View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
02-01-2010, 09:28 PM
hi brother warbird,
true, true, self-confidence without the child-like arrogance is a big turn-on for these women. personally, i feel that self-confidence comes from life experiences, going through bad times without giving up, not buckling under pressure, and having the courage to move forward when there's a way backwards...the difference between self-confidence and arrogance is the wisdom to be humble and to understand the different shades of grey in the world
when you talk to the girls, the way you present yourself, in most cases, is a summary of the above-mentioned. sensitive and smart girls can smell the difference between a 'vase' and a man of substance. do not promise easily, do not flash your assets wantonly; a self-confident man need not show off his material assets. his best assets are his life experiences and confidence...
in reply to uhoo brother, any job that allows you exposure to different aspects of responsibilities is always gain life experience and self-confidence, provided you don't get bankrupted by the experience (like i had on more than one occasion. i'm a huge huge risk-taker! risk is my aphrodisiac)
Hi bro BV,
Ths for sharing ur insights. I agree w/ u 100% on every word u hv written.
Only life's great adversity n tribulations can reveal a man's true confidence n character.
Other attributes that r very sexy to women r dominance, formidable emotional control, courage, persistence, sense of humor n mystery. Women r very attracted to a man who defines authority for them. Risk-taking behaviour is also an aphrodisiac for the young ladies as well, hehehe. Now I know why you're so successful.;)
.................................................. .................................................. .......
This PM I met a 19yo PRC student HH, who was intro by a mutual fren, for possible BY. Prior to the meeting, I visualized only the positive happenings n outcome. I also repeated to myself that I'm the PRIZE, not the gal, n that she is very lucky to hv a chance to meet me...:p
I met HH at a hotel's lounge. She was tall, easily over 170, quite chio n cute, w/ voluptuous body. No makeup, very casually dressed n wearing a pair of slippers. She had proportionate head/torso/leg ratio. We ordered some drinks.
HH is a 2nd yr student at NUS, on a gahmen scholarship! She spoke very good S'pore English n excellent Beijing Mandarin. We had good rapport...she never worked at KTVs. Unattached currently but had been BAO-ed by a 老板 for over 6 months. I told her only a little abt myself, hehehe.
She also looked very young n fresh. I was gazing at her boobs (B), long legs n ample n perky ass (who says all PRC MMs hv flat butts?). I couldn't wait to eat her suggested that we go to a safe place now. She declined, saying that she had homework to do.:( She asked how I could take care of her n wat were my requests. Of course her pussy would be exclusively mine. She told me how much she was getting from the towkay (quite reasonable damage to me). I asked her to name her conditions instead. She would let me know. Becos of her schooling n homework, she could meet the towkay only twice a wk.
I then moved to sit by her side. Started to caress her arm n back of the neck, then squeezed her firm ass...also whispered some words in her ear. I praised her big "talking" eyes n her firm n big butt. I told her I'm an ass man. Tried to kiss her but she moved her head away, not here, she said. A little frustrated, I told her I would need a test drive to see if we were compatible before making any long-term my surprise she consented to meeting me very very soon in a safe place. She then wanted to know wat if we were incompatible. That would be unfortunate...I guess I'll buy her a small gift?
HH also knows a fren, a student at a private school who never worked at KTVs, who is being BAO-ed by another 老板. But I'm no towkay...that is OK as all I ever want n all I ever need is "unlimited" self-confidence, hahaha. And my newly-acquired ability to give a gal COS should help...everything else is secondary.
I get the sense that all PRC gals r very open-minded abt sex n BY. It's their culture. Are there any PRC gals in SIN n CN who dun want to be BAO-ed by a man? If there r any, I hv not met her yet.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
02-01-2010, 10:06 PM
I get the sense that all PRC gals r very open-minded abt sex n BY. It's their culture. Are there any PRC gals in SIN n CN who dun want to be BAO-ed by a man? If there r any, I hv not met her yet.
I am sure not all are as open-minded, but I am quite certain many are. You must realise that the Cultural Revolution has destroyed a lot of whatever traditional values that remains.
02-01-2010, 10:08 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
Dun forget that I'll visit u soon.
Sure, and please do not keep asking me about my teachers - I have a reputation to keep okay! :D
03-01-2010, 10:50 AM
I am sure not all are as open-minded, but I am quite certain many are. You must realise that the Cultural Revolution has destroyed a lot of whatever traditional values that remains.
Sure, and please do not keep asking me about my teachers - I have a reputation to keep okay! :D
Hi bro Chenzong,
I must thank Mao's Cultural Revolution n Deng's economic reforms n open policies for giving me the oppty to hv such a good time, hehehe.
Shhhh...dun worry, I shall never mention the word "teachers" again. You know wat I want. Must be chio n single females. They can take unpaid "sabbatical leave" n come to SIN or even Gotham City on a social pass. One month is good enough. I'll make an offer they can't refuse.;)
You're da MAN, bro.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
I was thinking abt HH, the 19yo NUS scholar, who is an academic achiever n very smart. She was BAO-ed by a towkay n now wants me to BY her. Unbelievable!! She appears so young, so sweet n so innocent.
Watz her basic type? Is she a ho/freak or a good gal?
I'm not sure. As bro Chenzong has pointed out, many good gals also want to be BAO-ed bcos all traditional values were destroyed during the cultural revolution.
As for my "niece" BB, I think she may be a good gal (I could be dead wrong) bcos my trusted mummy CC told me not to waste time w/ her n that I could never bed her. The other day I told CC my efforts were fruitless. Told u so! I didn't tell her that BB had agreed to my terms, hehehe. I would allow her to work occasionally, w/ my permission only.
Regardless of their basic type, I shall treat all my BAO-ees as hoes n freaks.
Bro WB
03-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Called a couple of DC mummies to check on a few gals. Heard from them that the nite before Xmas, a certain singer got "flower donations"of 620k! Any esteemed bros here r among the benefactors or "donators"?
Hi bro WB,
I was there at DC the nite before X'mas and it was 安琪, a singer's 下档秀. No singer was given individually $620K. Even the lone departing singer had, at the most collectively, was $120K. The biggest single flower hung that nite was a $50K banner for her at the end of her show.
BTW, I was also there on 01 January 2010 and was invited by an esteemed towkay. Coincidentally it was another singer's 阿雅 下档秀 and her flower gain was the worse ever collected at DC since the days I began my forays there. The total collection for her was a mere $2'200/- excluding the $10K 龙袍, which itself was another story. Interestingly, even all the dancers were all given a $1000/- 皇冠 during the PPC.
04-01-2010, 04:46 AM
Even the lone departing singer had, at the most collectively, was $120K. The biggest single flower hung that nite was a $50K banner for her at the end of her show.
Who are those people with such money to throw? Loansharks looking for places to launder their money? It really boggles my mind...
04-01-2010, 05:11 AM
Sure, and please do not keep asking me about my teachers - I have a reputation to keep okay! :D
Lol... what's with you and your teachers?
04-01-2010, 05:15 AM
Who are those people with such money to throw? Loansharks looking for places to launder their money? It really boggles my mind...
You will understand what you seek when you enter the world of HFJ
If you're not in it, you'll never understand
04-01-2010, 11:06 AM
I was there at DC the nite before X'mas and it was 安琪, a singer's 下档秀. No singer was given individually $620K. Even the lone departing singer had, at the most collectively, was $120K. The biggest single flower hung that nite was a $50K banner for her at the end of her show.
BTW, I was also there on 01 January 2010 and was invited by an esteemed towkay. Coincidentally it was another singer's 阿雅 下档秀 and her flower gain was the worse ever collected at DC since the days I began my forays there. The total collection for her was a mere $2'200/- excluding the $10K 龙袍, which itself was another story...
Hi bro LDH,
Ths for the info.
The mummy told me there was a 50k banner n the total for the departing singer was 620k, which didn't make sense at all unless there were 20-30 donators averaging 20k each. I asked her: who got to fxk the gal??
Since u r now a mover n shaker at DC HFJ, I would like to see u in action. Pls let me know. My time is very constrained here, especially for sh, but I'll try to make it.
Who are those people with such money to throw? Loansharks looking for places to launder their money? It really boggles my mind...
Hi bro chenzong,
You're mostly right. According to a well-connected fren, abt 2/3 of all patrons who frequent KTVs n HFJs in SIN r men who deal in shady cash-only businesses. This is confirmed by some of the gals themselves who told me abt their former BAO-ers. I'm skeptical n think the actual figure may be closer to 30-40%. Any comments?
The situation in high-end KTVs in Macau n China r somewhat different where the majority of patrons r corrupt officials n businessmen of all stripes. Of course the officials also deal strictly in cash...
But I suspect the primary motivation for hanging 50k n up for a singer has more to do w/ inflating HIS own ego than merely getting her pussy.
I hv become a pragmatist n a "global value cheongster" n I now always ask myself this one question: In which country n at which joint could I get the prettiest n youngest pussies for my effort n money, at minimal risk to my personal safety?
Investing n pussy-hunting r very similar! I'm a global investor/hunter n only like to buy undervalued assets, hehehe. I also insist on a big margin of safety.
Lol... what's with you and your teachers?
Have u ever BAO-ed a young n chio PRC primary school teacher or policewoman (女公安特警)? You really should.;)
You will understand what you seek when you enter the world of HFJ
If you're not in it, you'll never understand
Dear esteemed Mr. Austin,
Good to hear from u. Ur recent saga w/ M.O has left u only slightly bruised, but u r now even stronger n more formidable, hehehe. Ur next quarry should be very, very fearful lah.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
IMHO, Jewish people r very smart n they excel in every human endeavor, even in the field of how to seduce, fxk n keep women...
Here is what JG wrote:
"But all the gimmickry explained in how to smoothly get the girls and
women in the position you really want them in - naked underneath you - is for naught
unless you proceed to handle the Bottom line - her bottom. You've got to rock that ass,
and like any good instructor provides the rah-rah pep talk to get you
psyched up to do what you've got to do in order to establish Final Dominion over her
hole…and therefore her whole."
He is absolutely right, isn't he?:p
"And then on top of that, and her (meaning when u r physically on top of her), establish the mind-body erotic control
connection to use her past experiences to intensify the current sexual one she is having
with you..."
Fxking brilliant! Using NLP anchoring to get her addicted to u.;)
"But her mind is, of the two present, the least important one to have under
total control. To successfully run the Game over a long-term period of time, you must
learn to control your mind. Your mind must have control over your heart
and your ego, your two biggest problems when you are playing with the Freaks."
How very true!! Self-mastery is indeed THE secret key to success n happiness. The two potential traps which could doom any player in the BY game r his heart (getting KC-ed) n his inflated ego (spending unwisely...).:eek:
Your sexploits n comments r always most welcome!
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
04-01-2010, 04:35 PM
Just spoke w/ a trusted fellow ah pek n couple of PRC students (non-WLs). OMG! I may hv been be searching for BAO-ees in all the wrong places (read KTVs)!
According to them, there r many chio PRC JC students for BY n the going rate is only 3k a month. The gals r usually 19-20 n non-WLs. For local Chn students it's only 2k a month. If the gals r chio, they r very undervalued at this level of damage, IMHO. Some so-so KTV gals r demanding 10K n up a month!
Any bros here hv experience BAO-ing JC students, both PRC n local?
l may hv to greatly expand my network of ctc so that I could meet many of these gals.
I almost never refuse truly undervalued assets, hehehe.:D
04-01-2010, 05:51 PM
The mummy told me there was a 50k banner n the total for the departing singer was 620k, which didn't make sense at all unless there were 20-30 donators averaging 20k each. I asked her: who got to fxk the gal??
Since u r now a mover n shaker at DC HFJ, I would like to see u in action. Pls let me know. My time is very constrained here, especially for sh, but I'll try to make it.
Hi bro WB, most mms love to inflate the numbers of flowers in the bigger HFJs. Reason are so bloody obvious! I will take a reduction of 75% on the grossly infalted numbers.
I am not a mover or shaker at DC or any HFJs, never will I be - I am just a passerby and a very poor man. :D heh heh.
In HFJs, as per bro DYBJ, you really have to be there to know the inner secrets. There are ways of hanging flowers and there are still 'ways' of hanging flowers.
I have been very busy lately, lots of issues to handle in terms of family as well as businesses. BUT STILL when a bro comes calling ... Lets do a SH this Friday! We have not gotten together with Marc5, DYBJ, Justine etc for sometime.
say until very pro! pls take me as your student!!! haha...
consider starting a blog on "how to seduce a woman"?
i no master to teach me to talk sweet like a serpent...
pls teach me master warbird... :D
04-01-2010, 10:30 PM
Lol... what's with you and your teachers?
Heh, WarBird has replied to this - he's really into such things! Hahahaha!
04-01-2010, 10:32 PM
You will understand what you seek when you enter the world of HFJ
If you're not in it, you'll never understand
Perhaps not, especially since my world of hfj is in Shanghai, and not Singapore. The biggest I've seen hung for a singer at a go here is RMB1888, so SGD50k really boggles me...
05-01-2010, 10:40 AM
Hi bro WB, most mms love to inflate the numbers of flowers in the bigger HFJs...
I am not a mover or shaker at DC or any HFJs, never will I be - I am just a passerby and a very poor man....
In HFJs, as per bro DYBJ, you really have to be there to know the inner secrets. There are ways of hanging flowers and there are still 'ways' of hanging flowers.
I have been very busy lately, lots of issues to handle in terms of family as well as businesses. BUT STILL when a bro comes calling ... Lets do a SH this Friday! We have not gotten together with Marc5, DYBJ, Justine etc for sometime.
Hi bro LDH,
It was my pleasure bumping into u yesterday. Where were u going w/ 3 singers in ur car? Foursome? You're amazing!
If u r not a mover n shaker of DC HFJ, I dun know who is, hehehe. The only other mover n shaker is of course Mr. Austin himself!
I'll try to join u at DC sh this coming Fri. Hope to see some of our old frens, bros marc5, LKY n Mr. Austin.
say until very pro! pls take me as your student!!! haha...
consider starting a blog on "how to seduce a woman"?
i no master to teach me to talk sweet like a serpent...
pls teach me master warbird... :D
Hi bro uhoo,
I'm no master, just an apprentice. Although I'm quite "advanced" in age, wat some people call lao chi ko pek, I'm actually a newbie in the game of seduction n sexual mastery.
I'm trying hard to improve. I hv read a lot n I hv had the good fortune of learning from many true masters, including Mr. Austin, bros justime, LDH, marc5, BV, etc. n non-samsters n my old fren in Gotham City SC. But I hv very little practical experience.:(
I dun live in SIN n I'm greatly constrained by time n circumstances...
I'll be happy to share some theoretical knowledge on "how to be a crafty n cunning serpent" w/ u n others by posting here.
Heh, WarBird has replied to this - he's really into such things! Hahahaha!
I leave no stone unturned, hehehe.
Perhaps not, especially since my world of hfj is in Shanghai, and not Singapore. The biggest I've seen hung for a singer at a go here is RMB1888, so SGD50k really boggles me...
I dun know much abt HFJs, so I hv no comments.
As for HFJs in SH, are the singers WLs like those in SIN? Sometimes, wooing a gal who is playing hard to get is a challenge. It's fun. It gives meaning to success n is more akin to a conquest. That's wat life is all abt.
Walking into a high-end KTV in Macau, China n seeing so many young n beautiful gals vying for ur attention is a great feeling. You're the PRIZE! But I suspect after a few months of living there, I'll be bored n desensitized even to the prettiest pussies.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Just a brief update on HH, the uni student. I had a great session w/ her the other day. Took her to a safe place. She was really wild n easily orgasmic! I hv delivered a COS to her, hehehe. She is my COS no 2. Very sextisfied but totally beat n exhausted. Had to rest at least 2-3 days to regain my strength. I certainly can't perform at that intense level more than twice a wk.:(
Bro WB
05-01-2010, 10:42 AM
Hi bro WB,
I was there at DC the nite before X'mas and it was 安琪, a singer's 下档秀. No singer was given individually $620K. Even the lone departing singer had, at the most collectively, was $120K. The biggest single flower hung that nite was a $50K banner for her at the end of her show.
BTW, I was also there on 01 January 2010 and was invited by an esteemed towkay. Coincidentally it was another singer's 阿雅 下档秀 and her flower gain was the worse ever collected at DC since the days I began my forays there. The total collection for her was a mere $2'200/- excluding the $10K 龙袍, which itself was another story. Interestingly, even all the dancers were all given a $1000/- 皇冠 during the PPC.
Hi Bro LDH,
Can elaborate the story behind the S10K 龙袍? The dancers were all taken care by one of the BF.
05-01-2010, 11:25 AM
Hi Bro LDH,
Can elaborate the story behind the S10K 龙袍? The dancers were all taken care by one of the BF.
Hi bro, morn!
Whats a BF? Boyfriend? One person taking care of all 5 dancers... damn tekong lor... LOLz.
Heard from one MMS that the 龙袍 was given by an unknown client but the singer ain't getting any money from it - it was meant for her to look good on her departing show. Dunno how true was this.
05-01-2010, 11:32 AM
Hi bro LDH,
It was my pleasure bumping into u yesterday. Where were u going w/ 3 singers in ur car? Foursome? You're amazing!
If u r not a mover n shaker of DC HFJ, I dun know who is, hehehe. The only other mover n shaker is of course Mr. Austin himself!
I'll try to join u at DC sh this coming Fri. Hope to see some of our old frens, bros marc5, LKY n Mr. Austin.
Good morning Bro WB,
Please do not give me the high-hat lor. LOLz. 4some is really tiring even though I love women on top.
Seriously, we were just going for a nice makan lah. Do not read too much into it. :p
You need lotsa moolah to move and shake in the biggest HFJs - so I am out. I only know how to reMOVE my pants and SHAKE my KKJ. :D
Bro DYBJ is the master of the HFJs scene; he got the looks, moolah and the killer instincts to go with.
If you are fine for this Friday, even if its a short one, I will assemble the bros!
05-01-2010, 12:12 PM
Hi bro, morn!
Whats a BF? Boyfriend? One person taking care of all 5 dancers... damn tekong lor... LOLz.
Heard from one MMS that the 龙袍 was given by an unknown client but the singer ain't getting any money from it - it was meant for her to look good on her departing show. Dunno how true was this.
Bro LDH,
Thank you for the background. Cheers and happy new year to you!
05-01-2010, 12:28 PM
Bro LDH,
Thank you for the background. Cheers and happy new year to you!
Bro TTV,
BTW, how do you know the dancers were all taken care of by one person? :)
Insider infor?
And a belated Happy New Year to you! Huat ah.
05-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Bro TTV,
BTW, how do you know the dancers were all taken care of by one person? :)
Insider infor?
And a belated Happy New Year to you! Huat ah.
To cut a long story short: I am on ok term with the dancers and got some feedback. Not exactly insider info already.
05-01-2010, 02:35 PM
Bro DYBJ is the master of the HFJs scene; he got the looks, moolah and the killer instincts to go with.
If you are fine for this Friday, even if its a short one, I will assemble the bros!
Pls hor, wat master and all that.
Me small fry hide in 1 little corner shoot stealth cannons only hahahahaha
As for Friday, just call my name & I'll be there.
Aiyah, go check out Club Emporio la, i think we all have not check out this new joint yet even!!!!!!!!!
05-01-2010, 02:37 PM
To cut a long story short: I am on ok term with the dancers and got some feedback. Not exactly insider info already.
Wow! On ok terms is even better than insider info... Then I must seek your advice as to which of the dancers are still single so that I do not need to waste my limited moolah on them one I get tired of my singer gal... :cool:
05-01-2010, 02:42 PM
Pls hor, wat master and all that.
Me small fry hide in 1 little corner shoot stealth cannons only hahahahaha
As for Friday, just call my name & I'll be there.
Aiyah, go check out Club Emporio la, i think we all have not check out this new joint yet even!!!!!!!!!
You really the master what... me then small fry. One swat and kong-kar-kiao! :D
Speaking of gathering, me lately have been entertaining clients till quite sian liaoz. Need some time off to cheong with the bros and let off some steam. But go easy on the drinks with me, was almost drunk 4 out of the 5 times this past week. Its getting a toil on me body liaoz. :p
So Friday onz lah; I go beg, borrow or steal a room at DC. hee hee.
05-01-2010, 02:51 PM
Dear esteemed Mr. Austin,
Good to hear from u. Ur recent saga w/ M.O has left u only slightly bruised, but u r now even stronger n more formidable, hehehe. Ur next quarry should be very, very fearful lah.
Tks for your concern bro WarBird, me newbie noob not bruised at me just advisor at the side plus the occassional happy meal, cant complain lol
As for the next quary or quarries, since when wasnt it fearful to these creatures ya????? lolzzzzzzz
In HFJs, as per bro DYBJ, you really have to be there to know the inner secrets. There are ways of hanging flowers and there are still 'ways' of hanging flowers.
Well done my darling bro rookie rook, you have learnt well and now can be the Lao Da of DC liao...yes, its all strategy! Kudos
Perhaps not, especially since my world of hfj is in Shanghai, and not Singapore. The biggest I've seen hung for a singer at a go here is RMB1888, so SGD50k really boggles me...
I have been to a HFJ in SHA before and i saw a China Man hang like 15k RMB in 1 go.
Understand, after a certain amount hung in 1 nite, the singer have to go spread legs for you questions asked.......
Can elaborate the story behind the S10K 龙袍? The dancers were all taken care by one of the BF.
Bro, titivillus, i doubt you heard the truth about that.
Dun trust wat you hear, no one will be Santa Claus for no reason....let alone throw money on women that aint his in the 1st place
To cut a long story short: I am on ok term with the dancers and got some feedback. Not exactly insider info already.
I'd be very speculative on what i hear if i were you......
You've been warned my friend
You really the master what... me then small fry. One swat and kong-kar-kiao! :D
Speaking of gathering, me lately have been entertaining clients till quite sian liaoz. Need some time off to cheong with the bros and let off some steam. But go easy on the drinks with me, was almost drunk 4 out of the 5 times this past week. Its getting a toil on me body liaoz. :p
So Friday onz lah; I go beg, borrow or steal a room at DC. hee hee.
Who master or wat, i dun wanna debate here la, me very tired, need to go charge battery.
Tell you wat, lets be adventurous this friday for once.
We go 2 joints 50% of the time each......happening............................... ..................
05-01-2010, 03:08 PM
Yes I do agree with you that nobody is dumb to throw $$$ for no return and I don't expect any form of truth. But I am still learning...
05-01-2010, 03:13 PM
Yes I do agree with you that nobody is dumb to throw $$$ for no return and I don't expect any form of truth. But I am still learning...
We all learn....
You can get Master LDH to take you in as a disciple
05-01-2010, 03:18 PM
We all learn....
You can get Master LDH to take you in as a disciple
KNS, why drag me rookie rook into the picture. I am there to look look see see busybody nia... hookay.
Think this Friday sure got major showdown, cos I know several big guns are flying down there. :D
Once again ..|.. KNS. :p
05-01-2010, 03:25 PM
Well done my darling bro rookie rook, you have learnt well and now can be the Lao Da of DC liao...yes, its all strategy! Kudos
Who master or wat, i dun wanna debate here la, me very tired, need to go charge battery.
Tell you wat, lets be adventurous this friday for once.
We go 2 joints 50% of the time each......happening............................... ..................
Rookie rook always a rookie rook, cannot do much with limited moolah.
There are many seniors in DC, so respect must still be given. Its all in the play; when you play it right, even the most limited moolah also goes a long way. :D
No master, but certainly I am the disciple. L plate wor!
So this Friday HH @ Emporio and SH @ DC? Izzit>?
05-01-2010, 04:27 PM
Bro LDH,
I think you are being modest lah. I should be seeking your advice as I am only a spring chicken in this. My guess is that all the dancers should have a regular BF by now except for Yu Er but then she is also too young.
05-01-2010, 05:25 PM
Bro LDH,
I think you are being modest lah. I should be seeking your advice as I am only a spring chicken in this. My guess is that all the dancers should have a regular BF by now except for Yu Er but then she is also too young.
We all learn as we go... practice makes perfect wor. Woot!
Speaking about Yu'Er, maybe you should introduce her to bro WB. He likes the young young innocent SYT. :p
Me think 3 of the 5 singers not bad looking ... :D so disappointing, all sans one got BF liaoz. Old man like me too late and too slow.
05-01-2010, 11:50 PM
As for HFJs in SH, are the singers WLs like those in SIN? Sometimes, wooing a gal who is playing hard to get is a challenge. It's fun. It gives meaning to success n is more akin to a conquest. That's wat life is all abt.
I am not too sure how "WL" they are, but I believe that those who did really well...there must be a reason why those big bosses are dumping the money on them. After a while, the pressure will be too great, and it likely that the singer will give in, even if she does not want to.
06-01-2010, 12:38 AM
She wanted a Gucci bag.. but I said let's trade for 5 sessions..
Ended up.. no result :confused:
S i l v i a
06-01-2010, 07:54 AM
Just spoke w/ a trusted fellow ah pek n couple of PRC students (non-WLs). OMG! I may hv been be searching for BAO-ees in all the wrong places (read KTVs)!
According to them, there r many chio PRC JC students for BY n the going rate is only 3k a month. The gals r usually 19-20 n non-WLs. For local Chn students it's only 2k a month. If the gals r chio, they r very undervalued at this level of damage, IMHO. Some so-so KTV gals r demanding 10K n up a month!
Any bros here hv experience BAO-ing JC students, both PRC n local?
l may hv to greatly expand my network of ctc so that I could meet many of these gals.
I almost never refuse truly undervalued assets, hehehe.:D
Hi Bro WB,
Sorry couldn't make out for ur outing,out of town,anyway looking forward if there is any again :)
Btw, i experienced local FL who are from all kind of ages doing it for the first few time, when they have "feelings" for you, they will actually ask u if you are able to BY them for a certain amount,and normally the amount is not as huge as those PRC from high-end ktv.
My main point here is that it's also quite easily to BY local,end of the day, it's supply and demand market. I have the cash, they need the cash :)
06-01-2010, 10:56 AM
Both Mr LDH n Mr Austin...u 2 r just wwwwaaaayyyy too modest...we all know dat u 2 r the masters, so pls give us babies some pointers and a helping hand in our quest to learn to crawl b4 we walk... :P
06-01-2010, 11:30 AM
Ola, bom dia to all samsters,
Wat an auspicious n beautiful day!!
I'm most flattered to see so many esteemed bros posting n sharing their knowledge n secrets w/ us.
Pls keep ur posts coming, bros!
Use this thread as ur mini-forum or whatever. There will be times when I'm unable to post regularly, pls take the lead n continue to post. If u want to commandeer this thread to talk abt ur favorite topic, it's perfectly fine for me even if I'm around. You hv my blessings!
Only one request: Talk abt how to seduce, bed n keep females of all three basic types (hoes, freaks n good gals), WLs n non-WLs, or related subjects. Or any topics that r germane to the central theme, hahaha.
The "dialogue" among titivillus, LDH n Mr. Austin is most interesting, but somewhat incomprehensible to most outsiders such as me. They speak a special HFJ lingo, hehehe.
Good morning Bro WB,
Please do not give me the high-hat lor. LOLz. 4some is really tiring even though I love women on top...
You need lotsa moolah to move and shake in the biggest HFJs - so I am out. I only know how to reMOVE my pants and SHAKE my KKJ. :D
Bro DYBJ is the master of the HFJs scene; he got the looks, moolah and the killer instincts to go with.
If you are fine for this Friday, even if its a short one, I will assemble the bros!
Hi bro LDH,
If Mr. Austin is the king, u r now the prince of high-end HFJs.
No, a prince dun hv to do that; ur gal or, more accurately ur gals, will remove ur pants n take turn to suck ur KKJ, hahaha.:D
You're too modest! You're young, smart n dynamic...n sky is the limit for u, who knows, maybe in 10-15 yrs u could be richer than Bill Gates! I actually mean it.
I'll be there this Fri sh. 930pm? Pls sms me, ths.
Tks for your concern bro WarBird, me newbie noob not bruised at me just advisor at the side plus the occassional happy meal, cant complain lol
As for the next quary or quarries, since when wasnt it fearful to these creatures ya????? lolzzzzzzz
My esteemed Mr. Austin,
You're invincible!! See u this Fri.
I'd be very speculative on what i hear if i were you......
You've been warned my friend
The advice of a sage. I need to let this warning sink deep deep in my subconscious mind.
Hi Bro WB,
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Btw, i experienced local FL who are from all kind of ages doing it for the first few time, when they have "feelings" for you, they will actually ask u if you are able to BY them for a certain amount,and normally the amount is not as huge as those PRC from high-end ktv.
My main point here is that it's also quite easily to BY local,end of the day, .....
Hi bro Silvia,
Very interesting...
Another source for BY is M'sian Chn gals who r non-WLs. A M'sian lady living in JB is trying to intro some gals to me. But I may not hv the time to fully enjoy their pussies bcos I'm a bit attached now n my family is coming for CNY soon. I hv to return to Gotham shortly thereafter. Perhaps when I visit here again in early summer.
Both Mr LDH n Mr Austin...u 2 r just wwwwaaaayyyy too modest...we all know dat u 2 r the masters, so pls give us babies some pointers and a helping hand in our quest to learn to crawl b4 we walk... :P
Yo bro Fishcer,
Sorry that I hv often spelled ur nick wrong.
They r the King n the Prince of KTVs n HFJs! Both very modest men, indeed.
I guess the earliest u could migrate to our paradise, Macau, China, is abt 3 yrs from now, ya? I'll beat u to it. Then again, you're very young n hv all the time in the world, whereas my clock is ticking...the cost of living in Macau is surprisingly low n living very well there is quite affordable.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Some bros may think I'm a "predator." Perhaps. But I hv a code of conduct, which is very similar to the one espoused by the Jewish guru JG, who quoted from a Holy Book.
I shall never touch the following 2 types of females: 1) my family n extended family members n relatives, including their ex's n 2) all married women. Everyone else is fair game.
JG also says men n animals r also strictly forbidden. The Higher Power has a much stricter code of conduct for the priests only, not for common men of society like u n me. But the puritanical church n modern fundamentalists try to hold common men to the same higher standards as those for the priests!! He thinks that is BS. And we are told that the Higher Power is the same “yesterday, today and forever”.
BTW, my "niece" apprised me of her aunt's surgery n recovery. BB is sick w/ flu again. She is really my distant relative. I'm in a quandary bcos I'm very attracted to her n has promised her that I'll take care of her (read BY). I may hv to help her w/o touching her.:(
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
06-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Hi Bro LDH,
Can elaborate the story behind the S10K 龙袍? The dancers were all taken care by one of the BF.
To cut a long story short: I am on ok term with the dancers and got some feedback. Not exactly insider info already.
Wow! On ok terms is even better than insider info... Then I must seek your advice as to which of the dancers are still single so that I do not need to waste my limited moolah on them one I get tired of my singer gal... :cool:
Yes I do agree with you that nobody is dumb to throw $$$ for no return and I don't expect any form of truth. But I am still learning...
Bro LDH,
I think you are being modest lah. I should be seeking your advice as I am only a spring chicken in this. My guess is that all the dancers should have a regular BF by now except for Yu Er but then she is also too young.
Hi bro TTV,
This was most enlightening!
I was at DC for a shortwhile yesterday night before moving on to Legend on invitation by another fellow Samster.
On some Due-D, this was what I found out.
1. You are right to say that one of the dancers BF took care of the dancers, all but 2 of them.
2. That night 丫丫, 玉儿, 小雅 and 琪琪 were all given $1'000/- 皇冠. The former 3 were given 皇冠 by the one person while the latter dancer 琪琪 were given by some unknown client, who apparently is someone experienced, rich and respected. Both of these guys are obviously regulars by the feel of it.
3. 咪娜 was only given $500/- by her client and thus was not in the 皇冠 list.
4. No one wants to ascertain the fact behind the 龙袍 but who we are to care anyway.
5. Few other singers were given big flowers as well. Coco has $2'500/-, 湘湘 $2'100/-.
06-01-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi bro LDH,
If Mr. Austin is the king, u r now the prince of high-end HFJs.
No, a prince dun hv to do that; ur gal or, more accurately ur gals, will remove ur pants n take turn to suck ur KKJ, hahaha.:D
You're too modest! You're young, smart n dynamic...n sky is the limit for u, who knows, maybe in 10-15 yrs u could be richer than Bill Gates! I actually mean it.
I'll be there this Fri sh. 930pm? Pls sms me, ths.
Hi bro WB,
Hahaha... we will take this debate into Friday session. :D
Bill the mega-BILL is out of this world - how to match? I only have limited moolah
06-01-2010, 05:41 PM
Bro WB, sorry I didn't get to reply your SMS on Monday. I was really tied up with business activities. Looking forward to see you at the next round of KTVing.:)
We all learn....
You can get Master LDH to take you in as a disciple
Bro DYBJ, great to learn that you are back and "available' now. Let get together soon?;)
2. That night 丫丫, 玉儿, 小雅 and 琪琪 were all given $1'000/- 皇冠. The former 3 were given 皇冠 by the one person while the latter dancer 琪琪 were given by some unknown client, who apparently is someone experienced, rich and respected. Both of these guys are obviously regulars by the feel of it.
Bro LDH, I wonder who that "one person" was. :D
06-01-2010, 10:36 PM
Hi bro TTV,
This was most enlightening!
I was at DC for a shortwhile yesterday night before moving on to Legend on invitation by another fellow Samster.
On some Due-D, this was what I found out.
1. You are right to say that one of the dancers BF took care of the dancers, all but 2 of them.
2. That night 丫丫, 玉儿, 小雅 and 琪琪 were all given $1'000/- 皇冠. The former 3 were given 皇冠 by the one person while the latter dancer 琪琪 were given by some unknown client, who apparently is someone experienced, rich and respected. Both of these guys are obviously regulars by the feel of it.
3. 咪娜 was only given $500/- by her client and thus was not in the 皇冠 list.
4. No one wants to ascertain the fact behind the 龙袍 but who we are to care anyway.
5. Few other singers were given big flowers as well. Coco has $2'500/-, 湘湘 $2'100/-.
Bro LDH,
I am most impressed by your Due-D, almost impeccable. All I can say is that YaYa and QiQi's BF are both "heavy power" flower hanger, from my observation.
No need to ascertain the fact behind Ah-Ya's 龙袍 as it is not relevant to my mission.
Any case, I am impressed by your Due-D efforts!
07-01-2010, 10:56 AM
Bro LDH,
I am most impressed by your Due-D, almost impeccable. All I can say is that YaYa and QiQi's BF are both "heavy power" flower hanger, from my observation.
No need to ascertain the fact behind Ah-Ya's 龙袍 as it is not relevant to my mission.
Any case, I am impressed by your Due-D efforts!
Bro TTV,
No need be impressed lah, I am just a passing-by busybody. Just that my mates gave me the information out of goodwill. Then again, its for sharing purposes, the truth will never be in the light within a HFJ. We should always exercise restrain in digesting information.
You mention mission - what mission? Are you a IRAS representative coat-tailing the HFJ visitors?... hahaha, joking la.
You are very impressive as well, even knows which of dancers got "power hangers" as BFs. I am most astounded when people hang big or power flower. Folks with limited moolah like me can only marvel on the side while playing with our pocket marbles. :D
Personally I find Xiao-Ya, Yaya and MiNa quite chio. Kekeke - any insider information to share? Now you know my new targets liaoz... :eek:
Hope to catch you soon in person at DC.
LDH :)
07-01-2010, 11:02 AM
Bro DYBJ, great to learn that you are back and "available' now. Let get together soon?;)
Bro DYBJ is back, the terror of HFJs is back!!!!! There is now light at the end of the tunnel... :d
Bro LDH, I wonder who that "one person" was. :D
I want to know if you got more information... lucky chap got 3 gals. 2 of them in my future target listing hor... :mad:
So do the cheongster bros have the honour to see you this Fri?
07-01-2010, 11:04 AM
Both Mr LDH n Mr Austin...u 2 r just wwwwaaaayyyy too modest...we all know dat u 2 r the masters, so pls give us babies some pointers and a helping hand in our quest to learn to crawl b4 we walk... :P
Another one la you... what modest. You are outraging my humbled rookie's modesty siah. I always said me no master, only rookie rook and a passing-by busybody. :D
07-01-2010, 01:48 PM
Another one la you... what modest. You are outraging my humbled rookie's modesty siah. I always said me no master, only rookie rook and a passing-by busybody. :D
Lol...i'm sure those who know u will dismiss all ur humble posts...:p
Anyway, i'm having a god damn bad cough, almost coughing my lungs out. So once again, i'll probably have to turn down ur kind invitation again, unless i make a remarkable recovery. Thousand apologies mate, i'm pretty sure i'll b able to catch up with all u fellas in the future...cheers, n a belated happy new year!
