View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
26-02-2022, 02:52 AM
Excellent thread bro warbird, many things to learn from you! :)
26-02-2022, 11:04 PM
One should be comfortable with himself.
Jealousy is what ppl have but you don't want them to have.
Envy is what ppl have you also want to have.
Generally the first is a negative destructive energy.
The second can be a positive energy.
Tks, bro.
Yes, you're right.
However, I'm not sure about the differences between jealousy and envy in the context of a romantic or marital relationship.
Would you like to elaborate?
Excellent thread bro warbird, many things to learn from you! :)
Bro, tks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
From another thread:
this struck me hard. jealousy ate me up for a couple of girls i had. skimmed through this thread and took notes haaa. thank you sensei!
Bro, tks.
It has happened to me before.
Some scientists believe 'contempt' is the kiss of death for a relationship. Perhaps...
But jealousy is certainly not far behind.
Would a man who believes he is the prize be jealous? Of course not. If a lao po leaves him, it's her big loss. That is the mental frame of a real MAN.
Bro WB
26-02-2022, 11:23 PM
Tks, bro.
Yes, you're right.
However, I'm not sure about the differences between jealousy and envy in the context of a romantic or marital relationship.
Would you like to elaborate?
Bro WB,
Jealous ppl want things to themselves and if they can't have, they make sure that others can't have.
Envious ppl would not do that tho they would at least want those things.
In a 'love' triangle relationship, a jealous man can end up killing the woman when he can't have her and he doesn't want the guy to have her.
Both jealousy and envy are related to covetousness and greed.
27-02-2022, 10:37 PM
Bro WB,
Jealous ppl want things to themselves and if they can't have, they make sure that others can't have.
Envious ppl would not do that tho they would at least want those things.
In a 'love' triangle relationship, a jealous man can end up killing the woman when he can't have her and he doesn't want the guy to have her.
Both jealousy and envy are related to covetousness and greed.
Bro, tks for sharing.
28-02-2022, 07:37 PM
go, any girls that you wish to, you can browse through easily, has filter button too
28-02-2022, 07:39 PM
Bro WB,
Jealous ppl want things to themselves and if they can't have, they make sure that others can't have.
Envious ppl would not do that tho they would at least want those things.
In a 'love' triangle relationship, a jealous man can end up killing the woman when he can't have her and he doesn't want the guy to have her.
Both jealousy and envy are related to covetousness and greed.
yey and woman hard to diminish this feeling easily
28-02-2022, 07:41 PM
this part i agreed 100% . proven with affirmation.
All wives and GF love however intense are all conditional
which will disappear without the slightest trace once the
conditions all no longer in existence.
yey only parents love is unconditionally and true from heart
28-02-2022, 07:44 PM
as long as not too choosy, cincai cincai also can find one
28-02-2022, 07:47 PM
Learn more, practise more. Sounds good.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
hehe practice makes perfect
28-02-2022, 07:48 PM
get is easy, wants to keep for long term needs little bit of skill
05-03-2022, 10:49 PM
Good evening!
Is anyone getting C positive? Get well soon!
I was in a doc chat grp n someone raised the question of sudden death after COVID infection. Many causes of sudden death. Any viral infections could cause it. But stress and/or unaccustomed n strenuous physical exertion could be a cause.
I then mentioned the tragic case of Godfrey Gao.
Godfrey was 35. Height 6'5" (1.95m). He was a handsome devil. Appeared very fit and healthy too.
In my younger yrs I thought I had to be very tall and very handsome to deserve the prettiest SYT. Looking like Godfrey Gao would have been a dream for me (well, not anymore).
It was a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was never able to get the type of girls I wanted until I knew what masculine attributes were really attractive to girls/women, in the primitive parts of their brains.
I was a failure with women. I was frustrated and desperate. I tried to improve every which way. I made the discovery after a lot of reading n research. But I had doubts initially. Knowing and doing are different. Doing and being are different too.
My preconceived bias and beliefs in my subconscious mind were sabotaging me. I knew I had to remove all the negativities which had been deeply ingrained in my brain.
Reprogramming my subconscious mind has been a slow and arduous journey. I'm making steady progress...
BTW, I don't feel jealous or insecure if a guy like Godfrey or any other man becomes very attracted to a LP or a 'dream girl.'
Why? I behave as if 100 very cute SYTs are calling me and wanting to fxxk me every day...:p:D
That is an extremely masculine mental frame and the only right mindset.
BTW, very tall people usually have a shorter life expectancy.
Bro WB
08-03-2022, 07:04 AM
I was a failure with women. I was frustrated and desperate. I tried to improve every which way. I made the discovery after a lot of reading n research. But I had doubts initially. Knowing and doing are different. Doing and being are different too.
When the girl can feel your well-being, she will tell you so.
My preconceived bias and beliefs in my subconscious mind were sabotaging me. I knew I had to remove all the negativities which had been deeply ingrained in my brain.
Reprogramming my subconscious mind has been a slow and arduous journey. I'm making steady progress...
When she can sense you have the temperament and have much in you and about you, she would find you attractive. When she knows you are a man of catholic taste, it's a lot easier for her to listen to you because she finds you very interesting.
Even more so when she hasn't even met you and let's you know over text with unusual choice of words to convey. Such words tell a lot about her that she's not superficial or shallow. Or when out of the blue, a girl sends you a rose emoticon, it means she's thinking about you.
So unless she's a baby elephant or landmine, it's most likely there is gonna be great chemistry interacting with her and 'unlocking' her.
BTW, I don't feel jealous or insecure if a guy like Godfrey or any other man becomes very attracted to a LP or a 'dream girl.'
That is an extremely masculine mental frame and the only right mindset.
Bro WB
There's no time to compare or hear about others. No jealousy, no envy. There would be more than one girl waiting for you. You can even tell her there is no rush in meeting her. You are letting her know that you control your timing too.
My humble 2 cts.
Cheers and good morning to you bro WB.
08-03-2022, 03:35 PM
When the girl can feel your well-being, she will tell you so.
When she can sense you have the temperament and have much in you and about you, she would find you attractive. When she knows you are a man of catholic taste, it's a lot easier for her to listen to you because she finds you very interesting.
Even more so when she hasn't even met you and let's you know over text with unusual choice of words to convey. Such words tell a lot about her that she's not superficial or shallow. Or when out of the blue, a girl sends you a rose emoticon, it means she's thinking about you.
So unless she's a baby elephant or landmine, it's most likely there is gonna be great chemistry interacting with her and 'unlocking' her.
There's no time to compare or hear about others. No jealousy, no envy. There would be more than one girl waiting for you. You can even tell her there is no rush in meeting her. You are letting her know that you control your timing too.
My humble 2 cts.
Cheers and good morning to you bro WB.
Bro bondage, good afternoon
Tks for your post.
You're right.
Even though we men are primarily visuals, a girl's intelligence, education, and character are very important in a LT partnership. We must choose wisely.
A MAN must have many, many options. Never settle. Because if you do, you will be miserable.
IMHO, jealousy is the kiss of death for any relationship.
Cheers to all,
Bro WB
08-03-2022, 04:34 PM
Thank you, bro WB.
08-03-2022, 09:38 PM
Thank you, bro WB.
Bro, you're welcome!
Stay safe. Hopefully, this COVID wave will be largely over in a few weeks.
08-03-2022, 10:05 PM
Bro, you're welcome!
Stay safe. Hopefully, this COVID wave will be largely over in a few weeks.
Yes, keeping fingers crossed.
Thanks for an excellent thread bro warbird :)
12-03-2022, 11:14 PM
Yes, keeping fingers crossed.
Thanks for an excellent thread bro warbird :)
Thanks, bro.
Good evening to all samsters,
I recently received the newsletter from an old friend on Why Women Cheat....
Hey, it's Mike Fiore…
And welcome to your weekly newsletter.
In this week's issue, I'm going to talk about the psychological triggers that make women willing to cheat even on men they truly do love . . (yikes!)
Ernest asks:
“She's someone else's girlfriend. We've been hanging out for almost six months and I am so craving to fuck her. I told her how I FEEL about her but...She won't give me SOME. WHAT DO I DO TO GET HER IN BED?” —Ernest
Hey Ernest... Man, I can practically SEE your blue balls through the computer screen. You should get those looked at.
More seriously though, I know where you're coming from. We've all been in that situation where the unattainable women drive us to crazy frenzy and TYPING IN ALL CAPS to relationship experts online.
She's with another guy (maybe even a buddy of yours) but when you see her she gives you those "bedroom eyes" and you feel like you're about to burst through your pants.
And when she catches you looking . . . catches you NEEDING her she gets this coy smile on her face that feel from your nose to your balls and you just want to GRAB her and TAKE her right then and there.
But you don't because . . .well, because that's a really horrible, horrible idea.
Anyway, let's talk about WHY women DO cheat in relationships, why she hasn't (and probably won't) ever hopped into bed with you, and what you should actually do about it.
So . . .
Why Women Cheat . . .
Really quickly it's important to understand that even though men have the reputation for being more unfaithful, men and women actually cheat at roughly the exact same ratio.
Women are just BETTER at cheating than men are, take more precautions, and get caught a LOT less often.
Now, when a guy cheats it's USUALLY just blunt, crazy lust or the option to have a new woman after being in a monogamous thing for a while.
But women are more complicated (duh.)
When a woman cheats on a guy it's because . . .
1. She feels underappreciated, neglected, or ignored by her boyfriend/husband.
2. She craves intimacy and connection that she's not getting from her guy (kissing, cuddling, actual conversation.)
3. She's bored or lonely or depressed in her current situation.
4. She doesn't feel WANTED or APPRECIATED.
5. She's got all of her self worth and self esteem wrapped up in being sexually attractive to men.
See what's not in the top five? "Because she's horny."
That happens, but it's actually pretty rare.
So Why Hasn't this woman slept with YOU (and why is she probably NEVER going to sleep with you?)
Because she's playing with you like a sexy cat with a ball of string. (Duh.)
From the sounds of things you're giving her exactly what she wants . . . attention and a self-esteem boost and a feeling of POWER.
She's getting off on being WANTED so badly by you (and why wouldn't she?)
And if you've been doing this for 6 freaking months the likelihood of her ever-changing her mind and dragging you into a closet is pretty much nil.
In general, women make an unconscious decision about whether they would EVER sleep with a guy within about 15 seconds of meeting him.
And your 15 seconds were a LONG time ago.
And telling her how you FEEL was . . . well, it wasn't smart.
So What Do You Do?
Well, I talk about this in "Make Her Beg To Be Your Girlfriend" but you flip the switch . . .
You STOP giving her compliments. You STOP staring at her like a tiger looking at steak.
You STOP hitting on her or coming on to her in any way. Without saying a damned word about it you put her FIRMLY in the "Friend Zone," talk to her about the other girls you're with (even ask for her advice), and move the hell on.
If she's as low self-esteem as it sounds that'll have a devastating effect on her.
But who cares about that . . . it's mostly just good for YOU to stop obsessing about the unattainable woman and move on with your life.
And hell, even if she DOES show up at your door wearing nothing but a raincoat and a quivering "like me" smile, you're better off turning her down.
Being "the other guy" is bad mojo and ethically a bad idea anyway.
Move on, man. Move on. She's not worth it. (Even if she does have breasts like pointy, firm cakes.)
Any comments?
Bro WB
24-03-2022, 10:34 PM
Good evening,
I just received this interesting email from Allen:
Why Second Dates Are Usually a BAD Idea
The title is slightly misleading. Here is the email.
Don Juan,
When you go on a date with a woman...
Your PRIMARY goal is not to attract her and to impress her and to make her want you.
That is your secondary goal.
Your primary goal is to SCREEN and QUALIFY and ELIMINATE.
You want to find out (as soon as possible) if this particular girl is worth spending your valuable time with.
Now most girls are awesome. Most girls are fun. And most girls are beautiful (in their own particular way).
If you date a lot, you will most likely discover that you are NOT all that compatible with most girls.
And you need to find this out ASAP so you can stop wasting time.
Sure, you can FORCE the attraction, you can force the chemistry, you can force the relationship. You can use all the tricks and tips and techniques you learn here to MAKE her want you, to make her chase you, to make her fall in love with you.
But if your goal is to find an amazing girl that you have great natural chemistry with... someone you might want to spend the rest of your life with...
Then you need to balance the process of ATTRACTING her with the process of SCREENING her.
So this means:
You should be meeting tons of women and going on a lot of FIRST dates... but not that many SECOND dates.
And not because the girl blows you off when you ask her out again.
But because you realize that you and she are not right for one another romantically.
In those cases, you should stick her in the your friendzone and use her to increase the size of your social circle.
The irony, of course, is that sticking her in your friendzone will most likely make her want you even more.
Good luck!
Yes, when you see a very cute girl of your type, you should qualify her to see if she is good enough for you.
Unfortunately, most men worry about whether they are good enough for such an attractive girl. Completely wrong mental frame!! No wonder they are perennial losers with very beautiful girls.
Yes, cute girls like in this video. I need to qualify them. Perhaps only one of them is good enough.
Bro WB
25-03-2022, 11:34 AM
So can still screen via dates and still fuck right?
25-03-2022, 04:28 PM
So can still screen via dates and still fuck right?
Sure, why not?
25-03-2022, 09:54 PM
Good evening,
I have not been to a KTV or nightclub for almost two yrs now. The only exception was my brief visit to Dynasty in early 2021 to celebrate the business success of two friends.
I'm doing fine as I still have my two LPs in SG. My quality of life would be lower without them.
Some of my kaki still go to "bistro" or club to makan n drink. You could book a girl/woman to sit with you. The going rates are $300/500! The 'standard' ST rates are 1.5/2.0K.
The problem is that you have to prebook the "girls." And almost all of them are plastic women or old aunties. Definitely not my type. It's good for gerontophiles.
These outrageous prices are due to a severe imbalance between supply and demand. Too many hungry n sex-starved men and too few women.
Hopefully, this is going to change soon, with the opening up of our borders.
And I like to see a bevy of cute n natural SYTs lining up for me, just like the good old days, instead of the usual plastic women n old aunties.
Bros, don’t we all deserve younger n prettier women?? Unless you're a gerontophile.
The damage for booking and ST could also drop substantially.
However, this may take a while because the passport n customs officers in China dissuade all girls from going overseas. Definitely no tourism. Even those going to study and work are discouraged. Several girls have told me.
I can't help but reflect on the good old days.
When I first started going to TAM/LV in 2009, ST was $300-500 for young women and SYTs. A little lower if you met the same girls at Dynasty. In contrast, now just booking a plastic woman or aunty to sit with u will cost the same as ST of a much prettier n younger SYT in 2009!!
I had met several $100 GL streetwalkers at TAM/LV in 2009. They increased their ST to $300-500!!
"Location, location, location" is not limited to real estate investing. THE location where u first meet your dream girl is just as important.
Another factor is TIMING.
Let me give u an example. If a man was lucky, he could hv met Norma Jeane Mortenson when she was 16. She would be thrilled to let him have her pussy for $10. If he had met her 10 yrs later, when she was known as Marilyn Monroe, he won't be able to see the color of her panties even if he offered $10,000!
Likewise, many PRC "singers" who had made big bucks in SG were cheap hoes back home when they were much younger.
Yet, many local men would get into "flower war" to win their pussies. It's inexplicable and really pathetic.
I suppose the winner of the 'war" would get a rare boost to his fragile ego. In that sense it's priceless...
But a man's self-esteem and his masculine value shouldn't be dependent on any external factors. It must come from within...
Your comments will be appreciated.
Bro WB
I doubt the price will drop much, maybe just a bit :D
Thanks for a great thread bro warbird!
26-03-2022, 06:25 PM
But a man's self-esteem and his masculine value shouldn't be dependent on any external factors. It must come from within...
Your comments will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB
It's much better when the girls or ppl know you are 'self-made' and you have qualities that are desired by many but that money cannot buy.
What you think and how you think and express would always be refreshing.
26-03-2022, 09:54 PM
I doubt the price will drop much, maybe just a bit :D
Thanks for a great thread bro warbird!
Bro, tks.
I'm afraid you're right. It will take quite a while and the price drop may be modest.
Bro WB
It's much better when the girls or ppl know you are 'self-made' and you have qualities that are desired by many but that money cannot buy.
What you think and how you think and express would always be refreshing.
Bro, tks for your post.
Yes, high-quality girls prefer a self-made man to one who inherits his money and position.
A man is not worth very much unless he has things and attributes that money can't buy.
Bro WB
31-03-2022, 12:32 PM
The Mistresses Dilemma.
It was the 1930s and a rich banker and his wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away.
His wife glares at him and says, "Who the heck was THAT?" "Oh," replies the husband sheepishly, "she's just my mistress." "Well, that's the last straw!" says the wife. "I've had enough, I want a divorce." "I can understand that," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more expensive cars in the garage and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours."
Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on his arm. "Who's that woman with Jim? " asks the wife. "That's his mistress," says her husband. His wife huffed. "Ours is prettier."
Yes, get a gorgeous mistress of your type.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
31-03-2022, 04:32 PM
The Mistresses Dilemma.
It was the 1930s and a rich banker and his wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away.
His wife glares at him and says, "Who the heck was THAT?" "Oh," replies the husband sheepishly, "she's just my mistress." "Well, that's the last straw!" says the wife. "I've had enough, I want a divorce." "I can understand that," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more expensive cars in the garage and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours."
Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on his arm. "Who's that woman with Jim? " asks the wife. "That's his mistress," says her husband. His wife huffed. "Ours is prettier."
Yes, get a gorgeous mistress of your type.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Nice share bro. Going to get a gorgeous mistress, but first must have a wife lol :D
31-03-2022, 05:08 PM
Nice share bro. Going to get a gorgeous mistress, but first must have a wife lol :D
Yes, bro.
Get a beautiful and intelligent wife with good character first.
Then get a gorgeous mistress.
I know you can do it.
If a lao chee ko pek like me can do it, everyone can do it. You need to have the right mental frames at the subconscious level.
If you read my posts in 2009-2010, you will know that I didn't have the right mental frames then.
Now I'm becoming a SYT whisperer.
Bro WB
31-03-2022, 06:30 PM
The Mistresses Dilemma.
It was the 1930s and a rich banker and his wife were having dinner at a very fine restaurant when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives the husband a big kiss, says she'll see him later and walks away.
His wife glares at him and says, "Who the heck was THAT?" "Oh," replies the husband sheepishly, "she's just my mistress." "Well, that's the last straw!" says the wife. "I've had enough, I want a divorce." "I can understand that," replies her husband, "but remember, if we get a divorce it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more wintering in Barbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more expensive cars in the garage and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours."
Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babe on his arm. "Who's that woman with Jim? " asks the wife. "That's his mistress," says her husband. His wife huffed. "Ours is prettier."
Yes, get a gorgeous mistress of your type.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WBBro WB, this is a nice story that I don't quite believe in real life. If the wife really loves her husband, will not share the love of him with another woman, be it a mistress, FWB or whatever the latter is termed.
Besides, in today's modern world, there are also plenty of married women, who may or may not have a loving husband, is having bf and FWB as their CCA. Hence, if playing field is levelled. That's the fact of life, a little sad but real.
31-03-2022, 09:45 PM
Bro WB, this is a nice story that I don't quite believe in real life. If the wife really loves her husband, will not share the love of him with another woman, be it a mistress, FWB or whatever the latter is termed.
Besides, in today's modern world, there are also plenty of married women, who may or may not have a loving husband, is having bf and FWB as their CCA. Hence, if playing field is levelled. That's the fact of life, a little sad but real.
Bro, tks for your opinion.
If a woman truly loves a MAN, she will want what is best for HIM. True love is selfless.
I do agree that women rarely want to share a man nowadays. The main reason is because a man who deserves to have many attractive women is very hard to find. Such a MAN has a strong mental frame, awesome masculine character attributes, and enormous emotional strength and self mastery...
Men in the top 1% have the most attractive girls/women as LT partners.
Let me quote Rollo Tomassi.
Harsh Truths:
Women would rather share a successful man than be attached to a faithful loser.
Most women do not marry 'for love.'
Bro WB
01-04-2022, 09:06 AM
Bro, tks for your opinion.
If a woman truly loves a MAN, she will want what is best for HIM. True love is selfless.
I do agree that women rarely want to share a man nowadays. The main reason is because a man who deserves to have many attractive women is very hard to find. Such a MAN has a strong mental frame, awesome masculine character attributes, and enormous emotional strength and self mastery...
Men in the top 1% have the most attractive girls/women as LT partners.
Let me quote Rollo Tomassi.
Harsh Truths:
Women would rather share a successful man than be attached to a faithful loser.
Most women do not marry 'for love.'
Bro WBBro WB, do you have one woman you love most at this moment? You could be having FWB relationship with several gorgeous SYT concurrently, but if the one you adore most and the one who you think madly in love with you tells you that she wants another FWB as you can't 24 by 7 with her, will you let her have other FWB concurrently while loving you?
While the emperor has several concubines and among which he likes one particular one most, yet when this concubine becomes pregnant, the baby is not necessary his.
A woman may not mind her man to engage commercial whore for that's more likely just lust and physical needs, but when she finds out her man is emotionally attached to another woman, and she herself is considered to be gorgeous and confident in her own, I doubt due to the selflessness you mentioned, would accept and not consider this as a betrayal.
02-04-2022, 09:20 PM
Bro WB, do you have one woman you love most at this moment? You could be having FWB relationship with several gorgeous SYT concurrently, but if the one you adore most and the one who you think madly in love with you tells you that she wants another FWB as you can't 24 by 7 with her, will you let her have other FWB concurrently while loving you?
While the emperor has several concubines and among which he likes one particular one most, yet when this concubine becomes pregnant, the baby is not necessary his.
A woman may not mind her man to engage commercial whore for that's more likely just lust and physical needs, but when she finds out her man is emotionally attached to another woman, and she herself is considered to be gorgeous and confident in her own, I doubt due to the selflessness you mentioned, would accept and not consider this as a betrayal.
Tks for your opinion. Yes, I have a soulmate.
Most women will always look for other men because they are NOT satisfied with their current LT partners. And I don't blame them. Married women are the easiest...
If you hv read my previous posts, you will know ALL of them have been searching for the MAN, in their primitive brains. But almost none of them will ever find him. He is much rarer than a multi-billionaire by a factor of 100.
What kind of MAN?
Let me post the following again.
When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.
The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.
But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks, or his words:
If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether it's financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.
But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?
A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.
