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29-02-2016, 02:36 PM
Bro jeffhardyz & Bro plsbcool,

Gotta look at this pragmatically, willing buyer willing seller plus caveat emptor basis,
(Latin for, "Let the buyer beware. A warning that notifies a buyer that the goods he or she is buying are "as is," or subject to all defects..."

The man is looking for a good time, GFE, first love, honeymoon, free hotel stay, free tour guide plus FB, maybe even transport with a cook thrown in?

The woman / WL is looking for money to pay for next month's rental, family needs, child school fees, next car payments, insurance, kampung house upgrading, new iPhone model, next Gucci bag, etc. etc...

Good sex and true love is the last of her priotities... They see diiferent sizes of C%#Ks and different bedroom skill sets almost on a daily basis... you think you are the best they ever had??? Even if it is so...(see above)...

There must be a balance between needs of both parties... Both parties are fishing but in the end, who is the fisherman and who is the fish?

Go in EYES OPEN... Heart must be strong... Play with small head but think with big head...

I heard a story once from an petite escort in BKK, that had to do a American coloured bro's 8". She wanted to reject when she saw man open the hotel door but man was blue balls & begging, and she had paid 300baht for taxi already... after lots of KY, she made her 5000baht but was not able to work for next few days...

My heart ached for her inside, to us it's a miserable SGD200 but to them then it could be rental for next month... but end of the day, this is but one of millions of sad stories we will hear while chionging... GFE good, KC good, service good, just try to give more tips...

By the way, I also know WL that drives a big Mitsubishi Pajero in Thailand so... :p

Happy chionging guys...

Oh OK, I didn't know that there're still some advocates for WL Puyings arnd in this forum. Fine, I can respect that. I agree wif most of wat u mentioned abt them, like their needs etc. What we disagree is that U seems to stereotype every ppl who goes to LOS to find WLs wif the intentions to exploit them & look for cheap thrills. Maybe u knew plenty of ppl like that, but pls dun judge everybody in the same light.

I know quite a no. of them (WLs) myself & I hav heard many of their stories alrdy. Whether I believe or not, it doesn't matter. Fact is if I like them & they hav given me a gd time, I'll definitely reward them for that. I met 2 WLs @ Bkk, who worked in S'pore as FLs b4, in the past & they've given me some of the Best times I've had @ in Bkk. 1 of them even took 2 days frm work juz to accompany arnd for 2 days str8. I took care of all her expenses & bought her gifts (worth arnd $200) when we went shopping. I even gave her 5000THB to compensate her for her time wif me, which she wanted to reject but I insisted that she took it. Some of u may still think that I'm cheapskate, Cai Tao or watsoever, I dun care! Come On guys, end of the day, it's juz a trade off, 你情我愿, no ones is forcing anything onto anybody.

I dun deny abt the truth of the example u quote abt WLs being exploited & suffered. Those things actually happens all the time in LOS & I oso feel sorry for them too. But if u look @ things in a diff direction, there're oso truck loads of Puyings who r down right cheaters who lived off naive guys who got hooked @ the same time too. U dun hear that many stories frm this aspect becos those who got scam will be ashamed to admit it, let alone share them. Again, I maintain my stand that it's all a trade off, mutual agreement thing. Bros who got scam juz hav to be smarter the nxt time.

Juz saying, Bro GATGP, no offence. Happy Chionging, fellas :)

29-02-2016, 03:47 PM
Oh OK, I didn't know that there're still some advocates for WL Puyings arnd in this forum. Fine, I can respect that. I agree wif most of wat u mentioned abt them, like their needs etc. What we disagree is that U seems to stereotype every ppl who goes to LOS to find WLs wif the intentions to exploit them & look for cheap thrills. Maybe u knew plenty of ppl like that, but pls dun judge everybody in the same light.

I know quite a no. of them (WLs) myself & I hav heard many of their stories alrdy. Whether I believe or not, it doesn't matter. Fact is if I like them & they hav given me a gd time, I'll definitely reward them for that. I met 2 WLs @ Bkk, who worked in S'pore as FLs b4, in the past & they've given me some of the Best times I've had @ in Bkk. 1 of them even took 2 days frm work juz to accompany arnd for 2 days str8. I took care of all her expenses & bought her gifts (worth arnd $200) when we went shopping. I even gave her 5000THB to compensate her for her time wif me, which she wanted to reject but I insisted that she took it. Some of u may still think that I'm cheapskate, Cai Tao or watsoever, I dun care! Come On guys, end of the day, it's juz a trade off, 你情我愿, no ones is forcing anything onto anybody.

I dun deny abt the truth of the example u quote abt WLs being exploited & suffered. Those things actually happens all the time in LOS & I oso feel sorry for them too. But if u look @ things in a diff direction, there're oso truck loads of Puyings who r down right cheaters who lived off naive guys who got hooked @ the same time too. U dun hear that many stories frm this aspect becos those who got scam will be ashamed to admit it, let alone share them. Again, I maintain my stand that it's all a trade off, mutual agreement thing. Bros who got scam juz hav to be smarter the nxt time.

Juz saying, Bro GATGP, no offence. Happy Chionging, fellas :)


No worries and no offence taking...

And no, I am not a WL advocate. Just travel too much and seen too much... maybe look at the world differently with a little bit more compassion... Sometimes just by being born in the wrong place, wrong time, you are f&%Ked and the family literally have spend the next 3,4 generations getting out from the boon docks / kampung to make life better...

Lastly, I think we meant the same with "willing buyer willing seller" and 你情我愿 ?

For not to get scammed by WLs, go in EYES OPENed wide... :rolleyes:


01-03-2016, 05:10 PM
This thread slowly become Aunt Agony thread. :D

Anyway wish those all the best who wants to dwell into a relationship with a WL.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :p

01-03-2016, 05:19 PM
This thread slowly become Aunt Agony thread. :D

U are back after paying??? :D

The Milk Man
02-03-2016, 03:17 AM
Anyone knows what is happening in Soi Cowboy?
I reach there about 11.45pm and went into Suzie Wong..... was surprised to see the girls dressed up and no show tonight..... my beer arrived and was asked to check bin at same time... I ask the waitress what is going on? She says all bars in Soi Cowboy must close by 12midnight tonight and remain closed tomorrow too. Reason?...... she dunno.

I finish my beer and walk out onto Soi Cowboy...... most of the other bars are lights off although still have many people hanging around on the street.
What is going on?

I walk to NEP...... all outlets in full operation. It seems only Soi Cowboy is affected. Anyone knows the reason?

02-03-2016, 12:15 PM
..walk out onto Soi Cowboy...... most of the other bars are lights off although still have many people hanging around on the street.What is going on?
I walk to NEP...... all outlets in full operation. It seems only Soi Cowboy is affected. Anyone knows the reason?
Money no enough for men in brown? ;) Diff precinct?

02-03-2016, 12:30 PM
Truthfully if they shut down soi cowboy and bankrupted the arab bars it would probably be doing us all a favor.

02-03-2016, 02:40 PM
Money no enough for men in brown? ;) Diff precinct?

Bars at Soi cowboy would close early at midnight today. Yes nana plaza and cowboy are both under different precinct. The men in green came down last night anyway. :o

02-03-2016, 02:52 PM
Bars at Soi cowboy would close early at midnight today. Yes nana plaza and cowboy are both under different precinct. The men in green came down last night anyway. :o

Seems that this time round the MIG (Men In Green) is in power for one of the longest period in the history of Thai military coups. :D

03-03-2016, 12:10 PM
If you're coming to BKK from KL I would suggest changing more money from KL. I changed at 10.5 in KLIA and here in BKK is around 8 only.

03-03-2016, 05:50 PM
Guys change dates 14-17 Mar in bkk. Anyone around to chiong pm me..

03-03-2016, 06:06 PM
If you're coming to BKK from KL I would suggest changing more money from KL. I changed at 10.5 in KLIA and here in BKK is around 8 only.

10.5!!!!! U shd have withdrawn all your money from ATM n change to thai baht lo... Dunno u lucky or u bullshitting!!! Or Mayb Naji got too much donation till he give extra rm2 to all money changers!!!

03-03-2016, 09:39 PM
Was in bkk for the weekend, went to NEP , walked up the 3 flrs, many lbs wearing bikinis, got frightened & walked towards Grace htl, on the main rd, many FL there, even kazakhtan& russians there.

04-03-2016, 01:00 PM
10.5!!!!! U shd have withdrawn all your money from ATM n change to thai baht lo... Dunno u lucky or u bullshitting!!! Or Mayb Naji got too much donation till he give extra rm2 to all money changers!!!

I don't think the rate is 10.5 la , like that I will withdraw all my money to change sia lol

04-03-2016, 01:23 PM
I don't think the rate is 10.5 la , like that I will withdraw all my money to change sia lol

I will change all my SG to MY notes and thereafter get 10.5 for my Thai baht!! :D

04-03-2016, 02:27 PM
Was in bkk for the weekend, went to NEP , walked up the 3 flrs, many lbs wearing bikinis, got frightened & walked towards Grace htl, on the main rd, many FL there, even kazakhtan& russians there.

If u are frightened by NEP then Grace hotel will be your nightmare.

04-03-2016, 04:32 PM
10.5!!!!! U shd have withdrawn all your money from ATM n change to thai baht lo... Dunno u lucky or u bullshitting!!! Or Mayb Naji got too much donation till he give extra rm2 to all money changers!!!

The money changer near Capsule Hotel in KLIA2. What benefits do I get from bullshiting on a public forum? Anyways, I guess I was lucky then. Might change my Pesos from this same shop tomorrow morning and see what I get.

05-03-2016, 12:48 AM
The money changer near Capsule Hotel in KLIA2. What benefits do I get from bullshiting on a public forum? Anyways, I guess I was lucky then. Might change my Pesos from this same shop tomorrow morning and see what I get.

Can you also post the name of this money changer and the website address (if any)?

05-03-2016, 04:29 PM
The money changer near Capsule Hotel in KLIA2. ...guess I was lucky then. Might change my Pesos from this same shop tomorrow morning and see what I get.
...changing more money from KL. I changed at 10.5 in KLIA and here in BKK is around 8 only.
Going rate is circa 8.5/6. So if you did 10.5, you struck lottery ..and someone's paying for the boo-hoo:p. This way exceeds spread for buying/selling. Also for your pesos do, don't think lightning strike 2X same spot.

Also, rule of thumb is try not change money at airports -bad deals:D

06-03-2016, 11:26 AM
Just returned from BKK 3 days ago, its a bi- monthly trip for the past 2 years as i juggled work/ party.

Normally my hangouts will be at the bars along NEP and Suk soi 11.

This trip is a bit special for me because finally i was conned 2 days straight in a row, 1st occasion was while i was having my beer at Hillary in NEP a suay mak mak Chiangmai lady approach me and started chatting, bought her 2 rounds of drinks and paid up and i was about to leave, she asked me to ST her at 2.5k, barfine was 500bht, looking at her smooth skin and 1/2 ball i said yes and off we go, while walking back to my hotel passing the night market, she stop at those fake handbags shop and ask me whether i can buy 1 for her, i said no, and proceed to the hotel.

At the lobby i asked the security to register her id and brought her up, in the room thats where the horror starts, she told me to pay her 3k first and i told her we initially agree at 2.5k, she said 500bht is taxi fare for her, i said no, then she said no 3k she wanna go, then i told her to leave, she ask for 150bht taxi money but i just stood at the door and ask her to leave since i fking sianz leaw.

2nd occasion, the 2nd day i was partyin alone at Climax, finishing up my bottle of whiskey from my previous trip, 2 ladies joined my table with their drinks in hand, starts chatting and after an hour i decided to leave, tipped the waitress then 1 of the lady asked to bring 2 of them to my room, at 5k each, i said no was too tired then they ask for 1k tip each, again i said no, gave them 1k to split and they started to talk loudly which my half past six thai understanding could not keep up, lucky for me the waitress came and asked what happen? Waitress told them to return the 1k back to me and bug off, she escorted me out and kiss me and ask me to leave, btw that waitress is a ladyboy :D

Why i'm writing this? Its just an indication that even frequent visitors will get conned no matter how smart we think we are but the thing is that nobody can control what our smallhead is thinking or gonna do next:(

06-03-2016, 02:19 PM
Jsparrow, shit happens. We all got some nasty war stories

06-03-2016, 02:51 PM
anyone in bkk now?

06-03-2016, 05:33 PM
I came to The Lord massage by chance yesterday. I have just returned again this afternoon.

Lord is between MRT station Hwai Khwang and Thailand Culture Center. It's in alley 7 not too far from Main Street. You can't miss it once you are walking into alley 7.

The ladies here are about 5K per session. I would say there are around 25 to 30 ladies. Most of them come here around 2 or 3 pm and soapy closes at midnight. What I like about this more than others is the facility. The room itself is quite large and carpeted. It has flat screen Tv about 32 inches size. The jacuzzi bath tub is quite clean and I don't see any of those black mold around the bath tub like many other massage places.

Both my selection and my friend's lady spoke very well English. From talking to the lady, most of girls work at Lord speak quite ok English. It's very important for me because it makes the session goes very smoothly and not feel awkward. It's what I call GFE should be.

Soi Cowboy:
I took my friend there to experience the more famous street in Bangkok. We went to Bacraca(?). GoGo girls dancing on 3 floors of see through glass dance floor. Girls take term to dance. Every 30 minutes, they will strip naked and dance for few minutes. You tell the waitress which girls you like by their number. Then after they dance, they will sit next to you and you buy them drink. After buying few drinks (tequila shot/any mix drink etc..), maybe you can ask if you want Short Time. Most of them ask for 5K. After visiting Lord, not much of interest spending 5K for short time and not sure what to expect from the girl works in there. Then after awhile, we just left and tried to check out Grace Hotel.

Grace Hotel
When we tried to walk to the hotel, we were grabed by Muslim women and wanted to come back to hotel with us. So we just ignored them and kept walking to hotel. There is a disco club and we thought that's where the action is. They told us each of us had to pay 500 bahts drink fees. Initially we thought it was too high but it's our fist time. We paid. Once I got inside, we realized we got ripped off. There was no one inside the disco club around 11pm Saturday night. We just walk out. I suggest Bros here not to go to Grace hotel.

This is a basement bar next to Soi 15. This is where amateur and professional hangout. Basically they all stand around the bar. And guys sit in the middle. If you come here during weekday, you can find OL comes here around 6 or 7pm to earn extra cash before they head home. ST is 2500 and LT is 4000. You will find more professionals here during weekend. Quality is hit and miss. One caution: don't pick up anyone outside of Thermae because 99 percent are ladyboy unless you are into that kind of fun.

I am not sure if above are helpful for anyone but it's my first Bangkok review. I come here 2 to 3 times a month because of work. I'd be happy to provide more information.

07-03-2016, 01:49 PM
Thermae... Went a few times just to sit and oogle at the girls, some girls are daring enough to approach u and negotiate about ST, most of them firm at 2.5k, but i never tapao any of them before, just sit and drink, a glass of whiskey with coke costs about 120bht and a glass of softdrink at 60bht. :D

07-03-2016, 07:27 PM
Kaboom36, good FR effort (bumped you). On Thermae, it only opens after 8+ (or 9, I forget?). Yo, some moonlight, when rent is due etc :p On LBs outside, that's why it's nicknamed Star Wars Cantina? Or perhaps the punters?:D

On Soi Cowboy, the most popular is Bacarra. Once upon a time, before naemlo moved on with his hand holding business, believe it was his HQ with his cronies. But then he was once more handsome and popular with gals:D

07-03-2016, 08:40 PM
On Soi Cowboy, the most popular is Bacarra. Once upon a time, before naemlo moved on with his hand holding business, believe it was his HQ with his cronies. But then he was once more handsome and popular with gals:D

Now he is still as popular with the puyings even if getting older.


08-03-2016, 01:08 AM
Anyone ever tabao the ladies from massage joints that line the soi leading up to Soi Cowboy? Would love to hear if the ladies offer anything better than a typical agogo BF?

Recce soi 33 before, too many girls who've worked in Singapore before, too pampered..

12-03-2016, 10:53 AM
I think this thread encompasses too many items, massage, agogo, clubbing...

Anyway here's a brief from my short trip, care and share :cool:

As the previous bro pointed out, it's a basement bar next to Soi 15.
It's quite a messy place, all the girls crowd around the bar perimeter. You buy a beer around 100baht and you can go round and round checking out the goods. Easily more than 50 girls there on and off. Not much selection for me, maybe too messy. I am sure there are hidden gems but I did not stay long let alone ask for the prices.

