View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
11-10-2018, 07:20 PM
Thanks for bringing up a great post.
Have a nice day.
Another great Mr Chairman post from the past.
Love the highlighted in red.
12-10-2018, 11:03 AM
Bro WB
Wish you another successful year in 2018.
Since the DJI is down 1,400 pts in 2 days. Any chance can pickup some good counters.
Below guru post really good.
I should try to go into a boxing match to impress my target gal.
Good morning!
Success breeds success. Why? A series of success boosts one's confidence n brings yet more success. It's an upward spiral...hahaha.
Several pairs of chio SYTs want to come to SG to be kept by me. There r two very cute gals who r only 17. I'll patiently wait for their 18th birthdays before touching them, in the strictest compliance w/ the law, haha.
Are there bros right now in Chengdu, CQ, Shenzhen, Fuzhou n Beijing? Could u take a look at some of my prospective mistresses?
I'll share a short email from a guru on RS:
"The Safety Complex" that killed your relationship.
Dear Bro Warbird,
Today we're going to talk about a
concept I call "The Safety
Complex". . .
And why it's the real reason your ex girlfriend
or wife didn't RESPECT you enough
to stay with you (no matter
how much she may have loved you
and no matter how much she still loves
you now.)
The fact is for women LOVE is nowhere NEAR
enough to feel really dedicated and committed
to a guy.
To really FALL for a guy and to want to stay
with him forever a woman needs to feel like
a guy is dominant, in charge of the situation and
will keep her (and her kids) taken care
of and SAFE no matter what happens.
Honestly, this is total evolutionary psychology
caveman stuff . . .
It's why women secretly (or not so secretly)
get turned on when they see a guy get into
a fist fight for his woman . . .
Why women are attracted to loud "douchebags"
while they internally snigger at the "nice guy"
sitting right there by their side . . .
And it's why your wife or girlfriend got so
MAD at you for sitting on the couch playing
X box (or "Ex Box" I guess) . . . going
out to hang out with your buddies or doing any of the
other little things that snuck into her brain
and had her convinced that you were NOT the
"real man" she wanted to spend the rest of her life
(The really weird part is that she probably has
NO IDEA any of this is going on in her brain
and has made up all sorts of other reasons you
couldn't be together.)
And more than anything else, that contempt . . .
that unconscious thought that you weren't
enough of a man to take care of her and her
offspring is what crawled into her brain
and ruined your relationship.
So how do you show her you're a man who's
worthy of her?
Well, I'll tell you right now you DON'T do it
by hiding in your bedroom and crying about
your dead relationship.
And you DON'T do it by sending her long
blubbery apology texts.
You do it being untouchable.
If you really want your ex to come crawling back
to you and to feel this insane level of attraction to
you (far beyond what she felt when you first
got together) you've got to show her that
you're not bothered by the break up . . .
That you've "moved on" (even if you're not even close)
to moving on . . .
And plant this seed in her mind that she made a
And then when you DO get her back you've got to be
willing to "Man up" . . .
(We'll talk about how to do that later, but to start:
Don't ASK her where she wants to go to dinner. TELL her where
you're taking her. Don't be a dick. But DO be in charge.)
Guru MK
12-10-2018, 11:07 AM
Bro WB
I love th eway you are direct response to a bro post asking for suggestions.
You are a master class now.
So you are the PRIZE and the gals will flocked to you.
Wish you good luck and in pink of health.
Hi bro saltwet,
Increase ur perceived social/sexual value, create sexual tension...
Most importantly, change ur frame n ur mindset. You're the catch, the grand prize, hahaha.
Flirt w/ her, be overtly sexual but playful, be relaxed, be in control...get physical, kiss her, then make love to her, give her pleasure she has never experienced in her entire life...
Bro WB
Hi bro callmebad,
My advice is different. See my previous post.
.................................................. .......................................
Good morning!
Talking abt gifts...but 1st I like to reflect on the fact that gals whose pussies I hv missed seem to be the best n the most desirable. It's human nature that we crave things we can't get or hv missed. Is there a component of Rashomon Effect?
There were two gals who had agreed to be BY-ed but I never tasted their abalone cuz they went back to PRC prematurely n abruptly.
One is XX w/ whom I hv had no ctc. She was a very pretty 19 yo SYT from Minqing, Fujian. She is THE best.
The 2nd best is 21 yo XYZ, now 23, w/ whom I reconnected more than 2 months ago. She asked me for an iphone4S to demonstrate my "sincerity." I said NO even though I couldn't wait to make love to her. I said NO even though she is another pretty Fujian gal who has very fair, very smooth n very clear skin w/o any blemishes, just like a Chengdu gal. And she is 170 w/o shoes, 53 kg, has natural C boobs, perky butt n long, straight legs. Oh, n her arms/wrists r very slim, hahaha. Looking at her photos now make my didi very stiff...hahaha.
She was angry that I was not "sincere" abt BY-ing her n removed me from her QQ list. I just laughed it off...
After a month, I added her to my QQ n she accepted n she gradually warmed up to me. BTW, her father was recently discharged from hospital after surviving a life threatening illness n is still recovering. I'm afraid her dad, who is younger than I, will become physically disabled. She is smart enuff not to ask for any money this time. She has agreed to be my mistress, for the 2nd time, but can only come to SG for a 2-wk visit for now.
My former mistress GG is getting married very soon. She has also warmed up to me, haha. We r still good frens. After her marriage, I'll not touch her but expect her to intro some chio SYTs, haha.
Always stay in touch n always be're the PRIZE.
Bro WB
12-10-2018, 11:28 AM
Fully agreed bro WB is a master class!
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Have a great weekend.
Bro WB
I love th eway you are direct response to a bro post asking for suggestions.
You are a master class now.
So you are the PRIZE and the gals will flocked to you.
Wish you good luck and in pink of health.
13-10-2018, 02:57 PM
Thank you Bro WB for a nice forum.
I really enjoyed this forum very much and hope to learn more.
Took me quite a few mins to understand what was " p-whipped". It actually meant pussy-whipped =( submissive to or dominated by one's female partner): cowed, henpecked, under the thumb, uxorious, whipped
Thank you and once again hope to learn more here.
Happy weekend.
Good morning!
Man-woman RS is quite complex. I like to share a brief report written by a guru MS on:
There's always a lot of emphasis placed on not giving one's power
away when relating to women. Yet, the exact meaning of this
concept continually eludes a lot of guys out there.
It's easy to see why this would be the case.
On one hand, the vast majority of us don't want to be controlling
I/Js (Idiot/Jerks).
But on the other hand, we see countless instances on television
of guys in sitcoms who think they're "large and in charge", but
who in reality are nothing more than, well...p-whipped.
It's pretty much your biggest nightmare when it comes to
relationship management, isn't it?
As a man, you know you're supposed to provide leadership and a
sense of security to a woman in a relationship. But there just
aren't a lot of shining examples out there with regard to how to be
effective at it.
It used to be that men knew how to quarterback a relationship. Men
were men, and the women loved us for it.
But somewhere in the latter half of the twentieth century,
something went awry.
Perhaps this all started way back in the Stone Age of television,
when "The Honeymooners" graced the black and white screen. In
case you're curious, I'm way too young to remember that also, but
therein lies part of the problem.
You see, a major subplot of the show involved Jackie Gleason's
booming, demanding, larger-than-life persona and how he related to
his wife.
Though seeming to have a "my way or the highway" attitude, whenever
the chips were down he would crack under pressure and become an
indecisive, self-loathing ball of confusion.
It was then his wife would step in, take care of business and save
the day.
Why was the show so funny? You guessed it: The genius of Jackie
Gleason was, of course...ironic comedy.
Men didn't REALLY act like that. So when you saw it happening on
television, it made you laugh.
Years later, The Flintstones were basically modeled after the
Honeymooners. In between Ricky and Lucy had come along. And the
die was cast.
Fast forward to today, and nearly EVERY television comedy involves
a guy who is full of sound and fury, but in the end...p-whipped.
And because such scenarios have been a fixture on television for so
long, most of us no longer remember when they weren't.
The danger is that we as guys begin to see that kind of
relationship as NORMAL, rather than the comedic aberration it's
meant to be.
The cold hard truth is this: Though women will test your ability
to lead and provide security to a relationship, they really don't
want to "own" you. Not in real life.
In fact, show me a woman who "wears the pants" in a relationship,
and I'll show you a bitter, resentful woman.
Think about it. Running through the file cards of your mind, can
you think of any woman you know who has her boyfriend in her back
pocket but also respects him and adores him in the way most men
So no doubt, it's time to get in touch with exactly how we as guys
tend to fall into a dangerous state of having been "pwned" by the
chick we're with.
Granted, I don't think any of us decide from the outset that we're
going to become p-whipped. For most guys who end up in that zone,
it all happens so gradually that one day you wake up and it dawns
on you that you're already there.
Crazy, huh?
Here's a little 20/20 foresight for you. What follows are five ways
you can get p-whipped without ever even realizing what hit you:
1) Her Controlling You By Weakness
She's feeling sick or is too tired, so you cater to her (again)
because you feel sorry for her. And since you are sick of the
place looking like hell, you also do all the dishes ...and pick up
all the trash ...and clean the bathroom ...again.
I'm not saying that the opposite should be the case and that she
should do all the heavy lifting. I'm simply demonstrating how the
balance shifts from a reasonable place to "all you all the time".
2) Stepping In When She Messes Up
OK, well she has burned your dinner and/or put too much salt in the
spaghetti sauce one time too many. So you cook dinner from now on.
And she threw a red t-shirt in with your white socks again, ruining
every pair you have. So you do the laundry from now on.
And whenever she does the grocery shopping, she has this way of
buying $100 worth of stuff...and nothing to eat. Or drink, either.
If she demonstrates incompetence--or even perceived
incompetence--enough, you'll pretty much take over everything...right?
3) Dreading Her Drama Over Even The Little Things
Face it, we as guys can't stand theatrical demos and hurt feelings.
The last thing the typical guy wants to handle is having made a
woman cry.
So instead of dealing with the fallout from potential conflict, we
avoid it altogether.
4) Considering Her "Out Of Your League"
If you are not used to having high-quality options when it comes to
women, you may very feel you've hit the friggin' jackpot when a
true hottie walks into your life.
If your mindset is such that you feel you're going to have to be
"Mr. Perfect" in order to pull off keeping her around, you're toast.
5) Thinking It's Harder To Break Up And Start All Over Than To Just
Let It Ride
You may see yourself becoming a bit resentful and dissatisfied with
how things are going in the relationship. But in your mind it
sounds like too much work to end this relationship and have to find
another woman.
After all, how bad can it possibly get? Some people have nobody in
their lives, so at least you have someone.
Do you see a pattern here? The irony of how most guys get
p-whipped is that they initially see their decisions and subsequent
actions as being rooted in strength rather than weakness.
Amazingly, they really believe themselves to be leading. They
believe their acting courageously in "toughing it out" and staying
the course.
It's easy to enter into any of the situations above feeling like
you're taking the proverbial "bull by the horns" and making
something happen YOUR way and by YOUR rulebook.
But the subtle and insidious reality is that you quickly fall prey
to tolerating passivity from the woman you are with, which--in a
twist of ultimate irony--puts her in complete, utter control.
Worst of all, she probably never really wanted it that way.
Ultimately she loses respect for you, and her attraction towards
you goes away along with it.
Wear the pants, gentlemen, lest you lose your shirt.
Be Good,
13-10-2018, 02:58 PM
Below another guru forum which was great to read.
Happy weekend.
Ths bro S.B.Y.1.
.................................................. ..........................
Good morning!
I'm going to slow down in my practice of BY-ing. I hv a lot more than I can handle at this time, in SG n in PRC. I'll not be actively looking for any unless she is exceptional...
BTW, there r 3 very pretty n cute SYT students in PRC who r ready to come to SG. They want 35 to 50K RMB a month plus expenses. Unfortunately, they r only 17. I shall wait patiently for them until they turn 18 next yr, hahaha. I know my style of BY-ing may not sit well w/ some frens n bros cuz I'm more than 3X older. Why not? They r willing n fact, they r most perturbed when I explained to them why they couldn't come pun intended.
I'm thankful to my kakis n SBF bros here who hv given their advice n support to my BY-ing activities in my formative yrs. I hv the right ecosystem...hahaha.
There is an article I like to share w/ bros here.
Knowledge Alone Won’t Change You
Dear Bro Warbird,
So last week, I spent 6 days in the Caribbean working with a group of men and some women on facing fears, stripping away noise and honing in on deepest strengths.
Everyone stood and gave a talk on their deepest wisdom, their core power.
And I want to share with you the core concept of one of the talks – given by a Silicon Valley dealmaker.
The core is this: knowledge can change you only a little. What will help you truly transform is to build an ecosystem around you that supports you.
What does that mean?
It means you surround yourself with ideas, books, programs, audios, videos, podcasts, youtube clips that nourish your ambition and feed your advancement.
You jettison junk media that clutters your mind with trivia and you hone your mental instrument.
It means you surround yourself with PEOPLE who not only support your rapid evolution but who, like you, live lives that are devoted to growth and evolution.
You jettison those who want to keep you in your place. Who want to keep you limited. Who want to crunch your potential down to fit the convenience of their perception and imagined hierarchy. As you grow, as you change, as you gain skills, your very advancement will often threaten the status quo and role of your parents, your brothers, your friends. Be on guard! A few choice words from them may send you reeling back through weeks, months or even years of hard-gained wisdom.
As I see it, there are two types of people. First – those who are committed – almost like soldiers – to expand their minds, improve their bodies, deepen their ability to know and feel their emotions, to open their hearts to feel the reality of others, to achieve greatness at every chance and to love fearlessly no matter what.
And second – the living dead. Better looking that the Walking Dead – but no less in stasis. Just existing. Without a sense of adventure, growth or change.
If you are with me, then you are devoted to ever-greater success with women, ever more internal power and confidence (grounded in truth, curiosity and vulnerability).
And despite your highest estimation of yourself – you can’t to this alone.
We are social beings. We need tribes. We thrive on ecosystems of support.
So this weekend I want you to think about your ecosystem. What are reading? What are you watching? Who are you hanging around with? Are you getting coaching? Do you attend workshops? What are you studying? Who is supporting you?
Additionally – how can I support you? What do you need to learn? To do ? To practice?
Improvement is your choice.
So is the ecosystem you choose to live in.
Leave your comments below – let me know what you need. What you want. And where you want to go.
To Your Best Life,
GA, The Guru
13-10-2018, 05:17 PM
Also took me a while to understand what is "p-whipped".
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread, wishing to learn more too.
Enjoy your weekend bro.
Thank you Bro WB for a nice forum.
I really enjoyed this forum very much and hope to learn more.
Took me quite a few mins to understand what was " p-whipped". It actually meant pussy-whipped =( submissive to or dominated by one's female partner): cowed, henpecked, under the thumb, uxorious, whipped
Thank you and once again hope to learn more here.
Happy weekend.
13-10-2018, 05:44 PM
Just started reading from first page.
Like!! :)
14-10-2018, 10:57 AM
Bro WB
Nice reply post.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
What a detailed post below on the topic to bao a girl.
Also details to bao a girl in China province.
Cheers to you.
Hope to learn more.
Bro, tks.
XL 10:47:27 PM
WB 10:48:18 PM
XL 10:48:49 PM
WB 10:49:58 PM
Damage for keeping a cute SYT student in a second or third-tier city in China was surprisingly low in 2011. Probably 50% higher now. Cute and healthy SYTs are still a dime a dozen in China.
I really don't understand why so many rich and not so rich SG men would get mesmerized by old and ugly WLs, especially singers. It's inexplicable to me.
It's akin to paying $10 or more per share for a listed company for $0.10 of tangible and intangible assets. And, in the overwhelming majority of cases, these listed companies are in sunset industries or biz or are over the hill. It's very painful to watch.
Bro WB
I am not sure why anyone wanted to up a girl before she turned 18 yo.
Better be safe and dun get into the law.
If anyone found with evidence of having sex with a underaged girl overseas can be prosecuted in Singapore.
So try not to be impatient.
Bro, tks.
The age for commercial sex (for girls) was raised from 16 to 18 some yrs ago. But keeping a girl who is 16-17 full time is in the grey zone.
I always play safe and make sure the girl I'm keeping has reached her 18th birthday. I hv had at least 4- 5 cute 16-17 yo SYTs whom I refused to BY in the last 6 yrs. They wantedto come here on student visa. Some other men ended up keeping them in Hong Kong and China.
TY was 18 yrs and 2 months when I met her in March this yr. She looks much younger and cuter without any makeup n many people hv thought that she is 16. I hv checked her IC to make sure she is indeed 18 yo. I'm giving her monthly allowance which is at least 50% below market rates.
How I wish can be like Dominique?
Bro WB will say must hv self-mastery.
Thanks for great guru post.
Bro, tks.
No, you don't want to be like him.
Even if the girl were a very beautiful and cute 18 yo SYT, he should not have used force.
He had a scarcity mindset and very poor taste.
100% agreed with you on this!
Thanks for this wonderful thread bro.
Tks, bro.
Worth repeating.
"Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the
ability to increase the value of others around you."
Well done Bro WB
Female guru sent you sex positions.
Really a nice world in this 21st century.
Will find out more.
Bro, tks.
Many female gurus hv sent me sex positions n sex techniques.
Have you tried it? Pls give us your FR.
Bro WB
Pardon me if I am wrong, thought your favorite girl was kk?
Nice meaningful sentences guru highlighted.
My Rule of thumb:
If you want her -ignore her
If you want to get rid of her-chase her
A bit gross to comprehend but after reading much of your thread easier to apprehend.
Bro, tks.
KK was 18 yo when I met her in Dec 2009. She was my favourite girl for 3 months. She returned in 2013 and I refused to up her as she had put on some weight and appeared unattractive. She had a kid in 2015 and she became fat and ugly.
Very seldom females send sex positions haha.
Good job bro WB.
Bro, tks.
Not true.
What a scary example here!
The PRC woman played so big.
If I am the hubby, will allow her to go back but must let the children stay back.
Anyway the hubby trusted her too much.
Well all these examples were shown on prime time TV series.
Hope bro WB don't mind me re-post Mr Chairman old post.
Bro, tks for quoting Mr Chairman's old post.
I like to make some comments based on my new perspective:
1) Mr Chairman talked about his friend and the woman as if their age differential was huge. The age difference is really too tiny for me. His rich bachelor friend was young, in his late 40s to 50. The girl/woman was NO SYT, at almost half his age and around 25? I now prefer my lao po, when I first meet her, to be 18-19, less than 1/3 my age.
2) His friend was a loser. He had the scarcity mindset. The woman's BF in China also a big loser. Two men fighting over a MILF w/ two kids? It's so pathetic. Both hv very poor self-mastery.
There is a famous samster, a self-proclaimed ladies man who had a kid w/ a PRC woman. She left him and the kid. He was devastated because he still loved her very much. He couldn't locate her. He texted me for advice. He was in his late 20s. My diagnosis? Scarcity mindset and poor self mastery. I told him to forget the woman.
If a very beautiful woman of my type bears me two kids n I get to keep them, I won't be displeased if she chooses to walk away. To be brutally honest, I would be very pleased! I could use the extra time, money and sperm to keep other prettier SYTs. They and the maids will take good care of the kids.
3) The woman in question was behaving exactly as how women hv been programmed by 100,000 yrs of evolution to behave. It's called hypergamy (using the new modern definition). Don't blame her. I would blame his friend.
4) My conclusion is that both Mr Chairman and his rich friend don't understand women at all.
5) The moral of the story, to me at this time, is NOT to behave like an emasculated wuss. Be a Badass Gentleman aka Prestigious Man. You will have a very hard time trying to fend off all the pretty SYTs or young women of your type.
Another great Mr Chairman post from the past.
Love the highlighted in red.
Tks, bro, must think long term.
Bro WB
Thank you for nice forum.
Ok noted will shun married woman too.
"Mark Cunningham spent over fifteen years with Ralph Lauren before starting his own design firm in 2005. He has worked on a wide range of projects, including residential interiors, hotel design, architectural consulting, and commercial concepts all over the world. Renowned for his curated, yet comfortable interior compositions and singular style, Mark has been honored to be included in the yearly list of America’s top designers by Elle Decor and Architectural Digest."
Did I get the right Mark?
Wrong person, bro.
Bro WB
Wish you another successful year in 2018.
Since the DJI is down 1,400 pts in 2 days. Any chance can pickup some good counters.
Below guru post really good.
I should try to go into a boxing match to impress my target gal.
Bro, tks.
I hv not met a person who could predict the market correctly and consistently. But I like to buy good to great companies when they are undervalued. It's like BY-ing pretty SYTs at 50-70% below market rates.
Forget about boxing. Become a fighter pilot or astronaut or an American Board Certified Neurosurgeon. And the prettiest girls will flock to you, if you allow them.
Never try to impress a girl because it tells her that you're very insecure and needy. When TY met me the second time, she asked if I was a lawyer. I replied no, but didn't tell her anything else about me.
Bro WB
I love th eway you are direct response to a bro post asking for suggestions.
You are a master class now.
So you are the PRIZE and the gals will flocked to you.
Wish you good luck and in pink of health.
Bro, tks.
I don't want to be a 'master,' because I'm a perpetual trainee who is relentless and who only accepts the best.
Fully agreed bro WB is a master class!
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Have a great weekend.
Bro, tks.
Thank you Bro WB for a nice forum.
I really enjoyed this forum very much and hope to learn more.
Took me quite a few mins to understand what was " p-whipped". It actually meant pussy-whipped =( submissive to or dominated by one's female partner): cowed, henpecked, under the thumb, uxorious, whipped
Thank you and once again hope to learn more here.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
A MAN must never lose power in a relationship and never think any girl has more value than him.
Below another guru forum which was great to read.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Also took me a while to understand what is "p-whipped".
Thanks bro WB for this wonderful thread, wishing to learn more too.
Enjoy your weekend bro.
Thanks, bro.
Cheers to all those who hv contributed to this thread.
Bro WB
14-10-2018, 11:45 AM
XL 10:47:27 PM
WB 10:48:18 PM
XL 10:48:49 PM
WB 10:49:58 PM
Damage for keeping a cute SYT student in a second or third-tier city in China was surprisingly low in 2011. Probably 50% higher now. Cute and healthy SYTs are still a dime a dozen in China.
I really don't understand why so many rich and not so rich SG men would get mesmerized by old and ugly WLs, especially singers. It's inexplicable to me.
It's akin to paying $10 or more per share for a listed company for $0.10 of tangible and intangible assets. And, in the overwhelming majority of cases, these listed companies are in sunset industries or biz or are over the hill. It's very painful to watch.
Bro WB
Nice and tks bro for reply.
14-10-2018, 11:48 AM
Bro, tks for quoting Mr Chairman's old post.
I like to make some comments based on my new perspective:
1) Mr Chairman talked about his friend and the woman as if their age differential was huge. The age difference is really too tiny for me. His rich bachelor friend was young, in his late 40s to 50. The girl/woman was NO SYT, at almost half his age and around 25? I now prefer my lao po, when I first meet her, to be 18-19, less than 1/3 my age.
2) His friend was a loser. He had the scarcity mindset. The woman's BF in China also a big loser. Two men fighting over a MILF w/ two kids? It's so pathetic. Both hv very poor self-mastery.
There is a famous samster, a self-proclaimed ladies man who had a kid w/ a PRC woman. She left him and the kid. He was devastated because he still loved her very much. He couldn't locate her. He texted me for advice. He was in his late 20s. My diagnosis? Scarcity mindset and poor self mastery. I told him to forget the woman.
If a very beautiful woman of my type bears me two kids n I get to keep them, I won't be displeased if she chooses to walk away. To be brutally honest, I would be very pleased! I could use the extra time, money and sperm to keep other prettier SYTs. They and the maids will take good care of the kids.
3) The woman in question was behaving exactly as how women hv been programmed by 100,000 yrs of evolution to behave. It's called hypergamy (using the new modern definition). Don't blame her. I would blame his friend.
4) My conclusion is that both Mr Chairman and his rich friend don't understand women at all.
5) The moral of the story, to me at this time, is NOT to behave like an emasculated wuss. Be a Badass Gentleman aka Prestigious Man. You will have a very hard time trying to fend off all the pretty SYTs or young women of your type.
Cheers to all those who hv contributed to this thread.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Agreed with your reply above.
14-10-2018, 12:04 PM
Bro WB
Very interesting proposition.
Bao both sisters under one roof. Can save on rental and 3peak.
Well done for a great thread.
Hope to read more.
Best cheers for weekend.
Good morning,
Lately, I hv started a new strategy in BY-ing. If a gal n her sister or best fren r both my type, I boldly make clear that I want to BY them, together under one roof.
The results r better than I expected. In the last 3 1/2 months, 3 offers n 3 yes's!
I made the 4th offer today. She is a tall (169) n chio 24 yo Havelock Rd gal YX who accepted my BY last yr but I never upped her cuz of bad timing. She is now in PRC. The other day, I saw a pic of her younger sister NX who is very beautiful!! She is 22, though shorter at 165.
I told YX playfully via weixin that I want both of them to come to SG to be my mistresses, haha. She was very surprised: 真的吗?I said yes. She will try to convince her sister, hahaha. Everything would depend on their visa app...
Bro WB
14-10-2018, 12:07 PM
Beloiw were unbelievable facts.
Sperm is a great face cream - this is rather interesting.
Good afternoon!
I hv been unusually busy lately...I hv to catch up w/ some paper work, etc.
The stock markets hv taken quite a beating in recent wks. Fortunately, my key investment is down only slightly. My lucky streak is continuing as my investment in another start up biotech co has done well. Recently, its key drug was recommended for approval by a FDA expert panel. Actual approval could come soon...
My lao po is 24 n she has given her best yrs to me...I hope she will return to PRC next yr to get married, just like GG.
BTW, CD, the now 23 yo tall Shanghai gal reconnected w/ me recently. Although I didn't like her pussy before cuz of...strangely it now appears exotic n sexy to me now, haha. She speaks very good English n now is working for a large company. She will return to SG soon.
Separately, I'm in the process of getting two 18 yo Chengdu gals to come here.
At this time I like to share "5 shocking sex facts" w./ bros here:
5 shocking sex facts
Sex facts are always brilliant. The problem is we all talk about sex so much that there’s very little that shocks or surprises us anymore. Did you know that there’s seven calories in one tablespoon of sperm (yawn)? Yet, sometimes you can find a crazy sex gem that boggles your mind. Here are five shocking sex facts that will surprise you:
Sex can help you give a great speech
Before you get carried away, we are not suggesting you hop into bed with your boss or sleep with the entire audience. However, having sex can help ease those all too familiar and very dreaded pre-speech nerves. This theory was developed by the psychologist Stuart Brody, who asked 22 women and 22 men to keep sex diaries about their bedroom antics. The group of men and women then had to undertake stressful tasks, like public speaking and mental arithmetic tests. Brody found that the couples who had had penetrative sex were less stressed and their blood pressure levels returned to normal at more speed that the others. Sadly though, those who “did it” alone did not reap the calming benefits, so buddy up before your next big speech.
The Victorians were filthy
It turns out that the Victorians weren’t the tight-lipped prudes we once imagined. In fact it would seem that the Brits of the nineteenth century were a rather fruity bunch. Not only was this the age that heralded the vibrator as a cure for hysteria, but it also saw a rise in kinky behaviour and tools, such as nipple piercings, pubic wigs and some rather gruesome looking sex chairs. The sauciness doesn’t end there though. Although it is still disputed, it’s thought that the term blow job also derives from this “prudish” period where people would speak about a ‘below job’ and referred to prostitutes as ‘blowsys’.
We kiss to inoculate
Researchers at the University of Leeds believe that humans kiss to inoculate. Women who catch cytomegalovirus typically cannot carry a baby to term. However, if women are exposed to the virus in small doses then they become inoculated. And how can you inoculate against the virus? Why, through swapping saliva of course. Therefore, the brain boxes at the University of Leeds have concluded that we don’t jump into bed with each other straightaway because if we did we might infect women. Therefore we kiss to protect women from catching cytomegalovirus. So pucker up and stay healthy by smooching.
Giving oral is as good as the gym
Sadly girls, giving oral will only benefit you if you’re the giver not the taker. A study has found that pleasuring a guy and swallowing can lower women’s blood pressure and reduce their risk of getting pre-eclampsia. However, if you don’t have the stomach to tackle your man’s area in this way there are other ways you can lower your blood pressure. Another study found that having regular sex with a partner you lived with could lower your diastolic blood pressure, whilst another study found a link between cuddling and reduced blood pressure. So, although you shouldn’t give up on the gym altogether, ladies, it might be worth swapping your sports kit for something a little slinkier once in a while.
Sperm is a great face cream
Although it’s not a great idea to bottle your man stuff and give it to your girl as a present, it turns out that sperm contains protein, which if applied to the face has the same anti-wrinkle benefits as moisturising creams. Apparently the white stuff can tighten skin and give you a little surgery-free facelift. Interestingly, this isn’t the only benefit sperm has to offer. It also contains zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and fructose. Plus, if you’re still not convinced that sperm is super, a recent study in Albany found that women who had sex without condoms had fewer signs of depression than women who used condoms or did not have sex at all. Three cheers for semen.
Bro WB
14-10-2018, 03:36 PM
Nice and tks bro for reply.
Agree, a very good reply, thx.
14-10-2018, 04:54 PM
Bro WB
Agreed with your reply above.
Agreed with bro WB's reply too.
Thanks bro for this awesome thread.
Have a nice Sunday.
15-10-2018, 07:03 PM
Amazing thread here, thanks Bro WB.
Have a great week ahead!
16-10-2018, 11:09 AM
Bro WB
What an excellent thread you have here. Congratulations for been successful owner of decade old thread.
Beautiful quotes below.
My Rule of thumb:
> > If you want her - ignore her
> > If you want to get rid of her - chase her
To beginners may be hard to understand. After playing the field think will start to understand better.
Hi bro chenzong,
You hv touched on a fascinating subject. The power of attraction is awesome, but it is always governed by the immutable law of attraction.
The law of attraction simply states that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.
Let me give u a few of my favourite quotes:
You create your own universe as you go along. - Winston Churchill
A person is what he or she thinks about all day long. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. - W. Clement Stone
All that we are is a result of what we have thought. - Buddha
Let me cite 2 examples of how the law of attraction can explain the following seemingly paradoxical situations.
1) The banks r eager to lend money to those who don't need it, whereas they shun those who need money desperately.
If u are very positive abt money, ur positive thoughts n feelings will attract lots of money n u will become wealthy, sooner rather than later. The banks will line up to give u loans n credit cards which u don't need.
If u are desperate for money n feel negative abt money, u will repel money n become poorer n poorer. All the banks will avoid u as if u were a leper.
2) There is a lot of truth in the following advice re attracting women. It's simplistic but basically true.
My Rule of thumb:
> > If you want her - ignore her
> > If you want to get rid of her - chase her
If u are very confident n believe u hv more value than a particular woman, regardless of how beautiful she is, u will ignore her. As a result, she will be more attracted to u. It's ur positive thoughts n emotions abt urself which attract her.
On the other hand, if u believe she has more value than u and u need to chase her to get her pussy, it's ur negative thoughts n emotions which drive her away.
Whatever u want to achieve, if u hv confidence n positive thoughts/beliefs/emotions all day long, day after day, u will eventually receive what u want. It's a certainty.
Dear bro chenzong, be very patient. If u are always very positive, in both ur conscious n subconscious mind, u will get the job u desire. It's a certainty.
Bro WB
16-10-2018, 11:12 AM
Bro WB great masterpiece below.
Your positive thoughts n emotions and focused actions will definitely bring u what u r seeking.
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else."
Become a MASTER of life, bro.
Another great example was Paul Getty.
Hi bro chenzong,
Patience is a great virtue.
Your positive thoughts n emotions and focused actions will definitely bring u what u r seeking.
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else."
Become a MASTER of life, bro.
Bro WB
Hi bros,
Perhaps u should get a good position now, save up at least 6-month buffer, then u can go into business on your own. You could partner w/ someone or raise capital from investors...
While you're employed by someone else, dun sit idle; instead, u should actively prepare urself n get ready to become self-employed in a business of ur own choosing.
But whatever u do, read How To Be Rich by J. Paul Getty, read it at least 3 times. Then read it again every 3 months. He was named the richest man in the world by Fortune in the 50s.
Here is a recent article on the legendary businessman/investor:
The Great Minds of the Market: Getty's Grit and Glory
by Carl Delfeld, Investment U Senior Analyst
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Carl Delfeld
Upon seeing the first chapter entitled How I Made My First Billion, I knew I had a winning book in my hands...
J. Paul Getty's book, How to Be Rich, was recommended by Mark Ford in a recent column. In fact, he advised that even if you've already read it, read it again.
So I promptly ordered it and read it twice in one week.
What a fantastic book. Getty's life story alone is inspiring, but what makes it special is his blunt and personal advice.
Getty was fortunate to have oil and common sense in his blood in equal proportions.
His father was a successful businessman who moved west to become a wildcatter in the rough and tumble Oklahoma oil boom. J. Paul grew up around the business doing the tough and gritty work at the wellhead before striking out on his own.
With no capital at all, the first deal for this independent wildcatter gave him a 15% share of the profits. Then his father grubstaked him, taking 70% of the profits while the Oxford-educated son worked right next to the roustabouts with his battered car serving as his office.
By the age of 24, he became a millionaire. His next move was to explore for oil in California where his success expanded into property and stocks.
What makes this book different is that it isn't just about how to get rich, but how to live a full and rich life. In Getty's view, the key is to be a non-conformist, to be independent and willing to challenge conventional wisdom.
After reading the first chapter, I had a tremendous urge to jump out of my chair and dig for oil in my backyard. (I settled on just planting a tree.)
Taking on Getty's Life Lessons
The Getty story pulsates with activity, nerve and initiative. Here's my take on Getty's life lessons and how they can be applied to become a more successful investor and businessperson.
Be stealthy - Getty won his first oil property in a competitive bid for only $500 by using a bank as his proxy, thereby scaring away independent competitors.
Separate fact from opinion - Getty always tried to dig deep for facts and challenge "expert" opinions. He was one of the few wildcatters who studied and used geological data to make decisions.
Be independent - Getty loved being an independent wildcatter outwitting the big boys. It's hard to imagine him sitting in a cubicle, or any office, for that matter.
Look ahead and learn from mistakes - Getty was way ahead of his time in seeing great growth opportunities in international markets. Half a dozen times in his book, he literally kicks the reader to look beyond America's borders. And Getty doesn't pass the buck, but admits his blunders. One beauty was to pass on a bargain-basement opportunity to gain a foothold in the oil-rich Middle East in the 1930s only to pay $12 million for a Saudi concession in 1946. (Still a great move.)
Be patient, but take risks in down markets by finding quality values - Getty was a master in taking advantage of great stock values in depressed and crisis markets. Much of his great fortune can be traced back to the 1930s when he scooped up resource stocks and properties at bargain prices.
Finally, Getty chose his targets carefully and had the courage of conviction to jump in when others were scared to death. He put it this way:
"The big profits go to the intelligent, careful and patient investor, not to the restless and overeager speculator... The seasoned investor buys stocks when they are low, holds them for the long-pull rise and takes in between dips and slumps in his stride."
All great lessons and reminders to investors and businessmen of any skill level...
Good Investing,
Carl Delfeld
BTW, "patience" was mentioned twice in this brief article.
I know not everyone wants or needs to be the richest man in the world, but becoming independently wealthy should be quite easy, if one is to follow Getty's advice n take focused action.
I 1st read Getty's book on 10 March, 1995. I hv read it only several times since. It's time for me to read it again n again...
Bro WB
16-10-2018, 01:41 PM
Fully agreed, very beautiful quotes.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
What an excellent thread you have here. Congratulations for been successful owner of decade old thread.
Beautiful quotes below.
My Rule of thumb:
> > If you want her - ignore her
> > If you want to get rid of her - chase her
To beginners may be hard to understand. After playing the field think will start to understand better.
17-10-2018, 11:00 AM
Good morning to all reading this thread.
Bro WB
Thanks for a lovely useful thread.
Reading this makes me wonder what had Paul Getty gets to do with the topic here. After reading, it all makes sense because without riches there is no way to do what you are doing that is BY.
Really hope to be like you in my later days.
I shall be motivated and learn the whole thread.
Cheers to all guys here.
Good morning!
Global stock markets r in turmoils. This is very good news, but I want to see indices decline another 10% before I would start buying more.
"Buy when everyone else is selling and hold on until everyone else is buying- this is more than just a catchy slogan. It's the very essence of successful investment." - J. Paul Getty
Years later, Buffett didn't add much by saying: "I'm fearful when others are greedy, and I'm greedy when others are fearful."
Now back to the subject of "picking up gals."
A senior n most esteemed bro PM-ed me the other day re his KC for a legal PRC gal. He paid her a lump sum as an incentive for her to return home. I surmise that he was w/ her for a short time in PRC n then she vanished for 3 months? Recently, she contacted him. I guess she wants more money from him. Apparently, he still has emotional attachment to her even though he is currently BY-ing 2-3 other gals. I told him to forget abt her asap. But I know it's easier said than done.
Many experienced bros hv been KC-ed big time by FLs/WLs, etc. It has happened to me more than a few times in the past, although, in general, the KC has been quite mild n of relatively short duration.
The only gal I hv some mild emotional n sexual attachment for is XW, my 1st PRC mistress who reunited w/ me early last yr after a hiatus of 18 months, who will be 25 later this yr, largely cuz her chio n very responsive pussy has been proven EXCLUSIVE n SAFE for me. But I'm now a badass n if I could find a younger replacement, someone equally good in terms of looks, figure, pussy, safety n exclusivity, I'll be quite happy to see XW return to PRC to get married early next yr, haha.
I may hv found such a younger replacement!
She is WW, who is one of two 18 yo SYTs from SC, who r coming as a package deal as my mistresses. She is 171, 52 kg, very fair, w/ small bony frame n small wrists/arms, very proportionate n shapely n wickedly sexy figure n long, straight legs. Her fren CC is 165, 50 kg, also w/ proportionate n shapely figure, but has tan skin which is a big minus point. Both gals live w/ their parents n they won't come unless I BY both of them together. CC has indicated that I could choose one of them after the 1st month n the other gal would return to PRC. They hv both applied for traveling documents. WW is willing to get a student visa n stay for 2-3 yrs here, if I like her enuff.
The damage? 3w rmb or 6k sgd a month for each pussy plus rental plus travel expenses. 3w rmb was what CC wanted in PRC. She didn't request an increase coming here n, perhaps a result of my good luck charm, she intro her best fren WW to be BY-ed together, haha.
I hv not shown my hand as to whom I like more, even though I like WW a lot more...
无微不至, 不动声色。
Bro WB
17-10-2018, 11:10 AM
Bro WB
It pays to be hard to get.
I mean not the gal but myself.
Use your techniques or guru shall work.
Play hard to get
Keep her suspense
Pull and push
wonderful skills.
Hi Bro ME,
I'm a face n body man. Above all, I'm a "balanced proportions" man, haha.
I'm always looking to BY gals who meet the following criteria:
年青貌美的华人或白人。 年龄在18岁-24岁之间,身高164cm-174cm.
一定要身材匀称, 皮肤白皙, 乳房丰满(最少有B),手细腿长,臀部圆润。 有大专水平最好.
.................................................. ...............
Good afternoon!
A good fren is going to intro a gal of "my type" tonite but I'm not sure he really knows what I want even though he has seen more than a few of my mistresses.
I crave WW's pussy n she will be coming w/ CC. They will cook 川菜 for me. In order to give both of them COS in the same session, I'm going to use a vibrator for the 1st time, haha.
At this time I like to share a brief article by a RS guru:
Why It Pays To Play Hard to Get
According to Bertrand Russell, "Human nature is constructed so that it gives affection most readily to those who seem to demand it the least."
This being the case "and I assure you it is" then what hope can any normal human being who intensely craves love and affection have of winning the one they want?
Won't their very need for the other person be the thing that turns the one they want away from them?
The answer is "NO!" It is not the need for love, which all people inherently feel which drives others away from them, but it is their indiscretion about exhibiting that need. What we need to learn is to make a distinction in our lives between the way we feel and the way we act! Or, in other words, we must learn self-control. Not that we should suppress our emotions to the degree that we deny to ourselves what we are feeling. No, no indeed.
We should always realize and be honest with ourselves what we are feeling inside. But we must be discerning, discreet and wise about the things we know about ourselves, which we share with others. Just because you find yourself desperately wanting someone, for example, doesn't mean you should act desperate. But neither does it mean you should try to deny the feeling in yourself.
So you feel desperate! So what?! There's no shame in that. Join the club. Millions of wonderful, great, fantastic people who have lived long before you have felt this way. There's nothing wrong with wanting.
But what I warn you against is not trying to control the way you talk about it to others. You see, a dog should wag his tail, not have the tail wag the dog. And YOU are the one who ultimately controls your behavior, your emotions should not be doing that.
Remember when you were small and felt unhappy and upset about not getting your way? What did most of us do? We would lie down on the floor and act out our emotions by beating our fists on the floor and kicking wildly. But when we got older we learned to put away childish behaviors and hold back, except in the area of romance.
What I'm saying is that we need to be mature in this area as well. "But," someone cries out, "isn't it dishonest to not express what you feel?" "No," I answer. "It's a simple matter of growing up." The mature thing to do is to learn to distinguish between feelings and actions. Feel intently, deeply and honestly. But keep your behavior in check.
That person who keeps his behavior separate from his feeling ultimately commands the most respect, and love from others.
Note: Don't reveal ur true feelings too soon!! And never be needy. Hv some self control, OK?
Bro WB
17-10-2018, 11:43 AM
Very good pointers.
Thanks to bro WB for this awesome thread.
God bless.
Bro WB
It pays to be hard to get.
I mean not the gal but myself.
Use your techniques or guru shall work.
Play hard to get
Keep her suspense
Pull and push
wonderful skills.
20-10-2018, 10:21 PM
Nice and tks bro for reply.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Agreed with your reply above.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Very interesting proposition.
Bao both sisters under one roof. Can save on rental and 3peak.
Well done for a great thread.
Hope to read more.
Best cheers for weekend.
Her younger sis not really pretty enough and her arms n legs a bit thick. No deal.
Beloiw were unbelievable facts.
Sperm is a great face cream - this is rather interesting.
Bro, sperm is a great face cream.
Bro WB
What an excellent thread you have here. Congratulations for been successful owner of decade old thread.
Beautiful quotes below.
My Rule of thumb:
> > If you want her - ignore her
> > If you want to get rid of her - chase her
To beginners may be hard to understand. After playing the field think will start to understand better.
Bro, tks.
It's true. If you like a girl very much and want to keep her, you must ignore her. She can take it or leave it. Ironically, she may never leave you.
Bro WB great masterpiece below.
Your positive thoughts n emotions and focused actions will definitely bring u what u r seeking.
"A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else."
Become a MASTER of life, bro.
Another great example was Paul Getty.
Bro, tks.
J Paul Getty was a formidable businessman and master investor.
Fully agreed, very beautiful quotes.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
Good morning to all reading this thread.
Bro WB
Thanks for a lovely useful thread.
Reading this makes me wonder what had Paul Getty gets to do with the topic here. After reading, it all makes sense because without riches there is no way to do what you are doing that is BY.
Really hope to be like you in my later days.
I shall be motivated and learn the whole thread.
Cheers to all guys here.
Bro, tks.
A man must become independently wealthy so that he could be a good protector, provider and lover to his bevy of SYTs/young women.
Bro WB
It pays to be hard to get.
I mean not the gal but myself.
Use your techniques or guru shall work.
Play hard to get
Keep her suspense
Pull and push
wonderful skills.
Bro, tks.
Very good pointers.
Thanks to bro WB for this awesome thread.
God bless.
Thanks, bro.
Good evening,
I came across a good description of a HIGH VALUE MAN a few days ago.
High Value Man
This is the most important trigger and it is the basis for every
single attraction trigger that follows.
Women have biological programming to look for a high value
man because their root inclination is to produce offspring and
they want a man that will provide a good future for their
children. Women have more at risk when they sleep with a
man. That man might be the father of her children, and that is
why they are intuitively attracted to High Value Men.
What is a high value man? He is confident. He has wealth, fame,
and status. He has women surrounding him. He has men that
follow him. He is comfortable with his sexuality. He does not
have to prove himself to anyone. He has a life filled with
excitement and purpose. He is athletically fit. He has social
charm. He can take charge of a situation. He is well mannered.
And more.
Most pickup artists will tell you to degrade/insult the girl in order
to raise your status. A true High Value Man doesn’t have to.
Instead, he lifts them up.
Now, it is not necessary to have all
of these qualities. When you
know what you are doing, you can
trigger attraction even if you are
broke and not good looking.
Cheers to all samsters and have a great weekend!
Bro WB
20-10-2018, 11:03 PM
Thanks Bro WB for the inspiring and thought stimulating thread here.
21-10-2018, 10:01 AM
Thanks Bro WB for the inspiring and thought stimulating thread here.
Bro Otamay,
You hv made my day!
Cheers and have a great Sunday,
Bro WB
22-10-2018, 10:29 AM
Now that you also become a master in r/s and problem solver.
Below is an example that a guy may be unable to access if he should proceed to bao the gal and discuss in forum or some expert opinion shall do him plenty od useful info.
Hope I may need master WB advice soon.
Good morning!
A dear bro sent me the following PM this morning:
Bro i am very intrigued by your very interesting and educational posts, so i would like to seek your advice on one issue that has been bothering me for the longest of time, that is that almost all the FL i enjoyed would off the lights prior to lovemaking, and/or cover their body with towel before and after the sessions. Another bugbear is that some of them will not bathe with me no matter the pleading persuasion.....
Hence would humbly like to seek your most esteemed advice on how to get them to make love with the light on, bathe together etc
Aonther thing i am curious is what is actually going on in their mind that would cause them to behave as above i.e their psyche? ....
Thanks you very much for your time
He agreed to let me post his question on this thread for all to see. His question raises many issues re RS w/ women n WLs/FLs. It's basically a question of who has the power. But some women including FLs may hv problems w/ body image.
I invite bros here to give their pointers n advice...
Let me digress a bit.
I hv not organized an outing to any KTVs since my return cuz my chances of meeting a so-so SYT of my type here r close to nil.
I hv mentioned the two 18 yo from Hubei who r coming as a tag team initially n as SF later.
I recently also met a very pretty Wuhan gal ZZ, a recent uni graduate who is 22, w/ whom I'm trying to form a long-term RS. She is very fair, 168, 50 type of SYT. But initially she told me she would never come to SG cuz it's too far n I'm too old for her, haha. This gal is very confident n knows that she is pretty n classy w/ good figure. She is quite a challenge! I told her I could make love like a 20 yo man n that I hv BY-ed 18 yo gals before. I sent her some photos of a 18 yo n her reply?
ZZ: 丑, 看起来像三十 ...那你给了她多少钱 (This particular ex- mistress of mine was only 18 yo at the time!)
WB: 在新加坡3万RMB (Actually I paid her 50K RMB a month)
ZZ: 唉 我肿么木有碰到你这么豪爽的人哦...(Great news as 30K RMB a month must be big bucks in Wuhan)
WB: 你来我也每月给你3万人民币,加房租,机票
ZZ: 哦 我不能去外地 除非你能帮我去留学
WB: 可以来新加坡上学, 我付学费
ZZ: 我去年大学毕业的 现在还能读神马啊 读研?
