View Full Version : How To Get And Keep Attractive Gals Of Your Type
07-09-2020, 08:30 AM
I have to add that the way you fuck her is also an important factor to decide whether she will continue to cling to you.
This is because when fucking, the way you fuck her express accordingly how much you desire her.
By nature, a woman want her man to want her 100%. So if your fucking is not intense enough, you risk losing her. The more intense you fuck her, the more rough you fuck her, the message she received is that you want her, you are very hungry for her and I guarantee she will continue to cling to you as though she can't live without you.
My lady friends always told me "oh that girl continue to like that man because he must have been very good in sex".
Good luck.
One other way is, if bro Warbird, allows me to add on, is to simultaneously develop several relationships, be it just makan, drinking kaki or FBs. So that when you have more alternatives for different moods and purposes each day.
The last thing you want, is to have the purpose written all over your face that you just want a quickie with the gal, unless you are a super handsome, 6 pack dude. There again, most gals wouldn't really want to be bedded by a Casanova, neither do they want a nerd. One thing for sure, they must not find you disgusting or cheap.
07-09-2020, 01:07 PM
Many men seem to be afraid of competition, whether it's biz, jobs, professions or women.
Very negative mental frame.
Instead, we should love competition. The more the better. Why? It gives meaning to 'success.' Otherwise, life is meaningless.
I also like to be the 'apparent' underdog. It compels me to work smarter and harder. And it gives even more meaning to 'success.'
We should also embrace change. There is no status quo in our known universe. Everything is constantly changing. Many people on top are afraid of change. They are insecure, needy and fearful. Very sad.
Supposing your very beautiful wife/LP/mistress/GF tells u that she is going to meet her high school sweetheart for lunch or she is going out w/ a young, handsome and rich man, you should smile n wish her a wonderful time.
She will be very impressed w/ your absolute confidence and self mastery. She knows she will NEVER meet another real MAN like you.
It's your golden chance to show her who is a real MAN n who is the little boy.
She knows instinctively that most men would get very jealous and insecure. And if you do, game over. That is the beginning of the end of your relationship w/ her. It doesn't matter if you have been w/ her 10 days or 10 years.
Never forget, not even for a split second, that you're the grand PRIZE.
You must behave as if 1,000 very chio and high quality girls of your type are calling you and wanting to fuck you everyday...
Your biggest problem is choosing which one of the girls to fuck today.
Bro WB
Yes, bro I am the prize.
IMO, still need to have social skills and gentleman lol.
Thanks for sharing.
07-09-2020, 01:31 PM
I have to add that the way you fuck her is also an important factor to decide whether she will continue to cling to you.
This is because when fucking, the way you fuck her express accordingly how much you desire her.
By nature, a woman want her man to want her 100%. So if your fucking is not intense enough, you risk losing her. The more intense you fuck her, the more rough you fuck her, the message she received is that you want her, you are very hungry for her and I guarantee she will continue to cling to you as though she can't live without you.
My lady friends always told me "oh that girl continue to like that man because he must have been very good in sex".
Good luck. yes and no, the mental setup of a woman is quite different from man's. It's not about how much you desire her, it's more like how well you satisfy her. If she's a rather average gal, a good sex once a week is good enough. However, if she's a big sexual appetite, even once a day is not good enough. This is rare but don't say its impossible. 树林那么大,什么鸟都有。
08-09-2020, 07:13 AM
yes and no, the mental setup of a woman is quite different from man's. It's not about how much you desire her, it's more like how well you satisfy her. If she's a rather average gal, a good sex once a week is good enough. However, if she's a big sexual appetite, even once a day is not good enough. This is rare but don't say its impossible. 树林那么大,什么鸟都有。
Also must be sincere and not play play.
Women can sense fake and vice versa.
08-09-2020, 04:51 PM
I would say my actions did not match what I posted. I still initiated contact with her. And with such a weak mental frame, I would say that gives her another chance to find fault and ask for a breakup. Indeed it just happened. This time round I will probably just leave it and work on my mental frames. It is really much harder than I thought it will be. Cheers for those guys who have such strong mental frames and mindset.
Bro, tks. Most men have the same problem. Knowing and doing are very different.
I still have lapses sometimes.
You are a great inspiration bro.
Yes , hypothetically if one start to scold the girl that you hope to fuck, you will be surprise eventually she will gladly open her cheebye and let you fuck and she will want you to fuck her deeply into her cheebye too.
Never be her yes man, you will lose her.
Never be careful with yr words when communicating.
Don't be too gentlemen, be buaya sometimes too.
Of course to hook her, one must be generous too. Women are all bitchy by nature.
Bro, you hv made my day!
Never be afraid of losing a girl. Say no to her when she is wrong. Be dominant, assertive, direct and decisive. And be totally non-reactive.
One other way is, if bro Warbird, allows me to add on, is to simultaneously develop several relationships, be it just makan, drinking kaki or FBs. So that when you have more alternatives for different moods and purposes each day.
The last thing you want, is to have the purpose written all over your face that you just want a quickie with the gal, unless you are a super handsome, 6 pack dude. There again, most gals wouldn't really want to be bedded by a Casanova, neither do they want a nerd. One thing for sure, they must not find you disgusting or cheap.
Bro, tks. Good advice.
A man must have many options.
"The hungry don't get fed."
Fully agreed bro, never give in to them too much, maybe one out of ten times :)
Tks, bro.
I have to add that the way you fuck her is also an important factor to decide whether she will continue to cling to you.
This is because when fucking, the way you fuck her express accordingly how much you desire her.
By nature, a woman want her man to want her 100%. So if your fucking is not intense enough, you risk losing her. The more intense you fuck her, the more rough you fuck her, the message she received is that you want her, you are very hungry for her and I guarantee she will continue to cling to you as though she can't live without you.
My lady friends always told me "oh that girl continue to like that man because he must have been very good in sex".
Good luck.
Very true, bro.
Sex is very important for most girls/women. How much she feels that you desire her, despite her imperfections, is a crucial factor.
Yes, bro I am the prize.
IMO, still need to have social skills and gentleman lol.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, bro.
Having the right mental frame is only the first step, albeit THE most essential step.
A man also needs to have the right masculine attributes. I have mentioned them many times before. Emotional mastery is one. Assertiveness is another. And so is decisiveness, And many others.
Let me put this in another way.
A man w/ a weak or defeatist mental frame will never capture the heart of his dream girl. Regardless of his other attributes.
However, a man w/ a strong mental frame may still not capture the heart of his dream girl if he is very lacking in other masculine attributes.
yes and no, the mental setup of a woman is quite different from man's. It's not about how much you desire her, it's more like how well you satisfy her. If she's a rather average gal, a good sex once a week is good enough. However, if she's a big sexual appetite, even once a day is not good enough. This is rare but don't say its impossible. 树林那么大,什么鸟都有。
Yes, bro.
Every woman is different. I had a lover from Sarawak some yrs ago. She was 22. She was very easily orgasmic n very wet. She wanted to fuck 2-3 times a day. I could only see her once a week. She was very angry. She said I didn't have a heart.
Also must be sincere and not play play.
Women can sense fake and vice versa.
You're right, bro. Be sincere and kind. A real man's word is his bond. These are masculine attributes too.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
08-09-2020, 09:35 PM
Yes, bro I am the prize.
IMO, still need to have social skills and gentleman lol.
Thanks for sharing.
Yes, same as you too.
We are almost twins.
Thanks bro WB for a great thread.
10-09-2020, 01:56 PM
after reading abit of WB’s bro thread, a few bros here gave some good advice to others
a very good metamorphosis is the flame and the moth
for guys we want to be the flame to attract the moth, not the moth that will eventually be burn by the flame
10-09-2020, 02:03 PM
Start by investing in yourself like for example dressing well and keeping yourself fit. That way your self confidence will increase and your physical stamina is a must. And remember to ask guys for advice as they will be more useful. A great man once told me do you think asking the fishermen how to fish is better or asking the fish what they like as bait:D
11-09-2020, 02:16 PM
after reading abit of WB’s bro thread, a few bros here gave some good advice to others
a very good metamorphosis is the flame and the moth
for guys we want to be the flame to attract the moth, not the moth that will eventually be burn by the flame
Good advice bro, thanks!