Soi Cowboy:
The usual agogo street. Went in and out of a few. Crazy House at the end is famous for the nude dancers. Went in much longer than I expected to ogle and check out the scene. Ended up in Baccara. Second and third floor are nude dancers, darker skin and shorter babes. Not really interested so stayed at first floor for the SYT babes. Red uniforms are the taller babes, yellow are the shorter ones. Took a beer at 180baht. Checked out a few rounds of their dancing and there was a tall slutty babe that was really grooving sexy. Bought her a ladies drink at 200baht and rubba her a bit in the back row. Full shaven pussy was the deal breaker. Bar fined her at 600baht and 3000 for ST. No looking back in my hotel room. Continued her slutty dance once inside, blew me kneeling down with lots of eye contact. Took a bath and played her pussy in the shower. She probably got horny and fucked me damn hard. Was probably overpriced but I guess I got lucky with the service :D

13-03-2016, 06:35 PM
Hullo fellow bros,

Reporting 'live' from BKK - land of pussies:)

Went to baccara and crazy house - crazy house girls standard dropped a lot!! not 1 is a looker...all small breasts, but this time round they are mostly clean-shaven...i like! wahaha

bacarra is good. always lots of girls and a lot more pretty ones. but a lot of them are female ninjas...they chop u LD v fast. i admit i kena chopped 2 LD in a single setting coz i was staring at her breasts and busy feeling her shapely bums. damn lol

tonight i went quite late, slightly around mid night, so i guess the chio ones are mostly taken. i had 2 girls who are quite keen in me, but one is too slutty (a bit turn off for me) and another quite big-sized but ok looking. in the end, i didnt bf any.

around 1:30am, proceeded to thermae but 1 quite ok looking girl caught my eye. she look a bit like jap. stopped and talked to her. negotiated 2000 baht for st. went back hotel. frenched well. she quite shy, keep saying she shy this and that. cannot touch her pussy at all. wanna grind her pussy before inserting also cannot. and when i position my little bro at the entrance of her love hole, she suddenly grabbed my dick and say she shy...im like, wtf?! it was dark and i can't really see too. but she kept on holding my manhood and then said she shy. nb. felt like i kena conned...can bbbj and hj but cannot fuck. she say she tired. nb lim peh sian zi pua already, dick went limp lol.

in the end, gave her 1000 baht and then tell her to go home. she is upset, but lim peh more tulan. i'm the customer yet i cannot fuck u. haizz

ok, gonna sleep now. guess tmr's another mongering day

end of day 1 FR

U still have a lot to learn regarding LBs in Thailand.

Dun think he was wet but instead he urinated. :eek: How can u feel wet pussy when he was on panty n hot pants??

All gers or LBs in Thermae are expected to be humped by men either via asshole or pussy. They are not there to be taken back to hotel for a hug, a kiss n leave. If I encounter this situation, I will kick her out without paying.

Bro anikisan... i think i know you hit on which one... I also saw "her" outside.

may not be this one, she didn't appear on discover now (afternoon), but yes, look like Jap AV, her below eye liner is white one.
http://s9.postimg.org/dif41nsjf/Screenshot_2016_03_13_17_29_41.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/dif41nsjf/)
http://s9.postimg.org/nlz8k2jwb/Screenshot_2016_03_13_17_29_43.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/nlz8k2jwb/)

Just be more careful next time.. scan your wechat to see.. 95% all LB there.. and i think she is standing outside thermae...

13-03-2016, 06:44 PM
Thought I might shed some light on my very recent 5D4N trip to Bangkok. It can be rather lengthy so I ask for your indulgence. I will also be using some abbreviations – those who frequent these places will know where I’m referring to.

I’ve been visiting Bangkok for about 4 times a year for the past 10 years since I was 18. I don’t know if that makes me a regular but I think I’ve seen my fair share of places to visit and built solid rapports with hotel staff and business owners.

Due to work commitments, this was my first trip to Bangkok in a year. Hence I decided to venture into new ground to see what was on offer. Boy was I surprised at my findings.

Saphan Khwai (approximately 300m walk from Saphan Khwai BTS)

I’ve always been visiting NEP so I decided to stray and explore this place so many people have been talking about. Entered T-Ded99 at around 9pm (Friday) and was ushered to a booth. Place looks old and dingy, what you would expect if the place existed in the late 1990s to early 2000s. Looked at the price menu and saw that a beer costs 140B – I thought to myself why the hype since it didn't differ much from NEP (80-160B) and SCB (140-180B).

My order for beer came and to my surprise it was a 660ml bottle instead of the usual 330ml you get at NEP. I would say slightly better value there. Looked around to scout for a potential night-time playmate – plenty of girls I should say, but the prettier ones were already seated with their regulars. Finished up my drink and chatted with the MMS for a bit. Paid up and left. Found out that it opens at 8pm and closes at 4am. Bottom line, not somewhere I would visit again.

The Lord (approximately 300m from Hwai Khuang MRT)

Decided to try somewhere new as I usually visit Nataree and Poseidon. Very pretty girls were on offer when I arrived at The Lord. It was around 4pm (Saturday) so only 7 girls were available. Prices were steep – ranging from 3400 – 9900B for normal class girls to XX class models. Had a good chat with the PPS and left for Nataree since they had more girls on offer (more than 50 when I arrived at 4.45pm).

Nana Plaza

Entered my regular AGG bars – RB1 and R&B Bar (formerly R4). Was greeted by my friendly MMSs and was told of the newcomers. Some looked alright – could have been the lighting and the beer goggles (this lightweight already had a grand total of 4 beers prior).

Just one or two years ago (I think), ST used to cost be 2500B in R&B. Now it has gone up to 3000B for ST and 6000B for LT. LT only covers you for 6 hours. Most girls are also more reluctant to stay beyond 5am the next morning or even be barfined for LT. Spoke to 4 girls that night, mostly just making my presence felt. Times have changed I guess. Girls are now more picky yet customers are still willing to paying such rates. Most girls will also try to leech at least 2 LDs from you if they sense you are not going to barfine them. Left after paying the bill.

Went down to RB1 and MMS immediately brought me my regular girl. Sat for 3 drinks, barfined and left.

Massage parlours along Sukhumvit Soi 33

5 mins walking into Soi 33 you will see massage shops on your left and right. They are not discreet at all. Saw Akane (some have commented on this place before) and Love Teen (further up from Mitu). Prices here are competitive – 60mins for just over 1000B. Girls however, are limited (Love Teen had 7 girls, Akane had 5) and not lookers. This was slightly after 1.30 pm (Sunday). I moved on to Mitu.

My intention of exploring Soi 33 was to visit Mitu on my final afternoon in Bangkok. There was quite a lot of hype about their good service so it made me curious. When I arrived at around 2 pm, only 3 of the 15 girls were available. Before me were 2 Japanese dudes but they also left upon knowing the lack of girls at that time. IMO, the prices here are extremely steep for a 50 min massage, unless you go for their rookie girls (2000B). Even so, 2000B can easily get you a 1.5 hr session elsewhere. A session here can cost on the upwards of 3500B.

Walked out and headed to Healthland for a 2 hr traditional massage (550B) before taking a taxi to the airport.


Indeed, times are changing. The new prices and timings are here to stay. Either get used to it or find somewhere else to monger. For me, I just enjoy the vibe this city exudes and the availability of girls. This is just something that Singapore cannot provide. Everything I have commented on so far is just my own opinion. I welcome you to correct my perception and engage in healthy and constructive discussions.

Sorry for thread digging,

but Bro rantvsrave, totally agree with you. Im also similiar in terms of 4 times a year, and around 4-5 years of chionging.

6 months ago Soi Cowboy LT was 5k, until 6am, ST was 2.5k
today, for my this trip, they told me 3k for ST, 5k for 4hrs, until 1am, and 7k until 5am. wtf...

Even for Thermae, at 9-10pm, no girls will LT anymore... they all want multiple ST. the market has changed.

14-03-2016, 08:38 AM
sigh, what kind of market has it become? I thought Japanese economy is not good. Who is upping the prices for the market :(

14-03-2016, 11:15 AM

Therefore, negotiate for better price and get ready to walk away or ask for next girl! Always negotiate and never accept first offer!

14-03-2016, 08:21 PM
Anyone ever tabao the ladies from massage joints that line the soi leading up to Soi Cowboy? Would love to hear if the ladies offer anything better than a typical agogo BF?

Recce soi 33 before, too many girls who've worked in Singapore before, too pampered..

If you count soi 11 as one of the sous, then yes. Read up and they said the alleyway between ski 11 & 13 has some dirty massage places so went there and see.

Saw this cute looking Isaan girl so went and have her. 300b for full body massage. She asked 1k for sex but negotiated to 1k total. Thought she was good, so got her line.

Next day she asked me to go over and accompany her cuz no business. Brought her out for a beer and then she asked to go back with me. Had a round and a half (didnt cum 2nd round) with her before she left in the morning.

Can't compare with agogo ladies because never tried to take one out before. But I guess all this boils down to chemistry, whether she likes you or not. If she does, you'll be treated like a king.

Cheers brother

14-03-2016, 10:07 PM
But I guess all this boils down to chemistry, whether she likes you or not. If she does, you'll be treated like a king.

Cheers brother

I agree with you on the chemistry. Below is my FR on my recent trip earlier of the year

1st night

Went to Baccara at around 9pm on my first night as I didn't went up level 2 or 3 in my previous trip there. Was stopped at the entrance. Asked to get a drink b4 going in. Didnt remember such rule 1 year ago..maybe i went late and not much ladies..so the rule do not apply. Met a sideliner ger..she quote me 3k for ST and 6k for LT. Told her i come next day.

Went Thermae at around 10:20pm get a cheap drink and look see look see, did see a few cute gers but didnt go ask the price.

Reach nana at around 11pm. Go walk around look see look see before going to my usual RB. I notice most RB mms always push to buy them LD. Then saw my usual ger... wao lao..she put on weight sia. Talk abit.. then a couple of jap client came in and see my ger like never see before. Keep looking at her. MMS complain that my ger sit with me no dance, she no choice go dance. Then 1 jap client decide to ST her. Me LL and spent 2hours++ in RB talk/eat with mms and others gers. Went back hotel alone that night. Msg my usual ger if next day wana go out. She quote me 5k for LT and barfine 600 from 20:00 to till 0500 next day. I say okie.

2nd night

Kept thinking she put on weight liao... like dun worth it. So came up some lame excuses and fly kite. At night went Barrca again at around 10pm. This time the sideliner ger i meet on my first night saw me as they are "patrolling" around, she ask me wana ST/LT okie or not... i say let me think.. you go other places first. Then sit there drink, talk to the bartender and see show. Came another ger, talk abit, buy 1 LD but told her me not interested in her. About 2 hours later, the sideliner ger i meet saw me again as she was surprised i still around. She say she come back to me later as she getting the LD for another table of sinkie. She came back within a few mins and ask wana LT or ST. She told me that table got 1 guy wana LT but she promised me she come back for me cause she see me 2 nights already. Even her other sideliner frens asked her you still keep to this client after 2nights. So i negotiate with her from 6k to 5k for LT, she told me okie but 5am she leave. Then i think think... never mind.. ST 3k better cause it was already close to 1am. Brought her to my hotel and action begins.

After action ends, it was around 1.30pm..she say go back also useless cause 2am bar close. Then i pity her so change to LT of 5k. She ask for another 100 for taxi back home.. i okie. So we talked, talked alot till 3am. We talked how the system works, How much they get paid, what are the penalty...how much she earns...etc. Next morning round 2 start and she left only at 9am instead of the initial 5am as I was checking out to go to airport. Got her line and will LT her again in my next trip. Chemistry really plays a big part.

21-03-2016, 03:34 PM
Went to Nataree and Emmanuel few weeks ago. Very SOP soapy bath and FJ. Anyone knows where should I go to find the soapy massage on the inflatable mattress these days?

23-03-2016, 09:37 AM
7 nights in BKK and 4 in Phuket with one friend

Did so many things on this trip. Haven't had so much fun in a long while. Having the right person to party with surely matters.

Recalling some of highlights and a major low light.....

At Cowboy's Crazy House which features fully nude go go girls, fingers of right and left hands went berserk playing hide and seek in little tight moist dark caves. Had to wash my hands multiple times to text on my phone lol.

Went to Pimp twice. Fortunate to have picked the right girls both times who kept us entertained throughout. On the second visit, reminded the waiter to keep the shot girls away from our table. It was fun the first time around to buy these shots cuz in return these shot girls pretty much allow you to molest them anyway you want on the spot. Of course, it burned a big hole in the pocket lol.

Visited Nataree three times. Addict once and Cam Cam massage once, kapoo once, and Baccara gogo twice.

Tried dating service twice. This was first time I tried his. Turned out quite nice with model-quality girls. Took first one to Thong Lor for romantic dinner then to, DND, Do Not Disturb, to party. Second one we went to Karaoke City and then Roadsidedog for drinks.

Now here is the low light. It was the fateful night partying at DND. My friend wanted to party more afterwards. Ended up at Scratchdog.

Room was dark, booze was flowing, shisha was blowing, and eyes were wandering. My friend was talking up with this tall lady with happa look. That is his cup of tea. It was not my plan to hook up with anyone but fate led my wandering eyes to this lady standing not too far away.

It was as if a lightening struck me, or as if a blind person suddenly regains his sight. She stood like an angel, with mesmerizing aura. My soul felt like it was sucked out of my body. I was about to kneel and kowtow in front of her. Every features on her face was what I would want my dream girl to have. They seemed to all fall in the right places as a Michelangelo masterpiece. And that smile! I was in heaven!

Then, I fell right down to hell. A kimchi guy approached her and started chatting her up. Before long, they were locking lips like couples for ages. How could she fall for a short ugly guy like him! Why didn't I approach her sooner! I was about o shout toward the sky and proclaim "God, please let me have her, and I will become a devout Christian forever!"

As if God heard me, the kimchi guy appeared to decline my dream girl's overture to go back to his hotel, pointing at his wedding ring. In disbelief that he could reject a goddess like her, I was relieved God gave me a second chance to redeem myself. I would not let my dream girl slip away. I was back in heaven again.

I quickly positioned myself in front of her and, as politely and nonchalantly as I could, complimented her how beautiful she was. It took about 3.9 seconds into the conversation when she popped the question of "how much."

Even though I had my suspicion, it still felt like a spear into my heart to learn she was a WL. If I could not have her love, I will settle with her body, I consoled myself. I was on my way back down to hell.

Holding up five fingers, I offered 5000 baht. Just as fast as I fell in love with her, she rejected me with a spiteful laugh. I was all the way down to the bottom of hell again.

Fearing the kimchi dude might change his mind and return to snatch my angel from me, I leaned over to her friend and confessed how much I liked her. "How much do you want to pay?" was her way of offering her consolation. I indicated 6000 and the deal was sealed.

On the way out and to my hotel, I vaguely remember paying for a 3900 bill for their bill, handing out 1000 or 2000 baht tip to the waitress and paying 1000 baht for the taxi ride which lasted about 3 minutes. I wanted to show money was not an issue and I was not gonna let anything get in the way of bedding her. I was ascending to heaven again.

I forgot to mention while still at Scratchdog, she and I locked lips and tongues, the same lip and tongue she used to seduce the kimchi, the same way she used to seduce many other guys perhaps. I was forgiving and forgetting...all the red flags; but I was color blind for that night....I was seeing only green.

Once in my room, she asked for the 6000 in advance which I obliged. We striped down to our birth suits, showered and got going on the couch. I tongue painted like Van Gogh on speed. However, when time came to introduce mini me to her mini her, mini me was in mini coma from night-long inebriation. Heaven was so close but again so far. I felt the weight of fate sinking me downward again toward hell.

After failed attempts, she got up to shower while I lay on the bed. As if someone just turned on the light switch, or as if someone just figured out how to use chopsticks, I gathered myself, as she came out of the bathroom, and asked "are you a ladyboy?"

Her reaction was "fuck you!" followed by the slam of the door as she stormed out. That was the damning final piece of evidence, as I impersonated Sherlock Holms, which left me feeling like having been run over by a car, a LB that was a top-of-line Mercedes model.

The moral in this long story is that....even Michael Jordan missed dunks sometimes. I thought I was infallible. My arrogance let my guard down. I deserved to be condemned to hell, at least until more mongering transcends my soul. Oh, and also, try not to fall in love lol.

It was an expensive and humbling experience, albeit not all fruitless. We found an interesting way to differentiate LB from ladies, thanks to bro Google- real ladies' index fingers should always be longer than their ring fingers. So far, our field research has upheld this finding. So, no more excuses in the future lol!

Now, bonus coverage for Phuket-

Stayed at Naka Resort, beautiful hotel at a nice location. Fantasia has shut down. Visited Angel Massage at Phuket town twice. Damage 2500. Most girls from Chiangmai, around 20-30 girls in the tank to choose. Both times I found gems which made me happy happy.

Here is a drone video I made for Phuket-


Enjoy! Cheers!

23-03-2016, 12:11 PM
Went to Nataree and Emmanuel few weeks ago. Very SOP soapy bath and FJ. Anyone knows where should I go to find the soapy massage on the inflatable mattress these days?

Only the Nataree puyings inside the aquarium do B2B plus soapy on inflatable mattress plus soapy and clean up in the bathtub.

Plus you have to politely ask them to do it.

The other ladies seating outside the fish tank do not do it on inflatable mattress.

Not sure ?.

Please go and ask norice.