07-01-2010, 07:04 PM
Anyway, i'm having a god damn bad cough, almost coughing my lungs out. So once again, i'll probably have to turn down ur kind invitation again, unless i make a remarkable recovery. Thousand apologies mate, i'm pretty sure i'll b able to catch up with all u fellas in the future...cheers, n a belated happy new year!
Yikes, take care, Fishcer! The viruses are getting tougher and tougher these days.
08-01-2010, 09:21 AM
Yikes, take care, Fishcer! The viruses are getting tougher and tougher these days.
Thanks, i will...:)
08-01-2010, 09:54 AM
Good morning!!
Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so lively, so dynamic n so informative. You make my day! Pls continue to share ur experiences, strategies, insights n wisdom here.
I hv been very busy lately due to a variety of reasons...
I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
08-01-2010, 10:37 AM
Good morning!!
I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Well...if only he had the chance to make ur acquaintance, n receive some pointers from u, he could have avoided his fate....:p
kurosaki ichigo
08-01-2010, 03:09 PM
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
You are quite very right. However, I think a truly ultimate predator is one who is endowed with the qualities you so mentioned plus having a very pleasing physique :)
08-01-2010, 10:59 PM
Good morning!!
Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so lively, so dynamic n so informative. You make my day! Pls continue to share ur experiences, strategies, insights n wisdom here.
Hi Brother WB,
Kudos goes to you .. and of course to your "gang" of merry men !
The various titillating accounts bring this forum/thread alive and brothers asking for more.
Cheers and Take Care
P.S: Was introduced to a sweet, pretty 19 year old (1.65m tall) who just arrived a couple of days ago. Seems that she could be BY material. Unfortunately, I do not have the fire power. You interested?:)
Good morning!!
Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so lively, so dynamic n so informative. You make my day! Pls continue to share ur experiences, strategies, insights n wisdom here.
I hv been very busy lately due to a variety of reasons...
I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
hi master warbird..
thanks for this post.. i read the headline as well.. today i went to club.. i saw some fat guy having fun with group of gals.. whereas got some muscle, good looking guys just dance to themselves.. hai..
hi to all master... just who is the MR Austin.. lol.. u say until he like god.. i also wanna see is skill...
to master warbird.. ur skill so good need to seduce prc gals meh.. local gal can easily be ur "dish"... lol...
to let the story be short.. i just return from clubbing.. another day of quite no success with gals... leaving me down and exprasted..
i didn't come here to complain but to seek advice on how to improve my game... i seriously need to start doing something but i do not know how to start.. can the experienced bro share some wisdom here on the clubbing level...
1. how to approach
2. build relationship
and anything i miss.... thanks... god bless...
PS: i do not like "bua" or grind the gals when dancing, i'm sure some gals dun like and i do not like cos it feel like taking advantage them when one just come from behind and grind them. i wish to give them and myself more respect. pls help...
09-01-2010, 05:53 AM
Sorry my esteemed bros for not being to attend.
Some of my partners r in town that my wife only told me in the morning, and when i told them i already had plans for the night with the bros, you could see another tsunami brewing liao, plus, nusiness comes 1st.
A thousand apologies.
Like i explained to bro newbie noob, me not put aeroplane type.
Next round folks........apologies
09-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Well...if only he had the chance to make ur acquaintance, n receive some pointers from u, he could have avoided his fate...
I further heard that he was hoping to hv an instant 6-pack abs...but why?
You are quite very right. However, I think a truly ultimate predator is one who is endowed with the qualities you so mentioned plus having a very pleasing physique :)
looking like a 21yo Adonis would be pleasing to the eyes..but there r so many other even more crucial attributes which r often lacking in young men w/ 6-pack abs.
Hi Brother WB,
Kudos goes to you .. and of course to your "gang" of merry men !
The various titillating accounts bring this forum/thread alive and brothers asking for more...
P.S: Was introduced to a sweet, pretty 19 year old (1.65m tall) who just arrived a couple of days ago. Seems that she could be BY material. Unfortunately, I do not have the fire power. You interested?:)
Hi bro besafe,
Ths, but my plate is already too full...I'll kiv for my next trip here, hehehe.
hi master warbird..
thanks for this post.. i read the headline as well.. today i went to club.. i saw some fat guy having fun with group of gals.. whereas got some muscle, good looking guys just dance to themselves.. hai..
hi to all master... just who is the MR Austin.. lol.. u say until he like god.. i also wanna see is skill.............................
to let the story be short.. i just return from clubbing.. another day of quite no success with gals... leaving me down and exprasted..
i didn't come here to complain but to seek advice on how to improve my game... i seriously need to start doing something but i do not know how to start.. can the experienced bro share some wisdom here on the clubbing level...
1. how to approach
2. build relationship
and anything i miss.... thanks... god bless...
pls help...
Hi bro uhoo,
I'm no master. I'm only an apprentice of Mr. Austin aka bro DYBJ...
I dun know how to begin. It's a complicated mind game. I'll sum up w/ this statement: Your perceived rating on the male dominance scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women. Period.
Sorry my esteemed bros for not being to attend.
Some of my partners r in town that my wife only told me in the morning, and when i told them i already had plans for the night with the bros, you could see another tsunami brewing liao, plus, nusiness comes 1st.
A thousand apologies.
Like i explained to bro newbie noob, me not put aeroplane type.
Next round folks........apologies
Hi my most esteemed Mr. Austin,
I was at DC sh last nite, hoping to get a glimpse of u...
There is always the next time.
Wishing u the best ..
Bro WB
09-01-2010, 11:25 AM
My sincere apologies to Bro LDH and Bro Warbird for not joining you guys. It was my birthday (same BD as Elvis and Stephen Hawkins) and I have to deliver certain "obligations" or else I will be castrated. :)
Afternoon I flew in from BKK (spent two days with "Peang" my Thai gf - who else?). Nowadays in terms of variety, I am so behind bro warbird that it is as if Haron Mundir sprinting in a competitive race with Usain Bolt!
Upon touch down, my collage buddies received me from the airport and ferried me directly to DC for HH. (I did not bring my mobile with your numbers - so sorry for not calling). I booked two girls. The selection, I must say, improved somewhat from the last time I was there a week ago.
Anyways, I sat with a two day old "turtle" (do they still use this term?), YQ. I also sat with L (student by day ..... ). In terms of aesthetic appeal, YQ is superior. However, L's display of Love Wayangs is quite incredible by DC's 'puritanical' standard. I frenched and fingered her, sucked her tits and her hands went down my pants many times. I was thinking perhaps L is either real open person or my "sensuous dancing" somehow unleashed the beast in her! :rolleyes:
I had an inkling that YQ's playability factor is quite high, but L was so aggressive that YQ is left by the wayside.
After DC HH session, I immediately took a cab to meet my SIN gf. After the 'celebration', I managed to tuck her to bed relatively early (thankfully she had to work today!).
Just as I was enroute home, got a call from Chinese speaking Viet from Amani, P. I made a small diversion to meet P for supper. P suggested a romp after supper but I was feeling quite enervated by then so did not take her up on her offer.
Overall a quite a hectic but nice day with sprinklings of amour ...... I had actually intended for some solace and doing some introspection, oh well..... :cool:
09-01-2010, 12:16 PM
Good morning!!
Ths to all esteemed bros for making this thread so lively, so dynamic n so informative. You make my day! Pls continue to share ur experiences, strategies, insights n wisdom here.
I hv been very busy lately due to a variety of reasons...
I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
What things people do, and to what extend one goes just for love or "Love", no one else can ever know.
Yes, happen to know this chap, although not a friend, or close acquaintance, but do exchange pleasantries when crossing the path of each other.
You are right, he was not considered fat, and to many ladies (Singapore, Angmoh, and of course PRCs) he was considered to be handsome as well. Very good credentials for a potential target husband / boyfriend / Baoyer etc.
Whether there may be a lack of technique, or attributes or ability, no one will ever know. Perhaps, just that it was fated.
Anyway, can only urge Brudders here to leave him to Rest in Peace.
Thank you.
PS. All the best to your escapades and encounters and conquests. Good Luck and Enjoy....
11-01-2010, 11:11 AM
My sincere apologies to Bro LDH and Bro Warbird for not joining you guys. It was my birthday (same BD as Elvis and Stephen Hawkins) and I have to deliver certain "obligations" or else I will be castrated. :)
.................................................. .......................................
After DC HH session, I immediately took a cab to meet my SIN gf. After the 'celebration', I managed to tuck her to bed relatively early (thankfully she had to work today!).
Just as I was enroute home, got a call from Chinese speaking Viet from Amani, P............................
Overall a quite a hectic but nice day with sprinklings of amour ...... I had actually intended for some solace and doing some introspection, oh well.....
Hi esteemed bro justime,
Very good to hear from u. I can see that you r still a hyperactive cheongster, as always, hehehe.
The equality of DC gals r so-so. I booked a tall gal from another joint...
BTW, I'll reduce my outings to KTVs n elsewhere as I already hv too many quarries or potential quarries.
I was at the sushi place where we went together several months ago. The food was excellent!
What things people do, and to what extend one goes just for love or "Love", no one else can ever know.
Yes, happen to know this chap, although not a friend, or close acquaintance, but do exchange pleasantries when crossing the path of each other.
You are right, he was not considered fat, and to many ladies (Singapore, Angmoh, and of course PRCs) he was considered to be handsome as well...
Whether there may be a lack of technique, or attributes or ability, no one will ever know. Perhaps, just that it was fated.
Anyway, can only urge Brudders here to leave him to Rest in Peace...
Hi bro romaleouf,
I mentioned his mishap not to be disrespectful, but to point out the fact that most men still dun understand the fundamental differences between male n female attraction.
The art of belief states that "Women Are Not Attracted To Men Who Aren’t Attracted To Themselves." This is deep, isn't it?
Not sure why having a 6-pack abs got anything to do w/ love or LOVE. Care to elaborate?
We should also remember that a gal falls in love w/ a man not for who he is (or how he looks), but for how he makes her feel (giving her COS will certainly make her feel very good n should be a big plus, hehehe), especially abt herself.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Some esteemed bros hv sent me PMs saying I might hv given too much details abt some of the gals. Perhaps. But all these KTV gals/singers/private students n some uni n JC students r hoes n freaks. Ok, I shall be much more circumspect in describing my encounters w/ them.
Every female is different n responds differently. Variety is indeed the spice eof life!
I hv a strange encounter lately.
Met this tall n chio gal only 1 wk ago. Her very long, slender arms first caught my attention. She was quite young, but poised, aloof n cold...n slim (170cm, 52kg) w/ perfectly proportionate head/torso/boobs/leg/arm/ass/bone ratio. The next day I called n popped my question n she agreed! After finishing dinner in Orchard area, we walked to a nearby hotel. We passed some expensive shops n she mentioned how generous her GF's BF was, buying LV bags n watches, etc, hinting that I should do the same for her!:( I felt like dumping her right there! But she was my type of pussy, so I told her everything would depend on how compatible we were...
I consummated the deal later that evening. I tried very, very hard for over 60 min, first using my fingers n tongue n then pumping her in various positions for maximum G spot stimulation. I was frustrated bcos despite my best efforts, she only had low-level of orgasms. She would roll her eyes, grimace her face n tilt her pelvis slightly intermittently. She did come as she had anal contractions n curling of toes. But she was strangely SILENT throughout, except for very faint n soft moans. Her body n pussy were very beautiful. Also very, very tight hole despite her height.
Met her again 2 times, same results. And every time, she actually never wanted me to stop but I just couldn't continue bocs of fatigue. She said she felt 很舒服, 很爽。 She said she couldn't feel any better. Really? I wonder if she is on the verge of very explosive n screaming orgasms n COS or she has already fully reached her orgasmic potential?? I'm now aching all over n hv to take a rest for a couple of days.:(
BTW, I pay her wkly. She is my only BAO-ee who wants to meet n fxk me every day!! Not a word on buying any gifts anymore. I must be doing something right, hehehe.;) I may hv to focus on her mind, the most erogenous area in her whole body.
Any comments n insights?
Before signing off, let me dedicate this quote by Mark Twain to all esteemed bros:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
kurosaki ichigo
11-01-2010, 11:26 AM
My comments for you:
She seemed to have succeeded making you feel sexy and able in bed. Of cos with your experience, I presume you would already have realised that.
11-01-2010, 09:05 PM
Before signing off, let me dedicate this quote by Mark Twain to all esteemed bros:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Thank you for the quote.... your sail must be definitely full !
Enjoy your BYs. You sure you dun want tis sweet 19? Calling once... calling twice......:)
12-01-2010, 10:33 AM
My comments for you:
She seemed to have succeeded making you feel sexy and able in bed. Of cos with your experience, I presume you would already have realised that.
Hi bro kurosaki ichigo,
Not quite true. I'm a bit frustrated n disappointed bcos I hv failed to give her violent orgasms n/or ejaculation n COS. It's not for my ego. If she is more vocal it would greatly enhance my own pleasure.
Fortunately, she is quite submissive...
Thank you for the quote.... your sail must be definitely full !
Enjoy your BYs. You sure you dun want tis sweet 19? Calling once... calling twice......:)
Hi bro besafe,
Ths, but timing is bad. I really hv more than I can handle.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
A note on gals intro by mummies for possible BY. As a grp, I hv found them to be less attractive, shorter than their stated height, more disproportionate (at least to me) in head/torso/boobs/leg/arm/ass/bone ratio n hv more difficult attitude, compared w/ gals I pick up myself. Worse of all, they also demand a higher damage n less flexible payment schedule. Perhaps they hv to pay a fee to the mummies? :eek:
Of the 3 BAO-ees I hv or soon to hv, their average age is 20, av height 170 n av wt 52. At least to me, they r among the prettiest PRC MMs I hv seen in SIN. The damage is within the range of norm. Most importantly, finding, approaching, wooing n negotiating w/ them has been a major part of the fun, hehehe.:p It doesn't feel like a business transaction (of course I know n they know that it is), unlike w/ those gals intro by mummies.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
13-01-2010, 09:52 AM
What an auspicious day!!
I couldn't join several esteemed bros for their outing to LV sh last nite. I had to run some errands. It's most regrettable bcos cheonging w/ this grp of young studs really make me feel virile n alive, hehehe.
A well-connected acquaintance has mentioned that our gahmen will continue to get rid of FLs in GL n eventually replacing them w/ legal gals. It's also quite probable that KTV permit n even Casino permit will be issued for gals who want to work in KTVs n casinos. They will be required to undergo monthly health tests. Everything must be regulated.
IMHO, our two RIs will need many, many chio gals INSIDE the casino to be able to compete w/ those in Macau, China. Gambling, liquor n sex r inseparable for most men.
Bro WB
13-01-2010, 01:18 PM
i have been following this thread with much interest. however my main interest is in local girls, not in prcs. prcs, as tempting as they not my main cup of tea for now. =)
esteemed bros here, i have several friends whom I want to bed. one of them is my friend's friend. she is an insurance agent and we have spoken on some occasions. she have always hinted to me to buy from her and each time i have deflected her hints tactfully.
confidence aside, how do i try to get her in bed, bearing in mind this could be a make or break in terms of friendship? i do not want to complicate things as we share common friends.
can anyone share with me the basic strategy as to how to bed locals easily?
bro warbird? bro justime or the great and mysterious Mr Austin?
or anyone who had contributed actively here. =)
13-01-2010, 04:37 PM
How abt relying on male dominance attribute?eg Great self-confidence ha
13-01-2010, 11:11 PM
What an auspicious day!!
A well-connected acquaintance has mentioned that our gahmen will continue to get rid of FLs in GL n eventually replacing them w/ legal gals. It's also quite probable that KTV permit n even Casino permit will be issued for gals who want to work in KTVs n casinos. They will be required to undergo monthly health tests. Everything must be regulated.
Bro WB
There were at least 6 van loads of police task force personnel at GL on Monday.
14-01-2010, 10:39 AM
i have been following this thread with much interest. however my main interest is in local girls........
esteemed bros here, i have several friends whom I want to bed. one of them is my friend's friend. she is an insurance agent and we have spoken on some occasions. she have always hinted to me to buy from her and each time i have deflected her hints tactfully.
confidence aside, how do i try to get her in bed.......................................
can anyone share with me the basic strategy as to how to bed locals easily?
bro warbird? bro justime or the great and mysterious Mr Austin?
or anyone who had contributed actively here. =)
Hi bro virginlovers,
The best way to attract n get any gal inside a bedroom is to behave like an unemotional, confident n dominant male. Never put any gal on a pedestal. Change ur mindset n attitude. Her pussy is not the PRIZE here. You're the PRIZE!
I'll defer to Mr. Austin n other more experienced bros for more detailed strategies.
How abt relying on male dominance attribute?eg Great self-confidence ha
Yeah, baby...
There were at least 6 van loads of police task force personnel at GL on Monday.
The raids will continue...
.................................................. .................................................. .......
I hv found out the hard way that it's quite difficult to give a gal COS. It's quite probable that many gals will never ever achieve this blessed state.
I hv not forgotten this cardinal rule: The CRITICAL thing to remember when it comes to great sex is that every woman is DIFFERENT. I hv used different mental n physical stimulation...
Last nite I consummated my BY of an 18 yo student. Using my fingers n tongue for 20 min could only give her mild pleasure at best. She was so naive that she asked me if doing wat I was doing could make me come or 射精!!?? I said wat?? So I started fxking her. To my surprise, only 1 min into the act, she had screaming orgasms! I also started to get very vocal, hahaha. But I was completely exhausted after 15 min. So couldn't give her COS.
According to the Jewish guru JG, there is no substitute for ur didi n u got to fxk a gal hard, or rock her bottom as he calls it, for 60 or more min. I know I cant do it. :(
Any thoughts or comments?
Bro WB
14-01-2010, 04:50 PM
My "niece" arrived this AM from Fujian. Met her in early afternoon n she looked more like 18-19 than her stated age of 20...
I now use a direct n blunt approach to bed KTV gals in SIN that I like (unlike in Macau, China, where the prettiest KTV gals will be vying for me to fxk them). The ones I like to fxk usually dun do ST. After perhaps 1 hr of intro chat n ascertaining that the gal doesn't 出街 n is not being taken care of, I always cut to the chase n pop the question: 我要照顾你. She will feign her shock n surprise...I then ask her terms n requests, etc. Next I'll try to kiss her n if she lets me french her w/o much resistance right there, I know she has tacitly agreed, hahaha.:D
Of course I can't BY someone I dun even hv a chance to look at, but of all the gals I hv seen n fancied since my return to SIN last month, none hv refused BY. The deal is usually consummated within the next 2 days. I only pay wkly n I never buy them anything. I must hv learned well from the masters (a special ths to Mr. Austin)...but it's not as challenging as before n it's getting boring.
Bro WB
14-01-2010, 05:04 PM
I must hv learned well from the masters (a special ths to Mr. Austin)...but it's not as challenging as before n it's getting boring.
Bro WB
You're most welcome Master WarBird.
Yes, like i said before, sure kills leads to boredom & you seem to be reaching the end of the infancy stage of this cheong thingy.
Like LDH, next, the fun and thrill will be left for those on stage!
14-01-2010, 10:06 PM
Hey Bro Warbird,
Just read a great exchange of ideas between you and another senior master in the forum.
BTW.. what is your take and expectations of BY ( other than the exclusive use of the pussy). What about the emotional aspects?
Appreciate your sharing and enlightenment on this. Thanks.
15-01-2010, 10:00 AM
You're most welcome Master WarBird.
Yes, like i said before, sure kills leads to boredom & you seem to be reaching the end of the infancy stage of this cheong thingy.
Like LDH, next, the fun and thrill will be left for those on stage!
Hi my most esteemed Mr. Austin,
I remember calling u a month ago re an issue w/ BY. The ho insisted on paying her monthly allowance on the first of the month. You said no way, pay her wkly. I told her to take it or leave it. That was a great advice, hahaha.
Well, perhaps I should stay an infant. Those on stage r more complex n present a different ball game! My hrs r such that it would be very difficult for me. I'm wondering if I really like someone on stage, couldn't I just book her for the whole month? I dun even hv to show up for sh at all, hehehe. Maybe just 2 wks bcos a whole month could be too boring.
Best personal regards,
Bro WB
Hey Bro Warbird,
Just read a great exchange of ideas between you and another senior master in the forum.
BTW.. what is your take and expectations of BY ( other than the exclusive use of the pussy). What about the emotional aspects?
Appreciate your sharing and enlightenment on this. Thanks.
Hi bro besafe,
Exchange of ideas?
Exclusivity is never a certainty unless u engage the service of a good PI. But there r telltale signs...n u can appear suddenly when u r most unexpected (another useful tip from Mr. Austin).
Like Mr. Austin has alluded to in the past, u want to dominate her, n if she is not willing to submit, dump her! Wat emotional aspects? If u can't control ur heart n ego, dun BY anyone.
Bro WB
15-01-2010, 10:55 AM
Like LDH, next, the fun and thrill will be left for those on stage!
Wah Liew! I am now hibernating in peace and you dig me out in the light? :eek: :D
15-01-2010, 03:43 PM
I use to frequent pudong ktv and the first floor club with KTV in Liang Court last year cos my distro and friend like there.
My sole purpose is to screw the more chio gal, I will try not to spend too much. I will only pay $30 tips normally and $50 to the more chio one I wanna fark and that all, nothing further.
I screwed a few gals already, some really fall in love with me, some just wanna fark me and some will try their best to dig $$$ from me, ask me bao them or pay their school fee.
Im very sick of KTV gal liao, unless they r super chio :D
Actually ya, waiting outside KTV is very viable.
16-01-2010, 11:19 AM
Wah Liew! I am now hibernating in peace and you dig me out in the light? :eek: :D
Yo bro LDH,
Couldn't join u last nite bcos I was w/ my other gang at another joint.
I use to frequent pudong ktv and the first floor club with KTV in Liang Court last year cos my distro and friend like there.
My sole purpose is to screw the more chio gal.........................
I screwed a few gals already, some really fall in love with me, some just wanna fark me and some will try their best to dig $$$ from me, ask me bao them or pay their school fee.
Im very sick of KTV gal liao, unless they r super chio :D
Actually ya, waiting outside KTV is very viable.
Yo bro SGJimmy,
Ths for sharing ur sexploits w/ us here.
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Wat a fantastic day!!
I'm getting lucky on several fronts. A start up high tech co which I invested in has done wonderfully bcos of a potential new product, hehehe. And then there r the pussies...
I went w/ a companion to a hotel very close to TAM n had sushi again last PM. I then allowed her to go sh at DC. At 9PM my gang told me they were at this joint.
Wat to do? I had to call my other BAO-ee, the 18yo student. Good gal! She was home reading a bk. I picked her up in 15 min n went to this place. I didn't know previously she was such a very good singer!! Even better than the SH songbird who went MIA over 4 months ago. To me, she is prettier n fairer than the SH bitch. Much better skin n just as tall. Very jovial, optimistic n playful personality. She quit a famed uni majoring in music n dancing after 6 months bcos she couldn't afford the expenses. Translation: She was dumped by her rich patron. Another surprise, she has very big natural boobs (at least C+, possibly D) w/ pink nipples!! Tat is an added bonus.:D
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
17-01-2010, 11:17 AM
Good morning!
On the subject of singers, I wonder if my idea of booking one for the whole month is a good one. Of course the gal could always refuse such an arrangement if she is getting more from another patron or if she hates the man who wants to book her, ya? Also the thrill n excitement of hanging flowers will be gone n it could get very boring. Any comments?
The other subject is doing raw w/ ur BAO-ees. My advice is: Never. These PRC MMs r very open-minded n some r even reckless. Be very careful. They may jump on top of u before u hv time to react!:eek:
Even if the gal just arrived days ago doesn't mean she is completely safe. The HIV test may take up to 6 months before becoming positive. The other STDs r usually not fatal (excepting for hapatitis B) but could still be quite nasty.
Bro WB
17-01-2010, 02:06 PM
Good morning!
On the subject of singers, I wonder if my idea of booking one for the whole month is a good one...Any comments?
The other subject is doing raw w/ ur BAO-ees. My advice is: Never. These PRC MMs r very open-minded n some r even reckless. Be very careful. They may jump on top of u before u hv time to react!:eek:
Bro WB
Bro WB, hmmm...baoing a singer needs a lot energy and time as her available hours are limited. If you have abundant spare time and willing to buy some "sessions", why not? Then again, the asking rate could be ridiculous;)
Some of my last "part-time" Bao-ees did offer raw after a few protected "outings. But I declined...not so much of HIV as the top concern but the pregnancy. You never know when are they going to intentionally get themselves pregnant and demand absurd commitment and resources from you...:D
Get together soon?
17-01-2010, 02:50 PM
You never know when are they going to intentionally get themselves pregnant and demand absurd commitment and resources from you...:D
This one happened to someone I know in Shanghai!
17-01-2010, 02:59 PM
The other subject is doing raw w/ ur BAO-ees. My advice is: Never. These PRC MMs r very open-minded n some r even reckless. Be very careful. They may jump on top of u before u hv time to react!:eek:
Well, on one occasion, I did raw with one of the PRC University student I was taking care of about a couple of years ago ( of course my BY fee cannot be compared to our Bro WB).
Actually she was the one who wanted raw and she told me that it is her safe period and it was rather strange as she always insist on wearing caps. I succumbed...
After the act, I asked her why? She did not answered but just hug me very tight.
I was quite worried about infection, so I actually went for test. The test was negative. She is now back in China and we still continue to email each other. I hope she can come back and get a job with one of the IRs.
Happy Sunday.
17-01-2010, 03:26 PM
If u alway fark around, no matter how KTV girl or girlfriend tempt u to go raw, alway wear a helmet. Be safe rather than sorry.
Im so paranoid until i almost dun kiss them too.
The feeling is almost the same mah to a guy hehe
18-01-2010, 07:28 AM
Good morning!
On the subject of singers, I wonder if my idea of booking one for the whole month is a good one. Of course the gal could always refuse such an arrangement if she is getting more from another patron or if she hates the man who wants to book her, ya? Also the thrill n excitement of hanging flowers will be gone n it could get very boring. Any comments?
The other subject is doing raw w/ ur BAO-ees. My advice is: Never. These PRC MMs r very open-minded n some r even reckless. Be very careful. They may jump on top of u before u hv time to react!:eek:
Even if the gal just arrived days ago doesn't mean she is completely safe. The HIV test may take up to 6 months before becoming positive. The other STDs r usually not fatal (excepting for hapatitis B) but could still be quite nasty.
Bro WB
Dear Sifu
I found it very intriguing. You all don't do it RAW but you will paint their pussies, suck their titties and french with them. One could get AIDs by doing these, you know. Please enlighten. Thanks.
18-01-2010, 11:02 AM
......baoing a singer needs a lot energy and time as her available hours are limited. If you have abundant spare time and willing to buy some "sessions", why not? Then again, the asking rate could be ridiculous;)
Some of my last "part-time" Bao-ees did offer raw after a few protected "outings. But I declined...not so much of HIV as the top concern but the pregnancy.....
Get together soon?
Hi bro marc5,
Singers do look more classy n elegant, perhaps largely due to the evening gowns. I wonder if my idea of pre-booking them for the whole month is workable.
BTW, I did kept a singer from LV for a short time. I was very attracted to her the 1st time I saw her. She is tall, chio n slim. Aloof n cold. I paid her a wkly allowance plus buying 2 sessions a wk. She was most sextisfying n always available. I kept asking the mummies to approach her for ST, in order to monitor her n also not to reveal our RS. She will be leaving for China Wed, after only 2 months here. I got bored w/ her n she could sense it. She will return on work permit or student visa.
Yes, I would like to hv an outing w/ u n other bros. TAM hh or LV sh or DC? Pls let me know. BTW, no outings for me after 28 of this month, will resume activities in May.
Bro WB
This one happened to someone I know in Shanghai!
There r many such cases!
Well, on one occasion, I did raw with one of the PRC University student......
After the act, I asked her why? She did not answered but just hug me very tight.
I was quite worried about infection, so I actually went for test. The test was negative.......
Dun do it again, bro.
If u alway fark around, no matter how KTV girl or girlfriend tempt u to go raw, alway wear a helmet. Be safe rather than sorry.
Im so paranoid until i almost dun kiss them too.
I do agree w/ u. I only french my BAO-ees. It's very difficult to catch HIV by frenching.
Bro WB
18-01-2010, 11:20 AM
Dear Sifu
....You all don't do it RAW but you will paint their pussies, suck their titties and french with them. One could get AIDs by doing these, you know. Please enlighten. Thanks.
Hi bro,
I'm no sifu, but I hv consulted some medical experts on this subject.
I french all my BAO-ees, suck their titties n paint some of them (only if their pussies r particularly pretty n pink). These activities post very low risks for HIV infection if the gal has no bleeding n u hv no open wounds or lacerations. But in life, nothing is 100% safe. I would put the risks of getting HIV at not more than sitting in any motor vehicle in SIN. In China, the risks of dying from sitting in a car r greater, hehehe.
Of course, u could contract other STDs.
Bro WB
19-01-2010, 10:21 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
I posted a quote on another thread n I was vilified by bro junkie72: "Thank goodness.... you delusional old fart......don't get confused between sex for $$$ and your non existent charm."
My reply:
"Hi bro junkie72,
Pls dun start calling names. You must control ur irrational anger n frustrations, very beta behaviour leh. U will be perceived by the gals as beta n ur rating on the Male Dominance Scale has just plummeted.
The key word here is "perceived." You may be a person of power n wealth, but ur emotional outbursts will be perceived as characteristic of a male very low on the totem pole. Get it?
I hv not zapped u. I was zapped myself: "Super Fun Nites LAS... 16-01-2010 11:20 PM Dont make so much rubbish comments!!!
The zapper is correct bcos I hv made comments which r irrelevant to the theme of this thread.
As for the quote, I copied it from an e-book by a seduction guru Mr. MP from Gotham City."
Of course bro junkie72 could be right on the money n I'm indeed rated very low on the Male Dominance Scale. I'm working every min, every hr, every day to improve every way...hahaha
But the principles of attraction as expounded by Mr. MP r definitely correct. Let me highlight some of them:
1) A man's demeanor reveals his status...among other men.
High status males can act gentle n friendly bcos they hv nothing to prove, whereas low status males r often mean, sarcastic n cruel. The more nasty the man, the lower his status among other men.
2) Your perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women...Period!!
Women dun grade women on their looks in the same way that men rate women...u r graded on where u appear to rank among other males in terms of socio-economice status. lucky for u, this can be faked far more easily than physical ugliness can be hidden...
3) Assuming is the key to the Dominant Male Attitude
Wat u assume to be true makes a vastly more powerful statement than anything u could ever say w/ mere words. You can't hide ur assumptions since ur actions n behaviours r all based upon them."
4) Men must always be the ones to initiate:
The first words, n
The first kiss
Your comments n criticisms r welcome!!
Bro WB
19-01-2010, 11:28 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
I posted a quote on another thread n I was vilified by bro junkie72: "Thank goodness.... you delusional old fart......don't get confused between sex for $$$ and your non existent charm."
Bros and bro WB, I have made my unbiased reply...
21-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Bros and bro WB, I have made my unbiased reply...
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
Ths for ur thoughtful n unbiased reply.
Have u seen the mysterious Mr. Austin lately?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
The seduction guru JG has written abt the 2 voids that all healthy females crave to be filled, at the subconscious level. This craving n urge r hardwired in their primitive brains, hehehe. One void is in the pussy n the other in the mind.
May I propose a very important 3rd void which JG has completely overlooked? The urge to fill this void is very powerful in modern, capitalist society n affects all females, but is particularly strong in WLs n KTV gals/singers. I'm talking abt the MONEY PURSE, hehehe. For many PRC MMs, this void supercedes the other 2 n just abt everything else!! It's their no 1 obsession. Actually, this is the only void that all healthy males also want to fill!!
IMHO, even if u make deep emotional n physical connection w/ a PRC MM, including giving her COS, she may still sleep w/ other men for money. There is nothing personal, it's her job. Of course, there r many exceptions provided their purses r filled adequately n the other 2 voids r satisfied...
Your comments n criticisms r welcome!!
Bro WB
21-01-2010, 01:08 PM
Bro WB,
Finally you are moving to the right direction. In dealing with WL/KTV gal or singer, the single and most important requirement is you must have the power of $$$. No doubt if one has high scoring on Male Dominance Scale will attract them initially, but ultimately is the $$$ that they are looking for. Who can reject, even a old fart who willing to dump $25k for a month? Is pure buying. Therefore the theory of Male dominance scale do not apply here and hence the reason why, a 100% hit rate on your latest "baoing" exercise.
Probably we are generalizing the meaning of BAO. Of course, each has their own definition, and I see a different setting from yours. Getting a gal to agree on a short term, weekly paid arrangement in exchange for sexuality is just another form of prostitution. The is no emotion bidding in such arrangement.
I apologies if I have cause unhappiness, this is just my own personal view.
22-01-2010, 01:02 PM
Bro WB,
Finally you are moving to the right direction. In dealing with WL/KTV gal or singer, the single and most important requirement is you must have the power of $$$. No doubt if one has high scoring on Male Dominance Scale will attract them initially, but ultimately is the $$$ that they are looking for. Who can reject, even a old fart who willing to dump $25k for a month? Is pure buying. Therefore the theory of Male dominance scale do not apply here and hence the reason why, a 100% hit rate on your latest "baoing" exercise.
Probably we are generalizing the meaning of BAO. Of course, each has their own definition, and I see a different setting from yours. Getting a gal to agree on a short term, weekly paid arrangement in exchange for sexuality is just another form of prostitution. The is no emotion bidding in such arrangement.
I apologies if I have cause unhappiness, this is just my own personal view.
Hi bro benz180,
Ths for ur comments n keen insights. IMHO, you're only half right.
You're absolutely right in that the prerequisite for owning the pussies of these KTV gals/singers/sudents is sufficient money. But remember this, if the gals is a chio SYT, she will hv a no of suitors who offer more or less the same amt of $$ n she will choose the man who is perceived to rank the highest in Male Dominance Scale. It's hardwired in her primitive brain n she can't help it.
Yes, I did score 100% rejections a yr ago despite offering more money to BY some gals. In retrospect, I was behaving like a beta man aka nice guy aka wussy(bad idea); I praised their beauty (very bad idea) n put them on a pedestal (even worse idea), mistakenly thinking that was the fastest way to their was a big turn-off n they flatly refused to even hv meals w/ me! The 2 Fujian gals finally agreed to become my BAO-ees, months later when their income was greatly depressed by the financial crisis. But they gave me no service n was never submissive.:(
But that was then, this is now, hehehe. I'm getting the gals I really fancy n I'm only paying the going rates. Why? I believe it's my new attitude n strategies n most importantly, I'm being perceived ás ranking much higher in the Scale than before. BTW, It's a perception that can be faked.
All my BYs hv been for 1-4 wks bcos of a variety of reasons, not by design. I actually like to hv a gal I could keep on a longer-term basis, but in addition to being the type of pussy I greatly desire, she must be totally submissive n hv a most pleasing n jovial personality. So far, there r only 3 gals who fit the bill.
Yeah, you're also right in saying these KTV gals/singers/students r hoes/freaks. So wat? I had a male fren at NUS who dumped a pretty SYT whom he was in love w/ n married a very rich, but rather plain-looking gal. Is he not a male prostitute? Some may call him prudent n practical. He has been very miserable though.
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
Bro WB
22-01-2010, 01:48 PM
true, it's not always about money, though their basic needs must be met. we don't live in a black+white, but a grey world. nothing is absolute, and not everything can be quantified in factual terms. that's why i always avoid making sweeping statements
i know for a fact some KTV gals willingly attach themselves to guys they love without asking for a single cent, except for the occasional birthday/xmas etc ... presents. all they want is companionship and will not offer their bodies up for money. sounds unreal ?
guess there really are different kinds of people out there in the world, even in the KTV context
'I'm easily satisfied by the best'
23-01-2010, 11:25 AM
true, it's not always about money, though their basic needs must be met. we don't live in a black+white, but a grey world. nothing is absolute, and not everything can be quantified in factual terms. that's why i always avoid making sweeping statements
i know for a fact some KTV gals willingly attach themselves to guys they love without asking for a single cent, except for the occasional birthday/xmas etc ... presents. all they want is companionship and will not offer their bodies up for money. sounds unreal ?
guess there really are different kinds of people out there in the world, even in the KTV context
'I'm easily satisfied by the best'
Hi bro BV,
Ths for ur sharing ur observations.
