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22-02-2006, 10:45 AM
If some bros want to join me in Yu Ping, let me know. Preferably in the afternoon or early evening.



Okay, if I can escape from my wife i will definitely join you. :D

22-02-2006, 11:20 AM
There is no such thing as FOC bonk, it is when and how you are going to pay for it! Trust me, Brother! Trust me! SGPShanghai69 will concur with me on this point.

Big bro OTR,
I concurred with u totally on that!
No free fcuks in China......either one pay upfront or pay later...one way or the other.......sooner or later that's all.

Transactional deals are hassle-free.....emotional deals not only draggy but also, tiring to all parties involved.

I sure to trust you lah big bro......but u 'thrusted' abit too much last evening.....(No.35)?? ;) .......kee...kee...
Adrenaline still pumping away this morning......big bro???

Look forward to catching up with you at Tea....cheers.

22-02-2006, 11:41 AM
Big bro OTR,

Look forward to catching up with you at Tea....cheers.

Nowadays lim-teh so healthy also never jio me......:cool:

22-02-2006, 11:51 AM
There is no such thing as FOC bonk, it is when and how you are going to pay for it!

Well said, my lao jiao idol.

22-02-2006, 11:55 AM
I sure to trust you lah big bro......but u 'thrusted' abit too much last evening.....(No.35)?? ;) .......kee...kee...
Adrenaline still pumping away this morning......big bro???

Dear All,

With the kind guidance, assistance and recommendation from our CEO in Shanghai, SGPShanghai69, I finally ventured into Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong lu. Yesterday was a hard day for me after a day long of meetings and works. Was having dinner with a local friend, and both of us felt that we needed a good 'relaxation'. I took this as an excuse to venture into a joint well reported in this forum by SGPShanghai69, Harrier24B, etc. - Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Lu.

Called up SGPShanghai69 for direction and phone number who was forever so helpful and kind to help. Got the phone number, called the joint and booked two VIP rooms. With the recommendation of SGPShanghai69, I also booked girl No. 35 (Have not seen her, but I trust the words of my brother SGPShanghai69 lah!).

Reached there, went into the main door, but was escorted to enter through a side door as the main hall was under renovation. I told the manager that we had booked two VIP rooms. We were lead into a resting room, and the guy brought in a total of 5 girls for us to view. I took No. 35 straight while my friend chose one petite girl from Su Bei (A super NTTL). The setting and the surrounding did not look posh nor impressive. We were wrong when we entered the VIP room which were very nicely decorated and furnished. Semi-transparent curtain, a large Jaccuzi, a bed with one mirror on the side and one on the ceiling. 3-dimensional view was made possible. I saw a Basketball shaped pillow on the bed and asked what was it for, No. 35 giggled and said that it is for deeper exploration/penetration or for customers whose tool was too short (hahaha....). She would put the basket ball behind her lower back. The room was big.

No 35 is from Heilongjiang province, damn it! a Dongbei girl. Medium build with 34B boob. She has a body to die for, not a gram of excess flesh. She is also very sweet looking. Well one small draw back is that the boobs were enhanced and hence she did not like people to squeeze them. She has an elastic waist, which made possible large amplitude of movement of her lower part of the body. The gyration, up down, to and fro, and side way movements are all possible. I had been pre-warned by SGPShanghai69, and was hence prepared for the 'torture'. The service attitude of No. 35 can be rated 10/10.

The session started with her helping me to strip and rest on the bed on pop-up pillow (not the basket ball). She dimmed the light and did a very sexy strip-tease dancing behind the semi-transparent curtain. Very very sexy indeed. Then we proceeded to the Jaccuzi, she made me feel like a baby being bathed by a nanny. The touching and all were indeed very sensual. (Details omitted).

Went on to the bed, the cat bath, BBBJ (your choice), BM, etc are quite the same as what one might get from other service provider. The suctions were very very strong. She put hot milk at the back of my body, and then she used her mouth to suck my skin which was now covered with milk. A very satisfying and new experience. Nearer cummed during the BBBJ as the suction and the licking were fantastic. Stopped her as this old man can only cum once a day. Hahaha...

She capped me and the love making started. Love making proceeded in multiple positions, missionary, cow-girl, doggies in two variations, poking flowers from the left, from the right, etc....She was really a sportswoman. Thanks to SGPShanghai69 for warning me before hand so that I was prepared. The finale was explosive and made this old man, a happy, though tired man. I am still having some back-ache now.

My local friend was also very happy. When I came out from the room, he was eating noodle and other food in the resting room.

Total Damage: RMB 900 (not a cent more nor a cent less) All inclusive. Room, package, food ordered from Menu and free drinks.

Brother, this place is worth a try. As usual, I do not post sexy details but information.

My 2 cent worth to thank Thousand Kilo of Gold help from SGPShanghai69.


22-02-2006, 12:24 PM
[QUOTE=adgemage]Brudder Maninsin and SGP-SHA69,
Truly I am touched by your kind thoughts and concern. I guess you are right. 小朋友 is a big risk and I should leave her in FoShan. OK..... Out of the brain. Have to think with my brain instead of the 小弟弟. Best would be to ditch and only have fun when I visit there..... anyway in retrospect, no point being involved with a KTV girl.... Small problem can become big problems.

Dear bro adgemage,

No need to thanks lah... Am just sharing my opinion thinking logically wif my big head rather than the small one... hahahahaha... but juz that i've heard so many stories dat I always put a distance from these MMs... My experience in SHA is not long but I've heard so many people telling me abt the MMs in China.... Be it in SHA or any part of China... Especially for people like us, we will need to be even more logical in these situations..

Anyway, hv fun in taiwan and looking forward to cheong wif u again here in SHA and wif bro SGPSha69... hahhahahaha.....

Bro SGPSha69...

You were right last nite.... went bck home like a dead dog.... never expereince this kind of drinking before and dun think i want to experience it anymore.....

22-02-2006, 12:27 PM
With the kind guidance, assistance and recommendation from our CEO in Shanghai, SGPShanghai69.

Stopped her as this old man can only cum once a day. Hahaha...

Brother, this place is worth a try.

Dear Bro PTR,
Bro SGPSha69 is as helpful as ever, also well informed in the industry. Prob he should start charging consultation fees....

Old man cum only once a day, Exactly...no wonder whenever there is an erotic performance, you see more elders. That's show that this age group is more hornier. When you said once a day, that is to say 7 times a week, and ...so on! :eek:

A good FR bro, cannot up your point again, sorry! So when are you going to show newbie like me the place? However the price is a little bit expensive, 50% more than YPH.



22-02-2006, 12:31 PM
Old man cum only once a day, Exactly...no wonder whenever there is an erotic performance, you see more elders. That's show that this age group is more hornier. When you said once a day, that is to say 7 times a week, and ...so on! :eek:


What say you?

7 times a week? No lah....Sorry.. it should be once a day, and once every two to three days.

You can come twice a day and seven days a week. I know. Nong lor Chiat Kun


22-02-2006, 12:46 PM
What say you?
7 times a week? No lah....Sorry.. it should be once a day, and once every two to three days.
You can come twice a day and seven days a week. I know. Nong lor Chiat Kun

Sorry Bro!
In solving mathematical question, there is always an assumption mah, when you say once a day, the assumption will be 365 times a year mah.

No lah, 吾伐来赛 I can do two shots in a session but not in each day, I would say in a month. If I have the same frquency as yours, situation may differ.

Looking farward for you to show me the place.:D

Take Care!

22-02-2006, 12:52 PM
Dear All,

I took this as an excuse to venture into a joint well reported in this forum by SGPShanghai69, Harrier24B, etc. - Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Lu.

Brother, this place is worth a try. As usual, I do not post sexy details but information.


No worries big bro, as long as u enjoyed it thoroughly.....that matters. Another sextisfied bro!

Watch your back ache though.....maybe go for 'Tui Na' later after work would do u some soothing....:p

Rest well.

22-02-2006, 01:27 PM
Dear Bro PTR,
Bro SGPSha69 is as helpful as ever, also well informed in the industry. Prob he should start charging consultation fees....


No lah Snr Bro Shengge, no consultation fees needed as sharing info here with all bros only.
Nothing to it. I'm merely following your footsteps, sharing with all.


22-02-2006, 01:32 PM
Dear Bro,
After having been in China for more than a decade, please allow me to give you my 2 cent worth. I did have my share of experience for falling into emotional traps with PRCGs. Some of them had indeed pull me down into deep and dark pit. If not of some brothers' support, I would have been in trouble. Not only me, but also my family members, whom I though I treasured a lot.

Nowaday, I practice BBB (Befriend her, bed her and bid goodbye to her). For those who are exceptionally friendly to me and who have expressed emotion to me, I tell them that I cannot promise them anything and that I would never keep another family other than my own.

Dear Big Bro PTR,
Not only what you mentioned here is all true & blues to some of us, also I want to add a basic principle a friend of mine shared with me here on most PRC gals....... "No money, No honey".......
True to the very core on this principle & saying......


22-02-2006, 01:37 PM
I Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong lu.
prepared for the 'torture'. The service attitude of No. 35 can be rated 10/10.
this place is worth a try.

wah lau ...a must try "torture" when recommended by both yourself and our CEO SGP69... very rare Perfect10 service.. I guess the back-ache was worth the while. hehehe

Cheers Bosses


22-02-2006, 04:29 PM
Dear Brothers PTR, SGPSHA69, Maninsin, Shengge,

Got myself straightened out like an arrow again,

All of you SUPER GOOD fellows! ("clink" raise glass to you)

Past 3 Days / Nights in Taiwan have been purely celibate. Did not want to waste money here lah. Anyway I was quite amazed to see these small booths with skimpily clad gerrs selling beetle nut.... Very interesting and good to ogle at, and quite different from when I was stationed at Starlight in the 80's. I mean, they wearing bikini and boots..... mostly quite tall and slim, some Aunties who are past the bikini age, so they wear MaoTseTung tracksuit..... I think the trick here is for them to sell one beetlenut thingy (pack of 20 for 100NT) however, if you pay 500NT, you get only ONE beetle nut, but also can squeeze the neh-neh...... :p dunno whether milk included in 500NT Apparently a lot of truck drivers stop and buy...... and these open 24x7

As for the other part,

Mind is all clear and quite unencombered, however there is still a little rueful thinking about "J" in Singapore who is both clean and VERY super cute, plus very active in bed. Like, 1 round, then shower time 1 round then go to bed, then wake up 1 round when washing off 1 more round in shower....... hard to not think about it right?...... No emotionals now, just the WAH LAU EH sex.

OK, I will be back next friday and must visit Suzhou with my investors. Should be back in SHA by 5:00 p.m. Will be catching the 8:15 a.m. plane back to Singapore on Saturday morning, so still can go out Friday night..... How? Wanna meet up?

Bro Maninsin.... last time round you said there was this 900RMB place... want to try or not? else can go Karaoke......

22-02-2006, 05:33 PM
Dear Brothers PTR, SGPSHA69, Maninsin, Shengge,
still a little rueful thinking about "J" in Singapore who is both clean and VERY super cute, plus very active in bed.

Dear Bro adgemage,
Sorry, I don know your situation, rather I have yet to know you, so I am not able to give any advice.
But, looking at your description, for me MTL.:D Cheooooong ah!


22-02-2006, 05:40 PM
Was having dinner with a local friend, and both of us felt that we needed a good 'relaxation'. I took this as an excuse to venture into a joint well reported in this forum by SGPShanghai69, Harrier24B, etc. - Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Lu.

Ahh...so that's what the basketball is for......

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the place cos the 'software' and hardware of the VIP rooms are really nice...

I will try nos. 35 on my next visit...... and probably go for 2 rounds....


22-02-2006, 05:41 PM
Was having dinner with a local friend, and both of us felt that we needed a good 'relaxation'. I took this as an excuse to venture into a joint well reported in this forum by SGPShanghai69, Harrier24B, etc. - Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Lu.

Ahh...so that's what the basketball is for......

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the place cos the 'software' and hardware of the VIP rooms are really nice...

I will try nos. 35 on my next visit...... and probably go for 2 rounds....


22-02-2006, 05:49 PM
Dear Bro adgemage,
Sorry, I don know your situation, rather I have yet to know you, so I am not able to give any advice.
But, looking at your description, for me MTL.:D Cheooooong ah!


Bro Shengge,
Thanks for the reply. Well, I am always ready to meet with brudders in Shanghai. Bro SGPSHA69 and I are becoming quite good friends too so if we meet up you want to join in?


22-02-2006, 07:53 PM
Brother PTR,

You were at Tian Long on Monday night? Same here man. I brought customers there on Monday night.

I am glad you were really satisfied. Things were really different for me. My customer was totally pissed off. We did not know there were 2 kinds of rooms and did not mention VIP. Ended up with a normal room. My customer got so pissed off by the bad service he left. Even for normal room we were charged 800 each. I have to say even the service is substandard. Maybe VIP room means better service. Plus the fact we went at 3am may one of the reasons.

22-02-2006, 08:03 PM
Hi Bros... I need some help as well as advice... Will be going to shanghai within the next two weeks... does anyone know where is jia shan road? it is supposed to be near to xiangyang market... xignayang market is near to huaihai road?? I been searching on the net but i cant seem to be able to get any answers... i need to stay in a hotel near to the xiangyang market... going to visit some clients there... but they are really not been much of a help!!! Will appreciate if any bros can help me out.. will buy u a drink when i am there!!! Thanks!!! :)

22-02-2006, 09:06 PM
I been searching on the net but i cant seem to be able to get any answers... i need to stay in a hotel near to the xiangyang market... going to visit some clients there... but they are really not been much of a help!!! Will appreciate if any bros can help me out.. will buy u a drink when i am there!!! Thanks!!! :)

Bro, try for Jin Chen Hotel, 15mins walk to Xiang Yang Market, price approx600 - 700 RMB I think. Pretty cheap for such location as well. :)

22-02-2006, 09:23 PM

I just surfed over to the thread on ChangPing and one of the brudders there talks about this "Virgin Sauna" at "amazon"? ... anybody know what it is all about? :confused:

Cannot seem to find what it realy comprises although I have read the thread quite a bit, but it sounds interesting... also dunno what they mean about spitting into a lot of tissues...... blah blah....

Is there something like that in Shanghai? Also there is mention of KJ/DJ at the KTVs.... who are not tied to any MMS.... but effectively control the room...... anyone can enlighten me on the technicalities of this practise..... ?

Thanks in advance.

23-02-2006, 12:06 AM
does anyone know where is jia shan road? it is supposed to be near to xiangyang market... xignayang market is near to huaihai road??

Dear Bro,
Following are some of the map of Shanghai that you can do a search,
1) http://smi.stn.sh.cn/sh_map/maps.asp?map_name=m6-5
2) [email protected]
3) http://www.shanghaiabc.com/shmap/sh/shmap.asp

For item 2 you can add onto your msn, by typing the road name, it will give you a reply with a link to a web map. I remember I did post a link here with a 3D map of Shanghai, may be you can check my past posting here.

Back to your question, 嘉善路 Jiashan road is a north/south bound road, parallel to 襄阳路 xiangyang road. Jiashan road is at the east of Xiangyang road.

