrance etc). Unless you stayed in 3 stars and above hotels in Sillypore,you will be unlikely to see anything that comes close to it. Having said that, some older 2 star hotels still have beds of similar size as to those from Formosa (eg. Aliwal Hotel,Darlene Hotel etc).

Last hotel I have been in Singapore is V Hotel Lavender. Prices around 150 SGD and above. Small room with a small bed and almost no space around it. The bed was maybe a bit more than half size than my bed in Formosa.:(
I call that small bed "Queen size", while the large bed of Formosa is really a "King size".

From housekeeping staffs,Security guards,Bellboys,Network Technicians,electricians,plumber to restaurant waiters/waitresses,its not easy to find any of them not smiling and greeting the hotel guest/s whenever they see one.
By comparison, try to ask something at the concierge of Harmoni. People is cold as robots :mad:
No way I would stay there.

16-02-2016, 09:56 AM
Contd in here since old thread locked.

Forget to mention it is now more straightforward using wifi at hana hotel.
Just need to choose Hotel Hana n key in pw which can get from recep.

Woke up good 2nd day morning......after seeing Man U lost......haha.
Breakfast nothing great n not much ppl too.
Went to tua pek gong temple n as it was sunday.....quite a crowd.
Proceed to my secret place massage n i was the early customer.
Only 2 chicks working.....took the more pretty one. Came in n looks like pic....sexy figure. Nice smile.
Massage.....using oil n i should hv inform her to use cream.....easier to wash off.
Average massage n she keep rubbing n touching bird now n then.
40 mins up.....she appears not good in english n took sometime to figure out price.
400 for fj n 300 for hj w full strip.....she quite stubborn w pricing.
In the end, didnt take up offer....so gave her 20k tips.
Kudos to her, she still maintain smile even though slight displeasure.
Walk to jodoh top 100 to buy something which dc mart dun hv.....
Had my lunch there......25k.
Head back to hotel to deposit my stuff.....
Had a shower n it is 3pm btm time.....maybe go joint to take a look.
Change money at formosa area n rate is 9660.....
New berry was the joint i first went....
Abt 10 gals available....

R u going again, i m new wanna go with expert

16-02-2016, 10:15 AM
Would like to ask the experts and seniors here whether is it better to change Indonesian Rupiah in Harbour Front or Habour Bay in Batam?

If u wish to change in Singapore,don't do it at Harbour Front. Try Arcade 2nd floor at Raffles Place or Chinatown People's Park instead.

If you wish to change in Batam,don't do it at Harbour Bay. Try Money changer shops that were away from shopping mall & always check the rate with at least 3 money changer for their best rate before you commit your exchange.

Harbour Bay has one of Batam's worst rate.

Harbour Front has one of Singapore's worst rate.

16-02-2016, 10:35 AM
Fish tank style of booking is new to me and hope to experience it in batam. As most of the take away shops are scattered around Nagoya mall, i am not sure if i can visit all the listed places by just walking or need to get a taxi. Some advice on this is appreciated.

We have the same style.

No need to rush to visit all the listed places in one day,put them under different days since u are going 3D2N. Try staying in Formosa hotel or any other hotels near it,it is a more centralize area to most fish tank places. If u read the most recent post by bros here,it will not be difficult to know that some of the more popular fish tanks were 5 - 10 mins walk away from hotel formosa.

In future once u found yrself a fav fish tank place or places u constantly goes to,u can then move towards hotels near to them ,this will make things easier for yr future mongering trips to Batam.

16-02-2016, 12:30 PM
If u wish to change in Singapore,don't do it at Harbour Front. Try Arcade 2nd floor at Raffles Place or Chinatown People's Park instead.

If you wish to change in Batam,don't do it at Harbour Bay. Try Money changer shops that were away from shopping mall & always check the rate with at least 3 money changer for their best rate before you commit your exchange.

Harbour Bay has one of Batam's worst rate.

Harbour Front has one of Singapore's worst rate.

In total agreement.

16-02-2016, 12:31 PM
The indo Chinese toned down a lot already.

Side track, Bcs mall has lots of pretty indo chi babes

It is like a Chinatown. Don't think about them, they are very expensive to date.

16-02-2016, 01:06 PM
Hi bro Nono,

I read your Batam FRs and really appreciate your help. Me and my friend newbie and we want to cheong batam after reading your FR.

Do you think if the 2 of us can join in your upcoming trips? Previously we cheong China CP and you can find my old FRs there. Thanks.

My next upcoming trip will be on March 2016. I dont usually discuss about March Trip when it is still Feb which i mentioned it a couple of time in the Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=586297). And i usually ignore PMs that talks about it. But for your case,i have decide to reply your PM and since it is now in public forum interface,i suppose i am also replying to all others at the same time too.

Yes,like all others who has shown an interest to join me on my coming trip,you will need to keep a look out for my March 2016 itinerary on the Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=586297). My usual itinerary will look something like this (sample as below) :


PM me then.

And i am sorry if i sound a little harsh in my reply. I honestly dont mean to. But if anyone were to be in my situation today,having to receive about a dozen or so PMs per week requesting for the same reply i made before and asking the same questions for answers that can be found on the Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=586297) or the previous Batam Info Thread (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=66580),i am sure most will fare worse than me in their reply.

Most if not all organized group trips from me were for learning. So that in future they can be more confident to go Batam alone or organize their own group trip. It isnt a gathering kind of cheong-together trip. (it can still be counted as one tho,however the key thing is still a "learning" trip) Therefore,do not mistaken me as one who is looking for kaki to cheong-together (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13888313&postcount=33635) in Batam.

Ok,just to be a little clearer.

My whole idea of having a "learning group trip" is simple.

1. i do bring newbie/1st timer bros whom i have not seen before in this thread to Batam with no hidden cost or charge(those who joined me before will know) to learn. (actually we all learn together)

2. They had their 1st taste of Batam,to see if this place is suitable for them to cheong in future. After which they SHOULD be confident enough to go on their own,alone or organize their very own group trip in future or perhaps even join me in my "friend-get-together group trip" if fate allows it (similar cheonging frequency bros only). Many a times,some became Batam regulars and we shared new information/FRs we found via PMs too.

3. No strings attached. End of our trips,I dont owe them,they dont owe me and we parted our ways after the trip therefore you see "the way" i wrote my terms and conditions (https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13208424&postcount=30992) so regimentally for all my newbie group trips. I dont tolerate nonsense (eg. doing drugs,changing my original itinerary,fly aeroplane etc) in my Batam group trips,hehehe...becos it is they who join me,not i who join them. And i am doing it w/o profit.

4. Between 2014 to 2015,no less than 50 bros has joined me in my Batam newbie group trip. I dare say none of them have yet to meet me out of Harbour Front premises,therefore i dare say that we are mainly friends ONLY when we are in Batam and Harbour Front (hehehe...literally). And i plan to keep it that way. (so no one can say i am using newbies or make a profit out of those who joined me)

My rewards for doing all this? Hehehe...their 1st hand FRs,the MOST ACCURATE information i get ,so as to help make my own future Batam trip even better. Lets not forget my aim is to cut down the number of fails in my Batam trip/s and i am so close to my definition of "perfection",hehehe... At the same time,i get to find bros who shared similar frequency to cheong together in future too (when fate allows). 1 stone kills few birds for me.

Newbie/1st timer wins,i win too. They dont spoil the market (which newbies always get blamed for in the older Batam Info thread),they are safe,they know where/how to go around to find what they want,pay a "little" lower price by learning to bargain (thats most of the time unless they chose to pay higher than i advise them to),i can continue to gather information and we all can learn together.

Side note 1 : There are still pros and cons in bringing newbies in a learning group trip to Batam for me,just that most time pros outweigh the cons.

Side note 2 : I do make money from my Batam trips to cover part of my Batam expenses,but mainly thru "buying an apple at S$0.50 in Batam to bring back to Sillypore to sell them at S$0.80" to friends/relative/colleagues. I have so far Never ask any bros to help me bring any illegal items from Batam back to Sillypore.


Now, to your next question on Balai...

BTW have you been to Balai and if have, how do you compare the girls?

My collected info and my comment/s on Balai can be found at the below link :


(see,i tends to bookmark my own post/s and other informative postings so i can try to provide as accurate as possible information,hehehe...)

Hope the above helps.


Sorry that i am so long winded in my reply that it went beyond the 4000 words limitation on PM. I have decide to post your queries in public forum censoring off your nick and then PM you the link to this post instead of replying this message back directly using 2 PMs.

May you have a good and fruitful trip to Batam (or PM me during March 2016 when my itinerary is out).

16-02-2016, 01:45 PM
i]hve not been to batam since 1998 ...long time ago.
Going on this Friday with a friend.
Would you advise changing money in Singapore harbour Front or at batam harbour bay?

Long time no go Batam,its ok. All you need to know about Batam scene were as below :

(same as on my signature)

The Batam Food List
(Updated on Jan 2016) (https://hive.am/BatamFoodList)

Beginner's Guide for 1st Time Batam Visitor (http://hive.gl/batambeginnerguide)

Batam Places to avoid :
Morena series of joints & Delta Spa

All My Batam Trip Summaries for 2015
(Jan - Dec) (https://hive.am/all2015summaries)

My 24th Batam Trip Summary
(on Jan 2016) (https://hive.am/24th-Batam-trip)

Most bros ,including myself will change our money in Batam but not in Harbour Bay. A little suggestion is to change a bit at Harbour Bay 1st in case you need to spend,then more at those other money changing shops. Always compare rate between a few money changer shops 1st before changing and avoid malls.

I think bro Leoric's post on money changing is a good advise :


How is octopus spa at pacific palace? or is Alantis better? where is this alantis spa?

About Octopuss Spa ,read info below :


The Batam Cheong List as of below link...(in case you looking for other options too)


....and Altalanta is in front of Novotel Hotel. (Novotel is almost beside Pacific Palace Hotel)


There are 4 main Men's Spa in Batam.

1. Pas Massage and Spa

A pretty much rundown spa where the girls will try to chop their customers as they do not prompt the GQ towards the end of the session (most time). If they dont prompt,you will have to prompt them. And if you do,you are at a losing end to bargain. It can cost quite a bit if they know you are a tourist and dont bargain. Not a popular place among most cheongsters. Inconsistent quality type of massage,meaning different massage girl sometime is good,sometime no good. (no good = piano massage)

Pas Massage and Spa pricing :


2. Octopuss Men's Spa

The package state in this spa includes a dick massage aka HJ. There are of course other packages too that cost 700k to 800k + rupiah which they called it the Gold and Silver tier package which do not have massage,just plain fj for an hour use of the room.By the way,you get to choose the girl you wish to bonk too and in my perspective,they were all at least 8/10 in the look department and young. The normal package stated in the leaflets on the given link (or below pic) includes dick massage/HJ plus a 1.5 hour massage and comes with free use of facilities,eg Hot pool,O3 room,sauna,cold pool,steam room etc. For special service,HJ is included for the normal package,but auto roaming sometimes require a 100k extra. FJ wise is around 250k-300k depending on how you bargain. Provides above average massage.


Octopuss Spa pricing :


3. Delta Spa

They have basic packages too which you need to take 3 session at around less than 500k,but most of the GROs (Guest Relationship officers) will
not let you know about this low price package. They will push you to take the most high end package which will cost you 700k plus for a HJ. They do hard core upselling like what Yun Nam,Beijing 101 type of places in Sillypore does. Just be extra careful not to fall into their upselling trap if you wish to give this place a try. Its most common complain by most of their customers. However,massage wise is still not bad. But if its 700k or more for a massage with HJ,there are definitely better places to go to in Batam. No FJ in Delta Spa tho and free use of facilities too.

Delta Spa New pricing as of June 2015 :


Reason/s why i put Delta Spa on my signature as a to-avoid-place to go to :



4. Atlanta Men's Spa

Massage with free use of facilities will cost 250k for normal individual cubicle room (not shared room) with an 1.5 hour massage. VIP room will cost 370k and has everything the 250k room has except a bath area. Special service can be quite stiff if you dont bargain. Open mouth price were usually 400k-500k HJ and 700k-800k. Prices AFTER bargaining has been known to drop till an average of 150k-200k for HJ and 300k-400k FJ. There are lower than those prices too,but rare. It depends on the right timing and require good bargaining skills to get 100k hj and 250k fj. Above average quality massage.

Above comments on the 4 men's spa were just my personal point of view base on the data i collected from the old Batam Info thread (other forums and bros who send me their FRs) as well as having tried them personally. Other bros point of views may varied from mine.

Do keep in mind,one man's meat,other man's poison theory do apply.


With no means of disrespect,the reason why i am replying you in public forum instead of via PM is becos i received too many PMs asking me the same thing. I prefer to reply one time instead of a dozen times repeating similar replies. Sorry for being long-winded.

Hope that helps and may you enjoy your coming Batam trip.

16-02-2016, 03:05 PM

You left out Trinity Spa.

16-02-2016, 03:17 PM
You left out Trinity Spa.

Trinity Spa in Batam Trinity Hotel closed down long time ago. :p
(reviews also not-so-good before it shuts down)


Went there thrice but not open. i mean spa still there but always not open at all. :(

The Hotel however is still open. The last time i was there was about a year+ ago and i have not receive updates that it is reopened again.

If you ever pass by there,can help me confirm?


16-02-2016, 03:56 PM
went batam yesterday for one day trip with 2 frens & basically it was a pure massage trip. Reached Harbourbay around 11am, had lunch inside the terminal & proceed to ocean massage which is a bit tricky to find. Based on previous FR on ocean massage, decide to try the burger massage for 600K RP & one of my fren took the 700K package which includes FJ & we are the firat 3 clients for the day. The masseurs assigned to us IMHO ranked at least 7 in terms of looks & both of my fren were happy with the services. My masseurs were both SYT in their early 20s but slightly disappointed as i thought burger massage means both gals will perform b2b together on me but instead they took turns to do the b2b. Offered specials n i took up the HJ at 200K each after bargaining from 300K each n insist that one gal do b2b n the other gal to HJ me & to rotate afterwards until i cum.......:D:D.......overall a new experience for me for burger massage but dont think will try again but will definately visit ocean again due to the quality of their masseurs in terms of looks.
Had lunch & shopping (i bought 2 bluray movie for 100K) at nagoya hill mall & after that proceed to DC mall to look for massage houses based behind. We went first to devant spa & princess massage (both got photo albums) & my fren decide to stick with princess while i ended up at pepy massage just further down the road. ask for photo album n OKT recommend a SYt with big boobs which the real person scored quite high 7/10 in terms of looks but slightly chubby. I took the 140K package for 1.5 hrs & eventually ended up with another HJ (gal refused FJ as she said my cock is too big :(:() for 250K. give her slightly more tips as her massage is pretty comfortable n also i slightly exceeded the time by 10 min. My fren who went princess said his masseur quite pretty as well & overall service including FJ was good.
Before heading back to harbourbay for our return trip, initially wanted to go marina live seafood recommended by bros here but it was closed. We then had dinner at DC mall & then to harbour bay for the last ferry back home.
Overall me & my frens were quite satisfied with our one day n i wish to thank all the senior bros like nono, new yorker88, black page, etc who contributed a lot of info on this thread as my trip was based & planned from all your FRs.,,,,,thanks for reading......cheers.

16-02-2016, 06:36 PM
My next upcoming trip will be on March 2016. I dont usually discuss about March Trip when it is still Feb which i mentioned it a couple of time in the Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread (https://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=586297). And i usually ignore PMs that talks about it. But for your case,i have decide to reply your PM and since it is now in public forum interface,i suppose i am also replying to all others at the same time too.

Going this weekend is going to be my 2nd time. Arrange the previous girl and her friend to be available on this weekend. hope everything is smooth. hmm.. cannot book them directly.. this is the cons...

Mar trip, can include me too..wish to explore the massage and eat the wanton mee..

16-02-2016, 08:06 PM
I supposed weekend will be difficult to book them directly since it's supposed to be peak period.. Unless they are on code red.

16-02-2016, 08:07 PM
Mar trip, can include me too..wish to explore the massage and eat the wanton mee..

Hi bro,try to avoid quoting whole post,especially bro Nono's 1.

U may wish to edit yr own post by following the instruction


It's against forum rules (quoting a whole long post) & might hav high chance a mod will remove it bcs it's an inconsiderate action. ;)

16-02-2016, 10:21 PM
Hi bro,try to avoid quoting whole post,especially bro Nono's 1.

Noted. Tks..

16-02-2016, 10:23 PM
direct book. I mean dun let the shop earn.:P

17-02-2016, 05:26 AM
If u wish to change in Singapore,don't do it at Harbour Front. Try Arcade 2nd floor at Raffles Place or Chinatown People's Park instead.

If you wish to change in Batam,don't do it at Harbour Bay. Try Money changer shops that were away from shopping mall & always check the rate with at least 3 money changer for their best rate before you commit your exchange.

Harbour Bay has one of Batam's worst rate.

Harbour Front has one of Singapore's worst rate.

Thank a million... points well noted. thanks again bro :) and happy new year :)

17-02-2016, 09:25 AM
I searched the forum but i think this is not being discussed...

I like to ask if it is still viable to chiong the kfc booking houses (leaving singapore @ 7pm Friday night). I will be alone. Any one can help on answering this question?

17-02-2016, 10:40 AM
I like to ask if it is still viable to chiong the kfc booking houses (leaving singapore @ 7pm Friday night). I will be alone. Any one can help on answering this question?

Yes,but u can't see full range gals & maybe limited choices bcos noon time ppl take most gal already. If u go btm is not to choose overnite booking girl like choosing "wife" & expectation not very high kind,u can try happy 8,bunga & permata indah booking house. They sure have gals. 8pm+ also will have but mus try to be as early.

U go btm 7pm spore time,u reach btm 7pm btm time bcos of timezone thing,so confirm sure have gals in sm lesser business booking houses. Viable or no viable is up to u expectation. If u wan take FL from disco,pub,club drug places or phone chat,then u better have to be extra careful 4 yr valuables.

If u wan try nono guide,u can try also try alishan ktv after 7pm bcos they open at 7pm but booking price at 1.6 mil rp.