IMHO, It's very difficult for a KTV gal/student to really fall in love w/ a SIN patron, though not impossible. As I hv mentioned in my previous post, even if a man could satisfy her two basic voids, she may still sell her body to fill her 3rd void, her money purse, hehehe.
That said, I realize that there r exceptions. You're also a rare exception among men. In addition to ranking high in the Scale, you're also very cool n romantic. I can see why some KTV gals may fall for u, hahaha. Luckily our tastes for pussies r quite different, otherwise I wont want to cheong w/ u!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
What a wonderful morning!!
I know that the STI has declined...n the Dow has slipped into the red for the day, year, decade and century...all in one day! I believe the major indices will retest the lows last yr n a global depression may be coming. It's not a matter of if but when.
Very grim prospects for many people. But I'm an eternal optimist n I see wonderful benefits from such an event.
Firstly, all assets n stocks will be on sale. It will be buying oppty of a life time!! Mr. J. Paul Getty became the richest man in the world by loading up on very undervalued stocks in the 1930s.
Secondly, the recession has already forced many young n chio PRC students to look for patrons. Isn't that a wonderful thing for a lao chi ko pek?:D
Last nite I attended 2 sessions at DC, HH w/ bro BV n some frens. I had a Fujian gal w/ me.
For SH, I joined Bros Marc5 n LDH. Bro LDH is developing a longer-term RS w/ a dancer/singer, a chio SYT. Good for him!
Bro marc5 n I share one thing in common: We both get bored quickly after 2 wks w/ a gal. I told him that recently I was enamored w/ a tall singer at LV n wanted to up her badly. I had a sleepless nite just thinking abt her! But after having her for a wk, I was very bored despite her beautiful body n pussy. She was not easily orgasmic.:(
I had an 18 yo student (soon to be 19) w/ me for SH at DC. She is my type of pussy n I may keep her for longer-term. She has not worked since our deal was consummated n is at my beck n call. I hv monitored her n hv showed up suddenly at her residence (very close to where I live) n so far she has lived up to the deal. She says she is always available for me, any time, any hr, any day n every day if I so desire.
She is also full of surprises. The 1st time I made out w/ her I was very disappointed initially bcos my W method of stimulating the clit had elicited only subdued response n mild pleasure at best after 20 min. Her silence was deafening. Shit, must be a dead fish. I then sucked on her natural D breasts n pink nipples (she is the only PRC MM I know who tries to minimise the size of her mammary glands by her bra n dress style), n to my complete surprise, she had screaming orgasms after only 1 min!! I then put my didi into her very tight n wet hole n pumped furiously...she continued to hv violent n screaming orgasms...coalescing into a COS!!:D
She is abt 170 w/o shoes n weights 56Kg, but abt 1/10 of which is her nai nai, hehehe. To me at least, she is very chio n has very fair n flawless skin. When I first saw her at a high-end KTV, I literally ran after her. It was lust at first sight. Already booked, shit. I got her name n later she came to say hello, hehehe. On student visa n had been here 1 month. Judging from my accent n fair skin, at first she thought I was a fellow PRC man!!
Additionally, she has a very pleasing, jovial n playful personality. She is totally submissive. She is also less mercenary than most PRC MMs. She is the "best PRC gal" I hv met thus far in SIN. She will spend 2 wks in China for the CNY. I hv voluntarily offered to buy her a gift for her 19th birthday.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
23-01-2010, 01:17 PM
Pardon my ignorance but please enlighten me:
What does KC stand for? I roughly understand its meaning from the context it is used - being smitten by the KTV gals, falling truely in love etc, right?
Also, what is COS?
What bro Warbird has said here is very true. Besides money, gals do look for something else in men, that special quality.
If not, how else can we explain the fact that we see many absolutely beautiful women with ugly fat and short or ugly thin and tall men who are NOT even rich? I have come across many such examples myself.
There is something out there... we need to learn...
23-01-2010, 03:59 PM
oh man,
warbird's really good with compliments ... and getting good responses from his girls ! i figure i still have a lot to learn from you !
but yesterday HH was really cool ... the sing-along was really fun ! very seldom do i find cheongsters who have the same music tastes as i ! la-la-la ...
24-01-2010, 01:30 PM
For SH, I joined Bros Marc5 n LDH. Bro LDH is developing a longer-term RS w/ a dancer/singer, a chio SYT. Good for him!
Bro marc5 n I share one thing in common: We both get bored quickly after 2 wks w/ a gal.
Bro WB
Bro WB, good to have you joining us on Friday night. I believe we had fun. Bro LDH and I practically finished off 1.75 bottles of Martell. We were happy:D.
Yes, somehow my interest would evaporate after two bonks with a gal in avearge. The Chengdu student that I dumped was crying out loud to see me again but I had called it a day. For I know damn well that these PRC KTV gals are here for monies; and we are in for the fun - so no love lost for me in whatever case. I am looking for the next taste of encounter ;)
Your gal looked so decent and didn't show the cleavage of D with her tall, slim physique. But from the evening together I noticed she was very submissive to you and hence I concluded that she is yours for your script.
Have a good "retirement" for the time being. See you soon! Cheers.
hi bro wb,
thanks for repeating the alpha man point over and over again. it just helps to refresh the pointers...
u mention some e-book... care to share??
i dun agree painting wont cause infection.. do u know vaginal fluid can contain AIDS? these incl sperm fluid.. so i am always careful who i paint..
24-01-2010, 05:59 PM
Bro WB, good to have you joining us on Friday night. I believe we had fun. Bro LDH and I practically finished off 1.75 bottles of Martell. We were happy:D.
Hi bro Marc5,
Indeed I was very happy, absolutely love the stock market of recent times!!! :D I have the honor of meeting a couple of bro WB's pals from HH session and bro Justime whilst sitting out in the main hall with my singers. Looks like there are plenty of stock-market experts within our cheong-groups. Keep it up guys - brilliant insights to investments!
Bros March5 & WB - it was great to have you guys around last Friday. It was awesome! Both of you got great looking ladies - Marc5's babe was a looker and a good drinker. Nearly lost big time in her hands... heh heh. WB's babe and BY, very quiet and very submissive. I must say you have had a good deal there. Didnt have chance to check out her boobs, but she has nice legs. I love legs!
Hi bro BV,
Last nite I attended 2 sessions at DC, HH w/ bro BV n some frens. I had a Fujian gal w/ me.
For SH, I joined Bros Marc5 n LDH. Bro LDH is developing a longer-term RS w/ a dancer/singer, a chio SYT. Good for him!
Bro, let's catch up once more. Your tow-kay friend and the other gentleman makes very good and intelligent conversations despite the short time we spent in the main hall.
Cannot believe it that both me and Marc5 finished nearly 2 bottles of Martell and were still sober.
Hope both of you like the singer I introduced to you... :p
24-01-2010, 07:48 PM
What does KC stand for?.....
Also, what is COS?
What bro Warbird has said here is very true. Besides money, gals do look for something else in men, that special quality.
If not, how else can we explain the fact that we see many absolutely beautiful women with ugly fat and short or ugly thin and tall men who are NOT even rich? I have come across many such examples myself.
There is something out there... we need to learn...
Hi bro grouchycabi,
KC = Kam Cheng or emotional attachment
COS = Continuously Orgasmic State
Besides money, wat attracts these PRC MMs is ur standing on the Male Dominance Scale. Then there is an attribute called gravitas, hehehe.
warbird's really good with compliments ... and getting good responses from his girls ! i figure i still have a lot to learn from you !
but yesterday HH was really cool .....
Hi bro BV,
Am I good at giving compliments? Hahaha...
The HH was enjoyable. I didn't know my fren L also knows a bit abt mining.
LV Tues? Pls call me.
...I believe we had fun. Bro LDH and I practically finished off 1.75 bottles of Martell...
Yes, somehow my interest would evaporate after two bonks with a gal in avearge. The Chengdu student that I dumped was crying out loud to see me again but I had called it a day. For I know damn well that these PRC KTV gals are here for monies; and we are in for the fun - so no love lost for me in whatever case. I am looking for the next taste of encounter ;)
Your gal looked so decent and didn't show the cleavage of D with her tall, slim physique. But from the evening together I noticed she was very submissive to you and hence I concluded that she is yours for your script.
Hi bro marc5,
I read the Chinese text ur gal sent to u. OMG!! You broke her heart!! You hv gravitas, bro, which puts u well up in the Scale, hehehe.
My 18 yo gal (KK) is so "decent"? Maybe relatively "decent" as she came here only 1 1/2 months ago. BTW, she really has natural D cups which she often tries to minimise by compressing them bcos there r disproportionately large. Her dress tat nite was up to her neck n hid her cleavage, hehehe. She also has quite a big ass of 36". I like her jovial personality, but she is very sensitive n can't conceal her emotions. It's unusual tat I'm not bored w/ her yet after almost 2 wks.;) I'll buy her a gift for her birthday early next month.
...thanks for repeating the alpha man point over and over again. it just helps to refresh the pointers...
u mention some e-book... care to share??
i dun agree painting wont cause infection.. do u know vaginal fluid can contain AIDS? these incl sperm fluid.. so i am always careful who i paint..
Hi bro uhoo,
Sorry, many e-books hv copyrights too.
If you're worried, then dun paint as it could cause infections.
Hi bro Marc5,
Indeed I was very happy, absolutely love the stock market of recent times!!! :D I have the honor of meeting a couple of bro WB's pals from HH session and bro Justime whilst sitting out in the main hall with my singers....
Bros March5 & WB - it was great to have you guys around last Friday. It was awesome! Both of you got great looking ladies - Marc5's babe was a looker and a good drinker. Nearly lost big time in her hands... heh heh. WB's babe and BY, very quiet and very submissive. I must say you have had a good deal there. Didnt have chance to check out her boobs, but she has nice legs. I love legs!
Bro, let's catch up once more...
Cannot believe it that both me and Marc5 finished nearly 2 bottles of Martell and were still sober.
Hope both of you like the singer I introduced to you... :p
Hi bro LDH,
With Mr. Austin in hibernation, you're now THE singer-killer!!
Let's hv another session before my temporary retirement.
Dun want to look for another gal as I hv a 2nd BAO-ee, the Fujian gal who accompanied me to HH tat nite.
Bro WB
26-01-2010, 10:38 AM
Good morning to all esteemed samsters,
A word abt picking up gals inside KTVs.
Most bros rely on mummies to bring gals to them. In my personal experience that is a mistake. It's better for u to hang out where the gals congregate n pick the ones u like. Try to see as many gals as possible.
Of all my BAO-ees, only one was intro by a mummy n she was a disappointment. Two were intro by bros. The rest I found them myself. Most mummies will bring u gals they know or familiar w/. I suspect some gals reward mummies for intro patrons.
Earlier this month I was at a high-end KTV SH n my favourite mummy brought 2 supposed 美女to sit w/ me. I quickly rejected both of them. Not blaming her as one man's meat is...I then roamed the main hall n every which way to "view" as many gals as possible.
I must hv seen 70-80 gals in 25 min. Then I saw a very gorgeous n tall SYT...OMG!!...I was stunned n literally ran after her. My heart quickened n it was lust at 1st sight! But before I was close enough to speak to her, she was quickly ushered into a rm together w/ 10 other gals. I waited outside the rm hoping the 2 fellow ah peks inside won't pick her. I was waiting anxiously. After the gals came out, I quickly approached my quarry n asked for her name n assigned no n offered to book her. But her mummy came up n said she had been booked! Luckly the ah peks didn't book her immediately, which gave me a crucial 10 secs to get to know her assigned no, hehehe. I later told her it's 缘份 or predestined affinity.
I later requested my mummy to bring the SYT to meet me. In the meantime I continued to look around. Saw a singer on stage n I realized she was my coveted type as well, 2nd only to the SYT I missed. After she finished singing, I approached her n asked her to come to my rm. She came to sit w/ me n later that SYT also came to say hello n gave her HP no. Two coveted quarries in one nite. I left a very happy man...BTW, the SYT is 18 yo KK.;)
I dun undestand why my mummies didn't intro these 2 gals to me much earlier. I would hv a lot more time to enjoy their pussies! They knew exactly what my type was. Must be tall, chio w/ proportionate figure n long slim arms/legs. When the senior mummy saw that I brought the tall singer to my rm, she greeted me n said 你找到一个最漂亮的. Why didn't she intro her to me before? Her assistant's excuse, I didn't know u wanted singer too. Didn't she know the gorgeous SYT was my type as well?:confused:
So never rely on mummies. I had even offered to reward them handsomely if they intro the right gal but it had not helped. So find the gals yourself. Less than 5% of men do that. It will give u an unfair competitive advantage.:D
So much for picking up gals inside KTVs. From time to time I need to be true to the spirit of this thread, which is picking them outside...hehehe.
Here is a great way to pick up gals outside KTVs, specifically at the TAM Complex which IS the Mecca for gorgeous SYTs. Ideally, u should work w/ a wing man. Both of u should wait outside the lifts on the 1st FL between 915PM n 1015PM. You will see the largest no of chio PRC MMs in SIN. The DC complex is a distant 2nd. The gals will be coming from all directions to take the lifts to either CI or LV. When u see ur type of gal, approach her n ask for her name n HP no. Then try to book her or arrange to meet her at a later date.
BTW, dun forget to post ur FRs here, hehehe.:p
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
26-01-2010, 04:49 PM
Let's hv another session before my temporary retirement.
Bro WB & Marc5, how about this coming Friday - We do a HH followed by a SH?
27-01-2010, 11:12 AM
Bro WB & Marc5, how about this coming Friday - We do a HH followed by a SH?
Hi bro LDH,
Can't make it this Fri.:(
Have a great time!!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Although the past doesn't exist nor does the future, I like to learn from the past n plan for the future. Fortunately, I usually spend less than 15 min a day doing so.
In early Sep last yr, Mr. Austin, bro LDH, LKY n I were at DC HH. I brought a 20 yo SH gal I was going to BY. He was quite impressed w/ her n told me I should consider 金盆洗手n keep her on a long-term basis.
But she went MIA the next day n I knew another man snatched her, hahaha. As I hv mentioned before, there r two main reasons why she abandoned me. Firstly, n most importantly, I offered her only half the going rate (that was what she asked for n I was dumb enough to believe her). Secondly, I often had relapses of my beta behaviour.
That was then, this is now, hahaha.
My current 18 yo mistress KK is younger, fairer, prettier, w/ even slender arms, much bigger natural boobs n bigger ass. Equally nice long legs n identical height of 170. KK is 2 kg heavier n most of that extra weight is in the boobs n a little is in her ass. I'm not a boob man but she has the most beautiful pair of boobs I hv seen!
They both sing very well. Both had spent some time at reputable universities in PRC prior to coming to SIN.
KK is totally submissive,always available n is willing to do anything to give me pleasure n happiness (in her own words)! She also worries a lot abt the health of this lao chi ko pek n that she is making me too fatigued. I told her she must enjoy too n she says 已经佷舒服了。
However, the SH gal does speak much better English!
I enjoy spending time w/ KK bcos she is jovial, vivacious n playful. I like her now more than when I consummated the deal 2 wks ago. Why didn't I hv a GF like that when I was 20? Not sure abt long-term though. I bought her a small gift yesterday for her birthday next month n promised to give her a bonus to bring home for the Spring Festival.
The other day we went to a steamboat restaurant. After dinner, she brought some da bao for her roommates. I willingly paid for the da bao. Later, she held my hand n hugged me n whispered: You're really a kind man!
Me: 为什么?
KK: 新加坡人很吝啬。
Me: 有些人很吝啬。
Kk: 大部份人很吝啬。
Me: 是吗?
KK: 新加坡男人也很色!
Me: 什么色?
Kk: 新加坡男人都色迷迷的看我。。。
Me: 真的吗?那我也很吝啬, 我都是色迷迷的看你。。。
KK: 你不同,是我的男朋友,我要你每天都色迷迷的看我,每天和我做爱!
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
27-01-2010, 11:22 AM
Really sounds like ur living a very blissful life atm, Bro Warbird. Glad u've finally found some1 u like among all the BYs. Enjoy while it lasts dude!!
27-01-2010, 11:31 AM
Really sounds like ur living a very blissful life atm, Bro Warbird. Glad u've finally found some1 u like among all the BYs. Enjoy while it lasts dude!!
Hi bro Fishcer,
Ths, I know nothing lasts forever...
Remember my SYT "niece" BB? She is my other GF! I'm also quite fond of her. But w/ my family coming, it would not be cost effective for me to keep both of them.
If my lucky streak continues like this, I may not want to go to Macau, China, hehehe.
Bro WB
27-01-2010, 11:36 AM
Most bros rely on mummies to bring gals to them. In my personal experience that is a mistake. It's better for u to hang out where the gals congregate n pick the ones u like. Try to see as many gals as possible.
So never rely on mummies. I had even offered to reward them handsomely if they intro the right gal but it had not helped. So find the gals yourself. Less than 5% of men do that. It will give u an unfair competitive advantage.:D
Bro WB
Hi bro WB,
Hi bro WB,
I wouldn't agree with you 100% on your conclusion on "picking up gals outside KTVs". It's obvious that each approach has its pluses and minuses. I believe to rule one approach much effective is a personal preference, and in many instances, experience :).
I have always relied on mummies to present the gals to me. I find several advantages (at least for me) to do so. Do allow me to list here:
1) Quick overview. I could easily obtain a quick overview of the physical attributes of the gals at a glance – from head to toe, all right in front of me, display in a row. I could compare the specifics of various gals as they are standing side by side, next to each other.
2) Insight information. I could get background information on freshness (in the scene), playability, drinkability, bonkability, origins, etc. from mummies; on the spot or in advance.
3) Flexibility. I select or reject at my own discretion - before or after a gal sit with me. This is a plus compared to a gal that you arranged to sit with you for the first time, after obtaining her contact yourself. If I reject, I ask mummy to bring other batches for me to choose from - on the spot. No hassle.
4) Choices. I could choose from a wide spectrum of batches of gals at one outing. Sometimes it can be four to five batches before I zoom in on one. Sometimes I find the right one from the first batch. I could potentially select from all gals available at the KTV if I want.
5) Filtering. Normally my mummies would do a quick filtering of gals for me, i.e, based on my basic specification. It could be height, look, “slutiness”, age group, or anything such as special desire for the day. With a fundamental filtering process, I I focus my time on how best to enjoy myself.
The above are just some of the thoughts came to my mind and are not exhaustive. As I mentioned, it is a personal preference. If you believe that picking up gals outside KTVs works great for you and hence a better approach, that’s absolutely fine. But for me, I stick to “picking up gals inside KTVs” - at least for sometime to come :D.
27-01-2010, 11:37 AM
Hi Seniors here, all so high points,
I also have similar experience which I will like to share, the possibilities for such situations really happens. I also dont like to drink much so dont really go KTVs much. I got a gf whom i take of whom I know in CC, and since she was staying in TAM vicinity, I got lotsa chances.
I got to know 2 girls so far since waiting for my gf, the china students who study in Singapore and partime as dance hostessess (or actually come work as dance hostessess and partime study, whichever way you like it, hehe). They are generally very chatty and ok with any guys as, honestly they also not serious in relationship as they are out to look for money.
One of the girls i got to know, tall and and leggy and nice hair walking towards my direction, so I got down my car and pretend lobo-ing waiting around. Then when she walking near me, I just went up to her and said hi, she smiled and really pretty, beh tahan, I sucker for smiley faces. So i asked if I can call her sometime, she stopped and gave me her number and gave another beh tahan smile. The girls who works in that vicinity really dresses up real good and chio chio.
The thing is, if you dont try, you dont noe !
and the other thing is, even if you fail, 1) you no need pai seh cause you prolly never see her again, 2) and she wont go around telling your friends that you try to get fresh with her.
anyway my experience and hope boost a little confidence to fellow bros, Cheerio
27-01-2010, 11:37 AM
Hi bro Fishcer,
Ths, I know nothing lasts forever...
Remember my SYT "niece" BB? She is my other GF! I'm also quite fond of her. But w/ my family coming, it would not be cost effective for me to keep both of them.
If my lucky streak continues like this, I may not want to go to Macau, China, hehehe.
Bro WB can u 一脚踏两船 :p
Well, 船到桥头自然直, till then, just maximise ur returns on the 2 ladies. But as for Macau, China, i reckon no matter how lucky u get here, its still of much much better quality luck needed ovr there...haha :D
27-01-2010, 11:50 AM
Bro WB,
I have seen your earlier SH bird flying around in DC several times around late Dec 2009... in fact I just saw her last Thursday night in the queue. hahaha.
Its her loss bro! I see a lot of similarities of me in you, our generousity (ex-KC trap) comes along only after the relationship has developed. Why waste moolah on undeserving fools? :D Looks like I have learnt much from Mr Austin aka Bro DYBJ.
You guys have seen my SMS... I am not going to waste anymore moolah on that particular underserving slave pot centre!
Hi bro LDH,
In early Sep last yr, Mr. Austin, bro LDH, LKY n I were at DC HH. I brought a 20 yo SH gal I was going to BY. He was quite impressed w/ her n told me I should consider 金盆洗手n keep her on a long-term basis.
But she went MIA the next day n I knew another man snatched her, hahaha. As I hv mentioned before, there r two main reasons why she abandoned me. Firstly, n most importantly, I offered her only half the going rate (that was what she asked for n I was dumb enough to believe her). Secondly, I often had relapses of my beta behaviour.
27-01-2010, 12:52 PM
Bro WB,
I have seen your earlier SH bird flying around in DC several times around late Dec 2009... in fact I just saw her last Thursday night in the queue. hahaha.
Its her loss bro! I see a lot of similarities of me in you, our generousity (ex-KC trap) comes along only after the relationship has developed. Why waste moolah on undeserving fools? :D Looks like I have learnt much from Mr Austin aka Bro DYBJ.
You guys have seen my SMS... I am not going to waste anymore moolah on that particular underserving slave pot centre!
haha glad u hv finally seen the lite.
That's Y i make all efforts to avoid that place!
Finally bro LDH, 你长大了
27-01-2010, 10:25 PM
KK: 你不同,是我的男朋友
How come she never calls u Lao Gong?
Most of them will ... Dun they?:)
28-01-2010, 10:38 AM
Hi bro WB,
I wouldn't agree with you 100% on your conclusion on "picking up gals outside KTVs". It's obvious that each approach has its pluses and minuses. I believe to rule one approach much effective is a personal preference, and in many instances, experience :).
I have always relied on mummies to present the gals to me. I find several advantages (at least for me) to do so. Do allow me to list here:
1) Quick overview...
2) Insight information...
3) Flexibility...
4) Choices...
5) Filtering...
... But for me, I stick to “picking up gals inside KTVs” - at least for sometime to come :D.
Hi esteemed bro marc5,
Ths for sharing ur experience. You hv made very cogent argument for ur eminently successful MO, n you hv more chio gals then u know wat to do, hehehe.
I hv found picking up gals Outside KTVs to be unproductive n time consuming. But I still like to view as many gals as possible wherever they r inside KTVs, n pick them up either myself or w/ the assistance of a mummy.
For example, mummy K at TAM has been very helpful n both of us would go n look at all the gals lining up in the hallway n inside that small rm. She would whisper in Malay n tell me if the gal or gals I fancy can do ST or not, this one boleh n that one tah boleh, hehehe. It's so much fun. No ST simply means the gal wants more than the usual rates or she is very selective n only wants a man of gravitas such as bro marc5. Or she may want BY only.
Bro WB
I also have similar experience which I will like to share..................
One of the girls i got to know, tall and and leggy and nice hair walking towards my direction,...
The thing is, if you dont try, you dont noe ! ......................
Hi bro Honry,
Ths for sharing ur valuable experience w/ us.
Cheers! can u 一脚踏两船 :p
Well, 船到桥头自然直, till then, just maximise ur returns on the 2 ladies. But as for Macau, China, i reckon no matter how lucky u get here, its still of much much better quality luck needed ovr there...haha :D
Hi esteemed bro Fishcer,
My "niece" was in Fujian to attend to her aunt's cancer surgery n I really didn't know when she would be back...n in the meantime I met KK.
Yes, u will be spoilt for choices in Macau, China n u dun need luck there. And it wont cost an arm n a leg. Unfortunately, I'm not young like u n I can't wait yrs...
Bro WB,
I have seen your earlier SH bird flying around in DC several times around late Dec 2009... in fact I just saw her last Thursday night in the queue. hahaha.
Its her loss bro! I see a lot of similarities of me in you, our generousity (ex-KC trap) comes along only after the relationship has developed. Why waste moolah on undeserving fools? Looks like I have learnt much from Mr Austin aka Bro DYBJ.
You guys have seen my SMS... I am not going to waste anymore moolah on that particular underserving slave pot centre!
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
Did u really see that SH bird? How did she look? I thought she was very chio, but my young wing man was not overly impressed. One man's meat is...
If u hv read my posts u know I was enamored w/ her at the time. I frenched her, squeezed her boobs n ass, but was taking my own sweet time to fxk her bcos I had 2 other BAO-ees at the time.
Then she literally flew away!! 煮熟的鸭子飞了!! Hahaha.
Yes, we hv both benefited from Mr. Austin's wisdom. We should only be generous to those who r totally submissive n treat us like emperors, otherwise dun pay one penny extra.
Yes, u should boycott that "slave pot centre."
haha glad u hv finally seen the lite.
That's Y i make all efforts to avoid that place!
Finally bro LDH, 你长大了
Hi esteemed Mr Austin,
Always good to hear from u!
How come she never calls u Lao Gong?
Most of them will ... Dun they?
Hi esteemed bro besafe,
What a gal calls u is not as important as how she treats u, hehehe.
Although I'm having a most wonderful RS w/ KK, I'm not sure how long we will be together. There r too many imponderables...she has told me her 梦想A n 梦想B which r both very modest.
28-01-2010, 10:49 PM
Although I'm having a most wonderful RS w/ KK, I'm not sure how long we will be together. There r too many imponderables...she has told me her 梦想A n 梦想B which r both very modest.
Hi Bro WB,
Thanks for your kind comments of my 20 year old.
Unlike you, I may be with her for quite a long time (until she graduates?)
She is quite submissive but do once in a while shows her "fiery" side.
But that's is what I like about her - speaking up her mind when needed. I dun want a robot around me.
As for lovemaking, the feeling is very intense ! very intense ! and often 2- 3 shots.:D Thank you for the erotic orgasm tips.
So much so, that I would not be going for legal or FL for quite a while ... unless something really spectacular appears.
Cheers !
29-01-2010, 10:20 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Thanks for your kind comments of my 20 year old.
Unlike you, I may be with her for quite a long time (until she graduates?)
She is quite submissive but do once in a while shows her "fiery" side.
But that's is what I like about her - speaking up her mind when needed. I dun want a robot around me.
As for lovemaking, the feeling is very intense ! very intense ! and often 2- 3 shots.:D Thank you for the erotic orgasm tips.
So much so, that I would not be going for legal or FL for quite a while ... unless something really spectacular appears.
Hi bro besafe,
I certainly wish that u hv a most satisfying long-term RS w/ ur gal.
It's not that I dun desire a long-term RS w/ KK, I'm merely saying that the future is unknowable. The past n the future dun exist n I'm not going to waste one min worrying abt it. I live only in the eternal present moment, one moment at a time. Personally, that is the only way to live life to the fullest.
A good mindset is having total self confidence n resolute acceptance of death which may occur at any moment for everyone of us on this earth.
BTW, I hv many more orgasm tips. But it could be troublesome if ur gal is too addicted to u.
Good day!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Yes, I'm still very fond of KK after more than 2 wks. But this young "decent" gal is quite crafty n has tried to KC me. The other day, she "confessed" that it would be her good fortune to hv a man like me taking care of her for the rest of her stay in SIN. I replied that it was my good fortune too...
It's amazing that a chio SYT is willing to sacrifice the best 2 yrs of her life ( between 18-20, a gal is at the peak of her beauty n fertility ) w/ a lao chi ko pek. She is actually worried that I might find someone else when she is in China for the CNY. I really feel a bit sorry (not KC) for her. I like her young n wet pussy n her very big boobs n her screaming orgasms. I only hv to suck on her nipples n I can see her love juice dripping out of her cunt...:D
The other gal I like for possible long-term RS is GG whom I had BY for 2wks in late August n early Sep. She is trying to return...
Then there is the cooked duck that flew away. I'm very confident that this cooked duck could fly back to me if n when I so desire, hehehe. Why? This is a new ballgame n there hv been many changes. She was like a piece of juicy meat in a wolf's mouth which was suddenly snatched away by another more experienced n aggressive wolf, hahaha. Congrats to my rival wolf whoever he is. Well done, mate. He either is rated higher on the Scale or has offered more money or both. But that was then, this is now.;)
Isn't life full of fun n surprises?:p
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
30-01-2010, 11:15 AM
Good morning!
Here are a Gotham guru's 7 methods of attracting beautiful women.
<<< 1) Be Confident
Confidence is the mother of attraction.
Write this on your forehead.
You can literally know the best techniques for how to pick up
women that no one else knows and still be unsuccessful if you’re
not confident. NOTHING will be working out for you.
It’s so important to be confident and have a strong INNER
GAME because all your communication is based and comes
from that core and women will SENSE when you’re insecure
and don’t have your act together which is highly
So how do you create confidence?....................................... ............
1.Use Affirmations: (hear)...
2.Create Powerful Future Visions: (see)...
3.Collect Little Victories: (experience)...
2) Demonstrate High Social Value
A very important aspect concerning attraction is idea of SOCIAL
Women aren’t attracted to men that have lower social value
than themselves.
Another thing to write down on your forehead.......................................... ..
There are actually 3 types of guys which stand for low social
1. The Wussy...
2. The Cool Guy Pretender...
3. The Offensive Guy...these kind of guys become very pushy, offensive and sexually aggressive when they are around a really beautiful woman they feel attracted to because they are not in control of their sex drive.
Their drive is so strong that it dominates their whole
communication and seeks through everything they do.
(At this time I still hv some remnants of the wussy n the offensive guy! :().
So now the question arises, why do all these guys start acting
like that when they see a woman they are attracted to? Why do
they fall into “Low Social Value Mode”?
The answer is quite simple:
They start acting like that because they are impressed by her
Her beauty is what makes them nervous and pushes the switch
inside of them to create attraction inside of her.
Unfortunately, most men were taught and therefore think that
certain things like making women a lot of compliments, always
doing what she wants, never disagreeing, or showing sexual
interest right up in front will create attraction inside of her
which is…
Very Wrong!
It’s a wide spread myth that men who don’t have a lot of
experience with women believe.
That’s why I created this report to show you that these things
don’t work, kill this myth and show you what works instead.
Beauty is a shit test. It separates the losers from the winners.
Here’s how you can demonstrate high social value or in short,
how you DHV in order to attract a woman:
1. Don’t Be Impressed By Her Beauty...
2. Be Preselected And Socially Active...
3. Be The Alpha Male...
4. Don’t Give Her A Lot Of Attention At The
5. Be A Leader To Her...
6.Let Her Earn It.
What does she have to earn? EVERYTHING…
You see when a beautiful woman asks for something most
guys IMMEDIATELY give it to her. Whatever it might be…
They do what she wants them to do................................................ .......
I'll continue...
Any comments n criticisms?
Bro WB
31-01-2010, 10:22 AM
<<<If you’re guilty of doing these things, raise your
hand. Then take your raised hand, and slap yourself silly.
If you want to become more successful with women than you
are right now, and get some of the hottest women out there,
then I recommend you take a different approach.
When she wants something from you, don’t give it to her
immediately. You have to make clear that you are the prize
and that she has to earn it.
If she hasn’t earned it yet tell her that she doesn’t deserve it
yet and don’t give it to her............................................... .................
3) Build Attraction Waves And Loops
Have you ever seen a good horror movie? One that was really
full of TENSION, anticipation and that scared THE HELL out of
you?.............................................. ...............................................
What these tension waves do is they created MORE and MORE
tension up to climax where usually everybody is already
freaking out because there’s so DAMN much of it.
This mechanism is a very powerful tool that you can and should
also use for women to create and amplify attraction.
Here’s How You Do It:
You can do it with the so called “Push-Pull” technique.
You do something that she likes, which is like creating tension
or attraction and then suddenly you stop doing it. The tension
or attraction releases, like in the horror movie, where the guy thought he was saved. It’s the part of the wave where tension or
attraction goes down.
Then suddenly, you start doing it again. She will thank you that
you start doing it (whatever it is) again. You not only start to
create new attraction now, but also amplify it more and more
throughout the process.
The 3 Kinds Of Push-Pull:
1. Emotional push-pull:
This is actually what I’ve described above. You simply do
something that makes her feel REALLY good, and that she
likes A LOT, then stop doing it, and after some time start
doing it again.............................
2.Verbal push-pull:
This one is actually pretty EASY. You say something really
nice or cute to her that will spark only a little bit attraction
(because compliments are what beautiful women hear all the
time as I’ve told earlier and therefore don’t work that well),
then you pause and after some seconds you throw out the
contrary, or something that “pushes” her a little bit away...................
3. Physical push-pull:
Have you ever kissed a woman, but after some seconds she
pushed you away to stop?
Well, guess what? That’s physical push pull.................
What you should get, is that attraction is like a wave. It goes up,
and then goes down. Focus on creating those waves and if you
do it several times in a row, you’ll amplify attraction, and create
so called “Attraction Loops” which is pretty damn powerful.................
4) Be Unpredictable
.................................................. ........>>>
Will continue...
01-02-2010, 11:14 AM
Good morning!
So little time, so many pretty pussies!
In my earlier months of BY, I had encountered various excuses from my BAO-ees why I was unable to ctc them or why I couldn't fxk them at a certain time. It's called flaking or logistical non-compliance.:eek:
I now hv zero tolerance for such flaking behaviour. And KK is 100% compliant. Yesterday, just after 2PM, I had a sudden urge to fxk her. I called n woke her up when she was still in bed. I told her I would see her in 10 min flat. She said, u want to make love now? I replied, yeah, get up, brush ur teeth, drink a glass of milk n wait for me. I picked her up in 12 min...
KK actually looks prettier now than when I first saw her naked body almost 3 wks ago. At that time I teased her abt the baby fat in her tummy which I likened to being 3 months pregnant. She has since lost 1 kg n most of the fat in her tummy. She is very tall for a Chengdu gal. Zero makeup w/ very fair n perfect skin. I can't get enough of her pussy.
I'm very fond of her n will miss her when she returns very soon to PRC for the CNY. I do hv a little KC for her. However, if I dun see her ever again, for whatever reason, I'll be fine. A little sad, but perfectly fine, even though it may be difficult for me to find another gal like her in SIN. The world is constantly changing n every ending contains a new beginning, hehehe. Next!
Talking abt changes, I made ctc w/ the SH gal who flew away ( I shall nickname her CD or cooked duck) close to 5 months ago. I chronicled my brief encounter w/ her in my posts between 4/9/09 n 10/9/10.
Last wk we exchanged a few msg n then I called her. Same seductive n sweet voice. I told CD I didn't care abt the past as I was only interested in the present moment. She was very eager to meet me, hahaha. Wat a difference a few months make. She was incommunicado for wks after she went MIA.
I called CD last Thurs day at 730PM when she had just arrived to work at a KTV. I said I wanted to take her out at 930PM. We went to a music lounge at a hotel in Marina Square. She looked older n not as pretty as before bcos of her makeup n w/ her hair down. Still chio enough. Her English had improved! She said she had to return to China on acct of her grandpa's sickness n eventual death. I surmised that she had been kept by a man for abt 3 months prior to that.
ME: Any current BF?
CD: No, I just returned to work a month ago.
Me: They must be men who want to BY u.
CD: Yeah, but 他们的素资都不好。
Me: I hear u, u mean they r mostly uncouth n uneducated?
CD: Yes,
ME: I want to BY u, but I'm really too busy now. When I hv the time, how much for me to take care of u, if u dun work at all?
She thought for a while n told me X$$ a month. This amt was very reasonable! I would hv offered more. She agreed to being paid wkly. I asked for a "test drive" for a wk to see "if we r compatible." Of course I would pay a bit more for the wk. She said yes! She was hoping to start before the CNY as she would like to send some money home. I promised to find the oppty. I then frenched her right there in the hotel lounge...hehehe.
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
01-02-2010, 03:26 PM
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
Did u really see that SH bird? How did she look? I thought she was very chio, but my young wing man was not overly impressed. One man's meat is...
If u hv read my posts u know I was enamored w/ her at the time. I frenched her, squeezed her boobs n ass, but was taking my own sweet time to fxk her bcos I had 2 other BAO-ees at the time.