Xiangyang market has a few entrances, it is surrounded by Xiangyang road on the west, Huaihai road on the north, Shaanxi road (陕西路)on the east and Nanchang road (南昌路) on the south if I am not wronged. So you can see that Huaihai road is a east/west bound road that make a cross road with Xiangyang road. However, Jiashan road does not intercept with Huaihai road.

As for the hotel, you can check at this web www.ctrip.com. After all, Shanghai city is not that huge, where you stay doesn't really matter, however, the traffic at Huaihai road can be very bad during peak hours.

Hope the above is useful to you.


23-02-2006, 02:30 AM
Hi Bros... I need some help as well as advice... Will be going to shanghai within the next two weeks... does anyone know where is jia shan road? it is supposed to be near to xiangyang market... xignayang market is near to huaihai road??

Hi there,

Here is a 3D map of shanghai for you to search your way around.

3D map of Shanghai (http://sh.edushi.com/?180030)

Hope this help.


23-02-2006, 02:34 AM
sorry double posted.

anyway Bro shengge has answer your question. He is the MAN!!!...he knows everything about Shanghai....
heehee...bro shengge, how have you been?? long time no chat with you already....


23-02-2006, 09:02 AM
heehee...bro shengge, how have you been?? long time no chat with you already....

Thanks for the contribution.
Don't anyhow say lah, I only know a little bit, not everything of Shanghai.
I am OK, thanks! Yeap, long time did not chat with you. May be you should also say, we didn't even meet up before...:eek:

Well, wish you well and your love one.


23-02-2006, 09:37 AM
Thanks for the contribution.
Don't anyhow say lah, I only know a little bit, not everything of Shanghai.
I am OK, thanks! Yeap, long time did not chat with you. May be you should also say, we didn't even meet up before...:eek:

Well, wish you well and your love one.


Bro shengge,

You are the Man of Shanghai, parallel to SGPShanghai69. You are good in anything Shanghai while SGP is good at cheonging and relaxation scene,



23-02-2006, 09:46 AM
Ahh...so that's what the basketball is for......

Anyway, glad you enjoyed the place cos the 'software' and hardware of the VIP rooms are really nice...

I will try nos. 35 on my next visit...... and probably go for 2 rounds....


Hi, Dear Bro Harrier24B,

Sorry that evening was not sporting, this is because I quit drinking totally about 10 years ago. I was a 'Hell Drinker', and one day just decided to stop before anything bad happens due to my advanced age.

Thanks to your recommendation and information from SGPShanghai69, I went to that place. It was exactly what you have described except the Basket Ball bit.

Beware of No. 35, for me at this age, going two rounds with her powerful movements was impossible without taking a risk with my fragile heart. however, as you are young and tough, go ahead, but be-careful. Her service attitude was really very good.

See you back home or in Shanghai.



23-02-2006, 09:49 AM
Dear Bro,
Following are some of the map of Shanghai that you can do a search,
1) http://smi.stn.sh.cn/sh_map/maps.asp?map_name=m6-5
2) [email protected]
3) http://www.shanghaiabc.com/shmap/sh/shmap.asp

For item 2 you can add onto your msn, by typing the road name, it will give you a reply with a link to a web map. I remember I did post a link here with a 3D map of Shanghai, may be you can check my past posting here.

Back to your question, 嘉善路 Jiashan road is a north/south bound road, parallel to 襄阳路 xiangyang road. Jiashan road is at the east of Xiangyang road.

Xiangyang market has a few entrances, it is surrounded by Xiangyang road on the west, Huaihai road on the north, Shaanxi road (陕西路)on the east and Nanchang road (南昌路) on the south if I am not wronged. So you can see that Huaihai road is a east/west bound road that make a cross road with Xiangyang road. However, Jiashan road does not intercept with Huaihai road.

As for the hotel, you can check at this web www.ctrip.com. After all, Shanghai city is not that huge, where you stay doesn't really matter, however, the traffic at Huaihai road can be very bad during peak hours.

Hope the above is useful to you.


Bro shengge,

You are the walking street directory and hotel directory into one (2 in 1). God knows that you are 5 in 1. If I just give you the address of Tian Long Suana, I am sure you know how to fly there. I doubt seriously that you would need me to bring you there.




23-02-2006, 09:55 AM
Dear Brothers PTR, SGPSHA69, Maninsin, Shengge,

Got myself straightened out like an arrow again,

All of you SUPER GOOD fellows! ("clink" raise glass to you)

As for the other part,

Mind is all clear and quite unencombered, however there is still a little rueful thinking about "J" in Singapore who is both clean and VERY super cute, plus very active in bed.

Bro Maninsin.... last time round you said there was this 900RMB place... want to try or not? else can go Karaoke......

Dear Bro adgemage,

Although I have not met you yet, I am glad that you have gotten yourself out of the situation. The "J" that you have mentioned, she could be good, but like the saying goes "We can always find something or someone better". I fully understand the situation as I have been in and out of these kinds of things when I was much younger. Practice BBB (Befriend, Bed and Bid Goodbye).

The RMB 900 place could be the Tian Long Suana that I have just written a FR. Go try it. You would not regret



23-02-2006, 09:59 AM
Brother PTR,

You were at Tian Long on Monday night? Same here man. I brought customers there on Monday night.
I have to say even the service is substandard. Maybe VIP room means better service. Plus the fact we went at 3am may one of the reasons.

Hi Brother luvgangsta,

Sorry to learn about your bad experience in Tian Long. I learn about the VIP room from Bro SGPShanghai69 and Harrier24B, or I would not have known. I think service is related to the girl that one chooses, not to the room type, afterall it is a difference of RMB 100. Better luck next time. Other than No. 35, No. 32 is also not bad.



23-02-2006, 10:08 AM
Bro shengge,
If I just give you the address of Tian Long Suana, I am sure you know how to fly there. I doubt seriously that you would need me to bring you there.

Yo Bro PTR,
If situation permit, may go look see look see lah.
If you have been here long enough, there is no problem for you to know the place at all, afterall, Shanghai is not that big.
Anyway, I just offer my little contribution mah.

23-02-2006, 10:12 AM
does anyone know where is jia shan road? it is supposed to be near to xiangyang market... xignayang market is near to huaihai road?? I been searching on the net but i cant seem to be able to get any answers... i need to stay in a hotel near to the xiangyang market... going to visit some clients there... but they are really not been much of a help!!! Will appreciate if any bros can help me out.. will buy u a drink when i am there!!! Thanks!!! :)

hi Bro Whiskynaam,

Xiang Yang market is at the junction of Xiang Yang Road and Huai Hai Road. Coming out from Xiang Yang Market, walk south along xiang yang road, Walk south to the 2nd junction with Fu Xing Road. Make a left, walk east on Fu Xing road and the first junction on your right is Jia Shan Road.

There are several good and small hotels in the region. Try Shaanxi road and Huai Hai Road and do a search there. Or you can stay on Hengshan road at Hengshan hotel or Regent Hotel. From there, it is 2 MRT stops away from Shaanxi road station and you can walk to xiang yang market. Hope this helps.

23-02-2006, 10:14 AM
Yo Bro PTR,
If situation permit, may go look see look see lah.
If you have been here long enough, there is no problem for you to know the place at all, afterall, Shanghai is not that big.
Anyway, I just offer my little contribution mah.

Hi bro Shengge,

It is on Wu Zhong Road near the big Tian Er Hu Sauna and right beside the hotpot place called Guo Bi Pen Da.

23-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Hi Brother luvgangsta,

Sorry to learn about your bad experience in Tian Long. I learn about the VIP room from Bro SGPShanghai69 and Harrier24B, or I would not have known. I think service is related to the girl that one chooses, not to the room type, afterall it is a difference of RMB 100. Better luck next time. Other than No. 35, No. 32 is also not bad.



Yes. Thanks for the condolences. Well I think it has a lot to do with the timing. If I know the VIP room is 100 more I would have gotten that for my customer. Anyway, it is always a hit or miss for every joint. Plus going there at 3am is not a wise choice.

23-02-2006, 10:18 AM
Bro PTR, SGSh69, Shengge and others in shanghai,

Interested in a get together for tea or some food? Let me know.

23-02-2006, 10:27 AM
It is on Wu Zhong Road near the big Tian Er Hu Sauna and right beside the hotpot place called Guo Bi Pen Da.

Any FR from you?

23-02-2006, 10:29 AM
Dear all brothers in Shanghai,

Do you realise that we are less than 3 pages away to hit 300 pages in this thread?

Keep posting to hit the target soon.


23-02-2006, 10:50 AM
Since all the experts are all here, perhaps can advise for some decent restautants in Shanghai for entertaining clients? :)

23-02-2006, 11:46 AM
Since all the experts are all here, perhaps can advise for some decent restautants in Shanghai for entertaining clients? :)

What kinda food r u interested in bro?
If entertaining foreign clients, try Shanghainese cuisine.
- Shanghai Ren Jia,
- Xiao Nan Guo Shanghai Cuisine or
- Lu Lu Shanghai Cuisine.

For details or info on locations, address or tel to any restaurants, F&B outlets, send a sms via mobile phone either in english or chinese to 85880 (GuanXi).

Cheers bro.

23-02-2006, 11:48 AM
Dear all brothers in Shanghai,

Do you realise that we are less than 3 pages away to hit 300 pages in this thread?

Keep posting to hit the target soon.


Good suggestions big bro! You lead the way & we'll follow to achieve the 300 pages record!


23-02-2006, 11:49 AM
Since all the experts are all here, perhaps can advise for some decent restautants in Shanghai for entertaining clients? :)

Dear Bro Ocean11,
Sorry! I got not much to offer in this area, prob you can check at this site...

23-02-2006, 11:56 AM
Is there something like that in Shanghai? Also there is mention of KJ/DJ at the KTVs.... who are not tied to any MMS.... but effectively control the room...... anyone can enlighten me on the technicalities of this practise..... ?

Bro Adgemage,
In Shanghai, most KTVs, big or small joint set-up, all of them are already computerised songs requested network. so you won't get any so-called KJ/DJ in KTV joints here.

I knew of a KTV joint however, it is managed by a Papa-san or Manager instead. Sports Hotel located on Nan Dan Rd, junction of Cao Xi bei Rd. 5th Floor.
All the gals there are meant for 'take-away' services as all of them are from outer or other cities / provinces.
Been there afew times b4, not too bad but must be there early in order to catch some pretty ones. Expenses are also relatively cheap & affordable. RMB 600 for unlimited flow of beers for a room of 4 pax.
'Take-away' services usually cost at RMB 1000 incl room tips with the gal that sits with u.

Hope the above info helps.
Cheers bro, see ya back here soon.

23-02-2006, 12:02 PM
Bro PTR, SGSh69, Shengge and others in shanghai,

Interested in a get together for tea or some food? Let me know.

I'm waiting for our big bro PTR to revert to me on when he's available. Spoke to him twice on the phone. Waiting long long here.........sigh.....:(

No.35 attracted him more lah.........:o

23-02-2006, 12:07 PM
does anyone know where is jia shan road? it is supposed to be near to xiangyang market... xignayang market is near to huaihai road?? I been searching on the net but i cant seem to be able to get any answers... i need to stay in a hotel near to the xiangyang market... going to visit some clients there... :)

Hey bro,
As u mentioned here on preferred area to stay is XiangYang rd vicinity, perhaps the following hotels u can try which are walking distance to XiangYang Rd Market & Huai Hai Rd Shopping Belt.

1) Somerset Service Apartments, XuHui on ShanXi Rd, junction of XZhaoJia Bang Rd.

2) Paris Fashion Service Apartment on XiangYang Nan Rd, junction of Jian Guo Rd. (NOTE: Locally-run 3 star service apartment, but realtively clean & new, only coming 2 years old only. Very convenient location)

Hope the above info helps bro. Cheers.

23-02-2006, 01:23 PM

I just surfed over to the thread on ChangPing and one of the brudders there talks about this "Virgin Sauna" at "amazon"? ... anybody know what it is all about? :confused:

Cannot seem to find what it realy comprises although I have read the thread quite a bit, but it sounds interesting... also dunno what they mean about spitting into a lot of tissues...... blah blah....

Is there something like that in Shanghai? Also there is mention of KJ/DJ at the KTVs.... who are not tied to any MMS.... but effectively control the room...... anyone can enlighten me on the technicalities of this practise..... ?

Thanks in advance.
Bro adgemage, I wish I could confirm that “Virgin Sauna” is a cat-bath by a virgin MM:D – but unfortunately, it is actually the name of one of the many saunas in CP that offer “special service” – it is located at the Virgin Hotel (君悦酒店), hence the name. For some reasons unknown to me (I’m not a sauna man,) it is becoming a recent favorite with the many visiting samsters – but this description by a Hongkee visitor of the MMs’ skill may throw some lights: http://bbs.man169.com/viewtopic.php?t=2691&view=next Having said that, IMHO, it all depends on your luck if you do not have any recommendation by others who have “quality checked” the MM on previous visits, and whether you like the hardware (some are newer than others.) The charges are similar: the room charge (varies for different joints, but not much and also dependent on the “discount” given), plus the MM charges (RMB300 for the full service) and some joints have thrown in their trainees for a 3-P session at extra RMB100.

Like many other MMs (whether from KTVs or BBSs) many sauna MMs still have not been trained on the basic “etiquette” of BJs – many still spit it out directly to the floor (you can imagine the artistic impact these will have on the carpeted floor) or the slightly more “polite” ones will spit it onto the paper tissues that also landed on the floor – hence, the description of “the spitting and tissues all over the place” mentioned by one of the brudders.

Amazon is the name of the many large size KTVs in CP, very popular with visiting samsters (especially those making their virgin trips) – because of the novelty of “Flower Street花街” where MMs lined up the whole “street” within the KTV complex and you can walked through the “street” to make your choice. Can be overwhelming and mind-boggling experience for the non-initiated, since you can get “attacked” by the mummies trying to hard sell their MMs to you. On a weekend, there can be around 400+ MMs at one time – yeah, its tough to fight off the offers and it is not uncommon for a client to take more than one MM before choosing the trophy for the night. Charges are 2-5-8 for the MMs: very competitive compared to what you paid in Shanghai.

KJ=KTV’s DJ – still very common practice in southern and other places in China. Some are quite cute and may go out (after hour) if she finds you interesting. They are DJ, waitress, GRO etc – all role into one, depending on the individual’s personality. From what bro SGPShanghai69 mentioned above, they are not common in Shanghai these days, although I have seen them in the past.

It has been a long while since I last visited a sauna or KTV in Shanghai, so I can’t provide any comparison. However, I believe the boss of Amazon has opened a joint near the HongQiao Airport, but I have no details.

Well, if you have not visited CP, you should make it one of these days. It is one of the 32 towns in Dongguan municipality - and a convenient and extremely good "value-for-money" place to base yourself when visiting the numerous nearby factories. Is has historically been one of the favorite playgrounds for Hongkees. I hardly saw any Singaporeans and Malaysians two years ago, but now they are common sights – with many making trips to CP specifically for cheonging activities. And I have also noticed increasingly number of “gweilo” cheongsters lately. Uumph… just hope they do not attract the attention of “face-loving” GAs (like they did at Shazui in Shenzhen) since they do stick out like sore thumbs walking through the BBSs. Indeed, Yanda (严打) still common – but usually triggered by important meetings or some unfortunate events such as the killings inside a couple of KTVs late last year.