WB: 学英文
ZZ: 对啊 哎呦好麻烦 从申请到考试录取要好久
WB: 不会,我中介人办,要一个月...神马是湖北话什么,哈哈
ZZ: 不是啊 是最近网络流行话哈哈 我得考虑考虑 我现在在国企上班 突然走掉恐怕父母不会同意
WB: 我明白, 我打个电话...
Since then, we hv been in communication around the clock everyday, hahaha. I'm connecting w/ her, establishing rapport n trust...n I'll compel her to come to SG. I must arouse her imagery, emotions n sexual feelings n fantasies...while showing my masculine traits.
She is a steal at 6K SGD a month.
As we all know, a man's WORDS to a woman has the same effect as a woman's LOOKS to a man.
Women spend time n money to improve their LOOKS, but what do men do to improve their WORDS?
I must become a master of WORDS asap. For PRC gals, it's Chinese WORDS n spoken Mandarin. Descriptive, vivid, sensual n sexual, yet subtle, WORDS...hahaha.
Bro WB
22-10-2018, 10:31 AM
Another of MASTER WB delicious plan below.
Good advice to follow his operating procedure.
In his method he can get any gal he likes.
Firstly, my action plan is also short n sweet as time is much more valuable than money n pussies combined. I usually suggest ST within 30 min after meeting a gal of my type, under the right circumstances. If her answer is no, I'll up the ante, n if she repeatedly n emphatically says no subsequently, I'll stop. If I really like her n she is BY material, I may wait 1-3 days to propose BY.
Secondly, I see Rashomon Effect everywhere.
The same stunningly beautiful n sexy gal may be a lot less stunning after a few wks, a few days, n in some cases, after a mere hour. Same gal but my subjective perception of her has changed drastically. Most gals invariably become much less attractive after BY-ing them n owning their pussies for a few wks. My 1st BAO-ee is a noteworthy exception as I still find her very attractive n sexy...
There is only one gal who was nondescript to me initially but who appeared stunningly pretty n sexy a wk's inexplicable.
Abt 10 days ago, I was in the company of some frens n a few PRC gals. I noticed but didn't pay much attention to a gal called ZN. We exchanged names n said hello. I was just being courteous. Of course I didn't ask for her HP no.
A few days ago I met ZN again by chance. 缘份?She walked towards me n sat next to me. This time I noticed her poise, her confident body language n how she swung her shapely, round n perky butt. I took a very close look at her n I liked what I saw, haha. She had changed her hairdo n dress, revealing her beautiful legs n cleavage. She is 21, from Hunan, 167, abt 50 kg. What a perfectly proportionate n wickedly sexy body! She is very chio too n very confident n aloof. How did I miss her? During my interaction w/ her, I received msg from several gals currently in PRC on my QQ n weichat. I showed her their photos. She said very pretty n sexy. She then added me to her QQ n gave me her HP no. After 30 min or so, I whispered in her ear 我要和你做爱。She was speechless. She said she would never consider doing ST. She added that I must hv a GF n I replied yes, just one lao po.
The next day she again flatly rejected my indecent proposal. She added that she is only interested in looking for a long-term BF. However, she would not state her terms even after much prodding. So I outlined my terms n conditions. She gladly accepted it, hahaha. She asked why would I want another GF? I said why not as I like her as a person...
Bro WB
22-10-2018, 10:34 AM
Hi Bro WB, I liike the way you put it as succesful hands on training, although I "failed" to upz her but it doesn't stop me from moving on and having successful attempts with many others, I guess the key is to keep pressing on and keeping the faith in yourself.
Bro wb
Lol....I like the part about showing her more
I think I lack charm like bro Warbird.
Anyway, there are many many guizhou girls around.
[QUOTE=besafe;7383588]Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
The above 4 posts enhanced my case to call Master WB.
Please keep the thread alive.
22-10-2018, 11:16 AM
Yes, I may need bro WB's advice too.
Great thread here.
Now that you also become a master in r/s and problem solver.
Below is an example that a guy may be unable to access if he should proceed to bao the gal and discuss in forum or some expert opinion shall do him plenty od useful info.
Hope I may need master WB advice soon.
22-10-2018, 11:18 AM
Bro WB
Nice guru forum below.
This was the answer I was looking for.
I was passed by a girl I like and not sure how to get back to her to change her mind. Now, I knew and will apply this method.
Will report here if any success story.
Best of luck guys!!
Good morning!
Several bros used the words 'failed' n 'failures' to describe some of their interactions w/ women n they apparently took it personally. Bad idea n wrong mindset. IMHO, they didn't 'fail', instead, they had very successful n enjoyable hands-on training.
I just received a brief e-mail on the subject of 'rejection', albeit from another perspective:
eWhen a woman chooses to 'pass' on you or says 'no' - How to change her mind
Hello Bro Warbird,
The other day I was having a discussion with a Tango instructor.
He just returned from a trip to Argentina. One of his classes took
a trip down there to "test their stuff" amongst the true
He said that before he takes a group to Argentina that he has to
carefully explain to all of the men that it's perfectly alright
and normal for a woman to basically say "pass" or "no" if he asks
her to dance. In Argentina, most women won't dance with a man that
is of a lower technical level than she is- and they won't dance
with a man they feel can't truly dance.
Part of this is purely logistical. In tango the woman follows
everything the man does... So, if a man can't lead, the woman
pretty much can't dance with him.
This instructor was saying that he had a problem on his first
couple of trips to Argentina with a group of students, because if a
woman said "pass" or "no" to one of his male students, the male
student would take it personally, start to pout, get upset, and
would want to go running home to America. Often he would think that
she turned him down because of the way he looked, or was
dressed, etc...
However, when a woman says "pass" or "no" she isn't necessarily
saying "no" all together.. She's basically saying, "I want to see
more". If a man proceeds to go out on the dance floor, dance with
one of the women he came with or who already knows him, and he
proves that he can dance... then the woman he originally asked will
happily dance with him.
I was laughing as this tango instructor was telling me this... he
also shared a story about one of his male students getting so upset
at a woman "passing" on him that he threw a glass of water at her
and she had no idea what she had done wrong- she was just doing
what is culturally acceptable and she's always done... and I said,
"Yep, I have the same problem with some of the men I coach... they
don't hear what they want to hear from a woman, they take it
personally, throw a fit, and ruin their chance of ever having
anything with her."
When a woman says, "I want to be friends for now", or "You're like
a brother to me", or "Not tonight", or "No" in any form.... She's
basically saying: "I want to see more".
That should be a man's cue to increase his attractive
character, and show her that he does have something to offer her.
However, if the man takes it personally, starts to pout, or does
something totally childish, like throwing a glass of water at the
woman... she will NEVER be interested in him. He will have shot
his chance- for good.
When a woman rejects your advance or gives you a "no" of any kind,
consider it to be a favor she is doing for you. Unconsciously she's
giving you a bit of constructive criticism and telling you that she
needs to see a little more from you.
That's all. And if you can show her what she needs to see-
then that "pass" or "no" might just become a "yes".....................
On with the fun,
Mr. Guru
22-10-2018, 11:21 AM
Good afternoon!
A guru just sent me an email called TIMELESS.
Hey Bro Warbird,
I recently came across an interesting book on called
"How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress (and survive in spite of it all) " by Will Harvey.
What's most interesting to me is the date this book was
published--in 1971, the year I was born.
This book pre-dates the Eric Weber classic, "How to Pick Up Chicks"
and was obviously written and published way before all these goofy
pick up artists were daddy's little squirt.
It's written way before Facebook and Twitter, way before email, way
before the internet was even conceived (by Al Gore).
In fact, it was written before the idea of personal computers, cell
phones, and text messaging. Even beepers and answering machines.
But you know what? The advice in that book is timeless, and
mirrors a lot of what I've found to be true.
If you can find the book, it is worth reading, but the main
takeaway from it is this: women's experience with men is, for the
most part, bad. And if you give women a good experience by
learning the art and science of attraction, you will have a lot of
women in your life.
When you meet a woman, she immediately compares you to other men.
If you look, sound, or act like the choads she's met from her past,
you're done. But if you're different, if you're intriguing, if you
offer an experience the men from her past haven't, she's
In other words, the past choads in her life will do the work for
you. Women want to spend time with a man who makes them feel like
a woman, and that desire is timeless. Learn how to do that, and
you will always have a great woman in your life, while other men
keep doing the things to attract women to you.
On with the fun...
Mr. Guru
BTW, the book is out of print. I hv just ordered the book from an online bookseller in Gotham.
Good day,
Bro WB
Timesless pc of great advice below.
Now I knew women more after reading guru post above.
Women love to spend more time with guys who makes them feel more like women. This is really kudos.
Timeless is also priceless.
Cheering for me. Go Go Go.
22-10-2018, 11:33 AM
[QUOTE=besafe;7383588]Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
The above 4 posts enhanced my case to call Master WB.
Please keep the thread alive.
4 excellent posts there.
Enhanced my case too.
Thanks Master WB for this awesome thread.
22-10-2018, 11:40 AM
This thread is coming up to 10 years old however the content is as relevant as ever.
All I can say I wish I had gotten to know the thread when I registered in 2016. (Was always in SBF for GL threads and only briefly).
I've personally only cheonged butterfly KTVs exclusively from 2010 till end of 2017 (mostly 2nd tier joints, and very rarely TAM,LP,DC) , now due to a mix of social and business reasons I've explored more Chinese HFJ (both formal and club style), Thai HFJ and VietDius etc etc
@Warbird great thread and I've gone through the first 55 pages over the last day. Kudos to justime, DYB, LDH and co for all their valuable postings back then as well.
The last 2 years have been a non-stop self-improvement journey for me on many areas except . And it resonates with me that the abundance theory as well as MaleDom (and not PUA) approach is so doubly effective when you and your kakis executed it (each with varying spending power as well). It's rekindled my fire towards learning and improvement again.
I'm so aghast that I've largely avoided places like DC/PC all this time.
Will be great to get to know you and perhaps senior disciples better if you're still here. HH is perfect for me.
- Wish Carefully
22-10-2018, 12:09 PM
Timesless pc of great advice below.
Now I knew women more after reading guru post above.
Women love to spend more time with guys who makes them feel more like women. This is really kudos.
Timeless is also priceless.
Cheering for me. Go Go Go.
Same, I got to know more women after reading too.
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
Have a great week.
22-10-2018, 11:45 PM
Fantastic thread here by Bro WB
Learnt so much reading from your experiences.
Have a nice day :)
23-10-2018, 01:38 PM
Finally, i've finished 191 pages of wisdom. I feel more confident now going to these KTVs
Lovely statements of assurance for this fabulous tread.
Hi Sis Ladyrain,
Ths for ur post n welcome to the thread. You hv struck a chord...
I presume that you're a biological female, a 女人。
Me no expert...I'm a mere trainee, working diligently to improve myself n improve others..
If you r wondering abt ur ex, you hv never been sexually addicted to him. You may even hv loved him a lot at one time, but never sexually addicted. Period.
How do I make a gal sexually addicted to me n only me? Very difficult.
I hv been learning n training to get my type of chio SYTs sexually addicted to me in the last several yrs. My motivation was my abject failures n intense frustrations in my RS w/ chio women in the past. Then I started reading everything I could find n putting those techniques n strategies into practice. I leave no stone unturned. There is no bigger challenge to me as I'm a lao chi ko pek. The results r astounding, to put it mildly, n how I wish I knew abt all this when I was a teenager.
Back to ur question on the how...the ONLY way IS to give a gal sexual pleasure she has never experienced w/ any other men in her entire life. The pleasure must be 3-5X more intense n the duration 5-10X more prolonged than she has ever experienced.
By making love to her mind, body n heart, which is a continuous daily process, hahaha. You can glean quite a bit of how a man can do that by reading the previous posts on this thread.
But sexual addiction will take time, perhaps at least 2-3 months, depending on the individual.
There r 6 keys:
1) You need to trust your man completely
2) You must be very relaxed when you're w/ him
3) You must truly believe that u hv vast untapped orgasmic potential (otherwise, all the mental n mechanical techniques in the world will be futile)
4) Your lover must be focused on giving u pleasure u never had before, while willing to delay his own...
5) Your man must know the different types of orgasm n ALL the techniques n he must find the one or several optimal triggers that send u into orbit, by trial n error n w/ guidance from u, which will take time...
And last but not least, 6) he must link all your oxytocin surges n intense/prolonged pleasure to HIM n only HIM.
Of course I'm assuming that you're a mentally, psychologically n physically healthy, heterosexual female. Otherwise, He will fail even if he is a sex god.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Well done, guiding a female reader how to response to guys.
There r 6 keys:
1) You need to trust your man completely
2) You must be very relaxed when you're w/ him
3) You must truly believe that u hv vast untapped orgasmic potential (otherwise, all the mental n mechanical techniques in the world will be futile)
4) Your lover must be focused on giving u pleasure u never had before, while willing to delay his own...
5) Your man must know the different types of orgasm n ALL the techniques n he must find the one or several optimal triggers that send u into orbit, by trial n error n w/ guidance from u, which will take time...
And last but not least, 6) he must link all your oxytocin surges n intense/prolonged pleasure to HIM n only HIM.
above are six lovely keys.
23-10-2018, 01:42 PM
Good afternoon!
Bro superhuman is interested in male dominance in RS w/ women. Let me reiterate: Your perceived ranking on the Male Dominance Scale is the sole determinant of ur attractiveness to women. Period.
You manifest ur perceived ranking in ur facial expressions, eye ctc, body language, posture, voice tonality n words, etc...
Yes, words r also important. Never say: May I see u tonite? Instead say: I'm going to see u tonite. If u r calling, sound as if you r doing her a big favour. You get the idea.
Of course, after attracting a gal of ur type, the next crucial factor is making her addicted to u by giving her sexual pleasure she has never experienced before...
I hv here an article, written by a guru, on The Simple Secret to Being Dominant:
Dear Bro Warbird,
Dominance is the #1 trait that attracts women. What I'm going to reveal to
you in this chapter will be the secrets that will have women begging to have
"anything goes" sex with you.
Here’s what it’s all about: to be dominant, control the frame. It’s as
straightforward as that.
It is important to realize the importance of this whole concept of frames.
As I’ve said, there is no objective reality. All reality exists in people’s minds.
So if a woman creates drama that she thinks is a big deal, and you go
along with that, then you have been reduced to beta male status by being sucked
into her frame.
If on the other hand you reframe her drama as funny and silly and not that
big a deal, then she has been brought into your reality.
To give an example from my current relationship, my girlfriend wanted me
to go to her parents’ house with her to meet them. I preferred to hang out with
my own friends that night, so I told her those were my plans.
She reacted badly and said, "John, it's really important to me that you
come with me."
Most men would get sucked into her frame by having a long discussion or
fight over it. After all, you have long discussions about things that are important.
But if you frame it like her wanting you to meet her family is not a big deal,
you’ll simply react by saying, “Sure, let’s do that sometime” and then quickly
changing the subject to something more interesting. That’s what I did, and it
drew her into my reality.
Use that strategy that with everything. You as the man have the more
powerful reality.
Because your strong belief system is now, “I’m a good catch” and “I’m the
prize, not her,” the woman will buy into that frame.
One of the jobs I held on and off for many years was part-time pizza
delivery. (By the way, avoid eating pizza if you want to keep a trim waist!)
Back before I learned the proper mindset. I would always get incredibly
nervous whenever I’d knock on a door and a hot woman would answer. This was because I considered them to be potentially great catches for me (rather
than the other way around).
So when I tried to get them to like me, I came across as a guy who was
trying too hard, which damaged any attraction the women may have had for me.
But then I adopted the attitude that I am a good catch. As a consequence,
I felt indifference whenever I delivered to a hot woman. I would simply say, with
a relaxed tone of voice and posture, “Hi. The pizza will be $X.”
Sometimes women would shamelessly flirt with me as a result. (They
never flirted with me before.) I had sex with a few of them, including one who I
dated for over a year—she was absolutely amazing in bed. She worked hard to
win my affections, because I was a challenge for her.
Women don’t like to be put up on a pedestal. Even if sometimes women
claim that they do, the men who actually are successful with women do not view
them that way. They just act natural.
Women may be wonderful beings who want to have sex with you, but they
put their pants on one leg at a time just like you do. When all is said and done,
women are a lot more similar to men that most guys think.
The problem with putting women on a pedestal is that it comes from a
frame of neediness.
Think of the people in your life who have been needy. They stifle you by
trying to get your attention every chance they get. They constantly demand your
attention, because they’re seemingly unable to have a good time on their own.
Psychologically, this repels you rather than make you want to spend more
time with them. So consider what it is like from a woman’s perspective when you
feel needy.
How can you avoid such feelings? Catch yourself whenever you have
thoughts like:
• “If I lose this girl, I won’t have sex for months.”
• “I really want this girl to like me. What should I do to make her like
• “Should I call this girl yet?”
The whole irony about wanting people to like you and trying too hard for it
is that it has the opposite effect—it pushes them away.
So stop putting women up on pedestals. A better, healthier way to look at
it is that you need to climb up on the pedestal yourself. You are the prize.
Take two examples of a man chatting up a woman. The first is a man who
thinks he needs to earn a woman’s affections; the second knows he is the prize.
Beta Male (nervously): “Can I please have the honor of taking you to
lunch? It will be my treat. Where would you like to go?”
Woman: “Thank you!” (Smiles.) “I’d like to have lunch at the El Supero
Expensivo Ritzo. Let’s go!”
They go to lunch, the woman views him as a nice guy and a good friend,
and he never gets laid because she just isn’t attracted to him in that way.
And by the way, even though men complain about money spent on
women in exchange for which they get nothing, women don’t view this as them
taking advantage of the guy.
After all, if you were put up on a pedestal and had someone nervously
asking you to grace them with your presence for lunch, wouldn’t you feel like you
were giving them exactly what they wanted by doing them that favor? If a man
has a secret agenda that the woman detects, then that comes across to her as
Alpha Male (relaxed and in comfortable in his own skin): “I’m off to get
some lunch at my favorite place, El Cheapo Restaurant.” (Then, playfully, almost
like it’s an afterthought): “You’re a fun person, so come along with me.”
Woman (giggling): “Blah blah” (It really doesn’t matter what the woman
says, because as long as she feels comfortable around the guy, she will go with
Notice the frame that this second example sets. The man is in his own reality. He wants to get lunch and knows where he wants to get it.
Because the woman has earned his attention, she can come along with
him. He is the prize, not her—she’s fun, so she gets invited to come along.
In the first example, the woman is clearly the prize, as the man is weakwilled
(doesn’t have a place in mind to go eat), knows that his value is less than
hers (so he comes across as nervous), and has to practically bribe her to talk to
Note also how “so come along with me” is really a command. You see,
an alpha male is not afraid to put his balls on the line and say things like that to
Make sure, however, to soften such phrases by saying them playfully. You don’t want to come across as harsh or bossy.
Finally, notice how lunch is not being framed as a date like it is in the first
example. This avoids having her categorize the man as relationship material
who will have to wait months for sex.
Instead, if sex takes place, he will assume the active role in creating the
right conditions for it.
The way the mind works, as I mentioned earlier, is that when you believe
something, your mind increasingly finds evidence for that belief to be true. That’s
the value of the above exercise for kick starting your belief in yourself as the
dream lover that all women would want.
As you adopt the mindset that you are a good catch, realize that all
women are naturally promiscuous when the conditions are right (i.e., they’re
being led by a confident man).
You do not need validation and approval from a
woman; instead, she needs them from you.
To sum up, as an attractive man, you:
1) Make women come into your reality, not the other way around.
2) Take the lead role, since women are usually passive when it comes to dating and sex.
3) Emotionally arouse women.
4) Are a man of high value, so it is up to women to win your affection.
5) Don’t take women too seriously, nor do you take life too seriously.
6) Have your own beliefs, are assertive, and think for yourself.
7) Remember, you don’t need her approval!
Almost all of the men I know who are good with women realize these
things and place a high value on themselves. Why? Because they (and you)
know how to bring women to the highest heights of pleasure.
Mr. Guru
Bro WB
I re-post the above just to show how important this old forum was.
The forum is really powerful and wonderful for all to learn.
Women dun like to be put on pedestal?
To sum up, as an attractive man, you:
1) Make women come into your reality, not the other way around.
2) Take the lead role, since women are usually passive when it comes to dating and sex.
3) Emotionally arouse women.
4) Are a man of high value, so it is up to women to win your affection.
5) Don’t take women too seriously, nor do you take life too seriously.
6) Have your own beliefs, are assertive, and think for yourself.
7) Remember, you don’t need her approval!
23-10-2018, 06:41 PM
Bro WB
I re-post the above just to show how important this old forum was.
The forum is really powerful and wonderful for all to learn.
Women dun like to be put on pedestal?
To sum up, as an attractive man, you:
1) Make women come into your reality, not the other way around.
2) Take the lead role, since women are usually passive when it comes to dating and sex.
3) Emotionally arouse women.
4) Are a man of high value, so it is up to women to win your affection.
5) Don’t take women too seriously, nor do you take life too seriously.
6) Have your own beliefs, are assertive, and think for yourself.
7) Remember, you don’t need her approval!
Fully agreed, very powerful forum and excellent place to learn, thanks bro WB
Have a great week.
23-10-2018, 07:09 PM
Thanks Wonderful Brillant bro for your many valuable inputs here.
23-10-2018, 09:48 PM
Bro WB
Well done, guiding a female reader how to response to guys.
There r 6 keys:
1) You need to trust your man completely
2) You must be very relaxed when you're w/ him
3) You must truly believe that u hv vast untapped orgasmic potential (otherwise, all the mental n mechanical techniques in the world will be futile)
4) Your lover must be focused on giving u pleasure u never had before, while willing to delay his own...
5) Your man must know the different types of orgasm n ALL the techniques n he must find the one or several optimal triggers that send u into orbit, by trial n error n w/ guidance from u, which will take time...
And last but not least, 6) he must link all your oxytocin surges n intense/prolonged pleasure to HIM n only HIM.
above are six lovely keys.
Yes, 6 very good keys.
Thanks bro WB again and again for this great thread.
God bless.
24-10-2018, 03:17 PM
大哥 WB is a guru in this area.
The secret of this is not money nor penetration but understanding & implanting the mental direction of a WL as its the topic of discussion here.
No doubt, they're in it for the money, they are also made of flesh n blood.
Note, i didn't say human lolzzz
Sexual gratification of the extreme is more deadly than heroin!
The whole idea of this is to make them always so sexually high, to a high they never gotten before n keep making n getting them to tat, it will become super addictive.
Good indicators r shivering bodies not due to cold, squirting n convulsions after the deed throughout the body.
These r indicators not for orgasms but a state beyond orgasm!
It'll also curse them to such an extent tat, fucking any other man will never bring tat kind of sextisfaction, thus, also make them addicted to u.
I will not reveal the secrets here but I am sure the Guru will guide u to wat u seek.
Best, remember, they tok, n u'll be surprised u may get some free lays just becos some r curious after they heard how u made another sis fly to 7th heaven.
I will leave the rest to the Guru n my Mentor WarBird to lead u to the light :o
Really love the post above.
大哥 WB is a guru in this area :D
The number of accolades are proof of SUCCESS :D
24-10-2018, 03:21 PM
Dear Mr. Chairman,
I like ur succinct account on sexual addiction.
You know I'm still a trainee n I hv learned a lot from u. Abt 3 yrs ago, YOU were the one who 1st revealed some principles for giving women intense n prolonged pleasure beyond orgasms...lasting well over an hr.
I've studied hard n practiced hard ever since, hahaha. I hv done it on several of my mistresses n the results r gratifying.
I don't usually go beyond 60 min if the gal is already 欲仙欲死 time is too precious. All I need is to repeat it 3X a wk until she is addicted. It's like crack cocaine cuz both induce almost identical neuro-hormonal changes in the same areas of the brain.
My sincere gratitude for ur pointers n encouragement.
Bro WB
大哥 WB
Such a humble person. Practically no airs and seems no ego too.
Really lovely quote below.
"All I'm doing is to improve myself n improve others everyday...n enjoy the process n live in the present moment. And I accept whatever happens the next moment w/ happiness n peace. Life is wonderful!!"
Life is wonderful to you and newbie like me.
24-10-2018, 03:24 PM
I started this thread initially on "how to pick up KTV gals outside KTVs," but it was quickly expanded to relevant topics on how to get chio n young pussies, n how to get them addicted.
I like to appeal to all esteemed bros here to confine discussions to topics relevant to these central themes, yes, on "picking up" any gals/women (both WLs n non-WLs) anytime n anywhere under the sun n what to do afterwards, including FOC, FWB, ST, BY, GF, FB, marriage, etc.
My main interests include, but not limited to, various aspects of attraction, seduction, man-woman RS, psychology, sexology, sexual medicine, successful long-term RS, the concept of soul mate, female orgasms n, last but not least, addictions.
I'm only talking abt how to get ur dream gal addicted to you.
There r 3 main components: 1) Financial, 2) Emotional, 3) Sexual
If there r none, the RS is transitory. If there is only one, the RS will not last. If there r 2, the RS may last, but there will be lots of conflict n pain, for both partners. If all 3 r present, the RS will last, but still not forever. People change, n both partners will change. For example, the man may be bankrupt, thus losing 1), or he becomes very sick n can't perform, thus losing 3).
It's very complicated as I hv not factored in the man's addiction to the female yet.
Since a prerequisite for getting chio gals in most societies is financial security, all legal ways of making money r germane to this thread.
Pls keep this thread educational n informative.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
大哥 WB
Love the quotes highlighted.
Really worthy to read.
Let me try to digest more and practise.
24-10-2018, 08:02 PM
Really love the post above.
大哥 WB is a guru in this area :D
The number of accolades are proof of SUCCESS :D
Also love the above post.
Bro WB is indeed a super guru.
24-10-2018, 11:02 PM
大哥 WB
Such a humble person. Practically no airs and seems no ego too.
Really lovely quote below.
"All I'm doing is to improve myself n improve others everyday...n enjoy the process n live in the present moment. And I accept whatever happens the next moment w/ happiness n peace. Life is wonderful!!"
Life is wonderful to you and newbie like me.
Fully agreed, big bro WB has no airs at all.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
26-10-2018, 02:18 PM
Very good educational video.
Also very funny.
Sorry Guru saw this clip & couldnt stop laughing, so share here.
Sorry in advance
26-10-2018, 02:25 PM
Good afternoon!
I hv put some flamers on the ignore list as per advice of our Boss.
IMHO, no self-respecting person should stoop so low as to reply to these senseless posts. Dun explain or clarify, just ignore them. That is the best way to get a stalker to stop.
My advice to the flamers: If u feel u hv been wronged or harmed, file a law suit. If u dun hv a case, get over it. Forgive n forget. Most importantly, get a life. There r many chio gals of ur type out there waiting for u, hahaha. Connect w/ them n get them addicted to u.
"Life is too short for drama and petty things,
laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly."
Bro WB
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you.
Life just too short to fight and create enemy.
Really love the way this bro post reply to flaming.
To me, IGNORE is the best remedy.
Guy trying to flame meaning making one angry and upset. Any reply will be rebutted with more flaming and rubbish. Any mother an dfather maybe drag into the replies.
So just ignore and enjoy.
Have a good friday to all.
(1)it no matter to us? US?
you referring to your friends or you alone are behind your poor clone flaming people?
(2)calling someone a bastard?
do you even know the definition of bastard? if you do not know please kindly check out in the dictionary, if you don't know how to, here is a link
just left click on your mouse and read it to have a better understanding.
(3)Your dage and your little prince told us that you are very asshole to them. They say you are shit and you are fat and you are heartless.
who who?? name? yourself?? maybe..
(4)We also aware your friends one by one leave you.
oh so sad, you are lonely and a big time stalker.
(5)lonely so play clones and MinM also you.Anyone can see it is you all along unless they are stupid.Here is SBF and sex forum and got MinM the gal openly want to be own by a man here.
now i m confused, who is the clone that created many clone?? here is sbf, anything can happen here and now i m replying to a loser clone noww...
(6)Fishey and suspect that either a clone or alternate or maybe another FL on the prowl. Boss SBF you think that all these shit not clones and you disagree with us then please continue to delete our posts.
woah, now you are challenging the boss. do you even have access to the data entry and determine who are the clones? of course he disagree with you, because you have already stupidly self admit all along that those are your clones and with your gang of people.. or i suspect, you are the only sadist behind the screen and imagine that you have many imaginary supporter...
oh FYI, i love attention, and i am also a clone.. SAD SAD.. i talk like you because i am a loser...T_T cry me a river please.preasee..:(
26-10-2018, 02:26 PM
Upz this thread. No bros should cheong without reading this cheong thread. Kudos to bro warbird and all the seniors for their sharing ;)
What a nice post and fully agreed
Clap clap clap.
26-10-2018, 04:31 PM
Seeing the flowers at Duke of Shanghai(DoS) makes me wonder (most recent record was $131400) how more bros can be helped with a crash course of all the material WB, DYBJ, LDH and co has put together.
Recently, the angpai very clearly had her supporter wrapped around her finger by publicly rejecting bears (DoS version of flowers) until her expected amount is received. As night went on, her very public tantrums, arguments eventually led to him leaving his friends midway through the night. Cut quite a dispondant figure walking out of the club.
26-10-2018, 05:38 PM
Very good educational video.
Also very funny.
Agreed, very funny and educational.
26-10-2018, 11:39 PM
What a nice post and fully agreed
Clap clap clap.
Fully agreed too.
Round of applause.
Bro WB
Excellent thread here.
The forum below was good advice. Simply tell us dun get KC-ed.
The girl who wrote in Chinese simply upset that Bro WB was a master who do not fall easily as prey.
Well done and I hv more to learn here.
Good morning!
Many experienced n dominant men get KC-ed n become the partners who care more n more in the RS, when they meet THE ONE AND ONLY (or so they thought). It doesn't matter if THE ONE is a WL or non-WL. In fact, if she is a legal wife, the results can be even more catastrophic.
A MAN needs to be mentally tough, dominant n be the one who cares the least in ANY AND EVERY RS. It doesn't mean you're heartless n callous, no no no, it only means you're hv formidable self mastery n are nonchaiant no matter what happens n you r always caring n responsible. Ironically, that kind behaviour is fatally attractive to women. The gal will become desperate, needy n crave u...conversely, being kind n sensitive n putting THE ONE on a pedestal is the kiss of death for the RS.
Let me post the following quote again (sent to me by 18 yo CL):
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情 这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才会新鲜。关心 越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时 候,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大局。女人喜欢 甚至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依 人的感觉。但事实上当男人真正投入爱情的时候就会变成男孩,当你认为那个男人特别耀眼的时候,对不起,他还 没爱上你。我的他曾经像个小孩,现在却越来越像成熟的男人了。究竟是我变了,还是他变了,或是 这感情变了?
Your comments r appreciated.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very detailed how your two lovely Hubei babes coming to town to visit.
Will continue to read to find out some juicy sex forums.
My 2 Hubei SYTs arrived some time ago.
It took me quite a bit of effort n time, but only a little money, to get them since they r non-WLs. Didn't want them to come earlier as they were born in the 1st half of 1994.
I met them while they were in PRC, by pure chance. I managed to get their ctc n jokingly invited them to visit SG, haha. No, I didn't even get to hold their hands. A month later, after knowing more n more abt their background,while I was in Gotham City, I proposed BY to the taller gal EN but was rebuffed initially. I was undaunted n continued to use words n humour to break down her resistance. Finally she said OK, but she wouldn't dare to come alone n wanted the shorter gal AN to come as a package! I was affirmative. I then asked them to apply for a PRC passport, which took abt 3 wks. After obtaining their passports, they had cold feet...fortunately, a Hubei gal I used to know happened to live in Wuhan n called them n convinced them to come to visit our beautiful n safe SG.
There is something quite unexpected. My preference for the taller EN has created discord n quarrels among the 2 former best frens n classmates. AN will be leaving soon. She wished me the best w/ EN n if things dun work out, she will intro a tall n pretty fren for me, hahaha. 170, n prettier than EN, according to her.
EN is my type as she is 172, 53 kg, B/C boobs, w/ meat in the right places, very proportionate from head to toe n 8-8.5 头身。She is very youthful, inexperienced n demure n never heard of 69 n I had to show her a pic from my phone. Most importantly, her pussy is exquisite n very tight n wet. I also gave gave her the very 1st climax in her life. He parents didn't even know she is in SG! She is on visitor pass n will return on a student visa.
BTW, the fair n tall Fujian gal I missed in Dec 2009 has also agreed to be my long-term mistress. She is 170 n also has very proportionate figure n C boobs. She was in SG on student visa for only 4 plus months. Her visitor pass was rejected in 2010. She is 24 now, but still looks pretty n sexy on SP. I hope she could secure a visa this time.
A former gal GG is married, but her recent photos show that she is now thinner n quite haggard. She is not even 24 yet! Some gals age very quickly...
My 1st BAO-ee is still w/ me. She will be 25 in a few months. I notice that she has put on some extra meat on her shoulders n upper arms, the most sensitive telltale sign of ageing in women.
Last but not least, CD has started singing at a well known HFJ yesterday. I hv PM-ed bro besafe as he wants to meet her. Good luck, bro.
That's all for today, folks.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Spending money on girls always very happy.
Still nothing on hwo the sex part working out.
Did Bro WB managed 3some or having sex individually?
Good morning!
I took the 2 Hubei gals to PPC last wk n offered to buy them both pretty dresses. But the price tags scared them even though I was paying for it. EN liked a dress very much but walked away when told that it would cost $152.
Then they both decided on something presentable at another store. Total price was $210 n the two gals offered $150 n walked out! Upon my insistence, they went back n bought the dresses for $160 or $80 a piece.
I offered to buy EN more gifts n she said no need! I dun mind sending her to a fashion n make up expert n transform her into a princess haha. She has all the natural assets.
The behaviour of these 2 gals is a refreshing change for me, n in stark contrast to that of my other mistresses. They r extremely FRUGAL when it comes to spending MY money.
Separately, a kind bro has upped me:
Picking up KTV gals... 08-08-2012 01:34 AM upped u on the post #3050... teach me alot of thing on tat post! upped u my humble X pts Bro XYZ here cheers
He piqued my interest n went back to read post #3050. (I also corrected many typos.)
<<<Many experienced n dominant men get KC-ed n become the partners who care more n more in the RS, when they meet THE ONE AND ONLY (or so they thought). It doesn't matter if THE ONE is a WL or non-WL. In fact, if she is a legal wife, the results can be even more catastrophic.
A MAN needs to be mentally tough, dominant n be the one who cares the least in ANY AND EVERY RS. It doesn't mean you're heartless n callous, no no no, it only means you hv formidable self mastery n are nonchalant no matter what happens n you r always caring n responsible. Ironically, that kind of behaviour is fatally attractive to women. The gal will become desperate, needy n crave u...conversely, being kind n sensitive n putting THE ONE on a pedestal is the kiss of death for the RS.
Let me post the following quote again (sent to me by 18 yo CL):
你用你的全部生命去谈一次恋爱,那这次恋爱必然不能成功;你用全部精力去谈恋爱,那你一定会被 人玩死;你用 全部时间去谈恋爱,别人一定会嫌你烦。因为爱情 这事,你越是勤快,投入越多,它结果就越差。只有像懒人养花一样,爱搭不理,偶尔关心一下,才 会新鲜。关心 越少,爱的越久。当一个男人不爱一个女人的时 候,往往能把这个女人弄得神魂颠倒,觉得他特MAN,特够味儿,特浪漫,特霸道特酷特能掌控大 局。女人喜欢 甚至崇拜这样的男人,因为她们觉得有一种小鸟依 人的感觉。但事实上当男人真正投入爱情的时候就会变成男孩,当你认为那个男人特别耀眼的时候, 对不起,他还 没爱上你。我的他曾经像个小孩,现在却越来越像成熟的男人了。究竟是我变了,还是他变了,或是 这感情变了?
Your comments r appreciated.>>>
These MASCULINE traits, more than all other factors combined,
r fatally attractive to human females, because they trigger areas in their powerful primitive/reptilian brain. Most of them r not even aware of it when they fall for men who they consciously know r very wrong for them. It's not a choice for them n they can't help themselves. The same thing happens in males in that many bros fall for WLs/FLs.
I need to remind myself to be that MAN twice daily, especially when I meet THE ONE hahaha.
Bro WB
27-10-2018, 01:46 PM
True, lots to learn from this magnificent thread, thanks Bro WB.
Have a good weekend.
Bro WB
Excellent thread here.
The forum below was good advice. Simply tell us dun get KC-ed.
The girl who wrote in Chinese simply upset that Bro WB was a master who do not fall easily as prey.
Well done and I hv more to learn here.
27-10-2018, 03:54 PM
Now that you also become a master in r/s and problem solver.
Below is an example that a guy may be unable to access if he should proceed to bao the gal and discuss in forum or some expert opinion shall do him plenty od useful info.
Hope I may need master WB advice soon.
Bro, tks.
Aiyo, I'm not a master. But I'll share whatever I know and offer an opinion.
Another of MASTER WB delicious plan below.
Good advice to follow his operating procedure.
In his method he can get any gal he likes.
Bro, I'm doing my best.
[QUOTE=besafe;7383588]Dear Bro WB,
You are the Master and Top Alpha Male.
I look forward to read your conquest of ZN.
My attempt to conquer a Guizhou girl in Chongqing, ended in failure and bruised ego.
The above 4 posts enhanced my case to call Master WB.
Please keep the thread alive.
Bro, tks.
Yes, I may need bro WB's advice too.
Great thread here.
Bro, tks.
Pls post your question here.
Bro WB
Nice guru forum below.
This was the answer I was looking for.
I was passed by a girl I like and not sure how to get back to her to change her mind. Now, I knew and will apply this method.
Will report here if any success story.
Best of luck guys!!
Bro, tks.
Timesless pc of great advice below.
Now I knew women more after reading guru post above.
Women love to spend more time with guys who makes them feel more like women. This is really kudos.
Timeless is also priceless.
Cheering for me. Go Go Go.
Bro, tks.
Go out there and get your dream girl.
This thread is coming up to 10 years old however the content is as relevant as ever.
All I can say I wish I had gotten to know the thread when I registered in 2016. (Was always in SBF for GL threads and only briefly).
I've personally only cheonged butterfly KTVs exclusively from 2010 till end of 2017 (mostly 2nd tier joints, and very rarely TAM,LP,DC) , now due to a mix of social and business reasons I've explored more Chinese HFJ (both formal and club style), Thai HFJ and VietDius etc etc
@Warbird great thread and I've gone through the first 55 pages over the last day. Kudos to justime, DYB, LDH and co for all their valuable postings back then as well.
The last 2 years have been a non-stop self-improvement journey for me on many areas except . And it resonates with me that the abundance theory as well as MaleDom (and not PUA) approach is so doubly effective when you and your kakis executed it (each with varying spending power as well). It's rekindled my fire towards learning and improvement again.
I'm so aghast that I've largely avoided places like DC/PC all this time.
Will be great to get to know you and perhaps senior disciples better if you're still here. HH is perfect for me.
- Wish Carefully
Bro, tks.
You're the prize.
Lovely statements of assurance for this fabulous tread.
Bro WB
Well done, guiding a female reader how to response to guys.
There r 6 keys:
1) You need to trust your man completely
2) You must be very relaxed when you're w/ him
3) You must truly believe that u hv vast untapped orgasmic potential (otherwise, all the mental n mechanical techniques in the world will be futile)
4) Your lover must be focused on giving u pleasure u never had before, while willing to delay his own...
5) Your man must know the different types of orgasm n ALL the techniques n he must find the one or several optimal triggers that send u into orbit, by trial n error n w/ guidance from u, which will take time...
And last but not least, 6) he must link all your oxytocin surges n intense/prolonged pleasure to HIM n only HIM.
above are six lovely keys.
Bro, worth remembering these key points.
Bro WB
I re-post the above just to show how important this old forum was.
The forum is really powerful and wonderful for all to learn.
Women dun like to be put on pedestal?
To sum up, as an attractive man, you:
1) Make women come into your reality, not the other way around.
2) Take the lead role, since women are usually passive when it comes to dating and sex.
3) Emotionally arouse women.
4) Are a man of high value, so it is up to women to win your affection.
5) Don’t take women too seriously, nor do you take life too seriously.
6) Have your own beliefs, are assertive, and think for yourself.
7) Remember, you don’t need her approval!
Bro, tks.
Very good points.
Fully agreed, very powerful forum and excellent place to learn, thanks bro WB
Have a great week.
Thanks, sis.
Thanks Wonderful Brillant bro for your many valuable inputs here.
Thanks, bro.
Yes, 6 very good keys.
Thanks bro WB again and again for this great thread.
God bless.
Thank you again, bro.
Really love the post above.
大哥 WB is a guru in this area :D
The number of accolades are proof of SUCCESS :D
大哥 WB
Such a humble person. Practically no airs and seems no ego too.
Really lovely quote below.
"All I'm doing is to improve myself n improve others everyday...n enjoy the process n live in the present moment. And I accept whatever happens the next moment w/ happiness n peace. Life is wonderful!!"
Life is wonderful to you and newbie like me.
大哥 WB
Love the quotes highlighted.
Really worthy to read.
Let me try to digest more and practise.
Bro, thanks for your posts.
Very good educational video.
Also very funny.
Fully agreed, big bro WB has no airs at all.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Fully agreed with you.
Life just too short to fight and create enemy.
Really love the way this bro post reply to flaming.
To me, IGNORE is the best remedy.
Guy trying to flame meaning making one angry and upset. Any reply will be rebutted with more flaming and rubbish. Any mother an dfather maybe drag into the replies.
So just ignore and enjoy.
Have a good friday to all.
The best way to defeat an enemy is to make him or her your friend.
Seeing the flowers at Duke of Shanghai(DoS) makes me wonder (most recent record was $131400) how more bros can be helped with a crash course of all the material WB, DYBJ, LDH and co has put together.
Recently, the angpai very clearly had her supporter wrapped around her finger by publicly rejecting bears (DoS version of flowers) until her expected amount is received. As night went on, her very public tantrums, arguments eventually led to him leaving his friends midway through the night. Cut quite a dispondant figure walking out of the club.
Bro, tks.
Just remember that these singers have very little value of any kind.
Bro WB
Excellent thread here.
The forum below was good advice. Simply tell us dun get KC-ed.
The girl who wrote in Chinese simply upset that Bro WB was a master who do not fall easily as prey.
Well done and I hv more to learn here.
Bro, tks.
She tells us exactly how a man should behave to become and remain very attractive to women.
Bro WB
Very detailed how your two lovely Hubei babes coming to town to visit.
Will continue to read to find out some juicy sex forums.
Bro, tks.
I only liked the tall one. The other one was shorter and had thick calves.
Spending money on girls always very happy.
Still nothing on hwo the sex part working out.
Did Bro WB managed 3some or having sex individually?
Bro, tks.
No threesome as I didn't like the shorter girl. She left after two weeks.
Have a great weekend n cheers to all samsters.
Bro WB
27-10-2018, 04:50 PM
Will continue to find out too.
Thanks for sharing good thread bro WB
Bro WB
Very detailed how your two lovely Hubei babes coming to town to visit.
Will continue to read to find out some juicy sex forums.
28-10-2018, 12:09 AM
Got money to spend sure happy.
God bless.
Spending money on girls always very happy.
Still nothing on hwo the sex part working out.
Did Bro WB managed 3some or having sex individually?
28-10-2018, 09:46 AM
Good morning!
Yes, not just men who think they r old, but ALL men who hv insecurity n inferiority complex for whatever reason, be it questions of age, height, weight, ethnicity, religion, skin color, health status, income/wealth, negative self image n self esteem, past negative experiences n RS, social/economic/educational status, emotional state, below average IQ or EQ, etc., belong to this camp.
These men either put the chio gals/women of their type on a pedestal n/or use manipulation/deception to get them into bed. This type of RS will never last, hahaha.
A MAN w/ true self confidence/self mastery does need to do any of that. Take a look at Sean Stephenson n u will know what I mean.
Bro WB
Good morning to sbf members.
Bro WB have a fantastic thread here.
Sean Stephenson -
Sean Clinch Stephenson is an American therapist, self-help author and motivational speaker. Because he was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, Stephenson stands three feet tall, has fragile bones, and uses a wheelchair.
Spouse -Mindie Kniss
Yes, never put woman on the pedestal because MAN is the PRIZE.
Well continue to read and comment.
Have a good Sunday guys.
28-10-2018, 10:00 AM
I like EN a lot. Last wk I brought her to a dinner buffet at Raffles City. She enjoyed the food very much, but said too expensive, not worth it. She needs to dress up a bit n make herself more glamorous...although she is already very pretty wearing worn-out dress n w/o any make up. She is the 1st gal I know who refuses gifts.
She is also submissive, although she has her principles. Two days ago I mentioned to EN abt the idea of finding another tall chio 18 yo from PRC to 'keep her company' when she returns as a student. She flatly rejected the idea. 我不认识的女孩, 很可能合不来。。。她可能是会妒忌的。Nice try on my part hahaha. I'll not bring up the subject for now.
BTW, I hv discussed the importance of masculinity, confidence, dominance n mental toughness in attracting the prettiest women.
I like to add another word: Badass.
1. adjective. having extremely favorable qualities
2. adjective. pertaining to a person or thing that is rugged, strong, and/or ready to show these qualities
3. noun. person who is perceived to have the qualities of definition 2
Yes, I aspire to be the a very badass.
Now for some of the most badass, manly, masculine, alpha male quotes of all time:
1) I came. I saw. I conquered. — Julius Caesar
2) One man with courage makes a majority. — Andrew Jackson
3) I am the punishment of God…If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. — Genghis Khan
4) You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour. — Miyamoto Musashi
5) My life is simple, my food is plain, and my quarters are uncluttered. In all things, I have sought clarity. I face the troubles and problems of life and death willingly. Virtue, integrity and courage are my priorities. I can be approached, but never pushed; befriended but never coerced; killed but never shamed. — Yi Sun-sin
6) It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog. — Mark Twain
7) Four things greater than all things are, – Women and Horses and Power and War. — Rudyard Kipling
8) Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever. — Lance Armstrong
9) Upon this a question arises: whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with. Because this is to be asserted in general of men, that they are ungrateful, fickle, false, cowardly, covetous, and as long as you succeed they are yours entirely; they will offer you their blood, property, life and children, as is said above, when the need is far distant; but when it approaches they turn against you. And that prince who, relying entirely on their promises, has neglected other precautions, is ruined; because friendships that are obtained by payments, and not by greatness or nobility of mind, may indeed be earned, but they are not secured, and in time of need cannot be relied upon; and men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails. — Machiavelli
Bro WB
Bro WB
Above very clearly you are loving every second and minute of yoru life with EN. Congratulations to you.
Now I also like to learn to be badass.
However not sure I can but who cares so long I practised along what you are preaching above.
Love this and quote
"7) Four things greater than all things are, – Women and Horses and Power and War. — Rudyard Kipling"
Really hope that after reading I can be a badass.
Bye for now.
28-10-2018, 10:17 AM
Before Warbird dage reveal his insights, I like to give my tiny little 2cents to the matter.