23-03-2016, 05:05 PM
Bros. any massage places around huay kwang mrt that offer just normal massage plus a handjob? Hopefully price not too steep.

Grounded Eagle
23-03-2016, 05:50 PM
Only the Nataree puyings inside the aquarium do B2B plus soapy on inflatable mattress plus soapy and clean up in the bathtub.

Plus you have to politely ask them to do it.

The other ladies seating outside the fish tank do not do it on inflatable mattress.

Not sure ?.

Please go and ask norice.

Nataree now no more have inflatable mattresses.... all fishtank puyings now oso use the same rooms as the sideliners but on 2nd level.

B2B is done with oil on the bed mattress.... and inside the bathtub if you want soapy. Some bros prefer to book those inside the fishtanks rather than the sideliners because usually their service level is high..... and sometimes you can get extra perks.... like 2nd shot or 3-holer :D

Grounded Eagle
23-03-2016, 05:52 PM
Bros. any massage places around huay kwang mrt that offer just normal massage plus a handjob? Hopefully price not too steep.

There are Kapoos nearby around the vicinity of Huay Kwang. :D

23-03-2016, 06:10 PM
We found an interesting way to differentiate LB from ladies, thanks to bro Google- real ladies' index fingers should always be longer than their ring fingers.

Enjoy! Cheers!

ridiculous and quite useless way to find out if a girl is a ladyboy or not to be honest.

23-03-2016, 06:34 PM
There are Kapoos nearby around the vicinity of Huay Kwang. :D

Thanks bro! Any recommended ones? And what's the damage at least I know what to expect when I go.

24-03-2016, 07:58 PM
Went to Nataree and Emmanuel few weeks ago. Very SOP soapy bath and FJ. Anyone knows where should I go to find the soapy massage on the inflatable mattress these days?

Mitu massage.

24-03-2016, 10:17 PM
Reporting LIVE AT THERMAE CAFE all full force out... :D

Many Sao Sao... Too little money:(

What to do... Haizzz

24-03-2016, 10:38 PM
Reporting LIVE AT THERMAE CAFE all full force out...

Many Sao Sao... Too little money

What to do... Haizzz

Not your type lah. Go la belle or nataree! :D

26-03-2016, 12:52 AM
Went to Nataree and Emmanuel few weeks ago. Very SOP soapy bath and FJ. Anyone knows where should I go to find the soapy massage on the inflatable mattress these days?

Not sure whether you still need it. But I used to go Dr BJ Nuru. Used to find No.50 but no longer work there though.

26-03-2016, 09:00 AM
Reporting LIVE AT THERMAE CAFE all full force out... :D

Many Sao Sao... Too little money:(

What to do... Haizzz

Bro, enjoy yourself...

26-03-2016, 11:59 PM
Not your type lah. Go la belle or nataree! :D

vote for la belle... my regular... I dine, drink and release there... 555 :D
Utopia is also good... :D

27-03-2016, 12:04 AM
Reporting LIVE AT THERMAE CAFE all full force out... :D

Many Sao Sao... Too little money:(

What to do... Haizzz

Thermae sometimes got gems... worth spending 60 bahts for a walk around... but service usually not good... :D

so where will u be during Songkran? Chiangmai or Phuket?

27-03-2016, 01:19 AM
Sorry for thread digging,

but Bro rantvsrave, totally agree with you. Im also similiar in terms of 4 times a year, and around 4-5 years of chionging.

6 months ago Soi Cowboy LT was 5k, until 6am, ST was 2.5k
today, for my this trip, they told me 3k for ST, 5k for 4hrs, until 1am, and 7k until 5am. wtf...

Even for Thermae, at 9-10pm, no girls will LT anymore... they all want multiple ST. the market has changed.

The market changed because of jerkoffs that abuse women LT. Too many foreigners coming to Thailand with psycho dysfunction and Thai girls are aware of it. Secondly, many of the girls have husbands or boyfriends and they want to stay with them at night not a foreigner. Foreigners who come to Thailand need to understand this. The girls DON'T CARE about you, only the money. They're not in love with you, they are not even your friend. They don't care, it's work...that's it. There are some good agencies that have good girls who DO care, but you have to experiment and pay $$$. My colleagues and I have found a few of them. One is Erotika Queens Bangkok Escorts (http://www.erotikaqueens.com), I know the woman who runs it. They've been in the business for 10 years and I found the girls are usually very friendly, will develop good escort relationships there, and they're honest.

27-03-2016, 11:36 AM
Not your type lah. Go la belle or nataree! :D

kor kor can bring me!!!

28-03-2016, 02:39 AM
To all bros who are here.

I would like to propose a trip up to BKK during songkran.
I'll be there 14-17 APR
flying solo.
I'll need some experienced bros to bring me to one of the G-clubs for an eye opening experience. Don't mind treating helpful bros to supper after the whole event.
Costs can be split and girls can be shared :P

28-03-2016, 03:10 AM
To all bros who are here.

I would like to propose a trip up to BKK during songkran.
I'll be there 14-17 APR
flying solo.
I'll need some experienced bros to bring me to one of the G-clubs for an eye opening experience. Don't mind treating helpful bros to supper after the whole event.
Costs can be split and girls can be shared :P

Girls can be shared but do the girls mind being shared ? :D

28-03-2016, 06:45 AM
Hey guyz, what time is last order for nataree? Otherwise may make a wasted trip because of late touchdown in BKK. Thks

28-03-2016, 09:25 AM
Hey guyz, what time is last order for nataree? Otherwise may make a wasted trip because of late touchdown in BKK. Thks

I remembered the girl told me around 9pm or 10pm. if you are staying more than 1 night i suggest you go around 4-5pm. thats the peak timing where there are the most girls for you to choose. they work in 2 shifts and at that timing all the girls are present.

28-03-2016, 11:22 PM
Hey guyz, what time is last order for nataree? Otherwise may make a wasted trip because of late touchdown in BKK. Thks

i went in at 11pm b4 cant remember if is weekday or weekday

29-03-2016, 02:31 AM
kor kor can bring me!!!

U where got still need me to bring? Already so familiar in Bkk. :D

29-03-2016, 02:32 AM
Hey guyz, what time is last order for nataree? Otherwise may make a wasted trip because of late touchdown in BKK. Thks

Most MPs closed at 12 midnight and their last call would be 11pm -1115 pm.:p

02-04-2016, 12:19 AM
Has anyone tried the latest Hip Massage at Mitu? Any FRs?

02-04-2016, 12:27 AM
Has anyone tried the latest Hip Massage at Mitu? Any FRs?

never try before. ask the japanese boss recommend you??? he will treat you jiak ice cream too

02-04-2016, 03:21 AM

If you're looking for some good time during Songkran! Do check out Fonfantasy if you're in Bangkok. You never sleep alone.^^

02-04-2016, 05:20 PM

If you're looking for some good time during Songkran! Do check out Fonfantasy if you're in Bangkok. You never sleep alone.^^

This guy is spamming everyone with lady boy escorts. Kick him out of here!

02-04-2016, 10:26 PM
Pardon me.. Been ages since I last went Bkk... I last went Hollywood is still rather active and quite a fair bit of FL too.... Where is the latest disco with FL to pick up.......

Heading there End April

03-04-2016, 12:18 AM
I went to Mitu yesterday and can highly recommend it. Service was A+

Japanese boss is a real nice guy. Energy drink in the beginning and offered ice cream at the end. Basic drinks like water, soda, and even beer was offered as included.

All choosing is done on an ipad. I didn't even know it was nuru since I just chose a girl that was labeled as "gold" standard because she had the look I like. It was 3500 for 70 minutes with nuru. Girls labeled as gold are +500 platinum +1000. There were only two platinum girls and 1 gold girl there at the time. Rookies are cheaper tier and looked ok too but I wanted to see what the upper tier was like here.

Girl was cute with braces and gave proper nuru massage, full tongue bath, and also BBBJ and even slippery fuck on the mattress. Messy but good. Very nice experience because I never fucked on air mattress with nuru before.

03-04-2016, 02:11 AM
I went to Mitu yesterday and can highly recommend it. Service was A+

Did you choose the no hand massage or the new hips massage bro?

03-04-2016, 10:39 AM
Based on pricing, he went for No hands massage.

Been awhile since I contributed, so here's my FR on Mitu as well. I wanted to go for no hands massage, so called to book the girl I was eyeing. Unfortunately both not avail. So called the other number to book Japanese massage for 50min. Managed to get Betty.

Looks wise, I was alittle disappointed cos she looks much older than pics. She was also more tanned than pic. Otherwise, resemblance is there. While her looks was not to my expectations, her service and attitude was top notch. Within the 50min, started with shower, quick massage before going through the sensual body to body massage using gel. AR, bbbj, and FJ part of package with 1 happy ending. Once deed done, go back to bathtub for a good clean. As for other things like kissing and painting, she claims it depends on the lady - not all would let customers do it. Compared to no hand massage, she claims service is also different. I would certainly be trying to see for myself.

Total damage 2400 with normal room. Was told vip room was much bigger and the lady would use nuru gel for Japanese massage. I thought the gel she used on me was nuru, but she claims it's different. I'm not an expert to differentiate. Can always choose longer sessions (70 or 90) by topping up.

I would recommend calling in advance to book. Mitu was really crowded with many walk-ins, and the popular girls were not avail. I'd an appointment, walked in, paid at counter and waited less than 5 min for lady.

I think Mitu is a good alternative to soapy massage. Price wise I would say it is on par with soapy, but the service and attitude of the lady was way better than almost all the ladies I encountered (except 1 or 2) in my soapy chionging experience.

Will share more if I have chance to try their no hand massage later

03-04-2016, 01:31 PM
thanks bros for mitu reviews, been thinking of trying but kinda reluctant too due to mixed reviews (here n other websites).

how about the dicount system bros? how does it work?

Grounded Eagle
03-04-2016, 03:38 PM
Has anyone tried the latest Hip Massage at Mitu? Any FRs?

Muahahaha.... there is no massage technique such as Hips massage. :p

Hips Massage is actually the name of another branch outlet of Mitu :D
Location is also along Soi 33 just a couple of shops distance away from Mitu. :)

03-04-2016, 07:15 PM
I went to Mitu yesterday and can highly recommend it. Service was A+

Japanese boss is a real nice guy. Energy drink in the beginning and offered ice cream at the end. Basic drinks like water, soda, and even beer was offered as included.

All choosing is done on an ipad. I didn't even know it was nuru since I just chose a girl that was labeled as "gold" standard because she had the look I like. It was 3500 for 70 minutes with nuru. Girls labeled as gold are +500 platinum +1000. There were only two platinum girls and 1 gold girl there at the time. Rookies are cheaper tier and looked ok too but I wanted to see what the upper tier was like here.

Girl was cute with braces and gave proper nuru massage, full tongue bath, and also BBBJ and even slippery fuck on the mattress. Messy but good. Very nice experience because I never fucked on air mattress with nuru before.
Mitu is top-notch service as they cater more to japanese clients. that's why the pricing is on the premium side. btw, the bosses are japanese themselves; Shin & Leo (2 brothers). nice & friendly chaps. :D

03-04-2016, 07:53 PM
thanks bros for mitu reviews, been thinking of trying but kinda reluctant too due to mixed reviews (here n other websites).

how about the dicount system bros? how does it work?

After the Betty's top notch service and excellent gfe attitude from Mitu Japanese massage, I held high expectations for my no hand massage. Unfortunately, this time round, the service for no hand massage left much to be desired. I blame it on the wrong choice of girl. I guess this is a mixed review for Mitu based on my experience.

Chose Pino for no hands massage. Opted for 90min package with normal room. Damage was 3800baht. This is after 500 baht discount for platinum class ladies.

Looks wise quite close to pics and stats. Of course the exception is she's more tanned than pics. Was really anticipating a good session after reading their website on this massage. I was in a lazy mood and wanted to be serviced like a king. So thought i was off to a good start when she turned out as per description in website.

Things started to go downhill once in room. Dont want to describe in detail, but the service was rushed, and then in between shots, she just laid there and looked bored. I was expecting some massage, but she didnt bother. Tried making small talk but she looked bored. I had to initiate the 2nd round and she offered only hj. When i asked for condom, gave the black face. See her face also tulan, lost all mood for 2nd.

Nevertheless, as a concept, the highlight of the no hand massage was the nuru b2b on air mattress. Otherwise, not really any different from japanese massage. Of course for no hand, there is a choice of massage or round 2 after the first. Didnt end up with what i was expecting.

Guess wrong time, wrong girl. Usually the lady or boss would ask for feedback, but this time they didnt. So after 2 visits, i agree with the mixed review. The attitude of the girls certainly makes a difference. I guess i was lucky and unlucky to meet the two extremes.

03-04-2016, 10:00 PM
Most MPs closed at 12 midnight and their last call would be 11pm -1115 pm.:p

Thanks man. Looks like I better plan quick check in and then fly out!!!

Wonder if taxi or train faster...

03-04-2016, 10:01 PM
After the Betty's top notch service and excellent gfe attitude from Mitu Japanese massage, I held high expectations for my no hand massage. Unfortunately, this time round, the service for no hand massage left much to be desired. I blame it on the wrong choice of girl. I guess this is a mixed review for Mitu based on my experience.

Chose Pino for no hands massage. Opted for 90min package with normal room. Damage was 3800baht. This is after 500 baht discount for platinum class ladies.

Looks wise quite close to pics and stats. Of course the exception is she's more tanned than pics. Was really anticipating a good session after reading their website on this massage. I was in a lazy mood and wanted to be serviced like a king. So thought i was off to a good start when she turned out as per description in website.

Things started to go downhill once in room. Dont want to describe in detail, but the service was rushed, and then in between shots, she just laid there and looked bored. I was expecting some massage, but she didnt bother. Tried making small talk but she looked bored. I had to initiate the 2nd round and she offered only hj. When i asked for condom, gave the black face. See her face also tulan, lost all mood for 2nd.

Nevertheless, as a concept, the highlight of the no hand massage was the nuru b2b on air mattress. Otherwise, not really any different from japanese massage. Of course for no hand, there is a choice of massage or round 2 after the first. Didnt end up with what i was expecting.

Guess wrong time, wrong girl. Usually the lady or boss would ask for feedback, but this time they didnt. So after 2 visits, i agree with the mixed review. The attitude of the girls certainly makes a difference. I guess i was lucky and unlucky to meet the two extremes.

thx bro,wow pino is supposed to be "no.1" whereas betty is supposed to be under training, mmm maybe i should not set my expectation too high...

03-04-2016, 10:16 PM
any bros keen to meet up tonight, i will be in bangkok beat from 11.30 pm tonight, suk soi 7/1

pls excuse the rustiness as i have been a good boy since approx 3 months back..not to mention old age as well..

msg me on 090 323 1493

03-04-2016, 11:53 PM
Went bkk first time in my life over the weekend. Wow really didn't know what I'm missing man..... this place is awesome!

But my gang were more into the agogo bars. Being my first time there I insisted I wanted to bar hop the first night much to my friends disappointment. Following is my fr:

1) went lighthouse first. This place is pretty small and tame. I suspect cos it's a Thursday night and still quite early. But girls were very little and not much naughtiness. Left after 1 beer. Very disappointed. My friends were grumbling ah me lol

2) walked past this place cockatoo and my friends pranked me and asked me to go inside. Didn't know it's a ladyboy bar till I walked in. Tbh some of the ladyboy were pretty stunning. Really very pretty. Didn't hang around long though went out and my friends were standing outside laughing

3) based on YouTube video went to crazy house next. It's number 2 on the video. Strangely lighthouse was number 3 lol. Wow this was when the fun started. Walked in. WHOLE PLACE got naked girls walking around. Not just top less. Naked! This monkey is horny liao. Buzzed around feasting my eyes and eventually settled on a girl there. Very playful and cheerful. Bar fined her for short time. 4k baht total. Had great time in bed. But cos still early she wented to go back and look for her sister. I found out my friends still at baccara. So went back soi cowboy with her. But damn suay was waving to the hotel guard while walking and tripped and injured my ankle. Grrrr first night injured liao. The girl asked me go back and rest but I pai ka my way back with her. The guard was laughing at my determination haha. This agogo bar is certainly worth a visit. Roughly 50 girls total spread over 2 floors. Almost all naked except one or two. There's one garang one who puts on shows every 20 min or so. The eye popping one is the candle wax dripping sm show. Strangely I got turned on. I asked the mummy and she say many customers don't dare to book her lpl

4) anyway limped my way back to soi cowboy and met my friends inside baccara. Now I know why this place is number 1 on the list. Roughly 60 to 70 (according to bartender weekends the girls can hit a hundred) girls spread over 3 floors with glass ceilings. This place was rocking when I got there. Spotted many many good and chio ones. Just to rattle a few. 222 (sibeh chio 8/10) 241 (sibeh chio and sweet. 8.5/10 I damn suay she got bar fined few min before I made my move) 266 (she adopt korean girl look, 7/10 with original b+ boobs) 176 (tall and slim with slight ice queen look 7/10) 191 (tall fair and huge knickers 7.5/10. I bot her a couple drinks and almost bar fined her) 284 (very playful and sophisticated type look. 7.5/10. My friend took her and say she very hard working) 243 (the only girl so far who rejected me. Mixed blood look and damn hot body 8/10 but minus many points cos she reject me over my hotel. Say not atas enuff. Wtf!?) 244 (shoulder length hair big boobs 8/10. My friend tried to get her two nights and failed) 015. 015 is the most stunning to me. But over the 3 nights I went she got bar fined really early. I took 266 and 18 over two nights. 18 is gnd look. Xmm type. Very shy girl who will struggle to get booking every night I feel. Those who like student looks type will fall for her though. Although she is airport body I had a great night with her. She even stayed till morning with me. 266 more pro and sop but very chatty and we chatted till 4am before she went back. Over the 3 nights there I repeatedly tried my luck with one of the waitresses. 147. Her name is nam. Very gnd look with braces. Final night almost got lucky. They finally offered me a price. 1200 baht bar fine and 20k long time. I baulked at the offer. But she secretly gave me her number to go clubbing next time I'm in bkk. Her colleague nin also quite good looking. Abit baby fats but should be fun to club with.