17-02-2016, 10:49 AM
May all have a
Happy and Prosperous
Lunar New Year


happy lunar new year to u too

17-02-2016, 11:01 AM
To my tinking,most girl in btm who don't use CD usually already have sm kind of STD & i also hear in news,estimate 20% of WL in indo has HIV or STD,so to kena 1 of this sex diseases is no longer harder than kena toto or big sweep top prize. It can be as easily as kena 4D starter or consolation. :D

More importantly for myself is i ownself must always equip & wear CD everytime. If girl feeling sick,i usually sent her back & call papi cos they sick could means they may have the symptoms. I don't wan my parents,my grandparents,my bro,my sis,my kids,my wife,my friends all got chance kena tat kind of thing.

Uncle agree with u. Be a responsible fucker. Wan to eat out also must try to eat safely,no bring nonsense to harm ownself family ppl & friends.

The indo Chinese toned down a lot already.

Some richer older gen of indo chinese still speak with their nose up. I see many younger rich indo chinese in spore now quite alright.

You left out Trinity Spa.

He also left out newton spa too

17-02-2016, 11:39 AM
He also left out newton spa too

Newton Spa is closed down too. Place still exist,just no more spa.

hi guys, here to ask for reccomendations of a good message place.

The list for your reference :


so far the best massage is from pacific hotel 8th floor "octopus"

The massage place/s that is most suitable for oneself is the best massage.

seems like there's other better massage place like altalanta and kings massage? and their price would be around?

From my perspective,there are plenty of good massage places in Batam. Some provide good massage,some dont. Some has good ambiance,some dont,some provides out-of-the-world erotic special service better than others and some just go thru the motion. Many however were inconsistent in terms of service standard (on both massage skills and special services) so it eventually boils down to the right place,right girl,right timing and some luck hence those who are seasoned enough to understand this point do not recommend.

Hi.. I've been following this thread and the old for quite sometime. But i never seen FR from Memory. Curious to know about them as I've seen quite nice SYTs there.

Memory has not-so-good lighting. One of my friend who booked a proclaimed SYT from Memory turn out to be a little off the SYT mark when she was send to his room later. Price range there around 700k to 1.2 million rupiah. Feel free to give it a try and return to let us know more about it. So far have not heard of "runaway" or complain from there....yet.

Note : Mami is an alcoholic. According to the girls there,her "hands" not very clean with customers (just in case you plan to drink at Memory KTV). And almost all the girls there were not under contract.

True,look like tis year cny btm will be less crowded

Yes,CNY 2016 was less crowded as compared to last year. Its as good as going on a weekend. Now,i am looking forward to the March 2016 Batam trip,hehehe....lots of new girls replacing the older girls who has finished their contract. I am writing my CNY 2016 summary now...hehehe...long story. :D

Yea,& those bule will likely turn btm into Bali where per shot cost as much as in Sg in time to come.

Keep in mind,60%+ of the tourists in Batam came from Sillypore. Whereas Bali has tourists from all over the world. I am keeping my finger cross on this one.

17-02-2016, 12:25 PM
Trinity Spa in Batam Trinity Hotel closed down long time ago.
(reviews also not-so-good before it shuts down)


haven't been there for some time. Still sticking to my favourite out lets, n regular.

17-02-2016, 12:30 PM
Yes,but u can't see full range gals & maybe limited choices bcos noon time ppl take most gal already. If u go btm is not to choose overnite booking girl like choosing "wife" & expectation not very high kind,u can try happy 8,bunga & permata indah booking house. They sure have gals. 8pm+ also will have but mus try to be as early.

U go btm 7pm spore time,u reach btm 7pm btm time bcos of timezone thing,so confirm sure have gals in sm lesser business booking houses. Viable or no viable is up to u expectation. If u wan take FL from disco,pub,club drug places or phone chat,then u better have to be extra careful 4 yr valuables.

If u wan try nono guide,u can try also try alishan ktv after 7pm bcos they open at 7pm but booking price at 1.6 mil rp.

Usually, people go Friday afternoon to book them already. You go Friday evening is a bad timing. Ferry full, n left overs.

FLs are not advisable if you are a new player. And don't do drugs, they may be into it, but you never know if the police are with them. Alisan KTV? That place is a chopping board.

Also note that, you are there for fun, what you get it base on your luck. Don't expect too much, they are there just to entertain you for a fee.

17-02-2016, 02:15 PM
direct book. I mean dun let the shop earn.:P

The gal not stupid, direct book still roughly same price.. Who dun wan to earn more...

17-02-2016, 03:03 PM
If u wan try nono guide,u can try also try alishan ktv after 7pm bcos they open at 7pm but booking price at 1.6 mil rp.

Alisan is between 1.1 to 1.4m depending on your relationship with the Mami.

You can go as early as 6pm to choose and take away. Anyway girls quality over there has dropped. Those good ones Mami will tell you for sitting only.:(

17-02-2016, 03:09 PM
The gal not stupid, direct book still roughly same price.. Who dun wan to earn more...

Yup usually not far from it but if u r able to book them directly just go ahead. I would rather let the girls earn more than let their Mami and papi take.

Anyway if your relationship is good with the girl you can ask for discount.:D

17-02-2016, 04:17 PM
Yup usually not far from it but if u r able to book them directly just go ahead. I would rather let the girls earn more than let their Mami and papi take.

That is my point.. she say cannot..:)

17-02-2016, 04:56 PM
I searched the forum but i think this is not being discussed...

I like to ask if it is still viable to chiong the kfc booking houses (leaving singapore @ 7pm Friday night). I will be alone. Any one can help on answering this question?

7pm. U reach btm is 6pm there. I dont tink have any nice and good stock for you liao.

17-02-2016, 06:32 PM
Hello guys, long time didn't contribute in the forum.

I'm going Batam on friday(19th) and coming back on Sunday. So anyone who's gonna be there on the weekend, PM me. So perhaps we can meet and chit chat over coffee and stuff.

Black Page
17-02-2016, 10:12 PM
7pm. U reach btm is 6pm there. I dont tink have any nice and good stock for you liao.

Except the KTV places with booking out service (Permata, Alishan,... I am not an expert for the full list)

(Sorry I don't know how to delete my post. I see many others already replied the same. I did not want to repeat)

18-02-2016, 01:37 AM
Hey bros,

Just to share this fantastic ferry tix promo until 31 Dec 2016. However only valid for travel to Batam Centre/Sekupang/Waterfront City. Prices are $33.50 for online booking and $34.80 for walk-in (two-way and taxes all-in). Don't think i can put the website here due to the admin rules but feel free to PM me for more details.

18-02-2016, 01:43 AM
any body want to go batam on thu fri coming week? pm me if keen to explore together

I am going today, u wanna go together?

18-02-2016, 01:46 AM
any body want to go batam on thu fri coming week? pm me if keen to explore together

I am going today. You wanna join?

18-02-2016, 08:47 AM
Looking for kaki to go batam next mon for 2 days. Anyone interested? First time going there alone.

18-02-2016, 10:38 AM
Well....the problem is how to spot beneath all the covered up dresses.....

300k to 400k rupiah to test water (short time) before making the actual overnight booking? Some booking joint allows short time,not forgetting some massage places allows overnight booking too. You are like my part time boss,who goes more towards to the figures and boob size of the booking girls,hehehe...

Thanks for the good advice...
I do have my sayang's number....she did told me she finish work at 10.30pm.
Maybe next time I look for her at massage, will ask her whether will go hotel for massage after work.

Yes,give it a go. No harm in doing that and try make a call to her before you head for the massage. SMS also can,hehehe... Try prompting your "Golden Question" during your massage session (for overnight),hehehe...once you both become more familiar with each other,things will become easier. Many sparks can go on thereafter be it good or bad.

As I have said before many times, Batam have much more to offer other than chicken joints n massage parlours.
The great food, cheap haircut....most of all....minimal crowd and slower pace is definitely a draw for me.

Thats one of the reason why i prefer going to Batam during weekdays than on weekends. A good slow walk from point to point is always good exercise for the exercise-deprived Sillyporean like myself. And this kind of slow walk with an "objective" and/or something to look forward to is my definition of healthy lifestyle when i add massage and bonking into it,hehehe... eat good,bonk good,exercise good and relax good,practically covers the whole body ,mind and soul,hehehe...:D

(in Sillypore,where got time to do all these.)

Hope I don't meet too many sinkies if I stay at De best hotel....lol.
it is quite refreshing to explore a different part of Batam...

Never try,never know. ;)

I will be staying put at SG throughout CNY....

There is always CNY 2017,hehehe...i will start planning on around August or September....again. So as to try to make CNY 2017 better than CNY 2016. :D

When i returned from my CNY Batam trip,i could feel i was filled with lots of positive energy,hehehe...maybe CNY 2017 i plan a 5D4N,hehehe...seems like 4D3N in this CNY not enough for me... *i think i am getting greedier*

18-02-2016, 01:04 PM
Who ever is going to booking joint over this wkend, please pm me, I be going to sin city tomorrow till Monday.
Thanks bros

18-02-2016, 01:36 PM
Hello guys, long time didn't contribute in the forum.

I'm going Batam on friday(19th) and coming back on Sunday. So anyone who's gonna be there on the weekend, PM me. So perhaps we can meet and chit chat over coffee and stuff.

Hi Bro 1stclass, long time din hear from u..hope u have a wonderful time in Batam and me too, hehe..I am going on Sun....awaiting for ur FR..

18-02-2016, 02:26 PM
Yup usually not far from it but if u r able to book them directly just go ahead. I would rather let the girls earn more than let their Mami and papi take.

Anyway if your relationship is good with the girl you can ask for discount.:D

Yup. the papi n mami take a big cut

18-02-2016, 03:01 PM
Its a better idea to stay put in SG this CNY, very inflated prices and huge crowd everywhere there would be a norm.

Everywhere around Asia is about the same when it comes to CNY. Comparing apple to apple of the same thing in Sillypore on the same season,Batam will still be considered cheaper. Or should i say,cheapest comparing over quality and pricing.

My own personal definition.

Mostly due to a few new hotels opening for biz....so spread out the interest.

Yes,i think you are right. Almost none of the hotels in Batam were even 90% occupied this CNY 2016. Zest Hotel outside Harbour Bay being one of such,hehehe...

This hotel looks good....but look remote from action area.....
I like new hotels...

I learned to work around such situations. Actually,it really depends on what i am after. If i am going for Massage,i target Utama Hotel. If i am going for booking joint,i target Formosa,City Central or Hana. If i already know what i wish to have,almost everything for any hotel in Batam can be an alright location as i will be getting a full day taxi at their lowest available price by my own definition. It gives me some advantages to hit a few target places at the besttiming,hehehe...

Of course,a full day taxi at most time is only value for its money when it is being shared by 2 or more people. (depending on trip plan)

(side note : i dont take sea food and do know where i am going whenever i am using a full day taxi driver,plus i bargain for almost everything including booking joint)

Dun wear or bikini is the best.....

Dont wear cannot la. I think wear bikini is the BEST!! (i can still accept swimsuit tho) :D

Have a good trip bro.

Your post reminds me that i didnt have a face wash and haircut during my CNY 2016 trip.... *sob*

Ya,who ever took more than 10 minutes to bargain for a good deal probably is out of his mind. I guess tats hw Bali becomes equal if nt more exp than SG. In tis sbf forum,i can get 100 bucks 90min/2 shots for indo gals,in Bali i see 70-80 bucks/shot.Well...need i say more.

My bargaining usually dont take more than 5 mins per pax/shop.

Yea hor,i saw in FL dome 3 in this forum that indo girls 90mins can have 2 shots for 955k rupiah = S$100 (base on the CNY rate i get in Batam). I also see in Bali thread 1 shot cost 700k to 800k rupiah within 60mins. Hmm....i am comparing short time versus short time here.

Looking fwd to yr next summary.

CNY period quite busy,maybe next week. I am taking my time.

@nono,go suggest tat to the OKTs,ok?

Hehehehe.... :D

You trying to sabo me? :cool:

Aiyo!!! Let them wear whateva they like/feel comfortable with la. If you want them to wear to your liking, I suggest married 1 and keep her in a rented house and she will welcome you naked everytime you come batam. Just take yout time picking 1 cewek, take that leap and hope what you choose/recommend is a good choice.

Err...i think no need to go to the extend of marrying one or keep one in rented house. Simply have a few regular girls in different booking joints,advance book them and by the time i reach hotel,they will already be naked in the hotel room bed,hehehe...i did it before,and if this idea suits me,i can continue to do it. Too bad ,it doesnt.

Anyway,bro MiG's idea was to have free picking of a range of girls in bikinis inside the joints (if there are ever bikini girls there,hehehe...) so that he can pick the best from the lot base on their figures.Marry one or keep a mistress will only limit me to one or two a most time. Bonking one/two girls too many times can become boring over time (i am like that) ,hehehe...so a regular change is better,hehehe...

You make it sound as if the Monkey King is trapped under the Sekupang hill & asking bros here to go free him,lol.

Hehehe...ok,ok,i will go free the Monkey King in Sekupang after March (April or May)... *joking only*

18-02-2016, 04:54 PM
May I know Batam any massage parlor operating 24hrs ? TIA.

18-02-2016, 05:46 PM
Hi Bros,

I am planning for a trip to Batam next weekend. What is the best time to visit those farms to select gals?

18-02-2016, 08:38 PM
300k to 400k rupiah to test water (short time) before making the actual overnight booking? Some booking joint allows short time,not forgetting some massage places allows overnight booking too. You are like my part time boss,who goes more towards to the figures and boob size of the booking girls,hehehe...

Yes.....why didnt i think of ST.....
That time I went to bunga at night, the granny asked me booking or short time....
How does this ST works?
Can ask them to send gal to my hotel? 1 hr 1 shot?

My next trip, definitely staying de best.....explore new area.
Also have other things to find out.
But most likely, i wont be taking overnight this time round.
Want to reserve more time for myself at night.....

18-02-2016, 09:01 PM
Hi bros. I am new to this forum. Planning to go batam for one day this or next weekend.

Been to batam many times but have never explored these kind of places. .

I am indo chinese btw. 😆

18-02-2016, 09:03 PM
Hi bros. I am new to this forum. Planning to go batam for one day this or next weekend.

Been to batam many times but have never explored these kind of places. .

I am indo chinese btw.

18-02-2016, 09:09 PM
Hi bros. I am new to this forum.

Planning to go batam for a day this or next weekend.
Been there so many times but have never explored much, especially to these kind of places.:D

I am indo chinese btw.:D:D:D

18-02-2016, 11:20 PM
Ahh.. Should've stayed an extra night for this

Honestly speaking,you should. But i am sure you didnt miss out much since its so close to CNY when you were there.

Anyway, summary for my trip;
Visited 3 joints as planned.. (Was going to put bunga as 4th for backup as i saw the place while walking around in search of best money changer rates)
Permata, princess, happy8 (Thks for the tips on various joints' OKT.)

Below map for you to know where you are going...


1.40pm(batam time); Went permata, girls all seated, 2-3 SYT. Pointed out one, mami quoted me 1.2, tried to put some new haggling skills to the test, but to no avail. (Willing to throw this deal; as I diddn't really felt any connection with the girl in the brief moment we were introduced.) "勉強" bookmarked her(just incase) and headed off to find newberry. Searched high and low, but diddn't managed to find it.

Permata was usually my last station to visit since they usually open as late as 1pm. I have said this about Permata Indah before,between you and the girls,there is a glass panel that allows you to see the girls but it does not allow the girls to see you clearly,hehehe...so you will need walk to the glass panel, poke your head out of it to see the girls,and at the same time to allow them to "show interest" in you.



W/o your head going beyond the glass panel,all "connection" with the girls will 100% be non-existence (since they cannot even see you).

I think heaven has been helping you. At that hour on a weekend during that kind of super ultra peak season,it is your luck not to be able to find New Berry,hehehe...by 2pm plus,New Berry/Gold Bird would not have much girls to choose from. Thats why i would say to put Permata Indah as last stop since they open latest.

Instead, saw princess and decided to check it out. 2.10pm; Mostly MILF, quoted around 800-1.2m. 2 out of 5 of the girls were still sleeping. English speaking male OKT then told me wait for 15min, he would call more girls in. Told him I will return later and hurried off. Walked around the block and saw happy8.

Glad to see that no girls in princess interest you. There were reports of runaway situation with not-so-good service in this place by their so-called SYTs. Other booking joints has much better girls than that place during CNY when i was there.

2.40pm; Headed in and was greeted by the indian-looking mami. Girls were mostly seated and at a glance can see like roughly 5-8 SYT. Stared at them with "火眼金睛" and marked 2. was quoted 1.5 for 1st, 1.8 for 2nd. Nego with the mami but price drop by abit only.(they know its the "fortune" period) In the end, took 1st girl for 1.4m mainly because she passed the "staring game" and i felt that this mami had a really firm and sincere assurance; when promising me the girl's quality.

Price may be higher than usual due to the Super Ultra Peak CNY season but Happy 8 and Bunga were for the late comers. Apparently,after this Indian looking mami took over,the girl's service standard has improved quite a bit. There was a time around 6 months+ time ago,Happy 8 received so much complains ,but recently they had turn out for the better.

See,no booking joint will always be bad,and no booking joints will always stay good too.

Overall, good trip. Cheers!

My golden question,on a scale of 1 to 10,how would you rate your trip to Batam in this season? :p

And thank you for sharing too,especially when you could remember to pen down the timing you reach the booking joint. Its very helpful for me.

May heaven bless your next Batam trip be even better than this one,bro.


19-02-2016, 12:17 AM
it is against the law to go to batam and not try babi hutang, so says the tourist polis.

the food store beside the popular apok apok at astro coffee shop will dish out a nice stir fried babi hutang and if you want to whip out your dish then head to penguin wet market, ask for a kilo of the meat for 30 to 40 K . where do u get this? the segregate room where pork is bought. It is near the mi pangsit store.

19-02-2016, 05:57 AM
Yes.....why didnt i think of ST.....
That time I went to bunga at night, the granny asked me booking or short time....
How does this ST works?
Can ask them to send gal to my hotel? 1 hr 1 shot?

My next trip, definitely staying de best.....explore new area.
Also have other things to find out.
But most likely, i wont be taking overnight this time round.
Want to reserve more time for myself at night.....

ST is usually conducted at the joint, unless you're a regular of the joint. Depending on your ability to negotiate, they usually start the price at half the girl's booking fee or 500k rp, whichever is higher. This, though, may not apply to all joints. Then, if you're satisfied with the girl, just top up the difference for the overnight booking.

