View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
13-03-2019, 12:34 AM
Better be bad guy than nice guy LOL.
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Ok ok and from now on no more mr Nice Guy.
Haha, very interesting facts.
14-03-2019, 09:39 AM
Had a nice hh outing with bro WB and bro wei last week, great to catch up with you guys and hopefully we can meet again soon!
14-03-2019, 03:33 PM
Good afternoon.
Learning how to stimulate love using my eyes too!
Thanks bro WB his sharing and guidance too.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB,
Telling good jokes in a nice thread.
The gal must be so impressed that she going to wear a 50k diamond not knowing was scam.
If have more than one gf best neevr let them meet. This prevent unnecessary problem.
Thank you for well organised thread.
Best is you bother to read and reply to them.
Bro, tks.
Telling jokes build comfort.
IMHO, attractive girls/women prefer an unfaithful winner to a faithful loser.
Another beautiful forum below.
Bro WB - thank you so much and I didn't realised exercise possible to have orgasm.
Ok ok and from now on no more mr Nice Guy.
Haha, very interesting facts.
Become a badass gentleman aka a prestigious who gives value to society.
Fully agreed that bro WB takes his precious time to reply to everyone.
Thanks for giving us a fantastic thread.
Yes a beautiful forum indeed.
Didn't know that possible to have orgasm by exercising.
Thanks bro WB for an amazing thread.
Have a nice day :)
Very nice and informative thread by bro WB, thanks many many!
Have a good week ahead.
Better be bad guy than nice guy LOL.
Very good thread by bro WB.
Have a great week ahead.
Bros, thanks.
Had a nice hh outing with bro WB and bro wei last week, great to catch up with you guys and hopefully we can meet again soon!
Bro, tks.
Good to see u after such a long time.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
14-03-2019, 11:51 PM
Very good thread here, thanks bro warbird :)
17-03-2019, 07:43 AM
Good morning
Bro WB
Below was excellent forum.
Yes men are the prize and not women. So never let the matrix matter.
I hope to learn more here.
Thanks so much.
Good morning!
Treating all girls/women as expendable n inflatable dolls is a good start. It's the right mindset n you must always hv a very strong mental frame which will suck all the dolls into your world, your reality. Not the other round. You will always hv more power in the RS. Are u shy n nervous in front of a very pretty n sexy inflatable doll? Are u afraid of rejection by a doll? It's laughable, isn't it?
Do you want to be KCed by an inflatable doll? Why not? Hv fun, as long as she has more KC for you.
If your doll is angry or if she rejects you for whatever reason, never ever show that you're affected by her words or actions. If you do, she knows that you're a weak beta man, a wuss, a nice guy. In fact, you should not care or be affected by what she (or anyone else) says/feels/thinks or does. Remain as cool as cucumber. Your body language, voice tonality etc., n your words must be in congruence, otherwise she knows you're faking're just a frightened little boy inside.
BTW, don't be a nice guy. Don't be a bad boy or a jerk either. Be a badass gentleman!
A badass gentleman or BG is always very relaxed, unflappable, dominant, self assured, bold, passionate, very comfortable in his own skin, decisive, is a leader, ambitious, kind, humble, witty, sexual, etc. He has awesome emotional an self mastery.
He has very strong mental frame n he knows he is the PRIZE n that he has more social n sexual value than any girl/woman aka inflatable doll alive today.
Let me quote a guru.
"Pull yourself out of the bullshit so-cial Matrix – realize that you are the prize, not her. The man is the prize. This is how it has been throughout the ages and this is how women want it to be. They want to be with the prize. Approach and deal with girls from the mindset of being the prize, the rock-star, the king of the jungle."
Bro WB
17-03-2019, 07:45 AM
Bro WB
Below is the lovely 4 steps to get our target gal to kiss.
I hope I can try this 4 step and practised daily.
Hope to learn more here.
Thank you so much.
Nice weekend.
Good morning!
Every minute, everyday, do you feel that you're THE PRIZE to the most attractive dolls in the world? If the answer is yes, congrats! If not, you need to change your mindset or mental frame asap. Until your subconscious mind believes that you're the prize, you will fail when you meet a very attractive doll or you "dream girl", when you think she is "out of your league."
I received this email on KISSING from a guru yesterday. As I hv said many times before, if a girl willingly lets you kiss her, her pussy is yours. Very very few exceptions.
The 4-Step System To Get Her To Kiss You… Using Body Language Tactics
This technique is something you can do even when you’re in a bar or a disco pub. Why? Because the loud noise of the bar will work for you.
If a woman does not see you as a prize yet, this technique will change her mind.
Step #1: You see her looking at you, hanging on to your every word and smiling in response to what you’re saying. She’s standing only a foot away. You can smell her cologne and you can almost feel her soft skin on yours.
This is the part where most men mess up. They simply lose sight of their intentions and start showing sexual reactions themselves. Bad, bad move.
Here’s how it can then backfire. She might just think you’re coming on to her “too fast” and run away. I’ve seen enough men mess this up by grabbing the girl, or fidgeting.
Even worse, they show subconscious sexual responses so strong that the women get turned off (i.e. pulling her close and rubbing his lower body on hers before she’s ready for that).
You have to keep still while she closes in. Don’t get excited yet, and continue talking like nothing monumental is happening.
Step #2: As her interest heightens to a feverish pitch, lower your voice so she has to lean to hear you. You will see her stepping closer and straining to hear what you’re saying.
Step #3: When she offers you her ear, you whisper what you’re saying and she will still be listening on, captivated. At this point, your lips are almost touching her ear, and your breath is making shivers run up and down her spine.
She will start to wonder if you’re kissing her ear or not, but you’re talking about some mundane thing so maybe it’s unintentional. She knows for sure it feels good, though, so she will keep listening to you (and enjoying the lip play on her ear).
Step #4: In one fluid motion, move your lips from her ear to her lips and give her a lingering kiss…
And what do I mean by lingering? Usually this lasts for 1.5 minutes tops, and starts out softly and gently.
Give just a hint of tongue unless she opens her mouth and goes all out. If this happens, give her a pretty hot French kiss, the kind that takes her breath away, and then pull away slowly. Take note that you’re still holding her, so you can bring your lips back to her ear to talk softly to her again.
The kiss might shake her… and importantly, make her realize that she kissed you because she thinks you’re the prize.
The aftermath of the kiss is just as important as the events that led up to it. Continue talking in a soothing manner and your hands must be caressing her back or arms.
When she’s relaxed again you can gaze deeply in her eyes and look for signs that she wants another kiss; a parted mouth, a dewy look or a pair of hands holding your face close.
The point is you made her realize a lot of things, the main thing being “you turn her on”.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just do it!!
Bro WB
17-03-2019, 11:31 AM
Good morning too
Couldn't agree more this is a an excellent forum.
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much.
Have a nice Sunday.
Good morning
Bro WB
Below was excellent forum.
Yes men are the prize and not women. So never let the matrix matter.
I hope to learn more here.
Thanks so much.
17-03-2019, 02:46 PM
Lovely 4 steps indeed.
I will practise these 4 steps daily.
Learnt a lot from bro WB, thanks a million.
Have a great day.
Bro WB
Below is the lovely 4 steps to get our target gal to kiss.
I hope I can try this 4 step and practised daily.
Hope to learn more here.
Thank you so much.
Nice weekend.
17-03-2019, 03:33 PM
Very good thread here, thanks bro warbird :)
Tks, bro.
Good morning
Bro WB
Below was excellent forum.
Yes men are the prize and not women. So never let the matrix matter.
I hope to learn more here.
Thanks so much.
Bro, tks.
If a man thinks that his girl/woman is the prize, the RS will fail and, if they somehow remain together, both of them will be miserable.
Bro WB
Below is the lovely 4 steps to get our target gal to kiss.
I hope I can try this 4 step and practised daily.
Hope to learn more here.
Thank you so much.
Nice weekend.
Pls go out and practice. Give us your FR.
Good morning too
Couldn't agree more this is a an excellent forum.
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much.
Have a nice Sunday.
Lovely 4 steps indeed.
I will practise these 4 steps daily.
Learnt a lot from bro WB, thanks a million.
Have a great day.
Bros, tks.
.................................................. ..........
Good afternoon,
Here is an article I read recently:
The Key Difference Between Nice Guys and Successful Guys
It’s a common complaint, an annoying situation, even a man’s worst nightmare.
You know what I’m talking about: When a girl you like wants to be “just friends.”
But seriously… you don’t try to attract a woman or approach a girl so you can just be her “friend’!
At best, it’s settling for second best. At worst, it’s emasculating your male power and giving up any hope of getting in her panties…
You like this girl, you want intimacy, but all she wants is friendship. How do you turn things around?
In short, you have to make a girl REMEMBER you. Whereas guys who are much more than friends are always on a woman’s mind, friends are just… there. There’s no special emotion connected to them. They’re just… friends.
So how do you change this?
Let’s start with the basics: What do women want in a romance? Well, by now you know that women are looking for STAND-UP GUYS, guys who mean business and don’t take no for an answer. They want a protector, a defender, a man who will always be at their side.
Now ask yourself: Is that me?
If you’re the kind of guy who avoids conflict, treats women with deference and worship, jumps at the opportunity to listen to her moan…
Then you’re a nice guy. You don’t stand up for yourself. You don’t assume leadership. You sit down when a woman wants you to jump up and save her butt!
So it seems, nice guys always finish last. They end up in the friend zone, instead of the BED zone.
But does it have to be that way?
NO! You just have to make one change that will forever transform your game. I’m not talking about becoming a bad boy; you can be a stand-up guy without being a jerk. Stand-up guys are just good guys who give women the same things they love about bad boys–without beating girls up and treating them like trash.
I’m talking about bringing to the table the one thing girls love. The one thing bad boys–and stand-up guys–have that nice guys just don’t. The difference between nice guys and STAND-UP guys can pretty much be summarized in one word: attitude.
The stand-up guys, the guys who are MORE than just friends, bring ALPHA ATTITUDE to the table. They bring confidence, swagger, independence, and centered-ness around them.
Whereas nice guys revolve their worlds around pleasing and being nice to women, stand-up guys revolve their world around themselves. They’re on a path, a mission, and if a woman doesn’t want to join them, it’s her loss. But if she does want to join him, she better recognize that his world, is her world. Not the other way around.
If a girl is “just friends” with you, she probably doesn’t take you seriously enough. Or, you haven’t shown her you’re serious enough about HER for her to make a move herself.
So how do you change things so that your female friend/acquaintance/secret crush will be attracted to you?
Don’t make the mistake of believing that women want jerks. They
only desire certain Alpha qualities the jerk possesses and that the
Nice Guy is afraid to show.
These Alpha qualities act like a potent drug on her nervous system,
blinding her (temporarily) to the reality of the Jerk’s bad
influence. Eventually she finds herself emotionally locked to
someone she doesn’t like, but can’t seem to get away from.”
In other words, you show a girl attitude. You penetrate her emotions. You become a drug to her, someone so daring, so masculine, so irresistible, that thoughts of you are stuck in her head day and night. They want to see you so badly, that nothing else crosses their minds.
Contrast these emotions to the ones she feels about nice guys, the “just friends.” Does she even remember who they are?
Mr. Guru
Become a badass gentleman who gives value to society.
If I see a chio SYT of my type, I'll approach her. Unless she is married or a mistress of a Yakuza boss. And after a few minutes, I'll whisper the magic words to her.
I expect her to reject me initially. I love initial rejections. I know she will remember me and my words. And I know her pussy will be mine if she meets my other criteria.
Bro WB
17-03-2019, 05:29 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, learnt many things from you :)
Rasta Marley
19-03-2019, 11:42 AM
Hi Bro Warbird
This thread was started by you way back in June 2009....nearly 10 years!
Your efforts in continuing Sharing over the years is just amazing and remarkable. Kudos and many thanks to you for upholding the spirit of this SBF Forum, which has always been about sharing in the first place :cool::)
19-03-2019, 12:18 PM
Good morning!
I like to share something I just read.
The Master “Formula” For Attraction
Most men believe that every girl is different and therefore must be seduced in a unique way. This isn’t the case. Attraction is a process of nature and nature is systematic and predictable more often than not. Most of a woman’s decisions come from parts of her brain that are totally subconscious and make her decisions for her based on primal survival and re- production instincts. If you activate the right triggers, women often have a predictable response.
Here are the 3 Rules to keep in mind when using this System:
1)Use The Right Triggers
Hipster girls, strippers, bookworms and bartenders are all still female and respond to similar triggers. Your looks, age, income and other factors don’t play as big of a factor as you think, they’re just the icing on the cake.
)Show The Right Traits
Even though we are trying to attract modern women, their brains still function the same as those of cave women. Women look for very specific traits to filter out and reject men. If you show women the right traits, you’ll turn them on.
3)Don’t Think Too Hard
You’ll drive yourself crazy wondering what a woman’s thinking and it won’t help you. Instinct can help, but if you start to about wonder “what to do” with a specific girl for too long, you’ll start to make poor decisions. Instead, just follow the simple step-by-step system I’m about to lay out for you to ensure you don’t make any big mis- takes.
The important thing to remember is that no woman is totally “out of your league” and statistics argue that no woman is immune to being seduced and that, generally, all women respond to the same triggers and look for the same traits.
Every girl is going to hook up with someone and there’s no reason that it shouldn’t be you. If she rejects you then it’s likely that you neglected a crucial element in this system.
Bro WB's note: It takes time for a doll to realize n appreciate your dominant n masculine character traits, and your awesome emotional n self mastery. You need to be patient...
Never brag or show off, it's such a wussy n insecure/immature behaviour. You may still bed dolls who are after your money or dolls w/ negative self esteem. But even these girls will hv no real n lasting attraction n respect for you.
Bro WB
Yes, fully agreed with the master here.
Bro WB - very nice forum.
Dun fool ourselves, just display self mastery and gals flock to us.
Thank you for a nice thread.
19-03-2019, 12:20 PM
Another excellent forum below.
Don Juan kiss of death is serious. We all knew Don Juan will never fall in love and only gals will fall in love with him.
Bro WB
I believe this guru must be in love many times to be able to write such beautiful article.
Hope we can learn more from him
Good afternoon!
I hv a dear bro YY who is a ladies man, a real life Don Juan. That is the opinion of many PRC gals. I concur. But, something strange has happened. He has been a Don Juan until he met his dream girl NN at Palace 8 KTV recently. For two months he has spent a lot of time n money on her, even accompanying her to Bintan, but in the end he still couldn't get her pussy. Why? Because YY put her on a pedestal n treated her like a goddess. Very tragic idea for any man. The man is the PRIZE n he must hv more power in a RS by caring less, otherwise a girl will come to despise him. She can't help it, it's in her genes.
He confessed his fondness n love for her within days after first meeting her!! He even offered to marry her!! I remember he was so excited when he showed her photos to me n said, my new GF!! Not my type, but one man's meat is...his love for her has not diminished despite daily advice from me n other esteemed kakis. We are all in my special Wechat grp. At least he now takes longer to reply to XX n we hv significantly limited his financial damage haha.
Now NN is back in China. Of course it's never too late for YY to turn the table on her. But he needs to change his mindset n strategies. Insanity is doing the same thing n expecting different results.
I received the following article from a RS n sex guru a few days ago. I did minimal editing n forwarded to YY only half an hr ago. I read it three times myself. Here is what I sent him:
The Kiss of Death with Women
You've met the most incredible girl...
You don't really know her, but you're pretty sure she's a Goddess... sent straight from Heaven... in jeans.
You exchanged glances in Chemistry ( in high school ), had a few brief conversations after class, and even bumped into her at the mall. (Talk about fate!)
You KNOW you want her. There's no doubt about it. The question now becomes, "Does she want you?"
She smiles at you... but is it a friendly or a flirtatious smile? You saw her leave with another guy after class... was he her boyfriend? She flirted with you last week, even touched your shoulder... then completely ignored you the other day. Does she like you?
How can you tell? You really need to know this before you begin the "pursuit" don't you?
Perhaps the most common question posed on every dating discussion forum concerns "reading women" and trying to figure out whether they like you or not. The poster usually describes his situation, what he did, what she did, and then asks, "Does this mean she likes me?" Or, "Does this mean she doesn't like me?"
Definitely a popular question. Definitely a question in need of an answer.
Okay, here's the best answer you're going to get and what you need to remember... always...
Obsessing about a particular girl, and whether or not she likes you, is the DON JUAN KISS OF DEATH!
If you're worrying about whether a girl likes you or not, chances are she doesn't - or rather, SHE WON'T. She won't because your "worry" and your "obsession" with what she thinks of you will actually push her away.
Let me try to explain.
When you let yourself fall into the "obsession" trap, you begin to analyze everything your dream girl does, every word she says, every move she makes... and try to relate them all to you!
She smiled at you - she didn't smile at you. She emailed you - she didn't email you. She returned your call - she didn't return your call. Confusion, frustration, and anxiety result.
This obsession with her behaviors and their meanings will paralyze you, confuse you, and suck every ounce of confidence you have from your body. You will become a Blithering Blob of Insecurity. And women, in general, are not attracted to Blithering Blobs of Insecurity.
So are you wrong to be confused by women?
NO! Absolutely NO!
Women ARE confusing. Always have been and always will be. That's just the way they are.
Especially when it comes to romance, women seem totally inconsistent in their behaviors. One minute you're convinced you're the man of her dreams, and the next she seems to be unaware of your existence. One minute she's flirting, and smiling, and rubbing up against you, and the next minute she's gone, left without even saying "bye." You SHOULD be frustrated and confused!
Now, no one knows exactly why women give off such mixed signals and deliberately, it seems, attempt to confuse us. Some suspect it's those magazines they read. Others think it has to do with the secret bathroom conferences they hold. Still others propose that their illogical behaviors are due to the wacky hormones they have surging throughout their bodies. The cause is relatively unimportant. You just have to accept it, and plot your strategy to deal with it.
So, given the inconsistencies of female romantic behavior, attempting to "read" women and figure out what they're thinking, is, at best, an incredibly frustrating experience. So don't do it. Don't even attempt it.
Just say NO to "reading" women!
Okay... well... if you don't really try to "read" women to determine whether they like you or not, then what do you do? What's your strategy? After all, they may be confusing, illogical, and somewhat annoying, but you still wanna get you one.
If you're attracted to a girl, then just ASSUME she's attracted to you too. And ACT ACCORDINGLY!
Assume that she likes you and would like to get to know you better. Assume that she's physically attracted to you. Assume that YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES to attract such a lady, no matter how incredible she seems.
Assume the positive... always the positive. Assuming the negative will kill any chances you might have with her. (Pessimists, my friend, are not "chick magnets.")
Now there are many exciting benefits of adopting this attitude of assuming that women you like also like you... and treating them accordingly.
For one, if you refuse to obsess about all the little "signs" she's giving you, whether they be good signs or bad signs, you will feel more relaxed, calm, and confident. You won't be "up" one minute because she smiled at you, and "down" the next because she also smiled at some other guy.
Attempting to "read" her will only lead to confusion, frustration, and anxiety. And this will make you more tense when she's around, and thus, less likely to be the charming, charismatic Don Juan that you'd like to be.
And you also won't be wasting your time trying to figure out what she's thinking... trying to figure out what every little move means... and where you stand. You'll be able to devote your "mental time" to something more useful and productive.
Secondly, if you just assume that she likes you, then you will actually increase the probability that she eventually WILL like you. This is known as a self-fulfilling prophecy, and is a well-documented phenomenon in psychological research.
Basically what this means is that if you have a "she likes me" attitude, then you'll project positive, optimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll pick up on these and ... like you.
If, on the other hand, you have a "she doesn't like me" attitude, you'll project negative, pessimistic behaviors and thoughts. She'll, likewise, pick up on these and ... not like you.
And if you have a "does she like me" attitude, then you'll project tense, anxiety-ridden behaviors and thoughts that will decrease the probability of her liking you... or she may even find being around you to be an "uncomfortable" experience. (Isn't it easier to relax around people who are relaxed themselves?)
And third, the attitude of just assuming that she likes you, rather than worrying about whether she does or not, allows you to maintain control of the situation... and yourself.
If you are obsessing about the "signs" and allow the "signs" to control your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions, then you have basically given her complete control of the situation. And complete control over you.
If she's "good" to you, you're happy. If she's "bad" to you, you're sad. If she wants to encourage you, she can throw out a few positive signals. If she wants to discourage you, she can throw out a few negative signals. You're happiness is basically under her control... whether she knows it or not.
Not the position that a "Don Juan" likes to be in. Not the position that you want to be in.
However, if you just assume that she likes you and treat her accordingly, and refuse to be controlled by all the little signs (especially the bad ones), you take charge of the situation. You have decided that you like her. And you have decided that she likes you... or will like you when she gets to know you better. And you act accordingly.
You exude confidence. You're relaxed. And you project that "aura" that every budding Don Juan searches for. (The poor girl won't stand a chance up against that aura!)
Okay, so you agree that obsessing about a particular girl and whether or not she likes you is not in your best interest. It will turn you into a Blithering Blob of Insecurity, decrease the probability that she will like you, and give her complete control over your happiness.
So what do you do when those thoughts start to take over your mind? I mean, after all, she is a Goddess, right?
Here's one simple little mental trick that might help you.
Whenever the obsessive "does she like me" thoughts start to take over your mind, even if they're the "good" ones, mentally grab them with your hands, throw them down on the floor, and step on them. Then remind yourself that obsessing about her is not in your best interest, that it will suck away your confidence, and actually decrease the probability that you'll eventually get her.
At this point you want to take a deep breath... smile... laugh... and think to yourself...I'll get her!
19-03-2019, 12:22 PM
Hi Bro Warbird
This thread was started by you way back in June 2009....nearly 10 years!
Your efforts in continuing over the years in Sharing is just amazing and remarkable. Kudos and many thanks to you for upholding the spirit of sharing on this SBF Forum, which has always been about sharing in the first place :cool::)
Well said and very true.
A legend in SBF.
19-03-2019, 01:14 PM
Yes, fully agreed with the master here.
Bro WB - very nice forum.
Dun fool ourselves, just display self mastery and gals flock to us.
Thank you for a nice thread.
Fully agreed with master bro WB too.
Fantastic thread here, thanks bro.
Have a good day.
Very beautiful article by Don Juan, sort of love guru.
Hope to learn from him and bro WB too.
God bless.
Another excellent forum below.
Don Juan kiss of death is serious. We all knew Don Juan will never fall in love and only gals will fall in love with him.
Bro WB
I believe this guru must be in love many times to be able to write such beautiful article.
Hope we can learn more from him
20-03-2019, 01:41 AM
Hi Bro Warbird
This thread was started by you way back in June 2009....nearly 10 years!
Your efforts in continuing Sharing over the years is just amazing and remarkable. Kudos and many thanks to you for upholding the spirit of this SBF Forum, which has always been about sharing in the first place :cool::)
Fully agreed with you bro, 10 more good years!!
20-03-2019, 10:40 AM
Good morning to TS and all readers.
Bro WB
Very interesting and important forum below.
True many men made mistakes and get dumped.
Act confident and power of Alpha male characteristics.
Cheers and pls share more.
Good morning! What a propitious day!!
My taste for pussies has changed. I now prefer to BY 18-19 yo SYTs, must be very youthful n kawai, regardless of height. Of course she must be chio w/ proportionate figure AND slim upper arms n very small wrists. Her pussy must be chio n cute too. A sweet, childlike voice n tonality is a plus. But her gait should be feminine, sensual n sexy.
Her character n personality are even more important, especially in a LT rs. She must be refreshingly innocent, vivacious, joyful, but honest, blunt n direct. She must be frugal n not wasteful, not just w/ her money but also w/ mine. So she can't be the greedy type. Lastly, she must be submissive, inside n outside the bedroom.
Bro WB
Is there any bro here who is heartbroken because your LT wife/GF/lover/mistresses has dumped you?
Do you know one of the quickest ways to lose a pussy?
I just received the following brief article.
How to Lose a Woman - Fast!
Are you the jealous type?
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. By acting in a jealous fashion you're essentially "telling her" that you don't feel worthy of her love, and that you're worried she's going to find one of the many, many guys out there who are "better than" you.
Not to mention the fact that it's an incredibly annoying personality trait!
Never forget that women are attracted to CONFIDENCE in men. If a woman realizes that you're lacking in self-confidence then she'll lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she can't love you. And every time you act like a jealous idiot, you lose more of that respect.
Now don't try to tell me that you're the "jealous type" not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about her. Or because you can't trust her. I'm not buying it... and she won't either.
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity - your lack of confidence - your feelings of inferiority. And it's your problem. It has nothing to do with her. (And if you really can't trust her, then why are you wasting your time. Find someone that you can trust!)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Well, since you know that acting in a jealous fashion will push her away from you, and acting in a confident fashion will draw her toward you (by increasing her respect for you), then...
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Don't complain when she goes out with her friends. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with her old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club. Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous) will actually draw her to you. By doing this, you're essentially turning a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as OPPORTUNITIES to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start feeling those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous -- remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
Powerful Stuff!
Warbird's note: If a man is confident n secure because he is the PRIZE n has power in a RS because he is the one who cares the least, he will never feel jealous. Why would he? His dolls are all emotionally n sexually addicted to him n he has a hard time getting rid of them!! It is a great relief n a blessing if he occasionally loses one or more of his dolls. Due to visa or family problems. He will just replace them w/ younger n prettier ones.
Hv a great weekend!!
Bro WB
20-03-2019, 10:45 AM
Bro WB
I agreed wholeheartedly with the forum below.
I had enough rejections in my lifetime and will not want to have any more.
I always acted indifferent and even I like the gal who sat with me will not made any move. I will just act confidently and be happy. Always let the gal knew I am interested without making any move. Always let her make the move.
If the gal have other friends and will keep talking happily with the friends but will go back to the targeted gal with facial and eye contacts expressions. This is to warn her she is letting me fly away.
Hope to learn more from the masters here.
Cheers and pls share more.
Good morning!
I'm going overseas n will hv no outings for a month.
There are some men who hv had astonishing success w/ dolls for extended periods, but who mysteriously become insecure when they meet their "Special One." They then become needy n desperate when they are about to lose her or have just lost her. Another type of men is worse as they always get rejected by or fail with dolls. The common denominator is DESPERATION which is most repulsive to all females.
Have you ever felt desperate n despondent because of your failed RS w/ a doll? I have, more than once. Why? Because I believed that the doll was somehow too good for me.
I just received the following email from a sex guru about why some men are
always having a hard time w/ girls/women. And he offers a simple solution.
Why Do Some Men Always Get Rejected?
Hey Bro Warbird,
Have you met one of these guys? Are you one of these guys?
You know the type of guy that I’m talking about;
the type who always seems to fail with women,
no matter what he tries.
Well, in today’s newsletter, I want to talk a bit
about why some dudes just can’t seem to get in with the ladies.
Now, there are quite a few reasons that could lead
a girl to be turned off by a guy, but if I had to narrow
it down to one fact, that would be DESPERATION.
Here’s the thing. Desperation is unattractive, whether
you are a man or a woman. That’s what’s funny about
us humans.
We want what we can’t have, and as soon as we realize
that someone wants us more than we want them, we lose
But what if you’re still starting out, trying to improve your
attraction skills? How do you escape the trap of being
seen as desperate?
Simple, you approach things from a mindset of abundance.
You see, you might be having the worst luck with women
in your life, but no one is going to know that unless you
convey it.
And the thing about people who aren’t desperate and have
options is that they hold themselves with confidence. They
don’t try to be too nice to people, just to be liked.
And most importantly they don’t go around trying to prove or
validate themselves to others. So, this is the mindset that I
want you to reinforce in yourself at all times.
In other words, fake it till you make it!
Have an amazing day!
Your Guru
Yes, always remember that you're the PRIZE.
Bro WB
20-03-2019, 10:49 AM
Today I discovered from friends that syts from 2000s enter the industry.
Flashback to 1999s to 2000s, my friends were telling me that we always have opportunity to go out and up syts as young as 18 to 20 yo each year. Now I finally understood.
Bro WB must be doing this all these years.
Deep down think we deserved all these syts.
Good afternoon!
I just received an e-mail from a guru on the no. 1 reason why we fail in getting what we want in life.
Deep down, you don’t think you deserve what you want
Many of us, at our core, have buried beliefs and feelings about ourselves that aren’t so savory. Maybe we were teased a lot growing up, or our parents and teachers told us we wouldn’t amount to anything, or we were punished for being smart by our peers. Whatever happened, something happened. And something inside us makes us feel uncomfortable with the idea of accomplishing too many great things as a result.
Entrepreneur and business consultant Sebastian Marshall wrote in his book Ikigai:
Last night, I was talking with my friend. I said, “If you did this, I’m pretty sure you could get your first client at $400/hr within 90 days.” It would have to be his main thing for the next 90 days, but it would likely work.
His core goal right now is total financial freedom. And I laid out a plan that would get him there.
But will he do it? I ask him.
He cringes and says … “No. I won’t.”
“So, that’s a million dollar question. Why won’t you?”
He replies, “I don’t know. I don’t even like thinking about it really, but I’ll try to. I don’t know, fear? I have to confront my potential and the fact that I’m not living up to it? It doesn’t feel right? I don’t feel ready? I don’t think I deserve that much? I think I’d have to study longer first? I don’t know.”
Why don’t people do it?
Hell, I offer to make people money for free, draw up a simple, clearly workable business plan, offer to help out. 80+% of them don’t take it.
It’s another self-esteem conundrum: you always find a way to get rid of what you feel isn’t rightfully yours. The heights and burdens of success make some feel like a king and others like a fraud. For many, getting what they want summons that worm-tongued voice in the back of their mind, prodding their insecurities and fears until they find a way to destroy everything they worked for. It may be a relationship with the best person you’ve ever loved; it may be a dream job you can’t bring yourself to take; it may be a creative opportunity of a lifetime which you ignore for more “practical” pursuits; it may be merely hanging out with people who you actually admire and feeling like a ghost.
Whatever it is, the sludge pool of doubts bubbles up and finds a way, always finds a way, to ruin it for you — to make you ruin it for you — and that’s the hardest truth. It’s you. There is no other in this equation. And as much as you deny it, that fear will always linger and remain as an invisible barrier, a clear film separating you from happiness, pushed through and never broken. These issues can be overcome. But it’s painful and gut-wrenching. And then there’s always just another layer, simmering further below, more fear, ever-present, something we all eventually face over and over and over again.
Your comments?
Bro WB
20-03-2019, 12:08 PM
Superb forum by bro WB.
Very important - must act confident.
Have a good day.
Good morning to TS and all readers.
Bro WB
Very interesting and important forum below.
True many men made mistakes and get dumped.
Act confident and power of Alpha male characteristics.
Cheers and pls share more.
20-03-2019, 01:15 PM
Agreed wholeheartedly too.
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Hope to learn from the gurus here too.
God bless.
Bro WB
I agreed wholeheartedly with the forum below.
I had enough rejections in my lifetime and will not want to have any more.
I always acted indifferent and even I like the gal who sat with me will not made any move. I will just act confidently and be happy. Always let the gal knew I am interested without making any move. Always let her make the move.
If the gal have other friends and will keep talking happily with the friends but will go back to the targeted gal with facial and eye contacts expressions. This is to warn her she is letting me fly away.
Hope to learn more from the masters here.
Cheers and pls share more.
20-03-2019, 07:58 PM
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, nice share and please keep the thread going
Cheers :)
Bro WB - you are the man.
Going back to USA gives you the opportunity to re-group and re-focus what you hope to achieve.
Parting with LPs may not be bad idea so that you are free to look fro new LPs.
Life is always in circle
Only when you dare to split then you will cherished.
Nothing in this world is forever.
Good afternoon!
In nature as in life, positives must equal negatives, yin and yang must be in balance, eventually.
I recently said goodbye to two of my LT mistresses HW n HH, for different reasons.
I hv kept 18 yo LS ( just turned 19) full time since May this yr. Though she is my shortest mistress at 161, she is the best doll I ever had. She is kawai n pretty w/ very proportionate body n limbs. And the tiniest wrists. She has prominent dimples of Venus n has sweet, childlike voice. Her gait is very sexy n womanly. I also love her exquisite n tight pussy! More importantly, she is the most submissive, obedient, honest, faithful and frugal among all the girls I hv ever met.
I'm now in America n two days ago I woke LS up at 1:00 AM SG time to do video calling with her. I showed her my residence n some views of Gotham City. I said she could return to China for CNY in Feb for 10 days. She thanked me n when I told her I would pay for her air fare, she was overwhelmed with gratitude. 对我那么好,我很感动啊。I then told her how greedy some of my ex mistresses were, she said 我很知足,希望你对我也会满意。 我姐说我运气很好命很好,来新加坡很快就遇到你!How not to get KCed by such a doll?
BTW, I hv another 19 yo SYT, a tall n slim doll YK who is my BY to be. She will be going to SG on my return for a one month trial.
I nearly didn't BY LS because of her height as I prefer much taller gals. That would be a shame. Also, if I didn't say goodbye to my two older mistresses, I wouldn't hv the time or money to BY LS n YK. At substantial savings. Yeah, that is fate.
Which brings me back to my belief that in nature as in life, positives must equal negatives, sooner or later.
"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
No need to chase anything or any doll. Things that you want lightly come easily.
Bro WB
Nice article below.
Always beautiful to turn tables on some hot women. Doing this regularly will become an art.
Hope to learn more from more SIFUs/masters here.
Good afternoon,
I just read an email from a badass gentleman, a guru on seduction n sex, on an interesting subject:
Turn the tables on any hot woman
His two steps approach is worth sharing here.
Hi Bro Warbird,
There are a ton of different approaches I've used to
build attraction with women over the years.
But let me tell you something...
...If a woman doesn't want to sleep with you, it comes
down to one simple thing:
It's because you are not TURNING HER ON.
That's it.
She just isn't horny around you.
If her panties are on fire for you, nothing else
matters. She'll blow past her cockblocking friends and
use just about any justification to go home with you.
All you have to do is not screw up epically.
...If she's not turned on, NOTHING you say will make a
difference. She just won't be interested.
So, what works to turn a woman on?
Well, first let's talk about what DOESN'T:
If you've been around a while, you've heard me say this
probably DOZENS of times...
Good looks don't work. Big muscles don't work. Money
doesn't work.
90% of the time, you're gonna turn a woman off with all
this shit.
...It leads to the single most unattractive, repulsive
behavior you can do to a woman:
It doesn't matter if you're outright bragging to her
about your car...
Or if you're subtly hinting at the fact you have dated
beautiful woman in the past.
She'll pick up on it, and it will turn her off.
You see, when you brag to a woman, she instantly senses
that you're trying to "prove yourself" to her.
And a woman's "dream man" (and "dream lay") is a man
with NOTHING to prove.
In fact, it's a man who SHE has to prove HERSELF to.
Which means, if you cut out all "prove yourself"
behavior around woman...
And replace it with behavior that compels HER to "prove
herself" to YOU...
You're already 90% of the way there.
So, what REALLY turns her on?
Here's a simple formula:
STEP ONE: Eliminate All Behavior Where You're Trying To
"Prove Yourself"
The top 1% of men who are ridiculously attractive to
women NEVER brag.
They don't have anything to prove. So they let women
find out about all the great stuff going on in their
lives on their own. They make them WORK for it.
You see the difference?
When a woman senses you are one of these men, her
interest piques. Her body starts getting hot for you,
and she doesn't even know why.