23-02-2006, 02:49 PM
Dear all brothers in Shanghai,

Do you realise that we are less than 3 pages away to hit 300 pages in this thread?

Keep posting to hit the target soon.


Lao Da ho bo.......
u want help to hit 300 pages............:D

23-02-2006, 03:11 PM
Bro adgemage, I wish I could confirm that “Virgin Sauna” is a cat-bath by a virgin MM ......., Yanda (严打) still common – but usually triggered by important meetings or some unfortunate events such as the killings inside a couple of KTVs late last year.

Brudder Huzige,
Thanks for the reply...... I had to change my nick as someone just stole my laptop last night from my customer's car and I am just setting up this new one.... plus forgot the old PW lah.

Wow... very good description and many thanks. I do have a number of customers in GZ and am looking to introduce a home office for a sales rep there...... If I am in Foshan, how far is it to CP?

Anyway if you are up in SHA, please let me know.... I am quite new to this part of the world.

Bro SGPSHA69, Bro Maninsin,
Adgemage here. AS per above, I got my loptop stolen... good thing my passport and tickets still intact as I had kept them in the boot of the car with rest of luggage, however cash and computer.... plus most importantly my SecureID encryptor also gone..... sigh. Just went out and bought a new T42 from Hong Kong and am installing most of the stuff via net download..... Sigh....... Good thing I have a 7 hour layover in HKG before going to Dalian.

By the way, hope you can intro me to Bros Shengge and PTR.

Did you hear S. Rajaratnam just passed away....? So tonight's cheonging will be in honor of dear old SR....... :o

See you guys next week.

23-02-2006, 03:23 PM
Lao Da ho bo.......
u want help to hit 300 pages............:D

Haha, Bro S3vw,

Thank you for the support to this thread?

How is everyone back in Singapore, be it in DC or TAM. I kind of miss all brothers back home. Did not go out for any singing sessions, and have been only to one fantastic HC (read FR in this thread).

Please send my regards to everyone LS, Jack, Pat, Jason, and many others.

With best regards


23-02-2006, 03:26 PM
I'm waiting for our big bro PTR to revert to me on when he's available. Spoke to him twice on the phone. Waiting long long here.........sigh.....:(

No.35 attracted him more lah.........:o

Brother SGPShanghai69, and CEO of Shanghai scene,

Please do not 'suan' me leh! What is No. 35 compared to brothers in this forum.

As promised, I will look you up at least for tea.



23-02-2006, 03:27 PM
I'm waiting for our big bro PTR to revert to me on when he's available. Spoke to him twice on the phone. Waiting long long here.........sigh.....:(

No.35 attracted him more lah.........:o

Sorry Double Post....Deleted

23-02-2006, 03:36 PM
As promised, I will look you up at least for tea.

Young man wat abt me??? :rolleyes:

23-02-2006, 03:53 PM
Brother SGPShanghai69, and CEO of Shanghai scene,

Please do not 'suan' me leh! What is No. 35 compared to brothers in this forum.


Only way to get your attention mah big bro! Wait for your call this evening lor....dun 'rubber-band' me hah!....see ya...

23-02-2006, 04:10 PM
Brother SGPShanghai69, and CEO of Shanghai scene,

Please do not 'suan' me leh! What is No. 35 compared to brothers in this forum.


Only way to get your attention mah big bro! Wait for your call this evening lor....dun 'rubber-band' me hah!....see ya...

23-02-2006, 04:19 PM
Young man wat abt me??? :rolleyes:

Old Man,

You are in Shanghai?? If you are, you are included for Tea.

Hahaha.... You must be now having fun either in Jess Chair in Singapore or in Xiamen your little honey hive.

PM me if you are in Shanghai now.



23-02-2006, 04:27 PM
Adgemage here. AS per above, I got my loptop stolen...

By the way, hope you can intro me to Bros Shengge and PTR.

Hi Bro,
Sad to hear that you have lost your laptop. Better carry it beside you whenever you go. I have a local friend, he went to a ASEAN country, his local colleague told him leave them inside the boot while having dinner, ended up the thief cleared all thing inside the boot.

There is always a chance for us to meet. Sooner or later only.


23-02-2006, 04:29 PM
Dear Shanghai brudders,

I am a newbie in Shanghai, just arrived on 14 Feb 06. Should be here for quite a while if everything with the job goes smoothly.

I have benefiited immensely from the info in this thread, and thought would like to do my bit as well.. that is a little contribution to hitting the BIG 300 page..

No FRs at the moment, as still a newbie, but will definitely contribute soon.. :D


23-02-2006, 04:34 PM
btw, next time round, will bring you to this nice place for dinner.... Just went there wif bro SGPShanghai69 last nite.... He likes that place so i thought u might like it too..........

Bro Maninsin, Bro SGPShanghai69,
Will take you up on it. By the way, the kampong gerr at the last place we had dinner (me any my ngor-chang-bak noodles) really nice lah... just my hill-billy taste.....

See you when I back in SHA

23-02-2006, 05:48 PM
Brudder Huzige,
Thanks for the reply...... I had to change my nick as someone just stole my laptop last night from my customer's car and I am just setting up this new one.... plus forgot the old PW lah.

Wow... very good description and many thanks. I do have a number of customers in GZ and am looking to introduce a home office for a sales rep there...... If I am in Foshan, how far is it to CP?

Anyway if you are up in SHA, please let me know.... I am quite new to this part of the world.

Brudder, sorry to hear that your laptop was stolen.

It will probably take about 2 hrs on the highway from Foshan to CP, depending on the traffic since Foshan is a close SSW of Guangzhou (GZO,) while CP is a distant ESE of GZO. It is probably easier to travel by train from GZO – about one hr from the main station and 45mins from East Station (Dong Zhang). Departure from East Station is usually preferable because of frequency of GZO/SZ (many with stops at CP (actually known as the “Dongguan Station”) trains, and accessibility within GZO on the subway.

Thanks – will give you a shout if I get into Shanghai. I rarely stay too long in Shanghai these days, usually just long enough to finish work and leave. I guess I’m not a “city boy” hehehe! But seriously, I actually prefer to stay up in Suzhou just to avoid the stressful traffic. I am an old fart too and prefer a slower pace.:D

Enjoy your stay in Dalian – although friends said all the pretty local MMs are now in BJ/SHG and other major cities; am sure there are some that opt to stay behind.;)

23-02-2006, 05:57 PM
Bro SGPSHA69, Bro Maninsin,
Adgemage here. AS per above, I got my loptop stolen... good thing my passport and tickets still intact as I had kept them in the boot of the car with rest of luggage, however cash and computer.... plus most importantly my SecureID encryptor also gone..... sigh. Just went out and bought a new T42 from Hong Kong and am installing most of the stuff via net download..... Sigh....... Good thing I have a 7 hour layover in HKG before going to Dalian.

By the way, hope you can intro me to Bros Shengge and PTR.

Did you hear S. Rajaratnam just passed away....? So tonight's cheonging will be in honor of dear old SR.......

See you guys next week.[/QUOTE]


Sorry to hear about your losses.... Infact juz heard it from SGPSHA69 over the phone earlier... Like what had been mentioned, you will need to be careful with your belongings be it in Spore or anywhere else... Sometimes when we let our guards down and thats when things happened.... Remembered a freind of mine who got his whole luggage stolen while in an airport in USA... So juz remember that things like this happens all over the world.... Anyway, gd thing that your passport is still with you which could save you a lot of hassels especially when you are overseas....

Well... juz treat it as a price to pay for a lesson learnt.... :)

See you when you are back.... :D

23-02-2006, 09:36 PM
Seems that many bros are in Shanghai!!! Perhaps it's time to call for a tea session.:D

23-02-2006, 10:07 PM
Seems that many bros are in Shanghai!!! Perhaps it's time to call for a tea session.:D

tea is anytime better than alcohol, that's why all chinese drink tea.

23-02-2006, 10:14 PM
I had to change my nick as someone just stole my laptop last night from my customer's car and I am just setting up this new one.... plus forgot the old PW lah.

I thought you only have to know your registered e-mail address then the administrator can forward your password to that particular e-mail address.
You can try...


23-02-2006, 10:40 PM
tea is anytime better than alcohol, that's why all chinese drink tea.
So better quickly arrange for a tea session then. :D

23-02-2006, 10:53 PM
You are in Shanghai?? If you are, you are included for Tea.

I'm trying to expand my biz to China leh.... now waiting for lobang. Can link me up with any company dealing with telco???

23-02-2006, 10:55 PM
tea is anytime better than alcohol, that's why all chinese drink tea.

In Xiamen, tea house also provide bonking.....:D

23-02-2006, 11:21 PM
In Xiamen, tea house also provide bonking.....:D
so when are you going to arrange the tea sesson?

24-02-2006, 12:34 AM
Dear Bro,
Following are some of the map of Shanghai that you can do a search,
1) http://smi.stn.sh.cn/sh_map/maps.asp?map_name=m6-5
As for the hotel, you can check at this web www.ctrip.com. After all, Shanghai city is not that huge, where you stay doesn't really matter, however, the traffic at Huaihai road can be very bad during peak hours.

Hope the above is useful to you.


Thanks for the info! been a great help.. i think i will stay in pearl hotel located at Zhaojiabang road..at least its not that expensive... one night only about 50sgd the other hotels that are nearer to xiangyang is at least 190sgd a night! judging from the map.. it probably would be about 20 mins walk to jia shan road... hope u see u in shanghai soon! will buy u drink as agreeded :D

24-02-2006, 12:37 AM
so when are you going to arrange the tea sesson?

U forget something, I'm good old man... :rolleyes:

24-02-2006, 02:15 AM
Bro Maninsin, Bro SGPShanghai69,
Will take you up on it. By the way, the kampong gerr at the last place we had dinner (me any my ngor-chang-bak noodles) really nice lah... just my hill-billy taste.....

See you when I back in SHA

Bro morningrun....

if u still set your mind on that kampong gerr... will bring u back to the place again for lunch or dinner.... or better still,, go there for coffee as it will be less crowded so u will have more chance to get to know her.... hahahahaha..... like wat i had to you before, luckily our choices is diferent so we will not get into other troubles.... hehehehehe........

gd luck in dalian n hope to see u soon.... so i guess u will be bck to spore for the smu "j" then.... hahahhaaha.... gd luck brudder.... and remember to write a gd FR... (as usual, really like your FR)... :D

take care........

24-02-2006, 02:21 AM
Bro SGPshanghai 69....

Thnx bro for bringing us to the wonderful japanese restaurant last nite.... really enjoyed the food but most importantly, our gatherings... It was really great hanging out wif u and lets do it more often... at leasr i hv a better excuse to go out more often now... U know my drift..... btw, a wonderful place u have... really damn cosy and nice..... :)

ps - Bro morningrun,

Did u loss ur hp as well??? can't seems to get thru your china mobile..... or were u having some heavy activity today??? hahahaha.....

24-02-2006, 09:14 AM
will buy u drink as agreeded

Bro whiskynaam,
there is a donghu hotel (4stars) located at the crossroad xiangyang road huaihai road.
i am fine, just concentrate on your biz trip here. thanks!
enjoy your stay.


24-02-2006, 09:21 AM
U forget something, I'm good old man

you don't know meh? young ladies like old man mah, they go after you; young man no spending power.:D


24-02-2006, 09:22 AM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

Wow! Another milestone reached! 300 Pages.

Yesterday wanted to go for Tea and some brothers that I was looking for the honours to meet.

However, Bro SGPShanghai69 was busy, and it was 8.45 p.m., a bit too late for tea, as one would run into the risk of not being able to sleep. I have to unwillingly tell Bro SGPShanghai69 to cancel the tea session. Sorry to all!

I will be back very soon, and sincerely hope that we can do it in a Saturday afternoon. My next destinations include - Suzhou, Shanghai, Nanjing, Dalian, Jilin, Jinan, Shanghai (Again, of course), Xiamen, Xian, Chengdu, Euroland..
Sigh... my life is a bitch.

I want to retire!!!!! Probably by the time we hit 400 pages, I would have washed my hands and ..... with water contained in a golden bowl. :D

Good Morning to All and with best wishes!


24-02-2006, 09:34 AM
you don't know meh? young ladies like old man mah, they go after you; young man no spending power.:D

Then worse cos I old man n no money..... :o

24-02-2006, 09:36 AM
Then worse cos I old man n no money..... :o

Just take the opposite of all the adjectives that you use would be a true you.

Very Very Young and Rich Man - you....naemlo or ol-mean:D

24-02-2006, 09:43 AM
Then worse cos I old man n no money..... :o

well not to forget, still got the shooting power mah!

24-02-2006, 09:53 AM
Wow! Another milestone reached! 300 Pages.

may i say i am the most fortunate one to acquire 300 points when this thread reach 300 pages? :p

24-02-2006, 10:11 AM
may i say i am the most fortunate one to acquire 300 points when this thread reach 300 pages? :p

An Appeal to all Brothers!

At 300 pages, and I have attained 198 points. These are auspicious digits.

Could you please do not up my point, nor cut my point. I would like to remain at 1-9-8.

Shengge has a very good interpretation of these digits.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Regards and Thank you.

24-02-2006, 10:27 AM
Could you please do not up my point, nor cut my point. I would like to remain at 1-9-8.


Shall I add another 4 to spoilt your 1-9-8????? :D

24-02-2006, 10:29 AM
Shall I add another 4 to spoilt your 1-9-8????? :D

Idol, u should.... I will always be there to support u. :D

24-02-2006, 10:35 AM
Idol, u should.... I will always be there to support u. :D

heh, 0l-mean, Very Young Man, you have anything against me that you and Monster want to destroy my feng-sui??


24-02-2006, 10:36 AM
Then worse cos I old man n no money..... :o


24-02-2006, 10:38 AM
heh, 0l-mean, Very Young Man, you have anything against me that you and Monster want to destroy my feng-sui??


Errrr young man, this also feng shui?? Have u check any good place for us to open a massage palour in China?? Then we can have chain of palours called "Nian Qin Pu Tong Ren An Mo". :cool:

24-02-2006, 10:39 AM
Shall I add another 4 to spoilt your 1-9-8????? :D

please leave it as it is....that is what he wish to do......1-9-8!
i will up your pts on that.

24-02-2006, 10:40 AM

U this old wolf is here.... :eek:

24-02-2006, 10:42 AM




24-02-2006, 10:44 AM
Errrr young man, this also feng shui?? Have u check any good place for us to open a massage palour in China?? Then we can have chain of palours called "Nian Qin Pu Tong Ren An Mo". :cool:

Old Man,

You want to be the manager of the Papasan?


24-02-2006, 10:49 AM

24-02-2006, 10:52 AM
U this old wolf is here.... :eek:
What wolf?? 小绵羊 is here. :D

24-02-2006, 10:53 AM
Old Man,

You want to be the manager of the Papasan?

Old man prefer to be the one sitting at counter to collect money.:D

24-02-2006, 10:57 AM

没套没法子 :D

24-02-2006, 11:05 AM
Idol, u should.... I will always be there to support u. :D

support me for being fired by my big bro PTR issit????? :p

24-02-2006, 11:09 AM
please leave it as it is....that is what he wish to do......1-9-8!
i will up your pts on that.

My dear friend.... I think u taking it too serious liao lah.... Me only joking with my big bro PTR only...hahahahaha..... I will and always ensure my big bro will come to no harm... don't worry.... :p

P.S Not necessary to up me please.... rep points to me is nothing...I can't change for any burgers..