Can't wait to go again. After my cp trips to gz many years ago, I finally found a place I die die want to go again soon. Thank God my job now requires me to go bkk now and then. Hope to chiong with some brothers here next time!

04-04-2016, 12:42 AM
Muahahaha.... there is no massage technique such as Hips massage. :p

Hips Massage is actually the name of another branch outlet of Mitu :D
Location is also along Soi 33 just a couple of shops distance away from Mitu. :)

Based on their business model I thought the new branch was a new concept. All their photos also showed alot of ass so I thought it was subverting new, I'll find out for myself what this be branch has to offer.

04-04-2016, 12:47 AM
4) anyway limped my way back to soi cowboy and met my friends inside baccara. Now I know why this place is number 1 on the list. Roughly 60 to 70 (according to bartender weekends the girls can hit a hundred) girls spread over 3 floors with glass ceilings. This place was rocking when I got there. Spotted many many good and chio ones. Just to rattle a few. 222 (sibeh chio 8/10) 241 (sibeh chio and sweet. 8.5/10 I damn suay she got bar fined few min before I made my move) 266 (she adopt korean girl look, 7/10 with original b+ boobs) 176 (tall and slim with slight ice queen look 7/10) 191 (tall fair and huge knickers 7.5/10. I bot her a couple drinks and almost bar fined her) 284 (very playful and sophisticated type look. 7.5/10. My friend took her and say she very hard working) 243 (the only girl so far who rejected me. Mixed blood look and damn hot body 8/10 but minus many points cos she reject me over my hotel. Say not atas enuff. Wtf!?) 244 (shoulder length hair big boobs 8/10. My friend tried to get her two nights and failed) 015. 015 is the most stunning to me. But over the 3 nights I went she got bar fined really early. I took 266 and 18 over two nights. 18 is gnd look. Xmm type. Very shy girl who will struggle to get booking every night I feel. Those who like student looks type will fall for her though. Although she is airport body I had a great night with her. She even stayed till morning with me. 266 more pro and sop but very chatty and we chatted till 4am before she went back. Over the 3 nights there I repeatedly tried my luck with one of the waitresses. 147. Her name is nam. Very gnd look with braces. Final night almost got lucky. They finally offered me a price. 1200 baht bar fine and 20k long time. I baulked at the offer. But she secretly gave me her number to go clubbing next time I'm in bkk. Her colleague nin also quite good looking. Abit baby fats but should be fun to club with.

Think these few girls will be very busy over next few weeks thanks to your description and ratings:D:D

04-04-2016, 09:27 AM
Think these few girls will be very busy over next few weeks thanks to your description and ratings:D:D

Hahaha. I add on one more. Number 100. Very gnd look. 7/10... she was on my reserved list if all my other attempts struck out.

Airport body apart from 18 got another damn hot one. 061. Long waist length hair with sg girl looks. 7.5/10 wanted to take her instead of 18 but the guy beside me saw me making a move and quickly bar fined her lol oh well there's sooooo many girls out there its hard to say I regret this I regret that cos eventually you can still find some happy ending at the end of the night.

And yes agree with you guys that the friends you chiong with and your own attitude is important. In terms of the 6k lt 4 hours rule it's not a golden rule I feel. It largely depends on the girl. For instance 18 stayed with me well till the next morning but 266 left after around 4.5 hours. So depends on the girl chemistry eith you and how you treat her in return

04-04-2016, 03:32 PM
Pardon me.. Been ages since I last went Bkk... I last went Hollywood is still rather active and quite a fair bit of FL too.... Where is the latest disco with FL to pick up.......

Heading there End April

if u're referring to Hollywood @ Ratchada there then dun bother @ all. It's now a normal disco frequent by many Ah Tiongs. Oso dunno y they wanba go there, since there's no lobangs there (wif the exceptions of few cute waitresses). Can try Thermae Cafe, it's a get-&-go kinda sex place, str8 forward & a variety of FLs for u to choose. If u're into "fishing" in the disco/clubs, then can try Insanity. Some wld recommend ScratchDog but personally, I find the place now dominated by Kimchi Boys & Bulgogi sticks-craving FLs. A fren who went there last mth said the pricings there r quite crazy now. 2 FLs he approached quoted him 4K for ST! I haven been active there for a while so that's basically all the places I can think of now. Bros who know more happening places than those mentioned above do share wif us. Cheers~

04-04-2016, 11:55 PM
Hahaha. I add on one more. Number 100. Very gnd look. 7/10... she was on my reserved list if all my other attempts struck out.

Airport body apart from 18 got another damn hot one. 061. Long waist length hair with sg girl looks. 7.5/10 wanted to take her instead of 18 but the guy beside me saw me making a move and quickly bar fined her lol oh well there's sooooo many girls out there its hard to say I regret this I regret that cos eventually you can still find some happy ending at the end of the night.

And yes agree with you guys that the friends you chiong with and your own attitude is important. In terms of the 6k lt 4 hours rule it's not a golden rule I feel. It largely depends on the girl. For instance 18 stayed with me well till the next morning but 266 left after around 4.5 hours. So depends on the girl chemistry eith you and how you treat her in return
More than 80% of the gals in bacarra have big round silicone boobs which i find is a big turnoff imo.. The gals there are young n pretty but the fake boobs are a letdown. Wouldn't mind it being smaller but @ least it's natural..

05-04-2016, 07:49 PM
Went bkk first time in my life over the weekend. Wow really didn't know what I'm missing man..... this place is awesome!

Wait till you check out Jakarta 555! :p

06-04-2016, 12:01 AM
Wait till you check out Jakarta 555! :p

I know this is not Jakarta thread, but do you mind elaborating just a bit on the Jakarta scene that may rival BKK?

I was there many many years ago and found the place quite dull. Perhaps it was due to my preference for fairer and taller ladies, and also the fact the country is mainly muslim. Remember I found a little sauna stocked with Chinese girls who would jump in the pool naked with customers. To this date, I regret not being more proactive and jumped on the chance of picking one of the girls.

If I am missing something here, might give Jakarta another visit.

06-04-2016, 07:03 PM
Dear all Senior Bros,

I be venturing Bangkok alone on coming weekend. Intend to visit the following establishments, please advise what is the best time to visit?

The Lord, Nataree and Utopia massage - what time do they open and close?

cowboy soi and NANA - I heard going there early, will have better chance of getting better girls. How early is early?

Please advise. Thank you thank you.

06-04-2016, 07:28 PM

Reporting from Nataree.
Min. 60 girls frkm 18-22 to choose from.
Mainly Chiang Mai , Chiang Rai and border of Thai-Myanmar girls, very pretty and fair skin.

Price from 2600-5000 Baht for 90 mins.

Choose this Chiang Mai girl, age 22.
Boobs : B Cup
Height : 160
BJ : average, nothing to shout
FJ : damn good. She came 2 times....when she came, the pussy grab ur dick...lol....

Next time will try the 5000 range....caught my eye is one 19 yo from
CHIANG RAI, she looks like Young Jessica Alba.

Cheong too much in VN few days ago, now in BKK....i'm dead by weekend.....

06-04-2016, 07:29 PM
Damage : 3200 Baht

06-04-2016, 08:53 PM
Dear all Senior Bros,

I be venturing Bangkok alone on coming weekend. Intend to visit the following establishments, please advise what is the best time to visit?

The Lord, Nataree and Utopia massage - what time do they open and close?

cowboy soi and NANA - I heard going there early, will have better chance of getting better girls. How early is early?

Please advise. Thank you thank you.

the best time to be in Soi cowboy or Nana is between 7pm and 10pm, that's when most girls would have arrive for the night work.

Have fun:D

07-04-2016, 12:39 AM
Dear all Senior Bros,

I be venturing Bangkok alone on coming weekend. Intend to visit the following establishments, please advise what is the best time to visit?

The Lord, Nataree and Utopia massage - what time do they open and close?

cowboy soi and NANA - I heard going there early, will have better chance of getting better girls. How early is early?

Please advise. Thank you thank you.

As advised by some here. 7 to 10 pm. But personal experience. Thursday night I went around 9 plus still OK. Friday I went at 10 pm good ones all taken. Sat I went at 8 plus already too late. If u going baccara I recommend: Thursday not later than 10. Friday not later than 9. Saturday u confirm have to there latest 730. If u time it right now got vitamin m and stamina. U can grab a really chio one and St her. Bang finish go back wait till near closing find a decent one and offer her Lt till next morning. That's what I would do if I go bkk again lol

07-04-2016, 12:49 AM
The best time to arrive and get to see most girls would be 830pm. As most coyote bars official working time for coyotes is 8pm sharp. Some do come late but most would arrive before 9pm. Likewise for agogo bars like Baccara/rainbows group their cut off time is before 9pm. Although many ang Pai dun care and come in after 9pm because they dun care hoots about the monthly salary. They are here just to get customers to barfine them.:cool:

So best timing for bars would be 0830pm onwards. If u go late on weekends, chances are some of the ang pais girls will be barfined the moment they go on stage. Regardless of weekdays or weekends just observe the timing stated to avoid disappointment.

As for massage parlors like lord / nataree etc , best timing would be at 5pm. U would probably see the 80-90% of the girls available for the day. Not neccesary getting first blood for the day though. :p

Hope that helps. :p

07-04-2016, 09:35 AM
As for massage parlors like lord / nataree etc , best timing would be at 5pm. U would probably see the 80-90% of the girls available for the day. Not neccesary getting first blood for the day though. :p

Hope that helps. :p

Agree on the first blood. I was there at 4ish 5pm. i was her 3rd customer.

07-04-2016, 11:36 AM
wonder what the scene is going to be like in songkran, will it be deserted?

07-04-2016, 02:05 PM
wonder what the scene is going to be like in songkran, will it be deserted?

Generally roads will be rather empty in Bangkok. Lesser jams. Street stalls also lesser as many had returned home to their provinces for a well deserved break. Shopping centers will still be opened. Everywhere u see people carrying their water guns ( especially tourist/farang ). Playing of essan folklore songs will be heard where people gather to play water. :p

07-04-2016, 10:22 PM
Agree on the first blood. I was there at 4ish 5pm. i was her 3rd customer.

Thank you all senior bros for the prompt advice. Really appreciate it.

08-04-2016, 01:30 AM
Bro just curious. How's the process like at nataree? I'm going alone this month

08-04-2016, 02:50 AM
Pretty Massage

Looks like they went back to recruiting teen SYTs – Aya, JJ, Soda, Shizuka, Atom, L, Koharu.

They had been getting girls around 25, 26.

Wonder if the new girls came from Nataree? Wonder if Aya and JJ are sisters, or even twins?

Personally like the spinner look of L, altho dun know why she’s under the name Boom.

Note that u dun have to go all the way to Thonglor to get one of these girls if u have a specific one in mind. Just go to Thanks, their sister shop on Soi 33, and they will call to get the girl to come over.


08-04-2016, 03:07 AM
Songkran closings

Note that the Mitu chain is closed for Songkran from April 11-15. The Tulip chain also used to close for Songkran. Even if they’re open, many SMSs will be running with skeleton staff.

Call ahead if ur planning to go for a massage next week to see if they’re open.

08-04-2016, 10:24 AM
Bro just curious. How's the process like at nataree? I'm going alone this month

what process u looking at?

walk in, choose 1, pay money, go room, strip, bath, massage, foreplay, fuk, massage again(depends on girl), wash up, dress up & kiss good bye.

08-04-2016, 11:31 AM
Hi guys. Too long nvr go BKK liao. the nataree is go to the right side one issit?


08-04-2016, 03:36 PM
Will reach bkk tomorrow afternoon. Will cowboy and the lord be down with less girls on sat, sun and mon due to songkran?

Pray pray i hope not

08-04-2016, 04:14 PM
Hi guys. Too long nvr go BKK liao. the nataree is go to the right side one issit?


Yup. The right hand side one. Go in u see a lot of sitting and standing around. U won't miss it. :D

Will reach bkk tomorrow afternoon. Will cowboy and the lord be down with less girls on sat, sun and mon due to songkran?

Pray pray i hope not

Definitely. Some of my coyotes are already going back hometown these few days. Some booked early transport to go back as there will be bad jams and can take longer than usual to return back to their provinces. Nonetheless there will still be girls working if u dun mind the quality. ;)

08-04-2016, 10:25 PM
Personally, although I think Songkran is a really fun festival for those who hadn't experienced it b4, i think it can be a real drag for ppl who wanna experience the full package of wat Bkk (or Pattaya) has to offer. I've been there for Songkran a few yrs back & even though I enjoyed myself for that trip, it'll prob be the last time that I'll ever do that again. 1st of all, to get (clean decent) massages there can be quite tedious as many masseurs wld not arnd & most (if not all)massage shops will be shorthanded. My Bros & I were told to wait @ least 1-2 hrs for our turns @ many of the shops we went the last time rnd! 2nd, there won't be much shopping u can do cos most shops wld be closed for biz for @ least 1 or 2 days. Pretty much like our CNY (it's their New Yr oso la) in a way, but slightly better. 3rd, like wat Bros pts out above, quantities & qualities of FLs, WLs, prostitutes etc. will dip alot. Alotta chio babes, regardless whether they're FLs, WLs etc. r frm the other provinces, & many of them wld hav went back home to their family back @ their kampung. So wherever u go, dun hav too Hi of expectations like wat 1 of my Bros did the other time & end up empty handed for most if the trips. If u're into FLs "fishing" in clubs, then u prob hav to be abit more patience & lower expectations as some of the normal FLs might not be "open for biz". Thai ladies these days r quite spoilt & not many r that hungry these days. & since It's their biggest festival for the whole yr, many of them will juz wanna chill & hav fun wif their frens. 4th, this doesn't really bothered me much then, but juz to remind peeps going there to be prepared to be wet the whole freaking day, everywhere u go! The Thais r really freaking serious (& fun) when it comes to water war! N if u're intending to go to those popular "war zones", do remember to 1st empty ur bladder b4 u venture in! U'll be in for a f**king long long human jam & expect to be stuck inside for @ least 2 hrs! Good (or bad) thing though is that this time rnd, there're restrictions to water consumption during Songkran period.

Anyway, juz my humble 1cent opinion. I still maintain that Songkran is a fun exciting festival which I think most Bros shld experience once in their lifetime. For peeps going there nxt week, Hav Fun & Happy Chionging~ ;)

08-04-2016, 11:35 PM
I know this is not Jakarta thread, but do you mind elaborating just a bit on the Jakarta scene that may rival BKK?

I was there many many years ago and found the place quite dull. Perhaps it was due to my preference for fairer and taller ladies, and also the fact the country is mainly muslim. Remember I found a little sauna stocked with Chinese girls who would jump in the pool naked with customers. To this date, I regret not being more proactive and jumped on the chance of picking one of the girls.

If I am missing something here, might give Jakarta another visit.

The Jakarta thread has tons of info available so shall not elaborate too much as it's off topic.

By the way those hot pools in Saunas are down right filthy.
Sperm floating around 55555. :p

If one is not a brown sugar lover then better not try Jakarta.
Less punters go even better for me 555.
But if you like to eat Bakso and try locals the mid budget hotels are very value with SYTs and tight pussies.
Short-Time at US$30.00/60min/1 Shot. :D

There're also many mid to high end striptease/dancer clubs.
Dancers go full naked! :eek:

08-04-2016, 11:40 PM
Definitely. Some of my coyotes are already going back hometown these few days. Some booked early transport to go back as there will be bad jams and can take longer than usual to return back to their provinces. Nonetheless there will still be girls working if u dun mind the quality. ;)

Songkran period is the worst time of the year to visit Bangkok for pure humsup cheonging. :p

You'll never see me in Bangkok during April.
Also weather hot like fuck! :D

09-04-2016, 01:49 PM
Damage : 3200 Baht

I take it that she was one of those outside the fish tank?

09-04-2016, 06:49 PM
Anyone going 20 April period ?

