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08-11-2019, 01:04 PM
If have cewek taxi drivers...at the same time double up as playmate, i dont mind engaging one.

If there's a will, there will be a way.

Otherwise it doesnt make a difference if an OKT in Batam just ask a girl from his/her joint to drive a motorbike to go to ferry terminal to pick you up to go to your desire Hotel,hehehe...

If i have that kind of "will", i will seek a way. 1st of all things, i need to find a female taxi driver 1st (or those in that category at least, just like when i 1st started seeking Indo Chinese girls). Since these drivers were barely less than 1% of the total population of taxi drivers in Batam. And then followed by turning them into "playmate". If the female taxi driver in Batam turns out to be those you seen in Singapore, would you still wants them to be your playmate? :D

Try everything, works on making the near impossible possible. And that is what most of my Batam trips were about most of the time (if you followed this thread from time to time),hehehe...same theory applies when i say i look for pure breed Indo Chinese girls, same for those celebrity look-alike girls, same for turning clean massage parlor in Batam to become my very own backyard for special services,hehehe...not forgetting my idea/s of booking the cream of the crowd girls from all over indonesia (from Batam Hang Nadim,remember?)....blah blah blah, and those list goes on. Those were the past whereby it has been PROVEN possible (and done before) during public discussion before by many reputable bros in the open public in this thread.

All these discussion and sharing CANNOT lie itself, which is what i like about SBF...where real people discuss things and makes true of it and these discussion history wont be removed.

Today, 2019/2020...its taxi drivers in Batam,hehehe...lookable female taxi drivers in Batam. ;)

(History, Today and Future..they were all linked-up somehow..hehehe..)

Out of 100 bros here, maybe only 10 were willing to share. Out of those 10, maybe only one (or less) is like-minded. And i am lucky to find a small handful of these bros over the last 6 to 7 years while i am here. And ta dah! Many near impossible is now possible in Batam and at only a small fraction of the price becos we all work together to seek our common fun.

Lightning and calamity will strike me down if i open up my record books in public,hehehe... :D

* i spend most of my internet time seeking my kind of fun in Batam, rather than bickering over trivial matters. Or feed to the trolls/trouble-maker.

Sustainable cheonging in Batam. Still working on it tho,hehehe...and dont plan to give up.

08-11-2019, 01:05 PM
One recent example of a MAN in SBF who kept his word which i respect.

I take this opportunity to compile all the scatter FR he send to me into one piece since he shared he has trouble sending it to me in one lot via PM. Most likely it is due to the forum system's PM limitation on the number of words. The least i could help is to help him compile into one full FR.

Part 0

Good Day Nono 1973

Many thanks for your kind consideration to block my nick and also thank you very much for taking your time and effort to answer my questions and giving me the information, very much appreciated. Sadly your reply came too late, not your fault but mine for asking you so late, I sincerely apologise. Three of us went on Wednesday and came back on Thursday, will give you a field report as the days go by, because it seems you not getting my report, do not know why, let see if you get this. Have a blessed day.

Part 1

Good Day Nono1973

Hope you received the first part, anyway we took the 10.45am ferry from SG to Harbour Bay jetty. One of the guys had engage a driver by the name of Fekir which he used before. We told driver to go to Gideon Hotel driver say no good and expensive took us to Kireinn, which was terrible no breakfast and many things in the room not working like kettle, hot water showers. The rate of the room is 250k. He pickted us up in a taxi, please advise of you get this.

Part 2

Good Day Nono1973

This is part 3, hope you received previous two parts. So after checking into hotel went for lunch, told driver wanted to go to food court and have a range of food to choose from, he conveniently ignore our request and brought us to coffeeshop that sell only malay food like mee goreng and nasi goreng. Driver sat and ate with us and ordered what he wanted to eat and drink and we paid for his portion. After lunch went for cewek hunting, he took us to Happy 8 and another place I think it call Happy. Only 3 girls at Happy, but more than twenty girls at Happy 8. Two of my friends took cewek at Happy 8, one paid $1.2 mil and the other paid 1.6 mil. According to OKT 1.6 mil have not given birth, friend was very happy with her service. I did not take any. To be continue

if this is part 3, then i missed part 2.

Sorry Nono 1973 then this is part 2.

Part 3
(added on 12th Nov 219)

Good Day Nono1973

Very sorry I read your post, and thank you very much for blocking out my nick, anyway not too sure if you miss or I did not send out, between part 2 and 3 there is another part.

After booking cewek we went to Go Massage, everyone very happy with their 2 hours massage. After that the guys with cewek went back to hotel for target practise me on the other hand wanted to go to Golden Factory outlet to have a look see. Driver kept telling me no good and expensive. Keep asking me what I wanted to buy, he will bring me, that where I got piss off and ask him to drop me off at Nagoya SC. Yes that the Kueh Lapis shop in the photo that you post.. Nono once again thank you very much and sorry for all the grand mother stories, you have a blessed day.

Part 4

Good Day Nono1973

Continuation from Nagoya SC, so after 2 hours he picked me up and went back to hotel to rejoin the group. Discuss about dinner, wanted to go to A2 food court, driver say no good, dangerous always fighting when people are drunk, so I suggested WEy Wey read about it from tripadvisor. Went to the jetty where all the restaurant are, driver just walk straight into the one next door to Wey Wey call something seafood I think it Harbour or Batam seafood. I ask driver why come here when I suggested Wey Wey, he say Wey Wey expensive and lousy. After dinner call it a night. But before driver left us, I told him I wanted to go to Penuin Market next morning and ask him what time it open showing driver name and picture on my mobile, that dickhead told me 10am, I say cannot be but cewek also confirm his statement, so could not argue. To be continue.

Part 5

Good Day Nono1973

So woke early next morning and since I got no cewek and google opening hours of Penuin Market at its say 8am. Anyway forgot to tell you the previous night arrange for driver to come at 10am since I could not go to the market and the other two are having last shot.
But told the driver that we want to go to sports massage in the morning. Driver came at 9.30am told us sports massage no good and he has a better place, friend insisted on going to sports massage since he been and say very good. So all 3 of us went for two hours sports massage and was very happy. To Be Continue

Part 6

Good Day Nono1973

Anyway in the taxi i ask the driver why he told me the Penuin Market open at 10am when it say 8am, bloody moron say that he thought I was asking the opening hours of the shopping centres in Batam and did not understand me. which is a bloody lie when I show him photo and picture on my phone. So after massage we wanted to go for lunch but because we wanted to buy Kueh Lapis, driver say we have to go to this place to order and collect 3 hours later, place is call Nyonya Melati Kue Lapis and driver say this place supply to all of Batam. I saw the prices and found that they were 50k more than those in Nagoya SC when I was there yesterday and told my friend about it in a mixture of English and Hokkein, and driver told me those in the Nagoya SC when you buy back cannot eat because spoiled, they keep too long.
Lost my cool and told driver you fucking understand what I just said but you did not understand when I ask you about opening hours of the market. No doubt this place make them fresh, but the samples we tried to me anyway were tasteless, no texture and aroma. To Be continue

Part 7

Good Day Nono1973

So after ordering Kueh Lapis, we went for lunch, told driver that we do not want to go to the same place that we had lunch yesterday, so drove around to a few places, but they did not look clean and appealing, so I told driver to go to Nagoya SC food court, that clown told us food court not open and the time was 12.30pm. I told myself is this driver joking, got angry and told him to bring us to the seafood jetty where we had dinner yesterday. We rock up to the carpark driver park right in front of last night restaurant and walk in front of us straight into the restaurant, we took a left turn and went to Wey Wey instead, he was not happy. Nono you may think I am a bastard for doing this prank, , but we let the driver sit with us like friends and ordered what he want and drink what he want, even alcohol. To Be Continue.

Part 8

Good Day Nono1973

So after lunch we were discussing about whether there is Nuru massage in Batam, driver say there is and he know of a place, brought us to this place call H3 massage. You choose the girls from photo album, there were no customers at all and the rooms are three floors up the building, rooms only had a mattress and long bath not bath tub. Price was 800k for 1 hour. Told the manager will consider, so we went to buy dried goods. Driver brought us to this place call Betty snacks, I only bought raw keropok and belinjoe, but friends bought ikan bilis, hae bee and many others. So in the process of buying we were discussing about the Nuru massage at H3 place. To Be Continue

Part 9

Good Day Nono1973

So while discussing about Nuru massage told them I was not comfortable because the place look so run down and dirty at H3. So friend suggested a place he been before that look like a ship near the jetty. Driver say he do not know about this place, luckily when we were eating at Wey Wey friend said he notice a building that resemble a ship so we told driver to drive along the road, true enough friend recognise the building and we went to the 9th floor the place is call Octopus I think. We sat down they brought out the girls and told us there are two classes one call Gold/900k and the other call Platinum/1.2mil if memory is correct. To Be continue

Part 10

Good Day Nono1973

So while viewing the girls, driver kept saying no good and expensive why not go to H3 massage, a lady in Gold Class caught my eye so I chose her, the other two friends went back to H3 massage, anyway I ended up paying 817k because of promotion. The other two friends pick up two girls at H3 massage and paid 700k each. Was told by them that they were happy with the service but I suspect that they not telling the whole story. Anyway I was happy with the service at Octupus only thing is the body to body massage was not oil base and no body sliding. To Be Continue

Part 11

Good Day Nono1973

So after Octupus and H3 massage we took the ferry home. I understand drivers have a family to feed, but being kind and charitable is totally different from being ripped off. Anyway we paid the driver S$60 for his services and gave him half a bottle of whiskey. Nono very sorry to have to make you go through reading these shitty stuff but was hoping you could share with others about the places I been. Anyway many thanks again for your information and help, sorry could not take up your tips and offer this time round. Hope to meet you one day in the great outdoors and hopefully you can arrange a driver the next time. You have a blessed day, Merry Christmas and a awesome 2020.
Please advise if you have received all the reports sorry lost track of the number of parts also, feel free to ask if there is anything missing from the reports.

These are all that i received all word by word without alteration. The only thing i did is censoring off the person sending the FR to me.

Thank you for sharing, if there is anything i miss, keep me posted so that i can make amendment in this post in the next 25 days.

May you have a better next Batam trip.


The gravest mistake/s i have seen above is the overly-reliant on taxi driver AND not reading page 1 of this thread. If you still plan on going to Batam again, beside page 1, dont forget to read :


And as a newbie, you should be staying in Formosa Hotel. 1st step not right, every steps thereafter would become almost wrong.


08-11-2019, 01:27 PM
U guys sure u want to hire a female driver? Happens on 2/11/2019 at ard batam harbour bay.


From the news,it says the driver was a lady (shown in video below as well). Jogger also lady.

Oh wow! Next time if i travel via Harbour Bay, got to keep my eyes big and mind alert. I hear from the girls in Batam claiming that the lady driver doesnt have a driver's license.

The good news is, the lady jogger is still alive but in a coma.

Hope the injured will be alright.

Thank you for sharing.

Straits Time says 26 Singaporean were injured, but Today News says 18.


Their group selfie photo appears in Tribun Batam news tho (as of below photo),before the bridge falls.


Nongsa area seaside were known to be mostly rocky area during low tide. Few years ago, Batamfast ferry was grounded in that area before.

Hope they are all ok.

* avoid quoting my whole post. If you cannot do that, simply reply to me w/o quoting at all. Thank you all.

08-11-2019, 02:02 PM
The best part of it is, the coupon CAN be claim in advance. Meaning if your coupon expires on Dec 2019, and if Horizon Ferry open ticket for Jan 2020 is available, you can go to Horizon Ferry counter at Harbour Front, pay S$28 to get the ticket (not coupon) in advance. Therefore extending your expiring Dec 2019 coupon to Jan 2020.

Of course, you need to got to Batam by 31st Jan 2020, otherwise your S$28 will go wasted.

I will wait...December usually have lots of good goodies.

Ya, that good, i doing to claim in advance liao. hahaha

08-11-2019, 02:11 PM
The gravest mistake/s i have seen above is the overly-reliant on taxi driver AND not reading page 1 of this thread. If you still plan on going to Batam again, beside page 1, dont forget to read :

when did A2 foodcourt became so lousy...will never trust any driver...best o once to experience...what else can be wrong...Grab only 11 to 15k per trip...:)

Becos of driver the gal cost inflated by 200 to 300k per gal...:)

if stay Formosa then walk to Happy 8 is almost 5 mins away...:)

08-11-2019, 03:42 PM
I said so many times since the day i joined sbf. Never trust supirs. Yes....even if hes a chinese! Never trust them 100%. If really need their service then bopian engage them. Try asking bros here to recommend a reliable driver.

Black Page
08-11-2019, 06:46 PM
I said so many times since the day i joined sbf. Never trust supirs. Yes....even if hes a chinese! Never trust them 100%. If really need their service then bopian engage them. Try asking bros here to recommend a reliable driver.

The gravest mistake/s i have seen above is the overly-reliant on taxi driver

I apologize if I will be too hard, but it is important to understand mistakes, those we did and those others did, to learn and to avoid to repeat the same in the future.

This case is clear. The taxi driver understood immediately that he was dealing with an easy prey and then started to eat and take advantage, even exploit the tourists. The wolves select and chase the small weak prey, not the big buffalo who kicks back.

Immediately when? When he took the people to another hotel instead of taking them where they requested him to go. Imagine the scene: they tell him to go to A, and he, pretending to be No.1 expert in Batam, takes them to B instead.
Tourists, instead of being firm and demanding to be taken where they indicated, and then sending him to hell paying 50k for the single ride, showed they were unsure, shy, trusting the untrustable.

That was very good for the driver. He understood he was dealing with naif people, weak in his hands, and that he could have done literally ANYTHING without they would complain.

And so he did. All the reported story is a sequence of incredible exploits. Not only he exploited the tourists, but he also went to his friends boasting how capable he is in dealing with tourists.

I am saying all this not to blame the poor guy, who was not afraid to report the bad adventure and understood he did all things wrong, but to alert people who go to Batam (anywhere in the world, actually) to not repeat similar mistakes.

By the way, nobody will ever convince me that a "supir" is needed in Batam.
Take a taxi (ojek if you are alone) only when you need it, and pay him only for the ride you really need.

08-11-2019, 07:19 PM
If there's a will, there will be a way.

Otherwise it doesnt make a difference if an OKT in Batam just ask a girl from his/her joint to drive a motorbike to go to ferry terminal to pick you up to go to your desire Hotel,hehehe...

If i have that kind of "will", i will seek a way. 1st of all things, i need to find a female taxi driver 1st (or those in that category at least, just like when i 1st started seeking Indo Chinese girls). Since these drivers were barely less than 1% of the total population of taxi drivers in Batam. And then followed by turning them into "playmate". If the female taxi driver in Batam turns out to be those you seen in Singapore, would you still wants them to be your playmate? :D

I get what u mean. Just like looking for social escorts. OKT also can just ask one of his cewek to double up as social escorts....keeping tamu company, sightseeing etc etc and charge tamu premium.:D

As for sillypore female taxi driver, no lah. I would stay far away..:D I rather go for Batam or Indon cewek supirs.:p



08-11-2019, 07:30 PM
This case is clear. The taxi driver understood immediately that he was dealing with an easy prey and then started to eat and take advantage, even exploit the tourists. The wolves select and chase the small weak prey, not the big buffalo who kicks back.

In my years of cheonging, i only experienced once i.e. at T Pinang. Tat was first and last. We learnt from mistakes. Those days no sbf...year 1997. Driver bastard at the jetty gate really took us for a ride. 1st nite we already knew we carrot head by him. Recommended us a hotel but in actual fact was a budget wisma without aircond. S$40 a nite. Even girls he also short change us. So wat we did was early next morning, we secretly checked out from tat wisma and we hailed a taxi and checked into another hotel..Pelangi hotel. Since we are newbie, we used the hotel driver. Hotel manager also nice guy. At least we felt safe and its a 2 star hotel but clean with aircond. Subsequent trips we were on our own leow...:D



08-11-2019, 07:51 PM
very crowded today because tomr is batam holiday

08-11-2019, 07:55 PM

Got a gem to intro
Fame Spa, girl no. 48
Name : Intah
Origin : Jakarta

fyi, girls at fame will always quote you 1 million, its your nego skill to bring it down to 500k. most of time it works. u have to bring exact 500k cash to the room then show her the sad face, say no more money, only left 500k. You persistent enough, she will relent and give in... she will keep bargaining with u. just be firm. The most 800k, but at least Fame Spa is much cheaper than Octupuss

08-11-2019, 08:09 PM
Rate is bad at HBB ferry terminal

08-11-2019, 08:13 PM
Anyone knows where got sinseh at batam who can treat chronic back pain like TCM

08-11-2019, 08:30 PM
very crowded today because tomr is batam holiday

1 post

Got a gem to intro
Fame Spa, girl no. 48
Name : Intah
Origin : Jakarta

fyi, girls at fame will always quote you 1 million, its your nego skill to bring it down to 500k. most of time it works. u have to bring exact 500k cash to the room then show her the sad face, say no more money, only left 500k. You persistent enough, she will relent and give in... she will keep bargaining with u. just be firm. The most 800k, but at least Fame Spa is much cheaper than Octupuss

2 post

Rate is bad at HBB ferry terminal

3 post

Anyone knows where got sinseh at batam who can treat chronic back pain like TCM

4 post

Making 4 posts in one go when you already knew how to edit your own post to add photo in it, i cannot understand what are u up to? Spamming? Clocking post? Definitely don't looks like u are trying to share smthing to me. :confused:

i cannot imagine anyone would post like u just did except with some other intended intention.

08-11-2019, 10:05 PM
Anyone knows where got sinseh at batam who can treat chronic back pain like TCM
There is one at pelangi johor, that is 7/11, look for lady boss only. She knows how to do bone massage and fees is 60ringgit per hr. Look at pelangi jua gen under jb delights. Not sure u can pm me.

Another one is at singapore(the best so far). But u need to pm me for it. As for the rest of the samsters, pls dun pm me if u have aches, no pain.

09-11-2019, 01:13 AM
Never trust supirs. Yes....even if hes a chinese! Never trust them 100%...
Fully agreed...
Frequent breakfast at Penuin market...
there are Chinese drivers having their sarapan pagi near my regular table...
They always boast about how they bring their "carot head" tamu to their chopper shop.:D

09-11-2019, 02:00 AM
Can share what application u use to make this motion picture? :confused: thanks.

Its a video file converted to Gif file. Most bigger brand higher end newer mobile phone has that function (but i dont like using mobile apps).

Try this :


There are many of such online. So you may wish to do a search to find the most suitable.

The only setback is, the video is at times needs to be short, coversion takes a bit of time. I believe no one would wants to covert a very long video file into gif becos the file would be too big to be upload then. Gif file that are oversize tends to lag a website loading too. If the video file is big, i would usually download it into my computer, cut it to piece/s to the parts i need most before doing the conversion.

IT stuffs are like that, when i cant work straight to it, i work around it. Just like how i travel to Batam. The girls not good nevermind, teach/guide them to become good...hehehe...a particular joint no good nevermind, help to make it a good enough place that best suit myself. Same applies for Batam hotel/s too.

I change the environment to suit myself, or at least i tried...hehehe...

Can also order from Grab Food too,hehehe...

This is the 1st time i ordered Grab Food online in Batam on my own w/o knowing their language and w/o having to download the apps into my mobile phone. I did that on my PC/laptop. ;)

I will need 2 things on hand tho :

a) an Indo sim card on my mobile phone (cost about 50k rupiah from Indosat which i tested on)

b) a valid email or simply just create one.

Go to this Grab website :

https://food.grab.com/id/en/restaurants?search=Tua%20Poh%20Ki%20Sun%20Kue%20Ba o

Resister an account with them using my indo mobile number and email address. There will be some verification code or something send via email and/or mobile phone. Simply just log in thereafter ,search and order. They even have a GPS map (and an approximate time of arrival) to show me where the driver is , hence i roughly would know what time to head to hotel lobby to pick up my food.

So now, i have most of the better food Batam right within my fingers,hehehe...at the same time, bros who dont know bahasa can also order Grab Food into their hotel too.

Enjoy Batam, enjoy Batam's good food,enjoy its everything and not forgetting the girls too.

09-11-2019, 10:41 AM
Fully agreed...
Frequent breakfast at Penuin market...
there are Chinese drivers having their sarapan pagi near my regular table...
They always boast about how they bring their "carot head" tamu to their chopper shop.:D

Pokoknya, Rupiah knows no race or religion. :D:(

The girls not good nevermind, teach/guide them to become good...hehehe...a particular joint no good nevermind, help to make it a good enough place that best suit myself. Same applies for Batam hotel/s too.

I change the environment to suit myself, or at least i tried...hehehe...

:D I tried with some ML at TBK. Dont really like massage. But BooB massage welcome. Cos she have big boobs. Told her to service me with those peaks. Not professional though but still shiok. Just tip them for value added service. Same for booking cewek. I will get baby powder fm the Toko and asked the cewek to do a boob massage for me....woooo....:D I go for MILF/service.:p

I will need 2 things on hand tho :

a) an Indo sim card on my mobile phone (cost about 50k rupiah from Indosat which i tested on)

b) a valid email or simply just create one.

Go to this Grab website :

https://food.grab.com/id/en/restaurants?search=Tua%20Poh%20Ki%20Sun%20Kue%20Ba o

Resister an account with them using my indo mobile number and email address.

Tot we can also bok from Spore line too? Why get a separate indo sim card? Unless u wish to kol and chat with the locals.



09-11-2019, 10:54 AM
Their group selfie photo appears in Tribun Batam news tho (as of below photo),before the bridge falls.
I think I saw them at the ferry terminal when they were departing Singapore.

I went to the Aiko Spot massage beside the petrol kiosk opposite BCS mentioned by bro Nono and got a girl at 18 years old. The price is 145k for 1.5hr. The counter offers 20% discount while i told them it should be 30% as stated on their poster during happy hours then she adjusted it.

This is the room rate mentioned by bro Nono.

09-11-2019, 12:53 PM
Anyone knows where got sinseh at batam who can treat chronic back pain like TCM
Guys pls help to advise him. I think he genuinely require medical treatment. Treating aches is very different from treating pain, dun anyhow throw contacts.

09-11-2019, 02:53 PM
Never trust supirs.

Dont trust supir, dont trust ojek, dont trust okt, dont trust ladies, dont trust friends that cheong with u, dont trust hotel workers dont trust water coming from tab. Like that come batam, must trust who om? :D

10-11-2019, 12:05 PM
Good Day Nono1973

Hope you received the first part, anyway we took the 10.45am ferry from SG to Harbour Bay jetty. One of the guys had engage a driver by the name of Fekir which he used before. We told driver to go to Gideon Hotel driver say no good and expensive took us to Kireinn, which was terrible no breakfast and many things in the room not working like kettle, hot water showers. The rate of the room is 250k. He pickted us up in a taxi, please advise of you get this.

This is the 1st part? :o

Never allow taxi driver to help you with the type of hotels to stay in, or you will be half-handicapped. ;)

Why so? You cannot get other taxi drivers..no 2nd opinion. Just my point of view.

Funny you should say that, I was totally stranded everytime driver did not want to go to a place we want.

Simple, Kireinn is a 1 or 2 star hotel. Whereas Gideon is a 3 star hotel who serve higher scale Singaporean in that area BCS. The location is very important in Batam too. I expected you to be stranded once you are staying in inconvenient hotel,like Kireinn.

Why didnt read my basic guide? I stated very clearly, Formosa Hotel (good breakfast too,i say they are 2nd best in Batam). Not becos it is how good it is, but becos of its in the middle of everywhere you all wish to go and MORE importantly, they already have everything under ONE roof,hehehe...its a hotel made for any Batam newbie.

Formosa Hotel :

4th floor got King Massage, and Alishan KTV, behind the building is Happy 8 booking joint (and Nagoya Citywalk Mall), opposite hotel building there are 2 more massage shops. 8 mins walk to Nagoya Hill Mall. Beside the hotel building got Lucky Plaza (electronic,hp and sim card), further down Lucky Plaza got all the street food.

Best still is, formosa provide 2 way transport from Harbour Bay ferry terminal to hotel and vice versa at 50k rupiah.

Good Day Nono1973

Did not get to read your tips and information until Thursday night when I came back, this was a last minute trip, myself last time in Batam was 2007, the other go at least once a year. We just decided on Sunday to go on Wed, so I wrote to you On Mon, check on Tues no reply from you and its not your fault I know you are a busy person and have other interest and I understand and also I ask you at the very last minute, so hopefully in future with the tips and information you gave we will follow it and give you a field report. Once again many thank Nono and very sorry to have taken up your precious time. By the way on my report about the Kueh Lapis shop have you heard about them before. Have a blessed day.

Sorry, my replying PM is too long and has exceed the words limited, so once again i gonna reply here instead, with your nick censored from public view.

Erm, the basic guide on Batam in page 1 of the thread was written many years ago,hehehe...intended to help 1st time Batam travelers and/or newbie to get around Batam as if its like Singapore's Sentosa,hehehe...anyway, no need to brood over whats already over, i often believe, every trip out of Singapore is an experience. Good or no good, so long one learned something from it...its really not as bad as it seems, as in your next and other future trips to the same/similar place, your this current experience in this trip is gonna play a VERY important key role to help you.



(there's an old saying, "God helps those who help themselves")

Ok, back to the kueh lapis shop. There are too many kueh lapis shop in Batam, and i have not heard of the name Nyonya Melati Kue Lapis even when i think i might have pass it by before,hehehe...did a bit of googling and realize it was located around DC Mall. There are quite a handful of Kueh Lapis "factory" in Batam , in case you didnt know. And is this the DC mall one you went to?


I was actually quite impress with one type of kueh lapis they are selling tho,hehehe...

(Durian favor)

You probably noticed. The durian favor. There is however one thing that i didnt like about this shop even tho i have not buy from them before.

There are no price tag. Cannot find price tag even at their websites or facebook.

And what does no price tag means in Batam? It means seller can name any price. And when seller can name any amount, it only means one thing to me,hehehe...the lesser intelligent Singaporean "beings" will have a VERY high chance to be chopped.

For layer cake factory, i have been to 2 if i didnt remember wrong. One of them was Diana Layer cake around Batam center. You may wish to google the name, and you will have no problem finding out their pricing. They are also one of Batam's MOST expensive too,hehehe...hence i often use their pricing as a benchmark to compare price with others.


The last time i was there was somewhere 5 to 6 years ago,and the price hasnt change a bit.

