View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
29-08-2016, 10:37 AM
I know a student-virgin in SG, who just turned 18 about a wk ago. She is tall, slim n quite pretty. Never worked in the nite scene anywhere. She is asking for $25K to 破处 n $20K for BY. Way too expensive. I'm not interested in virgins. She is worth no more than $12K a month for BY.
Bro WB
OMG! $25K is too golden pussy.
Even $12k is high end maintenance.
Enjoy yourself bro WB. Have a good day.
29-08-2016, 05:19 PM
I know a student-virgin in SG, who just turned 18 about a wk ago. She is tall, slim n quite pretty. Never worked in the nite scene anywhere. She is asking for $25K to 破处 n $20K for BY. Way too expensive. I'm not interested in virgins. She is worth no more than $12K a month for BY.
Haha if she turns out to be a dead fish .....
30-08-2016, 01:36 PM
If the HFJs pay a salary every month to the singers, is that cash or is it taxed? After tax... 5000 a month salary does not sound like very much. Then add on flower money on top of that taxed salary? Could be just middle class wage.
30-08-2016, 02:10 PM
If you can show your dream gal that you like her very much, but you don't need her, she will be strongly attracted to u.
Two days ago, before saying goodbye, I whispered in my old lao po's ear: 我很爱你 可是我不需要你. She will be 29 soon n may get married next yr. I bet she will be thinking of me for a very long time.
Bro WB
Hey Bro Wb,
Wow that very mean of you lol. you drop abit of very potent poison before sending her away. Player!! LOL kudos to you. :cool:
31-08-2016, 01:27 PM
Meet a girl 2 years ago name also Lisa also work in TAM. I bounds into her when I was taking a lift and found her attractive decided to make a deal with her. We went to the lobby to lay my T&C She agree and follow me to my place. Confident and Alpha type. Arrived at my place she asked permission to look around I agreed. After she inspected my place we settle down to have a bottle of red wine. She told me that she is from Shanghai studying in Shanghai Arts Academy and just arrive in SG a few days only. I am not interested in her story but her body. After drinking I lay her on the bed start my SOP. Her response was not to my expectation. After carefully inspect her body and play with it for 3 hours I decided to end my session with her when she says that she don't like me to use fingers on her pussy. In this case you can exit, I told her and we have agree that in the event I decided to exit I award you SG100 and if you exit you did not to compensate me. Yes she is slim tall and nice looking but not good in bed. She wanted me to send her to TAM I firmly say no ask her take your own transport there. Before she left my place I told her I like you but I don't need you.
01-09-2016, 03:18 AM
OMG! $25K is too golden pussy.
Even $12k is high end maintenance.
Enjoy yourself bro WB. Have a good day.
It's expensive to me. For many rich bros, it may be like $ 25 or 2.50.
Haha if she turns out to be a dead fish .....
Then it will be a total waste of money.
If the HFJs pay a salary every month to the singers, is that cash or is it taxed? After tax... 5000 a month salary does not sound like very much. Then add on flower money on top of that taxed salary? Could be just middle class wage.
The HFJ takes a sizable cut.
Hey Bro Wb,
Wow that very mean of you lol. you drop abit of very potent poison before sending her away. Player!! LOL kudos to you. :cool:
I was being brutally honest w/ her, not trying to be mean or manipulative. I also told her a hv a much younger lao po. I wanted her to get married to a good man. I hv known her for 8 years n I want her to hv a happy future.
Bro WB
Meet a girl 2 years ago name also Lisa also work in TAM. I bounds into her when I was taking a lift and found her attractive decided to make a deal with her. We went to the lobby to lay my T&C She agree and follow me to my place. Confident and Alpha type. Arrived at my place she asked permission to look around I agreed. After she inspected my place we settle down to have a bottle of red wine. She told me that she is from Shanghai studying in Shanghai Arts Academy and just arrive in SG a few days only. I am not interested in her story but her body. After drinking I lay her on the bed start my SOP. Her response was not to my expectation. After carefully inspect her body and play with it for 3 hours I decided to end my session with her when she says that she don't like me to use fingers on her pussy. In this case you can exit, I told her and we have agree that in the event I decided to exit I award you SG100 and if you exit you did not to compensate me. Yes she is slim tall and nice looking but not good in bed. She wanted me to send her to TAM I firmly say no ask her take your own transport there. Before she left my place I told her I like you but I don't need you.
I wonder if your Lisa is the same gal.
The Lisa I met in May of 2010 was 22 yo. She was 165, w/ small boobs, A/B type. Quite pretty. 气质美人 About 165 in height, w/o shoes. Slim w/ otherwise proportionate figure n nice butt. She would be 26 in 2014 when you met her. Would be very surprised that she came back as her family was well to do. Same gal?
Telling a gal you like her but don't need her is very powerful. If the words are coming from ur heart.
Bro WB
02-09-2016, 10:07 AM
Telling a gal you like her but don't need her is very powerful. If the words are coming from ur heart.
Bro WB
Bro WB, nice lesson here above. Have a nice weekend.
02-09-2016, 10:10 AM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Great teachings above. Bro WB, have a nice day.
02-09-2016, 01:24 PM
Great advice by bro WB, have a wonderful weekend :)
02-09-2016, 05:19 PM
Bro WB, looking forward to reading your past experiences
Have a great weekend
03-09-2016, 01:13 AM
Bro WB, nice lesson here above. Have a nice weekend.
Great teachings above. Bro WB, have a nice day.
Great advice by bro WB, have a wonderful weekend :)
Bro WB, looking forward to reading your past experiences
Have a great weekend
Tks for ur posts n support.
This is a forum for sharing and exchange of info n knowledge. I would appreciate even more if bros here can give FRs of their own exploits.
I hv learned a lot from all the bros here. And I need to continue to learn everyday just to stay where I'm.
Thank you and hv a great night!
Bro WB
03-09-2016, 08:06 AM
Nice thread here. Will read up.
03-09-2016, 08:38 AM
Just reading these posts... very informative.......... omg. I am just avg guy, learning to woo the crrect woman, somewhat i singapore, i find hard to know girls
05-09-2016, 02:06 AM
Nice thread here. Will read up.
Just reading these posts... very informative.......... omg. I am just avg guy, learning to woo the crrect woman, somewhat i singapore, i find hard to know girls
It's ok to be 'average' in education, intelligence, status, income, looks n height, etc. If you hv 'above average' mindset, body language, voice tonality, posture, movements n actions, you will attract n keep many above average gals.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I'm sure many bros here are very successful in many fields, including education, career, business, social status, income, self mastery n getting n keeping all the pretty gals of your type.
Unfortunately, there will be many "friends/colleagues/former classmates/relatives" aka losers who will be very jealous of you. They are usually the loud mouth, know it all type. Actually they feel empty, insecure n needy inside.
They will try to put you down, even mock you, in front of ur relatives/colleagues/friends or gals.
Here is how to deal w/ these jealous losers. The best is to avoid them as if they r lepers. Hard to do if they happen to be your close male relatives.
From a famed RS n sex guru Carlos Xuma.
How to Handle Guys Who Play Alpha Games With You...
The TRUTH About How To Handle Guys Who Try To Mess With Your Confidence...
Has anyone challenged you today?
Put you on the spot?
Made you feel like you were being tooled or ridiculed?
Played a game with your self-confidence?
I've got an UNBELIEVABLE newsletter for you today, because this topic goes WAY beyond just pickup and attracting women.
It speaks to the heart of who you are as a MAN.
And I'm going to show you - right now - how to blow out the most common "Alpha" game there is between guys.
Read on...
Carlos ...In the past few months I've noticed that there are special dynamics that go on when interacting with guys, especially in front of women. It seems that there is always one (sometimes two if it is a large group) alpha male in the group. And of course, the female is attracted to him. I find that I have a strong desire to be the alpha male, but am not always able to be.
For example, I'll be bringing value to the group... when all of a sudden, one of the males tries to screw with my game by calling me names or making fun of me, and the thing is that honestly I am
sensitive, and sometimes I can't hide the fact that it annoys me or hurts me, and therefore I can't come back with a stronger frame and out-alpha this guy back.
For example, the yesterday, I walked up to a group of my college friends, and asked a random question about where our class was being held...
As soon as I asked the question to the group, one of the guys says, "You're gay!" And then everyone laughed.
Now, it didn't bother me too much at first, because I'm a confident guy, and I don't usually let things like this throw me off, or at least I try not to... but when I just let the laughter pass and kind of rolled my eyes, and asked the question again, he did the same thing again even louder, therefore making the group laugh even louder again at me.
This time, I just got pissed off, though probably not visibly (at least to the guys, because they're not as good at reading body language, and there were two girls in the group, and about 4 or 5 guys, just so you get a better picture).
I knew that since I was pissed off, I was already in a weak position, one of reaction, and I tried to make some sort of comeback, but my frame was already thrown off, and basically he had succeeded in doing exactly what he wanted to.
So I just walked away, angry as hell and wondering why I didn't just clobber him right on the spot... which yeah, on second thought was probably not a good idea anyway.
So my question, now that you have a better picture of my full situation, is how do I avoid being out-alphaed, if you know what I mean? How can I be a leader instead of the guy that gets made fun of?
You're the Man, man.
Yowza... I totally know where you're coming from on this one...
I remember being tooled like this by guys in the past and getting REALLY frustrated by it.
There was this guy I remember way back when in high school that used to spray kids at random with the fire extinguisher in the halls. The one thing he counted on was that no one would call him on it because he was a big guy. He used to laugh and wink at the girls when he did it.
Same kind of juvenile behavior.
But there IS a cure for this kind of social shaming, and it's something you can use right away to reclaim your inner and outer Alpha Man Confidence.
Because this situation happens to guys at every age. I used to have constant issues with a guy who would make sly comments whenever he felt threatened or intimidated in meetings.
He was in his fifties, believe it or not.
There's a realization you must have about the dynamic in groups like this, and especially when guys start to interact in front of women.
First of all, despite what you're saying to the contrary, you ARE getting shaken up by this guy. Hey, most guys would get a little pissed, especially when group dynamics create an uncomfortable
And he's trying to embarrass you in front of the women in the group. I used to get very unsettled when I would be talking to guys in front of a group of women, because inevitably, they would try to make me look like a dork so that they could look better.
(Remember: This is the universal game of the Weak and Feeble - attack someone with underhanded insults to lower your social value and to raise his own.)
This is the "pecking order."
The typical response most guys have to being picked on is to react and let it get worse and worse, and their anger gets stronger and stronger.
And, yes, these guys will probably fall to the dark side. The dark side is when you start responding by finding someone else you can push around or tool to establish your place on the social ladder.
I wish I could say that we - as 'intelligent' human beings - have overcome this kind of behavior, but we haven't. It's part of the way people are. (Even women have their own pecking order.)4-CD set Approach Women - NOW!
So the reality is that you are letting them get to you because you believe that they are somehow being effective in lowering your social status.
When you get shaken up like this, you will find it very tough to come up with an intelligent comeback or witty response to put him in his place.
That was always the worst part for me. I'd get five steps away from a situation where someone had made me look like a fool, and THEN I'd come up with the perfect thing to say... "I should have said....!"
And it's because your mind can't be resourceful when you're in an anxious state like this. The worst time to try to be at your best is when you believe you're at your worst.
So what's the cure?
(To Be Continued)
06-09-2016, 02:06 PM
How to Handle Guys Who Play Alpha Games With You...
[SIZE="5"]The TRUTH About How To Handle Guys Who Try To Mess With Your Confidence...
(To Be Continued)
Bro WB, I learned alot above and thank you. Have a nice day.
06-09-2016, 03:45 PM
Very good advice bro WB. Nice day ahead.
06-09-2016, 08:53 PM
Please continue bro warbird
07-09-2016, 01:23 AM
Bro WB, I learned alot above and thank you. Have a nice day.
Very good advice bro WB. Nice day ahead.
Please continue bro warbird
Tks, bros.
Have a great night!
.................................................. .............
Good morning!
Here is the rest of the article.
Have a STRATEGY for these situations prepared in advance.
Here's the 3-step strategy.
Social Skill 1) Recognize the pattern of the situation before you get into it. And if you see this pattern developing, avoid it.
Just like a trained fighter learns how to recognize the patterns of his opponent, he also watches for their strengths and avoids them.
If you see a social situation where there is a mixed group gathered together like this, be on ALERT. Especially if you know their personalities.
I'm not saying avoid them right away, because that's social suicide, too. If you get into that habit, you're learning how to avoid rather than confront and overcome.
Just know the temperature of the water before you jump in.
By the way, I teach many of these strategies in my Power Social Skills program. You can go read more here...
Now for the next strategy...
Social Skill 2) Don't block. Instead, REDIRECT.
When you're on the spot, and someone is blowing off your "serious" question or request, the more you stay serious or you push to get your result while they're doing this to you, the more you will look
When someone punches at me in the martial arts, I'm conditioned not to block and stop their punch, because that's force meeting force. What I do is deflect it gently to the side so that they miss me and wind up hurting themselves.
This is the fundamental principle of Aikido, by the way. If you've ever seen Steven Seagal in one of his early movies, like "Marked for Death", you can see this principle in action.
The same principles hold true in conversation. If someone is mocking or ridiculing, you will not be able to overcome them with "Yeah, ha-ha, okay, BUT seriously..."
Because they know that they can get a bigger laugh at your expense by making you the "straight man."
In almost 90% of situations where I see someone trying to "make" a conversation more serious, the others will use it as an opportunity to push the humor further because it's funnier when there is resistance.
And you look the fool...
You've probably seen or experienced this yourself many times...
If you want a perfect movie example of this one, watch the first "Back to the Future" movie when George McFly (the dad) is in the hallway at school and he's got the "kick me" sign on his back. He tries to get them to stop, but fails miserably.
So when they come at you with something like that, I usually totally blow out their energy with the power of confusion.
Here's how this would work for you asking about the location of your class:
He says: "You're gay."
You say: "You're an iguana."
He says: "Huh?"
You say: "That's what SHE said."
Then you turn right to one of the guys that is the "silent follower" in that group - the one most likely to just do as he's told - and you don't miss a beat: You ask him, "Dude, where's that class meeting?"
Ignore anyone else, and put the social pressure on this one guy specifically.
You've just blown out the most common pecking order game there is.
This is a DEADLY effective tactic against a group, because the one thing the group relies on is that no one has individual accountability for the one guy who is mocking you.
The others feel like they can be the laughing audience because there's only one guy who's playing you like this, and they are counting on you defending yourself against him. They're not counting on you holding one of them responsible for being a separate person with a mind of his own.
And this process is easy because even if you're flustered, you can come up with random crap like this no problem. Just let your scattered thoughts work for you.
Is this cool or what!
I love deciphering and destroying guys on this kind of game, because 99% of them have NO social skills at all, and it's so easy to annihilate their game, if you know the Power Social Skills.
And finally...
Social Skill 3) Have your backup plan ready to roll - Expose him.
No social skill is complete without a backup, and this one is NO different.
There's always a chance that this guy will desperately flail around to save his social image. Hey, the strategy I just gave you actually does the perfect thing - it let's him take the easy out and save face. You haven't directly insulted him, so he can only keep going and make himself look worse.
As the saying goes, the more rope you give them, the more they have to hang themselves with.
Remember that these guys have no real social skills beyond playing out their mocking as a social strategy.
So if he keeps it up, trying to win by persistence, your backup plan is to call him on it.
Calmly. Confidently. NO emotion. And with no intent to harm.
You simply expose what he's doing in front of everyone, which destroys his ability to make you look bad.
HIM: "Yeah, dude, but you're still gay..." (Trying desperately to get a laugh so that he doesn't feel his value lowered. He looks insecurely at his buddies one-by-one to see if they are still responding. Pitiful.)
YOU: (Start trying to hold back your laughter.) "WOW, that's pretty clever. You're trying to get a laugh at my expense." (Look impressed with him here.) "Hey, look, you keep going, dude. I just know that eventually you'll impress ... uh... someone. Please, keep going. Anyway, while you're doing that, I'll be somewhere else. Later, chode."
Walk away, laughing and shaking your head.
Hell, you should even wink at one of the girls to let her know that you know how the game is won.
Take my word for this... You do this sort of thing every time - refusing to react to him and acting on your own - he will give up.
He's counting on you to play the game. If you don't resist him, he has no energy to use against you.
It's like the little Chinese guy who's attacked by the hulking 290 pound weightlifter. Time after time, the small Asian man ducks, steps aside, parries, the punches and strikes of the big dude.
The monster muscle-man throws himself into dumpsters and cars and brick walls. Eventually, he catches his breath and looks at the 5-foot tall man who hasn't taken so much as a scrape and says, "Okay... I'll let you go... this time."
Who REALLY won?
We all know who the victor was, and it doesn't need to be shouted out with taunts and poor sportsmanship dancing in the end-zone.
Yeah, you could respond to his "You're gay" comment with something funny to banter with him, like: "You looking for a date? I'm not interested, man."
But then you get caught up in a whole new game of being Mr. On the Spot Witty Guy. And that takes a lot of practice.
Just shut his game down so the other women there know who's boss.
I used to have SO many problems with other people and their silly little games like this.
I used to get mad at them for using them on me, especially when it seemed like women were playing me all the time...
Until I realized that it wasn't their fault that I was getting pecked and mocked right out of social situations. It was my own fault.
A coach once explained to a reporter why his team didn't win the Big Game. He pointed the blame: "The rain just made it real tough on us," he said.
The reporter asked, "Didn't it rain on the other team, too?"
I figured out that it was MY fault for not learning how to play the other guy better than they were playing ME.
And not to make him look bad or stomp him into the dirt, either. That's not necessary.
I realized I could get the Win-Win that would make both of us come out ahead. That way I get my personal victory, and I keep the good will of someone who doesn't know social skills as well as I do.
(And let's be honest, we don't need any more enemies, do we?)
This game I've just broken down for you is just one of the hundreds that you'll encounter in any given week of your life. Do you know all the variations?
If you want to start winning like this in ALL of your social encounters - whether it's with dorky guys or hot women - you need POWER social skills.
I created a very cool program that covers all the bases I just did for you on this game - only on another 130+ games that you need to know to win in your social life.
I go through each one with a game card to show you:
- What to look for so you recognize each of them before you get caught up in them and made to look like the fool...
- What the personality type is of each person that uses this game, and what their goal is - so you know what they're looking for, and how to help them get it without having to get caught up in the silly game...
- How to handle each situation specifically, including your desired objective and WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY to effectively defuse the game and get things going the way you want it to...
And much MUCH more...
Really, if you've every said to yourself "I'm so sick of these games...!" then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this exciting information...
Plus, I'm giving away some really cool training videos and tutorials on that page as well...
Take your first small step toward becoming the man you want to be... CLICK HERE
I'll talk to you again soon,
Your Friend,
carlos xuma
Your comments?
Bro WB
12-09-2016, 02:25 AM
Good morning!
Most men do very well w/ gals they don't care or like too much. Their problem begins when they meet their "dream girl" or "the special one" haha. They suddenly try to play it safe n go slow. They are scared to be very sexual.
If you don't exhibit enormous confidence, sexual energy or mojo and awesome emotional mastery in front of a very pretty SYT or woman you like very much, she will hv zero attraction for u. Because you're behaving like a eunuch n you are treating her like a nun.
My advice is to be mode one through n through. Perpetually. Tell her exactly what is in your mind. Be brutally n radically honest. And be totally non reactive to anyone n any event.
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.
BTW, I hv a new yr 97 mistress in China who is applying for student visa. She is kawaii, yet tall n sexy. Most orgasmic.
There are many others who want to come to SG for LT relationship w/ me, but I don't hv the time, money n energy to keep more than 3 FT mistresses. I know my limitations.
I'm in Gotham City now, will return to SG very soon. There are so many Chinese, Korean and Japanese SYT-FLs here. Amazing.
Bro WB
13-09-2016, 01:32 AM
Good morning!
How do you know your wife/mistress/lover/GF/er nai is in love w/ you?
Here is just one guru's opinion. I don't agree w/ him completely though. I invite bros here to weigh in.
4 Signs She is in Love With You (#4 is a Big Offensive)
Hey My Friend,
Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?
They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.
If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…
Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“
A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...
Image (this image is of a woman who is old n ugly, so I won't use it. I only want very kawaii n pretty SYTs to fall for me. :D)
“The look” that a lovestoned woman gives you is a combination of dreamy eyes,
aroused sparkling and a smile that screams “I would follow you to the end of the world!”
When you get THAT look, she is yours.
Sign #2: She Wants to Be With You 24/7
One sign that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was doomed to fail was that I wanted to get away from her as soon as she entered my apartment.
When a woman feels the same about you, it’s usually a very bad sign.
What if your girlfriend makes up excuses to not meet with you? What if she wants to leave five minutes after you met? What if the weekly lady’s night is ten times more important than your couple’s night?
