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11-11-2010, 04:32 AM
There's no "right" or wrong" involved. It could be a something as simple as not liking your avatar.

Boss..my buddy,User=takefive1937.

why he cant log in n post anything or pm?


11-11-2010, 05:43 AM
Boss..my buddy,User=takefive1937.

why he cant log in n post anything or pm?


He knows the answer. :p

11-11-2010, 03:17 PM
There's no "right" or wrong" involved. It could be a something as simple as not liking your avatar.

meaning to say, those wif rep power can anyhow zap ppl??

sorry boss, it doesnt make any sense cos in this case, I felt that the system has been abused. those zapper can anyhow zap ppl tat they dun like, w/o bein penalized.

anyway, i'm taking it as positive comment & will chg to a nicer avatar. rest assure tat if I gotten my rep power, i will not anyhow zap ppl jus bcos i dun like them. at the minimum, a warning will be given b4 i start to consider zapping ppl.

lastly, thk u for makin SBF a wonderful forum for many ppl to share their info & experiences.

Cheers... :)

11-11-2010, 03:37 PM
meaning to say, those wif rep power can anyhow zap ppl??

There is far more abuse "upping" members for no reason than there is "zapping" for no reason.:rolleyes:

11-11-2010, 04:13 PM
There is far more abuse "upping" members for no reason than there is "zapping" for no reason.:rolleyes:

understood your concern, boss. I bet the Jedi masters are still fight very hard in this Clone Wars! ;)

P/S: I'm the sole owner of my new avatar & only i hv the original photo cos I'm the one who took the photo myself!! :)

12-11-2010, 12:07 PM
boss i dunoe why i got zap for noting..in two thread
i just ask for contact and i got zap??

12-11-2010, 12:50 PM
boss i dunoe why i got zap for noting..in two thread
i just ask for contact and i got zap??

A single post asking for contacts probably won't get you zapped but a quick search of your messages shows that all you've posted since you joined are requests for contacts and some lame one liner comments.

There are very few posts, if any, where you have actually contributed some useful information for the benefit of others here. People are sick and tired of your "can i have the ctc?" crap.

That's probably the reason why your points have been deducted. Come to think of it I feel like zapping you too!

20-11-2010, 01:41 PM
Boss Sammy

I have accidentally click twice on a post reply and subsequently my power and points are all gone. It was not intention and I hope you can reinstate my status.

Many thanks

simply horny
20-11-2010, 02:32 PM
Boss Sammy

I have accidentally click twice on a post reply and subsequently my power and points are all gone. It was not intention and I hope you can reinstate my status.

Many thanks

dont talk cock, sure you must have did something bad like me. :p

20-11-2010, 02:35 PM
Boss Sammy

I have accidentally click twice on a post reply and subsequently my power and points are all gone. It was not intention and I hope you can reinstate my status.

Many thanks

Your loss of points and power has nothing to do with clicking twice on anything.

It's because you violated rule 8.


Hooters666 zaps 11_Frog 04:13, 10th Nov 2010 -5 handsome fuck off

20-11-2010, 07:30 PM
Your loss of points and power has nothing to do with clicking twice on anything.

It's because you violated rule 8.


Hi Boss Sammy

I regretted that action as it was a moment that I stepped over the line. As you can see from my history here, I have been well behaved generally since 2002 and contributed from time to time with no personal agenda or shit stirring. I would like you to reconsider reinstating me back to my original status. I hope you can accept my apologies for my act of folly. If you think that I shall learn a lesson and accept my punishment that I guess I have no choice but to slowly build my cred up.

Thanks for your consideration.

21-11-2010, 01:42 AM
He knows the answer. :p

Boss..can u check for me who's d bro zap me..


Comment:no need wait till 2morrow.eh,what happen to your buddy in the mirrow takefive1937?hahaha:D


21-11-2010, 02:10 AM
Boss..can u check for me who's d bro zap me..


Reputation votes are secret.

21-11-2010, 02:19 AM
Reputation votes are secret.

Note..tq boss:)

21-11-2010, 03:57 PM
Your loss of points and power has nothing to do with clicking twice on anything.

It's because you violated rule 8.

Boss, I just read the rules and understand that i have also violated rule 8.

Although not a good reason, I really did not know that such a rule exist until now.

However, i have learned my lesson Boss. I hope you would consider reinstating my points and allow me to continue contributing positively to the forum.

I promise i will not make the same mistake again.

Thank you Boss for ur understanding.

21-11-2010, 05:39 PM
Thank you Boss for ur understanding.

Nothing to do with me. I was not the one you cursed. :p It's your poor victim who got abused without even knowing who the abuse came from. He's the one who needs to be more "understanding".

21-11-2010, 07:34 PM
Thanks for your reply Boss! :)

Appreciate your advice on what i need to do to get my points reinstated?

21-11-2010, 09:15 PM
hi boss, my current power of 2, lets say i UP someone's rep cos of his contribution, can i just give him 1 point instead of 2, and can i use the other remaining point for another contributing person? can this be done?
can't find it in the 1st page, but recently saw that someone managed to do that, so im curious as to how to. thank u.

Big Sexy
21-11-2010, 10:28 PM
no you cannot do that..
u can only give whatever rep power u have..
no more no less.

can i just give him 1 point instead of 2, and can i use the other remaining point for another contributing person? can this be done?

22-11-2010, 03:33 AM
Thanks for your reply Boss! :)

Appreciate your advice on what i need to do to get my points reinstated?

You have to work your way back slowly. ;)

22-11-2010, 03:26 PM
no you cannot do that..
u can only give whatever rep power u have..
no more no less.

thnx for the guidance bro Big Sexy :)

22-11-2010, 05:48 PM
actually it seem not bad a idea for us to choose how many point we zap or up. there seem to be many 8 or 9 point bros around. In years to come many 10+ point bro.....One zapped the newbie is gone.............Of coz i'm not sure if it mean many more work for the Mod team. juz suggesting........:):)

23-11-2010, 08:59 AM
Oh dear how can that be!!!!:eek:

23-11-2010, 11:45 AM
y not? no advice or advise or rice or rices from u 2day..............? :):)

Big Sexy
23-11-2010, 05:16 PM
u dont have to worry..
even a 20 rep pointers wont be able to bring a newbie to
negative zone with a single zap.

a In years to come many 10+ point bro.....One zapped the newbie is gone...........

24-11-2010, 12:41 PM
Hi Boss,

I have been placed for moderation for more than 6 months. When will I be restore back? Thanks a million.:)

25-11-2010, 03:49 AM

I joined since 2005 and i understand that there is 1 rep power for evey year.
May I know why my rep power is still 0? Thanks a lot.

Big Sexy
25-11-2010, 09:16 AM
read the sticky carefully
u need to have a min of 35 post.


I joined since 2005 and i understand that there is 1 rep power for evey year.
May I know why my rep power is still 0? Thanks a lot.

25-11-2010, 01:26 PM
read the sticky carefully
u need to have a min of 35 post.

Not 35 posts... 35 reputation points.

25-11-2010, 01:38 PM
u dont have to worry..
even a 20 rep pointers wont be able to bring a newbie to
negative zone with a single zap.

bro, i thot when a newbie joined, he/she is only given 15 points?
wif a 20 rep power, the newbie wun end up in negative zone?

read the sticky carefully
u need to have a min of 35 post.

bro, i think you mean... min of 35 rep point rite?
cos i already got more than 35 posts. :)

25-11-2010, 01:39 PM
Not 35 posts... 35 reputation points.

thks boss, for the clarification. tats wat i thot so... :)

Big Sexy
25-11-2010, 04:29 PM
sorry it is 35 rep points.. not 35 post.

Not 35 posts... 35 reputation points.

no.. it doesnt work this way..
u cannot zap the same amount of points that u can give..
take me for example..
i can add 15 points but can only zap either 9 or 10 points(cannot remember whether it is 9 or 10) at one go..
bro, i thot when a newbie joined, he/she is only given 15 points?
wif a 20 rep power, the newbie wun end up in negative zone?

yeap.. sorry it is 35 rep points as stated in the first page.. not 35 post..

ro, i think you mean... min of 35 rep point rite?
cos i already got more than 35 posts. :)

25-11-2010, 04:42 PM
no.. it doesnt work this way..
u cannot zap the same amount of points that u can give..
take me for example..
i can add 15 points but can only zap either 9 or 10 points(cannot remember whether it is 9 or 10) at one go..


so, if i was zapped -6, does not mean that the zapper's power is 6. the zapper's power is at least a 9 pointers & above.

on the other hand, if i was upped +3, the person's power is definitely a 3 pointers.

i got a clearer understanding now. thks alot for the explanation. :)

Big Sexy
25-11-2010, 05:14 PM
yeap.. unless sam tweak the system..
this is how it works..


so, if i was zapped -6, does not mean that the zapper's power is 6. the zapper's power is at least a 9 pointers & above.
on the other hand, if i was upped +3, the person's power is definitely a 3 pointers.

25-11-2010, 05:49 PM
yeap.. unless sam tweak the system..
this is how it works..

bro Big Sexy,

probably ur case not a gd example to give. allow me to explain (based on my understanding) :)

to my understanding, those wif at least 35 rep point will get 1 rep power each yr. so based on tis logic, u shld, by rite, get 8 (max 9) rep power, since u joined in 2002.

but bcos of ur 5-figures rep points, u hv got extra rep power.

tats y in tis case, thou u can UP bros wif ur max rep power, u can only ZAP bros wif ur 'logically to hv' rep power.

allow me to explain my thinkin further...

asuming that i hv obtained 35 rep points, in which, i think i will get 5 (or maybe 6) rep power, i think whenever i UP or ZAP a person, his rep point will be added or deducted according to the rep power tat I hv.

not sure if my thinkin on tis logic correct or not... :p

Big Sexy
26-11-2010, 08:27 AM
no mate..your assumption isnt right..
the extra points does count when u zap..
it works the same for everyone..

but bcos of ur 5-figures rep points, u hv got extra rep power. tats y in tis case, thou u can UP bros wif ur max rep power, u can only ZAP bros wif ur 'logically to hv' rep power.

26-11-2010, 04:26 PM
but bcos of ur 5-figures rep points, u hv got extra rep power. tats y in tis case, thou u can UP bros wif ur max rep power, u can only ZAP bros wif ur 'logically to hv' rep power.

asuming that i hv obtained 35 rep points, in which, i think i will get 5 (or maybe 6) rep power, i think whenever i UP or ZAP a person, his rep point will be added or deducted according to the rep power tat I hv.

no mate..your assumption isnt right..
the extra points does count when u zap..
it works the same for everyone..

bro, tats y i given 2 example in my earlier post, one is urs & one is mine (based on assumption).

