View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
27-01-2011, 11:14 PM
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J ( and take the test.
Thank you BOSS.... it is chinese new year... can give angpows with lots of points? :D
Hi bro,
Don't be a Mr. Nice Guy. Be a MAN w/ formidable emotional control n self mastery. Let's go out there n bonk all the chio SYTs!
Bro WB
Yes.. I will just do that !!!!:D:D
I am going CP in late Feb !!!!
Cunts calling ... yodeleheho !!!!:p
29-01-2011, 11:43 AM
ya sifu, i rem commented tat ur avatar gal is pretty & cute, but bad move frm BB on the "know my daily activities n whereabouts" part.
probably 'act' like a wife; ie.. cook & care for u; is ok, but to the extend of... maybe she needs to be reminded of the situation again b4 things got carried away. jus my humble opinion...
Bro smartke,
If a gal gets sticky she becomes less attractive...
I'll remind her gently that she is not my wife, hehe.
Yes.. I will just do that !!!!:D:D
I am going CP in late Feb !!!!
Cunts calling ...
Have fun, bro.
Happy CNY to all esteemed samsters!!
29-01-2011, 11:51 AM
I just want to say I follow this thread regularly. Not all the opinions I agree with but on the whole very educational leh. Keep up all the good work dear gurus! I not experienced in these circles but trying to improve. :D
29-01-2011, 02:42 PM
I just want to say I follow this thread regularly. Not all the opinions I agree with but on the whole very educational leh. Keep up all the good work dear gurus! I not experienced in these circles but trying to improve. :D
It is all educational and it would greatly be appreciated if all who participate here can share their opinions.
Like you mentioned u dun agree to all opinions, thus, this is when u shud share your opinions, cos, the more opinions there are avail, the more choices and book of tots there are for bros, like newbie noob me to use shud the need arises
30-01-2011, 10:26 AM
It is all educational and it would greatly be appreciated if all who participate here can share their opinions.
Like you mentioned u dun agree to all opinions, thus, this is when u shud share your opinions, cos, the more opinions there are avail, the more choices and book of tots there are for bros, like newbie noob me to use shud the need arises
Thanks for your encouraging words.
Sometimes too many comments the thread can becum out of control lah. So I just observe and learn. If got window of opportunity to give a bit of my 2 cents among the gurus' pearls of wisdom I will try and give my humble contribution. ;)
30-01-2011, 10:17 PM
If a gal gets sticky she becomes less attractive...
I'll remind her gently that she is not my wife, hehe.
Yeah, you should. That's the WB that we all know. :D
01-02-2011, 11:50 AM
I just want to say I follow this thread regularly. Not all the opinions I agree with but on the whole very educational leh.........................
Hi bro seaman6969,
It has been a good education for me as well. I like to hear ur dissenting views.
It is all educational and it would greatly be appreciated if all who participate here can share their opinions..................
Hi Mr. Chairman,
I couldn't agree w/ you more.
Thanks for your encouraging words.
Sometimes too many comments the thread can becum out of control lah........
I dun think too many comments can cause the thread to be out of control. On the contrary it will greatly improve the value, practicality n functionality of the thread.
I like to quote Chairman Mao.
" 在科学文化工作中,实行“百花齐放,百家争鸣”的方针 or let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend."
I would therefore encourage all bros here to share their experiences, strategies, comments, opinions n criticisms of any subject related to cheonging, BY-ing, investing, trading, self mastery, sexual mastery, etc.
Yeah, you should. That's the WB that we all know. :D
Hi bro chenzong,
Yes, I should.
BTW, are u still in SH?
.................................................. .................................................. ......
Good morning!
Let's suppose u got a gal, WL or non-WL, of ur dream to fall for u. Maintaining that long-term RS w/ her will never be easy. Never take things for granted.
I hv spent more intimate time n hv fxked TC more than any other PRC gals. She has given me, albeit unwittingly, many constructive criticisms n beneficial advice n revelations. Not to mention the incredible good fortune...
TC told me she was deeply in love w/ a young man in his mid 20s in her hometown in Fujian n they were considering marriage. The RS ended after 1 1/2 yrs. Why? (I'm only hearing one side of the story which may not be the complete truth.)
1) He became more n more possessive of her n wanted to know her hourly activities n whereabouts. He deleted all ctc nos of her male friends/classmates, etc from her HP n would check her message n call logs daily. He would become very zealous n even angry if she merely stood close to any man/boy, including a complete stranger, n talked to him. She simply couldn't tolerate it.
WB's comment: Her BF was insecure, needy n desperate. She showed me his pic. He was a tall n handsome young man but a complete loser.
2) Too many arguments n quarrels. They would escalate into serious fights (non-physical). Most intolerable again.
She had left n returned to him many times. He promised to change but never did. In the end, she left him for good finally. And came to work in SG.
WB's comment: He was frustrated n had little self control n hence was perceived to hv low rating on the Male Dominance Scale, hehehe.
Interestingly, the 2 main reasons she cited were the same 2 out of the 3 described by an Ang Moh guru on "What NOT To Do When You Want A Long-Term Relationship":
Hey Bro WB,
If you've been following my advice, you're probably having an
easier time meeting women than you did before. Hopefully, you've
been taking these newsletters seriously enough to ace the dates
you've been on.
Assuming that you're putting my info to good use, you could even go
so far as getting that girl to fall for you. With enough diligence
and hard work, you've managed not to mess up your game.
You deserve a pat on the back, but you'll need a few more pointers
for your own good. Look, I'm glad that you've made it this far,
but that's not all there is to it.
Don't think for a second that you can just sit back and reap the
rewards, because getting the girl is only half the work. To
paraphrase an old sales cliché, losing a customer is a lot easier
than keeping one.
Listen, you'll need to wise up if you're serious about keeping her
for the long haul. There are a bunch of mistakes you should avoid
if you want to keep her coming back again and again.
A long-term relationship isn't going to just run smoothly by
itself. Just because she loves you now doesn't mean you can slack
off. Being a man means taking responsibility and keeping an active
role in the relationship.
You wouldn't let your finely-tuned car crumble into a pile of rust,
would you? In the same way, a relationship that was once smooth
can turn into a bumpy ride by neglecting its needs.
It might seem like a lot of work to you now, but a habit of
maintenance will pay off in the long run. Just remember to avoid
the following mistakes if you're interested at all in keeping your
woman happy:
Forgetting the "little things":
I can't stress how dangerous it is to take your woman for granted.
Any girl wants to be treated like the prize that they are. When
you get lazy, you fall into the common trap of brushing her aside.
I don't have to tell you how that makes her feel.
What usually happens is that you stop performing those small acts
of affection after you've had a bit of a reality check in your
relationship. Yes, it can be pretty disappointing to think that
she isn't the flawless girl you made her out to be.
Well guess what - nobody's 100% perfect, but that's no excuse to
stop doing the little things. Chances are, you've already revealed
some things about yourself that she's not too crazy about, either.
When the both of you see each other for what you really are, it's
hardly a reason for you to be complacent. If you abandon your
efforts to make her happy, the relationship will undoubtedly die a
slow death.
You see, the keeping the romance alive is a never-ending quest and
little acts of kindness are part of that. A woman likes the
thought of always being pursued; if she feels that you've given up
on her, then trouble follows.
If you assume that going steady marks the end of courtship, you'll
find yourself single quicker than you might think.
Surprise her by suddenly taking her out with no occasion in mind.
Go ahead and make plans in advance - just don't let her know about
it to project that sense of spontaneity.
Be creative! Send her flowers at work, treat her to a massage, or
get her that book she's been raving about. The important thing is
to maintain the spark by keeping her on her toes.
Being insecure:
There's no bigger turn-off than this. A lot of guys make the
mistake of getting worked up over their girlfriend's interests.
They tell themselves, "What it is about (name of hobby) that would
make her want to spend less time than me? Aren't I good enough for
While you may have the sense to keep those thoughts to yourself,
the insecurity shows when you DON'T support the things that are
important to her. You can either let your petty little games of
jealousy kill the relationship, or accept the fact that your woman
changes and grows like everybody else.
Being insecure gives your relationship no room to grow, because you
see her interests as a threat to her love for you. Don't assume
that she should devote all of her time to you alone.
That's just plain needy.
You shouldn't worry about the fact that she likes stuff that you
have no clue about. Don't think of it as a danger, but rather as
her own way of growing as a person.
Remember, a relationship is made up of two individuals who have
lives of their own apart from their time as a couple. If you're
always crapping your pants over her "alone time", then you'll just
come off as a paranoid jerk.
If your girl loves dogs but you're not into pets, don't dismiss it
as something childish or stupid. Never forget that it's something
important to her.
The best way to support her is by offering to go with her when she
takes them out for a walk. However, if you can't bring yourself to
do that, then the least you can do is not give her any crap about
Turning arguments into huge fights:
We've all been there. Notice how a simple disagreement over
something so trivial can transform into a full-blown confrontation?
It's real easy to step out of line and start hitting below the
belt when you're pissed off.
But for your own good, DON'T. As easy as it sounds, keep your
arguments on a civil note even if you feel like your heart is
beating right under your eyelid.
Debating about the everyday things is normal and healthy. As you
start learning new things about her, it's perfectly natural to
disagree about a number of things.
It's a sign that your relationship is growing, but NOT handling
these conflicts in a constructive way will screw up the romance big
If you feel bad because of something she said or did, then tell
her. Just remember that the operative word here is "feelings".
Women know that guys aren't big on talking about their feelings.
Nevertheless, you should still let her know that you felt insulted
when she made fun of your sloppy apartment. It'll be easier for
her to see where you're coming from if you talk to her this way.
Keep those flaring emotions in check and don't give in to your
anger. You might end up regretting something that you said or did
in the heat of the moment.
You may not have control over everything that happens in your life,
but you sure as hell can CHOOSE how to react to it. If you want to
keep a healthy, long-term relationship, then you already know what
choice you should make.
It takes a lot to keep that all-important attraction alive and
kicking. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to pull off.
All it takes is a better understanding of what makes women tick............
Till next time,
01-02-2011, 12:23 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
Yes, I should.
BTW, are u still in SH?
I've moved to a city nearby - found a new job! Hopefully, we can get to meet this Christmas, end of the year!
01-02-2011, 12:27 PM
Correction: "He would become very JEALOUS (not zealous) n even angry if she merely stood close to any man/boy, including a complete stranger, n talked to him."
I've moved to a city nearby - found a new job! Hopefully, we can get to meet this Christmas, end of the year!
I look forward to seeing u!
Happy CNY to u n all samsters!!
Bro WB
01-02-2011, 04:18 PM
Brother WB, u share mighty pearls of wisdom. Someone also once told me, a relationship is like flying a kite. Knowing when to pull and when to let go is key. Keep them coming, such good reading.
01-02-2011, 04:33 PM
still half way thru reading all shifus encounter. am 28 dis yr for all these yrs have no success of getting to know or hw to pick up girls. aft reading lao jiaos stories hope to pick up 1 or 2 tricks to pick up girl. thanks for the wonderful stories lao jiaos had.
01-02-2011, 05:02 PM
still half way thru reading all shifus encounter. am 28 dis yr for all these yrs have no success of getting to know or hw to pick up girls. aft reading lao jiaos stories hope to pick up 1 or 2 tricks to pick up girl. thanks for the wonderful stories lao jiaos had.
You must be doin something very wrong or something is very wrong wif you;)
Well, if all else fails, you may wanna try this
Time to try HFJs dude
01-02-2011, 05:14 PM
Hi bro WB & all esteem bros,
01-02-2011, 05:19 PM
nice vid DO YOU BJ Bro. nah i gt nothing wrong jus that the way i approach and talk to girls is like what u all shifus mention the NO and DONT in dis thread. haha.
01-02-2011, 05:38 PM
nice vid DO YOU BJ Bro. nah i gt nothing wrong jus that the way i approach and talk to girls is like what u all shifus mention the NO and DONT in dis thread. haha.
Well, a CNY present for you then my friend.
Be confident but not yaya and dun be afraid to express yourself but dun over express and all shud be fine:D
02-02-2011, 10:00 AM
Last night I went to this pub/club at Club Street. Its managed and run by Koreans.
There are many SYTs who will sit with you and drink with you, like butterfly system. The best thing is they are all Koreans. And all of them speak English. They are students here. Some of them work here – they have a day job. And all of them are in their early 20s.
The Korean lady manager, even at 38, is oh so yummy! Speaks very well and carry herself very well. Classy and elegant. Like a Korean actress you see in Korean dramas.
Almost all the customers there were Korean businessmen. I’m surprised the local Korean community is big enough to support such a all-Korean bar/club.
Me and my friends had our palms read by one of the SYTs. It’s good clean fun and you don’t have to tip them, I think. (I’m not really sure as I left early, about 1230.) That also explain the slightly more expensive prices – the 2 white wine we had were $100+ per bottle and the cheese platter was $80+. Maybe the girls also get a cut or a commission/basic pay. When you open bottles there, the SYTs will come and sit with you and talk to you and help consume your wine/liquor.
The reason I’m posting here is to let all the bros and shifus know the existence of this place to practice and hone your skills. Its totally a very nice and refreshing change from the KTVs dominated by PRCs that we are already so used to!
Here’s wishing all bros and shifus a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!!!
02-02-2011, 11:47 AM
.................................................. .....
I hv spent more intimate time n hv fxked TC more than any other PRC gals.............................................. ..........................................
I like to apologise for my bad "England."
A better version: I hv spent more intimate time with n hv fxked TC more often than any other PRC gals...
Brother WB, u share mighty pearls of wisdom. Someone also once told me, a relationship is like flying a kite. Knowing when to pull and when to let go is key. Keep them coming, such good reading.
Bro seaman 6969,
You make my day!
Ths for sharing ur words of wisdom.
Use push-pull tactic n get ur gals addicted to u!
still half way thru reading all shifus encounter. am 28 dis yr for all these yrs have no success of getting to know or hw to pick up girls. aft reading lao jiaos stories hope to pick up 1 or 2 tricks to pick up girl. thanks for the wonderful stories lao jiaos had.
No success at all?
Pls PM esteemed bro DUBJ aka Mr. Chairman n get personal lessons from him.
You must be doin something very wrong or something is very wrong wif you;)
Well, if all else fails, you may wanna try this......................
Time to try HFJs dude
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Bro hellmen needs a lot of help...
Hi bro WB & all esteem bros,
.................................................. ........
Hi bro smartke,
Thank you!
Happy CNY to u!!
Last night I went to this pub/club at Club Street. Its managed and run by Koreans.
There are many SYTs who will sit with you and drink with you, like butterfly system. The best thing is they are all Koreans. And all of them speak English. They are students here. Some of them work here – they have a day job. And all of them are in their early 20s......................................
The reason I’m posting here is to let all the bros and shifus know the existence of this place to practice and hone your skills. Its totally a very nice and refreshing change from the KTVs dominated by PRCs that we are already so used to!
Here’s wishing all bros and shifus a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!!!......................................
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Are u sure all the Korean gals there r in their early 20s?
Perhaps there is another Korean joint.
According to a trusted young fren, who had been to a Korean club a few times, all the gals were MILFs, in their late 20s to early 30s. They were not his type n he stopped going even though it won't cost him a penny. His young n wealthy fren was paying all the expenses. I was also invited but decided NOT to waste my precious time, hehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!!
I like to take this auspicious moment to wish all esteemed bros here n all samsters a Very Happy & Prosperous Chinese New Year!!!
Personally, I hv had a wonderful year in many areas of life. I know it's due mostly to my dumb luck. It's better to be dumb n lucky than smart n unlucky, hahaha. The coming year should be even better, much better.;)
In investing n trading, sometimes it behooves us to emulate the gurus. In BY-ing, I try to learn from Mr. Chairman n several other esteemed bros. Reading large vol of books on such subjects as seduction, attraction, RS n sex techniques n self mastery, etc has also helped.
My two gurus in financial operations r Warren Buffett n Carl Icahn. Mr. Icahn is not well known to S'poreans but is a self made billionaire financier in Gotham City w/ a net worth of over USD10.5 B, ranked the 59th richest man in the world last yr. A strategy is to buy his holdings when they r down n sell when they r up. One could make 50% or more per yr.
Yesterday I spoke w/ TC after she sent me her new pics taken at home n her intimate greetings for CNY.
My overall investments hv done well lately despite the decline in my key holding since TC's departure. Actually I prefer a bear market as I could buy good companies at cheap prices.
As much as I like both BB n TC, I told them to find n marry a decent young man in PRC. They both said they r very young n wont marry for at least 5 yrs. I told them falling in love is not a choice, haha. They will hv my blessings! I said: 我没事的,你那么年青,你的前途你的幸福才重要!Of course I didn't tell them I could find younger, prettier n fresher pussies easily if I go to PRC....
Ironically, letting go of what I want is the only to get it. By demonstrating my self mastery n that I want them but dun really need them n that I would be perfectly fine w/o them, I may get them hopelessly addicted to me, hehehe.
Bro WB
02-02-2011, 02:10 PM
My Retirement from the Nite Scene Grand Finale
1st Feb 2010
Present: Flower King, Gila & Me
Location: Las Vegas De Palace
So nice, my 2 bros wanted to end my retirement wif a bang, and so, during the day, both called me already and asked me tonight how.
After much ding dong on where to go.....
LP.........lagi sian
Ended up, all agreed to go LV and let our dear flower king experience this place for it was his 1st virgin visit to the building.
Have not been to LV since Oct last year and was not bad on memory & was reminded that my EX from Jade is singing at LV from my dear Prince.
Entered the hall, only 1 waitress remembered me, nabei but rest i also dunno, so they must be new la.
Ushered to my regular table in the hall and the nite begins as we await the GRAND arrival of the Prince who was busy donating his spermy sperms to XQ.
Many new singers, but standard has dropped in my book, especially for such an upscale joint like this one.
Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, i saw one!
I said to the flower king, kenna bro, tok kong one!!!!!!!!!!
She went on stage to sing, and i told flower king, elegant rite??????
Flower King was like, wah bro, your taste, no horse run.
Without further a due, signaled the waitress with the universal sign of cannon.
Pop, 1st cannon went up liao.
I tell you, she is so elegant that until now, i still am so farking impressed with her.
Sings, nice flawless white skin with those little moles......damn.....drooling man.
When she came down, thing went on even better.
Carries herself very well.
A lady! 110% seal of approval!
Then saw another one singing, i giggled to Flower King......
Me: This one, confirm the Prince type
Flower King: How u know bro
Me: He my little bro, his pattern i know until sianzzz liao
Flower King: Oh, is it????
Then the Prince came.
During this period, the Flower King was still sitting alone.
My chick was trying to promote many singers to him but he hang up and sell.
But I did notice he was rubbing his dick in the hall when one singer, who went on stage obviously just after crying to sing, attracted him.
So i coerced him wif the help of my very gentle singer to up her, and so, he finally upped 200...
Then the singer singing in pairs started, nothing much to say other than, when mine went up to sing again, i signaled another cannon to be fired!
Funny thing is, after this 2 cannons, when she came down, she asked how come we all drink tea?
I told her, we all old men cannot drink and the manager there, who obviously knows Gila & Ah Seow was laughing quite loudly away.
So LL lor, i asked her wanna drink ah.
Ok lor, but we drink shots one hor, no mix water and all that BS.
She agreed, so I opened a bottle of Martell.
The shots began, this is when you can see the Flower King become an animal, cos he drinks only, his fangs and claws will come out to be a full fledged sexual predator!
Thanks to the Prince, although i didnt see my EX cai singing, guessed as much she 买场, which she actually did, the Prince was so KIND to call her and tell her we in the hall.....NABEI, she of cos appeared!
Soon, PPC began, though we all had agreed not to have a late nite, it was obvious that we all were having fun already and once my chick sang, i signaled the floor mgr to up 1crown.
It didnt take long for another crown to go up another singer.
I saw at the corner of my eyes a man in his late 40s or early 50s walking to a discreet corner of the hall and I knew, SHOWTIME!
I upped the 2nd 1k and sure enuff, he followed suit!
This went on till 3k, when he upped the ante to 4k.
So i look left, look rite, think left, think rite.
My retirement, want to spend so much meh?????
Even screw her tonight, also not worth spending so much wor!!!!!
The Flower King was jaw dropped, he was so excited by the suspense.
The whole place was like waiting for my cue.........
So the Prince said, DaGe, retirement, leave wif a bang!
So I replied, your call.......
The Prince signaled the waitress, told her to remove all the 1ks on my singer and up 5k.......
Up went the 红袍 and the other guy didnt follow liao.
Not a very dramatic flower war but a good farewell present for me i guess.
During this period, my ex came a shouted, you never hang like that for me before......i replied, YOU AINT WORTH IT!
She was so upset she left and only came back to shake the Prince's hand good bye and ignored the Flower King and Me.
6k on her on our 1st meeting.....must be the best hong bao she ever had!
Well, PPC ended and suddenly, a singer came over and wanted to shake my hand.
Me being me, told her, you shake my hand for wat, i never even hang u, then the waitress whispered to me that the Prince did hang a token on her during PPC.
Ah Ha, i immediately told Flower King, spot guess was rite! wahahaha
Told ya she was his type.
Soon, i was frenching my chick in the hall & could clearly see that Flower King was so lovy dovy sweet wif his chick pecking her, she pecking him blah blah.
Time passed and i told my chick to buy the last set cos could see she was obviously high liao plus it was almost 2am and road are NOT SAFE FOR DRINKERS now...........
So we called it a nite and everything
Thanks to The Prince and Flower King, whom we parted with an ang bao both for the Flower King and the Prince and XQ.
A wonderful, memorable retirement from the nitescene.
Here's wishing all you bros, a very happy and prosperous year of the rabbit!
02-02-2011, 02:22 PM
My Retirement from the Nite Scene Grand Finale
1st Feb 2010
Present: Flower King, Gila & Me
Location: Las Vegas De Palace
.................................................. .......
............Here's wishing all you bros, a very happy and prosperous year of the rabbit!
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for ur contributions!
Happy CNY n Happy "Retirement" !!
Pls keep in touch.
Bro WB
A better version: I hv spent more intimate time with n hv fxked TC more often than any other PRC gals...
"England" can be a very difficult language to master.
What I wrote above may be grammatically acceptable, but it's ambiguous. A reader may not know if I meant I had fxked TC w/ the highest frequency (most times per wk) or I had fxked her the most no of times or both. Since I fxked her more frequently, almost every other day, n the most no of times, I should hv written:
"I hv spent more intimate time with n hv fxked TC more frequently n more times than any other PRC gals..."
I know there is always room for improvement. Any "England" teachers out there?
Bro WB
03-02-2011, 11:19 PM
Last night I went to this pub/club at Club Street. Its managed and run by Koreans.
Ehhhh... what has this got to do with picking up girls outside KTV?
04-02-2011, 01:21 AM
Last night I went to this pub/club at Club Street. Its managed and run by Koreans.
There are many SYTs who will sit with you and drink with you, like butterfly system. The best thing is they are all Koreans. And all of them speak English. They are students here. Some of them work here – they have a day job. And all of them are in their early 20s.
The Korean lady manager, even at 38, is oh so yummy! Speaks very well and carry herself very well. Classy and elegant. Like a Korean actress you see in Korean dramas.
Almost all the customers there were Korean businessmen. I’m surprised the local Korean community is big enough to support such a all-Korean bar/club.
Me and my friends had our palms read by one of the SYTs. It’s good clean fun and you don’t have to tip them, I think. (I’m not really sure as I left early, about 1230.) That also explain the slightly more expensive prices – the 2 white wine we had were $100+ per bottle and the cheese platter was $80+. Maybe the girls also get a cut or a commission/basic pay. When you open bottles there, the SYTs will come and sit with you and talk to you and help consume your wine/liquor.
The reason I’m posting here is to let all the bros and shifus know the existence of this place to practice and hone your skills. Its totally a very nice and refreshing change from the KTVs dominated by PRCs that we are already so used to!
Here’s wishing all bros and shifus a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit!!!
Wow, sounds interesting bro.. whats the name of that pub ? would be keen to check it out
05-02-2011, 10:02 PM
I know there is always room for improvement. Any "England" teachers out there
I used to be one! :D
06-02-2011, 09:52 AM
EEhhhh... what has this got to do with picking up girls outside KTV?
Hi bro besafe,
Yeah, nothing to do w/ picking up girls outside KTVs.
But "picking up" gals is only the 1st step in a journey, which may be very brief if it's a quick ST or very long if it's a long-term BY-ing...Hahaha. The thread has been expanded, with major contributions from many esteemed n brilliant bros, to include all phases n types of cheonging. Discussions hv even touched on money, business n investments which r germane to cheonging, be it ST or BY-ing, as money is the FUEL for all such operations.
I hv not forgotten the title of this thread. Pls read below for the reiteration of my original mission.
I used to be one! :D
No wonder u hv excellent command of English!
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
What a wonderful day to be alive n kicking!
To the esteemed bro who upped me:
Ths so much! I would like to cheong w/ u one day too! Pls PM ur nick so that I could reciprocate ur kindness.
I hv not forgotten that one of my major missions in life is to "pick up gals of my type," anytime n anywhere, hehehe. Unfortunately, I hv been largely a lone ranger in this endeavor. I'm an old wolf who likes to hunt in packs. A couple of young n virile wolves to join me in the hunt would be most helpful. We will share the premium meat equitably, hehehe. I'm comfortable prowling both INSIDE & OUTSIDE KTVS.
Over 2 months ago I met a cute 19 yo SYT ( named YX), a Hangzhou gal, in the hallway of DC when I was going to the toilet. She was already booked. She was abt 165, 50kg n I was salivating over her very sexy body w/ shapely ass. That was the day when I persuaded TC to come reluctantly to DC. YX was on a tourist visa n left for PRC shortly thereafter. We hv been in ctc by phone calls n SMSes. Since we share the same last name, she has agreed to be my 干女儿。Does that mean I can't touch her? Her student pass has been approved n she is coming very soon, hehehe.
Several days ago I saw a SYT (FF) outside a cafeteria. She was very young n very cute n abt 166-167, 45-46 kg. Very fresh n innocent n demure. I approached her n got her HP no. She was a Fujian gal who arrived just days ago! We hv exchanged calls n SMSes. FF is only 17 according to her passport (but her real age is 18), on a tourist visa n too young to work at KTVs? At first I tried to ignore her bcos of her age but she contacted me yesterday and again this AM... we will meet for dinner n for some good clean fun. If I pay for her time n just hold her hands n kiss her on the lips, will I be violating any SG laws? Strictly no ST of course. What if I take care of her for a month? Or should I wait for her to reach 18th birthday later this yr? She wants to return as a student.
Any legal experts out there?
I hv declined to take care of a couple of 17 yo SYTs in the past. But FF is taller n more chio...
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
06-02-2011, 10:13 AM
I started this thread in June 2009 n I realized the wrong spelling only 3 mins ago!
"Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs" should hv been "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs."
Rashomon Effect?
How can I ever trust my own eyes?
06-02-2011, 11:00 AM
I started this thread in June 2009 n I realized the wrong spelling only 3 mins ago!
"Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs" should hv been "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs."
Rashomon Effect?
How can I ever trust my own eyes?
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all samsters!!!
Bro WB, i guess tiyle aint all important. Its the content of the thread!!!
May all have another wonderful year :)
07-02-2011, 10:02 AM
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Are u sure all the Korean gals there r in their early 20s?
Perhaps there is another Korean joint.
According to a trusted young fren, who had been to a Korean club a few times, all the gals were MILFs, in their late 20s to early 30s. They were not his type n he stopped going even though it won't cost him a penny. His young n wealthy fren was paying all the expenses. I was also invited but decided NOT to waste my precious time, hehe.
Yes, my dearest bro WB, I'm well aware of your taste and preference for SYTs in their early twenties. I posted it to share an alternative to the Havelock Road joints we are so accustomed to. I feel that sometimes, we need to move out of our comfort zone and sail to unchartered waters. OK, we need variety! Everyday eat 回锅肉,水煮鱼,辣子鸡 once a while must eat kimchi right?
Not all are SYTs in their early twenties. There are two older ones – 1972 and 1973 (still, both are younger than me) – but I really like the 1973 one – she carried herself so well and she looks like a Korean actress. Very different from the PRC KTV mms we are so used to. They speak English.
The one who sat with me was born on 30 June 1988 – turns 23 this year (I know the time of birth too but shall not disclose here). She’s tall and carries herself very well. She said she studied in Gotham City before (and have a slight American accent). She told me she likes Hokkien Mee. But she’s slightly tanned, which may not be of your liking. There’s one who looks younger but she didn’t sit with us long enough for me to extract more info.
I’ve seen so many Korean dramas, meeting so many Korean girls and chatting them up was so surreal. In my mind, I was thinking, very good to practice all the skills in bro WB’s thread and try to woo them. They are very different from the PRCs because they are not there to earn the $150/$200 tips but to help bring in the business, there’s no karaoke singing, no distinction of HH/SH, no mamasans. We will need to use a different approach. Its like you are so used to sparring with your fellow TKD buddies and then suddenly you have to spar with a karate practitioner. That’s why I posted it here – this thread is about getting the girls – KTV or not, inside or outside the joint, any joint. So I hope I’ll not be ostracized for being “off-topic”. Like you said – money, investments, etc, they are all related to the topic of getting the girls.
For those who are interested to know the place, you can PM me and I will reply – I have already replied all the bros who PMed me. Otherwise, the bar/club is named after a Chateau (castle) in Switzerland. The original owners, Koreans, used to stay there and had fond memories. The new management, also Koreans, brought in the girls to help bring in the business to this quaint and cozy little-known place (frequented mainly by Korean businessmen), and tucked away from the hustle and bustle of Club Street.
07-02-2011, 12:21 PM
Gong Xi Fa Cai to all samsters!!!
Bro WB, i guess tiyle aint all important. Its the content of the thread!!!
May all have another wonderful year :
Hi bro MillerV,
Happy CNY to you!!
Long time no see, hahaha. I must hv been to that place in River Valley area 40 plus times since...
Yes, my dearest bro WB, I'm well aware of your taste and preference for SYTs in their early twenties. I posted it to share an alternative to the Havelock Road joints we are so accustomed to. I feel that sometimes, we need to move out of our comfort zone and sail to unchartered waters. OK, we need variety! Everyday eat 回锅肉,水煮鱼,辣子鸡 once a while must eat kimchi right?
Not all are SYTs in their early twenties.............They speak English.
The one who sat with me was born on 30 June 1988 – turns 23 this year (I know the time of birth too but shall not disclose here). She’s tall and carries herself very well. She said she studied in Gotham City before (and have a slight American accent)........................ That’s why I posted it here – this thread is about getting the girls – KTV or not, inside or outside the joint, any joint. So I hope I’ll not be ostracized for being “off-topic”. Like you said – money, investments, etc, they are all related to the topic of getting the girls................
My dear bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur info. I like Korean SYTs but I hv had zero experience w/ them.
Are there any bos here who hv done ST or hv BY-ed Korean gals in SG? Pls share ur experiences w/ us.
Happy CNY to u!!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
Spoke w/ FF just now. She assured me that she has reached her 18th birthday according to her passport n that she doesn't drink n is very uncomfortable working at KTVs. She has agreed to be taken care of by me. I need to check her out n verify a few things. We hv not discussed the terms of BY, although she has agreed to wkly payment. She lives very far away from CBD. I need to find time for her...
Let me digress. I think we Orientals worry too much abt "saving face or 面子。“ It's a most useless n harmful habit. According to an Ang Moh guru, it's the result of a combo of ego amok n low self esteem.
Hey bro WB, do you worry a lot?
Industry expert Dan Kennedy said this in
a recent article:
"We cannot allow the worry of
distractions to become the bigger
distraction than the distractions."
Brief side note: old mentor of mine's
statement: "Worriers (and spellers) can
be hired for minimum wage."
A lot of people waste a lot of time and
energy worrying about what others think
of them - which is actually the combo of
ego amok and low self-esteem. Or
worrying about problems that might arise
- which is only useful in context of
strategic planning and proactive
This is an important lesson to you when
you're out there trying to talk to women
and get this part of your life under
your control.
Worrying is the most USELESS mental
effort you can expend.
It accomplishes NOTHING. Usually worry
immobilizes us so much that we even fail
to PREPARE when we know there is a
chance of the thing we're worrying about
coming true.
Remember what I say about worry:
90% of the things that you worry about
NEVER happen. And 90% of the things that
happen to you never give you the chance
to worry about them.
And re-read Dan Kennedy's statement once
"A lot of people waste a lot of time and
energy worrying about what others think
of them - which is actually the combo of
ego amok and low self-esteem."
Very very true. Amazingly we can be both
egotistical AND insecure at the exact
same time.
If you're in this mindset when you're
talking to a woman, you're not only
ensuring that your conversation will not
arouse her interest, you're also going
to emotionally condition and cripple
yourself in future interactions, because
you'll be practicing the fine art of
MESSING with your own head.
The best state to be in with women is
worry-free, relaxed, and independent of
her judgment and evaluation.
Remember: No woman and no one else can judge you!
They're NOT qualified for this job.
Only YOU are...........................................
Your friend,
07-02-2011, 12:42 PM
I only stumbled across this thread recently, whilst trying to occupy myself during lulls in CNY activity. How I wish I discovered this cheonging-wisdom much much earlier, distilled and refined from real experiences. Would have saved some heartache and pain from random trial and error.
Big thanks to Bro Warbird, really added some sheen to this CNY season haha!
07-02-2011, 02:13 PM
Happy CNY to you bro WB!
Spoke w/ FF just now. She assured me that she has reached her 18th birthday according to her passport n that she doesn't drink n is very uncomfortable working at KTVs. She has agreed to be taken care of by me. I need to check her out n verify a few things. We hv not discussed the terms of BY, although she has agreed to wkly payment. She lives very far away from CBD. I need to find time for her...
Personally, the very young are potentially more clingy, so I think you need to set the terms and the termination clause really crystal clear. She also probably very unfamiliar with Singapore locale and may bug you more often for normal day-to-day things that a more mature lady can take care of themselves. I remember a case of a gal who keeps asking me how to go meet me, and after I agreed to go fetch her, she gave me the name of the LRT station in Chinese name, how do I know the Chinese name of the LRT station is which LRT in English since the pronounciation could mean one of two, argh!?!
Let me digress. I think we Orientals worry too much abt "saving face or 面子。“ It's a most useless n harmful habit. According to an Ang Moh guru, it's the result of a combo of ego amok n low self esteem.
The best state to be in with women is
worry-free, relaxed, and independent of
her judgment and evaluation.
Remember: No woman and no one else can judge you!
They're NOT qualified for this job.
Only YOU are...........................................
Good sharing, thanks Sifu.
07-02-2011, 06:17 PM
Spoke w/ FF just now. She assured me that she has reached her 18th birthday according to her passport n that she doesn't drink n is very uncomfortable working at KTVs. She has agreed to be taken care of by me. I need to check her out n verify a few things. We hv not discussed the terms of BY, although she has agreed to wkly payment. She lives very far away from CBD. I need to find time for her...
Bro WB,
Just a word of caution, young gals are very easy to up and keep but when u try to get rid of them, usually all hell breaks loose. :D
My past experiences with three 18 yr old gals (PRC, Thai, Viet) in the past all ended up as disaster limitation exercises when I decided to break off with them. :D
07-02-2011, 06:24 PM
Bro WB,
Just a word of caution, young gals are very easy to up and keep but when u try to get rid of them, usually all hell breaks loose. :D
My past experiences with three 18 yr old gals (PRC, Thai, Viet) in the past all ended up as disaster limitation exercises when I decided to break off with them. :D
Bro, my 2 cents worth if u dun mind.
U dun break up wif WLs, you just dump them and move on and do not allow any emotional blackmails watsoever.
If they wish to go crazy, let them ,just dun show them that what they're doin is affecting you in any way.
07-02-2011, 06:30 PM
Bro, my 2 cents worth if u dun mind.
U dun break up wif WLs, you just dump them and move on and do not allow any emotional blackmails watsoever.
If they wish to go crazy, let them ,just dun show them that what they're doin is affecting you in any way.
Yes, I know that and I always do that...but with younger gals, sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect...:D
Anyway, these happened donkey years ago so hopefully young gals these days won't do the stupid things that those three idiots did...:p
07-02-2011, 07:19 PM
Bro, my 2 cents worth if u dun mind.
U dun break up wif WLs, you just dump them and move on and do not allow any emotional blackmails watsoever.
If they wish to go crazy, let them ,just dun show them that what they're doin is affecting you in any way.
Hence, never disclose our full identities/ addressess or heaven forbid home/ office nos. I had a v v v good tip from Sammyboy site in 2004 and I have a chee hong SIM card that I use for all ECA - never ever, will I disclose my real nos. or even give these women my biz card ... my current China baoee is a realistic sort n has said that if we wanna end, just dun betray her but tell her straight, the one before wa lou, cut wrist type and kenna hospitalised even. That's now history. That's one reason why I kept my long time baos outside the country and am v concerned over getting too serious back here in SG ...
07-02-2011, 10:19 PM
Spoke w/ FF just now. She assured me that she has reached her 18th birthday according to her passport n that she doesn't drink n is very uncomfortable working at KTVs. She has agreed to be taken care of by me. I need to check her out n verify a few things. We hv not discussed the terms of BY, although she has agreed to wkly payment. She lives very far away from CBD. I need to find time for her...
Bro WB, I do not quite understand the concern over her age. The legal age for carnal relations in Singapore is 16 (Section 140(1)), so you should be quite safe as long as she is more than 16.
On the other hand, I really cannot understand why anyone would want to go for girls rather than women...
07-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Hence, never disclose our full identities/ addressess or heaven forbid home/ office nos. I had a v v v good tip from Sammyboy site in 2004 and I have a chee hong SIM card that I use for all ECA - never ever, will I disclose my real nos. or even give these women my biz card ... my current China baoee is a realistic sort n has said that if we wanna end, just dun betray her but tell her straight, the one before wa lou, cut wrist type and kenna hospitalised even. That's now history. That's one reason why I kept my long time baos outside the country and am v concerned over getting too serious back here in SG ...
Yeah, I have a similar experience too. Chinese women can be crazy. Hence, be very, very careful and try not to get emotionally entangled with them, or to get them emotionally entangled with you.
08-02-2011, 07:50 AM
Bro WB, I do not quite understand the concern over her age. The legal age for carnal relations in Singapore is 16 (Section 140(1)), so you should be quite safe as long as she is more than 16.
On the other hand, I really cannot understand why anyone would want to go for girls rather than women...
I tend to agree. Having come across the really young ones, I find that I'm unable to make any meaningful emotional or intellectual connection - which diminishes the romantic connection as well. However, this is generalizing and I'm sure there are exceptions. Youth also has its allure and different strokes for different people. Variety is the spice of life. :)
08-02-2011, 08:14 AM
Bro WB,
Many bros have raise their flags. Allow me to add my 2 cents...
Baoyees that are at such tender age is a no-no. U can covet for their fresh young meat but their emotional maturity and ability to deal with a breakup dump is unpredictable. They react based on what they think and not what we think. Taking umpteenth precautions during the bao period - to mitigate against ugly separation, somewhat negates the pleasure the baoying experience brings.
If in need of fresh young meat, ST/LT is an avenue. For baoyees, min age 21. Some may have success with younger ones, the failed ones may not have been well publicised (similar to hearing stories about one making a killing at the stock market, and not hearing many had lost a fortune).
08-02-2011, 09:10 AM
I beg to differ. It is a complex thing and there are many factors involved.
Age-related: For very young ones, they know they still have time and 青春 (youth) on their side. They can just move on and find a better catch. And they know their odds are in their favor. Older ones know that their chances are slim because their biological clock is a’ticking so they want to stick to the guy at all cost.
Non-age related: If the baoyee finds that her baoyer is a good catch and is a very nice person and she genuinely likes him, she’ll put up a fight and try all ways to prevent being dumped. If she feels cheated, in any way, in the BY relationship, she’ll try to seek revenge. If she is nonchalant about the relationship, then a break off will be amicable. Sometimes, if she finds that she’s being ill-treated or short-changed, she can be the one initiating the break off.
It also depends on the character of the girl – is she vengeful in nature? But still, we need to be very careful cos as the saying goes… hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
08-02-2011, 10:20 AM
Bro WB, I do not quite understand the concern over her age. The legal age for carnal relations in Singapore is 16 (Section 140(1)), so you should be quite safe as long as she is more than 16.