Then she is NOT in love with you.
What if she is so clingy that she wants to see you every second of the day?
Then she is madly in love with you…or a psychopath who just can’t be alone ;-)
Sign #3: She Supports You When You Are at Your Lowest
The best way to find out if your girlfriend really loves you is by making The Money Test.
What’s The Money Test?
Just tell her that you lost your job and that you are completely broke.
And I am talking about Nicholas-Cage-I-take-every fucking-role-broke.
How does she react?
When I tested my girlfriend she just gave me a kiss and told me that she can lend me some money until I am on my feet again.
That’s the answer of a woman who really loves you.
What if she leaves you because you are broke?
Then let her leave you and promise yourself that you will never take her back.
Sign #4: She Swallows Your Cum
The three signs of love that I just shared with you were all romantic and shit, but now it’s time to talk about the real stuff.
One of the biggest signs that she is in love with you is when she swallows your cum.
Are you shocked or enlightened?
I.D.G.A.F as long as you find the woman who you truly love.
And don't worry. My next email is not about cum, but about the biggest social network in the history of mankind.
Stay tuned ;-)
Your Friend,
13-09-2016, 11:31 AM
4 Signs She is in Love With You (#4 is a Big Offensive)
Hey My Friend,
Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?
They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.
If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…
Thank you bro WB. I staying tune here for more lessons.
Bro WB, have a good day.
13-09-2016, 06:10 PM
Bro WB, many things to learn from you.
Have a nice day.
17-09-2016, 02:35 AM
Thank you bro WB. I staying tune here for more lessons.
Bro WB, have a good day.
Bro WB, many things to learn from you.
Have a nice day.
Bros, thank you for your encouragement.
Good morning!
THE most important determinant of your success w/ beautiful young women or SYTs is your dominant/masculine mindset. As manifested in your eye contact, body language, voice tonality, posture n can't fake it.
It's imperative that you are very sexual w/ your dream girl asap. Never use force. Instead, let her chase you n seduce you.
One good strategy is to tell her, as soon as possible, that it's predestined that she is your beloved lao po. Yeah, give her a nickname n call her lao po. It's magical. It has worked well for a lao chee ko pek like me.
Don't forget. It's not what u say, it's how you say it that matters.
Try it n give us ur FR.
Bro WB
17-09-2016, 03:59 AM
Bros, thank you for your encouragement.
Good morning!
THE most important determinant of your success w/ beautiful young women or SYTs is your dominant/masculine mindset. As manifested in your eye contact, body language, voice tonality, posture n can't fake it.
It's imperative that you are very sexual w/ your dream girl asap. Never use force. Instead, let her chase you n seduce you.
One good strategy is to tell her, as soon as possible, that it's predestined that she is your beloved lao po. Yeah, give her a nickname n call her lao po. It's magical. It has worked well for a lao chee ko pek like me.
Don't forget. It's not what u say, it's how you say it that matters.
Try it n give us ur FR.
Bro WB
I dunno abt other woman, but for both of my gfs, they dont want to call each other lao gong/lao po in the initial phase of the relationship (they said not suitable) until they start calling me lao gong gradually.
17-09-2016, 10:38 AM
Sign #4: She Swallows Your Cum
The three signs of love that I just shared with you were all romantic and shit, but now it’s time to talk about the real stuff.
One of the biggest signs that she is in love with you is when she swallows your cum.
Are you shocked or enlightened?
I.D.G.A.F as long as you find the woman who you truly love.
Very true indeed. If a girl willing to swallow your cum, she truly loves you.
Bro WB, learned plenty from your thread. Have a great weekend ahead.
17-09-2016, 01:56 PM
Many things to learn from bro warbird. Keep it up bro :)
18-09-2016, 02:16 AM
I dunno abt other woman, but for both of my gfs, they dont want to call each other lao gong/lao po in the initial phase of the relationship (they said not suitable) until they start calling me lao gong gradually.
Bro korea,
Tks for ur post. Some girls are more reserved and will take more time.
Very true indeed. If a girl willing to swallow your cum, she truly loves you.
Bro WB, learned plenty from your thread. Have a great weekend ahead.
Bro Delacour,
Tks, generally true, but there are always exceptions. A sauna gal or FL will swallow your cum, but she doesn't love u.
Hv a great weekend!
Many things to learn from bro warbird. Keep it up bro :)
Bro Doritos,
Tks for ur encouragement. Cheers!
Good morning!
A bro just upped me 7 points. I would like to reciprocate, but he didn't leave his nick.
"Kakis Invited for KTV... 17-09-2016 01:08 PM awesome post consistently.."
How soon a girl will swallow her man's cum or call him lao gong often partly depends on her cultural beliefs n past experiences and partly depends on his dominance n behaviour.
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually.
Bro WB
18-09-2016, 10:48 AM
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually.
Bro WB
Thank you for the statement above. Very true that men have to be strong minded.
Bro WB, hv a nice weekend.
18-09-2016, 11:11 AM
Thanks bro warbird for his insights in woman. Had a very good read over the last few days.
18-09-2016, 03:25 PM
Thanks bro warbird for sharing your experiences and giving great advice.
Will stay tuned to this wonderful thread :)
18-09-2016, 09:07 PM
bro warbird,
there is a new case for u to cite, 王宝强/马蓉/宋喆 :D
19-09-2016, 01:08 PM
Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“
A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...
10 Days ago one of Korean girl, age 22 had a crush on me, she was with her friend who she introduce to my friend and me that her friend just arrived at noon.
I was late for dinner at Club 55 MBS, my friend was sitting alone beside two Korean SYT. I apologize for being late and took my sit. Besides us were two KSYT, after a few minutes talking to my friend the KSYT besides me interrupted us by tapping my shoulder and asked my what I am drinking. She gave the look that any man cannot ignored. Very obvious red solution in a wine glass but I did not want to embarass her. I gave my glass to her to sip and after sipping she past it to her friend and the conversation begin.
My instinct tell me that these KSYT wanted to look for BY which I am not interested for long term because of communication setback but for one night maybe.
We chat and laugh and enjoy ourselves for an hour.
The KSYT realize that we are not interested they began to show sign of departing the table. Before the KSYT left I give her a hugs and whisper to her hear telling her, if she is comfortable with the offer for a night just squeeze me harder. I begin with 300 and add a multiple of 100. Her final squeeze was too high that I decline her offer for a good reason that I used to test drive before I will have hard drive.
These few months there were more and more KSYT jumping into SG shore.
One month ago I bump into another two KSYT while I was going to meet a friend and not to waste my time, I pop the question direct to them and the offer is ridiculous that I walked off.
Perhaps brother Warbird can give comment and some suggestion in this matter.
21-09-2016, 07:07 AM
Thank you for the statement above. Very true that men have to be strong minded.
Bro WB, hv a nice weekend.
Thanks bro warbird for his insights in woman. Had a very good read over the last few days.
Thanks bro warbird for sharing your experiences and giving great advice.
Will stay tuned to this wonderful thread :)
Thank for your posts.
Bro WB
bro warbird,
there is a new case for u to cite, 王宝强/马蓉/宋喆 :D
I like to hear ur take on the case.
I only like to point out that 宝强 put his wife on a pedestal n treated her like the grand prize. That was the kiss of death for the RS.
Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“
A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...
10 Days ago one of Korean girl, age 22 had a crush on me, she was with her friend who she introduce to my friend and me that her friend just arrived at noon.
I was late for dinner at Club 55 MBS, my friend was sitting alone beside two Korean SYT. I apologize for being late and took my sit. Besides us were two KSYT, after a few minutes talking to my friend the KSYT besides me interrupted us by tapping my shoulder and asked my what I am drinking. She gave the look that any man cannot ignored. Very obvious red solution in a wine glass but I did not want to embarass her. I gave my glass to her to sip and after sipping she past it to her friend and the conversation begin.
My instinct tell me that these KSYT wanted to look for BY which I am not interested for long term because of communication setback but for one night maybe.
We chat and laugh and enjoy ourselves for an hour.
The KSYT realize that we are not interested they began to show sign of departing the table. Before the KSYT left I give her a hugs and whisper to her hear telling her, if she is comfortable with the offer for a night just squeeze me harder. I begin with 300 and add a multiple of 100. Her final squeeze was too high that I decline her offer for a good reason that I used to test drive before I will have hard drive.
These few months there were more and more KSYT jumping into SG shore.
One month ago I bump into another two KSYT while I was going to meet a friend and not to waste my time, I pop the question direct to them and the offer is ridiculous that I walked off.
Perhaps brother Warbird can give comment and some suggestion in this matter.
Tks for ur post.
Love at first sight? I like ur approach.
I hope u took her HP number or wechat. She might contact u n say yes, after a few days to a few weeks. Or on her next visit to SG.
Bro WB
21-09-2016, 01:09 PM
Good afternoon!!
I'm in Gotham City n will return to SG before the end of the month.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints:
A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $70!
I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.
Bro WB
Good afternoon!!
I'm in Gotham City n will return to SG before the end of the month.
Bro WB
Bro, enjoy your stay in your Gotham City. Have a nice week ahead.
21-09-2016, 08:23 PM
I like to hear ur take on the case.
I only like to point out that 宝强 put his wife on a pedestal n treated her like the grand prize. That was the kiss of death for the RS.
Hi bro,
The actual cause is yet to be revealed. Nowadays true love not only be testified when the men is poor, but also when the woman is rich.
There is another case of divorce, brad pitt n Angelina Jolie :p
21-09-2016, 11:05 PM
Good afternoon!!
I'm in Gotham City n will return to SG before the end of the month.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints:
A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! If I hv a balance, expense per pax could be as low as $70!
I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.
Bro WB
Bro WB, enjoy yourself there and continue sharing your experience with us.
24-09-2016, 10:53 AM
Good afternoon!!
I'm in Gotham City n will return to SG before the end of the month.
Bro WB
Bro WB, hope you enjoyed your Gotham City trip. Have a nice weekend.
24-09-2016, 10:55 AM
Tks for ur posts n support.
This is a forum for sharing and exchange of info n knowledge. I would appreciate even more if bros here can give FRs of their own exploits.
I hv learned a lot from all the bros here. And I need to continue to learn everyday just to stay where I'm.
Thank you and hv a great night!
Bro WB
Bro Warbird, so humble. I learned plenty from you reading this thread.
Thank you very much.
24-09-2016, 02:02 PM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Bro WB
I read this a few times and fully agreed with your statement above.
Bro warbird, thank you for the lesson.
24-09-2016, 02:36 PM
Good afternoon!!
I'm in Gotham City n will return to SG before the end of the month.
Enjoy yourself bro WB, continue sharing your encounters :)
27-09-2016, 12:59 AM
Bro, enjoy your stay in your Gotham City. Have a nice week ahead.
Thanks, bro.
Hi bro,
The actual cause is yet to be revealed. Nowadays true love not only be testified when the men is poor, but also when the woman is rich.
There is another case of divorce, brad pitt n Angelina Jolie :p
Bro, tks for ur post. it's very difficult to define 'true love.'
I'm not sure what is the REAL problem w/ Brad n Angelina.
Bro WB, enjoy yourself there and continue sharing your experience with us.
Thanks, bro. You take care too.
Bro WB, hope you enjoyed your Gotham City trip. Have a nice weekend.
Thanks, bro. You take care too.
Bro Warbird, so humble. I learned plenty from you reading this thread.
Thank you very much.
Thanks, bro.
I read this a few times and fully agreed with your statement above.
Bro warbird, thank you for the lesson.
Thanks, bro.
Enjoy yourself bro WB, continue sharing your encounters :)
Thanks, bro.
Cheers to all!
Bro WB
27-09-2016, 11:16 AM
Very nice informative thread.
Cheers Bro WB.
27-09-2016, 12:49 PM
Must learn from bro WB.
Have a nice day :)
27-09-2016, 01:20 PM
Great sharing by bro WB :)
Thanks alot!!
28-09-2016, 11:33 AM
Of course your doctors hv known that excessive alcohol consumption may cause various cancers, but I bet they may not know that it's dose dependent n even very little alcohol raises the risks of these cancers. Yes, even one shot of liquor raises ur risks of alcohol-related cancers.
It's like being exposed to nuclear explosion, even very, very little is bad. If it doesn't kill u, it'll NOT make u stronger. In fact, it's likely that you will die of cancer yrs later. And the 'cardio-protective" effects are exaggerated.
To your health n longevity!
Bro WB
Nice lesson above on alcohol effects on cancer.
Thank you.
28-09-2016, 11:39 AM
Learn a lot from this thread.
Thanks bro WB :)
01-10-2016, 11:47 AM
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情 这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才 会新鲜。关心 越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时 候,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大 局。女人喜欢 甚至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依 人的感觉。但事实上当男人真正投入爱情的时候就会变成男孩,当你认为那个男人特别耀眼的时候, 对不起,他还 没爱上你。我的他曾经像个小孩,现在却越来越像成熟的男人了。究竟是我变了,还是他变了,或是 这感情变了?
Your comments r appreciated.>>>
These MASCULINE traits, more than all other factors combined,
r fatally attractive to human females, because they trigger areas in their powerful primitive/reptilian brain. Most of them r not even aware of it when they fall for men who they consciously know r very wrong for them. It's not a choice for them n they can't help themselves. The same thing happens in males in that many bros fall for WLs/FLs.
I need to remind myself to be that MAN twice daily, especially when I meet THE ONE hahaha.
Bro WB
Bro, thank you for your lesson above.
Hope you have a good weekend.
01-10-2016, 12:00 PM
Bro, thank you for your lesson above.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Agree with you on this as well.
Learnt a lot from this thread.
Enjoy your weekend bro WB
01-10-2016, 08:41 PM
Hi Experts,
If i know the girl like me.
What are the common pick up lines?
OR just go direct to ask her want to 'kai fang'?
Very newbie here..
02-10-2016, 10:36 AM
Hi Experts,
If i know the girl like me.
What are the common pick up lines?
OR just go direct to ask her want to 'kai fang'?
Very newbie here..
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
02-10-2016, 01:30 PM
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
Very well said :)
02-10-2016, 02:44 PM
Very nice informative thread.
Cheers Bro WB.
Bro, tks for ur support.
Must learn from bro WB.
Have a nice day
Bro, tks for ur support.
Great sharing by bro WB :)
Thanks alot!!
Bro, tks for ur support.
Nice lesson above on alcohol effects on cancer.
Thank you.
Bro, tks for ur support.
Learn a lot from this thread.
Thanks bro WB :)
Bro, tks for ur support.
Bro, thank you for your lesson above.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Bro, tks for ur support.
Agree with you on this as well.
Learnt a lot from this thread.
Enjoy your weekend bro WB
Bro, tks for ur support.
Hi Experts,
If i know the girl like me.
What are the common pick up lines?
OR just go direct to ask her want to 'kai fang'?
Very newbie here..
If a gal likes you, everything will be easy. But you must be masculine n sexual. Yes, you should be Mode One.
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
Tks for ur post!
Very well said :)
Bro, I agree.
Good afternoon,
If a gal rejects you, remain very calm n totally non-reactive. Smile n walk away. It's her big loss!!
If you're reactive, you hv lost her for good.
Here is a good example.
A few months ago, I met two KTV gals at PC. I got their wechat. I offered to BY them both! The answer was NO. I then got them to butterfly several times w/ me. The answer was still NO. I also told them I wanted to make love. One said she didn't know me well enough n the other just shook her head. It's their loss!
I let go of them completely.
I left for Gotham City w/o telling them. I returned 5-6 days ago. After zero ctc for 6-7 wks, one of the gals initiated contact n asked how I was doing. I replied that I just returned. The next day I went to a PC joint n saw the gal by chance. Predestination? She came to butterfly. Her friend also came. They whispered that they wanted to be my GFs, together. I was surprised! They both were thinking of me, very often. They wanted LT, because what if I don't want them after 2-3 months? They agreed to 双飞! I need to think this over carefully as I hv other LPs. We hv not even discussed the terms but they could stop working or continue to work. it's up to me.
Bro WB
02-10-2016, 04:53 PM
A few months ago, I met two KTV gals at PC. I got their wechat. I offered to BY them both! The answer was NO. I then got them to butterfly several times w/ me. The answer was still NO. I also told them I wanted to make love. One said she didn't know me well enough n the other just shook her head. It's their loss!
I let go of them completely.
I left for Gotham City w/o telling them. I returned 5-6 days ago. After zero ctc for 6-7 wks, one of the gals initiated contact n asked how I was doing. I replied that I just returned. The next day I went to a PC joint n saw the gal by chance. Predestination? She came to butterfly. Her friend also came. They whispered that they wanted to be my GFs, together. I was surprised! They both were thinking of me, very often. They wanted LT, because what if I don't want them after 2-3 months? They agreed to 双飞! I need to think this over carefully as I hv other LPs. We hv not even discussed the terms but they could stop working or continue to work. it's up to me.
Bro WB, lesson learned. Don't be a jerk and must learn to let go when gal said no because is her loss.
If I am you I will try to go for the 双飞 at your terms.
03-10-2016, 11:53 AM
Bro WB, lesson learned. Don't be a jerk and must learn to let go when gal said no because is her loss.
If I am you I will try to go for the 双飞 at your terms.
Tks for ur post.
I took them to dinner buffet at Raffles City last night.
We hv all agreed to the terms. Initially, they tried to renege on their promise of threesome. But they agreed after I said I would dim the lighting. They are eager to begin the RS, but I said wait till my return from HK in 2 weeks,
BTW, I believe if a man has the body language n movements of Humphrey Bogart, beautiful young women will flock to him...that could also be the secret of Benjamin Franklin (history's only babe magnet according to Time magazine.)
Bro WB
03-10-2016, 12:03 PM
Tks for ur post.
I took them to dinner buffet at Raffles City last night.
We hv all agreed to the terms. Initially, they tried to renege on their promise of threesome. But they agreed after I said I would dim the lighting. They are eager to begin the RS, but I said wait till my return from HK in 2 weeks,
BTW, I believe if a man has the body language n movements of Humphrey Bogart, beautiful young women will flock to him...that could also be the secret of Benjamin Franklin (history's only babe magnet according to Time magazine.)
Bro WB
Wish you good luck and all the best in "shuang fei"
Safe trip to HK.
Another lesson learned today, hmm body of Humphrey Bogart and Franklins secret which attracts many women.
03-10-2016, 01:45 PM
Wish you good luck and all the best in "shuang fei"
Safe trip to HK.
Another lesson learned today, hmm body of Humphrey Bogart and Franklins secret which attracts many women.
Tks bro.
It's a man's body language and movements, not body per se.
Bro WB
09-10-2016, 11:19 AM
When I tested my girlfriend she just gave me a kiss and told me that she can lend me some money until I am on my feet again.
That’s the answer of a woman who really loves you.
What if she leaves you because you are broke?
Then let her leave you and promise yourself that you will never take her back.
Fantastic lesson learned.
Bro WB, thank you so much and have a nice weekend.
09-10-2016, 11:21 AM
Bro WB,
I had a friend who had borrowed money from a massage lady before. In fact she actually loan him S$20 ,000 when he said he was broke. The massage lady was angpai back those days. Till today, they are still friends and all money returned plus more.
Enjoy your trip and hope to read more of your guidance.
09-10-2016, 01:48 PM
Learnt lots of things from this thread.
Thanks to bro WB :)
09-10-2016, 02:21 PM
Bro WB,
I had a friend who had borrowed money from a massage lady before. In fact she actually loan him S$20 ,000 when he said he was broke. The massage lady was angpai back those days. Till today, they are still friends and all money returned plus more.
Enjoy your trip and hope to read more of your guidance.
Agreed with you on this.
Still have a lot to learn from bro WB.
17-10-2016, 05:03 PM
Fantastic lesson learned.
Bro WB, thank you so much and have a nice weekend.
Bro WB,
I had a friend who had borrowed money from a massage lady before. In fact she actually loan him S$20 ,000 when he said he was broke. The massage lady was angpai back those days. Till today, they are still friends and all money returned plus more.
Enjoy your trip and hope to read more of your guidance.
Learnt lots of things from this thread.
Thanks to bro WB :)
Agreed with you on this.
Still have a lot to learn from bro WB.
Hi bros,
Thanks for ur post. I hv a lot to learn too.
Bro WB
21-10-2016, 11:48 AM
These MASCULINE traits, more than all other factors combined,
r fatally attractive to human females, because they trigger areas in their powerful primitive/reptilian brain. Most of them r not even aware of it when they fall for men who they consciously know r very wrong for them. It's not a choice for them n they can't help themselves. The same thing happens in males in that many bros fall for WLs/FLs.
I need to remind myself to be that MAN twice daily, especially when I meet THE ONE hahaha.
Bro WB
Bro WB, nice lesson above. Going thru your thread really makes me motivated.
Have a nice weekend to you.
21-10-2016, 11:54 AM
Bro TS Warbird,
Let me congratulate you for being a successful cheongster.