1. the highlighted explained my thinking tat u can UP bros w/ ur max rep power, which is 15, but u can only ZAP bros w/ ur 'logical to hv' rep power, which is either 8 or 9. sorry tat i din explain clearer in my earlier post.

tats y i think ur case may not be a gd example due to ur 5 figures rep points.

2. on the other hand, i made a separate example (BOLD & Underline portion) based on my case which assumed tat i already hv 35 rep points, in which i think i may hv 5 or 6 rep power. assuming tat it's 5, whenever i UP or ZAP a person, his rep points will either b +5 (UP) or -5 (ZAP). tis is wat i'm trying to explain. kindly advise if tis understanding is correct. :)

"u cannot zap the same amount of points that u can give..
take me for example..
i can add 15 points but can only zap either 9 or 10 points(cannot remember whether it is 9 or 10) at one go.."

so if my thinkin on #2 is correct, then i think ur example above is a special case bcos of ur 5 figures rep points, which enable u to hv extra rep powers.

kindly do pardon me for not making myself clearer in my earlier post.

cheers... :)

Big Sexy
26-11-2010, 04:38 PM
mate.. i used a power 8 account with no addition power to neg a user..
i can only neg 5 points off him..
if that is what u are asking...

cheers... :)

26-11-2010, 04:50 PM
mate.. i used a power 8 account with no addition power to neg a user..
i can only neg 5 points off him..
if that is what u are asking...

no bro... let's take a step back & take my case as an example for the time being ok? :o

assuming tat i have obtained 35 rep points, in which i may have 5 rep powers. if i UP a person, his rep points will be +5. if i ZAP a person, his rep points will be -5. is this correct?

Big Sexy
26-11-2010, 04:53 PM
no..like i said before..
if u have rep power of 5
u can add 5 points
but when u neg someone
u wont be able to neg 5..
as to how many points u can neg
i am not sure.. probably 3.

no bro... let's take a step back & take my case as an example for the time being ok? :o

assuming tat i have obtained 35 rep points, in which i may have 5 rep powers. if i UP a person, his rep points will be +5. if i ZAP a person, his rep points will be -5. is this correct?

26-11-2010, 05:02 PM
no..like i said before..
if u have rep power of 5
u can add 5 points
but when u neg someone
u wont be able to neg 5..
as to how many points u can neg
i am not sure.. probably 3.

bro big sexy, a big thks for ur clarification & quick response.
i thot ur 5 figures rep points w/ extra rep power, u make a difference.
but, now i understand tat everyone is the same.

my humble apology for my bluntness & confusion i created to myself. :o

Big Sexy
26-11-2010, 05:09 PM
it is ok.. i am free anyway..:)

bro big sexy, a big thks for ur clarification & quick response.

26-11-2010, 08:58 PM
ok thks big sexy.now i read i understand....:)

26-11-2010, 10:54 PM
it is ok.. i am free anyway..:)

sorry bro big sexy, one more question...

i saw some bros wif >100 (i think i also saw some >1000) rep power but no rep power. how can tis situation happened?

Big Sexy
27-11-2010, 07:04 AM
sam has a pair of magic hands...
he can do wonders with it..
those guys must have been naughty...
there are rules in this forum...;)

sorry bro big sexy, one more question...

i saw some bros wif >100 (i think i also saw some >1000) rep power but no rep power. how can tis situation happened?

27-11-2010, 01:42 PM
sam has a pair of magic hands...
those guys must have been naughty...
there are rules in this forum...;)

thks bro big sexy. i shall not ask for the details then...

btw, i meant to say "i saw some bros wif >100 (i think i also saw some >1000) rep point (not rep power) but no rep power".

sorry for the typo. :o

28-11-2010, 04:06 AM
boss sam & bro big sexy,

wats wrong wif ppl in SBF?

contribute also kena ZAPPED, dun contribute say nvr contribute.

i'm now pretty sure tat tis reputation system is bein misused!
esp by very snr members (aka 'semi-gods') in tis forum. :mad:

previously, i was ZAPPED -6 for just putting a statement. and for wat i know, Singapore is a free speech country, for crying out loud. :rolleyes:

ended up wif a ZAP for NO REASON (jus a smiley face)! --> "China Doll KTV - 中国城 14-11-2010 04:35 PM :) "

now, may i know wats wrong wif tis post below?

again, another ZAPPED wif NO REASON or shld i say, a tiny little 'full stop'! --> "Tons of 'interesting'... 27-11-2010 11:22 PM . "

well, it's my 1st time trying to share & contribute, & i merely askin 2 b given a chance to learn how to share my stuffs.

y i was ZAPPED -4 for trying to contribute? any words/sentences in the post tat are provoking? or any other things tat i should be ZAPPED? :confused:

if not, then wats the point of sharing when 'semi-gods' can anyhow ZAPPED ppl & in the end, can get away wif it? fyi, their actions are very discouraging & frustrating to newbie like me who purely jus wan to share stuffs wif others in the forum.

if 'semi-gods' dun like my contribution, they can jus walked away, simple as tat rite? if they really hv to ZAP, at least let me know y my post deserved a ZAP & not jus a 'full stop' or a 'smiley face' then get away wif it.

anyway, i'm looking forward for your reply. if there's nothing u can do abt it, pls let me know. then i will know tat i shld not b wastin my time here trying to contribute.

Thank you.

28-11-2010, 04:48 PM
thks bro big sexy. i shall not ask for the details then...

btw, i meant to say "i saw some bros wif >100 (i think i also saw some >1000) rep point (not rep power) but no rep power".

sorry for the typo.

Yah i also saw that too. What is more puzzling is that I saw some similar names like s.b.y & s.b.y.1 ? :confused:

Big Sexy
28-11-2010, 06:01 PM
why are you puzzled?:confused:
i used the advance search and saw nicks like
white tiger, white lion, white dolphin, white crane, white rabbit..

Yah i also saw that too. What is more puzzling is that I saw some similar names like s.b.y & s.b.y.1 ? :confused:

29-11-2010, 04:42 PM
boss sam & bro big sexy,

wats wrong wif ppl in SBF?

anyway, i'm looking forward for your reply. if there's nothing u can do abt it, pls let me know. then i will know tat i shld not b wastin my time here trying to contribute.

Thank you.

Dude, like chill and stop whinning......:rolleyes:

Once you get the first power point, you have to wait to be a member for a full year to get another power point. I know it's like quite cool to get rep points and power points and stuff but if you are here for the long term, the points are just going to come to you.

However, whinning is for sure not going to get you anywhere. Be laidback a bit. And maybe your signature could do with a little fine tuning ? Don't be too opinionated.

29-11-2010, 05:28 PM
Dude, like chill and stop whinning......:rolleyes:

Once you get the first power point, you have to wait to be a member for a full year to get another power point. I know it's like quite cool to get rep points and power points and stuff but if you are here for the long term, the points are just going to come to you.

However, whinning is for sure not going to get you anywhere. Be laidback a bit. And maybe your signature could do with a little fine tuning ? Don't be too opinionated.

thks for ur advise dude.

i already gotten lotsa support (in term of advise) & encouragement frm other bros & i truly believe there are many other nice & cool bros in tis forum, despite some rotten apples tryin to make things more diff.

anyway, i'm cool wif my siggy & my posts will tell everything.

thks again for ur suggestion. :)

03-12-2010, 12:20 AM
A single post asking for contacts probably won't get you zapped but a quick search of your messages shows that all you've posted since you joined are requests for contacts and some lame one liner comments.

There are very few posts, if any, where you have actually contributed some useful information for the benefit of others here. People are sick and tired of your "can i have the ctc?" crap.

That's probably the reason why your points have been deducted. Come to think of it I feel like zapping you too!
Bro Sam,
Like your clarification on something, I been using the same nick for about three years. I have been sharing this nick with my uni roommate for about year, when I move away I told him to get his own nick. I just found out that he register the same password. Nothing went wrong, so neither bother change the password. For reason unknown to me I had my power taken away. Please my CP I have not zapped anyone. If I was a clone my function is to zapped people. I have never done that.
If was the password, one of us could change it.
Thank you for your kind responds.


03-12-2010, 02:24 AM
check your user cp, your account was probably used to zap someone with vulgar language without leaving names. That is the most common reason the points would suddenly reverse.

03-12-2010, 03:15 AM
thks for ur advise dude.

i already gotten lotsa support (in term of advise)

Should be "Thanks for your ADVICE dude." and "(in terms of ADVICE).".

"Advise" is a verb.

03-12-2010, 03:16 AM
For reason unknown to me I had my power taken away. Please my CP I have not zapped anyone.


You are responsible for the security of your account. You did a stupid thing by sharing an account and not keeping your password secure. You have to live with the consequences.

03-12-2010, 09:22 AM
You are responsible for the security of your account. You did a stupid thing by sharing an account and not keeping your password secure. You have to live with the consequences.

Just a question, I have been guilty of sharing my computer with friends over coffee viewing FL and WL on the SBF.
Friends have asked me to register them as they are not tech savvy.... without intending to be a clones..... I thought that is just helping friends. There will many reason to be zapped, but please reconsider the individual reasons....I know I might speak for a few bros here, we do introduce friends to the forum, which increase the interest in the community.
Just my humble comments.

03-12-2010, 11:28 AM
we do introduce friends to the forum, which increase the interest in the community.
Just my humble comments.

You are at liberty to introduce as many friends as you want. The more the merrier.

However, blaming your friends when abuse of your account is detected is not a valid excuse.

03-12-2010, 12:16 PM
You are at liberty to introduce as many friends as you want. The more the merrier.

However, blaming your friends when abuse of your account is detected is not a valid excuse.

Bro Sam,
I am not blaming my friends and just saying that when I have friends that is not tech savvy asked for my help, I do register on their behalf, never meant to be a clone. as far as abuse, that is up the owners of the forums to decide. As forums users we look at how fair the forum implements their rules.
I'm sure feel soar as I am not a clone, as I stated clearly that my nick was zapped to negative and I have decided to change a new nick and have used it ever since. I never upping a samster here is a violation.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my concerns.

My humble two cents.

12-12-2010, 11:56 PM
Hi boss, I understand you mentioned that for those who zap without leaving any nick will be dealt with.

I had been zapped by unknown nick and without any reason too. Kindly investigate.


13-12-2010, 12:18 AM
just take it and carry on.
even with negative pts,i can still contribute and post.

13-12-2010, 03:12 AM
I had been zapped by unknown nick and without any reason too. Kindly investigate.

Reputation votes are secret. There is no requirement to leave a nick or a reason for zapping.

Big Sexy
13-12-2010, 11:28 AM
there is no such rule.
where did u hear that from???
only those who zap with vulgarities and without
leaving their nick will be dealt with..

for those who zap without leaving any nick will be dealt with.