13-09-2020, 05:27 PM
after reading abit of WB’s bro thread, a few bros here gave some good advice to others
a very good metamorphosis is the flame and the moth
for guys we want to be the flame to attract the moth, not the moth that will eventually be burn by the flame
Bro, tks.
A guru once said that to attract your type of girls effortlessly, don't do what most men are doing.
Supposing chio girls are boats, most men have the mindset of tugboats. They search for girls of their type and then spend great effort to pull them to shore. The girls often resist.
Be a lighthouse instead. You attract girls without pulling and pushing. Little effort needed. They come to you for safety. Start w/ the right mental frame of a dominant n masculine man who is a PRIZE. You need time to build a strong foundation. Improve yourself first, learn social skills and get a circle of friends, both male and female. You add value to them. The reward is immense.
Start by investing in yourself like for example dressing well and keeping yourself fit. That way your self confidence will increase and your physical stamina is a must. And remember to ask guys for advice as they will be more useful. A great man once told me do you think asking the fishermen how to fish is better or asking the fish what they like as bait:D
Bro, well said. Tks for your post.
Good advice bro, thanks!
Bro, tks.
Bro WB
14-09-2020, 05:22 PM
wonder how do some bros here talk to a girl after getting their contact, alot of guys want to know to get girl better but have no idea how to start a conversation and in the meantime not interrogating them like a criminal, alot of girls feel very uncomfortable if you do that
do share some light bros
14-09-2020, 06:06 PM
wonder how do some bros here talk to a girl after getting their contact, alot of guys want to know to get girl better but have no idea how to start a conversation and in the meantime not interrogating them like a criminal, alot of girls feel very uncomfortable if you do that
do share some light bros
I think a good approach is sharing about yourself first to the lady that way she will be feeling more relax and willing start the conversation. Remember to spice up a notch once in a while as you are looking for something more and not looking for friend zoned. Stay playful but not like a jerk, there is a fine line. :)
14-09-2020, 06:28 PM
I think a good approach is sharing about yourself first to the lady that way she will be feeling more relax and willing start the conversation. Remember to spice up a notch once in a while as you are looking for something more and not looking for friend zoned. Stay playful but not like a jerk, there is a fine line. :)
definitely a good approach but how would you do it in a more natural way?
theres alot of ppl just struggling with how to even initiate a conversation
15-09-2020, 05:55 AM
Ask so many then no need to do will hv no result.
15-09-2020, 09:57 PM
wonder how do some bros here talk to a girl after getting their contact, alot of guys want to know to get girl better but have no idea how to start a conversation and in the meantime not interrogating them like a criminal, alot of girls feel very uncomfortable if you do that
do share some light bros
Ask her some questions and then be a good listener.
After sometime, start telling her you love her.
Then be a Romeo, start asking her to meet you.
When you meet her, is super important to have money to spent her makan, take taxi, go cool places with air-conditioning....
Then hold her hands when walking.........
Continue to date her out and bring her makan, go places with air-conditioning, take taxi.......
After sometime kiss her forehead and then her lips........
And then don't hesitate to bring her go hotel..
15-09-2020, 11:07 PM
Hi bro, I hope I dont offend you in anyway. But all PRCs women are deceitful & manipulative IMHO.
My story is kinda sidetracked. So bros who are not interested in reading please do not zap me. Coz I really need to let off some steam, thank you
I recently got to know a PRC girl from a supermarket. She kinda stared at me on several occasions so I decided to talk to her. Eventually, one fine day I wanted to get her number but in the end she took my number instead. (She didnt even key in my no in her mobile)
Well, several days later she sms me,later we spoke on the phone for the 1st time. 1 thing strange about her is that never seem to like to chat for long regardless who made the call.(she's on hi card, btw)
Long story short, met up with her twice outside, late both times also nvm, I'm ok with it. But the 2nd time, was the worst made me waited 1 hr.
For both occasions, I asked her what time & why she slept so late. She "claimed" that she was watching movies online. Then, when I start calling her in the evening or tried to ask her out for dinner.
The part where I call her in evening, her mobile would be always off. Only to return calls or sms the next day. Even its her OFF day, when I contact her
That's when I'm suspecting she might be moonlighting at KTVs. Call me emotional but I do kinda like (not in a sexual way as in I wanna bang her right away) this girl alot coz she's my type
So afew days back, I made a decision. Coz I see no pt risking my 6yrs relationship with my gf over this PRC.
She sms back the next morning (the usual behaviour)
PRC: good morning
me: good morning, U are?
PRC: did U del my number
me: ignored
PRC: call 1 (rejected)
PRC: sms (I del, didnt bother to read)
Blah, blah.... till in the evening, she use a fixed line to call but i made some stupid excuses. She got pissed & said never to call again.
I was kinda tramatise & relieve coz I really find her backgrd abit dubious. So no pt dating this type of ppl.(for me)
Of coz, if all bros wanna screw them just go ahead. I have no objections.
Just dont get emotional thats all.
Boss, if U find this post more suited to matters of the heart, pls shift it there, thank you
yea bro, PRC girls must more careful... especially after hearing ur story I even more scared for u sia... lucky u dun do anything that might break ur relationship with ur gf, definitely not worth it la
16-09-2020, 12:54 PM
I would love this type of girls who love fishing too...
OMG, her body n curve....:p:p
18-09-2020, 05:43 AM
Support nice thread.
18-09-2020, 05:47 PM
Very good thread. Hope to learn more from bro WB.
20-09-2020, 03:57 PM
wonder how do some bros here talk to a girl after getting their contact, alot of guys want to know to get girl better but have no idea how to start a conversation and in the meantime not interrogating them like a criminal, alot of girls feel very uncomfortable if you do that
do share some light bros
Bro, what u actually say is not the most important factor as long as you have the mental frame of a prize. And if you think the girl is the prize, there is nothing you can say that will help u very much.
I think a good approach is sharing about yourself first to the lady that way she will be feeling more relax and willing start the conversation. Remember to spice up a notch once in a while as you are looking for something more and not looking for friend zoned. Stay playful but not like a jerk, there is a fine line. :)
Bro, tks.
definitely a good approach but how would you do it in a more natural way?
theres alot of ppl just struggling with how to even initiate a conversation
Ask so many then no need to do will hv no result.
Tks, bros.
Ask her some questions and then be a good listener.
After sometime, start telling her you love her.
Then be a Romeo, start asking her to meet you.
When you meet her, is super important to have money to spent her makan, take taxi, go cool places with air-conditioning....
Then hold her hands when walking.........
Continue to date her out and bring her makan, go places with air-conditioning, take taxi.......
After sometime kiss her forehead and then her lips........
And then don't hesitate to bring her go hotel..
Bro, you're right.
Be an active listener. Listen to understand her as a person.
Don't listen to prepare for a clever reply. Very annoying. You will appear needy and insecure...
yea bro, PRC girls must more careful... especially after hearing ur story I even more scared for u sia... lucky u dun do anything that might break ur relationship with ur gf, definitely not worth it la
Bro, tks.
I would walk away from a gold digger asap, even if she is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.
I would love this type of girls who love fishing too...
OMG, her body n curve....:p:p
Bro. tks for sharing.
Support nice thread.
Very good thread. Hope to learn more from bro WB.
Tks to all samsters for your support.
Wishing all of u a prosperous and blessed Sunday!!
Bro WB
05-10-2020, 10:40 PM
Good evening,
I have not had any new revelations on sexual and romantic relationship. I have covered many topics in the last 11 plus yrs. I have also narrated my encounters in details.
I have learned a lot from many samsters here and I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
Sadly, there are many frusrtated naysayers out there. I can't help them. Their problem is their negative subconscious mental frame, ingrained deeply in their brains during their formative yrs. They are their own worst enemies.
I'm able to get n keep TY primarily because she and my legal wife, who is in Gotham City, have identical character, personality and habits. They even use the same exact Chinese words! It's uncanny. I know exactly what TY wants n what is missing in her life. I have an unfair advantage.