Keep up the good cheonging and sharing spirit.
Thank you so much for starting this thread.
Have a good day.
21-10-2016, 11:58 AM
Bro WB, reading your thread really makes me think of cheonging.
Enjoy your weekend.
21-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Bro WB
Learnt a lot from your thread.
Please continue sharing your encounters and tips on cheonging.
Have a nice day.
21-10-2016, 01:49 PM
Hey My Friend,
Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?
They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.
If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…
Sign #2: She Wants to Be With You 24/7
One sign that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was doomed to fail was that I wanted to get away from her as soon as she entered my apartment.
When a woman feels the same about you, it’s usually a very bad sign.
What if your girlfriend makes up excuses to not meet with you? What if she wants to leave five minutes after you met? What if the weekly lady’s night is ten times more important than your couple’s night?
Bro TS WB, very true indeed. When a girl love you dearly then she hopes to be with you 24/7 and making sure you don't stray.
Thanks for the lesson and keep posting your lessons to share.
23-10-2016, 11:38 AM
Bro WB - nice lesson below.
Guy should not over-react.
Have a nice weekend.
Here are 3 things you must do if you get rejected:
1 - Take the high road. Even if she’s being a huge bitch…
Don’t react to her. Be BETTER than that.
She doesn’t even know you - she’s just emotionally reacting.
It may not even have anything to do with you - you can’t know or control that.
A confident guy would never allow himself to get flustered or thrown off by things he can’t control.
2 - Smile. Even if you’re seething mad on the inside…
Because no one else knows that you just got rejected...
UNLESS you show it on your face.
Then it’s obvious, and every other girl who sees that will probably reject you too.
3 - Move on immediately. Find another girl, a friend, a bartender… literally anyone else to talk to.
The last thing you want is to stand around by yourself, feeling butt-hurt because some random girl who knew you for 1 minute didn’t like you…
It does nothing for your confidence, and it makes you less attractive to every other girl.
So make like Taylor Swift and shake, shake, shake it off, bro.
Make sense?
You can totally see yourself doing that, can’t you?
You’re goddamn right you can.
And now nothing can stop you.
Get out there and make it happen this weekend.
Rooting for you,
- Mike Wright
23-10-2016, 08:02 PM
Many interesting things to be learnt here.
Thanks bro WB :)
26-10-2016, 12:53 PM
Bro WB, nice lesson above. Going thru your thread really makes me motivated.
Have a nice weekend to you.
Bro TS Warbird,
Let me congratulate you for being a successful cheongster.
Keep up the good cheonging and sharing spirit.
Thank you so much for starting this thread.
Have a good day.
Bro WB, reading your thread really makes me think of cheonging.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bro WB
Learnt a lot from your thread.
Please continue sharing your encounters and tips on cheonging.
Have a nice day.
Bro TS WB, very true indeed. When a girl love you dearly then she hopes to be with you 24/7 and making sure you don't stray.
Thanks for the lesson and keep posting your lessons to share.
Bro WB - nice lesson below.
Guy should not over-react.
Have a nice weekend.
Many interesting things to be learnt here.
Thanks bro WB :)
Thank u all for ur support!
Sorry for the late reply as I hv been spending a lot of time overseas lately.
Bro WB
.................................................. ........
Good afternoon!
I still see a lot of bros who put the gal they like on a pedestal and try to be very 'nice' to them. That is the fastest way to lose her. A healthy gal is always looking for a man who can dominate her n who regards himself as the prize. If you believe you hv lower value than her, for whatever reason, she will quickly lose attraction for u as a man. Even if you're a real life prince charming or 'the sexiest man alive.'
When ur 'gal' or 'GF' tells u that she needs more 'space' to herself or she has turned cold towards u, if you're like most hapless bros, you will chase harder, texting or calling more often n offering her more gifts/money. Bad idea, very needy n weak behavior. You hv given up all ur power n, to her, you're an emasculated, weak n disgusting born loser. How could she rely on you to protect her n her offspring in times of crisis? Don't blame her for trying to run away from u asap. Of course, if you are paying her a boatload of moolah, she will stick around n try to take u to the cleaners. Then leave you. It's most likely she has cheated on u. Sound familiar? Her revulsion against n distaste for u may all originate in her subconscious mind. She may experience anguish, frustration, confusion n even sorrow for feeling this way towards you because you're 'so nice' to her. Sadly, it happened to me once a long time ago.
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
I just received the following Email form a RS guru:
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
This email might make a lot of feminists, social justice warriors and “nice guys” furious with me.
But it’s the truth, goddammit, and I have to say it… even if it hurts some feelings.
Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.
Specifically, how to take your power back from women and gain control over your relationships.
So when you meet an amazing girl and you really want to make her yours...
You will always know where you stand with her…
And you’ll be the one in the driver’s seat, who gets to decide exactly how things are going to go.
First, a quick story:
I used to know this girl Katie. Man, she was hotter than a Vegas sidewalk in July.
She was “that girl” everyone wanted. Whenever she walked into a room, all eyes were on her…
Guys would be falling all over themselves trying to be nice to her, do her favors, make her laugh, etc.
She was usually in a relationship, always bouncing from one boyfriend to the next.
But when she was single… man, guys started lining up to get a chance with her.
How do I know this? Because I was one of those guys…
And one day, I finally got my chance with Katie.
I grabbed her number at a party and we started texting back and forth.
And to be honest, I was texting her a lot more than she was texting me, sometimes even 2 or 3 texts in a row…
But she was responding to me, so where’s the harm, right?
We met up for a date and I paid for everything, because I wanted her to know I was a gentleman who could take care of her and provide for her.
(unlike the jerks and douchebags she complained about dating)
I even got her a thoughtful gift - a CD I made with a bunch of her favorite songs…
And I didn’t even try to make a move on her. I didn’t want her to think I was a jerk who only wanted to get in her pants.
I wanted her to see I was DIFFERENT.
She said she had a great time and wanted to see me again…
But after that, her texts started dwindling to short, one word responses.
And I hate to admit this, but… I got scared. I couldn’t understand why she was pulling away like that.
I KNEW that if I could just show her I was a great guy and I would be the perfect boyfriend… that she would want to be with me.
We finally met up and I confessed my feelings to her.
And that’s when she gave me the “nice guy” speech.
She said I was a real sweet guy, but she just wasn’t ready for a relationship right now, she needed to take her time.
I told her I respected her and would wait until she was ready.
But a few weeks later, I was cruising Instagram and I saw a photo of her with another guy…
Her new boyfriend.
Man, I was so angry… angry at her, but even more angry at myself.
Now, I know better. And if I ever saw Katie again, I would THANK her… because that situation opened my eyes and changed everything for me.
So let’s break this down - what happened here? Where did I go wrong?
It’s simple. I gave away the ONE thing that would have gotten me the girl.
I gave away my power.
Maybe this has happened to you, too.
Maybe you’ve been the “nice guy” (like me) who got the “let’s just be friends speech” from a girl you wanted.
Maybe you had a girl act like she was interested… only to flake on you and ignore you later.
Maybe you’ve had a girl pass you up for another guy, even when you were clearly the better choice.
If you’ve had anything like this happen to you… it happened to you for one reason, and one reason only:
You gave all your power away to her.
For example...
When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.
When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.
When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.
When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.
You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…
And that’s why you lost control, and why she moved on to another guy.
Look, a lot of people don’t want to hear this, but it’s the truth:
Dating is a GAME.
And just like any other game, there are winners and there are losers.
Imagine you were playing a game of poker with your buddies...
You would never just throw your cards down on the table and show everyone what you’ve got, right?
That’s a surefire way to lose the game.
Well, it’s the same with women.
The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly where you stand…
You’ve lost the game.
By the way, if any of this applies to you… it’s not your fault.
NOBODY tells you this stuff, man.
Ever since you were a kid, you've been raised to believe that good things happen to nice guys… that eventually if you’re kind enough to women, some weird sort of “karma” will land you an amazing girl…
But I hope you’re starting to realize how big of a LIE this is...
And women aren't helping you either. If you ask women for advice, they’re gonna tell you they want a gentlemen who treats them like a princess...
But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.
With so much bad advice going around, dating can be pretty damn frustrating.
In fact, I’m gonna guess that nobody has ever told you the TRUTH about women before.
Until now.
That’s what I’m here for, and that’s why you’re reading this right now.
Because you’re ready.
Ready to reject the LIES and myths you’ve been told about dating.
Ready to learn the TRUTH about women and attraction.
Ready to reclaim your POWER as a man and start getting the kinds of women you truly want and deserve.
That sound good?
So here’s what I need you to do, as a loyal Mike Wright subscriber...
Over the next few weeks, when you’re talking to women, ask yourself…
Who has more power in this situation?
And if the answer is “she does” - then take a moment to realize what you are doing to give your power away, and STOP doing it!
You’ll know you’re getting it right when she starts putting in more work and effort to win you over… and you don’t have to keep trying so hard.
Think you can do that for me?
Fvck yes you can!
I’ll be back with more BRAND NEW material for you in two days.
Talk then,
- Mike Wright
Any comments?
Bro WB
26-10-2016, 01:43 PM
I just received the following Email form a RS guru:
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.
Power from bro WB.
Learn a few things today. Thanks.:)
27-10-2016, 01:05 PM
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.
Very powerful lesson highlighted.
Thanks bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
27-10-2016, 01:14 PM
Power from bro WB.
Learn a few things today. Thanks.:)
Fully agreed with you.
Very interesting thread.
27-10-2016, 01:35 PM
Just spoke w/ a trusted fellow ah pek n couple of PRC students (non-WLs). OMG! I may hv been be searching for BAO-ees in all the wrong places (read KTVs)!
According to them, there r many chio PRC JC students for BY n the going rate is only 3k a month. The gals r usually 19-20 n non-WLs. For local Chn students it's only 2k a month. If the gals r chio, they r very undervalued at this level of damage, IMHO. Some so-so KTV gals r demanding 10K n up a month!
Any bros here hv experience BAO-ing JC students, both PRC n local?
l may hv to greatly expand my network of ctc so that I could meet many of these gals.
I almost never refuse truly undervalued assets, hehehe.:D
Hello WB bro,
Have you found the local and PRC students BY?
28-10-2016, 01:26 AM
Very powerful lesson highlighted.
Thanks bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Fully agreed with you.
Learn many things from bro WB, camping here to learn more.
29-10-2016, 12:06 PM
For example...
When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.
When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.
When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.
When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.
You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…
And that’s why you lost control, and why she moved on to another guy.
Look, a lot of people don’t want to hear this, but it’s the truth:
Dating is a GAME.
And just like any other game, there are winners and there are losers.
Imagine you were playing a game of poker with your buddies...
You would never just throw your cards down on the table and show everyone what you’ve got, right?
That’s a surefire way to lose the game.
Well, it’s the same with women.
The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly where you stand…
You’ve lost the game.
By the way, if any of this applies to you… it’s not your fault.
NOBODY tells you this stuff, man.
Ever since you were a kid, you've been raised to believe that good things happen to nice guys… that eventually if you’re kind enough to women, some weird sort of “karma” will land you an amazing girl…
But I hope you’re starting to realize how big of a LIE this is...
And women aren't helping you either. If you ask women for advice, they’re gonna tell you they want a gentlemen who treats them like a princess...
But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.
With so much bad advice going around, dating can be pretty damn frustrating.
In fact, I’m gonna guess that nobody has ever told you the TRUTH about women before.
Until now.
That’s what I’m here for, and that’s why you’re reading this right now.
Because you’re ready.
Ready to reject the LIES and myths you’ve been told about dating.
Ready to learn the TRUTH about women and attraction.
Ready to reclaim your POWER as a man and start getting the kinds of women you truly want and deserve.
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro Warbird, I didn't realized these points you mentioned above.
So never give my power away.
Hope you enjoy a good weekend.
29-10-2016, 12:19 PM
Bro Warbird, I didn't realized these points you mentioned above.
So never give my power away.
Hope you enjoy a good weekend.
Fully agreed with you on this.
Bro WB, learnt many things from this thread.
Have a nice weekend.
29-10-2016, 12:56 PM
Bro WB,
Thanks for the good thread and hope to read more how to conquer women.
Have a good day and enjoyed your weekend.
30-10-2016, 11:13 AM
Thanks to all the seniors and bros for sharing!
Any experiences with korean hostesses to share??
30-10-2016, 02:10 PM
Enjoyed reading this thread.
Thank you so much TS.
30-10-2016, 04:20 PM
Learnt a lot from bro WB from this thread.
Continue to pick up tips.
Thank you bro
30-10-2016, 06:40 PM
Bro WB,
Thanks for this nice thread, can learn how to conquer women.
Have a good week ahead.
31-10-2016, 02:23 AM
Power from bro WB.
Learn a few things today. Thanks.:)
Very powerful lesson highlighted.
Thanks bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Fully agreed with you.
Very interesting thread.
Hello WB bro,
Have you found the local and PRC students BY?
Fully agreed with you.
Learn many things from bro WB, camping here to learn more.
Bro Warbird, I didn't realized these points you mentioned above.
So never give my power away.
Hope you enjoy a good weekend.
Fully agreed with you on this.
Bro WB, learnt many things from this thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB,
Thanks for the good thread and hope to read more how to conquer women.
Have a good day and enjoyed your weekend.
Thanks to all the seniors and bros for sharing!
Any experiences with korean hostesses to share??
Enjoyed reading this thread.
Thank you so much TS.
You make my day! Thanks so much for all ur posts.
Bro WB
There was a post on my other thread:
Bro WB,
Beside your personal experience. How are experience of Bros who followed your outing. Don't seems to recall FR of fellow kaki outings.
Happy BY or interesting events?
Many kaki freely posted their exploits 2009-2011. But infrequently in the last few years.
There was a bro Don Juan who had numerous posts here. Claiming his SYT dolls are the prettiest n best educated n the richest 白富美。And he got them all FOC n they were addicted to him. He was trying to find rich men to BY them so that he would get a hefty cut. The trouble is that no bro I know has ever met him, nor ever met his "kawaii SYTs." I was willing to pay for expensive dinner for him n his dolls, but he declined my numerous invitations.
Bro DJ has been conspicuous by his absence. I'm still patiently waiting for him. Obviously he is a 1000 times more successful w/ women n SYTs than "The Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp n Elvis Presley combined haha. Meeting him n his prettiest SYTs in person would be one of the most important moments in my life.:p
BTW, in addition to free dinner, I'm now willing to pay him n his SYTs a hefty fee. Seeing is believing n I want to know what I hv been missing in life 我是不是白活了.:D
Bro WB
31-10-2016, 11:26 AM
Many kaki freely posted their exploits 2009-2011. But infrequently in the last few years.
There was a bro Don Juan who had numerous posts here. Claiming his SYT dolls are the prettiest n best educated n the richest 白富美。And he got them all FOC n they were addicted to him. He was trying to find rich men to BY them so that he would get a hefty cut. The trouble is that no bro I know has ever met him, nor ever met his "kawaii SYTs." I was willing to pay for expensive dinner for him n his dolls, but he declined my numerous invitations.
Bro DJ has been conspicuous by his absence. I'm still patiently waiting for him. Obviously he is a 1000 times more successful w/ women n SYTs than "The Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp n Elvis Presley combined haha. Meeting him n his prettiest SYTs in person would be one of the most important moments in my life.:p
BTW, in addition to free dinner, I'm now willing to pay him n his SYTs a hefty fee. Seeing is believing n I want to know what I hv been missing in life 我是不是白活了.:D
Bro WB
I can help post more TNPnews here so hopefully Bro DJ will return to post here.
01-11-2016, 04:07 PM
Bro WB, thank you for nice thread.
Hope to read more lessons from you.
Have a good week ahead.
01-11-2016, 04:19 PM
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
Bro WB
Thank you bro for the strong powerful lesson.
Hope to read more here.
02-11-2016, 03:49 AM
I can help post more TNPnews here so hopefully Bro DJ will return to post here.
Tks, but he won't return. He is a phantom.
Read his posts, he is getting his sexual release from massage gals, GL gals n FLs. He was attacking me mercilessly for paying for sex.
What is happening to his free fxxk w/ so many 白富美? And all the money they are giving him?
Bro WB
Bro WB, thank you for nice thread.
Hope to read more lessons from you.
Have a good week ahead.
Thank you bro for the strong powerful lesson.
Hope to read more here.
Bros, thanks for ur posts.
.................................................. ..
Good morning!
In a LT relationship w/ a gal/woman, her character is of paramount importance. Of course, you must like her looks/figure n sex w/ her must be very good.
A guru just sent me a brief article on how to choose the right women.
This ONE question will change how you choose women
As you get better and better with women, you'll
find that you start to ask yourself more and more
what kind of woman you REALLY want to be with.
The second stage after dating starvation is dating
You get more and more dates, so the initial excitement
starts to vanish and you question yourself (in a good
way) because you are less shallow.
I went through that and you'll find a lot of books
on finding the right partner.
So, let me save you some time. ;-)
Here's the simple question you can ask yourself
to start filtering the women in your life and keep
that special one:
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”
It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but
in my (humble) opinion, it's the mutual desire for
growth that glues a couple together for decades.
Guys get in a relationship and they settle. They
lose their hunger. They become “comfortable”.
The right woman will trigger you to thrive and
achieve. She'll inspire you to push yourself
physically, emotionally, mentally, financially,
in your career, and to go after your dreams with
more ferocity.
At least, this is how I feel with the girl I'm with
right now.
Have an amazing day!
02-11-2016, 10:48 AM
This ONE question will change how you choose women
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”
Another lesson from bro WB.
Hope to read more from bro WB.
Hope bro WB have a nice day.
02-11-2016, 10:55 AM
This ONE question will change how you choose women
Have an amazing day!
Amazing from TS how to choose women.
Thank you so much and please post more lessons.
02-11-2016, 12:14 PM
Bro WB, thank you for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more lessons from you.
Have a nice week ahead.
02-11-2016, 01:14 PM
This ONE question will change how you choose women
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in my heart,
feel inspired to become the best man I can ever be?”
It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but ... it's the mutual desire for growth that glues a couple together for decades.
Guys get in a relationship and they settle. They lose their hunger. They become “comfortable”.
The right woman will trigger you to thrive and achieve. She'll inspire you to push yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, in your career, and to go after your dreams with more ferocity.
thanks bro warbird ...
totally 1000% recipe for success in all matters of life ...
nothing is static, unless its already dead ...
things either move closer together (and grow) or move apart (decay)
Recently stumbled upon this much wisdom and i am happy that i found a kindred spirit in WarBird.
Been on this journey to find my might want to look up Red Pill Philosophy and see whether it resonates with you.
03-11-2016, 01:09 AM
Another lesson from bro WB.
Hope to read more from bro WB.
Hope bro WB have a nice day.
Amazing from TS how to choose women.
Thank you so much and please post more lessons.
Bro WB, thank you for this wonderful thread.
Hope to learn more lessons from you.
Have a nice week ahead.
Thank you all for ur posts n support.
thanks bro warbird ...
totally 1000% recipe for success in all matters of life ...
nothing is static, unless its already dead ...
things either move closer together (and grow) or move apart (decay)
You're welcome!! Yes, we should embrace CHANGE! 穷则变 变则通 通则久
Recently stumbled upon this much wisdom and i am happy that i found a kindred spirit in WarBird.
Been on this journey to find my might want to look up Red Pill Philosophy and see whether it resonates with you.
Tks, I hv read Red Pill.
Bro WB
Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around.
You cannot rise higher than your thought of yourself at the subconscious level.
It's predestined that all the particles and forces in the universe are constantly conspiring in my favor.
Bro WB
Bro WB, these sentences in your signature also very enriching.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice day.
03-11-2016, 07:03 PM
Bro WB, these sentences in your signature also very enriching.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice day.
Fully agreed with you.
Learnt lots of things from bro WB in this thread.
Hope to learn more!!
I sense a lot of sarcasm here haha.
05-11-2016, 02:26 AM
Bro WB, these sentences in your signature also very enriching.
Hope to learn more from you.
Have a nice day.
Fully agreed with you.
Learnt lots of things from bro WB in this thread.
Hope to learn more!!
Tanks for ur posts.
I sense a lot of sarcasm here haha.
I sense a lot of sarcasm in you, but in no one else haha.
Behave like a MAN, be Mode One, say exactly what is in ur mind.
If you disagree w/ the strategies n theories on RS n sex as written by many gurus n quoted by me on this thread, tell us what you believe would actually work in real life, in ur personal experiences. Pls enlighten us. Speak up, give details...
Bear in mind that we men all hv different goals. Some are happy w/ doing ST, some want BY, some want LT RS, and some want exclusive ownership of the pussy n her heart...and some want FOC, some don't mind paying n a few want to be paid.
And the type of gals/women we like also differ greatly. A 10 to u may be 5 to me, and vice versa. For me, it's either I want to fxxk the gal or not, so it's at least 7 or 0, nothing in between. I just got a new article on this exact topic.