24-02-2006, 11:09 AM
没套没法子 :D



24-02-2006, 11:12 AM
My dear friend.... I think u taking it too serious liao lah.... Me only joking with my big bro PTR only...hahahahaha..... I will and always ensure my big bro will come to no harm... don't worry.... :p

P.S Not necessary to up me please.... rep points to me is nothing...I can't change for any burgers..

My Dear Brother,

Thank you! I an touched always by you people who accord me a lot of "face" that I am not sure I merit your kindness.

With my deep appreciation.

PTR Coming back liaoz......

24-02-2006, 11:14 AM

Can up you or not?? :D

24-02-2006, 11:21 AM
Can up you or not?? :D

You cannot up me as you have done so before. Actually, honestly, I want to stay at 1-9-8. Good and auspicious digits.


Thanks for the offer.


24-02-2006, 11:39 AM
You cannot up me as you have done so before. Actually, honestly, I want to stay at 1-9-8. Good and auspicious digits.


Thanks for the offer.

I can ask other bro to up you......:D
But I think 1-7-8 better. Hahaha

24-02-2006, 11:39 AM
Thanks Bro, for your wisdom and willingness to share. And for being a strength in this forum. *hat off*

Dear Bro,
After having been in China for more than a decade, please allow me to give you my 2 cent worth. I did have my share of experience for falling into emotional traps with PRCGs. Some of them had indeed pull me down into deep and dark pit. If not of some brothers' support, I would have been in trouble. Not only me, but also my family members, whom I though I treasured a lot.

Nowaday, I practice BBB (Befriend her, bed her and bid goodbye to her). For those who are exceptionally friendly to me and who have expressed emotion to me, I tell them that I cannot promise them anything and that I would never keep another family other than my own.

When you find that you are at the verge of getting emotionally involved, ask yourself this question "What does she see in me that she likes me?" The answer is simple "Money or your Tom Cruise look". Many of these girls are brave and smart so that they can stay afloat in this complicated society in China. They are pragmatic. One girl whom I know and we are real close friends in the true sense told me "We leave our family behind and come here to earn money, but not looking for love! When a man falls for me, I will amass as much as possible right at the beginning before things change"

There is no such thing as FOC bonk, it is when and how you are going to pay for it! Trust me, Brother! Trust me! SGPShanghai69 will concur with me on this point.

My 2 cent worth based on my humble experience in China.

With best regards from the Center of China.


24-02-2006, 11:48 AM
Just wanna say thanks to Bro Shengge for Yu Ping recommendation and contacts. Service was top rate right from the start until I stepped out of the door, and the girl was cute and friendly (maybe I was lucky).

NB: how to attach photo?

24-02-2006, 11:53 AM
Yu Ping recommendation and contacts. Service was top rate right from the start until I stepped out of the door, and the girl was cute and friendly

care to advise the nos....may be thru PM? haha! (just kidding!)
how abt a FR?

24-02-2006, 12:01 PM
没套没法子 :D

for my version,

24-02-2006, 02:11 PM
Dear Bros,

can any kind soul familiar with Shanghai tell me where I can get some Viagr* or Ciali*? Thanks in advance!

Prince Fed
24-02-2006, 02:32 PM
Glad to see somebody else enjoyed service from Yu Ping recently. It really is a good place to relax:p



24-02-2006, 02:57 PM
Any advice whether possible to buy Viagra/Cialis in Shanghai?

24-02-2006, 04:22 PM
Only way to get your attention mah big bro! Wait for your call this evening lor....dun 'rubber-band' me hah!....see ya...
I remember your house club house can play mahjong, can find kakis? :D

Prince Fed
24-02-2006, 05:14 PM
To all mongers bros here in Shanghai, what about having a gathering diner and/or drinks next week, preferably on Thursday to ge to know each other better (some of you already do).
PM me if you are interested and if you have suggestions. I have already PMed some of you about it.
Keep in touch,



Prince Fed
24-02-2006, 05:15 PM
To all mongers bros here in Shanghai, what about having a gathering diner and/or drinks next week, preferably on Thursday to ge to know each other better (some of you already do).
PM me if you are interested and if you have suggestions. I have already PMed some of you about it.
Keep in touch,



24-02-2006, 06:36 PM
Any FR from you?

Not really. The experience was terrible for the customer.

24-02-2006, 06:40 PM
I'm waiting for our big bro PTR to revert to me on when he's available. Spoke to him twice on the phone. Waiting long long here.........sigh.....:(

No.35 attracted him more lah.........:o

LOL. it is ok. I will wait also.

24-02-2006, 06:51 PM
To all mongers bros here in Shanghai, what about having a gathering diner and/or drinks next week, preferably on Thursday to ge to know each other better (some of you already do).
PM me if you are interested and if you have suggestions. I have already PMed some of you about it.
Keep in touch,



Good idea. Some of us have not really met up yet.

24-02-2006, 10:11 PM
Good idea. Some of us have not really met up yet.
I think many will attend. Afterall, most of us not met in person. Better on a Saturday over a beer and an EPL match....:D

24-02-2006, 11:11 PM
Yo! Bro,

Could any bro advise any recommendation in picking up gal's in Ningbo, outskirt of Shanghai????

Please advise.


25-02-2006, 12:49 AM

Dear All,

With the kind guidance, assistance and recommendation from our CEO in Shanghai, SGPShanghai69, I finally ventured into Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong lu. Yesterday was a hard day for me after a day long of meetings and works. Was having dinner with a local friend, and both of us felt that we needed a good 'relaxation'. I took this as an excuse to venture into a joint well reported in this forum by SGPShanghai69, Harrier24B, etc. - Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Lu.

Bros. I tried to visit this place but could not locate Wu Zhong Road. WHich area is it? Besides, what is the # of Wu Zhong Road for this Tian Long Sauna? Thanks.

Thanks to brothers' advice, I went to Shanghai hotel for a massage. Will write a report soon.

25-02-2006, 08:08 AM
To all mongers bros here in Shanghai, what about having a gathering diner and/or drinks next week, preferably on Thursday to ge to know each other better (some of you already do).
PM me if you are interested and if you have suggestions. I have already PMed some of you about it.
Keep in touch,



pls include me also. let me know the place, date and time. i will try my best to join if not travelling. ok?

25-02-2006, 09:24 AM
Bros. I tried to visit this place but could not locate Wu Zhong Road. WHich area is it? Besides, what is the # of Wu Zhong Road for this Tian Long Sauna?

Wu Zhong Lu is in Xu Hui District bordering on Min Hang District close to Gu Bei Hongqiao area. It is in the Chao He Jin Industrial area. Wu Zhong Lu is a major street and is parallel to Cao Bao Lu. It should be close to the junction of Wu Zhong Lu and Hong Qu Lu. I do not remember the number, but I know it is beside a hot pot place called Guo Bi Pen Da and it is close to the big Tian Er Hu Sauna.

25-02-2006, 12:41 PM
Bros. I tried to visit this place but could not locate Wu Zhong Road. WHich area is it? Besides, what is the # of Wu Zhong Road for this Tian Long Sauna? Thanks.

Dear Bro Denny,
Based on the decription from fellow bros on the place, it should be located
in between the parrallel roads of jin hui nan road and hong xin road. Along Wu Zhong road nearer to the hong xin road.
Hope it helps.

25-02-2006, 06:32 PM
I will like to contribute to the site since the target is going for 400. There is one not bad sauna beside Yohan. If you face Yohan it is on the left and I think it is behind this new shopping centre call Xi Mei. before six the price is near RMB500 which increase to RMB 700 after six. Service is excellent, no pressure from the service and counter staff.

The double is really good............

25-02-2006, 06:36 PM
To all mongers bros here in Shanghai, what about having a gathering diner and/or drinks next week, preferably on Thursday to ge to know each other better (some of you already do).
PM me if you are interested and if you have suggestions. I have already PMed some of you about it.
Keep in touch,



I would love to please PM me thanks.....

25-02-2006, 10:24 PM
Dear Bro Denny,
Based on the decription from fellow bros on the place, it should be located
in between the parrallel roads of jin hui nan road and hong xin road. Along Wu Zhong road nearer to the hong xin road.
Hope it helps.

Thanks for the guidance. I will explore this joint next time since I had visited the other bros' favorite, the sauna at Shanghai hotel.

It is close to the city center and easy to find. It was crowded, mainly locals although I saw one ang mo. The locker area was OK, with electronic key lock. However, there were not enough shower heads and I (and many customers) had to wait for showers. After finishing a quick shower (the water flow was terrible), I was escorted to the rest area. It was again crowded and I was lucky to get a seat. I thought because I came at a busy period, they had to control the flow by assigning every customer what to do next. I was at the rest area, waiting for 30 min. before I was called into the room (i.e. even if you wanted to go into the room right away, you had to wait).

As several bros. had mentioned, there were girls to choose from, liked those at CP and Macau. Possibly becasue of the busy period, I was given 2 girls only to choose from. One of them quite caught my attention, not an absolute beauty but looked cheerful.

I was brought to the room by this girl called ?? (I forgot already). To my surprise, the room was much better than I expected, and much better than SJB and the other one bros. recommended (forget about the name, one of the famous one). I saw a red rope and knew then this place also provided the flying act. The girl was cheerful and provided a OK massage. The process was quite SOP and this girl had put her heart in to do a great job. Then, she started to play with the red rope, and did some flying act. One new posture that I had not tried before: she hanged herself with her leg in the air (and near the ceiling), then she lowered her body and head slowly, and her mouth was approaching my dick, head facing me. Then, she engulfed my dick and did some great BJ. I could see a beautiful body hanging in the air upside down, with her mouth sucking my dick vigorously. Woo. that was quite a scene to remember.

The rest was standard and I came strongly into her. Later, I found out that the girl had just come back from home (harbin) and that's why she had been cheerful (I could also tell that she spent quite a bit of time to set up the rope, possibly forgot how to do it). She was a sweetie although she was a bit fat and with enhanced breast.

One thing that disappointed me. . the bill came at 750 instead of 600 as suggested. Was I fooled or were there different pricing for different rooms?

26-02-2006, 12:28 PM

Scanned thru quite a bit but didn't find the information I need..

Can check if there are any more info about Jiading district in Shanghai beside what bro Meatlover mentioned about the one in the hotel ?

Thanks for any help..

26-02-2006, 03:38 PM
I thought you only have to know your registered e-mail address then the administrator can forward your password to that particular e-mail address.
You can try...


I din know that.... anyway not good to use my email nickname for this kind of thing or else search yahoo by my wife sure kena busted......

Morning runs are not too bad wat...... unless it is a stomach run in the morning :P

Have fun and see you soon in SHA. By the way, next Friday night can have "tea" or not?

26-02-2006, 05:04 PM
Dear Brudders,
Am now back in Japan. PF wanted to meet Thursday... unfortunately I am in QD so cannot make it. If Friday then I am on.

Will tell you about an exceptional experience in Dalian when we meet up.


Brudder Maninsin,
No my phone was not stolen, maybe I was on another call lah so could not pick up. Will be out of contact till Thursday unless you call my JP Handphone.

26-02-2006, 11:47 PM
Hi guys,

I will be staying in JC Mandarin for almost 2 weeks.

Any brothers know of a convenient barber shop or sauna club near the hotel? I am new to Shanghai and do not like to travel far (even by cab) to enjoy.

Appreciate any advise, thanks in advance.

Prince Fed
27-02-2006, 09:43 AM
One thing that disappointed me. . the bill came at 750 instead of 600 as suggested. Was I fooled or were there different pricing for different rooms?

Dear Bro Denny,

I think you should not have paid more than 650, did you order any specific foods or drinks in the rest rooM?
maybe some other bros can confirm?



Prince Fed
27-02-2006, 09:57 AM
Dear all,

So after consulting with some of the bros this is my proposal for thursday gathering:

Date: Thursday march 2nd
Time: 8pm
Restaurant: Grandma's Kitchen (Wu Qi)
Location: 2 outlets, one on Huai Hai rd (close to club DKD); one in Hong qiao (on Zun Yi rd, close to Xian Xia rd and to Yu Ping Sauna:p ).
Budget: 50 to 100 Rmb per person (dependind on the amount of food and drinks;)

So far bros Shengge, Supertora, Cowboywin, Morningrun, Onlyyou, Maninsin, Luvgangsta, Oceaneleven seem to be interested. Please try to confirm to me before wednesday, as well as the other bros that have not contacted me yet.

Let me know which location you preferred (gubei/hong Qiao area or Huai Hai rd), if the time (we can start earlier or later) and restaurant is ok for everybody.
On wednesday I will post final decision.



27-02-2006, 11:30 AM
Dear Brudders,
Am now back in Japan. PF wanted to meet Thursday... unfortunately I am in QD so cannot make it. If Friday then I am on.

Will tell you about an exceptional experience in Dalian when we meet up.


Brudder Maninsin,
No my phone was not stolen, maybe I was on another call lah so could not pick up. Will be out of contact till Thursday unless you call my JP Handphone.

bro morningrun....

just tot that u mia in some places cos bro SGASHA69 and me couldn't seems to get u... anyway, glad to know tat u are alrite.... will talk to u again when u are bck in SHA.... Have fun and take care..

27-02-2006, 02:10 PM
Date: Thursday march 2nd
Time: 8pm
Restaurant: Grandma's Kitchen (Wu Qi)
Location: 2 outlets, one on Huai Hai rd (close to club DKD); one in Hong qiao (on Zun Yi rd, close to Xian Xia rd and to Yu Ping Sauna:p ).
Budget: 50 to 100 Rmb per person (dependind on the amount of food and drinks;)

So far bros Shengge, Supertora, Cowboywin, Morningrun, Onlyyou, Maninsin, Luvgangsta, Oceaneleven seem to be interested. Please try to confirm to me before wednesday, as well as the other bros that have not contacted me yet.


Interested to join in pls count me in for the gathering.



27-02-2006, 05:46 PM
Huai Hai... thanks PF... and i suggest we PM him our numbers just in case...

27-02-2006, 06:38 PM
Hi guys,

I will be staying in JC Mandarin for almost 2 weeks.

Any brothers know of a convenient barber shop or sauna club near the hotel? I am new to Shanghai and do not like to travel far (even by cab) to enjoy.

Go try Shu Jia Bao HC located on Yan Ping Rd, junction of Wu Ding Rd.
For FR read thru threads here...many many. Very nearby u.
RMN 600 approx. Taxi fare only RMB 12-15. 10 mins time away from your hotel JC Mandarin, at tops.
Have fun.


27-02-2006, 06:41 PM
Hi guys,

I will be staying in JC Mandarin for almost 2 weeks.

Any brothers know of a convenient barber shop or sauna club near the hotel? I am new to Shanghai and do not like to travel far (even by cab) to enjoy.

Go try Shu Jia Bao HC located on Yan Ping Rd, junction of Wu Ding Rd.
For FR read thru threads here...many many. Very nearby u.
RMN 600 approx. Taxi fare only RMB 12-15. 10 mins time away from your hotel JC Mandarin, at tops.
Have fun.


