View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
23-07-2018, 12:07 PM
Bro WB
The guru post below was gross and at first I couldn't really understand what was written at first read. I read this second time and found out the guru wanted us to understand. On third read, I fully understood the importance.
I do agree that many guys will pass compliments when they saw a stunning beautiful lady. However the beautiful lady will not respond because she expected the compliments. If any guy will to use negging then maybe she will want to find out why?
So passing compliments is needy and not manly.
Plenty of things to learn here and thanks for the nice thread.
Good morning!
At this time I like to share another email sent by my favourite Ang Moh guru:
OK, let's say that you've either just met a woman or are meeting
with her 1-on-1 for the first time (aka "going on a date with her").
Either way, for the purpose at hand let's assume that she has
already impressed your socks off.
In fact, you're thinking to yourself that if you ever have the good
fortune to see this woman naked you will have pretty much hit the
jackpot...literally and figuratively.
More specifically, how do you conduct yourself? What should you
say to her?
You know that if you talk about weather and politics you'll come
off as "neuter" and thereby FAIL at creating attraction.
So you've GOT to show her in some way that you're interested in
being MORE than "just a friend".
The problem is that you may have been told somewhere along the line
any (or all) of the following:
1) Make sure you knock her off her pedestal some by "negging" her.
2) Act indifferent toward she'll chase YOU instead of
And, of course, perhaps the most infamous strategy (or is that
"stragedy"?) of all...
3) NEVER give a woman a compliment...ever.
Now listen. I fully understand the thought process behind each of
those three tactics.
Sadly, most guys who are "newbies" when it comes to interacting
with women tend to come off like desperate, starving puppies when
confronted with a real, live opportunity to attract a hottie.
Such guys might start gushing about how beautiful the woman is to
them, sort of like Enos always did to "Miss Daisy" in The Dukes Of
Or what's arguably worse, they start bragging about anything and
everything possible in a feeble attempt to "impress" her.
So sure...each of the three strategies above are intended to put an
end to these basic destructive tendencies.
But at best, they're "stop gap" measures.
Since there's a lot of "grey area" in how best to create
attraction, there are potentially troublesome issues with each.
If and when any or all of them become habit, you'll soon find that
the proverbial pendulum has swung the opposite way...and that's not
Regarding #1 for example, what if she ISN'T exactly so "full of
herself" and in fact doesn't have the world's most rock-solid
She could take what you say seriously, no matter how playful you
are about saying it...and that would be counter-productive.
And yikers...MOST women aren't exactly paragons of self-esteem, no
matter how beautiful or generally sharp they are.
As for the second one, remember a woman is a human being just like
you. (Really...I promise.)
Knowing that, how do YOU usually read someone who acts utterly
disinterested in you? Thought so.
And the third one? Ask yourself if that's what you REALLY want out
of the interaction.
Are you the kind of man who honesty prefers to NEVER say something
positive to a woman that might actually LIFT her less-than-perfect
(read: normal and human) self-esteem?
Again, as a human being how excited would YOU be to hang out with a
woman who NEVER, EVER acknowledged you looked good, were talented,
or basically ever did anything right?
You and I both know that we as guys tend to show TONS of disdain
for women who are like that.
And it's equally safe to say that no woman is ever going to confuse
a guy who offers ZERO approval of her for anyone who has her best
interests at heart. You really can't instill a sense of safety
and security in her that way, can you?
So simply put, as you get better with women--as I trust you
will--you're going to want more effective ways to proceed.
Slapping a Band-Aid on the problem won't cut it.
Now, as you've observed guys who appear to be doing well with
women, I'm sure you've noticed something that might strike you as
somewhat odd.
They actually give women compliments. There's no denying it.
But here's the amazing part. Contrary to what all the "newbie"
guides you've read suggest, they actually GET SOMEWHERE with women
by doing so.
In fact, some guys can give women all sorts of complimentary
indicators of "approval" and still charm her to no end.
But wait, isn't that sort of "nice" stuff supposed to fail
Not so fast.
"Mr. Nice Guy's" problem is that he's on his best behavior because
he's either TRYING to "impress" her or he's worried about offending
her and LOSING her.
Meanwhile, those guys you've seen out there who know what they're
doing are speaking to a woman what they TRULY think about her for
COMPLETELY different reasons.
Usually, one such reason is that they are CONFIDENT that any woman
in her right mind should find them inherently attractive.
Therefore, there's no need to "impress" a woman. Compliments and
other clear demonstrations of interest are honest and sort of
matter-of-fact, actually.
But there's another reason why giving women compliments works FOR
these guys instead of AGAINST them.
Usually, guys who are effective with women give approval to them
when they've expressly EARNED it.
In other words, there's no "halo effect" when they interact with
ANY woman. There's no "pre-approval" of her as some sort of
goddess or something.
Guys who are good at this stuff wait until they hear about how she
donates her time to the homeless before telling her they're "proud
of her".
Similarly, they wait until she has done her hair up in a special
way just to go out on a date with him...and THEN they tell her how
beautiful her hair looks.
Can you detect the very clear difference between what's going on
there and the "Staving Chihuahua Syndrome"?
To spell it out, the difference between NEEDY, DESPERATE
compliments (or any needy, desperate attention, really) and the
kind of attention women LIKE is very clear-cut.
Needy, desperate guys give women approval based on FEAR OF LOSS.
What they are actually seeking is HER APPROVAL of them. They are
GIVING in order to GET.
This comes off as extraordinarily weak...not exactly becoming of a
masculine man who is both a provider and a protector.
Meanwhile, where there is NO fear of loss, compliments come off as
more heartfelt and genuine.
Because a man who is NOT desperate or needy is a chooser instead of
a chaser, the woman tends to actually feel PRIVILEGED to hear a
compliment from him. It means something to her.
Once again, let's talk in "human" terms rather than "man vs.
What kind of approval means more to you? The kind that's thrown at
you out of desperation (which may even come off as manipulation, if
you think about it), or the kind that is genuinely EARNED from
someone who means it?
Thought so.
If a woman is beautiful and talented, she wants to hear it from
you...but only after she knows you have a truly informed frame of
And by the way, since women follow your lead, it's especially
crucial not to turn the "newbie" strategy of "never giving a woman
compliments" into a lifetime habit.
Can you see why? That would be one miserable life together indeed.
Be Good,
23-07-2018, 12:29 PM
Bro WB
The guru post below was gross and at first I couldn't really understand what was written at first read. I read this second time and found out the guru wanted us to understand. On third read, I fully understood the importance.
I do agree that many guys will pass compliments when they saw a stunning beautiful lady. However the beautiful lady will not respond because she expected the compliments. If any guy will to use negging then maybe she will want to find out why?
So passing compliments is needy and not manly.
Plenty of things to learn here and thanks for the nice thread.
Same here, I only understand after reading a few times.
Great thread by Bro WB. Hope to learn more.
Have a good week ahead.
23-07-2018, 01:52 PM
Just have to comment on fantastic write-up here.
I love the way you handled your Bao-ee and I have plenty to learn here.
I also like it when you turn down any gal that do not stick to the terms of agreement whcih is a binding contract. Sometimes gals tend to stretch their authority and how sadly mistaken when they lost.
So here 3 names were mentioned and I read you actually kept 2 as LPs.
Please do continue and guide us.
Good morning!
In investing n BY-ing, luck n randomness appear to play a major role...n sometimes certain events r predestined.;)
In late April 2010, I was a bit disheartened to find out that, while I was in Gotham City, my beloved mistress KK had fallen in love w/ a young fellow PRC student. However, 2 days later, I was pleasantly surprised to see my investment in a high tech start up A taking off like a rocket, hahaha.
A few months later my investment in another start up B, which I had high hopes for making a killing, got decimated. It nearly wiped out half my net profit in company A. In life, whether it's BY-ing or investing, no one can win every time, hahaha.
I returned to SG abt 2 months ago, met a fair SYT at TAM complex HH the next day. I found her to be very attractive n sexy, but aloof n cold. I was drooling over her youthful n sexy body. Called her 3 days later to invite her to DC HH but she didn't even know who I was! I told her X 大哥, she said, oh sorry, DC too far, not coming, n asked me to book someone else!?@#$!! Nevertheless she came reluctantly after I had promised to give her higher fee n drive her back to TAM complex for SH.
Last wk I asked her why she was so cold initially, didn't even remember me when I first called. She said, 你那时那么小气 ,早场才给150元,我根本不想坐你的台,所以没留你手机号码.
Despite her very poor first impression of me, due to a strange twist of fate which I shall not disclose,she agreed to be my full time mistress only 4 days after our 1st meeting, hehehe. The most difficult part was to find a nice n convenient place for us to stay, which took several days. The day I consummated my BY of her was a most fortuitous day. She was such a wonderful fxk, in addition to being very close to my perfect type of gal.
More importantly n to my great delight, my fortune took a turn for the better the very next day as several of my key investments started surging, hahaha. BTW, the gal is TC. She must be my good luck charm n my muse (of course I'll never tell her that). In return I hv been very generous w/ her, buying her several gifts...
She is going back to PRC very soon. She wants to return in late April when I'll be here again. I wonder if my lucky streak will continue in the interim.
Be Good,
23-07-2018, 05:35 PM
Just have to comment on fantastic write-up here.
I love the way you handled your Bao-ee and I have plenty to learn here.
I also like it when you turn down any gal that do not stick to the terms of agreement whcih is a binding contract. Sometimes gals tend to stretch their authority and how sadly mistaken when they lost.
So here 3 names were mentioned and I read you actually kept 2 as LPs.
Please do continue and guide us.
I love the way bro WB handle the Bao-ee too.
Hope to learn more from bro WB.
Have a nice day.
24-07-2018, 11:38 AM
Bro WB
Interesting to read this in your thread.
I wonder if Boss still post similar to advise cheongsters.
"Advice" is a non countable noun; you do not add an "s" to make it plural.
"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the Rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "Rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.
There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to English Language Quiz - Countable or Non-countable Nouns (I-TESL-J ( and take the test.
24-07-2018, 12:37 PM
Bro WB
Below forum was a masterpiece!!
Actual fact we shouldn't take anyone for granted. Any relationship will need to base on trust. I read that bro WB said my words are my integrity and honor. So if anyone dun trust then no point going into any r/s or even friendship.
TC's ex-bf is just going "Psychopathy" and started to be aggressive trying to dictate what TC cannot do. Taking over the phone and deleted all guy contact is wussy. Simple insecure.
No gal ever like such a man and over a period the gal will get very tired of such behavior. To gals, these are unacceptable. Even for guys when our gfs started to get possessive and jealous in public view then time to dump such a gal.
Any strain r/s will be difficult to repair and any argument may turn into huge fight like Ali vs Frazier.
I find such man as kid and haven't grow up. Will stay far away from such man.
IN any long-term r/s is never easy and needs plenty of compromise. If both sides pick on little things then the r/s will never last.
I love the way bro WB pickup mm regularly and so in a way keeping things fresh. Starting a new r/s is easier than trying to stay on strain r/s.
Any comment?
Hope to learn from more seniors and expert gurus.
NB - dun curse me for quoting the long past masterpiece.
Good morning!
Let's suppose u got a gal, WL or non-WL, of ur dream to fall for u. Maintaining that long-term RS w/ her will never be easy. Never take things for granted.
I hv spent more intimate time n hv fxked TC more than any other PRC gals. She has given me, albeit unwittingly, many constructive criticisms n beneficial advice n revelations. Not to mention the incredible good fortune...
TC told me she was deeply in love w/ a young man in his mid 20s in her hometown in Fujian n they were considering marriage. The RS ended after 1 1/2 yrs. Why? (I'm only hearing one side of the story which may not be the complete truth.)
1) He became more n more possessive of her n wanted to know her hourly activities n whereabouts. He deleted all ctc nos of her male friends/classmates, etc from her HP n would check her message n call logs daily. He would become very zealous n even angry if she merely stood close to any man/boy, including a complete stranger, n talked to him. She simply couldn't tolerate it.
WB's comment: Her BF was insecure, needy n desperate. She showed me his pic. He was a tall n handsome young man but a complete loser.
2) Too many arguments n quarrels. They would escalate into serious fights (non-physical). Most intolerable again.
She had left n returned to him many times. He promised to change but never did. In the end, she left him for good finally. And came to work in SG.
WB's comment: He was frustrated n had little self control n hence was perceived to hv low rating on the Male Dominance Scale, hehehe.
Interestingly, the 2 main reasons she cited were the same 2 out of the 3 described by an Ang Moh guru on "What NOT To Do When You Want A Long-Term Relationship":
Hey Bro WB,
If you've been following my advice, you're probably having an
easier time meeting women than you did before. Hopefully, you've
been taking these newsletters seriously enough to ace the dates
you've been on.
Assuming that you're putting my info to good use, you could even go
so far as getting that girl to fall for you. With enough diligence
and hard work, you've managed not to mess up your game.
You deserve a pat on the back, but you'll need a few more pointers
for your own good. Look, I'm glad that you've made it this far,
but that's not all there is to it.
Don't think for a second that you can just sit back and reap the
rewards, because getting the girl is only half the work. To
paraphrase an old sales cliché, losing a customer is a lot easier
than keeping one.
Listen, you'll need to wise up if you're serious about keeping her
for the long haul. There are a bunch of mistakes you should avoid
if you want to keep her coming back again and again.
A long-term relationship isn't going to just run smoothly by
itself. Just because she loves you now doesn't mean you can slack
off. Being a man means taking responsibility and keeping an active
role in the relationship.
You wouldn't let your finely-tuned car crumble into a pile of rust,
would you? In the same way, a relationship that was once smooth
can turn into a bumpy ride by neglecting its needs.
It might seem like a lot of work to you now, but a habit of
maintenance will pay off in the long run. Just remember to avoid
the following mistakes if you're interested at all in keeping your
woman happy:
Forgetting the "little things":
I can't stress how dangerous it is to take your woman for granted.
Any girl wants to be treated like the prize that they are. When
you get lazy, you fall into the common trap of brushing her aside.
I don't have to tell you how that makes her feel.
What usually happens is that you stop performing those small acts
of affection after you've had a bit of a reality check in your
relationship. Yes, it can be pretty disappointing to think that
she isn't the flawless girl you made her out to be.
Well guess what - nobody's 100% perfect, but that's no excuse to
stop doing the little things. Chances are, you've already revealed
some things about yourself that she's not too crazy about, either.
When the both of you see each other for what you really are, it's
hardly a reason for you to be complacent. If you abandon your
efforts to make her happy, the relationship will undoubtedly die a
slow death.
You see, the keeping the romance alive is a never-ending quest and
little acts of kindness are part of that. A woman likes the
thought of always being pursued; if she feels that you've given up
on her, then trouble follows.
If you assume that going steady marks the end of courtship, you'll
find yourself single quicker than you might think.
Surprise her by suddenly taking her out with no occasion in mind.
Go ahead and make plans in advance - just don't let her know about
it to project that sense of spontaneity.
Be creative! Send her flowers at work, treat her to a massage, or
get her that book she's been raving about. The important thing is
to maintain the spark by keeping her on her toes.
Being insecure:
There's no bigger turn-off than this. A lot of guys make the
mistake of getting worked up over their girlfriend's interests.
They tell themselves, "What it is about (name of hobby) that would
make her want to spend less time than me? Aren't I good enough for
While you may have the sense to keep those thoughts to yourself,
the insecurity shows when you DON'T support the things that are
important to her. You can either let your petty little games of
jealousy kill the relationship, or accept the fact that your woman
changes and grows like everybody else.
Being insecure gives your relationship no room to grow, because you
see her interests as a threat to her love for you. Don't assume
that she should devote all of her time to you alone.
That's just plain needy.
You shouldn't worry about the fact that she likes stuff that you
have no clue about. Don't think of it as a danger, but rather as
her own way of growing as a person.
Remember, a relationship is made up of two individuals who have
lives of their own apart from their time as a couple. If you're
always crapping your pants over her "alone time", then you'll just
come off as a paranoid jerk.
If your girl loves dogs but you're not into pets, don't dismiss it
as something childish or stupid. Never forget that it's something
important to her.
The best way to support her is by offering to go with her when she
takes them out for a walk. However, if you can't bring yourself to
do that, then the least you can do is not give her any crap about
Turning arguments into huge fights:
We've all been there. Notice how a simple disagreement over
something so trivial can transform into a full-blown confrontation?
It's real easy to step out of line and start hitting below the
belt when you're pissed off.
But for your own good, DON'T. As easy as it sounds, keep your
arguments on a civil note even if you feel like your heart is
beating right under your eyelid.
Debating about the everyday things is normal and healthy. As you
start learning new things about her, it's perfectly natural to
disagree about a number of things.
It's a sign that your relationship is growing, but NOT handling
these conflicts in a constructive way will screw up the romance big
If you feel bad because of something she said or did, then tell
her. Just remember that the operative word here is "feelings".
Women know that guys aren't big on talking about their feelings.
Nevertheless, you should still let her know that you felt insulted
when she made fun of your sloppy apartment. It'll be easier for
her to see where you're coming from if you talk to her this way.
Keep those flaring emotions in check and don't give in to your
anger. You might end up regretting something that you said or did
in the heat of the moment.
You may not have control over everything that happens in your life,
but you sure as hell can CHOOSE how to react to it. If you want to
keep a healthy, long-term relationship, then you already know what
choice you should make.
It takes a lot to keep that all-important attraction alive and
kicking. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to pull off.
All it takes is a better understanding of what makes women tick............
Till next time,
25-07-2018, 12:07 AM
Bro WB
Interesting to read this in your thread.
I wonder if Boss still post similar to advise cheongsters.
Always have things to learn in SBF.
25-07-2018, 03:32 PM
Thank you for quoting this excellent article.
Miranda Kerr is not my type even when she was 18.
Actually, only very, very few 16-19 yo SYTs look youthful and cute without makeup. And they will lose their youthfulness and cuteness very quickly. 有如昙花一现。I'm being brutally honest and objective. I only want THE prettiest and cutest SYTs w/ good character, above average intelligence, frugality, persistence, etc.
I see many HFJ patrons who like to hang big flowers on singers who look old and ugly, despite heavily painted face, extensive plastic surgery, repeated injections on the face and various other parts of the body and limbs, augmented boobs/butt, fanciful hairdo, beautiful long party gowns and 15-20cm heel platform shoes and the beneficial effect of dim light.
The only thing that is attractive to me is the dress.
AND, most of the successful singers are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic gold diggers.
Why do these patrons hang big flowers?
Ego boosting is the primary reason. A patron could quietly transfer 1 Billion USD to his girl, without anyone knowing it. The other reason must be money laundering...
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you on the above points. I also hated gals who are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic gold diggers.
OMG, trf 1 billion USD surely is money laundering similar to 1MDB case.
Thanks bro.
25-07-2018, 04:10 PM
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you on the above points. I also hated gals who are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic gold diggers.
OMG, trf 1 billion USD surely is money laundering similar to 1MDB case.
Thanks bro.
Fully agreed on the above points too.
USD are shits!!
26-07-2018, 12:14 PM
Hi Mr. Chairman,
Ths for ur contributions!
Happy CNY n Happy "Retirement" !!
Pls keep in touch.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Is it really true that Mr Chairman had retired at early stage?
We shall going to miss his contributions here.
Auld lang syne.
26-07-2018, 12:25 PM
I hv not forgotten that one of my major missions in life is to "pick up gals of my type," anytime n anywhere, hehehe. Unfortunately, I hv been largely a lone ranger in this endeavor. I'm an old wolf who likes to hunt in packs. A couple of young n virile wolves to join me in the hunt would be most helpful. We will share the premium meat equitably, hehehe. I'm comfortable prowling both INSIDE & OUTSIDE KTVS.
Over 2 months ago I met a cute 19 yo SYT ( named YX), a Hangzhou gal, in the hallway of DC when I was going to the toilet. She was already booked. She was abt 165, 50kg n I was salivating over her very sexy body w/ shapely ass. That was the day when I persuaded TC to come reluctantly to DC. YX was on a tourist visa n left for PRC shortly thereafter. We hv been in ctc by phone calls n SMSes. Since we share the same last name, she has agreed to be my 干女儿。Does that mean I can't touch her? Her student pass has been approved n she is coming very soon, hehehe.
Several days ago I saw a SYT (FF) outside a cafeteria. She was very young n very cute n abt 166-167, 45-46 kg. Very fresh n innocent n demure. I approached her n got her HP no. She was a Fujian gal who arrived just days ago! We hv exchanged calls n SMSes. FF is only 17 according to her passport (but her real age is 18), on a tourist visa n too young to work at KTVs? At first I tried to ignore her bcos of her age but she contacted me yesterday and again this AM... we will meet for dinner n for some good clean fun. If I pay for her time n just hold her hands n kiss her on the lips, will I be violating any SG laws? Strictly no ST of course. What if I take care of her for a month? Or should I wait for her to reach 18th birthday later this yr? She wants to return as a student.
Any legal experts out there?
I hv declined to take care of a couple of 17 yo SYTs in the past. But FF is taller n more chio...
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
I am no legal experts but I can tell you the following -
1. so long no sex it's perfectly legal to hold her hands in public or your own home.
2. even though gal told you her real age 18 but her passport stated she still 17 then she is deemed 17 yrs old in the eyes of law.
3. when she turns 18 then yes do whatever you wanted and anywhere including hotel rooms.
I love the way the thread flows and well written with full details of case studies. It is difficult to find a good thread which lasted a decade in SBF.
I was also impressed by the varieties of topics discussed and many seniors eagerly provide clear definitive answers with courteous replies.
This is well kept thread with high level of discussions and low in-fighting.
Please keep this spirit of sharing going on for another decade or longer.
Cheers to everyone and good health too. :D
26-07-2018, 01:47 PM
Bro WB
Is it really true that Mr Chairman had retired at early stage?
We shall going to miss his contributions here.
Auld lang syne.
Wow really gonna miss him too.
Lucky we still have Bro WB here.
26-07-2018, 08:08 PM
Fully agreed on the above points too.
USD are shits!!
Couldn't agree more :D
28-07-2018, 09:57 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for your thread.
I was reading the thread this morning and came across this old post.
I realized not me but even guru also noticed that sometimes as men we are worrying too much.
Everyday we worried about these and that. Often my friends told me they worried about work, life and etc. I replied that I only worry I have no money.
Ego run amok is bad and together with low-esteem the guy can forget about doing anything in life. Needless to say how this guy can chase women when any guy possess such ego amok and low esteem.
Thank you for a great thread.
Will comment more when reading any interesting post.
Good weekend to all.
Let me digress. I think we Orientals worry too much abt "saving face or 面子。“ It's a most useless n harmful habit. According to an Ang Moh guru, it's the result of a combo of ego amok n low self esteem.
Hey bro WB, do you worry a lot?
Industry expert Dan Kennedy said this in
a recent article:
"We cannot allow the worry of
distractions to become the bigger
distraction than the distractions."
Brief side note: old mentor of mine's
statement: "Worriers (and spellers) can
be hired for minimum wage."
A lot of people waste a lot of time and
energy worrying about what others think
of them - which is actually the combo of
ego amok and low self-esteem. Or
worrying about problems that might arise
- which is only useful in context of
strategic planning and proactive
This is an important lesson to you when
you're out there trying to talk to women
and get this part of your life under
your control.
Worrying is the most USELESS mental
effort you can expend.
It accomplishes NOTHING. Usually worry
immobilizes us so much that we even fail
to PREPARE when we know there is a
chance of the thing we're worrying about
coming true.
Remember what I say about worry:
90% of the things that you worry about
NEVER happen. And 90% of the things that
happen to you never give you the chance
to worry about them.
And re-read Dan Kennedy's statement once
"A lot of people waste a lot of time and
energy worrying about what others think
of them - which is actually the combo of
ego amok and low self-esteem."
Very very true. Amazingly we can be both
egotistical AND insecure at the exact
same time.
If you're in this mindset when you're
talking to a woman, you're not only
ensuring that your conversation will not
arouse her interest, you're also going
to emotionally condition and cripple
yourself in future interactions, because
you'll be practicing the fine art of
MESSING with your own head.
The best state to be in with women is
worry-free, relaxed, and independent of
her judgment and evaluation.
Remember: No woman and no one else can judge you!
They're NOT qualified for this job.
Only YOU are...........................................
Your friend,
28-07-2018, 10:31 AM
Bro WB,
I always believed what goes down will also go up!!
Excellent detailed posts about the gals that you failed to catch. To me, is ok to fail but we learned from the failures and be successful.
I always cannot believe when others had never failed before.
If we are young and when we fall down we get up try again.
There are many ppl who never get up and try again but gave up.
Cheers again.
My key investment continued its descent in the last few sessions. But I welcome more market decline bcos it's time to buy great companies at good prices n good companies at great prices, hahaha.
Back to BY-ing pussies. I hv mentioned how XX got away. Since I was coming back to SG in 2 wks, I never asked for her China HP or QQ no. I was so sure she would be waiting for me in SG.
In the last 2 yrs, several dozens PRC gals hv agreed to be BY-ed by me but only slightly more than 50% of BYs were consummated. I changed my mind in most cases. XX was sent back to PRC. Three gals said yes, then said no. Since I was able to french all 3 gals, I knew their pussies would be mine sooner or later. These "failed" cases r good learning experiences, hahaha. It's true that "all my successes have been built on my failures."
1) CD is the 170 cm 20 yo Shanghai student/song bird whom I met in early Sep 2009. She vanished on the day I was to meet her to BY her. I was quite perturbed at the time. An esteemed bro told me my offer was too low n that she was worth 15K a month n that I should continue to pay her even when I was in Gotham city! To make a long story short I reconnected w/ her 5 months later, but kept her for only a wk. I paid her what she asked for which was quite modest. She was a big disappointment. The reason? Unlike her face, her pussy was not chio at all.
It was a very favorable closure from my point of view. I was really lucky. If I didn't up her I would still be wondering n fantasizing how pretty her pussy was n what I had missed...
My initial mistake? I agreed to give her what she had asked for, which was well below the going rate.
2) HX is a 172 cm 22 yo Dongbei gal on a tourist visa I picked up at CI in July 2010. She agreed to BY. Unfortunately, on the day of I was going to taste her pussy, she fell ill w/ fever n bad coughing...I postponed the date of consummation by 4 days. She was very pissed off n spurned my further attempts to BY her. I was frustrated bcos she had a voluptuous body w/ natural C boobs n big perky ass.
Her student visa was rejected n she ended up at Golden Sands in Jakarta, hehehe. She flew to Batam n spent the nite w/ me in late Nov. Fortunately, the trip was worth every penny as her pussy was pretty n tight. She is now trying to return to SG.
My initial mistake? I postponed payment starting date.
3) WW is a 165 cm 20 yo Fujian student whom I met in late August 2010. She changed her mind bcos a mummy told her terrible lies abt me such as BY-ing many gals for 1 wk only, etc. I met her 3 months later outside DC n she was again very receptive to BY. However, my plate was too full then n I suggested ST instead. She tacitly agreed but I never upped her. She is a bit too slim n boobs quite small.
My mistake? I continued to use the service of this offending mummy.
Separately, I just discovered another startling fact. My minor investment in a biotech start up C reached 52-wk high on the day TC left Changi. The very next day, it dropped. On the following day, FDA sent the co a CRL n requested at least two additional new clinical studies. The stock price collapsed. It continued to drop n is down 65% since TC's departure. Fortunately, I sold 60% of my holding a few days prior to her departure n thus made some initial profit. But overall, I hv suffered a minor loss, instead of a decent profit.
Bro WB
28-07-2018, 11:58 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
Another auspicious day!
My posts and FRs are now more concise because of my time constraints.
I'm quoting fewer gurus because I can't find any new ideas or revelations. It's the same old, same old. Despite my relentless search. If any bro has found a breakthrough, share it here w/ all of us.
I'm having fewer outings and free tours because I'm now already keeping the best SYTs of my type I hv seen in SG in the last 5 years.
However, my offer for bro Don Juan to show me his 'super chio SYTs' has no expiration date. I now like to extend this offer to all samsters.
Actually, I'm much more discerning and selective now in choosing a SYT. Her youthfulness, cuteness, looks, the right body and limbs proportions of my type are not enough. She must also hv the right character and personality. She should also be hardworking, intelligent and frugal.
One 'new' field for me is Taoist sex which is over 2,000 years old! I'm making good progress, but still a newbie.
Bro WB
I did tried Taoist sex but wasn't very successful. I managed to pull out but still shot my load before I can try to use my 3 fingers to press the perineum.
Will try again after have more regular sex.
It takes time and practice. Start w/ breathing.
Bro WB
The guru post below was gross and at first I couldn't really understand what was written at first read. I read this second time and found out the guru wanted us to understand. On third read, I fully understood the importance.
I do agree that many guys will pass compliments when they saw a stunning beautiful lady. However the beautiful lady will not respond because she expected the compliments. If any guy will to use negging then maybe she will want to find out why?
So passing compliments is needy and not manly.
Plenty of things to learn here and thanks for the nice thread.
Thanks for your post.
Same here, I only understand after reading a few times.
Great thread by Bro WB. Hope to learn more.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro, thanks.
Just have to comment on fantastic write-up here.
I love the way you handled your Bao-ee and I have plenty to learn here.
I also like it when you turn down any gal that do not stick to the terms of agreement whcih is a binding contract. Sometimes gals tend to stretch their authority and how sadly mistaken when they lost.
So here 3 names were mentioned and I read you actually kept 2 as LPs.
Please do continue and guide us.
I was a newbie then. Made many mistakes.
The biggest mistake a man can make w/ a woman?
Thinking that she is somehow better or has more 'value' than him. It's the kiss of death for the relationship.
Even King Fucahi was not immune.
Bro WB
Below forum was a masterpiece!!
Actual fact we shouldn't take anyone for granted. Any relationship will need to base on trust. I read that bro WB said my words are my integrity and honor. So if anyone dun trust then no point going into any r/s or even friendship.
TC's ex-bf is just going "Psychopathy" and started to be aggressive trying to dictate what TC cannot do. Taking over the phone and deleted all guy contact is wussy. Simple insecure.
No gal ever like such a man and over a period the gal will get very tired of such behavior. To gals, these are unacceptable. Even for guys when our gfs started to get possessive and jealous in public view then time to dump such a gal.
Any strain r/s will be difficult to repair and any argument may turn into huge fight like Ali vs Frazier.
I find such man as kid and haven't grow up. Will stay far away from such man.
IN any long-term r/s is never easy and needs plenty of compromise. If both sides pick on little things then the r/s will never last.
I love the way bro WB pickup mm regularly and so in a way keeping things fresh. Starting a new r/s is easier than trying to stay on strain r/s.
Any comment?
Hope to learn from more seniors and expert gurus.
NB - dun curse me for quoting the long past masterpiece.
Bro, thanks!
Truly successful long term RS between a man and a woman is a tough journey and requires a lot of work and insights. And compromises and commitment.
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you on the above points. I also hated gals who are narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic gold diggers.
OMG, trf 1 billion USD surely is money laundering similar to 1MDB case.
Thanks bro.
Bro, tks.
Some men say that a subtype of gold diggers is the so-called green tea bitches. These girls are of a higher class. Better educated, more intelligent and more hardworking. It's a derogatory term and maybe unfair to the gals.
Bro WB
I am no legal experts but I can tell you the following -
1. so long no sex it's perfectly legal to hold her hands in public or your own home.
2. even though gal told you her real age 18 but her passport stated she still 17 then she is deemed 17 yrs old in the eyes of law.
3. when she turns 18 then yes do whatever you wanted and anywhere including hotel rooms.
I love the way the thread flows and well written with full details of case studies. It is difficult to find a good thread which lasted a decade in SBF.
I was also impressed by the varieties of topics discussed and many seniors eagerly provide clear definitive answers with courteous replies.
This is well kept thread with high level of discussions and low in-fighting.
Please keep this spirit of sharing going on for another decade or longer.
Cheers to everyone and good health too. :D
Bro, thanks.
I didn't touch the 17 yo girl. She wanted to return one year later, but I had lost interest. I could only BY 2-3 girls at any one time.
Bro WB
Thank you for your thread.
I was reading the thread this morning and came across this old post.
I realized not me but even guru also noticed that sometimes as men we are worrying too much.
Everyday we worried about these and that. Often my friends told me they worried about work, life and etc. I replied that I only worry I have no money.
Ego run amok is bad and together with low-esteem the guy can forget about doing anything in life. Needless to say how this guy can chase women when any guy possess such ego amok and low esteem.
Thank you for a great thread.
Will comment more when reading any interesting post.
Good weekend to all.
Bro, tks for your post.
Worrying is the most useless and destructive habit. A worrier always lives in the future which doesn't even exist.
Bro WB,
I always believed what goes down will also go up!!
Excellent detailed posts about the gals that you failed to catch. To me, is ok to fail but we learned from the failures and be successful.
I always cannot believe when others had never failed before.
If we are young and when we fall down we get up try again.
There are many ppl who never get up and try again but gave up.
Cheers again.
Bro, thanks.
These encounters happened a long time ago. I hv greatly improved since.
Bro WB
28-07-2018, 12:01 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here.
Have a nice weekend.
29-07-2018, 09:58 AM
Bro, thanks.
I didn't touch the 17 yo girl. She wanted to return one year later, but I had lost interest. I could only BY 2-3 girls at any one time.
Bro, tks for your post.
Worrying is the most useless and destructive habit. A worrier always lives in the future which doesn't even exist.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Good for you that you din not touch the 17 yo. There are always other syt which will excite you.
Agree that worry too much will spoil the fun. No wonder Nike says "Just Do It".
29-07-2018, 02:27 PM
Bro WB
Good for you that you din not touch the 17 yo. There are always other syt which will excite you.
Agree that worry too much will spoil the fun. No wonder Nike says "Just Do It".
True, better don't worry too much.
Very good thread here by bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
30-07-2018, 11:21 AM
What hv I learned in 21 months of BY-ing?
When a man becomes enamored w/ a gal for whatever reason, he loses his objectivity n rationality n will attach great value to her pussy...and he will end up paying dearly.
If a man realizes that all pussies, including very beautiful ones, are fungible commodities n are expendable, he will never be KC-ed by any of them.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I have so much to learn from this thread.
What you written above in bigger fonts make common sense.
Hope to learn more here.
30-07-2018, 01:48 PM
Good morning!
Are u being "MONOPULATED" by ur GF/OC/mistress/er nai /lover/FB or the KTV gal/singer u just want to ST or a GL legal gal/FL w/ whom u desire more GFE, etc?
A guru coins the word MONOPULATION in his recent newsletter.
I'll quote him verbatim.
Feeling compelled to give a woman what she wants without any regard at all as to whether your needs are
being met or not? That's not a relationship, that's "monopulation".
A couple of days ago Emily and I were on a live coaching call.
Emily was making a pretty profound point when she busted out
mid-sentence with the word "monopulated".
She quickly paused to correct herself. Right then I asserted, "Hey
wait a minute. Did you mean 'manipulated' or 'monopolized'?
Either word would have worked equally well in that context.
Indeed. As it turned out, Emily needed not correct herself at all.
A new--and deadly accurate, if not exactly scientific--term was born.
So what, then, IS "monopulation"?
Well, picture this...
Boy meets Girl. Boy is instantaneously smitten with Girl, having
(once again) been "clouded by beauty-vision".
Having pre-approved her on sight, basically, it was all he could do
to gather his gonads in a bundle and "ask her out on a date".
Half-heartedly, Girl agrees. After all...she might get a free dinner
out of the deal, if nothing else.
And wouldn't you know it? Once "date night" finally arrives after
a couple sleepless nights the dude spent writhing in anticipation,
Girl flakes out on him.
Errr...I mean, um...he FINALLY gets in front of her. (Yeah, that's it...)
Okay, so go figure...Girl actually finds Boy charming, in a nervous
sort of way.
And best of all (from both of their perspectives, for what it's
worth), Boy pretty much plunked down his entire life savings to
take Girl to some fancy-pants steakhouse that rhymes, ironically
enough, with "Youth's Bliss".
Obviously, Girl senses a solid opportunity to have a "nice friend".
...And one who gives her stuff, no less. All the better.
And hey, Boy seems to be ALL ABOUT giving her whatever she wants of
his own volition. No worries.
So....just as sort of an "insurance policy", Girl is sure to turn on
the "feminine wiles", presenting herself to be just about as sexy
as humanly possible.
And thus the cycle begins and continues for days, weeks or even
months...depending on how long it takes Boy to finally get over the
delusion that he might FINALLY get to kiss her someday.
(What, you were expecting MORE? You've got to be kidding.)
What happened here? Boy got MONOPULATED by Girl, that's what.
Not only did Girl manipulate the boy into giving her exactly what
SHE wanted, they had an "exclusive relationship".
In this case, that means the "relationship" was "exclusively" about
meeting HER needs.
Her needs monopolized everyone's attention. Boy didn't get
ANYTHING he wanted out of the deal, unless you can somehow include
"getting to be seen with a hottie."
(And If that qualifies as a balanced relationship where everyone is
deserving what they want, then I strongly encourage you to call me
for live 1-on-1 coaching RIGHT NOW.)
Need another example, just to be sure?
OK, here goes.
This time, Boy meets Girl as before, but there's a different twist.
Boy thinks Girl is "okay", but since he hasn't been seeing much
"action" lately, he goes ahead and decides to hang out with her
just for the heck of it.
Meanwhile, Girl feels her "biological clock" ticking, and is on a
mission to find a husband with a quickness.
Girl finds Boy to be a "nice" guy. He appears to be good "husband
And to her utter joy, she can't help but discern during their
"first date" that he really isn't finding it so easy to get a
girlfriend, for whatever reason.
Following logically, Girl guesses that Boy must be pretty desperate
for sex.
This really couldn't be more to Girl's delight as it plays directly
into her favor.
Therefore, girl turns up the flirtation and hints just a bit (i.e.
just enough) that she could be sexually interested.
Boy gets hot under the collar.
Girl makes it perfectly clear that she's looking for a "marriage
minded" guy and isn't going to "give it up" until she's in a
committed relationship.
So, of course, guy declares a civil war on himself inside his own
head. The battle rages between the "just have sex with her
already" faction and the "but dude...she's not exactly what you're
looking for, is she?" faction.
But the last thing Boy thinks to do is walk away.
A week later they're going steady. But five weeks later they're
still NOT GOING all the way.
Nevertheless, three months later he stumbles into a jewelry store
that rhymes with "Jails" and buys a diamond ring...on a payment plan.
They have sex.
A week later they go ahead and buy a house together.
Four more months later, the princess wedding of Girl's dreams
happens...because that's how long it took to plan it.
Boy wakes up on the second night of the honeymoon in a cold sweat.
He wonders how this all happened so fast....or AT ALL, for that
She stops having sex with him, except when absolutely necessary.
Is it because she senses he really doesn't want to be there?
Who knows? But they still have mortgage payments together, and
he's still making payments on the ring.
You got it...monopulation.
With that, there you now have two examples.
Now, to be clear--and to obviate the need for some of the e-mails
some of you are probably already typing--let me drop two quick notes
on you.
1) Monopulation is NOT GENDER SPECIFIC
We as guys can monopulate the heck out of women, if we're
opportunistic Idiot/Jerks (aka I/Js) and they're as weak-willed and
desperate as Boy is above.
But this is a newsletter that's primarily written for men, so all
of you ladies who are reading this anyway are going to have to keep
that in mind for now.
Suffice it to say, however, that any man who dangles "relationship"
in front of a woman who sees him as Prince Charming just so he can
add her to his Booty Call Harem (aka BCH) is a monopulator.
And just as importantly...
2) ...all male/female relationships are NOT lousy with monopulation
Come on, now. You're talking to a married dating coach here.
Of course I believe that men and women can, and should, embark upon
healthy relationships together.
But solid relationships that last are usually built between two
people who are both CHOOSERS, without a CHASER in sight.
It's when you have a CHOOSER who has found a "live one" in the form
of a CHASER that problems potentially arise. There's a severe risk
in that scenario that the chooser may not be able to resist the
urge to monopulate the chaser.
The simple (but not always easy) solution to ending monopulation
Deserve what you want.
That always involves being the kind of man who the woman you want
is going to want in return. But it ALSO involves being able to
SELECT the right kind of woman instead of the wrong one.
So enough already about how we can completely starcross our
interactions with women by painting ourselves into the monopulation
corner, right?
Be Good,
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
Thank you for your post above.
I was reading all the exchanges and discussions before I came to the above posts. Thank you so much for all the brothers who had contributed to the success of this thread.
I have never heard of "monopulation" and today I learned first time.
Agreed that monopulation is not gender bias and apply both sexes.
Only comment I have is monopulation is not love?
Thanks again for the great thread.
30-07-2018, 07:26 PM
Bro WB
I have so much to learn from this thread.
What you written above in bigger fonts make common sense.
Hope to learn more here.
Have learnt so much from this thread, thanks to bro WB.
Hoping to learn more too.
Have a nice week ahead.
31-07-2018, 11:49 AM
Bro WB
Good for you that you din not touch the 17 yo. There are always other syt which will excite you.
Agree that worry too much will spoil the fun. No wonder Nike says "Just Do It".
True, better don't worry too much.
Very good thread here by bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bros, thanks for the posts.
Over the years, there have been many 16-17 yo SYTs who want BY. I always tell them I can't do that until they turn 18 yo. I often don't want them when they turn 18 yo, for various reasons.
Only one who changed her mind.
There was a chio n cute 16 yo Hong Kong girl who was introduced to me by an agent for BY in mid 2015. She was born in Jan 1999. I have a copy of her HK IC. 170 natural C, slim w/ good body and limb proportions. She was eager to come to SG to study. I told her to wait until 18 yo. We kept in touch by phone and video chatting. She confided w/ me about her family problems and her frustrations. Her mom wanted her to quit school n go to work. She would call me when she felt depressed and hopeless.
In Jan 2016 she told me she wanted to start school in SG in coming Sep. She was asking me to pay for school tuition, food and lodging. And really very little else. Total damage less than 3k a month. What a great bargain I would say. Of course, I said sure. She started calling me her 恩人. Then she wanted to come in May for a 3-day visit. I said ok at first, then 2 weeks later, I told her better come in Sep. Subsequent to that her attitude radically changed and she was not replying to my msg and not picking up my calls. BTW, We communicated mostly in English.
I asked her what happened. Took her a long time to reply. She wrote: Because you're unreliable. Yup, she was right. I didn't keep my promise. I changed my mind because I was busy then and because I was thinking of saving the expenses of her airfare and 3-day hotel fees. Don't forget that I couldn't do much more than kissing her because she was still only 17. But no excuses. I Behaved like a wuss.
The Chinese say 一诺千金, the Americans say a man's word is his bond.
I learned a very valuable lesson from a 17 yo Hong Kong SYT!
A man's trustworthiness is THE most attractive masculine trait.
I shall never forget that.
Bro WB
I have so much to learn from this thread.
What you written above in bigger fonts make common sense.
Hope to learn more here.
Thanks for your post. Sometimes I still forget what I wrote. I must practice what I preach.
Bro WB
Thank you for your post above.
I was reading all the exchanges and discussions before I came to the above posts. Thank you so much for all the brothers who had contributed to the success of this thread.
I have never heard of "monopulation" and today I learned first time.
Agreed that monopulation is not gender bias and apply both sexes.
Only comment I have is monopulation is not love?
Thanks again for the great thread.
Bro, thanks.
Yeah, we should not get 'monopulated,'
Bro WB
01-08-2018, 12:48 PM
The Chinese say 一诺千金, the Americans say a man's word is his bond.
I learned a very valuable lesson from a 17 yo Hong Kong SYT!
A man's trustworthiness is THE most attractive masculine trait.
I shall never forget that.
Bro, thanks.
Yeah, we should not get 'monopulated,'
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for nice reply.
I shall also never forget to pratcise what you preached. Never be a wussy.
No wonder chinese always believe must have backbone.
01-08-2018, 02:46 PM
Bros, thanks for the posts.
Over the years, there have been many 16-17 yo SYTs who want BY. I always tell them I can't do that until they turn 18 yo. I often don't want them when they turn 18 yo, for various reasons.
Only one who changed her mind.
There was a chio n cute 16 yo Hong Kong girl who was introduced to me by an agent for BY in mid 2015. She was born in Jan 1999. I have a copy of her HK IC. 170 natural C, slim w/ good body and limb proportions. She was eager to come to SG to study. I told her to wait until 18 yo. We kept in touch by phone and video chatting. She confided w/ me about her family problems and her frustrations. Her mom wanted her to quit school n go to work. She would call me when she felt depressed and hopeless.
In Jan 2016 she told me she wanted to start school in SG in coming Sep. She was asking me to pay for school tuition, food and lodging. And really very little else. Total damage less than 3k a month. What a great bargain I would say. Of course, I said sure. She started calling me her 恩人. Then she wanted to come in May for a 3-day visit. I said ok at first, then 2 weeks later, I told her better come in Sep. Subsequent to that her attitude radically changed and she was not replying to my msg and not picking up my calls. BTW, We communicated mostly in English.
I asked her what happened. Took her a long time to reply. She wrote: Because you're unreliable. Yup, she was right. I didn't keep my promise. I changed my mind because I was busy then and because I was thinking of saving the expenses of her airfare and 3-day hotel fees. Don't forget that I couldn't do much more than kissing her because she was still only 17. But no excuses. I Behaved like a wuss.
The Chinese say 一诺千金, the Americans say a man's word is his bond.
I learned a very valuable lesson from a 17 yo Hong Kong SYT!
A man's trustworthiness is THE most attractive masculine trait.
I shall never forget that.
Thanks for your post. Sometimes I still forget what I wrote. I must practice what I preach.
Bro, thanks.
Yeah, we should not get 'monopulated,'
Bro WB
Very true, should never be monopulated.
Thanks for a great thread bro WB.
Have a nice day :)
02-08-2018, 12:47 PM
Bro WB,
Thank you for the detailed SZ + CP trip field report. You made an interesting observation that there was quantity but quality was so-so.
I was surprised you also arranged sssyts to flew over to be with you too.
I think you dun feel good living in PRC because you mentioned previously you like to settle down in Xiamen.
i really agreed with you with this statement -
"IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period."
Really enjoyed all the discussions going on and the planning how to get gals be it in Singapore or anywhere else in this world.
Happy reading!!
Just returned from HK, SZ n CP. My trip was part business n part pleasure.
BB flew from Fuzhou to SZ n took the train to be w/ me in HK. Went to SZ to take care of some business n had lunch there w/ a business associate from Gotham City n a Hongkie fren ZW. Took the oppty to invite a 23 yo Hubei gal JK whom I met thru MSN to join us. When I 1st saw her, my heart skipped several beats! She looked stunningly beautiful n sexy, prettier than her pics...n even video calling didn't do her beauty justice. ZW, even though he visits CP every month, was very impressed n sexcited due to her curvaceous figure n classy looks. BTW, JK is a sales rep for a drug company n a non-WL. She used to hv a HK BF who was in his late 40s. She is looking for a BF... I hv invited her to come to SG, despite her age.
CP was actually a slight letdown for me. Due to my heavy schedule, I could only manage a day trip w/ my faithful HK fren ZW n was taken to 3 saunas by an agent.
My overall impression of gals in CP? There is quantity n service is very good, but the quality is so-so only w/ rare gems here n there. Of course KTVs offer many more gals n perhaps more gems. The gal I picked was actually not bad at all, but after the session I saw ZW's gal LL n was quite attracted to her! I paid for ZW's gal plus his rm charges bcos he was so kind to accompany me there. LL is a cute n demure 19 yo SYT from Hubei (another Hubei gal!), who started work only a few days ago. She is 165, abt 48 Kg w/ very nice figure n boobs. Nice small bony frame n legs. I got her HP n QQ n I'm also inviting her to come to SG, hehe.
BTW, I did meet up w/ a SBF bro Woody who was kind enuff to drive BB n me to Victoria's Peak for sightseeing n dinner. The view was stunning n panoramic! BB's pic taken at the Peak was beautiful. He is also on the lookout for SYTs of my type. Ths bro Woody!!
Back to some issues w/ BY-ing n KC-ing.
I like to add that even a very youthful n pretty face, great figure of my type plus very attractive, pink, wet n tight pussy could still be unsatisfactory unless I could give her COS quite easily n she in turn could service me w/o inhibitions....n she must never say no to whatever I want, hahaha.
KC-ing is a very complex subject.
IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period. It makes no difference if she is a WL/FL or non-WL. Her age, educational level n social-economic status r totally irrelevant. He really doesn't need to say or do anything special or be nice to her. He can even treat her quite badly. She will fall for him bcos she can't help it, hehehe.
The gorgeous FF has returned to Fujian. I had lunch w/ her. I told her how much her monthly allowance will be when she returns here on her 18th birthday. She wanted me to BY her right here n now! It took very good self mastery to say NO to such a chio SYT. I did manage to kiss her in my car, haha. BTW, she did meet a few of my frens. She told me: 他们说你很坏. I know what they hv told her: Bro WB is a hunter-predator of SYTs, he has many GFs n he loves to give them COS, he likes young n pretty gals like u, etc. It actually helps me, I believe, judging from what has happened. She is the one who always initiates ctc w/ me...
TC (now in PRC) is not happy that I wont be back to SG until early May. She wants to accompany me to Gotham City! She is also distressed that real estate prices r still rising in her small town in Fujian. I told her to relax as housing prices should decline by 20-30% within one yr, haha.
My 1st BAO-ee XW n the SH songbird CD also hv returned to SG recently. They hv extended their student visa.
Your feedback n criticisms r always appreciated.
Bro WB
02-08-2018, 01:03 PM
Fully agreed with the statement too.
Very nice detailed field trip report by bro WB.
Hope to read and learn more from the master :)
Bro WB,
Thank you for the detailed SZ + CP trip field report. You made an interesting observation that there was quantity but quality was so-so.
I was surprised you also arranged sssyts to flew over to be with you too.
I think you dun feel good living in PRC because you mentioned previously you like to settle down in Xiamen.
i really agreed with you with this statement -
"IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period."
Really enjoyed all the discussions going on and the planning how to get gals be it in Singapore or anywhere else in this world.
Happy reading!!
02-08-2018, 03:12 PM
I am really interested to read the post below and I hv plenty to learn.
Quite agreed with bro on the young syts. Most syts are not good in bed and will not be able to do much foreplay because they lack of proper training and experiences. Need to be guided by sexperts like bro WB before the syts can be really good in bed.
I like to discuss horoscope and how this affect the r/s.
We are know chinese horoscope have 12 animals and born diff years.
If we count 18yo today then we are talking about syts who are born in 2000 birthday before Aug 2000.
Year 2000 was Dragon year and not suitable for Dogs.
Year 1999 was Rabbit and not suitable for Roosters
Year 1998 was Tiger and not suitable for Monkeys.
Many fortune-tellers will tell you base on your birth year, month, day, hours and if you are suitable to be with which syts. Well at least in my life, I will never get gals that offensive to my horoscope.
All these are predestined in life.
So if you could not get a certain syt then too bad there will always others coming to your life.
Cheers + happy reading!!
Hmm....if now you interested in the singer...then the gurus to discuss and seek strategies on will be BYBJ or LDH....although they are "retired", their experiences in this field are still top notched and spot for handling young charges...I guess this fall under the purview of Bro WB...hahahaha....
These discussions seem to echo an earlier part of this v informative thread about SYT/ MILF sex quality (somewhere above) ... seem to recall a certain consensus that MILFs in bed tended to be (statistically speaking, based on the number of bros replying) relatively better. I personally have not been able to bang too many SYTs successfully. For example, I just fired my SYT baoee in SG - not worth the $$$, despite her pretty good looks. Gave her multiple opportunities to demo some solid sex but, sigh, despite even all the effort to arrange an overnight in SG to test out her cohab skills, she just CMI ... I normally can go pretty long w. a sexy babe but this one got me so pissed towards the end of the overnighter even 'ol didi went on strike!! Bloody never happened before ... that really made up my mind.
To get off the disappointment, I spent a wonderful couple of weeks with a bunch of probationary baoees: 2 v interesting Rabbit yr gals - one at 1.68m from DC with wonderful legs n CFM moves, and another 1.6m from CI from Gansu - cute and cuddly. By contrast though, the most spectacular one so far that I have been salivating over (literally) has been a CI MILF fm Chengdu ... though she's actually 1.62 m only, boy she's one well maintained babe. For once (I'm usually an A/B cup fella) I've encountered a C with the tinest nips (almost as alluring as my China baoee), a stupefyingly proportionate bod (which gives her the illusion of height), slim pretty legs, elegant fingers and toes - but what takes the cake are her responses in bed ... wha lou, one hell of a tigress.
Our first roll in bed was mind-blowing: natural frenching, 10/10 GFE, Jap-AV standard noises and orgasms (by her) that were unbelievably frequent and cock-achingly violent. Had to grab her v tightly to control the amount of pelvic thrusting she was giving back (didi even slid out from all the action a few times, prompting me to lock arms round her real tight) ... could not believe the ol didi was rapidly back in form after the 1st shot in record time just looking at her nude, sweat-drenched and glistening bod, and she giving me the kind of cock teasing CFM looks ... no fussy nonsense about male sweat, dimming the lights, shyness, hesitation to kiss etc, etc.
You can imagine the buay tahan state of mind I was in after that first one, so quite willingly padded her wallet to keep her rested for a few days and arranged a couple more sessions: nice chatty meals, music at Boat Quay, smoke breaks at Mt Faber, followed by action at better hotels where we progressed to half hour baths together, soaping each other up and sliding about in the tub n floor, chasing around the room and play-acting (doctor- patient/ slave and master/ pros and customer) before proceeding to long steamy sessions of wild, noisy banging. We were into wild and wet 69 coupling by the 2nd session ... discovered also that the Ft Canning Hotel de luxe rooms have great sextisfying mirrors by the bed - both of us perversely watching our own self-made live AV shows as we banged ... only screw-up, we knocked over a wine glass from all the crazy action and kenna pay damage the next morning for staining. Like what Bro ME said, the older gals seem to have a gd mix of dating quality and banging experience.
Went to LV to hunt for the elusive SYTs yesterday but, sigh ... guess the good ones have all been taken by the masters in this forum as usual ... did an unusual thing for me at LV and got a cute singer in plus a couple of butterflies. May consider developing this cute singer further for some variety ...