On the other hand, I really cannot understand why anyone would want to go for girls rather than women...
Hi Bros, would like to elaborate on this...if there is any monetary exchange...the legal age is 18....I do not know if being BY as opposed to ST is consider monetary exchange or not....maybe the legal eagles in this thread can enlighten us....
08-02-2011, 10:41 AM
Some bros like such fresh young girls because since ancient times it is believed that bonking such fresh young girls is good for health and virility and some manipulates these young girls as they are relatively inexperience....personally I do not think it's purely the age but the level of maturity of the girl...for example I had bonked 20 year old girls who are more mature than me because they have been working since 15 years old in china and she knows how to suck my cock like a vetaran...
But personally on the basis of probability I prefer girls around 24 years old...good mix of maturity, communication, experience and still quite fresh...
08-02-2011, 11:02 AM
I like to thank the many esteemed bros here for sharing their battle-proven experiences n expertise in BY-ing gals who r 18-20 yo.
Wishing all of u a Very Happy n Prosperous CNY!!
I only stumbled across this thread recently, whilst trying to occupy myself during lulls in CNY activity.................
Big thanks to Bro Warbird, really added some sheen to this CNY season haha!
Bro Bumpf,
You make my day!
Happy CNY to you bro WB!
Personally, the very young are potentially more clingy, so I think you need to set the terms and the termination clause really crystal clear. She also probably very unfamiliar with Singapore locale and may bug you more often for normal day-to-day things......................
Good sharing, thanks Sifu.
Hi bro jamezwit,
Ths for ur warning.
Bro WB,
Just a word of caution, young gals are very easy to up and keep but when u try to get rid of them, usually all hell breaks loose. :D
My past experiences with three 18 yr old gals (PRC, Thai, Viet) in the past all ended up as disaster limitation exercises when I decided to break off with them......
Hi bro teebs_darklord,
You're right, these young gals r easier to up.
Perhaps all ur 3 young GFs were in love w/ u, hahaha.
Bro, my 2 cents worth if u dun mind.
U dun break up wif WLs, you just dump them and move on and do not allow any emotional blackmails watsoever.
If they wish to go crazy, let them ,just dun show them that what they're doin is affecting you in any way.
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Yes, just dump them, hehehe.
Quite often, I wait for them to get over their anger n continue ST w/ some of them...
Yes, I know that and I always do that...but with younger gals, sometimes things don't turn out the way you expect...
You're too good at KC, hehehe.
Hence, never disclose our full identities/ addressess or heaven forbid home/ office nos.................That's one reason why I kept my long time baos outside the country and am v concerned over getting too serious back here in SG ...
Good strategy, bro Dragonkeep.
Bro WB, I do not quite understand the concern over her age. The legal age for carnal relations in Singapore is 16 (Section 140(1)), so you should be quite safe as long as she is more than 16.
On the other hand, I really cannot understand why anyone would want to go for girls rather than women...
Hi bro chenzong,
You hv been away from SG too long.
"Commercial sex with minor under 18.
Penal Code 376B. —(1) Any person who obtains for consideration the sexual services of a person, who is under 18 years of age, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or with fine, or with both."
One man's meat is...but I like both gals n women.
I tend to agree. Having come across the really young ones, I find that I'm unable to make any meaningful emotional or intellectual connection - which diminishes the romantic connection as well. However, this is generalizing and I'm sure there are exceptions. Youth also has its allure and different strokes for different people. Variety is the spice of life....
These young gals r great for short-term BY-ing...
Bro WB,
Many bros have raise their flags. Allow me to add my 2 cents...
Baoyees that are at such tender age is a no-no. U can covet for their fresh young meat but their emotional maturity and ability to deal with a breakup dump is unpredictable................
If in need of fresh young meat, ST/LT is an avenue. For baoyees, min age 21. Some may have success with younger ones, the failed ones may not have been well publicised.............
Ho bro songest,
Ths for sharing ur experiences.
It's easy for me to dump them as I can just leave for Gotham City.
I beg to differ. It is a complex thing and there are many factors involved.
Age-related: For very young ones, they know they still have time and 青春 (youth) on their side. They can just move on and find a better catch.................
Non-age related: If the baoyee finds that her baoyer is a good catch and is a very nice person and she genuinely likes him, she’ll put up a fight and try all ways to prevent being dumped. If she feels cheated, in any way, in the BY relationship, she’ll try to seek revenge..............
It also depends on the character of the girl – is she vengeful in nature? But still, we need to be very careful cos as the saying goes… hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Hi bro fallen.angel,
Ths for ur detailed analysis.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
In my very limited experience, gals who r under 21 r more direct n often take the initiative to ctc or pursue me for sex n BY-ing, even though I'm a lao chi ko pek.
Nowadays,after I hv expressed my interest in BY-ing a gal, I dun ctc her again. After 2-3 days, if she texts me: X 大哥,在干嘛呢? I know 100% she has agreed. If we r in a RS n she texts me the same msg, more often than not she wants to fxk, hehe.
Older gals r more circumspect n subtle.
08-02-2011, 11:41 AM
I like to thank the many esteemed bros here for sharing their battle-proven experiences n expertise in BY-ing gals who r 18-20 yo.
Wishing all of u a Very Happy n Prosperous CNY!!
Hi bro teebs_darklord,
You're right, these young gals r easier to up.
Perhaps all ur 3 young GFs were in love w/ u, hahaha.
You're too good at KC, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good morning!
In my very limited experience, gals who r under 21 r more direct n often take the initiative to ctc or pursue me for sex n BY-ing, even though I'm a lao chi ko pek.
Nowadays,after I hv expressed my interest in BY-ing a gal, I dun ctc her again. After 2-3 days, if she texts me: X 大哥,在干嘛呢? I know 100% she has agreed. If we r in a RS n she texts me the same msg, more often than not she wants to fxk, hehe.
Older gals r more circumspect n subtle.
Bro WB,
Not that I'm too good at KC...:D
Just that younger gals tend to fall in love much more easily than older ones who have been in this line for a far longer period of time. And usually in my experience they are more clingy than older gals.
Younger gals especially those who are green in this line tend not to treat BYing as a purely commercial transaction and that is the crux of all the problems I faced with all the young gals I had previously.
But these days I prefer to just fuck and forget. Saves me all the troubles and hassles I had previously. :p
But recently backside itchy, starting to KC a gal but what she smsed to me yesterday is making me a bit concerned.
08-02-2011, 09:45 PM
Hi bro chenzong,
You hv been away from SG too long.
"Commercial sex with minor under 18.
Penal Code 376B. —(1) Any person who obtains for consideration the sexual services of a person, who is under 18 years of age, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 7 years, or with fine, or with both."
Yikes, not that I've been away too long - I was ignorant! Glad to be enlightened.
09-02-2011, 11:18 AM
Yikes, not that I've been away too long - I was ignorant! Glad to be enlightened.
dun think both of u are wrong.. due to my limited understanding..
by chenzong
having sex with gals under the age of 16yo is against the law. Only muslim is allow(if they are marry)
by warbird
having commercial sex under the age of 18yo is against the law.
the key here is paid sex. :)
So long not a commercial deal, anythiung above 16yo is fine. If not alot of student will be jail. ha ha..
10-02-2011, 11:40 AM
Bro WB,
Not that I'm too good at KC...
Just that younger gals tend to fall in love much more easily than older ones who have been in this line for a far longer period of time. And usually in my experience they are more clingy than older gals.
Younger gals especially those who are green in this line tend not to treat BYing as a purely commercial transaction..............
But these days I prefer to just fuck and forget..............................
But recently backside itchy, starting to KC a gal but what she smsed to me yesterday is making me a bit concerned.
Hi bro teebs darklord,
You're a KC master.
Yes, I also like to fxk n/or BY n forget, hehehe.
Yikes, not that I've been away too long - I was ignorant! Glad to be enlightened.
Hi bro chenzong,
IMHO, the punishment is too stiff.
dun think both of u are wrong.. due to my limited understanding..
by chenzong
having sex with gals under the age of 16yo is against the law. Only muslim is allow(if they are marry)
by warbird
having commercial sex under the age of 18yo is against the law.
the key here is paid sex.
So long not a commercial deal, anythiung above 16yo is fine. If not alot of student will be jail. ha ha..
Hi bro prcsytlover,
Ths for ur clarification.
Some cases of BY-ing r in the grey area n may not be construed as strictly commercial depending on how compensation n fringe benefits r structured. On the other hand, some marriages may fit the criteria of commercial sex, hehehe.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................
Good morning!
This morning my key investment took another deep plunge after two wks of slight recovery. The sudden n fast descent has made me dizzy, hehehe. Not sure if TC could make a difference...
BTW, It's human nature for us to crave things n gals/women we can't get or hv missed.
Of the 5 BAO-ees I like very much, 4 r from Fujian. However, they r also-rans compared w/ the one I missed.
The prettiest PRC gal I hv seen in SG is a Fujian gal who literally flew away. She had agreed to be BY-ed by me n all the terms were settled while I was in Gotham, but she was sent back to PRC before I could return.:( She is XX whom I met in Jan of 2009. She was 19 n very beautiful n very cute. A true SYT of my type. Height 167, wt abt 50kg w/ very proportionate figure, nice boobs n perky ass. Long slim arms n legs. I was stunned when I saw her in the hallway of a newly opened joint at PC complex. She had repeatedly spurned my advances, but I persisted n made a very generous offer while I was in Gotham. I still think abt her...what to do?
Bro WB
10-02-2011, 12:02 PM
Hi bro teebs darklord,
You're a KC master.
Yes, I also like to fxk n/or BY n forget, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ...................................
Good morning!
The prettiest PRC gal I hv seen in SG is a Fujian gal who literally flew away. She had agreed to be BY-ed by me n all the terms were settled while I was in Gotham, but she was sent back to PRC before I could return.:( She is XX whom I met in Jan of 2009. She was 19 n very beautiful n very cute. A true SYT of my type. Height 167, wt abt 50kg w/ very proportionate figure, nice boobs n perky ass. Long slim arms n legs. I was stunned when I saw her in the hallway of a newly opened joint at PC complex. She had repeatedly spurned my advances, but I persisted n made a very generous offer while I was in Gotham. I still think abt her...what to do?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
for me, i normally do things a bit differently when I BY/KC a gal. I have always preferred to do things the slow way...getting to know her and step by step getting her to like me and then be with me. And I normally do not spend much on them in the beginning either. Even when they are with me, i never tell them upfront how much I will be giving them. Rather I give them what I want and if they need extra, then they ask and I decide whether I will top up or not...:rolleyes:
I guess it is my modus operandi that is the cause of all the issues I faced with the younger gals I KCed previously. :D
I never miss any of the gals I broke off previously and also never miss the gals I didn't manage to KC. Anyway, it's been 2 years already...god knows whether the gal you miss is now the mistress of some rich Hongkee or China tycoon...:p
These days, I prefer to fuck and forget. The gal I'm trying to KC now will probably be the last one for me...Not successful, then just forget it already.
11-02-2011, 09:37 AM
Last night, nothing to do so went down to LV.
Surprisingly, almost all the rooms were occupied. What’s expected was the lack of quality girls as many of them have not returned to work from CNY.
Ended up ordering dinner from the usual 老友记 and had a couple of mandarin oranges peeled and delivered into my mouth by my gal.
11-02-2011, 04:53 PM
Last night, nothing to do so went down to LV.
Surprisingly, almost all the rooms were occupied. What’s expected was the lack of quality girls as many of them have not returned to work from CNY.
Ended up ordering dinner from the usual 老友记 and had a couple of mandarin oranges peeled and delivered into my mouth by my gal.
Still got the stage wat.
Hint, maybe u see my chick you also like?
Then support her bit bit hehehe
11-02-2011, 05:24 PM
Still got the stage wat.
Hint, maybe u see my chick you also like?
Then support her bit bit hehehe
Hi bro DYBJ,
I didn’t stay for SH but who is your chick, btw?
I tried calling bro WB but unfortunately he was not able to join me.
11-02-2011, 05:37 PM
Hi bro DYBJ,
I didn’t stay for SH but who is your chick, btw?
I tried calling bro WB but unfortunately he was not able to join me.
Something that rises in the east & sets in the west:D
11-02-2011, 08:08 PM
Picking up KTV gals are easier if u own a car.
I picked up a few from the condo along river valley close.
Most KTV gals stay there, since they work near TAM.
9pm plus is the best time, some more taxi usually hired. So
easier to ask them up ur car.
In the car we exchange number, or just drive to hotel 81 is
she not rushing to meet client.
One thing good, they r fresh from home, clean n no smoky smell...
Hope this idea of picking up KTV babes works for all tkp man
15-02-2011, 10:43 AM
Bro WB,
for me, i normally do things a bit differently when I BY/KC a gal. I have always preferred to do things the slow way...getting to know her and step by step getting her to like me and then be with me. And I normally do not spend much on them in the beginning either............
I guess it is my modus operandi that is the cause of all the issues I faced with the younger gals I KCed previously.
I never miss any of the gals I broke off previously and also never miss the gals I didn't manage to KC. Anyway, it's been 2 years already...god knows whether the gal you miss is now the mistress of some rich Hongkee or China tycoon....................
Bro TD,
Your M.O. is very successful n it appears that u hv not spent much BY-ing these young gals.
I understand that they were newbie WLs. Did they work at KTVs, bars, etc. or as FLs?
BTW, XX is probably married.
Hi bro DYBJ,
I didn’t stay for SH but who is your chick, btw?
I tried calling bro WB but unfortunately he was not able to join me.
Hi bro FA,
I was busy. It would be my pleasure to meet u again.
Picking up KTV gals are easier if u own a car.
I picked up a few from the condo along river valley close.
Most KTV gals stay there, since they work near TAM.
9pm plus is the best time.........
Hi bro MOM.
Ths for ur info. Having a car could be helpful in picking up gals, especially when accompanied by an experienced wing man.
IMHO, another great hunting ground is taxi stand at PPC, hehehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................................
Good morning!
My key investment continued its descent in the last few sessions. But I welcome more market decline bcos it's time to buy great companies at good prices n good companies at great prices, hahaha.
Back to BY-ing pussies. I hv mentioned how XX got away. Since I was coming back to SG in 2 wks, I never asked for her China HP or QQ no. I was so sure she would be waiting for me in SG.
In the last 2 yrs, several dozens PRC gals hv agreed to be BY-ed by me but only slightly more than 50% of BYs were consummated. I changed my mind in most cases. XX was sent back to PRC. Three gals said yes, then said no. Since I was able to french all 3 gals, I knew their pussies would be mine sooner or later. These "failed" cases r good learning experiences, hahaha. It's true that "all my successes have been built on my failures."
1) CD is the 170 cm 20 yo Shanghai student/song bird whom I met in early Sep 2009. She vanished on the day I was to meet her to BY her. I was quite perturbed at the time. An esteemed bro told me my offer was too low n that she was worth 15K a month n that I should continue to pay her even when I was in Gotham city! To make a long story short I reconnected w/ her 5 months later, but kept her for only a wk. I paid her what she asked for which was quite modest. She was a big disappointment. The reason? Unlike her face, her pussy was not chio at all.
It was a very favorable closure from my point of view. I was really lucky. If I didn't up her I would still be wondering n fantasizing how pretty her pussy was n what I had missed...
My initial mistake? I agreed to give her what she had asked for, which was well below the going rate.
2) HX is a 172 cm 22 yo Dongbei gal on a tourist visa I picked up at CI in July 2010. She agreed to BY. Unfortunately, on the day of I was going to taste her pussy, she fell ill w/ fever n bad coughing...I postponed the date of consummation by 4 days. She was very pissed off n spurned my further attempts to BY her. I was frustrated bcos she had a voluptuous body w/ natural C boobs n big perky ass.
Her student visa was rejected n she ended up at Golden Sands in Jakarta, hehehe. She flew to Batam n spent the nite w/ me in late Nov. Fortunately, the trip was worth every penny as her pussy was pretty n tight. She is now trying to return to SG.
My initial mistake? I postponed payment starting date.
3) WW is a 165 cm 20 yo Fujian student whom I met in late August 2010. She changed her mind bcos a mummy told her terrible lies abt me such as BY-ing many gals for 1 wk only, etc. I met her 3 months later outside DC n she was again very receptive to BY. However, my plate was too full then n I suggested ST instead. She tacitly agreed but I never upped her. She is a bit too slim n boobs quite small.
My mistake? I continued to use the service of this offending mummy.
Separately, I just discovered another startling fact. My minor investment in a biotech start up C reached 52-wk high on the day TC left Changi. The very next day, it dropped. On the following day, FDA sent the co a CRL n requested at least two additional new clinical studies. The stock price collapsed. It continued to drop n is down 65% since TC's departure. Fortunately, I sold 60% of my holding a few days prior to her departure n thus made some initial profit. But overall, I hv suffered a minor loss, instead of a decent profit.
Bro WB
15-02-2011, 01:31 PM
Bro TD,
Your M.O. is very successful n it appears that u hv not spent much BY-ing these young gals.
I understand that they were newbie WLs. Did they work at KTVs, bars, etc. or as FLs?
BTW, XX is probably married.
Bro WB
Not all the gals I KCed were newbies though...:D
Most of them were working in KTVs, bars/pubs and FLs. For the 3 18 yr old gals, the Thai was working in a pub when I met her, the Viet was working in a KTV and the PRC was working as a FL.
My experience is that the younger ones are much much easier to KC regardless of whether they are newbies or old birds. I guess as young gals, as long as they can find someone to support them financially. it's ok with them. The issue is that they tend to be a lot more sticky and when they fall in love with you, then they will throw tantrums when you break off with them in future.
For the older gals, it's a bit more problematic as they will consider many factors before deciding whether to accept you especially if you were one of their regular customers previously. The funny thing is that most of them are looking for stable long term relationships which is different from the younger ones who are mainly looking for financial support. I normally have a longer lasting and more fulfilling relationships with the older gals than with the younger ones though.
Of course the issues I face are mainly because I prefer to go down the KC route and spend a lot less money rather than just offering them the market rate and BY them straight. The drawback is that I spend a lot more of my time on the gals than I really want to but to me it is more fulfilling this way.
Bro WB
bro drop by a visit in cp.....bigger and cheaper playground...:D
16-02-2011, 07:28 PM
1) CD is the 170 cm 20 yo Shanghai student/song bird whom I met in early Sep 2009. S Unlike her face, her pussy was not chio at all.
Bro WB
Hi Bro Warbird,
CD is indeed very chio.
You never mentioned KK?
16-02-2011, 08:05 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
CD is indeed very chio.
You never mentioned KK?
lol...why you never share your sexacapes in china? heard you had an interesting trip!
16-02-2011, 10:10 PM
lol...why you never share your sexacapes in china? heard you had an interesting trip!
Hahaha.....I am not a good writer mah.
Also, my tales are not very interesting.
Since you asked.. I may just pen a few words in the coming week.
You want to see my GF photo? :)
16-02-2011, 11:54 PM
another good hunting ground are those electronic factories, i work as engineer and i can tell u the prc mms are sibei swee and innocent
17-02-2011, 02:17 AM
another good hunting ground are those electronic factories, i work as engineer and i can tell u the prc mms are sibei swee and innocent
Copy that, Bro justwanadoit. ;)
Will recce soon! :D
P.S: List Of UPPEES is not in full due to the capacity limitation of the signature function (not be longer than 300 characters excluding BB Code markup). Rest assured I've all ur nicks n u'll be awarded. If I do missed u, kindly PM me. :)
Appreciate the PM, Bro BatistaSG, Bro steamystreamsg, Bro Linkus, Bro Regaine, Bro evo7_5, Bro Thongchai, Bro curiouslooker, Bro PS3SG, Bro Red-Card, Bro jerrystockton, Bro Cytan7, Bro =WK=, Bro dbhh, Bro awesome04, Bro skyhawk958 and Bro dingding75!
17-02-2011, 10:58 AM
Not all the gals I KCed were newbies though...
Most of them were working in KTVs, bars/pubs and FLs. For the 3 18 yr old gals, the Thai was working in a pub when I met her, the Viet was working in a KTV and the PRC was working as a FL.
My experience is that the younger ones are much much easier to KC regardless of whether they are newbies or old birds. I guess as young gals, as long as they can find someone to support them financially..................
Of course the issues I face are mainly because I prefer to go down the KC route and spend a lot less money rather than just offering them the market rate and BY them straight. The drawback is that I spend a lot more of my time on the gals than I really want to but to me it is more fulfilling this way.
Hi bro TD,
Ths for ur clarification.
In seduction, cheonging or BY-ing or whatever, for WLs n non-WLs alike, a man either pays in cash or in kind/time or both, hehehe.
Just 2 questions. When ur gals were in love w/ u, did they still work? Were their pussies exclusive to u?
bro drop by a visit in cp.....bigger and cheaper playground...
Hi bro n733,
Yes, I would like to visit CP soon. In fact, I plan to move to PRC within 12 months.
But why limit oneself to CP? The whole of China is so much bigger n the supply of chio SYTS is virtually unlimited, hahaha.
Hi Bro Warbird,
CD is indeed very chio.
You never mentioned KK?
Hi bro besafe,
Hv u met CD in person? She is very chio w/ light makeup. Heavy makeup actually detracts from her beauty. She was my heartthrob for some time, before I upped her of course. Some bros may love her type pussy. It has rather large flaps which r dark brown...very repulsive to me though. I couldn't n didn't paint her.
The 3 gals I mentioned were those who initially consented to BY but later said no. KK actually wanted me to fxk her asap, after I casually mentioned my interest in BY-ing her in our 1st outing. KK's pussy is very pretty, prettier than her face, hehehe.
Hahaha.....I am not a good writer mah.
Also, my tales are not very interesting.
Since you asked.. I may just pen a few words in the coming week.
You want to see my GF photo?
Pls share ur experiences w/ us.
We should exchange photos. I hv some explicit ones, hehehe.
another good hunting ground are those electronic factories, i work as engineer and i can tell u the prc mms are sibei swee and innocent
Hi bro JWA,
Ths for ur info. Sibei swee PRC factory MMs? I bet they all want to be BY-ed. Where do I go? Can introduce?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Bro n733 is right that young WLs r easier to KC. But the problem is that how do I know the gal has really fallen for me?
Since May of 2009 I hv BY-ed many gals, mostly aged 18-23. None hv fallen for me. A few hv some KC for n attachment to me, but no love. BTW, for the past 14 months, all my gals hv been full-time, meaning they dun work at all. Despite living w/ them n giving them many COS, etc, none hv fallen for me.
When I refused to BY my ex-BAO-ee KX, she was quite sticky, later became depressed n cried a few times. I didn't bite even when she offered to lower her monthly allowance by 30%.
The gals most likely to fall for me, possibly in the not too distant future, r of course BB n TC.
BB is clingy n possessive. She likes to cook for me. I teach her English n she teaches me my mother tongue. She grew up in a cluster of tiny villages in Fujian where my maternal grandparents were born n bred. I disconnected from her once, she recently told me she felt as if "the world has ended" at the time. "对我这一个小女孩, 地球已经停止转动了,“ She pussy is as pretty as her face n she is becoming part of the family.
As for TC, we shall see...she has one of the prettiest pussies n sexiest bodies.
One thing is certain, my key Asian Investment has gone down a lot since TC's departure. If it starts to shoot up on the day she is back w/ me, what should I do? How could I ever dump her?
Bro WB
17-02-2011, 12:02 PM
Hi bro TD,
Ths for ur clarification.
In seduction, cheonging or BY-ing or whatever, for WLs n non-WLs alike, a man either pays in cash or in kind/time or both, hehehe.
Just 2 questions. When ur gals were in love w/ u, did they still work? Were their pussies exclusive to u?
One thing is certain, my key Asian Investment has gone down a lot since TC's departure. If it starts to shoot up on the day she is back w/ me, what should I do? How could I ever dump her?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Of the 18 yr old gals, the thai was first followed by the viet and lastly the PRC. But I broke off with the Thai and viet gals at the same time.
For two of the 18 yr old gals (viet and thai) working in pub and ktv, they continued working even when they were with me. But they were here only on social visit passes so came here only once every 3 months and stayed 1 month plus each time. However, after they were with me they never accepted any ST or LT booking from any customer. Confirmed this as I had many friends at the pub monitoring the thai gal and also the mamasan and KTV staff monitoring the viet gal at that time.
The PRC FL gal was a different case altogether. We got together only after she left Singapore after her 1 yr student visa expired. While in Singapore, she used to call me out for lunch/dinner depending on whether and what time I was free. Only upped her 3 time when she was in Singapore. Never expected to continue after she went back to China but she called me when she got back and when I told her I was going to China for a biz, she wanted to meet up with me so things progressed and I ended up with her for 5 years. End of the day had to make the decision to break off as she was talking about marriage and having babies...:D
With regards to TC, depends on what you feel. If you feel that she is your lucky charm for your investments, then no harm getting back with her. :p
17-02-2011, 06:40 PM
Hi bro besafe,
Hv u met CD in person?
We should exchange photos. I hv some explicit ones, hehehe.
Dear Bro,
Yes, I met her last year. Thanks to your sharing of her ctc.
I did not up her as I was rather busy.
I will send you some my GF photo shortly. I trust you as you have trusted me.
17-02-2011, 08:07 PM
Hahaha.....I am not a good writer mah.
Also, my tales are not very interesting.
Since you asked.. I may just pen a few words in the coming week.
You want to see my GF photo? :)
Ok pm me the photo....I swear upon my honour I will not reveal it to anyone...if not I am a tortoise bastard...haha
17-02-2011, 08:13 PM
another good hunting ground are those electronic factories, i work as engineer and i can tell u the prc mms are sibei swee and innocent
Another hunting place a fren mentioned to me is changi swee swee prc pr officers....and if you dun mind the stigma...some of the cleaning ladies are not that bad according to my fren he upped a few of them for a song although it is quite beyond me to bang these cleaning ladies hahaha
17-02-2011, 08:19 PM
Ok pm me the photo....I swear upon my honour I will not reveal it to anyone...if not I am a tortoise bastard...haha
Kanasai.. this type of swearing reserved for PRC mei meis only lah .:D
17-02-2011, 08:20 PM
Another hunting place a fren mentioned to me is changi swee swee prc pr officers....and if you dun mind the stigma...some of the cleaning ladies are not that bad according to my fren he upped a few of them for a song although it is quite beyond me to bang these cleaning ladies hahaha
RELC also nice place to pick up :cool:
17-02-2011, 09:18 PM
RELC also nice place to pick up :cool:
sori i not so pro, where is RELC?
17-02-2011, 09:20 PM
sori i not so pro, where is RELC?
Sure or not !!!!:eek:
RELC International Hotel
30 Orange Grove Rd
You go there recce and you will find out why.....hehehehe
17-02-2011, 09:20 PM
btw her mother wants her to get married....any takers?
17-02-2011, 09:23 PM
Sure or not !!!!:eek:
RELC International Hotel
30 Orange Grove Rd
You go there recce and you will find out why.....hehehehe
Is it near Shang?
17-02-2011, 09:25 PM
Is it near Shang?
Stone throw away...
Bro.. stop visiting KTV..
Go RELC and get some re-education. :D
17-02-2011, 09:27 PM
Stone throw away...
Bro.. stop visiting KTV..
Go RELC and get some re-education. :D
OK guess this is the spot to pick up ktv gals outside ktv leow...must explore
17-02-2011, 09:30 PM
OK guess this is the spot to pick up ktv gals outside ktv leow...must explore
Oops.. sorry... they may not be KTV girls.. just genuine students.
Hi bro n733,
Yes, I would like to visit CP soon. In fact, I plan to move to PRC within 12 months.
But why limit oneself to CP? The whole of China is so much bigger n the supply of chio SYTS is virtually unlimited, hahaha.
Bro WB
wah....planing to start something there or just leisure?can bring me along?lol:D
18-02-2011, 10:32 AM
Just finished a very long and tiring sexxion with my gal this morning.
She is asking for a “pay rise”, to increase every sexxion by $100, citing inflation. She told me Lido Palace has increase the tips for their gals in an attempt to keep them but LP is still losing them to its competition.
She also told me customers at LV are also paying more – gone are the times where we pay only the minimum $150/$200 for HH/SH. (Please guys, don’t spoil market ok? Otherwise poor people like me cannot enjoy liao, hehe) She told me a recent incident where a very rich boss rejected a gal’s price of $500 (ST) and $1,000 (LT). She said: so rich but so stingy. So I gave her marketing lesson 101 while dressing up for work.
I told her: price is what the customer pays but value is what he gets. He can throw thousands but he just doesn’t see value in it. I also told her there are two types of value – actual (benefits) and perceived.
On my way to work, talking to her on the phone while driving, she brought up the subject of upping the price so I just casually told her that she has all the right to up her price but as a consumer, I have choice. I must drill into her that I don’t see how a depreciating asset can command a higher price after 1 year? But I was really late for work and I’ve already reach office.
This thread has showed me that we are the paying consumer and we have consumer rights. We have choice. We must exercise control over our object of desire and not let it control us. Afterall, 庄子《在宥》said: 有大物者,不可以物。物而不物,故能物物
18-02-2011, 11:53 AM
This is indeed a very good lesson. Thank you for sharing the wisdom. :)
18-02-2011, 12:09 PM
Just finished a very long and tiring sexxion with my gal this morning.
She is asking for a “pay rise”, to increase every sexxion by $100, citing inflation. She told me Lido Palace has increase the tips for their gals in an attempt to keep them but LP is still losing them to its competition.
She also told me customers at LV are also paying more – gone are the times where we pay only the minimum $150/$200 for HH/SH. (Please guys, don’t spoil market ok? Otherwise poor people like me cannot enjoy liao, hehe) She told me a recent incident where a very rich boss rejected a gal’s price of $500 (ST) and $1,000 (LT). She said: so rich but so stingy. So I gave her marketing lesson 101 while dressing up for work.
I told her: price is what the customer pays but value is what he gets. He can throw thousands but he just doesn’t see value in it. I also told her there are two types of value – actual (benefits) and perceived.
On my way to work, talking to her on the phone while driving, she brought up the subject of upping the price so I just casually told her that she has all the right to up her price but as a consumer, I have choice. I must drill into her that I don’t see how a depreciating asset can command a higher price after 1 year? But I was really late for work and I’ve already reach office.
This thread has showed me that we are the paying consumer and we have consumer rights. We have choice. We must exercise control over our object of desire and not let it control us. Afterall, 庄子《在宥》said: 有大物者,不可以物。物而不物,故能物物
Yup definitely, value investing works in both the evaluation of companies and pussies!
18-02-2011, 06:26 PM
Bro WB,
I am going CP from 9 - 16 April.
Want to join me?
PM me...........
Bonk Bonk....
20-02-2011, 01:28 AM
Some bros like such fresh young girls because since ancient times it is believed that bonking such fresh young girls is good for health and virility and some manipulates these young girls as they are relatively inexperience....personally I do not think it's purely the age but the level of maturity of the girl...for example I had bonked 20 year old girls who are more mature than me because they have been working since 15 years old in china and she knows how to suck my cock like a vetaran...
But personally on the basis of probability I prefer girls around 24 years old...good mix of maturity, communication, experience and still quite fresh...
These discussions seem to echo an earlier part of this v informative thread about SYT/ MILF sex quality (somewhere above) ... seem to recall a certain consensus that MILFs in bed tended to be (statistically speaking, based on the number of bros replying) relatively better. I personally have not been able to bang too many SYTs successfully. For example, I just fired my SYT baoee in SG - not worth the $$$, despite her pretty good looks. Gave her multiple opportunities to demo some solid sex but, sigh, despite even all the effort to arrange an overnight in SG to test out her cohab skills, she just CMI ... I normally can go pretty long w. a sexy babe but this one got me so pissed towards the end of the overnighter even 'ol didi went on strike!! Bloody never happened before ... that really made up my mind.
To get off the disappointment, I spent a wonderful couple of weeks with a bunch of probationary baoees: 2 v interesting Rabbit yr gals - one at 1.68m from DC with wonderful legs n CFM moves, and another 1.6m from CI from Gansu - cute and cuddly. By contrast though, the most spectacular one so far that I have been salivating over (literally) has been a CI MILF fm Chengdu ... though she's actually 1.62 m only, boy she's one well maintained babe. For once (I'm usually an A/B cup fella) I've encountered a C with the tinest nips (almost as alluring as my China baoee), a stupefyingly proportionate bod (which gives her the illusion of height), slim pretty legs, elegant fingers and toes - but what takes the cake are her responses in bed ... wha lou, one hell of a tigress.
Our first roll in bed was mind-blowing: natural frenching, 10/10 GFE, Jap-AV standard noises and orgasms (by her) that were unbelievably frequent and cock-achingly violent. Had to grab her v tightly to control the amount of pelvic thrusting she was giving back (didi even slid out from all the action a few times, prompting me to lock arms round her real tight) ... could not believe the ol didi was rapidly back in form after the 1st shot in record time just looking at her nude, sweat-drenched and glistening bod, and she giving me the kind of cock teasing CFM looks ... no fussy nonsense about male sweat, dimming the lights, shyness, hesitation to kiss etc, etc.
You can imagine the buay tahan state of mind I was in after that first one, so quite willingly padded her wallet to keep her rested for a few days and arranged a couple more sessions: nice chatty meals, music at Boat Quay, smoke breaks at Mt Faber, followed by action at better hotels where we progressed to half hour baths together, soaping each other up and sliding about in the tub n floor, chasing around the room and play-acting (doctor- patient/ slave and master/ pros and customer) before proceeding to long steamy sessions of wild, noisy banging. We were into wild and wet 69 coupling by the 2nd session ... discovered also that the Ft Canning Hotel de luxe rooms have great sextisfying mirrors by the bed - both of us perversely watching our own self-made live AV shows as we banged ... only screw-up, we knocked over a wine glass from all the crazy action and kenna pay damage the next morning for staining. Like what Bro ME said, the older gals seem to have a gd mix of dating quality and banging experience.
Went to LV to hunt for the elusive SYTs yesterday but, sigh ... guess the good ones have all been taken by the masters in this forum as usual ... did an unusual thing for me at LV and got a cute singer in plus a couple of butterflies. May consider developing this cute singer further for some variety ...
... the little head is still persuaded about the relative quality of MILF sex. Of course, I'm still open minded to finding (for me) the elusive solid SYT bang, but based on what the MMS told me yesterday, supplies of SYTs are still tight.
20-02-2011, 08:48 AM
These discussions seem to echo an earlier part of this v informative thread about SYT/ MILF sex quality (somewhere above) ... seem to recall a certain consensus that MILFs in bed tended to be (statistically speaking, based on the number of bros replying) relatively better. I personally have not been able to bang too many SYTs successfully. For example, I just fired my SYT baoee in SG - not worth the $$$, despite her pretty good looks. Gave her multiple opportunities to demo some solid sex but, sigh, despite even all the effort to arrange an overnight in SG to test out her cohab skills, she just CMI ... I normally can go pretty long w. a sexy babe but this one got me so pissed towards the end of the overnighter even 'ol didi went on strike!! Bloody never happened before ... that really made up my mind.
To get off the disappointment, I spent a wonderful couple of weeks with a bunch of probationary baoees: 2 v interesting Rabbit yr gals - one at 1.68m from DC with wonderful legs n CFM moves, and another 1.6m from CI from Gansu - cute and cuddly. By contrast though, the most spectacular one so far that I have been salivating over (literally) has been a CI MILF fm Chengdu ... though she's actually 1.62 m only, boy she's one well maintained babe. For once (I'm usually an A/B cup fella) I've encountered a C with the tinest nips (almost as alluring as my China baoee), a stupefyingly proportionate bod (which gives her the illusion of height), slim pretty legs, elegant fingers and toes - but what takes the cake are her responses in bed ... wha lou, one hell of a tigress.
Our first roll in bed was mind-blowing: natural frenching, 10/10 GFE, Jap-AV standard noises and orgasms (by her) that were unbelievably frequent and cock-achingly violent. Had to grab her v tightly to control the amount of pelvic thrusting she was giving back (didi even slid out from all the action a few times, prompting me to lock arms round her real tight) ... could not believe the ol didi was rapidly back in form after the 1st shot in record time just looking at her nude, sweat-drenched and glistening bod, and she giving me the kind of cock teasing CFM looks ... no fussy nonsense about male sweat, dimming the lights, shyness, hesitation to kiss etc, etc.
You can imagine the buay tahan state of mind I was in after that first one, so quite willingly padded her wallet to keep her rested for a few days and arranged a couple more sessions: nice chatty meals, music at Boat Quay, smoke breaks at Mt Faber, followed by action at better hotels where we progressed to half hour baths together, soaping each other up and sliding about in the tub n floor, chasing around the room and play-acting (doctor- patient/ slave and master/ pros and customer) before proceeding to long steamy sessions of wild, noisy banging. We were into wild and wet 69 coupling by the 2nd session ... discovered also that the Ft Canning Hotel de luxe rooms have great sextisfying mirrors by the bed - both of us perversely watching our own self-made live AV shows as we banged ... only screw-up, we knocked over a wine glass from all the crazy action and kenna pay damage the next morning for staining. Like what Bro ME said, the older gals seem to have a gd mix of dating quality and banging experience.
Went to LV to hunt for the elusive SYTs yesterday but, sigh ... guess the good ones have all been taken by the masters in this forum as usual ... did an unusual thing for me at LV and got a cute singer in plus a couple of butterflies. May consider developing this cute singer further for some variety ...
... the little head is still persuaded about the relative quality of MILF sex. Of course, I'm still open minded to finding (for me) the elusive solid SYT bang, but based on what the MMS told me yesterday, supplies of SYTs are still tight.
Quite agreed with you on the young to know a 20 years old shandong girl recently....very nice facial features and fresh looking....can be model that type....but knn damn bad attitude and expect me to be the one making her her credit she admitted to it and that's why she can't find many customers that will rtt her....anyway I was quite pissed off but will not get myself angry over such things and just left my tips with my fren and left without even taking her number....2 days ago I decided to take this mlif whom I had interest bonking for some time but never sit with her before....27 years old from Yunnan..her GF feeling is top notched but I wonder if this is because she had play the field many times before...I think she is not simple as she is apparently consider a "professional" and can apply for PR one... I will proceed with caution and play my cards rite...
Hmm....if now you interested in the singer...then the gurus to discuss and seek strategies on will be BYBJ or LDH....although they are "retired", their experiences in this field are still top notched and spot for handling young charges...I guess this fall under the purview of Bro WB...hahahaha....
20-02-2011, 10:05 AM
haha anyone wanna list loc with add?
Selegie packed with KTV
Wat is the gd time in bwtween b4 HH / HH / SH or after SH
but i guess after SH, the gd ones will be booked for ST/LT liao....
schools...can some bro provide hangabout???
i know Maxwell vicinity and Orchard and Boon Kheng...
yup most PRC r upbringing...survival of the fittest Darwin theory...
wow kept no enugh...
20-02-2011, 09:58 PM
another good hunting ground are those electronic factories, i work as engineer and i can tell u the prc mms are sibei swee and innocent
The swee and innocent ones will turn hellish when you decide to dump her. They really put their feelings into it and can turn very emotional. Be careful.
20-02-2011, 11:45 PM
The swee and innocent ones will turn hellish when you decide to dump her. They really put their feelings into it and can turn very emotional. Be careful.
That's Y we must all learn some basic tricks from David Copperfield.....aka disappearing act and throw away old sleaze sim card and change to new......
20-02-2011, 11:52 PM
MILFs in bed tended to be (statistically speaking, based on the number of bros replying) relatively better.
Totally agree bro, thus the constant statement that i always make.....
You pay to be serviced or service?
That's Y, seriously, i make it a point only to attack MILFs
unusual thing for me at LV and got a cute singer in. May consider developing this cute singer further for some variety ...
Bro, maybe you wanna share wif me the number or name of this singer or both.
I will get you all the intel you need.
FYI, current batch of singers, many are at their halfway mark liao, so those without 老公's are very stressed up cos their showtime is nearing, thus a very good time to capitalise on this mood of desperation!
FYI, LV requirement is a min of 5k on their show nites
21-02-2011, 10:55 AM
Bro WB,
...................However, after they were with me they never accepted any ST or LT booking from any customer. Confirmed this as I had many friends at the pub monitoring the thai gal and also the mamasan and KTV staff monitoring the viet gal at that time.