At higher level, you should learn to trust your instincts. Your instinct is pure and primal, and you need to learn to trust and listen to them. For example, there are time, when you meet a pretty lady, your instincts says she is bad news, your lust say go ahead. Learn to control your lust, and follow your instincts. At this stage, you no longer need baits, you no longer need triggers, you can sense and anticipate her every move. :D
At this stage, you are looking for a high level prey that can give your significant challenge. There will be some people whose entire focus, is to search out the hard core WLs, and convert them. But do not attempt this without professional guidance.
At basic level, you should set some baits for her to bite. These are like LED indicators on your car or computer. Its a simple systematic logic. The more bait she doesn't take , the more you give her. This doesn't just apply to ktv girls but every female species in particular. She will probably respond why are you giving less and less, but you will need to mentally strong and ignore her attempts to dissuade you. (This giving here, may not be just money but also time, i.e time is money )
WHat an excellent forum above.
Very detailed technique which can be used.
Cheers to bros sharing.
28-10-2018, 10:30 AM
Good morning to sbf members.
Bro WB have a fantastic thread here.
Sean Stephenson -
Sean Clinch Stephenson is an American therapist, self-help author and motivational speaker. Because he was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, Stephenson stands three feet tall, has fragile bones, and uses a wheelchair.
Spouse -Mindie Kniss
Yes, never put woman on the pedestal because MAN is the PRIZE.
Well continue to read and comment.
Have a good Sunday guys.
Good morning too.
This is indeed a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your Sunday guys.
28-10-2018, 11:01 PM
WHat an excellent forum above.
Very detailed technique which can be used.
Cheers to bros sharing.
Indeed an excellent forum, fully agreed.
Applause for all bros who shared.
29-10-2018, 11:54 PM
Awesome thread by Bro WB, learnt so much here.
30-10-2018, 11:17 AM
Bro WB
So bro KO really felt insecure.
Agreed that study the money and invest wisely. Gets lots of passive income and you can afford many babes.
Great email below.
Good morning!
There has been a lot of flaming on this forum. One can feel the hatred, anger n emotional turmoils...n thoughts of revenge.
Most people believe that the best revenge is making big money. Perhaps.
IMHO, the best revenge in life is to bed the prettiest gals of ur type n making them addicted to YOU, haha.
I like to share "An Issue of Insecurity" w/ all bros here. I just received it a few days ago n it may be relevant to problems some of us encounter...
Hey Bro Warbird,
I received a very good email from a man with a question about
something that is making him feel insecure, something that makes
many men feel insecure.
Luckily, there is a simple solution to this his
question, and my answer below. Odds are you've had this issue at
some point in your life...I know I have.
Good day Mr XYZ,
I read your emails everyday, and let me tell you I always look
forward to them daily as it as really helped improved me as a man
all round. Keep it up.
I have a sticking point I have being working on for a while and
need your help. The problem is that currently I do not make as much
money as I would like to be making and sometimes this affects the
way I perceive myself in relation to people who are making more
money than me.
I often times feel bad about myself (as if am not good enough) when
am around people who are doing better than me. I know this is a bad
feeling to have that leads to insecurity and I want to get rid of
it. Please help me out. Thank you
Mr XYZ's reply:
Bro KO,
Thanks for the email, this is a really great question because
many men experience it. The first thing you should know is this:
everyone, even the richest man in the world has money problems at
some point in their lives. It is perfectly normal, and it's how
you deal with them that matters.
Secondly, no other subject brings with it as many emotional
hang-ups as money. Money is linked to the most primal human urge,
survival, and it unlocks powerful forces. As a result, people feel
inferior or superior because of it, they fib about how much they
make, they try to take it from others, label those truly successful
as evil due to jealousy and envy and so on.
The way to fight through this is to immerse yourself in the study
of money, so you understand what it really is, and how good it can
be, as well as how it can be misused. Understand this: you can
get rich no matter how much money you make if you live below your
means and put compound interest to work for you. Many people who
appear to make a lot of income are actually dead butt broke, living
paycheck to paycheck and are three months away from having
everything they own repossessed. Others are not always who they
appear to be.
When you start educating yourself about money, the getting of it,
the keeping of it, and the investing of it, you will start to feel
much better about yourself. That feeling of insecurity will
disappear because what is an ethereal unknown to people becomes a
known quantity to you. You'll see that getting wealthy is a simple
science, not something that just happens. Then you'll see how dumb
about money the people you once thought were smart really are.
This newfound knowledge and confidence is attractive, and when you
become more comfortable with money, you will also become more
comfortable with women. Where should you start?
The library is a good place, as is particularly the
Kindle marketplace where you can get good information at an
extraordinarily cheap price. So, educate yourself about money, use
the knowledge you gain, and never will you feel insecure about it
Yes, to get rich is glorious!
Good day,
Bro WB
30-10-2018, 11:18 AM
This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.
Read this and stay focus.
Bro Warbird, what you say is very true.
It is very true that there are many insecure people around, and it is no doubt they inhibit the forum as well. This does not mean the secure man will not lose a girl or two once in a while, or fail to bed a girl because of a miscalculated move. but the reaction of the secure man and the insecure man is vastly different.
The secure man is mission oriented. This is like a soldier having to complete a mission. His mission is to go from point A to B. The people he meet along point A to B either give him water and food, or try to kill him. The prettiest girls we bed are like the people that give the water and food. The soldier's objective is not to kill the people that tries to kill him. It is to go to the next refill point where there are food and water for him. But doing so, he is mission oriented and focus. His mind is strong, he knows constantly what he should do and shouldn't do. He cannot be taunted, and is cool and calm even in the most adverse of situation. And all the people that give him water and food wants him to stay with them, but he cannot because his goal is to go from A to B. He is a master of all the resource he has, and will take the route with the least obstruction, to avoid obstacles if he knows there will be obstacles there. A man like this will never be poor, and wealth will chase after the man. Everything he touch will prosper, because in his mind and soul he already lack nothing.
The insecure man has no focus, and no mission in life. They are like the dry up grass floating about in the wind. They are constantly seeking approval from man, and values the opinion of man. Their objective is to find someone to quarrel with, and make it as drama as possible. This is reflected in everything they do. Every attempt they make is to hide the empty shell that they are. These people are easy to taunt, easy to manipulate. They go through life unsuccessful, building unsuccessful relationship, put up a show of false bravery but are cowards. Even if they hold money in their hands, wealth departs from them quickly. In order to continue to live and exist, they need to create an imaginery victories and boast about this imaginery victories.
Even the Pope did this (no offense to any catholic bros), telling the people of Europe that Ghenis Khan has fallen on his knees to God and will reclaim the holy land for him in the early crusades. History says that this is actually a lie, and Ghenis Khan refused to form any further alliance with the crusaders. Even such a powerful man can be insecure.
What is more interesting is that the secure man and the insecure man in this example are playing in the same field. The secure man is fully concern about going from point A to B, and largely ignores whatever the insecure man says, because what the insecure man says have no bearing on what needs to be done.
The insecure man can make alot of claims, "there will be blood, we will kill this barbarian today" truth is he is afraid of the secure man. The insecure man can call the secure man many names "barbarian", "ugly long hair mongol" but everyday he wakes up, he wish he can live the life of the secured man. Such is the irony and agony of the insecure empty shells. :rolleyes:
30-10-2018, 11:24 AM
Bro WB
Great forum below.
Agreed with you that we can choose to be happy all the time.
"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."
Never depends on future to be happy.
Good morning!
Bro IwasApo described the differences between the secure man n the insecure man.
But very, very few human beings can be truly secure n confident. We lived through infancy n early childhood when we were totally dependent on our parents n others for our very survival...n then when our brains got more mature n developed, we became aware of the cycle of birth, ageing, sickness n death.
We need to live in the eternal present moment, like some ancient sages.
I recall reading a book entitled "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts.
The author is a century ahead of his time.
I'll quote a few of his sayings here.
"For the animal to be happy it is enough that this moment be enjoyable." For man, we often miss this moment by trying to assure the next (eternal) moment will be as enjoyable.
Basically, we spend too much time planning and anticipating the future and too much time thinking about, lamenting and wishing to change the past. It's an exercise in futility n we miss the joy of living in the present entirely.
"But tomorrow and plans for tomorrow can have no significance at all unless you are in full contact with the reality of the present, since it is in the present and only in the present that you live. There is no other reality than present reality, so that, even if one were to live for endless ages, to live for the future would be to miss the point everlastingly."
"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
30-10-2018, 09:12 PM
Fully agreed too. Must invest wisely.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Bro WB
So bro KO really felt insecure.
Agreed that study the money and invest wisely. Gets lots of passive income and you can afford many babes.
Great email below.
31-10-2018, 01:05 AM
Thanks for sharing.
This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.
Read this and stay focus.
Hi Bro IwasApo,
Kudos to ur treatise on Alpha male.
.................................................. ..
Good morning!
I believe any man can get chio gals of his type n making them addicted to him. It's part art n part science, just like the study of medicine. No matter how good a man is, he can still improve greatly...especially at his subconscious level, until he is completely secure, joyous n fearless, even in life or death situations.
Have a great day!!
Bro WB
Guru WB had spoken.
Must listen to his advice.
What an incredible post.
So many good writers in this thread.
Thanks warbird senior for your kind words. Yes, all man will be insecure from time to time. So part of being human, is about overcoming our insecurities. I like what you are doing with this thread, and do let me know if I stray from the discussions since I am also a student of how to make the prettiest ladies addicted to you, but they may not neccessary be ktv girls.
Whenever we approach the subject of secure vs insecure, we are bound to hit this topic of arrogance vs confidence. Confidence is attractive, and it put the hunter, into a position of power and the lady into a position of a follower. Yet alot of the problems we face is when ladies fail to recognize the difference between arrogance and quiet confidence.
A hunter is always calm and calculated in his approach. He does not seeks attention to himself. We see the great ancient sages share this common trait. When Mohamad, Buddha, Confucious and Jesus Christ saves someone, offer food and water to some, imparts a teaching to someone, they do it quietly. Its personal and its discreet. They do not aspire to be great, famous and well liked. They just go on and do what is right. They always tell the people they encounter, do not tell anyone what they have done for them, because there is no merit in the glory. This applied correctly is sexy and attractive to the lady. And because this is sexy and attractive, there are many empty shells who also recognize this fact, and copy it unsuccessfully.
When the music stops, he is happy even if he is alone. He is thankful for the companion he has by his side, and he is at peace even if he has no companion. The elements of the universe is one with him.
Then there are the arrogant empty shells, not realizing that they are continuing their insecure traits. These insecure shells take every opportunity to tell people who they help, and who they are going to help. A false benevolence without authority because they also fail to realize that there is power over life and death in the words of the confident man. Just as the Qin emperor was insecure, the arrogant empty shells need to do more and more things to try to feel that he has achieved something. But they forgot one important thing.
All of the ancient sages' power, come from their abilities to wage war, destroy their enemies completely, quickly and swiftly. With this in mind, they are able to forge lasting and permanent friendship and followers. Confucious was first a man of war, before he was a man of peace. The Qin Emperor adopted the system of meritocracy and the kingdom of Qin was transformed into a war machine. All the ancient prophets in middle east, were all man of war, strategist telling their kings how and what to do.
Over time, people forget why we respect Confucious, and why we follow his teachings. We are, afterall a meritocrite society. Now that we are ready for war, ready for the worst possible case scenario you can meet, we can be confident. You then inherit the power to forgive your enemies and make them your followers.
When we hunt for the prettiest girls around, we must be clear that we are truly confident, quietly confident. Quiet confidence is also known as quiet aggression. There is something magnetic and uniquely attractive about quiet aggression.
Ultimately the Alpha is comfortable within his own skin, this is one of the main alpha male characteristics, and if you can be comfortable in your own skin then everything else will follow. He doesn't care what people think, he is assertive enough to give his own opinion, and he is happy and confident in any situation.
The alpha male makes no apologies, he doesn't explain his behaviour. he is completely comfortable in his own skin so he doesn't need to. he don't boast about their success or try and prove anything again he don't need to; he assume you will like them simply because other people do, but he don't care if you don't, he won't chase after you for your validation, he don't care.
He acts in a rational and logical manner. Alpha males are typically rational and logical guys, who don't let their emotions get the better of them. He is always in control and do things with confidence, as if everything calculated and is going according to plan.
He talks slow, notice when you talk to someone you look up to you will talk faster. Talking fast is a way to qualify yourself to someone, essentially you are scared they will stop listening or find some more interesting stimulus, so you get your point out quick so they will listen, it actually has the opposite effect, and it shows your lower status.
He is in control of his ego. This is one of the most important factors in an alpha males characteristics. A true alpha male must make sure he doesn't develop over inflated ideas of one's own worth and even less project these on others. Instead, he should be cool, calm and collected and quietly confident.
He doesn't look around, he is the party and the focus of attention, he is unconcerned with what other people are doing.
He is centrally positioned in the group, everyone's body language faces him and is positive towards him, you can tell the alpha male of the group just by looking at them. Expect to be the focus and position yourself to be so, step up within your group and you will start to take on this dominant role.
He is able to see the bigger picture. This means that the alpha males aren't worried when things go wrong, as he is sure that it was meant to happen and will all work out. He isn't concerned with short term gains, but looks to succeed in the long term. This means that he will also be able to weigh up whether it's worth dealing with a negative in the short term for longer term success in the future.
He is a calculated risk taker. He doesn't have anything to prove, so will weigh up if he stands to gain from a situation. He doesn't fear losing face, as he is confident within himself, so will not take a risk where he knows he may lose, just to prove a point. This shows strength of character.
He is never impressed. He can be self centered and unimpressed with the achievements of others. He is an high achievers and strive for success so he have seen it all before it takes a lot, or a really high value to impress him he have high standards on every level.
He always aims high. The final and most important point I want to mention with relation to alpha males characteristics is that he always wants to achieve the best and strives to achieve success as much as he possibly can. He is never satisfied with second best and will always work that little bit harder to make sure he comes out on top.
He doesn't take himself to seriously. Also, he won't take jokes made against him as personal attacks, as he is confident and won't rise to others attempts to make a dig at him.
Sometimes he doesn't answer questions, he often give a non-sensical or a basic response to questions you ask them where you are trying for conversation, trying to find common ground, or trying for report by asking you to guess they are controlling the frame and leading the interaction and keeping their alpha male status.
Learns from his failures. An alpha male is not afraid of failing, as he learns from each experience and makes sure never to make the same mistake twice. He chalks this up as life experience that will only add to help him achieve greater success as a result.
He doesn't care about you, he is self focused, you are there to entertain them, but he is above you.
He can show a nicer side and get away with it. This goes back to not caring what people think. he can be nice, genuine, down to earth if he wants to and on the occasions that he is he gets even more credit for it, he isn't a geek trying to be nice for validation, he is a cool guy who has a down to earth side sometimes.
He is aware of his strengths and weaknesses. This isn't to say that he is afraid of his weaknesses though. Instead, he has developed means and strategies to use his weaknesses to his own advantage and not be phased by them. He knows the things that make him feel vulnerable and develops strategies to avoid them, or deal with them in the best possible way, so as to appear on top of things at all times.
He learns from his failures. An alpha male is not afraid of failing, as he learns from each experience and makes sure never to make the same mistake twice. He chalks this up as life experience that will only add to help him achieve greater success as a result
Good afternoon!
I'm thrilled to see so many esteemed bros contributing to this thread. Thanks again!
Every virile n ambitious man aspires to be an Alpha male. But trying too hard to be one could actually be very Beta haha.
IMHO, it's far better to be an Enlightened man. It's a man w/ absolute self mastery, who lives in the eternal present moment n who is always relaxed, humble, joyous, n fearless, every minute n everyday, no matter what happens n even in life or death situations...of course it's easier said than done.
Let me digress.
I know I'm NOT enlightened yet as I still hv some attachment to my 1st BAO-ee XW n 18 yo EN.
EN is now back in Hubei n will return on student visa. She is attached to me, but not addicted. XW is still w/ me n she will turn 25 soon.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Guru WB
Always so modest humble person.
Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.
Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.
31-10-2018, 12:45 PM
Guru WB had spoken.
Must listen to his advice.
Exactly what I wanted to say.
Have a nice day.
31-10-2018, 03:40 PM
Not only incredible, magnificent too.
Amazing writing.
God bless.
What an incredible post.
So many good writers in this thread.
31-10-2018, 11:27 PM
Guru WB
Always so modest humble person.
Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.
Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.
Will stay here to learn to pick up tips too.
Thanks bro WB for sharing.
04-11-2018, 10:29 AM
Good morning to all samsters,
What an auspicious Sunday!
Good morning to sbf members.
Bro WB have a fantastic thread here.
Sean Stephenson -
Sean Clinch Stephenson is an American therapist, self-help author and motivational speaker. Because he was born with osteogenesis imperfecta, Stephenson stands three feet tall, has fragile bones, and uses a wheelchair.
Spouse -Mindie Kniss
Yes, never put woman on the pedestal because MAN is the PRIZE.
Well continue to read and comment.
Have a good Sunday guys.
Bro, tks.
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".
Bro WB
Above very clearly you are loving every second and minute of yoru life with EN. Congratulations to you.
Now I also like to learn to be badass.
However not sure I can but who cares so long I practised along what you are preaching above.
Love this and quote
"7) Four things greater than all things are, – Women and Horses and Power and War. — Rudyard Kipling"
Really hope that after reading I can be a badass.
Bye for now.
Bro, become a badass gentleman.
WHat an excellent forum above.
Very detailed technique which can be used.
Cheers to bros sharing.
Bro, tks.
Good morning too.
This is indeed a fantastic thread.
Enjoy your Sunday guys.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
So bro KO really felt insecure.
Agreed that study the money and invest wisely. Gets lots of passive income and you can afford many babes.
Great email below.
Bro, tks.
A man's neediness and insecurity are repulsive to SYTs and women.
This bro great forum below sums up all about insecurity.
Read this and stay focus.
Bro, thanks.
Bro WB
Great forum below.
Agreed with you that we can choose to be happy all the time.
"If happiness always depends on the future, we are chasing a will-o-the-wisp that ever eludes our grasp, until the future, and ourselves, vanish in the abyss of death."
Never depends on future to be happy.
Read the book.
Fully agreed too. Must invest wisely.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Bro, tks.
Read How To Be Rich by J Paul Getty.
Guru WB had spoken.
Must listen to his advice.
Bro, tks.
I'm still learning.
What an incredible post.
So many good writers in this thread.
Bro, tks.
Guru WB
Always so modest humble person.
Already a guru status yet so humble. Always ready to land a hand in advising how to chase girls.
Will stay on this thread to pickup more tips.
Bro, tks.
I always like to share and discuss my experiences, both positive and negative, w/ all samsters. That is how I can keep improving. I'm severely constrained by time, unfortunately.
Cheers to all samsters.
Bro WB
.................................................. ....
I like to share a brief article by my friend Charlie.
Attract Don't Pursue
What does this mean?
Put simply it means that instead of chasing women you become the kind of man that women chase.
Simply put but how do you get there?
Invest In Yourself
First and foremost you must invest in yourself. You must take care of yourself and believe in yourself. If you don’t treat yourself well then others are not going to. And no woman wants to be with a doormat, whether it’s her own personal doormat or a doormat for others.
By building yourself up through investing in yourself you will naturally become more attractive to women. By putting yourself first women will become more attracted to you. Because they will know that you are a man who is confident and has self-respect.
Getting women is a by-product of being an attractive man. Being an attractive man has little to do with outer traits. Such as looks and money and a hell of a lot more to do with inner traits. Such as confidence, masculinity, decisiveness, and so on and so forth.
This is something that takes time and is a constant ongoing process. There never comes a time when you should stop growing, stop getting better, or stop investing in yourself. However don’t think you need to become some sort of superman before women will chase you, nothing could be further from the truth
First and foremost don’t think women are any better than you. I don’t care if she is Miss America and your a drunken slob who lives with your parents. If you don’t think a woman is better than you than that will show in your interactions with her. Nothing repels women more than needy and desperate men. And one of the top things that conveys neediness is thinking that a woman is somehow “above” you. Don’t ever let yourself fall into this line of thinking. No woman is better than you, no matter what. This doesn’t mean you need to go around thinking you are better than all women are treating them like crap just don’t ever think they’re better than you.
Now about how you can produce this vibe even without building yourself up first. Although ultimately you should be doing both.
Focus On Yourself
Focus on yourself and on thing you can control. When you go out don’t desperately try to get the attention of all the women there. This is lame and will make women more turned off if anything. Do your own thing. Have your own fun. Focus on having a good time and creating a memorable experience for yourself. Don’t focus or worry about the women there.
When you are doing your own thing and having fun, women will naturally be drawn to this. You will be carefree and not be focusing on them. Because of this they will want to see what you are all about.
Be your own personal party. Whoever comes into your zone is going to have a good time because your focus is on creating a good time for yourself. Not for others, not for the women, but for yourself. When you are care free and having a good time women are naturally going to match your emotions.
Women often act like mirrors reflecting whatever you are projecting back at you. Meaning if you are fun loving and having a good time the women around you are going to have fun and have a good time. They going to naturally match the emotions of the man they are around or with. Granted that he is a man and not a wimp.
You’ve probably seen this before. The guy who is surrounded by women yet could give a damn about them. Sure he might take one (or two) home but his focus is on himself and having a good time himself. He has a carefree, fun, and relaxed attitude. He projects a “I don’t give a damn vibe”. There is no doubt in anyone’s, especially attractive women’s, mind that he loves himself. People are drawn to individuals who love themselves.
The key here is to be comfortable. To essentially be yourself, your true self. To express that without giving a damn what others think. You must feel good yourself and then that will naturally be expressed to others and rub off on them. Focus on the things you can control, such as having a good time and don’t worry about the things you can’t control like the other people wherever you are at. Have fun don’t worry about others, including hot women.
If you feel like you need the girl you will never get the girl. Have fun with every girl regardless of how they look. Don’t treat attractive women any different than you would their plain friend. This will make you even more intriguing as most attractive girls are used to being worshiped. Even though they often eventually resent their worshipers.
A Caveat
Do your own thing yet don’t forget at some point you may want to pull a girl.
So don’t completely ignore a girl if she is in to you and you are in to her. Use common sense. At some point if you want to take the interaction forward you must take actions to do so.
Focus on yourself, on having fun, and on having a good time. Don’t make focus on a woman/the women.
Include girls in your vibe and if they don’t wane or like it then move on. Easy as that.
Focus on yourself and the things you can control and let the rest go.
04-11-2018, 05:08 PM
Below is a re-post of the great forum. So well written.
Finally, something worth replying to rather than most fake spam threads that I can only reply to with either some funny or semi serious comments.
I've read many seduction books before, and I know the theory of the Alpha very well. The truth about the alpha is, 'There can only be One'. Complex problems begin arising as people try to fight for this Alpha male position. Mainly souring the relations with your friends to the point of no return. "Bros before hoes" was stated for a reason.
The second point I wish to make, is that is subtly discredits insecure people and angry people. Some of these people are genuine people, that have had things happen to them in the past to cause them to become deeply hurt or to develop these traits. The author simply uses them to glorify himself and his social status and get himself the gals instead and teaches us also, to look down on these people and glorify ourselves. The same way, some of us would without hesitation, use these people to make ourselves look good.
Part of the reason why the Alpha complex actually works, is because of how the media actually chooses to package and sell these concepts in the form of Korean Dramas for example, with concepts that pack all the best attributes a girl likes in a man and put them on a guy, and after all, since it's just a drama, you can write what you like.
As a result, many guys adopt 'Alpha tricks'. Tricks to look like an alpha male, tricks to put down your peers so you look good, tricks to prod a woman's self esteem so she'll be with you.
I want to say at this point, that if a gal treats you bad because she's pretty and has many suitors, it's not necessarily because you don't have respect for yourself and because you are in the insecure batch. It's because she has bad character. Such a woman in frank, is not worth dating or pursuing in a relationship. So be a man and walk away. Also stay away from self-righteous bitches, unless you are a self-righteous prick ;).
It really depends on what you want. If you just want to bang attractive women for one night stands and not really be serious, go with what the bros say and just pick up the Alpha tricks. Think about whether a woman that you get from using these Alpha tricks is worth settling down with. You'd have these fights for control everyday, you'd have to put up that front day and night, how long can you keep up the alpha facade?
To really have balls to date a woman, you got to date her as yourself, without the alpha facade. So what if you're nervous when you're asking and you tell her? So what if you may not be able to make her laugh all the time? So what if you're not perfect and smooth?
This is the part of that's important. You must be able to accept yourself as you are. With your strengths and imperfections. There isn't an easy answer on this road. There are complex past issues that that will surface and you'll have to deal with. There are things that you might need to change that are bad habits, and those things won't disappear overnight.
You'll find that with this approach, you might not always attract KTV gals, but you will attract the right ones you can settle down with.
I've digressed a little bit from the whole topic of KTV pick-up, but at this point, I think some of the bros reading this need to know. I also thought all I wanted in these cases was merely something to feed my sex drive, but I was wrong. I think most of the bros like me, are confused about what they want.
04-11-2018, 05:13 PM
Hi Bro SammyNewbie,
Ths for ur excellent post.
There is a big difference between a dominant male n a bully (who is actually a coward, an insecure little boy inside).
Bro WB
Bro WB
Your reply to above forum is right on the money.
Good afternoon!
I'm thrilled to see so many esteemed bros contributing to this thread. Thanks again!
Every virile n ambitious man aspires to be an Alpha male. But trying too hard to be one could actually be very Beta haha.
IMHO, it's far better to be an Enlightened man. It's a man w/ absolute self mastery, who lives in the eternal present moment n who is always relaxed, humble, joyous, n fearless, every minute n everyday, no matter what happens n even in life or death situations...of course it's easier said than done.
Let me digress.
I know I'm NOT enlightened yet as I still hv some attachment to my 1st BAO-ee XW n 18 yo EN.
EN is now back in Hubei n will return on student visa. She is attached to me, but not addicted. XW is still w/ me n she will turn 25 soon.
Cheers n hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Well said and good reply.
Very important for man to possess self-mastery.
04-11-2018, 05:14 PM
This bro offers a different views.
Very good forum too.
You don't have to be the ultimate Alpha male to date or bed hot and pretty girls. You just have to understand them and why they are who they are.
Real deal pretty chicks (not artificially enhanced) doesn't become pretty overnight. They are born this way. They are beautiful all their life. From young they're the apple of their Dad's eye. They're so adorable that everything they say seems so cute. Everything they want, they get and gotten their way all the way. In school, they're popular and hot. Every young hot blooded boys presented favors in hopes to get their attention. When they grow up, men were mesmerized by their presence and most often than not, they enjoyed head turning experience everywhere they go. Most men think that to get into their skirts they have to be the nicest pricks on earth and some even resort to bow down to their every qualms and requests. This is the kind of life feedback they get. This is the fact.
So what does that tells you? It's not their fault that they behaves the way they do. They were brought up thinking thats how the World works. That's how men in their entire life treats them. Just like how we perceive the system works the way the system responds to you. Indirectly it's all loser men they met in their life to blame for their behavior.
Can we change that or erase those life lessons from them? No. But we can approach them differently.
And if you woo a hot and pretty girl like the rest of the thousands of losers they met before, YOU simply just don't make an inch of a difference. You do not stand out and neither you appear remotely fresh or interesting. To get a hot girl, you must behave the opposite of what you think you should behave. Only then you will appear to be someone special, someone out of the ordinary and they wont find you boring like the rest of the losers in their beautiful pampered life.
It is just that. It's not bad character. It's also not their fault that they are born pretty and have many suitors.
Is that their world and our world is different. So think differently.
That's the way I do it.
05-11-2018, 12:08 AM
Bro WB
Well said and good reply.
Very important for man to possess self-mastery.
Agreed, very important to possess self-mastery.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
05-11-2018, 11:47 AM
Good to read different views. Nice share.
This bro offers a different views.
Very good forum too.
05-11-2018, 05:08 PM
Bro WB
Very nice forum below.
A gal looking for a rich man to consider her future.
A classic pump and dump.
Good afternoon!
Last wk I receive the following email on "How to own a gold digger."
It's illuminating n thought-provoking hahaha.
I want to reiterate this to all esteemed SBF bros here: You're the PRIZE!
I know I'm, not the gals, regardless of how young n attractive they r. As a result, I feel GREAT n it's contagious...yesterday upped a 20 yo tall gal of my type w/o BY-ing whom I thought, just 2 wks ago, might be out of my reach for various reasons. Very good fxk! And, this AM my 18 yo mistress told me her 大姨妈 was leaving exceptionally early n wanted me to make love to her later today!
Here is the email:
Hey Bro Warbird,
Today I want to share something funny but that makes
absolute sense when it comes to dating...
This is one of my all time favorites... I figure most
of you have seen this, but for those who have not, enjoy:
What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush.
I'm a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25
year old girl. I'm articulate and classy.
I'm not from New York. I'm looking to get
married to a guy who makes at least half a
million a year. I know how that sounds, but
keep in mind that a million a year is middle
class in New York City, so I don't think I'm
overreaching at all.
Are there any guys who make 500K or more on
this board? Any wives? Could you send me some
tips? I dated a business man who makes
average around 200 - 250. But that's where I
seem to hit a roadblock. 250,000 won't get me
to central park west. I know a woman in my
yoga class who was married to an investment
banker and lives in Tribeca, and she's not as
pretty as I am, nor is she a great genius. So
what is she doing right? How do I get to her
Here are my questions specifically:
- Where do you single rich men hang out? Give
me specifics- bars, restaurants, gyms
-What are you looking for in a mate? Be
honest guys, you won't hurt my feelings
-Is there an age range I should be targeting
(I'm 25)?
- Why are some of the women living lavish
lifestyles on the upper east side so plain?
I've seen really 'plain jane' boring types
who have nothing to offer married to
incredibly wealthy guys. I've seen drop dead
gorgeous girls in singles bars in the east
village. What's the story there?
- Jobs I should look out for? Everyone knows
- lawyer, investment banker, doctor. How much
do those guys really make? And where do they
hang out? Where do the hedge fund guys hang
- How you decide marriage vs. just a
girlfriend? I am looking for MARRIAGE ONLY
Please hold your insults - I'm putting myself
out there in an honest way. Most beautiful
women are superficial; at least I'm being up
front about it. I wouldn't be searching for
these kind of guys if I wasn't able to match
them - in looks, culture, sophistication, and
keeping a nice home and hearth.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with
services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 432279810
Dear Pers-431649184:
I read your posting with great interest and
have thought meaningfully about your dilemma.
I offer the following analysis of your
Firstly, I'm not wasting your time, I qualify
as a guy who fits your bill; that is I make
more than $500K per year. That said here's
how I see it.
Your offer, from the prospective of a guy
like me, is plain and simple a crappy
business deal. Here's why. Cutting through
all the B.S., what you suggest is a simple
trade: you bring your looks to the party and
I bring my money. Fine, simple. But here's
the rub, your looks will fade and my money
will likely continue into
fact, it is very likely that my income
increases but it is an absolute certainty
that you won't be getting any more beautiful!
So, in economic terms you are a depreciating
asset and I am an earning asset. Not only are
you a depreciating asset, your depreciation
accelerates! Let me explain, you're 25 now
and will likely stay pretty hot for the next
5 years, but less so each year. Then the fade
begins in earnest. By 35 stick a fork in you!
So in Wall Street terms, we would call you a
trading position, not a buy and hold...hence
the rub...marriage. It doesn't make good
business sense to "buy you" (which is what
you're asking) so I'd rather lease. In case
you think I'm being cruel, I would say the
following. If my money were to go away, so
would you, so when your beauty fades I need
an out. It's as simple as that. So a deal
that makes sense is dating, not marriage.
Separately, I was taught early in my career
about efficient markets. So, I wonder why a
girl as "articulate, classy and spectacularly
beautiful" as you has been unable to find your sugar
daddy. I find it hard to believe that if you
are as gorgeous as you say you are that the
$500K hasn't found you, if not only for a
By the way, you could always find a way to
make your own money and then we wouldn't need
to have this difficult conversation.
With all that said, I must say you're going
about it the right way.
Classic "pump and dump."
I hope this is helpful, and if you want to
enter into some sort of lease, let me know.
05-11-2018, 05:10 PM
Bro WB
Another nice forum from guru.
If a woman is upset then I will not want to be around her. Just plain simple answer.
Here is a brief email on the subject.
Hey Bro Warbird,
Quick, what should you do if the woman in your life tries to start
an argument, gets upset, or is otherwise emotional?
If you pay attention to the girlie men in the media, you would
think the answer would be to argue, get equally upset, and get
emotional as hell. Where does that leave you?
With two upset people, getting more upset at each other, with the
man whining that the woman doesn't "respect him." Duh. Women
don't respect men who can't control their emotions.
You have to understand the female brain operates differently than
the male brain. Getting emotional to a woman means something
vastly different than a man getting emotional.
If a woman is upset, in a bad mood, or just plain emotional, she
wants a man to bring her back to center, to provide a strong,
calming presence. Do that, and after a short amount of time
passes, and her emotions will reset to hers.
But act like a girlie man, get upset, whine, and argue, and your
emotional state will feed hers. Women's emotions reset to the
emotions of the man in their lives, and if he's needy, whiney,
argumentative, and jealous, she will be too.
Provide an atmosphere of strength, security, and grace under
pressure, and her base emotional state will reset to yours. No,
she won't always be calm, as women never are. But she will
eventually reset to your emotional state, looking to you as a place
of grounding.
Many men in this day and age have no clue about this. They think
they need to be sensitive, emotional, and feminine like women, and
so they exhibit female emotional characteristics, not understanding
this feeds turbulent emotions.
There are reasons why women want a MAN in their lives, and one of
the big reasons is the calming influence of a man who does not let
his emotions get out of control under duress. She knows she can
come to him during times of turbulence, and his presence will calm
This is an important tenet of relationship management. Many
relationships dissolve because of the additive power of male
emotional turmoil, the man not understanding he needs to provide a
place of calm and comfort.
Let the girlie men be girlie men, living their life crying,
wailing, whining and arguing. You be calm, maintain your good
humor in the face of emotional turmoil, and you will be the one who
keeps the woman.
Mr. Guru
05-11-2018, 06:11 PM
Yes, no point to be around with an upset woman.
Nice thread by Bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro WB
Another nice forum from guru.
If a woman is upset then I will not want to be around her. Just plain simple answer.
05-11-2018, 09:33 PM
Excellent thread here, so many things to learn, thanks bro WB.
07-11-2018, 12:04 PM
Bro WB
I agreed with you that if any gal willing to french with you (a guy) then her pussy is own by the you.
Short and simple message.
So now bro WB enjoying so much with EN.
Well done and hope you keep up the effort.
Good afternoon!
EN is very relaxed n comfortable in my presence now. The 1st time I was going to make love to her in her hotel rm, just over 2 months ago, she was so anxious, no, so frightful, just like a little lamb meeting a big bad wolf unexpectedly...she actually said she wasn't ready. I almost wanted to send her back to PRC! I controlled my emotions n returned the next day. This time I lay down on her bed, fully clothed, and told her abt the exploits of the infamous hypocrite Jimmy Swaggart n several sexual jokes. She giggled n laughed...n later I proceeded to consummate the deal. Her service has greatly improved but it's still very difficult to give her multiple orgasms...:(
BTW, I hv alluded to the fact that if a Chinese gal french u willingly, her pussy is yours, in over 95% of cases.
There is a better test. If a gal, doesn't matter if I met her only 5 min ago or whether she is a KTV gal or a non-WL, willingly let me caress n massage her neck n upper back, her pussy is mine. It has been 100% predictive.
Bro WB
07-11-2018, 12:06 PM
Bro WB - another simple message below.
"If she refuses to let u massage her neck, she doesn't want u to fxk her. Period."
Simple and yet many guys cannot comprehend this.
I will learned from all these simple things.
More on neck n back massage.
Let's suppose u hv already connected w/ a gal. If she refuses to let u massage her neck, she doesn't want u to fxk her. Period. Forget her immediately. Trying to get into her pants would be a daunting task. It's not worth it. There r tens of thousands of prettier n younger gals out there hahaha. Life is too short to waste ur time on this stuck up gal. It's her grave loss.
BTW, if u know how to caress, massage n kiss a gal's erogenous areas in her neck n upper back, she will feel so shiok n so aroused, her pussy is yours...even if she had no intention of letting u hv her pussy initially. BTW, don't be the strong silent type, do whisper some sweet words n phrases in her ear. Before long her pussy will be dripping wet n she will fantasize u moving down to her most erogenous parts...she may start kissing u haha.
I forgot to mention that u should connect n establish rapport w/ her first. Make her laugh. And you should start off by caressing her hand n wrist...if she is receptive, move on to her neck.
BTW, some gals don't french in public, especially if they hv just met u.
TH wanted to see me yesterday, unexpectedly haha. She is almost as tall as EN, but slightly older at 20. Also very large C boobs...must try tit fxk next time. Much more easily orgasmic than EN. Left her in early evening n rushed to pick up my lao po for dinner. But too tired to make love to her...
Bro WB
07-11-2018, 06:51 PM
Fully agreed on this too. Short and sharp.
Have to thank Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Bro WB
I agreed with you that if any gal willing to french with you (a guy) then her pussy is own by the you.
Short and simple message.
So now bro WB enjoying so much with EN.
Well done and hope you keep up the effort.
07-11-2018, 07:49 PM
Interesting thread. Bro WB is a master. Truly.
07-11-2018, 10:37 PM
Interesting thread. Bro WB is a master. Truly.
Yes, a master guru! :)
08-11-2018, 11:11 AM
Good morning to Bro WB
What a great post from you about how a brother tried to hook your beloved LP. Actually very thrilling to you because means your beloved is really attractive.
The guru post below also taught me many things.
One point - Oxytoxin and Intense Orgasm.
Hope to learn more here.
Will be back!
Good morning!
A reflection on picking up gals. Of all the KTV gals I hv ST-ed n BY-ed, 90% I hv picked up inside n outside KTVs. My most recent is TH.
Just the other day, an unknown man tried to pick up EN not far from PC. He must be a SBF bro who had read this thread hahaha. But he approached the wrong gal n his timing couldn't be worse. She was waiting for my car to pick her up, across the street from PC. BTW, she stays within walking distance of PC, near Niven Rd.
She was mistaken for a KTV WL. She was not n is not,bro. She looked 18-19, 172, abt 53-54kg, wearing a light green mini skirt, standing 15-20M from Starbuck. She got in my car n pointed to the back of a relatively young man, who was walking briskly towards PC Food Centre, n snickered, 刚才那人和我说话, 说baby, 宝贝,跟我去吧。。。我开始以为他和别人说话, 可是都没别人, 他又说一遍。。。我没看他没睬他,他就走了。
I like to say this to the unknown bro: Well done! Dun be discouraged. If the gal was unattached n worked at a KTV, she would hv gone w/ u. So try, try again n again.
My other favourite topic is how to get gals sexually addicted to me. Here is an email written by a female guru I like to share:
"Oxytocin Tip"
Hey Bro Warbird,
I was talking to a girlfriend of mine who
is absolutely CRAZY and OBSESSED with
her SUPER MEAN ex-boyfriend…
He’s broke, unemployed, uses her for
her car…and cheats on her ALL THE TIME!
But I already knew EXACTLY why she
was still hung up on him...she didn’t
have to explain anything.
Have you ever wondered why some
women act so “clingy” or why they fall
DESPERATELY for complete jerks?
Scientists have been researching it
for YEARS…but a lot of those
womanizers already know the answer.
The reason women get SUPER CRAZY
and HYSTERICAL over guys who don’t
treat them nice is because…
Sound a little crazy?
I thought so too…but it’s true!
You see, there’s a chemical that’s
released only in women…it makes them
wanna hold onto a guy after sex…and
it’s actually the reason they get super
clingy afterwards.
BUT…it’s only released when she has a
super intense orgasm...
It’s called “oxytocin”…and the stronger
the orgasm, the MORE OF IT she gets!
Pretty soon, she gets ADDICTED to the
feeling of strong orgasms, she physically
starts NEEDING them, and eventually…
She’ll do ANYTHING to get them!
It doesn’t matter what you look
like, how much money you have, or
what gifts you buy her…if you can give a
woman an orgasm POWERFUL ENOUGH
to MAX OUT her oxytocin levels…
She’ll get hooked on you FOR LIFE!
You’re probably VERY EAGER to hear
how you can get her OVER THE EDGE in
a fit of ORGASMIC ECTASY, aren’t you?
Well, the answer is actually really
The only way you can get a woman at
her ORGASMIC PEAK is to give her the
POSSIBLE…which means…
You have to give her a SQUIRTING
When you give your girl a squirting
orgasm, she’ll want you and only you…
She’ll do ANYTHING to keep you
You’ll get your favorite meals every
night, welcome-home blowjobs,
You name it you got it!
If you can give her a squirting orgasm,
you help her release oxytocin, which makes
her chemically ADDICTED.
Soon enough you’ll be on your way to
having the life you always wanted…the
life you always DREAMED of…
Hot round-the-clock sex putting
teenagers to shame…a loving, caring,
supportive lady…the reputation of the
Not only that…
You won’t ever have to worry about
entering that “boring sex phase” most
couples fear…because she’ll be begging
you…PLEADING you for sex EVERY
CHANCE she gets.
She’ll be worshipping your manhood on a
daily basis…and EVEN BETTER, she’ll do
Just think, you won’t ever have to worry
if she’s satisfied anymore…because the
chemistry will be sizzling hot.
Which means less fighting at home and
less stress at work because
EVERYTHING at home will be going
I’m talking about a complete peace of
mind once and for all!
But be careful…
She’ll become so crazy addicted to your
sex…that there’s no telling WHAT she’ll
do to have you!
Guru XXK
08-11-2018, 11:13 AM
Worked for Bro WB, worked for me too - both the kissing and the massage part.
Hi bro chengzong,
I'm glad that my hypothesis on the intimate link between kissing/neck massage n pussy has worked for u.
For gals who don't do ST, I don't normally go straight to kissing. I start by caressing/massaging/kissing the hands, wrists n forearms. If she is completely comfortable n is enjoying it, I move to the neck n ears. Then n only then will I french her...
Bro WB
Yes, also works for me too.
Great lessons here.
08-11-2018, 11:17 AM
I hope to share some of my opinions and experience as well. Hopefully some of the mates here will chip in and engage in further discussion.
Over the years, I have stopped believing in paying someone directly for sexual favors. Of course, nothing is FREE and I have always paid in other ways like for dates and holidays etc. I progressed through the usual HC and KTV route that most have gone through. However there was always something lacking as sex was not the primary motivation for me. It was the challenge to get the numbers of the WLs and know them further.
I have gone a little further than just WLs to try my luck and I realize that you can almost pick-up anyone if you try hard enough. Students are usually easy to pick up in clubs especially in Singapore and other asian countries. I find Singaporean gals are quite easy-going compared to other countries.
I have also picked up air stewardess on long-haul flights as you get a chance to engage them in small talk. Most of them are quite willingly to engage in conversations about current affairs and happenings around the world, which can be quite intriguing. I then ask them out to go to a party as a date as I usually have a couple black-tie events-cum-party to attend in-country. I actually empathize with them when they are overseas for those who know how they spend their time when they fly.
Having shared the above, picking up is only the beginning of the game. Good if they agree quickly if not no biggie. I can just move on to the next gal. As WB and DYBJ repeated many times, there are plenty of gals around so no need to get hung up. At this stage, being a gentleman while flirting playfully helps alot. Usually if they laugh at your silly antics and attempts to touch you on the side of your arm or shoulder while talking will mean they will kinda of like you.
*To be continued*
Great, now this thread don't just pick up ktv or WLs. Also pickup students and air hostess.
Actually the skills garnered here can help to pickup any types of gals.
08-11-2018, 06:06 PM
Learning new things every day.
Thanks bro EB for this wonderful thread.
Good morning to Bro WB
What a great post from you about how a brother tried to hook your beloved LP. Actually very thrilling to you because means your beloved is really attractive.
The guru post below also taught me many things.
One point - Oxytoxin and Intense Orgasm.
Hope to learn more here.
Will be back!
08-11-2018, 10:33 PM
Yes, also works for me too.
Great lessons here.
Works for me as well too.
Thanks to all the gurus here, especially Bro WB :)
09-11-2018, 11:39 AM
Just to check with senior bros here, if KTV gals let you french kiss, what does that means? Different country girls have different meaning?
Yes, means the gal wants to let you sex.
Hi bro,
IMHO, her pussy is yours hahaha...
Good morning!
Many bros still get KC-ed by the wrong women, both WLs n non-WLs.
Getting KC-ed by a wrong non-WL could be even more catastrophic. The hapless man may end up marrying n living w/ the wrong woman for the rest of his life!!
We need to remember this:
The person who cares the least controls the RS.
If you get KC-ed or if u hv more KC for her than she has for u, u lose control of the RS.
A man who loses control in any aspect of his life, especially in his RS w/ his woman, is NOT a confident n masculine man. He is most unattractive. Period.
His woman will lose respect, attraction n love for him, sooner rather than later, even if she was madly in love w/ him n was financially, emotionally n sexually addicted to him BEFORE.
She will be miserable n can choose to leave him or stay miserable...or cheat on him hahaha.
Yes, I must admit I do hv a little KC for my 2 long-term mistresses, XW n EN, but they hv more KC for me. If I had zero KC for them, the RS would be short-lived. It's perfectly OK if I lose both of them tmr haha.
I hv several options to replace them: one is a 23 yo tall (170), sexy n fair Fujian gal w/ natural C who is coming soon. I met her some time ago n never upped her. The other is a 20 yo 3rd yr student at a famous uni in China who wants to go to Gotham City to be w/ me after her graduation. She is chio n tall (168) too. She has good command of English. I'm trying to convince her to do a Master degree here in SG.
BTW, 20 yo TH has been my 'best find' inside n outside SG KTVs in the last 2 yrs. She is BY material. However, I hv already upped no BY-ing her for me.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for a lovely thread here.
I have learned many points here and still have more to learn.
Honestly I have not much experiences with girls and maybe time to gather some new experiences.
Hope to learn more.
Read that I should go out to approach 100 to 200 girls.
Wish I can do all these.
Thanks and hope all have a good weekend.
09-11-2018, 11:43 AM
Good morning!
A reflection on my changing behaviour.
Several yrs ago, I was only doing STs. In May 2009, I started BY-ing, mostly short-term from 1-4 wks n the gals continued to work. BTW, my 1st few BY-ings didn't go well. Then I asked my new BAO-ees not to work. The RS was still quite brief, 1-3 months. In the last 2 yrs, I hv had longer-term RS, the longest is close to 2 yrs. Of course I still do occasional STs if a gal happens to be my type.
Why the change? A long-term exclusive RS w/ a chio gal of my type is more satisfying n leads to greater happiness. There r the added benefits of more intimacy, sexually n emotionally. Last but not least, it's much safer to do her raw.
The following article written by a mentor refers to non-WLs but the basic concept n rational r largely the same.
Hey Mr. Mentor, how's it going!
Just wanted to say, I checked over your site and I think it's
awesome what you are doing and teaching people! You have inspired
me to start deserving what I want also instead of settling for just
I really don't have trouble meeting woman and going on dates,
it's just that I haven't found a lot of quality woman in this
world. I've been in lots of one-night stands with women and
have come to the realization that it doesn't bring happiness.
