View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
28-02-2018, 10:05 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for having a great excellent thread here.
After reading so much of your stories and factual posts, I thought you had retired. Seems that you are not from the above post and still very busy.
Care to comment?
Thanks for the comment below.
"I shall do my best.
Yeah, all men should aspire to be a PRESTIGIOUS MAN. Self-assured, tough-minded, assertive but easy going, kind and very comfortable in his own skin. And developing a skill that brings value to society..."
Summary -
Self-assured - confident in one's own abilities or character. Can be assertive too.
Tough-minded - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.
Assertive - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.
Easy Going - relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.
Kind - a group of people or things having similar characteristics.
Very comfortable in his own skin - Displaying a relaxed confidence in and clear understanding of oneself and one's abilities, especially when presenting oneself to or interacting with other people.
From above we can clearly see the point you are trying to make is to say man really has to be easy and tough minded to handle gals.
Hope I get the correct message.
Have a great Sunday.
Tks for sharing nice forum.
28-02-2018, 01:16 PM
Thanks for your help.
Self mastery is not the same as self control. It's also much harder to achieve.
A person w/ awesome emotional strength has no facial expressions? I don't agree. Such a person is not a robot.
Cheers to all samsters.
Have a great weekend!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I agreed with you that self-mastery is not self control. Is actually self-confident and assertive like the other bro posted earlier.
Internal strength is important as for emotionally strong guys.
" Emotionally strong people ...
are less discouraged by setbacks and disappointments.
are more adaptable to change.
are able to recognize and express their needs.
focus on getting around a hurdle rather than on the hurdle itself.
can learn from mistakes and criticism.
tend to see the larger perspective in a challenging situation.
are able to recover more quickly from emotional wounds such as failure or rejection."
Always love to read thru all yoru posts and following quite closely.
So hope can post more to share with us.
Have a great day!!
28-02-2018, 01:19 PM
Bro, I agree with you.
Stupid to fall in love with working gals.
Agree too, better not to fall in love with working gals.
28-02-2018, 01:23 PM
Tks for sharing nice forum.
I was about to say too.
28-02-2018, 01:35 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB, support!!
28-02-2018, 09:10 PM
28-02-2018, 11:13 PM
To all samsters,
Happy Lunar New Year!
Huat Ah!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Certainly a long post from your European guru trying to explain why rejection is never the end but the beginning.
From the lenghty post, I learned that we must remain calm and non-reactive after been rejected...............
Nowadays I practised mode one and straight tell the gal I want to f**k her. Usually will tell the gal she very ugly too and no praise even she is the prettiest gal in the group. I refused to buy her any drink or buy her any gifts. Just take down her contact and remain in contact.
I hope my reading above is correct and will continue to read more.
So bro WB, please share more with us and more gurus teachings.
Hoep you did enjoyed your CNY celebrations and huat ah.
Tks for your post.
You're mode one. But never insult a girl/woman, in fact, never insult anyone.
Be kind and friendly to all.
Treat the prettiest girl and the ugly or elderly women the same. Don't forget, the elderly woman may hv a very cute granddaughter.
Bro WB
Now I really don't want to be needy after reading your post above.
1. I will not be leaning and remain in my position even when gal trying to talk to me. If she not interested DGAD.
2. Learned from previous bros post, tell her she looks ugly and only thing pretty is her dress.
3. No way to buy her any gifts
4. Remain nonchalant even she trying to get my attention.
5. yes, reply 1 word each time she text.
6. never be sensitive whatever she does or say.
7. Always disagree with whatever she said. Let her panic.
Any better suggestions/comments?
Bro WB, I really appreciate all your postings and hope you keep this up.
Have a great day!!
Bro, tks.
I agree except the two below.
2) If a gal is very pretty, don't tell her she is ugly. Do point out some physical flaws she has. Praise her for acquired attributes and accomplishments, not inherited assets.
7) Agree w/ her if what she says is correct to you. Disagree w/ her when you think she is wrong.
Welcome Bro Warbird!
I believe if you are not going for level 3, it is because level 3 requires time, and time is a precious commodity, more precious than money for you..
If a girl does not need money (hence that is why an allowance is not needed), then the girl is solely motivated by emotional needs offered by the guy.
The "cost" now shifts to your companionship (your time) and her schedule is dictated by hours that the girl is not working - ie. she cannot just simply accommodate your schedule, because of her working hours.
(unless the girl herself is a rich daughter, and does not need to work - then she will demand your attention, i.e. even more of your time.)
However, if you pay her the allowance, then you are effectively her "boss" as well. So her "working" time, is also dictated by you. (as well as the requirements of her "work".)
Hence, I believe that is the main reason you chose to stay at level 2, rather than lacking in requirements to fulfill level 3.
I hope to join you some day in your "free" viewing session, given that I am also someone who dislike smoke (and was wondering if I can ever find similar people who do not smoke in such places - and I realised we are quite alike in this aspect), and I would like to see how you assess beauties in such a short time, especially when the place is not exactly well-lit, and I assume that the girls will be fleeting.
I am curious though - with so many young and pretty LPs, do you still copulate with your wife when you are back in the Big Apple (or when she is in town)?
Time is more important than money.
I'm still at level 1 and 2.
When I see a girl who is interesting, I'll move closer to get a good look. If she appears to be my type, I'll get her contact info.
For your last question. Not for a long time.
bro WB,
I learned from you in this privilege thread.
1. Guys must practice self-mastery and have greatest emotional strength.
2. Guys must face rejections and not bad thing.
3. Guys must never be needy because needy is ugly.
4. Guys must have abundance mindset and think that there are 200 women waiting to sleep with you.
5. Guys must never fall in love in the r/s.
6. Guys must pratice by approaching 200 gals.
I agreed that some gal just like to sleep around for thrills but we must always look at it that is not a bad thing. Meaning you can dump her and have new gal.
Hope bro can comment above and post more for us.
Hope you had a great CNY too.
Bro, tks for your post.
You're a lady killer if you meet all the six requirements.
Bro WB, I would love to have great mindset with all women.
Making love with younger syts will make older man heart grew younger too. .....................When you dun need a woman then you are attractive to her. This message was quite tough to comprehend.
Anyway love to read most of your posts and hope you keep posting.
Have a nice day.
Please enjoy!!
Bro WB,
Not easy for any ordinary guys t go overseas to find chio gals and import. Of course here I said not easy but to some of you and your kakis maybe easier. You have the capability to do so and did so many times.
Yes self mastery is important and gals maybe easy.
Keep sharing spirit.!!
Tks for your posts.
Your right mindset is the key to getting all the girls.
Bro WB
The legend hero Zhao Zilong is a forklore hero because he single-handedly defeated an army and rescue the Prince from death. After that he was a white armour battle hero..............................
Very interesting to go thru and read all your past posts.
Many may not agree or disagree with you but you are hero to many readers here.
Wish you have a great weekend.
Tks. I'm no hero.
I encourage bros here to post dissenting views. I'm eager to learn.
Bro WB
Thanks for having a great excellent thread here.
After reading so much of your stories and factual posts, I thought you had retired. Seems that you are not from the above post and still very busy.
Care to comment?
Thanks for the comment below.
"I shall do my best.
Yeah, all men should aspire to be a PRESTIGIOUS MAN. Self-assured, tough-minded, assertive but easy going, kind and very comfortable in his own skin. And developing a skill that brings value to society..."
Summary -
Self-assured - confident in one's own abilities or character. Can be assertive too.
Tough-minded - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.
Assertive - strong, determined, and able to face up to reality.
Easy Going - relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.
Kind - a group of people or things having similar characteristics.
Very comfortable in his own skin - Displaying a relaxed confidence in and clear understanding of oneself and one's abilities, especially when presenting oneself to or interacting with other people.
From above we can clearly see the point you are trying to make is to say man really has to be easy and tough minded to handle gals.
Hope I get the correct message.
Have a great Sunday.
Bro, tks for your comments.
Be 80% dominant and assertive, 20% kind and caring.
Bro WB
Thanks for giving us so many insights to your life. Also very kind of you to invite us to join you to look see.
If any gal is 160 then rather tall for a gal. Many Asians women are short and of course they are changing due to the diet.
Fully agreed with you that any guy should not think his gal is special. Losing her will not be a bad thing because if any gal dun love you then no point keeping her.
Not see by the way but have to be done.
Hope Bro WB continue to post more and I shall contribute my part.
Have a nice week.
Tks for your post.
Bro WB
Quite interesting post reply above. Here we are discussing picking up gals that fall into the nite life entertainment sector. These gals are here to make money and milk as much as possible from men who patronized.
Often than not, these working gals are exposed to men who willing to throw money at them for sex. Right that the gals will pick and choose their partners.
So bro WB self-mastery and other skills guide will be useful here.
Any comments?
Also very nice of bro WB to explain his LPs. This show bro WB willing to import the gal and kept here.
Hope to read more and learn more from bros.
Please keep this thread longer.
Have a great working day.
Tks. Girls/women are most attracted to a man's masculine behaviour and body language/voice.
Bro WB
I agreed with you that self-mastery is not self control. Is actually self-confident and assertive like the other bro posted earlier.
Internal strength is important as for emotionally strong guys.
" Emotionally strong people ...
are less discouraged by setbacks and disappointments.
are more adaptable to change.
are able to recognize and express their needs.
focus on getting around a hurdle rather than on the hurdle itself.
can learn from mistakes and criticism.
tend to see the larger perspective in a challenging situation.
are able to recover more quickly from emotional wounds such as failure or rejection."
Always love to read thru all yoru posts and following quite closely.
So hope can post more to share with us.
Have a great day!!
Bro, tks for your post.
You're right.
Good to hear from you.
Every encounter is a learning experience.
Bro WB
01-03-2018, 12:01 PM
Here is an interesting article I like to share.
Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasing?
"Female Copulatory Vocalization" means Woman Scream During Sex. Men are biologically wired to want to make their woman moan. It means you're doing a good job. Which, in turn, means you'll get invited back inside her velvety love-cave again.
Researchers have discovered that in primate species the promiscuous females moan during sex.
This is in spite of the obvious dangers of predators discovering and attacking them while they're vulnerable. Scientists say it's an evolutionary biological reason.
It's now been proven across all cultures that women are vocal leading up to orgasm but only in the primate species where females are promiscuous does this occur.
For example, in gorillas, the females are monogamous and therefore not vocal during copulation.
Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?
Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.
This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.
Why is moaning and screaming during sex beneficial to women biologically?
Researchers have determined that a woman will vocalize to attract more males to copulate with her when the current male is done.
This behavior of mating with more than one male at a time enables sperm competition.
The more males a woman copulates with, the higher probability she'll conceive a healthy offspring.
To further underscore this reproduction imperative, scientists have confirmed that the male sperm has biologically evolved to fertilize an egg in an environment where it's mixed with ejaculate from other males. The penis is also designed to scrape out competitive sperm after ejaculating when the penis is pulled out of the vagina.
Female humans are fundamentally a polyamorous (love many) species biologically designed to have sex with multiple males when they're aroused.
Dr. Helen Fisher says that during her cross-cultural research, she discovered the majority of women and men are both promiscuous throughout their lives. If cultural norms for monogamy were not established, most humans would have a series of primary relationships for child-rearing and companionship combined with a series of shorter term sexual relationships.
Dr. Fisher estimates that a majority of married people have serial affairs over the years, even if they don't tell anyone about it. She believes this is the normal biological way humans actually live.
Bro WB,
Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasing?
"Female Copulatory Vocalization" means Woman Scream During Sex. Men are biologically wired to want to make their woman moan. It means you're doing a good job. Which, in turn, means you'll get invited back inside her velvety love-cave again.
I love this topic because woman moan loudly makes me feel great and excitement wanted to thrust her harder and deeper. Agreed with the article that woman always wanted to make love with me when they scream loudly during love making.
Some women body will tremble and orgasms with excitement. Will fell the gush of wetness rushing out of her vagina onto the penis if she was doing cowboy position. Then after huge orgams she will collapsed hugging you and panting heavily trying to breathe. Often the woman will be fully sextified and will not try to cheat.
Any more comment?
"To further underscore this reproduction imperative, scientists have confirmed that the male sperm has biologically evolved to fertilize an egg in an environment where it's mixed with ejaculate from other males. The penis is also designed to scrape out competitive sperm after ejaculating when the penis is pulled out of the vagina."
Never knew this but now I learned.
Hope everyone have a good Chap Goh Mei tomorrow,
Huat Ah!!
01-03-2018, 12:26 PM
Support excellent thread by Bro WB.
Tks. I'm no hero.
I encourage bros here to post dissenting views. I'm eager to learn.
Bro, tks for your comments.
Be 80% dominant and assertive, 20% kind and caring.
Bro WB
Bro WB
To me Zhao Zilong is a folk legend hero. He had been to so many battles that he basically had no timeto fall in love. However he been a gentleman and scholar, he will not be keen to just anyhow bonk any gals that threw themselves at him.
If he is a hero in modern time then I believe things will be different.
As for 80-20 rules, I fully agreed with you. 80% of male dominance and 20% caring for her and family. Many gals will be willing to fall for guy who loves her family.
I will start to read the thread from the beginning and checking also the recent entries.
Please post more guys.
Happy chap goh mei.
02-03-2018, 10:04 PM
Happy chup goh mei!
03-03-2018, 08:13 AM
I'm starting this new thread on an interesting but controversial subject. My apologies if it's offensive to some bros here. Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs would be very difficult for me bcos I'm constrained by time n circumstances...but these gals can be picked up while going to or coming from KTVs, outside their schools, in restaurants, etc.
I risk being zapped by KTV owners/mummies/managers/waiters...but I still want to share what little experience n success I hv had w/ bros here. Everyone is welcome to contribute n share...hope that this is like throwing rock to lure jade, hahaha. Can an old chi ko pek like me pick up young n beautiful gals outside a KTV? The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES. It would be a lot easier for those younger bros w/ ample time. You need a very thick skin which is immune to rejections n, yes, u will still need sufficient money to woo n bed these PRC MMs. But u will save quite a bit by picking them outside KTVs.
Why would I want to pick up these gals outside KTVs?
I hv many personal reasons.
1) I drink very little if at all
2) I dun sing
3) I dun smoke n hate 2nd hand smoke
4) I detest loud noise
5) The dim lighting in a typical KTV makes it difficult to gauge a gal's looks n age.
6) The drinks, etc in a typical KTV r expensive. This money can do wonders if u give it to the gal directly...
7) Oftentimes, ur favourite mummy may recommend a gal who is less than ur type n u accept reluctantly bcos u r pai seh.
8) Or a gal may throw herself at u, especially embarrassing if she is someone whom u hv bonked or worst, ur ex-mistress, whom u now try to avoid.
9) Picking up a young n pretty gal outside KTVs is adventurous n a challenge. I feel like 20 again...;)
10) Organising KTV outings is time-consuming n difficult...:eek:
Despite the above reasons, I'm still fully committed to my frequent KTV expeditions as posted under Tian An Men KTV. My two approaches r not mutually exclusive, rather, they r complimentary. I leave no stone unturned, hehehe.
Let me give u a recent example which merely hints at the many possibilities...Day before yesterday was my lucky day. While loitering outside PC, I spotted 2 PRC gals waiting for a taxi along Selegie Rd. The taller gal was my type. She was pretty, cute n sweet, about 23-24, tall (about 166-167 w/o heels), fair complexion, big boobs (looks C-cup but not sure natural or not), slim w/ proportionate figure, nice perky ass n long straight legs. I approached her immediately. She was so friendly n her smile was so sweet!
She told me she just left DC n was going to TAM becos a client had called her to go. We quickly exchanged names n HP nos n she was gone in 2 minutes. I visualized how it would feel to kiss her pretty lips, suck her large nai didi stiffened...:D
Yesterday, I took her to dinner at an ocean front seafood restaurant in a chauffeured limousine. She told me she had been in SGP since CNY, came from CQ, now on a 2-yr work permit?? She had flawless, fair n smooth skin, beautiful large eyes...very little makeup...very sexy body...I noticed her large LV bag worth over 3k, which she claimed was given to her by her ex-BF in China...hmmm. We talked a lot..including my problems w/ my Fujian gal. She told me that 宁德 gals r notoriously cunning n often deceitful...I told her to take a look at my FJ gal at DC.
Unfortunately, she made it too easy as I could kissed her in the car n she shyly agreed to go to a "secure n safe place" next week. My interest in her has already dropped 50%. She should hv played hard to get to give me more fun in chasing her. In fact, when I first SMSed her, I was worried that she would reject a DOM like me n hence I arranged to go in a chauffeured limousine. I did give her a nice tip for spending time w/ me. I'll not call her to come to TAM Monday as she requested bcos I'm going hv her regardless. I'll just meet her in a hotel in a few days, hahaha.
Pls share ur experience n strategies in picking up KTV gals OUTSIDE KTVs.
Of cousre if u wait for the chio ones in ur chauffeured limousine n offer to give them a free lift, it would make it too easy. It's also unfair competition.:(
Thx for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro, nice thread and started to read from beginning.
I must say you are very sincere in your approach and no wonder you were successful.
I hated gals that threw herself to any men too. This shows that gal only keen to be the best actress and no way keen to show any affection.
Usually I will collect gal number and try to say a bit of story. Hopefully the story will kick her mind and text me to show some affection after we split. If gal dun text me usually I shall just erased the number within 2 days. And if she text me after 2 days, I shall try to replyher only after 3 to 5 dayshad passed.
I am not sure which method was correct but so far it works pretty well for me.
Care to discuss and share more if you have any other theory.
Shall hit the thread and hopefully comment more.
Happy weekend to all.
03-03-2018, 09:25 AM
Support fantastic thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
04-03-2018, 11:25 AM
Hi bro, I hope I dont offend you in anyway. But all PRCs women are deceitful & manipulative IMHO.
My story is kinda sidetracked. So bros who are not interested in reading please do not zap me. Coz I really need to let off some steam, thank you
I recently got to know a PRC girl from a supermarket. She kinda stared at me on several occasions so I decided to talk to her. Eventually, one fine day I wanted to get her number but in the end she took my number instead. (She didnt even key in my no in her mobile)
Well, several days later she sms me,later we spoke on the phone for the 1st time. 1 thing strange about her is that never seem to like to chat for long regardless who made the call.(she's on hi card, btw)
Long story short, met up with her twice outside, late both times also nvm, I'm ok with it. But the 2nd time, was the worst made me waited 1 hr.
For both occasions, I asked her what time & why she slept so late. She "claimed" that she was watching movies online. Then, when I start calling her in the evening or tried to ask her out for dinner.
The part where I call her in evening, her mobile would be always off. Only to return calls or sms the next day. Even its her OFF day, when I contact her
That's when I'm suspecting she might be moonlighting at KTVs. Call me emotional but I do kinda like (not in a sexual way as in I wanna bang her right away) this girl alot coz she's my type
So afew days back, I made a decision. Coz I see no pt risking my 6yrs relationship with my gf over this PRC.
She sms back the next morning (the usual behaviour)
PRC: good morning
me: good morning, U are?
PRC: did U del my number
me: ignored
PRC: call 1 (rejected)
PRC: sms (I del, didnt bother to read)
Blah, blah.... till in the evening, she use a fixed line to call but i made some stupid excuses. She got pissed & said never to call again.
I was kinda tramatise & relieve coz I really find her backgrd abit dubious. So no pt dating this type of ppl.(for me)
Of coz, if all bros wanna screw them just go ahead. I have no objections.
Just dont get emotional thats all.
Boss, if U find this post more suited to matters of the heart, pls shift it there, thank you
This story is typical example back in 2009 whereby PRC women came here to work in ktv and nightlife.
Let me highlight back then in 1995 to 1999 when the PRC just started to come and most ktvs were filled with all these long legged beauties. The PRC women back then were hungry and willing. Most were keen to do ST or LT depends on price. Since arrival of the PRC, the locals minah will stripped and bj in the room just to compete.
One particular ktv which closed down due to the women all willing to bj in the room and some farking in the toilet or darkened ktv room.
Back then Lido and those higher end ktv each at least have 200 to 300 per night. Competition were stiff and the women compete ferociously for cash.
Saw some guys threw money at the women just to ensure they won. Bidding start when more than 2 guys keen and mummy usually dun make decisions unless super regular. And the super regular already had their top choice woman reserved with a room cost around 1k onwards.
I am not sure if my story matches but would like to hear more if anyone keen to share.
Let us reminiscence the good ole days.
04-03-2018, 12:34 PM
The early responses to this new thread r most encouraging.
I shall call the gal whom I picked up CC which aptly describes her C-cup (not sure natural at this time). My RS w/ her is still ongoing n I shall provide details of my escapade w/ her. However I'll not provide any personal details to protect her ID.
CC is a delightful young woman, though at 24 not exactly a SYT. She may hv changed my mind for wanting even younger gals. She is knowledgeable n a good conversationalist. She is very confident, smart n she loves to cook. She is a handsome woman n exudes sexual power...she makes a wonderful companion...:D She fits all the criteria for the type of gal I want except that she is at the upper range in age (18-24).
I plan to meet up w/ her within 2-3 days.
I know I'll hv her pussy for 2 reasons. First, she willingly let me kiss her several times. I was the one who made them brief. An experienced fren told me a long time ago that if a CHN gal willingly let u kiss her, u will hv her pussy, it's only a matter of time. He has been over 95% correct. In fact the reverse is not true as a lot of PRC FLs/WLs/KTV gals will let u fxk them but disallow kissing. Second, I casually asked if she could accompany me to HK for a few days. She replied YES w/o the slightest hesitation.:D
I didn't call nor SMS-ed her yesterday. I dun want to appear too needy...
I also hv made one interesting observation. My Fujian gal n CC appear very confident, classy n attractive...for which they share a similarity. Their extremely erect posture, whether standing, sitting or walking....hmmm. If a tall n very pretty gal appears in front of u but her back is a bit hunched...her attractiveness will plummet at least 80-90%.:(
The one thing anyone can do to instantly improve his/her body language n attractiveness is to hv an erect posture...:cool:
Thx for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro, similar to Bro vinasun, I just started reading your great thread.
Since 2009 you already a laojiao with your tactics and knew what you keen to share with us.
Fully agreed that if any gal allow you to kiss then you have her pussy. many working ladies are not keen to kiss but willing to f**k for money.
I did asked the gals why they don't allow kissing. One gal replied saying why bother because not keen to fall in love and only here to make money. Seems that most of these gals shared plenty of dos and don'ts when they were here for transit.
I flew to sichuan with a gal when she went back after her student visa expires. She will be back after 2 months if her student pass approved. In the meantime spent few days with her and friends in Chengdu touring and feasting. Of course also bonking.
Hope to keep up my reading.
Please comment if any.
04-03-2018, 01:44 PM
This story is typical example back in 2009 whereby PRC women came here to work in ktv and nightlife.
Let me highlight back then in 1995 to 1999 when the PRC just started to come and most ktvs were filled with all these long legged beauties. The PRC women back then were hungry and willing. Most were keen to do ST or LT depends on price. Since arrival of the PRC, the locals minah will stripped and bj in the room just to compete.
One particular ktv which closed down due to the women all willing to bj in the room and some farking in the toilet or darkened ktv room.
Back then Lido and those higher end ktv each at least have 200 to 300 per night. Competition were stiff and the women compete ferociously for cash.
Saw some guys threw money at the women just to ensure they won. Bidding start when more than 2 guys keen and mummy usually dun make decisions unless super regular. And the super regular already had their top choice woman reserved with a room cost around 1k onwards.
I am not sure if my story matches but would like to hear more if anyone keen to share.
Let us reminiscence the good ole days.
True, those good old days.
04-03-2018, 02:30 PM
Bro, similar to Bro vinasun, I just started reading your great thread.
Since 2009 you already a laojiao with your tactics and knew what you keen to share with us.
Fully agreed that if any gal allow you to kiss then you have her pussy. many working ladies are not keen to kiss but willing to f**k for money.
I did asked the gals why they don't allow kissing. One gal replied saying why bother because not keen to fall in love and only here to make money. Seems that most of these gals shared plenty of dos and don'ts when they were here for transit.
I flew to sichuan with a gal when she went back after her student visa expires. She will be back after 2 months if her student pass approved. In the meantime spent few days with her and friends in Chengdu touring and feasting. Of course also bonking.
Hope to keep up my reading.
Please comment if any.
Bro WB, similar to most samsters here, I just started reading your great thread. Hope to read more.
05-03-2018, 11:03 AM
I like to say good morning n many thanks to all esteemed fellow samsters for ur active participation in the discussion.
Sadly, I didn't up this gal CC yesterday bcos of her augmented boobs!:eek: Not a complete lost for she told me some of the trade secrets of these KTV MMs. One revelation is that 100% of PRC MMs who work at KTVs would love to be BAO-ed. Yes, 100% not 99%. Working in KTVs is extremely stressful, both physically n emotionally.
Bro WB
Nice sharing here!!.
Only from close insider sources we shall get juicy stories or gossips. Not surprised to learn that 100% of these ktv gals are Bao-ed.
If we calculate the cost we will be able to figure out.
Figures based on estimates of 2009 rates:-
Air tickets - S$ 300
Agent fees - S$ 2,000
Room rental - S$ 500 based on sharing basis.
Food - S$ 300.00 per month.
Cosmetics - $ 200 per month
Dress - S$200 per month
Transport - S$ 200per month
Send money home -S$ 2,000 per month
Miscellaneous - S$ 200 per month
Student pass - S$ 2000.00 per quarter
Did I miss out any other expenses?
All these ktv gals will really keen to go all out to earn and milk as much as possible from their bf/clients.
Hope to hear more feedback or comments.
Hope all have a great Monday.!!
05-03-2018, 11:59 AM
Bro WB
Nice sharing here!!.
Only from close insider sources we shall get juicy stories or gossips. Not surprised to learn that 100% of these ktv gals are Bao-ed.
If we calculate the cost we will be able to figure out.
Figures based on estimates of 2009 rates:-
Air tickets - S$ 300
Agent fees - S$ 2,000
Room rental - S$ 500 based on sharing basis.
Food - S$ 300.00 per month.
Cosmetics - $ 200 per month
Dress - S$200 per month
Transport - S$ 200per month
Send money home -S$ 2,000 per month
Miscellaneous - S$ 200 per month
Student pass - S$ 2000.00 per quarter
Did I miss out any other expenses?
All these ktv gals will really keen to go all out to earn and milk as much as possible from their bf/clients.
Hope to hear more feedback or comments.
Hope all have a great Monday.!!
So detailed breakdown of costs.!!
06-03-2018, 11:41 AM
"Can an old chi ko pek..." merely reaffirms the possibility of successfully picking up these gals outside KTVs, while making no mention of the time n effort required for such success. It is indeed time consuming n success is a function of chance n randomness. I therefore concludes that "it would be more cost effective..."
It's actually called Sophia Food Mall on the 1st floor of PC. Apparently, from 3-4 PM n around 3AM many KTV gals take their meals there, mostly by themselves, not in the company of their male clients. What r u waiting for?
Good day!
Bro WB
Thanks for starting such an awesome thread.
"Title - Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs"
Nothing wrong with the title and prove to be a successful thread.
I fully agreed that pickup gals outside can be more costly than going inside and get a ST or LT. The only difference is the thrill to try get the gal you want after observing her from outside. Also very fortunate to have a companion going out for meals or coffee usually before the gal goes to work at night.
I remembered the whole stretch of Sophia road then was plenty of condo and the road heading up to the top was pretty nice. Some of the gals living there and opposite staying at HDB rental flats.
Steam shiok to see some the PRC gals coming out to shop at NTUC or buying food at the food court. Often can see the gals with one guy and paying for the rest or going to the restaurant up in the multi-story carpark. Cannot remember the restaurant name after so long. Quite run-down but serve decent food. If I am not wrong teh restaurant no longer operating today.
Hope I tickle guys or bro WB memory a bit.
Will share more after reading through.
Thanks and wish all success.
06-03-2018, 01:24 PM
Bro WB, similar to most samsters here, I just started reading your great thread. Hope to read more.
First time came across this thread too, very impressed. Hope to learn more from Bro WB.
07-03-2018, 02:33 PM
Another fertile ground for picking up these PRC gals r "schools" in n around the Bugis area n Selegie Rd. These students tend to be younger n r often in casual dress n w/o makeup so that you will hv a much better idea of their 芦山真面目.:cool:
Any successful stories of picking up these PRC "students"?
Good day!
Bro WB, very nice topic.
Private school especially Waterloo St full of PRC from 2009 onwards. Think lesser now.
Half of them "ponteng" class because either too tired or enjoying with bf. But they need to attend a certain amount of class to pass or renew student pass.
These PRC mm all keen to get bf to help with monthly expenses. Some gals have a few bf and very busy.
Another way to meet KTV gals outside KTVs is to be intro to them by a mutual fren.:D
Not all of them will do ST, but all want to be BAO-ed, hehehe.:D
Bro, definitely true with PRC gals introducing their friends. Only thing sometimes bazi incorrect and reject.
Or often their friends not as pretty in the eyes of beholder.
Hi dear bro besafe,
We should rent an oceanfront bungalow in Santosa n invite all those chio PRC students for a private orgy. What say u? Let's do it in 3 weeks. I get the oceanfront bungalow n u get the gals, hehehe.:D
I am not sure if this orgy went on. I doubt so.
If you ask these mms to gather usually they will start playing card till dawn. They love playing the big 2 those days. The bet was quite big and worst if CNY.
Sometimes their bfs finance or join in.
Hope to read more comments.
Have a great Wed.
08-03-2018, 11:34 AM
Any more success stories? Any failures? Pls share ur encounter w/ us here. We r all eager to learn.
Nowadays the distinction between a FL n a KTV gal is quite obscure. Many FLs also run KTV regularly, whereas many KTV gals who do ST r really FLs. Picking them up should be a cakewalk. On the other hand there r many younger n prettier PRC MMs, many of whom on student visa, who will not 出局 or do ST. BUT, almost all of them want to be BAO-ed if the terms r right.
Good night!
Bro, back those days, many FLs are running from one ktv at HH to another ktv during SH. Very common to hear this.
Also common to hear that many are here just yesterday or short per week. Some are terrible liars but then of course in night entertainment guys are there just for pussies.
My ex-boss who patronized the ktv daily often arrived around 10.30pm and leave around 1 to 2am. He often gets his choice gal.
Once I saw his credit card bill and there was a charge of $500 for special services. Obviously after that he went for ST upstairs.
Well money can always do wonders.
I like to express my sincere thx to all bros for posting here. Your continued support n participation will be greatly appreciated.
As for sharing the ctc of MMs, it's always a sensitive n somewhat controversial subject. Personally, I'll share almost every gal w/ bros here who meet certain criteria such as genuine FRs or 1 power (to protect the gals from AV). The only exception? The gal I'm currently BAO-ing or in love with, hahaha.
However, this thread is to discuss n debate strategies, report real-life experiences (both positive n negative) of picking up KTV gals outside KTVs n may not be the ideal place to share ctc of gals.
Thx for reading n good night!:)
Bro, not easy to share gals and usually your gal who treated you a bit special may not like to go out with your friends.
There seem sto be a general rule if you are there with your friends then the gal who you picked often or selected may not want to sit with your friends.
On the other hand, if you are absent and your friends went with out you then the gal may have to sit because she was selected.
I may be wrong but hope to hear other views.
So far we hv discussed where to pick up these KTV babes but only mentioned briefly HOW. Just remember that even the prettiest of them r a lot easier to pick up than regular gals. You need to hv a thick skin n be insensitive to repeated rejections.
Here is just one method of approach which has worked for an old chi ko pek like me. When u see a very pretty PRC MM who is likely to be a KTV gal, wherever she is, u should look at her confidently for a few secs, then smile. If she looks away quickly, it's OK, bcos u hv establisheda ur dominance. Relax, walk slowly towards her. A positive attitude n body language is the crucial factor here. Be a fearless, overconfident bastard. Try to be different from the other 500 men she has met n dun comment on her good looks if she is very attractive.
You: 你好有气质( or 你这件礼服很高贵) 哦!
She: 嗯
You: 你在KTV上班?
She: 嗯
You: 我会去找你坐台的, 怎么稱呼你?
She (sensing potential money): 我叫XX, 哪你呢?
You: 我是X大哥, 你的手机号码?
She: 好的, 81111111
You: 我明天来找你
She: 好, 再见!
You: Bye!
If u approach 10 of them, u r sure to get at least 3-5 ctc nos, hahaha.;)
Bro WB
So nice of you to share such details of pickup line.
Often money speaks louder at ktv but only can capture the gal but not their heart.
Been confident here is key and gals usually can sense who among the guys are the most macho man. Usually mammy already brief her best gals who to look out for. Specially the one who pay at the end of the event.
Money is important but outside of ktv then need the skill, Hope to read up more thoroughly to learn skills on pickup.
Hope can read more comments.
09-03-2018, 11:14 AM
Hi bro,
I like ur soccer analogy. Be persistent, keep trying n trying...
Hi bro,
If her eye ctc is positive, u should approach her w/ supreme confidence. Just be urself...for PRC MMs, u could take a look at the dialog I posted.
Bro WB
Me too starting to read from beginning.
I also love this football analogy.
"IMHO, picking up gals is kinda like playing soccer. The only way to get over missing a goal is to score one. N the only way to score one is to keep trying till u get it. No 2 ways about it "
As for eye contact, maybe we can stick our President Yusof Ishak 1K notes on our fore head. Think guaranteed can get attention.
Am sure some will disagree with me.
09-03-2018, 11:25 AM
Many PRC students refuse even to go out for lunch, especially when they r new.
I'm also constrained by time n circumstances n, unlike u, I dun even live in SGP. But I still enjoy BY-ing chio MMs, for fun, sex, companionship, whatever, even if it's only for a brief periods of 1-2 months. Furthermore, I use them to practice my seduction n KC strategies, hehehe.
I always believe in the tremendous n unfair advantage of knowing others n knowing myself before undertaking any serious endeavors. Therefore, I hv asked the gals (who dun do ST) why they agreed to be BAO-ed by me (an unabashed old chi ko pek). Their reasons r similar n quite revealing.
1) They shun men who appear to be ruffians or uneducated
2) They detest men who dun treat gals/women w/ respect (btw, they hate being groped all over at KTVs...)
3) They like men who r trustworthy
3) The terms must be favourable
4) Last, but not least, most men r very practical n give up after being rejected a few times. I'm very different, hahaha. I'm very persistent n hv very thick skin...actually all these gals hv rejected me numerous times, some actually hung up the phone on me. I'm totally undaunted. I try to maintain ctc w/ them every 2 wks. And bingo! Due to the vicissitudes of life, they may change their minds n r ready to be BAO-ed wks or months later, n when they do, I show up as an old fren offering the right terms.:D
Woody Allen is exactly right when he says: "80 percent of success is just showing up.” You need to be available when she needs u to BY her, not before n not after...
My biggest problem is that when they r ready, I may be overseas n they hv to wait for my return...of course I dun expect all of them to wait for me, hahaha.
Bro WB
Really nice effort to write so detail.
Fully agreed with you that we must not give up easily and must be extremely thick-skin.
I also agreed with bro mothaiba to say that they just arrived or started working yesterday.
Giving the gal you like respect is a must. No gals who are new like to be groped in ktv. In the past, I had seen a gal got grope by my friend. She was totally disgusted and kept running out of the room. Later mamasan got my friend another gal who was a old bird in this ktv. She can tolerate his groping. So when the new gal came in my friend ignored her and she was sitting besides and kept offering to drink with me.