The PRC FL gal was a different case altogether. We got together only after she left Singapore after her 1 yr student visa expired.... Only upped her 3 time when she was in Singapore. Never expected to continue after she went back to China................ and I ended up with her for 5 years. End of the day had to make the decision to break off as she was talking about marriage and having babies................
With regards to TC, depends on what you feel. If you feel that she is your lucky charm for your investments, then no harm getting back with her...
Hi bro TD,
Very successful BY-ing!
TC has been my lucky charm so far. Must be fate or predestined affinity...
Dear Bro,
Yes, I met her last year. Thanks to your sharing of her ctc.
I did not up her as I was rather busy.
I will send you some my GF photo shortly....
Hi bro besafe,
You hv not missed anything, hehehe. Luckily I did BY her for a wk, otherwise I would still be fantasizing abt her pussy.
I hv just emailed u some pics of HX, the tall Dongbei babe who met me in Batam.
Another hunting place a fren mentioned to me is changi swee swee prc pr officers....and if you dun mind the stigma...some of the cleaning ladies are not that bad............
Hi bro ME,
We can pick up chio SYTs anywhere, anytime...
RELC International Hotel
30 Orange Grove Rd
You go there recce and you will find out why.....hehehehe
I know where the hotel is. Will check it out.
btw her mother wants her to get married....any takers?
She is for MILF lovers...
wah....planing to start something there or just leisure?can bring me along?lol:D
Hi bro n733,
I plan to settle in Xiamen. Pls come to visit me.
BTW, I'll be in HK n SZ to take care of some business early next month. Will go to CP for R & R w/ a Honkgie. Will u be there?
Where in CP can I find the prettiest SYTs? Any 5-star hotels?
Just finished a very long and tiring sexxion with my gal this morning.
She is asking for a “pay rise”, to increase every sexxion by $100, citing inflation..................
She also told me customers at LV are also paying more – gone are the times where we pay only the minimum $150/$200 for HH/SH. (Please guys, don’t spoil market ok? Otherwise poor people like me cannot enjoy liao, hehe) She told me a recent incident where a very rich boss rejected a gal’s price of $500 (ST) and $1,000 (LT). She said: so rich but so stingy. So I gave her marketing lesson 101 while dressing up for work.
I told her: price is what the customer pays but value is what he gets. He can throw thousands but he just doesn’t see value in it. I also told her there are two types of value – actual (benefits) and perceived.
On my way to work, talking to her on the phone while driving, she brought up the subject of upping the price so I just casually told her that she has all the right to up her price but as a consumer, I have choice. I must drill into her that I don’t see how a depreciating asset can command a higher price after 1 year?
This thread has showed me that we are the paying consumer and we have consumer rights. We have choice. We must exercise control over our object of desire and not let it control us. Afterall, 庄子《在宥》said: 有大物者,不可以物。物而不物,故能物物
Hi bro FA,
Yes, price is what we pay n value is what we get.
Bro WB,
I am going CP from 9 - 16 April.
Want to join me?
PM me...........
Hi bro TigerB,
I'll be there in early March. Will join u another time.
Where in CP can I find the prettiest SYTs? Any 5-star hotels?
yes, agreed, inflation has picked up but Singapore dollar is rising against the Renminbi and Vietnamese Dong, means when they convert back to their home currencies, they are actually earning more..........
with the Renminbi and Dong so weak, there will be new supplies of girls from these places coming to earn 'fast' money....
Hi bro sexonair,
Yeah, these gals will keep coming for the foreseeable future.
These discussions seem to echo an earlier part of this v informative thread about SYT/ MILF sex quality (somewhere above)........................
To get off the disappointment, I spent a wonderful couple of weeks with a bunch of probationary baoees............................................ discovered also that the Ft Canning Hotel de luxe rooms have great sextisfying mirrors by the bed - both of us perversely watching our own self-made live AV shows as we banged........................
Went to LV to hunt for the elusive SYTs yesterday but, sigh ... guess the good ones have all been taken by the masters in this forum as usual ... did an unusual thing for me at LV and got a cute singer in plus a couple of butterflies. May consider developing this cute singer further for some variety....................................but based on what the MMS told me yesterday, supplies of SYTs are still tight.
Hi bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur experiences.
Will take a look at Ft. Canning Hotel.
Quite agreed with you on the young to know a 20 years old shandong girl recently....very nice facial features and fresh looking....can be model that type....but knn damn bad attitude and expect me to be the one making her her credit she admitted to it and that's why she can't find many customers that will rtt her..................................Hmm....if now you interested in the singer...then the gurus to discuss and seek strategies on will be BYBJ or LDH....although they are "retired", their experiences in this field are still top notched and spot for handling young charges...I guess this fall under the purview of Bro WB...hahahaha....
Hi bro ME,
I can tolerate inexperienced n even inadequate services but not bad attitude. Ask her to fxk off!
Selegie packed with KTV
Wat is the gd time in bwtween b4 HH / HH / SH or after SH
but i guess after SH, the gd ones will be booked for ST/LT liao....
schools...can some bro provide hangabout???
i know Maxwell vicinity and Orchard and Boon Kheng.....................
Hi bro makemecum,
Ths for the info.
The swee and innocent ones will turn hellish when you decide to dump her. They really put their feelings into it and can turn very emotional. Be careful.
Ths for ur warning!
That's Y we must all learn some basic tricks from David Copperfield.....aka disappearing act and throw away old sleaze sim card and change to new......
Good advice!
NP for me. I just go to Changi n fly back to Gotham City, hehehe.
You pay to be serviced or service?
That's Y, seriously, i make it a point only to attack MILFs
I attack mostly SYTs, haha.
Bro, maybe you wanna share wif me the number or name of this singer or both.
I will get you all the intel you need.
FYI, current batch of singers, many are at their halfway mark liao, so those without 老公's are very stressed up cos their showtime is nearing, thus a very good time to capitalise on this mood of desperation!
FYI, LV requirement is a min of 5k on their show nites
Good info for those bros who want to BY singers. Pls PM Mr. Chairman for his invaluable advice.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
I'm not BY-ing FF bcos she is only 17 according to her passport. I guess I may hv to add her to the list of gals who hv consented to BY but I wont or couldnt consummate the deal, at least for now. I hv not given up yet since she is so cute n so didi becomes very stiff just thinking of her. I'm checking w/ my lawyers to find a solution. She is leaving SG soon. I may hv to wait till the 2nd half of the yr when she turns 18. If I take her out for dinner n only french her, am I breaking any laws? I'll tell her to apply for a student visa.
My 1st BAO-ee XW, whom I met in Sep 2009 when she was a 20 yo student, contacted me thru MSN this morning n gave me her new HP no. I hv not seen her for almost a yr. She was kept by a businessman for abt 6 months, until last Nov when she returned to PRC. Her value is now greatly diminished. I may go for ST, but BY? I had lots of KC for her at one time. Now I know why. She has a very seductive n soothing voice n a most charming Fujian accent.
What hv I learned in 21 months of BY-ing?
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
Bro WB
21-02-2011, 02:59 PM
What hv I learned in 21 months of BY-ing?
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
Bro WB
My dear Guru WB, you have indeed evolved into a Class A predator, thus, kudos to you, Master WarBird;)
21-02-2011, 03:48 PM
What hv I learned in 21 months of BY-ing?
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
Bro WB
Well said bro WB!
Just an update on my issue at hand - my gal’s request to increase her pay (per fxxk) by $100:
Economics (for KTV PRC mms) 101:
Last night, she SMSed me and asked if we are going to have a sexxion this morning but I said no. I wanted to let off some steam after a weekend but I played it cool. Instead, I had lunch with her just now and raised the topic again.
I told her she doesn’t spend a lot here, but proportionately, sends home more money. I explained to her how all countries fight inflation with one of two things – 利率或汇率 (interest rates and FX) and Singapore having imported most of the inflation, fights more effectively using FX. I said lucky for her, S$ has appreciated against the RMB and will continue to do so (China being so reluctant to appreciate against the US$) and that every S$10,000 she remits back, she now gets RMB4,600 more than she did previously.
Told her a lot of other things, like how after removing prices of COE, the Singapore CPI has only risen 2 to 3%, etc etc. I then reiterated how it is entirely her decision and power/right to set her price, but as a consumer, I have choice. She wasn’t very happy to hear that. She said she told her MMS: “如果小费没有三百就别叫我坐台“!Very corky and arrogant indeed, something only gals (MILF or SYT) who know that they are hot property could afford to say such things but am I going to relent and give in?
Certainly not. Not after I’ve read and learnt from this great thread and also initially got blasted by some senior bros like DYBJ and LDH for being a mr nice guy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to be nasty. I just want to assert myself and not be lead by my nose. Who is going to lose if she stand firms her price and I don’t get my sexxions? Not me. But if I give in, then I’ll lose big time! And it is not monetary. I would have totally lost control of my emotions. No more self-mastery for me!
I said even for Cat150 gals from GL, the girls are as young as 22, 23, 24 and that if their business is not good, they will even downgrade themselves to Cat80. She was angry and said it is different, how can you compare me with GL. So I told her: OK, so what’s the difference? Of cos deep inside, all of us bros know the difference, that even if the KTV gal is not exclusive, they are not as “used” as the GL gals. One thing is for sure – they set their price and they pick their customer. She kept quiet. Either she couldn’t answer or she didn’t want to stoop that low to argue with me.
In the end she said: 你要来就来,不要来就算了。
I didn’t answer her. Of cos I want! But only on my terms.
21-02-2011, 04:15 PM
Hi bro TD,
Very successful BY-ing!
TC has been my lucky charm so far. Must be fate or predestined affinity...
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
I'm not BY-ing FF bcos she is only 17 according to her passport. I guess I may hv to add her to the list of gals who hv consented to BY but I wont or couldnt consummate the deal, at least for now. I hv not given up yet since she is so cute n so didi becomes very stiff just thinking of her. I'm checking w/ my lawyers to find a solution. She is leaving SG soon. I may hv to wait till the 2nd half of the yr when she turns 18. If I take her out for dinner n only french her, am I breaking any laws? I'll tell her to apply for a student visa.
What hv I learned in 21 months of BY-ing?
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I would put all my successes to BY-ing in the past down to pure and simple luck...:D
The secret in my opinion for successfully BY-ing or KC-ing a gal is basically to make them feel that they are your one and only during the time when you are BY-ing or KC-ing them. And for that reason, I do not BY or KC two gals at the same time if they are both in Singapore. :p
I've had spectacular failures in the past also but I treated those as learning experiences.
One of my ex cheong buddies once told me, the ultimate in KC-ing a gal is to let yourself fall in love with her but to maintain control of your feelings at all times because as he said, it is only this way that you can twist her around your little finger anytime you want and she will never leave you until the day you dump her...
Bro WB, you are indeed one of the masters of BY-ing gals here...;)
21-02-2011, 04:29 PM
Well said bro WB!
Just an update on my issue at hand - my gal’s request to increase her pay (per fxxk) by $100:
Economics (for KTV PRC mms) 101:
Last night, she SMSed me and asked if we are going to have a sexxion this morning but I said no. I wanted to let off some steam after a weekend but I played it cool. Instead, I had lunch with her just now and raised the topic again.
I told her she doesn’t spend a lot here, but proportionately, sends home more money. I explained to her how all countries fight inflation with one of two things – 利率或汇率 (interest rates and FX) and Singapore having imported most of the inflation, fights more effectively using FX. I said lucky for her, S$ has appreciated against the RMB and will continue to do so (China being so reluctant to appreciate against the US$) and that every S$10,000 she remits back, she now gets RMB4,600 more than she did previously.
Told her a lot of other things, like how after removing prices of COE, the Singapore CPI has only risen 2 to 3%, etc etc. I then reiterated how it is entirely her decision and power/right to set her price, but as a consumer, I have choice. She wasn’t very happy to hear that. She said she told her MMS: “如果小费没有三百就别叫我坐台“!Very corky and arrogant indeed, something only gals (MILF or SYT) who know that they are hot property could afford to say such things but am I going to relent and give in?
Certainly not. Not after I’ve read and learnt from this great thread and also initially got blasted by some senior bros like DYBJ and LDH for being a mr nice guy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going to be nasty. I just want to assert myself and not be lead by my nose. Who is going to lose if she stand firms her price and I don’t get my sexxions? Not me. But if I give in, then I’ll lose big time! And it is not monetary. I would have totally lost control of my emotions. No more self-mastery for me!
I said even for Cat150 gals from GL, the girls are as young as 22, 23, 24 and that if their business is not good, they will even downgrade themselves to Cat80. She was angry and said it is different, how can you compare me with GL. So I told her: OK, so what’s the difference? Of cos deep inside, all of us bros know the difference, that even if the KTV gal is not exclusive, they are not as “used” as the GL gals. One thing is for sure – they set their price and they pick their customer. She kept quiet. Either she couldn’t answer or she didn’t want to stoop that low to argue with me.
In the end she said: 你要来就来,不要来就算了。
I didn’t answer her. Of cos I want! But only on my terms.
Bro, I didn't read your previous posts so I'm quite confused by your term "pay per fuck"???
Anyway, arguing with a KTV gal or FL/WL for that matter about economics is going to be a waste of time. They won't or don't understand these concepts because to them, they only care about how much they will get at the end of the day.
You should have just simply told her that the amount she is expecting from you is unreasonable and the existing rate is what you are prepared to give. Tell her if she expects any extra, she can fuck off. :D
21-02-2011, 05:40 PM
Bro, I didn't read your previous posts so I'm quite confused by your term "pay per fuck"???
Anyway, arguing with a KTV gal or FL/WL for that matter about economics is going to be a waste of time. They won't or don't understand these concepts because to them, they only care about how much they will get at the end of the day.
You should have just simply told her that the amount she is expecting from you is unreasonable and the existing rate is what you are prepared to give. Tell her if she expects any extra, she can fuck off. :D
Haha, yes, rest assured I told her that - except I didn't ask her to fxxk off. Cos I still enjoy the arrangement and don't want to sour the relationship.
Last time, I pay her a fixed monthly income but that wasn’t favorable for me cos she dictates how often I can go to her place to make out. But with a ppf (per per fxxk) arrangement, she begins to want me to go to her place more often than I want to! Haha!
Although what I pay her per sexxion is more than Cat150, it will level off if I stay longer than an hour. If we fxxk for more than 2 hours, then I'm above water - in that sense. This of cos she doesn’t know. So even when I complain to her that her service cost more than the SYTs in GL, I don't really mind.
GL is about 30 mins from my work place, and even longer from my house. Hers' only 10 mins from my house or work place.
GL opens about 1230 with WLs waking up and starting work only around 1pm. For me, I get mine whenever I want - mostly very early in the morning before work, like 630am. Or during lunch hours. Or before I head back home from work. Or at night.
Also most importantly, the chemistry we share in bed cannot be duplicated in GL.
21-02-2011, 06:03 PM
Haha, yes, rest assured I told her that - except I didn't ask her to fxxk off. Cos I still enjoy the arrangement and don't want to sour the relationship.
Last time, I pay her a fixed monthly income but that wasn’t favorable for me cos she dictates how often I can go to her place to make out. But with a ppf (per per fxxk) arrangement, she begins to want me to go to her place more often than I want to! Haha!
Although what I pay her per sexxion is more than Cat150, it will level off if I stay longer than an hour. If we fxxk for more than 2 hours, then I'm above water - in that sense. This of cos she doesn’t know. So even when I complain to her that her service cost more than the SYTs in GL, I don't really mind.
GL is about 30 mins from my work place, and even longer from my house. Hers' only 10 mins from my house or work place.
GL opens about 1230 with WLs waking up and starting work only around 1pm. For me, I get mine whenever I want - mostly very early in the morning before work, like 630am. Or during lunch hours. Or before I head back home from work. Or at night.
Also most importantly, the chemistry we share in bed cannot be duplicated in GL.
Bro, u shouldn't worry about telling her to fuck off...:D
My experience tells me that even if you tell her to fuck off 10 times in a row, the chances of her actually fucking off is close to ZERO. Of course this presumes that she does harbor some feelings for you OR you are the main source of income for her. :p
Pay per fuck basically makes it a monetary transaction. No different from getting WLs or FLs in my opinion. The only reason why she prefers pay per fuck is that she knows that you will go over to her place most of the time when she calls you to go. In this case, she actually makes more money from you.
You are wrong to say that chemistry in bed cannot be replicated in GL or with other FLs for that matter. It can but you must have a regular gal there.
21-02-2011, 07:56 PM
Bro, u shouldn't worry about telling her to fuck off...:D
My experience tells me that even if you tell her to fuck off 10 times in a row, the chances of her actually fucking off is close to ZERO. Of course this presumes that she does harbor some feelings for you OR you are the main source of income for her. :p
Pay per fuck basically makes it a monetary transaction. No different from getting WLs or FLs in my opinion. The only reason why she prefers pay per fuck is that she knows that you will go over to her place most of the time when she calls you to go. In this case, she actually makes more money from you.
You are wrong to say that chemistry in bed cannot be replicated in GL or with other FLs for that matter. It can but you must have a regular gal there.
Although I don't go for GL bonks but I heard the level of service is tok gong and they can easily give you gf feeling....I am referring to the $150 PRC CAT A ones....since I am retired from KTVs do you have any reccomendations?
21-02-2011, 11:54 PM
Although I don't go for GL bonks but I heard the level of service is tok gong and they can easily give you gf feeling....I am referring to the $150 PRC CAT A ones....since I am retired from KTVs do you have any reccomendations?
Bro, dun bullshit me about your retiring from KTVs lah...:D
Anyway, I have retired from GL $150 for many years already...:p
You may want to check this thread for recommendations:
Nowadays just go for FLs...:rolleyes:
22-02-2011, 12:03 AM
I didn’t answer her. Of cos I want! But only on my terms.
Well said Bro :)
22-02-2011, 09:18 AM
Bro, u shouldn't worry about telling her to fuck off...:D
My experience tells me that even if you tell her to fuck off 10 times in a row, the chances of her actually fucking off is close to ZERO. Of course this presumes that she does harbor some feelings for you OR you are the main source of income for her. :p
Pay per fuck basically makes it a monetary transaction. No different from getting WLs or FLs in my opinion. The only reason why she prefers pay per fuck is that she knows that you will go over to her place most of the time when she calls you to go. In this case, she actually makes more money from you.
You are wrong to say that chemistry in bed cannot be replicated in GL or with other FLs for that matter. It can but you must have a regular gal there.
Haha, yes bro, you are very experienced, yes indeed I have told her off many times but in the end she still ended up coming back but that’s not what I want to do now – to lose my temper or composure (that’s losing control). I’m playing it real cool and nonchalant to test out the theories posted here.
Yes, pay per fuck or pay per month, like prepaid or post-paid phones, they are all monetary transactions, what’s the difference? Except to her, she takes it that I’m just taking care of her. To me, cut to the chase, no need to bullshit me. Yes, she can earn more from me sometimes some months, but not all the time. At least, I don’t pay extra, or have to ask for a sexxion.
Ha, talk about having a regular in GL! All the gals I’ve RTF are retired – all within a year of working there. The latest being Amy from 1654A. She’s such a nice gal: hardworking, unassuming, soft-spoken, polite, sweet and skillful. And then there’s Dou Dou who left even before I had the chance to try her.
22-02-2011, 10:04 AM
Haha, yes bro, you are very experienced, yes indeed I have told her off many times but in the end she still ended up coming back but that’s not what I want to do now – to lose my temper or composure (that’s losing control). I’m playing it real cool and nonchalant to test out the theories posted here.
Yes, pay per fuck or pay per month, like prepaid or post-paid phones, they are all monetary transactions, what’s the difference? Except to her, she takes it that I’m just taking care of her. To me, cut to the chase, no need to bullshit me. Yes, she can earn more from me sometimes some months, but not all the time. At least, I don’t pay extra, or have to ask for a sexxion.
Ha, talk about having a regular in GL! All the gals I’ve RTF are retired – all within a year of working there. The latest being Amy from 1654A. She’s such a nice gal: hardworking, unassuming, soft-spoken, polite, sweet and skillful. And then there’s Dou Dou who left even before I had the chance to try her.
Losing your temper at her is not losing control or losing your composure unless you were never in control of your emotions. If you are never in total control of your emotions, even if you act cool and composed, what's the point? Which theories are you trying to test out? To me, if you know where you stand in this relationship, there is absolutely no necessity to test any theory listed here...:D
Let me give you an example. If you lose your temper at your gal and tell her to fuck off and you fuck off first, do you still harbour the hope that she will come back to you later? If you have that attitude, then sorry, you are not in full control of your emotions.
You feel that by using the pay and fuck method, your gal feels that you are taking care of her???? The way I look at it, I believe she also views it as a monetary transaction. :p
The reason why she is asking you for a pay increment is because she knows that if she asks you long enough, most likely you will agree to it. WLs are not stupid. As long as they do not have any real feelings for you, they will always push the limits of your tolerance.
As for GL, I've not been there for many years already. When I was a regular, they weren't any PRC gals and the legal thai gals were $40...:rolleyes:
22-02-2011, 10:51 AM
Losing your temper at her is not losing control or losing your composure unless you were never in control of your emotions. If you are never in total control of your emotions, even if you act cool and composed, what's the point? Which theories are you trying to test out? To me, if you know where you stand in this relationship, there is absolutely no necessity to test any theory listed here...:D
Let me give you an example. If you lose your temper at your gal and tell her to fuck off and you fuck off first, do you still harbour the hope that she will come back to you later? If you have that attitude, then sorry, you are not in full control of your emotions.
You feel that by using the pay and fuck method, your gal feels that you are taking care of her???? The way I look at it, I believe she also views it as a monetary transaction. :p
The reason why she is asking you for a pay increment is because she knows that if she asks you long enough, most likely you will agree to it. WLs are not stupid. As long as they do not have any real feelings for you, they will always push the limits of your tolerance.
As for GL, I've not been there for many years already. When I was a regular, they weren't any PRC gals and the legal thai gals were $40...:rolleyes:
Goosh, I didn't know my command of English is so poor.
OK, let me try harder.
Losing temper is losing composure. Losing temper is losing control of my emotions. That, of cos, is only my opinion/definition.
What's the point of acting cool? Well, to me, that's to show her who is in control of the whole situation/relationship. Didn't Bro WB once said (or posted here), that the one who shows the least concern controls the relationship? (Or something to that effect?) That, is the theory I'm testing. We didn't started off this way but along the way I made some mistakes, learnt a lot and then I also chanced upon this thread and learned and re-learned many theories so if there's room for change and improvement, I'm going to do it.
If you asked me if I will harbor the feeling of wanting her to come back. Sure. 100%. I don't need to lie to myself. But that doesn't mean she controls me, emotionally. Its only when I succumb to her request, then, yes, you can say she controls me. So no matter how badly I want it - it is only to my interest not to show it because these gals can sense it and capitalize on it! I'm sure you know what I mean.
Ask Bro WB, although I may not know him well, but I sense that even he sometimes will harbor feelings for a few SYTs who play hard to get but as long as he doesn't succumb and is held ransom by them, he is still in control - whether he gets what he wants in the end is not significant. Its only natural for us dirty old men to be horny and want to bonk and bonk, right? We rather move on than give in.
" You feel that by using the pay and fuck method, your gal feels that you are taking care of her???? The way I look at it, I believe she also views it as a monetary transaction."
Yes, every one (me, she) knows it’s a commercial/monetary transaction BUT I said that she would prefer to sugar-coat it by saying its for taking care of her. I just think its all bullshit. Anyways, please re-read my previous post.
22-02-2011, 11:00 AM
Bro, dun bullshit me about your retiring from KTVs lah...:D
Anyway, I have retired from GL $150 for many years already...:p
You may want to check this thread for recommendations:
Nowadays just go for FLs...:rolleyes:
Serious la...used to go 5 times a only 2 times a week...and bonking less and less...I am like you...semi retired....haha...thanks for the thread...looks like only our BRO WB is really going strong!....hehehe
22-02-2011, 11:30 AM
Goosh, I didn't know my command of English is so poor.
OK, let me try harder.
Losing temper is losing composure. Losing temper is losing control of my emotions. That, of cos, is only my opinion/definition.
What's the point of acting cool? Well, to me, that's to show her who is in control of the whole situation/relationship. Didn't Bro WB once said (or posted here), that the one who shows the least concern controls the relationship? (Or something to that effect?) That, is the theory I'm testing. We didn't started off this way but along the way I made some mistakes, learnt a lot and then I also chanced upon this thread and learned and re-learned many theories so if there's room for change and improvement, I'm going to do it.
If you asked me if I will harbor the feeling of wanting her to come back. Sure. 100%. I don't need to lie to myself. But that doesn't mean she controls me, emotionally. Its only when I succumb to her request, then, yes, you can say she controls me. So no matter how badly I want it - it is only to my interest not to show it because these gals can sense it and capitalize on it! I'm sure you know what I mean.
Ask Bro WB, although I may not know him well, but I sense that even he sometimes will harbor feelings for a few SYTs who play hard to get but as long as he doesn't succumb and is held ransom by them, he is still in control - whether he gets what he wants in the end is not significant. Its only natural for us dirty old men to be horny and want to bonk and bonk, right? We rather move on than give in.
" You feel that by using the pay and fuck method, your gal feels that you are taking care of her???? The way I look at it, I believe she also views it as a monetary transaction."
Yes, every one (me, she) knows it’s a commercial/monetary transaction BUT I said that she would prefer to sugar-coat it by saying its for taking care of her. I just think its all bullshit. Anyways, please re-read my previous post.
Ok, maybe let me rephrase what I said previously...:D
Losing temper is losing composure only if you have feelings for the gal. In other words, in a normal relationship when you lose your temper with your significant other, it is because you have feelings for her. In relationships like this, which I had previously, my feelings for my gals are always zilch although they have feelings for me. So whenever I lose my temper at my gal, it's a way to show her whose the boss. End of the day, since I have zero feelings for her, I don't give a damm whether she comes back to me or not. If she comes back, then she has to abide by the rules of the relationship that I set. Whatever happens, I don't lose. :p
If you succumb to the requests of your gal, even if it is only a few times, this shows up as your weakness which she will exploit to no end. Don't be surprised that even if you remain calm and composed, she is able to read you perfectly well. The fact that you tell her to fuck off and yet when she comes back, you accept her again with no conditions attached, shows to her that you were never serious about ending the relationship. Again this is a weakness that she will exploit.
You are correct to say that if a gal plays hard to get, we should just move on.
For Bro WB, his modus operandi is BY-ing the gal, meaning he makes an offer to the gal and if she accepts it, then the gal is his for that period. Of course, there will always be offers and counter offers and of course he may decide not to BY the gal even if she accepts his offer.
I could be wrong, but I believe what Bro WB meant when he said the one who shows the least concern controls the relationship means the one who has the least feelings in the relationship will be the one controlling it. Simply put, if you do not have feelings for the gal but the gal has feelings for you, then you will be in control of the relationship. It is a very simple concept but it is something that most people cannot or are unable to put into practice.
22-02-2011, 11:34 AM
Serious la...used to go 5 times a only 2 times a week...and bonking less and less...I am like you...semi retired....haha...thanks for the thread...looks like only our BRO WB is really going strong!....hehehe
You are like me meh??? :D
I already retired from KTVs/HFJs for many years still going KTV/HFJ hor...:p
I already retired from GL and you are going to start going to how can you be retiring??? :confused:
As for FLs, will probably be quitting soon also...:cool:
22-02-2011, 12:14 PM
Ok, maybe let me rephrase what I said previously...:D
Losing temper is losing composure only if you have feelings for the gal. In other words, in a normal relationship when you lose your temper with your significant other, it is because you have feelings for her. In relationships like this, which I had previously, my feelings for my gals are always zilch although they have feelings for me. So whenever I lose my temper at my gal, it's a way to show her whose the boss. End of the day, since I have zero feelings for her, I don't give a damm whether she comes back to me or not. If she comes back, then she has to abide by the rules of the relationship that I set. Whatever happens, I don't lose. :p
If you succumb to the requests of your gal, even if it is only a few times, this shows up as your weakness which she will exploit to no end. Don't be surprised that even if you remain calm and composed, she is able to read you perfectly well. The fact that you tell her to fuck off and yet when she comes back, you accept her again with no conditions attached, shows to her that you were never serious about ending the relationship. Again this is a weakness that she will exploit.
You are correct to say that if a gal plays hard to get, we should just move on.
For Bro WB, his modus operandi is BY-ing the gal, meaning he makes an offer to the gal and if she accepts it, then the gal is his for that period. Of course, there will always be offers and counter offers and of course he may decide not to BY the gal even if she accepts his offer.
I could be wrong, but I believe what Bro WB meant when he said the one who shows the least concern controls the relationship means the one who has the least feelings in the relationship will be the one controlling it. Simply put, if you do not have feelings for the gal but the gal has feelings for you, then you will be in control of the relationship. It is a very simple concept but it is something that most people cannot or are unable to put into practice.
Bro WB posted tips and gems and methods of chasing (and maintaining relationships with) gals you fancy, gals you want to develop into a relationship, be it normal BGR, BY-ing, ST, ONS.
Least concern or least feelings, what's the difference? Least feelings doesn’t mean no feelings right? If you have no feelings (eg, feeling of wanting to insert your hard on inside her) for a gal to start with, why would you wanna chase her? Or maintain such relationship with her?
Lesser feelings for your gal? Zilch feelings for your gal? But how do you know her feelings for you is more than you for her? How do you know she even has any feelings for you? She is in it for the money no? So "least concern" or "least feelings", to me its just for argument and I won't dwell on it because to me, its quite meaningless.
The message is very simple: don't let your target know she is indispensable. Reason: you will be seen as a loser and be easily manipulated.
22-02-2011, 01:18 PM
Bro WB posted tips and gems and methods of chasing (and maintaining relationships with) gals you fancy, gals you want to develop into a relationship, be it normal BGR, BY-ing, ST, ONS.
Least concern or least feelings, what's the difference? Least feelings doesn’t mean no feelings right? If you have no feelings (eg, feeling of wanting to insert your hard on inside her) for a gal to start with, why would you wanna chase her? Or maintain such relationship with her?
Lesser feelings for your gal? Zilch feelings for your gal? But how do you know her feelings for you is more than you for her? How do you know she even has any feelings for you? She is in it for the money no? So "least concern" or "least feelings", to me its just for argument and I won't dwell on it because to me, its quite meaningless.
The message is very simple: don't let your target know she is indispensable. Reason: you will be seen as a loser and be easily manipulated.
Feelings refers to feelings of love for the gal. :D
Were the gals who were with me previously in for the money? No, I doubt it very much. Unless you are saying the 10K baht I gave monthly to my Thai tirak many years back was a lot of money...:p
How do you know if a gal has any feelings for you? Well, for WLs, if you give them peanuts and they still stick to you regardless of how much shit you give them, then I guess they must have some feelings for you right?
22-02-2011, 01:38 PM
Feelings refers to feelings of love for the gal. :D
Were the gals who were with me previously in for the money? No, I doubt it very much. Unless you are saying the 10K baht I gave monthly to my Thai tirak many years back was a lot of money...:p
How do you know if a gal has any feelings for you? Well, for WLs, if you give them peanuts and they still stick to you regardless of how much shit you give them, then I guess they must have some feelings for you right?
My gal told me she went to her galfriend's condo in Robertson Quay over the weekend. The bf pays $3,800 per month rent for her.
I don't spend that much a month on my gal (sometimes, even less than half of that) and she takes care of her own rent. Granted, I don't give her shit but I don't buy her flowers or gifts. She is still angry with me for not giving her money when she went back to China for the CNY.
She can jolly well find a rich man to BY her for $10K to $20K a month, easily, becos her galfriend doesn't even come close to her in the looks department. (And according to my gal, her gf doesn't enjoy sex with her bf!?!?!?)
I asked her why she still with me? She didn't answer me. So does that mean she has some feelings for me?
22-02-2011, 03:38 PM
My gal told me she went to her galfriend's condo in Robertson Quay over the weekend. The bf pays $3,800 per month rent for her.
I don't spend that much a month on my gal (sometimes, even less than half of that) and she takes care of her own rent. Granted, I don't give her shit but I don't buy her flowers or gifts. She is still angry with me for not giving her money when she went back to China for the CNY.
She can jolly well find a rich man to BY her for $10K to $20K a month, easily, becos her galfriend doesn't even come close to her in the looks department. (And according to my gal, her gf doesn't enjoy sex with her bf!?!?!?)
I asked her why she still with me? She didn't answer me. So does that mean she has some feelings for me?
I gather your gal is still working at the KTV. So she should be easily earning 5K/mth which would cover all her expenses here already. And you are probably giving her around 2K+/mth on average based on what you stated. Also you don't give her any shit which makes it a reasonably ok relationship for her.
Well, you should know how she feels about you. But since you have always maintained that this is a monetary transaction with her, most likely she doesn't want to leave you because you are another source of income for her.
Now my question is how would you feel if one day someone offers to BY her for 10K/mth and she accepts and that is the end of your relationship with her. :p
22-02-2011, 04:34 PM
I gather your gal is still working at the KTV. So she should be easily earning 5K/mth which would cover all her expenses here already. And you are probably giving her around 2K+/mth on average based on what you stated. Also you don't give her any shit which makes it a reasonably ok relationship for her.
Well, you should know how she feels about you. But since you have always maintained that this is a monetary transaction with her, most likely she doesn't want to leave you because you are another source of income for her.
Now my question is how would you feel if one day someone offers to BY her for 10K/mth and she accepts and that is the end of your relationship with her. :p
Yes bro, she still work in Havelock. And yes, I pay/spend on her thereabouts. But she averages $12K a month, including what I pay her. Their shelf life in the industry is very limited (and she's not a SYT anymore) and they know so they will try to earn as much in as short a time as possible. Don't ask me how I know she averages $12K/mth - I will tell you offline, but not here.
Yes, I always maintain that it is a monetary transaction because beneath all the “老公,亲爱的,宝贝”, money is still involved. And I don't mind paying her as long as the sex is still great. I don't want to take advantage of her and I don't want to be taken advantage of.
How would I feel if one day someone offers to BY her for 10K/mth and she accepts? Well, I would be happy for her. Seriously. But if she accepts to be BY for, say, $3K/mth, then I will be pissed - I will see it as she is charging me a premium.
Accepting someone's offer to be BY also doesn't mean end of our great sex. Last year, she was, in a way, BY by another guy who pays her a fixed monthly income (more than $5K/mth I think) on top of showering her with expensive gifts, handbags, pays for her course fees, fetch her to and from school. He, a bachelor, who had all the time in the world, thought she would be loyal to him and be a faithful gf to him. And despite he being in the KTV chionging scene for 18 long years, and knowing how these PRC KTV gals behave, still fell flat on his face - he was dumped by her after half a year. And for 2 months thereafter, stalked her. She had to spend that 2 months convincing him she has all along only treated him nothing more than a paying customer.
During that period when he thought she was his gf who only works at LV but not doing ST, we continued to have sex secretly. There was one night, we were happily pumping away in her house, the guy was in his car making phone calls parked outside her place. We could see his car. Sometimes, he will just stand downstairs to finish his ciggie.
The reason for her "infidelity"? He was lousy in bed. He usually cum within 2 minutes of penetration. I could make her cum many times and I can last way longer than him. At first, I don't believe the guy can be that bad and I always think, maybe she just want me to continue our relationship that’s why always sing praises to me but then, she doesn't really need to do all that right?
OK, that much I will disclose. It is because of all these things, I know I will never BY a gal unless I'm in a situation like Bro WB - I have both the time and money. I don't trust these gals unless she is with me 24/7 or unless the stakes are too high for her to "stray". The sex part shouldn't be a problem because if the chemistry is there, the sex will be good. If the sex is not good, then like what Bro WB say, dump her.
22-02-2011, 07:51 PM
Hi bro TigerB,
I'll be there in early March. Will join u another time.
Where in CP can I find the prettiest SYTs? Any 5-star hotels?
Bro WB
I think the only 5 star hotel now is Yihao... the girls there also command higher fees. Hope you can go again in April..
Check me out and see if I am an Ok guy first.. maybe at one of your HH session.......Have fun.
22-02-2011, 08:42 PM
So many gurus in this thread. Respect. :)
22-02-2011, 09:12 PM
So many gurus in this thread. Respect. :)
So many COS executors in this thread. Respect.:D
23-02-2011, 12:28 AM
So many COS executors in this thread. Respect.:D
Ya and you are the best amongst all of them...:D
23-02-2011, 12:45 AM
Yes bro, she still work in Havelock. And yes, I pay/spend on her thereabouts. But she averages $12K a month, including what I pay her. Their shelf life in the industry is very limited (and she's not a SYT anymore) and they know so they will try to earn as much in as short a time as possible. Don't ask me how I know she averages $12K/mth - I will tell you offline, but not here.
Yes, I always maintain that it is a monetary transaction because beneath all the “老公,亲爱的,宝贝”, money is still involved. And I don't mind paying her as long as the sex is still great. I don't want to take advantage of her and I don't want to be taken advantage of.
How would I feel if one day someone offers to BY her for 10K/mth and she accepts? Well, I would be happy for her. Seriously. But if she accepts to be BY for, say, $3K/mth, then I will be pissed - I will see it as she is charging me a premium.
Accepting someone's offer to be BY also doesn't mean end of our great sex. Last year, she was, in a way, BY by another guy who pays her a fixed monthly income (more than $5K/mth I think) on top of showering her with expensive gifts, handbags, pays for her course fees, fetch her to and from school. He, a bachelor, who had all the time in the world, thought she would be loyal to him and be a faithful gf to him. And despite he being in the KTV chionging scene for 18 long years, and knowing how these PRC KTV gals behave, still fell flat on his face - he was dumped by her after half a year. And for 2 months thereafter, stalked her. She had to spend that 2 months convincing him she has all along only treated him nothing more than a paying customer.
During that period when he thought she was his gf who only works at LV but not doing ST, we continued to have sex secretly. There was one night, we were happily pumping away in her house, the guy was in his car making phone calls parked outside her place. We could see his car. Sometimes, he will just stand downstairs to finish his ciggie.
The reason for her "infidelity"? He was lousy in bed. He usually cum within 2 minutes of penetration. I could make her cum many times and I can last way longer than him. At first, I don't believe the guy can be that bad and I always think, maybe she just want me to continue our relationship that’s why always sing praises to me but then, she doesn't really need to do all that right?
OK, that much I will disclose. It is because of all these things, I know I will never BY a gal unless I'm in a situation like Bro WB - I have both the time and money. I don't trust these gals unless she is with me 24/7 or unless the stakes are too high for her to "stray". The sex part shouldn't be a problem because if the chemistry is there, the sex will be good. If the sex is not good, then like what Bro WB say, dump her.
Well, at least I understand a bit of your relationship with your KTV gal. But in the past I would never have accepted this sort of arrangement though...:D My philosophy has always been that once the gal is with me, then she must be exclusive to me. :D
23-02-2011, 12:17 PM
My dear Guru WB, you have indeed evolved into a Class A predator, thus, kudos to you, Master WarBird;)
My Dear Mr. Chairman,
There r many "gurus" n "masters" at SBF, but only one Chairman.
Ths in large part to u, I hv been making slow progress, one step at a time...and if I'm now a Class A predator, u r the Apex Predator!
Take it as the ultimate compliment, u r like the cold-blooded giant crocodile of the Nile. I pity the hapless prey u hv set ur sights on. Once u pounce on her, what chance does she hv?
Well said bro WB!
Just an update on my issue at hand - my gal’s request to increase her pay (per fxxk) by $100:
Economics (for KTV PRC mms) 101............................................... ..............................................
In the end she said: 你要来就来,不要来就算了。
I didn’t answer her. Of cos I want! But only on my terms.
Hi bro FA,
Way to go! He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Bro WB,
I would put all my successes to BY-ing in the past down to pure and simple luck...
The secret in my opinion for successfully BY-ing or KC-ing a gal is basically to make them feel that they are your one and only during the time when you are BY-ing or KC-ing them. ...
One of my ex cheong buddies once told me, the ultimate in KC-ing a gal is to let yourself fall in love with her but to maintain control of your feelings..........
Hi bro TD,
No no, ur success is not pure luck. Luck favors the prepared mind. You're well prepared bcos u treat all failures as learning experiences.
I dun know, I now always let my gals know that I hv many, many options...