Then she literally flew away!! 煮熟的鸭子飞了!! Hahaha.
Yes, we hv both benefited from Mr. Austin's wisdom. We should only be generous to those who r totally submissive n treat us like emperors, otherwise dun pay one penny extra.
Yes, u should boycott that "slave pot centre."
Yup yup, I did see her. Facial wise did not change much, but she does look a little more "sophisticated" - maybe read as being "thoroughly used" and now out for the kill without mercy. :D
haha glad u hv finally seen the lite.
That's Y i make all efforts to avoid that place!
Finally bro LDH, 你长大了
Very soon bro, very soon. Like I have told all my towkay and cheong bros, I will no longer initiate anymore outings to DC, but if they want they can invite me. LOLz.
Its not that I 长大了 but rather 看淡了.
Eagerly waiting for Sandborg to re-open... :)
02-02-2010, 10:44 AM
Yup yup, I did see her. Facial wise did not change much, but she does look a little more "sophisticated" - maybe read as being "thoroughly used" and now out for the kill without mercy. :D
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
More "sophisticated" bcos she (I hv nicknamed her CD or cooked duck) let her hair down n putting on more makeup. "Thoroughly used" is a polite way of saying she has been fxked thoroughly by her former patron, hehehe.
I hv to salute her former patron bcos clearly a better man had won. He has earned my respect n he must be a man rated much higher on the Dominance Scale n probably had paid more. 我输的心服口服, but failure is the mother of success...that was then, this is now.
My "decent looking" KK will probably also look "thoroughly used" when I'm through w/ her, hahaha.
BTW, I met up w/ CD recently n her terms r surprisingly modest, not really out for the kill, hehehe. She is waiting for our wk-long test drive. She is also much more submissive n subdued. We now converse entirely in English. She is one smart cookie! I want to see her w/ little makeup n her hair tied in a ponytail, looking like a school gal. I also need to find out if I could give her COS.;)
Nowadays I dun even hv time to fxk my first BAO-ee XW.:( She is street smart but still speaks little English after going to school for 1 1/2 yrs here.
Best regards,
Bro WB
02-02-2010, 03:26 PM
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
More "sophisticated" bcos she (I hv nicknamed her CD or cooked duck) let her hair down n putting on more makeup. "Thoroughly used" is a polite way of saying she has been fxked thoroughly by her former patron, hehehe.
Hee hee bro, I am always very gentle with my words unless thoroughly provoked and I will unleased my most wonderous vocab at that person. :p
I prefer to be kind to people unless they are not worth it.
I hv to salute her former patron bcos clearly a better man had won. He has earned my respect n he must be a man rated much higher on the Dominance Scale n probably had paid more. 我输的心服口服, but failure is the mother of success...that was then, this is now.
The patron is a 51 years old man, a regular at the higher end KTVs. If there is ever a chance I will point him out to you. He drives an A6 Dark Grey or Off-Black Audi. He may have flaunt it, but bro WB, you have more moolah and depth than what is protrayed. You have my vote!
My "decent looking" KK will probably also look "thoroughly used" when I'm through w/ her, hahaha.
Just do it, as per Mr. NIKE. Hooyay!
BTW, I met up w/ CD recently n her terms r surprisingly modest, not really out for the kill, hehehe. She is waiting for our wk-long test drive. She is also much more submissive n subdued. We now converse entirely in English. She is one smart cookie! I want to see her w/ little makeup n her hair tied in a ponytail, looking like a school gal. I also need to find out if I could give her COS.;)
I expected that flair of innocence, which is at best, a full dosage of grammy wannabe. Be warned my bro, WL is everlastingly a WL. There may be exceptions but few and far in-between. You were played out once, not twice.
Hope to see you this Friday for SH with bro Marc5. We have got interesting stories...
03-02-2010, 10:31 AM
Hee hee bro, I am always very gentle with my words unless thoroughly provoked and I will unleased my most wonderous vocab at that person.
I prefer to be kind to people unless they are not worth it.
I like ur use of euphemisms. You're really a gentleman n a scholar!
The patron is a 51 years old man, a regular at the higher end KTVs. If there is ever a chance I will point him out to you. He drives an A6 Dark Grey or Off-Black Audi. He may have flaunt it, but bro WB, you have more moolah and depth than what is protrayed. You have my vote!
The depth n width of ur info is amazing. I dun really care abt the past. The current state of her pussy n how well she is going to treat me r far more important.:D
My dear bro, you're now the PRINCE of high-end KTVs n a singer-killer! You got gravitas, 很高素质 n very high rating on the Male Dominance Scale.
Getting a vote from u means a lot to me. Ths so much for ur moral support!
Just do it, as per Mr. NIKE. Hooyay!
Yes, I'll just do it!
I expected that flair of innocence, which is at best, a full dosage of grammy wannabe. Be warned my bro, WL is everlastingly a WL. There may be exceptions but few and far in-between. You were played out once, not twice.
Hope to see you this Friday for SH with bro Marc5. We have got interesting stories... Best, LDH :D
Ths for ur warning. She is indeed a smart n cunning WL. I'm just going to hv a test drive when I can find time for her, hehehe. I'll continue the RS in some way n some form if she turns out to be exceptional...
I'll try to come this Fri. Nowadays I'm greatly constrained by time n circumstances.:(
Best personal regards,
Bro WB
03-02-2010, 10:58 AM
...I am always very gentle with my words unless thoroughly provoked and I will unleased my most wonderous vocab at that person.
I prefer to be kind to people unless they are not worth it.
Bro LDH, I can concur to this. I have seen the extremes of both from you...many of those words are 三字经 :o
Hope to see you this Friday for SH with bro Marc5. We have got interesting stories...
Looking forward to my de-stress recreation this Friday...wonder what interesting stories you referred to...:rolleyes:
I'll try to come this Fri. Nowadays I'm greatly constrained by time n circumstances.
Bro WB, please try to make it...Bro LDH has some interesting stories to tell...:D
04-02-2010, 11:45 AM
Bro WB, please try to make it...Bro LDH has some interesting stories to tell...:D
Hi esteemed bro marc5,
Not this Fri, will hv more time next wk n next Fri.
I know bro LDH has many interesting war stories to tell. You two r like 4-star generals in the field of PRC MMs, hahaha.:cool:
Bro WB
04-02-2010, 12:24 PM
Bro LDH, I can concur to this. I have seen the extremes of both from you...many of those words are 三字经
Really? 四、五字经 also have. But seriously, I am still very nice lor... LOLz.
Looking forward to my de-stress recreation this Friday...wonder what interesting stories you referred to...:rolleyes:
To share the story on the Singer versus the Old Man with bro WB lah... your emergence has given the old man the fright! Hahahaha.
Hi esteemed bro marc5,
Not this Fri, will hv more time next wk n next Fri.
I know bro LDH has many interesting war stories to tell. You two r like 4-star generals in the field of PRC MMs, hahaha.:cool:
I am getting bro LKY and CC to join us. Very much into Singers nowadays, I love challenges and the markets have been very kind to me lately. :D
05-02-2010, 10:23 AM
I am getting bro LKY and CC to join us. Very much into Singers nowadays, I love challenges and the markets have been very kind to me lately. :D
Hi bro LDH,
Singers r a lot more complicated n challenging than "regular" KTV gals, hehehe. But I guess that is what make life interesting n worthwhile.
I'm taking a different path by trying to BY several "students" at the same time, hehehe. Very complicated n challenging too. Physically n mentally exhausting...
Pls give my regards to bros marc5 n LKY.
Next wk I'll hv more free time.
Bro WB
06-02-2010, 11:06 AM
Good morning!
My heartthrob KK is leaving in a few hrs n will spend the next 2-3wks in Chengdu. I'm still fond of her after being together for 3 1/2 wks...
She is kinesthetic. Most of my former n current BAO-ees r kinesthetic, a few r auditory n none r visual, although abt 60 % of humans r visual.:confused: Generally speaking, those who r kinesthetic n auditory speak slower n move more slowly...
Shortly after I came last month, I was intro to a tall student XYZ who was quite attractive (see my posts). Beautiful n proportionate body. But she was a visual n spoke very fast especially when excited, which was a big turnoff for me. I couldn't help it.
BTW, I'll hv more free time next wk for KTV outings. Pls PM or sms me.
Bro WB
06-02-2010, 11:49 AM
Good morning!
My heartthrob KK is leaving in a few hrs n will spend the next 2-3wks in Chengdu. BTW, I'll hv more free time next wk for KTV outings. Pls PM or sms me.
Bro WB
Hahaha Bro WB,
Does this means that there will be more conquests stories from you during these 2-3 weeks?:D
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
07-02-2010, 09:29 AM
Hahaha Bro WB,
Does this means that there will be more conquests stories from you during these 2-3 weeks?:D
Gong Xi Fa Cai.
Hi bro besafe,
No no no, I'll not be looking for any new gals for quite a while.
Bro WB
08-02-2010, 11:18 AM
Good morning to all esteemed samsters!
Another day, another Sing dollar? It's more like another day, another dollar less! Hehehe.
BTW, I hv my own QQ space n MSN n I try to ask all the PRC MMs to add me. The info at my disposal r very useful as the gals will unknowingly reveal a lot abt themselves, wat make them tick n their daily activities...知彼知己,百战不殆, hahaha.;)
With the click of a button, I know when a certain person is online n for how long. I sometimes even send some confusing msg to "play" w/ them.
Recently, my first BAO-ee XW added me to her MSN. I now know that she hates men n doesn't trust any men, excepting perhaps her dad, her grandpa n her younger bro. On her profile "About Me" she wrote: 宁可相信世上有鬼,也不相信男人那张破嘴。:eek:
Yesterday KK wrote a msg on my QQ space: "i in china, i miss you." Her 心情: 希望今年一切都在 自己的计划中实现...I wonder if I'm part of her plan.
I hv also learned a lesson the hard way in the past one yr. IMHO, when dealing w/ any gal u must never, ever appear needy n clingy even if she is ur dream gal. That type of behaviour is repulsive to all gals, non-WLs n WLs n everyone in between.
Just yesterday, a KTV gal rejected the offer of money from a young, handsome n highly educated bro PK, who merely wanted to hv dinner n spending some time w/ her in a K Box. Why? I presume that he came on too strong on her right from the beginning! Earlier, she had accepted booking from me, a complete stranger as I hv never met her, but upon hearing that it would be PK who would actually meet up w/ her, she changed her mind! Subsequently she would not take any calls from me. She had not answered PK's calls or text msg for wks.
Therefore, u must always be dominant n behave like a "hard to get man." Turn the table n let her pursue YOU! I'll expand on this idea later.
I met up w/ CD yesterday afternoon...I shall not reveal too much except that KK is far better in many ways...;)
Early this AM, CD sent me a msg saying that she is going to the National library to study...n thank me for giving her more time to study!!?
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
08-02-2010, 12:54 PM
Hi All bros,
May i side track to other countries like vn?
i went to vn around nov last year. call up a girl who work here in sg in one of the ktv. she comes and company me almost every night. i only ask her to leave me cos i got other special activities.
then now i back in sg liao. she also comes here to work in the ktv. she auto sms me. then she pop me the question. she wants to be my girlfriend.
and the words goes. she dont allow me to touch other girls in the same ktv she work in. she jealous and angry when i go there touch other girls before she comes back. she also says that she will be lying if she did not get angry and jealous when she hear i touch other gals at the ktv. she also says if i like her alot and she be with other guys, how i feel etc...
even i tell her that i am not working now(bluff her), so no money to give her. she still allright with me, never ask me for money. at vn, she did call me that she miss me. i ask her when she coming back. she told me she saving enough to take airplane. but she again did not ask money from me.
now is the problem, is she playing with me?or put small bait hook big fish?
please if this question does not interest u, please dont flame or zap me.
08-02-2010, 01:13 PM
Bro WB,
Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them. ;)
I have personally witness this from my Ex-Singer Gal, and trust me that they are actually many Towkay willing to BAOed (Big Bun) them for about 4K, and yesh, each gal min have 2 sugar daddy. (Exclude me, only food I paid) :D
You can check from their space and profile and decor ..etc. you will be able to spot such great dif. Anyway market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead.
Hopefully, can catch up soon ya.
08-02-2010, 04:10 PM
I hv also learned a lesson the hard way in the past one yr. IMHO, when dealing w/ any gal u must never, ever appear needy n clingy even if she is ur dream gal. That type of behaviour is repulsive to all gals, non-WLs n WLs n everyone in between.
Therefore, u must always be dominant n behave like a "hard to get man." Turn the table n let her pursue YOU! I'll expand on this idea later.
Bro WB, BINGO! That's the way to deal with gals. The more you show too-much interest on her, the more she "tarik harga". So the best is to compliment her and be indifferent towards her. This tactic works fine for me. Just last week, a fresh, slim and pretty student offered to be my gal-friend - without any agreement on terms and conditions. She is now following up on me. I have yet to respond to her. :)
Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them.
Bro OL, you are right on the spot on the nets. They are all bullshits. The gals used the means to act a new or opposite character of themselves (told by many gals, PRC and local). Because it is fun for them to be hide behind the screen and write and say whatever they like. Many of them is actually "fishing for a big fish". I wouldn't say it is 100% but a large majority. :D
When will both of you return from retirement?
08-02-2010, 04:53 PM
I met up w/ CD yesterday afternoon...I shall not reveal too much except that KK is far better in many ways...;)
Bro WB
Devour her brother ! Devour her !!!! Grooowl !:D
08-02-2010, 06:12 PM
Never expected this thread to b sooo long lasting...always 1 of the few threads i drop by evryday to read...hope all u bros r having great times with all the hapless prc gals... :)
09-02-2010, 11:08 AM
What a great day!!
My sincerest gratitude to all esteemed bros who hv contributed to this thread. I hv personally learned a great deal from the cross-pollination of ideas n strategies. They r what make me tick! Life has been most blissful. Ths again!
I'm working hard to improve myself, in every way, every hr, every day...
Hi All bros,
May i side track to other countries like vn?
.................................................. .........................................
now is the problem, is she playing with me?or put small bait hook big fish?
please if this question does not interest u, please dont flame or zap me.
Hi bro skyfree,
I hv no experience w/ VN gals. Perhaps ur gal is really in love w/ u. Many of my frens believe that VN gals r more human, more sincere n less mercenary compare to PRC MMs.
Be it QQ or MSN, watever they posted there! They are all fake and trust me that those PRC MMs have min. 02 of each such account, 1 is to entertain potential robert, the other is to act nice, demure and to please whoever they think will go long term and have a "future" with them.
I have personally witness this from my Ex-Singer Gal, and trust me that they are actually many Towkay willing to BAOed (Big Bun) them for about 4K, and yesh, each gal min have 2 sugar daddy. (Exclude me, only food I paid)
You can check from their space and profile and decor ..etc. you will be able to spot such great dif. Anyway market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead......
Hi bro OL,
Ths for ur valuable insight.
Could u elaborate on "market is difficult even for a pro-swimmer ahead." ? By "market" do u mean the KTV business or the STI? Is a "pro-swimmer" a KTV gal or an equity investor?
Bro WB, BINGO! That's the way to deal with gals. The more you show too-much interest on her, the more she "tarik harga". So the best is to compliment her and be indifferent towards her. This tactic works fine for me. Just last week, a fresh, slim and pretty student offered to be my gal-friend - without any agreement on terms and conditions. She is now following up on me. I have yet to respond to her. :)
Bro OL, you are right on the spot on the nets. They are all bullshits. The gals used the means to act a new or opposite character of themselves (told by many gals, PRC and local). Because it is fun for them to be hide behind the screen and write and say whatever they like. Many of them is actually "fishing for a big fish". I wouldn't say it is 100% but a large majority.
When will both of you return from retirement?
Hi bro marc5,
You hv just revealed a bit of ur trade secrets, hehehe. Of course u hv gravitas n high status as ur foundation.
All gals r attracted to "hard to get men" just like men r attracted to "hard to get gals."
If a gal gets sticky, it's suffocating n I run fast...I hv BAO-ed my "niece" BB for 3 1/2 wks, but I hv seen her only several times bcos I hv spent most of my time w/ KK. I even encouraged BB to work everyday! She has been sending me SMSes 10 times a day...she has cooked herbal soup for me, etc. What a pity! Actually, she is a chio SYT w/ very nice pussy n is easily orgasmic. I just told her yesterday I was too busy to continue my patronage...
I like to emulate u bcos I also get bored w/ most gals after 2 wks. I hope u could reveal more of ur strategies. After u meet the gal, do u follow up w/ a dinner date a few days later? How do u proceed?
I'm available this wk for KTV outings. I would avoid DC for now as my "niece" usually works there.
Devour her brother ! Devour her !!!! Grooowl !:D
Hi bro besafe,
Are u referring to CD? I'm not sure who is devouring whom. I only licked her...but she devoured mine.;)
She is quite a looker but her pussy is not as pretty as KK's or BB's.
Never expected this thread to b sooo long lasting...always 1 of the few threads i drop by evryday to read...hope all u bros r having great times with all the hapless prc gals... :)
Hi bro fishcer,
This thread is still around bcos of participation by so many esteemed bros such as u, marc5, besafe, LDH, etc.
These PRC gals r "hapless"? Not really true. I play fair w/ them n pay them well...
09-02-2010, 08:16 PM
I like to emulate u bcos I also get bored w/ most gals after 2 wks.
Dear Bro,
Wat happened to them when you are done with BYing?
10-02-2010, 11:04 AM
Dear Bro,
Wat happened to them when you are done with BYing?
Dear bro besafe,
Wat will happen to them? They will return to 上班 n will do just fine w/o me, despite their BS of profound sadness, missing me, financial woes n having to work very hard, etc.
I hv always made the parting as amicable as possible...n I'm still in ctc w/ most of them. Why? Bcos after 2-3 months, I may want their pussies again.
All the gals knew that I came from Gotham country n my BY-ing would be short-term to medium-term. Being from Gotham is intriguing to them - that is a small advantage. But short-term BY-ing is a very big disadvantage.
I hv never paid anything to any gals while I was in Gotham City, although several had asked for it. The only gal I may consider is KK.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Yesterday, I spoke the gal who was my companion for several days in HK in Jan. She was back in a rural small town w/ her parents in Hunan. Her mom wanted her to get married very soon bcos she was already 23. She had several suitors. I congratulated her, but she felt very sad bcos she would be condemned to living a mundane life in a small town forever...n she missed me. She asked me to keep her in ZH or XM for at least couple of yrs before her marriage!:p I told her I would try my best...
Now I know why there r so many angry young men in China.
BTW, I went to LV SH w/ bros Luida, M n two new bros. They were all happy w/ their gals. Bro M came late n didn't pick any gal.
CD was w/ me. She commented that high-end KTVs in SH charge more than LV n customers there were all well-heeled businessmen or high officials. I told her KTVs in Macau were much cheaper. She also told me that tall gals over 168 were coveted in China n their fees were higher than shorter gals'. She looked around n said that SIN men apparently prefer shorter gals n all the short gals came to work in SIN.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
11-02-2010, 11:18 AM
Good morning!
I'm convinced that most men suffer from "nice guy syndrome" n that is THE No.1 reason they fail or hv poor RS w/ women, non-WLs n WLs alike.
If u r perceived as a nice guy, WLs will try to squeeze u dry...whereas u will fail to attract non-WLs in the first place. I'm only talking abt very chio WLs n non-WLs here. A nice guy is boring n repulsive to very attractive gals/women.
Most gals/women may consciously want to hv a nice guy as BF but they r subconsciously attracted to certain traits n behaviours of a "bad Boy," hehehe.
We should adopt certain traits of the "bad boy" which attract women n leave out the nasty parts that make him a complete "jerk."
I think a man must be ruthlessly dominant, project high status in his body language, be supremely confident, unpredictable n mysterious, be a "hard to get man" n behave like he is the "PRIZE."
Be a naughty, playful n daring "bad boy" who is unemotional, independent, who doesn't play by the rules n who knows how to challenge, tease, even insult n bust up n connect-disconnect w/ women. If he only connects w/ women, he is a boring, predictable nice guy. Women crave sexual tension n intense emotional experiences. So give them what they crave! Last but not least, he should be a sexual master who is able to give COS to women...;)
I welcome comments n dissenting views from esteemed bros here. If anyone knows a better way to attract n keep women, pls detail it here. Ths a lot!
Bro WB
12-02-2010, 10:34 AM
Another auspicious day!
Wow! CNY is around the corner. Just hope that my singularly lucky streak will continue in the Year of Tiger! Hahaha.
Last nite went to a small joint w/ some old frens. Slim pickings. At 915PM was ready to leave, but a fren said, go take a look at the singers. There were 12 of them all sitting down (the HFJ has over 20 singers). One attractive n tall gal caught my attention. Asked her to sit w/ me.
She was NK, just turned 20, from northern China, 171 w/o shoes, 54 kg w/ the right curves n fair skin. My type of pussy. Arrived only 4 days ago. Her singing was mediocre n w/ the weak economy, the only way she could survive was to find a patron, I actually told her that.
Too bad my time is very constrained n I'll be leaving for Gotham soon. I told her I recently took care of a singer from LV (I didn't say only for 2 wks). I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know. I gave her a small tip n left around 950PM. Later she sent me a text inquiring if I had arrived home. I replied, yes, goodnite n she said goodnite n rest well. She looks good on the outside, but I'm not sure how she will look when naked...
There r occasional chio n tall gals in small joints, hehehe.
Bro WB
12-02-2010, 11:29 AM
Another auspicious day!
She was NK, just turned 20, from northern China, 171 w/o shoes, 54 kg w/ the right curves n fair skin. My type of pussy. Arrived only 4 days ago. Her singing was mediocre n w/ the weak economy, the only way she could survive was to find a patron, I actually told her that.
Too bad my time is very constrained n I'll be leaving for Gotham soon. I told her I recently took care of a singer from LV (I didn't say only for 2 wks). I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know. I gave her a small tip n left around 950PM. Later she sent me a text inquiring if I had arrived home. I replied, yes, goodnite n she said goodnite n rest well. She looks good on the outside, but I'm not sure how she will look when naked...
There r occasional chio n tall gals in small joints, hehehe.
Bro WB
Lol....datz how u shld do it...cast ur net further out, u'll nvr know wat rough diamonds u can uncover who r waitg 4 u 2 polish :D
12-02-2010, 01:06 PM
Hi bro besafe,
No no no, I'll not be looking for any new gals for quite a while
Bro WB
Another auspicious day!
I said I paid X amt a wk plus buying some sessions. She nodded her head. Then I told her how little time I had in SIN n asked for the damage if she could spend a few hrs w/ me. Just hv dinner n chit chat, she asked innocently. I smiled n said, c'mon, must make love too, I'm no 太监 (eunuch). She was a bit stunned n speechless...I said, think abt it n let me know.
Bro WB
Wah Lau.... And you say you not looking out for new girls !!!!
You BIG BAD WOLF !!!!!!!:D
bro warbird say its so true.... needy just turn people off and being a "bad boy" just appeal to many gals.
i am so sick of being a nice guy.
recently i went to bought "Myster Method" by Mystery. If you read the book called "the game", you will know Mystery is the teacher of the author.
like warbird, i am also a student but just starting out...
reading the thread is always helpful and useful. thanks!!
13-02-2010, 11:04 AM
Happy Chinese New Year to all esteemed samsters!!
虎年贺词春风洋溢你;家人关心你;爱情滋润你;朋友忠于你;我这儿祝福你;幸运之星永远照着你。衷心祝福你 :新春快乐!
运气追着你,美事跟着你,金钱贴着你,贵人帮助你,祸事躲着你,小人绕着你,爱人念着你,家人挂着你,上天 保佑你,我在祝福你。祝你虎年大吉!
May many fortunes n chio pussies find their way to you!!:D
Bro WB
Lol....datz how u shld do it...cast ur net further out, u'll nvr know wat rough diamonds u can uncover who r waitg 4 u 2 polish
Hi bro Fishcer,
You know I leave no stone unturned...
There r occasional gems to be discovered in small joints. Although many newly-arrived PRC MMs start work at TAM complex, many more go to other joints.
One of the prettiest n cutest China gals I hv ever seen began work at an obscure joint n only later moved to other big joints where I met her a year ago during my last few days in SIN. She was 19, 167 n abt 50kg. She had agreed to be BAO-ed by me while I was in Gotham country. Her terms were quite reasonable. I was ecstatic!! Unfortunately, she was nabbed by AV n sent back to Fujian!:( I'll never forget her.
BTW, NK has been sending me text msg...but I may not hv time for her.
Wah Lau.... And you say you not looking out for new girls !!!!
You BIG BAD WOLF !!!!!!!:D
Hi bro besafe,
I was dragged there by some old frens n wasn't actively looking for any gal.
Yeah, I'm a big bad wolf to some puritanical n hypocritical people. I'm unapologetic bcos, though an ah pek, I'm still a very healthy man, not a psychopathic n effeminate nice guy.
bro warbird say its so true.... needy just turn people off and being a "bad boy" just appeal to many gals.
i am so sick of being a nice guy.
recently i went to bought "Myster Method" by Mystery. If you read the book called "the game", you will know Mystery is the teacher of the author.
like warbird, i am also a student but just starting out...
reading the thread is always helpful and useful. thanks!!
Hi bro uhoo,
You make my day!
Keep reading n learning. Go out n get some nice pussies...practice makes perfect.
Being a nice guy is the kiss of death when it comes to attracting chio gals.
Nice Guys = Effeminate, Sexless Eunuchs
Yes, a nice guy will be as attractive to a beautiful gal as an eunuch, at least in her primitive brain.
A desirable gal will only be attracted to a man who exhibits dominant male attitudes n who is sexually aggressive (but pls dun use force).
Remember this: In almost no known species of animal will the females mate with NON-aggressive males.;) This is a scientific fact.
Bro WB
13-02-2010, 05:56 PM
1) Be Confident
2) Demonstrate High Social Value
3) Build Attraction Waves And Loops
4) Be Unpredictable
Will continue...
WOW..... first time I pay attention to this thread. Plenty of truth..... waiting for the rest. Wish I got more time and resource to play this game.
I'm very fond of her n will miss her when she returns very soon to PRC for the CNY.
Talking abt changes, I made ctc w/ the SH gal who flew away ( I shall nickname her CD or cooked duck)
Don't you hate that feeling??? That one exquisite pussy that seems to be irreplaceable........ well not exactly irreplaceable, but just gotta do more searching, but meanwhile the sexual frustration.....arrrgggghhhhh
My best fcuks all ShangHai girls. Good in bed but not that good to have a relationship with.......
Just nosying around :p
HUAT AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14-02-2010, 11:34 AM
WOW..... first time I pay attention to this thread. Plenty of truth..... waiting for the rest. Wish I got more time and resource to play this game.
Hi bro smeagol,
Long time no see!
Forgot abt the rest of the list due to my busy schedule...will continue below.
As many esteemed bros hv mentioned before, the prerequisite for getting the most attractive PRC MMs is moolah. Totally agree but it may not be enough to BY a very desirable gal...
You see a very attractive gal has many suitors who r willing to pay higher than the going rates. Many people wonder how could a lao chi ko pek stand a chance against the much younger n better looking suitors if he pays only the going rates? They all think the ah pek must be paying double or more, hehehe. They r dead wrong bcos they dun really understand what attracts a gal at her subconscious level...
Let me reiterate: A man's perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women...period!! This the most important n decisive determinant although there r many other factors...;)
Of course if a man doesn't truly believe the above, if it's not burnt deeply into his subconscious mind n thinks he is unattractive bcos he is not handsome enough, too old/young, tall/short, fat/thin, etc., he will be "perceived" as a low status male by his body language when interacting w/ the gal...he is dead meat. If he then becomes needy n desperate, a chio WL will reject him no matter how much he is willing to pay.
"Perceived" is the key word here as a man can be of the highest status n be "perceived" as lowly...such as Prince Charles...wat a loser! Some yrs ago, the Prince came to visit Gotham city n I was talking abt him w/ some Ang Mo gals. They actually ridiculed n mocked him...he was as attractive as an eunuch!:eek:
Let me give u another example. A wk ago, a young, educated n handsome bro was rejected by a KTV gal even though he was willing to pay higher than the going rate. Wat did he want from her? Just to hv dinner! Earlier in the day, the same gal had accepted booking from me, a complete stranger to her, but she quickly changed her mind upon knowing that the young bro was going to be the person booking her. He was enamored w/ her n behaved like a needy n desperate "nice guy."
Don't you hate that feeling??? That one exquisite pussy that seems to be irreplaceable........ well not exactly irreplaceable, but just gotta do more searching, but meanwhile the sexual frustration.....arrrgggghhhhh
My best fcuks all ShangHai girls. Good in bed but not that good to have a relationship with.......
Just nosying around......................................... pussies r irreplaceable. I thought my first BAO-ee XW had such pretty, wet, tight n responsive pussy that it was the one n only. Then I met GG who was better. KK's pussy is even better...
When I first met KK, my craving for her pussy was urgent n desperate, but I was able to play it cool bcos I had an ongoing RS w/ a tall n chio singer from LV. I gave KK the impression I was a "hard to get man." A few days after I broached the subject of BY-ing, she initiated ctc w/ me n asked abt my, as exquisite as her pussy is, hers is not irreplaceable n after 3 1/2 wks, my feverish obsession for her has cooled a lot. I still want to keep her on a long-term basis if possible. The other gal I may want o keep long-term is GG who is trying to come in May when I'll be back...
You best fxk all SH gal? The only SH pussy I hv had is CD's. But she is a disappointment perhaps of my high expectations...she has chronic pimples, ass not that perky, pussy not very pretty n her BJ is mediocre...:(
Bro WB
14-02-2010, 12:48 PM
Hi bro smeagol,
Let me reiterate: A man's perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women...period!!
When I first met KK, my craving for her pussy was urgent n desperate,
my feverish obsession for her has cooled a lot.
You best fxk all SH gal? The only SH pussy I hv had is CD's. But she is a disappointment perhaps of my high expectations...she has chronic pimples, ass not that perky, pussy not very pretty n her BJ is mediocre...:(
No question that $$$ play a huge part...... the person spending the $$$ definitely matter just as much.
Unlike you, I don't think so deeply about cheonging. My brain power all used up on my day job... cheonging is just PURE recreation..... I'm not into skirt chasing strategy or stuff like that...... ha ha. With regard to KTV/HFJ...... if we have the means to pay...... you are absolutely right to say we are the PRIZE and not the chix. Having any WL treat us in a demeaning/disrespectful manner is TOTALLY AND ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE. Nice gentlemanly wussies are LAMED and a DISGRACE.
My best fcuk were 2 SH girls. First one was a KTV/student many many year ago. The more recent was another KTV chix .... the experiences would be what you defined as COS....very very intense....huh huh. Last heard she got there goes the pussy. Last time I bang her was middle of 2009. Luckily there was another horny singer to take over her place until Oct 2009. I've been sex starved since then......huh huh.
Sorry to hear about less than sextifying CD test drive.....
14-02-2010, 01:18 PM
I'm back!
The nite before last, after 11PM, I received a call from a PRC gal, her no was unfamiliar...she was a 20 yo KTV gal whom I BAO-ed briefly before. She was back on a social pass n wanted to see me. I said too late, another time. She purportedly was staying w/ her cousin n her husband n was looking for a job. But it's possible that she is being kept by a man n I dun care...she stayed very far from the CBD in a HDB flat.
She called me again after 8PM last nite n wanted to see me. I said OK n we met in half an hr. She looked a bit more mature, like someone's young er nai, hehehe. During my brief encounter w/ her, a woman's voice called several times (supposed to be her cousin asking her to buy some food n when she would be back), but she could hv arranged it. Her pussy was still very wet n tight, like before. She had orgasms but no COS. I paid her the going rate for a KTV gal.
I always try to keep in ctc w/ my former BAO-ees bcos most of them will return n become available to me...
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Back to 7 principles of attracting any gals u want...
<<< 4) Be Unpredictable
........Because the guys become predictable which is a TOTAL turn-off and attraction KILLER for women.
Somewhere in the whole interaction the guys become emotionally churned up. They’re overwhelmed by her beauty and start getting needy. Their emotions take over and they lose control.
On that point, women know exactly what to do to make guys do
whatever they want from them. When you get everything you want very easy it becomes boring soon.............
Being predictable = boring
What you want to do is be unpredictable because…
Being unpredictable = exiting and adventurous
So don’t give her what she wants immediately.
But once you show them that they can’t play their game with
you, and that they can’t influence and control you like all the
other guys, with their beauty, that they have no power above
you…this is when you create massive attraction and distinguish
yourself from all the other guys.
But what exactly do you have to do to become unpredictable?
Just don’t to what everyone else is doing.
When I get sometimes in a situation, where I don’t know what to do, I think about what everyone else would be doing.
What all the losers would do, and then I do the opposite.
That’s how you stay unpredictable..................................... ......
5) Be A Challenge
..................Women love to be challenged and they love the men that have
the guts to do that. So How Can You Challenge A Woman?
First of all, the idea of challenging a beautiful woman seems
horrible and awkward to most guys. Why would you do that?
-Firstly, because women love this game of challenge.
- Secondly you show her that you’re a real man who’s
- You stand out of the crowd, show her that you’re not an
average guy and boost your social status.
Most of the guys would never dare and think about challenging
a beautiful women because they think they would lose her that
way, and therefore do the thinks of which they think trigger
attraction that are totally wrong.
When I challenge a woman, I think of her as my little sister.
That allows me to get perfectly into challenge mode. I’m not
insulting, but I’m challenging her all the time.
Here are some of the things you can do:
1. Tease her.
2. Bust on her.
3. Make fun of her (but not too much).
What you should not do, is be rude, insulting, or impolite.
All of this teasing, busting, and making fun of her, should be
done in a moderate and playful way..................>>>
Bro WB
14-02-2010, 01:46 PM
As mention, I don't think too much about my cheonging play things..... at least not anymore. Sometime hindsight is truely 20/20. Just to quote an episode
In 2008 I was crazy about a singer. I was totally a Mister Nice Guy. Bloody cunt treated me like shit. In 2 months, I spent more than 20K (10k/mth) on her (of course nothing compare to those high rolling towkays), got manipulated by her big time and only got to bang her twice. Well when one is smitten by a girl, sex is secondary.... I crave more for her attention and affection. We parted in a not so plesant note with me feeling very lousy.
In 2009 she returned but by that time, I am no more so into her. It's obvious to her I am no more that interested and she became desperate. She needed me more than I need her. In the next 6 months, spent slightly more than 10K (1.7k/mth) on her and bang her countless time. Again we parted on a even less pleasant note with her feeling very lousy. Pls do not misunderstood my attitude as revenge...... I did not plan it that way.... I am just so not into her anymore. Dunno what "perception" she had about me......but this time round, I ain't the looser.
Lesson learnt....... be overly nice to WL equates recipe for heartache, financial loss, ego bruised etc etc
2 cents :p
14-02-2010, 02:18 PM
Don't become like this looser.......farnie video........fell off my chair
YouTube - Chinese Guy bitches out his Girlfriend (
hi all..
just to add on to bro warbird on point 5.
the ang mo called it "negs" that is because to a beautiful gal, she will have alot of guys that throw themselves at her.
using "negs" shows that you are not affected by her beauty (demostrate higher social value) also it temporaily lower her self esteem. she might be wondering how come this guy is not affected by her beauty, so she will crave for attention from YOU.
woman tend to be on guard on those who wanted to woo them, hence your chance of woo-ing them become dimished to a lower point...
point to take note:
there is alot of negs to use from, but most important is the delivery of tone and expression.
challenge must always done in a playful, smiley way as though you dun really mean it. :D
PS: bro warbird is so knowledgable! keep saying lao tio kou peh.. to many youngster we dun even stand a chance to sniff the girls hair...! lol... :confused:
To All: people say dance floor its a trap... how come ar? pls enlighten me... :confused::confused:
15-02-2010, 02:57 AM
hi warbird
i've been reading ur posts here ... and u r really The Man!
everything u say about man-woman relationship is so true.
thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge here.
yes, the most important (and may be only) factor in attracting the female specie is a man's perceived Social Dominance Order. only the lion king and the gorilla king get to mate the best females. the other lesser lions and gorillas get the rejects, if at all.
yes, be a bad boy - but do not be a jerk.
yes, be aggressive - but never violent.
and do NOT talk KC (kum cheng - feelings) with any girl, let alone WL!
also, there is nothing wrong and nothing 'Big Bad Wolf' about asking a KTV girl her price for sex. despite their tender age, these girls know more about men than you think, and they are here to make money. we are helping them by being so direct. this is a flesh market and we are the customer and the customer is king!
however, having said that, we shouldn't be jerks. we should always be fair. tip them a little if they provide good service. don't be bitter if they reject u. this is willing buyer willing seller, and they are doing honest work ... providing a much needed service to society.
keep on writing, keep on enjoying all the pussies u can get, wb! happy lunar new year!