... the little head is still persuaded about the relative quality of MILF sex. Of course, I'm still open minded to finding (for me) the elusive solid SYT bang, but based on what the MMS told me yesterday, supplies of SYTs are still tight.
02-08-2018, 04:09 PM
I am interested to learn too. Seems like this is the thread for learning.
Cheerios and have a nice day.
I am really interested to read the post below and I hv plenty to learn.
Quite agreed with bro on the young syts. Most syts are not good in bed and will not be able to do much foreplay because they lack of proper training and experiences. Need to be guided by sexperts like bro WB before the syts can be really good in bed.
I like to discuss horoscope and how this affect the r/s.
We are know chinese horoscope have 12 animals and born diff years.
If we count 18yo today then we are talking about syts who are born in 2000 birthday before Aug 2000.
Year 2000 was Dragon year and not suitable for Dogs.
Year 1999 was Rabbit and not suitable for Roosters
Year 1998 was Tiger and not suitable for Monkeys.
Many fortune-tellers will tell you base on your birth year, month, day, hours and if you are suitable to be with which syts. Well at least in my life, I will never get gals that offensive to my horoscope.
All these are predestined in life.
So if you could not get a certain syt then too bad there will always others coming to your life.
Cheers + happy reading!!
Hmm....if now you interested in the singer...then the gurus to discuss and seek strategies on will be BYBJ or LDH....although they are "retired", their experiences in this field are still top notched and spot for handling young charges...I guess this fall under the purview of Bro WB...hahahaha....
03-08-2018, 12:54 PM
I recently received the following from an expert on RS n love:
Why It Pays To Play Hard to Get
According to Bertrand Russell, "Human nature is constructed so that it gives affection most readily to those who seem to demand it the least."
This being the case "and I assure you it is" then what hope can any normal human being who intensely craves love and affection have of winning the one they want?
Won't their very need for the other person be the thing that turns the one they want away from them?
The answer is "NO!" It is not the need for love, which all people inherently feel which drives others away from them, but it is their indiscretion about exhibiting that need. What we need to learn is to make a distinction in our lives between the way we feel and the way we act! Or, in other words, we must learn self-control. Not that we should suppress our emotions to the degree that we deny to ourselves what we are feeling. No, no indeed.
We should always realize and be honest with ourselves what we are feeling inside. But we must be discerning, discreet and wise about the things we know about ourselves, which we share with others. Just because you find yourself desperately wanting someone, for example, doesn't mean you should act desperate. But neither does it mean you should try to deny the feeling in yourself.
So you feel desperate! So what?! There's no shame in that. Join the club. Millions of wonderful, great, fantastic people who have lived long before you have felt this way. There's nothing wrong with wanting.
But what I warn you against is not trying to control the way you talk about it to others. You see, a dog should wag his tail, not have the tail wag the dog. And YOU are the one who ultimately controls your behavior, your emotions should not be doing that.
Remember when you were small and felt unhappy and upset about not getting your way? What did most of us do? We would lie down on the floor and act out our emotions by beating our fists on the floor and kicking wildly. But when we got older we learned to put away childish behaviors and hold back, except in the area of romance.
What I'm saying is that we need to be mature in this area as well. "But," someone cries out, "isn't it dishonest to not express what you feel?" "No," I answer. "It's a simple matter of growing up." The mature thing to do is to learn to distinguish between feelings and actions. Feel intently, deeply and honestly. But keep your behavior in check.
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe.
Bro WB
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!
Let me quote yous small fine print "I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe."
Me too need to have the advice in my small brain.
Really a lovely piece of advice which we knew all along but just the small head took control most times.
Thank you for the nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
03-08-2018, 01:47 PM
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!
Let me quote yous small fine print "I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe."
Me too need to have the advice in my small brain.
Really a lovely piece of advice which we knew all along but just the small head took control most times.
Thank you for the nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
Indeed a very great thread by Bro WB, thanks bro.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
03-08-2018, 02:00 PM
Bro WB,
You are correct to say that in By-ing, some degree of KC-ing always occurs, whether by design or unintentionally. However, since the act of BY-ing is a commercial transaction, the chances of the guy getting sucked into a trap laid by the gal is really slim.
KC-ing WLs/FLs leads to trouble 99% of the time. I have witnessed this with many of my buddies who are experienced cheongsters. The main problem is that after a while, they lose their rationality in the KC relationship and once that happens, they sink deeper and deeper into the hole that they have dug for themselves. Sad to say, it is always almost next to impossible to get them to snap out of their dreams. By the time they have woken up, they would have lost not only their money but their gals also.
I have seen and met many WLs/FLs who are very easily KCed. But if you were to think with your big head, you will see through their act immediately. In short, a gal who is easily KCed is just putting an act to get your money.
Successfully KC-ing a gal means different things to different people. For some, they believe they have successfully KC-ed a gal when she says that she loves him...and that happens when they meet the second time...:D
For others, they say that it is successful when the gals finally agrees to stop working and be with them full time. But the thing they always forget to mention is that they are paying the gals 10K/mth for that. :p
Very wise passage above - deserves to be downloaded and framed up somewhere to remind the Big Head to dominate.
Trouble free BY/KC calls for iron restraint. Had enough of the excessive pipe dreams the gal eventually gets frm my 1st long term BY fm SG to PRC. Ended at the point she was talking making babies etc., but with a drama and attempted suicide. The current PRC baoee knows the score and accepts that I just have to tell her game over but dun lie to her ...
The $$$ loss is gonna be a given. No $elf re$pecting WL/FL/MM is gonna start even considering most of us uncles in SBF unless you've got the charm/looks of the fortunate few Adonis types here unless we fla$h enough Yusuf Ishaks at them. So a rather shrewd fellow cheongster measures the no. of fxxks vs the total investment and uses that as a gauge of how far to go.
Each time I take the lift up at TAM complex n spy the new stocks coming in, it reminds me with great enphasis that Bro TD's way leaves me free to hunt without obligations. However, sometimes when I knock off work late or have a sleepy pm to spend, having a gal on call is also great.
So, I've been balancing the local stock here by playing male "hard to get" or rather, "dangerous to get". I openly tell them I'm bloody 花心 and 不合格 to be their lao gong. One of the prettiest (to me ok, and beauty is subjective) I have (absolutely love her smile and face), spotted me in CI a few times where she trawls (did not BY her) ... one day she was even in the line up so picked her. Spent half an hour comforting her crooning romantic Chinese songs with her whilst she wet me bloody collar with tears. After that, she confessed she just needs to be "honged" a while n she would regain her composure and accept the reality. I can still get her as a FB or just for company on call ... but she knows I cannot be hers. The price: I help her every now and then on little things like her rent. There$ a price for everything ...
Such great forum from two expert seniors in the early days of 2011 and their discussions then were superb.
I really cannot disagree more.
KC game is a serious and hurting business. Those who lost thinking that they had won the kc game but instead been kced by the gals.
Agreed that by time woke up from the dream may have lost a fortune.
How I cannot believe these gals threatened to suicide and all these drama queens will win any awards for their crocodile tears.
Hope bro dun blame me for quoting 2 old forums.
Once again TGIF and happy weekend.
03-08-2018, 03:29 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for nice reply.
I shall also never forget to pratcise what you preached. Never be a wussy.
No wonder chinese always believe must have backbone.
Tks for your post.
Women are attracted to men w/ emotional mastery n emotional strength.
Very true, should never be monopulated.
Thanks for a great thread bro WB.
Have a nice day :)
Bro, thanks.
We should never be 'monopulated.'
Bro WB,
Thank you for the detailed SZ + CP trip field report. You made an interesting observation that there was quantity but quality was so-so.
I was surprised you also arranged sssyts to flew over to be with you too.
I think you dun feel good living in PRC because you mentioned previously you like to settle down in Xiamen.
i really agreed with you with this statement -
"IMHO, if a man is perceived to hv high ranking on the Male Dominance Scale n if he maintains excellent self mastery throughout the RS w/ a gal n at the same time gives her regular COS, she will be KC-ed. Period."
Really enjoyed all the discussions going on and the planning how to get gals be it in Singapore or anywhere else in this world.
Happy reading!!
Bro, tks.
I took that SZ and CP trip a long time ago, in March of 2011. I saw a huge number of SYTs but the quality was so-so. If I had stayed a full week and visited the joints every day, I probably could hv found more than a few gems.
I'm now looking for SYTs for BY who are not the type usually found in SZ and CP. Those girls are only for ST.
My SYT lao po must hv 气质. I can't find an English word to accurately describe it. Perhaps it means a girl is refined, educated, classy and poised? IMHO, girls from Jiangsu and Zhejiang are more likely to hv better 气质. A man who has this trait is also very attractive to a higher class of women. Birds of a feather flock together.
In my recent post, I wrote that: "Actually, I'm much more discerning and selective now in choosing a SYT. Her youthfulness, cuteness, looks, the right body and limbs proportions of my type are not enough. She must also hv the right character and personality. She should also be hardworking, intelligent and frugal."
I need to add 气质 as a very important attribute. Of my 3 current LPs, TY has lots of it, KT next n LS somewhat less.
I am really interested to read the post below and I hv plenty to learn.
Quite agreed with bro on the young syts. Most syts are not good in bed and will not be able to do much foreplay because they lack of proper training and experiences. Need to be guided by sexperts like bro WB before the syts can be really good in bed.
I like to discuss horoscope and how this affect the r/s.
We are know chinese horoscope have 12 animals and born diff years.
If we count 18yo today then we are talking about syts who are born in 2000 birthday before Aug 2000.
Year 2000 was Dragon year and not suitable for Dogs.
Year 1999 was Rabbit and not suitable for Roosters
Year 1998 was Tiger and not suitable for Monkeys.
Many fortune-tellers will tell you base on your birth year, month, day, hours and if you are suitable to be with which syts. Well at least in my life, I will never get gals that offensive to my horoscope.
All these are predestined in life.
So if you could not get a certain syt then too bad there will always others coming to your life.
Cheers + happy reading!!
Hmm....if now you interested in the singer...then the gurus to discuss and seek strategies on will be BYBJ or LDH....although they are "retired", their experiences in this field are still top notched and spot for handling young charges...I guess this fall under the purview of Bro WB...hahahaha....
Bro, tks so much.
Yeah, 18-19 yo SYTs usually give little sexual service. But they boost my immunity and may add years to my healthy life.
The two flower kings are bros DYBJ and LDH. Only they knew how to subdue these psychopathic gold diggers. It's not for the faint of heart. Like Al Capone said, you must use your heart less.
I am interested to learn too. Seems like this is the thread for learning.
Cheerios and have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon,
TY is probably one of the best quality SYTs of my type I ever had. In retrospect, it was TY who approached me. She came n sat next to me and pointing her legs in my direction. I didn't see her coming towards me at all. I suddenly found a chio SYT sitting next to me. And looking at me. She was very youthful and attractive and I immediately wanted to get to know her better. It was 9:28 PM on 9 March 2018.
BTW, I'm just a trainee in BY and I hv a long way to go. My dream is to become a master. I'll do whatever it takes.
It's very tough to become a master in getting the prettiest girls of your type. It takes lots of studying, observing, researching and practising. It's part science and part art. You need repetition and lots of hands-on experience to become 'unconsciously' competent. For example, don't read a good book once, read it 15-20 times. Most importantly, you must also have awesome emotional mastery and emotional strength. And you must believe you're great w/ women and you're the prize, not just consciously, but also subconsciously. Same w/ investing and trading or other worthy pursuits in life. It's 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.
There are many naysayers who hv posted here. Some of them may be young n good looking and still hv to pay and pay AND still can't get the best quality girls of their type. So they think it's impossible for a lao chee ko pek to achieve it w/ ease. They sincerely believe it's all about money, big money. I can't blame them for that. But they are dead wrong.
They are 'unconsciously' incompetent, just like 99% of men.
They are frustrated and are failures w/ women mainly because their behaviour is needy n insecure. They may get angry or jealous easily. They hv very poor emotional mastery. Or perhaps the girls are psychopathic gold diggers and they are not wealthy enough. Or the girls are sapiosexual and they are not smart enough and not very well educated. A degree from a good uni is the minimum. A doctorate degree from a famous uni is much better. There are many other reasons. But it's not because of their looks and going for plastic surgery is just plain stupid.
To get THE best quality girls, a man must also have 气质. And other masculine traits of course.
IMHO, the second most attractive masculine trait is awesome emotional mastery and emotional strength.
Your comments are appreciated.
Bro WB
03-08-2018, 03:35 PM
My SYT lao po must hv 气质. I can't find an English word to accurately describe it. Perhaps it means a girl is refined, educated, classy and poised? IMHO, girls from Jiangsu and Zhejiang are more likely to hv better 气质.
Bro WB
气质 Qìzhí = temperament
03-08-2018, 03:44 PM
气质 Qìzhí = temperament
Bro, tks.
I knew that.
Temperament is the translation given by most websites, but 气质 is a lot more than that. It indicates slightly different qualities in men and women.
Baidu 什么是男人的气质 and 女人的气质.
Bro WB
04-08-2018, 11:29 AM
Such great forum from two expert seniors in the early days of 2011 and their discussions then were superb.
I really cannot disagree more.
KC game is a serious and hurting business. Those who lost thinking that they had won the kc game but instead been kced by the gals.
Agreed that by time woke up from the dream may have lost a fortune.
How I cannot believe these gals threatened to suicide and all these drama queens will win any awards for their crocodile tears.
Hope bro dun blame me for quoting 2 old forums.
Once again TGIF and happy weekend.
Fully agree, can learn a lot from the seniors here.
Thanks for a great thread bro WB.
Have a wonderful weekend.
05-08-2018, 11:55 AM
Bro WB
What an auspicious day!
Let me quote yous small fine print "I must imprint the above advice deep in my primitive brains, hehehe."
Me too need to have the advice in my small brain.
Really a lovely piece of advice which we knew all along but just the small head took control most times.
Thank you for the nice thread.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for quoting this old post.
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
I seem to hv forgotten this. I must imprint the above advice deeply and permanently in my primitive brains.
Here are the main areas of the brain involved with emotions:
Indeed a very great thread by Bro WB, thanks bro.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
Bro, tks!
Such great forum from two expert seniors in the early days of 2011 and their discussions then were superb.
I really cannot disagree more.
KC game is a serious and hurting business. Those who lost thinking that they had won the kc game but instead been kced by the gals.
Agreed that by time woke up from the dream may have lost a fortune.
How I cannot believe these gals threatened to suicide and all these drama queens will win any awards for their crocodile tears.
Hope bro dun blame me for quoting 2 old forums.
Once again TGIF and happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
These two bros are very experienced. I hv not heard from them in a very long time. Hope that they are doing well.
Fully agree, can learn a lot from the seniors here.
Thanks for a great thread bro WB.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bro, thanks.
Bro WB
05-08-2018, 01:16 PM
Global markets hv taken a severe beating since the massive earth quake in Japan. I'm following Getty's advice "Buy when everyone else is selling...n hold on until everyone else is buying." But it's easier said than done.
In full-time BY-ing I expect my full-time GFs to always say YES, whenever I want to fxk them n whenever I want them to spend time w/ me. They also can't say NO whatever I want to do to them, within reasons of course. It's a given they can't fxk other men n can't go to work. In return, I allow them the freedom to make frens w/ anyone. However, they must tell me asap if n when they fall for some young men, hehehe.
BTW, while my other GFs r in China, my 1st BAO-ee XW's pussy was always available to me. I hv narrated my saga w/ her in the past. She is now 23 n a very different person. Although I BY-ed her twice in the past, I was unable to give her COS bcos she would push me away after she came once or twice (a common problem...). She used to give me minimal service, but she is now so fxking hungry n passionate!! She couldn't seem to get enuff...reaches COS in every session n she loves 69. Hv I improved that much? Her cunt is still as pretty n as tight as before. She said: "I'm getting old whereas u are still exactly the same. Many gals in my town r already married at my age..." I lost ctc w/ her in June last yr. She was kept by a SG man in his early 30s, who must be in some sort of "all cash business," for abt 6 months. He was very generous to her...but unfortunately he fell for her n proposed to her! Her parents strongly objected to the marriage n ordered her to go back home in Dec. She recently returned, changed her HP...hahaha, his loss is my gain.
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
Happy Sunday!!!
Looks like it is the same now with global markets declining and bear markets ruling. Recently have not read about your comment on the markets? So your investment doing well?
Are you still following Getty's advice? Buy when everyone is selling and hold on when everyone is buying?
Why should your baoee dun allow you to f**k unless she is having her monthly period or ill? I wonder too?
Thanks and cheers.
05-08-2018, 01:30 PM
I recently received the following email from a guru:
Pleasure Panic: Why Some Women Say Stop
- Why women sometimes stop you or push you away
with their hips just when it looks like they are
about to orgasm...
Hey My name is [...], and when i'm fingering or
going down on my girlfriend sometimes she will
make me stop because the sensation is too strong for
her to handle. Does that mean she reached the
point of orgasm and is too sensitive to continue
- D
Some women do, in fact, get overly sensitized
after orgasm and find continued contact too much
to handle for a short while and need to take a
break. But this is uncommon.
More likely is that she is right on the edge of
orgasm and is unable to cross over to the other
This kind of "pleasure panic" is incredibly
common. Orgasm, for many women, is a huge act of
surrender. She is not comfortable losing
control of herself that way.
Especially in front of you. But often women
can't do it alone either. They just PANIC when
they feel the rush of the oncoming orgasm.
(Often women can have shallow orgasms, but
when something monster big is coming, or when
they are already coming but feel a "stacked"
orgasm that will notch them up into a higher
level, they feel that sense of panic that they
just won't be able to handle it).
That's why so much of my book is about earning
her complete "Sexual Trust".
Once you do that, she will surrender herself
to you completely and you can gently guide her
across her fears to the other side-- and she will
have mind-blowing pleasure.
Learning to build Sexual Trust is the key to
most of the advanced sexual knowledge that you
will ever encounter...
Learning to hold space for her to experience
things she might not even be able to do alone,
and learning how to give her CERTAINTY that you'll
be strong and calm afterwards if she experiences
some wild emotions from it... these things can't
just be faked, and they are much more important
than some finger, tongue, or thrusting techniques.
And if you spend a little time working at it,
you will give her her very first orgasm. Which
is pretty cool.............................................. ........
.................................................. ............................
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
The above post from guru makes sense although I have not encountered with my gal.
So this XW push you away when she was having big climax orgasm. Really couldn't imagine although my gal will be frustrated if i become flaccid before she come.
Thank you for all hard work and I have plenty to learn in your auspicious thread.
Bye again!!
05-08-2018, 02:37 PM
Bro WB
Happy Sunday!!!
Looks like it is the same now with global markets declining and bear markets ruling. Recently have not read about your comment on the markets? So your investment doing well?
Are you still following Getty's advice? Buy when everyone is selling and hold on when everyone is buying?
Why should your baoee dun allow you to f**k unless she is having her monthly period or ill? I wonder too?
Thanks and cheers.
Bro WB, wish you do well in your investment.
Thanks for this wonderful thread, lots to learn from you.
Have a happy Sunday.
05-08-2018, 05:38 PM
Bro WB
The above post from guru makes sense although I have not encountered with my gal.
So this XW push you away when she was having big climax orgasm. Really couldn't imagine although my gal will be frustrated if i become flaccid before she come.
Thank you for all hard work and I have plenty to learn in your auspicious thread.
Bye again!!
Never encountered that with my gals too.
Thanks bro WB for sharing this nice thread.
08-08-2018, 04:12 PM
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
I seem to hv forgotten this. I must imprint the above advice deeply and permanently in my primitive brains.
Here are the main areas of the brain involved with emotions:
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for a great pc of advice above.
Cheers to you.
08-08-2018, 04:17 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for a great pc of advice above.
Cheers to you.
Agreed, truly great advice.
Thanks bro WB for a very nice thread.
Happy holiday.
08-08-2018, 04:49 PM
Bro WB
With a big field of opportunity to pick up gals also mean plenty of strategies and patience.
Your guru highlighted a very important point about common mistakes made by men. Man always like to tell the gal you like how you feel about her and that can be a turn off for the gal. If the gal is a best friend then maybe time to lose her after telling her how you feel about her.
Bro WB always emphasized self-mastery traits as the key to get gals. The guy who possessed the high level of self-mastery stand to gain.
Guy must always view himself as the ultimate PRIZE.
As for alpha male then the next post explain quite detail what alpha male is about.
Hope to comment more and pickup tips from here as I read on.
Bless bro WB and all reading here.
The key is to be a poker player n never reveal our feelings to these gals, at least not initially.
More advice on the subject from my favourite Ang Moh guru:
Have you ever made the mistake of
telling a woman how you felt about her?
It's a common mistake, and I'm going to
reveal why in this newsletter.
If you'd like to jump straight to the
information that can help you avoid this
kind of fatal mistake with a woman you
want to get in your life, go here
I have a problem, quite a big one in my
Well where shall I start, a few months
ago I met this girl at college, she's
smart, funny and I feel we connected.
We gradually became better friends and
we spend a lot of time together and over
the past few weeks I suspected that she
may have some feelings for me (I did
Feeling quite confident about this
looking at the way she acted around me I
thought on New Years Eve I would try and
tell her how I felt and see if I was
right in thinking she felt the same way.
.................................................. ........
She's one of my best friends and I love
her, I'm so scared of losing her as a
friend, I just, for once in my life want
something more out of it.
Please... I really need some advice
from a expert like you.
Thanks a lot
West Yorkshire, Britain.
Well, my friend, you came to the right
First of all, you know where your
mistake was, don't you?
Let me replay your words:
"I took her into a quiet room and told
her how I felt..."
Guys everywhere are saying, "OOOH... Big
mistake" and shaking their heads.
Especially me.
The one sure-fire way to kill attraction
with a woman is to talk to her about
your feelings. It's the ultimate
Imagine that you're sitting there
watching a movie. It's a really good
mystery. You're keeping track of all the
clues, and you're getting close to the
end. Right then, your roommate walks in
and says, "Oh, the guy's wife killed
her." And he goes to the kitchen.
How would you feel?
Probably like stomping on his head.
We humans enjoy the build up of tension.
What ruins it for us is to have the
mystery destroyed.
That's why I hate this new show on cable
that shows you how all the magic tricks
are done. I don't want to know how
they're done... that's why I like
watching magic shows! I know they're
tricks, but I like not knowing.
This is exactly what your girl
experienced when you told her your
feelings. You probably thought she'd
just jump into your arms, relieved to
find out that she liked you, too. But
what telling her your feelings does is
remove all the mystery and uncertainty
from the situation...
And that's what creates attraction and
romantic interest in the first place, my
Second of all, I want you to promise me
that you never make a move on a woman
that you're "so scared" of losing.
Because you're setting yourself up in
what I lovingly call a "double bind."
This means that if you're scared of
losing her friendship, that fear will
taint any attempt you make to attract
You simply can't have it both ways. You
can't walk the fence.
Fear of loss is one of the most deadly
killers of a man's game, because he will
never act like a man who is living his
Instead, he acts like he's a wuss that's
scared of making people angry at him.
Think about it for a second... Think
about any guy you know who is attractive
and charismatic. Does this guy run
around with a "Oh please oh please - I
hope you like me!" attitude?
No. He doesn't care if you like him or
not - and THAT right there is why we're
attracted to those types of people. They
communicate strength of spirit and
confidence that is not shaken by other
people's opinion of them.
Really, take a second here and read that
over again. It's big and important that
you understand this essential
characteristic of men and how they
communicate their Alpha Strength.
Third, if you do make a move on a woman
that's your friend, be willing to risk
This is the other side of that fear I
just told you about. You have to be
willing to lose what you've got to get
something more.
Don't be lured into that false sense of
need where you try to play with "scared
money." That's when you're gambling, but
you change your winning strategy because
your emotions are jacking with your
You said that this "destroyed you..."
No, I don't think so. You just lack
From now on, no more emotional
discussions with her. Women don't need
to know that you are interested in her
or have feelings in her. All she cares
is if SHE has them for you.
You can talk about your feelings later
on, when you've got a relationship and
you two are having wild monkey-love
together. Until then, keep your mouth
Next, make damn sure you're out there
meeting new women and forgetting your
focus on this one woman. Obsession is
the number 2 killer of relationships,
and it's the unhealthy focus on ONE
It screams out: "I have no other options
but you, which means no other women want
me..." Which is a BIG red flag to women.
They want a man with social value and
But I want to warn you about a problem I
see coming up...
I think you might be falling into the
Nice Guy trap.
You know how I can tell? From the tone
of your email at the end. It sounds like
you're sobbing into a hankie, and you
might go out and rent a bunch of chick
flicks tonight while you sit home eating
You need the antidote to cure you and
rehabilitate you, and it's called Alpha
What is "Alpha Attitude?"
Well, think of it this way:
It's the inner confidence of a man who
knows he can create the kind of
relationship he wants with a woman.
Have you ever seen an at-tractive woman
on the street, and thought to yourself,
"Man, I wish I knew what to walk over
and say to her so that she'd stop right
there and really want to know more about
But then we usually disqualify ourselves
in our head, thinking "What do I have
that she'd want?"
The Alpha Attitude wipes all that
self-doubt and fear away.
I explain the inner game mindset of the
man who is confident and has women in
his life all the time. I call him the
Alpha Man.
You know this guy. Chances are, you wish
you WERE this guy.
Being the kind of man that pulls women
into his life - and keeps them - isn't
hard at all. It just involves learning a
few new skills.
I want to give you that deep
understanding and ability with women
that you've always wanted. I have a full
set of tools and techniques that will
improve your game with women MASSIVELY.
And I want to share them with you. This
is stuff you can't get anywhere else.
.................................................. ...
Talk to you soon,
Your friend,
Mr. Guru
08-08-2018, 05:45 PM
Bro WB
Another great post below.
Your BAO-ee with height 168 is rather tall for women. If with heels can scale 171 to 175. Wonder if you are so tall too.
Anyway back to alpha male and how gals always love them. Gals always want the top guy in the pride. Alpha male are seen as the strongest gene with top grade. In the ancient times, women often wanted to marry the Emperor and have their royal blood children. Similarly in the animal kingdom alpha male are the one to mate all the femaie.
Alpha male always deemed as the highest social value in the hiearchy. The alpha male may or may not be the funniest character and able to make teh group livelier.
Anyway I still have plenty to learn before I can even considered myself any social status.
Bless bro WB with all his lovely BAO-ees and enjoy yourself.
My pleasure.
.................................................. .................................................. .......
Good afternoon!
I hv been searching for mistresses on Chinese websites n hv found many chio SYTs, most of them non-WLs, who r willing n ready. Unfortunately, many of them r unwilling to come to SG, even though they r quite eager to be kept by me in Beijing or anywhere else in China.
I hv some reflections on my experience in BY-ing which I started exactly 2 yrs ago. My 1st BAO-ee was XW who had resisted my advances for over 8 months. My mistake? Being an ah pek, I thought I wasn't good enuff for her, a 20 yo SYT then. She left me twice...but she is back w/ me again. Now the table has turned. The reason? My attitude, or shall I say my subconscious mind, has changed radically. Now no gal is good enuff for me, regardless of how young n how chio she is. She can take it or leave it. Thanks largely to my meditation, self affirmations, self hypnosis n chanting, etc.
Now I hv a 老婆(XW ), 情妇(TC ), 女朋友 ( BB ) n 干女儿 ( CL )...n there r many more gals who hv agreed to be my BAO-ees, most of them in PRC. It may be coincidental that my current four gals r 168 in height. Fortuitously, the number 168 sounds like being very prosperous all the way down the road in Mandarin n Cantonese n some other dialects, hehehe.
I hv had more soul-searching dialogue w/ CL than w/ anyone else in my life. She is so much fun. Could she be my soul mate? She also has the smallest n tightest cunt, haha. She wants to be my lover for the next 10 yrs! My best fren has seen her photos n thinks she is definitely worth my effort. No, she is far from perfect: She has medium-sized bony frame n I hv failed to give her COS.
At this time, I like to share an email from a guru on the importance of high social value.
Let's face it: women love guys with high status. They're suckers
for the alpha-male types that don't give a damn about what others
think of them. It's that "X-factor" that makes girls melt in their
seats and gets them all hot and bothered.
In PUA circles, players refer to this as social value, a commodity
worth GOLD in the field. It's this mysterious, seemingly
intangible quality that all AFCs strive to have, but end up
scratching their heads trying to chase after it.
But first, let's get a preliminary question out of the way...
Well first of all, not having this is like going on a long drive
without passing by the gas station to fill up. In the same way,
going into the scene without a trace of status is pure SUICIDE.
Not only will you be stuck in uncharted territory, you'll be making
an ass of yourself in short order. You have to appreciate the fact
that humans, even during these modern times are still compelled, no
- HARDWIRED - to follow behavioral patterns encoded into our DNA
thousands of years ago.
In the olden times, women learned to align themselves with men who
are able protect and take care of them. If you couldn't hunt for
your daily meals or build that bonfire, then you're pretty much
Now, while those same exact traits might not apply to today's
standards, the same spirit of those desirable qualities lives on.
In present society, survival value have modern equivalents, such as
leading other guys, keeping bullies from beating up your brothers,
or being able to loan money to your broke friend.
In short, people may have evolved in many ways, but our underlying
social dynamics are still deeply rooted in the same logic that goes
way back. That simply means that women as a whole are driven to
seek men who are strong in some way, even if they aren't
necessarily looking for a long-term commitment.
As such, you damn well better have the social value that they want.
If not, you won't have a chance in winning over any of those
gorgeous women you seek to be with. You're off to the sidelines,
watching those high-value males sweep your dream girl off her feet.
But don't despair. Social value can be cultivated to your
advantage, so rest easy as I give you a run-through of the two most
effective ways to jumpstart your dating life.
#1: Lay off the validation
That's why experienced guys swear by a basic principle when it
comes to attracting women: don't kiss her ass.
Let's face it - while women can be wonderful creatures to be
around with, they have the equal potential for ego-beating if you
let them. This is especially true for high-value women who are
aware of their status.
They reassure themselves of their feminine power by making short
work of guys that try getting on their good side. These suckers
will do everything short of rolling over and playing dead.
It can get even worse for some who "reward" these clueless guys
with crumbs of attention and then ditching them afterwards.
Chances are, you've seen this happen - or heaven forbid - tried it
yourself. Here's a classic example...
Guy says hi to hot girl, guy buys her a drink, and they make some
petty chit-chat. Girl finishes her drink, politely excuses herself
and re-joins her friends to dissect her latest victim.
Let's not BS ourselves here. OF COURSE you like her, that's why
you're approaching her in the first place. But are you initiating
the interaction in a NEEDY or CREEPY way?
Once she knows that you're sucking up, it tells her that you're
selling yourself, and that gives her all the power in the world
over you.
A guy with social value never tries to prove his worth. In fact,
he knows that it's suicide to ask for her approval through drinks,
compliments and so on.
Look, you're more than welcome to do all that once she's fallen for
you, but dealing your best cards early on in the game will leave
you NO leverage to seal the deal.
#2: Playful, not pitiful!
That's why high-value guys hold back on the attention and
validation by reversing the traditional script. The usual pattern
is to prove yourself, so the smart PUA reverses this order.
How does this happen? They replace groveling with playful
flirting. When you flirt, you're telling them, "I'm here to have
fun and don't really care if you respond positively or not."
And you really shouldn't care. When you build up the interaction
into something you really have to succeed at, then it's important
to you.
When she senses that it's important to you, then you've already
blown the approach because you've just lowered your social value.
In fact, you can care so less to the point of making fun of her in
a seemingly off-hand (but not belittling) way. If you're in a club
and approach the girl who appears to be the most popular in the
area, say something like "What else do you have going aside from
your looks?"
Not only will you have her full attention, she'll unknowingly give
chase. You've now created an opportunity for a back and forth
exchange of verbal wordplay without lowering your social value.
So now she'll have to justify her own value by proving you wrong.
After all, you just demonstrated backbone by not placing importance
on the one iota of power she has over other guys.
Of course, the smart PUA won't take the bait and casually dismiss
her answers with a comment like, "Hmmm, really?", and then
launching into a prepared routine.
That's pretty damn cocky, right? You've just leveled the playing
field by subtly (well not really) convincing her to prove herself
to you, and not the other way around. She'll be thinking "Who does
this guy think he is? I'll show him."
Women absolutely LOVE it when a man can take her crap and give it
right back. That sense of cockiness keeps your dignity intact by
not having to use it as a bargaining chip in the game.
Be playful, but not insulting. Be feisty, but never play around
with the possibility of violence. The whole point is to get a
woman to play with you, not to crush her dignity or smack her
Otherwise, mean-spirited insults or jokes about punching her will
raise that red flag and take you OUT of the game.
Get used to greeting everyone you run into throughout the day,
whether it's the guy who delivers your morning paper or the
striking receptionist at work. Work your way up by starting
conversations when the opportunity presents itself.
Try this for about a couple of weeks to numb you to the fear of
initiating a conversation. Once you're comfortable enough, you can
move to casually approaching women in particular.
One thing though - a good approach never seems premeditated nor
should it look like you're hovering about. Both of those things
are social value killers. The operative word here is "nonchalant",
and remember that when you're out on the field.
Don't think that you have to make her laugh or get her number right
then and there. All you need to do is to gradually learn how to
embed flirting in your conversations.
If you're thinking, "I HAVE to get this right!" you will have
already undermined your social worth and lead to failure.
Keep the play-by-play analysis on hold until AFTER the chit-chat is
done. Once the conversation is over, ask yourself:
"What should I have I said/done differently?"
"Did I convey enough social value?"
I know how paralyzing fear can be; however, the gradual process of
coming out of one's shell is a very effective strategy for shy guys
to meet women. Expect a lot of botched approaches so don't take it
personally as you learn from your mistakes.
Think of it as accumulating field experience which will
continuously refine and improve your game as you go along...............................
Let's chat again real soon.
All the best,
Mr. Guru
08-08-2018, 06:38 PM
Yes, I view myself as the ultimate PRIZE too.
Picked up many tips from this great thread here, all thanks to Bro WB.
Bro WB
With a big field of opportunity to pick up gals also mean plenty of strategies and patience.
Your guru highlighted a very important point about common mistakes made by men. Man always like to tell the gal you like how you feel about her and that can be a turn off for the gal. If the gal is a best friend then maybe time to lose her after telling her how you feel about her.
Bro WB always emphasized self-mastery traits as the key to get gals. The guy who possessed the high level of self-mastery stand to gain.
Guy must always view himself as the ultimate PRIZE.
As for alpha male then the next post explain quite detail what alpha male is about.
Hope to comment more and pickup tips from here as I read on.
Bless bro WB and all reading here.
09-08-2018, 12:38 PM
Sounded like the stock market today what you written in 2011. Unsure if now is the best time to pick up some bargain stock?
Was reading your post from a guru about obsession with a particular gal.
That happened to many ppl including me.
I have to agree with the guru and sure way to forget is to go out and enjoy. Get to know 200 gals and so will not bother to remember one gal.
Get a busy schedule and just go on with life. This way is easier said than done when your brain is not decisive enough.
Anyway men do need to get over some broken love affaird and heart broken to realized this world is round.
Happy holidays to all.
Bye now.
Good afternoon,
Asian stock markets r sinking, hehehe. Tomorrow could be a good time to pick up some bargains.
BTW, CL is pulling out all stops to KC me. I spoke w/ her 41 yo mom who would be very happy if I could keep CL indefinitely! I'm now very resistant to KC bcos I'm in multiple RS n am still looking for younger n better ones.
I'm not suffering from ONEITIS, but MANYITIS, haha.
At this time I would like to share a recent email from another Ang Moh guru on...what else,
How to Stop Obsessing Over a Girl
Friday, 20 May, 2011 6:21 AM
From: Bro SSP
To: Bro Warbird
I've been there myself...
Sometimes you can't STOP thinking about a girl.
You *know* it's not going to work.
Yet you can't seem to get her out of your mind.
Don't worry. This is a common thing. It happens to
a lot of guys.
In fact, there's a term for it --> "ONE-ITIS."
One-itis is a horrible feeling.
It's an obsessive thought pattern you can't eliminate.
Now, you probably already know this. ANY obsession isn't
a healthy attitude to have.
Thinking about a girl as "The One" is REALLY bad...
...Especially when she doesn't feel the same way.
This makes you miss out on a number of opportunities with
women who COULD great to date.
I'm going to be honest.
We've all experienced one-itis.
It could a girl from a past relationship
It might be a a woman who is "just friends",
It could that girl Jill who works in the corner office.
My point is we guys always have one or two girls who we
can't stop thinking about.
What's the answer?
Start dating OTHER women. Even if you think you're
*destined* to be with this single girl.
Because dating gives clarity. It provides OPTIONS.
It's easy to put a girl on a pedestal when you don't
have anyone else in your life.
Bottom line. Start meeting other women.
They could be female friends, "hook-up" partners, or
someone in between.
The important thing is to fill your life with different
You don't have to sleep with every one.
Instead you're keeping your options open.
Here's why:
1) You won't get hung up on one particular woman
2) You'll be happier because you have a busy life filled
with interesting people
3) You'll be more attractive to women because they see you
as an important guy who is "pre-selected" by females
With a lot of women, you won't have time to think about
The One.
Plus it's like doing a Jedi-Mind Trick on this girl.
Once she realizes she's replaceable, she'll STOP acting
like a drama queen and/or stringing you along.
.................................................. ....
Yeah, yeah.
Blah, blah.
You like this girl and don't want to *mess things up*
Let me tell you something...
If you're not with her NOW, I guarantee "waiting" for her
is NOT going to improve your chances.
Furthermore, dating different women will provide complete
perspective ONCE you meet another *perfect girl*
You'll know what it's like to date different women.
So you'll be able to correctly identify if she really IS
the one.
What's the next step?
My advice is to get out there and meet the KIND of women
you like.
In other words, don't surround yourself with crazy, party
girls if you're not into that scene.
That's why I like to focus ONLY the girls who are my
You can do this by asking a few basic questions within
the first minute of a conversation.
.................................................. .............
I know it's hard to stop thinking about a girl.
I've been there myself.
In 2009, I was in a relationship with a girl who made me
COMPLETELY miserable.
The ironic thing was I couldn't stop thinking about her
after we broke up.
What finally 'clicked' was going back to my roots.
I started dating lots of different girls.
I even went to Europe for a few months and met a LOT
of cool people.
Now...I'm completely over this girl. In fact, I barely
remember what she looks like.
Trust me, dating lots of girls, is the surefire way to
stop thinking of "whats-her-name."
Talk Soon,
09-08-2018, 04:40 PM
Absolutely amazing thread by bro WB.
Hope to read and learn more here.
Happy holiday.
10-08-2018, 02:54 PM
Bro WB
thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...
guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
the words from gurus are surreal and help to pinpoint my problem...we need to speak without monotony and use inflection.
So infection is not a dirty word.
Thanks again bro.
Is the tone of voice you're using with women
KILLING your chances of attracting them? If so, the good news is
that you can reverse your fortune RIGHT NOW...
They say that some ridiculously high percentage of communication is
That percentage varies based on which study you read, but one
thing's for sure: It's not just the words you use themselves that
By now you've heard enough about "body language" and such, but
today I want to address one VERY KEY specific piece of the puzzle
in terms of the INFLECTION of your voice when you're talking to
"Inflection", of course, refers to HOW you deliver your words. And
the tone and cadence of what you say is a big part of "non verbal"
communication, no doubt.
Now, I'm not altogether convinced that it's a coincidence that
"inflection" is just one letter off from "infection". After all,
the inflection many of us use when talking to women is pretty sick
indeed...and not in the good way.
In fact, I don't think it's too strong a statement to say that HOW
you speak to women could be the SINGLE BIGGEST reason why you're
getting NOWHERE with so many of them, if that's the case.
This could especially be true if you're often left in the dust
wondering what on Earth went wrong with a woman. You feel like you
SAID the right words, made the right moves, etc.
"Infected inflection" might very well be the culprit.
I've known for ages how powerful this factor is, but it wasn't
until a recent coaching call with a Ten-Plus guy that I was left to
ponder the full-on gravitas of it all.
My friend on the telephone and I had just about everything going
for him in life, except he couldn't quite get women to return his
calls as consistently as he would have liked.
A few days prior to one of our calls he'd gathered up the nerve to
approach a very confident hottie who had just gotten off of her
1000cc sportbike.
You can pretty much picture the scene. A firebreathing superbike
pulls to a halt outside, off comes the helmet...and she brushes back
her long, flowing blonde hair.
Very nice. But also NOT the least intimidating chick in the world
to approach. A woman like that typically has ZERO TOLERANCE for
wimpy dudes.
Sure enough, our hero approaches her, makes conversation with her,
and gets her number. Outstanding. So far, so good.
So he calls her a couple of days later and leaves her a voicemail.
No response...even after 48 hours.
She had seemed interested when he met her, so he was wondering what
he could have possibly said in a simple voicemail to crater his
I asked him to tell me what his message to her sounded like.
When I heard the words, a few too many of them were "just"
doubt. And as you've read from me recently, that doesn't generally
work in one's favor with regard to talking to women.
But what hit me between the eyes was the INFLECTION of his voice as
he recounted his message to "Moto Chick".
Suddenly, I knew why she hadn't returned his call.
I recommended that he wait about another day and then leave her a
SECOND voice mail (figuring she'd likely not answer the phone since
that first message had disinterested her).
I also suggested some very concrete changes in HOW he talked as he
left the message.
Two days later, "Moto Chick" returned his second call and they
happily went out together.
What made the difference?
Now ask yourself, who was in CONTROL during each of those
respective conversations? was whoever had MORE OPTIONS.
So let's consider for a minute the last time someone tried to sell
you something that was in LOW demand. You know, something you may
in fact had not really wanted all that much anyway.
What was the INFLECTION of the salesguy's voice?
My guess that he talked fast, possibly in a higher pitch than he
might during "normal" conversation, and that each sentence ended
with an upturn in the tone of his voice.
And you quite probably detected that he was attempting to be
particularly "nice" if he was "walking on eggshells" to keep
from scaring you away (and therefore losing a potential sale).
What you were hearing was the voice of a DESPERATE, NEEDY man whose
family needed food on the table.
Okay, so now consider the last time you went somewhere to happily
buy the newest, latest and greatest iPhone, video game or AMG
What was the inflection of THAT salesguy's voice like?
My guess is that it was more calm and reserved. Or maybe he even
gave you bold, direct answers to questions you "walking on
eggshells" necessary.
No matter what, there was no "fear of loss" to be detected
anywhere. In fact, you may have even forgotten that he was even
paid on commission there for a second.
Indeed...he wasn't really "selling". His job was simply to help YOU
buy...if you were actually fortunate enough to get there on time
before his supply ran out.
Now let's get back to my friend and "Moto Chick".
What was the difference between our hero's first (unsuccessful)
voicemail and the second (successful) one?
The difference in his voice inflection was EXACTLY the difference
between the first salesguy's voice and the second one's voice.
That's all it took. The words were actually very similar in
meaning...but the INFLECTION was cured of its infection.
Be Good,
Mr. Guru
10-08-2018, 02:57 PM
Bro WB
I like it that you highlighted the problem with a different fonts.
Very wise words indeed.
Guess anyone will wake up after reading. If not should read multiple times.
Hi bro mama88,
You're too soft-hearted. These gals r very cunning .
Some of them r outright whores who work in brothel s, KTVs or saunas back in China. When they r here, they play hard to get...
Always hv more options so that u can tell he r to take it or leave it.
Bro WB
10-08-2018, 03:02 PM
Agree that they are very very wise words.
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Looking forward to learn more here.
Have a great weekend.
Bro WB
I like it that you highlighted the problem with a different fonts.
Very wise words indeed.
Guess anyone will wake up after reading. If not should read multiple times.
11-08-2018, 02:25 PM
Bro WB
What an auspicious day today.
From thh old post below, I congratulate you on your superb collection of Syts. I hope you were successful with this dame born 1992.
BTW, I am assuming 7W means 70k?
So did she came with her mother and you had a 3p?
Cheers and happy weekend.
I previously mentioned that really chio, educated non-WL PRC pussies don't want to come here...
Couple of wks ago, I adopted a new tactic which has worked very well n most of these SYTs now say yes! I love searching for n proposing to every SYT of my type in PRC!! Online of course.
Recently I made ctc w/ a very chio n cute 18 yo YW (born Nov 1992)1st yr uni student. She has the face of a child but body of a voluptuous woman. 176, 60 kg, very fair n proportionate figure w/ natural C n shapely perky butt. Her hip measurement should be over 36.5 but she is not sure. I asked her to get a tape n measure it. hehe. I know she is a bit too tall for me. Why not? Height doesn't matter when we make love lying down.
My new strategy is to establish rapport w/ them before revealing that I'm in SG n that I'm a lao chi ko pek. I asked how much to BY her in China n she said 5W一月 配车which is well above average. I replied OK. Then I reveal my age n height, weight, etc. She was quite surprised n shocked...I requested video calling to show that I'm very healthy, not bald n not grotesque looking...also to reveal my voice n confident inflection...
One thing I learn from interacting w/ these 17-19 yo gals is that one must be assertive n dominant. They like it! The other insight is that almost all these young gals, even the prettiest ones, r a bit insecure abt their looks. At first YW was hesitant w/ 视频...不过我现在没化妆 没梳头发...I said 没事的 我还穿睡衣...she is very young n very attractive w/o makeup n her voice very sweet n youthful. And she has very sexy body, very fair w/ long nice didi is swollen...I need to meet her asap. She sent me more photos w/ body shots, etc. I compliment her: 很漂亮!我喜欢高挑又白的女孩子。
Then I told her I'm in SG n want her here. She said no at 1st, no passport, parents wont let her, etc. I told her how safe SG is n that she must come...she wants me to go China n bring her here. I said no as it's very safe journey. Then she wants her mom to accompany her. I asked what if she knows our RS, she replied it would be OK. I guess PRC parents r very understanding n liberal...I'll try to convince her to come along.
I just told her to apply for a passport tomorrow. BTW, she is demanding 7w RMB a month, I said 6W, all expenses paid. I love to negotiate even though she is worth much more., hehehe. She is 18, very chio, tall, fair n very sexy...n a non-WL n a current uni student. At this time, I don't want to ask for her closeup pussy shots as she may think I'm a pervert.
YW just sent me more photos showing her deep cleavage n sexy body as I'm typing this post. There is even one in her high school uniform, taken last yr. Wow!
No, I hv not forgotten CL n I suffers from MANYITIS.
Recently, I hv been to some joints including the famed LV. I'm most disappointed w/ the quality of gals. Where got chio n sexy SYTs? I hv to resort to inviting my type of gals to come here.
Bro WB
11-08-2018, 03:09 PM
Excellent thread here, lots to read and learn. Thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
11-08-2018, 04:11 PM
Bro WB
What an auspicious day today.
From thh old post below, I congratulate you on your superb collection of Syts. I hope you were successful with this dame born 1992.
BTW, I am assuming 7W means 70k?
So did she came with her mother and you had a 3p?
Cheers and happy weekend.
Really well said and happy weekend.
11-08-2018, 04:15 PM
Excellent thread here, lots to read and learn. Thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
Fully agreed, have a great weekend too.
12-08-2018, 04:32 PM
Bro WB
Good Afternoon!
I want to make my gal cum with many orgasms after reading the forum below.
Thank you for a magnificent thread.
Gals often likes man with bad traits and the badass the more the gals love.
So I learned now.
I hv mentioned the importance of giving a gal COS in the past. It's never easy n I'm still learning...
A "sexual mastery" guru just sent me the following advice:
Female Orgasm: 3 Essential Tips
There are three simple steps you can
take that will force virtually ANY woman to have a
powerful orgasm... no matter what else you are
doing or not doing in the bedroom.
I've been working to boil down the most
important aspects of "how to give a girl an
I'm talking about the ESSENTIALS... the
most important factors that are underneath ALL
of the best techniques...
Not just the technique itself, but WHY IT
Once you have this stuff MASTERED, you can do
whatever you want to do, "in the moment" and still
make it work... WITHOUT having to imitate some
other guy.
One of the things that KILLS sexual tension,
attraction, and arousal in a woman is when you
Think about that for a minute, because it's
kind of counter-intuitive.
Because you are always hearing the message
that "women want a lover who puts HER needs first,
and who isn't selfish in bed."
And guess what?
That statement is WRONG.
Sure it's the kind of thing that women will
nod in agreement to if you say it... but really,
if you talk to them more, if you dig deeper,
they will admit that they don't want a guy who is
just catering to her needs...
She wants YOU to enjoy the experience just as
much as you want HER to enjoy the experience.
She doesn't want a guy who is so wrapped up
in whether or not SHE is enjoying it, that he
acts nervous by checking in all the time, or gives
away all of his masculine power to her by looking
to her for what needs to happen next for her to
And that thing about how women don't like men
who are "selfish in bed"...
That's not quite right either.
Now before you go off and and become the guy
who finishes in three pumps and then goes to order
a pizza...
That's NOT what I'm talking about.
What I AM talking about is a man who KNOWS
what he wants and isn't afraid to get his woman
to do those things for his pleasure.
Women are turned on by men who are masculine
and confident enough to be unashamed of what they
want, and GO FOR IT.
So here's my problem-- the focus of these
newsletters is generally how to turn HER on, how
to give HER great orgasms, how to make HER feel
But I want to make sure, along the way, you
understand that you have to make sure that YOU
are getting YOUR needs met too! That you are
getting everything you want out of it, and not
afraid to tell her what you want her to do for
your pleasure.
IMPORTANT: You must GET that this will
also make sex MUCH better for HER too.
So when I set out to find the most basic things
that you need to give any woman an orgasm-- even
if your wife or girlfriend is a "hard case" who
has never had an orgasm before... I had to get
beyond that stuff about just catering to her.
In other words-- you shouldn't need to go
down on her for hours... UNLESS you love to go down
on her for hours...
And chances are, if it's making her come and
scream like a banshee then you DO love it...
So, without any further ado...
"The ABC's Of Great Sex"
(To Be Continued)
Agreed this is a magnificent thread.
Support here.
Cheers to you too.
Bro WB
Good Afternoon!
I want to make my gal cum with many orgasms after reading the forum below.
Thank you for a magnificent thread.
Gals often likes man with bad traits and the badass the more the gals love.
So I learned now.
12-08-2018, 04:57 PM
I want to make my gal cum with multiple orgasms too.
Great thread here by Bro WB, have a good weekend.
Bro WB
Good Afternoon!
I want to make my gal cum with many orgasms after reading the forum below.
Thank you for a magnificent thread.
Gals often likes man with bad traits and the badass the more the gals love.
So I learned now.
12-08-2018, 04:58 PM
This is indeed a magnificent thread.
Support bro WB always.
Agreed this is a magnificent thread.
Support here.
Cheers to you too.
12-08-2018, 11:42 PM
Another auspicious day!!
A big thank you to all samsters who have posted here.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above post from guru makes sense although I have not encountered with my gal.
So this XW push you away when she was having big climax orgasm. Really couldn't imagine although my gal will be frustrated if i become flaccid before she come.
Thank you for all hard work and I have plenty to learn in your auspicious thread.
Bye again!!
Bro, thanks.
That was a long time ago. XW would push me away after I had given her a powerful n violent clitoral orgasm. Her clit became very sensitive. I had learned to be a lot more gentle or use my tongue to give her more clitoral orgasms after the initial one.
After 6 months, she started to love penetrative vaginal orgasms more as it's continuous, deeper, whole-body and intense. She could go insane!!
Bro WB
Happy Sunday!!!
Looks like it is the same now with global markets declining and bear markets ruling. Recently have not read about your comment on the markets? So your investment doing well?
Are you still following Getty's advice? Buy when everyone is selling and hold on when everyone is buying?
Why should your baoee dun allow you to f**k unless she is having her monthly period or ill? I wonder too?
Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks for the post.
Yes, of course. Sometimes it's not so easy as it takes a lot of emotional mastery. It's human to get fearful when the market is collapsing.
Read Getty's book 20 times.
Bro WB
With a big field of opportunity to pick up gals also mean plenty of strategies and patience.
Your guru highlighted a very important point about common mistakes made by men. Man always like to tell the gal you like how you feel about her and that can be a turn off for the gal. If the gal is a best friend then maybe time to lose her after telling her how you feel about her.
Bro WB always emphasized self-mastery traits as the key to get gals. The guy who possessed the high level of self-mastery stand to gain.
Guy must always view himself as the ultimate PRIZE.
As for alpha male then the next post explain quite detail what alpha male is about.
Hope to comment more and pickup tips from here as I read on.
Bless bro WB and all reading here.
Bro, tks.
If you don't believe you're the ultimate prize, you will NEVER get and keep the ultimate girl.
Sounded like the stock market today what you written in 2011. Unsure if now is the best time to pick up some bargain stock?
Was reading your post from a guru about obsession with a particular gal.
That happened to many ppl including me.
I have to agree with the guru and sure way to forget is to go out and enjoy. Get to know 200 gals and so will not bother to remember one gal.
Get a busy schedule and just go on with life. This way is easier said than done when your brain is not decisive enough.
Anyway men do need to get over some broken love affaird and heart broken to realized this world is round.
Happy holidays to all.
Bye now.
Bro, tks for your post.
Oneitis is a very common and intractable disease. The cure is having many GFs or LPs.
Bro WB
thanks bro again for sharing...recently was suffering from the one-itis...
in the end i switch my focus to her fren...end up bonking the fren...
guess having multiple targets helps...but am afraid will suffer the same syndrome on the fren so haha...guess its a never-ending cycle...
the words from gurus are surreal and help to pinpoint my problem...we need to speak without monotony and use inflection.
So infection is not a dirty word.
Thanks again bro.
Bro, tks.
Good for u!
A man's deep voice and the right tonality and inflection can be very attractive to women.
Bro WB
What an auspicious day today.
From thh old post below, I congratulate you on your superb collection of Syts. I hope you were successful with this dame born 1992.
BTW, I am assuming 7W means 70k?
So did she came with her mother and you had a 3p?
Cheers and happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, she wanted 70k rmb a month. No, I didn't want her mom.
Bro WB
Good Afternoon!
I want to make my gal cum with many orgasms after reading the forum below.
Thank you for a magnificent thread.
Gals often likes man with bad traits and the badass the more the gals love.
So I learned now.
Bro, tks for your post.
You can do it.