Controlled love is an oxymoron. If a man falls in love w/ a gal, by definition he has lost control of his objectivity n is now addicted to her.
Sometimes, I do allow myself some KC for a gal I like very much. I show that I love her, but I'm not in love w/ her, hehehe.
Bro, I didn't read your previous posts so I'm quite confused by your term "pay per fuck"???
.................................................. ..........
Haha, yes, rest assured I told her that - except I didn't ask her to fxxk off.....................
Also most importantly, the chemistry we share in bed cannot be duplicated in GL.
Bro, u shouldn't worry about telling her to fuck off..............................
You are wrong to say that chemistry in bed cannot be replicated in GL or with other FLs for that matter.....
Although I don't go for GL bonks but I heard the level of service is tok gong....?
How could u retire at such a tender age?!!
Haha, yes bro, you are very experienced...................
Yes, pay per fuck or pay per month, like prepaid or post-paid phones, they are all monetary transactions, what’s the difference? Except to her, she takes it that I’m just taking care of her..........................
Losing your temper at her is not losing control or losing your composure unless you were never in control of your emotions.......................................... ......
You feel that by using the pay and fuck method, your gal feels that you are taking care of her?.....
.................WLs are not stupid. As long as they do not have any real feelings for you, they will always push the limits of your tolerance.
.................................................. .............................................
.................................................. .........
Losing temper is losing composure. Losing temper is losing control of my emotions. That, of cos, is only my opinion/definition.
What's the point of acting cool? .................................................. ................
Serious la...used to go 5 times a week....looks like only our BRO WB is really going strong!....hehehe
I'm doing my best, God willing...
Ok, maybe let me rephrase what I said previously...
Losing temper is losing composure only if you have feelings for the gal............
If you succumb to the requests of your gal, even if it is only a few times, this shows up as your weakness which she will exploit to no end.....
You are correct to say that if a gal plays hard to get, we should just move on........................................ when he said the one who shows the least concern controls the relationship means the one who has the least feelings ..............
You are like me meh??? :D
I already retired from KTVs/HFJs for many years still going KTV/HFJ hor...............................
As for FLs, will probably be quitting soon also...
Pls dun quit. I enjoy ur posts too much.
Bro WB posted tips and gems and methods of chasing (and maintaining relationships with) gals you fancy, gals you want to develop into a relationship.................
Feelings refers to feelings of love for the gal.
Were the gals who were with me previously in for the money? No, I doubt it very much.................................
How do you know if a gal has any feelings for you? ...
My gal told me she went to her galfriend's condo in Robertson Quay over the weekend. The bf pays $3,800 per month rent for her.
.................................................. So does that mean she has some feelings for me?
I gather your gal is still working at the KTV..............................
Now my question is how would you feel if one day someone offers to BY her for 10K/mth and she accepts and that is the end of your relationship with her. :p
Yes bro, she still work in Havelock.................................
Accepting someone's offer to be BY also doesn't mean end of our great sex. ................................
During that period when he thought she was his gf who only works at LV but not doing ST, we continued to have sex secretly.............................
......Have fun.
OK, pls PM me ur ctc. Plan HH at LV this Fri.
So many gurus in this thread. Respect.
Many experienced bros here.
So many COS executors in this thread. Respect.
Isn't giving COS wonderful?
Well, at least I understand a bit of your relationship with your KTV gal............... My philosophy has always been that once the gal is with me, then she must be exclusive to me.
I'm fascinated by the exchange or should I say dialogue between bro TD n bro FA. I hv read their posts carefully. They r very experienced cheongsters n I hv learned a great deal from their insights n wisdom.
My conclusion is that both of them r right. I'll not go into the argument of what is BY-ing, ST-ing, feelings, caring, loving, sextisfaction, etc. It's just a matter of semantics.
Both bros hv their own unique M.O. n their preferred arrangement. And both of them hv enjoyed their RS w/ various gals n both r very successful in their own right.
To each his own. No one method is better or superior. Every man is different, hahaha.
I like to take this oppty to thank n salute bros TD n FA for sharing their very interesting sexploits w/ us here. Pls keep it up!
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......................................
Good afternoon!
My key investment n all the markets hv declined n r still going lower. My loss today is severe. In the last 24 hrs, I hv lost what I could hv used to BY 2 chio SYTs full-time in Xiamen for many, many yrs. Am I still happy? Yeah, if the markets go lower, It would be a great buying oppty.
I hv decided not to BY FF. I'm not going to break the law for any pussy, no matter how beautiful. I'll take her out for dinner as promised. I'm going to french her. I'll wait for her return...
Life is strange. When I search for something diligently, I may not find it for a long time, but when I dun expect anything, what I crave may just pop up from nowhere. That was how I met the gorgeous FF. There is another one.
The other day, I dropped by to say Happy Birthday to a childhood fren at a KTV. I stayed for abt 20 min n was abt to leave, then I saw a gal of my type QQ. She sat w/ me for 12 min n I left. After knowing her for 5 min, I popped the question of ST. And to my surprise n great delight mixed w/ disappointment, she answered: 可以,你很斯文, etc. What so special abt ST w/ her? She is certainly among the very rare KTV gals who do ST n who r also my type. To me, she is the most attractive gal in that category n more attractive than most of my BAO-ees. Rashomon Effect? I hv seen many gals who do ST, including GL cat 150 n FLs, both local n PRCs. Among the GL Cat 150 gals, only the retired Sugar of 2060 n Linda of W06 (?) r comparable. But QQ is a bit taller n has more perky ass n more proportionate figure. I'll up her asap. BTW, she arrived in SG just days ago, according to her passport. She never told me how much yet.
Bro WB
23-02-2011, 01:43 PM
I plan to settle in Xiamen. Pls come to visit me.
BTW, I'll be in HK n SZ to take care of some business early next month. Will go to CP for R & R w/ a Honkgie. Will u be there?
Where in CP can I find the prettiest SYTs? Any 5-star hotels?
Hi bro TigerB,
I'll be there in early March. Will join u another time.
Where in CP can I find the prettiest SYTs? Any 5-star hotels?
SIFU, u in CP early March?? for how many days? can i join if my time permits?
5-star hotel in CP i wld strongly recommend is HuiHua Hotel (汇华酒店) at the junction of 常平大道 & 中元路. here's their website: (chinese ver) (english ver)
pls DO NOT BOOK the hotel room thru tis website cos it's very much expensive. pm me for contacts to book at much more reasonable rate. ;)
the main selling point abt tis hotel is its strategic location; very central & convenient. will share wif u more info abt tis hotel & other info when u pm me. :)
another 5-star hotel i hv heard alot is Ouya hotel (欧亚酒店). here's their website:
likewise, pls DO NOT BOOK the hotel room thru tis website.
23-02-2011, 02:06 PM
hello bro sorry i read your chatting with other bros and have to interrupt,
I'm not BY-ing FF bcos she is only 17 according to her passport. I guess I may hv to add her to the list of gals who hv consented to BY but I wont or couldnt consummate the deal, at least for now. I hv not given up yet since she is so cute n so didi becomes very stiff just thinking of her. I'm checking w/ my lawyers to find a solution. She is leaving SG soon. I may hv to wait till the 2nd half of the yr when she turns 18. If I take her out for dinner n only french her, am I breaking any laws? I'll tell her to apply for a student visa.
bro ,i tot Singapore the minimum age is SIXTEEN so 17 shld be ok????
23-02-2011, 02:08 PM
Well said bro WB!
Just an update on my issue at hand - my gal’s request to increase her pay (per fxxk) by $100:
haha bro and then some more not just that price is not set by "cost increase" but by SUPPLY ,if S$ go up up up then MORE SUPPLY COME and so actually price should go DOWN, not up,correct??? :p if market price cannot match inflation then is HER PROBLEM not yours!!! she shld just fuck more often to make up for increase costs!!!!
but i think if say that to her she even more unhappy hahahaha
23-02-2011, 03:02 PM
Hi bro TD,
No no, ur success is not pure luck. Luck favors the prepared mind. You're well prepared bcos u treat all failures as learning experiences.
I dun know, I now always let my gals know that I hv many, many options...
Controlled love is an oxymoron. If a man falls in love w/ a gal, by definition he has lost control of his objectivity n is now addicted to her.
Sometimes, I do allow myself some KC for a gal I like very much. I show that I love her, but I'm not in love w/ her, hehehe.
How could u retire at such a tender age?!!
I'm fascinated by the exchange or should I say dialogue between bro TD n bro FA. I hv read their posts carefully. They r very experienced cheongsters n I hv learned a great deal from their insights n wisdom.
My conclusion is that both of them r right. I'll not go into the argument of what is BY-ing, ST-ing, feelings, caring, loving, sextisfaction, etc. It's just a matter of semantics.
Both bros hv their own unique M.O. n their preferred arrangement. And both of them hv enjoyed their RS w/ various gals n both r very successful in their own right.
To each his own. No one method is better or superior. Every man is different, hahaha.
I like to take this oppty to thank n salute bros TD n FA for sharing their very interesting sexploits w/ us here. Pls keep it up!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
You are the guru here...not me or Bro FA...:D
You are right that luck always favours the prepared but there are times when the gal has a favourable impression of you right from the start and this makes it much easier to KC her. To me, this is plain luck...:p
I doubt that I'll be able to share more than what I have already done thus far since I've already retired from KC-ing gals since 8 years ago. Currently I do not have the inclination to start KC-ing KTV gals/Pub hostesses/FLs since in the words of Austin Powers, I've lost my mojo....:D
I'm actually considering total retirement now, something that I did a couple of years back but at the end of the day, I came out of retirement last year to the FL scene again.
23-02-2011, 03:55 PM
Well, at least I understand a bit of your relationship with your KTV gal. But in the past I would never have accepted this sort of arrangement though...:D My philosophy has always been that once the gal is with me, then she must be exclusive to me. :D
Dear Bro TD,
Well, I would love to have exclusivity too but since I don't have deep pockets nor want to spend that much time and money... that's the best arrangement I'd ever ask for. But if you know of any PRC syt/milf with good looks and a sexual beast in bed willing to be exclusive for $2 to $3K/mth, let me know ya! Haha, yes I'm a cheapskate but hey, I'm not as rich and established as Bro WB and many other contributors here you know. Got to play within my means. :)
23-02-2011, 03:59 PM
haha bro and then some more not just that price is not set by "cost increase" but by SUPPLY ,if S$ go up up up then MORE SUPPLY COME and so actually price should go DOWN, not up,correct??? :p if market price cannot match inflation then is HER PROBLEM not yours!!! she shld just fuck more often to make up for increase costs!!!!
but i think if say that to her she even more unhappy hahahaha
Bro db26
Haha, that's right! Fuck more often? Haha, cannot lah, lao liao! :p
23-02-2011, 04:03 PM
I'm fascinated by the exchange or should I say dialogue between bro TD n bro FA. I hv read their posts carefully. They r very experienced cheongsters n I hv learned a great deal from their insights n wisdom.
My conclusion is that both of them r right. I'll not go into the argument of what is BY-ing, ST-ing, feelings, caring, loving, sextisfaction, etc. It's just a matter of semantics.
Both bros hv their own unique M.O. n their preferred arrangement. And both of them hv enjoyed their RS w/ various gals n both r very successful in their own right.
To each his own. No one method is better or superior. Every man is different, hahaha.
I like to take this oppty to thank n salute bros TD n FA for sharing their very interesting sexploits w/ us here. Pls keep it up!
Bro WB
To Bro WB:
Please Bro WB, please please please take back your flatteries you have so generously showered upon me for I am but just an insignificant and unworthy little character in your presence. I just hope you are not offended by me hijacking your thread in your absence, haha.
I would love to join you this coming Friday, after the last few unsuccessful attempts to meet up, but I'm down with a very nasty flu and have finally succumbed to taking amoxicillin just yesterday. Things are starting to clear up but I'm afraid the OC will have excuse to lock me up after work on Friday! Darn!
My investments have taken a nasty beating as well but just like you, I'm also happy to buy in cheap should it go down further. I'll see what my bank(er) has say during tomorrow's FOC lunch talk. Would love to follow you and do business in China but like I said, I'm just a small fry unworthy of your time - if only I have 1-hundreth of your wealth and success... sigh... but I'm working on it :)
I have read your post on your lucky charm TC and I've always wanted to post but have always forgotten - go for it bro! Superstition or not, there is no harm because I see in you total self-mastery and self-control. And also, what additional gifts/monies you shower on her is insignificant to you and would not dent your pocket. Afterall, you are the resident guru of this thread and you'd be the last person to lose his mind! Great sex between 2 persons is very hard to come by, especially if we are so picky when it comes to pussies. My gal has the nicest pussy I've seen so far - not offensive clitoris that looks like a mini penis (in fact very small and highly sensitive), no fishy smell, very small and neat libia majora like a baby, where to find right?
23-02-2011, 05:33 PM
Dear Bro TD,
Well, I would love to have exclusivity too but since I don't have deep pockets nor want to spend that much time and money... that's the best arrangement I'd ever ask for. But if you know of any PRC syt/milf with good looks and a sexual beast in bed willing to be exclusive for $2 to $3K/mth, let me know ya! Haha, yes I'm a cheapskate but hey, I'm not as rich and established as Bro WB and many other contributors here you know. Got to play within my means. :)
The only way to get exclusivity and pay peanuts is if you KC the gal and the gal falls in love with you. No other way around this. :D
Anyway I dun know any syts or milfs now. Retired liao...
25-02-2011, 11:05 AM
SIFU, u in CP early March??
.................................................. ..................................................
Hi bro smartke,
Ths so much for the info. You're a true "old CP hand," hehehe.
Only 2 days at the most as I hv to spend a few days in HK n SZ.
bro ,i tot Singapore the minimum age is SIXTEEN..,,
Hi bro,
Not OK if the gal is 17, it's 18 for commercial sex.
You are right that luck always favours the prepared but....
I've lost my mojo.............
Hi bro TD,
Guru? I'm more like an armchair general, hehe.
You still hv ur mojo! Pls continue to share ur wisdom w/ us.
Dear Bro TD,
Well, I would love to have exclusivity too but .. ..............
Hi bro FA,
Not cheapskate but a value cheongster.
I hv come across a no of gals who r asking 3-6 K a month for exclusivity to their pussies, but they want to continue's much harder to ensure their faithfulness.
Please Bro WB, please please please take back your flatteries you have so generously showered upon me............but I'm down with a very nasty flu...............
I have read your post on your lucky charm TC ..........Great sex between 2 persons is very hard to come by, especially if we are so picky when it comes to pussies. My gal has the nicest pussy I've seen so far.............
Hi bro FA,
C'mon, you're too much...ur compliments leave me speechless. Let's just say that we can learn from each other, ok.
Take care of ur flu n rest a few more days.
From ur description of ur gal's pussy, I would characterize hers as 极品 。We hv much in common, hehe. All the gals I BY must hv very pretty n high quality pussies...otherwise I'll drop them after a wk, hehehe.
Fortunately, I hv very little KC for TC or for any other gals.
The only way to get exclusivity and pay peanuts is if you KC the gal and the gal falls in love with you...
Hi bro TD,
Your statement is what I call axiomatic truth. But getting a WL to fall in love w/ a patron is a tall order. Pls continue to share some of ur trade secrets.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Are u being "MONOPULATED" by ur GF/OC/mistress/er nai /lover/FB or the KTV gal/singer u just want to ST or a GL legal gal/FL w/ whom u desire more GFE, etc?
A guru coins the word MONOPULATION in his recent newsletter.
I'll quote him verbatim.
Feeling compelled to give a woman what she wants without any regard at all as to whether your needs are
being met or not? That's not a relationship, that's "monopulation".
A couple of days ago Emily and I were on a live coaching call.
Emily was making a pretty profound point when she busted out
mid-sentence with the word "monopulated".
She quickly paused to correct herself. Right then I asserted, "Hey
wait a minute. Did you mean 'manipulated' or 'monopolized'?
Either word would have worked equally well in that context.
Indeed. As it turned out, Emily needed not correct herself at all.
A new--and deadly accurate, if not exactly scientific--term was born.
So what, then, IS "monopulation"?
Well, picture this...
Boy meets Girl. Boy is instantaneously smitten with Girl, having
(once again) been "clouded by beauty-vision".
Having pre-approved her on sight, basically, it was all he could do
to gather his gonads in a bundle and "ask her out on a date".
Half-heartedly, Girl agrees. After all...she might get a free dinner
out of the deal, if nothing else.
And wouldn't you know it? Once "date night" finally arrives after
a couple sleepless nights the dude spent writhing in anticipation,
Girl flakes out on him.
Errr...I mean, um...he FINALLY gets in front of her. (Yeah, that's it...)
Okay, so go figure...Girl actually finds Boy charming, in a nervous
sort of way.
And best of all (from both of their perspectives, for what it's
worth), Boy pretty much plunked down his entire life savings to
take Girl to some fancy-pants steakhouse that rhymes, ironically
enough, with "Youth's Bliss".
Obviously, Girl senses a solid opportunity to have a "nice friend".
...And one who gives her stuff, no less. All the better.
And hey, Boy seems to be ALL ABOUT giving her whatever she wants of
his own volition. No worries.
So....just as sort of an "insurance policy", Girl is sure to turn on
the "feminine wiles", presenting herself to be just about as sexy
as humanly possible.
And thus the cycle begins and continues for days, weeks or even
months...depending on how long it takes Boy to finally get over the
delusion that he might FINALLY get to kiss her someday.
(What, you were expecting MORE? You've got to be kidding.)
What happened here? Boy got MONOPULATED by Girl, that's what.
Not only did Girl manipulate the boy into giving her exactly what
SHE wanted, they had an "exclusive relationship".
In this case, that means the "relationship" was "exclusively" about
meeting HER needs.
Her needs monopolized everyone's attention. Boy didn't get
ANYTHING he wanted out of the deal, unless you can somehow include
"getting to be seen with a hottie."
(And If that qualifies as a balanced relationship where everyone is
deserving what they want, then I strongly encourage you to call me
for live 1-on-1 coaching RIGHT NOW.)
Need another example, just to be sure?
OK, here goes.
This time, Boy meets Girl as before, but there's a different twist.
Boy thinks Girl is "okay", but since he hasn't been seeing much
"action" lately, he goes ahead and decides to hang out with her
just for the heck of it.
Meanwhile, Girl feels her "biological clock" ticking, and is on a
mission to find a husband with a quickness.
Girl finds Boy to be a "nice" guy. He appears to be good "husband
And to her utter joy, she can't help but discern during their
"first date" that he really isn't finding it so easy to get a
girlfriend, for whatever reason.
Following logically, Girl guesses that Boy must be pretty desperate
for sex.
This really couldn't be more to Girl's delight as it plays directly
into her favor.
Therefore, girl turns up the flirtation and hints just a bit (i.e.
just enough) that she could be sexually interested.
Boy gets hot under the collar.
Girl makes it perfectly clear that she's looking for a "marriage
minded" guy and isn't going to "give it up" until she's in a
committed relationship.
So, of course, guy declares a civil war on himself inside his own
head. The battle rages between the "just have sex with her
already" faction and the "but dude...she's not exactly what you're
looking for, is she?" faction.
But the last thing Boy thinks to do is walk away.
A week later they're going steady. But five weeks later they're
still NOT GOING all the way.
Nevertheless, three months later he stumbles into a jewelry store
that rhymes with "Jails" and buys a diamond ring...on a payment plan.
They have sex.
A week later they go ahead and buy a house together.
Four more months later, the princess wedding of Girl's dreams
happens...because that's how long it took to plan it.
Boy wakes up on the second night of the honeymoon in a cold sweat.
He wonders how this all happened so fast....or AT ALL, for that
She stops having sex with him, except when absolutely necessary.
Is it because she senses he really doesn't want to be there?
Who knows? But they still have mortgage payments together, and
he's still making payments on the ring.
You got it...monopulation.
With that, there you now have two examples.
Now, to be clear--and to obviate the need for some of the e-mails
some of you are probably already typing--let me drop two quick notes
on you.
1) Monopulation is NOT GENDER SPECIFIC
We as guys can monopulate the heck out of women, if we're
opportunistic Idiot/Jerks (aka I/Js) and they're as weak-willed and
desperate as Boy is above.
But this is a newsletter that's primarily written for men, so all
of you ladies who are reading this anyway are going to have to keep
that in mind for now.
Suffice it to say, however, that any man who dangles "relationship"
in front of a woman who sees him as Prince Charming just so he can
add her to his Booty Call Harem (aka BCH) is a monopulator.
And just as importantly...
2) ...all male/female relationships are NOT lousy with monopulation
Come on, now. You're talking to a married dating coach here.
Of course I believe that men and women can, and should, embark upon
healthy relationships together.
But solid relationships that last are usually built between two
people who are both CHOOSERS, without a CHASER in sight.
It's when you have a CHOOSER who has found a "live one" in the form
of a CHASER that problems potentially arise. There's a severe risk
in that scenario that the chooser may not be able to resist the
urge to monopulate the chaser.
The simple (but not always easy) solution to ending monopulation
Deserve what you want.
That always involves being the kind of man who the woman you want
is going to want in return. But it ALSO involves being able to
SELECT the right kind of woman instead of the wrong one.
So enough already about how we can completely starcross our
interactions with women by painting ourselves into the monopulation
corner, right?
Be Good,
Mr. Guru
25-02-2011, 12:25 PM
Hi bro TD,
Guru? I'm more like an armchair general, hehe.
You still hv ur mojo! Pls continue to share ur wisdom w/ us.
Hi bro FA,
Not cheapskate but a value cheongster.
I hv come across a no of gals who r asking 3-6 K a month for exclusivity to their pussies, but they want to continue's much harder to ensure their faithfulness.
Hi bro TD,
Your statement is what I call axiomatic truth. But getting a WL to fall in love w/ a patron is a tall order. Pls continue to share some of ur trade secrets.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Are u being "MONOPULATED" by ur GF/OC/mistress/er nai /lover/FB or the KTV gal/singer u just want to ST or a GL legal gal/FL w/ whom u desire more GFE, etc?
A guru coins the word MONOPULATION in his recent newsletter.
I'll quote him verbatim.
Feeling compelled to give a woman what she wants without any regard at all as to whether your needs are
being met or not? That's not a relationship, that's "monopulation".
Be Good,
Mr. Guru
Bro WB,
You are one of the most successful in BY-ing gals here. How can you be a armchair general? :p
I've had no interest in KC-ing gals anymore since 8 years ago. Probably age has caught up with me and I no longer feel that it is worth the time and effort to go down this route.
My view is that it is not much point to BY gals for 3-6K per month and yet allow them to continue working if you have no way of ensuring their faithfulness. In this type of commercial transaction, it is best to pay them less and allow them to work as they please.
Getting WLs to fall in love with you is extremely tough to say the least. You need a lot of patience, time and energy in order to peel away their numerous layers of protection before you can get to their core. KTV gals and pub hostesses are easier targets since you can allow them to continue working as long as they are exclusive to you. FLs on the other hand is extremely tough as once they stop working, they lose all their income.
People tend to have the mistaken idea that KC-ing WLs is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have to understand that these gals are not here to find bfs or fall in love, they are here specifically to make as much money as they can before returning home. Simply put, if you want them to fall in love with you, then you will have to offer them a proposition that they can't refuse. :D
25-02-2011, 12:45 PM
Bro db26
Haha, that's right! Fuck more often? Haha, cannot lah, lao liao! :p
hahaha bro but then that also her problem right ,she never work hard sexy enough to make your cock hard again and fuck her again!!! if she do that can earn more money ,not just sit there open mouth and ask for money right!!! :D
Hi bro,
Not OK if the gal is 17, it's 18 for commercial sex.
orrrrhhh..... i never know :p
eh ,but then her visa is not for a fuck job right ,it is a student visa or whatever visa ,so cannot say that being paid for "commercial sex" anyway right????? must anyway say that she is letting you fuck her because she LUUUUUV you and you only buying her presents because you luv her too right? :D
25-02-2011, 04:36 PM
hahaha bro but then that also her problem right ,she never work hard sexy enough to make your cock hard again and fuck her again!!! if she do that can earn more money ,not just sit there open mouth and ask for money right!!! :D
orrrrhhh..... i never know :p
eh ,but then her visa is not for a fuck job right ,it is a student visa or whatever visa ,so cannot say that being paid for "commercial sex" anyway right????? must anyway say that she is letting you fuck her because she LUUUUUV you and you only buying her presents because you luv her too right? :D
what most ppl want the least is to get into this type of mess for a min of enjoyment..
27-02-2011, 09:34 AM
You are one of the most successful in BY-ing gals here. How can you be a armchair general?
I've had no interest in KC-ing gals anymore since 8 years ago. Probably age has caught up with me and I no longer feel that it is worth the time and effort to go down this is best to pay them less and allow them to work as they please.
Getting WLs to fall in love with you is extremely tough to say the least. You need a lot of patience, time and energy in order to peel away their numerous layers of protection before you can get to their core. KTV gals and pub hostesses are easier target......
People tend to have the mistaken idea that KC-ing WLs is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth............if you want them to fall in love with you, then you will have to offer them a proposition that they can't refuse. :D
Hi bro TD,
I hv some experience in BY-ing, whereas I hv zero experience in KC-ing...
Yes, I do get the pussies but it's all due to the fact that I'm not afraid to spend money.
Ths for sharing some of ur insights on KC-ing. A proposition they can't refuse? Like promising to marry them? It could work for the younger bros here, hehe.
orrrrhhh..... i never know :p
eh ,but then her visa is not for a fuck job right ,it is a student visa or whatever visa ,so cannot say that being paid for "commercial sex" anyway right????? must anyway say that she is letting you fuck her because she LUUUUUV you and you only buying her presents because you luv her too right?
Haha, will anyone believe the fantasy? A gorgeous 17 yo SYT falling in love w/ a lao chi pek at 1st sight?
what most ppl want the least is to get into this type of mess for a min of enjoyment..
U got it right. Why take the risk?
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............
Good morning!
Due to my tight schedule, I'll not be able to post for at least 1 wk.
Pls continue to post n to share...this is not my thread, it's yours n it's every samster's.
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
27-02-2011, 11:40 AM
Dear Bro TD,
if you know of any PRC syt/milf with good looks and a sexual beast in bed willing to be exclusive for $2 to $3K/mth, let me know ya! Haha, yes I'm a cheapskate but hey, I'm not as rich and established as Bro WB and many other contributors here you know. Got to play within my means. :)
yo pokets is much deeper den me, 6x mo...:o;)
27-02-2011, 07:25 PM
Bro, maybe you wanna share wif me the number or name of this singer or both.
I will get you all the intel you need.
FYI, current batch of singers, many are at their halfway mark liao, so those without 老公's are very stressed up cos their showtime is nearing, thus a very good time to capitalise on this mood of desperation!
FYI, LV requirement is a min of 5k on their show nites
Ah sorry senior Bro for missing this out - just logged in today after a shagginglicious week with the CI MILF - and work, to pay for all the $ex!!!
To protect the innocent, will pm you on the singer. Kudos to you!!
BTW brudders, if u have a few bucks to spare n splash in the Chinatown vicinity for non-budget long, unhurried discreet non-H81 bangs, apart from Hotel Ft Canning, there is also RE! (just beside Landmark Tower - but v v high occupancy so better call ahead), Hotel Scarlet (v sexy/kinky setting n feel, w/ great open air bar/ Med restaurant if your gal / u smoke(s) - quiet and private) n Hotel 1929, New Majestic (v interesting decor), Club Hotel (modernistic feel - just beside the Ministry of ND). Recommend u call ahead as they are often heavily booked.
27-02-2011, 07:48 PM
Great sex between 2 persons is very hard to come by, especially if we are so picky when it comes to pussies. My gal has the nicest pussy I've seen so far - not offensive clitoris that looks like a mini penis (in fact very small and highly sensitive), no fishy smell, very small and neat libia majora like a baby, where to find right?
Quite right dude - my 1st long time mainland baoee was exactly per the description down there, the current one in PRC same same. The problem with some of the recent STs, potential baoees, my SG FB is exactly that issue of finding out that the right face atop the wrong bod!!! Was just sharing with a cheong pal if only there was a way to swap/ fuse face, bod, personality and mei mei of our targets w/o all the initial investment just to get the mm down to her birthday suit for the final feature check!!!
Have found that even age is no assurance no fishy or flabby love canal ... that's why I guess it's still better to keep in circulation till the perfect 10 shows up ... if ever ...
27-02-2011, 09:02 PM
Ah sorry senior Bro for missing this outTo protect the innocent, will pm you on the singer. Kudos to you!!
Pls refer to your PM bro, all the info & intel you need is in there.
Happy killing........
28-02-2011, 09:17 AM
Hi bro TD,
I hv some experience in BY-ing, whereas I hv zero experience in KC-ing...
Yes, I do get the pussies but it's all due to the fact that I'm not afraid to spend money.
Ths for sharing some of ur insights on KC-ing. A proposition they can't refuse? Like promising to marry them? It could work for the younger bros here, hehe.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............
Good morning!
Due to my tight schedule, I'll not be able to post for at least 1 wk.
Pls continue to post n to share...this is not my thread, it's yours n it's every samster's.
Ths n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Promising to marry them??? Definately a NO GO...:D Say that and it will come back to haunt you in future...:p
If people were to ask me now, which is better? By-ing or KC-ing a WL/FL. I would say if you have the money, then BY-ing is a much better option. If you don't have the money or are unwilling to pay market rates for BY-ing a WL/FL, then find yourself a regular WL/FL. You will be able to get good service and probably gfe after a couple of times also. KC-ing WL/FL is not something I recommend doing because the consequences are very dire if you lose your rationality during the period when you are KC-ing the WL/FL or after you have successfully KC-ed the WL/FL.
28-02-2011, 10:11 AM
I hv come across a no of gals who r asking 3-6 K a month for exclusivity to their pussies, but they want to continue's much harder to ensure their faithfulness.
From ur description of ur gal's pussy, I would characterize hers as 极品 。We hv much in common, hehe. All the gals I BY must hv very pretty n high quality pussies...otherwise I'll drop them after a wk, hehehe.
Bro Warbird, for the price I'm willingly to pay, $2-3K a month, I don't expect faithfulness. Come on, we have to be realistic - can they survive on that one source of income alone? I don't want commitments - whether to give or to expect. And yes, my gal has the most perfect and nice looking pussy I've seen thus far. I've tried searching for a pic of such a pussy but I've found none yet.
Quite right dude - my 1st long time mainland baoee was exactly per the description down there, the current one in PRC same same. The problem with some of the recent STs, potential baoees, my SG FB is exactly that issue of finding out that the right face atop the wrong bod!!! Was just sharing with a cheong pal if only there was a way to swap/ fuse face, bod, personality and mei mei of our targets w/o all the initial investment just to get the mm down to her birthday suit for the final feature check!!!
Have found that even age is no assurance no fishy or flabby love canal ... that's why I guess it's still better to keep in circulation till the perfect 10 shows up ... if ever ...
Bro Dragonkeep… sometimes I wonder if we are talking about the same gal. I mean, the way we describe our gals, and the sexperience, its so uncanningly similar that I will not be surprised if our gal is actually the same person! Seriously. Hahaha.
And yes, I’m so used to my gal’s baby-like and odorless pussy that I find it repulsive when I see one with (even ever-so slightly) draping lips and/or protruding clitoris.
There can never be a perfect 10, for fussy guys like us anyways – we have to weigh the pros and cons and seek a balance. I used to have a SG FB who is so horny who can be turn on at will (both mentally and getting wet down south), can fxxk at any time, any where (even blow me while I was driving her car), swallows every single drop every single time and does anal. She cum easily – during a morning sexxion, I made her cum 10 times (while I came 3 times). She was tall – 1.70+m and a head of department. Perfect right? The only problem was she has BO down there. She refuses to be painted down there but sometimes when I’m too horny and paint her, she will cum in a few seconds!
04-03-2011, 05:14 AM
She refuses to be painted down there but sometimes when I’m too horny and paint her, she will cum in a few seconds!
This BO is bacterial induced bro. Ask her to wash that area more often and jet spray water into her pussy during wash to maintain hygiene. It is also strongly recommended that she shaves so that bacteria build up in the pubic area will also be reduced.
07-03-2011, 10:27 AM
................unhurried discreet non-H81 bangs, apart from Hotel Ft Canning........
Ths so much for sharing ur info.
.......................finding out that the right face atop the wrong bod!!!...........................
Have found that even age is no assurance no fishy or flabby love canal ... that's why I guess it's still better to keep in circulation till the perfect 10 shows up ... if ever ...
Very difficult to find the right face joined to the right body, hehe.
I'm also biding my time...I plan to spend half my time in PRC...must BY a few pretty uni students of my type.
Bro WB,
Promising to marry them??? Definately a NO GO...Say that and it will come back to haunt you in future...
If people were to ask me now, which is better? By-ing or KC-ing a WL/FL. I would say if you have the money, then BY-ing is a much better option. If you don't have the money or are unwilling to pay market rates for BY-ing a WL/FL, then find yourself a regular WL/FL. You will be able to get good service and probably gfe after a couple of times also. KC-ing WL/FL is not something I recommend doing because the consequences are very dire if you lose your rationality during the period when you are KC-ing the WL/FL or after you have successfully KC-ed the WL/FL.
Hi bro TD,
Ths for ur expert advice.
In every BY-ing RS, some KC-ing is ineluctable n it often happens inadvertently or, shall I say, unintentionally...
Yes, KC-ing a WL may hv dire consequences. But some men r able to KC a gal w/o even trying...n they often get into lots of trouble, hehe.
Bro Warbird, for the price I'm willingly to pay, $2-3K a month, I don't expect faithfulness. Come on, we have to be realistic - can they survive on that one source of income alone? ......................... The only problem was she has BO down there.......
Hi bro FA,
You're a realist n a tactician.
However, for 3K a month, some gals will swear that they will not get fxked by any other men, although they must continue to work. It's very difficult to verify their faithfulness, however.
Among my many BAO-ees, only KK had a slight smell in her pussy once, when she came directly from school to meet me. I told her to wash it w/ a mild liquid soap n water twice daily n it never recurred.
This BO is bacterial induced bro. Ask her to wash that area more often and jet spray water into her pussy during wash to maintain hygiene. It is also strongly recommended that she shaves so that bacteria build up in the pubic area will also be reduced.
There r three main causes of unpleasant pussy smell: 1) Poor hygiene. Highly treatable by frequent washings. 2) Vaginitis/vaginosis, due to bacterial, yeast or trichomonas infections, etc. Curable by appropriate medications n 3) Foreign bodies. Just remove them!
Any gyne doc here?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Just returned from HK, SZ n CP. My trip was part business n part pleasure.
BB flew from Fuzhou to SZ n took the train to be w/ me in HK. Went to SZ to take care of some business n had lunch there w/ a business associate from Gotham City n a Hongkie fren ZW. Took the oppty to invite a 23 yo Hubei gal JK whom I met thru MSN to join us. When I 1st saw her, my heart skipped several beats! She looked stunningly beautiful n sexy, prettier than her pics...n even video calling didn't do her beauty justice. ZW, even though he visits CP every month, was very impressed n sexcited due to her curvaceous figure n classy looks. BTW, JK is a sales rep for a drug company n a non-WL. She used to hv a HK BF who was in his late 40s. She is looking for a BF... I hv invited her to come to SG, despite her age.
CP was actually a slight letdown for me. Due to my heavy schedule, I could only manage a day trip w/ my faithful HK fren ZW n was taken to 3 saunas by an agent.
My overall impression of gals in CP? There is quantity n service is very good, but the quality is so-so only w/ rare gems here n there. Of course KTVs offer many more gals n perhaps more gems. The gal I picked was actually not bad at all, but after the session I saw ZW's gal LL n was quite attracted to her! I paid for ZW's gal plus his rm charges bcos he was so kind to accompany me there. LL is a cute n demure 19 yo SYT from Hubei (another Hubei gal!), who started work only a few days ago. She is 165, abt 48 Kg w/ very nice figure n boobs. Nice small bony frame n legs. I got her HP n QQ n I'm also inviting her to come to SG, hehe.
BTW, I did meet up w/ a SBF bro Woody who was kind enuff to drive BB n me to Victoria's Peak for sightseeing n dinner. The view was stunning n panoramic! BB's pic taken at the Peak was beautiful. He is also on the lookout for SYTs of my type. Ths bro Woody!!
Back to some issues w/ BY-ing n KC-ing.
I like to add that even a very youthful n pretty face, great figure of my type plus very attractive, pink, wet n tight pussy could still be unsatisfactory unless I could give her COS quite easily n she in turn could service me w/o inhibitions....n she must never say no to whatever I want, hahaha.
KC-ing is a very complex subject.
IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period. It makes no difference if she is a WL/FL or non-WL. Her age, educational level n social-economic status r totally irrelevant. He really doesn't need to say or do anything special or be nice to her. He can even treat her quite badly. She will fall for him bcos she can't help it, hehehe.
The gorgeous FF has returned to Fujian. I had lunch w/ her. I told her how much her monthly allowance will be when she returns here on her 18th birthday. She wanted me to BY her right here n now! It took very good self mastery to say NO to such a chio SYT. I did manage to kiss her in my car, haha. BTW, she did meet a few of my frens. She told me: 他们说你很坏. I know what they hv told her: Bro WB is a hunter-predator of SYTs, he has many GFs n he loves to give them COS, he likes young n pretty gals like u, etc. It actually helps me, I believe, judging from what has happened. She is the one who always initiates ctc w/ me...
TC (now in PRC) is not happy that I wont be back to SG until early May. She wants to accompany me to Gotham City! She is also distressed that real estate prices r still rising in her small town in Fujian. I told her to relax as housing prices should decline by 20-30% within one yr, haha.
My 1st BAO-ee XW n the SH songbird CD also hv returned to SG recently. They hv extended their student visa.
Your feedback n criticisms r always appreciated.
Bro WB
07-03-2011, 12:07 PM
Hi bro TD,
Ths for ur expert advice.
In every BY-ing RS, some KC-ing is ineluctable n it often happens inadvertently or, shall I say, unintentionally...
Yes, KC-ing a WL may hv dire consequences. But some men r able to KC a gal w/o even trying...n they often get into lots of trouble, hehe.
KC-ing is a very complex subject.
IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period. It makes no difference if she is a WL/FL or non-WL. Her age, educational level n social-economic status r totally irrelevant. He really doesn't need to say or do anything special or be nice to her. He can even treat her quite badly. She will fall for him bcos she can't help it, hehehe.
Your feedback n criticisms r always appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
You are correct to say that in By-ing, some degree of KC-ing always occurs, whether by design or unintentionally. However, since the act of BY-ing is a commercial transaction, the chances of the guy getting sucked into a trap laid by the gal is really slim.
KC-ing WLs/FLs leads to trouble 99% of the time. I have witnessed this with many of my buddies who are experienced cheongsters. The main problem is that after a while, they lose their rationality in the KC relationship and once that happens, they sink deeper and deeper into the hole that they have dug for themselves. Sad to say, it is always almost next to impossible to get them to snap out of their dreams. By the time they have woken up, they would have lost not only their money but their gals also.
I have seen and met many WLs/FLs who are very easily KCed. But if you were to think with your big head, you will see through their act immediately. In short, a gal who is easily KCed is just putting an act to get your money.
Successfully KC-ing a gal means different things to different people. For some, they believe they have successfully KC-ed a gal when she says that she loves him...and that happens when they meet the second time...:D
For others, they say that it is successful when the gals finally agrees to stop working and be with them full time. But the thing they always forget to mention is that they are paying the gals 10K/mth for that. :p
07-03-2011, 12:40 PM
This BO is bacterial induced bro. Ask her to wash that area more often and jet spray water into her pussy during wash to maintain hygiene. It is also strongly recommended that she shaves so that bacteria build up in the pubic area will also be reduced.
No worries bro. she is history - we parted and she is married.
Hi bro FA,
You're a realist n a tactician.
However, for 3K a month, some gals will swear that they will not get fxked by any other men, although they must continue to work. It's very difficult to verify their faithfulness, however.
Among my many BAO-ees, only KK had a slight smell in her pussy once, when she came directly from school to meet me. I told her to wash it w/ a mild liquid soap n water twice daily n it never recurred.
There r three main causes of unpleasant pussy smell: 1) Poor hygiene. Highly treatable by frequent washings. 2) Vaginitis/vaginosis, due to bacterial, yeast or trichomonas infections, etc. Curable by appropriate medications n 3) Foreign bodies. Just remove them!