10-04-2016, 01:01 AM
Songkran period is the worst time of the year to visit Bangkok for pure humsup cheonging. :p

Dun come BKK, it is the most boring week of the yr in Thailand.

Unfortunately, I love songkran... the most peaceful week in BKK. Not much pp and cars n motors.... :D

10-04-2016, 03:14 AM
Dun come BKK, it is the most boring week of the yr in Thailand.

Unfortunately, I love songkran... the most peaceful week in BKK. Not much pp and cars n motors.... :D

Agree with u. Traffic very smooth 😀

12-04-2016, 12:05 AM
Agree with u. Traffic very smooth 😀

Anyway just to update. Rainbow 4 has changed its bar to the adjacent bar named Four Bar. Vice verse the Ladyboy bar now it's at R&B bar. Dun go inside the wrong bar. :D

12-04-2016, 06:06 PM
Bro just curious. How's the process like at nataree? I'm going alone this month


12-04-2016, 11:55 PM
Would BKK be back to normal if I go on the 16th (this saturday)? When would business resume as per normal?

13-04-2016, 07:02 PM
Would BKK be back to normal if I go on the 16th (this saturday)? When would business resume as per normal?

Ask yourself how long after CNY business resume as per normal. So This Thai New year plus their country is big so do your maths lah


13-04-2016, 11:43 PM
Anyway just to update. Rainbow 4 has changed its bar to the adjacent bar named Four Bar. Vice verse the Ladyboy bar now it's at R&B bar. Dun go inside the wrong bar. :D

Noted & thanks u.

20-04-2016, 05:41 PM
http://fuckteenie.com/images/parent/fuckteen.jpg Girl from Bangkok more informatin and contact here http://culturautrera.com

Nice pic but bros pls dun visit this website. Kenah all sorts of pop up ahit, at least on my mobile phone.

23-04-2016, 09:33 AM
Hi bros, me and a friend will be in Bangkok for the weekend. Friend is keen on trying out the pimp. If anyone is up for it let me know, either tonight or Sunday is fine with us. Just so not to mislead we're both newbies but up for fun and not picky.

23-04-2016, 10:30 AM
Hi bros, me and a friend will be in Bangkok for the weekend. Friend is keen on trying out the pimp. If anyone is up for it let me know, either tonight or Sunday is fine with us. Just so not to mislead we're both newbies but up for fun and not picky.

im a newbie too.. where will u guys be?? im in wang thonglang area... any bros have experience in this area can share share a lil??

thanks alot

23-04-2016, 01:00 PM
Went to bacarra at soi cowboy. Didn't bar fine any lady, just have a drink and relax and see pussy and see lady.

This agogo have 3 level and all ladies just wear a skirt and nothing underneath it. U can order a drink, and sit at level one and look up at level 2 for pussy.

This place is flooded with ang mo and the lady all not bad looking.

For bar fine all that, check with the lady itself.

23-04-2016, 04:14 PM
bros how much is the MRT card in thailand? I am going 1-8May, thinking purchase the mrt card and can I just buy from the train counters?

23-04-2016, 04:33 PM
Hi bros, me and a friend will be in Bangkok for the weekend. Friend is keen on trying out the pimp. If anyone is up for it let me know, either tonight or Sunday is fine with us. Just so not to mislead we're both newbies but up for fun and not picky.

Am up for it tonight

23-04-2016, 05:13 PM
Am also down for tonightt

24-04-2016, 04:44 PM
Looks to me like age catching up with me, no more scratchdog, now prefer onyx and RCA laew, not to pick up ladies, but to chill only.......

24-04-2016, 05:13 PM
A new pool bar is set on its way to Nana Plaza on the ground floor. Pool lovers be pleased. :o

24-04-2016, 05:59 PM
Looks to me like age catching up with me, no more scratchdog, now prefer onyx and RCA laew, not to pick up ladies, but to chill only.......

555, onyx and RCA not for chill lah. Plenty of chill puns and restuarants around to go with your girl girl in hand. RCA and onyx so crowded hard to even communicate inside. Tonight last night for u already. :p

24-04-2016, 06:09 PM
Going back then back again next week.......

555, onyx and RCA not for chill lah. Plenty of chill puns and restuarants around to go with your girl girl in hand. RCA and onyx so crowded hard to even communicate inside. Tonight last night for u already. :p

24-04-2016, 06:56 PM
A new pool bar is set on its way to Nana Plaza on the ground floor. Pool lovers be pleased. :o

Ground floor many lbs....not my scene prefer the upper floors

24-04-2016, 08:09 PM
Going back then back again next week.......

Then let's meet up on your next trip instead. Lol. Busy this week. ;)

24-04-2016, 08:11 PM
Ground floor many lbs....not my scene prefer the upper floors

Nana plaza have many Ladyboys bar that's why nowadays the ratio of Ladyboys to girls is alarming. But there are still certain bars worth going to at nana. :p

24-04-2016, 09:14 PM
Next trip no time to chiong, got to attend AGM and seminar.......

Then let's meet up on your next trip instead. Lol. Busy this week. ;)

27-04-2016, 11:08 PM
Just like to share my humble first time agogo experience in bkk.

I have been to agogo bar in pattaya and krabi before but it's my first time in bkk. went on a saturday night(23/04/16) to explore soi cowboy. As I read online that Baccara is pretty famous and I also have been to the Baccara in pattaya before, I decided that it will be my first stop. Before my friend and I are allowed to go in, we were told to buy a drink outside first before going in. Something new for me as both pattaya and krabi don't have this rule (from experience). Basic drinks here cost 180 bhat. Got out drinks and we went in. Now we realized why we need to buy first because the place is full of people. It was so packed that customer were sitting on the stairs leading to the tables. I was confuse as to what should I do and luckily a waiter saw us and guided us upstairs. Only when I went up then I know that the bar have 3 floor in total. The dance floor is transparent. So if you like to look at upskirt this may turn you on. A lady drink here is 200 bhat but on this night I never see any that I fancy so I didn't get any girls to accompany me or even bar fine any. As I was leaving, I realized that there are more prettier girls on level 1 as compared to the upper level. No wonder customer rather sit on the stairs then to head upstairs for the table.

Went next door after 2 drinks at Baccara. The place is call Shark agogo. Went in the place to find it to be reasonably pack. Basic drinks here is 165 bhat. lady drink is 180 bhat. bar fine is 600 bhat ;) Here the ladies are dancing on top of a bar top look alike dance floor. at any one time there are around 20 girls dancing. so just feel free to sit back and enjoy the view first. one girl caught my eyes and she speak good english. she is from chiang mai and have really fair skin. quoted 3000 for ST and 6000 for LT. I was shocked by the LT price but usually I ain't interested in LT too so it doesn't matter to me. Still is the price quoted normal in bkk now? I remember I have LT in pattaya for 4000 bhat before. maybe someone can enlighten me on this. haha. I didn't wanna go back to my own hotel so just down the road in soi cowboy there is a short time room for rent. it cost 350 bhat and 30 bhat for a cap. the rest was SOP so i won't go into details.

Hope my report is useful to someone. cheers! :D

27-04-2016, 11:47 PM
quoted 3000 for ST and 6000 for LT. I was shocked by the LT price but usually I ain't interested in LT too so it doesn't matter to me. Still is the price quoted normal in bkk now? I remember I have LT in pattaya for 4000 bhat before. maybe someone can enlighten me on this.

Bangkok Agogo Bar ST/LT prices long ago spoilt liao. :cool:

For THB3000 ST you can get more value with a very pretty sideliner in the Soapy Massage Parlours at Ratchadapisek/Rama 9. :D
But for best value is still at Jakarta or HCMC where you become a "millionaire" spending millions daily. :p

27-04-2016, 11:58 PM
anione heard of this Roman Club at srinakarin area?

hows the charges there be like?

will up anione who provides some simple information also

27-04-2016, 11:59 PM
Bangkok Agogo Bar ST/LT prices long ago spoilt liao. :cool:

For THB3000 ST you can get more value with a very pretty sideliner in the Soapy Massage Parlours at Ratchadapisek/Rama 9. :D
But for best value is still at Jakarta or HCMC where you become a "millionaire" spending millions daily. :p

This is what I do
Usually I get the girl for ST or sometimes I just bar fine and tell her TBA. Or wait for her finish work.
Then romance her until she won't let you go and follow you back. Or ST already refuse to leave. This is very normal and usually I jokingly warn them beforehand. Get them hook and you're on a home run.
If the girl dun like you even you get LT early morning you open eyes she's all dressed and wake you up with stupid excuse she got to run. And ask for cab fare too.
That's why never book LT. If the ST is good she'll stay for free, sometimes you got to get rid of them even

28-04-2016, 12:09 AM
anione heard of this Roman Club at srinakarin area?

hows the charges there be like?

will up anione who provides some simple information also

It's a run of the mill entertainment complex. Many levels.
You get a lot of them there along the stretch like J one, the sky, the sun, nuada, 4x4 off road, Florence just to name a few.
You stay one month then can finish cheong the area.

28-04-2016, 12:38 AM
It's a run of the mill entertainment complex. Many levels.
You get a lot of them there along the stretch like J one, the sky, the sun, nuada, 4x4 off road, Florence just to name a few.
You stay one month then can finish cheong the area.

u know the price? just wanna go to this roman club only, so no need 1 month chiong finish lol, got a girl i like working there, wanna closed deal la :p

28-04-2016, 11:13 PM
That's why never book LT. If the ST is good she'll stay for free, sometimes you got to get rid of them even

i agree bro. this is true...it happened to me also, like 2 times when i ST them. i wasn;t set out to romance them or anything but just talk to them lor, treat like normal human being, be gentleman and just ask them about themselves and they willl open up to you one. then after the boom boom, they will usually hang around u (naked) and u can caress them as they yak away about their fave shopping, etc etc hahaha

i rem got one i got to tell her im drunk and v sleepy and need to zzz and then she then leave...but before she leave she kissed me on my forehead and lips lol

another one was i was more humsup...i was caressing her neh neh and bum when she talked;0

28-04-2016, 11:41 PM
Bangkok Agogo Bar ST/LT prices long ago spoilt liao. :cool:

For THB3000 ST you can get more value with a very pretty sideliner in the Soapy Massage Parlours at Ratchadapisek/Rama 9. :D
But for best value is still at Jakarta or HCMC where you become a "millionaire" spending millions daily. :p

Yeah i agree with you. spent some time at the soapy places too. no bar fine or lady drinks those issue but i enjoy looking at all the naked ladies dancing around 555. still sometimes heading to agogo is a hit or miss thing. just enjoy my drinks and look at the ladies without any bonking is fine for me. ;)

I had some fun in HCMC before too. millionaire indeed. lol

28-04-2016, 11:46 PM
This is what I do
Usually I get the girl for ST or sometimes I just bar fine and tell her TBA. Or wait for her finish work.
Then romance her until she won't let you go and follow you back. Or ST already refuse to leave. This is very normal and usually I jokingly warn them beforehand. Get them hook and you're on a home run.
If the girl dun like you even you get LT early morning you open eyes she's all dressed and wake you up with stupid excuse she got to run. And ask for cab fare too.
That's why never book LT. If the ST is good she'll stay for free, sometimes you got to get rid of them even

had this luck once before in pattaya. ST fun but the girl grew attached to me. had one more round of fun before she decided to leave and join her sisters elsewhere for party. maybe I shall try to "hook" some next time again like what you said. no harm trying. 5555

29-04-2016, 12:00 AM
Well to each his own. Seems $6k LT is the current market rate now. I usually never argue about rates; it seems like haggling over body price which I personally find distasteful. Not that I'm loaded, which I'm not by any standards.

I usually like to RTF and I find that if you immediately accept whatever reasonable rate they offer, they see it as you respect them and will give you a farking good time - every time. RTF also means a companion who will look out for you, regardless of whether she sees you as a reliable client or as a friend, I don't really bother.

If BGs or FLs quote you an unreasonable price at the onset, it essentially means they don't really want your business, and are hoping to scare you away. If you haggle, chances are you will be disappointed with the service e.g. starfish service, go-home-at-4am-bcz-housemate-forgot-key, mother-waiting-for-them and so on.

had this luck once before in pattaya. ST fun but the girl grew attached to me. had one more round of fun before she decided to leave and join her sisters elsewhere for party. maybe I shall try to "hook" some next time again like what you said. no harm trying. 5555

29-04-2016, 01:30 AM
Amethyst Massage

For all u massage addicts, this place just opened on the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 33 and the subsoi with 2 other SMS shops – Fortune and Sweet Mango – where Wall Street used to be.

It’s supposedly the sister shop of Addicts. The girls wear similar stewardess uniforms except in psychedelic orange. :eek: The good thing is that many of the girls sit outside, so u can check them out without going in.

They use the same method – all the girls line up for u to choose ¬– instead of a photo album. The menu including prices seems to be the same also.

It looks like they are already attracting a lot of attention. Soi 33 has been pretty quiet, with some shops/hotels closing or not even opening. With their flashing signs and flashy babes right on the main street (Addicts is kinda hidden), maybe this will liven things up.

As noted elsewhere, Soi 33 appears to be turning into more of a massage row than a bar strip.

29-04-2016, 01:38 AM

The coffeeshop was totally packed out tonite. I’ve never seen so many girls there. The line was going out the back door and almost up the stairs. Girls had to stand 2, 4 deep in the alcove in the back section.

Then I realized that it was the end of the month and just before a long weekend.

While most guys were enjoying themselves, a lot just gawking and hanging out, it’s very serious business for the girls. U can just see the look of despair creep on their faces after standing for hours and it dawns on them they’ll very likely not get a customer.

29-04-2016, 07:02 AM
Well to each his own. Seems $6k LT is the current market rate now. I usually never argue about rates; it seems like haggling over body price which I personally find distasteful. Not that I'm loaded, which I'm not by any standards.

I usually like to RTF and I find that if you immediately accept whatever reasonable rate they offer, they see it as you respect them and will give you a farking good time - every time. RTF also means a companion who will look out for you, regardless of whether she sees you as a reliable client or as a friend, I don't really bother.

If BGs or FLs quote you an unreasonable price at the onset, it essentially means they don't really want your business, and are hoping to scare you away. If you haggle, chances are you will be disappointed with the service e.g. starfish service, go-home-at-4am-bcz-housemate-forgot-key, mother-waiting-for-them and so on.

went to bkk recently;

booked LT, 1st night she asked for 5k, then i extended 2nd night...i asked how much n she said up to me;

in total i spent 11k (excluding wine dine, entertainment, taxi, etc.) for 2 nights with her.

29-04-2016, 12:31 PM
Thermae...totally packed out tonite....line was going out the back door and almost up the stairs. Girls had to stand 2, 4 deep in the alcove in the back section. Then I realized that it was the end of the month and just before a long weekend....look of despair creep on their faces after standing for hours and it dawns on them they’ll very likely not get a customer.
That time of the month, also for those moonlighting (rent's up, school fees, family). No slim pickings then:p
Amethyst Massage Soi 33 appears to be turning into more of a massage row than a bar strip.
Fond memories of soi 33, dead artists bar strip. From my initial forays to Bkk.
Is the big sports bar Office still there?
Well to each his own...RTF also means a companion who will look out for you, If you haggle, chances are you will be disappointed with the service e.g. starfish service, go-home-at-4am-bcz-housemate-forgot-key, mother-waiting-for-them and so on.
Yo, not that I endorse the outrageous agg pricing these days. Put the ST get lucky piece in right perspective. Haha, the excuses are par for the course. Heard this real funny one from AC, runner said got to milk cows early morning :p

29-04-2016, 01:31 PM
Yeah i agree with you. spent some time at the soapy places too. no bar fine or lady drinks those issue but i enjoy looking at all the naked ladies dancing around 555. still sometimes heading to agogo is a hit or miss thing. just enjoy my drinks and look at the ladies without any bonking is fine for me. ;)

555 if you enjoy looking at full naked bodies then try the striptease/dancer clubs in Jakarta. :D

29-04-2016, 02:09 PM
Well to each his own. Seems $6k LT is the current market rate now. I usually never argue about rates; it seems like haggling over body price which I personally find distasteful. Not that I'm loaded, which I'm not by any standards.

I usually like to RTF and I find that if you immediately accept whatever reasonable rate they offer, they see it as you respect them and will give you a farking good time - every time. RTF also means a companion who will look out for you, regardless of whether she sees you as a reliable client or as a friend, I don't really bother.

If BGs or FLs quote you an unreasonable price at the onset, it essentially means they don't really want your business, and are hoping to scare you away. If you haggle, chances are you will be disappointed with the service e.g. starfish service, go-home-at-4am-bcz-housemate-forgot-key, mother-waiting-for-them and so on.

Hehe great minds think alike.
Never haggle over a price of a bonk, if you think price is unfair/too high then just decline.
Like bro said, a WL wanting to do your business would never over quote you unless she doesn't want your business to begin with.
Paying her asking price dun mean you will lose out. You might get back your returns in other ways i.e. good service etc. I've ever met one that even did my laundry for me!