15-02-2010, 11:48 AM
No question that $$$ play a huge part...... the person spending the $$$ definitely matter just as much.
Unlike you, I don't think so deeply about cheonging. My brain power all used up on my day job..... With regard to KTV/HFJ...... if we have the means to pay...... you are absolutely right to say we are the PRIZE and not the chix. ........................Nice gentlemanly wussies are LAMED and a DISGRACE.
My best fcuk were 2 SH girls. First one was a KTV/student many many year ago. The more recent was another KTV chix .... the experiences would be what you defined as COS....very very intense....
Sorry to hear about less than sextifying CD test drive.....
Hi bro Smeagol,
Money is a prerequiste for PRC pussies. They r a bit like Missouri, the Show Me State. Their slogan is "show me the money," hehehe. Then n only then other requirements n factors come into play...
Although I'm not gainfully employed, I'm still very busy w/ reading n researching on a myriad of subjects including equity investing, meditation n NLP, updates related to my former occupation, n of course, on how to attract n keep all the chio pussies...:D
BTW, there is a chio n sexy SH gal I know. She is not my type as she is 26, just too old for me, n only 163-4 in height, abt 48kg. Fair skin n nice curves. She called me when I was in Gotham City! I think she may be a great Fxk n will be here for at least one more yr. If u r interested, I'll be happy to intro her. As u know, I'm still addicted to younger n taller gals.
I wanted to fxk CD bcos she was snatched away by another more aggressive wolf, hehehe. I just needed to find out what I was missing...n I hv enjoyed the process of reclaiming her much more than the FJ itself, hahaha. Next!
As mention, I don't think too much about my cheonging play things..... at least not anymore. Sometime hindsight is truely 20/20. Just to quote an episode
In 2008 I was crazy about a singer. I was totally a Mister Nice Guy. Bloody cunt treated me like shit. In 2 months, I spent more than 20K (10k/mth) on her (of course nothing compare to those high rolling towkays), got manipulated by her big time and only got to bang her twice. Well when one is smitten by a girl, sex is secondary.... I crave more for her attention and affection. We parted in a not so plesant note with me feeling very lousy.
In 2009 she returned but by that time, I am no more so into her. It's obvious to her I am no more that interested and she became desperate. She needed me more than I need her. In the next 6 months, spent slightly more than 10K (1.7k/mth) on her and bang her countless time. Again we parted on a even less pleasant note with her feeling very lousy. Pls do not misunderstood my attitude as revenge...... I did not plan it that way.... I am just so not into her anymore...............
Lesson learnt....... be overly nice to WL equates recipe for heartache, financial loss, ego bruised etc etc
Your experience n lesson r timeless. My own experiences n those of others r exactly the same.
I dun want to mention any specifics but a gal had rejected my offer of 25k a month for BY. Why? I was needy n desperate! She wont even reply to my text msg nor pick up the phone! But months later, when my KC for her had largely faded, I was able to hook up w/ her for a very small fraction of the damage, hahaha.
If a previously dominant man meets a gal n is enamored w/ her, he will change his behaviour to that of a wussy "nice guy," thinking that it's the only way to keep her attracted. Dead wrong, pal. Ironically, his new behaviour is repulsive n will drive her away. The sad thing is that both of them may not even understand why! Similarly, if it is the gal who becomes needy n clingy, n regardless of how beautiful she is, her man/lover/patron will definitely run away if he is a dominant n "hard to get man."
There is double trouble if a man gets KC-ed by a WL. He is lucky if she just dumps him, otherwise he will be taken to the cleaners!:eek:
Bro WB
Don't become like this looser.......farnie video........fell off my chair
YouTube - Chinese Guy bitches out his Girlfriend (
Wat a loser!!
hi all..
just to add on to bro warbird on point 5.
the ang mo called it "negs" that is because to a beautiful gal, she will have alot of guys that throw themselves at her.
using "negs" shows that you are not affected by her beauty (demostrate higher social value) also it temporaily lower her self esteem. she might be wondering how come this guy is not affected by her beauty, so she will crave for attention from YOU.
.................................................. ...........
there is alot of negs to use from, but most important is the delivery of tone and expression.
challenge must always done in a playful, smiley way as though you dun really mean it.......................
PS: bro warbird is so knowledgable! keep saying lao tio kou peh.. to many youngster we dun even stand a chance to sniff the girls hair...! lol.............
To All: people say dance floor its a trap... how come ar? pls enlighten me... ..............................
Hi bro uhoo,
Ths for ur post n ur elaboration on an important strategy.
Although I'm an old wolf, I'm still learning every day...there is always room for improvement. I try to keep moving up the charts, so to speak, bcos I want to taste the most attractive n desirable pussies (at least to me).
My slogan is: The relentless pursuit of the prettiest pussies!:D
Not sure why dance fl is a trap. I'm a poor dancer n I hv not danced in yrs.
Bro WB
hi warbird
i've been reading ur posts here ... ...........................................
everything u say about man-woman relationship is so true.
thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge here.
yes, the most important (and may be only) factor in attracting the female specie is a man's perceived Social Dominance Order.....................
yes, be a bad boy - but do not be a jerk.
yes, be aggressive - but never violent.
and do NOT talk KC (kum cheng - feelings) with any girl, let alone WL!
also, there is nothing wrong and nothing 'Big Bad Wolf' about asking a KTV girl her price for sex. despite their tender age, these girls know more about men than you think, and they are here to make money. we are helping them by being so direct. this is a flesh market and we are the customer and the customer is king!
.................................................. ..........................
keep on writing, keep on enjoying all the pussies u can get, wb! happy lunar new year!
Hi bro AustinPowers,
Ths for ur comments.
Yes, I want to behave like a big bad wolf n devour those chio KTV MMs like pieces of juicy steak.:p
But if a man can't control his heart n his ego, he will be the one who is being devoured when dealing w/ these gals, hehehe. He needs to remain heartless n unemotional regardless of how beautiful the pussy is.
Happy LNY,
Bro WB
15-02-2010, 12:26 PM
Continuing on the 7 principles of attracting n keeping any gal u want:
<<<< 6) Have A Playful Attitude
.................................................. ......................................
.........As children we have much more playful attitude, but as we grow
older we become more and more serious, and more and more
Don’t let this happen because when you’re getting the “Let’s be
serious” attitude, you become boring, it’s harder to create
attraction, to be funny and joke around…it just becomes
Whereas when you keep your playful attitude, it will be much
easier for you to be funny, to start conversations, get physical,
have more fun and most importantly create massive attraction
inside the woman you want.
As Bugs Bunny once said:
“Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive!”
I think he’s right. So be playful because then everything from
approaching to kissing a woman becomes so MUCH easier...........
7) The Right Body Language
.........................Did you know that you’re communicating 94% of what you
say with your body?
Only 6%-7% are communicated with the words you say.
Most men don’t know that and make terrible mistakes with
their body. At the end they wonder what they said wrong
because they messed it up, without knowing that it was their
body and not their words.
But what exactly is body language?
When we talk about body language there are several things to
take into account:
- The way you move when you walk
- How you hold yourself when you stand
- Gestures
- Facial expressions
- The tone of your voice
- The speed of your speech
- Your eyes
- Your breathing
Body language sub-communicates a lot of your inner world and
how you feel.
The woman could immediately tell that he’s an insecure, boring
loser only by watching how he moves and therefore didn’t need
to talk with him anymore to find this out.
The point is that you don’t have a lot of time, only some seconds
to convey a first good impression with your body.
Below are some of the most common mistakes guys make
concerning their body language and what you should do instead
to create attraction inside of women…
1. Fidgeting And Fast Movements
.................................................. ..So in order to avoid this and create attraction instead, move slowly. This will make her comfortable and allow her to relax
around you.
2. Leaning In While You’re Talking.
Many guys lean forward when they’re talking with a woman.
This is not good because you’re communicating interest with
that to her and if you just met her 1 minute ago, you’re social
value will drop and you will look kind of needy and pushy.............
3.Your Hands And Arms
The hands and arms are the parts where I can see guys make
the MOST mistakes when I’m out.
That’s simply because they don’t know where to put their
fricking hands...............................
4.Your Eyes
.................................................. ...........A very powerful way to communicate confidence to women is to hold eye contact with them for a longer time and smile................................
5. Your Voice
..........................So make sure you always speak loud enough, because when you have to repeat what you’ve said to her, you lose value.
Furthermore, speak more slowly, with enthusiasm and pause
a lot. You can say the most boring things, but if you speak
slowly and with enthusiasm so that everybody can
understand you, they will feel your enthusiasm and listen to
6.Your Feet
.....................Women however, are attracted to MASCULINE, OPEN, and CONFIDENT guys so don't put yourfeet tight together.
Instead have them more apart from each other with more
space in between when you stand or sit. That’s the typical male position. It communicates masculinity, strength and confidence which will are all things
women want in a man, and therefore create attraction................
7. Chest and back
................Put your chest out instead and your shoulders back, so that
you’re back is not round anymore. This will tell a woman when she sees you that you’re strongand confident.
Make sure you train yourself to focus also on your body
language when you’re talking to women because it’s very crucial
for your success and can create MASSIVE attraction for you................>>>>
I'll follow up w/ another topic on "how to..." Hahaha.:D
Bro WB
15-02-2010, 01:04 PM
Money is a prerequiste for PRC pussies. Then n only then other requirements n factors come into play...
Once again....fully agree
Although I'm not gainfully employed, I'm still very busy w/ reading n researching on a myriad of subjects including equity investing, meditation n NLP, updates related to my former occupation, n of course, on how to attract n keep all the chio pussies...:D
One need not be gainfully employed if money is working well for him. I thought NLP folks don't use non affirmative words like "TRY"?? You already used it twice in your last couple of posts
BTW, there is a chio n sexy SH gal I know.
I'm not into BYing.... don't have the $$$ & Time. Unless she's not game for ST ........ yes pls... I will like to know her
I hv enjoyed the process of reclaiming her much more than the FJ itself,
her ego must be brusied big time.
15-02-2010, 01:53 PM
My Observation About PRC Gals in Sillypore
I have to admit at the strategy our gahment is going forward with PRCs. Back then more than a decade ago they have made the move. Observe these days there are an influx of china PRC kids in Singapore? Soon I reckon most of the Chinese citizen of Singapore maybe the 2nd generation of immigrants from China attracted to sillypore standard of living and we have a lack of people who which to be drain like a battery to our politician. By the time China is a super power like th US do you think they will attack a country whereby most of their people are living here?
I met quite a number of kids who had done their education from Singapore in Beijing / Shanghai and the rest of the major cities. Kids whom had stayed in Singapore and now back home as the 2nd generation rich kids to take over their family business.
These kids are in the 80s and 90s generations. Billingual and can communicate intelligently.
Some middle income kids will still stay in Singapore and most gals would try to gain some experience by working part time in KTVs. I have met quite a number of them from 1st floor to 5th Floor TAM. Some I would say are rather smart and good looking.
I have a few experience or I would say even touch - to get into a relationship with one of the PR (PRC) gals I got to know through an introduction. But on the back of my mind I was thinking had she been working as a KTV girls before?!
The world is dominated by China. So does is Singapore. Most KTVs are all PRC gals, Most here for money, some to get some experience and try their fortune, some here for fun and sightseeing.
In my opinion do not get involved with a PRC gals (personal feel) baoing her for a few months to tide her over her difficult days is ok, getting her out to club. movies is just to past time. I have met a few Spore gals who are painstricken when they manage to find out the gals are cheating behind their back.
I have made gals cheat on their Spore boyfriends before, its easy if you know how to play the game, as objectively they are here to try their fortune. :)
15-02-2010, 01:57 PM
Once again....fully agree
One need not be gainfully employed if money is working well for him. I thought NLP folks don't use non affirmative words like "TRY"?? You already used it twice in your last couple of posts
I'm not into BYing.... don't have the $$$ & Time. Unless she's not game for ST ........ yes pls... I will like to know her
her ego must be brusied big time.
Hi Smeagol,
You're right. Actually, such non-affirmative words as try, attempt, can't, refuse, impossible n failure r not in my dictionary. But I didn't want to sound conceited.
I know I'm making steady n satisfactory progress in many fields, including BY-ing n even ST-ing...n I only want to go for the most desirable ones.
I met this SH gal MX in a KTV abt 5 months ago. She wont let me french her. I offered her ST n she didn't reply. Two months later, when I was in Gotham, she sent me a text msg stating that she was back in SIN n was waiting for me (I guess to fxk her). I replied to her text w/ my US HP n she called me. I believe she will consent to ST if she has some liking for u. I'll touch base w/ her before PM-ing u her ctc, ok?
CD's ego bruised big time? I dun know, she is a smart SH gal...but wat goes around, comes around, hehehe.
15-02-2010, 02:06 PM
Hats off to you birdy for always TRYING..... opps I mean IMPROVING yourself. Good spirit & attitude to uphold.
Please do not inconvenience yourself over the SH girl. She may not be my type...... I can do my own searching. I should lurking around Havelock again soon :D:p:)
15-02-2010, 02:55 PM
For many guru's sharing their enlightenment for newbie noobs like me.
How to learn so many things wor???????
Gong Xi Fa Cai bros....
16-02-2010, 11:01 AM
My Observation About PRC Gals in Sillypore
..........Observe these days there are an influx of china PRC kids in Singapore?.............................
I met quite a number of kids who had done their education from Singapore in Beijing / Shanghai and the rest of the major cities. Kids whom had stayed in Singapore and now back home as the 2nd generation rich kids to take over their family business.......................................... ................
Some middle income kids will still stay in Singapore and most gals would try to gain some experience by working part time in KTVs. I have met quite a number of them from 1st floor to 5th Floor TAM. Some I would say are rather smart and good looking........................................... ......
The world is dominated by China...........Most KTVs are all PRC gals, Most here for money, some to get some experience and try their fortune, some here for fun and sightseeing.
In my opinion do not get involved with a PRC gals (personal feel) baoing her for a few months to tide her over her difficult days is ok, getting her out to club. movies is just to past time. ......................................
Hi bro prosalescloser,
Ths for ur insightful post.
Though not yet, the world will be dominated by China in 20-30 yrs. See No Chance Against China: Google Can't Beat China: Martin Jacques - (
But even right now right here in SIN, n as far as I'm concerned, other WLs hv no chance against PRC MMs, hahaha.
No, I dun intend to get "involved" w/ PRC MMs, I merely want to taste the prettiest a reasonable damage.
Hats off to you birdy for always TRYING..... opps I mean IMPROVING yourself. Good spirit & attitude to uphold.
Please do not inconvenience yourself over the SH girl. She may not be my type...... I can do my own searching. I should lurking around Havelock again soon
Hi esteemed bro Smeagol,
Yes, I'm improving myself every hr, every day, in every way...hahaha.
No big deal as it only took a 3min call. She said yes, thank u. I await ur FR.
For many guru's sharing their enlightenment for newbie noobs like me.
How to learn so many things wor???????
Gong Xi Fa Cai bros....
My esteemed Mr. Austin,
I'm honored that u chose to post here.
Joking aside, ur advice n pointers hv benefited me immensely...
Gong Xi Fa Cai!!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Happy LNY to all samsters!!
By monitoring a gal's QQ or MSN space, one can glean valuable info on her background, family, friends n thoughts, feelings, hobbies, even her current appearance, etc.
Hours after I met one of my former BAO-ees, she wrote in her QQ space abt her 心情: 新开始新起点 “最熟悉的陌生人." She was right. We hv been very intimate physically n sexually, but I remain a virtual stranger to her. Although I know a lot abt her, she knows me only as X da ge, she doesn't know my age, nor my thoughts, feelings n family, etc.
Everything in life is fated.
I almost never had a chance to even glance at KK in the first place. Also, in our first sexxion, I was thinking of ending it...
I picked KK right after school n went to a restaurant, then off to a secluded place. In the rm, I was salivating n very sexcited over her youthful body, very pretty abalone n natural D boobs!!........after perhaps 15 min of foreplay, I was heading south to taste her pussy, but I paused abruptly bcos there was an unpleasant odor!!:( Luckily my didi was still very stiff n I was able to fxk her hard in two positions...n thus consummated the deal.
Becos of her other assets I decided to give her another chance. In retrospect, in this hot n humid weather of ours, if a gal has tight jeans on for many hrs n doesn't wash her pussy thoroughly w/ mild soap n water, she will hv some smell. In our next meeting, I told her abt the smell n I then proceeded to wash her myself, hahaha. Fortunately for both of us, her pussy was completely odorless n I ate her delicious abalone ;)...if the smell had been due to vaginitis, no amt of washing could remove it.
Bro WB
17-02-2010, 11:01 AM
Another blissful day to all samsters!!
In the last one yr, on the fascinating field of cheonging n BY-ing, I hv read many books, learned many strategies, received tips n pointers n personal coaching from many esteemed bros/gurus/mentors, here in SIN n in Gotham City. Additionally, I hv had some hands-on experiences. I won some n lost some, hehehe. I hv also been bruised a little. But like they say, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, hahaha.
However, all those strategies n experiences would be for naught if I can't control my heart n my ego when I meet a gal n get KC-ed by her.
After spending 3 1/2 wks w/ KK, I do hv some KC for her.:eek: This has not happened since my checkered RS w/ my first BAO-ee XW. I'm still in firm control n can walk away now w/ very little pain. But she will be back next wk...
After much introspection, it's her apparent "innocence" n her jovial n playful personality that has made her so attractive at my subconscious level. She is also the youngest n the least mercenary PRC gal I hv BY-ed. I paid her wkly n she never asked for payment even when it was overdue. She said, never mind, this is a long-term RS n I trust u. I know she could be very dangerous to my emotional health...before she left, she said she was falling for me !!?? I did give her a small ang pao in RMB for the CNY. BTW, I'm more or less 3X her age.
I like to continue the RS if I could reduce my KC for her to a minimal level or, even better, to zero. To that end, I hv started zen meditation, hehehe.
The goal is to achieve peace of mind n complete emotional detachment - accepting all the warmth n joy but rising above all the negative emotions n letting them flow through u w/o affecting u, hahaha.
I hv found the program on Self Mastery n Zen by Dick Stuphen to be simple n effective.
Your comments n advice r always welcome!
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
Bro WB
17-02-2010, 08:23 PM
As mention, I don't think too much about my cheonging play things..... at least not anymore. Sometime hindsight is truely 20/20. Just to quote an episode
In 2008 I was crazy about a singer. I was totally a Mister Nice Guy. Bloody cunt treated me like shit. In 2 months, I spent more than 20K (10k/mth) on her (of course nothing compare to those high rolling towkays), got manipulated by her big time and only got to bang her twice. Well when one is smitten by a girl, sex is secondary.... I crave more for her attention and affection. We parted in a not so plesant note with me feeling very lousy.
In 2009 she returned but by that time, I am no more so into her. It's obvious to her I am no more that interested and she became desperate. She needed me more than I need her. In the next 6 months, spent slightly more than 10K (1.7k/mth) on her and bang her countless time. Again we parted on a even less pleasant note with her feeling very lousy. Pls do not misunderstood my attitude as revenge...... I did not plan it that way.... I am just so not into her anymore. Dunno what "perception" she had about me......but this time round, I ain't the looser.
Lesson learnt....... be overly nice to WL equates recipe for heartache, financial loss, ego bruised etc etc
2 cents :p
Similar experience for me! This singer is from DC?
18-02-2010, 01:27 AM
Similar experience for me! This singer is from DC?
No lah not from DC....10,20K cannot play in DC.....way way beyond my budget :p
18-02-2010, 01:57 AM
... I know she could be very dangerous to my emotional health...before she left, she said she was falling for me !!?? I did give her a small ang pao in RMB for the CNY. BTW, I'm more or less 3X her age.... Bro WB
bro WB, i've been following this thread for quite awhile. It's always interesting, sometimes encouraging to hear yr sexcapades with d classy KTV gals. Sometimes, really filled with envy (not jealousy!) tt u get to bonk gals (like d above) who is so much younger than u. (i can onli imagine u muz be in yr 50s while she's abt 18 or so? :D) U seem to make it look so easy! Im really impressed!
i believe to reach yr high std, besides havin d gift of gab, presentable looks, very importantly u must have a big warchest of ammunition to spare. For me i dun even dare to dream of it now as im not financially well-off. occasional flings n weekly escapades to TN joints still can afford but to bao a KTV gal, n svc her with mthly maintenance fee, it's out of my league. Maybe will consider 10 yrs later when i gain more financial freedom. :D
18-02-2010, 11:45 AM
Similar experience for me! This singer is from DC?
No lah not from DC....10,20K cannot play in DC.....way way beyond my budget :p
Ho bros,
Worth stressing here:
"Lesson learnt....... be overly nice to WL equates recipe for heartache, financial loss, ego bruised etc etc"
The same applies to all gals/women, not just WLs.
Bro WB
bro WB, i've been following this thread for quite awhile. It's always interesting, sometimes encouraging to hear yr sexcapades with d classy KTV gals. Sometimes, really filled with envy (not jealousy!) tt u get to bonk gals (like d above) who is so much younger than u. (i can onli imagine u muz be in yr 50s while she's abt 18 or so?.....
i believe to reach yr high std, besides havin d gift of gab, presentable looks, very importantly u must have a big warchest of ammunition to spare. For me i dun even dare to dream of it now as im not financially well-off......Maybe will consider 10 yrs later when i gain more financial freedom.
Hi bro owen10,
Ths for ur flattering words. The prerequiste to ST or BY these PRC gals is sufficient money. Then n only then other factors come into play.
Yes, I'm a lao chi ko pek n KK was 18 when I met her last month. She thought I was younger...she is 19 now.
I'm financially secure as I hv had a long lucky streak...
Not to worry, I'm sure u will be independently wealthy in 10 yrs.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
More musings on the subject of attraction, money n BY-ing.
Most modern men still suffer from an intractable disease called "the nice guy syndrome."
But a "nice guy" is as attractive to a desirable female as a sexless eunuch at her subconscious level, in the primitive "lizard" brain, even if she happens to be a die-hard feminist at her conscious level which is in the high brain. Wat does her "lizard" brain crave? A very confident, dominant, masculine, adventurous n unflappable man who can ravish n fxk her brains out!!
So become a gentlemanly "bad boy" n a "hard to get man," so to speak, hehehe.;)
Be dominant n aggressive and go after what u want. This
really turns those chio gals on, which is very primal, primitive n instinctual, due to neuro-chemical changes in their "lizard brains." :D They can't help themselves.
My new attitude n approach have made a big difference during my current visit n my hit rate has been 100%. Even the cooked duck CD flew back, hehehe.
If a gal is very attractive to me n I like her assets n personality, I now waste no time before popping the question of ST or BY, sometimes within the first hr of meeting. All the gals appear to be delighted n flattered by my direct n aggressive approach.
A few bros often advise me to go slow w/ a gal I like n let the chips fall naturally after 3-4 meetings. Big mistake! What happened was that the gal could sense I was a needy nice guy n she would invariably play hard to get!
It took me 8 months to bed my first BAO-ee XW, but only 5 days for KK, n she was the one who initiated ctc w/ me after our first meeting. I told her I had to think abt it (I was playing hard to get). I actually delayed upping her for a few days bcos I had another mistress at the time.
As for the 20 yo tall singer I met in an obscure joint a wk ago, she has accepted my offer of ST, but the damage is not settled yet. She much prefers to be BY-ed, but I told her I wont hv time to make it worthwhile as I would be leaving for Gotham soon.
BTW, I hv practiced meditation n NLP for only 1 day n my KC for KK has been greatly reduced n it will be zero when she returns next wk...I could even make it very negative so that I would avoid her like a leper, hahaha.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
18-02-2010, 12:02 PM
BTW, I hv practiced meditation n NLP for only 1 day n my KC for KK has been greatly reduced n it will be zero when she returns next wk...I could even make it very negative so that I would avoid her like a leper, hahaha.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
True enuff on the NLP thing. Though it is not juz a matter of visualising and putting your heart to doing it, but it works:cool:
19-02-2010, 11:06 AM
True enuff on the NLP thing. Though it is not juz a matter of visualising and putting your heart to doing it, but it works:cool:
Hi bro aczeta76,
I hv used a combination of meditation n NLP. IMHO, meditation is more powerful.
When ur brain waves r in Alpha or Theta state as in meditation, ur subconscious mind r very susceptible to suggestions n reprogramming.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
I hv mentioned that being a "hard to get man" actually gets more women, n the most desirable women.
What is a hard to get man?
Let me quote the exact words of a guru ( Sorry, he is quite wordy n repetitive. He could be a lot more succinct...):
<<<The Hard to Get Man Follows the Charismatic Model.
The Charismatic Model combines four essential qualities. The Hard to Get Man knows how to express all of these qualities with women.
One part of the Charismatic Model is the ability to be kind, warm, and caring about people and the world.
A second part of the model is the ability to be sensual and romantic. This part involves talking about romantic things, seeing romantic details, and relating on a sensual and sexual level with women.
The third part of the Charismatic Model is the ability to be playful, silly, and fun.
The fourth component is the ability to walk away from women, to be tough, to not take any shit, and to be courageous.
As you can see, if you only have one of these qualities you can easily fail with women, but when all of them are operating at once you are unstoppable.
What the Hard to Get Man does:
The Hard to Get Man is willing to walk away from a woman if she is rude to him. He doesn’t sell out or give his balls away to women. He has high self-regard and only gives when he wants to give.
The Hard to Get Man is an excellent communicator. He is able to tell the truth about what he thinks, feels, experiences, etc. We will cover how to communicate like a Hard to Get Man later in this book.
The Hard to Get Man is not ashamed of his sexual desires. He is able to flirt romantically. He is able to have fun effortlessly talking to women about sexual and sensual things.
The Hard to Get Man does not placate women. He has high self-respect and doesn’t do things he doesn’t want to do. He doesn’t sell out around women or feel as though he has to lie to or manipulate women.
Being Hard to Get is about being selective, having criteria, maintaining high standards, taking risks, and getting a lot of women.
A Hard to Get Man works the fundamentals of dating and seduction. He understands that successfully seducing women is like any other long-term project. He understands that, at first, he will have to put a lot of energy into it, and settle for small results until he gets better at it. He knows that at the beginning of learning any new skill there is a lot of work, and that the returns at first are small. He understands that returns get larger only as his skill level increases, which will only happen with practice.
The Hard to Get Man understands the fundamentals of seduction, and he practices the fundamentals on a daily basis. He knows that only by mastering the fundamentals can he become a more effortless and effective seducer.
The Hard to Get Model
The Hard to Get Model is a way of life. It’s a combination of behaviors, attitudes, skills, and ideas that combine to create an attractive man. When you combine these qualities with the Charismatic Model, you have a man who lives life on his terms and is irresistible to women.
This is what the “bad boy” does that makes him so irresistable to women. And it’s what you’ll do, once you know how to be a Hard to Get man.
Passion and Intensity
Passion is power. The Hard to Get Man is passionate about life. He has energy and passion about things other than women in his life. Being passionate is demonstrated in having energy and showing passion in conversations.
The BNB (stands for a Boring Nervous Bonehead or a needy nice guy) is predictable and flat, boring, and lame. Intensity is about being focused, having strong opinions, and being unashamed of your passions. A leader. Someone who is up to stuff and you want to be up to stuff with them. Someone with their own style.
Women love drama, and in case you haven’t noticed, they create drama in all aspects of their lives. Drama means having things unfold like they do in a movie—an emotional tale with dramatic ups and downs and a variety of experiences and emotions through conversations, stories, or events.
Mystery, Complexity, and Depth
Predictability is boring. Women crave men who can create interesting conversations, which make them work hard to find meaning and answers.
Women crave men who are complex and deep. They want a man who can talk about a variety of subjects in depth and demonstrate originality and uniqueness in his personality. In our live seminars, we spend days exploring ways to demonstrate an interesting personality based on the stories you tell and the things you talk about.
A mysterious person doesn’t tell everything up-front, and they have more to them than meets the eye. They are not exactly secretive, but they are hard to understand, pigeonhole, or entirely figure out.
Chaotic, Unpredictable, Flexible Behavior
The Hard to Get Man is unpredictable in the things he talks about, the way he behaves, and the way he expresses himself. As a result the Hard to Get Man is flexible in his approach with women and is able to deal with the inherent chaos involved in relating to women.
You really cannot predict how a conversation with a woman will go. The BNB wants everything to be nice, orderly, safe, and predictable. The Hard to Get Man, however, knows that interacting with women is chaotic, messy, and sometimes crazy. The only thing predictable about interacting with women is that it’s never the same way twice.
You might, for example, be having a great conversation with a woman about vacation spots or her favorite restaurants, and then she begins to cry thinking about a former boyfriend or a pet who recently died. The BNB freaks out and thinks her expression of strong emotions is bad and ruining his seduction. The Hard to Get Man goes with it. He pushes into the sadness, he is able to relate to strong emotions, and he shares strong emotions with the woman. In our Advanced Course we walk you through, step-by-step, how to speak emotionally and relate emotionally to women. For now, you just need to be aware of adding more unpredictability to your behavior, and doing the steps we’ll outline in this book.
Again, the Hard to Get Man has trained himself to deal with chaos and to be comfortable with chaos. He acts in unpredictable ways and is comfortable with the ways women act impulsively. He is able to do unpredictable things such as jumping up in the middle of a conversation and tickling a woman, or talking about metaphysical topics in the middle of a conversation about sports.
Fun and Exciting
If you are serious about succeeding with women you better be fun to be around. Think this through rationally, bro. Do you honestly think anyone wants to be around a depressing guy who never smiles or who scowls anytime anyone tells a joke? Do you think chicks want to be around a low-energy guy who is boring, humorless, and seems angry and/or closed? No pickup lines or fancy patterns will help you if you’re not fun to be around. There is no way you are going to find, meet, or keep a woman in your life if you are not fun and exciting to be around.
We’re not saying you need to act like a clown or a comedian either. If you are not naturally funny, don’t start now. There is nothing worse than someone telling stupid jokes, and then making it worse by fucking up the delivery. But if you are naturally funny and are just shy, stop holding back. Let it out.
Being fun means being relaxed, easy to be around, enjoying hanging out with women, appreciating humorous stories, being open about your life and your experiences.
What else does it mean to be fun? It means being playful. It means being silly. It means enjoying the time with a woman and being enjoyable to be around.
A Hard to Get Man Does Not Avoid Conflict and Has an Edge
Most guys avoid conflict with women like the plague. Anytime a conversation gets heated a BNB does everything he can to avoid a disagreement or a conflict. He will apologize, change the subject, or get incredibly scared.
The Hard to Get Man doesn’t avoid conflict. He pushes women to find their “hot” buttons. He knows that conflict is seductive. Yes, read it again: conflict can be seductive to women. Conflict is bonding. Conflict presents a challenge for a woman. Conflict shows you have self-respect and do not take shit. And conflict invokes emotional passion from women, which often evolves into sexual energy. Think about how hot sex can be after a couple makes up after a fight. Later in this book we will teach you specific tools that will teach you techniques for creating conflicts with women.
By “edge,” we mean that the Hard to Get Man talks about unusual topics and pushes the envelope with women. He stretches the limits in a conversation by bringing up challenging topics. By “edge,” we refer to talking about things that might upset a woman or put her off.
Any comments n criticisms?
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
19-02-2010, 09:42 PM
You should call youself Old Bird instead of Warbird.
Thumb up !!
19-02-2010, 11:06 PM
Hi bro aczeta76,
I hv used a combination of meditation n NLP. IMHO, meditation is more powerful.
When ur brain waves r in Alpha or Theta state as in meditation, ur subconscious mind r very susceptible to suggestions n reprogramming.
Bro WB
How abt self affirmation? Meaning self talk/ auto suggestions?
20-02-2010, 11:00 AM
You should call youself Old Bird instead of Warbird.
Thumb up !!
Hi bro,
No no no, I'll keep my nick. Although I'm a lao chi ko pek in chronological age, I feel like 21 n, lately at least, I hv been fxking like one, hehehe.
How abt self affirmation? Meaning self talk/ auto suggestions?
Hi bro,
There r many ways to skin a cat, ughhh, just like there r many ways to fxk a pussy...
Yes, self affirmations n auto-suggestions r powerful too, if repeated often enough. If u do it while u r alert, in the Beta state, it will take much longer. But u could do it very often, at anytime, anywhere, many times every hr, every day.
Additionally, u could hasten the reprogramming by inducing an Alpha state by relaxing n taking a few slow, deep breaths w/ ur diaphragm, then listen to recorded positive affirmations daily, u could achieve wonders after a shorter time.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Supreme confidence n being high on the Dominant Male Scale r the most important determinant in getting the desirable gals.
The second most important determinant? Behaving like a hard to get man, always, even if she happens to be ur dream gal. If u get enamored by her beauty n charm n u try to please her by becoming a needy nice guy, she will leave u or "eat outside" even if she is married to u.
In my first ever visit to a KTV in early Sep 2008, I met my first BAO-ee XW who was 20 yo at the time, just arrived a month ago. I was stunned by her youthful good looks n figure. I had not fxked a gal like that in decades...n predictably I praised her beauty n put her on a pedestal n sucked up to her...but predictably she totally rejected me. To make a long story short, it took me 8 1/2 months to taste her pussy...I was behaving like an easy to get man aka beta man aka needy nice guy.
Whereas it took me only 5 days to taste KK's pussy. I could hv upped her 2hrs after meeting her. BTW, KK is younger n prettier n hv much larger boobs than XW. The difference? I was behaving like a hard to get man. And KK was the one who "chased" me n asked me abt my decision on BY-ing her!
let me digress a bit.
After my wk-long test drive w/ CD, I stopped all ctc w/ her. She knew I was dissatisfied n 2 days later, she wrote on her QQ: Unhappy today!! A day later: 什么都不是!! Not sure what she meant, but perhaps she was referring to me that I was not a BF, nor a patron, nor a benefactor...
The other day, she sent me a text in English, as always: Happy New year! How are you? I took a few hrs to answer: Happy new yr! I'm doing fine, and u? She replied quickly: I'm so so. Will we meet? After another couple of hrs, I wrote some BS that I wasn't sure bcos I would be very busy, had to go to M'sia, then HK, then back to Gotham, etc., hehehe.
Yesterday, she wrote on her QQ: Fxk off, orange!! She was angry w/ an orange? I hope I wasn't the orange!
I never burn my bridges w/ my former BAO-ees. You never know, they may intro their chio frens or younger sisters to me, hahaha. As for CD, I may want to book her just to listen to her singing of both English n Chinese songs, when I return. KK is an even better singer IMHO, but she only sings in Chinese.
Bro WB
20-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Hmmm. so U are dissatisfied with CD.
What is it that you are dissatisfied with? Her passion in bed? or just that you are thinking of someone else? :D
This Chinese New Year week has been quite an experience for me, especially having a sweet 20 year old clinging to you 24 hours. I am very happy and contend to be with her. Guess what.... we make love every morning and every night for the last 7 days ( that we get to be together):p
Wish you all the very best and have a good rest when you get back to Gotham City !
21-02-2010, 09:58 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Hmmm. so U are dissatisfied with CD.
What is it that you are dissatisfied with? Her passion in bed? or just that you are thinking of someone else? :D
This Chinese New Year week has been quite an experience for me, especially having a sweet 20 year old clinging to you 24 hours. I am very happy and contend to be with her. Guess what.... we make love every morning and every night for the last 7 days ( that we get to be together):p
Wish you all the very best and have a good rest when you get back to Gotham City !
Hi bro besafe,
I'm dissatisfied w/ CD for a no of reasons which r confidential. The other day, I told her to go back to work, hehehe.
I hv looked at her whole body carefully. She has a light tan throughout n I wonder if she has some Middle Eastern ancestry, despite the fact that she is purported to be a pure Han Chinese.
I envy u , bro. I wish I can keep my BAO-ees at my home here in SIN n take them w/ me when I return to Gotham City.
Bro WB
21-02-2010, 11:03 AM
be happy
very good skills
22-02-2010, 11:23 AM
Good morning!
I'm convinced that the best chance a man has in attracting n keeping a very desirable gal/woman, whether WL or non-WL, is to behave like a a dominant n hard to get man, always n forever.
We men r also attracted to gals/women who r very hard to get or w/ whom we hv missed ur chances for whatever reason...
For example, I hv been thinking more of the two gals I didn't pick than the 2 who spent the nite w/ me in Macau, China. I'm wondering how pretty n tight their pussies were n what I missed...