Stay safe.
Bro WB
09-10-2020, 09:27 PM
Good evening,
I have not had any new revelations on sexual and romantic relationship. I have covered many topics in the last 11 plus yrs. I have also narrated my encounters in details.
I have learned a lot from many samsters here and I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
Sadly, there are many frusrtated naysayers out there. I can't help them. Their problem is their negative subconscious mental frame, ingrained deeply in their brains during their formative yrs. They are their own worst enemies.
I'm able to get n keep TY primarily because she and my legal wife, who is in Gotham City, have identical character, personality and habits. They even use the same exact Chinese words! It's uncanny. I know exactly what TY wants n what is missing in her life. I have an unfair advantage.
Stay safe.
Bro WB
Bro, many years back we go chiong dynasty at L2 together with you, you are very gentle and calm, how you kill your time recently?
10-10-2020, 08:57 AM
There are some samsters here complained about the girls they met. Especially towards the PRC. To be fair, we need to ask ourselves :
1 what are we really looking for from them? GFE sex and love, or a commitment that leads to marriage?
2 how many have we met to be conclusive that they are all the same?
3 where did meet them? In the office, on the street or in a night club? For those who spent loads of agent fees to work here, are they really dumb enough to let you take them for a ride, free sex, GFE and no string? When it's too good, can it be true and last forever?
Just my observation and experience.
10-10-2020, 12:05 PM
I think we miss the main point, which is the guy has a gf...
24-10-2020, 03:13 PM
Bro, many years back we go chiong dynasty at L2 together with you, you are very gentle and calm, how you kill your time recently?
We should get reacquainted. Pls PM your wechat ID.
I always keep myself busy.
There are some samsters here complained about the girls they met. Especially towards the PRC. To be fair, we need to ask ourselves :
1 what are we really looking for from them? GFE sex and love, or a commitment that leads to marriage?
2 how many have we met to be conclusive that they are all the same?
3 where did meet them? In the office, on the street or in a night club? For those who spent loads of agent fees to work here, are they really dumb enough to let you take them for a ride, free sex, GFE and no string? When it's too good, can it be true and last forever?
Just my observation and experience.
Bro, tks for your post.
I couldn't agree w/ u more.
I think we miss the main point, which is the guy has a gf...
Bro, tks. But I don't understand your post.
Good afternoon!
I like to share some posts from a bro here. I hv promised to keep his nick anonymous.
I'm happy that he has benefited from this thread. He has greatly improved n is doing well w/ women. I like to thank him for sharing his thoughts and experiences.
"Dear Bro Warbird
Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom on relationships with women.
A strong frame, physically and mentally, is of the essence. This is something I'm not fully competent in yet, but I'm working on it, and your posts serve as very useful reminders.
If I had to reflect on my own experiences, my strength is in being an active listener and building rapport quickly with women; on the other hand, I have much room for improvement to be more direct about my intentions. Interestingly (although probably expectedly), in the instances, when I have been, the results have been amazing, so I should certainly heed my own experience too!
Please ignore the naysayers and keep on contributing your thoughts. It's important for Singaporean men (or any man for that matter) to hear what you have to share. Our education system unfortunately does not prepare men well for interactions with women. At the risk of being overly critical of our fellow brothers, when I'm told stories by female friends about their misadventures on dates with awkward Singaporean men, I can only shake my head in disbelief.
For what it's worth, you have at least one fan here, and I look forward to reading more about your exploits. (:
"Hi Bro Warbird,
I'm usually reluctant to post on the forum threads in general because of the negativity that surrounds much of the Internet populace. I generally prefer to keep my interactions contained with positive individuals like yourself.
But if you think my PM might be useful for the cause, I'll post it in your thread as well.
"Dear Bro Warbird
It'd be a privilege for my simple PM to be used as educational material on your thread (although it's really nothing to shout about!) Appreciate it if you could anonymise it if you do.
He has made my day!
I like him to know that I'm just a trainee. Still trying to improve...
Any comments?
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
07-11-2020, 02:47 PM
Just another sharing:
Went on Tinder to see the market, managed to match with one and told her that I am married but would wish to look for either a fwb/lover, but of course everything starts from friend first to see if compatible. She straight away gave me a good lecturing from her moral high ground and start saying that I am sick and to be a better man, say she would not want to be friends with me. I just replied noted thank you.
Lesson learnt: No matter how attractive a girl is, we must be willing to just back off and to remain calm even if she starts to demean us as our intention has already been communicated across. No point to carry on explaining. If its meant to be, i will be.
07-11-2020, 02:52 PM
We can learn all the great techniques here, but if a man self-confident or esteem is low, the techniques will be deem useless.
Just another sharing:
Went on Tinder to see the market, managed to match with one and told her that I am married but would wish to look for either a fwb/lover, but of course everything starts from friend first to see if compatible. She straight away gave me a good lecturing from her moral high ground and start saying that I am sick and to be a better man, say she would not want to be friends with me. I just replied noted thank you.
Lesson learnt: No matter how attractive a girl is, we must be willing to just back off and to remain calm even if she starts to demean us as our intention has already been communicated across. No point to carry on explaining. If its meant to be, i will be.
Good for you!
I am not so direct.
I don't ram it down their face but will be very honest about being married with kids.
I normally do not come right out as looking for FWB/FB but will lead up to it pretty quickly, if the lady responded in a slightly positive manner. Have to be able to read/guess in between the lines.
11-11-2020, 09:04 PM
From experience, ladies would prefer a man who can listen and show concern. Small gifts each time we meet count more when you manage to understand what they want.
Need not be a man who just splash money. Splashing money is easy way but how many can afford.
My current fb for close to 4months now never ask for anything yet. Sometimes we just meet talk through the night. Both of us have own secrets where we slowly reveal to each other over this past 4 months.
Of course we have up and down during the 4 months. But it only made us treasure it more.
It take effort nevertheless. But in end, if you are able to make the break through, then is a different ball game. And every failure make one stronger for next game or round.
If you are afraid of risk and failures, then do not go kc especially if you fall, you may fall hard.
Bro war bird, just to share some thoughts as my current relationship have made me rethink my priorities.
12-11-2020, 01:27 PM
The trick about social app like Tinder or Tantan is, cast a line with a bait, never know if it ever catches a fish and which fish. Be sincere, warm and humorous, when time is more ripe, suggest to meet for tea, lunch, do not suggest alcohol to start with,or dinner. The latter may mean you have an ulterior motive.
To be fair, if we get to met tons of great gals day by day in our lives, would we waste time on su h apps? Vice versa, the same appiles to the gals. So, don't use the apps if you expect to meet 10/10 babe, especially you are a CMI dude. Go in with an open mind. Sometimes, you may get some good surprises.
21-11-2020, 09:03 PM
Just another sharing:
Went on Tinder to see the market, managed to match with one and told her that I am married but would wish to look for either a fwb/lover, but of course everything starts from friend first to see if compatible. She straight away gave me a good lecturing from her moral high ground and start saying that I am sick and to be a better man, say she would not want to be friends with me. I just replied noted thank you.
Lesson learnt: No matter how attractive a girl is, we must be willing to just back off and to remain calm even if she starts to demean us as our intention has already been communicated across. No point to carry on explaining. If its meant to be, i will be.
Bro, tks for your post. It's her loss.
We can learn all the great techniques here, but if a man self-confident or esteem is low, the techniques will be deem useless.
Bro, tks. Well said.
Good for you!
I am not so direct.
I don't ram it down their face but will be very honest about being married with kids.
I normally do not come right out as looking for FWB/FB but will lead up to it pretty quickly, if the lady responded in a slightly positive manner. Have to be able to read/guess in between the lines.
Bro, tks.
From experience, ladies would prefer a man who can listen and show concern. Small gifts each time we meet count more when you manage to understand what they want.
Need not be a man who just splash money. Splashing money is easy way but how many can afford.
My current fb for close to 4months now never ask for anything yet. Sometimes we just meet talk through the night. Both of us have own secrets where we slowly reveal to each other over this past 4 months.