And look: even if you have to "trick her" into thinking
you're one of these guys, like I'm going to teach you...
once she starts getting turned on, she can't control
SHE'LL be the one seducing YOU.
So, after you've got the "no bragging" rule down...
STEP TWO: Transfer Your Sexual State To Her
Basically, it involves "transferring" your sexual
attraction and horniness onto her.
You can use it to make a woman feel happy, make her feel
like she wants to see you again, make her feel a deep
emotional bond with you... quite literally anything.
Put this trick to work and send me your successes!
Talk soon,
Mr Guru
I agree w/ the guru. Transferring your mental state to your girl requires dominance, supreme confidence, strong mental frame n emotional mastery. You suck her into your world and your reality becomes her reality. You become her master.
When a "Don Juan" w/ women meets his "dream girl," he is magically transformed to a "nice guy" n before long he is sucked into her reality. That would be the kiss of death for him.:D:p
Let me be clear. A man could use money to buy a lot of chio pussies, but the guru is talking about turning on a doll, SEXUALLY n romantically. Yeah, and getting her addicted to YOU. No amount of money could do it. Regular CVOs n emotional bonding would certainly help, haha.
Lastly, always be 100% non-needy, whether you hv been w/ her 3 days or 30years.
Just my two cents.
Bro WB
Well done and very cheeminolgy.
I love the word " suck her into the world and your reality"
Bros, very elementary. I hv given the answer in my previous post.
"Transferring your mental state to your girl requires dominance, supreme confidence, strong mental frame n emotional mastery. You suck her into your world and your reality becomes her reality. You become her master."
Emotions are contagious.
If she feels what you feel, but you don't feel what she feels will own her; her body, pussy, her heart n soul.
So work on your mental frame n emotional mastery...
Bro WB
21-03-2019, 12:22 PM
Fully agreed nothing in this is forever.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB - you are the man.
Going back to USA gives you the opportunity to re-group and re-focus what you hope to achieve.
Parting with LPs may not be bad idea so that you are free to look fro new LPs.
Life is always in circle
Only when you dare to split then you will cherished.
Nothing in this world is forever.
21-03-2019, 02:45 PM
Haha cheeminology is very cheem too.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Well done and very cheeminolgy.
I love the word " suck her into the world and your reality"
Really need to learn this art from the gurus here.
Thanks bro WB!
Nice article below.
Always beautiful to turn tables on some hot women. Doing this regularly will become an art.
Hope to learn more from more SIFUs/masters here.
23-03-2019, 11:52 AM
Excellent thread by bro WB, learnt many things from you :)
Bro, tks.
Hi Bro Warbird
This thread was started by you way back in June 2009....nearly 10 years!
Your efforts in continuing Sharing over the years is just amazing and remarkable. Kudos and many thanks to you for upholding the spirit of this SBF Forum, which has always been about sharing in the first place :cool::)
Bro, tks. You have made my day!!
I hope the next 10 years will be even better!!
Yes, fully agreed with the master here.
Bro WB - very nice forum.
Dun fool ourselves, just display self mastery and gals flock to us.
Thank you for a nice thread.
Tks, bro.
A man w/ very poor emotional/self-mastery is behaving like a little boy. He is repulsive to all girls/women in their primitive brains.
Another excellent forum below.
Don Juan kiss of death is serious. We all knew Don Juan will never fall in love and only gals will fall in love with him.
Bro WB
I believe this guru must be in love many times to be able to write such beautiful article.
Hope we can learn more from him
Bro, tks.
A MAN must always assume that his dream girl likes/loves him very much. He must banish these silly, insecure n needy "does she like/love me" thoughts completely and permanently.
Well said and very true.
A legend in SBF.
Tks again, bro.
Fully agreed with master bro WB too.
Fantastic thread here, thanks bro.
Have a good day.
Tks, bro.
Very beautiful article by Don Juan, sort of love guru.
Hope to learn from him and bro WB too.
God bless.
Tks, bro. Great article!
Don Juan Kiss of Death.
Fully agreed with you bro, 10 more good years!!
Tks, bro.
Good morning to TS and all readers.
Bro WB
Very interesting and important forum below.
True many men made mistakes and get dumped.
Act confident and power of Alpha male characteristics.
Cheers and pls share more.
Bro, tks.
Jealousy is a sure sign of neediness, insecurity and inferiority complex. Bragging is another.
If you're the PRIZE and you know you're more than good enough for your many lao po/lovers, would you be jealous if one of them is going to meet a young, rich n handsome classmate? Of course not!!
You tell her to enjoy herself. And u mean it. You know what type of man is very attractive to chio SYTs at their subconscious levels n this young classmate won't hv a clue. Hahaha.
Bro WB
I agreed wholeheartedly with the forum below.
I had enough rejections in my lifetime and will not want to have any more.
I always acted indifferent and even I like the gal who sat with me will not made any move. I will just act confidently and be happy. Always let the gal knew I am interested without making any move. Always let her make the move.
If the gal have other friends and will keep talking happily with the friends but will go back to the targeted gal with facial and eye contacts expressions. This is to warn her she is letting me fly away.
Hope to learn more from the masters here.
Cheers and pls share more.
Tks for sharing your personal experiences.
Most "Don Juans" would suddenly become needy n insecure when they meet their SPECIAL ONE. It's so pathetic. A sign of inadequate emotional/self mastery.
Today I discovered from friends that syts from 2000s enter the industry.
Flashback to 1999s to 2000s, my friends were telling me that we always have opportunity to go out and up syts as young as 18 to 20 yo each year. Now I finally understood.
Bro WB must be doing this all these years.
Deep down think we deserved all these syts.
Bro, tks.
There are many chio SYTs who become 18 yo each n every yr.
The problem is meeting them face to face.
Superb forum by bro WB.
Very important - must act confident.
Have a good day.
Agreed wholeheartedly too.
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Hope to learn from the gurus here too.
God bless.
Fantastic thread here by bro WB, nice share and please keep the thread going
Cheers :)
Bros, thank u all.
Bro WB - you are the man.
Going back to USA gives you the opportunity to re-group and re-focus what you hope to achieve.
Parting with LPs may not be bad idea so that you are free to look fro new LPs.
Life is always in circle
Only when you dare to split then you will cherished.
Nothing in this world is forever.
Bro, tks.
I must hv written the post around August/Sep 2015.
LS left in spring of 1016 for health reasons. She returned in summer of last yr. She is my old LP now. I hv had a number of LPs since. TY is the young one now.
Nice article below.
Always beautiful to turn tables on some hot women. Doing this regularly will become an art.
Hope to learn more from more SIFUs/masters here.
Bro, tks.
Bragging is a sure sign of severe neediness, insecurity and inferiority complex.
Seeking validation and approval is a very needy, immature n beta behaviour.
It's the same as saying: I know that I'm not good enough for you. I hv to draw your attention to what I have. I hope you will notice me n like me.
Very pathetic.
Very repulsive to high-quality SYTs/women.
Well done and very cheeminolgy.
I love the word " suck her into the world and your reality"
Yes, bro.
Your mental frame or state is the most important determinant of your success w/ girls/women of your type.
A girl feels what you feel.
Fully agreed nothing in this is forever.
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Have a nice day.
Haha cheeminology is very cheem too.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Really need to learn this art from the gurus here.
Thanks bro WB!
Bros, thanks.
Good morning!
When I started the thread, it was painfully obvious that I was a newbie in BY.
I resolved to become very good in the pursuit of BY-ing the highest quality SYTs of my type. Whatever it takes.
I hv learned so much from everyone here. Thank you all!
It has been an incredible journey. My only limitation is the extreme rarity of my type of chio SYTs in SG.
Getting them from another country is an arduous process. Another problem is that I must see them in person before committing myself.
Cheers n hv a great weekend!
Bro WB
23-03-2019, 01:18 PM
Up for nice thread.
23-03-2019, 01:21 PM
When I started the thread, it was painfully obvious that I was a newbie in BY.
I resolved to become very good in the pursuit of BY-ing the highest quality SYTs of my type. Whatever it takes.
I hv learned so much from everyone here. Thank you all!
It has been an incredible journey. My only limitation is the extreme rarity of my type of chio SYTs in SG.
Getting them from another country is an arduous process. Another problem is that I must see them in person before committing myself.
Cheers n hv a great weekend!
Bro WB
Penning your great thoughts here.
Cheers and happy weekend.
23-03-2019, 02:46 PM
Very nice thread by bro WB, support!
23-03-2019, 03:41 PM
He is a very emotional person who rely alot of online theories to cover up the insecurity i sense in him. The badass gentleman is like a robot,a clone of a badboy and a nice guy.
Most badboys are very handsome and have extreme confidence,they dont need theories,they do absolutely nothing and have many girls chasing them. Obviously they dont need to pay for sex in a ltr. The concept of bao is a beta mentality,you should rely on your image and attitude and not solely using money. That is a major flaw in seduction.
Bro Don Juan,
Thank u so much for ur criticisms n esteemed opinions on attracting n seducing SYTs n women.
I hope more bros will participate in the discussions n debate.
Yes, I must achieve absolute emotional mastery. Anything less is unacceptable to me.
As I hv mentioned many times before, with enough money, a man can own all the pussies he wants but he may not own their hearts. In fact, his great wealth, power, status, and paradoxically, his good looks n Adonis physique, actually make it very difficult for him. That is the irony. A classic example is the case of King Fuchai n Xi Shi.
How about Elvis Presley? He got all the pussies FOC, but did he really own any of their hearts n souls? His wife filed for divorce after 6 yrs. Then she was happy but Elvis was saddened haha. He started taking drugs...
I'm only interested in total domination in all my RS, in which I own the dolls' pussies, bodies, hearts n souls.
Thank You n Cheers!
Bro WB
Finally one bro wrote bad about TS.
Bro WB
I admired your self-esteem and tolerance to rebut.
Make me see the lights of the tunnel.
Hope to learn more here from masters.
23-03-2019, 03:43 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!!
Happy New Year to all of you!!
I just received an email from a famous sex guru on a vital subject,
"The ultimate aphrodisiac (use this TONIGHT)"
Hey Brother Warbird,
Yesterday I watched an interview with KISS founder
Gene Simmons, who claimed to have slept with
around 5,000 women.
He said that
the ultimate aphrodisiac is knowing that you can, without
the shadow of a doubt, attract a woman.
This certainty makes you irresistible.
I wholeheartedly agree with him but want to reassure
you that you don’t need to be a rock star for that.
All you need is a little bit of self-belief and skills—the
self-belief that you can attract women or, at least,
become a more attractive man over time. This, you can
only develop through repetition and affirmation.
Self-belief is also conditioned by the company you keep.
Ditch your loser friends who don’t believe you’re worthy of having beautiful women in your life. Seriously.
When it comes to skills, fortunately, there are now plenty
of them through this newsletter that you can grab.
As you can see, despite common beliefs, you’re not far
from enjoying the abundance you deserve with women.
I raised myself from failure to success with women through
self-study, practice, and self-belief. I was a foreigner with a
heavy accent that women in North America and England found
I was rejected many times, without even being given a chance…
Women laughed and joked about my looks and demeanor.
I was even called a LOSER.
But this didn’t stop me from learning and improving
until I transformed myself into the attractive man I am
now, and even dating a beauty pageant winner.
Self-beliefs and skills are your two best friends in love
and life.
Have an amazing day!
Your Guru
BTW, your absolute certainty is founded on your absolute emotional mastery.
Any comments, criticisms n opinions will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
I learn about ultimate aphrodisiac above.
Thanks alot bro WB.
Makes great thread here,
23-03-2019, 03:44 PM
Penning your great thoughts here.
Cheers and happy weekend.
Appreciate bro WB's great thoughts.
Have a nice weekend.
23-03-2019, 03:45 PM
With enough money,you cant own any girl pussy. Not everyone is a prostitute or a ktv whore.
Afterall you still advocating money for pussy transaction. This make people very lazy to improve on their self image and have a conventional relationship. And also is not the gameplan of a true grandmaster.
You dont have to pay to attract women and is a very stupid thing to do. One should love himself. A man who is full of himself is a man who is full of women’s love.
The key word is natural badness not the artifical badass gentlemen.
Mr Don Juan is another master.
23-03-2019, 03:46 PM
Bro Don Juan,
Thank u for ur post n sharing ur beliefs n strategies.
I hv never championed the sole use of money to bed SYTs. Quite the opposite. For the last several yrs, I hv reiterated that spending big buck on dolls when they don't deserve it or getting into flower war are the most unattractive male behavior. I like to get the prettiest n most kawai pussies with minimum investment of time n money. It's akin to value investing haha.
I'm working very hard to improve myself in every way, every minute every day, even though I'm already a lao ah pek. Am I lazy?
My goal is different from yours. I want total LT domination of my dolls. Whereas ur end point is just to up the dolls. That is only the beginning for me...
You admire those with the dark triads. Whereas I admire the one n only babe magnet ever mentioned by Time magazine: Benjamin Franklin, the old n fat man whose pic is on the U.S. $100 bill.,9171,1005155,00.html
IMHO, it's impossible for men with dark triads to hv loving , nurturing n mutually satisfying LT rs with women, period.
Pls define what you mean by natural n artificial, in regards to male behaviour. And pls tell us your understanding of the differences between a badass n a badass gentleman.
Lastly, only insecure n needy men, who hv severe inferiority complex n poor self image, will ever resort to plastic surgery. Why would a man who is self assured n very comfortable in his own skin ever want that? He already has so many SYT dolls lining up to be fucked by him hahaha.
Bro WB
Great reply from TS WB.
23-03-2019, 05:00 PM
Finally one bro wrote bad about TS.
Bro WB
I admired your self-esteem and tolerance to rebut.
Make me see the lights of the tunnel.
Hope to learn more here from masters.
I also admire bro WB's self-esteem and tolerance.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
God bless.
23-03-2019, 05:20 PM
Mr Don Juan is another master.
Fully agreed with you.
Good morning!
When I started the thread, it was painfully obvious that I was a newbie in BY.
I resolved to become very good in the pursuit of BY-ing the highest quality SYTs of my type. Whatever it takes.
I hv learned so much from everyone here. Thank you all!
It has been an incredible journey. My only limitation is the extreme rarity of my type of chio SYTs in SG.
Getting them from another country is an arduous process. Another problem is that I must see them in person before committing myself.
Cheers n hv a great weekend!
Bro WB
I think we learnt more from you than you learnt from us.
Have a nice day bro :)
25-03-2019, 03:34 PM
Up for nice thread.
Penning your great thoughts here.
Cheers and happy weekend.
Very nice thread by bro WB, support!
Bros, thanks so much.
Finally one bro wrote bad about TS.
Bro WB
I admired your self-esteem and tolerance to rebut.
Make me see the lights of the tunnel.
Hope to learn more here from masters.
Bro, tks so much.
You should read all his posts as well as replies by me n others to get the whole picture.
I like criticism, even very hostile n negative one. It makes me strong. It's the fuel that has taken me to much higher levels.
Every encounter is a learning experience. Sadly, I hv yet to meet him in person.
I learn about ultimate aphrodisiac above.
Thanks alot bro WB.
Makes great thread here,
Tks, bro.
Worth quoting again.
The ultimate aphrodisiac is knowing that you can, without
the shadow of a doubt, attract any woman.
This certainty makes you irresistible.
Appreciate bro WB's great thoughts.
Have a nice weekend.
Tks, bro.
Mr Don Juan is another master.
Yes, he is a master of dark triads.
And yes, also a master of ST (short term fucking or one shot deal), mostly w/ FLs, massage girls n GL gals.
Just read his previous SBF posts.
Don't think I hv read his posts on the complicated issues of long term relationship. Or RS w/ non-WLs.
Am I missing them? Pls share if you hv such posts. I really like to know his thoughts n strategies on the subject.
Nothing wrong w/ ST as it can be very satisfying too. The problem is that I hv not met one I like in a very long time.
AND, I like physical connection as well as emotional connection w/ chio SYTs/women of my type. I don't settle.
Great reply from TS WB.
Tks, bro.
I also admire bro WB's self-esteem and tolerance.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
God bless.
Fully agreed with you.
I think we learnt more from you than you learnt from us.
Have a nice day bro :)
Bros, thanks.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
.................................................. ............
Good afternoon,
I hv been very eager to meet bro Don Juan's many "super chio SYTs" and my offer for him has no expiration date. I'll bring a LP for side by side comparison. I like to know what I hv been missing in life.
My offer is also good for any samster. PM me, please.
I'm going to Gotham City this weekend n will return in a month or sooner.
OMG! I just searched for Bro Don Juan's most recent posts this yr. They are all abt massage n GL cat 150 women. Where are his "super chio SYTs" he was getting FOC??
Bro WB
25-03-2019, 06:24 PM
Very nice thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good week ahead
27-03-2019, 10:17 AM
Good evening,
I use the term "badass gentleman" to describe a man who has all the attractive masculine traits of a badass w/o his obnoxious character defects PLUS all the attractive traits of a "gentleman" w/o his repulsive "nice guy" behaviour.
Why would bro Don Juan call a badass gentleman unnatural?
I just received the following email from a well known guru in which he touched on the subject.
How To Make Her Beg You To Take Her to Bed.
Hi bro Warbird,
I'm going to get into the BEST WAY to take things from "hello" to HOT AND HEAVY with a woman...
But even better... how to make her BEG you for it.
But first, the ground rules:
#1) I'm going to assume that you've overcome all your fear and "shyness" when it comes to approaching women.
#2) I'm going to assume that you know how to approach a woman in different situations and start conversations.
Finally, and most important...
#3) I'm going to assume that you know EXACTLY what to say and do to get numbers from women... and then close the deal to get actual DATES.
In other words, I'm going to assume that you've laid all the necessary groundwork for "getting physical" by mastering the principles and techniques of CREATING ATTRACTION.
Because if you don't have a handle on the basics of creating ATTRACTION yet, this is the cold, hard fact:
NOTHING I'm about to tell you will help you "get physical" with a woman.
Why not?
Because women won't give you the time of the day -- let alone consider you as a sexual partner -- until you understand HOW ATTRACTION WORKS.
And I am NOT talking about having to look like a movie star, drive a slick car, or have lots of money.
ATTRACTION is *NOT* about any of these things.
Then, once you understand these basics, here's the VERY good news...
It's EASIER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED to take things to a physical level with a woman... and do it FAST.
Even make her BEG you to take her to bed.
That in mind, let's dive in...
As a starting point, let's imagine you're coming to the end of your first date with a woman you really like.
Now, if you've listened to me at all, you know that this date BETTER NOT have included buying her an expensive dinner.
Let's say you're a good student of mine, and that you took her for late coffee.
Well done.
Now it's time...
You're going to generate the first spark of "sexual feelings" in her by TAKING CONTROL of the situation right now.
By making sure YOU'RE the one to "end" this date.
By being the one who says, "Okay, I think we'd better be going."
This immediately creates intrigue in her.
It builds feelings in her that you might actually be a sexual partner, instead of a "wussy- boy" who's scared to cut short any opportunity to talk to a woman...
...then inevitably blow everything by saying something stupid.
Okay, now that you've taken control by "ending" this date, next you need to walk her home...
To YOUR home.
Invite her back to your house or apartment, and DO JUST ONE THING at the door before you go inside:
Start talking to her like she's trying to convince you to let her come in (even if she's not).
Say something like: "Sorry... I had a great time, but I have to get up early in the morning..."
She'll probably stare at you in surprise. So wait a few beats. Then say: "Oh, okay, you can come in for a few minutes."
Then open the door for her like a GENTLEMAN.
Now let's freeze-frame right here, and think about what you're actually doing...
You're being chivalrous AND busting her balls at the same time.
I can't emphasize enough how well this works to ramp-up feelings of sexual desire in a woman.
I *always* make sure to keep both of these feelings going at the same time.
I open doors for women, walk on the outside of the curb, and pull chairs out, etc.
But I also tease and use humor at every opportunity.
But here's the bottom line:
By being both CHIVALROUS *and* BUSTING HER BALLS, you're creating incredible SEXUAL TENSION inside her.
You're showing her two things at once...
That you're BOTH a "bad boy" AND a "gentleman."
And make no mistake: this is the HOLY GRAIL when it comes to what women want in a SEXUAL PARTNER.
Learn it. Live it.
Okay, let's un-freeze and continue...
Hahaha, as usual, your criticisms n opinions will be greatly appreciated.
My young doll doesn't beg me to take her to bed. She is a lot more subtle. She always says, whenever I'm sitting on the sofa in the living room, 还不来躺床上 快来躺床上吧 会舒服多了...I always delay 20-30 minutes just to increase the sexual tension.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I will get the holy grail too.
Nice interesting forum below. One of the best which made my day.
Hope to pick up tips and tricks from here.
I am not young but still active so will love to fling.
Cheers dude.
27-03-2019, 10:19 AM
Please do not claim you just received this email.
Next time, quote where you got all your articles from. Like this one you just posted is copied from here:
At least respect the author by respecting his work. Typical plagiarist
Wonder why this bro so work out!
Bro, he sent it to me on 2/10/16 or 10 Feb American time or 11 Feb SG time. I'll take a picture to prove it.
Very foxy clever reply from TS.
27-03-2019, 10:20 AM
BTW, I wrote the following myself:
"I use the term "badass gentleman" to describe a man who has all the attractive masculine traits of a badass w/o his obnoxious character defects PLUS all the attractive traits of a "gentleman" w/o his repulsive "nice guy" behaviour.
Why would bro Don Juan call a badass gentleman unnatural?
I just received the following email from a well known guru in which he touched on the subject."
Calling him a well known guru is not showing respect? AND I didn't copy from his website, as alleged by bro workpermit, the guru sent it to me yesterday. I do expect bro workpermit's clarification n apology.
Good night!
Bro WB
OKOK from now on I am badass gentleman meaning I am bad ass but also a gentleman.
27-03-2019, 10:22 AM
Bro Warbird,
I have been a silent reader of your thread. By being able to bao KTV girls of your whim and fancy, you are obviously wealthy to say the least. But with all due respect, it is still the fact that it is your financial ability to bao that gives you the unfair advantage and leverage to play this "badass gentleman" game according to your own rules.
In other words, if a man is really self-assured and dominant, why would he need to enter into a commercial transaction to own the doll's pussy, heart, mind and soul? I see it more of an egoistic pursuit behind the veil of emotional insecurity... for surely only the man knows if he can still succeed if he doesn't have the wealth to start with in the first place.
Just my 2 cents' worth.
Huat Ahh! :)
There is no free lunch in this world.
This ktv gals are not here for letting guys bonk free.
Enough was discussed by TS and seniors about money is important. Obviously many were oblivious.
27-03-2019, 06:59 PM
Bro WB
I will get the holy grail too.
Nice interesting forum below. One of the best which made my day.
Hope to pick up tips and tricks from here.
I am not young but still active so will love to fling.
Cheers dude.
Hoping to get the holy grail as well.
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.
Have a nice day.
27-03-2019, 11:50 PM
There is no free lunch in this world.
This ktv gals are not here for letting guys bonk free.
Enough was discussed by TS and seniors about money is important. Obviously many were oblivious.
Fully agreed, no free lunch in this world.
28-03-2019, 01:26 AM
Very foxy clever reply from TS.
I think so too.
Thanks TS for this fantastic thread.
God bless.
28-03-2019, 09:02 AM
OKOK from now on I am badass gentleman meaning I am bad ass but also a gentleman.
Haha more fun being a badass than a gentleman.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread, cheers all.
28-03-2019, 11:19 AM
You mean you subscribed to his newsletter :eek: Calling him guru is like calling someone who is no one. Until you actually name the person whom you claim is your guru, you are giving him credit. But because you didn't, he is still "AN EMPTY" figure. A claimed "LEARNED" individual like you should know this. Did you see when this article was written based on the link I posted earlier? Apology? Adding a few of your own lines to someone's work & not giving credit to the originator, what do you call that? If I didn't expose all your plagiarism, would anyone ever bother? You might as well ask your GURU to join this forum and share his scripts. At least coming from the originator and not someone who rides on his works. People consult you based on the stuff you COPY & PASTED. But remember warbird, you didn't write the article. As such, your depth of understanding is~~~~~hahaha. No wonder you need to spend money to get laid.
Good weekend :p
To this bro above, i will not be concerned.
So long anyone happy to do what he does then why bother?
TS started this thread and credit must be given.
At least he bother to share rather than keeping it all to himself.
Let me ask this bloke if he bother to share?
28-03-2019, 11:22 AM
Thanks so much for ur post.
The guru is David D. I paid for some of his ebooks abt 7 years ago. He has sent me many emails, perhaps one every week, trying to pursue me to buy more. That particular email on the fusion of badboy n gentleman has been sent to me many times before.
BUT, he did send me that same email two days ago. My photo proves it. Pls take a close look at the date. 2/10/16, that is 10 Feb 2016 haha. I was brutally honest when I said I just received it. I decided to quote it because David was referring to something very similar to my concept of "badass gentleman." And, bro Don Juan said such a man is artificial. I'm still waiting for his explanation n insights.
I always make it clear that I'm quoting from an email or ebook written by a guru, I never ever pretended that I wrote it. Not even once. In fact, I always post them in LARGE PRINT. That is not plagiarism. Pls check a good dictionary.
I hv quoted over 50 RS n sex gurus in my posts here. I don't give their names because paying for their ebooks, audio, video n live seminars would be a waste of money for bros here. I hv already quoted their best ideas. Yes, I hv spent thousands of hours reading n watching their programs.
Actually, I now know more abt the subjects than they do. Why? The majority of these gurus are not trained in biological n medical sciences n their sole interest is in making a quick buck . Whereas, for me, it's the sharing of vital info n the comradery. I don't make a penny. Yes, its FOC for all of u. In addition, I hv a professional n medical background n hv read up on scientific papers. My focus is on female attraction n sexual satisfaction, from various disciplines.
But knowing n doing n being are totally different. You won't benefit unless you can reprogram you S mind. And u need lots of emotional mastery.
Yes, I do spend money on my SYT mistresses. I need to spend money even on non WL SYTs. You may be shocked as to the number of SYTs, many of whom are non WLs, who want to come here to be w/ me.
All dolls crave a badass gentleman who is a self-assured n trustworthy protector/provider, who can connect w/ them emotionally on deep levels and who can give them sexual pleasure they hv never experienced w/ any other men before. Aspire to be that man, be the best you can be, never settle.
If u want to discuss more or if u want to join my outings one day, PM ur wechat.
Happy new year n thanks for ur post.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I will not be concerned so much with his criticism. His criticism will fire to new heights and improvement.
To me, he is sore loser and cannot afford to enjoy like you.
This type typically likes to criticise and nit-picking rather than sharing with readers here.
I had enjoyed your thread very much and impressed that the thread survived for a decade.
Keep up the good work and let us be happy to share.
28-03-2019, 11:23 AM
Good morning!
My theories on female attraction n emotional/sexual addiction r applicable to ALL healthy, heterosexual females. To your GFs n legal wives too.
There is only one reason why I want my LT dolls to be emotionally n sexually addicted to me.
Heath reasons. I do them raw n I don't want to be infected w/ HIV or any STDs. Making them addicted will greatly reduce my risks.
But for many of u who are married, there is another vital reason.
Since 50% of married women cheat, you don't want to raise a kid for two decades who is NOT yours! Getting ur wife addicted to u will greatly reduce that risk.
My kids are adults n I know their DNA. Do u know yours?
Sorry for being brutally honest.
I hv had many posts at SBF. I stand by every word I hv written as being 100% truthful, to the best of my knowledge n ability.
I'll be very busy over the next two weeks as my young lao po will come in a few days n several new dolls will be coming, pun intended. It may take me much longer to reply. But keep them coming pls. Posting here in the last 8 years n 4 months has been a very enjoyable learning experience for me. I hv benefited beyond my wildest dreams.
Thank you all! Happy new year!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Let me be butally honest here. Nobody had celebrated 10 years anniversary in any solo thread.
Cheers and round of applause to the master.
Thank you so much.
To this bro above, i will not be concerned.
So long anyone happy to do what he does then why bother?
TS started this thread and credit must be given.
At least he bother to share rather than keeping it all to himself.
Let me ask this bloke if he bother to share?
Agree, credit must be given to TS bro WB.
Thanks bro for giving us a really good thread.
28-03-2019, 01:16 PM
Good afternoon,
I like to thank all of you for your support for the last 9 years and 9 plus months. Words can't express my sincere gratitude. I hv also learned a lot by sharing.
My sincere thanks also go to our boss Sam.
I'll be flying to Gotham city tmr. I'll reply to all posts n up all deserving bros asap. I'll be back in abt a month as my two young LPs are still in SG...
Bro WB
28-03-2019, 06:12 PM
Bro WB
I will not be concerned so much with his criticism. His criticism will fire to new heights and improvement.
To me, he is sore loser and cannot afford to enjoy like you.
This type typically likes to criticise and nit-picking rather than sharing with readers here.
I had enjoyed your thread very much and impressed that the thread survived for a decade.
Keep up the good work and let us be happy to share.
I will not be concerned too.
Really enjoyed reading this thread and learnt any things from bro WB.
Thanks and have a great day.
28-03-2019, 10:19 PM
Bro WB
Let me be butally honest here. Nobody had celebrated 10 years anniversary in any solo thread.
Cheers and round of applause to the master.
Thank you so much.
3 rounds of applause, yippy yippy yeh.
Thanks bro WB!!
29-03-2019, 02:48 AM
Good afternoon,
I like to thank all of you for your support for the last 9 years and 9 plus months. Words can't express my sincere gratitude. I hv also learned a lot by sharing.
My sincere thanks also go to our boss Sam.
I'll be flying to Gotham city tmr. I'll reply to all posts n up all deserving bros asap. I'll be back in abt a month as my two young LPs are still in SG...
Bro WB
Have a nice trip bro, enjoy!! :D
29-03-2019, 04:08 PM
Welcome on board bro WB.
Safe flight to New York City.
Good afternoon,
I like to thank all of you for your support for the last 9 years and 9 plus months. Words can't express my sincere gratitude. I hv also learned a lot by sharing.
My sincere thanks also go to our boss Sam.
I'll be flying to Gotham city tmr. I'll reply to all posts n up all deserving bros asap. I'll be back in abt a month as my two young LPs are still in SG...
Bro WB
29-03-2019, 09:33 PM
Good afternoon,
I like to thank all of you for your support for the last 9 years and 9 plus months. Words can't express my sincere gratitude. I hv also learned a lot by sharing.
My sincere thanks also go to our boss Sam.
I'll be flying to Gotham city tmr. I'll reply to all posts n up all deserving bros asap. I'll be back in abt a month as my two young LPs are still in SG...
Bro WB
Bro WB, hope to see you soon! :)
30-03-2019, 05:59 PM
Good afternoon,
I like to thank all of you for your support for the last 9 years and 9 plus months. Words can't express my sincere gratitude. I hv also learned a lot by sharing.
My sincere thanks also go to our boss Sam.
I'll be flying to Gotham city tmr. I'll reply to all posts n up all deserving bros asap. I'll be back in abt a month as my two young LPs are still in SG...
Bro WB
Bon voyage bro WB
31-03-2019, 09:20 AM
Hi bro WB,
You are missing my point here. It is not about whether the money alone is enough or not enough for your dolls' pussy/heart/mind/soul pursuits. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see any of your r/s and sex gurus advocating using monetary leverage as a way to start playing this "badass gentleman" game with the lady. But you did. Hence, that is my contention: Granted - while no one is perfect and everyone has their own insecurities and egoistic pursuits, including yours truely - the fact remains that you used your financial abilities to negotiate and secure the bao agreement to place yourself on higher ground FIRST, then you claim to become the "self-assured and dominant" emotional mastery player when the playing field is already heavily skewed to your advantage.
Nothing wrong with that if this is your cup of tea. Just want to call a spade, a spade, that's all. No offence, bro. ;)
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Cheers.
In defence of Bro WarBird, whom I have known for many years, he has NEVER claimed that he used all those "seduction methods" without backing up with his money. To him, all these methods are used to back up his money, and it is what he wants to see on his journey of being the man he wants to be.
It is his journey, and I think he is happy with that journey. I have my own journey which I am happy with. I seriously do not see the need for the attacks upon his character.
Bro, I wish to clarify here that I've made my comments because bro WB mentioned that "criticisms and comments are welcome" in his postings; else I'd just keep my mouth shut and continue to be a silent reader... I've nothing against bro WB and am just speaking my mind out loud objectively since he has given the green light here. I hope that my comments are not perceived to be attacking his character.
Yup, that is my point too - bro WarBird has his own game to play, and he uses his ability to leverage money. Whether it is "fair" or not, seriously speaking, nobody wins by being fair. You might as well say I have an unfair advantage in other ways as well (many women find my voice and my mannerism sexy, ala Fei Yuqing). All of us play the game according to our strengths.
Very good discussions by two seniors here.
Thank you so much for valuable insights.
31-03-2019, 09:24 AM
Very good discussions by two seniors here.
Thank you so much for valuable insights.
Agreed, very good posts by seniors.
Also thanks to bro WB for this excellent thread.
31-03-2019, 09:28 AM
Two groups of bros wrote something that was contradictory. Who was right??
One group said I plagiarized the gurus, where as the other group referred to them as my BS theories. Both were wrong!!
I merely quoted them from emails or ebooks written by these gurus. I have always made this crystal clear.
I didn't plagiarize anyone and these are NOT my theories.
The followings are my sincere PERSONAL beliefs, from 7-8 years of reading, researching on the subjects n from my decades of personal experiences n case studies of others, including relatives, friends, etc,. Believing n applying these principles hv changed my life for the better. I'm still learning n improving everyday. There is a long way to go before I could achieve absolute emotional n self mastery.
One caveat. These principles apply only to mentally n physically healthy dolls n men. They r only simple outlines.
1) Dolls are primarily attracted to a man's behavior, whereas men are primarily attracted to a doll's looks n figure. We shouldn't worry abt what the dolls or the media say they want, It's more important to know what their S minds want.
2) There r biological n evolutionary reasons for this divergence of attraction. Everything is adapted n evolved to ensure the survival of the human species.
3) In terms of getting n maintaining pussies, IMHO, money is only a part of the equation. A very large n dominant part at first, but a man's behavior becomes more n more important over time. His emotional mastery becomes a very significant part of the equation in later stages. His ability to give CVOs is another factor...although not as large a factor as I initially thought.
4) But owning a pussy's heart n soul will require a very different second equation, where money plays a very small part n sometimes no part at all. Surprised?
5) In this second equation, emotional mastery is an important part, the other parts you guys need to figure out yourselves. Some of the parts may differ depending on the dolls n the men. But may include, for most couples, CVOs, emotional bonding n factors n triggers which may be specific to the individuals involved.
There will be exceptions. Some mentally sick women w/ very low self esteem may fall for a man who is physically abusive n has an explosive temper or who may even be a serial killer...
In a few days I shall recommend two ebooks which I read a long time ago. I believe they are useful.
All bros are encouraged to PM your ctc n to join my outings.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you for your insight too.
I had been reading and following your thread from the front. I can vouched you did not plagiarized any GURU. You did mentioned outright that the article you copy and paste belong to GURU.
Nothing wrong to quote somebody.
IMHO, I am not opposed to using money to bait any gal and you did mentioned many times in various forum that getting her and making her in love with you is two separate items.
So just keep the forum coming and I shall be glad to read more.
Happy weekend away to Gotham City.
31-03-2019, 11:01 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for your insight too.