He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a millionaire and is not an emotional winner.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.
The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.
Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.
It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.
Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.
And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.
That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good-looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.
Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.
When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.
If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful about anything in LIFE. You'll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever...
Aspire to become such a MAN.
Cheers and good night!
Bro WB
03-04-2022, 09:52 PM
Thanks for posting this WB.
This is one of th most important essays that you have posted. Woman always try to get under the skin on men they love and perpetually shit test them. Nothing is more sexy than a calm, unruffled and somebody independent.
04-04-2022, 12:18 PM
Bro WB, thanks for the long reply or post your wrote, great effort.
Maybe the type of women you focus has certain characteristic or you simply, categorically regard all women to be the same, looking for men of a certain characteristic to be The Man you were portraying.
I ain't so philosophical, I just be myself. Being in my early 50s, I reckon I am at the sweet spot to be able to hold a conversation with ladies in their 20s,30s or 40s. Anyone older than that, will be merely to talk while the rest, it's open.
Also, not to spend all the time and effort on one, but concurrently have a few few gf and FWB. While they may think they are exclusive, the reality is, they are just one of them.
05-04-2022, 04:26 PM
Thanks for posting this WB.
This is one of th most important essays that you have posted. Woman always try to get under the skin on men they love and perpetually shit test them. Nothing is more sexy than a calm, unruffled and somebody independent.
Bro, tks.
You have made my day!
Yes, a man who is always cool, calm and collected, even in a crisis or life and death situation, is extremely attractive n sexy to ALL women.
Bro WB, thanks for the long reply or post your wrote, great effort.
Maybe the type of women you focus has certain characteristic or you simply, categorically regard all women to be the same, looking for men of a certain characteristic to be The Man you were portraying.
I ain't so philosophical, I just be myself. Being in my early 50s, I reckon I am at the sweet spot to be able to hold a conversation with ladies in their 20s,30s or 40s. Anyone older than that, will be merely to talk while the rest, it's open.
Also, not to spend all the time and effort on one, but concurrently have a few few gf and FWB. While they may think they are exclusive, the reality is, they are just one of them.
Bro, thank you!
You're doing great. There are many ways to skin a cat. You should share more of your exploits here.
You have mentioned a very important point here. A man must have many options and thus greatly reduce the risk of catching oneitis. He will also never appear to be needy and desperate.
Bro WB
05-04-2022, 04:35 PM
Good afternoon,
My SYT mistress L got her SAT scores yesterday. 1530, verbal 740 and math 790. Both in 99 percentile.
She is in a private school and will apply for TT to NTU and NUS. She won't apply to Stanford or Cal Tech because I'll stay in SG.
Here is my reply to a bro in another thread:
Originally Posted by Peacekeeping View Post
Bro warbird, respect for taming such an intelligent gal. Did you conquer her heart through her pussy or was it the other way round?
It's a long story.
I have the mental frame that I'm the grand PRIZE and a SYT whisperer.
Met her. Rapport first. Humor plus playfulness. Then emotional connection and bonding. Followed by financial support. Finally, sexual and spiritual connection.
BTW, I could understand her like no one else, not even members of her immediate family. Her mom wanted her to get married when she just turned 18 yo. 女孩子读那么多书没有用. Her parents only had not much more than primary-school education. They own a small biz in a village not far from Nanjing. She decided to come to SG to study.
She was a part time actress and model for 2-3 yrs before she was 18.
BTW, I could understand her so well and break down her shield because she was aloof and taciturn, exactly like my legal wife. They share so many similarities in habits, character and personality traits, etc. It's inexplicable.
Bro WB
05-04-2022, 04:51 PM
Another reply:
Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
Hi Taikok,
You are a true KC King.
My humble two cents.
Bro, tks.
It's not my intention to KC her. I must confess that I just wanted to fxxk her initially. But before long, I started to feel very sorry for her predicament and what had happened to her.
When she was between the ages of 13 and 14, several unknown men attempted to molest her in China. Very traumatic. She learned MMA n used to carry a knife (not in SG). Due to her traumatic experiences, she is aloof and taciturn and would not look at or talk to a stranger. Just trying to hide her insecurity and distrust of all men. She is actually a very warm, kind and decent person. I told her all that.
I'm happy that I could recognize L's potential n intelligence when no one else could, including her poorly educated parents.
She had cried n wanted to give up her studies many times, but I said NO. I told her that 胜败是兵家常事, and that she would succeed as long as she doesn't give up. At one time she wanted to become a 幼师 in SG, I said very good. She can always become a successful investor, regardless of her occupation. She has read the Intelligent Investor and is now reading How To Be Rich by J Paul Getty. She is quite exotic, part North Korean, part Han Chinese, and part another ethnic minority. Very fair skin.
Bro WB
Prince Devitt
05-04-2022, 05:05 PM
Another reply:
She had cried n wanted to give up her studies many times, but I said NO. I told her that 胜败是兵家常事, and that she would succeed as long as she doesn't give up. At one time she wanted to become a 幼师 in SG, I said very good. She can always become a successful investor, regardless of her occupation. She has read the Intelligent Investor and is now reading How To Be Rich by J Paul Getty. She is quite exotic, part North Korean, part Han Chinese, and part another ethnic minority. Very fair skin.
Bro WB
Prince Devitt +57
05-04-2022, 05:24 PM
Prince Devitt +57
Bro, tks. Will reciprocate tmr. Will find your thread.
Bro WB
05-04-2022, 05:56 PM
Hello bro warbird,
Time flies and thanks for always sharing interesting emails and articles.
Both your current LPs have scored SATs which is very impressive! Congrats to you and I believe your current LPs are the longest any girls have stayed with you since your sharing in this thread?
Wishing you well, cheers!
05-04-2022, 10:24 PM
Hello bro warbird,
Time flies and thanks for always sharing interesting emails and articles.
Both your current LPs have scored SATs which is very impressive! Congrats to you and I believe your current LPs are the longest any girls have stayed with you since your sharing in this thread?
Wishing you well, cheers!
Bro, tks.
No, only L took her SAT last month.
My current LPs have been with me 3-5 yrs. The longest is my first baoee whom I first met in Sep 2008. She had been with me off and on from May 2009 till Dec 2015. She came back to SG twice to see me. LS had been with me from May 2015 till July last yr. She may come to see me when the pandemic is over.
Bro WB
06-04-2022, 11:46 AM
Prince Devitt +57
Bro, I hv just returned my humble 17 points.
Bro WB
06-04-2022, 05:13 PM
Bro, tks.
No, only L took her SAT last month.
My current LPs have been with me 3-5 yrs. The longest is my first baoee whom I first met in Sep 2008. She had been with me off and on from May 2009 till Dec 2015. She came back to SG twice to see me. LS had been with me from May 2015 till July last yr. She may come to see me when the pandemic is over.
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB,
I mistakenly assumed that your current LPs were TY and LS. Your new LP seems to be a great find and very capable as well, congrats!
07-04-2022, 09:52 PM
Hi Bro WB,
I mistakenly assumed that your current LPs were TY and LS. Your new LP seems to be a great find and very capable as well, congrats!
Tks, bro
It's predestined affinity 缘份.
Very strange but true.
BTW, I upped u before. Must wait a long time before I could up u the 2nd time.
Bro WB
12-04-2022, 07:14 PM
The Mysterious Smiles
Three new male corpses were delivered to the morgue one day, each with a great big smile on his face. A police inspector went to the morgue to meet the mortician.
The mortician examined each of them and said who they were and their cause of death.
"First body- Frenchman, aged 60, died making love to his mistress, hence the smile on his face."
"Second body- Irishman, aged 30, won ten thousand euros in the lottery, spent it all on whiskey, and died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile on his face."
The inspector then asked, "What about the third body?"
The mortician says, "Ah, this is perhaps the most unlikely of all. Billy-bob, a farm boy from Oklahoma, aged 25, was struck by lightning".
"Then why was he smiling?"
"He thought he was getting his picture taken".
Warbird's note: Not a bad way to go for the first man, but he was only 60 yo. Would be great if he was 95 and his mistress was a gorgeous 19 yo SYT.
15-04-2022, 04:14 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
I have mentioned that a man's jealousy is the kiss of death for a relationship. Neediness is another.
There is another very negative behavior which I posted quite some time ago. Definitely the Don Juan kiss of death. It's worth reading again and again, for me. These negative and repulsive behaviors share the same underlying cause: When a man believes his dream girl or another girl of his type is the PRIZE and that he is NOT good enough for her, for whatever reason.
Here is the post.
The Kiss of Death with Women
You've met the most incredible girl...
You don't really know her, but you're pretty sure she's a Goddess... sent straight from Heaven... in jeans.
You exchanged glances in Chemistry ( in high school ), had a few brief conversations after class, and even bumped into her at the mall. (Talk about fate!)
You KNOW you want her. There's no doubt about it. The question now becomes, "Does she want you?"
She smiles at you... but is it a friendly or a flirtatious smile? You saw her leave with another guy after class... was he her boyfriend? She flirted with you last week, even touched your shoulder... then completely ignored you the other day. Does she like you?
How can you tell? You really need to know this before you begin the "pursuit" don't you?
Perhaps the most common question posed on every dating discussion forum concerns "reading women" and trying to figure out whether they like you or not. The poster usually describes his situation, what he did, what she did, and then asks, "Does this mean she likes me?" Or, "Does this mean she doesn't like me?"
Definitely a popular question. Definitely a question in need of an answer.
Okay, here's the best answer you're going to get and what you need to remember... always...
Obsessing about a particular girl, and whether or not she likes you, is the DON JUAN KISS OF DEATH!
If you're worrying about whether a girl likes you or not, chances are she doesn't - or rather, SHE WON'T. She won't because your "worry" and your "obsession" with what she thinks of you will actually push her away.
Let me try to explain.
When you let yourself fall into the "obsession" trap, you begin to analyze everything your dream girl does, every word she says, every move she makes... and try to relate them all to you!
She smiled at you - she didn't smile at you. She emailed you - she didn't email you. She returned your call - she didn't return your call. Confusion, frustration, and anxiety result.
This obsession with her behaviors and their meanings will paralyze you, confuse you, and suck every ounce of confidence you have from your body. You will become a Blithering Blob of Insecurity. And women, in general, are not attracted to Blithering Blobs of Insecurity.
So are you wrong to be confused by women?
NO! Absolutely NO!
Women ARE confusing. Always have been and always will be. That's just the way they are.
Especially when it comes to romance, women seem totally inconsistent in their behaviors. One minute you're convinced you're the man of her dreams, and the next she seems to be unaware of your existence. One minute she's flirting, and smiling, and rubbing up against you, and the next minute she's gone, left without even saying "bye." You SHOULD be frustrated and confused!
Now, no one knows exactly why women give off such mixed signals and deliberately, it seems, attempt to confuse us. Some suspect it's those magazines they read. Others think it has to do with the secret bathroom conferences they hold. Still others propose that their illogical behaviors are due to the wacky hormones they have surging throughout their bodies. The cause is relatively unimportant. You just have to accept it, and plot your strategy to deal with it.
So, given the inconsistencies of female romantic behavior, attempting to "read" women and figure out what they're thinking, is, at best, an incredibly frustrating experience. So don't do it. Don't even attempt it.
Just say NO to "reading" women!
Okay... well... if you don't really try to "read" women to determine whether they like you or not, then what do you do? What's your strategy? After all, they may be confusing, illogical, and somewhat annoying, but you still wanna get you one.
If you're attracted to a girl, then just ASSUME she's attracted to you too. And ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Assume that she likes you and would like to get to know you better. Assume that she's physically attracted to you. Assume that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to attract such a lady, no matter how incredible she seems.
Assume the positive... always the positive. Assuming the negative will kill any chances you might have with her. (Pessimists, my friend, are not "chick magnets.")
Now there are many exciting benefits of adopting this attitude of assuming that women you like also like you... and treating them accordingly.
For one, if you refuse to obsess about all the little "signs" she's giving you, whether they be good signs or bad signs, you will feel more relaxed, calm, and confident. You won't be "up" one minute because she smiled at you, and "down" the next because she also smiled at some other guy.
Attempting to "read" her will only lead to confusion, frustration, and anxiety. And this will make you more tense when she's around, and thus, less likely to be the charming, charismatic Don Juan that you'd like to be.
And you also won't be wasting your time trying to figure out what she's thinking... trying to figure out what every little move means... and where you stand. You'll be able to devote your "mental time" to something more useful and productive.
Secondly, if you just assume that she likes you, then you will actually increase the probability that she eventually WILL like you. This is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is a well-documented phenomenon in psychological research.
Basically what this means is that if you have a "she likes me" attitude, then you'll project positive, optimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll pick up on these and ... like you.
If, on the other hand, you have a "she doesn't like me" attitude, you'll project negative, pessimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll, likewise, pick up on these and ... not like you.
And if you have a "does she like me" attitude, then you'll project tense, anxiety-ridden behaviors and thoughts that will decrease the probability of her liking you... or she may even find being around you to be an "uncomfortable" experience. (Isn't it easier to relax around people who are relaxed themselves?)
And third, the attitude of just assuming that she likes you, rather than worrying about whether she does or not, allows you to maintain control of the situation... and yourself.
If you are obsessing about the "signs" and allow the "signs" to control your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, then you have basically given her complete control of the situation. And complete control over you.
If she's "good" to you, you're happy. If she's "bad" to you, you're sad. If she wants to encourage you, she can throw out a few positive signals. If she wants to discourage you, she can throw out a few negative signals. Your happiness is basically under her control...whether she knows it or not.
Not the position that a "Don Juan" likes to be in. Not the position that you want to be in.
However, if you just assume that she likes you and treat her accordingly, and refuse to be controlled by all the little signs (especially the bad ones), you take charge of the situation. You have decided that you like her. And you have decided that she likes you...or will like you when she gets to know you better. And you act accordingly.
You exude confidence. You're relaxed. And you project that "aura" that every budding Don Juan searches for. (The poor girl won't stand a chance up against that aura!)
Okay, so you agree that obsessing about a particular girl and whether or not she likes you is not in your best interest. It will turn you into a Blithering Blob of Insecurity, decrease the probability that she will like you, and give her complete control over your happiness.
So what do you do when those thoughts start to take over your mind? I mean, after all, she is a Goddess, right?
Here's one simple little mental trick that might help you.
Whenever the obsessive "does she like me" thoughts start to take over your mind, even if they're the "good" ones, mentally grab them with your hands, throw them down on the floor, and step on them. Then remind yourself that obsessing about her is not in your best interest, that it will suck away your confidence, and actually decrease the probability that you'll eventually get her.
At this point you want to take a deep breath... smile... laugh... and think to yourself...I'll get her
Cheers to every samster,
Bro WB
17-04-2022, 02:39 PM
The Mysterious Smiles
Three new male corpses were delivered to the morgue one day, each with a great big smile on his face. A police inspector went to the morgue to meet the mortician.
The mortician examined each of them and said who they were and their cause of death.
"First body- Frenchman, aged 60, died making love to his mistress, hence the smile on his face."
"Second body- Irishman, aged 30, won ten thousand euros in the lottery, spent it all on whiskey, and died of alcohol poisoning, hence the smile on his face."
The inspector then asked, "What about the third body?"
The mortician says, "Ah, this is perhaps the most unlikely of all. Billy-bob, a farm boy from Oklahoma, aged 25, was struck by lightning".
"Then why was he smiling?"
"He thought he was getting his picture taken".
Warbird's note: Not a bad way to go for the first man, but he was only 60 yo. Would be great if he was 95 and his mistress was a gorgeous 19 yo SYT.Bro WB, I ain't sure if I were 95 and trying to bonk a 19 year old SYT is a blessing or curse. I would love to meet one when I was at my prime and not when I am about to meet God.
18-04-2022, 03:52 PM
Bro WB, I ain't sure if I were 95 and trying to bonk a 19 year old SYT is a blessing or curse. I would love to meet one when I was at my prime and not when I am about to meet God.
Bro, tks so much for your post.
I want to be brutally honest and speak from my heart. I know I'm not being politically correct.
Of course a man in his prime should have the prettiest 18-19 yo SYTs. But why should he limit himself to just one SYT and why only when he is in his prime?
If he lives to 95, the original 18 yo SYT he met in his prime would have been an old auntie for 5 decades or more. What should he do during this LONG period? Just jerk it off while watching videos of pretty SYTs having sex? Sadly, many men are doing just that. But definitely not me.
IMHO, he should have the prettiest 18-19 yo SYTs every year thereafter, until the last second before he meets God.
A man should never short change himself. He should have no regrets in his brief life. And he must do his very best and live life to the fullest.
I truly believe that a man's powerful libido and his desire to get the most attractive and highest quality girls of his type is what really motivates him to improve himself in every way, to study hard, to work diligently, to endure hardship, to take risks, and to be competitive, creative and enterprising...
Comments and dissenting views will be appreciated.
Bro WB
18-04-2022, 04:44 PM
Bro WB, think you misread my comment.
What is prettiest? It's the most pretty one has come across.
Of course as long as our senses, vision, smell, hearing plus cock are still functioning well, we should never stop admiring the good things in life, pretty ladies included.
Just that I wish I met the prettiest when I was at my fittest, prime of both physical and mental strength. Then I can fully enjoy this prettiest lady offers me nothing but her best.
What's the point of meeting this lady when I am on my wheelchair, walking stick or need a viagra just to sustain an erection?
Also, I didn't meet to stop at one, but as long as my body and libido can take it, countless would be nice.
18-04-2022, 07:21 PM
Bro WB, think you misread my comment.
What is prettiest? It's the most pretty one has come across.
Of course as long as our senses, vision, smell, hearing plus cock are still functioning well, we should never stop admiring the good things in life, pretty ladies included.
Just that I wish I met the prettiest when I was at my fittest, prime of both physical and mental strength. Then I can fully enjoy this prettiest lady offers me nothing but her best.
What's the point of meeting this lady when I am on my wheelchair, walking stick or need a viagra just to sustain an erection?
Also, I didn't meet to stop at one, but as long as my body and libido can take it, countless would be nice.
Bro junior_cannibal,
Tks for your clarification. I couldn't agree with u more!
As long as we are healthy and virile, we should get the most attractive girls of our type. One of the prerequisites is to achieve and maintain optimal health.
Bro WB
20-04-2022, 03:50 PM
Good afternoon,
Any bros have visited Dynasty at 2nd fl PC yesterday?
Truthful FRs will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
25-04-2022, 04:21 PM
Good afternoon!
I received the following article a few days ago on what a man should do when a girl starts to pull away. Most men take immediate actions that will push her away forever. I have made the same fatal mistake before.
When She Starts to Pull Away
Don Juan,
So she's starting to pull away and become more distant...
What do you do?
Read on...
When She Starts to Pull Away
by BackInTheGame78
So I just successfully navigated a situation with a woman I have been seeing for a month...
Which I didn't really see as a situation per se — rather it's a chance to standout from most guys she has dated prior.
And that is when she pulls back at some point.
I used to think this was due to low interest or losing interest, but I don't believe that anymore.
I think there are times when that is true, sure. But in the scenario I am in it simply wasn't, she just had some issues with her oldest daughter and her ex going on and it was bothering her a lot.
What happened?
Her texts became shorter, replies longer spaced, and less enthusiastic.
What do most guys do in this situation?
They panic, they ask what's wrong, they apologize for something they think made her act that way, they increase the frequency of their texts.
And this pushes them further away.
It also shows them you are very immature and unable to deal with things on an adult level which is a huge turnoff.
The easiest thing to do is the right thing to do.
In all cases she texted me within 7 or 8 hours and today she apologized to me for the way she was acting, thanked me for giving her space, made sure to let me know it had nothing to do with me and that she is working really hard to keep me around. She also made sure to let me know she will be baking something special for the next time she sees me.
Even if a woman is losing interest there is no way to fix it by making the same mistakes noted above. It will just ensure she realizes she is making the proper decision.
Sometimes it can even be a test to see what you will do if she pulls back to try and weed out the confident guys who don't care from the fake confident guys who freak out. Again the way you pass the test is by doing nothing and simply waiting.
Remaining a calming influence during an emotional storm is a very sexy trait to a woman and one that is hard to find in a lot of men.
And even if you don't feel confident or are freaking out, it still is easy to pass the test by simply doing nothing, waiting for her to reply and then act accordingly.
Treat a woman like a cat...
Cats come and go as they please. If you try and make a cat do something, good luck. The cat will do it when it wants to. And sometimes when you ignore them it piques their interest as to why.
Any comments? Pls share your personal experiences.
Bro WB
27-04-2022, 04:01 PM
From my other thread:
What’s the gal tips and mummy tips at Central and Palace 8?
Bro, I heard booking a woman is $500 for about 4 hours at P8. Tips for mummy is expected to be $100. Central should be very similar.
You have to pre-book a woman by looking at photos/videos provided by a mummy. There are no women at the KTV there for you to look and choose, unlike before the pandemic.
That is a big problem for me as I usually like to see many dozens of girls/women before choosing one.
I seriously doubt there are girls of my type there.
Many of the "girls" are actually aunties or plastic women. May I assume that joints which are NOT high end are even worse?
It's really pathetic.
I hope that in a couple of months younger n prettier girls will come here.
Bro WB
04-05-2022, 10:36 PM
Good evening,
Recently, a young bro sent a grateful PM stating that he had benefited from reading this thread. It took him two weeks to read through every page in the thread!
I like to salute his effort and believe that he will be very successful in all of his life pursuits. Isn't he awesome?
He actually knew most of what I have written here, but he had some doubts and needed confirmation and more hands-on personal experiences.
Here is his PM (in red) and my replies.
Dear WarBro,
I’m writing to you this message to thank you for your wisdoms and contribution to the thread. I am a relative young guy(27) whom used to have extreme confidence in myself, until I suffered certain setbacks in life that sort of changed me.
Over the past 2 years, I have spent a lot of time and effort towards self improvement, in particularly focusing on MENTAL strength. I took the 2 weeks to read through your thread from page 1 till the end and I must say a lot of conclusions I have formed on my own towards(succeeding in life and women) is very similar to the advices u posted. Once again thank you for reminding who I was and basically summariesed my internal cluttered thought process.
Your insights are truly a godsend to me and seeing your growth and improvement over the years is a major inspiration. I never thought I would be able to find the best life advices I’ve seen on a forum like SBF.
Thank you and happy bonking!"
My reply:
The pleasure is all mine. You have made my day!
I wish I knew what you know now when I was your age.
But don't forget to reprogram your subconscious mind to become very positive...