Hoping to hear from you asap.
Bro WB
Good morning!
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
Bro WB
07-11-2016, 12:47 PM
Bro WB,
Below are excellent lesson from you.
I had enjoyed reading this thread very much.
Hope to read more please.
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
Bro WB
08-11-2016, 12:19 PM
Bro WB,
Below are excellent lesson from you.
I had enjoyed reading this thread very much.
Hope to read more please.
Good morning!
I can't blame many bros for being skeptical n sarcastic. Because they hv failed w/ women again n again. Nothing has worked for them. Unless a man believes he is the prize, he will be a failure w/ women, period.
The other thing that confuses most men is that many gals/women consciously wants a nice guy, but they subconsciously want to be dominated by men. Another secret is that they are NOT attracted to men who chase them, contrary to popular belief n conventional wisdom.
I received the following a wk ago from a guru:
The Secret of Attracting Very Beautiful Women
Perhaps you've heard of The Perfect 10.
A woman so stunningly beautiful that guys literally throw themselves at her feet. A woman so amazing, so breath-taking, that she can have any man she wants, any time she wants... and she knows it.
She lives in her own special little world, a world most of us can't even imagine -- everything is good there, everything is easy. She gets anything she wants. She rarely has to pay for anything because people are always giving her things, buying her things, bringing her presents. She gets special treatment in restaurants, bars, stores, and every other place she goes.
Everyone loves her. Every guy wants her. And every girl wants to be her.
After all, she is The Perfect 10.
Well, my fellow Don Juans, let me assure you that despite what you may have read or heard, there's no such thing as The Perfect 10. She does not exist. Not one woman on this huge planet of ours even comes close to our image of The Perfect 10.
Yet the myth of the enchanting, irresistible Perfect 10 is extremely common among men, especially younger men.
"This Perfect 10 walked into the bar and every head in the place turned."
"You have to use a different strategy when approaching an incredibly beautiful woman, because she's used to guys throwing themselves at her and doing whatever she wants."
"She rarely gets approached by guys because they're intimidated by her beauty."
"Don't even bother pursuing a 10 unless you've got a lot going for you (money, fame, looks). You'll get shot down, or used and abused."
I hear these "Perfect 10" comments all the time. I read them on discussion forums. I get email questions about "how to deal with incredibly beautiful women." And I even read comments about 10s by relationship "experts."
Let me repeat to you: There's no such thing as The Perfect 10 !!
In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a lady, any lady in this huge world of ours, who qualifies as an Almost Perfect 9.
But, I hear you thinking, "They DO exist. I see them all the time. In fact, I saw a Perfect 10 earlier today."
True. You DO see 9s and 10s frequently. So do I. But the thing you have to remember is that one's perception of physical beauty is completely subjective. It varies quite a bit from person to person. There are no objective standards for female beauty that every guy subscribes to.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
And I'm not just talking about different cultures here. (You probably know that in some cultures, the fatter a lady is, the more beautiful she is perceived to be.)
Yet, the myth of The Perfect 10 - that absolutely stunning woman that no man can resist - is very prevalent these days. False, but prevalent.
Where does this myth originate? Why do we believe in Perfect 10s?
The unfortunate fact is that everyone tends to view the world in a very egocentric fashion. We believe that what we see, others also see. We believe that what we perceive as attractive, beautiful, and stunning, others also perceive the same way. We believe, quite incorrectly, that the women who take our breath away, also take the breath of every other guy on the planet.
It's a ridiculous belief. An unfounded myth. And it's rather easy to shatter.
Do an experiment. Take 4 or 5 of your buds out to a nice crowded bar, one that's always packed with beautiful women. Find yourselves a table and try to find ONE lady in the entire bar that everyone agrees is A Perfect 10. One lady that everyone agrees is absolutely stunning.
You'll fail miserably. In fact, I doubt you'll be able to find a lady in the entire bar that even half your buddies think is a 10. You probably won't even be able to find a lady that everyone agrees is an 8 or 9.
Invariably when you or one of your buds picks out a lady and declares triumphantly for all to hear that she is absolutely perfect - and then waits for all to agree - someone in the group will respond, "No way. You've got to be kidding. She's okay I guess, but I'd give her about a 6."
You will be amazed, no stunned, at the women your buddies feel are Perfect, and they'll be equally stunned at you. Your, their, and our perceptions of beauty are just too subjective, too skewed by our past experiences and interactions, for everyone, or even a large percentage of guys, to even come close to agreeing.
Or try the experiment with Hollywood stars. Do you think Pamela Andersen is a 10? On my particular scale of physical beauty, she's about a 6. How about Angelina Jolie? Is she your dream woman? I'd give her an 8. Carmen Electra? She's about a 7.5 in my book. Jennifer Lopez? Maybe an 8. In fact, I can't even think of a famous person that I would give a 10 to. And I'm not that picky.
In fact, if you and I were sitting in a bar together and your dream woman - a Stacy Keibler lookalike - walked in, you wouldn't have much competition from me. In fact, you wouldn't have any competition from me. I'd be too busy checking out the shorter, curvier, brunette over by the bar.
Do you like the tall, thin, professional-model type? I'm not attracted to them at all, and they'd certainly get no special treatment from me. In my own special little world they're just ordinary women and would be treated as ordinary women. And I certainly wouldn't fall all over myself trying to impress them.
Now I'm not saying that all women are equal in physical beauty. I'm not saying that at all. While Angelina, Stacy, and the rest, are not, in my opinion, even close to being perfect, I would agree that they are "above average" in attractiveness. And they probably, overall, receive better treatment in our world.
Research clearly demonstrates that the physically attractive do have advantages in our society. They are attributed a whole host of positive personality characteristics simply on the basis of how they look. And they are treated a little better in specific situations. So no, every woman is not equally attractive.
I'm also not saying that there aren't a few women running around (more than a few actually) who have an over-inflated sense of their own self-importance... and maybe even a few delusional ladies who think that they actually are Perfect 10s. Heck, there are some butt-ugly guys running around who think that they're pretty hot stuff too.
Now with these particular women - these women who see themselves as being above you, or who feel that you should be knocking yourself out trying to impress them - with these women you may need a modified strategy. You may need to knock them off their little pedestals. And there are a number of simple techniques for accomplishing this... if you choose to pursue such a "lady."
But the important thing to remember is that you base your strategy on the situation and, specifically, her ATTITUDE, and not on how attractive you perceive her to be. Just because YOU think she's a Perfect 10 does not necessarily mean that she has an over-inflated ego and needs to be taken down a few notches. (If she's not on a self-imposed pedestal, and you try to knock it out from under her, you just wind up kicking her in the shin -- oh how poetical I am sometimes.)
As mentioned, I frequently see comments on "dealing with extremely beautiful women" and read articles written by experts on The Perfect 10. Sometimes they suggest a "special strategy" for dealing with a 10 (see above). And, even more ridiculous, sometimes they just flat out state that you shouldn't even bother pursuing The Perfect 10 unless you have something exceptional to offer.
How bout a ridiculous example to clarify.
Mark is extremely attracted to Karen. She's a Perfect 10 in his little world, and he desperately wants to get to know her better. However, having recently read an article on Perfect 10s written by an expert, he knows he doesn't have much of a chance. After all, every guy wants a girl like her - The Perfect 10. And he's really no one special.
He concludes that Karen is out of his league and he needs to be a little more realistic. So he decides to go after Laura instead. She's pretty cute, and nice - about a 7 or 8 in his book. Probably about right for him he thinks. And even though he finds himself fairly happy with Laura, in the back of his mind, he'll always wish he had had more to offer, so that he would stand a chance with Karen.
Then there's Steve. He's been in love with Laura for 6 months. She's absolutely perfect to him. But he's sooo intimidated by her beauty. He also realizes that, seeing as how she's the most perfect female he's ever seen, every guy she meets wants her. He has no chance. He too read that article about Perfect 10s and realizes that he, being just an ordinary guy, doesn't have much of a chance with her. So he goes after someone more "in his league" - Karen.
So Mark's dating Laura because he feels Karen is out of his league. And Steve's dating Karen because he doesn't feel he has enough to offer a 10 like Laura. And neither is really happy.
How ridiculous! A ridiculous situation caused by ridiculous thinking.
(To Be Continued)
08-11-2016, 12:20 PM
Bro WB, I hope to be a man.
Hope to learn more from you and please post more lessons.
Have a great day.
Behave like a MAN, be Mode One, say exactly what is in ur mind.
If you disagree w/ the strategies n theories on RS n sex as written by many gurus n quoted by me on this thread, tell us what you believe would actually work in real life, in ur personal experiences. Pls enlighten us. Speak up, give details...
Bear in mind that we men all hv different goals. Some are happy w/ doing ST, some want BY, some want LT RS, and some want exclusive ownership of the pussy n her heart...and some want FOC, some don't mind paying n a few want to be paid.
And the type of gals/women we like also differ greatly. A 10 to u may be 5 to me, and vice versa. For me, it's either I want to fxxk the gal or not, so it's at least 7 or 0, nothing in between. I just got a new article on this exact topic.
Hoping to hear from you asap.
Bro WB
08-11-2016, 12:36 PM
Of course, I'm not really telling you anything here that you don't already know. I believe that you already know that beauty is completely subjective and can vary tremendously from guy to guy.
The problem is that you tend to "forget" this fact, or fail to use it to your advantage, as soon as your version of a "Ms. Perfect" appears.
You get intimidated. You get extremely nervous. Being an ordinary guy, you start feeling unworthy, like you don't really have anything to offer such a Goddess. You start thinking that she is so perfect that every guy in the place MUST want her. Rather than being "happy" about the opportunity to meet your Perfect 10, you begin to feel bad because you don't think you measure up or have what it takes to actually attract and keep such a lady.
The myth of The Perfect 10, and your belief in this myth, is handicapping you and limiting your social effectiveness. However, if you remember that the perception of a woman's physical beauty is completely subjective, and one guy's 10 is invariably another guy's 6, you will have a distinct advantage in dealing with women.
1) You will approach and pursue the women you really want. You won't feel the need to limit yourself to the ones that are "in your league."
2) You will display more confidence. You won't be as nervous when dealing with your 10. You will understand that she is NOT every guy's version of a 10, and you will feel less pressure as you're not in competition with every other guy on the planet.
3) You will be able to focus on the fact that it's your job to evaluate her, to see if she's good enough for you, not the other way around. You will stand up for yourself, demand respect, and clearly communicate the fact that YOU are special and she should be trying to impress you.
4) You will actually be happier when with your Perfect 10. It seems to be more satisfying to find someone who is perfect for us, than it is to find someone who is just flat-out perfect.
So, my fellow Don Juans, pursue your dream women. Pursue them with passion, confidence, knowledge, and style.
And who knows. This world's wacky enough that you just might wind up being her version of "The Perfect 10."
Allen Thompson
I disagree w/ guru Thompson that you hv to pursue your dream gal. When u first meet a gal you like very much, tell her exactly what is in ur mind, what you want to do to her. Then let her come to you. If you're shy n timid, practice on gals who are only slightly attractive to u. After 200-300 gals, you will become very competent. :D
Bro WB
08-11-2016, 12:41 PM
The Secret of Attracting Very Beautiful Women
"Don't even bother pursuing a 10 unless you've got a lot going for you (money, fame, looks). You'll get shot down, or used and abused."
I hear these "Perfect 10" comments all the time. I read them on discussion forums. I get email questions about "how to deal with incredibly beautiful women." And I even read comments about 10s by relationship "experts."
Let me repeat to you: There's no such thing as The Perfect 10 !!
In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a lady, any lady in this huge world of ours, who qualifies as an Almost Perfect 9.
But, I hear you thinking, "They DO exist. I see them all the time. In fact, I saw a Perfect 10 earlier today."
True. You DO see 9s and 10s frequently. So do I. But the thing you have to remember is that one's perception of physical beauty is completely subjective. It varies quite a bit from person to person. There are no objective standards for female beauty that every guy subscribes to.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
(To Be Continued)
Bro WB,
I enjoyed the lesson above. Hope you quickly can post the continuation.
Have a great week and hope you clinched you pretty girl.
08-11-2016, 12:46 PM
Bro WB, I'm learning from you to be a man.
Hope to learn more from you from this thread.
Thank you and have a nice day.
08-11-2016, 12:51 PM
Bro WB, I hope to be a man.
Hope to learn more from you and please post more lessons.
Have a great day.
Thank u for ur post.
Google mode one n learn the approach. I hv been mode one for the last 4-5 years. It works like magic, beyond my wildest dreams. It saves time n money.
I hv modified my approach slightly. When I first see a gal who appears attractive, I need to look at her wechat pics and/or see her again to make sure she is good enough, even for just ST. Unless I'm very sure I want to fxxk her the second I meet her, I won't say the magic words right away. Such as 我们去做爱 or 做我情人 or 做我老婆 or 我爱你...:D
Bro WB
08-11-2016, 12:56 PM
[SIZE="4"]Of course, I'm not really telling you anything here that you don't already know. I believe that you already know that beauty is completely subjective and can vary tremendously from guy to guy.
The problem is that you tend to "forget" this fact, or fail to use it to your advantage, as soon as your version of a "Ms. Perfect" appears.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for the reply.
Also fantastic lesson too.
Hope you have a super duper week.
09-11-2016, 04:13 AM
Bro WB, I'm learning from you to be a man.
Hope to learn more from you from this thread.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Bro WB, amazing lessons below.
Hope you have an amazing day too.
Please post more lessons so that more people will learn from you.
Bro WB,
I enjoyed the lesson above. Hope you quickly can post the continuation.
Have a great week and hope you clinched you pretty girl.
Thank you all for ur posts. Pls share your exploits too.
Have a great week!
Bro WB
Thank you for the reply.
Also fantastic lesson too.
Hope you have a super duper week.
We should never stop learning. Every encounter is a lesson for me.
Have a great week!
Bro WB
09-11-2016, 11:15 AM
TS WB - just upped you.
Thanks for the nice thread.
10-11-2016, 01:04 PM
Google mode one n learn the approach. I hv been mode one for the last 4-5 years. It works like magic, beyond my wildest dreams. It saves time n money.
I hv modified my approach slightly. When I first see a gal who appears attractive, I need to look at her wechat pics and/or see her again to make sure she is good enough, even for just ST. Unless I'm very sure I want to fxxk her the second I meet her, I won't say the magic words right away. Such as 我们去做爱 or 做我情人 or 做我老婆 or 我爱你...:D
Bro WB
Bro WB, I fully agreed with you.
When I saw a gal I like, I also hope to fxxk her. I will wait longer to see if she willing to be with me. Best is to let the gal like me.
Hope you can share more.
Thanks bro.
10-11-2016, 01:26 PM
Bro WB, I fully agreed with you.
When I saw a gal I like, I also hope to fxxk her. I will wait longer to see if she willing to be with me. Best is to let the gal like me.
Hope you can share more.
Thanks bro.
Fully agreed with you.
I learnt many things from bro WB, hoping to learn more.
Have a nice day.
Glad to find a man as red pill as me in the forum.
Those who wish for more info on the subject can check out the following books:
Mode One - Alan Roger Currie
Models - Mark Manson
The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi
Tanks for ur posts.
I sense a lot of sarcasm in you, but in no one else haha.
Behave like a MAN, be Mode One, say exactly what is in ur mind.
If you disagree w/ the strategies n theories on RS n sex as written by many gurus n quoted by me on this thread, tell us what you believe would actually work in real life, in ur personal experiences. Pls enlighten us. Speak up, give details...
Bear in mind that we men all hv different goals. Some are happy w/ doing ST, some want BY, some want LT RS, and some want exclusive ownership of the pussy n her heart...and some want FOC, some don't mind paying n a few want to be paid.
And the type of gals/women we like also differ greatly. A 10 to u may be 5 to me, and vice versa. For me, it's either I want to fxxk the gal or not, so it's at least 7 or 0, nothing in between. I just got a new article on this exact topic.
Hoping to hear from you asap.
Bro WB
Good morning!
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
Bro WB
I am not being sarcastic. I am being BLUNT here.
Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. There are plenty of humorous, great looking guys with superior genes an bodies back home. All we can offer is our SGD.
It is just a transaction. Dun think too much
10-11-2016, 08:16 PM
Wow this thread is still alive after so many years! Keep up the good work WB.
On the last comment about why ktv girls are here... of course they are here primarily for the money. But they are human too and will develop feelings for who they think is the right person for them. People who have been around will understand this.
12-11-2016, 12:29 PM
TS WB - just upped you.
Thanks for the nice thread.
Tks so much. Tried to up u back but couldn't. Apparently I upped u before.
Bro WB, I fully agreed with you.
When I saw a gal I like, I also hope to fxxk her. I will wait longer to see if she willing to be with me. Best is to let the gal like me.
Hope you can share more.
Thanks bro.
Be mode one. It's very manly n attractive to the gals n will save u time n money.
Fully agreed with you.
I learnt many things from bro WB, hoping to learn more.
Have a nice day.
Bro, yes, cheers!
Glad to find a man as red pill as me in the forum.
Those who wish for more info on the subject can check out the following books:
Mode One - Alan Roger Currie
Models - Mark Manson
The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi
Tks for ur post n ur book recommendations. I hv not read The Rational Male. Will check it out.
I am not being sarcastic. I am being BLUNT here.
Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. There are plenty of humorous, great looking guys with superior genes an bodies back home. All we can offer is our SGD.
It is just a transaction. Dun think too much
Tks for ur post. But let me be brutally honest w/ u. You're a perennial failure w/ women, period. It's ur negative attitude n beliefs. You think every pussy you want is the PRIZE.
What are superior genes.? Pleas enlighten us. Just good looks n body of an Adonis? Or a dong which is over 25 cm? Why did the "Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny n Brad boys and Elvis fail repeatedly in their RS w/ female partners?
How about a man's superior intelligence, knowledge, educational level, skills, emotional mastery, trustworthiness, dominance, confident n assertive attitude, wit n humour, kindness, compassion, honesty, integrity, courage, sexual expertise/skills, profound understanding of female desire n psychology? No value at all? Lastly, knowing how to choose the right women is also vital.
Don't forget: One SYT's prince is another SYT's toad haha.
Every gal is different. A non-WL may be a serial killer, whereas a WL may be honest, innocent, kind n frugal.
I hv written numerous posts on the importance of emotional mastery n the role of money. Money may be a prereqisite but a man needs much more than that to get a pretty SYT pussy. Spending too much money will actually make it very difficult to own a gal's heart. I hv explained this apparent paradox many times before.
Wow this thread is still alive after so many years! Keep up the good work WB.
On the last comment about why ktv girls are here... of course they are here primarily for the money. But they are human too and will develop feelings for who they think is the right person for them. People who have been around will understand this.
Well said bro. Tks for ur post.
The same principles work well for both WLs n non-WLS. They are many narcissistic n psychopathic women out there, quite high percentage among hoes, FLs n gals working in the night scene. Identify them n avoid them. Find gals who are non greedy n honest.
Bro WB
13-11-2016, 02:38 AM
Good morning!
The problem w/ bro tnuc is that he believes he has no social n sexual value and the only way he can get an attractive pussy of his type is to pay SGD. The prettier the pussy (to him only) the more he has to pay. Such a negative n hideous mindset is repulsive to ALL women. It's a vicious cycle which must hv begun in his teens.
He projects his beliefs n reality to everything n everyone. That was why he could sense lots of sarcasm in others. But I know that he has the most sarcasm because of his failed n miserable RS.
He doesn't know that a girl feels what he feels. If he feels that he has no value, the gal will treat him as if he has zero value.
He doesn't know that treating a girl like a goddess is extremely unattractive. He doesn't know that girls like to chase men. He doesn't know that his dream gal may be homely to another man. He doesn't know that girls/women love to be fxxked and their orgasms are 100X more intense n 1,000X more prolonged...
I want to be brutally honest here, I had the exact same mindset like bro tnuc's until 6-7 yrs ago. I hv improved since. It has been a slow but steady progress...
I had to go to Gotham City 3 weeks ago for urgent business n personal affairs. Now for the good news.
I will return to SG in less than a week.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints:
A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. I hv balance n expense per pax is as low as $70!
I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.
Bro WB
13-11-2016, 08:26 AM
How about a man's superior intelligence, knowledge, educational level, skills, emotional mastery, trustworthiness, dominance, confident n assertive attitude, wit n humour, kindness, compassion, honesty, integrity, courage, sexual expertise/skills, profound understanding of female desire n psychology? No value at all? Lastly, knowing how to choose the right women is also vital.
Don't forget: One SYT's prince is another SYT's toad haha.
Every gal is different. A non-WL may be a serial killer, whereas a WL may be honest, innocent, kind n frugal.
Bro WB
Bro WB, those sentences above are powerful message.