I used to be stupidly (like those lesser intelligent Singaporean "beings") visit these kuah lapis factory to buy the cakes from them but today, if i wish to buy layer cakes from any of such "factories", i simply dial them and it will be delivered to my hotel ROOM in a few hours. Well, believe me, its not like when you go to these "factories", they are going to give you those layer cakes that are fresh from their oven every time. They also apply the 1st in 1st out policy too.

Of course, those time i am still new to Batam, less experienced. I made some mistakes along the way too. But i shared it today hopefully lesser people would be less intelligent like me in the past, just like i have learned from the seniors here to avoid mistakes made by them before.

(inside Diana kueh lapis factory)

90% of the time, layer cakes are sold within the same day (due to the high volume of human traffic),otherwise the next following day. Especially in tourist area like Harbour Bay Bayfront Mall (observe how they keep and display their cakes). Therefore if i do not have that kind of time to even dial for a layer cake, i buy from there instead. In another direction of looking at it, i do not need to carry those layer cakes from hotel to ferry terminal. Saved me the time, effort and trouble too,hehehe...most of the auntie/uncle's kueh lapis were bought from ferry terminals. And they can really buy a lot a lot.... :p

Hope my reply on kueh lapis is useful to you on your next and future Batam trips.

Just sharing.

PS: Diana layer cake shop has only 2 favors to choose from (yet they are 1 of the most expensive) hence they could be specialize in what they do. Just my guess, ultimately, its still up to individual's taste bud.

10-11-2019, 12:17 PM
I went to the 吉龍 noodle on Saturday 10.45am unfortunately the store beside Gideon hotel is closed and the 1 at Penuin market is sold out and closing down. No choice but to settle my breakfast at the store beside the 1 at Penuin market which it is normal. However I chance upon a coffeeshop in front of the 1 beside Gideon hotel and it is full house. There are 2 noodle stores.

I wanted to go to the 1 near Meximo pub on Friday or Saturday morning initially but too lazy, will probably try it next time if I have the time. I went to Harbour Bay mall and it is a ghost mall, only around 8 to 10 stores out of a big complex. Nothing much to do but watched Terminator and no 1 else in the cinema. The movie stopped for 5 minutes 1 hour later due to technical issue.

I think I have tried Batam Centre, Nagoya Hill, DC mall, BCS, Kampung Bule, Harbour Bay mall and Grand Batam mall, not sure where else to explore :)

10-11-2019, 12:31 PM
Dont trust supir, dont trust ojek, dont trust okt, dont trust ladies, dont trust friends that cheong with u, dont trust hotel workers dont trust water coming from tab. Like that come batam, must trust who om? :D

I specfically targetted supirs aka lanun. I dont approach them. But they approached and forced us to engage their service and cheated us to the max!:mad:



10-11-2019, 03:30 PM
The custom auto Gantry at Harbour Bay is operational with scanning of passport and finger print. I used it just now when leaving Harbour Bay terminal.

10-11-2019, 08:57 PM
Hey brothers,

I be going down to Batam next week (Fri to Sun).. it has been a while. Most likely staying at Harmoni Suites. Any good places to pay a visit to? I have been hearing many people recommending Morena & Sri Kandy. What time should I hit those places? If anyone knows the OKT there, I appreciate the contact. Of course, I will bring treats.

10-11-2019, 09:20 PM
Hey brothers,

I be going down to Batam next week (Fri to Sun).. it has been a while. Most likely staying at Harmoni Suites. Any good places to pay a visit to? I have been hearing many people recommending Morena & Sri Kandy. What time should I hit those places? If anyone knows the OKT there, I appreciate the contact. Of course, I will bring treats.

hi bro , dun go morena, this joint girl got problum, sri kandy and happy 8 ok

10-11-2019, 10:38 PM
Hey brothers,

I be going down to Batam next week (Fri to Sun).. it has been a while. Most likely staying at Harmoni Suites. Any good places to pay a visit to? I have been hearing many people recommending Morena & Sri Kandy. What time should I hit those places? If anyone knows the OKT there, I appreciate the contact. Of course, I will bring treats.

Start early just after lunch. You can either make a walking tour to Happy8, Happy (lane near Hans Inn), MM, Sri Kandy, Kapu Kapu and finally Bunga. Conversely, you can take a Gocar or Grab to DC Mall and cross the road to Bunga, Sri Kandy, Kapu Kapu, MM, and Happy8. Just ensure nobody follow you into the joints to avoid paying extra commission of about 300k per cewek. Go early to get the best ceweks before they are booked. Morena also offers nice ceweks at 1 juta but only for 2 shots. Ceweks from other joints range from about 1 to 1.5j for 3 shots overnight subject to your bargaining skills. Cheers and enjoy.

10-11-2019, 11:26 PM
Hi Senior Bros,

I am planning a trip to Batam this weekend with a friend, not my first time in batam but first time chionging there. I have booked a hotel room near Harbour Bay terminal and we got a room each, hoping to get a girl (outcall) each for longtime/overnight.

Problem is, we both have no clue where to pick up the girls. I understand they charge between 800k-1.5m for overnight but have other info other than the price. We are only looking to bring the girls back to our hotel and have no intention to do it at massage houses/spas ect.

1. I read the thread and understand that there are spas/massage houses like those in JB but are we allowed to bring the girls to the hotel instead of doing it there?
2. How about KTV girls, will there come to our hotel?
3. Can we find working girls on Tinder ect? If not is there any other app?
4. Any good area to pick up freelance girls or fish tanks where they allow girls to be brought back ?
5. Any other useful tip/info?

I really appreciate your time reading this and thanks in advance for your guidance/replies.

11-11-2019, 12:05 AM
Ya, that good, i doing to claim in advance liao. hahaha

Then you will have to wait till when the coupon almost expire to do so or until this thread has updated the new expiry of the open ticket,hehehe...a good handful of bros here are using the e-coupons. And last month, the expiring 31st Dec 2019 open ticket is already out. I am expecting those Jan 2020 and Feb 2020 open ticket will be emerging soon from the Horizon Ferry counter at Harbour Front. ;)

I am actually going to do the same thing as you too,hehehe... :p

11-11-2019, 12:06 AM
when did A2 foodcourt became so lousy...

a2 food court has a very wide range on varieties of food,and especially so during evening time.

Same applies for most other food courts in Batam.

Not forgetting BCS and Astro food court is almost beside a2 food court. The entire penuin area where a2 food court is situated is like a Batam food paradise.

..will never trust any driver...best o once to experience...what else can be wrong...

If i have an itinerary during my Batam trip, i make sure the taxi driver follows it. Not the other way around it,and to go to the extend of following the taxi driver itinerary instead.

I used full day driver as well as both conventional mafia taxis, hotel taxis and grab/gocar kind of online taxis too. 1st timer or newbie, i would usually ask them to go for hotel taxis 1st. Thereafter, negotiate with these hotel taxi driver/s for a better price if they book them privately (thats if they die die need a full day taxi of course).

The monk can run, the temple cannot. ;)

Safety is my priority.

Grab only 11 to 15k per trip...

Not everyone can speak indo bahasa or Malay language,bro. Or there are people like me who dont have any of such taxi apps on my mobile phone,hehehe...

I happen to fall unto all the above 2 categories,hehehe...nonetheless, i work around it (like i often did). Most time my friends or the girls with me will help me order grab/gocar,hehehe... now that i can order Grab Food on my own (w/o the apps on my mobile phone),hehehe...i feel so proud of it. :D

Worst case scenario, just pay 50k rupiah to move from point A to point B in Batam then. Which is pretty rare during my Batam trips,hehehe...

Becos of driver the gal cost inflated by 200 to 300k per gal...

i did a rough calculation, the taxi driver at least make 1.5 juta from the whole 2D1N trip. Lets not forget the commission is not just on the girls, but also on hotels,MPs and food places they visited. ;)

With a S$60 budget ,one can practically hire 95% of the taxis for a full day in any hotel in Batam. And thats before bargaining. :D

if stay Formosa then walk to Happy 8 is almost 5 mins away...

If staying in Gideon, a2 food court is just 5 mins across the street,hehehe...New Spa also about 5 mins walk away. Aiko is just in front of a2 food court.

If i am in the newbie's shoe w/o much confidence, i would pay 50k rupiah to go to Utama Hotel, walk one round to shop around for booking joint and massage, and later take a 50k rupiah taxi back to hotel again.

If i stay Formosa hotel, it will be just way too easy, so i put myself in a newbie's shoe staying in Gideon Hotel instead.

There is a Indonesia TCSS thread...everyone welcome to TCSS there...

Indeed, there is an Indonesia TCSS thread (and all other miscellaneous about Indonesia) in this International sub-forum :


not productive to hv Batam, Jakarta, Bali TCSS threads separately...

Agreed with your points.

I agreed becos i look at other threads in this forum beside just this Batam Info thread. On their ratio number of FRs and the number of one/two liner/s postings. Follow by the amount of informative information in it which can led a direction for someone in an all rounded way,hehehe...i am proud of this Batam Info thread, even tho i knew there are still many rooms for improvement.

(the page 1 basic batam guide is a step by step guide for one to walk easier around Batam)

Define what is TCSS, every single person i ask would have a different view. For myself, i focus on the title of the topic in a thread in 99% of my postings (which i believe applies in all other public forum that are similar to the likes of SBF), and take all other post/s with one/two liners as just thread bumper.

I cannot expect someone who wrote an FR or any of their trip experience and then NOT allow others to have a discussion/share their similar experience on it.

Those who focus on discussing on the "people/person" who make a post and those who goes around telling others what CAN be posted or what CANNOT be post, i would usually ignore. This type usually ends with argument and the likelihood of starting quarrel were usually high.

Example :

A wrote : i fuck a girl in batam for 500 juta a pop.

B wrote : hey! i fuck the same girl you fuck from that place u mentioned at only 500k rupiah

A wrote : oh, that means i got chopped? i am new, will do better in my next trip.

B wrote : you are an idiot who dont read and only want to be spoonfed, typical Singaporean who only knows how to pay what the girl ask for.

Notice here that B in the conversation is already drifting away, to discuss on the "person" who made a post, rather than keeping in line with the thread title? If there is a C and D coming up later to "feed" the discussion (possibly on the "person" rather than whats on the titled topic), a war will imminently starts as the "sparks" from B started the talk about a "person" rather than sticking to the topic title.

In this case, i would usually suggest Mod to remove/move C and D's postings away from the thread, together with B's last post. Focus on the topic title and NOT the one who made the post.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to post freely anywhere and everywhere so long they stayed within topic. And freedom of speech is only FREE when THAT freedom DO NOT disrupt another's freedom. Which i believe were one of the forum's initial direction since day 1 its been set up (reputation system tells me so). Which is why anyone can talk about anything (thats in-line with topic) and which is why an ignore button was created during its later years. ;)

Your freedom of speech conflicted with my freedom of speech = no more freedom

Solution? Either i ignore you or you ignore me...hehehe...

Of course, post/s that are like/dislike by another that are within the titled-topic is entirely another matter altogether. There will be info in any thread that seniors already knew years ago, there will be others/newbie who didnt know about many posted info as much as those who already knew. One can either agree or disagree to it. Or simply dont share their view/s at all. But info shared that are in-line with forum topic whereby readers already knew about or doesnt find it useful at their current timeline CANNOT be categorize under TCSS.

TCSS posts that are posted in the wrong part of the forum/thread, hence it shouldnt be removed but should be moved away instead (to its respective TCSS thread, even if its Batam related).

My point of view. :cool:

a) C and D described above could be just clones.

b) its easy to find who contributed and who didnt by doing a user ID search in the forum/sub-forum, as well as to know who are the trouble makers. Not forgetting those who FED them too.

C) i usually respect genuine forum contributor. Yes, they are to be respected from my perspective becos they stood out to share their experiences.

d) if i were to say that ONLY sex-related post can be posted ONLY in a certain place, then i have to make sure that all if not MOST of my post/s in "that certain place" has to be sex-related.

e) Infomative posts in this thread are usually over 3 liners or in paragraph of 4 lines and/or above. Something that i observed.


Meantime,everyone is different, i cannot have unrealistic expectation that everyone will/can be like me,hehehe...notice confucius didnt say its wrong, it says "incorrect" instead.


11-11-2019, 12:38 PM
I strongly recommend you to book Tempats Villa in Batam Nongsa,hehehe...

(good for hide-and-seek with girls)

One night cost almost S$400, minimum stay is 2 nights. Its fantastic place for your to bring many girls into it for a good time,hehehe...

yr head enter water ya? bk tat kind of place 2 play water....lol :eek:

price is abt 700+ one nite nw hor, 400 is last time promo price lei...

U guys sure u want to hire a female driver? Happens on 2/11/2019 at ard batam harbour bay.


From the news,it says the driver was a lady (shown in video below as well). Jogger also lady.


Hope the lady jogger is well.

wa! tis one hiong sia...i loc is at the right junction of zest hotel door lei... :(

i reli hope the lady jogger is well...

Its still a mystery to me until today. Girls in Batam are willing to do "take home cash" only 400k to 750k rupiah for overnight booking with 3 shots and 250k to 300k rupiah for 1 bonk short time. But in wechat or watsapp and the likes, they ask for as high as 1 juta for short time. I remember 1 of the bros who talk to the girl asking for 1 juta shared that there are willing takers too,hehehe...

I am guess that guy must be a real desperado.

ever since dn't knw wen ago, i sharing here but best is no put loc so as to keep all the remaining good places in btm secure, i say secure is is meaning secure frm the polisi hor...lol...

one thg bad abt btm today is btm running low on good & cheep place liao...unlike long long time...lol

To me, 500k rupiah a pop is consider as VERY expensive in Batam. If its the same price as Singapore, i will either stay put in Singapore or simply just drop in at Johor Bahru. SBF Dome 3 sub-forum Indonesian girls going at about 90min/2/S$100 if i didnt remember wrong. And they were ALL definite SSYTs,hehehe....

i still can no undstd aso, sg is 100 gng 2 shot 4 90 min, but ppl go btm 2 pay 500k rp or 1 jt one shot...lol...either is brain got prob or their madthematics fail durin schl days....lol :D

i tink geylang got cheeper than 100 for 2 shots lei....lol...plus i no count jb yet. :D

Come to think of it, if i were to pay same price in Batam as of Singapore (pop to pop calculation base on the same category of girls), then my sustainable cheonging theory can also be achieve in Singapore. So why would i still go Batam to look for what can be done in Singapore? Ironical indeed...hehehe...to each his own, i guess.

i tht indo ger sg is less expensive? hw cum suddenly bcum btm more expensive than btm 4 shot time? Lol....

While sharing is caring, indiscreet sharing can also become disastrous. I learned that in SBF. ;)

*let's not forget indo authorities (and OKTs) were also watching this forum, and this is afterall public.

nwday mai play play with sg gov wen cums 2 online prostitution thg, they catch until veri fierce nwday.

in indo land is pay sm $, problem can b solve. Cannot pay then mus go 2 jail...lol :p

11-11-2019, 01:15 PM
Good day gents, just came back from my trip. A short FR here.

Joint: Sri Kandi
Cewek Name: Aura
Age: 20
Cost: IDR1.5M
Face: 8/10 (I prefered her without make up)
GFE: Quite high (we have chemistry IMHO)
Body: B+ boobs, slightly on the meaty side, about 5 tattoos. (Had fun exploring them :p )
Service: Does BBBJ, quite energetic. This old man cannot keep up. Woke me up after midnight cause she horny.... Took her for 2 nights.. Legs like jelly when I reach sg. Lucky never kena pull one side by CNB for urine test. :p
RTF: Most likely not... Got a few more SYT there to try.

11-11-2019, 02:09 PM
If i have that kind of "will", i will seek a way. 1st of all things, i need to find a female taxi driver 1st (or those in that category at least, just like when i 1st started seeking Indo Chinese girls). Since these drivers were barely less than 1% of the total population of taxi drivers in Batam. And then followed by turning them into "playmate". If the female taxi driver in Batam turns out to be those you seen in Singapore, would you still wants them to be your playmate?

Try everything, works on making the near impossible possible. And that is what most of my Batam trips were about most of the time (if you followed this thread from time to time),hehehe...same theory applies when i say i look for pure breed Indo Chinese girls, same for those celebrity look-alike girls, same for turning clean massage parlor in Batam to become my very own backyard for special services,hehehe...not forgetting my idea/s of booking the cream of the crowd girls from all over indonesia (from Batam Hang Nadim,remember?)....blah blah blah, and those list goes on. Those were the past whereby it has been PROVEN possible (and done before) during public discussion before by many reputable bros in the open public in this thread.

All these discussion and sharing CANNOT lie itself, which is what i like about SBF...where real people discuss things and makes true of it and these discussion history wont be removed.

Today, 2019/2020...its taxi drivers in Batam,hehehe...lookable female taxi drivers in Batam.

(History, Today and Future..they were all linked-up somehow..hehehe..)

u always so innovation...lol. I just tried 1 but she's hard nut 2 crack lei...lol

on hand nw got 4 to test water, onli 3 is can look type, 1 totally give me fk free i aso mai...lol

btw, the 2 of indo cheena nw go 2 m'sia liao, b4 cny then cum bk btm...beter earn big $ than stay btm earnin small $...lol

Out of 100 bros here, maybe only 10 were willing to share. Out of those 10, maybe only one (or less) is like-minded. And i am lucky to find a small handful of these bros over the last 6 to 7 years while i am here. And ta dah! Many near impossible is now possible in Batam and at only a small fraction of the price becos we all work together to seek our common fun.

Lightning and calamity will strike me down if i open up my record books in public,hehehe...

* i spend most of my internet time seeking my kind of fun in Batam, rather than bickering over trivial matters. Or feed to the trolls/trouble-maker.

welcum 2 internet!! Lol... :D

good place 2 find info but aso a place 4 fake info nwday....lol

otherwise hw cum mani cum internet 2 wan 2 draw attention or be like tat 1.5 mil condo John Pierpont Morgan guy who scolding the security 4 wanting 2 charge his fren's car $10...lol...self entitlement personality.

live & let live...y compete & win ovr nthg. I aso rather spend my time 2 ask cewek service my kkj or hv sm quality b2b....or may let the gers who jus learning hdly do it 4 me....lol

u knw rite? btm nwday got acupuncture massage lei...i got so surprise....lol

The good news is, the lady jogger is still alive but in a coma.

glad the jogger didn't die...hope she well soon.

big life ya, like tat still can survive...

If really need their service then bopian engage them. Try asking bros here to recommend a reliable driver.

wa!! lucky no 1 ask me recommend a reliable driver....lol

click spoiler @ own risk hor....lol, i tink the driver inside the car is a cewek....lol :D


jus 4 laugh onli....lol

I apologize if I will be too hard, but it is important to understand mistakes, those we did and those others did, to learn and to avoid to repeat the same in the future.

another 10 yrs in tis tread, u wil still see ppl here making same mistakes ovr & ovr....lol...& mostly were the 1 who claim got read the tread. :D

Making 4 posts in one go when you already knew how to edit your own post to add photo in it, i cannot understand what are u up to? Spamming? Clocking post? Definitely don't looks like u are trying to share smthing to me. :confused:

i cannot imagine anyone would post like u just did except with some other intended intention.

Lol...wat u expect...lol, i go 2 btm, make 1 post...i go btm eat 1 apple i make another post, i eat the apple not fresh, another post, after eating i no find dust bin & throw it ani how another post...then i take taxi go bk hotel another post....lol...total 5 posts i can making....lol

tis kind of posts i aso can make...& sm more i expert lei....lol...sorry hor, i cn't help imagining EVERYONE make posts like tat here....lol, looks like fun!! :p

hi bro , dun go morena, this joint girl got problum, sri kandy and happy 8 ok

ya, the place morena onli good 4 st @ best...if i am gng 4 LT or quality serv, i no waste my time tere...lol

Good day gents, just came back from my trip. A short FR here.

my bigger than cow car wheel 7 pts 2 u 4 ur heart 2 share....lol

looks like u keep hitting the jackport in btm ya? good 4 u...mus learning frm u liao....lol...

good day ya brother!! :p

11-11-2019, 06:27 PM
Good day gents, just came back from my trip. A short FR here.

Joint: Sri Kandi
Cewek Name: Aura
Age: 20
Cost: IDR1.5M
Face: 8/10 (I prefered her without make up)
GFE: Quite high (we have chemistry IMHO)
Body: B+ boobs, slightly on the meaty side, about 5 tattoos. (Had fun exploring them :p )
Service: Does BBBJ, quite energetic. This old man cannot keep up. Woke me up after midnight cause she horny.... Took her for 2 nights.. Legs like jelly when I reach sg. Lucky never kena pull one side by CNB for urine test. :p
RTF: Most likely not... Got a few more SYT there to try.

Haha, can book her for 1 to 1.2 juta. The extra charges being commission for your driver/minder.

11-11-2019, 09:34 PM
I will need 2 things on hand tho :

a) an Indo sim card on my mobile phone (cost about 50k rupiah from Indosat which i tested on)

b) a valid email or simply just create one.

Singtel's Readyroam cheapest Indon package is $5 for 1GB for 7 days. Connect to Telkomsel though.

Good alternative and no need to hang around a batam telco shop waiting for your card to be registered. :D

11-11-2019, 11:31 PM
went to Batam and hit as many MP as I can, and found a real gem.
it's the place next to OYO hotel (aka Star Hotel).
It's 170k for 1 hour.
It starts as usual. mattress on floor, uncomfortable non-stretchy shorts to wear. After about 5 minutes, when she's adjusting my shorts, I lift my butt a little higher, and she laughs and removes the shorts entirely. nice.
rest of massage goes as you expect. reasonably good massage, and a little teasing. And it goes on after turning front up.
she spreads my legs, and her legs.
and places my legs on top of her legs. By this time, any pretense of keeping the towel over my dick is all gone.
And she starts, massaging my legs, and my inner thighs and balls and swooshing back toward my knees. Then back to above my dick, and back toward my knees.
Then pressing my "points" near my dick Wah! shiok! And repeat and repeat
So enjoying this - I dont know what's happening! It's better than fucking
I never done JG massage, so I dont know if this is JG. But whatever it is, it was absolute awesome!
Of course, after about 5 minutes of this, she ask if want release..
Point is.. for 170k entry, this is what I get? WOW. Next time I go batam, I need to make a special time to visit here again.
The girl was a bit plump and face nothing to sing about. But real nice personality, and got real ball and excite massage skills.
Unfortunately I dont recall her name exactly. I think it was something like Wui Jie?

Enjoy bros. There are so many MP in Batam, it will take a year just to try them all. This ones really good.

11-11-2019, 11:34 PM
Singtel's Readyroam cheapest Indon package is $5 for 1GB for 7 days. Connect to Telkomsel though.

Good alternative and no need to hang around a batam telco shop waiting for your card to be registered. :D

Agree 100%. Both to Malaysia or to Indo, it's SGD5 for enough data for a few days. My time waiting in queue to get SIM card worth more than $5

12-11-2019, 09:22 AM
Anyone wanna meet later? Will be doing to batam afternoon.

12-11-2019, 01:41 PM
Good Day Nono1973

Very sorry I read your post, and thank you very much for blocking out my nick, anyway not too sure if you miss or I did not send out, between part 2 and 3 there is another part.

After booking cewek we went to Go Massage, everyone very happy with their 2 hours massage. After that the guys with cewek went back to hotel for target practise me on the other hand wanted to go to Golden Factory outlet to have a look see. Driver kept telling me no good and expensive. Keep asking me what I wanted to buy, he will bring me, that where I got piss off and ask him to drop me off at Nagoya SC. Yes that the Kueh Lapis shop in the photo that you post.. Nono once again thank you very much and sorry for all the grand mother stories, you have a blessed day.

I have edited the post of your FR in red by squeezing the above in between part 2 and part 3. Take note that the part 3 wording of the FR is in bold red, signifying the amendment.


For your reference.

12-11-2019, 04:47 PM
went to Batam and hit as many MP as I can, and found a real gem.
it's the place next to OYO hotel (aka Star Hotel).

Is the MP called "GO! Massage"? That is the only one i found in google maps

12-11-2019, 05:59 PM
Haha, can book her for 1 to 1.2 juta. The extra charges being commission for your driver/minder.

Yeah, I don't really care. Did not nego for this time round as this was an advance booking I made with the Mami. Since it was a favor for me, I did not nego.

12-11-2019, 06:08 PM
Is the MP called "GO! Massage"? That is the only one i found in google maps

Go Massage is a little south. in gogole maps, search for OYO 1635 New Star hotel. it shows the MP in the picture. its attached to hotel

12-11-2019, 06:58 PM
On my recent visit to Batam, I met an online girl who happen to do a visa run. she claimed to work in Malaysia, Subang as freelancer at the nightspots there. So time to time she would need to go to Batam to do her visa run before going back to Malaysia again. She said she would be in Batam normally for a week.

This girl look definitely above average in looks, damage is 300k and she said better to have customers in Malaysia who would pay more in ringgit. But then since this is extra for her as she would take it rather than no deal no income hehe.

So yeah, sharing some info abt possibilities of getting better looking girl who is on visa run in online channel.

Sorry for the messy writing.

12-11-2019, 08:01 PM
Is the MP called "GO! Massage"? That is the only one i found in google maps

Hope this helps..


You probably search in the wrong direction, i think the FR is referring to New Star Hotel instead of just Star Hotel. Then again,it could also be be Go Massage too, as what i heard was Star Massage has somewhat closed down. But that was a long while ago, and who knows they probably reopened (and/or with a changed name?). :p


In between both MPs, is New Star Hotel.

*please avoid quoting the whole post.

12-11-2019, 08:02 PM
yr head enter water ya? bk tat kind of place 2 play water....lol :eek:

price is abt 700+ one nite nw hor, 400 is last time promo price lei...

In my new apartment in Batam, i hope to be able to install one of this tap found in the Tempats Villa,hehehe... :p


Impressive tap, isnt it? Hehehe...i was impressed. :D

12-11-2019, 08:02 PM
I apologize if I will be too hard, but it is important to understand mistakes, those we did and those others did, to learn and to avoid to repeat the same in the future.

I cannot understand the difficulty either. Batam trip is actually pretty simple...

1. Book any hotel around Nagoya.

2. Get a taxi from xx hotel to Utama hotel.

3. Walk Utama hotel one round (should be able to find some booking joints and MPs).

4. Take taxi back to xx hotel.

Doesnt make a difference when i step out of my Singapore home, take a taxi to Geylang, have my pick of girls, finished my "business" there then take another taxi back home. There are no safe or unsafe issue involved.

By the way, nobody will ever convince me that a "supir" is needed in Batam.
Take a taxi (ojek if you are alone) only when you need it, and pay him only for the ride you really need.