Bro WB
14-08-2018, 01:02 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the great thread.
Just ABC for sex already so long and details. Really amazing facts and plenty of pointers to take away.
A - anatomy
B - body language control
C - connections
Wonderful stuff to learn.
Thanks again buddy.
"The ABC's Of Great Sex"
"A" is for Anatomy.
Obviously, on the most basic level, you have
just GOT to know where things are on a woman's
That means that you can confidently and quickly
locate things like the clitoris, the g-spot, the
cervix, the labia, etc.
If you don't have that part completely handled,
then you can very quickly find the information online
by typing any of those words into google.
This is basic, "must know" information.
The more advanced stuff to know about a her
anatomy is not universal for every woman-- so you
will have to do some exploring...
Every woman has her own erotic map of places
on her body that turn her on.
For example, some women will go wild with
lust if you nibble their earlobes... and some
women will find it annoying.
Finding the spots on her body that drive her
crazy is part of the fun of love-making.
Okay, next...
"B" is for Body Control.
In this case I'm talking about YOUR body.
Obviously there are many amazing things you
can do to her with your fingers and tongue. And
for giving a woman her first orgasm, the tongue
is probably superior to the penis.
But for the most amazing sex she's ever had
in her life, you will need to have control over
your erection.
Controlling your body is something that she
sees as a masculine and powerful characteristic.
And that, unfortunately, means that if you
CAN'T control yourself, that she'll feel that you
are a bit less manly... and this will affect her
sexual attraction to you... her desire to BE
sexual with you...
And that's true even if you can give her a
hundred multiple orgasms with your tongue.
If you happen to be a guy with challenges in
this area, I have some news for you that you may
find difficult to believe-- but it's a fact:
This is the EASIEST part of being great in bed.
Because it's the part that is TOTALLY in your
control. It's YOUR body, and YOU can control it.
If you are shaking your head and saying, "but
I CAN'T!" Please slap yourself hard across the
face and get a grip on yourself.
Yes, you can.
It may take some work, some practice, some
courage... but you absolutely can. Other men
have overcome this challenge and so can you.
I'm not going further into this now because
I've got to get to "C", but if this is a challenge
in your life, STOP reading now and go HERE
Okay, so moving along... the other reason that
controlling your erection is so important is
that while you can give her an orgasm with your
tongue-- when you give her an orgasm while you are
INSIDE of her body, and face-to-face it creates
a magic intimacy for her that can't be replaced.
And the feelings and emotions this creates
inside of her are what will release even more
powerful orgasms and take her to places that no
other man has ever taken her to.
And this is only possible through the final
piece of the puzzle...
This is both the most difficult and, by far,
the most important part of giving a woman her
most incredible experience in the bedroom.
If you are with a woman who has never had an
orgasm before...
THIS is how you will give her her first.
If you are with a woman who is very orgasmic
and can easily have multiple orgasms from any
sexual position-- this will EXPLODE her beliefs
about how much sexual pleasure she is capable of
And show her that while ANY man can give her
an orgasm, with you, she is in the hands of a
true MASTER.
"Connection" is a complex subject and a complex
skill and that's why so few men can do it... which
is why so few men are any good in bed... and also
why so many women have never had an orgasm.
Here's the thing that is so frustrating for
so many guys--
Even if she LOVES you...
Even if you are her best FRIEND...
Even if you have been together for YEARS...
She probably still doesn't feel the kind of
sexual "connection" I'm talking about.
In fact (and here's the real freak-show), often
these factors PREVENT her from feeling sexual
connection with you because her closeness to you
makes it scary for her--
Have you ever noticed that if some guy you
know tells you that you're doing something wrong
and corrects you, or tells you that your shirt
looks stupid-- it's no big deal. You forget
about it two minutes later.
But if the woman you love says these things
it hurts like hell... and may start a big fight?
We are emotionally raw with the people we
love the most.
And that's why it's so difficult for you to
build this sexual Connection with her.
She is terrified of being so completely
vulnerable with you because if you reject her,
it will emotionally destroy her.
But when you establish this connection,
she completely surrenders herself to you.
That is when you can make her orgasm,
literally at will.
There are very specific techniques and actions
you can take to create this connection-- it is not
just "luck" or "chemistry".
And likewise, there are very specific things
you can do to destroy it... And most men are so
completely unaware of these things that they do
them ALL THE TIME without realizing it.
But I guarantee, if you can do the simple
steps-- learn about her ANATOMY, and CONTROL your
own body... you can absolutely learn to do this
third, critical step...
And completely BLOW HER MIND in the bedroom in
ways that she never thought possible.
It's almost funny to watch how shocked she will
be afterwards-- because she just never suspected
that so much sexual pleasure was remotely possible.
And what's very hard to explain in the scope
of a newsletter is that this NOT some vague or
intangible thing... when you GET this, you will
feel it in almost exactly the way you feel it
the first time you dial in a good golf swing or
stand up on a surf board.
There's no question as to whether you are
riding that board or never got off your knees.
In the coming months I'll be sharing lots of
tips on how to build that connection in this
But here is the most important factor that
you can start working with IMMEDIATELY.
The key is in the first thing I told you, which
is confidently going for what YOU want.
Because your confidence is exactly what gives
her PERMISSION to open vulnerably towards you
and create connection.
For Passion,
Mr. Sexual Mastery Guru
P.S., Practice this TONIGHT. Make an effort
to notice what you feel when you are more open
about your desires with your woman... and then
breath through that feeling into confidence.
You will probably see a difference in her response
IMMEDIATELY. That's the first step on the road to
14-08-2018, 01:34 PM
I want to be the MAN.
What a starting point simply love the whole thread.
What turns out to be a simple thread became an encyclopedia. Really many solid proofs and pages of case studies.
Agreed with guru that men always lack of initiatives and lack of toughie or assertives.
Many men still feel plenty of inferior complex.
Not sure if I hit it right but am gonna try out plenty of the proofs inside.
Hope to read more and pls continue.
Have a great day.
The most beautiful gals/women in the world r looking for a real MAN.
IMHO, being in control of one's own emotions under the most difficult circumstances is the mark of a dominant male, the real MAN. This attribute is most attractive to females at their subconscious level.
Let me also share w/ u one guru's description of how to be the MAN.
Be the Man
Lack of a backbone and feeling needy and insecure are the biggest obstacles to
being a leader and attracting women through your charisma. If you want to be
the strong guy who sucks others into his vortex, observe and practice the
following guidelines.
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. A man with charisma solves problems without placing
blame on others. As John F. Kennedy put it when discussing the immense
challenges of the presidency, “I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome
Accept advice from others, but don't depend on them to make decisions. Always
be ready to take charge and make the decide what will be done.
BE ASSERTIVE. Have your own opinions and don't be wishy-washy. Remember,
as a leader, it's up to you to influence others. So make your own decisions in life.
And don't be afraid to ask for what you want.
And as a charismatic leader, although you take other people's viewpoints into
consideration, there's no need to ever be a follower, nor to be submissive to
anyone. If you have to disagree with someone, that's fine, since courage for your
convictions is a magical trait possessed by the charismatic.
Having said that, however, don't be combative either. You see, getting upset and
overly emotional about things reeks of insecurity.
When you're assertive, you tell people what you want, being respectful yet
resolute. There's never any reason to threaten, act hostile, or lose your temper.
Just be honest about your needs.
BECOME DRIVEN TO SUCCEED. A charismatic person has an overpowering urge to create a better life and fulfill his potential in life. Create goals, and focus
on doing what it takes to reach them.
PLACE A HIGH VALUE ON YOURSELF. That means you don't need other
people's approval. You're placing a low value on yourself when you:
• Brag about yourself. The only reason you'd ever brag is because you feel
• Try to impress people. A man of high value isn't required to prove himself to
• Feel that anyone's better than you. You never need to put a woman up on a
pedestal or feel like you have to impress your friends or followers. Remember,
no one out there is better than you! As such...
• Don't give people your attention unless they have earned it. And then
when you do give them your attention, they'll feel so much better about
• Be busy enough in your life (due to your drive to succeed) that when
you give your time to others, they can be sure that they have earned it.
• Never feel as if you need to buy anyone's affections. Instead use your
charm. A well-placed sincere compliment for someone will bring you far
better results than buying them gifts or giving them fake flattery.
Bro WB
14-08-2018, 01:51 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB.
Hope to learn more from you bro.
Have a good week ahead.
15-08-2018, 05:58 PM
Bro WB
Another good post below.
I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".
Great piece of work written below from the guru.
So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.
Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.
Please enjoy yourself.
Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.
Till I post again!!
At this time I like to share the traits of "Extinct Man" according to another guru.
Bro WB,
Most men are unsuccessful with women.
It's a fact and established "law" that 80% of women want 20% of men.
It's called Pareto's principle.
Pareto's "law" applies to almost everything in life.
80% of results are gained from 20% of actions.
If you're not in that 20% of men that get 80% of the success
with women, it sucks doesn't it?
It means you have to watch the same guys getting all of the best
But you know what?
The BEST thing about being a man today is that women are not
exclusively looking for good looks, great body, money or whatever.
They are looking for a whole package.
And here at...we've unravelled the mystery of
exactly what women want... Even though, most of it they don't even
realize themselves!
... And we've broken it down into 10 easily trainable parts.
We call these parts...
***The 10 Rarest Qualities Of The Extinct Man***
Why do we say men with these qualities are extinct?
Because they are SO rare, that if you can just emulate a few of
these qualities, you'll find yourself in the top 20% of attractive
If you manage to master all 10 of these qualities and let them
"become you", you'll be amongst the rarest... Almost extinct...
0.1% of highest quality men that ALL women want.
That's what we're doing here... Teaching you
how to use these "mental attraction triggers" that short circuit
women's minds and generates massive unstoppable floods of
attention from women.
Then, once you've gotten a few of these qualities mastered, you can
use our step-by-step system for meeting women and generating massive
attraction for you in their minds.
But let's not get ahead of ourselves...
Here are the 10 qualities of the extinct man (there are MORE but
that is highly advanced material beyond the scope of this free Email
When you read this list, don't let any of them put you off
thinking "well, I am NOT this or that..."
...See the thing is, you don't even NEED to BE these things... there
are ways to flip the "mental triggers" in her mind so that she'll
ASSUME you are these things without you ever needing to say it, or
even be it...
1. The leader (at work, socially, amongst peer group etc)
2. Popular (people want to know you and be around you)
3. Confident
4. Funny (have a good sense of humor)
5. Have social proof (be attractive to other women)
6. Be socially competent and have social intelligence
7. Strong/protective over loved ones
8. Looks/body (have good genes for her offspring)
9. Emotionally wired correctly
10. Have power (be willing to use resources to protect her)
As I said, there are MORE, but these are a good start...
If you can just flip 5 of these mental triggers,
you'll have her WANTING YOU BADLY...
Seriously, this material is powerful enough to create total
stalkers out of the most gorgeous high quality women that you would
never dream would want to stalk you right now, I've been there...
more than once. It's a great feeling to know women want YOU... And
exclusively you. It's like you short circuit their brain to only
SEE and THINK about YOU...
Anyway, this email is getting a little longer than I wanted it to...
I'm going to tell you more of the "do this" "do that" details
in my next email Bro WB,
Mr. XYZ.
15-08-2018, 06:35 PM
Agree that is another good post.
Have much more to learn from bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Another good post below.
I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".
Great piece of work written below from the guru.
So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.
Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.
Please enjoy yourself.
Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.
Till I post again!!
15-08-2018, 08:29 PM
Bro TD's idea of bringing the game of BY-ing to a higher level is very interesting n challenging. If a man is able to keep a chio SYT for free, he is not BY-ing her, or is he? The question is how does she support herself n her poverty-stricken family back in China? If she has to work at KTVs, there is no exclusivity which is intolerable for me.
I'll leave the above questions aside for now n describe my personal concept of the different levels of "BY-ing."
Level1 : (a) BY-ing a chio gal of ur type but allowing her to work. This was my MO for most of 2009. If u find her in SG, she is most likely an undereducated PRC gal.
: (b) BY-ing a similar gal but her pussy is exclusively yours. She doesn't work at all. Almost all my gals since Jan 2010 belong here. (My current level.)
Level2 : Finding chio uni students or recent graduates of ur type in PRC, importing them to SG for BY-ing. (My next level.)
In retrospect, I was at this level once unwittingly. Last May I briefly kept a chio 22 yo SH gal I picked up at TAM. She was a recent graduate of 上海电影学院 who had a small role in a TV series, but our RS lasted only 2 wks. She was from a relatively well to do family. The kicker here was that she was a virgin, hehehe.
I was quite frugal then n when I refused to buy her a high end Apple laptop (over 3K I think), she cried n was angry w/ me, n we separated. Was I heartless? She returned to SH two days later n has not been back to SG since. Her pussy was very pretty n of course couldn't get any tighter, hehehe. A few esteemed bros met her when I brought her to PC 2nd FL on Fri 7 May, 2010. I still think of her pussy sometimes.
Level3 : (a) Getting FOC from a gal of ur type, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a gal of ur type FOC n her pussy is exclusive to u.
Level4 : (a) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u, but her pussy is not exclusive to u.
(b) Staying w/ a chio gal of ur type n she PAYS u AND her pussy is exclusive to u.
Believe it or not, this is still NOT the ultimate.
Drum roll please...this is the ULTIMATE test of a real MAN.
Highest Level or Level5 : (a)Staying w/ many chio gals of ur type AND they pay u AND their pussies are exclusive to u!!!
(b) Accomplishing the above despite the fact that YOU r wealthy!!
I guess the very rare MAN who attains Level5, either a or b, may be said to be a master of mass hypnosis, Gong Tao or black magic, hahaha.
Are there any Level5 bros here? Pls come forward n tell ur story. Thank you! Would u accept me as ur most humble disciple?
Bro WB
Thanks for the post.
Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.
We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.
Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.
I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.
Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.
Just be happy to pay so long can afford.
15-08-2018, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the post.
Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.
We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.
Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.
I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.
Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.
Just be happy to pay so long can afford.
Yes, exclusivity is definitely good for gfe.
Support excellent thread by Bro WB.
16-08-2018, 08:46 PM
Cheers to bro WB
What a great day and thread.
Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.
Below post from guru was also great.
This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.
Wish you all the best.
Cheers Cheers.
God afternoon!!
Just received an e-mail from my favourite guru on sexual chemistry.
The following account applies to non-WLs. However, even though WLs r after money, deep down in their subconscious minds, they r basically the same.
The Building Blocks Of Sexual Chemistry
Mr. Guru
[email protected]
Dear Bro Warbird,
Here's a no-brainer: would YOU like to free yourself from the
emotional burden of feeling like a failure with women? Do you want
to set yourself apart from the hordes of AFCs who can't seem to go
from attraction to seduction?
Of course you do. That's why you're gonna need some serious,
field-tested, heavy-duty knowledge to get you going in the right
What you need is a map of the female psyche so that you don't get
lost in the virtual maze that is her mind. If you're ready to
learn about the strategies and techniques to trigger her attraction
The disparities between men and women are worlds apart, just like
some books suggest. Yet, that reality shouldn't daunt you from
using it to your advantage.
For instance, guys and gals don't view the concept of SEXUAL
connection in the same manner, and there are a lot of useful
lessons you can derive from these differences. Sit back and relax,
as your good buddy Slade tells you all about the forces behind male
and female attraction.
Pair-Bonding Dynamics
First of all, men are generally (meaning there are exceptions)
attracted to the more tangible aspects of women first (like
physicality), and personality second.
The thing with us guys is that we're naturally predisposed to
hooking up with women whether or not we're going to stick around
for the long haul. Our attraction circuitry is more likely to
initially respond to a healthy-looking female who's fit for
Evolutionarily speaking, men are preprogrammed to interact and
ultimately mate with multiple partners rather than just one. Like
it or not, our primal instincts drive us to go forth and multiply
to ensure that our genes will be passed on through the generations.
When it comes to women however, they generally need to feel that
they've bonded with their partner before deciding to get sexual.
Deep in the back of a girl's mind, she has to know that a man is
going to stick around even after they've consummated their physical
What's funny is that a woman needs to feel this emotional
connection EVEN if her own commitment may not go beyond the morning
after. What's important is that she has the OPTION of having you
around in case she wants more than just a one-night stand.
See, the female set of instincts are designed to be wary of men who
might leave her out in the cold once he's gotten what he wants.
Again, if we were to look at our species from a much earlier time,
women would need their partner to PROTECT her from the elements as
she raises their offspring.
Imagine if the schmuck just bailed on her - she'd be left with her
child and no one to help her survive in a harsh environment. This
way of thinking has been passed on women today.
In other words, a girl has to feel that a man is emotionally
invested (i.e. a series of shared experiences like multiple dates
over different locations) in her before giving him the green light.
Otherwise, her natural defense mechanisms will shut you out.............
The importance of balance
Consider the following concepts: light and dark, black and white,
fish and chips, chocolate and strawberry ice cream, etc. They all
have a harmonious ring to it, don't they?
One wouldn't be complete without the other. In the same way, there
has to be an element of balanced factors for sexual chemistry to
A man and woman's individual traits needs to COMPLEMENT each other
for there to be a relationship, long-term or not.
Just take a look at the yin-yang diagram. Each partner needs to
contribute their specific traits to make this model a symmetrical
A typical man is a logical thinker who likes to analyze all
situations in his life. He's also goal-driven and has various
pursuits which give him a feeling of accomplishment.
That's why in many ways, guys are often compared to hunters because
their way of thinking is largely defined with a sense of unwavering
purpose. He likes to size things up, get a good feel of the
terrain before carrying out his plan of action.
After he's taken all the factors into consideration, he'll make his
move and go for the kill. That's how the male brain works.
On the other hand, women operate on a different level. The female
essence is all about artistic expression, tactile interaction, a
nurturing personality and above all, being in tune with the world
of emotions.
This is why it's more common for the ladies to get together and
talk about how they're doing with their respective relationships.
It's all about the connection between people and the energies they
share with one another.
Even the most career-driven woman would find it hard to make her
job her foremost priority as opposed to her role at home as a
mother and wife. She'll definitely put her best effort into her
work, but the strong sense of family life will always be in the
back of her mind.
After taking the typical male and female characteristics into
consideration, you'll now see that a relationship will need to have
all of these traits before it can work.
Although some men might be more in touch with their feminine side,
and some women might have a lot more "guy traits" than her peers.
Nowadays, you'll find guys who are naturally adept at discussing
relationships on an emotional level. At the same time, there are
women out there who act like hunters (as we discussed earlier) and
enjoy the thrill of chasing their goals and passions.
However, on a broader scale, you'll find that both genders will
naturally have a stronger affinity toward their respective traits.
Men are more likely to have male characteristics with a dash of
female sensibilities and vice-versa for the women.
This is the reason why a woman naturally responds to a strong male
presence in her life. She's hardwired to be attracted to certain
men, just like how gasoline is inevitably meant to react to
elements such as fire.
That's simply how the brain works; depending on the stimulus
involved, we're conditioned to react in certain ways. So, having
alpha male qualities is a sure-fire ticket to turning her on.
No matter how independent a woman is, she's programmed to respond
to a man who can take care of her and look after her welfare, even
if she's well capable of doing that herself. Again, she wants to
have the OPTION of your protection, much like the sense of security
a safety net provides for a trapeze artist.
If you lead other guys and can demonstrate PROOF that you can also
look after those dear to you (like family and friends), a woman is
definitely more likely to have sex with you.
This all goes back to what I said earlier about our evolutionary
INSTINCTS. A thousand years ago, women needed to have the
comforting knowledge that her partner is going to brave the dangers
of the outside world for her.
The same goes for the present. While times have changed, today's
self-sufficient women still have that same programming encoded into
their attraction circuitry. She wants to know that you're capable
of pulling your own weight in a relationship.
In essence, she has to see that you can be a pillar of strength she
can lean on before actually considering the possibility of having
sex. She's not about to share such an important part of herself
for some wimp who's going to pull down her survival rate.
All in all, men and women are largely defined by the general traits
which have been shaped by countless centuries of history behind us.
Although we now live in a modern age where survival has shifted to
a different context, there are still core traits that dictate how
each gender interacts with their partner.
The better you can understand these differences, the easier it will
be to figure out how to tap into a woman's emotional framework..............
It's your inside track to what women truly want in a man. Once
you've got that covered, no woman is out of your reach!
I'll see you around.
Your Friend,
Mr. Guru
16-08-2018, 08:48 PM
Bro WB
You see Chairman Mao so high up.
I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him
Typical of alpha male wants to win.
BTW, nice thread here.
Hoping to accomplish myself more.
My Dear Bro Woody,
BTW, we posted only seconds apart!
IMHO, Chairman Mao is beyond Level5, hahaha.
He would be 2nd only to my greatest hero Cao Cao.
He was THE Alpha Male, a military genius, a great leader, a good poet...he was very courageous n was perfectly calm n was even joking when bombs exploded all around him.
In later yrs he was senile n made grave mistakes. No man or woman is perfect, hehehe.
BTW, ths for intro that pretty 20yo SYT who works for Metlife in Chengdu.
She is a non-WL n although only 158, is quite proportionate n classy. She used to hv a very rich 25 yo BF, a UK-educated investment banker, the son of a powerful official in SZ. This powerful man forced his son to stop seeing her as she is from a small town...
I hv called her n done QQ video calling w/ her. Will see if she can come in August.
Ths again!
Bro WB
16-08-2018, 11:51 PM
Fully agreed everything also great, especially this thread.
Wish bro WB all the best as well.
Cheerios cheer cheer.
Cheers to bro WB
What a great day and thread.
Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.
Below post from guru was also great.
This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.
Wish you all the best.
Cheers Cheers.
16-08-2018, 11:55 PM
I see Chairman Mao high up too.
Why Ah Long is not mentioned, he has such capable wife.
Excellent here Bro WB, thanks.
Hope to read more.
Bro WB
You see Chairman Mao so high up.
I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him
Typical of alpha male wants to win.
BTW, nice thread here.
Hoping to accomplish myself more.
19-08-2018, 06:21 AM
Hahaha, I dun hv the expertise n experience u think I hv. Despite my advanced age, I started BY-ing MMs of my type only 26 months ago
1) The gal in my avatar is a student in China. I hv not BY-ed her yet.
2) I take nutritional supplements n herbs plus judicious use of Cialis. I must do it at least everyday, no, 2 or 3 times daily when I hv 3-4 mistresses, to get my money's worth.
3) It's very time consuming trying to find chio SYTs thru social websites. I hv engaged the service of some frens n agents w/ a modicum of success.
The problem is that pics n 视频 may be very misleading n very different from the real person.
I'm most attracted to a gal's bodily n limb proportions n her posture/body language, which is very difficult to gauge unless I meet her in person. Youthfulness n a chio/cute face r next in importance.
I need to see her whole body/curves n especially bare arms/legs n watch how she walk, etc. She must hv 媚力 n X-factor n be hiao ( 凤骚?), yet must be cute, chio, youthful n innocent...
And, last but not least, the proof of the PUSSY is in the must be very chio, wet, tight n responsive...and of course it must also hv a pleasant fragrance n taste DELICIOUS n be NUTRITIOUS.:D
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a revelation!
Taking suplements and cialis? Are you still consuming daily now?
Definitely you need to fark daily so that you can get your ROI. Are you still farking daily now?
Hope to hear from you.
19-08-2018, 06:24 AM
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.
Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.
Will try to read more.
Please post more too.
Good morning!
In the very beginning, I was satisfied w/ BY-ing chio SYTs of my type, claiming n taking exclusive ownership of their youthful bodies n pretty pussies, fxking them whenever n wherever I want. Later, I also demanded good services. Her ease of achieving COS is always an added bonus.
Now I hv upped the ante. My goal is to hv exclusive ownership of her body, pussy n heart. The last is a very difficult challenge. I want her to be addicted to me, financially, sexually n emotionally, hehehe. The stakes r much higher.
To induce emotional addiction is the hardest. I use push-pull n connect-disconnect methods. They need strong feelings n emotional experiences. If a gal never said: 你很坏。。。我很恨你, etc, it's unlikely she has been KC-ed. Say no n push her away...then pull her towards u. We men r primarily attracted to what we see in a gal. Whereas women/gals r attracted to the perceived ranking of a man in the Male Dominance Scale. But females e more complex than that. A man's ability to make her feel strong emotions, make her feel pretty, feminine, sexy, etc is vital. Give her a good reason to be sensual n be sexually aggressive. Her imagination must also be aroused...If u do all that n give her regular COS, she will want to fxk u more than u could ever imagine or could ever manage, hahaha.
Let me digress. I happen to know 2 teenage gals, both 18, in 天津 China. Though non-WLs, they r looking to be kept in天津only. It's impossible for me to go there. They r quite chio though not exactly my type bcos their bones r medium not the tiny type. One is 170, abt 53-54kg, the other 166, also abt 53-54kg. They will go out for a good time n ask me to intro some bros ( must be living in Tianjin only) to them. Not sure if they will do ST. Interested bros pls PM me.
Bro WB
19-08-2018, 11:52 AM
To all samsters,
Another terrific day!
I've learned a lot by reading the old posts by various gurus. There is always room for improvement.
IMHO, THE most attractive man is trustworthy, responsible, reliable, bold, decisive, ambitious, assertive, relaxed, calm, self-assured, confident, healthy, clean, virile, intelligent, educated, kind, compassionate and caring. Yes, he has awesome emotional mastery and strength. He has class and 气质.
And, he adds VALUE to society and mankind. He is the MAN.
He is the prize to the most beautiful SYTs and young women of his type.
His behaviour, actions, posture, movements, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tonality/inflection are congruent w/ his inner beliefs that he is the MAN.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the great thread.
Just ABC for sex already so long and details. Really amazing facts and plenty of pointers to take away.
A - anatomy
B - body language control
C - connections
Wonderful stuff to learn.
Thanks again buddy.
Bro, thanks.
[QUOTE=Fabinho;17682792]BRO WB
I want to be the MAN.
What a starting point simply love the whole thread.
What turns out to be a simple thread became an encyclopedia. Really many solid proofs and pages of case studies.
Agreed with guru that men always lack of initiatives and lack of toughie or assertives.
Many men still feel plenty of inferior complex.
Not sure if I hit it right but am gonna try out plenty of the proofs inside.
Hope to read more and pls continue.
Have a great day.
Bro, thanks.
Become the MAN. Whatever it takes.
Bro WB
Another good post below.
I hope to be the 20% men and also "Extinct Man".
Great piece of work written below from the guru.
So we need to make MAN as the PRIZE then women will clock to the PRIZE.
Haha wish all is true and I have much more to learn.
Please enjoy yourself.
Keep doing what you think is right and don't worry about other comments.
Till I post again!!
Bro, tks for your post.
Thanks for the post.
Exclusivity is always more expensive but good for gfe. If you can afford it then why not.
We must understand why there is a demand for so many high class night club and ktvs. Simply means there is a demand.
Recently many top models or porn models came to our shores to work for a few days to weeks. Why they come because there is a demand and clients willing to pay.
I was told that rich Asean citizens flew in just to taste their pussies as what Bro WB likes to call it.
Anyway to each his own and we are all different. Be happy even if you are level 1 or level 5 above.
Just be happy to pay so long can afford.
Bro, tks
You're right.
Cheers to bro WB
What a great day and thread.
Hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly.
Below post from guru was also great.
This si what I am lacking building chemistry with gals for sexual act.
Wish you all the best.
Cheers Cheers.
Bro, tks.
I have just read the article again. One of the best articles on what men and women want, and how they differ, at the subconscious level.
Bro WB
You see Chairman Mao so high up.
I agreed that Cao Cao is a fanatic and hungry for power. He will reward all his generals who did well but also execute those who betrayed him
Typical of alpha male wants to win.
BTW, nice thread here.
Hoping to accomplish myself more.
Bro, tks for your post.
I see Chairman Mao high up too.
Why Ah Long is not mentioned, he has such capable wife.
Excellent here Bro WB, thanks.
Hope to read more.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
What a revelation!
Taking suplements and cialis? Are you still consuming daily now?
Definitely you need to fark daily so that you can get your ROI. Are you still farking daily now?
Hope to hear from you.
Bro, tks.
Yes, I do. But I take 1/4 to 1/2 of Cialis 20 mg judiciously, only when needed. I have 3 full time LPs now. I make love 5-6 times a week.
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.
Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.
Will try to read more.
Please post more too.
Bro, tks.
A man can never be 100% sure that his wife/GF/LP/mistress/lover is always faithful. People do change. Trust but verify.
Google the modern western definition of hypergamy. Become 最优秀的男人 or the MAN and your girls/women will be much more likely to be faithful to you.
Read my brief description of such a MAN in my current post.
Yes, a girl must hv medical tests before I'll do her raw.
Bro WB
Yes, a very good thread by Bro WB
Learnt a lot here, wish to read and learn more.
Have a nice Sunday.
Bro WB
Very good thread here.
SO now you want exclusive ownership then? Are ou sure the girl remain faithful. No wonder you stopped BY after they go home.
Do you bring the girl to check up before BY or after they come back from hometown visits for 1 to 2 mths.
Will try to read more.
Please post more too.
20-08-2018, 12:35 AM
Awesome thread by Bro WB, thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Have a great week ahead.
21-08-2018, 06:18 AM
To all samsters,
Another terrific day!
I've learned a lot by reading the old posts by various gurus. There is always room for improvement.
IMHO, THE most attractive man is trustworthy, responsible, reliable, bold, decisive, ambitious, assertive, relaxed, calm, self-assured, confident, healthy, clean, virile, intelligent, educated, kind, compassionate and caring. Yes, he has awesome emotional mastery and strength. He has class and 气质.
And, he adds VALUE to society and mankind. He is the MAN.
He is the prize to the most beautiful SYTs and young women of his type.
His behaviour, actions, posture, movements, body language, facial expressions, eye contact, voice tonality/inflection are congruent w/ his inner beliefs that he is the MAN.
Bro WB
Very well said bro WB and nice.
I was reading and saw some of your great posts.
Please post more and will support here often.
21-08-2018, 08:34 AM
Very well said bro WB and nice.
I was reading and saw some of your great posts.
Please post more and will support here often.
Agreed very well said.
Read through this thread, learnt a lot here.
Thanks bro WB for an awesome thread.
21-08-2018, 10:11 AM
Great thread here. Already note down all the good tips!
21-08-2018, 01:15 PM
Bro WB
Really a fantatstic article below.
Unbelievable but very accurate assessment. If we have all the masculine traits gals will fell.
Will read more of your good thread here before commenting more.
Appreciate any more comment.
Dear Bro TD,
No healthy human beings r immune to KC trap.
I know I can count on ur help n vice versa.
.................................................. ......................................
Good morning!
Another good email on being a MAN:
Unleashing Your Masculinity...
Wednesday, 13 July, 2011 11:38 AM
Mr. Guru
Bro Warbird,
What's up ?
Here's the truth - being attractive is done from the INSIDE, and
not from anything you put on. Being a manly man is not the cologne
you put on, or the car that you drive.
Neither is it the kind of clothes you wear nor is it how your beard
is trimmed. In other words, all that EXTERNAL stuff doesn't make a
man who he is.
The heart of attraction lies in the truth that opposites attract,
plain and simple. The kind of energy you have should complement or
balance the traits of the woman you're trying to win over.
Think of the forces of attraction like the contrasting poles of a
magnet. The only thing a positive charge could ever hope to
attract is its OPPOSITE.
This is where the famous expression "opposites attract" comes from.
Fortunately, this simple reality also applies to human
In dating, the two people in the equation will only be attracted to
each other if one person's set of qualities "fills in" the natural
"gaps" of the other. This is where the concept of MASCULINE and
FEMININE energy comes into play.
You see, a masculine person is more likely to attract a feminine
person simply because of their opposing "charges". That's why if
your masculine energy isn't as high as it should be, you'll have a
hard time appealing to the feminine folk.
Traditionally, masculine traits have been associated with the male
gender, and feminine qualities with women. However, the
increasingly changing socio-political landscape has given rise to
"feminine men" and "masculine women".
In this day and age, you'll see men and women performing functions
that, just a few decades ago, couldn't be interchanged between the
genders. It isn't rare to find men today doing the cooking,
cleaning and other "girly stuff" while the women are out there
taking on managerial or supervisory roles in the corporate world.
All of these developments are awesome because it's paved the way
for a higher sense of equality in the family and workplace. Let's
face it, the different situations in our lives will require us to
tap into BOTH our masculine and feminine sides as needed.
However, being a masculine man and a feminine woman is still
necessary when it comes to pair-bonding. In dating, it's still
your duty as a man to espouse your masculine traits to attract the
Now, before we go any further about unleashing your masculine side,
let's get briefly into the central traits of a masculine and
feminine essence, shall we?
Masculinity is largely defined by the strength of purpose and the
determination to move in a desired direction. A masculine essence
is all about the focus of achieving a given set of goals and fully
realizing the end result of your efforts.
You might even say that being masculine means having a bit of a
one-track mind, but in my opinion it's more of having a singular,
unstoppable purpose. Furthermore, it's also about being
analytical, logical and cutting through the murkiness of matters.
Above all, masculinity has a great deal to do with providing for
the family as well as protecting friends and loved ones from harm.
What it's NOT about is being a booze-guzzling, idle slob who has
nothing better to do than veg out in front of the TV while shirking
"ladies' stuff" like dishes, laundry and meal preparation.
On the other hand, a feminine essence is all about being a nurturer
and a caring, gentle companion. Feminine energy thrives on
exploring relationships and humanity in general. It's defined by
artistic and emotional expression as well as pursuing the finer
things in life.
Conversely, being feminine is NOT defined as crying over a broken
nail or acting like a helpless victim. Purposely playing the
eternal "damsel in distress" may be endearing at first, but it'll
soon lose its charm and is more fitting to be labeled as "annoying
With that said, being a "man's man" in the context of our little
discussion is the key to making a woman's heart MELT. So, I'll be
giving you a quick primer on how to make the most of your masculine
gifts, starting TODAY:
#1: Have the determination to be committed to an ideal, a way of
life or a set of principles. As we've just discussed, the feminine
essence is naturally drawn to an attitude that just reeks of GRIT.
When you stick to your guns or ADHERE to certain cause that's close
to your heart, that's a sign of PASSION. And I gotta tell ya, this
one trait is like "chick crack". Even the hardest of women are
impressed by a man who has the strength (not necessarily in the
physical sense) to be CONSISTENT in his actions, beliefs, thoughts
and values.
#2: Be really good at something. Nothing gets a woman's engine
revving better than a guy who rocks in his element. When you have
the ability to be an authoritative voice on a subject matter, it
really does plenty to polish the brass on your balls.
It's an incredible turn-on for women to meet a guy who's
passionately dedicated to a certain field of knowledge, whether
it's science, literature or sports. Besides, being able to teach
them something they didn't know before makes you an interesting
#3: Be committed to achieving various life goals. Like I said
earlier, masculinity is about attaining objectives. What I mean by
this is to have a purpose-driven approach to life.
If you're dedicated to being more than who you are at this moment,
it makes you hungry for life. The feminine essence is helplessly
drawn towards a person who's totally engaged in squeezing the juice
out of living.
That's why having a set of meaningful goals makes the possibility
of sharing a life with you an EXCITING one. She'll be thinking,
"Wow, this guy sure has a happening life going on - I'd LOVE to be
part of that!"
Being focused on your life makes you slightly unavailable, or a
"wild child" from a certain point of view. Feminine eyes see this
as a challenge to "tame" your fiery nature.
In fact, lots of women are fueled by the desire to uncover your
feminine side. The thrill of the pursuit lies in the pleasure of
trying to "have you 100%".
#4: Be savvy about personal style, but don't be obsessively VAIN
about it. Looks are important in the sense that they say key
things about your personality.
However, don't mistake looking good for making appearances the most
important thing in life. The main idea is to be clean, neat and
presentable so that you give the impression that you've "got it
Having a good sense of style means being up-to-date on your looks,
but not to the point of being too picky with brands. Investing
JUST ENOUGH on quality items is cool, but don't go overboard with
the compulsive shopping.
A healthy and respectable physical appearance is essential in the
context of implying that you have your life UNDER CONTROL.
However, anything beyond that purpose is superficial.
As long as you have well-fitting clothes that suit your body frame
and don't smell like a gym bag, you're on the right track.
In essence, women want a MAN, and not a kid in adult's clothing.
They're into mature guys who are absolutely decided on a SOLID
course of action and aren't easily swayed by impulses or whims.
It's about having the lack of fear to go for what you really want,
and having the RESOLVE to accomplish it.
All in all, these masculine-boosting tips boil down to cultivating
an intangible "hardness" that women look for. If you possess this
"X-factor", reeling them in will be a cakewalk.
I'll see you around.
Mr. Guru
Bro WB: Your purpose-driven life n the "hardness" of ur manly character depend ultimately on ur SELF MASTERY.
21-08-2018, 02:18 PM
Great thread here. Already note down all the good tips!
Fully agreed, an awesome thread!!
Thanks for a wonderful thread bro WB.
Have a nice holiday :)
23-08-2018, 10:55 AM
Bro WB
Rejections is a good sign. Meaning you are PRIZE and some not ready for you and can be many reasons.
One reason the gal may have other Bao-er.
Sometime is about timing.
Life is short and just be happy.
I dun like if gal easily just accept and will make me lose interest very fast. Best if slowly can go play and then slowly accept.
But I am a beginner too.
So need to learn more from all the seniors.
Cheers :D
Good morning!
Life has many unexpected twists n turns...
Despite being a lao chi ko pek, I now hv more chio SYTs of my type as my wives/lovers/mistresses or whatever u call them, than when I was in my 20s.
I had rejected or dumped some gals whom I later missed badly. I got a few back but a few were gone forever.
On the other hand...I hv been rejected by some chio SYTs for BY n dumped by a few BAO-ees in the last 2 1/2 yrs. But my persistence n self assurance had paid off n ALL of them, including those who dumped me, later said YES. EVERYONE of them. Many actually took the initiative to pursue me, hehe. The last one was KK.
Two wks ago I only had XW, TC plus 2 new gals to be imported from PRC. Since then KK has suddenly entered my life again. How could I resist her? She is still only 19, 170-171, still very fair n has voluptuous figure n natural D boobs. And she begged me to take her back. She is also a very naughty gal now...hahaha.
Bro WB
23-08-2018, 11:03 AM
Bro WB
What a great passage below.
“When you don't get what you want, you suffer. If you get it, ... You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever”.
Nice meaning words. Simple yet chim.
Bro had shared so many useful to help cheong here. I hope Boss will highlight your thread as many threads cannot last a decade.
Kudos to all bros who contributed here.
Long live to Bro WB!!
Good morning!
Everything changes constantly and unexpectedly.
Paradoxically, letting go of what we want is the only way to get it.
Lao Zi said: "When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need."
A modern guru writes: “When you don't get what you want, you suffer. If you get it, ... You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever”.
I lost XW in Dec of 2009 n KK in April of last yr. I let them go n didn't beg them to come back. And of of course I "lost" XX when she went back to PRC in April 2009.
I had completely forgotten abt them...
I hv several pleasant surprises this yr.
My one key investment has gone up n paid me a big bonus in a very tough yr for equities markets. Is it bcos of TC, my good luck charm?
Then my 1st BAO-ee XW made overtures to me in Jan this yr n became my lao po shortly later.
Exactly a month ago, KK reestablished ctc w/ me n begged me to take her back. She broke off w/ her 21 yo BF for a no of reasons. He is a tall 帅哥,a PRC student from a well to do family. He has spent over 50% of what I would hv paid her over the past 14 months...but they hv had many problems n conflicts while together...but I suspect one crucial reason is his inability to give her COS, hehehe. She hinted that she had suffered greatly n is sexually very hungry. She will go to Changi at very inconvenient hrs to welcome me back. She will don a sexy new dress to show off her natural D assets. I jokingly said that I might lose control...she replied that 耐不住才好呵,证明你是个正常的男人, hehehe.
Will I ever see XX again? She is 22 n may be married now.
One of my most respected gurus sent this email to me the other day:
Creating 'Subliminal' Attraction
Hey Bro Warbird , what's up?
Today, it's time to talk about how to connect
on a SUBLIMINAL LEVEL with females. More
specifically, I'm talking about how to SEEM like
an extremely confident guy.
Now, clearly this sounds a little at odds with
my usual policy. I'm not a big one for 'faking it
til you make it', because I think it's pretty easy
for women to sense any kind of inauthenticity and
be instantly and MASSIVELY turned off by it. It's
like a bucket of cold water in the face: any
progress you've made so far gets instantly reversed.
Another reason I don't tend to advocate the
'fake it til you make it' approach is because
there's often a lot of stuff to REMEMBER, and that
gets in the way of your ability to relax, get into
the momentum of what's happening, and involve
yourself intensely in what's happening around you.
It's a little difficult to be spontaneous and
chilled-out if you're repeating bullet-points
inside your head to 'keep you on track'.
But fortunately, today's subject matter is a
horse of a different color. Yes, there's going to
be some stuff to remember here - but this isn't
'bullet points' that we're talking about here. No
factoids to learn by rote.
Instead, this about showing you how to get in
touch with your own, physical confidence and then
portray it to those around you.
This is about positioning your BODY in such a
way that her instinctive impression of you is that
you are an at-ease guy.
It's another way of LEADING her: you're setting
an atmosphere of easy relaxation which she can
then enjoy and contribute to.
So just to clarify: this isn't about 'faking'
ANYTHING. It's about making an EFFORT to man up
and prove to her on a subconscious, GUT LEVEL that
you're a calm, competent, laid-back kinda guy.
And after we've dealt with the physical aspect
of confidence, I'll have a few words to say about
the importance of congruence, as well. But that
can wait til later.
Onward ...
There's a phrase that's remarkably appropriate
to today's subject matter, and that is: 'Motion
creates Emotion.'
In other words, your body and what you're doing
with it has not only a massive impact on how
OTHERS PERCEIVE YOU, but - first and foremost - it
actually impacts HOW YOU FEEL inside yourself.
So if you STAND like a dude who's in control,
chances are, you'll start FEELING like one too.
Authenticity guaranteed and 'on the house' ... which
means your CONGRUENCE is ALSO guaranteed.
Meaning, you're not going to be attracting
females using a 'trick' that they'll soon figure out
... it's actually the REAL DEAL.
Not bad for a quick postural realignment.
Think about most of the 'nervous' guys that you
see who are trying to forge connections with
Chances are, they're looking pretty
uncomfortable. And that winds up making HER
Once again, this is because most women will
unknowingly FOLLOW YOUR LEAD. If you seem anxious
and weird, she'll pick up on it and start feeling
that way herself ... and she'll rightly blame you
for it.
So let's take a closer look at the unseen
pitfalls that your body's setting up for you.
Here's something that literally MOST MEN
unknowingly do when they're not 100% at ease: they
actually can't even stand up straight on their own
two feet.
I bet you know what I'm talking about here.
They're rocking all over the place, they might
have one ankle hooked around the other one, or
they've got one foot kind of heeled over to the
side, or they're leaning on the wall, or they're
leaning on a chair ...
This connotes a very strong message of UNEASE
to whoever happens to be around. It's very simple,
but not even being able to stand comfortably on
your own two feet makes it quite clear that you're
not at home with yourself. And if you're not
comfortable with YOURSELF (so the logic goes) how
will you ever manage to be comfortable with HER?
... and if you're not comfortable with her, you
can just bet that you're going to transfer that
discomfort onto her ... so that EVERYONE'S having a
nervous, anxious, and all-round low-quality time.
Hmmm. That's a lot to infer from just one
little postural imperfection.
But unfortunately, it's true. Think about any
'alpha males' that you know. Now think about how
they hold themselves. As a general rule, men who
are 'high value' tend to KNOW IT, and hold
themselves accordingly - in a way that's very
calm, very powerful, and with very little 'wasted
(To be Continued)
23-08-2018, 11:12 AM
War bird, where/how did you hunt them?
23-08-2018, 02:28 PM
Bro WB
Rejections is a good sign. Meaning you are PRIZE and some not ready for you and can be many reasons.
One reason the gal may have other Bao-er.
Sometime is about timing.
Life is short and just be happy.
I dun like if gal easily just accept and will make me lose interest very fast. Best if slowly can go play and then slowly accept.
But I am a beginner too.
So need to learn more from all the seniors.
Cheers :D
I am a beginner too.
This is a good thread to learn from seniors here, thanks bro WB.
Have a nice day.
23-08-2018, 04:10 PM
Wonderful thread by Bro WB, support!!
23-08-2018, 07:46 PM
Good evening,
I'll try to reply to the posts asap.
BTW, I hv a SH (9pm-2am) outing to P8, 1st floor Marina Mandarin Hotel, Friday tmr.
Expense per pax around $110-130. Expenses will be shared equally.
Booking a girl is $300.
If interested, PM me. Two slots left.
Bro WB
24-08-2018, 10:57 AM
Another excellent post below.
Body language tells plenty of things to female.
A few quick pointers:
- Shoulders relaxed and down.
- Midsection tight and sucked in toward your
- Feet a good distance apart.
- Hands hanging relaxed at your sides.
But WHY are these things attractive to females?
Haha, not sure why but think no hard tryin.
Will cont to read more and share my views after trying out.
Bless all.
So now might be a good idea for you to get a
full-length mirror and practice striking some
poses in front of it. Pay attention to the
difference between how comfortable and at-ease a
posture LOOKS, and how it actually FEELS.
Most guys get fidgety because they can't slot
themselves into a posture that feels as though
it's going to look natural, so they end up
squirming all over the place.
But if you actually pay attention here, you'll
notice that postures that might FEEL WEIRD at
first actually LOOK very natural and relaxed. So
take a look and get used to how particular
positions feel so you can use them in public.
A few quick pointers:
- Shoulders relaxed and down.
- Midsection tight and sucked in toward your
- Feet a good distance apart.
- Hands hanging relaxed at your sides.
But WHY are these things attractive to females?
Does it REALLY matter if your feet are a couple
inches apart or not?
It's like this. None of these things are
attractive PER SE. For example, a woman won't take
a look at a man's relaxed hands and think, 'Wow,
check it out.'
CAUSED by these little physical details that DO
count in a very big way towards gut-level
Specifically, all of these physical postures
have the cumulative effect of portraying you as IN
In other words, they're the physical hallmarks
of a high-value, confident, dominant man. And as
you know, these are the types of men who tend to
CONSISTENTLY SUCCEED with quality women.
It's a little like the little physical details
that we, as guys, pay SUBCONSCIOUS attention to
with women.
For example, something that I've noticed is
that men tend to be attracted to females with small
noses and long eyelashes.
Now, neither of these characteristics is
necessarily something that we'd bother noticing in
and of itself. You don't usually hear a guy
talking about what a 'sexy nose' a woman has, or
going on about her eyelashes.
But if you take a look at some pictures of
really attractive females, not a ONE of them will
have short eyelashes or a big nose.
Just as things like long lashes connote
FEMININITY for women, certain POSTURES connote
Know it. Use it.
The 'little details' are more important than
most people believe.
Your body screams out the truth about what
you're feeling and thinking, long before you could
articulate it verbally.
If you want proof of how important, and SUBTLE,
body language is, then check this out:
... the case of the Counting Horse.
About 20 years ago, this horse trainer claimed
to have taught his horse to be able to add,
subtract, and multiply mathematical figures. He
actually proved it many times over, throughout
county fairs, vaudeville acts, and theaters
throughout the country.
Audience members would call out complicated
equations, and the horse would tap out the answer
with his hoof.
And every time, the horse got it right. Nobody
could figure out what was going on. Scientists
examined the horse closely. They screened for
electronic cheating devices - none were found. The
trainer stood absolutely motionless every time -
no cheating there, either.
Finally, a communications expert videotaped
what was happening. It was discovered, after many
YEARS of debate about this phenomenon, that the
trainer wrinkled his brow slightly and blinked
whenever he expected the horse to stop tapping his
I.e., whenever the correct answer was tapped
out, his HOPE that the horse would get the answer
right showed itself upon his face. The horse
noticed this TINY little change in his expression,
and stopped tapping.
Here's the weird part.
The trainer didn't even know he was doing it.
He wasn't TRYING to help the horse cheat. But
his face twitched just a TINY little bit when the
horse reached the 'right answer' ...
... which was all that was needed for the horse
to cotton on, and stop tapping.
Now, granted, women are not horses. But the
You need to accept the fact that right now, you
are communicating things to others via your body
language that you are NOT EVEN AWARE OF. That's
spooky stuff.
Obviously, this isn't something to get bogged
down in. It's just a small, but IMPORTANT, detail
to consider in the overall scheme of reinventing
yourself as a top-notch, high-caliber, EXCELLENT
human being who's worthy of the women of his
I'll talk to you again soon.
Be cool,
Your Guru
Bro WB
Good morning!
macking - flirting with gals. Thanks so much for sharing. Reading your thread improves my vocabulary.
"He also understands that one woman's frog is another woman'sprince."
Very chiminolgy what I learn from above.
Please continue to share more so that I and many bros can learn from you.
Have a good weekend coming up!
The mark of a real MAN is his icy calmness, confidence n self mastery, when confronted by the most stressful n life-threatening situations. We should all aspire to be a real MAN.
I came across an interesting book on "macking" recently.
Nasheed Tariq of "The Art of Mackin" fame described a fren whose face was disfigured by a car accident, who was not rich n yet, "And even
with his disfigurements, my friend still has a
different female at his crib every night."
Because he knows how to "put his bid in." He
keeps "fishing for females" until one of them
takes the bait. Plus, he has become totally
immune to getting dissed."
"He also understands
that one woman's frog is another woman's
Very sound advice, hahaha.
BTW, I picked up a very fair skin PRC gal yesterday evening as she was waiting for taxi. She was QQ, abt 22-23, 165 w/ nice figure. Unfortunately, she works at a HFJ. I told a fren if I really like her I would buy all her sessions for the month. My fren's advice is to do it for a month then get her to return to PRC n apply for a different visa to come back. I could save half my money that way. A bit too complicated for me.
Bro WB
24-08-2018, 01:56 PM
Fully agreed excellent post and thread by bro WB.
Another excellent post below.
Body language tells plenty of things to female.
A few quick pointers:
- Shoulders relaxed and down.
- Midsection tight and sucked in toward your
- Feet a good distance apart.
- Hands hanging relaxed at your sides.
But WHY are these things attractive to females?
Haha, not sure why but think no hard tryin.
Will cont to read more and share my views after trying out.
Bless all.
24-08-2018, 10:57 PM
Very chimology indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for an awesome thread, wish to read and learn more.
Have a good weekend.
Bro WB
Good morning!
macking - flirting with gals. Thanks so much for sharing. Reading your thread improves my vocabulary.
"He also understands that one woman's frog is another woman'sprince."
Very chiminolgy what I learn from above.
Please continue to share more so that I and many bros can learn from you.
Have a good weekend coming up!
25-08-2018, 01:24 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for starting this thread and amazing already 10 years old.
So how was the quality of PRC mms nowadays.
I am also a fan of macking. Love to flirt with all these beautiful ladies.
A good set of bodies with heels are often the best. Face should be cute.
I hope to be star and not planet in front of the pretty ladies.
Really so many thingy to learn and so little time.
Anyway cheers to bro for helpful.
Have a great weekend.
Good morning!
Went to lV HH the other day w/ a bro in his mid 20s. He picked a gal, probably in her early 20s who appeared quite chio, to sit w/ him. After 30 mins he tipped her n dismissed her. Later I asked him why. At first he said they didn't communicate well. Really? He later confided that he didn't like her upper arms which were a bit loose...n the fact that her thighs n legs were slightly larger than his preferred size. He is speaking my lingo!
After 930PM, we went to review n critique the 50-60 gals in the hallway. All CMI man. Either too old or too ugly or too short or too thin or too fat or too big arms/legs or bowed legs or flat chest or thick wrists or disproportionate figure or narrow butt or flat butt, etc, etc.
We proceeded to look at the singers. Same shit! Mostly quite old w/ thick arms n flat ass. Couldn't even see their thighs n legs!!
INHO, the $100-per-ST gals lining up at L8 n Talma Rd 3 yrs ago were much much better, much more chio n much younger...many gals like that r getting BY-ed in China before they hv a chance to apply for a passport.
We later compared notes n discovered that, despite our age difference, we hv very similar taste in pussies, although I prefer taller gals in general. Actually it's not the height per se, but the right proportions from head to toe which r attractive. He said there is a singer at China Doll who might be my type although he never looked at her legs. Hmmm...even if she were my type I may want to avoid that joint for personal reasons.
BTW, the young bro goes to China once a month on family business n I request that he keeps an eye for my type of SYTs to intro to me for BY, hehehe.
In the meantime I'll hv to import some gals of my type from PRC. Still planning to move there asap.
I'm becoming a disciple of MACKING.
Let me share some cool tips on Macking w/ u all.
10 Cool Tips To Help U Score With The Ladies ( but only 9 at last count?)
10) Set a boundary with her as soon as possible
Setting boundaries with women -- when done correctly -- establishes
leadership, status and masculinity. This is especially important if
you’re one of those guys (like I was) who feels an urge to give a
woman whatever she wants. The problem with giving her exactly
what she wants is that it kills attraction. A woman doesn’t want you
to be a doormat -- she wants you to be a man. Let’s say a woman
reaches over and touches you; tell her, half kidding, “Don’t touch
me.” Even though you’re having fun here, your comment
communicates that you understand boundaries -- that you “get it.”
So, set boundaries in a playful and fun way, but set them when it
comes to serious issues as well. And don’t hesitate to set boundaries
if a woman is playing games with you.
9) Don’t give all of yourself to just any woman
When most guys meet a woman they really like, they immediately
offer “everything” they have to her. Unfortunately, the message that
a woman gets when you do this is that you aren’t the most important
person in your life -- she is. This is a bad, bad move. Instead, keep a
part of yourself “off limits” and totally unavailable to women. If you
want to maintain the attraction, don’t hand over the keys and the
pink slip, but let her enjoy the feeling of being able to be near you for
a while.