Only having a true connection with a woman leads to happiness.
My only question to you is how did you know the woman your married
to now was the right one for you? Out of all the women you dated,
how did you know she was the one? How did you know when to stop
dating is the question I'm trying to ask, what if you kept on
dating instead of stopping and met another high quality woman?
Thanks for your kind words. I really enjoy hearing from people who
are inspired. I appreciate your story and your revelations.
As for one-night-stands, I've never understood it. I've always
thought that if a woman was worth being intimate with once, she
was worth more than that.
Besides, if I really liked her having sex only a single time
would be nothing short of frustrating.
Your "one question" really is a BIG one. Here's the simple answer:
I dated MANY women. And I dated as many of them at once as I
could handle.
As I did, I made very careful notes of what I liked and didn't
like, even going so far as to building a spreadsheet so as to rein
in my typically right-brained approach to "winging it" when it
comes to such things.
As I learned more about women and what they want from a man, and
as I began to DESERVE a great woman more and more, I raised the
proverbial bar as far as the quality of women in my life.
So yes, like I found out first-hand, guys like you and I run the
distinct risk of encountering the enviable problem of having
MORE THAN ONE high quality woman in the picture.
But having CONTROL over one's dating life is key in this situation.
This means making the choices that affect ONE'S OWN life. Being
able to attract and make my own decisions regarding the women in my
life, I placed myself into the position of being able to fine-tune
who it was I was looking for and I recognized her almost instantly.
This meant cutting ties with some great women, but I was also at a
point in my life where I was comfortable with the notion of being
READY for some stability around here.
Importantly, that decision was MY OWN choice--no pressure from
her--based on experience and being in a position of strength rather
than neediness when it came to my interactions with women in my
There's so much more to this, though. Your attitude matters way
more than objective strategy, and certainly more than tips, tricks
and tactics.
You MUST respect and genuinely enjoy female-ness rather than
being sex-focused, which I've talked about quite a bit in this
space lately.
Otherwise, you will get what you deserve--which is MUCH LESS than
what cements a solid long-term future with a great woman. A man
who UNDERSTANDS and ACTUALLY LIKES women realizes the crucial
importance of masculinity and thereby draws women to him.
Women everywhere CRAVE a man who is masculine enough to awaken
their femininity. Get this principle down and begin having the
"enviable" problem cited above.
Now, being the kind of guy we're talking about here is actually not
so hard to pull off. For most guys, it's kind of like a "light
bulb" that goes off after struggling with the concepts for a brief
It's kind of like when you learn how to ride a bike.
That said, winning a downhill mountain bike race, for example,
is a bit more advanced than simply getting rid of the training
wheels, if you get my drift.
How about a woman's perspective on all of this? Just a couple of
nights ago you wouldn't have believed the quality of our waitress
at dinner who announced to us that she was "dateless".
Although she was beginning to doubt herself, the only difference
between her and her friends was that she refused to settle for a
Good for her. She shouldn't settle for anyone less than who she
deserves any more than you or I should.
My GF and I both agreed that she should take great pride in her
pickiness instead of doubting it and she will begin to see the
men she deserves come looking for her. These men, by the way,
happen to be guys like YOU.
Did I mention that this 21 year old sweetheart with big brown
eyes and a priceless smile was DATELESS?
There ARE NOT ENOUGH great men to go around. Do your part to
change that...and win. It's really that simple.
Be Good,
Mr. Mentor
Bro WB
Definitely a longer term relationship will be better and satisfying.
The mentor also encouraged guy to date more and go out have more fun.
I shall follow both your and mentor advice.
Thank you.
09-11-2018, 06:33 PM
Yes, means the gal wants to let you sex.
Yes, I think so too.
09-11-2018, 10:34 PM
Bro WB
Definitely a longer term relationship will be better and satisfying.
The mentor also encouraged guy to date more and go out have more fun.
I shall follow both your and mentor advice.
Thank you.
Agree, must follow good advice.
10-11-2018, 11:12 AM
Bro WB
I also couldn't agree with the author and you more.
I spent my weekends reading your prestigious 5 star thread with pleasure. I must say this are facts can never learn in any school.
First hand account and practices. Very useful conversations and correspondences.
Usually I shall read with a pinch of salt but not here. In fact I find the facts to be truthful.
Will continue reading and enjoying myself in the meantime.
Happy weekend.
Good morning!
I made connection w/ a tall n beautiful PRC national UL recently. She is a 19 yo uni student in Chengdu n part-time model. She speaks perfect Mandarin but looks like a 100% Ang mo. She is of Eastern European-Turkic descent. She initially rejected me on account of my advanced age, but is now eager to meet me after SP n after I told her I like to keep 3-4 mistresses n that I like to make love everyday. She looks more like 24 though?!! I also requests that she intro other chio n tall gals to me.
I believe UL was intrigued n became interested cuz I was totally unaffected by her initial rejection n I let her know exactly what I was thinking.
No need to hide your intentions or be manipulative n never be afraid of rejection...this is the essence of Mode One behaviour.
Also, let me quote: "Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for disappointment or frustration."
According to Alan Currie, author of Mode One:
If I've said this once, I've said it a dozen times ....
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
Rejection and/or harsh criticism is not failure, and therefore is not a valid basis for
disappointment or frustration;
See ... I just said it a half-dozen more times.
The problem I see with many on this board is that some of you put "too much" emphasis on
receiving a positive, enthusiastic, and/or reciprocal response from women.
With Mode One Behavior, you can't do that. If you do, you're setting yourself up for frustration
in the future.
When I'm Mode One with women, I really don't concentrate on the potential responses from
women and/or results I achieve. Why? Because for the most part, those factors are out of my
[direct] control.
I only concentrate on these 2-3 things:
1) What is my primary objective with this woman? Why am I talking to her in the first place? Do I
want to potentially date her? Do I just want a one-night stand and/or a weekend fling?
The more you know what you want from a woman, the more specific you can be in your
approach; If your desires at this point are in the "undecided" category, then leave your
approach more 'general'.
2) Now that I know what my objective is for speaking with this woman, how am I going to
express my desires, interests, and intentions to her? Am I going to be bashful? Beat-around-the bush?
Or am I going to express my thoughts in a highly self-assured, bold, upfront and
straightforward manner??
If you're Mode One, the obvious answer is the latter.
3) If this woman decides to harshly criticize me for being so 'forward' and truthful with my
thoughts, am I going to 'back down' and apologize? If she rejects me, am I going to behave in
an angry and/or defensive manner?? Hell no. If she doesn't like my approach, or the manner in
which I express myself ... SO FU**ING WHAT. That's HER problem ... not mine.
Remember this: 99.9% of the time, Rejection is WIN-WIN.
Because ...
a) if a woman rejects you because you're simply 'not her type', or she is just genuinely not
interested in you .... then that is a 'win' because you didn't waste time or invest money
pursuing a woman's companionship when it wasn't really going to lead to anything productive
or enjoyable;
b) if a woman rejects you, and deep-down, you ARE her type, and she DOES have some degree
of interest in you ... then I would be willing to bet money that at some point in the future ....
either a few minutes after her initial rejection .... a few hours ... a few days .... or even in some
cases, a few weeks and/or months later .... that SAME WOMAN is going to start THINKING
Never take rejection on FACE VALUE.
I've had women harshly criticize me at 10pm only to be sucking my dick at 11:30pm.
I've had women harshly reject me in late December, only to be exchanging orgasms with that
same woman in early-to-mid April of the next year.
Just concentrate on being MODE ONE. If your desires, interests and intentions are reciprocated
immediately .... then that's great. Gold star for you. But in the event that they're not ... don't
allow yourself to come across as 'desperate' or 'impatient.' Both are SEDUCTION KILLERS.
Hope this helps....
I couldn't agree w/ the author more.
Just give u one example (there r many others),
When I 1st met XW in 2008, she didn't even look at me when she talked, refused going to lunch w/ me, deleted my HP no n hung up on me twice...took me 8 1/2 months to bed her...n we were separated twice...
But she is still w/ me n I love to do 69 n fxk her raw hahaha.
Bro WB
10-11-2018, 11:17 AM
Couldn't agree more too as well.
Very good thread by bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend bro.
Bro WB
I also couldn't agree with the author and you more.
I spent my weekends reading your prestigious 5 star thread with pleasure. I must say this are facts can never learn in any school.
First hand account and practices. Very useful conversations and correspondences.
Usually I shall read with a pinch of salt but not here. In fact I find the facts to be truthful.
Will continue reading and enjoying myself in the meantime.
Happy weekend.
10-11-2018, 11:19 AM
Bro WB
Great post below.
After reading I shall learn to say no by building sexual tension.
Let me share here my little experience.
I was interested in this girl AD. AD has a nice figure and elegant face. She often dress well and nice to bring out for a event.
I was infatuated with her and often wanted to go out with her. After she said no first few times, I did not give up and maintain contact.
Nowadays, I don't date her and let her date me. So I shall be the one to say when I am free to date. In the meantime, I date others as well.
So while enjoying myself I also hope she can date me.
Wish me luck and shall report here teh outcome.
Happy weekend.
Good morning!
Never be afraid to say no to a girl you like very much, if you think no is the right answer. She may get angry n frustrated, but you must remain cool, calm n collected, as always. Despite her initial negative responses, she will become more attracted to u haha. It builds sexual tension.
Remember: Always be confident n optimistic. She feels what u feel haha.
Let me share w/ u 10 ways to increase sexual tension (written by a guru).
10 Ways To Increase Sexual Tension
Here is a short list of ways to increase sexual tension tactics (as suggested in another report, you want to create a growing list of CORE sexual tension tactics.
You should create a long list (as humanly possible) of different ST Categories that women are responsive to.
The idea is to increase her arousal a little bit, then do something else to increase it some more, then do something to increase it some even more, then do something to increase it some even more….
You see, for some guys you have to teach them the whole “do something to increase sexual tension — then keep doing more stuff” approach, because too many guys are looking for the ONE MAGIC METHOD to getting a woman turned on all at once…
And it doesn’t work like that!
Here’s an analogy….
For most women, oral sex provides the easiest means for orgasm. And yet, there isn’t ONE MAGIC LICK you could do that would make it so that she cums after “one lick”…
Instead, you have to give her a “sequence of licks” if you want the ORGASMIC tension to build.
It works the same way with building SEXUAL tension. So it’s to your benefit to create a list of ST Tactics and then from there, use a sequence/combination of tactics to get her turned on….
If you decide to create a list of ST Categories, as a tip just think of any possible thing that would lead to some sort of increase in sexual tension.
Here’s a list to start with (fill free to add to it…). As you can see, I didn’t limit it to ‘conversation tactics’ or anything like that…
1)Working Out (looking better, improve, pheromones) – Again, this is proof that my objective was to list every possible thing imaginable that could build tension. So trust me, I’m not trying to insult your intelligence by listing obvious things. With that said, working out builds sexual tension in several ways (looking better, being perceived as someone who cares about his health, being perceived as someone who cares about his appearance, being perceived as someone who cares about improving.) In addition to that, the healthier you are, the sexier you will smell – on a pheromones level.
2)Sexual Matching. This works purely on her ability to detect the pattern – even if she’s not consciously aware of it. If every time she has sex, it’s an incredible/great experience, it’s a tension builder for wanting it more in the future. People like doing things that are fun. People like doing things that feel good. Taking it a step further, if she wants hug-like soft sex and you bang it silly, that’s not sexual matching. Sexual Matching is all about identifying what type of sex she wants at the moment and giving it to her.
3)Touching and Caressing. If you’ve been in a relationship before, then you’ve probably created sexual tension by this method. When done the right way, it’s one of the easiest ways to get a woman turned on. When done the wrong way, it’s one of the easiest ways to get a woman turned off.
4)Fantasizing about sex. Thinking about sexual fantasies. Thinking of past sexual memories. Thinking of future sexual encounters. Thinking of a time when she ‘watched sex’ – either on TV or live.
5)Increasing Metabolism. Doesn’t apply to all women. But in general, the metabolic rate has to do with the speed of internal processes. Most people associate it with ‘losing weight’ (the rate of burning calories). It’s more than that. If you understand the true definition, then you’ll realize that it also has to do with speed of horniness because ‘getting horny’ requires a chain of chemical processes that take place in the body. So simple terms: If you speed up her metabolism, then she’s going to be capable of getting horny faster and more often.
6)Gradual Affection. If you ever cuddled and caressed a woman over a few hours, and all of a sudden she wanted to have sex, then it’s because you slowly increased the sexual tension via gradual affection. It’s not limited to actual touching. It could include gradual compliments (verbal caressing), physical rubbing or a combination of both.
7)On and Off Methods. This is a general and one of the basic forms of creating tension (sexual tension and orgasmic tension) Adding pleasure. Taking it away. Adding more pleasure. Taking it away. The best way to understand this is to NOT look at sex as a series of penis thrusts, but rather a series of ‘putting it in’ (adding pleasure) and taking it away (removing pleasure).
8)Hate/Love Swing. This is the more descriptive version of make up sex – emphasizing the transition (swing) from ‘hate/anger’ to ‘love/happiness’. Although ‘make-up sex’ is a concept for most people, technically there are other ‘swings’ that happen that create tension. It’s an emotional version of an ‘on and off’ method.
9)Dramatic Increase in Sexual Value. This is somewhat of a ‘swing’ technique. Instead of building tension via ‘hate/anger’ to ‘love/happiness’, it’s from going from no value to having value or going from value to lots of value. The interesting thing to realize is when you have ‘no value’ in your relationship, you are essentially ‘not a man’. And with new relationships, the woman is often ‘hyper sexual’ (with little effort) because she’s going from ‘no-man/loneliness’ to ‘having a guy who cares about her’. So, increasing your sexual value (especially, dramatically) has a similar effect of her falling in love for the first time all over again.
10)Eliminating turn offs. The idea is to identify things that turn her off and stop doing them. You can go beyond that by figuring out her personal turn offs. Although, it’s technically not a direct tension builder (in most cases), you should still treat it as such.
Take care,
Mr. Guru
10-11-2018, 11:49 AM
I also don't date girls, let the girls date me instead.
Learnt from Bro WB and this great thread.
Bro WB
Great post below.
After reading I shall learn to say no by building sexual tension.
Let me share here my little experience.
I was interested in this girl AD. AD has a nice figure and elegant face. She often dress well and nice to bring out for a event.
I was infatuated with her and often wanted to go out with her. After she said no first few times, I did not give up and maintain contact.
Nowadays, I don't date her and let her date me. So I shall be the one to say when I am free to date. In the meantime, I date others as well.
So while enjoying myself I also hope she can date me.
Wish me luck and shall report here teh outcome.
Happy weekend.
11-11-2018, 09:46 AM
A typical example of a BIG player who knew how to flirt and don't ge KC-ed easily.
This bro knew his tricks well and played the game well too.
Suggest read the forum for knowledge.
This has been a most enlightening thread. Really learnt a lot from the many shifu esp bro Warbird. Just thought I had share an interesting thing that happened to me recently.
Was bored and fooling around with Wechat about three weeks ago. Saw a classy looking lady and dropped her a message. Replied and we started chatting. Her name is WW and I Found out she was working in Lido Palace. We messaged each other on a daily basis. I did a lot of teasing and joking around, and she also shared with me things about herself and her family, etc.
We arranged to meet up on a Saturday night to go out. First time seeing her was a little nervous but once we met, there was no uneasiness and it was as if we had known each other for a long time. She was a little meaty but her boobs were amazing and she had a really nice classy face which I really like. Brought her to eat at a Chinese restaurant and then went to drink at a pub.
I had one and half bottles of whisky left in the pub and we drank through the night. She can drink really well. She started getting quite touchy with me and I was the one who played it cool. One trick that I did was to move really close to her face and then just stare at her lips. Then I pulled back. This technique really worked cause on the third time I did it, she pouted her lips, and I went in for a peck on the lips. Subsequently, she started frenching me.
Her friends who were working, then joined us and I got a few bros to join me as well. We proceeded to another location which is a Thai Disco. By then, we were all pretty high. She started hugging me and even told me she wanted to go to my place. But she emphasized that it's just to sleep and not to do anything. (ya right!)
I flat out rejected by telling her that it's too fast, and I said I worry I can't control myself. We left it at that and I sent her back. We took a taxi back and I was waiting for her to ask me for money but she didn't! I was quite curious to see what game she is trying to play.
The next few days we continued texting and messaging each other. Pretty much the same. I continued to tease her and joke around and not treat her too seriously. To the point that she actually remarked that I don't care about her and just treat her like one of the boys. To which I replied "I treat you like one of the boys and also like a pretty babe. Thats the ultimate (in mandarin of course)".
We arranged to go out again on the public holiday. Not much clients at LIDO Palance on a public hol so she brought along three other of her friends. So it was one guy and four girls at the pub. A lot of social proof. I jioed one of my buddies to come down and he brought along two of his guy friends.
One of my ex- FB was also in the pub and she came over to join me. She's a pretty hot malaysian girl and she's right now my perfect wingman. The moment she came over, I could sense WW was uneasy even though she tried to be friendly. She was definitely jealous and started asking me who my malaysian friend was and other bo liao questions about her.
I wanted to F this WW very much but at the same time, I really wanted to know what game she is playing. So I looned and didn't suggest anything. After the partying, we went for supper and I sent her back. Again, she didn't mention anything about money.
The next day, she choot pattern already. I mentioned before about going on a trip together. So she told me to give her 6K and she would be with me for the whole month and also go on the trip with me. Again, I flatly rejected her telling her that I am not interested in this arrangement as I am not the type to BY girls. I also told her that I treated her as a friend and I would never pay money for a friend to go out with me. I told her she is more than welcome to go with any guy if she managed to secure a BY from him.
I basically cooled off after that and was ready to break contact with her. But she still carried on initiating contact with me. The last week I was very busy with work and she actually asked me to go out three times and all three times I couldn't make it, citing work which is actually the truth.
Yesterday after work, she got a bit tipsy and started texting me, getting quite emotional. The crux of her messages was that she also needed someone to share with her happiness, and sadness. And she didn't need someone to give her a lot of money, but she needed someone to give her emotional support. I didn't fall into her game but instead joked about it. I applied some push pull technique, complimented her, but at the same time teased her even more.
A moment ago, she just knocked off from work and texted me that she wanted to meet me to go drinking again. She said she missed me, etc. I didn't reply and she texted me like 4 messages, the last one which is "You don't have to pay for drinks. I will pay for it."!!!!!! That is pretty amazing. I still haven't replied her as i have no intention of going out tonight (lack of sleep from last night working).
I am really wondering what game this girl is playing. Any esteemed bros care to comment or advise?
She sent another message to jokingly suggest that If I don't reply her she would go and "find duck".... hahahaha :D
Bro WB
A classic reply from GrandMaster WB,
A WL is a woman working in men's entertainment establishment for money.
WL also have mood swings, emotional and passion. Always like to have close friends to de-stress and opposite sex to listen to her complains and blowout. Ultimately all boiled down to money. Money is the easiest to soothes her concerns.
Life can be funny and when this guy ignore the girl then the girl will go crazy thinking why is she not attractive enough that this guy don't want to sleep with her. This type of feeling can virtually made her losing sleep and she will want to find answers.
Others may have better explanation?
Wish all and GrandMaster WB nice weekend.
Hi bro deadcalmer,
Thanks so much for ur detailed FR.
She is a WL n she is here for money. However, as a woman in a foreign country, she needs emotional connection n support. It's very likely that she has made enuff money working at high end KTVs n that she does ST (you can verify this by doing some investigation).
Kudos bro. You hv made all the right not paying her a penny, by not fxking her right away n by being very stingy w/ ur time. You hv demonstrated that u hv more sexual value than she. Your behaviour has created massive attraction n sets u apart from her customers/friends.
Only time will tell if she is playing game w/ u n whether she has an ulterior motive. It really doesn't matter what she is up to, as long as u continue to play it cool. You must make love to her very soon to establish a sexual RS, foc of course. Here is a warning though. Don't forget to practice safe sex. And never, ever get KC-ed.
On the other hand, you're spending quite a lot of time w/ this WL. It makes sense only if she is exceptionally pretty n sexy n totally ur type of pussy n has other attractive character traits, otherwise u should just fxk her, as suggested by bro justl00king below.
Just my 2 cents.
Other more experienced bros may hv a very different take on this.
Good luck,
Bro WB
11-11-2018, 09:55 AM
After reading bro deadcalmer forum, I also wish to share mine.
This story was sometime ago.
I am keen with a girl who looks gorgeous. We went out a few times and each time she wanted to go back early claiming she needs to wake up early for work. This goes on for a month.
So I ignored her and did not text her for two months. She texted me and I didn't reply immediately. When I reply after two days later, I will always reply vaguely saying I am busy.
These goes on for another three months and she texted saying to date. As usual I will only reply days later claiming I was busy making money. SO ultimately we dated on a weekend. She did all the arrangement ie. where to eat dinner and what to do after. I just play along. Then she suggested we go somewhere private and I replied "need to wake up ealry tomorrow". She knew I am repeating her lines.
So all these went on adn finally we became an item
Hope brothers don't this story boring.
I practised GrandMAster WB theory.
1. I am the PRIZE
2. I have self-mastery.
11-11-2018, 10:05 AM
Nice read, great article to learn from.
Have a nice Sunday.
A typical example of a BIG player who knew how to flirt and don't ge KC-ed easily.
This bro knew his tricks well and played the game well too.
Suggest read the forum for knowledge.
11-11-2018, 11:11 AM
After reading bro deadcalmer forum, I also wish to share mine.
This story was sometime ago.
I am keen with a girl who looks gorgeous. We went out a few times and each time she wanted to go back early claiming she needs to wake up early for work. This goes on for a month.
So I ignored her and did not text her for two months. She texted me and I didn't reply immediately. When I reply after two days later, I will always reply vaguely saying I am busy.
These goes on for another three months and she texted saying to date. As usual I will only reply days later claiming I was busy making money. SO ultimately we dated on a weekend. She did all the arrangement ie. where to eat dinner and what to do after. I just play along. Then she suggested we go somewhere private and I replied "need to wake up ealry tomorrow". She knew I am repeating her lines.
So all these went on adn finally we became an item
Hope brothers don't this story boring.
I practised GrandMAster WB theory.
1. I am the PRIZE
2. I have self-mastery.
I have similar experience too. Played hard to get for a while before we get together.
11-11-2018, 02:18 PM
What an auspicious Sunday!
A big thank you to all the samsters who hv posted here.
I'm in Gotham City n hv been very busy.
I wish I could reply to every post and give rep points to everyone. I'm trying hard.
I'm most gratified that many bros hv benefited from this thread over the last 9 plus years. But radical improvement is impossible unless a man has changed his mindset, body language and behaviour due to reprogramming of his subconscious mind n primal brain.
TY has been w/ me since 2 May this yr. She will turn 19 in a couple of months. Time flies.
She told me a week ago that she dreamt about me. I was very 'good ' to her...she became very emotional, cried and then she woke up.
She is my most frugal LP ever. She never dares to ask for any gifts or any extra money. She paid almost $700 to an ENT for an earache. She asked me if I would mind if she gets a transparent dental brace because she has two crooked lower canine teeth. They are small and I never even notice them. I said they look cute on her. In Japan, there is a trend for SYTs to make straight teeth crooked! She will pay for it herself, of course.
It's fortuitous that TY's CV distance is only 1.5cm! As a result, she would moan and scream throughout penetrative vaginal intercourse.
In early Oct, I told TY that 我下个月要离开你。She became very anxious n sad instantly,为什么。。。为什么。I replied,没为什么。I hugged her,she was tearing up,你答应过我,now almost crying,saying,你答应过我 ( Yes, I did promise to keep her for at least one yr, provided she doesn't work or hv any rs w/ anyone else), 你答应过我! I hugged her very tight。She started crying。 Then I said,我下个月去美国,几个星期后回来。Now crying loudly w/ lots of tears. I kissed her. She was still sobbing. 对不起, 对不起...she apologized for being so emotional. She is very submissive and is very afraid that I may leave her. She is hoping that I could keep her until she gets her degree.
I told an old friend Dr G about TY. He said I was very cruel to her. He is obsessed w/ her, after seeing her from a distance once. He is fascinated w/ Korean culture n she happens to be part Korean.
TY just asked me minutes ago if she could buy a cat. I hv to think about it.
A guru once remarked that for a girl to fall for you, you must:
Make her cry
Make her cum (hard n long)
Refuse sex w/ her occasionally
I concur.
But I like to add that you must also exhibit extreme masculine character traits such as dominance, assertiveness, courage, responsibility, reliability, optimism, emotional/self-mastery, ambitions, intelligence, decisiveness, kindness n compassion, etc. Having high status and financial security as a result, directly or indirectly, of your masculine character traits could only help.
Of course, you're always the PRIZE and hv higher social and sexual value than your dream girl. You hv zero neediness and insecurity and are NEVER afraid of losing her or anyone or anything else.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Below is a re-post of the great forum. So well written.
Bro WB
Your reply to above forum is right on the money.
Bro WB
Well said and good reply.
Very important for man to possess self-mastery.
This bro offers a different views.
Very good forum too.
Bro, tks.
Self mastery rules the world.
Agreed, very important to possess self-mastery.
Thanks Bro WB for this excellent thread.
Thanks, bro.
Bro WB
Very nice forum below.
A gal looking for a rich man to consider her future.
A classic pump and dump.
Bro WB
Another nice forum from guru.
If a woman is upset then I will not want to be around her. Just plain simple answer.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I agreed with you that if any gal willing to french with you (a guy) then her pussy is own by the you.
Short and simple message.
So now bro WB enjoying so much with EN.
Well done and hope you keep up the effort.
Bro, tks.
I stand by my statements. There may be a lapse of hours to months though.
Bro WB - another simple message below.
"If she refuses to let u massage her neck, she doesn't want u to fxk her. Period."
Simple and yet many guys cannot comprehend this.
I will learned from all these simple things.
Bro, tks.
It's true only at that particular moment. She may change her mind after hours to months. It's not impossible that she will be sucking your didi and let u fuck her the very next day.
Fully agreed on this too. Short and sharp.
Have to thank Bro WB for this wonderful thread.
Tks, bro.
Good morning to Bro WB
What a great post from you about how a brother tried to hook your beloved LP. Actually very thrilling to you because means your beloved is really attractive.
The guru post below also taught me many things.
One point - Oxytoxin and Intense Orgasm.
Hope to learn more here.
Will be back!
Yo, bro.
If your girls are not hit on by many men every day, you should worry a lot. it may mean that she is unattractive.
TY is very cold and aloof and won't even look at or reply to any stranger. Her behaviour is to thwart the numerous wanted approaches. She is so much like my legal wife!
Yes, also works for me too.
Great lessons here.
Great, now this thread don't just pick up ktv or WLs. Also pickup students and air hostess.
Actually the skills garnered here can help to pickup any types of gals.
Yes bro.
Why limit yourself to KTV gals or singers? Every chio girl/woman of your type is a target. Never settle.
Yes, means the gal wants to let you sex.
Bro WB
Thank you for a lovely thread here.
I have learned many points here and still have more to learn.
Honestly I have not much experiences with girls and maybe time to gather some new experiences.
Hope to learn more.
Read that I should go out to approach 100 to 200 girls.
Wish I can do all these.
Thanks and hope all have a good weekend.
Bro, tks.
You will get better n better.
Bro WB
Definitely a longer term relationship will be better and satisfying.
The mentor also encouraged guy to date more and go out have more fun.
I shall follow both your and mentor advice.
Thank you.
Bro, I also like LT relationship. I hv not done ST since Jan 2017.
Bro WB
I also couldn't agree with the author and you more.
I spent my weekends reading your prestigious 5 star thread with pleasure. I must say this are facts can never learn in any school.
First hand account and practices. Very useful conversations and correspondences.
Usually I shall read with a pinch of salt but not here. In fact I find the facts to be truthful.
Will continue reading and enjoying myself in the meantime.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks for ur post.
My humble thread has been successful because of bros like you.
Bro WB
Great post below.
After reading I shall learn to say no by building sexual tension.
Let me share here my little experience.
I was interested in this girl AD. AD has a nice figure and elegant face. She often dress well and nice to bring out for a event.
I was infatuated with her and often wanted to go out with her. After she said no first few times, I did not give up and maintain contact.
Nowadays, I don't date her and let her date me. So I shall be the one to say when I am free to date. In the meantime, I date others as well.
So while enjoying myself I also hope she can date me.
Wish me luck and shall report here teh outcome.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks for ur FR.
You're doing well. Pls give us an update soon.
A typical example of a BIG player who knew how to flirt and don't ge KC-ed easily.
This bro knew his tricks well and played the game well too.
Suggest read the forum for knowledge.
Bro WB
A classic reply from GrandMaster WB,
A WL is a woman working in men's entertainment establishment for money.
WL also have mood swings, emotional and passion. Always like to have close friends to de-stress and opposite sex to listen to her complains and blowout. Ultimately all boiled down to money. Money is the easiest to soothes her concerns.
Life can be funny and when this guy ignore the girl then the girl will go crazy thinking why is she not attractive enough that this guy don't want to sleep with her. This type of feeling can virtually made her losing sleep and she will want to find answers.
Others may have better explanation?
Wish all and GrandMaster WB nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
No, I'm not a grand master. I'm still improving slowly.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction and Passion
After reading bro deadcalmer forum, I also wish to share mine.
This story was sometime ago.
I am keen with a girl who looks gorgeous. We went out a few times and each time she wanted to go back early claiming she needs to wake up early for work. This goes on for a month.
So I ignored her and did not text her for two months. She texted me and I didn't reply immediately. When I reply after two days later, I will always reply vaguely saying I am busy.
These goes on for another three months and she texted saying to date. As usual I will only reply days later claiming I was busy making money. SO ultimately we dated on a weekend. She did all the arrangement ie. where to eat dinner and what to do after. I just play along. Then she suggested we go somewhere private and I replied "need to wake up ealry tomorrow". She knew I am repeating her lines.
So all these went on adn finally we became an item
Hope brothers don't this story boring.
I practised GrandMAster WB theory.
1. I am the PRIZE
2. I have self-mastery.
Bro, tks for the FR.
You're becoming a master! Girls will be flocking to u soon.
I have similar experience too. Played hard to get for a while before we get together.
Bro, tks.
You're right.
Attract, don't chase.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
11-11-2018, 08:12 PM
Slightly different context.... has anyone managed to score with KTV mummy?
11-11-2018, 09:19 PM
Slightly different context.... has anyone managed to score with KTV mummy?
IMHO , Viet mummy is easy , normally around 1 weeks time , just need to go down support them often and buy bubble tea (koi) and sometimes Vietnam food will do ... china mummy is quite hard ....
12-11-2018, 03:04 PM
Bro WB
Below forum post dated 30-11-2012. So looks like every Nov you will most likely to be in New York.
Fully agreed with bro that no point to feel dejected and there always many thousands of pretty syts waiting for you.
TH lost and others gain including bro WB.
Enjoy yourself in Gotham City.
I'm back in Gotham City.
I now believe any man, regardless of his prior experience n success w/ women, can still lose his composure n his confidence when he is strongly attracted to an exceptionally attractive woman/girl. He will behave differently n act like a pathetic 'nice guy.'
I hv alluded to TH as my 'best find' in recent yrs. When I bumped into her outside the lift on 5th fl at TAM complex almost 3 months ago, I was stunned by her attractiveness n youthfulness. More attractive than my lao po n EN, or so I thought at the time. She had a near perfect figure n I momentarily lost my confidence...n actually believed she was out of my league n would never let me ST or BY her. Yes, I forgot all my lessons n violated my own principles. I became timid n hesitant n never got sexual w/ her that night.
I went home feeling dejected. Fortunately, I quickly bounced back, changed my mindset n regained my self mastery over the next 24 make a long story short, I fxked her the 2nd time we met! It was a wonderful experience. And since then I hv been fxking her whenever I want to haha.
The secret? A man is very attractive because he is very confident. PERIOD.
I last met TH 2 days before going overseas. Unfortunately, she is now much less attractive as she has put on about 3 kg since we 1st met. And I thought she was too good for me just 3 months ago?!!
To be attractive to a chio SYT, a man must play hard to get. But not so hard as to be out of reach n push her too far away. Additionally, he must like her a bit less than she likes him. Never upset that delicate balance n she will be his forever. If at anytime he begins to like /love her much more than she likes/loves him, he will lose her, eventually. It's ineluctable.
I recently made connection w/ a very pretty n cute Teochew-speaking gal SY in PRC. She is 18 n has never been BY-ed n we have yet to discuss the terms, but I'm certain she will come to SG to be my mistress. After her initial resistance, I hv turned the table n she is chasing me...
SY has not slept well for the last 2 months cuz her 26 yo BF broke off w/ her recently n is going to marry another gal. She has been sending text n voice msg to me around the clock! This young man is her 1st n only BF ever. She fell in love w/ him a yr ago when he n his fren came to her rescue when she was harassed by a group of boys. BTW, she has never experienced orgasm w/ her BF. I believe she is very lucky as I'll give her pleasure beyond her widest dreams haha.
Another lesson for me: Emotional addiction is stronger than sexual addiction.
Bro WB
12-11-2018, 03:08 PM
Enjoy reading this old forum from a so called newbie.
The way he wrote more like old bird in the old trade.
Nice to read all these old forums guiding us.
Once my mentor said and I quote
"son, you don't need to be brilliant in doing any trade, just know how to follow the successful billionaires to do similar trades"
as my nick suggests, I'm a newbie, but your following passage holds very true:
"To be attractive to a chio SYT, a man must play hard to get. But not so hard as to be out of reach n push her too far away. Additionally, he must like her a bit less than she likes him. Never upset that delicate balance n she will be his forever. If at anytime he begins to like /love her much more than she likes/loves him, he will lose her, eventually. It's ineluctable."
Then again I will venture to raise the validity of above statement to all women you're attracted to, since I prefer MILFs to SYTs :D
A few constants in every relationship: know your weaknesses, play to your strengths. Understand the counterparty. Most importantly, make them laugh, keep them happy, they will soon realize what's more important than money. Of course I say this because all of them have other people pumping petrol. My advantages are the following:
1) because of my youth I play the character of a poor, young upstart which is believable and acceptable to them. I'm not rich but I'm better off than they realize :D
2) I drop subtle hints of my glorious track record (which feeds itself as the experiences grow). This works the same way women are attracted to married men: endorsement.
3) I speak to them evenly, never jumping to generalizations and sweeping statements, which accommodate their dignity and self respect issues
4) I don't force them to spend time with me by way of cash. In my experience this is by far the worst thing to do.
5) I am not alpha, and am in no hurry to add to the pool. 随遇而安. Women hate nonchalance.
Of course every strength can turn into a weakness, it all depends on what the woman in question is looking for and prefers. The most important thing is to learn to switch my modes when facing different profiles. Some people say this is not being true to yourself, but 1) I have done worse things to get a pussy 2) we have different sides to ourselves.
My hit rate is not high and I'm still learning. But I have been told many occasions that I'd make a good gigolo, which I take as a compliment. Maybe time for career switch! :D
12-11-2018, 03:10 PM
Sweet and sharp reply by Bro WB.
Also the guru forum very interesting to read.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Please don't scold me for quoting old forum.
Hi bro newbieboy,
Ths so much for sharing your methods...
I believe my dictum on RS balance applies to women of all ages and regardless of whether you hv known her for 30 minutes or 30 yrs hahaha.
Yes, you could be a very good gigolo. But you're far too good n far too superior to be one.
You will be a high status dominant male in a few yrs...
Work is never fun, unless you're your own boss.
Not just KTV gals, any chio gals/women of my type r interesting to me hahaha.
Good morning!
I come across something abt masculine confidence which I like to share.
You know how you really like it when women act all girlish
and feminine?
Well, it turns out that they feel the same way about YOU
being manly and masculine.
Here are a few of things that you should be doing to trigger
her sexually feminine emotions by displaying MASCULINE
1. Be direct and unapologetic for your desires. Don’t be
afraid to talk about them or tell her what you want… and
don’t be afraid or tentative about acting on them.
2. Take pleasure from looking at her body without shame or
embarrassment. Don’t look away or pretend you are not
looking at her. Drink her in.
3. Touch her the same way. Put your hands on her with the
same confidence that you would handle an instrument or
tool that you are very skilled, familiar, and proficient
with. Let her feel how much you enjoy handling her.
I know I’ll take some flack for this from feminists that
think that I’m objectifying a woman by comparing her to a
tool, but the fact is, women love it when you handle them
with familiarity and comfort and easy confidence…and they don’t like it when you touch them like you are afraid
of them, like they are mom’s fine crystal bowl.
4. Be 100% positive about HER sexuality and the things she
desires, the things she says, the things she does. You
should never be surprised or negative about anything
regarding her sexuality. That is a massive sign of
insecurity. The rule is “positive reinforcement only.” Let
her know immediately when she does things you like
sexually, and never mention the things that you don’t
Over time, she will only do the things that you positively
5. Be 100% positive about YOUR OWN sexuality. Know
exactly what you are doing in the bedroom. Learn
enough about female sexual response that you can be
confident that you know exactly how to give her an
orgasm and be comfortable with doing it.
If you have any insecurities about your own performance
(problems getting hard or ejaculating too soon when you
are nervous), then deal with those issues in your life
6. Never be needy. Never make a woman feel that your
sexual validation or ego is at stake in the bedroom.
Getting her to open up to you sexually should not be
something you NEED for you to feel good about yourself
and your sexuality.
If your ego is at stake… if you need her to agreement to
sex when you initiate to protect your “male ego”… not
only will she sense that emotion (and be put off by that
kind of pressure), but also, that kind of stress is bad for more than just your sex life. It’s bad for the relationship
Remember that your mood will affect her mood. Emotions
are contagious—and that goes double for women.
If you are tentative, shy, embarrassed, ashamed, or nervous
when it comes to sex and your ability to perform, she will feel those
same emotions about HER desires. If she was previously feeling
sexual towards you, you could actually rob her of that feeling and
make her begin to feel shame or embarrassment about herself.
And then, of course, she’ll shut off.
If, on the other hand, you are calm, confident, and assured
in your own sexuality, that emotion will also be contagious…
Not only will she be feeling attraction to you because of your
sexual confident manner, but also she will feel those emotions
about her own desires and her own body. She’ll feel open and
positive about her sexuality. And she’ll be excited to share it with
12-11-2018, 07:58 PM
True, no need to feel dejected.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro WB
Below forum post dated 30-11-2012. So looks like every Nov you will most likely to be in New York.
Fully agreed with bro that no point to feel dejected and there always many thousands of pretty syts waiting for you.
TH lost and others gain including bro WB.
Enjoy yourself in Gotham City.
13-11-2018, 05:58 PM
No, won't scold you for quoting old post.
In fact, thank you for nice share.
Also thank bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a good day.
Sweet and sharp reply by Bro WB.
Also the guru forum very interesting to read.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Please don't scold me for quoting old forum.
14-11-2018, 10:29 AM
Bro WB
Below forum makes a nice read.
Thanks for sharing nice thread.
Hope to continue reading.
Good day!
Bro Newbieboy alluded to the topic of gigolo. All of us could adopt the positive strategies of a gigolo w/o the negatives.
The following interview w/ a successfully gigolo in Gotham is quite interesting:
Sexual Secrets of a Gigolo
Reporter XX
Jimmy (not his real name) is a professional paid “escort,” a Gigolo....
XX: Welcome Jimmy. Thank you for meeting with me.
Jimmy: It’s my pleasure.
XX: Jimmy, I don’t know how to ask this question tactfully. You use the term “gigolo.” Aren’t you really a male prostitute?
Jimmy: No. Not at all. And don’t worry -- I’m not offended. A prostitute is generally for sex only. Slam bam, you know. A gigolo is, I’m speaking for myself, someone who is very much concerned with giving his client pleasure. Sexual pleasure, yes—but also understanding her as a woman --- her wishes, her desires; what she likes and what she doesn’t.
Her agenda becomes my agenda. I think of myself as someone who represents the best in men in both character and sexual skill. I always conduct myself in a way so that I bring credit to myself and pleasure to my clients.
XX: What makes you good at what you do?
Jimmy: Well, that’s a good question. How much time have you got?
XX: Plenty. Go on –don’t worry.
Jimmy: I think the most important thing is that I am attentive. I pay attention to what the woman I’m with is saying as well as what her body language is saying. I think sometimes the body language is far more honest than the words...
XX: What else?
Jeremy: I compliment her often. I make her feel special. It’s always about her. Never about me. I’m not the kind of guy who struts around drawing the attention. I make sure she gets it.
XX: I don’t know, Jeremy. You look like a pretty spiffy guy.
Jimmy: I believe I should present myself well. I dress nicely – never in jeans, my nails are clean and manicured. I speak softly, but confidently. I’m always a gentlemen, although in the bedroom I am sometimes asked to be otherwise. (We’ll save that for another interview—editor)
XX: Do you have any special tricks you use?
Jimmy: Yes, but I don’t think of them as tricks. It’s more like technique. I spend a lot of time looking at her eyes, rather than her other features...
XX: Do you ever talk dirty too them?
Jimmy: Rarely. Never in conversation, but sometimes in bed, if asked.
XX: Okay Jeremy, since you brought it up, let’s talk about “in bed,” if you don’t mind. What’s your secret?
Jimmy: No secret, really. First, I try to get her to relax and feel real comfortable. I caress her and talk softly. I gently kiss and nibble on all her sensitive places. I ask her to be honest with me and tell me her sexual fantasies. I ask for her sexual wish list, so to speak, and nod approvingly at everything she says. I tell her how sexy she looks and how she really turns me on. You’d be surprised how often I hear that the men they know rarely do this.
I take my time—do everything verrry slowly. I get her to a high level of excitement… I use my tongue….my fingers. I make it unbearable. I urge her to surrender…to let go. I never let go myself until she reaches the absolute height of her sexual experience.
When we are finished I tell her what a great lover she is –the best.
XX: Whew! I’m exhausted. So at the days end you are satisfied with a job well done.
Jimmy: Yes. I think being a gigolo is an honorable profession. The rewards are many ---not just the money.
XX: Thanks Jeremy, for being so open with us. I think I’ve learned a few things.
Jimmy: Thank you, too. May I leave you a few of my cards?
14-11-2018, 10:34 AM
Bro WB
I behove to be able to chase girls.
Really nice forum below to read and learn.
Gigolo may be a tough word to swallow due to pride. I agree with you that gogolo/duck knew what women really addicted to. Women anguish or anxiety always lead to their weakness. Actually men too.
RVPO wilk keep woman satisfied and young.
Hope to continue reading.
It behooves every man to learn the methods of the most successful gigolo. Such a man has profound understanding of what women really want.
I hv mentioned my interest n focus on how to get women addicted. I hv also suggested that emotional addiction is the most powerful of the 3 types of addiction...
Regardless of who you're, even if you're a world famous rock star or a billionaire player or a powerful political leader, you still need to get ur women addicted to u, emotionally, sexually n financially. Why? Otherwise, ur women may fxk other men n give u nasty STDs n HIV. In other words, ur very life depends on ur ability to get them addicted to YOU.
I also want to be very blunt here. It may not be enough to get women addicted only emotionally n sexually to u in a long term RS. If ur woman is extremely attractive n you're struggling to put food on the table, before long, she may leave u...sorry, she is only human.
A word abt emotional addiction. The secret is to make ur woman FEEL amazingly elated n euphoric in ur presence or, better yet, when thinking abt u in ur absence...and make sure she can't FEEL like that w/ anyone else, ever. No amt of money or power can make her feel so good hahaha...
Another recent revelation: Regular Penetrative Vaginal Orgasms (RPVO) r quite different from other types of orgasms: More satisfying, more oxytocin surges and essential for deep bonding n much more addictive. And expert sexologists could tell if a woman has had or has enjoyed RVPO from the way she walks. Using ur finger to give her G or deep spot orgasms r still NOT enuff. There is sound neuro-physiological basis for this. Sadly, only abt 30% of women experince RPVO.
Recently, my long term mistress XW told me that she found RVPO most satisfying, I was skeptical but decided to do some research into the subject. She was 100% correct.
Over a month ago, I made connection w/ a very cute/pretty Teochew-speaking SYT in China. She had just broke off w/ her BF cuz he was going to marry someone else. She had not slept well for over a month. She had never experienced orgasm (not even clitoral) before n yet she loved him. To cut a long story short, I managed to transfer her feelings to me, despite the fact that she was shocked when I told her my age. She now texts me on Wechat around the clock n I only reply occasionally. She confessed that she is in love w/ me. I ask her NOT to come to SG until next yr when she turns 18. BTW, I hv not spent a penny on her.
Wishing All bros a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Bro WB
14-11-2018, 12:52 PM
Slightly different context.... has anyone managed to score with KTV mummy?
IMHO , Viet mummy is easy , normally around 1 weeks time , just need to go down support them often and buy bubble tea (koi) and sometimes Vietnam food will do ... china mummy is quite hard ....
Bro, thanks.
I never had a sexual rs w/ a KTV mummy. I once found a 24 yo 170cm assistant mummy at TAM joints to be quite attractive n she quickly agreed to be kept. She did hv a perky n big ass. But she needed to continue to work, she drank too much and had relatively small boobs. No consummation. That was in 2014. Don't know why some mummies and some kakis assumed that I had kept her. I never did.
Bro WB
Below forum post dated 30-11-2012. So looks like every Nov you will most likely to be in New York.
Fully agreed with bro that no point to feel dejected and there always many thousands of pretty syts waiting for you.
TH lost and others gain including bro WB.
Enjoy yourself in Gotham City.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, I'm in Gotham City now.
Feeling dejected? Why?
Would u feel dejected n frustrated if your little sister or little daughter says no to u or gets angry w/ you? Or tell u to get lost. Of course not! You would smile, laugh and tease her. That is how I treat all SYTs.
Enjoy reading this old forum from a so called newbie.
The way he wrote more like old bird in the old trade.
Nice to read all these old forums guiding us.
Once my mentor said and I quote
"son, you don't need to be brilliant in doing any trade, just know how to follow the successful billionaires to do similar trades"
Bro, tks.
This esteemed "newbie" is an experienced bro.
Sweet and sharp reply by Bro WB.
Also the guru forum very interesting to read.
Hope you guys enjoy.
Please don't scold me for quoting old forum.
I like to thank u for quoting old posts. I need to remind myself constantly not to be complacent.
True, no need to feel dejected.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro, tks.
Feeling dejected is a very negative emotion. A girl can feel it and she will find you repulsive.
No, won't scold you for quoting old post.
In fact, thank you for nice share.
Also thank bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a good day.
Bro, thank you.
Bro WB
Below forum makes a nice read.
Thanks for sharing nice thread.
Hope to continue reading.
Bro, tks.
This gigolo is good. I hv used some of his methods, whenever it's appropriate. Every girl is different.
We need to be rough and dominant sometimes and soft n tender sometimes.
Do tell your girls you're really turned on by her beautiful body and pussy...
Bro WB
I behove to be able to chase girls.
Really nice forum below to read and learn.
Gigolo may be a tough word to swallow due to pride. I agree with you that gogolo/duck knew what women really addicted to. Women anguish or anxiety always lead to their weakness. Actually men too.