How about a female taxi driver? :D

I cannot find any female ojek yet tho,hehehe...but that kind of thing can still be arranged.

Joking here,hehehe... :p

I rather go for Batam or Indon cewek supirs.

See? This is the 1st step i was saying earlier. Find an Indo cewek supir.

But at a rate of less than 1% of the Batam taxi population, how to even find one in the 1st place? :D

I highly doubt even if i find one, she's going to be my playmate on 1st sight. :o

All these gonna take time, but must take the very 1st step out 1st. Right? Hehehe.... :D

I tried with some ML at TBK. Dont really like massage. But BooB massage welcome. Cos she have big boobs. Told her to service me with those peaks. Not professional though but still shiok. Just tip them for value added service. Same for booking cewek. I will get baby powder fm the Toko and asked the cewek to do a boob massage for me....woooo....:D I go for MILF/service.

Keep going back, she will improve.

Batam has lots of good MILF massage lady who are good at what they do, just takes a bit of time to slowly slowly dig them out. I am kind of sure balai will also have too.

Tot we can also bok from Spore line too? Why get a separate indo sim card? Unless u wish to kol and chat with the locals.

Becos i dont put such apps on my mobile phone. ;)

Some time when i go Batam, i would buy a sim card for myself to last one month or so. So just make full use of it,hehehe...and it is good to have an Indo sim card if i visit Batam (Indonesia) regularly,isnt it?

12-11-2019, 09:01 PM
went to Batam and hit as many MP as I can, and found a real gem.
it's the place next to OYO hotel (aka Star Hotel).
It's 170k for 1 hour.

thanks for the recommendation. I googled the hotel photos, wow, it's more basic than 81 or Fragrance. At S$14/night, can't complain though. ;)

Black Page
13-11-2019, 01:36 AM
How about a female taxi driver? :D
I remember on one of my first visits to Batam, when everything looked new and adventurous to me, that an afternoon I went to Permata Indah to check the girls. In the large room upstairs, there was a group of 3-4 men (from Singapore?), accompanied by an Indo lady.

They were screening the girls like buyers at a cattle fair, with sharp eyes and confabulating among them. The lady seemed the one most professional in screening the girls, and she was exchanging opinions with the men about their look. I could not understand their language, but I understood the topic from the tone of the voice and the expressions.

I fantasized that she was a lesbian lady, hunting girls with the men for a night of fun. I left and few minutes later, passing by on ojek, I saw her sitting in car in the parking out of Permata. I told the ojek to stop immediately, because the lady started to waive at me from the car.
In short, she told me that she was not hunting, but she was a taxi driver or tourist guide, leading tourists to Batam. She was just helping the guys. Maybe she even gave me her card, but I did not keep it.

I cannot find any female ojek yet tho,hehehe...but that kind of thing can still be arranged.
Actually, I remember once I was walking in Jodoh and I crossed my eyes with a lady on scooter who was proceeding in my opposite direction. She called me with the usual "Hellooo Mister!" and I did not think twice to respond "OJEK?".

So, she agreed to take me back to Formosa on her scooter. I paid her the usual 10k, which she did not reject (who in Indonesia does say no to some uang?), but I did not ask her phone number because she was looking so-so, and I was hoping to meet someone much better at night in disco.
It was just a nice ride.

13-11-2019, 04:18 PM
juz back from batam and share a good gem. this gal has the biggest breast i ever kenna. hv to feel to believe. from batam happy8. name suci. face 7/10. breast 10/10. stardard rate 1.2 juta. bro help me up my points if u tried n happy with her service. however i must say she insist on using condom for blowjob. i respect . this gal wanted to leave at 7am. so be warned . i am a boobs lover so i dun care. maybe no chemistry . cheers

I was at happy8 last week. Asked the mami abt Suci. Saw her. Where got big? She's short, partial dyed brown long hair. Wore black dress. Abit squarish face. From my view I can see at most B cup only. So how big are they by your own judgement??

13-11-2019, 08:20 PM
Bros, it seems that for LT/overnight booking, the girls leave only in the morning at about 7am. Im just wondering what you guys do with the girl other than the 3 shots which takes about an hour in total at most. I mean, due to language barrier, wont it get awkward after awhile? also any concerns in terms of safety? like the girl running away with your belongings while you are asleep. thanks in advance for your guidance

13-11-2019, 08:31 PM
Bros, it seems that for LT/overnight booking, the girls leave only in the morning at about 7am. Im just wondering what you guys do with the girl other than the 3 shots which takes about an hour in total at most. I mean, due to language barrier, wont it get awkward after awhile? also any concerns in terms of safety? like the girl running away with your belongings while you are asleep. thanks in advance for your guidance

Advise is that when you have girls in your room is advisable to lock your important belong in the safebox before you sleep or your are bathing...

13-11-2019, 10:40 PM
See? This is the 1st step i was saying earlier. Find an Indo cewek supir.

Keep going back, she will improve.

Batam has lots of good MILF massage lady who are good at what they do, just takes a bit of time to slowly slowly dig them out. I am kind of sure balai will also have too.

Becos i dont put such apps on my mobile phone. ;)

Some time when i go Batam, i would buy a sim card for myself to last one month or so. So just make full use of it,hehehe...and it is good to have an Indo sim card if i visit Batam (Indonesia) regularly,isnt it?

Years years back...in the other old batam thread, there was this bro who have lobang for btm social escorts. Actually i already cheong batam regularly those days. But just for curiosity sake, i decided to try his escort service. Paid premium. Cewk looks i gave 7 out of 10. Milf. Services 8 out of 10. Speak simple english. Fetches me from old batu ampar. Bok her for two nites. I played ignorant...like a newbie. Brought me go jalan jalan...to barelang bridge...discoteq...and even acc me to a casino.:p

As for ur sim kad, ok lah since ur a regular there. Only thing need to register. Quite a hassle...



Black Page
14-11-2019, 03:26 AM
Bros, it seems that for LT/overnight booking, the girls leave only in the morning at about 7am. Im just wondering what you guys do with the girl other than the 3 shots which takes about an hour in total at most.
Spot-on comment.
I booked a girl overnight maybe 2-3 times in my life. I have always regretted. What to do with the girl besides fucking? I cannot fuck for 10 hours.
My ideal night is dinner, relax, clubs and disco, back at 4am with a new girl, fuck, sleep alone or with her in my arms, send her away possibly not after 10am.
I remember this word of wisdom: "Men do not pay a woman for sex, but to see her leaving after sex". So true!

14-11-2019, 04:31 PM
I have edited the post of your FR in red by squeezing the above in between part 2 and part 3. Take note that the part 3 wording of the FR is in bold red, signifying the amendment.


i notice he didn't bking ani gers, so it's not so bad. The thg is his fren happy & willin 2 get chop....lol

i tink the guy is lucky the driver didn't bring the whole grp 2 golden prawn,factory outlet, dry good market for tourist & btm layer cake shp @ BC, otherwise sure whole body blood....lol

& looks like the driver got special dealin wit the restaurant beside wey wey for his comm....lol :D

14-11-2019, 05:27 PM
Hi all, read alot of good stuff for the past week. My virgin trip to batam this weekend! Since the hotel check in is at 2pm and my ferry will reach at 9plus, any recommended things to do?

Is the money changer around Formosa offering better rates? Intent to spend about 300 xclude hotel for 3 days 2nights.. Will it be sufficient?

14-11-2019, 05:39 PM
Hi bros,

Have read many good tips over the past week to prep for my first batam trip this weekend.

I have book formosa for 3 days 2 nights. Wondering is 250-300 sufficient?
As the Check in is 2pm, I have alot of time. Will reach at 9plus. What should I do during the gap?

I intent to change money there too, are rates near Formosa one of the best?

Thanks in advance for all the suggestions and tips!!

14-11-2019, 11:57 PM
Hi bros,

Have read many good tips over the past week to prep for my first batam trip this weekend.

I have book formosa for 3 days 2 nights. Wondering is 250-300 sufficient?
As the Check in is 2pm, I have alot of time. Will reach at 9plus. What should I do during the gap?

I intent to change money there too, are rates near Formosa one of the best?

Thanks in advance for all the suggestions and tips!!

u can check in early if room are available, 250-300 if book girl for 2 night total spend will be tight, suggest bring more $, can go for massage b4 check in, many massage shop there

15-11-2019, 12:01 AM
Hi all, read alot of good stuff for the past week. My virgin trip to batam this weekend! Since the hotel check in is at 2pm and my ferry will reach at 9plus, any recommended things to do?

If room isn't ready, leave yr bags at the reception & then get online from hotel wifi to sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21 instead of https://sbf.net.nz/forumdisplay.php?f=21 so that u can surf sbf. Indonesia banned sbf.net but not sammyboyforum.com

Come back here to read this thread on page 1. U can read this thread in either one of the two restaurant in the hotel, at the same time have yr brunch.

I ask u read that bcos u missed out on a big lot of reading,especially page 1. By the time u finish reading up, it's abt the right time u will knw how to go to utama hotel to walk its block one round, how to go to yr hotel's 4th floor to get a massage & in the event u can't get a girl in those places around utama hotel, just rite at the same floor of yr hotel where u get the massage, there's a ktv that opens at abt 7pm, where u can grab a girl there.

Is the money changer around Formosa offering better rates? Intent to spend about 300 xclude hotel for 3 days 2nights.. Will it be sufficient?

If u still have time to spare, can still walk yr staying hotel one round & cross opposite to chg$. If u do so, u would probably notice there are some mp there. Since u are new, i would recommend u to chg a bit of rupiah in sg first.

Wondering is 250-300 sufficient?

Depends wat u are looking for in btm. If u truly read, u would knw the estimated price for girls, both ST & LT. Lack of bargaining & reading this thread will bring u to spend the same price as u pay in Sg.

I can only guarantee 250-300 is sufficient if i don't count in the girls.

Suggest u bring an extra 100,better still 200. Keep them, no need to chg all, just in case u need it.

I intent to change money there too, are rates near Formosa one of the best?

Within formosa hotel's radius 300m, then yes.

15-11-2019, 12:14 AM
...because so many holidays and festivals coming up in Dec and Jan...:)

Thanks for reminding, in case you didnt know, you kind of remind me of setting up a post for the upcoming Indonesia Public Holiday for 2020 declared by their government,hehehe... :D

For those who could read :


...and for those who are lazy to scroll. :p


Just keeping tab on Indonesia's public holiday so i can continue to plan for my holidays in Batam in 2020 which is just about 1 to 2 months away.

May all have a good trip to Batam.


* Ramadan starts April in 2020

15-11-2019, 12:21 AM
I went to the Aiko Spot massage beside the petrol kiosk opposite BCS mentioned by bro Nono and got a girl at 18 years old. The price is 145k for 1.5hr. The counter offers 20% discount while i told them it should be 30% as stated on their poster during happy hours then she adjusted it.

This is the room rate mentioned by bro Nono.

How was the quality of the massage? Hehehe...

Anyway, i find out that not just Aiko, in fact almost every MPs in the penuin area often try to avoid honoring the offer they advertised. And that usually happens on the day time less than 60 mins before the happy hour ends. So i am guessing you were there after 3pm and before 4pm. ;)

For Aiko, experience there was when i go there AFTER happy hour and ask for discount, they would give me 20% off.

I went through a handful of massage shops in that area. Reborn is one them which i will avoid becos they were seen (quite a few times) not to change their bed sheet after customer left. I have the tendency to avoid MPs that does Tour Agent business. Meaning a whole bus-load of tourists would suddenly comes down from a tour bus to go into the those MPs. Making the massage experience very hectic. :(

I went to the 吉龍 noodle on Saturday 10.45am unfortunately the store beside Gideon hotel is closed and the 1 at Penuin market is sold out and closing down. No choice but to settle my breakfast at the store beside the 1 at Penuin market which it is normal. However I chance upon a coffeeshop in front of the 1 beside Gideon hotel and it is full house. There are 2 noodle stores.

If you plan were to go at timing like 1045am, chances are most of the shops you mentioned would be closing or has start to close (personal experience). Breakfast start as early as 7am plus in the market area. And Saturday/Sunday were peak days of the week. Hence if i know i am gonna be late for breakfast, i head straight to Meximo Pub or Bei Long at a2 Food Court for noodles.

I wanted to go to the 1 near Meximo pub on Friday or Saturday morning initially but too lazy, will probably try it next time if I have the time. I went to Harbour Bay mall and it is a ghost mall, only around 8 to 10 stores out of a big complex. Nothing much to do but watched Terminator and no 1 else in the cinema. The movie stopped for 5 minutes 1 hour later due to technical issue.

I have not experience a "short-circuit" time during a movie in Harbour Bay Mall before, but it happens once at Grand Batam Mall. These are pretty rare cases and how often would i have experience such..hehehe..i just take it as an experience.

If you are looking for cheap stuffs, eg Bags, Haversack etc. Harbour Bay Mall is the place. Nobody i knew has so far said that Manzu Massage is not good in Batam,hehehe...and they are inside Harbour Bay mall. Gogo supermarket is one of my favourite place to shop. ;)

I think I have tried Batam Centre, Nagoya Hill, DC mall, BCS, Kampung Bule, Harbour Bay mall and Grand Batam mall, not sure where else to explore :)

Have you been to Citywalk Mall, Kepri Mall, Mall Botania, Top 100 Mall, Mitra Mall, Nagoya IT Centre (NITC), Park Avenue Batam...i think there was another big size mall which was frequent by local near Batam university that was shared by bro Ndnd and bro mygirly before. Cant remember the name.

Ok, i found it, its called Mall Botania 2 aka MB2. :p




Seriously, i also didnt know Batam got so many malls,hehehe...until i start naming them here.

15-11-2019, 12:24 AM
Singtel's Readyroam cheapest Indon package is $5 for 1GB for 7 days. Connect to Telkomsel though.

Sincerely thank you for sharing, even tho i dont quite agree with you that Singtel Readyroam is the cheapest, as there is still TPG who offers FREE data for a few countries around Singapore,hehehe...cheapest is a strong word (to me).


The reason for my thanks was becos this Singtel Readyroam was connected to Telkomsel. Which is currently my preferred Telco network i use in Batam. And i will be playing with this Readyroam thingy in my coming Batam trips,hehehe...hence thank you again. :p

Note that i am not looking to using Grab Food in Batam via mobile apps but on a PC/Laptop instead. Hence i do not really need the data from Readyroam and the 50k rupiah for an Indosat sim card is more than sufficient. Thats not counting i am in Batam few times a month nowaday and in different parts of a single month, therefore 7 days isnt enough for me.

Every trip i made to Batam, i just top up 20k rupiah to extend its validity (each indo sim card on average last 1 month or so w/o top up). Once i decide i wish to change to a new sim card, i transfer the remaining pulsa (or money in the sim) to my permanent Indo sim card. Once i have enough pulsa accumulated in my permanent sim, i subscribe to Talkmania, so that i can make call to "friends" in Batam from Singapore. ;)

Good alternative and no need to hang around a batam telco shop waiting for your card to be registered. :D

Basically i dont need to queue in any Batam Telco shops (referring to shops that sell sim card) since my 6 odd years in Batam (not even a single time,otherwise i would have remembered), neither have i knew of anyone who need to yet,hehehe... i pass the telco shopkeeper my phone,tell them my needs for a sim card, they get me the sim card (with new number) in, i test if it works properly and then pay up.

Nowaday, there is no need to register sim card in Batam (at least i know i didnt have to over my last few trips), hence i find those amount of time i use to configure to the telco's respective network on my mobile phone plus the later time trying to figure out why it works intermittently in some area of Batam is longer than myself simply passing my phone to the Batam telco shop seller to get a sim card inserted into my phone.

Registering sim card here is referred to having to hand over my passport and/or personal particulars to the shop and the staffs in it do all the registry necessity.

I have been testing out and buying quite a handful of sim cards in Indonesia in almost every batam trips at least since nearly a year ago.


Some of my findings were ,Telkomsel and Smartfren work best for me. Which is why i say the Readyroam you shared were good sharing and that i will be testing out,hehehe...becos Readyroam uses Telkomsel network. Believe me,i dumped away a handful other brand of sim cards away who claim to have X number of GBs on data/calltime but i cannot even get it connected when i need it to (on the following 2 to 3 days later while i am still in Batam). ;)

Smartfren is on my Andromax device, which is my USB portable wifi. When i turn it on, every one in my group within about 10 meters away gets connected to the internet. :D

Just sharing.

15-11-2019, 11:49 AM
Important notes for me to jot down in preparation for my upcoming CNY2020 Batam trip,hehehe... :D

(photo taken directly from Horizon ferry counter Harbourfront)

As according to the Horizon Ferry counter staff, on the 24th,25th and 26th of Jan 2020, all promo ferry tickets will be subjected to an extra S$10 surcharge.

So, during the 3 stated day on Jan 2020 if i cannot use the orange ticket unless i pay an extra S$10 :


I cannot use this e-coupon converted Horizon Ferry ticket below too. Same reason, unless i pay an extra S$10 cny charges. Do note that during weekends and public holiday, using the below stated has an extra charge of S$10. So i need to pay S$10 (CNY charges)+S$10 (public holiday charges) if i were to use this (ticket cost S$28).


I found a small loop hole there and enquired with the Horizon Ferry counter staff and ask them, 24th Jan 2020 is CNY eve and NOT a public holiday (be it in Singapore or Indonesia), so if i am going on CNY eve, does it means i pay only S$28 (original ticket price)+S$10 (CNY charges). She hesitated and blurted out, "...technically yes..." ,hehehe... :D

Currently, Horizon do not have the e-coupon converted ferry ticket that expires on Jan 2020 yet. I was told that it would only comes out around Christmas 2019,hehehe...as they are expecting it to come during Nov 2019. Then it would cost me a total of S$38 to go to Batam on CNY eve (hopefully). :p

So, it would be a good thing now for me to buy a rubber stamp...


...for my later use. Stamp cost S$1 and the red stamp pad cost S$2.50. :(


Current e-coupon converted Horizon Ferry ticket is expiring on Dec 2019.

Current latest e-coupon expires on 29th Feb 2020.

Paying S$48 for any kind of Horizon ferry ticket to Batam is the normal walk-in price. Business class seats cost S$12 more.

Sindo ferry has joined the competition, with Horizon Ferry and Majestic ferry.

270518 270519

Sindo ferry coupon total terminal charges would be S$29.

As for how to get it, i havent find out yet.

Just sharing and taking down notes here for my own Batam CNY 2020 trip.


15-11-2019, 01:05 PM
14 Nov,

Anis 21 years,1 mil from ktv joint. Straight away bring her to hotel, after some chit chat, she comfess like getting doggy while pulling her hair and holding her neck. :D. i obliged and ramn her doggy while looking at her buubbly ass, unload 1 round and when to sleep. 2nd round she woke me up with a bbbj, and cowgal me and unload 2nd, she request to shower together after it, tease me with a bbbj with my limp dick :D. We went for dinner and watch CHARLIE'S ANGELS, it was and ok movie, she was enjoying it thou. Reach hotel and have the 3rd round and when to sleep. Next morning, i start to lick her nips to start of the 4th round. Tip her and off she goes at 11am.

15-11-2019, 01:09 PM
If the female taxi driver in Batam turns out to be those you seen in Singapore, would you still wants them to be your playmate? :D

mai undstimate sg female taxi driver hor...wait til u one day manage 2 hail her taxi on the street....lol...nw i tink 45 liao & single mother of 2 teens, still look so good ya? :D


How about a female taxi driver? :D

I cannot find any female ojek yet tho,hehehe...but that kind of thing can still be arranged.

hope u one day can find one of these gers ojek & supir in btm...lol


i post all the pigture of pretty lookin ger ojek on below...lol...so as no go out of topic.


so many of em...but hw many is in btm? :p

Black Page
15-11-2019, 06:31 PM
Nowaday, there is no need to register sim card in Batam (at least i know i didnt have to over my last few trips), hence i find those amount of time i use to configure to the telco's respective network on my mobile phone plus the later time trying to figure out why it works intermittently in some area of Batam is longer than myself simply passing my phone to the Batam telco shop seller to get a sim card inserted into my phone.

Registering sim card here is referred to having to hand over my passport and/or personal particulars to the shop and the staffs in it do all the registry necessity.
Hello Nono. It's very good news to hear that "Nowaday, there is no need to register sim card in Batam", but would you please outline a summary of what is the current situation?

Last time I went to Batam (it was May I think) I simply bought the Simpati SIM card from one of the booths at Harbour Bay arrival. The guy gave me a Simpati card with 2GB data which worked perfectly for the whole week. I did not give him my passport to register the card, but he told me that the card was "pre-registered" (I am not sure what that would really mean, to be honest).
Is it still the same? Or anything changed?
(yes, I want to buy a card as soon as possible, as I cannot wait hours or the next day to have Internet)

15-11-2019, 11:41 PM
Anyone interested to tag along 2-4 dec batam trip?? pm if you keen

16-11-2019, 11:33 AM
Hello. Last week Wednesday, i open wechat in Batam, nothing happening. So bored. Anything wrong with the wechat or just my location or just wrong timing of the week? Was at Hans Inn by the way. Anyway found 1 chubby gal..cute face with heavy top. Close the deal.

16-11-2019, 12:15 PM
Just heard that there might be some sweeping at hotels this weekend by officials. Anyone heard abouT this?

Hello. Last week Wednesday, i open wechat in Batam, nothing happening. So bored. Anything wrong with the wechat or just my location or just wrong timing of the week?
That should not be the case but Michat should have higher chances. You can try going into "people nearby" to try as your location might still be in Singapore.

16-11-2019, 12:59 PM
Hello. Last week Wednesday, i open wechat in Batam, nothing happening. So bored. Anything wrong with the wechat or just my location or just wrong timing of the week? Was at Hans Inn by the way. Anyway found 1 chubby gal..cute face with heavy top. Close the deal.

Cannot be. Wechat sure will have but at your own risks. Take at Chicken house is safer.

16-11-2019, 01:42 PM
Just heard that there might be some sweeping at hotels this weekend by officials. Anyone heard abouT this?

That should not be the case but Michat should have higher chances. You can try going into "people nearby" to try as your location might still be in Singapore.

Hmm. Will try that the next time.

As some of u keep asking for the pic of the gal, here it is.

16-11-2019, 03:25 PM
:eek: ...............

16-11-2019, 03:36 PM
Hello folks.

I know this is just gonna be another request for information.

I'm going over to Batam next week for business, usually only go for day trip, this time managed to go for 3 days.

Just wanna get some advise on what to look out for, I know there's already a shit ton of information, but there's just too much that it's rather overwhelming, also some seems a bit old.

I am going to be staying near to Nagoya Hill area, specifically to Grands I hotel. Wondering where can I go to find action? Let's just say money is not an issue.

Sorry if i'm begging. Just wanna ask for some advise.

16-11-2019, 03:58 PM
[QUOTE=PervMonk;19443737]Just heard that there might be some sweeping at hotels this weekend by officials. Anyone heard abouT this?

Hi pervMonk
Where do you get the info from?
Antivice or others?

16-11-2019, 04:53 PM
Just heard that there might be some sweeping at hotels this weekend by officials. Anyone heard abouT this?

Have not heard of it.

School holidays starts today, if its going to happen, it will leave behind a REALLY REALLY BAD name for the Batam police and dent a BIG hole in its tourism industry (just like it did half a decade ago in Jakarta). Anyway, my solution, keep one of the below with me at all time if i were to travel within now till end of Dec 2019. Whether if its gonna happen or not.


And not forgetting, passport with me at all time after sunset (if i step out of hotel). Indonesia Batam authority is the main thing i feared MOST during my travel there.

After this weekend till next weekend, will keep a lookout to see which hotelS got "swept" away. Otherwise,well... :o

Thank you for sharing.

16-11-2019, 04:59 PM
u always so innovation...lol. I just tried 1 but she's hard nut 2 crack lei...lol

on hand nw got 4 to test water, onli 3 is can look type, 1 totally give me fk free i aso mai...lol

This is Batam, many impossible can be made possible. Especially when everyone's fetish different. I have a morning bbbj alarm clock "treatment" and the bbbj "treatment" while typing this post,hehehe....next time you can ask your cewek to make a phone call to her close sister/s or boyfriend...while you are banging her.

Then observe her expression during the phone conversation. Will be fun... ;)

btw, the 2 of indo cheena nw go 2 m'sia liao, b4 cny then cum bk btm...beter earn big $ than stay btm earnin small $...lol

You missed out the 19 year old celebrity-looking cewek in Batam who got pregnant from her one of her customer who came inside her? :cool:

welcum 2 internet!! Lol... :D

good place 2 find info but aso a place 4 fake info nwday....lol

I thought that fake news? Not fake info,hehehe...anyway, talk about fake, on the internet, 70% stuffs were either fake or just bluffs.

I read the record-breaking sales during 11/11,hehehe...the techniques use to cook up the heat for that level of sale. How many of them were really good deals and how many of them were over-priced? So many falls for it...and Singaporeans were only a very tiny fraction of them all.

otherwise hw cum mani cum internet 2 wan 2 draw attention or be like tat 1.5 mil condo John Pierpont Morgan guy who scolding the security 4 wanting 2 charge his fren's car $10...lol...self entitlement personality.

Up till today, i am still learning how NOT to do things out of impulse. I allow myself a frame time of cooling period for almost everything i read and see. The things i wish to buy on the online market, the posts i wish to made, actions i wish to act on etc.

Its like one never know when he/she is full from a meal until 10 to 15 mins right? Becos the stomach sending the signal hasnt reach the brain yet,hehehe....just illustrating.

live & let live...y compete & win ovr nthg. I aso rather spend my time 2 ask cewek service my kkj or hv sm quality b2b....or may let the gers who jus learning hdly do it 4 me....lol

u knw rite? btm nwday got acupuncture massage lei...i got so surprise....lol

Now a few shops around Batam were doing something innovative indeed. At least they are providing services that MOST Batam MPs dont do. If there's a market for such in both Singapore and Malaysia, how come Batam cannot do it? And the 1st to run it will have a higher chance to dominate the market,hehehe...

Thank you for sharing.

wa!! lucky no 1 ask me recommend a reliable driver....lol

click spoiler @ own risk hor....lol, i tink the driver inside the car is a cewek....lol :D


jus 4 laugh onli....lol

Nobody dare to ask you becos you kept diverting their questions to your "good brother" in Utama area of Batam,hehehe... :D

another 10 yrs in tis tread, u wil still see ppl here making same mistakes ovr & ovr....lol...& mostly were the 1 who claim got read the tread.

I believe i kind of foreseen this and have most of the commonly asked questions in this thread compiled. And when i reply to this "commonly asked questions", i simply send a link instead of having to type out all the essays-writing amount of words here to reply to them.