I took the gal next trip and we did have a few outings together.
All these memories are starting to come back.
Hope bro WB have a happy weekend.
Cheers to the top thread.
09-03-2018, 02:11 PM
First time came across this thread too, very impressed. Hope to learn more from Bro WB.
Fully agreed. Many things to learn from Bro WB.
09-03-2018, 02:14 PM
Bro WB, very nice topic.
Private school especially Waterloo St full of PRC from 2009 onwards. Think lesser now.
Half of them "ponteng" class because either too tired or enjoying with bf. But they need to attend a certain amount of class to pass or renew student pass.
These PRC mm all keen to get bf to help with monthly expenses. Some gals have a few bf and very busy.
Bro, definitely true with PRC gals introducing their friends. Only thing sometimes bazi incorrect and reject.
Or often their friends not as pretty in the eyes of beholder.
I am not sure if this orgy went on. I doubt so.
If you ask these mms to gather usually they will start playing card till dawn. They love playing the big 2 those days. The bet was quite big and worst if CNY.
Sometimes their bfs finance or join in.
Hope to read more comments.
Have a great Wed.
Their bf finance their big 2 or their studies?
09-03-2018, 02:16 PM
Bro WB
Me too starting to read from beginning.
I also love this football analogy.
"IMHO, picking up gals is kinda like playing soccer. The only way to get over missing a goal is to score one. N the only way to score one is to keep trying till u get it. No 2 ways about it "
As for eye contact, maybe we can stick our President Yusof Ishak 1K notes on our fore head. Think guaranteed can get attention.
Am sure some will disagree with me.
Me also love the football analogy too.
10-03-2018, 10:40 AM
How am I going to meet the sex goddess? How does a man meet a gal? When I see her next time, I'll come close enough to make eye ctc...
Me her type? Impossible! In fact, I'm the antithesis of her type in her conscious mind. Her perfect match n hence her type should be a 25 yo handsome n muscular hunk, 187cm, 80 kg...not an old chi ko pek like me, hahaha. The same could be said of 173cm JJ bcos there is also a gross miss-match in our physical appearances n a very big age gap...
On the other hand, I could be her type of patron, hehehe.:D
I dun worry at all if I'm her type nor do I worry abt the outcome. I'll concentrate on the process n project the words, voice tone n body language of a fearless n overconfident bastard. And attraction occurs at the subconscious level...
High expectations? I actually want her to play hard to get n reject me, at least initially, hahaha. Otherwise there is no fun in the chase n my craving for her will plummet. Can u imagine my disappointment if she says YES to ST the 1st time I approach her? BTW, all the gals who hv agreed to be BAO-ed hv previously rejected me, some repeatedly for months!
OK, let's say she more or less asks me to get lost the first time. Great! I'll remain cool, calm n collected, as if nothing has happened! I know her respect n attraction for me has just gone UP, subconsciously. After a few rejections n if I'm still unflappable, still smiling, she will know that I'm different from the other 2 thousand men she has met before...n when she finally agrees to talk, I'll try to deepen our rapport...before making an offer.:D
Thx for reading n good day!!
Bro WB
I was very happy to read your excellent thread.
I agreed with you that if your sex goddess agreed to ST when you met her first time will be a huge turn-off. Your mind will also be thinking if she agreed with you means she agreed with anyone else. The outcome is most important here.
Lunch is usually the time where all these ktv gals will start to come out for food. Those days the gals will patronize similar shops and inside you may bump into some pretty sexy goddess of your type.
Really depends Sichuan mala hoptpot, Shanghainese, Swatow, Cantonese food. These gals will be there and up to guys to make their approach.
Have a nice weekend here to all readers.
Happy hunting.!!
Spotted a fantastic PRC student in a cafeteria not far from Kaplan Language School today. She is a sex goddess!! Very pretty, very fair, light make up, abt 22-23, at least 174-175 tall on sandals, small bony frame, wearing white sleeveless blouse n short pants revealing her hour-glass proportionate figure n long legs. She was w/ 3 other female students. Unfortunately, I couldn't approach her as a close relative was w/ me.:(
There were many young men in that cafe n none of them attempted to strike up a conversation w/ her. I dun get it, were they a bunch of eunuchs?:confused:
From her make up n dress, I suspect she may be a KTV gal. Which one??
Hope to meet her again.;)
Bro WB
Not sure how your sex goodess looks like? Care to share some similar pic?
Thanks again.
10-03-2018, 02:14 PM
Bro WB
Not sure how your sex goodess looks like? Care to share some similar pic?
Thanks again.
Agree, would love to see pic.
10-03-2018, 05:12 PM
Excellent thread here. Hope to read more.
10-03-2018, 11:17 PM
Bro WB,
Why do women moan loudly during sex and scream when they are orgasing?
"Female Copulatory Vocalization" means Woman Scream During Sex. Men are biologically wired to want to make their woman moan. It means you're doing a good job. Which, in turn, means you'll get invited back inside her velvety love-cave again.
...................Some women body will tremble and orgasms with excitement. Will fell the gush of wetness rushing out of her vagina onto the penis if she was doing cowboy position. ....................
Hope everyone have a good Chap Goh Mei tomorrow,
Huat Ah!!
Tks, when you feel shiok fxxking a pretty gal, learn to moan softly.
Bro WB
To me Zhao Zilong is a folk legend hero..............As for 80-20 rules, I fully agreed with you. 80% of male dominance and 20% caring for her and family. Many gals will be willing to fall for guy who loves her family.
I will start to read the thread from the beginning and checking also the recent entries.
Bro, tks.
Bro, nice thread and started to read from beginning...........................
Usually I will collect gal number and try to say a bit of story. Hopefully the story will kick her mind and text me to show some affection after we split. If gal dun text me usually I shall just erased the number within 2 days. And if she text me after 2 days, I shall try to replyher only after 3 to 5 dayshad passed.
I am not sure which method was correct but so far it works pretty well for me..............................
Happy weekend to all.
Bro, tks for sharing.
This story is typical example back in 2009 whereby PRC women came here to work in ktv and nightlife.
Let me highlight back then in 1995 to 1999 when the PRC just started to come and most ktvs were filled with all these long legged beauties. The PRC women back then were hungry and willing. .....................
One particular ktv which closed down due to the women all willing to bj in the room and some farking in the toilet or darkened ktv room.
Back then Lido and those higher end ktv each at least have 200 to 300 per night. Competition were stiff and the women compete ferociously for cash.
Let us reminiscence the good ole days.
That was a long time ago. Very few pretty PRC girls come to SG now.
Bro, similar to Bro vinasun, I just started reading your great thread.
Since 2009 you already a laojiao with your tactics and knew what you keen to share with us.
Fully agreed that if any gal allow you to kiss then you have her pussy. many working ladies are not keen to kiss but willing to f**k for money.
I did asked the gals why they don't allow kissing. One gal replied saying why bother because not keen to fall in love and only here to make money. Seems that most of these gals shared plenty of dos and don'ts when they were here for transit.
I flew to sichuan with a gal when she went back after her student visa expires. She will be back after 2 months if her student pass approved. In the meantime spent few days with her and friends in Chengdu touring and feasting. Of course also bonking.
...............Please comment if any.
I was a newbie in 2009.
In my personal experience. if a girl willingly allows you to massage her neck, her pussy is yours in 75-80% of cases. If she willingly allows you to french kiss her, her pussy is yours in 90-95% of cases.
Bro WB
...................If we calculate the cost we will be able to figure out.
Figures based on estimates of 2009 rates:-
Air tickets - S$ 300
Agent fees - S$ 2,000
Room rental - S$ 500 based on sharing basis.
Food - S$ 300.00 per month.
Cosmetics - $ 200 per month
Dress - S$200 per month
Transport - S$ 200per month
Send money home -S$ 2,000 per month
Miscellaneous - S$ 200 per month
Student pass - S$ 2000.00 per quarter
Did I miss out any other expenses?
All these ktv gals will really keen to go all out to earn and milk as much as possible from their bf/clients.
Expenses have gone up since 2009.
Bro WB
Thanks for starting such an awesome thread.
"Title - Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs"
Nothing wrong with the title and prove to be a successful thread.
............................I remembered the whole stretch of Sophia road then was plenty of condo and the road heading up to the top was pretty nice. Some of the gals living there and opposite staying at HDB rental flats.
Steam shiok to see some the PRC gals coming out to shop at NTUC or buying food at the food court.....................
Hope I tickle guys or bro WB memory a bit.
Thanks and wish all success.
Bro, Tks for your post.
You can still see many PRC girls and women there, but they are not as pretty as those in 2009 and more than 80% of them have had some form of plastic surgery. More than 95% of singers are plastic.
Bro WB, very nice topic.
Private school especially Waterloo St full of PRC from 2009 onwards. Think lesser now.
Half of them "ponteng" class because either too tired or enjoying with bf. But they need to attend a certain amount of class to pass or renew student pass.
These PRC mm all keen to get bf to help with monthly expenses. Some gals have a few bf and very busy.
I am not sure if this orgy went on. I doubt so.
If you ask these mms to gather usually they will start playing card till dawn. They love playing the big 2 those days. The bet was quite big and worst if CNY.
Sometimes their bfs finance or join in.
Hope to read more comments.
Have a great Wed.
Tks for your post. I hv never participated in an orgy. I did hv two joint LPs n had threesomes at least twice a week for over a year. One of them went back 2 months ago. I'm looking for another gal to join us.
My ex-boss who patronized the ktv daily often arrived around 10.30pm and leave around 1 to 2am. He often gets his choice gal.
Once I saw his credit card bill and there was a charge of $500 for special services. Obviously after that he went for ST upstairs.
...................There seem sto be a general rule if you are there with your friends then the gal who you picked often or selected may not want to sit with your friends.
On the other hand, if you are absent and your friends went with out you then the gal may have to sit because she was selected.
I may be wrong but hope to hear other views.
Bro WB
So nice of you to share such details of pickup line.
Often money speaks louder at ktv but only can capture the gal but not their heart.
Been confident here is key and gals usually can sense who among the guys are the most macho man. Usually mammy already brief her best gals who to look out for. Specially the one who pay at the end of the event.
Money is important but outside of ktv then need the skill, Hope to read up more thoroughly to learn skills on pickup.
Hope can read more comments.
Tks for your comments.
Bro WB
Me too starting to read from beginning.
I also love this football analogy.
"IMHO, picking up gals is kinda like playing soccer. The only way to get over missing a goal is to score one. N the only way to score one is to keep trying till u get it. No 2 ways about it "
As for eye contact, maybe we can stick our President Yusof Ishak 1K notes on our fore head. Think guaranteed can get attention.
Am sure some will disagree with me.
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB
Really nice effort to write so detail.
Fully agreed with you that we must not give up easily and must be extremely thick-skin.
I also agreed with bro mothaiba to say that they just arrived or started working yesterday.
Giving the gal you like respect is a must. No gals who are new like to be groped in ktv. In the past, I had seen a gal got grope by my friend. She was totally disgusted and kept running out of the room. Later mamasan got my friend another gal who was a old bird in this ktv. She can tolerate his groping. So when the new gal came in my friend ignored her and she was sitting besides and kept offering to drink with me.
I took the gal next trip and we did have a few outings together.
.............Cheers to the top thread.
Tks for your FR.
Bro WB
I was very happy to read your excellent thread.
I agreed with you that if your sex goddess agreed to ST when you met her first time will be a huge turn-off. Your mind will also be thinking if she agreed with you means she agreed with anyone else. The outcome is most important here.
.........................Really depends Sichuan mala hoptpot, Shanghainese, Swatow, Cantonese food. These gals will be there and up to guys to make their approach.
Have a nice weekend here to all readers.
Happy hunting.!!
Bro WB
Not sure how your sex goodess looks like? Care to share some similar pic?
Thanks again.
I don't have her pictures.
I'll try to find pics of a gal who is comparable.
Thanks to all samsters,
Bro WB
11-03-2018, 10:41 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
What an auspicious day!
I received this email re 5 Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
l'll try to post one tip everyday.
Read it many times daily for the next 1,000 days. Let the idea sink deep, in every neuron and in every particle, in the primitive parts of your brain. Otherwise your subconscious mind won't really believe it and it will sabotage all your conscious effort.
Hey Don Juan,
Today we have 5 terrific tips from David D's great book: Attraction Isn't a Choice.
Tip No. 1:
On what women want...
"My point is that there's a HUGE difference between what women say they want and what women are attracted to. Women have many conflicting drives going on inside. And in many cases women RESPOND to completely illogical things – which are often very different than what they say that they want."
My comments: You should ignore what women say they WANT and instead focus on what women RESPOND to. These are not the same things.
Bro WB
11-03-2018, 11:20 AM
Just an update on my meeting w/ the 19 yo Fujian ger, the hairstylist. Met her outside her salon in a shopping center in Chinatown.
She is a very chio SYT!! Looks very young n quite shy. Fair, flawless complexion, nice pearly white, no makeup. Slim w/ small bony frame n proportionate figure n little perky ass. Unfortunately, she is a bit short at 161-162 or so. Only 46kg. Born 1990...hmmm. We had very good rapport...n despite her less than ideal height, I'm going to take very good care of her, hehehe.
Of course the only question left is the damage n terms.
Good day!!
Bro WB,
1.61 for a gal is considered tall. I wonder how tall are you?
At that time she only 19 yrs old anbd perfect age for taking.
Will be reading to see if you managed to take care of her.
Guaranteed many bros will go to her salon for a hair wash. I was wondering how she can stay here to wash her using social visit pass or work permit?
11-03-2018, 11:20 AM
Bro WB
Hope to read more of your posts.
Enjoy your tomorrow outing.
Please come back here often.
You posted this on 24 March 2017
Bro, similar to Bro vinasun, I just started reading your great thread.
Since 2009 you already a laojiao with your tactics and knew what you keen to share with us.
Fully agreed that if any gal allow you to kiss then you have her pussy. many working ladies are not keen to kiss but willing to f**k for money.
I did asked the gals why they don't allow kissing. One gal replied saying why bother because not keen to fall in love and only here to make money. Seems that most of these gals shared plenty of dos and don'ts when they were here for transit.
I flew to sichuan with a gal when she went back after her student visa expires. She will be back after 2 months if her student pass approved. In the meantime spent few days with her and friends in Chengdu touring and feasting. Of course also bonking.
Hope to keep up my reading.
Please comment if any.
And you just started reading this thread?
Don't try to bluff lah you goondu. LMAO!!
11-03-2018, 11:27 AM
I like to share some understandings re how gals grade attractiveness of men? OK, other than money which is an aphrodisiac to them, especially PRC MMs.
We men r most attracted to a gal's looks n figure. It actually occurs at the subconscious level n we can't help being attracted to a very chio n sexy SYT. No conscious effort can nullify this strong primal urge. That is the reason why gals spend so much money on cosmetics, dresses n plastic surgery.
According to my guru's "secret treatise" the biggest mistake many men make is to assume, foolishly n incorrectly, that gals r also primarily attracted to a man's looks n figure. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Gals r most attracted to a man's rank on the male dominance scale. That's right! This attraction also occurs primarily at the subconscious level n it's hardwired in her lower brains by her genetic code! She may not even be aware of this n she certainly can't help herself!! ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE FOR HER!!
It's all in the ATTITUDE, DUDE.
Therefore, we should project the body language, grooming n attitude of a high status, dominant male. And the good news is that if we dun hv it we can fake it by imitating the attributes of such a male. Just like KTV gals who use makeup, pushup bras, revealing dresses n high heels to greatly enhance her looks...we need to level the playing field, hahaha.:D
As for a man's appearance, it accounts for perhaps 30% of the attraction calculus. It's not the looks per se, but a man's overall health, cleanliness n grooming etc. which r of greater importance...
Thx for reading n good day!!
Bro WB
Great write-up above.
Fully agreed with you that women often said the reverse of what they want or intent.
Guys attracted to chio gals and their front lamps. If the lamps are sparkling bright then many guys will be flying in and out. Similar to flies so happy to find shit.
I learned recently from friends that many men willing open their wallets just for chio gal even to the stage like name your price. This dangerous game will lead to downfall of many guys.
We should always proceed with cautions.
I m sure in your later posts you will address this dilemma of using money to buy love.
Hope bro WB enjoy your lovely Sunday.
11-03-2018, 11:40 AM
Support great thread. Hope to read more.
11-03-2018, 05:10 PM
I like to share some understandings re how gals grade attractiveness of men? OK, other than money which is an aphrodisiac to them, especially PRC MMs.
We men r most attracted to a gal's looks n figure. It actually occurs at the subconscious level n we can't help being attracted to a very chio n sexy SYT. No conscious effort can nullify this strong primal urge. That is the reason why gals spend so much money on cosmetics, dresses n plastic surgery.
According to my guru's "secret treatise" the biggest mistake many men make is to assume, foolishly n incorrectly, that gals r also primarily attracted to a man's looks n figure. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Gals r most attracted to a man's rank on the male dominance scale. That's right! This attraction also occurs primarily at the subconscious level n it's hardwired in her lower brains by her genetic code! She may not even be aware of this n she certainly can't help herself!! ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE FOR HER!!
It's all in the ATTITUDE, DUDE.
Therefore, we should project the body language, grooming n attitude of a high status, dominant male. And the good news is that if we dun hv it we can fake it by imitating the attributes of such a male. Just like KTV gals who use makeup, pushup bras, revealing dresses n high heels to greatly enhance her looks...we need to level the playing field, hahaha.:D
As for a man's appearance, it accounts for perhaps 30% of the attraction calculus. It's not the looks per se, but a man's overall health, cleanliness n grooming etc. which r of greater importance...
Thx for reading n good day!!
Bro WB well said and good advice given. Will check this thread regularly for more tips to improve myself
12-03-2018, 09:33 AM
I don't have her pictures.
I'll try to find pics of a gal who is comparable.
Thanks to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB
That will be very nice if you can find something similar that look like her.
Will try to comment more soon.
Support excellent by bro WB.
Please continue sharing.
Have a good week ahead.
12-03-2018, 10:31 AM
Hey Don Juan,
Today we have 5 terrific tips from David D's great book: Attraction Isn't a Choice.
Tip No. 1:
On what women want...
"My point is that there's a HUGE difference between what women say they want and what women are attracted to. Women have many conflicting drives going on inside. And in many cases women RESPOND to completely illogical things – which are often very different than what they say that they want."
My comments: You should ignore what women say they WANT and instead focus on what women RESPOND to. These are not the same things.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Great of you to share such good theory. Although the meaning is gross but meant hell of lot to guys who dun understand woman.
Yes, particularly woman say they don't like but actually their mind and heart said like.
Example -
When bf give present and they simply love it but in fact woman was hoping to get another better present.
Or if bf ask gf to choose the gf will choose a cheaper diamond ring but in fact actually wanted a more expensive diamond ring but worried bf may think she was greedy.
Hope any bro can comment more.
Hope all start well in this new work week.
12-03-2018, 12:09 PM
Good morning to all samsters,
Many thanks to all those who hv posted here from Day One.
What an auspicious day!!!
Will try to reply to some of the posts.
5 Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
Tip No. 2
On getting her approval...
"And here's an interesting insight that came to me in a blinding flash of the obvious: If a woman is working hard to get and/or to keep your approval, then it really doesn't matter if you have hers. A person can't focus on too many things at once and trying to get a person's approval is very distracting. While she's trying to get your approval, she'll be too distracted to disapprove of you."
My comments: Read this one over and over again until you get what David is saying. This is a very important point.
Don't chase girls/women. Must initiate contact. Express your desire for her feminine beauty and sexy body. But, reveal your "I don't need her" attitude...maintain this attitude whether you hv been w/ her 30 minutes or 30 years. Give her some validation and approval from time to time, but never completely. You're the ethernal prize! That is how you make her stay in love w/ you forever.
Bro WB
14-03-2018, 10:16 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
Many thanks to all those who hv posted here from Day One.
What an auspicious day!!!
Will try to reply to some of the posts.
5 Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
Tip No. 2
On getting her approval...
"And here's an interesting insight that came to me in a blinding flash of the obvious: If a woman is working hard to get and/or to keep your approval, then it really doesn't matter if you have hers. A person can't focus on too many things at once and trying to get a person's approval is very distracting. While she's trying to get your approval, she'll be too distracted to disapprove of you."
My comments: Read this one over and over again until you get what David is saying. This is a very important point.
Don't chase girls/women. Must initiate contact. Express your desire for her feminine beauty and sexy body. But, reveal your "I don't need her" attitude...maintain this attitude whether you hv been w/ her 30 minutes or 30 years. Give her some validation and approval from time to time, but never completely. You're the ethernal prize! That is how you make her stay in love w/ you forever.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Another superb lesson.
Yes, move on is the key word here when a gal trying to approve you. There are abundance of gals out there waiting for you to approve. Do not waste time on one while she taking her own sweet time.
Have a great Wed and hope to read more.
14-03-2018, 10:20 AM
Support this awesome thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
14-03-2018, 11:09 AM
You mean the new V10 R8? That is a quite car! But I rather go in a chauffeur-driven Merc S class.
I dun need a R8 to impress anyone. I rather use the money to lease a Lincoln stretcccchhhhhed limo equipped w/ a water bed n hv a foursome w/ 3 chio SYTs inside. Better yet, get a suite at the Shangri-La n spend the night w/ the 3 gals. I would also fly my personal American board-certified cardiologist from Gotham City to be w/ me, on standby, just in case the heart of this old chi ko pek can't take the extreme stress, hahahaha.:D:D
BTW, for short-term BY of a month or so, I really dun care at all abt the gal's intellect, hahaha. It only matters in a longer-term RS.
Just a Gucci n then 4k or less a month?? You mean for 12K a month, I can Bao 3 of them? Could u intro some of ur chio frens to me?? Tell them I seldom use my US platinum cards here, even for purchases of several Ks, but I pay cold hard $$$ instead.
Why dun I pick u up one day n we go to Dragonfly together. Pls let me know when it's a good time for u. You may SMS or PM me.
Thx so much for ur concern, but my back is perfectly fine now, hehehe.;)
With best regards,
Bro warbird
Bro WB
I enjoyed your exchange with bro above.The forum was lively and interesting.
Your argument makes alot of sense and the other bro was just a showboat trying to act rich.
Actually it doesn't matter much the process but what matters is the end result.
Will continue to read more and hopefully I can pickup tips here.
14-03-2018, 11:15 AM
Bro WB
I enjoyed your exchange with bro above.The forum was lively and interesting.
Your argument makes alot of sense and the other bro was just a showboat trying to act rich.
Actually it doesn't matter much the process but what matters is the end result.
Will continue to read more and hopefully I can pickup tips here.
Will try to pick up tips from Bro WB too.
Hoping to read more.
14-03-2018, 12:05 PM
Hi bro yongzhen,
I can confirm unequivocally that bro DYBJ is telling the truth. As I said, it's his charisma that attracts all the good things in life...I'm trying hard to get a whiff of that...;)
My advice for u is to develop the right attitude n personality first n good things will follow naturally...
BTW, I'm gratified to see such active participation in this thread.
Let me digress a bit. I like to talk abt picking up KTV gals INSIDE KTVs. What?? Many bros go to KTVs n then wait for mummies to bring gals to the rm for viewing. That is a major mistake. Why? The attractive gals r often picked or booked early n u dun get to see them in ur rm.
So I always go to TAM around 6 PM n spend 20-30 minutes, looking at everyone of the 60-80 gals standing in the corridor or sitting in the little rm. My advice is dun be paiseh, go n mingle w/ the gals. Be very relaxed n confident, smile n chat w/ the gals u like. Crack a joke. Be very comfortable in ur own skin, after all, you're the master n the gals r ur sex slaves...hahaha.;)
The only other place one could see so many chio gals was at L8/Talma Rd in the good old days.:(
Thx for reading n hv a great day!!
I agreed with you that correct attitude is a must here.
If there are gals around in ktv must always not be shy and mingle with them. If possible get all their contact numbers. Make no mistakes that they here to earn so just share a joke with them.
Mummy always have some good special client who will reserves the best gals for best clients. So if guy walk in to any ktv then only those who have no clients will get to be selected.
Problem with guys today is they have not experience much of the night life.
Any comments here?
14-03-2018, 12:14 PM
I agreed with you that correct attitude is a must here.
If there are gals around in ktv must always not be shy and mingle with them. If possible get all their contact numbers. Make no mistakes that they here to earn so just share a joke with them.
Mummy always have some good special client who will reserves the best gals for best clients. So if guy walk in to any ktv then only those who have no clients will get to be selected.
Problem with guys today is they have not experience much of the night life.
Any comments here?
My exact sentiments.
14-03-2018, 02:09 PM
If I can get ST from a KTV gal or any gal, I'll NEVER BY her. If a gal flatly rejects my initial ST offer, I'll up n up the ante to test her. If the answer is still NO, she has passed my test! I'll then try to KC her...after a couple of wks, I'll make a proposal to take care of her or ask her to accompany me to HK or Tokyo, hahaha. It usually works, perhaps 9 out of 10 times.
Unfortunately, I seem to enjoy the process of finding, chasing n negotiating w/ these chio gals more than the actual BY or sex. The problem is that, as soon as the gals hv agreed to my terms, my urge suddenly plummets by at least 50%. And after a few "love making sessions," my interest would invariably drop by another 50%!:( Now they can take it or leave it. Fast forward to a month later, I probably couldn't run fast enough, hahaha.
For ur info, at a high end KTV such as TAM, the going rate is $300 for ST n 500 for overnite, subject to negotiation of course.
Bro Warbird
Thanks for starting a lively thread. I was so excited reading your exchange with bros Loving_Dickhead and DO_YOU_BJ.
With reference to the above post, guys always will like to go after the meat that gets away. To the gals that agreed within short time then after teh fun the anxieties and eagerness dies off. For my case, I lost interest completely.
Agreed that the process is fun and exciting. Trying to anticipate her response and body language also happy.
I understand bro is keen to try to hook the gal of your type and trying to see if your methodology works.
Have a great day and hope to read more soon.
14-03-2018, 02:26 PM
Great thread, support!
Hope to read more.
16-03-2018, 10:51 AM
Just a follow up on the Shanghai gal FF whom I picked up inside a lift at PC over 2 wks ago.
After numerous failed attempts for over 2 wks, I was able to book her for my outing at DC last nite. She looked even better than I thought. She is a chio SYT, just turned 23, 166 n 51kg, w/ very proportionate figure n a near perfect butt. She was wearing hot pants which revealed her ample, shapely n firm ass n long straight legs. My didi became very stiff when she sat in my lap, hehehe.
She sat on my left n my Fujian gal KK was on my right. KK appeared cold, uneasy n testy n we were supposed to go to a hotel after 9PM! In contrast. FF was confident, playful n vivacious. When KK left for the toilet, I told FF abt my RS w/ KK. She said KK was jealous of her, 她吃醋, hahaha.
I also tried to call another chio SYT YY whom I met inside DC over 10 days ago. She didn't sit w/ me then cos I had already called KK n FF (although FF never showed up). I thought my fren might like her. But she didn't come to work yesterday. Called her tonite n found out that she has flu w/ fever, probably H1N1!! She is another student from Fujian!!
BTW, I'm sure bros LDH, marc5 n davo hv more exciting stories to tell...
Ths or reading n good night!!
Bro WB,
The above post sounded delicious and happy.
Good that you had chio syt on your right and lap. Really envy you for that.
Kabuki was one of the hottest ktv back then and boasted to host hundreds of beauties. Also one of the atas place where bill is not cheap.
Glad you are consumate with KK.
Focused? Yar, I would like to think so and to give my gal the impression that she was impressionable. kekeke.
To cut my story short, I offered her S$2K for ST and she refused. She told me she is not into ONS. Honestly, on hearing that I kinda knew she is looking for a long termed relationship. I am bad honestly for misleading her I am the latter - played my cards by calling in my soon-to-be ex BY to come on-site. Remember bros that I just stirred shit with her and she is now desperate. I gave my prospect gal the impression that I am going to break off with my current BY.
Well, I succeeded - $5K monthly plus accomodation. I bonked her yesterday at my shag pad (I have not rented any place for her yet.). She is really tight, wet and shy although not a virgin. Her last and only relationship went sour 1 year back and she came to SGP in July 09 as a student - she is Fujian too.
Credit to her, she wore conservatively but beneath that dress is a wonderous figure to behold. I am sure the ass is one that bro Warbird would love to doggie upon.
Thanks bros for that evening! It was really fruitful and also allows me to use some techniques that bro Austin P taught. :D
This bro is incredible to be able to pickup another BY gal at cheaper price. Not sure if he still active in SBF.
Maybe Bro WB can advise us.
BTW, who is Austin?
16-03-2018, 01:38 PM
Just a follow up on my encounter w/ that SH gal last nite.
Although I enjoyed the dinner a lot, I may hv lessened my rapport w/ her.:(
The "problem" was that she brought along her roommate, a fellow SH SYT whom she has known since childhood. This fren, also aged 22, turned out to be as tall, as chio n as proportionate, w/o any makeup, who was even more friendly n playful. She grew up in the big city n her dad is SH n mum Fujianese.
So wats the problem? Well, both gals were wearing low cut blouses which revealed at least 1/3 of their boobs. I could see my date's small flowery tattoo just above one of her nipples. But her fren had a significantly larger cleavage which was irresistible to me n became the focus of my attention, even though I'm normally not a boob man. Of course she also has that CFM look, long legs n a perky ass as well. My didi was erect n pulsating most of time :D...n I just had a tryst w/ another gal 2 hrs previously!!
When my date went to the toilet, i seized the oppty n asked her fren for the HP no, she winked at me but politely declined, saying that I could easily ctc her tru her best fren.:(
After dinner, I sent them to Bugis for some shopping. I was asked to join them but I politely declined. What I really wanted was to take them next door to the Hotel Intercontinental for a 双飞 session, hahaha. Should I call them n suggest just that today? May hv to BY both of them? Could be quite an expensive proposition.:(
My "bungled" dinner encounter w/ these 2 SH gals has revealed that I need a lot more hands on training n practice. Finding SYTs n getting their names n HP no is but the beginning of a journey...
Good day!!
Bro WB,
Hope you do not mind I comment here.
When I dated a girl and she brought her friend along, I will always play this game with my date. I will try to hit on the friend and ignore the date because she made a mistake to bring her friend. By doing this, I am trying to make my date jealous.
I think you must had tried this or some friends told you to do so. It is very effective and often you will get a unhappy text msg or phone call from your date complaining that you interested in her friend.
I will take this opportunity to tell the date that since you brought your friend along, means you are keen to intro your friend to me so asked her what I did wrong? If she answered no just want to bring a friend along then you reply to her telling her look I invited you to dinner and you didn't tell me you bringing another friend in advance. Because I would have cancelled our dinner date.
Any comment?
I guaranteed my date will not bring another girl friend to our date anymore.
TGIF and cheers.
16-03-2018, 02:18 PM
Support interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
16-03-2018, 02:27 PM
Bro WB,
Hope you do not mind I comment here.
When I dated a girl and she brought her friend along, I will always play this game with my date. I will try to hit on the friend and ignore the date because she made a mistake to bring her friend. By doing this, I am trying to make my date jealous.
I think you must had tried this or some friends told you to do so. It is very effective and often you will get a unhappy text msg or phone call from your date complaining that you interested in her friend.
I will take this opportunity to tell the date that since you brought your friend along, means you are keen to intro your friend to me so asked her what I did wrong? If she answered no just want to bring a friend along then you reply to her telling her look I invited you to dinner and you didn't tell me you bringing another friend in advance. Because I would have cancelled our dinner date.
Any comment?
I guaranteed my date will not bring another girl friend to our date anymore.
TGIF and cheers.
That's a very direct way to send the message across, bro! Agree with you absolutely!
16-03-2018, 02:58 PM
Bro WB,
Hope you do not mind I comment here.
When I dated a girl and she brought her friend along, I will always play this game with my date. I will try to hit on the friend and ignore the date because she made a mistake to bring her friend. By doing this, I am trying to make my date jealous.
I think you must had tried this or some friends told you to do so. It is very effective and often you will get a unhappy text msg or phone call from your date complaining that you interested in her friend.
I will take this opportunity to tell the date that since you brought your friend along, means you are keen to intro your friend to me so asked her what I did wrong? If she answered no just want to bring a friend along then you reply to her telling her look I invited you to dinner and you didn't tell me you bringing another friend in advance. Because I would have cancelled our dinner date.
Any comment?
I guaranteed my date will not bring another girl friend to our date anymore.
TGIF and cheers.
Hope you do not mind I comment here too.
When my date brought her 2 friends along, we all play along, never neglecting anyone. No need to complain or jealous or what.
Any comment?
TGIF and cheers.
17-03-2018, 08:06 AM
That's a very direct way to send the message across, bro! Agree with you absolutely!
Thanks bro. Have a good weekend.
Hope you do not mind I comment here too.
When my date brought her 2 friends along, we all play along, never neglecting anyone. No need to complain or jealous or what.
Any comment?
TGIF and cheers.
Thanks bro. If my date brought 2 gfs along then I shall concentrate on the e 2 friends and neglect my date,. Still works well.
I may even openly date one of her friends just to spike her.
Have a great weekend.
17-03-2018, 08:11 AM
Great thread by Bro WB, support.
Have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 08:24 AM
Well bro warbird, at least you're many steps ahead of me in the aspects of tackling these SYTs.
I had my first encounter partially unintended this evening when I saw this SYT talking on the phone along the stairwell of DC. So went up the stairs and on closer inspection, decided to breeze past by her although we made eye-contact. So headed to the lift landing to take me back down. This SYT was waiting for the lift as well, and as there are 4 lifts facing each other, I decided to wait in front of the one that her back was facing against. The lift came and she followed me in. There was a couple who was in the lift and for a moment, I thought "Damn, they're not going out on this floor" but luckily, they walked out and I entered the lift with this SYT. Once the door closed, I looked at her and asked for her name, which she replied. Then asked how long she's been here, which I got the reply as well. And before I could ask for her contact, the lift door opened and she gingerly walked out without saying a word. Sigh.... Lesson learnt. Ha! Spoke to warbird shortly after and thanks for the tips! ;)
Hi bro y291252001,
Congrats to u for attempting to pick up a KTV gal outside DC!! You will get better n better...
As per our conversation, u must signal to her that u will be her patron n get her ctc ASAP. Call or SMS her for a wk or so, then get to know her in person at the KTV n take it from there...;)
Good day!!
Bro WB
With regards to bro y291252001, is it better for him to walk out with the gal and continue the conversation rather than just let the gal walk out alone.
Fully agreed that he should be the man and tell her straight he wants to be her client and surely the gal will be happy to get a client immediately. All these gals are here to earn money and will not be shy.
I remembered back then saw a chio gal walking and checking out the addresses of a block and when I approached her to help. She was so happy and the conversation lead to where she was working and I told her will support her. Quickly she asked me to give her my number and she ring me a few times. She told me that will be her number.
Dun get me wrong, I am not expert and here to learn tips from so many expert.
Hope to get some decent comments.
I will still continue to read.
Wishing bro a Happy weekend.
17-03-2018, 08:35 AM
Great thread by Bro WB, support.
Have a nice weekend.
Fully agreed. Best of the best.
17-03-2018, 09:44 AM
Support interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 09:45 AM
Great thread by Bro WB, support.