It's a slow and arduous process.
You will become a better man in every aspect. And girls of your type will flock to you. You may have to go into hiding!
Why don't you post your PM on my thread? If not, may I post it without your nick?
Good night!
Bro WB
"Dear WB Bro,
I agree it’s very important to start reprogramming my subconscious mind as it takes a long time in order to built self mastery. I myself have gotten into the habit of meditation and self affirmation. I firmly believe that in life many things are predetermined, especially at my age, I will be bound to face a lot more obstacles in the future in my path towards my different goals(career, money, girls). My way of thinking is that, since I won’t be able to prevent those things from happening, the best I can do for myself is to start training my mind(self mastery) so that when I’m in the situation, I’ll be calm unaffected and able to bounce back easily.
For posting on your thread, as you can see I’m a long time lurker with basically 0 post. Only uses sbf once In awhile to check out FRs so I did not have the habit of posting. It’s my first time interacting with someone here as well. I chanced upon your thread totally by chance and I’m very happy that I found it. You may post without my nick if you want. Once again appreciate for all your posting, may I also ask some recommendations of books to read for self mastery topics?
Thank you and have a good night too!
My answer:
Thank you, bro.
Google Dr. Robert Anthony. His self help programs have been beneficial to me.
Accept whatever is happening to you at this moment. Be relaxed, self-assured, happy, thankful, and at peace NOW.
Pls update me on your progress.
Bro WB
06-05-2022, 04:59 PM
Good evening,
Recently, a young bro sent a grateful PM stating that he had benefited from reading this thread. It took him two weeks to read through every page in the thread! ....
haha ... yes this is the BEST THREAD in SBF :D
i am lucky to have learnt from bro warbird too ... i am not a hunter / player / warrior like bro warbird
but as i man i must also "kill to eat" for sustenance / survival so to speak ....
its in our dna to have sex ... but yes, i prefer to make love ...
without getting too philosophical here ...
just know its natural drive, it must bet met ... but meet it in our own way
its a hard-wired chemical thing ... the strongest drive of man (Napoloean Hill - Sex Transmutation)
it is not something that needs to be looked at in de-based way at all ...
embraced it as something truly enriching (for me best thing in life besides my kids)
and with everything in life ... some of us choose to do it in an elevated way with panache like bro warbird haha :D
06-05-2022, 10:48 PM
haha ... yes this is the BEST THREAD in SBF :D
i am lucky to have learnt from bro warbird too ... i am not a hunter / player / warrior like bro warbird
but as i man i must also "kill to eat" for sustenance / survival so to speak ....
its in our dna to have sex ... but yes, i prefer to make love ...
without getting too philosophical here ...
just know its natural drive, it must bet met ... but meet it in our own way
its a hard-wired chemical thing ... the strongest drive of man (Napoloean Hill - Sex Transmutation)
it is not something that needs to be looked at in de-based way at all ...
embraced it as something truly enriching (for me best thing in life besides my kids)
and with everything in life ... some of us choose to do it in an elevated way with panache like bro warbird haha :D
Dear bro, thanks.
You have made my day!
I have also learned a lot from many esteemed bros like you.
You have made many important points in your post. We should never be apologetic in wanting to make love to many pretty n sexy young women of our type. It's in our genes.
We are programmed for survival and reproduction. Of course, we must do it legally and never use deception or force.
My journey of keeping young women and SYTs of my type since early 2009 has been a wonderful one.
Bro WB
23-05-2022, 10:49 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
Here is a good article on being a real MAN.
Where Are All the Real Men?
by Jeffrey
I'm an adult, married man who stumbled upon this site. I would like to offer the young, single men out there a tip.
Have you ever heard that women want a MAN not a boy? Have you heard women complain about "Where are all the REAL MEN?"
I bet you have. I bet you've tried to figure out how to be a man, a mature adult male of the species. Unfortunately, you've probably had little to go on.
On the one hand, you will see caricatured, cardboard cutout images of hyper-aggressive, "macho-men" like Arnie and Stallone. You may have watched swaggering, aggressive, arrogant "I'm THE man" types and thought perhaps that is what a real man is.
On the other hand, you may have listened to some feminists complaining that men are not sensitive enough, and should be more like women, and that THAT is what a real man is.
You'll have probably been thoroughly confused.
It's not your fault. The fault is that boys and young men are no longer taught how to be men, and they are no longer shown role models who are real men.
OK, here is an excellent role model of a real man from a terrific film -- Maximus from Gladiator.
Maximus is a real man...
NOT because he is a good fighter...
But because he is honorable, he is honest, he is in some ways humble, he is calm under pressure, he has fortitude and endurance, he is passionate but is able to control and restrain his passions, he is generous, he is friendly not surly, he has leadership qualities, he is loyal, he is decisive, he has a sense of purpose, he takes immediate action to do what is right, he is kind (and lots more), but above all he has courage.
Maximus is, in short, a man of VIRTUE in the classical Greek and Roman sense of the word.
To the Greeks and Romans masculinity was not equated with might and power, but with virtue. To be a MAN was to exemplify the masculine virtues.
You probably don't know what the "masculine virtues" are. If you want to be a real man, I suggest you study, absorb, and live the lessons in these works:
1) Aristotle's "Nichomachean Ethics"
2) Marcus Aurelius's "Meditations"
3) Epicetus's "Discourses"
4) Cicero's "De Officus".
They are heavy going and you will need to study them carefully and think hard about what you are reading. If you find that too hard, then Tom Wolfe's novel "A Man in Full" is about the type of philosophy found in such books.
A strange thing happens to you when you start to discipline yourself to acquire the habits associated with the masculine virtues.
You start to automatically walk taller and with a more relaxed and open posture. You project your voice naturally and easily. You enjoy being yourself and being in the world more. You smile more and more easily. You start to see that you are truly different from most of the people around you, but you will instantly recognize the men like you.
A funny thing will happen to you around attractive women.
You will no longer treat them as near-celebrities, the idea that they are better than other people will start to seem ridiculous to you. In fact, you will start to feel a mild disdain toward the more arrogant women.
One of the best things about becoming a real man is that you will recognize, be attracted to, and attract real women, women with the feminine virtues.
And when you meet them, you won't hesitate.
Any comments?
Bro WB
27-05-2022, 11:20 AM
From another thread:
Women wants men who can make them happy and earn their respect. Throwing money is not one of the ways to gain respect. It is for people who have no other values than money who have to resort to pay for love and admiration. This is the reason why I never go to ktv or flower joints. I always go for maximum pleasure at reasonable cost. Straight to business, shoot song song and go.
Well said, I couldn't agree with you more.
Yes, one of my tenets is to get and keep the prettiest n highest quality SYTs of my type at the lowest cost.
Price is what you pay and value is what you get.
The pussy market and the equity market have many similarities!
Bro WB
01-06-2022, 11:16 PM
Good evening,
Many KTVs are now open for business.
I heard from several sources that P8 and Lido had the best quality women/girls.
Has any bro been there recently?
Booking is now $500 for 4 hrs, unlike in April when it was 1K!!
Bro WB
19-06-2022, 03:49 PM
Laughter The Best Medicine
The Art of dealing...
A retired old couple returned to a Mercedes dealership where the salesman promised to hold a car for them.
But they found the car was just sold to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde in a mini skirt and a halter top.
The old man was visibly upset. He spoke to the salesman sharply, "Young man, you said you hold that car till we raised the $95,000 asking price, yet you closed the deal for $75,000 to the young lady there. And if I remember right, you had insisted there was no discount for this model !"
The salesman took a deep breath, cleared his throat and reached for a large glass of water.
"Well, what can I tell you? She had the cash ready, didn't need any financing help, and, Sir, just look at her, how could I resist?", replied the grinning salesman sheepishly.
Just then the young woman walked over to the senior couple and gave the car keys to the old man.
"There you go," she said. "I told you I could get him to lower the price. See you later Dad, Happy Father's day."
Once again..... don't mess with seniors. I love this one.
A great laugh. 😛😛😛😛😛
Happy Father’s Day
19-06-2022, 04:20 PM
Laughter The Best Medicine
The Art of dealing...
A retired old couple returned to a Mercedes dealership where the salesman promised to hold a car for them.
But they found the car was just sold to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde in a mini skirt and a halter top.
The old man was visibly upset. He spoke to the salesman sharply, "Young man, you said you hold that car till we raised the $95,000 asking price, yet you closed the deal for $75,000 to the young lady there. And if I remember right, you had insisted there was no discount for this model !"
The salesman took a deep breath, cleared his throat and reached for a large glass of water.
"Well, what can I tell you? She had the cash ready, didn't need any financing help, and, Sir, just look at her, how could I resist?", replied the grinning salesman sheepishly.
Just then the young woman walked over to the senior couple and gave the car keys to the old man.
"There you go," she said. "I told you I could get him to lower the price. See you later Dad, Happy Father's day."
Once again..... don't mess with seniors. I love this one.
A great laugh. 😛😛😛😛😛
Happy Father’s Day
As the ginger gets older, it becomes spicier :D
19-06-2022, 09:21 PM
From another thread:
Well said, I couldn't agree with you more.
Yes, one of my tenets is to get and keep the prettiest n highest quality SYTs of my type at the lowest cost.
Price is what you pay and value is what you get.
The pussy market and the equity market have many similarities!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
You're doing a good thing here.
Some of us most likely already know what you're writing about but I guess, it's the work of detailing it down for the others to read and understand.
So, I've to salute you for this.
Thank you for sharing so selflessly.
30-06-2022, 10:58 PM
As the ginger gets older, it becomes spicier :D
Bro, very true.
Bro WB,
You're doing a good thing here.
Some of us most likely already know what you're writing about but I guess, it's the work of detailing it down for the others to read and understand.
So, I've to salute you for this.
Thank you for sharing so selflessly.
Bro, thanks. You have made my night!
Bro WB
30-06-2022, 11:02 PM
*The Proposal *
A handsome Sardar was sitting in a posh restaurant at the corner seat.
He asked a waiter to take a bottle of the most expensive Wine to a very attractive young woman sitting alone at a table in the other corner.
The waiter brought an elitist wine bottle & took the it to the woman and said,
"Excuse me, ma'am, this precious bottle of wine is from that gentleman who is seated over there."
And indicated the sender with a nod of his head.
The lady stared at the bottle coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note.
The waiter, who was standing nearby for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the Sardar.
The note read:
"For me to accept this bottle,
you need to have a BMW in your garage,
a house in Spain,
a million dollars in ur bank
and 7 inches in your pants."
After reading the note,
the Sardar decided to compose his own note in return.
He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed him to deliver it to the lady.
It read:
"Just to let you know, things aren't always what they appear or rather what you want them to be.
I have a Ferrari Enzo, a Range Rover, a Mercedes SLS and a Porsche Panamera in my several garages,
I have beautiful houses in Punjab, Hawaii, Dubai, Canada and Morocco and a 10,000 acre estate in England.
There are over 50 million dollars in my bank account and portfolio.
even for a woman as beautiful as you are, I am not going to cut off three inches.
_Just send the bottle back, please!”
01-07-2022, 08:58 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
This is an auspicious night.
I like to share a brief post by Marni.
One Thing All women Need... time.
Let me elaborate.
You see...
When we girls meet a guy… we have a lot of fears, worries and reasons we feel we shouldn’t sexually escalate with him.
Even if the guy is cool, charming, and confident…
We hesitate.
We need a good chunk of time to get more comfortable around him.
And only then, something can happen.
Problem is...
The average guy doesn't really understand this.
He wants things fast.
He wants to meet a girl… and 10 minutes later…
...he wants her to be swooning over him… eager to go out… kiss… have sex etc.
And when that doesn’t happen…
He feels rejected...
He starts to feel like the girl has no interest in him…
That he’s somehow not “good enough” for her…
When in reality… the only issue is... that he didn’t spend enough time with her to make her comfortable.
So, what’s the takeaway here?
Well, don’t be like the average guy.
Understand that women need time to get comfortable with you… and comfortable with the idea of doing something with you.
Be patient.
Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly.
Trust in your ability to spark attraction.
Trust in the fact that YOU ARE a guy of value to her.
Good advice.
Bro WB
01-07-2022, 09:08 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
This is an auspicious night.
I like to share a brief post by Marni.
One Thing All women Need... time.
Let me elaborate.
You see...
When we girls meet a guy… we have a lot of fears, worries and reasons we feel we shouldn’t sexually escalate with him.
Even if the guy is cool, charming, and confident…
We hesitate.
We need a good chunk of time to get more comfortable around him.
And only then, something can happen.
Problem is...
The average guy doesn't really understand this.
He wants things fast.
He wants to meet a girl… and 10 minutes later…
...he wants her to be swooning over him… eager to go out… kiss… have sex etc.
And when that doesn’t happen…
He feels rejected...
He starts to feel like the girl has no interest in him…
That he’s somehow not “good enough” for her…
When in reality… the only issue is... that he didn’t spend enough time with her to make her comfortable.
So, what’s the takeaway here?
Well, don’t be like the average guy.
Understand that women need time to get comfortable with you… and comfortable with the idea of doing something with you.
Be patient.
Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly.
Trust in your ability to spark attraction.
Trust in the fact that YOU ARE a guy of value to her.
Good advice.
Bro WB
That's a great advice right there, bro
02-07-2022, 12:48 AM
Very good advise. Be patient and good things will cum forth 😂 cheers.
Thanks bro Warbird.
02-07-2022, 09:12 PM
*The Proposal *
A handsome Sardar was sitting in a posh restaurant at the corner seat.
He asked a waiter to take a bottle of the most expensive Wine to a very attractive young woman sitting alone at a table in the other corner.
The waiter brought an elitist wine bottle & took the it to the woman and said,
"Excuse me, ma'am, this precious bottle of wine is from that gentleman who is seated over there."
And indicated the sender with a nod of his head.
The lady stared at the bottle coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note.
The waiter, who was standing nearby for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the Sardar.
The note read:
"For me to accept this bottle,
you need to have a BMW in your garage,
a house in Spain,
a million dollars in ur bank
and 7 inches in your pants."
After reading the note,
the Sardar decided to compose his own note in return.
He folded the note, handed it to the waiter and instructed him to deliver it to the lady.
It read:
"Just to let you know, things aren't always what they appear or rather what you want them to be.
I have a Ferrari Enzo, a Range Rover, a Mercedes SLS and a Porsche Panamera in my several garages,
I have beautiful houses in Punjab, Hawaii, Dubai, Canada and Morocco and a 10,000 acre estate in England.
There are over 50 million dollars in my bank account and portfolio.
even for a woman as beautiful as you are, I am not going to cut off three inches.
_Just send the bottle back, please!”
Very nice one bro hehe :)
03-07-2022, 10:13 PM
That's a great advice right there, bro
Bro, tks. We should not forget the advice.
Very good advise. Be patient and good things will cum forth 😂 cheers.
Thanks bro Warbird.
Bro, tks.
Yes, we need to be patient with girls/women. It's the same as investing.
But cut your loss and run away if she is a gold digger.
Very nice one bro hehe :)
Tks, bro.
Good night to all samsters.
Bro WB
12-07-2022, 08:53 PM
Good evening,
I started this thread in June, 2009, over 13 yrs ago.
I have shared what I truly believe are the keys to getting the most attractive, high quality girls/women of any man's type. I have done my homework and I have gleaned the info from multiple sources over many years.
I also have 13 years of actual field experience. I have practiced diligently as if it's a full time profession. I have left no stones unturned in my pursuit; what a wonderful, pleasurable and fulfilling journey.
I shall not repeat my posts again and again. I don't want to sound like a broken record.
I know there are many naysayers out there. They have read my posts and tried to behave differently, but nothing has changed with their love and sex life.
They think I'm full of BS.
Why? Because their negative subconscious beliefs and bias have not changed.
It will require many months, if not years, of reprogramming of the subconscious mind.
The change must come from inside. If a man doesn't believe he can do it, he can't.
For as a man thinks, he shall become.
Cheers and good luck to all,
Bro WB
02-08-2022, 05:05 PM
Good afternoon,
Recently, I went to P8 and Dynasty Classic a few times. The girls/women and singers there all CMI. Very disappointing.
It might be another 6 months before we see better quality girls here.
The following is an interesting article about sigma males and why they are very attractive to women. However, they will still lose to a real badass gentleman who is no horse run.
Here is the article.
Any comments?
Bro WB
02-08-2022, 07:31 PM
Besides women, men also need time.
Time is essence and can play important role.
03-08-2022, 07:23 AM
Good evening,
I started this thread in June, 2009, over 13 yrs ago.
13 years already, in the blink of an eye.
Very good thread bro, more 13 years to go :D
03-08-2022, 12:56 PM
13 years ago I still had hair on my head :(
Bro warbird, any advice for botak like me that still want to pick up china girl?
03-08-2022, 03:46 PM
13 years ago I still had hair on my head :(
Bro warbird, any advice for botak like me that still want to pick up china girl?what makes you think that Chinese women only want men with hair on the crown?
If you know what you want and are able to come across as confident, caring, sensitive and at least financially stable, you should be able to attract most women, not just the Chinese.
Ain't sure why you specifically mentioned Chinese women, if you think they are low hanging fruits, easier to cheat or lay, you might be the one to be taken for a ride before you might even get a chance with them.
03-08-2022, 03:50 PM
Good afternoon,
Recently, I went to P8 and Dynasty Classic a few times. The girls/women and singers there all CMI. Very disappointing.
It might be another 6 months before we see better quality girls here.
The following is an interesting article about sigma males and why they are very attractive to women. However, they will still lose to a real badass gentleman who is no horse run.
Here is the article.
Any comments?
Bro WBbro, why these night clubs? So what if they are drop dead gorgeous? So what if they have a hot for you? Even as a FB or GF, I will be concerned who were their clients the night before, the ones who brought them for a nice meal, ride and romp.
Ya, the gals probably know how to doll up to l better than their plain Jane friends, at least the latter are more straightforward ladies whom I don't mind being seen and spotted by my spouse's BFF.
04-08-2022, 01:13 PM
Hi bro warbird, the person posting above me is an obvious troll, suggest you not reply to him and feed the troll... :)
Oh and yes, the next step for him would be to feel butthurt upon seeing my post, so he will probably resort to junvenile behaviour and start zapping my points! :)
05-08-2022, 10:37 PM
Besides women, men also need time.
Time is essence and can play important role.
Yes, bro.
13 years already, in the blink of an eye.
Very good thread bro, more 13 years to go :D
Bro, tks.
I intend to be active for longer than 13 yrs.
13 years ago I still had hair on my head :(
Bro warbird, any advice for botak like me that still want to pick up china girl?
It's not the amount of hair on your head, it's your frames and masculine character traits that attract high-quality girls/women. Why limit yourself to China girls?
what makes you think that Chinese women only want men with hair on the crown?
If you know what you want and are able to come across as confident, caring, sensitive and at least financially stable, you should be able to attract most women, not just the Chinese.
Ain't sure why you specifically mentioned Chinese women, if you think they are low hanging fruits, easier to cheat or lay, you might be the one to be taken for a ride before you might even get a chance with them.
Bro, tks for your opinions.
bro, why these night clubs? So what if they are drop dead gorgeous? So what if they have a hot for you? Even as a FB or GF, I will be concerned who were their clients the night before, the ones who brought them for a nice meal, ride and romp.
Ya, the gals probably know how to doll up to l better than their plain Jane friends, at least the latter are more straightforward ladies whom I don't mind being seen and spotted by my spouse's BFF.
Bro, tks for your post.
I used to go to TAM and PC joints because these were places where I often could see new attractive girls of my type in the shortest possible time. Going to shopping malls and waiting outside schools are very time-consuming and result in very low returns.
If you have read my earlier posts, you know I'm most interested in long-term relationships, preferably exclusive. And the girls must be my type.
Hi bro warbird, the person posting above me is an obvious troll, suggest you not reply to him and feed the troll... :)
Oh and yes, the next step for him would be to feel butthurt upon seeing my post, so he will probably resort to junvenile behaviour and start zapping my points! :)
Bro, tks for your advice.
I think his taste and preferences are different from mine and that is perfectly fine. One man's meat is another man's poison.
I hope he is mature enough not to zap you.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
06-08-2022, 09:02 AM
Yes, bro.
Bro, tks.
I intend to be active for longer than 13 yrs.
It's not the amount of hair on your head, it's your frames and masculine character traits that attract high-quality girls/women. Why limit yourself to China girls?
Bro, tks for your opinions.
Bro, tks for your post.
I used to go to TAM and PC joints because these were places where I often could see new attractive girls of my type in the shortest possible time. Going to shopping malls and waiting outside schools are very time-consuming and result in very low returns.
If you have read my earlier posts, you know I'm most interested in long-term relationships, preferably exclusive. And the girls must be my type.
Bro, tks for your advice.
I think his taste and preferences are different from mine and that is perfectly fine. One man's meat is another man's poison.
I hope he is mature enough not to zap you.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WBThanks for replying bro WB. The quality of ladies in the likes of Number 8, Central and other higher end joints are nowhere comparable to even way before Covid than the good old days of TAM, LV and Lido. I reckon its because the ladies can make alot more money in China to clubs than Singapore.
Hence, the top notch girls are either there or go to places like Jakarta, Japan or Korea where more high rollers can be found. You will have to either settle for the lower grades ones or quit on it.
P/s so far, I never zapped anyone and doubt I would ever. So what if I am million points and thousands of power? You know I ain't the first time here with you, never meant to be personal but just expressing my view and not any personal attack or insult at all.
06-08-2022, 10:09 AM
Yes, upon seeing these replies, it does seems that I was the one who is being petty-minded in this conversation, I apologise to both...
Anyways, i prefer china girls simply because i feel that i can communicate to them better, rather than thai or viets
06-08-2022, 05:54 PM
Thanks for replying bro WB. The quality of ladies in the likes of Number 8, Central and other higher end joints are nowhere comparable to even way before Covid than the good old days of TAM, LV and Lido. I reckon its because the ladies can make alot more money in China to clubs than Singapore.
Hence, the top notch girls are either there or go to places like Jakarta, Japan or Korea where more high rollers can be found. You will have to either settle for the lower grades ones or quit on it.
P/s so far, I never zapped anyone and doubt I would ever. So what if I am million points and thousands of power? You know I ain't the first time here with you, never meant to be personal but just expressing my view and not any personal attack or insult at all.
Bro, tks.
You're right!