I had been reading and following your thread from the front. I can vouched you did not plagiarized any GURU. You did mentioned outright that the article you copy and paste belong to GURU.
Nothing wrong to quote somebody.
IMHO, I am not opposed to using money to bait any gal and you did mentioned many times in various forum that getting her and making her in love with you is two separate items.
So just keep the forum coming and I shall be glad to read more.
Happy weekend away to Gotham City.
Have been reading and following bro WB's thread too.
Enjoying this thread very much, thanks!!
Have a nice day :)
31-03-2019, 12:57 PM
Very nice thread by bro WB, thanks a lot!!
To all bros,
If you hv opposing views/beliefs, present them here. For example, you may think a doll is either a "good gal" or a "bad girl." And a "good gal" is only attracted to a young, handsome, tall, rich, intelligent man w/ body of a Greek god. I'll accept that.
Pls state your beliefs. Keep them coming. Every bro is entitled to his own unique beliefs.
I hv stated my current beliefs. Now is ur turn. If you don't state them, I must assume that you do agree w/ mine completely.:D:D;);)
Good night!
Bro WB
Bro WB
My view is dolls look good to present themselves and wanted guys to tell them they looked good.
To me a good heart more important to any beauty.
If a gal dun have good heart she can look pretty but to me still looked the ugliest gal. All she doing is just hypocrite.
Anyway this is my 2 cents.
Good morning to all bros,
It's amazing that there are so many men who hv such poor emotional control. They must be very frustrated, angry n miserable. But they will never change.
They are insane.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein
Truth be told, I had very poor emotional control in my younger days. But, I was painfully aware of that n took steps to reprogram my S mind many years ago. My goal is to achieve absolute emotional mastery n self mastery, eventually.
I shall not reply to those bros who hv used profanity n who hv threatened me. It's beneath my dignity.
A very insecure, needy, frustrated n paranoid bro sent me a PM 3 days ago:
"let's cut out the pretence . I think you are an insecure dick while think I'm some punk and hence the zapping . Remember you are in the open . Anything can happen . If you think you can hurt me more than I can retaliate you are welcome to try . "
I actually upped him, but he thought I got my kakis to zap him. He was dead wrong. It's very sad.
Oh, he was very jealous of me too. I added him to my wechat n I did send my chat history n photos of my two most recent SYT mistresses to him. He immediately deleted me. Then the threatening PM at SBF. Hours later he wechated me n apologized for making a mistake. I guess he got zapped more n he deleted me again.
At this time I like to share two ebooks which I read quite some time ago n which may be helpful to some bros here.
1) Double Your Dating 2nd Edition by David DeAngelo
2) Magical Tactics by Mark Raymond
I don't make a penny if you buy these ebooks. In the past, I was reluctant to give their names n other details because I didn't want my sharing to be misconstrued as promoting the product/service.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I really admire your self mastery here.
Some jealous pricks wll. be here to scold profanity and I agreed we do not need to reply to that.
01-04-2019, 01:09 PM
Bro WB
My view is dolls look good to present themselves and wanted guys to tell them they looked good.
To me a good heart more important to any beauty.
If a gal dun have good heart she can look pretty but to me still looked the ugliest gal. All she doing is just hypocrite.
Anyway this is my 2 cents.
Fully agreed that a good heart is more important than beauty.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
01-04-2019, 02:05 PM
Bro WB
I really admire your self mastery here.
Some jealous pricks wll. be here to scold profanity and I agreed we do not need to reply to that.
Admire bro WB's self mastery too, and thanks for giving us a wonderful thread.
Have a good week ahead.
01-04-2019, 02:11 PM
Very nice thread, thanks bro WB.
Have a good week ahead
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
I will get the holy grail too.
Nice interesting forum below. One of the best which made my day.
Hope to pick up tips and tricks from here.
I am not young but still active so will love to fling.
Cheers dude.
Bro, tks.
Yes, becoming a badass gentleman who has absolute emotional n self-mastery and who gives enormous value to humankind is the holy grail of female attraction. You will have all the prettiest girls/women of your type literally begging you to take them to bed.
Wonder why this bro so work out!
Very foxy clever reply from TS.
It's because he is a very frustrated wuss. He doesn't even know the meaning of a plagiarist.
My reply is factual, not clever.
OKOK from now on I am badass gentleman meaning I am bad ass but also a gentleman.
Congrtas, bro. That is great news!
There is no free lunch in this world.
This ktv gals are not here for letting guys bonk free.
Enough was discussed by TS and seniors about money is important. Obviously many were oblivious.
Bro, tks.
You're spot on.
I prefer to hv LT relationship w/ non-WLs, everything else being equal. Even though they may actually be more costly in terms of money n time.
As I mentioned before, I hv seen a grand total of THREE 18 yo chio SYTs of my type in the last 5 yrs in SG. All from PRC and they all need some degree of financial support. They are LS, TT and TY. LS n TY are still w/ me.
That is why I hv been dying to see bro Don Juan's "super chio SYTs" who are purported to be from very rich families. I want to know what I hv been missing in life. Actually, he can bring them even if they are WLs.
Hoping to get the holy grail as well.
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro, tks.
If you believe you can, you're right.
Fully agreed, no free lunch in this world.
Tks, every relationship is a form of exchange.
I think so too.
Thanks TS for this fantastic thread.
God bless.
Haha more fun being a badass than a gentleman.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread, cheers all.
Bros, tks.
To this bro above, i will not be concerned.
So long anyone happy to do what he does then why bother?
TS started this thread and credit must be given.
At least he bother to share rather than keeping it all to himself.
Let me ask this bloke if he bother to share?
Bro WB
I will not be concerned so much with his criticism. His criticism will fire to new heights and improvement.
To me, he is sore loser and cannot afford to enjoy like you.
This type typically likes to criticise and nit-picking rather than sharing with readers here.
I had enjoyed your thread very much and impressed that the thread survived for a decade.
Keep up the good work and let us be happy to share.
Bro, tks.
I'm urging bro WP to tell us abt his FOC relationships. And he should share at least some of his strategies n attributes.
Bro WB
Let me be butally honest here. Nobody had celebrated 10 years anniversary in any solo thread.
Cheers and round of applause to the master.
Thank you so much.
Bro, you hv made my day!
Agree, credit must be given to TS bro WB.
Thanks bro for giving us a really good thread.
Tks, bro.
I will not be concerned too.
Really enjoyed reading this thread and learnt any things from bro WB.
Thanks and have a great day.
Tks, bro.
Yeah, talk is cheap.
3 rounds of applause, yippy yippy yeh.
Thanks bro WB!!
Have a nice trip bro, enjoy!! :D
Welcome on board bro WB.
Safe flight to New York City.
Bro WB, hope to see you soon! :)
Bon voyage bro WB
Bros, tks.
Very good discussions by two seniors here.
Thank you so much for valuable insights.
Yes, very valuable insights.
I know I hv improved significantly in the last 10 yrs. I've been paying below market rates for the most desirable SYTs of my type I hv actually SEEN in person.
I'm limited by the dearth of my type of SYTs in SG. Importing them from the source is an option. It's very costly n besides, I like to meet them IN PERSON first before committing. I may ask some close friends to audition a few girls for me. But they still don't fully understand what I want in a girl.
Agreed, very good posts by seniors.
Also thanks to bro WB for this excellent thread.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Thank you for your insight too.
I had been reading and following your thread from the front. I can vouched you did not plagiarized any GURU. You did mentioned outright that the article you copy and paste belong to GURU.
Nothing wrong to quote somebody.
IMHO, I am not opposed to using money to bait any gal and you did mentioned many times in various forum that getting her and making her in love with you is two separate items.
So just keep the forum coming and I shall be glad to read more.
Happy weekend away to Gotham City.
Thanks, bro.
I hv learned so much from these gurus and from SBF.
Have been reading and following bro WB's thread too.
Enjoying this thread very much, thanks!!
Have a nice day :)
Very nice thread by bro WB, thanks a lot!!
Bros, tks.
Cheers to all samsters.
Bro WB
01-04-2019, 02:17 PM
Bro WB
I really admire your self mastery here.
Some jealous pricks wll. be here to scold profanity and I agreed we do not need to reply to that.
Bro, tks.
I'm improving slowly. I hv a long way to go.
Fully agreed that a good heart is more important than beauty.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Yes, bro.
A girl's character is of paramount importance in a LT relationship.
Admire bro WB's self mastery too, and thanks for giving us a wonderful thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Bro, tks.
Cheers to you all,
Bro WB
01-04-2019, 05:49 PM
Great thread and very good replies by bro WB! :)
02-04-2019, 03:16 PM
Bro WB
Many thanks for a well written guru forum.
I cannot agree more.
Hope to learn more.
Thank you.
In yesterday's newsletter I gave you some proven secrets to having
the kind of social skills that, in the immortal words of Dale
Carnegie himself, "win friends and influence people".
As promised, here are some other thoughts on the subject...all
1) A "needy" or "clingy" approval-seeker's primary problem is that
he is still in his own head, rather than considering others first.
"Neediness" means he is preoccupied with getting his own needs
The one who is willing to prioritize giving validation over receiving
validation is the one who is more likely to get validation and
approval. This is because such approval is a reward rather than
something that is demanded.
2) Similarly, respect cannot be demanded any more effectively than
approval can. He who respects himself enough not be anyone's
doormat can in turn respect others accordingly. The desired level of
respect is therefore naturally earned in a "bloodless coup" of sorts.
Contrast this with "badboy" guys who "command" respect through
fear and intimidation. The "respect" afforded them is hollow and
therefore unfulfilling, especially from women.
3) "Manipulation" is the fake shadow of effective social skill.
It's an imitation, exactly as quick-fix pickup techniques are an
imitation of genuine manhood in a social context with attractive
women. The manipulator should only expect to effectively
manipulate "doormats" who will have no real foundation for
bestowing respect, as we've already noted.
In other words, "manipulation" cannot bring about genuine respect
or approval...only disingenuous imitations thereof.
4) The manipulator is self-serving, which is a perversion of
self-respecting in every sense.
The manipulator's mindset is not evolved enough to realize that ham
fisting one's desired results on one's own terms can only--at best--
result in the effect the manipulator himself envisions.
There will be no creative "pleasant surprises" from others that are
outside of his own expectation.
5) ...He who respects self (and therefore others) finds that his social
rewards are lavished upon him by others on their terms, which very
often exceeds imagination's grasp. Such rewards are typically better
and more exciting than any outcome that could have been manipulated.
So by definition, this experience far exceeds merely getting what one
All of the above, when considered together, should describe once and
for all why sex-focused men often complain that women are "dead lays".'s that for a wake-up call?
Similarly, now you have a clear picture as to why the man who
provides leadership with confidence, direction and genuine positive
concern is the one guy you'll never hear complaining that "there
are no good women in [insert his own country here] nowadays".
He operates with a clear conscience. He naturally draws the
adoration and respect of those around, especially highly desirable
It is he who understands how it is a man becomes a chooser versus
a chaser.
He deserves what he wants.
Be Good,
Scot McKay
02-04-2019, 03:19 PM
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic forum too.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Many thanks for a well written guru forum.
I cannot agree more.
Hope to learn more.
Thank you.
02-04-2019, 03:19 PM
Bro WB
Lucky to read your forum.
Always happy to know you have dumped some old LP and hooked new ones.
Someday, I hope to do the same thing. In the meantime, I shall learn and polished my skills.
Please share more and I will learn.
Bro James,
You're right. Some methods are unique n can't be imitated.
I'm happy for u. Luck is when opportunity meets preparedness. You had the opportunity n you were prepared.
Tks for ur post.
Bro WB
Bro Mastodonmen,
Tks, you make my day!!
Bro WB
Good afternoon!
There are many things in life that are complicated n inexplicable, especially when it comes to RS n love.
Exactly a yr ago, when my old Fujian lao po HW didn't want to return to SG after CNY, I suffered from breakup withdrawal n couldn't sleep well for 18 days. I was surprised that I had such severe symptoms, only second time in my life. Ten days earlier, when she asked my permission to return to China for CNY, I said no because she had promised a few months ago not to return this yr. I told her 我们分手. She was very angry n left anyway. I later regretted it n tried to get her back.
Did I love HW? You tell me. I think I'm addicted to her sustained n violent CVOs.
Less than a week later, I met my future 18 yo kawaii lao po SL.
Five months later I said goodbye to my other LT mistress HH. She was very angry n devastated. But I felt nothing. Why? We had been together 2 1/2 yrs.
I now love SL. Do I really? How about my other younger n more kawaii dolls? In fact, I hv a new 97 doll AG coming, who is 168, more kawaii n fairer. Natural C. OMG! Why don't I love AG more?
BTW, I did meet HW for 5 days in SHA last July when I went there on biz. We are still friends. She would be happy to see me in China. She said it's difficult to come to SG on visitor pass.
So what is love or KC? There r three distinct emotions of love: Lust, romantic attraction and attachment.
These three emotions involve different neurobiology in the human brain.
It would be great if a man feels all three emotions toward the same doll/woman for the rest of his life. But that is almost impossible. Very often, he may feel one or more of these emotions towards different dolls, with or without some overlap. And his love emotions towards them may be changing over time, especially when n if new dolls enter his life. Life is very complicated, isn't it?
At this time I like to share the following on these "love emotions."
Brains Do It: Lust, Attraction, and Attachment
By: Helen E. Fisher Ph.D.
Your comments, opinions n FRs will be greatly appreciated.
Bro WB
02-04-2019, 04:19 PM
Lucky to come across this thread too.
So much to learn here.
Thanks so much bro WB!
Bro WB
Lucky to read your forum.
Always happy to know you have dumped some old LP and hooked new ones.
Someday, I hope to do the same thing. In the meantime, I shall learn and polished my skills.
Please share more and I will learn.
03-04-2019, 11:48 AM
Hi Bro WB,
Hahaha. Still on the hunt.
Thumbs up.
Hi bro besafe,
Yes, it keeps me sharp, youthful n healthy.
I hv learned a lot by reading, researching, sharing, discussing, debating, failing, practicing, failing...and more practicing.
I'm in the process of moving from an armchair military advisor to someone w/ hands-on, real life experiences. And I would love to fail many times everyday! 胜败是兵家常事
Much has been discussed about inner game n outer game in life. Both are important.
Inner game is about reprogramming your beliefs in the S mind. But that is not enough. You also need to keep expanding your comfort zone in real life situations...and keep doing, failing, practicing, failing, performing, failing, accomplishing n failing. If you fail many times everyday, that is great! Very soon you will rise to the top!
Bro WB
Bro WB
What an excellent reply.
Me too will hope to hunt to keep my brain sharp and youthful.
Thank you so much for sharing so many nice forums.
Really admired your integrity and resilient all these years.
03-04-2019, 11:49 AM
I do not think there is a "standard", but you can estimate a guess based on China's "standard" and what the girl has to do to come here.
In Chinese circles (a lot of businessmen and officials in my circle), the girl would expect an apartment to be GIFTED to her, plus between RMB10k to RMB20k a month for "spending money".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly too, and if they do not you have probably met your standard 湘女 (Hunan girl), known to be very emotional and clingy. Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but the men willing to give them that are also much fewer in number and the possibility of meeting them lower.
For Singapore? They probably cannot expect an apartment to be gifted them, but you will definitely have to at least rent for them a nice apartment. Based on what they spent to come here, and the fact that they need to make the best of their time here, I suspect anything less than SGD5k a month is not going to make the mark. I think Bro WarBird would have a better idea here of the "standard".
Are there girls who ask for much, much less? Yes there are, but they are going to wise up very quickly and switch sugar daddies quickly, and if they do not, be prepared for the clingy and emotional 湘女 (Hunan girls). Are there girls who ask for much, much more? Yes, there are, but how many such men are there going to be in Singapore?
Asking for a "standard" is a strange concept. Like real property, the "market price" is but a mental concept to give us a bearing. Until a real transaction take place to the satisfaction of buyer (who may be so besotted that logic goes out the window, paying the highest he can afford) and the seller (who may not be desperate to sell and so accept a really low bid).
Just start playing the game and soon you will discover what your "standard" price is, for a "property" of your range.
bro cz gives excellent forum too.
worth to read.
03-04-2019, 11:50 AM
Good morning!
Most men have a scarcity mindset when it comes to their interactions n RS w/ girls/women.
What is a scarcity mindset? When a man believes that the doll he is w/ is the only pussy he is ever going to get and if he loses her, he will never find another one as good as she. He will be acting needy, insecure n even desperate. He will become repulsive to her n will eventually lose her. Very sad.
Switch from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.
What is an abundance mindset? When a man behaves as if there are an unlimited number of dolls of this type waiting for him. If he gets rejected by one, he laughs it off. When his GF/lover behaves badly, he just walks away, period.
"Behave as if you have 100 women calling you everyday." - David D.
Not good enough for me.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you everyday." - Bro Warbird
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks to you I learned about scarcity mindset.
Thank you so much.
03-04-2019, 12:12 PM
bro cz gives excellent forum too.
worth to read.
fully agreed. can read a few times over.
03-04-2019, 05:18 PM
Bro WB
Thanks to you I learned about scarcity mindset.
Thank you so much.
Just learned about scarcity mindset, thanks bro WB.
Have a nice week ahead.
03-04-2019, 08:15 PM
Bro WB
What an excellent reply.
Me too will hope to hunt to keep my brain sharp and youthful.
Thank you so much for sharing so many nice forums.
Really admired your integrity and resilient all these years.
An excellent reply indeed!
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much in this thread.
Have a good day, cheers.
04-04-2019, 03:34 PM
Support bro TS WB for an awesome thread.
Keep up the good effort.
04-04-2019, 05:52 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Hope to learn more here.
05-04-2019, 02:57 PM
Wow didn't know such a nice thread existed!
Thanks bro WB :)
06-04-2019, 01:54 AM
Great thread and very good replies by bro WB! :)
Tks, bro
Bro WB
Many thanks for a well written guru forum.
I cannot agree more.
Hope to learn more.
Thank you.
Tks, bro.
Neediness is very selfish and is the no. 1 attraction killer.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic forum too.
Have a nice day.
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Lucky to read your forum.
Always happy to know you have dumped some old LP and hooked new ones.
Someday, I hope to do the same thing. In the meantime, I shall learn and polished my skills.
Please share more and I will learn.
Bro, tks.
SL is the same girl as LS. She is 22 now.
HW, my first ever mistress, was going to get married in 2017 but she broke off w/ her BF. She returned to SG in March last yr. I met her, but I didn't keep her because she had put on weight and was no longer attractive.
Lucky to come across this thread too.
So much to learn here.
Thanks so much bro WB!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
What an excellent reply.
Me too will hope to hunt to keep my brain sharp and youthful.
Thank you so much for sharing so many nice forums.
Really admired your integrity and resilient all these years.
Bro, tks.
Yes, reading n practicing will keep the mind sharp.
Making love to a chio girl of your type at least a few times a week will add many years to your life.
bro cz gives excellent forum too.
worth to read.
Yes, bro CZ is a very experienced man.
Money is not everything to a girl/woman who is not a psychopathic gold digger.
Many girls/women, and in fact most men, do hv real financial needs. If a girl's basic financial needs are being met n she is satisfied w/ her male sexual partner in other ways, she will not demand more money from him.
Bro WB
Thanks to you I learned about scarcity mindset.
Thank you so much.
You're welcome, bro.
A scarcity mindset is most repulsive.
"Behave as if you have 1000 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you every day."
fully agreed. can read a few times over.
Just learned about scarcity mindset, thanks bro WB.
Have a nice week ahead.
An excellent reply indeed!
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much in this thread.
Have a good day, cheers.
Support bro TS WB for an awesome thread.
Keep up the good effort.
Excellent thread by bro WB.
Hope to learn more here.
Wow didn't know such a nice thread existed!
Thanks bro WB :)
Bros, thanks
Cheers to all,
Bro WB
Good morning!
Many of my kaki hv the mistaken belief that all girls/women want is money. Not true at all, even for WLs. Excepting those who are psychopathic gold diggers.
Let me give you an analogy.
To get n KEEP a high-quality girl of your type, you need a strong chain with many metal links. Your attractiveness and desirability as a LT sexual partner are as strong as the whole chain. Money is just one link. There are many, many other links. And you’re only as strong as your weakest link. It’s very ignorant n stupid to think that money is the only link.
I hv mentioned the other "links" many times in this forum.
BTW, many wealthy men are extremely weak in other links. They will lose their "dream girls/women" eventually, despite spending a small fortune. It's pathetic.
Bro WB
08-04-2019, 08:02 AM
Good morning,
I like to share an article by Roosh on the importance of FRAME. He is the guru who asserts that a girl/woman who has had 5 or more sexual partners can never love a man again. Due to the irreparable loss of "bonding glue." I generally agree w/ him, although there are rare exceptions.
BTW, I hv done minimal editing on the article.
Don’t Let A Girl Assert Frame Over You
Within every interaction is a frame where one person does the evaluating and judging while the other does the satisfying. The person with the higher value will naturally fall into a frame of evaluation while the person with the lower value will fall into a frame of trying to prove or appease. Without even thinking about it, many men fall into the inferior frame with women by how they allow interaction to proceed.
Since we were children, we’ve been taught to answer questions. In school, we received rewards from the teacher if we answered correctly, and even in university, we were graded for “class participation” based on impressing the professor with how well we know the material. The problem is that we carry the need to prove ourselves over into adulthood and allow others to assume superiority by answering questions that make us explain our behavior, thoughts, or actions. Most people are in fact too eager to prove themselves when asked a question, but by doing so they almost always accept the inferior frame.
For example, a common question that a woman asks you is, “What do you do?” By quickly answering her question, you automatically accept her “prove yourself to me” frame. This is why my game book Bang teaches you to not answer directly to a woman’s questions in the early periods of the interaction when you’re trying to establish attraction. The better response is to give a joke answer that shows you do not care for her evaluation. Paradoxically, this increases her attraction for you even more, because your value must be higher than hers if you refuse to do what so many men before you had eagerly done.
Another example is when a co-worker—and not your boss—asks you, “Why did you do it this way?” He is attempting to assert the superior frame by getting you to justify yourself. An answer which refuses his frame is one where you don’t explain why you did it in your preferred way. Unless he asks you “how” you did something, which establishes him as the inferior seeking to learn from you, you should not rationalize yourself. You’ll also encounter co-workers who ask tiny favors of you that escalate over time.
How do you feel when you have sex with a woman for the first time and are not satisfied with your performance? Because you feel inferior at that moment, you may say something like “It’ll be longer next time” or “I shouldn’t have drunk so much.” This establishes you as the person who is supposed to do the pleasing. The woman is then more likely to see you as a weak man. A man who is confident of his worth would not be fazed by a bad sexual performance, or at least not feel the need to defend it.
It turns out that trying to justify yourself in any way is the best way to lose the frame, and should only be done when the other person has repeatedly asserted the inferior frame. For example, if a woman repeatedly justifies herself in your presence, you can throw her a bone and appease her once in a while, but only if it’s what you really want to do so that she feels a basic level of security in the relationship.
It’s important to note that natural alpha males are automatically resistant to accepting the inferior frame. Their instinct tells them not to justify themselves, and they have such a high opinion of who they are that maintaining frame naturally flows from them. If you are not a natural alpha, you’ll have to do it manually by stopping and thinking each time a woman asks you a question or a favor (“Can you hold my purse?”) to decide if she’s trying to assert frame. If she is, which is usually the case, you must deflect her question. Make a joke or “agree and amplify” so she comes to the conclusion that you are the superior in the interaction. Otherwise, she will slowly drain your power and either use you for attention or to establish firm control over your behavior as we see with men who have been hen-pecked by their wives after several years of marriage.
You want to reach a point where you have high expectations of a woman but she has little expectations of you. She must give you submission while you do as you may. This will take some real value to pull off, but in the meanwhile, you can simulate it by merely not falling into the frame of those who make requests and demands of you.
Bro WB
Thanks for all the insightful read Bro wb. Best thread ever!
08-04-2019, 11:15 AM
Agreed with Roosh.
I will not allow gal assert frame over me.
Cheers bro WB.
Good morning,
I like to share an article by Roosh on the importance of FRAME. He is the guru who asserts that a girl/woman who has had 5 or more sexual partners can never love a man again. Due to the irreparable loss of "bonding glue." I generally agree w/ him, although there are rare exceptions.
BTW, I hv done minimal editing on the article.
Don’t Let A Girl Assert Frame Over You
Within every interaction is a frame where one person does the evaluating and judging while the other does the satisfying. The person with the higher value will naturally fall into a frame of evaluation while the person with the lower value will fall into a frame of trying to prove or appease. Without even thinking about it, many men fall into the inferior frame with women by how they allow interaction to proceed.
Since we were children, we’ve been taught to answer questions. In school, we received rewards from the teacher if we answered correctly, and even in university, we were graded for “class participation” based on impressing the professor with how well we know the material. The problem is that we carry the need to prove ourselves over into adulthood and allow others to assume superiority by answering questions that make us explain our behavior, thoughts, or actions. Most people are in fact too eager to prove themselves when asked a question, but by doing so they almost always accept the inferior frame.
For example, a common question that a woman asks you is, “What do you do?” By quickly answering her question, you automatically accept her “prove yourself to me” frame. This is why my game book Bang teaches you to not answer directly to a woman’s questions in the early periods of the interaction when you’re trying to establish attraction. The better response is to give a joke answer that shows you do not care for her evaluation. Paradoxically, this increases her attraction for you even more, because your value must be higher than hers if you refuse to do what so many men before you had eagerly done.
Another example is when a co-worker—and not your boss—asks you, “Why did you do it this way?” He is attempting to assert the superior frame by getting you to justify yourself. An answer which refuses his frame is one where you don’t explain why you did it in your preferred way. Unless he asks you “how” you did something, which establishes him as the inferior seeking to learn from you, you should not rationalize yourself. You’ll also encounter co-workers who ask tiny favors of you that escalate over time.
How do you feel when you have sex with a woman for the first time and are not satisfied with your performance? Because you feel inferior at that moment, you may say something like “It’ll be longer next time” or “I shouldn’t have drunk so much.” This establishes you as the person who is supposed to do the pleasing. The woman is then more likely to see you as a weak man. A man who is confident of his worth would not be fazed by a bad sexual performance, or at least not feel the need to defend it.
It turns out that trying to justify yourself in any way is the best way to lose the frame, and should only be done when the other person has repeatedly asserted the inferior frame. For example, if a woman repeatedly justifies herself in your presence, you can throw her a bone and appease her once in a while, but only if it’s what you really want to do so that she feels a basic level of security in the relationship.
It’s important to note that natural alpha males are automatically resistant to accepting the inferior frame. Their instinct tells them not to justify themselves, and they have such a high opinion of who they are that maintaining frame naturally flows from them. If you are not a natural alpha, you’ll have to do it manually by stopping and thinking each time a woman asks you a question or a favor (“Can you hold my purse?”) to decide if she’s trying to assert frame. If she is, which is usually the case, you must deflect her question. Make a joke or “agree and amplify” so she comes to the conclusion that you are the superior in the interaction. Otherwise, she will slowly drain your power and either use you for attention or to establish firm control over your behavior as we see with men who have been hen-pecked by their wives after several years of marriage.
You want to reach a point where you have high expectations of a woman but she has little expectations of you. She must give you submission while you do as you may. This will take some real value to pull off, but in the meanwhile, you can simulate it by merely not falling into the frame of those who make requests and demands of you.
Bro WB
08-04-2019, 11:27 AM
Not good enough for me.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful women of your type calling you n wanting to fuck you everyday." - Bro Warbird
This is the most outrageous and arrogant comment that I ever come across. Why and how on earth will a self confident, financially independent and secure woman fall for such behavior? You seriously think that you are GOD"a gift to ladies??
Or maybe your target market are those KTV ladies whose main objective is to love your money. They won't bother how you behave as long as you show them the money. They can and will call you their Prince Charming even though one might look like a ugly toad.
Hope that you are not inculcating such thoughts into your son ya. I mean no harm and no offence taken.
Bro AAdam,
Thank u very much for ur post n criticisms.
The original quote is from David D. Please watch the video here: 205f7280d826b16d63ea460156eed0
That was how I used to behave when I was 21, whenever I was very lucky enough to get the contact of a pretty girl. I wish I knew about all that I hv posted here back then. I was reluctant to post the link because I didn't want my action to be misconstrued as promoting a biz.
I'm talking about an abundance mindset n belief in the S mind. It's very, very rare to find such a man because most men hv an incurable scarcity mindset. These men are very insecure, needy, always seeking validation n approval n they put their dream gals on a pedestal. And they watch in horror when their gals ditch them or cheat on them.
Read my quote carefully. I never mentioned "I." The outrageous n arrogant statement is meant for all bros here n for YOU because I love to share what I sincerely believe will work like magic. Yeah, like gong tao.
This mindset works w/ all dolls. Did I mention money n WLs?
When I tried to BY my first doll in late 2008, I was flatly rejected. Two of them hung up on me. Months later they both agreed. One of them was HW. What had changed? My behaviour.
IMHO, the most important determinant of what makes a man attractive to women is his perceived high status. I further believe that this perceived status is determined by his masculine n dominant behaviour. And the MOST important aspect of this behaviour is that he remains very relaxed n calm when facing tough challenges, including life n death situations. In other words, he has awesome emotional n self mastery.
OK, let me modify my quote to apply to non-WLs.
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful and high quality women of your type, who are non-WLs, calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday. And they are all emotionally and sexually addicted to you."
If you, bro AAdam, truly hv such a mentality, deep in your S mind, you will hv more gals than you can handle.
There is a caveat. You will become so choosy n your standards will become so high that you will hv a hard time finding gals who are ur type. And u may never commit.
Like they say, when you gain something, you also lose something else.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it much more eloquently: "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."
Bro WB
Bro WB
This is typical classic example.
Scarcity mindset will kill any guy. If abundance mindset then guy will succeed easily.
Example - if gal said want to see me. I said ok. BuT i will not stopped doing anything just waiting to see this gal. I will continue to do my usual routine work or important jobs.
If another gal msg said want to meet I will still meet her. Why? Answer is you never know which gal dun turn up or keep to appointment.
We can always accept and go multiple dates.
Hope this is what bro WB trying to say.
08-04-2019, 01:27 PM
I also will not allow that.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Agreed with Roosh.
I will not allow gal assert frame over me.
Cheers bro WB.
08-04-2019, 04:17 PM
Read the first few pages and so impressed.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
08-04-2019, 07:31 PM
Bro WB
This is typical classic example.
Scarcity mindset will kill any guy. If abundance mindset then guy will succeed easily.
Example - if gal said want to see me. I said ok. BuT i will not stopped doing anything just waiting to see this gal. I will continue to do my usual routine work or important jobs.
If another gal msg said want to meet I will still meet her. Why? Answer is you never know which gal dun turn up or keep to appointment.
We can always accept and go multiple dates.
Hope this is what bro WB trying to say.
Multiple dates are the best!
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
10-04-2019, 01:24 PM
Nice one Bro WB
Will master this skill in the forum.
I will keep asking gals "do you want to go to bed yet"
Haha...hope I succeed.
EVen if 1% willing then I am success.
Good morning!
Sometimes getting more pussies of your type is as simple as asking more often. Yes, life is really that good.
Here is a brief email by a guru, Mr. Ryan.
#1 Skill Every Man Must Master (take 1 min. per day)
I’m a relentless asker.
I ask for things all the time.
Calmly and politely, but I still ask.
You have to be able to ask for the things you want.
Ask for the promotion.
Ask for a girl to go out with you.
Ask for someone to stop wasting your time.
It wasn’t always easy for me to ask for the things I wanted.
The fear of hearing “NO” crippled me.
I still have that fear and more often than not, I’m tempted
to not ask. I still feel that pain in my stomach and the nausea
that occurs just before asking... but I do it anyway.
I knew a guy who wasn’t particularly good looking. But he
was always asking women their name, what they were doing
tonight, their phone number, if they’d go out with him, and more…
He’d never stop asking.
This guy was getting a lot of dates and sex.
All this, because he was able to get over the initial reluctance
of asking. Very few people achieve this.
The best way to ask is to use a simple statement like:
“I want…”
“Can you… Please?”
Don’t overly use a softener, like, “I was wondering”, “Maybe”, etc.
Just calmly and politely ask for want you want. Accept that
some people will say “no”.
Do it once a day until it becomes a habit.
Have an amazing day!
10-04-2019, 01:28 PM
This is indeed a Golden Thread ("Sticky"-worthy).
A truly useful thread not only must stand the test of time. But that the original TS himself must demonstrate commitment to the subject matter.
I am very impressed by the updates, chronicles, lessons imbibed (and discarded) and the quality of sharing over time. It shows up very evidently that BY is not some mythical amorphous thing, but rather a "true to life" activity in the world of cheonging.
I have met Bro Warbird (several years ago) and indeed was quite an active participant in the world of BY. I am not active anymore as I was facing some financial challenges!
Yes! stark reality .. there IS money involved to sustain a BY relationship. Like it or not, force of personality, charisma etc only goes so far.
(btw, it's not engaging in BY activities that bankrupted me, but rather being caught out during the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 on the wrong side of the financial investment equation)
Now that I have recovered somewhat financially, I can afford to dabble and indulge in this little recreational pursuit. To this end, I look forward to join Bro Warbird and gang in some BY outings and scoutings (if they would accept my company of course - cannot be presumptuous!).
I do know and remember the steps to land a BY (only this time, I have to go "budget") .... but what I don't have is "recency" and current knowledge! It would be indeed fun to see if the elapsing of eight years have diminished my "skill" or the world of BY now has "evolved" (or devolved) and operate on a different paradigm altogether .... cheers!!
Great compliment for a laojiao.
10-04-2019, 01:29 PM
IMO, it is an imbalanced market. You with the "budget" can still land something, anything, with time and effort. She, the prey, although is able to guess or gauge her own value, you can counter her perception of her value by walking away and giving her the dissatisfaction and the impression in her mind whether she let a good-enough fish (in fact you the hunter) walk away unless there is competitor.
Without paying over your budget, you need patience and effort, and also widen your target list. If you are bidding for the top three gals that are courted by multiple towkays, then you are joining a bidding war which is not to your advantage.
If you corner a good enough girl that will be yours most of the time (or all, it depends whether you've the energy and means to check on her) and she is not courted, then you have the time to manage her expectation of her own value since there is no bidding war going for her. If she is a proud one, move on. There are plenty of targets.
I feel that this game is a game of needs versus wants balanced by means. If you need the girl fast, then you better have the means to over come obstacles fast. If you are limited in your means, then deploy what you have and shoot for those that are not in a strong position or she needs what you have.
It should not be a perfect market, not even close. So deploy all your weapons, sweet talk, confidence, a way to stand out be it being indifferent or switch mode to attentive (just not too much as they dislike pushovers), and aim at multiple targets (probably not in the same room though), you may hit success, if not then move on to the next group of possibilities.
My apologies, I am disorganized and messy in here.
This good bro wrote well.
His points are good too.
10-04-2019, 01:34 PM
Good morning to all esteemed bros n samsters,
I hv enjoyed reading the discussions posted here in the past 7-8 days.
I shall not dignify you-know-who by replying to his posts. His many claims hv been verified as false by my grp kakis. I still like him because he is so entertaining n comical. Many of my kakis voted to expel him. He should come will take a real courageous MAN to do so.