Of course we have up and down during the 4 months. But it only made us treasure it more.
It take effort nevertheless. But in end, if you are able to make the break through, then is a different ball game. And every failure make one stronger for next game or round.
If you are afraid of risk and failures, then do not go kc especially if you fall, you may fall hard.
Bro war bird, just to share some thoughts as my current relationship have made me rethink my priorities.
Thank u, bro. Less is often more with women.
The trick about social app like Tinder or Tantan is, cast a line with a bait, never know if it ever catches a fish and which fish. Be sincere, warm and humorous, when time is more ripe, suggest to meet for tea, lunch, do not suggest alcohol to start with,or dinner. The latter may mean you have an ulterior motive.
To be fair, if we get to met tons of great gals day by day in our lives, would we waste time on su h apps? Vice versa, the same appiles to the gals. So, don't use the apps if you expect to meet 10/10 babe, especially you are a CMI dude. Go in with an open mind. Sometimes, you may get some good surprises.
Bro, tks for sharing.
I couldn't agree with u more.
Good evening!
I received following email a few months ago.
Choosing the right girl is very important. Must avoid psychopaths and gold diggers.
Is She Long-Term Relationship Worthy?
by Bungo Pony
After dating numerous women, I have been able to class them into 2 separate categories:
1) women with interests
2) women with no interests
Women With Interests
These are women who have hobbies, things that they enjoy doing in their spare time. These women will put time, energy, and a lot of work into a project of theirs.
These women enjoy things such as Art, Cooking, Music, Gardening, Computers, etc.
Women who are interested in anything that takes time, intelligence, and creativity become very interesting people. They can have intelligent conversations about almost anything, and they always have something interesting going on in their life.
These are women who are great to have long-term relationships with.
Women With No Interests
These are usually women who spend money on temporary pleasure.
Their hobbies usually include watching TV, talking on the phone about other people, and going shopping. They spend their time (and money) on things such as dying their hair, getting their nails done, drugs/alcohol, slot machines, etc.
When you have a conversation with a woman like this, there are a lot of silences in the conversation. The most interesting conversations from these women are about their nails, kinds of makeup, their friend's stupidity, how their waiting for their paycheck to go shopping, etc.
These are women who are great for sex, but definitely NOT long-term relationship material.
What Kind of Woman Is She?
Any woman can buy clothes, but how many can make them?
Any woman can buy food, but how many can cook it?
Any woman can go to a hairstylist, but how many can style their own hair?
I guess the point I'm trying to make is:
Take a good look at a woman and the things important in her life before you become infatuated with her.
I'd like to thank Bungo Pony for this great tip.
While "shallow" girls can be a lot of fun, in general, they are not great long-term relationship material.
So when you meet a girl, you need to decide quickly what your goal is with her.
Is she short-term fun?
Or does she have serious long-term relationship potential?
Good luck!
22-11-2020, 06:51 AM
Also many gals dun know how to make love. All they do is naked lie down.
22-11-2020, 12:28 PM
Also many gals dun know how to make love. All they do is naked lie down.
Yes, especially common with an 18 yo SYT who has had only one teenage BF before u.
Be patient. Teach her how to make love...
It's your chance to demonstrate your masculine power and to give her sexual pleasure she never thought possible.
Took several months before TY agreed to 69. She dimmed the light n said 我很不好意思.
Bro WB
22-11-2020, 02:10 PM
thanks so much bro!
Bro, tks for your post. It's her loss.
Bro, tks. Well said.
Bro, tks.
Thank u, bro. Less is often more with women.
Bro, tks for sharing.
I couldn't agree with u more.
Good evening!
I received following email a few months ago.
Choosing the right girl is very important. Must avoid psychopaths and gold diggers.
Is She Long-Term Relationship Worthy?
by Bungo Pony
After dating numerous women, I have been able to class them into 2 separate categories:
1) women with interests
2) women with no interests
Women With Interests
These are women who have hobbies, things that they enjoy doing in their spare time. These women will put time, energy, and a lot of work into a project of theirs.
These women enjoy things such as Art, Cooking, Music, Gardening, Computers, etc.
Women who are interested in anything that takes time, intelligence, and creativity become very interesting people. They can have intelligent conversations about almost anything, and they always have something interesting going on in their life.
These are women who are great to have long-term relationships with.
Women With No Interests
These are usually women who spend money on temporary pleasure.
Their hobbies usually include watching TV, talking on the phone about other people, and going shopping. They spend their time (and money) on things such as dying their hair, getting their nails done, drugs/alcohol, slot machines, etc.
When you have a conversation with a woman like this, there are a lot of silences in the conversation. The most interesting conversations from these women are about their nails, kinds of makeup, their friend's stupidity, how their waiting for their paycheck to go shopping, etc.
These are women who are great for sex, but definitely NOT long-term relationship material.
What Kind of Woman Is She?
Any woman can buy clothes, but how many can make them?
Any woman can buy food, but how many can cook it?
Any woman can go to a hairstylist, but how many can style their own hair?
I guess the point I'm trying to make is:
Take a good look at a woman and the things important in her life before you become infatuated with her.
I'd like to thank Bungo Pony for this great tip.
While "shallow" girls can be a lot of fun, in general, they are not great long-term relationship material.
So when you meet a girl, you need to decide quickly what your goal is with her.
Is she short-term fun?
Or does she have serious long-term relationship potential?
Good luck!
07-12-2020, 10:38 PM
thanks so much bro!
Tks, bro.
Good evening,
I have posted infrequently becuase I don't have anything new to share. In fact, I have not seen a cute SYT I like since I met TY in 2018.
But, I like to share some jokes.
The Husband's Budgetary Concerns
A rich man comes home and immediately starts shouting at his wife. "I've been looking at our expenses and they are through the roof! What have you got so much to spend on? From now on, things will need to be different!"
"Different how?" the wife asked.
"Well, for starters, if you learned how to cook, we wouldn't need a personal chef. If you learned to clean, we wouldn't need a maid!"
The wife looks at him and responds: "Then we just need to teach you how to satisfy a woman. Then we can let the gardener go as well."
07-12-2020, 10:44 PM
The Wife's Math
A woman comes home and find a letter from her husband on the dinner table.
She opens it and reads:
"My Dear Wife, You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, as a 54 year-old, can no longer satisfy. I'm very happy with you and I value you as a good wife. However, after reading this letter, I hope you will not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my 18 year-old secretary at the Comfort Inn. Please don't be upset, I shall be back before midnight."
When the man came home late that night, he found a reply to his letter on the dining room table:
"My Dear Husband, I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 54 years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are also 54 years old. I would like to inform you that, while you read this, I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also an assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile and, like your secretary, he is 18. You, being a successful businessman with an excellent knowledge of maths, will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one small difference - 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18...
My comments: Her husband should write another letter: "You're wrong, my dear wife. I'm a master of Taoist sex, but I won't want to do it on an old auntie like you."
13-12-2020, 10:26 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
For the entire 2020, I have been very faithful to my two LPs in SG because I have not seen a girl who is even mildly interesting. I have not been back to Gotham City for a year.
I know there are "restaurants' where you could get some drinks and have women sit with u. I heard the quality is bad, despite rather hefty booking fees. Even old aunties are in high demand. I see no reason ever to eat in such places. I suspect it will be another 6 months before there is a significant increase in supply.
Many men have been lonely n frustrated, even desperate, for the last many months. Because of lack of sexual release. Some of them may even fall in love with a woman who, in a more normal time, is actually quite ordinary to them.
To add insult to injury, some bros have also become financially strapped.
I hope your awesome emotional/self mastery will get you through the crisis.
I like to share the following article on falling in love.
The Danger of Falling In Love
Don Juan,
Love is awesome!
Everyone knows that.
To be in love with a woman (who also loves you back) is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
But there is a problem.
A darker side, if you will.
When you fall in love with a woman, you start to *think* with your emotions rather than your brain.
And your emotions will trick you, control you, manipulate you, and destroy you.
All the things you've read about here that you know you shouldn't do, you will start doing.