8) Be the star, not the planet
When it comes to dating, most men behave like planets looking for a
star to orbit. If you want to build attraction with a woman fast,
however, take on the mindset of being the star instead. Be a
“centered” man whom women want to orbit. When you become so
rock-solid internally that no random woman can knock you off
course, then you begin to affect them. Work on losing your concern
for what women think of you. When you do, you’ll free up your mind,
emotions and communication to be yourself. The positive aspect is
that it makes you far more transparent and authentic and the
negative is that if you don’t have your “inner game” together and
your immature boy nature dealt with, it will shine through and reveal
things that will hurt you. Learn how to handle this part of you,
7) Learn to deal with “two-sided” women
As a mature man, you will encounter many attractive young women
who have “double identities.” On the one hand, they’re the perfect,
proper and innocent little girl, while on the other, they’re the
promiscuous, herd-following, manipulative, and distrustful girl-woman. Unfortunately, most men fall into the trap of seeing only the
“angel” in a woman and not seeing the “other” side of her
personality -- and even worse, they’re not suspecting that it’s even
possible that it could be there.
One mark of a mature man is the combination of his ability to see
and accept the reality of any and all “sides” of a woman with his
ability to make a woman feel accepted for who she really is. Don’t
get confused; this doesn’t imply that you must “tolerate” or “accept”
second-class behavior or poor ethics from any woman.
(To Be Continued)
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro MACK aka WB
25-08-2018, 01:32 PM
Good morning!
I hope more bros can share their picking up, ST n BY experiences here.
I hv learned a few principles abt man-woman RS in the last couple of yrs.
1) Never, ever reveal to a gal that u need or want her badly, even if u already own her body/pussy n heart/soul. If u do, her addiction n love for u will fade away. Be the one who cares least in the RS n make it clear to her that u will leave her if she ever violates ur boundaries or principles.
2) Females r very perceptive. They can gauge ur true confidence n emotional state from ur posture, movements, demeanor, voice n body language...
3) Most men r primarily attracted to a gal's looks. Period. Looks r notoriously subjective n one man's meat is another man's poison.
Of course gals also judge a man by his looks, for the initial 10-30 secs when she meets him for the 1st time, bcos that's all she has to go by. But after that, it's his perceived rating on the Male Dominance Scale which determines his INITIAL attractiveness to her. Period. He needs to demonstrate his status, self mastery, etc to keep her attracted.
4) This is controversial. In my personal experience, a man's ability to give a woman regular COS, beyond anything she has ever experienced, will make her addicted to him. It will make it very difficult for her to leave him...
So go the extra mile n give ur women regular COS, for an hr or longer if possible.
Despite recent Market swoons, my one key investment has held up very well. It also pays a fat dividends. Although my plate is full, I can't afford to dump TC, my good luck charm. However, I hv changed our arrangement to part-time...Ironically, she now treats me even better...bcos she can sense that she may be losing me. She keeps asking me if I'm keeping other women. Of course I said no. I told her I'm very busy n I now feel weak n fatigued bcos of her...haha.
BTW, all my other major investments r down 10-30% or more, EXCEPT for silver, gold n tobacco stocks. One large gold mine in South America has gone up 30% since I added to my position abt 2 months ago. If the overall markets decline another 20-30%, it would be a great buying oppty. Back up the truck, bros.
BTW, I hv been to LV a few times recently n I hv been very disappointed. Is TAM better now? Will go there next time.
I also hv several agencies in China trying hard to get SYTs to come here to be my mistresses.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Wish all and bro WB an auspicious day!!
Care less attitude will win gals. Interesting facts which quite difficult to understand.
Most men r primarily attracted to a gal's looks - this I agreed fully and 9 out of 10 select the prettiest gal.
So go the extra mile n give ur women regular COS, for an hr or longer if possible - this also I agreed.
Well I have to agree with Bro WB that the above post was well written.
Please enjoy yourself with your LPs.
25-08-2018, 02:10 PM
Agreed this is indeed an amazing thread.
Cannot believe, already 10 years.
Thanks bro WB for sharing wonderful experiences.
Bro WB
Thanks for starting this thread and amazing already 10 years old.
So how was the quality of PRC mms nowadays.
I am also a fan of macking. Love to flirt with all these beautiful ladies.
A good set of bodies with heels are often the best. Face should be cute.
I hope to be star and not planet in front of the pretty ladies.
Really so many thingy to learn and so little time.
Anyway cheers to bro for helpful.
Have a great weekend.
25-08-2018, 09:04 PM
Great thread by Bro WB.
Thanks and support always.
Have a nice weekend.
26-08-2018, 10:07 AM
Good morning to all here!!
Dear WB
I chanced upon this forum thread and read the posts below 3 times.
It is clear now that men cannot accused or simply blame our partner if she lost interest in sex.
Men have to remain sexy and hv masculine traits to show. Men always have to take the initiatives and if not nothing will happened 9 out of 10 times.
Indeed the thread had proven the course and the title.
I do hope many brothers will read this thread at least once.
Have a great day and it's still weekend.
Good morning!
Met RR for lunch the other day. She looked prettier in broad daylight w/ light make up than when she first sat w/ me at DC. I took her to Raffles Place to pick up her medical report which was all normal. She is not quite 24 as she was born in late 1987. She is very diligent in learning English as she hopes to apply to SMU. I'm looking for a place to keep her close to her school. I'll consummate the RS soon. She n LL (the Shanghainese virgin I had in May 2010) r the best educated n most intelligent gals among my mistresses.
XW n RR r the lo po type. But KK is the fiery, passionate n possessive type. She was very angry when she learned from a gal (whose BF apparently knows me) that 你名誉很坏, 每个月都包养好几个女孩子, 这是公开的秘密。。。of course I denied it n told her there was only one other gal XW whom I had told her before..
Let me digress.
IMHO, if ur wife/GF/mistress/er nai/BAO-ee/lo po doesn't want to fxk u more than u want to fxk her, either u hv done something wrong or r not giving her enough COS or she is in love w another man or fxking another man. You need to change n improve or dump her asap.
Let me share w/ u a useful email.
She's Lost Interest In Sex - What To Do About It
You want sex more often than she does...
She just doesn't seem as interested in sex as
you are...
She's not as sexual as she used to be...
She's hardly ever in the mood...
Needless to say I get emails like this a lot, so
it's time to send you a newsletter to solve the
issue for you once and for all.
So if this is a big issue in your life, and
your willing to to make some changes to turn it
around, then you're in the right place.
I found a good extreme case from a reader for us
to use as an example. If you "get" my reply to
this man, you will be able to solve this issue in
your own relationship as well.
Dear Mr. Guru, I do enjoy your answers to readers
questions. I have another to throw at you after
reading your last answer session. I have M.S. and
I feel very inadequate in the bedroom (my problem
is mainly physical) and I have tried your remedies
mentioned in the last session. I am having problems
maintaining an erection while performing these
exercises you mentioned. Another problem is that
she does not accept my compliments or "all day
foreplay" even when this is done during times when
there is no possible way we could have a "sexual"
encounter. We have been married for 10 years and
I am only looking for satisfaction on the weekend
and I give "all week foreplay." I would feel good
about her just placing her hand on mine or on my
knee. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
One of your greatest fans, J.
Hey man, I am going to be straight up with you
here-- your problem does have a solution, but it
ain't gonna be EASY...
Many, many men face the identical challenge.
Their wife begins to lose interest in sex, she
withdraws romantically, she just wants you to
get with the program and be a good partner in the
business of running your lives...
Most men just blame HER.
They say things like: She's less interested
in sex, so it must be that her libido is lower, or
she has lost interest because of stress or whatever.
It's funny how we never want to see it as "our
fault". This is a big challenge for any man...
And the MS is going to make it even more of
a challenge, NOT because of the way it affects
your strength and your physical ability to have
sex, but because of the way it is affecting your
relationship to your SELF and your confidence.
On the physical side, you can get prescriptions
from your doctor that will work very well to solve
it easily enough (or you could do the exercises in
my Command & Control program, which will probably
also help you substantially).
But let's be real -- The hard part is
the emotional issues of your wife pulling back
from physical intimacy with you.
Here's the very center of the issue between
you and your wife:
Women are massively turned on by "masculine
And since you have challenges with physical
strength, that means you must rely on the strong
masculine qualities of your PERSONALITY...
That means things like courage, aggression
when necessary, never accepting second class
treatment from anyone, being CALM AS ICE in
emotionally stressful situations, being a rock
when she is weak or cranky or tearful, yet
showing deep passion when appropriate...
And most powerfully of all: The willingness
to be vulnerable and open about what is true
for you. (In other words, the courage to
authentically be yourself in all situations)
Unfortunately, because of your illness, you
say you "feel very inadequate in the bedroom".
And what you need to know is...
It's that FEELING of inadequacy itself that is
keeping your wife from being turned on and wanting
Let me say that again--
The problem is NOT your physical inadequacy,
it is the FEELINGS you have about your physical
condition that is creating the problems.
Here's the proof:
I have a friend whose genetic disorder prevented
him from growing any taller than 3 feet, and has put
him in a wheelchair for life... but he behaves and
believes that he is a sexy bad-ass, and I see the
affect that he has on women...
In fact, that is the exact adjective that
I have heard many women use to describe him:
He recently married a gorgeous, smart, and
sassy woman who adores him, and while I wouldn't
want to repeat any confidential conversations,
I'm pretty sure most able bodied men would be pretty
jealous of his sex life.
Bottom line:
Confidence is sexy. Period. And a lack of
it is a big problem.
Here's what you MUST understand...
When you say that "I am only looking for
satisfaction on the weekend" and "I would feel
good about her just placing her hand on mine..."
...THAT is exactly what is CAUSING the problem!
You have trained her to think of you as a
second class citizen in your relationship... and
you tacitly agree with her about that.
You have conditioned her to think of you, not
as her lover, but as a man who is looking for her
occasional sympathy
You've probably heard the old John F. Kennedy
quote: "Once you say you're going to settle for
second, that's what happens to you in life."
There are dozens of quotes from successful
people just like that one.
That's because it's true.
It sounds like you feel that she should give
you this small amount of attention because she
should be "nice" to you-- but you don't want to
trouble her for more.
Maybe that's because you feel like you are
already asking much of her in living with a man
who has M.S. Obviously neither of you saw that
one coming... and let's be real here... I have no
idea how hard that must be, or how I would handle
it if I were in your situation.
I don't want to sound unsympathetic...
I'm not putting you down here. You are in
a situation that few men would be feeling heroic
about. It sucks. And I have no idea how I myself
would handle it.
So it seems to me there are a lot of complex
issues in your life and your relationship, and
I'm not going to try to answer all of them.
But consider for a moment that if you can
train your wife to treat you like a second class
citizen in your relationship, then it follows that
there must also be some possible way in which you
could have trained her to think of you as her
heroic and sexy love-god.
So while I can't talk intelligently about all
of your challenges with MS, I CAN tell you how
to get more sex in your relationship...
Limiting myself to only the question of "how
to improve your sex life," then the answer is:
You've got to reclaim your masculine power in the
(To Be Continued)
26-08-2018, 10:26 AM
Good morning too!!
What an awesome thread by Bro WB.
Hope to read more experience from the gurus here.
Good morning to all here!!
Dear WB
I chanced upon this forum thread and read the posts below 3 times.
It is clear now that men cannot accused or simply blame our partner if she lost interest in sex.
Men have to remain sexy and hv masculine traits to show. Men always have to take the initiatives and if not nothing will happened 9 out of 10 times.
Indeed the thread had proven the course and the title.
I do hope many brothers will read this thread at least once.
Have a great day and it's still weekend.
26-08-2018, 10:27 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for a fabulous thread.
I should sing "Amazing grace" to you.
The guru forum below that you posted back in Sep 2011 really makes great sense.
Whether we are lao chi ko pek or youngster we should always demand sex. The woman who enjoyed the sex will really love you deep because of the amazing graceful sex. True that we should do macking whole day with our darling so that she felt sexy.
I hope bro can share more of guru forums so that we can improved.
Cheers :D
Ideally a woman wants a man who DEMANDS sex
all of the time, not the weekends. She wants a man
who says with gentle command, "take off your clothing
and dance sexy for me while I sip my drink."
A man who knows how to take control...
Because that's what makes HER feel sexy.
A lot of guys have been confused by my concept
of "All Day Foreplay," thinking that it meant you
should give her a lot of compliments.
That is not the case. I used the example of
giving compliments to a woman who specifically has
issues with her body image (which is very, very
common). But the object is not to give compliments,
but to do whatever it takes, throughout the day, to
make her feel sexual.
If your wife is attractive and she knows it and
men compliment her all the time, then that is not
going to work at all.
The idea behind All Day Foreplay is to train
her to feel sexy when she is around you by doing
the things that make her feel sexy.
Sometimes that's giving her compliments...
But it could be telling her that you love her,
it could be tickling her, it could be spanking
her whenever she walks by, it could be whispering
romantic things in her ear, it could be pulling her
hair back and biting her neck, it could be saying
really dirty, raunchy things to her...
Whatever her blueprint is to keep her on a nice
slow simmer so that by the time you get to the
bedroom she can't wait for you to rip her clothes
Here is the very, very difficult challenge in
front of you...
Now that you have trained her into this idea
that you are not a powerful, masculine presence in
her life-- it is going to be very hard to get her
to change her mind.
People are VERY resistant to change... and they
can be especially resistant to a change in the
people that they love.
The crazy, messed up paradox of this is that
she is not going to want you to change... even if
that change is for the better... even if that
change is going to give her a better relationship,
better sex, a sexier and more confident life-partner,
and a much more fulfilling life.
She has made her decision. Staying consistent
to that decision is a powerful force of human
nature. If you start acting in powerful,
masculine, and demanding ways, she is probably
going to react with anger and frustration, and
possibly fear.
Can it be done?
Yes. It can. But it's going to take time,
persistence, patience, courage... and a big bucket
of masculine strength to do it.
If you can understand what I say in the next
paragraph it has the power to lift your life
to unbelievable heights:
Perhaps the M.S. is the gift that will allow
you to rise up above ordinary men and fully
demonstrate your heroic strength of mind and
become a powerful role model for others.
I have seen others turn set-backs, tragedies,
and insurmountable-looking challenges into the
fuel that launched them into greatness. In fact,
it's hard to find many great men in history who
did not fit that pattern.
I said above that being vulnerable in your
authentic truth was one of the most powerful
indicators of pure masculinity to women...
For you this might a conversation that begins
with, "I have allowed my fear of my disease to
make me feel weak and less than masculine in our
relationship. I know that this was entirely my
own doing and that it made me sexually repulsive
to you. Whether or not your sexual desire returns
to me and to this relationship, I am committed to
living a life of courage and passion and deep service
to our love, regardless of my physical condition..."
Then you have to start living your truth.
Don't LET her have sex from you until she is
prepared to come to you as a surrendered woman
to her lover.
Don't accept second class treatment... not
by pouting or showing anger, but by calmly and
lovingly denying her power over you.
If you can follow this path, trusting yourself
and knowing that your life is yours alone to choose,
then she will soon be begging you to make love to
I wish you luck my friend. I have confidence
in you and believe you can do it if you choose to.
This is, I know, some very advanced material
that some men may find difficult to apply in their
But at the minimum, if you are reading this
and in a similar relationship, at least commit yourself
to making a new beginning, to making a pact with
yourself to take the steps to reclaim your masculinity
in your life through vulnerable, authentic truth.
For Passion,
Mr. Guru
26-08-2018, 10:36 AM
Fully agreed.
I should sing too.
Bro WB
Thank you for a fabulous thread.
I should sing "Amazing grace" to you.
The guru forum below that you posted back in Sep 2011 really makes great sense.
Whether we are lao chi ko pek or youngster we should always demand sex. The woman who enjoyed the sex will really love you deep because of the amazing graceful sex. True that we should do macking whole day with our darling so that she felt sexy.
I hope bro can share more of guru forums so that we can improved.
Cheers :D
27-08-2018, 03:14 PM
Very well said bro WB and nice.
I was reading and saw some of your great posts.
Please post more and will support here often.
Tks so much.
Bro WB
Really a fantatstic article below.
Unbelievable but very accurate assessment. If we have all the masculine traits gals will fell.
Will read more of your good thread here before commenting more.
Appreciate any more comment.
If you have all the masculine traits, girls will flock to you.
Bro WB
Rejections is a good sign. Meaning you are PRIZE and some not ready for you and can be many reasons.
One reason the gal may have other Bao-er.
Sometime is about timing.
Life is short and just be happy.
I dun like if gal easily just accept and will make me lose interest very fast. Best if slowly can go play and then slowly accept.
But I am a beginner too.
So need to learn more from all the seniors.
Cheers :D
Bro, tks for your post.
If you don't believe you're the prize, your rs w/ women will be miserable.
Bro WB
What a great passage below.
“When you don't get what you want, you suffer. If you get it, ... You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever”.
Nice meaning words. Simple yet chim.
Bro had shared so many useful to help cheong here. I hope Boss will highlight your thread as many threads cannot last a decade.
Kudos to all bros who contributed here.
Long live to Bro WB!!
You make my day!
I'm just a lowly trainee, not a master w/ women yet.
The irony in life is that very often we could only get n keep what we want when we let go of it.
IF a man is scared of losing his beautiful wife/GF/mistress/lover/LP, he will lose her, eventually. If he is willing to let go of her, in his mind at least, he won't be scared of losing her. And it's unlikely that he will lose her. Isn't life crazy?
War bird, where/how did you hunt them?
I go wherever I could see the largest number of cute SYTs of my type. The best place to go in SG in 2007- early 2009 was L8 n Telma Rd in GL. I seldom visited SG prior to 2007.
After AV chased all the chio SYTs away from GL, I started going to KTVs. Mostly to TAM joints and sometimes to Peace Centre joints.
Another excellent post below.
Body language tells plenty of things to female.
A few quick pointers:
- Shoulders relaxed and down.
- Midsection tight and sucked in toward your
- Feet a good distance apart.
- Hands hanging relaxed at your sides.
But WHY are these things attractive to females?
Haha, not sure why but think no hard tryin.
Will cont to read more and share my views after trying out.
Bless all.
Tks for reminding us the importance of body language.
Bro WB
Good morning!
macking - flirting with gals. Thanks so much for sharing. Reading your thread improves my vocabulary.
"He also understands that one woman's frog is another woman'sprince."
Very chiminolgy what I learn from above.
Please continue to share more so that I and many bros can learn from you.
Have a good weekend coming up!
Bro, tks for your post.
A man's body language and voice tonality/inflection will attract or repel girls.
Bro WB
Thanks for starting this thread and amazing already 10 years old.
So how was the quality of PRC mms nowadays.
I am also a fan of macking. Love to flirt with all these beautiful ladies.
A good set of bodies with heels are often the best. Face should be cute.
I hope to be star and not planet in front of the pretty ladies.
Really so many thingy to learn and so little time.
Anyway cheers to bro for helpful.
Have a great weekend.
Bro, thank you.
The quality of girls at KTVs n HFJs in SG is very bad now.
Read what I wrote about 7 years ago below. The quality is much worse now. And over 95% of girls are plastic. I won't want a plastic girl even if my life depended on it. And some women are in their 40s and a few look like in their 50s. Old, ugly, plastic, vulgar and uneducated.
In the last 4 years, I have only seen 3 naturally chio 18 yo SYTs who are close to my type. I'm happy that I hv kept ALL three. The last one was TY whom I have written about recently. She has been w/ me close to 4 months now. I hv much more to say abt her later.
One of the three, LS, whom I kept for a year in 2015-2016 returned 2 months ago. She had put on some weight n I told her to go to work n kept her part-time. She hv lost a few Kg n I'm now keeping her full time.
The last time a girl dumped me was in 2010 and the girl was KK. I saw her a few yrs later n she was fat, I refused to fxxk her.
Girls age like beer n men age like fine wine.:D
<<<<<< Went to lV HH the other day w/ a bro in his mid 20s. He picked a gal, probably in her early 20s who appeared quite chio, to sit w/ him. After 30 mins he tipped her n dismissed her. Later I asked him why. At first he said they didn't communicate well. Really? He later confided that he didn't like her upper arms which were a bit loose...n the fact that her thighs n legs were slightly larger than his preferred size. He is speaking my lingo!
After 930PM, we went to review n critique the 50-60 gals in the hallway. All CMI man. Either too old or too ugly or too short or too thin or too fat or too big arms/legs or bowed legs or flat chest or thick wrists or disproportionate figure or narrow butt or flat butt, etc, etc.
We proceeded to look at the singers. Same shit! Mostly quite old w/ thick arms n flat ass. Couldn't even see their thighs n legs!!
INHO, the $100-per-ST gals lining up at L8 n Talma Rd 3 yrs ago were much much better, much more chio n much younger...many gals like that r getting BY-ed in China before they hv a chance to apply for a passport.
We later compared notes n discovered that, despite our age difference, we hv very similar taste in pussies, although I prefer taller gals in general. Actually it's not the height per se, but the right proportions from head to toe which r attractive.>>>>>>>
Thanks for citing the cool tips for attracting women.
Bro WB
Wish all and bro WB an auspicious day!!
Care less attitude will win gals. Interesting facts which quite difficult to understand.
Most men r primarily attracted to a gal's looks - this I agreed fully and 9 out of 10 select the prettiest gal.
So go the extra mile n give ur women regular COS, for an hr or longer if possible - this also I agreed.
Well I have to agree with Bro WB that the above post was well written.
Please enjoy yourself with your LPs.
Bro, tks for your post.
Good morning to all here!!
Dear WB
I chanced upon this forum thread and read the posts below 3 times.
It is clear now that men cannot accused or simply blame our partner if she lost interest in sex.
Men have to remain sexy and hv masculine traits to show. Men always have to take the initiatives and if not nothing will happened 9 out of 10 times.
Indeed the thread had proven the course and the title.
I do hope many brothers will read this thread at least once.
Have a great day and it's still weekend.
Bro, tks so much for citing the article. It's very good.
My new advice is for the man w/ MS to practice Taoist sex.
Bro WB
Thank you for a fabulous thread.
I should sing "Amazing grace" to you.
The guru forum below that you posted back in Sep 2011 really makes great sense.
Whether we are lao chi ko pek or youngster we should always demand sex. The woman who enjoyed the sex will really love you deep because of the amazing graceful sex. True that we should do macking whole day with our darling so that she felt sexy.
I hope bro can share more of guru forums so that we can improved.
Cheers :D
Bro, tks for your post and the song.
Women are very sexual and they love men who are sexually confident, assertive n who demand sex. BUT, never ever be aggressive or use force. That would be rape, a felony.
I always playfully bite a LP's butt or spank her when in the doggie position. And talk dirty. She loves it.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
27-08-2018, 11:12 PM
My first ever post on sbf, why ? Because I truely like some of the later post in this thread.
And it was by accident I clicked on the last page of this thread and love what I read ... and agrees with alot with what many of the bros wrote last few pages about wife, women ...
And with this post, I lurk no more :rolleyes: lol
28-08-2018, 11:47 AM
Have more to learn from master here.
Good morning to Bro WB
Self-mastery is a gross word. Not easy to be and can be.
"BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe."
Our master has spoken. Better understand what you will be going thru if you want to start this game.
To me I will just learn the techniques and hunt cheaper options.
Thanks for the fine thread.
Good morning!
It's clear from Bro LDH's post that BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe.
It all boils down to a man's self mastery. If he doesn't hv it, he will surely fail in BY-ing n in any man-woman RS for that matter, n he will also experience great difficulties n misery in all areas of his life. He will be a failure. Period.
I normally shun singers for many reasons. Bad hrs, very high friction cost...also, before I can see a gal's bare thighs n legs, how would I know she is my type? Why should I risk one dollar?
One of my gals is returning to PRC soon n the other day she showed me a pic of a singer, her good fren. Her fren is 22, who has been here 2 wks, n is 171 w/o shoes n has nice figure n legs, which caught my attention. She asked me to take care of here, haha. I need to meet her in person 1st, not at the HFJ, but outside, in broad daylight...
My strategy is simple. If she is my type, I'll execute Plan A: I'll "keep" her for a fixed amt per wk, a low amt bcos I'll fxk her only once a wk n I dun care if her pussy is exclusive to me. I'll not even set foot in her joint.
Plan B will be costly. It will happen only if she is extremely attractive to me (very unlikely). I'll need to see her at least twice before deciding (see my reasons below). I'll then negotiate w/ her company n buy all her working sessions for the whole month. I'll keep her in a place very close to me.
In my personal experience, gals who look stunningly attractive the 1st time I see them may turn out to be rather average looking n, in rare cases, downright homely only days or wks later.
Abt 10 days ago, I was at PC food court talking to a well-connected fren who spends most of his time there, then I saw her...OMG! She was very pretty, abt 22-23, 170-171, wearing sandals n hot pants. Very fair n sexy figure, B/C boobs, round n shapely butt n nice long legs. I told myself, if I could hv her, I would forget all my LAO POs. She was w/ couple of gals (I dun remember how they look like) n I approached her n asked: 美人,你在那里上班?She replied: 我没上班。Before I had a chance to continue, she was pulled away by her frens...I later asked my fren abt her n requested that he get her ctc for me. I knew she was being kept by some man, but I told my fren I would double whatever she was getting.
Didn't see her again until yesterday where I found her hving late lunch w/ several gals. To my big disappointment, she looked very ordinary!!? Still had a body to die for though. Could her boobs be augmented n how pretty n tight is her pussy? I talked to my fren abt the fact she looked quite different now. He laughed n said she didn't hv make up today. Well, I still want to fxk her, but not sure abt BY, hehehe.
I should approach investing in stock n BY-ing gals the same way. Never be too hasty in BY-ing a gal until u hv seen her a few times in broad daylight n got to know her well enuff. I hv had my share of unpleasant surprises in the past.:eek:
Bro WB
28-08-2018, 11:51 AM
Very true, I'm still learning from this thread, thank bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
Have more to learn from master here.
Good morning to Bro WB
Self-mastery is a gross word. Not easy to be and can be.
"BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe."
Our master has spoken. Better understand what you will be going thru if you want to start this game.
To me I will just learn the techniques and hunt cheaper options.
Thanks for the fine thread.
28-08-2018, 12:51 PM
Has anyone here ever been rejected for sex by ur OC/wife/lao po/mistress/er nai/GF/lover/FB/xiao san/xiao mi, etc? It sucks, doesn't? Of course, if u r dominant enuff, they will never say no, even if they r not in the right mood. The best approach is to make them horny all the time, give them regular COS n they will want to fxk u more than u want to fxk them.
Men r ready for sex when they r w/ women who find physically attractive. Women r very different. The key to turning them on is anticipation/sexual tension n a man's magic touch, hehehe. What he says n the way he says it is also crucial.
I like to share w/ bros here some useful info on a concept known as "All Day Foreplay," written by a famous guru.
“All Day Foreplay”
The concept of “all day foreplay” is one that I talk about a lot,
and it’s one of the most important ideas to get if you want to learn
to NEVER be sexually rejected.
It is the easiest and most reliable way to get her
And, for relationships, it is one of the best ways to make
your woman feel appreciated, to make her feel beautiful, to make
her feel well cared for, and to make her feel sexy.
And when she feels that way, she will want to make you feel
great too.
Make no mistake about this: TRYING to make each other
feel great is very good medicine for any relationship.
Unfortunately, the truth is, that the longer you have been in
a relationship, the more familiar you become with each other, the
more you take each other for granted.
Foreplay usually consists of rolling over “going for it” after
you finished brushing your teeth and getting into bed.
But there is nothing more flattering to a woman than when
you take the time to SEDUCE her, to make her feel like you are
trying just as hard to get into her pants as you did on your third
She will respond much more powerfully to your advances if
you make the effort to romance her and not just try to fuck her.
All of the ideas above are important…
You can seduce her with words, with touch, with the way
you look at her, with the way you act towards her, or with the
emotional messages you send towards her.
And if she is feeling frustrated, tense, or pissed off, then you
will have to do these things gradually, and work your way through
intermediate emotions to make her relaxed or happy or laughing or
And then you can turn on the romance and the seduction.
She will appreciate you in powerful ways the next morning if
you can transition her in this way.
Remember this: If a woman says that she is not in the mood
to have sex tonight, that statement means absolutely nothing in
terms of how she MIGHT feel 30 seconds later.
But all of these things are the HARD WAY of going about it.
The EASY WAY is “all day foreplay.”
When you are doing all day foreplay right it is a lot of fun for
both of you.
The basic rule—do and say things throughout the day that
make her feel sexy.
Don’t be concerned with getting her turned on. That is not
the point. Don’t be concerned with making her think that YOU are
sexy. That is not the point either.
Make HER feel sexy and desired, and she will respond
immediately when you are ready for sex.
Because she will really like being your sexy and desired
creature… the object of your affection.
And when it is time for making love, she will not want to
break that beautiful fantasy.
What are some specific things that you could do to create all
day foreplay?
When she catches you staring at her and asks what you are
looking at, tell her that you are just looking at her because she is
…Or tell her that you are having a sexual fantasy about her.
Come up behind her during the day and whisper something
in her ear like, “I can’t wait to make love to you later,” or “You’re
beautiful,” or “I’m going to eat you alive,” or “You smell good,” or
just about anything else that makes her feel sexy and desired.
Send her an email, or a text message, or a voice mail saying
the same kind of thing if you are at work.
But most important of all…
And touch her often.
Women love to be touched. It is a powerful reward to them.
And withholding your touch is probably the worst thing you could
do for your relationship.
Many men have a problem with touching too often. Sure,
they’ll touch when it’s time for sex…
But when a woman feels like the only time you are touching
her is when you want to get laid, she will begin to feel cheap and
unloved. She will feel nervous and begin to reject you more.
Touch her throughout the day whenever you can.
Stroke her hair, give her arm a squeeze, pat her on the ass…
and give her hugs as often as you possibly can. Kiss her ear, bite
the back of her neck, run you hands over her legs, and if nobody is
around, look into her eyes and give softly stroke her breasts.
Strong, full-body hugs, showing off a bit of masculine
strength while wrapping her up in your arms will make her feel
protected and happy… if you hold the hug for more than 20
seconds or so, some studies say that it will cause her body to
release the hormone oxytocin, which will make her feel powerfully
bonded feelings towards you.
And smile at her. Smiles are both contagious and sexy when
it comes to all day foreplay.
Here’s my personal guarantee:
If you touch her twice as much as you do now, she will reject
you half as often...
Bro WB's 2 cents: The other secret is ANTICIPATION. Go fast n slow n connect-disconnect from her, bro. Be unpredictable n make her laugh. And of course give her regular COS n squirting orgasms. Be careful, she will fall for u, hahaha.
Cheers n hv fun!
Bro WB
bro WB
Excellent thread her and thank you for been a TS.
I love it when we can do whole day foreplay. This makes me recall in my past, when I have a steady gf. She loves to be naked under the sheets. Also a clean hygiene freak. Will always shower before heading to bed.
Used to make love once in the morning after waking up. Then again after breakfast and coffee. We usually skip lunch and we will cuddle till around late noon before going out to shop followed by dinner. Before we go usually have one or two rounds. Followed by one more before bedtime.
Need to read more of your thread to get more ideas how to date.
Will post more comments soon.
28-08-2018, 12:54 PM
bro WB
Excellent thread her and thank you for been a TS.
I love it when we can do whole day foreplay. This makes me recall in my past, when I have a steady gf. She loves to be naked under the sheets. Also a clean hygiene freak. Will always shower before heading to bed.
Used to make love once in the morning after waking up. Then again after breakfast and coffee. We usually skip lunch and we will cuddle till around late noon before going out to shop followed by dinner. Before we go usually have one or two rounds. Followed by one more before bedtime.
Need to read more of your thread to get more ideas how to date.
Will post more comments soon.
Same here, my girl quite similar.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB.
28-08-2018, 11:39 PM
I'm open for any group outing with any senior KTV goer.
Has to be senior in terms of behavior, pose and charisma. ;)
Good morning Sir warbird.
Nice and really excellent post below.
Guy with excellent self-mastery dictates the r/s and conversations. He controlled everything.
The girl just missing his farking and nothing else. He can sqwaked forever but hell she loves the sex.
As for Sir warbird doing the same thing as the book says.
What an excellent effort Sir warbird doing.
Well keep been young and get your rewards coming.
Good morning!
At this time I like to recommend a great e-book: David X's Be Relentless.
I'll quote some of his writings from time to time to whet ur appetite:
I lived in Texas for two years and when I came back to Montreal I called up this woman that I used to go out with. And she was extremely pissed off at me for just getting up and leaving without telling her goodbye. I said, “You were the first one I called. I’m looking at my list and you came in with the highest rating. Now is there a chance for me to come over or not? I’m too horny to argue.” She said, “Come over.” So I went over and fucked her.
After I finished, she sqwaked for another two hours. I let her complain (who cares what they say) while I went to sleep. In the morning she made me breakfast and sqwaked for another two hours. Finally I asked, “How long do I have to take your complaining for? How much sqwaking is two years in Texas worth?” And she said, “I’m almost done.” How much is two years in Texas worth? Yes I didn’t call. Yeah, I fucked tons of other women. No, I wasn’t thinking about you. Yeah yeah yeah. You’re so right honey!
Ok, fine, she’s right. I’m a terrible man. But they like bad boys. Remember that Seinfeld episode when George was the bad boy? He decided to do the complete opposite of what he had always done, and all of a sudden he had more women than ever. It’s a fact that women like bad boys.
Now, every once in a while, and especially as you learn to develop this attitude, a woman might tell you that she loves you. And if you say, "I love you too", then you're fucked! You might as well chop off your dick and hand it to her..... Remember: He who loves least controls the relationship. I have only said, "I love you" to two women in my life. I married them both. I tell them, "I’ll tell you that I love you when I’m putting a ring on your finger.”
When you set a precedence you have to stick to your guns. If you tell her no, then later on for whatever reason you allow her, she will view you as weak. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. Stop making excuses and stop making exceptions. When you set a precedence you can't go back. One of the big diseases that happens to men that are in a relationship is laziness.
You have to do what YOU want relentlessly. You cannot give in ever. They want the strength and they will love you for it. You always have to be on top of the situation. What happens to most guys is that once they fuck her,
they doze off. They get lazy.
Your comments?
I want to be relentless...
Bro WB
29-08-2018, 05:59 PM
Excellent thread by Bro WB.
Hope to learn more here.
30-08-2018, 04:43 PM
I hv noticed that many of my regular kakis/bros/frens r not spending as much n r shunning more expensive joints. Some bros/frens hv definitely fallen on hard times, due to business failures, stock declines, gambling losses, etc.
Of the new bros who hv joined my outings recently, a few r well heeled. One young man appears to be from a rich family, even though he is quite frugal. I like him very much as he understands that we must minimize the friction cost of living n all business transactions.
Although the bookies n ah longs r big spenders at KTVs/HFJs n appear to be flushed w/ cash. They can never be truly rich.
Four reasons. Firstly, they squander their money. Secondly, it's difficult for them to invest n grow their money legally. Thirdly, they lack the knowledge , experience n education to invest successfully. Fourthly, the risks of running an illegal business r real. Their assets could be seized n they could spend time at Changi, hahaha.
As men we should go after what we want, be it money, status, fame, power, good health, love, peace, happiness, pussies...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very interesting thread here.
After more than 2 yrs, som eof your kakis falling into tough time. I wonder how they are flushed with cash all the time if they are not ah long or bookies.
Well this shows that to go long term because this thread still alive till 2018 meaning TS bro have the financial power to sustain long term.
Well done I must say.
Will read on more.
30-08-2018, 04:52 PM
At this time, I like to share some pearls from David X's Be Relentless:
I’m giving you two rules. Not two-hundred. TWO. Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship. And at first, they sound like two very stupid rules. But everytime you hear them, they start to make more and more sense to you. If you don’t care what she thinks, then your fears are gone. And if you truly believe that you are the most important person in the relationship, then you start to take responsibility for your own life. It forces you to be strong, decisive, honest and congruent. What you decide is up to you. I’m not telling you to be me, I’m telling you to be you.
You’re not being rude to her by not caring what she says. There’s a façade of nonsense that people put out, and you don’t know if they’re playing games or fucking with you. These two rules are your shield from all that shit. These rules really have a way of cutting through all the crap.
Men are free until they get married, and women are free when they get married. Once I was dating this girl who said, “Either we have to get married, or I won’t sleep with you anymore.” And I felt bad. Here was this woman telling me that she loves me, that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me. She wanted all of me, and if I couldn’t give that to her, then she would leave me forever. A lot of guys actually got stuck that way. They fell for that line. But what was this woman really saying to me? She was really saying, “Do what I say, puppy! Marry me so that I can use sex to control you for the rest of your life.” Now, if you had a harem of 5 or 6 women, and a woman said that to you, what would you say? "Goodbye!"
A lot of guys are afraid to look at the women that attract them. They're afraid she might get upset. If I’m watching a porno movie, if I feel like it, I might start jerking off. Do I care what the TV thinks? I don’t care what anybody thinks. Period. When I say ‘who cares’, I live it. If she can’t handle me looking at her, what the fuck do I want her for?
Tell me to fuck off anytime. Try me. I don’t care. If you don’t care, you can just let go and have a good time. What do I have to lose if they get 'offended'? I can only gain. When you’re trying to pick up a chick, no matter what you do, you can ONLY GAIN. You can’t have less than zero. If you care what they think of you, then you can’t go further. And if you can’t be honest and straightforward about what you want, you can’t succeed with women. This whole book is just a way of explaining the two rules. It always comes back to the two basic rules. If you can integrate those two rules into your life, it frees you from Fear Prison.
Bro WB
I decided to separate the reply into 2 posts and hope you dun mind.
I wished all guys are relentless and this GURU did make sense.
I agreed if the gal is not keen then get the hell loss.
SIZE="6"]Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship.[/SIZE]
Very strong harsh words but I like. Be a man and PRIZE.
This is great forum and hope you can post more GURU
Hope to complete reading soon.
Cheers to all bros.
30-08-2018, 07:36 PM
Bro WB
Very interesting thread here.
After more than 2 yrs, som eof your kakis falling into tough time. I wonder how they are flushed with cash all the time if they are not ah long or bookies.
Well this shows that to go long term because this thread still alive till 2018 meaning TS bro have the financial power to sustain long term.
Well done I must say.
Will read on more.
Agree, need to have financial power to sustain long term.
Hope to read more from bro WB and this fantastic thread.
30-08-2018, 11:54 PM
I decided to separate the reply into 2 posts and hope you dun mind.
I wished all guys are relentless and this GURU did make sense.
I agreed if the gal is not keen then get the hell loss.
SIZE="6"]Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship.[/SIZE]
Very strong harsh words but I like. Be a man and PRIZE.
This is great forum and hope you can post more GURU
Hope to complete reading soon.
Cheers to all bros.
Two is better than one!
31-08-2018, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by seabeng
Bros, sometimes I dont know why we are all so silly and go and hang flowers for one aim and that is to screw the singer. Surely we are not there for their singings. Sometimes we hang between 100 to 200 or maybe more for a non regular singer and yet this girl will still put up a show as though she has gold below. But today I found out and has proven that all that glitters are not gold.
On Monday a friend gave me a contact to say that this girl a singer and is going home next month (6 months due) and dont mind doing something extra so that she could bring home more money. She will only entertain close and regulars friends and strictly on a hush hush. I told my friend, if she is on a hush hush for regulars where I dont even know her will she entertain?
I told a chance anyway so I called this afternoon and she answered. As I was talking to her I find that her voice was somewhat familar anyway I take it as coincidence.
I arranged to fetch her at 4pm at her place of stay. All this while I find it somewhat funny because beside the voice is familar but the place is also familar. Nevertheless I made my way there since everything has been arranged and given her my car number.
I waited at the roadside near the landmark she gave and waited for about 15 mins maybe more. I was beginning to have second thoughts when suddenly someone open the door coming from the back and as she was about to step in, both of us were spell bound for a few seconds. She could only utter eh eh eh and finally she said.....shi ni ah!!! I told her to come in the car. I could not drive and have never felt to be in a situations like this before.
She was from a joint that I went a couple of times and cant say I like that place. She had sat with me before though not the usual singer that used to sit with me and each and every time I was there her token flowers from me were usually $100 for her ppc. I remember once another friend of mine tried dating her for supper and she flately refused with some kind of excuses that make herself upper class not going supper with first timer. By the way, I dont drink when I am out for a drink and had never sent her back.
Here, for less than 150 I got to screw her. Since she knew why we are meeting up and she's aware that I know about her extra, we went on to have our fun. I also wonder how long has she been into this?
In order not to make things looks so emmm how shall I put it......I went down to the joint tonight and hang her another 100. The beautiful thing is that she has quite a good number of regulars and supporters and my friend who gave me her contact did not know that I had been to that joint before. And if I remember right for her show, she gross about 17k in July. Not that bad for a mid size joint.
The story behind is still........not all that glitters are gold so I now wonder why spent so much where at the end of the day is still that lump of hairy meat below. Anyway she was really hairy below but was very tight.
Bro WB,
I love this post that you quote made in another thread.
What this bro highlighted was the harsh reality of life. Behind the glitters of lights there were plenty of hidden truths.
This story also made me realized the following. Many gals have 2 sides of the face. One was the glamorous side and the other dark side. Unless one who knew her past may never really know the truth. A gal may have to do part-time FL just to get over her college tuition fees. After her graduation she wil be in the corporate world and this gal may climb very high but will meet some of her ex-clients.
To a cheongster sometimes best don't bother to know. Just be cool and enjoy the company.
31-08-2018, 12:12 PM
Hi bro seabeng,
Very illuminating post...hahaha.
I like to add my 2 cents.
In August of 2008, before I ever set foot in a KTV or HFJ, I got ctc of a PRC FL from a bro. The whore LX was a 20 yo SYT, tall (169), fair n quite chio, A very good fxxk for a princely sum of only $120, hahaha. The damage was later reduced to $80. I upped her quite a few times. Friction cost for me: Zero.
A couple of wks later, she confided that she was a real singer at a HFJ n that she was going to hv a show in 2 days. She wanted me come to show support. A SBF bro knew the joint n told me abt a taller(173) n prettier singer there n hinted that I could fxxk her, so I called a few experienced frens to go along.
LX was very pleased to see me n my frens. The taller n supposedly prettier gal wasn't that pretty n was definitely older. In fact, among the 14-15 or so singers whom I saw taht nite, LX was the only one I wanted to fxxk in that joint. I hung $100 for LX n $100 for the taller gal bcos she came to sit w/ me ( I was a hapless "nice guy" then; nowadays I'll give zero unless I like to fxxk the gal). My frens also hung $100 for both gals n for a few others. They wanted to give me "face."
BTW, clients who met LX at her HFJ would end up paying 5 to 10X for ST.
A few days later, the same grp of frens brought me to a KTV, my virgin visit to one, where I met my 1st BAO-ee n my current favourite lao po XW. That is another story.
LX completed her 6-month contract n returned to PRC. In May of 2009, LX called me one day n said that she had returned on a TAM singer permit n wanted to meet up. She wanted $500 for ST!! I told her $200, take it or leave it. She said no n hung up the phone. Two wks later she called n said OK, hehehe. The next month, June 2009, in my 1st ever visit to TAM, I saw her there n she was one of my 3 butterflies...
The other day a tall singer called n asked me to go to her joint. She was intro by my GF YB (who returned to Fujian last wk). This gal is supposed to be 172 but is at least 174. She looks fine n has long slender arms, nice legs n butt, but her breasts look like A/B only. Nowadays I want gals w/ at least a full B Boobs which must be beautifully shaped. Why would I ever go to her joint? Next!
Bro WB
And here this was yoru reply then to to post above.
From what I read bro WB dislike HFJ and prefer ktv to pickup.
From what I was reading so far, your first Bao-ee XW matches one gal that I know in the past. Of course using acronyms will be harder to determine who?
Anyway long time ago and brought back plenty of pleasant memories.
31-08-2018, 12:43 PM
Bro WB,
I love this post that you quote made in another thread.
What this bro highlighted was the harsh reality of life. Behind the glitters of lights there were plenty of hidden truths.
This story also made me realized the following. Many gals have 2 sides of the face. One was the glamorous side and the other dark side. Unless one who knew her past may never really know the truth. A gal may have to do part-time FL just to get over her college tuition fees. After her graduation she wil be in the corporate world and this gal may climb very high but will meet some of her ex-clients.
To a cheongster sometimes best don't bother to know. Just be cool and enjoy the company.
I love the quote too.
Enjoy this thread as well, thanks bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
31-08-2018, 10:24 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB.
Read the first few pages and already got hooked.
Hope Bro WB continue posting and sharing here.
01-09-2018, 10:25 AM
Bro WB
Agreed with David X's be relentless. We have to be in control most of the time. Best to be in all hell breaks lose and still in control.
I love the part where mommy never teach you to be rascal and dun need to be polite. Just be badass.
Surprising the nastier men behaved and the more gals love you.
How difference set sof life began.
Have a nice weekend.
I hv finished reading David X's Be Relentless.
Here is more of his wisdom:
You can’t treat a hot one like she’s a hot one, and you can’t treat her like you’re not trying to treat her like she’s a hot one and maybe she knows that you know. Read that again, just to make sure it sinks in. Because if you do that you’re ignoring her because she’s hot. Treat them all the same, no matter what they look like. And remember that while you think she’s hot, I may think she’s ugly.
What’s the difference in how you treat a ten versus a one? Depends on how horny you are. Next question. How do you treat an 8 versus a five? Depends. Am I horny? What about young versus old? Treat them all the same. Young to me is probably old to you. I’m 53 years old.
You have to stop thinking about them and instead think of you. After all, you are the most important person in the relationship. “But she is just so…” Forget it. The whole orientation of seduction psychology is wrong, by the way. It just trains you to be over-analytical and causes you to forget the most important person in the relationship, you. You can’t be thinking for her. Let her do that. Think for you. Instead of thinking, ”What does she want?” think about what you want and only you. Do it honestly and completely. What will happen is it will teach you something more valuable than money and more valuable than technique. It will teach you honesty.
Women are constantly testing us. I really believe that. Children test you to see how far they can go, and women are the same. Being with children can teach you a lot about how you should be with a woman. As soon as you give in, you lose. You’ve failed the test. Any psychiatrist will tell you that. Because if you’re willing to give in now, then you’ve just demonstrated that you’ll also give in later. Once you’ve set an example of something, it’s too late. If you give in now you’re making your life more difficult later on. I'm tough with kids, but they love me. My sons friends love me, I’m like the Pied Piper.
Why? Because the rules aren’t hard to follow when I live by them also.
You need to be in control but not controlling.
When I was still dating, sometimes women would start to have a hissy fit, saying things like, “It’s always your way!” and I would say, “I’m glad you remember the rules.” It’s my direction in life and I don’t care what they say. I know what I want in my life, and I know myself better than they do. My life is not a democracy.
My mother told me that I have to ask for everything politely. “Can I please fuck you tonight?” Your mommy meant well, but try to forget her advice, because she left out the important stuff. Your mommy didn’t tell you, “Treat a lady like a whore and treat a whore like a lady.”
Your mommy forgot to mention, “Who cares what they think.” She never told you that the most important person in the relationship is you. And that’s because it’s your life. Women don’t know what’s good for you, your mom doesn’t know what’s good for you, and I don’t know what’s good for you.
I’m not saying that your mother did anything wrong. You’re probably a very nice person. But you’re not nice to yourself, you’re nice to other people. You’ve been conditioned to be a pussy. “Say please.” “Be nice.” “Share your toys.” “Say thank you for that cookie.”
But in this world today, we’re finding out that being nice to certain people is dangerous. When you go out to meet women, you’re on dangerous grounds. Who knows what these women are like. Some of them have AIDS, some of them are prostitutes, coke whores, manipulative cunts, thieves, murderers, liars, the list of fucked up women goes on and on. I’ve had women rip me off while I was taking a piss. They went into my wallet and took my money. And they’ll cheat on you given half the chance.
Do you honestly believe that your girlfriend wouldn’t fuck George Clooney behind your back? What if Brad Pitt showed up in her life? Would she stick around for you? You’ve got to be nice to you first."
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
01-09-2018, 10:44 AM
10 years ago , fewer girls have done plastic surgery and social media is not so popular . Nowadays girls to come to work in ktv in singapore mostly done plastic surgery and the pretty syt and pretty one will stay in china and do video streaming to earn money
01-09-2018, 11:04 AM
Okay so I'm a completely new noob to this and will appreciate hearing from those who are experienced in this and have gone down this road before...
What are your views and advice on the best way of broaching the issue or opening negotiations with the girl?
There is this Shenyang girl in TAM that I sat in one of the recent outings, she is MCOT and speaks good english and is a good conversationalist, beyond the mindless bimbo talk that many meimeis seem only capable of. Of course she claims she only "sits" and does not go for ST, has never gone out/slept with customers before and has even rejected previous offers of exclusivity ie. baoing by other men. And of course I am taking this with many many pinches of salt. I have gone out with her once after that, just for drinks and nothing else. Thing is, I have dropped many hints and she has flat out not picked up on them. I am planning to raise it directly with her the next time; in fact I intend to bluntly ask her to just spend the nite with me, dinner, drinks and sleepover in my hotel room. If she says okay, I can assess her performance and decide whether to take it further. But if she says no, then I am just going to forget it, albeit with a tinge of regret.
What do you seniors think of this approach?
Dear Jackal Junior, please see my 2cts worth of perspective from the view point of a newbie noob
This kind a WL only got 2 possibilities that i can think of.
1) She already got a fulltime BF or lao gong liao, so she dun have to do these kinda stuff for she is already sufficient wif the current arrangement.
2) There are some who will not do ST but will only allow someone to shack her if he/she is so called BF/GF
To me, she meets how many men a day, to act blurr on your hints means to me that she has picked up ur hints but flat out ignored them.
She could be playing a diff game all together.
The type that wants a man to invest & chase her wif monetary & gifts before she even submits.
Remember, there is no bitch unbedable but then again, one must always remember, is she worth it?
This, u gotta decide on your own.
May i suggest you ask her out for dinner, then go to her joint and after that for supper.
Plain platonic but do that.
Observe phone patterns and little actions.
Mostly, it will happen during supper & you'll know her true availability.
Drag till near sunrise or close to sunrise cos most WLs wif fulltime BFs would be bombarded wif sms n phonecalls to track her whereabouts!
Also see if she keeps hinting to go back blah blah then come back here n update the think tanks avail here for me scrutiny.
Good Luck!
Mr Chairman is really experience and all his answers were golden rules.
Let me share a bit back many years ago think before Bro WB started this thread. If I remember clearly was 2005/6.
There was this gal who arrived from PRC coaxed by a friend to come to our tiny red dot to find money. She was getting tired of doing nothing and just broke off with bf in BJ. She was standing at GL to look for client.
So my friend called her for ST and her rate was 60 bucks. I took her number and told her will meet her soon.
After 2 weeks msg her and fixed a time. Meet at one of the hotels in GL. I was surprised she was skillful and her skin was silky white. She was actually stunning gal.
So I offered to help her to get client. Started sharing on SBF and soon she became ang pai. She flew home after two months and we kept in touch.
After a year she came in again. She was reluctant to get back to work like before and during lunch I told her she can work in ktv and later bao by rich man.
After two years she was back again but working in ktv and her rates become $150 ST and later she was bao. She stay in an apartment and was given 10k allowance. Still allowed to work.
See how different the rates become.
01-09-2018, 02:01 PM
Agreed the relentlessness in David X too.
Superb thread here by Bro WB, please share more.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bro WB
Agreed with David X's be relentless. We have to be in control most of the time. Best to be in all hell breaks lose and still in control.
I love the part where mommy never teach you to be rascal and dun need to be polite. Just be badass.
Surprising the nastier men behaved and the more gals love you.
How difference set sof life began.
Have a nice weekend.
01-09-2018, 06:03 PM
Mr Chairman is really experience and all his answers were golden rules.
Let me share a bit back many years ago think before Bro WB started this thread. If I remember clearly was 2005/6.
There was this gal who arrived from PRC coaxed by a friend to come to our tiny red dot to find money. She was getting tired of doing nothing and just broke off with bf in BJ. She was standing at GL to look for client.
So my friend called her for ST and her rate was 60 bucks. I took her number and told her will meet her soon.
After 2 weeks msg her and fixed a time. Meet at one of the hotels in GL. I was surprised she was skillful and her skin was silky white. She was actually stunning gal.
So I offered to help her to get client. Started sharing on SBF and soon she became ang pai. She flew home after two months and we kept in touch.
After a year she came in again. She was reluctant to get back to work like before and during lunch I told her she can work in ktv and later bao by rich man.
After two years she was back again but working in ktv and her rates become $150 ST and later she was bao. She stay in an apartment and was given 10k allowance. Still allowed to work.
See how different the rates become.
You must be making it big now, congrats!
02-09-2018, 02:33 PM
My first ever post on sbf, why ? Because I truely like some of the later post in this thread.
And it was by accident I clicked on the last page of this thread and love what I read ... and agrees with alot with what many of the bros wrote last few pages about wife, women ...
And with this post, I lurk no more :rolleyes: lol
Bro, tks for your post.
Have more to learn from master here.
Good morning to Bro WB
Self-mastery is a gross word. Not easy to be and can be.
"BY-ing is tricky n a tough game to master n takes lots of time n money. If a man can't control his ego n his heart, he doesn't belong in the game. He will get burnt n scarred, both financially n emotionally, hehehe."
Our master has spoken. Better understand what you will be going thru if you want to start this game.
To me I will just learn the techniques and hunt cheaper options.
Thanks for the fine thread.
Bro, tks.
I'm a permanent trainee, not a master.
I'm enjoying every minute, as there is hope of getting better and better, in every way. If you tell me I can't improve anymore, then life will be boring n meanless for me.
bro WB
Excellent thread her and thank you for been a TS.
I love it when we can do whole day foreplay. This makes me recall in my past, when I have a steady gf. She loves to be naked under the sheets. Also a clean hygiene freak. Will always shower before heading to bed.
Used to make love once in the morning after waking up. Then again after breakfast and coffee. We usually skip lunch and we will cuddle till around late noon before going out to shop followed by dinner. Before we go usually have one or two rounds. Followed by one more before bedtime.
Need to read more of your thread to get more ideas how to date.
Will post more comments soon.
Bro, tks,
We should all practice all day foreplay.
I'm open for any group outing with any senior KTV goer.
Has to be senior in terms of behavior, pose and charisma. ;)
Just PM me.
Good morning Sir warbird.
Nice and really excellent post below.
Guy with excellent self-mastery dictates the r/s and conversations. He controlled everything.
The girl just missing his farking and nothing else. He can sqwaked forever but hell she loves the sex.