Have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 01:02 PM
Many of these PRC SYTs r very cunning n mercenary. They treat SGP men like walking bank accounts n we should treat them like prime meat w/ juicy cunts. Fair n square.
Our money = their meat
Remember, our money, if invested wisely, is a growing asset. Whereas, their prime meat n cunts r a rapidly depreciating asset. :D
I also recall the 2 masters, Mr. Austin n bro justime, whose tenets for playing the game r 1) be a fearless, overconfident n unflappable bastard (or gentleman) n 2) minimal investments (money n time) n maximum returns (meat n cunts).
I differ a bit in that I like gals who play hard to get. I therefore would like to add a 3rd tenet, which is persistence. I'm very patient n persistent. There were gals who said no, no, no...literally told me to get lost or hung up the phone n yet, after some time, I would change my tactics n sneak in from the back door, when their income was down, n tasted their cunts, hahaha.
BTW, dogged persistence is a very attractive male attribute...
Be persistent yet, at the same time, never ever give anything she has not earned.
Well said bro WB!!
These PRC dames are here to suck dry men. Their aim was to earn as much as possible.
Here let me share a story, back in 2007, knew a PRC dame who came here to earn as a pros. She was about 19 yrs old and tall nice silky skins. She easily standout among the ktv lasses.
Cut the long story short.
She makes 20k within 1 month and flew home after extending her stay. The following trip after almost a year, she came and collected 30k within 1 month. She was hot and many clients.
Subsequently she went to work in ktv at Selegie and was bao-ed for 8k per month with a condo stay.
I lost touch with her after that.
If this PRC dames are not mercenary then they are here for what pruposes?
Hope all have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 01:16 PM
Interesting thread by Bro WB, support.
Have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 01:19 PM
Support great thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
17-03-2018, 01:21 PM
Support awesome thread by Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
18-03-2018, 11:22 AM
Dear Mr. Austin n bro Nivia,
I'm a mere newbie in this game of BY, hahaha.
FYI, I hv had a long n complicated RS w/ my current n first BAO-ee, dating back to last Sep. Only days ago we reconciled after long periods of separation.
For 5k a month, she works occ at KTVs, to earn enough for living expenses only. She is available to me whenever I want her n YES, her pussy is exclusive to me (or so she promises).
According to frens n mummies from DC, TAM n other KTVs where she has worked, she has never done ST n never been BAO-ed. But I suspect she has been BAO-ed before.
I dun pay her rental. She stays w/ 3 other gals not far from DC.
BTW, due to my personal circumstances, I can't do overnite. It's pointless for her to stop running KTVs as I just dun hv the time for her.
The stressful KTV lifestyle has taken a toll on her looks. Her skin used to be flawless like a SZ gal n now there r a few pimples. The difference is quite striking. A yr ago, she was 20, very chio, very fresh n innocent, w/ little makeup, just like a uni student. One day she came to work wearing sneakers n casual dress. She had told me many times that she would never be BAO-ed by anyone n asked me to stop wasting my time.:( She first became receptive to BY by me towards the end of last Dec, when the economy abruptly turned bad. Fortunately, she is still attractive to me n her cunt is still very tight.:D
She also said that I could visit KTVs occ, but I shouldn't go to bed w/ another gal as long as I'm w/ her.
Oh Bro WB, so bro Austin = DYBJ. And Bro justime already appeared so early in the thread.
Hi bro,
Good for u!! I guess u visit these joints for entertainment only.
Ths to Mr. Austin n bro justime, the 2 undisputed masters of BY, I hv made progress n my plate is getting quite full.
Let me digress a bit.
I hv mentioned that I'm enamored w/ a new Fujian gal GG whom I met just days ago. She had refused my offer for ST n BY earlier. The other day we exchanged a series of text msg n phone calls, but we couldn't come to an agreement as to the terms of a 2-wk BY. I offered her xK but she insisted on yK. Though the difference was not vast, we had reached an impasse.
I decided to meet her to 1) deepen my rapport w/ her n get her to agree to my terms n 2) to take a 2nd n closer look at her to see if she is really chio n if her ass is ample n shapely. I hate surprises.
I chose a cafe near DC, went there a little earlier n sat down at a corner table.
Then I saw her, walking towards me. Wow!! My type of tall, chio n cute SYT. She was wearing a low cut blouse, revealing her cleavage n a tight jeans, which showed that her ass was quite shapely n big, at least 35 plus, hehehe.
I greeted her n TCSS a bit. Then I told a creative joke, which was very funny. While she laughed n laughed...I was salivating over a piece of exquisite meat n my didi was coming to life...I know I hv deepened my rapport w/ her.
I complimented her on her language skills ( she could understand English well, unlike most PRC MMs) n her sweet Fujian accent. She was also very effusive in praising me, calling me a gentleman n a 贵人!!
I also narrated some BS stories to evoke her emotionally n arouse her subtly...remember that like all women she craves emotional experiences.
To make a long story short, she accepted ALL my terms, hahaha.:D I wanted to start the RS right there, but I thought I should give myself a little rest first.
BTW, GG looks very much like my long-lost M'sian GF/FB, another Fujian gal, when I was a very young man. Incredibly, same facial features, both 169, both 22 n hv similar figure n medium bony frame, though GG is prettier, fairer n slimmer. Wonder if she is as wet n as easily orgasmic?
I do welcome detailed FRs from esteemed bros here, on meeting n picking up KTV/normal gals n ur MO to woo n bed them, either for ST, BY or FOC...
Ths for reading n hv a good day!!
So fast you broke your promise not to sleep with another gal.
Anyway from the way you describe GG, she must b e a goddess.
Thanks alot for the exchanges by many brothers here.
Happy Sunday.!!
18-03-2018, 11:53 AM
Good Sunday morning!
Another auspicious day!
Thanks to ALL samsters for your posts over the last 9 years.
Bro WB,
1.61 for a gal is considered tall. I wonder how tall are you?
At that time she only 19 yrs old anbd perfect age for taking.
Will be reading to see if you managed to take care of her.
Guaranteed many bros will go to her salon for a hair wash. I was wondering how she can stay here to wash her using social visit pass or work permit?
I generally prefer taller girls.
I actually took care of her briefly, despite the fact that she originally wanted upfront money. Her long hours in the beauty salon was difficult for the rs.
PRC girls are here to make money n seek opportunity, even the non WLs.
Bro WB
Great write-up above.
Fully agreed with you that women often said the reverse of what they want or intent.............................
I learned recently from friends that many men willing open their wallets just for chio gal even to the stage like name your price. This dangerous game will lead to downfall of many guys.
We should always proceed with cautions.
I m sure in your later posts you will address this dilemma of using money to buy love..................
Tks for your post.
Pls read my previous posts on why spending too much money will actually prevent the girls from falling for you.
Bro WB
That will be very nice if you can find something similar that look like her.
Will try to comment more soon.
I can't find anyone similar.
Bro WB
Great of you to share such good theory. Although the meaning is gross but meant hell of lot to guys who dun understand woman.
Yes, particularly woman say they don't like but actually their mind and heart said like.
Example -
When bf give present and they simply love it but in fact woman was hoping to get another better present.
...........................................Hope any bro can comment more.
Hope all start well in this new work week.
Tks for your post.
Bro WB,
Another superb lesson.
Yes, move on is the key word here when a gal trying to approve you. There are abundance of gals out there waiting for you to approve. Do not waste..........
Tks, always try to qualify the girl because you have higher value.
Bro WB
I enjoyed your exchange with bro above.The forum was lively and interesting.
Your argument makes alot of sense and the other bro was just a showboat trying to act rich.
Actually it doesn't matter much the process but what matters is the end result.
I agreed with you that correct attitude is a must here..................
Mummy always have some good special client who will reserves the best gals for best clients. So if guy walk in to any ktv then only those who have no clients will get to be selected.
Problem with guys today is they have not experience much of the night life.
Any comments here?
Tks. Many bros have slowed down or "retired." Some are still quite young.
Also, I now hv outings w/ kaki who drink little and who are willing to smoke outside the rm.
Bro Warbird
Thanks for starting a lively thread. I was so excited reading your exchange with bros Loving_Dickhead and DO_YOU_BJ.
With reference to the above post, guys always will like to go after the meat that gets away. To the gals that agreed within short time then after teh fun the anxieties and eagerness dies off. For my case, I lost interest completely.
Agreed that the process is fun and exciting. Trying to anticipate her response and body language also happy.
Bro DYBJ moved to another country. I wish him well. But I would never want to live in that country.
I still see bro LDH occasionally.
Bro WB,
The above post sounded delicious and happy.
Good that you had chio syt on your right and lap. Really envy you for that.
Kabuki was one of the hottest ktv back then and boasted to host hundreds of beauties. Also one of the atas place where bill is not cheap.
Glad you are consumate with KK.
This bro is incredible to be able to pickup another BY gal at cheaper price. Not sure if he still active in SBF.
Maybe Bro WB can advise us.
BTW, who is Austin?
Austin is bro DYBJ.
I was a newbie then. If I meet two chio gals today, I'll offer to BY both together. I hv done that many times since.
Bro WB,
Hope you do not mind I comment here.
When I dated a girl and she brought her friend along, I will always play this game with my date. I will try to hit on the friend and ignore the date because she made a mistake to bring her friend. By doing this, I am trying to make my date jealous.
I think you must had tried this or some friends told you to do so. It is very effective and often you will get a unhappy text msg or phone call from your date complaining that you interested in her friend.
I will take this opportunity to tell the date that since you brought your friend along, means you are keen to intro your friend to me so asked her what I did wrong? If she answered no just want to bring a friend along then you reply to her telling her look I invited you to dinner and you didn't tell me you bringing another friend in advance. Because I would have cancelled our dinner date.
Any comment?
I guaranteed my date will not bring another girl friend to our date anymore.
TGIF and cheers.
Hope you also don't mind my comment.
I was a newbie then. I was timid and insecure.
If I meet two chio gals today, I'll offer to BY both together. I hv done that many times since.
It's much easier if the two gals are 闺蜜, or at least friends. But I hv done it w/ two girls who are quite new to each other.
To be honest, the problem I hv now is finding just one girl who is attractive enough for me, let alone two together.
In my personal experience, when I offer to BY two girls together, my success rate has been 100%. Even though some girls appeared shocked n said no no no, initially.
It's novel to them and it takes balls for a man to make such an offer, especially when I hardly know them. It also indicates that I hv the wherewithal.
I asked the most recent pair why they rejected me initially. They replied: We didn't know you. We thought you were joking. I like to add that when they agreed to be my joint LPs, they had not seen my car n the terms and money were never even discussed. They already called me lao gong. That night they sent a msg to outline what they wanted, I reduced their monetary request by 20% and told them what I expected from them. They quickly accepted. One of them recently returned to China. She wants to come back soon. The other is still w/ me.
Hope you do not mind I comment here too.
When my date brought her 2 friends along, we all play along, never neglecting anyone. No need to complain or jealous or what.
Any comment?
TGIF and cheers.
Tks. See my post above.
That's a very direct
way to send the message across, bro! Agree with you absolutely!
Tks. Pls see my previous post.
Well said bro WB!!
These PRC dames are here to suck dry men. Their aim was to earn as much as possible.
Here let me share a story, back in 2007, knew a PRC dame who came here to earn as a pros. She was about 19 yrs old and tall nice silky skins. She easily standout among the ktv lasses.
Cut the long story short.
She makes 20k within 1 month and flew home after extending her stay. The following trip after almost a year, she came and collected 30k within 1 month. She was hot and many clients.
Subsequently she went to work in ktv at Selegie and was bao-ed for 8k per month with a condo stay.
I lost touch with her after that.
If this PRC dames are not mercenary then they are here for what pruposes?
Hope all have a nice weekend.
Tks for your post. Any more recent FR?
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
18-03-2018, 11:59 AM
A good Sunday to Bro WB, supporting your excellent thread!
18-03-2018, 08:32 PM
Oh Bro WB, so bro Austin = DYBJ. And Bro justime already appeared so early in the thread.
So fast you broke your promise not to sleep with another gal.
Anyway from the way you describe GG, she must b e a goddess.
Thanks alot for the exchanges by many brothers here.
Happy Sunday.!!
Tks for your post.
On Chinese Valentine's Day in August 2009, I went to the newly opened Jade for HH. I booked the 18 yo singer from Armani whom I kept briefly, because she wanted to see me on the romantic day. I had continued to ST her at $300 per session, very infrequently. She wanted to see me more often. I also booked my first bao-ee. I met GG by chance at the joint. So I booked the 3 girls. The singer was the least attractive n the shortest. GG was the most attractive, according to several of my friends. She was also very orgasmic. The very moment I licked her pussy, she literally screamed...
But life is never fair. The least attractive, the singer, returned in May 2010 to be a singer at the same joint. She contacted me but I refused to fxxk her for $300. Yet a few months later she married a young and rich SG man. The most attractive gal GG married a salary man in China in 2011. My first bao-ee married over a yr ago. Had a child n now is divorced.
A good Sunday to Bro WB, supporting your excellent thread!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
.................................................. ............
5 Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
On attraction and how it really works...
"Attraction does not happen the way as you would intuitively expect it. If it did, you could figure out how to attract the woman/women of your dreams on your own and wouldn't be reading this book. Still, you've got to let go of the way you think it should work so that you can start acting based on how it really does work."
My comments: This book is all about how attraction REALLY works, not how it SHOULD work in a logical world full of logical human beings. You must learn to ignore what society tells you, what women tell you, what Hollywood tells you... and start to see reality.
19-03-2018, 12:00 PM
Updates time... my sincere apologies for this delayed FR - has been very busy with work.
Last Tuesday in our sessions (Bros present: Warbird, Marc5, Fishcer, DavO, DYBJ, Max and LKY) at DC; LL was very cosy and obviously mine to conquer. I have defeated the older 'gentleman' who was eying her for as long as I did. If all would still remember my earlier posts, both of us wanted to BY her. LL finally rejected him in a call and returned to the room at DC to hug me and french me in front of everyone. I was pleasantly surprised and the usually composed me, lost all sense of inhabitants and returned all her passion - action for action.
The older gentleman called LL and harassed her throughout the night to no avail. I was very cool about it. I could have scored that night but I chose not to and sent her home - much to her surprise.
Wednesday night held the outing to remember, I was back at DC with a couple of business associates and I have LL again. Once again, we were all cosy and all over each other - much to the jealousy of my business pals. We adjourned to a nice place for further drinks and got LL home... the rest was history.
On Friday morning, the older man called me in my office and verbally abused/threatened me over the phone (Yes, we kinda know each other as my business sector is relatively small). I told him that I have been there and done that, sorry but he has lost the game. Some of my closer bros know the story of the call which I wanted to keep it private and thus this FR is very concise and to the point. I told him point blank that if he can offer LL S$15K a month, he will sure get her. I told him my exploits with LL to him and obviously, his prick got over his brains even if he has one in the first place.
Come Friday, guess what!? LL did not turn up as per our pre-agreement. Hoosay... I saved on my BY fees which I clearly wanted to give her that night for 2 weeks advance deposit. Despite a good conquest and great fun, I lost LL to the older man and I lost her very willingly. (Thanks bro DYBJ for his wonderful advice and insights - making me see from the other side of the coin. And sadly, the older man did not call me again, to my great disappointment.) With this, I toast the older man for his generosity... kekeke.
Meanwhile, all was not lost. We went to TAM and for once I did not get to pick the kind of gal I want. Usually I was very selective and predatory in nature, that night I just picked the first gal in the line. In all honesty, I was still pining for LL because she was (and still is) the sweetest SYT I have ever came across and her energy and charm .... Ooooo La La.
And as fate would have it, I found another gem in one of the waitresses there. Not exactly as sweet as LL but she radiates charm in the most innocent way possible. I am going for dinner with her this Wednesday.
More to come...
Hi bro LDH,
Ths so much for detailing LL's saga. From my perspective, YOU won n the old bastard lost, hehehe.
This should be a good case study for all serious students of BY.
Frankly, LL does not deserve u. Despite her physical attractiveness, she is lower than most WLs in that she is behaving like a piece of meat on the auction block. It's disgusting n despicable...I guess if I offer 25k a month, she will abandon the old bastard for another ah pek.:eek:
Planeloads of SYTs r arriving daily. A young lion like u can always get a better gal anytime. It's too easy for u. In fact, it's getting too easy for even an old chi ko pek like me.;)
Ths again for ur FR. Pls update us on LL n ur new conquest.
Bro LDH lost to a person who just willing to throw more money. I don't see how all this conquest signal anything great. The PRC woman was just here for short period to make as much as money she could.
Is all these considered achievement or downright stupidity?
Go to a place that sell over-priced meat and drinks just to show off. Frankly if I want a PRC gf then I go to PRC to select the best.
I was just trying to be critical here. There was just too many brothers here who provided very positive views in this thread. I just want to play the devil's advocate here.
Ask yourself, have you give 10k or 15k per month to your parents? If you have then congratulations but if not??
Anyone who sponsor this kind of money for a pussy is just plain kamikaze.
I agreed with Bro WB, the gal LL don't deserves bro LDH.
Have a nice day.
19-03-2018, 02:45 PM
Interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a nice week ahead.
20-03-2018, 01:23 PM I showed her my rolex watch...although it's just a cheap rolex watch...she was suitably impressed...i told her I'm a banker and I'm single wanting to find a soulmate...I told her I found Singaporean girls too materialistic and don't know how to take care of men...i had my fair share of them and quite sick and tired of those Sporean girls...she seem to ponder and wonder if I'm telling her the truth...told her I'm not into straight sex and want a slow non committant relationship and if we get along we can progress further...told her I don't want to cheapen her by giving her money but would take care of her basic needs such as rental and school fees if she wants...this just come up to 1k a month...before I know it, she seem to have fallen for me so I ask her out for a romantic dinner date...
Part II, I need a discreet place for my dinner dates as I can't be seem by anyone so I bought her to IL Lido at Sentosa, run of the mill colleagues would not go there and had a romantic dinner with red wine with her, after that she was abit high and we proceed to a dark corner of sentosa to have a make out session, it started out subtle and with light kisses, however the sight of her long flowly hair, the cleavage of her C cup boobs and her nice long legs overwhelmed and my animal instinct took over me, I pulled down her stragetti strap and unhooked her black lacy bra and become nippling on her nipples, she let out a sharp arrh as in estascy and I become my framed tongue action of her nipples, I could see that she was getting high and ventured down into her skirt and into her love hole, I could feel that it was wet and warm and I slowly but surely removed her matching black this stage I couldn't take it anymore as my penis was hard and bursting in my pants...she could sense it and unbuckle my hugo boss belt and unhook my pants, and whsipered softly to me ni yao ma? I just could not take it anymore and pulled down my pants and underwear and began positioning myself to enter her, I wanted to whack it hard there and then but told myself to take it I slowly entered her while she let out sounds of soft moans and tell me to make love to her passionately, as they say, the rest is history and I fetched her home to her condomium in geylang.
All it costs me was $50 for the tips and $200 for the dinner. Money well spent, I do not intend to meet her again.
Hi bro,
You lost me. Pls tell us the full story of ur conquest.
Good day!!
Bro WB,
Do you know bro MoralEpitome?
This bro is just trying to tell us he fark a gal cheap. This bloke is a typical loser bluffing in order to get cheapo farks.
First he did not describe where he got the gal and rambled about his cheapo dinner date. He maybe telling us he just brought a maid to expensive dinner and showed her a fake rolex watch.
He bluffed saying he not into straight sex but fark her ifrst date without even paying for hotel room.
This type of imbecile man are just trying to come to your thread to show his keyboard warrior fantasy.
This bro nick should be rename to "no moral".
Sorry for my ramblings.
Thanks for a nice thread.
20-03-2018, 01:27 PM
Support interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
20-03-2018, 01:29 PM
Bro LDH lost to a person who just willing to throw more money. I don't see how all this conquest signal anything great. The PRC woman was just here for short period to make as much as money she could.
Is all these considered achievement or downright stupidity?
Go to a place that sell over-priced meat and drinks just to show off. Frankly if I want a PRC gf then I go to PRC to select the best.
I was just trying to be critical here. There was just too many brothers here who provided very positive views in this thread. I just want to play the devil's advocate here.
Ask yourself, have you give 10k or 15k per month to your parents? If you have then congratulations but if not??
Anyone who sponsor this kind of money for a pussy is just plain kamikaze.
I agreed with Bro WB, the gal LL don't deserves bro LDH.
Have a nice day.
Exactly my sentiments.
20-03-2018, 01:49 PM
Bro WB,
Do you know bro MoralEpitome?
This bro is just trying to tell us he fark a gal cheap. This bloke is a typical loser bluffing in order to get cheapo farks.
First he did not describe where he got the gal and rambled about his cheapo dinner date. He maybe telling us he just brought a maid to expensive dinner and showed her a fake rolex watch.
He bluffed saying he not into straight sex but fark her ifrst date without even paying for hotel room.
This type of imbecile man are just trying to come to your thread to show his keyboard warrior fantasy.
This bro nick should be rename to "no moral".
Sorry for my ramblings.
Thanks for a nice thread.
Another bloke with the name of cautroi also the same. Maybe same person.
20-03-2018, 10:47 PM
Happened to stumble upon this great thread, support support!!
21-03-2018, 12:13 PM
Hi bro besafe,
Congrats on ur new conquest!! I didn't realize u r so adroit at picking up gals, hehehe. Pls share the details re the art of the approach here.
That PRC student I spotted quite some time ago near Kaplan was a "sex Goddess," abt 22, very fair like snow white, 175 w/o shoes n anatomically perfect. My heart flutters n knees weak weak when I merely think of her. ALL the gals I hv personally seen closeup in SGP in my many decades of life pale in comparison. I dun think she works in the nite scene. She is probably some lucky man's mistress. She has not been sighted again.:(
BTW, I hv not been able to ctc SS, the young 170 SH gal. I surmise that she is probably being BAO-ed by another man. Mr. Austin gave me some insightful analysis n advice on the situation. I'm very grateful to him.
My other BAO-ee GG, the 169 Fujian gal returned to China yesterday. She was very horny n responsive in bed, one of the best Fxxks I got from PRC MMs. I'll miss her.
Thank u for the ctc on XL, the chio 170 Fujian gal from a KTV/HFJ which u gave me 2 wks ago. Very sweet voice n well-spoken. I'll try to meet her for lunch soon. She asked me who gave me her ctc. I just said a fren, hehehe.
You know I like tall n chio gals (>165), preferably from Fujian. It's an inexplicable addiction. I'm not actively seeking a cure from the affliction though, hehehe.;)
Ths again n hv a great day!!
Bro WB so obsessed with tall chio gal. Thanks for posting such detail forums with your explorations and this thread is phenomenal.
If any gal standing at 1.75m without heels then very tall for any Asian.
Wonder how tall are you bro WB?
Hope to contribute in the near future.
Yesterday was an auspicious day for me.
I had the good fortune of receiving a personal call from Mr. Austin himself!! We spoke for over an hr n many areas of BY was discussed. In the last 20 min, he let me in on a top secret. Wow!!! Incredible!!!
Now I fully realize wat bro LDH referred to as Dominant Male Stroke as taught by Mr. Austin (see his post #417). This secret strategy is so unique n so powerful that I'm going to call it a "nuclear device" !!! Thank you, my Dear Mr. Austin!!!
While executing this strategy will require some practice n some conditioning on my part, I know I can do it!;) I'm joining the exclusive "Nuclear Club" consisting of two other members: The founder, grand master n senior mentor, Mr. Austin n senior trainee n master, bro LDH. I'm fortunate to become a junior trainee, hehehe.
I'll practice it on my next worthy quarry. BTW, merely knowing wat I could do w/ this strategy already has boosted my confidence w/ gals. Amazing.
Sorry to all bros, pls dun ask me wat this strategy is bcos my lips r sealed.:cool:
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Care to share what is "Dominant male stroke". I tried to search online but more describing as "Alpha Male"
Hope that I can read the meaning in future pages.
I hope this thread remain active for a long time.
Have a great day.
21-03-2018, 12:48 PM
Will support bro TS WB.
21-03-2018, 12:50 PM
Care to share what is "Dominant male stroke". I tried to search online but more describing as "Alpha Male"
Have a great day.
My good guess means using the right hand more than left hand sroke.
21-03-2018, 01:31 PM
Will support bro TS WB.
Fully agreed, support bro WB too.
21-03-2018, 01:44 PM
My good guess means using the right hand more than left hand sroke.
Agree with you to the point.
21-03-2018, 02:23 PM
Fantastic thread here, support bro WB. Hoping to learn more.
21-03-2018, 05:04 PM
One more tip - Do not just solely go by the textbook. Bro DYBJ gave me the structure, I built my the rest of the story. Every gal and every relationship is different and UNIQUE - basically the structure stands, just that the plot is different.
Bro Loving_Dickhead, very well said, the guy who wrote the book wrote it based on his understanding & also his way of performing that particular stroke. So, how can anyone do it like him except himself, that's Y, 不要读死书
Make contact with the gals with moolah, thats always the case in KTVs. The rest of the plot is how you make her yours withOUT any or very minimal investments monetarily.
Yes, the secret to measuring success is as per this paragraph, minimum investments for maximum gains.
The moolah part only increases the kill rates and shorten the annihilation gap!
Next, there will also be competition (farking life, as always - there are always pests around). Learn to overcome them with Situational Awareness. Understand what give you the edge. Overwhelm your gal with the final piece of Male Dominance technique.
Well applied, this technique will entrapment the target and even after all has ended, you would have implanted that evil seed in her mind, thus she will always be looking but cant find....and proven thru sexperience, even if you bump into her one day, dun be surprised she'll just be wif you to sexperience that NUCLEAR WEAPON as put by Grand Master WarBird
Like what DYBJ said, money is not everything, it just opens the door for you. If you cannot conquer the gal, she is not yours - just merely a piece of rented furniture. What my desired outcome will be a piece of personal China Vase as an asset, sitting in any location I want to place.
Money doesnt make you a man or a desirable male species.
It's just an accessory that will enhance your the end of it all, it's still you, your inner core will be the light...the more wholesome you are, the more your aura will be attractive......many many have met and even know freaking wealthy men that are pure undesirable...they get the meat cos they rented it and how many such women have men behind them for a fraction of the cost or even FOC cos wif such men, they really feel like they're wif a MAN!
Couple the above wif moolah, you'll be like a walking honey tree attracting them, who are bees.........
And... to add on. If DYBJ says he is noobie noob then I must be rookie rook. :D :D
Since you're a Rookie Rook, then you're one enlightened rook!!!!
So well written and so true. Will be my philosophy too.
My Dear Mr. Austin,
I hv read the above 3 times. I need to memorise every word, hehehe. I wish I knew your doctrine yrs ago!!
Ths again!!
Bro WB,
I had read the above 5 times. Well will also be my doctrine too.
Thanks for a marvelous thread.
Going into the pussy of a ktv is not easy and if can spend minimal money then best.
I will be learning more here and hope bro can guide me along.
Please don't stop posing too.
Hope to be able to finish reading within a month.
Hoping to secure a test soon.
21-03-2018, 06:07 PM
Thanks Bro WB for this marvelous thread.
22-03-2018, 12:49 AM
You can have kids without getting married. You must support the kids until they are at least 18 and the moms as long as they are w/ you. It's called responsibility, a very attractive masculine trait.
In fact, I'm going to hv two kids w/ my LPs.
Bro WB
Dear Warbird,
Thanks for your replies and sharings. It has been very enlightening. In fact, your philosophy can be applied beyond romancing girls.
That said, I wanted to ask your management philosophy (and wisdom) on the abovementioned situation that you disclosed previously:
1. I understand that some women want to bear kids for males, in hope that they get more "official" status. While kids can be cute, and we may also like to have more children, but if you are married (and I would presume you are intending to stay married to your current wife), what are the traits in your LPs that gives you confidence that they will not pressure you in any way (be it financially or seeking official status), once they have your kids, for you to give your approval for them to bear your kids? (I am sure you will not agree to every LP of yours to bear kids for you.)
2. Even if they are not demanding any financial guarantees nor status, are they demanding more of your time, citing the child needing paternal love as reason? How do you cope with that?
3. Legal liabilities. While I am not sure if there is a demand to register you on their birth certificates, but certainly there will be legal liabilities to manage, should the relationship turn sour with your LP. (She can cite you have kid responsibility and that can go beyond just financial provision and into challenging for part of your estate.) Of course, this area needs to be managed, and if possible, could you share your management philosophy.
What I must emphasize here is this: your management philosophy is transferable beyond managing your LPs, and managing your LPs with a kid requires an even higher management skills. I am sure you have considered very deeply on these issues before agreeing to let your selected LP have your kids.
23-03-2018, 12:50 PM
Hi bro Rolec,
This "device" called Male Dominance technique should work well in the overwhelming majority of gals/women. Whether it will work 100% of the time or not, only Mr. Austin could answer that. I suspect it would hv a higher success rate w/ regular GFs.
I hv been given an outline of the structure of this "device," I'll use it to build my own individualized method/technique that is most suitable n effective for me. Additionally, every gal may respond somewhat differently n the method may hv to be modified to be very successful. Hopefully I could conduct a field test in the very near future.
BTW, it should be used in a responsible way n only on select n choice targets w/ whom u want a longer term RS.
Bro WB
Still in suspense what is "Male Dominance Technique" or device.
Anyway waiting for your response.
Bro Warbird
Arigato! Am trying to practise some of the stuff I read about Alpha Male which i believe also exercise some form of "Dominance". However, this is more at attraction stage and I do not find anything which can sustain for longer term RS. When i read Bro DYBJ comments, I thought this "Device" seems to be effective on a longer term basis. Hence, my suspicions that it may be able to work on gf. Anyway, will not try to run before I can walk or crawl... Haha!
Camping for ur field test reports to see u bringing ur "Investments" to the next level of "Returns"! =D
Looks like I think the same too as "Alpha Male".
23-03-2018, 02:47 PM
Great thread by Bro WB, support!
Have a nice weekend.
23-03-2018, 03:28 PM
I remembered the advice given by Hua (who is an avid proponent Sun Tzu). Hua always entreats me to keep re-reading Sun Tzu in order to distil its essence. Since my command of Chinese is not up to mark, I often get Hua to translate (both literal and its interpretation) in order to apprehend its essence.
Hua throws this cautionary note: Always refer to Sun Tzu principles as your first line of response, but do remember that real life is much more complicated. Do not treat Sun Tzu principles as inviolate. Do not force-fit Sun Tzu’s precepts into all business situations simply to justify the soundness of the precepts. It is sound – history and great thinkers have validated it.
You therefore do NOT need to validate whether the principles work in business – you only need to validate its usefulness onto only against your own personal success i.e. How well you actually translate the Art Of War into your own unique praxis. If you cannot use it well, Discard it and simply adopt another philosophy that resonates with you. (Recall/refer to Chapter 8 which calls for flexibility and situational awareness.)
Will not talk further on this as this is not a platform/forum for ‘intellectual discourse’. No Discourse but Intercourse.
Sorry for the abrupt end. Got to go (What the heck, I rather say, “got to come”!)
Cheers all! :cool:
I'm diligently preparing for the field test as I hv a couple of potential targets or quarries.
Ths for ur insights on military strategies. I gain n profit every time I reread Sun Zi's Art of War. There r also several other, though less famous but equally brilliant, ancient Chinese treatises on military strategies. Warfare is a mind game, just as in BY.
Looks pretty serious using Sun Tzu Art!!
I seriously thought Sun Tzu Art is for WAR and can also use in conquering woman.
Unless the PRC woman in this case considered enemy.
Will be a very intersting thread if you guys can tell us which techniques of SUn Tzu Art of War is used.
Hope you have a great day and please enjoy.
23-03-2018, 07:09 PM
Support a very interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
23-03-2018, 09:11 PM
Support a very interesting thread by bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
Agree, support too.
24-03-2018, 11:57 AM
Dear Issie,
I'm an armchair general w/ very little practical field experience in this game as my first ever BY was consummated less than 4 months ago.
Despite all my posts on my so-called strategies n bravado n FRs on a few pieces of rented furniture, I was literally an infant until days ago. Now I'm proud to be a Toddler Todd, hehehe. I realize it's better to learn to stand up first. Once I can stand up firmly w/o support, I'll try to walk, one step at a time, before I start running. Otherwise, I'm liable to fall n get hurt badly. Building a very strong foundation is vital.
I'm working diligently to improve myself..starting from my inner world n my INNER PURPOSE...
Like they say, "It's not where you start - it's where you finish that counts."
I'll try to enjoy the journey w/ playfulness n emotional detachment, paying no attention to the outcome.
I also like to thank u for sharing a gal's perspective on the formidable techniques of Male Dominance. This "device" as outlined by Mr. Austin may be a lot more powerful than u could ever imagined.;) You may hv only encountered the most powerful, yet conventional TNT n not the real "nuclear device." ;)
Still like to meet u in person n say hello.
Regards n hv a good day!!
Bro WB
Congratulations on your 10 years old thread.
Not sure when you become so young as "Toddler Todd". I like your humble style and not trying to act "dai kor". In fact after reading 31 pages learn that you started very slowly.
Agreed with you that is not how you start but where you finish that counts.
Many guys act big shot and then vanished completely in thin air after chionging for a year of two.
All these PRC gals knew the trick and you did posted how mercenary these gals can be. Can we blame them, I guess nope because the cash is laid in front of them. They will choose the load of cash as for love is a distant no no.
Alpha male or male dominance without substance again not much use in the long run. Is how the tortoise ends beating the hare to the race.
Hope to read more and contribute more to this thread.
Please enjoy a great weekend.
Spend time with your LPs.
Cheers :D:D
24-03-2018, 12:51 PM
Wow 10 years!! Congrats bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
25-03-2018, 07:42 AM
On this auspicious day, I like to express my profound gratitude to several gurus (frens) who called me, late last nite n early this AM, to give advice on issues re BY. Your candor n counseling r most appreciated. Thanks again to all of u!!
After much introspection, I realize what my fatal weakness is. I must improve my inner game which is extremely fragile. I know what I want n what I should do.
A strange thing has also happened in the last wk or so. The type of gal I like has evolved n changed. Absolute height is no longer important, as long as the gal is aesthetically pleasing to me n has very proportionate figure including her arms n legs. A shapely ass is still a must though.;)
Another attribute has gained much significance. I now prefer a gal who has intellect n higher educational level. Her ability to speak English is a plus. In other words, a gal who looks like a uni student n is smart enough n young enough to be one.
Everything being equal, I still prefer Fujian gals becos it's in my blood n genes (me being a 100% Fujian male).
On the issue of a piece of rented furniture vs. a collectible vase, I'll go w/ the flow n do what come naturally n let the chips fall where they may...
I'll try to enjoy the journey, the timeless n eternal present moment, one moment at a time, n not worry at all abt the outcome...
In the last 2 months, I hv also lost focus on many more important tasks in my life bcos chasing n BY-ing these SYTs hv taken too much time. This BY-ing thing should hv been, n from now onwards will be, a minor sideshow for me. Henceforth I will be a "one-woman man."
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,
What an auspicious Sunday.
I was reading and noticed you were quite a novice back in 2009. So different from your posts in 2015 onward where you already a powerful master with refined technique.
I started reading from the back and when I noticed that I need to read from the front then I realised what I was missing.
When you started you were trying out with trial and error. Along the way making friends and chatting. These skills are important to your later success.
I was amazed how you were so patient and can go so long. Many of yoour friends already missing in action after 3 years and most gone by 5 years.