RVPO wilk keep woman satisfied and young.
Hope to continue reading.
Bro, tks.
PVO is most addictive to women. Try to last 15-30 min.
Give them emotional n sexual pleasure they hv never experienced w/ anyone else before.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Here is an interesting article.
The top students at high schools and even universities rarely become very rich or very successful in many areas in life.
For example, they rarely get THE prettiest girls/women of their type.
Because they are conformists who are brainwashed by conventional wisdom. They obey orders, like robots.
That is a recipe for mediocrity. It's so sad.
To be the best n to get the best in life, a MAN must be passionate and obsessed w/ his pursuit n endeavor. He is not afraid to challenge long-held conventional beliefs. He is innovative and creative. He is courageous, not foolhardy. He learns n works diligently. He loves rejections n failures. He leaves no stone unturned.
I used to be a conformist n a wuss, believing that an 'old color wolf' like me can never get the cutest n prettiest SYTs of my type unless I pay extra big bucks, many times more than those paid by young, tall and handsome men.
I also used to believe that the cutest SYTs are ONLY attracted to a man's youthfulness, looks, and Adonis body.
I couldn't be more wrong.
I didn't know that the majority of smart n high-quality girls are sapiosexual.
Read all my previous posts on my hypotheses and real-life experiences.
I like to reiterate my offer to bro Don Juan. I hv also extended the same offer to ALL samsters, male n female.
If a man doesn't truly believe he deserves the best, in his subconscious mind, he will never get the best.
When he believes he deserves the best, he attracts the best. He doesn't need to pursue.
BTW, LS is till w/ me in SG, she is my oldest at 22. KT is trying hard to get a visa to return to SG. And of course TY, who is the most intelligent and most hardworking girl I ever had. Sky is the limit for her.
Bro WB
14-11-2018, 07:08 PM
Bro WB
Every article presented by you is very nice read and thought provoking. Need some time to digest and trying to apply them when occasions arise. Thank you and please keep writing.
14-11-2018, 09:11 PM
A very nice read indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Bro WB
Below forum makes a nice read.
Thanks for sharing nice thread.
Hope to continue reading.
15-11-2018, 12:00 PM
Bro WB
Marvelous post below.
All the quotes were great for thought.
I cannot agree more.
Definitely women loves orgasm similar to men. Reason why we always see nice pretty women love their ugly masculine men so much.
Will read on to complete my thesis.
Good morning!
“The goddess was discovered by her gait.”
Virgil quotes (Ancient Roman Latin Poet and Author of the epic, Aeneid. 70 BC-19 BC)
Here is the abstract on the history of a woman's PVO n her gait, published in J Sex Med 2008;5:2119–2124:
A Woman’s History of Vaginal Orgasm is Discernible from
Her Walk
Aurelie Nicholas, MA,* Stuart Brody, PhD,† Pascal de Sutter, PhD,* and François de Carufel, PhD‡
*Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut d’études de la famille et de la sexualité, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium; †Division
of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK; ‡Unité de sexologie
fonctionnelle, Hôpital Braine l’Alleud-Waterloo, Braine-l’Alleud, Belgium
DOI: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2008.00942.x
Research has demonstrated the association between vaginal orgasm and better mental health. Some
theories of psychotherapy assert a link between muscle blocks and disturbances of both character and sexual function.
In Functional–Sexological therapy, one focus of treatment is amelioration of voluntary movement. The present study
examines the association of general everyday body movement with history of vaginal orgasm.
The objective was to determine if appropriately trained sexologists could infer women’s history of vaginal
orgasm from observing only their gait.
Women with known histories of either vaginal orgasm or vaginal anorgasmia were videotaped walking on
the street, and their orgasmic status was judged by sexologists blind to their history.
Main Outcome Measure.
The concordance between having had orgasms triggered by penile–vaginal intercourse
(not orgasm from direct clitoral stimulation) and raters’ inferences of vaginal orgasm history based on observation
of the woman’s walk was the main outcome measure.
Results. In the sample of healthy young Belgian women (half of whom were vaginally orgasmic), history of vaginal
orgasm (triggered solely by penile–vaginal intercourse) was diagnosable at far better than chance level (81.25%
correct, Fisher’s Exact Test P < 0.05) by appropriately trained sexologists. Clitoral orgasm history was unrelated to
both ratings and to vaginal orgasm history. Exploratory analyses suggest that greater pelvic and vertebral rotation and
stride length might be characteristic of the gait of women who have experienced vaginal orgasm (r = 0.51, P < 0.05).
The discerning observer may infer women’s experience of vaginal orgasm from a gait that comprises
fluidity, energy, sensuality, freedom, and absence of both flaccid and locked muscles. Results are discussed with regard
to previous research on gait, the effect of the musculature on sexual function, the special nature of vaginal orgasm,
and implications for sexual therapy. Nicholas A, Brody S, de Sutter P, and de Carufel F. A woman’s history of
vaginal orgasm is discernible from her walk. J Sex Med 2008;5:2119–2124.
KeyWords. Orgasm; Sexual Intercourse; Gait; Psychoanalytic Theory; Functional–Sexological Therapy; Movement
My reflections n personal observations on the subject:
The above scientific study has confirmed my own experiences. Here is another thing: A woman's gait may also change if she stops having regular PVO for as little as a month or so. It's subtle but certainly discernible haha. It pays to observe ur woman's gait very carefully.
I always walk BEHIND my mistresses n see how they swing their hips. I tell them I love their perky n bouncy butt haha. My 25 yo lao po XW is very orgasmic n experiences PVO almost very time. She would leave black n blue marks on my back n upper arms. Her gait is much more fluid, energetic n sensual n w/ wider swing in her hips compared w/ my 19 yo lover EN who has never experienced PVO despite my best efforts.
BTW, when I came back to SG last wk, after spending over a month at Gotham, I immediately noticed that XW's gait is less energetic, less fluid n she swings her hips noticeably much less haha. Of course I wont tell her that.
Bro WB
15-11-2018, 12:03 PM
Great to see this thread still going strong!
This thread still going strong and where is this bro now?
To All Samsters,
Wishing all of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
蛇年到,爆竹响,灯笼耀。金蛇狂舞贺新春,吉祥如意全送到。新的一年新生活,新的气象新希望。祝你蛇年万事 顺,身体健康财源滚滚来!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
The above post was on 1 Jan 2013.
We shall be celebrating 1 Jan 2019 in about 45 days.
Will be checking in on the special day.
15-11-2018, 07:03 PM
Incredible post, cannot agree more too.
God bless.
Bro WB
Marvelous post below.
All the quotes were great for thought.
I cannot agree more.
Definitely women loves orgasm similar to men. Reason why we always see nice pretty women love their ugly masculine men so much.
Will read on to complete my thesis.
15-11-2018, 08:22 PM
Awesome thread, so many things to learn here.
Big thanks to Bro WB!! :)
16-11-2018, 08:41 PM
How to make a girl who initially like u but end up hating u and making use of u come back to u wholeheartedly?
16-11-2018, 11:49 PM
How to make a girl who initially like u but end up hating u and making use of u come back to u wholeheartedly?
Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
17-11-2018, 12:21 AM
A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
17-11-2018, 03:23 PM
Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
That's wat she did to me....erm I hate quarrels...sigh...any things to say to make a girl heart soften?
18-11-2018, 09:07 AM
Good morning to all samsters!
What an auspicious Sunday!
A bro in a Wechat chat grp says that I only like SYTs n I’m so picky with my SYT selection. But that is not really true. I only like a certain type of SYT.
My reply:
“Bro, I’m a simple man. I only need a girl who is natural, healthy, youthful and moderately attractive. I give undue weight to certain body proportions n slim arms though. In a long-term rs, I prefer a girl who is frugal, kind, honest and intelligent. And not greedy.”
"I might add that having a good temper is a big bonus. It’s very rare though."
Of course, I want to OWN a very pretty and cute SYT who has all the desirable physical and character traits. I want to own her pussy and her heart. I'm not apologetic for having such a desire and for being politically incorrect. The problem is that I don't even get the chance to see such a girl in person.
As they say, things that you want lightly come easily.
Actually, TY fulfills all the requirements, but I'm not sure abt her temper. She is quite emotional, like all SYTs. She is very submissive n tries hard to please me. She doesn't get angry w/ me, she just cries. She has been my LP only since 2 May this yr.
KT n LS are quite good too, but they are slightly less frugal. They admit that they hv a quick temper, though never reveal it in my presence. LS is also less studious. No one is perfect.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Every article presented by you is very nice read and thought provoking. Need some time to digest and trying to apply them when occasions arise. Thank you and please keep writing.
Bro, thanks.
I like to think independently n I hv tried to learn from every possible source in the last 10 yrs that may help me connect w/ and attract SYTs of my type. The newly acquired knowledge and skills hv enabled me to maintain a happy emotional n sexual rs w/ my young LPs. I'm still improving slowly and steadily.
I wish I knew 10% of what I know now when I was 18.
I'm very resourceful in finding the girls I like. I leave no stone unturned. But I'm limited by the dearth of desirable SYTs of my type in SG. I can't possibly get a girl I hv never even seen before. I hv had many, many desirable SYTs, mostly non-WLs, who want to be kept by me in China. I prefer to live in SG though.
I hv chosen this thread to share what has worked for me w/ all samsters.
It was really an incredible 10 yr journey for me, from a wussy and needy newbie in 2008 to a slightly more confident n less needy man in 2018. I hv learned from my mistakes.
A very nice read indeed.
Thanks Bro WB for sharing so much with us.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Marvelous post below.
All the quotes were great for thought.
I cannot agree more.
Definitely women loves orgasm similar to men. Reason why we always see nice pretty women love their ugly masculine men so much.
Will read on to complete my thesis.
Bro, tks.
Women hv stronger and longer lasting orgasms than men.
I always try to examine a girl's gait carefully. TY's gait is now quite different from the time I first met her. I don't get to watch n record as often as I like. She still prefers to walk behind me or by my side.
This thread still going strong and where is this bro now?
Bro WB,
The above post was on 1 Jan 2013.
We shall be celebrating 1 Jan 2019 in about 45 days.
Will be checking in on the special day.
Bro, tks.
Not sure what has happened to this particular bro or to many other bros. I wish them the very best.
I look forward to a wonderful new year!
Incredible post, cannot agree more too.
God bless.
Bro, tks.
Praise the Lord.
Awesome thread, so many things to learn here.
Big thanks to Bro WB!! :)
Bro, tks.
How to make a girl who initially like u but end up hating u and making use of u come back to u wholeheartedly?
Attract her, don't pursue.
Use push-pull n connect disconnect w/ her. Just like what bro Mevious wrote below.
Hi bro , from my limited experience from hang flower joint , after you bed her , you need to find fault with her and quarel , ingnore her for a few days and this time you need to be soft to her and have sex again ... keep blowing hot and cold to her ....
Bro, tks.
You're spot on!
Never be needy or insecure. Never be afraid to lose her or any girl or anything else in life.
Be fearless. You're the PRIZE!!
A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
Bro, tks.
That's wat she did to me....erm I hate quarrels...sigh...any things to say to make a girl heart soften?
Bro, tks.
The only way to make a high-quality girl's heart melt for u is to exhibit extremely masculine character traits. I hv outlined those traits in my very recent post. It's your posture, eye contact, body language, voice tonality/inflection and behaviour that are much more important, not your exact words.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
18-11-2018, 08:05 PM
A big thanks to bro warbird ....learnt many things
Agreed with you bro, learnt a lot too!
19-11-2018, 02:15 AM
Good morning!
I just received the following e-mail from a guru.
This is a familiar story through the ages. It's so sad.
The following story is true. The names have been changed to
protect the innocent.
But there isn't anything that's going to protect YOU from the very
same thing happening in YOUR life unless you deserve what you want
and put to an end any mindset whatsoever that would cause you to
Here's the deal.
About two years ago Dudley The Desperado went to a bar, hopefully
to meet some women.
After throwing the proverbial "spaghetti against the wall" to
see what "stuck", lo and behold he got a woman named Mary Meenow
to talk to him.
She gave him her number. He called her and asked her out the
"customary" three days later.
A few weeks went by, and Mary started bugging Dudley about
becoming "exclusive". "Make me your girlfriend or I'm outta
here!", she announced.
After an audible wussy-boy sigh, Dudley The Desperado feverishly
rifled through the file cards in his head but gave in. After all,
it was a heck of a lot easier than going out there trying to meet
someone else, huh?
So Dudley and Mary soldiered on a few more months. Finally,
Mary uttered the inevitable: "Hey my friend told me today that her
boyfriend asked her to marry him, and we've been dating longer than
they have!"
Dudley was flustered and avoided the issue.
But Mary was persistent. Only a couple of days passed by before
she dropped the Weapon Of Mass Destruction: "I've had it with your
non-committal attitude. Either I get a ring from you or I'm
walking. You have five days to think about it."
And so the ultimatum had been issued. Using the exact same logic
he drew from months before, Dudley showed up with a ring four
days later.
Within two weeks they got married in Vega$.
Only a mere thirty days went by before Dudley--a military man--got
orders out to a base 1500 miles away. Mary, who had a son in
school, decided to wait behind for the duration of the six month
deployment rather than pick up and move, only to move back half a
year from now.
Shortly thereafter, she got a call. Dudley was being sent out
to sea for 90 days, during which time any communication would be
all but impossible.
But it was only a month and a half or so before Mary got another
surprise call from Dudley. He had gone through her email account
somehow, and read where she told a friend about having gone
Salsa dancing the other night.
(Note: If you are thinking this whole jigsaw puzzle is missing a
couple of pieces, I'm right there with you.)
Dudley was angry, assumed she must have gotten "frisky" with a
few other guys, branded her a "cheater" and declared that he wanted
a divorce.
So what happened here?
Well, Mary isn't a cheater. And furthermore, here it is: Dudley
doesn't actually think so either.
It's just that he...well, uh...he sorta hasn't
her a whole lot since he has been gone. It isn't like he even
looks at her picture much.
And he darn skippy didn't use whatever precious Internet access
time he had to email her, let alone mix in a Skype account.
He doesn't love her anymore.
In fact he probably never did.
Worse, he doesn't have the masculine strength to admit it to her,
therefore he scapegoats her with a ridiculous accusation which he
feels offers him a ready-made excuse.
How do I know all this? Simple: men who LOVE their cheating wives
typically respond to discovery of infidelity with hurt and denial
rather than a quick and dirty exit.
The real problem started much earlier in the relationship. He had
And so did she.
This is what happens when there is no effort made to deserve what
one wants, and two people allow themselves to be okay with
accepting whoever "happens to come along".
By now you may be thinking that if two people settle for each
other, one or the other would probably end up really cheating
eventually rather than simply coming up with lame excuses.
That would seem like an obvious probable outcome from a set-up
like this, wouldn't it?
Indeed, Mary and Dudley did not choose each other. They accepted
each other vis-à-vis circumstance, based on the possibly
self-perceived notion that they didn't have a whole lot of dating
And that feeling was not likely to change after they got together,
was it?
So sure, they may not actively pursue someone else, but if someone
interesting just so happens to show interest in one of the partners
in the relationship, the temptation to cheat could be very strong.
But first, it's THAT partner who would have to come up with some
sort of "excuse" to justify breaking things off to be with someone
That may sound messed up, but remember we're talking about two
"settlers" here. Most of the time, "settlers" aren't used to being
the ones who initiate break-ups, so they tend to be awkward in
their execution.
A couple who settles for each other has already proven that they
both dread the concept of breaking up and "starting all over"
with someone else more than staying together.
So it makes perfect sense that they don't have the guts to face
being the one at fault for the breakup either.
In the example I gave, there's no real way to tell whether Dudley
actually cheated first or is simply sick of being in an
unfulfilling relationship.
But either way, the central point is the same: Things do not end
well for two people who settled for each other. They'll always
wish they had done better.
So the moral of this sad story is that you should absolutely go out
and meet some women, and often--literally anywhere and everywhere
you go. Find out what it is you truly want in a woman BEFORE you
commit to one.
Don't be a Dudley. Deserve what you want and never, ever "settle".
I couldn't agree w/ the guru more.
Improve yourself every day, become the best you can be, and never settle.
Bro WB
19-11-2018, 10:35 AM
Good morning!
Bro deathnitez alluded to my focus on a gal's stats. I always want to know the real age n stats of a gal as it's quantifiable n measurable. Facial 'beauty' is very subjective n can be easily altered w/ skillful makeup.
A case in point. The other day my new uni student showed me pics of 32 yo Fan Bingbing w/o makeup or 素颜, I'm shocked as to how old n ugly the actress is, despite her multiple cosmetic surgeries.
"...范冰冰的美可谓男人爱女人妒,但如果这份美貌是“妆”出来的,你是会觉得幻灭,还是信心高涨?15张 素颜照记录范冰冰无妆抓拍史,事实再一次证明,化妆品的力量确实无限大..."
Morale of the story: Never, ever be seduced or charmed by a 'very beautiful' gal in the night scene. You must qualify n quantify her to see if she is good enough for u, even if she is just for ST. At the very least, you want to see her w/o makeup at 2:00PM in a very sunny day haha.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Let me thank you for the best thread in sbf.
Beauty is inner self. Many times without make-up some gals looked really ugly even if they were Fan Bingbing or any first class beauty. Reason why some gals prefer not to meet anyone without make-up.
Will try to post more comments.
Thank you.
19-11-2018, 10:42 AM
Good morning!
I'm going to re-examine a favourite topic of mine: The Rashomon Effect.
I knew it was a typo or oversight when I used 'morale' instead of 'moral' in my recent post.
When I was searching for the posts in which I used the word 'moral' as a noun correctly, I came across my thread on 'Rashomon Effect."
Here is another post where I used the word 'moral' as a noun correctly.
We all make mistakes due to carelessness or oversight...and I hv been a daily offender.
For example, it took me 3 yrs before I noticed the word 'OUSIDE' in "Picking up KTV gals ouside KTVs." What is OUSIDE?
At this time, I like to focus on a sentence which our dear bro chenzong wrote:
"Moral is what makes the troops not shoot civilians."
Notice that 'moral' is used as a noun here.
Somehow it just doesn't sound pleasing to me. I wonder if it could also be a typo or oversight.
May I offer my 2 cents? Let me try. The following sentences sound more pleasing to me.
"Morality is what makes the troops not shoot civilians."
Or perhaps,
"Morals are what makes the troops not shoot civilians."
I'm sure it can be further improved by many bros here, including bro chenzong. I'm here to learn n improve myself, every hr, everyday...
According to the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary:
moral noun
/ˈmɔrəl; ˈmɑrəl/ moral pronunciation American
1 morals [plural] standards or principles of good behavior, especially in matters of sexual relationships.
Young people these days have no morals.
The play was considered an affront to public morals.
The question is one of manners rather than morals.
(old-fashioned)a woman of loose morals (= with a low standard of sexual behavior)
2 [countable] a practical lesson that a story, an event, or an experience teaches you.
And the moral is that crime doesn't pay.
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Agreed with you that we all are human and makes mistakes. Is okay to fail and make mistakes but we learned in the process.
Rashomon (1950), Effect alwas true.
If anyone accepts the motto of "Morally Upright" then he will be respected and excellent integrity.
Morals are hard to teach and those who dun have will be easy to judge. Often they will be in trouble and may break the law.
Hope to comment more if come across interesting facts.
Thank you.
19-11-2018, 10:44 AM
Something related to sex…
Have you tried asking your gals to suck your dick straight after you’ve cummed (from penetrative intercourse)? Every time my gal does that to me, I’ll scream in ecstasy! I really can’t describe or explain that feeling but its like pain and pleasure all mixed up into something so strong and unbearable yet so shiok. My gal doesn’t know why sucking me dry right after I cum in her Peach Garden Hole can give me such extreme reactions but I told her: what if I licked your clitoris right after you’ve cummed? She said: super sensitive. Anyways, I don’t see the same kind of reaction from Jap AV actors when they put their spent dicks into the AV gals mouth right after sexual intercourse so I’m posting this question here – have you tried it before and if so, do you have the same feeling as me?
The above is really shiok!! After dick shot and gal willing to lick suck will be best. The feeling will be exactly what bro described above.
Just like JAV.
19-11-2018, 05:28 PM
Bro WB
Let me thank you for the best thread in sbf.
Beauty is inner self. Many times without make-up some gals looked really ugly even if they were Fan Bingbing or any first class beauty. Reason why some gals prefer not to meet anyone without make-up.
Will try to post more comments.
Thank you.
I would like to thank bro WB too for this bestest thread in sbf.
19-11-2018, 09:55 PM
Bro WB
Agreed with you that we all are human and makes mistakes. Is okay to fail and make mistakes but we learned in the process.
Rashomon (1950), Effect alwas true.
If anyone accepts the motto of "Morally Upright" then he will be respected and excellent integrity.
Morals are hard to teach and those who dun have will be easy to judge. Often they will be in trouble and may break the law.
Hope to comment more if come across interesting facts.
Thank you.
Very true, all human makes mistakes. Most important is to learn from mistakes and not to brush off as an honest mistake.
Have a good week ahead.
20-11-2018, 12:10 AM
The above is really shiok!! After dick shot and gal willing to lick suck will be best. The feeling will be exactly what bro described above.
Just like JAV.
To me it is sure better than JAV.
20-11-2018, 12:04 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for your beautiful thread.
Like to comment below. First time I heard "桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH)". Indeed the way you wrote is beautiful too.
A friend of mine told me the same thing, when we are 30 yo we like 18 yo mm and when we aged to 50 yo still like 18 yo. By time we reached 70 to 80 yo still like 18 yo mm. Now that I am older I understand his meaning better.
Mode 1 - first time I read it. Not sure what is is but will try to find out.
Hope to read on this beautiful thread.
Good morning!
I want to be Mode One n be brutally honest:
Desire n craving for a very pretty n sexy young woman whose 桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH) is aesthetically pleasing, fresh, exclusive, safe, wet, delicious, tight n responsive is the most powerful motivator for most healthy heterosexual men. It's a lifelong quest.
Two problems for a man here. Firstly, women age fast...n secondly, it can be a challenge keeping a really pretty n young PGH n making sure she will remain exclusive n safe to any one man. He must make her addicted to him, emotionally, sexually n financially ASAP. I hv much to say abt this vital subject later...of course as she ages, the table is turned.
My two sons, both in their 20s, confided w/ me: We like gals (of our type) who r 18. A 38 yo man still likes gals who r 18. When he is 80, he will still like gals who r 18.
And of course I like gals who r 18.
BTW, 18 is the legal age in Gotham City.
Most women r quite different n not as 'genital-centric' as men...
Hv a great day!
Bro WB
20-11-2018, 12:12 PM
Bro WB
After reading your beautiful post below, I shall have more sexual confidence.
Like the page 3 be confident. Usually when can be alone and strip down naked usually she wants it then.
Hope to read more positive guidelines.
Good morning!
How much sexual confidence (SC) do u hv? Rank yourself from a scale of 0 to 100, 100 being max or absolute SC. Aim to reach 100.
I received the following e-mail on sexual confidence recently:
Bro Warbird,
Most guys lack confidence in their ability to physically turn on a woman and “rock her world” when it comes time to hit the sheets. A woman knows right away if she’s dealing with one of these “boy-men” and runs for the hills as soon as she realizes it. If you want to make sure she sees you as a Sexually Confident kind of guy -- the kind of guy who can ignite throbbing sexual passions deep inside her -- you need to become a master at giving women an incredible sexual experience. Here are 10 powerful tips to get you started.
Number 10
Uncover the source of Sexual Confidence
Sexual Confidence comes as a result of knowing how to give a woman mind-blowing pleasure. It’s the confidence that the woman you’re with will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience with you. It’s knowing all the steps -- from the first eye contact all the way to the “end game” -- and knowing how to build ANTICIPATION at every step along the way. Start by practicing my “two steps forward, one step back” technique by escalating things, then backing off, then escalating further, then backing off again. The anticipation and arousal this creates will drive her INSANE. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Number 9
Get out of the manipulation mindset
Guys are always curious about how to “trick” a girl into bed -- what the magic words are, etc.. I personally know a few guys who do this… and I can tell you it does NOT lead to fulfillment. Avoid this whole “manipulation mindset,” and stop trying to figure out what the magic bullets are to get a woman to do what you want in a dishonest way. It’s much better to work on becoming an interesting guy who knows what to do to build attraction in a natural, non-manipulative way. If what you’re doing feels wrong or unethical, stop it. There are better ways to get what you want.
Number 8
Stop idealizing beautiful women
Most guys get fooled into believing that just because a woman is unusually attractive, she’s also usually honest and would never consider taking from you, cheating on you or lying to you. The reality is that people are never 100% “good” or 100% “bad.” There are situations where ANY person would lie, cheat, steal, or be disloyal. When you accept the reality that people are people, a beautiful woman is still human, and that the woman you feel strongly for is just as likely to be dishonest or disloyal as any other, you’ll take her off that pedestal you put her on. And that’s an important step toward achieving Sexual Confidence.
How important are looks when it comes to being confident in bed?
Page 2: Become more confident
Number 7
Looks don’t matter when it comes to Sexual Confidence
Nothing about how you look, how old you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh, how much money you make, or whether or not you’re her type has ANYTHING to do with how you can make a woman feel once you’re in bed with her. A key to remember is that AFTER a woman has experienced a mind-blowing intimate experience with you, that experience alone will render all of that other stuff irrelevant. It just won’t matter. Picture yourself in this future ahead of time and it’ll help make it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Number 6
Delay your gratification
Delaying gratification becomes more profound the more you think about it -- and when it comes to sex, it’s absolutely critical. It not only allows you to build the sexual tension and make her want you more and more, but the teasing and anticipation act as amplifiers to HER arousal. Bottom line: You are more likely to turn her on -- and more likely to take things to a physical level -- if you’re cool and calm. Lose your need for instant results, and you’ll drive her CRAZY.
Number 5
Act like sex is normal
A lot of guys get nervous when it comes time to have sex; they think they need to start acting differently when it’s time to “do the deed.” But sex is normal, so keep acting normal as things heat up. Don’t make a big deal out of it; keep having fun; keep teasing; keep acting light. Smoothly, confidently, comfortably progress from one step to the next, all the while enjoying yourself and acting like all is normal -- because it is.
Number 4
Put sex into perspective
Instead of positioning sex as the ultimate goal and the center of your purpose, move it so it’s simply one of your many goals. Make it a natural outcome if you like a woman and if you choose to spend the time and effort to get to that point. Take the “pinnacle value” out of sex, put it in perspective, and your relaxed attitude will make you much more likely to get it.
The No. 1 way to boost your confidence in bed…
Page 3: Be confident
Number 3
Tame the fear of rejection
As you progress from one step to the next with a woman -- from a casual date to touching, kissing and beyond -- the stakes get bigger and bigger. Men typically feel more apprehensive as they progress from one step to the next, and feel less confident moving to the next step as things get more intense. The fear is not of being rejected or stopped, but of losing all the ground that has been gained, and going back to ZERO. Fortunately, the more involved you get, the more likely it is you’ll succeed. The next step involves less risk, and it makes the sexual act more likely. Remember this.
Number 2
Interpret her actions
If she stops you, it usually doesn’t mean that she wants you to stop FOREVER; it means that you didn’t get her turned on enough. Interpret it as “I’m not ready yet,” rather than “Go away, I don’t like you anymore.” Stop, lean back, talk casually for a while and just relax. Then get her even MORE turned on than before. Feel free to make her ASK you for sex… or even beg. “Please” is a great word -- teach her to use it, and she’ll LOVE you for it.
Number 1
Get in touch with the animal inside
A woman wants a man who’s in touch with his inner ANIMAL. If he’s overly logical, overly analytical, overly controlled, overly educated, it shows a woman that he cannot let the animal out. At an instinctive level, a woman knows that this means she won’t be able to FEEL anything strong toward him, and she knows he won’t be able to arouse any sexual feelings inside of her. Study, get to know, make friends with, and DEVELOP the animal inside you. Educating yourself in this area is one of the most important things you can do to take your Sexual Confidence to the next level.
Your Guru
As as someone who has met up with the man himself, I can vouch that Bro Warbird looks 20 years younger than his true age! It is a blessing indeed to look young.
What a great compliment and confirmation!
20-11-2018, 12:15 PM
Support great thread and thanks.
20-11-2018, 05:30 PM
Bro WB
Support you for this nice thread.
Now I understand why so many years and this thread still going strong.
Will start to read more.
Good morning!
I just received the following e-mail from a guru.
This is a familiar story through the ages. It's so sad.
The following story is true. The names have been changed to
protect the innocent.
But there isn't anything that's going to protect YOU from the very
same thing happening in YOUR life unless you deserve what you want
and put to an end any mindset whatsoever that would cause you to
Here's the deal.
About two years ago Dudley The Desperado went to a bar, hopefully
to meet some women.
After throwing the proverbial "spaghetti against the wall" to
see what "stuck", lo and behold he got a woman named Mary Meenow
to talk to him.
She gave him her number. He called her and asked her out the
"customary" three days later.
A few weeks went by, and Mary started bugging Dudley about
becoming "exclusive". "Make me your girlfriend or I'm outta
here!", she announced.
After an audible wussy-boy sigh, Dudley The Desperado feverishly
rifled through the file cards in his head but gave in. After all,
it was a heck of a lot easier than going out there trying to meet
someone else, huh?
So Dudley and Mary soldiered on a few more months. Finally,
Mary uttered the inevitable: "Hey my friend told me today that her
boyfriend asked her to marry him, and we've been dating longer than
they have!"
Dudley was flustered and avoided the issue.
But Mary was persistent. Only a couple of days passed by before
she dropped the Weapon Of Mass Destruction: "I've had it with your
non-committal attitude. Either I get a ring from you or I'm
walking. You have five days to think about it."
And so the ultimatum had been issued. Using the exact same logic
he drew from months before, Dudley showed up with a ring four
days later.
Within two weeks they got married in Vega$.
Only a mere thirty days went by before Dudley--a military man--got
orders out to a base 1500 miles away. Mary, who had a son in
school, decided to wait behind for the duration of the six month
deployment rather than pick up and move, only to move back half a
year from now.
Shortly thereafter, she got a call. Dudley was being sent out
to sea for 90 days, during which time any communication would be
all but impossible.
But it was only a month and a half or so before Mary got another
surprise call from Dudley. He had gone through her email account
somehow, and read where she told a friend about having gone
Salsa dancing the other night.
(Note: If you are thinking this whole jigsaw puzzle is missing a
couple of pieces, I'm right there with you.)
Dudley was angry, assumed she must have gotten "frisky" with a
few other guys, branded her a "cheater" and declared that he wanted
a divorce.
So what happened here?
Well, Mary isn't a cheater. And furthermore, here it is: Dudley
doesn't actually think so either.
It's just that he...well, uh...he sorta hasn't
her a whole lot since he has been gone. It isn't like he even
looks at her picture much.
And he darn skippy didn't use whatever precious Internet access
time he had to email her, let alone mix in a Skype account.
He doesn't love her anymore.
In fact he probably never did.
Worse, he doesn't have the masculine strength to admit it to her,
therefore he scapegoats her with a ridiculous accusation which he
feels offers him a ready-made excuse.
How do I know all this? Simple: men who LOVE their cheating wives
typically respond to discovery of infidelity with hurt and denial
rather than a quick and dirty exit.
The real problem started much earlier in the relationship. He had
And so did she.
This is what happens when there is no effort made to deserve what
one wants, and two people allow themselves to be okay with
accepting whoever "happens to come along".
By now you may be thinking that if two people settle for each
other, one or the other would probably end up really cheating
eventually rather than simply coming up with lame excuses.
That would seem like an obvious probable outcome from a set-up
like this, wouldn't it?
Indeed, Mary and Dudley did not choose each other. They accepted
each other vis-à-vis circumstance, based on the possibly
self-perceived notion that they didn't have a whole lot of dating
And that feeling was not likely to change after they got together,
was it?
So sure, they may not actively pursue someone else, but if someone
interesting just so happens to show interest in one of the partners
in the relationship, the temptation to cheat could be very strong.
But first, it's THAT partner who would have to come up with some
sort of "excuse" to justify breaking things off to be with someone
That may sound messed up, but remember we're talking about two
"settlers" here. Most of the time, "settlers" aren't used to being
the ones who initiate break-ups, so they tend to be awkward in
their execution.
A couple who settles for each other has already proven that they
both dread the concept of breaking up and "starting all over"
with someone else more than staying together.
So it makes perfect sense that they don't have the guts to face
being the one at fault for the breakup either.
In the example I gave, there's no real way to tell whether Dudley
actually cheated first or is simply sick of being in an
unfulfilling relationship.
But either way, the central point is the same: Things do not end
well for two people who settled for each other. They'll always
wish they had done better.
So the moral of this sad story is that you should absolutely go out
and meet some women, and often--literally anywhere and everywhere
you go. Find out what it is you truly want in a woman BEFORE you
commit to one.
Don't be a Dudley. Deserve what you want and never, ever "settle".
I couldn't agree w/ the guru more.
Improve yourself every day, become the best you can be, and never settle.
Bro WB
20-11-2018, 06:16 PM
Agree that Bro WB wrote it in a beautiful way.
Thanks for this amazing thread.
Bro WB
Thank you for your beautiful thread.
Like to comment below. First time I heard "桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH)". Indeed the way you wrote is beautiful too.
A friend of mine told me the same thing, when we are 30 yo we like 18 yo mm and when we aged to 50 yo still like 18 yo. By time we reached 70 to 80 yo still like 18 yo mm. Now that I am older I understand his meaning better.
Mode 1 - first time I read it. Not sure what is is but will try to find out.
Hope to read on this beautiful thread.
20-11-2018, 09:57 PM
Same, I have more sexual confidence too.
Strip naked together with two FBs and have MFF.
Hoping to learn more from Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
After reading your beautiful post below, I shall have more sexual confidence.
Like the page 3 be confident. Usually when can be alone and strip down naked usually she wants it then.
Hope to read more positive guidelines.
What a great compliment and confirmation!
21-11-2018, 10:43 AM
Bro WB
below forum is good stuff.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
After reading I think will be ready for field action.
Thank you bro.
Good morning!
Since I started this thread in June of 2009, I hv long realized that picking up KTV gals outside KTVs in SG is not much of a challenge.
I now don't 'pick up' any gals, instead I just want to connect with n MERGE INTO them hahaha. I hv since expanded to other related areas including connecting w/ n merging into any gals anywhere in the world, including non-WLs...n what to do after getting their ctc numbers, etc. There r only two types of women I shun, regardless of how beautiful: 1) Married women n 2) relatives.
My current research focus is on the seldom discussed subject of sexual addiction. No, not yours, but hers. No, not her generic sexual addiction to many different men, but her specific sexual addiction to you and ONLY you. More importantly, not only her sexual addiction, but also her emotional addiction to you, which is THE most powerful. I hv case studies to support my conclusion. And then there is financial addiction which is really quite tenuous n the weakest. What if a richer man comes along?
BTW, attraction precedes addiction.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
It behooves a man to remember the above equation, whether he has just met the woman 20 secs ago or he has spent 20 yrs w/ her.
In the past, I had concentrated my efforts on theories, strategies, methods n techniques, but I had very limited field actions when I started this fact, some esteemed bros had criticized me, appropriately n rightfully, for being "an armchair general" w/ no actual combat experiences. I was like a infant, according to one very esteemed bro.
As with any skill the only way to improve is to practice and practice and practice...I hv done just that hahaha.
In the last several yrs, I hv proposed BY to AVERY gal of my preferred type I hv met n who don't do ST. For gals in SG, about 90% hv accepted my offer, but I hv consummated the deal w/ less than half of them. I just don't hv the time. BTW, if I only BY gals of my type who r uni students/graduates, I'll find close to zero here in SG.
Fortunately, there r many, many uni students/graduates of my type in China. And almost 100% of them hv accepted my offer. But the catch is that I hv to BY them in China. So far only abt 5% hv agreed to come to SG.
The best so far is 23 yo NL, a graduate of a major uni, who is very pretty, 171 w/ B/C boobs n proportionate figure. She is a non-WL who is gainfully employed.
When NL knew that I lived in SG, she wanted to hv nothing to do w/ me. I kept in touch by sending one msg a month. I told her to get a passport, but she ignored me. Later she tried to 'borrow' a little money from me n I flatly rejected her. End of story? Just the opposite. My value shot up n she became more interested...a few wks later, I 'commanded' her to come to SG n she agreed haha.
I always give detailed FRs here, not to be boastful or pat myself on the back, but to illustrate the validity n practicality of my various hypotheses n techniques, which I have gleaned from multiple sources, including scientific papers in peer review journals n writings of many well known gurus. I hv also reported my many failures n egregious mistakes.
I believe that extensive theoretical knowledge n vast hands-on experience (with as many partners as possible) r equally important in connecting w/ n merging into women of your preferred type n making them addicted to u, emotionally n sexually.
But there r prerequisites. Your mindset n self confidence n self mastery, at the subconscious level, will be the most powerful determinants of ur degree of success. Actually, the same principles apply to every field of human endeavor. If for whatever reason you think you're 'not good enough' for any task or any pursue, you hv lost...
Bro WB
21-11-2018, 10:45 AM
Practice makes perfect.
Great forum in the past and nothing short of A+ grade.
Thank you.
Bro MV wants to practice n practice (practise)...good for him!
Could a man become a world class neurosurgeon w/o hands on clinical practice? Do u think he could suddenly become a master who could give women extended massive orgasms (EMO) w/o any practice?
BTW, it's absolutely essential to give women regular PVO. In addition to pre-penetration orgasms to 'prime the pump,' correct sexual positions, penetration angles n movements, a man's ablity to last at least 10-15 min is the key to giving her PVO.
Is regular PVO enough to get her sexually addicted to u and only u? No, by itself it's not enough. You must anchor her intense pleasure during PVO specifically to you and only u hahaha. Hint: Start by giving her a nick that no one else knows, not even her mom haha.
A word of warning. If u are successfully in getting ur type of girls emotionally n sexually addicted to u and u don't hv any KC for them, very soon u will be bored w/ them. They will become clingy n desperate n it could be very difficult to get rid of them. That is when ur nightmare begins. Some of them might become homicidal and/or suicidal...don't do it on the wrong girls! Try to make it a win-win situation.
Bro deathnitez brought up the subject of not giving any money to women. It should work well for for non-WLs. But you usually must spend some money to get WLs in bed, at least initially.
IMHO, a man should not give any extra money or buy gifts for their women unless they hv earned it. Say no to them whenever it's appropriate to do so. Do not care abt what they think or how they will react. They can take it or leave it. Actually saying no and ignoring them increase their attraction for him.
BTW, NL is trying to KC me. She has given me the best compliment I hv ever received. Knowing that I was BY-ing two other girls, she asked me 3 days ago if I was well to do. I replied: 什么算富有呢,she said: 我感觉你素质很高,不像国内的有钱人. To get the ball rolling, I hv just given her a western name haha.
Bro WB
21-11-2018, 12:23 PM
Agreed with you bro, learnt a lot too!
Bro WB
Let me thank you for the best thread in sbf.
Beauty is inner self. Many times without make-up some gals looked really ugly even if they were Fan Bingbing or any first class beauty. Reason why some gals prefer not to meet anyone without make-up.
Will try to post more comments.
Thank you.
Bro, tks.
Very few girls look pretty w/o any makeup.
A kaki Dr T who frequents PC joints told me this true story. About 3 months ago, his good kaki CH was enamored w/ a singer at a PC joint. I'm acquainted w/ CH but don't know him well. T considered this singer old and unattractive.
Bro CH had spent about $50-60K in a month or so, w/o even 'smelling her panties,' according to T. Then a shocking event happened.
One night the singer forgot her purse, after sitting w/ bro CH at the joint. The next day, bro CH happened to be very close to the condo where this woman lived. It was around 1 pm. He called, woke her up n wanted to return the purse. She rushed down in her pajamas n went to his car to get her purse. She looked so old and fugly that he didn't recognize her at first...
He immediately felt sick and 'nauseated.' Couldn't even sleep that night. She texted n called him many times over the next few days, but he didn't even 'dare' to reply...
Bro WB
Agreed with you that we all are human and makes mistakes. Is okay to fail and make mistakes but we learned in the process.
Rashomon (1950), Effect alwas true.
If anyone accepts the motto of "Morally Upright" then he will be respected and excellent integrity.
Morals are hard to teach and those who dun have will be easy to judge. Often they will be in trouble and may break the law.
Hope to comment more if come across interesting facts.
Thank you.
Bro, tks.
Watch the movie.
The above is really shiok!! After dick shot and gal willing to lick suck will be best. The feeling will be exactly what bro described above.
Just like JAV.
Bro, yes, very shiok.
I love to do 69 w/ my young LPs. I make sure they wash thoroughly. For the first few months, TY would say 很不好意思, now she can't get enough...
I would like to thank bro WB too for this bestest thread in sbf.
Bro, thanks.
Very true, all human makes mistakes. Most important is to learn from mistakes and not to brush off as an honest mistake.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro, tks.
It's ok to make mistakes. Learn from them n don't repeat them.
To me it is sure better than JAV.
Yeah, it's great.
Bro WB
Thank you for your beautiful thread.
Like to comment below. First time I heard "桃园洞 aka Peach Garden Hole (PGH)". Indeed the way you wrote is beautiful too.
A friend of mine told me the same thing, when we are 30 yo we like 18 yo mm and when we aged to 50 yo still like 18 yo. By time we reached 70 to 80 yo still like 18 yo mm. Now that I am older I understand his meaning better.
Mode 1 - first time I read it. Not sure what is is but will try to find out.
Hope to read on this beautiful thread.
Bro, thanks.
Bro WB
After reading your beautiful post below, I shall have more sexual confidence.
Like the page 3 be confident. Usually when can be alone and strip down naked usually she wants it then.
Hope to read more positive guidelines.
What a great compliment and confirmation!
Bro, tks.
If a man has no sexual confidence, his girls/women will leave him.
Support great thread and thanks.
Bro WB
Support you for this nice thread.
Now I understand why so many years and this thread still going strong.
Will start to read more.
Agree that Bro WB wrote it in a beautiful way.
Thanks for this amazing thread.
Same, I have more sexual confidence too.
Strip naked together with two FBs and have MFF.
Hoping to learn more from Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
You're doing great!
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
21-11-2018, 02:17 PM
Bro WB
below forum is good stuff.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
After reading I think will be ready for field action.
Thank you bro.
Bro, tks.
Not sure why I missed your posts earlier.
I now know that if a girl is in love w/ a man, she is emotionally and sexually addicted to him.
According to a guru/scientist, erotic desire leads to love, not the other way around. A woman will almost never fall in love with you unless she feels that basic, physical desire for you first.
Attraction + Obstacles = Addiction (Love)
Practice makes perfect.
Great forum in the past and nothing short of A+ grade.
Thank you.
Bro, thanks. You hv made my day!
Bro WB
21-11-2018, 05:05 PM
I am also ready for field action after learning from Bro WB :)
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.
Bro WB
below forum is good stuff.
Hope + Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
After reading I think will be ready for field action.
Thank you bro.
21-11-2018, 09:36 PM
Great thread by Bro WB, please continue sharing.
22-11-2018, 11:01 AM
Bro WB
After reading so much of your thread gave me the courage to try asking gals for fun. Thanks to your thread helping to put more confidence to me.
Now I understand your love for syt around 18 to 20 yearl old median age after reading the guru post below. Also many brothers write about when men grew older we still like gals aged 18 to 21 yo.
A friend told me love to see gals grew old and penniless. While they are young they tried to hang their youth and beauty of the high pedestal. Not knowing they grew older and aged faster.
This is a masterpiece thread and priceless in my opinion.
Keep it up and let's keep the thread going strong more good years.
Good afternoon!
If you're thinking of a long-term legally committed RS (aka marriage) w/ ur dream gal, you must proceed w/ extreme caution. Don't base ur decisions on emotions. You must think it through n analyze the future RS logically.
IMHO, you should read the e-book "How To Be The Jerk Women Love" before going to'll be a win-win situation for both of u.
I just received a msg from another guru:
The Truth About Women Beauty - Why you hold the cards
Hey Bro warbird,
A woman peaks is in her early twenties. (He is referring to her good looks and physical attractiveness.)
I want you to always keep that in mind.
A woman PEAKS is in her early twenties.
No matter how hot or cute you think she is right now, her beauty
and attractiveness will always go down after that...................................
A lot of women are delusional about the fact that a man should love
them for what's inside.
Not understanding that, for a man, visual is very
important--regardless of how much he loves his partner.
A lot will hide behind the fact that they had kids.
Or that it's just natural to be less attractive as you grow older.
Have an great day!
Mr Guru
I also came across this msg on a guy's blog from Gotham (I hv taken the liberty of doing some editing for obvious typos):
As I have said, most males are attracted to 13-28 year old women, so some men will prefer 14-15 year olds while others covet late twenty women. But men's sexual preference is probably shaved like a standard Gauss Bell, being the median at around 20 and the main preference at around 17-24. Sexual preference for prepubescent girls under 12/13 is definitively deviant, but so is probably also strong sexual attraction towards women over 35. Women over 35 can probably give men satisfaction by being an analogous substitute, by being pretty similar to the real thing. Women in the 35-45 age bracket can also be attractive if their appear younger and still fertile.
Also, most historic records clearly show that girls have always started menstruating at around 11-12. In Roman times, women married at the ages of 13-15 and gave perfectly healthy babies. Its true that during famines and severe malnutrition girls can retard their menarche until the age of 14-15, but that is the exception, not the rule. During medieval times the roman catholic church set a minimum age of 12 for consummation of marriage, because women were ready back then too. That girls used to menstruate at 16 or 17 is a feminist lie. It is also a feminist lie that pregnancies for women in their midteens are risky. Teen pregnancies are only risky if the mother is under 14 or severely underdeveloped for her age. Argentine girls btw look younger than their US counterparts, because they are smaller and skinnier.
There is an obvious reason why most men would prefer a 16 year old over an 28 year old if they were free of their cultural and legal bounds by the way, because of the fecundity POTENTIAL.
A 28 year old wife will pop out at most probably 2-3 kids, having her most fertile years behind her, whereas a 16 year old bride will easily pop out 7-8 children and have her best years before her.
I guess I'm a very average (or should I say median) male for preferring gals aged 18 to 24 hahaha.
I hv more FRs on my recent personal connection w/ gals of my type which I'll post here when I hv the time.
Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year to all!
Bro WB
22-11-2018, 02:57 PM
Actually i can't agree more with WB shared theory about early 20 is the peak.... with make up they look damn heavenly but when without some are like OMFG!!!! exp before not a good thing.... but there are still rare gems out there which still looks heavenly when they are at their early 30s..... lol :cool:
Another bro agreed with us.
Hi Warbird,
Interesting posts by you. I theorize, hypothesize and put them into test in my free time too :)
This bro also put the skills to test.
Good morning!
In addition to awesome self confidence/mastery, a man needs a super positive mindset plus the right strategies n techniques to become very good w/ women. Of course he must be physically n emotionally very fit and he also has to practice diligently...
The challenge is to get a young, pretty SYT of ur type sexually n emotionally addicted to you. But make sure she has good self esteem n is physically/emotionally healthy. She must be someone who doesn't hv a deprived/neglected childhood n who is not the addictive type. Otherwise you could get into a lot of troubles.
