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30-10-2010, 03:02 PM
Bro I'm quite short easily hidden by the go-go stage if u sit opposite it. Also not handsome so that means I damn ugly... so sad :(

Oi! Pii! Mai yang nii loei! Pom yaak roo yaak heng naa!

When I was at Cowboy recently also had fight. 4 young farang punks were running down the soi with farang Incredible Hulk chasing them blood streaming from a cut on his forehead. He too muscular can't run as fast but if he caught anyone of them.... :rolleyes:

Pii bpen Nihon-jin desu? U based in Krungthep? Would u like to meet 4 a beer soon?

bro indian.. wheres the beer? :D

30-10-2010, 04:48 PM
time to bring the jackets out..
weather cooler now.. strong winds every night..
and again to all the kia-see, kiasu chinaporeans or sillyporeans.. just stay at home and party.. here got plenty of problems.. scared of flood LAHHHHHH, scared of girls cheating lahhhhhh, scared of duno how to approach bring back gal lah... just stay at home...

You are damn rude and sarcastic ..... but i like it man! :D

Its one of the reasons I dont post much anymore. The forums are supposed to SHARE but it seems Sillyaporeans just want green , want cheap and want big. 5555555

Many here want to be spoonfed but they dont seem to realise that if no one venture in the first place , there will be no one to give them any advise. So the idea is actually for them to push the boundries further and advise the next generation. But NO , everyone just wants mama's breast fed milk.....

30-10-2010, 05:42 PM
u be a fool for all the bros if u think im japanese..:D

Said japanese got 'short dick' only, u immediately denied u r japenses..u r boh lan pa..boh lan ji :eek:

30-10-2010, 05:43 PM
u be a fool for all the bros if u think im japanese..:D

Since u boh lan ji, do u want me 2 get bangala:p:D to poke ur ass

30-10-2010, 05:53 PM
u be a fool for all the bros if u think im japanese..:D

In fact, u r just 1 of the sillypore/chinapore and yet u fuckg denied??
U r contradit urself ur damn fuckg :confused:sillypore

30-10-2010, 07:36 PM
Thanks for the note,
are these drinking holes:):)

It is my pleasure to provide info to u. :rolleyes:

why can bLing me go MBK?

I also dunno where is MBK. I heard from friends. Can u bring me instead? :D

30-10-2010, 07:41 PM
I also dunno where is MBK. I heard from friends. Can u bring me instead? :D

It is my pleasure to provide info to u. :rolleyes:

I bring you there ok. We take sky train and/or mrt. Don't take taxi.

30-10-2010, 07:47 PM
I bring you there ok. We take sky train and/or mrt. Don't take taxi.

That's very kind of u. :D

30-10-2010, 09:14 PM
where is this nana, can tell me more and what's the damage
are these drinking holes
You just been taken a mickey of here. Nana's a complex of agg bars at lower (start of) touristy sukhumvit stretch. No (horny) male tourist will miss out. Just check out other thread on agg bars, search and you'll find:p Or try your best friend, google

Btw, try not to copy/paste 200% of lengthy post.. else, risking boss to pluck you

31-10-2010, 11:32 AM
bro where is this nana, can tell me more and what's the damage

Just got back from Chiang Mai... Nana was a beer bar girl I met along Loy Kroh. :) Quite damaged liao I think. :D

31-10-2010, 01:35 PM
Just got back from Chiang Mai... Nana was a beer bar girl I met along Loy Kroh. :) Quite damaged liao I think. :D

where are the fun drinking places in Bkk. any info will help. will be there on Wed thanks:):)

31-10-2010, 01:37 PM
Just got back from Chiang Mai... Nana was a beer bar girl I met along Loy Kroh. :) Quite damaged liao I think. :D

where are the fun drinking places in Bkk. any info will help. will be there on Wed thanks:):)

oop btw what is the current rate for the girls there. short time and overnight
dont want to be taken for a ride

31-10-2010, 02:08 PM
That's very kind of u. :D

hi brudder,

i can bring you there also, then after that, go chiong nana



31-10-2010, 02:56 PM
Hi Guys,

Heard now Bangkok is flooding I intended to go but dunno how is the situation now... Any updates on that.? Thanks

31-10-2010, 02:57 PM
Anybody ever hear of a place named "Eden"??? Supposed to be in the area of the Nana Hotel. I know that one of you wise Brothers have been there...:D

31-10-2010, 06:02 PM
time to bring the jackets out..
weather cooler now.. strong winds every night..
and again to all the kia-see, kiasu chinaporeans or sillyporeans.. just stay at home and party.. here got plenty of problems.. scared of flood LAHHHHHH, scared of girls cheating lahhhhhh, scared of duno how to approach bring back gal lah... just stay at home...

Heard now Bangkok is flooding I intended to go but dunno how is the situation now... Any updates on that.?

If only you had bother to read the post by Garage1 which is only a page away from your post.

The best update will be to read the news.

31-10-2010, 06:41 PM
Cool season (aka "winter" here) just started. It's not so muggy as you know bkk, nice breeze and temp's a couple notches down.

For floods adverse, my feet still dry. Still lousy rates here between 22.64-22.73 (even at UOB Thai).

31-10-2010, 07:16 PM
hi brudder,

i can bring you there also, then after that, go chiong nana

Thanks, when will that be? :rolleyes:

01-11-2010, 12:17 AM
where are the fun drinking places in Bkk. any info will help. will be there on Wed thanks

oop btw what is the current rate for the girls there. short time and overnight
dont want to be taken for a ride

Bro, you still don't get it. :rolleyes:

Cool season (aka "winter" here) just started. It's not so muggy as you know bkk, nice breeze and temp's a couple notches down.

For floods adverse, my feet still dry. Still lousy rates here between 22.64-22.73 (even at UOB Thai).

Bro, got my reply to your PM? :)

01-11-2010, 07:55 AM
Anybody ever hear of a place named "Eden"??? Supposed to be in the area of the Nana Hotel. I know that one of you wise Brothers have been there...:D

Eden is on Soi 7/1 on the other side of Sukhumvit road from Nana,
there is a Subway sandwich place on the corner.


01-11-2010, 05:08 PM
Cool season (aka "winter" here) just started. It's not so muggy as you know bkk, nice breeze and temp's a couple notches down.

For floods adverse, my feet still dry. Still lousy rates here between 22.64-22.73 (even at UOB Thai).

thanx 4 update

01-11-2010, 06:12 PM
You are damn rude and sarcastic ..... but i like it man! :D

Its one of the reasons I dont post much anymore. The forums are supposed to SHARE but it seems Sillyaporeans just want green , want cheap and want big. 5555555

Many here want to be spoonfed but they dont seem to realise that if no one venture in the first place , there will be no one to give them any advise. So the idea is actually for them to push the boundries further and advise the next generation. But NO , everyone just wants mama's breast fed milk.....

thank u for understanding me.. dun wanna F them all but they deserve it..

Hi Guys,

Heard now Bangkok is flooding I intended to go but dunno how is the situation now... Any updates on that.? Thanks

hi , im in bkk now, and its true, the floods are serious man.. cb, everyday cant go out...imagine bkk in swimming pool.. strong suggest u refund yr ticket and stay at home in chinapore

01-11-2010, 06:26 PM
hi , im in bkk now, and its true, the floods are serious man.. cb, everyday cant go out...imagine bkk in swimming pool.. strong suggest u refund yr ticket and stay at home in chinapore

hahaha...I understand your true meaning...cheers and enjoy yourself...:)

01-11-2010, 07:34 PM
hahaha...I understand your true meaning...cheers and enjoy yourself...:)

What brings you over here.....how is life brother?:D

01-11-2010, 11:06 PM

hallowen party at bkk (The Bank):D

02-11-2010, 09:21 AM
What brings you over here.....how is life brother?:D

Actually before I discover hcm more than 3 years ago...bkk was my top choice...loss alot of my thai language in exchange of Tieng Viet...:p

02-11-2010, 09:44 AM
Did my virgin outing to Thermae last night:p At 10pm+, girls outnumber guys (mostly asian clientele). Small singha costs thb90, for you to mozzy around and checkout girls standing on parade. Shades of OT back home. Pop up to common loos upstairs (open area) and smoke break will also pay dividends -clearly see gals minus darkroom effect, powdering their nose and adjusting their pantylines.

Plenty CMI with a sprinkling of 6s. Chatted up 2 broads, got bored and hoofed to SC at 1130pm (after MIA silence from Yokosi our agg vet). Dejavu was pathetic, ended up at Sharks. Usual shuffle by the girls, going through the paces. Spied few girls tanking up with cheap whisky to get going.

Went out for smoke break and saw 2 "reception" girls (forgot their # liao) wearing black, and 1 could easily be 7-8 looks. Picked up the bosomy other for LT. 1st part before we left for my lodgings, was fun as she dragged me in live music pub towards end SC. She was a livewire, dancing and snoogling over me (my wooden legs!). Before we hit cab line, she bought me whisky shot outside of another bar opposite. She was pissed mao by then (probably tanked up earlier too), hardly walk straight.

Nothing to shout about with 2nd part, near disaster with her bit incoherent in her alcoholic stupor. And she nearly TKO before my deed. Not 1st time with agg girls having emotional hangups. Think better stick to my tried and trusted black book (but need new entries!)

02-11-2010, 10:07 AM
Did my virgin outing to Thermae last night:p At 10pm+, girls outnumber guys (mostly asian clientele). Small singha costs thb90, for you to mozzy around and checkout girls standing on parade. Shades of OT back home. Pop up to common loos upstairs (open area) and smoke break will also pay dividends -clearly see gals minus darkroom effect, powdering their nose and adjusting their pantylines.

Plenty CMI with a sprinkling of 6s. Chatted up 2 broads, got bored and hoofed to SC at 1130pm (after MIA silence from Yokosi our agg vet). Dejavu was pathetic, ended up at Sharks. Usual shuffle by the girls, going through the paces. Spied few girls tanking up with cheap whisky to get going.

Went out for smoke break and saw 2 "reception" girls (forgot their # liao) wearing black, and 1 could easily be 7-8 looks. Picked up the bosomy other for LT. 1st part before we left for my lodgings, was fun as she dragged me in live music pub towards end SC. She was a livewire, dancing and snoogling over me (my wooden legs!). Before we hit cab line, she bought me whisky shot outside of another bar opposite. She was pissed mao by then (probably tanked up earlier too), hardly walk straight.

Nothing to shout about with 2nd part, near disaster with her bit incoherent in her alcoholic stupor. And she nearly TKO before my deed. Not 1st time with agg girls having emotional hangups. Think better stick to my tried and trusted black book (but need new entries!)


Changed of plan. Came here earlier.I am now in Bangkok 1/11/10 to 3/11/10.

Meet up. Pls see private message for my Thai phone number.

02-11-2010, 11:11 AM
Dear Brothers,

i am in BKK now , going back to SG on 7th Nov 2010..Please PM me for a good night to BKK.


02-11-2010, 08:54 PM
post har-low-win report..
Nana was extremely quiet for such a big party event..lasted less than 2 hrs
climax was packed but plenty of arabs and indians.. left after an hr
Bed was rocking packed..ang moh dressing up , cover was ard 800bht, but luckily got in free due to frends..
ended up at fucking hollywood.. cant believe after these years, still the same shit..been at least 5 years since i last went.. same old boring singing dancing show..crowd wise - really is packed but kinda low standard..
closed at 4am, went to another after party at my secret spot. place was still rocking at 630am!!!!!!!!! crowd still gng strong.. girls equally drunk and tired.. LOL

02-11-2010, 11:34 PM
hi , im in bkk now, and its true, the floods are serious man.. cb, everyday cant go out...imagine bkk in swimming pool.. strong suggest u refund yr ticket and stay at home in chinapore

it is true!!!! for all your safety better believe Straits Times and avoid BKK ,full of flooding and cannot go around,all the girl not working also ,u come also no point!!!!!

03-11-2010, 09:36 AM
Did my virgin outing to Thermae last night:p At 10pm+, girls outnumber guys (mostly asian clientele). Small singha costs thb90, for you to mozzy around and checkout girls standing on parade. Shades of OT back home. Pop up to common loos upstairs (open area) and smoke break will also pay dividends -clearly see gals minus darkroom effect, powdering their nose and adjusting their pantylines.

Plenty CMI with a sprinkling of 6s. Chatted up 2 broads, got bored and hoofed to SC at 1130pm (after MIA silence from Yokosi our agg vet). Dejavu was pathetic, ended up at Sharks. Usual shuffle by the girls, going through the paces. Spied few girls tanking up with cheap whisky to get going.

Went out for smoke break and saw 2 "reception" girls (forgot their # liao) wearing black, and 1 could easily be 7-8 looks. Picked up the bosomy other for LT. 1st part before we left for my lodgings, was fun as she dragged me in live music pub towards end SC. She was a livewire, dancing and snoogling over me (my wooden legs!). Before we hit cab line, she bought me whisky shot outside of another bar opposite. She was pissed mao by then (probably tanked up earlier too), hardly walk straight.

Nothing to shout about with 2nd part, near disaster with her bit incoherent in her alcoholic stupor. And she nearly TKO before my deed. Not 1st time with agg girls having emotional hangups. Think better stick to my tried and trusted black book (but need new entries!)

Me, an old man. Easy 4 me to forget your trip to BKK. Many misses as i was also in SC and in Thermae on the same night you went there.