Ok,ok..i didnt foresee "that",hehehe...i simply read the history of the old thread and learned that same/similar questions often repeats. And many didnt like it.

Step one to travelling anywhere in the world for 1st timer, is to find a base to set foot on. A base were usually a hote/inn to stay in if one is foreign. If you wish to cheong in Geylang but stays in hotels in Tuas, it goes to show you are either not researching at all or simply lying. Or i can exaggerate further, that is i PLAN to cheong in HCMC and i went to book hotel in Hanoi,hehehe...i do not mean its impossible to cheong in Geylang when staying in Tuas nor do i mean it is impossible to cheong in HCMC while staying in Hanoi.

These are just basics.

Lol...wat u expect...lol, i go 2 btm, make 1 post...i go btm eat 1 apple i make another post, i eat the apple not fresh, another post, after eating i no find dust bin & throw it ani how another post...then i take taxi go bk hotel another post....lol...total 5 posts i can making....lol

tis kind of posts i aso can make...& sm more i expert lei....lol...sorry hor, i cn't help imagining EVERYONE make posts like tat here....lol, looks like fun!!

Like this post you are reading, i can turn them to 8 different posts,and that is just replying to you alone. And if i were to reply another bros in this thread, i multiply the 8 by another 2, then if there is person, multiply it by another 3 again,hehehe...i can easily fill hundreds of posts in a few days. Even better still, run a bot to make one post once every hour (or 30mins), then this thread will be 90% time up on the 1st place in this sub-forum.

I take such post you shared as a thread bumper. Make a guess why people needs to bump a thread? :D

ya, the place morena onli good 4 st @ best...if i am gng 4 LT or quality serv, i no waste my time tere...lol

Too many good places in Batam to go to look for girls, Morena series of joints is definitely one of the last one on my list. Like i often says, i only have one dick, cant bonk all the girls in Batam,hehehe...gonna bonk them all, but it will take time,hehehe...lots and lots of time (forever and ever?).

i visit Batam to go around doing things i like.

16-11-2019, 05:01 PM
Yeah, I don't really care. Did not nego for this time round as this was an advance booking I made with the Mami. Since it was a favor for me, I did not nego.

Hehehe...get her number, next time if you book her direct, bypassing the mami or driver, price MAY more likely be lower than a juta (i know, i know,its not gonna make you richer anyway,hehehe...). ;)

And by any chance you book her for more than a night, the price may even come down further. Paying 1.5 juta to the joint, she gets about 750k rupiah, maybe even lesser. And if she is willing to get paid around/less than 750k rupiah, high chance you can get around her direct for lesser than a juta,hehehe... :p

Just sharing my experience.

I fantasized that she was a lesbian lady, hunting girls with the men for a night of fun. I left and few minutes later, passing by on ojek, I saw her sitting in car in the parking out of Permata. I told the ojek to stop immediately, because the lady started to waive at me from the car.
In short, she told me that she was not hunting, but she was a taxi driver or tourist guide, leading tourists to Batam. She was just helping the guys. Maybe she even gave me her card, but I did not keep it.

Hehehe...and that part of the experience was not shared in the old Batam thread nor the new one by anyone, arent it? And its definitely something not so commonly seen in the island of Batam.

I put them at the less than 1% category.

I did however hear in this thread about FLs driving (cars and motobikes) around in Batam by other bros in the thread before tho.

...but I did not ask her phone number because she was looking so-so, and I was hoping to meet someone much better at night in disco.
It was just a nice ride.

At the least, she didnt falls under your category of getting "fantasized" as a lesbian,hehehe...but you did so for the lady supir. Lady ojek and lady supir were indeed a rare phenomenon in Batam.

Thanks you for sharing.

16-11-2019, 05:44 PM
Hi pervMonk
Where do you get the info from?
Antivice or others?
Frankly speaking, am not sure but just heard from my girl in batam that there was such a news circulating in WhatsApp about antivice and it says til 21st.

Anyway, just came across this news about flogging in public for adultery in aceh on 1st Nov

17-11-2019, 12:36 PM
When to linda massage on 16 Nov, one gal 25 years old provide dick massage till you cum. Midnight went to morena to watch some striptease, did some raba2 and ask gal for bbbj :D Past 3 days, saw Miickey mouse walking around Jodoh area. :D

17-11-2019, 12:54 PM
Midnight went to morena to watch some striptease, did some raba2 and ask gal for bbbj :D Past 3 days, saw Miickey mouse walking around Jodoh area. :D

Wooo....striptease show ada juga ya Mas.:D



17-11-2019, 03:09 PM
Hello folks.

I know this is just gonna be another request for information.

I'm going over to Batam next week for business, usually only go for day trip, this time managed to go for 3 days.

Just wanna get some advise on what to look out for, I know there's already a shit ton of information, but there's just too much that it's rather overwhelming, also some seems a bit old.

I am going to be staying near to Nagoya Hill area, specifically to Grands I hotel. Wondering where can I go to find action? Let's just say money is not an issue.

Sorry if i'm begging. Just wanna ask for some advise.


Batam, being one of the better place for mongering in the region, offers many options for you to get your ceweks using via:-
1) Booking joints such as Happy8, Sri Kandy, MM, Bunga, ..., etc
2) Massage & Spas offering massage with specials such as Frame, Octopuss, Delta, King, ..., etc
3) KTVs and bars in Nagoya Entertainment District (NED)
like No Name Pub, Barfly, Pacific Discotheque, F1 Club, ..., etc
4) Social media like WeChat, MiChat, Tantan, OKCupid, Tinder, Tagged, DIA,..., etc
5) Freelancers hanging around night clubs, shopping centres, restaurants, ...., etc.

As you are a man of means, I am sure that you will face the least hurdle in your endeavour. Do use the bellboys/hotel staff or taxi drivers to help if you are out of your wits.

18-11-2019, 09:56 AM
Sindo ferry coupon total terminal charges would be S$29.

As for how to get it, i havent find out yet.


Good and very competitive now.

18-11-2019, 09:57 AM
mai undstimate sg female taxi driver hor...wait til u one day manage 2 hail her taxi on the street....lol...nw i tink 45 liao & single mother of 2 teens, still look so good ya? :D

hope u one day can find one of these gers ojek & supir in btm...lol

i post all the pigture of pretty lookin ger ojek on below...lol...so as no go out of topic.

so many of em...but hw many is in btm? :p

Very chio, if can request for young lady to send also good.

It will be even better if they have grab bonk. Hahahah

18-11-2019, 10:10 AM
Went for a short trip last weekend.

Friday, 15 Nov departs 12.15pm
Surprised ferry full...luckily we not in a hurry...:)
Hv flu for whole week so no plans to be too adventurous...anyway reached hotel around 1pm and no room...:)
Went nearby for bak kut teh...the bak kut teh was not to my liking...:)
Dinner - saba fish with local green sauce and belacan was heavenly...the saba fish cost around $10 and will cost alot more if eat at Jap restaurants...:)

Sat, 16 Nov
Went to Penuin pasar to buy my salted fish, ikan bilis and silver fish...also bought 2 pc soursop...:)
Went to a new tui na shop similar to Aiko and paid 196k for 2 hours...:)
Dinner same place and again Saba fish...then tasted the seafood char kway tiau was also good with wok hei...:)
Met up a senior who came for dinner...he passed me 8 vouchers expiry on 30 Nov...thank you bro senior...:)

Sun, 17 Nov departs at 11.30am and ferry was only 3/4 full...friend went upstairs to Horizon ferry counter and ask why and how a voucher not chop...the counter staff checked and just stamped expiry 30 Nov..

Black Page
18-11-2019, 08:23 PM
Friday, 15 Nov departs 12.15am
Surprised ferry full...luckily we not in a hurry...:)

I have a question for regulars. If I show up at Horizon Counter at 6pm of a Saturday, the ferry will be full or empty? (because I guess most people who wants to go to Batam for weekend moves on Friday night or Saturday morning)
I have never booked seats in advance for going, as I never know the exact time I can be there, but now I am wondering if I may risk to find ferries full on a Saturday night :confused:
Thanks all!

19-11-2019, 12:32 AM
Bros, was looking at purchasing vouchers for the ferry tickets on csel. Normally do y'all call or email horizon to provide them the serial numbers? Was concerned how long they reply you..

For the redemption of the actual tickets,can it be done days beforehand? Scared cokup on the actual day :) thanks bros!!

19-11-2019, 07:14 AM
Hi all, it's been 5 years since I last cheong in Batam and I'm afraid my info is very outdated. Would appreciate if the bros here could help me.(read the last 20 pages already)

1) I been to Delta spa a few times, seems OK. Why is it blacklisted by the bros here?

2) what other massage Spa with jacuzzi/steam room to recommend? Understand that there are fame, octopus, King. Which one do you recommend?

3) for booking joint, the last time my girl doesn't allow me to touch her breast, no bj and go back without having sex. Is it still a hit or miss situation now?

Will post fr when I come back. Thanks for the help!

19-11-2019, 07:35 AM
[QUOTE=JustLearn;19453780]Hi all, it's been 5 years since I last cheong in Batam and I'm afraid my info is very outdated. Would appreciate if the bros here could help me.(read the last 20 pages already)

1) I been to Delta spa a few times, seems OK. Why is it blacklisted by the bros here?

2) what other massage Spa with jacuzzi/steam room to recommend? Understand that there are fame, octopus, King. Which one do you recommend?

3) for booking joint, the last time my girl doesn't allow me to touch her breast, no bj and go back without having sex. Is it still a hit or miss situation now?

Will post fr when I come back. Thanks for the help![/QUOTE

Fame is good but ex, understands Octopussy is also good. As to the behaviour of the ceweks, it really boils down to chemistry between both of you, your behaviour, generosity and kindness, but always check with papasan or mamasan to assure the quality of the ceweks. Enloy.

19-11-2019, 09:16 AM
I have a question for regulars. If I show up at Horizon Counter at 6pm of a Saturday, the ferry will be full or empty? (because I guess most people who wants to go to Batam for weekend moves on Friday night or Saturday morning)
I have never booked seats in advance for going, as I never know the exact time I can be there, but now I am wondering if I may risk to find ferries full on a Saturday night :confused:
Thanks all!

if you showed up at 6pm then you will be buying tickets for ferries after 6pm following whatever schedule as per advertised by Horizon ferry...to answer if full or empty depends very much on Public holidays, School holidays or any major festivals...:)

To avoid ferries been full then avoid traveling to Batam at peak period...or pay for Business class...should be able to ride for 1 good payee...:)

I will never have the same problem becos I dun travel on weekends except may travel back to Sin on Sunday...will always go Batam during non-peak...:)

19-11-2019, 09:38 AM
Now, how does 1 take Grab or GoCar w/o being disturbed by Taxi Mafia or taxi touts in the area,hehehe...i enjoy devising my very own ways and methods to work around things in Batam. I get a friend to try to this out just outside Nagoya Hill Mall...

Simply stick one of this sticker onto the person/group using Grab's shirt...



The touts and mafia in the area will know i am waiting for hotel taxis,hehehe...therefore they will not even ask me (and my friends) if we need taxi or not just outside the entrance. Immune to "conventional taxis",hehehe... :D

Of course, gonna still make sure the taxi touts and taxi mafia do not see whats on my mobile phone. In other word, during ordering of online taxis, DO NOT behave like many ignorant typical Singaporean who would keep holding their phone while waiting for GRAB or GoCar taxi to arrive. Keep the vehicle number,vehicle colour and the approximate time it will arrive in mind, that is all.

Most online taxi will NOT come into Nagoya Hill Mall entrance (fear of getting their vehicle got smash by touts/mafia), so still have to walk out a bit. No need too far, few mins out off the entrance will do the trick. Same can be applied to Harbour Bay ferry terminal, J8 food court and even a2 Food Court too (which was tested).

I believe many hotels which provide shuttle services has such stickers to allow their drivers to tell who is their customer/s and who isnt,hehehe...so it is good to keep some of those stickers on hand throughout the whole day of the trip on my shirt. Most probably its only people like ME would think of such idea/s to bypass the ever aggressive taxi mafia/tout in Batam. :p

When there's a problem/issue, i look for solution/s. This is just one of them.

Just sharing.

19-11-2019, 09:41 AM
Planning a road trip to Batam, and doing up some itinerary...hehehe...


Its been a long time since i have my favourite food in Batam as the eating store isnt a convenient place to go to. Likely to book a full day taxi for a day in this trip, hence the plan was to locate the area 1st and then zoom to those food store/s for the good and better food that are hard to find in Singapore.

Botak Cun noodles.


Couldnt find them on Batam Grab food either... :(

The types of food i would be ordering,but well...





I think i better hide it since i doubt many readers would wish to know what a non-sea-food person like me prefer,hehehe...

Well, since its non-halal, so i guess i could only bring my girls there to see me the things i like,hehehe...and look at me eat.


Still flipping through my past posts/summaries and locating all my favourite places to go to. Some of which i have even forgotten. There are 2 things in mind as i type, my plan for my most current Batam trip comes 1st, next would be the upcoming Auntie/Uncle trip, followed by CNY2020,hehehehe...so much to do and so little time.

1. Itinerary for my current trip (with friends and relatives, 2 groups)

2. Itinerary for uncle/auntie trip (not with uncle curry-rice, uncle molest and/or uncle coffee-shop)

3. Itinerary for CNY 2020 trip (my own special trip, in between uncle curry rice might come by)

Much often, i try my best to make every Batam trip special, for those who are with me. So i read a lot on tour agent's itinerary as well as mongering bro's cheonging itinerary as well. Key thing is, try NOT to be the same. ;)

Just keeping tab and planning.

19-11-2019, 10:19 AM
Now, how does 1 take Grab or GoCar w/o being disturbed by Taxi Mafia or taxi touts in the area,hehehe...i enjoy devising my very own ways and methods to work around things in Batam. I get a friend to try to this out just outside Nagoya Hill Mall...

Just sharing.

Let me share my experience using GrabCar...:)

Just enter the exact name of shops or establishment...if more than one similar names then make sure choose the one where you located or want to go...:)

Usually the Grabcar driver will call you to confirm or advise you that the location cannot pickup...also will advise you to walk to some where nearby which they can pick you up...:)


at BCS mall not allowed to pickup then they will advise to pickup behind Grand Duck restaurant...:)

My charges for Grabcar usually 13k to 15k whcih is affordable...:)

19-11-2019, 11:20 AM
I have a question for regulars. If I show up at Horizon Counter at 6pm of a Saturday, the ferry will be full or empty? (because I guess most people who wants to go to Batam for weekend moves on Friday night or Saturday morning)

Also can be due to the E-vouchers, people here has been talking abt, the vouchers can be use only on mon-fri without getting charged an extra $10. So most would in one way or another makes full use of the voucher by heading to btm on a friday evening. School holidays ends 1 jan 2020,so u have minimum conflict on yr traveling date.

I have never booked seats in advance for going, as I never know the exact time I can be there, but now I am wondering if I may risk to find ferries full on a Saturday night :confused:
Thanks all!

My advise, once u reached airport, ask someone helps u dial horizon harbour front to book a seat or send them an email a day or 2 in advance but u need to be there abt an hour before ferry take off or risk yr reserved seat for yr preferred timing being overwrite by their so call new booking system. That's what i was told by them.

Bros, was looking at purchasing vouchers for the ferry tickets on csel. Normally do y'all call or email horizon to provide them the serial numbers? Was concerned how long they reply you..

If u are in Sg, call em. If u are oversea, email em. On email, they usually reply u within 24 hrs. My suggestion is still call em, if it's not too inconvenient.

Avoid overpaying for the E-vouchers. $2.5 is good, $1.5-$2 is better, f.o.c is the best, which is not impossible.

For the redemption of the actual tickets,can it be done days beforehand? Scared cokup on the actual day :) thanks bros!!

Yes, u can collect yr boarding pass days beforehand.

Anything else not sure, on yr voucher there is a Horizon tel number, call em.

if you showed up at 6pm then you will be buying tickets for ferries after 6pm following whatever schedule as per advertised by Horizon ferry...to answer if full or empty depends very much on Public holidays, School holidays or any major festivals...:)

Public holidays & long weekends,always book in advance to ensure seats are available. At times even when i call em 2 to 3 days in advance, their economic seats were sold out. End up taking Business class. On the day itself, even Business class can be sell out fast.

Friday is a peak weekday.

Black Page
19-11-2019, 06:12 PM
if you showed up at 6pm then you will be buying tickets for ferries after 6pm following whatever schedule as per advertised by Horizon ferry..

My advise, once u reached airport, ask someone helps u dial horizon harbour front to book a seat or send them an email a day or 2 in advance but u need to be there abt an hour before ferry take off or risk yr reserved seat for yr preferred timing being overwrite by their so call new booking system.

If u are in Sg, call em. If u are oversea, email em. On email, they usually reply u within 24 hrs. My suggestion is still call em, if it's not too inconvenient.

Thank you both.
I will be in Singapore a few days before, for work. My plan is to leave my last meeting on Saturday afternoon as soon as I can, even before it ends, and go to Harbour Front. I may be there at time in range 5pm-6pm.

Best for me would be to show up at the counter and get a ticket for the first ferry (at regular rate $48 return). I understand from your words that Sat night it should not be full.

Maybe you are right and I should try to give them a call the day before or the same day. The problem is that I better not make a reservation, because 1) I must be there 1h before, or I lose the reservation 2) I am not sure the exact time I can arrive at the counter. 3) If ferries are not full, going there without reservation gets me to travel the soonest (up to 30 mins after I arrive to the counter).

19-11-2019, 06:48 PM
Planning a road trip to Batam, and doing up some itinerary...hehehe...

Botak Cun noodles.

Just keeping tab and planning.

Both look good, next time must bring me go try liao

19-11-2019, 06:52 PM
When to linda massage on 16 Nov, one gal 25 years old provide dick massage till you cum. Midnight went to morena to watch some striptease, did some raba2 and ask gal for bbbj :D Past 3 days, saw Miickey mouse walking around Jodoh area. :D

Wow, dick massage till cum. Care to share the contact.

19-11-2019, 10:49 PM
Hi bro
Ktv at what time?
Wch one?


14 Nov,

Anis 21 years,1 mil from ktv joint. Straight away bring her to hotel, after some chit chat, she comfess like getting doggy while pulling her hair and holding her neck. :D. i obliged and ramn her doggy while looking at her buubbly ass, unload 1 round and when to sleep. 2nd round she woke me up with a bbbj, and cowgal me and unload 2nd, she request to shower together after it, tease me with a bbbj with my limp dick :D. We went for dinner and watch CHARLIE'S ANGELS, it was and ok movie, she was enjoying it thou. Reach hotel and have the 3rd round and when to sleep. Next morning, i start to lick her nips to start of the 4th round. Tip her and off she goes at 11am.

20-11-2019, 08:42 AM
[QUOTE=JustLearn;19453780]Hi all, it's been 5 years since I last cheong in Batam and I'm afraid my info is very outdated. Would appreciate if the bros here could help me.(read the last 20 pages already)

1) I been to Delta spa a few times, seems OK. Why is it blacklisted by the bros here?

2) what other massage Spa with jacuzzi/steam room to recommend? Understand that there are fame, octopus, King. Which one do you recommend?

3) for booking joint, the last time my girl doesn't allow me to touch her breast, no bj and go back without having sex. Is it still a hit or miss situation now?

Will post fr when I come back. Thanks for the help![/QUOTE

Fame is good but ex, understands Octopussy is also good. As to the behaviour of the ceweks, it really boils down to chemistry between both of you, your behaviour, generosity and kindness, but always check with papasan or mamasan to assure the quality of the ceweks. Enloy.

Thanks for the advice. Is there any night clubs or disco to pickup local girls or FL in Batam?

20-11-2019, 09:36 AM
Well, the easiest way is to use michat now. You can get most FL that way but quality cannot guarantee. Pictures and real persons are mostly different.. However I have managed to pick up locals there who are not FL also.. you meet them up, get a meal or 2 and if they willing to go to your hotel room, you can do them already. I always just give them some money even though they don't ask for it or quote you anything..

20-11-2019, 10:52 AM

Thanks for the advice. Is there any night clubs or disco to pickup local girls or FL in Batam?

Any advise... first time going

20-11-2019, 02:57 PM
Thank you both.
I will be in Singapore a few days before, for work. My plan is to leave my last meeting on Saturday afternoon as soon as I can, even before it ends, and go to Harbour Front. I may be there at time in range 5pm-6pm.

Best for me would be to show up at the counter and get a ticket for the first ferry (at regular rate $48 return). I understand from your words that Sat night it should not be full.

hey bro,
just sharing my virgin trip last sat.
last min decided to join friends, i never book ferry tickets in advance, so went early around 12pm+ to buy Majestic 1350hr return tickets. friend told me posb or dbs credit/debit card got discount, so i got my ferry tickets for $38 only on the spot. stayed 2 days.
not bad for a virgin trip, eat, drink & massage.
try to use more grab for transport, very affordable.
enjoy & stay safe.

20-11-2019, 04:39 PM
Where to look for kangtao in batam?

21-11-2019, 08:35 AM
Anyone going to Batam after 7 Dec? Please PM me. I would like to join. Thanks

21-11-2019, 02:21 PM
Good and very competitive now.

Competition benefits the end user. Some years back, people has been complaining that global oil prices has come down so much (more than 50%) but yet air tickets and ferry tickets is still remaining at its all time "world-class" high in Sillypore and set to go upward.

I notice Sindo and Majestic has very little room for a promo whereas Horizon has never drop its price over my nearly 7 years in Batam and it is only recently this year that it has started doing some promotion. But the staffs wasnt made (or used to it) to handle the sudden surge in sales hence currently, Horizon Ferry has the WORST customer service among the other ferry companies for now,hehehe... :D

But they will be learning to cope over time.

21-11-2019, 02:22 PM
MV Sea View Cruise is the first and only mini cruise in Batam, and it can accommodate approximately 250 to 300 pax. It will give you a different tour than usual in Barelang by visiting 10 small islands in the area of Barelang Bridge (namely Nipah Island, Aur Island, Root Island, Ripu Island, Panjang Laut Island, Bengkina Island, Sekikil Island, Kura Besar Island, Lauce Island, Besar Island, Tanjung Keramat Island and Kodim 134 Headquarter).

You can enjoy and relax on the cruise for 3 hours with your friends or family. It is so much more amazing cruising through the Barelang Bridge while enjoying dinner with the nuances of sunset.

Thereafter, transfer to Nipah Island Resort for a stay.




For entertainment, there is the Magic Show, Traditional Dance, Games or Lucky Draw by the MC.






SUNDAY: 1130-1330 (BATAM TIME)

Not bad, cost about S$50 a pax. Can bring families or girlS there to kill around 3 hours of time,at the same time settle dinner/lunch too,hehehe... :D

For more info, please google...thank you for reading.

21-11-2019, 02:23 PM
Im just wondering what you guys do with the girl other than the 3 shots which takes about an hour in total at most. I mean, due to language barrier, wont it get awkward after awhile?

Which is why there are talks about hotels, sim cards with data, places to visit in Batam (other than looking to punch a hole in my wallet on shopping mall with my girls), theater movies and the types of seats in the cinema, location for good food and massage/spa for couples etc etc types of discussion in this thread.

A good hotel provides me other activities like KTVs, Massage, Sauna and perhaps a swimming pool.

Sim card with Data using google translate closes the gap of communication for language barrier. Some use it to move around Batam, order online taxis, get girls from social media too.

Places to visit, eg temples, mosques, agriculture tour, orphanage allows me to see Batam from a broader angle. Many girls working in this trade dont really knows much about Batam hence its also an eye-opening experience for them too.

Talking about Massage/Spa is even more fun. I take up special service with my overnight booking girl beside me...hereafter, i leave it to your imagination. Clue : Most of my threesome and foursome were made possible that way. And yes, i can literally apply that in clean MPs as well. I shant elaborate more here.

After all the plus plus, i am sure i will be VERY tired,hehehe...i need good food to revitalize myself. i am sure no one likes to drag by the girl's hand or be pulled by the nose by taxi drivers to go find good food in Batam. ;)

Movies and theater are really special in Batam, whereby a small handful of theaters comes with couple seats (and/or even a bed with pillow and blanket) and wouldnt cost an arm/leg (about S$6 to S$7 per pax). There's an old saying, "Lights Off, Hands On"...which applies very well inside a Batam theater,hehehe...

KTVs for me would be kind of like my plan B, in the event my booking girls give me crap quality service or decide to run away by midnight or before her time is up (or i feel unsuitable for me to spend a night with), i kicked her back to her joint and walk to a nearby KTV to get another one,hehehe... :D

Hmm...looks like i got everything all covered for my kind of fun in Batam. Can you find yours in it? Hehehe...

also any concerns in terms of safety? like the girl running away with your belongings while you are asleep. thanks in advance for your guidance

It is pretty much common sense to keep your own valuable in safe place/s, be it travelling to Batam or anyway other parts of the world you monger in. Hotel is afterall not my home so dont try to show off your valuable like rolex watch, gold necklace, bracelet, counting stacks of cash in public etc. Get a name card/contacts of the booking joint after you made payment,it helps a bit (especially if your girl saw that you did).

My main concern for safety were mostly on the Indonesia Batam authority because what may seems right to do in Singapore may be seen as a "wrong" from the Indonesia side, eg. Talking or playing with your mobile phone while in queue when getting your passport chopped.

I have only one bad experience i had with the immigration, that was when i left my returning ferry open ticket inside my passport, the Batam immigration stole it after chopping my passport. I can always argue online that over my last so years travelling to Batam, i have ALWAYS left my open ferry ticket inside my passport and nothing went wrong. But in that just ONE time, it happens. And i learned my lesson.

Since then, i have NEVER leave my open ticket inside my passport and even advise all who traveled to Batam with me NOT to do so. After reading trip adviser, apparently i wasnt the only one who "learned" that lesson the hard way,hehehe...

*passport MUST HAVE a minimum validity of 6 months.

There are worse cases shared in the forum. Like bros who shared in this forum before, on getting girls from discotheque (and online FLs) who collaborated with the Indonesia police officer to put drugs inside their customer's room. Police officers runs a room check and found the drugs...hehehe...customers spend the rest of 3D2N or 4D3N holiday inside a cell unless a XXX sum of money were paid to these officers.

Then again, this kind of thing, it happens to some and never happen to most. And its entirely all up to any individual to define the meaning of the word, SAFETY and such worse cases are 100% avoidable. :p

(100% avoidable is a strong word)

For more reading details, you may wish to go to page one of this thread (post #7).