And all the things you've read about here that you know you should do, you will stop doing.
For example:
You will text her all day long...
(And RATIONALIZE it as being a good thing because you two are in love and can't stand to be apart.)
You will buy her presents, take her to expensive restaurants, and spend tons of money on her...
(And RATIONALIZE it as being what classy men do, when they are in love with classy women.)
You will compliment her too much and tell her that you "love" her too soon...
(And RATIONALIZE your pathetic behavior as somehow being what women want to hear.)
You will allow her to disrespect you or act like a brat...
You will act jealous and insecure when she gives attention to other men...
You will quit your hobbies, stop spending time with your friends, and forget about your goals...
Your will rationalize doing almost everything wrong.
And feel good about it all.
Because you are in LOVE...
And your girl is DIFFERENT...
And this relationship is SPECIAL.
And you don't need to follow all those rules you read in those suave mails that are for slimy guys looking for slutty women and sleazy one-night stands and not for mature and intelligent guys like you who are looking for true true love with an amazing wonderful woman like your incredible new girlfriend who is everything that you've ever wanted and that you will love with all your heart and soul until the day you die.
Always follow the rules and principles which have been proven to create powerful attraction in women.
This is never more important than when you are in love.
Good luck!
14-12-2020, 05:22 AM
Best to hibernate for this period since supply is bad.
Best to hibernate for this period since supply is bad.
Fully agreed on this.
16-12-2020, 05:10 PM
Best to hibernate for this period since supply is bad.
Fully agreed on this.
Bros, very true.
However, there is a take home lesson from this COVID pandemic. Always be prepared.
A man should have one or more long term GFs/LPs or FBs who are his type of pussies. Can still eat outside occasionally for variety, just like a bonus. He may lose his bonus this yr, but his sexual and emotional needs are still fully met. No deprivation.
Don't be celibate. Life is too short.
Cheers and stay safe.
Bro WB
17-12-2020, 09:56 AM
Bro WB, if you allow me, in life, we just need one wife, legally or religiously, but there's no stopping us to have more than one gf, this will prevent us from falling in love madly with her (the gf).
The strange thing is, most gf wouldn't mind you are married, but will mind if she's not your only gf. The reality is, a mentally sound woman will not want to share her lover with other women. Hence, when she says she does not mind if you are married, I will take that with a pinch of salt. Unless she's satisfied sexually and or financially by you. Most of them will probably have more than one YOU.
17-12-2020, 05:17 PM
345157Bro WB, if you allow me, in life, we just need one wife, legally or religiously, but there's no stopping us to have more than one gf, this will prevent us from falling in love madly with her (the gf).
The strange thing is, most gf wouldn't mind you are married, but will mind if she's not your only gf. The reality is, a mentally sound woman will not want to share her lover with other women. Hence, when she says she does not mind if you are married, I will take that with a pinch of salt. Unless she's satisfied sexually and or financially by you. Most of them will probably have more than one YOU.
Thanks for your post.
Every girl is different. Some are looking for a legal husband and don't want a married man.
A girl may not tolerate her lover having another girl for many reasons, maybe nothing to do with love. It could be jealousy or insecurity, or neediness, or loss of self-esteem, or fear of loss of financial support, or loss of sexual pleasure, or fear of STD and HIV, etc.
On the other hand, a girl who tolerates her lover having other girls may really, truly love him. She values his satisfaction and happiness above her own. He is the master and his wish is her command.
Women generally prefer an unfaithful 'winner' to a faithful 'loser.'
If you google sexual market place, the top 2.1% of men dominate. Aim to be in the top 1%.
I have kept a number of girls together under one roof, all duos. No trios yet.
Bro WB Please see attached picture.
Good afternoon to all samsters,
Cina Doll at 7th fl of PC is now open. For food and drinks. There are new girls/women. Not sure about the quality. The butterfly tip is $100! HH 3-6 pm and SH 6-10 pm. No swab tests but wearing a mask is mandatory.
I may go for a free tour first.
Stay safe.
Bro WB
Great thread bro WB, thanks! :)
17-12-2020, 11:30 PM
Kudos to you for being able to have duo, especially if they are not commercial FL. This something I have yet to achieve.
As for the butterfly fee of $100, I would be very worried that this rate becomes the new norm even after the pandemic. Anyway, each has its own. Have a great time bro!
19-12-2020, 03:59 PM
Great thread bro WB, thanks! :)
Bro, tks.
Kudos to you for being able to have duo, especially if they are not commercial FL. This something I have yet to achieve.
As for the butterfly fee of $100, I would be very worried that this rate becomes the new norm even after the pandemic. Anyway, each has its own. Have a great time bro!
I kept the last duo, guimi from the same hometown on student visa, for almost 1 1/2 yrs. While we were making love, they would say 老公,你像皇帝一样的享受. They both serviced me at the same time. Once they were fighting to see who would be on top of me first. It was quite an unforgettable experience.
I have never kept a trio because it's very difficult to see three pretty girls of my type. I do know three Teochew cuties in China, but it would be complicated to get all three to come to study in SG. They have a fourth guimi who is quite pretty too. But a quartet would be more than I can handle, especially if it's for a year or longer.
I have many pictures of the Teochew girls. Several pics showing them skinny-dipping in a big pool.
I have written several modifications of the Timbuktu poem for the Teochew girls.
Bro Tim and I went SYT hunting,
Met four Teochew cuties skinny dipping.
They were four and we were two,
So, I bucked two n Timbuktu.
As Tim and I walked along the strand,
We saw three Teochew beauties, hand in hand,
They were three and we were two,
So, I bucked one and Timbuktu.
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Bro WB
20-12-2020, 01:50 PM
Bro, tks.
I kept the last duo, guimi from the same hometown on student visa, for almost 1 1/2 yrs. While we were making love, they would say 老公,你像皇帝一样的享受. They both serviced me at the same time. Once they were fighting to see who would be on top of me first. It was quite an unforgettable experience.
I have never kept a trio because it's very difficult to see three pretty girls of my type. I do know three Teochew cuties in China, but it would be complicated to get all three to come to study in SG. They have a fourth guimi who is quite pretty too. But a quartet would be more than I can handle, especially if it's for a year or longer.
I have many pictures of the Teochew girls. Several pics showing them skinny-dipping in a big pool.
I have written several modifications of the Timbuktu poem for the Teochew girls.
Bro Tim and I went SYT hunting,
Met four Teochew cuties skinny dipping.
They were four and we were two,
So, I bucked two n Timbuktu.
As Tim and I walked along the strand,
We saw three Teochew beauties, hand in hand,
They were three and we were two,
So, I bucked one and Timbuktu.
Have a great weekend and stay safe!
Bro WBbro WB, 你太有材了!
21-12-2020, 05:51 AM
Every day threesome.
21-12-2020, 07:35 AM
Nice sharing, thanks
23-12-2020, 06:08 PM
Very interesting thread, support!! :)
02-01-2021, 06:30 PM
bro WB, 你太有材了!
Tks for your flattering words.
Every day threesome.
Yes, isn't that wonderful?
Nice sharing, thanks
Very interesting thread, support!! :)
Bros, tks.
Good evening,
I like to wish every samster here a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Huat Ah!
But stay safe and healthy pls.
Recently, a good friend and his wife died of COVID related illness in America.
We must never let our guard down. Wear a mask when outside your home, keep social distancing, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
Avoid crowds and seek immediate medical care if you're unwell. Fever, coughing, sore throat, loss of smell, headache, diarrhea, shortness of breath, dizziness or chest pain...
Bro WB
03-01-2021, 04:04 PM
I have a post in another thread: Are wives in Singapore gold-diggers?
I am starting to think the women in Singapore are unlikely to keep the marriage vows. They will only stay with the men when the times are good and will cast the husband aside when he cannot give her what she wants and will find fault with the husband and eventually divorce the husband.
Then she will make you pay either alimony or child maintenance if you have children or both. It seems that most women here are gold-diggers.
What do the brothers and sisters think?