27-02-2006, 06:50 PM
Dear all,

So after consulting with some of the bros this is my proposal for thursday gathering:

Date: Thursday march 2nd
Time: 8pm
Restaurant: Grandma's Kitchen (Wu Qi)
Location: 2 outlets, one on Huai Hai rd (close to club DKD); one in Hong qiao (on Zun Yi rd, close to Xian Xia rd and to Yu Ping Sauna:p ).
Budget: 50 to 100 Rmb per person (dependind on the amount of food and drinks;)


There's another Wu Qi Restaurant located on Yu Yuan Rd, Jiao Zhou rd junction (right behind Jing An Temple, beside Burger King). Very convenient location as there's a Metro subway right there for all.


27-02-2006, 06:51 PM
Dear all,

So after consulting with some of the bros this is my proposal for thursday gathering:

Date: Thursday march 2nd
Time: 8pm
Restaurant: Grandma's Kitchen (Wu Qi)
Location: 2 outlets, one on Huai Hai rd (close to club DKD); one in Hong qiao (on Zun Yi rd, close to Xian Xia rd and to Yu Ping Sauna:p ).
Budget: 50 to 100 Rmb per person (dependind on the amount of food and drinks;)


Prince Fed bro,
There's another Wu Qi Restaurant located on Yu Yuan Rd, Jiao Zhou rd junction (right behind Jing An Temple, beside Burger King). Very convenient location as there's a Metro subway right there for all.


27-02-2006, 09:12 PM
Dear Bro Denny,

I think you should not have paid more than 650, did you order any specific foods or drinks in the rest rooM?
maybe some other bros can confirm?


Not really. Did they have different rooms since the room I went was pretty new, much newer than most of the saunas I went.

I also remembered that the lady mentioned to me about the same price since she wanted me to "buy" her for another hour. I asked how much it would cost and she quoted another 750, which made it RMB1,500. Of course, I declined.

28-02-2006, 02:51 AM
Date: Thursday march 2nd
Time: 8pm
Restaurant: Grandma's Kitchen (Wu Qi)
Location: 2 outlets, one on Huai Hai rd (close to club DKD); one in Hong qiao (on Zun Yi rd, close to Xian Xia rd and to Yu Ping Sauna:p ).
Budget: 50 to 100 Rmb per person (dependind on the amount of food and drinks;)

Is it Wu Qi Tang Wu? The place for soup and all? If that is the one it is on Huai Hai Lu off Cheng Du road. That one you can take the metro to HuangPi Lu station off metro line 1 too.

Anyway, I just ate there for dinner with my visiting friend. I do not mind eating there again. The line at the Huai Hai Lu branch gets really long though. I do not mind any branch although the Hongqiao one is slightly closer to me. Whichever works for most of the brothers.

28-02-2006, 03:12 AM
Sports Hotel Columbus KTV FR

Felt like singing so I brought my friend to check this place out. Located on the 4th floor of Sports hotel in Xu Jia Hui area off Nan Dan Road. The hotel is undergoing renovation but the ktv is still in business.

It does not look crowded. In fact I did not see any other customers. We were there pretty early but I think there were less than 5 rooms occupied on a Saturday night. The decor of the place is a little dated but still acceptable. The sound system is very good though and I enjoyed singing there a lot. The songs are not the newest but overall it is ok.

Mr Huang is no longer there. I met the boss and the new MMS. MMS is not bad looking 26 year old. The charges are still the same. Flat rate 600 per room for free flow of beer and everything in. 888 if you opt for a bottle of chivas instead. Mixers, everything else and room is included. We went for the chivas and in the end got 12 cans of free beer as well. It is also up to you if you want a waitress in the room to pour drinks and dedicate songs. We opted not to.

The boss of the place came in and introduced a russian girl. Quite cute and pretty for only 18 year old. Tabao option is definitely ok. We went early so we get better picks. The girls are not the prettiest but they are ok. There are some real gems here and there. The tip for girls has gone up to 300.

Overall, the place is not as wild as some of the places I have been but it is not bad already. We drank, played games and sang lots of songs. The MMS even spent quite a bit of time with us and she took initiative to rabba us. She then ganged up with the girls to try to stip our pants. It was quite funny. After we settled the bill, we went to one of the girl's place to drink some more. And after that, we went to the MMS's place. I guess we clicked really well. We got home real late. Overall, it was very fun.

Decor: 6 out of 10 (shanghai standard)
Friendliness: 9 out of 10
Girls look: average 6 out of 10
Russian girl: 8 out of 10, 18 years old.
My girl: 7.5 out of 10, An Hui girl, 19 years old.
888 - chivas option, all drinks and mixers, fruits and snacks. Inclusive of room.
300 - tip for each gal
200 - tip for MMS
100 - tip for waiter
Tabao: available but did not do it. Went to party at girl's place then MMS's place.
Overall: Not bad as sound system is very good and the price is not bad for shanghai standard. Sometimes you want to relax with friends and this place is not bad and more wallet friendly. I would not suggest this for entertaining customers. Girl's tip has gone up from 200 to 300. And there is MMS tip now. But if you go with a number of friends, it is very cost efficient.

The place will undergo renovation starting March but business will go on as usual. They will spice the place up. I hope they do not spice the price up too.

28-02-2006, 03:22 AM
Brother Prince,

Oh shit! Thursday, a friend of mine is flying in. I will confirm his timing and let you know if I can make it. If he comes in earlier, I will bring him along. Is that ok? He used to cheong a lot also.

By the way, If you read Wu Qi in cantonese it is "Oak Kei", meaning home. The food there is excellent. The soup there is damn solid and prices are good. Healthy eating for once in shanghai! Hahaha.

28-02-2006, 10:08 AM
Good idea. Some of us have not really met up yet.

Bro, we met b4 but u sibei boh eng to meet again leh.....sigh....:(

28-02-2006, 10:12 AM
Bro, we met b4 but u sibei boh eng to meet again leh.....sigh....:(

Dear CEO of Shanghai,

I will be in Shanghai most probably in the second half of March. I would appreciate if you could again play a good deed by helping to organise a gathering with the brothers. I ask for your assistance as you know everyone of them. CEO mah! Hahahahaha.....

PTR before leaving for China again

28-02-2006, 10:25 AM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

This thread is growing fast. thanks to all your effort.

As I have said when this thread reaches 400 Pages, I will retire from the cheonging scene already. I am an old man mah, contrary to what Bro Naemlo always addresses me as young man!

Keep up the effort so I retire sooner! Hahaha....

With best regards


28-02-2006, 10:28 AM
I will be in Shanghai most probably in the second half of March. I would appreciate if you could again play a good deed by helping to organise a gathering with the brothers. I ask for your assistance as you know everyone of them.

Dar Big Bro PTR,
Dun suan me lah! I'm merely sharing & organising some activities & u have to suan me like dat! Buay gum lah....

Anyway, as u r big bro PTR, your reuqest is my command lah...will organise a gathering for fellow bros here t meet up with you dear big bro PTR, time to pay due respect to the Hon. big bro PTR bros.......anyone game?

Pls PM me, many thanks.

Cheers to all

28-02-2006, 10:30 AM
Anyway, as u r big bro PTR, your reuqest is my command lah...will organise a gathering for fellow bros here t meet up with you dear big bro PTR, time to pay due respect to the Hon. big bro PTR bros.......anyone game?

Dear CEO of Shanghai,

Now, reading the above posting, I wonder who is suaning who? Hahaha!

Anyway, thanks for agreeing to help to organise the gathering. As the date draws near, I will let you know.

Many Thanks.


28-02-2006, 10:33 AM
Dear Brothers of Shanghai,

As I have said when this thread reaches 400 Pages, I will retire from the cheonging scene already. I am an old man mah, contrary to what Bro Naemlo always addresses me as young man!

Keep up the effort so I retire sooner! Hahaha....


Dear Hon Big Bro PTR,
Retiring again? Rememeber the last time u mentioed this retirement thingy here online & what was the outcome? Again u will face alot of postings asking not to do it & blah blah blah......better not again lah!

Anyway to reach 400 pages is not that far cry away....it might only be a mere month's time that's all big bro! So stay on here & guide us all Hon Big Bro PTR!

All bros here agree??? I'm all for it that u stay on big bro PTR! Hurray for big bro PTR......


Prince Fed
28-02-2006, 10:38 AM
Dear bros,

As suggested by SGP69 there is another outlet of Wu Qi close to Jing An temple. That give us another location.
So to all bros interested drop me a pm with your preferred location and by the end of tomorrow I will chose the place that got the most votes.



28-02-2006, 10:46 AM
Dear Hon Big Bro PTR,
Retiring again? Rememeber the last time u mentioed this retirement thingy here online & what was the outcome? Again u will face alot of postings asking not to do it & blah blah blah......better not again lah!

Anyway to reach 400 pages is not that far cry away....it might only be a mere month's time that's all big bro! So stay on here & guide us all Hon Big Bro PTR!

All bros here agree??? I'm all for it that u stay on big bro PTR! Hurray for big bro PTR......


Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

You are probably the brother in Shanghai whom I have known for a longest time. We have seen each others ups and downs, and I am very glad to see that you are now afloat and going well. It is indeed a pleasure for me to see that all my brothers are well, as your well beings are as good as my own health, sincerely.

Good things must come to an end, I have been in China for a long long time, working like a dog, cheonging like a 18 year old youth, playing like a puppy, and many good things. I think it is time that many other more capable and more experienced brothers come out in the open and share their experience (such as your goodself).

It is time that I return to my family and tend, very soon, to my grand children (I am an old man, for those who know and have seen me before will testify to that). A good horse will also stop galloping one day. I cherish all the kindness, friendship and praise (that I am not sure I merit it) that you have bestowed onto me.

Many thanks...

Hey, why am I sounded so sad, there are another 96 pages to go!!!!!



PTLR (Pu Ton Lao Ren):D

28-02-2006, 10:50 AM
Dear bros,

As suggested by SGP69 there is another outlet of Wu Qi close to Jing An temple. That give us another location.
So to all bros interested drop me a pm with your preferred location and by the end of tomorrow I will chose the place that got the most votes.



Also, to add on we must firm up soon on location being that Wu Qi Rest is very popular locally here so have to book a table for our gather being that us, a big crowd. Otherwise might end up waiting for afew hours inline.....even if if it's other locatlity of Wu Qi Rest. Heard that advance booking takes place a early as 2 days b4 dinner day bros....

Cheers to all

28-02-2006, 10:56 AM
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

You are probably the brother in Shanghai whom I have known for a longest time. We have seen each others ups and downs, and I am very glad to see that you are now afloat and going well. It is indeed a pleasure for me to see that all my brothers are well, as your well beings are as good as my own health, sincerely.

Good things must come to an end, I have been in China for a long long time, working like a dog, cheonging like a 18 year old youth, playing like a puppy, and many good things. I think it is time that many other more capable and more experienced brothers come out in the open and share their experience (such as your goodself).

It is time that I return to my family and tend, very soon, to my grand children (I am an old man, for those who know and have seen me before will testify to that). A good horse will also stop galloping one day. I cherish all the kindness, friendship and praise (that I am not sure I merit it) that you have bestowed onto me.

Many thanks...

Hey, why am I sounded so sad, there are another 96 pages to go!!!!!


Dear Hon Big Bro PTR,
U make it sounds so sad & departing is so near....makes me so sad now....and I believed some bros here would feel the same after reading this post of yours as well.

Dun say such sad thingy big bro, u r here always with us lah!
I sincerely wish u the best for all up & coming endeavours & grand children coming up for u....may the best blesses them all & you big bro.

It's true that family do come first the anything else big bro......this I totally agreed with u on it lah. Tending to family is always first priority which I strongly believed and most of us here bros shared as well.

Whatever the case is, you will be here & shall always be Hon., big bro PTR!

See ya soon & take good care there.;)

28-02-2006, 12:35 PM
Bro, we met b4 but u sibei boh eng to meet again leh.....sigh....:(

Sorry bro. These few days damn bz. Have customers fly in, friends fly in. I thought after this customer fly out March 3rd I will be free but I got a call this morning that a friend coming in the following day. Sibeh siong sia.

28-02-2006, 01:05 PM
It is time that I return to my family and tend, very soon, to my grand children
Dear Bro,
Good to hear that.
When you become Grandfather, do let me know, we will have a celebration on that.
Take Care!


28-02-2006, 01:21 PM
Sorry bro. These few days damn bz. Have customers fly in, friends fly in.

You big time biz here mah bro! sibei siong for u but $$ many many mah....good sign bro...keep it up lah.

Catch up when u r free lor....

28-02-2006, 03:01 PM
Dear Bro,
For those who fancy HC, got a recommendation under the same management as the Yu Ping Hotel (YPH).

Hai Lang (海浪) or also called Hai Luo (海螺) as just next to Hai Luo Hotel
Add: No 1281 Zhong Shan West Road, near to Wu Zhong Road
Charges: RMB600

I was told that this month HL was known to have best service and quality among the 5 HC under the same management. 5! :eek: , I didn't know that...
As I have not been there, I am not able to verify the info. However, I think the service should be same as YPH.

Any interested bros, can PM me for the contact person and mobile nos.


28-02-2006, 04:16 PM
Dear Bro,
For those who fancy HC, got a recommendation under the same management as the Yu Ping Hotel (YPH).

Hai Lang (海浪) or also called Hai Luo (海螺) as just next to Hai Luo Hotel
Add: No 1281 Zhong Shan West Road, near to Wu Zhong Road
Charges: RMB600

I was told that this month HL was known to have best service and quality among the 5 HC under the same management.
Any interested bros, can PM me for the contact person and mobile nos.


Good Info Snr Bro Shengge! Well done & keep these precious info coming for all of us....cheers.

U r indeed the veteran bro.......

28-02-2006, 07:17 PM
Dear bros,
As suggested by SGP69 there is another outlet of Wu Qi close to Jing An temple. That give us another location.
So to all bros interested drop me a pm with your preferred location and by the end of tomorrow I will chose the place that got the most votes.

Can choose for another date or not har? I want to join in but have business trip leh..........:o

28-02-2006, 09:51 PM
You big time biz here mah bro! sibei siong for u but $$ many many mah....good sign bro...keep it up lah.

Dun suan me la. Work until siao but sibeh pai tan. Damn stress.

01-03-2006, 01:19 AM
:) Dear Bros
I will be making my first trip to shanghai on the 02 April 2006 and will be staying there till the 06 April 2006.

Would like to ask fellow bros for help .has this is my first time there and I will be attending a exhibition at intex shanghai no88 Lou Shan Guan road (R+T Asia2006) .

Which hotel is near this place or any hotel within 5 km.

With the kind guidance, assistance and recommendation from any bro there I would like to know shanghai better and meet fellow bros for a drink there.

Cheers :)

01-03-2006, 02:27 AM
As suggested by bro SGPsha69, I would vote for jing-an area..... Being the CEO :D here in SHA, I'm sure he will recommend the best place for us.....:)

01-03-2006, 11:50 AM
shanghai no88 Lou Shan Guan road (R+T Asia2006) .
Which hotel is near this place or any hotel within 5 km.

Within 5 km, I think there are more than 50 hotels around. You got to be specific when seeking help.
Anyway, for your info, within 50m you can get
1) Taipingyang Shearaton Hotel
2) Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel

Some closer by like
1) Hong Qiao Hotel
2) Galaxy Hotel

Too many of them..
Certainly, Yu Ping Hotel is not far away too... but it is a 2 or 3 stars hotel.