Bro WB
Hahaha, yes bro WB, I'm a realist.
$3K a month and swear she will not get fxxked by other men? Easy, no need to verify - I will never believe. Like I mentioned before, my gal gets more than twice that amount from an experienced cheongster (a bachelor who swear to take care of her, maybe even marry her) but she still ask me to go to her place for fxxking sexxions and in the end, dumped him. Do I think I'm really that good or a sex god? I don't. I'm not deluded. I don't need faithfulness. I want to good fxxk.
Last Friday, I asked her out for lunch. Boy, was she stunning! I told her she must be in love to look so different. Anyways, after lunch I sent her home and I went up to her place. We petted heavily and I painted her till she cummed. She was screaming in ecstasy and when she was done, she wanted to blow me and expected me to follow through with sex. She took out a condom from her drawer and ripped open the packaging. I told her no, not unless she accepts my terms.
I left without doing the act. She's a tough nut to crack but I aint gonna give in. I got my rocks off in GL, which she half suspects but who cares? Its my way or the highway. She must still be bitter for me not giving her any money when she returned to China for CNY that's why she uses the "pay raise" to get back at me.
BO down there can also be caused by menses.
CP was actually a slight letdown for me. Due to my heavy schedule, I could only manage a day trip w/ my faithful HK fren ZW n was taken to 3 saunas by an agent.
Bro WB
bro wb sorry u did not enjoy your trip...and very sorry i did not get the chance to see u...when u call me i was on the transport on the way back to sg.was your agent sam?did he do his part?i had seen him in cp and told him to take good care of u....:confused:
08-03-2011, 05:39 PM
Hi Bro Warbird
Didn't realize you had another fabulous meeting with a stunning beauty from Hubei ...I should have accepted your dinner invitation...pity that I had to join my mamasan lunchbox for dinner in Shenzhen that evening who is another stunning beauty, hahaha....
09-03-2011, 11:31 AM
Bro WB,
You are correct to say that in By-ing, some degree of KC-ing always occurs, whether by design or unintentionally. However, since the act of BY-ing is a commercial transaction, the chances of the guy getting sucked into a trap laid by the gal is really slim.
KC-ing WLs/FLs leads to trouble 99% of the time..............
I have seen and met many WLs/FLs who are very easily KCed. But if you were to think with your big head, you will see through their act immediately. In short, a gal who is easily KCed is just putting an act to get your money.
Successfully KC-ing a gal means different things to different people. For some, they believe they have successfully KC-ed a gal when she says that she loves him...
For others, they say that it is successful when the gals finally agrees to stop working and be with them full time. But the thing they always forget to mention is that they are paying the gals 10K/mth for that..
Bro TD,
There is usually a lot more KC in a BY-ing RS than in ST-ing, regardless of whether the gal is a WL/FL, KTV gal/singer, student, etc. n regardless of her former/usual occupation.
Of course, most cases of exclusive BY-ing r strictly commercial transactions. But the BAO-er must like the gal to BY her n the gal must hv at least some liking for him. Whereas ST-ing is 100% pure commercial transaction, at least initially...
Most of my BAO-ees hv never done ST before n the biggest complaint they hv against me is that I treat our RS as pure business transactions. KK was the 1st one to say that. Couple of others complain that I only want to fxk them n that I'm unromantic (不浪漫), hehe. They all want me treat them like real GFs or mistresses...
IMHO, it's much easier to get KC-ed by the gal in BY-ing than in ST-ing.
What is a successful KC? IMHO, it's when a gal is truly addicted to a man financially, emotionally n sexually. She is in love w/ him n will do just abt anything for him. She will be in severe emotional pain n may contemplate suicide if he dumps her. She will sleep n eat poorly for wks if not months...
Anything less is partial KC, at best.
Hahaha, yes bro WB, I'm a realist.
$3K a month and swear she will not get fxxked by other men? Easy, no need to verify........................... I don't need faithfulness. I want to good fxxk.............................................
BO down there can also be caused by menses.
Bro FA,
I admire ur candor, haha.
The smell from normal menses is different...
bro wb sorry u did not enjoy your trip...and very sorry i did not get the chance to see u...when u call me i was on the transport on the way back to sg.was your agent sam?did he do his part?i had seen him in cp and told him to take good care of u....
Hi bro n733,
No, I used another agent.
I did enjoy my trip to CP, though not as much as I had hoped for due primarily to my high expectations n time constraint. I hope to go again in July. Will try ur fren Sam.
Hi Bro Warbird
Didn't realize you had another fabulous meeting with a stunning beauty from Hubei ...I should have accepted your dinner invitation...pity that I had to join my mamasan lunchbox for dinner in Shenzhen that evening who is another stunning beauty, hahaha....
Dear Bro Woody,
Dun worry, we shall meet again. Next time, wherever we r, I like to take u to dinner, hopefully accompanied by 2 stunning beauties, one for u n one for me, hahaha.
The other day, I took a close look at ur new business card n I was most impressed w/ ur impeccable credentials! I also envy that u are domiciled in HK. It's a prosperous, safe n cosmopolitan city, n best of all, it's in close proximity to unlimited supply of pretty PRC gals. It's very easy for them to get a pass to come to HK to spend a few days w/ u. BTW, one can take non-stopped train from Kowloon to CP in 70 min. You do hv an unfair advantage, hehehe. How to compete?
I'm in ctc w/ the cute 20 yo gal u intro me. We r frens even n though she is not my type as she is only 158. I'll try to intro some frens to BY her in SG n in turn she will intro some taller gals to me for BY. She is only asking 20K RMB to be kept exclusively in SG. She doesn't know anyone who is in or has been to SG n she doesn't even hv a passport. Of course her travel expenses n rental in SG should be covered by the patron. I actually told her she should demand 25K RMB a month, hehe.
Cheers n hope to see u soon.
Bro WB
09-03-2011, 12:02 PM
Bro TD,
There is usually a lot more KC in a BY-ing RS than in ST-ing, regardless of whether the gal is a WL/FL, KTV gal/singer, student, etc. n regardless of her former/usual occupation.
Of course, most cases of exclusive BY-ing r strictly commercial transactions. But the BAO-er must like the gal to BY her n the gal must hv at least some liking for him. Whereas ST-ing is 100% pure commercial transaction, at least initially...
Most of my BAO-ees hv never done ST before n the biggest complaint they hv against me is that I treat our RS as pure business transactions. KK was the 1st one to say that. Couple of others complain that I only want to fxk them n that I'm unromantic (不浪漫), hehe. They all want me treat them like real GFs or mistresses...
IMHO, it's much easier to get KC-ed by the gal in BY-ing than in ST-ing.
What is a successful KC? IMHO, it's when a gal is truly addicted to a man financially, emotionally n sexually. She is in love w/ him n will do just abt anything for him. She will be in severe emotional pain n may contemplate suicide if he dumps her. She will sleep n eat poorly for wks if not months...
Anything less is partial KC, at best.
I'm in ctc w/ the cute 20 yo gal u intro me. We r frens even n though she is not my type as she is only 158. I'll try to intro some frens to BY her in SG n in turn she will intro some taller gals to me for BY. She is only asking 20K RMB to be kept exclusively in SG. She doesn't know anyone who is in or has been to SG n she doesn't even hv a passport. Of course her travel expenses n rental in SG should be covered by the patron. I actually told her she should demand 25K RMB a month, hehe.
Cheers n hope to see u soon.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
There definitely is a lot more KC in BY-ing than in ST-ing but much less than if the guy were to try to KC the gal.
For gals who have not done any ST before or never worked as a FL previously, I suspect that they treat By-ing as the BAO-er keeping them as a mistress. If this is the case, then definitely they expect the BAO-er to be romantic.
Successfully KC-ing is basically getting the gal to fall deeply in love with you. But it brings it's own set of problems especially when you decide to break up with her later. For me, I prefer to lead a simple life now so no By-ing or KC-ing gals anymore.
By-ing a gal for 20K RMB a month in SG is considered cheap. She is sure to have many takers.
09-03-2011, 12:26 PM
Bro WB,
There definitely is a lot more KC in BY-ing than in ST-ing but much less than if the guy were to try to KC the gal.
For gals who have not done any ST before or never worked as a FL previously, I suspect that they treat By-ing as the BAO-er keeping them as a mistress. If this is the case, then definitely they expect the BAO-er to be romantic.
Successfully KC-ing is basically getting the gal to fall deeply in love with you. But it brings it's own set of problems..................................
By-ing a gal for 20K RMB a month in SG is considered cheap. She is sure to have many takers.
Bro TD,
Ths for ur opinion.
I'm learning to be more romantic, hehe...who says u can't teach an old dog new tricks?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
The 20 yo Hunan gal JK is quite slim, 158 n 40 kg. I hv her body shot which shows a very proportionate figure n very small bony frame. She does not know the going rates for full-time BY-ing in SG. If a prospective patron wants to BY her, it may be best to meet up w/ her 1st in SZ, China.
Back to the subject of KC-ing n BY-ing.
I recently received the following from an expert on RS n love:
Why It Pays To Play Hard to Get
According to Bertrand Russell, "Human nature is constructed so that it gives affection most readily to those who seem to demand it the least."
This being the case "and I assure you it is" then what hope can any normal human being who intensely craves love and affection have of winning the one they want?
Won't their very need for the other person be the thing that turns the one they want away from them?
The answer is "NO!" It is not the need for love, which all people inherently feel which drives others away from them, but it is their indiscretion about exhibiting that need. What we need to learn is to make a distinction in our lives between the way we feel and the way we act! Or, in other words, we must learn self-control. Not that we should suppress our emotions to the degree that we deny to ourselves what we are feeling. No, no indeed.
We should always realize and be honest with ourselves what we are feeling inside. But we must be discerning, discreet and wise about the things we know about ourselves, which we share with others. Just because you find yourself desperately wanting someone, for example, doesn't mean you should act desperate. But neither does it mean you should try to deny the feeling in yourself.
So you feel desperate! So what?! There's no shame in that. Join the club. Millions of wonderful, great, fantastic people who have lived long before you have felt this way. There's nothing wrong with wanting.
But what I warn you against is not trying to control the way you talk about it to others. You see, a dog should wag his tail, not have the tail wag the dog. And YOU are the one who ultimately controls your behavior, your emotions should not be doing that.
Remember when you were small and felt unhappy and upset about not getting your way? What did most of us do? We would lie down on the floor and act out our emotions by beating our fists on the floor and kicking wildly. But when we got older we learned to put away childish behaviors and hold back, except in the area of romance.
What I'm saying is that we need to be mature in this area as well. "But," someone cries out, "isn't it dishonest to not express what you feel?" "No," I answer. "It's a simple matter of growing up." The mature thing to do is to learn to distinguish between feelings and actions. Feel intently, deeply and honestly. But keep your behavior in check.
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe.
Bro WB
09-03-2011, 12:41 PM
Bro TD,
Ths for ur opinion.
I'm learning to be more romantic, hehe...who says u can't teach an old dog new tricks?
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
Back to the subject of KC-ing n BY-ing.
I recently received the following from an expert on RS n love:
Why It Pays To Play Hard to Get
According to Bertrand Russell, "Human nature is constructed so that it gives affection most readily to those who seem to demand it the least."
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I believe you can easily learn to be more romantic...hehehehehe
Anyway, I'm contemplating retirement now...:p
09-03-2011, 01:44 PM
Bro WB
Fantastic observations posted again. It works very true in both sexes I find, at least in my limited experiences. No need to always show all your cards and you will get the upper hand most times. Thanks again. :)
10-03-2011, 12:12 PM
Good morning!
"The 20 yo Hunan gal JK is quite slim, 158 n 40 kg. I hv her body shot which shows a very proportionate figure n very small bony frame. She does not know the going rates for full-time BY-ing in SG. If a prospective patron wants to BY her, it may be best to meet up w/ her 1st in SZ, China."
Hi Bro Warbird: do u think JK would be my type? I don't mind BY-ing her in SZ....
BTW, thanks for your compliment! You have impeccable credentials yourself la! I can't compare with u as I am still a salaried white-collar... :-(
12-03-2011, 11:33 AM
Bro WB,
I believe you can easily learn to be more romantic...hehehehehe
Anyway, I'm contemplating retirement now...:p
Bro TD,
I'm making slow small step at a time.
Many bros talk abt retirement. What is ur definition?
I'll never retire from learning n living...
Bro WB
Fantastic observations posted again. It works very true in both sexes I find, at least in my limited experiences. No need to always show all your cards and you will get the upper hand most times. Thanks again...
Bro seaman6969,
Ths, you make my day!!
Good morning!
"The 20 yo Hunan gal JK is quite slim, 158 n 40 kg. I hv her body shot which shows a very proportionate figure n very small bony frame. She does not know the going rates for full-time BY-ing in SG. If a prospective patron wants to BY her, it may be best to meet up w/ her 1st in SZ, China."
Hi Bro Warbird: do u think JK would be my type? I don't mind BY-ing her in SZ....
BTW, thanks for your compliment! You have impeccable credentials yourself la! I can't compare with u as I am still a salaried white-collar...
Good morning Bro Woody,
You're a humble man.
I made a mistake by giving the same initials to 2 different gals.
1) The petite 20 yo Hunan gal should hv been JF (instead of JK). She is the gal u intro me!
2) The 23 yo Hubei gal JK is the one I met in SZ. I find her very attractive n sexy although she is not my usual type at 163 cm. Perhaps the fact that my HK fren was drooling over her might hv made her seem more desirable...I may hv lost my objectivity, haha. Yeah, she could be ur type.
She is NOT a WL. When she was 18 she had a HK BF in his 20s n they were preparing for marriage after being together for 2 yrs. He bought a house in her name. But the RS eventually failed n she was in distress for a full yr. She has had 2 BFs since, all HK men.
She is smart, candid n a good conversationalist. I spoke w/ her for 1 hr the other day. She is going to apply for a student pass to come to SG. I hv mentioned ur high status as a business executive n sterling academic achievements to her. She just wants to be an ordinary fren, not a GF, since she is going to come to SG soon. She will be pleased to intro her frens to u.
I'll email her ctc to u.
Although JK is only 23, she is my RS n BY-ing consultant/guru, hehehe.
She said: 深圳美女如云,只要你有钱,你可以有最漂亮的女朋友。。。
When I told her abt my RS w/ KK n TC, her response: 对她们好一点,她们出身体,你出金钱。
She knows she is the type coveted by many SG men. Although I hv a head start which confers a small advantage at this time, when she is here, she is likely to go w/ someone else. That would be OK w/ me. I hv even promised to intro some rich 帅哥 to her, hehehe.
BTW, she dislikes men (such as all her former BFs) who would restrict her freedom n monitor her hourly, daily activities.
I told her I dun care what my GFs do, as long as they dun fxk other men or go to work. They also must tell me immediately if they hv fallen in love w/ some young men, hahaha.
Will I BY her? We shall see...I dun want to get KC-ed.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good morning!
I'll be very busy for the next 1 wk n may not be able to post.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
12-03-2011, 12:41 PM
Bro TD,
I'm making slow small step at a time.
Many bros talk abt retirement. What is ur definition?
I'll never retire from learning n living...
Bro WB
Oh well, I guess I didn't put it accurately. I'm retiring from cheonging, KC-ing gals and all related activities...:D
12-03-2011, 01:30 PM
KC-ing WLs/FLs leads to trouble 99% of the time. I have witnessed this with many of my buddies who are experienced cheongsters. The main problem is that after a while, they lose their rationality in the KC relationship and once that happens, they sink deeper and deeper into the hole that they have dug for themselves. Sad to say, it is always almost next to impossible to get them to snap out of their dreams. By the time they have woken up, they would have lost not only their money but their gals also.
Successfully KC-ing a gal means different things to different people. For some, they believe they have successfully KC-ed a gal when she says that she loves him...and that happens when they meet the second time...:D
For others, they say that it is successful when the gals finally agrees to stop working and be with them full time. But the thing they always forget to mention is that they are paying the gals 10K/mth for that. :p
Very wise passage above - deserves to be downloaded and framed up somewhere to remind the Big Head to dominate.
Trouble free BY/KC calls for iron restraint. Had enough of the excessive pipe dreams the gal eventually gets frm my 1st long term BY fm SG to PRC. Ended at the point she was talking making babies etc., but with a drama and attempted suicide. The current PRC baoee knows the score and accepts that I just have to tell her game over but dun lie to her ...
The $$$ loss is gonna be a given. No $elf re$pecting WL/FL/MM is gonna start even considering most of us uncles in SBF unless you've got the charm/looks of the fortunate few Adonis types here unless we fla$h enough Yusuf Ishaks at them. So a rather shrewd fellow cheongster measures the no. of fxxks vs the total investment and uses that as a gauge of how far to go.
Each time I take the lift up at TAM complex n spy the new stocks coming in, it reminds me with great enphasis that Bro TD's way leaves me free to hunt without obligations. However, sometimes when I knock off work late or have a sleepy pm to spend, having a gal on call is also great.
So, I've been balancing the local stock here by playing male "hard to get" or rather, "dangerous to get". I openly tell them I'm bloody 花心 and 不合格 to be their lao gong. One of the prettiest (to me ok, and beauty is subjective) I have (absolutely love her smile and face), spotted me in CI a few times where she trawls (did not BY her) ... one day she was even in the line up so picked her. Spent half an hour comforting her crooning romantic Chinese songs with her whilst she wet me bloody collar with tears. After that, she confessed she just needs to be "honged" a while n she would regain her composure and accept the reality. I can still get her as a FB or just for company on call ... but she knows I cannot be hers. The price: I help her every now and then on little things like her rent. There$ a price for everything ...
12-03-2011, 01:37 PM
Hahaha, yes bro WB, I'm a realist.
$3K a month and swear she will not get fxxked by other men? Easy, no need to verify - I will never believe ... Do I think I'm really that good or a sex god? I don't. I'm not deluded. I don't need faithfulness. I want to good fxxk.
I left without doing the act. She's a tough nut to crack but I aint gonna give in. I got my rocks off in GL, which she half suspects but who cares? Its my way or the highway. She must still be bitter for me not giving her any money when she returned to China for CNY that's why she uses the "pay raise" to get back at me.
BO down there can also be caused by menses.
Bravo bro!!!
Another post worth framing and aspiring to. Some toughies stick on despite our bad boy attitude, others fall out along the way.
Been behaving as much as I can along the way FA sketched above and can say that I have dished out more than I have received ... the economic advantage a bloke has is the medium of power, truly. I think I had only 2 gals so far from the many who got too pissed to be contactable after they found out what a prowler I truly am in the KTVs.
Just say to any "set-back" in this BY world, "fxck it, it don't mean nuthin, drive on".
21-03-2011, 01:47 AM
Oh well, I guess I didn't put it accurately. I'm retiring from cheonging, KC-ing gals and all related activities...
OK, may I assume that u hv found ur soul mate n true love?
If that is the case, congrats to u!!
............So a rather shrewd fellow cheongster measures the no. of fxxks vs the total investment and uses that as a gauge of how far to go..............................
Using damage per fxk as the sole gauge of cheonging success should apply only to WLs who do ST. Full time BY-ing confers many benefits to the patrons which can't be measured easily or accurately. What is the price of companionship n psychological, physical, mental, emotional n sexual satisfaction? Health benefits?
In the past I was obsessed w/ damage per fxk n was trying "to get my money's worth" which was counterproductive n physically harmful n emotionally stressful, especially when I had 2 or more full-time companions at the same time. Now I just relax n enjoy the company of these SYTs w/o regards to price per fxk, hehehe.
...........................I think I had only 2 gals so far from the many who got too pissed to be contactable after they found out what a prowler I truly am in the KTVs.
Just say to any "set-back" in this BY world, "fxck it, it don't mean nuthin, drive on".
Yeah bro, u got the right attitude. In BY-ing, there r no failures, only learning experiences.
.................................................. ................................
Greetings from Gotham City!
Global markets hv taken a severe beating since the massive earth quake in Japan. I'm following Getty's advice "Buy when everyone else is selling...n hold on until everyone else is buying." But it's easier said than done.
In full-time BY-ing I expect my full-time GFs to always say YES, whenever I want to fxk them n whenever I want them to spend time w/ me. They also can't say NO whatever I want to do to them, within reasons of course. It's a given they can't fxk other men n can't go to work. In return, I allow them the freedom to make frens w/ anyone. However, they must tell me asap if n when they fall for some young men, hehehe.
BTW, while my other GFs r in China, my 1st BAO-ee XW's pussy was always available to me. I hv narrated my saga w/ her in the past. She is now 23 n a very different person. Although I BY-ed her twice in the past, I was unable to give her COS bcos she would push me away after she came once or twice (a common problem...). She used to give me minimal service, but she is now so fxking hungry n passionate!! She couldn't seem to get enuff...reaches COS in every session n she loves 69. Hv I improved that much? Her cunt is still as pretty n as tight as before. She said: "I'm getting old whereas u are still exactly the same. Many gals in my town r already married at my age..." I lost ctc w/ her in June last yr. She was kept by a SG man in his early 30s, who must be in some sort of "all cash business," for abt 6 months. He was very generous to her...but unfortunately he fell for her n proposed to her! Her parents strongly objected to the marriage n ordered her to go back home in Dec. She recently returned, changed her HP...hahaha, his loss is my gain.
I recently received the following email from a guru:
Pleasure Panic: Why Some Women Say Stop
- Why women sometimes stop you or push you away
with their hips just when it looks like they are
about to orgasm...
Hey My name is [...], and when i'm fingering or
going down on my girlfriend sometimes she will
make me stop because the sensation is too strong for
her to handle. Does that mean she reached the
point of orgasm and is too sensitive to continue
- D
Some women do, in fact, get overly sensitized
after orgasm and find continued contact too much
to handle for a short while and need to take a
break. But this is uncommon.
More likely is that she is right on the edge of
orgasm and is unable to cross over to the other
This kind of "pleasure panic" is incredibly
common. Orgasm, for many women, is a huge act of
surrender. She is not comfortable losing
control of herself that way.
Especially in front of you. But often women
can't do it alone either. They just PANIC when
they feel the rush of the oncoming orgasm.
(Often women can have shallow orgasms, but
when something monster big is coming, or when
they are already coming but feel a "stacked"
orgasm that will notch them up into a higher
level, they feel that sense of panic that they
just won't be able to handle it).
That's why so much of my book is about earning
her complete "Sexual Trust".
Once you do that, she will surrender herself
to you completely and you can gently guide her
across her fears to the other side-- and she will
have mind-blowing pleasure.
Learning to build Sexual Trust is the key to
most of the advanced sexual knowledge that you
will ever encounter...
Learning to hold space for her to experience
things she might not even be able to do alone,
and learning how to give her CERTAINTY that you'll
be strong and calm afterwards if she experiences
some wild emotions from it... these things can't
just be faked, and they are much more important
than some finger, tongue, or thrusting techniques.
And if you spend a little time working at it,
you will give her her very first orgasm. Which
is pretty cool.............................................. ........
.................................................. ............................
Mr. Guru
21-03-2011, 10:08 AM
OK, may I assume that u hv found ur soul mate n true love?
If that is the case, congrats to u!!
Mr. Guru
No, not that. Just that I've grown bored again of these activities...:D
21-03-2011, 03:24 PM
Using damage per fxk as the sole gauge of cheonging success should apply only to WLs who do ST. Full time BY-ing confers many benefits to the patrons which can't be measured easily or accurately. What is the price of companionship n psychological, physical, mental, emotional n sexual satisfaction? Health benefits?
In the past I was obsessed w/ damage per fxk n was trying "to get my money's worth" which was counterproductive n physically harmful n emotionally stressful, especially when I had 2 or more full-time companions at the same time. Now I just relax n enjoy the company of these SYTs w/o regards to price per fxk, hehehe.
Dear Bro WB,
There are many reasons why I look at it from a more commercial “damage per fxxk” way.
First and foremost, it IS a commercial transaction/business deal, no matter how the gal views it – providing/caring for her wellbeing etc etc.
Secondly, I want to keep it strictly transactional so as not to fall into the KC trap. You see, I may not have vast experience and ability to withstand or prevent myself from falling for a gal so I have to always remind myself to view it and treat it nothing more than a sexual endeavor lest I lose control of myself and my wallet.
It is akin to putting a stop loss whenever a FX trade is initiated. Another analogy, also FX trading one… there are 4 different types of traders: scalpers, day-traders, swing traders and position traders (or carry traders)… the key to success in trading is not to fit your personality to the different trading styles but to find the trading style best fitting your personality and circumstances – it is easier, and much more successful and profitable in the long run, to find the style best suited to your personality than to force changes to your personality (and circumstances) to fit a particular style.
End of the day, it is to protect myself from the KC trap because you never know. There are so many cases of cheongsters kenna KCed/cheated and sammyboy forum is filled with disastrous and tragic examples.
Thirdly, I do not have the economic prowess and free time other successful people like bro WB have, so I have to make do with less exclusiveness and other perks only full-time BY could bring.
24-03-2011, 02:15 AM
No, not that. Just that I've grown bored again of these activities...
You're right.
Sometimes too much of these activities r very boring...n may even be harmful to health. I also like to take periods of rest n restoration, hehehe.
Dear Bro WB,
There are many reasons why I look at it from a more commercial “damage per fxxk” way.
First and foremost, it IS a commercial transaction/business deal, no matter how the gal views it – providing/caring for her wellbeing etc etc.
Secondly, I want to keep it strictly transactional so as not to fall into the KC trap. You see, I may not have vast experience and ability to withstand or prevent myself from falling for a gal...............
It is akin to putting a stop loss whenever a FX trade is initiated. Another analogy, also FX trading one… there are 4 different types of traders: scalpers, day-traders, swing traders and position traders (or carry traders)… the key to success in trading is find the trading style best fitting your personality and circumstances
................There are so many cases of cheongsters kenna KCed/cheated and sammyboy forum is filled with disastrous and tragic examples.
Thirdly, I do not.............
Dear Bro FA,
Yes, even full-time BY-ing is strictly a business transaction. We should KC these gals w/o getting KC-ed ourselves, hehe. Just remember that all these pretty n young pussies r fungible commodities n we will not be KC-ed.
You're right again. Cheonging n trading share many similarities n a man must find his own method of cheonging n BY-ing to fit his unique personality, risk tolerance, financial status, prior experiences/training, comfort level n personal preference.
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
I recently came upon this thread "Men who fall in love with FL's are clinically sick!" Maybe these men r "mentally n emotionally sick," but I dun really know.
However, I do know that there is a large grp of people, including men n women of all ages, who should be considered "clinically sick." They r those who gamble n play against the house in a casino. Their chances of losing money r 100% if they continue to play on a long-term basis. Let me repeat: Their chances of losing money r 100% long-term. Yes, they r "clinically or rather mentally n emotionally very, very sick."
There is only one game in which a visitor to a casino may win money on a long-term basis. It's poker IF he is very good n if he plays against other players, not against the casino. Blackjack is no longer profitable bcos the casino reshuffles after every hand. I hv an Ang Moh fren at Gotham City who is a professional poker player who goes to work at Las Vegas 3 times a yr when they r big conventions. In less than a wk, he could make enuff money for him to live in luxury for the the entire yr, hehehe. He has 2 cute GFs n takes limo to n from the airport...
BTW, I went to MBS several months ago as my frens told me poker was available there. I thought I could play against other visitors (read patsies) n might be able to win a little money to buy a Cartier watch for my beloved TC. Unfortunately, poker was offered only as a house game. I left w/o risking even a dollar there.
Separately, couple of of my former BAO-ees recently got married. One of them is the 18 yo singer LW whom Mr Chairman arranged for me To BY 20 months ago. She is now 20 n I just saw her wedding album. She looked prettier than when I first met her! The lucky man? He is a bespectacled young man in his mid 20s who appears well educated...a good catch for her for sure, n perhaps for him...they hv my sincerest blessings!!
When I next visit SG, I'll hv more than enuff full time GFs to keep me very busy, even if only half of them show up, hehehe. I hv another new target. Just 2-3 wks before I left for Gotham City, I met a very pretty n cute 22 yo student from Jiangsu. Took her out to dinner once. Very fair, 167, 46 kg n very proportionate figure w/ very small bony frame. Unfortunately, her boobs r quite small. I may still make an offer.
Bro WB
29-03-2011, 09:33 PM
its been a long time since bro warbird last posted her to provide advice to his disciples
30-03-2011, 02:26 AM
its been a long time since bro warbird last posted her to provide advice to his disciples
Hi bro l_o_v_e,
I hv been very busy...
Advice? I'm merely sharing what little experiences I hv had in picking up, cheonging n BY-ing my type of pussies. I hv had more failures than successes, but I'm learning, improving...on the way to achieving my mission of absolute self mastery n unconditional happiness. BY-ing is merely for recreation n relaxation, to make the journey more pleasant, hehe.
My disciples? No no, I hv none. All samsters here r my dear bros/sisters n comrades, my de facto gurus...from whom I hv learned a great deal. Ths to u all.!!
I also like to express my sincere gratitude to all my current n former BAO-ees: Some of u hv been tough opponents, some hv played hard to get, many hv been mercenary n even duplicitous...but I hv enjoyed ur companionship n of course ur lovely young pussies, hehe. But for better or worse, I hv had quite a thrilling ride w/ all of u, n more importantly, I hv learned n understood a great deal abt myself n abt life in general n females n men-woman RS in particular. To be fair, I hv also played hardball w/ many of u n hv been a miser in many instances n hv been a jerk for terminating my patronage. My sincere apologies. That is life, let's move on to a better tomorrow, shall we? Finally, ths for allowing a lao chi ko pek to BY you n best wishes for a great future!!
I'll post an update n some insights soon.
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
30-03-2011, 08:40 AM
You're right.
Sometimes too much of these activities r very boring...n may even be harmful to health. I also like to take periods of rest n restoration, hehehe.
Bro WB
I'll probably be taking a very long break and not sure if I will ever be coming back to these activities again...:D But I'll still be around here to TCSS...:p
01-04-2011, 02:27 AM
I'll probably be taking a very long break and not sure if I will ever be coming back to these activities again... But I'll still be around here to TCSS...:p
Good for u, bro TD.
I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom n insights on how to get chio SYTs to fall for u.
Bro WB
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!!
I hv a question on RS n love for all samsters in general, but for esteemed Bro TD in particular.
Do u ever say it out loud to these SYTs that u like them n love them (even if u dun really love them)?
IMHO, a man should never reveal his feelings early on even if the gal happens to be his dream gal. It will greatly reduce his mystique, attractiveness, desirability n his chances of tasting her pussy. It's OK when he is sure that the gal has already fallen deeply for him. Additionally, if he shows his liking for her prematurely or put her on the pedestal, she will walk all over him n may try to extract more money from him.
If u meet an extremely beautiful gal or ur special one or even ur dream gal, be a contrarian n do the opposite of what every man is doing:
1) Treat her like any other person, disagree w/ her when u think you r right n say No to her if her request is unreasonable...high quality gals r never attracted to men who always say YES n can be easily manipulated. NEVER ever appear to be needy or desperate (even if u can't sleep or eat n PCC everyday thinking of her, hahaha).
2) Flirt w/ other gals. Show her that u hv many, many options. You r hard to get n r being eagerly sought after by many chio MMs.
3) Get sexual early on...yes, u are a MAN in excellent health, w/ strong libido n super immunity...all very desirable traits...
Last but not least, 4) you must be perceived as being very high in the Male Dominance Scale, as manifested by ur demeanor, eye ctc, speech/voice, posture n body language, etc. Otherwise, even if you were really King George the VI also no use, hehehe.
BTW, I hv "taken care" of many PRC MMs in the last 22 months. Although I'm the one who terminates the RS in most cases, I still miss their pussies, even to this day. No, I'm not KC-ed. In fact, I had some KC only for two gals, XW n KK, especially the former. XW initiated ctc w/ me recently. Unlike before, she is now very passionate n can achieve COS easily. Ironically, I hv zero KC for her at this time.
The young Hubei gal LL has agreed to come to SG on a tourist visa. I'll pay for her travel expenses, rental in SG n give her a monthly allowance. A fair deal? The other Hubei gal JK will come later.
BY-ing is very exciting n a fun game. I enjoy hunting for my type of SYTs wherever they are. I often get sexual very early on n then "propose" to them...another fun part is to negotiate the terms.
Before inking the deal, I always do my due diligence by checking n inspecting the warm meat. I also try to find out as much as possible abt the gal from other sources. I often use all my 5 senses...for example, after my 2nd meeting w/ TC n before BY-ing her a wk later, I tried to kiss her, squeeze her boobs n butt n even smell her pussy, whenever we were in a dark KTV rm or in a car. Once she wore hot pants n T shirt n I could see a bit of her ass crack when she was sitting. I turned my head to get a closer look at her behind n use my fingers to explore n caress her ass crack when no one was looking. She feigned displeasure, grabbed n pushed my hand away, saying: 以后天天在一起, 你还怕看不够, 摸不够? I actually delayed fxking her to generate sexual tension n made the journey more sexciting...haha.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
01-04-2011, 09:16 AM
Good for u, bro TD.
I hope u could continue to share ur wisdom n insights on how to get chio SYTs to fall for u.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Thanks for your kind words. But I'm not even close to being an expert on getting SYTs to fall for me....:D
Good morning!!
I hv a question on RS n love for all samsters in general, but for esteemed Bro TD in particular.
Do u ever say it out loud to these SYTs that u like them n love them (even if u dun really love them)?
Yes I do. But definitely not in the very beginning. Once you do this in the beginning, you will definitely fail because the gal will assume she has the upper hand which is something you never want to happen.
If u meet an extremely beautiful gal or ur special one or even ur dream gal, be a contrarian n do the opposite of what every man is doing:
1) Treat her like any other person, disagree w/ her when u think you r right n say No to her if her request is unreasonable...high quality gals r never attracted to men who always say YES n can be easily manipulated. NEVER ever appear to be needy or desperate (even if u can't sleep or eat n PCC everyday thinking of her, hahaha).
Very true. If you give in to all her demands, she will twist you around her little finger and you will suffer later.
2) Flirt w/ other gals. Show her that u hv many, many options. You r hard to get n r being eagerly sought after by many chio MMs.
Works both ways. Sometimes when you flirt with other gals in front of your gal, she may feel that you are a flirt and are not serious about her. If this happens, you lose immediately.
3) Get sexual early on...yes, u are a MAN in excellent health, w/ strong libido n super immunity...all very desirable traits...
A guy who is great in bed is always preferred by gals.
Last but not least, 4) you must be perceived as being very high in the Male Dominance Scale, as manifested by ur demeanor, eye ctc, speech/voice, posture n body language, etc. Otherwise, even if you were really King George the VI also no use, hehehe.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
I mentioned previously that I was trying to KC a gal and this was the last gal I will KC. And the fact is that I succeeded and failed beyond my wildest dreams.
Yesterday we were communicating over qq and she asked me a personal question, one which in normal circumstances I would never ever reveal to a gal since the probability of the relationship ending is very high. However, since she was going back to China permanently in the next couple of days, I decided to tell her what she wanted to know.
As expected, she broke off totally with me. But when she did that, she told me something that I had never expected to hear. She told me that she will never fall in love easily but the fact was that she had fallen very deeply in love with me over the last few months and had harbored hopes of continuing with our relationship after she returned to China. However, it is only now that she realized that I had been lying to her all this while and right now her heart is totally shattered.
And the fact is that I have no chance to salvage this relationship as I'll be away for a holiday this afternoon and when I come back, she will have returned to China. And I won't have her hp or new qq number. She has already given her current qq number to her friend.
So, this in effect closes a chapter in my life for me. At the end of the day, it was enjoyable and challenging to KC gals. The only regret I have is that of all the gals I've KCed, she is the only one whom I had feelings for. I can only wish her all the best for the future and hopefully she will find her true love someday.
01-04-2011, 10:06 AM
Yes, be a contrarian. The beautiful gal you have been eyeing and trying to get into her pants most probably had tens or even hundreds of men trying before you already. To the gal, its “Been there done that. Next!” So to be a contrarian is actually trying to differentiate yourself from the masses/competition so that you can at least get a chance/shot at catching her attention long enough for you to work your magic. If you eat the same thing every day, wouldn’t you get bored? Wouldn’t you get excited when something different is put onto the table? Give her something different to let her sit up and pay attention.
When I was in university, some of my favorite authors were Marketing gurus Al Ries and Jack Trout and Harvard’s Michael E Porter (Competitive Advantage of Nations). Ries & Trout wrote many marketing books together and even when they went their own ways, they wrote their own books. In Marketing Warfare, the pair wrote that the marketing war is fought not on the streets but in the mind. It is true for the BY or KC game. (Incidentally, the brain is the biggest sex organ). There are different tactics market leaders, market followers and niche players should use, based on their strengths/weaknesses and advantages/disadvantages inherent to their position in the market. So, there are different tactics used for rich people (like Bro WB dearest) and poorer people like yours truly. But the message is clear – differentiate or die.
Successful investors and traders are also contrarian. Again, “Be-Fearful-When-Others-Are-Greedy-Be-Greedy-When-Others-Are-Fearful” Buffett is a fine example. Traders trade fake-outs too.
.................................................. ................................
Was in the hall in LV last night from 9+pm. Was with my gal and my friend had one of the singers there. LV was having a fund-raising show for Japan. The press was there, busy taking photos. Hope my ugly face won’t be featured in the evening tabloids! No hanging of flowers, all cash donations goes to Japan. All singers performed. Saw all of them in their bikini tops, revealing their snow white skin and assets. When I left before 12, there was only 1 donation of $500. My friend had a great time with the singer and only left at 2am+. Heard from my gal he had a great time. Will get an update from him later.
03-04-2011, 01:32 AM
Bro WB,
Thanks for your kind words. But I'm not even close to being an expert on getting SYTs to fall for me....
I mentioned previously that I was trying to KC a gal and this was the last gal I will KC. And the fact is that I succeeded and failed beyond my wildest dreams............................
Bro TD,
Like they say, you can't argue w/ success, n you're successful in getting SYTs to fall for u.
Ths also for ur valuable comments.
Yes, be a contrarian. The beautiful gal you have been eyeing and trying....
When I was in university................................(Inciden tally, the brain is the biggest sex organ)......................So, there are different tactics used for rich people (like Bro WB dearest) and poorer people like yours truly. But the message is clear – differentiate or die.
Successful investors and traders are also contrarian. Again, “Be-Fearful-When-Others-Are-Greedy-Be-Greedy-When-Others-Are-Fearful” Buffett is a fine example...............
Was in the hall in LV last night from 9+pm............
Dear Bro FA,
Ths for ur insights on being a contrarian n for ur update on LV.
BTW, I'm not rich, I just hv enuff money to get by.
Bro WB
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
A man's self confidence n self mastery n his perceived ranking on the Male Dominance Scale r the most important determinants of his attractiveness to females.
One of the indices of a man's self mastery is his courage.
A guru sent me the following email on courage:
You've heard time and again "Don't be a wuss".
So then, what's the opposite of a wuss? That would be a man who is
bold and courageous. Boldness relates to confidence, but what
exactly does it mean to be courageous in the particular way that
drives women wild?
We spend a lot of time around here shining the light on 'hidden
detractors'. By this I mean anything that could possibly be
keeping you from meeting the kind of women you want to meet and/or
having total control over continuing the relationship when you so
choose, but which you haven't quite got a handle on yet.
I believe that one of the darkest such "hidden detractor" for many
guys involves Failure To Deploy in the area of courage.
That's right, simple "courage".
Courage, as it turns out, is an overarching masculine theme that
quite literally pervades a man's being...or SHOULD, at least.
When you successfully "inspire confidence", which is one of the
"Big Four", you have essentially--by definition--succeeded at
assuring a woman of your own personal level of courage.
So then, let's go ahead and outline EXACTLY what courage IS.
And more specifically, lets talk about the kind of courage that
women in particular find irresistibly attractive.
Before we start, however, I'll give you a hint: It's NOT found
in the Jeff Foxworthy moments when we tell everyone, "Hey y'all,
watch this!" Nope, meaningless foolishness is a turn-off to women,
as is "showing off" purely for the purpose of impressing them.
So here we go...a half-dozen ways to eliminate wussification forever
and execute with strength:
1) Courage When It's Expected As Obvious
If most garden-variety human beings can stand up something, so
should you. It's not unusual to have phobias, even irrational
But know this: If you are afraid to fly, cross bridges or take the
elevator you will NOT be exactly inspiring confidence in a woman
who likely has no such trepidation.