Rasta Marley
20-12-2010, 08:43 PM
Hi Bro

I just wanted to check on the following.

I was advised by a fellow samster that once you reach 35 points, a samster's power will "kick-in". Now that I have reached 39 reputation points, I noticed that my power is still "0". Is there any particular reason bro, or so am I required to do something first before attaining the power?

Would be obliged if you could advise accordingly if I have missed anything. Many thanks

Kind Regards
Rasta Marley

20-12-2010, 08:48 PM
Hi Bro

I just wanted to check on the following.

I was advised by a fellow samster that once you reach 35 points, a samster's power will "kick-in". Now that I have reached 39 reputation points, I noticed that my power is still "0". Is there any particular reason bro, or so am I required to do something first before attaining the power?

Would be obliged if you could advise accordingly if I have missed anything. Many thanks

Kind Regards
Rasta Marley

this one i know.u have not make enough post yet.till day only 7. continue posting, your power will come in...

Rasta Marley
20-12-2010, 09:04 PM
Hi Bro Waiwaiz

Thanks for your quick response.

Noted; actually i have more posts than the 7 indicated. Quite a few of my posts "disappeared" when Rachel's threads were taken off from SBF. Wonder if these posts count as it's not right to exclude those when someone chooses to remove their threads totally. I have also received reputation points from Rachel.

Thanks for your note; much appreciated Bro.

Kind Regards
Rasta Marley

this one i know.u have not make enough post yet.till day only 7. continue posting, your power will come in...

20-12-2010, 10:00 PM
your"re welcum........i didnt know thread being delete our post count also effected. but nvm la.come here juz for fun, if can get a gd screw its more than enough to make up le.....
cheers.....merry xmas :)

23-12-2010, 02:41 AM
Hi Boss,

Wanted to check on something that happened recently,

After a recent posting, Bro Rasta Marley tried to up my points but was unable to due to his power being zero. Nothing wrong with this but for the fact that he had already reached 39 points at the time. The up was not reflected in my points but his remarks were listed in my user cp. (Grey dot)

He has since received his power and is able to up anyone accordingly. I had up his points recently for a well written FR. When he tried to up me again for a well written report he was unable to, he was told that he had already up my points. We have only 2 days to get an up from fellow Bros and can only up the same person again after a 1000 other ups.

With such restrictions don you think he should be able to up me since his first up was unsuccessful, in terms of actual points, in the first place..

I know it seems too much to ask, but I try to get it(points) where ever I can.. Not all our posts are read and those who like the posts just don't up us as often as we would like them to.. Here I have a Bro who likes my posts but is unable to up me, (actually he has, but an empty one).

It does feel good to be appreciated and that should be enough, but the points are a motivator. Never heard this happen before so I thought I'll bring it up..

Sorry to have troubled you..


23-12-2010, 03:45 AM
After a recent posting, Bro Rasta Marley tried to up my points but was unable to due to his power being zero. Nothing wrong with this but for the fact that he had already reached 39 points at the time.

He had 39 points but he didn't have enough posts.

23-12-2010, 04:17 AM
He had 39 points but he didn't have enough posts.

boss, probably need to change rule #1...

1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.

in order to have rep power(s), one must have more than 35 rep points & must have at least 10 posts. :)

23-12-2010, 04:25 AM
He had 39 points but he didn't have enough posts.

Thanks for the reply Boss, I read the thread and found that out but the fact that he could not up me again is the question at hand.

That first attempt should not count as there were no points gained. He should have been allowed to up my points after he got his power. Actually, he did have enough posts but they had been removed because the thread he posted them on had been removed.

Why can't the new attempt to up my points be counted? This is the question, based on the above facts.

Thanks once again.


23-12-2010, 05:01 AM
boss, probably need to change rule #1...
in order to have rep power(s), one must have more than 35 rep points & must have at least 10 posts. :)

Anyone who reaches 35 points with less than 10 posts is automatically added to the suspected "clone" list as there is usually some sort of hanky panky going on.

23-12-2010, 05:03 AM
That first attempt should not count as there were no points gained. He should have been allowed to up my points after he got his power.

Members should not fire their guns if all they have is blanks. He wasted a shot. :p You certainly sound desperate for points. What's going on?

23-12-2010, 05:49 AM
Members should not fire their guns if all they have is blanks. He wasted a shot. :p You certainly sound desperate for points. What's going on?

Hi Boss,

Thanks for the reply.

I knew this question would pop up eventually...

Nothing much going on, just trying to see if I can accumulate points, thats all.. Tried to see if my postings really got noticed and so far they do, got carried away in the process, not desperate.. Then this incident happened and felt cheated.. so started to ask and see if it's possible to get what I missed out on..

I think it's a fad for now and will diminish eventually.. But it feels good when people you don't even know give good comments or up your points for your written work/help. On second thought it might last for awhile..,

Thanks for your help.


23-12-2010, 01:44 PM
Anyone who reaches 35 points with less than 10 posts is automatically added to the suspected "clone" list as there is usually some sort of hanky panky going on.

now i understand y u dun mention the latter in rule #1. ;)

23-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Hi Boss,

Did you by any chance up my points? Someone up my points but did not leave a nick.. I know there are other bros with 10 power points but you are the only one I was writing to regarding the points..

If it was you, I would like to thank you so very much and also for hearing me out..

Even if it wasn't you, thanks for the answers..



Advent Children
02-01-2011, 03:01 PM
Hi boss.

How come my points changed from
Positive to negative and my power removed ?

I dun believe I did anything wrong or offended anyone - -


P.S Did pm u but no reply.

02-01-2011, 04:37 PM
I dun believe I did anything wrong or offended anyone - -


Advent Children zaps cutegal83 19:22, 30th Mar 2010 -2 Fuckin fat n ugly !!! Knn ccb.

Advent Children zaps Achor 03:40, 9th Sep 2010 -2 Knnccb give fake contact !!!! The Lord

Advent Children
02-01-2011, 04:48 PM
Ok my points to justify.

The first post abt the gal. The gal was originally intro by me under 19 Yr old Taiwanese. U can check. She cheated me of $100 cash an came out to wrk by herself. Hence I dwn her.

The second post abt the fake contact. I was really given a fake contact. Hence I dwn him.

I dun anyhow dwn pple.
For your kind consideration.

Thanks boss.


Advent Children
02-01-2011, 04:52 PM
Boss if u feel my action is inappropriate. I apologize.

Anyway thanks.


02-01-2011, 04:57 PM
Ok my points to justify.

The first post abt the gal. The gal was originally intro by me under 19 Yr old Taiwanese. U can check. She cheated me of $100 cash an came out to wrk by herself. Hence I dwn her.

The second post abt the fake contact. I was really given a fake contact. Hence I dwn him.

I dun anyhow dwn pple.
For your kind consideration.

Thanks boss.


You can fuck and zap whoever you want for whatever reason you choose. It's a free world.


1) You used vulgarities without leaving your nick in the first instance.

2) You then used vulgarities and pretended to be "The lord".

It is clearly spelt out in the very first post of this thread that this sort of behaviour results in moderation being imposed. :p

PS: You don't need to apologise to me. I'm not the target of your profanities or the victim of your impersonation. I'm just here to maintain law and order.:D

Advent Children
02-01-2011, 06:52 PM
Sure ur say is final.

Ur the owner and the boss.

Pls delete my account then.


02-01-2011, 06:52 PM
hi boss.. i would like to know who is the guy that gave me a zap unreasonably!!!.. i have never offended ppl and my life since 2002 has been a peaceful one.. can please help track down the bugger???


Advent Children
02-01-2011, 09:28 PM
Boss !!

Can return me my power and reputation ? Promise the past kinda stuff wun happen again.

There's this guy nicked dotz under orgy and swing thread. His circulating a fake contact. I verified with him and end up he became aggressive.


03-01-2011, 02:36 AM
hi boss.. i would like to know who is the guy that gave me a zap unreasonably!!!.. i have never offended ppl and my life since 2002 has been a peaceful one.. can please help track down the bugger???

He doesn't like what you posted so he zapped you. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's what the rep system is for. You can't expect 100% support for ALL your posts ALL of the time.

03-01-2011, 02:38 AM
Hi bro, i have been a member for almost 3 yrs le... I dont have any rep power at all...

Read the first post of this thread.

03-01-2011, 03:42 AM
Sure ur say is final.

Ur the owner and the boss.

Pls delete my account then.


Your account has been deleted.

04-01-2011, 03:41 AM
Read the first post of this thread.

I think there is a better way to put it bro .
If your rep point > 35 then 1 rep point per year will be added .
Am I right ?
I was also confused when I read it .


05-01-2011, 09:04 PM
Hi bro Sam,
What up, how come I got zapped to negative, did I do anything wrong?
As far as know I was fine, without any activities.
Need clarification, please.
I earn every point on this nick.... please refer to my records.


06-01-2011, 02:21 AM
Hi bro Sam,
What up, how come I got zapped to negative, did I do anything wrong?
As far as know I was fine, without any activities.
Need clarification, please.
I earn every point on this nick.... please refer to my records.


Hello bro Sam,
Sorry to bother you again, it has been two years I had this problem, I was accused of being of a clone by those jokers and You or your moderators put me into negative points which I was fine with......through the months I have received hard earn points from bros that find my posting useful and then I was zapped by those same bunch of jokers to negative very badly.
Who know if they are also clones...of the same few person.......
I complain to you and you return all the points that had been zapped from me since the beginning[3X I earn points to power and got zapped unfairly].
I thought You have cleared me, as You restated my statues.

I would request you kind consideration, as I am a genuine Samster, not a clone, if I was why would defend my NICK 3X; bringing it back from Negative points to again and again. Most would just created a new nick.
Thanks you for hearing my humble request.
I know this is your forum, that is why I asked you be fair and weight my request from a real Samster............to interacted without false accusation........ of being a clone of anyone..............
Thank you in advance.

06-01-2011, 03:01 AM
I know this is your forum, that is why I asked you be fair and weight my request from a real Samster............to interacted without false accusation........ of being a clone of anyone..............
Thank you in advance.

Hi there. You used these accounts to manipulate the rep points system on 2 Dec 2010. This violates rule 10. :p


06-01-2011, 06:04 AM
Hi Boss, think I have been cloned/mass zapped. If you have the time, appreciate if you can check it out. If not, oh well, fortune ain't on me then :)

06-01-2011, 07:22 AM
Hi Boss, think I have been cloned/mass zapped. If you have the time, appreciate if you can check it out. If not, oh well, fortune ain't on me then :)

I could find no evidence of mass zapping. However, in the course of investigating, I found that you used your clones to increase your own points on 7 Dec 2010. The clones you used were :


You have therefore been placed in moderation.