Please keep on delivering new powerful lessons here.
Have a good trip to Gotham City.
14-11-2016, 02:33 AM
Bro WB, those sentences above are powerful message.
Please keep on delivering new powerful lessons here.
Have a good trip to Gotham City.
Hi bro,
Tks for ur post.
Merely reading or watching video clips are not enough. We need to reprogram our subconscious minds to accept n retain these new positive beliefs, and erase ALL the negative beliefs. And take action n execute. It's not easy.
Who doesn't want to erase sadness, anxiety, worries and fears completely? Not just in good times, but when facing crisis, disaster and life n death situations. Hard to do even for a zen master.
I hv written this many times before.
A man's level of "success" w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.
If a man believes he has sky high social n sexual value and is a grand prize, would he chase any girls? Would he care if he loses a few girls he likes/loves very much?
BTW, I'll return to SG by the end of the week.
Bro WB
14-11-2016, 04:02 AM
In regards to the 'Perfect 10' article, allow me to share a small piece of advice my friend gave me, especially when it comes to making the first move. :)
He told me that, everytime you feel not-confident-enough to approach her, always remember one thing, that you simply need to see her as 'just another woman'. And like every other woman, their weakness is that all of them can't stand loneliness.
When you see the Perfect 10 all by herself, that's really your best moment to approach her.
It could very well be that, she might have spent many hours that day in order to achieve her stunningly gorgeous looks, with her so beautiful outfit, make-up, and hairdo and YET, it could also very well be that for her entire day, nobody actually dare to come and greet her with a smile.
You would never know, right? Until you give herself, and perhaps yourself a chance! ;)
Hello old uncle. Don't need be so bitter. When it comes to girls local or foreign, I have seen too many uncles like u living in ur own world while ur so called gfs are pleasing me and other men of course.
I have made u look silly for u to curse me to be a failed relationship haha.
14-11-2016, 11:18 AM
In regards to the 'Perfect 10' article, allow me to share a small piece of advice my friend gave me, especially when it comes to making the first move. :)
He told me that, everytime you feel not-confident-enough to approach her, always remember one thing, that you simply need to see her as 'just another woman'. And like every other woman, their weakness is that all of them can't stand loneliness.
When you see the Perfect 10 all by herself, that's really your best moment to approach her.
It could very well be that, she might have spent many hours that day in order to achieve her stunningly gorgeous looks, with her so beautiful outfit, make-up, and hairdo and YET, it could also very well be that for her entire day, nobody actually dare to come and greet her with a smile.
You would never know, right? Until you give herself, and perhaps yourself a chance! ;)
Hi bro,
Thanks so much for ur post! You're spot on!
We should go for THE prettiest n sexiest girls/women of our type. We should never settle for second best.
Different men hv different preferences. My 10 isn't your 10 and your 10 isn't mine.
Bro WB
Hello old uncle. Don't need be so bitter. When it comes to girls local or foreign, I have seen too many uncles like u living in ur own world while ur so called gfs are pleasing me and other men of course.
I have made u look silly for u to curse me to be a failed relationship haha.
Hi bro,
No, I don't curse anyone, I'm just being brutally honest. It's so sad that you can't accept the truth about yourself. Sorry that your low self esteem n low value as a man are even lower now. Nothing you write, say or do will help u. These negative beliefs n emotions are deep in your s mind.
How could u begin to improve if you don't even recognize the root cause of ur problems?
My LPs pleasing u n other men? How would u know? Are u a pyschic? Pls explain. Be factual n don't write BS. I don't care even it were true because I would just walk away. I hv 100 beautiful SYTs of my type calling me n wanting to fxxk me everyday...
You wrote that these gals only wanted SGD. You are now contradicting n making a fool of yourself, yeah?
Pls define superior genes for men. I await your answer. If u don't come up w/ your definition within 48 hours, I'll put u on IGNORE.
PM ur contact number n please join my outings for HH at PC joints or SH at Lido. Bring ur beautiful SYT gals who are other men's GFs/LPs. I'll pay for YOUR expenses for the outings, but not for the gals. Maybe you are a pussy wizard like me hahha. My offer doesn't hv an expiration date.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I recently read an article "SO YOU SAY SHE’S A 10?" I like to sum up by saying that male tastes for girls/women differ greatly.
I remember bro Don Juan, The Phantom, posted a number of SYTs he thought was very pretty, at least 9-10. All here on this thread, earlier this yr.
Sorry Don Juan, they are at best 5-6 to me, not good enough for me to fxxk them. Not even for ST. Except one girl whose video clip he posted in my wechat grp for BY at 25k sgd a month. I thought she might be a 7.5-8 n I told him the minute I saw the video that I was interested, but would need more details n more pics/video including a gait video. He said she was already taken!! Of course I won't pay 25K a month. Perhaps 10K?
I hv offered to pay for Don Juan's outings n dinner as long as he brings just one of his many so-called very pretty n kawaii SYTs. He has since vanished into thin air. My offer also doesn't hv an expiration date. Bro DJ, contact me asap if you're reading this.
Yes, I'm a lao chee ko pek n I'm often the oldest man w/ the youngest LP/LPs whenever I go to shopping centres or take them to dinner. I use LPs because I hv a joint LPs who are being kept together under one roof. My friends are surprised that I pay the lower end of the going rates for them n that my LPs now are all frugal n non greedy.
Let me be blunt to all the young bros out there. Take good care of you health n ur life, otherwise you won't even reach my age, let alone able to fxxk pretty SYTs when you become ah peks.
Life is unpredictable n very brief. I might die the next minute, so might anyone living at this very moment, regardless of age.
In the last two years, I hv been to Peace Centre joints about 250 times n to Lido, P8 n OKJ for SH about 50 times, I hv seen a grand total of 15 girls I like to fxxk. I hv upped all of them, either ST or BY. There were 4-5 other gals who had agreed to BY, but I walked away because after taking a few more looks, they were not good enough. I'm the PRIZE n I need to qualify them to see if they meet my standards.
BTW, I hv other gals who never worked in the nite scene or in the flesh trade. One is a 28 yo local Teochew nurse. Yes, FOC. I had a 21 yo full time TW student too. I said goodbye recently. She still wants me back. What is the big deal?
Bro WB
14-11-2016, 11:20 AM
A man's level of "success" w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.
14-11-2016, 11:20 AM
Hi bro,
Tks for ur post.
Merely reading or watching video clips are not enough. We need to reprogram our subconscious minds to accept n retain these new positive beliefs, and erase ALL the negative beliefs. And take action n execute. It's not easy.
Who doesn't want to erase sadness, anxiety, worries and fears completely? Not just in good times, but when facing crisis, disaster and life n death situations. Hard to do even for a zen master.
I hv written this many times before.
A man's level of "success" w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.
If a man believes he has sky high social n sexual value and is a grand prize, would he chase any girls? Would he care if he loses a few girls he likes/loves very much?
BTW, I'll return to SG by the end of the week.
Bro WB
Noted with thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your Gotham trip.
14-11-2016, 11:28 AM
Noted with thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your Gotham trip.
Thanks, bro.
I'll return to SG by the end of the week.
Will organize outings for this Sat. Hoping to meet some new bros.
No need to join my outings. I often just walk around all the PC joints to look at as many gals as possible. I believe in the law of averages. You or any bros can just join me. It's FOC for me n for you. We could meet gals in the cafe or outside the lifts, yeah?
Bro WB
14-11-2016, 03:54 PM
Bro WB, I learn many things from your thread.
Hope you continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead.
14-11-2016, 03:56 PM
Admire you guys that got guts to approach them
Hi bro,
Thanks so much for ur post! You're spot on!
We should go for THE prettiest n sexiest girls/women of our type. We should never settle for second best.
Different men hv different preferences. My 10 isn't your 10 and your 10 isn't mine.
Bro WB
Hi bro,
No, I don't curse anyone, I'm just being brutally honest. It's so sad that you can't accept the truth about yourself. Sorry that your low self esteem n low value as a man are even lower now. Nothing you write, say or do will help u. These negative beliefs n emotions are deep in your s mind.
How could u begin to improve if you don't even recognize the root cause of ur problems?
My LPs pleasing u n other men? How would u know? Are u a pyschic? Pls explain. Be factual n don't write BS. I don't care even it were true because I would just walk away. I hv 100 beautiful SYTs of my type calling me n wanting to fxxk me everyday...
You wrote that these gals only wanted SGD. You are now contradicting n making a fool of yourself, yeah?
Pls define superior genes for men. I await your answer. If u don't come up w/ your definition within 48 hours, I'll put u on IGNORE.
PM ur contact number n please join my outings for HH at PC joints or SH at Lido. Bring ur beautiful SYT gals who are other men's GFs/LPs. I'll pay for YOUR expenses for the outings, but not for the gals. Maybe you are a pussy wizard like me hahha. My offer doesn't hv an expiration date.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I recently read an article "SO YOU SAY SHE’S A 10?" I like to sum up by saying that male tastes for girls/women differ greatly.
I remember bro Don Juan, The Phantom, posted a number of SYTs he thought was very pretty, at least 9-10. All here on this thread, earlier this yr.
Sorry Don Juan, they are at best 5-6 to me, not good enough for me to fxxk them. Not even for ST. Except one girl whose video clip he posted in my wechat grp for BY at 25k sgd a month. I thought she might be a 7.5-8 n I told him the minute I saw the video that I was interested, but would need more details n more pics/video including a gait video. He said she was already taken!! Of course I won't pay 25K a month. Perhaps 10K?
I hv offered to pay for Don Juan's outings n dinner as long as he brings just one of his many so-called very pretty n kawaii SYTs. He has since vanished into thin air. My offer also doesn't hv an expiration date. Bro DJ, contact me asap if you're reading this.
Yes, I'm a lao chee ko pek n I'm often the oldest man w/ the youngest LP/LPs whenever I go to shopping centres or take them to dinner. I use LPs because I hv a joint LPs who are being kept together under one roof. My friends are surprised that I pay the lower end of the going rates for them n that my LPs now are all frugal n non greedy.
Let me be blunt to all the young bros out there. Take good care of you health n ur life, otherwise you won't even reach my age, let alone able to fxxk pretty SYTs when you become ah peks.
Life is unpredictable n very brief. I might die the next minute, so might anyone living at this very moment, regardless of age.
In the last two years, I hv been to Peace Centre joints about 250 times n to Lido, P8 n OKJ for SH about 50 times, I hv seen a grand total of 15 girls I like to fxxk. I hv upped all of them, either ST or BY. There were 4-5 other gals who had agreed to BY, but I walked away because after taking a few more looks, they were not good enough. I'm the PRIZE n I need to qualify them to see if they meet my standards.
BTW, I hv other gals who never worked in the nite scene or in the flesh trade. One is a 28 yo local Teochew nurse. Yes, FOC. I had a 21 yo full time TW student too. I said goodbye recently. She still wants me back. What is the big deal?
Bro WB
A person with superior genes for example doesn't type long paragraphs like u do. I only picked up bits and pieces from what u write because ur written English is very poor.
Sorry to hurt u over and over. continue to be deluded la. Oh I manage to pick up the personal attacks too. Very unattractive thing to do. Let me teach u old uncle.
15-11-2016, 02:52 AM
Bro WB, I learn many things from your thread.
Hope you continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead.
Tks, you make my day!
A person with superior genes for example doesn't type long paragraphs like u do. I only picked up bits and pieces from what u write because ur written English is very poor.
Sorry to hurt u over and over. continue to be deluded la. Oh I manage to pick up the personal attacks too. Very unattractive thing to do. Let me teach u old uncle.
Tks for ur post.
Please define "superior genes" in men.
"...ur so called gfs are pleasing me and other men of course." How could u be so sure when you never met me nor my LPs? Give me your rationale n evidence. I want facts, not fantasies.
You hv 24 hours to answer the above questions. Your time is running out. Use your "superior English."
I know my English is very poor compared to some erudite writers. PM me n I'll give u my academic credentials.
I need to be radically honest again here. I know truth can be painful. My conclusion is that you have N level or equivalent qualification or lower, yeah? If you have anything higher, the SG education system has failed.
You can't even think or write logically.
Bro tnuc A:
I am not being sarcastic. I am being BLUNT here.
Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. There are plenty of humorous, great looking guys with superior genes an bodies back home. All we can offer is our SGD.
It is just a transaction. Dun think too much
You were implying that you don't hv superior genes n the only way you and me n all bros here could get pretty pussies is to pay n pay w/ our SGD.
Now for bro tnuc B:
Hello old uncle. Don't need be so bitter. When it comes to girls local or foreign, I have seen too many uncles like u living in ur own world while ur so called gfs are pleasing me and other men of course.
I have made u look silly for u to curse me to be a failed relationship haha.
Here you are suddenly transformed into a man w/ 'superior genes.' You are claiming that my LPs are pleasing you n other men. Are u implying that you are fxxking all my LPs? FOC, yeah?
Pls tell us how u could know they were mine when you never met me nor any of my LPs? Pls provide some concrete evidence.
Are u fantasizing or hallucinating?
You may hv schizophrenia or one of the major psychoses.
You need to admit yourself to The Institute of Mental Health asap.
You may need electroconvulsive therapy. While I'm NOT a psychiatrist, I had cleared many patients in Gotham City BEFORE electroconvulsive therapy to make sure their heart and vascular system could withstand such therapy. None of the patients I cleared had had a heart attack, period.
I'm worried about you, bro tnuc. Do come to meet me at one of the Peace Centre joints.
Bro WB
Good morning!
About 60% of legal LPs/GFs/mistresses do cheat. Here is one perosnal example.
I hv written many times about one ex mistress SP whom I dumped 6 years ago. A few months later she met a big towkay at Lido n had been kept by him for 5 years.
She was the one who often ridiculed my diminutive height n stinginess. She is 171-2 n very fair. About 3 years ago I called her old HP by mistake. Since then I had made love to her until June this yr when she went back to China for good. I only paid her a token every time. She wanted me to fxxk her twice a week, but I could only manage once or twice a month because of my other LPs.
My previous posts on her:
#1483: "But when I picked her up last nite, I almost couldn't believe my eyes! She looked stunningly attractive n classy to me. Wow!! What a looker!! She had high heels on which accentuated her statuesque physique (she is 171 w/o shoes n weighs 53 kg) n wore hot pants revealing her shapely ass n fair long, straight legs. A leather jacket w/ blouse inside merely hinted at her cleavage. She did put on a light makeup...I hv decided to keep her for the time being."
#3721: "This towkay's mistress is abt 172 n she is still mocking my diminutive what? She can't wait to fxxk me haha."
#3762: "Late last yr, I dialed her old number by mistake. To my surprise, she answered the phone. She was still in SG! I asked where she was working. She said she had not worked for almost 3 yrs! Are u being kept? She replied yeah. She was curt n sounded very cold. She then quickly hung up. Strangely, I began to visualize her beauty, her very smooth, very fair n blemish free skin n her beautiful pink nits n delicious pink abalone...and what a beautiful shapely ass! How could I ever reject such a girl?
Over the next few wks, I sent her occasional msg to highlight her feminine beauty n sexiness. She ignored me at first but the fact that she had not deleted my QQ n Wechat gave me hope.
She then started to reply n slowly warmed up to me. I reminisced abt our past happy moments. I then called her on the phone...her voice was surprising warm n affectionate haha. She revealed a little about her man, a busy 大老板 who had kept her all these yrs. He had been paying her more than I did n had bought expensive gifts for her...不像你这个小气鬼,也不像你那么花心!She even mocked my diminutive height! She had told me that she was only attracted to tall, handsome n much younger men. Obviously, I'm the antithesis of her type. A few yrs ago, I might get angry, dejected n gave up. But this time I remained very relaxed n unperturbed hahaha.
I called SP again n she finally agreed to meet me haha. She didn't mention how much I should pay her. She wore zero make up n was not as pretty as I remember her yrs ago. She is now a young MILF. She has put on 2-3 kg which make her more sexy. She could be a stunning beauty w/ make up n a more formal dress.
She is even fairer now. She is a lot more passionate than before. And most importantly, she now comes quickly, again n again, when I french her, alternating w/ sucking her beautiful pink nipples and at the same time using the Welcome Method to stimulate her clit. She will then kiss my n tries to swallow my didi...then jumps on top of make a long story short, she is now a great fuck.
BTW, I just pay something which is well below market rate for a woman of her quality. She will stay for as long as I want, usually half a day. Overnight also can...
Interestingly, SP met her 'well educated' n very busy towkay at an expensive joint when he was invited by some business associates to attend a meeting there. He became smitten by her. I guess it was her lucky day! Apparently, he has not been to a KTV again since he met her...she asks me to take her sometimes as she wants to hv fun...
My current arrangement w/ her is almost perfect. Great return n great value for very little money.
Due to my very busy schedule, I could only make love to her once or twice a month, at the most. My unavailability drives her nuts...she really craves having sex w/ me. Bro FA believes that she is sexually n emotionally addicted to me, after reading some of my Wechat exchanges w/ her. Perhaps...but I'm giving her hope by push-pull method. I hv not seen her for over 5 wks, yesterday I sent a msg that I'm thinking of her n want to hug her hahaha. First time I said that to her..."
BTW, she never did BBBj on her rich patron/BF. Poor chap, he didn't know what he had missed. Her BBBj is heavenly haha. I hv kept her wechat dialogue. She was a singer at Las Vegas when I first met her. Mummy Jenny was the mummy. She is now an assistant mummy to Eva of P8. I'm ready to reveal SP's ID as she is no longer w/ this big towkay.
Bro WB
15-11-2016, 11:57 AM
Good morning!
A person with superior genes for example doesn't type long paragraphs like u do. I only picked up bits and pieces from what u write because ur written English is very poor.
Sorry to hurt u over and over. continue to be deluded la. Oh I manage to pick up the personal attacks too. Very unattractive thing to do. Let me teach u old uncle.
What do bros think of the following statement ? It's illogical, unfounded and insane.
A person with superior genes for example doesn't type long paragraphs like u do.
According to 'lower than N level' bro tnuc, anyone who is able to type long paragraphs has inferior genes. In other words, just about everyone w/ O level has inferior genes.:eek:
Who have superior genes then? Must be all those who are ONLY able to type short paragraphs.:D
I wonder if he has ever heard of IQ test. I would say his IQ is in the range of 85-90, max.
I like to ask 'lower than N level' bro tnuc to give us scientific evidence to prove the validity of his statement. Could he be an alien geneticist from some superior planet which is far far away.? Or much more likely, a patient who just escaped from The Institute of Mental Health?
Bro WB
15-11-2016, 05:09 PM
Bro WB,
Perhaps it would be a better idea to just ignore all those detractors? A lot of time and energy has been spent on them. Time and energy you can spend on what you believe in, and to educate other bros who believe in you.
16-11-2016, 12:17 AM
There will always be different perspectives to an issue. Let those who want to believe they are right continue to do so. Being open minded can only be beneficial. I agree with chenzong that we should focus on our discussion. No point trying to debate those who have fundamental differences. There's no end to it.
16-11-2016, 01:59 AM
Bro WB,
Perhaps it would be a better idea to just ignore all those detractors? A lot of time and energy has been spent on them. Time and energy you can spend on what you believe in, and to educate other bros who believe in you.
Hi bro CZ,
Tks for your advice. You're absolutely right.
I'll put tnuc on IGNORE.
There will always be different perspectives to an issue. Let those who want to believe they are right continue to do so. Being open minded can only be beneficial. I agree with chenzong that we should focus on our discussion. No point trying to debate those who have fundamental differences. There's no end to it.
Hi bro SM,
Tks for your advice. I shall keep an open mind.
Actually I welcome opposing views 百花齐放,百家争鸣 haha. It's the Rashomon Effect. But I need to examine all the scientific and medical evidence.
Bro WB
17-11-2016, 02:17 AM
Good morning!
It's very difficult to define what are 'superior male genes' or SMG.
Do the following men hv SMG?
Isaac Newton? William the Conqueror? Genghis Khan? First Emperor of China? Bodhidharma? Lao Zi? Chairman Mao? Our own great leader LKY? Mick Jagger? John C. Holmes? 范蠡?John D. Rockefeller? Donald Trump? 陈立夫?李白?曹操?And many more.
I personally like Chen Li Fu as I met him in TW when he was in his 80s. Very impressive and classy, well dressed, very slim n fit. Very sharp mind. Spoke excellent English. He lived to 101. Only 162-3 in height I think. He is the famed CC, baidu him.
I'm sure every bro here has his own list. Reality is in the eye of the beholder. That is the Rashomon Effect.
Even if we limit our definition of SMG to extreme attractiveness for the most beautiful, healthy heterosexual SYTs/young women, we still hv two major problems.
Firstly, one SYT's toad is another SYT's prince.
Secondly, unlike men who are largely attracted to a woman's looks and physique, women are predominantly attracted to a man's MASCULINE CHARACTER and BEHAVIOR TRAITS. The common denominator is his SELF/EMOTIONAL MASTERY.