Your ability to inspire confidence takes a direct hit when you are
afraid when even most women are unfazed.
It is crucial to grasp this concept accurately. Nobody is asking
you to drive in an ice storm, tail rattlesnakes like freakin' Steve
Irwin or even eat food off the floor.
But if you do things like throw a hissy fit when a bee that you
aren't even mortally allergic to flies within five feet of you, and
the women surrounding you go, "Um...dude, what's the big deal?", those
are the times you know you have to learn how to get over it.
2) Courage When Faced With The Unknown
What happens when there's a question mark ahead? Do you hold your
head up and boldly face the music, or do you thrust your head in
the sand and procrastinate for as long as humanly possible?
One key example, made hilariously famous by George Lopez in a stand
up routine of his, of this is when a guy knows he has a medical
issue but refuses to see a doctor.
Knowing the doctor could tell you any number of things ranging from
the innocuous to the devastating, you go anyway and get it taken
care of.
"It's better not to know...besides, they'll charge me for
everything!" is funny when George Lopez says it, but would
demonstrate to a woman in your life that you are a complete coward
were YOU say it.
If you know the company is announcing layoffs today, you go to
work. Whatever it is, unless it's armed and deadly and you are
not, you face it. Women love the initiative and the leadership.
3) Courage To Accomplish What Motivates You
I don't know how many guys I have heard talking about what they
dream of doing, or where they dream of going...quickly followed by a
phrase beginning with the word "but".
"Oh man, I'd LOVE to go to [insert exotic destination here]. But
what if I got arrested and thrown into jail there or caught some
weird illness while there?"
"Wow...I'd LOVE to get a motorcycle license. But I'm really afraid
I'd have an accident."
All this is BORING to women, who are often craving excitement in
their lives.
The most breathtaking irony of all in that respect is that I am
wracking my brain, but believe I have NEVER suggested that a woman
join me for something adventurous and have her flatly
long as her confidence was inspired.
4) Courage When The Chips Are Down
When it's "fight or flight", women are counting on you to keep a
level head and make the right decision. Like the NBA all star
wants the ball when his team is down by a point with five seconds
left on the clock, you should likewise seek to be the
decision-maker when a crisis looms.
Whether it's a family issue, a job loss, a car accident, a spider
in the bathroom or a weird sound in the middle of the night, you
take the proverbial bull by the horns.
5) Courage Among Men
If you are consistently dominated by and generally manhandled by
the AMOGs around you, women will not be impressed by your
passivity. Have the courage to suggest ideas, take leadership in
the face of ambiguity and remain reasonable when foolishly provoked.
Nothing inspires confidence in a woman more than this. You aren't
starting bar fights, but you are standing your ground and refusing
to be a doormat.
Of course, there's one final linchpin that all five of the previous
examples are predicated upon...
6) Courage Towards HER
You must not be afraid of the WOMAN herself.
This means that you approach her and talk to her that first time
you meet her without trepidation, which in turn will help her feel
at ease with you.
This also means you don't kowtow and "kiss up" because you are
afraid of either losing her favor or pissing her off.
And it especially means that you don't soft peddle every last
original idea you have lest you offend her or not give her what she
Most guys are deathly afraid of making a woman cry. You have to
understand that women are more upset by your cowardice in telling
the truth than by your honesty, as long as you keep her best
interests at heart.
I mentioned that lack of courage is often a "hidden detractor".
Seriously, in this day and age of safe cubicle jobs and couch
potato lifestyles it's all too easy for us guys to completely miss
the simple fact that we're even lacking in this area.
But make no mistake--women have a sixth sense for this stuff. So
building genuine courage, backed by solid reasoning skills, should
be the goal of every man.
Here's the thing.
I could give you a set of "rules" to follow. I could give you a
checklist of things to do that might allow you to, at least for the
time being, fool a woman or two into thinking you had it all
But ultimately, the checklist would fail you. You can't be
fumbling for notes when a situation calling for genuine courage
comes up.
I can't think of a better example why honestly becoming the kind of
man who genuinely deserves what he wants will trump the "quick fix"
Every. Single. Time.
If you have been following these newsletters, you already know that
courage is just one of endless examples of what drives women wild,
but which also cannot be faked.
Unless you become the man women crave, life will continue to be one
"hidden detractor" after another. You'll fix one only to have
another jump out at you.
That's why The Master Plan is a complete blueprint for being the
kind of man that WOMEN want.
It's true that a lot of us needlessly feel shame, somehow, for
being a man. That causes us to think that women probably want a
"woman with a penis" for a boyfriend.
But that simply doesn't WORK when it comes to creating attraction,
does it?
Here it is. You should never, ever feel the need to "apologize"
for being a man...ever again....................And I'll talk to you again soon.
Be Good,
05-04-2011, 01:53 AM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply.
Duno what my next move also. Blur....
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
05-04-2011, 02:39 PM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply.
Duno what my next move also. Blur....
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
Your singer from Club Jade!
05-04-2011, 09:10 PM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply.
Duno what my next move also. Blur....
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
One friendly word of advice from me. Don't go down the KC route unless you want to lose your pants in future. :D
As a newbie, now matter how level headed you think you are, you are no match for any working gal who has been dealing with these on a daily basis. :cool:
05-04-2011, 10:03 PM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply.
Duno what my next move also. Blur....
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
forget it, if u r new you are no match for singers...they are the queen of kc and will suck you dry...unless it's a singer at those cmi joints those can be easily screwed for less than 1k......if not be prepared to spend at least 8k a mth...
06-04-2011, 03:15 AM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply..................
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
Hi Bro UD,
No need to do anything, she is already in love w/ u, hahaha.
Pls consult our many experts on HFJs n singers. Dun forget Bro DUBJ aka Mr. Chairman.
Good luck!
One friendly word of advice from me. Don't go down the KC route unless you want to lose your pants in future. :D
As a newbie, now matter how level headed you think you are, you are no match for any working gal who has been dealing with these on a daily basis...
Hi Bro TD,
Very good advice!
forget it, if u r new you are no match for singers...they are the queen of kc and will suck you dry...unless it's a singer at those cmi joints those can be easily screwed for less than 1k......if not be prepared to spend at least 8k a mth...
Hi Bro ME,
Yeah, they will suck u dry, both financially n physically, hehehe.
.................................................. ......................
Good morning!
What kind of man is most attractive to females at their subconscious level?
IMHO, he is a man w/ ABSOLUTE self confidence n self mastery, which will be manifested in his social standing, character, courage, body language, etc. His wealth, looks, height n age, etc r totally irrelevant. However, I hv never met such a man. Not even the historical Cao Cao.
If u r such a man, u dun need any gimmicks or strategies to KC any gal.
As mere mortals we will never achieve absolute self mastery. However, we should aim to become a man w/ formidable self mastery, such as John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
As for how to prevent being KC-ed by a beautiful gal.
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
06-04-2011, 05:31 AM
Hi Bros,
Need some kang hu from u guys as i am new to this KC gals thingy.
Recently know a singer from a HFJ, wan to try KC her and oso prevent being KC by her.
She has been sms me almost everyday but i sumtimes gt reply sumtimes bo reply.
Duno what my next move also. Blur....
Any ways to Kc her til she blur blur??
Thanks bros for ur kind advice.
Singers will always call or sms u for 2 reasons.
They have not enuff flower or no fixed supporter.
To hook a singer is not difficult, just have enuff ammo aka $$$$$ to feed her needs and monthly target.
KC, dun play unless you have a heart or better still, battle hardened till u got no heart, else stay away.
A singer is the ELITE of the nite scene creature, they are what we term as ghosts.
All are here for money, will lovy dovy u so that u will spend more on them.
Even if u fuck them and they swallow your sperm, dun be too happy cos yours will not be the 1st sperm cocktail they drank, although 99.9999999999999% of the time, they'll say yours is the 1st!
Do not believe anything you see or hear.
They can act KCed but actually, you'll be the one that will be KCed in the end once you start believing and trusting them.
They are all here to milk you and send all the money you spend back home.
You do not KC a singer, even if they treat you like their love, it's also because you paid rent on it, just like you pump petrol and the car will move.
Like I always say, singers are like cars, dun pump petrol, car cannot move.
The only diff is, some are big cc and others are small cc.
If u wanna try singers, there are alot of mind games and mental challenges involved plus u will also need alot of intel on the ground to know what's happening behind your back.
Do consider carefully should you decide to walk this path. It's not for the weak hearted. It can be very tiring, mind challenging, exciting and very devastating to oneself once they get too deep.
If you're the emotional type, I strongly suggest u avoid it at all cost.
Bottomline here is, not only can it be very painful, it's also very expensive!
S i l v i a
06-04-2011, 06:30 AM
Singers will always call or sms u for 2 reasons.
They have not enuff flower or no fixed supporter.
To hook a singer is not difficult, just have enuff ammo aka $$$$$ to feed her needs and monthly target.
KC, dun play unless you have a heart or better still, battle hardened till u got no heart, else stay away.
A singer is the ELITE of the nite scene creature, they are what we term as ghosts.
All are here for money, will lovy dovy u so that u will spend more on them.
Even if u fuck them and they swallow your sperm, dun be too happy cos yours will not be the 1st sperm cocktail they drank, although 99.9999999999999% of the time, they'll say yours is the 1st!
Do not believe anything you see or hear.
They can act KCed but actually, you'll be the one that will be KCed in the end once you start believing and trusting them.
They are all here to milk you and send all the money you spend back home.
You do not KC a singer, even if they treat you like their love, it's also because you paid rent on it, just like you pump petrol and the car will move.
Like I always say, singers are like cars, dun pump petrol, car cannot move.
The only diff is, some are big cc and others are small cc.
If u wanna try singers, there are alot of mind games and mental challenges involved plus u will also need alot of intel on the ground to know what's happening behind your back.
Do consider carefully should you decide to walk this path. It's not for the weak hearted. It can be very tiring, mind challenging, exciting and very devastating to oneself once they get too deep.
If you're the emotional type, I strongly suggest u avoid it at all cost.
Bottomline here is, not only can it be very painful, it's also very expensive!
06-04-2011, 01:06 PM
Singers will always call or sms u for 2 reasons.
They have not enuff flower or no fixed supporter.
To hook a singer is not difficult, just have enuff ammo aka $$$$$ to feed her needs and monthly target.
KC, dun play unless you have a heart or better still, battle hardened till u got no heart, else stay away.
A singer is the ELITE of the nite scene creature, they are what we term as ghosts.
All are here for money, will lovy dovy u so that u will spend more on them.
Even if u fuck them and they swallow your sperm, dun be too happy cos yours will not be the 1st sperm cocktail they drank, although 99.9999999999999% of the time, they'll say yours is the 1st!
Do not believe anything you see or hear.
They can act KCed but actually, you'll be the one that will be KCed in the end once you start believing and trusting them.
They are all here to milk you and send all the money you spend back home.
You do not KC a singer, even if they treat you like their love, it's also because you paid rent on it, just like you pump petrol and the car will move.
Like I always say, singers are like cars, dun pump petrol, car cannot move.
The only diff is, some are big cc and others are small cc.
If u wanna try singers, there are alot of mind games and mental challenges involved plus u will also need alot of intel on the ground to know what's happening behind your back.
Do consider carefully should you decide to walk this path. It's not for the weak hearted. It can be very tiring, mind challenging, exciting and very devastating to oneself once they get too deep.
If you're the emotional type, I strongly suggest u avoid it at all cost.
Bottomline here is, not only can it be very painful, it's also very expensive!
Thks Bro will keep that in mind.
06-04-2011, 01:51 PM
Hi Bro UD,
No need to do anything, she is already in love w/ u, hahaha.
Pls consult our many experts on HFJs n singers. Dun forget Bro DUBJ aka Mr. Chairman.
Good luck!
Bro WB, you flatter me again.
06-04-2011, 04:34 PM
Bro TD,
Like they say, you can't argue w/ success, n you're successful in getting SYTs to fall for u.
Ths also for ur valuable comments.
Bro WB,
That's all in the past...and will not happen again anymore...:D
06-04-2011, 04:36 PM
Singers will always call or sms u for 2 reasons.
They have not enuff flower or no fixed supporter.
To hook a singer is not difficult, just have enuff ammo aka $$$$$ to feed her needs and monthly target.
KC, dun play unless you have a heart or better still, battle hardened till u got no heart, else stay away.
A singer is the ELITE of the nite scene creature, they are what we term as ghosts.
All are here for money, will lovy dovy u so that u will spend more on them.
Even if u fuck them and they swallow your sperm, dun be too happy cos yours will not be the 1st sperm cocktail they drank, although 99.9999999999999% of the time, they'll say yours is the 1st!
Do not believe anything you see or hear.
They can act KCed but actually, you'll be the one that will be KCed in the end once you start believing and trusting them.
They are all here to milk you and send all the money you spend back home.
You do not KC a singer, even if they treat you like their love, it's also because you paid rent on it, just like you pump petrol and the car will move.
Like I always say, singers are like cars, dun pump petrol, car cannot move.
The only diff is, some are big cc and others are small cc.
If u wanna try singers, there are alot of mind games and mental challenges involved plus u will also need alot of intel on the ground to know what's happening behind your back.
Do consider carefully should you decide to walk this path. It's not for the weak hearted. It can be very tiring, mind challenging, exciting and very devastating to oneself once they get too deep.
If you're the emotional type, I strongly suggest u avoid it at all cost.
Bottomline here is, not only can it be very painful, it's also very expensive!
Words of Wisdom again...:D
06-04-2011, 06:11 PM
Words of Wisdom again...:D
Gumxia gumxia, just sharing my very little limited knowledge of the nite scene that's all:D
06-04-2011, 06:16 PM
Gumxia gumxia, just sharing my very little limited knowledge of the nite scene that's all:D
Damm....why weren't you around dishing out words of wisdom 20+ years ago when I first started cheonging??? Then my learning curve would have been much less...:D
06-04-2011, 06:25 PM
Damm....why weren't you around dishing out words of wisdom 20+ years ago when I first started cheonging??? Then my learning curve would have been much less...:D
Some people head bang wall, pain pain wake up liao
Some people head bang wall, bleed, lagi pain pain then wake up liao
Some people head bang wall, smashed into pieces, also cannot wake up.
We all know such people in the nitescene who has already disappeared and never to be heard or seen from again.
06-04-2011, 07:21 PM
Damm....why weren't you around dishing out words of wisdom 20+ years ago when I first started cheonging??? Then my learning curve would have been much less...:D
Cos he is a young but very smart chap! hahaha
06-04-2011, 07:23 PM
Cos he is a young but very smart chap! hahaha
Damm...then I must be a old and stupid chap...:D
06-04-2011, 07:24 PM
Some people head bang wall, smashed into pieces, also cannot wake up.
We all know such people in the nitescene who has already disappeared and never to be heard or seen from again.
I know many of these type of people in the past....Amazing how some people just never seem to learn from their mistakes...:D
06-04-2011, 07:30 PM
I know many of these type of people in the past....Amazing how some people just never seem to learn from their mistakes...:D
Emo beings.
Some are born to ravage where some are born to be ravaged bro.
That's life!
06-04-2011, 09:41 PM
Damm...then I must be a old and stupid chap...:D
no you were young and foolish, now you are old and wise....
06-04-2011, 10:47 PM
Brudder....well said and put together. how i wish that i have seen your comments much earlier..
i am just picking the pieces after my PRC left me.....thought i was harden to accept it but at the end.....realized that how much she meant to me....sad story.
money spend and lost can easily be earn back...but the emotional aspect was really hard to take.....
To all fellow samster brudder out there....just like the old Wrestling disclaimer...that we use to see ...please do not try those stunts they are all trained professionals to do it. To the same tune..the PRC singers....are the really well trained and subtle...that i got lost in the midst of it and got hurt in the end....
06-04-2011, 11:35 PM
Brudder....well said and put together. how i wish that i have seen your comments much earlier..
i am just picking the pieces after my PRC left me.....thought i was harden to accept it but at the end.....realized that how much she meant to me....sad story.
money spend and lost can easily be earn back...but the emotional aspect was really hard to take.....
To all fellow samster brudder out there....just like the old Wrestling disclaimer...that we use to see ...please do not try those stunts they are all trained professionals to do it. To the same tune..the PRC singers....are the really well trained and subtle...that i got lost in the midst of it and got hurt in the end....
Taken from Another Thread: Hanging Flower Joints
In the world of HFJ, or nitescene, nothing is real.
You spend to try to get the CUNT or for some idiots, LOVE!
If you are sour after a failed investment, move on but learn from your mistakes and DO NOT DO IT THE SAME WAY NEXT TIME.
This person is not worth so much effort.
So wat if she gave birth for ferrari, mercedes or lamborghini?
It's over dude, move on.
So many singers to choose from, why cut the whole forest for 1 tree, that is still obviously not yours![/QUOTE]
07-04-2011, 07:20 PM
To all fellow samster brudder out there....just like the old Wrestling disclaimer...that we use to see ...please do not try those stunts they are all trained professionals to do it. To the same tune..the PRC singers....are the really well trained and subtle...that i got lost in the midst of it and got hurt in the end....
It's not just PRC singers. PRC girls generally.
09-04-2011, 02:55 AM
Singers will always call or sms u for 2 reasons......................
All are here for money, will lovy dovy u so that u will spend more on them.
Even if u fuck them and they swallow your sperm......
Do not believe anything you see or hear.
Dear Mr. Chairman,
Words of wisdom to live by...
Bro WB, you flatter me again.
Not really, I hv yet to meet a more experienced man in cheonging singers.
Bro WB,
That's all in the past...and will not happen again anymore...:D
Never say never.
Brudder....well said and put together. how i wish that i have seen your comments much earlier....................................
You will forget her quickly. Just remember that her cunt is a fungible commodity.
Taken from Another Thread: Hanging Flower Joints
In the world of HFJ, or nitescene, nothing is real.
You spend to try to get the CUNT or for some idiots, LOVE!
Well said again.
What little "success" I hv had in BY-ing, I owe at least half to ur teachings.
Now I treat all my GFs aka BAO-ees as bot cunts or warm meat, hehehe.
It's not just PRC singers. PRC girls generally.
.................................................. .................................................. ...............................
Good morning!
I was trying to get some recommendations for finding pretty SYTs in Beijing, but I got conflicting FRs on escort services there. I'll go to KTVs instead.
I'm very picky as I only want to up gals of my particular type. I often need to see many, many to find one I like. Seeing one gal at a time is not going to work unless there r truthful n detailed descriptions n real life photos of many gals for me to review.
Since finding SYTs of my type to BY in China is too time consuming, I hv recruited the help of a few trusted frens including my former mistress KK. My msg to her: 我要你介绍一个年青貌美的女朋友给我。 最好是18-22岁, 164-172 公分,体态均匀, 有大专水平。 她在新加坡或中国都没问题。她要求什么条件都可以, 只要我喜欢她...She replied: 。好的,没有问题...she will try to find someone I like very much, she is my personal n dedicated OKT hehe. She is one gal I had KC in the past. The other is my 1st BAO-ee XW who is my "woman" now.
For me, life is too short to settle for gals who r not exactly my type.
Have u ever settled for a gal whom u dun like that much? Unfortunately, I hv in the past. Dun ever do that again, advised an Ang Moh guru.
A couple of weeks ago when we talked about blind dates I covered the idea
of "settling" some. It's an idea worth elaborating upon further.
So recently I was on the phone with a friend talking about--what else?--dating and relationships.
During the course of the conversation, we began discussing how
amazing it is that so many people settle for the first option that
comes along than doing what it takes to become a man or a woman who
Ultimately, so many of us feel completely powerless when it comes
to actually being able to attract who we truly want, that when the
first person comes along who shows any level of attraction we jump
right into a long-term relationship.
Sometimes we do so and never look back.
If you perform a Google search on "number of lifetime sex
partners", you'll quickly find that darn near 25% of adults (at
least in North America) report having had exactly one partner in
their life.
Sure, there are always those who have the "high school sweetheart"
story going on.
But not withstanding that, you and I both know that there are a
whole lot of people out there who are flat-out, straight-up
Worse, even though they KNOW they've settled, they stay in the
relationship anyway. And all too often, they even end up getting
Well, there's a whole litany of potential excuses.
"It was just time to get married, and this was who I was dating at
the time."
Or, "Well, nobody's perfect...and I don't want to be too picky."
Or, "Hey...some people out there have NOBODY. I should count myself
as LUCKY."
And, of course, the one that truly makes me cringe: "She was
willing to put up with me."
But here's the thing.
Sometimes, you really can be fairly excited about having met a
certain woman early on. You can even be genuinely HOT for her.
Particularly if you haven't been experiencing a dating life full of
rich options lately, you could actually meet a woman who exceeds
your expectations and be on Cloud 9 together for a while there.
Only after time has passed and you wake up one morning feeling
dissatisfied will the reality set in that you had in fact SETTLED.
Scary stuff, isn't it?
There's no wonder so many women think guys are "commitment phobes".
The truth is sometimes we SHOULD BE.
So how do we solve this problem? How can you know up front that
you may wake up feeling like you settled someday?
I mean, how can you really get some 20/20 foresight here, for a
I'm glad you asked.
Here, before your very eyes, I'm about to roll out--for the first
time ever--a lucky seven ways you can test a new relationship for
"Settlement Potential":
1) When considering a brand new woman to date, teleport yourself
into the future and HONESTLY consider how you'll feel having been
exclusive with her for a few months.
You may think she's pretty sharp, but if you honestly evaluate the
situation do you already know she's lacking in a few places that
you are going to seriously wish she wasn't after the novelty of the
relationship wears off?
Every day you may see women you find somewhat attractive, and each
will endear herself to you in a distinct way--and to a varying
With that sea of women around you, understand that building
long-term plans with a woman who doesn't bring your vision of the
"complete package" to the table is going to mean inevitable
comparison to other women down the road.
And that's not going to be a positive for either of you.
2) How do you feel about introducing her to your friends?
She may be attractive to you, but are you sort of embarrassed to
take her out in public? Do you fear your friends are going to
think you could "do better"?
Is there a chance she'll publicly humiliate you in a social
If you're feeling any of this stuff, it makes no logical sense to
form a "partnership" with her.
3) Imagine you have already seen her naked 100 times and had sex
with her about as often.
Are you going to have long since been bored? Do you already look
at her and realize she isn't everything you want in the attraction
Even if you are obsessed over her extreme hotness, have you
considered that if the entire relationship has been built around
sex that you WILL burn out sooner than later...perhaps based on sheer
4) Do you actually enjoy her company?
This might sound like a goofball question. But based on what I've
seen out there, I had to ask.
She may be the "best thing" who has come along in years, or so you
think. But are you basing that premise purely on physical
attraction? If she gets on your nerves now--or vice-versa--that
isn't going to get any better later, I can assure you.
5) Is life more fulfilling with her in it?
Are you looking forward to taking her with you on the next
adventure you have planned, or would you much rather leave her at
home to watch Lifetime Channel while you spend time with your
friends instead?
Do you foresee your future plans and lifelong dreams coming to
fruition with her in your life, or being postponed--if not scuttled
6) Are you trying to overlook serious character issues?
Are you sticking your head in the sand when it's clear she has
addictions, jealousy issues or a demonstrated history of
disrespecting you? Are you fully confident she wouldn't cheat on
you or betray you in some other way?
Do you get this strange feeling that there's something about her
you're not being told?
7) Do you envy guys who appear to have higher-quality women with
Do you get that nauseous feeling in the pit of your stomach when
you go out and see other guys with women you perceive to be higher
quality than your girlfriend?
Have you actually gone so far as to COUNT how many guys in a
particular public place you'd gladly trade places with?
Do you come home from social events feeling angry or even resentful
toward your woman even though she didn't do anything in particular
to cause it?
Did some of those concepts hit home for you?
It really doesn't matter whether you have a woman in your life
right now or not. The stuff we're talking about here must become
part of your mindset as you evaluate the potential of various women
who step into your life.
Usually when you take a test like this, you end up with a "sliding
scale" to score yourself with.
Not this time, man.
This is like horseshoes and hand grenades. It's "all or nothing".
If you've compromised ANYWHERE, you're settling.
I know that the simple fact you are here reading this newsletter
alone represents that you are one of those who refuse to accept
Deserving what you want is the only way to fly, and you know that
Don't ever settle, gentlemen. And I remain convinced that you
really don't ever have to. Life is too short.
Be Good,
09-04-2011, 11:34 AM
Trying out Bro WB's survey - kinda late, being in heavy action at work and at play :) My humble views in red below.
Do u ever say it out loud to these SYTs that u like them n love them (even if u dun really love them)?
Nope. Once she hears "love" damn, she gets possessive and the dynamics shift. I try to keep things at arms' length - except for my long term baoees in PRC whom I have investments with. We're talking durable 2-yr contracts there. All other SG flings are strictly short time and meant for variety and immediate shiokness.
If u meet an extremely beautiful gal or ur special one or even ur dream gal, be a contrarian n do the opposite of what every man is doing:
1) Treat her like any other person, disagree w/ her when u think you r right n say No to her if her request is unreasonable...high quality gals r never attracted to men who always say YES n can be easily manipulated. NEVER ever appear to be needy or desperate (even if u can't sleep or eat n PCC everyday thinking of her, hahaha).
Defintely so. Once she thinks she has KCed any of us, I think a subtle to maybe even obvious attitude change will manifest itself. The needy thing was one of the first "mistakes" I learned to shred during adolescent skirt chasing days - heard enough from classmates whispering about the poor moping types and worse, hearing from most girls how weak and unattractive it made the batang!!
2) Flirt w/ other gals. Show her that u hv many, many options. You r hard to get n r being eagerly sought after by many chio MMs.
This gets a little dicey depending on the depth of the RS. I think it depends on the MM's own perception of whether you are "hers" to some extent.
A year long on off WL I have had, with sex on call, outings on call etc got all teary seeing me at a KTV a few mths later. I told her right out I am not her BF, cannot qualify as one and told her I hope she nabs a big fish one day. Months later, she was still hanging on, always available, very willing to do anything on the bed ... then one day, she moped about having no one to take her to dinner on her birthday so, for the 1st time, I took her to a swank Chinese hotel at Marina Bay and arranged a small cake for her at the end. Moved to tears. Went to Shanghai Dolly, drank oursleves silly, bogied like teenagers and so on ... 1 week later, she saw me again at TAM complex and sent a flood of SMS invective. "好,那就算了" was my reply and I have ignored her since. My thnking: ah well, fxxk it, so many fish for us guys in the sea anyway including the MM next to me, and I immediately progressed to rabbaing the MM till she got quit hot in the room and took a consolation ST bang with her (former PE teacher and runner) nearby TAM.
On Tuesday, just to help a MMS at CR I turned up about midnight not expecting any massive gal supply, but was plesantly surprised to find myself shortly to be sandwiched between a Dragon PRC student and a sweet SG gal (apparently there are now at least a section's strength of playful looking SG gals there) - both were keenly competing. Again, I look back and figure it's becoz neither had an "investment" of any form, hence the lack of concern about flirting. But I noted that the more touchy I was with one, the other was trying to "up" her - great for the male ego boost. Got their contacts and left them guessing by not taking either out for ST.
3) Get sexual early on...yes, u are a MAN in excellent health, w/ strong libido n super immunity...all very desirable traits...
Most definitely - linked with your point below about doing a ground recce on objective as early as possible. I have a couple of leads around the scene that I just recently banged but realised that they had some feature or other that just did not meet the mix, like the major defect of not liking to kiss (defintely minus tons of points for me !!!), malodorous cunt, just lie on bed passivity (boredom in extremis) - hate to spend time manoeuvring the gal into the nude to find out she's a poor lay. But, as groused before many times, the reality is too many gals have the wrong head on the wrong body - sigh, what a fxxkin imperfect market ...
BY-ing is very exciting n a fun game. I enjoy hunting for my type of SYTs wherever they are. I often get sexual very early on n then "propose" to them...another fun part is to negotiate the terms.
Before inking the deal, I always do my due diligence by checking n inspecting the warm meat. I also try to find out as much as possible abt the gal from other sources. I often use all my 5 senses...for example, after my 2nd meeting w/ TC n before BY-ing her a wk later, I tried to kiss her, squeeze her boobs n butt n even smell her pussy, whenever we were in a dark KTV rm or in a car.
Bro WB
09-04-2011, 10:35 PM
Taken from Another Thread: Hanging Flower Joints
In the world of HFJ, or nitescene, nothing is real.
You spend to try to get the CUNT or for some idiots, LOVE!
If you are sour after a failed investment, move on but learn from your mistakes and DO NOT DO IT THE SAME WAY NEXT TIME.
This person is not worth so much effort.
So wat if she gave birth for ferrari, mercedes or lamborghini?
It's over dude, move on.
So many singers to choose from, why cut the whole forest for 1 tree, that is still obviously not yours![/QUOTE]
Thanks Brudder.....for the still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her.....which is why i fell for it...the ancient route one method and yet i still fall for it..guess i am still human... the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......( did cross my mind):o
10-04-2011, 05:17 AM
Thanks Brudder.....for the still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her.....which is why i fell for it...the ancient route one method and yet i still fall for it..guess i am still human... the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......( did cross my mind):o[/QUOTE]
10-04-2011, 01:51 PM
Thanks Brudder.....for the still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her.....which is why i fell for it...the ancient route one method and yet i still fall for it..guess i am still human... the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......( did cross my mind):o
All I can say is that NO-ONE else is more worth it than our very own family.
Why HFJs? Go back to your wife, your kids and those who truely love you for who you are and without conditions. HFJ is a 利益 place, 有金就有情 没金你等于零. Why allow singers to label, tag or brand you as Mr $100, Mr $200, Mr $500, Mr $1000, Mr Big Hanger, Mr Nobody, Mr Nasty, Mr Bad-Temper, Mr Stingy, Mr Sex-starved Fucker. This is not the entire laundry list I got.
Ask yourself this question; after you were spent and in defeat, who are the folks that will walk with you in darkness? That is your reality!
11-04-2011, 09:26 AM
Never say never.
I'm pretty sure it's never again...:D
Kigo San
11-04-2011, 05:26 PM
kudos to you, you speak like a Guru. peifu peifu.
xiaodi have much to learn from all esteem brudders here.
All I can say is that NO-ONE else is more worth it than our very own family.
Why HFJs? Go back to your wife, your kids and those who truely love you for who you are and without conditions. HFJ is a 利益 place, 有金就有情 没金你等于零. Why allow singers to label, tag or brand you as Mr $100, Mr $200, Mr $500, Mr $1000, Mr Big Hanger, Mr Nobody, Mr Nasty, Mr Bad-Temper, Mr Stingy, Mr Sex-starved Fucker. This is not the entire laundry list I got.
Ask yourself this question; after you were spent and in defeat, who are the folks that will walk with you in darkness? That is your reality!
11-04-2011, 08:09 PM
after you were spent and in defeat, who are the folks that will walk with you in darkness? That is your reality!
13-04-2011, 04:17 AM
Trying out Bro WB's survey - kinda late, being in heavy action at work and at play :) My humble views in red below.
Hi Bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for ur valuable feedback n insights.
You're a very experienced BAO-ee, hehe.
Thanks Brudder.....for the still have to go on......but i have to admit....she really makes me feel that i am the only one for her..... the very least it is over...thank goodness..i did not do anything stupid as in to leave my family.......( did cross my mind)[/QUOTE]
Good for u, brudder.
You're bruised a bit, but a lot wiser. There will always be younger n prettier pussies out there...
All I can say is that NO-ONE else is more worth it than our very own family.
Why HFJs? ...................
Good advice bro.
I'm pretty sure it's never again...
I understand. But you will be available when I need ur advice, right?
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
Hugh Hefner, the iconic founder of Playboy who is 85, is going to marry a 24 yo playmate. His net worth is a surprisingly modest 43M. But he has fame, charisma n gravitas...
“You’re as young as the girl you feel,” Hef laughs.
Lately, I'm feeling young, very young, like a teenage boy, haha.
I hv been scouring many Chinese Websites for SYTs. I want to connect w/ them n then up them and/or BY them. A wk ago, I came across the photos of a very pretty CL, who has just turned 17, n I made ctc w/ her. She is a student, a non-WL.
A few days ago she invited me to do 视频 n I accepted. She is my type of SYT, 169, 52 kg, very fair skin w/ deep cleavage even though only the upper 3 cm was revealed, at least a D. Vital statistics 93 60 93 (she has measured them). Very cute n innocent gal! Very young like a pretty high school gal, but the figure of a sexy woman, w/ perky big round ass n very proportionate figure n long, slim straight legs. Quite slim arms too. She is in Dalian. Her first impression of me: 像那个 什么杰来...我想想哈...李连杰· Me look like the famous kungfu actor?? I wasted no time in asking her to come to Beijin n I promised to make love to her everyday, hahaha. She looked shocked, smiled n was amused, but didn't terminate the video calling. She was speechless, didn't say yes or no. She sent me more photos including full body shots, haha.
She is the only child. Her dad died due to an industrial accident when she was a toddler. Her mom remarried but is now separated from her step father. Last yr she enrolled in a commercial school hoping to become a flight attendant one day. The school is now defunct n she is staying home...Her mom is 41 n owns a beauty salon. She lives w/ her mom, mom's BF n her maternal grandparents.
We converse in Mandarin, but in texting, I hv used mostly English which is easier for me. And she could comprehend over 90% of my text msg.
Even though I can't wait to fxk her n is actively in the process of KC-ing her, I'm trying avoid her as she won't leave me alone! I hv time constraint n she has been trying to chat w/ me n do video calling on QQ almost constantly! I hv already spent many hrs! She is stalking me! Telling her how old I'm n that I'm a lao chi ko pek has not deterred her. She sent me overtures while I'm writing this. I 'm the one to terminate our dialogue every time. Yesterday she woke up at 2: 35 AM her time n wanted to chat (11: 35 AM in Gotham City). I called her n she was in the bathrm as she didn't want to wake up her family. After 23 min, I said goodbye. She sent me more pics...but not revealing enuff.
I hv used push-pull n playing hard to get...CL has requested video calling 咱俩视频吧 whenever she is awake n at home. When she is outside she wants to chat using her HP. She just sent me msg inviting me to chat (3:57Am her time). I ignored her most of time now n she said 我想死你了 , when I replied her text, she would be thrilled: 我们恋爱吧 . As I expected, she has accepted my offer to spend 2-3 days w/ me in BJ. She is my lover n I'll pay for her travel expenses. I may buy a nice gift for her, hahaha.
BTW, she told me yesterday that her breasts r D or E n 100% natural. I told her I would love to kiss her n suck her nipples...she is not my usual type for only one reason: Her boobs r a bit too large!
Last night, she forwarded an explicit pic showing her large breasts w/ quite large pink nipples. Looks like D or perhaps E to me. Also shows her slim waist, large hips n slim thighs/legs...she was wearing a G-string.
My reply in English: Very pretty n sexy. I love to kiss n suck them everyday. Any more photos for your arms, abdomen, buttocks, pussy n thighs/legs...I like to kiss n suck them too, hahahaThanks, CL. Love u!
If we r compatible n like each other, I'll invite her to do schooling in SG. I'll treat her like a lover n pay for travel, living expenses n school tuition. I may buy her gifts from time to time. I hope it's legal. If she does come, I'll "retire" from BY-ing n cheonging for 2 yrs.
I hv made ctc w/ other pretty SYTs who r non-WLs in China, but CL is among the prettiest. She is the youngest n has the sexiest body. Nevertheless, I'll extend my stay in BJ for up to a wk for another pretty non-WL SYT n also to explore KTV gals.
Bro WB
13-04-2011, 09:10 AM
I understand. But you will be available when I need ur advice, right?
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I really doubt you will need my advice...:D
By the way, which websites do you usually go to find your gals? :p
13-04-2011, 02:16 PM
I hv been scouring many Chinese Websites for SYTs. I want to connect w/ them n then up them and/or BY them. A wk ago, I came across the photos of a very pretty CL, who has just turned 17, n I made ctc w/ her. She is a student, a non-WL.
A few days ago she invited me to do 视频 n I accepted. She is my type of SYT, 169, 52 kg, very fair skin w/ deep cleavage even though only the upper 3 cm was revealed, at least a D. Vital statistics 93 60 93 (she has measured them). Very cute n innocent gal! Very young like a pretty high school gal, but the figure of a sexy woman, w/ perky big round ass n very proportionate figure n long, slim straight legs. Quite slim arms too. She is in Dalian. Her first impression of me: 像那个 什么杰来...我想想哈...李连杰· Me look like the famous kungfu actor?? I wasted no time in asking her to come to Beijin n I promised to make love to her everyday, hahaha. She looked shocked, smiled n was amused, but didn't terminate the video calling. She was speechless, didn't say yes or no. She sent me more photos including full body shots, haha.
, abdomen, buttocks, pussy n thighs/legs...I like to kiss n suck them too, hahahaThanks, CL. Love u!
Bro WB
Remind me of Michael Douglas's movie 'Fatal Attraction'....his lover becoming his fatal stalker ... lucky that you guys are miles apart....
14-04-2011, 03:49 AM
Bro WB,
I really doubt you will need my advice...:D
By the way, which websites do you usually go to find your gals?
Bro TD,
Yes, I'll need ur guidance as I hv no experience in KC-ing SYTs, especially non-WLs.
There r many websites in China. Just 百度一下。I hv also placed ad all over...I hv been getting ctc of at least 1 chio SYT of my type to BY every 2-3 days. Many r non-WLS. But most of them want me to BY them where they go to school or work in China.:(
I'll try to bring some of them to SG.
Remind me of Michael Douglas's movie 'Fatal Attraction'....his lover becoming his fatal stalker ... lucky that you guys are miles apart....
Bro woody17,
CL is different from all other gals/women I hv ever met. She is very young n very, very naughty.:D
BUT she wants my undivided attention around the clock, keeps sending QQ msg n inviting me to do video calling whenever she is awake n able to do so. She often wakes up at 2-3 AM China time to send me msg n nude photos. I hv only very limited time for her. She says she is very sad n dreams abt me...
Yesterday, She had waited to chat w/ me from 2AM until 2:30 PM her time (11:30 PM Gotham time). I purposely refused to answer her, hahaha. When I excused myself at 12 midnight to go to sleep, she won't let me! Later shes was angry n sad...n cried!
Is she crazy or mentally n emotionally sick? I just want to make love to her n I dun want any trouble...I may not want to meet her in BJ.
I heard from JK that u had a minor accident. I'm sure that you're perfectly fine now.
Take care, bro. Hope to c u in BJ! Cheers!
.................................................. ..................................
Good morning!
Hef of Playboy fame is my No1 role model. He is old enuff to be my dad! And I'm a lao chi ko pek!
Finding, connecting w/ n proposing BY to chio SYTs make me young. It's too much fun.
Also, going after more than a dozen gals at the same time keeps my mind sharp n prevents me from getting KC-ed.
I use push-pull technique. When my heartthrob CL wanted me to go to Dalian instead, I said No n ignored her completely, she then came begging me...I hv many options.
I did a video calling w/ TC (my good luck charm) n saw her older sis. Wow, quite pretty. Aged 24, 163, 50 kg. I jokingly told them I would BY both of them! She wants to come to SG on singer permit n is hoping to be BY-ed by a rich bro. She will forward her recent photos to me. Any bro interested?
I also requested TC to send me an up-to-date closeup pic of her very pretty abalone. I said I needed it to PCC so that I wont hv to look for other pussies, hehe. She said OK.
That's all folks.
Bro WB
14-04-2011, 08:58 AM
Bro TD,
Yes, I'll need ur guidance as I hv no experience in KC-ing SYTs, especially non-WLs.
There r many websites in China. Just 百度一下。I hv also placed ad all over...I hv been getting ctc of at least 1 chio SYT of my type to BY every 2-3 days. Many r non-WLS. But most of them want me to BY them where they go to school or work in China.:(
I'll try to bring some of them to SG.
CL is different from all other gals/women I hv ever met. She is very young n very, very naughty.:D
BUT she wants my undivided attention around the clock, keeps sending QQ msg n inviting me to do video calling whenever she is awake n able to do so. She often wakes up at 2-3 AM China time to send me msg n nude photos. I hv only very limited time for her. She says she is very sad n dreams abt me...