30-04-2016, 01:25 AM
555 if you enjoy looking at full naked bodies then try the striptease/dancer clubs in Jakarta. :D

after reading your reply i went to read the jakarta thread. your posting sounds really fun bro. nv consider it on my list to explore before but now i will. thanks for all the info man (only read a bit but find it good already). :D:D

30-04-2016, 01:27 AM
That's a first indeed! :D

Heard this real funny one from AC, runner said got to milk cows early morning :p

30-04-2016, 05:07 PM
Planning to visit thailand first week of June. between 29th May-4th Jun for 3-4 days.

Open to any place whether its BKK/Phuket/??

Anyone planning ?

30-04-2016, 06:13 PM
Hi guys...at Bkk now....tonight anybody going anywhere nice..

30-04-2016, 07:22 PM
Hi guys...at Bkk now....tonight anybody going anywhere nice..

I'm also in Bkk. Where u suggesting ? :p

30-04-2016, 07:30 PM
Hi guys...at Bkk now....tonight anybody going anywhere nice..

Will be in sukhumvit soi 7/1 for drinks, pool n music....if ur interested bro....BANGKOK BEAT
top floor from 1030pm onwards...mobile 090 323 1493

There is a threesome place next door forget the name and cheap too.

30-04-2016, 07:57 PM
Will be in sukhumvit soi 7/1 for drinks, pool n music....if ur interested bro....BANGKOK BEAT
top floor from 1030pm onwards...mobile 090 323 1493

There is a threesome place next door forget the name and cheap too.

Eden club is the place. And plenty of bj saloons too. :p

30-04-2016, 10:05 PM
Eden club is the place. And plenty of bj saloons too. :p
Yes, bro vbkk, eden club, thanks am old already..laem leaw

see you at bb bro vbkk ?

30-04-2016, 11:26 PM
Yes, bro vbkk, eden club, thanks am old already..laem leaw

see you at bb bro vbkk ?

Thanks for the offer. But already had plans. Maybe tomorrow if u are still around. :o:p

01-05-2016, 01:08 AM
I'm also in Bkk. Where u suggesting ? :p
Hi bro...tonight just touchdown... Just chill at lad phrao 122...
How about you ?

01-05-2016, 06:57 PM
Hi bro...tonight just touchdown... Just chill at lad phrao 122...
How about you ?

Lad phrao 122 have what ? :confused:

01-05-2016, 08:01 PM
Lad phrao 122 have what ? :confused:

There are quite a no. of bars there cater to Ramkhamhaeng Uni students.

01-05-2016, 08:18 PM
There are quite a no. of bars there cater to Ramkhamhaeng Uni students.

Not bad for a 2nd trip to Bangkok cheongster to know these places. I myself Duno. I only know Soi cowboy and nana plaza :D:p

01-05-2016, 08:41 PM
Hi bro...tonight just touchdown... Just chill at lad phrao 122...
How about you ?

Hoot! Hoot!

Second trip to Bangkok already know where to hang out in Lat Phrao?

You can run but you cannot hide sentsggirls.


01-05-2016, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the offer. But already had plans. Maybe tomorrow if u are still around. :o:p

OK bro will be there tonight again, last night was rocking bro, was totally smashed !!

Just look out for a tall chinese looking guy with lots of Tats on both arms,,..

01-05-2016, 09:01 PM
OK bro will be there tonight again, last night was rocking bro, was totally smashed !!

Just look out for a tall chinese looking guy with lots of Tats on both arms,,..

What time will u be there tonight? Did any bros managed to hook up with u last night ? :p

01-05-2016, 09:35 PM
What time will u be there tonight? Did any bros managed to hook up with u last night ? :p

Will be there around 1030, no, was solo last night bro,,,,

02-05-2016, 12:44 AM
will be there around 1030, no, was solo last night bro,,,,

my mobile 090 323 1493

03-05-2016, 02:21 AM
Nana Update

Jail Birdz
They’re running a happy hour until 10 pm. Didn’t see a sign but there were a couple farang out in front yelling out to anyone passing by “Drinks 99 baht. All girls!” – meaning no LBs. Drinks include bottled beer. For Nana, that’s a good deal.

Too be honest, most of the dancers seem to be farang-oriented, but there were some that bros might be interested in. There is some showing here.
One that caught my eye was #305. Now I’ve started to get a complex about recommending girls on this forum cuz someone can always find fault with them. If u said this blondie is too thin, too flat, too weird looking (face), too show-offy and has a big tattoo, u might have a point. But she looks like she’d be hot in the sack and I wouldn’t mind her keeping my bed warm. :)

Be careful. There might be some jailbait here, too. The girls in the red uniforms are “illegal”, a dancer told me when the place first opened. :eek:

RB4 (G-Spot)
Couldn’t believe it but they have now hired coyotes! There were 6, with 3 dancing at one time on the small stage. They started on Sat nite. They weren’t too hot and it seemed everyone was ignoring them.

Drinks are still B155.

One dancer threw herself at me and said she had seen me before. I was trying to leave and she was trying to go ST with me for B2,000. I dun think it was cuz she liked me, more like desperation.

The bath babies are back.

03-05-2016, 02:23 AM
Thermae again

Completely forgot that this is now Golden Week in Japan. Planeloads of wannabe samurai have landed and they’ve turned Thermae into a zoo. It’s so packed that it’s hard to move around. The girls now are smiling and laughing, cuz these guys are real buyers, not window shoppers. In fact, there’s a kinda shortage of girls.

There’re 2 thoughts to this – with so many guys, the place should be avoided, and this is the time to go there cuz u can see many new girls who’ve heard about GW and are trying it out. There were some lookers even on a Monday nite.

05-05-2016, 09:40 PM
Thermae again

Completely forgot that this is now Golden Week in Japan. Planeloads of wannabe samurai have landed and they’ve turned Thermae into a zoo. It’s so packed that it’s hard to move around. The girls now are smiling and laughing, cuz these guys are real buyers, not window shoppers. In fact, there’s a kinda shortage of girls.

There’re 2 thoughts to this – with so many guys, the place should be avoided, and this is the time to go there cuz u can see many new girls who’ve heard about GW and are trying it out. There were some lookers even on a Monday nite.

Yup golden week now! Seems noone coming to bangkok from singapore. :(:p

05-05-2016, 10:49 PM
Seems noone coming to bangkok from singapore. :(:p

Now is examination month in SG, parents must coach their kids, where got time and energy to go BKK?

06-05-2016, 01:33 AM
i actually asked this in the other thread about clubs but nobody gave me an answer so just checking if anybody here knows.

just like to check how does claudia work?

i understand that its a g-club, and i know the usual membership fees apply (10k, 20k etc) but how are the quality of the girls? is it like pimp where you can get the mamasan to intro girls who can take out? or is it really like some other g-clubs where takeout is up to your KC skills?

gonna go with a few friends to bkk soon and they like to chiong ktv kind so maybe will visit g-club one of the nights, shortlisted claudia. hope can find out more info on claudia.

06-05-2016, 03:59 AM
i understand that its a g-club, and i know the usual membership fees apply (10k, 20k etc) but how are the quality of the girls? is it like pimp where you can get the mamasan to intro girls who can take out? or is it really like some other g-clubs where takeout is up to your KC skills?

I am curious, what made u a must go to Claudia? :confused: Since u are familiar with pimp then why not just pop into pimp? unless u telling me, u have "tasted" all the gers there.... Also since u know Claudia is a g-club and the hint is all g-clubs operate almost the same. Just talk to mms what u want.

BTW beauty varies among men, also depends on luck. Some so called pretty gers will work, some will not. Some move to another g-club while some retired.

Just go and post FR.

06-05-2016, 09:22 AM
Yup golden week now! Seems noone coming to bangkok from singapore. :(:p

Izzit? Hmmmh....

Sillypore's economy slowing, SBF bros cutting budget...?

06-05-2016, 01:29 PM
Now is examination month in SG, parents must coach their kids, where got time and energy to go BKK?

LOL!! Bf must coach GF also then go for examination.

06-05-2016, 01:59 PM
I am curious, what made u a must go to Claudia? :confused: Since u are familiar with pimp then why not just pop into pimp? unless u telling me, u have "tasted" all the gers there.... Also since u know Claudia is a g-club and the hint is all g-clubs operate almost the same. Just talk to mms what u want.

BTW beauty varies among men, also depends on luck. Some so called pretty gers will work, some will not. Some move to another g-club while some retired.

Just go and post FR.
friends are considering going. so its just about finding out more info. don't want to walk in blindly into a joint.

nothing wrong with other g clubs, just want to try out some other places, thats all.

06-05-2016, 11:21 PM
Hullo fellow bros,

Reporting 'live' from BKK - land of pussies:)

Went to baccara and crazy house - crazy house girls standard dropped a lot!! not 1 is a looker...all small breasts, but this time round they are mostly clean-shaven...i like! wahaha

bacarra is good. always lots of girls and a lot more pretty ones. but a lot of them are female ninjas...they chop u LD v fast. i admit i kena chopped 2 LD in a single setting coz i was staring at her breasts and busy feeling her shapely bums. damn lol

tonight i went quite late, slightly around mid night, so i guess the chio ones are mostly taken. i had 2 girls who are quite keen in me, but one is too slutty (a bit turn off for me) and another quite big-sized but ok looking. in the end, i didnt bf any.

around 1:30am, proceeded to thermae but 1 quite ok looking girl caught my eye. she look a bit like jap. stopped and talked to her. negotiated 2000 baht for st. went back hotel. frenched well. she quite shy, keep saying she shy this and that. cannot touch her pussy at all. wanna grind her pussy before inserting also cannot. and when i position my little bro at the entrance of her love hole, she suddenly grabbed my dick and say she shy...im like, wtf?! it was dark and i can't really see too. but she kept on holding my manhood and then said she shy. nb. felt like i kena conned...can bbbj and hj but cannot fuck. she say she tired. nb lim peh sian zi pua already, dick went limp lol.

in the end, gave her 1000 baht and then tell her to go home. she is upset, but lim peh more tulan. i'm the customer yet i cannot fuck u. haizz

ok, gonna sleep now. guess tmr's another mongering day:)

end of day 1 FR

lol .. nice way u write bro.

07-05-2016, 11:38 PM
lol .. nice way u write bro.

hahahaha! thanks bro. i still got a couple of super belated FRs i haven't write...

07-05-2016, 11:56 PM
hi bros

it's been some time, and i was fucking busy with work, but for entertainment's sake, here's my humble FR on my mongering in bkk earlier this year:

day 2, and one singaporean dude's view of bkk, the world's sex capital:

The truth is that, at a swinging bachelor at 36, one has a strong urge to give one's life a touch of zest and a sense of adventure (sexventure perhaps?). Travelling the world and enjoying the authentic global market place - things, food, services and yes, pussies.

Bangkok; a place to satisfy our cocks;) Yes it is cheap (at least compared to bloody SG).

It's a heady mix of the buzz of modernity and the blanket of traditional culture - it is open yet closed. For the first time traveller to Bangkok, one would experience a rush to the head with its heat and the constant hum of the city. Its grim, its commercialism and the busyness of the city dwellers all reverberated one thing - the quest for money. Thailand, with the majority of its people, is poor. Save for the elite few, the majority of them are struggling to make ends meet. But since this is a sex forum, let's get down to business and talk about the real stuff:)

Visit a strip club at night, and all the familiar rush to the head come again - this time, it hijacks your senses with everything a female form has got (sorry to those who are homosexual or bisexual, I'm writing to pussy lovers here :D).

Bangkok, as they say, is man's answer to lust and of course, happiness. Paid happiness. They say that Asia changes a man (for all the cheap sex and debauchery things one can get for money). I'd say Bangkok evolves a man ;)

Welcome to the city of angels.

08-05-2016, 12:18 AM
BKK Day 2

Lover for the night: Meaw, Baccara, 26, petite JAV goddess.

Yes. That would be how I formed my first impression of her when I set my eyes on this lovely, irresistible STY. With her flowing blonde locks and japanese-inspired make up, Meaw caught my attention when she came on stage - all magnificence and oodles of sexiness.

While she is definitely a looker (JAV fans take note!), she has B- boobs. Or if I can create a new category to categorise boobs, it'll be B--. Slightly bigger than A, but not quite B-. You get the point. But what she lacks she makes up for her sweet personality and oh yes, her baby-soft smooth skin. I especially liked caressing her back when I spent the rest of the night at Climaxx - many lonely guys were admiring at my catch of the night. Her bare back dress revealed more than sexiness. You know, sometimes when a woman dress in a manner that reveals quite a bit but yet conceals her critical parts, IT IS FUCKING SEXY. Hehe. So, her dress reveals the glory of her smooth and blemish-free back, and plunged all the way down to her rounded hips.

Eventually, after a night of partying, I brought my prize back to my hotel to end the night well:) I recalled that she specifically set her terms when I told her I want to bar fine her: 5000 baht. Until 3AM only. I said fine, let's go. And, in the end, she stayed past her timing and continued to talk and being fucking drunk, I have to tell her to go LOL. She was nice, and we did lots of deep frenching, and I got to tell you, having my dick inside her wet love hole while we explored each other's tongue was, exhilarating. I fucked her all night (for quite some time), and sucked her erected nipples. She deep frenched me and went down my hardened shaft as if she was famished, wolfing it down in deep gulps. I was in heaven.

And, the best part was, she was already fucking wet when I touched her pussy - her love juice was already free-flowing when I touched her pussy!! She's neatly trimmed and her pussy has a nice pinkish colour:


Yep, this was how she was when I explored her nether region. Frankly speaking, I was a bit surprised to find that she was already fucking wet even before I fingered her. For bros who are curious, this was what I did: I PURPOSELY avoid touching her pussy and nipples during fore play. Yes, we frenched deeply and I used my fingers to navigate around her tender (and cute hehe) breasts, and using the back of my fingers, I stroked the sides of her pussy. After which, I kissed and licked (don't be too aggressive in your licking; take it slow and gentle) her inner thighs and the sensitive areas beside her love hole, especially the area between her pussy and anus, which is, incredibly sensitive. The key thing is, avoid direct stimulation on her key sexual points - nipples, pussy and maybe anal. Tease her, lick her, suck her. Let her moan and let her desire for you even more. This is pure lust at play. Make her beg for your dick. Make her WANT you.

She'll give you a fucking good time;)

Well, to sum up, in the end, we fucked our brains out that night and she kept saying that "OMG you're super strong, can last so long! Fuck me, please!!"

Have fun, and enjoy mongering bros:)

08-05-2016, 01:07 AM
hi bros,

i'm still quite new to the cheong scene in BKK. can anyone pls share some cheong place where you can watch good sexy entertainment and bf the girls back?

Apart from AGG, i'm actually looking for something close to what we have in SG...Thai Disco at golden mile haha. I actually quite like it, but if there is a BKK equivalent, it will be awesome!


08-05-2016, 12:18 PM
Any current place recommendations for SYTs and Uni girls for massage parlours and clubs?

10-05-2016, 12:09 AM
hi bros,

i'm still quite new to the cheong scene in BKK. can anyone pls share some cheong place where you can watch good sexy entertainment and bf the girls back?

Apart from AGG, i'm actually looking for something close to what we have in SG...Thai Disco at golden mile haha. I actually quite like it, but if there is a BKK equivalent, it will be awesome!


Bro once you have been to Bangkok, you will never patronise a singapore TD again..

10-05-2016, 01:10 AM
Bro once you have been to Bangkok, you will never patronise a singapore TD again..
that was what i told my friends who were hooked to singapore td but never been to bkk to explore.

10-05-2016, 04:59 AM
Bro once you have been to Bangkok, you will never patronise a singapore TD again..

I would say " once u have been to Bangkok , u would know what u been missing out actually , will still patronise Singapore TD once in a while ( u can't just fly to Bangkok every weekend ) but u will be more careful while spending $$ at the Thai discos in Singapore.

Thai discos is a form of "temporary relieve " for many of those who need to have the feel "at home" when u can't make a short trip to Bangkok due to several constraints. ;)

10-05-2016, 05:02 AM
that was what i told my friends who were hooked to singapore td but never been to bkk to explore.

Those who are hooked to Singapore will definitely make their "first maiden trip" when their Thai model finish her work stint in Singapore and would want their "BF" to come visit them in Thailand. From there, they will also see that there are more better girls in Thailand. :D

11-05-2016, 10:13 PM
Hi all Senior Bros,

Is it advisable to BKK over the Vesak Day weekend? Will the massage and AGOGO gals still be in reduced strength?

Thank you for advice.

11-05-2016, 10:47 PM
I would say " once u have been to Bangkok , u would know what u been missing out actually , will still patronise Singapore TD once in a while ( u can't just fly to Bangkok every weekend ) but u will be more careful while spending $$ at the Thai discos in Singapore.