Good afternoon to TS and all samsters,
You're right about the behavior of most wives and women. But most of them are not gold-diggers, they are hypergamous. All healthy, heterosexual women are hypergamous. It's in their genes and primitive brains, the result of 300,000 yrs of human evolution. Don't blame them.
A hypergamous woman is good, a gold digger is bad. Big difference.
Here is a nice article on hypergamy and incels.
"A Case for Female Hypergamy."
It is completely natural for women to choose the “best man.”
Your comments?
My advice? Strive to be the BEST man you possibly could. Study hard, work hard. Improve yourself every day, in every way.
It's not where you start, it's where you finish that counts.
Happy New Year and stay safe.
Bro WB
Good evening,
I like to wish every samster here a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Huat Ah!
But stay safe and healthy pls.
Recently, a good friend and his wife died of COVID related illness in America.
We must never let our guard down. Wear a mask when outside your home, keep social distancing, and wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
Avoid crowds and seek immediate medical care if you're unwell. Fever, coughing, sore throat, loss of smell, headache, diarrhea, shortness of breath, dizziness or chest pain...
Bro WB
My best US friend and his family also contracted COVID. But luckily, they only had mild symptoms and since recovered.
Stay safe!
23-01-2021, 03:12 PM
My best US friend and his family also contracted COVID. But luckily, they only had mild symptoms and since recovered.
Stay safe!
Bro, must stay safe.
Everyone should wear a mask when outside and speak softly. Don't sing or shout!
Bro WB
23-01-2021, 03:29 PM
Good afternoon,
I have not seen or met a new girl for the past 12 months.
I have to make do with my two long-term LPs. And we go out much less often, sometimes eating delivery food together at home. Life can get boring.
Could samsters here share how they are coping physically, sexually, emotionally and financially?
My two girls are coping quite well. The older one has had some success in real estate back home. The younger one is studying for her advanced diploma. She aspires to get admitted to NUS, NTU or SMU next year.
Bro WB
Bro, must stay safe.
Everyone should wear a mask when outside and speak softly. Don't sing or shout!
Bro WB
Latest update - his mother (in nursing home in another state) just passed away from COVID.
Really serious in USA.
25-01-2021, 02:54 PM
Hello Bro Warbird,
I have spent my leisure time in the last two months reading through this thread and I wanted to thank you for continuously sharing your personal experiences and lessons such that others are able to benefit!
I am sure that the hours you have spent on reading information given by gurus/experts is not little and yet you help us all learn by selecting the most relevant and useful points.
I will begin my journey to becoming better by starting with the many books you have recommended!
It has been intriguing to learn that attraction can be looked at as both an art and science and I look forward to hearing from you whenever you find any new insights! I have much to learn from your growth mindset and determination to improve oneself at all stages of life!
I hope you are well, wishing you good health and good fortune!
25-01-2021, 03:45 PM
Latest update - his mother (in nursing home in another state) just passed away from COVID.
Really serious in USA.
May she rest in peace. Amen.
04-02-2021, 04:07 PM
Latest update - his mother (in nursing home in another state) just passed away from COVID.
Really serious in USA.
Bro, sorry to hear that. RIP.
Hello Bro Warbird,
I have spent my leisure time in the last two months reading through this thread and I wanted to thank you for continuously sharing your personal experiences and lessons such that others are able to benefit!
I am sure that the hours you have spent on reading information given by gurus/experts is not little and yet you help us all learn by selecting the most relevant and useful points.
I will begin my journey to becoming better by starting with the many books you have recommended!
It has been intriguing to learn that attraction can be looked at as both an art and science and I look forward to hearing from you whenever you find any new insights! I have much to learn from your growth mindset and determination to improve oneself at all stages of life!
I hope you are well, wishing you good health and good fortune!
Bro, tks for your post.
You have made my day!
Attraction principles work in over 95% of healthy, heterosexual women who are not psychopathic gold diggers. There will always be very rare exceptions.
May she rest in peace. Amen.
Happy LNY to all samsters!
Bro WB
06-02-2021, 10:47 PM
Kudos to you for being able to have duo, especially if they are not commercial FL. This something I have yet to achieve.
As for the butterfly fee of $100, I would be very worried that this rate becomes the new norm even after the pandemic. Anyway, each has its own. Have a great time bro!
me too.
i got a feeling the $100 butterfly fee will become the norm post-covid
Unless..... all the bros unite and not patronise any place that requires $100 fee min
07-02-2021, 11:16 AM
me too.
i got a feeling the $100 butterfly fee will become the norm post-covid
Unless..... all the bros unite and not patronise any place that requires $100 fee min
Buterfly tip of $100 is outrageous! And most of the current 'girls' are plastic and/or old aunties. I have never paid more than $50.
HH booking at Dynasty and Jade/China Doll was only $100 until 2015 when it was increased to $150.
I have not even met a girl I really like in the last 2 1/2 years.
If we get an influx of young and better looking girls to SG, these outrageous fees will surely decline. The plastic women and old aunties will then be happy to accept $30 for butterfly.
Bro WB
07-02-2021, 12:26 PM
me too.
i got a feeling the $100 butterfly fee will become the norm post-covid
Unless..... all the bros unite and not patronise any place that requires $100 fee min
That's not likely to happen, about the bros being united, cause they are bound to have cai tao Robert who will pay more and be a sucker. Anyway, I normally tell the WL I will only book if I get smitten by GFE, then with exception of those who feel they can get more by butterflying, the rest will normally try to be nice.
07-02-2021, 06:04 PM
Not going to pay $100 butterfly, unless can dig pussy :D
07-02-2021, 06:24 PM
Not going to pay $100 butterfly, unless can dig pussy :D
Can dig, if you got enough gang hu lor. Otherwise, go to those joints in GL, the gals there will probably more liberal to let you do that.
07-02-2021, 10:05 PM
That's not likely to happen, about the bros being united, cause they are bound to have cai tao Robert who will pay more and be a sucker. Anyway, I normally tell the WL I will only book if I get smitten by GFE, then with exception of those who feel they can get more by butterflying, the rest will normally try to be nice.
ya i think so too.
Many will kanna gong tao any anyhow give $100, no touch no hug no suck nei ji no orh cb.
So post covid want to play here, be prepared to fork out $100 butterfly tips per girl :(
15-02-2021, 09:35 AM
Happy CNY to Bro WB.
15-02-2021, 12:17 PM
Great thread. Everybody Huat Huat!! :D
15-02-2021, 04:13 PM
That's not likely to happen, about the bros being united, cause they are bound to have cai tao Robert who will pay more and be a sucker. Anyway, I normally tell the WL I will only book if I get smitten by GFE, then with exception of those who feel they can get more by butterflying, the rest will normally try to be nice.
Not going to pay $100 butterfly, unless can dig pussy :D
Can dig, if you got enough gang hu lor. Otherwise, go to those joints in GL, the gals there will probably more liberal to let you do that.
ya i think so too.
Many will kanna gong tao any anyhow give $100, no touch no hug no suck nei ji no orh cb.
So post covid want to play here, be prepared to fork out $100 butterfly tips per girl :(
Bros, tks for your posts.
Happy CNY to Bro WB.
Bro, Happy CNY to you!
Good afternoon!
Happy CNY to all samsters.
Bro WB
03-03-2021, 12:28 AM
Hello Bro Warbird,
I just read the 2017 edition of Mode One and it was quite informative. I was wondering if you still practice it and what are your thoughts about it?
Hope you are well, cheers!
03-03-2021, 11:37 AM
Hello Bro Warbird,
I just read the 2017 edition of Mode One and it was quite informative. I was wondering if you still practice it and what are your thoughts about it?
Hope you are well, cheers!
Always practice whenever with babes.
03-03-2021, 05:21 PM
Hello Bro Warbird,
I just read the 2017 edition of Mode One and it was quite informative. I was wondering if you still practice it and what are your thoughts about it?
Hope you are well, cheers!
Hello bro, tks for your post.
Yes, I'm always Mode One. I may phrase my exact words differently according to the circumstances and the type of young lady. But what I desire to do to her is crystal clear.
Your mental frames at the subconscious level are CRUCIAL. The results have been magical for me. That was how I got my cutest and prettiest SYTs and young women.