19-02-2016, 09:27 AM
Except the KTV places with booking out service (Permata, Alishan,... I am not an expert for the full list)

(Sorry I don't know how to delete my post. I see many others already replied the same. I did not want to repeat)

Yes, KTV joint will start later than 6pm. I think u miss out M1, M2 and billard center.

19-02-2016, 12:20 PM
May I know Batam any massage parlor operating 24hrs ?

There used to be one,but closed down last year. So, as far as i know,no more 24hr massage anymore.

19-02-2016, 03:09 PM
There used to be one,but closed down last year. So, as far as i know,no more 24hr massage anymore.

Bro Marvis,Thank u so much for reply.

Am the one that dun like to book for over nite gal, if can make an fast one after mid nite in the massage parlor is gd for me.

19-02-2016, 03:47 PM
My 25th Batam Trip on
Chinese Lunar New Year


Reference : 24th Batam Trip Summary (https://hive.am/24th-Batam-trip)

Time for my 25th Batam Trip Summary and this trip due to the fact its a CNY 2016,things were as unpredictable as compare to the last year's CNY 2015 trip (http://hive.gl/13trip). This CNY,i go to Batam more prepared as i was expecting an equal or more gigantic crowd. And I was WRONG! (hehehehe...which is not a bad thing at all)

I took the night ferry,in fact i booked Horizon last ferry to Batam at 940pm. After i finished my yearly reunion dinner with my family members,i took my time to reach Harbour Front and realized that i was way too early. I walked around Harbour Front and found out that Horizon has insert EXTRA ferry trips to Batam Harbour Bay. I immediately went over to bring forward my trip to 850pm.

There was an early check in to the departure area ,ferry was only 30% full,i had my business class seat and there was only a group of around 8 members of a Malay family and myself in the upper deck. The ride to Batam this time round was a rocky one. Ok,the time to leave for Harbour Front is suppose to be 850pm,but we left 840pm Sillypore time. Sounds like a good start huh? It was a very windy ride,i think due to the previous Batam Fast semi-sinking incident,this captain of the Horizon ferry was driving slower than usual. In a slower than usual rocky boat ride on our way to Batam,some of the members of the Malay family begin to throw out. I nearly puke too,but manage to endure the rough ride there till the ferry touch down Harbour Bay terminal.


Business class being business class,and a family versus me,a solo traveler...very obviously,i got to get off the ferry 1st and for the rest in economic class,they will have to wait till the Malay family in the business class get off the boat 1st before they are allowed out,hehehe...i walked fast. I think i was super fast,hehehe...and by the time i reach the Harbour Bay Arrival Hall to get my passport chopped,there was no sight of anyone in the queue,worse...there was not a soul 200m behind me and i was queried by the custom officer who was checking my passport.

He speaks in bahasa,i didnt understand. He got someone to translate,and his question to me was,"how come i am only one person?" I told him i was alone,he asked again. "where are the rest with me in my ferry?" i told them,behind me and i turned back and tell him they are on their way. He paused and asked me how come i was so fast and which ferry i came from. I told him. We wait for a good 5 min and when they saw the 1st passenger from my ferry within sight coming towards the custom's glass door (not even reaching the queue area) ,they finally chop my passport. In my heart i was like,"Phew!" Scanning my backpack was a bliss,the guy/s manning the scanning machine was not in sight and appears only when i walked out of the Arrival Hall,hehehe...

Walking out of the ferry terminal,i was welcomed by my friends...and the girls,hehehe....who came to pick me up to head to the hotel. There was a relief. And on my way to my hotel,Batam welcomes me with all the fireworks....hehehe....like Sillypore's NDP (National Day Parade),as if the guest of honor that evening was me,hehehe...


At that hour,no money changer was opened for business. Luckily i have changed a million plus rupiah in my last trip to Batam at 9650/SGD. According to my friends,Sillypore was changing for 9650/SGD few days before too.

Original plan for that evening was to go play firecrackers 1st,but my friend's girl wish to continue to "rape" him,so me and my girl head to buy our groceries at Circle K as all provision shops were close at those hours. I settle the basic necessities,make myself comfortable and off to my OTOT before calling 2 girls over for our massage sessions.

After massage,was planning to head down for supper,but the restaurant was closed,so we ordered our food up ,eat up and then shower up a bit before heading to rest (and OTOT of course,hehehe...).

Oh,my friend's girl cost 2 million rupiah,a CSYT (cute and sweet young thing). And my was a GND at 1.2 million rupiah.

My 1st Ang Bao in Batam from the hotel i stayed in....


Hehehe...a 20k rupiah voucher from Formosa expiring on 31st March 2016. Not going to use it as i am keep this as a memorial. And i manage to get 2 of it,enough for a simple meal,hehehe... (1 room only have one of this voucher and only on Lunar New Year Eve)

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19-02-2016, 03:47 PM
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The next morning,i was up early. My girl was still asleep. I am meeting my friend for breakfast but i am still too early...we had plans eat out for breakfast. I walk around the hotel to get myself adjusted to whatever that is come today,hehehe...positive energy accumulates.

Fresh morning,with lots in Batam to look forward to.....

Photos were taken from Alishan KTV windows,4th floor of Formosa Hotel

I think by now,everyone should know which hotel i am staying in. Looking at the photos above,you will see that most shops were not open for business. Yes,not even the money changers. And i had a fairly hard time trying to find one that are open for business. Luckily i came prepared,hehehe...and eventually found a money changer. Then again,rate was 9500/SGD whereby under normal days,i should be getting 9630/SGD....not good. 1st time in all my Batam trips that i got to know that Sillypore exchange rate is better than in Batam. Only for CNY season tho. (few days before CNY,Arcade was selling IDR at 9600/SGD and about a week before CNY, 9650/SGD)

My 1st stop in the morning...

Meximo Pub Wan Tan Mee...surprisingly,it was opened on the 1st day of CNY.


And at 1015am,the place was already 80% filled...oh,and me and my friends nearly step into onto dog shit when our unreliable taxi driver park near the lamp post where a dog was tied there,hehehe....so lucky for 1st day of CNY....lol.

After our breakfast,we went to pay up for the girls extension. My friend wish to change his girl to the super model SSYT that we were all talking about,hehehe...and she is 20 year old,an ex car model costing 1.2 million rupiah. (hehehe...a head turner) We pay up and head towards our next destination.....


I prayed and did my offerings,hopefully the coming year will be better than the last. We took quite a while trying to get our offerings done due to the crowd. The whole feel was very like the 80s of Sillypore ,going to temple for praying. And by the time we stepped out of the temple,almost everyone has ashes all over and we were all in tears,hehehe...

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19-02-2016, 03:48 PM
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We had lunch at A2 food court before heading to pick up our girls from the respective booking joints.


I didnt remember eating anything there,maybe i only had a drink. I just want to show my friends a2 food court by day and later,the a2 food court by night. No,not tonight...as we have other plans. Tonight we going to have some firecracker ceremony,hehehe....so our dinner will be in one of the hotel restaurant.

After lunch,we all head back to our rooms for our "chemistry" lesson followed by OTOT. As for myself,i jumped out of the group to head over to :


Hehehe...and the price list of this Sinar Kuda Mas massage.


The receptionist and the massage girls were very friendly. Initially wanting to get a 2 hour massage,but my session ends at 1.5 hour,so i was only being charged for 70k. There's a album in this place,but me being me,i didnt even bother to look at it,hehehe...hj was 150k,fj was 250k. The girl's 1st quote was 300k HJ and 500k FJ.

I wasnt actually planning to go to this massage place. I was planning to go for a hair cut and face wash ,but they werent opened for business on CNY 1st day,so i ask my unreliable driver to head to Nice Massage,but found out they were full...meaning all girls were at work. So kind of no choice and head to this Sinar Kuda Mas massage. Not bad,i will classify this place the my 2nd best massage for this CNY 2016 Batam trip.

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19-02-2016, 03:50 PM
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After the massage at Sinar Kuda Mas ,i head back to room to hug my girl for a short nap.

Before i knew it,it was dinner time. The group met up and we brought ourselves to Tea Story for dinner. And Tea Story is at Formosa Hotel 1st floor.


My friend's car show Model (a booking girl) didnt like the food. Heard she like sea food better and becos she's a red hot girl in the joint,she do possess something called, "Princess Sickness". (she barely touch her food) She was almost black faced thru out the dinner. Anyway,after dinner we went back to room to rest up a bit before meeting up again for our CNY Firecracker ceremony,hehehe.... (and watch our million rupiah burst up in flame...lol)


Anyway,before our fireworks ceremony,my friend was trying hard to please his super model who contract the "princess virus",went down to buy her instant cup noodles (she requested) but later didnt eat any of them and ask for sea food. He went down again to buy her some sea food kind of food etc etc. Before long,we meet up again at hotel lobby to go buy some firecracker,originally planning a budget to share our firecrackers purchase which we end up doubling the total amount to S$100+,hehehe...

(this is last year's CNY photos,i said before i didnt like to take my own pics)

Well,the original plan was to have 2 such "ceremonies" on 2 different evening,but we end up having only one due to over spending. Oh,and the girls and us bargained real hard for the fireworks and we all have fun.

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19-02-2016, 03:54 PM
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Honestly,this is the 1st time my friend light his 1st fire cracker. We werent too sure how to get started,so we ask one of the taxi driver in the hotel to help us with it,hehehe...


...and from there, our firework ceremony starts...


Now,this is the most expensive 100 shots firecracker which practically light up the whole night sky like one see in Sillypore's NDP...and we got the hotel security to help us light it. My friends later found the courage to light the rest of the other crackers,hehehe...


Our girls light some,we lighted some and i think we starts to fire off w/o using our big brain hence ending up over-budget. From this fire cracking experience,i learned that it is BEST to share the cost to buy those higher end,more expensive fire cracker (50 shots to 100 shots) to light up rather than getting those cheaper version which only gives 5 to 8 shots. Hehehe...the moment of GLORY last longer with the more expensive ones,hehehe....


Our firework ceremony lasted about an hour thru the night sky and its the Chinese traditional culture of chasing away the bad luck in the past 2015 and welcoming all the GOOD LUCK in the coming 2016.

Happy Lunar New Year 2016


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19-02-2016, 03:56 PM
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After the firecracking,we all settle back to our respective rooms for some in-room OTOT and prepared for next day. As usual,it was a tired day and evening,with all the fun we had,hehehe...i need a good massage.

Now,here's where my own fun begins,hehehe...i ordered massage for myself AND my girl. The massage ladies came,the massage girl to massage my girl and the reflexologist to massage me. I was too tired for the foursome hence i took a foot reflexology massage. But it later turn out that my foot reflexologist keep holding my foot to press against her breast and it turns me on. Siao liao!! And the best part is she knew i got turned on she keeps rubbing my foot on both her breast,hehehe...after the session in the room,i must have been so turned on that i cooked up an excuse with my booking girl (who were then also in my room) to go to my friends room,hehehe...in fact,i didnt. I went over to the massage shop and carry on Round 2 of the same foot reflexology massage BY THE SAME MASSAGE GIRL,hehehe...and there,i fire off 1 round which cost me a Bomb!! (FJ 350k) After the session,i left a very happy man back to my room to carry on my OTOT,hehehe...

Next morning,we had late breakfast from the hotel. We have past the nights of CNY and today is going to be our last night stay in Batam. Manage to see some familiar faces,some of them were my ex colleagues,some my old friends,some of the people my friends dont wish to see. Think i will skip this part,hehehe...anyway,today's program will be heading to some booking joints. Hmm...there are more girls in the other joints today than what we see in the previous other days. (2nd day of CNY)

After breakfast,we went "shopping" and finally picked our girls from here :


Surprisingly SYT here cost only 1 million rupiah to 1.2 million rupiah during super ultra peak time.


We settle our girls (didnt pick them up immediately),and head to shop for groceries before heading for our lunch at Warung Sunda Bu Joko. (refer to the Batam Food List (https://hive.am/BatamFoodList) for places to eat in Batam)


At around 3pm,this place was quite crowded (super ultra peak season,i guess). Almost couldnt get a place to sit down on the 1st floor. Well,it is afterall CNY and many shops around the area isnt opened. 3 men's meal with drinks and cigarette costing less than 100k. Good tasting cheap food too. And at this point,we were all thinking what to have for dinner. Will it be crowded?

After the late lunch,my friend heads back to room to rest up a little before his girl arrive and as usual,i head to look for my salon which is STILL not open for business.... *sob*

I settle myself with a massage at Princess. Honestly speaking,it is the worst massage for this CNY. When i say "worst",it do not indicate this place gives the worst massage. What i mean is in this CNY trip,comparing to the various massage places i been to,Princess were being the worst.

I think the market for special service in Princess has been deeply spoil. I used to be able to get 100k to 150k hj and 200k to 250k fj in this place with full roaming but in this trip,minimum hj cost 200k w/o roaming w/o strip. Thats not good. The girl who massage me told me many Sillyporean willing to pay her 200k to 300k for a hj and 400k to 500k plus for a fj there. Wow! I am really surprise....lol.

Now you see why i am sticking my Indo Chinese massage girl place to myself which offers 100k to 150k HJ and 200k to 250k FJ? Hehehe...i am able to better understand why that old uncle forbids me to share that place and the few other secret places Online. Once i shared them online,the places will no longer be locally cheap,like this Princess Massage,like Indo Rasa Massage etc. And that old uncle specifically said that if its shared on Nono1973's posting,the place will definitely be a goner. I really feel sad after hearing that.


I read from another thread in this forum and here's part of the post below that speaks my mind :

Based on some of the FRs, I totally think some bros could try to reconsider how much they tip.
Yes, we enjoyed the service. Yes, we have money. Yes, we are on holiday and feel the urge to spend (applicable to most bros right?).
But consider the culture differences, and especially the average wage differences.

Bros, if you are visiting local hidden places, please don't tip like a boss. I encourage you to tip like a happy local. Please don't spoil market for others who wish to retain the authenticity (and prices!) of local delights. I don't mention how much exactly because it's all subjective to place/service/girl/etc.

*i censored off the name in case that bro didnt wish to be named

And it reflects how i feel when i was willing to share,but many just want to play Green Bean Soup (https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13290862&postcount=31307) against one another. i can only share my view here,the decision to pay higher than normal is still up to any individual.

Honestly speaking,if you are a Green Bean Soup player,we definitely do not share the same frequency. I think i may need to add this point to my future group trip itinerary. And do not expect me to share my Batam Secret Joint List with you too. You will need to 1st earn my trust to even peep into one of these places. And i am talking about SYT 19 years old to 22 years old overnight booking girl at 600k to 700k which starts their accompanying me from 12pm onward until next morning. I am also talking about Indo Chinese joints,i am talking about Hair Salon (and facial) that does special service at 100k hj and 200k fj.

Yes,these places still exist in Batam. Or you can just take me as i am lying in this summary as i already have enough "lucky" witnesses who has been to those places with me before.

I have said this before,i still share and there is no need for me to hide anything from anyone in public becos of some Green Bean Soup (https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=13290862&postcount=31307) players. Almost everything i have shared before regarding my secret list is about similar to what is written on the Batam Cheong List (https://hive.am/Oct-Cheong-List). The only difference is,you only have 1 dick ,just like i do. You will need about 2 years of bonking thru the list of shops on that list to locate them if lady luck isnt with you,hehehe... (base on my ratio of visiting Batam once/twice a month)

Ok,so much for my complain on Princess massage,hehehe...(it wasnt exactly a complain actually) To be fair to this place,the girls there like indo rasa,still gives good massage,but this is no longer a place on local pricing base on my definition anymore. There are better placessss with better girlssss in Batam at a lower price. To each his own in this case.

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19-02-2016, 03:57 PM
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After the massage at Princess,i head back to room for OTOT. Dinner was arranged to be at a2 Food Court. I said it earlier,my friends and me has been to a2 Food Court during the day several times. But what they didnt experience before was a2 food court by night and we had a small hilarious moment when we ordered the food in the wrong portion and we lose quite a bit of money this time (about 80k rupiah of uneaten food and another 100k of food needs to be dabao back to hotel to be eaten when its COLD).


A2 Food court look entirely different when the sun sets. We ordered some satays,we ordered chicken rice,we order chicken wings,we have some desserts too and the last dishes we order is the Banana fritters. The banana fritters was our gravest mistake,hehehe...

Here's the story,in Sillypore,when we order Banana fritter,we ordered them this way...we tell them we want 3 fried bananas :

This is ONE fried banana in Sillypore

Due to our lack of understanding on Bahasa Indo language,we ordered like we used to in Sillypore,we ask for 3 Fried Bananas....and they turn out to be 3 plates of this :


Holy shit!! We definitely will not be able to finish it,so end up we ask the lady to help us da bao 2 plates of it and we struggle to finish off 1 plate. And during our struggle,came the chicken wings!!!

Ok,ok...the chicken wings we also da bao. The banana fritters,we pass it to the hotel security guard and the chicken wings,we bring it back to room before heading for our movie....anyway,we were all laughing at this food incident while we were on our way to BCS mall to catch our movie.


We were shopping around BCS mall before heading for our movie. Hehehe...a walk after our dinner is definitely good. Well,most of the shops in BCS mall was close at that hour. The reason why we pick BCS mall to watch a movie is becos i believe during CNY,this mall will be less crowded than Nagoya Hill Mall and it turn out to be true,hehehe....

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19-02-2016, 03:58 PM
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The Monkey King 2 Movie
Ultimate Trailer


Many real life lessons to learn from this movie,one of them being....

Some epic words by the Goddess of Mercy to the Monkey King

Dont you agree? Most of us were constantly using our own definition of right and wrong as a measuring tool to attempt to define another person's definition of wrong and right.

In the Monkey Kings's viewpoint (in the movie),becos of his super sonic eyes (火眼金睛),many of the demons who hide themselves under a human skin were being "seen thru" by him hence he tries to killed everyone of them to protect his teacher. But in the eye of his teacher and others who was mortal,Monkey King is seen as killing innocent human beings. Most watching the movie will think that the teacher is wrong and the Monkey King is right.