Suggest you check through this site
Lou Shan Guan Road belongs to Hong Qiao District.


01-03-2006, 12:26 PM
:) Dear Bros
Would like to ask fellow bros for help .has this is my first time there and I will be attending a exhibition at intex shanghai no88 Lou Shan Guan road (R+T Asia2006) .

Which hotel is near this place or any hotel within 5 km.
Cheers :)

As what Snr Bro Shengge mentioned to u, the best hotel locality for you would either the TaiPing Yang Sheraton (5 -stars) or the Renaisaance (5-Stars), mere walking distance of 3-5mins across the road where the exihibitions halls are.

Exhibitions on-going period not advisable to stay too far or need to take cabs kinda thingy, too congested on road. Walking distance is the best solutions.

01-03-2006, 01:54 PM
Dear Bros,
Dinner gathering is confirmed.
Thursday, 2 March 2006, 2030hrs.
Venue: Wu Qi Soup Restaurant, on YuYuan Rd, junction of Jiao Zhou Rd.
(Right next to Burger King Fast Food rest / Coffee Beans) - JingAn Temple Metro Subway Station.

Kindly PM Bro Prince Fed or me with your contact nos so as to facilitate us in contact purposes.
Many thanks.
See ya all.


Prince Fed
01-03-2006, 03:01 PM
Thanks to Bro SGPShanghai69 to have helped me with this gathering and to book the place.

Nothing else to add, just try to be there on time and for further inquiries PM either one of us.



02-03-2006, 11:44 AM
Dear Bros,
Dinner gathering is confirmed.
Thursday, 2 March 2006, 2030hrs.
Venue: Wu Qi Soup Restaurant, on YuYuan Rd, junction of Jiao Zhou Rd.
(Right next to Burger King Fast Food rest / Coffee Beans) - JingAn Temple Metro Subway Station.

Any bros here in Shanghai would like to attend tonight's dinner gathering pls PM either me or Bro Prince Fed ASAP by end working day today for RSVP. Many thanks.

02-03-2006, 12:04 PM
Any bros here in Shanghai would like to attend tonight's dinner gathering pls PM either me or Bro Prince Fed ASAP by end working day today for RSVP. Many thanks.

Dear Bros,
Pls note that we already have (including myself) a total of 8 pax for tonight's dinner gathering. Table booked for total 10 pax.
For all to note.


02-03-2006, 12:43 PM
Interested to join in pls count me in for the gathering.

Bro shanghian,
Remember to bring your SBF Platinum Card, got discount at Burger King...:D

02-03-2006, 01:49 PM
Bro shanghian,
Remember to bring your SBF Platinum Card, got discount at Burger King...:D

Bro Shanghian,
So you confirm coming tonight? Pls revert, many thanks.

02-03-2006, 01:54 PM
many thanks Bro

As what Snr Bro Shengge mentioned to u, the best hotel locality for you would either the TaiPing Yang Sheraton (5 -stars) or the Renaisaance (5-Stars), mere walking distance of 3-5mins across the road where the exihibitions halls are.

Exhibitions on-going period not advisable to stay too far or need to take cabs kinda thingy, too congested on road. Walking distance is the best solutions.

02-03-2006, 02:01 PM
Remember to bring your SBF Platinum Card, got discount at Burger King...:D

Snr Bro,
I dun got Platinum Card ( neber pay subscription to join the private section.. no goot photos and no marnee) only Silver card leh.... so only get 20% discount u got 30% leh... dunno Grandma's Kitchen got or not :D
Your HC lobang as goot as Big Boss PTR or not? Now confused which one to try..limited $$ supply so must choose carefully also like what Big Boss PTR say.. bullet also limited...cannot simply shoot. hehehe.



02-03-2006, 02:04 PM
Bro Shanghian,
So you confirm coming tonight? Pls revert, many thanks.
Confirm I will be there but I have to make it from Pudong (Wai Gao Qiao) to Jing An (puxi) damn far but will be there. You can start without me but leave me some soup( damn good chicken soup) and a glass of beer hehehe.


02-03-2006, 02:08 PM
Confirm I will be there but I have to make it from Pudong (Wai Gao Qiao) to Jing An (puxi) damn far but will be there. You can start without me but leave me some soup( damn good chicken soup) and a glass of beer hehehe.


No worries bro. Shall see ya tonight. Sms me when u get here. Cheers.

02-03-2006, 02:32 PM
I dun got Platinum Card

Your HC lobang as goot as Big Boss PTR or not? Now confused which one to try..limited $$ supply so must choose carefully also like what Big Boss PTR

Bro big bro shanghian,
Never mind lah. As long as sgpsha69 is there, i think all can arrange... chicken pie for u? opps! they onli have chicken burger.

From my understanding, big boss PTR mentioned one, you were served inside the room for 100mins. You don't have to go around for shower or steam bath, no big pool there to dip..only a big bathtub.

May be you can try YPH again, nowadays hardware all upgrade liao, got tools for you to play play and also got the bonking chair next to the bed. For your skill like PTR, you can make use of the facility well. For your info, the last gal i got there, from chongqing, kawaii look, 25 y/o abt 160cm, C-cup (sagging liao), 48kg. Sad to tell u that my little bro was too tiny, she deepthroat :eek: me. New experience, but me didn't find it very song.
She also recommend her mm, NTTL too.

When you want to go? I give you the contact.


02-03-2006, 03:19 PM
Dear Bros,
Dinner gathering is confirmed.
Thursday, 2 March 2006, 2030hrs.
Venue: Wu Qi Soup Restaurant, on YuYuan Rd, junction of Jiao Zhou Rd.
(Right next to Burger King Fast Food rest / Coffee Beans) - JingAn Temple Metro Subway Station.

SOrry folks, I have to pick someone up at Pudong airpork at 7:30pm. By the time reach for makan already 9+ liao. You all enjoy this one. I meet up with you all next time. My favorite there is the Pork ribs, squid and lotus root soup. That is very the power.

Prince Fed
02-03-2006, 03:30 PM
For the people not making it tonight, we will probably have anoher one at the end of the month when some of you will be available (bro PTR, Luvgangsta...).

For the others, see you later!!


02-03-2006, 04:04 PM
Hi guys,

I'm currently in Shanghai for part work/ mostly holiday.
As I'm alone (I know some KTV girls introduced by a friend but a bit bored of it), would like to find out if anyone in SH now can join me as a drink/ hangout buddy.

I'm early thirties, normal looking and can be good with chicks.
Looking to check out the pub and disco scene in SH (but not nightclubs).
I'll be here for 1-2 weeks.
I'm not gay.

If anyone is interested to just hangout in SH, email me at [email protected]


02-03-2006, 04:13 PM
SOrry folks, I have to pick someone up at Pudong airpork at 7:30pm. By the time reach for makan already 9+ liao. You all enjoy this one. I meet up with you all next time. My favorite there is the Pork ribs, squid and lotus root soup. That is very the power.

Thanks for the tips on the good dishes to look out for bro!
Maybe you can join us for drinks later after makan lah....sms me.

02-03-2006, 04:38 PM
Hi Guys!

I just arrived in SHA first time today.
Part work, part holiday for 2 weeks.

Not thinking of the KTV scene too much as I don't wanna burst the bank.
Looking to just hangout in the pubs and discos scene thing.
Not particularly looking for FOC thingey - yeah I agree there's no such thing.
But more to meeting people from Singapore, other countries and locals to hangout.

I'm 30 and straight.

Do contact me at [email protected] if you're interested in a fun enough hangout buddy.


03-03-2006, 01:14 AM
hi bros...

Really wanted to thank PF and SGPsha69 for organizing the dinner.... I really enjoyed myself and it was really great meeting all of you... Pity that some bros couldn't make it.. ANyway, i feel that we should do this more often and get to know the rest of the bros too... Juz imagine if all the bros in SHA could gathered together... Hahahaaha.... We could probably formed an association.. Well, i just feel that besides cheonging, we could also meet up for this kind of dinner gathering.... And of coz, other activities... hehhehehe...

Anyway, it was really great meeting all of you bros and am looking for out next outing...


03-03-2006, 10:16 AM
Dear Bro Prince Fed and Bro Sgpsha69,
BIG Thanks!


Prince Fed
03-03-2006, 10:59 AM
Thnks to everybody who came last night, we had a good time and we will probably do it again.
Special thanks to SGPShanghai69 to co-organise the deal.
I wish all the bros here a good week-end, I will be on business trip so have all fun for me!!!

03-03-2006, 11:10 AM
It was definately good meeting up with the bros and my thanks to PF and 69 for the organisation. CHEERs!!

The Music never Dies!!

03-03-2006, 11:50 AM
As long as sgpsha69 is there, i think all can arrange...

Yup Agreed 100% and as it turned out... a great event and many thanks to Bro CEO SGP69 for the soup and beer...hehehehe Must say thanks to PF for getting the ball rolling..cheers bro.

May be you can try YPH again, nowadays hardware all upgrade liao,
she deepthroat :eek: me. New experience
Will do YPH upon your recommedation..Kawaii.... number please?? She deep throat u!!! :eek: damn brave MM to attempt that feat clap! clap! clap! and live to tell about it somemore wah say! if you small then me how??? need microscope to locate????( even when fully erect) need viagra or cialis liow..old oredi

cheers bros


03-03-2006, 12:04 PM
Thnks to everybody who came last night, we had a good time and we will probably do it again.
Special thanks to SGPShanghai69 to co-organise the deal.

Thank you once again for all bros who have attended last evening gathering. A great thanks to Bro Prince Fed especially for organising it.
Indded a wonderful dinner in all......let's do this more often!

Cheers to all.....:p

03-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Will do YPH upon your recommedation..Kawaii.... number please?? She deep throat u!!! :eek: damn brave MM to attempt that feat clap! clap! clap! and live to tell about it somemore wah say! if you small then me how??? need microscope to locate????( even when fully erect) need viagra or cialis liow..old oredi

Dear Bro,
Glad to have met you last nite!
These days the competition high, they will try their best to serve, even their manager also conduct after "sales" survey to ensure customer satisfaction.

She said her repeat "orders" mainly come from Japanese, as these customers said she has the kind of Jap look that the Japanese likes. Beside deepthroat, she was good on bj too. Will PM you her nos.

At the end of the session, we SONG can liao, big or small only matters the ladies, right?

If the "condensation" of the beer makes your stomach growth, what if it goes further down to your didi....:eek:


04-03-2006, 02:10 AM
Indded a wonderful dinner in all......let's do this more often!

Cheers to all.....:p
Dont talk talk only har, make sure you do it hor. :D

04-03-2006, 08:12 AM
Bro SGPShanghai69,

Thanks very much for bringing me to that place last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I must say that your friends are excellent blokes too. I hope that one day I can return the favor.

Our friend followed me back to the hotel last night and by the time I got of the net and work it was about 1:30 a.m. she was originally intending to bring me to eat noodles, but the joint we went to was really cheap but food not available..... NOT A GOOD IDEA.... She asked if I wanted her to come back to the hotel with her, but I replied that it was up to her and although I would like her to, it was her choice...... so she said she would like to come..

Was quite hungry so ordered room service and she wanted to freshen up / take a bath... so she went to the bath and I got onto a conference call until she came out... wearing a bathrobe....

Back to 1:30 a.m. ....... actually nothing really special about her except for the long legs and nice shape, but legs a little thin meaning she did not work out. Still prefer those who do morning runs lah.....

Kiss kiss hug hug... then I got a free bbbj for my efforts... and I did not want to go further... maybe because it was that time of the month..... (for her lah).... fell asleep and got up at 5:30 to come to PuDong airport.... She said she will be happy to go out with me in future too...

Overall rating
Karaoke experience: 6/10
Friends there : 11/10
Face: Kampong looks from ChengDu, so 7/10
Busts: 8/10 Very nice soft and good feel
BBBJ - 7/10
HJ - 5/10
FJ - NA Tai yi ma
Cost - erm ......
Karaoke room plus tips - not so much leh... but tip to her 400RMB for the sit down during Karaoke
others - the cost of one Room service plate of Nasi Goreng

However she really from kampong so chews with her mouth open, and was quite happy to help herself to hotel shampoo and other soaps etc.....

OK must go now... flight boarding and I will write a more detailed FR when I get in SG. Now in the Silver Kris lounge lah..

04-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Thank you once again for all bros who have attended last evening gathering. A great thanks to Bro Prince Fed especially for organising it.
Indded a wonderful dinner in all......let's do this more often!

Cheers to all.....:p

hi bro, i just come to shanghai. please help me. hehe.

hey bro, so when can go your new house?


04-03-2006, 01:03 PM
Dont talk talk only har, make sure you do it hor. :D

Dear Bro,

Haha, Agreed! No lah, SGPShanghai69 is a man of his words.

If we want to drink tea, we have to do it earlier, as I have always suggested 8.00 pm or so, if we do it at 9.30pm, then if some brothers cannot sleep, the blame will come to me. I do not want to shoulder the burder. Old man cannot tahan liaoz..

With best regards from a town not far from Suzhou:D

04-03-2006, 01:16 PM
Old man cannot tahan liaoz..

With best regards from a town not far from Suzhou:D

Young man dun give excuses... which town huh??? :rolleyes:

04-03-2006, 01:40 PM
If the "condensation" of the beer makes your stomach growth, what if it goes further down to your didi....:eek:

Has been my pleasure and honour to meet up with you too and also the many bros in Shanghai ,specially the CEO man himself.
I tried soaking my didi in beer to see if it world have the same effect on my didi as it would on my belly but it only got more wrinkled and dried up and furthermore it spoilt the taste of the beer :D
Catch up when boss PTR is in town and maybe go YPH together, you got 30% discount with Platinum SBF card rite...



04-03-2006, 03:37 PM
Young man dun give excuses... which town huh??? :rolleyes:
Super Youngman of 1.2k pointers,

What excuses? Cannot drink means cannot drink mah! Old man must drink Tea lah.

I am in Suzhou itself lah.....

Haha... You must have though that I am in Shanghai.


04-03-2006, 03:39 PM
Catch up when boss PTR is in town and maybe go YPH together, you got 30% discount with Platinum SBF card rite...

Shengge can get discount everywhere one lah!

Actually, I have been to YPH also, and did not regret having gone there. It was good and I got No. 817 who is super NTTL (but she is no longer there).

Looking forward to meet you again in Shanghai.

With best regardss

04-03-2006, 03:47 PM
Haha... You must have though that I am in Shanghai.


Will u be in Hangzhou n when u coming back to SG?

04-03-2006, 03:50 PM
Will u be in Hangzhou n when u coming back to SG?

No, I would not be in Hangzhou. I will be back on Monday night, but will be away again to the west of China on Wednesday morning.

Sorry, cannot meet you liaoz... Not that I do not like you, but God does not like us to be together due to Generation gap. If you want, I can PM you my Shanghai schedule.



04-03-2006, 03:56 PM
No, I would not be in Hangzhou. I will be back on Monday night, but will be away again to the west of China on Wednesday morning.

I might meet u in the airport. I going to BKK this coming Wed.

04-03-2006, 05:04 PM
Catch up when boss PTR is in town and maybe go YPH together

Bro Shanghian,
I think bro PTR does not really favour HC, as he needs longer ____ time.:p
The best thing at YPH, they let you choose.