I'll give him some slack as he is very young, around 29-30?, slightly younger than my kids, and if he gets his life together, he can still hv a very bright future. I do wish him the very best.
Bro WB
Finally managed to read all the forums between various bros and Mr Don Juan.
Bro WB
Great that you do not bother to reply him.
When a person wants to have WAR then no end to the tons of arguments. Think Mr DJ is a small needy kid not knowing what he has or can do.
Anyway cheers to you.
10-04-2019, 05:11 PM
Will try to master this skill too.
Have a nice day.
Nice one Bro WB
Will master this skill in the forum.
I will keep asking gals "do you want to go to bed yet"
Haha...hope I succeed.
EVen if 1% willing then I am success.
10-04-2019, 05:55 PM
Great compliment for a laojiao.
A great compliment indeed!
10-04-2019, 07:14 PM
This good bro wrote well.
His points are good too.
Fully agreed, very good points.
10-04-2019, 10:48 PM
Fantastic forum by bro WB, thanks for sharing so much!
12-04-2019, 02:44 AM
Thanks for all the insightful read Bro wb. Best thread ever!
Agreed with Roosh.
I will not allow gal assert frame over me.
Cheers bro WB.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB
This is typical classic example.
Scarcity mindset will kill any guy. If abundance mindset then guy will succeed easily.
Example - if gal said want to see me. I said ok. BuT i will not stopped doing anything just waiting to see this gal. I will continue to do my usual routine work or important jobs.
If another gal msg said want to meet I will still meet her. Why? Answer is you never know which gal dun turn up or keep to appointment.
We can always accept and go multiple dates.
Hope this is what bro WB trying to say.
Bro, tks.
A man must hv many options. Keep 2 or more LPs/mistresses/lovers/GFs...
In the last one year, on two occasions, my two LPs had their big aunties coming within 48 hrs.
I'm not apologetic for giving the following advice to every bro:
"Behave as if you have 100 beautiful and high-quality women of your type, who are non-WLs, calling you and wanting to fuck you every day. And they are all emotionally and sexually addicted to you."
I also will not allow that.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a good week ahead.
Read the first few pages and so impressed.
Thanks bro WB for a very good thread.
Multiple dates are the best!
Thanks bro WB for this awesome thread.
Tks, bros.
Nice one Bro WB
Will master this skill in the forum.
I will keep asking gals "do you want to go to bed yet"
Haha...hope I succeed.
EVen if 1% willing then I am success.
Bro, you're right.
Always be Mode One.
Great compliment for a laojiao.
Tks, bro. Bro Justime is a BY master. Read his thread Mistress.
This good bro wrote well.
His points are good too.
Yes, he is very good.
The "women market" is very inefficient. A man w/ the right mindset can do very well w/ a limited budget.
Less Is More!
Finally managed to read all the forums between various bros and Mr Don Juan.
Bro WB
Great that you do not bother to reply him.
When a person wants to have WAR then no end to the tons of arguments. Think Mr DJ is a small needy kid not knowing what he has or can do.
Anyway cheers to you.
Bro, tks.
Look at his posts this yr. It's all abt Fls n massage women.
I hv been waiting for 5 years to see his "super chio SYTs." Or just to see him in person.
Will try to master this skill too.
Have a nice day.
A great compliment indeed!
Fully agreed, very good points.
Fantastic forum by bro WB, thanks for sharing so much!
Bros, tks.
Have a great night!
Bro WB
12-04-2019, 11:54 AM
This current gal from you-know-who is not pretty enough n not kawaii enough for me. Not sure if she is Aimee, who was shown to my grp in a Meipai video only. I did ask for more photos.
He quoted Aimee for BY at 25K a month I almost immediately told him in the chat grp I'm very interested in BYing her, he suddenly said she was taken!!
On 14/12/15, his exact words: aimee already taken no pt asking. I found many of my msg expressing instant interest in keeping her n his many msg saying she was already taken. He then showed me other gals who ready CMI. He thought his price tag of 25K a month was beyond me n my kakis. He couldn't be more wrong.
I'll upload n post some of the captured chat photos on this thread to see who is the liar. He showed Aimee's Meipai video, then I expressed immediate interest in keeping her at his suggested price of 25K sgd a month. He replied 12 hrs later that she was taken!! I repeated my interest over the next two days...
If he comes clean, I'll not post photos of his msg. I'll give him one day.
Frankly, my year 96 young lao po n another year 97 mistress earlier this yr are both much better looking n more SYT than the gal in the pic.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I agreed with you and think this gal is jsut ordinary and not worth even 10k per month.
I smell plenty of sour grapes too.
Anyway interesting enough to go thru all the exchanges last few pages.
12-04-2019, 12:00 PM
Hmm. Maybe beauty is in the eye of beholder.
So it is confirmed. You are an OKT, eager to push your wares.
Good job. But why squabble with your potential clients on line? Professional?
Good night everyone. It is miserably wet in Houston.
Seriously, nothing against you or your girls, but as a "relationship agent" which you self profess to be doing on a professional level, I find that there are multiple problems with you
1) when you have offered a girl up for a client's choice, shouldn't you be transparent in your dealings? I find that informing client the availability of the girl to be very important, for example, you have to notify a player if there are other players in the ring, deadline for answer, why etc, as an agent you have no right to be so "bossy", you owe an obligation both to the girl and your prospective clients.
2) doing CIA work on your clients is although frowned upon, but correct, but the only thing you should assess are probably 2 things, does the client have a history of abusing women (emotionally and physically), or less importantly, is the client "rich"? to be honest the 2nd question is not important, as long as he is able to pay the required fee which is 25k a month, who gives a flying fuck how rich is he, if he earns only 25k a month and wishes to spend 25k a month on your girl, that's his issue. Payments are prompt, there's no problem. for a start if you are so doubtful of the status of your clients, request for a down payment of X months. and then from there on pay your girl per month, that's your job. Why bother to do CIA work on a prospect, even if he does show you his declared income, seriously how many people on this level have hidden income, assets yet undeclared, and if the "IRAS" or relevant authorities cannot uncover the bottom of the ice berg, how can you? in your line when you are dealing with rich men and tycoons, to be very honest, I deal with a lot my self, most don't flaunt it out. So what if they have 100 million available to throw at a moment's notice, most would not spend more than 10-20% of it, reason is simple: cashflow and liquidity on a rainy day. your idea of a rich man is fundamentally flawed, no respect deserving self made man will throw money like confetti on you unless they are just rich bastards borned with a golden spoon, aka spoiled monkeys, or just washing away not so honest gains on an untraceable and unchecked avenue such as this.
my humble opinion, don't be offended, as I was (and still am) in the trade that you professed yourself to be, don't worry we ain't from the same territory in terms of geographical placement. So there is no competition. Oh, one more thing, don't you have a wide range of high net worth clientele to cater to? I see you have a lot of time available to spend online yea.
I also agreed that clients are important.
Why argue with clients who are paying you.
12-04-2019, 12:02 PM
Beauty is in the eyes of eye of the beholder. I guess our taste for pussies quite similar.
Remember Helen? She was my mistress briefly in 2009, we separated n I let her go completely. I gave u the phone no. to call her in July 2010. You said she was very cautious n won't want to meet anyone.
Well, she was being kept by a rich bachelor around 30 at the time. They had a big argument in late 2010 n she left him. He regretted it n tried to get her back. He became needy n desperate, Even called her mom in china n offered to give her 100K sgd, a condo n marriage!! She avoided him as if he was a leper. She initiated ctc w/ me in Jan 2011 n asked me to BY her.
I kept her for the next 4 plus yrs n let her go home to get married as per her parents' demand in March last yr. I met her in SHA last July n she came to be w/ me in Oct last yr. Just spoke w/ her the other day n she is still not married. Her pussy is still mine haha.
Take home lesson: If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.
If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever
Bro WB
Bro WB
I love your take home lesson.
Aspiring to be one of you.
Hope for the best.
12-04-2019, 12:53 PM
Bro WB
I agreed with you and think this gal is jsut ordinary and not worth even 10k per month.
I smell plenty of sour grapes too.
Anyway interesting enough to go thru all the exchanges last few pages.
I also think this gal is just ordinary, not worth at all.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
12-04-2019, 02:44 PM
I also agreed that clients are important.
Why argue with clients who are paying you.
My exact sentiments. Never argue with clients.
12-04-2019, 07:38 PM
Bro WB
I love your take home lesson.
Aspiring to be one of you.
Hope for the best.
Aspiring too.
Thanks for this nice thread and have a great weekend.
13-04-2019, 10:16 AM
Bro WB
I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.
Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.
Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.
The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.
I had enjoyed your thread very much.
Please keep up the great effort.
Happy weekend.
I believe in peace, not war. There are always many sides to the same story.
Look up The Rashomon Effect, one of my favourite topics.
Some bros hv ridiculed me for being very stingy especially on KTV spending. Strangely, 2-3 years earlier, the same bros accused me of throwing money on KTV hoes. Yes, I'm extremely frugal. No one reading this thread should be surprised as the purpose of this thread is to reduce the friction cost of getting pussies to the minimum. I always pay my equal share of the expenses even though I don't drink one drop of alcohol n I often leave very early.
I love value investing, and I love to get $100 worth of pussies for spending $50. I'm learning the virtue of frugality from Benjamin Franklin.
The global pussy market is irrationally n notoriously inefficient. I hv posted some of the HK 141 gals I met a long time ago. I forgot abt them until just days ago. These gals were 18-19. I paid them 700-800HKD or 120-140 SGD. I often paid an extra 200HKD to get them to my hotel rm, a much safer option. Some of these dolls, after working 2-3 yrs as 141 gals n in some KTVs or brothels in China, would then come to SG to work in HFJs/KTVs n the value of their pussies would shoot up 300-1,000 %. Even more if they get BY-ed haha. Most of them would play hard to get in SG. Imagine a hoe turning into a nun right after landing at Changi haha!! And many bros got profoundly n painfully can imagine the consequences. The current quality of 141 has declined a bit, but there are still many 18-19 SYTs, for 900-1000HKD.
I must thank u-know-who for prompting me to rediscover these pics from a very long time ago. It has bolstered my abundance mindset.
From now on, whenever I see any doll, I'll compare her to my 141 SYTs. Then It's easier for me to estimate the intrinsic value of her pussy. Really not very much, yeah? I know I'm in SG n hv to make compromises n settle for much lower quality dolls at higher prices. What an Intolerable combination!
Over the years many bros hv spoken abt doing this or that as not being challenging enough. That is their problem, not mine. Many of them may find falling asleep or waking up in the morning or commuting to work challenging. Why would I give a fxxk abt what they think! Like David X says, who cares what she thinks. That is his rule no. 1 in dealing w/ gals. I go a lot further to include everyone. BTW, a badass gentleman (BG) is completely detached from the opinions n judgements of every other human on earth. He doesn't need the approval n validation of anyone, not even from his parents. This is one of the secrets, and a vital character trait, of a BG.
Over a year ago, an esteemed bro urged me to go after singers at big joints because bedding singers are somehow more "challenging." To him maybe. I gave my reply. Pls read #4017 hahaha.
There are some bros who assert that bedding a gal FOC is much more challenging. Especially a non WL FOC. Really? But getting "FOC" by false pretenses n false promises n pretending to be a man of high status n high social value, when one is not, is downright immoral n will bring very bad karma. Don't do it. Don't be so desperate for a pussy. Besides, It may take more time to get so-called FOC. An elderly Ang Moh colleague in Gotham City kept telling me that there were many women in their 30s-40s who were begging to be fucked. I told him they were just too old for me. I might take a look at their daughters haha. BTW, a married woman is the easiest to fuck. A no-no for me.
A woman n a man meeting for sex is THE most natural n splendid thing on earth. We are hard-wired by a million years of evolution to do just that. We become our worst enemies by thinking that it's a difficult process. There is nothing to brag about even if it's FOC n she is a beautiful non WL.
Inside every human is an insecure, needy n fearful little child. There are no exceptions. The First Emperor of China was very insecure. He was hiding n running for his life during his early childhood. But all of of us can become much more secure, self-assured n non needy after years of conscious efforts.
Here is a challenge. Finding pretty SYTs you really like when they are as rare as unicorns. The ONLY real challenge for me at this time is achieving ABSOLUTE emotional mastery (and self mastery) or AEM. I believe it's the most difficult thing for a human to achieve. Unless a man knows his true self n true nature, he will never achieve AEM. How do I know if a man has AEM? When he is completely detached n non reactive n he remains cool, calm n relaxed, even when facing the most horrific adversities or imminent n painful death.
Achieving AEM may be impossible for most of us, but greatly improving one's emotional mastery is not difficult. Why is it so important n why is it relevant to male-female RS? I shall present some interesting materials written by a guru next time.
BTW, David X's rule no. 2 is that YOU are the most important person in the relationship. He has only these two rules.
Bro WB
13-04-2019, 10:18 AM
There is no such thing as FOC.
Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.
May cost more than paying for a FL.
BTW, some bros hv kept mentioning FOC as if its the holy grail in woman-man RS. What is the big fxxking deal?
Two days ago I casually asked a pretty local staff nurse to go dinner. She was flattered n said anytime. She owns a home nursing agency n has provided service to my mom.
She is single, in her late 20s. Abt 162 n very very fair for a local gal. Body quite proportionate too. Worth a FOC fuck, yeah? She is among the best looking local gals I hv seen in a long time. If I see a better n younger one, I'll ask immediately. I hv not asked a local gal to go out since I got married decades ago.
A good friend says since she knows my mom n my wife from Gotham City, don't touch her. He is thinking too much. Who cares?
Bro WB
13-04-2019, 10:20 AM
Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.
If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.
When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.
Hi Bro Warbird,
It's lovely to catch up with you yesterday even if its less than 15 minutes. I hope to join you in future outings soon.
My perspective (ex Patron of several BY):
1) I agree with you on getting FOC as not being the "Holy Grail". To have such a mindset is, in essence, an ego trip and validation of the self esteem. I have no need for this.
The real issue is the efficiency and effectiveness of landing a BY that delivers on what you deemed as aesthetically beautiful. A BY that delivers the right strokes and pushes your right buttons when it comes to GFE.
A KTV setting offers the most efficient way to "sort" and shortlist. On average, the girls at a KTV is aesthetically more pleasing than the sort where you hope to meet on chance encounters.
2) Let's be realistic here, a working girl that seeks your patronage will mostly present her best side. Her odious behaviour is obscured and less than flattering looks are minimised. At least before the "take you for granted stage", whereby its the signal for you to dump her and move on.
If you want the warts and all, authentic girl who gives "real" GFE, then BY is not for you.
* Cynics like myself recognise that GFE is always contextualised and oftentimes used as a leverage to forward their vested interest.
3) To me, to be able to land a mistress that delivers great sex and nice GFE is analogous to find a great employee. You treasure her services for as long as she delivers. It is like contractual obligation. One that is more "honest" in that hidden agendas and womanly wiles are reduced because of the explicitness of the defined roles and concomitant rewards.
4) Some brothers like to compete against another. To land a hong pai in the face of challenges from other men who may be richer and perhaps handsomer than you seems like a victory and a psychic trophy. Others simply relish the self mastery aspect the game. I am of the latter.
For me, in this game, ego management, emotional control, value propositions and great sex are overriding considerations. I also enjoy the psychological dynamics that are involved in this game.
5) To be sure, in the world of BY, an ineluctable factor is money. It takes money to structure the type of relationship and interaction you want from a BY. Brothers who think otherwise are only deceiving themselves.
The challenge is how to deliver maximum gains for your money! Literally the best bang for your buck!
6) The BY game is more honest. The fall out from the relationship is less damaging to both patron and BY. Brothers who have been through a messy, acrimonious, expensive divorce know exactly what I am talking about!
In summary, the BY game also affords:
i) variety,
ii) the thrill of chase,
ii) efficiency in locating and selecting your aesthetic type,
iv) clearer definition and demarkation of gender dynamics,
v) demanding and getting the type of sex you want,
vi) emotional mastery of self (especially the control of ego urges ... hanging flower "battles" are classic examples of poor ego mastery!)
vii) .... it can even serve as motivation to earn more money!!!!
Cheers to one and all!
13-04-2019, 10:22 AM
Have a good weekend to all bros here!
13-04-2019, 01:12 PM
I also believe in peace.
Very good thread by bro WB here, thanks very much.
Bro WB
I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.
Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.
Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.
The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.
I had enjoyed your thread very much.
Please keep up the great effort.
Happy weekend.
13-04-2019, 03:07 PM
Agree with you to the point.
Really awesome thread by Bro WB.
Have a good weekend!
Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.
If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.
When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.
13-04-2019, 04:22 PM
Indeed no such thing as FOC, nothing in this world is free.
Very informative thread by bro WB, thanks!!
Enjoy your weekend.
There is no such thing as FOC.
Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.
May cost more than paying for a FL.
13-04-2019, 04:45 PM
Everytime if I feel I'm going to kena KC or do stupid stuff, I will come to Bro WB thread and get a fistful of sense knock into me :o
14-04-2019, 02:11 PM
Bro WB
I agreed with you and think this gal is jsut ordinary and not worth even 10k per month.
I smell plenty of sour grapes too.
Anyway interesting enough to go thru all the exchanges last few pages.
Bro, tks.
She is very ordinary. Maybe OK for ST, but not good enough for BY.
I also agreed that clients are important.
Why argue with clients who are paying you.
You're right.
Thes two bros are very experienced.
Bro WB
I love your take home lesson.
Aspiring to be one of you.
Hope for the best.
Bro, thanks for quoting my old post.
If you love or like a doll very much, let her go. If she comes back to you, she may be yours forever. if she doesn't, then it was never meant to be.
If you become jealous, needy, clingy and desperate, you will lose her forever
I also think this gal is just ordinary, not worth at all.
Thank you bro WB for this great thread.
My exact sentiments. Never argue with clients.
Aspiring too.
Thanks for this nice thread and have a great weekend.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB
I also belive in peace and not war. No point argue for the sake of arguing and ended flaming each other.
Personally I think when you started this thread with teh intention to source or discuss how to pick up gals from ktv, you were not very sure how long this thread will lasts.
Over the years you had improved and polished up your skills set and doing well.
The same person who said you throwing money had already changed his mind. He saw the frugal side of you.
I had enjoyed your thread very much.
Please keep up the great effort.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Yes, I hv learned a lot in the last 10 yrs. But I urgently need to continue to improve...
It's foolish to waste money.
Less is more w/ women.
TY is one of the highest quality girls I hv ever seen. I'm keeping her full time by spending only a fraction of what a much older plastic woman at Lido/P8 would demand.
I sent her some extra money for CNY over two months ago n she returned it immediately. I don't remember anyone else has refused money from me, not even my kids or legal wife. She was a 嫩模/actress before coming to SG to study.
Even though it would be very difficult for me to meet another girl as good as TY, I don't care if I lose her. I keep my power in the RS. I behave as if 100 beautiful n high-quality girls...she is actually very scared of losing me.
There is no such thing as FOC.
Think before saying FOC. Time and money spend dating. Money spend on food and shopping.
May cost more than paying for a FL.
Bro, I couldn't agree w/ you more.
Bro justime hit the nail in the coffin.
If you BY a gal all the terms and conditions set up negotiated. No exciuse there will be no sex.
When you go for FOC there will be plenty of chances you dont get sex.
Bro Justime is a master of BY. I learned a lot from him during my formative yrs.
Have a good weekend to all bros here!
I also believe in peace.
Very good thread by bro WB here, thanks very much.
Agree with you to the point.
Really awesome thread by Bro WB.
Have a good weekend!
Indeed no such thing as FOC, nothing in this world is free.
Very informative thread by bro WB, thanks!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Bros, tks so much.
Everytime if I feel I'm going to kena KC or do stupid stuff, I will come to Bro WB thread and get a fistful of sense knock into me :o
Bro, you hv made my day! I'm so pleased that my posts hv been helpful to you.
Cheers to all!
Bro WB
14-04-2019, 05:36 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!!! :)
18-04-2019, 02:41 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!
In mid-July 2017, I came across a book entitled How To Get Girls by Charles Sledge. I couldn't get it from Amazon. I emailed the author and he was kind enough to send the ebook to me. I said that I would write a brief review after reading it. He also sent his other ebook To Be A Man.
I hv read How To Get Girls four times and To Be A Man once. These two books stress the importance of becoming a MAN w/ masculine and dominant behavior. I've been getting better n better w/ girls/women of my type. I have an abundance mindset...plenty of EVERYTHING, including cute young LPs, good friends, money, optimal health, happiness, peace, kindness, new ideas, luck...
Yes, I agree w/ Charlie that women are easy and women love sex.
Perhaps I'm able to get n keep cute SYTs such as 18 yo TY partly because of what I hv learned from the books. My old lover LS, who is 22 but still very cute, also returned to me last year. I must have the right mindset.
I also intend to read both books a few more times.
I'm recommending these books to bros here, without reservations. Get them from Amazon. You could get the paperback or the ebook. Must read them at least several times.
I want to make it clear that I'm NOT getting a penny by recommending these books.
Here is a passage from the book How To Get Girl. Just to "whet your appetite." I hv done minimal editing.
3 Mindset Switches To Make That’ll
Have You Getting Laid 10x As Much
Having lots of sex is a mindset. To get laid a lot you
have to have the right beliefs. I know that goes against
much of what you have heard but it is the truth.
Looks, money, fame and such while attractive to women are not the
way to go about having the sex life that you want. There
are ways that are much easier and exponentially more
Take a man who has all the looks, fame, money,
or whatever else society has led you to believe women
want and put him up against a man who has the right
mindset in regards to bedding lots of women, and the man
with the right mindset is going to come out on top every
I’m not denying that women like looks, money,
or fame. Looks are nice to make their girlfriends jealous,
money is good to take advantage of, and fame is nice to
again make her girlfriends jealous. However, there are
much more effective ways. For example, being
a dominant masculine man turns women on viscerally.
Enough that she’ll forget about her good looking, rich,
famous boyfriend or husband. And no, I’m not kidding.
If you want to be a good target then, by all means, pursue
looks, money, and fame to the exclusion of developing
yourself as a man. However, if you’d rather be the man
women want rather than use, then you have to go about it a
different way. And your mindset is the start.
Switch #1 – The Abundance Mindset
The first thing that you have to realize is that women
are incredibly plentiful. Women are everywhere. No
matter how sexy/awesome/whatever the girl you are with
is, there is always one better and younger.
Like I said in The Primer “Most women are interchangeable and all
women are replaceable.” Women are an abundant
resource. Remember having an abundance mindset is an
essential part of all aspects of your life, women are not an exception. Women are not rare but bountiful. You can always get a newer better one.
Many guys get caught up in one girl on in a few
select girls. They fail to see the opportunity all around
them. Every day new beautiful women come of age and
this cycle is not stopping. Women are abundant. Never
focus on a woman (or a few women) to the exclusion of
all women.
There are more beautiful women in the world
than you could ever hope to sleep with. Like an all you
can eat buffet. Even if you wanted to eat it all you
couldn’t. The same holds true with women. They are
abundant, you might as well worry about the ocean
running out of water than worrying about not finding a
better/great/sexy woman.
Switch #2 – Women Are Easy
I don’t say this as a derogatory term but simply as a fact. While men are often given the easy label (because
they are) the truth is women are also easy just one they
hide it and two there has to be certain stipulations. Meet
those stipulations and it’s game on.
Women are easy granted that you are the right man. Sure if you are a wimp
with no game, no women aren’t going to be easy for you.
They’ll put you in the friend zone and hope one day you
get rich or famous or good looking enough so they can
live off you while banging their deadbeat ex-boyfriend.
Women are easy. Get this in your mind. Women will
have sex with the right man within five minutes of
meeting him if things are right. Only suckers think they
have to go on dates with women or spend a certain
amount of time with them before they can have sex.
Women will have sex with a guy they just met if he turns
her on. This holds true for all types of women, not just
women most would label “easy”. Remember all women
are easy if you are a man. Get this in your head as society
programs you to believe women are hard when in fact
they are just playing hard. That’s why it’s called playing
hard to get not being hard to get.
Switch #3 – Women Love Sex
This also goes against what society and the majority
of men would have you believe. They say women only
want money or flowers but they hate sex. Hate to
break it to them but women only want money and flowers
from men who have nothing else to offer.
They want sex from real men and are most likely getting sex from real
men when you empty your wallet or affection to them.
Women love sex with real dominant men. Look at how
well 50 Shades of Grey has sold.
Women love sex. Of course, that’s only with the right
men. This is something that most men will have to work
to get into their heads. Women are sexual creatures. They
all have sexual thoughts, feelings, and desires often
raunchy and more hardcore than the average man would
expect. Of course, they do a great job of hiding this from
the average guy as they are afraid of being judged for it.
Women have many of the same feelings as guys it's just
that women hide and mask things much more than men do
and are much less likely to admit things that have the
potential to tarnish their reputation. Remember a woman
will do anything so long as her reputation remains intact.
To get laid a lot you have to have the right beliefs and
the right mindset. The three beliefs above go against
much of your social programming (which has misled
If this is your first exposure to these ideas it may
take some time to sink in but keep them in your mind and
trust me they will sink in. Go out and test these ideas and
when you find them to be true they will sink in even
Instead of pursuing money, looks, and fame to be a
good target pursue the right mindset and be a man.
Then you will be the man women desire instead of
the man women use.
Others will wonder how and why you get laid so much but you will know. It is because you have the right mindset and therefore the right beliefs
regarding women and sex. You see everything stems from
your mindset. Have the right beliefs and your life lines up
accordingly. Have the right beliefs regarding money and
you will get rich and so on and so forth. All is the mindset,
including making sure you get laid a lot.
19-04-2019, 07:10 AM
Don't envy the rich n famous rock stars either. Prince just died at 57.
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Study hard, work hard n invest wisely. Reprogram ur S mind to achieve awesome emotional mastery.
How do I want to finish?
At 90, I want to pass on, after giving my very pretty 19 yo SYT mistress CVOs that she has never experienced n will never ever experienced for the rest of her life.
That is a very badass (gentleman) statement haha. I stand by the statement.
I was in a very prestigious n lucrative profession in Gotham City. I used to work 90-100 hour weeks. Cut throat competition against privileged Ang Mohs who were very average to me. They were average because they were lazy n really not that smart. What they took 30 minutes or more to do I would take 10 minutes or less. The faster the better! Unlike sex, where the man should last at least 15 minutes.
I'm still quite poor compared w/ a few of my relatives. But I'm much healthier n more contented haha. They are completely clueless in terms of RS n sex.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Really great advice above.
Where we ends really most important. Each man have their days and their chances to make.
Really no point to blame life or what you didn't get and start to work for it.
Hope we all given enough chance and opportunity.
19-04-2019, 07:11 AM
Bro groo,
Thank u for ur post.
Where hv u been?
I'm not qualified to dispense any wisdom on investing n BY-ing, I'm merely sharing what little I know n hoping for feedback, lessons,insights, strategies, methods, discussions, criticisms n debate w/ bros who hv had real life experiences n who are willing to share what they hv learned.
You must be referring to a samster living in fantasyland. No one I know has ever been able to meet him in person. Could even be a she. I hv put this samster on IGNORE some time ago.
Hahaha, I'm a real person, not a fictional cartoon character.
BTW, I'll be too busy to post for the next 7-10 days, except when I want to invite bros/kakis for outings. Will leave Gotham City for Sg by the end of the week.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Please advise me on BY. Will be keen to learn as much.
19-04-2019, 07:14 AM
Bro groo,
Tks for the excellent post!
I'm sure that you're now in the pink of health. Yes, we must all slow down n smell the roses. Life is too short. I really like to enjoy the scent of fresh n pretty pussies everyday!!
What did u do to our phantom "rock star"? He has vanished! Actually bragging n seeking validation are signs of a beta male (boy) who is extremely insecure. He just couldn't control his neediness n desperation to show us the internet n Meipai dolls. His phantom dolls r so so at best.
Yes, the best quality PRC gals rarely come to SG. If I see a 级品美人 in Sg,she is usually in the arms of a wealthy patron or 富二代.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thank you so much. I also love fresh smell of pussies.
Actually what is beta male? Hope you can breifly explain.
Thanks and happy long weekend.
19-04-2019, 07:17 AM
I'm reading this e-book entitled Secrets to Success with Women by Michael W for the second time. I wish I had read it 5 times a few years ago.
Here is what the guru has to say about being THE MAN:
Women are unconsciously attracted to power in all its forms, but not all its
forms create the same kind of desire or even the same degree of desire.
A sexy appearance is a SIGN of power in the sense of vitality/good genes.
Wealth is a SIGN of power in the sense of secure resources for her children.
But when it comes to creating RAW SEXUAL DESIRE in a woman, these are all INDIRECT signs. They give indirect directions on her mental map. They say, for example, “I am good looking, I may therefore have good genes, you may therefore want me”. And maybe she will, maybe she won’t.
It’s like me giving you directions to go right, then left, then right, then make two lefts, and on and on, when I could have just told you to just cross the street to get to the damn place! Maybe you’ll make it there the first way, maybe you won’t!
The most important power you can have is knowing how to DIRECTLY stimulate the “nerves” of her SEXUAL desire, through your DISTINCTLY MASCULINE SEXY BEHAVIOR that indicates you are her other half, required for her to feel complete. Think yin/yang here, the masculine balancing the feminine and vice versa.
By behaving in a masculine way, you create the CLEAREST CONNECTION TO A WOMAN’S SEXUAL DESIRE.
It’s like your sign now reads: AS YOU CAN FEEL, I AM YOUR SEXUAL DESIRE INCARNATE.
It’s like waving a glass of water to a man dying of thirst in the desert!
No explanations and no interpretations are necessary!
When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.
The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective, since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.
But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks or his words:
If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
(To Be Continued)
To me, Emotional Strength is the same as Emotional Mastery n Self Mastery.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for the lovely forum.
I really enjoyed reading.
19-04-2019, 07:20 AM
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether its financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.
But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?
A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.
He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a billionaire and is not an emotional winner.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man, because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.
The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.
Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.
It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.
Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.
And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.
That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.
Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.
When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.
If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.
Now you know why my ONLY challenge in life is to achieve ABSOULTE EMOTIONAL MASTERY ( OR STRENGTH ) AND SELF MASTERY!!
To do so, I must first know my TRUE SELF or TRUE NATURE.
The benefits are far reaching n well beyond getting n keeping the prettiest dolls. In fact, the prettiest dolls n all other worldly possessions will be totally irrelevant. It's unimaginable!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Emotional strength is most important for guys to learn.
Guys shouldn't have negative emotions and should have positive emotions. The men emotional strength will bring us to new heights.
19-04-2019, 01:49 PM
Bro WB
Really great advice above.
Where we ends really most important. Each man have their days and their chances to make.
Really no point to blame life or what you didn't get and start to work for it.
Hope we all given enough chance and opportunity.
Fully agreed, very great advice by bro WB
Have a nice day.
19-04-2019, 04:34 PM
Bro WB
Please advise me on BY. Will be keen to learn as much.
Would like to learn too.
Enjoy your holiday.
19-04-2019, 05:37 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for the lovely forum.
I really enjoyed reading.
I enjoyed reading too, million of thanks to bro WB.
19-04-2019, 08:58 PM
Bro WB
Emotional strength is most important for guys to learn.
Guys shouldn't have negative emotions and should have positive emotions. The men emotional strength will bring us to new heights.
No doubt that emotional strength is very important.
19-04-2019, 10:02 PM
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread!
Have a nice weekend :)
21-04-2019, 02:09 AM
Good morning,
Happy Easter!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Really great advice above.
Where we ends really most important. Each man have their days and their chances to make.
Really no point to blame life or what you didn't get and start to work for it.
Hope we all given enough chance and opportunity.
Bro, tks.
As long as you're improving every day, you will reach all your goals.
Bro WB
Please advise me on BY. Will be keen to learn as much.
Bro, it's a long process.
I hv chronicled the progress of my chionging n BY journey since June 2009. I'm still learning n improving.
The most crucial determinant of your success in BY and in all other pursuits in life is your mindset.
Bro WB
Thank you so much. I also love fresh smell of pussies.
Actually what is beta male? Hope you can breifly explain.
Thanks and happy long weekend.
Bro, tks.
Yes, I love to smell and eat very pretty, youthful and fresh pussies. I tell all my young LPs to eat apples, take probiotics daily and to avoid bad air, alcohol, fried foods n refined carb.
Bro WB
Thanks for the lovely forum.
I really enjoyed reading.
You hv made my day!
Must ingrain this firmly in my subconscious mind.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
Be unflappable and non-reactive no matter what happens n you are halfway there.
Bro WB
Emotional strength is most important for guys to learn.
Guys shouldn't have negative emotions and should have positive emotions. The men emotional strength will bring us to new heights.
Bro, you're spot on.
It behooves me to remember this every minute, every day.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man, because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
Never too late to become an American Board-Certified Neurosurgeon. Of course, it's a lot more than prestige and status and making a good income. It also indicates that you are a MAN w/ good emotional strength. The grueling training, night calls and exams will require very hard work and long hours. It means that you hv both brains and balls. And GRIT. You also give great value to society wherever you're. No beautiful, high-quality SYTs could resist you. I standby this statement. Be the BEST you can be n get the prettiest SYTs of your type. Never ever settle.
Fully agreed, very great advice by bro WB
Have a nice day.
Would like to learn too.
Enjoy your holiday.
I enjoyed reading too, million of thanks to bro WB.
No doubt that emotional strength is very important.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread!
Have a nice weekend :)
Bros, thank you all.
Bro WB
24-04-2019, 12:45 AM
So very nice thread from bro WB, would like to continue learning from you! :)
24-04-2019, 04:02 PM
I married a very beautiful young TW gal many decades ago n brought her to Gotham City. She was the daughter of a police major in TW. She married me because of my prestigious profession.
My mom in law told her that 你老公的外表根本配不上你. Her sister's male classmates told my sis in law 你姐是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上 haha. They were exaggerating a bit. I knew that n I felt slightly insecure. That wasn't the problem. My body language wasn't manly enough. She always say, 看到陌生不要眨眼睛 动作忙点 要挺身肢正 说话慢点 吃饭慢下来 不要狂傲要很笃定 很冷静很放松...her exact words she has repeated thousands of times. She was describing the body language n behaviour of a MAN w/ awesome emotional strength!! I just didn't realize the significance until recently!!
笃定 is not commonly used. But it's the hall mark of THE MAN!
It's inexplicable that that she was giving me, many decades ago, exactly the same advice given by the modern RS gurus!! A woman's intuition is truly amazing. She is a very smart person, but aloof n a bit cold. BTW, I'm still married to her. We hv two adult children, both graduates of Ivy league schools. She knows what I'm doing in SG but has chosen to accept it. She is now a devout Buddhist.
Lastly, let me remind all bros here the attitude of a badass gentleman:
"Behave as if you hv 100 very beautiful women of your type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling you everyday and wanting to fuck you everyday."
Repeat 100 times daily. Perhaps a very 狂傲 statement, but it works like magic!
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice that you told us about your family.
This is clear cut nothing to hide.
Wish you all the best in live. Also wish you all the love your LPs give to you.
24-04-2019, 04:06 PM
Bro, you're welcome!
Good morning!
What an auspicious day!
Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him everyday and wanting to fuck him everyday. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...
Be such a MAN. And the most beautiful dolls will flock to YOU! Even if you look no better than Benjamin Franklin or Sean Stephenson.