I'm nostalgic. In the good old days, of course, there were many pretty SYTs at the high-end joints you have mentioned. In the second-tier joints at PC, there were a fair number of pretty SYTs then. Even in GL, along L8 and Talma Rd and some other lorongs, there were pretty SYTs offering their bodies from $80-120.
There had been a dearth of pretty SYTs and young women for many yrs before the pandemic.
Since the pandemic? Nil, zero, none, zilch...
Yes, I greatly appreciate your personal views and your contributions to my thread. Keep them coming.
Bro WB
Yes, upon seeing these replies, it does seems that I was the one who is being petty-minded in this conversation, I apologise to both...
Anyways, i prefer china girls simply because i feel that i can communicate to them better, rather than thai or viets
Bro, tks for your post.
I also like China girls.
Aiyo, you misunderstood bro JC's intention. The two of you are esteemed samsters and both very valuable to my threads.
I wish both of you would continue to contribute and share your views.
Bro WB
06-08-2022, 09:34 PM
Excellent thread here. Read only the first few pages, got hooked already.
Thanks bro warbird! :)
06-08-2022, 11:02 PM
Yes, upon seeing these replies, it does seems that I was the one who is being petty-minded in this conversation, I apologise to both...
Anyways, i prefer china girls simply because i feel that i can communicate to them better, rather than thai or viets
No prob bro. We are all virtual, it's easy to have misunderstanding. Once we thrash them out will be alright.
I also find that it's easier to connect to the PRC as not much language barrier. However, culturally we are still very different. No matter how good looking or GFE they can be, I learn to take it as for the fun of it. At least I don't intend to be become too serious to want a long term relationship that can become rather complicated.
Most of them wouldn't mind if you are married, but they will mind is they are not your one and only gf. Such mentality still puzzles me.
07-08-2022, 12:15 PM
Yes bro, u are definitely right, i agree with u, their behaviour can be quite puzzling at times to me too...
10-08-2022, 10:41 PM
Excellent thread here. Read only the first few pages, got hooked already.
Thanks bro warbird! :)
Bro, tks.
No prob bro. We are all virtual, it's easy to have misunderstanding. Once we thrash them out will be alright.
I also find that it's easier to connect to the PRC as not much language barrier. However, culturally we are still very different. No matter how good looking or GFE they can be, I learn to take it as for the fun of it. At least I don't intend to be become too serious to want a long term relationship that can become rather complicated.
Most of them wouldn't mind if you are married, but they will mind is they are not your one and only gf. Such mentality still puzzles me.
Tks for your post.
Yeah, never get too attached to a girl. But it could be difficult after a few yrs together.
Yes bro, u are definitely right, i agree with u, their behaviour can be quite puzzling at times to me too...
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
10-08-2022, 11:02 PM
Bro, tks.
Tks for your post.
Yeah, never get too attached to a girl. But it could be difficult after a few yrs together.
Tks, bro.
Bro WBthe trick is, have a few, not one. When need to end with one or a couple of them, even after a few years, that won't be as painful or difficult as if you only have one FB at that point of time.
Afterall, FB is not an exclusive relationship bilaterally. So, don't stop in only one.
10-08-2022, 11:21 PM
the trick is, have a few, not one. When need to end with one or a couple of them, even after a few years, that won't be as painful or difficult as if you only have one FB at that point of time.
Afterall, FB is not an exclusive relationship bilaterally. So, don't stop in only one.
Bro, good suggestion.
I usually have at least 2 'lao po' in SG, often more.
I have also kept two girls under one roof more than a few times.
A man must have many options.
11-08-2022, 05:12 AM
Bro, good suggestion.
I usually have at least 2 'lao po' in SG, often more.
I have also kept two girls under one roof more than a few times.
A man must have many options.
Well done! Great job!
11-08-2022, 04:09 PM
Thanks for nice thread.
11-08-2022, 06:54 PM
I have also kept two girls under one roof more than a few times.
Won't they fight? :D
Thanks for a very good thread bro warbird!
12-08-2022, 11:06 AM
Bro, good suggestion.
I usually have at least 2 'lao po' in SG, often more.
I have also kept two girls under one roof more than a few times.
A man must have many options.why under one roof? For the ease of 3P, economies of scale or other reason? Or they happened to be siblings?
12-08-2022, 11:35 AM
Bro, good suggestion.
I usually have at least 2 'lao po' in SG, often more.
I have also kept two girls under one roof more than a few times.
A man must have many options.
more than 1 i keep before but under same roof that one i need to learn
14-08-2022, 04:48 PM
Good afternoon!
Well done! Great job!
Thanks for nice thread.
Thank you both, bros.
Won't they fight? :D
Thanks for a very good thread bro warbird!
Tks, bro.
The last duo was best friends (J and C) who used to sleep on one bed in china. After I started keeping them in early Oct 2016, they had quarreled a few times and C returned to China after 2-3 months. Only J was with me. But after the two gui mi reconciled, C returned in July 2017 and I continued to keep them both.
Read my post #4547 ( for more details on why they agreed to be kept together.
why under one roof? For the ease of 3P, economies of scale or other reason? Or they happened to be siblings?
Yes, for ease of 3P and a great saving of time. I always took both to dinner. Saving sperm too. I could penetrate two girls repeatedly and ejaculate only once.
more than 1 i keep before but under same roof that one i need to learn
Bro, pls read my post #4547 ( .
I have offered BY to six pairs of girls in the last 10 yrs, and ALL have agreed eventually.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
14-08-2022, 05:52 PM
Good one bro. A 3p non commercial one is still on my wishlist that is still not accomplished.
Not easy to find one that's not commercial as jealousy will many a time in the way. Unless both are very horny and just want to have sex with someone who is considered good at it.
14-08-2022, 08:03 PM
Good one bro. A 3p non commercial one is still on my wishlist that is still not accomplished.
Not easy to find one that's not commercial as jealousy will many a time in the way. Unless both are very horny and just want to have sex with someone who is considered good at it.
I'm sure you will have your chance.
14-08-2022, 08:27 PM
nice story
16-08-2022, 09:37 PM
nice story
Tks, bro.
Good evening,
I have a short article to share.
NEVER do this with a girl you like...
If you’ve ever wanted to confess your feelings
And tell a girl just how much you like her…
Don’t do it, man.
Telling her how you feel
Is one of the DUMBEST things you could do.
I know it might sound harsh…
But if you want her to truly want you…
Think about you sexually…
And maybe even fall for you...
Then you have to make her UNCERTAIN about you.
Keep her on her toes,
So she never knows for sure whether you like her or not.
My buddy Mike calls this Keeping Her in “The Gap.”
According to Mike:
“The Gap is that uncertain grey area between ‘he likes me’ and ‘he’s not interested.”
You always want to keep women in “The Gap.”
Short and sweet. Great tip though.
Bro WB
17-08-2022, 11:50 AM
great stuff
17-08-2022, 05:39 PM
Excellent thread. Pick up quite a few tips here! :)
19-08-2022, 10:51 AM
I hope a retiree can learn something here.
19-08-2022, 01:31 PM
Best support nice thread.
19-08-2022, 05:09 PM
I hope a retiree can learn something here.
Same here as well. Never too old to learn.
19-08-2022, 07:40 PM
nice thread
19-08-2022, 08:18 PM
nice thread
Not nice, is excellent :D
19-08-2022, 08:25 PM
This is still a very relevant thread on how to get attractive girls that men will like. Warbird has contributed a lot to those who try to understand this thread. Thank you, Warbird for being selfless and spending many years deepening men's understanding of how to get attractive girls and to keep them. Usually it is much easier to approach but very hard to maintain.
20-08-2022, 07:10 PM
great thread
20-08-2022, 10:26 PM
What a beautiful night!+
great stuff
Excellent thread. Pick up quite a few tips here! :)
I hope a retiree can learn something here.
Best support nice thread.
Same here as well. Never too old to learn.
nice thread
Not nice, is excellent :D
Tks to all bros.
This is still a very relevant thread on how to get attractive girls that men will like. Warbird has contributed a lot to those who try to understand this thread. Thank you, Warbird for being selfless and spending many years deepening men's understanding of how to get attractive girls and to keep them. Usually it is much easier to approach but very hard to maintain.
Tks so much for your support. You have made my day!
great thread
Thanks, bro.
.................................................. ........
Good evening to all samsters,
Sharing the best of what I have read and highlights of my exploits here have helped me immeasurably. It's also the result of repetition and constant field practice over the last 13 yrs. It has become a part of me, deeply ingrained in my subconscious mind.
My sincerest thanks to all who have posted in this thread. I have greatly benefited from your experiences and duscussions.
Yes, including the doubters and losers. The hordes of naysayers have spurred me on to take an honest and critical look at myself and my methods. I know there is still ample room for improvement but I have already come a very long way since 2009.
I do encourage everyone to share his or her exploits n insights. Thanks again.
Bro WB
21-08-2022, 06:29 AM
One of the best threads in SBF! :D
21-08-2022, 04:12 PM
Hope to learn more here.
23-08-2022, 05:16 PM
This is still a very relevant thread on how to get attractive girls that men will like. Warbird has contributed a lot to those who try to understand this thread. Thank you, Warbird for being selfless and spending many years deepening men's understanding of how to get attractive girls and to keep them. Usually it is much easier to approach but very hard to maintain.
Fully agreed with you bro. But not every guy has the skills to get attractive girls.
An excellent contribution by bro warbird!
24-08-2022, 12:17 PM
uuuu power lah
24-08-2022, 10:48 PM
learn more of
26-08-2022, 01:40 AM
Hope to learn more here.
26-08-2022, 02:36 PM
Nice thread to learn how to pick gals. Hope to practise soon.
26-08-2022, 03:23 PM
Nice thread to learn how to pick gals. Hope to practise soon.
Same here. Hope to learn more from bro warbird!
27-08-2022, 07:09 PM
manage to pick up some attack skills
27-08-2022, 09:44 PM
One of the best threads in SBF! :D
Hope to learn more here.
Fully agreed with you bro. But not every guy has the skills to get attractive girls.
An excellent contribution by bro warbird!
uuuu power lah
learn more of
Hope to learn more here.
Nice thread to learn how to pick gals. Hope to practise soon.
Same here. Hope to learn more from bro warbird!
Bros, good evening!
Tks to ALL of you for your encouragement.
You have helped me keep my emotional frequencies above 300...
I just received an email from a relationship guru Avery Hayden. It's entitled "You will marry a fat woman."
Can you imagine if I have no choice but to marry a fat and/or ugly woman? It's most disconcerting.
Mr. Hayden's article is satirical and brutally honest. His intention is good though. He has seen too many men around him getting lazy, frustrated, complacent, and settling down for the wrong woman. I have seen too many such pathetic cases around me too.
He is merely trying to motivate and galvanize his male audience to get or marry the most attractive girls/women of their type. I need to thank him too.
Here is the article.
Embrace your destiny
You will most likely end up married to a fat woman.
And you’ll tell yourself she makes you happy.
(Even though you can’t get hard for her.)
Let me explain why…
From the moment you wake up in the morning, everything in your life is designed to make you soft, weak, and easy to manipulate.
You are being programmed to accept the life of a slave.
OnlyFans can’t extract money from strong men.
Men who have the courage to approach women in real life don’t have any reason to watch p**nhub.
Men who leave the house don’t waste time on TikTok.
Every day you consume more. You become increasingly passive.
Eventually, your life force is so completely drained from you that you might as well be a sheep getting herded from one mindless form of consumption to another.
It reaches a point where you don’t even have the willpower to approach a girl. You’re too weak, too passive.
Two generations ago men were fighting in Vietnam, risking their lives.
Today, men are too weak to leave their homes to talk to women.
You can rationalize it all you want, “I don’t have time.” “I’m not good looking enough.”
If that makes you feel better, run with it.
But you know that you spend five hours per day watching dumb videos on your laptop. You have plenty of time to talk to girls.
You decided you’re not good looking enough because the truth would be too painful to admit, “I’m a coward.”
However, as soon you admit that you’re at fault for your shitty situation, you can change it.
Once you realize that your life force is being drained from you by people who want to turn you into a weak consumer who buys things they don’t need, then you can make a decision.
You can turn off the video games and start leveling up in real life.
You can delete TikTok and have real experiences.
You can download a website blocker to stop watching p**n and start meeting women in real life.
Because if you don’t, you will end up living like a sheep in a herd.
Look around you at the dead eyes of people walking down the street, that “life” is truly pathetic.
And just like them, you will convince yourself that you love your fat wife who yells at you every day because you don’t have the willpower to even say hi to a hot girl.
Are you going to snap out of it?
Thanks, Mr. Hayden. I'll do my very best to snap out of it. Whatever it takes...
Any comments?
Bro WB
27-08-2022, 10:19 PM
Nice one from Mr. Hayden :)
31-08-2022, 06:15 PM
Nice thread to learn how to pick gals. Hope to practise soon.
How is your practice? Can give some feedback? :D
07-09-2022, 09:59 AM
I hope to learn from the master here.
Thanks bro WB.
09-09-2022, 10:10 PM
Nice one from Mr. Hayden :)
How is your practice? Can give some feedback? :D
I hope to learn from the master here.
Thanks bro WB.
Good evening, bros
What an auspicious night!
I'm convinced that a major determinant of a man's success with the most attractive girls of his type is his SUBCONSCIOUS belief that he is more than good enough for them.
I know some bros who have done very well with girls they find only slightly to moderately attractive. They appear to be real-life Don Juans. However, such a 'Don Juan' has always failed miserably whenever he meets a 'dream girl.' Why? Because he suddenly behaves as if he is not good enough for HER. He becomes NEEDY and INSECURE around her and in his interactions with her. She will find him repulsive, regardless of his status, wealth, intelligence, looks, etc.
One big reason is that he is mesmerized by a girl's beauty and near-perfect sexy figure.
A badass gentleman is never impressed by the appearance of any girl, no matter how attractive she is. He needs time to qualify her to make sure that she is good enough. Why? He is the Grand Prize, and God's gift to all girls and women.
Yes, he behaves as if 100 very attractive and intelligent girls of his type are calling and wanting to fxxk him every day.
I just received an email from Brad, a relationship and sex guru.
Her beauty is meaningless
Hey it's Brad,
One of the biggest mistakes that we make in life is to look only at the surface of things.
When we do that, we allow ourselves to be fooled by appearances.
There is no place where this is more pronounced than when guys are interacting with hot girls.
Guys get excited about a girl based solely on her good looks.
This is dangerous and a waste of time!
Don't do it.
There's no point in pursuing a woman who looks like Vanessa Hudgens, but has the personality of Miss Piggy.
You gotta have standards. And the girls you talk to need to get the message that you have standards.
You see, unlike 99% of guys, I'm not genuinely attracted to ANY woman until I've already talked to her for a while.
Here's why...
I've fucked enough super-hot women to know that many of them are undesirable (for reasons other than what they look like).
So, if you're a guy who sees a woman and starts feeling all kinds of emotions for her before even talking to her, you're on the wrong track.
You MUST evaluate a woman on more than just looks...
Because if you can resist the urge to put her on a pedestal right away, it will solve a lot of your confidence issues INSTANTLY.
Here's how I tackle it...
In my mind, before approaching a woman, I feel that I'm walking into an unknown situation. I have no idea if she's an amazing person... or a complete disaster.
My intention is to run her through a series of conversational tests where she'll be FORCED to show her true colors as fast as possible.
Once I've gathered this information I'll know if she has what I'm looking for. Then I'll decide if I like her or not, and if I want to take it further.
I'm in full control from start to finish.
This process has served me well for years, and there's no reason why it can't work for you as well.
And now we have this powerful way to begin sparking amazing attraction, while at the same time sorting out the flakes and the fruitcakes.
I couldn't agree with Brad more.
Any comments? Pls share your exploits too.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
10-09-2022, 12:50 PM
My reply to a bro:
heard that L2 Rick KTV opening soon? also viet tips $50? brand new
Bro, tks.
I seriously doubt I could find a girl of my type. I practice what I preach. Read my posts. I only go for the cutest and prettiest SYT of my type. Then I have to qualify her.
All the KTV mummies and girls know that.
Bro WB
10-09-2022, 03:28 PM
My reply to a bro:
Bro, tks.
I seriously doubt I could find a girl of my type. I practice what I preach. Read my posts. I only go for the cutest and prettiest SYT of my type. Then I have to qualify her.
All the KTV mummies and girls know that.
Bro WB
Not easy to find pretty SYT nowadays.
Great thread bro! :)
10-09-2022, 05:05 PM
Hey Bro WB, the point about not falling for looks is profoundly true. Why is it easier to talk to your GND than that hottie across the room? They're both normal people under their skin. Putting her through conversational tests will reveal the real person behind the facade. Then decide if she's worth your time. Experience has shown me that a great personality translates well to her potential in bed.
Thanks for the reminder, WB!
13-09-2022, 11:07 AM
I seriously doubt I could find a girl of my type. I practice what I preach. Read my posts. I only go for the cutest and prettiest SYT of my type. Then I have to qualify her.
Bro WB
Totally agreed with bro, not easy to find gals that 100% fits.
Hope can learn more here.
13-09-2022, 03:02 PM
Totally agreed with bro, not easy to find gals that 100% fits.
Hope can learn more here.
My exact sentiments. Want to learn more from bro warbird. :)
19-09-2022, 12:10 PM
Nice thread and hope to read up more in this thread.
Thanks to Bro WB.
19-09-2022, 07:30 PM
Just started the first few pages of this thread, already got addicted.
Thanks bro warbird for great share! :)
seen many bros wanting to learn from bro WB. just before that, learn to have a deep deep pocket like him. or, at least give the gals that impression that your pocket is very very deep......
20-09-2022, 08:58 AM
seen many bros wanting to learn from bro WB. just before that, learn to have a deep deep pocket like him. or, at least give the gals that impression that your pocket is very very deep......
By the definition of the type of girls that Bro WB fancy, they will also be adored by many others. If its only using or throwing money at them to get them, so can others. It becomes the good old days when TAM and Lido were around where the singers got six figure a night of flowers where a few clients competed among themselves to show their pockets were deep.
These kind of ang bai or popular girls never short of attention, gifts and money. They will cherry pick the one not necessary the richest, but the smartest who can mind fxxx them. I personally know one friend who's rich but stingy yet managed to keep a singer for a while as FWB. In the game of lust, it's not just about money, not even looks of the men. It's how you play your cards.
20-09-2022, 10:44 AM
By the definition of the type of girls that Bro WB fancy, they will also be adored by many others. If its only using or throwing money at them to get them, so can others. It becomes the good old days when TAM and Lido were around where the singers got six figure a night of flowers where a few clients competed among themselves to show their pockets were deep.
These kind of ang bai or popular girls never short of attention, gifts and money. They will cherry pick the one not necessary the richest, but the smartest who can mind fxxx them. I personally know one friend who's rich but stingy yet managed to keep a singer for a while as FWB. In the game of lust, it's not just about money, not even looks of the men. It's how you play your cards.
Well done bro...brings back great memories...TAM and Lido located same hotel...:)
Back in 1980s...ST already SGD 500...the bill stated special services...:)
Really depend on mummy to recommend those new stock before goes ang pai...:)
Think bro WB is pro-expert on this...:)
20-09-2022, 11:04 AM
Well done bro...brings back great memories...TAM and Lido located same hotel...:)
Back in 1980s...ST already SGD 500...the bill stated special services...:)
Really depend on mummy to recommend those new stock before goes ang pai...:)
Think bro WB is pro-expert on this...:)
Haha, looks like we belong to the same era. Not forgetting LV in the same building of TAM.
Anyway, for ladies who were picked up from ktv, no matter how loving and GFE they may seem, I will take it as a pinch of salt. Especially in the last few years when they almost got zero income and massive debts to pay off, love is the last thing they are seeking.
Some of them concurrently have a few sugar daddies who thought they are exclusive, not only give them cash and gifts, also pay for their condo rentals. Yet they might invite their real bf to the live nests to bonk.
This also reminded me those good old days in Shenzhen where plenty of mistresses of the rich Hong Kongers and Taiwanese. When their sugar daddies not in town, they would be going clubbing to find 靓仔, or 小狼狗
21-09-2022, 11:08 AM
Haha, looks like we belong to the same era. Not forgetting LV in the same building of TAM.
Anyway, for ladies who were picked up from ktv, no matter how loving and GFE they may seem, I will take it as a pinch of salt. Especially in the last few years when they almost got zero income and massive debts to pay off, love is the last thing they are seeking.
Some of them concurrently have a few sugar daddies who thought they are exclusive, not only give them cash and gifts, also pay for their condo rentals. Yet they might invite their real bf to the live nests to bonk.
This also reminded me those good old days in Shenzhen where plenty of mistresses of the rich Hong Kongers and Taiwanese. When their sugar daddies not in town, they would be going clubbing to find 靓仔, or 小狼狗
Yup, LV was more budget and gals lao chio...also have mm...:)
Overheard those bosses fought each other for the hottest gals every ktv they went in HK, Tpe, Sin, etc...:)
Those gals where got loyalty...only loyal to $$$...:)
27-09-2022, 05:37 PM
Not easy to find pretty SYT nowadays.
Great thread bro! :)
Bro, tks. It's even harder to find pretty SYTs with good character.
Hey Bro WB, the point about not falling for looks is profoundly true. Why is it easier to talk to your GND than that hottie across the room? They're both normal people under their skin. Putting her through conversational tests will reveal the real person behind the facade. Then decide if she's worth your time. Experience has shown me that a great personality translates well to her potential in bed.
Thanks for the reminder, WB!
Bro, tks. You need to qualify a girl.
Totally agreed with bro, not easy to find gals that 100% fits.
Hope can learn more here.
My exact sentiments. Want to learn more from bro warbird.
Nice thread and hope to read up more in this thread.
Thanks to Bro WB.
Just started the first few pages of this thread, already got addicted.
Thanks bro warbird for great share!
Bros, tks for your posts.
seen many bros wanting to learn from bro WB. just before that, learn to have a deep deep pocket like him. or, at least give the gals that impression that your pocket is very very deep......
Bro, tks.
Yes, money is a very important attribute for a man. Many girls do have basic financial needs. But beyond that, most girls would want a man to have certain masculine character traits. Avoid gold diggers...
By the definition of the type of girls that Bro WB fancy, they will also be adored by many others. If its only using or throwing money at them to get them, so can others. It becomes the good old days when TAM and Lido were around where the singers got six figure a night of flowers where a few clients competed among themselves to show their pockets were deep.