However, I believe no healthy young female could resist the following MAN. Become such a MAN and you will be a PUSSY WIZARD haha.
Such a man knows that he is the PRIZE to the most beautiful young women on planet earth.
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
I invite all bros to give their own opinions of what kind of man has SMG.
Thank you!!
Bro WB
18-11-2016, 02:51 PM
Good afternoon!
I'm back in SG.
I'm inviting kakis to join my outings to two types of joints:
First, you must meet two criteria. 1) be a very light drinker, and 2) willing to smoke outside the room.
Second hand smoke is very hazardous to health. I intend to stay healthy so that I can bonk as many pretty dolls of my type as possible, for as long as possible.
The two types of joints:
A) HH at Peace Centre joints, Dynasty or Jade/China doll. 5:00 till 9-9:30pm.
Expense per pax $30-60. Booking $150, butterfly $30-50. Only booking at Dynasty.
B) SH at P8 n Lido or other high end joints. 9:00pm-2:30am.
Estimated expense per pax $100-150, booking $300. Some gals may want $500! But biz is bad n you can always negotiate. I hv balance n expense per pax is as low as $70!
I usually leave early n I don't drink one drop, but will share the expenses equally. Fair enough?
For high end joints, I like to keep a new bottle for as long as possible. Sometimes many months! I tip the mummy generously, n in return, she will get the room charge reduced to a token. It's a win-win-win-win situation. Obviously good for us, the mummies n the gals. It's also good for the joints. Why? More customers beget more attractive gals which in turn beget more customers...
Peace Centre joints hv the most number of dolls for viewing at HH. Whereas prettier dolls may be available for SH at higher end joints. There is considerable overlap though.
PM your ctc if interested. Pls indicate your interest, option A or B, or both.
Bro WB
23-11-2016, 11:23 AM
Thanks for your great lessons. Learned alot here
23-11-2016, 11:24 AM
Good morning!
To all bros,
I want to be brutally honest n controversial again. Here is a litmus test of how much you value yourself as a MAN and your true level of self mastery.
Will you be insecure and jealous when you know other men (including your friends) are hitting on your wives/GFs/mistresses/lovers/er nai constantly? What if you find out that the girl/woman you like or love very much is being fxxked by other man (men)?
Be honest w/ yourself.
If your answer is YES, you will need to improve your confidence, self assurance, self esteem, self mastery, and mindset/meta frame.
If the gal is merely a potential GF w/ whom you have not had a sexual relationship, you need even more help!! Getting jealous over someone who is NOT even your gal is ridiculous.
If your answer is NO, never, congrats! Your awesome MANLY behaviour n mindset hv earned my highest respect!! I would like u to be my mentor.
If your girl/woman is very attractive, many men will salivate over her good looks and sexy figure. And they will try very hard to get into her pants.
If you're the prize n have higher value than she, why would u be jealous or insecure? Actually it would be depressing if very few men are salivating over her everyday. It means she is unattractive.
If your woman has been fxxking another man. Just walk away. It's her big loss n she is NOT good enough for u. It's a great blessing because you hv many younger n prettier girls of your type eagerly waiting for u...
I just received the following on the subject of jealousy, one of the biggest relationship killers.
How to Lose a Woman - Fast!
Are you the jealous type?
I hope not!
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. By acting in a jealous fashion you're essentially "telling her" that you don't feel worthy of her love, and that you're worried she's going to find one of the many, many guys out there who are "better than" you.
Not to mention the fact that it's an incredibly annoying personality trait!
Never forget that women are attracted to CONFIDENCE in men. If a woman realizes that you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she can't love you. And every time you act like a jealous idiot, you lose more of that respect.
Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't trust her. I'm not buying it... and she won't either.
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity - your lack of confidence - your feelings of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (And if you really can't trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you can trust!)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her away from you, and acting in a confident fashion will draw her toward you (by increasing her respect for you), then...
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
Powerful Stuff!
Allen Thompson
Your comments?
Bro WB
23-11-2016, 11:40 AM
Bro WB,
I learned from here not to be jealous.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Have a nice week ahead.
Good morning!
How to Lose a Woman - Fast!
Are you the jealous type?
I hope not!
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. By acting in a jealous fashion you're essentially "telling her" that you don't feel worthy of her love, and that you're worried she's going to find one of the many, many guys out there who are "better than" you.
Not to mention the fact that it's an incredibly annoying personality trait!
Never forget that women are attracted to CONFIDENCE in men. If a woman realizes that you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she can't love you. And every time you act like a jealous idiot, you lose more of that respect.
Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't trust her. I'm not buying it... and she won't either.
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity - your lack of confidence - your feelings of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (And if you really can't trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you can trust!)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her away from you, and acting in a confident fashion will draw her toward you (by increasing her respect for you), then...
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
Powerful Stuff!
Allen Thompson
Your comments?
Bro WB
23-11-2016, 11:47 AM
No more jealousy.
Thanks bro Warbird.
Please guide us more here.
23-11-2016, 01:36 PM
Bro WB, learned a lot from your thread here.
Have a nice day.
24-11-2016, 04:44 PM
Bro WB,
Jacky Chan finally got his Oscar.
If SBF can give award, I will petition that they give you the
"Grand Master Seductor" award.
Whew.... Your stamina amazes me.
Please take care and wish you the very best.
24-11-2016, 05:41 PM
Bro WB,
Jacky Chan finally got his Oscar.
If SBF can give award, I will petition that they give you the
"Grand Master Seductor" award.
Whew.... Your stamina amazes me.
Please take care and wish you the very best.
Well said and agreed.
24-11-2016, 06:20 PM
Great thread. Learned alot from senior bro WarBird. Thanks for imparting your priceless knowledge :)
25-11-2016, 03:06 AM
Excellent thread.
Many things to learn from bro WB.
Please continue to share your experience.
Have a nice weekend.
25-11-2016, 10:30 AM
TS, thanks for nice thread.
25-11-2016, 11:01 AM
Very informative thread, thank you bro WB.
27-11-2016, 10:26 AM
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Thank you!!
Bro WB
Bro Wb,
The above is always true. Women are always attracted to alpha male.
Please keep your lesson coming and post more to share.
Have a nice weekend. Thanks!
27-11-2016, 11:09 AM
Bro WB,
I learned from here not to be jealous.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bro, tks. Have a nice weekend.
No more jealousy.
Thanks bro Warbird.
Please guide us more here.
Bro, I'm merely sharing what I hv found useful. I'm a learner myself.
Bro WB, learned a lot from your thread here.
Have a nice day.
Tks bro.
Bro WB,
Jacky Chan finally got his Oscar.
If SBF can give award, I will petition that they give you the
"Grand Master Seductor" award.
Whew.... Your stamina amazes me.
Please take care and wish you the very best.
Bro besafe,
I'm a learner, not a grand master seducer.
I do believe that most men can greatly improve his emotional n sexual relationship w/ girls/women.
My stamina? Are u referring to my persistent effort in posting on my favourite subjects?
Yeah, it's a lifelong pursue. Like they they say, art is long, life is short.
I also wish u the very best.
Well said and agreed.
Great thread. Learned alot from senior bro WarBird. Thanks for imparting your priceless knowledge :)
Excellent thread.
Many things to learn from bro WB.
Please continue to share your experience.
Have a nice weekend.
Very informative thread, thank you bro WB.
Bros, tks so much for your posts.
Don't forget to post you exploits.
Bro WB
Good morning!
One can read all the books, watch all the video, and hv all the practices n sexploits. And be as rich as a king. And has had sexual RS w/ 10,000 girls/women. But if one doesn't TRULY believe he has more social/sexual value than his dream gal or 'Special One,' for whatever reason, he will fail w/ HER. History is replete w/ such sad examples.
Nothing is going to help him. Not fame, power, status, money, great looks n body of Adonis, sexual skills n stamina...
Bro WB
27-11-2016, 06:15 PM
Great thread to pick up tips :)
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
28-11-2016, 10:59 AM
My current arrangement w/ her is almost perfect. Great return n great value for very little money.
Due to my very busy schedule, I could only make love to her once or twice a month, at the most. My unavailability drives her nuts...she really craves having sex w/ me. Bro FA believes that she is sexually n emotionally addicted to me, after reading some of my Wechat exchanges w/ her. Perhaps...but I'm giving her hope by push-pull method. I hv not seen her for over 5 wks, yesterday I sent a msg that I'm thinking of her n want to hug her hahaha. First time I said that to her..."
BTW, she never did BBBj on her rich patron/BF. Poor chap, he didn't know what he had missed. Her BBBj is heavenly haha. I hv kept her wechat dialogue. She was a singer at Las Vegas when I first met her. Mummy Jenny was the mummy. She is now an assistant mummy to Eva of P8. I'm ready to reveal SP's ID as she is no longer w/ this big towkay.
Bro WB
Bro, nice of you to share some old past experiences.
Always true that woman who had been deprived will always like to had some fun missing from their mundane life.
Hope you can continue to share more here. Cannot wait to read more.
Thanks and hope you have nice week ahead.
28-11-2016, 05:32 PM
Bro, nice of you to share some old past experiences.
Always true that woman who had been deprived will always like to had some fun missing from their mundane life.
Hope you can continue to share more here. Cannot wait to read more.
Thanks and hope you have nice week ahead.
Fully agreed with you.
Learned a lot of things from this thread.
Going to learn more from bro WB.
30-11-2016, 10:38 AM
Great thread to pick up tips :)
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
Bro, tks.
Bro, nice of you to share some old past experiences.
Always true that woman who had been deprived will always like to had some fun missing from their mundane life.
Hope you can continue to share more here. Cannot wait to read more.
Thanks and hope you have nice week ahead.
Bro, tks for ur post.
I was able to do that to SP because I had 2 LPs at the time.
If a man could deny sex to his wife/LP/lover/mistress/GF/er nai from time to time, she will go crazy n love him MORE. I'm assuming that he is able to make her come very hard, everytime.
Fully agreed with you.
Learned a lot of things from this thread.
Going to learn more from bro WB.
Bro, tks.
Good morning!
A long lost young bro contacted me two days ago n wanted to go HH today. We last met on 5 March, 2015 at Lido HH. I remember the date because that was the day I first booked my yr 96 LP.
I'm organizing a HH outing to China Doll 7th fl at Peace Centre today. 5-5:30PM to 9PM. Estimated expense per pax is $50 n tips for butterfly is $20-50.
Pls confirm asap. PM me.
Bro WB
If a man could deny sex to his wife/LP/lover/mistress/GF/er nai from time to time, she will go crazy n love him MORE. I'm assuming that he is able to make her come very hard, everytime.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Indeed true if a girl ever had huge orgasm before with a guy, she will always wanted to get back the same huge orgasm again. So if the guy refused give her sex then yes she will go crazier thinking of him.
Tks for sharing and keep up the sharing spirit.
30-11-2016, 04:01 PM
So many things to learn from bro WB.
Thanks and have a nice day :)
02-12-2016, 01:48 PM
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
Powerful Stuff!
Allen Thompson
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Many thanks for the above lesson.
Please keep the lessons coming.
Hope you have a great weekend.
02-12-2016, 05:36 PM
Praised the master Warbird. for this thread.
Have a good weekend.
02-12-2016, 07:35 PM
Bro WB,
Many thanks for the above lesson.
Please keep the lessons coming.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Fully agreed with you.
Learnt a lot from bro WB, and will continue to learn from this great thread.
Have a nice weekend bro WB.
03-12-2016, 03:34 PM
TS WB, I chanced upon your thread.
Keep up the good effort.
Wishing you the best this festive season.:D
03-12-2016, 05:58 PM
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :)
05-12-2016, 10:33 AM
Bro WB,
Indeed true if a girl ever had huge orgasm before with a guy, she will always wanted to get back the same huge orgasm again. So if the guy refused give her sex then yes she will go crazier thinking of him.
Tks for sharing and keep up the sharing spirit.
Bro, you're right. It's called sexual addiction.
Bro WB,
Many thanks for the above lesson.
Please keep the lessons coming.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Praised the master Warbird. for this thread.
Have a good weekend.
Fully agreed with you.
Learnt a lot from bro WB, and will continue to learn from this great thread.
Have a nice weekend bro WB.
TS WB, I chanced upon your thread.
Keep up the good effort.
Wishing you the best this festive season.:D
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :)
To all bros,
Thanks so much for ur posts.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I hv a wechat grp w/ 50 like minded bros. Name of the grp? Badass Gentlemen of course!
A few days ago we were discussing man woman relationship, female attraction and what girls/women really crave, deep in the primitive parts of their brains (as opposed to the more advanced, conscious parts).
I like to summarize my sincere beliefs:
1) What a gal consciously wants n what her primitive brain wants are very different...knowing n acting on this is THE secret.
2) Deep in her primitive brain, she is searching and testing to see which man has the most self mastery n is the most trustworthy n dependable. It's a matter of life n death for her and her offspring.
3) Modern society is evolving too fast, much faster than our primitive brains can evolve n adapt. Hence we see so much misery n discord in man woman relationship. And most people don't get it.
4) A gal will never be truly attracted to a man who is chasing her n offering her big buck. I'm talking abt her primitive brain which is much more powerful than her more modern brain. If a man is wealthy n has high social/sexual value n awesome masculine character traits including self mastery, she will be greatly attracted and will chase him!!
5) Power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A healthy woman always wants her man to have the power. She wants to be submissive to him.
6) Be detached and non reactive to your dream gal's words and actions. If you are happy when she calls u, you're needy. Because your happiness depends on her behavior. Get it?
7) It means she has power over you. She can sense it in your voice!! Then she will lose attraction for u. Yup, you won't even know why. It's even more difficult to hide your emotions in a face to face situation. Your body language will be more revealing.
8) If a gal (including your special one) leaves you for whatever reason, let her go. You walk away, never look back. It's her loss! If you try to get her back, you're needy. BTW, THE best way to get your ex wife/GF/mistress/lover back is NOT to get her back.
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
10) A man is always the PRIZE to his dream/special gal. If he doesn't believe he is, in his primitive brain, his relationship w/ her will fail, eventually. I'm 100% certain of this.
11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.
12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.
Bro WB
05-12-2016, 10:56 AM
Bro, you're right. It's called sexual addiction.
To all bros,
Thanks so much for ur posts.
Bro WB
Good morning!
I hv a wechat grp w/ 50 like minded bros. Name of the grp? Badass Gentlemen of course!
A few days ago we were discussing man woman relationship, female attraction and what girls/women really crave, deep in the primitive parts of their brains (as opposed to the more advanced, conscious parts).
I like to summarize my sincere beliefs:
1) What a gal consciously wants n what her primitive brain wants are very different...knowing n acting on this is THE secret.
2) Deep in her primitive brain, she is searching and testing to see which man has the most self mastery n is the most trustworthy n dependable. It's a matter of life n death for her and her offspring.
3) Modern society is evolving too fast, much faster than our primitive brains can evolve n adapt. Hence we see so much misery n discord in man woman relationship. And most people don't get it.
4) A gal will never be truly attracted to a man who is chasing her n offering her big buck. I'm talking abt her primitive brain which is much more powerful than her more modern brain. If a man is wealthy n has high social/sexual value n awesome masculine character traits including self mastery, she will be greatly attracted and will chase him!!
5) Power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A healthy woman always wants her man to have the power. She wants to be submissive to him.
6) Be detached and non reactive to your dream gal's words and actions. If you are happy when she calls u, you're needy. Because your happiness depends on her behavior. Get it?
7) It means she has power over you. She can sense it in your voice!! Then she will lose attraction for u. Yup, you won't even know why. It's even more difficult to hide your emotions in a face to face situation. Your body language will be more revealing.
8) If a gal (including your special one) leaves you for whatever reason, let her go. You walk away, never look back. It's her loss! If you try to get her back, you're needy. BTW, THE best way to get your ex wife/GF/mistress/lover back is NOT to get her back.
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
10) A man is always the PRIZE to his dream/special gal. If he doesn't believe he is, in his primitive brain, his relationship w/ her will fail, eventually. I'm 100% certain of this.
11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.
12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.
Bro WB
Bro, can add me into the group?
05-12-2016, 11:19 AM
Bro, can add me into the group?
Thanks for ur interest.
For a bro to be admitted to my exclusive grp: 1) He must hv attended one of my outings. 2) He is judged to be a reliable kaki and 3) He is interested in joining my grp.
I made the mistake of admitting bro Don Juan to my grp early last yr. I never met him n he misrepresented himself. He claimed that his family owned the now defunct TAM joints and that he had many cute SYTs for me to BY.
His refusal to meet anyone n his erratic, boastful behaviour infuriated many bros in my grp n I was forced to expel him. I never met him nor his phantom SYTs. I shall not make the same mistake again. I do appreciate your understanding.
Bro WB
05-12-2016, 11:28 AM
Bro WB,
Thank you so much for taking time to post the wise lessons below.
Hope you have a great day.
5) Power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A healthy woman always wants her man to have the power. She wants to be submissive to him.
6) Be detached and non reactive to your dream gal's words and actions. If you are happy when she calls u, you're needy. Because your happiness depends on her behavior. Get it?
7) It means she has power over you. She can sense it in your voice!! Then she will lose attraction for u. Yup, you won't even know why. It's even more difficult to hide your emotions in a face to face situation. Your body language will be more revealing.
8) If a gal (including your special one) leaves you for whatever reason, let her go. You walk away, never look back. It's her loss! If you try to get her back, you're needy. BTW, THE best way to get your ex wife/GF/mistress/lover back is NOT to get her back.
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
10) A man is always the PRIZE to his dream/special gal. If he doesn't believe he is, in his primitive brain, his relationship w/ her will fail, eventually. I'm 100% certain of this.
11) As for the type of gal I like to have a LT relationship with, I look at her in totality, holistically, taking into account every factor, every trait n every feature, the past, present n future...not just her looks, figure and pussy but also her facial micro expressions, voice, gait, character, personality, education level, etc.
12) Last but not least, the number of past sexual partners of a girl/woman is the most powerful predictor of her loyalty and fidelity to her new LT partner. There are ways with which a man can determine w/ fair accuracy the past sexual partners of any girl/woman. I need to find and read the article.
05-12-2016, 09:18 PM
Bro WB,
Learnt lots of things from your sharing of experience here, please continue :)
Have a great week ahead.
06-12-2016, 01:46 PM
Nice effort by TS.
07-12-2016, 01:27 PM
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
Life is very interesting. There is time you chase girl and there is time girl chase you. When the time emotional girl chase you have to be very careful because girl can be very brutal. ;)
Perhaps brother Warbird can give some tips to handle this kind of girl.
07-12-2016, 04:40 PM
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
Life is very interesting. There is time you chase girl and there is time girl chase you. When the time emotional girl chase you have to be very careful because girl can be very brutal. ;)
Perhaps brother Warbird can give some tips to handle this kind of girl.
Bro, good to learn more here.
11-12-2016, 11:54 AM
Bro WB,
Thank you so much for taking time to post the wise lessons below.
Hope you have a great day.
Bro WB,
Learnt lots of things from your sharing of experience here, please continue :)
Have a great week ahead.
Nice effort by TS.
Bros, thank u!
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
Life is very interesting. There is time you chase girl and there is time girl chase you. When the time emotional girl chase you have to be very careful because girl can be very brutal. ;)
Perhaps brother Warbird can give some tips to handle this kind of girl.
Great question! I'll be radically honest.
It depends on your relationship w/ her and how much you like her.
If you don't find her very attractive, just walk away. If she won't give up, tell her to get lost. If she continues to stalk you, report to the police for a restraining order asap.
It's unlikely that she is your current dream gal or that u have lots of KC for her. How do I know?
A man alters his behaviour when he is w/ his dream gal or THE special one, just like 99.99% of men. I'm no exception. She will never chase him. He cares too much for her n he has lost power n value in the relationship. Very unattractive n repulsive.
If she is indeed your dream gal or the special one, kudos to you! You hv absolute emotional and self mastery. You're the Grand Master, much more than a pussy wizard.
You're one in 10,000 men. A million? My goal in life is to be such a MAN. Pls accept me as your disciple. When shall we meet?
Bro WB
Bro, good to learn more here.
Bro, thank u!
11-12-2016, 11:59 AM
Great question! I'll be radically honest.
It depends on your relationship w/ her and how much you like her.
If you don't find her very attractive, just walk away. If she won't give up, tell her to get lost. If she continues to stalk you, report to the police for a restraining order asap.
It's unlikely that she is your current dream gal or that u have lots of KC for her. How do I know?
A man alters his behaviour when he is w/ his dream gal or THE special one, just like 99.99% of men. I'm no exception. She will never chase him. He cares too much for her n he has lost power n value in the relationship. Very unattractive n repulsive.
If she is indeed your dream gal or the special one, kudos to you! You hv absolute emotional and self mastery. You're the Grand Master, much more than a pussy wizard.