Yes, beer is cheap in Thermae. My Gin & Tonic costed thb100 when i was there at 1 am. Many ladies with max 6 quality and all eagerly smiled at customers. And the policeman was at his position. Yeah !. Got the boys in brown in Thermae. Ladies targeted the Korean and Yipun crowd with fat wallets. Had my late supper, french fries and sandwich on the round bar. Indicated to a lady to come over. She bounced over very quickly liked a kangaroo. Asked her to eat. She gave me a no answer. Me, got questioned by her to see if i am Yipun. My negative reply made her vanished immediately.
Knn C. C. B. lady !!!!. :mad:

The lady thought that only Yipun got fat wallets. I also got an oversized wallet filled with thousands of thb which she never saw !!!. Well, finished my meal and went out. As yinyang said, quite a lot of girls just outside Thermae. Including that old Vietnam war vetaran lady who was nosing around outside. Walked along Suk, late at night can be fun. Nice lady ( not a LB ), eyed me, said " Hi , come join me " from her position in a make shift food stall. Pity, i oredi ate !!!. Can be a good bonk but i was not in the mood. Another lady, okay looking, also did the same down the road. I also smiled and ignored her. Hotel was very near Thermae. Had a good night sleep, alone, unliked yinyang that ........did not tie up her drunk puying......liked in a Yipun AV show......and finish her off. Hahahaha 555+

03-11-2010, 10:08 AM

You're totally wrong, Thermae girls like all Asians not only Japanese! Make sure, you get your stories straight! Their rates are usually 2,000B for short time! I've been going to Thermae for the past 12 years!!!

03-11-2010, 12:43 PM
Thermae girls like all Asians not only Japanese! Make sure, you get your stories straight! ..been going to Thermae for the past 12 years!!!
Don't get too hung up on Yokosi's account with korean/jap bit. Just by nos. alone, Japs/Koreans outnumber us from this region. And it's a known fact (no less an open secret with puyings) their spending power too. :p
good night sleep, alone, unlike .....did not tie up her drunk puying......liked in a Yipun AV show......and finish her off. Hahahaha 555+
1 crazy, drunk as a skunk puying in my solo last night (after my tg left for CNX) is already hard to handle, never mind AV antics :p

Ooops, forgot to add in my FR that I had a quickie at 1730 with OL (ex FL) straight from her Silom office. As the pressure was "off", I was ok with a quiet evening by just having few beers in Thermae and SC. Like some plans, our minds do change +555:p

03-11-2010, 04:25 PM

You're totally wrong, Thermae girls like all Asians not only Japanese! Make sure, you get your stories straight! Their rates are usually 2,000B for short time! I've been going to Thermae for the past 12 years!!!

How wrong can i be when you were not there when i was there last night. Girl vamoosed after i told her that i am not Japanese. Even free food did not entice her to stay an additional second more.

Better luck with you than with me in Thermae. Maybe you played your funny tricks, made good jokes, was a real nice fellow with them. Sorry, bro Norice, i don't have your man made "farting" device to make girls scream and grin and laugh. An American-Korean, liked you have all the tricks to make girls happy, happy and happy on the first contact.

And i have been inside Thermae on and off for the past 8 years. You win me by 4 years more by going to Thermae. Salute you, you liau liau chio.:)

03-11-2010, 09:58 PM
Aiya dont argue la .......... I know best when I say the girls there love ..................... THE MIGHTY BAHT! :p

04-11-2010, 12:13 AM
Aiya dont argue la .......... I know best when I say the girls there love ..................... THE MIGHTY BAHT! :p

ha ha ha ha ha... you noticed!:rolleyes::p:D

04-11-2010, 10:44 AM
ha ha ha ha ha... you noticed!:rolleyes::p:D

A 3 legged midget indian wearing a dress would pick up a TG easily if he had 5kB stapled to his head!

04-11-2010, 11:54 AM
A 3 legged midget indian wearing a dress would pick up a TG easily if he had 5kB stapled to his head!

Totally agreed to your above comment !!!.:)

2 nights ago, 6 Baccara ladies tried their damn best for a BF. Even suggested a triple season. How to F**K 3 x love holes, 3 x sexy mouths, 3 x backsides, 3 x between the hills when you got 1 dick ???.:rolleyes:

Luciky the DJ never put the old song " Desparados " in Baccara. :p

04-11-2010, 03:19 PM
ha ha ha ha ha... you noticed!

Hi my friend..

where r u now?

Hty or Bkk:confused::D

04-11-2010, 05:16 PM
Hi my friend..

where r u now?

Hty or Bkk:confused::D

in one dark corner, keeping dry....:D

got past HDY before it was flooded......

now stinking away.....

will have to visit HDY, and pay the orphanage a visit, they will really need some help...... :(

04-11-2010, 05:24 PM
got past HDY before it was flooded..now stinking away.....
will have to visit HDY, and pay the orphanage a visit, they will really need some help...... :(
Bro, your wet escape from south? Did you also drive up all way up to krungthep last month? Such a loooong way, circa 1600kms?;)

04-11-2010, 10:42 PM
Hi Bro,
Can someone advise me , where to have cheap stay, get gals, cheap tradition massage. in BKK ( price range hotel SG40 or less ) , to book Ago go bar girl must we pay the okt , must we pay the hotel for bringing the girl back for over night. becos, in puket I got to pay the okt ( 500 baht ) on top of the amt to book the girl & hotel another 500 baht for security purposes.... wonder I got conned .......
Thanks many many

05-11-2010, 12:27 AM
Try Nana Hotel... approx SGD70.00

No extra charge for bring a girl back for over night..

05-11-2010, 12:31 AM
Bro, your wet escape from south? Did you also drive up all way up to krungthep last month? Such a loooong way, circa 1600kms?;)

lucky didn't push for the trip to Khon Kaen, turn back at Krungthep.... passed Hdy on Thursday.... if push for the Khon Kaen trip, my car may be one of the casualties......:p

05-11-2010, 01:28 AM
Ok, while waiting for my instant cup noodles to be ready, I entertain you a bit.

Can someone advise me ,
1) where to have cheap stay,
- go search Bro Tim's webbie. There is a sticky in this thread. Just key in your requirement. Else, PM bro Tim instead.

2) get gals, cheap tradition massage. in BKK ( price range hotel SG40 or less )
So you want girl or massage or both? Question not clear. If just gals, please read thru thread. Cheap massage with no specials. Aplenty. Sukhv 22, 23 all got. In fact, plenty lah.

3) to book Ago go bar girl must we pay the okt
Not OKT. Mamasan. Depending on AGG, avg BF is 600bht. This is not inclusive of boom boom or the LDs and drinks

4) must we pay the hotel for bringing the girl back for over night.
Depends if the hotel is guest-friendly. If it is, then no need to pay. Else, joiner in BKK is 600bht avg. So, make sure you book one with no-joiner fee.

wonder I got conned .......
Don't think you got con, but then again..... :rolleyes:

05-11-2010, 12:05 PM
Hi Bro,
Can someone advise me , where to have cheap stay, get gals, cheap tradition massage. in BKK ( price range hotel SG40 or less ) , to book Ago go bar girl must we pay the okt , must we pay the hotel for bringing the girl back for over night. becos, in puket I got to pay the okt ( 500 baht ) on top of the amt to book the girl & hotel another 500 baht for security purposes.... wonder I got conned .......
Thanks many many

coolman dont sound very cool to me! :p

05-11-2010, 08:12 PM
Hi all,

I need help here to translate the following date into English:

21-25 กรกฎาคม 2553.

Thanks to all bro in advance for helping me to translate.

05-11-2010, 08:14 PM
Hi all,

I need help here to translate the following date into English:

21-25 กรกฎาคม 2553.

Thanks to all bro in advance for helping me to translate.

21-25 july 2010.

05-11-2010, 10:17 PM
but i look cool ma......... just kidding bro.....

05-11-2010, 10:28 PM
Thanks bro leaseoflife
) get gals, cheap tradition massage. in BKK ( price range hotel SG40 or less )
So you want girl or massage or both? Question not clear. If just gals, please read thru thread. Cheap massage with no specials. Aplenty. Sukhv 22, 23 all got. In fact, plenty lah. sori I did not make myself clear , I only go for clean traditional Thai massage
3) to book Ago go bar girl must we pay the okt
Not OKT. Mamasan. Depending on AGG, avg BF is 600bht. This is not inclusive of boom boom or the LDs and drinks whats BF and LDS

4) must we pay the hotel for bringing the girl back for over night.
Depends if the hotel is guest-friendly. If it is, then no need to pay. Else, joiner in BKK is 600bht avg. So, make sure you book one with no-joiner fee.

wonder I got conned .......
Don't think you got con, but then again.....
thanks bro ,,....... cheers........


06-11-2010, 12:46 AM
whats BF and LDS


BF is bar fine. The amount to pay to the bar to bring the girl out. Normally, 600bht, but depends on where u go, and what time u bring her out.

LDs is ladies drinks. Every puying in AGG has a quota to meet in terms of how many drinks they can get customers to buy them. This is usually more expensive than your own drink, even though there are the same drink.

For more info, go google. There are many webbie with info. Else, PM some bros here, and ask them bring you around. Of course, you need to pay for the "lesson/excursion". Buy them dinner, buy them drinks.

06-11-2010, 06:24 AM
i was at bkk this week and was trying to seek out new stuff instead of the usual nana, in the end had no luck. however, i heard from some people about poisedon, anyone has info on this?

06-11-2010, 08:10 AM
i was at bkk this week and was trying to seek out new stuff instead of the usual nana, in the end had no luck. however, i heard from some people about poisedon, anyone has info on this?

You do not know Poseidon in Bangkok :confused::confused. Poseidon is an icon among the soapy massage parlours. if you got money and wanna try it then go to 209 Ratchadapisek Road. Or use the MRTA to Sutthisan, take exit 4 , look for a 10 level building that is on the main road that has huge Godness of the Sea figures next to the main entrance. Or call their number +66026938222.

06-11-2010, 08:22 AM
Btw anyone heard/visited The Bank Club? (http://www.thebankmemberclub.com/)

06-11-2010, 11:33 AM
however, i heard from some people about poisedon, anyone has info on this?

(Over-rated) soapy massage place along Ratchada. Been there for a long time, nothing new about it. Think it's just before soi 17.

Btw anyone heard/visited The Bank Club? (http://www.thebankmemberclub.com/)

G-club along sukhumvit road w/ quite a number of foreigner patrons. It's an ok place if you're into that kind of thing, but I'd personally prefer Resort. Supposedly for enough money things can be rowdier than at other G-clubs.

Interpretations may vary. ;)

06-11-2010, 03:32 PM
You do not know Poseidon in Bangkok :confused::confused. Poseidon is an icon among the soapy massage parlours. if you got money and wanna try it then go to 209 Ratchadapisek Road. Or use the MRTA to Sutthisan, take exit 4 , look for a 10 level building that is on the main road that has huge Godness of the Sea figures next to the main entrance. Or call their number +66026938222.

If anyone went to Poseidon and done it and complained about the not so good service by so so looking girls, then, you know that that place lives on because of its iconic status and because of the boss . You may get so so service there. My above comments are not recommendations for Poseidon. As ChaYen said , many of these soapies are over rated. BUYERS BE BEWARE.

06-11-2010, 04:19 PM
If anyone went to Poseidon and done it and complained about the not so good service by so so looking girls, then, you know that that place lives on because of its iconic status and because of the boss . You may get so so service there. My above comments are not recommendations for Poseidon. As ChaYen said , many of these soapies are over rated. BUYERS BE BEWARE.

not really la.... my last visits, with a friends were pretty good, the service not that bad, tried gal 232 and 242......... last month...:p

lower the expectations and your wouldn't be disappointed.......:D

06-11-2010, 09:09 PM
Bro leaseoflife, thanks for all your advises & clearing my doubts, ya I got to pay 500bt for BF , thanks again .... enjoy all your trips bro ............

06-11-2010, 11:22 PM
You do not know Poseidon in Bangkok :confused::confused. Poseidon is an icon among the soapy massage parlours. if you got money and wanna try it then go to 209 Ratchadapisek Road. Or use the MRTA to Sutthisan, take exit 4 , look for a 10 level building that is on the main road that has huge Godness of the Sea figures next to the main entrance. Or call their number +66026938222.

Bro you must be in a very good mood, the big statue in the front building is actually Poseidon himself, the God of the Sea in Greek.:D:D


06-11-2010, 11:38 PM
Bro you must be in a very good mood, the big statue in the front building is actually Poseidon himself, the God of the Sea in Greek.:D:D

U also good mood to attach the pic. :D

07-11-2010, 12:01 AM
U also good mood to attach the pic. :D

So finally you had landed in BKK is it...:)

07-11-2010, 05:43 AM
So finally you had landed in BKK is it...:)

Yes landed in BKK, busy drinking for past few nights. :D Just woke up by a puying. Nbzzzz, they no need to sleep, I need to sleep. Now cannot sleep, wide awake.

07-11-2010, 05:54 AM
Just woke up by a puying. Nbzzzz, they no need to sleep, I need to sleep. Now cannot sleep, wide awake.

Then.............make love to puying, lol .:D

07-11-2010, 06:01 AM
not really la.... my last visits,..... were pretty good, the service not that bad, tried gal 232 and 242......... last month...:p

You all over Thailand in your powerful pick up puying sport car.

07-11-2010, 06:04 AM
Then.............make love to puying, lol .:D

Did that, now wide awake while she is sleeping like a log. :rolleyes: I want to go supper or breakfast but worry she alone in apartment. :D

07-11-2010, 09:33 AM
Did that, now wide awake while she is sleeping like a log. :rolleyes: I want to go supper or breakfast but worry she alone in apartment. :D

Ask for delivery and still can go one more round before dawn...:)

07-11-2010, 09:46 AM
Did that, now wide awake while she is sleeping like a log. :rolleyes: I want to go supper or breakfast but worry she alone in apartment. :D

no worries,next time this type of situation,tell me and i go over keep her company while u go eat breakfast.steady?:D

07-11-2010, 10:25 AM
Bro you must be in a very good mood, the big statue in the front building is actually Poseidon himself, the God of the Sea in Greek.


HeHeHe. what about the statues next to the main entrance, gods with dicks or
the Venus godness. Me, lousy in Greek mythology. But a damn nice building !.

07-11-2010, 01:38 PM
Ask for delivery and still can go one more round before dawn...:)

I am ah peh. Need time to recover.

no worries,next time this type of situation,tell me and i go over keep her company while u go eat breakfast.steady?:D

U very smart. :D

07-11-2010, 05:22 PM
HeHeHe. what about the statues next to the main entrance, gods with dicks or
the Venus godness. Me, lousy in Greek mythology. But a damn nice building !.