Thai discos is a form of "temporary relieve " for many of those who need to have the feel "at home" when u can't make a short trip to Bangkok due to several constraints. ;)

actually u guys are right...td waste money only but ok la temp relief loh. hear their singsong language, teh their neh neh here and there but those who have been to bkk wouldn't pay a few hundred just to ST her. how come sg cheong scene is not like bkk????! :rolleyes:

11-05-2016, 10:48 PM
so bkk really dun hv those live band pubs and then u can tabao ST or LT the girl home one ah? or maybe have, but i dunno only hee hee hee

11-05-2016, 11:09 PM
Is it advisable to BKK over the Vesak Day weekend? Will the massage and AGOGO gals still be in reduced strength?

Vesak day itself not strength reduce but instead strength = zero. The other days will be fine.

actually u guys are right...td waste money only but ok la temp relief loh. hear their singsong language, teh their neh neh here and there but those who have been to bkk wouldn't pay a few hundred just to ST her. how come sg cheong scene is not like bkk????! :rolleyes:

I so sick of Thai songs, now in my car plays chinese n cantonese songs. :D
so bkk really dun hv those live band pubs and then u can tabao ST or LT the girl home one ah? or maybe have, but i dunno only hee hee hee

Have have have, how much u willing to pay?

12-05-2016, 02:27 AM
going for business next week....any bros want to cheong?

12-05-2016, 02:53 AM
Just came back from thermae cafe. Wow the ratio of girls in there are at least twice as of men at 10pm. Looks like the guys are not biting the bait. ST rates are 2500 baht and LT are 5000 baht as of today.

12-05-2016, 10:06 PM
I been to pimp a few times in bkk, but it's getting more expensive and e girls seems to hang themselves compare to last time.

My friend bachelor night hope can find some G-club. Any brothers got recommendation that is better than pimp with more happening university girls...

Help help help

13-05-2016, 12:53 AM
Just came back from thermae cafe. Wow the ratio of girls in there are at least twice as of men at 10pm. Looks like the guys are not biting the bait. ST rates are 2500 baht and LT are 5000 baht as of today.

good to stay this way
when later in the night will have lolong esp towards end of month

13-05-2016, 10:37 AM
My friend bachelor night hope can find some G-club. Any brothers got recommendation that is better than pimp with more happening university girls...

Just personal view,

Pimp is overly promoted in this forum. There are many g-clubs in BKK... but it is difficult to find a club with lots of pretty gers, inexpensive n playable. Just step into 1 u like n enjoy the night. I know a group of samsters whom every trip here will go Villa every night. I also dunno what black magic Villa did to them.

Not directing at u but SG men in general. Many SG men go AGG, complain gers black black, then go G-club complain, too expensive n difficult to bring out. Si beh difficult to please....

14-05-2016, 02:56 AM
I been to pimp a few times in bkk, but it's getting more expensive and e girls seems to hang themselves compare to last time.

My friend bachelor night hope can find some G-club. Any brothers got recommendation that is better than pimp with more happening university girls...

can try sherbet or czech, underrated g-clubs. According to a friend of mine who frequent sherbet, lotsa uni students in there with basic to decent english.
but besides the g quality, the ambience of place and character of the crowd are crucial for a great bachelor party.
some g-clubs are abit more laidback, purely for guys to meet girls for company, chit chat and drink.
Can always google or search for youtube vids to get a rough idea.

14-05-2016, 03:29 AM
Just personal view,

Pimp is overly promoted in this forum. There are many g-clubs in BKK... but it is difficult to find a club with lots of pretty gers, inexpensive n playable. Just step into 1 u like n enjoy the night. I know a group of samsters whom every trip here will go Villa every night. I also dunno what black magic Villa did to them.

Not directing at u but SG men in general. Many SG men go AGG, complain gers black black, then go G-club complain, too expensive n difficult to bring out. Si beh difficult to please....

Me and my bros mindset when go chiong these places is treat as chiong in Sg.
If you willing to fork out what you pay in Sg and your expectations.
Then you'll have hell of a time in any place in bkk.
Usually you'll end up spending less of course in case you spent the same or more then confirm you gotten royal treatment.

14-05-2016, 11:03 AM
Some updates at Nana Plaza

Rainbow 4 is currently known as "Four Bar" and located on level 2 and shifted to the adjacent bar of its previous location. Has shifted for quite some time though but did not have the time to post. :D

At its previous location is now a coyote bar called "Twister" which open about 2 weeks ago. Do take note of the change of bars.

Jailbird on level 3 was closed though when I was there. Probably some issues on underage girls as usual. :rolleyes:

14-05-2016, 11:31 AM
I been to pimp a few times in bkk, but it's getting more expensive and e girls seems to hang themselves compare to last time.

My friend bachelor night hope can find some G-club. Any brothers got recommendation that is better than pimp with more happening university girls...

Help help help

I have been around many G clubs in Bangkok and have many friends working in different G clubs all around Bangkok. Personally I would say if u want to look for university girls , kindly go to a university.

I do not understand why is it getting more expensive at pimp. Are u paying more because u are hassled for more drinks or what? The girls there hang themselves compared to last time is probably because of how u treat them. If u treat a lady with respect , u could more often than not get what u want end of the day.

It really depends on what u are looking for when u go to a G club. Some go there to have a good time drinking and enjoy the performance. Some go there hoping to know/sit some hot chick. Some hoping to bring a girl back to bonk. Different G clubs in Bangkok offer different kinds of experience.

The girls at pimp are well known for their play factor. They might not have the best looking girls but if u are looking for wild fun, it would probably be the best place. Sherbet/villa or even secret city have one of the best looking girls. But u won't be hoping for the same kind of wildness with the girls there.

Lastly I do not know why must look for a G club with happening university girls? U are hoping to able to hook up a university girl so that u can learn to speak Thai?:confused:

Just personal view,

Pimp is overly promoted in this forum. There are many g-clubs in BKK... but it is difficult to find a club with lots of pretty gers, inexpensive n playable. Just step into 1 u like n enjoy the night. I know a group of samsters whom every trip here will go Villa every night. I also dunno what black magic Villa did to them.

Not directing at u but SG men in general. Many SG men go AGG, complain gers black black, then go G-club complain, too expensive n difficult to bring out. Si beh difficult to please....

Pimp has to be the most frequented G club in Bangkok as it's easier for them to get what they want. G clubs are certainly not cheap regardless whichever one in Bangkok. If u want cheap , please head to bars at cowboy / nana / patpong. If u want wild fun, u can head to Pimp. If u want pretty girls , u can try other better G clubs like secret city.

It's really not that hard to bring any girls out of any G clubs at the end of the day. It's just how u do it. Many of my female friends say SG guys they have met/seen too straightforward and blunt. If a girl feels comfortable being with u, the rest would be easy. If u are lazy to do all that, just kindly go to rainbow bars/Baccara to just take a girl back to the hotel and bonk. They are used to the "straightforward" method. ;)

Just my views only.

14-05-2016, 08:35 PM
Looking for advice here as well.

Going alone and find G-clubs too expensive. What other options for fun are there? Normal clubs like route 66/RCA? or just pubs? Saw a thread on kapoo club which seems good.

Also another thing, although been there a few times, never got the chance to see the ping pong show. Any recommendations for that? Most are like scams right?

Been to Nana/Cowboy and huay hwang area. Looking for something new this trip.

15-05-2016, 12:14 AM
Looking for advice here as well.

Going alone and find G-clubs too expensive. What other options for fun are there? Normal clubs like route 66/RCA? or just pubs? Saw a thread on kapoo club which seems good.

Also another thing, although been there a few times, never got the chance to see the ping pong show. Any recommendations for that? Most are like scams right?

Been to Nana/Cowboy and huay hwang area. Looking for something new this trip.

try the SM club if u want something more adventurous. i myself also haben try...hahaha

15-05-2016, 02:09 PM
If u are lazy to do all that, just kindly go to rainbow bars/Baccara to just take a girl back to the hotel and bonk. They are used to the "straightforward" method. ;)

I think it's cause we only fly there once every few months, at least for the 'normal' tourists like me, that's why they are more straight forward. After all, most would recommend a 3-4days trip there and not surprise most guys would hit on the girl straight instead of wasting time. Seriously, for me, I have run out of things to do in BKK that now when I'm in BKK, I rather take a trip out of BKK so I am able to enjoy myself more! Haha
I seriously cannot understand how the singgie tourist can waste his/her time at Platinum all day long. Still don't leh.

Maybe also cause some bros would think our SGD is big f*ck, so we can afford to be more straightforward? Problem is, sometimes I wonder, who is having the last laugh? :rolleyes:

15-05-2016, 05:12 PM
Wow so many posts about G-Clubs and sad state of affairs! :eek:

5555 I only miss Bangkok for the food. :p
No more tiraks = no more problems. ;)

For pussies better value elsewhere in Southeast Asia. :D

15-05-2016, 06:09 PM
Reporting live from Nataree

15-05-2016, 06:21 PM
Reporting live from Nataree

Got post like never post leh 555! :D

15-05-2016, 07:09 PM
I think it's cause we only fly there once every few months, at least for the 'normal' tourists like me, that's why they are more straight forward. After all, most would recommend a 3-4days trip there and not surprise most guys would hit on the girl straight instead of wasting time. Seriously, for me, I have run out of things to do in BKK that now when I'm in BKK, I rather take a trip out of BKK so I am able to enjoy myself more! Haha
I seriously cannot understand how the singgie tourist can waste his/her time at Platinum all day long. Still don't leh.

Maybe also cause some bros would think our SGD is big f*ck, so we can afford to be more straightforward? Problem is, sometimes I wonder, who is having the last laugh? :rolleyes:

Yes, that's why I say if u are looking just to release, u are better off at the usual places where not much effort ( just $ ) is needed. :p

555, well some like to do shopping but for me, I just think what I need I straight go to the shop and buy it and out within 5mins. Everyone different budget. As long as happy and enjoy , u can do it within your means. ;)

Reporting live from Nataree

Got post like never post leh 555!

Live firing in progress! That is why. Maybe and hopefully a FR will surfaced later. :D

15-05-2016, 07:45 PM
Live firing in progress! That is why. Maybe and hopefully a FR will surfaced later.

Paiseh for the suspension.

Reached here abt 3.30m. Now 6.30pm. Fishbowl very few grils and not a looker. But many sideliners.

@3.30pm :Sit and having a beer and order food cos hungry. So can take my time looking at the girls. After 10min of bio-ing. I spot some my type one. Petite cute looking small face. Den got one look back and me and smile. Den i smile back. It happen for a few time. Feeling lai liao. But my fried chicken food haven come. I asked pps for the rate. 2600thb. Price ok. Then i go to thr girl and say hi. Ask her to wait for me to finish my food, cos that fried chicken haven come but i already finish my beer. Empty stomach drink liao a bit tipsy. She then follow me to my table and wait for me. Den pps say the food can send to room. So mai tu liao, straight away go counter pay.

Name: Ying
Age: 27
Height: 155cm around. 1 head shorter den me.
Look: 9/10. Look cute and young like 20. Small face.
Body: petite. Small cute boobs at least natural. Shaved.

Long time frenching, long foreplay with licking and fingering. BJ with condom(not so shiok) FJ tight and warm.(shiok) FJ for long time cannot cum.(beer effect) switch to HJ. She HJ me, i finger her and enjoying her come fuck me look. Very shiok. Then when done. Got bath by her in the tub (quick rub all over). Everything last 1hr i think.

Then we say byebye. But i sit around to rest with a glass of coffee. Got to chat with another player at the same table while looking at girls

Experience: worth the $$. Will visit this place again

15-05-2016, 07:55 PM
Went Pimp twice last 2 weeks to take care my Singaporean horny friends. 5 guys seated in a big room with pool table, 6 bottles of gold label , 5 wild girls ( topless ), lots of food, sheesha. half way through the party, I instructed the server to switch of all the lights, including the monitor screen. server hand each guys a condom and ....... yeah. party started at 930pm and end at 4am. total bill cost about 55k. each person $440
Everyone left happily for supper, 3 friends bought their girl out for more private session at their room. some paid 3k some paid 5k.

went thai joint in Singapore yesterday. 5 bottles $1032, throw flower about $200-$300. small table, squeezy, lots of smoke, lady butterfly, no supper, everyone paid about $400 each and left unhappily haha...

15-05-2016, 08:02 PM

CLUB KUKUjiao is a selective honorable men club arranged in the heart of Bangkok. A blend of parlor/bar and lives with shower in the event that you needs to get shrewd, you will be enthrall by our sexually attractive women in their skimpiest outfits from around the world. Laze and unwind yourself in our comfortable bar, don’t hesitate to touch and notice those young ladies energetically sitting tight for you and making them rock you in the bar. We have private rooms with joined shower to take into account your dirtiest creative impulses on the off chance that you realize what we mean.

Not at all like different clubs, we are here to convey you to another level of play area where you will get the chance to touch, rub and notice those young ladies before settling on any choice and obviously with no commitment. Why so you may ask… ? We have confidence in making you glad and that the motivation behind why we call ourselves a select men of their word club. At regular intervals new faces new smells new brassy butts going along with us to serve and delight you, drop by and see it for yourself then you will recognize what we mean. The main play area in Bangkok that separate us from the rest, we may not be the best but rather we play the best.

Anyone went?

15-05-2016, 09:13 PM

CLUB KUKUjiao is a selective honorable men club arranged in the heart of Bangkok. A blend of parlor/bar and lives with shower in the event that you needs to get shrewd, you will be enthrall by our sexually attractive women in their skimpiest outfits from around the world. Laze and unwind yourself in our comfortable bar, don’t hesitate to touch and notice those young ladies energetically sitting tight for you and making them rock you in the bar. We have private rooms with joined shower to take into account your dirtiest creative impulses on the off chance that you realize what we mean.

Anyone went?

dont bother... closed down already...
try msg through LINE/wechat etc... or call the joint...

16-05-2016, 03:13 AM
try the SM club if u want something more adventurous. i myself also haben try...hahaha

Sm club at where? the one at nana?

16-05-2016, 07:00 PM
Went Pimp twice last 2 weeks to take care my Singaporean horny friends. 5 guys seated in a big room with pool table, 6 bottles of gold label , 5 wild girls ( topless ), lots of food, sheesha. half way through the party, I instructed the server to switch of all the lights, including the monitor screen. server hand each guys a condom and ....... yeah.

Wow! :eek:



17-05-2016, 01:19 PM
Went Pimp twice last 2 weeks to take care my Singaporean horny friends. 5 guys seated in a big room with pool table, 6 bottles of gold label , 5 wild girls ( topless ), lots of food, sheesha. half way through the party, I instructed the server to switch of all the lights, including the monitor screen. server hand each guys a condom and ....... yeah. party started at 930pm and end at 4am. total bill cost about 55k. each person $440
Everyone left happily for supper, 3 friends bought their girl out for more private session at their room. some paid 3k some paid 5k.

went thai joint in Singapore yesterday. 5 bottles $1032, throw flower about $200-$300. small table, squeezy, lots of smoke, lady butterfly, no supper, everyone paid about $400 each and left unhappily haha...

Wow! So fierce jittao in room battlefield

law rence
19-05-2016, 03:07 PM
Arriving on 19may
Any bro keen to guide me for some fun around bkk ?

19-05-2016, 04:49 PM
Arriving on 19may
Any bro keen to guide me for some fun around bkk ?

Proceed to nana plaZa and head to obsessions. Or cowboy for cockatoo bar. Lastly proceed to outside Thermae cafe at Soi 15 for last min selections. ;)

20-05-2016, 12:11 AM
Proceed to nana plaZa and head to obsessions. Or cowboy for cockatoo bar. Lastly proceed to outside Thermae cafe at Soi 15 for last min selections. ;)

Mai sabo newbie lah.... you direct him to all the LB joints.... lol :eek:

20-05-2016, 12:17 AM
Mai sabo newbie lah.... you direct him to all the LB joints.... lol :eek:

Well, to be honest it really doesn't take long to do a little research here. But we should get more creative for guys who are too lazy to spend 30 mins for some easy&fun read...

Ladyboys, namelo super VIP service, anything else?? Anyone know where you can find rreally old, fat and hairy girls??

If anyone knows must be vbkk.

20-05-2016, 12:22 AM
Anyone know where you can find rreally old, fat and hairy girls??.

You can try the beer bars at Queens Plaza on soi 22..... those gals there are really vintage veterans :eek:

20-05-2016, 03:57 AM
Mai sabo newbie lah.... you direct him to all the LB joints.... lol

If u noticed ( I did a background check on his "interests" posts ) , he apparently likes to go look see look see at ladyboys in SG. So the places I posted might be of some interest to him but not to others who are reading. :D

Well, to be honest it really doesn't take long to do a little research here. But we should get more creative for guys who are too lazy to spend 30 mins for some easy&fun read...

Ladyboys, namelo super VIP service, anything else?? Anyone know where you can find rreally old, fat and hairy girls??

If anyone knows must be vbkk.

If u ask me where to find pretty models and coyotes I can direct u. But as above , I really have no idea. :D

law rence
20-05-2016, 09:14 AM
Steady la.. Me alone so wan explore .. On a budget so advice me on pricing

20-05-2016, 12:18 PM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, just go to alley next to Sukhumvit Soi 11 Villa Market! There are many small massage shops that cater to cheapos and I've heard that services are excellent! Girls usually charge 1,000 - 1,200 bhat for 1.5 hours of massage and sex!