You're one in 10,000 men. A million? My goal in life is to be such a MAN. Pls accept me as your disciple. When shall we meet?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice piece of well written reply. Enjoy your thread very much. Please keep up the good effort.
Have a nice weekend.
11-12-2016, 12:48 PM
Bro WB
Nice sharing of your experiences in this great thread.
Have a nice day.
13-12-2016, 12:16 PM
bro WB...thks so much for you valuable insight below.
I had some experience going forward what you had written below.
Pls keep giving us more insights with your posts.
Hope you have a good festive season coming up soon.
Turn the tables on any hot woman
His two steps approach is worth sharing here.
[SIZE="4"]Hi Bro Warbird,
There are a ton of different approaches I've used to
build attraction with women over the years.
But let me tell you something...
...If a woman doesn't want to sleep with you, it comes
down to one simple thing:
It's because you are not TURNING HER ON.
That's it.
She just isn't horny around you.
If her panties are on fire for you, nothing else
matters. She'll blow past her cockblocking friends and
use just about any justification to go home with you.
All you have to do is not screw up epically.
Bro WB
13-12-2016, 07:26 PM
Bro WB,
I pick up many tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :)
14-12-2016, 06:34 PM
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.
Bro WB
Bro WB, thank you so much for nice lesson.
I hope you teach us more.
Have a nice week ahead.
14-12-2016, 07:46 PM
Bro WB, thank you for sharing so much.
Learnt valuable lessons from your experiences here.
Wishing you an early Merry Xmas :)
16-12-2016, 12:39 PM
Bros, thank u!
Great question! I'll be radically honest.
It depends on your relationship w/ her and how much you like her.
If you don't find her very attractive, just walk away. If she won't give up, tell her to get lost. If she continues to stalk you, report to the police for a restraining order asap.
It's unlikely that she is your current dream gal or that u have lots of KC for her. How do I know?
A man alters his behaviour when he is w/ his dream gal or THE special one, just like 99.99% of men. I'm no exception. She will never chase him. He cares too much for her n he has lost power n value in the relationship. Very unattractive n repulsive.
If she is indeed your dream gal or the special one, kudos to you! You hv absolute emotional and self mastery. You're the Grand Master, much more than a pussy wizard.
You're one in 10,000 men. A million? My goal in life is to be such a MAN. Pls accept me as your disciple. When shall we meet?
Bro WB
Bro, thank u!
Hi Bro WB
Thanks for your reply. I million years away for been a Grand Master.
Girls are just strange at time. Perhaps, when men are lucky he hit the button ready for engagement. But if he hit the wrong button, then he got hang.
This kind of case is very rare but sometime it happen. Chinese saying 桃花運.
19-12-2016, 01:55 PM
Bro WB
Nice piece of well written reply. Enjoy your thread very much. Please keep up the good effort.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Nice sharing of your experiences in this great thread.
Have a nice day.
bro WB...thks so much for you valuable insight below.
I had some experience going forward what you had written below.
Pls keep giving us more insights with your posts.
Hope you have a good festive season coming up soon.
Bro WB,
I pick up many tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :)
Bro WB, thank you so much for nice lesson.
I hope you teach us more.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bro WB, thank you for sharing so much.
Learnt valuable lessons from your experiences here.
Wishing you an early Merry Xmas :)
Tks to all bros, you make my day!
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!
Hi Bro WB
Thanks for your reply. I million years away for been a Grand Master.
Girls are just strange at time. Perhaps, when men are lucky he hit the button ready for engagement. But if he hit the wrong button, then he got hang.
This kind of case is very rare but sometime it happen. Chinese saying 桃花運.
Hi bro AAconnection,
I agree w/ you, but you should never underestimate yourself.
If a man is perceived to be the prize and has higher status and social/sexual value than the gal, she will chase him. Would such a man be needy, insecure and jealous if she is being pursued by many men?
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!
Bro WB
24-12-2016, 08:55 AM
Bro WB,
Wish you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
May you continue to post more lessons to teach newbies how to hook girls.
Best Regards
Merry X'mas and Happy New Year!
24-12-2016, 08:56 AM
Merry Christmas to TS.
Have a good holiday.
24-12-2016, 09:51 AM
Bro WB,
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and may you continue to share your valuable experience here.
Enjoy your weekend
24-12-2016, 09:53 AM
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you Bro WB :)
25-12-2016, 01:17 PM
Bro WB,
Wish you a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
May you continue to post more lessons to teach newbies how to hook girls.
Best Regards
Merry Christmas to TS.
Have a good holiday.
Bro WB,
Wishing you a Merry Xmas and may you continue to share your valuable experience here.
Enjoy your weekend
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you Bro WB :)
Bros, tks for ur posts!
Merry Christmas to you and to all bros and badass gentlemen!
Bro WB
Some time ago a 'lower than N level bro,' a self proclaimed eugenics authority, posted on this thread that women are attracted to men w/ superior male genes or SMG. I agreed w/ him 100%. That is where our similarity ends.
Then he went on to ridicule me as having inferior male genes because I often write long paragraphs!! I could confidently say that he was full of BS.
I later opined that the following MAN might be considered by most healthy heterosuxal SYTs n women to hv SMG.
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Usually, it will take time and some stressful situations for u to demonstrate that you are indeed such a rare PRIZE. You must be perceived to be such a man when first meeting a dream gal or, if you're not, you are actively working to becoming such a man. Be very ambitious n bold. Not delusional though.
Your mindset n emotional control is the key. You're the prize. You show your social courage, dominance n high status. And your unflappable demeanor, voice tonality and body language. You must also be very comfortable in ur own skin, be very assertive when you're right, and yet humble. And being witty n smart.
Of course SMG may be in the eye of the beholder.
Here is a man who thinks he has SMG.
BTW, I'm a gene believer too...
Comments? Your own version of a man w/ SMG??
Bro WB
25-12-2016, 03:58 PM
Some time ago a 'lower than N level bro,' a self proclaimed eugenics authority, posted on this thread that women are attracted to men w/ superior male genes or SMG. I agreed w/ him 100%. That is where our similarity ends.
Then he went on to ridicule me as having inferior male genes because I often write long paragraphs!! I could confidently say that he was full of BS.
I later opined that the following MAN might be considered by most healthy heterosuxal SYTs n women to hv SMG.
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
Usually, it will take time and some stressful situations for u to demonstrate that you are indeed such a rare PRIZE. You must be perceived to be such a man when first meeting a dream gal or, if you're not, you are actively working to becoming such a man. Be very ambitious n bold. Not delusional though.
Your mindset n emotional control is the key. You're the prize. You show your social courage, dominance n high status. And your unflappable demeanor, voice tonality and body language. You must also be very comfortable in ur own skin, be very assertive when you're right, and yet humble. And being witty n smart.
Of course SMG may be in the eye of the beholder.
Here is a man who thinks he has SMG.
BTW, I'm a gene believer too...
Comments? Your own version of a man w/ SMG??
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I think the President-Elect of the USA is definitely a SMG.
Please continue to post more valuable lessons for newbies like me.
Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holidays...hohoho:D:D
25-12-2016, 05:12 PM
Bro WB
Have learn a lot from your experiences here.
Please continue sharing valuable life experience with us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D:D
28-12-2016, 06:07 AM
Seasons greetings to TS WB.
30-12-2016, 08:13 AM
Bro WB
Here to wish you and your supporters a Happy New Year 2017.
May you prosper and good health.
Remember post more for me to learn here.
Huat ah!!!
31-12-2016, 11:26 AM
Bro WB,
I think the President-Elect of the USA is definitely a SMG.
Please continue to post more valuable lessons for newbies like me.
Merry Christmas to you and Happy Holidays...hohoho:D:D
Yes he has SMG, by conventional wisdom, even though he has many character flaws haha. I would think our great leader LKY also had SMG.
If a man doesn't believe that he has SMG, then he doesn't hv the right stuff. And gals will also agree w/ him.
Nice guys who are trying to please n sucking up to gals are declaring publicly that they hv inferior male genes. Now you know why they are very unattractive n repulsive.
Would a man w/ SMG be needy, insecure and jealous?? Does he hv to please a girl??
Happy New Year!
Bro WB
Have learn a lot from your experiences here.
Please continue sharing valuable life experience with us.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D:D
Seasons greetings to TS WB.
Bro WB
Here to wish you and your supporters a Happy New Year 2017.
May you prosper and good health.
Remember post more for me to learn here.
Huat ah!!!
Nros, tks to all of u.
Happy New Year!
Good morning!
We must learn to embrace n love change and uncertainty.
Less than two months ago, most people in the world thought that Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in to be the next president of the United States.
I was ridiculed when I told many friends n kaki that Trump was my man n he would be the next great president haha. I paid usd 184 for the official certified autographed edition of The Art of the Deal.
Six months ago, I didn't know the existence of my TW gal and my two current LPs.
I'm looking forward to the new year w/ excitement, confidence, joy and gratitude.
I don't know if my yr 97 LP KT, a tall, strong SYT w/ big firm ass n big natural boobs, will bear me a strong, smart n masculine son or not. But I accept whatever happens w/ gratitude. It's predestined. There is always a younger, prettier n healthier SYT around the corner.
Happy and Prosperous New Year to all bros!!
Bro WB
03-01-2017, 03:52 PM
I don't know if my yr 97 LP KT, a tall, strong SYT w/ big firm ass n big natural boobs, will bear me a strong, smart n masculine son or not.
Bro, you are not pulling our leg, aren't you? This one would be plenty of trouble for you in future!
04-01-2017, 11:48 AM
We must learn to embrace n love change and uncertainty.
Less than two months ago, most people in the world thought that Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in to be the next president of the United States.
I was ridiculed when I told many friends n kaki that Trump was my man n he would be the next great president haha. I paid usd 184 for the official certified autographed edition of The Art of the Deal.
Bro WB
Bro WB, I shared the same thoughts that nothing is a sure win. Even there is 1% failure still can fail.
Hope you can post more to share here.
Have a good week ahead.
04-01-2017, 11:55 AM
Bro WB, learn many things from your postings here.
Please continue sharing you experiences.
Have a nice week.
05-01-2017, 11:33 AM
Bro WB, nice of you to share some nice experience. A senior once told me, we are not born knowing how to hook girls but we can learn the skills. Just have to be keen learner.
Hope you have a nice day and please share more with us.
I'm a learner, not a grand master seducer.
I do believe that most men can greatly improve his emotional n sexual relationship w/ girls/women.
My stamina? Are u referring to my persistent effort in posting on my favourite subjects?
Yeah, it's a lifelong pursue. Like they they say, art is long, life is short.
Bro WB
05-01-2017, 11:51 AM
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :)
05-01-2017, 12:07 PM
Bro WB, learnt so much from this thread.
Please continue sharing you experience.
Have a nice week ahead.
07-01-2017, 02:50 PM
Bro, you are not pulling our leg, aren't you? This one would be plenty of trouble for you in future!
Not pulling your leg. I may not hv found the right gal though.
A legal marriage is often more 'troublesome' n heartbreaking. Life is always full of problems and difficulties. We should embrace them...
Bro WB
Bro WB, I shared the same thoughts that nothing is a sure win. Even there is 1% failure still can fail.
Hope you can post more to share here.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro WB, learn many things from your postings here.
Please continue sharing you experiences.
Have a nice week.
Bro WB, nice of you to share some nice experience. A senior once told me, we are not born knowing how to hook girls but we can learn the skills. Just have to be keen learner.
Hope you have a nice day and please share more with us.
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading only a quarter through and already learnt a lot.
Keep going bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend :)
Bro WB, learnt so much from this thread.
Please continue sharing you experience.
Have a nice week ahead.
Thank u all for ur posts. Pls share your exploits too.
Happy New Year!
Bro WB
Good afternoon to all bros!
The two most powerful forces that control all human behaviour are:
1) Survival
2) Procreation
Humans do have other needs, but they pale in comparison with the above.
If you have not had one drop of water in 5 days, you won't want anything other than a litre of fresh, clean water asap.
If I can hv 2), without risking 1), why not?
Bro WB
07-01-2017, 03:13 PM
The two most powerful forces that control all human behaviour are:
1) Survival
2) Procreation
Humans do have other needs, but they pale in comparison with the above.
If you have not had one drop of water in 5 days, you won't want anything other than a litre of fresh, clean water asap.
If I can hv 2), without risking 1), why not?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very wise words indeed. I had no idea what was procreation meant till I google meaning making babies.
Fully agreed with your quote
"If I can hv 2), without risking 1), why not?"
Hope to read more wise words here.
Have a nice weekend.
07-01-2017, 03:15 PM
Bro WB, learn many things from your postings here.
Please continue sharing you experiences.
Have a good weekend and sure you will be hanging out with your darling?
07-01-2017, 03:32 PM
Bro Wb, great sharing of experience in this thread.
Have learnt plenty from reading them.
Enjoy your weekend :)
07-01-2017, 04:48 PM
I'm starting this new thread on an interesting but controversial subject. My apologies if it's offensive to some bros here. Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs would be very difficult for me bcos I'm constrained by time n circumstances...but these gals can be picked up while going to or coming from KTVs, outside their schools, in restaurants, etc.
I risk being zapped by KTV owners/mummies/managers/waiters...but I still want to share what little experience n success I hv had w/ bros here. Everyone is welcome to contribute n share...hope that this is like throwing rock to lure jade, hahaha. Can an old chi ko pek like me pick up young n beautiful gals outside a KTV? The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES. It would be a lot easier for those younger bros w/ ample time. You need a very thick skin which is immune to rejections n, yes, u will still need sufficient money to woo n bed these PRC MMs. But u will save quite a bit by picking them outside KTVs.
Why would I want to pick up these gals outside KTVs?
I hv many personal reasons.
1) I drink very little if at all
2) I dun sing
3) I dun smoke n hate 2nd hand smoke
4) I detest loud noise
5) The dim lighting in a typical KTV makes it difficult to gauge a gal's looks n age.
6) The drinks, etc in a typical KTV r expensive. This money can do wonders if u give it to the gal directly...
7) Oftentimes, ur favourite mummy may recommend a gal who is less than ur type n u accept reluctantly bcos u r pai seh.
8) Or a gal may throw herself at u, especially embarrassing if she is someone whom u hv bonked or worst, ur ex-mistress, whom u now try to avoid.
9) Picking up a young n pretty gal outside KTVs is adventurous n a challenge. I feel like 20 again...;)
10) Organising KTV outings is time-consuming n difficult...:eek:
Despite the above reasons, I'm still fully committed to my frequent KTV expeditions as posted under Tian An Men KTV. My two approaches r not mutually exclusive, rather, they r complimentary. I leave no stone unturned, hehehe.
Let me give u a recent example which merely hints at the many possibilities...Day before yesterday was my lucky day. While loitering outside PC, I spotted 2 PRC gals waiting for a taxi along Selegie Rd. The taller gal was my type. She was pretty, cute n sweet, about 23-24, tall (about 166-167 w/o heels), fair complexion, big boobs (looks C-cup but not sure natural or not), slim w/ proportionate figure, nice perky ass n long straight legs. I approached her immediately. She was so friendly n her smile was so sweet!
She told me she just left DC n was going to TAM becos a client had called her to go. We quickly exchanged names n HP nos n she was gone in 2 minutes. I visualized how it would feel to kiss her pretty lips, suck her large nai didi stiffened...:D
Yesterday, I took her to dinner at an ocean front seafood restaurant in a chauffeured limousine. She told me she had been in SGP since CNY, came from CQ, now on a 2-yr work permit?? She had flawless, fair n smooth skin, beautiful large eyes...very little makeup...very sexy body...I noticed her large LV bag worth over 3k, which she claimed was given to her by her ex-BF in China...hmmm. We talked a lot..including my problems w/ my Fujian gal. She told me that 宁德 gals r notoriously cunning n often deceitful...I told her to take a look at my FJ gal at DC.
Unfortunately, she made it too easy as I could kissed her in the car n she shyly agreed to go to a "secure n safe place" next week. My interest in her has already dropped 50%. She should hv played hard to get to give me more fun in chasing her. In fact, when I first SMSed her, I was worried that she would reject a DOM like me n hence I arranged to go in a chauffeured limousine. I did give her a nice tip for spending time w/ me. I'll not call her to come to TAM Monday as she requested bcos I'm going hv her regardless. I'll just meet her in a hotel in a few days, hahaha.
Pls share ur experience n strategies in picking up KTV gals OUTSIDE KTVs.
Of cousre if u wait for the chio ones in ur chauffeured limousine n offer to give them a free lift, it would make it too easy. It's also unfair competition.:(
Thx for reading n hv a great day!!
I love picking up girls, but you really gave me new ideas on how and where to hunt for my next fish
so what is the usual damage for your methods?
09-01-2017, 03:20 PM
Not pulling your leg. I may not hv found the right gal though.
A legal marriage is often more 'troublesome' n heartbreaking. Life is always full of problems and difficulties. We should embrace them...
Bro WB
I know I am unlikely to be able to dissuade you, but additional children NOT from your main family is a recipe for stories that 琼瑶 gets to spin, except this time it is real life and not a novel.
To me, it is not worth the trouble and drama (and I am a person who lives on drama, mind you!).
09-01-2017, 04:11 PM
Bro WB,
I do agree with you that marriage is 'troublesome' n heartbreaking at times.
We can live and enjoy without boundaries even w/o marriage. Still can have babies w/o marriage.
Hope you can guide us more here.
Thank you in advance.
Not pulling your leg. I may not hv found the right gal though.
A legal marriage is often more 'troublesome' n heartbreaking. Life is always full of problems and difficulties. We should embrace them...
Bro WB
09-01-2017, 04:15 PM
Bro WB, so many things to learn from this thread ..... from cheonging KTV to marriage :)
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :D
10-01-2017, 01:26 PM
Bro WB,
I pick up many tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :)
10-01-2017, 01:39 PM
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually.
Bro WB
Thank you for the statement above. Very true that men have to be strong minded.
Bro WB, hv a nice week.
10-01-2017, 03:01 PM
Bro WB
Good thread to pick up tips and learn from seniors like you.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a great week ahead :)
11-01-2017, 12:51 PM
Bro WB must hv gone to Batman city.
11-01-2017, 01:01 PM
Bro WB must hv gone to Batman city.
Oh is it?
Enjoy yourslef bro WB. Have a safe trip.:D
11-01-2017, 01:08 PM
Bro WB must hv gone to Batman city.
Very possible.
12-01-2017, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually.
Bro WB
Yes! Strong mental frame that draw his women into his reality.
Two days ago friend invited me to join happening joint in JB Texas Pub.
Ground floor was packed with men and girls. Each of them hugs their prize.
We have to walk up the second level. On the way up the stairs I noticed a Chinese young handsome man was very proud of her girl that sat on his lap. I walked passes her and give her a smile and eye contact a little of 6 seconds telepathy to her.
When we settle down at level two not very long girls start to swam in two friends took 3 girls and one of them and me were not interested with all the girls. We drank and we TCSS.
Drank without snack is incomplete. I went down stair to get snack still see the girl sat on the man lap like a doll. Eye contact with her again and when I got my snack on the way back eye contact again.
Was drinking and TCSS for a while and the prize girl that I make eye contact came up to me and ask me to sit her. I laid my T&G with her
she disagree because she say that she don't do check out.
I declined her sitting and enjoy my TCSS.
Among the all the girls in the Pub this girl was the prize of every man in the pub but she is looking for man with strong mental frame to engage her. But she was disappointed that I did not engage her due to T & C
Although I did not engage her but I am satisfied that go away with disappointment.:p
12-01-2017, 05:01 PM
I declined her sitting and enjoy my TCSS.
Among the all the girls in the Pub this girl was the prize of every man in the pub but she is looking for man with strong mental frame to engage her. But she was disappointed that I did not engage her due to T & C
Although I did not engage her but I am satisfied that go away with disappointment.:p
Bro AA, you very strong and powerful.
Cheers + power
Have a nice week ahead.
12-01-2017, 06:18 PM
Although I did not engage her but I am satisfied that go away with disappointment.:p
Bro AAconnection, your willpower very good.
Please share more.
Have a great weekend. :D
13-01-2017, 11:49 AM
9) Never chase a girl. Never be impatient, needy, insecure and jealous.
Life is very interesting. There is time you chase girl and there is time girl chase you. When the time emotional girl chase you have to be very careful because girl can be very brutal. ;)
Perhaps brother Warbird can give some tips to handle this kind of girl.
Bro, thanks for this sharing.
Bro WB had given us a wonderful thread to guide us.
Bro AA and WB - hope you have nice TGIF.
13-01-2017, 03:02 PM
Good afternoon,
I'm pleased to see so many posts here. Thank you all!!
This morning I read a true story about what happened to a tall n handsome young Ang Moh man when he lost his dream gal n tried to get her back. It took place in America, not far from my home there. Will post it n give my analysis when I hv more free time. Hint: He has a scarcity mindset n treated her like a PRIZE.