Me too Lousy in Greek Mythology, as far I know all Greek hamsap Kuai for the statue with dicks one....hahahahaha!:D:D

07-11-2010, 08:40 PM
Found these sites from the net hopes it's helps :p


07-11-2010, 09:51 PM
..Greek Mythology, as far I know all Greek hamsap Kuai for the statue with dicks one....hahahahaha!:D
Kns, more appropriate if greek love goddess, Aphrodite...:cool:


09-11-2010, 02:31 AM
guys going to bangkok in 2 days any good places to recommend?? newb to bkk

09-11-2010, 11:08 AM
Will be travelling to Bangkok on 02 Dec until 05 Dec 2010.
May meet up with others bro over there.

10-11-2010, 12:32 AM
Any body here going to Thailand around 16 november to 21 november? OR anybody who live in thailand. I am looking for friend to hangout together.


10-11-2010, 11:32 AM
I'll be at Bangkok 23-25 Nov staying at Davis Bangkok, any bro keen to meet?

10-11-2010, 12:04 PM
..around 16 november to 21 november? OR anybody who live in thailand. I am looking for friend to hangout together:)
You shd be looking out for female company instead:p And daresay we also don't need glasses, we can read normal font. Whisper can already, no need to shout:rolleyes:

10-11-2010, 12:41 PM
You shd be looking out for female company instead:p

So u have any female company to intro to an old man like me? :D

10-11-2010, 12:45 PM
For the past few nights, I have been very lucky. 2 trips to Piano n 1 trip to claudia, 3 different gers went back to my apartment. I will try my luck on lottery later. :D

Bluedragon, I waiting for u to Piano n Claudia again.

10-11-2010, 01:16 PM
...past few nights, I have been very lucky. 2 trips to Piano n 1 trip to claudia, 3 different gers went back to my apartment. I will try my luck on lottery later. :D
Kns, you 1 helluva lucky dude with perfect score (at G clubs some more!). And we lesser blokes got to live with straight agg or arb nam hits:o Btw, how is it like at Piano (not being there) and Claudia (been there couple of times, once with Bdragon who's part of furniture there) -hmmm.. thought tapao not a certainty, but maybe you got good lobang (with looks + money)?:p
any female company to intro to an old man like me?
Oi, it's US who needs your intro;)

10-11-2010, 05:18 PM
o Btw, how is it like at Piano (not being there) and Claudia (been there couple of times, once with Bdragon who's part of furniture there) -hmmm.. thought tapao not a certainty, but maybe you got good lobang (with looks + money)?:p

That was why I kena f by Bluedragon and biz partner. How the hell I got all these lucks.

1st night in Piano with Bluedragon and biz partner. End of the night, the ger pulled my hand and said she wants to send me to hotel. She drove a new civic. Half way, she stopped her car and asked me to drive and wanted to go supper and we went Huay Kwang. After supper, she said wanted to drink more so we went 7/11 to get some drinks and she went to my room. Next morning, I woke up and went office. She still sleeping and when I got back during noon time, she left.

2nd night in Claudia with bluedragon, I just moved to my apartment and the ger wanted to see my apartment so we went. Next morning abt 4, she woke me up and I had to sent her downstair and waved "bye".

3rd ger in Piano with biz partner, end of the night, I wanted to leave early as I told her I need to wake up at 4 cause I need to catch a flight at 7. So she suggested she go my apartment and wake me up at 4 which is the time she wanted to go home too. :D This is the ger I will RTF. My dream type of SYT.

All the above, I am wondering, good or bad. :D

10-11-2010, 06:53 PM
3rd ger in Piano with biz partner, end of the night, I wanted to leave early as I told her I need to wake up at 4 cause I need to catch a flight at 7. So she suggested she go my apartment and wake me up at 4 which is the time she wanted to go home too. :D This is the ger I will RTF. My dream type of SYT.

So lucky and of course good la...:)

10-11-2010, 09:46 PM
Has anyone else noticed the prices are going up?

When I went to BKK 1.5 years ago, it was 400thb massage and 500thb hj, 1000thb boob fuck/bj, and 1500thb FJ at "massage parlours". When I went to such places 2 months ago, it was just a straight 2200-2500thb and anything goes- no choice of hj/bj/fj.

Like Sirmarjalot said, I'm having to budget much more when I go to BKK now.

10-11-2010, 09:59 PM
For the past few nights, I have been very lucky. 2 trips to Piano n 1 trip to claudia, 3 different gers went back to my apartment. I will try my luck on lottery later. :D

Bluedragon, I waiting for u to Piano n Claudia again.

You are getting thirsty already.
Buy me a drinks and gal and I will fly in next weekend...ok boh.:D

10-11-2010, 10:25 PM
Mongering in Bangkok Summary

Full report to mongering in Bangkok

Bangkok photos

nice and detail FR,

10-11-2010, 10:37 PM
This is the ger I will RTF. My dream type of SYT.
All the above, I am wondering, good or bad. :D
So established base camp already I see. Kid tueng muang thai mak mak! Will be arriving soon!

11-11-2010, 01:06 AM
You are getting thirsty already.
Buy me a drinks and gal and I will fly in next weekend...ok boh.:D

Come come, your ger looking for u in Piano....

So established base camp already I see. Kid tueng muang thai mak mak! Will be arriving soon!

Base camp confirmed. Waiting for u.

11-11-2010, 01:20 AM
I jus arrived in Bangkok - any bro wanna ketchup?

am sort of new to the scene, only have experienced Poseidon and a bit of Nana (not really) :P

11-11-2010, 01:29 AM
I jus arrived in Bangkok - any bro wanna ketchup?

am sort of new to the scene, only have experienced Poseidon and a bit of Nana (not really) :P

continue walking the road of Poseidon, turn onto Soi 13, and walk into Resort..:D

still have many more....:p

can be done alone, best alone....:p

ps, they not use ketchup, thai prefer pik nam pla

11-11-2010, 01:33 AM
thx bro for the quick reply!
am currently staying on silom road - sofitel

walked up and down silom, lots of roadside stalls and some massage places...
any interesting action around here that u know of?

11-11-2010, 01:42 AM
thx bro for the quick reply!
am currently staying on silom road - sofitel

walked up and down silom, lots of roadside stalls and some massage places...
any interesting action around here that u know of?

Soi 13 of Ratchada, not Silom........:(

11-11-2010, 10:21 AM
am sort of new to the scene, only have experienced Poseidon and a bit of Nana (not really) :P

What u want other than sex??? If only sex then these 2 will be fine if u dun dare to venture out or too lazy to read the thread. :rolleyes:

11-11-2010, 01:47 PM
i'm been to Nana plaza before but not Poisedon, may i know where is it?

11-11-2010, 04:10 PM
i'm been to Nana plaza before but not Poisedon, may i know where is it?

U can use www.google.com, map.google.com or click on search button in this forum to search for it. :rolleyes:

11-11-2010, 04:16 PM
I just dun understand why some samsters are lazy and stupid. Internet and forum have full of info. If ones uses his brain and is hardworking, seriously I doubt he has to resort to pcc in the room himself.

Guess it is easier to just question and waiting for others to feed the info.

11-11-2010, 06:29 PM
i'm been to Nana plaza before but not Poisedon, may i know where is it?

I am in a very excellent mood today. So, therefore i ask you to use your paws on this site, activate your malfunctioned grey cells, and use your eyes and use the search function.........please, please and please do it.

Or you can go to my post in FR numbered 8096, Playman's post numbered 8102 and also etct88 FR numbered 8100 that recommended 2 puyings in Bangkok Field Report thread.

Everything about how to have fun in BKK are in the BKK's threads. Or do you need a senior to hold your hands and lead the way for you to go into soapies, agogo joints, kapoo clubs, dirty oil massages, bars and clubs ?.

11-11-2010, 06:35 PM
I just dun understand why some samsters are lazy and stupid. Internet and forum have full of info. If ones uses his brain and is hardworking, seriously I doubt he has to resort to pcc in the room himself.

Guess it is easier to just question and waiting for others to feed the info.

I also want o ask. I want to ask how to be so lucky like you can get 3 gers in consecutive nights. Thank you.

11-11-2010, 09:00 PM
For everyone with questions, come to BKK, I'll bring you to the place with (almost)all the answers to your many questions. A net shop and then teach you how to use google and the search function on this site.

Don't worry, low hourly rates. :)

On another note, I wonder if we could somehow vote to sticky consolidated info on the forums... might cut down on the repetitious questions...?

11-11-2010, 10:26 PM
You shd be looking out for female company instead:p And daresay we also don't need glasses, we can read normal font. Whisper can already, no need to shout:rolleyes:
wishper can but just too sure anybody read it :P
still new to the forum...hehehe
>>> YINYANG senpai
"You shd be looking out for female company instead And daresay we also don't need glasses, we can read normal font. Whisper can already, no need to shout "

Female company already got hehehe but she only for daytime sightseeing can not bring her till night. So i am looking for friend in from the darkside..hehehe
anybody interested?

11-11-2010, 11:39 PM
i guess i should be more specific and ask if there are any bros in bkk who are planning to go cheong, and if so, could i come along :)

the resort club sounds interesting, went to the website, think its a club type thing - expensive cover it seems

12-11-2010, 12:18 AM
Everything about how to have fun in BKK are in the BKK's threads. Or do you need a senior to hold your hands and lead the way for you to go into soapies, agogo joints, kapoo clubs, dirty oil massages, bars and clubs ?.

Life will be lovely if a ger holds my hand and bring me out dating :D

I also want o ask. I want to ask how to be so lucky like you can get 3 gers in consecutive nights. Thank you.

There is trick called "luck". U come BKK, I will show u what luck is. Currently in Hanoi for a week n running out of luck.

On another note, I wonder if we could somehow vote to sticky consolidated info on the forums... might cut down on the repetitious questions...?

I dun mind providing and HOPEFULLY LAZY ASSHOLE reads it. There r sure a few lazy asshole who think thru their ass....

i guess i should be more specific and ask if there are any bros in bkk who are planning to go cheong, and if so, could i come along :)

the resort club sounds interesting, went to the website, think its a club type thing - expensive cover it seems

I am always there to cheong if u read carefully and I am based in BKK. I am keen on anything, money is never a problem for me. Put time put place but dun fly plane :D

12-11-2010, 12:54 AM
okok set!
tomorrow nite say after 10:30pm or so can on or not? since im on silom road, where would you recommend meeting?

i not like taikor u, need to think of budget a bit hehe :P

how much should i be prepared to spend if tats the case? :P
i know any amount can work, wat i mean is some reasonable amt but can cheong happy happy oso, balanced a bit lor

edit: eh just read ur reply above, bro in hanoi now ar? :(

12-11-2010, 12:13 PM
wonder if we could somehow vote to sticky consolidated info on the forums... might cut down on the repetitious questions...?
Second that. Once upon a time, we were all wet behind ears. Will also avoid more aggro from old birds here:p:D

There's a new thread attempt for newbies, but gone cold. But my honest lowdown is that it lost steam from word go (maybe another agenda??)


12-11-2010, 12:45 PM
Hi all bros here.

I going to bangkok next week.as i am a newbie in bangkok, what are the recommended clean disco where all the students are there?i will be staying at near NANA plaza. Does the gers there speak english?

12-11-2010, 01:37 PM
newbie in bangkok, what are the recommended clean disco where all the students are there? ..gers there speak english?
Oh, discos do employ cleaners to mop up the muck from previous night. Your table also get mopped, before your scotch or beer is laid down. :rolleyes:If you not referring to hygiene, don't know of any "dirty" discos with students presumably in unclean uniforms (anybody here wiser, can help?). And with some luck, you might be able to hit on their chio teachers too.

Think girls speak some Thaglish (like singlish)

12-11-2010, 01:50 PM
okok set!
tomorrow nite say after 10:30pm or so can on or not? since im on silom road, where would you recommend meeting?

I am back in BKK. Since u r in silom u can try patpong there. Budget budget.

I going to bangkok next week.as i am a newbie in bangkok, what are the recommended clean disco where all the students are there?

Stay in the hotel will be good for u. :rolleyes:

12-11-2010, 01:56 PM
Oh, discos do employ cleaners to mop up the muck from previous night. Your table also get mopped, before your scotch or beer is laid down. :rolleyes:If you not referring to hygiene, don't know of any "dirty" discos with students presumably in unclean uniforms (anybody here wiser, can help?). And with some luck, you might be able to hit on their chio teachers too.

Think girls speak some Thaglish (like singlish)

Wise words from wise man......but hey wait!!!Dont CLEAN out all the girls ok? Save some for us. :D

12-11-2010, 05:37 PM
I am keen on anything, money is never a problem for me. Put time put place but dun fly plane :D

I think this is the worse problem. Stinkaporeans like to ak for fun and use others as back up. If can find their own way or something better ; they'll use crap excuse like panties not dry yet.

I am sure many here dont mind showing others around and even buying you a beer. After all its good having another friend from your homeland in another country.

But you also have to be cher dong la. Buy brothers a drink or at least thank him personally la. I am not rich but I wont mind buying a few bottles if everyone is automatic and out to have a good time.

12-11-2010, 06:06 PM
But you also have to be cher dong la. Buy brothers a drink or at least thank him personally la. I am not rich but I wont mind buying a few bottles if everyone is automatic and out to have a good time.

Ya agree. 1 bottle of Black Label is liked 2000 plus and bottle of beer is about 100 plus :D

12-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Ya agree. 1 bottle of Black Label is liked 2000 plus and bottle of beer is about 100 plus :D

SGD90 for a Black compared to about 200SGD in Singapore Pub! :D I used to work on ships and during cadet days , a Red Label duty free bond stall cost about USD10! Just want to get drunk then , didnt care even if it was pink label! :D

55555 so many drinking stories! When just start work in Singapore , already discovered LOS liow so would go to mama shop ; where they sell all the cheap foreign workers food and buy a small bottle of Sangsom! Then would also buy a can of coke and quickly drink one third before topping it up with the whisky! Early signs of alcoholism!

12-11-2010, 09:16 PM
Exploring another G-club later. "Florence" dunno whether I spell or heard this correctly :D Hopefully this joint is great esp puyings.