21-11-2019, 03:15 PM
@bro nono

many still dun know how to login to sbf...they tot sbf down...not knowing MDA blocked the domain name...:)

21-11-2019, 04:26 PM
Very chio, if can request for young lady to send also good.

It will be even better if they have grab bonk. Hahahah

i tink gocar got a go massage service lei...but i hear in jkt tat the ger tio rape after a customer order her service lei....so bad...:(

Hi all, it's been 5 years since I last cheong in Batam and I'm afraid my info is very outdated. Would appreciate if the bros here could help me.(read the last 20 pages already)

brother, tis tread 3 yr old nia, hw cum no read page 1? :confused:

Will post fr when I come back. Thanks for the help!

i notice got ppl here help u ans liao...nw i is campin 4 yr fr 2 see if u can kp yr words or no? :p

andy lau in one of his movie say b4, 人无信,就是畜牲 meaning is tose who no keep his words r like animals :D


many still dun know how to login to sbf...they tot sbf down...not knowing MDA blocked the domain name...:)

Hello brother, i tink i can go ask my good brother see can help 2 inform em or no....lol :D

my good brother photo below....lol


i jkin onli hor.... :D

21-11-2019, 08:04 PM
Hi may i know is there any places or pub that can watch epl soccer match.... i want to enjoy my soccer, beer & girl :D:D

22-11-2019, 09:50 AM
@bro nono

many still dun know how to login to sbf...they tot sbf down...not knowing MDA blocked the domain name...:)

I would recommend those to read out this thread.

Inside is already very details teaching you how to log in.


22-11-2019, 09:51 AM
Competition benefits the end user. Some years back, people has been complaining that global oil prices has come down so much (more than 50%) but yet air tickets and ferry tickets is still remaining at its all time "world-class" high in Sillypore and set to go upward.

I notice Sindo and Majestic has very little room for a promo whereas Horizon has never drop its price over my nearly 7 years in Batam and it is only recently this year that it has started doing some promotion. But the staffs wasnt made (or used to it) to handle the sudden surge in sales hence currently, Horizon Ferry has the WORST customer service among the other ferry companies for now,hehehe... :D

But they will be learning to cope over time.

Yes, good for us, more choice to choose and can choose the best that suite consumer

22-11-2019, 09:52 AM
I would recommend those to read out this thread.

Inside is already very details teaching you how to log in.


How the samsters read now when they cannot even login...anyway they will start asking around when they realised...many just totally dun bother to read in sbf...:)

asking questions will be their specialties...:)

22-11-2019, 05:14 PM
I am writing this post from nagoya. I cant access sammyboy from sbf.net.nz but i can access via sammyboyforum.com

If room isn't ready, leave yr bags at the reception & then get online from hotel wifi to sammyboyforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=21 instead of https://sbf.net.nz/forumdisplay.php?f=21 so that u can surf sbf. Indonesia banned sbf.net but not sammyboyforum.com

Yes, you got it right there,hehehe...can still access sbf in Indonesia Batam using sammyboyforum.com but not on sbf.net...and below is the reason... :D

I am not going to keep changing domains it is too costly and they will just block the new domain too.

Note, changing domain can cost a lot.

How many domain has sbf changed/had before? Hmm...sammyboyforum.nl is dead. :(

Here's another one : sammyboysexforum.com or samsforum.com/

...and another one : sbfsg.net/

Any other sbf links i missed? :D

Has always keep this piece of note below for the "in case of emergency" situation...

Check the Forum Twitter Account https://twitter.com/sammyboyfor for important announcements. eg url changes, downtime, updates and gossip.

In the event when sbf is down, following the above advise, i can always come back here again, regardless how it was banned anywhere.

My solution.

How the samsters read now when they cannot even login...anyway they will start asking around when they realised...many just totally dun bother to read in sbf...:)

In one way or another, they will eventually find their way back here,hehehe...since majority were specialize in in "asking questions".

I think boss is constantly prepare for such ban since years ago. Next trip to Batam, i am gonna try out all the sbf links,hehehe...just for the fun of it.

Just sharing.

22-11-2019, 06:20 PM
My first return trip to Batam after more than a decade. Thanks to all bros help here I manage to locate Happy 9. Today there seems to be plentiful of ceweks available for booking. But the younger ones doesn’t seems to mingle with their senior counterparts sitting in different spot. My friend took a nice looking 24 yrs old for 1.1 juta. I didn’t take any yet cos a driver I just befriended will bring me to a pros village a one hr ride from Formosa hotel for 300k tonight. Eagerly looking fwd for the trip and I m going alone there.

Black Page
23-11-2019, 05:02 AM
I didn’t take any yet cos a driver I just befriended will bring me to a pros village a one hr ride from Formosa hotel for 300k tonight. Eagerly looking fwd for the trip and I m going alone there.
Wow the mythical kampung ayam! Please report back your experience, whatever it will be.

23-11-2019, 09:02 AM
Note, changing domain can cost a lot.

How many domain has sbf changed/had before? Hmm...sammyboyforum.nl is dead. :(

Here's another one : sammyboysexforum.com or samsforum.com/

...and another one : sbfsg.net/

Any other sbf links i missed? :D

Has always keep this piece of note below for the "in case of emergency" situation...

In the event when sbf is down, following the above advise, i can always come back here again, regardless how it was banned anywhere.

My solution.

In one way or another, they will eventually find their way back here,hehehe...since majority were specialize in in "asking questions".

I think boss is constantly prepare for such ban since years ago. Next trip to Batam, i am gonna try out all the sbf links,hehehe...just for the fun of it.

Just sharing.

Yes, is ex for changing a domain. No worries, alway well prepared.

23-11-2019, 09:05 AM
Yes, is ex for changing a domain. No worries, alway well prepared.

For any of us accessing sbf from Batam will need VPN, proxy server or other browser to access sbf...becos almost all domain name blocked by Telkomsel...:)

23-11-2019, 09:12 AM
For any of us accessing sbf from Batam will need VPN, proxy server or other browser to access sbf...becos almost all domain name blocked by Telkomsel...:)

Yes, i have no issue as i using VPN all the way and using 3 and indosat operator.

23-11-2019, 09:19 AM
Yes, i have no issue as i using VPN all the way and using 3 and indosat operator.

nothing blocked in hcm...all can access...:)

23-11-2019, 09:27 AM
Went to a new tui na shop similar to Aiko and paid 196k for 2 hours...:)

Nice place..tried it in my recent trip too.


I went during their happy hour and get 2 hour of foot reflexology with a 30% discount (from their retail price). Guess what, the price came out to be 182k rupiah for 2 hours too.


Massage was good,and you are right. Its as good as Aiko,hehehe... :D

There are also some add-ons too which i didnt take up. Not expensive but i just want to give it a try 1st. Their warm pillow is good where i think they put something herbal (and warm) behind my neck.


Overall, i would rate it as good as Aiko (8/10). Just one little thing tho, they no longer have their cupping service. This place is also quite crowded with Singaporean tourists too.

As for Aiko, i was there and i happened to be in the same room as one of the auntie tourist who was deprive of their 30% discount from the 170k rupiah foot reflexology. The cashier on duty that morning has every intention to overcharge them (there was 5 uncles and aunties) by NOT telling them its happy hour during their payment before massage starts.

She also reviewed to me that Universal Massage across the road of a2 food court was pretty good too. And Reborn was a complete disappointment as the lady therapist who didnt provide auntie's expected kind of service was "demanding" for a 50k rupiah tipping when she was given 20k rupiah.

We exchanged some information on MPs, food places and i recommended her Tui Na MP to them whom they hasnt tried,hehehe...

I also tried this place called Rejuv-a and even tho pricing was pretty competitive, would definitely NOT returning to massage again.


Not only was this place pretty crowded, its also quite rundown. Massage therapist during foot reflexology focus more on my shin and upper leg area rather than my foot itself. 1.5 hour of foot reflexology but both my foot area gets only 5 mins of her massage each. Imagine this, 90 mins of foot massage, but my foot only get 10 mins massage,hehehe...

When i have to tell her at least 5 times to go easy on her massage strength, she has already failed. Not forgetting before the massage starts, i told the therapist NOT to massage a certain area of my leg whereby i have some injuries before, and thrice she hits that area.

Will be looking to try out new places over time,hehehe...above were just a small portion of my massage session,mainly just on foot reflexology in my November 2019 trip. :p

Aiko at penuin Pertamina petrol station is also good (just like the one in a2). Tui Na just as good but with more different variety of massage and types of service to choose from. Price wise on the whole was pretty similar.

23-11-2019, 09:42 AM
I went during their happy hour and get 2 hour of foot reflexology with a 30% discount (from their retail price). Guess what, the price came out to be 182k rupiah for 2 hours too.

Massage was good,and you are right. Its as good as Aiko,hehehe... :D

I went on Sat morning and paid 2 hrs 198k...so still ok...:)

The hot pillow I had experienced in hcm so not unusual to me...:)

Tui-Na is same owner to Reborn and thats the masseur told me...:)

NB - if you want to treat your organs well then go for more foot reflexology...:)

23-11-2019, 09:56 AM
...friend went upstairs to Horizon ferry counter and ask why and how a voucher not chop...the counter staff checked and just stamped expiry 30 Nov..

Small question, the stamp on the coupon that was chopped is in blue colour or red colour?

I ask becos i wish to make sure of its authenticity of those that were in the online market.

Latest Horizon ferry e-coupons is now dated 31st March 2020.

(which is why i wish to find out if its genuine)

I have a question for regulars. If I show up at Horizon Counter at 6pm of a Saturday, the ferry will be full or empty?

I think you will be playing the Russian roulette.

Here's one of my experience. I dont usually call Horizon ferry to book a seat in advance, so one Friday when i was there, there was a super long queue for the 7pm ferry. It was 615pm then and by the time i reached the Horizon ferry counter, it was 720pm. Needless to say, i dont get the seat, and to make things worse..the next ferry at 815m ws also full but they still have ONE business class available, i took it immediately. i can hear the couple behind me who was queuing for the 7pm seat start cursing and swearing at the horizon ferry staff becos they can only choose 935pm last ferry,hehehe...same reaction from the guy behind the couple too.

2nd experience which happens last month during the uncle/auntie trip, after the above-mentioned experience ,aunties and uncle dial them 3 days in advance for the seats and they got their economic seat. I dial them just 2 days before the trip, they tells me over the phone no seats left. I ask them still have Business class? They tell me YES...hehehe...i ask them to reserve and they tell me i have to be there at least 45 mins before the time or the system will boot my reservation out from their reservation system.

Nowaday, i walk-in to Horizon ferry counter much often 1 or 2 days in advance to collect my boarding pass if i am going there on Friday/Saturday. 90%, ferry would be full...and yes, even for evening time 7pm ferry rides.

Yes, is ex for changing a domain. No worries, alway well prepared.

Aka, changing of domain ip,hehehe... :p

For any of us accessing sbf from Batam will need VPN, proxy server or other browser to access sbf...becos almost all domain name blocked by Telkomsel...

No country will block sbf for nothing. I have often tell friends around me, the particular countries that block sbf are keeping it in their watch list, hence share key info discreetly whenever necessary.

While sammyboyforum URL is NOT block in Indonesia, the photos that were uploaded to the forum's server are. Just for everyone's info.

I went on Sat morning and paid 2 hrs 198k...so still ok...:)

Do some mathematical calculation, and one will realize that 198k rupiah packages is almost equivalent to the 30% during happy hour,hehehe... :D

Except of course, ala carte has more choices to mix and match.

Just sharing.

The hot pillow I had experienced in hcm so not unusual to me...

The 1st of its kind in Batam tho.

Tui-Na is same owner to Reborn and thats the masseur told me...

The therapist told me the same too. Guess Reborn already got a "no good" name due to its staff's laziness to change their bedsheet, hence they started another shop name.

It happens.

NB - if you want to treat your organs well then go for more foot reflexology...:)

I guess i treat both my organs and muscle well,hehehe... :p

Tuina's packages allows one to do that,hehehe... much often i would go after body, mind and soul packages in Batam's MP. And they are affordable anyway.

Perhaps one day should try a massage marathon around BCS. ;)

23-11-2019, 10:21 AM
Small question, the stamp on the coupon that was chopped is in blue colour or red colour?

Perhaps one day should try a massage marathon around BCS. ;)

Red color...hv not seen any blue...btw, b4 the Horizon staff chop, the girl actually went to check the computer screen...must be checking validity of the voucher...:)

Do not overdo massage...2hrs just nice for each time...once your muscle is relaxed should stop...also do not massage daily...you are just wasting the money or massage becos body/muscles still not tired or tense...once or twice per week will be great...:)

23-11-2019, 05:12 PM
G'day brothers.

I'm a Singaporean who has been living in Melbourne for the past 20 years. I have visited Batam before but that was about 8 years ago. My brother and I are coming down to Singapore end of March next year and have planned to go away to Batam for 3 days. I have read the forums here and found that you guys have a wealth of information and I thank all of you for that. I did have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with.

1. I see that the best places to book girls are Sri Kandy, JV Happy 8 and Kupu Kupu. Are these the best booking joints in Batam? I was also wondering if there were any premium escorts available? Girls who can speak good English and are really hot. We do have a substantial budget to play with and would like to have maximum fun while we're there and girls who can speak English would really help. If not, what would you guys recommend? Out of the 3 places above, which one would you recommend has the best selection of girls? Or are there better ones?

2. I also see that many recommend going to Formosa Hotel and then walk from there to these places and not take taxi drivers. But if we were to take a taxi driver, and hire him for the 3 days we're there, are there any reliable taxi drivers you guys can recommend? Someone who can speak English and knows the best places we can go to to get girls and also speak on our behalf? We used to have a guy in Batam a long time ago but he has since retired.

3. We have booked Planet Holiday for our stay. Our choice was between Planet Holiday, BCC Hotel and Harmoni Hotel and we chose Planet Holiday. Is that a good choice for a comfortable stay?

As per the forum policy, I will be sharing details of our Batam stay in the thread. I would love your advice on the above questions and any other advice you guys can provide. We want to make our trip there the best we've had and want to choose the best possible girls we can. Any information or contacts you guys can provide will be a big help.

Thank you so much again for all the info in the forum.

23-11-2019, 05:53 PM
Wow the mythical kampung ayam! Please report back your experience, whatever it will be.

Sorry can’t give a reality field experience to sentai Tanjung Ucung (kampung chicken) as I have to KIV that adventure till my next trip. I got distracted by one of the cewek at Sekar massage that I found irresistible to book at 1 juta n she truly live up to expectation. Next trip Tanjung Ucung will be my in my itinerary n I think it’s good to go with a company of 3 or 4 as u can share the cost n u to will feel more safer.

23-11-2019, 08:39 PM
How was the quality
The quality is not bad, she kept asking me if need to use more strength. I went there around 10 or 11am. I think I am the first and only customer hehe.

Reborn can be very crowded sometimes with tour group or big family. Their business os not bad.

If you plan were to go at timing like 1045am
Yeah will go A2 or somewhere else next time..

If you are looking for cheap stuffs, eg Bags, Haversack etc. Harbour Bay Mall is the place. Nobody i knew has so far said that Manzu Massage is not good in Batam,hehehe...and they are inside Harbour Bay mall. Gogo supermarket is one of my favourite place to shop. ;)
I bought a girl jacket at $4. I was shopping at the supermarket and saw 2 ladies. 1 of them was wearing translucent dress and can see her black panty. I was following them and we smile at each other but too bad need to rush for the Terminator movie.

Have you been to Citywalk Mall, Kepri Mall,
Thanks a lot and I have been to City Walk and it's a quiet place but the theme park is not bad for kids. I am too lazy to wonder too far out from Nagoya or Penuin hehehe.

24-11-2019, 10:37 PM
anyone wanna join me for batam trip 2 dec to 4 dec??

25-11-2019, 12:38 AM
Anyone can intro any OKT in Batam? Looking for a fast way to chiong and bonk as many girls as possible.

25-11-2019, 04:50 AM
I got a question for the Batam veterans of there. I see those vouchers with expiration dates of November 30th. Does that mean that the trip must take place by November 30th, or that it must be used by November 30th? For example, would I be able to use the voucher November 30th voucher for a round trip on December 1-2?

25-11-2019, 08:02 AM
I got a question for the Batam veterans of there. I see those vouchers with expiration dates of November 30th. Does that mean that the trip must take place by November 30th, or that it must be used by November 30th? For example, would I be able to use the voucher November 30th voucher for a round trip on December 1-2?

Yes you can..As long as the ticket is use before 30 nov to book your trip..Or you may bring your voucher to the counter to change to dec open ticket by paying the $28 upfont

26-11-2019, 01:23 AM
Hmm. Will try that the next time.

As some of u keep asking for the pic of the gal, here it is.

Hi. Is this the same girl photo u posted in Malay Girls 2 forum?? Over there u stated u lost her contact.


26-11-2019, 01:44 AM
need help

i don't want to book girls back to the hotel ; I prefer for the massage plus the FJ only
can any kind brother please help.

going there for 3 nights tomorrow

26-11-2019, 10:02 AM
need help

i don't want to book girls back to the hotel ; I prefer for the massage plus the FJ only
can any kind brother please help.

going there for 3 nights tomorrow

I just tried Fame Spa at the recommendations of the bros here. Confirmed playability. Even the body scrub girl does specials too. Hope this helps.

26-11-2019, 11:33 AM
need help

i don't want to book girls back to the hotel ; I prefer for the massage plus the FJ only
can any kind brother please help.

going there for 3 nights tomorrow

Hi. In batam now for 3 days. U wan help? Im staying near avava mall. Pm me if wanna meet up.

26-11-2019, 12:37 PM
Red color...hv not seen any blue...btw, b4 the Horizon staff chop, the girl actually went to check the computer screen...must be checking validity of the voucher...

Noted, and this is the reason why i ask you the question :


Notice the expiry date is in blue? ;)

Serial number in Red too?

And also take note of the serial number if one is buying 31st March 2020 e-coupon. Take not that the color of the serial number is in Black instead of its previous Red.


I am not being careful for nothing. My guess is, Horizon Ferry counter might have knew there are a few clowns like myself who is meddling with the expiry date,hehehe...

Do not overdo massage...2hrs just nice for each time...once your muscle is relaxed should stop...also do not massage daily...you are just wasting the money or massage becos body/muscles still not tired or tense...once or twice per week will be great...:)

My usual sequence goes like this, 1 hour of foot reflexology during the early part of the day, 1 hour of body massage on mid day and towards the end of the night, another hour of foot reflexology. ;)

Its like massage 1st, tiring myself out from the moving around, then massage again...tired myself again then another round, move again...then massage. Which is how i can easily become regular in most massage shops in a very short frame of time.

My cost in dollars? Its almost the same as going for an hour massage in Sillypore (S$45 to S$60). :D


Since i am talking about Ferry ticket on the above and in order not to waste bandwidth, here's what i found in my last trip in Batam.

This orange Horizon ferry ticket in Batam has gone up in price :


From originally 380k rupiah (after bargaining,its 375k rupiah) to currently selling it at 420k rupiah. Not a good news to me. Went to check up a few shops in Batam, including the one beside An Shun at Nagoya area, price is same. All selling at 420k rupiah...

The above notes would be linked with the Horizon ferry CNY 2020 planning :


Just planning my upcoming CNY2020 Batam trip.

And by the way, Formosa will up their hotel price by about 30k rupiah starying 2020. I will come to that later.


26-11-2019, 01:22 PM
Interesting monthly room rental from a hotel,hehehe...


I guess no need to tell anyone where this Romance hotel is situated already,hehehe...especially for those who has been to Marine Live sea food before.


Rooms are pretty new,especially when its being run by OYO or Red Doorz.


With room cleaning and bed linen change at twice a week, now...make a guess how much would this room cost a month. :D

Do feel free to make a guess 1st, before clicking on the spoiler button below :


Nothing is all good tho, hence i am guessing this room has got no window. So i cant look out from the hotel. Not forgetting no smoking as well,hehehe...but then again, i cannot deny that it price is pretty good.


Little bit cheaper than Lai Lai apartment. However, there's no breakfast provided, but then again...with all the Go Food and Grab Food thingy, who will be bother by hotel breakfast anyway. The good part would be, its near to almost everywhere,especially its just about 5 mins walk to Hawaii KTV (a overnight girl booking joint),hehehe...maybe one day should try staying in this type of hotel for a night or 2 since i am constantly looking at staying in lower starred hotels but taking up their best and better room.

One night cost between (and about) S$9.31 to S$17.34 (inclusive of breakfast,tax and plus plus all in) base on their different types of room.

Just sharing, since on and off i will be looking up such info to keep myself updated on the rental and buying/selling market on properties in Batam.


26-11-2019, 05:51 PM
Pertaining to Horizon Ferry tickets previously I used to utilise those orange tickets that I got for free from friends who patronise certain seafood restaurant in Singapore. But I still need to top up $28 during weekdays n $38 during weekends to use them. Lately what I did was I manage to buy directly from certain tour agency via WhatsApp bypassing carousel n Qoo10. The price quoted was $24 for weekdays and $33 on weekends. So far I have bought twice for weekend trips and hence manage to save a few dollars. You just need to give them ur particulars and date of travel and of course pay them via online banking immediately and they will processed for you. What you need to do is on the actual day just go to the express counter one hour before departure with your booking code and they will issue you the tickets. So far I went to Batam and bought two tickets. I forgot to ask whether they sell single ticket. The disadvantage is you need to buy at least two days in advance and also depends on the availability of seats for your chosen trip. I hope this help.

26-11-2019, 07:58 PM
Wow the mythical kampung ayam! Please report back your experience, whatever it will be.

good memory in cowboy town area...
your regular manggis stall have shifted away from roadside


26-11-2019, 08:11 PM
Sorry can’t give a reality field experience to sentai Tanjung Ucung (kampung chicken) as I have to KIV that adventure till my next trip. I got distracted by one of the cewek at Sekar massage that I found irresistible to book at 1 juta n she truly live up to expectation. Next trip Tanjung Ucung will be my in my itinerary n I think it’s good to go with a company of 3 or 4 as u can share the cost n u to will feel more safer.

able to share the name or some description of that Sekar girl?

i never managed to successfully bargain below 1.1M there. :(

guess i need to buck up on my haggling skills. ;)

27-11-2019, 02:13 PM
nothing blocked in hcm...all can access...:)

tat means sbf is nthg 2 wetnam gov lor....lol...tat's y eye no open big big 2 look in....lol

but sbf means smthg in indo & sg...tat's y they keep watching it & stretch their hands in....lol...aso shw more internet freedon in wetnam more than sg & indo. :p

Now, how does 1 take Grab or GoCar w/o being disturbed by Taxi Mafia or taxi touts in the area,hehehe...i enjoy devising my very own ways and methods to work around things in Batam. I get a friend to try to this out just outside Nagoya Hill Mall...

Simply stick one of this sticker onto the person/group using Grab's shirt...



The touts and mafia in the area will know i am waiting for hotel taxis,hehehe...therefore they will not even ask me (and my friends) if we need taxi or not just outside the entrance. Immune to "conventional taxis",hehehe... :D

Of course, gonna still make sure the taxi touts and taxi mafia do not see whats on my mobile phone. In other word, during ordering of online taxis, DO NOT behave like many ignorant typical Singaporean who would keep holding their phone while waiting for GRAB or GoCar taxi to arrive. Keep the vehicle number,vehicle colour and the approximate time it will arrive in mind, that is all.

brother, still got ani more of tose sticker? can help me steal sm? mine gng 2 finish liao....lol...best is got mix & match with other hotel type....lol

hw yr recent trip in yr new hotel hunt? :D

got smthg worth hunting or farming 4? :p

1. Itinerary for my current trip (with friends and relatives, 2 groups)

2. Itinerary for uncle/auntie trip (not with uncle curry-rice, uncle molest and/or uncle coffee-shop)

3. Itinerary for CNY 2020 trip (my own special trip, in between uncle curry rice might come by)

Much often, i try my best to make every Batam trip special, for those who are with me. So i read a lot on tour agent's itinerary as well as mongering bro's cheonging itinerary as well. Key thing is, try NOT to be the same. ;)

Just keeping tab and planning.

last trip, sm old uncles suggest a cny 10km nagoya/penuin/utama walkathon in early morning hours when all the bkng joints & mp hvn't start business yet lei...u wan join us?

they nw drafting a map 4 their walkathon....lol

actualli i aso dn't knw can wake up in time or no....lol :p

Black Page
27-11-2019, 05:24 PM
your regular manggis stall have shifted away from roadside
What are those photos about? What place? What are my regular manggis?
I am very sorry to disappoint, but I do not understand...:confused:

27-11-2019, 07:29 PM
I am very sorry to disappoint, but I do not understand...:confused:

i think he means around this place


& u should hv been there before. :rolleyes:

Black Page
27-11-2019, 07:59 PM
i think he means around this place
u should hv been there before.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
They demolished Pasar Induk???
Those are (WERE??) the most charming buildings in Batam. They always looked like a haunted house of ghosts, with those strange shapes.

27-11-2019, 09:01 PM
They demolished Pasar Induk???
Those are (WERE??) the most charming buildings in Batam. They always looked like a haunted house of ghosts, with those strange shapes.

About time the run down warehouses should be torn down and make way for better safer new warehouses. My ex Indo gf used to buy groceries like onions, garlic, etc from the nearby wholesale market and store them there for free for a few days before exporting them to Singapore to sell. I am feeling nostalgic I miss her :(.

28-11-2019, 10:58 AM

Btm gov wish to make more money? or to make this place better? Maybe both. I read from news, stall owners are protesting against tearing dwn the iconic local market, & what the authority in btm plan was to temp move them to another part of the market where for the first 3 mths, rental will be free & thereafter, will collect 1 million rp a mth from those stalls owners.They can move back in to same location once this place is rebuild but must pay rental. As for how much, nobody knows.

Past, there was no rental & business can be not bad. After they torn it dwn, they'll temp be moved to another area nearby & got to pay 1 million rp/mth after 3 mths with no guarantee of enough business flow.



The market is livelihood of many locals in btm. The btm authority did put in much effort to make most happy with their arrangement after more than 2 mth of protest. :)

Probably gonna get to see a new look in the nxt few years to come in this part of btm.

In my own words. :p

28-11-2019, 12:04 PM
Without tis market cannot survive.? If only locals would know where pasar jodoh is at, which open at 5am. :D. And another wet market at pujabahari :D

28-11-2019, 02:24 PM
Hi bro, I could see that you are expert in batam. I am going there for the 1st time and agent recommended the BELOW hotel. Able to advise which hotel surrounding more happening and have pubs to drinks?