As for Sir warbird doing the same thing as the book says.
What an excellent effort Sir warbird doing.
Well keep been young and get your rewards coming.
Bro, tks.
Aiyo, don't call me sir. I'm just another hardworking lao chee ko pek.
You must read David X's two books a few times. He is a fat Ang Moh ah pek.
Bro WB
Very interesting thread here.
After more than 2 yrs, som eof your kakis falling into tough time. I wonder how they are flushed with cash all the time if they are not ah long or bookies.
Well this shows that to go long term because this thread still alive till 2018 meaning TS bro have the financial power to sustain long term.
Well done I must say.
Will read on more.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, many kakis are not doing well. Some are married to women they don't love.
I always think long-term and value w/ my investments and SYTs. I do short-term trading and ST and short-term BY sometimes for fun.
I won't touch anything unless the value is greater than the price. Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
I decided to separate the reply into 2 posts and hope you dun mind.
I wished all guys are relentless and this GURU did make sense.
I agreed if the gal is not keen then get the hell loss.
SIZE="6"]Who cares what she thinks, and you are the most important person in the relationship.[/SIZE]
Very strong harsh words but I like. Be a man and PRIZE.
This is great forum and hope you can post more GURU
Hope to complete reading soon.
Cheers to all bros.
Bro, tks.
Sadly, most men forget these two cardinal rules, especially when they meet their 'dream girl.'
And here this was yoru reply then to to post above.
From what I read bro WB dislike HFJ and prefer ktv to pickup.
From what I was reading so far, your first Bao-ee XW matches one gal that I know in the past. Of course using acronyms will be harder to determine who?
Anyway long time ago and brought back plenty of pleasant memories.
Bro, tks.
It's not that I dislike HFJs or singers. It's very difficult to gauge a singer's height, body n limb proportions and her real looks in an HFJ. Moreover, she is much more likely to be a psychopathic gold digger. Almost 100% if she has been a successful singer.
I hv upped many singers who moonlight as FLs.
I hv only one long-term success w/ a former singer, KT.
I met KT, who just turned 19 in July 2016. She was misled by a friend to become a singer at a small HFJ in SG. She wanted to leave asap but the owner kept her passport n demanded money. She left in 5 wks. Couldn't return on a student visa. I put her in an American school in JB last July. She got 5.5 on ILETS recently and will start her uni course at a Chinese govt approved uni in JB tomorrow. I told her to take ILETS again in 6 months. She is likely to score 6.5.
BTW, TY wants to score 8 on ILETS next yr, but I told her 6.5 would be good enough. She is a full-time student in SG. She has been w/ me 4 months and sex is getting better. I pumped her for 25 minutes yesterday and she moaned n screamed...
Yes, I only want to help real students who study day and night and try to improve themselves.
Do you know my first lao po XW? I'll reveal her details. She was born in late 1987, height 168, natural B, w/ very sharply, broad and perky ass. She started working at a KTV in Jalan Besar in August 2008. I met her in early Sep that yr. I kept her briefly in 2009 while she continued to work. She was later kept by a man in his early 30s in 2010. She dumped him in Dec that yr. She initiated ctc w/ me n became my full-time LP in May 2011. I kept her until early 2015. She has returned briefly to be w/ me a few times since then. She is very orgasmic. Violent orgasms n she would moan n scream loudly. Same woman?
Bro WB
Agreed with David X's be relentless. We have to be in control most of the time. Best to be in all hell breaks lose and still in control.
I love the part where mommy never teach you to be rascal and dun need to be polite. Just be badass.
Surprising the nastier men behaved and the more gals love you.
How difference set sof life began.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
A man is in full control, but he is not controlling. Be a badass gentleman, not just any badass.
10 years ago , fewer girls have done plastic surgery and social media is not so popular . Nowadays girls to come to work in ktv in singapore mostly done plastic surgery and the pretty syt and pretty one will stay in china and do video streaming to earn money
You're right! See my recent post.
Mr Chairman is really experience and all his answers were golden rules.
Let me share a bit back many years ago think before Bro WB started this thread. If I remember clearly was 2005/6.
There was this gal who arrived from PRC coaxed by a friend to come to our tiny red dot to find money. She was getting tired of doing nothing and just broke off with bf in BJ. She was standing at GL to look for client.
So my friend called her for ST and her rate was 60 bucks. I took her number and told her will meet her soon.
After 2 weeks msg her and fixed a time. Meet at one of the hotels in GL. I was surprised she was skillful and her skin was silky white. She was actually stunning gal.
So I offered to help her to get client. Started sharing on SBF and soon she became ang pai. She flew home after two months and we kept in touch.
After a year she came in again. She was reluctant to get back to work like before and during lunch I told her she can work in ktv and later bao by rich man.
After two years she was back again but working in ktv and her rates become $150 ST and later she was bao. She stay in an apartment and was given 10k allowance. Still allowed to work.
See how different the rates become.
Bro, tks.
I hv not heard from Mr Chairman for several yrs.
Some girls want to be FLs or are willing to work in GL. But most girls only want to be kept by the right man.
We should choose our girls wisely.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
03-09-2018, 10:52 AM
Sorry to side track, wb. You seem like an experienced trader to me. Open to a disciple? :o
03-09-2018, 11:12 AM
Bro, tks.
It's not that I dislike HFJs or singers. It's very difficult to gauge a singer's height, body n limb proportions and her real looks in an HFJ. Moreover, she is much more likely to be a psychopathic gold digger. Almost 100% if she has been a successful singer.
I hv upped many singers who moonlight as FLs.
I hv only one long-term success w/ a former singer, KT.
I met KT, who just turned 19 in July 2016. She was misled by a friend to become a singer at a small HFJ in SG. She wanted to leave asap but the owner kept her passport n demanded money. She left in 5 wks. Couldn't return on a student visa. I put her in an American school in JB last July. She got 5.5 on ILETS recently and will start her uni course at a Chinese govt approved uni in JB tomorrow. I told her to take ILETS again in 6 months. She is likely to score 6.5.
BTW, TY wants to score 8 on ILETS next yr, but I told her 6.5 would be good enough. She is a full-time student in SG. She has been w/ me 4 months and sex is getting better. I pumped her for 25 minutes yesterday and she moaned n screamed...
Yes, I only want to help real students who study day and night and try to improve themselves.
Do you know my first lao po XW? I'll reveal her details. She was born in late 1987, height 168, natural B, w/ very sharply, broad and perky ass. She started working at a KTV in Jalan Besar in August 2008. I met her in early Sep that yr. I kept her briefly in 2009 while she continued to work. She was later kept by a man in his early 30s in 2010. She dumped him in Dec that yr. She initiated ctc w/ me n became my full-time LP in May 2011. I kept her until early 2015. She has returned briefly to be w/ me a few times since then. She is very orgasmic. Violent orgasms n she would moan n scream loudly. Same woman?
Bro WB
Bro, tks for the above forum.
Unfortunately not the same XW I knew.
Anyway best of luck.
Tks _ Reagards
03-09-2018, 11:35 AM
I wrote the following post under "TAM".
<<<I was zapped by a bro n I like to thank him cuz he woke me up in many ways...
I learn a lot more from my failures than from my successes. And, ironically, I also learn a lot from zappers who leave detailed comments n criticisms. This happens to be an exceptionally beneficial one.
Tian An Men KTV 30-09-2011 09:21 AM You never learn and still want to ask people to waste unnecessary money on such high end KTV with no value at all you will end up getting nothing and to leave this world poor
My reply to Mr. zapper:
Believe it or not, I hv learned a lot in the last 2 -3 yrs, abt gals of the nite scene, both in SG n PRC, abt ST-ing n BY-ing them, abt how to minimize the friction cost, abt RS n female psychology, abt COS, etc.
Yes, I still want to ask my frens n bros to share the expenses cuz that would reduce my friction cost of finding new pussies of my type. See my thread "picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" in which there r many discussions on how to reduce friction cost n the game of ST-ing n BY-ing gals, etc.
Waste money n no value at all? It often happens, that is life; get over it. Although there r always many noteworthy exceptions, I hv found more chio n tall gals of my type at high end joints than low end joints.
End up getting nothing? Well, I hv ST-ed n BY-ed many, many SYTs of my type at TAM complex n PC complex in the last 2 1/2 yrs. However, It's getting harder n harder to find my type of gals as they get BY-ed in China. Time to import them to SG or move to PRC.
The zapper is spot on in saying "you (meaning I) will end up getting NOTHING" in that in the end,
We come to this world with nothing,
we leave this world with nothing!
It applies to all of us, to every human being...Hahaha.
Me leaving this world poor? Actually, that would be wonderful, thank u! It would be a nightmare for me if I leave this world rich.
I'm reminded of the 6 principles of life:
1. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.
2. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
3. Money is not yours until you spend it.
4. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
5. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
6. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.
Most importantly, money is not mine until I spend it. I want to leave this world poor, meaning that I'll hv spent all my money n hv no regrets, hahaha.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs I hv only spent a small fraction of my passive income in BY-ing SYTs of my type. Thank u, Mr. Zapper, I must n will spend a lot more so that I'll leave this world poor, hehehe.
It was my dumb luck that I made some key investments several decades ago. Passive income from those initial small investments now give me enuff money to live quite well n to BY these young pussies.
TAM or LV HH is not expensive if we only open one btle of Martell n there r 5-6 bros. I dun drink n the others can hv my share. It's only abt $60-80 per pax not including tip for gals.
Why go to low end joints?
Bro WB>>>
Master warbird
Let me congratulate you for a thread well done.
I love all your pointers highlighted above.
Yup, NO point..............................:)
If you start to think we only love average 70 to 80 years old. So that is only 7 or 8 10 years.
First 20 years we are schooling.
Second 10 years we are either starting foot or enlistment.
Third 10 years where you are really building a career and started to date.
Fourth 10 years all about fatherhood.
Fifth 10 years struggling with kids in college or unpaid bills if retrenched.
Sixth 10 years aimless living.
Seventh 10 years lucky still healthy and alive.
Eight 10 years living day by day with a foot in the grave
I agreed to say money is not yours till you spend it. Also no point earn plenty and cannot spend it.
Two big pointers and for me to realised that we either retire early or dun bother.
Thanks for reading.
03-09-2018, 03:41 PM
What an awesome thread!
Hope to learn more from Bro WB and other gurus.
Have a nice day.
03-09-2018, 06:17 PM
You must be making it big now, congrats!
Laughing all the way to the bank :D
04-09-2018, 10:26 AM
Bro WB
What a super duper thread here.
Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.
I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.
As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.
Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.
Hope to heasr more from experts here.
Have a great day ahead.
Some random musings on the subject of health...
Like they say, "If you have health you have hope, if you have hope you have everything."
I hv been obsessed w/ healthy living since I was a teenager.
In the last 5-6 months, I hv tried to emulate ONLY the positive aspects of the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers. I hv continued to take nutritional n herbal supplements, which r totally unavailable to our ancient forebears.
The results r astonishing. My libido n virility r now as strong as when I was 20. I can now fxxk everyday n, at least some days, 2-3 times a day. My 2 young lao po r more exhausted after a prolonged session than I'm.
Let me digress.
IMHO, to completely satisfy a woman sexually, u need to fxxk her for at least 10 min. Of course u need to engage in foreplay n prime her pump by giving her multiple orgasms w/ ur fingers n/or tongue 1st. Then u must insert ur didi into her meimei n rock her for at least 10 min, preferably 20 or longer. It feels different, more satisfying n more complete, my 2 lao po both told me that. They never seem to get enuff w/ vaginal intercourse. It is associated w/ stronger n more prolonged oxytocin surge n more pleasure n more bonding, hehehe.
The problem is that many men can't last 10 min n they r clueless.
Here is proof ( taken from Revolutionary Sex written by an Ang Moh).
"It would be easy to just learn some techniques for
keeping your erection harder for a longer time (in
the “You” section of the book), and stop there, or
read a technique for stimulating her clitoris that will
drive her wild (in the “Her” section of the book, and
stop there… but those are the least important
aspects of what makes a great lover.
That stuff is just the mechanics. And women
don’t go crazy for even the best mechanical lovers
They go crazy for passion, intimacy, and a man
that can listen to their body and understand what it
is saying to them.
And the key to becoming that kind of lover is
difficult for me to communicate to you, man to man.
I believe to understand it properly you will have to
read through to the end.
Let me begin by telling you a little story…
A few years ago I was in bed with a woman for
the first time, giving her what I thought was the time
of her life. Judging from the noises she was making,
I was driving her crazy with pleasure… which was my
intention because I really liked her and could see her
being part of my life for a while, and the first time
with a new girlfriend is always a bit special.
Then something strange happened. About ten
minutes into the actual intercourse part of the sex,
she put her hands on my chest and asked me to
stop, and then, almost tearfully, she asked me if she
was doing something wrong.
To say the least, I was confused!
Then she told me that she was having the best
sex of her life… but that she couldn’t understand why
I hadn’t come yet… she had never been with a man
who had lasted over ten minutes before… and
because I was so PASSIONATELY into what I was
doing, she was sure that I was about to come… and
then didn’t.
So she was worried that I was trying hard to
come… but couldn’t get there because she was doing something wrong or because I wasn’t attracted to
her enough.
Here’s another little detail: This woman was no
virgin, and no inexperienced teenager. She was over
30 and had plenty of boyfriends in her past, both
long-term and short-lived relationships over the
It was then that I began to realize that the things
that I was doing in bed that I thought were
ordinary… were not.
But more than that, I realized that it was not hard
to be an amazing lover… because most other men,
truly, are completely clueless when it comes to
giving sexual pleasure to a woman.
When I realized why she had stopped me, I
stroked the hair from her face, gently, and reassured
her as honestly and sweetly as I could that she was
doing nothing wrong and that I found her very
attractive… because I could see that she really was
feeling insecure and worried.
Then I gave her an evil grin and told her to fasten
her seatbelt, because she was about to have a
seriously wild ride.
Although she had brought herself to orgasm
before with a vibrator, that night was the first time
that she had ever had an orgasm with a man.
After this experience, I began to seriously
consider writing a book… and so I began to more
actively try to figure out what I was doing differently from other men, and what MORE I could do to
improve my sexual relationships with women.
For what it’s worth, I was not born with any
special skills except for one: I am an exceptionally
good listener and communicator.
The women that I have dated over the years felt
extremely comfortable in talking to me about their
sexual needs.
And I listened.
And I learned.
And I have given many, many women their first
orgasm since then.............................................. ........"
Cheers n hv a great day!!
Bro WB
04-09-2018, 11:10 AM
Indeed a super duper thread from Bro WB, support always.
Have a great day, cheers.
Bro WB
What a super duper thread here.
Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.
I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.
As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.
Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.
Hope to heasr more from experts here.
Have a great day ahead.
04-09-2018, 01:33 PM
Good afternoon!
In the last 3 yrs, one gal I hv missed the most is XX. She was a 19 yo SYT who had agreed to BY by me while I was in Gotham City. Unfortunately, she returned to PRC before I could consummate the deal.
I miss XX so much cuz like all humans, I tend to want what I can’t have. That could also explain why I still like XW cuz it took me 8 1/2 months of chasing to bed her. Yes, she has become my best lao po n we r still together. She goes into COS only if I use a specific clitoral method, followed by certain positions, hehehe.
I like to quote Dr. MP on some behaviour rules for attraction:
Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have
Have you noticed how the less available someone is, the more we’ll want them? And the more needy someone is, the less we’ll like them? That’s why it’s ALWAYS important to remain a challenge when it comes to the dating game.
If we’re too easy, we’re going to die lonely.
So…we know that being a challenge can cause doubt, which is an important part of the equation for building passion. But what about the other variable, desire?
Desire comes from our subconscious mind. For example, we hope we will get a good job because we WANT a good job. Desire is therefore based on our emotions.
It’s like buying a new Porsche. When we buy a new Porsche, are we buying a new Porsche because of its powerful engine or nice gear? Ha. That’s what you tell your parents. But deep inside, you know you bought it because you wanted to buy it – and you’re now only justifying your feelings by coming up with logical reasons to “backup” your decision.
Behavior Rule #2: People Make Conscious Decisions Based on Subconscious Feelings
A good thing to remember is that love is based on feelings, not logic. We don’t “choose” to love at a conscious level. We only “feel” we’re “falling in love”.
In short, in doesn’t matter how logical it may seem that a woman “should” be in love with you. If a girl does not feel attracted to you, than no amount of convincing her that you’re the “right” one will do.
This is also why you can’t really ask girls to “explain” why they are in love with a certain man. The things they say…like “he’s funny” or “he’s a nice guy” are only EXCUSES they’ve come up with to explain the decisions they’ve made based on their feelings.
This is exactly why if you would like to be good with the ladies, you should attack their FEELINGS instead of their logic. We will learn to do this with the “tease to please” and “flirt for skirt” methods later in the course.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.
The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.
Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -
Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have
Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.
04-09-2018, 02:35 PM
Bro WB
Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.
The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.
Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -
Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have
Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.
True, but no money also cannot confirm have happiness.
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.
Have a nice day.
05-09-2018, 11:17 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for the post below which was years ago.
I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.
Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.
I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.
Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.
Wish you all the best.
I know I hv some way to go before I can achieve true success w/ gals/women.
I didn't answer ALL of the following questions, which were posed by a RS/sex guru, "correctly."
I'll do whatever it takes to reach my goals asap.
Most men hv no clues what attraction means.
Let me quote Dr. MP:
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
Hi Dear Bros,
Pls answer the above questions truthfully. I'll give the "correct" answers in my next post.
Any comments? Some of u may not agree w/ Dr. MP's "correct answers," but I know that he is spot on.
Bro WB
05-09-2018, 11:32 AM
I got only 2 out of 10 questions :(
But learnt so much from this thread, thanks to Bro WB.
Bro WB
Thank you for the post below which was years ago.
I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.
Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.
I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.
Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.
Wish you all the best.
05-09-2018, 11:36 AM
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
05-09-2018, 11:53 AM
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
We almost the same.
06-09-2018, 11:50 AM
Kudos to u!
You hv given ALL the correct answers. Now I know why SYTs hv fallen for u. You get it n you're a MASTER OF ATTRACTION.
The last question is the hardest.
But a man's ability n willingness to walk away from a gal he truly loves is indicative of his dominance, self confidence n self mastery. He knows there r many other gals who r better n more compatible. Of course he walks away cuz she has done something very wrong like cheating on him or committing a serious error in judgment or a felony...n he will hv no pain or remorse.
It's a moot point for me as I hv never fallen in love w/ a gal/woman. I hv been KC-ed n it's not too difficult to walk away.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Thanks for the quiz?
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...:D
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
Focus on what she does.
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
Primal attraction
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
06-09-2018, 11:57 AM
Bro WB,
Thanks for the quiz?
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...:D
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
Focus on what she does.
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
Primal attraction
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
So many Yes :D
06-09-2018, 12:09 PM
Sorry to digress but let’s keep stock and talk about finances, which IMHO, is critical when we want to chiong and engage in ECAs… if you don’t like my post, by all means zap me :)
Now, I totally agree with bro WB. But first we need to work hard and smart to earn that pot of gold. I think the first pot of gold (like the first million) requires dumb luck. The second pot (2nd million) would be a little easier and faster to achieve than the first. But the trick is to get to about $10 million which is the hardest and to me means having achieved a “critical mass” so that by then you will be able to generate a passive income of about $1 million every 2 to 3 years – that’s about $333K to $500K per year, or 3.33% - 5% p.a., an achievable return. So I’m working on getting to critical mass, which is by far the hardest thing to do and I’m nowhere near it, and time is running out.
What I have also done is bought some universal life (UL) policies that gives my kid a guaranteed sum when I pass on. There are 2 things I learnt about ULs:
1, you may have a portfolio or net worth of $10M now but 5, 10, 20 years down the road, your net worth will change, for the better, or worst (if you get hit by another financial crisis along the way). UL is able to freeze that $10M and prevent it from shrinking because you dictate the cover.
2, if you want to leave behind all your money, say, $10M, to your family, you can’t spent it. But with UL, and based on my age and health condition, I am able to pay $1.25M for a $10M cover and then spent away the rest $8.75M. In fact, I don’t even have to come up with that $1.25M premium cos banks will be able to finance it!
So, like all kinds of vice, when we chiong n BY SYTs, we have to chiong responsibly. And only with what we can afford to lose – not what is meant for the family. When the family and finances are taken care of, then bonk away!!!
Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WB’s financial prowess.
Lastly, I’d like to quote something I came across…
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, “Wow, what a ride!”
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.
Hi Bro FA,
Excellent post! Ths for recommending ULs.
The 1st million is always the hardest, next hardest is the 1st 10 big one, hehehe. Unless u inherit it, a little luck would certainly help...
The quote u give is very good.
I hv another one:
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.
Helen Keller
BTW, pls get CC for me, hehehe.:D
Thank u!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
To earn 1st pot of gold already toughest and subsequent 2nd pot is harder. To be able to last long is the resistance.
All of us knew when we born have nothing and when we die we cannot bring anything with us.
So you are right "Life is a challenge or nothing".
I hv a friend who believe in building the money enough for his 2 sons. He kept saving for them and worried both sons have not enough money when he passed away.
I told him that his sons will squander away the money very quickly becasue the sons are not taught to fish but rather fishes are given. After 5 yrs he came back to say yes, just leave some and not all, better relax and enoy himself rather worried for sons future. He mentioned all his friends told him the same thing I told him 5 years ago.
Have a good day mate.
06-09-2018, 12:31 PM
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.
An excellent share indeed!
07-09-2018, 12:15 PM
Bro WB
Great post from guru below.
Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.
Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.
Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.
Cheers _ TGIF>
A guru sent me the following yesterday:
What makes women fall in love?
Every day I get an email similar to this:
"There is this girl I'm talking to. I really want her to be my girlfriend. What can I say to her?"
Here is my answer:
Nothing you can "say" will make her fall in love with you.
In fact, you will usually "blow it" if you attempt to let a girl know how you feel (especially if its early on)
Here's the problem most guys run into...
Once they like a girl they think they need to express this to her... they think that "if she knows how much I like her" she'll want to be my girlfriend.
Love is psychological.
Women (and men) fall in love due to a psychological process that occurs in our own mind.
Women don't fall in love while they are with you...
Women fall in love while they are away from you... thinking about you.
And the more you can get her thinking about you....
The more she will begin to convince herself that she is in love with you.
In the "Control the Attraction" portion of Amplify the Attraction I teach 10 weapons of seduction...
These are 10 things that will keep her thoughts focused on YOU when you're not around.
The first and easiest of the 10 weapons is ambiguity...
Women love drama (how else do you think there would be 5 different Housewives of (insert city) shows on TV?)
If you want to keep her attention... you've got to provide her that drama she craves.
Ambiguity is a great way to do this. You are sending her mixed signals. You are showing her multiple sides of your personality...
Sometimes you make her feel like she excites you...
Sometimes you make her feel like you are losing interest and she bores you...
Sound cruel?
Well, if you think back on the girls you fell in love with...
Chances are she made you feel this exact way...
Chances are she sent a lot of mixed signals.
Am I correct?
I didn't invent the game.
But I play to win.
There are nine more weapons in Control the Attraction (some much sneakier than this)
Remember "attention" is a commodity.
We only have so much of it.
He who occupies the most of her attention wins.
It's all laid out in Control the Attraction.
More soon,
Your Guru
Bro WB
07-09-2018, 12:19 PM
Bro WB, can you please clarify… 6-7 times a week… is it per gal, or all 3 lao pos of yours? If 6-7 times per lao po, that means 18-21 times a week!!! Then you are god of sex, man!!!
My regular, after I bonked her and made her cum a few times in the afternoon, can call me in the evening and say not enough, want to bonk again! If I have 3 regulars, I tell you I will be sapped dried and my didi can no longer stand on occasion after a few months of continuous bonking!!
I really like the article you posted. Is there any chance for you to post the rest of those 10 weapons of seduction?
Btw, how was last night?
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.
Hi Bro FA,
You hv forgotten that I'm a lao chi ko pek, not a superman lah.
It's 6-7 times per wk, not per gal, but for all lao pos.
Your regular is sexually addicted to u, bro. Do u do her raw?
My outing to DC the nite before was OK. Nowadays I'm not looking for any new targets as I still hv 2 lao pos n 2 new gals who hv agreed to my BY but I lack the time n energy to consummate. They hv refused ST, but I'll try again, hehehe.
I dun know the other 9 weapons yet.
Bro WB
Your reply above was what I didn't expect. I tot you were to make love 6 to 7 times per week to each LP.
Then I said you are superhuman.
Well enjoy while you can and please do so safely.
07-09-2018, 12:20 PM
Bro WB
Another great guru post.
Hope you dun mind I quoted the whole post.
I think all are great.
Another guru sent me the following yesterday. I hv yet to receive anything from him today. He has a different take on the meaning of "High Status."
Being a “High Status” Guy
Was at “Happy Hour” the other day with a friend.
Let’s call him “Ed”… don’t want to embarrass him by using his real name.
So Ed spots a girl. Thinks she’s giving him the eye.
Cute girl. Red hair. Creamy white skin. Slanky body.
Eds been out of the game a bit. Been awhile since he been laid.
Confidence is pretty low.
I understand. I been there.
That feeling like ‘why even bother?’
That feeling of hopelessness.
I lived with it for a long time. I don’t miss it.
So I felt for him.
…Ed has to piss. Has to walk past the slanky red head to get to the bathroom.
On the way to the bathroom she sticks out her legs sort of gets in his way.
That’s Flirting 101
She was inviting him to talk to her.
Ed kept walking. Must have had to piss real bad I guess.
Comes back and sits down next to me.
I say “That girls wanted you to talk to her. Stuck her legs out to get your attention.”
Ed says “I know.”
I say “You need a good opening line… I got a few?”
Ed says “Nah… I though, what’s the point. She bites. Then what? A hot girl like her. She ain’t gonna be interested in me. I got nothing to offer her.”
See what Ed said to me… is what a lot of guys think. Even if they don’t admit it. Even to themselves.
They think “Why would a hot girl want me?”
And then thoughts go through their minds:
- I ain’t rich.
- I ain’t good looking
- I ain’t super popular
- I ain’t done too much cool shit to talk about with her.
- I ain’t never been with a woman that hot, so there must be a reason.
Im gonna tell you something.
This might be one of the most important things you ever hear.
So pay attention.
Your “value” in the eyes of a woman doesn’t come down to how much money you make. Or how handsome you are. Or how big your dick is.
There’s a lot of rich handsome big dicked guys that will agree with me…
Just take a look around a strip bar. A lot of rich good looking guys handed out $100s just to get some girl to give them affection.
No. Value is based on something entirely different.
Write this down.
Tape it to your refrigerator.
“Your value is defined by what you bring into the moment she is experiencing”
Let that sink in for a bit.
There are 3 things that define your value. These 3 things make all the difference.
Tomorrow you get the specifics.
Today I need that drilled into your mind.
Get ready!
Bro WB
07-09-2018, 12:29 PM
A short separation is good for relationship.
Thanks Bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Great post from guru below.
Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.
Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.
Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.
Cheers _ TGIF>
07-09-2018, 03:56 PM
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.
How I wish I could do that too.
08-09-2018, 10:12 AM
In my personal experience n from reading all those ebooks/newsletters, if a man thinks he is not good enough for a very attractive gal/woman bcos he is too ugly, too short, too tall, too old, too poor, too fat, too thin or has a small penis, he still doesn't understand how attraction works in women. He just doesn't get it. Most men never get it.
Take a very small penis. A lot of men r worried abt it. Unnecessarily. The following e-mail from a sex guru will put this to rest, once n for all.
What a lesbian can teach you about Fxxking women . . .
Hey, it's your guru Mike X. . .
OK, this was one of the most shocking things that's
happened to me in a long time.
Over the weekend I was down in Phoenix
when I got into a conversation with a gorgeous lesbian.
We were joking around a bit, talking about sex when
this girl looked me right in the eye and said:
"Listen, Mike, I guarantee my dick is smaller than yours, but
I can make your girlfriend cum harder than she ever
has in her life."
And then she fixed me with a little smile that made me
believe her. She sent a shiver up and down my spine and made my balls
want to crawl up inside my body and die.
See, over the last couple weeks I've been getting a LOT of
questions from guys like this:
"Mike, I am needing your help. I want to satisfy
my wife, but I am afraid that I am too small for her. What
do I do?"
(For some reason, these questions are always in really bad
broken English. I don't get it.)
Talking to my new lesbian friend she told me two important things
about giving a woman incredible pleasure:
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
Plain and simple, women aren't that complicated if you understand
how to touch them the right to use your hands to master any woman's body in minutes.............
The best part about learning these techniques is the incredible
sexual confidence it gives you..............................................
Mike X
Bro WB
What an incredible thread!
I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
This is absolutely classic case.
I really hv plenty to learn here.
Hv a great weekend.
08-09-2018, 10:50 AM
You playing very safe which is good.
I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Thanks for sharing nice post.
Hi Bro FA,
Since you're her regular, u should demand that she go for blood tests n gyne exam n swabs for amplified DNA tests for GU/NGU. Tell her that GU is asymptomatic in 50% of women, yet it could cause serious future complications including infertility n tubal pregnancy, etc. You care for her n r thinking abt her future...
Pregnancy is no big deal. Get her to take the pill. Otherwise, a few days before n after her visit from Big Auntie is relatively safe. To be more accurate, you could get her a thermometer to time her ovulation. In the unlikely event that she gets pregnant, send her for an abortion.
Should ur condom slip out or break, n if she is very worried abt having ur baby, give her ECP within 72 hrs. End of story.
Hv fun, bro.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ...
Good morning!
I'm going to bring up a controversial subject. Doing a KTV gal/singer raw. Pls bear w/ me bcos the way I do it is very safe, IMHO. Very safe doesn't mean 100% safe. Nothing in life is 100% safe as sitting in a car or airplane has very real risks.
When I was a young man, before the era of HIV/AIDS, I used to fxk raw. Not whores, but some high class call gals, models, good time gals, nite club gals, etc. The most feared STD then was syphilis. It was easily curable w/ long acting penicillin.
Then came the dreadful disease called AIDS n I decided to get married, hehehe. I had been a one-woman man until a few yrs ago.
I hv used condoms 100% except for 2 gals. The following conditions must be met before I would do any gals raw.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Then n only then I'll make love to her raw. Ongoing monitoring n vigilance r very important. If there is any doubt, I'll stop.
It's difficult to find gals who satisfy all the above conditions n who r my type . When I find such a gal, it behooves me to continue the RS, as long as she is still my type of pussy after 4-5 months...for expediency, not bcos I hv any KC for her.
Your comments n criticisms r welcome.
Bro WB
08-09-2018, 12:02 PM
Bro WB
What an incredible thread!
I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
This is absolutely classic case.
I really hv plenty to learn here.
Hv a great weekend.
Indeed an incredible thread, thanks to bro WB.
Have plenty to learn here as well.
Have a nice weekend.
08-09-2018, 03:16 PM
Sorry to side track, wb. You seem like an experienced trader to me. Open to a disciple? :o
Bro, I'm a long term value investor, not a trader. I'm not good enough to be a mentor, but we can always compare notes.
Bro, tks for the above forum.
Unfortunately not the same XW I knew.
Anyway best of luck.
Tks _ Reagards
Ok, not the same XW.
Master warbird
Let me congratulate you for a thread well done.
I love all your pointers highlighted above.
Yup, NO point..............................:)
If you start to think we only love average 70 to 80 years old. So that is only 7 or 8 10 years.
First 20 years we are schooling.
Second 10 years we are either starting foot or enlistment.
Third 10 years where you are really building a career and started to date.
Fourth 10 years all about fatherhood.
Fifth 10 years struggling with kids in college or unpaid bills if retrenched.
Sixth 10 years aimless living.
Seventh 10 years lucky still healthy and alive.
Eight 10 years living day by day with a foot in the grave
I agreed to say money is not yours till you spend it. Also no point earn plenty and cannot spend it.
Two big pointers and for me to realised that we either retire early or dun bother.
Thanks for reading.
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro WB
What a super duper thread here.
Any guy who cannot give his partner plenty of COS will be a failure. The gal will try to find satisfaction from others if guy failure to give pleasure.
I fully agreed with this ang moh guru that penetration must last at least 10 mins or longer. If can last 20 mins then she will already went to heaven.
As long as guy can satisfy his partner in sex than you will have a very healthy sexual r.s and may last long.
Anyone who said to be plationic r.s will never last long.
Hope to heasr more from experts here.
Have a great day ahead.
Bro, tks.
We should practice Taoist sex and give our women penetrative sex lasting 30 minutes and longer.
Women don't want platonic love.
Indeed a super duper thread from Bro WB, support always.
Have a great day, cheers.
Thank you!
Bro WB
Money sometimes cannot buy happiness. I learned this long time ago.
The person who the guy didn't get will be the one he regret.
Sometimes our mind is playing games with us. We always ignore what we already have in hand and still wanted what escape. Think this is what we learned above -
Behavior Rule #1: People Want What They Can’t Have
Keep on sharing with us and shall help to comment whenever interesting topic up.
Bro, tks.
Don't forget "Behavior Rule #2: People Make Conscious Decisions Based on Subconscious Feelings."
Bro WB
Thank you for the post below which was years ago.
I think I only gotten 3 out of 10 questions below.
Will try out all your strategies in this thread and see how it goes.
I was gald to come across this thread otherwise I failed and no idea what went wrong. I was told by many friends that I did not do this and that. Now I knew why are they telling me after reading this.
Hope I can achieve at least 10 to 20% of your method after practising.
Wish you all the best.
We must strive to achieve a state of mastery when we can truly say YES to all the questions.
I got only 2 out of 10 questions :(
But learnt so much from this thread, thanks to Bro WB.
Must improve asap.
Let me try:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
No, I seldom say "No" to a gal I like. Sigh, my weakness.
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
Not really.
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
There is ample room for improvement.
Bro WB,
Thanks for the quiz?
But here is a quick quiz I've come up to test if u understand wat "ATTRACTION" really means:
1) Do u flirt w/ women instead of buying gifts?
Yes. Gifts are only for occasions which are important to her and may not be important to me...:D
2) Do u always focus on a woman's attraction towards u rather than ur own attraction towards her?
3) Do u like saying "NO" to a gal u like?
4) Are u an openly sexual person?
5) Do u present urself as a challenge to women?
6) Do u usually hv most of the power in a RS or courtship?
7) Do u focus on what she does instead of what she says?
Focus on what she does.
8) Do u think that lust or primal attraction is important in a courtship?
Primal attraction
9) Do u enjoy raising the sexual tension even though the feelings of uncertainty may feel uncomfortable to u?
10) Do u hv the guts to walk away from a gal u love?
You're a master. Pls contribute more to this thread and share your success stories w/ women.
The above was an excellent forum which you replied below.
Bro WB,
To earn 1st pot of gold already toughest and subsequent 2nd pot is harder. To be able to last long is the resistance.
All of us knew when we born have nothing and when we die we cannot bring anything with us.
So you are right "Life is a challenge or nothing".
I hv a friend who believe in building the money enough for his 2 sons. He kept saving for them and worried both sons have not enough money when he passed away.
I told him that his sons will squander away the money very quickly becasue the sons are not taught to fish but rather fishes are given. After 5 yrs he came back to say yes, just leave some and not all, better relax and enoy himself rather worried for sons future. He mentioned all his friends told him the same thing I told him 5 years ago.
Have a good day mate.
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro FA wrote this some years ago: "Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WBs financial prowess."
Yes, he was right that I want the best quality pussies of my type n I never compromise. But he was wrong that I paid top dollar even back in 2011.
I'm a deep value investor re both equities and pussies.
I like to buy shares of "great companies at good prices and good companies at great prices."
Likewise, I like to get "the prettiest and highest quality SYTs and young women of my type, at below prevailing market rates."
BTW, I introduced a high-end OKT to bro FA 4-5 years ago. The FLs were mostly minor "beauty queens" or "contestants" and many were from Msia. They charged 3-6K SGD for ST, one shot/one hour. The girls were mostly plastic and hideously overpriced and overrated. They were in SG briefly and you had to pay for a 4 to 5 star hotel room. I didn't want any of them. Surprisingly, bro FA booked n met 3-4 of them. He RTF one girl twice. I would NEVER pay that kind of money for a ST unless the girl is as beautiful and as natural as Xi Shi. It's true that one man's meat is another man's poison. This OKT can also get real actresses and Japanese porn stars to come to SG. Expect to pay a lot more than 6K SGD a shot.
Price is what you pay and value is what you get.
At this moment, I hv three full-time LPs, aged 18 (TY), 21 (KT) and 22 (LS) respectively. They hv been w/ me since May 2018, Oct 2016 and May 2015, respectively. Although the 22 yo did return to China for over two years and came here again less than 3 months ago.
My total damage for keeping these 3 students full time is less than what most men would spend on one singer, who continues to work.
TY is the best of course. She looks like 15-16 yo without makeup; and cuter n more chio, actually. I checked her student IC and she was 18 yo and two months when I met her in March this yr.
I hv been waiting for bro Don Juan to show his super chio SYTs. Yes, I'll pay for all expenses of the outing. I'll bring a LP for comparison. My offer now extends to ALL samsters. Just PM me asap.
Bro WB
Great post from guru below.
Yes, need to control the attraction w/gal. Sometimes too close is also not good. A short time separation may not be bad idea.
Not sure if you are affected by the stock market correction going on recently.
Hope you still going on strong and keep this thread going.
Cheers _ TGIF>
Bro, tks.
You need to give your girl a chance to miss you.
How I wish that I can bonk 6 to 7 times/wk per gal and I have 3 wifeys to do so.
Bro WB
Your reply above was what I didn't expect. I tot you were to make love 6 to 7 times per week to each LP.
Then I said you are superhuman.
Well enjoy while you can and please do so safely.
I can still make love to all three LPs every day if I want. But I only want to ejaculate 5-6 times a week.
Bro WB
Another great guru post.
Hope you dun mind I quoted the whole post.
I think all are great.
Bro, tks.
“Your value is defined by what you bring into the moment she is experiencing”
Bro WB
What an incredible thread!
I cannot believe that the guru posted this exchange which was really good forum.
1. It doesn't matter how "big" you are. Most women honestly don't care
about size and a lot of women actually swear that guys who are "bigger" are WORSE
in bed because they have no idea what they're actually doing.
2. The key to giving any woman a mind-shaking orgasm is understanding
how to use your hands and how to stimulate her G-spot. If you can do that, you'll quickly become the greatest lover she ever had (even if you're fat, dumpy, covered in hair and sport a micro penis.)
This is absolutely classic case.
I really hv plenty to learn here.
Hv a great weekend.
Bro, tks.
We should be able to give our women sexual pleasure they hv never experienced w/ any other men. Period.
You playing very safe which is good.
I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Thanks for sharing nice post.
Bro, tks,
Optimal health is priceless.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
08-09-2018, 03:57 PM
Probably I would do the same too.
You playing very safe which is good.
I should do what you did and hope to be very safe.
1) I must be quite sure her pussy has been exclusive to me for at least 4-5 months.
2) She has had 2 negative blood tests
3) She has had negative gyne exams including tests for GU, etc.
4) She is extremely health conscious n a very cautious person. That is a innate personality trait.
5) She is a gal who would never do ST n only wants to be BY-ed. Even in a BY-ing RS, she would insist on using CDs, at least for the 1st several months.
6) She is willing to take the pill or willing to time her ovulation.
Thanks for sharing nice post.
09-09-2018, 10:49 AM
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro FA wrote this some years ago: "Bro WB is relentless in his pursue of the best pussies, never compromise and pays top dollar when he finds one. I’m different, I am like a value investor – I seek out value, nevermind a little imperfection here and there. I need to generate more mileage from my limited dollars until I achieve critical mass or bro WBs financial prowess."
Yes, he was right that I want the best quality pussies of my type n I never compromise. But he was wrong that I paid top dollar even back in 2011.
I'm a deep value investor re both equities and pussies.
I like to buy shares of "great companies at good prices and good companies at great prices."
Likewise, I like to get "the prettiest and highest quality SYTs and young women of my type, at below prevailing market rates."
BTW, I introduced a high-end OKT to bro FA 4-5 years ago. The FLs were mostly minor "beauty queens" or "contestants" and many were from Msia. They charged 3-6K SGD for ST, one shot/one hour. The girls were mostly plastic and hideously overpriced and overrated. They were in SG briefly and you had to pay for a 4 to 5 star hotel room. I didn't want any of them. Surprisingly, bro FA booked n met 3-4 of them. He RTF one girl twice. I would NEVER pay that kind of money for a ST unless the girl is as beautiful and as natural as Xi Shi. It's true that one man's meat is another man's poison. This OKT can also get real actresses and Japanese porn stars to come to SG. Expect to pay a lot more than 6K SGD a shot.
Price is what you pay and value is what you get.
At this moment, I hv three full-time LPs, aged 18 (TY), 21 (KT) and 22 (LS) respectively. They hv been w/ me since May 2018, Oct 2016 and May 2015, respectively. Although the 22 yo did return to China for over two years and came here again less than 3 months ago.
My total damage for keeping these 3 students full time is less than what most men would spend on one singer, who continues to work.
TY is the best of course. She looks like 15-16 yo without makeup; and cuter n more chio, actually. I checked her student IC and she was 18 yo and two months when I met her in March this yr.
I hv been waiting for bro Don Juan to show his super chio SYTs. Yes, I'll pay for all expenses of the outing. I'll bring a LP for comparison. My offer now extends to ALL samsters. Just PM me asap.
Bro WB
Bro BW - you still challenging bro Don Juan for years and he hasn't taken up your challenge.
You have been relentless.
Happy Sunday!!
09-09-2018, 11:01 AM
Good morning to dear bro
Getting a girl to chase you sounded very appealing.
Certainly worth a quote and readup.
Guy needs to be player and play the game well.
Since today is weekend and tomorrow all back to work
Enjoy yourself and dun get too hangup.
Good morning!
The following is great advice from a respected Ang Mo guru on attraction:
How to Get a Girl to Chase You (And Win the Game)
So you followed yesterday’s advice. And you escalated. Got the kiss. Maybe closed the deal.
Here’s where a lot of guys go wrong and blow it.
I get dozens of emails from guys around the world wondering why some girl suddenly lost interest in them.
Once I get the details out of them it becomes crystal clear.
They gave their hand away way TOO SOON.
Have you ever had a girl who was once hot for you get cold and distant within a couple weeks?
If I had to guess why, I would say that you got too comfortable too quickly, and stopped PLAYING THE GAME.
I know I know.. we all hate ‘the game.’
But you have to play it.
Because women love going after a guy who is a challenge.
They love it.
She’s not different. Stop telling yourself your situation is different. It’s not. “The Game” is supposed to feel unnatural.
A few years back I hooked up with a girl I had wanted for years. Then I got lazy. Thought she was “different”. It ended up with me getting the shit kicked out of me in a parking lot. If you ever got “crazy” over a girl… read this (LINK)
Women love not knowing what the deal is. Sure, they say they hate it. But they will keep chasing that feeling.
And when you don’t give them “the chase” they usually find another guy who isn’t so easy to figure out.
So how to do you stay a challenge?
For some of us its easy… If you’ve got a reputation around your social circle as a “player”, or are seen as having really high statusby the girl, you don’t have the play ‘the game’ as hard.
Trust me, I made that mistake. Sometimes I’ve even made the mistake of thinking I have to show a girl MORE interest because she thinks I’m a player and I need to prove I’m not.
Big Mistake.
The whole reason the girl liked you in the first place was because of your ‘player like’ qualities.
Don’t hide them, and don’t give in to the temptation to ‘drop the games.’
Here are the three biggest signs you are about to FUCK UP.
1. You start thinking “I don’t want to play games with this chick. I like her. Why can’t I just let her know?”
2. You think “This girl is different, I don’t have to play games with her.”
3. You think “She definitely likes me. We’re past the point I need to play games.”
The minute any of those thoughts creep into your mind, re-read this lesson. And DO NOT convince yourself that she is different.
She wants to chase you. She wants a challenge. She wants a guy she can not completely figure out.
Texting is deadly effective way to play “mind games” with a girl. Tomorrow we discuss how to use texting to keep a girl’s mind fixated on YOU.
How to be a challenge.
A lot guys think that when I say you can’t express interest this means you can’t let a girl know you are attracted to her.
You HAVE to let her know you are attracted to her.
Express your sexual intent and attraction all you want.
That is perfectly fine.
But, do no let her know you want more than that. (for at least the first 3 or 4 months)
You have to be stone cold impossible to read.
Every time she leaves you she should be wondering if she will ever see you again. She should be wondering how much you like her. She should be wondering if you’re seeing other girls.
Let her wonder.
———————Golden Nugget————————-
One of my favorite things to do at an end of a date or hanging out with a girl is to say “see you soon.”
This drives a girl crazy because she feels like you might be blowing her off and becomes afraid she will never see you again.
This is completely different then most guys who try to plan the next date before the first date ends.
———————/Golden Nugget————————–
That is the art of the chase. The more time she sits around wondering what you’re doing… the more she begins to convince herself she is in love with you.
As David D once said “Give her the gift of missing you.”
Make it Happen,
Your Guru
I hv some musings on BY-ing.
Having money will let u get the chio pussy fast, but you will hv turned her off in her subconscious mind, u become very money is really a hindrance.
Making ur mistress fall for u will take time, effort, mental gymnastics, etc. It's a very difficult game. Of course, if u can give her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before, it's a great help, but by itself it's not enuff. There r other powerful emotional forces that repel in a patron-mistress RS, hehehe.
If u are already paying a gal, how could u be a challenge? Do say NO to her whenever justified n use push-pull n let her know you could walk away anytime if ur boundaries r ever violated. But u need to walk a fine balance between providing her security n the ever present uncertainty...give her hope mixed w/ doubt.
Any comments?
Bro WB
09-09-2018, 11:44 AM
About 3 yrs ago I learned a clitoral stimulation technique known as The Welcome Method. I had not BY-ed any gals then n didn't want to do it on FLs or GL gals. So I waited n waited.
In May of 2009, I consummated my RS w/ my 1st BAO-ee XW n I applied the Method. It worked like a dynamite n she came fast n hard in 3 minutes. Later, she said: 你好利害。。。I thought I had found the Holy Grail of female orgasm, hahaha. Despite my ability to give her incredible pleasure she had never experienced before, she dumped me. I was very needy n placed her on a Arnold said: Big Mistake.
I hv BY-ed 20 plus gals since n I hv tried this Method on all of them. The results r mixed at best. Abt 1/4 hv very strong response, 1/4 hv good response, 1/4 hv so so response n 1/4 hv no response. G spot stimulation is the same. KW is completely turned off by G spot stimulation?#$#!!
The morale of the story is that a man needs to PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to a gal's responses in real-time n modify his techniques...
I BY-ed XW briefly twice in 2009. She took the initiative to ctc me n wanted to see me in Jan this yr....
I hv kept XW, my 3rd time BY-ing her, since early this yr. I hv tried many different techniques on her but nothing works like The Method. for example, I hv used some other techniques for 7-8 min n she will still be dry. In 30 secs w/ Welcome Method,she would become very, very wet n moaning n groaning loudly. It's magical, hehehe.
Likewise, certain positions work very well w/ some gals, but not w/ others.
Techniques, etc r of secondary importance, the most crucial factor in a RS is a man's masculine traits.
"Be very confident, assertive, dominant n mentally icy calm under the most stressful conditions.
But NOT angry, aggressive, belligerent, abusive...
Be in control, but not controlling.
Throw in some humor, mystery n unpredictability.
Make urself a challenge. Be often unavailable to her. Use push-pull strategy.
And once u get her pussy, give her multiple orgasms n COS she has never experienced before...she will be addicted to u."
How to develop these Masculine Traits/self mastery if u dun hv them? Impossible to fake them cuz ur true state will be revealed by ur actions n body language, especially under very stressful conditions...
You need to replace ur negative beliefs by positive ones in ur subconscious mind. Use meditation, self affirmations, chanting, NLP, praying, self hypnosis, etc., etc. Your positive beliefs will control ur emotions which in turn r manifested by ur positive body language, etc.
I'm a student of self mastery n masculine traits. I'm a newbie but I'm making progress n I'm confident that I'll reach my goals. Why? I'm better today than yesterday n I'll be better tomorrow than today, in everything n every way.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you so much for an enlightening thread.
I love to have youru skills and practise too. I love to learn this
"clitoral stimulation technique known as The Welcome Method"
Your forum above was excellent with many take away pointers.
Practise clitoral stimulation
Man's self mastery n masculine traits
Never been a needy
Be very confident, assertive, dominant n mentally tough
NOT angry, aggressive, belligerent, abusive...
Be in control, but not controlling.
Throw in some humor, mystery n unpredictability.
Use push-pull strategy
The plate was full and not easy to practise all the pointers at once.
Cheers :):D
09-09-2018, 01:26 PM
Bro BW - you still challenging bro Don Juan for years and he hasn't taken up your challenge.
You have been relentless.
Happy Sunday!!
Agree bro WB is relentless.
Tks bro WB for this great thread.
09-09-2018, 03:07 PM
Yes, a guy certainly needs to play the game well.
Thanks Bro WB for this wonderful thread, support!
Good morning to dear bro
Getting a girl to chase you sounded very appealing.
Certainly worth a quote and readup.
Guy needs to be player and play the game well.
Since today is weekend and tomorrow all back to work
Enjoy yourself and dun get too hangup.
09-09-2018, 11:59 PM
Great thread by Bro WB, please continue sharing!
10-09-2018, 11:13 AM
Another good post from guru posted in the past by Bro WB.
What I had posted which you quoted below was a fine example.
Well done to bro WB for his continuation and success.
"A handsome n wealthy fren became obsessed w/ a MILF WL n she eventually rejected him. He was in love!
A young n good looking bro TT in his 20s w/ a good job couldn't get a KTV gal to go to dinner w/ him even though he offered to pay her booking!
He must be enamored w/ her n very desperate. He gave me her no n I called her. The gal had never met me but agreed to go out w/ me. When I called her to pick her up, I mentioned that I would be bringing my GF n TT, she changed her mind immediately n said she couldn't make it. She wouldn't even answer when I tried to call again!
On the other hand, I, a lao chi ko pek, hv had success beyond my wildest imaginations...I rest my case."
Good morning!
To all SBF bros:
Are u worried that ur looks, age, weight & height, etc. may not be attractive to chio gals?
Pls forgive me for being blunt. You r still clueless abt attraction.
Here is good piece by a master of attraction:
Attraction Is Illogical
Before I go any further, I want to make one thing clear: every woman is a unique creature that responds differently to different types of guys. Some girls like bad boys. Some women are attracted to the confident, laid back types. And others just want to settle down with a great guy.
But beneath all the external beauty of women, there are more similarities than there are differences. The quality of any relationship with a woman comes down to your ability to make a woman feel attraction and comfort around you. This is true whether you want an exclusive relationship, or whether you want to date multiple women at the same time.
In order to better understand the female mind, and in order to learn how to trigger attraction in a woman, you first must understand how attraction REALLY works.
Men are programmed by evolution to be attracted to young, healthy, and sexually attractive females. It has to do with natural selection. Fertile women are, generally, more attractive.
As human males, we are naturally drawn to perky breasts, tight asses, and beautiful skin in an evolutionary sense. Recent studies have shown that a woman’s hour glass figure can affect a man’s brains like a drug!
And here lies one of the biggest confusions men have about women… Because of these natural desires we have for attractive women, guys will falsely assume that women are attracted to the same physical qualities in us men.
The thing is, women do not sexually respond to the same qualities as men do... Women are primarily attracted to men of status and power. This includes men who are leaders in life, guys who are successful or famous, and the rich and wealthy.
Women do not consciously choose who they are sexually attracted to. Attraction is unconscious. It’s a hardwired emotion and it’s illogical. Feeling attraction for somebody is not something that we consciously choose to experience, rather it’s instinctive and instantaneous.
Women are not nearly as superficial as us men when it comes to physical appearances. When women are sizing up a potential mate, physical appearance only counts for about 25% of your attractiveness.
Regardless of your age or physical attributes, your attitude is your greatest asset.
Sure, women like handsome men, no surprise there. But the real emotional trigger in a woman comes from the charm and confidence that usually go along with his good looks.
A needy man with self-esteem issues will have a tough time keeping a woman attracted to him, regardless of how tall and handsome he is.
Women are more emotionally complex than men. It’s your energy and personality that’s going to sweep her off her feet.
Neil Strauss, author of The Game, is a perfect example of what is possible regardless of your genetic predisposition. He’s bald, short, and skinny. But you’d never know that by looking at the gorgeous women that he’s used to dating.
Your physical appearance is only a problem for a woman IF it’s a problem for you.
Of course, you should always dress and look your best. If you dress like a slob, you’ll be treated accordingly. And if you don’t take care of your personal hygiene, women will be repulsed by you, that I can guarantee you.
But just because you’re not as good looking as the other guy, don’t assume you’re playing a losing game. With the right beliefs, women will overlook almost any physical shortcoming that you have.
But, just like any other pursuit in life, you have to believe you deserve success. In other words, in order to attract hot women, you have to believe that you deserve hot women.
The master is right on.
Two quick examples:
A handsome n wealthy fren became obsessed w/ a MILF WL n she eventually rejected him. He was in love!
A young n good looking bro TT in his 20s w/ a good job couldn't get a KTV gal to go to dinner w/ him even though he offered to pay her booking!
He must be enamored w/ her n very desperate. He gave me her no n I called her. The gal had never met me but agreed to go out w/ me. When I called her to pick her up, I mentioned that I would be bringing my GF n TT, she changed her mind immediately n said she couldn't make it. She wouldn't even answer when I tried to call again!
On the other hand, I, a lao chi ko pek, hv had success beyond my wildest imaginations...I rest my case.
Bro WB
10-09-2018, 11:31 AM
Bro WB
If I am woman I like to give you a kiss.
As a man, I like it very much to get a kiss from every women.
Thank you so much for posting so many nice guru sharings. We all learn from the anecdotes.
This is great piece of advice.
NB - the video Alec Baldwin can no longer play.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
Thanks for the lovely post.
According to some Chinese gurus, if a Chinese gal willingly let u french kiss her, her pussy will be yours, not 100% but over 95% of times. I couldn't agree w/ them more.
Therefore, getting the kiss is crucial, hehehe.