KK will be back tonite. But my KC for her is now minimal n I'll pretend that I'm not very keen to see her. Why? I'm going to be a very hard to get man...I know she may be shocked n dismayed. Ironically, my changed behaviour n cold attitude will give me the best chance to reclaim her pussy when I return from Gotham in mid May. By using connect-disconnect repeatedly, it's the best way for any man to KC a gal.
I'm confident that KK will dump who whoever she may be w/ in May n come back to me. Whereas if I give her monthly allowance while I'm away, like a wussy nice guy, my chances of tasting her pussy again will be slim. Of course I may still lose her whatever I do, especially if some towkay pays her what? He will hv my blessings as I only pay the going rates. There r so many chio pussies out there, especially in China. The Fujian gal GG n that LV singer will be back n there will be newly-arrived students, hahaha.
In fact, just the other day a fren intro me to a very cute n chio 20 yo SYT KY who wanted to be BAO-ed. Where r u bro kernomaniac? She may be the first gal whom we both like. A native of 广西, she speaks a dialect that sounds quite a bit like Cantonese. She isn't too tall at 165 w/o shoes n weigh 50 kg n has a very sexy, slim, proportionate, perfect figure w/ beautiful curves, fair complexion, very slim waist n shapely, perky ass. Who says China gals dun hv nice asses? Natural C boobs n best pair of legs I hv seen in very long time!! She has big eyes n is fxking cute! I think very few men will reject her. Sadly, she may not be available when I return.:(
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
24-02-2010, 10:26 AM
Another great day!!
KK called me Mon on her return to SIN. Unfortunately, her big auntie came w/ her! Met her yesterday in a secluded place close to her dorm. She carried a box of 003 n a special sex tool which I gave her before she left for Chengdu. Luckily, she still had two other very nice holes...she was very jovial n playful.
Later, I did some light n medium "disconnectors" by teasing, challenging n finding faults w/ her. She was irritated n displeased for a while. But I got my concessions. Now I'll give her wkly allowance towards the end of the wk n she will meet me anytime I want outside school hrs. And she will always carry my box of 003...;)
As for the new SYT KY, I proposed ST which she rejected outright. Sadly, I'm greatly constrained by time n hv not even established rapport w/ her, like booking her for a KTV outing.:( She said, 我不是小姐,你只能包养我。I hope she will be available when I return...
Let me digress a bit. It's indirectly related to kTV gals/singers/students since the prerequisite for getting their pussies is sufficient money. I shall quote an article abt the coming financial meltdown.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<February 23, 2010
Plans to Hide Commercial Real Estate Losses Won’t Avert a Double-Dip Downturn
By Shah Gilani, Contributing Editor, Money Morning
Sooner or later, mounting losses on commercial real estate could crash through the market's 2009 optimism and send the economy and stocks into a double-dip downturn.
The major problem is that lawmakers and regulators are setting up investors into believing that commercial real estate (CRE) losses are being effectively addressed. The truth is that escalating losses are being hidden as part of a campaign of optimism in a desperate gamble that a robustly reviving economy will save the day.
To protect yourself from another investment beating, here's what you need to know.
Accounting Gimmickry
Two weeks ago, a bipartisan group of 79 members from the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. The lawmakers want the public to know that they are concerned that the "commercial-real-estate industry has the potential to infect our economy and slow a recovery," according to Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, D-Pa.
Kanjorski, the chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) - which includes the likes of Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) - says it's the administration's responsibility to make sure that happens.
"The Treasury and Federal Reserve now must take needed and urgent action to stave off a potentially devastating wave of commercial real estate foreclosures and bank losses," Kanjorski said.
So in keeping with how effectively overseen and transparent our capital markets, insurance industry and GSE institutions are, the lawmakers want more accounting gimmickry to be made available to banks that hold commercial-real-estate assets. The lawmakers are concerned that banks may be forced by some regulators to write down the value of performing loans, even when payments are current. And these elected officials want more latitude for banks to manipulate recently issued CRE loan-modification guidelines.
Just what recently issued CRE loan modification guidelines are we referring to?
When is a Bad Loan Not a Bad Loan?
The tooth fairy commeth. On Oct. 30, bank, thrift and credit-union regulators very quietly gave lenders flexibility in how they classify distressed commercial mortgages. Banks can now slice distressed loans into performing and non-performing loans, and institutions will magically be able to reduce the total reserves set aside for non-performing loans.
For example, let's assume that a developer borrowed to build a shopping mall, but only one tenant leased space in the finished project. Cash flow from the project would be insufficient to service the loan, meaning the lending bank would have to set aside reserves against the total loan. Under the new guidelines, however, the mall loan actually could be carved into two loans - a performing loan representing the rented space, and a non-performing loan that represents the empty space.
Theoretically, with fewer reserves having to be set aside, bank balance sheets would look better, leaving lenders with more cash available for loans. But the reality might be very different. Granted, this accounting hocus-pocus might well stave off some bank failures. But with the overhang of non-performing loans still on their books, will those banks really be eager to lend out their precious cash?
That's not the only concern, either. The fact that lawmakers don't want to force banks to write down "performing loans" should be a cause for concern among investors. It's like the riddle: If an airplane crashes exactly on the border of two states, where do you bury the survivors? Hint ... you don't bury survivors. And, you don't have to write down performing loans - unless, of course, they're not really "performing."
What's really happening with performing loans is a game called "extend and pretend." When most banks make commercial loans they include an "interest reserve." The reserve amount is part of the total loan, and it is there so that banks can pay themselves their interest until the project generates enough cash flow to start paying interest and principal.
The unvarnished truth is that innumerable commercial loans are in distress right now because projects aren't being finished. And if they are , tenants aren't leasing. So rather than write down the loans, banks are extending the terms of the debt with more interest reserves included so they can continue to classify the loans as "performing."
Hiding behind the extend-and-pretend game is the dark reality that property values have declined at an alarming rate - racing ahead of the rate at which banks are writing down these loans.
Nor is that the only concern. Because interest reserves do not repay any of the loan principal, there is no amortization on these debts. In other words, banks are extending loans that they would never make now, because borrowers are already grossly upside-down.
To be continued.
24-02-2010, 10:30 AM
A Real Race Against Time
Lawmakers and regulators are desperately hoping that a strong economic rebound will stimulate job growth, consumption and demand for the commercial real estate that banks continue to hold.
But let's be real: There isn't enough time on any clock to ever win that race.
Why do I say that? Because, in order for the United States to rebound to a full-employment rate of at least 5%, the nation's economy would have to create 200,000 jobs per month - for seven years.
Although all the big banks hold significant amounts of underperforming-commercial-real-estate loans, this exposure as a percentage of total-balance-sheet assets averages only 10% to 20%. And these banks have other income streams, such as proprietary-trading revenue, investment-banking fees, and credit-card fees and charges to bolster their bottom lines.
Regional and local community banks have as much as 80% of their balance sheets tied up in commercial real estate, and very few other sources of significant fee income to offset CRE losses.
It's not the too-big-to-fail banks that are lending to consumers; they're too busy catering to huge corporations, enslaving the credit card borrowers they pressed into servitude with low teaser rates, and pandering to lawmakers to preserve their monopolies and their outrageous executive compensation packages.
It's the regional and community banks that lend to individuals and small businesses that are sinking fast under the weight of CRE. How are they going to be the credit providers to consumers and the backers of the small businesses we are counting on to create jobs for the country's 18 million unemployed?
Lawmakers and regulators expect to buy time for the economy to grow in order to drive up commercial-real-estate prices and save the banks that are threatened. But their rescue vehicle of choice is the banking sector that is foundering because of the growing gale of commercial-real-estate losses. So please forgive me if I label these Washington insiders as grossly incompetent, self-serving and deluded.
The Only Way to Win
If we continue to chart this course, we're headed right for a double-dip downturn in the economy and in the stock market.
But there is a way out.
First, break up all the too-big-to-fail banks into "bad banks" by saddling them with all the bad bank loans. Don't worry: It won't take long for those institutions to discover how to make money from these non-performing loans.
Let these "new" institutions keep their proprietary trading desks so they can steal money from the big corporations and investment banking clients they front-run.
Cap all compensation for the top 25% of earners at those banks. And make these top-tier executives stay and work at their new employer for seven years, which is the same amount of time it takes to discharge a bankruptcy. That's only fair since bankruptcy is where these institutions force credit-card borrowers after ripping them off with hidden, retroactive fees and usurious interest rates. Phase out all taxpayer backing over the same seven years. Limit each bank's leverage and require them to add equity capital on a pre-set ratio relative to balance-sheet risk.
Spin off all big-bank credit-card operations into four regionally based trusts and make them operate as not-for-profit entities. Cap interest rates at some nationally set level above the prime rate, and make credit limits a function of income, assets and credit history. While we're at it, only charge merchants and credit-card users 50 cents each per any transaction.
Make community banks "good banks" by spreading the big banks performing loans across their balance sheets so banking is more "localized" and community-centric. Limit the size they can grow to - period. If there's additional business to be had in a particular locale, let another bank open up and help drive down the cost of services.
Create a compensation arrangement for bankers that rewards them generously for creating jobs, improving standards of living in their communities and running their banks profitably relative to standardized risk metrics.
As far as big loans and securitizing and selling asset-backed pools, make the banks syndicate and spread risks between themselves, all of them. They'll actually become experts in risk management as opposed to paying lip service to schemes like Value at Risk.
I'd like to say that I'm kidding, and that everything will work out just fine if we do nothing. But the reality is that only a comprehensive overhaul of banking regulations will save the U.S. economy and stock market from significant pain. Hiding behind accounting gimmickry is just another tarp being thrown over our problems by same special interests that got us into this mess in the first place.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm even more pessimistic n, IMHO, even an overhaul of banking regulations will not be enough.
The only solution? Americans need to work much harder n produce much more than they consume for the next 20-30 yrs or longer.
Your esteemed comments n opinions r always welcome!
Bro WB
nominated best thread in sammyboy.
got talk about gals and also economy(money!)..
bro warbird no need work de ar.. can always update... envy siol.... :o
25-02-2010, 11:04 AM
nominated best thread in sammyboy.
got talk about gals and also economy(money!)..
bro warbird no need work de ar.. can always update... envy siol.... :o
Hi bro uhoo,
I'm merely trying to share wat little I know...
In a capitalist system, money is what makes the world go round.
I'm convinced that we r in the early stage of a global depression which will last many yrs. China, our little red dot n some Asian countries will suffer less than many of the Western countries. I hope I'm dead wrong.
But a crisis is always an oppty...
More bad news from Gotham country:
New home sales hit record low in Jan, prices tumble: New home sales hit record low, prices tumble | Reuters (
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
I hv mentioned the 3 voids that need to be filled in a gal/woman. For a PRC MM, even if u could fill all her 3 voids, she may still abandon u if someone offers her twice the money, hehehe.
Separately, I'm entering the 7th wk of RS w/ KK. I hv little KC for her now, but I still like her youthful body n pussy. She has been very compliant n accommodating. However, she refuses to hv her nude n explicit pics taken the other day.
Despite that, there is a very good chance that we will continue the RS when I return from Gotham City. The other gal I like, the Fujian gal GG, will likely be here as well. They should keep me busy n satiated for the rest of the yr. If I lose both of them, it's fine...there r other gals or I'll just go to China n bring a SYT back.
Bro WB
25-02-2010, 02:37 PM
However, she refuses to hv her nude n explicit pics taken the other day.
And you failed my dear master.
Use the word "TRUST" and "OWNERSHIP" on her.
By this action, it shows that the trust is not there at all and also, the notion of integrity is at stake.
Y???? Cos she's afraid you might go showing her pics around or in the net!!!!!!
So, in order to have total CONTROL of them, there is no such thing as NO!
This word can only come from YOU!
Now, show her the power of Authority & the meaning of OWNERSHIP!!!!
26-02-2010, 10:22 AM
And you failed my dear master.
Use the word "TRUST" and "OWNERSHIP" on her.
By this action, it shows that the trust is not there at all and also, the notion of integrity is at stake.
Y???? Cos she's afraid you might go showing her pics around or in the net!!!!!!
So, in order to have total CONTROL of them, there is no such thing as NO!
This word can only come from YOU!
Now, show her the power of Authority & the meaning of OWNERSHIP!!!!
My esteemed Mr. Austin,
Ths so much for ur sage advice n guidance. May I call u the Oracle of Bao Yang?
Yes, I failed. I wasn't dominant n assertive enough. I hv a long way to go.
I like ur concept of total control n ownership. I know what to do next.
Actually, Kk has complete trust in me n knows that the pics n video will be for my personal use only. Her concern is that others may get them accidentally...
She was tearful n promised to service n please me the best she could...bcos I pretended to be upset n displeased. That was the emotional experience she needed, hahaha.
Very sorry abt last night. KK n I wanted to go badly, but I just couldn't make it...I'll make it up to u on my next visit here.
Best regards,
Bro WB
26-02-2010, 10:33 AM
Her concern is that others may get them accidentally...
Read deep into this statement my friend and ponder over me, i read it as 话里有话
Take care my friend, yeah, u missed lots last nite, those who went had a boll;)
26-02-2010, 10:48 AM
Read deep into this statement my friend and ponder over me, i read it as 话里有话
Take care my friend, yeah, u missed lots last nite, those who went had a boll;)
Hmmm...I'll ponder over it. That is why u are the MASTER, u r very deep n an expert "psychoanalyst."
At least to me, most of the allure of BY-ing is abt domination/ownership n playing the mind game. Sex, COS n companionship etc r actually secondary...
You take care too, my dear Mr. Austin.:)
26-02-2010, 01:32 PM
Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I learnt some much from reading your articles.
So do u think we are heading for a double-dip?
Have u shorted the markets?
I am short - SKF, SDS, FXP, etc.
But I shorted too early :(
With the Fed going all out to support the markets, maybe I should cut loss...
"Of course I may still lose her whatever I do, especially if some towkay pays her what? He will hv my blessings as I only pay the going rates."
Yes! Don't spoil the market!
Yes, Americans are over-consuming - just look the number of fat asses on any street in US.
A Real Race Against Time
Lawmakers and regulators are desperately hoping that a strong economic rebound will stimulate job growth, consumption and demand for the commercial real estate that banks continue to hold.
But let's be real: There isn't enough time on any clock to ever win that race.
Why do I say that? Because, in order for the United States to rebound to a full-employment rate of at least 5%, the nation's economy would have to create 200,000 jobs per month - for seven years.
Although all the big banks hold significant amounts of underperforming-commercial-real-estate loans, this exposure as a percentage of total-balance-sheet assets averages only 10% to 20%. And these banks have other income streams, such as proprietary-trading revenue, investment-banking fees, and credit-card fees and charges to bolster their bottom lines.
Regional and local community banks have as much as 80% of their balance sheets tied up in commercial real estate, and very few other sources of significant fee income to offset CRE losses.
It's not the too-big-to-fail banks that are lending to consumers; they're too busy catering to huge corporations, enslaving the credit card borrowers they pressed into servitude with low teaser rates, and pandering to lawmakers to preserve their monopolies and their outrageous executive compensation packages.
It's the regional and community banks that lend to individuals and small businesses that are sinking fast under the weight of CRE. How are they going to be the credit providers to consumers and the backers of the small businesses we are counting on to create jobs for the country's 18 million unemployed?
Lawmakers and regulators expect to buy time for the economy to grow in order to drive up commercial-real-estate prices and save the banks that are threatened. But their rescue vehicle of choice is the banking sector that is foundering because of the growing gale of commercial-real-estate losses. So please forgive me if I label these Washington insiders as grossly incompetent, self-serving and deluded.
The Only Way to Win
If we continue to chart this course, we're headed right for a double-dip downturn in the economy and in the stock market.
But there is a way out.
First, break up all the too-big-to-fail banks into "bad banks" by saddling them with all the bad bank loans. Don't worry: It won't take long for those institutions to discover how to make money from these non-performing loans.
Let these "new" institutions keep their proprietary trading desks so they can steal money from the big corporations and investment banking clients they front-run.
Cap all compensation for the top 25% of earners at those banks. And make these top-tier executives stay and work at their new employer for seven years, which is the same amount of time it takes to discharge a bankruptcy. That's only fair since bankruptcy is where these institutions force credit-card borrowers after ripping them off with hidden, retroactive fees and usurious interest rates. Phase out all taxpayer backing over the same seven years. Limit each bank's leverage and require them to add equity capital on a pre-set ratio relative to balance-sheet risk.
Spin off all big-bank credit-card operations into four regionally based trusts and make them operate as not-for-profit entities. Cap interest rates at some nationally set level above the prime rate, and make credit limits a function of income, assets and credit history. While we're at it, only charge merchants and credit-card users 50 cents each per any transaction.
Make community banks "good banks" by spreading the big banks performing loans across their balance sheets so banking is more "localized" and community-centric. Limit the size they can grow to - period. If there's additional business to be had in a particular locale, let another bank open up and help drive down the cost of services.
Create a compensation arrangement for bankers that rewards them generously for creating jobs, improving standards of living in their communities and running their banks profitably relative to standardized risk metrics.
As far as big loans and securitizing and selling asset-backed pools, make the banks syndicate and spread risks between themselves, all of them. They'll actually become experts in risk management as opposed to paying lip service to schemes like Value at Risk.
I'd like to say that I'm kidding, and that everything will work out just fine if we do nothing. But the reality is that only a comprehensive overhaul of banking regulations will save the U.S. economy and stock market from significant pain. Hiding behind accounting gimmickry is just another tarp being thrown over our problems by same special interests that got us into this mess in the first place.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I'm even more pessimistic n, IMHO, even an overhaul of banking regulations will not be enough.
The only solution? Americans need to work much harder n produce much more than they consume for the next 20-30 yrs or longer.
Your esteemed comments n opinions r always welcome!
Bro WB
27-02-2010, 11:41 AM
Hi WB....
So do u think we are heading for a double-dip?
Have u shorted the markets?
I am short - SKF, SDS, FXP, etc.
But I shorted too early :(
With the Fed going all out to support the markets, maybe I should cut loss...
"Of course I may still lose her whatever I do, especially if some towkay pays her what? He will hv my blessings as I only pay the going rates."
Yes! Don't spoil the market!
Yes, Americans are over-consuming - just look the number of fat asses on any street in US.
Hi bro,
No, worse than a mere double-dip. I'm convinced that Gotham country is in the early stage of a long depression...very soon the other shoe will drop.
I seldom sell short nowadays bcos the maximum profit is only 100% whereas buying long could give u returns of 1000% or greater. Moreover, at least in theory, the potential losses for selling short r infinite! I dun use leverage either.
Between 1999-2001, I sold short 70-80 internet companies, but my net profit was really peanuts. Not worth the effort n time.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to speak w/ Mr. Austin himself. He gave me some pointers which r invaluable! Ths!
As for BY-ing, I hv made steady improvement. I go only for SYTs whom I regard as the most attractive n I hv been paying the going rates even though I'm a 老色狼。 I pay them wkly n if I'm not completely satisfied, I'll terminate my patronage. In the past I wasn't confident enough n mistakenly thought that I had to pay a bit higher than much younger n much better looking men on account of my advanced age n below average looks. But I now understand what is the sole determinant of attractiveness to these SYTs, hahaha.;)
I'll be returning to Gotham very soon n I now only hv one BAO-ee KK. I pay her towards the end of each wk. Either she is very smart or she trusts me a lot bcos she never reminds me of any payment even when it's overdue. Besides her well-endowed physical assets, etc., I also like her intelligence, personality n character very much, otherwise, our RS would've ended wks ago. She wants to get a driver's license so that she can become my part-time chauffeur on my return, hehehe. She will be providing this extra service w/o charge as she is already very satisfied w/ her monthly allowance package...:D
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
02-03-2010, 10:40 AM
What a glorious day!
I feel lucky today, hahaha.
An old fren always tells me: Everything in life is luck. Or fate or karma. It doesn't matter how smart you r, how hard u work, what kind of work u do, if you dun hv the luck, you r dead meat!
I'm afraid he is right. Although I still like to believe that luck favors the prepared mind.
I always hope for the best...but prepared for the worse.
I hv been very busy lately n hv not been out hunting or trying to pick up any gals for over 1 wk. I hv spent the limited time I hv exclusively w/ KK. We r completing our 7-wk of RS...
I'm not suffering from oneitis as I hv seen other tempting pussies I like to fxk. It's just that I dun hv the time now n KK has been very obedient n punctual. Outside of her school hrs, KK is always on emergency call for me, like a rescue medic. In 15-30 min, she would come w/ a box of 003 n our toy to wherever n whenever I need to eat her pussy. I'll hv to reward her heroic effort...:D 重赏之下必有勇夫(妇)!
BTW, I hv many new reading materials on such topics as Omega Man (who is purported to hv the attractive traits of hard to get man/bad boy/Alpha man AND the trustworthy character of a mature n good provider). Then there is the mysterious October Man who is as mysterious as Mr. Austin...;)
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
04-03-2010, 10:50 AM
Good morning to a esteemed samsters,
I'm determined to make 2010 a very good yr. I do need a little luck...
Although I hv only one mistress now, I hv been active in arranging for potential companions, including a couple of my former BAO-ees, when I return to SIN.
According to a no of gurus, the best way to avoid being KC-ed by any gal is to hv n to hunt for multiple pussies at the same time. But BY-ing more than 2 gals simultaneously would be too taxing physically for a lao ah pek like me. Besides, I'm constrained by time. Actually, hving just one young n horny gal is all I can handle...:(
It's hard to believe. KK n I r into our 8th wk of RS. This teenage gal is more complex n experienced n far less "innocent" than meets the eye. She has been trying to KC me n make me fall for her.:eek: She is getting help n advice from her cousin (real) whom I hv met, n from other frens.
She claims that she will not work nor consort w/ any other men for the rest of her stay here (as long as I'm w/ her). I asked why? Becos I love u, she said.:confused: I said it's a joke right? I'm serious, she said. She will do anything to please me n be w/ me. I told her I dun love her, I only enjoy her youthful n pretty pussy...she said she still loves me, she is 200% satisfied (sextisfied?) w/ me n I hv never disappointed her.;) I guess I hv filled her 3 voids satisfactorily, but I know better, if someone else offers her a lot more money she will just say goodbye.
She also told me her sex history. She lost her virginity at 16. She admits to hving causal RS w/ several boys since. Had a steady BF at uni who fxked her 2-3X a wk raw - she was taking the pill. Although she tested negative 3 months ago when she arrived here, I asked her to get another test when I return...
The only challenge left w/ KK is to make her really fall for me. I'm working hard towards that goal. I need to push-pull n always dominant n to hv the new mindset of an October Man, hahaha.
Bro WB
04-03-2010, 07:16 PM
Hi Bro WB... who is girl (the picture) in your avatar?:)
05-03-2010, 12:20 AM
The only challenge left w/ KK is to make her really fall for me. I'm working hard towards that goal. I need to push-pull n always dominant n to hv the new mindset of an October Man, hahaha.
I may not be qualified to comment, since I am not into the mistressing or baoying (heck, I'm not even into commercial sex), but I have been in China for 6 years and have observed what happened to some of my seniors, contemporaries and juniors.
Chinese women are dangerous when they have truly fallen for you. There is really no telling what they will do for revenge. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is no match for the Chinese 最毒妇人心。I have encountered too many cases too close for comfort - some of them were my good friends.
Please be careful. I would hate to see you in trouble over this, okay?
05-03-2010, 10:53 AM
Hi Bro WB... who is girl (the picture) in your avatar?
Hi bro besafe,
She is a 20 yo student in China. Couldn't get her to come here.:( If my lucky streak continues, I'll double or triple my initial offer.;)
I may not be qualified to comment, since I am not into the mistressing or baoying (heck, I'm not even into commercial sex), but I have been in China for 6 years and have observed what happened to some of my seniors, contemporaries and juniors.
Chinese women are dangerous when they have truly fallen for you. There is really no telling what they will do for revenge. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is no match for the Chinese 最毒妇人心。I have encountered too many cases too close for comfort - some of them were my good friends.
Please be careful. I would hate to see you in trouble over this, okay?
Hi bro chenzong,
Ths so much for ur warning. IMHO, non-WLs n so-called "good gals" could be even more dangerous than WLs when they r jilted.
Yes, I know I'm playing w/ fire. But then again, no venture no gain. Trying to KC a chio 19 yo gal makes me alive n blissful. I feel like 19 yo again...:D
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Many gurus n masters hv described the traits/attributes n character of men who r very attractive to women n who get the prettiest pussies: Dominant man, Alpha male, enlightened man, superior man, mack or mack daddy, Omega male, bad boy, hard to get man, the October man, etc., etc.
But none of them could compare w/ a "Real Man."
Rudyard Kipling's inspirational poem "If" tells us "how to be a Real Man.":cool:
'If' by Rudyard Kipling:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
Bro WB
I may not be qualified to comment, since I am not into the mistressing or baoying (heck, I'm not even into commercial sex), but I have been in China for 6 years and have observed what happened to some of my seniors, contemporaries and juniors.
Chinese women are dangerous when they have truly fallen for you. There is really no telling what they will do for revenge. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned is no match for the Chinese 最毒妇人心。I have encountered too many cases too close for comfort - some of them were my good friends.
Please be careful. I would hate to see you in trouble over this, okay?
hi bro wb...
wad is KC-ing.. i just realise gotham city which u always been refering is USA. haha...
anyway... i think chenzong bro has a point. To me, there is only one main thing woman and man look for.
Woman = survival
Man = replication.
when KK want to KC u (sound weird but defeintely not something good i guess), she want to hold u by being the only woman for u. that is the reason woman tink marriage is good while man think is GRAVE.
any thoughts of having a threesome...? :p show her that your aim is clear and you only like her pussy? haha...
btw, i like your inspiration poem!!! has been a fan since u open this thread... :o
07-03-2010, 06:17 PM
wad is KC-ing..................i think chenzong bro has a point. To me, there is only one main thing woman and man look for.
Woman = survival
Man = replication.
when KK want to KC u (sound weird but defeintely not something good i guess), she want to hold u by being the only woman for u. that is the reason woman tink marriage is good while man think is GRAVE.
any thoughts of having a threesome...? :p show her that your aim is clear and you only like her pussy? haha...
btw, i like your inspiration poem!!! has been a fan since u open this thread...
Hi bro uhoo,
Ths for ur comment.
Actually, the no 1 priority for both women n men is survival. The no 2 is also the same: reproduction. The only difference is that women used to hv a lot more invested in the 2nd priority...
KC or Kum Cheng, Hokkien for emotional attachment.
Yes, this teenage gal from Chengdu is trying to KC me, a lao chi ko pek 3X her age. I'm giving her a taste of her own medicine, hehehe.
No threesome or 双飞 for me unless I dun need to change CDs.
Yes, the poem is one of my favourites. If u could behave like the MAN in the poem, u would get all the pussies u ever want.:D
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Not every woman can experience COS n those who do may not experience it every time even w/ the same partner bcos many complex factors n conditions hv to be optimal. It's as much mental as it's physical...
Although I hv given KK screaming orgasms before, she has not experienced true COS until yesterday. One factor was that she was close to ovulation (2 wks before the next visit from her big auntie) n hence more easily orgasmic
. Additionally, she was very relaxed after I massaged her neck, back n butt. She also gave me good feedback n told me exactly how to please her...I used my finger n tongue on her for 20 plus min which resulted in a couple of strong orgasms. Then she jumped on top of me n became wild n violent...she would let out screams of pleasure n her face was grimacing...she was completely exhausted n could hardly stand up after 20 min! She said, 你一大把年纪了, 为什么还那么厉害!;)
My reading of several dozens of books n newsletters, etc has certainly paid off...;) But I'll need a lot more practice.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
09-03-2010, 10:19 AM
Good morning!
As u recall, over a wk ago, I failed when I wanted to shoot some explicit pics of KK. Why? Like a wussy Beta boy, I asked for permission. I called Mr. Austin n sought his advice. Thank you, Mr. Austin!
I got some nice pics, hahaha. When I took out the camera, she quickly covered herself w/ a blanket. I merely said, 你是我最疼爱的情妇? And I took away the blanket...
Be dominant, never ask permission from a woman. Just do it (but dun use force, ya). You want to eat her pussy, do it. You want to CIM, do it. Explicit pics? Do it. Want to fxk her raw, do it ( Warning! Do it at ur own risk!).
In getting n keeping gals, your inner game or frame of mind or mindset is the most crucial determinant of ur success. Use NLP and/or covert hypnosis. Practice n practice. You must presuppose that she is very attracted to u. Presuppose that she will be sexually addicted to you. Presuppose that she will fall for u. You n the gal will appear to be getting into sort of a trance state together. But u will stay lucid n very relaxed, hahaha.;)
Bro WB
09-03-2010, 10:31 AM
Be dominant, never ask permission from a woman. Just do it (but dun use force, ya). You want to eat her pussy, do it. You want to CIM, do it. Explicit pics? Do it. Want to fxk her raw, do it ( Warning! Do it at ur own risk!).
In getting n keeping gals, your inner game or frame of mind or mindset is the most crucial determinant of ur success. Use NLP and/or covert hypnosis. Practice n practice. You must presuppose that she is very attracted to u. Presuppose that she will be sexually addicted to you. Presuppose that she will fall for u. You n the gal will appear to be getting into sort of a trance state together. But u will stay lucid n very relaxed, hahaha.;)
Bro WB
Bro...this is a good refresher !! Tks for this. I must validate that this works and has worked for me personally ...not always but as they say hit the target you must first fire the arrow!
For my particular style I find that if you keep a smile on your face and keep the atmosphere relaxed and jokey (without coming across as creepy) works best!
Key is being firm while being relaxed and friendly at the same time.
09-03-2010, 03:20 PM
As u recall, over a wk ago, I failed when I wanted to shoot some explicit pics of KK. Why? Like a wussy Beta boy, I asked for permission. I called Mr. Austin n sought his advice. Thank you, Mr. Austin!
I got some nice pics, hahaha. When I took out the camera, she quickly covered herself w/ a blanket. I merely said, 你是我最疼爱的情妇? And I took away the blanket...
Be dominant, never ask permission from a woman. Just do it (but dun use force, ya). You want to eat her pussy, do it. You want to CIM, do it. Explicit pics? Do it. Want to fxk her raw, do it ( Warning! Do it at ur own risk!).
In getting n keeping gals, your inner game or frame of mind or mindset is the most crucial determinant of ur success. Use NLP and/or covert hypnosis. Practice n practice. You must presuppose that she is very attracted to u. Presuppose that she will be sexually addicted to you. Presuppose that she will fall for u. You n the gal will appear to be getting into sort of a trance state together. But u will stay lucid n very relaxed, hahaha.;)
Bro WB
hahahaha well done, congratulations my good friend.
Will u be there on friday? If so, I'd love to see this KK of yours
09-03-2010, 03:37 PM
Ths so much for ur warning. IMHO, non-WLs n so-called "good gals" could be even more dangerous than WLs when they r jilted.
Yes, I know I'm playing w/ fire. But then again, no venture no gain. Trying to KC a chio 19 yo gal makes me alive n blissful. I feel like 19 yo again...
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
WOAHH..Bro WB thanks for sharing ur adventures and the rest.. Inspiring sia. Truly know how to be a real man lar.
Ur COS description solid man, best.......
Agree that sometimes jilted so call 'gd girls' can go all belly up and be ki siao or pull weird, not nice n unexpected stunt. Up to the real man to manage the situation appropriately if that kind ur meat choice lor.
To each his own. Pro or Obvious whores are a dead bore for me so while I dun go for 'gd gals" coz they are just too typically yawn inducing oso, prefer the freaks and sluts lying on the ambiguous edges of respectability and 'normal' life hahaha.
And thanks for the nice poem from Kipling. You cultured oso sia. Truly the mark of a true player and man.
09-03-2010, 03:39 PM
Read this thread and all are picking up of PRC KTV gals....
Any Bro here tried picking up Sporean KTV gals:D
10-03-2010, 11:43 AM
Bro...this is a good refresher !! Tks for this. I must validate that this works and has worked for me personally ...not always but as they say hit the target you must first fire the arrow!
Key is being firm while being relaxed and friendly at the same time.
Hi bro petrolheadsg,
Ths for ur comment.
Your relaxed confident mindset is the key!
hahahaha well done, congratulations my good friend.
Will u be there on friday? If so, I'd love to see this KK of yours
My Dear Mr. Austin,
Hahaha, ths to YOU, my good fren n mentor.
I would love to see u too. I hv not seen u since early Oct 2009.
I missed u twice at DC SH, Jan 8 & 22.
Not sure if I could be there this Fri as I'm hving the flu now. Also, my family is w/ me n they know my habit is to get home before 10PM to watch the stock markets of Gotham. BTW, I'll be leaving for Gotham Sunday. Nowadays I meet KK mostly in the afternoon, sometimes she just skips school completely.
If I can make it, I'll bring KK. Although she doesn't want me to see other gals, I may book CD as well.
If I can't make it, I'll see u in May. Most likely KK will still be w/ me then. She hasn't worked since Jan 12 n has promised not to work nor be w/ any man for the rest of her stay here. She knows I'll dump her w/o the slightest hesitation if she breaks her promise. She also knows that I hv other options, hahaha.
Bro WB
Ur COS description solid man, best.......
Agree that sometimes jilted so call 'gd girls' can go all belly up and be ki siao or pull weird, not nice n unexpected stunt. Up to the real man to manage the situation appropriately if that kind ur meat choice lor.
To each his own. Pro or Obvious whores are a dead bore for me so while I dun go for 'gd gals" coz they are just too typically yawn inducing oso, prefer the freaks and sluts lying on the ambiguous edges of respectability and 'normal' life hahaha.
And thanks for the nice poem from Kipling. You cultured oso sia. Truly the mark of a true player and man.
Hi bro BlackerKnighter,
Ths for ur flattering words. I'm just an arm-chair general trying to get more hands on experience. I hv a long way to go.
To give COS to a gal depends largely on ur mindset n relaxed confidence. You need constant feedback from the gal too.
But a word of warning: It may hv unintended negative consequences. My mistress KK had swelling in her R inner lip (labia minora) that very same nite which has not subsided completely. No pain or itchiness though. This happened despite her dripping wetness. She got carried away n was in a trance while on top. It was due to her reckless n violent up n down movements alternating w/ grinding of her pussy n pubes against my didi n pubes for over 20 min.:o I also tried to thrust my didi upwards deep into her pussy n my abd muscles were sore for 2 days. I was very lucky that she didn't injure my didi. Unfortunately, I also got the flu from her. But I'll still try to see her at least 3 times before my departure.
No pain, no gain? Or rather, no gain w/o pain?
BTW, I think we should try to hook up w/ some JC n uni gals, both local n PRC, bcos they r much cheaper to BY, in the range of 2-4K a month, according to some frens. Some of them r very chio too.
Bro WB
Read this thread and all are picking up of PRC KTV gals....
Any Bro here tried picking up Sporean KTV gals:D
Hi bro autoroam,
I hv met a few M'sian KTV gals, but only one S'porean. The same strategies should work fine.
S i l v i a
10-03-2010, 12:12 PM
You the man bro WarBird!
12-03-2010, 11:34 AM
You the man bro WarBird!
Hi bro Silvia,
No no no...I'm just a trainee who is extremely motivated n hardworking, hehehe.
I may never become a REAL MAN as defined by Kipling.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning,
While it may be impossible for me to become a REAL MAN, it's much easier to become an October Man, hehehe.;)
BTW, I'm recovering from my flu but I'll remain contagious for at least another couple of days.
I'm in my 9th wk of RS w/ KK. Thus far, she has abided by our BY-ing agreement. She has done everything to please me n has consented to every demand n whim (the only NO was when I wanted to shoot pics/video of her nude body). She has met me despite her big auntie, flu n swelling of her pussy lip, etc. She has canceled, at the very last min, prior engagements w/ photo studio (I told her to get a photo album for my viewing pleasure) n shopping trips w/ her cousin n roommate. She has skipped school to meet me...
Hef (Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy) once said that what makes a woman sexy is about 20% physical and 80% what she is thinking. The ideal woman is one that a man both wants to protect and possess at the same time.
I couldn't agree w/ him more. Abt 30% of my fondness for KK is due to her youthful n well-endowed physical assets n 70% is due to her jovial, optimistic personality, her intelligence, her willingness to please me n her strict observance of our agreement.
I asked her why she likes me so much (love according to her), she said, to be perfectly honest, it's 30% money n 70% is my character n personality. I would be very pleased if it's 70% money n only 30% me.
In retrospect, it would hv been better if she had refused to meet me so soon after her flu w/ fever. I could hv avoided catching the flu from her. I'm meeting her again tmr.