I fully agreed with you that it doesn't matter how you start but where you finish that counted.
After all this thread already a masterpiece.
Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
May god bless you with health and longevity.
Thanks Bro WB for starting this wonderful thread.
Enjoy your Sunday.
25-03-2018, 04:46 PM
What an auspicious Sunday!
Bro LDH lost to a person who just willing to throw more money. I don't see how all this conquest signal anything great. The PRC woman was just here for short period to make as much as money she could.
Is all these considered achievement or downright stupidity?
Go to a place that sell over-priced meat and drinks just to show off. Frankly if I want a PRC gf then I go to PRC to select the best.
I was just trying to be critical here. There was just too many brothers here who provided very positive views in this thread. I just want to play the devil's advocate here.
Ask yourself, have you give 10k or 15k per month to your parents? If you have then congratulations but if not??
Anyone who sponsor this kind of money for a pussy is just plain kamikaze.
I agreed with Bro WB, the gal LL don't deserves bro LDH.
Have a nice day.
The post you quoted was written a long time ago. I now seldom use the word "conquest" when getting a new LP. It's the wrong mindset.
Pls read my posts in the last 12 months, especially #5685 and 6009.
Many KTV gals, certainly not all, and most singers are psychopathic gold diggers, like LL. Many non-WLs are also gold diggers. Avoid them!!
"Frankly if I want a PRC gf then I go to PRC to select the best." The best WLs? You could if you pay a lot. If you want to select a high quality and educated GF of your type w/ good character, you will have to live in China. And you will have to compete w/ many high quality Chinese men. You could certainly get the best if you hv the time and if you have awesome self mastery.
I'm convinced that 最优秀的男人就应该配最优秀的女人.
Bro WB,
Do you know bro MoralEpitome?
This bro is just trying to tell us he fark a gal cheap. This bloke is a typical loser bluffing in order to get cheapo farks.
............................He bluffed saying he not into straight sex but fark her ifrst date without even paying for hotel room.
This type of imbecile man are just trying to come to your thread to show his keyboard warrior fantasy.
This bro nick should be rename to "no moral"...............
Thanks for a nice thread.
Thanks for your post. I hv never met bro ME.
Bro WB so obsessed with tall chio gal. Thanks for posting such detail forums with your explorations and this thread is phenomenal.
If any gal standing at 1.75m without heels then very tall for any Asian.
Wonder how tall are you bro WB?
Hope to contribute in the near future.
Care to share what is "Dominant male stroke". I tried to search online but more describing as "Alpha Male"
Hope that I can read the meaning in future pages..............Cheers.
I used to prefer tall gals. But I hv not seen tall, young and pretty SYTs w/ great body n legs in SG for a long time. After meeting my cute yr 96 LP 3 years ago, I hv eliminated height as a requirement.
So sorry, I promised bro Austin not to reveal the so-called "Dominant male stroke."
So well written and so true. Will be my philosophy too.
Bro WB,
I had read the above 5 times. Well will also be my doctrine too.
Thanks for a marvelous thread.
Going into the pussy of a ktv is not easy and if can spend minimal money then best.
I will be learning more here and hope bro can guide me along.
Please don't stop posing too.
Hope to be able to finish reading within a month.
Hoping to secure a test soon.
Bro, tks for your post.
Can't 'guide' you. We could exchange insights and strategies.
Don't just get a gal's pussy, must capture her heart too. Sometimes spending too much money is a hindrance.
Dear Warbird,
Thanks for your replies and sharings. It has been very enlightening. In fact, your philosophy can be applied beyond romancing girls.
That said, I wanted to ask your management philosophy (and wisdom) on the abovementioned situation that you disclosed previously:
1. I understand that some women want to bear kids for males, in hope that they get more "official" status. While kids can be cute, and we may also like to have more children, but if you are married (and I would presume you are intending to stay married to your current wife), what are the traits in your LPs that gives you confidence that they will not pressure you in any way....
2. Even if they are not demanding any financial guarantees nor status, are they demanding more of your time, citing the child needing paternal love as reason? How do you cope with that?
3. Legal liabilities. While I am not sure if there is a demand to register you on their birth certificates, but certainly there will be legal....................What I must emphasize here is this: your management philosophy is transferable beyond managing your LPs, and managing your LPs with a kid requires an even higher management skills. I am sure you have considered very deeply on these issues before agreeing to let your selected LP have your kids.
Tks for your post. Yes, having a kid w/ a mistress/LP is more complicated. Select your LP carefully. What to do varies greatly. It depends on the girl and you. But a man must bear full responsibility for his kids and for the mom as long as she is w/ him.
Bro WB
Still in suspense what is "Male Dominance Technique" or device.
Anyway waiting for your response.
Looks like I think the same too as "Alpha Male".
So sorry. My promise to bro Austin can't be broken.
Looks pretty serious using Sun Tzu Art!!
I seriously thought Sun Tzu Art is for WAR and can also use in conquering woman.
Unless the PRC woman in this case considered enemy.
Will be a very intersting thread if you guys can tell us which techniques of SUn Tzu Art of War is used.
Hope you have a great day and please enjoy.
I no longer believe that a man needs to apply war strategies to get a girl. Girls are easy. Just be an ordinary man is more than enough.
Bro WB
Congratulations on your 10 years old thread.
Not sure when you become so young as "Toddler Todd". I like your humble style and not trying to act "dai kor". In fact after reading 31 pages learn that you started very slowly.
Agreed with you that is not how you start but where you finish that counts.
Many guys act big shot and then vanished completely in thin air after chionging for a year of two.
All these PRC gals knew the trick and you did posted how mercenary these gals can be. Can we blame them, I guess nope because the cash is laid in front of them. They will choose the load of cash as for love is a distant no no.
Alpha male or male dominance without substance again not much use in the long run. Is how the tortoise ends beating the hare to the race.
Hope to read more and contribute more to this thread.
Please enjoy a great weekend...................
Thanks! This thread will begin its 10th year soon. Yes, I'm still around.
Bro WB,
What an auspicious Sunday.
I was reading and noticed you were quite a novice back in 2009. So different from your posts in 2015 onward where you already a powerful master with refined technique.
I started reading from the back and when I noticed that I need to read from the front then I realised what I was missing.
When you started you were trying out with trial and error. Along the way making friends and chatting. These skills are important to your later success.
I was amazed how you were so patient and can go so long. Many of yoour friends already missing in action after 3 years and most gone by 5 years.
I fully agreed with you that it doesn't matter how you start but where you finish that counted.
After all this thread already a masterpiece.
Hope you enjoy your Sunday.
May god bless you with health and longevity.
Thank you so much!
No, I'm not a master.
Yeah, I'm still going strong and still learning everyday.
Recently, it dawned on me that one of the most important factors for connecting w/ a girl is to understand her as a person. It's hard for her to resist a man who truly understands her deepest fears, insecurity, aspirations, dreams and emotions.
In the last few weeks, I met two SYTs, both aged 18-19 yo. One of them XX wanted BY very quickly.
The other one TY is slightly prettier n taller, but she appears cold n aloof. Almost the same attitude as my legal wife when we first met decades ago. I mentioned to TY about becoming my LP twice. She remained silent.
A few days ago I met TY again. Remembering what my wife told me why she was cold and aloof, I had a good talk w/ TY.
I told her: You appear cold and aloof because of three factors. Your innate personality. You have a very strict family upbringing. And you hv adopted this attitude to ward off many men from trying to hit on you. You're actually a friendly and kind person.
Minutes later, she wanted to be my LP! I offered her a modest package for full time BY. She said: You serious? I replied yeah. She said, for how long? I said: At least one yr. She said: OK.
BTW, I never praised her looks, figure and youthfulness. I actually pointed out some of her minor physical flaws.
If I reacted to her apparently negative mental frame, game over. In the past, I might start thinking: Perhaps this young doll doesn't like behaviour n body language/voice would also become negative.
Bro WB
26-03-2018, 10:33 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
Five Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
Tip No. 4
On meeting a woman for the first time...
"You don't experience the REAL her when you first meet! Her social mask handles anyone she deals with only on a surface level. Her persona is the first test of a man's worthiness."
My comments: She will begin testing you the moment she meets you. She needs to find out if you are a real man or just a pretender. You must learn how to pass her tests.
26-03-2018, 11:20 AM
Wonder how tall are you bro WB?
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.
26-03-2018, 01:52 PM
Hi bro besafe,
Like u, I hv been too nice to these these gals.
We need to hv complete mental n emotional detachment regardless of how beautiful the gals r n no matter what happens. Live in the timeless present moment n enjoy every minute...:p
My beloved subject, the mysterious Rashomon effect, has always been on my mind. I must conclude that reality is in the mind of the beholder...see my thread on this effect:
I hv cheonged w/ a young fellow DD for abt a yr. Wats inexplicable is that our preferences for gals r so totally different, well beyond one man's meat is another...
For example, The gal who has given the best fxxk of my life is a legal cat150 Bingbing at L20H62, whom I met in Feb of this yr n for whom I wrote 2 FRs. My young fren drove me there on that fateful n auspicious day. I was immediately very attracted to the 172cm BB, but my fren DD tried very hard to dissuade me from upping her! Luckily, I took her anyway. He later picked a gal who was homely n most unattractive to me!!!
My FRs on BB r the most detailed n best I hv ever written, initial FR on 13/02/09
I RTF-ed her as often as my didi could tahan w/ the assistance of an unlimited supply of Cialis. Sadly, I had to return to Gotham City after 10 days. I guess her height of 172cm w/o shoes were unattractive to many SGP men n her business had only been so-so despite my glowing FRs. Hoping to see her again on my next visit here, I wrote an update on her while I was in Gotham City:
Unfortunately, she left our little red dot towards the end of Mar. I'm still in ctc w/ her n hv both her HP in China n Macau. How much do I like her? I hv actually thought abt spending the rest of my life w/ her in China!!:D
Another example is the SH gal SS w/ whom I had a brief encounter recently. I picked her to sit w/ DD. They were together for 2 hrs. After I told my BAO-ee GG to leave at 9PM, I gestured SS to sit w/ me...
A wk ago, DD, before leaving for China on a business trip, gave his frank opinion on SS. He knew I had lost ctc w/ her. He said, "I dare not tell u before, but she is very ordinary, I dun understand wat u see in her! BTW, do u know that her body has a smell...BO?"
I must confess that I never detected any strange smell in SS, despite spending many hrs w/ her...
There is ONLY one gal we both liked: An 18 yo Fujian gal at TAM. She was sitting on my right when I first met the mysterious Mr. Austin. He later SMs-ed that he doesn't understand what I see in her, she is very ordinary, maybe worth $200 for ST...
Now u know the power of the mysterious Rashomon Effect. Reality is indeed in the mind of the beholder, hehehe.:confused:
Ths to all bros who hv posted here. Keep them coming, hahaha. YOU make my day!!
Cheers to all!!!
Bro WB,
What a great thread here.
I have to research what "" meaning same event can be interpreted different meaning by different ppl.
One man's meat is another man's poison and there is no right nor wrong.
What you had described that you had the best sex in years. So you had benefited and enjoyed thoroughly.
Doesn't matter what others say so long you enjoyed.
It will be interesting for me to continue reading from here. So far it had been very beneficial to me.
Let us keep this thread going.
Have a great day.
26-03-2018, 02:20 PM
Support superb thread by Bro Wb. Hope to read more.
26-03-2018, 02:27 PM
Thanks! This thread will begin its 10th year soon. Yes, I'm still around.
Bro WB
Yes thanks and support for another 10 years.
26-03-2018, 02:32 PM
Bro WB, thanks for your nice thread.
Have a good week ahead.
27-03-2018, 06:01 AM
Thank you so much!
No, I'm not a master.
Yeah, I'm still going strong and still learning everyday.
Recently, it dawned on me that one of the most important factors for connecting w/ a girl is to understand her as a person. It's hard for her to resist a man who truly understands her deepest fears, insecurity, aspirations, dreams and emotions.
In the last few weeks, I met two SYTs, both aged 18-19 yo. One of them XX wanted BY very quickly.
The other one TY is slightly prettier n taller, but she appears cold n aloof. Almost the same attitude as my legal wife when we first met decades ago. I mentioned to TY about becoming my LP twice. She remained silent.
A few days ago I met TY again. Remembering what my wife told me why she was cold and aloof, I had a good talk w/ TY.
I told her: You appear cold and aloof because of three factors. Your innate personality. You have a very strict family upbringing. And you hv adopted this attitude to ward off many men from trying to hit on you. You're actually a friendly and kind person.
Minutes later, she wanted to be my LP! I offered her a modest package for full time BY. She said: You serious? I replied yeah. She said, for how long? I said: At least one yr. She said: OK.
BTW, I never praised her looks, figure and youthfulness. I actually pointed out some of her minor physical flaws.
If I reacted to her apparently negative mental frame, game over. In the past, I might start thinking: Perhaps this young doll doesn't like behaviour n body language/voice would also become negative.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for taking time to reply to me.
I learned another lesson from you.
Gal will be tough to resist a man if you understand her completely. Is as though the gal can tell her problems to someone listening to her.
That is a very good technique.
Jay Chou
27-03-2018, 07:19 AM
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.
Up u bro. 😊
27-03-2018, 04:34 PM
Went to CJ at 940PM w/ some frens. Quality of gals not good. Must go at 5PM next time.
I sort of "picked up" a gal inside someone else's room. Walked around n saw a cute SYT sitting inside another rm where there were one other gal n 6-7 men. I opened the door n gestured her to come out to talk. She came to the door n said she was already booked for the nite. I told her I wanted to book her for DC hh session the next day. I got her name TJ n HP n told her my name. The whole incident happened in less than 45 secs. One of the men in the rm was furious n started to shout at me. I apologized n disappeared quickly. TJ appeared young, 20-22?, 163 only, but had very proportionate figure. Not very sure abt her looks or anything else.
Was ready to go home after 11:20PM?, but 2 frens went down to DC n sat at the main hall n requested my accompany, I said 15 min top. There must be 27 plus singers lining up for PPC, but there were few patrons around. Of all the singers there, I only fancied one gal who looked young, slim, tall w/ very proportionate figure. Very poised. Slim upper extremity n long black hair. Couldn't see her thighs n legs though. Her body reminded me of Bingbing. Also couldn't see her face clearly from a distance but she seemed pretty. Hanged a token flower. My frens laughed n said she wasn't pretty? But the gals they fancied had most disproportionate bodies!!:confused: Fxk them! The evil Rashomon Effect at work again! Had to leave 10 minutes later w/o even knowing her name, hehehe. Will try to get a closer look at her tonite, hehehe.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,
Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.
There are plenty to digest in there.
I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.
So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.
I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?
Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.
Will continue reading this very interesting thread.
Have a great day.
27-03-2018, 07:04 PM
Support very good thread by Bro WB, please share more.
27-03-2018, 10:48 PM
Nice sharing
28-03-2018, 05:34 PM
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Yesterday evening my fren managed to pick up all 3 gals n me n we all went to the lounge on the 23rd fl at the Fairmont. I thought I was in Gotham City as the majority of guests were Ang Mo. From the veranda, I could get a great view of perhaps half of the race track.
Unfortunately, the American MK didn't like the English-speaking PRC MM I intro, saying that he preferred someone w/ a little more her, pointing to my Dongbei GF. He didn't like GO either as she was aloof n cool. Actually GO was uncomfortable n felt out of place bcos she had never seen so many Ang Mo in her entire life. I told GO to leave early.
MK will be spending quite a lot of time here n has a suite reserved for him as he is on the board of the Raffles Hotel grp. I advised him to BY a local Chn who could speak good English.
BTW, I'm a bit indisposed w/ flu n will be out of commission for a few days.:(
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Wow played too hard and really went under weather. I can understand sometimes tiring to intro a gal to another friend. Always tough decision and dun match.
I have stopped intro gals to any friends and always prefer to tell friends you choose your own. Friends always complain no time to go select and still I dun care because is their choice.
I am sure your PRC mm will definitely be out of place in a group of english speaking friends and dun even need to be ang mo.
Hope to read this fabulous thread to the end.
Hope all of you guys have a great evening.
28-03-2018, 10:25 PM
Bro WB,
Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.
There are plenty to digest in there.
I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.
So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.
I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?
Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.
Will continue reading this very interesting thread.
Have a great day.
Will continue to follow this thread too.
29-03-2018, 03:18 PM
You should meet him in person at an outing. Unassuming man, and nice to chat with.
Long time no see.
Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I usually go for dinner, then return around 9pm.
Bro WB,
What a great thread here.
I have to research what "" meaning same event can be interpreted different meaning by different ppl.
One man's meat is another man's poison and there is no right nor wrong.
What you had described that you had the best sex in years. So you had benefited and enjoyed thoroughly.
Doesn't matter what others say so long you enjoyed.
It will be interesting for me to continue reading from here. So far it had been very beneficial to me.
Let us keep this thread going.
Have a great day.
Tks! You should watch the movie Rashomon.
Bro WB
Thank you for taking time to reply to me.
I learned another lesson from you.
Gal will be tough to resist a man if you understand her completely. Is as though the gal can tell her problems to someone listening to her.
That is a very good technique.
Thanks for ur post.
I just learned that myself, unwittingly. It's a missing piece in the puzzle.
I actually told TY the fourth reason why she was so cold and aloof. "You're very insecure and fearful." "You're a kind and friendly person inside."
I hit a home run! I'm certain that no boy/man has ever told her that. BTW, she only had one previous BF in her entire life. He is about her age.
I was non-reactive to her negative mental frame n was able to suck her into my reality. I must confess that I was on the verge of giving up. Then I thought abt my legal wife when she was very young...
Bro WB,
Well done for starting such a wonderful thread. Was reading about all your experiences picking up ktv gals and correspondences with brothers Austin, Marc5, justime, etc.
There are plenty to digest in there.
I wanted to comment on above post because I felt that ktv gals are here for a reason and we knew make money.
So here you saw a gal your taste and took her contact when she was booked for the nite by another client. Here it seems that we go market to choose a piece of meat and the first bidder paid gets it.
I hope my analogy was correct or any comment?
Not sure what happened if a jealous guy came out and just whack you for doing so. Anyway all fights started because of woman and in the past dynasties wiped out also because of woman.
Will continue reading this very interesting thread.
Have a great day.
Tks, but I don't think he was going to whack me. If he did hit me, I would not resist. I would fall and sue him.
Wow played too hard and really went under weather. I can understand sometimes tiring to intro a gal to another friend. Always tough decision and dun match.
I have stopped intro gals to any friends and always prefer to tell friends you choose your own. Friends always complain no time to go select and still I dun care because is their choice.
I am sure your PRC mm will definitely be out of place in a group of english speaking friends and dun even need to be ang mo.
Hope to read this fabulous thread to the end.
Hope all of you guys have a great evening.
Tks for your post.
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I may go for dinner, then return around 9pm.
I need to see many, many girls to find one I like. Are there other places where I can see so many girls FOC? Let me know asap, thanks. I know the quality is very bad and many women are in their 40s. I think some are over 50!! I may take a look at their granddaughters who are 18 haha. But there are still rare gems once in a blue moon.
Bro WB!
29-03-2018, 03:57 PM
Tks! You should watch the movie Rashomon.
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I may go for dinner, then return around 9pm.
I need to see many, many girls to find one I like. Are there other places where I can see so many girls FOC? Let me know asap, thanks. I know the quality is very bad and many women are in their 40s. I think some are over 50!! I may take a look at their granddaughters who are 18 haha. But there are still rare gems once in a blue moon.
Bro WB!
Bro sure thanks will watch the movie.
Enjoy your little pickup entertainment.
30-03-2018, 10:09 AM
Support great thread by bro WB
Happy holiday!
30-03-2018, 02:31 PM
Five Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
Tip No. 5
On physical attractiveness...
"Attraction is a simple phenomenon for men; looks are clearly the most important factor to them when it comes to "attractiveness". Though different guys have various preferences and political correctness may make us say otherwise in public, the thing that first attracts us to a woman is her physical appearance. Because this response happens so strongly with us, we assume that it happens the same way for women... a common error in thinking in that many people make in many areas of life."
My comments: Women and men are different. What attracts a man is not the same thing that attracts a woman. You must get over the idea that you need to look like a supermodel in order to succeed with women.
Most guys who are very successful with women are not supermodels, they are not rich, and they are not famous. They just know how to think, what to say, and how to act around women. You can learn to do the same.
Bro WB
30-03-2018, 05:25 PM
Good morning to all bros,
I hv become a laughing stock, at least to a few of my personal frens, bcos of my "abnormal" fixation n predilection for tall gals. One of them wants to "cure" me of my addiction or disease. He told me he would intro 2 VERY pretty n VERY cute n newly-arrived gals to me, n he would arrange for the meet-up outside KTVs, hehehe. They r both 19 yo n only abt 155cm. How could I refuse? I'll be thrilled if just one of them is as attractive as my long-lost "Pocket Venus."
On the subject of height disparity, my heartthrob, the statuesque 172-173cm BB, is a mere 5cm or so taller. My fondness for her is partly due to the fact tat my didi is a perfect fit...
I'm actually much taller n heavier than the average horse jockey in America. Successful jockeys r known to keep very tall women as their Gfs or lovers.
For example, Joe Talamo, the famed horse jockey who is under 155cm, has a current GF/lover who is 180cm.
The most extreme is perhaps the curious case of Tattoo, the dwarf in the popular TV serials Fantasy island, who was less than 115cm in height. His long-time lover was a 174cm young woman named Kathy. I wonder if his didi was a perfect fit for Kathy's meimei.:confused:;)
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Nothing wrong to have your sexdiction for tall gals.!!
Thank you thank you Sifu Warbird!
I am totally bowled over by your intellect and knowledge. Looks like both of Sifu's HEADs are equally capable!
I seldom follow any thread here for more than 3-4 pages but for this thread, I dare say I have read every post from the very beginning all the way here. Very impressed by the experts here and I have learnt a lot. Only thing is, I am a nobody, a homebody most of the time, a coward usually if you will, as far as looking at girls and holding eye contact are concerned. Have never been to a KTV alone. Have walked past many hair salons and turned away immediately the moment a pretty PRC inside looked at or smiled at me.
I will continue to read here and learn. Hopefully one day I can begin to put the knowledge gained here to work for me.
Hope all have a great long Good Friday Weekend.!!
30-03-2018, 05:33 PM
Wow excellent thread!
Hope to read more.
30-03-2018, 09:23 PM
Good morning to all fellow samsters. This is a great moment to be alive! Every moment is magical...
I got zapped 4 pts:
"Picking up KTV gals... 06-10-2009 05:41 PM For upping up Kiko."
I guess the esteemed zapper didn't know that MY WORD IS MY BOND. Just read my siggy:
"If u up me, leave ur nick n PM me. I GUARANTEE to reciprocate ASAP."
Let me reiterate: MY WORD IS MY BOND N YOU CAN COUNT ON MY GUARANTEE. There will be NO exceptions.
Good day!!
Bro WB,
Congrats on a fantastic thread.
There are plenty of small headed people who despise others having fun. Just ignore them.
Enjoy yourself. Have fun.
Yo bro LDH,
I'm sure a man of ur calibre is very resourceful n adaptable...n u must hv delivered a good speech last nite.
Your new gal FF is intriguing...I know u will accomplish a FOC ST on her, hahaha. Wow! You r fast becoming the most dangerous predator!
Last nite I took that Manzhou gal JY to a "secluded place" n released a small "suitcase" device. It was wonderful n I didn't know a gal could come so violently for so long. Of course the device's power is very modest compared w/ ur massive megaton weapons (not to mention Mr. Austin's). But the result was already much better than I had expected, hahaha.
BTW, she has a very balanced n proportionate torso/limbs, B cups w/ large protruding pinkish tits. Beautiful but a bit bushy abalone n tight cunt. Of course very very wet n violently responsive, hehehe. After the session, I only paid her half her wkly allowance, the rest before I leave.
Good day!!
Bro WB
Unbelievable that you guys are having so much fun. Really appreciate all your posts that so inspiring to me.
I will want to be as successful as you.
Hope all will have a great weekend.
Happy easter.
30-03-2018, 09:29 PM
Bro WB,
Congrats on a fantastic thread.
There are plenty of small headed people who despise others having fun. Just ignore them.
Enjoy yourself. Have fun.
So you are big headed? :eek:
01-04-2018, 12:38 PM
Five Terrific Tips to Attract Beautiful Women
Tip No. 5
On physical attractiveness...
"Attraction is a simple phenomenon for men; looks are clearly the most important factor to them when it comes to "attractiveness". Though different guys have various preferences and political correctness may make us say otherwise in public, the thing that first attracts us to a woman is her physical appearance. Because this response happens so strongly with us, we assume that it happens the same way for women... a common error in thinking in that many people make in many areas of life."
My comments: Women and men are different. What attracts a man is not the same thing that attracts a woman. You must get over the idea that you need to look like a supermodel in order to succeed with women.
Most guys who are very successful with women are not supermodels, they are not rich, and they are not famous. They just know how to think, what to say, and how to act around women. You can learn to do the same.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the terrific tips. Agreed with you that women and men are different beings. Men see things differently and each man is different. Men can have different tastes and termed beauty differently.
Whereas women have typically same visions and process information the same way. Women will like men with typical macho and manly. Of course women loves the same luxury things and loves family.
Hope to understand more about women from this thread.
Cheers and hope happy weekend.
01-04-2018, 01:30 PM
Very good thread by Bro WB, have a nice Sunday.
01-04-2018, 02:32 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Pls come to my outing some day or we could just tour all the Peace Centre joints FOC. Usually starting from 5:45pm. I may go for dinner, then return around 9pm.
I need to see many, many girls to find one I like. Are there other places where I can see so many girls FOC? Let me know asap, thanks. I know the quality is very bad and many women are in their 40s. I think some are over 50!! I may take a look at their granddaughters who are 18 haha. But there are still rare gems once in a blue moon.
Bro WB!
Bro WB
I will try to make it to your outing since you invited. I will pm you when I return from business trip.
Thanks for ur post.
I just learned that myself, unwittingly. It's a missing piece in the puzzle.
I actually told TY the fourth reason why she was so cold and aloof. "You're very insecure and fearful." "You're a kind and friendly person inside."
I hit a home run! I'm certain that no boy/man has ever told her that. BTW, she only had one previous BF in her entire life. He is about her age.
I was non-reactive to her negative mental frame n was able to suck her into my reality. I must confess that I was on the verge of giving up. Then I thought abt my legal wife when she was very young...
Bro WB!
Bro WB
Understand a gal is very important similar to hitting a homerun in baseball.
Really admired you for been so patient and repeat the process since 2009.
Love the whoel thread very much.
Will continue to participate in your thread.
01-04-2018, 03:01 PM
Happy Easter everyone.
02-04-2018, 07:11 AM
Tks for your post.
Bro WB!
Tks bro for your reply.
02-04-2018, 09:11 AM
Great thread by bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Please continue sharing.
02-04-2018, 01:27 PM
On the subject of learning, I hv come to the realization that there is always room for improvement, even in a technique or method one is very familiar w/. This is true for every endeavor in life.
Take a special technique to induce intense clitoral orgasm called the W method. I hv tried it on a no of gals w/ mixed results. Some hv experienced fantastic orgasms but some hv not. It requires minor modifications, refinements n nuances not written or reported anywhere. One may also need to modify the technique depending on the individual gal. It's a trial n error thing. Once u know the exact method for a particular gal, she is at ur complete mercy. BTW, for those not well versed in female reproductive anatomy, ID of the exact areas may be impossible. This is just one of the many methods to induce clitoral orgasms. Then there is vaginal G-spot n deep spot, anal, mixed, hypnotic orgasms, etc.
The other overlooked factor is the rapport w/ the gal. She needs to trust u n be completely relaxed, secure n comfortable. He physical n mental state at the time is another factor which may be out of ur control. She is usually more receptive n horny n wet during ovulation.
Like the practice of medicine, which is not an exact science, love making is part art n part science n is subject to great individual variations...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,
Thanks for starting such a great thread.
I am keen to learn about the clitoral stimulation for intense orgasms. BTw, what is the W method?
Not sure the website guide is any use?
Agreed with you that we may need minor modification for each gal.
Hope to read more and learn form you in this thread.
Have a great week ahead.
Please enjoy yourself.
02-04-2018, 02:31 PM
Tks bro for your reply.
Blood bath here and just one zap hit me with a hundred plus points.
Anyway I am not sure why my post angered anyone but doesn't matter.. Still can post and support bro WB.
02-04-2018, 02:36 PM
Yo bro AHGONG,
Soul mate is a term sometimes used to designate someone with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soul mate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join. However, not everyone who uses these terms intends them to carry such mystical connotations.
We all should improve our inner qualities n living our inner purpose. A soul mate would then come naturally n effortlessly...
Not trying to be cynical, but I wonder if RS between 2 soul mates is "everlasting" in this impermanent Universe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
What a wonderful n blissful moment!! This present moment is timeless...
I like to wish all esteemed bros here a very happy Mid Autumn Festival!!
Let me share w/ u a beloved Chinese poem to celebrate this magical moment. It's said to be the best poem ever written for the Festival:
明月几时有? 把酒问青天。
不知天上宫阙, 今夕是何年。
(苏东坡,中秋节 1076AD)
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!:p
Bro WB
Thanks for the Song Dongpo Mid-Autumn Festival 1076AD.
That's a long time ago and still can use.
Yes, soul mate is important.
Thanks for the above post.
02-04-2018, 04:20 PM
Good morning to all esteemed samsters,
Another blissful moment to be alive...
last nite's outing to DC sh was one of the best ever for me. I enjoyed immensely the company n camaraderie of 4 most esteemed bros. The selection of gals was somewhat limited on a Sat nite but there were a few gems. One bro had a chio singer who sang all my favourite Chinese songs extremely well...
I spoke at length w/ bro GoGoGo who owns a business n a no of properties in ZH. He answered all my questions re keeping a mistress there. I may go ahead n keep that 172cm BB there if everything goes according to plan. Setting up a shell co is a great idea. Ths so much bro. Will call u soon.
We had the best small rm in the joint: K.6 which is next to where all the idle gals gather in the main hall n is directly facing the stage.
BTW, a little over 5 wks ago, I was in the same rm n saw that young 170cm SH gal SS standing 5-6 feet from the dr at around 6:40PM. I approached her as I was attracted by her height n body type. I was a bit hesitant when I saw her face bcos she had quite a lot of makeup on n had her long hair down. I told her I was getting her for a fren n had to check w/ him first before she could sit w/ him. I then walked inside K.6 n she just followed behind me !!
She is actually very chio (see MR. Austin's comments) when she put her hair in a ponytail n had very little makeup on. Wow!!
I frenched her, squeezed her boobs n her ass inside a DC's rm the next day. She offered NO resistance at all. I could hv eaten her abalone that nite but didn't as I had 3 BAO-ees then!! I told her to wait 5 days. My big mistake bcos I lost her to another man. I'm now wiser.
Take home lessons:
1) It's now or never. When a gal offers No resistance to ur frenching, etc. in a high end KTV, her pussy is yours. But u must ESCALATE ur advances, preferably the same nite. If not, the very next day. I didn't escalate for several days while out w/ her alone. Very bad idea. Why? From a fearless, overconfident dominant male, I had turned into a nice wussy, a low-ranking beta man, at least in her subconscious mind.:( The same principle applies to non-WLs.
2) Paying well below market rate for someone w/ her looks, figure, youth n intellect. I offered a mere 5K a month while allowing her to work occasionally. In retrospect, she had dropped hint that she made a lot more running KTV. She is easily worth 10K a month. Another reason I made a low ball offer was the fact that I got her too easily!! I guess being a die-hard value investor has its drawback. There is a big difference between a chio gal n an undervalued stock, hahaha.:D
I feel fantastic right this minute. I learn from the past n plan for the future, but live in the eternal present moment...
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,
I supposed playing this game of "pickup ktv gals" very important.
I am very impressed with your take home lesson.
Fully agreed that if a gal let guy frenching then sure her pussy can be upped.
Also true you can pay lower BY amount if she already yours and lower value stock.
Really love your prestigious thread.
I really learned so much in a short time.
02-04-2018, 08:30 PM
Bro WB,
I supposed playing this game of "pickup ktv gals" very important.
I am very impressed with your take home lesson.
Fully agreed that if a gal let guy frenching then sure her pussy can be upped.
Also true you can pay lower BY amount if she already yours and lower value stock.
Really love your prestigious thread.
I really learned so much in a short time.
I am very impressed by Bro WB too.
04-04-2018, 02:13 AM
Bro sure thanks will watch the movie.
Enjoy your little pickup entertainment.
Welcome, have you watched the movie? Any comments?
Bro WB
Nothing wrong to have your sexdiction for tall gals.!!
Thank you thank you Sifu Warbird!
I am totally bowled over by your intellect and knowledge. Looks like both of Sifu's HEADs are equally capable!
I seldom follow any thread here for more than 3-4 pages but for this thread, I dare say I have read every post from the very beginning all the way here. Very impressed by the experts here and I have learnt a lot. Only thing is, I am a nobody, a homebody most of the time, a coward usually if you will, as far as looking at girls and holding eye contact are concerned. Have never been to a KTV alone. Have walked past many hair salons and turned away immediately the moment a pretty PRC inside looked at or smiled at me.
I will continue to read here and learn. Hopefully one day I can begin to put the knowledge gained here to work for me.
Hope all have a great long Good Friday Weekend.!!
Thanks for your post. You make my day!
But I'm not a sifu, just a very diligent learner.
I'm attracted to a gal's right proportions from head to toes, not her actual height. It's very hard, but not impossible, for a short gal to hv the right proportions I like. My shortest LP is 160. EVERY anatomical part of her is proportionately small haha.
You're a shy person. Are u a perfectionist like me? It's a great handicap for getting girls.
Reading some posts and books a few times won't change anything. Read them 10-20 times. Visualize in your mind's eye the type of man you want to become, many times daily. Then go out there and practice w/ every gal or woman of your type.
Make eye contact, smile, use your voice...slow down...maintain your frame and attitude. Be a man.
Give us your FR.
Good luck!
Bro WB,
Congrats on a fantastic thread.
There are plenty of small headed people who despise others having fun. Just ignore them.
Enjoy yourself. Have fun.
Bro WB
Unbelievable that you guys are having so much fun. Really appreciate all your posts that so inspiring to me.
I will want to be as successful as you.
Hope all will have a great weekend.
Happy easter.
Bro, tks for your post.
You're right.
Yeah, the process of making love to girls/women of your type is fun. It's natural. Young women are easier than most men think.
Bro WB
Thanks for the terrific tips. Agreed with you that women and men are different beings. Men see things differently and each man is different. Men can have different tastes and termed beauty differently.
Whereas women have typically same visions and process information the same way. Women will like men with typical macho and manly. Of course women loves the same luxury things and loves family.
Hope to understand more about women from this thread.
Cheers and hope happy weekend.
Yes, you're right. But most men don't really believe it.
Men are mainly attracted to a woman's looks and figure. Whereas women are mainly attracted to a man's masculine behavior.
Bro WB
I will try to make it to your outing since you invited. I will pm you when I return from business trip.
Bro WB
Understand a gal is very important similar to hitting a homerun in baseball.
Really admired you for been so patient and repeat the process since 2009.
Love the whoel thread very much.
Will continue to participate in your thread.
Bro, tks for your post.
Let me know when you come back. I'm also overseas now, will return in a few weeks.