From an Ang Moh guru:
How to Get the Kiss
Hi Bro Warbird,
I was just watching the movie Glengarry Glen Ross last night.
In probably the best scene of his life, Alec Baldwin states an eternal truth:
A- always
B- be
C- closing
Always be closing! Always be closing!!
I remember when I first saw that movie.
It gave me a nagging feeling.
Because deep inside i knew the truth.
If coffee was for closers… I wouldn’t get any.
I’d have a great conversation with a girl. Sometimes talk for HOURS.
She’d be laughing. Giving me all the signs.
Sometimes she’d even come back to my place.
But for some reason, I couldn’t get the “kiss”
And the next day, I’d have to make another excuse to my friends why I couldn’t close the deal.
They probably thought I was gay.
But I wasn’t.
What I had was Kiss Anxiety.
It got to the point that I couldn’t enjoy going on a date with a girl.
The entire time I’d be worried about how I was gonna “make my move” later on.
Later never came.
I’d built it up so much in my mind that I’d always talk myself out of the moment.
Which was a horrible mistake.
Again and Again I learned that if you don’t “get the kiss”…
You ain’t got SHIT.
There are 4 reasons getting the kiss is so huge.
1. The girl becomes “invested” in you. Makes it much more likely you’ll see her again.
2. Girls are awesome at rationalization. This means once you get the kiss. She looks at your good qualities. This helps her justify her decision to kiss you.
3. If you don’t get the kiss you run the risk of being “Friend Zoned.”
But most importantly…
4. Just like men, women have natural horniness. So by hooking up with you. She gets closer to sex. She realizes this. And begins imaging sex with you.
Bad new first…
If you build up the attraction and don’t go for it. The tension evaporates and its VERY HARD to get it back.
Now for the good news…
It’s easier that you think to get the kiss.
A few years back I learned a lesson that changed my life.
I mean, it literally changed my life.
Here it is:
There is absolutely NO DAMAGE that can be done going for the kiss. (assuming you sense attraction)
In fact, even if she turns her cheek or rejects your attempt…
And she becomes 10x more attracted to you.
When I figured this out I became a MACHINE.
All the kiss anxiety disappeared and it turned into a sort of game.
I no longer waited to the end of the night to kiss a girl.
I would kiss them at the most random moments.
And they loved it.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
As she was in the middle of telling me something I would kiss her mid sentence.
If we walked past a secluded run, I would lead her in and quickly kiss her.
I’d kiss girls in parking lots.
Coats rooms.
Gas stations.
It didn’t matter when or where.
In fact, it didn’t even matter if she pulled away or stopped me.
Because I showed her that I was the kind of guy who could MAKE IT HAPPEN.
And that is an extreme turn on for a woman.
Much more than a guy who spends the entire night second guessing himself.
Or weekly attempts an “end of the night” kiss, or worse, ending the night with a hug or handshake.
Make it Happen!
Your Guru
Always Be Closing!
Get The Kiss from the chio gal n her pussy will be yours!!
Bro WB
10-09-2018, 01:33 PM
Fully agreed that is a very good post from the past by Bro WB
Please continue sharing bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
Another good post from guru posted in the past by Bro WB.
What I had posted which you quoted below was a fine example.
Well done to bro WB for his continuation and success.
"A handsome n wealthy fren became obsessed w/ a MILF WL n she eventually rejected him. He was in love!
A young n good looking bro TT in his 20s w/ a good job couldn't get a KTV gal to go to dinner w/ him even though he offered to pay her booking!
He must be enamored w/ her n very desperate. He gave me her no n I called her. The gal had never met me but agreed to go out w/ me. When I called her to pick her up, I mentioned that I would be bringing my GF n TT, she changed her mind immediately n said she couldn't make it. She wouldn't even answer when I tried to call again!
On the other hand, I, a lao chi ko pek, hv had success beyond my wildest imaginations...I rest my case."
10-09-2018, 02:29 PM
I thought you are a woman. I wanna giveuafuck :D
Bro WB
If I am woman I like to give you a kiss.
As a man, I like it very much to get a kiss from every women.
Thank you so much for posting so many nice guru sharings. We all learn from the anecdotes.
This is great piece of advice.
NB - the video Alec Baldwin can no longer play.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
Thanks for the lovely post.
11-09-2018, 11:17 AM
Good morning!
I hv mentioned before the power of kissing in getting a gal's pussy.
I like to share a tip on kissing from The Master:
How to Amplify the Arousal Power of Any Kiss You Give Her on the Mouth or Face!
This is a rather recent discovery I have made and I am rather embarrassed to admit it because it was blatantly obvious and I had been doing it for years without actually realizing the power of the technique by itself.
Now as I share it with you;
You can immediately start using it to powerfully get her juices flowing and turn up the sexual heat for both of you. Ready? You are gonna kick yourself!
Has this ever happened to you?
Have you ever been kissing a woman and suddenly she just reaches up and touches your face? Maybe she reaches up and just sort of touches you on the side of your lips as she’s kissing you or maybe she cupped your face in her hands? What did that feel like? Did it add something to the power of the kiss? Test this! Go out and do that to your woman. Kiss her normally (that is without touching her face) then kiss her and touch her face in some way.
For example:
• Cup her face in both your hands
• Cup her face with just one hand
• Hold the back of her head in your hands as you pull her in to kiss you
• Touch her face with the back of your hand lightly as you kiss her
• As you kiss her touch her face on or around her lower lip
Pay attention to the difference in her responses!
Keep doing what ever is getting the strongest responses from her.
You’re Welcome!
Every woman kisses differently, in fact kisses and snowflakes have a lot in common in regard to their uniqueness. Kissing is the perfect way to transition from one sexual arousal technique to another (no I didn’t forget this chapter was about sexual arousal) We have discussed kissing her on the lips now lets talk about other places to kiss her that are just as exciting.
The places I recommend you focus your kissing talents on are
Her lips (of course)
There are many ways to kiss a woman’s lips and that’s a good thing. By this point we all understand that every woman has an internal set of pre-conceived notions about what a kiss is supposed to feel like and that’s what we use to take her to the next level.
But its also true that every conceivable way of kissing is “not” included within a woman’s sexual map of how things are supposed to work and many of the techniques or characteristics that are not included in her personal map may be just as or more pleasurable than those on her pre-conceived map.
We use the way she kisses as the doorway into her sexual/erotic world and then we begin to modify the map by introducing elements that may not have been there in the first place.
Pay attention to what she responds most strongly to and throw out what doesn’t work...............................
Get the kiss! Always be closing!
Bro WB
Brp WB
Good morning.
I was very excited to read your post above.
Now I realized all the while I was doing but didn't know was so powerful. Arousal comes from the sexcited anxiety and unexpected results.
How to Amplify the Arousal Power of Any Kiss You Give Her on the Mouth or Face!
Such simple message but very important not to forget to do when kissing.
Hope to learn much more and will continue to finish upi reading.
Cheers mate.
11-09-2018, 11:26 AM
Bro WB
Oh nice field report in the past.
True that if you are in BJ can get taller and more selections pick.
Not sure how long before the gender bias will kick in and PRC as whole will be shortage of females and more male without bribes. This wll be a serious situation. Already read that PRC males are marrying other nationalities female which may produced many different types of mixed blood.
Usually FL will not want to go hotels and those ktv gals willing go hotel in BJ.
Anyway hope you can continue to share man moire nice forum.
Hope to score myself soon.
Several bros are curious abt my research activities in Beijing recently.
I managed to meet 2 gals from 2 different OKTs who specialize in procuring models/actresses/singers/beauty queens. They provided names of these celebs for me to look up their particulars n photos on Baidu. No video calling though. There is a 3rd OKT who charges a lot more for the same class of gals. After spending 4-5 hrs looking at 60 plus gals, I booked one gal each from the other OKTs.
The gals I met were definitely the same as those I saw on the internet. However, I was at least mildly to moderately disappointed for several reasons.
1) These "celebs" in BJ wouldn't go to hotels. They refused to come even though I stayed at a famous 5-star hotel. Initially, I was quite hesistant to meet them cuz of personal safety. I relented n went to their condo in a taxi n one gal was very, very difficult to locate. Their taxis dun even hv functional safety belts! Fortunately, the gals drove me back to my hotel in their cars (BMW n Mercedes, respectively).
2) Both gals r 3-4 cm shorter than their stated heights. I'm most fussy abt the exact height n body/limb proportions of any gal I'm going to bonk.
3) They r both quite pretty but not as pretty as the pics in the internet.
4) Their figure is proportionate but not as proportionate as I had expected.
5) Their service was satisfactory, but not outstanding.
In retrospect, my BJ trip in May was more enjoyable when I had 2 high school gals who stayed w/ me at my hotel. It was an unforgettable n unique experience. One of the gals was CL who is currently attending school in Shanghai. I found the 2 chio teenage gals on my own thru various Chinese websites n video calling.
BTW, I know I'm biased here, but to me at least, my 2 long-term PRC lao pos r at least as chio, n definitely taller n hv more sexy n proportionate figure than the 2 gals I met in Beijing. Nicer pussies too. So much for celebs.
The take home lesson for me: I must actually see the gals in person. I normally need to look closely at many, many gals, including a clear view of their legs n arms n see how their hips swing while walking , before I'll know which gal is really my type. A gal may be very chio n sexy, but if the way she swings her hips is not sexciting to me or if I dun like her voice, she is not my type...
In retrospect, I could've found better gals If I had gone to high end KTVs as recommended by my BJ fren.
Bro WB
11-09-2018, 02:26 PM
Brp WB
Good morning.
I was very excited to read your post above.
Now I realized all the while I was doing but didn't know was so powerful. Arousal comes from the sexcited anxiety and unexpected results.
How to Amplify the Arousal Power of Any Kiss You Give Her on the Mouth or Face!
Such simple message but very important not to forget to do when kissing.
Hope to learn much more and will continue to finish upi reading.
Cheers mate.
Very excited to read bro WB's post too.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Hoping to read and learn more.
Awesome good thread here, thanks Bro WB.
Have a nice day :)
12-09-2018, 12:41 PM
Bro BW - you still challenging bro Don Juan for years and he hasn't taken up your challenge.
You have been relentless.
Happy Sunday!!
Bro, tks.
Not a challenge but a generous offer. I hv been dying to see his phantom "superchio SYTs."
My offer is now good for any samster. Just PM me, I'm waiting.
She must be all natural. And has the right character and 气质. And human, not bionic.
Yes, I'm relentless...
Good morning to dear bro
Getting a girl to chase you sounded very appealing.
Certainly worth a quote and readup.
Guy needs to be player and play the game well.
Since today is weekend and tomorrow all back to work
Enjoy yourself and dun get too hangup.
Bro, tks.
A man must think and behave like the prize when he meets his "dream girl," otherwise he won't get her. Ok, he might get her by offering big bucks or by other means, but he will definitely lose her eventually. A classic example is King Fuchai n Xi Shi.
Bro WB
Thank you so much for an enlightening thread.
I love to have youru skills and practise too. I love to learn this
"clitoral stimulation technique known as The Welcome Method"
Your forum above was excellent with many take away pointers.
Practise clitoral stimulation
Man's self mastery n masculine traits
Never been a needy
Be very confident, assertive, dominant n mentally tough
NOT angry, aggressive, belligerent, abusive...
Be in control, but not controlling.
Throw in some humor, mystery n unpredictability.
Use push-pull strategy
The plate was full and not easy to practise all the pointers at once.
Cheers :):D
This is a good method. It doesn't work for every girl and may take up to 15 minutes in some.
I'm repeating myself here:
"Be very confident, assertive, dominant n mentally icy calm under the most stressful conditions.
But NOT angry, aggressive, belligerent, abusive...
Be in control, but not controlling.
Throw in some humor, mystery n unpredictability.
Make urself a challenge. Be often unavailable to her. Use push-pull strategy.
And once u get her pussy, give her multiple orgasms n COS she has never experienced before...she will be addicted to u."
I forgot that being kind, caring and compassionate is very MANLY.
I also hv a new revelation. The length of time your didi is inside your lover's mei mei is vital. At least 15-20 minutes. 30-60 minutes best. Giving her quick penetrative orgasms not enough, not addictive. Can start w/ any position, but end it in missionary. Must embrace her and kiss her passionately...
Another good post from guru posted in the past by Bro WB.
What I had posted which you quoted below was a fine example.
Well done to bro WB for his continuation and success.
"A handsome n wealthy fren became obsessed w/ a MILF WL n she eventually rejected him. He was in love!
A young n good looking bro TT in his 20s w/ a good job couldn't get a KTV gal to go to dinner w/ him even though he offered to pay her booking!
He must be enamored w/ her n very desperate. He gave me her no n I called her. The gal had never met me but agreed to go out w/ me. When I called her to pick her up, I mentioned that I would be bringing my GF n TT, she changed her mind immediately n said she couldn't make it. She wouldn't even answer when I tried to call again!
On the other hand, I, a lao chi ko pek, hv had success beyond my wildest imaginations...I rest my case."
Bro, tks.
Yes, attraction is illogical and not a choice.
That bro TT is still a failure w/ girls after all these yrs. He is married now( any man w/ his status, good job and money will get married easily). He is rich and highly educated. Recently he gave a generous tip to a girl and she initially agreed to part-time BY at a very reasonable rate. She is so so looking but body ok. She was very sincere. He should hv hugged n french kissed her right there. He didn't kiss her. He behaved like a eunuch. He was going to take her to a high end joint later, but she ran away literally. I was w/ them. I guess he was too needy and was always thinking the girl would cheat on him. If he changes his mindset, he could be a lady killer.
Bro WB
If I am woman I like to give you a kiss.
As a man, I like it very much to get a kiss from every women.
Thank you so much for posting so many nice guru sharings. We all learn from the anecdotes.
This is great piece of advice.
NB - the video Alec Baldwin can no longer play.
———————Golden Nugget———————
The best possible time to kiss a girl is mid-sentence. When the tension is increased. And the moment is there. Right as she is talking. Lean in and kiss her. Drives them crazy.
——————–/Golden Nugget———————
Thanks for the lovely post.
Bro, tks.
Let me reiterate. Once a girl willingly kisses you, her pussy is yours.
I always go for the kiss asap. I french kissed my joint LPs the second time I met them. Despite that, they said NO to ST and BY initially. TY took much longer, only when I was about to make love to her the first time. Now I kiss her in public when people are not watching.
Here is Baldwin's video. Always Be Closing
Brp WB
Good morning.
I was very excited to read your post above.
Now I realized all the while I was doing but didn't know was so powerful. Arousal comes from the sexcited anxiety and unexpected results.
How to Amplify the Arousal Power of Any Kiss You Give Her on the Mouth or Face!
Such simple message but very important not to forget to do when kissing.
Hope to learn much more and will continue to finish upi reading.
Cheers mate.
Bro, tks.
Now we know how to amplify a kiss. Don't forget to kiss her often when you're inside her.
Bro WB
Oh nice field report in the past.
True that if you are in BJ can get taller and more selections pick.
Not sure how long before the gender bias will kick in and PRC as whole will be shortage of females and more male without bribes. This wll be a serious situation. Already read that PRC males are marrying other nationalities female which may produced many different types of mixed blood.
Usually FL will not want to go hotels and those ktv gals willing go hotel in BJ.
Anyway hope you can continue to share man moire nice forum.
Hope to score myself soon.
Bro, tks.
I was in BJ twice in 2011. I hv not been back because of severe air pollution there.
Yes, there are more young men than young women in China. A serious social problem. India too.
15-09-2018, 04:47 PM
Bro, tks.
Let me reiterate. Once a girl willingly kisses you, her pussy is yours.
I always go for the kiss asap. I french kissed my joint LPs the second time I met them. Despite that, they said NO to ST and BY initially. TY took much longer, only when I was about to make love to her the first time. Now I kiss her in public when people are not watching.
Here is Baldwin's video. Always Be Closing
Thanks bro wb for the reply.
I fully agreed with you.
Support here.
Bro WB
Now only I noticed what you said is true.
What an incredible write-up below. This is excellent advice and shall heed it to ensure better pickup of girls.
Must learn how to be badass man in order to get more girls.
Have a pleasant weekend to you and everyone.
Good morning!
IMHO, for healthy n heterosexual males such as me n most bros here, beginning at the age of 13-15, give or take a few yrs, the single most important goal n usually the biggest challenge in life is finding, wooing n owning chio, exclusive n safe pussies. It's hardwired in our genes. Every thing we do n every action we take is related, directly n indirectly, to achieving this mission. Some famous men hv sublimated this powerful instinct into socially acceptable activities such as starting a business, inventions/explorations/adventures, politics, sports, artistic expressions, etc.
Our instinct for sex/reproduction is very strong, but not as strong as survival instincts. The strongest urge is for fresh air. What would u do to breathe some fresh air if u r trapped in a car 50 feet below the surface of a lake? Next is for water. What would u do to get some water if u r stranded in a desert n hv been w/o a drop of water for 3 days? Next is food...last is our urge for chio pussies...hahaha.
Religious puritans n the institution of marriage dictate that a man can only hv one sexual partner for the rest of his life. This is against human nature n most men n also most women do hv multiple partners...
I'm a man n I want to taste as many chio, exclusive n safe pussies as I can get n afford.
Any comments or criticisms?
At this time I like to share some writings of RS guru MP on Acting towards Success (w/ women):
Have you ever noticed how "nice guys" never get the girls? They always shower the girls with gifts and expensive dinners. They are never late on a date. They never do anything their dates have told them not to do. They obey their dates’ every wish. So why to they always lose to the jerk down the street?
Simple. Because most nice guys carry the two venoms that make them unattractive to women:Insecurity and neediness.
Insecurity and Neediness
These two almost always come together. An insecure man is usually needy because he is insecure about himself. He is always trying to “do” something to please a girl because he believes that if he doesn’t keep on appeasing a girl, she’s going to dump him.
Don’t make the same mistake.
Keep in mind that more beautiful a woman is, the more spoiled she is. Attractive women are used to men throwing themselves at their feet. So if you do the same, they are not going to like you. As a matter of fact, they are not even going to notice you. After all, girls like special things, and you are not going to be very special if you act insecure or needy like all the other men.
In many ways, a needy guy is a girl’s worst nightmare. My friend Betty once went out with a needy guy who would phone her like every hour. Bad, bad, bad. She almost suffocated from the whole experience. While there are SOME girls that like playing mommy, most girls see neediness as a big no-no in a guy.
After all, she can’t feel safe in your arms if you’re not even strong enough to be secure about yourself. To a girl, the insecure guy is like a “fat chick” to a guy - very unattractive!
Most women can detect insecurity from five miles away. Some example traits of an insecure and needy guy include:
1) Being over-possessive. Always give a woman some breathing space! She can’t like you if she does not feel comfortable around you.
Dating Technique: Always Leave Some Breathing Room
Hot women break up with their boyfriends all the time because they are too needy. As soon as a needy guy ends up dating a hot chick by luck, he’s scared of losing her and starts doing all sorts of stupid things like calling her 10 times a day. Well, guess what? You can never really possess a woman physically, you control freak. The more you try to possess her physically, the faster she will break up with you, get it?
I don’t care how hot your new girlfriend may be. Just don’t be over-possessive. If you do, you’re going to be single again very soon.
2) Being showy. Lots of men try to show off, act cool, or simply say or do things just to attract attention or compliments. Wrong. If you’re truly confident, you should radiate charm. You don’t have to bring it up every five minutes. Remember the golden rule – show, not tell.
Dating Technique: Hide Your “Bottom Card”
When you play Poker, you always hide your bottom card so nobody knows what it is.
Dating is no different. Don’t ever show your “bottom card” to a woman.
Let me show you what I mean. For example, if you’re the owner of a construction company, you can just tell her you’re in “construction”. Don’t tell her you’re an entrepreneur with a Porsche, get it?
Women love playing detective and getting information out of you – so let them. Don’t ruin their fun by offering information about yourself. If you tell them too much about yourself, they are going to find you boring by the second date and dump you by the third. You want to remain mysterious!
Furthermore, hiding your “bottom card” will let you come across as MUCH more powerful and dominant. In Poker, if everyone knows what your faced-down card is, then there isn’t any point to playing since you can’t bluff. In dating, if a woman knows everything about you already, you’re going to appear as a lot less powerful.
Powerful people are powerful because nobody knows just how powerful they are. Cult leaders never reveal anything about themselves. Politicians never let you know about their backup plans. Armies always hide their true strengths until they attack
The same with women. Don’t boast too much. Let her find out things about you. This way, she has absolutely no idea about how exactly powerful you are, so she will just think you’re a real powerhouse or guru, get it?
3) Being negative and speaking badly of others. And we’re not just talking casual funny remarks. You know how some men ramble on and on about people and events? Don’t do it.
Dating Technique: Don’t Act Like A Whiny Bitch
Has a beautiful woman ever ruined a date for you because she acted like a whiny bitch – even just for once?
Just not so long ago, I went out with this beautiful girl. We were having fun until she bumped into some girls. After talking her “friends”, she turned towards me and said “I hate those bitches!”
Ouch. Who’s the bitch here?
Listen. Talking about other people ALWAYS creates a negative atmosphere, and that’s the LAST thing you want on a date. So just don’t talk about any negative or unhappy stuff, okay?
Do not say ANYTHING bad about other people in general… and try to stay cool the whole time. I don’t care if someone scratches your car or if the waiter forgets to bring the cheque. The assertive man never loses his temper. So neither should you.
Bro WB
(To Be Continued)
This is the re-post and continuation for the above quoted past forum.
4) Being indecisive. Don’t be the wimp who always asks her what to do. Make up your own mind. Be in control. She can’t feel safe around you if you can’t even make decisions for yourself!
Dating Technique: Make Decisions
Women love it when their men are in control. It’s their secret fantasy. So don’t act like a little wimpy going out with his mother when you go out with a woman, okay?
When you walk into a restaurant, choose where to sit. Just say “Let’s sit over there” and take her hand. If she makes a suggestion about where to sit, say something like “No. Let’s sit over there. It seems like a nice spot” and just take her there. No further questions.
I am not asking you to be a control freak. I just want you to start acting more assertive. Most guys are too weak in this area.
Women love to “surrender completely” to a guy. So make their darkest fantasy come true!
5) Being pushy. Confident guys don’t need to push their way into a date or into the bedroom. Remember: the more you push, the more a woman pulls away!
6) Trying too hard. It’s easy to tell you’re a needy person if you’re always too over-eager.
7) Being defensive. Some guys tend to get pissed in response to a woman’s questions of negative mood. A major sign of weakness.
8) Boring. Insecure guys are usually boring because they never talk about anything fun.
9) Asexual. Insecure guys are usually afraid of showing their urges because they are afraid of ruining their “powerful loner” self-images. Well, if a woman didn’t want sex, she would be dating a rag doll instead of a man, wouldn’t she?
In short, instead of being needy and insecure, you need to be ASSERTIVE, which means you’re “confidently aggressive”.
Dating Technique: How To Be Assertive 101
1) Do not express anger and annoyance while on a date. Always remain calm, even when you total your car, okay?
2) Speak up and learn to say NO.
Women “tests” guys all the time – even at a subconscious level. They act like little brats and see if you will let them get their way. If you do, they will see you as a wimp and dump you. But if you don’t even budge, then they will have more respect for you. Have the “You don’t have me fooled for a minute, dear” attitude every time a girl throws a tantrum.
3) Look at people when you talk to them. Stare at her eyes, not at her boobs!
4) Ask for help if you need it. The real man realizes he’s not all-powerful and isn’t afraid of asking for help.
5) Be in charge. You’re taking the woman out, not the other way around!
Start acting more assertive, and the women will notice a difference in you almost immediately.
Hv a great day w/ a chio pussy of ur choice today!!
Bro WB
15-09-2018, 05:27 PM
Fully agreed that nice guys never get girls.
Fantastic thread here by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Now only I noticed what you said is true.
What an incredible write-up below. This is excellent advice and shall heed it to ensure better pickup of girls.
Must learn how to be badass man in order to get more girls.
Have a pleasant weekend to you and everyone.
15-09-2018, 05:29 PM
BY-ing chio gals of ur type is a wonderful pastime. Part of the fun is finding n getting the gals to say yes, hehehe.
In the last 2 1/2 yrs, over 60 gals in SG n PRC hv said yes to me, but I hv consummated the deed w/ less than half of them, hahaha. It's humanly impossible to BY all of them.
Just recently, several gals agreed to BY but I hv not followed thru w/ our agreement...just didn't hv the time. Two of them r being BY-ed now.
PRC gals r dangerous. Remember the 17 yo high school student CL I met in Beijing in May this yr? She is studying in SH n will try to graduate in 2 yrs. She wants me to keep her as er nai n she is eager to hv 2 kids w/ me!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
What a great thread you have started years ago.
I was so astonished by the examples and conversations that I read word by word.
For the post below - These are good examples that someone very rich can afford but if too expensive will never be long term.
These rich are just trying t0 get laid and move on.
They will never stay on just 1 gal.
Hope more great forums from broyjers contributing here.
Have a nice weekend.
Sometimes, you have to pay through the roof. 2 cases in point:
1. A local celeb (I’ve bonked a few times) confided in me recently. There’s a 27 yo guy who wants to marry her. He told her he has $2M net worth, will ask lawyer to draft an agreement to give her half of it - $1M, but only paid out in equal monthly payouts. I told her, “good ah, got $1M!” Then she told me how much she earns a month. But somehow, I feel that the guy is just trying to play around with her. I haven’t got time to follow up with her.
2. A HK actress I rtf last Friday told me there’s a Singapore businessman who wanted to BY her for 2 to 3 years for $50K per month:
(Dialog was in Cantonese, but I can’t type Cantonese, can only speak it fluently)
Fallen.Angel: 好啊!
HK actress: 神经病,我理都没理他。
Fallen.Angel: 一个月五万很多钱啊。
HK actress: 不是钱的问题。
Fallen.Angel: 那是什么?如果我是你我会接受,哈哈哈
HK actress: 我还没玩够。要对着同一个人两三年太辛苦了。
Fallen.Angel: 那结了婚要对一世不是更辛苦!?
HK actress: 结婚就不同啊!他又没说要娶我。再说他已经结婚了。
Fallen.Angel: 。。。。。。
Someone offered $100K just to bonk Fiona Xie. Do you think its too much? But if that person can afford it and treats $100K as loose change, who’s there to judge ya?
15-09-2018, 10:23 PM
Bro WB
What a great thread you have started years ago.
I was so astonished by the examples and conversations that I read word by word.
For the post below - These are good examples that someone very rich can afford but if too expensive will never be long term.
These rich are just trying t0 get laid and move on.
They will never stay on just 1 gal.
Hope more great forums from broyjers contributing here.
Have a nice weekend.
Yes this is indeed a great thread by bro WB, thanks a million!
Enjoy your weekend, cheers
18-09-2018, 01:08 PM
Bro WB
Yippee to you.
What a great forum and so detail. Took me sometime to digest this forum because some points are gross.
Have a chill day to you.
Good morning!
First, I like to add my 2 cents on what attributes in a man which r most attractive to a chio gal/woman n, once they r together, what will get her addicted to him. IMHO, his masculine (character) traits r most attractive to her, well above money, status, power, looks, height, physiques, physical strength, etc. I hv alluded to theses traits many times. The underlying foundation is self confidence/emotional control/self mastery. I do not know of a modern man w/ absolute self mastery. Do you? Pls give me his name. Maybe only ancient sages had such absolute power, haha. So don't worry, as long as u hv a lot more self mastery than all ur competitors, u will get n keep ur gal.
According to many gurus n in my personal experience, a man's ability to give his woman regular multiple orgasms/COS will be very addictive to her. He must, of course, keep all his masculine (character) traits. If, for any reason, he becomes insecure, needy or loses emotional control/self mastery, he will lose her (if she is a beautiful, high quality woman w/ plenty of options).
Second, I like to update my training progress in BY-ing over the last 31 months.
After keeping more than 2 dozen gals, most of them from 2 to 8 wks, I hv "settled down" w/ 2 long-term mistresses. One of them is my 1st BAO-ee XX or XW who was only 20 when we met in 2008. I'll give a brief acct of my saga w/ her to illustrate my learning curve. She was my 1st n initially the worst BAO-ee n now she is my best.
In May of 2009, I consummated BY-ing of XW, after chasing her for 8 months. It was a failure n I hv detailed my encounter w/ her in several different threads in May n June, 2009.. Here is one:
The main problem was that I was insecure, needy n desperate. I got KC-ed n she was in control of the RS. I also had little self mastery at the time n got angry easily, big mistake haha . After our 1st separation, I offered her a small fortune to BY her full time n begged her to return to me but she ignored me completely.
I started this thread in June 2009 n began chasing n BY-ing many pussies of my type. My KC for her faded quickly, hehehe. I still tried to call n text her once a wk.
In August, 2 months later, she suddenly replied my sms n later agreed to BY. Again, the BY-ing was short lived for various reasons. Little KC this time as I had many other chio pussies to worry abt, hehehe.
In Dec 2009, XW tried to intro her childhood fren for me to BY. But her fren was not my type. I reiterated my liking for her.
In Jan of 2010, while hving dinner w/ my new mistress, the 18 yo KK, XW texted me...I was too busy to BY her as I had 3 gals at the time.
In early May that yr, I broke a "date" w/ her as it was late at nite. I tried to call n text her a few days later n got no reply. She also took me off her MSN list of frens.
Now I know that she was being BY-ed by a wealthy man in his early 30s from mid May till Dec of 2010.
In early Jan this yr XW emailed my MSN n asked if I would go to meet her in Fujian. I didn't go. She continued to make overtures to me. The table had turned, hahaha. To make a long story short, she left the young BF n became my lover/lao po shortly thereafter. The young man was too needy n possessive n later, too desperate, hahaha.
We hv been together to this day. She is in PRC now n will return to SG when I'm there early next month.
At this time I know that it would be very difficult for her to leave me. She is addicted to me financially, sexually n emotionally...I know for sure that I hv given her intense orgasms/COS that she has never experienced w/ another man before. Yes, I still like her pussy n her companionship, but I wish she will marry a fine young man in PRC next yr. It's good for her, hehehe. I'll just find a younger n prettier pussy. It's a win-win-win situation.
Bro WB
18-09-2018, 02:03 PM
Repeated post -
18-09-2018, 02:05 PM
Good evening!
It's getting cold here in Gotham City!
I hv mentioned the importance of masculine traits, self mastery, etc in attracting n keeping women. But if a man can't give his woman multiple orgasms/COS regularly, she will leave him IF she is very attractive n desirable. This is a certainty.
A noted sex guru just sent me an email on Oral Sex Skills To Drive Her Wild.
Hi Bro Warbird,
Let's begin with this true story:
I was meeting some friends out at a casual
place for a couple of drinks... and, as it turns
out, all of them happened to be female.
Anyway, I arrived a couple of minutes late, and
they were already in the middle of a conversation
when I got there.
"Girl talk."
I guess because they know that I'm not a judgmental
guy... or maybe because they know I wrote a few books
about sex... or, heck, maybe it's because I'm so "in
touch with my feminine side"... they just kept
the conversation going when I got there as if I was
just one of the girls.
As you might have guessed based on the subject line
of this newsletter, they were talking about oral sex...
And you would be right.
What you might not have guessed is that they
were swapping stories about the WORST oral sex
that they had ever received.
Talk about uncomfortable.
I was just sitting there, smiling and nodding
while the girls were laughing their heads off
talking about the guy who slobbered too much, and
the guy with the "corpse tongue" (no, I did not
make that up), and the guy who didn't know where
anything was, and the guy who...
Well, okay. You get the idea.
It was kind of awkward because I felt really
BAD for these guys... but I didn't want to come
out and "defend" them--
At the same time, I sure didn't want to start
acting like a big know-it-all and saying something
like, "Well... I wrote a book on this stuff so
let me tell you ladies how it gets done right..."
So, basically, I just kept my mouth shut and
And while it was very awkward, it was also
very interesting.
One of the main things I learned was that
there are VERY few guys who really know what they
are doing when they go down on a girl.
And that when a girl does meet a guy who knows
exactly how to send her into orbit, it's a big
deal. She's going to definitely want to keep
that guy around, and she will brag to her friends
about him.
The other thing I learned was that a lot of
women are basically clueless as to what they
themselves actually like...
but they didn't seem to really know EXACTLY why.
I guess they can't really see what's going
on down there-- or maybe it's just that when it's
really great, they completely lose the ability to
think AT ALL.
Because as I was listening to them, I could
hear that they would talk about the SAME things
as the "worst" or "the best" depending on the guy
they were with.
In other words... the guy that "slobbered" too
much was bad, but the guy that made it really wet
down there was good...
Was it all in their heads?
Not exactly.
The big "ah-ha" here is that when it comes to
going down on a woman, WHAT you do is far less
important than HOW you do it.
And maybe that's why I figured the "basic"
material on this subject wouldn't be that great
to share with you... even if you KNOW all that
basic stuff, it's still possible that a group
of girls will be sitting around in a bar somewhere
making fun of YOU.
I want to make sure that when you use the tips
I give you in these Newsletters that you will
absolutely give her the best sexual experience of
her life when you try them out.
I'll tell you up front that the three tips
that I'm going to share are all much more
about getting into her mind than her body, because
seriously, for women, THAT is where it ALL
For men, a certain amount of what makes great
sex is what goes on in our heads... I mean, being
distracted and nervous can kill it... but for
the most part, it's not about our mood... it's
about the physical stuff:
-What she looks like
-what she feels like
-what she smells like
-what she sounds like
-and what she's doing to us.
That is just NOT the case for women.
Yes, that stuff matters. But for women
the physical things you do don't matter
anywhere near as much as things like:
-sexual confidence
-sexual trust
-the things you say to her
-HOW you say them
-and how you CONNECT with her.
Now, if you're thinking that "connect with
her" sounds kind of vague... don't worry. I'm
going to tell you EXACTLY how to do that.
With the following tips I'm going to tell you
EXACTLY how to make her FEEL that you are
connecting with her in the way that will drive
her wild with lust.
If everything goes really well, YOU'LL feel
it too, and the experience will be incredible for
both of you...
Bro WB
What a long forum above by your GURU.
Yes and true. When a group of girls were sitting together they gossips. Many gossips are about men with masculine traits. Some dirty talks often happened. Oh, they do used coded words because girls are not cool talking dirty words.
Actually the best thing to do when girls talk among themselves is to act couldn't be bothered. When a girl not keen with you they will never invite you to a group of girls meeting.
Often the girl just wanted an opinion from her group of friends. The trap was set and you may be setup to be tested. I mean a girl may try to seduce you in near term and if you fall for it then you failed. Of course vice versa can happen and that one jealous friend may try to snatch the date.
Anyway just a discussion.
Hope to continue to read more interesting topics.
18-09-2018, 05:25 PM
Great thread from Bro WB, thanks for your excellent contributions.
18-09-2018, 10:12 PM
Bro WB
What a long forum above by your GURU.
Yes and true. When a group of girls were sitting together they gossips. Many gossips are about men with masculine traits. Some dirty talks often happened. Oh, they do used coded words because girls are not cool talking dirty words.
Actually the best thing to do when girls talk among themselves is to act couldn't be bothered. When a girl not keen with you they will never invite you to a group of girls meeting.
Often the girl just wanted an opinion from her group of friends. The trap was set and you may be setup to be tested. I mean a girl may try to seduce you in near term and if you fall for it then you failed. Of course vice versa can happen and that one jealous friend may try to snatch the date.
Anyway just a discussion.
Hope to continue to read more interesting topics.
Girls talk could be very interesting too, provided the topic is not about clothes or makeups.
Bro WB, please continue with your more interesting topics :)
19-09-2018, 12:05 PM
Bro WB
Excellent thread with excellent forum for noobs like me.
The forum below really long but connects with me.
This is a must read forum to learn how to stay focus and how her body language communicate with us.
Agreed that girl will want something and many times the girl shy to say out loud. If you know her long enough will be able to tell what she thought and wanted.
Hope to read more must read and comment.
Sure a 100% must read thread.
>>> 1. Pay Attention
I talk about this idea of "paying attention"
all the time. I believe that it is one of the
most important ideas that a man MUST understand
to become a truly great lover.
It is a particularly important concept when
it comes to going "down town".
The CRITICAL thing to remember when it comes
to great sex is that every woman is DIFFERENT.
This fact just gets lost on most guys because
either, they read about some great move in a book
or in a magazine article or website... and they
are SURE that it will work if only they keep at
it long enough...
Or, there is a thing they did that drove their
first/last girlfriend absolutely crazy... and they
keep doing it over and over on every new woman they
date... even though NONE of them respond to it.
This is just the way we men are built. We
like hard and definite solutions to problems that
will work in a variety of situations.
We like to problem solve-- but once we've
solved it, we can be very stubborn about holding
on to our solution.
That just doesn't work when it comes to
making love to a woman.
Some women like direct pressure that is
so firm that you might fear injuring her, while
others like feather-light and even indirect touch.
Every woman is unique, and finding out how
to touch her takes experimentation and paying
It is very unlikely that she will come out and
TELL you how she wants it... "a little to the left,
now not quite so hard, but a little bit faster..."
Not going to happen.
Yet, she WILL "COMMUNICATE" all of that
information to you, and more... if you know how
to listen with your body.
You've got to "tune in" to the woman you are
in bed with.
Listen to changes in her breathing, the way
her skin softens and her muscles tighten, the
way the blood flushes beneath her skin in her
face and breasts, the way she moans...
She is definitely communicating. She is
telling you all of the secret ways that she wants
to be touched and teased. But it's up to you to
understand what she's communicating...
And that comes back to paying attention.
If you are doing it right, you will really
enjoy it and it will really draw you deeply into
the experience of her.
It will make it better for both of you.
If you insist that you need a bunch of different
"techniques" to experiment with... you can get all
of the positions and specific techniques by going
But I want to say again-- that kind of basic
information is available many places online...
But the fact remains:
You can do EVERYTHING right. You
can make all the right moves with your fingers,
lips, and tongue... and still not really drive
her crazy...
On the other hand, you can do only the most
basic stuff, and if you can dial into her emotional
state and stay connected with her, you'll completely
fry the circuits in her brain.
>>>2. Stay Connected
I guess I really should back up a bit and start
with "Get Connected" before I have you worry
about staying there.
MOST men never really figure out how to connect
to a woman's sexual emotions. And that's a shame
because that is where the most intense orgasms
begin-- not in her vagina, but in her brain............................
She needs to feel connection, and she needs
to feel trust, and she needs to feel that she
won't be judged or humiliated by her partner
before she can have her deepest and most powerful
sexual experiences.
You make those connections with the things you
say, the way you hold her eye-contact, the way
you smile confidently at her, the tone of your
voice, the way you put your hands on her, and
the way you hold her.
Making her feel connected and then STAYING
connected is especially difficult when you are
going down on her because she is pretty much
No doubt a woman can really "enjoy" oral sex
even if she is not feeling connected to you down
But she can't really have mind-melting orgasms
that way. And more importantly, for many women,
they just begin to feel awkward... or even have
feelings of anxiety.
But it's so easy for you to completely take
care of all of those issues for her.
All you have to do is give her some small
signs to let her know that you are still aware
that there is a whole person attached to that
Look up at her and make eye-contact once in a
Stop and tell her how much you are enjoying it
or how hot you think it is.
Reach up and stroke the side of her face and
Take her hands and give them a gentle squeeze.
Any signal that lets her feel that you are
connected to her as a person...
You don't have to do all of these things, and
you don't have to do them all the time. Just
give her a few signs every few minutes and watch
what happens immediately afterwards...
First, her body will relax into what you
are doing, and then, very quickly, she'll have
a MUCH more intense orgasm.
And just as easy as that, you are in the
Master Class!
>>>3. Push Her Limits
This is not something you ought to bust
out on a third date.
It is very important that you know the girl
you are with and understand her on an emotional
level before you attempt this sort of thing.
Please note that nothing I am about to
write involves the use of force or of doing
ANYTHING against a woman's will.
I hate having to write that, but unfortunately
there are a few dumb-asses out there that can
twist the meaning of things, and I want to make
sure I am perfectly clear:
You should NEVER do ANYTHING to a woman that
she does not consent to and want you to do.
Okay, with that out of the way...
Women are frequently "resistant" to having their
most intense orgasms. They can feel it's about
to happen... and they nearly panic.
It's bigger than anything they have experienced
before and it can be frightening.
Usually this happens after she has come a few
times already and is on the verge of going into
multiple orgasms. And suddenly she feels like if
she comes that hard, she just won't be able to take
So she clamps her legs closed, or she wiggles
her hips out of the way. She may even moan,
"Wait! Wait! I can't take any more!"
If you and your partner are in a trusting
relationship, and if she is emotionally healthy,
try to ease her past this limit.
Here is a great way to do it...
When she begins to squirm or resist as she
reaches her "pleasure limit", reach up and place
your palm firmly in the center of her chest, and
press her "down" onto the bed.
This will not prevent her from squirming
away, and it will not prevent her from closing
her legs, or confine or entrap her in any way...
It is simply a dominant and masculine gesture
that let's her know that you want her stay calm
so that you can continue taking her higher.
Most women, if you do this gently but with
confidence, will become sexually submissive, and,
if there is enough trust between you, she will
surrender her fear to you and let you take her to
the "next level."
You can also do it verbally by calmly and
confidently saying to her, "I'm going to take you
higher, all you have to do is relax and remember
to breath."
Or "You're okay, I've got you," and then
Saying something like this... that is both a
gentle command and a reassurance that you know
what is going on and that you can confidently
pilot her through the experience will do amazing
It allows her to psychologically surrender
control of the "decision" to you. She simply
can't make the decision herself to experience that
much pleasure-- but if she completely trusts you,
she will LET YOU make the decision for her.
At this point, if you have followed the first
2 steps...
You have been paying attention so that you know
exactly how to drive her wild...
And you have stayed connected with her so that
is feeling the emotions of sexual trust...
Then by taking her past what she had thought
were her limits of pleasure, she will experience
an orgasm that will knock the walls down.
PLEASE remember:
When you give a woman this kind of pleasure it
is not something YOU did alone. It is something
Allowing this to happen, for her, is emotionally
dangerous. She will feel EXTREMELY emotionally
vulnerable afterwards.
Just hold her, stroke her hair, and say something
Be aware that if you laugh-- even if it is
just a laugh of pure happiness and pleasure,
she may misunderstand and become very upset.
Sarcasm is strictly off limits.
Be gentle.
If you are in love with her, tell her so.
If not, tell her that she is amazing and that
you really enjoyed what just happened.
I'll repeat at this point that these 3 tips
are "advanced" and that they will produce
amazing results.
You probably were not aware before of just
exactly how LOUD your woman can scream........................
And don't forget... with great power comes
great responsibility. I was a little bit nervous
sharing this stuff. It is much more powerful
than it seems on the surface.
I hope that you, like me, cherish the woman
in your life and that you don't use this kind of
knowledge without understanding the emotional
responsibility that goes with it.
And I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
19-09-2018, 01:59 PM
Fully agreed, this thread is very good for me newbie too.
Must learn more from the gurus here, especially bro WB.
Bro WB
Excellent thread with excellent forum for noobs like me.
The forum below really long but connects with me.
This is a must read forum to learn how to stay focus and how her body language communicate with us.
Agreed that girl will want something and many times the girl shy to say out loud. If you know her long enough will be able to tell what she thought and wanted.
Hope to read more must read and comment.
Sure a 100% must read thread.
20-09-2018, 10:47 AM
Thanks bro wb for the reply.
I fully agreed with you.
Support here.
Bro, thanks!
Bro WB
Now only I noticed what you said is true.
What an incredible write-up below. This is excellent advice and shall heed it to ensure better pickup of girls.
Must learn how to be badass man in order to get more girls.
Have a pleasant weekend to you and everyone.
Bro, tks.
Become a badass gentleman and a prestigious man. Read my previous posts on the topic. And no badass can hope to compete w/ you for pretty, intelligent and high-quality girls.`
This is the re-post and continuation for the above quoted past forum.
Fully agreed that nice guys never get girls.
Fantastic thread here by Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
What a great thread you have started years ago.
I was so astonished by the examples and conversations that I read word by word.
For the post below - These are good examples that someone very rich can afford but if too expensive will never be long term.
These rich are just trying t0 get laid and move on.
They will never stay on just 1 gal.
Hope more great forums from broyjers contributing here.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
A very wealthy man can fall in love w/ one girl too. Even a king or emperor is not immune.
Remember King Fuchai and Xi Shi? King Edward VIII and Ms Simpson?
Bro WB
Yippee to you.
What a great forum and so detail. Took me sometime to digest this forum because some points are gross.
Have a chill day to you.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
What a long forum above by your GURU.
Yes and true. When a group of girls were sitting together they gossips. Many gossips are about men with masculine traits. Some dirty talks often happened. Oh, they do used coded words because girls are not cool talking dirty words.
Actually the best thing to do when girls talk among themselves is to act couldn't be bothered. When a girl not keen with you they will never invite you to a group of girls meeting.
Often the girl just wanted an opinion from her group of friends. The trap was set and you may be setup to be tested. I mean a girl may try to seduce you in near term and if you fall for it then you failed. Of course vice versa can happen and that one jealous friend may try to snatch the date.
Anyway just a discussion.
Hope to continue to read more interesting topics.
Bro, tks.
Become a master of oral sex. Connect w/ her, stimulate her mind and then her pussy...
Girls talk could be very interesting too, provided the topic is not about clothes or makeups.
Bro WB, please continue with your more interesting topics :)
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Excellent thread with excellent forum for noobs like me.
The forum below really long but connects with me.
This is a must read forum to learn how to stay focus and how her body language communicate with us.
Agreed that girl will want something and many times the girl shy to say out loud. If you know her long enough will be able to tell what she thought and wanted.
Hope to read more must read and comment.
Sure a 100% must read thread.
Bro, tks.
Worth repeating here:
1) Pay attention
2) Stay connected.
3) Push her limits.
May I add a fourth point?
4) Last longer (when you're inside her).
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
21-09-2018, 11:57 AM
Bro, tks.
Worth repeating here:
1) Pay attention
2) Stay connected.
3) Push her limits.
May I add a fourth point?
4) Last longer (when you're inside her).
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Definitely worth repeating.
Become a badass gentleman and a prestigious man. Read my previous posts on the topic. And no badass can hope to compete w/ you for pretty, intelligent and high-quality girls.`
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
I had read and practising.
Will report success if any.
Thanks for reply.
21-09-2018, 12:06 PM
Become a master of oral sex. Connect w/ her, stimulate her mind and then her pussy...
Bro WB
Bro WB is a master in Taoist sex. Hv a nice weekend.
21-09-2018, 12:11 PM
A very wealthy man can fall in love w/ one girl too. Even a king or emperor is not immune.
Remember King Fuchai and Xi Shi? King Edward VIII and Ms Simpson?
Bro WB
Dowan to be King Fuchai or Prince Charles Prefer your taste.
Happy weekend.
21-09-2018, 12:20 PM
Hi Bro Rolec,
I love volatility more than SYTs, hehehe.
If you're an investor, buy when high quality stocks r very undervalued, sell when they become very overvalued.
If you're a trader, buy when there is very negative sentiment n sell when there is very positive sentiment.
I truly wish there will be violent volatility, such as STI dropping to 2,000 n then surging back up to 3.000 every couple of months, haha.
Happy New Year!
Bro WB
__________________________________________________ __
I'm more blunt. The type of man he describes cannot be called a man. There is a subset of men who r a lot worst: Your "frens" or "relatives" who want a loan from u, w/ no intention of ever paying back.
I hv had frens n relatives who belong to the subset. I'm sure every bro here knows a few.
Never lend them a penny.
If u hv money coming out of ur wazoo n dun know what to do w/ it, throw some money at them as gifts.
IMHO, these subset of humans r a lot more shameless n more deceitful n heartless than a 婊子. He is a human parasite n a coward. I hv much more respect for a man who sticks a gun at my ribs n rob me. At least such a man has guts.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for starting a nice thread.
I couldn't agree more for above.
When we invest in stock market buy when all quit buying and sell when all buying frenzy.
I also waiting for STI to drop below 2000 but still it is hovering around 2100 to 2300.
Some frens or relatives are pests and rely on others to feed them. They will just hope to get a free meal or loans. No way they will pay back.
Life is all about money and no way throw money at them even if money come from wazoo. Rather do charity to feed unknown needies.
21-09-2018, 12:24 PM
I just received an email from another guru:
What Make a Lesser Man?
Hey Guys,
In this day and age of the girlie men, there are many behaviors
that make a lesser man. But one of the worst ones, one that is now celebrated by the girlie men in the media is mooching.
No one likes a mooch, that cad who shows up, partakes of
everything, contributes nothing, then repeats it again.
The girlie men in the media love mooching. Most of them are
incapable of producing anything on their own, but feel entitled
because of their position. So, they celebrate mooching.
The recent "Occupy Wall Street" protest was nothing more than one, giant mooch-fest with moochers stealing food, coffee, and sleepin space. What should have been dismissed as unmanly mooching wadelightfully celebrated and squealed over by the media, breathlessly identifying with the moochers.
Don't you buy it. Mooching is unattractive behavior, something no man should ever do, and no man should ever tolerate.
Mooching is the lifestyle of getting something for nothing, taking without compensation.
You want to have the opposite attitude. You want to be a man who produces value, and demands compensation for it. You want to be a man who is generous to women, but not a chump. You want to be a man who believes in abundance, not scarcity.
In the end, the mooch has the worst kind of scarcity mindset. He doesn't believe he can produce anything, nor does he have the inclination to learn. But because he arrived on this earth, he believes others should share what they earned with him, and he owes them nothing in return.
I can always tell the measure of a man by seeing if he ever reaches for the tab. A man who never has his wallet handy, but always shows up for the fun is not a man I want to associate with.
This has little to do with how much money he makes. I have friends who have been up and down, flush and dead butt broke, but reached for the tab with no compunctions--if they didn't feel they could afford it, they never went out. They share my aversion to mooches.
Mooching is always an unmanly behavior, perhaps the worst kind.
Don't do it, don't tolerate it, and damn sure don't celebrate it.
It's the surest way to drive women away.
On with the fun...
Bro WB
Bro WB
Just want to highlight GURU forum which u posted during back in boxing day 2011.
The guru was trying to determine those uncool moochers.
Just ignore these moochers and move on. Avoid them at all costs.
21-09-2018, 02:14 PM
Definitely worth repeating.
Agreed, very important points.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
21-09-2018, 02:17 PM
I had read and practising.
Will report success if any.
Thanks for reply.
Same here, practicing too.
Will give feedback.
Have a nice weekend.
21-09-2018, 03:08 PM
Bro WB is a master in Taoist sex. Hv a nice weekend.
What is the difference between Taoist and Buddhist sex?
21-09-2018, 04:17 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for starting a nice thread.
I couldn't agree more for above.
When we invest in stock market buy when all quit buying and sell when all buying frenzy.
I also waiting for STI to drop below 2000 but still it is hovering around 2100 to 2300.
Some frens or relatives are pests and rely on others to feed them. They will just hope to get a free meal or loans. No way they will pay back.
Life is all about money and no way throw money at them even if money come from wazoo. Rather do charity to feed unknown needies.
Waiting for it to fall below 2000 too.
Bro WB, thanks for an awesome thread, have a fun weekend!
21-09-2018, 09:01 PM
Bro WB
Just want to highlight GURU forum which u posted during back in boxing day 2011.
The guru was trying to determine those uncool moochers.
Just ignore these moochers and move on. Avoid them at all costs.
Yes, best is to ignore and avoid them.
Have a nice day.
22-09-2018, 09:50 AM
Good morning!
I'm working hard to improve myself, in every way every day, even though I'm a lao chi ko pek.
I just received some coaching from a famed guru on Sexual Mojo. I need to practice n practice. BTW, Sexual Mojo is a lot more than sexual confidence. It will take me 12 months of intensive training n re-programing...
First of all, I need to imitate the body language of a very masculine character...I need to step into his character.
My choice is Humphrey Bogart who was probably less than 168 in height. No smoking or drinking for me though.
Watch him here:
Can anyone compete w/ him? Maybe James Cagney.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Classic James Cagney and his charm with women. He was simply masculine and dance very well. His awesome display attracted many women in his life. Too bad he died 1986 but enough of his classic movies.
Humphrey Bogart was another marvelous characters who also fearless with women. His speech in that movie above charmed the librarian so much that she was stunted. He died in 1957 when many of us were not even born.
Your point for sexual mojo was well received and important part of dating. Losing weight and be fit also important mojo besides looking dashing.
Thank you for such a lovely thread.
Enjoy your weekend dear.
22-09-2018, 09:56 AM
Thanks Bro WB for a really good thread.
Please continue sharing and have a good weekend.
22-09-2018, 10:01 AM
Let me quote some of the past compliments and comments for this excellent thread.
Bro WB deserved all the accolades.
Well done Bro WB.
May the force of syt keep you young and keep going for years to come.
Bros Warbird,
I see you must be busy groping all the MMs and trying to HITCH not 1 or 2 but going by the efforts and your manhood of 3 and more. hahaha
Indeed by having a limousine ahmad, you give MMs "HOPE" and you will get your rewards, but also you are telling "Them" your market value, just as much as they are GOLD SUCKER.
For me I go KTV, if I needed to ... at times entertain my client's or others entertain me. But over the years, I just reduce it and prefer for nice culinary in town and PUBs to CHILL .
To each his own, just enjoy the moment and the Youngs MMs.
Anyway Nice try here and probably you like to PUT in some FR and pass CTC to bros here who might be interested in your OUTING. wahahahaha
高兴就好. Be happy.
Wahh.. warbird u power lah
Not like uncle me... I dun go for KTV girls coz I know they wun go for ah peks like me...
Bro Warbird,
After reading your posting, I wonder have you considered writing a book? Think you are far more qualified by now
Have a nice day
hi brother Warbird, I like the way you post in big text it make it easy to comprehesive and one did not stress on eye further more it burns into people mind. Thanks for sharing.
Hi WB , your postings are really an eye opener! Lust4ML :D
Fabulous post Warbird! I like!
But I'm finding myself losing a battle... :(
I have devoured pages of insights from senior brothers here for the past few days and have walked away impressed with these posters who unabashedly share their trade secrets and "kung-fu" with us mere mortals. :D
Having said that, Rome was not built overnight and fans who think these masters have given you magic powers to steamroll the opposite sex will likely walk away dissappointed. What they have given us is the proverbial yellow brick road, not the keys to the city.