Batam city hotel
Harmoni hotel
Aston batam hotel
Grands hotel nagoya

Appreciated your advise if possible bro

Sorry bro, I knew you talk about famosa is best for newbie as got King Massage, Alishan KTV, Hapy 8 booking joint (and Nagoya Citywalk Mall). Also mentioned about gideon etc. However agent only offer these 4 hotel thus seeking your advise.

No problem, most probably the tour agent couldnt get formosa hotel room becos it is ALWAYS full. Happens all the time during peak season. :(

Ok, lets talk about the 4 hotels suggested by your tour agent :

Batam City hotel -

Batam City Hotel is a 3 starred hotel which i have stayed before. It is located at Penuin area and the closest shopping mall is BCS Mall. I usually recommend aunties and uncles who wish to visit Batam to look for better food and some quality clean good massage to go there. There is a rather high end Grand Dragon KTV in the hotel itself (equivalent to that of M1 and M2 KTVs)and New spa is just a min or 2 away from this hotel (New Spa like the KTV which is inside the hotel itself,check with receptionist).

The bad - There is practically no overnight booking joint in this area. Unless you wish to walk to Utama area or take a taxi or ojek there. And then back again.

Harmoni hotel -

This is a 4 starred hotel in Batam. I have also stayed there before and after reading your PM, and knowing you are looking for "pubs" to catch a "drink". This hotel should be the best place among the 4 choices given by your tour agent. Walk down stairs at 630pm Batam time and behind the hotel, you see no less than a dozen pubs and clubs. Many bros i knew here do pub-hop there,hehehe...there are lots of more westernized food in the area. There are some local street food that only operate in the early evening.

About 8 to 10 mins walk to Memory KTV booking joint and 13 to 17 mins walk to Sekar Massage booking joint if you can locate Lumba Lumba Inn Hotel which is diagonally behind Harmoni Hotel. Note : Opposite lumba lumba inn hotel is New Hotel, beside it is Memory Hotel/KTV. Beside Lumba Lumba Inn hotel is Dynasty 99 which is STILL under renovation.

As for how to walk to Sekar, i suggest you google for Hana Hotel. Lumba Lumba Inn Hotel is quite close to it and Sekar Massage booking joint is directly opposite Hana Hotel.

The bad - In my view, everything there is expensive, the K-mart and provision shops sells everything more expensive than other K-marts in the island.

Aston batam hotel -

Forget this one, this hotel is located somewhere in the middle of Nagoya area and Batam center area. Good hotel no doubts for its facilities, new beds etc and all that but no one whose intention is to monger will take this hotel. Its is more of a preferred choice for golfers and youngster who bring their girlfriend/s, families to Batam. Good place for non-hanky panky tour,hehehe...

Grands hotel nagoya -

I believe the tour agent means Grand I-Hotel Nagoya,hehehe...this is also a 4 starred hotel. And a very expensive one too. Stayed there once before sponsored by my part-time boss. This is a very good hotel which is well-maintained after many years and its also located near to Nagoya Hill Mall. One of Batam most expensive shopping mall (on par with Mega Mall). In that area, you can visit Delta spa at the out-skirt of Nagoya Hill Mall or you can walk over to Formosa Hotel,hehehe...i guess no need to explain much to you what Formosa hotel has in stall,right? :D

It would takes about 6 to 8 mins walk from Grand I-hotel to Nagoya Hill Mall and another about 7 to 8 mins walk from Nagoya Hill Mall to Formosa Hotel.

Behind Formosa Hotel is Nagoya City Walk mall, locate Baba Street food court and opposite it is Happy 8. The other end of Nagoya City Walk is Biz Hotel, and outside of Biz Hotel opposite it at almost 10 o'clock diagonally and walking down about 5 to 6 mins, you should see Utama hotel,hehehe...

Side Note : Beside Biz Hotel is a coffee shop where the famous Swee's curry puff is sold.

I repost the map done by bro Freedom 3 over years ago here.

it may be a bit outdated but still useful
(Orchid,Permata Indah and Indah 2 closed down, New Berry change name to Sekar)

You should see Harmoni Hotel and Formosa Hotel on the above map. And as for Grand I-Hotel, you can use the Spa Secret written on the map to bench mark.

Batam City Hotel and Aston hotel is not seen on the map. ;)

Hope this reply helps you get a rough idea where you are heading to and make a decision from the 4 choices of hotels your agent gave you.

Note here that i am replying base on your this question :

"Able to advise which hotel surrounding more happening and have pubs to drinks?"

...and if you haven't make a 2nd PM to me regarding this :

"Sorry bro, I knew you talk about famosa is best for newbie as got King Massage, Alishan KTV, Hapy 8 booking joint (and Nagoya Citywalk Mall). Also mentioned about gideon etc. However agent only offer these 4 hotel thus seeking your advise."

...i probably might not have replied to your PM,hehehe... :p

Cheers and may you have a good Batam trip!

* more than 4k in words limitation on PM,hence gonna reply you in this way with your nick censored off from the public. My apologies.

Black Page
28-11-2019, 05:31 PM
Probably gonna get to see a new look in the nxt few years to come in this part of btm.
Did they demolish also the big buildings, which I see in the background of the photo you posted? Or just the stalls?

28-11-2019, 05:52 PM
Did they demolish also the big buildings, which I see in the background of the photo you posted? Or just the stalls?

As of 3 days ago, monday...nope.

29-11-2019, 01:02 AM
The quality is not bad, she kept asking me if need to use more strength. I went there around 10 or 11am. I think I am the first and only customer hehe.

Thanks again,i am regular now,hehehe...now go to aiko, be it the petrol station one or the a2 food court one, happy hour got 30%, no happy hour, its likely 10% to 20% off.

Got to know that in my last trip. ;)

Do feel free to try Tuina Massage around that area too, its almost just as good as Aiko...hehehe...


I am talking about the massage quality as well as the girls who does the massage,hehehe... :D

29-11-2019, 01:03 AM
This is the room rate mentioned by bro Nono.

Thanks for sharing, here's the more detailed photo after i talk to their receptionist,hehehe...


Basically if one takes their cheapest room aka Superior room, there wont be windows. Deluxe room will have windows, Grand deluxe is bigger sized room with windows. As for the 700k rupiah room...hmm...i think it should be their biggest room. I am eyeing on that one tho,hehehe...comparing with hotels in that area of similar class/star, this Parkside Sovrano Hotel were actually more expensive.

What put me off most in this hotel is, its another no-smoking hotel. Smoking only allowed in the cafe on the 2nd floor. And by the way, there's an in house massage/spa shop too.


Notice the price is actually MORE expensive than most other MPs in that area? Hehehe...but look again, there's a discount. Monday to Friday 20% off, Saturday and Sunday 50%...hehehe...ok, now you can start laughing on this one. :D

Just sharing.

29-11-2019, 01:04 AM
I'm a Singaporean who has been living in Melbourne for the past 20 years. I have visited Batam before but that was about 8 years ago. My brother and I are coming down to Singapore end of March next year and have planned to go away to Batam for 3 days. I have read the forums here and found that you guys have a wealth of information and I thank all of you for that. I did have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with.

Since you have up to March 2020 before your trip, i strongly suggest you to read.

Some of the more important links as below :

1. My general compiling info -


2. The places to go to which you might like -



3. This one more updated -


4. And on KTVs?


5. How to search this thread -


So much info, but so little reading. It is only after reading before one can ask some more "nutritional" question/s. ;)

1. I see that the best places to book girls are Sri Kandy, JV Happy 8 and Kupu Kupu. Are these the best booking joints in Batam? I was also wondering if there were any premium escorts available? Girls who can speak good English and are really hot. We do have a substantial budget to play with and would like to have maximum fun while we're there and girls who can speak English would really help. If not, what would you guys recommend? Out of the 3 places above, which one would you recommend has the best selection of girls? Or are there better ones?

Batam is more of a hit and miss place. Not many would be willing to "recommend", neither would i. One of the reason maybe becos its a meat and poison thingy here. As the exact same girl one gets into their hotel room may offer a different type/quality of service/s.

Base on my almost 7 year experience in Batam, i dare say right here in a public forum that the LESSER i spend to get a girl in Batam, the BETTER in terms on quality of service/s (not the other way round). And i believe many of us here are looking for "exclusive" service/s rather than the SOP type, pay>release>forget (this is my observation) whereby one may feel like bonking a sex doll.

Example :

Right in one of the sub-forum of this SBF forum, Indonesia SSYT girls is going at a rate of S$100 for 2 shots at 90 mins in Singapore. Not a sex doll,of course. :D

A rough estimation from my observation,1 out of 10 Indonesia girls speaks good-enough english. 6.5 out of 10 of them speaks broken but understandable english. The rest who cannot speak understandable english, i just use google translate. Works all the time and up till today, i have not learned to speak their language.

2. I also see that many recommend going to Formosa Hotel and then walk from there to these places and not take taxi drivers. But if we were to take a taxi driver, and hire him for the 3 days we're there, are there any reliable taxi drivers you guys can recommend? Someone who can speak English and knows the best places we can go to to get girls and also speak on our behalf? We used to have a guy in Batam a long time ago but he has since retired.

Its all in the basic guide, and the 1st step for all Batam newbies.


If one is NOT staying in the right place on step number 1, then its either they are NOT reading or isnt a newbie/first timer. I look at it that way.

I do not recommend booking taxi for a whole day unless one is travelling to more than 6 places in a single day and/or if one or more in the group is wheel chair bounded,hehehe...

3. We have booked Planet Holiday for our stay. Our choice was between Planet Holiday, BCC Hotel and Harmoni Hotel and we chose Planet Holiday. Is that a good choice for a comfortable stay?

The most comfortable place i stayed before in Batam is Montigo resort, but the MOST convenient location to get a girl to my room, to get to whole lot of money changer at good rates, to visit some pub/clubs, to reach KTVs, to MPs (be it clean or dirty), to shopping malls, to eating places, to a mini mart, to buy a sim card and where most are willing to make that extra mile of service just for me is...Formosa Hotel.

That hotel is one of the hardest hotel to book in 2019 (in the last min), hence i do NOT "recommend" anyone to stay there other than Batam newbie/s.

As per the forum policy, I will be sharing details of our Batam stay in the thread. I would love your advice on the above questions and any other advice you guys can provide. We want to make our trip there the best we've had and want to choose the best possible girls we can. Any information or contacts you guys can provide will be a big help.

I am guessing one of the reason why you arent getting any reply as yet is becos there was no FRs aka Field Report from you in your last 8 posts (readers can actually dug up all the post/s you made in this forum). And you asked questions w/o actually reading through most part of the key points in this thread. When i can tell that base on the questions you asked, i am sure many others would be able to too.

Which is why as mentioned in my 1st paragraph of this post, i strongly suggest you would read 1st since you have that time. One last thing, keep expectation low (cut them by at least half before you reach Batam)...hehehe...you do sound like you have very high expectation for Indonesian girls to me.

29-11-2019, 01:17 AM
Bro nono1973.

Thanks for the advice and the links mate. The links you have provided are really good. I'll ensure I read and keep myself informed before we get there. As you can guess, I have no field reports yet as we are travelling in March but I will share our trip with you guys for sure.


29-11-2019, 02:21 PM
Just sharing some ideas for those venturing to Batam. Hopefully it will be useful to you guys.

1. Most important thing to know is roughly the basic rate for st/lt. usually st rate is about 500 k per pop but others maybe can get cheaper but it is around there. Don’t compare to those Super regulars there who maybe able to get cheaper.F or lt the rate usually can be from 1mil-1.6mil and again others maybe able to get cheaper. This is just the rough base rate so you do your own sum.

2. Better to try out st first to get the feel instead of jumping straight to lt as the girl maybe not up to your expectations and make it a lousy booking for you. End up you stuck with her with Long black faces. You can read up many instances of lt booking that gone bad.

3. Do your own reading up to know where are places for getting girls for booking and those places for massages and ktv joints if that is what you looking for. Don’t expect other experiences will be the same as what you will be getting as they are more regular and know better. Lower your expectations and you should be better off for the experience.

4. Spend what you are comfortable with and don’t have to follow strictly others way as Long as you are comfortable with the spending.

5. For those who prefer non booking joints,if you have plans in advance may try those social apps to get to know some girls in advance. Chat with them first or videocall with them to build up friendship before going over to find them. Many many gems to be found but please do your own due diligence.

Just some information and hopefully won’t be flamed for saying posting of nonsense in here. Had been zapped before posting in here.

29-11-2019, 05:48 PM
That's good advice mate... Thanks for that...

One gentle reminder, avoid quoting someone's entire long post during reply. Otherwise there stand a high chance of getting zap or have yr posting removed by the forum staff. :rolleyes:

Edit : Wow! i didn't knw forum staffs moved in so fast. Faster than my gentle reminder.

29-11-2019, 07:22 PM
Very informative thread. Thanks to all bros who contributed their experiences.

30-11-2019, 05:52 AM
One gentle reminder, avoid quoting someone's entire long post during reply. Otherwise there stand a high chance of getting zap or have yr posting removed by the forum staff. :rolleyes:
Got it... apologies to the forum... still new and getting used to this... will be more vigilant in the future...

30-11-2019, 10:11 AM
Some discovery at Tiban 水口大伯公 area since last year's visit....

wayang stage

Beautiful house

30-11-2019, 10:37 AM
Hear say from my ex appartment neighbor...
The new Nagoya food court
Should be open on Dec 8.

Location:opposite biz hotel (Nonos favorite swees karipok)


30-11-2019, 08:49 PM
Which is why there are talks about hotels, sim cards with data, places to visit in Batam (other than looking to punch a hole in my wallet on shopping mall with my girls), theater movies and the types of seats in the cinema, location for good food and massage/spa for couples etc etc types of discussion in this thread.

A good hotel provides me other activities like KTVs, Massage, Sauna and perhaps a swimming pool.

Many of us has no problem finding girls in btm at lower than sg price of similar quality & get them to our hotel rms, but many after having their girls wouldn't knw what to do next, beside humping in their rm all day/nite long. Which is why u probably see ppl asking where to buy durian/strawberry favor condoms. Where to find cialis, viagra & sm good delicacy. :cool:

i often share with my frens that girls quote high, for their guest to bargain lower is part of indonesian business culture. I dropped sm of my btm kaki bcos they don't bargain. At least they are not in the like-minded cat. :rolleyes:

It is saddening to see in this forum a basic pop in btm now become 500k but in an indonesia forum cost only 350k & lesser. More expensive than sg if i add up the ferry tix & hotel rm. Just my thots.

01-12-2019, 08:14 AM

01-12-2019, 12:04 PM
Made another trip to Batam.

29 Nov - queue at 10.30am and Super Long queue...half way 12.15pm departure sold out including business class...so bought 1.15pm ferry...:)

Exchange money 10300...some money changer 10250...:)

Dinner indoor becos rain at 7pm...:)

Usual grilled Saba fish with green sauce and belacam...:)

30 Nov - went to Tui Na massage again...package 198k..also crowded...then proceed to A2 foodcourt for kway chap...:)

Visited Grand Batam mall...dinner st J8 foodcourt...:)

1 Dec return to sin...:)

NB...if Friday departure best get tickets few days earlier or book online during school holidays and festivals...:)

01-12-2019, 12:43 PM
st and lt got what diff?

01-12-2019, 03:36 PM
It is saddening to see in this forum a basic pop in btm now become 500k but in an indonesia forum cost only 350k & lesser. More expensive than sg if i add up the ferry tix & hotel rm. Just my thots.

Lol...u & i no chance 2 pay 500k a pop la, brother...in fact, u & yr frens go btm aso no chance 2 pay until 500k a pop lor...so y u grumble.

mani thgs u knw i knw can liao, tose who wan 2 pay 500k a pop sure hav little chance 2 get 350k & below nice ger de. So wenever ani1 ask me where can find cheep & good syt in btm, i skip their msg totally....lol...they're not even rare 2 find in my btm dicktionary. :D

lazy ppl no play the game by the cuntry's culture but jus onli wan 2 shw off his sin$ is VERY powderful only will end up grumble btm is bcumin more exp than other parts of indo....lol...last time i got see sm1 pay 700k & 800k a pop in bali lei...me & my ten fingers all laughin out loud....lol...i try control nt 2 let my toe laugh tat time. :p

u've yr thots, so nw i aso hav mine thots aso...lol...wishin all a happy sunday in btm!

Beautiful house

brother, tis one funni lei!! Lol :D

got notice the ger drying her clothes on the car bo? :D

beautifool hse but the ger spoilt the hse image bcs she dry her clothes lei....lol

01-12-2019, 03:46 PM
Notice the price is actually MORE expensive than most other MPs in that area? Hehehe...but look again, there's a discount. Monday to Friday 20% off, Saturday and Sunday 50%...hehehe...ok, now you can start laughing on this one. :D

u got me laughin nw....lol...the 1 who do tis maketing brochure shld be sacked!! :D

st and lt got what diff?

try askin yr qn here


u get beter ans... :p

2 me, LT is superman, ST is 4 super quickies. :D

01-12-2019, 03:49 PM
brother, still got ani more of tose sticker? can help me steal sm? mine gng 2 finish liao....lol...best is got mix & match with other hotel type....lol

Hehehe...i am still going through the list of hotels that provide FREE shuttle service in Batam.


Just realize most of them are not in the Nagoya area. And i doubt i will trying those hotels that arent close to Nagoya.

Once there are those "stickers", i will share some with your team,hehehe... :D

hw yr recent trip in yr new hotel hunt?

Recent trip was good. 1st night was in Lumba Lumba Inn hotel at S$34 a night.


Not bad, room is very big...hehehe...and plus can merge the bed together to make a gigantic bed, almost double the size of 2 x queen size bed.

The hotel do provide breakfast, but just simple coffee/tea with bread and jam. Just like the type of breakfast that was provided in Nine Days Hotel when they 1st started operation.

Location wise was pretty convenient, and almost directly behind Harmoni hotel. The good...

1. Its almost directly opposite memory ktv (2 mins walk across the road), and less than 10 mins walk to Sekar aka ex. New Berry.

2. Behind the hotel is Mcdonald and KFC which i think operate 24 hours.

3. Convenient 24 hours store also behind the hotel, and wont take more than 5 mins to reach.

4. Hotel staffs helps me order Grab/GoCar, so travelling is a breeze. They even help me order Grab/Gocar upon returning from where i came from too. Thumbs up for such good service. Do note that this service might not be applicable to every guest of the hotel.

5. Hotel staffs even send our group to Harbour Bay for free.

6. Its a non-smoking hotel but...well...hehehe...check with the receptionist.

7. Wait till Dynasty 99 is open for business. :rolleyes:

Nothing is really all good and no bad. And here's the bad,hehehe...

a) Everything around the area is higher in price as compare to other parts of Batam that are away from Kampong Bule. Even the cigarette cost more. Note that i am comparing K-Mart versus K-Mart and Alfa Mart versus Alfa Mart.

b) There is no elevator in this hotel and its 3 floor high in height. So its not very elderly-friendly.

c) Comparing apple to apple, this hotel versus Zest. Zest provides breakfast fairly good breakfast whereas this Lumba Lumba Inn practically dont. And for the almost similar price, if i can forego breakfast, i will stay there but if i cant do w/o breakfast, this lumba lumba inn would only be good for their larger than Zest hotel room.

d) There is only 2 of such room stated as in the room photo above. The rest of the room were way smaller, with a King size bed but w/o a chair in it. The cost is about S$25/night. Lack of walking space, thats good and bad depends on how one looks at it.

e) Staffs hardly speaks understandable English.

So, in other word, this place is not even a 2 starred hotel and i am comparing with Zest which is a 2 starred hotel. Lumba Lumba Inn Hotel should be a 1 starred hotel,at best 1.5 star. Its a new hotel, hence everything is still VERY clean.

01-12-2019, 03:53 PM
got smthg worth hunting or farming 4?

Yes, check favorite massage and De Best Hotel. Eyes open big big...hehehe...they are linked to each other.


I guess no need me to spell it all out to you right? :p

If i dont remember wrong, Bali Thai closed down and now change to Batam Spa. Can go and take a look too. Lots of new massage shops pop up at BCS area, its now worth going there to take a look at them.


*One more thing, please go try the Kama Sutra package (not the one on this photo above) if your read my other post with eyes opened,hehehe...

last trip, sm old uncles suggest a cny 10km nagoya/penuin/utama walkathon in early morning hours when all the bkng joints & mp hvn't start business yet lei...u wan join us?

they nw drafting a map 4 their walkathon....lol

Hehehe...they really nothing to do on CNY. I might join you guys for brunch and as for walkathon, i think i will give it a miss.

Ask them to tread carefully, Batam road is not like in Singapore.

01-12-2019, 06:05 PM
got notice the ger drying her clothes on the car bo? :D
beautifool hse but the ger spoilt the hse image bcs she dry her clothes lei....lol
Try to insert something like this...
But no computer to edit..:(
Can you pls help :D

02-12-2019, 04:16 PM
Heavy rain. My gals suggest to stay in hotel and bonk as many i can :D

02-12-2019, 04:24 PM
Made another trip to Batam.

29 Nov - queue at 10.30am and Super Long queue...half way 12.15pm departure sold out including business class...so bought 1.15pm ferry...:)

Dinner indoor becos rain at 7pm...:)

NB...if Friday departure best get tickets few days earlier or book online during school holidays and festivals...:)

Wow! You were on the same ferry as me.
Heavy rain somewhat limited food options for me. Settled for some food in BCS mall after my massage at Newspa. They're not cheap, but they post their prices at the local Indo forum.

How much you guys tip for the girl to take her top off? Got quoted 500k.

03-12-2019, 10:43 AM
But no computer to edit..
Can you pls help

bor eng lei,wil take lot of time de....mayb can ask brother funboi do...he more expert....lol :D

the house u post in btm mayb is a boarding hse? :confused:

Hi bro, I could see that you are expert in batam. I am going there for the 1st time and agent recommended the BELOW hotel. Able to advise which hotel surrounding more happening and have pubs to drinks?

Sorry bro, I knew you talk about famosa is best for newbie as got King Massage, Alishan KTV, Hapy 8 booking joint (and Nagoya Citywalk Mall). Also mentioned about gideon etc. However agent only offer these 4 hotel thus seeking your advise.

Lol...u always reply until like tat,sibei lor soh lei....lol...surely will shockin the person wen he see yr reply...lol :D

if i replyin same msg, i jus ask him 2 choose btw hamoni & i-hotel, then flip a coin 2 chose on 1 of the 2 since he onli first time go btm, sure is blur blur like sotong dn't knw where 2 go de. :D

see, cut the story veri short....lol...jus stay as near formosa as possible will do ma....even if smthg go wrong aso wn't be veri jia lat...lol...jus pay more onli.

Location wise was pretty convenient, and almost directly behind Harmoni hotel. The good...

u 4got, can call in-house massage service 2 rm 2...lol

*One more thing, please go try the Kama Sutra package (not the one on this photo above) if your read my other post with eyes opened,hehehe...

tis one shld b worthy of my time....lol...guess u didn't put the signal big big here 4 ppl 2 look into....lol

thk u ya.

03-12-2019, 04:44 PM
How much you guys tip for the girl to take her top off? Got quoted 500k.

500k...??? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

Black Page
04-12-2019, 12:55 AM
How much you guys tip for the girl to take her top off? Got quoted 500k.
You did not introduce yourself using your SB nickname, right?;)

04-12-2019, 11:25 AM
1st thing 1st, before i made this reply. I am just wishing to point out that Horizon fast ferry can NO LONGER book its ferry on their website w/o upfront payment. Its a been more than a year since i last book via Horizon Ferry online.

Nowaday, i use the so-called voucher, hence i am booking by phone/email.

Dear Nono,
I nearly completed the procedure on the web site, and I found that I have to prepay using credit card. No booking without paying.
My questions remain mostly the same, but need to be corrected as follows:

1) The "return open ticket" option cannot be selected. WHY? How to make it selectable?

i suppose you go to this website and yes, the "return open ticket" option cannot be selected :



2) I tried to book, but I must select exactly the date and time of both ways. Really I cannot book SIN-BAT and leave the return open?

I dont think you could do that now,i just tried. It used to be able to,becos upon return, i will be issue a Return-to-Singapore open ticket. For your case, you may wish to drop Horizon Ferry a call/email to see if they can make any exception.

3) If I book only one way, to leave the return open, then I am requested to pay $32. This is not good, as I would pay 32x2=64 for both ways.

The reason why i ask you to look at their website is NOT becos you should be booking from their website, BUT more of looking at the AVAILABILITY of the seat on the ferry for that date of your coming from Singapore to Batam.

Example,if you are arriving on the 6th Dec 2019 :


Notice it tells you its now FULL for 1015am and 1115am?

And on your day of arrival or maybe a day or 2 before your arrival, you would be able to tell in advance the availability for a your desire timing/date by going to their website.

I do not mean you should compulsorily book from their website but more on :

1. At the least you should be knowing your flight arrival date/timing a day or 2 beforehand

2. Check Horizon website for seat availability like its shown on above photo (a day or 2 in advance)

3. Email or dial them for a desire seat (as you are expect to arrive to collect your boarding pass about an hour beforehand),and you should do this about a day beforehand.

This is the most foolproof way i could think of to help secure a seat for your uncertain arriving timing (to Singapore),and as well as an open-return ticket back to Singapore from Batam.

5) If I book rountrip paying $48 with the credit card, then am I fixed to the time of return I book? Can I change it once I am in Batam? Or the ticket is sold and cannot be changed?

I wont be able to answer this question as of now becos like i mentioned earlier, i havent been booking via their website for a year or so. In the past, it works like this :

I book from their web w/o any payment for both arrival and departure, i go to Singapore horizon ferry counter to collect my boarding pass, i will be issue a open-returned ferry ticket from Batam to Singapore whereby i still need to go to Horizon ferry counter at Harbour Bay to get a boarding pass (to return to Singapore).

I understand I better call them, but maybe you know all this.
Thank you!

You may trying calling them (when you reach Singapore?) or perhaps email them few days before. I suspect you probably might get the similar reply as above. ;)

Hope that helps.


04-12-2019, 11:57 AM
1st thing 1st, before i made this reply. I am just wishing to point out that Horizon fast ferry can NO LONGER book its ferry on their website w/o upfront payment. Its a been more than a year since i last book via Horizon Ferry online.

Hope that helps.


Bro nono, why are you acting as Horizon Ferry when you aren't paid replying...you do not need to answer such pm...just leave Horizon ferry to deal with the user...:)

04-12-2019, 01:39 PM
Bro nono, why are you acting as Horizon Ferry when you aren't paid replying...