Two months ago, I received yet another e-mail from a guru Alex Allman:
Life kicking you in the nuts? Here's how to win...
We have all been in the fire, my friend. That is just part of this crazy journey we call life.
And you already know: The secret to getting out the other side alive and thriving is to stay positive when the chips are down.
But sometimes... even the best of us just struggle to get just back up, much less stay positive.
This "public service announcement" is for YOU if you're struggling right now...
Dr. Sean Stephenson's new book: "How To Stay Positive When Life Gets Crazy" is available for pre-order right now for only $10 (plus some cool bonuses) and you NEED it.
If you're new to me and The Allman Report, then you may not know about Sean-- I'm proud to call this man my brother, one of my closest amigos, and a guy I look up to and seek out for advice all the time.
He's not easy to look up to either, because he's only 2.5 feet tall. And he's broken more than 200 bones in his life. And he's in a wheelchair to get around...
So I'm not saying his problems are necessarily harder than yours... I'm just saying that he knows what the f--- he's talking about.
You walk down a public street, through a mall, or into a restaurant pushing Sean's chair and you see people look at him and quickly look away like, "oh, that poor little man!"
And you know what?
I can guarantee you that it's poor THEM! Because Sean lives like a rock star. He's got closer friends, more love, more play, more purpose, more HAPPINESS and pure good vibes than just about anyone you'll ever meet.
Because he's delighted to be under 3 feet tall and having to ask for help to use the bathroom?
No bro, because he WORKS at it, and he knows his shit.
There is no one in the world like Sean Stephenson. Period.
If you feel like life is kicking you when you're down, then you wanna get to know Sean right now. Pre-order the book and get the goodies, and get ready to have your brain (and your heart) blown wide open.
Oh, yeah, almost forgot: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY...
I guarantee you'll be thanking me.
For Passion,
Google Sean Stephenson. I was hesitant to post this e-mail because I didn't want to be misconstrued as promoting him or any other gurus. I'm merely sharing what I find inspiring...I hv been naming the gurus since some bros accused me of plagirisng a few months ago.
I believe most of us at SBF look slightly healthier n more manly than Sean, yeah? But do we hv his emotional strength?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Be the MAN and thank you so much.
How to WIN is the key here. All men wanted to win but some have negative thoughts and unsure of themselves.
Hope I will be the real Man and kicking.
Wish you all the best.
24-04-2019, 04:10 PM
Bro WB
Agreed with you that man shouldn't beat their wife no matter what happened even if wife is a bitch.
All men must possessed emotional strength and self mastery.
Thank you so much starting this fabulous thread and please keep this up.
Bro, you're welcome!
Both Sean n Nick are MEN of courage n incredible emotional strength.
I'll now give an example of a famous male, who was voted The Sexiest Man Alive twice, but nonetheless has poor emotional mastery.
Who is he? Johnny Depp of course.
What really happened is unclear. His wife is probably a bitch but there is never an excuse for beating a woman. Could she hv become a bitch because he had failed to give her lots of CVOs? We will never know.
I feel very sorry for him n wish him well. I did enjoy his "Pirate" movies n "Don Juan DeMarco," hahaha. What has happened to our Don Juan of Asia??
He has failed w/ women, period. Still don't understand why he married her. His troubled marriage lasted only 15 months. Should have kept her as one of his mistresses.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
Now you know why I want to achieve ABSOULTE emotional mastery.
Your comments will be appreciated.
Bro WB
24-04-2019, 04:12 PM
Bro WB
Nice that you told us about your family.
This is clear cut nothing to hide.
Wish you all the best in live. Also wish you all the love your LPs give to you.
Yes, very nice of bro WB to tell us about his family.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
24-04-2019, 04:16 PM
Fully agreed, no matter what happened a man should not beat his wife.
Thanks a million for this wonderful thread.
Bro WB
Agreed with you that man shouldn't beat their wife no matter what happened even if wife is a bitch.
All men must possessed emotional strength and self mastery.
Thank you so much starting this fabulous thread and please keep this up.
24-04-2019, 07:11 PM
Just came across this fantastic thread, so impressed with bro WB.
Hope to learn more here.
25-04-2019, 12:20 AM
Bro WB
Be the MAN and thank you so much.
How to WIN is the key here. All men wanted to win but some have negative thoughts and unsure of themselves.
Hope I will be the real Man and kicking.
Wish you all the best.
Want to be the real man kicking too.
Great share by bro WB in this thread.
28-04-2019, 04:01 PM
Good afternoon,
I'm starting this new thread for like-minded bros to find 'very attractive ' gals at high end KTVs. It has been increasingly difficult for me to meet the type of girls I like to ST or BY at budget joints in SG. It's true that occasional gems may be found at HH sessions at Peace Centre budget joints. In fact, some of the prettier ones there will go on to high end joints for SH. Some singers at small joints also moonlight there for HH. However, it's very time consuming n the yield has been very low for me.
My taste for dolls is actually not high, it's just different from most bros. I look at the whole package w/ emphasis on youthfulness n aesthetically pleasing proportions of EVERY body part. I will reject a doll if she has obvious facial surgery, is a smoker or has relatively thick arms, wrists n calves or has any part that is out of proportion to the rest of her. I do make exceptions sometimes because of a doll's other desirable attributes. A 'very attractive' gal to me could be very ugly to u, and vice versa. So don't mock me. One man's meat is another man's poison. Take a look at Arnold Schwarzenegger's LT mistress and you will know what I mean.
If I meet a rare gem at a budget joint, it's because her best friend or sister brought her to Sg n she chooses to work at the same joint. At least in her early days or weeks here.
In the whole of 2015, I managed to meet 3 SYTs of my type, after over 150 visits to budget joints at Peace Centre. That was 1 in 50 visits...fortunately, all three of them agreed to BY. One yr 96 became my young lao po. The yr 97 one is still undecided about returning on student visa. I now regret that I didn't consummate the BY on the third one, a yr 93 doll, because she was a swimmer n her shoulders were slightly broad. She later did quite well at Lido.
Although the majority of girls at high end joints also can't make it, there are always some gems who are kept by certain mummy groups for their select clients, available only by prebooking. We intend to become these select clients by going there at least once or twice every week. The yield, for me, could be 1 in 5 visits, or 10X more productive than visiting Peace Centre joints. It may actually save time n money for me.
BTW, I do hv many kakis who frequent these high end joints. And they are great pals. But they are drinkers n many also smoke. I can only join them very infrequently.
Where are these high end joints?
1) Lido palace, 2) Palace 8, 3) The Central, 4) Harman, 5) 5-Star Club...
I'm familiar only w/ the first two. Standard hours usually from 9:00 PM till 2:30 AM.
We shall limit the number of participants for each outing from 3-5 bros. Expense per pax is approximately $125 (5 bros)-210 (3 bros) if we open a new bottle. Every kaki will share the expenses EQUALLY, except for gals' tips. Booking a gal is $300 and some gals may demand $500. We can keep the bottle for at least two months. Expense per pax for subsequent visits could be as low as $60-80. BTW, I'm a teetotaller n I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.
My ideal kaki should be 1) financially able to afford to visit these high end joints regularly, 2) light drinkers, 3) willing to smoke outside the room and 4) willing n eager to up the gals of your type there (not in the room please, but at another time outside the KTV). Try not to behave like a girlie man or a eunuch in front of the gal you want to fxxk.
I already hv several kakis who fit the above criteria and we hv been to Lido three times. But I like to hv many more. Unity is strength n power.
If you are interested in joining my SH outings to these high end joints, PM me.
Oh, I'll still go to peace centre joints 3-4 times a week. To chill n to look-see. Who knows...a doll of my type may appear suddenly haha.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Very nice introduction of yourself.
Important to find like minded brothers/kakis to go out together. Financial stability is also important.
Not easy though to achieve.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
28-04-2019, 04:03 PM
Thank u for ur support.
Good morning!
Time flies! Can't believe I started this thread over 7 years ago. Although I was already a lao chee ko pek back then, I was a greenhorn, having had my first ever BY 37 days earlier. It was a total failure. The doll was HW, a SYT who agreed to BY after 8 1/2 months. HW left me after two weeks. I BY-ed her again briefly in late August that yr. Another failure haha.
I met HW again in Dec 2009 when she tried to intro her best friend for me to BY. Her GF wasn't my type. But that day HW was the prettiest ever. She was at the peak of her physical beauty as she just turned 22. She was being kept by a rich young man around 31-32 at that time n she broke off all ctc w/ me shortly afterwards.
She broke up w/ her man in Dec 2010.
She didn't delete my MSN. She contacted me in late Jan 2011 and, shortly thereafter, had become my old lao po until last Oct. We are still friends. She is the one w/ violent orgasms. I hv learned the most from my LT RS w/ her.
I agree that men w/ the dark traits may attract a certain type of women, at least for brief RS. But almost all women would prefer the PRESTIGIOUS MAN or PM, for both brief encounter n LT RS.
What is a PM n why is he most attractive to girls/women? PM is very similar to a badass gentleman. He is better than the so-called Alpha Male.
I hv a slightly different take on the subject which I'll elaborate. Suffice to say that the PM is not badass enough. I believe in being 90% beast n 10% sweet.
It's a long article n it behooves you to read it a few times. I'll only post the Conclusion here.
The Myth of the Alpha Male
It is neither the alpha nor the beta male that is most desired by women.
Taken together, the research suggests that the ideal man (for a date or romantic partner) is one who is assertive, confident, easygoing, and sensitive, without being aggressive, demanding, dominant, quiet, shy, or submissive. In other words, a prestigious man, not a dominant man.
In fact, it appears that the prestigious man who is high in both assertiveness and kindness is considered the most attractive to women for both short-term affairs and long-term relationships. This research should offer some assurance that the genuinely nice, passionate kid who learns a culturally valued skill can be immensely attractive.
Further, seeking to become a prestigious man is not only the surest route to success with women, but achievement in any area of life.
Thus, I think a much more effective and healthier route for men having difficulty attracting women is not to attempt to cultivate the traits of the stereotypical, dominant “alpha,” but to cultivate the traits of the prestigious man. This means developing a skill that brings value to society, and cultivating a stable sense of identity. Such a route will not only make you more attractive to women, but will also create the most satisfying life for yourself in general. In my view, attempting to don the persona of the “alpha” is analogous to building a house of cards. There’s no stable foundation supporting your worth.
It’s time we shed these black and white categories, and embrace a much more multidimensional concept of masculinity. The most attractive male is really a blend of characteristics, including assertiveness, kindness, cultivated skills, and a genuine sense of value in this world. The true alpha is fuller, deeper, and richer.
Your comments n criticisms will be greatly appreciated!
BTW, I hv a SH outing to Lido tmr, Monday. Again, only one slot left. PM me asap.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice for you to share all your understanding and thoughts with us.
The forum allowed us to understand certain topics easier.
Hope to learn more from you.
28-04-2019, 06:35 PM
Bro WB
Very nice introduction of yourself.
Important to find like minded brothers/kakis to go out together. Financial stability is also important.
Not easy though to achieve.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Fully agreed. Very fun for like minded kakis to go out together.
Have a nice Sunday.
29-04-2019, 12:07 AM
Bro WB
Nice for you to share all your understanding and thoughts with us.
The forum allowed us to understand certain topics easier.
Hope to learn more from you.
Very nice of bro WB to share so much with us, wish to learn more too.
Have a nice day.
29-04-2019, 03:49 PM
Incredible thread from bro WB, learnt a lot here!
Have a good week ahead.
01-05-2019, 10:24 AM
What a great write-up and promise fulfilled.
Hope this bro justime continue to share with us here.
Happy holiday.
I have promised Bro Warbird that I will share an insight when I returned to Singapore and here is me delivering on this promise.
Please kindly note that I am currently am NOT a patron for a BY and that my last BY was more than five years ago. This alone should serve as a caveat that whatever advice I dispense here may not necessarily be salient or have sufficient recency to be of use to you here. The world of BY, like a lot of social phenomenon, evolves and changes while still operating on certain core fundamentals.
Talking about core fundamentals, I shall talk elaborate about one important aspect here in this post: The identification of a prospective BY (in a KTV setting).
A KTV setting, ipso facto, advantages you at the outset and frames the relationship dynamics that is quite analogous to a BY. A prospective BY has to put on her best behavior, present her best appearance, tolerate your idiosyncrasy – all for the almighty dollar.
I would presume here that you would already know the difference between a wife, girl friend(s) and BY(s) by now so I shall not delve much into this except to underscore the fact that a BY’s time and energy “must” revolve around you. For a price! .... mostly monetary!
As an analogy, you are like the sun, giving life sustenance to the BY’s earth. Without you, there is no life (as we know it) in the BY’s world.
(BTW, it’s a sex forum, so do not start talking about planetary microbial life, panspermia etc here in this thread. I am not a Michio Kaku or Carl Sagan!).
To get a person to organize her life around you takes a certain personality type. It’s really YOUR choice what behavior turns you on, it may even be a “dominatrix” (in this case, it’s only apparent power i.e. facade). The key to it, is that with a snap of finger, you can assert your demands onto a BY and she has to submit to it.
For me, I therefore prefer to find a personality with a predisposition to OBEDIENCE in all my BY relationships. You may tame a wild horse or find one that has a tendency to be domesticated. Both can be championship racehorse thoroughbreds. Do NOT equate feral and wild as being more passionate and more physically robust to deliver on sensual pleasure. An OBEDIENT personality can take on behavior that is wilder, more spontaneously passionate than a wild one. Just trust me on this one ……:p
Now that I have provided a conceptual framework, let’s delve into the nuts and bolts: The praxis itself on how to identify an OBEDIENT personality.
(To be continued as I got to run an errand …… but here is a “teaser” for my next posting on identification of an Obedient personality)
“One favourite modus operandi of mine is to take your prospective BY to place where she is not familiar with the food.
It’s good that a prospective BY possess an attitude of openness and receptivity to trying out new things. Not will this allow you to introduce sexual fetishes down the line, its also a gradual way to ease a girl who is a neophyte and “virgin” to the world of BY.
As a suggestion, know that there are still many China Girls who eschew “raw” taste of sashimi or can’t take the aroma or “strong” taste of curry. Once you persuade a prospective open minded BY to enjoin you for a meal whereby she is not familiar with the food, it’s actually good that your prospective BY do NOT like the food served.
You can now show your “displeasure” on her attitude and “force’ her to have an some additional bites and serving. This is the part whereby you have to observe her body language very carefully. If she is insistent that she does not like the food and that no amount of “persuasion” can make her eat any additional food, she does NOT possess an obedient personality.
If however, she forces herself to eat more of the food that she finds distasteful to her palate, she just puts another proverbial “tick in the box” in the OBEDIENT personality test.”
01-05-2019, 10:28 AM
Bro AAdam,
The objectives of BY would vary a lot, depending on the persons involved. It's like asking what are the objectives of human life? Or of marriage? Or of education?
Personally, It's wonderful for a lao chee ko pek like me to BY pretty SYTs, as it's great for my physical n mental health. Yes, it's primarily for my sexual gratification n companionship. But it's much more than that...BY-ing a pretty SYT full-time is like getting married to her, with all the benefits, but w/o the drawbacks n negative consequences.
I hv written many posts to share my opinions on female attraction, sexology n how a MAN should behave to maintain a smooth long-term RS w/ his women.
In my BY journey in the last 7 1/2 yrs, I hv discovered THE most attractive masculine trait - emotional strength or mastery. However, my attempt to achieve awesome emotional mastery has taken me further n further into the spiritual realm, unexpectedly. I now realize that it's impossible to achieve absolute emotional mastery w/o enlightenment. And it's impossible to achieve enlightenment w/o knowing n understanding one's true self. How to fully know n understand one true self? It's up to each of us to find out.
Bro WB
Bro WB
You had a very long journey and seems not going to stop. First let me congratulate you for a job well done and hope you enjoy every second of your life.
Awesome self-mastery is upmost important in man's life. Don't bother with small details but look at the big picture.
Your objective is your main concern and not anyone else.
Many naysayers had back down and no longer posting. Reason is not where you start but where you finished.
Happy holiday.
01-05-2019, 10:30 AM
Good morning!
Do u know what are the four most dangerous words in cheonging, BY-ing and, in fact, in EVERY man-woman RS?
This (my) girl is different.
No, she is NOT! NOT to me n billions of other men. It's a pure illusion in the mind of the hapless man who got deeply KC-ed.
So thought the "Sexiest Man Alive" Johnny Depp about his wife Amber Heard, a bisexual golddigger. I assume that King Fuchai must hv thought Xi Shi was somehow mysteriously different from all his other concubines. Billions of men in human history also thought their women were somehow unique, yeah?
But YOUR girl, no matter how beautiful, sexy n perfect YOU think she is now, will get old, ugly, sick n die. Her beauty n uniqueness are temporary n illusional, at best.
I'm a member of a wechat grp of KTV gals n hoes. There are 498 members. I use a female ID to get in. Why? Because “知彼知己, 百战不殆"
There are dozens of ad such as the two below:
"福建福州招美女,酒店式公寓,到手300-500一单一结,综合自身条件做最稳妥价位,需要条件身高1.55以上25岁以下,没有生过孩子或无明显疤 痕和妊娠纹,每天5-8单,每月3-5万有意私聊.注:需要提供照片,自拍.艺术照皆可 ,微商务扰."
"🇨🇦加拿大🇨🇦Moonwaiting 公司诚聘高素质女生[表情]高档公寓一对一应有尽有[表情],私密性极高,绝对安全可靠,客源素质高以华人为主,美眉到手[表情]8000-10000 每天,外加小费[Grin],不PK,最短可做3个月,亦可长期做,无需频繁换场。收入可观,资源丰富,一切问题都可以帮您解决,有问 必回。持有美国绿卡🇺🇸,台湾🇹🇼,香港🇭🇰,新加坡🇸🇬,澳门🇲🇴护照的女生可免签直接进入 加拿大。
Simple deduction tells me that almost ALL PRC gals who come to work in the nite scene in SG hv previously worked in brothels, saunas, KTVs, private clubs/hotels or as 141 gals in China/HK/Macau and elsewhere.
The difference when they come here? They are older n uglier now. Oh, there is another difference.
(From post #4342 "Picking up KTV gals outside KTVs")
The value of their pussies would shoot up 300-1,000 %. Even more if they get BY-ed haha. Most of them would play hard to get in SG. Imagine a hoe turning into a nun right after landing at Changi haha!!
Therefore, we must put everything into perspective and don't treat these gals as if they were virgin nuns, ok?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Great forum with insights of women.
Yes, agreed dun take your gal as different no matter how beautiful or how much you love her.
Let her be the one to decide if she love you.
Happy holiday.
01-05-2019, 12:39 PM
Indeed a great write-up.
Have a nice holiday.
What a great write-up and promise fulfilled.
Hope this bro justime continue to share with us here.
Happy holiday.
01-05-2019, 01:54 PM
Bro WB
You had a very long journey and seems not going to stop. First let me congratulate you for a job well done and hope you enjoy every second of your life.
Awesome self-mastery is upmost important in man's life. Don't bother with small details but look at the big picture.
Your objective is your main concern and not anyone else.
Many naysayers had back down and no longer posting. Reason is not where you start but where you finished.
Happy holiday.
Congratulate bro WB for a job well done too, and thanks bro for a very good thread.
01-05-2019, 03:12 PM
So very nice thread from bro WB, would like to continue learning from you! :)
Tks, bro.
Bro WB
Nice that you told us about your family.
This is clear cut nothing to hide.
Wish you all the best in live. Also wish you all the love your LPs give to you.
Bro, tks!
Bro WB
Be the MAN and thank you so much.
How to WIN is the key here. All men wanted to win but some have negative thoughts and unsure of themselves.
Hope I will be the real Man and kicking.
Wish you all the best.
Tks so much.
Who is a badass gentleman? He is a MAN who behaves as if he has 100 very beautiful women of his type, both WLs n non-WLs who are healthy mentally n physically, calling him every day and wanting to fuck him every day. 他非常冷静笃定自信又很谦虚 才智超人博览群书 气质非凡文质彬彬 可是胆大包天 处世沉稳镇定 即使是泰山压顶也会面不改色...
Aim to become such a MAN.
Bro WB
Agreed with you that man shouldn't beat their wife no matter what happened even if wife is a bitch.
All men must possessed emotional strength and self mastery.
Thank you so much starting this fabulous thread and please keep this up.
Bro, thanks!
The "sexiest man alive" couldn't even keep a 30 yo woman for more than 15 months. She wasn't even after his money. She just wanted to get away from him. She has donated the entire SGD $9.8 M settlement to charities.
We must learn from many of his mistakes. Made by immature boys. Marrying the wrong woman, having poor emotional control, hellish temper, resorting to physical violence. And staying bitter and vindictive...
Yes, very nice of bro WB to tell us about his family.
Thanks bro WB for this great thread.
Fully agreed, no matter what happened a man should not beat his wife.
Thanks a million for this wonderful thread.
Just came across this fantastic thread, so impressed with bro WB.
Hope to learn more here.
Want to be the real man kicking too.
Great share by bro WB in this thread.
Bros, thank you all.
Bro WB
Very nice introduction of yourself.
Important to find like minded brothers/kakis to go out together. Financial stability is also important.
Not easy though to achieve.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Tks for quoting my first post.
Bro WB
Nice for you to share all your understanding and thoughts with us.
The forum allowed us to understand certain topics easier.
Hope to learn more from you.
Bro, thanks.
Fully agreed. Very fun for like minded kakis to go out together.
Have a nice Sunday.
Very nice of bro WB to share so much with us, wish to learn more too.
Have a nice day.
Incredible thread from bro WB, learnt a lot here!
Have a good week ahead.
Thanks, bros.
What a great write-up and promise fulfilled.
Hope this bro justime continue to share with us here.
Happy holiday.
Bro, tks.
Bro Justime is a master of BY.
Bro WB
You had a very long journey and seems not going to stop. First let me congratulate you for a job well done and hope you enjoy every second of your life.
Awesome self-mastery is upmost important in man's life. Don't bother with small details but look at the big picture.
Your objective is your main concern and not anyone else.
Many naysayers had back down and no longer posting. Reason is not where you start but where you finished.
Happy holiday.
Bro, tks.
Life is a long journey.
We must continue to study, practice and improve ourselves, in every way every day. It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
The naysayers must be hv very poor emotional and self-mastery. They hv tried n failed w/ women. They hv attributed their misery largely to lack of money.
Does Johnny boy lack money?
Bro WB
Great forum with insights of women.
Yes, agreed dun take your gal as different no matter how beautiful or how much you love her.
Let her be the one to decide if she love you.
Happy holiday.
Bro, tks.
Be very careful whenever you think: This girl is special (different).
Indeed a great write-up.
Have a nice holiday.
Congratulate bro WB for a job well done too, and thanks bro for a very good thread.
Tks, bros.
Happy Labor Day to all samsters!!
Bro WB
01-05-2019, 04:20 PM
Good replies by bro WB.
Thanks for a great thread! :)
01-05-2019, 09:16 PM
Bro WB
Great forum with insights of women.
Yes, agreed dun take your gal as different no matter how beautiful or how much you love her.
Let her be the one to decide if she love you.
Happy holiday.
My exact sentiments, let her be the one to decide.
Thanks bro WB for giving us a wonderful thread.
Have a nice holiday.
04-05-2019, 11:09 AM
Tks for your posts. But I really don't give a fxxk what you or anyone else in the world think, feel, say or do. That is one of the traits of a prestigious badass gentleman.
These are not my theories. They are the theories of many RS n sex gurus, scientists n medical experts. I merely posted them here n added my personal experiences, both positive n negative.
If their theories are all BS, why don't you enlighten us. Tell us what really works PLEASE.
Please relate you own personal experiences to prove that all their theories are BS.
Talk is cheap. I want evidence.
Would you two great gurus join my outings? I'll pay your expenses, except your tips for the gals.
I suppose you two only get the most beautiful non-WLs FOC, then let me invite both of you to dinner, bring your beautiful GFs n I'll pay all expenses.
It will be my honor. Pls PM me. I hope you two don't charge me like Warren Buffett.
However, I don't believe life is so simple where money can buy everything. NO way, Jose. Why would any gal choose to leave a wealthy man like Johnny Depp? Why? Never mind that he is also a very famous mega movie star n talented musician AND a two times The Sexiest Man Alive.
Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...
Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.
You also forgot another big factor: TIME
Searching for the prettiest SYTS/women will take time. Inside n outside KTVs, outside schools, inside shopping malls, road side, libraries, dance classes, gym, carnivals, museums, websites...anytime n anywhere in the world. Even need time to tell many agents n friends what type of gals you want. Many very wealthy men hv very little time.
You also forgot about family n social constraints which frustrate many men. I don't give a fxxk.
Then a lao chee ko pek needs to be very healthy n virile to be able to fxxk all these SYTs n young women so frequently.
Many masculine character n personality traits are important.
A man's social status, educational level, profession/career n intelligence are also vital. Not every beautiful pussy wants to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a shady businessman, yeah?
The most important of course is Emotional Mastery. This is the hardest to achieve n is THE most attractive masculine trait.
Last but not least, I'm very frugal n I always pay my mistresses n GFs in the lower range of the prevailing rates. They all say 你很小气 很抠...well, they can take it or leave it. I behave as if I hv know the quote. I'm going to live in China in a yr n I don't think I want any gals who hv been to SG.
I'll patiently await your detailed reply.
Pls think carefully before replying. Like they say, the devil is in the details haha.
Merely saying all my posts are BS will earn you zero respect n will expose your ignorance n bias. I welcome a point by point rebuttal. Go ahead, make my day!!
Have a great weekend!!
Bro WB
Bro WB
You are just a nice gentleman. Why bothered with asshole who come here to be jealous of you and your conquest.
Seriously I dun care a fark if I am you.
Please continue to share with us.
Happy weekend and enjoy yourself.
04-05-2019, 11:12 AM
If you hv been w/ a doll/woman long enough, there will be times when she is upset, perhaps very rarely. Because You are The Prize n she is afraid to lose You.
I got this email from a RS guru:
What She Really Wants From You When She’s Upset
Now I know that men are forever expected to be able to fix everything; that broken shelf, the car, the computer… the list is ongoing. And women love that you do this, seriously.
It’s hot when a guy wants to fix the oven himself rather than get someone in.
But there is ONE important time in your relationship when your lady doesn’t WANT you to fix it. When you trying to fix it is only going to make it WORSE.
Have you ever had a woman in your life tell you a problem, then get all mad and upset with you when all you did was try to give her some advice?
Makes absolutely no sense, right!
But here’s the reason behind the madness: what your lady REALLY wants from you when she’s upset and telling you about a problem is NOT your advice on how to fix it, but simply your ACTIVE LISTENING and SUPPORT.
Huh? But if she’s telling me about a problem, doesn’t she want the solution?
Sure, she does want to fix the problem. And she probably even has a good idea of how to do this. But fixing it is not on her mind right now. What she needs to deal with first is the EMOTION that has come along with this problem.
Right now, her negative feelings are the problem.
For example, the anger she feels at being passed over for a promotion at work.
How hurt she feels after a fight with her best friend.
How anxious she feels about a big presentation she has to do.
What she needs is to be able to share these emotions, and make sense of them. Only once she has dealt with her emotions can she go on to find a practical solution to the problem.
What it feels like to her if you try to give advice:
When you jump in and tell her what she needs to do to fix it (no matter how good your intentions are), she feels like you are not actually listening to what she is trying to communicate to you.
She feels angry and frustrated because you are missing the point.
You are trying to tell her how to fix it, while she is trying to tell you about her feelings.
She gets mad and upset because you are acting like she can’t even handle the problem herself.
Wow. Can you see why she gets those claws out now?
What it feels like to her if you just listen and support:
It empowers her when you listen without telling her what she should do, because she is still in control of the situation.
When you just pay attention and listen, she feels heard, loved and cared for, which fuels feelings of closeness towards you.
It may feel like you’re not really helping, and this can be really hard. But know that by not trying to fix it, you are actually helping her the most.
HOW to Actively Listen and Support
If you’re a guy who has always approached problems with a practical, fix-it attitude, then trying to step back and just listen rather than offer a solution may be a real challenge for you.
It may make you feel useless, because you don’t feel like you’re helping, or frustrated, because it seems like her problem could be solved with such a simple answer.
But the key is just to remember that it’s her EMOTIONS that are the problem.
So let’s go through how you listen and attend to these emotions now and ‘fix it’ in a way that you never have before.
1. When your date, girlfriend, or wife approaches you with a problem, give her your full attention. Make eye contact and keep your gaze on her, sit down together if you can, and try to block out any distractions.
2. Let her get it ALL out – allow a short silence if you need to, to make sure she has finished. Try to avoid jumping in too early and cutting her off at all costs.
3. As she is talking, take note of not only the actual problem she is facing, but also what her feelings are about the problem, that she is communicating to you.
Remember back to one of our examples above – “I feel so angry that they gave Sandra the promotion at work over me”.
Here, the PROBLEM is being passed over for a promotion, but her FEELING is anger.
4. The most effective way of making her feel heard and supported is to mirror her emotions back to her.
For example; “I can see how that made you feel really angry”
“I’m sorry that hurt you, babe”.
5. Use touch! Even if she seems really worked up, what she really needs right now is your touch.
Giving her a hug, putting an arm round her shoulder, wrapped your arms around her from behind, kissing her on her forehead, or holding her hand – any of these will help to calm her emotions and make her feel really loved and supported by you.
6. Once you have comforted her and worked through her feelings, you may be able to talk through a solution to the problem together. But just make sure this is initiated by her – she may or may not want to do this.
What if she does ask for my advice?
If she does directly ask for your advice or opinion, help to guide her to come to her own solution. It will still help her to feel better about herself if she feels she was able to come up with a fix, even if it was with your guidance.
At the very least, be gentle and thoughtful about how you come across when giving your advice, rather than just bombarding her with ‘Do this’. For example, you might ask in a questioning way “Hmm… do you think it might help if (fill in your suggestion here)?”
This way, you are offering a suggestion but still asking for her input, which keeps her in control.
So men, resist the urge to fix.
Remember this simple rule: Pay more attention to what she is saying about her FEELINGS than the PROBLEM itself.
And be prepared to become the world’s best boyfriend.
Brooke Ryan
Bro Wb
Thank you for sharing above forum.
Now I knew what gal wants me to do if she upset. I will lend her my shoulders and let her cry it all out.
What a fabulous advice.
Happy weekend.
04-05-2019, 07:07 PM
Bro Wb
Thank you for sharing above forum.
Now I knew what gal wants me to do if she upset. I will lend her my shoulders and let her cry it all out.
What a fabulous advice.
Happy weekend.
I also will lend her my shoulders to cry on too.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.
04-05-2019, 08:12 PM
Very good thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here
Have a great weekend :)
05-05-2019, 03:09 AM
Bro WB
You are just a nice gentleman. Why bothered with asshole who come here to be jealous of you and your conquest.
Seriously I dun care a fark if I am you.
Please continue to share with us.
Happy weekend and enjoy yourself.
Agree, I wouldn't give a fark too.
Thanks bro WB for a really interesting thread.
God bless.
05-05-2019, 11:46 AM
Bro WB
What a great forum below.
I understand now walking away will be great. Thanks for the effort to start this thread.
Hope you achieve all your future endeavours.
Good morning!
Some musings on man-woman RS.
IMHO, the most powerful attitude a man has in terms of getting n keeping his dream girl/woman or any desirable female of his type is to communicate, by body language, voice tonality n words, that he wants her BUT he doesn't need her. There is a huge difference between wanting n needing!
Yes, he must show interest in her. He must let her know he finds her very attractive, sexy, feminine...and he wants to make love to her, again n again. But he doesn't need her at all because he is the PRIZE n he behaves as if 100 beautiful dolls...
And, he has zero fear of losing her. Even if he has deep KC for her n he loves her dearly. She can take it or leave it. It matters not whether he has known her for 20 secs or 20 years. He can behave this way because of his awesome emotional mastery n his gal knows it. It creates massive attraction in her subconscious mind. Even if she leaves him for whatever reason, she will try to come back to him. Because she has fallen for him. I'm 100% certain. :D;)
Here is a brief article which is relevant to what I'm discussing.
The Power of Walking Away
April 2, 2015
Having the balls to walk away from a potential lover, business offer or situation that doesn’t meet your own needs is one of the most powerful things you can do. It communicates to others that you are a Man who knows what he wants and values his own time.
I have had a number of consultations with Men who have learnt this one principle and they have told me it has changed their own life for the better.
Example from recent client email follow-up:
I can’t thank you enough for all your advice from our last consultation! Since the last time we talked I have dedicated more of my time doing things I want to do and not allowing the opinions of others to dictate what I want. I feel my confidence has developed ten fold. The one thing I’ve noticed is the new found freedom and respect I get from others who before never exercised much respect towards me.
My attraction in the eyes of Women has gone up massively. Last week I blew off a date with an extremely sexy young Woman because she was fooling around with the original plans I laid down. Rather than get upset or angry I simply called the date off and made other plans for that night. Couple days ago she contacted me saying shes going to make it up to me and to cut a long story short she came over and the rest is history ;). I would never have thought this possible and I used to believe I had to make sure I was pleasing Women rather than directing and leading the way I wanted things to go. The Power to walk away is so powerful I wish I did it years ago in all areas of my life.
I am not going to lie…this brought a large smile on my face. This was a drastic turn around and a massive realisation for him. He listened to my advice and trusted what I was teaching him and he is now reaping the rewards in his own life.
I have had a number of people contact me offering business opportunities that were not in alignment with what I am all about here on my blog. My younger self would have become persuaded with their offers, however knowing that I wasn’t 100% sure on whether it was right, becoming resentful and feeling out of pocket later on. The Power to Walk away and say No is a must to become a Man.
Yes Men don’t get as much respect as Men who exercise No when they aren’t satisfied. You always know what you want. You aren’t getting what you want? You’ve always got a choice to walk. You can follow blindly in hope but remember if you get lead down somewhere you do not like you have to deal with that fact you gave up that control by following in the beginning.
A Man has to demonstrate he can be decisive and make decisions.
So what do you do if you don’t feel you are getting what you want after expressing what you want?
You Walk
Your comments?
Do u have the balls to walk away from your dream girl/woman? If you do, she may fall for u! She can't help it.
Bro WB
05-05-2019, 11:48 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for shairng nice forum below.
Good morning!
Yesterday I had a SH outing to P8 w/ three new young kakis and a more regular kaki. Expense per pax $125.
But there was a dearth of pretty SYTs n young women at P8. Two kakis booked a gal n the other two couldn't find a gal they liked enough. The mummy brought a newly arrived singer for me. She was ok in looks n figure for a quick ST. But she is not good enough for BY. Besides, I don't hv the time or money or engery for BY-ing a singer at this time. Right now in SG, I hv a full time mistress, two part time GFs plus another potential part-time, n my old lao po HW will be coming end of this young lao po shortly thereafter. AND, there are many pretty SYTs in China waiting for me for BY. Lol. BTW, all my gals are year 95-97, excepting for my old lao po whom I first met in 2008. HW is 28, will be 29 in less than three months.
Our best bet for finding pretty SYTs n young women at this time is HH at Peace Centre joints n SH at Lido. If any bros know of a better place, let us know asap.
Why do I need so many pussies? Overcompensation for deep-rooted insecurity or pyschopathic personality or sexual perversion? Perhaps, but I do hv a very strong libido. And I can do what I'm doing n I'm improving everyday...why not?