13-11-2010, 02:33 AM
A recent video taken in Piano Club on 05/11/2011....Sanuk


13-11-2010, 10:25 AM
A recent video taken in Piano Club on 05/11/2011....Sanuk


very nice, can really dance:eek:...... see ok, will not try, bone getting brittle...:(

13-11-2010, 12:48 PM
I going to bangkok next week.as i am a newbie in bangkok, what are the recommended clean disco where all the students are there?i will be staying at near NANA plaza. Does the gers there speak english?

Best option: Don't bother. Stay in SG.

Exploring another G-club later. "Florence" dunno whether I spell or heard this correctly :D Hopefully this joint is great esp puyings.

Is this the place at Srinakharin?


Btw I noticed there were a number of SGers at the bum mee/pad thai joint opposite Thong Lor last night. Anyone here happened to be there? :D

13-11-2010, 01:02 PM
I got know this MP gal early last year. We were used to SMS each other and occassionally meet-up for dinner or drinks. She is studying at Ram Uni and work in a MP (sideline) whenever month-end need some quick cash to cover some expenses. However, I did not meet her for almost 7 months since I were busy with my new work.

Send a sms yesterday evening while I was leaving my office. Immediately she reply ask me where I have gone and lost in touch for so long... and blah blah. (exchanging couple smses) then she asked whether I am free tonight to meet up. I told her tonight I can meet her but prefer to chill rather than going out to party. She replied .. "why not u come over to my room and bring along your whiskey (damn.. she still can remember that I always have a bottle of whiskey in my car) and we can drink and chill in the room togther. So I drive straight to her apartment at Rama IX. Drop by 7-11 to buy some ice, mixer n snacks. Meanwhile got a sms from her asking me where i am now because she already da bao larb pla duk, larb tab wan, kho moo yang and somtum (again.. she can remember what i like to eat).

Reached her place ard 9.00pm and she came down to open the door ... wow ... looks like she still slim and look more attractive than previous time. Once in her room, she pass me the towel and ask me to take a bath first since i just finish work. After bath, came out and she already prepared the food and drink on the living room table. We had a long chit-chat, eat and drink ... looks like nowdays she can drink very well compared to previous time. Found out that she will graduate by end of this semester. And currently working as freelance graphic designer.

Then continue... lot's of drinking, chatting, laughing, teasing ... wow... really feel comfortable and chillin up the Friday nite. Then we started to roaming each other and she really good with her kisses. Finished my round at her living room. Continue to drink and chat while both of us naked cover under the blanket. I guess after half an hour she start to roam on me again and I told her I dont think I can make it for 2nd round. She give me a cheeky smile and told me to just lie down and enjoy the session. She really good in her BBJ ... and in matter of time we end up at her bedroom. Had a wild 2nd round until I can feel a bit sore on my brother. We cuddle and sleep for while. By the time I left her place... my watch is showing 5am and an empty bottle of whiskey.

This is one of the best Friday nite moment that I ever encounter ....

Age : 25 (from Ubon)
Appearance : Petite 5"4, fair skin (chinese thai type) and shoulder length hair.
GFE : 100%
Damage : One bottle of Black, 6 bottle soda, 1 bottle mineral water, 5-6 pack of snacks

** She is really damn good in Sudoku ... lost to her 3 times consecutively.

13-11-2010, 01:07 PM
A recent video taken in Piano Club on 05/11/2011....Sanuk

Finally, u uploaded the video. :D

BTW your "mummy" in piano was caught drink driving. Went to court, fine 5000THB and 6 mths suspense but she still driving n try not to drink much. :D

Those driving or intent to drive in BKK, recently, a lot of road blocks in BKK. My taxi was stopped and I had to change taxi. Dunno why. Guess this will go on for awhile.

13-11-2010, 01:09 PM
Is this the place at Srinakharin?


Btw I noticed there were a number of SGers at the bum mee/pad thai joint opposite Thong Lor last night. Anyone here happened to be there? :D

Oh last evening trip was cancelled. Went to Piano instead but was there for 5 mins and left cause too many guys n too little SYT. I was in Thong Lor for awhile but didn't makan there.

13-11-2010, 02:35 PM
Second that. Once upon a time, we were all wet behind ears. Will also avoid more aggro from old birds here:p:D

There's a new thread attempt for newbies, but gone cold. But my honest lowdown is that it lost steam from word go (maybe another agenda??)


Thanks bro. Me as a newbie will follow this thread.
I am staying at Soi 23 from today to 16th.:p

13-11-2010, 06:15 PM
Me as a newbie will follow this thread.
I am staying at Soi 23 from today to 16th.:p
Seriously, that thread's a let-down. Oh, soi 23 is Soi Cowboy -can't go wrong. You got a good chance of getting laid there :p

13-11-2010, 06:59 PM
Seriously, that thread's a let-down. Oh, soi 23 is Soi Cowboy -can't go wrong. You got a good chance of getting laid there :p

Unless you guys got somewhere to go. I can belanja some dinner when meeting up. :D

14-11-2010, 05:51 PM
Hi all

A little FR of BKK

Arrived in BKK on Tuesday and managed to meet up with a Thai girl that I knew in Singapore and saw her again in Jakarta Club 36.

She brought me to her working place called club Rao or cafe Rao. I cant really recall the exact name but it is about 15mins ride from Sukhumvit Soi 24 to there.

Its like a open KTV concept and I did not really like the place. Not worth the money. I spent 3,000 Bhat on 4 mugs of beer and tips for my girl. when I wanted to go out with her, I had to pay another 3000 Bhat in BF!! Too outrageous. however, she was good. she told me to leave first and then she will tell her mamasan that she is going home due to no customer.

So after that, I went to Bossy pub at paratnum and was suprised to see that they have taken up a bigger establishment next to where they were 3 years back. However, there were too many farangs and the atmosphere was different from the last time I was there. well, things did improve after my girl met up with me and we had a fun time there. opened a bottle of 100 pipers which cost me only 1500 bhat.

after some drinks when both of us were high, we went back to my apt for some more fun. we went for four rounds of sex and it was wild and fun! did everything from bbbj to cim to anal!

too shagged out.

meeting her again tonight to go cheong.

14-11-2010, 05:59 PM
She brought me to her working place called club Rao or cafe Rao. I cant really recall the exact name but it is about 15mins ride from Sukhumvit Soi 24 to there.

I think the last I went yrs n yrs ago was Rao2 in Ratchayotin. Quite near my apartment.

I spent 3,000 Bhat on 4 mugs of beer and tips for my girl. when I wanted to go out with her, I had to pay another 3000 Bhat in BF!!

Normally for non member it is more expensive to drink in G-club. The BF for G-club is about this price. Enjoy yourself.... :D

14-11-2010, 07:22 PM
hmm... does not sound like ratchayotin. sounded more like uderk i think. i asked the mamasan.

oh, what is a g-club?

thanks. going to bossy tonite again with the same girl and couple of her friends.

14-11-2010, 07:25 PM
oh, what is a g-club?

Gentlemen club....

15-11-2010, 11:26 AM
Will be gg bangkok tis wed till sat any1 wanna meet up?

15-11-2010, 12:06 PM
Will be gg bangkok tis wed till sat any1 wanna meet up?

I can meet you at Nana Plaza Casanova Agogo. Its on the 2nd floor corner. Many tall model like girls there. :D

15-11-2010, 01:14 PM
I can meet you at Nana Plaza Casanova Agogo. Its on the 2nd floor corner. Many tall model like girls there. :D

Whooo Hooooo !.

You missed out Cascade, Fantasy, Temptations also located on the second floor. And worse, you left out Obession on the ground floor. :p:p:D

15-11-2010, 08:23 PM
Will be gg bangkok tis wed till sat any1 wanna meet up?

Are you buying drinks??

I can meet you at Nana Plaza Casanova Agogo. Its on the 2nd floor corner. Many tall model like girls there. :D

Wow good idea, I will wait for u outside while u enjoy yourself inside. :D

15-11-2010, 10:31 PM
Bought medicine for little bro at 70B. :D

El Frances
16-11-2010, 05:21 AM
Here the report of my first two days in BKK (not sure yet I will be fit enough to write the next ones.)

Day One
My first day in BKK, so I want to party. I started in a Gogo called Spanky near Angelwitch at NEP on which I read some good comments elsewhere. It’s fine, but nothing extraordinary: the place is rather friendly, no hassle from the girls or mamasan (a good point), and girls dance topless (another good point). I sip my beer and suddenly I see her. There were about 20 girls on stage and it seemed there was only one girl who could move her body so sensuously…You know what I mean, sometimes you see a girl and suddenly your ball‘s hair rise ! Too bad, I really wanted to party and there’s no hope with gogo girls. I tried before, after 30 mn they try to look as bored as possible and say: ”we go hotel you”.

So I left and went to this bar with a live band in sukhumvit soi 7/1, called Bangkok Beat. This is really the right place to start having fun, good bands (the 2nd is better), and most girls are there to dance and have fun (of course 99% are FLs). It is also lungs friendly. Very good atmosphere, especially for a Sunday night, the only drawback is that the girls are rather old. If you are young enough to get wooded on girls between 28 and 38, this is the place! Anyway it was my first night on BKK so I would get wooded for any girl, no problem! I really had great fun with a slim girl (I did not even dare to ask her age, too afraid to break the magic!). It quickly turned into a full GFE. Then we went to Climax disco in soi 11, nice place with good music. All the girls I saw before in Bangkok Beat and who did not got picked up were there, with similar girls from other FL places such as Bamboo bar. I did not see any girl much better than mine. I don’t know where gogo girls go after closing time, but not to Climax! Then back to my hotel for a full hot long GFE sex. I gave her 1500 Bath when she left in the morning.

Day two

I really drank too much yesterday and I don’t feel so well. So I decided for a quiet night with only a few beers. First stop at Bamboo bar on soi 3 in front of Grace Hotel. Good hip hop band, a few pool tables, not lungs friendly. I enjoyed the band but the girls were similar to the ones in Bangkok Beat, so I did not get wooded in Bamboo. This night I needed better stimuli so I went to gogos in NEP. First in Spanky again around 12:30: the girl who made my balls like hedgehogs was not there and few talents were left. Then I went to Mandarin: I had a few good picks there in the past, but maybe because it was already late there was nothing very exciting so I left to Rainbow 4. This place has so many girls that it’s difficult not to find one’s type there. The drawback is that it’s very Japanese oriented. There was only one girl I liked, very slim with Japanese hairstyle, and trying to catch the attention of a bunch of Japanese ATMs. It was nearly 1:30 so I decided to act quickly: barfine! 600 Barfine + 2000 ST. Expensive but I had to be quicker than the Japs.
After going out of the bar, the girl looked a bit cold and hurried. I though: Hmmm..I hope it’s not another starfish. But anyway, I knew I would be horny even if she was a starfish. That’s what I like in Gogos: I watch the girls and when one gets me a hard, I barfine her, otherwise I go to another bar.

We arrived in my room and she was obviously hurried. Hmmm… Starfish syndrome…She got me very horny so I decided to really make love to them (I will not explain, if you don’t know…). And then she started to get really wet… I was not gel as she started not wet and finished wet (That’s the acid test: if the girl is wet from the start, it means she put some gel up it in the bathroom). She was not hurried any more and her orgasm wasn’t fake. I know I’m talented but it’s also the advantage of girls who usually go with Japanese: they may have been fucked every night, but not have come often. So they are ready to enjoy a good fuck. After that, the bitch became again cold and hurried and was dressed up in a glance! What! After providing a good fuck to a girl you expect her to show some gratitude! (i.e. You number 1!) Nothing! Nada! Waloo! She just took the money, a quick smile and bye bye!

16-11-2010, 08:55 AM
..my first two days in BKK (not sure yet I will be fit enough to write the next ones.)
..live band in sukhumvit soi 7/1, called Bangkok Beat. This is really the right place to start having fun, good bands (the 2nd is better), and most girls are there to dance and have fun (of course 99% are FLs).
...the bitch became again cold and hurried and was dressed up in a glance! What! After providing a good fuck to a girl you expect her to show some gratitude! (i.e. You number 1!) Nothing! Nada! Waloo! She just took the money, a quick smile and bye bye!
You survived to tell your tale. Been awhile since we had a good FR:p So raised you pts.

Never been to Bangkok Beat soi 7/1. Alamak, populated by milfs?

On your 2nd fast and furious, you shd have just done the wham, bang and thank ma'am;)

16-11-2010, 12:17 PM
Bro naemlo n bro ahteclim u guys always there hanging out?
Hw to meet up? Buying a bottle or two bucteket wum be a pro man lol

El Frances
16-11-2010, 05:26 PM
You survived to tell your tale. Been awhile since we had a good FR:p So raised you pts.

Never been to Bangkok Beat soi 7/1. Alamak, populated by milfs?

On your 2nd fast and furious, you shd have just done the wham, bang and thank ma'am;)

Thanks! Bangkok Beat is really fun, I think. Girls are not that old, I guess most of them around 28/32, maybe a few in the 25/28 range. But not the Fresh girls you can get in Gogos.

About the 2nd one, it was really a good session. She was very horny and I enjoyed it. I just found funny that the girl got an orgasm served on a golden plate, and then switched off to become professional again in a glance. Ah! Ah!

16-11-2010, 05:35 PM
Nothing! Nada! Waloo! She just took the money, a quick smile and bye bye!

Nice FR. Up you go. Haha. The onset of reality had dawned upon us again. :D

16-11-2010, 05:53 PM
Here the report of my first two days in BKK (not sure yet I will be fit enough to write the next ones.)

You survived to tell your tale. Been awhile since we had a good FR:p So raised you pts.

You will have mine too.

Bro naemlo n bro ahteclim u guys always there hanging out?
Hw to meet up? Buying a bottle or two bucteket wum be a pro man lol

I dun cheong a lot... just pm us. Will be waiting for your bottle.

17-11-2010, 12:02 PM
thanks. going to bossy tonite again with the same girl and couple of her friends.

Last evening after G-club, went bossy to meet oshkosh. 1st time there, a lot of farang. I still prefer disco with local puying.:D

17-11-2010, 02:34 PM
Just wondering if any of you guys try "The Bank" in BKK?