We must learn to listen carefully. That is the only way to understand a person, but most people listen to prepare for a clever response and/or to impress others. See the difference?
That originally cold and aloof SYT told me, a few days ago, she wanted to accompany me to Gotham City. I said next time. She said she was very scared of losing me haha. She is very naive and a very simple person.
Happy Easter everyone.
Tks bro for your reply.
Great thread by bro WB, learnt a lot here.
Please continue sharing.
Bros, thank you!!
Bro WB,
Thanks for starting such a great thread.
I am keen to learn about the clitoral stimulation for intense orgasms. BTw, what is the W method?
Not sure the website guide is any use?
Agreed with you that we may need minor modification for each gal.
Hope to read more and learn form you in this thread.
Have a great week ahead.
Please enjoy yourself.
Bro, tks!
You could just google it. It was supposed to be a method first used by a Msian couple.
Blood bath here and just one zap hit me with a hundred plus points.
Anyway I am not sure why my post angered anyone but doesn't matter.. Still can post and support bro WB.
Bro, tks!
You and bro huangxiaotu were zapped by someone w/ more than 100 points? I wish the zapper could ID himself and state the reasons why he zapped the two of you.
Bro WB
Thanks for the Song Dongpo Mid-Autumn Festival 1076AD.
That's a long time ago and still can use.
Yes, soul mate is important.
Thanks for the above post.
Tks for the post. Too bad that I can't up you again.
Thanks again!
Bro WB,
I supposed playing this game of "pickup ktv gals" very important.
I am very impressed with your take home lesson.
Fully agreed that if a gal let guy frenching then sure her pussy can be upped.
Also true you can pay lower BY amount if she already yours and lower value stock.
Really love your prestigious thread.
I really learned so much in a short time.
I called this 20 yo SHA gal the cooked duck haha. I did BY her briefly in early 2010. She didn't look that good in the nude. Her butt was quite big but wasn't shapely. And her pussy was unusually large for a 20 yo girl. No childbirth.
I introduced an agent to her in 2011 n she became a singer in a large HFJ. I never went to see her.
I am very impressed by Bro WB too.
Bro, thanks!
Good morning and thanks to all samsters!
Bro WB
04-04-2018, 10:16 AM
Bro, tks!
You and bro huangxiaotu were zapped by someone w/ more than 100 points? I wish the zapper could ID himself and state the reasons why he zapped the two of you.
Tks for the post. Too bad that I can't up you again.
Thanks again!
Bro WB
No worries about points. Just continue to have fun here and ignore all the clown who think small.
Enjoy your trip to Gotham City.
Do remember to post regularly and guide us to eternity.
04-04-2018, 11:51 AM
No worries about points. Just continue to have fun here and ignore all the clown who think small.
Enjoy your trip to Gotham City.
Do remember to post regularly and guide us to eternity.
Thanks for your post.
I'm in Gotham City now.
We shouldn't really care about points as long as we could continue to post.
You hv the right mindset! Having fun is very attractive to girls and women.
We should also forget about all those naysayers and haters. Let's the fun begin!
I like to share an email from a guru on The Magnetic Power of Having Fun
Bro Warbird,
Today we've got a little story about what happens when one of our readers decides to forget about women, let loose, and have some fun.
The irony is that the women become irresistibly drawn to him.
It's a strange world, isn't it?
Read on...
"On Saturday, I attended my co-worker's wedding.
The dancing started right after dinner, and while I normally give dancing a miss, the combination of friendly atmosphere and high level of alcohol in my blood made me join the fun.
Shortly after I stormed the dancing floor, they started playing "Play That Funky Music White Boy" and it really got me going.
Minding My Own Business
Well... I was like minding my own business and doing my thang (sadly, it was more of a "thang" than real dancing), when the DJ suddenly announced, "I think we've just found our funky white boy, check this guy out!"
And when I started looking for this guy, I discovered that he was talking about me!
Needless to say, thirty seconds or so after this somewhat surprising development, I had a video camera pointed at me, and scores of really fine-looking ladies dancing around me and vying for my attention.
A Shot of Confidence Straight to the Brain
Did it make me nervous?
On the contrary! That was like a shot of confidence straight to the brain!
I spent a long time on that dancing floor, twisting, swinging and chicken-dancing with many honeys (bride included), and finished the evening with some phone numbers, a big smile on my face, and a really nasty headache.
As a side note, I should add that during that dancing (or whatever you call it) session, a lot of women complimented me on the way I looked and the way I was dressed.
The Funky White Boy
This morning, I also found out that I am now known to all of my co-workers as "the funky white boy."
The reason I'm telling you this story is because I think I'm a horrible dancer. I don't know if I got all the attention because I did something right, or because I was so goofy nobody could have ignored me. The truth is that it doesn't really matter.
I've discovered my true purpose in life and I shall frequent the dance-clubs downtown and show everybody what the funky white boy can do!"
I think a horrible or goofy singer could have as much fun too...
Bro WB
04-04-2018, 02:38 PM
BTW, ur gal the nite before is one of the sexiest n hottest KTV gals I hv seen. She is in ur pocket, hehehe. You're THE ST King n u never overpay.;) I hv much to learn from u. In my next trip here, I'll keep just one BAO-ee at a time n then do occ ST...
Like u, I also get bored w/ a gal after one wk. My interest may drop to zero after 2 wks. But, unfortunately, I hv a very big problem in that after another 2-3 wks, I may start thinking abt that same gal again. If she is no longer available bcos she is back in PRC or being BAO-ed by another man, my craving for her could become unbearable. It's not KC as this has happened w/ many gals before. I now try to maintain ctc w/ almost all my previous BAO-ees. Just knowing that she is still available, even though she is in PRC or elsewhere, is often enough to quench my thirst.
I wonder if there r other bros who suffer from same syndrome? It's a life-long affliction as I especially crave gals who r no longer available.
When I was a young man, there was a very pretty 18 yo local gal who wanted to marry me n follow me to Gotham City. It happened so fast that I thought there was something wrong w/ her! I left alone n didn't bother to maintain ctc. But I started thinking of her after 2 months...came back in another few months n heard that she was already married! There hv been others...:(
Have a great trip, bro.
Bro WB
Was reading the first 10 pages of this thread and I just wanted to read on.
I also share the same problem. I also lost interest with a gal after a short period, sometimes 1 week and sometimes 1 month. I can lose interest faster if the gal is dead fish.
Let me just share forum.
I was attracted to this gal and thinking she was my goddess. Cute face and nice shape with good size boobs. I took things very slow and trying to understand her and keeping my interest on her high. I can consummate the deal earlier but I told myself I wanted to romance her.
So once make arrangement to fly to a beach resort destination and after checking in we started kissing. Then she stop me going further saying she was hungry. So left high and dry without deed done. Left for some food and drinks and night time, we bathe separately. I always prefer gal to bathe together and can caress her silky skin with foam bath. Nice to play with her areola and the butt crack too.
Anyway after bathing she came out wearing her house pyjamas saying she cannot sleep naked. That night we consummated but after 1 day I lost interest on her. hahaha.
Hope bro WB not bored with my little forum.
BTW, bro justime really good forum writer and enjoyed reading his posts.
Bro LDH really good at picking chio gals.
Hope all the forums keep coming in.
Good luck guys.
04-04-2018, 06:16 PM
Bro WB
Was reading the first 10 pages of this thread and I just wanted to read on.
I also share the same problem. I also lost interest with a gal after a short period, sometimes 1 week and sometimes 1 month. I can lose interest faster if the gal is dead fish.
Let me just share forum.
I was attracted to this gal and thinking she was my goddess. Cute face and nice shape with good size boobs. I took things very slow and trying to understand her and keeping my interest on her high. I can consummate the deal earlier but I told myself I wanted to romance her.
So once make arrangement to fly to a beach resort destination and after checking in we started kissing. Then she stop me going further saying she was hungry. So left high and dry without deed done. Left for some food and drinks and night time, we bathe separately. I always prefer gal to bathe together and can caress her silky skin with foam bath. Nice to play with her areola and the butt crack too.
Anyway after bathing she came out wearing her house pyjamas saying she cannot sleep naked. That night we consummated but after 1 day I lost interest on her. hahaha.
Hope bro WB not bored with my little forum.
BTW, bro justime really good forum writer and enjoyed reading his posts.
Bro LDH really good at picking chio gals.
Hope all the forums keep coming in.
Good luck guys.
Wow married then lost interest after 1 day, salute you man. hahaha.
05-04-2018, 12:28 PM
Yo esteemed bro Justime,
M's sister is attractive but is definitely not as well endowed as her sis.;) Her photos r incredible though...
Yes, JY's raw abalone is fresh, sweet-smelling n yummy!:D No wasabi or any other condiments needed. Very juicy too, hehehe. I'll give a more detailed FR later.
Wow! You're an international entrepreneur n a roaming predator, hehehe.
I'm not surprised that Sarah is infatuated w/ u. If only I had ur looks, height n just half ur mojo...;)
Also ths for sharing ur experience w/ that Pinoy Camille. I doubt the gal in my avatar would ever invite an old chi ko pek to meet her family in Changsa. She was born in 1986 n I might be a lot older than her dad! BTW, she deleted all the photos in her QQ space a few days ago bcos there were a sudden surge of strangers trying to add her as fren.:confused:
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB - love the way you put a ccb as no need wasabi.
Have you ever encountered foul smelling abalone or ccb? I am sure quite a few unhygienic women will have this foul smelling abalone that let guy pukes when encountered one.
Personally I got very turned off when I came across a ccb. I cannot bothered with how pretty she looks but a ccb turned me off and my lil bro will go to sleep quickly. I may not even bothered to bonk her.
So now I knew where your avatar came from. Interesting to note you are still using the same gal as avatar even after almost a decade. This shows your reputation goes a long way.
Hope to finish reading your thread and learn more things from a great sifu.
Please accept my sincere thanks for such an awesome thread.
Enjoy your holiday in Gotham City.
05-04-2018, 12:35 PM
Bro, tks!
You could just google it. It was supposed to be a method first used by a Msian couple.
Bro WB
Oh, is it using the "Award-Winning & Famous - Womanizer" which is actually sex toys.
05-04-2018, 12:39 PM
I called this 20 yo SHA gal the cooked duck haha. I did BY her briefly in early 2010. She didn't look that good in the nude. Her butt was quite big but wasn't shapely. And her pussy was unusually large for a 20 yo girl. No childbirth.
I introduced an agent to her in 2011 n she became a singer in a large HFJ. I never went to see her.
Bro WB
Bro, many thanks for the reply.
"cooked duck" - lovely name.
Shall always support here.
05-04-2018, 01:41 PM
Support bro WB best thread.
05-04-2018, 01:43 PM
Wow married then lost interest after 1 day, salute you man. hahaha.
Don't think he mentioned marriage?
05-04-2018, 03:19 PM
Bro WB, let me give you a pat on your back for the great post below.
"天下没有不散的宴席, 你不必过于伤感" literally translate meaning -
There is no feast that will not end. Don't need to be sad.
I like your style as gentleman. Even you want to divorce your BY you still very caring and keeping in touch.
I split with my ex and she was like wailing and ruining her makeup. Not sure those are real tears or top class actress with crocodile tears.
Again like your way that you knew how to continue to enjoy just after split. Back to hunting for fresh pussy. Even for a week you can get a raw deal.
Just a joke - even LKY love to go ktv hunting for gals.
Cheers to all the deserving hunters on your lovely finds.
Hope you continue to post more to share with us.
Please keep this masterpiece thread going for a long time.
We need more brothers to post here.
Another blissful moment to be alive...
A Chinese adage 天下没有不散的宴席, 你不必过于伤感 should be remembered when BAO-ing PRC MMs. They all come w/ an expiration date. So dun be sentimental.
When It's time to say goodbye to a BAO-ee, whatever the reason n whatever the circumstances, I always make sure the parting is amicable. I also try to maintain ctc w/ them, wherever they are, cus after some time I may want to taste their pussies again.;)
Keeping the adage in mind, I met my first BAO-ee XX to say goodbye early this month. Though barely 22, she looked more like 25, was low-spirited n a bit glum. Working 13 months at KTVs in SGP had taken its toll on her looks n she was no longer the very chio n fresh student I used to like very much. That innocent gal, I realized w/ a tinge of sadness, was gone forever...:(
After dinner w/ XX, I rushed to DC at abt 7:20PM to join the gang. All 3 esteemed bros, LDH, LKY n my young fren the Manz, had a chio gal in their arms in the rm. I paced the main hall n up n down DC twice, no luck...even though I merely wanted a gal to sit w/ me for a couple of hrs, not searching for another BAO-ee since I only had little time left in SGP. Then bro LKY put his arm on my shoulder n we both went to look at the gals again.
There were perhaps 35-40 gals in the main hall. I spotted 6-7 gals sitting on the back of a long sofa. One attracted my attention. She was dressed like an OL n appeared to hv good height n proportionate figure n straight legs. Also very little makeup. I invited her to join me .
The gal was JY, just turned 25, 165 cm w/o shoes, 48 kg, slim, very fair. Nice boobs n perky ass w/ attractive head/torso/legs ratio n very small bony frame. She looked more n more chio as the nite progressed. She was a full-blooded 满族 but born n bred in Inner Mongolia. Following her graduation w/ a degree in business/accounting from a uni in Beijing, she had worked for a trading firm in Shandong for 3 yrs, but was laid off several months ago. She arrived in SGP over 1 1 /2 months ago on a social pass. I identified her as a kinesthetic n modified my speech n actions accordingly...
I liked her looks n body type. My sexual craving for her began to build up...before long I was salivating over her cleavage n shapely thighs/legs n my didi was swollen n throbbing.:eek: In my mind's eye I visualized how her nipples n pussy would look n how she would respond when I lick n suck them...I asked her for ST, but she said sorry, NO. I waited for 20 min, then popped my question. "How could I take good care of u? I hv only 1 wk left in Sin."
She didn't reply immediately. I made an offer of x amt to "take care" of her for a wk. She asked for clarification n details. She thought for a while, glanced at me twice, n then said OK. We also agreed on specific terms. She assured me that she had no prior surgery, childbirth, tattoos or scars, etc. Then I hugged her but she was a bit uneasy. Won't let me kiss her on the lips either. She whispered that pls not here, only when we r alone. I was displeased n as I had another BAO-ee n might only up her twice...sort of buyer remorse, I tried to reduce my initial offer, but she said forget the deal. I relented n told her we would begin our new RS tmr. I would pay half after the first session n the remaining towards the end.
I then requested some mummies to gather info on her such as whether she did ST, etc. The next PM they informed me that no ST or BY-ing as far as they knew. That was good enough for me. I met JY to consummate the deal that evening...
I met her everyday for the following 6 days! Quite a feat for an old chi ko pek. It was the most satisfying n memorable one wk for me n the best BY ever in many ways. I tested the "suitcase device" twice n her responses were explosive n violent n prolonged...hahaha.:D
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
05-04-2018, 05:40 PM
Don't think he mentioned marriage?
He used the word consummate, if not married why consummate?
06-04-2018, 09:48 AM
Very good thread, support too.
06-04-2018, 12:34 PM
Some random musings on BY game...
I hv one unusual problem.
I normally dun BY a gal who does ST n as a result, the first time I look at my BAO-ee's stark naked body is AFTER I hv agreed on the terms n I'm abt to consummate the deal. To avoid surprises, I try to get more info as to such basic services such as frenching, painting, BJ, positions n frequency etc. And I always ask if the gal has had any prior surgery, childbirth, large tattoos, scars, birth marks, etc. before making a final decision. Another question is visits from her big auntie.
Thus far I hv had only minor disappointments. There was a very chio gal from TAM who had agreed to my generous offer to BY n but when I asked her point blank abt childbirth, she became quite perturbed. Despite her denial I knew she was lying. She had long n slim arms which were unusual in women who carried small kids in their arms. There r always exceptions.
BTW, my standards r not high, just quirky n different. Of course I like a chio gal w/ proportionate figure. But there is an anatomical part which is even more important to me n yet unknowable beforehand: The appearance of her abalone.;)
An unattractive pussy or any unpleasant smell will turn my didi cold instantly. No negotiation or compromise here. A moderate bush is ideal. I dislike dark brown or black pussy, large clit or flaps (labia). I love pale n pinkish n aesthetically pleasing abalone which is edible n delicious.:D
Then the tightness n wetness of her pussy n her overall responsiveness r also of vital importance, something that can't be determined until I insert my didi...
Perhaps in my future BY I should suggest a test drive first.:D
Your comments, criticisms n suggestions will be greatly appreciated.:p
Good day to all of u!!
Bro WB
Very detail musing you had posted long time ago.
Me too, cannot stand woman with stretch mark tummy after childbirth. Quite an ugly sight if lights on. Also smelly pussy no no too.
Once I was hooking a FL woman for ST and after we did all the pent-up hot petting and frenching, we stripped and saw her tummy flabby with stretch marks and worst smelly pussy really a turn cold for my dick.
For your case, since you are baoing the woman then you really have to ensure you like her including sex. Otherwise you are just dumping your cash into the waste.
I can accept surgical enhancement so long I don't get to pay for those enhancement.
But sometimes without cosmetics the woman can look horrible the next morning.
Did you come across any ugly woman without makeup?
Well hope you enjoy a great weekend.
If you are in USA then you get to watch some awesome Masters golf tournament on prime time.
USA trade WAR going on now.......who is going to blink first...:(
06-04-2018, 04:02 PM
I shall call the 4 of u (Bros Austin, Justime, LDH n Marc5) THE FOUR TITANS OF KTV.
Pls keep ur posts coming. Reading them make me feel alive n energized, hahaha.
Goodnight n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
How I wish I had join you guys back then in Oct 2009.
Deserving so the title bestowed for "Austin, Justime, LDH n Marc5 THE FOUR TITANS OF KTV".
Hi bro LDH,
Ths for ur very interesting n intriguing FR on the 2 singers.
## cold n aloof? Kinesthetic too? She is my type of gal, hahaha. She has many suitors n yet she is enamored w/ u for many possible reasons. Using "hard language" is a very attractive n dominant trait (I hv recently learned). You may be perceived by her to be very alpha, cold, detached n u hv hung only tokens, unlike the other men who try to buy her affection n pussy. You're kinesthetic n romantic too. Perhaps she is attracted by ur youthful good looks and/or body pheromones...:D
Having some feelings for a gal shouldn't prevent a man from fxxking (pardon my vulgar lingo) her or better yet, BY-ing her, as long as he can control his KC. Feelings make the fxxking much more enjoyable n sextisfying for both parties. But that is ur call as u know urself better than anyone else. Just my 2 cents.
Live life to the fullest, my young lion, n make busloads of moolah, hehehe.;)
Good day!!
Bro WB
Always live our life to the fullest.
I really enjoyed all the correspondence from the 5 heavenly kings of ktv.
You guys rock so much that the whole industry may boom.
With the moolah you spent was totally unbelievable and also insane.
BTW, just learn the slang moolah.
To my esteemed bros,
I like to thank all of you for sharing ur thoughts n FRs here. Keep them coming pls. I hv learned a lot from everyone of you.
Recently, I hv come upon some revelations, ths to an elderly Chinese-American fren who is an incredible predator, which hv changed my mindset towards male-female RS n sex completely...I'm still trying to digest all the info n lessons n will post them later.:p BTW, he has fxxked many many chio gals/women aged 18-35, all non-WLs of all races, mostly FOC!!:cool:
Have a great day!!
Wow, really FOC?
Sometimes dating can cost more than paying. So do the math andnot sure the sums add up right?
Well so long you guys are happy and why not.
We only get to live our life
1 to 20 yrs old - colleage education
21 to 30 yrs old - meeting ends needs
31 to 40 yrs old - struggling with family
41 to 50 yrs old - still paying off debts
51 to 60 yrs old - flying ar0und mongering
61 to 70 yrs old - may need medical care
71 to 80 yrs old - not sure we live so long
Any comment?
Will continue next time :D
06-04-2018, 08:09 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB, hope to read more.
08-04-2018, 09:24 AM
Hi esteemed bro Justime,
Ths for posting here. My heartiest congrats to dear bro LDH too.
You're very Americanized my dear Jus, hehehe. Onegina or "one-gina" is actually a dreaded disease!
A man doesn't hv to be a onegina to accomplish great deeds. Take my hero Cao Cao, a self-made man, as an example. Do u know of anyone who is busier?
Have u seen Red Cliff? Cao Cao (AD 155-220) has been vilified by the famous NOVEL "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" n considered a cunning villain by the Chinese public n popular culture for centuries. The historically much more accurate treatise 三国志gave a very different picture.
The historical Cao Cao 曹操was a brilliant leader, politician, statesman, general, military strategist, poet, essayist, great dominant lover, etc. He was the APEX PREDATOR of the most beautiful gals/women !! Last but not least, he was the world's first equal opportunity employer/leader by breaking old feudal-bureaucratic traditions n he was bold enough to hire able advisers n generals based entirely on merits n past performances, regardless of ethnic/provincial n social/educational background. That was one of the reasons why so many powerful generals surrendered to him. He was much smarter n had much higher EQ than Zhuge Liang who was a very indecisive wussy.
INHO, Cao Cao had enormous mojo n formidable emotional control n was one of the most dominant males in 5,000 yr of Chinese history. In real life, the young n beautiful Xiao Qiao 小乔 should be dripping wet n lusting after n fantasizing abt Cao Cao n not the other way round, hahahaha.:D:p
Have a great day!
Have a great day!!
Bro WB,
Just browse and read a few pages of this thread.
"onegina" - is a one vagina man for his rest of life.
Cao Cao was incensed to get a one country going and knew he needed to recruit talent. He has enormous power in terms of human domination. Many of his opponents were fearful of his name too.
Well I didn't know that he was an APEX PREDATOR. Thanks for the sharing all these great info.
BTW, did you know that the boss of China Doll and Dynasty Classic just passed away recently when I saw his obituaries in the Friday papers.
Hope you enjoyed a great day.
Cheers buddy.
08-04-2018, 11:14 AM
Good morning to all bros!
There is a topic of great interest to me. The importance of dominance in man-woman RS.
IMHO, to be a dominant man is not abt being abusive or behaving like a jerk or bully. No need to manhandle them. It's more psychological than physical. A dominant man is self-assured, decisive, confident, relaxed, unflappable, almost emotionless (at least initially n outside the bedroom). A gentleman w/ lots of mojo. It's the mindset n attutude.
He never thinks a very beautiful woman is rare or special. He is never a "nice" guy or submissive in front of one. He treats her the same. He believes a bevy of pretty gals r vying for his attention. He knows he can put any woman in a prolonged, continuous state of orgasm...
BTW, a very beautiful woman has many suitors. She is looking for the most dominant man, at least in her subconsious mind. When she meets a man, in the first 30-60 secs, she will know who is in control, from his facial expressions, voice tone n body language. If she is the one in control, she will not be attracted to him. She wants to be dominated bcos it's in her primitive brain n in her genes. ;) Of course she may be attracted to a wussy who is submissive n sucks up to her for his money, if she is a WL or KTV gal.
Furthermore, a man needs to remain dominant throughout, from initial meeting thru different stages of wooing n after starting a fact forever, if he doesn't want to lose her or become a carrot head.
With KTV gals, how does a man remain dominant if he is the one who is offering ST or BY? The gal has the option to say no, does that mean she is now in control? Not neccessary. If she is reluctant or say no, just tell her to fxxk off. Next! There is a bevy of chio gals waiting to take her place, remember? hahaha.:D
Your comments, advice n critisms r most welcome.
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
Bro WB
I really admired all the fun you guys were having back then. I am sure all ver fun as you guys all started to play and hunt same time.
Sure you guys were going thru trial and error. Correcting and improving your skills as you goes along.
I am impressed with the man-woman relationship domination theory. To me I believe man must dominate when comes to such places as ktv. Never let the girl to be the dominant player. Man also must dominate in the bedroom.
Woman must be submissive but not dead fish.
Nobody wants to be carrot but some guys do suck in to pretty gal effect. The girl will take advantage and not give in easily. Girl will show no mercy with such man and will try to bankrupt him.
Hope my reply is not boring.
Have a great Sunday.
When will you be back to the Lion City?
08-04-2018, 02:05 PM
Support bro WB best thread.
Agree with you on this.
08-04-2018, 06:31 PM
Awesome thread, support TS!
09-04-2018, 04:14 PM
Hi Bro WB,
One more tactic to add to your bag of collection - the act of Suspense. Most women will find mysterious guys very attractive, other men will find you a threat. The ability to put static actions into dynamic consequences is a powerful tool to acquire, at least in my humble opinion. When they turn around to look at you, wonder at you or talk about you - you make your case.
Remember the saying - between madness and genuis is a thin fine line. Where do you want to be? What will be your desired outcome?
Eg: You like gal A but you choose to ignore her. You put your actions into gal B in her line of sight. Then you back off, you change your style, you create confusion and you generate mystery. Peers talk, outsiders gossip, gals speculate all in the actions of yours. Forbidden fruit is always the best in anyone's eyes, but are they the sweetest?
The crux - continue to keep others guessing your next move. What do I have to lose - basically I am a nobody and a very poor man. :D
Begin with the end in mind ...
Hi esteemed bro LDH,
Thank u for the excellent tactic! Being mysterious n unpredictable is indeed very attractive to women. Its skillful "deployment" will give a man an edge which could mean the difference bwtween success n failure...:rolleyes:
Gorgeous women, non-WLs n WLs alike, hv many well-heeled suitors n they will avoid boring, pedictable men as if they r lepers!
Bro, you're becoming such an awesome tactician/strategist at this complex "war" game called BAO-ing. I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom from time to time w/ us mere mortals. Mr. Austin n bro Justime seem to be too abt inviting bro marc5 to share his tactics n insights on ST or 打炮? He is a master in this particular field.
OK, I must try to be more "mysterious," hehehe. Henceforth, I'll tell these young women I work for the Cia, a gahment agency in Gotham. My family name is Li, originally from S_illypore n they may call me 李大哥. And my English name is of course Cia_Li_S or Cialis, what else? Hahahaha. I guess the manufacturer of the yellow, almond-shaped tablets is using my namesake w/o my explicit permission!
BTW, u a no body n a very poor man? Well, still much better than me as I dun hv 2 pennies to rub together.
Joking aside, with the greenback dropping like a piece of stone everyday, by the time I return to SGP, I wont hv any money left after eating at the food mall. How to join the coterie of esteemed bros at high-end KTVs??!!:(
Best regards,
Bro WB aka Cia_Li_S
Bro Warbird,
Thank you so much for your esteemed thread here.
Was reading through several pages and the above posts caught my eyes.
In fact the art of "suspense" had been superb weapon in any battlefield. So now this art can apply to dating woman.
Well done guys and keep this superb correspondences going!
BTW, how much was greenback back then Nov 2009?
I guess you were joking that you may not have money to continue yoru game but then again I still have more than 8 years of reading to do.
Life is unpredictable and best to make fullest use when we can.
Hope you guys have a great week.
Bye cheers!!
09-04-2018, 05:43 PM
As mentioned by many MMs, those that venture onto our tiny island play in the motherland until stale or smelly liao.
Almost all are and have commando rankings liao hehehe
Haha, I love this word "smelly"
Hi bro Roman city,
Ths for ur comment.
All I want the gahmen to do is to "let the market forces adjust itself" by removing some of the existing barriers which favor 1) WLs from ASEAN countries over those from China n 2) among PRCs, older ones over SYTs. All I ever wish for is a level playing field for everyone.:cool:
Why do our existing barriers favor older PRCs over chio SYTs? Elementary...the complexities n high costs of applying for a visa to enter SGP dissuade many chio SYTs from coming. The chio teenage gals simply lack the capital, experience, courage n desperation to take the leap. They generally make a decent living, plying their trade or being BAO-ed, in China, almost always far from their hometowns. The older n/or homely ones can't make a living in there n hence become more desperate n r willing to take greater risks n borrow large sums of money to come here. They r everywhere. Even in Afghanistan n Africa!
By removing some of the barriers will result in only moderate increase in total supply of PRC MMs n much higher proportionate of chio SYTs to older n/or homely ones than currently exist. The demand will also increase so an equilibrium will be reached. The increased demand is due to 1) more local men spending their hard-earned money here on WLs, legal GL n KTV gals, etc. rather than in foreign lands n 2) increase in foreign visitors.
Social problems? There will be fewer. Fewer men will go to Thailand, VN or PRC n get KC-ed. With a big increase in chio SYTs here, we cheongsters will change our "scarcity" mindset to "abundance" mindset n be a lot more immune to KC traps. There is one potential "problem." Some local men may get hitched w/ these chio gals, hopefully by non-WLs. I like to look at the bright side. Our future generations will look more attractive too. To me that is a big plus, not a problem.
BTW, I hv been to some high-end KTVs n the quality of the gals has been so-so at best. Even quite ordinary looking gals hv many suitors. Many men r behaving like what I call 趋之若鹜...or literally like a flock of wild ducks scrambling n fighting for some scraps of food.:eek:
Just random musings of a lao chi ko pek, hehehe.;)
Bro WB,
Thanks for the random musings above.
I was kind of surprised that you posted this social problem above. I thought back in 2009 plenty of PRC mms were flocking to Sillypore. Maybe I was wrong and reason for the above post.
I was also surprised that the younger sssyts have no capital to venture here and need to ply their trade in their motherland before coming over. This meant by then the PRC mms are hawks rather than doves.
Today all these PRC mms are all over the corner of the world.
You can hardly miss them when you travel.
Hope to learn more here and try to practise what you guys are teaching here.
Hope you enjoy your stay.
Good luck and take care bro.
09-04-2018, 07:51 PM
Learnt a few things from Bro WB, please continue sharing bro, thanks.
09-04-2018, 09:09 PM
Very informative thread, up for TS :o
10-04-2018, 11:25 AM
Bro WB
Was reading the first 10 pages of this thread and I just wanted to read on.
I also share the same problem. I also lost interest with a gal after a short period, sometimes 1 week and sometimes 1 month. I can lose interest faster if the gal is dead fish.
Let me just share forum.
I was attracted to this gal and thinking she was my goddess. Cute face and nice shape with good size boobs. I took things very slow and trying to understand her and keeping my interest on her high. I can consummate the deal earlier but I told myself I wanted to romance her.
So once make arrangement to fly to a beach resort destination and after checking in we started kissing. Then she stop me going further saying she was hungry. So left high and dry without deed done. Left for some food and drinks and night time, we bathe separately. I always prefer gal to bathe together and can caress her silky skin with foam bath. Nice to play with her areola and the butt crack too.
Anyway after bathing she came out wearing her house pyjamas saying she cannot sleep naked. That night we consummated but after 1 day I lost interest on her. hahaha.
Good luck guys.
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB - love the way you put a ccb as no need wasabi.
Have you ever encountered foul smelling abalone or ccb? I am sure quite a few unhygienic women will have this foul smelling abalone that let guy pukes when encountered one.
Personally I got very turned off when I came across a ccb. I cannot bothered with how pretty she looks but a ccb turned me off and my lil bro will go to sleep quickly. I may not even bothered to bonk her.
So now I knew where your avatar came from. Interesting to note you are still using the same gal as avatar even after almost a decade. This shows your reputation goes a long way.
Hope to finish reading your thread and learn more things from a great sifu.
Please accept my sincere thanks for such an awesome thread.
Enjoy your holiday in Gotham City.
Thanks. If a pussy has a foul or fishy smell, she has an infection. She should see a gynecologist asap.
I like long-term RS and will dump a LP only if she cheats or becomes too greedy or too old and ugly.
Oh, is it using the "Award-Winning & Famous - Womanizer" which is actually sex toys.
No, it's not a sex toy. Try to google again. I hv given enough clues.
Bro, many thanks for the reply.
"cooked duck" - lovely name.
Shall always support here.
Yes, she was like a cooked duck which flew away...and she flew back!
Bro WB, let me give you a pat on your back for the great post below.
"天下没有不散的宴席, 你不必过于伤感" literally translate meaning -
There is no feast that will not end. Don't need to be sad.
I like your style as gentleman. Even you want to divorce your BY you still very caring and keeping in touch.
I split with my ex and she was like wailing and ruining her makeup. Not sure those are real tears or top class actress with crocodile tears.
Again like your way that you knew how to continue to enjoy just after split. Back to hunting for fresh pussy. Even for a week you can get a raw deal.
Just a joke - even LKY love to go ktv hunting for gals.
We need more brothers to post here.
Bro, thanks so much for your post. This kaki's initials are LKY. L for Lau though.
Bro WB
Very detail musing you had posted long time ago.
Me too, cannot stand woman with stretch mark tummy after childbirth. Quite an ugly sight if lights on. Also smelly pussy no no too.
Once I was hooking a FL woman for ST and after we did all the pent-up hot petting and frenching, we stripped and saw her tummy flabby with stretch marks and worst smelly pussy really a turn cold for my dick.
For your case, since you are baoing the woman then you really have to ensure you like her including sex. Otherwise you are just dumping your cash into the waste.
I can accept surgical enhancement so long I don't get to pay for those enhancement.
But sometimes without cosmetics the woman can look horrible the next morning.
Did you come across any ugly woman without makeup?
Bro, tks for your post.
Most women look horrible without make up. I only like girls who are all natural.
Bro WB
How I wish I had join you guys back then in Oct 2009.
Deserving so the title bestowed for "Austin, Justime, LDH n Marc5 THE FOUR TITANS OF KTV".
Bro WB
Always live our life to the fullest.
I really enjoyed all the correspondence from the 5 heavenly kings of ktv.
Wow, really FOC?
Sometimes dating can cost more than paying. So do the math andnot sure the sums add up right?
Well so long you guys are happy and why not.
We only get to live our life
1 to 20 yrs old - colleage education
21 to 30 yrs old - meeting ends needs
31 to 40 yrs old - struggling with family
41 to 50 yrs old - still paying off debts
51 to 60 yrs old - flying ar0und mongering
61 to 70 yrs old - may need medical care
71 to 80 yrs old - not sure we live so long
Any comment?
Will continue next time
Bro, tks for your comments. I still see bros Justime and LDH occasionally.
Bro WB,
Just browse and read a few pages of this thread.
"onegina" - is a one vagina man for his rest of life.
Cao Cao was incensed to get a one country going and knew he needed to recruit talent. He has enormous power in terms of human domination. Many of his opponents were fearful of his name too.
Well I didn't know that he was an APEX PREDATOR. Thanks for the sharing all these great info.
BTW, did you know that the boss of China Doll and Dynasty Classic just passed away recently when I saw his obituaries in the Friday papers.
Hope you enjoyed a great day.
Cheers buddy.
Bro, tks!
Yes, I met the boss of CD and Dynasty (he had a 3rd joint too) before. He was 46.
Life is short and unpredictable.
Bro WB
I really admired all the fun you guys were having back then. I am sure all ver fun as you guys all started to play and hunt same time.
Sure you guys were going thru trial and error. Correcting and improving your skills as you goes along.
I am impressed with the man-woman relationship domination theory. To me I believe man must dominate when comes to such places as ktv. Never let the girl to be the dominant player. Man also must dominate in the bedroom.
Woman must be submissive but not dead fish.
Nobody wants to be carrot but some guys do suck in to pretty gal effect. The girl will take advantage and not give in easily. Girl will show no mercy with such man and will try to bankrupt him.
When will you be back to the Lion City?
Bro, tks.
You're right.
I'll return in a few weeks.