Yesterday, She had waited to chat w/ me from 2AM until 2:30 PM her time (11:30 PM Gotham time). I purposely refused to answer her, hahaha. When I excused myself at 12 midnight to go to sleep, she won't let me! Later shes was angry n sad...n cried!
Is she crazy or mentally n emotionally sick? I just want to make love to her n I dun want any trouble...I may not want to meet her in BJ.
That's all folks.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
I think you have enough experience to do that without my guidance already...:D
Anyway, young gals, especially non-WLs, can be very possessive especially if you have taken care of them for a period of time. Which is why I normally stay clear of those under 20 years old. The young ones seriously give me big problems every time.
For CL, I think judging from her behavior now, you have to monitor her closely before deciding whether to meet up with her or whether to BY her at the end of the day. I have a feeling that she is going to be very possessive once you BY her. My gut feeling is that she feels that you are a big fish waiting to be hooked and she is trying all means to do so.
14-04-2011, 08:17 PM
For CL, I think judging from her behavior now, you have to monitor her closely before deciding whether to meet up with her or whether to BY her at the end of the day. I have a feeling that she is going to be very possessive once you BY her. My gut feeling is that she feels that you are a big fish waiting to be hooked and she is trying all means to do so.
I agree with teebs, WB. I have lived in China long enough, and have heard too many stories. I feel that this one is not safe. Be careful!
16-04-2011, 12:57 AM
Bro WB.............
Anyway, young gals, especially non-WLs, can be very possessive especially if you have taken care of them for a period of time. Which is why I normally stay clear of those under 20 years old. The young ones seriously give me big problems every time.
For CL, I think judging from her behavior now, you have to monitor her closely before deciding whether to meet up with her or whether to BY her at the end of the day. I have a feeling that she is going to be very possessive once you BY her. My gut feeling is that she feels that you are a big fish waiting to be hooked and she is trying all means to do so.
Hi Bro TD,
Ths so much for ur expert advice n warning.
I'm having lots of good clean fun w/ her. I won't be hooked easily though, hehehe.
I agree with teebs, WB. I have lived in China long enough, and have heard too many stories. I feel that this one is not safe. Be careful!
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm careful. I hv distanced myself from her.
BTW, there is a 22 yo recent uni graduate from Shanghai who appears quite pretty. She is 166 n slim. She is asking 4W a month for BY.
Could u meet her n "audition" her for me? She has agreed to meeting u. If so, I'll PM her ctc no.
Bro WB
17-04-2011, 11:07 PM
BTW, there is a 22 yo recent uni graduate from Shanghai who appears quite pretty. She is 166 n slim. She is asking 4W a month for BY.
Could u meet her n "audition" her for me? She has agreed to meeting u. If so, I'll PM her ctc no.
Bro WB
Dear Bro WB,
I have moved over to SZ, and am no longer in SH. Even if I were to be in SH, though, I would suggest you not ask another brother to audition your women. Tastes in women vary tremendously from men to men, and it is not nice to be disappointed when a brother gave a "bells and whistles" report, but she is not exactly the type that clicks with you. Vice versa, a case may occur where a brother is totally disgusted with the girl, but whom may actually be your type.
It is best to meet up and get the feeling yourself. So, are you bringing her to SG, or going over to SH?
20-04-2011, 02:13 AM
Dear Bro WB,
I have moved over to SZ, and am no longer in SH...........
It is best to meet up and get the feeling yourself. So, are you bringing her to SG, or going over to SH?
Dear bro chenzong,
Good advice.
I'll try to import her to SG...if I really like her.
A successful BY depends on many factors. Then there r the imponderables...
Regards, n thank you,
Bro WB
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 。。。。。
Good morning!
I never rely solely on OKTs for good reasons. I leave no stone unturned.
"Picking up" can also occur in cyberspace, hehe.
Now I hv too many potential GFs/Lovers/mistresses/er nai...both in PRC, SG n Gotham City...I'm getting luckier n luckier.
Are all gals work in bank loan Dept.? They want to give u loans when u don't need them. Likewise, they seem to offer their pussies when u dun need them!:D
A guru sent me the following just days ago:
I was talking to a friend of mine recently, who brought up a
certain infamous phenomenon that I think just about all of us can
relate to.
"You know, when you're not getting a whole lot of dates it seems
like it's next to impossible to get a woman to show any interest
whatsoever...let alone make the first move.
But now that I've got a girlfriend I really like, I'm noticing that
ALL KINDS OF WOMEN are sending very clear attraction signals my way.
It's this just 'dumb luck'?"
I told him that my educated guess was that "luck" had nothing to do
with it. In fact, there was likely a very rational explanation for
what he was noticing.
It's like this.
In the sales world, it's a well-known and long-established fact
that people buy on the approval of others.
In other words, if NOBODY seems to want a certain product it'll be
MUCH harder to sell to any given prospect.
However, if LOTS of people want it, a "snowball effect" is likely
to start where soon EVERYBODY will want it.
This is a big reason why customer testimonials are so valuable and
why large companies are willing to pay big bucks for celebrity
You can actually test this principle out for yourself.
The next time you're hanging with a friend at some sort of store,
wait until you have several strangers around and then pick up
something off the shelf that you already have or point out some
snack that you've already tried.
In a voice that's just loud enough to be overheard, tell your
friend how unbelievably great it is. Maybe give one quick detail
in support of that, and then casually move on.
Next, pay attention out of the corner of your eye. Almost
invariably someone nearby will pick up the item you were just
This is all part of human nature. If something is worth having,
someone probably already has it.
Taken to an extreme, this is one reason why some (admittedly
dysfunctional) people get off on dating ONLY people who are already
But even well-meaning people with a healthy mindset towards
relationships with MOTOS (members of the opposite sex) tend to
consider someone who someone else already considers attractive all
the more attractive themselves.
Add it all up, and when you have an adoring girlfriend more girls
tend to adore you.
But wait a second.
Sure, the explanation I just gave is more than logical. In fact,
you may actually have heard it the whole story before.
Still, it really doesn't explain how or why you can suddenly start
attracting women like wildfire when you're no longer single--even
when your girlfriend ISN'T THERE WITH YOU.
Heck, it's altogether possible women will even be showing interest
in you who are TOTAL STRANGERS and have no way of knowing whether
you're single or not.
So how does THAT work?
Obviously, there's more to it in that case than ye olde "people buy
on the approval of others" factor, right?
What's likely the case is that you're carrying yourself in a way
that says you don't NEED to find a woman, whereas in the past
"desperation" may have been written all over your face--whether you
realized it or not.
Moreover, when you DO interact with women nowadays--even attractive
ones--there's nothing really "at stake" for you.
In other words, because you don't WANT ANYTHING from the women
around you, your need for "approval" from them is almost
It's as if what they think of you is sort of beside the point,
given the fact that you have a girlfriend already.
As such, perhaps ironically, you're getting a first-hand look at
the sheer, raw power of what we talk about around here ALL THE TIME
as being an all-important mindset, regardless of your "relationship
When you've ALREADY got a woman who likes you, there's not as much
fear of how other women will respond to you (or not).
After all, in your world it no longer matters as long as you've got
a great woman who truly digs you.
So then, since conversations with other women aren't seen as
"competitions" leading to either "acceptance" or "rejection", you
are more at ease, more confident and--frankly--more attractive.
Simply put, when you don't NEED approval from women, you tend to
GET it from them.
No matter what the reason for it, having lots of women suddenly
show interest in you can be super frustrating when you're in an
exclusive relationship.
That's especially true if you've jumped into that arrangement
rather quickly after a long time without female companionship.
But nevertheless, there's no reason to get bummed out by what's a
very natural human phenomenon.
Remember, if you're with the RIGHT woman then you'll WANT to be in
that steady relationship with her. You can rest assured you have
the greatest woman of all no matter who else shows interest.
But on the other hand, even if seeing interest on the part of other
women proves to be far too intriguing to you, that can still be a
good thing. Maybe it's a clear signal that you should "raise the
bar" instead of getting into a committed relationship with the
woman you're currently with.
At the very least, you should be able to rest assured that should
your current relationship ever end, you'll have plenty of other
excellent long as you can harness the mindset you
CURRENTLY have and transform it into habit.
And if you're NOT seeing that one woman exclusively?
Well...let's just say that what I've shared with you today is a HUGE
reason why guys who are seeing one woman usually find it LOTS
easier to start dating others as well.
Be Good,
23-04-2011, 01:44 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
I'll be very busy for the next several wks.
Please continue to share your experiences n insights in "picking up" n in BY-ing.
Bro WB
23-04-2011, 10:21 PM
Good morning to all samsters,
I'll be very busy for the next several wks.
Please continue to share your experiences n insights in "picking up" n in BY-ing.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Will wait for your return...:D
26-04-2011, 07:51 PM
求包养 会灌肠
求包养 会滚床
求包养 中指长
银月枪 裆内藏
求包养 [关键词屏蔽]棒
求包养 软饭郎
city slicker
27-04-2011, 01:08 AM
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yr candid encounters and really appreciate yr generous sharing spirit. I have gained much insights on the mystique of BY from yr postings. A most lively topic judging from the active contributions from so many seasoned players !
Just wonder if there is a high risk of the BYer being blackmailed by the gal when he stops the arrangement (assuming a sticky girl), and how should one minimize this as presumably the gal would have a fair idea of the BYer profile and contacts ? Thanks !
27-04-2011, 08:15 AM
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yr candid encounters and really appreciate yr generous sharing spirit. I have gained much insights on the mystique of BY from yr postings. A most lively topic judging from the active contributions from so many seasoned players !
Just wonder if there is a high risk of the BYer being blackmailed by the gal when he stops the arrangement (assuming a sticky girl), and how should one minimize this as presumably the gal would have a fair idea of the BYer profile and contacts ? Thanks !
There shouldn't be any chance of that happening. The only things she should know about you should be your name (which should not be your real name) and your HP number which preferably should be a pre-paid card.
27-04-2011, 11:43 AM
Wah Bro Warbird, if I have an opportunity to meet up with you when you're in Beijing, I definitely must. Your adventures and insights are something I definitely need to learn from.
27-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Just wonder if there is a high risk of the BYer being blackmailed by the gal when he stops the arrangement (assuming a sticky girl), and how should one minimize this as presumably the gal would have a fair idea of the BYer profile and contacts ? Thanks !
This risk shud no even exist unless you allow yourself to be totally exposed.
Guidelines are as follows:
1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
These r wat i can think of for now, but this would leave her wif no way of ever blackmailing you for anything!
28-04-2011, 02:37 AM
Bro WB,
Will wait for your return...
Bro TD,
Hopefully quite soon...
Ths bro besafe.
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yr candid encounters and really appreciate yr generous sharing spirit....
Just wonder if there is a high risk of the BYer being blackmailed by the gal when he stops the arrangement (assuming a sticky girl)...............
Bro city slicker,
I believe in sharing n in win-win-win-win-win situations.
Never give ur real names or work/residence address...see post by mr. Chairman below.
A jilted mistress can be very spiteful n vindictive! I always try to make our parting amicable. But a few still hate me...
There shouldn't be any chance of that happening. The only things she should know about you should be your name (which should not be your real name) and your HP number which preferably should be a pre-paid card.
Ideally yes.
Wah Bro Warbird, if I have an opportunity to meet up with you when you're in Beijing, I definitely must. Your adventures and insights are something I definitely need to learn from.
Hi bro nameci,
Hope to meet up w/ u.
This risk shud no even exist unless you allow yourself to be totally exposed.
Guidelines are as follows:
1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for ur contribution n insights.
.................................................. ................................
Good morning!
Just a quick update.
I hv arranged for two current high school students, both non-WLs to meet up w/ me in PRC. They hv done video calling w/ me n know that I'm a lao chi ko pek! They hv to take a leave of absence. Unfortunately, one of them (XB) already said no BJ or painting, but kissing is fine. I'm betting that when she is hving multiple orgasms, she will say yes to everything, hehe. The other is CL who has said okay to my kissing n licking/sucking every cm of her lovely body...I'm thinking of doing 双飞 w/ them.
Recently, I hv discovered that, in PRC, there r many, many chio n tall SYTs, non-WLs, aged 17-19, who r in high schools or uni, who want to be BY-ed by the right MAN. Why get fxked by boys their age for free? These boys can't even give them orgasms, hehehe.
SG is a very boring place compared w/ PRC...unless I can import some of these SYTs.
Bro WB
city slicker
28-04-2011, 10:49 PM
Thanks to Mr Chairman and bros for your kind advice. . .
"Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. "
For regular phone contacts with MM in PRC, are there any cheap pre-paid cards in the market that don't cost an arm and a leg like those prepaid from Singtel ?
Appreciation :)
City slicker
29-04-2011, 12:52 AM
Thanks to Mr Chairman and bros for your kind advice. . .
"Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. "
For regular phone contacts with MM in PRC, are there any cheap pre-paid cards in the market that don't cost an arm and a leg like those prepaid from Singtel ?
Appreciation :)
City slicker
You mean you want to contact MM in PRC? Just use ICC card lah. A few cards have 900 mins talktime to PRC for $10 only...If use callback service then is ard 400 mins for $10:p
Otherwise use pfingo lor. S$0.02 per minute to PRC. Android phones and iPhone have the Pfingo app.
29-04-2011, 03:46 PM
Guidelines are as follows:
1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
These should not be guidelines. They should be mandatory!
29-04-2011, 06:20 PM
These should not be guidelines. They should be mandatory!
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
30-04-2011, 12:39 AM
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
There will always be people like that. Nothing much we can do about them...:D
09-05-2011, 10:24 AM
...They should be mandatory!
Isnt it obvious that some dun even know these mandatory stuff existed?
There will always be people like that. ....
Hi esteemed bros chenzong, DUBJ n TD,
There r many things in life which r obvious n should be mandatory...but many people r ignorant or perhaps can't control their emotions.
For example, why r there so many SUCKERS who bet against the casinos in games that they will surely lose in the long run?? This is a mathematical certainty. Personally, I'll not waste $1 in any casino, unless I'm playing poker against other visitors aka patsies. If everyone thinks like me, ALL the casinos in the world will be bankrupt within a few months, hahaha.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. .....
Good morning!
China is now the land of opportunity for many things...
Where else in the world could a lao chi ko pek make love to 2 non-WL students n hv them vying for his attention n affection??
I hv never met a SYT like CL. No, I'm not referring to her natural 34i boobs. No other gals hv ever liked me more or r more obsessed w/ me. She has spent her entire waking hrs trying to ctc me n chat w/ me in the last 4 wks. When she was w/ me, she wanted to hug n kiss n make love non-stop even though I was very tired! She only has one BF in her life n he made love only 9 times to her. Her cunt is very, very tight n wet. When I inserted my didi, she let out a loud moan, a mixture of pain n pleasure. She had a bit of pain after our 1st session but still tried to fxk me again n again! Additionally, she really treated me like the emperor of China n would let me do ANYTHING to her. Her affection for me is genuine judging by her body language n responses, etc. When I told her this morning that she might hv difficulty coming to SG, she sobbed...
Cl wants to come to SG for schooling. I'm her 干爹 n she only wants school fees n very modest living expenses from me, nothing more. Her mom owns a successful beauty salon from whom she will get some money as well. She confesses her profound liking for me n vows that her cunt will be mine exclusively. Does she love me? She says a least a little, but she never loved anyone else before. My worry is that she may get too sticky n needy which would be repulsive...
Then there is the other SYT XB who also calls me 干爹...but she only wants to come to SG during summer vacation.
My brief experience in PRC merely hints at the vast potential...
The key is to be a poker player n never reveal our feelings to these gals, at least not initially.
More advice on the subject from my favourite Ang Moh guru:
Have you ever made the mistake of
telling a woman how you felt about her?
It's a common mistake, and I'm going to
reveal why in this newsletter.
If you'd like to jump straight to the
information that can help you avoid this
kind of fatal mistake with a woman you
want to get in your life, go here
I have a problem, quite a big one in my
Well where shall I start, a few months
ago I met this girl at college, she's
smart, funny and I feel we connected.
We gradually became better friends and
we spend a lot of time together and over
the past few weeks I suspected that she
may have some feelings for me (I did
Feeling quite confident about this
looking at the way she acted around me I
thought on New Years Eve I would try and
tell her how I felt and see if I was
right in thinking she felt the same way.
.................................................. ........
She's one of my best friends and I love
her, I'm so scared of losing her as a
friend, I just, for once in my life want
something more out of it.
Please... I really need some advice
from a expert like you.
Thanks a lot
West Yorkshire, Britain.
Well, my friend, you came to the right
First of all, you know where your
mistake was, don't you?
Let me replay your words:
"I took her into a quiet room and told
her how I felt..."
Guys everywhere are saying, "OOOH... Big
mistake" and shaking their heads.
Especially me.
The one sure-fire way to kill attraction
with a woman is to talk to her about
your feelings. It's the ultimate
Imagine that you're sitting there
watching a movie. It's a really good
mystery. You're keeping track of all the
clues, and you're getting close to the
end. Right then, your roommate walks in
and says, "Oh, the guy's wife killed
her." And he goes to the kitchen.
How would you feel?
Probably like stomping on his head.
We humans enjoy the build up of tension.
What ruins it for us is to have the
mystery destroyed.
That's why I hate this new show on cable
that shows you how all the magic tricks
are done. I don't want to know how
they're done... that's why I like
watching magic shows! I know they're
tricks, but I like not knowing.
This is exactly what your girl
experienced when you told her your
feelings. You probably thought she'd
just jump into your arms, relieved to
find out that she liked you, too. But
what telling her your feelings does is
remove all the mystery and uncertainty
from the situation...
And that's what creates attraction and
romantic interest in the first place, my
Second of all, I want you to promise me
that you never make a move on a woman
that you're "so scared" of losing.
Because you're setting yourself up in
what I lovingly call a "double bind."
This means that if you're scared of
losing her friendship, that fear will
taint any attempt you make to attract
You simply can't have it both ways. You
can't walk the fence.
Fear of loss is one of the most deadly
killers of a man's game, because he will
never act like a man who is living his
Instead, he acts like he's a wuss that's
scared of making people angry at him.
Think about it for a second... Think
about any guy you know who is attractive
and charismatic. Does this guy run
around with a "Oh please oh please - I
hope you like me!" attitude?
No. He doesn't care if you like him or
not - and THAT right there is why we're
attracted to those types of people. They
communicate strength of spirit and
confidence that is not shaken by other
people's opinion of them.
Really, take a second here and read that
over again. It's big and important that
you understand this essential
characteristic of men and how they
communicate their Alpha Strength.
Third, if you do make a move on a woman
that's your friend, be willing to risk
This is the other side of that fear I
just told you about. You have to be
willing to lose what you've got to get
something more.
Don't be lured into that false sense of
need where you try to play with "scared
money." That's when you're gambling, but
you change your winning strategy because
your emotions are jacking with your
You said that this "destroyed you..."
No, I don't think so. You just lack
From now on, no more emotional
discussions with her. Women don't need
to know that you are interested in her
or have feelings in her. All she cares
is if SHE has them for you.
You can talk about your feelings later
on, when you've got a relationship and
you two are having wild monkey-love
together. Until then, keep your mouth
Next, make damn sure you're out there
meeting new women and forgetting your
focus on this one woman. Obsession is
the number 2 killer of relationships,
and it's the unhealthy focus on ONE
It screams out: "I have no other options
but you, which means no other women want
me..." Which is a BIG red flag to women.
They want a man with social value and
But I want to warn you about a problem I
see coming up...
I think you might be falling into the
Nice Guy trap.
You know how I can tell? From the tone
of your email at the end. It sounds like
you're sobbing into a hankie, and you
might go out and rent a bunch of chick
flicks tonight while you sit home eating
You need the antidote to cure you and
rehabilitate you, and it's called Alpha
What is "Alpha Attitude?"
Well, think of it this way:
It's the inner confidence of a man who
knows he can create the kind of
relationship he wants with a woman.
Have you ever seen an at-tractive woman
on the street, and thought to yourself,
"Man, I wish I knew what to walk over
and say to her so that she'd stop right
there and really want to know more about
But then we usually disqualify ourselves
in our head, thinking "What do I have
that she'd want?"
The Alpha Attitude wipes all that
self-doubt and fear away.
I explain the inner game mindset of the
man who is confident and has women in
his life all the time. I call him the
Alpha Man.
You know this guy. Chances are, you wish
you WERE this guy.
Being the kind of man that pulls women
into his life - and keeps them - isn't
hard at all. It just involves learning a
few new skills.
I want to give you that deep
understanding and ability with women
that you've always wanted. I have a full
set of tools and techniques that will
improve your game with women MASSIVELY.
And I want to share them with you. This
is stuff you can't get anywhere else.
.................................................. ...
Talk to you soon,
Your friend,
Mr. Guru
09-05-2011, 05:08 PM
nice sharing bro WB.
20-05-2011, 01:00 PM
nice sharing bro WB.
My pleasure.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites n hv found many chio SYTs, most of them non-WLs, who r willing n ready. Unfortunately, many of them r unwilling to come to SG, even though they r quite eager to be kept by me in Beijing or anywhere else in China.
I hv some reflections on my experience in BY-ing which I started exactly 2 yrs ago. My 1st BAO-ee was XW who had resisted my advances for over 8 months. My mistake? Being an ah pek, I thought I wasn't good enuff for her, a 20 yo SYT then. She left me twice...but she is back w/ me again. Now the table has turned. The reason? My attitude, or shall I say my subconscious mind, has changed radically. Now no gal is good enuff for me, regardless of how young n how chio she is. She can take it or leave it. Thanks largely to my meditation, self affirmations, self hypnosis n chanting, etc.
Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...n there r many more gals who hv agreed to be my BAO-ees, most of them in PRC. It may be coincidental that my current four gals r 168 in height. Fortuitously, the number 168 sounds like being very prosperous all the way down the road in Mandarin n Cantonese n some other dialects, hehehe.
I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs! My best fren has seen her photos n thinks she is definitely worth my effort. No, she is far from perfect: She has medium-sized bony frame n I hv failed to give her COS.
At this time, I like to share an email from a guru on the importance of high social value.
Let's face it: women love guys with high status. They're suckers
for the alpha-male types that don't give a damn about what others
think of them. It's that "X-factor" that makes girls melt in their
seats and gets them all hot and bothered.
In PUA circles, players refer to this as social value, a commodity
worth GOLD in the field. It's this mysterious, seemingly
intangible quality that all AFCs strive to have, but end up
scratching their heads trying to chase after it.
But first, let's get a preliminary question out of the way...
Well first of all, not having this is like going on a long drive
without passing by the gas station to fill up. In the same way,
going into the scene without a trace of status is pure SUICIDE.
Not only will you be stuck in uncharted territory, you'll be making
an ass of yourself in short order. You have to appreciate the fact
that humans, even during these modern times are still compelled, no
- HARDWIRED - to follow behavioral patterns encoded into our DNA
thousands of years ago.
In the olden times, women learned to align themselves with men who
are able protect and take care of them. If you couldn't hunt for
your daily meals or build that bonfire, then you're pretty much
Now, while those same exact traits might not apply to today's
standards, the same spirit of those desirable qualities lives on.
In present society, survival value have modern equivalents, such as
leading other guys, keeping bullies from beating up your brothers,
or being able to loan money to your broke friend.
In short, people may have evolved in many ways, but our underlying
social dynamics are still deeply rooted in the same logic that goes
way back. That simply means that women as a whole are driven to
seek men who are strong in some way, even if they aren't
necessarily looking for a long-term commitment.
As such, you damn well better have the social value that they want.
If not, you won't have a chance in winning over any of those
gorgeous women you seek to be with. You're off to the sidelines,
watching those high-value males sweep your dream girl off her feet.
But don't despair. Social value can be cultivated to your
advantage, so rest easy as I give you a run-through of the two most
effective ways to jumpstart your dating life.
#1: Lay off the validation
That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.
Let's face it - while women can be wonderful creatures to be
around with, they have the equal potential for ego-beating if you
let them. This is especially true for high-value women who are
aware of their status.
They reassure themselves of their feminine power by making short
work of guys that try getting on their good side. These suckers
will do everything short of rolling over and playing dead.
It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.
Chances are, you've seen this happen - or heaven forbid - tried it
yourself. Here's a classic example...
Guy says hi to hot girl, guy buys her a drink, and they make some
petty chit-chat. Girl finishes her drink, politely excuses herself
and re-joins her friends to dissect her latest victim.
Let's not BS ourselves here. OF COURSE you like her, that's why
you're approaching her in the first place. But are you initiating
the interaction in a NEEDY or CREEPY way?
Once she knows that you're sucking up, it tells her that you're
selling yourself, and that gives her all the power in the world
over you.
A guy with social value never tries to prove his worth. In fact,
he knows that it's suicide to ask for her approval through drinks,
compliments and so on.
Look, you're more than welcome to do all that once she's fallen for
you, but dealing your best cards early on in the game will leave
you NO leverage to seal the deal.
#2: Playful, not pitiful!
That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script. The usual pattern
is to prove yourself, so the smart PUA reverses this order.
How does this happen? They replace groveling with playful
flirting. When you flirt, you're telling them, "I'm here to have
fun and don't really care if you respond positively or not."
And you really shouldn't care. When you build up the interaction
into something you really have to succeed at, then it's important
to you.
When she senses that it's important to you, then you've already
blown the approach because you've just lowered your social value.
In fact, you can care so less to the point of making fun of her in
a seemingly off-hand (but not belittling) way. If you're in a club
and approach the girl who appears to be the most popular in the
area, say something like "What else do you have going aside from
your looks?"
Not only will you have her full attention, she'll unknowingly give
chase. You've now created an opportunity for a back and forth
exchange of verbal wordplay without lowering your social value.
So now she'll have to justify her own value by proving you wrong.
After all, you just demonstrated backbone by not placing importance
on the one iota of power she has over other guys.
Of course, the smart PUA won't take the bait and casually dismiss
her answers with a comment like, "Hmmm, really?", and then
launching into a prepared routine.
That's pretty damn cocky, right? You've just leveled the playing
field by subtly (well not really) convincing her to prove herself
to you, and not the other way around. She'll be thinking "Who does
this guy think he is? I'll show him."
Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.
Be playful, but not insulting. Be feisty, but never play around
with the possibility of violence. The whole point is to get a
woman to play with you, not to crush her dignity or smack her
Otherwise, mean-spirited insults or jokes about punching her will
raise that red flag and take you OUT of the game.
Get used to greeting everyone you run into throughout the day,
whether it's the guy who delivers your morning paper or the
striking receptionist at work. Work your way up by starting
conversations when the opportunity presents itself.
Try this for about a couple of weeks to numb you to the fear of
initiating a conversation. Once you're comfortable enough, you can
move to casually approaching women in particular.
One thing though - a good approach never seems premeditated nor
should it look like you're hovering about. Both of those things
are social value killers. The operative word here is "nonchalant",
and remember that when you're out on the field.
Don't think that you have to make her laugh or get her number right
then and there. All you need to do is to gradually learn how to
embed flirting in your conversations.
If you're thinking, "I HAVE to get this right!" you will have
already undermined your social worth and lead to failure.
Keep the play-by-play analysis on hold until AFTER the chit-chat is
done. Once the conversation is over, ask yourself:
"What should I have I said/done differently?"
"Did I convey enough social value?"
I know how paralyzing fear can be; however, the gradual process of
coming out of one's shell is a very effective strategy for shy guys
to meet women. Expect a lot of botched approaches so don't take it
personally as you learn from your mistakes.
Think of it as accumulating field experience which will
continuously refine and improve your game as you go along...............................
Let's chat again real soon.
All the best,
Mr. Guru
20-05-2011, 01:19 PM
My pleasure.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites n hv found many chio SYTs, most of them non-WLs, who r willing n ready. Unfortunately, many of them r unwilling to come to SG, even though they r quite eager to be kept by me in Beijing or anywhere else in China.
I hv some reflections on my experience in BY-ing which I started exactly 2 yrs ago. My 1st BAO-ee was XW who had resisted my advances for over 8 months. My mistake? Being an ah pek, I thought I wasn't good enuff for her, a 20 yo SYT then. She left me twice...but she is back w/ me again. Now the table has turned. The reason? My attitude, or shall I say my subconscious mind, has changed radically. Now no gal is good enuff for me, regardless of how young n how chio she is. She can take it or leave it. Thanks largely to my meditation, self affirmations, self hypnosis n chanting, etc.
Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...n there r many more gals who hv agreed to be my BAO-ees, most of them in PRC. It may be coincidental that my current four gals r 168 in height. Fortuitously, the number 168 sounds like being very prosperous all the way down the road in Mandarin n Cantonese n some other dialects, hehehe.
I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs! My best fren has seen her photos n thinks she is definitely worth my effort. No, she is far from perfect: She has medium-sized bony frame n I hv failed to give her COS.
At this time, I like to share an email from a guru on the importance of high social value.
Let's face it: women love guys with high status. They're suckers
for the alpha-male types that don't give a damn about what others
think of them. It's that "X-factor" that makes girls melt in their
seats and gets them all hot and bothered.
In PUA circles, players refer to this as social value, a commodity
worth GOLD in the field. It's this mysterious, seemingly
intangible quality that all AFCs strive to have, but end up
scratching their heads trying to chase after it.
But first, let's get a preliminary question out of the way...
Well first of all, not having this is like going on a long drive
without passing by the gas station to fill up. In the same way,
going into the scene without a trace of status is pure SUICIDE.
Not only will you be stuck in uncharted territory, you'll be making
an ass of yourself in short order. You have to appreciate the fact
that humans, even during these modern times are still compelled, no
- HARDWIRED - to follow behavioral patterns encoded into our DNA
thousands of years ago.
In the olden times, women learned to align themselves with men who
are able protect and take care of them. If you couldn't hunt for
your daily meals or build that bonfire, then you're pretty much
Now, while those same exact traits might not apply to today's
standards, the same spirit of those desirable qualities lives on.
In present society, survival value have modern equivalents, such as
leading other guys, keeping bullies from beating up your brothers,
or being able to loan money to your broke friend.
In short, people may have evolved in many ways, but our underlying
social dynamics are still deeply rooted in the same logic that goes
way back. That simply means that women as a whole are driven to
seek men who are strong in some way, even if they aren't
necessarily looking for a long-term commitment.
As such, you damn well better have the social value that they want.
If not, you won't have a chance in winning over any of those
gorgeous women you seek to be with. You're off to the sidelines,
watching those high-value males sweep your dream girl off her feet.
But don't despair. Social value can be cultivated to your
advantage, so rest easy as I give you a run-through of the two most
effective ways to jumpstart your dating life.
#1: Lay off the validation
That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.
Let's face it - while women can be wonderful creatures to be
around with, they have the equal potential for ego-beating if you
let them. This is especially true for high-value women who are
aware of their status.
They reassure themselves of their feminine power by making short
work of guys that try getting on their good side. These suckers
will do everything short of rolling over and playing dead.
It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.
Chances are, you've seen this happen - or heaven forbid - tried it
yourself. Here's a classic example...
Guy says hi to hot girl, guy buys her a drink, and they make some
petty chit-chat. Girl finishes her drink, politely excuses herself
and re-joins her friends to dissect her latest victim.
Let's not BS ourselves here. OF COURSE you like her, that's why
you're approaching her in the first place. But are you initiating
the interaction in a NEEDY or CREEPY way?
Once she knows that you're sucking up, it tells her that you're
selling yourself, and that gives her all the power in the world
over you.
A guy with social value never tries to prove his worth. In fact,
he knows that it's suicide to ask for her approval through drinks,
compliments and so on.
Look, you're more than welcome to do all that once she's fallen for
you, but dealing your best cards early on in the game will leave
you NO leverage to seal the deal.
#2: Playful, not pitiful!
That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script. The usual pattern
is to prove yourself, so the smart PUA reverses this order.
How does this happen? They replace groveling with playful
flirting. When you flirt, you're telling them, "I'm here to have
fun and don't really care if you respond positively or not."
And you really shouldn't care. When you build up the interaction
into something you really have to succeed at, then it's important
to you.
When she senses that it's important to you, then you've already
blown the approach because you've just lowered your social value.
In fact, you can care so less to the point of making fun of her in
a seemingly off-hand (but not belittling) way. If you're in a club
and approach the girl who appears to be the most popular in the
area, say something like "What else do you have going aside from
your looks?"
Not only will you have her full attention, she'll unknowingly give
chase. You've now created an opportunity for a back and forth
exchange of verbal wordplay without lowering your social value.
So now she'll have to justify her own value by proving you wrong.
After all, you just demonstrated backbone by not placing importance
on the one iota of power she has over other guys.
Of course, the smart PUA won't take the bait and casually dismiss
her answers with a comment like, "Hmmm, really?", and then
launching into a prepared routine.
That's pretty damn cocky, right? You've just leveled the playing
field by subtly (well not really) convincing her to prove herself
to you, and not the other way around. She'll be thinking "Who does
this guy think he is? I'll show him."
Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.
Be playful, but not insulting. Be feisty, but never play around
with the possibility of violence. The whole point is to get a
woman to play with you, not to crush her dignity or smack her
Otherwise, mean-spirited insults or jokes about punching her will
raise that red flag and take you OUT of the game.
Get used to greeting everyone you run into throughout the day,
whether it's the guy who delivers your morning paper or the
striking receptionist at work. Work your way up by starting
conversations when the opportunity presents itself.
Try this for about a couple of weeks to numb you to the fear of
initiating a conversation. Once you're comfortable enough, you can
move to casually approaching women in particular.
One thing though - a good approach never seems premeditated nor
should it look like you're hovering about. Both of those things
are social value killers. The operative word here is "nonchalant",
and remember that when you're out on the field.
Don't think that you have to make her laugh or get her number right
then and there. All you need to do is to gradually learn how to
embed flirting in your conversations.
If you're thinking, "I HAVE to get this right!" you will have
already undermined your social worth and lead to failure.
Keep the play-by-play analysis on hold until AFTER the chit-chat is
done. Once the conversation is over, ask yourself:
"What should I have I said/done differently?"
"Did I convey enough social value?"
I know how paralyzing fear can be; however, the gradual process of
coming out of one's shell is a very effective strategy for shy guys
to meet women. Expect a lot of botched approaches so don't take it
personally as you learn from your mistakes.
Think of it as accumulating field experience which will
continuously refine and improve your game as you go along...............................
Let's chat again real soon.
All the best,
Mr. Guru
well said again...
thanks for sharing bro... :D
21-05-2011, 02:57 PM
Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal. :(
22-05-2011, 10:41 PM
baoyang gal only for the rich, i almost baoyang one 22 student from Dy classic last time, she wanted me to baoyang her but i told her that i only earn 3K how to support her, after cpf only left $2400 not even enough to feed myself :(
23-05-2011, 02:13 AM
Good stuff as usual from bro WB.
Gonna start practicing.
I see you changed your profile pict!
23-05-2011, 03:37 AM
Guidelines are as follows:
1) Never tell her your real name only alias
2) Never tell her where you stay always lie!
3) Never give her your real number, always have a sleaze number like wat a bro says, a prepaid card. Better still, if you have a chick who is goin back, ask her for her PP sim card since she cant use it in PRC, i have a few liao, damn useful haha
4) Never tell her where you work or stay
5) Never show her your IC or Business Card
6) Always bring her to places you hardly go, if you stay east, bring her to westmall jalan jalan, if you stay west, bring her to parkway parade or tampines mall walk walk
7) Meals are very important, always bring her to very quiet places where you and your family hardly ever go, my personal fav is millenia walk, very quiet and discreet place wif good restaurants and kopi joints
8) If need to screw, always bring her to ulu places, not the HOT ZONES
These are rules a player should remember by heart.
Absolute pearls of wisdom.
23-05-2011, 09:01 AM
Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal. :(
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
23-05-2011, 10:57 AM
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
Just to clarify, it included a couple of dates and movies, makan etc etc. She just played hard to get and I was just too kind to her. In the end finally got it but took so much effort and overpaid I think. Not worth it and not gonna happen again. :(
Next time just pay per screw. All this KC is super tiring.
23-05-2011, 04:05 PM
Still, $5K is a lot of money to blow, even for 2 dates, movies + makan, leading ultimately to one bonking session, but who am I to judge?
But that’s how it works, generally, I guess – you invest a little time and money in the beginning in the hope that eventually it can become a longer term, more frequent thing, but at a much lower cost of maintaining that f***ing relationship, or for BY-ing.
Bad sex happens. Just move on to the next target.
Recently, I bonked a celebrity for $2.5K a pop. I also wrote about it in the FL3 section.
23-05-2011, 05:38 PM
well said again...
thanks for sharing bro... :D
Thanks for sharing bro Warbird. I should have paid more attention to your lessons earlier. Just blew $5k for one lousy f*** with this KTV gal. :(
Hi bros jf66312 n mama88,
Just trying to share what little info I hv...
Blew $5K for one lousy fxk? It has happened to me before, hehe.
Pls describe ur experience n what u could hv done differently.
Never become obsessed w/ one particular pussy, no matter how chio she is. I hv more to say on this subject.
baoyang gal only for the rich, i almost baoyang one 22 student from Dy classic last time, she wanted me to baoyang her but i told her that i only earn 3K how to support her, after cpf only left $2400 not even enough to feed myself (
Hi bro YoungAhPek,
Yes, BY is expensive n may not be worth it...
The key is to be unconditionally happy.
Good stuff as usual from bro WB.
Gonna start practicing.
I see you changed your profile pict!
Hi bro MillerV,
Long time no see.
Many bros r going to LV sh tomorrow. Want to join us?
You paid $5K for a f*** with a KTV gal? That's way off the market rates? Why were you wiling to pay so much?
I like to know too.
Just to clarify, it included a couple of dates and movies, makan etc etc. She just played hard to get and I was just too kind to her. In the end finally got it but took so much effort and overpaid I think. Not worth it and not gonna happen again. :(
Next time just pay per screw. All this KC is super tiring.
Hi bro mama88,
For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.
I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...
Still, $5K is a lot of money to blow......
But that’s how it works, generally, I guess – you invest a little time and money in the beginning in the hope that eventually it can become a longer term, more frequent thing, but at a much lower cost of maintaining that f***ing relationship, or for BY-ing.
Bad sex happens. Just move on to the next target.
Recently, I bonked a celebrity for $2.5K a pop. I also wrote about it in the FL3 section.
Hi bro FA,
Good observation.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon,
Asian stock markets r sinking, hehehe. Tomorrow could be a good time to pick up some bargains.
BTW, CL is pulling out all stops to KC me. I spoke w/ her 41 yo mom who would be very happy if I could keep CL indefinitely! I'm now very resistant to KC bcos I'm in multiple RS n am still looking for younger n better ones.
I'm not suffering from ONEITIS, but MANYITIS, haha.
At this time I would like to share a recent email from another Ang Moh guru on...what else,
How to Stop Obsessing Over a Girl
Friday, 20 May, 2011 6:21 AM
From: Bro SSP
To: Bro Warbird
I've been there myself...
Sometimes you can't STOP thinking about a girl.
You *know* it's not going to work.
Yet you can't seem to get her out of your mind.
Don't worry. This is a common thing. It happens to
a lot of guys.
In fact, there's a term for it --> "ONE-ITIS."
One-itis is a horrible feeling.
It's an obsessive thought pattern you can't eliminate.
Now, you probably already know this. ANY obsession isn't
a healthy attitude to have.
Thinking about a girl as "The One" is REALLY bad...
...Especially when she doesn't feel the same way.
This makes you miss out on a number of opportunities with
women who COULD great to date.
I'm going to be honest.
We've all experienced one-itis.
It could a girl from a past relationship
It might be a a woman who is "just friends",
It could that girl Jill who works in the corner office.
My point is we guys always have one or two girls who we
can't stop thinking about.
What's the answer?
Start dating OTHER women. Even if you think you're
*destined* to be with this single girl.
Because dating gives clarity. It provides OPTIONS.
It's easy to put a girl on a pedestal when you don't
have anyone else in your life.
Bottom line. Start meeting other women.
They could be female friends, "hook-up" partners, or
someone in between.
The important thing is to fill your life with different
You don't have to sleep with every one.
Instead you're keeping your options open.
Here's why:
1) You won't get hung up on one particular woman
2) You'll be happier because you have a busy life filled
with interesting people
3) You'll be more attractive to women because they see you
as an important guy who is "pre-selected" by females
With a lot of women, you won't have time to think about
The One.
Plus it's like doing a Jedi-Mind Trick on this girl.