The truth is,his teacher takes both humans and demons as a "life" form,which was explained to Monkey King by the Goddess of Mercy later,"你火眼金睛,看的是真相,你师傅看的是心相". (Monkey King used to be classified by heaven in part 1 of the movie as a demon too) And being a Monk,they are not suppose to kill,be it demons or humans (or any kind of life form).


The next interesting character is the hypocritical King of a certain Kingdom in this movie. He is a guy who suffered from some kind of poison ailment and in order to extend his own life,he need to use the blood of little children to brew some sort of medicine for himself. He couldnt possibly tells his Kingdom the truth,so he gathered his guards to use the White Bone Demon's name to kidnap kids from his own kingdom and later push the fault away from himself in the presence of Monkey King's teacher. He became greedier and was eyeing on eating Monkey King's teacher flesh during the Monkey King and White Bone Demon's battle (so that he can be completely cured of that poison ailment,told to him by some medium) but karma soon catches up with him and he eventually ends up in a sorry state.


Lots of lesson to learn from this movie,nice special effect and part of it were even hilarious,hehehe...and the ending of the Money King 2 tells everyone that maybe next CNY 2017,there will likely be a part 3 on its way.

And for those who plan to go Batam to watch the Monkey King 2,below is part 1 of the full movie where the Monkey King wreak havoc in heaven. Just in case you missed it,hehehe...





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19-02-2016, 03:59 PM
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After the Monkey King 2 movie,we almost lost our way trying to get out of the mall,hehehe...it was the last show of the evening and we walked around and eventually reach the 1st floor of the mall where we flagged a taxi to head back to or hotel. Theatre was on the 5th floor,movie tickets at 25k rupiah each. I have learned not to buy any popcorns and drinks from the stores at the theatre as it can cost quite a lot of money. Anyway,eating and drinking while watching a movie is not a nice gesture from my perspective.


Reached hotel,we try to settle our chicken wings that by now already turned cold. We finished them up and all of us get back to our respective room to rest for our last night in Batam.

For myself,i try to grab ourselves a massage session after midnight,but i guess we were too filled up from the chicken wings meal,so we decide to call it a night and do our OTOT instead. Last night,so every moment counts,hehehe...

The next morning,after our girls left,we head to try our luck at Penuin Market to check if Bai Long is open so we could have our breakfast....and yes,it did!


After breakfast,my friends go to Nagoya Hill Mall for shopping while i went in search for the hair salon and yes,finally it is open for business. But...no hair cut nor face wash. Just take up the special service at 100k/hj + i voluntarily tip the girl 50k more and left a happy man. Hehehehe...i finally got what i came for.

Head back to hotel,meet up the rest of my friends and we checked out around 2pm+ before heading to BCS mall again. Becos my friend wish to buy a pair Adidas shoe that would cost him about S$100 in Sillypore but only about S$45 in BCS. We did a bit of shopping in BCS Mall...



He got what he wanted and off we head to Harbour Bay for a late lunch before saying farewell to Batam.

Taxi fare charges outside BCS Mall
(i didnt take any from there)

On our way back,there was a long queue. A long queue to scan our boarding pass,another long queue to scan our luggage ,afterwhich yet another long queue to have our passport chopped. It is however not as long and as chaotic as last year's CNY. The return ferry was almost 80% filled and they were late leaving the ferry terminal too. I think all of us feel sad upon returning to Sillypore.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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19-02-2016, 07:46 PM
Sian lor. Meeting extended. End up must take 2010 ferry in. Now boarding liao.

20-02-2016, 03:10 AM
ya lor..too many people spoil market liao.. inflated the price... haiz...

20-02-2016, 06:04 AM
Sian lor. Meeting extended. End up must take 2010 ferry in. Now boarding liao.

Lol.. Delayed, but you're still on the way to Batam.

Spare a thought for those who have to spend their weekend in Sillypore..

20-02-2016, 09:12 AM
a bit late..
whishing all a prosperous and cheonging year ahead..

took a peek..a new year, a new thread. no bad at all...:D
kudos to all who made it happened..'keep it up':cool: cheongsters

20-02-2016, 09:25 AM
I hotel baloi if booked tru Kaha is rp600k for the deluxe rm (with n without 'balcony'), tell Kaha your requirement cos they need to inform the hotel about it as there are only 2rooms with the tiny balcony per floor.
besides its inflexible services and check-in/out timings.be warned that they impose charges for missing/lost rm card-keys. :eek:

20-02-2016, 10:45 AM
Am the one that dun like to book for over nite gal, if can make an fast one after mid nite in the massage parlor is gd for me.

If that's what u are looking at,i'd suggest u head for hotels that has massage service that closes after 11pm btm time (which is mid nite SG time).

My 25th Batam Trip on
Chinese Lunar New Year


Reference : 24th Batam Trip Summary (https://hive.am/24th-Batam-trip)

Time for my 25th Batam Trip Summary and this trip due to the fact its a CNY 2016,things were as unpredictable as compare to the last year's CNY 2015 trip (http://hive.gl/13trip). This CNY,i go to Batam more prepared as i was expecting an equal or more gigantic crowd. And I was WRONG! (hehehehe...which is not a bad thing at all)

Good fr.

Economic has been good in SG during 2015,people has the money to go further than btm. The number of new hotels in btm has gone up as well.

ya lor..too many people spoil market liao.. inflated the price... haiz...

Yes,end up those who truly knows start keeping all the good stuffs to themselves.

besides its inflexible services and check-in/out timings.be warned that they impose charges for missing/lost rm card-keys. :eek:

I'm sure they will impose charges on late check out too. I never like these 4 star hotels in btm. 2 star & 3 star hotels were more flexible & usually offer better service. I believe nearly every kind of hotel will impose charge for lost of room key/card. It is after all the guest fault.

20-02-2016, 03:00 PM
The prices for massage parlours behind Utama Hotel are getting crazier

I went to A5 Massage, the girls quote me 600k for FJ.

Went to Tulip Massage, was quote 400k for FJ. The 1st floor used to be hair salon setting but now they had made it to look like a fish tank setting (with those wide U-shaped red sofa), not sure if it will turn into joint?:confused:
By the way, the massage is super piano...:mad:

20-02-2016, 04:17 PM
I went to A5 Massage, the girls quote me 600k for FJ.

Went to Tulip Massage, was quote 400k for FJ. The 1st floor used to be hair salon setting but now they had made it to look like a fish tank setting (with those wide U-shaped red sofa), not sure if it will turn into joint?:confused:
By the way, the massage is super piano...

In Indonesia,quoting of the price & its final after-bargained price is entirely different.One will usually end with 40-50+% off if they bother to bargain. Fyi,A3,A5 & Nice Massage were sister shops.

Give them a "take it or leave it attitude", tell them nicely u went to next door massage shop yesterday which u get 100k hj & 200k fj. Be firm,high chance their price will auto-drop & it can easily comes down to 150k hj & 250k fj if u push a little further. If they don't drop then don't take their special. They will be more worried than you. You lose your 60k-70k/1hr-1.5hr massage entrance fee (u can still walk over to next door shop to try again),they lose 1 rotating queue to earn a customer willing to take up special service. And almost all the time,they only have 1 customer per rotating queue for 1 whole day.

It will be helpful if u could share which date that u found out A5 quoting 600k for fj & Tulip quoting 400k for the same.Maybe CNY period,due to high demand,the first quote might go higher.

To pay 200k for hj & 400k for fj behind Utama area,i think high class place like Altlanta spa,Octopuss spa & other hotel-base massage offers equal or if not better deals + they have quality massage. No need to go to those rundown Utama shop area. I see b4 in prev btm thread,those who are hard-hearted enuff can even get 100k hj & 250k fj in Altlanta spa.

Just sharing my 2rp view.

Seth El Nino
20-02-2016, 05:04 PM
When i returned from my CNY Batam trip,i could feel i was filled with lots of positive energy,hehehe...maybe CNY 2017 i plan a 5D4N,hehehe...seems like 4D3N in this CNY not enough for me... *i think i am getting greedier*

Very nice and detailed FR. After reading it, felt like I was there with u during CNY 2016. Hahaha :D

Sure your fren would like to join u next CNY, but 5D4N !!! :eek: He wld need some serious stamina training and vitamin pills to last 5D4N hahaha :D

20-02-2016, 05:23 PM

Your above photo reminds me of....

http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/images/2016/02/15/JNzEO.gif http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/images/2016/02/15/0upY3.gif


Happy Lunar New Year!!

There are 2 resorts with in room pool, in bintan not at pinang although just need to drive only. One is Lagoi Bay resort (fitting the sg150/night u mentioned), the other banyan tree resort bintan

Interesting,thank you for updating the information. So,it is at Bintan instead of Tg Pinang. Will go online to checkout this 2 resort places. (unlikely to travel so far to stay there tho,hehehe...) Montigo practically has no competition in Batam,wish one day one of those resort would move over to Batam,hehehe...

Pinang itself got only 1 hotel with indoor (not in room) pool. But even locals there say CMI. Lol.

Honestly,i always got mix up between Bintan and Pinang. Will try to be more careful the next time round but that post on the resort was so long ago and i couldnt find it. Hehehe...now no need to find anymore since you already post the name of that resort name here. Going to bookmark it down.

Thanks and cheers!

20-02-2016, 08:50 PM
On our way back,there was a long queue. A long queue to scan our boarding pass,another long queue to scan our luggage ,afterwhich yet another long queue to have our passport chopped. It is however not as long and as chaotic as last year's CNY. The return ferry was almost 80% filled and they were late leaving the ferry terminal too. I think all of us feel sad upon returning to Sillypore.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~

...back to page 1 of summary (https://sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=14236014&postcount=362)

Maybe coming cny 2017,bring me to btm,ok. :D

Interesting sum up on yr btm trip which i see u noted down many important points u wish to note.

21-02-2016, 09:09 AM
Give them a "take it or leave it attitude", tell them nicely u went to next door massage shop yesterday which u get 100k hj & 200k fj. Be firm,high chance their price will auto-drop & it can easily comes down to 150k hj & 250k fj if u push a little further. If they don't drop then don't take their special. They will be more worried than you. You lose your 60k-70k/1hr-1.5hr massage entrance fee (u can still walk over to next door shop to try again),they lose 1 rotating queue to earn a customer willing to take up special service. And almost all the time,they only have 1 customer per rotating queue for 1 whole day.

I'm a massage-lover & visit at least 3 ml per btm trip.

In btm if tis particular shp refuse to do special at my desire price & massage skill is piano,then i will just move on to the next shp. I'll just need to remember the neighbouring few shp's name will do, to tel the msg gal tat i got 100k hj & 200 fj at those shps b4.

They either do it or don't & at my price. I don't like to look & behave so very DESPERATE for a fuck. Plenty of prettier gals w tight pussies in btm, y be at the mercy of 1-2 girl? :D

Very nice and detailed FR. After reading it, felt like I was there with u during CNY 2016. Hahaha :D

I aldy can feel as if i was at the scene after reading nono's summary. :cool:

21-02-2016, 02:06 PM
Batam bros, is it a bad idea to rent a motorbike in batam?

21-02-2016, 04:35 PM
Errm... ok forget it... I read somewhere that it will be stolen the moment I turn my head.

21-02-2016, 06:18 PM
Batam bros, is it a bad idea to rent a motorbike in batam?

Ojek and cab quite affordable if you bargain, the risk of renting own bike is not worth it even without thieves because any incident and you are automatically at fault because we are foreigners after all.

And Nono's FR never fails to brighten my mood thanks to the colorful details, can't wait for my trip this week to escape the SG monotony.

Any bros also heading there this Thurs morning? :o

21-02-2016, 09:34 PM
who is going tomorrow? :)

22-02-2016, 12:17 AM
You going? Not working and toying with the idea..

22-02-2016, 12:28 AM
You going? Not working and toying with the idea..

Jio jio lor... want go 3 days 2 nights.. friend back out..sian..

22-02-2016, 08:32 AM
Guys, need guidance. Wasn't sure the location of the kawaii karaoke.
Please guide me:)

22-02-2016, 09:41 AM
Sorry for trouble but i found already. Thanks to google and previous post that post by bf bro.
At least i save the commision from taxi uncle :)

22-02-2016, 10:42 AM
Hi bros, just checking the seafood restaurant mentioned here previously is it the 188 Citra Utama Kelong restaurant?
bcos the driver that we hired bought us to this Ulu one that took use 45mins from the hotel that we stay in IBaloi.
food was good just that the prawns sizes, got big and small.:D
nv firlter the small one so two plates all mixed big n small,;)


22-02-2016, 12:47 PM
Anyone knows how I can transfer money to KAHA for hotel confirmation ?:o

22-02-2016, 03:03 PM
Hey bros. This coming trip is my 4th trip. My first was expensive. Driver which cost 800,00 idr on my 1st. So much for a family friend. Learn my lesson, now manage to get for 400idr not paying any more then that.

So i have this girl from indah indah. Book her twice on 2nd and 3rd trip. Ssyt. 1.5mil. Not sure if going to book her again. Chemistry all there. Like gf and bf. But she never does bj. I never ask for it also. Because the sex is good. Hahah. Thought of getting a different girl, just that i'm afraid it will fail like on my first trip. Permata indah girl 1.1mil tips 200idr for just two rounds.

What Do you guys think? I thought of making a arrangement with the new girl, before anyting. Something like for every round i will give her 50k. So i'm looking for 4round to 5 the max. Hopefully not spoiling anyone market. Bros help!

22-02-2016, 03:19 PM
Something like for every round i will give her 50k. So i'm looking for 4round to 5 the max. Hopefully not spoiling anyone market. Bros help!

You intend to F her for $6 each time?!!! :confused:

22-02-2016, 03:28 PM
If that's what u are looking at,i'd suggest u head for hotels that has massage service that closes after 11pm btm time (which is mid nite SG time).

Thank u Bro for ur gd idea. which Hotel got massage service ????

22-02-2016, 03:37 PM
Anyone knows how I can transfer money to KAHA for hotel confirmation ?:o

a bit curious on yr qn,y do u need to transfer money to kaha to confirm hotel? :confused:

Pardon my ignorance,i have not heard of kaha asking for money transfer b4 in my few years of booking via kaha when travelling to btm.

My method is simple,i call em,i tell em i am coming on xx date,& plan to stay xx hotel,got rm? If have,i tell em reserve,i go on xx date morning to make payment. Case closed.

After once or twice of phone booking,the sale rep will give me his hp no. & any future booking will go via sms which saves a bit more $.

22-02-2016, 03:47 PM
You intend to F her for $6 each time?!!! :confused:

I think he meant to tip her 50k after each round, on top of the booking fee.

22-02-2016, 04:16 PM
Im surprised to hear that....I got this Experia E3......which is Foc w renewal contract.

Try reading,hehehe....


E3 specs better than E1....i dun find the picture nice leh.....
I guess im a bad photographer......

I am no better photographer than you,bro. All i did was to take multiple photos of one place and pick the best of those shots taken. As far as i have seen,most award-winning photo shots were taken at a clear "good timing",not just becos the photos took by these photographers were well-taken,hehehe...

My samsung galaxy just died....for no reason.....many batam pics inside.....
Guess ill use this e3. Guess ill start to fiddle w this phone after you post such nice pics. Mine got a lot crap apps though.....wonder can they be deleted?

My Batam phone is just purely Batam phone,nothing much in it. Other than all the pre-loaded apps in it,i only manage to have google translate app. Nothing more than that. :D

A reminder,i dont use watsapp,wechat or any other multi-media communication tools on my batam phone.

Yea,they r a bit lowered when i was there & but today is fri,prices may be go back up to CNY standard again. My colleague's other grp's 2 frens when they were there had 2 runway girls,1 from princess & another from Happy 8. Princess 1 no license,complain also no use. Surprising 1 of my fren who take indah2 girl,my fren say not bad.

My girl from Gold bird,1.6 juta milf.

Thank you for sharing bro.

This is good information.

Ya,can reli see lots of ah neh visiting Bunga & Happy 8,3-4 men share share book 1 syt girl priced at 2.5 juta. The mami there tells me so. :D

10 ppl walk in,7-8 of em is ah neh. :)

On that day when i was there,out of 10 who walked in to the booking joint,about 6-6.5/10 were Indians. So far only seen 1 Chinese man visiting a booking joint,the rest were mostly Malays.

According to one of my friend who took a 2 million rupiah girl from Happy 8,one group of Indians were trying to out-bid my friend's 2 million rupiah pricing by trying to pay 2.5 million rupiah and later up till 2.8 million rupiah. They were rejected by the mamis tho becos my friend have already paid for the girl few mins before they turn up.

Glad to know this thread is still active.

This thread was a continuation from the previous Batam Info thread :


Most of the info from the other thread were currently being linked between each other.

I'm planning for a maybe 3D2N visit to Batam and have been reading and compiling up to date information.

I'm more an ONS kind of person as i prefer private time with the FL in the comfort of the hotel room. So, discos, pubs and KTV are out for old man like me

ONS means One Night Stand? One night stand for me usually occur in pubs,clubs,bars and discotheques,hehehe...

Fish tank style of booking is new to me and hope to experience it in batam. As most of the take away shops are scattered around Nagoya mall, i am not sure if i can visit all the listed places by just walking or need to get a taxi. Some advice on this is appreciated.

Below is the Batam Cheong list for your reference :


Tho the last update was in Oct 2015,but they should not be too far for being accurate. However,the list is still an incomplete one.

My signature links also has some Batam Info too.

Will continue to read more and hope to visit by March or April.

Thanks for the kind bros for sharing especially bro Nono1973 for your detail FR and advice.

May you have a good and enjoyable upcoming Batam trip.


I going end of the mth again,u wan join me?

I am so tempted as i type this post,but i think i will save the "fight" for another month. This month of Feb,too high volume of competition. And by the way,lots of new faces in all booking joints. Meaning to say,many new girls (young cute ones too)...hehehe...i need to control myself. I need to forget most of my last trip while counting down to March 2016 and that's 9 more days (to March) before i CAN start preparing for my next trip.

Enjoy yourself!

PS : i am looking forward to more FRs here ,rather contradicting tho each FR in this thread actually tempted me to go Batam on Feb again. 50% of me who wants to go Batam fighting with the other 50% of me who says must wait until next month...lol.

22-02-2016, 04:25 PM
You intend to F her for $6 each time?!!! :confused:

Hahahaa. Yes on top of the booking fee. Because from what i know, the bros here give out 100 to 200 k tips to the girls.