These kind of ang bai or popular girls never short of attention, gifts and money. They will cherry pick the one not necessary the richest, but the smartest who can mind fxxx them. I personally know one friend who's rich but stingy yet managed to keep a singer for a while as FWB. In the game of lust, it's not just about money, not even looks of the men. It's how you play your cards.
Bro, tks.
You're right. Money per se is not enough.
Didn't King Fuchai give enough money to Xi Shi?
Is Sergey Brin not rich enough for a 38 yo Chinese auntie?
Well done bro...brings back great memories...TAM and Lido located same hotel...:)
Back in 1980s...ST already SGD 500...the bill stated special services...:)
Really depend on mummy to recommend those new stock before goes ang pai...:)
Think bro WB is pro-expert on this...:)
Bro, tks.
I'm no expert.
My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.
Haha, looks like we belong to the same era. Not forgetting LV in the same building of TAM.
Anyway, for ladies who were picked up from ktv, no matter how loving and GFE they may seem, I will take it as a pinch of salt. Especially in the last few years when they almost got zero income and massive debts to pay off, love is the last thing they are seeking.
Some of them concurrently have a few sugar daddies who thought they are exclusive, not only give them cash and gifts, also pay for their condo rentals. Yet they might invite their real bf to the live nests to bonk.
This also reminded me those good old days in Shenzhen where plenty of mistresses of the rich Hong Kongers and Taiwanese. When their sugar daddies not in town, they would be going clubbing to find 靓仔, or 小狼狗
Bro, tks.
Yes, you're right.
Must choose your girls wisely. Avoid gold diggers and NEVER forget Roosh's Rule of Five.
Google Sergey Brin and his ex-Chinese wife.
Yup, LV was more budget and gals lao chio...also have mm...:)
Overheard those bosses fought each other for the hottest gals every ktv they went in HK, Tpe, Sin, etc...:)
Those gals where got loyalty...only loyal to $$$...:)
Bro, tks.
Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.
Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
27-09-2022, 06:29 PM
Thanks for an excellent thread bro warbird! :)
28-09-2022, 09:17 AM
If arranged through the mms on the same night, the going rate will be $500 or more, as the mms will take a cut. However, the trick was to get the gal's contact numbers, arranged to meet them when they woke up in the day, some would offer their own place, would tell you 'don't tell others'... Then the ST became $200.
This was the same when they roamed to the cheaper ktv during the happy hour session, booking could be $100 to $150, then 2nd session they would return to the higher end joints for their $200+ rates.
For the same pussy, never paid more. Then could the 'luv' to more. The last thing to do was to focus on just one, she's never exclusive lor.
28-09-2022, 12:04 PM
Bro, tks.
I'm no expert.
My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.
Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.
Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB
Really good experience...2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed...2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates...creating raw ingredients to skyrocket...also due to the Ukraine-Russia war... :)
Since 2009 prices had changed drastically...good old days will never return...just look forward...:)
28-09-2022, 12:05 PM
Bro, tks.
I'm no expert.
My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.
Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.
Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB
Really good experience...2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed...2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates...creating raw ingredients to skyrocket...also due to the Ukraine-Russia war... :)
Since 2009 prices had changed drastically...good old days will never return...just look forward...:)
28-09-2022, 12:06 PM
Bro, tks.
I'm no expert.
My first ever outing to TAM joints was in June 2009. Some girls there were happy with $200-300 for ST. I had seen some GL streetwalkers who worked there sometimes.
Girls/women used to move around freely in LV and TAM joints, except for singers. The building was closed on 31 Jan 2015.
Unfortunately, at least 99% of women/girls who work in the nite scene are gold diggers.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB
Really good experience...2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed...2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates...creating raw ingredients to skyrocket...also due to the Ukraine-Russia war... :)
Since 2009 prices had changed drastically...good old days will never return...just look forward...:)
28-09-2022, 09:08 PM
If arranged through the mms on the same night, the going rate will be $500 or more, as the mms will take a cut. However, the trick was to get the gal's contact numbers, arranged to meet them when they woke up in the day, some would offer their own place, would tell you 'don't tell others'... Then the ST became $200.
This was the same when they roamed to the cheaper ktv during the happy hour session, booking could be $100 to $150, then 2nd session they would return to the higher end joints for their $200+ rates.
For the same pussy, never paid more. Then could the 'luv' to more. The last thing to do was to focus on just one, she's never exclusive lor.
You're an old hand at chionging KTV, haha.
Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It's similar to buying shares when the prices are down.
Bro WB
Really good experience...2009 was tough period after the 2008 crashed...2022 will be worst thanks to Fed raising rates...creating raw ingredients to skyrocket...also due to the Ukraine-Russia war... :)
Since 2009 prices had changed drastically...good old days will never return...just look forward...:)
You're right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
30-09-2022, 02:01 AM
You're right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.
Agreed here too
30-09-2022, 08:48 AM
You're an old hand at chionging KTV, haha.
Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It's similar to buying shares when the prices are down.
The good old days of paying tips in the ktv and the rest FOC were long gone. To be fair, some of the ladies borrowed money to apply for the work visa to work in Singapore, they needed to make alot more to cover the costs. Also they are some not so savvy bros who thought they are exclusive with the ladies, shower them with money and gifts.
What's market rates? Who determined them? What's a fair price to pay for the pussy? These are all subjective.
Heard nowadays in China, just before Covid, all the fees went up. The last time I went to their ktv, the tipping was already RMB800 to 2000, the latter for gals the joint claimed to order from elsewhere and supposedly to be higher quality, 外围,ST was anything from RMB5000 onwards. That's like S$1000 and mind you, these ladies are not even pro in sex and you might even get a dead fish in bed.
At the end of the day, the loser in this game is, whoever is more desperate, if you have many choices of girls, the more likely you will end up with more and you decide who to bed. Otherwise, being desperate, then will end up kenna chopped.
This is a bloody jungle out there. Who's the predator or prey? God knows.
01-10-2022, 01:06 AM
Yes, we should never overpay for a pussy. I like bargains and discounts. It's similar to buying shares when the prices are down.
But nowadays it seems like the share prices are never down haha :D
03-10-2022, 11:04 AM
TS, very nice thread and hope to learn more from expert.
03-10-2022, 11:10 AM
You're right. I think prices for the KTV pussies will drop a bit next year due to increased supply, but never back to the 2009 level. The good old days are gone forever, unfortunately.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
I also hope prices will drop.
Bro WB, thanks for a very nice thread. Will read the whole thread.
04-10-2022, 12:57 AM
TS, very nice thread and hope to learn more from expert.
Fully agreed, sure must learn more here.
04-10-2022, 03:14 PM
What is the playability level in the ktv rooms nowadays? Still commando type or need to go hotel? :)
08-10-2022, 12:25 PM
Agreed here too
Tks for your post.
The good old days of paying tips in the ktv and the rest FOC were long gone. To be fair, some of the ladies borrowed money to apply for the work visa to work in Singapore, they needed to make alot more to cover the costs. Also they are some not so savvy bros who thought they are exclusive with the ladies, shower them with money and gifts.
What's market rates? Who determined them? What's a fair price to pay for the pussy? These are all subjective.
Heard nowadays in China, just before Covid, all the fees went up. The last time I went to their ktv, the tipping was already RMB800 to 2000, the latter for gals the joint claimed to order from elsewhere and supposedly to be higher quality, 外围,ST was anything from RMB5000 onwards. That's like S$1000 and mind you, these ladies are not even pro in sex and you might even get a dead fish in bed.
At the end of the day, the loser in this game is, whoever is more desperate, if you have many choices of girls, the more likely you will end up with more and you decide who to bed. Otherwise, being desperate, then will end up kenna chopped.
This is a bloody jungle out there. Who's the predator or prey? God knows.
Bro, tks so much for the info.
But nowadays it seems like the share prices are never down haha :D
TS, very nice thread and hope to learn more from expert.
I also hope prices will drop.
Bro WB, thanks for a very nice thread. Will read the whole thread.
Fully agreed, sure must learn more here.
Tks to all for your posts.
What is the playability level in the ktv rooms nowadays? Still commando type or need to go hotel? :)
Bro, I think the playability is the same as before, but the prices have gone up.
To the young bros here:
Choose your legal wife very carefully before marriage. Visualize how she will look in 50 years.
You must also assume that you will be very healthy and virile in 50 years.
A man's chronological age is very different from his biological age.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
08-10-2022, 02:41 PM
Bro, I think the playability is the same as before, but the prices have gone up.
Good to hear that (for the playability part). It's been ages since I went ktv.
08-10-2022, 05:40 PM
amazing, this thread still ongoing
10-10-2022, 04:41 PM
Good to hear that (for the playability part). It's been ages since I went ktv.
Bro, tks. Wait a few more months for prices to come down.
amazing, this thread still ongoing
Bro, tks.
I have learned a lot from ALL who have posted here. I have actually learned and improved more from the naysayers and those who have viciously attacked me. Thanks, no hard feelings.
.................................................. .....
Good afternoon,
I like to share an interesting book by Prof David Buss.
The Dangerous Passion
Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex
David M. Buss
About This Book
Why do men and women cheat on each other? How do men really feel when their partners have sex with other men? What worries women more -- men who turn to other women for love or men who simply want sexual variety in their lives? Can the jealousy husbands and wives experience over real or imagined infidelities be cured? Should it be? In this surprising and engaging exploration of men's and women's darker passions, David Buss, acclaimed author of The Evolution of Desire, reveals that both men and women are actually designed for jealousy. Drawing on experiments, surveys, and interviews conducted in thirty-seven countries on six continents, as well as insights from recent discoveries in biology, anthropology, and psychology, Buss discovers that the evolutionary origins of our sexual desires still shape our passions today.
According to Buss, more men than women want to have sex with multiple partners. Furthermore, women who cheat on their husbands do so when they are most likely to conceive, but have sex with their spouses when they are least likely to conceive. These findings show that evolutionary tendencies to acquire better genes through different partners still lurk beneath modern sexual behavior. To counteract these desires to stray -- and to strengthen the bonds between partners -- jealousy evolved as an early detection system of infidelity in the ancient and mysterious ritual of mating.
Buss takes us on a fascinating journey through many cultures, from pre-historic to the present, to show the profound evolutionary effect jealousy has had on all of us. Only with a healthy balance of jealousy and trust can we be certain of a mate's commitment, devotion, and true love.
I beg to disagree with Prof Buss. Jealousy is the kiss of death in a relationship.
I'm afraid Prof Buss is an "armchair general." He has little real-life combat experience. Would a man who believes he is THE Grand Prize to ALL his dream girls be jealous if he loses a cute LP? Of course not. It's her tragic loss.
BTW, a man's unflappability and non-neediness are extremely attractive masculine traits.
Bro WB
10-10-2022, 06:58 PM
I also hope prices will drop.
Bro WB, thanks for a very nice thread. Will read the whole thread.
I also hope prices will drop. : (
11-10-2022, 06:05 PM
I also hope prices will drop. : (
Bro, yes.
But don't hold your breath.
My other big problem is sighting my type of girl. I can't get a girl if I don't see her.
Good evening,
I don't think there are attractive young women and cute SYTs of my type working in KTVs and HFJs in Singapore right now. There has been a dearth of these desirable girls even long before the pandemic. And overall prices had been increasing too.
If a bro thinks he may have seen a cute SYT of my type, pls show me where to find her. I'll pay the expenses. PM me. My offer has no expiration date.
I heard many aunties are making 25-30K a month. Younger plastic women are raking in 40-50k or more a month.
Some "singers" made more than that even before the pandemic. I know of bros who have spent a small fortune on plastic aunties/hoes masquerading as "singers." These clueless and desperate carrot heads often get into a "flower war" just to have the right to bring a "singer" to supper. And to add insult to injury, a "victor" who has been able to get the pussy of a "singer" for a varying period of time, is immediately dumped when he is unable to keep spending more n more or when she finds a new "BF aka sucker." I genuinely feel very sorry for them.
Bro WB
11-10-2022, 07:05 PM
From my other thread:
Rare but not dont have... However when u said your type.. Then that is tricky everyone's definition and appraisal is different.. One who might be a syt to a bro might not be a syt to another bro.. So maybe need to have past examples of your type before identifying for u lol
Bro, tks for your post.
My type of SYT is 18-20 yo. This is the preferred age range when I first meet a girl. Her face should be of a similar standard to the girl in my avatar. Her anatomy must be 100% natural (this is not negotiable). Height 160-172 without shoes. Boobs B-D. Proportionate arms, legs, and torso. I hate girls with thick bony frames. Evaluation of her looks and figure is the initial step. For a long-term relationship, I'll need time to qualify her. Character, education, health, and intelligence are very important.
I'll be happy to show you pictures and videos of my past/current LPs when I meet u.
Bro WB
11-10-2022, 07:20 PM
From my other thread:
Bro, tks for your post.
My type of SYT is 18-20 yo. This is the preferred age range when I first meet a girl. Her face should be of a similar standard to the girl in my avatar. Her anatomy must be 100% natural (this is not negotiable). Height 160-172 without shoes. Boobs B-D. Proportionate arms, legs, and torso. I hate girls with thick bony frames. Evaluation of her looks and figure is the initial step. For a long-term relationship, I'll need time to qualify her. Character, education, health, and intelligence are very important.
I'll be happy to show you pictures and videos of my past/current LPs when I meet u.
Bro WB
From your description i have one in mind already. Your standard is high.. Same as mine.. Lol
12-10-2022, 12:11 PM
With this Covid and even before it, the top notch SYT and good looking ones already stopped coming to Singapore.
They either worked in the top clubs in China, or went to the likes of Japan, Middle East or even Indonesia. The money the could make there would be alot more than in Singapore. Most of all, the risk of getting caught and deported back was much lower.
With the Covid getting worse now in China, the more they won't come. Hence, you either make do with the sub standard ones or you can only PCC yourself.
That's sad but at least you can save some good money.
14-10-2022, 05:09 PM
From your description i have one in mind already. Your standard is high.. Same as mine.. Lol
Bro, tks.
Do you really know a girl in SG who may be my type? Where is she?
I'll PM you.
Bro WB
With this Covid and even before it, the top notch SYT and good looking ones already stopped coming to Singapore.
They either worked in the top clubs in China, or went to the likes of Japan, Middle East or even Indonesia. The money the could make there would be alot more than in Singapore. Most of all, the risk of getting caught and deported back was much lower.
With the Covid getting worse now in China, the more they won't come. Hence, you either make do with the sub standard ones or you can only PCC yourself.
That's sad but at least you can save some good money.
Bro, tks for your post.
Actually, the very attractive and intelligent SYTs in China are being kept soon after they enter uni or the workplace (those with only a high school education due to family circumstances). They don't normally end up working in clubs or KTVs or become 外围 hoes. There are exceptions, of course.
The very rare high-quality SYTs who come to SG usually follow a gui mi or sister who is older n more experienced. Extremely rare even before the pandemic. I can't say I have seen one since I met L a few yrs ago.
Bro WB
Some "singers" made more than that even before the pandemic. I know of bros who have spent a small fortune on plastic aunties/hoes masquerading as "singers." These clueless and desperate carrot heads often get into a "flower war" just to have the right to bring a "singer" to supper. And to add insult to injury, a "victor" who has been able to get the pussy of a "singer" for a varying period of time, is immediately dumped when he is unable to keep spending more n more or when she finds a new "BF aka sucker." I genuinely feel very sorry for them.
Bro WB
the hanging war is not just for supper, but rather the man's ego. he just wanna win. and of cos the boss of the joint end up being the biggest winner...
17-10-2022, 09:33 AM
You are quite right bro WB.
I recalled years ago, used to go to a ktv in Shanghai, the mms is a SYT and her fleet of girls were also quite nice.
In China, especially in the southern part, the girls started working when they were 17,18. By the time when they were 20 or older, some already were becoming mms. They probably earned enough and stopped working in the trade by late 20s.
Singapore, on the other hand, got all the really elderly ones in their 30s,or even 40s. Good grief. Hard to have SYT that can fit your criteria. Unless you don't mind Viet. There's one ktv near Jalan Besar, it's called the First Club, used to have rather young and wild Viet.
17-10-2022, 10:19 AM
the hanging war is not just for supper, but rather the man's ego. he just wanna win. and of cos the boss of the joint end up being the biggest winner...
yes bro. some is ego feeding game. worst part is at times this hanging war opposite party is the club/shop boss arrange people to "challenge".
17-10-2022, 01:19 PM
yes bro. some is ego feeding game. worst part is at times this hanging war opposite party is the club/shop boss arrange people to "challenge".
This is for sure.
To add, whether the highest bidder gets the pussy or not, it all depends. I knew of a bro who literally hung a $50 got to have the pussy while the other not so smart but rich customers only got some private time in the ktv room.
The really ang bai singers never short of suitors. Tens if not hundreds of thousands were hung each night. These singers could cherry pick who to offer their jaded pussies.
18-10-2022, 09:17 AM
I have not been to Hang Flower Joint.
Hope to learn more from expert.
Thanks bro WB for nice thread.
18-10-2022, 09:20 AM
Actually, the very attractive and intelligent SYTs in China are being kept soon after they enter uni or the workplace (those with only a high school education due to family circumstances). They don't normally end up working in clubs or KTVs or become 外围 hoes. There are exceptions, of course.
The very rare high-quality SYTs who come to SG usually follow a gui mi or sister who is older n more experienced. Extremely rare even before the pandemic. I can't say I have seen one since I met L a few yrs ago.
Bro WB
Fully agree with Bro WB.
Thanks for nice thread.
18-10-2022, 12:29 PM
China being a country with huge population, there are still many good looking, young ladies around. Especially in cities like Chendu, Dalian and Qingdao. Sometimes may even see mixed blooded from Uzbek or Xinjiang.
Those that are bao by the rich fella are rarely seen on the street.
The good old days of troops of SYR roaming in the Southern cities like Dongguan, Changping, Humen were long gone. A ktv session, just to select the hostess could already become giddy.
18-10-2022, 01:09 PM
yes bro. some is ego feeding game. worst part is at times this hanging war opposite party is the club/shop boss arrange people to "challenge".
Many thought they won, when the opposite stop with black face.
At my younger day ever encounter, went to a club met this type of people. Me is legit type, met a guy challenge me. Im a regular there, so ask the GM there who is this guy challenge, saw me unhappy.
Then guess what he said, he tell the flower girl, from now on how much i hang will be void. (for that night only, and is after i spoke to the the manager). with the guy war flower. Previous i hang still pay,.
Summarize it, we are living in a grey world.
18-10-2022, 02:17 PM
Many thought they won, when the opposite stop with black face.
At my younger day ever encounter, went to a club met this type of people. Me is legit type, met a guy challenge me. Im a regular there, so ask the GM there who is this guy challenge, saw me unhappy.
Then guess what he said, he tell the flower girl, from now on how much i hang will be void. (for that night only, and is after i spoke to the the manager). with the guy war flower. Previous i hang still pay,.
Summarize it, we are living in a grey world.
The boss should offer FOC canon and crowns for you to woo your favourite singers. Lol.
19-10-2022, 04:18 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Thanks for all the posts! You're really the core of this thread.
I have learned so much from all of you! It has been an incredible and fruitful journey for me.
the hanging war is not just for supper, but rather the man's ego. he just wanna win. and of cos the boss of the joint end up being the biggest winner...
Bro, you're right.
It's more about boosting the victor's ego. It's not even about the singer.
You are quite right bro WB.
I recalled years ago, used to go to a ktv in Shanghai, the mms is a SYT and her fleet of girls were also quite nice.
In China, especially in the southern part, the girls started working when they were 17,18. By the time when they were 20 or older, some already were becoming mms. They probably earned enough and stopped working in the trade by late 20s.
Singapore, on the other hand, got all the really elderly ones in their 30s,or even 40s. Good grief. Hard to have SYT that can fit your criteria. Unless you don't mind Viet. There's one ktv near Jalan Besar, it's called the First Club, used to have rather young and wild Viet.
Bro, tks for your post.
I couldn't agree with u more. Very hard to find an SYT that could meet my criteria even in China.
Some younger Viet girls are good enough for ST, but not for BY.
yes bro. some is ego feeding game. worst part is at times this hanging war opposite party is the club/shop boss arrange people to "challenge".
Yes, bro. Hanging flowers is mostly about "ego-boosting." Some "flower wars" are prearranged and fake. I suspect at least some of them are for money laundry.
This is for sure.
To add, whether the highest bidder gets the pussy or not, it all depends. I knew of a bro who literally hung a $50 got to have the pussy while the other not so smart but rich customers only got some private time in the ktv room.
The really ang bai singers never short of suitors. Tens if not hundreds of thousands were hung each night. These singers could cherry pick who to offer their jaded pussies.
Bro, you're a very experienced KTV n HFJ chiongster. The "ang pai" singer literally can write her own check.
I have not been to Hang Flower Joint.
Hope to learn more from expert.
Thanks bro WB for nice thread.
Bro, tks. Go to these joints to get the most attractive girls. But may have to wait for their return next yr.
Fully agree with Bro WB.
Thanks for nice thread.
Tks, bro.
China being a country with huge population, there are still many good looking, young ladies around. Especially in cities like Chendu, Dalian and Qingdao. Sometimes may even see mixed blooded from Uzbek or Xinjiang.
Those that are bao by the rich fella are rarely seen on the street.
The good old days of troops of SYR roaming in the Southern cities like Dongguan, Changping, Humen were long gone. A ktv session, just to select the hostess could already become giddy.
Bro, I agree. I have been to Changping, Beijing, SZ, Shanghai n Xiamen.
Many thought they won, when the opposite stop with black face.
At my younger day ever encounter, went to a club met this type of people. Me is legit type, met a guy challenge me. Im a regular there, so ask the GM there who is this guy challenge, saw me unhappy.
Then guess what he said, he tell the flower girl, from now on how much i hang will be void. (for that night only, and is after i spoke to the the manager). with the guy war flower. Previous i hang still pay,.
Summarize it, we are living in a grey world.
Bro, tks. I'm impressed. Which HFJ joint was that?
The boss should offer FOC canon and crowns for you to woo your favourite singers. Lol.
Bro, yes.
Cheers to all samsters. Stay safe!
Bro WB
21-10-2022, 12:34 AM
I have not been to Hang Flower Joint.
Hope to learn more from expert.
Thanks bro WB for nice thread.
Never been to HFJ too, sounds interesting though.
Support awesome thread by bro warbird :)
21-10-2022, 03:00 PM
To succeed in a HFJ, you need to be either yandao and smooth talker, or you have a deep pocket to keep hitting your favourite singers with canons or crowns. The latter may not guarantee a home run as there's always someone else who can afford to do the same.