Bro Warbird,
Thank you so much for your esteemed thread here.
Was reading through several pages and the above posts caught my eyes.
In fact the art of "suspense" had been superb weapon in any battlefield. So now this art can apply to dating woman.
Well done guys and keep this superb correspondences going!
BTW, how much was greenback back then Nov 2009?
I guess you were joking that you may not have money to continue yoru game but then again I still have more than 8 years of reading to do.
Life is unpredictable and best to make fullest use when we can.
Hope you guys have a great week.
Bye cheers!!
I was joking just a little. The greenback dropped from over 1.5 SGD in the beginning of the year to below 1.4 around Nov.
Haha, I love this word "smelly"
Bro WB,
Thanks for the random musings above.
I was kind of surprised that you posted this social problem above. I thought back in 2009 plenty of PRC mms were flocking to Sillypore. Maybe I was wrong and reason for the above post.
I was also surprised that the younger sssyts have no capital to venture here and need to ply their trade in their motherland before coming over. This meant by then the PRC mms are hawks rather than doves.
Today all these PRC mms are all over the corner of the world.
You can hardly miss them when you travel.
Bro, tks for your post.
There are now even more barriers preventing chio SYTs from coming to SG. It may take over a yr for me to spot just one I like. There were many more in 2009.
Bro WB
10-04-2018, 06:22 PM
I was joking just a little. The greenback dropped from over 1.5 SGD in the beginning of the year to below 1.4 around Nov.
Bro WB
Bro, thanks for reply.
Today greenback is 1.31 and so past 10 years the changes was not too big.
I am sure you make a big pile when the stock market bull run for the past 5 years.
Hope to read more of your posts here.
Are you back to Singapore yet?
Wish you have a good trip.
10-04-2018, 06:28 PM
I hv been taking "lessons" from the elderly SC, my senior mentor, in Gotham City. His beliefs n methods may be offensive to some bros n feminists. My sincere apologies...I'm merely sharing what he has taught me.
I like to give a brief acct of some of his tenets:
1) All healthy, heterosexual females (non-WLs n WLs alike) want n need to be dominated by men, physically, psychologically n sexually, at least at the subconscious level. It's hardwired in their primitive brains, in their genes. We men need to be dominant n stay dominant if we r going to keep an exceptional woman.
Let me get back to the spirit of this thread to illustrate a pt. When u approach a bevy of gals inside a KTV, u r the selector, u can be very dominant. But once u hv selected her n if she senses that u like her n want to bonk or BY her, the table has turned. She is the selector now n has power over u.:(
Therefore, u should never reveal ur liking for her. Be nonchalant n unflappable n project a dominant n "abundance' attitude. She can take it or leave it. Ironically, this attitude is the surest way to get into her pants at the lowest damage. Remember to maintain this dominant attitude throughout ur RS w/ her if u want to keep her.
Fast forward. Let say several wks (that is a long time to BY a gal for me, hehehe) into the RS, she may say she is always thinking of u or even she loves u, then u may reciprocate her feelings verbally n by ur body language. But ur expressed liking for her must appear to be a notch below her liking for u. You must stay in control. This is crucial. Treat her w/ respect n even reward her if she deserves it, but never ever lose ur dominance n control over her.
2) While it's attractive to women to be emotioneless outside the bedroom, inside the rm, u must be very passionate n dominant. Women crave strong emotions n they love to be fxked hard n often by a dominant man.
Almost all healthy females can hv mutliple orgasms of great intensity w/ the right man. They may enter into a continuously orgasmic state, if u r skillful enough n persist long enough. You must provide the correct psychological n physical stimulation. Dun forget variety n total immersion or flow. Before long, she will get addicted to u n all u need is some emotional bonding to get her to fall for u, hahaha.
According to SC, most women can be squirters. Though the jet of fluid comes from the urethra, it's not urine as some hv feared. It's her love juice from female equivalents of the prostate gland. When a gal is having intense orgasm, she may feel like peeing n try to hold back. Tell her it's not her pee...tell her to let go, let go... n she may squirt n hv the mother of all orgasms.;) Also tell her to look into ur eyes when she is having n make noise while fxking her. You may talk dirty too...try NLP n link her strong orgasmic state w/ u n ur commands.:D
Unfortunately, I hv only met 2 squirters in my entire life, which means I hv a long way to go.:(
Your comments n critisms r always welcome!
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB,
Very nice post above.
I fully agreed that skills can be improved outside and inside the bedroom.
So far I only found one squirter and back in 2009, you already found two.
I am way behind you in this count of hunting for gals.
Anyway nice read and hope for the best.
11-04-2018, 10:18 AM
Are you back to Singapore yet?
Wish you have a good trip.
Here bro WB reply.
Bro, tks.
You're right.
I'll return in a few weeks.
Bro WB
11-04-2018, 10:51 AM
Always fun to read this thread. Support bro WB.
11-04-2018, 10:57 AM
Very informative good thread, up for TS :D
11-04-2018, 12:01 PM
"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."
Yes, "whatever you do, do with all your might."
Bro WB
Bro, what a great quote of the day which also makes my day.
wah bro, i luv these words . . .
haven't read something as good as these words for a long while
give u 4 more quotes for a call to action . . . :)
“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”
-Edmond Burke
"Once you accept your own death you are free to live. "
-Saul Alinsky
"You may never know what results come of your action,
but if you do nothing there will be no result."
Mahatma Gandhi
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter F. Drucker
Bro WB
The above 4 quotes by bro Pete was marvelous....have to agree more that all these are powerful quotes.
Hi bro PeteTsang69,
You make my day!! Your quotes r excellent!!
"Once you accept your own death you are free to live. "
-Saul Alinsky
This quote is on the very top of my list. It's really profound. It's similar to two Chinese maxims:置生死于度外 n 置死地而后生.
Paradoxically, in life, the best way to avoid unnecessary death or to minimize the risks of death is to accept death n be cool, calm n collected n do ur very best. It's also the only way to live life to the fullest.
It's also the secret of the greatest samurai in Japanese history.
"Miyamoto Musashi is considered to be the greatest swordsman who ever lived. After fighting in over sixty duels, Musashi reflected on the concept of strategy and what allowed him to win so many battles. He recorded these thoughts in a book titled ‘Go Rin No Ryu’ – or, in English, ‘A Book of Five Rings.’
So why am I talking about sword fighting now? Well, because the book itself uses sword fighting as a metaphor for all things. The book is about strategy in general. It is considered such a masterpiece of strategy that some business schools, Harvard included, use it to teach business strategy.
In terms of the modern world and what lessons we can take from it now, I would like to quote one line from the book. Musashi says, ‘the way of the warrior is the resolute acceptance of death.’ These eleven words are profound and contain the secret to a great many successes in them. The statement means that in order to do his best, a warrior must accept the possibility and reality of death. A warrior who did not do this would be afraid of dying in combat, and as such would lessen his ability to fight. Ironically, the more concerned a warrior was with dying, the more likely he was to die. Only by accepting the reality of death could a warrior get past it.
Taken outside of feudal Japan, this sentiment can have a huge impact on your success in a variety of areas. Like the warrior, rather than fearing the negative consequence, once you embrace and accept it as a real possibility you can move past it.
The same rule applies to business. If you are afraid of messing up a presentation, or a project, or a sales call, the more likely you are to mess it up. Once you accept the reality of failure, you free up your energy to allow yourself to perform to the best of your ability.
Remember, all you have to accept is failure, rejection, or embarrassment – Musashi had to accept death."
Let's be totally fearless when we pursue those chio SYTs, OK?;)
"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Peter F. Drucker[/CENTER]
Another profound quote. Similar to 鲁迅的 “路是人走出来的.”
Best regards to u n all bros,
Bro WB
Bro, Very interesting and nice quotes.
All guys have to accept failure and rejections. We will come back very strong and try again.
Gals too actually will try and try again.
If you watch a baby and when the baby fall will get up and try again.
Never lose faith attitude is the best here.
We are have to die someday and might as well do what we best to create our future and history. Sometimes the sky is the limit.
Hope to continue to read this excellent thread.
May you enjoy yourself.
11-04-2018, 01:43 PM
Support very good thread by Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
11-04-2018, 01:57 PM
Learnt many things from this thread.
Thank you bro WB :)
11-04-2018, 07:05 PM
Very informative good thread, up for TS :D
Exactly what I wanted to say :D
12-04-2018, 11:02 AM
Good morning to all bros of SBF!!
I'm reading a book on "how to get..." n the author describes 3 types of gals/women:
The "ho", the "freak", and the "good girl".*
{* For those who have trouble with the slang names, the names used in the book of
Proverbs are the harlot, the strange woman (or adulteress), and the virtuous woman.}
We will discuss the basic characteristics of each main type, but I want to make a
very important point here: although there are three basic behavioral patterns that it is
possible for a woman to have, there is also a degree of overlapping of the characteristics
IMHO, the PRC MMs who run KTVs here in S'pore r hoes or hybrid of hoes/ freaks. Some might hv been "good girls" back in China.
Any comments?
I'm actually a beginner myself in the trade of $ n cents. I hv spent most of my life in an entirely different line of work until I'm just like an armchair general. I think other esteemed bros here, Mr. Austin, bros LDH, marc5, justime, etc. r really accomplished businessmen n investors.
I like ur quotes very much!
Hi bro PT,
Actually it's a most noble adventure, INHO. I want to be brutally honest n not be hypocritical.
This activity is hardwired in a man's brain n in his genes. A strong libido is a function of high testosterone level n excellent physical health. The survival of the species depends on it. Most progress in human history has occurred bcos of this primordial instinct. I hv shed all feelings of guilt (the most unfortunate results of social n religious conditioning) n offer no apologies. I shall leave no stone unturned in my pursuit as long as I operate within the confines of the law.
Bro WB
I like to take a bit of time to comment two posts above.
I dun think we can ever find "good girl" when these ktv women are here to earn money using their beauty and body. If the ktv women were "hoes" then I dun think the title is appropriate too. As for labeled the ktv women as "freak" also didn't sound right at all.
"good girl" - no way
"freak" - person behaving abnormally (maybe because teh ktv women will behave abnormal here but not when they are home)
"ho" - sometimes yes when the ktv woman desperate and often they can reject selling pussies for cash.
See bro WB, you had admitted that you spent most of your life in an entirely different line of work until recently.
What makes you do such thing and started this fabulous thread.
What makes you choose Singapore to hunt?
Many can guess what really you hope to achieve. Simply My guess is after making all your money and you just want to live a different life with a noble adventure.
I do agree we should not be hypercritical.
I hope I am not stepping on any toes with my comment above.
Well so long you enjoy and is your money well spent?
Keep all the comments coming.
12-04-2018, 12:05 PM
Bro, tks for your post.
There are now even more barriers preventing chio SYTs from coming to SG. It may take over a yr for me to spot just one I like. There were many more in 2009.
Bro WB
Absolutely right. So many raids going on.
12-04-2018, 12:40 PM
To all esteemed bros who r interested in a visit to DG/CP in mid Dec:
I just called my good fren WY, a HK businessman, n he said he was in CP on business. He was there to receive a large shipment of machinery to ship to HK? He would return to HK in 1-2 days. He now goes there once a month.;)
He told me to forget abt Macau...bcos the KTV gals in CP were better, younger n cheaper than those in Macau. He guaranteed my personal safety as he is a good fren of the big shots at the local 公安局. RMB 200 for the gal to sit whole nite w/ u n 800 to fxxk her whole nite. He urged me to take 3 for the nite n that would make me feel like an "emperor.":D How to refuse his kind invitation? BTW, I told WY I'm only interested in the youngest, prettiest n sexiest gals who r tall...
I know one esteemed bro will be joining me. We will spend 2 nights in CP, OK? Other bros whom I hv met r encouraged to join the hunting expedition as well.
Pls PM me.
Have a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Wow wow, from Singapore to land of PRC and CP in particular. Those days CP with flower streets are the best.
Really envy you to be able to do what you wish. So if you pick 3 girls will make you emperor and what about more than 3 girls, haha.
As for people who are salaried worker will never be able to make it.
Will try to read up on your CP adventure.
Thanks for sharing great posts in a great thread.
12-04-2018, 12:43 PM
Excellent thread, best in SBF!
12-04-2018, 01:07 PM
Keep all the comments coming.
Yes, please do. Hope to read more.
12-04-2018, 03:07 PM
The concept of female COS (contnuously orgasmiuc state) as revealed by my senior mentor SC is quite new to me. In retrospect, I hv only induced such a blissful state in 2 individuals in my entire life. The way these 2 gals hv treated me is a good indicator of its addictive power.:D
I hv read up extensively on the subject in the last few wks, n there is a divergence of opinions n methods as to how best to induce this addiction. Some rely heavily on clitoral ( w/ fingers n mouth/tongue) n G-spot stimulation (w/ 1, then 2 fingers), followed by FJ. Others use clitoral stimulation as a prelude only n place great emphasis on the importance of fxxking the gals in various positions which enable the strongest G-spot stimulation for 30 min or longer! Others use...
Almost all methods stress the importance of continuous psychological n physical stimulation.
Any esteemed bros care to share your experiences?
Ths a lot n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Something new here which I learned from you.
COS (contnuously orgasmic state) - when I google on this topic, don't really have many topics on continuous orgasmic state but more topics on orgasmic state.
Hope to hear more comments on this topic if possible.
I shall try to read up more and try out soon on my gf.
Hope to hear from you.
Bye for now.
12-04-2018, 07:07 PM
Such a fantastic thread! Thanks bro WB
12-04-2018, 09:26 PM
Absolutely right. So many raids going on.
Better be safe.
13-04-2018, 02:37 PM
Hi bro AustinPowers,
I'm only interested in bedding gals who r very attractive to me. But one man's meat is another...and this is complicated by the mysterious Rashomon Effect.
No, I'm not sure if CP gals r better looking than Macau's as I hv never been to either places. But from wat I hv gathered, there r many more gals in CP who r fresher n newer to this trade but the % of chio ones r lower than those in Macau. But I'm sure u could find the gals that suit ur fancy in both places if u look hard enough.
You're right that the supply of the "prettiest gals" r reduced bcos many now r BY-ed by rich men in China. Fewer will go to CP n Macau n even fewer will come to SIN. :(
Ths for reading n hv a good day!!
Bro WB,
Very nice forum above.
I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.
I met w/ XW n her fren yesterday PM. Her fren is not my type. But XW looked better than I last saw her 2 1/2 months ago. She has no pimples now n she is still one of the prettiest PRC MMs around.
After leaving XW, I called XYZ to take a better look at her. I met her only once for 2 min less than 3 months ago when she first started work at TAM/CI/LV. I was at TAM HH n a mummy/OKT informed me abt a new n fresh student. I said let me take a look, maybe I could BY her, hehehe. Since she was already booked by some men, she only met me in the hallway very briefly. First impression: quite chio, fair n tall. My type. I tried to book her for SH at Mirage where Mr. Austin n co were having a meeting, she said OK but around 915PM she said she wont be available until after 10PM. It was just too late for me. Later I tried to BY her tru the mediation of the mummy, but she said No repeatedly...:( I left for GC not long after that.
A few days ago I called the mummy/OKT to tell her I was back. She said XYZ was nabbed by AV. I offered to BY her if she was not sent back to China.
Two days ago, the friendly mummy said XYZ could stay n wanted x amt for a month for quitting KTVs completely n be w/ me 24/7 except school hrs. The OKT said it took great effort to convince her as she never had sex w/ any men in SIN. They all say that, don't they? I hv called a rival mummy to check XYZ out n monitor her...
I went to pick up XYZ, aged 21, n she brought along a fren who is tall n not bad looking. Wow! XYZ looked very chio w/ little makeup n very long dyed hair tied up in a bun. She was prettier than I had remembered her. She had a blouse which showed 2-inch cleavage n was wearing hot pants n sandals. The mummy must hv told her that I wont BY any gal w/o looking at the legs, hehehe. She is 170 w/o shoes, 51-2 kg, small bones n very proportionate body. Very fair skin. Probably 34B, 24, 34+. Very sexy ass n long, long straight legs. She walks w/ poise n swings her shapely ass very naturally n seductively. She is definitely my type of meat...but I hv to check a few things (such as her breasts n tits...) before deciding. Wonder if I could hv a test drive first? She is certainly a worthwhile target for me to give her COS...;)
She is also very friendly n sweet, smiling...I'm pleasantly surprised that she is another Fujian gal n so is her fren. I think she is a visual. Took them to dinner near Paragon, Orchard Rd n after dinner, I held XYZ's R hand n walked along the shopping centres. It was after 9pm n there was a huge crowd...I excused myself n left them there. There r some minor details to iron out before the deal can be consummated. I may need to find a place for her to stay close to me.
BTW, it's good picking up gals "outside" KTVs n thus far I hv not paid XYZ a penny, hehehe.
Ths for reading n hv a good day!!
I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.
Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,
girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you
From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.
Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?
Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.
Wish you happy weekend.
13-04-2018, 04:21 PM
When is your next outing what ?Bro WB,
Very nice forum above.
I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.
I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.
Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,
girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you
From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.
Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?
Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.
Wish you happy weekend.
13-04-2018, 07:01 PM
Really amazing thread here, support!
14-04-2018, 09:39 AM
BTW, I hv been reading "How to..." which is on the reading list complied by my senior mentor SC. Amazing! The key to success in life in general n w/ women in particular, is a positive state of mind, it's in the attitude. Some call it total self-confidence. There is no room for fears n doubts.
The author mentions the 10 words which changed the course of history: The only thing we hv to fear- is fear itself.
He then mentions several exercises which purport to banish all fears n doubts instantly, on demand, hehehe. The exact same technique could be use to eliminate whatever KC u hv for the wrong gal, hehehe.:cool:
It s a judo technique where the negative energy of fear, or whatever negative emotion there is, is deflected n leveraged into a positive energy, a powerful positive momentum.:p Mental n psychological judo!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Happy Weekend here! Was reading your great thread and noted your great effort above.
Fear is always our greatest enemy. Often is our inner fear that holds us back to do many things.
We need a lot of self confidence to do many things. Tackling womanneeds plenty of courage and self-confidence.
I am not an expert on picking woman and reason why I am reading here trying to pickup tips.
Please share if can more tips.
14-04-2018, 10:25 AM
Not true as there r so many pretty n young gals who will 下海 to make money for the first time every yr. Some of them will be BAO-ed n many will go to work in Macau n elsewhere in China. But I do agree that fewer n fewer of the prettier n younger ones will come to our little red dot.:(
I just got back from Macau. One word to sum up my experience in Macau: Wow!!
I spent the first 2 days in HK to take care of a little business. I had a PRC gal who came from China to stay in my hotel for 2 days n nights. It was a great experience. My Hongkie fren WY accompanied me to SZ for half day. He then drove my gal n me in his new big 宝马 around HK, visiting 太平山n other sites. His service was free n I only paid for a few meals. He was most impressed w/ my gal as he also liked very tall n chio gals. BTW, WY always goes to CP bcos of business n has not been to Macau for over 10 yrs.
After my gal had left for China, WY n I took the ferry to Macau. Went straight to the casino at Venetian Hotel. We were very disappointed!! There were thousands of gamblers n visitors...but only few WLs of low quality. They only asked for HKD 1k, not the usual 2k demanded by the very chio n classy ones. Must be bad timing.:( Had dinner n then Left quickly for KTVs 英皇 n 金龙 as suggested by some SBF bros.
Many of the KTV gals were very pretty n tall. We were there before 8PM n they were vying for our attention. Unlike S'pore, 100% of these gals do ST or overnite. Damage is by package deals or 套餐.
I chose 2 gals ovenite: a 171cm 20 yo pretty n slim gal n a 165cm 22 yo slim, cute gal w/ very big natural boobs n perky ass who looks like a real-life Hantai gal! Both hv small bones n long arms n legs. I squeezed their boobs n butt before selecting them. Had a great time but, unfortunately, I had to change CDs several times to go from one pussy to the next. I let them service me...
They both lived in ZH n told me that they could stay in Macau only 7 days at one time n had to fly to a SE Asian cities once or twice a month to be able to return to Macau in the same month??!!! It was inexplicable. They loved to be BAO-ed in ZH. Not too keen in coming to S'pore though. Too exhausted to look for gals the next day. Will visit the famed saunas the next time.
Yes, my dream is to move to Macau for good, hehehe. The cost of living is much lower than S'pore's n the prettiest PRC gals r all there.:D Even WY acknowledged that he must visit Macau more often.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice of you to post such detailed forum.
I guess you did not shift your base to Macau because read some of the last few pages.
PRC just have a big population. The gender imbalance may soon meant many of the male in PRC will not have bribes. Here in other parts of world especially Singapore, PRC women will continue to come over to ply their trade because of the lucrative earnings.
Since 2009, do you see any difference in quantity and quality.
Hope to read some of your wise comment soon.
Have a nice weekend.
14-04-2018, 10:42 AM
Bro WB,
Enjoy all your posts. Keep it coming.
Really amazing thread here, support! :D
14-04-2018, 10:50 PM
Better be safe.
Yes, safety first.
14-04-2018, 11:32 PM
Bro WB,
Love to read your posts. Please keep going.
15-04-2018, 12:39 AM
Really amazing thread here, support! :D
Support too! And your name is amazing too, are you a smelly CB?
15-04-2018, 07:46 AM
Please support this thread. Thanks.
15-04-2018, 09:03 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
What an auspicious day!!
Bro, thanks for reply.
Today greenback is 1.31 and so past 10 years the changes was not too big.
I am sure you make a big pile when the stock market bull run for the past 5 years.
Hope to read more of your posts here.
Are you back to Singapore yet?
Wish you have a good trip.
Bro WB,
Very nice post above.
I fully agreed that skills can be improved outside and inside the bedroom.
So far I only found one squirter and back in 2009, you already found two.
I am way behind you in this count of hunting for gals.
Anyway nice read and hope for the best.
Bro, tks for your posts.
I'll return to SG by the end of this month.
Bro, what a great quote of the day which also makes my day.
Bro WB
The above 4 quotes by bro Pete was marvelous....have to agree more that all these are powerful quotes.
Bro, Very interesting and nice quotes.
All guys have to accept failure and rejections. We will come back very strong and try again.
Gals too actually will try and try again.
If you watch a baby and when the baby fall will get up and try again.
Never lose faith attitude is the best here.
We are have to die someday and might as well do what we best to create our future and history. Sometimes the sky is the limit.
Hope to continue to read this excellent thread.
May you enjoy yourself.
Always maintain a strong mental frame. I welcome rejection and I greatly enjoy it. It makes life more interesting and it gives meaning to success.
My new 18 yo lao po TY was very cold n aloof to every man. I took her to an outing, my 4th time meeting her. A close friend detested her attitude n told me to give up. He said to me: You won't get her pussy even if you pay her 10K sgd for ST. By the end of the outing she agreed to be my LP.
And the next day she said she was scared of losing me. Damage is in the middle of the range, at least 40-50% below what she is worth. In retrospect, I could've given her even less. If she had better social skills and more friendly attitude, she could easily get twice as much from other men. I was able to understand her better and looked beneath her mask...
I hv met girls who are older and less attractive (to me at least) who want 2-3 times more money!!
Bro WB
I like to take a bit of time to comment two posts above.
I dun think we can ever find "good girl" when these ktv women are here to earn money using their beauty and body. If the ktv women were "hoes" then I dun think the title is appropriate too. As for labeled the ktv women as "freak" also didn't sound right at all.
"good girl" - no way
"freak" - person behaving abnormally (maybe because teh ktv women will behave abnormal here but not when they are home)
"ho" - sometimes yes when the ktv woman desperate and often they can reject selling pussies for cash.
See bro WB, you had admitted that you spent most of your life in an entirely different line of work until recently.
What makes you do such thing and started this fabulous thread.
What makes you choose Singapore to hunt?
Many can guess what really you hope to achieve. Simply My guess is after making all your money and you just want to live a different life with a noble adventure.
I do agree we should not be hypercritical.
I hope I am not stepping on any toes with my comment above.
Well so long you enjoy and is your money well spent?
Thanks for your comments.
How do you define "good girls"?
I grew up in SG n my mom still lives here.
Bro WB,
Wow wow, from Singapore to land of PRC and CP in particular. Those days CP with flower streets are the best.
Really envy you to be able to do what you wish. So if you pick 3 girls will make you emperor and what about more than 3 girls, haha.
As for people who are salaried worker will never be able to make it.
Will try to read up on your CP adventure.
Thanks for sharing great posts in a great thread.
Bro, thanks.
CP is history. It was actually quite cheap to get 2-3 girls in 2009.
Bro WB
Something new here which I learned from you.
COS (contnuously orgasmic state) - when I google on this topic, don't really have many topics on continuous orgasmic state but more topics on orgasmic state.
Hope to hear more comments on this topic if possible.
I shall try to read up more and try out soon on my gf.
Hope to hear from you.
Bye for now.
Tks for your post. Any FR?
Bro WB,
Very nice forum above.
I thought all men who go to ktv is looking for the same 3 letter words.
I was amazed how easy for you to get girls your type.
Seems that all the channels are helping you namely,
girls or ex-girls intro their syt friends to you
mummy intro their syts to you
okt also intro their syt to you
your friends also intro syt to you
From the forum it seems that all the girls behaving the same thing. Always bring along a friend to lunch or dinner.
Care to comment what other details you need to iron out besides the room?
Camping here to read most of your amazing thread.
Wish you happy weekend.
Yeah, I get to look at many young women and SYTs from different sources. They are easier than you think. The problem is finding one good enough to BY.
I hv women introducing their nieces and young cousins to me. Yes, even SYTs introducing their SYT friends and neighbors. For BY, of course. Such a girl is the easiest, actually too easy. She is literally dropped on my lap by her trusted aunt, cousin or good friend.
When is your next outing what ?
Bro, outing? PM me.
Bro WB,
Happy Weekend here! Was reading your great thread and noted your great effort above.
Fear is always our greatest enemy. Often is our inner fear that holds us back to do many things.
We need a lot of self confidence to do many things. Tackling womanneeds plenty of courage and self-confidence.
I am not an expert on picking woman and reason why I am reading here trying to pickup tips.
Please share if can more tips.
Tks for your post.
Beautiful women are attracted to a man's masculine behaviour. Boldness is very masculine. Be bold and fearless, not foolhardy or reckless.
Bro WB
Nice of you to post such detailed forum.
I guess you did not shift your base to Macau because read some of the last few pages.
PRC just have a big population. The gender imbalance may soon meant many of the male in PRC will not have bribes. Here in other parts of world especially Singapore, PRC women will continue to come over to ply their trade because of the lucrative earnings.
Since 2009, do you see any difference in quantity and quality.
Hope to read some of your wise comment soon.
Have a nice weekend.
The quality of girls in Macau has steadily declined since 2009.
Bro WB
15-04-2018, 11:18 AM
hey, i read all of your stories and others bro incl i just feel this is rich man staff. i am just a bank staff earning a lowly pay how to enjoy. can the rich bros can recommend me what kind of job should i get early in my years. i wish to get rich too. :o
This is such an auspicious day and the post above dated 1 Jan 2010.
Money is important but making money is utmost important.
The keyword is "Invest"
Invest wisely
- time
- money
A friend told me long ago, you cannot get rich if you working for somebody. You can only get rich if you are working for yourself.
An comments?
Hi bro uhoo,
Not true. Of course u may need some money initially...
If u become a "bad boy" n a "crafty serpent," u can get all the gals u ever want w/o spending much money.:D
You dun need to be very handsome (潘), hv the cock of a donkey (驴) n be filthy rich (邓) to get very chio women to fall for u purported by Chinese folklore. Just myths. But u MUST hv the tongue of a serpent: for sweet talking (小) them n to give them incredible pleasure, preferably COS, hehehe, n lots of free time (闲). It's very hard work n time consuming, actually...nothing is easy in this world since Adam was banished fro the garden of Eden.:(
The good news is that once u dominate over them n get them attached to u, they may support u instead.
THE single most important attribute for attracting n keeping exceptional women which Chinese folklore doesn't even mention: Your unlimited self-confidence.
BTW, I'm not sure abt making money. If u speak good Malay, go to Indonesia n make ur fortune there...any bros here get better ideas?
Happy New year to all samsters!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Happy New Year to you back in 2010.
Just a reminder to you that your prestigious thread has came of age.
Invest wisely whereby "sky is the limit".
If anyone had bought Amazon when it was 1 buck will stood to gain more than USD 1 mil bucks if you just bough 1000 shares back then.
Just check Amazon shares now close, Inc.
NASDAQ: AMZN - 13 Apr, 7:59 PM GMT-4
1,430.79 USD Price decrease17.71 (1.22%)
Similarly if anyone bought Bitcoins earl would have been multi-millionaire when the price of Bitcoins was once trading at USD 20,000.00 each.
Back to the topic of picking up ktv girl, this game is not meant for low salaried worker but there is different level of playing.
You can bypass higher end ktv and instead go to the lower to mid-range ktv back in 2009.
The challenge may be still be same and if you have the skills then will be easier.
Any comments?
Hope TS, bro WB enjoy his weekend.
Cheers to all here.
15-04-2018, 12:29 PM
Please support this thread. Thanks.
Yes, please do. Tks.
15-04-2018, 06:04 PM
Bro WB, thanks for this fantastic thread.
Have a great Sunday!
16-04-2018, 01:05 AM
Bro WB
Nice of you to post such detailed forum.
I guess you did not shift your base to Macau because read some of the last few pages.
PRC just have a big population. The gender imbalance may soon meant many of the male in PRC will not have bribes. Here in other parts of world especially Singapore, PRC women will continue to come over to ply their trade because of the lucrative earnings.
Since 2009, do you see any difference in quantity and quality.
Hope to read some of your wise comment soon.
Have a nice weekend.
The quality of gals in Macau has declined steadily since 2009.
Thank you n cheers to all samsters who have posted here.
Another auspicious day!
I like to share an email I just received from a guru.
Gain A Girl's Trust, And "The Other Guys" Don't Matter
A question I've seen more and more guys ask recently is "How do I whip the competition?"
Guys will list different sorts of competition they're most worried about. Some of the ones I've been asked about relatively recently include men who are:
Better looking
More popular
More muscular
Bigger bad boys
More charismatic
Owners of nicer cars
That's just scratching the surface, of course.
Anything out there a man could be better than you on, that is generally considered to be attractive to women, guys worry about it.
In particular, they worry about how to COMPETE on it.
I don't care who you are, there's ALWAYS a guy out there who is better than you on at least SOME of these.
How do you compete with that guy?
Well... what if I told you you may not NEED to compete with him?
What if I told you that if he fails to build TRUST with the girl you're trying to get, he won't even be in the running for her?
Further, what if I told you the real goal was NOT to compete... but was, instead, to get girls to chase YOU?
So long as you follow the SAC system I give you in One Date, 99% of other men are NOT your competition.
Or so long as you build trust in some OTHER way, you're covered there too.
Most men frankly are not very good at building trust with women.
They do things that put women off, like tease them too hard or act too aloof... or they chase women too hard and make those women RUN from them.
They do the "be impressive" thing...
Or they search for commonalities with women, but do it in ineffective ways (that often make women feel more DISSIMILAR, rather than similar).
Thus, right off the bad, you can scratch out any man who does not build enough trust (assuming you DO built trust) from the running.
I'll give you an example of how to think about this.
Imagine you know a girl. She's cute, though not gorgeous. Her body's good, yet not perfect. She's a fun person, but casual.
Overall though, you think she's pretty good. And one thing you absolutely DO have is an incredible connection with her.
You LOVE to be with this girl. You feel like she "gets" you in a way pretty much no other girl does.
This girl is IT for you. She's as close to a soul mate as you can get without being together with her yet.
One day you meet another girl. And this girl is beautiful, with an incredible body, and a really fun personality.
But you just don't feel very connected to her. She flirts with you, but it doesn't feel "real." It feels like she is TRYING to impress you.
The weekend rolls around, and both girls message you to see if you'll meet up.
You get the sense both girls are interested; you will probably score with whichever girl you go for, but it's a good bet you lose the other.
Which girl do you choose?
If you're answering honestly, you probably said "The girl who's pretty good, and who really gets me and who I have an incredible connection with."
Even if the other girl is prettier and more fun, if the connection isn't there, the DESIRE isn't there.
Not to the same extent.
And this is one of the major, major obstacles most guys have with GIRLS.
A guy can be very impressive.
He may have developed his charisma to a high degree, or packed on a bunch of muscles, or stacked a lot of paper.
But if he does not know how to make women trust him, they will ALWAYS be on guard around him.
When YOU know how to build that trust, you become "The Guy" for girls... even if the other guy looks better than you "on paper."
It was about how even though some "conventional wisdom" maintains that opposites attract, this isn't the case at all.
People generally want to be with people who are LIKE THEM... not people who are their "opposites."
The more like her she thinks you are, the easier it is for her to trust you.
After all, she feels like she knows what you value, how you think about things, and how you operate.
That makes you a pretty trustworthy guy.
IMHO, the best mindset to getting many girls of your type is that you are the prize. You desire them, understand them and you want them to improve in every way possible. You want to help them. BUT, you don't need them at all.
You're non-reactive to whatever is happening to you and around you. You have zero neediness, you just go w/ the flow...
A woman's greediness is directly proportional to a man's neediness.
This applies to ALL girls and women.
A great example is the story of King Fuchai, Xi Shi and Fan Li.
Bro WB
16-04-2018, 01:22 PM
Well Done to Bro WB for a nice thread.
Actually don't need to thank anyone including Chairman Mao. All the girls today will not hesitate to open their legs when they are in need of some dough.
We all read about uni students or poly students willing to be escort or even moonlighting for a better lifestyle.
Needless to say PRC girls are dying to leave to seek greener cash.
In fact, your Baoees should thank you for taking care and letting them have a great life during their stay here.
Some may not agreed with my comments?
Hi bro Chenzong,
I must thank Mao's Cultural Revolution n Deng's economic reforms n open policies for giving me the oppty to hv such a good time, hehehe.
Shhhh...dun worry, I shall never mention the word "teachers" again. You know wat I want. Must be chio n single females. They can take unpaid "sabbatical leave" n come to SIN or even Gotham City on a social pass. One month is good enough. I'll make an offer they can't refuse.;)
You're da MAN, bro.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Hard to believe that a PRC scholarship holder from gahmen is meeting you back then.
Most of the Asian scholarship and given by the various local unis and mostly are doing post-graduate. At 19 yrs old, she will be too young to do post-graduate and if she is doing under-grad then wonder what type of scholarship she obtained.
I maybe wrong but I guess she is just a great pretender. Sounds better to tell potential sugar-dad that she is under-grad at NUS. May get higher for her pussies.
Most scholarship holders have enough money to spend legitimately.
I agreed with your concept that you arre treating all your LPs as "hoes or freaks".
Wish all here a nice day.
I was thinking abt HH, the 19yo NUS scholar, who is an academic achiever n very smart. She was BAO-ed by a towkay n now wants me to BY her. Unbelievable!! She appears so young, so sweet n so innocent.
Watz her basic type? Is she a ho/freak or a good gal?
I'm not sure. As bro Chenzong has pointed out, many good gals also want to be BAO-ed bcos all traditional values were destroyed during the cultural revolution.
As for my "niece" BB, I think she may be a good gal (I could be dead wrong) bcos my trusted mummy CC told me not to waste time w/ her n that I could never bed her. The other day I told CC my efforts were fruitless. Told u so! I didn't tell her that BB had agreed to my terms, hehehe. I would allow her to work occasionally, w/ my permission only.