17-11-2010, 02:49 PM
Last evening after G-club, went bossy to meet oshkosh. 1st time there, a lot of farang. I still prefer disco with local puying.:D

pai sei namelo.... its the only place that I know besides hollywood. hehe..

next time you bring me go disco with local puying...

anyway, u damm good judge of people. i scored last night!

tell you more when we meet up... now clearing emails. lucky sg holiday. no one come disturb.


17-11-2010, 03:10 PM
anyway, u damm good judge of people. i scored last night!

Damn, u scored??? :D Told u she was the 1. Last evening, sorry I left early. I took a call and later couldn't find my ger and when I went back near the table I didn't see u so thought u left. Anyway, I rcv a call from 1 of my gers so I had to go back to service her. :D

17-11-2010, 05:22 PM
Bro naemlo n bro ahteclim u guys always there hanging out?
Hw to meet up? Buying a bottle or two bucteket wum be a pro man lol

Did u pm me?? I accidentally deleted a pm without read it.

17-11-2010, 10:22 PM
Goodness this thread still around after so many years:)
Have not been to BKK for many months so this thread is useful update of latest. Thanks bros :)

17-11-2010, 10:27 PM
Hi all bros here.

I going to bangkok next week.as i am a newbie in bangkok, what are the recommended clean disco where all the students are there?i will be staying at near NANA plaza. Does the gers there speak english?

clean disco .. what the...? In nana area you looking for clean disco LOL
well can try one Mediterranean style disco at sukhumvit soi1 opposite soi 0
It is in the old soi 1 sukhumvit bar plaza opposite Mariott
not sure if still open cos was there like few years ago :)

17-11-2010, 10:32 PM
I think this is the worse problem. Stinkaporeans like to ak for fun and use others as back up. If can find their own way or something better ; they'll use crap excuse like panties not dry yet.

I am sure many here dont mind showing others around and even buying you a beer. After all its good having another friend from your homeland in another country.

But you also have to be cher dong la. Buy brothers a drink or at least thank him personally la. I am not rich but I wont mind buying a few bottles if everyone is automatic and out to have a good time.

Yep very well said.
Cher dong (automatic) is the keyword and aptly sums it up. Basic etiquette and manners when we hang out. :)

17-11-2010, 10:42 PM
I can meet you at Nana Plaza Casanova Agogo. Its on the 2nd floor corner. Many tall model like girls there. :D

You mean tall model like "girls"? :D

17-11-2010, 10:52 PM
So I left and went to this bar with a live band in sukhumvit soi 7/1, called Bangkok Beat. This is really the right place to start having fun, good bands (the 2nd is better), and most girls are there to dance and have fun (of course 99% are FLs).

Nice FR. :)
Is this Bangkok Beat previously Absolut- same owner as New Wave on soi 7?

17-11-2010, 11:00 PM
Damn, u scored??? :D Told u she was the 1. Last evening, sorry I left early. I took a call and later couldn't find my ger and when I went back near the table I didn't see u so thought u left. Anyway, I rcv a call from 1 of my gers so I had to go back to service her. :D

Seems to me you are much happier here than Hanoi. Enjoy yourself.

El Frances
17-11-2010, 11:39 PM
Day 3

Yesterday I went again to Spanky but the ball's hair rising girl wasn't there. Too bad! I was there a bit late around 11.45 and it seemed the pretty girls had already been barfined. I tried to watch the show but it was not good.

I went to Angelwitch next door, the show was a bit better, but no exciting girl at first glance. Suddenly I saw a girl exactly my type. She was also hurried to take me out, but did it in such a cute way that I couldn't resist. She was very sweet and service oriented and ready for LT (but I had to wake up early today so I only took ST). She was perfect, sweet, FK, BJ looking at me with a dirty look, fingering herself for me, GFE, etc...But no wet pussy despite all my talents and just fake moaning.

I'm not sure what has been my best experience: this girl, or the "cold" girl from Rainbow 4 who couldn't help but get wet and horny, and come loudly. Hmm...Guess which one gives me a hard on when I think to her?
Life is an endless quest for truth...

18-11-2010, 10:28 AM
El Frances,

If you want better service from Nana Plaza, go to Rainbow I, they have the best looking girls with excellent service! I like the tall girl with short wavy hair! She has cute face, nice long legs and sweet personality!

18-11-2010, 01:19 PM
Seems to me you are much happier here than Hanoi. Enjoy yourself.

This is a definite yes. Hanoi is a nice city for old man. Sleep early, wake up early. This morning I party till about 6.... just woke up and preparing to go lunch and office. :D

18-11-2010, 04:02 PM
This is a definite yes. Hanoi is a nice city for old man. Sleep early, wake up early. This morning I party till about 6.... just woke up and preparing to go lunch and office. :D

See you soon...;)

18-11-2010, 07:14 PM
This is a definite yes. Hanoi is a nice city for old man. Sleep early, wake up early. This morning I party till about 6.... just woke up and preparing to go lunch and office. :D

Think Hanoi more suitable for me. Seems like your life is turned upside down. Well as long as you enjoyed it.

18-11-2010, 08:53 PM
See you soon...;)

See you soon....:D

Think Hanoi more suitable for me. Seems like your life is turned upside down. Well as long as you enjoyed it.

Waiting for u in BKK. :D

18-11-2010, 09:30 PM
Think Hanoi more suitable for me. Seems like your life is turned upside down. Well as long as you enjoyed it.

From what I see in Hanoi and HCMC threads, women are much cheaper than BKK. Are living expenses also cheaper in Vietnam than Thailand?

I might have to make Vietnam my country of choice for happy time :)

18-11-2010, 09:38 PM
Since Saturday, I have been visiting Bacarra and drink tomato juice (I don't drink much liquor). Every time I sit there at least an hour paying 140B. Saturday I had my 1st FJ but due to first time, experience not that good.

My 2nd FJ is on Tuesday, also my last night in Bangkok. Around 11pm, I decide to LT (4000B) so I can have multiple fun. As usual, I go to Bacarra and sit at my favorite seat. 2nd floor near to the naked girls dancing. From there I can see the girls at the first floor too. Occasionally able to see their cibai via reflection. :p

I have been eyeing this gal all along since day 3. Petite, nice body curve, E boobs. Once I saw her, I immediately ask waitress to call that gal up once finish dancing. Her number is 104. :)
As I was sitting on a single couch, I expect her to sit on my lap. When she arrive, ask me to move over a bit so she can sit beside me. A bit sianz. Normally those ang moh have their gal pumping their ass at the ang moh dick.

Ask her name (Yim) and offer drink. Chat awhile. Nah, not my type and send her back after 2 drinks.

Then I start to scout again. This time round saw number 239 making a lot of eye contact. At first I ignore her, play hard to get. She is very persistent and I give a go ahead to come over.

She is a bit flabby on the tummy but a syt. Later found out she study in Uni near the airport. About 150cm name Amm.
When she come over, she sawadeecup on me. Pushing her butt against my kkj. This immediately make my bro steam. She rubba rubba until I cannot tahan. Bring back to Tai Pan hotel which is guest friendly.

We start to chat, drink and snack. When start to bath, she become a fucking sex kitten. We in the tub play and french a lot. Wow, very high GFE.
Then we move to the bed, this horny bitch can really turn man on. After I come, she is still horny. So I have finger her.
She goes:"Darling, yes. Yes, faster.Oooh..."
During finger, she guide me her sensitive part. Damn, this is a must for RTF.

After battle, the time is 1am. She have to leave for school later in the morning so I bid her farewell. We exchange numbers and I promise to sms her every week.

When I reach BKK again, we will meet again. This time round without Bar Fine.

Drink 140B
LD 160B X 4
BF 600B
ST 2000B
Tips 1000B
Total: 4380B

El Frances
19-11-2010, 04:38 AM
Today my preferred girl is back to Bangkok. She used to work at Angelwitch 6 month ago. Cute 18 or 19 yo girl. I remember the first night I spoted her she was already siting and drinking with a man and I tipped the mamasan to barfine her before the other guy realised what was happening. Then I took her every night during one week. She was very cute and GFE, wet pussy, and spoke very little English.

For some reason she only did ST, but she waited for me every night that I picked her up (I also tipped mamasan, I'm not crazy) around 10:30, then we went to have a drink somewhere (i.e. Bangkok Beat) for 1 hour or two, and then go to my room. She was very playfull and used to call her mother from my room and have me say hello to her mother who doesn't understand any word of English. She's really the cutest girl i have around and never get enough of her firm slim body. My last contact had been on the phone 5 month ago as I went to SG for work and rushed to Pattaya for holiday. She told me she worked now in a massage parlor.

When I arrived in BKK sunday I phoned her and succeeded in understanding that she was in Issan, then go to Phuket for one day, then see me the day after tommorrow (which finally has been displaced to thursday). Finally she arrived today, phoned me at least four times, as I could not communicate with her I had the guy at the reception tell her to come to my hotel around 10. When I go down to the lobby, she is with a girlfriend and tells me her girlfriend stays in lobby and she goes with me to my room. I intend to go first with her to Bangkok Beat but she says her GF wanted to see me and is afraid to take taxi alone, so she will do only ST with me and then go back to her room with her friend. Tomorrow she will come without her friend and can stay LT if I want. I'm not so keen about that because it's very early for me, but my integrated 3 pieces enjoyment system signals to me it doesn't really matter.

I am curious to know what she currently does and tries to communicate with her:
- you come back from Phuket? No I come back from Airport (Gosh I swear she told me on the phone she was in Phuket!). Never mind.
- where do you work now, Issan or Bangkok? Yes! I mean is it in Issan or Bangkok? Yes! (My god, it's hopeless. I wish I learned more thai or lao. I naively thought I just could get away with "Bai Nam Nee")
So I show her "work" on my dictionnary and she starts making gestures to explain me. Here are the options:
- she's hairdresser and plays drums. Hmmm.. Strange!
- she's shaved her hair and is a Monk. Obviously it doesn't fit.
- a friend is now a Monk. That's sounds more logical, but what the hell has it to do with her work?

Ok let's forget talking and make it. Gosh! She still has her exciting slim body and makes me so horny. She's still sweet and loving. However: dry pussy and fake moaning. Sob! That's the problem when girls work in massage parlors: they usually switch from the wet pussy club to the dry pussy club. I don't know when she has stopped working in a massage parlor but apparently she has got a permanent membership to the dry pussy club. But OK, she's still the cutest for me.

19-11-2010, 10:36 AM
From what I see in Hanoi and HCMC threads, women are much cheaper than BKK. Are living expenses also cheaper in Vietnam than Thailand?

I might have to make Vietnam my country of choice for happy time :)

definitely yes...more than 3 years ago..i was going to bkk so regularly...now hcm...will retire in hcm...:)

19-11-2010, 11:05 AM
Waiting for u in BKK. :D

Maybe going in Apr with Hurricane88.

19-11-2010, 03:23 PM
Day 3

Yesterday I went again to Spanky but the ball's hair rising girl wasn't there. Too bad! I was there a bit late around 11.45 and it seemed the pretty girls had already been barfined. I tried to watch the show but it was not good.

I went to Angelwitch next door, the show was a bit better, but no exciting girl at first glance. Suddenly I saw a girl exactly my type. She was also hurried to take me out, but did it in such a cute way that I couldn't resist. She was very sweet and service oriented and ready for LT (but I had to wake up early today so I only took ST). She was perfect, sweet, FK, BJ looking at me with a dirty look, fingering herself for me, GFE, etc...But no wet pussy despite all my talents and just fake moaning.

I'm not sure what has been my best experience: this girl, or the "cold" girl from Rainbow 4 who couldn't help but get wet and horny, and come loudly. Hmm...Guess which one gives me a hard on when I think to her?
Life is an endless quest for truth...

hi el Frances , do you have this Angelwitch girl name ? or do Angelwitch have number ?

(and , hahaha , what is that rainbow 4 girl number , the one that you got wet ?? i am not talented as you so not going to try her (dont like starfish) but damn curious which girl you have given Good On The Job Experience to :D )

balls-hair raising girl at Spankys have number ? sound damn interesting :) , I go Spankys then can identify what kind of girl is "your type" , then I know if we can be friends or not !

19-11-2010, 04:12 PM
Maybe going in Apr with Hurricane88.

That will be great. The hottest month of the year in Thailand. :D

19-11-2010, 10:03 PM
hi guys, just wanna check with u all. in bkk, the massage is either those "special" kind or those "proper" kind right? so it's either syt massaging u with almost no massage skills or either an old aunty massaging right?

is there something in between? something like in sg? where u can get a gd massage by a reasonably young lady and have a hj or a bj kind like in sg?

is there such a thing?

El Frances
20-11-2010, 02:14 AM
hi el Frances , do you have this Angelwitch girl name ? or do Angelwitch have number ?

(and , hahaha , what is that rainbow 4 girl number , the one that you got wet ?? i am not talented as you so not going to try her (dont like starfish) but damn curious which girl you have given Good On The Job Experience to :D )

balls-hair raising girl at Spankys have number ? sound damn interesting :) , I go Spankys then can identify what kind of girl is "your type" , then I know if we can be friends or not !

My style is slim with small tits! The Angelwitch girl is Ae (not sure how to write it), that's the slimest one with very pretty face. The R4 girl was number 54, also very slim. The ball's hair-rising girl was not as slim, I just found it was the only one who was dancing sensuously.

I'm leaving now to Pattaya, so I won't be on your way....have a try and let me know about your experience!

PS I saw my cutest again tonight. Bingo this time!

El Frances
20-11-2010, 02:19 AM
hi guys, just wanna check with u all. in bkk, the massage is either those "special" kind or those "proper" kind right? so it's either syt massaging u with almost no massage skills or either an old aunty massaging right?

is there something in between? something like in sg? where u can get a gd massage by a reasonably young lady and have a hj or a bj kind like in sg?

is there such a thing?

Too many! Ah! Ah! Try one of the massage shops in Soi Nana, same street as Nana Plaza, Nana Station, you can't miss it.