Once she realizes she's replaceable, she'll STOP acting
like a drama queen and/or stringing you along.
.................................................. ....
Yeah, yeah.
Blah, blah.
You like this girl and don't want to *mess things up*
Let me tell you something...
If you're not with her NOW, I guarantee "waiting" for her
is NOT going to improve your chances.
Furthermore, dating different women will provide complete
perspective ONCE you meet another *perfect girl*
You'll know what it's like to date different women.
So you'll be able to correctly identify if she really IS
the one.
What's the next step?
My advice is to get out there and meet the KIND of women
you like.
In other words, don't surround yourself with crazy, party
girls if you're not into that scene.
That's why I like to focus ONLY the girls who are my
You can do this by asking a few basic questions within
the first minute of a conversation.
.................................................. .............
I know it's hard to stop thinking about a girl.
I've been there myself.
In 2009, I was in a relationship with a girl who made me
COMPLETELY miserable.
The ironic thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her
after we broke up.
What finally 'clicked' was going back to my roots.
I started dating lots of different girls.
I even went to Europe for a few months and met a LOT
of cool people.
Now...I'm completely over this girl. In fact, I barely
remember what she looks like.
Trust me, dating lots of girls, is the surefire way to
stop thinking of "whats-her-name."
Talk Soon,
24-05-2011, 12:26 AM
Hi bro mama88,
For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.
I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...
Bro Warbird
Yes, $5k should have got me a lot more. The funny thing was that I wasn't even that keen on this girl, but became more like a friend over the few weeks we were together. That bf-gf feeling can lull one into danger ie being less conscious about spending money - be it rental, utilities, parents sick, brother in debt etc. In fact it was she who was always calling me up, and before I knew it... already $5k out-of-pocket. Only when I realised what was happening that I insisted on my f**k. She knew she had to give in, as I was kind of seeing the light here. After that night, she tried to pull one last stunt, and that's when I dumped her.
On chasing many pussies at once, that's not my style, mainly because of lack of time and energy. I prefer to develop one and stick with her. But this last one is the worst. All my previous ones were not as calculative and conniving, and I always had a good time with them without being fleeced.
Oh well, live and learn. ;)
26-05-2011, 12:46 PM
Bro Warbird
Yes, $5k should have got me a lot more. The funny thing was that I wasn't even that keen on this girl, but became more like a friend over the few weeks we were together. That bf-gf feeling can lull one into danger ie being less conscious about spending money - be it rental, utilities, parents sick, brother in debt etc. In fact it was she who was always calling me up, and before I knew it... already $5k out-of-pocket. Only when I realised what was happening that I insisted on my f**k. She knew she had to give in, as I was kind of seeing the light here. After that night, she tried to pull one last stunt, and that's when I dumped her.
On chasing many pussies at once, that's not my style, mainly because of lack of time and energy. .....
Oh well, live and learn. ;)
Hi bro mama88,
You're too soft-hearted. These gals r very cunning .
Some of them r outright whores who work in brothel s, KTVs or saunas back in China. When they r here, they play hard to get...
Always hv more options so that u can tell he r to take it or leave it.
Bro WB
.................................................. ........
Good afternoon!
My recent visits to LV n elsewhere hv been diappoi nting.An honest mummy told me 2 days ago that ther r r very few gals of my type for either ST or BY.S he will continue to do her best...
Wat to do? I will hv to import SYTs of my type directly from China. But the process is complicated...n many really great ones wont come. They only want to be kept in China.
Another useful email from an Ang Moh guru:
Is the tone of voice you're using with women
KILLING your chances of attracting them? If so, the good news is
that you can reverse your fortune RIGHT NOW...
They say that some ridiculously high percentage of communication is
That percentage varies based on which study you read, but one
thing's for sure: It's not just the words you use themselves that
By now you've heard enough about "body language" and such, but
today I want to address one VERY KEY specific piece of the puzzle
in terms of the INFLECTION of your voice when you're talking to
"Inflection", of course, refers to HOW you deliver your words. And
the tone and cadence of what you say is a big part of "non verbal"
communication, no doubt.
Now, I'm not altogether convinced that it's a coincidence that
"inflection" is just one letter off from "infection". After all,
the inflection many of us use when talking to women is pretty sick
indeed...and not in the good way.
In fact, I don't think it's too strong a statement to say that HOW
you speak to women could be the SINGLE BIGGEST reason why you're
getting NOWHERE with so many of them, if that's the case.
This could especially be true if you're often left in the dust
wondering what on Earth went wrong with a woman. You feel like you
SAID the right words, made the right moves, etc.
"Infected inflection" might very well be the culprit.
I've known for ages how powerful this factor is, but it wasn't
until a recent coaching call with a Ten-Plus guy that I was left to
ponder the full-on gravitas of it all.
My friend on the telephone and I had just about everything going
for him in life, except he couldn't quite get women to return his
calls as consistently as he would have liked.
A few days prior to one of our calls he'd gathered up the nerve to
approach a very confident hottie who had just gotten off of her
1000cc sportbike.
You can pretty much picture the scene. A firebreathing superbike
pulls to a halt outside, off comes the helmet...and she brushes back
her long, flowing blonde hair.
Very nice. But also NOT the least intimidating chick in the world
to approach. A woman like that typically has ZERO TOLERANCE for
wimpy dudes.
Sure enough, our hero approaches her, makes conversation with her,
and gets her number. Outstanding. So far, so good.
So he calls her a couple of days later and leaves her a voicemail.
No response...even after 48 hours.
She had seemed interested when he met her, so he was wondering what
he could have possibly said in a simple voicemail to crater his
I asked him to tell me what his message to her sounded like.
When I heard the words, a few too many of them were "just"
doubt. And as you've read from me recently, that doesn't generally
work in one's favor with regard to talking to women.
But what hit me between the eyes was the INFLECTION of his voice as
he recounted his message to "Moto Chick".
Suddenly, I knew why she hadn't returned his call.
I recommended that he wait about another day and then leave her a
SECOND voice mail (figuring she'd likely not answer the phone since
that first message had disinterested her).
I also suggested some very concrete changes in HOW he talked as he
left the message.
Two days later, "Moto Chick" returned his second call and they
happily went out together.
What made the difference?
Now ask yourself, who was in CONTROL during each of those
respective conversations? was whoever had MORE OPTIONS.
So let's consider for a minute the last time someone tried to sell
you something that was in LOW demand. You know, something you may
in fact had not really wanted all that much anyway.
What was the INFLECTION of the salesguy's voice?
My guess that he talked fast, possibly in a higher pitch than he
might during "normal" conversation, and that each sentence ended
with an upturn in the tone of his voice.
And you quite probably detected that he was attempting to be
particularly "nice" if he was "walking on eggshells" to keep
from scaring you away (and therefore losing a potential sale).
What you were hearing was the voice of a DESPERATE, NEEDY man whose
family needed food on the table.
Okay, so now consider the last time you went somewhere to happily
buy the newest, latest and greatest iPhone, video game or AMG
What was the inflection of THAT salesguy's voice like?
My guess is that it was more calm and reserved. Or maybe he even
gave you bold, direct answers to questions you "walking on
eggshells" necessary.
No matter what, there was no "fear of loss" to be detected
anywhere. In fact, you may have even forgotten that he was even
paid on commission there for a second.
Indeed...he wasn't really "selling". His job was simply to help YOU
buy...if you were actually fortunate enough to get there on time
before his supply ran out.
Now let's get back to my friend and "Moto Chick".
What was the difference between our hero's first (unsuccessful)
voicemail and the second (successful) one?
The difference in his voice inflection was EXACTLY the difference
between the first salesguy's voice and the second one's voice.
That's all it took. The words were actually very similar in
meaning...but the INFLECTION was cured of its infection.
Be Good,
Mr. Guru
26-05-2011, 01:36 PM
Hi bros jf66312 n mama88,
Just trying to share what little info I hv...
Blew $5K for one lousy fxk? It has happened to me before, hehe.
Pls describe ur experience n what u could hv done differently.
Never become obsessed w/ one particular pussy, no matter how chio she is. I hv more to say on this subject.
Hi bro YoungAhPek,
Yes, BY is expensive n may not be worth it...
The key is to be unconditionally happy.
Hi bro MillerV,
Long time no see.
Many bros r going to LV sh tomorrow. Want to join us?
I like to know too.
Hi bro mama88,
For $5K, her pussy should hv been exclusively yours for at least a wk, during which time u could hv fxked her 10-15 times.
I hv learned the hard way that the best cure for my obsession w/ any one "special" pussy is to go after many pussies simultaneously...
Hi bro FA,
Good observation.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon,
Asian stock markets r sinking, hehehe. Tomorrow could be a good time to pick up some bargains.
BTW, CL is pulling out all stops to KC me. I spoke w/ her 41 yo mom who would be very happy if I could keep CL indefinitely! I'm now very resistant to KC bcos I'm in multiple RS n am still looking for younger n better ones.
I'm not suffering from ONEITIS, but MANYITIS, haha.
At this time I would like to share a recent email from another Ang Moh guru on...what else,
How to Stop Obsessing Over a Girl
Friday, 20 May, 2011 6:21 AM
From: Bro SSP
To: Bro Warbird
I've been there myself...
Sometimes you can't STOP thinking about a girl.
You *know* it's not going to work.
Yet you can't seem to get her out of your mind.
Don't worry. This is a common thing. It happens to
a lot of guys.
In fact, there's a term for it --> "ONE-ITIS."
One-itis is a horrible feeling.
It's an obsessive thought pattern you can't eliminate.
Now, you probably already know this. ANY obsession isn't
a healthy attitude to have.
Thinking about a girl as "The One" is REALLY bad...
...Especially when she doesn't feel the same way.
This makes you miss out on a number of opportunities with
women who COULD great to date.
I'm going to be honest.
We've all experienced one-itis.
It could a girl from a past relationship
It might be a a woman who is "just friends",
It could that girl Jill who works in the corner office.
My point is we guys always have one or two girls who we
can't stop thinking about.
What's the answer?
Start dating OTHER women. Even if you think you're
*destined* to be with this single girl.
Because dating gives clarity. It provides OPTIONS.
It's easy to put a girl on a pedestal when you don't
have anyone else in your life.
Bottom line. Start meeting other women.
They could be female friends, "hook-up" partners, or
someone in between.
The important thing is to fill your life with different
You don't have to sleep with every one.
Instead you're keeping your options open.
Here's why:
1) You won't get hung up on one particular woman
2) You'll be happier because you have a busy life filled
with interesting people
3) You'll be more attractive to women because they see you
as an important guy who is "pre-selected" by females
With a lot of women, you won't have time to think about
The One.
Plus it's like doing a Jedi-Mind Trick on this girl.
Once she realizes she's replaceable, she'll STOP acting
like a drama queen and/or stringing you along.
.................................................. ....
Yeah, yeah.
Blah, blah.
You like this girl and don't want to *mess things up*
Let me tell you something...
If you're not with her NOW, I guarantee "waiting" for her
is NOT going to improve your chances.
Furthermore, dating different women will provide complete
perspective ONCE you meet another *perfect girl*
You'll know what it's like to date different women.
So you'll be able to correctly identify if she really IS
the one.
What's the next step?
My advice is to get out there and meet the KIND of women
you like.
In other words, don't surround yourself with crazy, party
girls if you're not into that scene.
That's why I like to focus ONLY the girls who are my
You can do this by asking a few basic questions within
the first minute of a conversation.
.................................................. .............
I know it's hard to stop thinking about a girl.
I've been there myself.
In 2009, I was in a relationship with a girl who made me
COMPLETELY miserable.
The ironic thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her
after we broke up.
What finally 'clicked' was going back to my roots.
I started dating lots of different girls.
I even went to Europe for a few months and met a LOT
of cool people.
Now...I'm completely over this girl. In fact, I barely
remember what she looks like.
Trust me, dating lots of girls, is the surefire way to
stop thinking of "whats-her-name."
Talk Soon,
thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...
guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
27-05-2011, 12:15 AM
Bro WB,
I see that you are back sharing your nuggets of wisdom...:D
I just got news that a 17 yr old PRC gal is coming to Singapore to get her cherry popped...:p
29-05-2011, 12:24 PM
thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...
guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
Hi bro,
Oneitis is a very common disease.
I hv Manyitis which has its downside. I'm spending too much time n money on these pussies...
Bro WB,
I see that you are back sharing your nuggets of wisdom...:D
I just got news that a 17 yr old PRC gal is coming to Singapore to get her cherry popped...:p
Hi Bro TD,
Nuggets of wisdom? I'm merely quoting some Ang Moh gurus.
I know several high school students in PRC who want to be BY-ed. I ask them not to come here until their 18th birthday.
.................................................. .................................................. .
Good morning!
I previously mentioned that really chio, educated non-WL PRC pussies don't want to come here...
Couple of wks ago, I adopted a new tactic which has worked very well n most of these SYTs now say yes! I love searching for n proposing to every SYT of my type in PRC!! Online of course.
Recently I made ctc w/ a very chio n cute 18 yo YW (born Nov 1992)1st yr uni student. She has the face of a child but body of a voluptuous woman. 176, 60 kg, very fair n proportionate figure w/ natural C n shapely perky butt. Her hip measurement should be over 36.5 but she is not sure. I asked her to get a tape n measure it. hehe. I know she is a bit too tall for me. Why not? Height doesn't matter when we make love lying down.
My new strategy is to establish rapport w/ them before revealing that I'm in SG n that I'm a lao chi ko pek. I asked how much to BY her in China n she said 5W一月 配车which is well above average. I replied OK. Then I reveal my age n height, weight, etc. She was quite surprised n shocked...I requested video calling to show that I'm very healthy, not bald n not grotesque looking...also to reveal my voice n confident inflection...
One thing I learn from interacting w/ these 17-19 yo gals is that one must be assertive n dominant. They like it! The other insight is that almost all these young gals, even the prettiest ones, r a bit insecure abt their looks. At first YW was hesitant w/ 视频...不过我现在没化妆 没梳头发...I said 没事的 我还穿睡衣...she is very young n very attractive w/o makeup n her voice very sweet n youthful. And she has very sexy body, very fair w/ long nice didi is swollen...I need to meet her asap. She sent me more photos w/ body shots, etc. I compliment her: 很漂亮!我喜欢高挑又白的女孩子。
Then I told her I'm in SG n want her here. She said no at 1st, no passport, parents wont let her, etc. I told her how safe SG is n that she must come...she wants me to go China n bring her here. I said no as it's very safe journey. Then she wants her mom to accompany her. I asked what if she knows our RS, she replied it would be OK. I guess PRC parents r very understanding n liberal...I'll try to convince her to come along.
I just told her to apply for a passport tomorrow. BTW, she is demanding 7w RMB a month, I said 6W, all expenses paid. I love to negotiate even though she is worth much more., hehehe. She is 18, very chio, tall, fair n very sexy...n a non-WL n a current uni student. At this time, I don't want to ask for her closeup pussy shots as she may think I'm a pervert.
YW just sent me more photos showing her deep cleavage n sexy body as I'm typing this post. There is even one in her high school uniform, taken last yr. Wow!
No, I hv not forgotten CL n I suffers from MANYITIS.
Recently, I hv been to some joints including the famed LV. I'm most disappointed w/ the quality of gals. Where got chio n sexy SYTs? I hv to resort to inviting my type of gals to come here.
Bro WB
29-05-2011, 03:11 PM
Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
29-05-2011, 06:11 PM
I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites
Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...
I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs!
That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.
It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.
That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script.
And you really shouldn't care.
Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.
So that's where the Master has been ... sounds like quite an ECA budget for this financial year!
Am taking good care of my mainland baoee, but just got into an incredible bangathon with a couple of highly sexually compatible gals. I guess that's #1on my list for all these baoees. Fired a good looking head turning type over the year end 'cause she was just so damn prudish, I had trouble shootin the load.
Rapidly went through a bunch of "interviewees"/ FBs and now have an interesting SG crew: one from Beijing (acquired in Feb), great bod, face so-so but wow, what a kinky screamer. Had to do a withdrawal this month though, once she started talkin about a long term contract. Weighed the pros and cons, but figured against it so let her go - right about the time my current No 1 interest from Shenzhen showed up. That one has the bod I like (nice pointed face, slender hands, limbs n bod + interesting boobs), exotic looks (she looks kinda un Chinese but Thai-Viet), the much required skills on the bed and is the petitie type that I luv (easier to toss around the room/ bed). Like the wisdom from one of WB's later posts from Mr Guru, it helps absolutely to have reserves & alternatives on hand so one can make a clear decision, like deciding on the SZ one over the BJ one. Currently happily with this one, who just loves to do it and has the makings of a great soulmate.
On the sidelines, for variety (and one-off pay-per-use bang jobs) are a Viet FB, an SG FB, my fav singer at Mirage (too bad heading back in August), my fav masseuse (gone legit for a few mths but coming back to the trade soon) and a couple of good MMS at CI and Lido who know how to deliver one-off goods!!
Only question now is whether I reconfigure my budget for FY 2011-2012 to provide the SZ gal more perks ... thinking about further exclusivity for the SZ One since she's pretty hot in my book. Already gave her a good faith boost and solved her work permit problems with some ol Yusuf Ishaks so I have her on hand in SG. Now lookin at a couple more areas to strengthen ties.
Kinda realised with the kind of tight market here and absent Master WBs' internet charm/ means/ and unlimited freedom of movement, it is important to me not to waste too much time getting any prospective candidate on the bed to check out the ultimate criteria. Aside from having to practise the routine and those battle drills from Mr Guru highlighted above (which need some patience and self-restraint executing IMHO), that's where having good, persuasive MMS helps cut through the maneouvring and get to the sampling pronto! Kinda getting too spoilt to have to chase too much, and reali$e now how $trong the $G $$ is, to our advantage, heh heh. That $eem$ to be the $hort-cut for tho$e who dun wanna go the Mr Guru route (though he's got great points I must admit)!
Happy baoing brudders!
30-05-2011, 12:24 AM
Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
He is a different league from us, bro mama88. But I have heard of mistresses being kept by men here in China from RMB10k-20k, though they are likely not university students.
Warbird, are you sure you are not "overplaying", uh, "overpaying"?
31-05-2011, 06:14 PM
Bro Warbird
Your strategy is impressive, import your own. 60,000 RMB plus car plus all expenses? That means including rental, utility, telephone etc? About 20k SGD a month? Probably worth it for someone you really like. But considering you have a few of these, I salute you for your affordability power. Enjoy.
Hi bro mama88,
She is going to be quite expensive, hehehe.
What affordability power? I'm just hving a long lucky streak. It's called dumb luck.
So that's where the Master has been ... sounds like quite an ECA budget for this financial year!
Am taking good care of my mainland baoee, but just got into an incredible bangathon with a couple of highly sexually compatible gals. ...
Rapidly went through a bunch of "interviewees"/ FBs and now have an interesting SG crew: one from Beijing (acquired in Feb), great bod, face so-so but wow, what a kinky screamer.....Currently happily with this one, who just loves to do it and has the makings of a great soulmate.
On the sidelines, for variety (and one-off pay-per-use bang jobs) are a Viet FB, an SG FB, my fav singer at Mirage (too bad heading back in August), my fav masseuse (gone legit for a few mths but coming back to the trade soon) and a couple of good MMS at CI and Lido who know how to deliver one-off goods!!
Only question now is whether I reconfigure my budget for FY 2011-2012 to provide the SZ gal more perks..........
Kinda realised with the kind of tight market here and absent Master WBs' internet charm/ means/ and unlimited freedom of movement, it is important to me not to waste too much time getting any prospective candidate on the bed to check out the ultimate criteria....
Happy baoing brudders!
Hi Bro Dragonkeep,
Ths for sharing ur insights n sexcapades w/ us. I'm no master, I'm just a disciple, trying to learn from the true masters.
It appears that you're hving more BAO-ees n mistresses than me, hehehe. And still has time for ST...Amazing!
He is a different league from us, bro mama88. But I have heard of mistresses being kept by men here in China from RMB10k-20k, though they are likely not university students.
Warbird, are you sure you are not "overplaying", uh, "overpaying"?
Hi bro chenzong,
I'm only in the minor or junior league.
Yes, I know most PRC gals only demand RMB10-20K a month for BY in China. Many Shanghai gals want 20-40K though. YW is not in Shanghai or Beijing.
Am I overpaying? Perhaps.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good afternoon!
I was zapped by an indignant n self-righteous SBF bro:
Picking up KTV gals... 29-05-2011 02:03 PM What if some cheebye Lao Chi Ko Pek does this to your daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, or your sister?
I guess he was referring to what I'm going to do w/ my mistress-to-be YW. My answer is that it's consensual n a win-win situation. She gives me her young pussy in return for monetary reward. I'm also confident that I'll give her unforgettable COS, hehehe.
Oh, in case I forget, she is one of the few gals I'll fxk raw. I also intend to shoot some of my precious load into her lovely mouth n make her swallow every drop. Yes, all my spunk will be deep inside her, literally.
Should the zapper be kind enuff to leave his nick, I would definitely send some of her lovely photos to him. I also promise NOT to zap him back. My word is my bond.
More on YW. Actually she thought I was a PRC man when she stated her basic requirements of 5w rmb a month plus car to be BY-ed in China. She knows her value. She wants 7w rmb or abt 13.3K SGD a month to be kept in SG plus car plus travel expenses, apt rental n meals, etc. It will be closer to 25k a month, not counting gifts.
I hv agreed to 7w a month n she will come on a tourist visa for 2 months. I hv also promised to keep her long-term IF I'm very satisfied w/ her...
Is she worth it? I dun really know. I can only hope that her pussy turns out to be as pretty n delicious as her face n they say, the proof of the pudding (or pussy) is in the eating, hehehe.
Bro WB
31-05-2011, 06:36 PM
Wah Bro WB!!!
Looks like this gal is gonna be a huge hit with you.
Much anticipation.
err ... i dun zap you, but you think we can all have a look at the pictures?
31-05-2011, 08:13 PM
Bro WB,
I never zap but can send me her lovely pics for admiring? :p
31-05-2011, 08:24 PM
More on YW. Actually she thought I was a PRC man when she stated her basic requirements of 5w rmb a month plus car to be BY-ed in China. She knows her value. She wants 7w rmb or abt 13.3K SGD a month to be kept in SG plus car plus travel expenses, apt rental n meals, etc. It will be closer to 25k a month, not counting gifts.
I hv agreed to 7w a month n she will come on a tourist visa for 2 months. I hv also promised to keep her long-term IF I'm very satisfied w/ her...
Is she worth it? I dun really know. I can only hope that her pussy turns out to be as pretty n delicious as her face n they say, the proof of the pudding (or pussy) is in the eating, hehehe.
Bro WB
SGD 25K/mth...that is seriously a lot of money...:D
Ten years ago I may have considered this sort of proposition but 10 years later today, i dun have the money nor the inclination to by any gal anymore...:p
31-05-2011, 09:38 PM
SGD 25K/mth...that is seriously a lot of money...:D
Ten years ago I may have considered this sort of proposition but 10 years later today, i dun have the money nor the inclination to by any gal anymore...:p
Looks like our guru WB is still going strong! no money looking for girls to bao me....
S i l v i a
31-05-2011, 11:04 PM
Give that man a TIGER!!! :D :D :D
02-06-2011, 11:07 AM
Wah Bro WB!!!
Looks like this gal is gonna be a huge hit with you.
Much anticipation.
err ... i dun zap you, but you think we can all have a look at the pictures?
Hi bro MillerV,
I was my pleasure to be able to meet u last nite. Your companion is attractive n must be a good bonk, hehe.
i always like to get the pussy of a gal first before releasing her photos even to close frens/bros.
If the zapper identifies himself, I'll PM the photos to him. Thus far he has been very shy, timid n reclusive n prefers to hide under a rock. He is the antithesis of a confident n dominant Alpha male, hahaha.
Bro WB,
I never zap but can send me her lovely pics for admiring?
Hi bro justl00king,
Let me up her 1st.
SGD 25K/mth...that is seriously a lot of money...
Ten years ago I may have considered this sort of proposition but 10 years later today, i dun have the money nor the inclination to by any gal anymore...:p
Hi bro TD,
I want to meet her in China first, before BY-ing her. At 176, she is a bit too tall for me.
If u could do it 10 yrs ago, u could easily do it again.
Looks like our guru WB is still going strong! no money looking for girls to bao me....
Hi bro ME,
If u can achieve absolute self mastery, even the prettiest gals will be vying to BY u!
Give that man a TIGER!!!
Bro WB
02-06-2011, 11:21 AM
i always like to get the pussy of a gal first before releasing her photos even to close frens/bros.
If the zapper identifies himself, I'll PM the photos to him. Thus far he has been very shy, timid n reclusive n prefers to hide under a rock. He is the antithesis of a confident n dominant Alpha male, hahaha.
Bro WB
Dude, will you be in Singapore the third week of June? I will be free that week to join you at LV. Still have unfinished bottle there. Sorry I couldn't join you the last time you called so let's meet up again ya?
Oh, and I'd love to zap you so that I can get you to PM me those photos but I don't have power to zap! Hahaha!
02-06-2011, 12:18 PM
Dude, will you be in Singapore the third week of June? I will be free that week to join you at LV. Still have unfinished bottle there. Sorry I couldn't join you the last time you called so let's meet up again ya?
Oh, and I'd love to zap you so that I can get you to PM me those photos but I don't have power to zap! Hahaha!
Hi bro fallen.angel,
I'll be free 3rd wk of june. Pls text me.
BTW, I hereby withdraw my offer to send YW's photos to the samster who zapped me on 29 May. I dun want to get zapped by other bros unnecessarily.
Bro WB
02-06-2011, 03:43 PM
BTW, I hereby withdraw my offer to send YW's photos to the samster who zapped me on 29 May. I dun want to get zapped by other bros unnecessarily.
Bro WB
Good move. Whoever the zapper, he dun deserves anything from you.
but 70KRMB/mth is quite a lot of dole. I am sure for that amount, you should be able to get more than one RS.
Wish you all the very best !
02-06-2011, 07:25 PM
I was zapped by an indignant n self-righteous SBF bro:
Picking up KTV gals... 29-05-2011 02:03 PM What if some cheebye Lao Chi Ko Pek does this to your daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, or your sister?
If that daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law or sister is behaving consensually, what say do we really have in this, seriously speaking? But I do have a thought - what if one day that lady really end up being a daughter-in-law or something? Scary thought.
Oh, in case I forget, she is one of the few gals I'll fxk raw. I also intend to shoot some of my precious load into her lovely mouth n make her swallow every drop. Yes, all my spunk will be deep inside her, literally.
Bro WB, you will have to be careful to negotiate morning-after pills, etc. Chinese women can be very emotional, and turn out crazy if she's with child. Just some thoughts based on my many years in China.
03-06-2011, 07:48 AM
Bro Warbird
Still very amazed by your spending power. To bao not just one but a few at those rates. Many people can only look at drool :rolleyes:
Those who have money still make the rules in this world.
03-06-2011, 05:58 PM
Good move. Whoever the zapper, he dun deserves anything from you.
but 70KRMB/mth is quite a lot of dole. I am sure for that amount, you should be able to get more than one RS.
Wish you all the very best !
Hi bro besafe,
I know, for that amt I could BY 3 SYTs in China.
Bro WB, you will have to be careful to negotiate morning-after pills, etc. Chinese women can be very emotional, and turn out crazy if she's with child. Just some thoughts based on my many years in China.
Bro chenzong,
Ths so much for ur advice.
Bro Warbird
Still very amazed by your spending power. To bao not just one but a few at those rates. Many people can only look at drool.............
Bro mama88,
Not really. Let's just say that I hv had a long lucky streak n I'm not afraid to spend money.
I'm really not sure if these pussies r worth the money. I'm definitely spending far too much time n energy...
I'll be cutting back on my BY-ing activities.
Bro WB
04-06-2011, 08:26 AM
IMHO money is just a means to an end. People use it in different ways to satisfy a want or a need inside them. Some give it away to BY young girls, some give it away to charity to help rebuild homes lost to a hurricane. Some will do both. As long as it is worth it in their hearts, everything's cool.
05-06-2011, 11:35 AM
IMHO money is just a means to an end. People use it in different ways to satisfy a want or a need inside them. Some give it away to BY young girls, some give it away to charity to help rebuild homes lost to a hurricane. Some will do both. As long as it is worth it in their hearts, everything's cool.
Hi bro mama88,
Well said.
In investing, the intrinsic value of a company is more or less measurable. Whereas in BY-ing, the value of a gal is very subjective. Moreover, her value may diminish over time...
For various reasons, I'm going to limit the no of mistresses to 3 max.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
I hv mentioned the importance of giving a gal COS in the past. It's never easy n I'm still learning...
A "sexual mastery" guru just sent me the following advice:
Female Orgasm: 3 Essential Tips
There are three simple steps you can
take that will force virtually ANY woman to have a
powerful orgasm... no matter what else you are
doing or not doing in the bedroom.
I've been working to boil down the most
important aspects of "how to give a girl an
I'm talking about the ESSENTIALS... the
most important factors that are underneath ALL
of the best techniques...
Not just the technique itself, but WHY IT
Once you have this stuff MASTERED, you can do
whatever you want to do, "in the moment" and still
make it work... WITHOUT having to imitate some
other guy.
One of the things that KILLS sexual tension,
attraction, and arousal in a woman is when you
Think about that for a minute, because it's
kind of counter-intuitive.
Because you are always hearing the message
that "women want a lover who puts HER needs first,
and who isn't selfish in bed."
And guess what?
That statement is WRONG.
Sure it's the kind of thing that women will
nod in agreement to if you say it... but really,
if you talk to them more, if you dig deeper,
they will admit that they don't want a guy who is
just catering to her needs...
She wants YOU to enjoy the experience just as
much as you want HER to enjoy the experience.
She doesn't want a guy who is so wrapped up
in whether or not SHE is enjoying it, that he
acts nervous by checking in all the time, or gives
away all of his masculine power to her by looking
to her for what needs to happen next for her to
And that thing about how women don't like men
who are "selfish in bed"...
That's not quite right either.
Now before you go off and and become the guy
who finishes in three pumps and then goes to order
a pizza...
That's NOT what I'm talking about.
What I AM talking about is a man who KNOWS
what he wants and isn't afraid to get his woman
to do those things for his pleasure.
Women are turned on by men who are masculine
and confident enough to be unashamed of what they
want, and GO FOR IT.
So here's my problem-- the focus of these
newsletters is generally how to turn HER on, how
to give HER great orgasms, how to make HER feel
But I want to make sure, along the way, you
understand that you have to make sure that YOU
are getting YOUR needs met too! That you are
getting everything you want out of it, and not
afraid to tell her what you want her to do for
your pleasure.
IMPORTANT: You must GET that this will
also make sex MUCH better for HER too.
So when I set out to find the most basic things
that you need to give any woman an orgasm-- even
if your wife or girlfriend is a "hard case" who
has never had an orgasm before... I had to get
beyond that stuff about just catering to her.
In other words-- you shouldn't need to go
down on her for hours... UNLESS you love to go down
on her for hours...
And chances are, if it's making her come and
scream like a banshee then you DO love it...
So, without any further ado...
"The ABC's Of Great Sex"
(To Be Continued)
05-06-2011, 11:40 AM
"The ABC's Of Great Sex"
"A" is for Anatomy.
Obviously, on the most basic level, you have
just GOT to know where things are on a woman's
That means that you can confidently and quickly
locate things like the clitoris, the g-spot, the
cervix, the labia, etc.
If you don't have that part completely handled,
then you can very quickly find the information online
by typing any of those words into google.
This is basic, "must know" information.
The more advanced stuff to know about a her
anatomy is not universal for every woman-- so you
will have to do some exploring...
Every woman has her own erotic map of places
on her body that turn her on.
For example, some women will go wild with
lust if you nibble their earlobes... and some
women will find it annoying.
Finding the spots on her body that drive her
crazy is part of the fun of love-making.
Okay, next...
"B" is for Body Control.
In this case I'm talking about YOUR body.
Obviously there are many amazing things you
can do to her with your fingers and tongue. And
for giving a woman her first orgasm, the tongue
is probably superior to the penis.
But for the most amazing sex she's ever had
in her life, you will need to have control over
your erection.
Controlling your body is something that she
sees as a masculine and powerful characteristic.
And that, unfortunately, means that if you
CAN'T control yourself, that she'll feel that you
are a bit less manly... and this will affect her
sexual attraction to you... her desire to BE
sexual with you...
And that's true even if you can give her a
hundred multiple orgasms with your tongue.
If you happen to be a guy with challenges in
this area, I have some news for you that you may
find difficult to believe-- but it's a fact:
This is the EASIEST part of being great in bed.
Because it's the part that is TOTALLY in your
control. It's YOUR body, and YOU can control it.
If you are shaking your head and saying, "but
I CAN'T!" Please slap yourself hard across the
face and get a grip on yourself.
Yes, you can.
It may take some work, some practice, some
courage... but you absolutely can. Other men
have overcome this challenge and so can you.
I'm not going further into this now because
I've got to get to "C", but if this is a challenge
in your life, STOP reading now and go HERE
Okay, so moving along... the other reason that
controlling your erection is so important is
that while you can give her an orgasm with your
tongue-- when you give her an orgasm while you are
INSIDE of her body, and face-to-face it creates
a magic intimacy for her that can't be replaced.
And the feelings and emotions this creates
inside of her are what will release even more
powerful orgasms and take her to places that no
other man has ever taken her to.
And this is only possible through the final
piece of the puzzle...
This is both the most difficult and, by far,
the most important part of giving a woman her
most incredible experience in the bedroom.
If you are with a woman who has never had an
orgasm before...
THIS is how you will give her her first.
If you are with a woman who is very orgasmic
and can easily have multiple orgasms from any
sexual position-- this will EXPLODE her beliefs
about how much sexual pleasure she is capable of
And show her that while ANY man can give her
an orgasm, with you, she is in the hands of a
true MASTER.
"Connection" is a complex subject and a complex
skill and that's why so few men can do it... which
is why so few men are any good in bed... and also
why so many women have never had an orgasm.
Here's the thing that is so frustrating for
so many guys--
Even if she LOVES you...
Even if you are her best FRIEND...
Even if you have been together for YEARS...
She probably still doesn't feel the kind of
sexual "connection" I'm talking about.
In fact (and here's the real freak-show), often
these factors PREVENT her from feeling sexual
connection with you because her closeness to you
makes it scary for her--
Have you ever noticed that if some guy you
know tells you that you're doing something wrong
and corrects you, or tells you that your shirt
looks stupid-- it's no big deal. You forget
about it two minutes later.
But if the woman you love says these things
it hurts like hell... and may start a big fight?
We are emotionally raw with the people we
love the most.
And that's why it's so difficult for you to
build this sexual Connection with her.
She is terrified of being so completely
vulnerable with you because if you reject her,
it will emotionally destroy her.
But when you establish this connection,
she completely surrenders herself to you.
That is when you can make her orgasm,
literally at will.
There are very specific techniques and actions
you can take to create this connection-- it is not
just "luck" or "chemistry".
And likewise, there are very specific things
you can do to destroy it... And most men are so
completely unaware of these things that they do
them ALL THE TIME without realizing it.
But I guarantee, if you can do the simple
steps-- learn about her ANATOMY, and CONTROL your
own body... you can absolutely learn to do this
third, critical step...
And completely BLOW HER MIND in the bedroom in
ways that she never thought possible.
It's almost funny to watch how shocked she will
be afterwards-- because she just never suspected
that so much sexual pleasure was remotely possible.
And what's very hard to explain in the scope
of a newsletter is that this NOT some vague or
intangible thing... when you GET this, you will
feel it in almost exactly the way you feel it
the first time you dial in a good golf swing or
stand up on a surf board.
There's no question as to whether you are
riding that board or never got off your knees.
In the coming months I'll be sharing lots of
tips on how to build that connection in this
But here is the most important factor that
you can start working with IMMEDIATELY.
The key is in the first thing I told you, which
is confidently going for what YOU want.
Because your confidence is exactly what gives
her PERMISSION to open vulnerably towards you
and create connection.
For Passion,
Mr. Sexual Mastery Guru
P.S., Practice this TONIGHT. Make an effort
to notice what you feel when you are more open
about your desires with your woman... and then
breath through that feeling into confidence.
You will probably see a difference in her response
IMMEDIATELY. That's the first step on the road to
06-06-2011, 12:14 PM
I am very new to the forum. After readin warbird's post, I felt I cannot just read and dun register and say some enouraging words of admire. You are a true champion. I have learn alot in the forum. Thank you, hope you continue to power those KTV gers.:cool:
08-06-2011, 03:16 PM
I am very new to the forum. After readin warbird's post, I felt I cannot just read and dun register and say some enouraging words of admire. You are a true champion. I have learn alot in the forum. Thank you, hope you continue to power those KTV gers.:cool:
Hi bro,
Ths for ur faltering words n encouragement. I'm a hardworking apprentice who is focused on improving myself every hr, everyday, in every way.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Good afternoon!
I hv not forgotten "picking up outside KTVs." I hv not been to KTVs at PC for some time bcos the quality of gals there is really bad, I was therefore surprised to see a SYT of my type going w/ a grp of MILFs into a lift there yesterday. She was chio, fair, abt 19-20, 165-166? n had a proportionate figure. I rushed towards her but there were too many bodies along the way n I missed her! She probably went to 6th floor.
I therefore must visit CJ in the next few days. Have to go early as I saw her at 5:12 PM. Hope that she continue to work there.
I'm most attracted to gal who exhibits a certain bodily n limb proportions. Actually, every part must be proportionate, from head to toe. Then n only then will I look at her other features. I also prefer gals who r young, starting at 18.
But one man's meat is another man's poison.
Let's look at 2 prominent Ang Mohs n their sex partners:
1) 85 yo Hugh Hefner n his 24 yo bride-to-be:
I find her attractive n perhaps 80% of men would too.
2) 63 yo Arnold Schwarzenegger n his 50 yo longtime mistress:
She is definitely not my type n perhaps only 1% of men would find her attractive.
Any comments?
Bro WB
09-06-2011, 05:33 PM
Bro. Warbird.
I was just at C.J yesterday for HH. First time there. Not too bad nor too great. Meet some gers frm GL B.S. but did not perform much as I would liked them to.... Dun have as much quality control as you but my friend n I are sure there is some great hidden gems in C.J. it is just if you r the few lucky ones to find the treasure!!! All the best to you on your 'hunting trip'.
10-06-2011, 02:06 PM
Bro. Warbird.
I was just at C.J yesterday for HH. First time there. Not too bad nor too great. Meet some gers frm GL B.S. but did not perform much as I would liked them to.... Dun have as much quality control as you but my friend n I are sure there is some great hidden gems in C.J. it is just if you r the few lucky ones to find the treasure!!! All the best to you on your 'hunting trip'.
Hi bro blacktadpole,
It's a matter of luck.
There r my type of gems to be found sometimes at CJ, usually around 5-6:30 PM. But they will be gone soon, either they go to other high end joints or get BY-ed.
In 2009 there were more pretty SYTs at CJ.
THE prettiest SYT I hv met in SG is Xiao Xue (XX) whom I met in CJ in Jan 2009, the day CJ opened for business. I hv described her a few times in the past. She would go to CJ 6th fl for HH n LP 7th fl for SH (now called China Doll).
She is THE one gal I crave the most perhaps bcos she flew away before I could taste her pussy.
Will I ever forget her? She was 19, from Fujian 闽候,167, 50 kg, quite fair, w/ wonderfully proportionate figure n limbs. Very chio n cute w/ long hair. On student visa. Absolutely no ST. She spurned my higher n higher offers to BY. I was needy n desperate as I had never BY-ed anyone before. She hung up the phone on me n refused even to hv lunch w/ me! I was also actively pursuing my 1st BAO-ee XW at the time.
In late Feb I went back to Gotham City. After one month of negotiating while I was there, XX accepted my offer. I still hv her text msg. She wanted to begin the RS right then, but I told her I wont be back to SG until mid May. Two wks later, I lost ctc w/ her. I called up a trusted mummy at LP n asked her to find XX. Bad news: XX had already returned to PRC.
There is another chio SYT GG I met at CJ, in August 2009, also a tall Fujian gal.
Bro WB
10-06-2011, 04:13 PM
Bro Warbird
U have learnt much since your XX days. Trust u will not be so needy again for any pussy. :)
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