Regardless of their basic type, I shall treat all my BAO-ees as hoes n freaks.
Bro WB
16-04-2018, 07:57 PM
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a good week ahead :)
17-04-2018, 11:16 AM
Another auspicious day!
I like to share an email I just received from a guru.
Gain A Girl's Trust, And "The Other Guys" Don't Matter
A question I've seen more and more guys ask recently is "How do I whip the competition?"
Guys will list different sorts of competition they're most worried about. Some of the ones I've been asked about relatively recently include men who are:
Better looking
More popular
More muscular
Bigger bad boys
More charismatic
Owners of nicer cars
That's just scratching the surface, of course.
Anything out there a man could be better than you on, that is generally considered to be attractive to women, guys worry about it.
In particular, they worry about how to COMPETE on it.
I don't care who you are, there's ALWAYS a guy out there who is better than you on at least SOME of these.
How do you compete with that guy?
Well... what if I told you you may not NEED to compete with him?
What if I told you that if he fails to build TRUST with the girl you're trying to get, he won't even be in the running for her?
Further, what if I told you the real goal was NOT to compete... but was, instead, to get girls to chase YOU?
So long as you follow the SAC system I give you in One Date, 99% of other men are NOT your competition.
Or so long as you build trust in some OTHER way, you're covered there too.
Most men frankly are not very good at building trust with women.
They do things that put women off, like tease them too hard or act too aloof... or they chase women too hard and make those women RUN from them.
They do the "be impressive" thing...
Or they search for commonalities with women, but do it in ineffective ways (that often make women feel more DISSIMILAR, rather than similar).
Thus, right off the bad, you can scratch out any man who does not build enough trust (assuming you DO built trust) from the running.
I'll give you an example of how to think about this.
Imagine you know a girl. She's cute, though not gorgeous. Her body's good, yet not perfect. She's a fun person, but casual.
Overall though, you think she's pretty good. And one thing you absolutely DO have is an incredible connection with her.
You LOVE to be with this girl. You feel like she "gets" you in a way pretty much no other girl does.
This girl is IT for you. She's as close to a soul mate as you can get without being together with her yet.
One day you meet another girl. And this girl is beautiful, with an incredible body, and a really fun personality.
But you just don't feel very connected to her. She flirts with you, but it doesn't feel "real." It feels like she is TRYING to impress you.
The weekend rolls around, and both girls message you to see if you'll meet up.
You get the sense both girls are interested; you will probably score with whichever girl you go for, but it's a good bet you lose the other.
Which girl do you choose?
If you're answering honestly, you probably said "The girl who's pretty good, and who really gets me and who I have an incredible connection with."
Even if the other girl is prettier and more fun, if the connection isn't there, the DESIRE isn't there.
Not to the same extent.
And this is one of the major, major obstacles most guys have with GIRLS.
A guy can be very impressive.
He may have developed his charisma to a high degree, or packed on a bunch of muscles, or stacked a lot of paper.
But if he does not know how to make women trust him, they will ALWAYS be on guard around him.
When YOU know how to build that trust, you become "The Guy" for girls... even if the other guy looks better than you "on paper."
It was about how even though some "conventional wisdom" maintains that opposites attract, this isn't the case at all.
People generally want to be with people who are LIKE THEM... not people who are their "opposites."
The more like her she thinks you are, the easier it is for her to trust you.
After all, she feels like she knows what you value, how you think about things, and how you operate.
That makes you a pretty trustworthy guy.
IMHO, the best mindset to getting many girls of your type is that you are the prize. You desire them, understand them and you want them to improve in every way possible. You want to help them. BUT, you don't need them at all.
You're non-reactive to whatever is happening to you and around you. You have zero neediness, you just go w/ the flow...
A woman's greediness is directly proportional to a man's neediness.
This applies to ALL girls and women.
A great example is the story of King Fuchai, Xi Shi and Fan Li.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very important lesson above.
Very true that after gaining a girl trust the rest of the guys don't matter anymore. Girl will only trust you and soon love will follow.
Whenever there is competition then there will be better winner.
Woman greediness equals to man's neediness.
Hope to learn more from you soon.
17-04-2018, 11:47 AM
like this thread, it makes my day. bros, thanks. :D
17-04-2018, 11:48 AM
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a good week ahead
17-04-2018, 10:19 PM
Happened to come across this thread, read only the first few pages and was very impressed.
Bro WB, thanks for this awesome thread.
17-04-2018, 10:36 PM
Fantastic thread, brightens my day, thanks bro WB.
18-04-2018, 10:47 AM
Good morning!!
I read abt the tragic death of a 44 yo man, the ceo of a co, after liposuction. I heard from some frens that he was trying to improve his appearance n physique to please the eyes of a certain PRC gal (or gals?). Wat a fool! He was actually quite slim. As successful as he was, he didn't understand the male attributes that r most attractive to all females, WLs n non-WLs, at the subconscious level.
Even if a man is very fat/thin, tall/short, etc, he can still please the eyes of a chio gal/woman by paying great attention to his posture, movement, dress n style, hehehe. Really no need for liposuction or "lipoaddition." He can also work to please the other 4 senses of the gal...
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice of you to share the above post.
I agree with you that this is a senseless death.
Why bother to do liposuction? Even if he is fat or having a spare tire gals will still flock to him if he plays his skills right. At 44, he is still young and today will be his 8th year death anniversary.
Some esteemed bros hv sent me PMs saying I might hv given too much details abt some of the gals. Perhaps. But all these KTV gals/singers/private students n some uni n JC students r hoes n freaks. Ok, I shall be much more circumspect in describing my encounters w/ them.
Every female is different n responds differently. Variety is indeed the spice eof life!
I hv a strange encounter lately.
Met this tall n chio gal only 1 wk ago. Her very long, slender arms first caught my attention. She was quite young, but poised, aloof n cold...n slim (170cm, 52kg) w/ perfectly proportionate head/torso/boobs/leg/arm/ass/bone ratio. The next day I called n popped my question n she agreed! After finishing dinner in Orchard area, we walked to a nearby hotel. We passed some expensive shops n she mentioned how generous her GF's BF was, buying LV bags n watches, etc, hinting that I should do the same for her!:( I felt like dumping her right there! But she was my type of pussy, so I told her everything would depend on how compatible we were...
I consummated the deal later that evening. I tried very, very hard for over 60 min, first using my fingers n tongue n then pumping her in various positions for maximum G spot stimulation. I was frustrated bcos despite my best efforts, she only had low-level of orgasms. She would roll her eyes, grimace her face n tilt her pelvis slightly intermittently. She did come as she had anal contractions n curling of toes. But she was strangely SILENT throughout, except for very faint n soft moans. Her body n pussy were very beautiful. Also very, very tight hole despite her height.
Met her again 2 times, same results. And every time, she actually never wanted me to stop but I just couldn't continue bocs of fatigue. She said she felt 很舒服, 很爽。 She said she couldn't feel any better. Really? I wonder if she is on the verge of very explosive n screaming orgasms n COS or she has already fully reached her orgasmic potential?? I'm now aching all over n hv to take a rest for a couple of days.:(
BTW, I pay her wkly. She is my only BAO-ee who wants to meet n fxk me every day!! Not a word on buying any gifts anymore. I must be doing something right, hehehe.;) I may hv to focus on her mind, the most erogenous area in her whole body.
Any comments n insights?
Before signing off, let me dedicate this quote by Mark Twain to all esteemed bros:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the
things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I will dump her straight away if any gal asked me to buy her expensive gifts for no particular reason.
You already paid her weekly and just started the relationship so why buy any gift at all. Hate gal that was greedy.
Anyway you had been bonking her and that should be the way.Hope you bonk her good and hard. This gal loves sex and you are good doing more than an hour.
Really enjoyed your thread and all these sexperts guiding us how to pickup gals which was very impressive.
Hope you guys continue and have fun too.
Have a great day.
18-04-2018, 10:48 AM
The quality of girls in Macau has steadily declined since 2009.
Bro WB
Thanks for reply bro WB.
18-04-2018, 01:55 PM
Bro WB
I will dump her straight away if any gal asked me to buy her expensive gifts for no particular reason.
You already paid her weekly and just started the relationship so why buy any gift at all. Hate gal that was greedy.
Anyway you had been bonking her and that should be the way.Hope you bonk her good and hard. This gal loves sex and you are good doing more than an hour.
Really enjoyed your thread and all these sexperts guiding us how to pickup gals which was very impressive.
Hope you guys continue and have fun too.
Have a great day.
Same here, I will dump her too.
18-04-2018, 02:53 PM
Wonderful thread by Bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
18-04-2018, 04:27 PM
like this thread, it makes my day. bros, thanks. :D
Makes my day too. Enjoy reading this thread.
Thanks bro WB :)
18-04-2018, 05:27 PM
Good morning!
On the subject of singers, I wonder if my idea of booking one for the whole month is a good one. Of course the gal could always refuse such an arrangement if she is getting more from another patron or if she hates the man who wants to book her, ya? Also the thrill n excitement of hanging flowers will be gone n it could get very boring. Any comments?
The other subject is doing raw w/ ur BAO-ees. My advice is: Never. These PRC MMs r very open-minded n some r even reckless. Be very careful. They may jump on top of u before u hv time to react!:eek:
Even if the gal just arrived days ago doesn't mean she is completely safe. The HIV test may take up to 6 months before becoming positive. The other STDs r usually not fatal (excepting for hapatitis B) but could still be quite nasty.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I was interested in this topic because singers are not easy.
A friend of mine spend tens of thousands trying to bed this singer who he was so mesmerized after watching her sing. The singer can only come by when she rest to say hello and drink only if you had paid enough dues.
I told my friend all these are wasting money but he just don't listen. The whole episode took a few months and the singer just have to work and only available day time. Morning usually they just slept.
Anyway just keep the posts coming and was reading all the conversations among the great sifu.
Hope to keep up my reading too.
Have a great evening.
18-04-2018, 05:40 PM
Bro WB,
I was interested in this topic because singers are not easy.
A friend of mine spend tens of thousands trying to bed this singer who he was so mesmerized after watching her sing. The singer can only come by when she rest to say hello and drink only if you had paid enough dues.
I told my friend all these are wasting money but he just don't listen. The whole episode took a few months and the singer just have to work and only available day time. Morning usually they just slept.
Anyway just keep the posts coming and was reading all the conversations among the great sifu.
Hope to keep up my reading too.
Have a great evening.
Watch her sing? :eek:
Then he also hear her dance? ROFL :D
18-04-2018, 08:16 PM
How could I missed this thread? :)
Thanks bro WB!
19-04-2018, 03:29 PM
Hi bro benz180,
Ths for ur comments n keen insights. IMHO, you're only half right.
You're absolutely right in that the prerequisite for owning the pussies of these KTV gals/singers/sudents is sufficient money. But remember this, if the gals is a chio SYT, she will hv a no of suitors who offer more or less the same amt of $$ n she will choose the man who is perceived to rank the highest in Male Dominance Scale. It's hardwired in her primitive brain n she can't help it.
Yes, I did score 100% rejections a yr ago despite offering more money to BY some gals. In retrospect, I was behaving like a beta man aka nice guy aka wussy(bad idea); I praised their beauty (very bad idea) n put them on a pedestal (even worse idea), mistakenly thinking that was the fastest way to their was a big turn-off n they flatly refused to even hv meals w/ me! The 2 Fujian gals finally agreed to become my BAO-ees, months later when their income was greatly depressed by the financial crisis. But they gave me no service n was never submissive.:(
But that was then, this is now, hehehe. I'm getting the gals I really fancy n I'm only paying the going rates. Why? I believe it's my new attitude n strategies n most importantly, I'm being perceived ás ranking much higher in the Scale than before. BTW, It's a perception that can be faked.
All my BYs hv been for 1-4 wks bcos of a variety of reasons, not by design. I actually like to hv a gal I could keep on a longer-term basis, but in addition to being the type of pussy I greatly desire, she must be totally submissive n hv a most pleasing n jovial personality. So far, there r only 3 gals who fit the bill.
Yeah, you're also right in saying these KTV gals/singers/students r hoes/freaks. So wat? I had a male fren at NUS who dumped a pretty SYT whom he was in love w/ n married a very rich, but rather plain-looking gal. Is he not a male prostitute? Some may call him prudent n practical. He has been very miserable though.
Ths for reading n hv a good day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very nice thread indeed.
I did read some of the back pages in this thread. Now I reading from the beginning. Notice from early start your skills are still unpolished and you are on beta mode.
You have not practise Mode One and DGAD attitude.
So you actually went thru a tough scale of doing "Dominance Male Scale".
Very good idea to start from no man's land till later you became the GURU.
Hope to continue reading and fantastic how the few of your friends exchanging posts.
Hope you have a nice day.
19-04-2018, 07:40 PM
Watch her sing? :eek:
Then he also hear her dance? ROFL :D
So damn funny hahahaaa LMAO!!
21-04-2018, 09:42 AM
What a wonderful morning!!
I know that the STI has declined...n the Dow has slipped into the red for the day, year, decade and century...all in one day! I believe the major indices will retest the lows last yr n a global depression may be coming. It's not a matter of if but when.
Very grim prospects for many people. But I'm an eternal optimist n I see wonderful benefits from such an event.
Firstly, all assets n stocks will be on sale. It will be buying oppty of a life time!! Mr. J. Paul Getty became the richest man in the world by loading up on very undervalued stocks in the 1930s.
Secondly, the recession has already forced many young n chio PRC students to look for patrons. Isn't that a wonderful thing for a lao chi ko pek?:D
Last nite I attended 2 sessions at DC, HH w/ bro BV n some frens. I had a Fujian gal w/ me.
For SH, I joined Bros Marc5 n LDH. Bro LDH is developing a longer-term RS w/ a dancer/singer, a chio SYT. Good for him!
Bro marc5 n I share one thing in common: We both get bored quickly after 2 wks w/ a gal. I told him that recently I was enamored w/ a tall singer at LV n wanted to up her badly. I had a sleepless nite just thinking abt her! But after having her for a wk, I was very bored despite her beautiful body n pussy. She was not easily orgasmic.:(
I had an 18 yo student (soon to be 19) w/ me for SH at DC. She is my type of pussy n I may keep her for longer-term. She has not worked since our deal was consummated n is at my beck n call. I hv monitored her n hv showed up suddenly at her residence (very close to where I live) n so far she has lived up to the deal. She says she is always available for me, any time, any hr, any day n every day if I so desire.
She is also full of surprises. The 1st time I made out w/ her I was very disappointed initially bcos my W method of stimulating the clit had elicited only subdued response n mild pleasure at best after 20 min. Her silence was deafening. Shit, must be a dead fish. I then sucked on her natural D breasts n pink nipples (she is the only PRC MM I know who tries to minimise the size of her mammary glands by her bra n dress style), n to my complete surprise, she had screaming orgasms after only 1 min!! I then put my didi into her very tight n wet hole n pumped furiously...she continued to hv violent n screaming orgasms...coalescing into a COS!!:D
She is abt 170 w/o shoes n weights 56Kg, but abt 1/10 of which is her nai nai, hehehe. To me at least, she is very chio n has very fair n flawless skin. When I first saw her at a high-end KTV, I literally ran after her. It was lust at first sight. Already booked, shit. I got her name n later she came to say hello, hehehe. On student visa n had been here 1 month. Judging from my accent n fair skin, at first she thought I was a fellow PRC man!!
Additionally, she has a very pleasing, jovial n playful personality. She is totally submissive. She is also less mercenary than most PRC MMs. She is the "best PRC gal" I hv met thus far in SIN. She will spend 2 wks in China for the CNY. I hv voluntarily offered to buy her a gift for her 19th birthday.
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a wonderful morning.
Woke up early to read and after reading severla pages of your thread, I was totally engrossed.
No wonder so many supporters of yoru great thread.
So how was the stock market today? My question is the market had been very erratic and unpredictable. After a few years of bull run the DJI still loks reasonable strong and volatile. Are we due for a crash?
I agreed that we need to buy undervalue stocks and wait for the stocks to grow. But when is the right time to pick up the stock?
Back to the topic of picking gal.
I love gals that was unpredictable. Agreed that if a gal is introvert, i will get bored with her very fast.
I dun mind same gal but must have common interest together.
What about bro you? Any comment?
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Cheers to all.
So damn funny hahahaaa LMAO!!
Agree with you bro :D :D
21-04-2018, 10:13 AM
Support bro WB thread.
21-04-2018, 11:31 AM
Watch her sing? :eek:
Then he also hear her dance? ROFL :D
LMAO watch what ha?
21-04-2018, 11:32 AM
Bro WB
What a wonderful morning.
Woke up early to read and after reading severla pages of your thread, I was totally engrossed.
No wonder so many supporters of yoru great thread.
So how was the stock market today? My question is the market had been very erratic and unpredictable. After a few years of bull run the DJI still loks reasonable strong and volatile. Are we due for a crash?
I agreed that we need to buy undervalue stocks and wait for the stocks to grow. But when is the right time to pick up the stock?
Back to the topic of picking gal.
I love gals that was unpredictable. Agreed that if a gal is introvert, i will get bored with her very fast.
I dun mind same gal but must have common interest together.
What about bro you? Any comment?
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Cheers to all.
Nice written forum. So true.
21-04-2018, 02:16 PM
Support bro WB.
21-04-2018, 05:51 PM
Watch her sing? :eek:
Then he also hear her dance? ROFL :D
Wahahahaa you damn good to spot this :D :D
21-04-2018, 07:26 PM
Nice written forum. So true.
Agree with you to the point.
21-04-2018, 09:23 PM
Support bro WB.
Supporting too.
Have a great weekend bro WB.
22-04-2018, 03:05 AM
What an auspicious day!
My gratitude to all samsters who have supported this thread in the last 9 years! I hv learned so much from all of you.
Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor who lived over 1,900 yrs ago. Read his book Meditations.
Bro WB
Well Done to Bro WB for a nice thread.
Actually don't need to thank anyone including Chairman Mao. All the girls today will not hesitate to open their legs when they are in need of some dough.
We all read about uni students or poly students willing to be escort or even moonlighting for a better lifestyle.
Needless to say PRC girls are dying to leave to seek greener cash.
In fact, your Baoees should thank you for taking care and letting them have a great life during their stay here.
Some may not agreed with my comments?
Bro WB
Hard to believe that a PRC scholarship holder from gahmen is meeting you back then.
Most of the Asian scholarship and given by the various local unis and mostly are doing post-graduate. At 19 yrs old, she will be too young to do post-graduate and if she is doing under-grad then wonder what type of scholarship she obtained.
I maybe wrong but I guess she is just a great pretender. Sounds better to tell potential sugar-dad that she is under-grad at NUS. May get higher for her pussies.
Most scholarship holders have enough money to spend legitimately.
I agreed with your concept that you arre treating all your LPs as "hoes or freaks".
Wish all here a nice day.
Bro, thank u!
I couldn't agree w/ u more. A man is the prize. If he doesn't believe that, he will fail w/ women.
Actually, the 19 yo Dongbei gal was a gahment scholar at NTU, doing EE. That was over 9 years ago! I changed the uni to protect her ID. She spoke English w/ a local accent n had been in SG since she was 14.
There are alawys exceptions to any rule. I hv had a few LPs in recent yrs who are decent and frugal.
Bro WB
Very important lesson above.
Very true that after gaining a girl trust the rest of the guys don't matter anymore. Girl will only trust you and soon love will follow.
Whenever there is competition then there will be better winner.
Woman greediness equals to man's neediness.
Hope to learn more from you soon.
Bro, tks for your post. Trust is crucial.
If a man is very needy, the gal will either leave him or cheat on him, and wants more n more from him. She will become greedy. Or she will just leave him, if possible.
Bro WB
Nice of you to share the above post.
I agree with you that this is a senseless death.
Why bother to do liposuction? Even if he is fat or having a spare tire gals will still flock to him if he plays his skills right. At 44, he is still young and today will be his 8th year death anniversary.
Bro WB
I will dump her straight away if any gal asked me to buy her expensive gifts for no particular reason.
You already paid her weekly and just started the relationship so why buy any gift at all. Hate gal that was greedy.
Anyway you had been bonking her and that should be the way.Hope you bonk her good and hard. This gal loves sex and you are good doing more than an hour.
Really enjoyed your thread and all these sexperts guiding us how to pickup gals which was very impressive.
Hope you guys continue and have fun too.
Have a great day.
Bro, thanks!
The 44 yo CEO didn't understand female attraction. He didn't get it. Very tragic.
That tall gal was a singer at Las Vegas at that time. To cut a long story short, she returned in early 2011, I didn't want her n she cried n cried.
She met a very rich towkay at Lido and stopped working completely. He kept her until her return to China in summer of 2016. She had been my secret GF all those yrs. She wanted to fxxk 3 times a week, but I saw her only once a month. Drove her crazy.
She is now legally married but we still keep in touch. She is 31 now, I think.
Bro WB,
I was interested in this topic because singers are not easy.
A friend of mine spend tens of thousands trying to bed this singer who he was so mesmerized after watching her sing. The singer can only come by when she rest to say hello and drink only if you had paid enough dues.
I told my friend all these are wasting money but he just don't listen. The whole episode took a few months and the singer just have to work and only available day time. Morning usually they just slept.
Anyway just keep the posts coming and was reading all the conversations among the great sifu.
Hope to keep up my reading too.
Have a great evening.
Bro, tks.
If a gal likes you, making love to her is very easy. She will chase u for sex.
If you think singers are very hard to get, or if you think singers are very easy, you're right. I hope you get it.
My 20 yo LP KI was a young singer at the now-defunct HFJ in Sentosa 2016. She was very easy for me. I never went to her joint, not even once. She was introduced to me by a trusted friend. A China woman she befriended in a beauty salon in Sichuan used deception to persuade her to become a singer in SG. She just finished high school. She wanted to leave immediately but the owner kept her passport! She managed to leave after 5 weeks. She is tall n cute n sexy. Couldn't get a student visa to return to SG. She became a student at an American school in JB end of July last yr. I hv been seeing her once a week.
KI knew little English n started at level 1. Now level 6, hopefully level 7 soon. She will take IELTS in two weeks. She will study at a private uni in JB in Sep. She was accepted to UTM earlier, a public uni, but changed her mind. She said 90% of students are ethnic Malay n 5% Arabs. There are also many Arab students, both male n female, at the American school. They tried to convert her to Islam!! She is a Buddhist.
Bro WB
Very nice thread indeed.
I did read some of the back pages in this thread. Now I reading from the beginning. Notice from early start your skills are still unpolished and you are on beta mode.
You have not practise Mode One and DGAD attitude.
So you actually went thru a tough scale of doing "Dominance Male Scale".
Very good idea to start from no man's land till later you became the GURU.
Hope to continue reading and fantastic how the few of your friends exchanging posts.
Hope you have a nice day.
I'm gradually improving.
I now believe it's a man's great emotional strength and awesome self mastery which attract beautiful girls/women like bees to flowers.
If you're truly such a MAN, beautiful gals will fight to hv sex w/ you. Read the poem "IF."
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Bro WB
What a wonderful morning.
Woke up early to read and after reading severla pages of your thread, I was totally engrossed.
No wonder so many supporters of yoru great thread.
So how was the stock market today? My question is the market had been very erratic and unpredictable. After a few years of bull run the DJI still loks reasonable strong and volatile. Are we due for a crash?
I agreed that we need to buy undervalue stocks and wait for the stocks to grow. But when is the right time to pick up the stock?
Back to the topic of picking gal.
I love gals that was unpredictable. Agreed that if a gal is introvert, i will get bored with her very fast.
I dun mind same gal but must have common interest together.
What about bro you? Any comment?
Hope you enjoy your weekend.
Cheers to all.
Tks for your support!
The US stock valuation is not cheap. Be very cautious. Difficult to find undervalued stocks. Any good local ones?
Get the type of gals you like. Never settle.
Bro WB
22-04-2018, 07:37 AM
Bro WB
What a great morning. Not forgetting your great thread.
The best time to hook any of the ktv gals is when they are turning up to work If knew where they always hang out before going to work is best.
One example, the usually patronize same hair stylist. Usually they will be there from afternoon 3pm onward. Then you can really see them in their real self personalities.
I remembered a friend always told me back in 2000s that ktv gals go to the saloon at Golden Landmark. Those days Golden Landmark have nothing much except few shops.
The other place will be where they gathered to have their food. Anyway most of them dun really bother to eat but still gather for their daily dose of gossips.
Your post below hit the nail in the coffin.
Hope to read more sexperts advice from all your seniors.
Hope you guys enjoy a nice day.
Good morning to all esteemed samsters,
A word abt picking up gals inside KTVs.
Most bros rely on mummies to bring gals to them. In my personal experience that is a mistake. It's better for u to hang out where the gals congregate n pick the ones u like. Try to see as many gals as possible.
Of all my BAO-ees, only one was intro by a mummy n she was a disappointment. Two were intro by bros. The rest I found them myself. Most mummies will bring u gals they know or familiar w/. I suspect some gals reward mummies for intro patrons.
Earlier this month I was at a high-end KTV SH n my favourite mummy brought 2 supposed 美女to sit w/ me. I quickly rejected both of them. Not blaming her as one man's meat is...I then roamed the main hall n every which way to "view" as many gals as possible.
I must hv seen 70-80 gals in 25 min. Then I saw a very gorgeous n tall SYT...OMG!!...I was stunned n literally ran after her. My heart quickened n it was lust at 1st sight! But before I was close enough to speak to her, she was quickly ushered into a rm together w/ 10 other gals. I waited outside the rm hoping the 2 fellow ah peks inside won't pick her. I was waiting anxiously. After the gals came out, I quickly approached my quarry n asked for her name n assigned no n offered to book her. But her mummy came up n said she had been booked! Luckly the ah peks didn't book her immediately, which gave me a crucial 10 secs to get to know her assigned no, hehehe. I later told her it's 缘份 or predestined affinity.
I later requested my mummy to bring the SYT to meet me. In the meantime I continued to look around. Saw a singer on stage n I realized she was my coveted type as well, 2nd only to the SYT I missed. After she finished singing, I approached her n asked her to come to my rm. She came to sit w/ me n later that SYT also came to say hello n gave her HP no. Two coveted quarries in one nite. I left a very happy man...BTW, the SYT is 18 yo KK.;)
I dun undestand why my mummies didn't intro these 2 gals to me much earlier. I would hv a lot more time to enjoy their pussies! They knew exactly what my type was. Must be tall, chio w/ proportionate figure n long slim arms/legs. When the senior mummy saw that I brought the tall singer to my rm, she greeted me n said 你找到一个最漂亮的. Why didn't she intro her to me before? Her assistant's excuse, I didn't know u wanted singer too. Didn't she know the gorgeous SYT was my type as well?:confused:
So never rely on mummies. I had even offered to reward them handsomely if they intro the right gal but it had not helped. So find the gals yourself. Less than 5% of men do that. It will give u an unfair competitive advantage.:D
So much for picking up gals inside KTVs. From time to time I need to be true to the spirit of this thread, which is picking them outside...hehehe.
Here is a great way to pick up gals outside KTVs, specifically at the TAM Complex which IS the Mecca for gorgeous SYTs. Ideally, u should work w/ a wing man. Both of u should wait outside the lifts on the 1st FL between 915PM n 1015PM. You will see the largest no of chio PRC MMs in SIN. The DC complex is a distant 2nd. The gals will be coming from all directions to take the lifts to either CI or LV. When u see ur type of gal, approach her n ask for her name n HP no. Then try to book her or arrange to meet her at a later date.
BTW, dun forget to post ur FRs here, hehehe.:p
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
22-04-2018, 12:50 PM
Good afternoon!
Great thread here, hope to read more.
22-04-2018, 01:49 PM
Although the past doesn't exist nor does the future, I like to learn from the past n plan for the future. Fortunately, I usually spend less than 15 min a day doing so.
In early Sep last yr, Mr. Austin, bro LDH, LKY n I were at DC HH. I brought a 20 yo SH gal I was going to BY. He was quite impressed w/ her n told me I should consider 金盆洗手n keep her on a long-term basis.
But she went MIA the next day n I knew another man snatched her, hahaha. As I hv mentioned before, there r two main reasons why she abandoned me. Firstly, n most importantly, I offered her only half the going rate (that was what she asked for n I was dumb enough to believe her). Secondly, I often had relapses of my beta behaviour.
That was then, this is now, hahaha.
My current 18 yo mistress KK is younger, fairer, prettier, w/ even slender arms, much bigger natural boobs n bigger ass. Equally nice long legs n identical height of 170. KK is 2 kg heavier n most of that extra weight is in the boobs n a little is in her ass. I'm not a boob man but she has the most beautiful pair of boobs I hv seen!
They both sing very well. Both had spent some time at reputable universities in PRC prior to coming to SIN.
KK is totally submissive,always available n is willing to do anything to give me pleasure n happiness (in her own words)! She also worries a lot abt the health of this lao chi ko pek n that she is making me too fatigued. I told her she must enjoy too n she says 已经佷舒服了。
However, the SH gal does speak much better English!
I enjoy spending time w/ KK bcos she is jovial, vivacious n playful. I like her now more than when I consummated the deal 2 wks ago. Why didn't I hv a GF like that when I was 20? Not sure abt long-term though. I bought her a small gift yesterday for her birthday next month n promised to give her a bonus to bring home for the Spring Festival.
The other day we went to a steamboat restaurant. After dinner, she brought some da bao for her roommates. I willingly paid for the da bao. Later, she held my hand n hugged me n whispered: You're really a kind man!
Me: 为什么?
KK: 新加坡人很吝啬。
Me: 有些人很吝啬。
Kk: 大部份人很吝啬。
Me: 是吗?
KK: 新加坡男人也很色!
Me: 什么色?
Kk: 新加坡男人都色迷迷的看我。。。
Me: 真的吗?那我也很吝啬, 我都是色迷迷的看你。。。
KK: 你不同,是我的男朋友,我要你每天都色迷迷的看我,每天和我做爱!
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Excellent post above. I was reading the thread and wanted to comment what was written above.
We need a basic plan. Correct the plan don't need to be long and detailed. Planning helps me a lot especially when I wanted to achieve something.
Bro, you are the PRIZE and is SH lost if she quit the game.
All good man will have good mantra and karma. Will get good blessing and bring you a good gal.
I really enjoyed your mandarin conversation between you and kk. She really loves you so much.
On the other hand, what she was saying also because you were her savior and boss. You took care of her and nice to her.
Hopefully she will be long time with you?
Care to comment if she still around?
Hope to achieve my own objective to find a good gf after reading yoru thread.
Please continue this thread.
22-04-2018, 01:51 PM
Bro WB
Excellent post above. I was reading the thread and wanted to comment what was written above.
We need a basic plan. Correct the plan don't need to be long and detailed. Planning helps me a lot especially when I wanted to achieve something.
Bro, you are the PRIZE and is SH lost if she quit the game.
All good man will have good mantra and karma. Will get good blessing and bring you a good gal.
I really enjoyed your mandarin conversation between you and kk. She really loves you so much.
On the other hand, what she was saying also because you were her savior and boss. You took care of her and nice to her.
Hopefully she will be long time with you?
Care to comment if she still around?
Hope to achieve my own objective to find a good gf after reading yoru thread.
Please continue this thread.
Fully agreed, that is an excellent post.
Do continue bro WB.
24-04-2018, 11:19 AM
Bro WB
What a great morning. Not forgetting your great thread.
The best time to hook any of the ktv gals is when they are turning up to work If knew where they always hang out before going to work is best.
One example, the usually patronize same hair stylist. Usually they will be there from afternoon 3pm onward. Then you can really see them in their real self personalities.
I remembered a friend always told me back in 2000s that ktv gals go to the saloon at Golden Landmark. Those days Golden Landmark have nothing much except few shops.
The other place will be where they gathered to have their food. Anyway most of them dun really bother to eat but still gather for their daily dose of gossips.
Your post below hit the nail in the coffin.
Hope to read more sexperts advice from all your seniors.
Hope you guys enjoy a nice day.
Tks for your post.
Bro WB
Excellent post above. I was reading the thread and wanted to comment what was written above.
We need a basic plan. Correct the plan don't need to be long and detailed. Planning helps me a lot especially when I wanted to achieve something.
Bro, you are the PRIZE and is SH lost if she quit the game.
All good man will have good mantra and karma. Will get good blessing and bring you a good gal.
I really enjoyed your mandarin conversation between you and kk. She really loves you so much.
On the other hand, what she was saying also because you were her savior and boss. You took care of her and nice to her.
Hopefully she will be long time with you?
Care to comment if she still around?
Hope to achieve my own objective to find a good gf after reading yoru thread.
Please continue this thread.
Bro, thanks for your comments!
If a man doesn't behave like the price, he will hv difficulties w/ women.
Read my other posts on KK. She returned to China a long time ago. She is married w/ one kid.
Good afternoon!
Great thread here, hope to read more.
Fully agreed, that is an excellent post.
Do continue bro WB.
Thanks, bros.
Bro WB
24-04-2018, 01:27 PM
Tks for your support!
The US stock valuation is not cheap. Be very cautious. Difficult to find undervalued stocks. Any good local ones?
Get the type of gals you like. Never settle.
Bro WB
Bro Wb
Thanks for the detailed reply.
Will watch out for the valuation.
24-04-2018, 01:47 PM
Tks for your post.
Bro WB
Bro WB, thanks for reply.
So never rely on mummies. I had even offered to reward them handsomely if they intro the right gal but it had not helped. So find the gals yourself. Less than 5% of men do that. It will give u an unfair competitive advantage.:D
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
Hi bro WB,
I wouldn't agree with you 100% on your conclusion on "picking up gals outside KTVs". It's obvious that each approach has its pluses and minuses. I believe to rule one approach much effective is a personal preference, and in many instances, experience :).
I have always relied on mummies to present the gals to me. I find several advantages (at least for me) to do so. Do allow me to list here:
1) Quick overview. I could easily obtain a quick overview of the physical attributes of the gals at a glance – from head to toe, all right in front of me, display in a row. I could compare the specifics of various gals as they are standing side by side, next to each other.
2) Insight information. I could get background information on freshness (in the scene), playability, drinkability, bonkability, origins, etc. from mummies; on the spot or in advance.
3) Flexibility. I select or reject at my own discretion - before or after a gal sit with me. This is a plus compared to a gal that you arranged to sit with you for the first time, after obtaining her contact yourself. If I reject, I ask mummy to bring other batches for me to choose from - on the spot. No hassle.
4) Choices. I could choose from a wide spectrum of batches of gals at one outing. Sometimes it can be four to five batches before I zoom in on one. Sometimes I find the right one from the first batch. I could potentially select from all gals available at the KTV if I want.
5) Filtering. Normally my mummies would do a quick filtering of gals for me, i.e, based on my basic specification. It could be height, look, “slutiness”, age group, or anything such as special desire for the day. With a fundamental filtering process, I I focus my time on how best to enjoy myself.
The above are just some of the thoughts came to my mind and are not exhaustive. As I mentioned, it is a personal preference. If you believe that picking up gals outside KTVs works great for you and hence a better approach, that’s absolutely fine. But for me, I stick to “picking up gals inside KTVs” - at least for sometime to come :D.
Bro WB
Bro marc5 post contradicts your post above. Sure both posts dates 26 Jan 2010 which were long time ago.