I like to share an article on my favourite topic. A badass gentleman. Or a prestigious beadass gentleman.
The Return of the Badass Gentleman: Traditional Touches For The Modern Man
Your comments and criticisms will be greatly appreciated.
There was a phantom bro who wrote that a badass was natural, whereas a badass gentleman was unnatural. He has not given his explanation. Where is he? I really miss him!!
Bro WB
05-05-2019, 11:51 AM
Bro WB
Nice forum and I learned so much now after reading forum below.
I shall behave no face expression and normal.
Good morning!
If you still feel a bit of uneasiness and frustration when you get rejected by a very beautiful non-WL, you're no prestigious badass gentleman yet n you still hv insufficient emotional mastery. You're still reactive and u really don't consider yourself the PRIZE.
Here is a little help from a guru, until you hv gained more emotional mastery n are able to get your act together.
3 Things You Must Do If You Get Rejected
You’re sitting at the bar when you see her looking at you.
She’s smoking hot and totally your type…
… and she’s smiling and making eye contact over her pink girly drink.
You’re thinking about going over there and talking to her…
And that’s when the voices start.
What if I screw this up?
What if I run out of things to say and look like a dumbass?
What if she’s an ice cold bitch and humiliates me in front of everyone?
What if everyone sees me get rejected and I get laughed out of the room?
Look, man.
Let me ask you a serious question…
What action do you take in that moment?
Do you go for it, or do you back down?
Do you plow through your mental barriers and emerge victorious and confident on the other side?
Or do you let your fear of rejection keep your ass glued to that stool at the bar…
… and quickly order another drink so you can pretend like you didn’t just wuss out?
Look, if you fall in that second category, I totally get it, I really do.
But you don’t plan on staying that way, right?
Of course not. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here reading this right now.
Well, the cold, hard truth is…
When you make the bold decision to step off that comfortable bar stool and approach the women you really want…
Yes, you will get rejected from time to time.
But that’s okay!
You just need to know how to handle it, so it doesn’t ruin your mood and wreck your chances with every other girl.
So let me give you some rock-solid advice that I wish I would have known when I was in your shoes.
Here are 3 things you must do if you get rejected:
1 - Take the high road. Even if she’s being a huge bitch…
Don’t react to her. Be BETTER than that.
She doesn’t even know you - she’s just emotionally reacting.
It may not even have anything to do with you - you can’t know or control that.
A confident guy would never allow himself to get flustered or thrown off by things he can’t control.
2 - Smile. Even if you’re seething mad on the inside…
Because no one else knows that you just got rejected...
UNLESS you show it on your face.
Then it’s obvious, and every other girl who sees that will probably reject you too.
3 - Move on immediately. Find another girl, a friend, a bartender… literally anyone else to talk to.
The last thing you want is to stand around by yourself, feeling butt-hurt because some random girl who knew you for 1 minute didn’t like you…
It does nothing for your confidence, and it makes you less attractive to every other girl.
So make like Taylor Swift and shake, shake, shake it off, bro.
Make sense?
You can totally see yourself doing that, can’t you?
You’re goddamn right you can.
And now nothing can stop you.
Get out there and make it happen this weekend.
Rooting for you,
- Mike Wright
A prestigious badass gentleman would feel sorry for the hot gal because it's her BIG Loss.
BTW, I hv an outing to Lido for SH today and coming Monday. Pls see my previous posts for terms n estimated damage. Confirm asap.
Bro WB
Yes, nice share indeed, thanks bro WB
Have a great weekend.
Bro WB
Thank you for shairng nice forum below.
05-05-2019, 05:26 PM
Thanks bro Wb for the good effort to start this thread too.
It is a really marvellous thread.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
What a great forum below.
I understand now walking away will be great. Thanks for the effort to start this thread.
Hope you achieve all your future endeavours.
05-05-2019, 08:01 PM
Appreciate bro WB's effort in sharing so much with us.
06-05-2019, 12:52 AM
Bro WB
Really great advice above.
Where we ends really most important. Each man have their days and their chances to make.
Really no point to blame life or what you didn't get and start to work for it.
Hope we all given enough chance and opportunity.
Agreed, what for blame life?
Have a nice day.
08-05-2019, 03:37 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!!
I still go to KTV outings occasionally. But I often do a free tour of Peace Centre joints. All bros are invited to join me FOC, usually around 6 pm and sometimes 9 pm. Just send me a pm.
I do hv a couple of new kakis who are interested in going to Lido or P8 for SH next week.
Join me if interested.
Good replies by bro WB.
Thanks for a great thread! :)
My exact sentiments, let her be the one to decide.
Thanks bro WB for giving us a wonderful thread.
Have a nice holiday.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB
You are just a nice gentleman. Why bothered with asshole who come here to be jealous of you and your conquest.
Seriously I dun care a fark if I am you.
Please continue to share with us.
Happy weekend and enjoy yourself.
Bro, tks.
I don't care about these self-proclaimed gurus or 情场的一代宗师, I'm merely interested in meeting their supposed superchio and FOC SYTs/young women to get a side by side comparison w/ my young LPs. To see what I hv been missing in life.
I'll pay all expenses. My offer has no expiration date.
Bro Wb
Thank you for sharing above forum.
Now I knew what gal wants me to do if she upset. I will lend her my shoulders and let her cry it all out.
What a fabulous advice.
Happy weekend.
Bro, the guru's advice is fantastic.
I always try to hug them, sometimes quite tight...
I also will lend her my shoulders to cry on too.
Thanks bro WB for a fantastic thread.
Very good thread by bro WB, hope to learn more here
Have a great weekend :)
Agree, I wouldn't give a fark too.
Thanks bro WB for a really interesting thread.
God bless.
Bros, thanks.
Bro WB
What a great forum below.
I understand now walking away will be great. Thanks for the effort to start this thread.
Hope you achieve all your future endeavours.
Bro, tks.
It's very powerful. It's an indication that you want her, but you don't need her...
Bro WB
Thank you for shairng nice forum below.
Yes, we must become prestigious men who give value to society.
Bro WB
Nice forum and I learned so much now after reading forum below.
I shall behave no face expression and normal.
Bro, if a very beautiful girl of your type rejects you, it's her BIG loss.
It's because she is not smart enough to recognize you as the grand prize. Feel sorry for her. You may want to give her another chance. So smile and walk away. And let her initiate contact w/ you. Be unflappable and as cool as cucumber.
The above is the ONLY winning mindset or frame that will make your dream girl fall for u.
Yes, nice share indeed, thanks bro WB
Have a great weekend.
Thanks bro Wb for the good effort to start this thread too.
It is a really marvellous thread.
Have a nice day.
Appreciate bro WB's effort in sharing so much with us.
Agreed, what for blame life?
Have a nice day.
Bros, thanks!
Wishing all samsters a great day,
Bro WB
09-05-2019, 10:46 AM
Good morning,
I received a PM from a senior bro re my free tours at KTV joints yesterday. And my honest reply to him.
Yo bro,
Thank you for organising and imparting your wisdom.
Wanted to find out what is this tour about? Am keen to know more about the ktv scene
Since TAM joints at Havelock closed in early 2015, I hv been going to Peace Centre KTV joints about 3 times a week. Mostly for brief tours, which is free of charge. It takes abt 30 minutes or less. I usually go there around 6 pm and sometimes 9:15 pm.
I'll try to look at every girl/woman inside and outside the joints and in the cafeteria downstairs. Oftentimes, I also wait by the roadside or outside nearby schools around PC.
In the rare occasion that I see a girl I like, I'll get her contact info. I'll try to look at her from different angles first. But often this is impossible as these girls move fast. It's hard to access her true attractiveness because of the brevity of interaction, which is usually not more than a few minutes, and the dim light of these joints. Her makeup, hairdo and high heels are other confounding factors.
I'll then look at her photos n video in her Wechat Moments at my leisure. I often want to see her again before deciding if she is good enough for me. If I think she may hv met my standards, I'll organize or join an outing n get her to butterfly at Jade or China Doll or book her at Dynasty.
I used to organize very frequent outings to or join my friends at these and other joints years ago. But I seldom do so now because I hv had difficulty finding girls good enough for booking or butterfly. I often bring a LP to such outings as I don't want to sit alone.
I like FOC tours because it may take me many weeks before I find a girl who is mildly interesting.
Give me your contact if you want to join my free tours at PC joints.
Bro WB
09-05-2019, 05:09 PM
Since TAM joints at Havelock closed in early 2015, I hv been going to Peace Centre KTV joints about 3 times a week. Mostly for brief tours, which is free of charge. It takes abt 30 minutes or less. I usually go there around 6 pm and sometimes 9:15 pm.
I'll try to look at every girl/woman inside and outside the joints and in the cafeteria downstairs. Oftentimes, I also wait by the roadside or outside nearby schools around PC.
In the rare occasion that I see a girl I like, I'll get her contact info. I'll try to look at her from different angles first. But often this is impossible as these girls move fast. It's hard to access her true attractiveness because of the brevity of interaction, which is usually not more than a few minutes, and the dim light of these joints. Her makeup, hairdo and high heels are other confounding factors.
I'll then look at her photos n video in her Wechat Moments at my leisure. I often want to see her again before deciding if she is good enough for me. If I think she may hv met my standards, I'll organize or join an outing n get her to butterfly at Jade or China Doll or book her at Dynasty.
I used to organize very frequent outings to or join my friends at these and other joints years ago. But I seldom do so now because I hv had difficulty finding girls good enough for booking or butterfly. I often bring a LP to such outings as I don't want to sit alone.
I like FOC tours because it may take me many weeks before I find a girl who is mildly interesting.
Give me your contact if you want to join my free tours at PC joints.
Bro WB
Nice share bro WB, thanks for a fantastic thread!
10-05-2019, 12:14 AM
Bros, thanks!
Wishing all samsters a great day,
Bro WB
Wishing you a nice day too, thanks bro :)
10-05-2019, 12:23 PM
Some pussies will say no to all the money n treasures in this world. They are like Brutus in Julius Caesar when he said: " I love the name of honor more than I fear death." For such dolls, there are many effective strategies to unlock their pussies...
Let me reiterate: Money may get u most pussies, but it will not help to capture their hearts. Use of excessive money may backfire. I want a doll's pussy n her heart.
You also forgot another big factor: TIME
Yes! Some Pussies will say no to all the money once they know that name of honor is worth a million. I do experience it in my life.
What a marvelous words that captured my minds and hearts.
10-05-2019, 12:25 PM
Good morning bro XinJiao,
No, not dulan.
Can't expect to meet a new SYT/woman of my type everyday. By going often, my odds of finding one are increased.
I'm always n forever mode one. When I meet a gal I like to up, I'll whisper to her exactly what is in my mind asap. I'm radically honest, direct n upfront. If I want to up her tmr, I'll say so. If I find her sexy, I'll explain to her why. Must point out some of her flaws too...
If you're always brutally honest w/ a gal, she will find you more trustworthy, more genuine, more attractive, more masculine n less manipulative than a wussy "nice guy" who tries to flatter or suck up to her in order to get into her pants.
I was mode one w/ the two old singers the other day. One said I was very cute n the other said she would go to dinner w/ me FOC, but she would need to return to Lido by 8:30PM. I may not hv time for them.
Always have the abundance mindset n be mode one. Most importantly, you must possess formidable emotional mastery like a zen master.
Be very calm, relaxed, happy n self-assured whether your dream gal has just agreed to be your lover or just flatly rejected you. You feel exactly the same n you're totally detached to the outcome. She rejects u because she is not wise enough n well informed enough 还不开窍 to recognize your value, you must give the hapless gal more time to recognize u as the prize.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
Mode one is good practice and really no point to be shy.
Offer 100 and sure 1 to 2 may bite.
Anyway after several weeks more women may bite.
10-05-2019, 01:14 PM
Dear Bro Warbird,
In general, between lido, palace 8 and dynasty, during HH, which joint will have more prettier gals. Or perhaps any advise.
10-05-2019, 01:55 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
Mode one is good practice and really no point to be shy.
Offer 100 and sure 1 to 2 may bite.
Anyway after several weeks more women may bite.
Fully agreed too mode one is good practice.
Thanks bro WB for a very nice forum.
Have a great weekend.
10-05-2019, 04:23 PM
What a marvelous words that captured my minds and hearts.
Captured my mind and heart too.
Thanks bro WB for an awesome thread :)
10-05-2019, 06:13 PM
Good thread, learn a lot from here
10-05-2019, 11:53 PM
Very good thread, must learn from bro TS
11-05-2019, 12:24 AM
I have learnt so much too from this forum too.
Thanks bro WB for exceptional sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bro WB
Nice forum and I learned so much now after reading forum below.
I shall behave no face expression and normal.
11-05-2019, 02:37 PM
Hi bro Korean,
Thank you so much for your post.
Self mastery n emotional mastery is NOT specific to man-woman RS.
A man who has even a little of it will never need to be a gigolo. Such a lowly person will hv little control when he meets his special one. King Fuchai had very little n Johnny Depp has none.
Two examples:
1) If you are captured by a group of terrorists n they are going to torture you n kill you slowly, yet you smile n hv zero fear.
2) A woman you hv loved deeply for years suddenly wants to leave you w/ your beloved kids, for no apparent reason. You smile n wish her well. You leave n never look back. You feel the same joy as if you just won the grand prize in Powerball.
IF you're such a MAN, then I'll kneel down n call you my master n sifu. I'll do whatever it takes to become such a MAN asap. Provided you're not demented n not a psychotic.
Saint Paul exhibited absolute self mastery when he was in the infamous Mamertine Prison in ancient Rome, before his crucifixion.
The MAN in the poem IF is good enough for me:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling
There is not a greater power on earth for a MAN to possess than absolute self n emotional mastery.
“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu
Bro WB
Bro WB
Nice forum and I shall remember this forever.
“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu
Also to possess self-mastery to have better control.
Happy weekend.
11-05-2019, 02:39 PM
Bro WB
Nice forum and I shall remember this forever.
“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu
Also to possess self-mastery to have better control.
Happy weekend.
I shall remember Lao Tzu too.
Thanks bro WB for a nice thread.
11-05-2019, 02:40 PM
Good morning!
If your legal wife/mistress/lao po/GF/lover is a very attractive SYT/young woman, you should expect many hungry, frustrated n wussy men to hit on
her everyday. You should welcome that. Because it's a strong confirmation that your doll is very attractive n desirable. And, as a prestigious badass gentleman, you hv zero jealousy n zero fear of losing her, yeah?
You hv zero fear because you hv the mindset that a 100 very attractive young women of your type, mostly non WLs, are calling you n wanting to fuck you every may actually be a blessing if you lose your ALL your current gals. Believe it in your S mind n see miracles happen!
Not to mention that you also hv formidable emotional mastery n self mastery. Many hungry n desperate young men after your doll? Bring it on! They better watch out because u COULD easily walk away w/ their prettiest dolls, IF, and this is a big IF, they hv even one GF good enough for you. Of course, you should do so only when it's safe. These desperate men may resort to violence. You COULD, but you won't want to.
I just received the following email from David Deangelo on the above subject. He has sent me the same email several times in the past. I first read his ebooks about 8 years ago.
Competition From Other Men - How To Handle It
Hi Bro Warbird,
Make 5 small tweaks to the way that you carry yourself (in other words, how you stand and walk).
These will automatically cause your body to project what's called PRIMAL DOMINANCE.
When you do, it's scientific:
You trigger feelings in a woman that she can neither HELP nor RESIST...a literal animal attraction that draws her to YOU (whether she wants to meet a man right now or not).
Click here to make it happen TONIGHT!
I am recently divorced and found myself having a
hard time making connections with women after
being in a 9-year relationship. Before I met my
ex-wife I considered myself as a "player" and had
little trouble finding girls to go out with.
After being out of the scene for so long, I had
lots of trouble trying to get back in to the
swing of things. Your ebook and emails have
instantly put me back in the game and I am now
getting dates with very attractive women! It's
been amazing!!
Thank You!
Now for the question. All these attractive women
have brought something into my dates that I am
not used to, Men (Cock Blockers)! Currently, I
am dating this "bomb-shell" occasionally and when
we go out on a date, men will hit on her as soon
as they get a chance. If I turn my back for
second, some guy will try to make eye contact or
say something to her. I don't blame the guys
because she is very hot, but how do I deal with
this in a way that shows I am 100% confident?
Typically, I just laugh and continue to have a
good time by ignoring the lame ass attempts to
pick up on my date, but there has to be a way
that I can turn this around to make me look more
confident in her eyes.
You're the man,
B from Colorado
Well then...welcome back!
I've noticed that the period after breaking up with a long-term girlfriend or spouse is often a difficult one.
I think it's easy for men (and women) to become so comfortable and emotionally dependent in a relationship that they experience a lot of FEAR
when ending that relationship...
"What's going to happen?"
"Will I ever meet another woman?"
"How do I get started?"
I can remember breaking up with long-term girlfriends in years past, and feeling an empty, fearful, LONELY combination of emotions in my gut that was HORRIBLE.
That ALONE feeling is enough to cause a lot of problems.
Add to that, not knowing where to start, what to do, or how to "get your game back" if you had it in the past, and you usually get a bad situation.
I've learned that knowing how to go out anytime and meet women has a couple of MAJOR benefits when it comes to this area:
1) When you know that you can meet women anytime you want, it makes you stop acting so NEEDY and CLINGY in a relationship. Most needy and
clingy Wuss behaviors are rooted in the FEAR that you'll never be able to find another woman.
2) When it comes to ENDING a relationship, this skill makes things MUCH easier. Too many guys stay in relationships that are bad for them, and
are afraid to END a relationship because of that deeply-rooted insecurity that comes from not knowing how to walk out the door anytime, anywhere and meet women. When you know how to do this, you won't try to hold on like a girly-man, sacrifice your own respect and dignity, pleading and begging, and ultimately make the situation much worse than it would have been if you would have just walked away.
In short, what I'm trying to say is that I think understanding this area called "How to attract women" is KEY to having a good relationship.
When you have that inner confidence and KNOWING, it makes you more attractive...period.
Now let's talk about what to do when there is competition from other guys...
First I want to talk about what I believe is at the ROOT of the problem:
When you are insecure, you're always wondering if some other guy is going to come along and steal your girl.
This often shows up as a combination of feelings that make you worry about losing your girl, and at the same time worrying about not being able to find another one if you DO lose this one.
This is a BAD, BAD thing because it then CLOUDS YOUR THINKING, and creates an illusion that the woman you're with is BETTER than she is, and that you're WORSE than you are.
We're talking about some deep issues here, but this is the stuff that triggers the ULTIMATE WUSS types of behaviors.
Then, as if things weren't bad enough, you go out with your girl, and other guys start hitting on her right in front of you.
This triggers MORE insecurity, and then the REAL problem...JEALOUSY.
Jealousy is an incredibly powerful emotion.
It often leads people to KILL people they love.
One scientist wrote an entire book about Jealousy, and basically claimed that it was the most powerful and important emotion ever! (The book is called "The Dangerous Passion"...referring to jealousy)
When you're out with your girl, you turn around to order a drink, and when you turn BACK around there's some guy talking to her with that "I'd love to take you home and do things that the lord forbids", it can trigger a few emotions...
This is very natural. Animals have this same response in similar situations. I personally believe that we come pre-wired with BOTH of these things:
- We come pre-wired to want women that other men already have (Don't covet thy neighbor's wife).
- We come pre-wired to feel jealousy if we suspect that our spouse is cheating or if we think that someone is going to take them from us.
Again, normal and natural stuff.
If Yoda were here, he'd probably say:
"Jealousy is useless...
...Jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to INSECURE WUSSY BEHAVIOR... and insecure Wussy behavior leads to the DARK SIDE."
Now, jealousy doesn't always lead to insecure WUSSY behavior, sometimes it leads to insecure DUMB ASS behavior, like getting into a fight, or shooting someone.
Some men enjoy fights and violence.
And some women have no problem dating a man who likes to beat other men up (or beat her up).
I personally think that violence and hurting other people is the IGNORANT way to deal with things.
But, I also know that there are a lot of guys out there that don't share my views.
The POINT I'm trying to make is that insecurity and jealousy make people do all kinds of stupid and thoughtless things.
These emotions take over your mind and body, and can trigger some of the most short-sighted behaviors you'll ever experience.
These are complex emotions that have evolved over millions and millions of years...and they're not going away anytime soon. In many cases, they literally take control of your mind and body.
For instance...
Let's say you've just broken up with your girlfriend or wife, and it took you a long time to finally get a date with an attractive woman. Maybe you were feeling insecure and didn't know if you could meet another woman, and let's say that the breakup was hard on you as well.
Let's say you're out at a bar with your new date and you excuse yourself to use the boy's room... and when you get back, there are TWO big, handsome guys talking to your date, and she's laughing hysterically at what they're saying.
What would most guys do in this situation?
THEY'D FREAK. That's what.
All kinds of fear, jealousy, insecurity, etc. would INSTANTLY take over, and there would be thoughts of her wanting to be with these guys, them taking her away, etc.
And what do most guys actually DO in one of these situations?
They walk over, act nervous, and try to take the girl away from the situation. And they make the mistake of making it OBVIOUS that they're all
freaked out, intimidated, jealous, and insecure.
This, of course, only makes the other guys feel more powerful, and makes the woman realize that she's with an insecure WUSS.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, in most cases.
As a side note: I have met and know of guys who actually ENJOY picking up women who are out with other guys. It's a game to them.
And they've found that it's EASY, because most men are insecure, and most women don't want to be with a WUSS...
So what's the answer here?
(To Be Continued)
Nice forum from bro WB.
Thank you so much.
11-05-2019, 02:41 PM
So what's the answer here?
What's the best thing to do when a guy is making his move on your girl?
Well... let's start from a little BEFORE that.
And before I give you my take, I want to recommend that you ALSO get your hands my "On Being A Man... Who Naturally Attracts Women" program.
This program will help you develop a DEEP and important part of yourself...
that will help fix some of the issues we're talking about here.
The best thing you can do in one of these situations is what you do BEFORE it ever happens... and it's a combination of things:
1) Realize that there's nothing to be insecure and jealous about, and that these things only lead to fear and loss.
2) Get your game in shape with women. Get yourself to the point where you can meet women in ANY situation. This way you always know DEEP
DOWN that if any woman you're with ever decides to leave, you can turn around and start meeting women. This eliminates insecurity.
3) Mentally prepare. Take some time to imagine that you're in one of these situations, and notice the feelings you have. Go over it in your mind until you can think about it without having any negative emotions triggered.
And here's what to do when you're actually IN
the situation...
1) EXPECT IT. If you start dating hot women, other men will hit on them, GUARANTEED. It's part of life, man. You must expect that it's going to
happen and not be surprised when it does.
2) Learn how to have FUN with it. Most guys have no game at all...and it's kind of funny to watch and listen to them. I enjoy watching guys try to meet women, because they FAIL miserably in most cases. I like to wait until a guy is finished trying to pick up on the girl I'm with, and then get her to share the details so I can laugh.
3) Suggest that she date the guy. One of my favorite things to do is say, "Hey, you guys would make a cute couple...I think you should go for him." Of course, this is all said in a light, fun way.
4) If you suspect that the girl you're with is actually TRYING to make you jealous, talk to other women. If you actually think that a woman is deliberately trying to make you jealous, you must do some thinking as well. Some women enjoy making men compete over them and you probably don't want to be with one of these women. They're a pain. But if you think it's just a typical situation and the girl is trying to figure out if you "really" like her (because you'll get jealous if you do), then just turn around and start a conversation with a group of girls...and wait for her to come and find you.
The point I'm making is that you MUST get over that fear/insecurity/jealousy issue, and realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
The only power that other guys will have with your date is the power that you GIVE them... so don't give them any power by acting like a WUSS. Keep your power for yourself. The main reason that other guys try to hit on your girl is because they don't have one themselves. Remember that.
...and if you're reading this right now and thinking to yourself, "You know, I need to learn this stuff about how to meet and attract women so I can get rid of that insecure and fearful feeling I have" then YOU'RE RIGHT!
I think that every man should invest in himself and learn this skill.
Unfortunately, most guys never take the time and invest in themselves... and they wind up going their whole lives WISHING that they could attract the kinds of women that they want.
Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't know what he was doing with women. Now I'm one of the guys who can go out anytime, in any situation
and attract women.
What's the difference?
And if you'd like to learn then I recommend you learn the things that I learned FIRST.
It's taken me a long time to figure all this stuff out, and it's also taken a lot of time, effort, and energy on my part to put it all down on paper and on that any guy can learn from the things I've discovered.
I'd like to personally invite you to check out my materials. In a matter of hours you can learn things that it took me YEARS to figure out...all from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
My Advanced Dating Techniques Program has over 12 full hours of me teaching live...all recorded and edited in high-quality digital video
streaming format that you can watch right now, online. It contains literally HUNDREDS of great ideas for meeting and dating women... and it's probably the single best investment you can make in your dating life.
My eBook "Double Your Dating" is the FOUNDATION for everything I teach in these newsletters, and for everything I teach in my Advanced Series. It's a "must read" and you can download it online and be reading it in about
5 minutes...
I'll talk to you again soon.
Your friend,
David DeAngelo
Any comments n criticisms?
David D. is certainly not the last word on man-woman RS.
Bro WB
Another nice forum from bro WB.
Thank you so much.
11-05-2019, 02:45 PM
Nice forum from bro WB.
Thank you so much.
Fully agreed, very nice forum indeed.
Thanks bro WB.
12-05-2019, 11:21 AM
Nice share bro WB, thanks for a fantastic thread!
Wishing you a nice day too, thanks bro :)
Bros, tks.
What a marvelous words that captured my minds and hearts.
Bro, tks.
Yes, we should value time and love.
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
Mode one is good practice and really no point to be shy.
Offer 100 and sure 1 to 2 may bite.
Anyway after several weeks more women may bite.
Bro, you hv the right mindset and you're going to do amazingly well w/ women.
Dear Bro Warbird,
In general, between lido, palace 8 and dynasty, during HH, which joint will have more prettier gals. Or perhaps any advise.
Bro, few girls during HH at Lido n P8.
Dynasty usually has many more girls/women to look at for HH. You could join my free tours.
Fully agreed too mode one is good practice.
Thanks bro WB for a very nice forum.
Have a great weekend.
Captured my mind and heart too.
Thanks bro WB for an awesome thread :)
Good thread, learn a lot from here
Very good thread, must learn from bro TS
I have learnt so much too from this forum too.
Thanks bro WB for exceptional sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Bros, tks.
Be Mode One.
Bro WB
Nice forum and I shall remember this forever.
“He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.”
― Lao Tzu
Also to possess self-mastery to have better control.
Happy weekend.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, Lao Tzu's words are very powerful.
There is not a greater power on earth for a MAN to possess than absolute self n emotional mastery.
I shall remember Lao Tzu too.
Thanks bro WB for a nice thread.
Bro, tks.
Nice forum from bro WB.
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
If your girl is very cute and very fair, she will get a lot of attention from other men every day. And some of them will hit on her n try every which way to steal her from you.
That is just GREAT!! You're loving it. You're THE MAN. You know you're the prize. You don't care if you lose her. Because...
Conversely, if you're insecure, needy, fearful, jealous and even angry, you don't deserve her. It means you know that you're not good enough for her and she is the prize. That is the kiss of death for the relationship. It won't help even if you were the richest and "most sexy" man in the world or if you were a real king.
Another nice forum from bro WB.
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, never behave like a wuss when you're w/ a very pretty girl or your "lucky catch" or "dream girl."
BTW, David D's net worth is a modest 3 million USD. I expected him to be worth a lot more. He is 47 yrs old.
Fully agreed, very nice forum indeed.
Thanks bro WB.
Bro, tks.
Wishing all samsters a Happy Mother's Day!!
Bro WB
12-05-2019, 11:27 AM
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yoru reply to bro randyrockhard.
IT's amazing how both of you posted good forums.
Yes, dun settle for any gal but make sure she is outstanding.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Dear randyrockhard,
Thank u so much for ur post.
Yes, for most WLs, spending sufficient money is a prerequisite in getting their pussies. But money is often NOT the only factor, especially if the doll you are after is very cute/attractive n has many suitors. Besides, no amount of money will capture her heart.
I know n you know that many attractive n intelligent dolls would never want to be the mistress of a billionaire drug kingpin or a very wealthy crooked businessman/gangster. No trust and no respect for these criminals.
In fact, I hv stated my beliefs on topics you just commented in my recent posts #4429, 4438, 4440, 4443, 4446 n 4447.
I'll now address your personal question.
Firstly, I only hv had a modicum of success w/ SYTS/young women. I rated my success 4-5 out of a scale of 10. I hv a lot of room for improvement. If I were 10 now, I won't hv anything to look forward to.
Secondly, I was a lot more successful in my profession in Gotham City. I would rate myself 8-9 in this area. I was working 80-100 hours per week. Being a foreigner, I had to work a lot harder n be a lot better than my American colleagues.
Thirdly, I will never settle for just any woman, period. Whether she is a legal wife or LT mistress/lover.
Bro WB
12-05-2019, 11:30 AM
Bro Warbird,
I fully understand what you meant about having money does not mean you will have her heart. 100% agreed.
If I read your post correctly, that you want to have the woman's pussy AND heart - which is totally sensible - However, what I do not understand is, why would anyone want the heart of someone that sleeps with men for money in the first place?
The progression of events that you seem to look for, is the reverse of what regular 'loving couples' goes through (where usually the men win the women's heart FIRST, then their pussies).
Are you sure it is not just a different way of saying that you actually want a better service? :)
Hi bro randyrockhard,
Tks for ur post.
I guess you don't know or pretend not to know how the world really works.
I want to be radically honest. Every pretty doll sleeps w/ a man or many men for money, unless she is from a billionaire family. But even a doll from super rich family will often enter into a union w/ a man for biz n strategic alliance that will benefit her family.
From modern America:
"A lot of people don’t understand why a woman would become a ho. What they don’t realize is that for many pretty women with little education, hoing is their best option. She gets to feel like a star out on the track she gets to provide for her man and herself and she gets temporary love, attention and pleasure from the tricks. When her other option is a lifetime of working at burger king for minimum wage, it makes her decision a lot easier to understand. For more educated and well bred women they become the highest form of ho, the trophy wife."
A very attractive doll will either be a traditional ho or the highest form of ho as a trophy wife or trophy mistress.
"Hoing " in Asia is even more pervasive, yeah?
Google "marriage is legal prostitution."
Your so-called loving couples is THE REVERSE of what had happened throughout human history, until the last 50-100 years.
The problem is that "romantic love" is fleeting, whereas "commitment love" can be very lasting. Now you know why divorce rate is over 50%.
Why do I want a doll's pussy n heart? It's not just me, but it's hard-wired in the brain of every man. She is more likely to be faithful to me. When I keep a mistress, she doesn't work. The benefits for a MAN if he owns his doll's pussy n heart exclusively:
1) Less risks of STDs n HIV
2) Sex is a lot better
3) If she is pregnant, it's much more likely the child is his
4) She will be very frugal w/ his money
5) She is more likely to be in love w/ him
And, last but not least:
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu
I hv given many details about myself in my posts here. Let me ask you some personal questions:
1) Your approximate age, occupation, ethnicity and educational level
2) Marital status
3) Your purpose of becoming a samster
4) Your love history. Have you been in love w/ a doll of your type before? Does she love u? What has happened?
5) What is your life mission?
6) How you envision your future love life in 10 years, in 30 years?
Here is my personal opinion on female attraction:
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
It will be very difficult for her to leave such a MAN, period. Become such a MAN. That is a really prestigious badass gentleman.
I await your answers to my personal questions.
Bro WB
Bro WB reply again was classic.
Marriage is legal prostitution. I think there is ample examples how many young women married rich old guys.
We all knew reasons why the young women chose to marry dirty old men. Has been dynasties where the emperor gets fresh pussies daily.
Anyway good forums.
12-05-2019, 02:28 PM
Hi Bro Warbird,
My closest encounter was pickin up a drunk chick vomitting outside a pub.She was scantity dressed(DAMN hot and sexy):eek: and was not accompanied by anyone... BUT unfortunately, her stupid frens rushed to her aid and managed to "rescue" her away frm the WOLF!!! Ahahah!!!! There GOES MY ONS!!! :(
Oh bro thats a waste man
12-05-2019, 05:56 PM
Enjoyed bro WB's reply to bro randyrockhard too.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yoru reply to bro randyrockhard.
IT's amazing how both of you posted good forums.
Yes, dun settle for any gal but make sure she is outstanding.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
12-05-2019, 11:06 PM
Good afternoon,
What an auspicious day!!
I still go to KTV outings occasionally. But I often do a free tour of Peace Centre joints. All bros are invited to join me FOC, usually around 6 pm and sometimes 9 pm. Just send me a pm.
I do hv a couple of new kakis who are interested in going to Lido or P8 for SH next week.
Join me if interested.
Hope to join you one of these days! :)
13-05-2019, 01:24 AM
Hope can kio some hot and sexy girls outside ktv
13-05-2019, 09:26 AM
Bros, tks.
Bro, tks.
Yes, we should value time and love.
Bro, you hv the right mindset and you're going to do amazingly well w/ women.
Bro, few girls during HH at Lido n P8.
Dynasty usually has many more girls/women to look at for HH. You could join my free tours.
Bros, tks.
Be Mode One.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, Lao Tzu's words are very powerful.
There is not a greater power on earth for a MAN to possess than absolute self n emotional mastery.
Bro, tks.
Bro, tks.
If your girl is very cute and very fair, she will get a lot of attention from other men every day. And some of them will hit on her n try every which way to steal her from you.
That is just GREAT!! You're loving it. You're THE MAN. You know you're the prize. You don't care if you lose her. Because...
Conversely, if you're insecure, needy, fearful, jealous and even angry, you don't deserve her. It means you know that you're not good enough for her and she is the prize. That is the kiss of death for the relationship. It won't help even if you were the richest and "most sexy" man in the world or if you were a real king.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, never behave like a wuss when you're w/ a very pretty girl or your "lucky catch" or "dream girl."
BTW, David D's net worth is a modest 3 million USD. I expected him to be worth a lot more. He is 47 yrs old.
Bro, tks.
Wishing all samsters a Happy Mother's Day!!
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Free tour. Would you share more information.
Jay Chou
13-05-2019, 09:31 AM
Bro WB,
Free tour. Would you share more information.
Up u bro. 😊
13-05-2019, 11:44 AM
Bro WB
Let me congratulate for a thread well done.
It was really a privilege to be able to read the thread and master the skills. It was an honour to review some of the skills and practice the skills on girls.
I hope you will continue to share more with us.
The forum below was unbelievable.
So please continue.
Hi bro demonhunter,
You're right!
Actually the relationship and sexual behaviour of all gals are basically similar, in their S mind, regardless of their ethnicity, culture, nationality and creed. It's in their genes.
The two sexes play a complementary n coupling role in the survival n propagation of the species. Yin and Yang. Unfortunately, men n women often hv opposing n selfish needs, which often lead to conflicts n confrontation.
Men n women choose their coupling partner based on survival n replication (reproduction) value.
Here is a paragraph from "The Mystery Method."
"People are designed to select in favor of higher survival and replication value. When a woman observes two men, her circuitry will quickly assess the survival value and replication value of each man. She will then emotionally
perceive the result of this calculation. She will naturally be attracted to the man with the highest value. The healthiest man, the most intelligent man, the most socially-connected man, the most financially independent man, the most sexually pre — selected man — these sorts of traits will attract the woman because such a man provides survival and replication value to her, as well as to her offspring."