Wishing everyone here a happy, healthy n prosperous Lunar New Year!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Tha above post enhanced your theory.
22-11-2018, 05:35 PM
Have to agree this is indeed a masterpiece thread.
Thanks Bro WB!
Bro WB
After reading so much of your thread gave me the courage to try asking gals for fun. Thanks to your thread helping to put more confidence to me.
Now I understand your love for syt around 18 to 20 yearl old median age after reading the guru post below. Also many brothers write about when men grew older we still like gals aged 18 to 21 yo.
A friend told me love to see gals grew old and penniless. While they are young they tried to hang their youth and beauty of the high pedestal. Not knowing they grew older and aged faster.
This is a masterpiece thread and priceless in my opinion.
Keep it up and let's keep the thread going strong more good years.
22-11-2018, 09:23 PM
Fantastic thread here, thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
23-11-2018, 12:24 PM
Really S H O C K I N G ! ! !
Agreed with many brothers and TS here that some girls without makeup really looks fugly. Can vomit type thinking you just kiss her. Worst she wakes up next morning besides you and you cannot even recognized her.
Great post from your GURU.
Yucks Yucks. :D :D
Hi dear bros,
I hv alluded to the fact that Fang Bing Bing is homely w/o makeup.
I like to share the following e-mail from an Ang Moh guru.
Could it possibly be true that the women you see
as "beautiful" or even "sexy" really AREN'T?
By now you know how strongly I believe that women really go for
guys who do the best with what they've got.
It really isn't as much about genetic looks, etc. as it is about making an
effort when it comes to grooming, hygiene and having some
semblance of a sense of style.
Well, today I'm going to prove that to you in a way that may
completely blindside you and leave you in a state of shock.
Are you ready for this?
The phenomenon at play here is NOT gender specific. And I can
prove it.
A couple of weeks ago I was in line at the grocery store when I
noticed the cover of one of the tabloid rags.
As they often do, they showed some pictures of celebrities without caught by paparazzi.
What was unusual about this particular cover was that one of the
pictures carried the caption, "Guess who?" even though the photo
wasn't obscured in any way at all.
You couldn't even tell who the chick was.
I was somehow reminded of a feature I saw in GQ magazine years and
years ago where they took bums off the street and gave them
complete "makeovers". The before and after pics were nothing
short of startling. You had to look really, really closely to
believe they were of the same guy.
You've heard the old joke about taking a woman home and waking up
next to someone else entirely the next morning...but there really is
some truth to that.
And the truth lies in the fact that women--even more so than
men--really do attract us physically by doing the best with what
they've got.
The simple fact that they've got makeup and more ways to
"accessorize" than we do should make that pretty obvious, actually.
Nevertheless, my challenge to you is this: The next time you find
a woman particularly sexy, go ahead and try to look BENEATH her
stylish threads, her hairstyle, her makeup and even her personality
Would this woman still be as HOT and SEXY to you if she didn't have
all of that going for her?
In other words, how much of her allure is 100% within her personal
For better or worse, I happened to go to college in central
Pennsylvania, and there were plenty of Mennonite girls who were
students there. If you're unfamiliar with what I'm talking about,
the level of conservatism they adhere to is just a rung or two
above "Amish".
One day in class when I was particularly bored, I perhaps
accidentally performed the exercise I'm suggesting to you in
My eyes turned to a Mennonite girl in a white cap and nondescript
light blue dress on the other side of the room. She had no makeup
on, of course, and her blonde hair was fixed in a bun like some
sort of "school marm".
Suddenly, as if I had been looking at one of those "stereogram"
pictures that were popular about ten years ago, I realized she was
an absolutely gorgeous girl.
I imagined her with long hair, a Benetton sweater and Guess jeans
(hey, it was the late '80s) and nearly flew out of my seat.
"Geez...what a waste", I thought.
Well, a TON of women are VERY, VERY well acquainted with the
dynamic I'm talking about here. And plenty of them have literally
MASTERED the art of working it to their advantage.
Seriously, a number of women you may perceive as "hot" aren't
really all that physically beautiful. But yes...they do the best
with what they've got.
A few years ago I featured a young woman on one of my promo videos
for you guys. Hundreds of you went nuts over her.
Shortly thereafter, I saw her again at an event and was talking to
her when I got a jolt in the OPPOSITE direction that I'd
experienced back in my college class.
It dawned on me that if she had no style, no makeup, used some sort
of shampoo that didn't make her hair so shiny and didn't have such
a "giggly" personality; she'd actually be sort of homely.
Truth be told, that wasn't the first time I'd ever come to such a
realization. I've worked closely with at least two other women
back in the IT world who guys were literally CRAZY about...but who
when you got right down to it were physically pretty ugly.
And, personality and shiny hair won out over genetics in
their case also.
Go ahead and put what I'm saying to the test with a few women in
your social circle. And when you've seen the light, go ahead and
readily apply the logic you've verified to YOUR OWN situation.
Likewise, do the best with what you've got and prepare to be
SHOCKED by the real, tangible difference it all makes.
Be Good,
Your guru
23-11-2018, 12:27 PM
Bro TS
First time I read this and was impressed.
Braggadocio - a word never even heard of. Think I have more to learn here.
3) Offering Unsolicited Advice - Hmm really couldn't disagree more but I think I had made this mistake.
Thank you for a great post.
Hope to read more.
Good evening!
Yesterday I received the following email re 3 terrible social habits which we all hv to a varying degree.
These are signs of deep rooted insecurities and inferiority complex.
Today I'm going to share with you something that's going to seem
VERY basic on the surface--almost bare-bones.
But even though we may understand the fundamental basics of what
I'm going to talk about at the instinctive gut-felt level,
relatively few guys walking this Earth really get it right in
real-world interactions with others--men OR women.
Here's the thing: Even though we know we should always GIVE more
than we TAKE during the course of social interactions, a shocking
number of guys in particular just can't seem to help
themselves...they've just GOT to be at least a little selfish.
And that's disastrous because coming off as selfish in social
situations means you might as well beat your chest and blatantly
proclaim your neediness to everyone around you.
Even subtle self-serving indications cause others to find someone
more important to talk to--in droves.
Here are three areas were MASSIVE faux pas tend to occur:
1) Braggadocio
Years ago a country preacher named Jim Rayburn said, "People don't
care how much you know until they know how much you care." Truer
words have never been spoken.
Believe me when I tell you that nothing in this whole wide world is
more BORING to a listener than being asked to endure your endless
droning on about how excellent you are.
Yes, I understand the temptation to expedite the process by which
the whole world is aware of your many exploits and accomplishments.
But you'll most certainly enjoy more warmly felt accolades from a
wider cross-section of your social circle if you let SOMEONE ELSE
tell the stories.
Give them room to be amazed on their own. It'll work out better
for you in the long run...I promise.
2) Showing Off
Do you feel the need to demonstrate to people how good you are at
And what if someone else shows some talent? Must you really hog
the spotlight and prove to everyone around you how your prowess
exceeds that of the other person?
If you answered "yes" to any of those questions, you're absolutely,
positively coming off as LESS cool to everyone you know than you
In other words, you're a douche. By definition.
Don't be that guy. Go ahead and celebrate someone else getting a
bit of recognition in the moment. The time will come--perhaps in
the next friggin' five minutes, if you can just hold your
horses--when someone else will acknowledge your talents as well.
And even if that DOESN'T come to pass, rest assured that your quiet
resolve to remain cooler than any other needy guys around you will
ALWAYS pay rich dividends in the long run.
3) Offering Unsolicited Advice
I have to tell you that this is by FAR the toughest one for me to
avoid personally.
After all, I see guys all around me BLOWING it with women all the
time. All. The. Time.
But life experience has told me that I can throw down the most
smokin' dating tips in the world to someone who did NOT ask me for
them and they'll go 100% unheeded. In fact, I'll probably be
resented for offering to help.
Don't be fooled. When you try to give advice to someone who didn't
ask for it, it's only going to bug them to no end that you opened
your big mouth.
Amazingly, you can even preface unsolicited advice in any way you
want--including humility and/or a straightforward acknowledgment
that you already realize you're being obnoxious--and it will yet be
met with indifference, if not utter hostility.
Come to think of it, I reconnected with an old friend from high
school on Facebook recently. The first thing he did was ask me if
I was married and how many kids I had. The next thing he did was
offer unsolicited marriage and parenting advice.
I'm realizing as I'm typing this that I haven't bothered to chat
with him again since. What I'm telling you is no joke.
The only viable exception to the rule of withholding unsolicited
advice is when it's truly a matter of life and death. If someone
is about to do something mortally stupid and you know better, then
it's definitely time to step in. Who cares how you look socially
in that case, right?
Bragging, showing off and unsolicited advice are all under the same
umbrella, actually...and it's all about lack of empathy and lack of
concern for others (in other words, selfishness).
So how about it? Can you bite your tongue when it comes to social
selfishness and lead others to feel comfortable talking about
themselves instead?
It may take some serious doing at first, but as you get used to it
I'm positive you'll find that others around you--perhaps
ironically--find you to be a FAR more interesting person.
Be Good,
Your Guru
23-11-2018, 05:43 PM
Fully agreed, very shocking indeed.
Really S H O C K I N G ! ! !
Agreed with many brothers and TS here that some girls without makeup really looks fugly. Can vomit type thinking you just kiss her. Worst she wakes up next morning besides you and you cannot even recognized her.
Great post from your GURU.
Yucks Yucks. :D :D
23-11-2018, 09:44 PM
First time I heard of this word too.
Great thread by Bro WB, hope to learn more here.
Have a good weekend.
Bro TS
First time I read this and was impressed.
Braggadocio - a word never even heard of. Think I have more to learn here.
3) Offering Unsolicited Advice - Hmm really couldn't disagree more but I think I had made this mistake.
Thank you for a great post.
Hope to read more.
24-11-2018, 09:39 AM
I am also ready for field action after learning from Bro WB :)
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.
Bro, tks.
Don't forget to give us your FR.
Great thread by Bro WB, please continue sharing.
Bro WB
After reading so much of your thread gave me the courage to try asking gals for fun. Thanks to your thread helping to put more confidence to me.
Now I understand your love for syt around 18 to 20 yearl old median age after reading the guru post below. Also many brothers write about when men grew older we still like gals aged 18 to 21 yo.
A friend told me love to see gals grew old and penniless. While they are young they tried to hang their youth and beauty of the high pedestal. Not knowing they grew older and aged faster.
This is a masterpiece thread and priceless in my opinion.
Keep it up and let's keep the thread going strong more good years.
Bro, tks.
Your friend is wrong. We should wish all SYTs the best for their long and arduous journey ahead. All will get old, ugly, sick and die. If they live long enough. The suffering is greatly amplified if they become very poor. Here is just one example. It's worse in many other countries.
That is why I always teach my LPs how to improve themselves and how to become independently wealthy. I tell them that knowledge w/ focused action is power.
And I want to leave them in much better condition, in every way, than when I found them.
Another bro agreed with us.
This bro also put the skills to test.
Bro WB
Tha above post enhanced your theory.
Bro, tks.
Many bros just talk about this n that, but I seldom see any follow-up n feedback. I want them to post detailed FRs. That is the only way I could really learn.
Have to agree this is indeed a masterpiece thread.
Thanks Bro WB!
Fantastic thread here, thanks bro WB.
Have a great weekend.
Really S H O C K I N G ! ! !
Agreed with many brothers and TS here that some girls without makeup really looks fugly. Can vomit type thinking you just kiss her. Worst she wakes up next morning besides you and you cannot even recognized her.
Great post from your GURU.
Yucks Yucks. :D :D
Bro, tks.
It has happened to me before. Here is what I wrote a few days ago.
"A kaki Dr T who frequents PC joints told me this true story. About 3 months ago, his good kaki CH was enamored w/ a singer at a PC joint. I'm acquainted w/ CH but don't know him well. T considered this singer old and unattractive.
Bro CH had spent about $50-60K in a month or so, w/o even 'smelling her panties,' according to T. Then a shocking event happened.
One night the singer forgot her purse, after sitting w/ bro CH at the joint. The next day, bro CH happened to be very close to the condo where this woman lived. It was around 1 pm. He called, woke her up n wanted to return the purse. She rushed down in her pajamas n went to his car to get her purse. She looked so old and fugly that he didn't recognize her at first...
He immediately felt sick and 'nauseated.' Couldn't even sleep that night. She texted n called him many times over the next few days, but he didn't even 'dare' to reply..."
Don't forget plastic surgery and microinjections.
Bro TS
First time I read this and was impressed.
Braggadocio - a word never even heard of. Think I have more to learn here.
3) Offering Unsolicited Advice - Hmm really couldn't disagree more but I think I had made this mistake.
Thank you for a great post.
Hope to read more.
Bro, tks.
First time I heard of this word too.
Great thread by Bro WB, hope to learn more here.
Have a good weekend.
Good morning,
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
24-11-2018, 11:35 AM
Bro WB
Unknowingly I had used your method below to clinch my long awaited hod bod gf. Story goes like this. I was at a cafe and she was sitting with another girl chatting for an hour. Her friend called for the bill and paid. This girl that I fancied went to the toilet outside of the cafe mall. So I get up and followed her. Saw he went in toilet and I waited outside. Just when she came out of toilet, I chat up with her. I wasn't sure where I got the courage to chat with her but my inner self told me I must do so otherwise I may regret for life.
She wasn't sure she should exchange contact but after a while she gave in and just key in her numbers in my phone. I dialed to ensure is her correct number. Initially she wasn't keen to chat on social apps but after couple of months we chat daily.
Dated her and answer no but didn't give up. Till one day she said let's go out for drink and she confided in me that she broke up with her bf. Rest is history.
So below post is totally the essence of the story.
Glad I didn't give up.
Happy weekend.
After knowing WH for 4 months, she finally agreed to hv dinner w/ me to discuss how I could take care of her, in Jan of 2009. I waited in a roadside food stall for over 30 min. She was 21 then n looked prettier n sexier than when I last saw her 3 1/2 months earlier...I asked her if she had a BF, she said currently no, 不过很多人追我. I was a newbie then n was slightly discouraged. Luckily for me, I didn't misinterpret her intention. I now know that she was trying to increase her value in my eyes. That was because she liked me and hoped that I would like her.
To make a long story short, I BY-ed her very briefly twice in 2009...then had had little ctc w/ her until 2 yrs ago when she asked me to BY her. BTW, she is still w/ me.
One thing I've noticed is how quick most guys are to completely
dismiss their chances with certain women. It's as if they're
literally looking for an excuse to bail out.
Indeed, for years I've been talking about how the "Too Good To Be
True Factor" influences so many of us, such that we tend to talk
ourselves out of success with women before even giving them a
chance to form their own opinion on the matter.
Because success is so hard to imagine as reality, we automatically
assume it CAN'T happen. Therefore, we sort of sabotage things in a
very real way just to make sure we're right about that.
Pretty sick, isn't it?
But sometimes we as guys will even go so far as to interpret
POSITIVE signs as NEGATIVES. These cases, of course, really are
the most tragic ones because the woman herself is left wondering
what the heck just happened.
Basically, both people lose out on getting to know each other...even
though they actually WANTED that to happen. He makes a wholly
incorrect assumption, and she ends up feeling "rejected".
Man, what a tangled web we weave, huh?
Today I'm going to give you a primo example of an indicator of
solid interest that I'd say MOST guys misinterpret as a put-off.
That's when a woman starts telling you how many guys she has
interested in her. Even if--make that ESPECIALLY if--she makes it a
point to do so.
Just to clear the air up front, I'll be the first to throw on the
table that it's a MISTAKE for a woman to do that. I mean, it's a
BAD IDEA for anyone--woman OR man--to say or do ANYTHING that's
likely to be misconstrued socially.
But rest assured nonetheless, women really have NO IDEA that you're
taking such statements as code for, "Hey, get lost...I have enough
guys trying to hit on me already. They'll never get anywhere, and
you won't either."
Unless she's as overtly blunt and negative about the matter as in
the example above you should open your eyes to a potentially
different interpretation of what she's saying...a RADICALLY different
one, and more likely the INTENDED one.
You see, it's overwhelmingly probable that she's actually bringing
the matter to your attention in an attempt to INCREASE HER VALUE in
your eyes.
That's because she LIKES YOU and hopes you'll LIKE HER.
Let me illustrate this for you.
If you're from the US or the UK and have ever rented a car
elsewhere (e.g. Europe, the Pacific Rim or the Middle East) you'll
quickly notice something as you try to find familiar music on the
radio dial.
People in non-English speaking countries really do LOVE American
and British pop music.
BUT...they're about six months to a year behind. And when they
decide they like a particular song they REALLY, REALLY like it.
Welp, for better or worse it would appear the French and the
Spaniards have just discovered "Call Me Maybe" by Carli Rae Jepson.
Good God Man. We couldn't avoid that shiznit for 2000 miles worth
of roadtripping through southern Europe a couple of weeks ago.
Between that, "Gangnam Style", some Justin Bieber song and "Scream
& Shout" you'd be led to believe these stations have a four song least until they break stride with three songs by Bruno
Mars in a row, invariably punctuated by "Someone Like You" by
Adele. Geez.
OK, so making lemonade out of lemons I did make one interesting
observation. Check out this lyric from what's an otherwise
completely worthless, overproduced pop monstrosity with a
completely incongruous flow to it:
"And all the other boys try to chase me, but here's my
call me, maybe?"
Aha...see that? The girl clearly likes the guy...a LOT. And before
giving him her number, she drops EXACTLY the kind of line I'm
talking about here.
Rhetorically speaking, it goes without saying that she's NOT hoping
the guy "gets lost".
So like other women who would have us know how popular they are
with other dudes, she's attempting to tap into the power of
perceived social proof to gain approval from him also.
You know, just in case he isn't yet in the fold with those who
quickly adore her.
Can you see how that's working there?
After all, as all good salespeople know "people buy on the approval
of others".
Following logically, you can now see that it's all nothing more
than good old-fashioned approval seeking.
Yes...the ill-advised type that tends to make people look needy or
even desperate when overplayed.
There you have another reason why women probably shouldn't play
that particular card.
But alas, they do. And they sure LOVE to, don't they?
Well, from now on you'll know what she's REALLY trying to tell you
when that happens.
Be Good,
Mr Guru
24-11-2018, 11:37 AM
Good morning.
DGAD attitude is good.
Nice post below.
Will try.
Good morning!
My return to Gotham City is imminent. I hv already sent my long term mistresses back to their respective hometowns. TH will stay in SG n since I don't give her anything while I'm away, I don't care if she finds another BF...
There is a subject which has fascinated me:
DGAD Attitude.
This is what attracts women, THE one secret that makes 'Bad Boy' or BB so successful n addictive to women. We should hv this attitude ingrained in our subconscious mind n we must jettison all the other obnoxious n negative attributes of a BB. Then we can beat a BB at his own game hahaha.
Bro WB
I also used Bro WB's method unknowingly. I was at a gym with there were 3 gals doing warmups. I managed to get 2 of them for MFF.
Bro WB
Unknowingly I had used your method below to clinch my long awaited hod bod gf. Story goes like this. I was at a cafe and she was sitting with another girl chatting for an hour. Her friend called for the bill and paid. This girl that I fancied went to the toilet outside of the cafe mall. So I get up and followed her. Saw he went in toilet and I waited outside. Just when she came out of toilet, I chat up with her. I wasn't sure where I got the courage to chat with her but my inner self told me I must do so otherwise I may regret for life.
She wasn't sure she should exchange contact but after a while she gave in and just key in her numbers in my phone. I dialed to ensure is her correct number. Initially she wasn't keen to chat on social apps but after couple of months we chat daily.
Dated her and answer no but didn't give up. Till one day she said let's go out for drink and she confided in me that she broke up with her bf. Rest is history.
So below post is totally the essence of the story.
Glad I didn't give up.
Happy weekend.
24-11-2018, 06:21 PM
Good evening.
Will try DGAD attitude too.
Good morning.
DGAD attitude is good.
Nice post below.
Will try.
28-11-2018, 02:12 AM
Good morning.
DGAD attitude is good.
Nice post below.
Will try.
Bro, tks.
Be non-needy and non-reactive.
I also used Bro WB's method unknowingly. I was at a gym with there were 3 gals doing warmups. I managed to get 2 of them for MFF.
Bro, kudos to u!
Good evening.
Will try DGAD attitude too.
Bro, give us your feedback.
Good morning to all samsters,
Here is an e-mail from a guru on a topic I hv written many times before. It affects most men and women. It's an intractable and destructive disease.
What's the biggest turn off of all turn offs?
Got a question the other day from a reader wondering what the biggest turn off of all is to a woman.
But, because a lot of my readers are women, I gotta show them some love ;)
And, this problem is universal.
You know what it is, right?
You've seen me talk about it several times this month because it's the theme for this November.
Needy behavior is the quickest way to the friend zone if you're trying to get into a relationship.
It's the quickest way into the "no sex zone" if you're currently in a relationship.
And, if you keep up that needy behavior, you best believe that your partner will find someone who's less needy to be with (often times behind your back).
Yes, it's truly the biggest turn off to both men and women.
I've ended relationships with needy women, just like women have dumped me because I was too needy.
It's one of those universal traits that humans are naturally disgusted by.
No one likes a needy man or woman. It's why I often tell men to stop chasing women and let her come to you.
Because men are generally the leaders in a relationship, wonderful things can happen when a man puts an end to his neediness.
But what about the women?
It's a bit different but under the same umbrella.
The thing with men is that they'll often pretend to be into a woman just so they can sleep with her.
Once he sleeps with her, he's satisfied and no longer wants her around, lol...
He wants to be left alone so he can do his own thing. If the woman gets needy with him, you can expect him to get angry and possibly kick you out. It happens.
The woman, being madly in love with the guy, keeps pursuing him, hoping he'll "change" and treat her better.
But, he often never does and the woman is eventually heartbroken.
A woman's neediness is when she won't let the man go. She won't accept that he's just not that into her. Instead of backing off and giving him space, she tries to get his attention or nags him or whatever.
She's at his beck and call. She puts her own life on hold in order to please the man.
These are just a few of the ways that men and women are needy.
And, it's why neediness is such a crummy mentality (it comes from the Codependent mindset).
A man may hv been very confident and non-needy when dealing w/ every girl in his past. Then he meets his dream girl. All of a sudden, he becomes insecure, needy and overly reactive. She is the prize and she has all the power...the outcome will be tragic.
Same thing could happen to a very chio SYT. She has been aloof and cold to all men. Then she meets her dream man. He is the prize. She becomes needy, emotional n cries often...she is emotionally n sexually addicted.
Bro WB
28-11-2018, 09:43 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for nice thread.
Now topic include movie. Nope, never even heard of this movie.
The link is still working for those interested.
I think most PRC girls will love to go USA and not just Seattle. More likely more love to be in San Fancisco.
Hi bro,
Good morning!
Two of my mistresses and several potential GFs hv seen the new movie 北京遇上西雅图 (2013) n they love the movie, love the 2 protagonists n, best of all, they love Seattle.
The story is abt a non-WL who was BY-ed by a rich crook (who later went to jail) in Beijing. She came to Seattle to give birth. There she met a former heart specialist Frank from Beijing who was down on his luck n was working as a chauffeur...thank God he wasn't formerly from Singapore!! BTW, he is an old uncle...
All my gals want to come to Seattle to be w/ me NOW hahaha. They want to stay as long as I want them to. I said definitely, but later...
Seattle is a romantic city. It's scenic n air quality is very good, unlike Beijing.
Here is a review of the movie:
I'll try to watch it. My lao po said she would like to watch it again w/ me. I think it's not available yet in SG.
Has any bros seen the movie? Your comments?
Bro WB
28-11-2018, 09:46 AM
Seattle raining is a myth.
Thanks to bro WB.
Dear bro,
No, it doesn't.
The wide held belief that Seattle is a very rainy city is a myth, but one that Seattleites want to perpetuate. Why? The city is too nice and clean and they don't want too many outsiders to pollute it, hahaha.
There r many cloudy days and it often drizzles, but the average annual rainfall is less than half of that in SG. It ranks 44th among major cities in the US, behind New York, Houston, Boston, etc. Less than Tokyo and Shanghai.
Bro WB
28-11-2018, 09:50 AM
Bro WB
Very nice post from guru below.
Now I knew what women wants from a MAN.
Women really want:
- 1. A guy who is taller than them.
- 2. A guy who can provide for their future.
- 3. A guy who is great in bed.
- 4. A guy who can make them laugh.
Not sure if only 1 or 2 out 4 will make the r/s last.
Or if only all 3 and not 2, can the r/s lasts?
We don't fully understand what women want...
Here is a brief discussion written by a noted Ang Moh guru.
What Women REALLY Want In A Man
Hey Bro Warbird,
Here's a short list for you.
Women really want:
- A guy who is taller than them.
- A guy who can provide for their future.
- A guy who is great in bed.
- A guy who can make them laugh.
Sound familiar?
Well, I've got news for you: NONE OF THESE
Of course, a guy who has these qualities may
find it easier to get an AUDITION with a woman -
but ONLY an audition.
It's not the deciding factor.
Think about it! How many examples can you think
of, for EACH of these qualities, where a guy has
that desirable quality, BUT STILL STRUGGLES WITH
Yes, women prefer men who are taller than them.
But does this mean that tall men automatically
find it easy to get women?
How about rich men? Do the owners of companies
and apartment buildings find themselves swarmed
over by women the moment they make their first
million? Do they find it easy to get sex, a
girlfriend, or a wife, just because they're rich?
I don't know any guys who are great in bed (for
reasons that should be obvious to you), but I know
that if a guy can't ATTRACT a woman, she's never
going to be able to find out whether he can make
it between the sheets or not.
And guys who can make women laugh don't
necessarily have success with women, either. In
fact, many guys use jokes and humor as a way to
get female attention, only to have that woman
laugh along with them ... and then categorize them
as a FRIEND.
So what's going on here? Why are women so
They SAY they like tall guys. They SAY they
want a man who can make them laugh. And they ALL
say they want a man with a good sense of humor,
who is also sensitive and considerate.
So what's the story? Why is it that so many
men, with some, if not ALL, of these desirable
qualities - men who would probably make fantastic
lovers, boyfriends, and husbands - are waking up
alone every morning?
It's because women are actually not that good
at figuring out what they want.
That's why.
And hey - it's not just WOMEN who have this
problem. EVERYONE does it. Studies have shown that
humans, as a general rule, almost ALWAYS
significantly overestimate how happy something is
going to make them.
In other words, it's been scientifically proven
They know what they THINK they want - which is
why your female friends and sisters are so happy
to tell you what the qualities of The Ideal Man
would be - but that's not the same as what they
Another way of saying this might be that they
can't tell you the qualities that they ACTUALLY
find attractive in a man.
Here's the deal: all the tallness and humor in
the world is NEVER going to help you, unless you
That's it. That's the ONLY key.
You need to be able to know how to trigger that
magical feeling of ATTRACTION in a woman.
And then you know what else? When you know how
to do that, things like height, looks, and money
For example, I've got a couple of friends who
are pretty short, by most people's standards.
One's about 5'5", the other's about 5'3".
That's not tall by ANYBODY'S standards. Not
even Japanese women.
These men are perfectly aware that many women
believe they want a tall man. (Notice how I said
"BELIEVE they want"?) But they have BOTH come to
the conclusion, through their own personal
research "in the field" that their height only
becomes a problem if they allow it to affect their
One of them phrased it like this: "It's not the
shortness that's the problem. It's the LACK OF
CONFIDENCE that the shortness produces in the man
that's the problem."
He knows that he is one cool dude, and that he
could very well represent the best experience that
a woman will EVER have. And so he decided not to
let his shortness hamper him.
Now, whenever he's talking to an attractive
woman who is also taller than him, he'll throw
something out there like, "So, I see that you're
tall. Gee. (pause pause pause for effect) So does
that make it hard to, like, buy shoes? Do you find
that, being so tall, your long long feet won't fit
into all the pretty little girly shoes out there?"
... and he just roughs them up.
But here's the catch: he does it in THE MOST
Incidentally, due to the ease with which you
can misconstrue the written word, I feel compelled
to point out here that he always says this kind of
stuff with a BIIIG cheeky grin ... and makes it VERY
clear that he's 'just kidding' (without actually
coming out and SAYING so) ...
... so that she knows he's giving her a hard time
on purpose, and not just being a rude knucklehead.
(If you've ever tried teasing a woman, you'll
know that the risk involved is directly
proportionate to how expressionless you are, and
how little you know the woman.)
But I digress ...
The point here is that these men are LIVING
EXAMPLES of my point, which is that:
a) Women don't really know what they want
b) If you can make her feel ATTRACTION, she
will forget any preconceived notions of what she
THOUGHT she wanted, and will go with what works
c) It's up to YOU to SHOW HER what she wants.
You can bet that none of the women those 2 friends
of mine hook up with woke up in the morning and
thought, "Gosh, I sure hope I hook up with a short
guy tonight!" Nope, they THOUGHT they wanted a
So if you know how to make a woman feel
And fortunately, there are tried and true,
PROVEN patterns of behavior, body language, and
speech that appeal to women and flick their
attraction switches.
1. The body language that women find attractive
is the body language of an alpha male: cool, calm,
confident, and in control. (Hint: body language
supersedes the spoken word by about a million
percent in terms of how it demonstrates your
value. It doesn't matter what you SAY, unless your
body language backs it up.)
2. Speech: use a deep and resonant voice, and
speak SLOWLY. Inserting pauses into your speech is
an extremely effective way to sound confident and
Speaking too fast is a sign of a deep lack of
self-confidence (you talk fast out of a fear the
other person will lose interest, basically.)
Speaking slooooowly, and inserting a pause of 1
second (a count of ONE-one-thousand) between TWO
3. Behavior: well, this one's more complex.
I'll start by saying that all of your behaviors
should demonstrate high social value. The more
PASSIONATE and CONFIDENT you are (passionate, in
this context, meaning INTERESTED in whatever it is
you're talking about or doing) the higher your
value. The less supplicative and needy you are,
and the more impervious to other people's opinions
you seem, the higher your value. Self-referenced
(as opposed to externally referenced) men are HIGH
Learning how to create attraction is the MECCA
of success with women. It is the all-embracing
recipe for mind-blowing and CONSISTENT success. It
is something that all men want to learn ... but very
few do.
This isn't because men are dumb, or because the
information is difficult to grasp. In fact, it's
actually very EASY once you figure out what to do.
And once you've mastered THAT, you can move on
to the more advanced stuff:
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
Mr. Guru
I like to add that:
Hope X Uncertainty = Attraction (Passion)
Therefore, no Hope, zero Attraction. No uncertainty, zero attraction.
Big Hope and lots of Uncertainty = Massive Attraction?
Bro WB
28-11-2018, 02:15 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for nice thread.
Now topic include movie. Nope, never even heard of this movie.
The link is still working for those interested.
I think most PRC girls will love to go USA and not just Seattle. More likely more love to be in San Fancisco.
Bro, thanks.
Bro WB
Very nice post from guru below.
Now I knew what women wants from a MAN.
Women really want:
- 1. A guy who is taller than them.
- 2. A guy who can provide for their future.
- 3. A guy who is great in bed.
- 4. A guy who can make them laugh.
Not sure if only 1 or 2 out 4 will make the r/s last.
Or if only all 3 and not 2, can the r/s lasts?
Bro, tks.
You got this completely wrong.
Pls read what the guru wrote.
Bro WB
28-11-2018, 08:14 PM
Never heard of this movie too.
Anyway thanks for a wonderful thread Bro WB.
Bro WB
Thank you for nice thread.
Now topic include movie. Nope, never even heard of this movie.
The link is still working for those interested.
I think most PRC girls will love to go USA and not just Seattle. More likely more love to be in San Fancisco.
28-11-2018, 09:11 PM
I think it is a myth too.
Great thread here, Bro WB.
Seattle raining is a myth.
Thanks to bro WB.
29-11-2018, 11:35 AM
Learnt a lot from this thread, thanks bro WB.
Please continue sharing :)
01-12-2018, 09:41 AM
Bro WB
A few simple words express the whole meaning of the paradigm of picking gals. Agreed that separates men and boys.
Lack of confidence kills many processes in the way. Just not about picking up gals and apply to everything.
Life is short and must enjoy fullest.
Hi bro ahpui99,
Your flattering words make me speechless...
You're spot on. Self control and DGAD attitude is THE SECRET that separates the men from the boys.
Making girls emotionally and sexually addicted is a arduous process. Be careful, don't get addicted yourself.
I hv learnt a lot too.
.................................................. ..
Good morning!
"It's not the shortness that's the problem. It's the LACK OF
CONFIDENCE that the shortness produces in the man
that's the problem."
Put in another way, It's not 'shortness' or any other self perceived shortcomings (in looks, weight, age, physical defects, educational level, intelligence, financial and social status, ethnic group, creed, nationality, etc) that's the problem. It's the lack of confidence that the self perceived shortcoming produces in the man that's the problem.
The big scar between actor Joaquin Phoenix's lip and nose is obvious. Many men w/ such defect will be shy and withdrawn.That would be a big problem.
Take a look at two other celebrities: Nick Vujicic n Sean Stephenson. Quite amazing.
Bro WB
01-12-2018, 09:46 AM
Another great article to read. Thanks bro WB.
If I am the person will never marry till I am ready to settle down. Raising the bar will be key and expects to get more gals that meets the higher bar.
In many r/s marriage spoil the whole plan. Makes the couple very miserable trying too hard to please.
Really admire bro WB ability to handle all his LPs. I am trying to steal some of his secrets here.
Wish all happy weekend.
Good morning!
I received an e-mail from a RS guru yesterday. Although the topic is not directly related to this thread, it's a problem many of us will face, sooner or later. It's a situation which may arise in any long-term male-female RS, whether the gal/woman is a spouse, GF, lao po or mistress, etc.
"What To Do If You Get A Girlfriend But "The Grass Is Greener" Elsewhere"
Mr Guru,
I need to ask you a question.
I am in a VERY happy relationship. I am going to get engaged very
soon. But in my day-to-day encounters I do work with or interact
with attractive and cool women.
Since I work in a large group, there are some people at my
workplace that I don't see on a daily basis but enough to have
regular conversations.
I have an ongoing dilemma on how to deal with particular women at
Take for example a girl named Christina I work with.
She is super cool and very attractive. But if I continue to
interact with her, inevitably I will end up wanting to get to know
her more, get a big crush on her, and maybe even starting thinking,
"Man, the grass might be greener here."
Maybe this is just a man's tendency to want variety. As I said, I
love my g/f dearly, so it's not secondary to unhappiness with my g/f.
So I can pursue a stronger friendship / more interaction with
Christina at work, because I am physically and personality wise
attracted to her...but at risk of torturing myself since I will
fall for her but not do anything about it (the ultimate masochism).
Or worst-case scenario I'll fall for her so hard that I compromise
my relationship with my g/f.
This Christina girl is just one there have been many
Christinas in the past who I usually end up AVOIDING to not create
drama in my life.
What do you think?
XX (Chicago, IL)
Thanks for the great e-mail, Bro XX.
So why is it that women named "Christina" always seem to be hotties?
Here's the cold hard fact of the matter: If you are still gazing
at "greener pastures", you're either not ready to get married
because there is more left to be done in your dating life, more
deep-thinking ahead first, or because you *could* be settling.
I hear you telling me that you have a great relationship with a
woman whom you intend to marry, and that you couldn't be happier.
And I greatly admire your discipline with regard to not wanting to
compromise that relationship in any way. Big ups for that.
But YOUR genuine concern over the possibility of being drawn away
by another woman concerns ME also.
Taking your message to me at face value, I'm pretty sure that if
you were able to make the "Christinas" of the world a "non-issue",
then you would be an even happier man than you may now even realize
is possible.
Some will be quick to say this is an "unrealistic" explanation.
But much like, "you can never understand women", such is the battle
cry of those who SETTLE.
When you've met the one who wins your heart forever, other women
will melt into the background insofar as any real desire for
romantic involvement is concerned.
Hang with me here and I'll show you what I mean by that.
This does NOT mean that no other women are ever going to be
attractive or endearing to you ever again. And you *can* acquire the
skill set of enjoying femininity without requiring sexual
fulfillment to come from it, by the way.
(And that is REALLY COOL, opening the doors wide-open to GREATLY
ENHANCED day-to-day interactions.)
What it DOES mean is that you never, EVER second-guess the decision
you made to be with one woman, because you always keep the
perspective of having been through the dating process and having
made your decision from a position of ABSOLUTE STRENGTH and a
The greatest woman you've ever met--your "100 out of 100"--will
literally COMPEL you to cut ties with the other women you've been
seeing until then.
No kidding, man. I wouldn't have believed it myself five years ago.
And there's no compromise when that happens. No "giving away your
manhood", "sacrificing your freedom" or anything negative at all,
really. It will have been YOUR decision...and a GOOD one.
And you'll be able to tuck away that definitive notion for safe
keeping over the long-haul, no matter how many hotties catch your
eye over the years to come.
I have to be honest with you here though Bro XX.
My first thought after reading your message was that if you REALLY
believe Christina might possibly be the kind of woman who could be
better for you than your current girlfriend, then perhaps you
haven't "raised the bar" high enough just yet as far as the person
you are going to spend the rest of your life with successfully.
If that doesn't resonate with you, and you are indeed firmly
convinced that your current girlfriend is the greatest woman you've
ever met, then so be it.
Nonetheless, If you ARE second guessing yourself on the possibility
of being sexually drawn to other women such that it would
compromise your current relationship, it's time for some hard
The questions to ask yourself include:
1) Are you comparing your girlfriend to someone you don't know as
This is always a loser of an idea. There's too much opportunity
for idealism there. I can't tell you how many guys blow a
long-term relationship for a fling with a new chick only to wonder
what they've done when she quickly falls short of expectations as
he "gets to know her better".
2) Have you really dated enough women to know EXACTLY who you're
looking for?
Your girlfriend MAY BE the greatest woman in the world for you.
But unless you have a firm grasp of what you want, you'll never
really know if you've found it.
3) Is it YOUR DECISION to get married?
Do you WANT to get married, or do you simply fear losing a great
woman? Are you DONE dating, or does the timing feel a bit premature?
Please know that you may indeed be able to resolve all of these
questions VERY successfully vis-à-vis your current relationship.
If so, I imagine your resolve will be rock-solid going forward.
If not, you may be frustrated now (as may she), but take it from
the guy who has been in front of a judge before and paid the
divorce lawyer richly for my trouble.
It's like the old Fram Oil Filter commercial: "You can pay now, or
you can pay later".
Be Good,
Mr Guru
Hi Gang,
Think twice before u get hitched. Never settle for a girl/woman out of pity, family pressure or obligations. Never ever settle period.
Mr Guru is a puritan! I hv a spouse, a long-term mistress n I still do shorter term BYs n eat outside regularly haha.
Bro WB
01-12-2018, 10:53 AM
Yes, definitely must enjoy to the fullest.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
God bless.
Bro WB
A few simple words express the whole meaning of the paradigm of picking gals. Agreed that separates men and boys.
Lack of confidence kills many processes in the way. Just not about picking up gals and apply to everything.
Life is short and must enjoy fullest.
01-12-2018, 02:10 PM
Another great article to read. Thanks bro WB.
If I am the person will never marry till I am ready to settle down. Raising the bar will be key and expects to get more gals that meets the higher bar.
In many r/s marriage spoil the whole plan. Makes the couple very miserable trying too hard to please.
Really admire bro WB ability to handle all his LPs. I am trying to steal some of his secrets here.
Wish all happy weekend.
Fully agreed, a truly great article by bro WB.
Have a nice weekend.
02-12-2018, 09:50 AM
I hv some musings on the subject of cheonging n BY-ing.
In the last 6 months I hv had difficulty maintaining an erection whenever I put on CD. I feel very little, even w/ the thinnest ones.
However, I hv had no problems at all when I do raw w/ my long term mistresses. As a result I hv done fewer ST or short term BY.
I suspect that many bros hv similar problem w/ CD.
A word of warning. Doing raw w/ any girl/woman carries some risks even if she is ur spouse. Sadly, over 50% of legal wives cheat. Nothing in this world is 100% foolproof. I do advise testing her n yourself w/ Oraquick for HIV every 2 months.
Your wife/spouse/mistress/GF/lover will be much less inclined to cheat if she is sexually addicted to u. And the best way to get her addicted is to give her regular penetrative vaginal orgasms PVOs. I hv alluded to this fact in the past.
A woman will feel empty n discontented if she doesn't experience regular PVOs, often w/o knowing the cause herself. It's all in her subconscious mind.
The other day I just received the following newsletter related to this vital subject from a guru..
I don't agree w/ the guru that it takes at least 20 min to give a woman PVOs. if you can prime the pump by giving her clitoral n/or G spot orgasms using ur fingers, tongue, etc. first, lasting 10 min is more than sufficient.
I also don't agree that if u can't get give ur woman regular PVOs she can never be really attracted to u. Or that she will never love or be addicted to u. In the short term, say a few yrs, she can be addicted to u n love u.
BUT, in longer term, she will lose her love or addiction for u IF you can't give her regular PVOs. It's a CERTAINTY.
Bro WB
I think many senior guys aged above 50 may encountered such incidents. With condom on the erection diminished. Not sure if you had tried using viagra or cialis then capped. Think it may help.
Recently read about using electrical waves to stimulate the blood vessels around the penis. Not sure how successful this method.
Anyway nice thread here and thanks.
Have a nice Sunday.
02-12-2018, 10:03 AM
Here is what he sent me:
Hi Bro Warbird,
Sex Secret # 1: Oral Sex Alone Is Never Enough To Truly Please A Woman!
A lot of guys think that going down on a girl is the best way to make her happy in bed.
I know, because I used to be one of these guys :)
But now, after having been with a whole lot of women, I can tell you that is absolutely FALSE.
Sure, girls like a guy who knows how to go down... but if you REALLY want to blow her mind, you've gotta first rock her BODY...
And the way to do that is through good ole' fashioned penetration sex!
You probably already know that women are biologically programmed to want penetration from a man... the same way we are programmed to want to penetrate a woman.
But what most guys DON'T know is this:
The orgasms a woman gets from penetration sex are literally TEN TIMES as intense and powerful as any orgasm she can get by any other means!
Ask any woman and she'll tell you... no tongue or vibrator will ever replace her craving to have a man inside of her.
But here's what's REALLY crazy...
Sex Secret #2: Women Don't Just LOVE Penetration Orgasms... They Actually Need Them!
Here's another CRAZY secret most guys don't know...
When you have sex with a woman, a special chemical is released in her brain that tells her whether or not you are a good mate.
I'm no scientist and I cannot spell the name :) but I do know the more of this chemical that is released, the more she becomes attracted to you.
If you ejaculate too quickly, her brain doesn't have time to register that she is having sex, and nothing happens.
On the other hand, if you last long enough to give her a penetration orgasm, her brain is literally FLOODED with this chemical!
She immediately becomes sexually addicted to you... and sees you as "the one" for her.
Women NEED this chemical in order to tell if a guy is the right mate... and if you can't give her a penetration orgasm, she's not gonna get it.
The next secret I had to learn the hard way...
Sex Secret # 3: If You CAN'T Give A Woman A Penetration Orgasm, She Can Never REALLY Be Attracted To You!
Because of this biological need a woman has for penetration orgasms... if a guy can't give her one, she begins to see him as less of a man.
This is ESPECIALLY TRUE if a guy she was with before you was good in bed...
When this happens, she starts to worry she is with the wrong man... and thinks about going back to her ex, or finding a new guy.
The BUMMER is that this happens no matter how perfect you are for her in every other way!
No matter how well your personalities click, and no matter how much fun you have together, if you're not giving a woman orgasms from actual penetration sex, her brain subconsciously tells her to find someone who will.
I learned this the hard way when a girl I was in love with cheated on me and then left me for another guy.
It wasn't until many years later I figured out what the problem was (I'll explain in a minute)... but first, get this...
Sex Secret # 4: Giving A Woman A Penetration Orgasm Can Actually Be Easy...
A lot of men make the mistake of thinking they need to be "huge", or know some kind of special technique to give a woman a penetration orgasm.
All it takes is a firm, steady motion... and being able to last at least 20 minutes in bed.
It has NOTHING to do with your size, and your technique isn't that important either.
All that's important is that you can LAST LONG ENOUGH for her to have one!
Women aren't like us men. I know you've heard that women like a lot of foreplay. That's true. Because everything takes longer for a woman.
It takes longer for her to get warmed up and ready for sex... and it takes longer for her to get off.
Let me say this in a different way:
It doesn't take "tricks" to give your girl a penetration orgasm... but it does take TIME.
But... once you go the distance, it happens by itself!
I know what you're thinking. If you're like I used to be, lasting 20 minutes seems like an eternity in bed...
I used to be lucky if I lasted 2 minutes :) .................
Mr. Guru
What a nice guru post.
Agreed that oral sex is not enough for any woman. I ever experienced a woman who gets so upset after I shot early and she hasn't cum.
The whole day she blackface and did not want to talk to me. So I made up the evening and let her cum and cum. Then she relief and much more friendllier.
A woman if wanted sex and she didn't gets it will ruined her and partner's day. Dun be surprised no lunch or dinner serve.
Well this is reality of life.
Happy Sunday.
02-12-2018, 10:04 AM
Good morning!
What is foreplay?
Some RS masters hv mentioned that 'foreplay' begins the second you meet the gal of ur type for the very first time n is a continuous process...
But for most men, foreplay begins inside the bedroom n includes hugging, touching, massaging, kissing n using the fingers, mouth n tongue to give the gal clitoral n g spot orgasms a few times. It will take abt 25-30 min. This should be followed by penetrative vaginal sex for 10-15 min, so that she will experience continuous orgasms. Longer than 20 min is not necessary.
While you r eating her pussy, you could use a finger to stimulate her ass. It will double her pleasure. You may also feel rhythmic contractions of her anal sphincters which is an objective sign of orgasm.
BTW, in a longer term RS, every healthy gal secretly wants u to eat her pussy n tickle her ass. Once she is comfortable w/ u playing her ass, you could easily do AJ on her, if u want to. I hv little interest in AJ though.
Regular PVOs is most satisfying physically, psychologically n emotionally for a gal/woman. There is no substitute in a long term RS, IMHO.
Your comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
Very nice article post above.
Hope to continue reading.
02-12-2018, 12:34 PM
Bro WB
I think many senior guys aged above 50 may encountered such incidents. With condom on the erection diminished. Not sure if you had tried using viagra or cialis then capped. Think it may help.
Recently read about using electrical waves to stimulate the blood vessels around the penis. Not sure how successful this method.
Anyway nice thread here and thanks.
Have a nice Sunday.
Electrical waves may help.
02-12-2018, 03:41 PM
Very nice article post above.
Hope to continue reading.
Fully agreed, very nice post.
Have a nice weekend.
02-12-2018, 07:59 PM
What a nice guru post.
Agreed that oral sex is not enough for any woman. I ever experienced a woman who gets so upset after I shot early and she hasn't cum.
The whole day she blackface and did not want to talk to me. So I made up the evening and let her cum and cum. Then she relief and much more friendllier.
A woman if wanted sex and she didn't gets it will ruined her and partner's day. Dun be surprised no lunch or dinner serve.
Well this is reality of life.
Happy Sunday.
Indeed a nice guru post.