22-02-2016, 04:26 PM
I think he meant to tip her 50k after each round, on top of the booking fee.

Yes! You are right sir. What do you think of the 50k tip per boink?

22-02-2016, 04:32 PM
[QUOTE=Tracers2424;14247782]a bit curious on yr qn,y do u need to transfer money to kaha to confirm hotel? :confuse

My method is simple,i call em,i tell em i am coming on xx date,& plan to stay xx hotel,got rm? If have,i tell em reserve,i go on xx date morning to make payment. Case closed.

Bro Don't mind me asking, i have already made reservation for a room at fomosa by mail. Do i still need to make a reservation with kaha? or can i just go to kaha on the day itself to get the voucher.

22-02-2016, 05:54 PM
a bit curious on yr qn,y do u need to transfer money to kaha to confirm hotel? :confused:

Pardon my ignorance,i have not heard of kaha asking for money transfer b4 in my few years of booking via kaha when travelling to btm.

My method is simple,i call em,i tell em i am coming on xx date,& plan to stay xx hotel,got rm? If have,i tell em reserve,i go on xx date morning to make payment. Case closed.

After once or twice of phone booking,the sale rep will give me his hp no. & any future booking will go via sms which saves a bit more $.

Thanks bro tracers for your idea. By the way,
I just booked Formosa last weekend without paying beforehand. I'm booking different hotel this time round. But the hotel required to make payment then can proceed with conformation of booking.

22-02-2016, 07:57 PM
Received this pm asking at this time, and some more last day of cny, where would be a good bet to book ceweks?

Anyone can help? I don't really go hunting at this late hours so can't help this bro..

22-02-2016, 08:56 PM
Received this pm asking at this time, and some more last day of cny, where would be a good bet to book ceweks?

Anyone can help? I don't really go hunting at this late hours so can't help this bro..

Not sure if Happy 8 or Bunga is still open or has girls left but Permata Indah shld still be open since it doubles as a KTV, else the next best bet would be the other KTV girls at Alishan/M1/M2 etc but note these KTV girls are more costly

22-02-2016, 08:58 PM
[QUOTE=Tracers2424;14247782]a bit curious on yr qn,y do u need to transfer money to kaha to confirm hotel? :confuse

My method is simple,i call em,i tell em i am coming on xx date,& plan to stay xx hotel,got rm? If have,i tell em reserve,i go on xx date morning to make payment. Case closed.

Bro Don't mind me asking, i have already made reservation for a room at fomosa by mail. Do i still need to make a reservation with kaha? or can i just go to kaha on the day itself to get the voucher.

If Make booking with KAHA, she will reserve the room for you in Formosa before confirm your booking. Then go straight KAHA get the voucher once reach Batam.

22-02-2016, 09:07 PM
Is there a difference booking via agoda and KAHA? Pricing?

22-02-2016, 09:30 PM
Not sure if Happy 8 or Bunga is still open or has girls left but Permata Indah shld still be open since it doubles as a KTV, else the next best bet would be the other KTV girls at Alishan/M1/M2 etc but note these KTV girls are more costly

Ok, thanks bro for your help

22-02-2016, 11:44 PM
Hello all, recently I have been to Batam, so I'm going to write a FR about the trip. A 2D1N trip, bought sindo ferry tickets at SGD29 2ways inclusive of tax.

Wow!! Good price for Sindo Ferry tickets. You guys got the Pioneer card is it? Hehehe...*joking* Tho i dont frequent dropping off via Batam Center but S$29 is a good deal. Thank you for sharing.

Depart at 9am to Batam center. Shouldn't have use the Batam center, because nowadays, it's overcrowded with only a handful of immigration officer working. Waited almost an hour before clearing the immigration. Not sure about the other docks but will try them next time during peak periods.

Anyway, I went with another 3 friends, including me it's 4. So one of my friend had entered the wrong information and didn't match that on the ferry ticket, he has to go back to the counter and get in reprinted (we bought the tickets online so we have to send our confirmation to sindo ferry for the seats) thus he missed the ferry and had to take the next one with a SGD$3 admin charges.

Yes,Batam center can be quite crowded when it comes to peak season and weekends. Ferry may be at lower price,but the cheonging places were usually quite a distance away from ferry terminal and taxi fare a little higher. The good thing is,ferry ticket cheap and if you staying hotel near Batam center area,a little cheaper too.

One more thing about why i dont like to travel via Batam Center is my phobia,hehehe....i have a "custom officer phobia" and those at Batam center were popular known to send Sillyporean back to Sillypore upon their arrival (according to news,about 50 Sillyporeans were being send back every month from Batam center ferry terminal) and/or sometime will find fault with a tourist during peak season so as to collect extra "taxes" from them.

The main problem i have about dropping off at Harbour Bay ferry terminal is,the ferry tickets cost S$48.00.

It was alright as Batam is one hour earlier and with the long queue we manage to catch him from the later ferry and sneak him into our queue. Haha(that's how long we waited)

Wow! That should be more than an hour wait in total....


There are also the gold/silver but pricing wise, no idea as we didn't ask, we just took the executive package. Once in, we went to the changing room changed and waited at the sofa for our masseurs, we wanted to have our massage first than jacuzzi. Waitress asked what kind style or girls we prefer so each of us gave her our criteria.

Waited around 15mins, followed the waitress to our individual room and was greeted by the masseur. Massage was as good, with good strength and technique such as back stepping. Soon turned around for pelvic massage or sometimes they called it manhood therapy, but in simple terms, it's handjob. Haha. But this time round was something new, before the start of the manhood therapy, my masseur showed me a bottle of "oil" and said "do you want to use this oil, it is good for your manhood, make it harder" a simple bottle of oil with no label or whatsoever, I asked how much, she said RP50000, I kindly rejected and said I prefer baby johnson. So she used that instead. After a while, I came out and took a shower. Joined the rest at the jacuzzi and chill.

Here is my rating for Octopuss,

Atmosphere : 8/10 (Clean, no smoke smell, spacious, good facilities)
Masseur looks : 7/10 (Young and experienced from Bandung)
Massage : 7/10 (good strength, technique and cover all parts including head)
Pelvic Massage : 7/10 (Take her time to arouse and slowly play with it)
Price : Very reasonable

Sorry I cant remember her name or number.

Good,glad to know the rating was all above average, if you still looking at this,mind if i ask for your permission to use the photos on your post? Thank you.

(sorry,i am usually too lazy to take my own photos as i find it troublesome to always take out my camera phone to snap pictures)

And did you notice there is a surveillance camera at the locker/changing room? Hehehe...

After digesting things start to get interesting. :D:D We than headed to kampung bule for our night mission.


Lots of bars, so we decided to head to 89 Bar, saw lot's of angmoh, we are probably the only group that is non-angmoh. Order towers of beer one after another, one tower around RP370000. Good atmosphere, soon joined by girls and strip dance to bra and panties, we also ordered some ladies drink, RP120000 per cocktail and put some notes in the strippers bra and panties. =) The night was very fun.

As the night was almost ending, I tried to nego with my girl, was lucky to get mine at RP500000 for LT. So brought her back without barfine as it was almost ending. 2 other of my friend did brought girls back, 1 didn't. Took a cab back to hotel, most cab drivers didn't know the area, so have to guide them using gps.

Oh,a hunter you are,hehehe....glad you find a hunting ground. Plenty in this area. I am the shopper-kind,hehehe...

Another thing about this hotel is that it doesn't have safe, but since one of my friend didn't have any girl, we left all our valuables in his room to play safe. My girl was really good in bed and I had a great time. Next morning we had breakfast together before she left.

Good move,bro.

Safety 1st,hehehe...

Girl From 89Bar ( I can't remember her name)
Looks : 6.5/10 ( Decent makeup with fake eyelash, dark skin)
Body : 7/10 ( Nice body, slim and petit, average boobs, uses push up bra)
BBBj : 7/10 (Good and willing to suck for long long time)
FJ : 7/10 (Since the room is big I fuck her in the toilet, on the sofa and the bed )
Damage : 500000 + 50000 tips
Overall good experience with 2shots one when reaching back hotel another in the morning

After breakfast and after girl left, felt quite tired and since checkout is 12noon I went back to my room and slept again.

Nice FR and more importantly,you enjoyed it.

Left the building, flag a cab and went to batam center for our return journey back to Singapore.

So my next trip, would be delta spa and hooking up those girls working in the seafood corner in windsor foodcourt. ^_^

For now, thanks everyone for taking your time to read and have a good day!!
Credit to Bro nono1973

May your next trip to Batam be better this one.


Black Page
23-02-2016, 02:58 AM
One more thing about why i dont like to travel via Batam Center...
The main problem i have about dropping off at Harbour Bay ferry terminal is,the ferry tickets cost S$48.00.

NO WAY I would ever travel via Batam Center, neither I would recommend it to a friend. It's a NO-NO for me (tidak tidak I mean, I am not mentioning you :D)
Saving S$15-S$20 on the ferry ticket means little or nothing, when one has to pay the extra fee for the taxi to go from there to Nagoya and back, and to spend so much more time on queues and on driving time on jammed roads. Also time has value.
My advice to a friend is: by all means travel to Harbour Bay (and stay in Nagoya of course, if we share the same interests).

23-02-2016, 10:59 AM
Bro Don't mind me asking, i have already made reservation for a room at fomosa by mail. Do i still need to make a reservation with kaha? or can i just go to kaha on the day itself to get the voucher.

U only need to make reservation from only 1 place before u arrive to Batam,u go to Kaha on that day,walk to them & tell them you wish to buy a hotel voucher from xx hotel which you already reserved directly from xx hotel. They will likely ask u who u reserve from at the hotel. Just tell them the name of the hotel staffs that replied to yr mail or simply print out yr mail & show them. It speeds up the process of yr voucher collection.

By the way,
I just booked Formosa last weekend without paying beforehand. I'm booking different hotel this time round. But the hotel required to make payment then can proceed with conformation of booking.

Then u must be booking some high end hotel who deals alot with travel agency or deals.com type. I usually don't book these hotels & if i happen to ,prices most time won't be so much of a difference whether i book from travel sites like agoda or from Kaha. At times,other travel sites could be cheaper than Kaha depending on season & exchange rate.

Advance payment sometime do carries some unforeseen risk especially when Kaha counter staffs at Batam ctr has known to overcharge their customer before in this thread.

Just a note.

23-02-2016, 12:14 PM
NO WAY I would ever travel via Batam Center, neither I would recommend it to a friend. It's a NO-NO for me (tidak tidak I mean, I am not mentioning you :D)
Saving S$15-S$20 on the ferry ticket means little or nothing, when one has to pay the extra fee for the taxi to go from there to Nagoya and back, and to spend so much more time on queues and on driving time on jammed roads. Also time has value.
My advice to a friend is: by all means travel to Harbour Bay (and stay in Nagoya of course, if we share the same interests).


The time n taxi is not worth it

23-02-2016, 02:16 PM
Ya,ah neh usually kena charge a higher price for such orgy services like 2 juta girl charge at 2.5 or 3 juta during cny. Mami says worry they no give tip or give too little tip later.

Yea,i have heard of this too. Some of them tipped amount like 10k/20k kind of thing,no wonder they were charged higher.

Bro,yr calculation a bit off. Most time,1 ah neh will wan avg 2 fucks so their 300k-400k+ earning is kena fuck (raw) 6-8 times or more 1 nite. Tis is wat my previous girl frm Happy 8 tells me. Still well-worth it for the ah nehs & the girls involved. Surprising sm of the SYT likes tis kind. So i tink every joint w different girls all operate differently.

I guess thats a win-win situation for the one who pays and the one who received. So long both party were happy and ok with that idea. But raw? Well...the advise here is always wear a condom during a tansaction with the girls in Batam as these girls most likely might already have some form of STD with them. And i read about some articles online,those with STD has a much higher chances of contracting HIV aka AIDS. Worse, if they were to pass it on to those whom they truly care about unknowingly.

More importantly for myself is i ownself must always equip & wear CD everytime. If girl feeling sick,i usually sent her back & call papi cos they sick could means they may have the symptoms. I don't wan my parents,my grandparents,my bro,my sis,my kids,my wife,my friends all got chance kena tat kind of thing.

Glad to know you are a responsible cheongster. If i dont have CD with me,i will most likely just settle for a HJ in Batam.

Too much risk at stake.

23-02-2016, 06:31 PM
Nono, inside your summary you mentioned a few times go pharmacy buy "vitality". Can share more about this?

23-02-2016, 08:28 PM
Nono, inside your summary you mentioned a few times go pharmacy buy "vitality". Can share more about this?
Agree with that ... and where and which pharmacy.

24-02-2016, 12:50 AM
Thank u Bro for ur gd idea. which Hotel got massage service ????

U are wlc.

Plenty of hotels has in house massage.Most closes at 10pm. Sm of those that closes later than 11pm were Kings massage,Octopus,altlanta.

24-02-2016, 09:30 AM
Is there a difference booking via agoda and KAHA? Pricing?

Depend on the hotel you want, some hotel adgoa seem to have better deal.

24-02-2016, 10:22 AM
Depend on the hotel you want, some hotel adgoa seem to have better deal.

I have made a comparsion on Nono's guide, if book formosa thru KAHA will be IDR475k flat but agoda is $48 exclude tax/service fee.

So in this case formosa is cheaper to book thru KAHA.

24-02-2016, 10:27 AM
Nono, inside your summary you mentioned a few times go pharmacy buy "vitality". Can share more about this?

yep , I am curious as well

24-02-2016, 10:46 AM
I'm going Batam on friday(19th) and coming back on Sunday. So anyone who's gonna be there on the weekend, PM me. So perhaps we can meet and chit chat over coffee and stuff.

Who ever is going to booking joint over this wkend, please pm me, I be going to sin city tomorrow till Monday.

and me too, hehe..I am going on Sun....awaiting for ur FR..

I know i am too late in this reply,but still i wish to sincerely wish you guys will have a good Batam trip.

Cheers! ;)

24-02-2016, 12:50 PM
I guess thats a win-win situation for the one who pays and the one who received. So long both party were happy and ok with that idea. But raw? Well...the advise here is always wear a condom during a tansaction with the girls in Batam as these girls most likely might already have some form of STD with them. And i read about some articles online,those with STD has a much higher chances of contracting HIV aka AIDS. Worse, if they were to pass it on to those whom they truly care about unknowingly.


The HIV rates in Batam among the sex wokers are 3d in the nation after Jakarta n Puapa

24-02-2016, 05:35 PM
Indos generally are friendly. Especially the Javanese. They are polite people. Batak, Maduras, flores are fierce ones, more vulgar in general.

I am beginning to like the Javanese girls,next in line were the Bandung girls in Batam.

Based on previous FR on ocean massage, decide to try the burger massage for 600K RP & one of my fren took the 700K package which includes FJ & we are the firat 3 clients for the day.

The burger massage increased price? Thought it was 498k? Nevermind,quite some time didnt visit this place,i will perhaps go check it out again in my next Batam trip. Thanks for sharing.

* at least you bargained

Offered specials n i took up the HJ at 200K each after bargaining from 300K each n insist that one gal do b2b n the other gal to HJ me & to rotate afterwards until i cum.

A little bit more persistence will get you 150k each. It would save you 100k in total and you could then use the 100k (or lesser) to make them even "much happier" later,hehehe...anyway everyone plays a different strategy.

...& after that proceed to DC mall to look for massage houses based behind. We went first to devant spa & princess massage (both got photo albums) & my fren decide to stick with princess while i ended up at pepy massage just further down the road. ask for photo album n OKT recommend a SYt with big boobs which the real person scored quite high 7/10 in terms of looks but slightly chubby. I took the 140K package for 1.5 hrs & eventually ended up with another HJ (gal refused FJ as she said my cock is too big :(:() for 250K. give her slightly more tips as her massage is pretty comfortable n also i slightly exceeded the time by 10 min. My fren who went princess said his masseur quite pretty as well & overall service including FJ was good.

Another massage shop i wont be going for a while beside Princess Massage,that will be Pepy massage. The girls expectation will be getting higher.

Just a thought,i have been to Pepy massage no less than 3 times,each FJ cost 200k to 250k everytime. And i am not just comparing base on my experience ,i am also comparing with bros whom i brought to Batam who were new/1st timer. Illustrating myself in your situation,if someone is willing to pay 250k for a HJ (which i get a fj),i believe if you are the girl doing the massage at that point of time,you wouldnt have wish to accept the rendered fj service offered too.

Likewise for Princess Massage too.

(note : when i am replying to this,i am also looking at the date of your trip where it falls on a weekend as well as it is still under the CNY season. This type of phenomenon could be temporary as the price jack-up starts happening about a week before during my last CNY2015 trip)

Anyway,this is just personal perspective. Who knows,one day they might even not do fj at all if this phenomenon becomes permanent. To each his own i guess.

Thank you for sharing your experience and may you have an even better trip the next time round. Just remember to always bargain down.


24-02-2016, 08:04 PM
Enjoy Batam while you can.....
I read on yahoo that the indo govt aiming to close down ALL red light districts by 2019.

24-02-2016, 09:00 PM
Enjoy Batam while you can.....
I read on yahoo that the indo govt aiming to close down ALL red light districts by 2019.


24-02-2016, 10:46 PM
I read on yahoo that the indo govt aiming to close down ALL red light districts by 2019.

err..is there a red light district in btm?

is it Nagoya entertainment district?

24-02-2016, 11:20 PM
Did any kind bro here upped my points without leaving his nick.

Batam Info / Interest /...24-02-2016 10:37 PM4792 to 4795

Thank you.

Pls pm me so that I can return the favour.:)

25-02-2016, 12:10 AM
If i dont have CD with me,i will most likely just settle for a HJ in Batam.

Too much risk at stake.

If no cd,at most i go 4 bbbj at best,if she don't do,i will choose to bf her.

I have made a comparsion on Nono's guide, if book formosa thru KAHA will be IDR475k flat but agoda is $48 exclude tax/service fee.

Agoda is not always @ $48 exclude tax & other fee. Take a look at other mths of the year during sm particular mth like April/May/July/Aug/Oct.U mayb surprise agoda & other hotel booking sites cld be cheaper.

So in this case formosa is cheaper to book thru KAHA.

Did u count in yr fone bill to book frm Kaha,yr ojek/supir fare to go kaha b4 heading to yr hotel?