Become such a MAN who is coveted by all gals/women. Notice that among the highest value is "the healthiest man." Quit smoking, drinking NOW and slim down to ur ideal BMI n be physically very fit. A MAN can easily father a child until his mid 80s.
In a recent post I hv given my own opinion on female attraction:
These principles are applicable to all heterosexual women.
A very pretty SYT/ young woman is most attracted to a MAN who desires her (but doesn't need her), who exhibits dominant power and formidable emotional mastery, who is a trustworthy and excellent provider/protector, and who gives her regular sexual satisfaction she has never experienced from any other man.
I also wrote that his attractiveness would be greatly diminished if he is infertile. Sorry, must wait for next life.
As for what type of gals attract men, I will not elaborate. Suffice to say that we men are much more visual... and that we r generally attracted to those who appear to hv good genes n to be very fertile. And most of us want to up them asap, to spread our genes widely, because we could never be sure if a child is ours, until 20 years ago.
Many bros may want to question me re dominant power, etc. Let us discuss n debate this most fascinating topic.
Bro WB
13-05-2019, 11:46 AM
Bro WB
Thank you for the unbelievable and unequivocal truths you share with us.
Please continue to share.
Good morning!
Bro hole_me asked me about BY cost in SG. Since many bros hv asked me the question, I will answer him here.
.................................................. ............
hole_me deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: BY cost
thanks bro
Originally Posted by warbird
Originally Posted by hole_me
hi.. i am very curious, how much to BY your girl?
Give me time to post it on my thread as many bros hv asked me the same question. I hv written about this some time ago.
Bro WB
Bro hole_me,
Since May 2009 I hv BY-ed over 35 gals.
For full time (FT) BY, meaning the gal doesn't work, I hv paid 5-12K a month. There was one gal I paid 15K a month. I usually pay rental of a master bedroom or studio/one bedroom condo, only if it's LT, at least 6 months. Some FT BY can be as brief as half a month. I may not like the gal after half a month or she may return to China, if she has a visitor pass. BTW, my longest FT BY is over 5 years. Some gals may ask for a lot more, as much as 30K, but I hv been able to bring the damage well down. If not, I'll walk away. I hv not met a gal here who is worth 20K a month. Gifts are optional. I do raw ONLY for FT BY of more than 3 months duration, after medical tests n exam.
The least expensive FT BY are inexperienced PRC gal, aged 18-20, who never worked in the nite scene or fresh trade, whom I made contact directly while they are in China. But finding them is very time consuming.
For partial or part time (PT) BY, meaning the gal continues to work, I hv paid 3-6K a month. There was one I paid 8K. I don't pay rental n usually no gifts. This type of BY is often brief, but some may last up to a year. Use of condom is 100%.
Bro WB
13-05-2019, 04:15 PM
Bro WB reply again was classic.
Marriage is legal prostitution. I think there is ample examples how many young women married rich old guys.
We all knew reasons why the young women chose to marry dirty old men. Has been dynasties where the emperor gets fresh pussies daily.
Anyway good forums.
Fully agreed. Bro WB always have classic replies.
Have a good week ahead.
13-05-2019, 04:28 PM
Very good thread, thanks TS!
13-05-2019, 09:33 PM
Wow really unbelievable!
Nice share by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Bro WB
Thank you for the unbelievable and unequivocal truths you share with us.
Please continue to share.
14-05-2019, 03:16 AM
Oh bro thats a waste man
Haha ya man, meat already at the mouth then kana snatched away :D
16-05-2019, 07:03 PM
I regularly pass by Dynasty KTV to watch as the showgirls go up to work.
So many chio girls. Is there an Escort agency that handles some of them?
Unfortunately, my Mandarin is not that good.
19-05-2019, 01:29 PM
Meet a girl 2 years ago name also Lisa also work in TAM. I bounds into her when I was taking a lift and found her attractive decided to make a deal with her. We went to the lobby to lay my T&C She agree and follow me to my place. Confident and Alpha type. Arrived at my place she asked permission to look around I agreed. After she inspected my place we settle down to have a bottle of red wine. She told me that she is from Shanghai studying in Shanghai Arts Academy and just arrive in SG a few days only. I am not interested in her story but her body. After drinking I lay her on the bed start my SOP. Her response was not to my expectation. After carefully inspect her body and play with it for 3 hours I decided to end my session with her when she says that she don't like me to use fingers on her pussy. In this case you can exit, I told her and we have agree that in the event I decided to exit I award you SG100 and if you exit you did not to compensate me. Yes she is slim tall and nice looking but not good in bed. She wanted me to send her to TAM I firmly say no ask her take your own transport there. Before she left my place I told her I like you but I don't need you.
Good story and really cool.
19-05-2019, 01:35 PM
Bro WB
Very detailed forum about Alpha Male. At least now I understood what is all about.
I shall just avoid the alpha male if any.
I'm sure many bros here are very successful in many fields, including education, career, business, social status, income, self mastery n getting n keeping all the pretty gals of your type.
Unfortunately, there will be many "friends/colleagues/former classmates/relatives" aka losers who will be very jealous of you. They are usually the loud mouth, know it all type. Actually they feel empty, insecure n needy inside.
They will try to put you down, even mock you, in front of ur relatives/colleagues/friends or gals.
Here is how to deal w/ these jealous losers. The best is to avoid them as if they r lepers. Hard to do if they happen to be your close male relatives.
From a famed RS n sex guru Carlos Xuma.
How to Handle Guys Who Play Alpha Games With You...
The TRUTH About How To Handle Guys Who Try To Mess With Your Confidence...
Has anyone challenged you today?
Put you on the spot?
Made you feel like you were being tooled or ridiculed?
Played a game with your self-confidence?
I've got an UNBELIEVABLE newsletter for you today, because this topic goes WAY beyond just pickup and attracting women.
It speaks to the heart of who you are as a MAN.
And I'm going to show you - right now - how to blow out the most common "Alpha" game there is between guys.
Read on...
Carlos ...In the past few months I've noticed that there are special dynamics that go on when interacting with guys, especially in front of women. It seems that there is always one (sometimes two if it is a large group) alpha male in the group. And of course, the female is attracted to him. I find that I have a strong desire to be the alpha male, but am not always able to be.
For example, I'll be bringing value to the group... when all of a sudden, one of the males tries to screw with my game by calling me names or making fun of me, and the thing is that honestly I am
sensitive, and sometimes I can't hide the fact that it annoys me or hurts me, and therefore I can't come back with a stronger frame and out-alpha this guy back.
For example, the yesterday, I walked up to a group of my college friends, and asked a random question about where our class was being held...
As soon as I asked the question to the group, one of the guys says, "You're gay!" And then everyone laughed.
Now, it didn't bother me too much at first, because I'm a confident guy, and I don't usually let things like this throw me off, or at least I try not to... but when I just let the laughter pass and kind of rolled my eyes, and asked the question again, he did the same thing again even louder, therefore making the group laugh even louder again at me.
This time, I just got pissed off, though probably not visibly (at least to the guys, because they're not as good at reading body language, and there were two girls in the group, and about 4 or 5 guys, just so you get a better picture).
I knew that since I was pissed off, I was already in a weak position, one of reaction, and I tried to make some sort of comeback, but my frame was already thrown off, and basically he had succeeded in doing exactly what he wanted to.
So I just walked away, angry as hell and wondering why I didn't just clobber him right on the spot... which yeah, on second thought was probably not a good idea anyway.
So my question, now that you have a better picture of my full situation, is how do I avoid being out-alphaed, if you know what I mean? How can I be a leader instead of the guy that gets made fun of?
You're the Man, man.
Yowza... I totally know where you're coming from on this one...
I remember being tooled like this by guys in the past and getting REALLY frustrated by it.
There was this guy I remember way back when in high school that used to spray kids at random with the fire extinguisher in the halls. The one thing he counted on was that no one would call him on it because he was a big guy. He used to laugh and wink at the girls when he did it.
Same kind of juvenile behavior.
But there IS a cure for this kind of social shaming, and it's something you can use right away to reclaim your inner and outer Alpha Man Confidence.
Because this situation happens to guys at every age. I used to have constant issues with a guy who would make sly comments whenever he felt threatened or intimidated in meetings.
He was in his fifties, believe it or not.
There's a realization you must have about the dynamic in groups like this, and especially when guys start to interact in front of women.
First of all, despite what you're saying to the contrary, you ARE getting shaken up by this guy. Hey, most guys would get a little pissed, especially when group dynamics create an uncomfortable
And he's trying to embarrass you in front of the women in the group. I used to get very unsettled when I would be talking to guys in front of a group of women, because inevitably, they would try to make me look like a dork so that they could look better.
(Remember: This is the universal game of the Weak and Feeble - attack someone with underhanded insults to lower your social value and to raise his own.)
This is the "pecking order."
The typical response most guys have to being picked on is to react and let it get worse and worse, and their anger gets stronger and stronger.
And, yes, these guys will probably fall to the dark side. The dark side is when you start responding by finding someone else you can push around or tool to establish your place on the social ladder.
I wish I could say that we - as 'intelligent' human beings - have overcome this kind of behavior, but we haven't. It's part of the way people are. (Even women have their own pecking order.)4-CD set Approach Women - NOW!
So the reality is that you are letting them get to you because you believe that they are somehow being effective in lowering your social status.
When you get shaken up like this, you will find it very tough to come up with an intelligent comeback or witty response to put him in his place.
That was always the worst part for me. I'd get five steps away from a situation where someone had made me look like a fool, and THEN I'd come up with the perfect thing to say... "I should have said....!"
And it's because your mind can't be resourceful when you're in an anxious state like this. The worst time to try to be at your best is when you believe you're at your worst.
So what's the cure?
(To Be Continued)
19-05-2019, 02:36 PM
Good story and really cool.
Fully agreed, very cool.
Have a nice Sunday.
19-05-2019, 03:31 PM
Very good thread for ktv newbie like me.
Thanks bro WB!
19-05-2019, 06:17 PM
Fully agreed, very detailed indeed.
I also understand about Alpha Male now.
Thanks bro WB for an awesome thread.
Have a good weekend.
Bro WB
Very detailed forum about Alpha Male. At least now I understood what is all about.
I shall just avoid the alpha male if any.
19-05-2019, 06:49 PM
Anyone regularly visit First club or Second club KTV here?
The viet bus working there all very chio.
But wanna buy them away for the night very fucking expensive.
Anyone got any experience of fucking them inside the room?
19-05-2019, 07:37 PM
Good morning,
I received a PM from a senior bro re my free tours at KTV joints yesterday. And my honest reply to him.
Since TAM joints at Havelock closed in early 2015, I hv been going to Peace Centre KTV joints about 3 times a week. Mostly for brief tours, which is free of charge. It takes abt 30 minutes or less. I usually go there around 6 pm and sometimes 9:15 pm.
I'll try to look at every girl/woman inside and outside the joints and in the cafeteria downstairs. Oftentimes, I also wait by the roadside or outside nearby schools around PC.
In the rare occasion that I see a girl I like, I'll get her contact info. I'll try to look at her from different angles first. But often this is impossible as these girls move fast. It's hard to access her true attractiveness because of the brevity of interaction, which is usually not more than a few minutes, and the dim light of these joints. Her makeup, hairdo and high heels are other confounding factors.
I'll then look at her photos n video in her Wechat Moments at my leisure. I often want to see her again before deciding if she is good enough for me. If I think she may hv met my standards, I'll organize or join an outing n get her to butterfly at Jade or China Doll or book her at Dynasty.
I used to organize very frequent outings to or join my friends at these and other joints years ago. But I seldom do so now because I hv had difficulty finding girls good enough for booking or butterfly. I often bring a LP to such outings as I don't want to sit alone.
I like FOC tours because it may take me many weeks before I find a girl who is mildly interesting.
Give me your contact if you want to join my free tours at PC joints.
Bro WB
Hello Warbird,
Good to read your post.
I pass by Dynasty KTV frequently esp. around 6pm to see the hostesses walk up.
I only been inside once - but I don't drink much and I hate the smell of cigarette so I don't patronize the KTV scene.
I just like to fuck chioby p4p.
Let me know when you are doing your tour.
19-05-2019, 08:11 PM
Great info sharing👍
20-05-2019, 06:38 AM
I met my friend in a hfj. Then, a ktv saw me otw toilet. She walked to me and asked why never looked for her when I was there. Told her just arrived and for awhile only. We drank some. When it was 12am, I told her that I was going home. Asked her if she got customer or not cos she accompanied for about an hour. If no customer, I told her that I could send her home. She told me that she got 2 customers but alright to go with me. When we reached her house, she said where got people like that. I asked what she wanted. Her reply "抱抱". I told her that it was late. I could see that she was getting disappointed. So, I held her hand. Straight to nearby hotel. Ended in raw and she asked if I was always so power.
20-05-2019, 09:13 AM
I met my friend in a hfj. Then, a ktv saw me otw toilet. She walked to me and asked why never looked for her when I was there. Told her just arrived and for awhile only. We drank some. When it was 12am, I told her that I was going home. Asked her if she got customer or not cos she accompanied for about an hour. If no customer, I told her that I could send her home. She told me that she got 2 customers but alright to go with me. When we reached her house, she said where got people like that. I asked what she wanted. Her reply "抱抱". I told her that it was late. I could see that she was getting disappointed. So, I held her hand. Straight to nearby hotel. Ended in raw and she asked if I was always so power.
Really damn power :D
20-05-2019, 11:15 PM
Bro WB
Enjoyed reading yoru reply to bro randyrockhard.
IT's amazing how both of you posted good forums.
Yes, dun settle for any gal but make sure she is outstanding.
Hope you enjoy yourself.
Bro, tks.
Be highly selective, go after the best girls of your type.
Bro WB reply again was classic.
Marriage is legal prostitution. I think there is ample examples how many young women married rich old guys.
We all knew reasons why the young women chose to marry dirty old men. Has been dynasties where the emperor gets fresh pussies daily.
Anyway good forums.
Bro, I miss bro RRK.
I don't think he ever answered my questions about him.
Oh bro thats a waste man
No, we should never touch a woman who is not 100% alert and 100% willing. I couldn't run away fast enough from an intoxicated woman.
Enjoyed bro WB's reply to bro randyrockhard too.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
Have a nice weekend.
Tks, bro.
Hope to join you one of these days! :)
Bro, send me a PM.
Hope can kio some hot and sexy girls outside ktv
Bro, of course you can.
Bro WB,
Free tour. Would you share more information.
Bro, free meaning we don't pay a penny. Yet we are able to see many of the girls there. And we get ctc of those we like. It's different from an outing.
In the very unlikely event that you happen to see a gal you like very much, you could book her instantly n go to sit in the hall of one of the joints. It's very affordable.
Up u bro. 😊
Bro WB
Let me congratulate for a thread well done.
It was really a privilege to be able to read the thread and master the skills. It was an honour to review some of the skills and practice the skills on girls.
I hope you will continue to share more with us.
The forum below was unbelievable.
So please continue.
Bro, tks.
It behooves us to remember this:
"People are designed to select in favor of higher survival and replication value. When a woman observes two men, her circuitry will quickly assess the survival value and replication value of each man. She will then emotionally
perceive the result of this calculation. She will naturally be attracted to the man with the highest value. The healthiest man, the most intelligent man, the most socially-connected man, the most financially independent man, the most sexually pre — selected man — these sorts of traits will attract the woman because such a man provides survival and replication value to her, as well as to her offspring."
Bro, tks.
It's a matter of survival and replication. A gal is usually not consciously aware of it. It's in her S mind n hardwired n her primitive brain. It is so powerful that it could overrule all her social, cultural and religious conditioning.
Bro WB
Thank you for the unbelievable and unequivocal truths you share with us.
Please continue to share.
Bro, tks.
I prefer LT sexual n emotional relationship.
The last gal I saw whom I wanted to BY was TY just over a yr ago. She is still aloof, unsociable, reticent and even arrogant to people she doesn't know very well.
I took her to Paul at Ngee Ann for dinner last night. She was talking 80% of the time. She told me a very good Indian movie she watched online recently. Gave me a good synopsis. Dangal, a 2016 film.
Fully agreed. Bro WB always have classic replies.
Have a good week ahead.
Very good thread, thanks TS!
Wow really unbelievable!
Nice share by bro WB.
Have a nice day.
Haha ya man, meat already at the mouth then kana snatched away :D
Bros, tks.
I regularly pass by Dynasty KTV to watch as the showgirls go up to work.
So many chio girls. Is there an Escort agency that handles some of them?
Unfortunately, my Mandarin is not that good.
Bro, tks.
Yes, some of these gals are Fls. Not sure abt agency.
In 2007-2009, there were many GL streetwalkers and singers-FLs n they sometimes would go to TAM where you would hv to pay 2-3X the damage. I met more than a few of them there.
Good story and really cool.
Bro, tks.
When you say "I like you, but I don't need you," your eye contact, body language n voice tonality must be congruent w/ your words. Otherwise, the gal will call your bluff.
Bro WB
Very detailed forum about Alpha Male. At least now I understood what is all about.
I shall just avoid the alpha male if any.
Yes, be a prestigious man or badass gentleman.
Fully agreed, very cool.
Have a nice Sunday.
Very good thread for ktv newbie like me.
Thanks bro WB!
Fully agreed, very detailed indeed.
I also understand about Alpha Male now.
Thanks bro WB for an awesome thread.
Have a good weekend.
Bros, thanks.
Anyone regularly visit First club or Second club KTV here?
The viet bus working there all very chio.
But wanna buy them away for the night very fucking expensive.
Anyone got any experience of fucking them inside the room?
Bro, I hv never been there. I hv been to Starlight and Zara.
The two best Viet gals I hv met were working at Lido. One was a French-Viet.
Hello Warbird,
Good to read your post.
I pass by Dynasty KTV frequently esp. around 6pm to see the hostesses walk up.
I only been inside once - but I don't drink much and I hate the smell of cigarette so I don't patronize the KTV scene.
I just like to fuck chioby p4p.
Let me know when you are doing your tour.
Bro, tks.
I'm a teetotaler and I abhor the smell of cigarette/cigar.
I hv your PM. Let's meet soon.
Great info sharing👍
Bro, tks.
I met my friend in a hfj. Then, a ktv saw me otw toilet. She walked to me and asked why never looked for her when I was there. Told her just arrived and for awhile only. We drank some. When it was 12am, I told her that I was going home. Asked her if she got customer or not cos she accompanied for about an hour. If no customer, I told her that I could send her home. She told me that she got 2 customers but alright to go with me. When we reached her house, she said where got people like that. I asked what she wanted. Her reply "抱抱". I told her that it was late. I could see that she was getting disappointed. So, I held her hand. Straight to nearby hotel. Ended in raw and she asked if I was always so power.
Bro, tks for sharing your FR.
You're doing great.
Your action remind me of my American friend Charles Sledge's three mindset switches to get laid 10X more often.
1) The abundance mindset
2) Women are easy
3) Women love sex
Really damn power :D
He is very good!
Good night to all samsters!
Bro WB
21-05-2019, 01:39 AM
Very good replies by bro WB.
Thanks for a great thread :)
21-05-2019, 11:02 AM
My pleasure, bro WB.
Just to support what's been said here. Mission impossible to Mission Possible. Ha ha...
Sometimes, SB my reputation reminds me about Pokémon Go PV. Ha ha..
21-05-2019, 08:02 PM
Fully agreed, very cool.
Have a nice Sunday.
Very funny nick bro. I guess you don't like Donald :D
25-05-2019, 02:48 PM
Bro WB
Thank you for the nice forum.
I am very impressed with all the facts and pointers.
Long forum but interesting.
Thank you so much.
Here is the rest of the article.
Have a STRATEGY for these situations prepared in advance.
Here's the 3-step strategy.
Social Skill 1) Recognize the pattern of the situation before you get into it. And if you see this pattern developing, avoid it.
Just like a trained fighter learns how to recognize the patterns of his opponent, he also watches for their strengths and avoids them.
If you see a social situation where there is a mixed group gathered together like this, be on ALERT. Especially if you know their personalities.
I'm not saying avoid them right away, because that's social suicide, too. If you get into that habit, you're learning how to avoid rather than confront and overcome.
Just know the temperature of the water before you jump in.
By the way, I teach many of these strategies in my Power Social Skills program. You can go read more here...
Now for the next strategy...
Social Skill 2) Don't block. Instead, REDIRECT.
When you're on the spot, and someone is blowing off your "serious" question or request, the more you stay serious or you push to get your result while they're doing this to you, the more you will look
When someone punches at me in the martial arts, I'm conditioned not to block and stop their punch, because that's force meeting force. What I do is deflect it gently to the side so that they miss me and wind up hurting themselves.
This is the fundamental principle of Aikido, by the way. If you've ever seen Steven Seagal in one of his early movies, like "Marked for Death", you can see this principle in action.
The same principles hold true in conversation. If someone is mocking or ridiculing, you will not be able to overcome them with "Yeah, ha-ha, okay, BUT seriously..."
Because they know that they can get a bigger laugh at your expense by making you the "straight man."
In almost 90% of situations where I see someone trying to "make" a conversation more serious, the others will use it as an opportunity to push the humor further because it's funnier when there is resistance.
And you look the fool...
You've probably seen or experienced this yourself many times...
If you want a perfect movie example of this one, watch the first "Back to the Future" movie when George McFly (the dad) is in the hallway at school and he's got the "kick me" sign on his back. He tries to get them to stop, but fails miserably.
So when they come at you with something like that, I usually totally blow out their energy with the power of confusion.
Here's how this would work for you asking about the location of your class:
He says: "You're gay."
You say: "You're an iguana."
He says: "Huh?"
You say: "That's what SHE said."
Then you turn right to one of the guys that is the "silent follower" in that group - the one most likely to just do as he's told - and you don't miss a beat: You ask him, "Dude, where's that class meeting?"
Ignore anyone else, and put the social pressure on this one guy specifically.
You've just blown out the most common pecking order game there is.
This is a DEADLY effective tactic against a group, because the one thing the group relies on is that no one has individual accountability for the one guy who is mocking you.
The others feel like they can be the laughing audience because there's only one guy who's playing you like this, and they are counting on you defending yourself against him. They're not counting on you holding one of them responsible for being a separate person with a mind of his own.
And this process is easy because even if you're flustered, you can come up with random crap like this no problem. Just let your scattered thoughts work for you.
Is this cool or what!
I love deciphering and destroying guys on this kind of game, because 99% of them have NO social skills at all, and it's so easy to annihilate their game, if you know the Power Social Skills.
And finally...
Social Skill 3) Have your backup plan ready to roll - Expose him.
No social skill is complete without a backup, and this one is NO different.
There's always a chance that this guy will desperately flail around to save his social image. Hey, the strategy I just gave you actually does the perfect thing - it let's him take the easy out and save face. You haven't directly insulted him, so he can only keep going and make himself look worse.
As the saying goes, the more rope you give them, the more they have to hang themselves with.
Remember that these guys have no real social skills beyond playing out their mocking as a social strategy.
So if he keeps it up, trying to win by persistence, your backup plan is to call him on it.
Calmly. Confidently. NO emotion. And with no intent to harm.
You simply expose what he's doing in front of everyone, which destroys his ability to make you look bad.
HIM: "Yeah, dude, but you're still gay..." (Trying desperately to get a laugh so that he doesn't feel his value lowered. He looks insecurely at his buddies one-by-one to see if they are still responding. Pitiful.)
YOU: (Start trying to hold back your laughter.) "WOW, that's pretty clever. You're trying to get a laugh at my expense." (Look impressed with him here.) "Hey, look, you keep going, dude. I just know that eventually you'll impress ... uh... someone. Please, keep going. Anyway, while you're doing that, I'll be somewhere else. Later, chode."
Walk away, laughing and shaking your head.
Hell, you should even wink at one of the girls to let her know that you know how the game is won.
Take my word for this... You do this sort of thing every time - refusing to react to him and acting on your own - he will give up.
He's counting on you to play the game. If you don't resist him, he has no energy to use against you.
It's like the little Chinese guy who's attacked by the hulking 290 pound weightlifter. Time after time, the small Asian man ducks, steps aside, parries, the punches and strikes of the big dude.
The monster muscle-man throws himself into dumpsters and cars and brick walls. Eventually, he catches his breath and looks at the 5-foot tall man who hasn't taken so much as a scrape and says, "Okay... I'll let you go... this time."
Who REALLY won?
We all know who the victor was, and it doesn't need to be shouted out with taunts and poor sportsmanship dancing in the end-zone.
Yeah, you could respond to his "You're gay" comment with something funny to banter with him, like: "You looking for a date? I'm not interested, man."
But then you get caught up in a whole new game of being Mr. On the Spot Witty Guy. And that takes a lot of practice.
Just shut his game down so the other women there know who's boss.
I used to have SO many problems with other people and their silly little games like this.
I used to get mad at them for using them on me, especially when it seemed like women were playing me all the time...
Until I realized that it wasn't their fault that I was getting pecked and mocked right out of social situations. It was my own fault.
A coach once explained to a reporter why his team didn't win the Big Game. He pointed the blame: "The rain just made it real tough on us," he said.
The reporter asked, "Didn't it rain on the other team, too?"
I figured out that it was MY fault for not learning how to play the other guy better than they were playing ME.
And not to make him look bad or stomp him into the dirt, either. That's not necessary.
I realized I could get the Win-Win that would make both of us come out ahead. That way I get my personal victory, and I keep the good will of someone who doesn't know social skills as well as I do.
(And let's be honest, we don't need any more enemies, do we?)
This game I've just broken down for you is just one of the hundreds that you'll encounter in any given week of your life. Do you know all the variations?
If you want to start winning like this in ALL of your social encounters - whether it's with dorky guys or hot women - you need POWER social skills.
I created a very cool program that covers all the bases I just did for you on this game - only on another 130+ games that you need to know to win in your social life.
I go through each one with a game card to show you:
- What to look for so you recognize each of them before you get caught up in them and made to look like the fool...
- What the personality type is of each person that uses this game, and what their goal is - so you know what they're looking for, and how to help them get it without having to get caught up in the silly game...
- How to handle each situation specifically, including your desired objective and WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY to effectively defuse the game and get things going the way you want it to...
And much MUCH more...
Really, if you've every said to yourself "I'm so sick of these games...!" then you owe it to yourself to take a look at this exciting information...
Plus, I'm giving away some really cool training videos and tutorials on that page as well...
Take your first small step toward becoming the man you want to be... CLICK HERE
I'll talk to you again soon,
Your Friend,
carlos xuma
Your comments?
Bro WB
25-05-2019, 02:51 PM
Bro WB
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
This is really tough to understand but makes plenty of sense.
Thank you so much.
Have a nice weekend.
Good morning!
Most men do very well w/ gals they don't care or like too much. Their problem begins when they meet their "dream girl" or "the special one" haha. They suddenly try to play it safe n go slow. They are scared to be very sexual.
If you don't exhibit enormous confidence, sexual energy or mojo and awesome emotional mastery in front of a very pretty SYT or woman you like very much, she will hv zero attraction for u. Because you're behaving like a eunuch n you are treating her like a nun.
My advice is to be mode one through n through. Perpetually. Tell her exactly what is in your mind. Be brutally n radically honest. And be totally non reactive to anyone n any event.
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
A few months ago, I met a 20 yo full time TW student by chance, a total stranger. I moved close to her left side n whispered: 嗨 我爱你!She was stunned, then quickly recovered her composure n cut a long story short, she is my lover now. She is very fair n slim n abt 168. I hv been doing her raw, after medical tests. Oh, I did tell her about my yr 96 lao po.
BTW, I hv a new yr 97 mistress in China who is applying for student visa. She is kawaii, yet tall n sexy. Most orgasmic.
There are many others who want to come to SG for LT relationship w/ me, but I don't hv the time, money n energy to keep more than 3 FT mistresses. I know my limitations.
I'm in Gotham City now, will return to SG very soon. There are so many Chinese, Korean and Japanese SYT-FLs here. Amazing.
Bro WB
25-05-2019, 02:54 PM
Bro WB
Such big signs that gal in love with me. I do agree with that any gal willing to swallow cum is really in love with you.
This is the biggest sign.
Cheers bro.
Good morning!
How do you know your wife/mistress/lover/GF/er nai is in love w/ you?
Here is just one guru's opinion. I don't agree w/ him completely though. I invite bros here to weigh in.
4 Signs She is in Love With You (#4 is a Big Offensive)
Hey My Friend,
Do you know what women do when they are madly in love with a man?
They behave in a certain way and they do certain things that girls who are not in love would NEVER do.
If you want to find out if your girlfriend is really in love with you (or with your wallet), you should look out for one of the following four sings…
Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“
A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...
Image (this image is of a woman who is old n ugly, so I won't use it. I only want very kawaii n pretty SYTs to fall for me. :D)
“The look” that a lovestoned woman gives you is a combination of dreamy eyes,
aroused sparkling and a smile that screams “I would follow you to the end of the world!”
When you get THAT look, she is yours.
Sign #2: She Wants to Be With You 24/7
One sign that the relationship with my ex-girlfriend was doomed to fail was that I wanted to get away from her as soon as she entered my apartment.
When a woman feels the same about you, it’s usually a very bad sign.
What if your girlfriend makes up excuses to not meet with you? What if she wants to leave five minutes after you met? What if the weekly lady’s night is ten times more important than your couple’s night?
Then she is NOT in love with you.
What if she is so clingy that she wants to see you every second of the day?
Then she is madly in love with you…or a psychopath who just can’t be alone ;-)
Sign #3: She Supports You When You Are at Your Lowest
The best way to find out if your girlfriend really loves you is by making The Money Test.
What’s The Money Test?
Just tell her that you lost your job and that you are completely broke.
And I am talking about Nicholas-Cage-I-take-every fucking-role-broke.
How does she react?
When I tested my girlfriend she just gave me a kiss and told me that she can lend me some money until I am on my feet again.
That’s the answer of a woman who really loves you.
What if she leaves you because you are broke?
Then let her leave you and promise yourself that you will never take her back.
Sign #4: She Swallows Your Cum
The three signs of love that I just shared with you were all romantic and shit, but now it’s time to talk about the real stuff.
One of the biggest signs that she is in love with you is when she swallows your cum.
Are you shocked or enlightened?
I.D.G.A.F as long as you find the woman who you truly love.
And don't worry. My next email is not about cum, but about the biggest social network in the history of mankind.
Stay tuned ;-)
Your Friend,
25-05-2019, 02:56 PM
Sign #1: She Gives You „The Look“
A woman who is in love with you looks at you in a completely different way than a woman who doesn’t give a shit about you. Just like her...
10 Days ago one of Korean girl, age 22 had a crush on me, she was with her friend who she introduce to my friend and me that her friend just arrived at noon.
I was late for dinner at Club 55 MBS, my friend was sitting alone beside two Korean SYT. I apologize for being late and took my sit. Besides us were two KSYT, after a few minutes talking to my friend the KSYT besides me interrupted us by tapping my shoulder and asked my what I am drinking. She gave the look that any man cannot ignored. Very obvious red solution in a wine glass but I did not want to embarass her. I gave my glass to her to sip and after sipping she past it to her friend and the conversation begin.
My instinct tell me that these KSYT wanted to look for BY which I am not interested for long term because of communication setback but for one night maybe.
We chat and laugh and enjoy ourselves for an hour.
The KSYT realize that we are not interested they began to show sign of departing the table. Before the KSYT left I give her a hugs and whisper to her hear telling her, if she is comfortable with the offer for a night just squeeze me harder. I begin with 300 and add a multiple of 100. Her final squeeze was too high that I decline her offer for a good reason that I used to test drive before I will have hard drive.
These few months there were more and more KSYT jumping into SG shore.
One month ago I bump into another two KSYT while I was going to meet a friend and not to waste my time, I pop the question direct to them and the offer is ridiculous that I walked off.
Perhaps brother Warbird can give comment and some suggestion in this matter.
Bro WB
This bro wrote very well.
It's really interesting to read.
25-05-2019, 03:13 PM
Very impressed by the facts and pointers too.
Thanks bro WB for this great forum.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro WB
Thank you for the nice forum.
I am very impressed with all the facts and pointers.
Long forum but interesting.
Thank you so much.
25-05-2019, 03:48 PM
Very big signs indeed.
This is a good learning thread, thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bro WB
Such big signs that gal in love with me. I do agree with that any gal willing to swallow cum is really in love with you.
This is the biggest sign.
Cheers bro.
25-05-2019, 04:09 PM
Bro WB,
First of all, YOU ARE THE MAN!
Recently stumbled onto your decade-old thread and have spent a lot of my free time just catching up.
Have learnt much about the ways of the world from reading your thread.
I'm very new to the KTV scene. Would love to learn more from you.
When is your next KTV tour? Would love to join
25-05-2019, 05:08 PM
Bro WB
This bro wrote very well.
It's really interesting to read.
Fully agreed, he wrote very well.
26-05-2019, 12:45 AM
True, a little difficult to understand but sure made lots of sense.
Thanks bro WB for such a wonderful thread.
Bro WB
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
This is really tough to understand but makes plenty of sense.
Thank you so much.
Have a nice weekend.
26-05-2019, 03:38 PM
Very good replies by bro WB.
Thanks for a great thread :)
Tks, bro.
My pleasure, bro WB.
Just to support what's been said here. Mission impossible to Mission Possible. Ha ha...
Sometimes, SB my reputation reminds me about Pokémon Go PV. Ha ha..
Bro, keep up the good work.
Pls come back here often to share more of your exploits.
Very funny nick bro. I guess you don't like Donald :D
Very colorful nick.
Bro WB
Thank you for the nice forum.
I am very impressed with all the facts and pointers.
Long forum but interesting.
Thank you so much.
Bro, tks.
Good strategy.
Bro WB
Never, ever forget: The power in a relationship lies with the one who cares less. AND, a feminine girl is only attracted to a man who keeps his power.
This is really tough to understand but makes plenty of sense.
Thank you so much.
Have a nice weekend.
Bro, tks.
All heterosexual girls/women are searching for men w/ awesome self-mastery n masculine power. And they want their men to keep the power in the relationship.
Most men suddenly become powerless little boys when they meet the SPECIAL ONE.
Bro WB
Such big signs that gal in love with me. I do agree with that any gal willing to swallow cum is really in love with you.
This is the biggest sign.
Cheers bro.
Bro, tks.
I like to rephrase this.
A girl who swallows your cum may or may not be in love w/ you.
A girl who refuses to swallow your cum is definitely NOT in love w/ you.
Bro WB
This bro wrote very well.
It's really interesting to read.
Tks, bro.
Very impressed by the facts and pointers too.
Thanks bro WB for this great forum.
Have a nice weekend.
Very big signs indeed.
This is a good learning thread, thanks bro WB.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bros, tks.
Bro WB,
First of all, YOU ARE THE MAN!
Recently stumbled onto your decade-old thread and have spent a lot of my free time just catching up.
Have learnt much about the ways of the world from reading your thread.
I'm very new to the KTV scene. Would love to learn more from you.
When is your next KTV tour? Would love to join
Bro, tks.
Pls PM your contact.
Fully agreed, he wrote very well.
True, a little difficult to understand but sure made lots of sense.
Thanks bro WB for such a wonderful thread.
Tks, bros.
Good afternoon to all samsters,
What an auspicious Sunday!!