Cheers n hv a great weekend!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very wise words indeed. I had no idea what was procreation meant till I google meaning making babies.
Fully agreed with your quote
"If I can hv 2), without risking 1), why not?"
Hope to read more wise words here.
Have a nice weekend.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB, learn many things from your postings here.
Please continue sharing you experiences.
Have a good weekend and sure you will be hanging out with your darling?
Bro Wb, great sharing of experience in this thread.
Have learnt plenty from reading them.
Enjoy your weekend
Bros, tks all of u so much for your encouragement.
I love picking up girls, but you really gave me new ideas on how and where to hunt for my next fish
so what is the usual damage for your methods?
The damage would depend on the gal, non WL or WL. The range is huge.
I know I am unlikely to be able to dissuade you, but additional children NOT from your main family is a recipe for stories that 琼瑶 gets to spin, except this time it is real life and not a novel.
To me, it is not worth the trouble and drama (and I am a person who lives on drama, mind you!).
Most men would agree w/ you.
But there is nothing sacred about the 'main family.' My situation is a bit different. My two adults kids in Gotham City are gainfully employed. They are already well provided for. They are both good LT investors too.
What do I do w/ my excess assets in Asia? Why not have a couple of more kids? I know I'll hv to take care of them until they are 21.
Bro WB,
I do agree with you that marriage is 'troublesome' n heartbreaking at times.
We can live and enjoy without boundaries even w/o marriage. Still can have babies w/o marriage.
Hope you can guide us more here.
Thank you in advance.
Think it through carefully before you tie the knot.
Bro WB, so many things to learn from this thread ..... from cheonging KTV to marriage
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead :D
Thank you for the statement above. Very true that men have to be strong minded.
Bro WB, hv a nice week.
Bro WB
Good thread to pick up tips and learn from seniors like you.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a great week ahead :)
Bro WB must hv gone to Batman city.
Oh is it?
Enjoy yourslef bro WB. Have a safe trip.:D
Very possible.
Bros, thanks! I'm spending CNY here in SG.
Originally Posted by warbird View Post
A man should hv a strong mental frame n draw his women into his reality. They live in his world, he doesn't live in theirs. Otherwise, the RS will fail, eventually.
Bro WB
Yes! Strong mental frame that draw his women into his reality.
Two days ago friend invited me to join happening joint in JB Texas Pub.
Ground floor was packed with men and girls. Each of them hugs their prize.
We have to walk up the second level. On the way up the stairs I noticed a Chinese young handsome man was very proud of her girl that sat on his lap. I walked passes her and give her a smile and eye contact a little of 6 seconds telepathy to her.
When we settle down at level two not very long girls start to swam in two friends took 3 girls and one of them and me were not interested with all the girls. We drank and we TCSS.
Drank without snack is incomplete. I went down stair to get snack still see the girl sat on the man lap like a doll. Eye contact with her again and when I got my snack on the way back eye contact again.
Was drinking and TCSS for a while and the prize girl that I make eye contact came up to me and ask me to sit her. I laid my T&G with her
she disagree because she say that she don't do check out.
I declined her sitting and enjoy my TCSS.
Among the all the girls in the Pub this girl was the prize of every man in the pub but she is looking for man with strong mental frame to engage her. But she was disappointed that I did not engage her due to T & C
Although I did not engage her but I am satisfied that go away with disappointment.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.
Maintaining a strong and dominant mental frame will get u any gal you want. The true test is when you meet your special one or dream gal. If you weaken your mental frame even slightly in front of her, you hv lost her...
Bro AA, you very strong and powerful.
Cheers + power
Have a nice week ahead.
Bro AAconnection, your willpower very good.
Please share more.
Have a great weekend. :D
Bro, thanks for this sharing.
Bro WB had given us a wonderful thread to guide us.
Bro AA and WB - hope you have nice TGIF.
Bros, tks for your posts. Bro AA has a strong mental frame! I wish he would share more of his exploits.
Bro WB
13-01-2017, 04:52 PM
This morning I read a true story about what happened to a tall n handsome young Ang Moh man when he lost his dream gal n tried to get her back. It took place in America, not far from my home there. Will post it n give my analysis when I hv more free time. Hint: He has a scarcity mindset n treated her like a PRIZE.
Cheers n hv a great weekend!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Will be checking in constantly to read more of this story of Ang Moh man.
You too have a nice weekend.
But there is nothing sacred about the 'main family.' My situation is a bit different. My two adults kids in Gotham City are gainfully employed. They are already well provided for. They are both good LT investors too.
What do I do w/ my excess assets in Asia? Why not have a couple of more kids? I know I'll hv to take care of them until they are 21.
Bro WB, congrats to you hv 2 grown up working kids. It is true to say kids can outgrown time.
Please share more with us here.
Hv a nice Sunday.
15-01-2017, 01:58 PM
Bro WB, thanks for sharing your experience here.
Hope to learn more from you.
Enjoy your Sunday. :)
15-01-2017, 03:34 PM
bro, i tried your strategy before, however the girls simply rejected outright and don't even want to entertain me:eek:
many i do not look rich:mad:
16-01-2017, 11:21 AM
Bro WB,
Interesting to learn from you about SMG and hv to agree with you that SMG are usually successful person.
Please share more valuable lessons with us here.
Will try to support here frequent.
Yes he has SMG, by conventional wisdom, even though he has many character flaws haha. I would think our great leader LKY also had SMG.
If a man doesn't believe that he has SMG, then he doesn't hv the right stuff. And gals will also agree w/ him.
Nice guys who are trying to please n sucking up to gals are declaring publicly that they hv inferior male genes. Now you know why they are very unattractive n repulsive.
Would a man w/ SMG be needy, insecure and jealous?? Does he hv to please a girl??
16-01-2017, 01:02 PM
Bro WB, thank you for sharing your experiences here.
Have a nice week ahead :)
18-01-2017, 12:18 PM
No post from bro WB,
Must be traveling and hugging pretty babes.
Hope bro WB will post more to share here.
18-01-2017, 04:50 PM
No post from bro WB,
Must be traveling and hugging pretty babes.
Hope bro WB will post more to share here.
Seems like it :)
Bro WB, waiting for you to share your experience with us.
19-01-2017, 05:59 PM
Bro WB,
I pick up many tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead
19-01-2017, 06:04 PM
Desire n craving for a very pretty n sexy young woman whose 桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH) is aesthetically pleasing, fresh, exclusive, safe, wet, delicious, tight n responsive is the most powerful motivator for most healthy heterosexual men. It's a lifelong quest.
Two problems for a man here. Firstly, women age fast...n secondly, it can be a challenge keeping a really pretty n young PGH n making sure she will remain exclusive n safe to any one man. He must make her addicted to him, emotionally, sexually n financially ASAP. I hv much to say abt this vital subject later...of course as she ages, the table is turned.
My two sons, both in their 20s, confided w/ me: We like gals (of our type) who r 18. A 38 yo man still likes gals who r 18. When he is 80, he will still like gals who r 18.
Bro WB
I learned plenty here from you.
Wish you a prosperous Chinese New Year in advance.
Also please share more insights with us here.
19-01-2017, 07:08 PM
Bro WB,
I learnt a lot from your postings in this thread.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a great weekend :)
21-01-2017, 11:43 AM
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading thru the pages and already learnt a lot.
Keep up the good work bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend
21-01-2017, 11:46 AM
Bro WB
Hope you enjoy a good weekend trying to hook more girls.
Hope you continue to share more lessons here.
21-01-2017, 11:48 AM
Ts, very nice thread here and support.
21-01-2017, 11:54 AM
Bro WB
Hoping to learn more from you here.
Have a great weekend. :)
21-01-2017, 12:14 PM
Hope you continue with your sharing how to pick up girls.
Have a nice weekend.
21-01-2017, 12:17 PM
Very good thread, support you TS.
21-01-2017, 12:37 PM
Bro WB,
Read only half way through and I have learn plenty from you.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a nice weekend.
21-01-2017, 11:54 PM
Still a very interesting (and insightful) thread after so many years.
22-01-2017, 10:45 AM
Good Sunday morning to TS and all.
I enjoyed reading all the forums here especially those who sparred with TS.
Please do post more to share so that brothers learn more.
Enjoy a beautiful Sunday.
22-01-2017, 11:31 AM
Bro WB
Will be checking in constantly to read more of this story of Ang Moh man.
You too have a nice weekend.
Tks for ur post.
Have a great Sunday!
Bro WB, congrats to you hv 2 grown up working kids. It is true to say kids can outgrown time.
Please share more with us here.
Hv a nice Sunday.
Tks for ur post.
My two adult kids are very satisfied w/ what I'll leave them in Gotham City. My eldest son is married. He is 8 years older than his newly wed Ang Moh wife. But she is still a bit older than my two current LPs, aged 19 & 22 respectively.
Have a great Sunday!
bro, i tried your strategy before, however the girls simply rejected outright and don't even want to entertain me:eek:
many i do not look rich
Tks so much for ur post.
Please tell us the specific strategy you used. How many girls did u approach? Under what circumstances? The exact words you said to them.
The most crucial determinant of your success w/ women is your mindset n mental frame, as manifested by your demeanor, eye contact, facial expressions, body language n voice's not what you say but how you say it. Actually, if you're good at projecting your dominance, high status and value as a MAN, you don't need to say a word. Girls will flock to u.
I hv posted the following msg by a guru before:
"Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.
This is the reason why it’s often said that a woman can detect what the man is all about within the very first few minutes of the conversation...They are very effective at picking up your body language cues.
And here is the kicker-
“A woman’s level of attraction towards you is directly proportional to the value you are sub-communicating.”
The level of value you are sub-communicating is directly proportional to how comfortable you are in your own skin.
This is why developing mastery with body language and sub- communication is extremely vital for success with women.
If you want to make a woman feel strong attraction towards you then you must learn to inculcate all the physical signals which women are hard wired to respond to naturally.
The female mind is biologically programmed to seek guys who demonstrate higher value than them.
Once you learn how to project the right signals, you will be able to spark attraction without even having to say anything."
So you got rejected by ALL the gals? Great! You will need a lot of practice. Practice your posture n body language in front of a mirror. Go out and approach 20-50 gals everyday. You can start w/ gals who are not attractive to you. As you get better n better, approach only gals who are attractive to you. Do it everyday for 60 days. Pls share your experiences here. BTW, approach the gals only when it's physically safe to do so and be polite. Don't try to pick up the young mistress of a Yakuza boss or a Mexican drug lord. Don't forget to practice your voice...
BTW, I still need more practice and a lot more improvement in my emotional mastery. That is terrific news because I hv a lot of room for improvement. Recent criticisms from my 19 yo LP make me realize my shortcomings. I admire her blunt candor and sharp discernment. I'll describe what happened in another post. Our intimacy and pair bonding hv been greatly strengthened as a result. She also said something abt the great leader Donald J. Trump. I also agreed w/ her 100%.
One more thing to remember, ur response after her rejection will be decisive. If you remain as cool as cucumber, totally detached n non reactive, you hv kept your POWER. You hv demonstrated to her that you're the MAN, different from all the 'little boys' she has met before.
Read Mode One by Alan Roger Currie first to get you started. I hv many other books to recommend.
I love rejections!!
I hv written that initial rejection is great because it makes getting the pussy more challenging n more fun. Many younger, richer and very handsome men pursuing her? Competition is terrific l! It gives meaning to success. I was rejected many times in the last 8 years. But almost all of them said yes, after a few days to a few years.
I didn't get the pussies on a handful of cases. Mostly because I didn't like the gals on subsequent meetings and, in several occasions, I later found out that some of my bros met them first and were still interested in them. That is my brotherhood code.
My old lao po HW took 8 1/2 months to say yes. BTW, my legal wife in Gotham City is TW and she looked away n won't talk to me when I first approached her!!
I'll write abt the evolutionary basis of why men hv approach anxiety, whereas girls hv 'first sex anxiety' w/ a new man.
Bro WB,
Interesting to learn from you about SMG and hv to agree with you that SMG are usually successful person.
Please share more valuable lessons with us here.
Will try to support here frequent.
Tks for ur post.
Bro WB, thank you for sharing your experiences here.
Have a nice week ahead :)
Tks for ur post
No post from bro WB,
Must be traveling and hugging pretty babes.
Hope bro WB will post more to share here.
Seems like it
Bro WB, waiting for you to share your experience with us.
Bro WB,
I pick up many tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Have a nice week ahead
Bro WB
I learned plenty here from you.
Wish you a prosperous Chinese New Year in advance.
Also please share more insights with us here.
Bro WB,
I learnt a lot from your postings in this thread.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a great weekend :)
Bro WB, happen to come across this thread.
Reading thru the pages and already learnt a lot.
Keep up the good work bro.
Wish you have an enjoyable weekend
Bro WB
Hope you enjoy a good weekend trying to hook more girls.
Hope you continue to share more lessons here.
Ts, very nice thread here and support.
Bro WB
Hoping to learn more from you here.
Have a great weekend. :)
Hope you continue with your sharing how to pick up girls.
Have a nice weekend.
Very good thread, support you TS.
Bro WB,
Read only half way through and I have learn plenty from you.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a nice weekend.
Still a very interesting (and insightful) thread after so many years.
Thank you all for ur posts and support.
Have a great Sunday!
Bro WB
Good morning!
About 10 days ago, I read the shocking story of a 20 yo Ang Moh man getting life sentence w/o the possibility of parole.
Anna Bui : Photos Of ‘Dream Girl’ At The Heart Of Mukilteo ...
Anna Bui, one of the three victims and former girlfriend of suspect in the Mukilteo shooting, is a girl who just discovered her love for traveling.
This handsome and tall 20 yo man fell in love w/ his 'dream gal.' They broke off n he was trying to get her back. He became intensely jealous n went berserk when he discovered that she had been dating other men. He bought an assault rifle, AR-15...
A tragic story. A familiar one which has happened from time immemorial, in every culture and in every continent. I mention this case because I hv visited the Alderwood Mall where he used to work at the Apple store.
This young Ang Moh man suffers from scarcity mindset. The object of his love interest is a Viet gal, a dime a dozen in SG. So very sad!! He was needy, insecure and jealous. He had zero emotional n self mastery.
Here is another tragic story:
A local man w/ scarcity mindset and zero emotional control.
Your legal wife has a lover? A great blessing in disguise! You should walk away like a MAN n get yourself 2 pretty SYTs!! That is how a badass gentleman would behave...
Bro WB
22-01-2017, 01:54 PM
Read Mode One by Alan Roger Currie first to get you started. I hv many other books to recommend.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Great recommendations. I just downloaded to read and watched the youtube. Was at chapter 3 and trying to grasp the concept.
Have a good Sunday to you.
22-01-2017, 01:57 PM
This is really tragic news shared by bro WB.
After reading find that Viet girls always had plenty of kc power inflicting many tragic incidents in Singapore too.
Hope you share more here and can't wait to read it.
About 10 days ago, I read the shocking story of a 20 yo Ang Moh man getting life sentence w/o the possibility of parole.
Anna Bui : Photos Of ‘Dream Girl’ At The Heart Of Mukilteo ...
Anna Bui, one of the three victims and former girlfriend of suspect in the Mukilteo shooting, is a girl who just discovered her love for traveling.
This handsome and tall 20 yo man fell in love w/ his 'dream gal.' They broke off n he was trying to get her back. He became intensely jealous n went berserk when he discovered that she had been dating other men. He bought an assault rifle, AR-15...
A tragic story. A familiar one which has happened from time immemorial, in every culture and in every continent. I mention this case because I hv visited the Alderwood Mall where he used to work at the Apple store.
This young Ang Moh man suffers from scarcity mindset. The object of his love interest is a Viet gal, a dime a dozen in SG. So very sad!! He was needy, insecure and jealous. He had zero emotional n self mastery.
Here is another tragic story:
A local man w/ scarcity mindset and zero emotional control.
Bro WB
22-01-2017, 02:00 PM
Your legal wife has a lover? A great blessing in disguise! You should walk away like a MAN n get yourself 2 pretty SYTs!! That is how a badass gentleman would behave...
Bro WB
Bro Warbird,
I read this statement with full of admiration about you. To be able to write this statement proves you are liberal minded.
Hope you enjoy a good Sunday.
22-01-2017, 05:39 PM
Bro Warbird
I noticed from your postings that you are married. Assuming your legal wife knows of your other laopaos, how do you get her to accept this arrangement without getting into a divorce? I am quite curious to know answer.
23-01-2017, 02:34 PM
Bro Warbird
I noticed from your postings that you are married. Assuming your legal wife knows of your other laopaos, how do you get her to accept this arrangement without getting into a divorce? I am quite curious to know answer.
Hi Ricky 85
Maybe you can learn from this man. He has 17 wives and 84 children when I read the news few years a ago and now he has 86 children.
Read Mode One by Alan Roger Currie first to get you started. I hv many other books to recommend.
I love rejections!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I just read up to chapter 5 of Mode 1 and enjoyed the book very much.
Any more books I should read.
Thanks and have a good day.
25-01-2017, 02:46 PM
Bro WB,
I just finished chapter 2 and love reading it.
Please introduce similar books.
Have a nice holiday weekend.
Huat ahhhh!!!!!
25-01-2017, 02:48 PM
Bro WB,
I just finished chapter 6 and love reading it.
Please introduce similar books.
Have a nice holiday weekend.
Huat ahhhh!!!!!
25-01-2017, 03:39 PM
Bro WB,
I just finished chapter 6 and love reading it.
Please introduce similar books.
Have a nice holiday weekend.
Huat ahhhh!!!!!
Hi Miss Parrot
Hi Miss Parrot
Hi Miss Ms Parrot
26-01-2017, 03:55 PM
"Women are masters at observing your body language, tonality of voice, facial expression and way of conveying your message...This is also called sub-communication.
This is the reason why it’s often said that a woman can detect what the man is all about within the very first few minutes of the conversation...They are very effective at picking up your body language cues.
And here is the kicker-
“A woman’s level of attraction towards you is directly proportional to the value you are sub-communicating.”
The level of value you are sub-communicating is directly proportional to how comfortable you are in your own skin.
This is why developing mastery with body language and sub- communication is extremely vital for success with women.
If you want to make a woman feel strong attraction towards you then you must learn to inculcate all the physical signals which women are hard wired to respond to naturally.
The female mind is biologically programmed to seek guys who demonstrate higher value than them.
Once you learn how to project the right signals, you will be able to spark attraction without even having to say anything."
Bro WB
Bro Warbird
I fully agreed with you that women are masters in observing guys. Once a guy is too desperate trying to please by offering gifts then no way the target woman willing to accept him. The woman who looks great will have this kind of proposal from multiple guys who trying to outdo each other.
I came here to be tutored. Hope to read more of your tuition.
Hope you have a nice CNY.
Gong Xi Fatt Choy.:D
27-01-2017, 12:54 PM
Bro WB,
I pick up many valuable tips from your sharing of experiences in this thread.
Please continue sharing.
Kong Hee Fatt Choy.
27-01-2017, 01:03 PM
Bro WB
Let me wish you a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year and Huat Ah!
Good thread to pick up tips and learn from seniors like you.
Please continue sharing your experiences.
Have a great holiday.
27-01-2017, 02:31 PM
Hi Miss Ms Parrot
Hi USDollar whore
27-01-2017, 02:47 PM
Bro WB,
I learn many things from your sharing of experiences here.
Please continue sharing.
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
27-01-2017, 09:04 PM
Bro WB
Wishing you a Happy Chinese Lunar New Year and Huat Ahhhhh!
Picked up many tips from this thread, continue sharing your experiences.
Enjoy your holidays ahead.
28-01-2017, 10:51 AM
Good morning to all bros,
Tks for the posts.
Happy CNY and Huat Ah!!
Bro WB
28-01-2017, 11:31 AM
Good morning to all bros,
Tks for the posts.
Happy CNY and Huat Ah!!
Bro WB
Kong Hee Fat Choy.:D
28-01-2017, 11:38 AM
Here is a man who thinks he has SMG.
BTW, I'm a gene believer too...
Comments? Your own version of a man w/ SMG??
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Interesting to learn from you about SMG and hv to agree with you that SMG are usually successful person.
Please share more valuable lessons with us here.
Will try to support here frequent.
29-01-2017, 11:23 AM
Good morning to all bros,
Tks for the posts.
Happy CNY and Huat Ah!!
Bro WB
Wish bro WB a happy new year.:D
I enjoyed your thread very much.
Hope you post more valuable pointers here.
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
29-01-2017, 11:53 AM
Good morning to all bros,
Tks for the posts.
Happy CNY and Huat Ah!!
Bro WB
Bro WB, wish you a Happy CNY too.
Learnt lots of things from you thread.
Please continue sharing you experiences here.
Huat Ahhh!!!!
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