20-11-2010, 03:07 AM
is there something in between? something like in sg? where u can get a gd massage by a reasonably young lady and have a hj or a bj kind like in sg? is there such a thing?
WTF is an "in between"? It's either u get a proper massage or a massage w a happy ending. Bro if u need a guide then lemme me know. My rates are reasonable but dun PM me for free info or u r not serious.

20-11-2010, 08:09 AM

Yes, it's called, Kapoo Massage Joints! About 20 - 30 Kapoo Massage Joints in Bangkok, my favorite is CCK Massage! Their number is 02-2760868, best looking girls are Mind and Fai!

20-11-2010, 11:06 AM
Ya,i had been to cck massage too b4.the mp is run by taiwanese and

it provide good HJ.I had no FJ there.

20-11-2010, 12:09 PM

At CCK, you can receive full service, If you're willing to pay extra 1,500B! CCK's service charges are 500 for take off the top, another 500B for bottom and 1,500 for BJ and boom boom! My favorite girls are Mind (6) and Fai (21)!

20-11-2010, 04:15 PM
Loy loy Krathong....

20-11-2010, 07:09 PM
..I took her every night during one week. She was very cute and GFE, wet pussy, and spoke very little English.
(My god, it's hopeless. I wish I learned more thai or lao. I naively thought I just could get away with "Bai Nam Nee")
So I show her "work" on my dictionnary and she starts making gestures to explain me. Here are the options:
- she's hairdresser and plays drums. Hmmm.. Strange!
- she's shaved her hair and is a Monk. Obviously it doesn't fit.
- a friend is now a Monk. That's sounds more logical, but what the hell has it to do with her work?
...problem when girls work in massage parlors: they usually switch from the wet pussy club to the dry pussy club..
Bloody hell, bodily pleasures overcome your incommunicado:p.

Myself been up north (CNX and LPT) with my northern project. Stopover Bkk today before harsh reality back home tomorrow. Had a new entry in black book, singer in her aunt's Korat restaurant. 1st time meetup, and couldn't go very far from "see you" later tonight. Tried to locate her darned restaurant location, but will need to pass on my mobile to cabbie (or concierge). If not work out, might fall back on my virgin outing at Bkk Beat and wares on display;)

20-11-2010, 07:12 PM

Someday, when you're in Bangkok, I want to see your fameous black book! I wonder If one of my past girlfriend is in the book!

20-11-2010, 08:33 PM
At CCK, you can receive full service, If you're willing to pay extra 1,500B! CCK's service charges are 500 for take off the top, another 500B for bottom and 1,500 for BJ and boom boom!
U finally back from Angeles? Long time no see or hear from u? ;)

Loy loy Krathong....
If have tilak and wan lomantic then tomorrows the day! Go early to get a seat at any river side restaurants after makan can let go kratongs together. Make sure kratongs float away in same direction. Sure score lomatic points with your tilak.

BTW Bro Naemlo, heard u doing quite a juggling act servicing a few puyings? See u have been hard at work in such a short time u r in Bangkok? :D

20-11-2010, 08:52 PM

Yes, I'm back from Angeles City! I've been there 3 times and time for rest till next year! Angeles City is good for short duration, no way I can retire there, we're lucky that we live in Bangkok! Nightlife is okay but staying there during daytime can be boring and hazardous! Philippine's economy and infrastructure is worst than Thailand, Thai food is better and Thai are friendlier than Filipinos! Long live Thailand!

20-11-2010, 09:39 PM
BTW Bro Naemlo, heard u doing quite a juggling act servicing a few puyings? See u have been hard at work in such a short time u r in Bangkok? :D

Ya trying to juggle a few and now trying to dump.

Bluedragon scolding u, saying u suppose to have dinner with him but u fly aeroplane. Instead I having dinner with him. He tired of seeing me.

21-11-2010, 06:13 AM
Ya trying to juggle a few and now trying to dump.

Bluedragon scolding u, saying u suppose to have dinner with him but u fly aeroplane. Instead I having dinner with him. He tired of seeing me.

wow, neber knew, have some many pee-lots here, :eek: flying here and there....:D

IMO doesn't look like a pilot, he looks more like a PAP taxi driver...:p

21-11-2010, 08:30 AM
your fameous black book! I wonder If one of my past girlfriend is in the book!
You'll also see XXX (scratched out or done?).
no way I can retire there, we're lucky that we live in Bangkok! Nightlife is okay but staying there during daytime can be boring and hazardous! Philippine's economy and infrastructure is worst than Thailand, Thai food is better and Thai are friendlier than Filipinos!
Right. Only been to Manila (and Cebu) for business and pleasure. Saving grace is only english. Outside main strip Makati (business area), it's not even safe to venture alone. Unlike LOS, with so many solo surfers. And you would pass over street food there for your phad thai or khao phad.:p

23-11-2010, 05:46 PM
Hello all!! Anyone going to BKK this coming year end? I would like to join you guys as I've new and fresh to overseas chiong-ing :P I'm 20s and hope some experienced Samster would bring me along! :P PM me pls!

23-11-2010, 07:13 PM
Hello all!! Anyone going to BKK this coming year end? I would like to join you guys as I've new and fresh to overseas chiong-ing :P I'm 20s and hope some experienced Samster would bring me along! :P PM me pls!

wow...just checked history...this guy posted eveywhere...OMG...:confused::rolleyes:

23-11-2010, 10:41 PM
...this guy posted eveywhere...OMG...:confused::rolleyes:
Says a lot doesn't it? From Balai to Zhuhai. Is he for real? :rolleyes::(

23-11-2010, 10:44 PM
Guys, hope you all dont mistaken... I'm alright with any of the place i posted... I just want to have some place to go... But it look like HCM on christmas will be the choice :)

24-11-2010, 02:07 AM
Guys, hope you all dont mistaken... I'm alright with any of the place i posted... I just want to have some place to go... But it look like HCM on christmas will be the choice :)

U might want to consider Europe or America since u want some places to go. They have bigger celebration. :rolleyes:

24-11-2010, 02:25 AM
Says a lot doesn't it? From Balai to Zhuhai. Is he for real? :rolleyes::(

he no ask to go Manila.....:rolleyes:

24-11-2010, 05:54 AM
Guys, hope you all dont mistaken... I'm alright with any of the place i posted... I just want to have some place to go... But it look like HCM on christmas will be the choice :)

Young man....the way you posted everywhere will be zapped for sure...forever you cannot get out of moderation...:p

25-11-2010, 11:44 AM

Yes, I'm back from Angeles City! I've been there 3 times and time for rest till next year! Angeles City is good for short duration, no way I can retire there, we're lucky that we live in Bangkok! Nightlife is okay but staying there during daytime can be boring and hazardous! Philippine's economy and infrastructure is worst than Thailand, Thai food is better and Thai are friendlier than Filipinos! Long live Thailand!

Totally agree. Philippines cannot fight with Thailand in terms of nightlife, infrastructure and also quality of gals :)

25-11-2010, 07:16 PM
Hi to all bro here.
I just came back frm land of smile a week ago.
Sorrt to bro namelo cnt meet up cz no internet there must pay 100 baht
for hotel internet. Will fid time to post my bang kok report.

25-11-2010, 08:54 PM

Moreover, too many beggars and hoodlums walking and loitering around the street! I just don't feel safe in Manila or Angeles City, It seemed that too many people are unemployed and poor due to lack of Government subsidies! I thought Thailand was bad but Philippines is worst.

Thai girls give better BBJs but Filipino girls are better in boom boom!

26-11-2010, 12:36 AM
newbie here. some basic FR with CCK MP today. overall, it was a great experience over there.

met a mamasan over there, ask for her recommendation but I guess she doesnt know what I am asking (maybe) and maybe she is lazy to recommend. She gave me a book with photographs and I chooses #10 Ah Fa (Thai + Chinese). Package 2hours Baht 980.

The moment I saw her :eek:, oh boy... .she is great. I was eyeing on her (.) (.) and at least 34B/C. Ok, asked to follow her up, climbed I think 2 level up. Phew..exhausted. She speak damn blardy good mandarin. SOP, asked me to strip and bath myself (how nice if she bath together). Once done, asked me to lying down (face down) and she started her oily massage. Massage is nice, with some sort of GF feel.

The standard package includes oily massage and HJ. I asked further, and she mentioned Baht 500 to strip, Baht 1200 for FJ. Too tired for FJ today, so asked her to strip naked only. She does have quite a meaty ( . ) ( . ) and firm with pinky dots! Her ass is nice too. She allowed roaming, hehe.

She's hell of a notti babe. Her pussy is watery and she moan when i roam into her wet pussy. I told her i am cumming soon, she said oh no, and she stop a little while and started licking me. She does know how to give the best treatment to my little brother.

It ended with hell lots of pleasure. I will definitely RTF. :D


26-11-2010, 09:35 AM
Excellent report! CCK is one of my favorite Kapoo Massage places. They only uses lotion, no oil is used during massage! Next time try #6 and 21!

26-11-2010, 11:26 AM
Tried direct airport link (Makassan) on last 2 trips, good experience. Fast 140km/hr speed, smooth ride gets you to/fro airport 12-15 mins (excluding waiting time) for thb100. Free return same day (unlikely for most).

Airport basement, and if yours is direct to Makkasan go to left lane (vs city line). Few riders yet, suitable for solo (as taxi probably works out better cost wise for 2-3 pax). Makassan station seems so empty, and easy to pop into few taxis outside entrance 3rd flr. Also transfer to MRT station. Only downside is crowded intersection next to station, and if you heading Suk's direction cabbie has to make detour or u-turn.

26-11-2010, 12:28 PM
Finally back in LOS after 8 weeks of self-exile :D Arrived late last night, met up with Bro ML for a while, then my regular puying came to hotel, went makan, and then sleeeeeppppttt like a baby. Too damn shack to do anything last night after a few overworked couple of days. But damn, it feels just damn good to be sleeping with a hot-blooded puying right under the blanket on a big king size bed. Sweaty a little, but hey, it just adds on to the feel :D Woke up at 9am this morn (bloody biological clock), and puying was auto to give me a nice bbbj as a morning call. She back to sleep and I am here typing away. 3 more days to screw my brains out.

Talking abt the king size bed. The guy at the reception just had to take a dig at me when he saw that I have booked for two, but I turned up alone. Gave me the card key, and then say "Sir, your room is a smoking room at the back that you wanted, and also the KING SIZE bed" and then give me that grin. KNS! :D I gave him a thumbs up and told him, it will be put to good use. 5555+

26-11-2010, 12:48 PM
Excellent report! CCK is one of my favorite Kapoo Massage places. They only uses lotion, no oil is used during massage! Next time try #6 and 21!

Oh yes, bro norice. Went to CCK because I saw your recommendation! Feel like going over there again today. hahaa....

26-11-2010, 06:11 PM
Had a foot massage earlier, came back hotel, and headed for the pool with puying. The moment my gal took over the overcoat, the ang mo who was sleeping then suddenly sat up and stare at my gal in her bikini :D I purposely pull her close to me, hugged her, and then smiled at that guy with a grin on my face. 555+ Classic! After that, he just continue to sit there and watch, so i just carry on with my show. :D

Now, waiting for meet up with Bro ML and then see where to head next. Gotta come back not too late though, cos my girl says she is gonna get some shower foam later on the way back to have fun in the tub with me tonite! YAY! This is life! :D

26-11-2010, 08:59 PM
The moment my gal took over the overcoat, the ang mo who was sleeping then suddenly sat up and stare at my gal in her bikini :D I purposely pull her close to me, hugged her, and then smiled at that guy with a grin on my face. 555+ Classic! After that, he just continue to sit there and watch, so i just carry on with my show. :D

So the angmoh saliva drooling. Good work.

27-11-2010, 08:54 AM

How much are you paying your girl? Is she your real girlfriend or just leasing her for the duration of your trip? In Bangkok, you can lease high class model or Penthhouse cover girl If you're willing to pay big Bhat!

Last April, I took an attractive, sexy girl with hourglass figure to Sentosa and all the Singaporeans with beady eyes couldn't stop staring at her! I couldn't tell If they were sleeping or staring at her, too many slant eyes!

27-11-2010, 01:02 PM

How much are you paying your girl? Is she your real girlfriend or just leasing her for the duration of your trip? In Bangkok, you can lease high class model or Penthhouse cover girl If you're willing to pay big Bhat!

Won't say she is my girlfriend (that's why I did not use the term 'tirak'), but someone whom I have enjoyed and met up for the past few trips. :D Con is that it can be the same face (though I do go off and have a ST somewhere) but pros are aplenty. She will stay with me throughout, knows what I want or need, and with a complete gfe. And of course, I never had to pay her a full rate. It is always up to me. :D

I usually don't go for the best looks, but one with an ability to click.

BTW, I think Bro Naemlo and Bro Bro BlueDragon have seen her before when we met up with a few months ago and went to AGG. :cool:

27-11-2010, 01:11 PM
BTW, I think Bro Naemlo and Bro Bro BlueDragon have seen her before when we met up with a few months ago and went to AGG. :cool:

Maybe, but I old man, can't remember gers esp name. Is there any way to cure short memory for old man??? :rolleyes: :D

27-11-2010, 01:15 PM
Maybe, but I old man, can't remember gers esp name. Is there any way to cure short memory for old man??? :rolleyes: :D

hahaha...young man cannot remember well...what about me huh...kekeke...:p:)

27-11-2010, 01:19 PM
hahaha...young man cannot remember well...what about me huh...kekeke...:p:)

Ah dee, I young man??? :D

27-11-2010, 01:22 PM
Ok... third day in LOS, and trip ending soon. A little sian, but trying to keep it out of mind so that can fully enjoy the day.