A very cute 20 yo SYT will come to SG tmr to meet me. She will spend one week here. If we like each other, she will then apply to study here. She is 165, slim, fair and all natural.
She is a 2nd yr uni student in China n her dad is a well to do architect. She studied in London abt 1 1/2 yrs ago. She is paying for her trip. She knows I already hv a SYT lao po younger than she. She has become more attracted to me after knowing this. She is a very confident person n non-needy.
Here is an email on neediness n power written by Scot Mackay.
One of the main themes around here, of course, is the whole idea of
being a CHOOSER rather than a CHASER.
The core premise there, as you'll recall, is that even though lots
of men believe that women hold all the cards in the dating world
and have the ability to choose from many men who are chasing them,
that isn't necessarily how it has to go.
In reality, any man OR woman who perceives him OR herself to have
options when it comes to dating is the one who has the power.
If you have lots of opportunities, you're not as concerned (read:
"desperate") about any one in particular.
Meanwhile, it's a scarcity mentality that generally keeps the
majority of people of either gender in "chasing mode".
That is, they say to themselves, "Oh man...I need a significant
other, and if I could only get THAT one to like me then I'd finally
be happy."
But it's when we relax in the notion that MOTOS (members of the
other sex) are more likely to be attracted to us than not, THEN
we can take our time to be selective.
In doing so, we come to the realization that it really does take
time to gauge true compatibility beyond mere physical attraction
anyway. also takes away the urgency of either "closing the deal"
or perhaps having to endure the pain of a continued dry spell.
Now, while all of this tends to make good, solid sense to anyone
who really gives it some thought, there are still plenty of guys
who still can't bring themselves to accept the truth behind it.
They remain convinced that women have all the power.
Well, I'm sorry they feel that way, but until they're willing to
challenge that mindset I'm really of little help to them.
They'll just keep on chasing...and wondering why women keep
"selecting" some other guy (who wasn't chasing them).
This newsletter isn't for them. However, it is for YOU if you really,
truly WANT to be a chooser instead of a chaser but somehow
aren't making the switch.
In other words, you're really, seriously interested in NOT acting
needy or desperate anymore, but just can't seem
to stop, no matter how hard you try.
Let me tell you, I've been there myself. It's insanely frustrating.
Here are three possible reasons why your reality may not yet be
reflecting your intentions:
Deciding to be a chooser instead of a chaser is not necessarily
a quick fix.
A major tenet of selecting from many options is being patient.
And being patient is HARD.
It's incredibly easy to just lose your cool and gush a rapid-fire
stream of attention toward a woman you just can't wait to get your
hands on...literally.
You call her six times in a row and text her non-stop, just to make
sure she's "still there".
One time I was on a phone call with a guy who told me point-blank,
"Yeah, well...I already KNOW that I shouldn't call women several
times a day and text them constantly. I KNOW it's not going to end
well, but I can't help myself. I keep doing it anyway."
I suspect he's not alone. Not by a long shot.
You really can sense when you're messing things up, can't you?
Unfortunately, what it comes down to is this. If you just can't
contain yourself, that's a pretty blatant sign of immaturity.
If some of you younger guys are wondering about how you can keep
losing out to older guys so often, that's one of the key areas to
look at. (Don't shoot the messenger here, I've most certainly been
that guy myself in the past.)
Another very real fact is that the longer we've been used to doing
things a certain way, the more difficult it is to change.
So many guys have been chasing women since they were fourteen
years old that it's like beating their heads against the wall to try and
turn things around at age 30 or 35.
The more set in your ways you are, the tougher it is going to be
to change habits.
Things tend to get to the point where it doesn't even really matter
whether what you're doing is genuinely good for you or not.
If what you do feels good and feels right based on the "routine"
you've grown so accustomed to, you're going to keep doing it.
You're going to keep indulging yourself, even if what you're
doing represents vice rather than virtue.
Crazily, this can go so far as to manifest itself as guys still
"chasing" even when they recognize they've actually got options.
They're simply not exercising them, opting to keep operating in
that serial "one-itis" mindset they've grown accustomed to.
What that means is that you'll have to be deliberately intentional
and VERY disciplined about doing what it takes to change from
"unconscious incompetence" to "unconscious competence", but the
journey is well worth the considerable effort involved.
This one is going to cause the light bulb to go on for lots of you
guys out there.
Recently I was asked, "So Scot, if we're NOT chasing, then that
means we need to somehow get women to chase US so that we
can be in the position of choosing, right?"
Negatory, good buddy.
That way of thinking actually still assumes women have all the
power, if you stop and think about it. We've got to wait around
for THEM to initiate the interaction by chasing in such a scenario.
Believe it or not, that exact train of thought is how women who are
NOT "choosers" justify their own erroneous claim that "men always
have all the power".
Weird, I know...
But nevertheless, many of us as guys have no idea what "choosing"
actually means.
Choosing is SELECTING...nothing more, nothing less.
So yes, you still initiate relationships with women, but you're doing
so from a position of strength (i.e. having many options) as opposed
to weakness (i.e. perceiving yourself as having few, if any options).
Make no mistake, both women AND men can and should be choosers.
There doesn't have to be one who has strength at the direct expense
of the other's right to personal power.
Emily and I BOTH chose each other from many options.
Neither of us was "weaker" than the other in that respect. We were
two people with options, and therefore "choosing" power.
So taking all of that into consideration, there's no reason to feel
as if you have to revert to chasing in the event that, say, women
aren't automatically flocking to you and throwing themselves at you.
Proactivity is ALWAYS preferable, it's simply the abundance mindset
that separates "choosers" from "chasers". Don't ever throw in the
proverbial towel in confusion over that and simply go back to the
previous status quo.
I sincerely trust that this newsletter has helped give you a more
concrete understanding of the whole idea of being a strong,
confident chooser in your dating life.
Select an equally strong woman of high-quality. Choose each other
and you'll be well on your way to a happy relationship together.
26-05-2019, 06:31 PM
Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!! :)
28-05-2019, 03:27 PM
Good afternoon,
If a gal rejects you, remain very calm n totally non-reactive. Smile n walk away. It's her big loss!!
If you're reactive, you hv lost her for good.
Here is a good example.
A few months ago, I met two KTV gals at PC. I got their wechat. I offered to BY them both! The answer was NO. I then got them to butterfly several times w/ me. The answer was still NO. I also told them I wanted to make love. One said she didn't know me well enough n the other just shook her head. It's their loss!
I let go of them completely.
I left for Gotham City w/o telling them. I returned 5-6 days ago. After zero ctc for 6-7 wks, one of the gals initiated contact n asked how I was doing. I replied that I just returned. The next day I went to a PC joint n saw the gal by chance. Predestination? She came to butterfly. Her friend also came. They whispered that they wanted to be my GFs, together. I was surprised! They both were thinking of me, very often. They wanted LT, because what if I don't want them after 2-3 months? They agreed to 双飞! I need to think this over carefully as I hv other LPs. We hv not even discussed the terms but they could stop working or continue to work. it's up to me.
Bro WB
Bro WB
Many thanks for a lovely thread.
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
Cheers to all.
28-05-2019, 03:30 PM
Good afternoon!
I still see a lot of bros who put the gal they like on a pedestal and try to be very 'nice' to them. That is the fastest way to lose her. A healthy gal is always looking for a man who can dominate her n who regards himself as the prize. If you believe you hv lower value than her, for whatever reason, she will quickly lose attraction for u as a man. Even if you're a real life prince charming or 'the sexiest man alive.'
When ur 'gal' or 'GF' tells u that she needs more 'space' to herself or she has turned cold towards u, if you're like most hapless bros, you will chase harder, texting or calling more often n offering her more gifts/money. Bad idea, very needy n weak behavior. You hv given up all ur power n, to her, you're an emasculated, weak n disgusting born loser. How could she rely on you to protect her n her offspring in times of crisis? Don't blame her for trying to run away from u asap. Of course, if you are paying her a boatload of moolah, she will stick around n try to take u to the cleaners. Then leave you. It's most likely she has cheated on u. Sound familiar? Her revulsion against n distaste for u may all originate in her subconscious mind. She may experience anguish, frustration, confusion n even sorrow for feeling this way towards you because you're 'so nice' to her. Sadly, it happened to me once a long time ago.
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
I just received the following Email form a RS guru:
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
This email might make a lot of feminists, social justice warriors and “nice guys” furious with me.
But it’s the truth, goddammit, and I have to say it… even if it hurts some feelings.
Today I want to talk about your POWER as a man.
Specifically, how to take your power back from women and gain control over your relationships.
So when you meet an amazing girl and you really want to make her yours...
You will always know where you stand with her…
And you’ll be the one in the driver’s seat, who gets to decide exactly how things are going to go.
First, a quick story:
I used to know this girl Katie. Man, she was hotter than a Vegas sidewalk in July.
She was “that girl” everyone wanted. Whenever she walked into a room, all eyes were on her…
Guys would be falling all over themselves trying to be nice to her, do her favors, make her laugh, etc.
She was usually in a relationship, always bouncing from one boyfriend to the next.
But when she was single… man, guys started lining up to get a chance with her.
How do I know this? Because I was one of those guys…
And one day, I finally got my chance with Katie.
I grabbed her number at a party and we started texting back and forth.
And to be honest, I was texting her a lot more than she was texting me, sometimes even 2 or 3 texts in a row…
But she was responding to me, so where’s the harm, right?
We met up for a date and I paid for everything, because I wanted her to know I was a gentleman who could take care of her and provide for her.
(unlike the jerks and douchebags she complained about dating)
I even got her a thoughtful gift - a CD I made with a bunch of her favorite songs…
And I didn’t even try to make a move on her. I didn’t want her to think I was a jerk who only wanted to get in her pants.
I wanted her to see I was DIFFERENT.
She said she had a great time and wanted to see me again…
But after that, her texts started dwindling to short, one word responses.
And I hate to admit this, but… I got scared. I couldn’t understand why she was pulling away like that.
I KNEW that if I could just show her I was a great guy and I would be the perfect boyfriend… that she would want to be with me.
We finally met up and I confessed my feelings to her.
And that’s when she gave me the “nice guy” speech.
She said I was a real sweet guy, but she just wasn’t ready for a relationship right now, she needed to take her time.
I told her I respected her and would wait until she was ready.
But a few weeks later, I was cruising Instagram and I saw a photo of her with another guy…
Her new boyfriend.
Man, I was so angry… angry at her, but even more angry at myself.
Now, I know better. And if I ever saw Katie again, I would THANK her… because that situation opened my eyes and changed everything for me.
So let’s break this down - what happened here? Where did I go wrong?
It’s simple. I gave away the ONE thing that would have gotten me the girl.
I gave away my power.
Maybe this has happened to you, too.
Maybe you’ve been the “nice guy” (like me) who got the “let’s just be friends speech” from a girl you wanted.
Maybe you had a girl act like she was interested… only to flake on you and ignore you later.
Maybe you’ve had a girl pass you up for another guy, even when you were clearly the better choice.
If you’ve had anything like this happen to you… it happened to you for one reason, and one reason only:
You gave all your power away to her.
For example...
When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.
When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.
When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.
When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.
You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…
And that’s why you lost control, and why she moved on to another guy.
Look, a lot of people don’t want to hear this, but it’s the truth:
Dating is a GAME.
And just like any other game, there are winners and there are losers.
Imagine you were playing a game of poker with your buddies...
You would never just throw your cards down on the table and show everyone what you’ve got, right?
That’s a surefire way to lose the game.
Well, it’s the same with women.
The moment you put your cards on the table and let her know exactly where you stand…
You’ve lost the game.
By the way, if any of this applies to you… it’s not your fault.
NOBODY tells you this stuff, man.
Ever since you were a kid, you've been raised to believe that good things happen to nice guys… that eventually if you’re kind enough to women, some weird sort of “karma” will land you an amazing girl…
But I hope you’re starting to realize how big of a LIE this is...
And women aren't helping you either. If you ask women for advice, they’re gonna tell you they want a gentlemen who treats them like a princess...
But those same women will actively IGNORE the gentlemen and chase after bad boys instead.
With so much bad advice going around, dating can be pretty damn frustrating.
In fact, I’m gonna guess that nobody has ever told you the TRUTH about women before.
Until now.
That’s what I’m here for, and that’s why you’re reading this right now.
Because you’re ready.
Ready to reject the LIES and myths you’ve been told about dating.
Ready to learn the TRUTH about women and attraction.
Ready to reclaim your POWER as a man and start getting the kinds of women you truly want and deserve.
That sound good?
So here’s what I need you to do, as a loyal Mike Wright subscriber...
Over the next few weeks, when you’re talking to women, ask yourself…
Who has more power in this situation?
And if the answer is “she does” - then take a moment to realize what you are doing to give your power away, and STOP doing it!
You’ll know you’re getting it right when she starts putting in more work and effort to win you over… and you don’t have to keep trying so hard.
Think you can do that for me?
Fvck yes you can!
I’ll be back with more BRAND NEW material for you in two days.
Talk then,
- Mike Wright
Any comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
Striking title and nice topics.
Really nice and hope to read more.
28-05-2019, 05:40 PM
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
Striking title and nice topics.
Really nice and hope to read more.
Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this nice forum.
Have a good week ahead.
28-05-2019, 07:09 PM
Excellent thread, thanks bro WB :)
29-05-2019, 10:09 AM
Bro WB
Many thanks for a lovely thread.
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
Cheers to all.
Fully agreed with the above statements.
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us, and for this great thread too.
31-05-2019, 03:18 PM
Have a great afternoon!
Bro WB
Excellent thread by bro WB, thanks!! :)
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
Many thanks for a lovely thread.
A girl who likes you will be different from a girl who loves you.
A girl like you dun mean anything because just like you as friend or brother.
A girl that loves you will mean she is willing to do anything because you are the lover.
Cheers to all.
Bro, well said.
The two girls did become my joint LPs. I met them together twice a week. I paid half price because they continued to work. They went back to PRC last yr after spending 1 1/2 yrs w/ me. It was an unforgettable experience.
Bro WB
Thanks for nice forum.
How to Take Control (Power) Back From Women
The power in a relationship lies in the hand of the person who cares less. A MAN must never, ever lose his power or control in a RS, period. It makes no difference if he has known the gal/woman for 3 minutes or 30 years.
Striking title and nice topics.
Really nice and hope to read more.
Bro, tks.
If a man has less power in a relationship, he will lose the girl/woman. He may still own her pussy, but her heart is elsewhere.
I'm 100% certain of this. I'm assuming the girl/woman is healthy n heterosexual.
Fully agreed. Thanks bro WB for this nice forum.
Have a good week ahead.
Excellent thread, thanks bro WB :)
Fully agreed with the above statements.
Thanks bro WB for sharing so much with us, and for this great thread too.
Bros, tks.
It's very easy to hv less power in your relationship w/ a girl, w/o even realising it.
Whenever you think: I'm lucky to hv her. She is a good catch. She is a prize, a trophy. I'm not good enough for her. She is out of my league. Thank God I hv her! ( I hv heard this so many times. An American lab tech actually said that).
Or any of the following actions:
"When you buy her gifts, pay for everything and do ALL the work… you are giving your power away.
When you confess your feelings and tell her how much you like her… you are giving your power away.
When you compliment a girl over and over again… you are giving your power away.
When you smile and nod and agree with everything she says… you are giving your power away.
You are handing her your BALLS on a silver platter…"
And according to an RS guru Mr Erdman,
A MAN acts, he doesn't react.
A MAN engages, he doesn't avoid.
And a MAN maintains his energy, he doesn't adjust his energy...
Bro WB
02-06-2019, 04:47 PM
In a LT relationship w/ a gal/woman, her character is of paramount importance. Of course, you must like her looks/figure n sex w/ her must be very good.
A guru just sent me a brief article on how to choose the right women.
This ONE question will change how you choose women
As you get better and better with women, you'll
find that you start to ask yourself more and more
what kind of woman you REALLY want to be with.
The second stage after dating starvation is dating
You get more and more dates, so the initial excitement
starts to vanish and you question yourself (in a good
way) because you are less shallow.
I went through that and you'll find a lot of books
on finding the right partner.
So, let me save you some time. ;-)
Here's the simple question you can ask yourself
to start filtering the women in your life and keep
that special one:
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”
It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but
in my (humble) opinion, it's the mutual desire for
growth that glues a couple together for decades.
Guys get in a relationship and they settle. They
lose their hunger. They become “comfortable”.
The right woman will trigger you to thrive and
achieve. She'll inspire you to push yourself
physically, emotionally, mentally, financially,
in your career, and to go after your dreams with
more ferocity.
At least, this is how I feel with the girl I'm with
right now.
Have an amazing day!
Bro WB
Nice forum here.
The above forum makes plenty of cow sense. Every points taken.
Hope to read more.
Have a nice weekend.
02-06-2019, 04:49 PM
I sense a lot of sarcasm in you, but in no one else haha.
Behave like a MAN, be Mode One, say exactly what is in ur mind.
If you disagree w/ the strategies n theories on RS n sex as written by many gurus n quoted by me on this thread, tell us what you believe would actually work in real life, in ur personal experiences. Pls enlighten us. Speak up, give details...
Bear in mind that we men all hv different goals. Some are happy w/ doing ST, some want BY, some want LT RS, and some want exclusive ownership of the pussy n her heart...and some want FOC, some don't mind paying n a few want to be paid.
And the type of gals/women we like also differ greatly. A 10 to u may be 5 to me, and vice versa. For me, it's either I want to fxxk the gal or not, so it's at least 7 or 0, nothing in between. I just got a new article on this exact topic.
Hoping to hear from you asap.
Bro WB
Bro WB
I also felt many sarcasm.
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
02-06-2019, 04:59 PM
Bro WB
I also felt many sarcasm.
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
I sense sarcasm too.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.
Have a good Sunday.
02-06-2019, 06:20 PM
Fantastic thread, hope to learn more from Bro WB :)
03-06-2019, 01:29 PM
Bro WB
Nice forum here.
The above forum makes plenty of cow sense. Every points taken.
Hope to read more.
Have a nice weekend.
Yes, a very nice forum by bro WB.
Hope to learn more.
Have a nice week ahead.
03-06-2019, 03:15 PM
Never lose the power.. a very strong message to all guys.
This brings me to the recent yan xi palace where yin nuo said, first to say out have lost the battle. Believe these 2 mean the same thing.
But guys being guys, a bit diff to act bo chap.
03-06-2019, 05:34 PM
yup watched yanxi palace, so true
03-06-2019, 09:35 PM
yup watched yanxi palace, so true
You just watch and do nothing?
04-06-2019, 12:39 AM
Nice thread.
Have been a silent reader since the early 400-pages days and was inspired.
Recently picked up a girl, with the most unconventional method ever.
Old lady fell, no one bothered, went to help old lady.
No tissues cause old lady was bleeding slightly, so decided to ask the prettiest girl (7/10) that was around; had to act fast and scan fast too.
Guess who was my wingman?
Old lady was.
Guess that could be a bit of luck, and also timing.
Fun encounter.
04-06-2019, 07:46 AM
Never lose the power.. a very strong message to all guys.
This brings me to the recent yan xi palace where yin nuo said, first to say out have lost the battle. Believe these 2 mean the same thing.
But guys being guys, a bit diff to act bo chap.
But bros, when a guy decides to woo a girl and if the girl is those hard to catch type, guys will even do more things to get the girl ma, aren't the guy is losing his power thru this process? When come to such situation, how would fellow bros advise? Play hard to tackle as well when the girl start to develop feeling? Thanks.
04-06-2019, 02:50 PM
Delete post
06-06-2019, 03:58 PM
Bro WB
Nice forum here.
The above forum makes plenty of cow sense. Every points taken.
Hope to read more.
Have a nice weekend.
Tks, bro.
When a man has a relationship with a girl, he must ask himself one vital question to find out if she is the right person for him.
“When I'm with that person, do I genuinely, in
my heart, feel inspired to become the best man
I can ever be?”
It's one thing to be in love and have passion, but
in my (humble) opinion, it's the mutual desire for
growth that glues a couple together for decades.
A Lido mummy asked me this question in 2017. How do you talk to girls who are 18-19 yo. What do u talk abt?
She was wondering why a lao chee ko pek like me wanted such young women. My answer: 知无不言, 言无不尽
TY has been w/ me just over a yr. We hv both truly grown wiser, healthier, happier, more confident and better in so many other ways, together. Her English has improved by leaps n bounds.
Bro WB
I also felt many sarcasm.
The most powerful determinant of a man's success w/ women is his attitude n his subconscious beliefs. If he believes he is the prize, everything else is of secondary importance. If he believes she is the prize, he will hv a very hard time.
Bro, you're right!!
That male must be tnuc. He wrote that:
A person with superior genes for example doesn't type long paragraphs like u do.
That would be a very simple and quick gene test!
I sense sarcasm too.
Thanks bro WB for a wonderful thread.
Have a good Sunday.
Fantastic thread, hope to learn more from Bro WB :)
Yes, a very nice forum by bro WB.
Hope to learn more.
Have a nice week ahead.
Tks, bros
Never lose the power.. a very strong message to all guys.
This brings me to the recent yan xi palace where yin nuo said, first to say out have lost the battle. Believe these 2 mean the same thing.
But guys being guys, a bit diff to act bo chap.
Bro, tks.
You're right.
yup watched yanxi palace, so true
You just watch and do nothing?
Bros, tks.
Nice thread.
Have been a silent reader since the early 400-pages days and was inspired.
Recently picked up a girl, with the most unconventional method ever.
Old lady fell, no one bothered, went to help old lady.
No tissues cause old lady was bleeding slightly, so decided to ask the prettiest girl (7/10) that was around; had to act fast and scan fast too.
Guess who was my wingman?
Old lady was.
Guess that could be a bit of luck, and also timing.
Fun encounter.
Bro, tks.
You just exhibited very masculine and compassionate behaviour. Very attractive to all girls/women.
But bros, when a guy decides to woo a girl and if the girl is those hard to catch type, guys will even do more things to get the girl ma, aren't the guy is losing his power thru this process? When come to such situation, how would fellow bros advise? Play hard to tackle as well when the girl start to develop feeling? Thanks.
Bro, as long as you behave like the grand prize, the gal will start chasing you.
Your words and actions must be congruent w/ your subconacious beliefs though.
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
06-06-2019, 11:50 PM
Warbird, if you really got the PUA skills. Why not pick up girls from the street in Singapore?
07-06-2019, 11:38 AM
Bro WB
First of all thank you for nice thread.
I learned many secrets in your beautiful thread here. Also learned secrest to bed gals.
There is no perfect 10 gals in my humble opinion. I rather choose a gal that loves me no matter if she is 6 or 7.
Hope all well for all readers here. Please enjoy your gals this coming weekend.
Good morning!
I can't blame many bros for being skeptical n sarcastic. Because they hv failed w/ women again n again. Nothing has worked for them. Unless a man believes he is the prize, he will be a failure w/ women, period.
The other thing that confuses most men is that many gals/women consciously wants a nice guy, but they subconsciously want to be dominated by men. Another secret is that they are NOT attracted to men who chase them, contrary to popular belief n conventional wisdom.
I received the following a wk ago from a guru:
The Secret of Attracting Very Beautiful Women
Perhaps you've heard of The Perfect 10.
A woman so stunningly beautiful that guys literally throw themselves at her feet. A woman so amazing, so breath-taking, that she can have any man she wants, any time she wants... and she knows it.
She lives in her own special little world, a world most of us can't even imagine -- everything is good there, everything is easy. She gets anything she wants. She rarely has to pay for anything because people are always giving her things, buying her things, bringing her presents. She gets special treatment in restaurants, bars, stores, and every other place she goes.
Everyone loves her. Every guy wants her. And every girl wants to be her.
After all, she is The Perfect 10.
Well, my fellow Don Juans, let me assure you that despite what you may have read or heard, there's no such thing as The Perfect 10. She does not exist. Not one woman on this huge planet of ours even comes close to our image of The Perfect 10.
Yet the myth of the enchanting, irresistible Perfect 10 is extremely common among men, especially younger men.
"This Perfect 10 walked into the bar and every head in the place turned."
"You have to use a different strategy when approaching an incredibly beautiful woman, because she's used to guys throwing themselves at her and doing whatever she wants."
"She rarely gets approached by guys because they're intimidated by her beauty."
"Don't even bother pursuing a 10 unless you've got a lot going for you (money, fame, looks). You'll get shot down, or used and abused."
I hear these "Perfect 10" comments all the time. I read them on discussion forums. I get email questions about "how to deal with incredibly beautiful women." And I even read comments about 10s by relationship "experts."
Let me repeat to you: There's no such thing as The Perfect 10 !!
In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a lady, any lady in this huge world of ours, who qualifies as an Almost Perfect 9.
But, I hear you thinking, "They DO exist. I see them all the time. In fact, I saw a Perfect 10 earlier today."
True. You DO see 9s and 10s frequently. So do I. But the thing you have to remember is that one's perception of physical beauty is completely subjective. It varies quite a bit from person to person. There are no objective standards for female beauty that every guy subscribes to.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
And I'm not just talking about different cultures here. (You probably know that in some cultures, the fatter a lady is, the more beautiful she is perceived to be.)
Yet, the myth of The Perfect 10 - that absolutely stunning woman that no man can resist - is very prevalent these days. False, but prevalent.
Where does this myth originate? Why do we believe in Perfect 10s?
The unfortunate fact is that everyone tends to view the world in a very egocentric fashion. We believe that what we see, others also see. We believe that what we perceive as attractive, beautiful, and stunning, others also perceive the same way. We believe, quite incorrectly, that the women who take our breath away, also take the breath of every other guy on the planet.
It's a ridiculous belief. An unfounded myth. And it's rather easy to shatter.
Do an experiment. Take 4 or 5 of your buds out to a nice crowded bar, one that's always packed with beautiful women. Find yourselves a table and try to find ONE lady in the entire bar that everyone agrees is A Perfect 10. One lady that everyone agrees is absolutely stunning.
You'll fail miserably. In fact, I doubt you'll be able to find a lady in the entire bar that even half your buddies think is a 10. You probably won't even be able to find a lady that everyone agrees is an 8 or 9.
Invariably when you or one of your buds picks out a lady and declares triumphantly for all to hear that she is absolutely perfect - and then waits for all to agree - someone in the group will respond, "No way. You've got to be kidding. She's okay I guess, but I'd give her about a 6."
You will be amazed, no stunned, at the women your buddies feel are Perfect, and they'll be equally stunned at you. Your, their, and our perceptions of beauty are just too subjective, too skewed by our past experiences and interactions, for everyone, or even a large percentage of guys, to even come close to agreeing.
Or try the experiment with Hollywood stars. Do you think Pamela Andersen is a 10? On my particular scale of physical beauty, she's about a 6. How about Angelina Jolie? Is she your dream woman? I'd give her an 8. Carmen Electra? She's about a 7.5 in my book. Jennifer Lopez? Maybe an 8. In fact, I can't even think of a famous person that I would give a 10 to. And I'm not that picky.
In fact, if you and I were sitting in a bar together and your dream woman - a Stacy Keibler lookalike - walked in, you wouldn't have much competition from me. In fact, you wouldn't have any competition from me. I'd be too busy checking out the shorter, curvier, brunette over by the bar.
Do you like the tall, thin, professional-model type? I'm not attracted to them at all, and they'd certainly get no special treatment from me. In my own special little world they're just ordinary women and would be treated as ordinary women. And I certainly wouldn't fall all over myself trying to impress them.
Now I'm not saying that all women are equal in physical beauty. I'm not saying that at all. While Angelina, Stacy, and the rest, are not, in my opinion, even close to being perfect, I would agree that they are "above average" in attractiveness. And they probably, overall, receive better treatment in our world.
Research clearly demonstrates that the physically attractive do have advantages in our society. They are attributed a whole host of positive personality characteristics simply on the basis of how they look. And they are treated a little better in specific situations. So no, every woman is not equally attractive.
I'm also not saying that there aren't a few women running around (more than a few actually) who have an over-inflated sense of their own self-importance... and maybe even a few delusional ladies who think that they actually are Perfect 10s. Heck, there are some butt-ugly guys running around who think that they're pretty hot stuff too.
Now with these particular women - these women who see themselves as being above you, or who feel that you should be knocking yourself out trying to impress them - with these women you may need a modified strategy. You may need to knock them off their little pedestals. And there are a number of simple techniques for accomplishing this... if you choose to pursue such a "lady."
But the important thing to remember is that you base your strategy on the situation and, specifically, her ATTITUDE, and not on how attractive you perceive her to be. Just because YOU think she's a Perfect 10 does not necessarily mean that she has an over-inflated ego and needs to be taken down a few notches. (If she's not on a self-imposed pedestal, and you try to knock it out from under her, you just wind up kicking her in the shin -- oh how poetical I am sometimes.)
As mentioned, I frequently see comments on "dealing with extremely beautiful women" and read articles written by experts on The Perfect 10. Sometimes they suggest a "special strategy" for dealing with a 10 (see above). And, even more ridiculous, sometimes they just flat out state that you shouldn't even bother pursuing The Perfect 10 unless you have something exceptional to offer.
How bout a ridiculous example to clarify.
Mark is extremely attracted to Karen. She's a Perfect 10 in his little world, and he desperately wants to get to know her better. However, having recently read an article on Perfect 10s written by an expert, he knows he doesn't have much of a chance. After all, every guy wants a girl like her - The Perfect 10. And he's really no one special.
He concludes that Karen is out of his league and he needs to be a little more realistic. So he decides to go after Laura instead. She's pretty cute, and nice - about a 7 or 8 in his book. Probably about right for him he thinks. And even though he finds himself fairly happy with Laura, in the back of his mind, he'll always wish he had had more to offer, so that he would stand a chance with Karen.
Then there's Steve. He's been in love with Laura for 6 months. She's absolutely perfect to him. But he's sooo intimidated by her beauty. He also realizes that, seeing as how she's the most perfect female he's ever seen, every guy she meets wants her. He has no chance. He too read that article about Perfect 10s and realizes that he, being just an ordinary guy, doesn't have much of a chance with her. So he goes after someone more "in his league" - Karen.
So Mark's dating Laura because he feels Karen is out of his league. And Steve's dating Karen because he doesn't feel he has enough to offer a 10 like Laura. And neither is really happy.
How ridiculous! A ridiculous situation caused by ridiculous thinking.
(To Be Continued)
07-06-2019, 11:39 AM
Is the continuation of the earlier forum.
Of course, I'm not really telling you anything here that you don't already know. I believe that you already know that beauty is completely subjective and can vary tremendously from guy to guy.
The problem is that you tend to "forget" this fact, or fail to use it to your advantage, as soon as your version of a "Ms. Perfect" appears.
You get intimidated. You get extremely nervous. Being an ordinary guy, you start feeling unworthy, like you don't really have anything to offer such a Goddess. You start thinking that she is so perfect that every guy in the place MUST want her. Rather than being "happy" about the opportunity to meet your Perfect 10, you begin to feel bad because you don't think you measure up or have what it takes to actually attract and keep such a lady.
The myth of The Perfect 10, and your belief in this myth, is handicapping you and limiting your social effectiveness. However, if you remember that the perception of a woman's physical beauty is completely subjective, and one guy's 10 is invariably another guy's 6, you will have a distinct advantage in dealing with women.
1) You will approach and pursue the women you really want. You won't feel the need to limit yourself to the ones that are "in your league."
2) You will display more confidence. You won't be as nervous when dealing with your 10. You will understand that she is NOT every guy's version of a 10, and you will feel less pressure as you're not in competition with every other guy on the planet.
3) You will be able to focus on the fact that it's your job to evaluate her, to see if she's good enough for you, not the other way around. You will stand up for yourself, demand respect, and clearly communicate the fact that YOU are special and she should be trying to impress you.
4) You will actually be happier when with your Perfect 10. It seems to be more satisfying to find someone who is perfect for us, than it is to find someone who is just flat-out perfect.
So, my fellow Don Juans, pursue your dream women. Pursue them with passion, confidence, knowledge, and style.
And who knows. This world's wacky enough that you just might wind up being her version of "The Perfect 10."
Allen Thompson
I disagree w/ guru Thompson that you hv to pursue your dream gal. When u first meet a gal you like very much, tell her exactly what is in ur mind, what you want to do to her. Then let her come to you. If you're shy n timid, practice on gals who are only slightly attractive to u. After 200-300 gals, you will become very competent. :D
Bro WB
07-06-2019, 11:40 AM
I am not being sarcastic. I am being BLUNT here.
Ktv girls are here to work, not pak tor. There are plenty of humorous, great looking guys with superior genes an bodies back home. All we can offer is our SGD.
It is just a transaction. Dun think too much
Somehow I agreed with this bro.
07-06-2019, 12:34 PM
Would like to thank bro WB for this nice thread too.
I also learned a lot from this thread.
Bro WB
First of all thank you for nice thread.
I learned many secrets in your beautiful thread here. Also learned secrest to bed gals.
There is no perfect 10 gals in my humble opinion. I rather choose a gal that loves me no matter if she is 6 or 7.
Hope all well for all readers here. Please enjoy your gals this coming weekend.
07-06-2019, 02:10 PM
Warbird, if you really got the PUA skills. Why not pick up girls from the street in Singapore?
Pick up any Alicia, Bella or Chantel? :confused:
07-06-2019, 10:54 PM
Nice continuation.
Thanks bro WB for this excellent thread, cheers!
Is the continuation of the earlier forum.
08-06-2019, 11:00 AM
Bro WB
I love your brutal honesty.
Agreed that best do not treat woman as goddess. Let her know you keen but not must have attitude. Must have take it or leave it attitude.
Is her LOSS if she dun take it and your gain.
Good morning!
The problem w/ bro tnuc is that he believes he has no social n sexual value and the only way he can get an attractive pussy of his type is to pay SGD. The prettier the pussy (to him only) the more he has to pay. Such a negative n hideous mindset is repulsive to ALL women. It's a vicious cycle which must hv begun in his teens.
He projects his beliefs n reality to everything n everyone. That was why he could sense lots of sarcasm in others. But I know that he has the most sarcasm because of his failed n miserable RS.
He doesn't know that a girl feels what he feels. If he feels that he has no value, the gal will treat him as if he has zero value.
He doesn't know that treating a girl like a goddess is extremely unattractive. He doesn't know that girls like to chase men. He doesn't know that his dream gal may be homely to another man. He doesn't know that girls/women love to be fxxked and their orgasms are 100X more intense n 1,000X more prolonged...
I want to be brutally honest here, I had the exact same mindset like bro tnuc's until 6-7 yrs ago. I hv improved since. It has been a slow but steady progress...
Bro WB
08-06-2019, 11:01 AM
OK ok Bro WB
Reading is not enough and I agreed. Must have this positive self-mastery.
WOW, so much to learn in this lovely thread.
Hi bro,
Tks for ur post.
Merely reading or watching video clips are not enough. We need to reprogram our subconscious minds to accept n retain these new positive beliefs, and erase ALL the negative beliefs. And take action n execute. It's not easy.
Who doesn't want to erase sadness, anxiety, worries and fears completely? Not just in good times, but when facing crisis, disaster and life n death situations. Hard to do even for a zen master.
I hv written this many times before.
A man's level of "success" w/ girls/women of his type is a function of the level of his emotional/self mastery and his own estimate of his social and sexual value, in his subconscious mind.
If a man believes he has sky high social n sexual value and is a grand prize, would he chase any girls? Would he care if he loses a few girls he likes/loves very much?
BTW, I'll return to SG by the end of the week.
Bro WB
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