I'm limited by the dearth of cute SYTs of my type in SG.
Always practice whenever with babes.
Yes, bro.
Good afternoon!
Mode One works very well w/ both non-WLs and WLs, and everyone else. The approach should be individualized. I'll not go into details. You need to develop your own style.
However, experienced gold diggers are exceptions. They may say 要看你的表现哦 or 我们要慢慢培养感情. RUN - don't walk - AWAY!!
Bro WB
03-03-2021, 11:12 PM
Always practice whenever with babes.
Good afternoon!
Mode One works very well w/ both non-WLs and WLs, and everyone else. The approach should be individualized. I'll not go into details. You need to develop your own style.
However, experienced gold diggers are exceptions. They may say 要看你的表现哦 or 我们要慢慢培养感情. RUN - don't walk - AWAY!!
Bro WB
Thank you for your inputs! I believe that mode one will help most to become a better communicator.
Bro Warbird you've changed your DP! Who's the new lucky girl? I don't think I've ever seen you change it in the last few years haha
06-03-2021, 12:04 PM
Thank you for your inputs! I believe that mode one will help most to become a better communicator.
Bro Warbird you've changed your DP! Who's the new lucky girl? I don't think I've ever seen you change it in the last few years haha
Bro, thanks.
Yeah, verbal communication is crucial.
A man's writings are very unlikely to make his dream girl addicted to him. But he may be able to do it using his voice...
The new girl is indeed very lucky. She is just one of the girls I like.
Bro WB
06-03-2021, 02:58 PM
Woo excellent thread! Must learn from bro WB.
07-03-2021, 01:22 PM
me too.
i got a feeling the $100 butterfly fee will become the norm post-covid
Unless..... all the bros unite and not patronise any place that requires $t0 fee min
The unite bit won't happen, cause there will will those who will be so horny that will pay anything when the ladies play the pitiful game. I recalled time $20 tips for butterfly that might end up with a FOC ST with the gal who liked you. Pre covid, even if you paid extra for booking, the ang bai would tell or hinted to you for more.
08-03-2021, 05:14 AM
Learn to be celibate.
08-03-2021, 07:33 AM
Great tips from Master Warbird and all here! As a man, every lady deserves to be treated with respect, no matter her background or circumstance. Yes, some do not reciprocate, but i feel it's better to rise above and take to positives with the negatives. Sometimes, you only see true colours after a few tests.
09-03-2021, 03:58 PM
Woo excellent thread! Must learn from bro WB.
Bro, tks. I'm also learning from everyone here.
The unite bit won't happen, cause there will will those who will be so horny that will pay anything when the ladies play the pitiful game. I recalled time $20 tips for butterfly that might end up with a FOC ST with the gal who liked you. Pre covid, even if you paid extra for booking, the ang bai would tell or hinted to you for more.
Bro, you're right. There are just too many sexually hungry men everywhere.
Great tips from Master Warbird and all here! As a man, every lady deserves to be treated with respect, no matter her background or circumstance. Yes, some do not reciprocate, but i feel it's better to rise above and take to positives with the negatives. Sometimes, you only see true colours after a few tests.
Bro, tks.
You have made my day! I'm still a learner.
Yes, we must treat every human with kindness and respect.
Cheers to every samster!
Bro WB
09-03-2021, 09:43 PM
is not that difficult...put your profile photo in social media either facebook or with a sporty car...of course, this apply only on guy
09-03-2021, 09:44 PM
Great tips from Master Warbird and all here! As a man, every lady deserves to be treated with respect, no matter her background or circumstance. Yes, some do not reciprocate, but i feel it's better to rise above and take to positives with the negatives. Sometimes, you only see true colours after a few tests.
after few times of dating, you can roughly know which type of girls are suitable for you
09-03-2021, 09:46 PM
May she rest in peace. Amen.
yey...everyone need to take care ourselves....virus is too dangerous
15-03-2021, 04:06 PM
yey...everyone need to take care ourselves....virus is too dangerous
Yeah, we all should stay safe.
No one is safe until everyone is safe.
19-03-2021, 05:30 PM
Good afternoon!
Many men have been very successful with girls/women who are only so-so to them. The problem arises when a man meets his Dream Girl, The Special One. He is suddenly smitten with her and transformed into a wussy nice guy. He cares way too much, becomes submissive and is afraid to say NO. He is so NEEDY! That is the kiss of death for THE one and only relationship he really cares about. Isn't life ironic?
Truth be told, I have committed the same fatal mistake repeatedly, just like everyone else. It's very hard to overcome this self-defeating behavior. It's deep in the subconscious mind.
You must learn to treat your dream girl like every other girl, at least in the initial stages. You can care more, compliment and protect her when you two have had intimate sexual relationship for some time. You still need to say NO whenever it's appropriate. And never, ever be afraid to lose her.
The magic two-letter word is NO!
I just received a new email from Marni recently which gives the word 'NO' a new twist. Not only you want to say NO to your dream girl, but you also want her to say NO, at least sometimes.
This two-letter word makes women chase you instantly…
As you guys know, I’m crazy about Chris Voss - the ex-FBI negotiator - and his powerful negotiating book ‘Never Split the Difference’.
So today I dived into Google to find out more about him...
...and unearthed a seduction secret you guys are gonna LOVE.
Turns out, Voss learned a ton of his secrets from this guy called Jim Camp.
Now Jim literally taught the FBI how to negotiate. He gave these cops all his proven secrets to winning each and every negotiation they entered.
This guy was the KING of influence...
Anyway, while I was reading up on Jim Camp, I stumbled across a secret that blew my mind.
And I scribbled it down, ripped it straight outta my notebook, and stuck it to my laptop so I could write this email...
This golden secret was Jim Camp’s most seductive principle for winning ANY negotiation, influencing ANYONE from a beautiful bartender to a brash billionaire.
And it's so simple (just a two-letter word…) I’m almost embarrassed to tell you guys…
But I HAVE to…
Because, as a woman, I know this works on us every. Damn. Time.
You ready? Here it is:
“Start with NO”
Told you it was simple.
But it's so true, because I see tons of guys practically begging girls to date them, buying them flowers, flashing their cash, anything to make these gals say YES.
It almost never works.
Because the girl feels pressured and uncomfortable, and the guy feels desperate and needy.
Horrible, right? Well here’s the kicker...if you actually ENCOURAGE your dream girl to say no to you up front, you release all the pressure from your approach.
Because you’re being honest and owning your flaws.
She’ll be chasing you in no time.
And how do you encourage her to say no? Use false disqualifiers.
A false disqualifier is a playful way to highlight your apparent incompatibility with a woman…
E.g. “You’re too nice for me” or “You don’t like soccer? This isn’t gonna work out”.
By creating this teasing conflict, you banish your neediness and flip the script, so SHE is chasing YOU, and not the other way around…
It doesn’t matter whether you really are incompatible or just wanna show her that you’ve got options, you don’t NEED her and that you’re willing to walk away…
Comments and dissenting views will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, no one has accepted my offer yet. I'm very patient...
20-03-2021, 06:54 AM
No is a powerful word.
21-03-2021, 05:40 PM
initiative chat to the girl you like, like her know you are impressed by her. Like me, if i target someone i like in sugarbok, i will straight away message her and chit chat with her for some time...
21-03-2021, 05:42 PM
Good afternoon!
Many men have been very successful with girls/women who are only so-so to them. The problem arises when a man meets his Dream Girl, The Special One. He is suddenly smitten with her and transformed into a wussy nice guy. He cares way too much, becomes submissive and is afraid to say NO. He is so NEEDY! That is the kiss of death for THE one and only relationship he really cares about. Isn't life ironic?
Truth be told, I have committed the same fatal mistake repeatedly, just like everyone else. It's very hard to overcome this self-defeating behavior. It's deep in the subconscious mind.
You must learn to treat your dream girl like every other girl, at least in the initial stages. You can care more, compliment and protect her when you two have had intimate sexual relationship for some time. You still need to say NO whenever it's appropriate. And never, ever be afraid to lose her.