As you can see, it is sometimes best not to draw my attention any account unless you are 100% sure you have been playing by the rules from day one. :p

06-01-2011, 09:31 AM
Hi there. You used these accounts to manipulate the rep points system on 2 Dec 2010. This violates rule 10. :p


Hello bro Sam,
Every infringement has is punishment, what is mine and how do I earn it back?
My Statues that is if it is still possible.
Even criminal is given a chance to come back to society after they have paid for their crimes.
How do I redeem my self?
Thank you.
By the way, my only clone was aakumu2 because, aakumu was zapped badly, I did not know you would restored my nick to its old standing, but both nick are known to friends.
If you have told me from start, I would have stuck with the one.
On the subject on war chest, you could check even though I had once the power to zapped people, I did not even took grievance on those joker that massed zapped me with their clones.
Please reconsider my humble request.

06-01-2011, 09:35 AM
Hi there. You are not cut off from society at all. There is no prison term or solitary confinement of any sort.;)

You are still at liberty to participate and contribute freely. The only difference is that your posts will not appear immediately.

There are also some red squares next to your reputation to indicate that you have been a naughty boy. :D

I have mentioned many times that it is OK to have more than one account as long as you don't use the accounts to manipulate the reputation score. Your "crime" is not because you registered aakumu2 plus many others. It's because you used those accounts to add points to yourself. That's considered cheating. It's like altering your own salary by hacking into your accounts payroll database. :)

Hello bro Sam,
Every infringement has is punishment, what is mine and how do I earn it back?
My Statues that is if it is still possible.
Even criminal is given a chance to come back to society after they have paid for their crimes.
How do I redeem my self?
Thank you.
By the way, my only clone was aakumu2 because, aakumu was zapped badly, I did not know you would restored my nick to its old standing, but both nick are known to friends.
If you have told me from start, I would have stuck with the one.
On the subject on war chest, you could check even though I had once the power to zapped people, I did not even took grievance on those joker that massed zapped me with their clones.
Please reconsider my humble request.

06-01-2011, 09:48 AM
Hi there. You are not cut off from society at all. There is no prison term or solitary confinement of any sort.;)

You are still at liberty to participate and contribute freely. The only difference is that your posts will not appear immediately.

There are also some red squares next to your reputation to indicate that you have been a naughty boy. :D

I have mentioned many times that it is OK to have more than one account as long as you don't use the accounts to manipulate the reputation score. Your "crime" is not because you registered aakumu2 plus many others. It's because you used those accounts to add points to yourself. That's considered cheating. It's like altering your own salary by hacking into your accounts payroll database. :)

Bro Sam,
Is there no way to redeem my old statues?
YOU were the one that bounce my rep points to where it is now from negative[most of it any way......:)]
How am I suppose to earn my way back from -212 points?
Like to have your fair judgement on this, not asking for a free ticket, but an opportunity to earn my way back.
Thank you.

06-01-2011, 10:01 AM
You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!:D

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".:D

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.

Bro Sam,
Is there no way to redeem my old statues?
YOU were the one that bounce my rep points to where it is now from negative[most of it any way......:)]
How am I suppose to earn my way back from -212 points?
Like to have your fair judgement on this, not asking for a free ticket, but an opportunity to earn my way back.
Thank you.

06-01-2011, 10:19 AM
You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!:D

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".:D

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.

Hello bro Sam,
Thank you for that insight, I will take it in a positive way, just this nick aakumu has some sentimental value, that is why I would like to keep it alive. it would quite impossible from -212..........huh.................:D
Any way thank you for your time..............
If you are ever in town, let me take you around on the house.


08-01-2011, 12:14 AM
updated by Big Sexy (12 Mar 2010)

4. 1 point of reputation power is gained every ONE YEAR...
Boss, I hv been here since Dec 09 but I still hv 0 power leh... May I knw why ?

08-01-2011, 02:17 AM
Boss, I hv been here since Dec 09 but I still hv 0 power leh... May I knw why ?

You haven't reached the 35 point threshold yet.

10-01-2011, 07:33 PM
I'm a bit peeved about this point system, I post a new thread with three Field Reports and all of a sudden I lost 8 points.

I don't really care too much about getting a multitude of points but when a user posting FR's get zapped like this for no apparent reason then the impetus to post more FR and keeping the forum alive quickly fades.

Why should I not be allowed to see who is zapping and who is rewarding? The anonymity only induces abuse of the system.

Would also bee good to get a reason for the zap more than "I dont understand" and "shithead", not very clear reasons for zapping in a post that does not really talk negative about anyone.

14-01-2011, 11:32 PM
No doubt clone zaps are a slight irritant initially to Pak but now it seems to humilate Pak :D

Batam Info Thread 14-01-2011 10:34 AM yah agree indonesia also got a lot of terrorists
Batam Info Thread 13-01-2011 11:11 PM we have also a welcoming committee waiting for you in batam
Batam Info Thread 12-01-2011 11:01 PM i also salute you
Neighbourhood fucker... 11-01-2011 10:22 PM We will send a welcoming party to greet you at the airport
RealEstateGuy & It's... 04-01-2011 10:39 PM hahaha ... you very funny
Batam Info Thread 04-01-2011 12:28 PM You are president of zappers
Bad Luck To Bonk A Girl... 03-01-2011 11:20 PM Happy New Year Mr President
InDo cEwE (Freezone) 31-12-2010 10:08 AM happy new year
InDo cEwE (Freezone) 30-12-2010 12:00 PM You are a naughty president

Reporting to Sam won't to much help

Just accept it in a positive manner

Trims (thanks) for expanding your ALQaeda cell clone zappers network (hehehehehe)

14-01-2011, 11:59 PM
You can start off by creating more clones to add points to yourself. However, this time make sure you don't get caught!:D

I hardly ever check what's going on in rep system database. The only time I take a look is when someone complains about clone or "unreasonable" zapping.

I then investigate and end up unearthing all sorts of dastardly deeds!

In your case, you were found out because the nick "jakarta browser" complained about mass zapping. Turns out he was guilty of mass "upping".:D

Don't take the rep thingy seriously though. It's just there to add a bit of fun to the forum by adding another dimension to the interaction between members. It also brings out the best and worst of human nature and this is what makes the forum a lot more interesting.

I have only this to say! Well done Sammy! :)

20-01-2011, 01:20 AM
Hi Boss,

I've noticed the word samster below everyone's Nick but I've just noticed one with the word 'fake?''. What does that word stand for?

I've also noticed the letter (M), for moderation, beside the word samster but what does (ep) stand for?

Just a bit curious..



jacky chan
20-01-2011, 03:58 PM
Hi Boss Sam,

I was zap with the following remarks on 19 Jan 11.

Hanging Flowers Joints 19-01-2011 02:30 PM You, MoralEpitome, Ichigo Kurasaki and DYBJ blowjob cheebye really have nothing better to do whole fucking day than to post here again and again boasting about your fucking exploitations of the poor KTV girls? Chowcheebye you all hor gao GAO......

I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation

Please advise and Thank you

20-01-2011, 04:12 PM
I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation

Please advise and Thank you

The nick that left those remarks is grouchycabi.

The nick has been placed under moderation.

jacky chan
20-01-2011, 04:21 PM
The nick that left those remarks is grouchycabi.

The nick has been placed under moderation.

Thanks boss for Yr reply. Appreciate that for up keeping the rules n regulation.

20-01-2011, 04:56 PM
Deleted Post

20-01-2011, 05:10 PM
He deserves what he did.
Let's not kick someone who is down.

Bonk Bonk....

20-01-2011, 10:15 PM
I understand that using people who abuse the system by making vicious attacks and spewing vulgarities anonymously without leaving nick will have their nicks exposed and placed under moderation

Mr. Mod,
what is your definition of vicious?

20-01-2011, 11:22 PM
Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 11:10 PM ????
Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 08:37 PM sss
For your viewing pleasure 20-01-2011 04:53 PM )

Hahaha.. after the lesson you taught a samster, all the zappers are left speechless to protect their nick and points...
I feeling great !!!:D

Good night to you zappers? May you sleep well and sweet dreams !


21-01-2011, 07:13 PM
Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 11:10 PM ????
Events in Chang ping 20-01-2011 08:37 PM sss
For your viewing pleasure 20-01-2011 04:53 PM )

Hahaha.. after the lesson you taught a samster, all the zappers are left speechless to protect their nick and points...
I feeling great !!!:D

Good night to you zappers? May you sleep well and sweet dreams !


Sammy is a good moderator and was doing the appropriate thing! Zapping & Upping is not disallowed in SB but being rude & offensive and you do so at your own risk! Just sharing my exp and not a Mod here! :D

21-01-2011, 08:13 PM
Sammy is a good moderator and was doing the appropriate thing! Zapping & Upping is not disallowed in SB but being rude & offensive and you do so at your own risk! Just sharing my exp and not a Mod here! :D

What you say makes sense.
Wish you great weekend ahead.


01-02-2011, 01:02 PM
Hi Sam,

I was zap with the following remarks on 1 Feb 11.
Section: Matters of The Heart
Thread: A patron turned lover and hubby.
01-02-2011 10:00 AM
Remarks: fuck your mother cheebye

Section: Adult Discussions about Sex
Thread:Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
28-12-2010 01:22 PM
Remarks: You, like Warbird, are fucking assholes to bully these poor defenceless women like this, using them and dumping them. There is retribution in this world. Just wait, you blowjob cheebye!

Your enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.;)

01-02-2011, 02:33 PM
The culprits are spidey69 for the 1 Feb remark and grouchycabi for the other one.

Both have been placed under moderation.

Hi Sam,

I was zap with the following remarks on 1 Feb 11.
Section: Matters of The Heart
Thread: A patron turned lover and hubby.
01-02-2011 10:00 AM
Remarks: fuck your mother cheebye

Section: Adult Discussions about Sex
Thread:Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs
28-12-2010 01:22 PM
Remarks: You, like Warbird, are fucking assholes to bully these poor defenceless women like this, using them and dumping them. There is retribution in this world. Just wait, you blowjob cheebye!

Your enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.;)

01-02-2011, 02:48 PM
The culprits are spidey69 for the 1 Feb remark and grouchycabi for the other one.

Both have been placed under moderation.

Thanks mate
My hero;)

05-02-2011, 06:50 PM
Boss Sam,

Being Lunar New Year and all, I was zapped with the following cursing remarks by a foul mouth loser without leaving his nic:

Hanging Flowers Joints 05-02-2011 05:05 PM Mai dua kang lah! Your hole is as big as sentosa cannon as big as DO_YOU_BJ & MoralEpitome! All the dua kang yao xius here! Don't always talk cock here lah! LOL

Please forgive me if my Hokkein is not perfect but at least I do know that the phrase" yao xius" are profane words in hokkien and equivalent as insulting and cursing entire family in meaninig. :(

It is ok to disagree or argue in an online forum. However using profanity and insulting words are completely uncalled for. Much less using these words hiding behind a monitor and especially, during Lunar New Year cos it does goes to show that the loser behind this zapping is really disrespectful of our traditional culture and value towards another fellow Chinese. I understand from elders that great misfortune and bad luck will befall onto him.