Many of us will need to walk step by bloody step, fall and fall again before we reach the desired end result. Nothing else to do but start and enjoy the ride! LOL
Some comments:
1) Bro WB is obviously a wealthy man and being rich does give you options in today's world. He knows this and exudes confidence in palpable waves. Still, he doesn't ALWAYS gets his way. I think most of us would be delighted if we got great results 99% of the time like him. ;)
2) Unless wealth was passed onto you, you need to work hard at it. The experience builds mettle.
3) All the skills shared are static due to the limits of a forum. Don't challenge them and say they don't work for you when you do not achieve a result you want. Rather, challenge yourself and ask how you can execute them better. Don't expect to be spoon-fed.
4) Last but not least, please be careful on who you use these skills on. The sharing provided in this thread are from apex predators who consistently win in the art of BY and KC of WLs. If you use these skills on none WLs or even "good" girls, do not cause unnecessary trauma.
5) Learn from the humilty shown by the contributors. When you stop being humble, you stop improving. Cup being full and all that.
And now, back to your regular adult education channel. :D
Bro WB, hope to see you sharing more of your insights. I'll probably not be accessing the forum much in future as I've decided to call it a day. 19years of cheonging is a darn long time...:D
Thank you for posting once again Bro WB… been busy and will be drown in work for this last month of the year but I will find time to read your posts – they are gems!
Bro. Warbird,
I will set tent here, can learnt a lots of thing here, What's is RS:)
wow.. learnt plenty from this thread.. bookmark it!
23-09-2018, 09:49 AM
Bro WB
Another classic example of what happened in real life. Guy can be funny beings when met with match and just lost it.
This guy AD was just naive and needy. He should have remain cool and behave badass and the girl would have love him more.
I had seen two of friends in his situation and just totally gone bananas. Typical of irrational thinking.
Congrats to bro WB for been able to possess self-mastery. True that you do not need to tell her what you think but only give her hope. Is up to her to bite the carrot.
"你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。"
Simply translate to
"You use your whole life to talk about love, then this love will not succeed; you use all your energy to fall in love, then you will be killed by people; you spend all your time in love, others will be annoying . Because of love, the more diligent you are, the more you invest, the worse the result will be. Only like a lazy person who grows flowers, love is ignored, and occasionally concerned, it will be fresh. The less you care, the longer you love. When a man doesn't love a woman, he can often make this woman fascinated. He thinks that he is a MAN, a special taste, a special romance, and he can control the overall situation. Women like to even worship such men because they feel that there is a feeling of a bird."
Have fun guys and take care!!
Good Afternoon!
Due to various commitments n obligations, I hv been very busy...
Every real life encounter is a learning experience n makes me a better man. Every story in SBF gives me something to ponder n ruminate.
There is a thread on a Famous Samster and his HFJ PRC Story. This famous n most esteemed samster is alleged to hv been KC-ed big time by a PRC woman, although we hv yet to hear his side of the story.
Assuming that he really got KC-ed deeply, his major mistake is that he put her on a pedestal n tries to be very caring n very "nice" to her, behaving like a loyal n obedient serf, sucking up to his master/goddess. Where is his self confidence n self mastery? How could a woman w/ even just a modicum of self esteem respect such a "serf"? How could she feel safe n secure w/ him? There is no challenge, no mystery n no uncertainty for her. His behaviour is most repulsive to her!
He should hv done the exact opposite.
You see, a man must give a woman hope but never ever "confess" his true feelings to her. Keep her in suspense n slightly insecure n uncertain...even in a long-term RS, say after 20 yrs of marriage, a man must not reveal ALL his feelings to his wive. It kills attraction instantly. On the other hand, if u give her no hope n if u make her too insecure, she is likely to explore n search for new pasture.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
No Hope For New Experiences/Goals/Future + No Uncertainty = Zero Attraction (Zero passion)
Little wonder that 50% of marriages eventually end in divorce. The other 50% hv failed but both partners decide to stay together for the sake of children, money, career, business, reputation, etc.
I'll give u a recent example in which I got it right, at least in part unwittingly...
I met a high school gal CL who was barely 17 in Beijing last May. She wanted to come to SG to attend school n be my young mistress. She is 166, chio n has very big natural boobs, perky ass n nice legs. But I'm ambivalent towards her cuz she has medium sized bone whereas I prefer those w/ small bones n very small wrists. I told her not to come until her 18th BD. Since April last yr, she has texted me many times daily n begged me to see her in PRC asap. Sometimes I won't reply for several days n I never initiated ctc. My nonchalant attitude has made her crazy abt me.
She is now a student at a respectable uni in Shanghai. She hopes to be my one n only lover, but she knows that it's unrealistic. She later says that she would be happy just to be one of my lovers. She has intro me to her 41 yo mother, via QQ video, who urged me to go to Dalien to visit her daughter.
CL summed up my "bad" behaviour n her feelings in her QQ space:
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。
Bro WB
23-09-2018, 10:58 AM
Very interesting thread by Bro WB.
Staying here for more postings.
24-09-2018, 11:58 AM
I had read and practising.
Will report success if any.
Thanks for reply.
Bro, tks.
Practice makes perfect. Hope to read your FR.
Bro WB is a master in Taoist sex. Hv a nice weekend.
No, I'm a beginner in Taoist sex. But I'm already prolonging the act by 100% and my LPs moan and scream continuously.
Dowan to be King Fuchai or Prince Charles Prefer your taste.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Hahaha, Ms Simpson is definitely NOT my type. But Xi Shi is supposed to be one of the most beautiful women in China.
Bro WB
Thank you for starting a nice thread.
I couldn't agree more for above.
When we invest in stock market buy when all quit buying and sell when all buying frenzy.
I also waiting for STI to drop below 2000 but still it is hovering around 2100 to 2300.
Some frens or relatives are pests and rely on others to feed them. They will just hope to get a free meal or loans. No way they will pay back.
Life is all about money and no way throw money at them even if money come from wazoo. Rather do charity to feed unknown needies.
Difficult for STI to drop below 2,000. Perhaps we should start accumulating below 3,000.
Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.
Bro WB
Just want to highlight GURU forum which u posted during back in boxing day 2011.
The guru was trying to determine those uncool moochers.
Just ignore these moochers and move on. Avoid them at all costs.
Bro, tks.
There are many moochers n freeloaders in the world. The scammers and cheaters are even worse though. They are all parasites.
Waiting for it to fall below 2000 too.
Bro WB, thanks for an awesome thread, have a fun weekend!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Classic James Cagney and his charm with women. He was simply masculine and dance very well. His awesome display attracted many women in his life. Too bad he died 1986 but enough of his classic movies.
Humphrey Bogart was another marvelous characters who also fearless with women. His speech in that movie above charmed the librarian so much that she was stunted. He died in 1957 when many of us were not even born.
Your point for sexual mojo was well received and important part of dating. Losing weight and be fit also important mojo besides looking dashing.
Thank you for such a lovely thread.
Enjoy your weekend dear.
Bro, tks.
We must increase our sexual mojo and radiate sexual charm and energy. Cagney and Bogart were very short by Hollywood standards, but they had the right sexual vibrations.
Let me quote some of the past compliments and comments for this excellent thread.
Bro WB deserved all the accolades.
Well done Bro WB.
May the force of syt keep you young and keep going for years to come.
Bro, tks so much for your extraordinary efforts. I'm working very hard to improve myself constantly, to search for my type of SYTs...
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
That is why I hv made the generous offer to bro Don Juan to bring me two "super chio" SYTs. I expect to be dazzled.
I hv waited over three years n he has vanished into thin air. I'm now making the same offer to ALL SAMSTERs. Just PM me. My offer has no expiration date.
Bro WB
Another classic example of what happened in real life. Guy can be funny beings when met with match and just lost it.
This guy AD was just naive and needy. He should have remain cool and behave badass and the girl would have love him more.
I had seen two of friends in his situation and just totally gone bananas. Typical of irrational thinking.
Congrats to bro WB for been able to possess self-mastery. True that you do not need to tell her what you think but only give her hope. Is up to her to bite the carrot.
"你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花 一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这 个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的 男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉。"
Simply translate to
"You use your whole life to talk about love, then this love will not succeed; you use all your energy to fall in love, then you will be killed by people; you spend all your time in love, others will be annoying . Because of love, the more diligent you are, the more you invest, the worse the result will be. Only like a lazy person who grows flowers, love is ignored, and occasionally concerned, it will be fresh. The less you care, the longer you love. When a man doesn't love a woman, he can often make this woman fascinated. He thinks that he is a MAN, a special taste, a special romance, and he can control the overall situation. Women like to even worship such men because they feel that there is a feeling of a bird."
Have fun guys and take care!!
Bro, tks for your post.
Bro AD became a wuss n super nice guy when he got KC-ed by his special one. History is replete w/ such men. King Fuchai and King Edward VIII...
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
.................................................. .......
Here is a brief article on an interesting topic. Your comments!
There aren't many dating coaches who write about how to handle
potential conflict situations presented by other guys who have
their eye on the same woman you do.
That's probably because it's not a particularly fun or amusing
subject to talk about.
But the fact remains that you've got to know how to handle yourself
when faced with sudden--and perhaps obnoxious--competition.
Such sticky situations can take various forms depending on the
scenario, but today I want to cover a very specific one. It
happens to be the one that I'd say most guys dread the most.
Let's call it the "Cut In".
I'm sure you've seen those old-school movies where a guy and his
chick are dancing in the ballroom at some fancy party, when some
other guy walks up and asks the guy, "May I cut in?"
I've never understood that whole transaction, personally.
I mean, if it's a wedding and the bride's Uncle Pete wants a quick
dance with the bride because his train leaves in 25 minutes, that's
one thing.
But what d-bag who appears out of nowhere trying to dance with the
woman you're with is so polite about it?
And who in their right mind answers such a ridiculous question
affirmatively, right?
Well nowadays, at least, it would seem that when a guy would rather
HE be the center of a woman's attention than YOU, things tend to
play out a bit differently, even if his desired results are similar.
These other guys tend not to ask if they can "cut in". They just do.
The other day a guy scheduled some phone time with me specifically
to get my thoughts on THIS very issue.
"So Scot", he started, "here's why I wanted to talk to you."
"OK man, what's on your mind?"
"Alright, here goes. Let's say you're at some sort of party or
social event. You're talking to a girl, and WHAM...some other guy
literally steps in between you and the girl, just blatantly turns
his back to you and starts talking to her instead?"
Ouch, right? I think just about all of us have had that one happen
to us...and it SUCKS, doesn't it?
I mean, talk about feeling like the wimp at the beach who just got
sand kicked in his face. That's about as close to the non-seaside
equivalent as I can think of.
And I have to tell you, the guy asking me the question was a
military guy about six-feet tall.
So no matter who you are, there ALWAYS seems to be someone
cocky enough to impose his will upon you with his physical
That's the part that makes this such a difficult situation to handle
for most guys.
What in the world are you freaking supposed to do?
Well, here's the deal. There IS an answer to that question, and
it's the RIGHT answer.
Fair warning, though: You may or may not particularly like what
I'm about to suggest at first. But if you're willing to think about it
for a while it just might start making sense.
You see, 99.9% of all of us make a critical error in judgment the
moment something like that happens to us.
We make it all about US--how WE'VE just been disrespected, how
everyone much be watching US, and how WE are going to salvage
OUR dignity and feed OUR ego.
That's a big mistake because it almost invariably leads to a stupid
knee-jerk reaction.
Think about all of this for a second. What would you do?
For example, if some apparently overconfident guy who you think
you could "take" in a fight does such a thing, you might grab him by
the shoulder, spin him around and invite him to take a hike.
Heck, even if he's twice your size you may find the stones to do
the same thing.
But if the guy really is twice your size, you might instead find
yourself tapping him on the shoulder and saying, "Um...excuse me
sir. I to the lady there. I don't know if you saw
me, or if you sort of wouldn't mind, um...?"
Or let's face it, you might just throw up your hands in frustration
and walk shame.
Well, here's something I trust won't surprise you. NONE of
the options I've just presented are good ones.
That's right. Not even the one that sort of looks like you're
"defending your manhood".
What I suggest instead is stopping in that split second when
everything inside you tells you to "do something".
Instead, take a deep breath, get out of your own head and watch
the woman.
Her reaction to what's happening will tell you everything you need
to know.
What you're probably not thinking about in the heat of the moment
is that the other guy has not only just committed an aggressive and
downright rude act against YOU, he's committed one against HER
What's aggressive and rude in someone's eyes is usually aggressive
and rude in EVERYONE'S eyes...or at least everyone who has
legitimate social skills, that is.
And where I come from, aggressive rudeness is contrary to
everything the "big four" represent. (At least, the last I checked.)
Since the "big four" qualities attract high quality woman, it follows
suit that what's contrary to them wouldn't, no?
So if you're patient for what amounts to a matter of a few seconds,
the woman will express distaste to the guy for what he did and tell
him to get lost, especially if she was enjoying her conversation with
"Um...excuse me", she might say, "I'm in the middle of a conversation
here. How rude!"
And if the guy continues trying to talk to her at that point?
THAT'S when you can leverage the very real "power shift" that just
took place.
At that point YOU are the one who's back in the dominant position
with the woman.
You simply walk around the guy so you're standing next to the woman
and give him a look as if to casually indicate, "What, didn't you hear
her? How awkward for you, man."
Then you can let a smile cross your face as if you're trying to
restrain laughter.
Importantly, understand that it's that shift in the power position
that will cause the other guy to back off.
Things will not have turned out as he arrogantly expected them to,
so he'll likely make some lame excuse and pretend like nothing
Unless he's not right in the head, he's not going to get aggressive
with you for the same reason he's not going to continue running his
mouth: He already looks like an idiot and anything further would
only dig the hole deeper.
Every red-blooded man alive is violently allergic to that feeling.
And hey, if it turns out that he is in fact totally nuts, you simply take
the woman's hand and remove her from the situation. All bets are
off at that point.
So then, what if, on the other hand, you watch the woman's reaction
and she appears to LIKE talking to this other guy better, for some
crazy reason?
Let me assure you that this will NOT be the case a high percentage
of the time. But if it DOES happen, consider two very logical thoughts.
First, if she entertains such aggressive rudeness, you're almost
certainly dealing with a woman who would be a BAD choice for a
girlfriend anyway. You're better off without her.
But more importantly, you've GOT to conclude that if she DOES
allow the "cut in" to happen with her consent, she wasn't digging
your chili to begin with.
Chalk it up to the game and find a woman more worthy of your
conversation...without making anything of it.
"But Scot," someone said, "isn't that being a wuss?"
Listen up. I fully understand why you'd really want me to recommend
slapping on a set of brass knuckles and clocking the guy one.
But what good would that do you, really?
Never mind the age-old truth that "he who hits first gets the assault
charge". You don't want to spend the night in jail over this jerk or
this indifferent woman.
The real point is this, however. The first rule of not giving your
power away is that you can't "give away" what you never really had
to begin with.
If this woman didn't like you, there IS no "power", and there never
WAS any.
So then, even if you do try to break bad with the guy or somehow
salvage the conversation when the woman would rather be talking to
him anyway, what happens?
Give yourself a gold star if your answer is, "He'll stand beside
the woman, give you a look as if to indicate, 'What are YOU still
doing here?' and try not to laugh his head off."
There IS no "getting your power back" when she has no interest in
you, and that goes for any situation with a woman, by the way,
whether you've known her ten seconds or ten years.
The best move is to re-charge your personal power elsewhere by
moving on to a woman who is more interested.
24-09-2018, 02:13 PM
Bro, tks.
We must increase our sexual mojo and radiate sexual charm and energy. Cagney and Bogart were very short by Hollywood standards, but they had the right sexual vibrations.
Bro, tks so much for your extraordinary efforts. I'm working very hard to improve myself constantly, to search for my type of SYTs...
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
That is why I hv made the generous offer to bro Don Juan to bring me two "super chio" SYTs. I expect to be dazzled.
I hv waited over three years n he has vanished into thin air. I'm now making the same offer to ALL SAMSTERs. Just PM me. My offer has no expiration date.
Bro WB
Thank you for your reply.
I shall remembered your advice for long time.
24-09-2018, 05:36 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for your reply.
I shall remembered your advice for long time.
I shall take note of the very good advice by Bro WB too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice week ahead.
25-09-2018, 03:55 PM
Bro WB
Reading your thread gives me excellent in-depth knowledge of relationship and understanding more about my ownself.
I have plenty to learn from you and experts, gurus, etc.
Below are excellent meaningful words that can be the key to open the girls door locks.
What does every chio woman want n need from a MAN?
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
4) She needs hot n passionate sex w/ her man. She wants to be seduced, enticed, teased n satisfied over n over again. She wants to experience new ways n new adventures n she wants to hv her sexual fantasies fulfilled...
I strongly believed I will be much better after reading.
Thanks for comprehensive topics in your thread.
I hv learned quite a bit in the last couple of yrs on RS, female psychology n sexology n on BY-ing.
I hv also diversified into BY-ing non-WLs.
For example, CL is not a WL. I also know a pretty PRC student in Senkang who doesn't work anywhere. She has been in SG for a month, but her student visa has been rejected by MOE? Her school has appealed on her behalf. In Nov last yr, when she went to Singapore Embassy in Beijing for an interview, she squabbled w/ the receptionist n was probably blacklisted. She would be a very good potential mistress. She is very sexual n open-minded n told me when she had a BF, she would like to make love everyday...
After reading many books, newsletters n listening to tapes, I would make an attempt to answer an age old question.
I must first state that most healthy women r incredibly sexual creatures n they hv awesome sexual potential n powerful sexual urge. This potential has been suppressed by social-religious conditioning. It takes a real MAN to activate n release this dormant a dormant volcano, hehehe.
What does every chio woman want n need from a MAN?
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
4) She needs hot n passionate sex w/ her man. She wants to be seduced, enticed, teased n satisfied over n over again. She wants to experience new ways n new adventures n she wants to hv her sexual fantasies fulfilled...
Such a good MAN is difficult to find, even for a very beautiful n high quality woman.
Bro WB
25-09-2018, 03:57 PM
Another precious knowledge based post.
Bear in mind that money don't buy success.
Thanks to bro WB again.
Recently, I listened to an audio on "Want to hv more intimacy n sex in ur RS?" in which there was a dialogue between 2 Ang Moh gurus, a male n a female. Below is a brief summary:
3 Biggest Mistakes We Men Make When Trying to Improve Our Intimate RS n Sex Life w/ Our Wives/GFs/Mistresses:
1) We think that a new or superior technique can fix problems in our sexual RS. There is a place for technique, but u can't fix a RS problem w/ a sexual technique. There is such a disconnect from where the man is, mentally n emotionally, to where the woman is, mentally n emotionally.
2) We truly don't believe our partners like sex n so we approach sex by pushing, manipulating n coercing. At her core, a typical woman is a very sexual being...but her sexual potential has been constrained n even stifled by social-religious conditioning since a young age.
Her need for real sex is actually greater than a man's cuz her drive comes from her mind n her deeper need to connect, as compared to the more shallow n often urgent need to release which is the norm for a typical man.
3) We try to "nice " our way into more intimacy...but any good thing overextended becomes a weakness, even a disaster n by over extending a good thing, we may totally ruin our sex lives. We use niceness as a strategy to get sex. But it destroys everything a woman needs in a man to be turned on by him.
Any comments?
I don't completely agree w/ 3). Am I missing something?
Bro WB
26-09-2018, 12:46 AM
Fully agreed, money cannot buy success.
Big thanks to bro WB for this great thread.
Another precious knowledge based post.
Bear in mind that money don't buy success.
Thanks to bro WB again.
27-09-2018, 10:43 AM
Bro WB
Happy New Year - oops supposingly in our forum below.
Was reading with keen interest and stumbled upon below. Then made a search and found the story of "bigwigs" who face jail time. Did another check and only served 6 months jail time granted early release. His career is finished in this tiny red dot.
Miraculously the other one acquitted but still equally bad name.
What bro WB stated correctly must possessed self-mastery. Why worry there is no gal so long you have the masculine traits.
Thanks and cheers.
Happy New Year!
You're most welcome!
.................................................. .................................................. .........
Good morning!
Knowing that certain emotions ( n resultant actions/ behaviour) such as anger, hostility, fear, jealousy, insecurity, shyness, guilt, timidity, etc. r extremely unattractive to gals/women n to everyone else for that matter...n, in some cases, may even put us in hot soup or worse. Yet most of us r unable to control our negative n destructive emotions.
If we don't hv self mastery n excellent emotional control, we r not MEN, but merely immature n pathetic little boys trying to be adults. We will get KC-ed when we don't want to be KC-ed n do things we will later deeply regret.
Let me give u an example.
I read w/ interest two former Govt bigwigs who hv lost their coveted n powerful positions n may face fines n get to stay free at Changi Hilton, hahaha.
The story is still unfolding but, from what I can gather, I think they granted some lucrative Govt contracts to a certain co in return for some perks n fringe benefits, but not much money?!
What is inexplicable is that they got seduced by the one n same pussy! What amazes me is that this woman is much, much older than ur average MILF. She is in her 40s n has two children!
C'mon, I understand that one man's meat is another man's poison, but losing such powerful positions, getting publicly disgraced n facing jail time, all for the same 40 plus yr old pussy which has given birth to 2 kids?? :eek:
Fact is stranger than fiction. I don't get it! I seldom consider fxking, let along BY-ing, gals/women who r older than 25, despite the fact that I'm OLDER than these two disgraced jokers.
I surmise that these two hapless crowns had very strict, perhaps religious upbringing, had studied n worked hard...but, unfortunately, they hv had little real life experiences w/ a variety of pussies of their preferred type. In othe r words, hey had very few options, hehehe. Had they been SBF bros n read all my posts...;)
Yes, these two former govt bigwigs r immature n insecure little boys w/ zero self mastery n they r hypocrites as far as I'm concern.
Knowing what is the right thing to do n doing it r very different. That's why self mastery matters, n matters a lot.
After CL posted this in her QQ space:你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时候 ,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉, she had not ctc-ed me for a wk. I thought she had learned her lesson. Good for her!
She hasn't. A few days ago, after I sent a msg w/ one word: 在, she has resumed her daily msg n voice barrages thru QQ. Can't blame her for hving no self mastery as she is only 17. The more I avoid her, the more she craves me...
Bro WB
27-09-2018, 10:49 AM
Good morning!
A MAN who has masculine traits, self mastery n sexual mojo is very attractive to the most beautiful gals/women. He is very hard to find...
He must behave like what CL writes:
因为爱情这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只 有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一 个女人的时候 ,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局 。女人喜欢甚 至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依人的感觉...
I may not want CL to come to SG when she turns 18 in June cuz she could be trouble for me. She will be too sticky n's better if I go to meet her in PRC or HKG n spend short time w/ her.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Classic example above.
Don't be too hard up and just ignre gal after making your offer.
Not easy to do but must do.
Thanks n Cheers.
27-09-2018, 11:59 AM
Happy New Year too!
Great thread by bro WB, hope to learn more things here.
Bro WB
Happy New Year - oops supposingly in our forum below.
Was reading with keen interest and stumbled upon below. Then made a search and found the story of "bigwigs" who face jail time. Did another check and only served 6 months jail time granted early release. His career is finished in this tiny red dot.
Miraculously the other one acquitted but still equally bad name.
What bro WB stated correctly must possessed self-mastery. Why worry there is no gal so long you have the masculine traits.
Thanks and cheers.
28-09-2018, 10:33 AM
This bro posted a great forum. Think if not wrong Bro WB called him Mr Chairman.
Read and you understood why so many foreigners came to our little country to earn moolah.
Bro, before I begin my post, I've been informed that my reply to you yesterday is a bit harsh???????
If it was, please accept my most humblest apologies as it was not my intention.
If at any 1 point you feel you've had enuff of me, just say it, not only will I not freak or go crazy, but I will accept your decision as well as still maintain that respect that everyone is their ship's own captain.
My theory is very simple, though many may not accept, but hey, I've yet to meet a failure. Maybe bcos I know when to pull the plug.
Tonight's escapade is totally a WIN to her.
1) She earned that 200 bucks
2) She didn't have to drink 跑台 and risk meeting jerks or colour wolves
3) She was brought to a night out of relaxation and R&R
For us to be players, not that I'm saying you're not, we must learn to tune our brain like theirs, then we will be able to read and anticipate every move they make and all the strategies they use and why they use them.
Here's my take on this situation from a WLs perspective
1) I'm here to earn $$$$
2) With him damn shiok, he's no colour wolf
3) He brings me for dinners
4) He bring me for movies
5) We go shopping
6) I call him when I'm bored and he'll keep me company
7) He never asks to bed me
8) He's so concerning & everything also can talk and nego
9) He never pushes me to do whatever I do not wish to
10) He's such a gentleman to me
11) I don't need to perform oral sex on him neither does he grope me unless I allow him
12) What have I got to loose, it's WIN WIN WIN all the way for me
Yes, money you may have, how much, it's really not important to me but, make it work for you.
Remember, no one comes into this line now in this day and age from PRC, ok, maybe 1% a total greenhorn!
If you still believe, then you already fooled yourself.
Most if all not that are here have already honed their skills in the motherland and mind you, I'm sure we as businessmen know that PRC men are worse of a sleazebag in many ways than we are.
As WarBird knows, my style is more of a MCP extreme, even at havelock & I'm sure you may even have heard of my rep there.
WarBird can be my witness.
Why are we here in this forum?
To discuss and to brainstorm on how to get the meat in the shortest time and the least $$$$$ invested.
But, many things need not be asked between gal & guy, sometimes it has to be initiated and all it takes is for someone to take the lead.
I saw your link & nope, I was not aware of the other post until you shared that link.
So my post last nite to you was based on all things equal.
Lonely you may be, bored you may be and read back what you posted.
You already justified all your activities with her, bearing in mind that this tree has bear no fruit for you.
As a bystander, i won't call friend cos i dunno u, i can read between the lines and say confidently, this is no WL to you in your eyes since a while ago.
Strongly suggest you do a refresher on what you wanted in the 1st place and focus on achieving it and not stray too wildly in the realms of KC.
Your posts, I can sense truth, so I can say, you're a nice guy and it's a good trait but be warned, WLs LOVE such people.
Be nice to deserving people but learn to put your foot down and say, ok, now this is the situation and we must blah blah blah!
Be the captain of both your boats if you want to see results.
Honestly, I can also sense your sense of being in limbo everytime after you send her back and pay her for her social escort services.
Well, like i said, we're our own ship's captain and I wish u all the best & hope you bring her to shore real soon!
Hope i didn't prick a nerve this time & if i did, apologies.
If u know me in person like WB does, you'll know the way I am in real life also sama sama, no BS, chop chop to the point whether offensive or not.
28-09-2018, 10:50 AM
I'm obsessed w/ developing absolute self mastery n achieving unconditional happiness. Everything else in life is of secondary importance to me.
For most of my life, I used to hv poor self mastery n being unhappy whenever I encountered minor inconveniences...
"Great successes are built on taking your negatives and turning them around." --Sumner Redstone,
I'm reaching my goals slowly n steadily, hahaha.
Good day!
Bro WB
Bro WB great advice.
After reading thru all the great exchanges understand quite a fair bit.
This is an integral process to hooking gals. Learning and practising is a must.
Hope to pick up more tips and be a better person.
Thank you to shifus here.
28-09-2018, 10:52 AM
Bro WB
Great that you started another thread. However seem like the support in this thread is amazing.
Let's share more musings and stories of mackings.
Good morning!
I hv more musings on bedding KTV gals.
I started another thread on "KTV kakis" n I hv received many responses.
Some kakis r rich, others r not.
Let me stress that money is a prerequisite for getting into the pants of these PRC WLs, even for those who r regular gals n non-WLs back in PRC.
You need money to connect w/ them, then n only then u can give them COS n/or KC them.
There is another way.
If a bro has little money, the only way is to pick up a pretty gal outside KTVs n connect w/ her n develop deep rapport w/ her. Not knowing that she is a KTV gal or WL is an advantage.
Who knows, if u hv formidable self confidence/self mastery, a healthy sense of humor n, though still poor, u are a man going somewhere, dedicated to a definite purpose or path in life, a very chio SYT might just fall for u, hehehe. Of course u must give her regular COS no man has given her n never, ever be needy n can walk away from her anytime...kudos to u!!
BTW, hving real self confidence is abt improving urself, improving others n improving something. You r genuinely comfortable in ur own skin n hv NOTHING TO PROVE.
If u hv something to prove or like to show off, that is arrogance, which reflects ur innate insecurity n inferiority complex. Can't fool me, hehehe.
On the other hand, I hv some frens/bros here in SG n a few frens in Gotham City who r very wealthy. BY-ing a gal for 10-20K a month or hanging 10-20K flowers for a singer is like spending $10-20 for an ordinary "salary man," no, maybe only $1 for some of them, or even $0.10 for at least a couple of them. They want to keep as many chio gals as humanly possible. I dun expect hem to hv time to pick up or court any gals.
There r different paths to chio pussies, just like there r different paths to enlightenment, hahaha.
Bro WB
28-09-2018, 11:28 AM
Nice share.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
This bro posted a great forum. Think if not wrong Bro WB called him Mr Chairman.
Read and you understood why so many foreigners came to our little country to earn moolah.
28-09-2018, 01:26 PM
Bro WB great advice.
After reading thru all the great exchanges understand quite a fair bit.
This is an integral process to hooking gals. Learning and practising is a must.
Hope to pick up more tips and be a better person.
Thank you to shifus here.
Agreed, really great advice.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
29-09-2018, 09:54 AM
It depends what u mean by "complete alpha male."
The "alpha male" most people come to understand is a self-centered, domineering, arrogant, aggressive n quick-tempered male. Such a male actually lacks self confidence n self mastery n has something to prove to the world. He tries to bed as many chio gals as possible cuz it gives him validation n boosts his fragile ego. Whereas a real MAN has nothing to prove. He has real self mastery n he wants to improve himself, improve others n improve everything around him...
A woman of strong character? Pls define such a woman.
Every healthy heterosexual woman, even if she is a fanatic feminist, is hard-wired to be attracted to a real MAN w/ masculine traits n formidable self mastery.
A woman displaying pervasive disrespect towards u??
Why r you still talking to her?? Pls walk out of her life asap even if u love her n truly believe that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. I'll say calmly n gently to such a woman as she is begging me not to leave n wondering what she should do n where she should go:
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."
You know the rest of the story, hahaha.
If she is a PRC gal, this will be be my last words to her (delivered calmly n gently):
Be a MAN bro.
Bro WB
Bro WB
“坦白地说,亲爱的,我现在一点也不在乎(你的死活" - I don't really give a damn if you are alive?
Very interesting quote and meaningful.
This proves that you achieved shifu level.
Hi Bro WB,
I think we're thinking the same thing, just expressing them differently.
How about this then. Even if a person is the completely confident man as defined in your post, can this person say he can win every woman he desires?
The answer is no because there are too many variables to consider. Even the bad@ss that is Sean Stephenson can only win a certain category of gals (those who look for inner strength/beauty of which he is a highly evolved specimen).
What if a girl has too much pride to ever beg or show she needs you? Saying "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." heralds a complete end to a potentially viable relationship. Such a man chooses to walk away because a relationship of "almost" equals is not what he desires.
This dominant male wants to possess, own and control. Essentially, "my way or the highway." Push-pull techniques are simply lures to ensnare the unwary into falling in love with you. By the time the victim(s) realise it, the poison has already spread.
Letting a strong woman "appear" (I cannot stress this word enough) as the boss while you secretly pull the strings is a completely workable and successful technique. The power couple Bill (the thinker/doer) and Melinda (the charismatic "shock and awe" speaker/presenter) Gates is just one such example and they bring out the very best in each other.
So far, the ladies (and please forgive this presumption) you have conquered are:
- young
- potentially immature
- lacking in self-mastery (in comparison to you)
- money minded
To a MAN like you, this is the equivalent of sending lambs into the tiger's mouth. Fortunately, young + super chio SYTs are exactly what you are looking for. You can never fault a man when he is genuinely happy. :)
BTW, I have realised that my topic is on winning a true life partner that helps a man achieve self actualization. Nothing absolutely to do with "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs" so I shall conclude my little diatribe with apologies for derailing the original intent of the thread.
What have you done goodpartner!!? :eek:
Big B
Bro Big B reply was a great forum.
Hi Bro Big B,
Even if a MAN has absolute self mastery, there will be many, many women (married women n those in love w/ other men, etc) beyond his reach. He is perfectly happy w/ that. Otherwise, there will be chaos...
No, I was not talking abt gals who r "proud," confident, poised, aloof, cool ...n never needy or overly possessive... they hv very attractive qualities, to me at least; I was referring to gals who display PERVASIVE DISRESPECT towards me. I couldn't walk out on them fast enough.
I know some men who get KC-ed by such "strong" n abusive women who show pervasive disrespect towards them, n chose remain in the RS, thinking that it's a potentially viable RS. It's not, n will never be. It's a very miserable RS for both partners.
IMHO, all healthy heterosexual women r attracted to a MAN w/ masculine character traits, high ranking on the Male Dominant Scale n strong self mastery. If You're such a MAN, u will attract ur true life partner, soul mate, true love, etc., not just a lover or mistress.
My mindset has changed radically since I started this thread in June of 2009.
Now I'm not trying to conquer anything or anyone, or to prove anything to the world. My singular mission n purpose in life is to improve myself, constantly n relentlessly, everyday n in every way possible, to improve others n to improve everything around me...
My interest in n focus on this thread hv evolved profoundly in the last 32 months n are not just abt picking up KTV gals or any gals or even man-woman RS. It's more abt self actualization, self discovery n SELF MASTERY. My RS w/ everyone else n w/ the world I live in is merely a reflection of my inner true self n my self mastery...
Your comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Tour reply to him was another masterpiece.
Agreed with you that no matter how a man will not be able to conquer some girls because of bazi conflict.
Life goes on so long he had fun.
To him is the woman loss.
29-09-2018, 11:18 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for your reply.
I shall remembered your advice for long time.
Bro, tks. I hv to remember too.
I shall take note of the very good advice by Bro WB too.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Have a nice week ahead.
Bro, hv a great weekend.
Bro WB
Reading your thread gives me excellent in-depth knowledge of relationship and understanding more about my ownself.
I have plenty to learn from you and experts, gurus, etc.
Below are excellent meaningful words that can be the key to open the girls door locks.
What does every chio woman want n need from a MAN?
1) She needs to be respected by his man as a special n unique individual.
2) She needs to hv intimate, emotional communication n bonding w/ her man.
3) She needs an exciting man to make her feel beautiful, sexy, sensual, feminine...
4) She needs hot n passionate sex w/ her man. She wants to be seduced, enticed, teased n satisfied over n over again. She wants to experience new ways n new adventures n she wants to hv her sexual fantasies fulfilled...
I strongly believed I will be much better after reading.
Thanks for comprehensive topics in your thread.
Bro, tks.
And a man w/ strong masculine character traits.
Another precious knowledge based post.
Bear in mind that money don't buy success.
Thanks to bro WB again.
Bro, tks.
I now believe a man should use 80/20 rule w/ his girls. Be 80% tough and dominant and 20% nice and caring...
Fully agreed, money cannot buy success.
Big thanks to bro WB for this great thread.
Bro, tks.
Money can't capture a girl's heart. Actually, it's a hindrance. I hv written about this before.
Bro WB
Happy New Year - oops supposingly in our forum below.
Was reading with keen interest and stumbled upon below. Then made a search and found the story of "bigwigs" who face jail time. Did another check and only served 6 months jail time granted early release. His career is finished in this tiny red dot.
Miraculously the other one acquitted but still equally bad name.
What bro WB stated correctly must possessed self-mastery. Why worry there is no gal so long you have the masculine traits.
Thanks and cheers.
Bro, tks.
These two bigwigs suffered from severe scarcity mindset. Very sad.
Healthy, heterosexual girls are highly attracted to men w/ awesome self mastery and strong masculine character traits.
Bro WB
Classic example above.
Don't be too hard up and just ignre gal after making your offer.
Not easy to do but must do.
Thanks n Cheers.
Bro, tks.
Yes, ignore the girl completely after you hv stated your intention or said your magic words. Let her contact you and start chasing you...
Happy New Year too!
Great thread by bro WB, hope to learn more things here.
Bro, tks.
This bro posted a great forum. Think if not wrong Bro WB called him Mr Chairman.
Read and you understood why so many foreigners came to our little country to earn moolah.
Bro, tks.
The post was a reply to bro G written in early 2012. I believe bro DYBJ is around 48-49 now? He "retired" from the night scene and immigrated to another country. I did learn a lot from him in 2009-2012. But he stopped improving because he stopped learning. Lack of self-awareness.
I did the exact opposite. I spent decades in Gotham City and now I'm back in this little red dot. It's the safest place in the world to keep chio SYTs. I'm still reading, researching, learning, searching, connecting, practicing, dreaming, theorizing, experimenting, discussing, debating, meditating, visualizing...I'm relentless.
I like to repeat my offer to bro Don Juan and to ALL samsters for merely revealing "super chio SYTs" in person to me. No need to intro to me. I just want to know what I have been missing.
Bro WB great advice.
After reading thru all the great exchanges understand quite a fair bit.
This is an integral process to hooking gals. Learning and practising is a must.
Hope to pick up more tips and be a better person.
Thank you to shifus here.
Bro WB
Great that you started another thread. However seem like the support in this thread is amazing.
Let's share more musings and stories of mackings.
Bro, tks for ur posts.
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Nver stop improving and never retire.
Bro WB
“坦白地说,亲爱的,我现在一点也不在乎(你的死活" - I don't really give a damn if you are alive?
Very interesting quote and meaningful.
This proves that you achieved shifu level.
Bro Big B reply was a great forum.
Bro WB
Tour reply to him was another masterpiece.
Agreed with you that no matter how a man will not be able to conquer some girls because of bazi conflict.
Life goes on so long he had fun.
To him is the woman loss.
Bro, thank you!
I'm not a sifu, just a very diligent, persistent and relentless learner.
Most men hv scarcity mindset. They believe a pussy is always a price to be won. It's an achievement. There are men who hv spent 50-200k SGD on old and ugly singers (to me anyway), without seeing their pussies.
A man must hv abundance mindset. He should behave as if 100 very cute, high-quality SYTs of his type are calling him and dying to make love to him, every day.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
29-09-2018, 11:36 AM
Tour reply to him was another masterpiece.
Agreed with you that no matter how a man will not be able to conquer some girls because of bazi conflict.
Life goes on so long he had fun.
To him is the woman loss.
Tour reply is not bad too.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a great weekend.
29-09-2018, 11:52 AM
Good morning!
More on my double BY: The older JR has rejected my terms, but the younger VO has hinted that she would accept my offer as she finds me trustworthy n she feels safe w/ me...
Separately, a few days ago I reestablished ctc w/ a Fujian gal XYZ who agreed to be BY-ed in Dec of 2009. The deal was not consummated cuz she insisted on getting paid once a month, whereas I said half monthly or else. Shortly thereafter, she went back to PRC for CNY, but was unable to return to SG, most likely due to her prior arrest for working at LV. She was a chio, fair n tall (170) SYT w/ a very sexy figure n nice long legs. See my post on her:
The reason I mentioned her is that I found something on her QQ which is quite illuminating n insightful:
婚姻,只是一纸合约。爱情,也不是绳索。对方,永远不是你的附属。爱情不是永远的,婚姻不是永远的,只有一 种永远:自由与平等。你们随时有权决定在一起或不在一起。而且,根本不需要理由。以婚姻的名义,以爱情的名 义,去独占对方,去限制对方,去管理对方,去教育对方,都是可耻的。也是悲剧的根源。
I couldn't agree w/ her more. Yeah, freedom n equality.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I didn't know your putong hua so powerful.
Anyway reading through your forums make me wonder how small I felt. I felt a shame not to do what you guys are doing,
Will try to continue reading.
Always will remember to have self-mastery.
29-09-2018, 11:53 AM
Good morning!
One of my best kakis is Bro Guru who is a master of ST. I hv learnt a great deal from observing him n consulting w/ him.
Yesterday, I accepted his invitation to cheong at CD at 430PM. I met 2 gals, both young MILFs in their mid 20s, one agreed to ST n the other said No. An initial No means more money n more effort.
I left early for dinner n Guru took one of the gals for ST, his 2nd ST yesterday. We were going to join several bros at LV SH later.
After dinner, as I was driving to LV, I picked up a chio gal along Sophia Rd who was on her way to CI 3rd fl at TAM complex. She was also in her mid 20s w/ very sexy body, but not my type as her upper arms r slightly large. No doubt many bros will find her very attractive n a great bonk.
At LV, we had a great time w/ 4 other bros including the legendary Bro RB. I had a slim n chio 19 yo gal w/ perfect height (170) who is a medical student in PRC. I've qualified her n will take her out to dinner. I asked her abt 3 attributes she is proud of. A more shallow gal might say good looks, good figure n intelligence. I like her answers: 我很温柔, 善良, 孝顺。I may propose BY to her. BTW, Guru took another chio gal for ST. He is truly amazing!
At this time, I like to quote an Ang Moh expert on the complex issues of confidence, attraction, money n body language:
If pop culture teaches us anything, it’s that every woman is
unique, complex, and complicated. How is it possible to create
one system that will give you the power to attract all of them?
Sure, all women are different in some ways, but when it
comes to what women find attractive in a man, they’re a lot
more similar than you might think. Ask as many women as
you want, and the one thing they’ll all agree on is that they
love men with confidence. It’s a MASSIVE misconception that
men are confident because they are attractive – in fact, it’s
the other way around. Men are attractive because they are
But if confidence is the number one quality that women find
attractive in men, why is it that so many guys still don’t
understand what confidence really is? Most people only think
of confidence as a collection of shallow clichés they learned
from their (well-intentioned, but misinformed) mothers: “Be
yourself!” “Don’t be afraid to be who you are!” That advice
was fine when you were a kid (or if you’re like me, even then
I didn’t get it), but at this stage of your life it just doesn’t
cut it. So what is confidence and why do women find it
attractive? And the million dollar question, “How do you get
Remember our conversation about money from the last
chapter? Let me refresh your memory: it’s a commonly held
belief that women are attracted to men with money. The
reason women seem to fall for wealthy men is that humans
work on what is called a “slippery slope mentality,” which
means that our thought processes typically follow an “If this,
then that” pattern. When a woman sees a man with money,
she might automatically think “Hm…this could be the man for
me. I can have whatever I want. I will be treated well.” But
subconsciously, there’s a lot more going on than the simple
“I can get free stuff” thought process. After all, there are
lots of guys out there who would treat her well – a bum could
be the most loving and attentive boyfriend she’s ever had! –
but she’s probably not going to be attracted to them because
there are other factors at play in these situations.
Women understand that having money is indicative of other
desirable qualities that make a man valuable, including
confidence. Think back to what we went over earlier: if you have money, you probably had to work for it. If you earned
that much money working, you probably hold a powerful
position in which many people depend on you. Women
typically find the idea that a man being capable of performing
under extreme amounts of pressure to be highly attractive.
Women also like men in leadership positions because it
signifies that people follow them, trust them, and place
value on in their opinions and ideas. A man like that is able
to make other people feel valuable simply because they are
with them. Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the
ability to increase the value of others around you. That’s why
guys who don’t have money but do demonstrate this quality
are still able to attract beautiful, self-assured women.
So how do you exude this quality
when you meet a woman? Before we
talk about that, we have to examine
what’s going on in a woman’s head
when she first encounters you and
decides how attractive you are.
How does she evaluate you? How
is she able to read your personality
the way you’re reading this book?
There’s one simple thing that we
can all read naturally on the surface of everyone we meet:
body language. I won’t go into too much detail here because
body language is such an important topic that I’ve dedicated
an entire chapter to it later on, so for now just know that
humans read body language instantly and make countless assessments based on the information they gather from doing
Why do we put so much faith in the messages of body language?
Isn’t it something that could easily be faked? Actually, it’s
not. Body language lives largely in your subconscious mind,
which means that you’re not really aware of the messages
it’s sending. Your subconscious mind is also home to your
emotions, so whatever you’re feeling at any given moment
tends to show automatically in your body language. Very
few people are able to learn to completely and effectively
control their body language, so it’s almost always an accurate,
trustworthy source of information about someone.
This brings up yet another important question: if body language
is controlled by emotions, what are emotions controlled by?
And if you figure out what is in charge of your emotions,
can you override it and direct them consciously and control
your emotions? Wouldn’t it be great if you had the power
to make sure that you were never nervous, never flustered,
never angry? If you could always be happy, confident, and
in control? Of course it would! And believe it or not, it is
possible. In order to do that, though, you’re going to have to
learn to hack into your brain and make it work for you.
The things that control your
emotions are your beliefs. If you
believe you’re confident, you
will be. If you believe you’re in
control, you are. If you believe
you’re worth something, if you believe you have high-value, others will believe it too. If
you don’t believe you have high value, your body language
will project negative messages instead. And because your
body language is controlled by your emotions and your
emotions are controlled by your beliefs, women read your
body language to assess what you believe, so make sure your
beliefs aren’t limiting your success........................................... .
I’m not going to pretend that redefining and reinventing your
belief system is an easy task, because for most people it
isn’t, but it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever
do. In order to be a true badass with women, every man
must get to the point where he can control his emotions to
be positive so his body language naturally falls in line with
those emotions.
The interesting thing is that women don’t necessarily read
your body language and immediately decide whether or
not they’re attracted to you. Don’t get me wrong – it does
happen quickly, but women usually wait to see your reaction
to something before making a true assessment of you. If
they can see you in a situation in which you’re being tested
in some way and they can watch your body language in that
situation, they then know for sure that you’re acting from a
direct link to your emotions, which are direct links to your
beliefs, which show them whether or not you think you're
truly valuable. The four women in the walking-down-the street
example became attracted to you based on the body
language they read from your reaction to their silence and
laughter, not your initial body language.
It's up to you to decide to have the powerful and positive belief
system that will make you attractive to women. If you don't
make a committed effort to acquire them, it won't matter
what else you learn. You could read this book a million times
and you'd still have trouble. It's not until you decide to have
confident beliefs about yourself that you will be attractive
to women. Women typically tend to be more perceptive
than men, and better at detecting lies, so they’ll see right
through you if you’re faking it. It is infinitely more effective
to create a new belief system for yourself.
Bro WB
Impressive with bro WB forum above.
So many nice topics discussed and very rich content.
29-09-2018, 12:12 PM
Impressive with bro WB forum above.
So many nice topics discussed and very rich content.
Fully agreed.
Learnt so much from the forum, thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
01-10-2018, 04:46 PM
Bro WB
Many thanks for a great thread.
Always must be relentless pursuit of getting gals.
Lovely motto and mojo.
Agreed with you that our body language is crucial and the lesser we speak the best. Vice -versa female body language too tells us plenty.
Hope to learn more here.
My personal motto:
I'm improving myself, improving others n improving everything around me, constantly n relentlessly, in every way, every hr every day.
I hereby present my "Flow Chart" for attraction n success in every area of life.
Your Positive Belief System n Self Mastery ---> Positive Emotions ---> Pervasive Confidence ---> Positive Body Language n Actions (Regardless of What Happens n Under The Most Stressful Situations) ---> Attraction (n Success in Life)
Still worry abt ur looks, height, weight, age, status, etc when approaching a very chio gal of ur dream?
Remember this: You're very attractive to beautiful women cuz You're very confident.
Another guru talks abt the importance of body language:
An estimated 67% to 93% of human communication
(according to university researchers) is non-verbal,
and your body language reveals your internal emotional
state. Whether someone's parents just died, or whether
they just got promoted to CEO... you can tell by
observing their body language.
So, as a man who tries to pick up and seduce women,
you should be mindful of what you're communicating
Body language consists of the following:
- Your movements. They should be nonchalant, as if
you're so fabulously successful that there's rarely a
reason for you to rush nor try to impress anybody.
Move through the world doing what you want and
assuming that others will follow.
- The displacement of your body. Your arms and legs
should be spread out. Don't be afraid to take up space.
- Your voice. It should have a calm, soothing, and
commanding effect. Don't speak too fast or strain
your voice.
- Your face. Keep your facial muscles relaxed. Never
tense your jaw, and only rarely should you frown or
wrinkle your brow.
- Your shoulders. Keep them relaxed like they'd be
if you just got a massage. Don't raise them up like
a nervous person.
I would even go as far as to say that you body language
is more important than anything you say, because if
your body language doesn't match what you say, then
you won't succeed with women.
You see, if you tell a woman stories that convey your
confidence, but at the same time you slump over and
fold your arms, then you come across as fake.
I've picked up women before merely through the use of
my body language. For example, a couple months ago
I was at a coffee shop that I frequent, lounging on the
couch, arms spread out, with my feet up on the table.
The mindset I had was that I felt so comfortable that it
was as if I were in my home lounging on my own couch.
It was as if I owned the coffee shop.
The net result was that a girl sitting near me put down
her book and started engaging me in random small talk.
(Whenever an attractive girl you don't know starts a
random conversation with you, you should ALWAYS
assume that she's attracted to you. This is because
women generally won't risk the whole male-female
dynamic, especially with a stranger, unless they feel
The conversation went on for awhile, I got her number,
called her that night, and a few days later we met and
after several hours went to her place, where I spent the
night. (We finally had sex in the morning.)
The bottom line though is that she became initially
attracted to me and approached me because of my
body language.
Now, of course body language isn't enough. You also
must have an internal alpha male mindset that's consistent
with your body language.
But make no mistake about it... if your body language
conveys confidence, then your mood will also shift to
become more confident. And have you ever noticed
how when you walk with a spring in your step, you
feel more upbeat?
Conversely, when you cast your eyes down and drag
your feet, you feel depressed. So your mindset also
follows the body language that you adopt.
So, in conclusion, be an alpha male with your mindset
and your body language. Be in a woman's personal
space and be sexual and interested in her, but at the
same time don't be needy or desperate for her attention.
Just be comfortable and enjoy yourself.
And when your body language conveys that, it means you'll
later be comfortable and enjoying yourself... with the woman.
Bro WB
01-10-2018, 04:48 PM
Below is another guru great post.
Very interesting contrast to above post.
Hello Bro Warbird,
I want you to imagine a woman who can't keep her hands off of you,
who's eager to touch you & kiss you, who clings to your every word
and move. She enjoys rubbing her warm body against yours, even in
public places. She strokes your hair constantly, always has her arm
around you, and can hardly step away from you for a second.
Sounds pretty good, huh?
Now imagine this: A woman is with a man who can't keep his hands
off of her, who's eager to touch her & kiss her, who clings to her
every word and move. He enjoys rubbing his warm body against hers,
even in public places. He strokes her hair constantly, always has
his arm around her, and can hardly step away from her for a second.
Pathetic! He's obviously clingy, desperate, needy and possibly even
You see, this is what men so often forget in dating and in their
interactions with women: What might be a turn on and a fantasy for
him- could easily be an attraction killer for her.
Why? Well, using the example above, the male is automatically
turned on when he's been sexually accepted and is "approved" by the
female. This is biology and evolution. However, because women have
had to protect themselves from rape, getting pregnant at a bad or
hard time, and have always had to worry about carrying & protecting
young offspring, a man who's overly clingy, too physical, or
aggressive in his touch & affection at the wrong time, comes across
as a threat.
And when a woman feels "threatened", which this day in time may be
a feeling of simple annoyance to her, she wants to get out of
there- she wants to escape.
This is also where some men get confused (especially politicians,
so it seems) and send women a nude or "naughty" picture of
themselves. The man would LOVE IT if the woman sent such a picture
of herself to him. But, unfortunately, the woman doesn't find this
to be a turn on or so exiting, and she quickly laughs at him, shows
her friends (who also get a good laugh out of it)... and possibly
even shares it with the media or police.
When interacting with women, it's very important for a man to step
away from his "male brain" and understand how women view various
actions. Because what might be wonderfully exciting for you, might
make her head for the hills...................
The woman on your side,
Ms Guru
It seems most men, including some famous Ang Moh politicians, still dun get it, hahaha.
Another example: We men love to watch explicit porn, but most women r completely turned off unless it's merely a part of a romantic story, filmed artistically.
Bro WB
01-10-2018, 08:03 PM
Yes, body language is very important.
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Have a great week ahead.
Bro WB
Many thanks for a great thread.
Always must be relentless pursuit of getting gals.
Lovely motto and mojo.
Agreed with you that our body language is crucial and the lesser we speak the best. Vice -versa female body language too tells us plenty.
Hope to learn more here.
Below is another guru great post.
Very interesting contrast to above post.
Fully agreed with you too.
Hope to read and learn more from bro WB here.
02-10-2018, 11:41 AM
Bro WB
Now I learned plenty of ways to tackle gals. I was very shy when young and totally ignorant. I wished I had read this thread much earlier and plenty to learn.
To this ang moh guru bonding is simple.
Just agree with the gal and things get done.
How I wish this is magic
Don't get me wrong because it may work.
I like to share a msg on "Three “Bonding” Steps to Her Bedroom…" from yet another Ang Moh mentor:
Hi Bro Warbird,
Tired of feeling as if you don't know what to say to women?
Tired of watching OTHER men go home with the women you wish you
were taking home?
I would be!
I've been out doing research for you again, talking to prime,
beautiful, thoughtful women about what they REALLY want from men -
and just as important - what's been turning them off recently.
What are they TIRED of... and what YOU can do to LASSOO THEIR
ATTENTION and lead it where you want to go?
Want to hear one of their biggest complaints and how to avoid it?
Then listen up...
You've probably heard women complain that men don't "listen."
We don't. For a few reasons. We often can't follow their logic.
Or we don't want to try that hard. But usually, it's because we
are pretty convinced we have the answer to their problems before
they even finish what they are saying.
Which may or may not be true.
But truth has limited relevance here. What matters, when it comes
to enlightened seduction is FEELING. How does she FEEL about you?
What does she FEEL in your presence? From your body? From your
Want a short-cut to getting her feeling strangely "bonded" to you?
I want to give you a 3 Step Magic Formula for evoking amazing
feelings of LOVE and APPRECIATION from any woman - specifically as
a way to cure yourself of the annoying "premature problem solving"
issue so many men have,
When a woman starts telling you about something important,
something emotional, whether about work, family, friends or
otherwise, employ these 3 steps in this order:
Bonding Step 1: Mirror her words.