Noted on that, and wont be doing it again.

Its just an update on changes of the structure of traveling to Batam. The Batam Beginner's guide, read by many tells reader that one can book horizon ferry online w/o upfront payment. Thats about 6 odd years ago, today in 2019 one cannot do so anymore (there's head and tail...all can be traced back). ;)

When i choose to reply to such, i would also look at the reason/s why Horizon is making such changes. By digging deeper on other sites/sources for those reason/s, i learned more.

Example :

Someone claim New Spa's girl asking for 500k rupiah JUST to take off her top. Not false, but why is that so? And by which category of girls? The girl/s dont want to do business? I dug in,hehehe...and you might be surprise that ONLY girls who used to work in Delta Spa who came over to New spa do so. How come Venus spa and Octopuss girls who works in New spa dont do that?

With every answer there are more questions,hehehe...i can really write a super long post just on the Horizon changes in booking as much as why someone was quoted 500k rupiah at New Spa. At least this is not what Horizon ferry nor New Spa could answer. But then once i can understand the background work behind those scene, it will make my Batam traveling easily better (pay lesser too).

Side note : Over time and probably in the near future, vouchers/coupons might just be able to be use on their website for booking too. I am guessing, becos people complained, hence the changes in Horizon you see today. Recently people complained on the voucher/coupon thingy not able to book online, so i am guessing this thingy might soon works in the days to come,hehehe....

Notice, every bits of information actually adds up to form something useful? It just happens that i am there, and i shared. And i have been paying S$48 ferry tickets to Batam for more than 5 years over my 6 odd years trip there,even when oil prices were halved.

My objective didnt change here and is simple,hehehe...to make things better (cheaper and more convenient also can,hehehe..), at the very least for myself. :D

...you do not need to answer such pm...just leave Horizon ferry to deal with the user...:)

Reasons for my replying :

1. Its an old friend whom i have exchange PM with for a while on this horizon topic and he's not residing in Singapore but from far away hence might not be able to locate those "loopholes" stated.

2. Its a way to work around things to get things done. 1+2=3 but not many knew 2+1 can also become 3,hehehe...different race,different culture, different brought up, the working out of the "1+3 and 2+1" theory can be quite different.

3. I do random checks on contribution before helping. He contributed to the forum quite a lot (especially this thread), hence my reply and it needs to be done in public forum becos of the photo illustration.

4. Its good for those who are willing to read to know too. To me, the online booking is like a LIVE "loophole" from Horizon ferry (to know about seats availability). I have "more-advance" method for myself tho, but for the time being, would prefer to keep it to myself (to get ferry seat during peak time) until when all info are gathered and i feel its the right time to post in public.

I will reply to this post of yours to you and to you only.
(as there may be clones/trouble-makers to come and support you or support me or ask similar question etc)


*please do NOT quote whole post

04-12-2019, 02:28 PM
Lol...u always reply until like tat,sibei lor soh lei....lol...surely will shockin the person wen he see yr reply...lol

I am one who prefer details than half-baked info. To me, the people i replied to are mostly genuine contributors who contributed quite substantially to the forum so that many readers can attain a better game in mongering. I dont wish to receive half-baked info as much as i wouldnt like to give it to others.

Its like a form of respect to the info receiving party.

Example :

Someone can ask...

Q : How to go to Sekar Massage?

A : Raise your hand, hail a nearby taxi and tell driver you want to go Sekar Massage.

This answer will result in the one who ask the question paying a higher price,isnt it so? And then someone will start blaming the sky and the earth that Singaporean very stupid, keep overpaying etc etc...

My reply :

a) Take a taxi to Paragon hotel, step in to the hotel, walk out of it again, turn right. Walk straight towards Hana hotel and opposite Hana hotel entrance is Sekar Massage.

b) i post a map from his hotel to Sekar massage.

Pay less, plus learn more (be more independent and not-so taxi-reliant). Why not?

Not willing to learn? Then it would save me lots of time,hehehe...since to me,they have other intention/s in Batam. ;)

Of course, i am NOT going to reply like what i did above to everyone. I only do that for information that arent as updated and mainly to those who has good proven track records in forum contribution. If its repeated stuffs, unless there are new updates, otherwise i would just post a link that leads to my answer (or at times, other contributor's past reply to the same question).

And i not superman, cannot reply to question i didnt know and/or keep answering question/s that can be commonly found in the thread.

The "link" of my reply at the least shows them a "direction", so they are NOT totally clueless. This thread is afterall called Batam Info / Interest / Help Thread,arent it? :D

Just sharing.

04-12-2019, 04:01 PM
Just back from a 3 days 2 nights trip with another samster. Took the Dec 2nd 10.45am ferry and I think is about 3/4 full. Immigration clearance took about 15minutes so for those in a hurry may want to take note that this is the school holiday period in Singapore so many families going over. You may want to upgrade to vip if you don’t want to wait in the queue.

After clearance he went to book his return ticket and then we proceeded on our journey. Drop him at his hotel and I proceeded to my own hotel. After we check in our respective hotel and settled down, went to pick him up for lunch together. After lunch, I proceeded back to hotel while he went and do his own adventure.

Later in the evening, we arrange to meet for dinner and he came to my hotel where we proceeded for dinner. After dinner, walk around shopping for awhile before we part way again for his own adventure. That is for day 1 fr .

For those who are interested to know, Dynasty 99 will be opening on Dec 6.

Hope the fr is not boring as I am following the concept in posting fr here.

04-12-2019, 04:10 PM
A : Raise your hand, hail a nearby taxi and tell driver you want to go Sekar Massage.

This answer will result in the one who ask the question paying a higher price,isnt it so? And then someone will start blaming the sky and the earth that Singaporean very stupid, keep overpaying etc etc...

Just sharing.
Right on point. Easy to laugh or criticise others who may not be as knowledgeable or well connected as them. This attitude will only deter others from posting their experiences in order not to be mocked at. Not everyone is as smart or well informed.
Peace out.

04-12-2019, 04:13 PM
Just back from a 3 days 2 nights trip with another samster.

Later in the evening, we arrange to meet for dinner and he came to my hotel where we proceeded for dinner. After dinner, walk around shopping for awhile before we part way again for his own adventure. That is for day 1 fr .

Hope the fr is not boring as I am following the concept in posting fr here.

Ur fr is abt u with ur friend (samster).:D

04-12-2019, 04:16 PM
when dark and have alcohol any ugly gal became pretty...so dun be shocked if you wake up to an ugly beside you if you paid LT...

Morning walk at Penuin/BCS area during my November 2020 Batam trip and some "words" in this liquor shop in the penuin area caught my attention,hehehe...it says "life is better when you are drunk".


Recently paid uncle curry rice a visit, he shares with me there was one old uncle in his early 70s at the coffee shop, who would visit Batam alone on his Saturday off days and comes back to Singapore on a Sunday for a drink at one of the food court (in Batam).

Staying in Swiss Inn Hotel in his every trip. So i guess he must have been at a2 food court most of the time. :p

Batam seems to be a nice place to kill time when one has lots of it on hand, arent it? Hehehe...


Cost should roughly be about S$50 (hotel room), ferry should cost about S$38 on average, drinks and food should be no more than S$30. Let's just call transport at S$10. Total amount would not have cost more than S$128.

With a S$150 budget, there should be no problem having one shot for a 2D1N trip,hehehe...and looking at what the liquor shop wrote at its glass door reminds me of a Chinese proverbs...

对酒当歌 人生几何?

“对酒当歌,人生几何?”是一句名言。对着美酒,伴随着歌舞,人生时间有限。这里讲“人生几何”意是人生时 间有限,不是叫人“及时行乐”,而是要及时地建功立业。后也用来指及时行乐。

Meaning :

对酒当歌 - I lift my drink and sing a song

人生几何 - For who knows if life be short or long

The poem or song was from the Romance of the 3 Kingdom by Cao Cao's 短歌行. Below is the full version of it and in English translation. Only those who are interested should click on the spoiler icon. DO NOT click the spoiler button if you do not wish to read poems (with trnaslation).

对酒当歌-I lift my drink and sing a song

人生几何-For who knows if life be short or long

譬如朝露-Man's life is but the morning dew

去日苦多-Past days many, future ones few

慨当以慷-The melancholy my heart begets

忧思难忘-Comes from cares I cannot forget

何以解忧-Who can unravel these woes of mine

唯有杜康-I know but one man... the God of Wine

青青子衿-Disciples dressed in blue

悠悠我心-My heart worries for you

但为君故-You are the cause

沉吟至今-Of this song without pause

呦呦鹿鸣-Across the bank a deer bleats

食野之苹-In the wilds where it eats

我有嘉宾-Honored guests I salute

鼓瑟吹笙-Strike the harp! Play the flute

皎皎如月-Bright is the moon's spark

何时可辍-Never ceasing never dark

忧从中来-Thoughts of you from deep inside

不可断绝-Cannot settle, cannot subside

月明星稀-Stars around the moon are few

乌鹊南飞-Southward the crows flew

绕树三匝-Flying with no rest

无枝可依-Where shall they nest

山不厌高-No mountain too steep

水不厌深-No ocean too deep

周公吐哺-Sages rush when guests call

天下归心-So at their feet the empire does fall


The wine, the song, life goes on —
But for how long?
It evaporates, to our dismay,
Like the morning dew, day after day.
Ambition and aspiration sustain me,
But a secret thread of grief worries me.
How can I brush it aside
But by drowning it in wine?


...and its actual teaching/meaning.


And in my own translating words:

We try our best to build our own version of Empire hopefully on time during our young days, after which we must also find time to enjoy ourselves in our remaining life. ;)

Life is better when you are drunk? Hehehe...to each its own, i guess. Hehehe...this is just another one of my 5% meaningless post that are topic related.

*please be advise NOT to quote the whole post, my sincere thanks.

04-12-2019, 04:22 PM
Few months ago while in Batam, i tried this certain noodle shop at Astro food court, taste not as good.


Few months later on Nov, in the same food court, i tried the noodle opposite it call Along noodle shop,hehehe... the taste were much better and its just beside my favourite char siew rice store.


Now, beside Bei Long, Bai Long, Kek Long noodles store, there is one more noodle store Along (pronounce as ah long, i guess) which i can constantly go to,hehehe...or at least i know when Bai Long and Kek Long closes in the early noon or late morning, i can choose between Bei Long and Along to go to.

My kind of good food that suits my taste. ;)

04-12-2019, 04:23 PM
Ur fr is abt u with ur friend (samster).:D

I follow this thread ways of posting fr. Hope I done nothing wrong :)

04-12-2019, 05:05 PM
Ur fr is abt u with ur friend (samster).:D

Lol. No direction. Ikut yg lain mah, maka nya gk ada salah om. Aneh!!

FR 1st - 3rd Dec

Took 4.30pm feri, settle down in hotel and order chicken n egg belado, then went to massge joint to book 2 gals. 1 million each. As it was raining, we stay indoors. Sadly gals take turn to fark but after some persuation both agreed :D

Next morning both gals blow me, what a amazing sight seeing both gals playing with my pipi. Both take turn playing with my load :D. Tips them and off they go. As i was tired from the previous night , i sleep till 10pm. After shower, had some drinks, accompany with gals. Took 1 of thier number for future adventure :D after drinking went for a st since my hotel is near to many joint, 23 yrs old, 400k for st. As for anal she declind but its ok with cim. After fark she blow me till i cum with no cap. Sleep till next morning and catch the next feri back.

04-12-2019, 05:48 PM
Is tanjung pinang still active for us to play? Forum look very long time silence.

04-12-2019, 10:09 PM
I follow this thread ways of posting fr. Hope I done nothing wrong :)

U didnt do anything wrong. Cos is a genuine fr.:D

04-12-2019, 11:07 PM
Hey bros going solo trip on 20dec staying da vienna any issue theres bros?

05-12-2019, 08:58 AM
Is tanjung pinang still active for us to play? Forum look very long time silence.

Tere are more aquarium joint like those at btm or TBK. But like all other places FLs are available. Drivers, hotel staffs may have lobang. They also want comm/side income.:D

05-12-2019, 09:52 AM
Hey bros going solo trip on 20dec staying da vienna any issue theres bros?

Shouldnt be an issue to stay there..Da vienna is a very good hotel with great service there..And the breakfast is good too..

05-12-2019, 09:57 AM
Went to batam on 2 dec and met up with a friend there and he recommended fl girl with good service and good attitude to me..The fl stayed for about half day with us before she left...

05-12-2019, 10:59 AM
tis one shld b worthy of my time....lol...guess u didn't put the signal big big here 4 ppl 2 look into....lol

I saw it too, will be going there next week to try that out. :D

But weekend time room not easy to book. I just tried & they are totally out, otherwise i'll be there this weekend. :(

Example :

Someone claim New Spa's girl asking for 500k rupiah JUST to take off her top. Not false, but why is that so? And by which category of girls? The girl/s dont want to do business? I dug in,hehehe...and you might be surprise that ONLY girls who used to work in Delta Spa who came over to New spa do so. How come Venus spa and Octopuss girls who works in New spa dont do that?

With every answer there are more questions,hehehe...i can really write a super long post just on the Horizon changes in booking as much as why someone was quoted 500k rupiah at New Spa. At least this is not what Horizon ferry nor New Spa could answer. But then once i can understand the background work behind those scene, it will make my Batam traveling easily better (pay lesser too).

Which is why whenever i'm at New Spa, i ask the GRO to skip this batch of girls. ;)

Yes, & those girls from Jkt too. :D

Recently had a good fuck in 1 of the recommended clean msg joint which cannot do special service but somehow we end up doing it. She tells me no less than thrice, "10 years! For 10 year!! I have not had sex!!" , i smile & took it with a pitch of salt. :D

Next round when we got chance to meet up,will show u & ice the short video, manage to capture her expression when she cum. :D This has to be the horniest girl i met in batam so far. It was suppose to be a hj deal, but well....u know the hj pricing right? :p

Maybe next trip can neg with her for overnight & see what happens. :cool:

05-12-2019, 02:10 PM
Going solo trip, staying at Harris resort waterfront. Planning to go for a hanky panky massage. From reading this thread, the best is octopuss? Or is there any other mp nearer to me? Thanks in advance

05-12-2019, 02:21 PM
Proper fr.

Went with a fellow samster on Dec 2nd 10.45am. Arrange for my girlfriend to pick us up and she brought along a Friend of hers for me to st as she was having menses.

After she dropped my friend off at his hotel, she send me to my hotel together with her girlfriend. Had some little fun in the room before we went to pick my friend up for lunch at BCS mall. After lunch as my friend wants to explore on his own, we parted way. Went back to hotel with the girl and my girlfriend went back to her office to work. We had our fun in our room and found her to be really horny and enjoy sex tremendously. After deeds done, she still hang around playing with me in the room. Gave her 500k and told her this is for spending.She stayed with me til my girlfriend came back to pick up up for dinner together with my friend. Went for dinner together again and finally we left around 7.30pm as I have another girl coming at night. Her friend stay with me from 11am-7.30pm

My night time girl was another girl that is Super friendly and horny. I even did a video clip of her do blowjob for me and send to my friend. Too bad he was waiting for another girl if his own contact. This girl only ask for 300k.

05-12-2019, 06:02 PM
any one going on 9th Dec ?

05-12-2019, 06:05 PM
Proper fr.

My night time girl was another girl that is Super friendly and horny. I even did a video clip of her do blowjob for me and send to my friend. Too bad he was waiting for another girl if his own contact. This girl only ask for 300k.

Wow bro, can share your gf friend contact?

05-12-2019, 06:20 PM
Wow bro, can share your gf friend contact?

Sorry I don’t have her contact number but the other samster who went with me got her number. Maybe he see your posting he may share with you.

05-12-2019, 10:02 PM
Shouldnt be an issue to stay there..Da vienna is a very good hotel with great service there..And the breakfast is good too..

Thanks bro

05-12-2019, 11:01 PM
Yes bro. Got alot of varieties even you can't try all in morning. But a but expensive hotel. Value for money

05-12-2019, 11:02 PM
any one going on 9th Dec ?
How bout 8th dec

06-12-2019, 01:42 AM
How bout 8th dec

Ps bro, my only available is on the 9th.

06-12-2019, 02:47 PM
Example :

Someone claim New Spa's girl asking for 500k rupiah JUST to take off her top. Not false, but why is that so? And by which category of girls? The girl/s dont want to do business? I dug in,hehehe...and you might be surprise that ONLY girls who used to work in Delta Spa who came over to New spa do so. How come Venus spa and Octopuss girls who works in New spa dont do that?

With every answer there are more questions,hehehe...i can really write a super long post just on the Horizon changes in booking as much as why someone was quoted 500k rupiah at New Spa. At least this is not what Horizon ferry nor New Spa could answer. But then once i can understand the background work behind those scene, it will make my Batam traveling easily better (pay lesser too).

Glad you were able to figure out the reason. Didn't go for it because the 500k was outrageous.

To anyone who has experienced Delta, Octopuss, and Venus, is there a noticeable quality difference between the sets of girls? Like do Delta girls give better massages? Venus girls give crappy massage but always DTF? I live across the world (not bule, I'm Chinese) so I rely on the accumulated wisdom of you Samsters. Not enough time (or stamina) to get to experience it all like a local. Jealous of you all for that!

Like how would I even mention it to the GRO? "Hey I want a girl who will let me play with her titties during the massage" sounds crude but I guess it gets to the point :D

06-12-2019, 07:15 PM
Shouldnt be an issue to stay there..Da vienna is a very good hotel with great service there..And the breakfast is good too..

Ya breakfast choice quite good also

06-12-2019, 10:11 PM
Thanks for sharing, here's the more detailed photo after i talk to their receptionist,hehehe...

The superior and deluxe room rate look comparable to the hotels around the area.
But I think it may be noisy since it is along the main road unless they have good sound proof window :)

Thanks for sharing a newly found noodle store beside A2.
By the way congratulations to Joker and I agree with your comments on the show. I think he acted very well and hope he received an Oscar nomination.

07-12-2019, 12:50 PM

New vouchers are now pinkish in color...:)

No more orange color and those advertise with orange color vouchers expiry 31 Jan 2020 looked suspicious...expiry 15 Jan 2020 will be more appropriate...:)

07-12-2019, 05:32 PM
Another small scale riot at the Batam Center ferry terminal...on 3rd December 2019.


Play safe, stay safe, be safe. ;)
(when it comes to using online taxis)

...and the next following day, they move the "battlefield" to Hang Nadim airport.


No, no riot at Batam booking joint or anywhere near Nagoya nor penuin BCS area.

So, can still enjoy Batam! :p

08-12-2019, 10:46 AM
sharin wat happn y'day & today in btm....lol...if u in btm & got time, it's mus see cos onli once a yr happening. :D





08-12-2019, 08:41 PM
Hi my virgin trip to batam and will be staying at Da Vienna from 23-25 Dec. Need some tips from samster here.

1) From Harbour Bay ferry what is the standard rate taxi to Da Vienna ? where can I get gojek/grab near harbour bay ?

2) Does Da Vienna allow booking of gojek/grab ?

08-12-2019, 09:56 PM
Hi my virgin trip to batam and will be staying at Da Vienna from 23-25 Dec. Need some tips from samster here.

1) From Harbour Bay ferry what is the standard rate taxi to Da Vienna ? where can I get gojek/grab near harbour bay ?

2) Does Da Vienna allow booking of gojek/grab ?

My advice to you being your first virgin trip to Batam is not to try grab or gojek from harborbay. Reason being you are not familiar with the surroundings so where do you go to wait for the transportation. The taxi fare to your hotel is 30k rupiahs and maybe grab charges you 11-13k for your journey. Savings of 17-19k rupiahs but you may get into trouble if you not careful so weigh the risks factor against the savings.

You can book gojek/grab from Da Vienna hotel if I am not wrong.

09-12-2019, 01:34 AM
Hey guys.. can hookup laptop to Batam hotel TVs right?
Just need HDMI cable.?? Anything to look out for?

Planning to play some nice porn with stuff I wanna try out to show my girls as well as get them in the mood

On another note, recently met a couple of super horny girls there, but after initially paying them a standard 100 for overnite, they start asking for 150 the next time and don't seem to want to budge. If they were v pretty I wouldn't mind paying but they're just abv avg looks. Feels kinda dumb to throw $150 on above avg girls even if they're very horny as I can get very pretty Thai girls for that price which would defeat the point of going Batam.

Usually repeat customers shld be able to reduce the price not make it go up!!! They were introduced to me by my KTV regular girl (whom I picked up at Foreplay) who has become like a fren to me (I pay for small things like her food, petrol, internet data when I am there and she drives me arnd, parties with me and intros many girls to me)

I tot I was being smart by taking their numbers and trying to negotiate myself, but I ended up outsmarting myself. Turns out my fren never takes any commission from them but instead always persuade them to take a lower price with me.

Now when I ask my fren to help, she is unable to as the girls feel they can nego with me direct n get more $$. Have to ask her help me find new girls next time.

Lesson learnt : not everybody who intros u girls takes a cut and it is possible to have working girls take care of u if u treat them right.

09-12-2019, 02:29 AM
Lesson learnt : not everybody who intros u girls takes a cut and it is possible to have working girls take care of u if u treat them right.

U r a bloody joke, in Btm every ktv gals intro their so call friends to u, will get a cut fm ur payment, when u bring the gals back to ur hotel room, bell hop and security also ask for tips fm the gals ur brought back, given the chance he can talk to the gals in private, ur so call friend is demanding for a higher cut, that y the gals rise their price, don't be so naive to believe everything that ktv gal tell u. To them u r only a mobile ATM.

09-12-2019, 06:06 AM
sharin wat happn y'day & today in btm....lol...if u in btm & got time, it's mus see cos onli once a yr happening. :D

Oh... this year they goes to Nongsa...:
Last year it was at nagoya area, from Martabak har junction to M2

09-12-2019, 06:35 AM
Hi my virgin trip to batam and will be staying at Da Vienna from 23-25 Dec. Need some tips from samster here.

1) From Harbour Bay ferry what is the standard rate taxi to Da Vienna ? where can I get gojek/grab near harbour bay ?.....
Pls Scroll up 2 post...
It already hv 2 big incidents recently...
Was arrived at BtmCtr last Tuesday afternoon when the standoff took place....
And carpark exits are blocked...
Luckily that we still can use the Magamall link bridges. Almost can't get out of the terminal.

if this happens in Hbay...
For me to escape ...
I think I must swim across to Tanjong Uma...
Joking only :D

09-12-2019, 09:01 AM
Open Jio.
11 Dec (Wed/Thurs/Fri morning/noon) at Batam.
Plan: Walk around/travel (via grab) around joints.
Targetted audience: newbies or oldies (as long comfortable to walk around and explore.

09-12-2019, 11:53 AM
HI anyone has experience in the Majestic Spa in Batam ? Do they offer special ? Seems like high end spa.

09-12-2019, 12:46 PM
U r a bloody joke, in Btm every ktv gals intro their so call friends to u, will get a cut fm ur payment, when u bring the gals back to ur hotel room,

In Btm, everyone want to earn extras. Wat more staffs from KTV..or cewek herself.:D



09-12-2019, 01:08 PM
I saw it too, will be going there next week to try that out.

Do try out these places too,hehehe...i am sure you know which portion of it i am asking you to look into :


Took the photo from Gideon Hotel, and was too lazy to just grab a copy so i just took a photo of it.

Gideon was taken over by Aston,hence there are some renovation in the hotel itself. Room was renovated and the stay was quite good. Justme under renovation but can still call their girls inside hotel room,hehehe...no price list tho. I remember asking the receptionist for it butshe didnt have one. ;)


Which is why whenever i'm at New Spa, i ask the GRO to skip this batch of girls.

Yes, & those girls from Jkt too.

This is it, locate the source of whats "troubling" from getting the best (that suits you most) and find a solution to it.

Its afterall a happy and willing thingy,hehehe...and you are the boss since you are the one holding the money. People dont use the word happy-ending when they end up not being happy right? Enjoy yourself.

Maybe next trip can neg with her for overnight & see what happens.

Make sure she's off the next day, with that rate, if she's working the next day, she's unlikely gonna have the energy to work the next following day,hehehe... :D

u 4got, can call in-house massage service 2 rm 2...lol

Hehehe...dont mis-lead, there is no in-house massage in this hotel. The massage girls were can only be ordered via reception from another of its sister hotel to this hotel. Just like Zest Hotel would called Swissbel Hotel's to do in-room massage for their guest/s whenever they wants it.

tis one shld b worthy of my time....lol...guess u didn't put the signal big big here 4 ppl 2 look into....lol

Doesnt matter, some games are better kept just for those stubborn but poor guy like myself,hehehe... who are unwilling to pay Singapore price (or if not higher) in Batam.

Every player is different in every game.


Nice music below (Michael Meets Mozart), that goes well with the theme video. ;)


Enjoy the movie, be it if its Nezha or Rambo, most importantly, enjoy Batam. ;)

I am still learning from what the video says. And this learning is an ongoing daily process.

Have a good trip in Batam and i am still planning for my CNY 2020 Batam trip,hehehe...this one should be my 6th Batam CNY trip.

09-12-2019, 03:53 PM
[QUOTE=nitecrawllerr;19521955]In Btm, everyone want to earn extras. Wat more staffs from KTV..or cewek herself.:D

I also v cynical n tot the same thing which was why I got the girls' numbers myself n try to nego for lower rates directly...

Anyway I do know a bit of Bahasa n my KTV girl did the nego for me when we were at dinner n she showed me her msgs immediately... itz the girls who after seeing my laptop n watch n spending at clubs decided that they can get more money out of me for themselves..

Looks like have to dress more hobo n spend less drinking next time.. T_T

She also intro me a few gems whom still ask for the same rates including a sweet indon Chinese lady. I a bit KC by them as they give good gfe in n out of bed and when we go makan or Jalan Jalan they really sweet like girlfriend v. Shiok. Only thing is they not as horny n slutty as the 2 girls who asked for more money.

Sometimes u just want to fug ur brains out with some super horny sluts for the pornstar experience. My exp n others may differ but nothing wrong with being nice n making friends. Just dun be taken advantage of. Working well for me so far.

09-12-2019, 06:55 PM
Bros anyone heard of siska massage at basecamp

09-12-2019, 06:59 PM
Also have the price for cewek increase my trip date 20-22dec

10-12-2019, 06:07 AM
Hi fellow samsters, I'm wondering if anyone knows if batam has pregnant girls doing FL or joints. I'm interested in engaging the services of one. PM If u know a driver or girl. Thanks heaps. Just a fetish of mine......

10-12-2019, 01:06 PM
Hehehe...crazy hotel pricing (online) in Batam during Christmas eve and New year eve.