Froum God, your enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

07-02-2011, 11:51 PM
Appreciate that for up keeping the rules n regulation.

fully agreed with it. the boss is very neutral and just if anyone violates one of the rules and regulations.
my point is not -999 cos i still have not violate any of his rules and regulations.

well will still try my best to share and contribute and truly believe that one day,my points will return to postive.

08-02-2011, 10:35 AM
updated by Big Sexy (12 Mar 2010)

1. Everyone starts with 15 reputation points and reputation power of 0. When a reputation score of 35 is reached, reputation power becomes 1.


Can Boss Sammy or anyone enlighten me as I have reached reputation score of 50+ but then I still under moderation and no reputation power, so I was told that my postings is too little.

What is the guide line of min. postings per day or overall postings to gain that reputation power.:)


08-02-2011, 11:58 AM
Can Boss Sammy or anyone enlighten me as I have reached reputation score of 50+ but then I still under moderation and no reputation power, so I was told that my postings is too little.

What is the guide line of min. postings per day or overall postings to gain that reputation power.:)


I have a more pertinent question for you... how did you end up with a rep score of 50+ with only 13 posts containing ZERO useful info... just some inane one liners????:confused:

I've warned you before not to mess with the system.

09-02-2011, 12:28 AM

I hv been zapped this time which I personally opined tt it's unreasonable. Appreciate u could enlighten and also for me to check wif the zapper on the rationale behind this zap:

party on 12feb2011
08-02-2011 08:16 PM
if u dun wan me to up ur pts, den i zap u mr irresponsible

I'm not sure in wat ways was I wrong in posting my comment within tt thread and how am I being irresponsible.


09-02-2011, 03:36 AM
I'm not sure in wat ways was I wrong in posting my comment within tt thread and how am I being irresponsible.


There is no "right" or "wrong" involved. Members are allowed to zap you for no reason whatsoever.

Kuan Aik Hong
09-02-2011, 09:26 AM
Dear Boss, I have been send to moderation for more than half a year. What is my chances of restoring my points and powers back? THanks

Big Sexy
09-02-2011, 09:48 AM
mate.. here is a thought.
why dont you start to contribute?;)

What is my chances of restoring my points and powers back? THanks

09-02-2011, 09:50 AM
What is my chances of restoring my points and powers back? THanks

If you don't start contributing, your chances are ZERO! :D

You have to work your way back one point at a time. It's easy. Many members have done it with no problems whatsoever. ;)

Kuan Aik Hong
09-02-2011, 01:39 PM
If you don't start contributing, your chances are ZERO! :D

You have to work your way back one point at a time. It's easy. Many members have done it with no problems whatsoever. ;)

Sure I will start to contribute right away....:)

Abbie Mayo
17-02-2011, 07:49 AM
I would to lodge a complain that i been zapped with some remarks. Some guys told me i can post here to seek some advice from Sam sir.
Any fun and interesting... 17-02-2011 01:10 AM Rubbish-CB

Abbie Mayo
17-02-2011, 10:35 PM
Sam sir you are very unfair that you never take any action.

17-02-2011, 10:56 PM
Sam sir you are very unfair that you never take any action.

Why dun u just post in your thread that you're looking for someone to take care of you financially.
Better than bidding around the bush saying go drinks, get to know and all that.
The plot leaks water my dear pinay!

19-02-2011, 03:55 AM
Sam sir you are very unfair that you never take any action.

why don't report to police..

19-02-2011, 03:57 AM
I would to lodge a complain that i been zapped with some remarks. Some guys told me i can post here to seek some advice from Sam sir.
Any fun and interesting... 17-02-2011 01:10 AM Rubbish-CB

CB=City Bank;)

Abbie Mayo
20-02-2011, 04:50 PM
Why dun u just post in your thread that you're looking for someone to take care of you financially.
Better than bidding around the bush saying go drinks, get to know and all that.
The plot leaks water my dear pinay!

Does it bother you? You are just another ass hole on the rock.

Abbie Mayo
20-02-2011, 04:51 PM
why don't report to police..

Not funny at all. So lame

20-02-2011, 08:26 PM
Nothing to do so read this thread to pass time.. Had two conclusions; first, some pple just deserve to get zapped... Two, sam is really working hard as the policeman & judge of this whole forum... Good job sam!

20-02-2011, 11:54 PM
Does it bother you? You are just another ass hole on the rock.

There's no need for foul language!
And please dun be acting like an angel when you're nothing but a whore!
And dun be coming here to complain to the moderator about all your rubbish, they got better things to do.
Go tell your UNCLE la......

Abbie Mayo
21-02-2011, 06:10 AM
There's no need for foul language!
And please dun be acting like an angel when you're nothing but a whore!
And dun be coming here to complain to the moderator about all your rubbish, they got better things to do.
Go tell your UNCLE la......

First of all, I dont think you own this web, so is up to everybody to make a complain or comment here. Secondly I don't you are better than a whore, you are worse!!!! Thirdly if you want cry over what I scolded you go and filed a complain to your school teacher or your mother YOU BLOODY ASSHOLE!!!!!!

21-02-2011, 03:01 PM
First of all, I dont think you own this web, so is up to everybody to make a complain or comment here. Secondly I don't you are better than a whore, you are worse!!!! Thirdly if you want cry over what I scolded you go and filed a complain to your school teacher or your mother YOU BLOODY ASSHOLE!!!!!!

So fierce, so vocal, sounds like u need a dicky dick up where the sun dun shine very badly.
Any bros willing to RELEASE her TENSIONS??????

21-02-2011, 03:20 PM
Not funny at all. So lame

what's Lame?

21-02-2011, 03:27 PM
First of all, I dont think you own this web, so is up to everybody to make a complain or comment here. Secondly I don't you are better than a whore, you are worse!!!! Thirdly if you want cry over what I scolded you go and filed a complain to your school teacher or your mother YOU BLOODY ASSHOLE!!!!!!

Hallo,i told YoU to report police.
And Now you copy my advice to tell bro Complain to teacher and ....
YoU the one=Lame:D

Don't bring your Mother Here:p

22-02-2011, 03:30 AM
i'm still newbies and hope i did not make any mistake that can meke me being banned from this forum..

22-02-2011, 01:19 PM
Dear Boss

I would like you to check who is these two zappers who zap me..

Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 11:15 AM drop in to zap big timer
Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 06:03 AM you asking for zap!!!!!!!!!!!


22-02-2011, 01:36 PM
Dear Boss

I would like you to check who is these two zappers who zap me..

Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 11:15 AM drop in to zap big timer
Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 06:03 AM you asking for zap!!!!!!!!!!!


Reputation votes are secret. Nicks will not be disclosed.

26-02-2011, 07:33 AM
Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 05:10 PM Act hero for righteous hahaha
Any fun and interesting... 22-02-2011 09:26 PM whahahahaha
Any fun and interesting... 24-02-2011 07:40 AM complain many many
Any fun and interesting... 24-02-2011 08:58 AM wow u very power.
Any fun and interesting... 24-02-2011 10:06 AM waste bandwidth lidat kpkb
Any fun and interesting... 24-02-2011 01:58 PM U so smart u will get zapped. Ur wish is granted
Any fun and interesting... 25-02-2011 12:52 PM wat's this? garbage posting!
Any fun and interesting... 25-02-2011 03:29 PM nonsense boh liao...omg
Any fun and interesting... 25-02-2011 09:39 PM Omg! so childish

Boss i have been mass zapping like no body business can you help to check this out.This is a mass zapping and what you call war.Thanks you in advance to trouble you and the effort to check it out.

Rdgs: TechnoKid

26-02-2011, 10:54 AM
great thread!


03-03-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi boss/mods,

I know votes are a secret but is there any remote chance u can check for me who upped me on the following as I would like to send a thank you msg to the bro? :)

"bye bye sbf---milk swan... 02-03-2011 01:19 AM Power up..."


03-03-2011, 06:08 PM
Hi boss/mods,

I know votes are a secret but is there any remote chance u can check for me who upped me

Reputation votes are secret. If he wanted you to know, he would have left his nick.

07-03-2011, 03:23 AM
Dear Boss Sammy,

Reference to your rules 7, 8 and 9, please assist to look into those unfair zappings by anonymous bros in below thread. They zapped me for no valid reason, or simply labelled me as OKT clone when I posted +ve comments of a FL, zapped and say support you (what i have posted).


The other bro beautyhunter had also been fired badly for supporting some some FLs/OKTs.

I think this zappings have been unfair and the power to zap bros anonymously has become more like a "murder". When they don't like you, they zap you, not because of those reasons stated in your rules.

Thank you.

07-03-2011, 03:42 AM
I think this zappings have been unfair and the power to zap bros anonymously has become more like a "murder". When they don't like you, they zap you, not because of those reasons stated in your rules.

Thank you.

The reputation system was not designed to be "fair". It's there to measure the level of support for the views and content that you contribute. :D

31-03-2011, 12:23 AM
Bro Sammyboyfor,

I used to have power of 2 and many FR posts. But now my power is 0 then posts only left 7. Is it possible to get back my power and FR posts?

Please advise. Thank you...

Big Sexy
31-03-2011, 07:18 AM
u need more post..
hit 10 and u should get the rep power ..;)

I used to have power of 2 and many FR posts. But now my power is 0 then posts only left 7. Is it possible to get back my power and FR posts?

10-04-2011, 01:32 AM
I want my power is 3-5, how can have it?
Why Akin have only 48 points but his power is 3?

10-04-2011, 10:45 AM
I want my power is 3-5, how can have it?
Why Akin have only 48 points but his power is 3?

You need a reputation score of 35 or more before power kicks in.

13-04-2011, 01:55 AM
Bro.. Most of fl go by point rep power.. I new here and I keen about few gals.. Bt they don seem to trust me what can I do? I just join not long ago

13-04-2011, 03:45 AM
Bro.. Most of fl go by point rep power.. I new here and I keen about few gals.. Bt they don seem to trust me what can I do? I just join not long ago

Trust needs to be earned.

13-04-2011, 07:17 AM
why am i still in moderation? i have posted a few years here:confused:

You are not under moderation. Those under moderation will have an (M) beneath their nicks.

Big Sexy
13-04-2011, 03:08 PM
that shouldnt be the case,
can u try again and revert back? thanks

but after i post messages, it wont appear immediately, need to go through mods:confused:

16-04-2011, 08:39 PM
This guy "drekman" is scolding or insulting many samsters regularly. I noticed his reputation is downgraded to Samster(M) but he still managed to post 'scolding' today. Can admin help to check and advise? thanks.