Very cool thread here and so many responses.
Bro WB - congrats and keep this thread moving to sustain more years.
Indeed to start a conversation to many guys weren't a problem but to a shy chap that may be a humongous mountain to climb.
I have a few friends that were always shy to approach women but willing to go call hoes. So each time will just pay and settle. Finding gfs to them will deemed to be troublesome.
Nothing is right or wrong.
Below is great educational guides for guys to strike conversation with any woman.
Bro, that is really cool!
Get them to keep talking to you while u LISTEN...
.................................................. ............................
Good morning!
Many men like to to talk about their accomplishments, possessions, status, wealth, power, sexual prowess, women, etc. Very bad idea. I hv been an offender too. Instead of talking, we should LISTEN n LISTEN.
The other day I received an e-mail on the subject 'How to Get Beautiful Women to Talk to You!'
Bro Warbird,
This simple secret changed my life forever.
And it transformed me from the loneliest man I've ever known to the man I am today
- with dozens of close friends, a powerful social network, and three gorgeous girlfriends (who I've been dating for years)... as well as other women, who come and go.
The secret is this:
Getting over your fear of starting a conversation and talking to people is the secret to having an active social life, tons of friends, action whenever you want it and the hottest girlfriend you can possibly imagine.
The "Stop Talking" Technique...
The secret to meeting people... getting over your fear of starting a conversations... and the secret to making people interested in you is simple:
You want to change your goal from impressing someone through talking to them, to letting them impress you, while you listen.
This seems very simple, but it's incredibly profound. Let me show you how it changes EVERYTHING:
Most people are stuck in lives they only kinda like.
Some people live lives they absolutely hate.
And for better or worse, most WOMEN feel very frustrated. They feel like nobody HEARS them. Or listens to them. Or understands them on a deep level.
However, when you start a conversation with a woman... what do you do?
You try to "talk her into submission!"
You tell her this amazing thing... or use this incredible line... or try to impress her with your confidence...
... While the whole time, SHE just wants to let off steam. And impress you with her amazing interests... incredible lines... and show you HER sexuality and confidence.
So you have this battle between two people who are both trying to "talk the other one into submission."
Really, truly, it's a mess. And it's a miracle people can talk to each other at all.
So next time you talk to a woman you like... or a guy you want to be friends with... you're simply gonna do this:
1) You're gonna start the conversation. This part is EASY. It's SIMPLE. You can say "Hi." You can say "Hey." You can say whatever you want. Your only goal is to get them to stop, make eye contact, and say "Hello" back to you.
2) Then instead of trying to talk them to death, you're going to say, "So, tell me a little about yourself. What do you like to do?"
3) And then you listen. You say, "Wow. That's interesting. Why do you like to do that?" You ask them questions. You listen. You nod when they say something.
And you add your own stories or insights when the time is right. But mostly, you just try to listen. You soak up all the information you can.
Then, after about two to five minutes, you have to make a decision: Do you want this person in your life or not?
If you say yes, you tell them, "Hey. I had a really nice time talking to you. I'm really glad I met you. We should hang out sometime. What's your number?"
And if you don't, you say, "Hey. Sorry to interrupt you, but I really have to run. It was great meeting you, and enjoy the rest of your day!"
This works because it's so unique. And because you get to choose whether or not you want this person in your life. Why be afraid of meeting new people when YOU'RE doing the choosing?
Why be scared when YOU decide where this relationship - or friendship - is going?
What's the risk? What do you have to lose?
And that's the secret.
When you make this shift in the way you talk to people, you can't lose. You can grab friends or girlfriends right off the street without risking rejection. Or risk saying the wrong thing. Or risk the fear wiping your mind clean of anything to say, before you get the words out of your mouth.
I truly believe this "Stop Talking" Technique is the most powerful thing I've ever learned about meeting new people.
So before I go any further, I want to give you a quick tip you can apply RIGHT now with women.
I want you to think of three questions you wish a woman would ask you about what kind of man you are.
Now translate these questions so they'd make sense if you asked a woman. In other words, ask women the questions you want them to ask you.
Let me give a couple examples.
I'm extremely passionate about my job, and I would love it if a woman asked me, "So what do you like best about your job?"
Now this would really get me talking.
I would say, "Well it's incredibly rewarding to see guys transform into better men right before my very eyes. I always feel a great sense of accomplishment and fulfillment every time a workshop comes to an end."
Now imagine if you asked a woman this same question!
Here's another one. I love to talk about culture - art, movies, music, books.
So I always get excited when women ask me about my favorite movies, bands, books, etc.
So here's a question to try:
"If you could make any kind of movie, what would it be about? Who would be your leading man/lady? Why?"
"If you could make a living doing any kind of art, what would it be? Photography? Sculpture? Something really strange and avant garde?"
Every woman wants to be listened to.
Your Friend,
Mr. VK
For some reason i have really bad experiences with Thai girls i mean they are know to be gentle and stuff but why i don't find them ever gentle at least the ones i met. :confused: but chinese taiwan korean viet girls are all okay to me but just thais..... and to my suprise most of my friends actually like thai girls is there something wrong with me lol :cool: hope is not out of topic
When I was traveling around on biz trip, I have no problem with women from various countries or cities.
Let me just give a brief on what I think personally (someone meat maybe another one poison)
Thai women -
these women can be simple and yet sophisticated. Simple depends on their family been poor and living a simple life. The more sophisticated women will be from the higher earning groups or richer family. The women will be chaffeur driven and behave well. All these women will still treat their partners well and very passionate.
Indonesia women -
my experience with these Indonesian women are mostly from the entertaining nightlife. I hardly have any biz partner who were women. The nightlife women varied from aged and where they work. The were not passionate enough and will never get the same gfe as Thai women.
Malaysia women -
here have to separate the race because just different. Malay women will give better sex gfe than chinese. However still missing the passionate gfe of thais.
PRC women -
this woman will be mostly very money minded and provide great service if you are regular and not so great service if you are unknown. However most unsatisfactory service can be from this group.
Vietnam women -
will termed these women as a in between the thais and the prc. Can be spicy hot or gentle dove. Really depends where and how experience they were.
Never did try Indian, Caucasian, etc.
Bro WB
Thanks for a nice post below.
Fully agreed with the author.
Good morning!
A few days ago a RS n sex guru sent me the following article on 'Black Magic Words' that will turn a beautiful woman on n make her dripping wet w/o her realizing why.
In my personal expereince, every girl has a playful, dark, wild n animal side which can be unleashed if u know how. She has to trust u 100% n she has to know for sure u won't judge her.
I won't go into details the words I hv used w/ my lao po n mistress. There r dirty n animalistic even when I use euphemisms. 你要我做小狗? 大狗?哈哈哈。。。
Here is the article.
Hi Bro Warbird,
Have you ever wanted to leave a hot woman speechless? Turn her polite smile into a genuine wicked grin?
All you need to know are a few key, powerful and dangerous words.
Black Magic Words
But before we get to that, let me ask you a question: Why was language invented?
If there's one true thing we've learned from Hollywood it's that it wasn't invented to communicate - but to seduce women!
And tell me, how do you expect to do that if you don't know the Black Magic Words?
These Black Magic Words are some of the darkest, dirtiest phrases in the English Language.
You wouldn't dare say them to a woman's face. But trust me, if you know how to whisper them into a woman's ear, you will witness some of the most amazing and shocking effects:
* You WILL turn her on without her realizing it!
* You can make a woman INSTANTLY fall for you, even if you are only average-looking. In fact, this is the very secret the regular Joes you see walking hand in hand with Hollywood hotties use.
* You can use these magic words on a woman you're "just friends with." Then sit back and smile as you see her stripping naked just for you.
...But that's not even the best part. You would think something so powerful would take you a long time to master, but no. The Black Magic Words are easy to learn. You can literally start learning them NOW and master a new one each ten minutes!
I am so sure that they work, that I am going to offer you the first three for FREE.
Let's begin:
Black Magic Phrase Number One:
* Deep Inside
"What does it feel like, deep inside you?"
Sounds Dirty, doesn't it? It should. This simple expression conjures very explicit images and the sounds of women moaning. Best of all, it doesn't matter how innocent the woman is, she is unconsciously wired to associate these naughty thoughts when she hears "deep inside". All you need to do is find the proper context to make her fantasize whenever you want.
Try slipping them into your normal conversations:
Her:" Oh my god! This ice cream is to die for!"
You:" Really? Tell me how does it feel, deep inside you?"
Black Magic Phrase Number Two:
* Dripping (Wet)
"Be careful now, it's dripping down your chin..."
This black magic phrase is even more sensual than deep inside. It will drive sensual women even wilder.
Imagine how often you get the opportunity to slip on of these into a casual conversation for devastating effects:
The SITUATION: It's raining and she forgot to bring an umbrella. Don't just state the plain and obvious "It's raining." It's boring! Try this out instead:
"Oh baby, look at you! You're just dripping wet..."
Black Magic Phrase Number Three:
* Come (For Me)
"I love it when you come for me..."
We all want to come. Women fantasize about this just as much as men. So this Black Magic phrase will put her EXACTLY in the right spot and will drive her wild:
Her:" OK. I guess I'll see you later then."
You: "I can't wait for you to come."
Still not convinced? Here some more proof that it works every time:
* TV Networks will slip them about everywhere: Soap Operas, Reality TV, Talk Shows, etc...and viewers almost never notice them. What's the result? Ratings go through the roof! (Especially in the category "Women 18-34 years old")
* Exotic Tourism Advertising relentlessly penetrates young women's minds with these black magic words. Last year, thousands of gorgeous young women abandoned their inhibitions and morals and flew to Cancun, Mexico.
...So if you have a crush on a beautiful woman, just shove one of these Black Magic Phrases into your next conversation. She may just squeal in delight...
Your Guru
We need to know those words in Chinese if we r w/ PRC gals hahaha.
03-12-2018, 05:17 PM
Agreed, very cool thread here.
Learnt plenty from Bro WB, thanks!
Very cool thread here and so many responses.
Bro WB - congrats and keep this thread moving to sustain more years.
Indeed to start a conversation to many guys weren't a problem but to a shy chap that may be a humongous mountain to climb.
I have a few friends that were always shy to approach women but willing to go call hoes. So each time will just pay and settle. Finding gfs to them will deemed to be troublesome.
Nothing is right or wrong.
Below is great educational guides for guys to strike conversation with any woman.
03-12-2018, 11:12 PM
When I was traveling around on biz trip, I have no problem with women from various countries or cities.
Let me just give a brief on what I think personally (someone meat maybe another one poison)
Thai women -
these women can be simple and yet sophisticated. Simple depends on their family been poor and living a simple life. The more sophisticated women will be from the higher earning groups or richer family. The women will be chaffeur driven and behave well. All these women will still treat their partners well and very passionate.
Indonesia women -
my experience with these Indonesian women are mostly from the entertaining nightlife. I hardly have any biz partner who were women. The nightlife women varied from aged and where they work. The were not passionate enough and will never get the same gfe as Thai women.
Malaysia women -
here have to separate the race because just different. Malay women will give better sex gfe than chinese. However still missing the passionate gfe of thais.
PRC women -
this woman will be mostly very money minded and provide great service if you are regular and not so great service if you are unknown. However most unsatisfactory service can be from this group.
Vietnam women -
will termed these women as a in between the thais and the prc. Can be spicy hot or gentle dove. Really depends where and how experience they were.
Never did try Indian, Caucasian, etc.
When I travel around on biz trip, I tried many European women. I find Eastern European women are the best.
03-12-2018, 11:28 PM
Any of u guys frequent the food court @ Peace Centre?
Occasionally, u can see some stunning Korean singers/hostess there.
Anyone know where they work? Premium rate i guess? :D
04-12-2018, 10:17 AM
Fully agreed that is a very nice post by Bro WB.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro WB
Thanks for a nice post below.
Fully agreed with the author.
04-12-2018, 10:51 AM
After reading bro Doxx post in black magic phrase I started reading further and chanced upon this nice post. Translated to chinese.
Just want to share with all.
Good sharing WB sifu.
Yeah, I wonder what the chinese equivalent phrases are.
Perhaps (girls like to feel with their heart):
Black Magic Phrase Number One:
* Deep Inside
Black Magic Phrase Number Two:
* Dripping (Wet)
Black Magic Phrase Number Three:
* Come (For Me)
Hi bro NMRN,
Thanks so much so sharing.
I hv one: 这冰淇淋好香,真好吃, 我要慢慢的添, 轻轻的吸。。。
I invite bros here to come up w/ their own Black Magic Words in Chinese.
Bro WB
Bro WB contribution to the post.
04-12-2018, 10:56 AM
After frank discussions w/ some of my friends who r highly educated, I realize that they r completely clueless about how to give great pleasure to women. They also don't know much about the female mind and how attraction works. My friends include guys w/ doctorates in science, engineering, history, biology, physcians n MBAs...
Yesterday, I called a fellow ah pek who has lived in SZ for over 20 yrs. We talked on many subjects, including the universe n my theory that everything n every event in our known universe is predestined. He is THE smartest men I hv ever known. Orginally from Taiwan, got his double doctorate degrees in EE n nuclear engineering from a top uni in Gotham country. His wife lives in Gotham City but he spends 11 months out of a yr in China, running his businesses. His parents were from Shanghai n he speaks impeccable Mandarin, English and Taiwanese.
We had never talked about women until a few months ago when I called him on his China HP, a young woman replied hahaha. We hv since talked abt the difficulties keeping mistresses. You would think that he has an unfair advantage in that he is in SZ, China. He is also tall n very good looking. To me, he is more handsome than most Chinese actors. Looks n wealth r not that important of course. But when he lamented the fact that it's difficult to satisfy a young woman in bed, I knew he had a long way to go haha. BTW, he never heard of squirting! I hv just sent him several ebooks on sexology n attraction. He needs a lot of help hahaha.
I told him that:
In men-women attraction,
1) You're very attractive because you're very confident.
2) A girl feels what you feel.
3) Use push-pull n love-hate swings to create strong emotions
In giving pleasure to a very attractive young woman, techniques r very important but by themselves insufficient, your attitude n confidence r vital. You must be dominant n able to take the lead...She must trust u completely n be very relaxed.
Lastly, I told him that he must give his woman penetrative vaginal orgasms PVOs again n again, so that she will be sexually addicted to him. This is literally a matter of life n death if he does her raw. I also told him to check her w/ Oraquick every 3 months.
Although the challenge is to get a pretty n young woman of ur type to become sexually addicted to you. But once you hv achieved that there will be negative consequences. She may become clingy, needy n overly possesive or worse. Be prepared.
BTW, my young mistress is getting clingy n recently she requested that I downloaded a special lao po-lao gong Apple App so that we could communicate directly. She has sent me msg around the clock! I always take a long time to reply haha. She also gives hints that she wants to make love everyday!!
My two mistresses r very different. The young one is very warm, passionate, vivacious n happy. She prefers my tongue/mouth, followed by my didi. She experiences PVOs easily. My older mistress is aloof, cold n moody, w/ a hint of sadness. She prefers my magic fingers, followed by my didi haha. I eat her abalone sometimes. BUT, her orgasms r very violent n very vocal...sometimes she gives me bruises all over.
Bro WB
Bro WB post in the past already guided us what to do and how to be confident.
Thanks to him I had pick up many tips in this thread.
Will be able to look confident and try to contact with more girls.
Have a nice day.
04-12-2018, 10:59 AM
I just posted the following under "Dynasty Classic at Mount Sophia."
Good afternoon!
A friend of mine KB told me there is a singer at DC named Linda who is very pretty, around 165 in height?, early to mid 20s, with good proportionate figure.
He asks me to take a look, but I hv not BY-ed any gal less than 168 w/o shoes since Oct of 2010, hahaha. Additionally, I'm constrained by time as I sleep early. If a singer is exceptionally beautiful n has all attributes I desire, I'll wait for her to return to PRC...or just a make a deal w/ the HFJ n the gal n book her for the remaining periods of her stay, but I hv not seen such a beautiful singer yet. Some gals r very pretty n classy when seen in the joints but r quite plain n homely during the day w/o makeup hahaha.
Coming back to Linda. What is interesting, according to KB, is that she has a supporter,who is in his late 40s to early 50s, who is hanging 8k every night!
I called a HFJ legend n he thought she could be XJ from Chongqing.
However, Mummy Amy said XJ had returned to PRC n Linda is a different gal haha. Moreover, she is unaware of a patron hanging 8k every night for her. She described her as quite pretty w/ good figure. She never said very pretty, tall, fair n poised as she did when she talked abt a gal both of us hv known for a very long time.
I gave this info to my friend KB. He is apparently very impressed w/ Linda's good looks but is afraid to make a move on her cuz of her rich patron.
I'm going help KB get her.
I don't know her current patron n hv nothing against him. I wish him the best actually. But in this world we r living in, it's survival of the fittest n may the best man win! So pls don't flame me bro. It's nothing personal.
I'm going to test my hypothesis n strategies in getting the prettiest pussies of one's type addicted.
In the last 5 yrs, I hv gone after the prettiest gals of my type, either for ST or BY. If a gal steadfastly refuses ST, and if she has enuff attributes for BY, I'll offer BY.
Of the over 100 gals I hv offered BY, over 98% hv accepted, although I hv actually BY-ed less than 30 of them. About 95% in SG n close to 100% in PRC. Many gals said no initially but later said yes. Of the small % of gals who said no, most I had given up early cuz of their small boob size, which I only realized on followup.
Here is what I told KB.
Visualize that Linda is getting addicted to u. She is addicted to u cuz you're the most confident n the most attractive man in the Universe!! You're very attractive cuz you're very confident. Even if she is being BAO-ed by Carlos Slim, who has a net worth of over 60 Billion USD, she will take his money n elope w/ you!!
Visualize that you r giving her continuous penetrative vaginal orgasms she has never experienced before. You're like a drug to her. She is addicted to u n falling madly for u!!
Do it many times daily.
And you cannot fail.
Isn't life wonderful?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Another very good post in the past.
Life is definitely very wonderful.
I always find hfj a waste of money. If like the girl just offer her ST and if can do it and if not just find next target.
That is my personal opinion.
04-12-2018, 11:03 AM
Nice share, tks.
Thanks bro WB for this amazing thread.
After reading bro Doxx post in black magic phrase I started reading further and chanced upon this nice post. Translated to chinese.
Just want to share with all.
04-12-2018, 12:24 PM
Bro WB post in the past already guided us what to do and how to be confident.
Thanks to him I had pick up many tips in this thread.
Will be able to look confident and try to contact with more girls.
Have a nice day.
Yes, learnt a lot from Bro WB too.
More confident with girls now.
Thanks Bro.
04-12-2018, 03:07 PM
Good afternoon,
I returned to SG a few days ago.
This thread will enter its 11th year next June. It has been a very enjoyable n very productive journey for me. I hv learned a lot. I hv had so much fun keeping these SYTs/young women.
I hv done my best to share what I hv learned from extensive reading. I hv used my own failures and successes and those of others to illustrate the basic principles.
I hv not come across any new revelations for quite some time, despite my relentless efforts.
I really want to keep this thread going for the next 10 years. If I don't find anything new to discuss, I'll post very infrequently.
Lately, getting girls of my type has been easy and getting easier. The only constraint is the extremely limited number of girls of my type I get to see face to face.
Bro WB
Bro WB
A few simple words express the whole meaning of the paradigm of picking gals. Agreed that separates men and boys.
Lack of confidence kills many processes in the way. Just not about picking up gals and apply to everything.
Life is short and must enjoy fullest.
Bro, tks.
If a man thinks his dream girl is the prize n he is not good enough for her, he is doomed.
Another great article to read. Thanks bro WB.
If I am the person will never marry till I am ready to settle down. Raising the bar will be key and expects to get more gals that meets the higher bar.
In many r/s marriage spoil the whole plan. Makes the couple very miserable trying too hard to please.
Really admire bro WB ability to handle all his LPs. I am trying to steal some of his secrets here.
Wish all happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
No secrets.
Believing that you deserve THE BEST girl/woman of your type is the only secret.
It sounds too easy, but it's very, very difficult to execute because your brainwashed and negativities filled subconscious mind will sabotage your conscious efforts. Every step of the way.
Can you banish all your fears and worries? Eliminate your anger or anxiety or shyness?
Bro WB
I think many senior guys aged above 50 may encountered such incidents. With condom on the erection diminished. Not sure if you had tried using viagra or cialis then capped. Think it may help.
Recently read about using electrical waves to stimulate the blood vessels around the penis. Not sure how successful this method.
Anyway nice thread here and thanks.
Have a nice Sunday.
Bro, tks.
I know Cialis n Viagra well. I hv prescribed them. I'm an American board-certified medical specialist.
It's shockwave therapy for ED. But if a patient doesn't respond to max doses of Cialis or viagra, it's not going to help much.
I don't need Cialis if I do raw, especially if the girl is young, pretty and has my type of body n limb proportions.
Having a condom will feel different, for both men and women.
What a nice guru post.
Agreed that oral sex is not enough for any woman. I ever experienced a woman who gets so upset after I shot early and she hasn't cum.
The whole day she blackface and did not want to talk to me. So I made up the evening and let her cum and cum. Then she relief and much more friendllier.
A woman if wanted sex and she didn't gets it will ruined her and partner's day. Dun be surprised no lunch or dinner serve.
Well this is reality of life.
Happy Sunday.
Bro, tks.
Very cool thread here and so many responses.
Bro WB - congrats and keep this thread moving to sustain more years.
Indeed to start a conversation to many guys weren't a problem but to a shy chap that may be a humongous mountain to climb.
I have a few friends that were always shy to approach women but willing to go call hoes. So each time will just pay and settle. Finding gfs to them will deemed to be troublesome.
Nothing is right or wrong.
Below is great educational guides for guys to strike conversation with any woman.
Bro, tks.
Thanks for quoting one of the best posts on conversation technique. I often forget about it. Knowing and doing can be very different.
Let me quote the guru:
"I truly believe this "Stop Talking" Technique is the most powerful thing I've ever learned about meeting new people."
He is right!
When I was traveling around on biz trip, I have no problem with women from various countries or cities.
Let me just give a brief on what I think personally (someone meat maybe another one poison)
Thai women -
these women can be simple and yet sophisticated. Simple depends on their family been poor and living a simple life. The more sophisticated women will be from the higher earning groups or richer family. The women will be chaffeur driven and behave well. All these women will still treat their partners well and very passionate.
Indonesia women -
my experience with these Indonesian women are mostly from the entertaining nightlife. I hardly have any biz partner who were women. The nightlife women varied from aged and where they work. The were not passionate enough and will never get the same gfe as Thai women.
Malaysia women -
here have to separate the race because just different. Malay women will give better sex gfe than chinese. However still missing the passionate gfe of thais.
PRC women -
this woman will be mostly very money minded and provide great service if you are regular and not so great service if you are unknown. However most unsatisfactory service can be from this group.
Vietnam women -
will termed these women as a in between the thais and the prc. Can be spicy hot or gentle dove. Really depends where and how experience they were.
Never did try Indian, Caucasian, etc.
Bro, thank u so much for your detailed FRs on women of different nationalities.
There are always exceptions of course.
Bro WB
Thanks for a nice post below.
Fully agreed with the author.
Bro, tks.
I hv to use more black magic words.
When I travel around on biz trip, I tried many European women. I find Eastern European women are the best.
Bro, tks.
Some young Ang Moh girls are exquisite. But they age fast...
Any of u guys frequent the food court @ Peace Centre?
Occasionally, u can see some stunning Korean singers/hostess there.
Anyone know where they work? Premium rate i guess? :D
Bro, I go there often.
I believe they work in the club on 3rd fl. Take a look there.
After reading bro Doxx post in black magic phrase I started reading further and chanced upon this nice post. Translated to chinese.
Just want to share with all.
Bro WB contribution to the post.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB post in the past already guided us what to do and how to be confident.
Thanks to him I had pick up many tips in this thread.
Will be able to look confident and try to contact with more girls.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
1) You're very attractive because you're very confident.
2) A girl feels what you feel.
3) Use push-pull n love-hate swings to create strong emotions
These are very basic.
Make your dream girl cry and refuse sex w/ her occasionally.
Bro WB
Another very good post in the past.
Life is definitely very wonderful.
I always find hfj a waste of money. If like the girl just offer her ST and if can do it and if not just find next target.
That is my personal opinion.
Bro, tks.
I agree w/ you.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
04-12-2018, 10:14 PM
Bro WB
Another very good post in the past.
Life is definitely very wonderful.
I always find hfj a waste of money. If like the girl just offer her ST and if can do it and if not just find next target.
That is my personal opinion.
I also find hfj a waste of money.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.
05-12-2018, 11:53 AM
Bro WB
Fully agreed that if can give regular frequent CPVOs to a gal then the gal will luv you deeply. Reverse means gal will only do for material returns.
Making is a natural thing and both must be relaxed and let go. Body cannot tense and brain cannot be thinking of other things.
Nice forum below bro.
Hope to continue reading to the end.
Hi bro saabking,
Very powerful stuff.
You gave a gal CPVOs, she fell for u, and she is ur wife now! If you continue to give her CPVOs, she is one very lucky woman n she will never leave u.
BTW, I would appreciate if u tell us how you first gave ur gal CPVOs. Have u been able to repeat it regularly?
IMHO, It's very difficult to give CPVOs to every woman. While every woman is different n most women can experience clitoral and/or G- spot/deep spot orgasms, only 1/4 to 1/3 of women hv had PVOs n much fewer hv ever had CPVOs.
Your chances r greatly increased if:
1) She is attracted to u, 2) you make her feel desired, feminine, beautiful, sexual n sensual, 3) she feels very safe n protected in ur presence, 4) you're non-judgmental, 5) she is very relaxed n she trusts u completely, 6) you're sexually very confident n dominant, in other words, you got massive sexual mojo, 7) you know how to talk dirty, 8) you first give her clitoral and/or g- spot/deep spot orgasms using ur fingers/tongue/mouth/toys, 9) you know the positions that will produce PVOs in her, 10) sometimes you're romantic n sometimes you're animalistic and, last but not least, 11) you can last at least 10-15 minutes after vaginal penetration.
Let me also state categorically that orgasms other than CPVOs are NOT TRULY ADDICTIVE to women, regardless of how frequent, intense and how prolonged.
In a long term RS, without CPVOs, a woman will feel empty, frustrated, as if something is missing, w/o knowing why herself. A brief full-blown full-body PVO is better than hour-long orgasms by any other means. Penetration by a man's fingers/tongue/dildo is NO substitute. That is THE SECRET.
I wasn't convinced of this until recently, when I carefully analyzed all the women I had had in my life to reach this startling conclusion. I now know why my lao po (first BAO-ee) and my young mistress cannot leave me haha.
Bro WB
05-12-2018, 11:55 AM
This is a typical example of no longer interested in current gf and just going thru motion.
The new lover adds oomp to his erections and letting him fulfilled fantasy.
To solve this just continue with both.
im in a long term relationship with my girlfriend....but i met someone last year who is somewhat like a FB...
after we hooked up, i find it difficult to maintain an errection when im with my current girlfriend, but have no problems with my lover...
i figure it could be a attraction problem or i feel guilty....? Any idea how to solve?
05-12-2018, 11:57 AM
Bro WB
Excellent short and sweet reply.
Fully agreed with you.
Hi bro,
Relax, you're too pessimistic. No, not every gal will leave u.
There are many ways to delay ejaculation. Google it you will know. You will need practice.
You hv plenty of time bro. In a committed RS, ur woman will not leave u or cheat on u immediately. It may take months or yrs...perhaps never. Let me explain below.
A woman may be so suppressed n inhibited, or perhaps so traumatized psychologically due to sexual abuse, that she could never come anyway n prolonged vaginal intercourse may cost pain n discomfort. She is gratified that she has fulfilled her marital duty so quickly n w/ so little discomfort!! There were many such women in the past, but you will be surprised that there r still women like that around!! Incredible but true. Seducing such inhibited women, especially very beautiful ones, giving them CPVOs and making them addicted to you would be THE ultimate challenge hahaha. Great skills n great patience will be the prerequisites.
Bro WB
05-12-2018, 09:27 PM
Fully agreed too.
Excellent thread by Bro WB, thanks bro.
Bro WB
Fully agreed that if can give regular frequent CPVOs to a gal then the gal will luv you deeply. Reverse means gal will only do for material returns.
Making is a natural thing and both must be relaxed and let go. Body cannot tense and brain cannot be thinking of other things.
Nice forum below bro.
Hope to continue reading to the end.
05-12-2018, 10:25 PM
Agreed, just going through the motion only.
Awesome thread by bro WB, good place for learning.
This is a typical example of no longer interested in current gf and just going thru motion.
The new lover adds oomp to his erections and letting him fulfilled fantasy.
To solve this just continue with both.
06-12-2018, 06:31 PM
Indeed short and sweet reply.
Bro WB
Excellent short and sweet reply.
Fully agreed with you.
08-12-2018, 04:01 PM
Good afternoon,
Time flies. TY looks taller and she confirms that she has grown by over 1 cm since I first met her in March this yr. She is abt 164 now. She will be 19 very soon. The yr is ending in 3 weeks. I hope to see an exquisitely chio SYT like her face to face next yr.
I hv mentioned that awesome emotional and self mastery is THE most masculine trait to the subconscious minds or primitive brains of ALL girls/women.
Women themselves are often not consciously aware of this fact. What they want consciously are results of cultural, social, societal and religious conditioning and brainwashing. They don't really know what they want. They are often confused.
The second most attractive masculine trait is ample courage. But you can't hv real courage unless you hv emotional mastery. I'm not talking about recklessness or foolhardiness here.
Staying totally non-needy n non-reactive when your gal/woman gets very angry or cries is very difficult for most men. Or when your dream gal rejects you n asks you to get lost. It’s a litmus test of your awesome emotional n self mastery. These gals hv been searching for that elusive man all their life. In their primitive brains. It’s your golden opportunity to reveal that you’re her Rock of Gibraltar.
In addition to emotional mastery n courage, communication skills are important. I came across the following email today.
Warren Buffett's classic three words of advice for young people
In 1967's "The Graduate," Dustin Hoffman's 21-year-old character is famously given just one word of advice for his future: "Plastics."
This week, Warren Buffett had three words of advice for a 22-year-old entrepreneur just out of college: "Invest in yourself."
Michael Hood, co-founder of a Toronto startup Voiceflow, was bringing Buffett to Canada's Walk of Fame Awards show, a "once in a lifetime opportunity," Hood told CNBC Make It.
In a video Hood posted on LinkedIn, Buffett expands on those three words, saying, "The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal."
After all, "If you can't communicate, it's like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens."
Bro WB
I also find hfj a waste of money.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.
Bro, tks.
You're right. But there are always exceptions.
Bro WB
Fully agreed that if can give regular frequent CPVOs to a gal then the gal will luv you deeply. Reverse means gal will only do for material returns.
Making is a natural thing and both must be relaxed and let go. Body cannot tense and brain cannot be thinking of other things.
Nice forum below bro.
Hope to continue reading to the end.
This is a typical example of no longer interested in current gf and just going thru motion.
The new lover adds oomp to his erections and letting him fulfilled fantasy.
To solve this just continue with both.
Bro WB
Excellent short and sweet reply.
Fully agreed with you.
Bro, thanks.
Practice Taoist sex.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
08-12-2018, 10:44 PM
Good afternoon,
Time flies. TY looks taller and she confirms that she has grown by over 1 cm since I first met her in March this yr. She is abt 164 now. She will be 19 very soon. The yr is ending in 3 weeks. I hope to see an exquisitely chio SYT like her face to face next yr.
I hv mentioned that awesome emotional and self mastery is THE most masculine trait to the subconscious minds or primitive brains of ALL girls/women.
Women themselves are often not consciously aware of this fact. What they want consciously are results of cultural, social, societal and religious conditioning and brainwashing. They don't really know what they want. They are often confused.
The second most attractive masculine trait is ample courage. But you can't hv real courage unless you hv emotional mastery. I'm not talking about recklessness or foolhardiness here.
Staying totally non-needy n non-reactive when your gal/woman gets very angry or cries is very difficult for most men. Or when your dream gal rejects you n asks you to get lost. It’s a litmus test of your awesome emotional n self mastery. These gals hv been searching for that elusive man all their life. In their primitive brains. It’s your golden opportunity to reveal that you’re her Rock of Gibraltar.
In addition to emotional mastery n courage, communication skills are important. I came across the following email today.
Warren Buffett's classic three words of advice for young people
In 1967's "The Graduate," Dustin Hoffman's 21-year-old character is famously given just one word of advice for his future: "Plastics."
This week, Warren Buffett had three words of advice for a 22-year-old entrepreneur just out of college: "Invest in yourself."
Michael Hood, co-founder of a Toronto startup Voiceflow, was bringing Buffett to Canada's Walk of Fame Awards show, a "once in a lifetime opportunity," Hood told CNBC Make It.
In a video Hood posted on LinkedIn, Buffett expands on those three words, saying, "The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal."
After all, "If you can't communicate, it's like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens."
Bro WB
Bro, tks.
You're right. But there are always exceptions.
Bro, thanks.
Practice Taoist sex.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
ups +9, nice story :D
09-12-2018, 02:08 PM
Any of u guys frequent the food court @ Peace Centre?
Occasionally, u can see some stunning Korean singers/hostess there.
Anyone know where they work? Premium rate i guess? :D
Either club 9 on level 3 or iicon in parklane. Or they just live around there. Dynasty has 1 Korean the other day, just too fleshy though.
Rate is dependent on what game you have. Some get foc and then tip or hang later. Do what YOU are happy with doing.
11-12-2018, 08:19 AM
Indeed very powerful stuff.
Thanks to Bro WB who wrote astounding forum.
Please continue to post more.
Hi bro saabking,
Very powerful stuff.
You gave a gal CPVOs, she fell for u, and she is ur wife now! If you continue to give her CPVOs, she is one very lucky woman n she will never leave u.
BTW, I would appreciate if u tell us how you first gave ur gal CPVOs. Have u been able to repeat it regularly?
IMHO, It's very difficult to give CPVOs to every woman. While every woman is different n most women can experience clitoral and/or G- spot/deep spot orgasms, only 1/4 to 1/3 of women hv had PVOs n much fewer hv ever had CPVOs.
Your chances r greatly increased if:
1) She is attracted to u, 2) you make her feel desired, feminine, beautiful, sexual n sensual, 3) she feels very safe n protected in ur presence, 4) you're non-judgmental, 5) she is very relaxed n she trusts u completely, 6) you're sexually very confident n dominant, in other words, you got massive sexual mojo, 7) you know how to talk dirty, 8) you first give her clitoral and/or g- spot/deep spot orgasms using ur fingers/tongue/mouth/toys, 9) you know the positions that will produce PVOs in her, 10) sometimes you're romantic n sometimes you're animalistic and, last but not least, 11) you can last at least 10-15 minutes after vaginal penetration.
Let me also state categorically that orgasms other than CPVOs are NOT TRULY ADDICTIVE to women, regardless of how frequent, intense and how prolonged.
In a long term RS, without CPVOs, a woman will feel empty, frustrated, as if something is missing, w/o knowing why herself. A brief full-blown full-body PVO is better than hour-long orgasms by any other means. Penetration by a man's fingers/tongue/dildo is NO substitute. That is THE SECRET.
I wasn't convinced of this until recently, when I carefully analyzed all the women I had had in my life to reach this startling conclusion. I now know why my lao po (first BAO-ee) and my young mistress cannot leave me haha.
Bro WB
11-12-2018, 08:21 AM
Bro WB
Noted with thanks.
I will possess absolute sexual confidence and to be animal in bed.
Will also remember to talk dirty in bed.
Really astounding advice.
Hi bro saabking,
Tks so much for sharing ur experience. You're good, very good...
But there is always rm for improvement for all of us. I'm training diligently to better myself, everyday.
You can work on points 6) n 7). Absolute sexual confidence is a must. Also, learn to talk dirty as it will greatly amplify her pleasure n orgasms. As for 10), I meant you should be romantic as well as animalistic in the bed rm hahaha.
You hv done very well w/ point 11), which is crucial. A man can be a master of all preceding 10 points but if he can only last 60 secs after penetration, his woman will leave him or cheat on him. You can write it down.
Try to develop great sexual stamina. It'll also improve a man's pulmonary n cardiovascular health.
BTW, how did ur ex-wife react when you left her? I hope she didn't get violent.
Comments n FRs from other esteemed bros on this vital topic would be most sincerely welcomed.
Bro WB
11-12-2018, 09:49 AM
Fully agreed, very powerful stuff.
Thanks bro WB for this marvelous thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Indeed very powerful stuff.
Thanks to Bro WB who wrote astounding forum.
Please continue to post more.
11-12-2018, 09:58 AM
I love talking dirty in bed too.
Very astounding advice indeed.
Bro WB
Noted with thanks.
I will possess absolute sexual confidence and to be animal in bed.
Will also remember to talk dirty in bed.
Really astounding advice.
11-12-2018, 02:29 PM
Bro, thanks.
Practice Taoist sex.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
Bro WB - chim leh! Need to research about Taoist sex.
11-12-2018, 09:02 PM
Bro WB - chim leh! Need to research about Taoist sex.
Agreed, very chim. Going to do a research too.
Thanks Bro WB for this amazing thread!
12-12-2018, 03:25 PM
Hi bro,
Relax, you're too pessimistic. No, not every gal will leave u.
There are many ways to delay ejaculation. Google it you will know. You will need practice.
You hv plenty of time bro. In a committed RS, ur woman will not leave u or cheat on u immediately. It may take months or yrs...perhaps never. Let me explain below.
A woman may be so suppressed n inhibited, or perhaps so traumatized psychologically due to sexual abuse, that she could never come anyway n prolonged vaginal intercourse may cost pain n discomfort. She is gratified that she has fulfilled her marital duty so quickly n w/ so little discomfort!! There were many such women in the past, but you will be surprised that there r still women like that around!! Incredible but true. Seducing such inhibited women, especially very beautiful ones, giving them CPVOs and making them addicted to you would be THE ultimate challenge hahaha. Great skills n great patience will be the prerequisites.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you.
A girl may have been abused since young and will be traumatised till adulthood. We guys will never know the past of any girl. So best to leave the questions unanswered.
We need to be very patience and have confidence to be with the girl you like. Time prevails and will tell.
When time comes must be able to give many dramatic CPVOs.
Hope to learn more from you.
12-12-2018, 03:28 PM
Good afternoon!
I had an outing to DC SH w/ bro KB n a few other bros over a wk ago. Never had a chance to see the superstar singer Linda as I left early. According to her good friend, she is being BY-ed by a man at 100K SGD a month. Don't understand why he still allows her to work. She is returning to PRC soon. BTW, she is a MILF, born in 1986. Her minimum flower is 1K. She is not a good singer. Apparently, bro KB had lost interest in her. The day before, he actually saw her squatting by the roadside, waiting for her BF. He should've approached her n asked for her ctc then. What had he got to lose?
Linda's BF usually sits in a rm n hangs 3-5K a day? A singer told KB that last Sat night, both Linda n another singer got 20K each in a flower 'war'. Not sure how much Linda got from her BF.
Bro KB commented that hanging flowers is a real waste of money, crazy n stupid.
Yes and no. I hv my own take on this.
Buying stocks n buying pussies share one similarity. Price is what u pay n value is what u get. Sometimes price is much greater than value n sometimes value is much greater than price. I'm a value investor for both stocks n pussies haha. Of course one man's meat is another man's poison plus there is the Rashomon Effect.
IMHO, hanging mega flowers is more abt ego trip n self aggrandizing than abt the singers. Some men may hv inferiority complex n feel insecure. Winning flower war may be exciting n a form of therapy. It promotes confidence n is good for mental health; don't forget the winner also gets the pussies. It's great if you r DETACHED from the outcome n the money is only a drop in the bucket for u. A 100k a month to the very rich may be like $100 or $10 or less to an ordinary man on the street.
I'll talk abt PVOs next time.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for a very detailed account of the hanging flowers is a real waste of money, crazy n stupid.
"IMHO, hanging mega flowers is more abt ego trip n self aggrandizing than abt the singers. "
Well said quote.
Thank you so much.
12-12-2018, 03:30 PM
Hi bro airbrush,
Most of the very pretty young women at uni in PRC r quickly BY-ed before graduation. If they ever come to SG, they r accompanied by their BFs. There is a chance to BY the slightly lower quality ones. But most of the 2nd tier gals still want to be BY-ed in China. It takes a lot of persuasion n inducements to get them to come to SG.
PRC men can be very generous. According to a bro who was in my outing last Fri, his GF knows of a Shanghainese gal now living in SG, abt 27, quite ordinary looking, who has been BY-ed by a China man for 20K SGD a month for abt 2 yrs. He pays for her luxury condo here n has also bought her a condo in Shanghai, a BMW in SG n given her expensive gifts. He only visits her in SG 2-3 days out of a month. Worse of all, unbeknown to him, she visits gigolo clubs in SG...
Price is what u pay n value is what u get. Did I say value? Sometimes one gets something more, something unexpected n nasty such as a green hat and/or HIV in the case pf pussies...and bankruptcy in the case of stocks hahaha.
In October, 1999, eToy had a market cap of 10 billion USD, whereas Lockheed Martin, the famous high tech defense contractor, had a market cap of 5 billion. Within 24 months, eToy filed for bankruptcy hahaha.
In the case of the SH gal, her patron is risking his very life (cuz she is fucking some foreign gigolos).
Bro WB
Haha, PRC men so rich.
Thank you so much.
12-12-2018, 03:53 PM
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you.
A girl may have been abused since young and will be traumatised till adulthood. We guys will never know the past of any girl. So best to leave the questions unanswered.
We need to be very patience and have confidence to be with the girl you like. Time prevails and will tell.
When time comes must be able to give many dramatic CPVOs.
Hope to learn more from you.
Fully agreed with Bro WB too.
Wish to learn more from Bro WB.
Have a nice day.
12-12-2018, 08:56 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for a very detailed account of the hanging flowers is a real waste of money, crazy n stupid.
"IMHO, hanging mega flowers is more abt ego trip n self aggrandizing than abt the singers. "
Well said quote.
Thank you so much.
I find it a waste of money too. Well said Bro WB, and thanks for a wonderful thread.
13-12-2018, 01:06 AM
Haha, PRC men so rich.
Thank you so much.
Really rich, stacks and stacks of cash.
14-12-2018, 09:17 AM
Good morning to Bro WB
What a lovely thread here and kudos to you.
A great post below about confidence.
Anyway I just got back from my business trip... and went out with one of my girl who I know in singapore and is working there. Free escort services hehe, but this time i ask a really a direct question to her why she choose to go out with me when actually another guy specifically came from somewhere abroad just to look for her. (nearly got into an incident with that guy). Is it because I got money.
The next moment she cried and say "No!!! if money i can earn myself don't need you and if I want money I would have ask you to pay me before you come." Then suddenly the next few days she insist on paying for dinner and transport. I was kinda shock. I spend the whole 3 nights with her and she even skip 2 days work to be with me. This was kinda of an experience for me she even told me she want me to be her boyfriend and she don't mind me having other girls... but maximum 3 lol... she will be definately one of the few girls which I will keep.
Hope to share more if time permits.
Good morning!
Many bros hv reiterated their belief that confidence is very important in attracting the opposite sex.
You're very attractive because you're very confident. Period.
What is real confidence in a man?
Don't confuse it w/ arrogant, boastful, aggressive n domineering behaviour which is the antithesis of confidence. Such beta behaviour is indicative of insecurity n inferiority complex at the subconscious level, in the more primitive brain. It's a severe defect n deficiency the conscious brain is painfully aware of n is desperately trying to hide hahaha...such a man has fears, can't sleep if he loses half his fortune n feels dejected n frustrated if his favourite woman leaves him...
Here is a MAN w/ real confidence:
'If' by Rudyard Kipling
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
We should all aspire to become such a MAN.
Bro WB
14-12-2018, 09:18 AM
Good effort to share nice guru post.
Yes need to be badass gentleman to get girls.
Hope to share more.
Are u a nice guy, especially in the presence of a beautiful women of ur type?
I just received the following from a sex n RS guru:
Why 'Nice Guys' Are HUGE ASSHOLES...
You're incredibly mean to women, and you don't even know it (maybe).
I'm for real on this one.
And thank god you've got me to tell you,
because all the 'beat around the bush',
pussy people who surround you
in your everyday life will not..
They'll sugarcoat everything and feed it to you 'til your insulin levels
are JACKED-UP and you've got thinking-diabetes.
No thanks. I will never feed you anything coated with sugar
nor will I beat around the bush, ever.
You take your medicine straight, like a man, and
I penetrate straight into the bush. Obvi :)
But anyways, enough about me.
Back to you, the guy who might be mean to women without even knowing it................................................ ....
I refer to myself as a charming asshole a lot,
and I kind of mean it. It's more playful
than anything, and it's in my nature.
But a real asshole looks at you and sees what he wants
to see, instead of what is actually there.
When you're out with a beautiful woman, do you see
her exactly as she is, or do you see more of the flawless,
future relationship partner you want her to be?
If you're like most guys, you're in the second category.
You let the chemical high of attraction camouflage all the little flaws
(if she's of the human species, there are many), all the telltale signs
of problems in her life and all the emotional issues in favor of,
"Wow, we're gonna build such a great life together."
Yeah, it's not just women that do it..
And here's what happens when you do this:
You become convinced by your distorted view of her
that she's the one..
You become attached.
You start becoming intensely outcome-focused
(instead of action-aroused).
You start creating these images and pictures in your mind
of your future together with her.
And al of it is BULLSHIT.
Because it's not real.
You ignored the fact that she has no female friends
(which should tell you A LOT) because she was hot
and blows you.
You ignored the fact that she doesn't work but somehow
always seems to have money, because she was hot
and blows you.
You ignored the fact that she never allows herself
to be vulnerable or that she treats the waitstaff at
dinner poorly, or that she finds the negative in everything,
or that she has scarcity views on money...because she was hot
and blows you good.
And she's not the bad one are.
Because you refused to see her for WHO SHE IS.
You only saw what you wanted to see.
This what so-called 'nice guys' do.
They bullshit her with only the good, don't see her for who she really is,
and project this perfect human being onto her, a person that doesn't EXIST.
How. fvcking. cruel.
I've said it before, and I'll violently say it again:
'Nice guys' are the meanest, most manipulative people on the planet.
Fvck 'nice'.
If this is you right now, GOOOOOD.
Now you're aware of it.
That's huge.
And now it's time for you to make the shift of
giving everyone you know a gift that almost
no one else is able to...
You're going to see everyone for exactly as who they are.
Including all the women you're seeing.
The good, the bad, the ugly, the TRUTH.
And when you catch yourself starting to project
all these perfect qualities on her, you're going
to STOP and think to yourself..
"OK, I'm going to stop seeing this perfect version of her right now.
Instead, I'm gonna see all the flaws, the signs, the truths. And from
that rare place of authenticity and well-hungness, I'm going to vibe
with the real her."
This newsletter today is important, I suggest you
come back and read it multiple times...
Mr. Guru
14-12-2018, 09:20 AM
Bro WB
Another great post below.
Dun mind I quote or re-post some old previous post.
Not sure if there is "Real Love"
Good afternoon!