25-02-2016, 01:05 AM
The burger massage increased price? Thought it was 498k? Nevermind,quite some time didnt visit this place,i will perhaps go check it out again in my next Batam trip. Thanks for sharing.

* at least you bargained

When i went, i saw the discount price indicated beside the normal price list but the receptionist told me the discount no longer applicable......did i get con by her????

A little bit more persistence will get you 150k each. It would save you 100k in total and you could then use the 100k (or lesser) to make them even "much happier" later,hehehe...anyway everyone plays a different strategy.

Difficult that time as she was holding my dick & bargaining so in the end i give in......:D:D:D

Just a thought,i have been to Pepy massage no less than 3 times,each FJ cost 200k to 250k everytime. And i am not just comparing base on my experience ,i am also comparing with bros whom i brought to Batam who were new/1st timer. Illustrating myself in your situation,if someone is willing to pay 250k for a HJ (which i get a fj),i believe if you are the girl doing the massage at that point of time,you wouldnt have wish to accept the rendered fj service offered too.

no wonder the gal at pepy cooked up a story say my dick too big for her....reason is 250K is fj rate & i pay for hj.....haha silly me.....ok lesson learned.......thks bro nono.........cheers

25-02-2016, 03:35 AM
so where is pepy massage located?

25-02-2016, 06:48 AM
behind utama hotel

25-02-2016, 10:36 AM
A little bit more persistence will get you 150k each. It would save you 100k in total and you could then use the 100k (or lesser) to make them even "much happier" later,hehehe...anyway everyone plays a different strategy.

Massage shops behind Utama area,max i will pay is 200k for hj (18-19 yo ssyt) which is rare & 300k for fj given most of the shop's rundown condition. 90% of the time hj cost 100k - 150k,fj will cost me 200k-250k & regardless syt or milf. Of course,that solely applies to my own benchmarking.

Just a thought,i have been to Pepy massage no less than 3 times,each FJ cost 200k to 250k everytime. And i am not just comparing base on my experience ,i am also comparing with bros whom i brought to Batam who were new/1st timer. Illustrating myself in your situation,if someone is willing to pay 250k for a HJ (which i get a fj),i believe if you are the girl doing the massage at that point of time,you wouldnt have wish to accept the rendered fj service offered too.

Likewise for Princess Massage too.

(note : when i am replying to this,i am also looking at the date of your trip where it falls on a weekend as well as it is still under the CNY season. This type of phenomenon could be temporary as the price jack-up starts happening about a week before during my last CNY2015 trip)

Anyway,this is just personal perspective. Who knows,one day they might even not do fj at all if this phenomenon becomes permanent. To each his own i guess.

Pepy is a small time massage shop. Most of the time their special service cost won't be too high. 100k - 150k for hj should be justifiable during norm days.

When i went, i saw the discount price indicated beside the normal price list but the receptionist told me the discount no longer applicable......did i get con by her????

U have 4 pax going in into the shop.

Can't help feeling sad to see such scenario.

25-02-2016, 10:41 AM
Agoda is not always @ $48 exclude tax & other fee. Take a look at other mths of the year during sm particular mth like April/May/July/Aug/Oct.U mayb surprise agoda & other hotel booking sites cld be cheaper.

Did u count in yr fone bill to book frm Kaha,yr ojek/supir fare to go kaha b4 heading to yr hotel?

LOL... I haven't even started my virgin trip to batam yet... still learning and researching from Nono's guide... tomolo go there and check out the place... any fellow cheongster going tomolo?

Btw, where should I buy a simcard? at harbourbay or around formosa? Is there a preference for telco and packages? I only need data.

Black Page
25-02-2016, 11:47 AM
Did u count in yr fone bill to book frm Kaha,yr ojek/supir fare to go kaha b4 heading to yr hotel?

And also the time to go there before going to hotel!
I am so surprised nobody never takes time into account, especially when one goes to Batam for only a weekend.:confused:

Being a returning customer, with a simple email to my usual hotel I book one of their best rooms (business) at a bit less the standard price for regular rooms (much smaller). I pay more than through Kaha, but comfort is more worth than that.

25-02-2016, 01:00 PM
Btw, where should I buy a simcard? at harbourbay or around formosa? Is there a preference for telco and packages? I only need data.

Almost anywhere you can buy sim card lah.

25-02-2016, 01:44 PM
Believe me,most who finds that 5k-10k were too little to bargain for likely wont even bargain (much) when the quoted price is 1000k,hehehe...Batam pace is much slower than most big cities around the world.I have learned to slow myself down there by making time for nearly everything. And each bargaining dont take more than 5 mins of my time. :D

Yes,totally agreeing with this one. It's Indo culture to mark up higher for others to bargain.

25-02-2016, 01:46 PM
The time n taxi is not worth it

For an hour & more,yes. Not worth the time & cab fare. But for extra 15 min - 20 mins of wait,i tink it is still viable. Batam pace is slower,a little patience can sometime go a long way.

25-02-2016, 02:05 PM
Almost anywhere you can buy sim card lah.

Where's the LIKE button? :D

25-02-2016, 02:07 PM
Did any kind bro here upped my points without leaving his nick.

Batam Info / Interest /...24-02-2016 10:37 PM4792 to 4795

Thank you.

Pls pm me so that I can return the favour.:)

Some bro return me with a zap :confused: :eek:

Batam Info / Interest /...25-02-2016 02:36 AMreturned the favour

25-02-2016, 02:26 PM
LOL... I haven't even started my virgin trip to batam yet... still learning and researching from Nono's guide... tomolo go there and check out the place... any fellow cheongster going tomolo?

All key points of my Batam Beginner's guide is here :


Follow it and you should not go too wrong. If something goes wrong,then maybe pay a visit to Tua Pek Kong to get some "flower water" to bathe,hehehe... *joking only*

The information posted on the above given link is updated as below :


Going to Batam is like going to Sentosa in Sillypore. The main difference is you need a passport. You do not even need to understand their language. Most people there will be able understand simple English.

Below are some basics :

1. Stay in Formosa Hotel,which will be use as your HQ for your group. Its a hotel with nearly all you are asking for under one roof,eg Massage,KTV,overnight booking girls,provision shop etc.

2. You likely reach Batam before noon,get yourself to the hotel and checked in,rest up a bit and then look for taxi driver for 2D1N from either the bellboy of the hotel,the receptionist or just step outside hotel to ask around. Price around.3 person share should not cost you more than 150k per pax. (dont forget to tip 10k-20k for those you ask help from)

* the reason why I am looking for 2D1N taxi driver when you are staying 3D2N: It is becos you can bring down the price lower when you tell the driver you extend another night later on. Its your bargaining chips.

3. As a beginner,do not be too ambitious. Aim for just 3 of the safest booking joints for overnight girl which you can ask taxi driver bring you there or simply walk there if you have the courage. Locations and maps are on my signature.

a. Gold Bird (nearby Lai Lai Hotel)

b. New Berry (opp Hana Hotel)

c. Bunga Massage (directly behind DC mall)

Dont hold too high expectation,be humble, courteous and dont show off.These are my keys to enjoy Batam. Drop whatever expectation you have by half before you touch down Batam.

4. KTV which usually opens around 7pm is just at the 4th floor of Formosa Hotel. Be reminded that you already have a booking girl when in a KTV for your 1st night,so you might want to save your 2nd night to grab a higher priced overnight girls from KTVs. You decide.

5. Massage is also at the same floor as the KTV in Formosa Hotel. You need to bargain down the price for Kings massage on the same floor on special service or get ready to be chopped. They opened till 1am. (if i dont remember wrong)

6. Walk across the street from Formosa Hotel is another 2 more massage shops,Linda Massage and Relax Massage. at 70k to 80k per hour,i believe its still worth exploring. (1 min walk,Relax is known to be clean,Linda is not)

7. Directly behind Relax Massage is the popular Indo Rasa Massage (not clean) on the 2nd floor. 1st floor is Indo Rasa Food Court where you can eat till you drop during day time and early evening.

8. Step outside Formosa Hotel front door,turn right and walk straight is Lucky Plaza. In between Lucky Plaza and Formosa Hotel is a small road. Raise your head up and you will see Nagoya Hill Mall. 10 mins walk there if you dare.


9. Once you can walk to Nagoya Hill Mall and back,there will be no place within Nagoya area you cannot go by foot. Start roaming around the Mall (inside and outside),it can easily burn your whole day off. Almost everywhere within a radius of 500m of this mall could be a trap for tourists. A Batam newbie's shopping paradise.

10. Pace are slower in Batam,do not plan too much schedule on your itinerary in one single day.

Key things from my signature you need to know :

1. 1 of the main link on my signature that holds some most important links with infos :


2. How to pick the right girl in overnight booking joint :


3. How to search for what you are looking for in this thread :


4. The latest Batam Cheong List updated on Oct 2015 :


5. Useful maps of Batam :


6. Tipping Table for overnight booking joint girls :


7. Additional Information if you think you wish to know more :


Above links are mostly taken from my signature links. It has helped me and hope it can help you too.

Always bargain down the price BUT do not bargain until your mood is spoilt.If price isnt right,just smile and walk off or simply politely turn down the offer. Its Indonesia's business culture to mark up a higher price for one to bring it down. How low you can bring the price down depends on your capability to bargain. Put it in another way of saying,how much you choose to get chop carrot also depends on how well you bargain.

Once you are in Batam,get yourself linked with the in-room free wifi to get on to SBF,feel free to ask questions if you have any emergency need. Just avoid stupid questions and have some patience to wait for a reply (Myself and some Batam bros are usually online,most don’t like to answer repeated questions tho). I will try to lead you to the answers.

Sample of my past itineraries for your reference to help you plan your trip :




You can always mix and match your own planned itinerary,no need to 100% stick to what you originally plan. There is always next trip,next next trip,next next next trip to Batam (and so on). Most importantly, you need to find out what you and your friends enjoy most.

Hope my reply helps.


Add-on : Booking joint near Formosa Hotel were Happy 8 and New Berry. About 10 to 15 mins walk for those who arent sure on direction. (start slow)


Please note the reason why i am quoting my above own post (it is not my whole post) is becos some of the links were broken due to the Administrator/s (not done by a Mod) of the forum removing certain posts in the previous old thread making some links going "not right". I dont wish to mis-direct, so i am rewriting it here again by copying and pasting the previous old post written by me previously with some amendment as some form of update. I have fixed the broken link.

I call this as an enhancement of my Batam beginner's guide (http://hive.gl/batambeginnerguide),hehehe...

Latest 180 degree-look just outside of Formosa Hotel :



1st 2 pics above show the right side of Formosa. Follow by middle (direct opposite the hotel) and then left side of Formosa hotel from main entrance. Pics were taken from 4th floor of the hotel.

Btw, where should I buy a simcard? at harbourbay or around formosa?

Both places sells them. Beside Formosa Hotel is Lucky Plaza where sim card seller can be obviously seen. I dont use an indo sim card when i 1st started Batam,so i dont have info on this in my beginner's guide. Hotels has free wifi.

Is there a preference for telco and packages? I only need data.

Check with the shopkeeper. Most speaks some form of broken English,Chinese or dialects. Indo sim card should not cost more than S$10. I usually dont ask 1st timer or newbies to buy it unless they were planning to go to Batam on a regular basis. No need to waste unnecessary money for a 2D1N or 3D2N.

*i am prioritizing my reply to you 1st becos you were heading to Batam tomorrow.

Dont be overly ambitious,take each step a time and avoid rushing. Batam has a much slower pace than Sillypore.

Good luck and have a good trip.

25-02-2016, 03:34 PM
Thank you Nono for taking the time to do a detail reply...
Why your photo the shops all not open? You took it early in the morning?

I understand that I should not be overly ambitious and anyway I just wanted to wind down myself... Getting sick of working.

I could speak quite fluent Bahasa Malayu so I guess I should be able to communicate a bit. But hor... I find that they understand me but I don't understand their Bahasa Indon... LOL

Hope to meet some fellow samsters tomolo.
Thank you Nono! ;)

25-02-2016, 04:28 PM
direct book. I mean dun let the shop earn.

Dont let the shop earn? Not possible if the girl is still under contract.But it is possible to let the shop earn less. Dont let the taxi driver earn,totally possible.Just dont use them. But if you dont bargain,the joint will still take the taxi driver's share even when you do not have them with you.

The only method i could think of on not allowing the shop to earn is,customer A book a girl you want,she ranaway or make herself become rejected by customers...then goes to your room.You pay her the booking fee in lesser amount negotiated between you and the girl. This usually happens to non-contracted girls. (these runaway girls usually arent fantastic from my point of view) ;)

(note : you also dont get the same-day-fresh-stock in this case as she probably already got bonk at least once on the same day by her previous customer)

My philosophy in Batam at most time will be trying to create a win-win situation for all so that things can be sustainable in the long run. Let the girls earn,let the shops earn, let the taxi drivers earn and most importantly,allowing myself to feel locally cheap with everyone cheonging happy. (but not over-earn or else it becomes carrot-chop) But equipping myself with enough knowledge and to always bargain to get a better price is essential.

My solution for myself is to write summaries,to keep a record of my Batam trips. Eg,Formosa Hotel room online was S$63.00 when i 1st started Batam 2 years ago,it is now about S$50-S$55,basic Formosa room from Kaha used to be 455k,today its 475k,exchange rate was about 8700/SGD back then,today is around 9500/SGD,quite a few booking joints no longer has 600k category girls etc etc (not forgetting special service price from massage girls,hehehe...). I do keep all of these in record.

Example (if i bargain) in an illustrated situation. i walk into a booking joint WITH a driver. Girl priced at 1 million,i bargained to 900k. Taxi driver probably earns 50k-100k comm,the joint probably earns half of the rest ,the girls earned the other half.

Example (if i DONT bargain) in an illustrated situation.i walk into a booking joint w/o a driver. Girl priced at 1 million,i dont bargain at all. I paid 1 million rupiah w/o a driver. The joint takes half of the 900k booking fee + the 100k taxi commission,the girl will take the other half of the 900k.

(note : at times in different joint,the total booking fee were being divided by 3 parts between joint,OKT and the girl hence i say i am giving an example in a illustrated situation)

Different booking joints works differently. So one will need to understand the culture of each booking joint to get a better price. Some booking joint can bargain,some cannot. Some i say here cannot bargain,but if i see another OKT in those that cannot,it becomes can bargain. A regular booking joint player will be able to tell if there is a mark up from the usual pricing of the same girl.

I have also direct book before,at 500k for an overnight girl from Gold Bird in 2014 and the joint still earns (2pm onward till next morning 9am). ;)

25-02-2016, 05:21 PM
Hi everyone.

For those who have been to Atalanta and Octopuss Spa just checking to see if they take credit cards. I know Delta does. How about this two? Have some rupiah on me and but i am not planning to change more till i reach my hotel in Baloi

Help appreciated.

25-02-2016, 09:26 PM
Hi everyone.

For those who have been to Atalanta and Octopuss Spa just checking to see if they take credit cards. I know Delta does. How about this two? Have some rupiah on me and but i am not planning to change more till i reach my hotel in Baloi

Help appreciated.

Most of the spa accept but some have a few percent service charge.

25-02-2016, 09:49 PM
Most of the spa accept but some have a few percent service charge.

When can I have the honour to tag u along leh.. :D. Don't forget to intro me girls too.. Lol

25-02-2016, 10:14 PM
Most of the spa accept but some have a few percent service charge.

So i take it both take credit card then? Thanks.

25-02-2016, 10:48 PM
So i take it both take credit card then? Thanks.

Altalanta accepts CC , not sure about Octupuss thou , gotta visit next month.

26-02-2016, 02:42 AM
For the convenience of readers, I have tried to summarize the locations posted by Nano1973.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/oyuV9jl6SwsjsSuNLyzQE4VlRHAMXo_aIT8es9yh9mYjJ0p9YR ULNozU2ANgKVxIzIjTsplJQbUEAwkTzKbniKnfRJFWYIe2TydM AvfPPK8Q49XJpHbfwt1Pe8jWrVqEdaK-QxNMJr3C-FanKQR3bXlI6Hf_aSP14mKGdRzTEGKa66ZYLq0UfsikTg35G8Y OegpTO1b1sZQwtAz0MihsCTq-CGopHwEfiIOflEf10iHmWtK6VRm56e3_k8z4-7BgTtFJfoTHWsdlluQPalAleTi03Evu3wqHQJ-IltdIhnBTVNybpjsf7aMCsKDgaL3-_cTdmqVEXqNHb9lHQox0pajKgTa-qE_n-dB-6zfjDJx4xpMcrz1dpDe-1LBrgjfpDUcO8RJnCT6hXGQAIIz5bz5aVuuklmn3UGC_FkOGsl 1leT3WqW6y-xWjC8KjTIToIzfKZWPwoYAcq8IYi_evv0lIreA4jDj-bE_w_JdQESbWPBiJs4D5zpWcQkdodQj5Vir07UA2zodh1I2sHC 0xQNWEBJBiH8Y-DwKU15FAl3T6mXlxWeXxtegpVLbLzsMbLIGp=w1239-h910-no

26-02-2016, 11:59 AM
So i take it both take credit card then? Thanks.

From my years of cheonging, I felt it is better to do by cash. Take whatever you need with you along. pay the gals cash n the counter.

The rates for credit cards are not that great.

26-02-2016, 12:34 PM
From my years of cheonging, I felt it is better to do by cash. Take whatever you need with you along. pay the gals cash n the counter.

The rates for credit cards are not that great.

Yes, agreed and many of the places (be it massage joints, eateries or shops) charge a 3% transaction fee for payment by credit cards...

Moreover, you never know if they are putting your card through a skimmer machine to steal your card info and use your card illegally..

Best to use cash whenever possible...

26-02-2016, 01:21 PM
Ha Thanks bro. But i only have like 700k rupiah on me and i dun plan to change in sg or harbourbay

26-02-2016, 01:46 PM
Reporting live from batam...
Today opp Formosa rate is 9500IDR

26-02-2016, 02:31 PM
Reporting live from batam...
Today opp Formosa rate is 9500IDR

Yup I can attest to that, most I saw was 9520 if changing a bigger amount.