Just when i think the above was crazy enough,hehehe...below one from Harmoni suites Hotel will beat the rest of the above flat down.


Every this time of the year, i enjoy looking at the listed price from those online site selling the rooms in Batam. I use this findings and time to look for alternatives.

This is just for laugh, nothing really important and i doubt anyone would be insane enough to pay such super high pricing just to go to Batam for a night or 2. :p

Above kind of pricing can be seen during CNY too. And this kind of situation above tells me a story on the hotel room market in Batam. Happens every year, and not going to stop happening in the years to come. :p

10-12-2019, 02:13 PM
Hehehe...crazy hotel pricing (online) in Batam during Christmas eve and New year eve.

Just when i think the above was crazy enough,hehehe...below one from Harmoni suites Hotel will beat the rest of the above flat down.
or 2. :p

Above kind of pricing can be seen during CNY too. And this kind of situation above tells me a story on the hotel room market in Batam. Happens every year, and not going to stop happening in the years to come. :p

should go some other places where prices not so crazy...you knew what I meant...:)

10-12-2019, 04:35 PM
This is just for laugh, nothing really important and i doubt anyone would be insane enough to pay such super high pricing just to go to Batam for a night or 2.

another thg u can laughin @ nw...Oxley convention,tryin sell same & higher price as like formosa residence....lol :D

oktober news..

A JOINT-VENTURE vehicle linked to Rich Capital has received a notice of termination from the main contractor of its Oxley Convention City project in Batam, Indonesia.

In the notice received by Oxley Karya Indo Batam (OKIB) on Oct 23, the contractor Rich-Link Konstruksi (RLK) said that given OKIB's continued breaches, RLK intends to exercise its right to terminate the main contract and reserves all its rights against OKIB for losses suffered as a result of the breaches.

It added that it will proceed to remove the equipment, materials and plant as well as demobilise site security within three days, Rich Capital reported in its bourse filing on Saturday.

OKIB is a 50-50 joint venture between OBPL, an indirect subsidiary of Rich Capital, and an Indonesian partner, Karya Indo Batam (KIB). The contractor RLK is a joint operation between Rich-Link Construction (RLC), Rich Capital's associate company, and Indonesian firm Alva Lambuan.

In a letter dated Oct 24, OKIB responded that it refutes all of RLK's allegations and denies that RLK is entitled to terminate the construction contract. OKIB also reserves its rights with regard to RLK's wrongful termination and abandonment of works under the contract.

The notice comes about a month after OKIB received a notice of default from RLK, alleging that OKIB had breached contract terms by not making payments for the project despite having certified progress payments of 32.7 billion rupiah (S$3.2 million). RLK demanded that OKIB rectify the alleged defaults within three days from the date of the letter, or RLK would suspend or terminate the construction contract.

At the time, OKIB responded that it was not in breach of the contract and had withheld payment due to RLK's alleged failure to post a performance bond.

Rich Capital said it will update shareholders if there are any material developments on the situation. The company's shares have been voluntarily suspended since June 27. They last traded at 0.3 Singapore cent on June 21.


Notvenber news....lol

A JOINT-VENTURE vehicle linked to Rich Capital is being sued by the main contractor of its Oxley Convention City project in Batam, Indonesia.

The contractor, Rich-Link Konstruksi (RLK), commenced a lawsuit against Oxley Karya Indo Batam (OKIB), Indonesian joint venture partner Karya Indo Batam (KIB) and BPN Kota Batam in the Batam District Court on Oct 29, Rich Capital said on Monday night.

Among the remedies sought in the suit, RLK has demanded that OKIB and KIB not carry out any construction works on the project land, pending a final decision by the Court.

RLK also wants OKIB to pay it a claim of 268,776,470,683 rupiah (S$26 million) in cash immediately for losses due to non-performance of OKIB’s payment obligations to RLK as well as for business disruption and reputational loss.

OKIB is currently seeking Indonesian legal advice with a view to vigorously resisting and/or defending the RLK suit, as well as pursuing any counterclaim against RLK, Rich Capital said.


nw is dickcember news....lol

WED, DEC 04, 2019 - 8:48 AM

RICH Capital on Tuesday said a non-binding term sheet signed with its subsidiaries and Indonesian joint venture partner, Karya Indo Batam among other parties, has lapsed with no definitive agreements entered into as at the expiry of the execution period. The execution period was previously extended to Nov 30.

The term sheet was for the sale of a 30 per cent shareholding interest in Oxley Karya Indo Batam, a joint venture vehicle linked to Rich Capital.

Accordingly, the parties' respective obligations and liabilities under the term sheet have ceased, save for a customary clause on confidentiality which survives the expiry of the execution period, the company said.

It added that the lapse of the term sheet is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets or earnings per share of group for the current financial year ending March 31, 2020.

Shares in Rich Capital have been suspended since June.


nw is waiting 2020 wich mth tis project wil up lorry...or if project tio delay until when. Hope their buyers got buy insurance. :D

i walk ard btm, aso no more need Oxley promoters trying sell their apartment liao....lol....will see will see... :rolleyes:

still yr recommendation beter....lol

10-12-2019, 05:25 PM
in Btm every ktv gals intro their so call friends to u, will get a cut fm ur payment, .....To them u r only a mobile ATM.

isnt that the same everywhere? everybody must eat

10-12-2019, 05:45 PM
Very informative thread.

Thank you for affirming that.

The next time someone tells me in this thread is all about TCSS and no information, i will read your post again,hehehe...at the least, those words came out from a real proven user account.

Hear say from my ex appartment neighbor...
The new Nagoya food court
Should be open on Dec 8.

Next Batam trip, shall go down to take a look.

Thank you for sharing, at least there will be another new place to bring uncles and aunties to in future. Hopefully they wont end up like the Acia Food court, beside Baba street food court that close down after a few years later.

Location:opposite biz hotel (Nonos favorite swees karipok)

Looking forward to see some nice food too. And hope those Batam Center area's good and better food store owner can move some to this new food court.

J8 business may seems bad, but i like its serenity. Quiet and peaceful, more importantly, no crowd and food was serve fast after ordering,hehehe...hope its opened during CNY 2020.

10-12-2019, 05:46 PM
For those who are interested to know, Dynasty 99 will be opening on Dec 6.

Hope the fr is not boring as I am following the concept in posting fr here.

Good sharing. At least this is something informative to me and perhaps to a relatively big group of other older forum users. Dynasty 99 has had a pretty long history since many years ago. Even way before i started Batam. And since its so close to Kampong Bule, my guess is it wouldnt come cheap,hehehe...still worth going in for a look see tho. Maybe when Memory and Dynasty might start a price-war and benefit customers like myself? Hehehe...both places were just a stone throw away.

There is no fix concept in posting any kind of fr,as long as everything posted were within topic. Dont have to take whats said online too hard or be sensitive by what/how others look at you, do move on...and continue to stay focus on thread title, so as to cut back on going out of point.


I believe what's MOST important to many in here would be...to have a good time in Batam. Right?

My sincere thanks (for sharing).

PS : To you (and perhaps others too), it may be an improper post. To me, i look out for the key info in it. And i found it,hehehe... :D

10-12-2019, 05:47 PM
Many of us has no problem finding girls in btm at lower than sg price of similar quality & get them to our hotel rms, but many after having their girls wouldn't knw what to do next, beside humping in their rm all day/nite long. Which is why u probably see ppl asking where to buy durian/strawberry favor condoms. Where to find cialis, viagra & sm good delicacy.

Those were the add-ons,hehehe...and everyone's greedy, havent learn to walk want to learn to fly. The basics are in the thread's 1st page and on my signature, AFTER only going to Batam for the 1 or 2 trips later, when the mindset and environment is adjusted accordingly, then it will be where the real fun begin when the newbie starts looking out for fetish or value-added service.

Have you ever receive PM from samster/s who are looking for pregnant ladies, girls who just given birth and are lactating (with milk), lesbian couples who were trying to make some extras etc?

I did.

And those types of girls were surprisingly NOT difficult to find in Batam. ;)

i often share with my frens that girls quote high, for their guest to bargain lower is part of indonesian business culture. I dropped sm of my btm kaki bcos they don't bargain. At least they are not in the like-minded cat.

Once again, i say this. To me, in Batam higher price DO NOT equates to better girls or better service quality. In fact, it REALLY seems like the direct opposite, which is why many got turned off,hehehe...much often, those who pay higher hardly return-to-fuck...do you notice that?

And those who pay lower than the so-called "normal price" of 500k rupiah often return back again and again and again and again....hehehe....:D

You may look through this thread's FR again to affirm what i said (and that applies to friends i brought to batam before too).

It is saddening to see in this forum a basic pop in btm now become 500k but in an indonesia forum cost only 350k & lesser. More expensive than sg if i add up the ferry tix & hotel rm. Just my thots.

1 or 2 person on internet claim basic per pop in Batam cost 500k rupiah, doesnt represent the entire community.

I go to a fruit store to buy an apple. Fruit seller uncle says one apple selling at S$1, i tell uncle i only have S$0.70 left, and ask if he can sell me at the amount i have. If he says yes,...he made another S$0.70 more, and if he doesnt. He made S$0.70 less or be taking a longer time to sell that apple.

Cost of Horizon ferry coupon (NOT e-ticket nor open-ticket) is S$0.00 in the online market, seller is now selling as high as S$165 (and S$145 respectively) for 4 coupons (today!),hehehe...dont believe me, go have a look yourself. But i pay only a maximum of S$2.50 (rare) so far and on a total average of S$1 each (if i average out the foc ones i got, its actually less than S$0.50 each).

So market price is S$165 or S$1? or maybe S$2.50?

Big difference isnt it? So this story tells me one small thing, the level of desperation on the item i wish to buy does determine the cost of the item i would have to pay. This is especially so in many 3rd world countries (since it doesnt just happen in Indonesia Batam).

How i keep desperation level low?

I simply keep my hands with choices (or can call it sources?),hehehe...and definitely MUST learn to reject the offer from girls (nicely, of course).

Remember i shared before in many of my Batam trip summaries, i tell the massage girls, i already have a booking girl in my hotel, i do not necessarily need to take up the special service offer. Almost immediately, the price of special service was slash by about half, easily. This is just one example.

And the rest or part of the "saved money" can be use for those VAS aka value-added-service which i often talks about? Eg, full strip off, BM, CIM etc etc. So end of my day, i pay lower and get my definition of best.

Can earn more who wish to earn less, can get more and better services who wish to get lesser? Understand this culture and i get what i hope for, creating a win win situation in between. I happy, girls also happy. ;)

My experience.

11-12-2019, 03:06 AM
Any bros here have been to Spinx KTV in Batam?

11-12-2019, 10:46 AM
Gideon was taken over by Aston,hence there are some renovation in the hotel itself. Room was renovated and the stay was quite good. Justme under renovation but can still call their girls inside hotel room,hehehe...no price list tho. I remember asking the receptionist for it butshe didnt have one. ;)

Ah..it's good to know, now i think i got what u mean after those PMs.

I'll be zooming in this coming CNY with friends & uncles.

This is just for laugh, nothing really important and i doubt anyone would be insane enough to pay such super high pricing just to go to Batam for a night or 2.

Above kind of pricing can be seen during CNY too. And this kind of situation above tells me a story on the hotel room market in Batam. Happens every year, and not going to stop happening in the years to come.

From this, & every year of your posting on such super high price in Batam room, there is one thing i learned. That is, if really want to book last min trip to Batam during CNY , Xmas or NYD, then got to book those super low range 1/2 starred hotel. :D

Coming CNY, me & friends will be eyeing your suggested $9.70-$13 hotel rooms.


Cheap & good. :D

Others say we're crazy booking such low class hotel room, sure got hygiene issues & all that. But i tell them, what happen if we book the entire floor down? :D

It'll be fun...since 12 rooms together cost maximum $156 a nite but if i divide it up by 4, it only cost $39. 3 nites there at $117 with the entire floor of rooms belonging to 4 of us, i think it'll be lots of fun to have many many girls & blast our speakers & fireworks on CNY. (same as 2 star-3 star hotel room) :p

It'll be our first time playing this game in Batam. Call it a trial. :D

11-12-2019, 03:10 PM
Damn.. should have booked my rooms earlier.. was thinking of going Xmas or New Year.. maybe have to follow Samster above and book 1-2 star hotel.

Bro Nono really solid sia.. pregnant, lactating n lesbi couple also can find.. Laojiao is really Laojiao..

I'm also trying to get more contacts and widen my network there so got more variety for fulfilling all my fantasies and ticking things of my sexual bucket list.

Maybe next time I'll try to meet up Samsters here for lunch or something in Batam. Usually eat with Cewek or solo food exploration for lunch.

Oh just checking.. any Bros tried sex in the hotel swimming pools before? Any suggestions?
Also wanna try Hanky Panky in one of the cinema beds.. but last time I went watch movie.. before the movie they say got use night vision/infrared camera or something.. I don't wanna get caught.. will be v v paisei for my girl...

11-12-2019, 03:17 PM

Bro Nono really solid sia.. pregnant, lactating n lesbi couple also can find.. Laojiao is really Laojiao..

I'm also trying to get more contacts and widen my network there so got more variety for fulfilling all my fantasies and ticking things of my sexual bucket list.

Stop asking questions...start contributing your forum or field report...:)

Try your self and come back to report...nobody owe you any answer...:)

11-12-2019, 03:43 PM
Chill man.. I did contribute FRs to this thread before..
Point of the thread is to acquire/share more knowledge so Samsters can have more fun rite.
I not asking some kacang putih qns which can be found on basic guides which I'm glad the more exp Samsters have compiled..
If no one wants to reply any of my qns it's ok.. but I dun tink it's rite to ask ppl to stop asking qns in an info sharing/gathering thread..
Just my 2 rupiah worth

Have a nice day ��

11-12-2019, 04:04 PM
Chill man.. I did contribute FRs to this thread before..
Point of the thread is to acquire/share more knowledge so Samsters can have more fun rite.
I not asking some kacang putih qns which can be found on basic guides which I'm glad the more exp Samsters have compiled..
If no one wants to reply any of my qns it's ok.. but I dun tink it's rite to ask ppl to stop asking qns in an info sharing/gathering thread..
Just my 2 rupiah worth

Have a nice day ��

Your question -
Oh just checking.. any Bros tried sex in the hotel swimming pools before? Any suggestions?

Do you think this is correct to ask in this Batam thread?

Why dun you try and report here...instead of asking...:)

11-12-2019, 04:06 PM
Should change thread title to Batam frs thread instead. Omit out the discussion and help wordings. Very unfriendly moderator.

Peace out

11-12-2019, 05:09 PM
Should change thread title to Batam frs thread instead. Omit out the discussion and help wordings. Very unfriendly moderator.

Peace out

when did you see anyone comment Polisi is friendly...:)

In the previous 2 posts, I commented as a cheongster and not as a mod...as a mod I will take action...:)

I posted my forum and field report in appreciation to TS and those who post info...I dun come here to ask question rather I tried then post my experience...:)

11-12-2019, 05:54 PM
7 to 10 dec FR

Took a 4.30pm feri, reach batam around that time as it was a Saturday no point boking a gals. Call a beer lady from few days ago to accompany me till foodcourt close. Ask her wana follow me to hotel? She said yes. :D. Reach hotel she ask to shower together and give me a tease with a bj. Went over to bed to continue the action. Next morning she went back at 9am surprisingly never ask for money but told me to call her again when im in batam

I slept till the afternoon, woke up had a shower and have dinner. When to L massage (utama area) never bother asking about type of gals, choose vip room which cost 98k, went up and wait. Gal look was fine. 22 year old. Massage was ok after finish she pop question, i ask how much for bbbj she said 300k i ask for 250k and shes ok with it but not cum in mouth but i did it anyway :D. Pay off to counter and walk back to hotel and find out dynasty 99 is under renovation.

Next day went to book gal near paragon hotel, bargain from 1.5k to 1.1k. Forget wat her name is but service is nothing to shout about. Had 4 shots and off she goes at 9am next morning.

Next trip wana try new seafood that just open. Not sure if its true but boking gal told me now not many tamu around and i was her first for this month :D

11-12-2019, 06:03 PM
Also wanna try Hanky Panky in one of the cinema beds.. but last time I went watch movie.. before the movie they say got use night vision/infrared camera or something

Can bro, gal give me a bbbj during the movie but we left before the movie end since the sheet got "sticking" :D

those cameras are for those trying to record the movies using hps

11-12-2019, 08:34 PM
Can bro, gal give me a bbbj during the movie but we left before the movie end since the sheet got "sticking" :D

those cameras are for those trying to record the movies using hps

Thnx for sharing... Uppzed you

11-12-2019, 09:55 PM
Damn.. should have booked my rooms earlier.. was thinking of going Xmas or New Year.. maybe have to follow Samster above and book 1-2 star hotel.

Bro Nono really solid sia.. pregnant, lactating n lesbi couple also can find.. Laojiao is really Laojiao..

I'm also trying to get more contacts and widen my network there so got more variety for fulfilling all my fantasies and ticking things of my sexual bucket list.

Maybe next time I'll try to meet up Samsters here for lunch or something in Batam. Usually eat with Cewek or solo food exploration for lunch.

Oh just checking.. any Bros tried sex in the hotel swimming pools before? Any suggestions?
Also wanna try Hanky Panky in one of the cinema beds.. but last time I went watch movie.. before the movie they say got use night vision/infrared camera or something.. I don't wanna get caught.. will be v v paisei for my girl...

If you go at xmas or new year im sure you will have fun there because i went last year with a bro here and we had fun there..But checkpoint jam is the most scary part of it..my suggestion to you is to head over one day before the xmas eve or new year eve..You can try booking thru redoorz app the price for those two to three star hotel is cheaper den agoda or booking.com..

11-12-2019, 11:11 PM
nw is waiting 2020 wich mth tis project wil up lorry...or if project tio delay until when. Hope their buyers got buy insurance. :D

i walk ard btm, aso no more need Oxley promoters trying sell their apartment liao....lol....will see will see... :rolleyes:

still yr recommendation beter....lol

Oh, wow...still havent finish building start fighting,hehehe...looks like its gonna take quite a while for them to settle their dispute.

Hopefully they dont hang the project down there for infinity time and later totally forget about it like those other developer did in Batam.

Others say we're crazy booking such low class hotel room, sure got hygiene issues & all that. But i tell them, what happen if we book the entire floor down? :D

It'll be fun...since 12 rooms together cost maximum $156 a nite but if i divide it up by 4, it only cost $39. 3 nites there at $117 with the entire floor of rooms belonging to 4 of us, i think it'll be lots of fun to have many many girls & blast our speakers & fireworks on CNY. (same as 2 star-3 star hotel room) :p

It'll be our first time playing this game in Batam. Call it a trial. :D

Hehehe...just a small add-on to your idea, get another group or 2, play the same game you guys play. And you get to book the entire hotel down,hehehe... ;)

Just an idea w/o obligation.

11-12-2019, 11:11 PM
Glad you were able to figure out the reason. Didn't go for it because the 500k was outrageous.

Glad to hear that you didnt go for it and find the price outrageous,hehehe...i wont be surprise many probably took the offer.

To anyone who has experienced Delta, Octopuss, and Venus, is there a noticeable quality difference between the sets of girls? Like do Delta girls give better massages? Venus girls give crappy massage but always DTF? I live across the world (not bule, I'm Chinese) so I rely on the accumulated wisdom of you Samsters. Not enough time (or stamina) to get to experience it all like a local. Jealous of you all for that!

I think someone else just replied your question indirectly (even tho he is actually replying to me) :

Which is why whenever i'm at New Spa, i ask the GRO to skip this batch of girls. ;)

Yes, & those girls from Jkt too.

How much the girls charge also depends where the girls came from originally from their previous ex work place/s. At Venus, a 19 year old SSYT charges only about 300k rupiah more for FJ (and a juta for overnight)and 100k to 150k rupiah more for HJ with full roaming plus in full nude. And that was becos she came from some previous massage places that charge that way.

But if you get girls who previously from some high end KTVs like M1 , M2 or even the likes of Delta spa etc etc, the likelihood of you being charge higher than the norm would be higher. Theory is similar to if you work in X company and get a salary of S$15k a month but when you hop over to another company, you are likely to expect something similar, if not higher. Right?

Another reason why they charge that way becos there are willing "takers" for that "500k rupiah to strip top" in Delta Spa at Nagoya Hill mall, where lots of "lesser intelligent" beings frequent. And they only need 3 to 4 such customers a month for them to survive a month. Thereafter, they DO NOT need any other customers for that month.

Just like a property agent who close a deal of S$800 million in Singapore. The rest of that same year, he/she dont need to lower himself/herself or give in to other lower commission-ed paying customer. If you see such in Singapore, Indonesia would probably have more due to most of their brought up culture.

Like how would I even mention it to the GRO? "Hey I want a girl who will let me play with her titties during the massage" sounds crude but I guess it gets to the point :D

Already replied as above.

11-12-2019, 11:12 PM
New vouchers are now pinkish in color...

Actually this is a 1st print and 2nd print issue. I believe Horizon either use another printing company or that same printing company uses the same template to run the printing on a different printing machine with addition color variation hence they cannot reach the exact same colour quality as their 1st print out (perhaps its more black ink added in for the serial number).

No more orange color and those advertise with orange color vouchers expiry 31 Jan 2020 looked suspicious...expiry 15 Jan 2020 will be more appropriate...:)

Take note of the color changes in serial number. Used to be in red, now black. Black could darken orange and red could brightens orange.

Sometime its kind of fun to see how those coupons work or how people are meddling with the coupon's expiry date. Would you change or stamp the expiry date to 29th Jan 2020? or 31st Jan 2020? :D


I think i saw one in the past that expires on 30th Feb 2020 too,hehehe...and i just laughed. :D

And yes, you are right, i feel that the 15th Jan looks more legit.

By the way, just a little add-on to your info posting :

Majestic Ferry also came out with something similar as Horizon ferry and this time, they make their ferry coupon looks nicer,hehehe...and using blue stamp for expiry date. :p


Notice that Sindo/Batamfast doesnt have anything creative or attarctive enough offer to compete against the 2 ferry companies. Battle of the titans, who would benefits? Maybe you, maybe me...hehehe...

Show off a bit, few weeks ago ,i just gotten a dozen of those Horizon coupons expiring on 31st March 2020...hehehe...

Just sharing.

11-12-2019, 11:27 PM
Notice that Sindo/Batamfast doesnt have anything creative or attarctive enough offer to compete against the 2 ferry companies. Battle of the titans, who would benefits? Maybe you, maybe me...hehehe...

Show off a bit, few weeks ago ,i just gotten a dozen of those Horizon coupons expiring on 31st March 2020...hehehe...

Just sharing.

For sindo ferry if you use ntuc card disocunt $10 for walk in and passion card will be $8 discount for walk in...

11-12-2019, 11:40 PM
Next Batam trip, shall go down to take a look.

Sorry I visited this morning...
they said postpone till 20/12 Friday:(

12-12-2019, 02:17 AM
Any brothers can help. I be visiting with my hkg colleague and he like durians. Can we visit the plantation by yourself or need to join the tour.

I know there is a day tour with hotel but we already book hotel.
I been there for others except the durian tour.

I appreciate your kind response and tips.

12-12-2019, 02:24 AM
Any brothers can help. I be visiting with my hkg colleague and he like durians. Can we visit the plantation by yourself or need to join the tour.

I know there is a day tour with hotel but we already book hotel.
I been there for others except the durian tour.

I appreciate your kind response and tips.

Batam durian not nice and expensive. Go to Malaysia for durian tour better.

12-12-2019, 02:47 AM
I went to Jakarta many times and never like their durian.... but I thought the plantation is Malaysia variety.

My hkg colleague love durian and come to Singapore during durian season.

Thanks for the tip. Sir.

12-12-2019, 11:14 AM
Any brothers can help. I be visiting with my hkg colleague and he like durians. Can we visit the plantation by yourself or need to join the tour.

Yes, you can. But if you are going with only a few, will need to call them in advance and there might be a small fee to pay. Or you might need to buy some durian from them to offset that fee.

Do note that most if not all hotels in Batam will reject you from bringing durian into their premises (unless you can seal those durian scent, of course). There is a likelihood you might get into some kind of trouble if you start eating your concealed durian in some hotel's room too. So do check with the hotel in advance before you commit your purchase.

I know there is a day tour with hotel but we already book hotel.
I been there for others except the durian tour.

Bro secara is right on Batam durian, if i were to compare with malaysia ones. Actually to be a little open here, the best durian is right in Singapore, not even Malaysia durian ones can match it (base on my own taste bud). Perhaps can even go on par or if not better than the Malaysia's Mao Shang Wang durian.

Try Pulau Ubin's durian for starter,hehehe...if you are seriously onto durians. Go there instead of Batam for better durians. ;)

12-12-2019, 01:25 PM
Oh just checking.. any Bros tried sex in the hotel swimming pools before? Any suggestions?
Also wanna try Hanky Panky in one of the cinema beds.. but last time I went watch movie.. before the movie they say got use night vision/infrared camera or something.. I don't wanna get caught.. will be v v paisei for my girl...

Lol...shw u nvr read nono's summaries, tat guy do it in places like suana, steam rm, hot pool b4....lol...wat do u tink the ger wear wen she go suana wit u? wat do u tink she wear if she go steam rm/hot pool wit u? :D

swimming pool too common thg liao la, in cinema u can add spices 2 yr excitement by usin glow in the dark 'helmet', so yr ger ger can easily find yr kkj in the darkness....lol... :p


& aso u no need scare ppl will see u on cam la, bcs got black color blanket cover & pillow provided 2 camou ma....lol.

jus share share my ideas

Go there instead of Batam for better durians. ;)

no no no no....durian is a MUST TRY in btm....lol


no like durian nvm, still got other 'fruits', like straw berry, mint, banana etc....lol


i onli recommend ppl go m'sia 2 hav lasi lemak or teh tarik onli....lol


btw, my type of durian sure hotel wn't reject de, sure 100% can bring inside witout trouble de....lol :p

jus 4 laughin nia... :D

13-12-2019, 01:20 PM
At Batam yesterday 3pm plus, went to happy massage. Not much choices so skip going to other places. Go fame spa straight. Nothing to shout about the services. 300k clothes off with roaming. After that eat at A2 bought some groceries at BCS mall. Reached hotel MiChat a freelance for overnight at 1 juta. Came but dun look like the same photo. But still acceptable and looks young. Bad service cannot do this cannot do that. I try 2 make 2 times and ask her go back. So boring. Today will go see the booking joints again to see have any luck.