Anyway, after my last post, I headed for Sazanka with Bro ML in the evening. It has moved to thonglor, and into a rather nicer building (4 storey with lift). Don't expect it to be something like the MP but for it is a good improvement from the last time when they are operating in soi 22. We went for a good scrub but did not go for specials, since I already have a side dish back in hotel for program later. It was good! Felt damn fresh after that. After that, went to have Viet dinner and tcss until about 9pm. Had wanted to head back to hotel, but then thought I drop by rawhide agg to see an old flame which Bro MK mentioned is back in biz. Reached Cowboy ard 9.45pm but did not see her ard. Guess not fated to meet again.:rolleyes:

Anyway, Cowboy was pretty crowded yesterday. Piichai and puyings all aplenty. Stayed in Rawhide for an hour or so, saw some new faces (some were not bad, but some CMI). After that, went to buy supper back and headed back to hotel. (Bro ML, we did finish all the stuff! :D)

Back in hotel, had supper with my gal, and then got into the foam bath with 2 wine coolers in hand and thai songs in the backgrd using my iphone. What can I say! Simply fantastic! I scrub for u, u scrub for me.... the rest u can imagine. After that, back to bed, cuddled, fondled and then I felt asleep like a baby. It was 2+am.

Woke up this morning at 6am. Stupid reception gave the morning call to the wrong room!!! KNN! Went back to sleep, and woke up at 10.30am. Went exploring my warm puying and there we went, a complete round this time :D This is what I like about having a familiar face. It was slow, romantic and fun. After that, as usual, she is now sleeping again in bed while I am typing this.

Later, going for Korean bbq at soi 71. Maybe will head to MBK or Pantip. Not sure. Tonight may be meeting up with Bro ML and Bro JimmyCool for makan. Time really flies in bkk but then again, if we spend half a day in bed everyday, I guess there is only so much time left for other things. 555+

Btw, the BBK weather in these couple of days is pretty good. :D Not as hot, and yet, no rain. Perfect!

27-11-2010, 01:25 PM
Ah dee, I young man??? :D

Who cares whether u are old or not. You still look damn young and I am sure with all your escapades, you are still performing like a young man! :D

27-11-2010, 01:30 PM
Who cares whether u are old or not. You still look damn young and I am sure with all your escapades, you are still performing like a young man! :D

Ya dun forget my xbox n ps3... I perform well in these games only.

27-11-2010, 01:34 PM
Ya dun forget my xbox n ps3... I perform well in these games only.

Ya, if I do go down later, sure check for you. Have already written down the specs. But in case I don't get to go down, then pai say har. :p:D

Btw, old man got play xbox and ps3 one meh??? :D

27-11-2010, 01:44 PM
Btw, old man got play xbox and ps3 one meh??? :D

U didn't know it is good for old man?? To exercise my brain. :D

27-11-2010, 05:01 PM
foam bath with 2 wine coolers in hand and thai songs in the backgrd using my iphone. What can I say! Simply fantastic! I scrub for u, u scrub for me.... the rest u can imagine.
..exploring my warm puying and there we went, a complete round this time :D
stay with me throughout, knows what I want or need, and with a complete gfe. And of course, I never had to pay her a full rate. It is always up to me.
Sounds like your tried and thrusted black book has served you well. Saved you the hunting too, and even at that no guarantees she's not starfish.

Enjoy your swan song... at least for 2010:p;)

27-11-2010, 07:14 PM
Back in hotel, had supper with my gal, and then got into the foam bath with 2 wine coolers in hand and thai songs in the backgrd using my iphone. What can I say! Simply fantastic! I scrub for u, u scrub for me.... the rest u can imagine. After that, back to bed, cuddled, fondled and then I felt asleep like a baby. It was 2+am.

Which hotel u stay? have large bathtub! hahahaha where u meet ur gal? interesting!:D

27-11-2010, 07:57 PM
Cannot wait to get away from Ho Chi Minh city. A lot of pretty girls but rather expensive and lack of gf hotels.

Only tried 91, Hai Ba Trung Rd which ia a bar. I sure knows how the bar works and once entered, i was swarmed with eager ( or damn desperate ) Viet girls asking for companionship......at USD 100 per ST. And that excludes the 4-5 drinks for my self as barfine plus drinks for the girls and more USD for a ST hotel.

Better wait........for my next trip to Bangkok on the 29th Nov. Ohhh, i love LOS !!!. Can't wait to be in LOS !!!.

27-11-2010, 08:46 PM
Cannot wait to get away from Ho Chi Minh city. A lot of pretty girls but rather expensive and lack of gf hotels.

Only tried 91, Hai Ba Trung Rd which ia a bar. I sure knows how the bar works and once entered, i was swarmed with eager ( or damn desperate ) Viet girls asking for companionship......at USD 100 per ST. And that excludes the 4-5 drinks for my self as barfine plus drinks for the girls and more USD for a ST hotel.

Better wait........for my next trip to Bangkok on the 29th Nov. Ohhh, i love LOS !!!. Can't wait to be in LOS !!!.

hahaha...you are not following the VN thread la...there were 200K VND one shot or only SGD 12.30...anyway to each his own...as long as you are happy with BKK...pls continue to be enjoy and happy...:)

28-11-2010, 12:29 AM
hahaha...you are not following the VN thread la...

Hi Hurricane88,

Yes, i do not follow VN thread much. That's because i am seldom in Hanoi and HCM. Me a complete and totally newbie in VN. But i wanna learn the hard way, just when i am a lone ranger many years ago in Bangkok.

Motorbike riders requested " You want good lady ? " to me many times. Totally ignored these bastards !. Same as in Danok, i ignored these pests in HCM.

Hit # 35 Hai Ba Trung. Damn !. All the ladies virtually jumped from their stools to greet this new customer. Damn !. Frightened the shit out of this old man !. Made a very fast exist and to hit # 49. Went in and ordered a Heine. One lady, two lady, three lady, a fourth lady came. And bad mouthed me because i only drank my beer and made no request for a girl. Even mamasan asked me " Why you come here when you no want lady ? ". K.N.N., C.C.B. !.

Cannot even drink a decent cold beer and view the stocks without getting bruised by these ill mannered, vulgar, in a hurry WLs and mamasans.

Then, hit next door # 51. Same thing happened. Pissed off with that skinny mamasan, i said that i am here to have a cold beer, view the stocks and slowly make up my mind. Had 2 beers here and selected the oldest whore who also had 2 drinks. That pleased the bitch of a mamasan. Paid the barfine and another bitch mamasan wanna keep the change. Me grabbed the change and told her to beat it.

Are all bars in Ha Bai Trung liked this ?.

Yes, i selected the gf hotel, you recommended, Sophia Hotel. In the booklet in room and on the sign board next to the elevator....no girls along in until 11pm. :confused:

So, i asked the male receptionist if my girl can stay overnight. He said yes to my question. To make sure that no police would knock on my door after 11pm, we finished our business on a ST basis.

Oldest girl was gfe. Very wet. Everything also can except the anal thing. Any way, many thanks to you for creating the new thread and your input on gf hotels.

28-11-2010, 02:44 AM
U didn't know it is good for old man?? To exercise my brain.

Old??? Hey, anyway, did not manage to check out your xbox and ps3. By the time I finished the massage and my korean bbq, it was 7pm laeo. Pai say pai say.

Sounds like your tried and thrusted black book has served you well. Saved you the hunting too, and even at that no guarantees she's not starfish.

Enjoy your swan song... at least for 2010:p;)

Sian... ya loh. That's it for 2010. But this year not bad lah. Broke record trips with 6 trips in 12 months. Wish the odds will be better though.

Which hotel u stay? have large bathtub! hahahaha where u meet ur gal? interesting!

Stayed in I-style, and tub big enough for two. But heard from Bro ML that it cannot compare to those u find in Ratchda, such as Hip hotel. I only cheong AGG, so u know where to look :D

28-11-2010, 03:03 AM
Are all bars in Ha Bai Trung liked this ?.

I been there several times, didn't get treated like yours. I give up these places unless my friends want to go.

Old??? Hey, anyway, did not manage to check out your xbox and ps3. By the time I finished the massage and my korean bbq, it was 7pm laeo. Pai say pai say.

Mai kong liao.... :( Want to cry liao.

28-11-2010, 03:23 AM
going to phuket in the morning and back to chiangmai at night.. naemlo bro.. still remember me bor?

28-11-2010, 03:23 AM
Am a little sleepy, but thought I write something before I sleep, since I juz had a heavy supper.

Anyway, again, after my last post, headed for a decent massage with my gal. It's the regular one that I go to when I want a good, strong and decent thai massage. Located somewhere in Soi 24. Had a 1.5hr massage, and by then, it was almost 4pm.

Went on to a Korean BBQ Buffet at soi 71. Been there once with Bro ML, but this time, just me and my gal. Not bad, and we ate pretty much. But my gal seems to have a stomach upset after that. Dunno why. Anyway, we finished our first meal of the day at ard 6.30pm and took a cab back to hotel. Got caught in a super jam, and ended up we decided to walk from Soi 30 back to Soi 22 where my hotel accomodation is.

Had no intention to venture out tonite actually (cancelled my supposedly meet up with Bro ML and Bro jimmyCool), but my gal was feeling kinda shacked (and a little sick which I come to know only when I came back from my night hunt). So, decided that I am not going to waste my last nite in the room since my gal is not up to it. Decided to went to Angel Massage for a quick release.

Angel massage has a good selection of puyings. Had my eyes on a jap-looking puying, but just when I was to choose, a Jap took her. I commented jokingly that "why I dun want, nobody wants, when I want, everyone wants!" and that set all the gals inside the "gallery" all laughing, including the mamasan. In the end, chose another gal who was pretty stunning (look like someone I know) though the boobs are a little small. Signaled to mamasan quietly behind another jap bloke, giving her the signal fast fast, and that sets the gals laughing again. Anyway, took the right gal, IMHO. Boy, she was damn experienced (she's 28, but she looks like 22). Shower was SOP, and because we clicked pretty well, she gave me a lotion massage (which was supposedly more expereience) instead of normal. After which, it was a seamless transition to bbbj and FJ. Great gfe!! It was really fun.

After that, headed for Nana to meet up with Bro ML. Bro JimmyC couldn't make it, so just the two lone rangers. Went to Angelwitch first, and quality is not bad. 50% ok, 50% CMI. Eyed on a gal (no.22) cos she looked pretty demure. Loves those "guai guai" type. Realised she has only been working in AGG for a month and from the way she took her time to drink her LD, it is quite obvious she was not pulling a fast one. TCSS with her until a long while later that she had to go back up to dance. We left after that. BTW, the shows in Nana is a shade lower than angelwitch in Patts.

Headed for RB4 after that. First thing sat down, saw the waitress damn chio! Even Bro ML agreed. Gave her a mega-watt smile and she shyingly smiled back. A group of 3 chinese chaps (look like from China) came in and sat beside us. The moment this waitress came by to take their order, one of them reached out suddenly to pull her to him. What an ass! It is ok if we playfully pull puyings close, but this guy is like a rouge. Anyway, she got a little upset and say no and went about getting their drinks. can see she kept her distance after that. I kept laughing at what happened, and when she saw me laughing at the situation, she laughed back. Ice broken. So, I asked her over and asked her what happened, and she mentioned that the guy tried to touch her and she didn't like him. I laughed at it again, and this time, I told her to get herself a drink on my tab. She was happy and we spoke a little more. I was not trying to pick her up, though she really looks good. But just thought she was pretty friendly towards me as compared to the 3 jokers, so why not just buy her a drink.

Anyway, after that, I returned my sights to the dance floor for more eye-exercises. RB4 really got some nice looking babes, with ratio 7 to 3 (above looking to CMI). Eyed at one SIA air-stewardess looking babe. Really look like one with her hair bummed up and the way she looks. But she looks a little proud and her teeth are a little out of place when she smiled. Eyed at another syt, which I saw earlier sitting at the dance counter. Nice body, syt face. When she came down after her dance routine, I signalled her over and bought her a drink. Asked her how old and she said 18. Also working for 1 month! Again, it seems like she is saying the truth, but frankly, who cares! She is really a syt, with a very very cute face. Nice skin since I basically felt her face, shoulder hands, tummy, legs...... except the boobs. :D Nice gal, though we had a little difficulty communicating. I phuut thai nit noi, she phuut english nit noi. Sigh,.... if not for my gal in hotel, I would have brought this gal back. She was touchy, but not agressive. held on my hands, and my face. Another gfe. Mamasan kept asking me to bf her, but how can i??? The syt also asked me once if "you want me to go with you?", but since I can't, and also if I tell her cannot and she may walk away, I pretended that I mai kow jai. She laughed and say maipenrai. No black-faced, no attitude.... I like! She even asked me to pass her my coke can so that she can refill her LD. I was like.."WHAT?" I thought the gals will take the opportunities to get the customers to buy more. Since she did not ask, I was even more than happy to buy her another drink. Really would have taken her back. After a looooonnnggg while, she finally got back to stage to dance, and kept smiling at me with her super innocent look. But alas, time was running late and we decided to go. Gave her a tip and told her I will be back next time, and then I will definitely bf her. Again, she smiled, with showing any unhappiness of sort.

What a night! I went there with no expectation, and yet had a ball of a time. Money well spent tonight! Looks like I have to make a side trip to LOS without letting my gal knows. :D

Until tomorrow, my last half day in LOS before I go back to Sillypore. A little sian, but I did have lots of fun to date.

28-11-2010, 03:25 AM
Mai kong liao.... :( Want to cry liao.

Pai say lah... that's why I did not want to promise u prior.:o

But from what I heard, seems like this kinda IT stuff is usually more expensive in BKK.

28-11-2010, 05:44 AM
Maybe, but I old man, can't remember gers esp name. Is there any way to cure short memory for old man??? :rolleyes: :D


Bro naemlo,copy this song for U:p

28-11-2010, 01:40 PM
going to phuket in the morning and back to chiangmai at night.. naemlo bro.. still remember me bor?

Yes sir.

Pai say lah... that's why I did not want to promise u prior.:o

Never mind, I will get from BKK. Too lazy to bring big bag to BKK. The most 100SGD more ex. :D

Bro naemlo,copy this song for U:p

Korb khun mak krup, pii

28-11-2010, 09:29 PM
Maybe, but I old man, can't remember gers esp name. Is there any way to cure short memory for old man???