Went new berry at 12.30pm, around 15 girls available but mostly older milfs. Took a SYT with the Papi's guarantee of good service and bargained down 1.6m to 1.25m + 50k for transport, supposedly she's the most expensive in the shop. Hope everything goes well later :D

On a side note, Instar coffee shop seems closed :/

26-02-2016, 03:38 PM
Went to a MP in don't know where... That bitch fucked my brains off! Happy 8 have few syt already booked mine.

Bro Ember, dinner tonight?

26-02-2016, 03:50 PM
Moreover, you never know if they are putting your card through a sifter machine to steal your card info and use your card illegally..

Best to use cash whenever possible...

agree with u.

A bro from the Jakarta thread has just suffered from a credit card fraud -


26-02-2016, 05:38 PM
Bros, Formosa water boil liao safe to drink or not? I see Nono report Gideon I scare scare... Feel like making coffee to drink

26-02-2016, 05:44 PM
Bros, Formosa water boil liao safe to drink or not? I see Nono report Gideon I scare scare... Feel like making coffee to drink

No,cannot drink water from the tap in any hotel,even after boil...go downstairs,out of formosa hotel front glass door,turn left and keep left...to try to walk behind the hotel...but dont walk out of the perimeter of the hotel. (if still not sure,check with receptionist or bellboy,ask him bring you there)

There is a provision shop that sells mineral water. Grab 2 big bottle from there.Just 1 min walk from front door and provision shop is within the hotel premises of the hotel building. Use that water from mineral bottle to boil. (hotel provides 2 small bottles)

26-02-2016, 06:02 PM
Ok ok... I put on clothes first... Naked now!

26-02-2016, 07:04 PM
Dont let the shop earn? Not possible if the girl is still under contract.But it is possible to let the shop earn less. Dont let the taxi driver earn,totally possible.Just dont use them. But if you dont bargain,the joint will still take the taxi driver's share even when you do not have them with you.

Dat why I wan to join u in Mar.. No reply from you yet... :(

Btw, anyone going 3 days 2 nights? jio jio? Preferably 2 days in advance. Cos I online once 1 day.

26-02-2016, 07:55 PM
I see Nono report Gideon I scare scare... Feel like making coffee to drink

I think u are referring to the glass of white color tap water taken by Nono during his stay in Gideon. Not only Gideon hotel is like that. Other new hotels has this problem too. I believe the whitish looking substance is an over use of chlorine-kind of chemical or it could be chemical that were use to make tap water look crystal clear. They may have over use those.

Boiling can only kill germs,it doesn't remove the chemical content in the water.

26-02-2016, 08:35 PM
I just found my plan to stay at debest hotel didnt work out. The hotel is fully book tomorrow. This is via their email.
So.....at a lost.
Should I go back to Nagoya?
I need to change cash....is rates at nagoya better than bcs mall area?
What are the alternatives beside debest? Prefer abt same price range.
Cleanliness is important.
Should I walk in debest to try my luck tmr?

Rates seemed bad..9500....

26-02-2016, 08:46 PM
I just found my plan to stay at debest hotel didnt work out. The hotel is fully book tomorrow. This is via their email.
So.....at a lost.
Should I go back to Nagoya?
I need to change cash....is rates at nagoya better than bcs mall area?
What are the alternatives beside debest? Prefer abt same price range.
Cleanliness is important.
Should I walk in debest to try my luck tmr?

Rates seemed bad..9500....

Lovina Inn directly oppersite A2 food court:D
price from web is around 36 onwards include breakfast.
but not very good bfast lah

BTW, if u ever went to the Sushi Tei , is it good?

26-02-2016, 09:20 PM
Dat why I wan to join u in Mar.. No reply from you yet... :(

Btw, anyone going 3 days 2 nights? jio jio? Preferably 2 days in advance. Cos I online once 1 day.

Im thinking of going during march as well but im a total newbie.(Yes, i have read bronono's guide).I am hoping bronono is going and hopefully he dosent mind that a newbie tag along ;). btw do you have any prior experience there??

26-02-2016, 09:26 PM
I just found my plan to stay at debest hotel didnt work out. The hotel is fully book tomorrow. This is via their email.
So.....at a lost.

Hmm...why the last min booking? Its weekend and not like what you will usually do.

You going alone or with gf?

Should I go back to Nagoya?

Its weekend,bro. I honestly think you should.

I need to change cash....is rates at nagoya better than bcs mall area?

Should be around the same rate.

What are the alternatives beside debest? Prefer abt same price range.

Biz Hotel,Han Inn,both are good hotels to stay in. And around the price range of De Best.

If you die die must stay around BCS area,Gideon is not too bad when it comes to cleanliness (except the tap water). Opposite is A2 Food Court and BCS Mall,hehehe...almost like the Formosa in Nagoya (cleaner than formosa impression).

If all else fail,Zest Hotel in Harbour Bay can be relatively good too.

Cleanliness is important.
Should I walk in debest to try my luck tmr?

Nope,dont waste your time.

Rates seemed bad..9500....

Hehehe....good luck bro.

26-02-2016, 09:57 PM
I just found my plan to stay at debest hotel didnt work out. The hotel is fully book tomorrow. This is via their email.
So.....at a lost.
Should I go back to Nagoya?
I need to change cash....is rates at nagoya better than bcs mall area?
What are the alternatives beside debest? Prefer abt same price range.
Cleanliness is important.
Should I walk in debest to try my luck tmr?

Rates seemed bad..9500....

If same category at Nagoya, u can consider the likes of Holiday Hotel or City Central hotel...

Exchange rates are better in Nagoya area..

26-02-2016, 10:30 PM
Many thanks for the speedy replies.
It is not school holidays.....so dun see need to.
Quite last minute as my boss approve my monday leave last minute.
Well.....the agenda for this trip mainly to explore bcs area.
But looking at debest being fully book....i think i should book hotel.
If arrive early, can settle down early.
Looks like hv to go back nagoya.

26-02-2016, 11:16 PM
It is not school holidays.....so dun see need to.
Quite last minute as my boss approve my monday leave last minute.

I analyze the crowd in Batam via how many hotels were almost fully book on different days. Their booking and occupancy rate do tell me how crowded Batam will/is going to be.

Well.....the agenda for this trip mainly to explore bcs area.

Good,BCS area should be a good walk. Especially for the food in that area.

But looking at debest being fully book....i think i should book hotel.

Its afterall weekends,bro. Even tho it is considered the least crowded weekend of Feb.

Looks like hv to go back nagoya.

Nagoya area and BCS area isnt exactly too far away tho. I just check Gideon,their basic room were fully sold out too,so i assume BCS area should be pretty crowded. Nagoya wont be any less crowded either as Formosa basic room cost about S$64 online including tax and Da Vienna Boutique hotel basic room were sold out.

Just look at the crazy price for I-Hotel baloi hotel room pricing for tomorrow from agoda (w/o tax).


Reasonable price at Zest Hotel at Harbour Bay,$30 w/o tax. Cheaper than Hana Hotel,hehehe...:D

26-02-2016, 11:36 PM
Any brothers stay at 89 Hotel before? or try it Spa "Viva 89 Spa" or massage centre?

26-02-2016, 11:38 PM
No,cannot drink water from the tap in any hotel,even after boil...go downstairs,out of formosa hotel front glass door,turn left and keep left...to try to walk behind the hotel...but dont walk out of the perimeter of the hotel. (if still not sure,check with receptionist or bellboy,ask him bring you there)

There is a provision shop that sells mineral water. Grab 2 big bottle from there.Just 1 min walk from front door and provision shop is within the hotel premises of the hotel building. Use that water from mineral bottle to boil. (hotel provides 2 small bottles)

Bro Nono, the way u talk like Formosa is like your house, u go downstairs,out of formosa hotel front glass door,turn left and keep left...to try to walk behind the hotel...but dont walk out of the perimeter of the hotel.

There is a provision shop that sells mineral water. Grab 2 big bottle from there.Just 1 min walk from front door and provision shop is within the hotel premises of the hotel building. Use that water from mineral bottle to boil.

So Funny sia.......but you very helpful. very in detail. Keep it up. hope that can join you for one trip. Cheers.........................

27-02-2016, 01:21 AM
I'm surprise that my gal is tight... I mean ermm... I'm sure I wasn't big but her tight came as a surprise to me. Gf feeling 100%! I'm glad I could speak Malay, it made our conversation full of laughter...

27-02-2016, 01:44 AM
Nagoya area and BCS area ...... crowded. Nagoya wont be any less crowded either as Formosa basic room cost about S$64 online including tax and Da Vienna Boutique hotel basic room were sold out.

Just look at the crazy price for I-Hotel baloi hotel room pricing for tomorrow from agoda (w/o tax).

There is this kiosk at the entrance of A2 food court (next to it, is a seafood Zi Char store) selling ferry tickets and I was there yesterday late afternoon to buy their ferry tickets. While in the process, the lady boss (I suppose) told me she sells hotel voucher and she was trying to sell me iBaloi hotel voucher at S$65 per night. I did not pursue with enquiry as I already done my booking thru' ibaloi hotel site one week ago for April 2016 at around S$60/S$61 per night. Definitely not a last minute booking but if any Bros run out of options at the last minute, can try to enquire from this kiosk. Who knows you may get something at the very last minute and at a reasonable price.

Black Page
27-02-2016, 03:19 AM
No,cannot drink water from the tap in any hotel,even after boil...go downstairs,out of formosa hotel front glass door,turn left and keep left...to try to walk behind the hotel...but dont walk out of the perimeter of the hotel. (if still not sure,check with receptionist or bellboy,ask him bring you there)

There is a provision shop that sells mineral water. Grab 2 big bottle from there.Just 1 min walk from front door and provision shop is within the hotel premises of the hotel building. Use that water from mineral bottle to boil. (hotel provides 2 small bottles)
This is the first time that I disagree with you, or better not disagree but I have some remark to make.
If there is something that does not lack in Formosa is the bottles of mineral water. I usually cumulate them day after day because I cannot drink all those bottles. They give only two (not so small) bottles per day ok, but if one asks I am sure they will be happy to give some extra bottle, even if one is not a returning well-known customer like me or you. Their cost to the hotel is negligible (even if the owner is a Chinese who counts even the cents)

"Cannot drink water from the tap in any hotel,even after boil"?
Drinking the water in Nagoya is rather safe, based on official information, although the taste is not so good. I usually don't drink from tap, because I have the line of bottles which grows day after day in the wardrobe.
On the other hand, what water do you think do restaurants use for boiling, or do pubs use for making ice? Till now, I never had stomach problems or episodes of "intestinal discomfort", even if I drank plenty of glasses of ice water from discos.

I think u are referring to the glass of white color tap water taken by Nono during his stay in Gideon. Not only Gideon hotel is like that. Other new hotels has this problem too. I believe the whitish looking substance is an over use of chlorine-kind of chemical or it could be chemical that were use to make tap water look crystal clear. They may have over use those.
Boiling can only kill germs,it doesn't remove the chemical content in the water.

The white color is not a chemical addition, but micro-bubbles of air, due to the high pressure of pumps somewhere upstream.
The "chemical products" are chlorine, which has horrible taste, but keeps the bacterial charge low enough to not be harmful. I don't drink tap water in many cities in the super-hygienic USA, for example, not because I could get sick, but because the smell of chlorine is not bearable to me.
And yes, you are right. You should boil water only if you suspect it is infected by bacteria or protozoans, but the taste will remain the same.

27-02-2016, 08:23 AM
I like to ask if it is still viable to chiong the kfc booking houses (leaving singapore @ 7pm Friday night). I will be alone. Any one can help on answering this question?

I think uncle fishingman got the best answer to your question


Bunga and Happy8 (Batam 2 most expensive booking joints) will be your best bet if you are talking about KFC booking houses. Why so? Becos as it is the MOST expensive,so there are lesser takers. Lesser takers means more leftovers. Alishan will be your 2nd option and at a CNY super ultra peak season of a friday night,Alishan KTV wont come cheap.

During CNY,even M2 KTV booking girls dont come cheaper either.

haven't been there for some time. Still sticking to my favourite out lets, n regular.

You drive ma...hehehe...and only if you just happen to pass by there...hehehe...no obligation tho. No need to purposely drive there to help me see. Anyway,most likely next trip i will go there to look see again,to see if anything new around that area. Who knows they changed the spa name,hehehe...

Usually, people go Friday afternoon to book them already. You go Friday evening is a bad timing. Ferry full, n left overs.

Yes,definitely a bad timing and most that were left in booking joint were either leftovers or rejects (or even a runaway,hehehe...).

I learned that everyone aims for their definition of a perfectly good time in Batam. But as of my own rules during travelling to Batam,1st thing for me to do will be to drop my expectation. And arriving at an later than usual hours,expectation for booking joint girls need to be dropped a little further downward. If i want the best in there,then i will need to time the right timing for the right place on the right date.

FLs are not advisable if you are a new player. And don't do drugs, they may be into it, but you never know if the police are with them. Alisan KTV? That place is a chopping board.

Yes,i do read that some Batam Policemen were in collaboration with the FLs into framing tourists by planting the drugs inside their customer's hotel rooms.

Example of a bro who got hit by such issue :


Better be safe than sorry. Also,in pubs,disco and clubs,NEVER leave your drinks unattended too. Thats for the guys,hehehe...and avoid getting into a semi-consciously drunk situation. Its a constant reminder to myself.

Also note that, you are there for fun, what you get it base on your luck. Don't expect too much, they are there just to entertain you for a fee.

One of my golden rules to all Batam newbies (especially 1st timer),always keep expectation low in the beginning. The other one will be to enjoy bargaining for everything to get a good deal,hehehe... (my own view : everything SHOULD be expensive in Batam,hehehe...no matter how cheap things may look)

Its their business culture to mark up high and the exact same culture to see us bargain down. No one wins all the time,but whether win or lose, my heart must be big enough to be happy at the end of the day.

The gal not stupid, direct book still roughly same price.. Who dun wan to earn more...

Agreed! :D

This applies to wechat girls in Batam too. Wechat girls technically should be at least 20% to 40% cheaper than booking joint girls. But the 20% to 40% cheaper do come with some risk factors tho. And if one happen to be paying booking joint price for them,then why go for wechat girls in the 1st place? Maybe becos they arrived late to Batam? But if one is coming to Batam late,isn't discotheque,clubs and pubs a better choice with an almost close to equal risk factor,yet at lower price? (however,KTV will be of a lesser risk factor but will cost a little higher)

Everyone plays the game differently,i guess.

27-02-2016, 08:25 AM
indonesia-looks-close-red-light-districts-2019-jakarta- (https://sg.news.yahoo.com/indonesia-looks-close-red-light-districts-2019-jakarta-021228128.html)

will this affect Batam also?:confused:

Black Page
27-02-2016, 09:40 AM
This applies to wechat girls in Batam too. Wechat girls technically should be at least 20% to 40% cheaper than booking joint girls.
No necessarily, because girls on Wechat can claim to be FL only part time, not in the business, doing it to only few days, blah blah.
I tried to ask some, just to experiment, and I received offers above 1M. Probably because they spotted the foreigner. Not worth!

But if one is coming to Batam late,isn't discotheque,clubs and pubs a better choice with an almost close to equal risk factor,yet at lower price? (however,KTV will be of a lesser risk factor but will cost a little higher)Everyone plays the game differently,i guess.
I VIOLENTLY AGREE with you!!:cool:
At least one sees and talks. Direct feeling is the best indicator. I don't see ANY reason to try wechat girls.

27-02-2016, 11:22 AM
Managed to get a rate of 9550 today at my usual moneychanger... Not bad considering that the XE rate is 9497...

27-02-2016, 02:33 PM
This is the first time that I disagree with you, or better not disagree but I have some remark to make.This is the first time that I disagree with you, or better not disagree but I have some remark to make.
If there is something that does not lack in Formosa is the bottles of mineral water. I usually cumulate them day after day because I cannot drink all those bottles. They give only two (not so small) bottles per day ok, but if one asks I am sure they will be happy to give some extra bottle, even if one is not a returning well-known customer like me or you. Their cost to the hotel is negligible (even if the owner is a Chinese who counts even the cents)

For the past few years, I boiled tap water to make coffee in various hotel, so far no issues.
However, I agree that the taste of the tap water is a bit funny. For those with weaker stomach or those prefer to be on the safe side, just buy mineral water.

Anyway, the 1 liter mineral also not expensive (less than S$0.50 in DC mall, K Circle charge around S$0.70).

27-02-2016, 03:40 PM
Managed to get a rate of 9550 today...

Agreed with your rate. And i was surprised. I got 9530/SGD in the morning.

Yesterday however was 9550/SGD opposite Formosa. ;)

27-02-2016, 03:56 PM
Bro Nono is batam now?
Bring go seafood can?

27-02-2016, 04:04 PM
Bro Nono is batam now?

I dont understand why US President Obama photo is on a plastic from a provision shop in Batam.


Bring go seafood can?

i dont take sea food,bro. Allergy issue,if you read. And if i do,it will be in Marine Live seafood where i only take their sweet and sour chicken.

27-02-2016, 04:06 PM
Ok... At least bring me go dinner can? Anywhere

27-02-2016, 04:19 PM
Ok... At least bring me go dinner can? Anywhere

PM me your room number. I will call you in 15mins time and you will know its me. No promise yet as i am checking with my friends if they will welcome you.

27-02-2016, 08:22 PM
PM me your room number. I will call you in 15mins time and you will know its me. No promise yet as i am checking with my friends if they will welcome you.

Wow...secret trip..boh jio..lol..

27-02-2016, 09:19 PM
When to hawaii twice (2 different days) and all i can say is its not for me. Too much milf (cant make it) maybe the ceweks there cater to chinese ah pek that came from SG/MY. Happy 8 has the most girls when i was there on Thursday timing around 12.30pm followed by bunga and berry. Went to indah2, mm massage and goldbird ceweks not bad thou but I still cant find any ceweks to my liking at permata (not gonna give up).

Thursday is malam ladies as the locals calls it so you guys can imagine how many ceweks I saw around me. FL, girls just wana dugem or girls who came with guys (pimp). Most are available for a fun time. Lol!!

27-02-2016, 09:39 PM
Reporting live from batam...
Chilli bar having anniversary celebration.
Maybe the only crowded bar in NED

27-02-2016, 09:40 PM
Wow...secret trip..boh jio..lol..