His history of posting are here for your easy reference.

17-04-2011, 09:48 AM
This guy "drekman" is scolding or insulting many samsters regularly. I noticed his reputation is downgraded to Samster(M) but he still managed to post 'scolding' today.

Moderated members can still post messages. The only difference is that there will be a delay before their messages appear.

20-04-2011, 01:48 PM
just got power yesterday, a quick question, will i be able to decide how much rep points to give? I can't seem to know how much to give, but i see people telling me "up you 8 points, up you 3points" and it seems that they know how much they can give to other.

Just my noobie question and hope you understand

Big Sexy
20-04-2011, 02:54 PM
you cannot choose how many points to give,
if you have a rep power of 2 , u can only give 2 points each time,
no more no less, however you can only neg about half of what you can give.

just got power yesterday, a quick question, will i be able to decide how much rep points to give?

20-04-2011, 02:58 PM
thank you for the clarification... By the way, i just got zap for nothing. Sianz.. think just have to get use to the system

20-04-2011, 11:43 PM
What an Ass-hole 20-04-2011 11:04 PM see you one time. zap you one time

Ganna zap because he wrote this

21-04-2011, 03:04 AM
boss, can explain to me why some of the tiles are in light green and some in dark green,
what does it means. thanks.

21-04-2011, 03:42 AM
boss, can explain to me why some of the tiles are in light green and some in dark green,
what does it means. thanks.

I have no idea.

23-04-2011, 03:17 PM
Whats the maximum power attainable?

23-04-2011, 03:56 PM
There is no maximum.

The nick with the highest power at the moment is Sammyboy RSS Feed (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=238062) with a power of 3343.

23-04-2011, 08:44 PM
If sammyboyforum still have bad spammers, this is not good. When status of spammers in the red, they reg new nick and continue spam bad post, waste bandwidth...

24-04-2011, 01:43 AM
hi boss,

have been reading up on this thread trying to find out how to see who upped me but cant seem to find how to. i understand that those who up me and wants to remain anonymous will remain so. how abt those that leave their nick? where will i see it? do i see it in a form of a pm?

cheers and thanks in advance

24-04-2011, 04:49 AM
hi boss,

have been reading up on this thread trying to find out how to see who upped me but cant seem to find how to. i understand that those who up me and wants to remain anonymous will remain so. how abt those that leave their nick? where will i see it? do i see it in a form of a pm?

cheers and thanks in advance

Check your user CP.

24-04-2011, 10:49 AM
There is no maximum.

The nick with the highest power at the moment is Sammyboy RSS Feed (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=238062) with a power of 3343.

hi boss sam,

probably tat nick will rarely b used to up/zap.

anyway, does "Hero7" exist?


Big Sexy
24-04-2011, 10:58 AM
why dont you read the other stickies then?

click on question 21

have been reading up on this thread trying to find out how to see who upped me but cant seem to find how to.

24-04-2011, 01:08 PM
why dont you read the other stickies then?

click on question 21

thanks bro!!!

24-04-2011, 10:46 PM
How can i have points?

24-04-2011, 11:01 PM
How can i have points?

not sure i understand ur qn correctly...

in order to gain rep pts, only samster wif rep power will be able to do so.

for more dtls, kindly read the stickies provided by boss and/or bro Big Sexy.

p/s: bro Big Sexy jus provided 1 of the sticky link jus few post above.

25-04-2011, 02:45 AM
boss, can explain to me why some of the tiles are in light green and some in dark green,
what does it means. thanks.

i'm not the boss but maybe i can try to explain... more information can be found in the vBulletin website. vBulletin is the forum software that SBF uses... the "reputation tiles" is a graphic representation of user reputation points in vBulletin forums... the current setting for SBF should be as follows:

all users start with the dark green tile

first dark green tile = 1 to 99 points
second dark green tile = 100 to 199 points
and so on...
max quantity of dark green tiles = 5

when a user reach 500 points, the light green tile is activated...

first light green tile = 500 to 699 points
second light green tile = 700 to 899 points
and so on...
max quantity of light green tiles = 6

so the max total green tiles = 11 (even if the user's points exceeds 1700)

there are also red and grey tiles but i think their meaning is obvious right?

the above is based on my observations only. correct me if i'm wrong... hope that helps :D

25-04-2011, 03:58 AM
How can i have points?

You already have points.... 28 to be exact.

25-04-2011, 06:02 PM
My power is: 2
Why? I only have 56 points :D. I see somebody at here have more 100 poinst but power only: 1
I'm very glad and happy :D. Thanks!

Big Sexy
25-04-2011, 07:31 PM
why dont you read the first page of this thread?
you are into your 2nd year with the bbs,
that is why you have a rep power of 2.

My power is: 2
Why? I only have 56 points :D. I see somebody at here have more 100 poinst but power only: 1
I'm very glad and happy :D. Thanks!

25-04-2011, 07:36 PM
i'm not the boss but maybe i can try to explain... more information can be found in the vBulletin website. vBulletin is the forum software that SBF uses... the "reputation tiles" is a graphic representation of user reputation points in vBulletin forums... the current setting for SBF should be as follows:

all users start with the dark green tile

first dark green tile = 1 to 99 points
second dark green tile = 100 to 199 points
and so on...
max quantity of dark green tiles = 5

when a user reach 500 points, the light green tile is activated...

first light green tile = 500 to 699 points
second light green tile = 700 to 899 points
and so on...
max quantity of light green tiles = 6

so the max total green tiles = 11 (even if the user's points exceeds 1700)

there are also red and grey tiles but i think their meaning is obvious right?

the above is based on my observations only. correct me if i'm wrong... hope that helps :D
thanks, very detailed indeed

25-04-2011, 10:03 PM
sian.. also dunno y tio zapped.. points dropping like siao.. :confused:

now i just check user cp, and know y liao.. boss minus me many points.. :(

26-04-2011, 05:07 AM
sian.. also dunno y tio zapped.. points dropping like siao.. :confused:

now i just check user cp, and know y liao.. boss minus me many points.. :(

Why did it happen?

26-04-2011, 09:38 PM
Hi Mr Sammyboyfor

I found a reputation on me dated 08-01-2011 with the comment as shown below in blue:

Latest Reputation Received
Thread Date Comment
Petain Incident 08-01-2011 10:14 PM KNNPCB!!! U think we idiots izzitt!! KNNPCB!!!

Is this comment acceptable? If not how can we prevent re-occurence?

Pls advice


27-04-2011, 03:11 AM
It is not acceptable. Why did you end up receiving such remarks?

Hi Mr Sammyboyfor

I found a reputation on me dated 08-01-2011 with the comment as shown below in blue:

Latest Reputation Received
Thread Date Comment
Petain Incident 08-01-2011 10:14 PM KNNPCB!!! U think we idiots izzitt!! KNNPCB!!!

Is this comment acceptable? If not how can we prevent re-occurence?

Pls advice


27-04-2011, 09:10 PM
Why did it happen?


I get wet during heavy down pour. Out of good will, I post this thread:

Heavy rain at Petain


Hi Bros

Petain also have heavy rain. The rain is heavy and sudden. So all bros pls take care. Pls remember to bring your umbrella along.


28-04-2011, 11:36 PM
It is not acceptable. Why did you end up receiving such remarks?

Hi Mr Sammyboyfor

May i request to know who left this remarks? Will the system do something if such thing happen?

Thank you Boss

29-04-2011, 04:48 AM
Hi Mr Sammyboyfor

May i request to know who left this remarks? Will the system do something if such thing happen?

Thank you Boss

The nick that left those remarks is rammerstein. The nick is under moderation.

29-04-2011, 08:56 PM
The nick that left those remarks is rammerstein. The nick is under moderation.

Thank you Sammyboyfor

06-05-2011, 06:48 PM
Hi Bros,

Firstly i would like to thank Sammy for starting an awesome forum for all of us to share.

I have been around for a couple of months and have enjoyed the info shared in the past. As it is hard to gain access these days because of the wind blowing strong, i have in need of getting better rep/power to sextifsy my needs and wants.

My question is, if i cant FR openly now how do i increase my rep points? Also power comes after 35 points so i cant up someone if he has a good share. This would be the case of chicken and egg.

Your thoughts on this?

Sorry if i pissed anyone off - just another guy wanting to cheong

Big Sexy
06-05-2011, 08:36 PM
you could contribute to the other sections.
picture exchange and adult discussion are good places to gain rep points.
and if you are really so desperate for points, get it from me..
drop me a pm..

Your thoughts on this?

10-05-2011, 06:05 PM

i have been here for like more than 3 years.
till now i still dont understand how the rep system works.
sorry for my stupidness.

rep power, is it reset everyday? eg. if got rep power of 2, every day can up/down 2 times?

from what i read from the 1st post in this thread, an account will have 1 rep power for every 1 year here. i am already 3 years here, do i have 3 rep power?

i really dont know how to get rep power after all these years.

Big Sexy
10-05-2011, 07:10 PM
once you have rep point of 35.. you will get your rep power.

rep power of 2 means you can give 2 points to another samster everyday.


from what i read from the 1st post in this thread, an account will have 1 rep power for every 1 year here. i am already 3 years here, do i have 3 rep power?

ep power, is it reset everyday? eg. if got rep power of 2, every day can up/down 2 times?


10-05-2011, 07:34 PM
once you have rep point of 35.. you will get your rep power.

rep power of 2 means you can give 2 points to another samster everyday.

thank you.

12-05-2011, 07:26 PM
Hi erm been here since 2008 started a tread in fl dome 3 3days ago,but today got a senior bro pm say my tread on hold n ask the lady in need to do some sponsor erm does this mean I need to pay to have a tread?and after that pm my power 4points become 0.I'm really confuse now can boss or anyone enlighten me?

22-05-2011, 12:47 AM
hi sammyboyfor

I have been a regular with SBF forum and almost visit the forum every day and also a regular supporter for quite a handful bros here.

Recently, I have made some feedbacks on 2 bros thread (on 21 May) and this unknown person who dare not reveal his nick have been going around zapping me for more than 15 times in 2 days!

In your reputation system update on para 8, you did mention that whoever abuse the system by making vicious attacks will have his nick exposed and placed under moderation!

Thus, I sincerely appeal to you to help me to find out who this "zapper" is and reveal his identity in the SBF forum and placed him under moderation.

Btw, please advise me how does this people go around zapping people?

Thank you so much!

22-05-2011, 04:05 AM
Thus, I sincerely appeal to you to help me to find out who this "zapper" is and reveal his identity in the SBF forum and placed him under moderation.