When I return in May, most likely I'll continue my RS w/ KK. If she doesn't comply w/ our agreement or if I get bored w/ her, I'll just say: "It's been nice n I hv enjoyed ur pussy, but see u ya." After all, there r several chio gals who r coming...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
12-03-2010, 12:34 PM
Hello bro WB,
I'm in my 9th wk of RS w/ KK.
Still going strong huh? There must be something in KK. I couldn't have last this long :)
I asked her why she likes me so much (love according to her), she said, to be perfectly honest, it's 30% money n 70% is my character n personality. I would be very pleased if it's 70% money n only 30% me.
I hope you are in control of the KC trap. with you solid experience and supreme advice from bro DYBJ, I believe you are.
If she doesn't comply w/ our agreement or if I get bored w/ her, I'll just say: "It's been nice n I hv enjoyed ur pussy, but see u ya." After all, there r several chio gals who r coming...
Then again, these "ifs" are always tricky. BTW, I learnt that many new, chio ones are starting to land/penetrate our shore (including young students). Look out for new bloods when you return to chiong in May.:D
14-03-2010, 02:09 AM
Bros Marc5, WarBird, DY_BJ, LKY, CChung and many esteemed pals not in SBF (but somehow lurking around)...
Thank you all for a wonderful Friday night at DC and being there for me big party! It was certainly a great night and I was 200% drunk right after the PPC.
After that night, I will retire from the hanging flowers for anymore singers - but of course, will still do the token support for close friends' BY, love interests and/or prospects. :D ... in other words, no more CRAZY flowers. Kekeke. And... I have never heard such a touching 谢词 from 下档 Singer.
Honestly bros, I was also kinda touched with 丫丫's bold words. Looks like bro DYBJ is 100% right on differentiating the demons versus the humans - your prediction damn zun zun. This rookie rook has lots to learn from you, the master newbie noob. heh heh heh :p
BTW after finishing 5 bottles that night, I still have 6 bottles left at DC! Lets book another date for a boys' nitey nite out.
14-03-2010, 02:40 AM
Actually, the no 1 priority for both women n men is survival. The no 2 is also the same: reproduction. The only difference is that women used to hv a lot more invested in the 2nd priority...
Bro WB
wow, both u and uhoo are dead on. it is all about survival and procreation. the latter is actually also survival -- survival through perpetuating one's own gene. even sex with condom or pill is driven by the subconscious need to procreate. darwin is so right - survival of the specie.
on a more serious note, please do go for the local JC gals and file your field report here. can u get gals from elite JCs like RJC or HCJC, etc? a few years ago, i went to the basement KTV at Sim Lim Square (is it still there?) and there was a JC gal working there. no sex, just rubba rubba. she's local and not pretty.
WB - you rock!
14-03-2010, 11:12 AM
Hello bro WB,
Still going strong huh? There must be something in KK. I couldn't have last this long
Hi bro marc5,
Yeah, I'm surprised myself as all my previous BYs hv lasted only 1-4 wks. When I booked KK for the 1st time on 8 Jan, I only had ST on my mind since I had just consummated my BY w/ a LV singer the day before n my Fujian "niece" was coming within a wk. But she said no to ST. I couldn't resist her youthful body, so I proposed BY on wkly basis, planning to end it after 1 wk. Unbelievable bcos I ended up dumping the other two gals...
I hope you are in control of the KC trap. with you solid experience and supreme advice from bro DYBJ, I believe you are.
Ths bro. I hv only a little KC for her despite her saying: 我很爱你,我也知道你很爱我。 I hv made it very explicit that I only like her, dun love her n will terminate my patronage if she violates our agreement. She will not get a 2nd chance as I never 吃回头草。I'm a "bad ah pek" (too old to be a bad boy) n I want her to really fall for me, hehehe.
Then again, these "ifs" are always tricky. BTW, I learnt that many new, chio ones are starting to land/penetrate our shore (including young students). Look out for new bloods when you return to chiong in May.:D
You're right, there will be many new n fresh students coming...actually GG n that singer r coming in May too.
Bro WB
Bros Marc5, WarBird, DY_BJ, LKY, CChung and many esteemed pals not in SBF (but somehow lurking around)...
Thank you all for a wonderful Friday night at DC...
After that night, I will retire from the hanging flowers for anymore singers - but of course, will still do the token support for close friends' BY, love interests and/or prospects. :D ... in other words, no more CRAZY flowers. Kekeke. And... I have never heard such a touching 谢词 from 下档 Singer.
Honestly bros, I was also kinda touched with 丫丫's bold words. Looks like bro DYBJ is 100% right on differentiating the demons versus the humans - your prediction damn zun zun. This rookie rook has lots to learn from you, the master newbie noob. heh heh heh :p
BTW after finishing 5 bottles that night, I still have 6 bottles left at DC!...
Hi bro LDH,
You had a fantastic nite! Sorry that I had to leave much earlier...
Congrats to u, bro. You r a very lucky man, hehehe.
Bro WB
wow, both u and uhoo are dead on. it is all about survival and procreation. the latter is actually also survival -- survival through perpetuating one's own gene...
on a more serious note, please do go for the local JC gals and file your field report here. can u get gals from elite JCs like RJC or HCJC, etc? a few years ago, i went to the basement KTV at Sim Lim Square (is it still there?) and there was a JC gal working there. no sex, just rubba rubba...
Hi bro AustinPowers,
I hv had zero experience w/ JC gals excepting for some STs w/ purported JC students.
My one-wk GF, a 19 yo PRC NUS Scholar, told me the going rates for local JC or uni students r only 2-3K a month n for PRC students (real full-time students who dun work at KTVs) 3-4K a month. Not sure if she is willing to intro gals to me now as she wanted me to keep her. I declined her invitation bcos her available time was very limited n I could only fxk her at most 2X a wk. I hate being restricted n not in complete control. In the 1st wk of Jan, I had a wk-long trial w/ her n didn't renew our contract...partly bcos I met that tall singer No 69 n saw KK at LV SH on 6 Jan.
Yes, I would love to BY some 18 yo chio JC gals. I'll need a 媒婆 w/ the tongue of a serpent to get a chio one, hehehe. Even 西门庆 needed one.
I hv a much better idea. Move to China!! It'll be very easy in China to BY very pretty 1st yr uni students. If u want younger ones, go for high school gals! You'll be spoilt for choice! Xiamen, Wuhan n Dalian would be ideal some more, ya.;)
I'll post my FR as soon as I sample some of these young pussies, OK?
Bro WB
14-03-2010, 02:52 PM
in other words, no more CRAZY flowers. Kekeke. And... I have never heard such a touching 谢词 from 下档 Singer.
Honestly bros, I was also kinda touched with 丫丫's bold words. Looks like bro DYBJ is 100% right on differentiating the demons versus the humans - your prediction damn zun zun. This rookie rook has lots to learn from you, the master newbie noob. heh heh heh :p
BTW after finishing 5 bottles that night, I still have 6 bottles left at DC! Lets book another date for a boys' nitey nite out.
My most heartiest congratulations to both YY and you my dear Master Rookie Rook.
It was a night i wouldnt forget, even my BY was having a ball, especially the kissing contest...hahahahahaha which we WON!!!!!!
Was really nice to see the Grand Master WarBird after such a long time wif his new lil toy, kudos & congrats Master Warbird, i can see you've got your hands FULL in many areas hahahahaha
Looks like bro DYBJ is 100% right on differentiating the demons versus the humans - your prediction damn zun zun.
Like i always preach bro, to win & understand them, you must 1st think like them!
14-03-2010, 04:09 PM
My most heartiest congratulations to both YY and you my dear Master Rookie Rook.
It was a night i wouldnt forget, even my BY was having a ball, especially the kissing contest...hahahahahaha which we WON!!!!!!
Was really nice to see the Grand Master WarBird after such a long time wif his new lil toy, kudos & congrats Master Warbird, i can see you've got your hands FULL in many areas hahahahaha
Like i always preach bro, to win & understand them, you must 1st think like them!
My most esteemed Mr. Austin,
Ths for all ur advice n guidance.
Amazing! You hv accomplished in actual deeds what many gurus n mentors in Gotham r merely writing abt. If I had not read dozens n dozens of books n newsletters, I would not believe what u hv done is even possible. In fact, over 99% of men r clueless, hehehe.;)
Yes, we must 1st think like them if we ever hope to win n understand them.
As for KK, I presuppose that she will become sexually addicted to n fall deeply in love w/ me. If she doesn't, I will consider it a temporary interruption. I just need to work harder to become a real October Man, hahaha.:D
Ths again!
Bro WB
14-03-2010, 05:38 PM
As for KK, I presuppose that she will become sexually addicted to n fall deeply in love w/ me. If she doesn't, I will consider it a temporary interruption. I just need to work harder to become a real October Man, hahaha.:D
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
After the COS you gave her... she is definitely fixated with you. Have a nice trip back to Gotham. Please come back soon and continue posting your salivating accounts of conquests.
Take care and cheers.:)
14-03-2010, 06:45 PM
The DC dancers have all went back and heard that YY will be coming back too but no longer as a dancer/ singer but to meet her bf...
Last Friday night was pretty amazing! Heard that the last group of dancers had a maximum amount of $5K hang on them but this time round, the stake hs risen!
The least, was $5k while the maximum was $20k! With that amount, you can imagine how many singers were jealous of the only one who had the $20K. YY was the one who got it! Really amazing!
What's interesting was the reaction of some of the singers. Their eyes were wide open and some even sulk when the $20K flower was placed on YY..
I also noticed something among the dancers. In fact, only one dancer was looking pretty smug. She did not get the biggest flower yet from observation, she was like trying to show off to other dancers that she got $10K.
Good thing was that Yu'er and Qiqi had at least $5K for their last show at DC. Else, that smug dancer will surely try to show off... Sigh...
15-03-2010, 09:27 PM
The DC dancers have all went back and heard that YY will be coming back too but no longer as a dancer/ singer but to meet her bf...
Last Friday night was pretty amazing! Heard that the last group of dancers had a maximum amount of $5K hang on them but this time round, the stake hs risen!
I believe it was the first batch, where the biggest flower was a $5K with some smaller flowers.
YY was hung $3K during the first dance item and $22K for the Show Finale. Total for the night as a dancer was $25K.
The least, was $5k while the maximum was $20k! With that amount, you can imagine how many singers were jealous of the only one who had the $20K. YY was the one who got it! Really amazing!
What's interesting was the reaction of some of the singers. Their eyes were wide open and some even sulk when the $20K flower was placed on YY..
I also noticed something among the dancers. In fact, only one dancer was looking pretty smug. She did not get the biggest flower yet from observation, she was like trying to show off to other dancers that she got $10K.
Good thing was that Yu'er and Qiqi had at least $5K for their last show at DC. Else, that smug dancer will surely try to show off... Sigh...
Xiao Ya got $10K - me no comments about this one cos do not know her that well.
MINA also got $10K of flower but she is a very nice gal, jovial and very energetic. Thus I believe you may not be referring to her, no?
Anyway, this 3rd batch of dancers are really amazing! Surpasses all expectations, and everyone set history with Finale flower takings as well as total earnings.
15-03-2010, 10:24 PM
Hi Bro WB,
I am planning a trip to your Fav BY birth place.
Can you ask if she has any Chio Jie Meis to intro whilst there?
16-03-2010, 07:00 PM
I hv a much better idea. Move to China!! It'll be very easy in China to BY very pretty 1st yr uni students. If u want younger ones, go for high school gals! You'll be spoilt for choice! Xiamen, Wuhan n Dalian would be ideal some more, ya.;)
I'll post my FR as soon as I sample some of these young pussies, OK?
Bro WB,
Waiting for you to come over! Remember to give me a call when you do!
And please, I do not have the tongue of a serpent, so do not ask me to be your 媒婆!
16-03-2010, 09:22 PM
HI Bro WB,
Just a few days ago, I received a call from an ex-KTV girl who is married here.
She quit the scene when her BF proposed to her.
Despite the fact that her royal highness is in town, we met up and......:D
I was quite surprised when she told me that her husband is often tired and not want sex... how can he not want ... she is tall and beautiful and have great breasts (D cup).
Kind of guilty that I bonked somebody's wife !
Anyway, her royal highness will be leaving soon and BY will be back soon!!!:p
17-03-2010, 02:27 AM
After the COS you gave her... she is definitely fixated with you. Have a nice trip back to Gotham. Please come back soon and continue posting your salivating accounts of conquests...............
Hi bro besafe,
No, mere fixation or even severe addiction is not good enough anymore. I'm gunning for total domination of her body n heart, hehehe.
I am planning a trip to your Fav BY birth place.
Can you ask if she has any Chio Jie Meis to intro whilst there?
Are u talking abt Fuzhou area in Fujian? When will u be there? GG is a Fuzhou gal, but she is in Shanghai now.
You really dun need intro for ST. Just go to a high end KTV n u will be spoilt for choice.
Bro WB
Waiting for you to come over! Remember to give me a call when you do!
And please, I do not have the tongue of a serpent, so do not ask me to be your 媒婆!
Hi bro chenzong,
I'll come very soon!'s not derogatory when we refer to a certain person as having the tongue of a serpent. It could be used for a noble cause. It's the same as gift of gab.
I wish u would continue narration of ur wonderful story...
Bro WB
Just a few days ago, I received a call from an ex-KTV girl who is married here.
She quit the scene when her BF proposed to her.
Despite the fact that her royal highness is in town, we met up and......:D
I was quite surprised when she told me that her husband is often tired and not want sex... how can he not want ... she is tall and beautiful and have great breasts (D cup).
Kind of guilty that I bonked somebody's wife !
Anyway, her royal highness will be leaving soon and BY will be back soon!!!
Ths for sharing ur experience. More details would be greatly appreciated. Did u bonk her FOC?:p
According to some newsletters, if a man can't give his partner COS, she is likely to stray n put his life at risk! Therefore, the ability to give a woman COS is a matter of life n death!!:eek:
.................................................. .................................................. ..............
Greetings to all esteemed samsters from Gotham city!
I always ask my BAO-ee when she will get a visit from her big auntie. Two main reasons. Firstly, I want to know when her pussy will not be available. Secondly, a good % of gals r most wet, most eager to hv sex n most easily orgasmic several days before n for a no of days following her ovulation (or shedding of an ovum or egg). Of course there r some gals who r easily orgasmic anytime anywhere, totally unrelated to ovulation.
Regardless of the length of a woman's menstrual cycle, ovulation ALWAYS occurs 14 days before the onset of the next period.
The day before I left for Gotham, I had a session w/ KK. It was fortuitous that she had her ovulation either that very day or the day before. She was dripping wet! She didn't just moan, but had screams of pleasure. She would scream every time I gave her a deep thrust...later even sucking on her nipple would cause her to scream n scream. I got very aroused n sexcited n kept pumping hard, trying to rock her bottom so to speak..for a good 25-30 min. I was sweating profusely, felt my heart racing n reluctantly shot my load. My heart rate was over 160! I literally couldn't stand up for over 5 min.
What is curious is that she doesn't remember her screams. She has denied that in the past as well. 我不叫床不表示我没有高潮, 我非常舒服. 我从来不叫床.
Before the FJ, I gave her a massage. I told her to relax n breathe deeply so that her brain would be in the Alpha state. I then talked to her softly n slowly in 3rd person. You're very relaxed, safe...u love X da ge deeply(me)...X da ge loves u too n will give u intense pleasures u hv never experienced before n will never experience w/ any other will...
These NLP n covert hypnotic techniques can be very powerful in deepening her addiction to me.:D
BTW, I'm learning abt the secret "October Man Method" n will see how effective n powerful it is. I need more practice. KK is merely my 1st guinea pig. GG will be my 2nd. To my way of thinking, it's a matter of life n death, I'll leave no stone unturned...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
17-03-2010, 05:44 PM
Did u bonk her FOC?:p
Yes !
I did buy her a small gift though.
17-03-2010, 06:13 PM
BTW, I'm learning abt the secret "October Man Method" n will see how effective n powerful it is. I need more practice. KK is merely my 1st guinea pig. GG will be my 2nd. To my way of thinking, it's a matter of life n death, I'll leave no stone unturned...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
well well.. this is interesting. I see you have ventured into the exotic realm..
The sequence is truly exciting on paper. I came across it 3 years back, only bothered about the pool pattern..
Guess I should put out the old file and explore further.. kekeke
18-03-2010, 02:32 AM
Did u bonk her FOC?:p
Bro WB
Yes !
I did buy her a small gift though.
Hi bro besafe,
Good for u! You must be a Natural, hehehe. Now give her COS n make her addicted to u!
well well.. this is interesting. I see you have ventured into the exotic realm..
The sequence is truly exciting on paper. I came across it 3 years back, only bothered about the pool pattern..
Guess I should put out the old file and explore further.. kekeke
Hi bro aczeta76,
Wow, u r really a veteran Cheongster!
Since it's a matter of life n death, I'll leave no stone unturned...
The October Man Method can be incredibly powerful for those who really master their Inner Game or Mindset. It also takes a lot of practice to perfect the Outer Game. It will take me many more months or yrs to master it.
Have u read the original Sequence n many of the related ebooks by his associates or just the patterns?
It's only one of the many methods of NLP n covert hypnotic strategies...
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...............
Good morning!
I arrived in Gotham only 2 days ago n KK is now urging me to return!! She already misses me!! Unfortunately, I must take care of some business affairs before I could return. I'll try to come back earlier though.
Presupposition is one of the tools of The October Man. I presupposed many things abt KK n our RS...I now know that this young gal is sexually addicted to me n is in love w/ me. She can't wait to see me...but sometimes a period of separation is good for the RS.
Of course, The October Man has many worthy competitors. There is a simple method called The Cube, which is supposed to be a secret weapon of the PUAs.
The Little Red Dot has our own Mr. Austin who is accomplishing all the deeds of what these supposed gurus r writing abt. He has his own unique MO which is very powerful n actually quite similar to the other methods. I guess great minds think alike, hehehe.
In my 2 months w/ Kk, I hv deeply connected n disconnected w/ her several times. I hv intentionally made her very upset n cried a few times. Sorry, I had to do it bcos I wanted her to get addicted to me. ;) She criticizes me for being very selfish n very stubborn n aggressive in my demands n the fact that I always must hv everything done the way I want n dun take no for an answer. But then she praises me n says I hv too many good qualities (really??): Reliability, trustworthiness, compassion, frugality, persistence, industry, ambitions, etc. She forgets to mention that I hv also been a good provider. She also believes I love her deeply, although I wont say it.:confused:
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
18-03-2010, 09:31 AM
Hi bro besafe,
Good for u! You must be a Natural, hehehe. Now give her COS n make her addicted to u!
Hi bro aczeta76,
Wow, u r really a veteran Cheongster!
Since it's a matter of life n death, I'll leave no stone unturned...
The October Man Method can be incredibly powerful for those who really master their Inner Game or Mindset. It also takes a lot of practice to perfect the Outer Game. It will take me many more months or yrs to master it.
Have u read the original Sequence n many of the related ebooks by his associates or just the patterns?
It's only one of the many methods of NLP n covert hypnotic strategies...
Bro WB
hahaha... I have only scratch the surface of the orginal sequence. Now that I have more time, I shall go explore in depth and put to practice somewhere
18-03-2010, 05:33 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
I'll come very soon!'s not derogatory when we refer to a certain person as having the tongue of a serpent. It could be used for a noble cause. It's the same as gift of gab.
I wish u would continue narration of ur wonderful story...
Bro WB
Getting creative juices going amidst all the things one has to do in life is harder than I thought. I can understand why so many manga would suddenly stop, as the author loses steam. Hopefully I can pick it up when I get more inspiration.
I still think you are playing dangerously, WB, when you get your girl KK addicted to you. I have seen too many cases of vindictive women, and I always advise my foreign friends here to be careful when emotions are involved. Of course, it is your life, and I guess I should not interfere with how you run your life. Just be careful, okay?
19-03-2010, 06:46 PM
I believe it was the first batch, where the biggest flower was a $5K with some smaller flowers.
YY was hung $3K during the first dance item and $22K for the Show Finale. Total for the night as a dancer was $25K.
Xiao Ya got $10K - me no comments about this one cos do not know her that well.
MINA also got $10K of flower but she is a very nice gal, jovial and very energetic. Thus I believe you may not be referring to her, no?
Anyway, this 3rd batch of dancers are really amazing! Surpasses all expectations, and everyone set history with Finale flower takings as well as total earnings.
I think the one which I am referring to is known as Xiao Ya. Kind of disliked her attitude and the way she looked when someone hung 10K on her. I mean, YY has more than her and YY did not show off. Anyway... It's all over. Time to move on to the latest group of girls.. Hehehe...
20-03-2010, 03:13 AM
hahaha... I have only scratch the surface of the orginal sequence. Now that I have more time, I shall go explore in depth and put to practice somewhere
You really should, bro. You'll be invincible...
Dun forget to post ur conquests here, hahaha.
Getting creative juices going amidst all the things one has to do in life is harder than I thought. I can understand why so many manga would suddenly stop, as the author loses steam. Hopefully I can pick it up when I get more inspiration.
I still think you are playing dangerously, WB, when you get your girl KK addicted to you. I have seen too many cases of vindictive women, and I always advise my foreign friends here to be careful when emotions are involved. Of course, it is your life, and I guess I should not interfere with how you run your life. Just be careful, okay?
Take ur time, bro. I'll patiently await ur juicy story.
Thank u for reiterating ur warning.
No, KK will not be vindictive if n when I say goodbye prematurely, a little sad n flustered yes, but she will get over it quickly. She is very resilient, goal-oriented n determined for such a teenage gal. I'm always very upfront n brutally honest w/ her. No deception. She wants me to keep her for her entire stay here in SIN, in return she will never work n be 100% faithful. I say OK, if she abides by the agreement n if I'm not disappointed w/ her for whatever reason...
The real danger is for me to lose control over my heart or ego or fall for her. I dun see that happening at this time, despite the fact that no one has treated me better or cared more abt my health n well-being than she. Yes, I'm fond of her n do hv some KC for her, but I'm not addicted to her nor her pussy.
I'm in complete control n I hv allowed myself some KC, firstly, to add to my sexcitement n fun n, secondly, to make her fall for me.;)
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...............
I spoke w/ the one n only Mr. Austin yesterday n learned more abt his unique methods w/ WLs. Amazing! He uses push-pull n connect-disconnect strategies n give them intense, gut-wrenching emotions to make them fall for him.:D
Some gurus advocate a more gentle n subtle approach. I'm hooked on covert hypnosis which I'm still learning. I did use a very crude form on KK on my last session w/ her.
A gal is most susceptible to covert hypnosis under 2 conditions. First, when she is very relaxed n feels very safe, in her Alpha state. Second, when she is in COS n having screams of pleasure. The day before I left for Gotham City, when she was in COS, I would whisper in her ears: You love X da ge (me) very much, X da ge also loves u very much...u r 100% faithful to X da ge, etc. You get the idea.
The single most important determinant of success w/ any methods is ur degree of confidence n ur inner game or mindset. What ur SUBCONSCIOUS MIND can conceive n believe, you can achieve. The trick is to convince ur subconscious mind n the easiest way to do so is by autosuggestion, NLP, meditation n self hypnosis. For that u must practice daily...forever. This is applicable in ALL areas of life.
I'll be a completely different person when I return in May.;)
Bro WB
20-03-2010, 04:42 PM
2 days ago, AA asked me to let her go.
Well, in times like these, i have to play soft, asked her why, she kept saying she's very mentally drained blah blah.
She said that she's broken the number 1 golden rule that all WLs are suppose to be emotionless and that she's failed.
She has fallen in love wif me very deeply and is now very confused.
I applied the very soft approach and sighed with alot of reassurances that she's not the only one who has failed, for i too, have fallen for her hehehehehe
She says the nite before, she made up her mind and her heart has been shut and thus does not feel for me liao, thus her courage to say let her go.
You could see from her expression that she's under tremendous stress.
Before one continues to attack, one must try to figure out this expression, cos it's either a grammy award act or actually the real deal. After being wif her for 2 weeks, it's the real deal...that's what my gut told me.
I took a deep sigh and said, if you already shut me out, why do i still feel you???????
Immediately, her tears started to flow like the rivers of babylon.
This is the time to let her mentally & emotionally torment herself.
I grabbed her, gave her a deep kiss which she resisted at first and gave in later and i said, you're free.
She walked off and i watched her walk all the way to her building like a very dazed person with head low.
The trap is set!
Yesterday, when i woke up, i saw an sms from her.
In it she wrote, hope you rested well, you know you've not slept well in these 2 weeks.
It has begun, the door has been opened.
I cannot go in on the hard method again, at least not yet.
I called her.
Dear, how was last nite when you went to work????
Her reply, wats there to tell you, all your intel officers would have reported to you liao.
I said, yes, i heard i lifeless person was on stage singing and has zero flowers.
Her reply was, its not shocking since it's already world news that we're an item.
Now when we look at the entire situation, this AA has been bombed on stage, her flower is ranked number 1 there fyi, consummated, and always not at her workplace cos 买场 it wouldn't need anyone wif Einstein's brain to crack the code.
I now need to reverse role from alpha to beta. Since the opportunity has presented itself in such a way that it's too good to be missed.
Yes she made the 1st step, but always remember, more often than not, humans will tend to do things to themselves due to face value.
So i went in and apologised if i was too hard on her & that i was goin to DC later & if she wud give me the honour to bring her wif me.......a few moments of silence passed, and the answer was yes.
Next question was our status?????
Her reply was back together.....
Mission accomplished
Now, i maintain the beta and alpha posture, always switching as required.
Poor gal......she's so fucked!
21-03-2010, 02:30 AM
2 days ago, AA asked me to let her go.
Well, in times like these, i have to play soft, asked her why, she kept saying she's very mentally drained blah blah.
She said that she's broken the number 1 golden rule that all WLs are suppose to be emotionless and that she's failed.
She has fallen in love wif me very deeply and is now very confused.
I applied the very soft approach and sighed with alot of reassurances that she's not the only one who has failed, for i too, have fallen for her hehehehehe
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................
I now need to reverse role from alpha to beta. Since the opportunity has presented itself in such a way that it's too good to be missed.
Yes she made the 1st step, but always remember, more often than not, humans will tend to do things to themselves due to face value.
So i went in and apologised if i was too hard on her & that i was goin to DC later & if she wud give me the honour to bring her wif me.......a few moments of silence passed, and the answer was yes.
Next question was our status?????
Her reply was back together.....
Mission accomplished
Now, i maintain the beta and alpha posture, always switching as required.
Poor gal......she's so fucked!
(BTW, I hv the good fortune of talking to Mr. Austin 2 days ago n hv a clearer picture of his mind game n strategies w/ WLs. FYI, AA is an Ang Pai singer at a new n popular HFJ/KTV. I met her briefly. She is a chio, elegant n sophisticated lady, but more mature type, a MILF. She is the type most middle-age n older towkays would love to fxk n possess like a trophy, hahaha. Fortunately, though a liao chi ko pek myself, I prefer taller 18-23 yo gals who r naive n inexperienced.)
My Dear Mr. Austin,
My sincerest ths to u for revealing some of ur methods on how to get n keep singers n make them fall deeply for u. Your MO is applicable to any gals/women. I see that u like to take on those who r the hardest to seduce n who r the most unlikely to fall in love w/ any man. Amazing!!:cool:
I hv pondered on what u hv told me n read ur post three times. Fxking brilliant!! You should get a Grammy, hehehe.:D
Most men r clueless on what really attracts women n makes them fall in love, n of the few who get it, very few can actually emulate ur methods. Maybe some aspects of it yes, but never the whole enchilada. I can't act n dun cry easily, so my only hope is using covert NLP n hypnosis, and of course give them COS, again n again, hehehe.
You go for total domination n u want to own ur woman, body, heart n soul!
You hv left out a very important piece in the equation. Your ability to give women intense, multiple orgasms or COS, for hrs at times, something they hv never experienced before. I hv improved by leaps n bounds in this area, but I need to do a lot more n a lot longer.;) I can't wait to try it on KK n GG, hehehe. And on that bitch XW, my 1st BAO-ee, who has never been submissive enough.
Many gurus hv advocated the strategies of push-pull n connect-disconnect n strong emotional experiences to make women fall for them, but ur idea of switching from alpha to beta n back, depending on circumstances is original n unique. Ths for sharing this important insight. May I call u the Sun Zi of sexual n love mastery?;)
Most men suck up to women they adore n dare not confront or offend them. This wussy behaviour is very repulsive to women. Wake up! Give them shock n awe n they may fall for u.
I'll try to come back earlier as I want to try out some new strategies on several pussies. I look forward to cheonging w/ u!
Best regards,
Bro WB
21-03-2010, 06:39 AM
Why do i always hunt for angpais?'s the mental warfare that excites more than the SEX
Sex is something that's very over rated, and when is it difficult to get the meat if you got the $$$ to throw?
What are angpais?
They are women that men adore, bow to, give in to, allow to walked all over from and willingly be totally submissive to these women....aka DOGS!
We who cheong have seen these all the times.
How many wished they had the angpais but how many actually dare walk into that battlefield and actually go all out for like wat warbird say, total domination of heart, body & soul.
These women have been so pampered for so long, trust me, they too have become arrogant.
For a very long time, they've not met authority.
The whole ploy of the game is actually very simple...for me that is.....
at bro warbirds special request, i'll try my best to share.
Do note that as bros who knows me know, i only go for singers, everything else is childs play........
When I go to a joint, the 1st time that is, i'll sit in the hall and watch all the singers.......
This is the recce session
Whether she has a BF or not, honestly, I dun give a rats ass.......cos its fairplay for everyone...and like we always know, the highest bidder wins.......
1st session will always zero to 4 targets
I will usually bomb all 4 on nite 1
after session 1, i wont even exchange phone numbers but i'll wait for them to make an effort to try to get mine
This allows you to know who's desperate & who's not
This allows you to them segregate them into categories:
The challenging type
The easy kill type
The desperate type
The easy and desperate type, will always be at arms length, cos you'll know they'll do ANYTHING to be you chick...for obvious reasons
But then, where's the fun?
If i wanted just pussy, i would have gone to GL,health centers or TNs and they've got tons and tons for me to choose from........
The Challenging type:
These are the Alpha's of the nite scene.
They know their attributes and DO NOT display any lack of confidence.
Everywhere they walk, men turn to stare and salivate.........
Because of this, you must follow the following:
Make an impression
Never show that you're a push over
Never show that you're desperate for her
Never lie to get your way, try to be as humble as possible
Carry yourself confidently
Do everything you say
Do not boast
Be a gentleman and dun go about trying to grab her at any opportunity
keep your hands to yourself
Speak wif lots of confidence and give her an impression that you mean business
Do alot of indirect conversations to give her the feeling that you're a very seasoned player
Make sure you have dogs in the same joint who'll do sales for you when you're not around
Bring her out for suppers...lunches etc but at no time, try to take advantage of her.......
Y????? Simple, cos she's expecting that from you....cos we're still men & she knows she's hot stuff....this will keep her guessing and wondering why this fella havent attack my meat yet?
No doubt they're ghosts, treat them as humans, but at all times remember, to defeat them, you gotta think and understand their every move and wat to anticipate and how to react and how to set traps for them to fall into........
Do not be too eager to please her, everything you do, must be platonic, do not promise her anything, just maintain that distance yet keep close, soon, you'll start to earn her respect!
Once you feel that she's very comfortable wif you, and feel totally at ease wif you, she'll let her guard down, that's wen you go for the kill.
Start wif a gentle peck on her lips and see her reaction...if there's none, tongue fight begins...if still no resistance, off to bonk! Confirm no Resistance.
This is also the most tiring part for men.
We men are insensitive creatures, we just wanna get a hard on, fuck release and game over. Most if not all of us are guilty of this.
This is also wat women hate most about us.
Now turn the tables.......
The 1st time in the room, do not even ever insert you dicky into her, instead use your tongue and finger and keep her getting many many orgasms till you see her shivering like in convulsion...this can usually take almost an hour of more till she has a sore pussy....but damage is already done, cos she'll be in 7th heaven all thanks to your hard work! Trust me, she'll be addicted to you already. After that, go back or just hug her and've achieved wat you set out to do liao.......
As time progresses, you MUST remember all the little details that has happened all these while, cos from there, you'll know how many truths or lies she's been feeding you.
On the day the word love is exposed, this is where the ULTIMATE MINDFUCKING will begin.
Why? Cos she's totally into you by then.
Drop the bomb on her and tell her all the pieces of info that she has leaked and challenge her on her integrity, sincerity and morality.......these PRCs always want face, thus use these to corner her into submission.
Most often than not, they'll end up freaking and want to leave.......
This is when you switch mode and go soft.....saying things like lao puo i love you this and that, i am not asking you for anything, i am just asking you to be fair to said you love me, but where is the love?????? Appear very sad and disappointed, remember, she's already into you & chances are, she'll breakdown cos of guilt!
After this incident, cuddle, dun FUCK, just cuddle to relieve the tension from the earlier battle.
Next few days, on & off, stir her emotions.....yes, she has fallen for you but you must be in control. Soon she'll not be able to take it and just wanna call it quits.
By this time, $$$$ is already secondary to them liao cos they've been KC trapped so deeply, even walking out will be painful for them.
This is when you back down and start being apologetic & for the next few days of weeks, be the most forgiving and understanding mother fucker on this planet......this will engulf her even deeper in your KC trap
Soon, you wont even need to invest a single cent, cos she'll know how to sucker some loosers for it and then, you'll be having free fucks, free meals, free cigarettes free hotel stays, free holidays and gifts.......
Carry on this charade for as long as you desire but always be alert for he little lies or mistakes she does.
When you've decided you had your fun and wanna move on, wait for the rite moment she fucks up again & throw another bomb at her.
This will be the ULTIMATE one cos you can justify everything and she cant defend shit.
In the end, she can only blame herself for all the shit she screwed up on and you'll be laughing to the next WLs bed..............
Well, Warbird, I've revealed alot here but like wat was said, it's easier said than done.
Good luck folks.........
Now me goes sleep!
Have a good weekend everyone
21-03-2010, 03:09 PM
Brilliant !
Clap ! Clap ! Clap !
22-03-2010, 02:58 AM
Why do i always hunt for angpais?'s the mental warfare that excites more than the SEX
Sex is something that's very over rated, and when is it difficult to get the meat if you got the $$$ to throw?
What are angpais?
They are women that men adore, bow to, give in to, allow to walked all over from and willingly be totally submissive to these women..............but how many actually dare walk into that battlefield and actually go all out for like wat warbird say, total domination of heart, body & soul.........................
The whole ploy of the game is actually very simple...for me that is.....
at bro warbirds special request, i'll try my best to share.
Do note that as bros who knows me know, i only go for singers, everything else is childs play........
When I go to a joint, the 1st time that is..................................
The Challenging type:
These are the Alpha's of the nite scene.
They know their attributes and DO Ney walk,OT display any lack of confidence.
Everywhere th men turn to stare and salivate.........
Because of this, you must follow the following:
Make an impression
Never show that you're a push over
Never show that you're desperate for her
Never lie to get your way, try to be as humble as possible
Carry yourself confidently
Do not be too eager to please her, everything you do, must be platonic, do not promise her anything, just maintain that distance yet keep close, soon, you'll start to earn her respect!.......................................... ......................
Once you feel that she's very comfortable wif you, and feel totally at ease wif you, she'll let her guard down, that's wen you go for the kill.....................
We men are insensitive creatures, we just wanna get a hard on, fuck release and game over. Most if not all of us are guilty of this.
This is also wat women hate most about us.
Now turn the tables.......
The 1st time in the room, do not even ever insert you dicky into her, instead use your tongue and finger and keep her getting many many orgasms till you see her shivering like in convulsion...this can usually take almost an hour of more till she has a sore pussy....but damage is already done, cos she'll be in 7th heaven all thanks to your hard work! Trust me, she'll be addicted to you already. After that, go back or just hug her and've achieved wat you set out to do liao.......
As time progresses, you MUST remember all the little details that has happened all these while, cos from there, you'll know how many truths or lies she's been feeding you.
On the day the word love is exposed, this is where the ULTIMATE MINDFUCKING will begin.
Why? Cos she's totally into you by then.
Drop the bomb on her and tell her all the pieces of info that she has leaked and challenge her on her integrity, sincerity and morality......................
After this incident, cuddle, dun FUCK, just cuddle to relieve the tension from the earlier battle.
Next few days, on & off, stir her emotions.....yes, she has fallen for you but you must be in control. Soon she'll not be able to take it and just wanna call it quits.