Come come! At chilli bar now... LOL

28-02-2016, 01:01 AM
Any brothers stay at 89 Hotel before? or try it Spa "Viva 89 Spa" or massage centre?

yes bro i stay there during my last visit...:D:D

28-02-2016, 01:12 AM
PM me your room number. I will call you in 15mins time and you will know its me. No promise yet as i am checking with my friends if they will welcome you.

wah wanted to ask you when your next trip in march. lol your in batam already. guess it wont be anytime soon.

28-02-2016, 02:30 AM
wah wanted to ask you when your next trip in march. lol your in batam already. guess it wont be anytime soon.

Hehehe...this is still Feb. March will have March's plan,different from Feb. This trip is more of an impromptu solo trip,decided on the day itself. I arrived to Harbour Front w/o booking ferry and hotel in advance. No advance planning.

More like a retreat. No summary. Just a plain day in Batam.

Small street performance behind Linda/Relax Massage
http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/images/2016/02/27/CZQAO.jpg http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/images/2016/02/27/6CDB.jpg http://www.picturevip.com/x/clean/images/2016/02/27/GtQYq.jpg

Black Page
28-02-2016, 08:03 AM
Thursday is malam ladies as the locals calls it so you guys can imagine how many ceweks I saw around me. FL, girls just wana dugem or girls who came with guys (pimp). Most are available for a fun time. Lol!!

You disclosed the secret...
Thursday night NEVER go to disco with a booked girl or with your girlfriend. You'd regret that. Too much pussy available around, for free or not (even FOC).

28-02-2016, 11:20 AM
Yes.....why didnt i think of ST.....
That time I went to bunga at night, the granny asked me booking or short time....
How does this ST works?
Can ask them to send gal to my hotel? 1 hr 1 shot?

300k to 500k each short time. They will have room in their joints. The girls usually will not be send to your hotel room.

I think bro Tomcat provides some good info to your question/s :


My next trip, definitely staying de best.....explore new area.
Also have other things to find out.
But most likely, i wont be taking overnight this time round.
Want to reserve more time for myself at night.....

Yea,having a booking girl sometimes will make a guy feel being bounded by responsibly,hehehe...and there will be limitation in travelling. Having a woman around can sometime be a bit troublesome too,hehehe...but what to do,our little bros "needs" them,hehehe...*joking*

28-02-2016, 11:30 AM
Typing this in hana hotel.....checking out later n move to biz.
I reach harborfront early at 8.30am. No crowds!!
I decided to go via harborbay for the first time.
Went to horizon.....they dun have a flash panel stating the status.
Dun wish to drag too long in case big crowds later.
Went to batamfast n see the 9.10 still open. Took it and is sgd49.
Chop chop went atm withdraw $ n took a leak.
Check in.....customs no crowd...great....when i reach departure platform, wow the ferry already open for boarding.....it was like 8.45.....ferry was like 90% full.
Journey smooth n viola....reach harborbay in 1 hr flat.
Terminal looks not as posh as btm center.....but good to go. Small n cosy.
There were no custom polis n everyone just go chatting......
I was out in like 10 mins. Small place nothing much.
First time here n took sometime to locate batamfast counter. I found it becoz the abang infront of me at the customs queue also looking for it....i tailed him.
His passport almost 50% all batam chop.....lol.

Took my breakfast at indo food.....here got wifi....free......
Weather was hot....not good for walking. But still i want to try walking to jodoh from harborbay. Follow googlemap.....it was a pretty long walk n make harder with busy traffic, hot sunny weather n dusty road.
Finally reach in like 20 mins....took another 10 min to get to hana.
Saw anew recep.....quite pretty n sultry....friendly too....speak good english.
Best part is when she bent down to type computer....her longkang shows.....got a hardon on the spot. Why cant meet such type in chicken farm??
This is good thing if book advance, coz usually can early check in. It was like 11.00am btm time...i actually get back the same room as my last trip...lol.
Had a quick shower....n first stop....look for my sayang.....

28-02-2016, 11:53 AM
Got 6,7 gals start work liao.....saw some new faces in the album.....
Anyway, my sayang working n pick her.....
Anyway, mood like quite good.....but my mission to get her to my hotel failed.
No issues there maybe she not comfortable. I found out she actually rides a motorbike to work......coz i see quite a number of motorbikes outside.....haha.
Job done......n went to look for my barber.....alamak....full....
For a while, suddenly dunno where to head to.
Walk back to formosa n remember i need change money. Best i can get is 9500....
Decide to venture to bcs area.....i took the jln komp nagoya citywalk road near biz hotel. It is a busy road w heavy traffic.....n the road arent good for walking.
Coupled w hot weather....it was a tedious journey.....saw tua pek gong after like 25 mins.
Since there already....took some time for the usual pray session there.
Walk further and reach top 100 penuin in like 15 mins.
Very heaty n tired at this point.....decide to eat at texas.......mainly got free wifi.
It was a mistake.....although this outlet got customers.....mainly family w kids.....the chicken taste like crap.....almost tasteless.....dunno why so many still go there.
I have to conclude nagoya is more exciting than bcs. Most places in bcs are tourist traps.

28-02-2016, 12:06 PM
You disclosed the secret...
Thursday night NEVER go to disco with a booked girl or with your girlfriend. You'd regret that. Too much pussy available around, for free or not (even FOC).

Go alone and u got FL approaching u for "something". Go alone and no one will attend to your drinks. Whatever it is go with somebody local that you know or you can always jio me. Lol

It was not a secret to begin with, when the locals knows it. Disclosed secrets? Plenty of it where it came from bro.

Sinar kuda mas (not sure if its the right name) behind utama hotel, is offering 200k fj, place kinda dirty n dark thou but well its 200k fj. Good one massage some are offering 150k to 200k (open shirt) hj and 300 fj (for my friend). Prepy massage is offering 200k (open shirt) hj. I never go for fj cos she is offering 400k (cos im regular) some are willing to pay 500k to 600k fj for her thats what she says (becos of this it makes it harder to get 300k or less fj) hallo kitty offering 150k to 200k hj n 300k fj. Has free wifi thou. Ask for recommendation from the counter most wont fail. All this places I choose the standard room (no point wasting my money on vip when all i wana do is fuck. Sinar is 50k per hr, prepy, good one, hallo kitty is 60k per hr.

This is my taste but to me the best selection of girls is good one massage n hallo kitty. Will try the other shops next time im there, I also saw 1 of the shop that have the 3 combo service. Hair cut, facial n massage, will definitely try that.

28-02-2016, 12:11 PM
I decided i wont stay at bcs for my 2nd nite...due to hassle since im returning via harborbay.that say i still went on to find out where debest is......n a couple of other hotels.
I also find the JH Beauty outlet....haha....but didnt went in though....outside give a full list of services available....think 50 plus....see until blur.
Proceed on the way back......
Saw this cardinal luck stars hotel.....opposite 89 hotel.
Looks like a new hotel. Gota promo at 288k for std room....but i check w the recep....he told me sun check in is weekend rate.....n it is 358k.....
Drop the plan to stay there. Went back to my barber n he was free.....hehe.
On the way, i check the location of idola massage.
It is along the batam instar hotel stretch. Opposite dju dju hotel.
After haircut.....i proceed top 100 jodoh to buy my groceries.
Along the way.....i went to look for flower massage....
It was definitely not there.....then i saw a signboard....oh....they have move to the inner side. No wonder cant see from outside.
Seems like family theme too. See got time to try.

28-02-2016, 12:41 PM
Batam buddy there. Anyone know batam got ball massage a not. Those we so call juagen.

can share some information regarding it?

Black Page
28-02-2016, 02:19 PM
It was not a secret to begin with, when the locals knows it. Disclosed secrets? Plenty of it where it came from bro.

Do you know what is irony?:confused:
Thursday night being ladies night is not a secret indeed. Sure it's the best night to go to disco, because it's the day with the highest ratio women/men. I meant to tell you "you are right", to say it short.

I made the mistake once to go to Newton on Thursday night with one of my (girl)friends and I regretted bitterly. Groups of young darlings roaming around. Prairies to run, but I was bound. Since then, I carefully move all meetings with girls who I know already to the range Sunday to Wednesday, to be free on Thursday to Saturday.

28-02-2016, 05:16 PM
Since then, I carefully move all meetings with girls who I know already to the range Sunday to Wednesday, to be free on Thursday to Saturday.

Not just Thursday night (malam ladies), Sunday night is also a gd night to go. The ratio from guys to gals is there for u guys to see. Be sitted and watch the fun, its either u approach those ceweks or the ceweks approach u but you be warned, some of the ceweks comes with a pimp.

28-02-2016, 08:02 PM
If that's what u are looking at,i'd suggest u head for hotels that has massage service that closes after 11pm btm time (which is mid nite SG time).

Thats what i do too,hehehe...good advise.

Economic has been good in SG during 2015,people has the money to go further than btm. The number of new hotels in btm has gone up as well.

One of the reason why i still prefer to travel to Batam is becos it is very near Sillypore,hehehe...and part of my hotel rooms were paid for by the company i worked for as some kind of "employee privileges" (hehehe...). So after calculating my number of annual leaves/off-in-lieu and monthly "entertainment" claims, Batam is still my preferred choice.

My main problem during travelling to Batam is the ferry ticket cost of S$48.00 but i have manage to conquer this part by making most of my colleagues,bosses and some of my company's customers pay for it,hehehe...so now i practically travel free if i go to Batam but dont eat (eat only hotel free breakfast) ,dont bonk and dont massage....hehehe....

Yes,end up those who truly knows start keeping all the good stuffs to themselves.

It is circumstances like this that makes most who know whats lesser-known share discreetly. Not a really big issue,becos most who over-tip or over-pay dont exactly travel to Batam regularly. Their average traveling to Batam is about twice and maybe just thrice a year.

But i am NOT saying it is alright to spoil market. The least one could do is try not to. Just to quote an example,Sillypore used to be value for money to many foreigners in terms of service standard,choice,efficiency and cost. Today,it has become the most expensive city in the world.

And Batam should be fast catching up with Sillypore in terms of its higher cost. History of Batam in this forum has spoken for itself. (i do read other threads on Batam in this forum too)

6 cities in Indonesia with the Highest Cost of living :


And Batam was ranked number 5. Let's not forget around 60% (maybe more) of the tourist came from Sillypore. This has serve as a reminder to myself,not to over-pay or over-tip. I dont like Batam to be turned into Sillypore or anything close to it. And i do know (and understand) that my action/s in Batam regardless how "micro-mini" it might seems will impact its future.

Of course,everyone think and play in Batam differently. One kind of rice do feed many kind of people in this case,hehehe...i just play my own Batam game my way.

I'm sure they will impose charges on late check out too. I never like these 4 star hotels in btm. 2 star & 3 star hotels were more flexible in their rules & usually offer better service. I believe nearly every kind of hotel will impose charge for lost of room key/card. It is after all the guest fault.

I checked out as late as 3pm and checked in as early as 9am+,hehehe...see how i was spoiled in the some 2 stars and 3 stars i stayed in. :D

Losing of hotel property is definitely a guest fault,room key definitely considered as hotel property.

Went to Tulip Massage, was quote 400k for FJ. The 1st floor used to be hair salon setting but now they had made it to look like a fish tank setting (with those wide U-shaped red sofa), not sure if it will turn into joint?:confused:
By the way, the massage is super piano...

Hmm...i think i have said this before,when these girls in MP has more than 2 customers per day,prices for special service auto goes up and this kind of thing usually happens during CNY,New Year eve,X'mas eve and super long weekends.

I will be looking forward to give Tulip Massage a try becos the way you say it sounds interesting to me. (i trust your FR) Thank you for sharing.

In Indonesia,quoting of the price & its final after-bargained price is entirely different.One will usually end with 40-50+% off if they bother to bargain. Fyi,A3,A5 & Nice Massage were sister shops.

You seems well-versed with the Indonesia bargaining culture.

For your info,A3,A5 and Nice massage also has relatively consistent massage standard.

Give them a "take it or leave it attitude", tell them nicely u went to next door massage shop yesterday which u get 100k hj & 200k fj. Be firm,high chance their price will auto-drop & it can easily comes down to 150k hj & 250k fj if u push a little further. If they don't drop then don't take their special. They will be more worried than you. You lose your 60k-70k/1hr-1.5hr massage entrance fee (u can still walk over to next door shop to try again),they lose 1 rotating queue to earn a customer willing to take up special service. And almost all the time,they only have 1 customer per rotating queue for 1 whole day.

Well-said,well-said. I couldnt have said it better. The girls in the massage shop were on queue number to serve walk-in customers,so depending on how many girls are there working in a massage shop.

Most time,some shops will have about 10+ girls divided in 2 different shifts from morning till night time from different shops (meaning to say, 2 to 3 massage shops can share about 20+ massage girls). And a massage shop average has about 10 customers per day. So on the most average ,they only have one customer per day and on lousy days,they have one customer every 2-3 days.Of course, during weekend peak sometime they will have 2-3 customers/day.

So end of the day,whether they can earn "your special service amount" (be it hj/fj) or not is up to your "mercy". Not many people (were intelligent enough) who travels to Batam for massage knows how to use this point to their advantage. You must have been quite a season cheongster at the Utama massage area.

To pay 200k for hj & 400k for fj behind Utama area,i think high class place like Altlanta spa,Octopuss spa & other hotel-base massage offers equal or if not better deals + they have quality massage. No need to go to those rundown Utama shop area. I see b4 in prev btm thread,those who are hard-hearted enuff can even get 100k hj & 250k fj in Altlanta spa.

Bingo bro!

If i choose to pay more than 200k for a hj / more than 350k for a fj,i will go hotel type of massage or Men's spa type of massage (Octopus,Altalanta etc). Better ambiance,cleaner pillows,no mosquitoes,cleaner bed sheets,fresher air etc and definitely the shower area has hot water to use too,hehehe....and yes,their massage will almost definitely be consistently good too. Most of their overall general service definitely surpass those from Utama row of Massage shops.

(note : i am speaking about paying more than 200k for HJ and 350k for FJ as a basic guideline for myself. I will however pay a little more (about 50k extra) for SYT indo Chinese massage girl)

Let's not forget that Hotels and Men's Spa massage girls were also on "rotating queue" too. The thing is their salary higher and commission from the per hour massage fee were also higher,hence they werent as hard up as girls from Utama rows of massage shops. Not forgetting the volume of customers going there is more too (Utama side is more scattered). Therefore you can see during weekends,King Massage girls has your definition of "take it or leave it" attitude when it comes to special service. They need not rely on doing special service to survive as according to the girls,most if not all customers will tip them something even if no special were offered.

For me,if this shop dont give me what i ask for,i go other shop or come in another better time. And i AM NOT losing any money on the 60k to 70k per hour or per 1.5 hour massage becos i pay for what i got. I still get my massage,right? Hehehe...

Looking forward to you sharing more if there are those really good stuffs in Batam,bro.


28-02-2016, 10:26 PM
I dunno why i took longer than expected time at top100 jodoh.....haha.
Maybe i like looking for special promo....
Make my way back to hana....took a shower n wash my hair......
Proceeed to book hotel for my 2nd night.....in the end choose biz hotel.
It was fully book on sat....sun got vacancies.....book economy room at 331k.
Went for dinner at ramayana area....wanted to check out ktv.....but i guess im pretty down in shape after exploring n walking under hot sun....need to sleep early.
Decided to headback to hana....i spotted this The Best Massage earlier on....so made a detour to try this place.
I must say this is the most painful massage for me so far.
Massage was done in open room w curtain partition. ML was a milf.
No hanky n pure hard massage. Full 1 hr. She didnt even ask me for tips.....i give her 30k. She was happy.
This is a good place for those looking for hard massage n got high threshold for pain.
However, i was not happy the place mislead me with the promo banner outside.
Promo 1 hr 70k.....but the recep say 80k. Normal price.
I say outside 70k....she say only until 8.30pm.....total rubbish.
Anyway, didnt argue w her ....give 80k as it was good massage.
Partly i was really feeling tired n want to hit the bed.
For those interested, this place is same block as Mega Hotel....walking distance from hana.
Had an early night....pop a panadol n went to sleep.

28-02-2016, 10:41 PM
Woke up groggy n went down for breakfast at 9.30 am....surprisingly only see one person eating.....
Went back room.....rested.....n type FR....until check outtime.
Saw the sultry recep.....she was wearing this button up blouse.....n yet her 2 bazookas was jutting out......power....she gave me a warm smile when handing back my passport. Say bye bye very sexily to me.....wow....got another hard on.....
Nearly wanted to give her a hug.....but i guess can only do it in my imagination.
Walk to Biz......12.05pm.....the recep told me she didnt receive my booking.....
There was a lot of checking n after 15 mins.....finally confirm i had booked.
She gave me a non smoking room but say no window....I wanted a room w window....
She told me have to wait 2pm becoz rooom needs cleaning up....
Ok....so i left my stuff at recep n went out.
Decide to go flower massage.....to try facial.

28-02-2016, 10:53 PM
I dunno why i took longer than expected time at top100 jodoh.....haha.
Maybe i like looking for special promo....
Make my way back to hana....took a shower n wash my hair......
Proceeed to book hotel for my 2nd night.....in the end choose biz hotel.
It was fully book on sat....sun got vacancies.....book economy room at 331k.
Went for dinner at ramayana area....wanted to check out ktv.....but i guess im pretty down in shape after exploring n walking under hot sun....need to sleep early.
Decided to headback to hana....i spotted this The Best Massage earlier on....so made a detour to try this place.
I must say this is the most painful massage for me so far.
Massage was done in open room w curtain partition. ML was a milf.
No hanky n pure hard massage. Full 1 hr. She didnt even ask me for tips.....i give her 30k. She was happy.
This is a good place for those looking for hard massage n got high threshold for pain.
However, i was not happy the place mislead me with the promo banner outside.
Promo 1 hr 70k.....but the recep say 80k. Normal price.
I say outside 70k....she say only until 8.30pm.....total rubbish.
Anyway, didnt argue w her ....give 80k as it was good massage.
Partly i was really feeling tired n want to hit the bed.
For those interested, this place is same block as Mega Hotel....walking distance from hana.
Had an early night....pop a panadol n went to sleep.
bro i also at biz hotel should meet hahaha now messaging you also in biz right now.going back tomorow after tired chongging 3 days straight