Btw, please advise me how does this people go around zapping people?

Thank you so much!

I did an investigation and found that you have been using clones to increase your points.

EG on the 15th of May within a space of less than 20 minutes, your points were added to 6 times by the nick "jamiezsb".

Your nick plus the nick jamiezsb will be placed under moderation for the offence.

22-05-2011, 05:38 PM
I did an investigation and found that you have been using clones to increase your points.

EG on the 15th of May within a space of less than 20 minutes, your points were added to 6 times by the nick "jamiezsb".

Your nick plus the nick jamiezsb will be placed under moderation for the offence.


my previous nick was "sggoodcitizen" and tat is the only 1 nick I have till now apart from this 1. It was initially being deleted when i post my comments abt my bad experience with 1 of the thai okt in this forum. Somebody is unhappy abt reading my posts n therefore all my posts n my nick "sggoodcitizen" was deleted.

After i enquire with the administrator, my a/c was "revived" but all my contacts, points n records are all gone! After the bad incident happen, i seldom log in with this user id n only use "sgplaymaster" as my only main a/c.

This time round, the user "jamiezsb" was NOT my clone and he happens to b one of the good n kind soul still hanging in SBF.

1st of all, i do not know how to increase my points!
2nd, apart from this user "jamiezsb", user "hcbj", "MLTR" and "Audacity" also up my points b4. Does that mean these r clones belong to me as well?
3rd, how do you judge me as the owner of these nicks? Can u trace the IP address? Feel free to do so as I am not afraid.

Most importantly, since im the victim of this zapper (who still continues to zap me on 22 May) - i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?

Please advise as I believe all SBF bros would like to know the way you operate this forum!

Thank you. :mad:

22-05-2011, 06:22 PM
Most importantly, since im the victim of this zapper (who still continues to zap me on 22 May) - i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?

Please advise as I believe all SBF bros would like to know the way you operate this forum!

Thank you. :mad:

The way I operate is simple. I concentrate on the technical aspects of running the forum. Server performance, database integrity and maintenance are far more important than the rep system which was introduced just for the fun of it.

The reputation system is very low on my list of priorities. I have better things to do with my time. I check what is going on only when I receive complaints.

However, whenever someone (such as yourself) complains about unfair point deductions and I happen to have some spare time on my hands, I review ALL reputation point transactions (both additions and deductions) to find out what is going on.

In your case, I found that clones have been ADDING to your points which is an abuse of the system just as clone deductions are.

The bottom line... before you complain about anything, make sure you nose is clean or you may end up worse off.

This sort of scenario happens in real life too. A colleague of mine went after the tax man for a refund. The tax department did an investigation and found that he had, in fact, under declared his income over the last 5 years. Instead of a $3000 refund, he ended up having to pay $15,000 in back taxes. :p

Your accusation that I am in "cahoots" with a zapper is the most ridiculous statement I have ever come across. I don't need to be in "cahoots" with anyone. I can add or subtract hundreds of thousands of points simply by accessing the database directly.

22-05-2011, 09:43 PM
The way I operate is simple. I concentrate on the technical aspects of running the forum. Server performance, database integrity and maintenance are far more important than the rep system which was introduced just for the fun of it.

The reputation system is very low on my list of priorities. I have better things to do with my time. I check what is going on only when I receive complaints.

However, whenever someone (such as yourself) complains about unfair point deductions and I happen to have some spare time on my hands, I review ALL reputation point transactions (both additions and deductions) to find out what is going on.

In your case, I found that clones have been ADDING to your points which is an abuse of the system just as clone deductions are.

The bottom line... before you complain about anything, make sure you nose is clean or you may end up worse off.

This sort of scenario happens in real life too. A colleague of mine went after the tax man for a refund. The tax department did an investigation and found that he had, in fact, under declared his income over the last 5 years. Instead of a $3000 refund, he ended up having to pay $15,000 in back taxes. :p

Your accusation that I am in "cahoots" with a zapper is the most ridiculous statement I have ever come across. I don't need to be in "cahoots" with anyone. I can add or subtract hundreds of thousands of points simply by accessing the database directly.

1st of all - i dun control your working time n im not interested in your business & operation model in this forum.

2nd - make sure my nose is clean or i may end up worse off? Is that a threaten that you have just made to me? u do not have the means to b a fair judge on this matter n u definitely not IT certified to even find out who are the real owners of clone users in your forum!

3rd - regarding the tax, you have highlighted a good point for me about your forum. How clean n how legal of you operating your forum over here? Well, im definitely not an OKT n have no time n not interested in your so-called clones in your forum unless yr forum is listed in the stock exchange... well tat mayb a different story!

4th - i use the words "i wonder r u in cahoots with this zapper?" This is a question n not an accusation. Unless u have not something not right or in any case whatsoever, if not there should be no reason for u to worry at all, right?

5th - dun 4get your forum is infiltrated with government ppl not only from AV dept whom are also your forum users. Im sure aft the GE, the new team will b more settled down for some new projects!

One word of advise - when u want to make a judgement on your users - do your homework thoroughtly n with evidence before u make your verdict!

Good luck to you! ;)

23-05-2011, 04:31 AM
One word of advise - when u want to make a judgement on your users - do your homework thoroughtly n with evidence before u make your verdict!

Good luck to you! ;)

Should be "One word of ADVICE..." "Advise" is a noun.

As for passing "judgements" may I remind you that I was minding my own business and was not even aware of your existence till you invited me [via PM AND email] to arbitrate in your childish battle with some other equally lame forum members over some absolutely worthless reputation points.

Being obliged to investigate to avoid being accused of not doing my job as Admin, I duly did a bit of homework and found that you are just as guilty of benefiting from clones as you are from being zapped by clones. If you live by the sword, be prepared to die by the sword.:rolleyes:

With regards to "legality", the forum meets all the legal and tax requirements of the country which it is hosted in. For obvious reasons, I don't host the site in Singapore.

ah rat
23-05-2011, 02:06 PM
Hi Sam,
How about those registering multiple nicks.Are u going to placed them under moderation. :)

23-05-2011, 03:24 PM
Hi Sam,
How about those registering multiple nicks.Are u going to placed them under moderation. :)

I can't tell who has registered multiple nicks so there is no way I can place them under moderation.

ah rat
23-05-2011, 04:01 PM
I can't tell who has registered multiple nicks so there is no way I can place them under moderation.

How about all those nicks ?pita Now alive are Apita,Bpita,Epita,Fpita,Gpita :D

23-05-2011, 04:29 PM
How about all those nicks ?pita Now alive are Apita,Bpita,Epita,Fpita,Gpita :D

If you see any abuse, let me know and I'll investigate when I have the time.

shawn teo
24-05-2011, 09:21 PM
How about all those nicks ?pita Now alive are Apita,Bpita,Epita,Fpita,Gpita

You now busy catching clones ? :p ;)

ah rat
25-05-2011, 10:08 AM
You now busy catching clones ? :p ;)

Ya lor :) If Mr. Sam want me to do :D

27-05-2011, 10:36 PM
from the first post

"9. Those who use the reputation system to frame innocent parties will be exposed and placed under moderation."

does this include PMs, coz i've just been framed

31-05-2011, 12:10 AM
Hi boss is been more than a year that I been sentence to jail and wonder when are u going to release me again?:)

04-06-2011, 10:53 AM
Please advise as I believe all SBF bros would like to know the way you operate this forum!

The way I operate is simple. I concentrate on the technical aspects of running the forum.

Should be "One word of ADVICE..." "Advise" is a noun.

One of Boss Sam's top agenda is to correct the English of some Mas (bros) :D

06-06-2011, 06:19 PM
hi Boss Sam ...

Since you're looking at the trend of mass zapping (clones or not i'm unsure), can I volunteer as specimen for review ?

I've received a lot of zaps recently and I was doing reputation see-sawing for offending one of the bros here (yes-I am sorry because I am a rude boy).

Not sure if mass zapping is infraction to the rules of this forum but was hoping you could do a little research when you have the time.

I'm not looking for payback or anything as I'm just here for some simple TCSS ...

Just would like to understand the zap system better.

Thank you very much for your time.

20-06-2011, 09:26 PM
I am still new.. And yesterday I was zapped three times. My question is I was trying to ask a question and i was zapped twice on the same page and was blamed as okt clone. How come I was not able to ask a simple question and got zapped. :confused:
Another I wanted to ask is... I have been fiddling around but I can't seem to find the up rep button. I have click on the nick and also my reputation but no avail. Maybe I am stupid but just wanted to know how to use it in case I can up something useful. Thanks.

Big Sexy
21-06-2011, 08:01 AM
the rep button is disabled for the newbie and soccer forum.
you also wont find them on post that are older than 2 days in the other forum.

Another I wanted to ask is... I have been fiddling around but I can't seem to find the up rep button. I have click on the nick and also my reputation but no avail. Maybe I am stupid but just wanted to know how to use it in case I can up something useful. Thanks.

25-06-2011, 02:22 PM
hmm strange thing happen..

having rep power of 3 but when i upz samster here, the samster received 3 points, no doubt. But when i zap , only 1 point is deducted, how come ah?

25-06-2011, 08:40 PM
hmm strange thing happen..

having rep power of 3 but when i upz samster here, the samster received 3 points, no doubt. But when i zap , only 1 point is deducted, how come ah?

sis... its not strange. it has been this way for a long time. zap is half of your reputation power. it'll be rounded up and down depending on the system settings :D

26-06-2011, 06:25 PM
sis... its not strange. it has been this way for a long time. zap is half of your reputation power. it'll be rounded up and down depending on the system settings :D

oh ok understood..eh u seem to someone i know..?? :D:confused:

27-06-2011, 11:55 AM
hmm strange thing happen..

having rep power of 3 but when i upz samster here, the samster received 3 points, no doubt. But when i zap , only 1 point is deducted, how come ah?

Look like u hv juz zapped some one..........:p:p

27-06-2011, 08:42 PM
duhz whoever upz me thx for the enlightenment but prob is not becos i want to let pple knw i zap them just that i cant figure out why. :D

01-07-2011, 03:37 PM
Hi Sam! A proven abuser of the forum aakumu @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/member.php?u=262621 seems to have his points raised tremendously from -149 to -86 in a very short time! Since you've caught him abusing the forum I hope you can look into this person profile as I suspect his back to his old tricks! Thanks for looking into this matter! :) He still using his clone nicks to post in the thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=83529 I stand corrected if I'm wrong! ;)

05-07-2011, 08:42 PM
Hi Sam I suspect this is another of his clones nick ; adver @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/member.php?u=466451 Total Posts: 14
Posts Per Day: 1.17 / Total Messages: 0 / Most Recent Message: Never
Last Activity: Today 10:18 AM/ Join Date: 23-06-2011
and he already has a total of 39 points with only 14 postings with none of them in the form of FRs & 2 recent postings advertising Long Dick's services! :rolleyes: Again I stand corrected if I'm wrong & I thank you for looking into this matter! Can't understand why he continues to set up new nicks & abuse the forum rep points & God knows what else! :D

Hi Sam! A proven abuser of the forum aakumu @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/member.php?u=262621 seems to have his points raised tremendously from -149 to -86 in a very short time! Since you've caught him abusing the forum I hope you can look into this person profile as I suspect his back to his old tricks! Thanks for looking into this matter! :) He still using his clone nicks to post in the thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=83529 I stand corrected if I'm wrong! ;)

09-07-2011, 10:13 PM
Hi Big Boss

Please take a look at this:

Oooii... knnbccb! kam lan laa u... U DON'T TALK COCK! what the fuck do u know? What is your fucking contribution on this thread?