20-05-2016, 04:12 PM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, please go to the beer bars in Patpong 2 near the Patpong night market, whereby you drink beer ( cheaper than in NEP, SC, Saphan Kwai and in Patpong agogos and drinking places ). Bar fine: you can dicusss this with the mamasans there if you are smart. ST with sex is around 1,200 THB with Isaan ladies. Can ST many bar girls there. Most will line up for you to mirror. Since you are on a budget.....cheaper sex there than those in the agogos and in the Star Wars underground canteena.

law rence
20-05-2016, 07:27 PM
I think patpong danger le .. Went nana Ytd ..

20-05-2016, 07:54 PM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, you should look for freelancers.

Most commonly found oppsite of Nana plaza entrance. You may also walk along Sukhumvit road, from Nana plaza to Soi cowboy. There are plenty of them for you to choose. Prices st-1000b and lt-2000, do not pay more than that.

Beware of ladyboys too, they are usually taller or same height if you are of average height.


20-05-2016, 08:20 PM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, just go to alley next to Sukhumvit Soi 11 Villa Market! There are many small massage shops that cater to cheapos and I've heard that services are excellent! Girls usually charge 1,000 - 1,200 bhat for 1.5 hours of massage and sex!

That location has also been "touristed". Now the gals want 1500baht for 1 hr full service (in shop) and have to pay extra 800 baht to shop if she follow you to hotel. This pricing was as of 1st week of May 2016.

20-05-2016, 09:02 PM

I never been there but my elder friends patronize those massage shops! They only pay 1,000 to 1,200 bhat max, so negotiate and play hard to get! If they don't want to offer lower price visit another shop! There's approximately 40 massage shops, therefore, lots of competition so shop around and negotiate! Also, don't forget to wear parachute, some of my friends go bare so be careful! Good luck and have an enjoyable and safe vacation! My advice, be firm, negotiate and walk away, there are thousands of attractive working girls in Bangkok!

One more advice, don't act like a tourist, act and behave like an expat, when you visit those shops. Several of my expat cheapos go there regulatly. Those guys are so cheap and tight with their money, when they walk, they squeak and they fon't fart!

22-05-2016, 07:06 PM
That location has also been "touristed". Now the gals want 1500baht for 1 hr full service (in shop) and have to pay extra 800 baht to shop if she follow you to hotel. This pricing was as of 1st week of May 2016.

Such a pity if true... Was there the last time, paid 1k for the first round. Got the girl's line and the invited me over on 2nd night. Chit chat with her and her colleagues, brought her out for beer and she came back to the hotel with me FOC. Might be gg back for the same girl when i'm in bkk soon.

23-05-2016, 03:51 AM

I never been there but my elder friends patronize those massage shops! They only pay 1,000 to 1,200 bhat max, so negotiate and play hard to get! If they don't want to offer lower price visit another shop! There's approximately 40 massage shops, therefore, lots of competition so shop around and negotiate! Also, don't forget to wear parachute, some of my friends go bare so be careful! Good luck and have an enjoyable and safe vacation! My advice, be firm, negotiate and walk away, there are thousands of attractive working girls in Bangkok!

One more advice, don't act like a tourist, act and behave like an expat, when you visit those shops. Several of my expat cheapos go there regulatly. Those guys are so cheap and tight with their money, when they walk, they squeak and they fon't fart!

How to be expat when staying at hotel? The girls are not stupid.
Anyway it's not the 1st time I've been there as I often stayed in soi 11 hotels which is within stones throw from these massage shops.
My first visit to them 2 years ago was only 800 baht for massage + FJ.
My first booking in 2014 for LT was only 3000 baht and she stayed with me more than 36 hrs (fresh arrival from Udon Thani and only 20 so she cannot work the clubs/bars so ended up in the massage shop). And I have booked her again on subsequent trips until last year when she suddenly went MIA. Then couple of months ago I bumped into her at Soi Cowboy where she is now a coyote at one of the Arab Agogos. Did not reconnect with her as she has a Thai boyfriend now (a policeman attached to the Drug Suppression Branch and often there to pick her up from work).
Subsequent visits to these massage shops have experienced small price increases each time and the latest visit during 1st week of May was 1500 baht for massage + FJ (in shop) and top up 800 baht if she follow you to hotel.

23-05-2016, 03:58 AM
Such a pity if true... Was there the last time, paid 1k for the first round. Got the girl's line and the invited me over on 2nd night. Chit chat with her and her colleagues, brought her out for beer and she came back to the hotel with me FOC. Might be gg back for the same girl when i'm in bkk soon.

You can find gems in these massage shops if you take the trouble to look. The reason why I like to visit them is there are often fresh farm newbies and they end up here because their relatives/friends from same village are working here. These newbies are often not yet mercenary and have genuine GFE if you know how to treat them. :D

24-05-2016, 11:15 AM
Hi bro of bkk forum, newbie here, going bkk on October company trip, like to ask how much is tur tur ride.

24-05-2016, 07:37 PM
so, the market rate is between 1000-1500 bhat ?

24-05-2016, 07:42 PM
Hi bro of bkk forum, newbie here, going bkk on October company trip, like to ask how much is tur tur ride.

U meant "Tuk Tuk " ride I supposed? Basically range from 100-500 baht depending on distance and "level of carrot headness"?? Can nego with them. If not comfortable then just walk away. ;):D

24-05-2016, 09:36 PM
Hi bro of bkk forum, newbie here, going bkk on October company trip, like to ask how much is tur tur ride.

I say don't bother with tuk tuks... the drivers are damn annoying. Anyway now weather so hot n humid, take already also end up sweating. Might as well take taxis. Grab taxi works so no worries about not able to find a taxi...

24-05-2016, 11:36 PM
... newbie here, going bkk on October company trip, like to ask how much is tur tur ride.
You mean tuk tuks. Generally, rip offs as you stand out as tourist sore thumb.
Unless you wanna try as experience (short ride, thb100-200), forget it. Taxis are aplenty, affordable and comfort. Enjoy Bkk:D:D

25-05-2016, 08:56 AM
Bangkok pro chiongsters, need your recommendation of nuru massage outcall that can start after midnight. Contacted 3 parlors but they all reject after 11.30PM outcall :(

25-05-2016, 09:54 AM
Thanks all bro

25-05-2016, 12:51 PM
Bangkok pro chiongsters, need your recommendation of nuru massage outcall that can start after midnight. Contacted 3 parlors but they all reject after 11.30PM outcall :(

All MP in BKK usually last booking at 11.30 pm.U have to pay extra charges for the Nuru massage.For Nuru massage in MP,u need a waterbed,nuru gel and a stool.Ask the PPS/MMS for recommendation,only certain gals will do Nuru massage. Chok Dee !:D

25-05-2016, 06:54 PM
All MP in BKK usually last booking at 11.30 pm.U have to pay extra charges for the Nuru massage.For Nuru massage in MP,u need a waterbed,nuru gel and a stool.Ask the PPS/MMS for recommendation,only certain gals will do Nuru massage. Chok Dee !:D

So much for their "24 hours outcall" ad. Thanks for the advice! Kop Khun Krap :D

26-05-2016, 12:58 AM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, just go to alley next to Sukhumvit Soi 11 Villa Market! There are many small massage shops that cater to cheapos and I've heard that services are excellent! Girls usually charge 1,000 - 1,200 bhat for 1.5 hours of massage and sex!

This one is girl or ladyboy?

26-05-2016, 01:38 PM
This one is girl or ladyboy?

lady. but everytime I walk past I always see older ladies. Not my type so never tried before.

26-05-2016, 04:50 PM
So it's common knowledge bkk has agogo, g-clubs, FL pick up joints, soapy massage and escorts, anyone knows if there are places to watch live shows(girl on girl, single girl masturbating or even guy and girl)?

I've not been to agogo where the girls are completely naked (only checked out bada bing), do they put on a girl-on-girl or masturbating show there?

26-05-2016, 07:29 PM
So it's common knowledge bkk has agogo, g-clubs, FL pick up joints, soapy massage and escorts, anyone knows if there are places to watch live shows(girl on girl, single girl masturbating or even guy and girl)?

I've not been to agogo where the girls are completely naked (only checked out bada bing), do they put on a girl-on-girl or masturbating show there?

Suzie Wong AGG has lesbian shows every night showtime @ 10pm.
Look for MMS Tai, she is many singapore bros favourite mamasan. Used to work in singapore until caught n blacklisted by ica.

26-05-2016, 11:00 PM
So it's common knowledge bkk has agogo, g-clubs, FL pick up joints, soapy massage and escorts, anyone knows if there are places to watch live shows(girl on girl, single girl masturbating or even guy and girl)?

I've not been to agogo where the girls are completely naked (only checked out bada bing), do they put on a girl-on-girl or masturbating show there?

crazy house is usually completely naked. quite a number of gogo bars in nana has shower shows as well.

27-05-2016, 12:36 AM
lady. but everytime I walk past I always see older ladies. Not my type so never tried before.

I'm going in June. I have some friends going along. Yes and they love the cheapos / Budget sort of thing. Can give brief about the girls and services and prices from this places?

27-05-2016, 03:37 AM
Suzie Wong AGG has lesbian shows every night showtime @ 10pm.
Look for MMS Tai, she is many singapore bros favourite mamasan. Used to work in singapore until caught n blacklisted by ica.

Thanks alot! Will definitely check out Suzie Wong, bacarra and crazy horse on my next trip.

27-05-2016, 02:19 PM
law rence,

If you want cheap boom boom, just go to alley next to Sukhumvit Soi 11 Villa Market! There are many small massage shops that cater to cheapos and I've heard that services are excellent! Girls usually charge 1,000 - 1,200 bhat for 1.5 hours of massage and sex!

Just take care when going to such places. A friend of mine went into one along the main road. He had to pay down payment (500B) on entering. So he went to room upstairs. when ask what extra he wanted, on seeing lady not that great, he said he did not want anything extra. The lady turn nasty. He went down asking for his money back. Lady came downstairs with a pair of large scissors - so he ran out. Lady ran after him. He then saw a plain policeman and complain. Policeman told him just forget about down payment money- life more important!!!

27-05-2016, 04:03 PM

Best Advice!

In Thailand, if management or door man/woman ask for cover charge or deposits just leave, there are many similar venues that doesn't charge for entering! (Baccara vs Shark) Also, if it's your virgin trip to Thailand, it's safer to go as a group, don't go by yourself! Think, don't let your small head dictate what you should do, use your big head and if you feel uneasy just leave and seek other places!

27-05-2016, 08:09 PM
Suzie Wong AGG has lesbian shows every night showtime @ 10pm.
Look for MMS Tai, she is many singapore bros favourite mamasan. Used to work in singapore until caught n blacklisted by ica.

Yeah...... mamasan Tai likes Singapore customers. For those who never know her she is the only ladyboy mamasan in Suzie Wong and she is the choreographer for the sexy shows. :D

Although she is banned from entering Singapore.... she still keeps in touch as she is supplier of girls who come to Singapore to work in the Thai discos/clubs.
Make friends with her if you wish to have an update on the current girls working in Singapore :D

27-05-2016, 08:17 PM
Bangkok pro chiongsters, need your recommendation of nuru massage outcall that can start after midnight. Contacted 3 parlors but they all reject after 11.30PM outcall :(

You are Khun Hitler mah of course tio reject 555! :D

I'm going in June. I have some friends going along. Yes and they love the cheapos / Budget sort...

Please leh Bangkok no longer a haven for cheapo/budget cheongsters unless you are talking about old vegetables. :p

28-05-2016, 12:23 PM
In town for the weekend! Any brothers wanna partay- tonight or tomorrow ive got a buddy with me. Open to suggestions!

28-05-2016, 11:27 PM
crazy house is usually completely naked. quite a number of gogo bars in nana has shower shows as well.

i checked out crazy house in mar his year. the quality of girls is about 6/10 with the occassional 1-2 looker, else not much la except for bouncing breasts and shaven pussies, which i enjoy looking lol

29-05-2016, 11:49 AM
Anybody tried Tease and Denial from Mistress Jaa and Wael in bkk?

30-05-2016, 04:44 PM
In town for the weekend! Any brothers wanna partay- tonight or tomorrow ive got a buddy with me. Open to suggestions!

Cheong ONYX lah 555! :D

30-05-2016, 05:33 PM
He went down asking for his money back. Lady came downstairs with a pair of large scissors - so he ran out. Lady ran after him. He then saw a plain policeman and complain. Policeman told him just forget about down payment money- life more important!!!

Big scissor... 555... I find this post so funny.

03-06-2016, 06:38 AM
Was in Bangkok recently. The girls in Crazy House are completely naked which is a treat to watch. If you buy a LD, and when they come to sit next to you, it's still without anything on!!

A good find for this trip was Black Pagoda in Patpong. Initially thought it's a small place & why must I climb 2 stories to reach here. Saw quite a few average to good looking babes pole dancing. When I chose a hot young one she surprisingly asked me to go to another section at the back. It was a much bigger section with private room separated by curtains, a big bed in open air sofas etc. There were many guys having a good time until we had to make do with a sofa as all private sections were taken up. Had some good time touchy feelie, kissing etc. with the girl and tipped her 300B. Will go all the way next time if can find a private area. Overall a good place.

06-06-2016, 05:17 PM
Did any bros been to Bongkot Massage at Soi 22? What is the damage in addition to the massage menu price?

07-06-2016, 06:56 PM
24 May - 25 May 2016

alt Nana Hotel
They had a good promotion on Expedia. Opened for two years, took the Deluxe Suite room at sgd50. Aircon + wifi were great, comes with a bathtub. They provide their very own lemongrass shampoo and soap too. Small gym and swimming pool. Location is very inside of Soi 4 so complimentary tuk tuk service to Nana Plaza entrance till 12midnight only. The only con is bathtub floor being very slippery.

Agogo Bars at Nana Plaza
London Calling, a lady/ladyboy bar.
Barfine 700b
Short time 2500b
Long time 4000b
Room 350b

Number 157 is a post op lb, friendly and has Chinese looks.
Number 823 is a lady, very pretty like those in tv dramas. Her tight little ass is good for bang too.

Obsession, a ladyboy bar.
Barfine 700b
Short time 2000b
Long time 4000b
Room 350b

If take two ladyboys at a time, short time can nego to 1500b per LB + 500b room.

Number 57, name Plam, very sweet looking and gentle.
Number 81, must avoid at all times. Declined for ST as I told her that I came for drinks only for more than 3 times. Finally got tired of her insistence and told her to stop asking. Demanded 100b tips, told her to get lost. Papasan also one kind. Gave tips of 500b to Plam, in her fucking face.

I must say, the LBs are far prettier and hotter than many ladies. No wonder I kept smiling in LOS.

Girl 1
I strolled opposite the entrance of Nana Plaza and saw many FLs. Took a petite lady whom had an angelic look. Her name is Annie.

Quoted 1500b for 1 hour ST,
Countered with 1000b,
Wanted 1200b,
Stood firm and she finally accepted 1000b.

Went back room and showered separately. On bed she revealed her A tits and a really nice chubby ass for a petite and slim girl like her. Light kissing, I painted her, she reciprocated with good bbbj, and we went ahead with 69. She was wet as hell and during all the painting she was jerking as well. We did missionary, cow girl, spoon, doggy. The view of her back and ass was just so hot, I changed and came in missionary. Gave her 1000b+100b, we exchanged contacts and I sent her back.

Funky Villa
Still one of the best place to party with lots with beautiful thai girls. Place was surprising not crowded. Me and a friend finished a bottle of gold label along with finger food, around 4000b.

Girl 2(same girl)
Decided to go back hotel for a rest, I deliberately stopped at Nana Plaza at 3am. So many ladies standing around and I saw Annie, invited her to overnight stay with me and she obliged. Grabbed a BK meal and we tuktuk right into my hotel.

I was kind of high from the party and still remember having wild sex with her around the room and especially in the bathtub. She cowgirl me in bathtub as the shower rain was pouring, it was one of a kind feeling. I vaguely remember that on bed she cowgirl me trying to make me cum but I cant, next I knew I slept till 9am. Went for breakfast alone.

Back at room, gave her a good paint and she was wet. Did my last round with standing doggy and shot my load all over her back. Gave her 1000b+200b. Fyi, Annie was hearing impaired.

Biwa Massage
Visited this place for the first time. Terrible traffic jam on a Wednesday afternoon. Arrived to house packed of Thai men viewing the ladies in the fishbowl. The ladies are really milfs type. Right side is 1000b, left side is 1300b. 2 shots guaranteed. Gave it a pass as did not see my cup of tea.

Took a taxi at 1400b as I was late and couldn't catch the last bus to Pattaya. Slept right through, arrived at my hotel door steps, and the adventure begins.

07-06-2016, 11:32 PM
Aiyaaa.. Nataree kena raided this afternoon :(


All the girls and pimps upz the lorry.