Every healthy heterosexual girl/woman wants a man who can be a provider and a protector; preferably, he is also confident, self-assured, completely comfortable in his own skin, dominant, courageous, ambitious, patient, accomplished, yet kind, gentle n compassionate. He must be a MAN with awesome emotional control and self mastery.
Such a man is very attractive to the most desirable girl/woman but that is not enough to get her emotionally n sexually addicted.
As I hv alluded to in the past, a girl/woman can only be sexually addicted to a man who gives her the most intense PVOs again n again. No ifs, ands or buts about it. True emotional addiction is a byproduct.
Also, IMHO, without sexual addiction, so-called 'true love' between a man n a woman is mere fantasy/curiosity which will fade eventually...
Let me give u a quote.
Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova
Bro WB
14-12-2018, 11:15 AM
I had similar encounter with a girl when I was on business trip too. She insisted on settling all bills as she wanted to be a good host.
Thanks Bro WB for this nice thread.
Good morning to Bro WB
What a lovely thread here and kudos to you.
A great post below about confidence.
Anyway I just got back from my business trip... and went out with one of my girl who I know in singapore and is working there. Free escort services hehe, but this time i ask a really a direct question to her why she choose to go out with me when actually another guy specifically came from somewhere abroad just to look for her. (nearly got into an incident with that guy). Is it because I got money.
The next moment she cried and say "No!!! if money i can earn myself don't need you and if I want money I would have ask you to pay me before you come." Then suddenly the next few days she insist on paying for dinner and transport. I was kinda shock. I spend the whole 3 nights with her and she even skip 2 days work to be with me. This was kinda of an experience for me she even told me she want me to be her boyfriend and she don't mind me having other girls... but maximum 3 lol... she will be definately one of the few girls which I will keep.
Hope to share more if time permits.
14-12-2018, 12:16 PM
No doubt about it, a great post.
I also not sure if there is real love.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Another great post below.
Dun mind I quote or re-post some old previous post.
Not sure if there is "Real Love"
Like the way bro FA previous forum.
"I’d rather you get the gold medal and I get the silver medal…"
Excellent quote.
Bros hope dun mind I re-post old foprum.
LOL. I think every gal’s horny period is different cos for my gal, it’s a few days before her menses. Her breasts would be swollen and she gets horny very easily.
On to food. Crabs for gals and prawns for guys. OMG!! I am very curious how you found this out cos this is the best-kept secret! To improve one’s “taohua” luck, gals should eat crabs (more specifically, crab’s roe) and guys should eat prawns (more specifically shells of prawns, or eat those dried shrimps that have their shells intact but you have to soak it in water to soften it before cooking). Well, there’s no secret really… the aphrodisiac in seafood is… *drum rolls*… zinc.
Preparation beforehand is very important too. A healthy and well-rested body will make sex more enjoyable. Plus, you will perform better.
Sex can become really dull and boring when you are doing it with the same gal, day-in-day-out, in the same place, in the same predictable sequences, in the same positions, with the same methods, etc… Spice things up by going to a different place/hotel/resort, or bring her overseas, or to a quick getaway in neighbouring countries or Sentosa, go for a couple spa treatment together, or if you can’t change the location: wine-and-dine her first, add music and different mood in the room, slow things up, speed things up, mix up the sequences, try new positions or stimulation methods, etc.
Remember how we get all sexcited in the office when we receive our gf’s sexy messages/pics and all we could do the whole day in the office is to think of bonking her the very moment we arrived home? Well, that works both ways. So find out what turns her on and do it – the anticipation is enough to make her wet.
Make love with her even before you make love with her – with all the preparations and anticipation… and make sure: she cums first. I always joke with my gal: I’d rather you get the gold medal and I get the silver medal… :)
Lots of wonderful information in this thread, I do have some questions though. This thread is mostly revolved around ktv girls hfj girls etc.. where there is money involved isnt the actual effect of these techniques somewhat skewed? how is it possible to accertain that the results are not directly related to monetary benefit? eg. a whore could say that a guy with a 3 inch dick gave her the best bang ever.
In a world where company is not purchased by money. will the techniques apply. As a person who is far short of the caliber of spending poweress from most of the postees. how would i even begin to get her attention?
Dear bro Weremonkey,
Tks for asking such excellent questions.
The psychological techniques work on every healthy girl/woman, WLs n non-WLs.
If you're unable to differentiate between real n fake orgasms, you better read up n learn from hands-on experience asap.
Yes, money is necessary to bed these girls. But the damage could be minimized. You could learn from bro FA who has spent very little n yet has got two singers vying for his attention haha.
I started this thread to discuss various methods of "pick up" to cut the friction cost of meeting girls. I hv met many girls, both here n in China, proposed BY n got accepted w/o having spent a penny. For various reasons, I hv consummated the "BY relationship" in less than 1/3 of cases haha.
BTW, I don't limit myself to KTV or HFJ gals in SG n PRC. Any unmarried gal of my type anywhere on planet earth is fair game. In some countries, my physical safety is my only concern which may deter me...
Money is a sensitive issue n a double-edged sword. Giving too much money can destroy attraction. Perhaps I'm old fashioned n outdated. But, IMHO, a real MAN should be a good provider n a bold protector of his women. Most importantly, he must be able to give them regular PVO n get them sexually n emotionally addicted to him. This IS the prerequiste for "true love," at least as far as women is concerned. Women r actually very simple n men r more complex hahaha.
There r men out there who believe their wife/GF/mistress/er nai r truly in love w/ them. They need to ask themselves only one question.
Have I given my women regular PVO?
If yes, congrats.
If no, their "true love" for u is suspect n may fade w/ time. You can write it down.
BTW, the role of men really hasn't changed that much in the last 50,000 yrs. It's in the genes of both men n women, in our collective subconscious minds. "Emancipation" of women n "gender equality" in advanced countries (including SG) have upset this relationship n have resulted in high divorce rates n misery for all parties. It's has been a lose-lose-lose situation.
Bro WB
Bro WB
The above old forum really helps me to understand better.
Great description of techniques and ideas.
More to learn here.
Dear Bro WB
Thanks for the reply. There is no menace in my questions and i hope there is no offence. Im asking in a purely academic point of view. Im truely impressed by transforming a what has been percieved to be an art and breaking it down into a science.
lets assume we are talking about a pure player prespective. No dollar involvement. So not talking about BY etc. My assumption is that it will be next to impossible for a person whose financial output is next to nothing. to have almost a next to nothing chance of getting anywhere.
any advise on overcoming this?
hmm… if you don’t give anything, how do you expect to get anything in return? A player who doesn’t pay $? Maybe not at my level. But even if you date a gal or your gf, you need to spend some money ya?
For the past 2 nights, I have been going out with a Korean model who is also a travel and food presenter. Nope, I didn’t picked her up at Embassy. She’s been here before and she is here again on holiday and we have been having dinners, drinks, clubbing and KTV (K-Box) and I’m meeting her again tonight before she flys back.
What I’m trying to say is that when you go out, you have to spend money ya? To me, its fair deal and its cheap – its better than hanging flowers to dancers or singers cos you get their attention to whole night. I know some rich people pay KTV gals $500 just to have afternoon tea.
What I’m saying is, you have to fun enough so that the gal actually enjoys your company and you, hers. You have to be very confident to be comfortable before you can start to enjoy each others company. Why would she want to drag you out every night? She has many friends in Singapore too but the fact that she picked you to spend every night in Singapore means you must have done something right. And no, I didn’t pay her for her company – only foot the bills for dinners, K-Box, and my own drinks (Wed nights are ladies night)..
I think the key point (about money) is spend wisely to get the most bang for the buck/mileage for your money spent... and most importantly to enjoy yourself
Good point. but i wasnt refering to the expenses involved in taking a girl out that is naturally quite a given that guys do pay. I do specifically mean the flowers such. Is it possible to get the attention of a HFJ girl without hanging flower?
Always remember y these girls r here in the 1st place. Make money.
Understand how they make money too.
Let me help in this area.
1) A singer in a HFJ makes money by going on stage to sing & customers hang flower. Before & after singing, she goes around tables to do her PR thingy to try to gain more flowers when she sings
2) A singer locks on a target to ensure she has continuous support from her customer/customers by having lunch, dinner, supper & sleeping with the customer/customers.
3) If she creates a void by not keeping her customer/customers entertained before and after working hours, how is she going to survive? She may still get some loose flowers but those can't really help her achieve her main reason for being here. $$$$$$$$$
Hope this helps
Very interesting exchange and corresponding.
Reading them very enriching.
14-12-2018, 03:37 PM
Either club 9 on level 3 or iicon in parklane. Or they just live around there. Dynasty has 1 Korean the other day, just too fleshy though.
Rate is dependent on what game you have. Some get foc and then tip or hang later. Do what YOU are happy with doing.
Bro, tks.
Indeed very powerful stuff.
Thanks to Bro WB who wrote astounding forum.
Please continue to post more.
Bro, it's very powerful.
Bro WB
Noted with thanks.
I will possess absolute sexual confidence and to be animal in bed.
Will also remember to talk dirty in bed.
Really astounding advice.
Bro, tks,
You will get more girls of your type than you can handle.
I love talking dirty in bed too.
Very astounding advice indeed.
Bro, tks.
Could you share w/ us how you talk dirty in Mandarin?
Bro WB - chim leh! Need to research about Taoist sex.
Bro, tks.
Pls share w/ us your experience w/ Taoist sex.
Agreed, very chim. Going to do a research too.
Thanks Bro WB for this amazing thread!
Tks, bro.
Pls share w/ us.
Bro WB
I fully agreed with you.
A girl may have been abused since young and will be traumatised till adulthood. We guys will never know the past of any girl. So best to leave the questions unanswered.
We need to be very patience and have confidence to be with the girl you like. Time prevails and will tell.
When time comes must be able to give many dramatic CPVOs.
Hope to learn more from you.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Thank you for a very detailed account of the hanging flowers is a real waste of money, crazy n stupid.
"IMHO, hanging mega flowers is more abt ego trip n self aggrandizing than abt the singers. "
Well said quote.
Thank you so much.
Tks, bro.
I wrote more musings on HFJs on 7 May, 2015 #4017. I'll repost it below.
Haha, PRC men so rich.
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
Some are very rich.
Good morning to Bro WB
What a lovely thread here and kudos to you.
A great post below about confidence.
Anyway I just got back from my business trip... and went out with one of my girl who I know in singapore and is working there. Free escort services hehe, but this time i ask a really a direct question to her why she choose to go out with me when actually another guy specifically came from somewhere abroad just to look for her. (nearly got into an incident with that guy). Is it because I got money.
The next moment she cried and say "No!!! if money i can earn myself don't need you and if I want money I would have ask you to pay me before you come." Then suddenly the next few days she insist on paying for dinner and transport. I was kinda shock. I spend the whole 3 nights with her and she even skip 2 days work to be with me. This was kinda of an experience for me she even told me she want me to be her boyfriend and she don't mind me having other girls... but maximum 3 lol... she will be definately one of the few girls which I will keep.
Hope to share more if time permits.
Bro, tks.
Good FR. Well done!
Good effort to share nice guru post.
Yes need to be badass gentleman to get girls.
Hope to share more.
Bro, Tks.
Become a badass gentleman.
Bro WB
Another great post below.
Dun mind I quote or re-post some old previous post.
Not sure if there is "Real Love"
Bro, tks.
I think there is "true love" or "real love" between a man and a woman at a particular moment in time. But such "love" can't last forever. Nothing in this universe can last forever.
I had similar encounter with a girl when I was on business trip too. She insisted on settling all bills as she wanted to be a good host.
Thanks Bro WB for this nice thread.
Bro, tks.
Well done!
No doubt about it, a great post.
I also not sure if there is real love.
Thanks Bro WB for this fantastic thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon to all samsters!
Time really flies. The following was written on 7 May, 2015 Thursday just before 2 PM. A few hrs later I met 18 yo LS for HH at Dynasty, during which I told her I would BY her. She agreed. She is my oldest LP now.
I hv done minimal editing.
Good afternoon!
Not long ago I reconnected w/ a long lost bro, DYBJ (abbreviated as YJ). He is a well-known samster who is purportedly very experienced in "bedding" singers but recently has chosen to retire from local night scene n has immigrated to a foreign country.
In bro YJ's opinion, I hv done well in my preferred field or comfort zone n I should move up to BY-ing singers. He believes that will be a real challenge n a real test of manhood as I'll be competing w/ many wealthy n experienced contenders. Must move out of my comfort zone, according to him. Apparently, he has done all that n has achieved the ultimate conquests, so he is happy to retire. I had another chat w/ him several days later in which I outlined my goals n desires which are radically different from his...
I disagreed w/ bro YJ completely on many points. He said he wasn't offended. Good for him. If true, he has earned my respect as a man w/ good emotional control. I wish him all the best. BTW, I hv learned a lot from him in my formative yrs in 2009 n 2010...Thanks bro YJ!
First, I like to comment on Bro YJ's voluntary "retirement." I'll never "retire" from making love to SYTS who are attractive to me. BTW, I'm a lao chee ko pek, whereas bro YJ is much, much younger, only middle-aged. He is many years from reaching his sexual prime because I'm only beginning to get close to mine. For me, to retire is to give up living, give up life. And, I don't dwell on past achievements or past glories. I only live in the present. The past doesn't exist, nor does the future. What I hv and what everyone has is the present moment, that is all. Even if you were at one time the Emperor of China, so what? No use if you're now a waiter and living incognito in Sg or in Argentina. Even if u hv fxked all the famous supermodels, beauty queens and actresses, so what? It's what you're NOW as a MAN, physically, emotionally, psychologically n spiritually, that really matters. I learn from the past n I plan for the future, but this should take only a few minutes a day. Don't spend hours, like most people.
Moreover, what is a great success to bro YJ or anyone else may mean absolutely nothing to me. To each his own. Some may think I'm a failure because I'm not a Nobel laureate in Physics or I'm not an American board-certified neurosurgeon. Some may think a person is successful only if he is the richest man in the world. I hv this to say, since our earth is a pale blue dot, being numero uno in anything in our world doesn't amount to very much.
I know my circle of competence but I never stay in my comfort zone. I'm expanding my circle of competence in ALL directions, every minute, every day. Everything is changing, the whole universe is changing, and we must change w/ it. If a man is wishing for status quo or trying to stay in his comfort zone, whoever he is n wherever he is, he is finished, kaput.
Back to why I shun hanging flowers...
1) Hanging flowers and getting into flower wars is for BIG SUCKERS aka patsies. Sorry for being so blunt, but I'm dead serious. The friction cost is exorbitant n it would be THE most inefficient way to get the girls /women of my type. It's more abt boosting a patron's fragile ego and showing off than abt the singers. Moreover, there are "fake flowers," fraud and money laundering, not something I want to get involved in any way.
2) By hanging big flowers and competing w/ other patrons for the singers, I'm announcing that I'm a chaser and that these singers hv higher social n sexual value than me. It's the same as putting big signs on my head and scream: Please look at me, I'm inferior, I'm insecure n I'm hanging big flowers so that you will notice me, because I'm a born loser, I don't believe I deserve you n I hv nothing else to offer u. This unmanly, needy n wussy behaviour is most repulsive to the subconscious minds of the girls. Of course I'll get their pussies if I hang enough but it will be extremely difficult to overcome their initial negative (mostly subconscious) perceptions of me. Even if subsequently I could give them PVOs again n again, it would not be enough to get them addicted.
3) The timing of HFJs is inconvenient for me as I sleep early. I go to SH at KTVs only twice a month n I always leave before midnight. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."
4) It's very difficult to judge the physical attractiveness of singers inside the HFJs because of the lighting, hairdo, makeup and long evening gowns which cover their thighs and legs. But they can't fool me. I like to see a girl's bare thighs n legs clearly in broad daylight before BY-ing. Mummy J used to arrange my prospective mistresses to meet me in hot pants during the day haha.
5) Most successful singers are ruthless psychopaths and/or sociopaths w/ narcissistic personality disorder. They are poisons to me. What is one's goal or endpoint w/ them? Can't define success unless you hv a clear n well-defined goal. ST or BY? Beat out all the other customers to get their pussies? Or get them emotionally n sexually addicted? Marry one of them? Become a gigolo to them?
6) Singers are usually here only 6 months n it's difficult for them to return for the next 12 months. If I like a girl, I like to keep her long-term, until she becomes unattractive to me. Six months is just too short if a pussy is exquisitely delicious.
I also like to comment on several health myths.
Myth 1: A man reaches his sexual peak at 18-19. Nonsense. I hv yet to reach my peak.
Myth 2: It's normal for a man to gain weight as he gets older. Nonsense. My weight n waistline are the same as when I was 21. Look at Chen Lifu n Kirk Kerkorian. Google them.
Myth 3: It's normal for a man's BP to go up as he ages. Again, nonsense. My BP is actually slightly lower than when I was 21. And I don't take any medications.
Last but not least, how do I find time to go to HFJs? I don't even hv time to go to Shanghai where a lucrative business deal and several delectable high school/uni students hv been waiting for me.
Bro WB
BTW, I did meet a tall singer who just turned 19 in July 2016. She was tricked by a friend into becoming a singer in SG. She wanted to leave immediately, but the boss won't return her passport. A friend introduced her to me. She became my LP. She said singers were old and fugly. A middle-aged woman w/ two kids was doing well...Because she knew how to charm those patrons.
She left SG after 5 weeks. She couldn't get a student visa for SG. I got her to study at ESL in JB. She did well in her ILETS n got accepted to a reputable uni there. But she said JB not safe n she was too lonely at night. She went back to China n is waiting for a visa to come to SG. She is KT.
Bro WB
14-12-2018, 10:21 PM
Fully agreed with Bro WB, I would rather be a badass gentleman.
Impressive thread by bro WB, hope to read more.
Good effort to share nice guru post.
Yes need to be badass gentleman to get girls.
Hope to share more.
14-12-2018, 11:06 PM
I'd rather you get the silver and I get the bronze medal...
Very excellent indeed.
Bros hope dun mind I re-phrase a bit.
Like the way bro FA previous forum.
"I’d rather you get the gold medal and I get the silver medal…"
Excellent quote.
Bros hope dun mind I re-post old foprum.
15-12-2018, 01:29 AM
Very interesting exchange and corresponding.
Reading them very enriching.
True, find it interesting and enriching as well.
Have a nice weekend.
15-12-2018, 06:39 AM
Bro WB
Really so many assholes in this world. The guru wrote nicely.
Such a good forum in the past and good for reading.
Well done.
Good afternoon!
Are u a nice guy, especially in the presence of a beautiful women of ur type?
I just received the following from a sex n RS guru:
Why 'Nice Guys' Are HUGE ASSHOLES...
You're incredibly mean to women, and you don't even know it (maybe).
I'm for real on this one.
And thank god you've got me to tell you,
because all the 'beat around the bush',
pussy people who surround you
in your everyday life will not..
They'll sugarcoat everything and feed it to you 'til your insulin levels
are JACKED-UP and you've got thinking-diabetes.
No thanks. I will never feed you anything coated with sugar
nor will I beat around the bush, ever.
You take your medicine straight, like a man, and
I penetrate straight into the bush. Obvi :)
But anyways, enough about me.
Back to you, the guy who might be mean to women without even knowing it................................................ ....
I refer to myself as a charming asshole a lot,
and I kind of mean it. It's more playful
than anything, and it's in my nature.
But a real asshole looks at you and sees what he wants
to see, instead of what is actually there.
When you're out with a beautiful woman, do you see
her exactly as she is, or do you see more of the flawless,
future relationship partner you want her to be?
If you're like most guys, you're in the second category.
You let the chemical high of attraction camouflage all the little flaws
(if she's of the human species, there are many), all the telltale signs
of problems in her life and all the emotional issues in favor of,
"Wow, we're gonna build such a great life together."
Yeah, it's not just women that do it..
And here's what happens when you do this:
You become convinced by your distorted view of her
that she's the one..
You become attached.
You start becoming intensely outcome-focused
(instead of action-aroused).
You start creating these images and pictures in your mind
of your future together with her.
And al of it is BULLSHIT.
Because it's not real.
You ignored the fact that she has no female friends
(which should tell you A LOT) because she was hot
and blows you.
You ignored the fact that she doesn't work but somehow
always seems to have money, because she was hot
and blows you.
You ignored the fact that she never allows herself
to be vulnerable or that she treats the waitstaff at
dinner poorly, or that she finds the negative in everything,
or that she has scarcity views on money...because she was hot
and blows you good.
And she's not the bad one are.
Because you refused to see her for WHO SHE IS.
You only saw what you wanted to see.
This what so-called 'nice guys' do.
They bullshit her with only the good, don't see her for who she really is,
and project this perfect human being onto her, a person that doesn't EXIST.
How. fvcking. cruel.
I've said it before, and I'll violently say it again:
'Nice guys' are the meanest, most manipulative people on the planet.
Fvck 'nice'.
If this is you right now, GOOOOOD.
Now you're aware of it.
That's huge.
And now it's time for you to make the shift of
giving everyone you know a gift that almost
no one else is able to...
You're going to see everyone for exactly as who they are.
Including all the women you're seeing.
The good, the bad, the ugly, the TRUTH.
And when you catch yourself starting to project
all these perfect qualities on her, you're going
to STOP and think to yourself..
"OK, I'm going to stop seeing this perfect version of her right now.
Instead, I'm gonna see all the flaws, the signs, the truths. And from
that rare place of authenticity and well-hungness, I'm going to vibe
with the real her."
This newsletter today is important, I suggest you
come back and read it multiple times...
Mr. Guru
15-12-2018, 06:43 AM
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
"Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova "
What is real love?
Not easy to explain what is real love?
Good afternoon!
Every healthy heterosexual girl/woman wants a man who can be a provider and a protector; preferably, he is also confident, self-assured, completely comfortable in his own skin, dominant, courageous, ambitious, patient, accomplished, yet kind, gentle n compassionate. He must be a MAN with awesome emotional control and self mastery.
Such a man is very attractive to the most desirable girl/woman but that is not enough to get her emotionally n sexually addicted.
As I hv alluded to in the past, a girl/woman can only be sexually addicted to a man who gives her the most intense PVOs again n again. No ifs, ands or buts about it. True emotional addiction is a byproduct.
Also, IMHO, without sexual addiction, so-called 'true love' between a man n a woman is mere fantasy/curiosity which will fade eventually...
Let me give u a quote.
Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova
Bro WB
15-12-2018, 11:52 AM
What an amazing thread here by bro WB.
Hope to learn more from the master!
15-12-2018, 02:05 PM
Indeed there are many assholes.
Thanks Mr. Guru for good post.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB from this thread.
Bro WB
Really so many assholes in this world. The guru wrote nicely.
Such a good forum in the past and good for reading.
Well done.
15-12-2018, 04:43 PM
Nice quote from Giacomo Casanova.
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
"Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova "
What is real love?
Not easy to explain what is real love?
23-12-2018, 03:26 PM
Like the way bro FA previous forum.
"I’d rather you get the gold medal and I get the silver medal…"
Excellent quote.
Bros hope dun mind I re-post old foprum.
Bro, tks.
I used to think bro FA was right. Not anymore. He tried too hard to give his woman pleasure first. That is neediness and insecurity. He thinks his GF is the prize
A MAN's pleasure must come first. A woman must always be submissive. That is true masculine behaviour, which is irresistible to women.
Bro WB
The above old forum really helps me to understand better.
Great description of techniques and ideas.
More to learn here.
Bro, tks.
If you read my previous posts, I had two pretty Ang moh GFs before for which I spent very little money. One was a student and the other a pharma rep. They approached me first. I didn't want anyone employed by the hospitals.
Very interesting exchange and corresponding.
Reading them very enriching.
Bro, tks.
Bro Weremonkey was asking if he could get a singer w/o spending any money on flowers. My advice: Forget abt these WLs/gold diggers, get a student or pharma rep. They are easier and often FOC.
He could up singers easily w/o hanging any flowers if he happens to meet them outside HFJs n not knowing they are singers or pretending not to know. Treat them like normal gals...
Fully agreed with Bro WB, I would rather be a badass gentleman.
Impressive thread by bro WB, hope to read more.
Bro, you will hv more girls than you can ever handle.
I'd rather you get the silver and I get the bronze medal...
Very excellent indeed.
Bros hope dun mind I re-phrase a bit.
Bro, tks.
No, you must get the Gold medal if you want to be a real MAN.
Bro WB
Really so many assholes in this world. The guru wrote nicely.
Such a good forum in the past and good for reading.
Well done.
Bro, tks.
Yes, too many 'nice guys' aka needy n manipulative axxholes.
Bro WB
Another great forum below.
"Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.
Giacomo Casanova "
What is real love?
Not easy to explain what is real love?
Bro, tks.
I think there is real love but it will not last forever. Nothing can last forever. How do you love someone if you're dead?
What an amazing thread here by bro WB.
Hope to learn more from the master!
Bro, tks.
I'm no master.
Indeed there are many assholes.
Thanks Mr. Guru for good post.
Hope to learn more from Bro WB from this thread.
Nice quote from Giacomo Casanova.
Thank you, bros.
Good afternoon,
A few days ago, I reconnected w/ a 21 yo girl XY I sorely missed a long time ago. Met her at TAM in August 2009. She agreed to be my full-time lover in Dec 2009. Not consummated because she wanted to be paid once a month. She left for CNY in Feb n couldn't return. She applied for a visitor pass in 2012 but was rejected. She deleted my wechat in 2013.
She is 30 now. 170, fair w/ natural C. I thought she only had B when I wrote abt her in Dec 2009. Beautiful n proportionate body, butt and legs. She was 52kg. Just told me she is 53kg now and sent me a recent photo. Still very attractive w/ nice body. Never married n never had childbirth.
She popped up in my QQ and I added her. Then she added my wechat. She still has the same HP no.
To cut a long story short, I told her to be my LP n bear me two kids. The reason is that she has very good genes. A very fine human specimen. One of the best I hv seen. She said YES. She said our kids would be beautiful. I said should be very beautiful. She agreed. She actually wants to marry me asap! I will try to hv kids w/ her w/o marrying her. BTW, she owns a restaurant w/ her GF in China.
I told her exactly what was in my mind. And she knows my masculine character traits. My word is my bond. She will hv to be submissive to me. She knows that I'm highly selective and will never settle.
At this time, I like to share an article written by Deep Blue
How to Touch Her with Confidence and Power
The common view of TOUCH is that you're giving the woman pleasure and that this arouses her and makes her attached to you.
That is certainly true, and we're lucky we live in a time when touching a woman is considered acceptable as soon as you start getting to know her. In older times, guys like Casanova had to be extraordinarily seductive with their WORDS just so they could get to the point where they could begin to touch a woman.
The key thing to understand about touch is that when you initiate it with a chick whom you're just getting to know, it isn't merely an arousing stimulus. It also challenges the BARRIERS between you.
Invisible Barriers
The presence of those invisible barriers which you both maintain in your minds is really the key difference between being lovers and strangers.
Typical NICE GUY behavior is to respect those barriers too much and to never challenge them. That by definition maintains the barriers, leaving them in place.
Doesn't matter how well he gets to know the chick, if he leaves those barriers in place he will never be her lover — that is why he ends up in the friend category. Because he actually REINFORCED the barriers instead of destroying them.
Anyway, the next level up from nice guy is to realize that you have to crumble those barriers. So you work on them, but you're still leery about causing any anxiety, and still a bit nervous about challenging the barriers.
So you look for excuses to touch, or you reach out and caress her but it has a slightly rushed quality because you're trying to mask some underlying nervousness.
Create Excitement
Ultimately, where you want to get to is the point where you recognize that for a woman, the experience of you challenging the barriers is not only a source of anxiety for her, but also a source of EXCITEMENT.
And the idea is to shift the balance so that she experiences more excitement than anxiety.
Ever see a baby fall down?
Notice how they don't know whether to laugh it off or cry so they look to their parents to see the parent's face? If the parent frowns with concern then the baby starts crying. If the parent smiles, the baby starts laughing.
Same with women.
When you enter new territory with a woman by challenging the "touch barriers" between you and her, then you have to do it calmly and confidently and that CAUSES her to experience it as exciting.
If, on the other hand, you do it nervously she'll experience it as something that isn't right and it will make her uncomfortable.
Project Confidence
One of the best ways to show confidence is to touch her slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous people rush things to mask their nervousness.
Nervous people also look away, so you calmly make eye contact. And nervous people look serious, so be sure to smile a lot.
Nervous people also make their voice tense, so you make yours relaxed, and make your posture very open and relaxed rather than being closed and tense.
All these things will convey confidence causing her mind to interpret your touch as a source of excitement, rather than a source of anxiety.
The more you understand (and vicariously feel) the way your touch EXCITES her, the more you will naturally become confident about doing it.
23-12-2018, 04:31 PM
Congrats. When are you going to consummate the union?
24-12-2018, 11:13 AM
Congrats. When are you going to consummate the union?
Before or after CNY. I could hv gone to meet her after CNY 2010. I hv not done so because I'm always busy. She deleted my wechat in 2013.
I never thought of having more kids until recently. If I take every factor into consideration, clearly XY offers the best genes and best future nurturing conditions for my kids. TY is good, but she is only 163.5 and she is too young. Will only be 19 next month.
Bro WB
25-12-2018, 09:39 AM
Merry Xmas to bro WB and all here.
Thank you for a nice thread.
I do agree that money is double edge sword in any pursuit of women. You need to have money to start pursue. Agreed too that can limit the spending when necessary.
Really depends on negotiation and confidence level.
Cheers and make merry everyone.
Dear bro Weremonkey,
Tks for asking such excellent questions.
The psychological techniques work on every healthy girl/woman, WLs n non-WLs.
If you're unable to differentiate between real n fake orgasms, you better read up n learn from hands-on experience asap.
Yes, money is necessary to bed these girls. But the damage could be minimized. You could learn from bro FA who has spent very little n yet has got two singers vying for his attention haha.
I started this thread to discuss various methods of "pick up" to cut the friction cost of meeting girls. I hv met many girls, both here n in China, proposed BY n got accepted w/o having spent a penny. For various reasons, I hv consummated the "BY relationship" in less than 1/3 of cases haha.
BTW, I don't limit myself to KTV or HFJ gals in SG n PRC. Any unmarried gal of my type anywhere on planet earth is fair game. In some countries, my physical safety is my only concern which may deter me...
Money is a sensitive issue n a double-edged sword. Giving too much money can destroy attraction. Perhaps I'm old fashioned n outdated. But, IMHO, a real MAN should be a good provider n a bold protector of his women. Most importantly, he must be able to give them regular PVO n get them sexually n emotionally addicted to him. This IS the prerequiste for "true love," at least as far as women is concerned. Women r actually very simple n men r more complex hahaha.
There r men out there who believe their wife/GF/mistress/er nai r truly in love w/ them. They need to ask themselves only one question.
Have I given my women regular PVO?
If yes, congrats.
If no, their "true love" for u is suspect n may fade w/ time. You can write it down.
BTW, the role of men really hasn't changed that much in the last 50,000 yrs. It's in the genes of both men n women, in our collective subconscious minds. "Emancipation" of women n "gender equality" in advanced countries (including SG) have upset this relationship n have resulted in high divorce rates n misery for all parties. It's has been a lose-lose-lose situation.
Bro WB
25-12-2018, 09:42 AM
Bro WB
Another lovely posts below in the past.
Was reading thru and re-quote some of the best and interesting pointers.
Merry Xmax to everybody.
Dear bro Weremonkey,
I really enjoy answering ur questions.
Getting ur dream girl sexually n emotionally addicted to u is most gratifying, especially if she had rejected u repeatedly in the past n u thought somehow she was "out of ur league," hahaha.
What do u mean by "financial output is next to nothing"? Very, very low income or no income?
To hv long term successful RS w/ women, a man needs to hv confidence, masculinity, ability to make women feel safe n secure, character n emotional control/self mastery. Of course his ability to give them PVO is a prerequisite. If u hv the above MANLY qualities, women will be very attracted to you. And those same attributes will make u financially secure, it's a matter of time bro. So cultivate those attributes n be patient n persistent.
Bro WB
Dear bro Weremonkey,
Possible but quite difficult, and it will take time and effort.
Try to connect w/ her outside n far away from KTV/HFJ.
If she tells u that she is on visitor pass, student visa or WP, it's great news, play along w/ her...
If she says she is a singer at XYZ HFJ n asks u to see her there, act blur n say you never go such places. Get her ctc no n Wechat.
What u do next depends on how much you like her.
25-12-2018, 10:13 AM
Merry Xmas to bro WB and all too.
Thanks for an excellent thread.
Merry Xmas to bro WB and all here.
Thank you for a nice thread.
I do agree that money is double edge sword in any pursuit of women. You need to have money to start pursue. Agreed too that can limit the spending when necessary.
Really depends on negotiation and confidence level.
Cheers and make merry everyone.
25-12-2018, 12:33 PM
Very lovely post indeed.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Merry Xmas everyone.
Bro WB
Another lovely posts below in the past.
Was reading thru and re-quote some of the best and interesting pointers.
Merry Xmax to everybody.
25-12-2018, 03:34 PM
Merry Xmas to bro WB and all here.
Thank you for a nice thread.
I do agree that money is double edge sword in any pursuit of women. You need to have money to start pursue. Agreed too that can limit the spending when necessary.
Really depends on negotiation and confidence level.
Cheers and make merry everyone.
Tks, bro.
Money is not the problem, it's the wussy and scarcity mindset. Most men believe, consciously and subconsciously, that a very beautiful girl/woman is the prize. They hv to jump through hoops to win her pussy and heart!
It's actually wonderful for the very, very rare men who think otherwise. A very beautiful girl could detect such a rare man instantly, from a distance. And she will do everything in her power to get him. She may approach him first and may dream about him...
Bro WB
Another lovely posts below in the past.
Was reading thru and re-quote some of the best and interesting pointers.
Merry Xmax to everybody.
Tks, bro.
Merry Xmas to bro WB and all too.
Thanks for an excellent thread.
Very lovely post indeed.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Merry Xmas everyone.
To all samsters,
Have a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
Bro WB
26-12-2018, 07:23 AM
Dear bro WMK,
You're doing well.
BTW, I hv seen many tall, beautiful, sexy n fair Thai gals in Bangkok n Changmai, but not in SG.
Likewise, thousands of very pretty SYTs r waiting for us in China. I hv made ctc w/ dozens of them, but very very few r willing to come to SG. They want to be ST-ed or BY-ed over there.
It's sad that we SG men don't even hv the chance to taste prime meat or abalone here. It's sadder that we often fight over scraps...
Bro WB
Bro WB
A mentor told me that if I want to find the best Girls in any country then I need to go to the country to locate.
Go Thailand if want to find beautiful Thai girl.
Go vietnam if want to find beautiful Viet girl.
Go PRC if want to find the beautiful Chinese girl.
Best Wishes.
26-12-2018, 07:29 AM
Exactly, Bro DYBJ! So I don’t understand why even a tinge of guilt or remorse when it comes to WL or singers. You mean to say you felt like you have cheated them? Careful, for they can sense this “guilt” like a shark would to a drop of blood in the ocean and then they will strike.
LL was the top-earner in DC. Worst singer there, but the prettiest. She left a few days ago. Me and Bro WB have spent many posts on her. But Bro WB wants me to tell the story.
LL had a bf who pays her $100K a month while still allowing her to work. He also hangs flowers for her most nights. One month before LL left, she dumped her ex-bf for another guy. The 2 guys quarrelled and fought at DC. Boss can only shake his head cos on one hand, the ex is a relative, on the other hand the new beau is a big customer he doesn’t want to offend. It got so bad that LL didn’t have the xia dang show like all other singers cos he was afraid they would fight and make a mess of the place.
After LL went back, the ex flew to China to look for her but the new beau went there before him. Understandably, the ex couldn’t find her in China and kept calling back to the singers (LL’s jie meis) to find her. Too bad. The new couple are enjoying their honeymoon.
Now, unbeknownst to both guys, LL kept a secret stash of money. Before she left, she and her jie meis managed to remit part of it to China. Yet, she was still stuck with half that stash in Singapore and her good jie mei enlisted my help to remit for her. Apparently, there was a ceiling to how much a PRC could remit money out of Singapore.
So the question is this – it wouldn’t be a problem if this pile of cash is given to her by either the ex or current bf. But the fact that they do not know of it says a lot. I didn’t probe further because it was very obvious. But I will ask again since Bro WB wanted me to. Hehehe…
Sounds like a incredible story and no kidding 100k per month in SGD.
I wonder what LL is worth the amount?
26-12-2018, 07:32 AM
Dear bro FA,
Tks for the interesting story. It's like a soap opera.
I don't hv the good fortune of meeting LL, she looks so so in the pic u showed me. Perhaps she is very pretty in person.
There r valuable lessons to be learnt here.
Firstly, I'm not convinced that she received 100K a month plus the most intense PVOs from her ex BF. Why? She dumped him for the same amt of support from the new BF. When a man has given a girl regular intense PVOs which are anchored to him, the bonding n addiction r very strong, like cocaine addiction. Yes, I could understand if she dumped him for much more money, but still she won't avoid him like a plague haha.
Secondly, her ex BF was frantic like a little boy after he was dumped by LL. It shows that he has little power in the 'relationship' cuz he thinks he doesn't deserve her. He is desperate n needy, which is very repulsive to her. He thinks somehow she is THE SPECIAL ONE n that he may never get another gal as desirable as LL.
He has zero self mastery and he doesn't behave like a man who can give any women the most intense PVOs.
I still don't get it. Doesn't he know that there r literally thousands of SYTs in China, prettier n younger than LL, waiting for him? Did he kena Gong Tao?
Pls find out more abt the new BF as it could shed light on this interesting little drama.
BTW, don't forget to charge a very hefty fee for remitting the ill-gotten cash for LL. You're a kind soul as I won't do it even if my cut is 50%.
Bro WB
Bro WB reply to bro FA post above which I re-post here.
I think really stupid to fight over a girl. The ex bf must be very needy and sore loser.
Anyway using high cash to earn love is already a loser.
Thanks for sharing.
Best Wishes.
26-12-2018, 11:01 AM
Bro WB
A mentor told me that if I want to find the best Girls in any country then I need to go to the country to locate.
Go Thailand if want to find beautiful Thai girl.
Go vietnam if want to find beautiful Viet girl.
Go PRC if want to find the beautiful Chinese girl.
Best Wishes.
Fully agreed. Go Indonesia if want to find beautiful Indonesian girl.
26-12-2018, 04:41 PM
Sounds like a incredible story and no kidding 100k per month in SGD.
I wonder what LL is worth the amount?
Wondering too, maybe pussy is gold-coated.
26-12-2018, 08:26 PM
Bro WB
Bro WB reply to bro FA post above which I re-post here.
I think really stupid to fight over a girl. The ex bf must be very needy and sore loser.
Anyway using high cash to earn love is already a loser.
Thanks for sharing.
Best Wishes.
Agreed, no point fighting over a girl.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
27-12-2018, 12:15 AM
I just picked up a PRC drunk gal outside peace centre... booby AF, and legs to die for....
27-12-2018, 10:52 AM
Bro WB
I love your thread and thank you so much.
Below was an old post which described in detail how you possessed self mastery. I also love your quote in previous post.
"a stage is an auction ground, the singers r auction items n the guests r just plain bidders.
Whoever bids the highest, wins the bid. "
Please keep up the good effort.
Happy New Year in advance.
Good afternoon!
Last Fri I went to a 3rd fl Havelock joint with 2 other bros for HH.: Bros S n NB. We had a good time n spent relatively little as I had a leftover bttle, and when that was finished by 9PM, bro S had a bttle which he brought up from 1st fl.
Bro NB will be promoted to a good position in Shanghai, hopefully soon. Congrats! I'll miss him.
Bro S will be going to China soon. He will bring a pretty SYT back as his mistress haha.
Bro S n I went there to 3rd fl before 6:30PM n we both had an eye on a cute SYT FE who was among the first Q up. Mummy H said tak boleh for ST. I said KIV. I noticed her juicy, shapely n perky ass. Later bro S n I went out to the big rm to search for gals. Bro S expressed some interest in FE, but I was faster on the draw n asked mummy H if FE would agree to 跑台,the gal looked baffled n asked mummy to clarify. It was her first day at work.
Anyway, after she sat down with me, I began to like her more n more. She is 22 but looked younger, like 19-20. Pretty n very cute, good complexion, quite fair, 168, 49-50 kg, small bony frame, long straight n sharply legs. No, she is far from perfect as her shoulders a bit broad due to frequent swimming n her boobs only B. She is from Hubei, a model n uni graduate. In terms of looks n figure, she is the best I hv seen since I met my current young mistress over a yr ago.
We made great connection, chemistry? Predestined affinity? She was friendly, jovial. I asked her: 你出街吗?She asked: 什么是出街? I said: 去开房。 Her reply: 不去。 I asked again: 多少你说,多少钱都不去? Her reply: 不去!I then said: 我喜欢不出街的, 我要照顾你!She didnt reply.We then share d a couple of jokes.
I started touching her on the wrists, arms n escalated my pfysical ctc. Before long I was massaging her neck n then kissing her cheek n hugging her tightl y...then I frenched her.I knew her pussy was mine.
I consummated the BY the very next day. I was sati sfied with her naked body n pussy. She was easily orgasimc...
On Sat I left her to sit in the massage chair at PC while I went to park my car. We were going to b ro S's outing to a small joint at Parklane.When I came back in abt 10 minutes, I saw a man bending o ver talking to her, trying to invite her to dinner !I approached them n he turned around: Your GF? I said my mistress.He walked away quickly. Yesterday , she came to PC Sophia rd so that we could go to see a movie at Cathay. She arrived early n ordere d noodle at the 1st fl cafeteria.When I came 12 m inutes later, she hurried to my car. She said two men stared at her n tried to pick her up inside th e cafe!!
I guess these must be bros who hv read my thread!! Well done.Keep it up. I welcome competition which gives meaning to success.These bros still got cha nce as it may take a full month for a gal to get s exually addicted to a man.Besides, she is on a 14 day visitor pass n has to return to PRC very soon. Her sis n agent suggest that she get singer pass on her return. The singing type as the visa is muc h cheaper n she is a good singer. However, she wou ld be pleased to apply for student pass if I agree to keep her on her return. I'm not sure at this t ime as I already hv two other mistreeses.I like he r as she is very vivacious n very passionate.She l ooked stunningly pretty n sexy last night.During t he show, she n I were glued together...
Bro WB
27-12-2018, 10:55 AM
Bro WB classic post.
Another classic quote which I love here.
"I believe that, in life, it's not where you start that counts, it's where you finish."
Below is another great old guru post.
Hope to pickup more techniques by reading on.
Happy New Year in advance.
Dear bro deathnitez,
Tks for sharing. You're a very humble man.
.................................................. ......
Good afternoon,
Great sex has different effects, both physical n emotional, on men n women.
If a man gives a woman sexual pleasure she has never experienced w/ any other men, she is very likely to become sexually addicted. Even if he is the antithesis of her type, in every way.
Most women has never had PVO, which can be so intense n so prolonged that it's life-changing.
Almost all men can experience orgasm which is relatively weak. How many of us moan n scream uncontrollably n INVOLUNTARILY when we come? The key word here is INVOLUNTARILY.
If a woman gives a man sexual pleasure he has never had w/ other women, it's very unlikely he will be addicted to her solely because of great sex. If he already likes her, he will like her more. If he doesn't already like her, he will still not like her, despite the great sex.
Here is an article from a relationship/sex guru giving advice to women on how to get men addicted. BTW, the guru is a man.
This is very useful because, like they say, “知彼知己,百战不殆"
3 Simple Hints That Make A Man Addicted To You . . .
Hint 1: Understand what sex actually means to a man.
Every day through my blog, podcast and Facebook wall we get dozens and dozens of questions from women wanting to know what sex actually MEANS to men. "Why do men want sex so much?," they ask . . . "If I sleep with a guy does it mean we're getting married?," they plead, "I met this guy and he wanted to tie me up on the first date and bring his ex girlfriend along . . . do you think he likes me?" they beg. (Uhh. Run.)
And again and again I have to repeat ONE big lesson.
Sex doesn't CREATE emotions for men but it does REINFORCE emotions for men.
If a guy already likes you and sees you as "girlfriend material," then sex (good sex, anyway) will make him like you more and maybe even create a little bit of "love."
But if he just sees you as "hookup material" or a "friend with benefits" that's not going to change no matter how many crazy positions you learn or how long you can hold your breath.
The main lesson here is that sex is incredibly important to men (we think about it all the time) but it's not always EMOTIONALLY important. Unlike most women a lot of guys can have dirty, amazing, athletic sex with women they have no feelings for at all and have that not change a damned thing.
Sucks, huh?
So . . .
Don't sleep with a guy to "Make him like you." It won't work. But DO sleep with a guy if he already likes you and you'll "hook him" like a particularly randy trout.
Which brings us to . ..
Hint 2: Worship his package like some religious idol.
OK, let's be honest. . .
Men LOVE their packages.
Love them.
The emotional connection a man feels for his genitalia is something between love and obsession. Men take a crazy, ridiculous and unhealthy amount of time thinking about their genitalia, what their genitalia is feeling what it WANTS to feel and how they can make it feel more.
And because guys love them so much we want YOU to love them too.
I know, I know, they are ugly little shriveled tails hanging off the front of a man (until they're not).
But a POWERFUL masculine dream is "THE POWER OF THE PACKAGE."
Just watch any pornography made for straight guys and you'll see this (incredibly unrealistic) effect in action.
A man simply unzips his pants and suddenly the demure housewife becomes as slick and hot as a water slide on the 4th of July.
Yes, it's ridiculous. But it's also hard wired into men's minds and simply understanding the deep connection a man has to his package (instead of mocking him for it) gives you incredible power.
If you want to get a guy busting down doors to get to you simply send him a text saying . . .
"I can't stop thinking about your package. . . if you were here right now I would . . . "
And make sure to TALK about it while you're having sex too. I promise, he'll like it.
Hint 3: Give Him Sexual Power Over You . . .
OK, this hint is actually a little bit of an extension of number 2 (insert Extenz one liner here) but fundamentally men get off on being able to give women an incredible time in bed without necessarily having to do any work for it.
Actually, here's a funny example.
A few weeks ago I was hanging out with a couple I know in California.
The woman (a hot single mom from Eastern Europe) had gotten one of my programs.
She decided to test it out.
"I can't stop thinking about your arms and how safe I feel in them. You're amazing."
Then she heard the rapid steps on the stairs as her boyfriend RAN to see her. He busted open the door with a lustful smile on his face ready to sweep her into his arms . . .
And then got red faced and a bit embarrassed when he saw my program on the screen.
Anyway . ..
Notice a recurring theme in these "3 Hints?"
They're psychological.
Just like for women, for men sex is 95% in the mind. No amount of "weird tricks" or running your nails down his
chest is going to affect a man as understanding the primal desires of his mind.
Mr. Sex Guru
Thanks for reading. Comments n criticisms will be appreciated.
Bro WB
27-12-2018, 05:22 PM
I love this thread as well, thanks very much Bro WB.
Bro WB
I love your thread and thank you so much.
Below was an old post which described in detail how you possessed self mastery. I also love your quote in previous post.
"a stage is an auction ground, the singers r auction items n the guests r just plain bidders.
Whoever bids the highest, wins the bid. "
Please keep up the good effort.
Happy New Year in advance.
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