This means you don't ADD anything, you don't analyze, you don't
solve. You just show her that you actually heard her words and
weren't thinking about LeBron, Giselle, your quarterly reports or
wondering about the shape or color of her areolae.
So if she said, "Sorry I'm not very talkative. I had a hard day
today at work today. My boss is such an a-hole." You say:
"Sounds like you had a tough day."
Bonding Step 2: Validate her feelings.
Whatever your opinion, whatever your thoughts or observations - put
a lid on it! Step two of creating a BOND with her is to validate
that her feelings are justified. Which is a way of "accepting" her
as is, something few of us rarely get from anyone!
So if she says, "My boss just yells at everyone like their fools,
but he knows less than anyone." You say, "You have every right to
be mad at that idiot. You know more than him and he acts like he's
king of the world."
Bonding Step 3. Empathize.
Notice this is the first time "you" came into the picture here.
You have just laid the groundwork for her to feel heard (already a
miracle, in her eyes) and validated (a double miracle!" Only now
to do you up the ante by letting her know that you "feel her pain."
So if she says, "I'm just so tired of working so hard and not being
appreciated for all I bring," only now can you bring your sorry ass
into the conversation and add, "I'm really sorry you're going
through that. It must feel awful. It makes me feel like I'm losing
all my motivation just listening to you describe it."
Yes! Exactly! She will exclaim, as she grabs your knee - thrilled
to be in the presence of such a Prince of a Man, who not only hears
her, accepts her without judgment but who also FEELS what she FEELS.
That, my friend is a 3-Step Shortcut to bonding with any woman.
Short-cutting communications success with woman doesn't mean clever
quips and soaring assholery.
Communications is a step-by-step process of building trust, humor,
authority, inspiration and rapport..........................................
Your Mentor
Bro WB
02-10-2018, 11:44 AM
Bro WB
Yes long term investment.
I congratulate you on a very successful thread here.
I will follow guru advice to maintain contact. Gals that aren't available now can get available within weeks, months or years.
Many regards
Remember your tips.
I always think long term when it comes to investing n chio pussies.
Several gals who previously had repeatedly rejected me n who wont even want to hv lunch w/ me, hv eventually become my mistresses. One noteworthy example is my 1st ever mistress who is still w/ me.
IMHO, in investing n in getting chio pussies, one needs to think long term.
A guru recently sent me a msg on 'Keep in Touch' in which he extols the virtue of long term thinking.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they
like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a
husband that she's gone forever.
Nothing can be farther from the truth. Women who appear to be
unavailable suddenly become available, and vice versa. Nothing is
ever set in stone except for relationships that are ruined by men.
I've had several male friends throw fits of jealousy in the past
when a woman they were interested in politely told them she'd
started seeing someone, had a boyfriend, etc.
Months, even years later, when the boyfriend in the moment (and
husbands) turned out not to be Prince Charming, these women were
not at all interested in these guys because of how they acted in
the moment.
It was sad because had these guys been cool gracious, and stayed in
touch, something interesting would have happened. There would have
been a point where they appeared to be more attractive than the
former Prince Charming, and when she dumped the boyfriend, she
would have been quite interested in him.
Here's what you have to understand about women and attraction:
time and circumstance changes everything. Most guys are morons
about women and eventually wind up screwing up what they bumbled
If you are cool, if you stay in touch, if you at least appear to
be "happy for her" (even though you are probably not), when Prince
Charming screws it up (and he always does), you'll be the first guy
she gets in touch with.
Patience is a virtue in all areas, but especially so in attraction.
Now, this does not, of course, mean you "wait" for her while not
seeing other women. You live your life, see other women, and take
advantage of opportunity (any opportunity) as it arises.
One of two things will happen. Odds are she will eventually come
free and be interested in you, but if not, your chances of
attracting another, better woman in the interim are good.
Most men are caught up in the short term or feelings in the moment
with women, never thinking about the possibilities down the road.
That's why they wind up missing out when opportunity arises once
So be a long term thinker. Set up things for the future. Be
patient. And when opportunity comes your way once again, seize it.
On with the fun,
Mr. Guru
He is right.
Even if ur dream gal has rejected u n/or has fallen for another man, her pussy is not gone forever. Relaxed. Be as calm as ice, be happy for her, continue to be friendly n stay in touch. Your behaviour n attitude would appear extremely masculine...n when her "Prince Charming" inevitably screws up, she will make overtures to u, hahaha.
Believe me, eating n fxking a chio pussy which was completely beyond ur reach in the past, is exceptionally delicious n very shiok indeed, hahaha.
ABP. Always Be Prepared.
Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness.
Bro WB
02-10-2018, 11:52 AM
Same, I was very shy too. Luckily managed to learn some tips from this thread.
Thanks very much to Bro WB.
Bro WB
Now I learned plenty of ways to tackle gals. I was very shy when young and totally ignorant. I wished I had read this thread much earlier and plenty to learn.
To this ang moh guru bonding is simple.
Just agree with the gal and things get done.
How I wish this is magic
Don't get me wrong because it may work.
04-10-2018, 05:28 PM
Tks Bro WB for up.
Will support this thread.
04-10-2018, 05:30 PM
Will definitely support bro.
04-10-2018, 05:38 PM
Very nice thread, support too.
04-10-2018, 10:10 PM
Yes, I pick up & meet Girl C outside KTV at PC joint. After a HH outing, walking over to my car, I meet Girl C (CQ) and Girl J (GZ) both are room-mate standing at the lift lobby of PC joint, waiting for the rain to stop. Both of them was in t-shirt & jeans just finish their night class at nearby school. I approach them, 送你们两一程回家吧. Both agree. And so I exchange contact with Girl C. Girl are at the most natural when they are without any makeup which draw my attention to Girl C. Both of them is still schooling and will pop up at PC joints when they do not have any lesson.
Girl C is from CQ, her character was similar to hotpot 麻辣火锅. It's a challenge for me. I accept rejection from her several times. I almost wanted to give up on her. I grab her hand, and whisper to her ear, "我们交往”, she did not say anything but a sweet smile and a nod of head. Took me months to break the barrier within her and conquered her.
It can be frustrating at times but it is never easy to continue. Know that when you got your girl, you will always worry that you might lose them to other guys or if you dun love them enough. I initiate messaging to her most of the times. A bad mistake made, which give her the impression that you couldn't do without her. She have a upper hand on you.
With proper advise, I manage to correct myself. Understand the concept of less is more. Initiate less messaging to her, most of the times. Until today, I still finding initiating messaging to her difficult. I decrease day by day of messaging her. Give her enough hope in the relationship rather then giving her no hope. Similar to a rubber band, at time you need to pull and at time you need to release the tension drawing her closer to you rather you draw closer to her. A kiss on her cheeks and follow by more imitate as you continue. Women don't understand what their subconscious minds want. A good behaviour and attitude of yourself play the very important role. Im still learning and correct myself as I progress.
05-10-2018, 12:18 AM
Yes, I pick up & meet Girl C outside KTV at PC joint. After a HH outing, walking over to my car, I meet Girl C (CQ) and Girl J (GZ) both are room-mate standing at the lift lobby of PC joint, waiting for the rain to stop. Both of them was in t-shirt & jeans just finish their night class at nearby school. I approach them, 送你们两一程回家吧. Both agree. And so I exchange contact with Girl C. Girl are at the most natural when they are without any makeup which draw my attention to Girl C. Both of them is still schooling and will pop up at PC joints when they do not have any lesson.
Girl C is from CQ, her character was similar to hotpot 麻辣火锅. It's a challenge for me. I accept rejection from her several times. I almost wanted to give up on her. I grab her hand, and whisper to her ear, "我们交往”, she did not say anything but a sweet smile and a nod of head. Took me months to break the barrier within her and conquered her.
It can be frustrating at times but it is never easy to continue. Know that when you got your girl, you will always worry that you might lose them to other guys or if you dun love them enough. I initiate messaging to her most of the times. A bad mistake made, which give her the impression that you couldn't do without her. She have a upper hand on you.
With proper advise, I manage to correct myself. Understand the concept of less is more. Initiate less messaging to her, most of the times. Until today, I still finding initiating messaging to her difficult. I decrease day by day of messaging her. Give her enough hope in the relationship rather then giving her no hope. Similar to a rubber band, at time you need to pull and at time you need to release the tension drawing her closer to you rather you draw closer to her. A kiss on her cheeks and follow by more imitate as you continue. Women don't understand what their subconscious minds want. A good behaviour and attitude of yourself play the very important role. Im still learning and correct myself as I progress.
Nice share bro. Fully agreed with what you did :)
05-10-2018, 06:11 AM
Yes, I pick up & meet Girl C outside KTV at PC joint. After a HH outing, walking over to my car, I meet Girl C (CQ) and Girl J (GZ) both are room-mate standing at the lift lobby of PC joint, waiting for the rain to stop. Both of them was in t-shirt & jeans just finish their night class at nearby school. I approach them, 送你们两一程回家吧. Both agree. And so I exchange contact with Girl C. Girl are at the most natural when they are without any makeup which draw my attention to Girl C. Both of them is still schooling and will pop up at PC joints when they do not have any lesson.
Girl C is from CQ, her character was similar to hotpot 麻辣火锅. It's a challenge for me. I accept rejection from her several times. I almost wanted to give up on her. I grab her hand, and whisper to her ear, "我们交往”, she did not say anything but a sweet smile and a nod of head. Took me months to break the barrier within her and conquered her.
It can be frustrating at times but it is never easy to continue. Know that when you got your girl, you will always worry that you might lose them to other guys or if you dun love them enough. I initiate messaging to her most of the times. A bad mistake made, which give her the impression that you couldn't do without her. She have a upper hand on you.
With proper advise, I manage to correct myself. Understand the concept of less is more. Initiate less messaging to her, most of the times. Until today, I still finding initiating messaging to her difficult. I decrease day by day of messaging her. Give her enough hope in the relationship rather then giving her no hope. Similar to a rubber band, at time you need to pull and at time you need to release the tension drawing her closer to you rather you draw closer to her. A kiss on her cheeks and follow by more imitate as you continue. Women don't understand what their subconscious minds want. A good behaviour and attitude of yourself play the very important role. Im still learning and correct myself as I progress.
Most of SG guys failed one. They will jip and blast Sms or wechat until those girls ki siao. Then guys started to anyhow react etc.
Until those girls totally turned off. And they start posting on sbf that they kana Kc-ed and heart broken by them. :D
05-10-2018, 06:53 AM
Bro WB
I re-post this past forum so that others can benefit from the great guidance.
I could agree more because everything taught inside is correct.
I hope to believe that gals are abundance and I have 1000 gals wanted to fark me.
If we can say no woman is special then I think we achieved the self-mastery.
Cheers to a wonderful day.
Good morning!
Pretty SYTs hv been hit on by many men since they were in early teens n they intuitively know, within 30 secs of meeting a man, whether he is sexually confident n is accustomed to making love to beautiful gals/women. Many of them hv a strong filtering mechanism, at the subconscious level, which weeds out those who r not sexually confident, regardless of their looks, height, age, status, etc. A man's sexual mojo is manifested by his facial expressions, eye ctc, voice tone n body language, not by who he is or what he says or claims to be .
Just the other day I got the HP no of a 20 yo SYT LC OUTSIDE a KTV. She is slightly over 170, abt 52 kg n when I saw her, I was stunned by her good looks n her body/limb proportions. She was gorgeous!. But I pretended only mildly interested n also got HP no from the two other gals w/ her...the next day she actually thought that I was interested in one of her frens, hahaha.
Subsequently, I took all 3 of them to supper, LC appeared less stunning but still very attractive. She has beautiful lips, long straight legs, very slim arms/wrists n I noticed her ample breasts. Nice curvy ass too, although a little more meat there would be even better fro doggie. In another occasion when I was alone w/ her, I asked if she had natural B/C breasts. She said natural D, n pulled away her bra to show that there was no padding n I had an eyeful of her big breasts. I later proposed BY to her n she said she had to think abt it. I then kissed her on her lips...the next day she said yes.
I was hesitant to consummate the deal cuz I was planning to return to Gotham City soon.
In retrospect I was a bit too hasty in offering BY. She was stunning when I 1st saw her as it was dusk n she was dressed to kill. I would rate her looks at 9 n figure 9. Right then I thought I was going to dump my lao po for her. The next day 8 n 8. Subsequent meetings when she had little makeup: 7 to 7.5 n 7.5. Although she is 20 according to her PRC passport, she looks more like 22. Rashomon Effect?
BTW, I also seem to get more satisfaction in getting gals to say yes to BY than the actual BY. LC promised to wait for my return. She claimed that she would never do ST n had never been BY-ed before. I called a most esteemed bro, The Flower King, the other nite to do a background check on her cuz she had been a singer for 3 months. He never heard of her. He also gave me a simple strategy, he is like a military advisor haha...I met her 20 minutes later, we had dinner at a fishhead place on Jalan make a long story short, I vowed to BY her 'long term', gave her a down payment, took her to a secure place n upped her. She was very responsive...haha.
Yesterday I received a newsletter from a famous guru stating his beliefs abt women:
Hey Bro Warbird,
I'm going to keep today's newsletter short and sweet.
I want to share with you two beliefs that I have regarding women
that are the cornerstone of how I interact with them.
Two simple beliefs--ok actually THREE simple beliefs--that can make
your interactions with women more enjoyable and rewarding.
Here you go:
Belief 1: There is an ABUNDANCE of smart, beautiful, and great
women out there.
There are over 3 BILLION females on this planet. Yes, print this in
your brain 3 B-I-L-L-I-O-N, so relax and ditch the scarcity
Belief 2: NO woman is more special than any other.
Yes, women come in different forms and shapes. They have different
personalities, attitude, and character, but there is NO one you
should put on a pedestal. They are just human beings who lie, make
mistakes, and are insecure, like you and me.
Belief 3: You shouldn't take "Women" TOO seriously.
Would you take your little sister too seriously if she were to tell
you to fuck off? No. You'd probably laugh. So, yes, anything a
woman does is just funny. She doesn't call back. Laugh. She flakes
on you on a date. Laugh even more. That's how women are. They don't
even know why they do or don't do things. So don't take them too
seriously. They don't want you to. The less you take them
seriously, the more serious they'll be about you.
Ok, that's it for today!
Have an amazing day!
He is right. Well mostly right, except that there r over 3.5 Billion females out there.
Next time if a very pretty 19 yo SYT asks me to get lost, I'll just laugh it off. My relaxed n confident response will be most attractive to her. Who knows? Within 1 wk I'll be eating her chio abalone n fxking her brains out! It has actually happened to me more than once before, hahaha.
Bro WB
05-10-2018, 06:55 AM
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
One again re-post to help others.
Try read at least once.
Good morning!
Most men don't understand attraction.
A man is very attractive and sexy to desirable and high quality women BECAUSE he is very confident and masculine (in character and personality traits). Period.
If a man has no confidence n is very shy, he will hv a very hard time connecting w/ pretty gals. And if he is also needy n desperate, he will be repulsive to them, even if he is young, handsome, well educated n rich, just like one of my kakis bro KC, who is now in his late 20s.
I hv chionged w/ him for 2 1/2 -3 yrs now. One time, over 2 yrs ago, just two of us went to LV SH n we looked at all the girls in the hall. He thought he had an unfair advantage over me cuz I was a lao chi ko pek. But that nite, I met a singer whom I BY-ed for a wk n an 18 yo SYT whom I BY-ed subsequently, whereas he went home w/ nothing. His voice tone n body language seemed to turn the girls off. BTW, he was not afraid to spend money.
In another instance, bro KC was so enamored w/ a gal from LV that somehow she avoided him as if he was a leper! He couldn't even book her to go to dinner. I knew how bad he must hv felt since my 1st BAO-ee who is my current lao po used to avoid me like that. So he gave me her HP no n I called her. She agreed to hv dinner w/ me even though she had never met me. When I told her bro KC n my GF would go to dinner together, she suddenly said she wasn't free n hung up.
Bro KC has been most unsuccessful w/ non-WLs n WLs alike, despite spending quite lavishly. If u dun know him n 1st see him from afar, u would think that he is a 'SYT killer', hahaha. It's ironic that he spends most of his time jerking off, whereas an ah pek like me is fxking all the chio SYTs of my type.
Decades ago, I used to know a NUS student, an exceptionally handsome n tall Indian boy who looked like a movie star, but who could never get a date from plain looking Indian gals. He was painfully shy...
Morale of the story? Forget abt ur looks, height, weight, physical defects, age, money, etc. Be very confident n masculine. Be a badass! Now go out there n connect w/ n fxk all the gals of ur type, hahaha. Pls dun use force, just attract n charm them, ok?
This morning I received the following newsletter from a guru.
Hi Bro Warbird,
Too Ugly? Too Short? Too Old? Here's How To Turn Your Flaws Into Strengths
Are you a guy with a high-pitched voice? Of maybe you've
got a face only a mother could love?
Well, whatever it is, if you're worried and upset about
your physical flaws, which prevent you from attracting
women, then I've got some good news for you.
Not only can you eliminate those flaws, you can turn them
into your advantage. I'll explain how by bringing up an
example of three guys who were very successful players
in their day.
So here's a trivia question for you. What do Steve Tyler
of Aerosmith, the late rapper Eazy-E, and Curly from the
Three Stooges all have in common?
The answer is they all had voices so high that if they had
wanted to, they could have talked to someone on the phone
and that person wouldn't have known they were speaking to a man.
It would have been simple for all three men to have hung
their heads in shame and turn into beta males who never got
laid and never even could get a girl to talk to them.
In fact, I've coached a lot of men who have limiting beliefs
when it comes to things like their voice, their looks, their
genetics, etc. You name the trait, and there's always somebody
who uses that trait as a negative belief, which sabotages their
chances at success with women.
However, despite their high voices, Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly
were all masters of a simple technique that turned that big
flaw into a big trademark that made them even more attractive
to women.
It's a simple technique that I learned when I studied
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and it will help you as
tremendously as it did all three of those men.
In order to develop the confidence of my students, I have them
learn and apply this concept. The concept is called reframing.
Here's how reframing works. Basically, you take every negative
belief that you have and turn it into a positive, uplifting
question. Do it like this:
1. "I feel bad about my voice" becomes "How can I use my unique
voice as my own trademark that sets me apart from other guys?"
(That's what Tyler, Eazy-E, and Curly all did.)
2. "My face is pockmarked from acne" becomes "How is my face
totally awesome? How can my lack of natural good looks actually
help me with women?"
3. "I'm too short" becomes "How can I height to my advantage?"
As you ponder your new, reframed questions in your mind, your
brain will come up with answers to them.
For example, you might find that it's to your advantage to not
be a "pretty boy." Women expect good-looking guys to talk to
them, so when you're displaying the confidence to talk with them,
their guards will be down.
They won't expect you to try to pick them up. That gives you a
window of opportunity to display your confident, alpha male
Being short can allow you to gain rapport much easier with girls
than taller guys can. Tall guys have a psychological communication
barrier a lot of the time because they're literally speaking to a
lot of girls (who tend on average to be shorter than guys) from a
different level.
So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your
limiting beliefs that do.
Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead
it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner
sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that
women pick up on.
For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level
is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can
become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from
weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.
So I want you to stop reading after this, get out a pen (or open
a blank document in your word processor) and write out your negative
beliefs. Then write positive, uplifting questions about how to turn
those flaws into good things.
When you become happy and comfortable with all your traits, through
the technique of reframing, you'll become unstoppable with your
self-confidence. Gain that kind of confidence, and you'll magnetically
attract girls to you.
Learn to develop the confidence and mindset that make women lust
for you................
Talk soon,
Mr. TY
Bro WB
05-10-2018, 10:13 AM
Bro WB
I re-post this past forum so that others can benefit from the great guidance.
I could agree more because everything taught inside is correct.
I hope to believe that gals are abundance and I have 1000 gals wanted to fark me.
If we can say no woman is special then I think we achieved the self-mastery.
Cheers to a wonderful day.
Thanks for re-posting. And thanks Bro WB for this great thread too.
Have a nice weekend.
05-10-2018, 05:05 PM
Nice post, tks for sharing.
An awesome thread here by Bro WB.
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
One again re-post to help others.
Try read at least once.
06-10-2018, 04:53 PM
Bro WB
Gotham city - New York - Daily Planet?
I personally would like to thank you for all your valuable contributions to this thread.
Your post below was indeed valuable lesson for me.
I don't know how to disqualify a girl and always get stuck.
If I had read your thread then I think should guided me to earlier days.
Thanks and happy weekend.
Greetings from Gotham City!
Ths to bros here for sharing their expertise on sex positions n strategies for lasting longer. I hv my own opinions which I'll share w/ u all at a later date.
I like Mr. Chairman's direct approach to getting the pussies. I do the same. I always ask a new gal for ST, sometimes within 60 secs of meeting her. BY-ing, which is offered only to gals who dun do STs, takes slightly longer, haha.
To me, time is much more valuable then money.
A guru sent me the following msg a wk ago. It applies to all gals/women n all RS.
Don't waste your time,
Hey Bro warbird,
One of the most important things you can do in attraction is
disqualify women. As soon as you determine a woman is not right
for you, no matter your goals with women, you should politely move
Some women you can tell in ten minutes. Some a week. Some a
month. For some it might even take a year, although I'd call that
excessive. But in the end, it really doesn't matter.
As soon as you know a woman is not right for you, end it, and move
on, no matter how much or how little time you have invested.
Obviously you want to shorten the evaluation process as much as
possible, but no matter how much time you have invested, if she's
not right for you, you must go.
The only thing we have in this life that's limited is time. The
time you spend with a woman who's not right for you is time you
could be spending finding one who is, or spending time with that
How do you evaluate? You determine the results you want at the
present time in your life, and she either matches up with those or
she doesn't. There's no middle ground.
As you move along in life, the results you want may change. You
may be a guy who wants to date, then decides he wants a committed
relationship. You may be a man who's just out of a relationship,
and wants to date and nothing else. At some point in your life,
you will probably be both of those men.
But you cannot waste precious seconds with a woman who doesn't
match up with what you want at this point in your life. All that
does is get you farther away from a woman that does.
Brutal? Not really. It's actually the most humane thing you can
do because it gives her the opportunity to either find someone
compatible, or get fantasy-land out of her head, and her mind right
about the way the world really works.
The most successful people think in terms of time, first and
foremost. When they think of capital to spend and capital to
invest, they think in terms of time capital, something that is
running out for all of us.
Spending time with a woman not right for you is squandering time
capital. Investing time to find the woman who is right for you, or
is right for you, is a wise use of it, something few men ever do.
Make sure you're one of them.
On with the fun,
Your Guru
06-10-2018, 04:54 PM
This is a classic lesson from a very senior person.
All the correct moves but never be gentleman.
Gentleman dun get you pussy.
Dear Bro quickie51234,
1) So you wanna be gentleman or wanna fcuk her? Sorry to be so crude, but I’ll relate a story to you later;
2) There is always a chance but will depend on you;
3) Wrong; and
4) What do you want to do?
2 weeks ago, I was at LV SH with Bro Warbird, showing him one of my gfs photos on QQ and also other PRC SYTs on my facebook. I also showed him weixin and all the wonderful features and 3 methods of finding gals using it – Look around, Shake, and Drift Bottle. Look around will show you all the weixin users within a 1km radius from your location. Shake will look for users who are also shaking their phone (anywhere in the world). Drift bottle will let you fish for bottles (with messages) thrown into the mobile sea by other users. I’ve personally chat up gals who are in China using the drift bottle feature – a very slim and hot girl who under my encouragement, went ahead to undergo plastic surgery to slim her cheekbones. She sent me pics of her after-surgery photos.
But the best is using “Look around” cos whenever you are within a 1km radius of SYT high density areas, you will bound to see a lot of girls. Eg., near Tiong Bahru, People’s Park, and of cos at the outlets in Havelock Road! And my story begins at LV 2 Fridays ago…
While showing Bro Warbird and my gal who were around using Look Around, my GPS position was logged by weixin. In the wee hours after the party, I received a message from a gal. She wanted me to bring her out for supper. At 2+am?!?!?! WTF?!?!? Anyways, we continued messaging each other until I finally said why not I buy you lunch? She said OK. That night, she asked me for my mobile no. so that we can talk on the phone and I replied that I would give it to her the next morning citing inconvenience. And she replied: “Oh you are married. Let’s not have lunch. Your wife will not be happy”. So I said OK fine. And went to sleep. No big deal. But in my mind, I know for sure she will initiate contact again. And true enough, she messaged me the next day. She asked me to call her and we talked.
She’s 22, from Sichuan and is here for 3 week, leaving Singapore the next. She works in TAM. That was yesterday. We talked about lots of things but to highlight something in our conversation that’s relevant to this post. She complained to me about this super nice customer whom she met on the first day at work in TAM. Super nice guy who asked her to sit with him (to her, anyone who asked her is a savior, especially after standing there for hours at end in high heels. You know how they think when they are in a line up? God please, let me sit down, white knight or black knight, you are my savior!) Anyways, back to this super nice customer who booked her for the next 2 visits cos he just wanted someone familiar to sit and chat with him and he didn’t really enjoy going to such places. (hello?!?!?!?!). He would not force her to drink (she’s a lousy drinker) and whould shield her from drinks when mummy wants the gals to drink. Pays her a little extra tips ($50 more) every time. They would talk on the phone and then she finally agreed to go out to have lunch with him.
Here comes the bomb: He picked her up; he drove her straight to a hotel; he asked her to name a price. She felt humiliated and deeply hurt. She told me if it was any other customer who negotiated with her in TAM, she would have politely rejected and not offended. But from someone she thought was a total gentleman!? Disbelieve and total humiliation.
My point? You want to be a gentleman? Sure. Be a gentleman. All the way. But know this: a gentleman will not get into the gal’s pussy. Sorry to be crude here but its true. Being a gentleman and not touchy is not a sign of confidence. Please, you must change your tact if you want to taste the pussy!! Bro Warbird has posted so many gems for all of us to learn.
She wanted to meet me last evening but I rejected her. I may be seeing her later or go for lunch with her tomorrow though. But I have no intentions to up her as my plate is currently full now. There’s only so many pussies I can handle at one time and poor me can only afford 1 or 2 at a time. All my time already taken up by my work, investments, family and gfs.
Sorry for the long-winded post but thanks for reading!
06-10-2018, 05:50 PM
I wish I had read this thread earlier too.
Anyway this is a great thread by Bro WB, thanks bro.
Bro WB
Gotham city - New York - Daily Planet?
I personally would like to thank you for all your valuable contributions to this thread.
Your post below was indeed valuable lesson for me.
I don't know how to disqualify a girl and always get stuck.
If I had read your thread then I think should guided me to earlier days.
Thanks and happy weekend.
07-10-2018, 11:17 AM
What an auspicious Sunday!!
My sincere gratitude to ALL samsters who hv posted here. I hv benefited immensely since 2009. Actually negative and hostile posts hv been even more helpful. What didn't kill me has made me much stronger and wiser. I hv even more grit now...
I hv been very busy and my posts hv been very brief.
Without this thread and without all the posts here, both negative and positive, I would still be clueless about girls/women. And a pathetic failure.
In the last 4-5 yrs, I hv seen ONLY 3 chio 18 yo SYTs of my type in SG. And ALL 3 of them hv become my LPs. They are LS, ZT and TY. LS is now 22, ZT 21 and TY 18.
TY and LS are still my full-time LPs in SG. There is another girl KT, but I met her in Aug 2016 when she just turned 19.
When will I see another 18 yo chio SYT of my type? I'm not sure. 可遇而不可求 I met LS in March 2015, ZT in Dec 2015 and TY in March 18, when she was barely 18.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I didn't know your putong hua so powerful.
Anyway reading through your forums make me wonder how small I felt. I felt a shame not to do what you guys are doing,
Will try to continue reading.
Always will remember to have self-mastery.
The girl XYZ wrote it, not me.
It's never too late to change.
Impressive with bro WB forum above.
So many nice topics discussed and very rich content.
Bro, thanks.
THE best definition of confidence I hv read.
"Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the
ability to increase the value of others around you. That’s why
guys who don’t have money but do demonstrate this quality
are still able to attract beautiful, self-assured women."
What is puzzling is that I quoted this Ang Moh guru in 2012 but his book was first published in 2014!
Bro WB
Many thanks for a great thread.
Always must be relentless pursuit of getting gals.
Lovely motto and mojo.
Agreed with you that our body language is crucial and the lesser we speak the best. Vice -versa female body language too tells us plenty.
Hope to learn more here.
Bro, tks.
Your mindset or frame and body language are THE most important determinants of your success w/ girls/women.
Below is another guru great post.
Very interesting contrast to above post.
Man and women are totally different when it comes to attraction at the subconscious level, where it really counts. Sadly, most men AND even women are completely clueless.
"When interacting with women, it's very important for a man to step
away from his "male brain" and understand how women view various
actions. Because what might be wonderfully exciting for you, might
make her head for the hills..................."
Bro WB
Now I learned plenty of ways to tackle gals. I was very shy when young and totally ignorant. I wished I had read this thread much earlier and plenty to learn.
To this ang moh guru bonding is simple.
Just agree with the gal and things get done.
How I wish this is magic
Don't get me wrong because it may work.
Bro, tks so much for your post.
Emotional and sexual bonding w/ beautiful girls/women of you type is a vital part of a good and happy life.
The guru was talking about emotional bonding
A 3 Step Magic Formula for evoking amazing
feelings of LOVE and APPRECIATION from any woman
Bonding Step 1: Mirror her words
Bonding Step 2: Validate her feelings.
Bonding Step 3. Empathize.
For sexual bonding? The key is prolonged penetration sex...
Bro WB
Yes long term investment.
I congratulate you on a very successful thread here.
I will follow guru advice to maintain contact. Gals that aren't available now can get available within weeks, months or years.
Many regards
Remember your tips.
Bro, tks
I'm a long-term investor, in equities, real estate and chio SYTs/young women.
When a girl is older, I always encourage her to get married. I often still maintain contact because she may have a chio SYT girlfriend or niece.
Yes, I pick up & meet Girl C outside KTV at PC joint. After a HH outing, walking over to my car, I meet Girl C (CQ) and Girl J (GZ) both are room-mate standing at the lift lobby of PC joint, waiting for the rain to stop. Both of them was in t-shirt & jeans just finish their night class at nearby school. I approach them, 送你们两一程回家吧. Both agree. And so I exchange contact with Girl C. Girl are at the most natural when they are without any makeup which draw my attention to Girl C. Both of them is still schooling and will pop up at PC joints when they do not have any lesson.
Girl C is from CQ, her character was similar to hotpot 麻辣火锅. It's a challenge for me. I accept rejection from her several times. I almost wanted to give up on her. I grab her hand, and whisper to her ear, "我们交往”, she did not say anything but a sweet smile and a nod of head. Took me months to break the barrier within her and conquered her.
It can be frustrating at times but it is never easy to continue. Know that when you got your girl, you will always worry that you might lose them to other guys or if you dun love them enough. I initiate messaging to her most of the times. A bad mistake made, which give her the impression that you couldn't do without her. She have a upper hand on you.
With proper advise, I manage to correct myself. Understand the concept of less is more. Initiate less messaging to her, most of the times. Until today, I still finding initiating messaging to her difficult. I decrease day by day of messaging her. Give her enough hope in the relationship rather then giving her no hope. Similar to a rubber band, at time you need to pull and at time you need to release the tension drawing her closer to you rather you draw closer to her. A kiss on her cheeks and follow by more imitate as you continue. Women don't understand what their subconscious minds want. A good behaviour and attitude of yourself play the very important role. Im still learning and correct myself as I progress.
Bro, thanks for your post.
Kudos to you for having a GF at practically zero damage. As per our many chats before, you know exactly what to do to maintain POWER in the rs.
I had predicted many months ago that you would get her. My exact words: Fuck her for free.
Your success has bolstered my beliefs and confidence in my various hypotheses on young women.
Meet me soon at PC joints for a free tour.
Nice share bro. Fully agreed with what you did :)
Thanks, bro.
Most of SG guys failed one. They will jip and blast Sms or wechat until those girls ki siao. Then guys started to anyhow react etc.
Until those girls totally turned off. And they start posting on sbf that they kana Kc-ed and heart broken by them. :D
Bro, tks.
Most SG men hv deprivation and scarcity mindset. It's an intractable disease. A complete cure would require reprogramming of the subconscious mind. It will take a very long time.
AND, they are completely clueless about attraction.
See the posts by bro albertas.
Bro WB
I re-post this past forum so that others can benefit from the great guidance.
I could agree more because everything taught inside is correct.
I hope to believe that gals are abundance and I have 1000 gals wanted to fark me.
If we can say no woman is special then I think we achieved the self-mastery.
Cheers to a wonderful day.
Bro, tks
A man must hv abundance mindset. Never be afraid to walk away from a beautiful young woman of your type.
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
One again re-post to help others.
Try read at least once.
Bro, tks.
Your re-post is a gem.
So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your
limiting beliefs that do.
Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead
it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner
sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that
women pick up on.
For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level
is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can
become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from
weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.
My TW wife used to advise me. 一个男人美丑没关系, 要看他的气质, 要很冷静很笃定,做人要有诚信, 一诺千金!
Thanks for re-posting. And thanks Bro WB for this great thread too.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Gotham city - New York - Daily Planet?
I personally would like to thank you for all your valuable contributions to this thread.
Your post below was indeed valuable lesson for me.
I don't know how to disqualify a girl and always get stuck.
If I had read your thread then I think should guided me to earlier days.
Thanks and happy weekend.
Bro, tks!
One of the most important things you can do in attraction is to
disqualify women. As soon as you determine a woman is not right
for you, no matter your goals with women, you should politely move
Some women you can tell in ten minutes. Some a week. Some a
month. For some it might even take a year, although I'd call that
excessive. But in the end, it really doesn't matter.
But you cannot waste precious seconds with a woman who doesn't
match up with what you want at this point in your life. All that
does is get you farther away from a woman that does.
Brutal? Not really. It's actually the most humane thing you can
do because it gives her the opportunity to either find someone
compatible, or get fantasy-land out of her head, and her mind right
about the way the world really works.
The most successful people think in terms of time, first and
foremost. When they think of capital to spend and capital to
invest, they think in terms of time capital, something that is
running out for all of us.
Spending time with a woman not right for you is squandering time
capital. Investing time to find the woman who is right for you, or
is right for you, is a wise use of it, something few men ever do.
Make sure you're one of them.
This is a classic lesson from a very senior person.
All the correct moves but never be gentleman.
Gentleman dun get you pussy.
Bro, tks.
Be a badass gentleman or prestigious man who adds value to society and who helps many people unconditionally.
I wish I had read this thread earlier too.
Anyway this is a great thread by Bro WB, thanks bro.
Bro, tks.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
08-10-2018, 07:12 AM
Bro, thanks for your post.
Kudos to you for having a GF at practically zero damage. As per our many chats before, you know exactly what to do to maintain POWER in the rs.
I had predicted many months ago that you would get her. My exact words: Fuck her for free.
Your success has bolstered my beliefs and confidence in my various hypotheses on young women.
Meet me soon at PC joints for a free tour.
Bro, tks
A man must hv abundance mindset. Never be afraid to walk away from a beautiful young woman of your type
Your re-post is a gem.
So remember, it's not your flaws that get in your way. It's your
limiting beliefs that do.
Your ugly face doesn't get in your way of meeting women. Instead
it's your belief about your face, which interferes with your inner
sense of confidence. That lack of confidence is the thing that
women pick up on.
For a woman to be attracted to a guy, the man's confidence level
is one of the most important traits that he can have. You can
become comfortable with yourself by turning your flaws from
weaknesses into traits that set you apart from the bland, ordinary guys.
My TW wife used to advise me. 一个男人美丑没关系, 要看他的气质, 要很冷静很笃定,做人要有诚信, 一诺千金!
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice reply post.
08-10-2018, 07:18 AM
Bro WB
What a detailed post below on the topic to bao a girl.
Also details to bao a girl in China province.
Cheers to you.
Hope to learn more.
Hi bro Scorp888,
Yes, BY is Bao Yang. I give the gals a monthly allowance, usually paid every 15-16 days. Most gals want a 'long term' RS, haha. Some would be happy to come to SG on visitor pass.
The monthly allowance varies a lot, depending on the gals n how much I like them. My gals normally dun work at all. For various reasons, I may tell a gal to return to work n I'll pay her 50-60% less per month. Her pussy of course is still exclusive to me.
How much is the monthly allowance for a gal who doesn't work anywhere? The going rate in SG is from 7K to 20K. Any bros here hv paid more?
It's much less expensive to BY gals in China. See below.
Bro WB
.................................................. .................................................. ....................
Good morning!
Yes, it's very inexpensive to BY chio SYTs of my type in China, especially in smaller cities. How inexpensive? Read my dialogue w/ XL below.
Last yr I was in BJ n 2 high school gals flew there to meet w/ me. One of them is CL n the other XL.
XL was a very fair n cute 17 yo Hunan gal, 168 n 52kg, who lived in Nanning, Guanxi. A month after meeting her, she asked me for a small loan n I said no. She later deleted me from her QQ. Recently, She reestablished ctc w/ me.
She also sent me several recent photos. Here is my QQ dialogue w/ her on 27 March:
XL 9:31:46 AM
WB 9:31:46 AM
XL 9:32:02 AM
WB 9:32:03 AM
WB 9:52:55 AM
记得, 你是XL, 哈哈
XL 9:35:54 PM
WB 9:35:53 PM
XL 9:38:43 PM
WB 9:38:43 PM
WB 9:57:36 PM
很好呢, 我刚回美国, 你在那里上大学?
XL 9:57:46 PM
在南宁咯 呵呵
WB 9:59:38 PM (using iphone)
XL 10:03:31 PM
XL 10:03:43 PM
哇用iphone..呵呵 富人
WB 10:5:27 PM
哈哈, 传几张相片来吧
XL 10:11:06 PM
嗯嗯可以啊 等下哈 现在不够以前纯了 哈哈
WB 10:12:29 PM
She sent me 7 photos.
WB 10:19:51 PM
XL 10:20:26 PM
呵呵..老了 过了18岁了
WB 10:24:27 PM
XL 10:24:41 PM
WB 10:25:20 PM
XL 10:25:27 PM
XL 10:25:32 PM
WB 10:27:28 PM
XL 10:28:12 PM
WB 10:31:39 PM
哦知道了, 要见你一定要去中国
XL 10:31:47 PM
WB 10:33:26 PM
XL 10:33:35 PM
XL 10:33:40 PM
WB 10:39:05 PM
很少, 不过明年可能去厦门住
XL 10:39:34 PM
XL 10:40:24 PM
..以前很有活力觉得努力肯定可以到那边去生活 但是现在觉得没希望了
WB 10:41:30 PM
XL 10:42:09 PM
不是福建厦门么大城市 没那本事去
XL 10:42:20 PM
WB 10:43:40 PM
为什么? 去玩呗
XL 10:44:16 PM
..没有能力去那边生活.. 去玩还是可以的 呵呵
WB 10:46:05 PM
XL 10:47:27 PM
WB 10:48:18 PM
XL 10:48:49 PM
WB 10:49:58 PM
Bro WB
08-10-2018, 07:20 AM
Bro WB
I am not sure why anyone wanted to up a girl before she turned 18 yo.
Better be safe and dun get into the law.
If anyone found with evidence of having sex with a underaged girl overseas can be prosecuted in Singapore.
So try not to be impatient.
Greetings fro Gotham City!
I received a PM from bro fwstallion:
"Bro WB
Appreciated your continued postings. Hope to meet up another time and would remind you that the law remains as such for girls under 18. best wishes
bro fwstallion"
I replied that I don't touch a gal until her18th birthday. I always check her ID or passport n I thanked him.
XL is over 18 now, haha.
BTW, I'm a very disciplined LEGALIST n nothing, absolutley nothing, not millions nor the prettiest gal, will make me break the law.
As u recall, I met a gorgeous gal last yr, the 17 yo FF, who actually implored me to BY her. I said NO n asked her to come back on her 18th birthday.
Separately, 20 yo LC will be leaving SG soon. She also wants to be my long-term mistress, either in SG or Xiamen.
Getting visa has been a thorny issue for some of my gals. I guess I must move to Xiamen very soon.
Bro WB
08-10-2018, 07:23 AM
How I wish can be like Dominique?
Bro WB will say must hv self-mastery.
Thanks for great guru post.
Good morning!
A guru just sent me a brief msg on "Aggravated Pimping" in which he describes 3 types of men n code of conduct (honor) n karma.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund, lecherous old coot, and raunchy old man?
He's back, and this time it appears he really did it. If you're
not familiar with Strauss-Kahn, he's an avowed socialist who loves
living the high life on other people's money.
He was initially hailed by girlie men in the financial media for
his genius idea of lending money to countries who were broke and
could never, ever pay it back.
He was known for living in trendy, high rise apartments, arriving
in luxurious limousines (like any good socialist should), and
seducing women. He was admired as a "hot rabbit" with a real
chance of winning the French presidency, until his bad habits
finally caught up with him.
Karma is a real bitch sometimes. While he was falsely accused of
sexual assault in New York city, that false accusation led to a lot
of his dirty laundry being aired, with him being exposed as a
legitimate walking sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.
Some men are true ladies men, men who genuinely love women (a la
the character of Hank Moody in Californication). Some men are
womanizers and players, who care only for themselves and their own
gratification. And some, like Strauss-Kahn, are true pigs who
enjoy hurting women to feed their power hungry egos.
Well, it has all come home to roost. Strauss Kahn has been
arrested in France charged with, get this, "aggravated pimping."
For real.
Turns out he's accused of running and profiting from a prostitution
ring (like any good socialist should), which is a big no-no in
France and, well, everywhere else.
Strauss-Kahn is the perfect example of a very talented man with
absolutely no code to live by. He will say anything to get what he
wants, adopt any belief, cross any boundary. Such men have a
tendency to rise to great heights, then fall very, very far.
Having your own code to live by separates you from those who take
satisfaction purely in material gain, no matter how ill gotten.
Such men can never truly connect with women because they can never
be trusted.
But the man who lives by his own code can be trusted, and will
connect with women in a way most men never can. She knows he will
protect her physically and emotionally because his code demands it,
and women are drawn towards such men.
So find your own code and live by it. Everything else really is
just aggravated pimping.
On with the fun...
Mr. Guru
Your comments?
Bro WB
08-10-2018, 10:28 AM
I also wish to be like Dominique?
Fantastic thread here thanks to bro WB.
How I wish can be like Dominique?
Bro WB will say must hv self-mastery.
Thanks for great guru post.
08-10-2018, 05:41 PM
Excellent thread from Bro WB, hope to learn more here.
Have a good week ahead.
09-10-2018, 12:45 PM
"Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the
ability to increase the value of others around you. That’s why
guys who don’t have money but do demonstrate this quality
are still able to attract beautiful, self-assured women."
100% agreed with you on this!
Thanks for this wonderful thread bro.
10-10-2018, 10:56 AM
Well done Bro WB
Female guru sent you sex positions.
Really a nice world in this 21st century.
Will find out more.
A female sex guru just sent me a new sex position for me to try. I hv never done it before.
Hi Bro Warbird
It’s the weekend… so how about a new
position for you try out after you hit the town ;)
I learned it from a good friend of mine who was
looking for ways to spice up her favorite position:
Reverse Cowgirl. And… I gotta say… it feels
So here’s how it works (I’m excited to share this!)
Let her straddle you in a standard Reverse
Cowgirl position.
Now YOU want to sit up… instead of lying
It can be a little tricky to balance. Go ahead
and lean against a wall if it helps ;)
But this works better if you can stay up by
Grab her hands and let her lean forward as
far as she can.
The new angle of penetration practically
GUARANTEES a G-Spot orgasm.
And when she’s holding your hand leaning
forward it feels like she’s floating in midair.
It’s a sensation she may have never felt before…
but one I PROMISE she’ll love =)
It's a super hot spin on one of my favorite positions...
and one that feels like nothing else ;)
And another great thing about it? It’s universal! If
you’re done with it you can EASILY move back
into regular Reverse Cowgirl or even good
old Doggy Style =)
So give that one a try. And let me know how much
you like it! I just KNOW it’ll make its way into
your sexual “arsenal” =)
Talk to you soon
Ms. Sex Guru
It's a bit difficult to execute, at least in the beginning...but it's very sexciting.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
10-10-2018, 10:59 AM
Bro WB
Pardon me if I am wrong, thought your favorite girl was kk?
Nice meaningful sentences guru highlighted.
My Rule of thumb:
If you want her -ignore her
If you want to get rid of her-chase her
A bit gross to comprehend but after reading much of your thread easier to apprehend.
Hi bro hotsuffm8,
"Stay in touch" n u will be surprised how many more chio abalone u will get to eat, hahaha. It has happened to me countless times.
No, it's never too late if u really want her. However, forget abt her if she is married even though married women r THE EASIEST to fxk.
I will never touch a married woman cuz it violates my code of conduct.
Bro WB
.................................................. ..............................
What an auspicious day!
I hv kept in touch w/ all my ex mistresses except for 3. A few r married w/ small kids.
One of my favourite gals GG, who is 23 now, will get married in June. Read my posts on her in Aug/Sep 2009 on this thread. I'm very happy for her as she has found a good n reliable young man. She is also gainfully employed as a cosmetologist in Fujian.
Yesterday, a respected bro told me his experience in BY-ing a legal Cat 150 gal VV, briefly in SG n then in PRC. The RS went sour quickly even though he gave her quite a lot of money upfront n was going to buy a house n a luxury car for her in China.
I'm mentioning his case as it illustrates classic mistakes made by experienced men when they like a certain gal a lot n think she is somehow "special n the one n only."
Most men still dun get it when it comes to female attraction.
According to a guru:
My Rule of thumb:
If you want her -ignore her
If you want to get rid of her-chase her
Of course, it's an oversimplification, but largely true. It's vital to show interest, sometimes, n to connect-disconnect, etc.
I would never ever give any gal lots of money upfront. A man must say NO to a gal if her request is unreasonable or wrong, even if he likes/loves her very much, cuz doing so will make him much more attractive, hahaha.
When VV was sick, bro AA took care of her n paid her hospital bills in SG, thinking that she would be grateful n feel indebted n would hv more affection for him. Very bad idea cuz it kills whatever sexual attraction she had for bro AA. Affection n attraction r very different, haha.
I would try to reduce my ctc w/ a gal I like/love very much when she is sick or has just lost her grandmother. Why? She will associate her negative emotions n feelings w/ me! I learned abt this only 6 months ago. In retrospect, it's 100% true. For example, a tall n sexy Dongbei gal I was going to BY came down w/ flu w/ fever the day I was going to consummate the deal. I dutifully brought medicine to her n tried to comfort her...after her recovery, she changed her mind abt BY. It took me lots of effort for another 4 months to eat her abalone!
So what should I do if a beloved long-term mistress is experiencing a very negative event? I would take care of her, depending on the event, by phone if possible, n try to reduce my ctc w/ her to the absolute minimum. When she feels much better, I'll show up...
If a man likes a gal a lot n is fearful of losing her, he will behave in such a way as to drive her away. However, if he cares less abt the RS, he will be in control n he will become more n more attractive...
Several days ago I contacted 2 pretty 18 yo SYTs living in Chengdu. They r classmates n good frens, both high school graduates. They r a few months past 18th birthday, haha. Both r fair n hv proportionate figure, one is 165 n the other 171, tall for SZ gals. Unusual in that they both meet my BY requirements in looks, figure, boob size, arms/limbs, etc...I can't wait to make love to them! I met the shorter gal 1st n was surprised that she would come to SG only if I also BY her fren! They r asking for 3W RMB a month each plus travel expenses. They also like to sing n dance. It's a bargain for me although I hv been able to control my excitement...n I'll pay absolutely nothing upfront.
Good things often come 3 in a row.
There is also a chio n fair 23 yo, 168 n 52 kg, a recent uni graduate who is working at a TV/media station in Sichuan who has also agreed to be my mistress. I saw her on TV, haha. She thought I was in Xiamen n could come to c me every weekend. I need to convince her to come to SG instead. She will be more expensive. What if all 3 come? I still hv my lao po n LC n FF...I'll worry abt that later.
Your comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
10-10-2018, 05:08 PM
Very seldom females send sex positions haha.
Good job bro WB.
Well done Bro WB
Female guru sent you sex positions.
Really a nice world in this 21st century.
Will find out more.
11-10-2018, 11:08 AM
What a scary example here!
The PRC woman played so big.
If I am the hubby, will allow her to go back but must let the children stay back.
Anyway the hubby trusted her too much.
Well all these examples were shown on prime time TV series.
Hope bro WB don't mind me re-post Mr Chairman old post.
I had a senior friend, now in his 60s that used to go Lido Palace wif me.
This story has been posted in this forum by me before but for your sake, I will repeat it.
He was a bachelor, late 40s coming 50 liao and was a close brudder to me.
As we are both regulars at Lido Palace, it didn't take long for him to fall for a singer almost half his age.
Initially, we as friends didn't really bother for a new kill is always good fun, but as time passed, we cud c it was no more a bot pussy, there was severe love involved!
He terminated her contract and soon after, she was back on a 2yr work pass to be with him fulltime.
Then one day, out of the blue, he handed me red wedding dinner invitation cards.
I tried my very best to warn him and told him to drag but as usual, most of us wud hv heard it a million times by now, i hv tested her, blah blah that she's water tight.
So as only a friend, LL just watch.
After the wedding, he bot her a posh apt in ChongQing, car and of cos, loads of hard cash for he's a rich man.
1yr later, the 1st baby came, singapore citizen, that was when me suspicions on her dropped 50%, for once i said to myself, i may be wrong about this one!
In the hospital maternity ward, I gave her a big ang bao and she remarked: 大哥,我从没看过你这样的笑容,这是心笑
She was right, I have some what accepted as a non ghost and totally in love with my friend.
Yr2, pop came the 2nd baby, nothing to say liao, my suspicion on her zero!
About half a yr later, my friend came to me say wife lately like very quiet n moody, maybe miss home.
I told him to go home wif her for safety sake and also to meet up on relatives he never got to meet since she's already his wife.
But due to his business, he asked her to go back herself to destress which of cos she did.
But then, she disappeared and never came back.
He asked me for help, which sources came back to tell me that the apt and car have all been sold!
Her family also moved house and whereabouts not known.
He was devastated!
2 months later after her disappearance, she called him, asking him for a divorce, but because he loved her so much, he pleaded only to receive a reply that she's decided.
He pleaded again for the sake of the kids, let's resolve it and she told him, he can keep them & that she's decided & hung up the phone and not heard from again.
4mths after that call, she called again and shortly into the conv, the phone was taken over by a PRC man who said he's her man now and that they'll never hv anything to do with Singapore again!
The phone was hung up & no ctcs ever again since then.
Around 2wks after that last call, we received news of their whereabouts finally, and we as close bros, wanted revenge for this heartless tramp, but in our amazement, he begged us to let her go.
Now the 2 kids r near 12yrs old liao, n this incident has solidified the notion in my mind that, they r all not to be trusted!
Do you know how many years did this gal play in her plot for the grand finale?
Scary the things they will do to reach their objective!
Another story here is about a chick that was moonlighting wif me when she already had a so called full time man like u.
He always snoops around after he sends her back, but she'll make her way out to my car from another stairwell so as not to be spotted by him.
All these while, he was pumping the petrol & I was driving his car!
So, the moral of the story here is not to believe what you can see or wat u can hear, it's to believe wat u cant c or hear!
This is what will save your sanity!
In this so called game, they got nothing to loose where it is we, us men who THINKS they're truly in love wif us that has everything to loose!
11-10-2018, 11:10 AM
Another great Mr Chairman post from the past.
Love the highlighted in red.
Lets put this in easier perspective so everyone can understand without cracking too much of their brain.
We will use the relationship here as cars!
Yes the regular cars watever brand and make we own.
We will care for it, race in it sometimes n feel shiok if we win, scratch we will send it for respray etc etc and heart pain if major accident or when time to change car cos this car has served me well for years.
These women look as the car as a ride to bring them from one place to another.
When its time, they'll just change the ride.
Yes, 3 yrs you feel something but to them, they were just hitching a ride.
You said u r sure she got no one there in PRC land, let me tell you, these WLs, yes they may not have one now but they have on queue many and they will activate them when required.
I hv witnessed many PRC gals like these during my stints there.
So like wat WB posted earlier, & I quote:
Most guys think short term. They think that because a woman they like starts dating a guy or, gasp, gets a boyfriend, or even a husband that she's gone forever.
If you are cool, if you stay in touch, if you at least appear to be "happy for her" (even though you are probably not), when Prince Charming screws it up (and he always does), you'll be the first guy she gets in touch with.
Patience is a virtue in all areas, but especially so in attraction. Now, this does not, of course, mean you "wait" for her while not seeing other women. You live your life, see other women, and take advantage of opportunity (any opportunity) as it arises.
Now u understand?
Many cars waiting to offer a ride :D
11-10-2018, 11:14 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for nice forum.
Ok noted will shun married woman too.
"Mark Cunningham spent over fifteen years with Ralph Lauren before starting his own design firm in 2005. He has worked on a wide range of projects, including residential interiors, hotel design, architectural consulting, and commercial concepts all over the world. Renowned for his curated, yet comfortable interior compositions and singular style, Mark has been honored to be included in the yearly list of America’s top designers by Elle Decor and Architectural Digest."
Did I get the right Mark?
Ths for sharing.
At least 50% of married women hv had or will hv extramarital affairs. Among the very attractive ones, I would say more than 80% of them hv had or will hv sex outside marriage.
I shun married women n will never fxk one regardless of how beautiful n sexy she is.
It's my code of conduct.
But, I know married women r the easiest to fxk. Most of them r hungry for attention n sex, haha. My frens in Gotham City used to tell me their exploits w/ married women, mostly MILFS in their 30s n late 20s.
Ever heard of Mark Cunningham?
Bro WB
11-10-2018, 01:33 PM
Really play so big.
Thanks for a great thread Bro WB.
What a scary example here!
The PRC woman played so big.
If I am the hubby, will allow her to go back but must let the children stay back.
Anyway the hubby trusted her too much.
Well all these examples were shown on prime time TV series.
Hope bro WB don't mind me re-post Mr Chairman old post.
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