By this time, $$$$ is already secondary to them liao cos they've been KC trapped so deeply, evewn alking out will be painful for them.
This is when you back down and start being apologetic & for the next few days of weeks, be the most forgiving and understanding mother fucker on this planet......this will engulf her even deeper in your KC trap
Soon, you wont even need to invest a single cent, cos she'll know how to sucker some loosers for it and then, you'll be having free fucks, free meals, free cigarettes free hotel stays, free holidays and gifts.......
Carry on this charade for as long as you desire but always be alert for he little lies or mistakes she does.
When you've decided you had your fun and wanna move on, wait for the rite moment she fucks up again & throw another bomb at her.
This will be the ULTIMATE one cos you can justify everything and she cant defend shit.
In the end, she can only blame herself for all the shit she screwed up on and you'll be laughing to the next WLs bed..............
Well, Warbird, I've revealed alot here but like wat was said, it's easier said than done....................................
Hi Mr. Austin,
I'm very thankful to u for accepting my invitation to post some of ur mind game n strategies of playing singers here, n for honoring that acceptance by promptly posting it, despite ur very busy schedule.
What a revelation!:)
As I said before, ur MO is original n unique, although the general principles r universal: Being dominant, unemotional, playing hard to get, using connect-disconnect n push-pull tactics, displaying the attractive traits of both bad boy n a mature gentleman, evoking strong emotional experiences n, last but not least, the ability to give women intense multiple orgasms (or even better, COS). The most important determinant of ur success is of course ur Inner Game or Mindset. And then there is ur Outer Game...
You're a consummate player!!
You hv the mojo of a Mr. Austin Powers, the cunning military strategies of a Sun Zi, the profound understanding of female psychology of a Sigmund Freud n the wherewithal of a successful towkay, hehehe.:p
Like u say, getting pussies n sex is too easy. The real challenge is total domination of a woman's body, heart n soul, especially of Ang Pais.:cool: I couldn't agree w/ u more.
Bro WB
Brilliant !
Clap ! Clap ! Clap !
Hi bro besafe,
Now u know why I'm working very hard to improve myself, every hr, every day, in every way...using autosuggestion, NLP, meditation n self hypnosis, hahaha.
Bro WB
22-03-2010, 12:01 PM
Thank you for your lesson !!!!
22-03-2010, 12:32 PM
Bro DYBJ...
A very exciting exposition of the process...Many people fail at the last critical step coz they get wrapped up in the emotional whirlpool they set up in the 1st place and lose control.
I have always found the presence of mind to maintain an objective hold impt to last thru the storm.
I am sure you and WB will agree that mental discipline as well as an impervious heart are crucial when we pick the battles as we fight the wars.
22-03-2010, 12:55 PM
Bro DYBJ aka Austin Powers,
Kum siah for the strategy & mindset ..... just a few questions for u and other masters: (comments in red mine)
"These women have been so pampered for so long, trust me, they too have become arrogant.
For a very long time, they've not met authority."
when u got a lil $$$ & yur face macham cannot make it i guess its very hard to even command their attention (much less asset authority). how then to stand out from the other dogs .......
"When I go to a joint, the 1st time that is, i'll sit in the hall and watch all the singers.......
This is the recce session
Whether she has a BF or not, honestly, I dun give a rats ass.......cos its fairplay for everyone...and like we always know, the highest bidder wins.......
1st session will always zero to 4 targets
I will usually bomb all 4 on nite 1"
Bro, how much $$ do you hang on each gal?
The Challenging type:
These are the Alpha's of the nite scene.
They know their attributes and DO NOT display any lack of confidence.
Everywhere they walk, men turn to stare and salivate.........
Because of this, you must follow the following:
Make an impression
Never show that you're a push over
Never show that you're desperate for her
Never lie to get your way, try to be as humble as possible
Carry yourself confidently
Do everything you say
Do not boast
Be a gentleman and dun go about trying to grab her at any opportunity
keep your hands to yourself
Speak wif lots of confidence and give her an impression that you mean business
Do alot of indirect conversations to give her the feeling that you're a very seasoned player
Make sure you have dogs in the same joint who'll do sales for you when you're not around
Bring her out for suppers...lunches etc but at no time, try to take advantage of her.......
Thank you for your pointers. very very useful. i wl tattoo them in my brain. behaviour & interaction can be learnt. bro justime (where did he disappered to I wonder - haven't heard from him or seen his posts in ages) has shown me some useful tricks whereby i applied to get my current gf. Now tat i hv the guideline - how to execute it. i try to act cool .... but the only response i have is the gal aso cool toward me
the rest of the pointers i hope to use one day. now to learn to walk
Well, Warbird, I've revealed alot here but like wat was said, it's easier said than done.
Good luck folks.........
Now me goes sleep!
Have a good weekend everyone
tk u bro warbird & bro austin .... reading it i seem to understand the prinicple but still cannot go to next step of applying it.
22-03-2010, 02:34 PM
when u got a lil $$$ & yur face macham cannot make it i guess its very hard to even command their attention (much less asset authority). how then to stand out from the other dogs .......
This is where you reveal that you've got a complex prob like i told you before in the other thread.
As long as you dun look like the Elephant man and dun smell like the rubbish dump, how you carry yourself will win or loose part of the battle already.
As for the money part, there is a minimum that one has to invest in order to get anything, if you do not meet the minimum, do not waste your time or money at such place, cos you will make ZERO impact.
Bro, how much $$ do you hang on each gal?
1k each
tk u bro warbird & bro austin .... reading it i seem to understand the prinicple but still cannot go to next step of applying it.
Alot things in book can be read, but as we are all diff, application of theory & practical is never as easy as 123.
22-03-2010, 02:38 PM
I am sure you and WB will agree that mental discipline as well as an impervious heart are crucial when we pick the battles as we fight the wars.
Oh yes my good friend.
There're times where i actually start to pity this creature, but as a predator, if i start to pity her, end up, i will become prey, thus i snap outta it.
Yeah, its a constant never ending wake up call!
23-03-2010, 04:54 PM
I think the one which I am referring to is known as Xiao Ya. Kind of disliked her attitude and the way she looked when someone hung 10K on her. I mean, YY has more than her and YY did not show off. Anyway... It's all over. Time to move on to the latest group of girls.. Hehehe...
Hey Othniel, you sounded like a staff in DC I know :D
Any story involving Xiao Ya? She seems quite desperate.
23-03-2010, 09:57 PM
Hi Bro WB,
How is your KK doing without you around to give her COS?:)
I think she must be itching badly !:D
Oh.. I have some friends in town and may bring them to DC.
I may just ask for CD and see her in life.
Cheers and have a nice time in Gotham.:)
24-03-2010, 02:51 AM
How is your KK doing without you around to give her COS?:)
I think she must be itching badly !
Oh.. I have some friends in town and may bring them to DC.
I may just ask for CD and see her in life.........
Hi bro besafe,
She is pleading for me to return earlier...
I hv given her real COS only 3 times, 2 of them in the last 1 wk I was in SIN, despite the fact that both of us were sick w/ flu. But the COS only lasted 35 min or so. Not good enuff even though she already developed marked swelling of her R pussy lip which took 2 days to subside. I hv added some covert NLP n hypnosis which has helped. I must extend her screaming orgasms to more than 1 hr or longer!:D She will be very sore down there, hehehe.
In my absence, I only pay her to cover her generous living expenses n school fees. I originally wanted her to go to work n even be BAO-ed by another man, as long as she returned to me on my return, bcos I wanted her to earn more money. But she said NO, she wont want to work or see another man in SIN n would wait for my return. She said, 我很爱你...I warned her that if that is the case, she should keep her promise or else I would just say goodbye. To test her, I had SMsed her, using my other SIN HP n a pseudonym, to try to book her, for twice the going rate, to go to a different KTV...she didn't even reply. Next, I'll get a trusted fren to seduce her n if he fails, I'll get the mummies to tempt her, hahaha. I'm confident enuff that I actually want her to be fxked by others...
I plan to keep her for another 3-4 wks on my return n give her long COS n make her fall deeply for me. Then I can move on if I so choose...
Go n see CD. She makes a good KTV partner n she has slender upper arms too. If u need her HP no, PM me.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................................
Greetings from Gotham City to all samsters!!
I like to thank Mr. Austin for sharing his pearls n wisdom on BY-ing singers w/ all of us. Isn't he a sex/love grand master?
I wish that he could become a special contributor to this thread n update us regularly, if n when he can find the time of course, on his current n future conquests n elucidate some of the underlying strategies.
As I hv mentioned before, his methods r unique n original n he has formidable emotional control, very powerful Inner Game n Outer Game n, last but not least, the resources of a very successful towkay. Very rare combination of attributes. All we can hope for is to adopt some of his methods for our individualized approach. I know my own constraints n limitations n must therefore play the game very differently, although the fundamental principles r the same.
If ur goal is merely pussies n sex, dun play this complicated BY-ing game, just go to GL cat 150 gals or some FLs, or take a trip to CP, China. This mind games r for those of us who must hv total domination of a woman's body, heart n soul, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...........
When it comes to the type of women we men r attracted to, it's more than one man's meat is another man's poison. There is the pervasive Rashomon Effect. I know a billionaire who is enamored w/ an old, fat n hideous woman. How abt Prince Charles' lifelong mistress (who is his current wife) ? And men r supposed to be attracted primarily to a woman's looks n body type.:confused:
My hypothesis is that these women possess some attributes, could be physical, behavioral or whatever, which trigger release of neuro-transmitters in their brains n make them fall in love.
When I first agreed to BY KK, I was planning to keep her for 1 wk, at the most 2 wks. Something happened n we r still lovers! After much introspection n self analysis n hypnosis, I know what that something is. I'm sharing it n I dun care what u all think.
It's her unusually n disproportionately slender n long arms, especially the upper arms n shoulder areas. I hv alluded to my liking for long n slender arms in my post on 18 Aug last yr. But KK's is exceptionally slender, not only in absolute terms, but also in proportion to her boobs n the rest of her body. The circumference of her wrist is abt 14cm n upper arm 18 cm! The arms r devoid of fat n muscle mass n covered w/ fair n smooth skin, like those of a gal of 13-14. But she is otherwise a voluptuous young woman, 170 cm w/o shoes, 55 kg, natural D boobs n quite big ass w/ long straight legs which r not too thick nor too thin.
When I saw her nude the 1st time, I was stunned by the contrast between her very slim deltoids n upper arms n her very big boobs. It's like those of a Hantai gal. OMG! What a 级品尤物! My didi just couldn't wait...
Why am I so obsessed w/ such an unique physical feature? When I was an infant, I must hv spent a lot of pleasurable time in the arms n bosoms of a 13-14 yo gal who had very long slender arms, who was a close relative, perhaps a cousin or even a maid. And she spoke a Fuzhou dialect!.
It's fortunate that KK doesn't hv a Fuzhou accent, otherwise I might really fall in love w/ her!!
If I can find another gal w/ big bosoms n even slimmer deltoids n arms, I'll make an offer she can't refuse. If she comes w/ a Fuzhou accent, I'll double the offer! Anyone has such a gal to intro to me?? I'll be eternally grateful! Of course she must be chio to ME n has the body type that I fancy, preferably 18-19 yo as it would be illegal for her to be any younger.:cool:
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
24-03-2010, 07:39 PM
[QUOTE=warbird;4701026]Hi bro besafe,
Go n see CD. She makes a good KTV partner n she has slender upper arms too.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................................
Thanks Bro WB,
I will bring my friends to see her.
Oh.. as mentioned to you, the married PRC asked me out for another session.
We made hot sweaty love again. Fortunate for me is that her royal highness is gone and BY will come back in a few days time.
I must say that bonking somebody's wife give you a sort of high!
But at the same time , I still have this funny naggy feeling !
I worried for you. If you have more than 1 BY in May, I hope you won't tired yourself too much by trying to give them prolong COS.:D
Your tongue will be more sore than their pussy !:p
Hahaha ! Take care and best of health !
26-03-2010, 03:45 PM
Any bros checked out the latest batch of dancers in DC? 2 of them have uncanny resemblence to YaYa and Xiao Ya of the last batch. Spooky.
27-03-2010, 12:35 AM
Any bros checked out the latest batch of dancers in DC? 2 of them have uncanny resemblence to YaYa and Xiao Ya of the last batch. Spooky.
I did... Which two of them?
27-03-2010, 02:43 AM
Thanks Bro WB,
I will bring my friends to see her.
Oh.. as mentioned to you, the married PRC asked me out for another session.......................................
I must say that bonking somebody's wife give you a sort of high!
But at the same time , I still have this funny naggy feeling !
I worried for you. If you have more than 1 BY in May, I hope you won't tired yourself too much by trying to give them prolong COS.:D
Your tongue will be more sore than their pussy !.................................................
Hi bro besafe,
Pls tell me what u n frens think of CD. A few of my frens think she is very chio, some say not bad n some think she is very ordinary. To me, she appears to be a chio SYT...;)
Be very careful playing married women. I normally shun them.
Yeah, giving prolonged COS to gals is very hard work. It's hard physical labor to a lao ah pek like me. On the other hand, I get a lot of pleasure n excitement n even euphoria myself. Plus I want to get them sexually addicted n fall deeply for me.
Dun worry, I'll not BY more than 2 gals at any one time.
.................................................. .................................................. ...............
Greetings from Gotham City!
I believe I'm addicted to young pussies which r very attractive to ME, but fortunately not to any one particular pussy, n I'm also addicted to the game of BY n getting the gals sexually addicted, hahaha.
I hv had so much fun playing w/ KK. Now she calls me X da ge n says she loves me very much every time I call. We shall see. I hv assumed a 2nd ID n hv SMS-ed her, trying to book her for KTV sessions n outings. BTW, I brought several SIN HPs to Gotham. Thus far I hv failed as she has yet to reply. I dun give up easily...
I hv also contacted some of her flatmates n cousin. They hv provided some useful info. Not all gals r on her side as some r zealous of her n dun like her...
When she is ovulating in approx 2 1/2 wks, she will be as horny as a bitch on heat, I'll get a trusted fren to seduce her, hehehe. I'll pay all his expenses.:D
Isn't life fun?!
Have a great day!
Bro WB
31-03-2010, 12:56 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
Many gurus hv discussed the Holy Grail of attraction: What really makes a female want u (sexually). It applies to both WLs n non-WLs. I'll summarize what a guru has emailed me in the last few days. It's painfully obvious that most men r still clueless.
What behaviors n attributes in YOU that are known to make the women that YOU DESIRE MOST want you? There is a big difference between LIKING and WANTING you.
A woman may like u, and still not be SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to u. She may like u if u behave like a nice guy or carrot head, praise her, suck up to her, buy stuff for her, never say no to her, dare not confront her...u get the picture.
If u feel u must do everything for a woman just to have her, she will SENSE IT and be repelled. If she is a KTV gal, u can buy her pussy, but never her attraction for u or her heart. If u become too needy n desperate, even a WL will run away from u!
So how do u make a woman want u?
Is it looks?
Is it wealth?
Is it confidence?
Is it power?
All those things are part of it, but they're not THE SINGLE most important attribute.
Think about it...
What's the one thing she HAS to have?
Here goes: the MOST important thing that a woman needs in order to WANT YOU is ...
... that you are a REAL MAN.
Women are attracted to MEN, plain and simple.
A MAN is someone who's different from her in every way.
A MAN is someone who has integrity, knows who he is, and knows where he's going.
A MAN is someone that a woman can trust to guide her and lead her into a great future.
A MAN is someone who has the strength to let her be her most feminine self without ever making her feel that SHE'S the one who's going to have to 'carry' them both. Who supports her EMOTIONALLY, not just MATERIALLY. Who validates HER instead of looking TO her for validation.
It's about letting her know, tacitly, that YOU are DOMINANT, always in control, that you are someone she can RELY on, and that you can 'handle it', whatever 'it' is.
This is something that a lot of "modern men" struggle with. They're AFRAID to be 'men' because they don't want to SCARE anybody (like women). They're scared to just be a man and be OK with it.
By trying to be less assertive, aggressive n masculine,, they've actually
NEUTERED themselves in terms of ATTRACTION!!
This is why so many women seem to prefer 'jerks'. Not because they actually WANT a 'jerk',
but because, when faced with a choice between a 'sensitive new-age guy' and a JERK, they'd rather pick the jerk ... because at least HE knows how to be a MAN.
(Sadly for many women, they literally are
unaware that there is a middle ground here - that
great men do exist who are neither SNAGs nor
jerks, who are EXCELLENT men who also know how to
BE MEN. This is why 'jerks' have such a 'cachet' for
many women ... because they literally don't know of
anything else that's out there that's still
capable of being a man. Fortunately for these
women, you will be able to convey this quality to
them soon.)
When you suppress your masculinity in order for women to 'be OK' with you, you actually just
guaranteed that a woman's going to feel NOTHING around you.
Not aroused. NOTHING.
Many "modern men" have LOST the ability to be men ... and, in the process, they've lost what it takes to attract women.
But u r not resigned to being the guy you are now for always. You can change!
Tip #1: Get passionate about something other than women.
There's nothing less attractive than a guy who's OK with 'settling' for a life that he's not
If you are living your life without energy and enthusiasm, then you are going to find it
difficult to EVER get a really excellent woman interested in you.
Tip #2: Don't give when u don't WANT to give.
Some guys find it too easy to become a 'yes-man'. You know - the guy who agrees to do
things, give things, and say things when he doesn't really want to and he doesn't really mean
For example: the kind of guy who'll agree with a woman, EVEN WHEN he doesn't ACTUALLY agree, just so she'll 'like him more'.
Or the kind of guy who'll inconvenience himself
massively for a woman because he's afraid that, if
he doesn't, he'll 'lose his chance'.
Here's the truth: it is THAT VERY ATTITUDE that will 'lose you your chance', because a great woman will not stay attracted to someone who's so petrified of 'losing her' that he can't even bring himself to be authentic.
Tip #3: Get validation from something in your life other than women.
If you are relying on success with females to validate u and make u feel worthwhile, then
your satisfaction with ur life and ur sense of confidence as a man is forever going to be
ephemeral and linked to external events that are, BY THEIR VERY NATURE, constantly shifting.
As a result, you'll put way too much emphasis on the outcome of ANY situation with a woman.
This is where 'creating and living a GREAT life' comes in. When u have a full life that
interests u and from which u derive pleasure, suddenly 'women' are NOT SUCH A BIG DEAL. That's not to say that u dun WANT a woman ... but u no longer NEED ONE in order to feel 'normal'.
And as a result, women everywhere sense ur innate control and ability to create
SELF-SATISFACTION, and will immediately start showing up in ur life.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!
Bro WB
ken li
31-03-2010, 10:03 AM
Many gurus hv discussed the Holy Grail of attraction: What really makes a female want u (sexually). It applies to both WLs n non-WLs. I'll summarize what a guru has emailed me in the last few days. It's painfully obvious that most men r still clueless.
... Is it looks? Is it wealth? Is it confidence? Is it power?
All those things are part of it, but they're not THE SINGLE most important attribute.
is ... ... that you are a REAL MAN.
(Sadly for many women, they literally are unaware that there is a middle ground here - that great men do exist who are neither SNAGs nor jerks, who are EXCELLENT men who also know how to
BE MEN...) ...
Tip #1: Get passionate about something other than women. ...
Tip #2: Don't give when u don't WANT to give. ...
Tip #3: Get validation from something in your life other than women.
Bro WB
I do not often comment or post. But your points are very well put.
The truth is if a man does not know how to be a man and has no other form of validation but his success (or more accurately his perception of 'success') with women, he not only turns off women but probably many men as well.
In a nutshell - be a man, get a life!
:) cheers!
31-03-2010, 11:19 AM
Bro Warbird, excellent wisdom and knowledge sharing post! Thanks.
31-03-2010, 08:20 PM
Hi Bro WB,
The scene is quite subdued without your tintillating accounts of your BYs.
The married PRC that I am involved with, is seeking a divorce !:eek:
I am going to stay away from her for a while and not get sucked into her domestic disputes.
Oh, I have yet to go and see your CD. Last week, she was not available.
My friends have left and I dun have an "excuse" to go KTV.
BY is back and I am in 7th Heaven !:)
wad bro WB say is soooooOoo Farking true... i wanna cry when i see wad he type. :(
01-04-2010, 02:32 AM
I do not often comment or post. But your points are very well put.
The truth is if a man does not know how to be a man and has no other form of validation but his success (or more accurately his perception of 'success') with women, he not only turns off women but probably many men as well.
In a nutshell - be a man, get a life!
Bro Warbird, excellent wisdom and knowledge sharing post! Thanks.
wad bro WB say is soooooOoo Farking true... i wanna cry when i see wad he type.
Hi bros ken li, jnewwit n uhoo,
Ths so much for ur positive feedback. You make my day!!
I'm in the process of becoming a MAN n I'm already enjoying results I could only dream or fantasize abt a yr ago, despite being a lao chi ko pek.
Well, one more thing. Dun forget to make love or fxk ur gal like a MAN n give her COS she has never experienced before.:D
Hi Bro WB,
The scene is quite subdued without your tintillating accounts of your BYs.
The married PRC that I am involved with, is seeking a divorce !
I am going to stay away from her for a while and not get sucked into her domestic disputes.
Oh, I have yet to go and see your CD. Last week, she was not available.
My friends have left and I dun have an "excuse" to go KTV.
BY is back and I am in 7th Heaven !:)
Hi bro besafe,
If the married PRC has tasted the intense, mind-blowing pleasure of COS from u, she will not let u go so easily. Bro, you're in big trouble!!;)
Just call CD n book her for the nite (she may decline bcos u r a total stranger). Take her to K-Box or Dragonfly...
I couldn't, or rather didn't want to, give her COS...
Unfortunately, I'm in Gotham n hv no new gals to report. See my updates below.
.................................................. .................................................. ...............
My former BAO-ee GG has accepted my offer to take care of her. But her previous application for a work permit was rejected. She wants to come in May but is worried that her application for visit pass may fall thru.
Some of my frens n a few bros hv seen GG. She is the only gal that my young wingman n I both like. Compared w/ KK, she is older at 21 (born 1988), almost as tall (169) n fair, but has much smaller boobs (B) n her shoulders n arms, though quite slender, r not as slim as KK's. Most importantly, her pussy is also very pink n beautiful. Nice ass. It was fortuitous that I made a great 1st impression bcos her ovulation came the day before I consummated the deal. She had intense orgasms...I still remember her screams n screams of pleasure when I licked her cunt. Unfortunately, I was ignorant at the time n didn't persist long enuff nor fxk her long enuff to give her COS. I'll get my 2nd chance.
BTW, GG is quite shy n very submissive. Last but not least, she has a Fujian accent! Just spoke w/ her. Same nice voice. She is a certified beautician but currently is idle at home near Fuzhou.
As for KK, I can sense that she is falling for me. In my entire life, no one has treated me better or cared more abt my health n well being as she. And no one has repeatedly say "I miss u, I love u" in person, by phone, by email n text msg...I guess this is mutual as she wrote that: ...我长这么大还没有遇到你对我这么好的人,多谢你,希望你快快回来,我等着你.:p
My attempts to get her to go out using my 2nd ID has completely failed. She has not even replied to any of my text msg.
BTW, moolah is a must to BY-ing these PRC gals. I'm counting on continuation of my lucky streak...n next 30-40 days could be make or break for me as one of my start up investments will either be a big win or big loss. Since meeting KK on 6 Jan, my fortune has been very good n my odds of winning on my crucial investment are at least 9 to 1, hehehe. If it turns out to be a big loss, I may hv to drive taxi for the rest of my life...
Bro WB
01-04-2010, 01:50 PM
Hi bros ken li, jnewwit n uhoo,
Ths so much for ur positive feedback. You make my day!!
I'm in the process of becoming a MAN n I'm already enjoying results I could only dream or fantasize abt a yr ago, despite being a lao chi ko pek.
Well, one more thing. Dun forget to make love or fxk ur gal like a MAN n give her COS she has never experienced before.:D
BTW, moolah is a must to BY-ing these PRC gals. I'm counting on continuation of my lucky streak...n next 30-40 days could be make or break for me as one of my start up investments will either be a big win or big loss. Since meeting KK on 6 Jan, my fortune has been very good n my odds of winning on my crucial investment are at least 9 to 1, hehehe. If it turns out to be a big loss, I may hv to drive taxi for the rest of my life...
Bro WB
HI Bro Warbird,
I am impressed with your BYing all these girls and esp KK. I have learn a lot from your posts but I am not convicted that it is not your money that these girls are after. I can empathise with these girls' plight in coming here.
It is only when you are truly broke and have to drive a taxi for the rest of your life that you know the truth about your love and your skills in attracting all these girls. So it might be a blessing in disguse either way your investment goes. I hope you will continue to update us about your life with KK or any other girls whatever happens to your investments. Thanks for sharing.
02-04-2010, 10:54 AM
HI Bro Warbird,
I am impressed with your BYing all these girls and esp KK. I have learn a lot from your posts but I am not convicted that it is not your money that these girls are after. I can empathise with these girls' plight in coming here.
It is only when you are truly broke and have to drive a taxi for the rest of your life that you know the truth about your love and your skills in attracting all these girls. So it might be a blessing in disguse either way your investment goes. I hope you will continue to update us about your life with KK or any other girls whatever happens to your investments. Thanks for sharing.
Super strong lah. I will camp here for more news too.
03-04-2010, 07:44 AM
HI Bro Warbird,
I am impressed with your BYing all these girls and esp KK. I have learn a lot from your posts but I am not convicted that it is not your money that these girls are after. I can empathise with these girls' plight in coming here.
It is only when you are truly broke and have to drive a taxi for the rest of your life that you know the truth about your love and your skills in attracting all these girls. So it might be a blessing in disguse either way your investment goes. I hope you will continue to update us about your life with KK or any other girls whatever happens to your investments. Thanks for sharing.
Hi bro Singland,
Ths for ur post n ur insightful comments.
All PRC gals/women who come to SIN to work at KTVs hv only one goal in mind: To make as much money ASAP. Many of them were whores back in PRC n most r very cunning, duplicitous, mercenary, materialistic n crass, even vulgar, but there r exceptions of course.
Yes, when these gals agreed to be BY-ed by a lao ah pek like me, it was primarily for the money. But it's more complex than that. For one thing, it takes more than money to BY n keep a gal. A modicum of social n negotiating skills r essential...
There r a few things to consider:
1) Why was I rejected 100% a yr ago? Why did I take 8 1/2 months to bed my 1st BAO-ee XW? (I hv chronicled my saga w/ her in various threads for over a yr). Why was I rejected when I offered 25K a month for a Fujian gal who now appears quite ordinary to me?:(
2) Why hv I been much more successful lately, although offering only the going rates, in BY-ing gals who r MY peculiar type n who r the most desirable to ME personally, among ALL the gals I hv seen in SIN?;)
The reason is simple. Though an ah pek, I was an inexperienced wussy "nice guy" who was desperate n needy a yr ago n who thought every pussy was somehow SPECIAL, whereas now I'm a MAN who has the "abundance mindset" n who plays hard to get.
About 2 wks into our RS, I asked KK if there were much younger n better looking men who offered to take care of her. She said yes, but she told them she had arms n legs n could take care of herself. Then why did u want me to BY u, I asked. She said, I knew u r the type of MAN who could n would take good care of me. After I showed my initial interest, she was the one who actively pursued me to BY her!
Of course all my BAO-ees r after my money, at least initially, but a few want more than money. KK wants n needs me to fill her 2 other voids: The void in her pussy n the void in her mind/emotions.
Does KK really love me? It depends on the definition of love. There r at least 3 types of "love."
1) Emotional attachment or bonding in a longer-term RS.
2) Romantic love
3) Sexual love (or lust)
There r a lot of overlap in all 3 types which share similar underlying neuro-mechanisms n neurotransmitters, including oxytocin, serotonin, endorphins, etc. n r considered forms of addiction.
KK is now emotionally attached n addicted to me. Using my new-found techniques of conversational n covert hypnosis combined w/ giving her regular one-hr-long COS, I'll greatly intensify her addiction n make her fall deeply for me, over the next couple of months.
What will happen if my crucial investment turn out to be a big loss? Let's see. Assuming that that I also lose all my other investments n everything else n hv to drive a taxi (actually I could return to my previous occupation on a part-time basis n make a pretty decent living), so what? I'm a MAN n shall make a comeback very soon n go on to new heights n live a fuller life. A blessing in disguise! KK is smart enuff to know this n she will stick w/ me. She may hv to work a few months at TAM or DC Complex, ya. The question is: How long do I want to keep her? Very soon I'll meet younger gals who r more desirable (to ME) n will BY them.
Let me share two of my new mantras w/ all samsters:
1) Chio pussies r like nonya kueh, eat all u want, the world will just make more!:D
2) To give COS to a woman, make love to her mind, emotions n body!:D
Bro WB
03-04-2010, 11:24 AM
Bro Warbird
Great postings as usual. The learning points on this thread from all masters are invaluable. I have noticed at times that when we do not display interests to pretty gals that they in fact will really be interested in us. I didnt do it on purpose but noted that in some circumstances and then immediately recall the postings in this thread! :D
Although havent witnessed the COS, I note that "making love" to women instead of just having getting orgasm do bring some satisfaction to women.
Do continue these great postings. I find the blogs out there too politically correct and even trivial. This thread is the REAL DEAL! No pretence, no political/marketing agenda. Just pure sharing of great wisdom!!!
03-04-2010, 12:59 PM
didn't read much about this thread as i was half-way into this forum and found it too many pages.
but today when i read the lst pages which what TS wrote really impressed me. Nothing but facts and truth.
A good experience which all guy must read.
never get too emotional when cheonging.
03-04-2010, 02:30 PM
嘿嘿嘿。。。 大家还好吧?
ldh :d
03-04-2010, 02:34 PM
Any bros checked out the latest batch of dancers in DC? 2 of them have uncanny resemblence to YaYa and Xiao Ya of the last batch. Spooky.
Checked them out prior to me leaving for China... didn't find anyone of them with any slight resemblance to the previous batch. :D
Xuan Xuan looks not too bad... also IMHO the hottest looking.
Chu Chu is the one with the most flowers... no looks but why got flowers huh?
Yue Yue is simple looking gal but not so simple thoughts.
Zhen Zhen has no looks but the simplest of them all.
03-04-2010, 02:36 PM
i did... Which two of them?
So fast hah? Fast hands fast legs, get the first opened legs. :D
03-04-2010, 02:39 PM
Hey Othniel, you sounded like a staff in DC I know :D
Any story involving Xiao Ya? She seems quite desperate.
Wah... now got DC staff here in SBF liaoz. I better take cover else cover gets blown off. Kekeke
Bro, you got story about Xiao Ya ah? Can share?
03-04-2010, 02:42 PM
I think the one which I am referring to is known as Xiao Ya. Kind of disliked her attitude and the way she looked when someone hung 10K on her. I mean, YY has more than her and YY did not show off. Anyway... It's all over. Time to move on to the latest group of girls.. Hehehe...
Wise choice bro, who will be your new target from the new batch? :D
04-04-2010, 01:43 AM
Bro Warbird
Great postings as usual. The learning points on this thread from all masters are invaluable. I have noticed at times that when we do not display interests to pretty gals that they in fact will really be interested in us..........
Although havent witnessed the COS, I note that "making love" to women instead of just having getting orgasm do bring some satisfaction to women.
Do continue these great postings. I find the blogs out there too politically correct and even trivial. This thread is the REAL DEAL! No pretence, no political/marketing agenda.................
didn't read much about this thread.......
but today when i read the lst pages which what TS wrote really impressed me. Nothing but facts and truth.
A good experience which all guy must read.
never get too emotional when cheonging.
Hi bro Rolec n audi-tt,
Ths for ur comments.
Remember that you're THE PRIZE. Always play hard to get.
If u r striving to improve urself, get a decent job, build a good future, YOU hv appreciating assets, whereas a chio gal has depreciating assets as she ages...IMHO, a gal reaches her zenith of freshness, beauty, attractiveness n sexiness n, last but not least, fecundity n fertility, at 18-19. It's all down hill after that. Well, at least the peak fecundity n fertility stuff is based on medical FACTS as I know it. After the age of 20, the morbidity n mortality of childbirth begins to increase.
A 25 yo woman pregnant for the 1st time is called an ELDERLY primigravida, according to the most revered OB/GYN doc in SIN, Mr. T.H. Lean, who was THE GURU n THE LAST WORD at KK decades ago. But his definition is politically incorrect n the prevailing definition is still age 35. Any OB/GYN doc out there to confirm or refute my assertions?
Bro WB
嘿嘿嘿。。。 大家还好吧?....................
Checked them out prior to me leaving for China... didn't find anyone of them with any slight resemblance to the previous batch. :D
Xuan Xuan looks not too bad... also IMHO the hottest looking.
Chu Chu is the one with the most flowers... no looks but why got flowers huh?
Yue Yue is simple looking gal but not so simple thoughts.
Zhen Zhen has no looks but the simplest of them all................
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
How is ur beloved n cute mistress YY?
Your knowledge re DC's singers is impressive!
See u in May. BTW, my attempt to up u again was rejected by SBF.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................................
Best wishes to all samsters!
I hv more random musings on the subject of being a MAN.
The new generations of male r hypersensitive, politically correct, behaving like nice guys...but they r just feminized wussies, often despite their masculine physique, broad shoulders, big biceps n 6-pack abs, who r actually repulsive to women (at the subconscious level).
I dun want to be a master, guru or mentor, I just want to be an ordinary MAN, comfortable in my own skin, w/ relaxed confidence, unemotional n unafraid to approach n bed gals of MY particular type n who r most desirable to ME. Unapologetic n unashamed of my God-given (or biological instincts derived from billion yrs of evolution, for those who r not religious) sexuality n my libido n my natural n healthy desire to dominate n own my gals' bodies, hearts n souls, as long as everything is done within the confines of the law. Ironically n contrary to conventional wisdom n feminist propaganda, almost ALL healthy n heterosexual females r deeply attracted to n crave such dominant behaviour n character in a MAN, at least in their subconscious mind.;)
BTW, COS stands for Continuously Orgasmic State, characterized by intense, repetitive n cascading orgasms, lasting at least 30 min. Most females hv NEVER experienced it. It's accompanied by flooding of her brain n blood stream w/ oxytocin, a "love," nurture n pair bonding hormone. Give a gal enuff COS she has never experienced from any other man n she will fall for u. She can't help it!:D
Good day!!
Bro WB
05-04-2010, 04:17 PM
Checked them out prior to me leaving for China... didn't find anyone of them with any slight resemblance to the previous batch. :D
Xuan Xuan looks not too bad... also IMHO the hottest looking.
Chu Chu is the one with the most flowers... no looks but why got flowers huh?
Yue Yue is simple looking gal but not so simple thoughts.
Zhen Zhen has no looks but the simplest of them all.
Me begs to differ bro
Xuan Xuan is the exotic looking one, a real prize to be had IMHO but as usual, FLAT chested so not keen lol
Chu Chu is the诸葛亮of the lot but acts very low profile, a real fun tactician and real challenge, but not for the weak and easily KC minded folk!
Yue Yue act smart n act big sis but soon will be toppled over, actually, amoungst the 4, she either the simplest or the 2nd from the rear in terms of brains
Zhen zhen, can give karang guni man la
05-04-2010, 05:30 PM
Chu Chu is the诸葛亮of the lot but acts very low profile, a real fun tactician and real challenge, but not for the weak and easily KC minded folk!
In other words, be warned! You get to spend loads of money on her but will get nothing in return... KC trap warning... hahaha. Me faint hearted, no money - will go for others then. Kekeke. :D
05-04-2010, 07:50 PM
So fast hah? Fast hands fast legs, get the first opened legs. :D
Fast hand and legs are not good enough... Got to have fast brains to get them... Hahaha... Too bad... I am always in the "lagging" mode when meeting with girls... Sigh...
05-04-2010, 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by titivillus
Hey Othniel, you sounded like a staff in DC I know
Any story involving Xiao Ya? She seems quite desperate.
Hey Bro Titi...
Hahaha... I did not know when I have become a staff over there at DC. Interesting though... So... Which one of the staff there do I sound like? Hehehe...
Xiao Ya desperate? Hmmm... How did you know? Maybe she is desperate for you? Hahahahaha... Not too sure what's going on in her mind as well. Cannot be bothered with her anymore. She's finally GONE.. ermmm... for more than a month if I am not wrong... Hehehe...
05-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Wise choice bro, who will be your new target from the new batch? :D
New target? Hmmm... Maybe someone exotic... maybe... Someone looks smart, yet simple... Maybe someone... else? Hahaha... Got to wait for one more to be gathered with them... :)
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