22-10-2022, 03:44 PM
Never been to HFJ too, sounds interesting though.
Support awesome thread by bro warbird :)
Bro, tks.
To succeed in a HFJ, you need to be either yandao and smooth talker, or you have a deep pocket to keep hitting your favourite singers with canons or crowns. The latter may not guarantee a home run as there's always someone else who can afford to do the same.
Bro, tks for your opinion.
Cheers to all samsters!
.................................................. ................
Here is a zaogeng. What a naughty SYT!
23-10-2022, 08:32 PM
those cleavage .
24-10-2022, 06:26 PM
Here is a zaogeng. What a naughty SYT!
I bet they are very nice to grab hehe :D
25-10-2022, 09:14 AM
Here is a zaogeng. What a naughty SYT!
TS WB, thanks for nice photos and thread.
She definitely a killer bee.
25-10-2022, 06:59 PM
those cleavage .
I bet they are very nice to grab hehe :D
TS WB, thanks for nice photos and thread.
She definitely a killer bee.
Tks to all bros,
Here is a great youtube to share.
Marrying Medusa: How to Survive a Female Psychopath | Anthony Dream Johnson
Your comments?
25-10-2022, 08:02 PM
Not sure why I also can't open the youtube. Here is a good comment.
A comment: Alex Kuhl
4 years ago (edited)
I am in the 5th year of a clinical psychology Psy.D. program and have quite a bit of knowledge about female psychopathy and psychopathy in general due to clinical or academic research, clinical experience, and personal experience prior to starting graduate school. I cannot ethically diagnose an ex without a full comprehensive evaluation or someone I had a relationship with. Still, I believe she exhibited all the traits of all the four cluster b personality disorders.
One of the things you could comment on or do further research on is the triadic model of psychopathy. They tend to be bolder or socially potent, fearless, and impulsive than the average person. Anatomically, they tend to have less activity in the amygdala and limbic system, which is the basis of anxiety, morality, and unpleasant emotions. They tend to (not all) have weak frontal lobes, which are involved with executive functioning and long-term planning or learning from experience. This manifests with getting quickly angry at small matters but not big things.
Psychopaths tend to exhibit more intense eye contact and stand closer in proximity than regular people. Also, the transference or gut reaction when first meeting a psychopath tends to be intrigue or a mix of curiosity, excitement, and possibly fear. Those who initially fear them are too intimidated to pursue a relationship with them though, to begin with, because they come off as too sexually potent.
You could have also commented on the intermittent cycle of abuse analogous to why casinos are addictive. The intermittent reinforcement schedule is why it is hard to leave these toxic relationships. An intermittent reinforcement schedule is the hardest to extinguish behavior even in animals even above constant reinforcement and constant punishment.
Lastly, it is common for victims to manifest trauma when the relationship ends with a psychopath and is manifested by being overly obsessed with the psychopath and their future victims to reinforce the idea that they were not crazy, to begin with, or "could have worked harder". This phenomenon is brilliantly portrayed in the show, Hannibal. Psychopaths do a lot of gaslighting to distort one's reality, and victims want to rebuild themselves but have difficulty due to strong feelings of justice.
The best advice is just to walk away and trying not to fix a psychopath, relive what was, or warn the next victim. Chances are this person will warn the next person about you by lying just like they did to you about the previous person. Psychopaths will paint themselves as the victim and every ex as the abuser or "crazy."
26-10-2022, 03:29 PM
Here is a zaogeng. What a naughty SYT!
So sexy cleavage. Yummy! :)
04-11-2022, 04:59 AM
She definitely a killer bee
That is for sure bro
06-11-2022, 09:59 PM
So sexy cleavage. Yummy! :)
That is for sure bro
Tks, bros.
.................................................. ........
Good evening,
The pandemic has made dating and chionging difficult since March 2020. Some bros would lower their standards. They also have paid more for lower-quality WLs.
Some men are so desperate that they would settle for old and ugly women they would never consider only a few yrs ago.
The following article by Chase Amante on the lack of abundance is interesting (written in early 2021).
My preferred solution for a shortage of abundance is "get more abundance."
Most guys aren't in situations where approaching is outlawed or impossible.
For most, it's just different and they have approach anxiety.
They think about meeting masked girls during the daytime and say, "No way; too weird."
Even if you can't approach outside, dating apps (which I will usually tell you not to waste time on) can be a last resort.
But, truly, most guys can still meet girls if they want to.
I think the biggest thing though is many people have been PARALYZED by lockdown madness and political upheaval they haven't wanted to date as much.
They just sort of wrote the last year off as a "lost year" and figured they'd start back up again... sometime later... whenever things "go back"...
But even IF things go back (and I'm far from confident they will), who knows when that will be... and how long are you willing to wait?
Besides that, even as you're "waiting", your biology isn't.
You're going to feel lonely.
You're going to feel horny.
You're going to feel needy.
And that cute girl who is available to you is going to start to look better and better.
A lifetime ago, when I worked with a bunch of U.S. Navy sailors, one of them told me about life on deployment.
When you leave on an 8-month deployment, there will be a few women aboard. None will be attractive.
The best might be a 6 out of 10. There will also be a 5, a 4, and maybe a 2.
At the start of deployment, none of the sailors want these women.
But by the time the ship finally pulls back into the dock, even the 2/10 girl has three boyfriends and 10 more guys chasing her.
That's an abundance mentality (or, rather, lack thereof).
No guy realizes he's losing abundance.
Those guys who wanted nothing to do with those women at the start of deployment probably never envisioned themselves chasing after those girls.
Yet, when a man goes long enough without female attention, increasingly any female will do.
If you don't want to be that guy, you need to figure out how you're going to meet women and do it.
A few ways you can do that:
Learn a new style of game. Day game is still an option in most places. No better time to learn than the present.
Build up a social circle. Everybody wants to socialize even in spite of lockdowns. Find out where that's happening and join in.
Travel (if you can). Borders have closed some places. But not everywhere. If travel remains an option for you, use it.
Do "breather sprints." Most governments are easing and then resuming lockdowns periodically. When your area comes up for a breather, go hard, collect as many girls' contacts as possible, and work those leads when things lock back down.
You've got options.
But it's going to be like when you first got into seduction.
You're going to have hurdles you'll need to overcome.
Anxieties you will have to deal with.
Learning curves you must surmount.
Only by dealing with these can you escape that ugly trap that is lack of abundance.
And you absolutely should... because abundance is a beautiful place to be. Wouldn't you like to be back there again?
Any comments?
Bro WB
07-11-2022, 03:12 AM
Keep on the effort bro WB. Hope can learn more.
08-11-2022, 12:16 PM
Here is a zaogeng. What a naughty SYT!
Very nice! Is she your SYT?
09-11-2022, 09:54 PM
Very nice! Is she your SYT?
Now in China.
15-11-2022, 05:20 PM
Keep on the effort bro WB. Hope can learn more.
Bro, tks. Pls share your exploits too.
.................................................. ..
Good afternoon,
I received the following email from Avery Hayden a few days ago.
He is trying to sell his products. But he is right about the importance of a deep, self-assured and masculine voice in attracting women, as I have asserted in the past.
She told me I sound like a 12-year-old boy.
I saw a hot girl in a tight red dress walk by, and despite feeling as nervous as a Twitter employee on the day of Elon Musk’s takeover, I decided to approach her.
I said, “Hey, I just wanted to say you’re beautiful.”
She replied, "thanks..." while subtly rolling her eyes.
We talked for a couple of minutes, and I thought I might have a shot with her.
But then she devastated me with one sentence, “Hey man, I have to be honest. You seem cool enough, but you sound like a 12-year-old boy, and I have to go meet my friends.”
After that, I felt like a complete loser.
I always knew my voice was relatively high-pitched, but I didn’t know it was that bad.
I did some research, and I learned it's been scientifically proven that women are turned on by voices that are deep and resonant.
And they’re turned off by guys who sound like 12-year-old boys.
My fears were confirmed to be true.
What was I supposed to do about this?
We are born with our voice; it’s not something we can develop on purpose.
At least, that's what I used to believe.
It turns out you can change your voice through conscious practice.
In fact, I started recording my voice with an app that tells you how deep your pitch is, and although I started as a tenor (which means high pitched—like a 12-year-old), my voice now registers as bass.
My voice has gone down two octaves.
And I often hear from people that I have a charismatic way of speaking: that I am passionate and expressive.
Before working on my voice, I never heard anything like that.
The only compliment girls used to give me was, “I really value our friendship.”
Which is more of an insult than anything.
What changed?
I used three simple exercises to completely change my voice from weak —and practically neutered—to strong and powerful.
Yes, we are all born with different voices.
But with a bit of effort, we can completely change it from boring or even unattractive, to irresistibly seductive.
And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you how to do in my upcoming online course, 'The Spark.'
The course has a complete guide to making your voice attractive to women. You will learn
how to do the exact exercises I used to transform my voice from pitiful to powerful.
I'm not recommending his course. You can google how to deepen your voice and get free online instructions. It will take practice and more practice. There are no shortcuts.
I have said that a master can use his deep n soothing voice as an addictive drug...
Bro WB
15-11-2022, 10:54 PM
Now in China.
Can ask her to take more of such pics? :)
16-11-2022, 09:54 AM
Sound like a 12 year old and speak like a 12 year old can mean very different context.
Instead of trying to speak with a different tone, maybe spending more effort to change the way one speaks, will have a better hit rate.
Anyway, if the lady likes you, even if your voice sounds like a 10 year old, she will tell you you sound cute and she likes it. If she doesn't like you, even if you sound your age or older, she will tell you, you sound old.
So, about the voice, don't be too fixated.
16-11-2022, 10:00 PM
Can ask her to take more of such pics? :)
Bro, sure. But she didn't take the pic. Need to wait for her to return.
Sound like a 12 year old and speak like a 12 year old can mean very different context.
Instead of trying to speak with a different tone, maybe spending more effort to change the way one speaks, will have a better hit rate.
Anyway, if the lady likes you, even if your voice sounds like a 10 year old, she will tell you you sound cute and she likes it. If she doesn't like you, even if you sound your age or older, she will tell you, you sound old.
So, about the voice, don't be too fixated.
Bro, tks for your opinion.
A deep voice is very important, but it's only one of many desirable traits. Your emotional strength, non-neediness, and unflappability rank even higher.
Is he a valuable partner for survival and replication? It happens in a woman's subconscious mind. Hence attraction is not really a conscious choice.
Here is an interesting article.
9 Reasons to Get a Deeper Voice
"Women are more attracted to men with deep voices – and this attraction is strongest among prettier, more feminine women. In fact, women prefer a masculine voice more strongly and more unanimously to a masculine face. This might lead you to think you should be the next Barry White, but a recent study found that the most attractive male voices were the ones around 96Hz (that’s deeper than average, but not incredibly so.) Once this average pitch fell into the 80s, women preferred a higher voice."
Bro WB
22-11-2022, 04:05 PM
Good afternoon,
Here are two photos of a sexy housewife. Not taken by me.
22-11-2022, 10:56 PM
Good evening,
Just receive the following from guru Allen. May be a bit elementary for the Don Juans here.
How can you tell if a woman likes you or not?
There are tons of little signs that women give off that can help you to figure out what she's thinking. I will not list them all in this article but the following are five of the most obvious and telling.
Keep these in mind when you attempt to charm that beauty.
How's the Eye Contact?
If she likes you she'll engage in elevated levels of direct eye contact when she talks to you.
She'll look more directly into your eyes and hold them a little longer than normal. A great deal of eye contact with you often signals that she's more interested in YOU than in the topic you're discussing.
On the other hand, if she avoids your eyes, then you are probably not oozing too much charm. Better get your act together, or get going someplace else.
Where Are Her Shoulders Pointing?
Think of her shoulders as a pointer. She points them at what she's interested in.
If you're talking to her and her shoulders are pointed directly at you then she's probably somewhat attracted to you. If they're pointed in a different direction, she's probably not - at the moment.
But watch them. She may change their focus and move in your direction if you do things right. Or point them someplace else, if you screw up.
Is She Laughing?
Does she laugh at your jokes and witty remarks?
If she is attracted to you, she will laugh at anything you say that is even mildly amusing. In fact, she may laugh so much that you begin to think that you must be pretty darn funny. (Why hasn't anyone told you this before?)
In actuality, this has more to do with your presence eliciting a positive state of emotional arousal in her than in your wild sense of humor.
On the other hand, if even your best and most awesome witticisms draw blank or bored stares, then you might want to get movin' along.
Does She Seem Nervous?
Boys and girls are not that different. Girls get nervous around boys just like boys get nervous around girls. If they like one another.
So if you notice that she fidgets, makes jerky movements, and stumbles over her words a bit, then, hey, you might actually be doing something right. Congratulations!
Of course, she could just be nervous because you seem like a creep. But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. (Try not to be a creep!)
Is She Trying?
Does she do her part to keep the conversation going, or does she just kind of sit there and mumble once in a while?
Does she approach you, position herself near you, and make things easy for you? Or does everything just seem like work?
If she likes you, she will want to talk to you, to be near you, to do things with you. And she will give you every opportunity to show that you are as awesome as she thinks you might be.
If she's not trying, she's not interested.
But just remember this: it's not over until you move on.
You still have a chance. And some women take a while to get warmed up to a new guy, no matter how wonderful he is. So don't give up too soon.
But don't pursue the same uninterested woman for months or years either.
Give it your best shot and then, either reap the rewards or move on. Don't get stuck in the same spot. Keep moving forward.
Life is too short and there are way too many cute girls in this world.
Good luck!
23-11-2022, 04:14 AM
Good afternoon,
Here are two photos of a sexy housewife. Not taken by me.
Nice and looks very nice.
23-11-2022, 09:07 AM
Different women may behave differently when they like their men. There's no textbook or theory to teach and most of the time it's situational.
When we meet enough women, we will more or less know when the next one we meet, likes us or not.
Also, like can be of many types, between man and woman, BFF or brotherly/sisterly..
Worst, some women can be confused. While trying to maintain a non man woman like, cause one party is married or not eligible, yet at times get intimate physically or in conversations that are not supposed to be. When the man jumps into it, thinking can get physical, the woman is upset and backs off.
Hence, forget about the theories, textbook, be situational and agile.
24-11-2022, 09:06 PM
Nice and looks very nice.
Bro, she should be a good fxxk.
Different women may behave differently when they like their men. There's no textbook or theory to teach and most of the time it's situational.
When we meet enough women, we will more or less know when the next one we meet, likes us or not.
Also, like can be of many types, between man and woman, BFF or brotherly/sisterly..
Worst, some women can be confused. While trying to maintain a non man woman like, cause one party is married or not eligible, yet at times get intimate physically or in conversations that are not supposed to be. When the man jumps into it, thinking can get physical, the woman is upset and backs off.
Hence, forget about the theories, textbook, be situational and agile.
Bro, tks so much for sharing your experience.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
16-12-2022, 04:40 PM
No more a Virgin
The family is at the dining table. The little 10-year-old girl does not eat and has her nose in her plate….
After a few moments, she says, “I’ve something to tell you people.”
Silence around the table.
“I’m no longer a virgin”, and she begins to cry.
Long silence again.
And then…
The father screams at his wife, “It’s your fault! Always dressed and made up like a whore! Do you think you are setting a good example for your daughter? Wallowing the whole day on the sofa, exposing your boobs… it’s disgusting! That’s how problems arrive.”
The wife, in turn, yells at her husband, “What about you? Are YOU setting a good example? Wasting your salary on sluts who sometimes even accompany you to your doorstep! Are YOU setting a good example for your 10-year-old daughter?”
The father continues, “And her elder sister, this good-for-nothing, with her hairy junkie of a boyfriend, who is always groping her in all the corners of the house. Do you believe she is setting a good example for her younger sister?”
And the recriminations go on, and on, and on….
The grandmother touches the shoulder of the little granddaughter to console her, and asks her, “Well, my little girl, how did it happen?”
And the little girl replies while stifling her sobs, “It’s the priest.”
The grandmother asks, "What do you mean, the priest ?”
“The priest has chosen another girl to be Virgin Mary in the Christmas play.
I’m no longer playing the role of Virgin Mary.”
Merry Christmas in advance... 🤶 🎄 🎅
18-12-2022, 06:36 PM
No more a Virgin
The family is at the dining table. The little 10-year-old girl does not eat and has her nose in her plate….
After a few moments, she says, “I’ve something to tell you people.”
Silence around the table.
“I’m no longer a virgin”, and she begins to cry.
Long silence again.
And then…
The father screams at his wife, “It’s your fault! Always dressed and made up like a whore! Do you think you are setting a good example for your daughter? Wallowing the whole day on the sofa, exposing your boobs… it’s disgusting! That’s how problems arrive.”
The wife, in turn, yells at her husband, “What about you? Are YOU setting a good example? Wasting your salary on sluts who sometimes even accompany you to your doorstep! Are YOU setting a good example for your 10-year-old daughter?”
The father continues, “And her elder sister, this good-for-nothing, with her hairy junkie of a boyfriend, who is always groping her in all the corners of the house. Do you believe she is setting a good example for her younger sister?”
And the recriminations go on, and on, and on….
The grandmother touches the shoulder of the little granddaughter to console her, and asks her, “Well, my little girl, how did it happen?”
And the little girl replies while stifling her sobs, “It’s the priest.”
The grandmother asks, "What do you mean, the priest ?”
“The priest has chosen another girl to be Virgin Mary in the Christmas play.
I’m no longer playing the role of Virgin Mary.”
Merry Christmas in advance... 🤶 🎄 🎅
All jumping the gun. Nice share bro LOL :)
28-12-2022, 11:56 AM
Good morning,
Happy New Year!!
I like to share another life's great secrets.
A MAN is always the grand prize, from the first second he meets his dream girl/woman to the last second he is with her. Whether the duration is 3 minutes or 30 years.
Bro WB
28-12-2022, 03:55 PM
Returning your up bro warbird, thanks :)
28-12-2022, 03:56 PM
Good morning,
Happy New Year!!
I like to share another life's great secrets.
A MAN is always the grand prize, from the first second he meets his dream girl/woman to the last second he is with her. Whether the duration is 3 minutes or 30 years.
Bro WB
So true! If the girls want to be treated like a queen, make sure they treat us guys like a king first!
01-01-2023, 09:45 PM
Returning your up bro warbird, thanks :)
Bro, thank you!
So true! If the girls want to be treated like a queen, make sure they treat us guys like a king first!
Bro, you're right!
Good evening to all samsters,
Wishing all of you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year 2023!
Here is a short story about a fellow ah pek.
After retirement, my friend Mr. Liu, aged 68, married an attractive 25-year-old woman. Now he was spending less time with his friends. His concerned friends enquired if there was a problem.
“I'm eager to spend time with you all, but my young wife gets lonely when I'm away.” His friends advised him: Keep a young tenant at home, your wife will be happy in the company of a younger person.
Mr. Liu promptly acted on their advice and leased a room in his big house to a young tenant. Now the friends were meeting more often. One day his friends jokingly asked, “How is your wife now?” Mr. Liu: "She is not lonely at all, in fact, she is very happy that she is pregnant."
The friends laughed, as they expected this. "And how is the tenant?” they asked. Mr. Liu replied very soberly, “She is also pregnant.”
Never underestimate a Senior Citizen. :D:rolleyes::p
02-01-2023, 02:12 AM
The friends laughed, as they expected this. "And how is the tenant?” they asked. Mr. Liu replied very soberly, “She is also pregnant.”
Never underestimate a Senior Citizen. :D:rolleyes::p
His sperm is still strong haha :D
03-01-2023, 05:03 PM
A girl at the beach.
03-01-2023, 11:43 PM
A girl at the beach.
Lovely side boob. Did she strip off everything later?
06-01-2023, 01:51 PM
Lovely side boob. Did she strip off everything later?
The pic was sent by a fren. She is a Japanese girl.
She didn't strp off everything, unfortunately.
Bro WB
06-01-2023, 05:02 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
I have mentioned that if a man is non-needy and nonreactive when dealing with very attractive girls (including his dream girls), he will be perceived to have HIGH status and HIGH social and sexual value. Yes, he is the PRIZE.
I like to share the following by Mystery:
Emotional Reactions are Proportionate
to the Value Differential
The greater the potential impact to my own value, the greater emotional
reaction I will have. If someone points a gun in my face, I will immediately
feel a rush of emotions in my body. But if a child points a toy
gun at me, I feel nothing. Why? Some part of my programming has
calculated the potential impact to my survival value and then activated
the appropriate emotion.
If an attractive woman pursues me, it is more validating than if
the unattractive woman does the same. If my boss (the rich man)
frowns at me, I will feel a sinking feeling in my stomach—I will know
that I have just screwed up. But if the beggar frowns at me, I feel no
regret at all.
People normally feel stronger emotions in response to social feedback
from those of higher value. The more attractive women tend to
cause men to feel more intense emotions.
How else could people even determine who they are attracted to
in the first place, if they didn’t feel attraction? Acceptance from an
attractive woman feels more pleasurable, yet she also causes more
anxiety—because some part of our programming has decided that
she is more important. People will react to her, they will try to impress
her more, and they will try to not “fuck it up.”
She feels this vibe (it’s obvious), and the frame it sets is that she
must be the one with higher value. After all, if I am reacting more to
her than she is to me, then I must be feeling more powerful emotions
than she is—which means that I must view her as higher value than
she views me.
My lower value is thus telegraphed to her—and to everyone else
around—through my emotional reactions. Subtle cues in my behavior
cause the general perception of my value to drop.
The person who is reacting more is the one in that moment with lower relative value.
Since emotionally reactive behaviors will telegraph lower value, then
can we also assume that being emotionally unreactive will convey
higher value?
In our experience, this is true—being unreactive is a powerful
way to convey status and generate attraction.
Of course, this doesn’t mean to act emotionless and robotic. It
only means that you shouldn’t have any more nervousness around
attractive people than you would around anyone else. Rather, you
are able to just be yourself and act as you would around your close
friends and family.
If your two-year-old niece tells you “you’re stupid,”—do you get
nervous? Do you try to come up with the perfect response? Do you
care? Most likely the comment passes through without affecting you,
and you just laugh and toy with her. You wouldn’t remember her saying
it and you wouldn’t feel your status and value as a man have been lowered. This should be the same
with people you feel attracted to.