Actually, I have been to YPH also, and did not regret having gone there. It was good and I got No. 817 who is super NTTL (but she is no longer there)

Bro PTR,
Coincidently, the last one I got who did deepthroat on me, was also 817 but differente person. Are you interested?

Did you enjoy in Suzhou? There are a few old birds there, J4F, VB, Lukim...

See you next time in Shanghai.


04-03-2006, 05:20 PM
Bro PTR,
Coincidently, the last one I got who did deepthroat on me, was also 817 but differente person. Are you interested?

Did you enjoy in Suzhou? There are a few old birds there, J4F, VB, Lukim...

See you next time in Shanghai.


Senior Brother shengge,

Do not tell other my problem leh! Yes, I do know about 817 last time, looks like the number 817 is associated with good girl. Last time people brought me there and now I do not know where it is liaoz. Can you bring this newbie there please the next time I am in Shanghai.

Did you try Tian Long Suana? Any FR from you, Senior Brother shengge.

We might go for a tea at 7.30 pm first then go for relaxation at YPH.

Sad and Alone in Suzhou

04-03-2006, 08:14 PM
Do not tell other my problem leh!

I thought it is a fortune, if that is the case, your problem directly opposite to mine.

Last time people brought me there and now I do not know where it is liaoz. Can you bring this newbie there please the next time I am in Shanghai.

Bro, I can show you the direction but may not be able to join you. There have seen some bros PM me, jio me for a drink or showing them around, unfortunately, I have my constraint, hope you understand.

Did you try Tian Long Suana? Any FR from you.

TLS, would keen to try.

We might go for a tea at 7.30 pm first then go for relaxation at YPH.

Tea ok, relaxation not so easy for me lah.


05-03-2006, 10:22 AM
I thought it is a fortune, if that is the case, your problem directly opposite to mine.

Bro, I can show you the direction but may not be able to join you. There have seen some bros PM me, jio me for a drink or showing them around, unfortunately, I have my constraint, hope you understand.

TLS, would keen to try.

Tea ok, relaxation not so easy for me lah.

Dear Senior Bro shengge,

I understand, you are so popular, where can you find the time to go with every newbie like me to go all places. Besides, you have your business to take care mah.

Just tell me where is YPH, and I will venture there myself. I can treat you to a session and hope you accord this newbie the honours. Hahaha....

Had a good session yesterday and this morning in Suzhou, now very tired liaoz. The Meimei is from Yangzhou. Thanks to brothers in Suzhou who showed me the rope (not the red ropes that you are so accustomed to).

Regards from Suzhou.


05-03-2006, 11:32 AM
I understand, you are so popular, where can you find the time to go with every newbie like me to go all places. Besides, you have your business to take care mah.

Just tell me where is YPH, and I will venture there myself. I can treat you to a session and hope you accord this newbie the honours. Hahaha....

Dear Bro PTR,
I am not popular at all. It is not about work only, I got other commitments too.

I don't deserve a treat for just like that, thanks!
Cheong within each capability, no budget "hand wash" loh, after all, nobody can go for "laundry service" all the times.

Glad to see that you have good experience in Suzhou.

Take Care!

05-03-2006, 11:35 AM
Dear Bro PTR,
I am not popular at all. It is not about work only, I got other commitments too.

I don't deserve a treat for just like that, thanks!
Cheong within each capability, no budget "hand wash" loh, after all, nobody can go for "laundry service" all the times.

Glad to see that you have good experience in Suzhou.

Take Care!
Dear Senior Brother shengge,

You are so well respected and popular, it will be an honours for this old new bie to cheong with you mah. I can pay to have lesson from you. It is nice to be seen with a famous person like Senior shengge mah.

Regards from PTLR

05-03-2006, 11:57 AM
You are so well respected and popular, it will be an honours for this old new bie to cheong with you mah. I can pay to have lesson from you. It is nice to be seen with a famous person like Senior shengge mah.

Dear Bro PTR,
You must be kidding me. How can you be learning from me? Can you tell me what happened 15 years ago?

I hardly cheong lah, once a while go HC with customers only.
Again you have misleaded readers, famous person comes with big name lah. I guess you know who?

On the other hand, I am sure many bros here are really looking forward to meet up with a reputable person like you.


06-03-2006, 09:21 AM
I hardly cheong lah, once a while go HC with customers only.

Big Bro,
How about frens? Maybe we don't cheong lah but some tea (support Boss PTR's suggestion for tea session) and tcss can or not? Need to learn more from the Shanghai gurus....( humble bow to masters of the Shanghai scene)

On the other hand, I am sure many bros here are really looking forward to meet up with a reputable person like you.

That is a sure thing and if I am not wrong CEO of Shanghai has already made arrangement..rite or not huh? Confirm one or not?

cheers to all


06-03-2006, 09:54 AM
That is a sure thing and if I am not wrong SGPShanghai69 has already made arrangement..rite or not huh? Confirm one or not?


Snr Bro Shanghian,
I'm waiting for Hon big bro PTR's schedule so as to arrange for the next gathering with all, and of course with Hon Big Bro PTR presence. Shall keep all bros inform once firm up with Big Bro PTR.

Big Bro PTR,
pls advise on your schedule to me ASAP. So u r now back in PRC? Email me.

06-03-2006, 10:12 AM
Dont talk talk only har, make sure you do it hor. :D

U r the one that did't turn up despite advance many many days notice to u hor! Dun say I talk talk only, u r the one who talk but no actions leh.....buay steady lah....

Next gathering u buy dessert for all after dinner la!:cool:

Prince Fed
06-03-2006, 10:20 AM
Hope we can make a nice one when bro PTR is available. Can't wait to meet him in person. He became kid of a legend among bros here on the forum.:p
Bro SGP69, let me know if I can be of any help to organise something!!



06-03-2006, 10:42 AM
How about frens? Maybe we don't cheong lah but some tea (support Boss PTR's suggestion for tea session) and tcss can or not?

Friends also can lah! How you want to cheong? Those I know were all contributed by bros here.
Tea is good. I don't mind try out the coffee that you mentioned last time as well. :D

So what is your preference?


06-03-2006, 11:59 AM
Snr Bro Shanghian,
I'm waiting for Hon big bro PTR's schedule so as to arrange for the next gathering with all, and of course with Hon Big Bro PTR presence. Shall keep all bros inform once firm up with Big Bro PTR.

Big Bro PTR,
pls advise on your schedule to me ASAP. So u r now back in PRC? Email me.

Bro SS69,
Good talking with you this morning. I will be back home again tomorrow morning, so if you want in the evening we can meet up. If BRO Maninsin can join oso I will be just as happy.

I met with Senior Citizen Bro Huzige in Singapore last night for coffee and he really has more than a number of great stories to tell. He will be organizing a visit to CP preferably during one of the weekdays and my schedule will permit mid April. I know that it will be difficult for you to attend but if any of your possee can join will make it even more fun.

He told me about this special interest group called ADF which I hope to join one day too........

See you tomorrow.


06-03-2006, 01:33 PM
Bro SGP69, let me know if I can be of any help to organise something!!



Hey Bro Prince Fed,
How's your biz trip over the weekends? Any good FRs to post here?

Rest assured that I will look you up for help when the dates r nearer to Hon Big Bro PTR's trip back here later this month.....standby. Many thanks


06-03-2006, 01:50 PM
Bro SS69,
Good talking with you this morning. I will be back home again tomorrow morning, so if you want in the evening we can meet up. If BRO Maninsin can join oso I will be just as happy.

See you tomorrow.

Hey Bro Morningrun,
Thanks for your call & concern this morning! I'm fine here so far.....for the time being that is.
So u wil be back tomoroow morning? Good, then we shall meet up as planned at evening time.
I've already informed Bro MainSin.

Till then, cheers. See ya bro.

06-03-2006, 04:05 PM
U r the one that did't turn up despite advance many many days notice to u hor! Dun say I talk talk only, u r the one who talk but no actions leh.....buay steady lah....

Next gathering u buy dessert for all after dinner la!:cool:
Dessert no problem lah. You know why I cannot attend.......:D

07-03-2006, 01:29 AM
Hey Bro Prince Fed,
How's your biz trip over the weekends? Any good FRs to post here?

Rest assured that I will look you up for help when the dates r nearer to Hon Big Bro PTR's trip back here later this month.....standby. Many thanks


Hi Bro SGP69,

Let me know if there's anything I can help too for the 2nd gathering... Though I'm still new here in SHA, but am willing to help in whichever way I can lah.....:D Already talked to Bro Morningrun and will confirm the timing for lunch tomorrow......:)


07-03-2006, 01:35 AM
Hey Bro Prince Fed,
How's your biz trip over the weekends? Any good FRs to post here?

Rest assured that I will look you up for help when the dates r nearer to Hon Big Bro PTR's trip back here later this month.....standby. Many thanks


Dear Bro SGPShanghai69 and Prince Fed,

I feel extremely embarassed after the so many honours bestowed upon me. I am a Simple Man and happily be so. Bro Prince Fed even said that I was a kind of Legend. Rest assured I am not, you all will be disappointed if you had seen me in person.

Je suis un home tres ordinaire!

It is confirmed that I will be in Shanghai on 15 March 2006 for 5 to days, and shall have the weekend of 17-18 March. I have not fixed anything yet while awaiting the hard work of Bro SGPShanghai to confirm the date of the honoured occasion to meet you all.

Just landed in Changi not long ago, but tomorrow will be in Sichuan. Sigh,,,,

I wish all of you well.

With best regards

PTLR (Pu Ton Lao Ren):D

07-03-2006, 02:54 PM
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69 and Prince Fed,

It is confirmed that I will be in Shanghai on 15 March 2006 for 5 to days, and shall have the weekend of 17-18 March. I have not fixed anything yet while awaiting the hard work of Bro SGPShanghai to confirm the date of the honoured occasion to meet you all.

PTLR (Pu Ton Lao Ren):D

Dear Big Bro PTR,
Greetings from cool cool Shanghai now...
I called u yesterday but u didn't answer. believed that u must be caught in a meeting or something else maybe....... ;)

Anyway, now that u mentioned on the dates u r available I shal contact teh rest of the bros & arrange with them on our meeting up.
Once firm, will PM u.

07-03-2006, 08:04 PM
Dear Big Bro PTR,
Greetings from cool cool Shanghai now...
I called u yesterday but u didn't answer. believed that u must be caught in a meeting or something else maybe....... ;)

Anyway, now that u mentioned on the dates u r available I shal contact teh rest of the bros & arrange with them on our meeting up.
Once firm, will PM u.
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

You called me yesterday/ I must be in the airport. But i received a call when at the immigration counter. After I clear the counter, I called back, a girl answered and said the company is IHK. So I did not continue.

After that, I switch off my phone due to the fact that I was about to board the plane to come home. Sorry!


08-03-2006, 03:32 PM
Dear Bro SGPShanghai69,

After that, I switch off my phone due to the fact that I was about to board the plane to come home. Sorry!


Dear Hon Big Bro PTR,
No worries, I was merely calling to say hello to u that's all.
Glad to hear that u r back home sweet home now.
Hear from ya soon when u r back here.


08-03-2006, 10:30 PM
Dear Hon Big Bro PTR,
No worries, I was merely calling to say hello to u that's all.
Glad to hear that u r back home sweet home now.
Hear from ya soon when u r back here.

Hope you had a new life in a new place and all the best to you!! :D

09-03-2006, 12:12 AM
Hope you had a new life in a new place and all the best to you!! :D

I am only back home for two days, and am now in Western China liaoz....How I hope I can stay home for a longer period.

Thanks anyway.


09-03-2006, 09:24 AM
Hope you had a new life in a new place and all the best to you!! :D

Dear Bro OceanEleven,
A utmost thank you to your well wishes to me. Very touched all over....my body lah! Buy you a kopi the next time round or better still, get my Empress to brew soup again knowing that u love to drink soup so much....


09-03-2006, 12:50 PM
Can someone please tell me how much a single, one way airfare is from Guangzhou to Shanghai? Many thanks. :)

09-03-2006, 02:06 PM
Can someone please tell me how much a single, one way airfare is from Guangzhou to Shanghai? Many thanks. :)

Not sure on how much on airfares from GZ to SHA as being the afres varies bro.
It depends on mainly what time you fly & when (which day) you wanna fly??
Best for you is to log on www.ctrip.com to check for specific fares.

Lowest ranging from RMB 300 - highest at RMB 1000+ for a one-way from GZ to SHA.

Hope above info helps you to understand abit more.

09-03-2006, 02:20 PM
It is confirmed that I will be in Shanghai on 15 March 2006 for 5 to days, and shall have the weekend of 17-18 March. I have not fixed anything yet while awaiting the hard work of Bro SGPShanghai to confirm the date of the honoured occasion to meet you all.

PTLR (Pu Ton Lao Ren):D

To All Bros in Shanghai,
As informed herein by Hon Big Bro PTR, he's available on 17 or 18 March 2006 for our next gathering.
Kindly post here, PM or email me or Bro Prince Fed as to which date is more preferred so that I could arrange further for the next dinner gathering with our greatly honoured big bro.....

Many thanks.

09-03-2006, 03:47 PM

I'll be in Shanghai month-end for a conference so will be near the Shanghai Intl Convention Center.

Now before I ask for cheonging advice, I would like to know what are my hotel options available near to the convention centre, anything from 3-5 stars.

Appreciate your help. Cheers

09-03-2006, 04:18 PM

Now before I ask for cheonging advice, I would like to know what are my hotel options available near to the convention centre, anything from 3-5 stars.

Try log onto www.ctrip.com for hotels available at Lujiazhui Area (CBD Area), Pudong.

The Int'l Convention Ctr is located nearby, on Pudong side.

Go with what your budget seem deems fit bro, too many hotels ranges to suggest.
i.e. Hyatt, JinMao Tower at USD$ 150/per night min....or Motel 168, on Shangcheng Rd, at a mere RMB 298(SGD$60+) per night is also available. Both are near to the Int'l Convention Ctr.
Pick your choice pls.

Hope the above helps, cheers.

09-03-2006, 04:23 PM
Published on ShanghaiDaily.com (http://www.shanghaidaily.com/)

Nightlife has new curfews
Zhong Bei

THE Ministry of Culture said in a notice yesterday that discos, KTVs, arcades and other commercial entertainment venues must close from 2am to 8am, Beijing Times reported today.

It also said the venues attached to hotels or bars must close during the same period even though the hotel or bar is still open for operation.

Zhang Xinjian, an official of the ministry, said it's difficult for the operators to supervise entertainment venues from 2am to 8am.

Some points of the new regulations include: VIP suites in discos must install view-restricting partitions and the rooms can't have locks on their doors; entertainment venues prohibit teenagers; heads of government departments will be fired if their departments or subordinates run entertainment business.

09-03-2006, 06:25 PM
thnks bro SGP.. once I confirmed my schd and know I can cheong.. hehe.. I'll drop a note here again

10-03-2006, 12:20 AM
....i.e. Hyatt, JinMao Tower at USD$ 150/per night min....or Motel 168, on Shangcheng Rd, at a mere RMB 298(SGD$60+) per night is also available./

Just want to add to the excellent info from Bro SGPSH69. You can check prices and book rooms at http://www.motel168.com for MOTEL168

10-03-2006, 12:20 AM
....i.e. Hyatt, JinMao Tower at USD$ 150/per night min....or Motel 168, on Shangcheng Rd, at a mere RMB 298(SGD$60+) per night is also available./

Just want to add to the excellent info from Bro SGPSH69. You can check prices and book rooms at http://www.motel168.com for MOTEL168

10-03-2006, 08:15 AM

I've been in Shanghai for around 5 months and will be staying for a little longer but I am a bit of a newbie for KTVs and HCs.