I've been a regular customer for years. I'm comparing her service since day 1 until now and I'm sharing with the brothers here the progress of her service. You kao peh lan ciao ahhh!!!

Some foul words are used. Is this acceptable? How can system admin assist to educate these people?

Appreciate your kindness to share opinion.

10-07-2011, 07:04 AM
Some foul words are used. Is this acceptable?

I leave it to you to decide. If you consider it acceptable, just let it be. If you think it's not acceptable, you can zap him.

11-07-2011, 03:19 AM
hi Sam...i was zapped by someone without leaving his nick and using foul words...and the reason he gave was not true at all...are you able to find out who is he? thanks...here's the link...


and pic of proof...


11-07-2011, 07:47 AM
hi Sam...i was zapped by someone without leaving his nick and using foul words...and the reason he gave was not true at all...are you able to find out who is he? thanks...here's the link...

The nick that left those remarks is "white wolf". The nick has been placed under moderation.

11-07-2011, 07:49 AM
Big Boobs Service... 08-07-2011 12:24 PM knn....diam la.

The nick that left those remarks is "sggirls". The nick has been placed under moderation.

11-07-2011, 02:52 PM
The nick that left those remarks is "white wolf". The nick has been placed under moderation.

a big thanks Sam!!!

12-07-2011, 05:39 PM
The nick that left those remarks is "white wolf". The nick has been placed under moderation.

sorry to trouble you again Big Sam...this time i was zapped again by an unknow guy...saying that i'm rude and arrogant and i was once a noob before too...i understand that i was quite harsh against those who are not qualified to ask for ctc from mi and Bro Rav...but both of us have clearly and repeatly state that onli bros with certain pts and above are qualified...

anyway i leave it to you to decide whether this time round this guy who zapped mi is to be punished...this is not the 1st time i was zapped cos of similiar reason...onli this time i'm quite fed up already...thanks in advance...



12-07-2011, 06:18 PM
sorry to trouble you again Big Sam...this time i was zapped again by an unknow guy...saying that i'm rude and arrogant and i was once a noob before too...

There's nothing wrong with being called rude and arrogant. People are entitled to their opinions regarding your posts. :p

As long as there are no profanities, eg "fuck you" "knn" "fuck your mother" etc, I don't get involved.

13-07-2011, 12:12 AM
KNN bro yr simi medicine sibeh powerful leh can even see monk in petain???:eek::eek:

There's nothing wrong with being called rude and arrogant. People are entitled to their opinions regarding your posts. :p

As long as there are no profanities, eg "fuck you" "knn" "fuck your mother" etc, I don't get involved.

Hi Boss

How about in this case there is "KNN". Would you get involved?


13-07-2011, 10:06 AM
Hi Boss

How about in this case there is "KNN". Would you get involved?


If you read your post in that thread and your very own petain thread.
Bro HCKing was not being offensive to you.
Take a chill pill :D

13-07-2011, 10:24 AM
Hi Boss

How about in this case there is "KNN". Would you get involved?


That's not an anonymous profanity via the reputation system. The guy is fucking you in the open forum.

People can screw you and insult you as much as they want in the forum and you can do the same to them. :D

17-07-2011, 11:23 AM

Reputation power kicks in at 40 reputation points. [was 35]

New users start off with 20 reputation points [was 15]

Everything else remains the same. ;)

This move is to thwart the clones for a couple of months. It doesn't fix the problem but it makes them work harder.:D

17-07-2011, 02:15 PM
Been searching this info for sometime and did not find. I am sure it is somewhere but my color blindness seem to affect me locating. So sorry for the silly question:

Which menu I use to up some one with points (or zap someone - I would not normally zap people unless they are out to sabotage either the playgrounds or the forum). The URL link to this would be appreciated.


Big Sexy
17-07-2011, 02:35 PM
ok noted with thanks.. :)


Reputation power kicks in at 40 reputation points. [was 35]

check here..

Which menu I use to up some one with points (or zap someone - I would not normally zap people unless they are out to sabotage either the playgrounds or the forum).

17-07-2011, 08:20 PM
Great move sam! ;) Appriciate your hard work in thwarting the clones from abusing the forum! :D Changes:

Reputation power kicks in at 40 reputation points. [was 35]

New users start off with 20 reputation points [was 15]

Everything else remains the same. ;)

This move is to thwart the clones for a couple of months. It doesn't fix the problem but it makes them work harder.:D

18-07-2011, 10:56 AM

Reputation power kicks in at 40 reputation points. [was 35]

New users start off with 20 reputation points [was 15]

Everything else remains the same. ;)

This move is to thwart the clones for a couple of months. It doesn't fix the problem but it makes them work harder.:D

That's the dumbest move to make .

You are going to make people like me who have 10 thousands clones to start our posts again and flood your forum and waste the bandwidth which you are paying for ?

By doing that , you may think its a smart move and happy with what you did , but its actually the worst move i ever seen you made throughout this years when you catch clones ,anyway , you will see the drawbacks soon .

Have a nice day to all . Regards cloneking :D

18-07-2011, 11:56 AM
You are going to make people like me who have 10 thousands clones to start our posts again and flood your forum and waste the bandwidth which you are paying for ?

That's exactly what I'm waiting for. :D Dormant clones are hard to catch. This change will bring them out of the woodwork and my clone detectors can go to work.

It's not the first time it's been done. Power used to start at 25. It was then changed to 35 and now it's 40.

It'll keep going up as the years go by just like ERP charges.

Big Sexy
18-07-2011, 12:19 PM
and there is always a big sexy who has plenty of time to spare...:D:D

you will see the drawbacks soon

18-07-2011, 01:19 PM
and there is always a big sexy who has plenty of time to spare...:D:D

I've been fiddling with scripts over the past few weeks and I'm beginning to get the hang of using PHP to query the MySQL database and return the results.

There are excellent tutorials at http://www.designplace.org/index.php

Take for example what this moron "cloneking" threatened to do. It's exactly what I want. A simple script will catch an army of clones in seconds. All I need to do is set the search parameters. :p

Big Sexy
18-07-2011, 01:45 PM
Don't let the door hit him on his way out.
We haven't got the dosh to pay to disinfect the door. :D:D

A simple script will catch an army of clones in seconds. All I need to do is set the search parameters. :p

18-07-2011, 02:20 PM
Potential clones.... My first list. [lots more to come]

5 elements
Chengdu dog

18-07-2011, 02:24 PM
cum sucker 1
Fandi Ahmah
FL Bonker
fl saviour

20-07-2011, 02:21 AM
Hi Sam! A proven abuser of the forum aakumu @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/member.php?u=262621 seems to have his points raised tremendously from -149 to -86 in a very short time! Since you've caught him abusing the forum I hope you can look into this person profile as I suspect his back to his old tricks! Thanks for looking into this matter! :) He still using his clone nicks to post in the thread @ http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=83529 I stand corrected if I'm wrong! ;)

So funny now aakumu got positive 4 points Liao.... My question is that do clones get Banned or something ?

20-07-2011, 12:40 PM
hi sammyboy ,u better check properly how i gain my points.i have never abuse the system.better explain before i take further actions since already got negative points....

Relax, bro. I think this would be sorted out. Do give the Boss some time. I also notice that the Boss had placed me in his interim list of clones. I also do not understand how he arrived at this conclusion.

20-07-2011, 12:45 PM
Relax, bro. I think this would be sorted out. Do give the Boss some time. I also notice that the Boss had placed me in his interim list of clones. I also do not understand how he arrived at this conclusion.

It's all done automatically by a method known as profiling.

You fit the profile of an account that is used to manipulate rep points. I'll be watching you very carefully.

20-07-2011, 01:26 PM
hi sammyboy,so the negative points is permanent or what?can explain?

Of course it isn't permanent. You'll be out of moderation once your points return to positive territory.

All you need to do is contribute positively to the forum with useful information and you'll be fine in no time at all.

20-07-2011, 04:47 PM
It's all done automatically by a method known as profiling.

You fit the profile of an account that is used to manipulate rep points. I'll be watching you very carefully.

Thanks for the warning. It makes me feel important.

20-07-2011, 04:50 PM
I believe the Mod/s are working on it but please allow the Mod/s time to do their work! Anyway I'm sure if there is abuse & proof the Mods will act accordingly! BTW Mods thanks for your efforts! :) So funny now aakumu got positive 4 points Liao.... My question is that do clones get Banned or something ?

20-07-2011, 04:56 PM
I believe the Mod/s are working on it but please allow the Mod/s time to do their work! Anyway I'm sure if there is abuse & proof the Mods will act accordingly! BTW Mods thanks for your efforts! :)

I'm not working on anything more at the moment. The scripts are in place to flag clone accounts.

Clones get their points reversed... eg 48 becomes -48, 126 becomes -126.

They are still free to post messages but they no longer have rep power until they get back to +40 points.

21-07-2011, 06:40 AM
fuck u sammyboy,this is a fucking lousy forum,let go to $$$$$forum...

Good bye and good riddance. :p

21-07-2011, 07:54 AM
fuck u char chee bye sammyboy

It's only points. You shouldn't blast the Boss this way. It only reflects on yourself.

21-07-2011, 10:48 AM
fuck u char chee bye sammyboy

Relax , just that he exposed you only and you fuck people . Want to play then be a gentleman and take your failure with pride . :D

21-07-2011, 10:51 AM
Can i ask why my power 7 and power 8 clones not affected at all after waiting for a few days oredi ?

Is it because all of them have 40 over points and that's why they are not affected . Not so many of them though , around 700 of them only . :D

Can you guys try harder . :p

And i think after the catching of clones the viewership had dropped and posts are lot lesser now , so is that why you need to post this http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6148605&postcount=7714 and this http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showpost.php?p=6148617&postcount=7715 to make the members of SHP angry and come out to argue with you and attract viewership . :D

Have a good day all . Hope my guess is wrong . :p