When people sense that you aren’t reacting to them, the vibe feels
to them like you just don’t perceive them as any great threat, or benefit,
to your own value. Instead, you come across as completely unaffected,
in good humor, and able to interact comfortably just as if you were relaxing with your oldest friends. This vibe causes people to treat you
as if you have higher status.
What does it mean when people treat you like you have a higher
Women will find you more attractive.
People in general will have more emotional reactions to you and they will feel more validation
or devalidation based upon your responses to them.
People will be more concerned with gaining your approval and avoiding your
disapproval. People will more easily alter their opinions or behavior
in order to accommodate you.
People will seek rapport with you, offer you value, and will try to align with you. All of these behaviors
are indicators of interest—clues that reveal that person’s subconscious
perception of the value differential.
06-01-2023, 11:29 PM
Good sharing and good reminder!! Thanks!!
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
I have mentioned that if a man is non-needy and nonreactive when dealing with very attractive girls (including his dream girls), he will be perceived to have HIGH status and HIGH social and sexual value. Yes, he is the PRIZE.
I like to share the following by Mystery:
Emotional Reactions are Proportionate
to the Value Differential
The greater the potential impact to my own value, the greater emotional
reaction I will have. If someone points a gun in my face, I will immediately
feel a rush of emotions in my body. But if a child points a toy
gun at me, I feel nothing. Why? Some part of my programming has
calculated the potential impact to my survival value and then activated
the appropriate emotion.
If an attractive woman pursues me, it is more validating than if
the unattractive woman does the same. If my boss (the rich man)
frowns at me, I will feel a sinking feeling in my stomach—I will know
that I have just screwed up. But if the beggar frowns at me, I feel no
regret at all.
People normally feel stronger emotions in response to social feedback
from those of higher value. The more attractive women tend to
cause men to feel more intense emotions.
How else could people even determine who they are attracted to
in the first place, if they didn’t feel attraction? Acceptance from an
attractive woman feels more pleasurable, yet she also causes more
anxiety—because some part of our programming has decided that
she is more important. People will react to her, they will try to impress
her more, and they will try to not “fuck it up.”
She feels this vibe (it’s obvious), and the frame it sets is that she
must be the one with higher value. After all, if I am reacting more to
her than she is to me, then I must be feeling more powerful emotions
than she is—which means that I must view her as higher value than
she views me.
My lower value is thus telegraphed to her—and to everyone else
around—through my emotional reactions. Subtle cues in my behavior
cause the general perception of my value to drop.
The person who is reacting more is the one in that moment with lower relative value.
Since emotionally reactive behaviors will telegraph lower value, then
can we also assume that being emotionally unreactive will convey
higher value?
In our experience, this is true—being unreactive is a powerful
way to convey status and generate attraction.
Of course, this doesn’t mean to act emotionless and robotic. It
only means that you shouldn’t have any more nervousness around
attractive people than you would around anyone else. Rather, you
are able to just be yourself and act as you would around your close
friends and family.
If your two-year-old niece tells you “you’re stupid,”—do you get
nervous? Do you try to come up with the perfect response? Do you
care? Most likely the comment passes through without affecting you,
and you just laugh and toy with her. You wouldn’t remember her saying
it and you wouldn’t feel your status and value as a man have been lowered. This should be the same
with people you feel attracted to.
When people sense that you aren’t reacting to them, the vibe feels
to them like you just don’t perceive them as any great threat, or benefit,
to your own value. Instead, you come across as completely unaffected,
in good humor, and able to interact comfortably just as if you were relaxing with your oldest friends. This vibe causes people to treat you
as if you have higher status.
What does it mean when people treat you like you have a higher
Women will find you more attractive.
People in general will have more emotional reactions to you and they will feel more validation
or devalidation based upon your responses to them.
People will be more concerned with gaining your approval and avoiding your
disapproval. People will more easily alter their opinions or behavior
in order to accommodate you.
People will seek rapport with you, offer you value, and will try to align with you. All of these behaviors
are indicators of interest—clues that reveal that person’s subconscious
perception of the value differential.
08-01-2023, 10:08 PM
Good sharing and good reminder!! Thanks!!
Bro, pleasure is all mine.
I also need to remind myself as it's very easy to have momentary lapses, especially if the girl is exceptionally attractive or is a "Special One."
I have benefited so much by sharing. It's a win-win situation.
Bro WB
09-01-2023, 02:33 PM
Bro, you're right!
hard to find girls that think this way now
09-01-2023, 06:44 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
I have mentioned that if a man is non-needy and nonreactive when dealing with very attractive girls (including his dream girls), he will be perceived to have HIGH status and HIGH social and sexual value. Yes, he is the PRIZE.
I like to share the following by Mystery:
Emotional Reactions are Proportionate
to the Value Differential
Great sharings and I have always enjoyed reading your posts on attracting women. They are great advice and I agree with most of them.
However I wished to point out - it's not that easy for a guy to attract woman simply by being non-needy and nonreactive.
In this era, every girl even those 5/10 average plain jane seems to have a trunkload of simps chasing & fighting for her attention.
Esp with social media and dating apps these days, women gets endless validations and they get flooded by hundreds of msgs every week and they get to pick & choose the best guy according to their preference. Basically the world is their oyster now, especially so if the gal is young & pretty
So if you try to enhance your own value by being non-needy and nonreactive, the gal will simply drop you as there is always another simp waiting to feed her with attention & worship her like a princess.
This is a world-wide phenomenon and a US youtuber also shared his dating experience:
As dating apps & social media become the norm these days, gals are receiving far more validations, ego-boosting messages & becoming increasingly demanding & entitled.
Unless you are the top 20% guy in terms of attraction - i.e.tall, handsome, rich - you hardly stand a chance to even connect with her, much less trying to attract her with any attraction methods.
Many guys experienced the same struggles/challenges.
10-01-2023, 10:46 AM
Bro WB, about your friend, Liu with a young wife and tenant, I hope he's aware that the young ladies could have also invited their male friends over and among which, the fathers of their babies.
How to connect emotionally with a 28 when he's 68? When he's 75, she's only 35. True love? Especially if he's just an average Joe and she's financially independent.
TBH, as long as the man's health is good, he could still impregnant a woman even if he's 90.
14-01-2023, 10:24 PM
hard to find girls that think this way now
Tks for your post.
Great sharings and I have always enjoyed reading your posts on attracting women. They are great advice and I agree with most of them.
However I wished to point out - it's not that easy for a guy to attract woman simply by being non-needy and nonreactive.
In this era, every girl even those 5/10 average plain jane seems to have a trunkload of simps chasing & fighting for her attention.
Esp with social media and dating apps these days, women gets endless validations and they get flooded by hundreds of msgs every week and they get to pick & choose the best guy according to their preference. Basically the world is their oyster now, especially so if the gal is young & pretty
So if you try to enhance your own value by being non-needy and nonreactive, the gal will simply drop you as there is always another simp waiting to feed her with attention & worship her like a princess.
This is a world-wide phenomenon and a US youtuber also shared his dating experience:
As dating apps & social media become the norm these days, gals are receiving far more validations, ego-boosting messages & becoming increasingly demanding & entitled.
Unless you are the top 20% guy in terms of attraction - i.e.tall, handsome, rich - you hardly stand a chance to even connect with her, much less trying to attract her with any attraction methods.
Many guys experienced the same struggles/challenges.
Bro, tks for your opinions.
The brief article on emotional reactions is written by Mystery. I agree with most of what he has written.
Being nonreactive and non-needy alone won't get a man anywhere. Because a psycho or mentally retarded male could also appear nonreactive. A man needs to have many other positive masculine character traits and he should be totally detached to the outcomes.
Is average plain Jane being chased by many simps? I feel very sorry for these males.
A MAN should never settle. He gets and keeps the prettiest young women or SYTs of his type. That was why I started this thread.
Bro WB, about your friend, Liu with a young wife and tenant, I hope he's aware that the young ladies could have also invited their male friends over and among which, the fathers of their babies.
How to connect emotionally with a 28 when he's 68? When he's 75, she's only 35. True love? Especially if he's just an average Joe and she's financially independent.
TBH, as long as the man's health is good, he could still impregnant a woman even if he's 90.
Bro, tks.
The story about Mr. Liu is supposed to be a joke.
What is true love? Nothing in this universe will last forever. But L and I are soulmates.
Wishing every samster a happy, healthy, and prosperous Lunar New Year!
Good night,
Bro WB
14-01-2023, 10:48 PM
Is average plain Jane being chased by many simps? I feel very sorry for these males.
A MAN should never settle. He gets and keeps the prettiest young women or SYTs of his type. That was why I started this thread.
You shouldn't be sorry for them. They are very toxic human beings. I had to bear with these simp types. They are more than just bringing up the value of girls who don't deserve it, they are also jealous even in terms of friendship. I had to do with the jealousy of a simp towards a girl he didn't even care about because I grew closer to her in one month than him in five years.
I say: we should leave the plain Janes to them. No need to settle, and even Jane does not settle for a man with no dignity and in a need for another mother.
Your posts are always full of wisdom and it's nice to see you post in this main section as well.
15-01-2023, 05:39 PM
Great thread bro warbird. Thanks for sharing valuable information and tips!
18-01-2023, 12:05 PM
Lovely side boob
That was nice :D
20-01-2023, 02:04 AM
Hi warbird,
I am curious about how to keep your girlfriend in the gap.
I can get women but always fail to keep them for more than 6 months.
I wonder if its because i m unable to keep the lady in the gap after we are in a serious relationship
Tks, bro.
Good evening,
I have a short article to share.
NEVER do this with a girl you like...
If you’ve ever wanted to confess your feelings
And tell a girl just how much you like her…
Don’t do it, man.
Telling her how you feel
Is one of the DUMBEST things you could do.
I know it might sound harsh…
But if you want her to truly want you…
Think about you sexually…
And maybe even fall for you...
Then you have to make her UNCERTAIN about you.
Keep her on her toes,
So she never knows for sure whether you like her or not.
My buddy Mike calls this Keeping Her in “The Gap.”
According to Mike:
“The Gap is that uncertain grey area between ‘he likes me’ and ‘he’s not interested.”
You always want to keep women in “The Gap.”
Short and sweet. Great tip though.
Bro WB
20-01-2023, 05:39 AM
As dating apps & social media become the norm these days, gals are receiving far more validations, ego-boosting messages & becoming increasingly demanding & entitled
Indeed bro
22-01-2023, 11:52 AM
You shouldn't be sorry for them. They are very toxic human beings. I had to bear with these simp types. They are more than just bringing up the value of girls who don't deserve it, they are also jealous even in terms of friendship. I had to do with the jealousy of a simp towards a girl he didn't even care about because I grew closer to her in one month than him in five years.
I say: we should leave the plain Janes to them. No need to settle, and even Jane does not settle for a man with no dignity and in a need for another mother.
Your posts are always full of wisdom and it's nice to see you post in this main section as well.
Bro, tks.
You're right. Too many simps n beta males around. They are losers.
Even ugly aunties will find them repulsive.
Great thread bro warbird. Thanks for sharing valuable information and tips!
That was nice :D
Tks, bros.
Hi warbird,
I am curious about how to keep your girlfriend in the gap.
I can get women but always fail to keep them for more than 6 months.
I wonder if its because i m unable to keep the lady in the gap after we are in a serious relationship
You will keep your GF or "special one" in the gap permanently as long as you know you hv higher social and sexual value, in your subconscious mind, and you always keep your power in the relationship.
Sorry to sound like a broken record. You must do so from the first second you meet her to the last second you're with her. Whether you have been with her for 3 minutes or 30 years.
Your dreams would reveal your subconscious beliefs and confidence. You can't cheat yourself. If you ever dream that she is the prize or that you're worried she may be leaving you, you hv LOST. You will need years of mental reprogramming. Most men can't understand this simple fact. That is why they think I'm all BS.
Indeed bro
.................................................. .....
Good morning,
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous Lunar New Year 2023!
Huat Ah!
Bro WB
25-01-2023, 04:10 PM
Only now that I am middle-aged, that this thread begins to make more sense.
I have had occasional successes in my 30s, but my hit rate in the last two years went up considerably - despite COVID.
What changed? Well, I went through some personal shit, but came out of it learning to care less what other people think about me. And focussed on improving myself. I have always been confident, but I also had a deeply insecure side and always look for validation from others.
Now, the only validation I want is from myself. And I am not interested in impressing others, least of all another woman, no matter how attractive they are.
Because based on the last two years alone, I am confident that if I want you, I will get you.
25-01-2023, 07:18 PM
Great to hear that, the needy vibe has been cleansed. Women can sense if a man is needy/ desperate. Being relaxed, fun, confident and at ease is very attractive!
Having $ is just a multiplier, a man can be rich but still be needy. And that’s when he ends up attracting gold diggers.
Only now that I am middle-aged, that this thread begins to make more sense.
I have had occasional successes in my 30s, but my hit rate in the last two years went up considerably - despite COVID.
What changed? Well, I went through some personal shit, but came out of it learning to care less what other people think about me. And focussed on improving myself. I have always been confident, but I also had a deeply insecure side and always look for validation from others.
Now, the only validation I want is from myself. And I am not interested in impressing others, least of all another woman, no matter how attractive they are.
Because based on the last two years alone, I am confident that if I want you, I will get you.
25-01-2023, 11:37 PM
Great to hear that, the needy vibe has been cleansed. Women can sense if a man is needy/ desperate. Being relaxed, fun, confident and at ease is very attractive!
Having $ is just a multiplier, a man can be rich but still be needy. And that’s when he ends up attracting gold diggers.
Very true. Frankly, i feel my 30s success is all because of material. I had $ to spare. Ok la i still got $ to spare but what's the point?
Nowadays, i almost feel like I'm living the fantasy i had in my 20s and 30s - and you're right, removing the needy vibe is vital! Must maintain that power dynamic. A desperate man will always grasp at straws. A confident man chooses his own path in all things.
And to think, it took COVID to help me find that confidence. It was always there - i just didn't believe in myself.
25-01-2023, 11:49 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
I have mentioned that if a man is non-needy and nonreactive when dealing with very attractive girls (including his dream girls), he will be perceived to have HIGH status and HIGH social and sexual value. Yes, he is the PRIZE.
I like to share the following by Mystery:
Emotional Reactions are Proportionate
to the Value Differential
The greater the potential impact to my own value, the greater emotional
reaction I will have. If someone points a gun in my face, I will immediately
feel a rush of emotions in my body. But if a child points a toy
gun at me, I feel nothing. Why? Some part of my programming has
calculated the potential impact to my survival value and then activated
the appropriate emotion.
If an attractive woman pursues me, it is more validating than if
the unattractive woman does the same. If my boss (the rich man)
frowns at me, I will feel a sinking feeling in my stomach—I will know
that I have just screwed up. But if the beggar frowns at me, I feel no
regret at all.
People normally feel stronger emotions in response to social feedback
from those of higher value. The more attractive women tend to
cause men to feel more intense emotions.
How else could people even determine who they are attracted to
in the first place, if they didn’t feel attraction? Acceptance from an
attractive woman feels more pleasurable, yet she also causes more
anxiety—because some part of our programming has decided that
she is more important. People will react to her, they will try to impress
her more, and they will try to not “fuck it up.”
She feels this vibe (it’s obvious), and the frame it sets is that she
must be the one with higher value. After all, if I am reacting more to
her than she is to me, then I must be feeling more powerful emotions
than she is—which means that I must view her as higher value than
she views me.
My lower value is thus telegraphed to her—and to everyone else
around—through my emotional reactions. Subtle cues in my behavior
cause the general perception of my value to drop.
The person who is reacting more is the one in that moment with lower relative value.
Since emotionally reactive behaviors will telegraph lower value, then
can we also assume that being emotionally unreactive will convey
higher value?
In our experience, this is true—being unreactive is a powerful
way to convey status and generate attraction.
Of course, this doesn’t mean to act emotionless and robotic. It
only means that you shouldn’t have any more nervousness around
attractive people than you would around anyone else. Rather, you
are able to just be yourself and act as you would around your close
friends and family.
If your two-year-old niece tells you “you’re stupid,”—do you get
nervous? Do you try to come up with the perfect response? Do you
care? Most likely the comment passes through without affecting you,
and you just laugh and toy with her. You wouldn’t remember her saying
it and you wouldn’t feel your status and value as a man have been lowered. This should be the same
with people you feel attracted to.
When people sense that you aren’t reacting to them, the vibe feels
to them like you just don’t perceive them as any great threat, or benefit,
to your own value. Instead, you come across as completely unaffected,
in good humor, and able to interact comfortably just as if you were relaxing with your oldest friends. This vibe causes people to treat you
as if you have higher status.
What does it mean when people treat you like you have a higher
Women will find you more attractive.
People in general will have more emotional reactions to you and they will feel more validation
or devalidation based upon your responses to them.
People will be more concerned with gaining your approval and avoiding your
disapproval. People will more easily alter their opinions or behavior
in order to accommodate you.
People will seek rapport with you, offer you value, and will try to align with you. All of these behaviors
are indicators of interest—clues that reveal that person’s subconscious
perception of the value differential.
👍👍👍 good !
26-01-2023, 03:27 AM
👍👍👍 good !
Yup that was good
26-01-2023, 04:11 PM
👍👍👍 good !
Agreed. Excellent share by bro warbird! :)
27-01-2023, 08:34 PM
Only now that I am middle-aged, that this thread begins to make more sense.
I have had occasional successes in my 30s, but my hit rate in the last two years went up considerably - despite COVID.
What changed? Well, I went through some personal shit, but came out of it learning to care less what other people think about me. And focussed on improving myself. I have always been confident, but I also had a deeply insecure side and always look for validation from others.
Now, the only validation I want is from myself. And I am not interested in impressing others, least of all another woman, no matter how attractive they are.
Because based on the last two years alone, I am confident that if I want you, I will get you.
Bro, tks for your post and affirmation.
Congrats on your recent success! The difference is your positive frame. It's magical.
Great to hear that, the needy vibe has been cleansed. Women can sense if a man is needy/ desperate. Being relaxed, fun, confident and at ease is very attractive!
Having $ is just a multiplier, a man can be rich but still be needy. And that’s when he ends up attracting gold diggers.
Bro, tks for your post.
A needy and insecure king will be a loser with the most attractive girls. Yeah, having lots of money will only attract a horde of gold diggers. Sad but true. Money could be a curse.
Most girls are satisfied with meeting basic financial goals, and beyond that, they look for a man's masculine character traits, emotional mastery, physical fitness, intelligence, kindness, trustworthiness, and social value. Subconsciously as it's in the genes.
Very true. Frankly, i feel my 30s success is all because of material. I had $ to spare. Ok la i still got $ to spare but what's the point?
Nowadays, i almost feel like I'm living the fantasy i had in my 20s and 30s - and you're right, removing the needy vibe is vital! Must maintain that power dynamic. A desperate man will always grasp at straws. A confident man chooses his own path in all things.
And to think, it took COVID to help me find that confidence. It was always there - i just didn't believe in myself.
Bro, tks.
A man doesn't need anything outside of himself to feel relaxed, confident, secure, contented, and validated.
good !
Yup that was good
Agreed. Excellent share by bro warbird! :)
Thanks so much, bros.
Good evening to all samsters,
Bro WB
27-01-2023, 10:53 PM
My 20s is full of tumble and fumble. Not easy to score quality dates, maybe because i was awkward and desperate. Rejection describes my world.
Ever since i started fking girls i met from siamdiu and ktvs in my late 20s, i started to feel less desperate, less awkward and more confident around girls.
I lost weight and groom myself. Started to club at age 29 and scoring girls with success. But sometimes, i get rejection. I was a loser in clubs when i was 20yrs old.
Now im in my early 30s, my tinder got like 100+ matches and i can manage to date at least 1 girl in a month. Not all the time, but in some cases i managed to fk the girl on the first date. Money also play a part, girls dont like stingy guys, be generous but don't be a carrot head.
28-01-2023, 04:44 PM
My 20s is full of tumble and fumble. Not easy to score quality dates, maybe because i was awkward and desperate. Rejection describes my world.
Ever since i started fking girls i met from siamdiu and ktvs in my late 20s, i started to feel less desperate, less awkward and more confident around girls.
I lost weight and groom myself. Started to club at age 29 and scoring girls with success. But sometimes, i get rejection. I was a loser in clubs when i was 20yrs old.
Now im in my early 30s, my tinder got like 100+ matches and i can manage to date at least 1 girl in a month. Not all the time, but in some cases i managed to fk the girl on the first date. Money also play a part, girls dont like stingy guys, be generous but don't be a carrot head.
Well done bro. Thanks for nice share! :)
29-01-2023, 11:54 AM
I once worked for a boss who was in his mid 50s then. I remembered he mentioned, when we were young, we all were horny and always on a lookout for someone to fxxx. By the time we entered our 50s,unless still very strong on libido, hormones and stamina, we would be looking more of intellectual fxxx, that means to be more stimulated by a woman that knows how to fxxx our mind and brain. Maybe a good flirt that knows when you touch your hands, face, neck.
Now that I am in my own 50s, I started to realise what he said was true. Also, am glad that I passed the stage where still chasing after the skirts and dresses. In fact, I wouldn't be bothered with someone who's in their 20s,30s who couldn't hold a good conversation, but just look good like a flower vase.
30-01-2023, 03:27 AM
I once worked for a boss who was in his mid 50s then. I remembered he mentioned, when we were young, we all were horny and always on a lookout for someone to fxxx. By the time we entered our 50s,unless still very strong on libido, hormones and stamina, we would be looking more of intellectual fxxx, that means to be more stimulated by a woman that knows how to fxxx our mind and brain. Maybe a good flirt that knows when you touch your hands, face, neck.
Now that I am in my own 50s, I started to realise what he said was true. Also, am glad that I passed the stage where still chasing after the skirts and dresses. In fact, I wouldn't be bothered with someone who's in their 20s,30s who couldn't hold a good conversation, but just look good like a flower vase.
Thanks for sharing and I learned something new.
Hi bro,
Any tips or advise to give to young n unconfident bro here? Thank you very much!
Only now that I am middle-aged, that this thread begins to make more sense.
I have had occasional successes in my 30s, but my hit rate in the last two years went up considerably - despite COVID.
What changed? Well, I went through some personal shit, but came out of it learning to care less what other people think about me. And focussed on improving myself. I have always been confident, but I also had a deeply insecure side and always look for validation from others.
Now, the only validation I want is from myself. And I am not interested in impressing others, least of all another woman, no matter how attractive they are.