To me, I will not completely rely on mummy too. I find that mummy always bias towards gals who tipped mummy well or bought more gifts for her. Nothing wrong because in this material world, mummy too is human.
But of course mummy can bring you new gals if you dun knew the new gals existed.
I used to know a mummy who often intro the top gals to me. So I reward her well. We often have lunch together or high tea so the mummy were close to me and when I go she will often gave us top class gals.
Of course if gals not good, can swap very fast and pay minimal.
Some bros here may disagree.
Have a great day guys!!
24-04-2018, 05:02 PM
Good morning!
Here are a Gotham guru's 7 methods of attracting beautiful women.
<<< 1) Be Confident
Confidence is the mother of attraction.
Write this on your forehead.
You can literally know the best techniques for how to pick up
women that no one else knows and still be unsuccessful if you’re
not confident. NOTHING will be working out for you.
It’s so important to be confident and have a strong INNER
GAME because all your communication is based and comes
from that core and women will SENSE when you’re insecure
and don’t have your act together which is highly
So how do you create confidence?....................................... ............
1.Use Affirmations: (hear)...
2.Create Powerful Future Visions: (see)...
3.Collect Little Victories: (experience)...
2) Demonstrate High Social Value
A very important aspect concerning attraction is idea of SOCIAL
Women aren’t attracted to men that have lower social value
than themselves.
Another thing to write down on your forehead.......................................... ..
There are actually 3 types of guys which stand for low social
1. The Wussy...
2. The Cool Guy Pretender...
3. The Offensive Guy...these kind of guys become very pushy, offensive and sexually aggressive when they are around a really beautiful woman they feel attracted to because they are not in control of their sex drive.
Their drive is so strong that it dominates their whole
communication and seeks through everything they do.
(At this time I still hv some remnants of the wussy n the offensive guy! :().
So now the question arises, why do all these guys start acting
like that when they see a woman they are attracted to? Why do
they fall into “Low Social Value Mode”?
The answer is quite simple:
They start acting like that because they are impressed by her
Her beauty is what makes them nervous and pushes the switch
inside of them to create attraction inside of her.
Unfortunately, most men were taught and therefore think that
certain things like making women a lot of compliments, always
doing what she wants, never disagreeing, or showing sexual
interest right up in front will create attraction inside of her
which is…
Very Wrong!
It’s a wide spread myth that men who don’t have a lot of
experience with women believe.
That’s why I created this report to show you that these things
don’t work, kill this myth and show you what works instead.
Beauty is a shit test. It separates the losers from the winners.
Here’s how you can demonstrate high social value or in short,
how you DHV in order to attract a woman:
1. Don’t Be Impressed By Her Beauty...
2. Be Preselected And Socially Active...
3. Be The Alpha Male...
4. Don’t Give Her A Lot Of Attention At The
5. Be A Leader To Her...
6.Let Her Earn It.
What does she have to earn? EVERYTHING…
You see when a beautiful woman asks for something most
guys IMMEDIATELY give it to her. Whatever it might be…
They do what she wants them to do................................................ .......
I'll continue...
Any comments n criticisms?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the guidance above.
Now I knew what is a loser?
I lack confident when approaching woman. That was my problem initially when I started. My friends were telling me to be affirmative and not to be wussy.
I am one of the introvert type and never dare to do much.
I have to learn to avoid all this that you mentioned above.
Hopefully after reading up more of your thread, I learned new skills to tackle woman.
Please do post more guidance here.
Hope you have a great day.
24-04-2018, 05:10 PM
Wonderful thread by Bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
24-04-2018, 05:12 PM
Bro, tks.
If a gal likes you, making love to her is very easy. She will chase u for sex.
If you think singers are very hard to get, or if you think singers are very easy, you're right. I hope you get it.
My 20 yo LP KI was a young singer at the now-defunct HFJ in Sentosa 2016. She was very easy for me. I never went to her joint, not even once. She was introduced to me by a trusted friend. A China woman she befriended in a beauty salon in Sichuan used deception to persuade her to become a singer in SG. She just finished high school. She wanted to leave immediately but the owner kept her passport! She managed to leave after 5 weeks. She is tall n cute n sexy. Couldn't get a student visa to return to SG. She became a student at an American school in JB end of July last yr. I hv been seeing her once a week.
KI knew little English n started at level 1. Now level 6, hopefully level 7 soon. She will take IELTS in two weeks. She will study at a private uni in JB in Sep. She was accepted to UTM earlier, a public uni, but changed her mind. She said 90% of students are ethnic Malay n 5% Arabs. There are also many Arab students, both male n female, at the American school. They tried to convert her to Islam!! She is a Buddhist.
Bro WB
Very true and thanks for sharing dear Bro.
24-04-2018, 09:16 PM
Bro Wb
Thanks for the detailed reply.
Will watch out for the valuation.
Will watch out too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
24-04-2018, 10:07 PM
To me, I will not completely rely on mummy too. I find that mummy always bias towards gals who tipped mummy well or bought more gifts for her. Nothing wrong because in this material world, mummy too is human.
But of course mummy can bring you new gals if you dun knew the new gals existed.
I used to know a mummy who often intro the top gals to me. So I reward her well. We often have lunch together or high tea so the mummy were close to me and when I go she will often gave us top class gals.
Of course if gals not good, can swap very fast and pay minimal.
Some bros here may disagree.
Have a great day guys!!
Fully agreed. I do not like to rely on mummy too.
Thanks Bro WB for sharing so much with us.
25-04-2018, 08:08 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for the guidance above.
Now I knew what is a loser?
I lack confident when approaching woman. That was my problem initially when I started. My friends were telling me to be affirmative and not to be wussy.
I am one of the introvert type and never dare to do much.
I have to learn to avoid all this that you mentioned above.
Hopefully after reading up more of your thread, I learned new skills to tackle woman.
Please do post more guidance here.
Hope you have a great day.
Very good guidance by bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
25-04-2018, 10:09 AM
<<<If you’re guilty of doing these things, raise your
hand. Then take your raised hand, and slap yourself silly.
If you want to become more successful with women than you
are right now, and get some of the hottest women out there,
then I recommend you take a different approach.
When she wants something from you, don’t give it to her
immediately. You have to make clear that you are the prize
and that she has to earn it.
If she hasn’t earned it yet tell her that she doesn’t deserve it
yet and don’t give it to her............................................... .................
Will continue...
Bro WB
I raised my hands and legs because I was guilty of doing these things.
Now I learned from you if she doesn't deserve it then don't bother to give her.
Yes, I want to be more successful with women.
Hope to be able to learn from all the top guys here.
25-04-2018, 10:32 AM
3) Build Attraction Waves And Loops
Have you ever seen a good horror movie? One that was really
full of TENSION, anticipation and that scared THE HELL out of
you?.............................................. ...............................................
What these tension waves do is they created MORE and MORE
tension up to climax where usually everybody is already
freaking out because there’s so DAMN much of it.
This mechanism is a very powerful tool that you can and should
also use for women to create and amplify attraction.
Here’s How You Do It:
You can do it with the so called “Push-Pull” technique.
You do something that she likes, which is like creating tension
or attraction and then suddenly you stop doing it. The tension
or attraction releases, like in the horror movie, where the guy thought he was saved. It’s the part of the wave where tension or
attraction goes down.
Then suddenly, you start doing it again. She will thank you that
you start doing it (whatever it is) again. You not only start to
create new attraction now, but also amplify it more and more
throughout the process.
The 3 Kinds Of Push-Pull:
1. Emotional push-pull:
This is actually what I’ve described above. You simply do
something that makes her feel REALLY good, and that she
likes A LOT, then stop doing it, and after some time start
doing it again.............................
2.Verbal push-pull:
This one is actually pretty EASY. You say something really
nice or cute to her that will spark only a little bit attraction
(because compliments are what beautiful women hear all the
time as I’ve told earlier and therefore don’t work that well),
then you pause and after some seconds you throw out the
contrary, or something that “pushes” her a little bit away...................
3. Physical push-pull:
Have you ever kissed a woman, but after some seconds she
pushed you away to stop?
Well, guess what? That’s physical push pull.................
What you should get, is that attraction is like a wave. It goes up,
and then goes down. Focus on creating those waves and if you
do it several times in a row, you’ll amplify attraction, and create
so called “Attraction Loops” which is pretty damn powerful.................
4) Be Unpredictable
.................................................. ........>>>
Will continue...
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post above.
Very nice guide and hope to practice with more gals.
I will behave as the PRIZE and they will have to earn it.
Hmm, start to build tension waves so that she cannot control herself. Also be very unpredictable.
Hope to learn more form bro WB above and in this thread.
25-04-2018, 11:59 AM
Bro Wb
Thanks for the detailed reply.
Will watch out for the valuation.
Let me know, thanks.
Bro WB, thanks for reply.
Bro WB
Bro marc5 post contradicts your post above. Sure both posts dates 26 Jan 2010 which were long time ago.
To me, I will not completely rely on mummy too. I find that mummy always bias towards gals who tipped mummy well or bought more gifts for her. Nothing wrong because in this material world, mummy too is human.
But of course mummy can bring you new gals if you dun knew the new gals existed.
I used to know a mummy who often intro the top gals to me. So I reward her well. We often have lunch together or high tea so the mummy were close to me and when I go she will often gave us top class gals.
Of course if gals not good, can swap very fast and pay minimal.
Some bros here may disagree.
Have a great day guys!!
I prefer to move around. It's healthier than sitting down. Besides, that is the only way to see the greatest number of girls. I often join bevy of gals following a mummy to 试台. Of course, I don't enter the room. I get to look at the gals closely, smell their scent and I may jokingly say booking me is FOC.
I also don't limit my approch to inside and outside KTVs. It could be in any country, anywhere, anytime, any gals...
I use my judgement. I'll not approach the pretty young mistress of a Mexican drug kingpin, for example.
Bro WB
Thanks for the guidance above.
Now I knew what is a loser?
I lack confident when approaching woman. That was my problem initially when I started. My friends were telling me to be affirmative and not to be wussy.
I am one of the introvert type and never dare to do much.
I have to learn to avoid all this that you mentioned above.
Hopefully after reading up more of your thread, I learned new skills to tackle woman.
Please do post more guidance here.
Hope you have a great day.
Bro, tks.
Change your mindset. And practice.
Very true and thanks for sharing dear Bro.
Dear Annkatrin,
Tks, pls share your FR too. Tell us more from a female perspective.
Will watch out too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Thank you.
Fully agreed. I do not like to rely on mummy too.
Thanks Bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Thanks, bro.
Very good guidance by bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
Have a great day.
Bro WB
I raised my hands and legs because I was guilty of doing these things.
Now I learned from you if she doesn't deserve it then don't bother to give her.
Yes, I want to be more successful with women.
Hope to be able to learn from all the top guys here.
Bro, tks.
All healthy men want to be more successful w/ women. We must learn to fulfill their needs...
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice post above.
Very nice guide and hope to practice with more gals.
I will behave as the PRIZE and they will have to earn it.
Hmm, start to build tension waves so that she cannot control herself. Also be very unpredictable.
Hope to learn more form bro WB above and in this thread.
Tks. Be a hard to get man, use push pull...she will love it!
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
25-04-2018, 12:59 PM
Very good thread here. Hoping to learn more from Bro WB.
27-04-2018, 07:33 AM
Good morning!
I'm convinced that most men suffer from "nice guy syndrome" n that is THE No.1 reason they fail or hv poor RS w/ women, non-WLs n WLs alike.
If u r perceived as a nice guy, WLs will try to squeeze u dry...whereas u will fail to attract non-WLs in the first place. I'm only talking abt very chio WLs n non-WLs here. A nice guy is boring n repulsive to very attractive gals/women.
Most gals/women may consciously want to hv a nice guy as BF but they r subconsciously attracted to certain traits n behaviours of a "bad Boy," hehehe.
We should adopt certain traits of the "bad boy" which attract women n leave out the nasty parts that make him a complete "jerk."
I think a man must be ruthlessly dominant, project high status in his body language, be supremely confident, unpredictable n mysterious, be a "hard to get man" n behave like he is the "PRIZE."
Be a naughty, playful n daring "bad boy" who is unemotional, independent, who doesn't play by the rules n who knows how to challenge, tease, even insult n bust up n connect-disconnect w/ women. If he only connects w/ women, he is a boring, predictable nice guy. Women crave sexual tension n intense emotional experiences. So give them what they crave! Last but not least, he should be a sexual master who is able to give COS to women...;)
I welcome comments n dissenting views from esteemed bros here. If anyone knows a better way to attract n keep women, pls detail it here. Ths a lot!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for a special thread.
I learned the hard way when been nice guy. A nice guy will always been squeezed dry. I knew of friend who lost heavily after been milked dry by the WL he was mesmerized with.
Friend lost his family, lost his job, lost all his money and then borrowed heavily after been with a PRC mm for a year.
I was totally shocked that I quit going out to ktv.
Luckily I survived and involved in P4P only from then on.
Have been reading your thread for quite a few days.
Wish this thread continue as long as possible.
Thanks for sharing.
27-04-2018, 08:47 AM
Bro WB
Thanks for a special thread.
I learned the hard way when been nice guy. A nice guy will always been squeezed dry. I knew of friend who lost heavily after been milked dry by the WL he was mesmerized with.
Friend lost his family, lost his job, lost all his money and then borrowed heavily after been with a PRC mm for a year.
I was totally shocked that I quit going out to ktv.
Luckily I survived and involved in P4P only from then on.
Have been reading your thread for quite a few days.
Wish this thread continue as long as possible.
Thanks for sharing.
Agree with you, this is indeed a special thread.
Hope to read more.
27-04-2018, 03:35 PM
Happy LNY to all samsters!!
By monitoring a gal's QQ or MSN space, one can glean valuable info on her background, family, friends n thoughts, feelings, hobbies, even her current appearance, etc.
Hours after I met one of my former BAO-ees, she wrote in her QQ space abt her 心情: 新开始新起点 “最熟悉的陌生人." She was right. We hv been very intimate physically n sexually, but I remain a virtual stranger to her. Although I know a lot abt her, she knows me only as X da ge, she doesn't know my age, nor my thoughts, feelings n family, etc.
Everything in life is fated.
I almost never had a chance to even glance at KK in the first place. Also, in our first sexxion, I was thinking of ending it...
I picked KK right after school n went to a restaurant, then off to a secluded place. In the rm, I was salivating n very sexcited over her youthful body, very pretty abalone n natural D boobs!!........after perhaps 15 min of foreplay, I was heading south to taste her pussy, but I paused abruptly bcos there was an unpleasant odor!!:( Luckily my didi was still very stiff n I was able to fxk her hard in two positions...n thus consummated the deal.
Becos of her other assets I decided to give her another chance. In retrospect, in this hot n humid weather of ours, if a gal has tight jeans on for many hrs n doesn't wash her pussy thoroughly w/ mild soap n water, she will hv some smell. In our next meeting, I told her abt the smell n I then proceeded to wash her myself, hahaha. Fortunately for both of us, her pussy was completely odorless n I ate her delicious abalone ;)...if the smell had been due to vaginitis, no amt of washing could remove it.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a auspicious day.
Many secrets were exposed by social media. Some of the gals were daring enough to pose many sex appealing photos and some explicit sex act with former partners.
I have never trusted social media and never use my real details when log in. The truth about delete is not really deleted. Some where in the world there will be a copy which not deleted.
I really enjoyed reading all the great forums posted here.
Hope to read faster and complete the thread soon. May need to burn some overnight. I hope to start dating more gals soon.
Have a nice weekend coming up.
27-04-2018, 10:16 PM
Bro WB
What a auspicious day.
Many secrets were exposed by social media. Some of the gals were daring enough to pose many sex appealing photos and some explicit sex act with former partners.
I have never trusted social media and never use my real details when log in. The truth about delete is not really deleted. Some where in the world there will be a copy which not deleted.
I really enjoyed reading all the great forums posted here.
Hope to read faster and complete the thread soon. May need to burn some overnight. I hope to start dating more gals soon.
Have a nice weekend coming up.
Same here as well. Hope to complete the thread too.
28-04-2018, 07:23 AM
Bro, tks.
All healthy men want to be more successful w/ women. We must learn to fulfill their needs...
Tks. Be a hard to get man, use push pull...she will love it!
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro. thanks for good reply.
28-04-2018, 02:04 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for starting this great thread.
I was following the thread and reading more than commenting.
"Play hard to get" is very good tactics. This technique once perfected will definitely have plenty of success.
Below is a long post and amazing facts.
Many of them will be used later
- bad boy
- fun and exciting to be around
The above will guaranteed to be main focus in later part of your thread.
Please to read more and will try to comment is any.
Hope bro WB can advise me.
Have a great weekend.
I hv mentioned that being a "hard to get man" actually gets more women, n the most desirable women.
What is a hard to get man?
Let me quote the exact words of a guru ( Sorry, he is quite wordy n repetitive. He could be a lot more succinct...):
<<<The Hard to Get Man Follows the Charismatic Model.
The Charismatic Model combines four essential qualities. The Hard to Get Man knows how to express all of these qualities with women.
One part of the Charismatic Model is the ability to be kind, warm, and caring about people and the world.
A second part of the model is the ability to be sensual and romantic. This part involves talking about romantic things, seeing romantic details, and relating on a sensual and sexual level with women.
The third part of the Charismatic Model is the ability to be playful, silly, and fun.
The fourth component is the ability to walk away from women, to be tough, to not take any shit, and to be courageous.
As you can see, if you only have one of these qualities you can easily fail with women, but when all of them are operating at once you are unstoppable.
What the Hard to Get Man does:
The Hard to Get Man is willing to walk away from a woman if she is rude to him. He doesn’t sell out or give his balls away to women. He has high self-regard and only gives when he wants to give.
The Hard to Get Man is an excellent communicator. He is able to tell the truth about what he thinks, feels, experiences, etc. We will cover how to communicate like a Hard to Get Man later in this book.
The Hard to Get Man is not ashamed of his sexual desires. He is able to flirt romantically. He is able to have fun effortlessly talking to women about sexual and sensual things.
The Hard to Get Man does not placate women. He has high self-respect and doesn’t do things he doesn’t want to do. He doesn’t sell out around women or feel as though he has to lie to or manipulate women.
Being Hard to Get is about being selective, having criteria, maintaining high standards, taking risks, and getting a lot of women.
A Hard to Get Man works the fundamentals of dating and seduction. He understands that successfully seducing women is like any other long-term project. He understands that, at first, he will have to put a lot of energy into it, and settle for small results until he gets better at it. He knows that at the beginning of learning any new skill there is a lot of work, and that the returns at first are small. He understands that returns get larger only as his skill level increases, which will only happen with practice.
The Hard to Get Man understands the fundamentals of seduction, and he practices the fundamentals on a daily basis. He knows that only by mastering the fundamentals can he become a more effortless and effective seducer.
The Hard to Get Model
The Hard to Get Model is a way of life. It’s a combination of behaviors, attitudes, skills, and ideas that combine to create an attractive man. When you combine these qualities with the Charismatic Model, you have a man who lives life on his terms and is irresistible to women.
This is what the “bad boy” does that makes him so irresistable to women. And it’s what you’ll do, once you know how to be a Hard to Get man.
Passion and Intensity
Passion is power. The Hard to Get Man is passionate about life. He has energy and passion about things other than women in his life. Being passionate is demonstrated in having energy and showing passion in conversations.
The BNB (stands for a Boring Nervous Bonehead or a needy nice guy) is predictable and flat, boring, and lame. Intensity is about being focused, having strong opinions, and being unashamed of your passions. A leader. Someone who is up to stuff and you want to be up to stuff with them. Someone with their own style.
Women love drama, and in case you haven’t noticed, they create drama in all aspects of their lives. Drama means having things unfold like they do in a movie—an emotional tale with dramatic ups and downs and a variety of experiences and emotions through conversations, stories, or events.
Mystery, Complexity, and Depth
Predictability is boring. Women crave men who can create interesting conversations, which make them work hard to find meaning and answers.
Women crave men who are complex and deep. They want a man who can talk about a variety of subjects in depth and demonstrate originality and uniqueness in his personality. In our live seminars, we spend days exploring ways to demonstrate an interesting personality based on the stories you tell and the things you talk about.
A mysterious person doesn’t tell everything up-front, and they have more to them than meets the eye. They are not exactly secretive, but they are hard to understand, pigeonhole, or entirely figure out.
Chaotic, Unpredictable, Flexible Behavior
The Hard to Get Man is unpredictable in the things he talks about, the way he behaves, and the way he expresses himself. As a result the Hard to Get Man is flexible in his approach with women and is able to deal with the inherent chaos involved in relating to women.
You really cannot predict how a conversation with a woman will go. The BNB wants everything to be nice, orderly, safe, and predictable. The Hard to Get Man, however, knows that interacting with women is chaotic, messy, and sometimes crazy. The only thing predictable about interacting with women is that it’s never the same way twice.
You might, for example, be having a great conversation with a woman about vacation spots or her favorite restaurants, and then she begins to cry thinking about a former boyfriend or a pet who recently died. The BNB freaks out and thinks her expression of strong emotions is bad and ruining his seduction. The Hard to Get Man goes with it. He pushes into the sadness, he is able to relate to strong emotions, and he shares strong emotions with the woman. In our Advanced Course we walk you through, step-by-step, how to speak emotionally and relate emotionally to women. For now, you just need to be aware of adding more unpredictability to your behavior, and doing the steps we’ll outline in this book.
Again, the Hard to Get Man has trained himself to deal with chaos and to be comfortable with chaos. He acts in unpredictable ways and is comfortable with the ways women act impulsively. He is able to do unpredictable things such as jumping up in the middle of a conversation and tickling a woman, or talking about metaphysical topics in the middle of a conversation about sports.
Fun and Exciting
If you are serious about succeeding with women you better be fun to be around. Think this through rationally, bro. Do you honestly think anyone wants to be around a depressing guy who never smiles or who scowls anytime anyone tells a joke? Do you think chicks want to be around a low-energy guy who is boring, humorless, and seems angry and/or closed? No pickup lines or fancy patterns will help you if you’re not fun to be around. There is no way you are going to find, meet, or keep a woman in your life if you are not fun and exciting to be around.
We’re not saying you need to act like a clown or a comedian either. If you are not naturally funny, don’t start now. There is nothing worse than someone telling stupid jokes, and then making it worse by fucking up the delivery. But if you are naturally funny and are just shy, stop holding back. Let it out.
Being fun means being relaxed, easy to be around, enjoying hanging out with women, appreciating humorous stories, being open about your life and your experiences.
What else does it mean to be fun? It means being playful. It means being silly. It means enjoying the time with a woman and being enjoyable to be around.
A Hard to Get Man Does Not Avoid Conflict and Has an Edge
Most guys avoid conflict with women like the plague. Anytime a conversation gets heated a BNB does everything he can to avoid a disagreement or a conflict. He will apologize, change the subject, or get incredibly scared.
The Hard to Get Man doesn’t avoid conflict. He pushes women to find their “hot” buttons. He knows that conflict is seductive. Yes, read it again: conflict can be seductive to women. Conflict is bonding. Conflict presents a challenge for a woman. Conflict shows you have self-respect and do not take shit. And conflict invokes emotional passion from women, which often evolves into sexual energy. Think about how hot sex can be after a couple makes up after a fight. Later in this book we will teach you specific tools that will teach you techniques for creating conflicts with women.
By “edge,” we mean that the Hard to Get Man talks about unusual topics and pushes the envelope with women. He stretches the limits in a conversation by bringing up challenging topics. By “edge,” we refer to talking about things that might upset a woman or put her off.
Any comments n criticisms?
Ths for reading n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
28-04-2018, 02:30 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend:)
29-04-2018, 01:01 PM
Nice thread. Hope to read more.
29-04-2018, 04:04 PM
Another great day!!
KK called me Mon on her return to SIN. Unfortunately, her big auntie came w/ her! Met her yesterday in a secluded place close to her dorm. She carried a box of 003 n a special sex tool which I gave her before she left for Chengdu. Luckily, she still had two other very nice holes...she was very jovial n playful.
Later, I did some light n medium "disconnectors" by teasing, challenging n finding faults w/ her. She was irritated n displeased for a while. But I got my concessions. Now I'll give her wkly allowance towards the end of the wk n she will meet me anytime I want outside school hrs. And she will always carry my box of 003...;)
As for the new SYT KY, I proposed ST which she rejected outright. Sadly, I'm greatly constrained by time n hv not even established rapport w/ her, like booking her for a KTV outing.:( She said, 我不是小姐,你只能包养我。I hope she will be available when I return...
Let me digress a bit. It's indirectly related to kTV gals/singers/students since the prerequisite for getting their pussies is sufficient money. I shall quote an article abt the coming financial meltdown.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<February 23, 2010
Plans to Hide Commercial Real Estate Losses Won’t Avert a Double-Dip Downturn
By Shah Gilani, Contributing Editor, Money Morning
Sooner or later, mounting losses on commercial real estate could crash through the market's 2009 optimism and send the economy and stocks into a double-dip downturn.
The major problem is that lawmakers and regulators are setting up investors into believing that commercial real estate (CRE) losses are being effectively addressed. The truth is that escalating losses are being hidden as part of a campaign of optimism in a desperate gamble that a robustly reviving economy will save the day.
To protect yourself from another investment beating, here's what you need to know.
Accounting Gimmickry
Two weeks ago, a bipartisan group of 79 members from the U.S. House of Representatives sent a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. The lawmakers want the public to know that they are concerned that the "commercial-real-estate industry has the potential to infect our economy and slow a recovery," according to Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski, D-Pa.
Kanjorski, the chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) - which includes the likes of Fannie Mae (NYSE: FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE: FRE) - says it's the administration's responsibility to make sure that happens.
"The Treasury and Federal Reserve now must take needed and urgent action to stave off a potentially devastating wave of commercial real estate foreclosures and bank losses," Kanjorski said.
So in keeping with how effectively overseen and transparent our capital markets, insurance industry and GSE institutions are, the lawmakers want more accounting gimmickry to be made available to banks that hold commercial-real-estate assets. The lawmakers are concerned that banks may be forced by some regulators to write down the value of performing loans, even when payments are current. And these elected officials want more latitude for banks to manipulate recently issued CRE loan-modification guidelines.
Just what recently issued CRE loan modification guidelines are we referring to?
When is a Bad Loan Not a Bad Loan?
The tooth fairy commeth. On Oct. 30, bank, thrift and credit-union regulators very quietly gave lenders flexibility in how they classify distressed commercial mortgages. Banks can now slice distressed loans into performing and non-performing loans, and institutions will magically be able to reduce the total reserves set aside for non-performing loans.
For example, let's assume that a developer borrowed to build a shopping mall, but only one tenant leased space in the finished project. Cash flow from the project would be insufficient to service the loan, meaning the lending bank would have to set aside reserves against the total loan. Under the new guidelines, however, the mall loan actually could be carved into two loans - a performing loan representing the rented space, and a non-performing loan that represents the empty space.
Theoretically, with fewer reserves having to be set aside, bank balance sheets would look better, leaving lenders with more cash available for loans. But the reality might be very different. Granted, this accounting hocus-pocus might well stave off some bank failures. But with the overhang of non-performing loans still on their books, will those banks really be eager to lend out their precious cash?
That's not the only concern, either. The fact that lawmakers don't want to force banks to write down "performing loans" should be a cause for concern among investors. It's like the riddle: If an airplane crashes exactly on the border of two states, where do you bury the survivors? Hint ... you don't bury survivors. And, you don't have to write down performing loans - unless, of course, they're not really "performing."
What's really happening with performing loans is a game called "extend and pretend." When most banks make commercial loans they include an "interest reserve." The reserve amount is part of the total loan, and it is there so that banks can pay themselves their interest until the project generates enough cash flow to start paying interest and principal.
The unvarnished truth is that innumerable commercial loans are in distress right now because projects aren't being finished. And if they are , tenants aren't leasing. So rather than write down the loans, banks are extending the terms of the debt with more interest reserves included so they can continue to classify the loans as "performing."
Hiding behind the extend-and-pretend game is the dark reality that property values have declined at an alarming rate - racing ahead of the rate at which banks are writing down these loans.
Nor is that the only concern. Because interest reserves do not repay any of the loan principal, there is no amortization on these debts. In other words, banks are extending loans that they would never make now, because borrowers are already grossly upside-down.
To be continued.
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice thread. It is really amazing to read the above post.
Not only we can learn about bao-ing gals but alos learned about property market. if I knew this thread in 2009 then I will not buy any property then.
As for gals, I often go to only one ktv to pickup the best choice gals. Mummy always give me her best top choice gals because I often tipped mummy very well.
There was a gal that I like very much and she gave me very nice service and sex. We kept together for 2 years and she left for home because her father.
Hope to learn pickup more tips here.
Hope bro enjoy a nice weekend.
29-04-2018, 04:25 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the nice thread. It is really amazing to read the above post.
Not only we can learn about bao-ing gals but alos learned about property market. if I knew this thread in 2009 then I will not buy any property then.
As for gals, I often go to only one ktv to pickup the best choice gals. Mummy always give me her best top choice gals because I often tipped mummy very well.
There was a gal that I like very much and she gave me very nice service and sex. We kept together for 2 years and she left for home because her father.
Hope to learn pickup more tips here.
Hope bro enjoy a nice weekend.
Fully agreed that this is an amazing thread.
Hoping to pick up tips too.
30-04-2018, 04:01 PM
nominated best thread in sammyboy.
got talk about gals and also economy(money!)..
bro warbird no need work de ar.. can always update... envy siol.... :o
This I fully agreed with above.
I also vote this as best thread in sammyboy.
Good morning to a esteemed samsters,
I'm determined to make 2010 a very good yr. I do need a little luck...
Although I hv only one mistress now, I hv been active in arranging for potential companions, including a couple of my former BAO-ees, when I return to SIN.
According to a no of gurus, the best way to avoid being KC-ed by any gal is to hv n to hunt for multiple pussies at the same time. But BY-ing more than 2 gals simultaneously would be too taxing physically for a lao ah pek like me. Besides, I'm constrained by time. Actually, hving just one young n horny gal is all I can handle...:(
It's hard to believe. KK n I r into our 8th wk of RS. This teenage gal is more complex n experienced n far less "innocent" than meets the eye. She has been trying to KC me n make me fall for her.:eek: She is getting help n advice from her cousin (real) whom I hv met, n from other frens.
She claims that she will not work nor consort w/ any other men for the rest of her stay here (as long as I'm w/ her). I asked why? Becos I love u, she said.:confused: I said it's a joke right? I'm serious, she said. She will do anything to please me n be w/ me. I told her I dun love her, I only enjoy her youthful n pretty pussy...she said she still loves me, she is 200% satisfied (sextisfied?) w/ me n I hv never disappointed her.;) I guess I hv filled her 3 voids satisfactorily, but I know better, if someone else offers her a lot more money she will just say goodbye.
She also told me her sex history. She lost her virginity at 16. She admits to hving causal RS w/ several boys since. Had a steady BF at uni who fxked her 2-3X a wk raw - she was taking the pill. Although she tested negative 3 months ago when she arrived here, I asked her to get another test when I return...
The only challenge left w/ KK is to make her really fall for me. I'm working hard towards that goal. I need to push-pull n always dominant n to hv the new mindset of an October Man, hahaha.
Bro WB
Dear Bro WB
I am so happy to read so many nice interesting points in this thread.
I agreed that many of us knew that PRC is big and heavily populated. Plenty of incidents such as incest, rape, pedophile, etc.
Best don't ask about past because the past is immaterial and not important. You already owned her pussy now and whatever she told you can you trust her.
My experience with this WL was she told me just her village so many things happening and so messy. This gal was fucking at least a few men and her mother was also having plenty of guys.The relationship was so messy.
We knew in the past dynasty the women are not treated equally and were been sexed by their masters and so on.
I hope my comment is fair and factual. Not to hurt anyone feelings.
Hope all guys have a good party tonight as eve of Labour Day.
30-04-2018, 04:03 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend:)
30-04-2018, 04:03 PM
Fully agreed that this is an amazing thread.
Hoping to pick up tips too.
Me too hoping to pickup tips.
30-04-2018, 05:31 PM
This I fully agreed with above.
I also vote this as best thread in sammyboy.
I also vote this as best thread.
30-04-2018, 05:54 PM
Awesome thread by bro WB .... enjoy your holiday :D
30-04-2018, 07:52 PM
Me too hoping to pickup tips.
Me hoping too as well.
01-05-2018, 02:27 PM
Good morning to a esteemed samsters,
I'm determined to make 2010 a very good yr. I do need a little luck...
Although I hv only one mistress now, I hv been active in arranging for potential companions, including a couple of my former BAO-ees, when I return to SIN.
According to a no of gurus, the best way to avoid being KC-ed by any gal is to hv n to hunt for multiple pussies at the same time. But BY-ing more than 2 gals simultaneously would be too taxing physically for a lao ah pek like me. Besides, I'm constrained by time. Actually, hving just one young n horny gal is all I can handle...:(
It's hard to believe. KK n I r into our 8th wk of RS. This teenage gal is more complex n experienced n far less "innocent" than meets the eye. She has been trying to KC me n make me fall for her.:eek: She is getting help n advice from her cousin (real) whom I hv met, n from other frens.
She claims that she will not work nor consort w/ any other men for the rest of her stay here (as long as I'm w/ her). I asked why? Becos I love u, she said.:confused: I said it's a joke right? I'm serious, she said. She will do anything to please me n be w/ me. I told her I dun love her, I only enjoy her youthful n pretty pussy...she said she still loves me, she is 200% satisfied (sextisfied?) w/ me n I hv never disappointed her.;) I guess I hv filled her 3 voids satisfactorily, but I know better, if someone else offers her a lot more money she will just say goodbye.
She also told me her sex history. She lost her virginity at 16. She admits to hving causal RS w/ several boys since. Had a steady BF at uni who fxked her 2-3X a wk raw - she was taking the pill. Although she tested negative 3 months ago when she arrived here, I asked her to get another test when I return...
The only challenge left w/ KK is to make her really fall for me. I'm working hard towards that goal. I need to push-pull n always dominant n to hv the new mindset of an October Man, hahaha.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Happy Labour day holiday to you and all.
Reading this thread is always a great pleasure. The great exchanges among many of the seniors was eye opening.
Was really happy to read all your encounters with pretty prc women especially KK. Proud of you that you managed to be with her for a few months already.
I used to have the same experience with another woman. She was with me for a couple of years and we had plenty of happy experiences. She was ordinary gal next door ah lian type of gal. We were very happy together but too bad all good things dun last.
Hope to learn new ways to pickup gals here.
Hope all enjoy good experiences in pickup gals. Agreed that man should try to have more than one gal so that we ccan have more happiness.
Have a good rest to all here.
01-05-2018, 02:55 PM
Bro WB
Happy Labour day holiday to you and all.
Reading this thread is always a great pleasure. The great exchanges among many of the seniors was eye opening.
Was really happy to read all your encounters with pretty prc women especially KK. Proud of you that you managed to be with her for a few months already.
I used to have the same experience with another woman. She was with me for a couple of years and we had plenty of happy experiences. She was ordinary gal next door ah lian type of gal. We were very happy together but too bad all good things dun last.
Hope to learn new ways to pickup gals here.
Hope all enjoy good experiences in pickup gals. Agreed that man should try to have more than one gal so that we ccan have more happiness.
Have a good rest to all here.
Indeed a very eye opening thread.
Have a nice day Bro WB.
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