HUH ???? You old man .... then we all very young hor :p

Bangkok details with pictures - http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5441569

28-11-2010, 09:54 PM
HUH ???? You old man .... then we all very young hor :p

Bangkok details with pictures - http://www.sammyboyforum.com/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5441569

he old, you older, i oldest.......... this is a fact!:o

28-11-2010, 10:34 PM
I thought, I was the oldest member! That's why I'm retired and living happily in Bangkok!

28-11-2010, 11:18 PM
just wondering have any bros been to The Bank Club in Bkk? recently have quite a bit of youtube vids been posted on fb and the place looks happening!


interested to go there but was hoping to see any bros have experienced the place and maybe be kind enough to share?

28-11-2010, 11:18 PM
Reached bk sillypore a couple of hours ago but I think I left something in bkk... My heart :p it really feels shitty to be back but guess we must suffer in order to know what is enjoyment. Suddenly feels a little cold without a warm bloodied puying ard my arms. Kns! Dun wanna think what I was doing this time yest. Guess best cure us to go and sleep.... :(

Bushnell 1918cb
29-11-2010, 12:26 AM
Reached bk sillypore a couple of hours ago but I think I left something in bkk... My heart :p it really feels shitty to be back but guess we must suffer in order to know what is enjoyment. Suddenly feels a little cold without a warm bloodied puying ard my arms. Kns! Dun wanna think what I was doing this time yest. Guess best cure us to go and sleep.... :(


Sad to hear it. Hope to meet up with u @ BKK soon.:)

29-11-2010, 12:52 AM

Sorry, you have the Bangkok Blues!

29-11-2010, 01:13 AM
HUH ???? You old man .... then we all very young hor :p

We are all old but puying young young. Deh kow kow.

he old, you older, i oldest.......... this is a fact!:o

We are all old but puying like it.

I thought, I was the oldest member! That's why I'm retired and living happily in Bangkok!

U r not old compare to me.

just wondering have any bros been to The Bank Club in Bkk? recently have quite a bit of youtube vids been posted on fb and the place looks happening!

F, dun bother abt the what youtube. If u go, I dun mind go. Membership abt 20K, which I dun mind paying. As I said in earlier posting money is not the issue. It is whom I go with.

My heart :p it really feels shitty to be back but guess we must suffer in order to know what is enjoyment. (

I promise I will take care of her... Trust me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sad to hear it. Hope to meet up with u @ BKK soon.:)

Waiting for u.

29-11-2010, 01:16 AM
Headed for RB4 after that.

Forgive my ignorance, but what is "RB4"? is that the actual name, or an abbreviation? I don't remember seeing it in BKK

29-11-2010, 01:35 AM
Reached bk sillypore a couple of hours ago but I think I left something in bkk... My heart :p it really feels shitty to be back but guess we must suffer in order to know what is enjoyment. Suddenly feels a little cold without a warm bloodied puying ard my arms. Kns! Dun wanna think what I was doing this time yest. Guess best cure us to go and sleep.... :(

Will be there before the weekend, I will go to the 'lost and found'.....:p

Best cure : Start planning for the next trip......:D

29-11-2010, 08:51 AM
..promise I will take care of her... Trust me!!!
Yeah, you actully mean thrust me. You in town pre-xmas week? Time for a tiger?
left something in bkk... My heart it really feels shitty to be back..Suddenly feels a little cold without a warm bloodied puying ard my arms. Kns
Thought by now, you already got immunity form PBB? Your track record averaging 6X 2010 is no mean feat:p

29-11-2010, 09:19 AM
Forgive my ignorance, but what is "RB4"? is that the actual name, or an abbreviation? I don't remember seeing it in BKK

Should be rainbow 4.

Yeah, you actully mean thrust me. You in town pre-xmas week? Time for a tiger?

Should be BKK celebrating Xmas and New Year unless HQ wants me back for some waste time meetings. Welcome to Thailand... the land of smiles and wet warm puying.... :D Waiting for tiger....

29-11-2010, 09:52 AM
Currently, the weather in Bangkok is not too hot or cold and sunny everyday! Lots of attractive girls and ladyboys shopping for goodies at HuayKwang night market! Come on over and have a good time but watch your spending exchange rates sucks and price increased approximately 10%! Also, visit Tharn Thong Spa, refreshing saunas with lots on attractive new girls to pamper you with great massage with happy ending! I usually go to spa every other day!

29-11-2010, 12:21 PM
Hi bros,

I will be in BKK till 2nd Dec 10. Any bros wanna meet up?

29-11-2010, 02:29 PM
I promise I will take care of her... Trust me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KNS! :D All your fault lah... ask u employ me as PA, u dun want. Else, I no need here khit teung khit teung laeo! ;):D

29-11-2010, 02:36 PM
Will be there before the weekend, I will go to the 'lost and found'.....

Best cure : Start planning for the next trip......:D

Hahaha... but next trip looks a little remote at the moment. Flying off for a family trip in Dec, super-packed work month in Jan. So likelihood will aim for a side trip in mid-Feb before I go serve my cty for the last time in end Feb. :rolleyes:

Forgive my ignorance, but what is "RB4"? is that the actual name, or an abbreviation? I don't remember seeing it in BKK

As per Bro Naemlo's post... it's Rainbow 4 at Nana.

Thought by now, you already got immunity form PBB? Your track record averaging 6X 2010 is no mean feat:p

I also thought I immunue laeo. But everytime go there enjoy for a couple of days, still end up suffering for a week back home. Like I said, if only BKK is as near as JB. I go there every week!

BKK....raw phom klap maa na!!!!! :(

29-11-2010, 04:27 PM
Eyed at another syt, which I saw earlier sitting at the dance counter. Nice body, syt face. When she came down after her dance routine, I signalled her over and bought her a drink. Asked her how old and she said 18. Also working for 1 month! Again, it seems like she is saying the truth, but frankly, who cares! She is really a syt, with a very very cute face. Nice skin since I basically felt her face, shoulder hands, tummy, legs...... except the boobs. :D Nice gal, though we had a little difficulty communicating. I phuut thai nit noi, she phuut english nit noi. Sigh,.... if not for my gal in hotel, I would have brought this gal back. She was touchy, but not agressive. held on my hands, and my face. Another gfe. Mamasan kept asking me to bf her, but how can i??? The syt also asked me once if "you want me to go with you?", but since I can't, and also if I tell her cannot and she may walk away, I pretended that I mai kow jai. She laughed and say maipenrai. No black-faced, no attitude.... I like! She even asked me to pass her my coke can so that she can refill her LD. I was like.."WHAT?" I thought the gals will take the opportunities to get the customers to buy more. Since she did not ask, I was even more than happy to buy her another drink. Really would have taken her back. After a looooonnnggg while, she finally got back to stage to dance, and kept smiling at me with her super innocent look. But alas, time was running late and we decided to go. Gave her a tip and told her I will be back next time, and then I will definitely bf her. Again, she smiled, with showing any unhappiness of sort.

bro!!!!! what her number???? i will upz her for you ,this is one ger who deserve to earn more money!!!!!


29-11-2010, 04:48 PM
Hi bros,

I will be in BKK till 2nd Dec 10. Any bros wanna meet up?

hi bro, u heading there alone or with??
i am going with my bro

29-11-2010, 07:09 PM
KNS! :D All your fault lah... ask u employ me as PA, u dun want. Else, I no need here khit teung khit teung laeo! ;):D

I dun need a guy to be my PA. I am looking for a SYT ger.

29-11-2010, 08:23 PM
Currently, the weather in Bangkok is not too hot or cold and sunny everyday! Lots of attractive girls and ladyboys shopping for goodies at HuayKwang night market! Come on over and have a good time but watch your spending exchange rates sucks and price increased approximately 10%! Also, visit Tharn Thong Spa, refreshing saunas with lots on attractive new girls to pamper you with great massage with happy ending! I usually go to spa every other day!

i'll definitely follow ur instructions letting my eyes eat ice cream hehe

cck massage and Tharn Thong Spa is a must see on my trip list.

thanks bros norice and i'd treat u dinner for add ur protein hehe

29-11-2010, 08:29 PM
hi bro, u heading there alone or with??
i am going with my bro

i'm already here, ALONE. haha :p

29-11-2010, 09:28 PM

If you go to CCK, book girls with number 10, 21 or 6! In Tharn Thong, number 66 is the best looking! Protein is not the problem these days, due to my age and working out too much, my Testosterone level is just above the normal limit! I need to increase my Testosterone level naturally without drugs, any suggestions?

29-11-2010, 11:01 PM
bro!!!!! what her number???? i will upz her for you ,this is one ger who deserve to earn more money!!!!!


Sorry bro. Cannot rem her no. I remember seeing a number "23", but cannot remember if it is the puying from Angelwitch or Rainbow4. Think the puying's name at Rainbow4 is Pim or something. :rolleyes:

29-11-2010, 11:07 PM
Sorry bro. Cannot rem her no. I remember seeing a number "23", but cannot remember if it is the puying from Angelwitch or Rainbow4. Think the puying's name at Rainbow4 is Pim or something. :rolleyes:

hahaha ok ok nvr mind..... actually is better ,if we dun like the same girls we will never fight!!!the saying is "bros before hos" right!

i taking a work colleague to bkk to show him what he is missing ,just a bit too bad cos now i cannot take him to rainbow 4 and point at her and say to him"You see that girl??? that girl got lau cheow bro from SBF want to fuck you know!!!! some day you will be good enough to put your lan cheow into her cheebye ,but today you are still not jedi master enough!!!!"


29-11-2010, 11:39 PM
Sorry bro. Cannot rem her no. I remember seeing a number "23", but cannot remember if it is the puying from Angelwitch or Rainbow4. Think the puying's name at Rainbow4 is Pim or something. :rolleyes:

Errrr we have the same taste?? Cannot be.... shouldn't be.... never be. :D

29-11-2010, 11:52 PM
Father's Day this Sunday.... all my tiraks are going back to see their dad. Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, on my own. Mr lonely.

30-11-2010, 12:13 PM
all my tiraks are going back. Lonely, I am so lonely, I have nobody, on my own. Mr lonely.


Check your PM for my contact.
Afternoon, i am busy. Tonite, we go drink. Tomorrow, flight back home.

Again, still an AGG fellow. Checked out Shark and Baccara last night. Always got the most crowd inside with the quality of Shark girls nose diving except one very chun lady that was immediately bar fined. Baccara was not bad with girls' quality. You can forget about all the other bars, no crowd ( except Tilac ) and never saw my mamasans in their usual places.:D
No need to buy them drinks !!!.

Yesterday, my first time to hit all the Rainbow bars in one night. Drank here, drank there in all the Rainbows. But i got stuck in Rainbow 2. Got 2 service ladies or waitresses pretty drunk with whisky and bacardi. They wanna go to a disco with this old man. Since i was pretty wired with alcohol stupor but still with a functioning brain.....don't think me wanna go, have fun with them, and fuck both in my hotel after the disco ( except for a free fuck that would be good on my wallet but that woulld be unlikely to occurred ) with these waitresses !.

Selected one puying, a LD here. Later asked her to buggered off. Selected another puying, a LD here also. Later , again asked her to go away. Me getting very choosy with Rainbow 2 girls.

Almost every girl looked extra beautiful. Extremely difficult to choose !!!. That's what happened when you get tipsy !.

Selected an extra beautiful lady with the biggest tits. She was pretty good with my laptop and e-mailed to her Yipun customer in Japan. Good to slided dick between the two hills. She did this. And a good bonk in various positions while she was moaning away liked crazy.

30-11-2010, 04:39 PM
that girl got lau cheow bro from SBF want to fuck you know!!!! some day you will be good enough to put your lan cheow into her cheebye ,but today you are still not jedi master enough!!!!"


Errmm.... sorry leh. Me still wet behind the ears. Only cheong BKK since last year. No lau cheow. :D

Errrr we have the same taste?? Cannot be.... shouldn't be.... never be. :D

Hello... how to have same taste. U walking ATM. Khun mi eng mak mak na! The gals you see at the G-Club compared to the girls I see in AGG, how to compare???

30-11-2010, 06:39 PM
Hi Bro, I will be in Bangkok from 07 to 11 dec. Anyone would like to cheong together pls PM me. Thanks!

30-11-2010, 06:58 PM
i'm already here, ALONE. haha :p

So, what do you wanna do tonight ?.

Check your PM for my contact.

And my whisky nam on you.

30-11-2010, 07:03 PM
Cannot rem her no. I remember seeing a number "23", but cannot remember if it is the puying from Angelwitch or Rainbow4. Think the puying's name at Rainbow4 is Pim or something. :rolleyes:

Thank you very much !. Now i have a target to select tonight !.

But first, gotta see if "23" or "Pim" is cinderella :)or you mao liew and is a dino :eek: 555+ !.:D

30-11-2010, 07:11 PM
Thank you very much !. Now i have a target to select tonight !.

But first, gotta see if "23" or "Pim" is cinderella :)or you mao liew and is a dino :eek: 555+ !.:D

Bro, if u like what u see & decide to ta-bao back hotel for supper, kindly shout my nick during bonking... I may feel it over here :D

30-11-2010, 07:17 PM
Bro, if u like what u see & decide to ta-bao back hotel for supper, kindly shout my nick during bonking... I may feel it over here :D

555+. :D

So, what name did you gave her ?. I doubt it is leaselife ?.

Bugger you, 555+ :D

Got nothing to do tonight. May as well ( again ! ) go to the agogos in NEP. Don't wanna meet my mamasans in SC !.

30-11-2010, 08:22 PM

Check your PM for my contact.
Afternoon, i am busy. Tonite, we go drink. Tomorrow, flight back home.

Yo I back in SG for meetings... Next trip....

The gals you see at the G-Club compared to the girls I see in AGG, how to compare???

Blindfold, bbbj n fj still the same. :D

Bushnell 1918cb
30-11-2010, 11:23 PM
[QUOTE=naemlo;5451571]Yo I back in SG for meetings... Next trip....

Yo Bro naemlo,

Finally you are back to the mother land of the great sillypore.:D

30-11-2010, 11:42 PM
Yo Bro naemlo,

Finally you are back to the mother land of the great sillypore.:D

Tmr going Bintan for company annual meeting. :(