Mainly, I feel intimitaded because I don't speak Mandarin. I would like to try some KTVs and HCs in Shanghai but I am not sure which one to try (there are so many !!!)

Any recommendations for KTVs or HCs in Shanghai ? I don't mind paying more if its better quality and they have more beautiful girls. Girls that would speak (some) english would be a plus...

I read some part of this thread (pages 292 to here) but its never clear how to proceed if I cannot speak Mandarin ;).

From what I've read, it seems that for a KTV I must pay 300 rmb to a mommy, 300 rmb to a girl + all other charges like room, booze, etc... As for HC, I am not really sure of the price and all... I heard it's something between 550 and 650 but I am not sure for what and all.

Sorry if these sounds like basic questions but I'm really not sure about it all and I am intimitaded to ask in KTVs or HCs because I can't speak mandarin :(.

Any information would be appreciated !

10-03-2006, 10:50 AM
Try log onto www.ctrip.com for hotels available at Lujiazhui Area (CBD Area), Pudong.

The Int'l Convention Ctr is located nearby, on Pudong side.

Go with what your budget seem deems fit bro, too many hotels ranges to suggest.
i.e. Hyatt, JinMao Tower at USD$ 150/per night min....or Motel 168, on Shangcheng Rd, at a mere RMB 298(SGD$60+) per night is also available. Both are near to the Int'l Convention Ctr.
Pick your choice pls.

Hope the above helps, cheers.

The Oriental Riverside which is actually the SICC has a room deal for delegates at US$130/nite. Is that a good deal? Sounds like it..... yes?

10-03-2006, 10:58 AM
sorry to interupt the discussion here but i need some help from someone staying in china at the moment i guess. i've been trying to register a free QQ account but its always denied due to overloading so the alternative is paying for an account. but payment doesnt seem to extend overseas, anyone can help out? :p

10-03-2006, 12:50 PM
Just want to add to the excellent info from Bro SGPSH69. You can check prices and book rooms at http://www.motel168.com for MOTEL168

There is this cheap and good hotel chain around China. Check their website: www.homeinns.com
They have a hotel at: 5385 LondDong Ave for RMB218 only. But if on company's account can stay somewhere better!
For those bros. on budget, this hotel chain is not bad. A couple of them at XuHui District is well located. One of them is opposite the (S'pore-owned)Ascendas Plaza.

11-03-2006, 10:19 AM
Any recommendations for KTVs or HCs in Shanghai ? I don't mind paying more if its better quality and they have more beautiful girls. Girls that would speak (some) english would be a plus...

From what I've read, it seems that for a KTV I must pay 300 rmb to a mommy, 300 rmb to a girl + all other charges like room, booze, etc... As for HC, I am not really sure of the price and all... I heard it's something between 550 and 650 but I am not sure for what and all.

The the difference is if you are going alone or with other people. Depending on the room, room charges including of booze ranges a lot. One of the cheapest I have experienced is 600 with free flow of beer. Once you go bottle, it goes up since a bottle of chivas in these kind of places usually averages 800. So if you do the math, a nicer place with a bottle of chivas will run around 1400. So if more people go with you, the shared cost will go down.

Tip to mummy is usually 300. Tip to waitress in the room is 200. Tip to the waiter outside your room is 100. Tip to girls in Shanghai nowadays is 300 to 500. It really adds up and yes, it is quite expensive in Shanghai. If you need a PRO that speaks English, you will be mostly out of luck. 99% of the girls do not speak english. I found one or 2 that speak a little. I would suggest you go with your friends who speak the language. On your own, you will have a super tough time talking to the MMS, the girls and the waiters. About quality of girls, the better the girls, usually the more expensive the place will be. Some places have tiered tipping. A couple of places the tips for girls are different for each floor. Depending on the floor you go to, the tip expect ranges ffrom 300, 400 to 500.

As for HC, it ranges in Shanghai also. The service and class of the HC also varies greatly. It ranges from 550 to 1500. So it all depends on where you are going. Also, if you do not speak English you will have a much tougher time.

All I can say is, find some friends that speak the language and go with them. After that build a relationship with the management of the joints you like. Good Luck.

11-03-2006, 10:32 AM
The Oriental Riverside which is actually the SICC has a room deal for delegates at US$130/nite. Is that a good deal? Sounds like it..... yes?

USD130? I will never call that a good deal. If you look hard enough in Shanghai, you can get by by paying 300-600 RMB for a service apartment, chain hotel/motel or 3 star hotel. And 500-800 RMB for a nice 4 star hotel. 130 USD is over 1000RMB. For that price, you should expect a new 5-star. Just check www.ctrip.com like what bro SGPSH69 suggested. You get all the information, pricing and ratings over there. If you feel that website is not good enough, you can also try www.hotels.com.sg and pay slightly more.

11-03-2006, 10:44 AM
The Oriental Riverside which is actually the SICC has a room deal for delegates at US$130/nite. Is that a good deal? Sounds like it..... yes?

One more thing I missed out telling you. Oriental Riverside is right by the Eastern Pearl Landmark in Pudong. There is absolutely nothing over there except for Superbrands mall. After 10, that whole place is dead and there is no shops, no food, no nothing. It is even extremely tough to get a taxi cab there in the day. You do have access to the Metro line 2 at the Lujiazui station but that metro closes around 10 pm too. If you plan on walking around, getting food among other activities, I would strongly suggest staying on the other side of the river in Puxi. The same goes for Shangrila which is around there too.

11-03-2006, 11:28 AM
All I can say is, find some friends that speak the language and go with them. After that build a relationship with the management of the joints you like. Good Luck.

Thank you for the suggestion, I will go back and read all post of this year to try and find a nice HC.

11-03-2006, 03:29 PM
Dear All Bros,
As spoken to Bro Prince Fed, the dinner date is fixed on coming Saturday 18 March 2006.
Venue : Wu Qi Soup Restaurant, Jing An Temple on YuYuan Rd, junction of Jiao Zhou Rd.

Kindly RSVP asap by PM, emails or sms to either Bro Prince Fed or me. Max seating capacity is at 10 pax.
Many thanks.


13-03-2006, 08:42 AM
Bro SGPSH69,

So all is well I guess with your side. I am truly glad. Now we need to work on our 2 other friends. Remember I will always be here for y'all. ALWAYS.


Prince Fed
13-03-2006, 09:42 AM
Dear Bros,

I hope you all had a good week-end. Like bro SGPSH69 said, please PM us asap if you want to join for saturday diner. Time should be around 7h30pm.
Bro PTR should join us so you do not want to miss that one:p



13-03-2006, 04:15 PM
Bro SGPSH69,

Now we need to work on our 2 other friends. Remember I will always be here for y'all. ALWAYS.


Dear Bros Morningrun and SGP69,

Am finally back in Sillyland after suffering from a shock at the airport last nite... Tot I could stay in Sha for 30 days w/o visa but was told by the immigration that I could only stay for 15 days and an additional of 10 days if I go to the "gong an" for extension.... Was fined RMB 1500 for violationg the rules and was warned not to do that again.. But the funny thing was I alwiz stayed in SHA for abt 30 days and leave, and not one immigration officer had told me abt the violation except last nite....:confused:

anyway, thank you my brudders for your concern... Am fine now though things have not been resolved but like what I had told you guys, I think I will know what to do when shits happened.... Might need you guys to be around though if it happens... Hahhahahahahaa...... Well, dun worry abt me and I muz really say that the best thing ever happened to me in SHA is to know that you brudders are truly my good friends and that is more important than a lot of other things..... Thank you, bros...

Well, you know my numbers and if there're anything i can do for you here, juz gv me a call...

At the meantime, do take care of urselves and am looking forward in seeing you bros again in SHA...


13-03-2006, 04:58 PM
Bro SGPSH69,

So all is well I guess with your side. I am truly glad. Now we need to work on our 2 other friends. Remember I will always be here for y'all. ALWAYS.


I'm ok for now la bro. Usual women thingy lor, seeking attention that is all.
Just keep a lookout on Bro 'u know who' la....he's all so upset & down....sigh...another women thingy issue.....

Cheers & many thanks Bro MR!

13-03-2006, 05:01 PM
Dear Bros Morningrun and SGP69,

anyway, thank you my brudders for your concern... Am fine now though things have not been resolved but like what I had told you guys, I think I will know what to do when shits happened.... Might need you guys to be around though if it happens... Hahhahahahahaa...... Well, dun worry abt me and I muz really say that the best thing ever happened to me in SHA is to know that you brudders are truly my good friends and that is more important than a lot of other things..... Thank you, bros...


Glad to hear that u r home sweet home bro.

Try to give a call to 'u know who' on the issue mentioned, dun walk away from it.
Rest assured that we will be here for u should u need us, whether good or bad things occur..........

Have a good stay in homeland bro, cheers.:p

13-03-2006, 05:42 PM
I'm ok for now la bro. Usual women thingy lor, seeking attention that is all.
Just keep a lookout on Bro 'u know who' la....he's all so upset & down....sigh...another women thingy issue.....
Cheers & many thanks Bro MR!
Take it in your stride, bro, think about the long trip and spare a thought for her, perhaps you might feel better then. :)

13-03-2006, 10:46 PM
Glad to hear that u r home sweet home bro.

Try to give a call to 'u know who' on the issue mentioned, dun walk away from it.
Rest assured that we will be here for u should u need us, whether good or bad things occur..........

Have a good stay in homeland bro, cheers.:p

Hi Bros, SS69 and MIS,
Trying to send flowers to the missus now... Thanks MIS for reminding me.... See lah, can advise others but cannot see a stone wall in front of my face.

Maybe y'all should do the same too....?

------------ OK just transacted the flowers.... you should look at www.flora2000.com got a good deal and they will deliver in the afternoon tomorrow....

See you in a couple of weeks.


14-03-2006, 12:03 AM
I'm ok for now la bro. Usual women thingy lor, seeking attention that is all.
Just keep a lookout on Bro 'u know who' la....he's all so upset & down....sigh...another women thingy issue.....

Cheers & many thanks Bro MR!


Juz finished talking wif morningrun earlier and am really happy that you hv resolved your problems.... Anyway, my best wishes to you n her..... errrrrr..... tried calling you earlier but after talking to Bro morningrun, i understand why u didn't answered the call...:p

Yup... Shld keep a look out for bro "u know who".... Hope there is something that we can do to make him feel better.... But am sure that you bros can do the job.......

Anyway, catch up wif you bros when i'm back to SHA.......


14-03-2006, 12:34 AM
Hi Bro

Need a advise from you.
I will be stayinh in Ramada Shanghai next week, at No.509 Cao Bao Road.
Is there any good HC there, as I will arrive in SH in 6plus AM and can only check in after Noon!

Pls advise! Thanks a million!

14-03-2006, 12:41 AM
Hi Bro

Need a advise from you.
I will be stayinh in Ramada Shanghai next week, at No.509 Cao Bao Road.
Is there any good HC there, as I will arrive in SH in 6plus AM and can only check in after Noon!

Pls advise! Thanks a million!

14-03-2006, 12:21 PM
Hi Bros, SS69 and MIS,
Trying to send flowers to the missus now... Thanks MIS for reminding me.... See lah, can advise others but cannot see a stone wall in front of my face.

Maybe y'all should do the same too....?


Bro Morningrun,
Agreed totally with u on that.
I did the same last Sunday, bought abouquet of roses, bake a chocolate cake, a box of dark choclates and last but not least, cooked beef steak for dinner, dine with her at home with candles-lit ambience....
It worked just fine.........
Well, sad to say that it's 'boh liao' but women likes it & we are to do it lor!

Cheers bros...........:rolleyes:

14-03-2006, 12:24 PM
Hi Bro

Need a advise from you.
I will be stayinh in Ramada Shanghai next week, at No.509 Cao Bao Road.
Is there any good HC there, as I will arrive in SH in 6plus AM and can only check in after Noon!

Pls advise! Thanks a million!

Not sure u got the address or the hotel name correct as I know there isn't a Ramada Hotel on Cao Bao Rd though.....the only Ramada hotel I know is located near People's Sq, Nanjing Dong Rd Pedestrian Street on Jiu Jiang rd.
Pls verify your hotel name or address & revert here.
But nonetheless, u can try Ala House HC located on Fuxing Zhong Rd, junction of Shun Chang Rd.
Cost: RMB 550nett.
Have fun!

14-03-2006, 12:56 PM
Not sure u got the address or the hotel name correct as I know there isn't a Ramada Hotel on Cao Bao Rd though.....
Pls verify your hotel name or address & revert here.

Bro SGPSha69,
There is a Ramada hotel at 509 Cao Bao Road, near to Gui Ping Road (桂平路).
地址:漕宝路509号 电话:021-54649999
Near to 新漕河泾大厦

The nearest HC (as posted in the forum),
1) Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Road near Jin Hui South Road, mentioned by you earlier,
2) Hai Lang Suana at Zhong Shan West Road near Wu Zhong Road.

Hope it helps.


14-03-2006, 01:12 PM
Dear Bros,
Come across this news, happened in Hangzhou. Be careful!


据青年时报报道,昨日凌晨2时多,杭州武林派出所民警在孩儿巷麒麟街路口一家旅馆里抓获一起卖淫嫖娼案。两 男两女因涉嫌卖淫嫖娼,成为今年3月1日《治安管理处罚法》实施后,杭州警方处罚的第一起卖淫 嫖娼案。

与以往不同,民警将两嫖客的行为第一时间通知其父母。两名嫖客都是杭州人,都只有20来岁,当听到自己的儿 子因嫖娼而被警方传唤的消息,两名男子的父母都气得一时说不出话来。

按3月1日开始实施的《治安管理处罚法》规定:卖淫、嫖娼的,将处以10日以上15日以下拘留,可并处50 00元以下罚款;情节较轻的,处5日以下拘留或500元以下罚款。以前,按《条例》公安机关对卖淫嫖娼行为 ,仅作治安罚款处罚。


根据新的处罚法规定,对违反治安管理行为人,公安机关传唤后,应当及时将传唤原因和处所通知被传唤人家属。 传唤人如成家,则叫其妻子或丈夫等,未成家就通知其父母。因该两名男子都未婚,所以警方在第一时间通知了其 父母。


14-03-2006, 01:56 PM
Bro SGPSha69,
There is a Ramada hotel at 509 Cao Bao Road, near to Gui Ping Road (桂平路).
地址:漕宝路509号 电话:021-54649999
Near to 新漕河泾大厦

The nearest HC (as posted in the forum),
1) Tian Long Suana at Wu Zhong Road near Jin Hui South Road, mentioned by you earlier,
2) Hai Lang Suana at Zhong Shan West Road near Wu Zhong Road.

Excellent info Big Bro Shengge! As mentioned b4 lah, I'm still a rookie here, not knowing the fact that there's a hotel Ramamda on cao bao rd afterall....paiseh lah!
Apologies many many....

Snr Bro Shengge, u r the best in all here man! Cheers....