Because based on the last two years alone, I am confident that if I want you, I will get you.
31-01-2023, 12:59 PM
Hi bro,
Any tips or advise to give to young n unconfident bro here? Thank you very much!
Read what warbird has posted here. Hopefully it will make sense to you.
16-02-2023, 12:37 PM
My 20s is full of tumble and fumble. Not easy to score quality dates, maybe because i was awkward and desperate. Rejection describes my world.
Ever since i started fking girls i met from siamdiu and ktvs in my late 20s, i started to feel less desperate, less awkward and more confident around girls.
I lost weight and groom myself. Started to club at age 29 and scoring girls with success. But sometimes, i get rejection. I was a loser in clubs when i was 20yrs old.
Now im in my early 30s, my tinder got like 100+ matches and i can manage to date at least 1 girl in a month. Not all the time, but in some cases i managed to fk the girl on the first date. Money also play a part, girls dont like stingy guys, be generous but don't be a carrot head.
Thanks for sharing your success story.
Well done bro. Thanks for nice share! :)
I once worked for a boss who was in his mid 50s then. I remembered he mentioned, when we were young, we all were horny and always on a lookout for someone to fxxx. By the time we entered our 50s,unless still very strong on libido, hormones and stamina, we would be looking more of intellectual fxxx, that means to be more stimulated by a woman that knows how to fxxx our mind and brain. Maybe a good flirt that knows when you touch your hands, face, neck.
Now that I am in my own 50s, I started to realise what he said was true. Also, am glad that I passed the stage where still chasing after the skirts and dresses. In fact, I wouldn't be bothered with someone who's in their 20s,30s who couldn't hold a good conversation, but just look good like a flower vase.
Bro, tks for sharing.
Not sure why but L is my only soulmate. I met her when she was 18. I think every man is different
Thanks for sharing and I learned something new.
Hi bro,
Any tips or advise to give to young n unconfident bro here? Thank you very much!
Read what warbird has posted here. Hopefully it will make sense to you.
Tks to all.
.................................................. ..........
Here is an email I just received from Marni. She talks about detachment from outcome and non-neediness.
Men who do this never get....
The single biggest reason most men don’t get the girls they want isn’t looks, money, status or luck...’s because they feel the “need” to get the girl.
Let me elaborate. (Read carefully because this is insanely important).
Here’s what happens to most men.
They see a girl they like. They experience that raw, primal attraction. And then...
...they start feeling a strong need to impress the girl, make her like them, gain their approval.
In other words, they start obsessing over a particular outcome. They start to crave it.
And this is the part which screws their chances.
You see, when us girls interact with a guy who is craving an outcome... in a guy who needs us to like him, want him, sleep with him and so on...
...we’re instantly turned off - even if he’s the hottest, richest, most high-status guy on the planet.
We’re biologically wired to be repelled by a guy who’s craving an outcome.
That’s just how our female brains are built.
On the other hand...
When we interact with a guy who doesn’t feel the need to impress us, be liked by us etc...
...someone who isn’t craving an outcome...
... we’re almost instantly turned on by him... and... 9 out of 10 times we want to have $ex with him...
... even if he isn’t the type of guy we usually go for.
This state of not needing a particular outcome is called outcome detachment.
And it’s a total superpower.
It attracts girls like a swimsuit model’s body attracts men.
This state is why “bad boys” get girls non-stop. They are never concerned about the outcome.
When they see a girl they like and want to sleep with... ... they don’t obsess over the outcome.
They’ll approach, talk, flirt... but... they’re okay with the girl rejecting them.
They’re detached from the outcome.
They “want” the girl, but they don’t “need” her.
Now you’re probably wondering how you can achieve this state, right?
This sounds all simple and logical when reading it, but how do you actually cultivate this state?
Well, here are 2 easy ways.
Number 1: Focus only on matching
You see, the reason bad boys are okay with rejection and girls not liking them... is because...
...they understand the fundamental truth about dating.
They understand that no matter what you do, you won’t “click” with every girl... especially if you’re being authentic, and not trying to manipulate girls using a fake persona.
They interact with girls they like to see if their vibe “matches” her vibe.
If they get rejected, they understand that it was simply a mismatch of vibes.
Nothing else. There’s nothing wrong with their character.
And that’s the attitude you must adopt.
When you pursue girls, focus ONLY on matching.
When you interact with a girl, show her your unique personality, opinions, interests, sense of humor etc...
... and just see if she matches with you or not.
That’s what dating actually is. Looking for matches.
Number 2: Maximize your chances of getting matches.
While it’s true that you won’t match with every girl, it’s also true that there are MANY girls you would match with. More than you can possibly imagine.
I mean, there are more than 3 BILLION girls on the planet.
At the very least, you’re guaranteed to match with hundreds of thousands of them. At the very least.
That means, if you wanna get more women, more dates, more often... simply need to exploit the abundance of matches available to you.
How to do that?
Two simple ways.
A. Open up to finding more matches.
Explore more places, use dating apps, meet more girls, approach more often.
More interactions = more chances.
B. Unleash the most attractive version of yourself, so that you can make the most of every interaction you have with every girl.
You see, inside you, there are many amazing qualities and characteristics which are naturally attractive to girls.
Things like confidence, charisma, playfulness, dominance etc.
They’ve gotten locked inside you due to social conditioning and your past experiences.
If you can simply unlock these qualities, you can immediately start attracting girls on autopilot.
Any comments?
Bro WB
18-02-2023, 12:51 PM
Mind of abundance! Training in progress.
Thanks bro for the insight and reminder.
18-02-2023, 11:31 PM
Mind of abundance! Training in progress.
Thanks bro for the insight and reminder.
You're welcome!
It's challenging to be non-needy and detached from the outcome if the girl is your "dream girl" or "special one."
A MAN should behave as if 100 gorgeous girls of his type are calling him and wanting to fxxk him every day...
Would he care if several of them stop calling him?
Bro WB
19-02-2023, 06:21 AM
The market is global, so know where you can price yourself at higher value.
20-02-2023, 10:13 AM
20s discovery phase.. figuring shit out
30s family phase.. focused on career and take a big role in raising my 3 kids.
Now in my 40s.. it's about building my legacy.
I want to own a sustainable business by the time I reach 50. Not to be super rich but enough to be able to help others when needed.
With age you build confidence and you get less needy. I am excited to see how much more I evolve in the future as certain lessons in life can only be learned via experience not just knowledge
14-03-2023, 06:49 PM
The market is global, so know where you can price yourself at higher value.
Tks, bro
20s discovery phase.. figuring shit out
30s family phase.. focused on career and take a big role in raising my 3 kids.
Now in my 40s.. it's about building my legacy.
I want to own a sustainable business by the time I reach 50. Not to be super rich but enough to be able to help others when needed.
With age you build confidence and you get less needy. I am excited to see how much more I evolve in the future as certain lessons in life can only be learned via experience not just knowledge
Tks for your post, bro
.................................................. ..
Good evening,
In Magic Tactics, Mark Raymond mentions the basics of attraction.
Now, let me show you what attraction really is for women. Women get
attracted to…
1- Someone they can't have.
2- Someone somebody else has.
3- A guy who is wanted by other girls.
4- A man who does not do what he is expected to do, which
5- Someone who has high value.
Who is a man with high value? He is the PRIZE.
You will be considered attractive in the female mind as long as you
are perceived as a male of high value.
A girl will label you a high value male when she considers you to be
more important than her. As long as you maintain the upper hand, you
will always be considered as a high value male.
Therefore, the key here is to make yourself seem more important than
the girl.
Here are certain guidelines to being a high value male-
- A high value male never tries to impress her.
- A high value male never seeks female attention or approval.
- A high value male never puts a girl on a pedestal only because she
is good looking.
- A high value male never settles for anything but the best.
- A high value male never keeps women on top of his priority list.
- A high value male is always willing to walk away when his principles
are violated.
- A high value male always makes the woman work for his attention.
- A high value male has more than enough options to choose from.
- A high value male makes the girl adapt to his reality instead of
adapting to hers.
- A high value male never chases females.
As long as you demonstrate all these traits, you will always be
considered as a high value male, and women won’t be able to help
but feel attraction towards you.
It's a state or frame. Be such a MAN.
19-03-2023, 11:08 PM
Good evening,
Yesterday I received an interesting email from Stephan Erdman. He caught my attention because its title is:
"Atomic Habits" Of Highly Attractive Men!
Here is his email:
Hi Warbird,
Do you ever feel like you're just not attracting the right women? Like you're stuck in a dating rut and not sure how to get out of it?
Well, today I've got some tips that will help you level up your dating game, with some key takeaways from the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear.
(Great book about how to change your habits and change it!)
Now, I know what you might be thinking: "What does a book about habits have to do with dating?" The answer is, a lot!
Here are three key takeaways from the book that can help you become a more attractive person and attract more high-quality women:
#1 ( Small habits lead to big results!
James Clear talks about how the small things you do every day can add up to big results over time.
This is true for your dating life too. By consistently doing small things like dressing well, working out and practicing good hygiene, you develop more self esteem and confidence and make a great impression on women you meet or go on dates with.
The key thing is to stick with it. Consistency is key.
#2 ( Your habits reflect your identity!
If you want to be an attractive person, you need to identify as one. This doesn't just mean taking care of yourself, investing in your personal growth, and developing a positive mindset. It also means deciding to think of yourself as an attractive guy that attractive women can be interested in. Your habits should reflect this identity and reinforce it. Then your identity will reinforce your habits. And trust me, women will notice!
#3 ( Your environment matters!
Clear also talks about the importance of your environment in shaping your habits.
If you want to attract high-quality women, you need to surround yourself with people who share your values and goals.
This means spending time in places where you're likely to meet like-minded individuals, such as social events, classes, and online communities.
It also means finding ways of continuously developing yourself and keeping yourself stimulated and growing.
Any comments?
Bro WB
19-03-2023, 11:27 PM
filrt and filrt with those chick
04-04-2023, 03:47 PM
Good evening,
Yesterday I received an interesting email from Stephan Erdman. He caught my attention because its title is:
"Atomic Habits" Of Highly Attractive Men!
Here is his email:
Hi Warbird,
Do you ever feel like you're just not attracting the right women? Like you're stuck in a dating rut and not sure how to get out of it?
Well, today I've got some tips that will help you level up your dating game, with some key takeaways from the book "Atomic Habits" by James Clear.
(Great book about how to change your habits and change it!)
Now, I know what you might be thinking: "What does a book about habits have to do with dating?" The answer is, a lot!
Here are three key takeaways from the book that can help you become a more attractive person and attract more high-quality women:
#1 ( Small habits lead to big results!
James Clear talks about how the small things you do every day can add up to big results over time.
This is true for your dating life too. By consistently doing small things like dressing well, working out and practicing good hygiene, you develop more self esteem and confidence and make a great impression on women you meet or go on dates with.
The key thing is to stick with it. Consistency is key.
#2 ( Your habits reflect your identity!
If you want to be an attractive person, you need to identify as one. This doesn't just mean taking care of yourself, investing in your personal growth, and developing a positive mindset. It also means deciding to think of yourself as an attractive guy that attractive women can be interested in. Your habits should reflect this identity and reinforce it. Then your identity will reinforce your habits. And trust me, women will notice!
#3 ( Your environment matters!
Clear also talks about the importance of your environment in shaping your habits.
If you want to attract high-quality women, you need to surround yourself with people who share your values and goals.
This means spending time in places where you're likely to meet like-minded individuals, such as social events, classes, and online communities.
It also means finding ways of continuously developing yourself and keeping yourself stimulated and growing.
Any comments?
Bro WB
no.3 will need to "infiltrate" the groups. currently my group is pubs and bars lol
06-04-2023, 12:21 PM
Good evening,
Yesterday I received an interesting email from Stephan Erdman. He caught my attention because its title is:
"Atomic Habits" Of Highly Attractive Men!
Here is his email:
Hi Warbird,
Any comments?
Bro WB
dear bro warbird
i hardly come in these days
and i never post also
but these are 2 things that pre-occupy me now. rather crytpic short summaries. i shld chatGPT them before posting here haha
1. WU WEI - effortless effort. use a sail, rather rowing the same boat
2. Unfair Advantage - everything needs energy. we need to be energised.
so follow my fetish (not just sexual fetishes) . i can outlast everybody bcos i am simply me being me.
so to me Atomic Habits is Key (Leonardo Da Vinci calls this "Ostinato Rigore" - Constant Rigour. he was born illegimate son with no formal education, rises to to where he is bcos of his natural curiousity & long hours spent looking, thinking etc)
it should not be forced .. thats tiring
habits (what we DO) it has to be DONE constantly, but find a way to do it naturally and sustainably over time
make it easy, find a way of being "me" that can pay off
haha ... the end
cheers :D
10-04-2023, 05:58 PM
filrt and filrt with those chick
Tks, bro
no.3 will need to "infiltrate" the groups. currently my group is pubs and bars lol
Tks, bro
dear bro warbird
i hardly come in these days
and i never post also
but these are 2 things that pre-occupy me now. rather crytpic short summaries. i shld chatGPT them before posting here haha
1. WU WEI - effortless effort. use a sail, rather rowing the same boat
2. Unfair Advantage - everything needs energy. we need to be energised.
so follow my fetish (not just sexual fetishes) . i can outlast everybody bcos i am simply me being me.
so to me Atomic Habits is Key (Leonardo Da Vinci calls this "Ostinato Rigore" - Constant Rigour. he was born illegimate son with no formal education, rises to to where he is bcos of his natural curiousity & long hours spent looking, thinking etc)
it should not be forced .. thats tiring
habits (what we DO) it has to be DONE constantly, but find a way to do it naturally and sustainably over time
make it easy, find a way of being "me" that can pay off
haha ... the end
cheers :D
Dear Bro Pete, tks a lot.
Where have you been?
You are on the right path. Cultivating the right habits should be effortless, like in a state of flow.
I wish you great success. Do share some of your exploits with us,
Bro WB
16-04-2023, 03:29 PM
Cultivating the right habits should be effortless
That requires alot of discipline which i lack alot :o
22-05-2023, 10:57 PM
That requires alot of discipline which i lack alot :o
Everyman needs discpline and emotional mastery to get the most attractive girl of his type.
Bro WB
Good evening,
Here is an email I just received from sex guru Gabrielle Moore.
If You’re Not Hard, She Will...
Every man knows what it’s like to have a woman look disappointed when he’s not able to get it up.
And sometimes it’s not just “disappointment.”
It’s anger… or sadness… or deep worry.
Here’s the question… Why do women need a man with rock-hard erections?
Deep in a woman’s evolutionary brain… there are insecurities that completely terrify her.
A woman knows, on a deep level, that she’ll always be able to find a man to have sex with her… but that it will be much harder to find a man who will stay with her.
That’s why when a man gets super rock-hard erections when he’s in the room with her… she feels on some level, “Wow, he wants me… he must think I’m super-sexy. This means he’ll want to have sex with me again… and again… and maybe one day have babies with me and protect us all.”
Now, this isn’t something a woman is actually thinking consciously about herself.
But on a primal level, a woman feels taken care of when a man is super-hard in her presence.
She feels it’s safe to open her legs… and allows a massive turn-on to start happening.
Think about what happens when a man is just unable to get hard with a woman he loves.
What if he struggles… gets nervous… makes excuses?
Sometimes a woman may be kind and understanding… and say “It’s ok, no rush.”
But on some deep, primal level, she may be feeling, “Oh no… he doesn’t even want me. He doesn’t even think I’m attractive. He just wants to get laid and isn’t even enjoying it that much. There’s no way he’ll stay with me. He probably won’t even want to have sex with me again.”
Remember, this isn’t a conscious thought, but something she feels.
Your comments?
Good night!
Bro WB
18-06-2023, 06:16 PM
Hi samsters,
What an auspicious evening!
I like to share an email I just received from Allen.
Don Juan,
I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for great movies to watch.
And today we've got one with a main character you can model and emulate.
Read on...
The Perfect Ladies' Man
by Robert
If you're looking for a good example of the perfect ladies' man, check out The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson.
In my opinion, this character is the perfect ladies' man.
You see, he has the confidence and the strength of the jerk, while at the same time, he has the respect and integrity of the nice guy.
The way I see it, women love a man who shows confidence and ambition while at the same time respecting and caring for them.
The problem is the nice guy has respect/caring but lacks confidence.
And the jerk has confidence but lacks respect.
Out of the two, women are more attracted to confidence, so they go with the jerk.
Now imagine if you could incorporate both the good qualities of the nice guy and the good qualities of the jerk — and extract all the other crap. This is where you will achieve success with women.
The Patriot also demonstrated another excellent example of how to handle women:
If you have seen this movie, you will notice the woman made the first move on Mel because he was a great challenge to her.
She loved him for his confidence and courage and the fact that his life had PURPOSE. That he didn't spend all his time worshiping her, but instead had other things in his life he was shooting for.
If you haven't yet seen The Patriot, I highly recommend it.
There are many hidden diamonds of wisdom to be learned from the main character and how he relates to women.
I'd like to thank Robert for this great tip.
While most Hollywood movies contain horrible examples of how men should act around women...
Every once in a while, they (accidentally!) get things right.
Good luck!
I prefer to be a badass gentleman. Too difficult and too stressful to be a "perfect" person.
Bro WB
22-06-2023, 03:43 PM
Great thread bro wb, keep it up!
27-06-2023, 11:15 AM
dear bro warbird
i hardly come in these days
and i never post also
but these are 2 things that pre-occupy me now. rather crytpic short summaries. i shld chatGPT them before posting here haha
1. WU WEI - effortless effort. use a sail, rather rowing the same boat
2. Unfair Advantage - everything needs energy. we need to be energised.
so follow my fetish (not just sexual fetishes) . i can outlast everybody bcos i am simply me being me.
so to me Atomic Habits is Key (Leonardo Da Vinci calls this "Ostinato Rigore" - Constant Rigour. he was born illegimate son with no formal education, rises to to where he is bcos of his natural curiousity & long hours spent looking, thinking etc)
it should not be forced .. thats tiring
habits (what we DO) it has to be DONE constantly, but find a way to do it naturally and sustainably over time
make it easy, find a way of being "me" that can pay off
haha ... the end
cheers :D
Long time no see you post bro.
Happy to see bro WB going strong.
I sometimes feel the charm is in the intense and lingering stare when done right and at right moments, breaking it with a smile.
Literally ooozzee charm
27-06-2023, 10:20 PM
Long time no see you post bro.
Happy to see bro WB going strong.
I sometimes feel the charm is in the intense and lingering stare when done right and at right moments, breaking it with a smile.
Literally ooozzee charm
Tks for your tip.
Bro WB
02-07-2023, 11:50 AM
Good morning,
What an auspicious Sunday!
I posted the following msg at "Picking up girls at Marquee" a few minutes ago.
Bros, please share your exploits. I need to learn and improve every day.
IMHO, when it comes to picking up girls, a man should not be constrained by the locale, or time of the day, as long as the target is a very attractive one of his type.
Be careful with the mistress of a yakuza boss. It's ok to talk to her and admire her feminine beauty. Smile to the men protecting her. Your body language and posture should be relaxed, friendly, happy, and self-assured. Who knows? She may introduce her cute SYT sister or gui mi to you!
Bro WB
02-07-2023, 12:05 PM
Interesting thread. Will read through to upskill with different perspective.
02-07-2023, 12:12 PM
Interesting thread. Will read throughout to unskill. Thanks for Sharing
06-07-2023, 01:51 PM
Interesting thread. Will read throughout to unskill. Thanks for Sharing
Tks, bro.
Pls share your exploits.
Bro WB
24-07-2023, 04:41 PM
I posted this msg in "High End Escorts" today:
Anyone every tried those really high end escort services? Their girls are usually local Uni Babes ... smart, tall, sexy, beautiful and can hold a decent conversation. Did I mentioned super sexy?
But they come with a price ... 2 hours GFE ... and I mean super GFE at SGD1,500. Some of you may call me crazy, but I think it was worth the price paid for the experience and attention given by the super hot babe.
Anyone else every tried those services? Haaahaa ... I think now I am a bit addicted. So how?:confused:
Good afternoon,
We have not heard from TS for about 10 yrs. I hope everything is going great with him.
I'm interested in searching for very attractive n sexy young women at reasonable prices. I'm an unabashed value investor.
I encourage like-minded bros to share info here.
Bro WB
25-07-2023, 09:14 AM
I posted this msg in "High End Escorts" today:
Good afternoon,
We have not heard from TS for about 10 yrs. I hope everything is going great with him.
I'm interested in searching for very attractive n sexy young women at reasonable prices. I'm an unabashed value investor.
I encourage like-minded bros to share info here.
Bro WB
One man's meat is another man's poison. Bro WB, you have high standard of gals leh.
Also, what's reasonable price? $1500 like TS he considered good value.
25-07-2023, 02:02 PM
One man's meat is another man's poison. Bro WB, you have high standard of gals leh.
Also, what's reasonable price? $1500 like TS he considered good value.
Hi bro,
Tks for your post.
Unfortunately, I can't get an erection if the girl/woman is not my type. Even when I was a 20 yo uni student. An old kaki told me it's a curse, and he pitied me because my choice is severely limited. BTW, I also dislike women with any form of plastic surgery.
A reasonable price? Price is what u pay and value is what u get. $1.5k was a lot of money for a pussy in 2012. The going rates for ST in TAM and Lido were $300-500, in Dynasty and CD about $200-500. Some very attractive girls might demand 1K. All subject to negotiation.
We should get the most attractive girls/women for the least damage.
Bro WB
26-07-2023, 09:19 PM
Hi bro,
Tks for your post.
Unfortunately, I can't get an erection if the girl/woman is not my type. Even when I was a 20 yo uni student. An old kaki told me it's a curse, and he pitied me because my choice is severely limited. BTW, I also dislike women with any form of plastic surgery.
A reasonable price? Price is what u pay and value is what u get. $1.5k was a lot of money for a pussy in 2012. The going rates for ST in TAM and Lido were $300-500, in Dynasty and CD about $200-500. Some very attractive girls might demand 1K. All subject to negotiation.
We should get the most attractive girls/women for the least damage.
Bro WBBro WB, you still didn't mention your context of what's reasonable damage for a high quality girl. Those that you quoted were in the 2010s.
Anyway, the top notch quality girls, even pre Covid, already not coming to Singapore. They either work in other provinces, cities or go to the likes of Middle East, Indonesia or Japan whether the money were a lot more. Those that came Singapore were the B, C or beyond grades.
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