The magic two-letter word is NO!
I just received a new email from Marni recently which gives the word 'NO' a new twist. Not only you want to say NO to your dream girl, but you also want her to say NO, at least sometimes.
This two-letter word makes women chase you instantly…
As you guys know, I’m crazy about Chris Voss - the ex-FBI negotiator - and his powerful negotiating book ‘Never Split the Difference’.
So today I dived into Google to find out more about him...
...and unearthed a seduction secret you guys are gonna LOVE.
Turns out, Voss learned a ton of his secrets from this guy called Jim Camp.
Now Jim literally taught the FBI how to negotiate. He gave these cops all his proven secrets to winning each and every negotiation they entered.
This guy was the KING of influence...
Anyway, while I was reading up on Jim Camp, I stumbled across a secret that blew my mind.
And I scribbled it down, ripped it straight outta my notebook, and stuck it to my laptop so I could write this email...
This golden secret was Jim Camp’s most seductive principle for winning ANY negotiation, influencing ANYONE from a beautiful bartender to a brash billionaire.
And it's so simple (just a two-letter word…) I’m almost embarrassed to tell you guys…
But I HAVE to…
Because, as a woman, I know this works on us every. Damn. Time.
You ready? Here it is:
“Start with NO”
Told you it was simple.
But it's so true, because I see tons of guys practically begging girls to date them, buying them flowers, flashing their cash, anything to make these gals say YES.
It almost never works.
Because the girl feels pressured and uncomfortable, and the guy feels desperate and needy.
Horrible, right? Well here’s the kicker...if you actually ENCOURAGE your dream girl to say no to you up front, you release all the pressure from your approach.
Because you’re being honest and owning your flaws.
She’ll be chasing you in no time.
And how do you encourage her to say no? Use false disqualifiers.
A false disqualifier is a playful way to highlight your apparent incompatibility with a woman…
E.g. “You’re too nice for me” or “You don’t like soccer? This isn’t gonna work out”.
By creating this teasing conflict, you banish your neediness and flip the script, so SHE is chasing YOU, and not the other way around…
It doesn’t matter whether you really are incompatible or just wanna show her that you’ve got options, you don’t NEED her and that you’re willing to walk away…
Comments and dissenting views will be greatly appreciated.
BTW, no one has accepted my offer yet. I'm very patient...
this is the real heart of a girl towards you if she come to you when you are poor and stay with you until you become not easy to find those girl
22-03-2021, 04:30 PM
No is a powerful word.
Tks bro.
Yes, it has worked like a magic for me. Took me a very long time to learn it because it's counter-intuitive.
initiative chat to the girl you like, like her know you are impressed by her. Like me, if i target someone i like in sugarbok, i will straight away message her and chit chat with her for some time...
Yes, bro.
Always be Mode One.
this is the real heart of a girl towards you if she come to you when you are poor and stay with you until you become not easy to find those girl
Tks , bro.
Yes, must choose your LT partner wisely. Avoid gold diggers.
Her character and intelligence are as important as her looks and figure.
Some girls can recognize the potential and the admirable masculine character traits in a man who is poor. It's not where he starts, it's where he finishes that counts.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
Bro WB
22-03-2021, 09:43 PM
Hello Bro Warbird,
Thanks for sharing this new piece. Mode One could help one to be better at saying no, but striving to always be Mode One continues to be a challenging goal.
Wishing you well, cheers!
22-03-2021, 09:57 PM
Excellent thread, lots to learn from bro warbird :)
02-04-2021, 04:31 PM
Hello Bro Warbird,
Thanks for sharing this new piece. Mode One could help one to be better at saying no, but striving to always be Mode One continues to be a challenging goal.
Wishing you well, cheers!
Bro, tks.
Just change your mental frames.
Excellent thread, lots to learn from bro warbird :)
Bro, tks.
Good afternoon to all samsters.
I like to tell a very old joke. I first heard it from an American doctor over 30 years ago.
From the Old Bull, Young Bull tale:
The old bull and the young bull were standing at the top of the hill overlooking a paddock of many gorgeous young heifers ( or SYTs!). The young bull said, "Let's charge down the hill, knock over that fence, and service one of those heifers each". The old bull wisely replied, "Why don't we saunter down the hill, open the gate, take a sip at the water trough and then service ALL of those heifers?"
The lesson to be learned here is that instead of being young, immature, and stupid, quickly ruining any shot you have at a female, you should play your game like a gentleman (yes, like a badass gentleman); slowly and with much thought. Only by this method will you have your best shot at getting paid (or laid).
Watch these videos too.
Yeah, don't fuck them all.
Be highly selective and only fuck the highest quality girls of your type.
Bro WB
02-04-2021, 05:16 PM
Nice share bro. She's a hot chick!! :)
02-04-2021, 10:41 PM
Yeah, don't fuck them all.
Be highly selective and only fuck the highest quality girls of your type.
Bro WB
That's one of the best advice there is. Many a time we give in to the decisions made by the small head, only to look back and say,"WTF, did i do THAT?" Life is too short to waste on bad food and worse fucks. Live it up while you can get it up!
16-04-2021, 04:32 PM
Nice share bro. She's a hot chick!! :)
Yes, bro.
That's one of the best advice there is. Many a time we give in to the decisions made by the small head, only to look back and say,"WTF, did i do THAT?" Life is too short to waste on bad food and worse fucks. Live it up while you can get it up!
Tks, bro.
Yes, life is short and unpredictable. Seize the day, seize the moment!
I received the following email recently from guru Allen.
The Danger of Falling In Love
Don Juan,
Love is awesome!
Everyone knows that.
To be in love with a woman (who also loves you back) is one of the greatest feelings in the world.
But there is a problem.
A darker side, if you will.
When you fall in love with a woman, you start to *think* with your emotions rather than your brain.
And your emotions will trick you, control you, manipulate you, and destroy you.
All the things you've read about here that you know you shouldn't do, you will start doing.
And all the things you've read about here that you know you should do, you will stop doing.
For example:
You will text her all day long...
(And RATIONALIZE it as being a good thing because you two are in love and can't stand to be apart.)
You will buy her presents, take her to expensive restaurants, and spend tons of money on her...
(And RATIONALIZE it as being what classy men do, when they are in love with classy women.)
You will compliment her too much and tell her that you "love" her too soon...
(And RATIONALIZE your pathetic behavior as somehow being what women want to hear.)
You will allow her to disrespect you or act like a brat...
You will act jealous and insecure when she gives attention to other men...
You will quit your hobbies, stop spending time with your friends, and forget about your goals...
Your will rationalize doing almost everything wrong.
And feel good about it all.
Because you are in LOVE...
And your girl is DIFFERENT...
And this relationship is SPECIAL.
And you don't need to follow all those rules you read in those suave mails that are for slimy guys looking for slutty women and sleazy one-night stands and not for mature and intelligent guys like you who are looking for true love with an amazingly wonderful woman like your incredible new girlfriend who is everything that you've ever wanted and that you will love with all your heart and soul until the day you die.
And don't blame the girl. She couldn't help it. She knows that she should love you but, instead, she feels only revulsion for you.
Bro WB
16-04-2021, 09:07 PM
Excellent thread! Have to learn from bro warbird :)
1) buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
2) give her allowance every month
3) spend lots of time with her
4) bring her for holiday :p:p:p
17-04-2021, 06:24 AM
1) buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
2) give her allowance every month
3) spend lots of time with her
4) bring her for holiday :p:p:p
Not cool and too easy gal will not appreciate.
18-04-2021, 12:24 AM
2) give her allowance every month
U recommend pay DW levy as well ah?
18-04-2021, 12:31 AM
Not cool and too easy gal will not appreciate.
You like to play hard to get?
18-04-2021, 05:43 AM
You like to play hard to get?
Prefer mode one.
04-05-2021, 02:31 AM
It's been a while, Warbird :)
I will just add some penny thoughts:
Actually the love which is viewed as love, makes us lose our objectivity, and makes us less manly till we lose the one we think we truly love. Perhaps we need to think deeply what does love consists of, not the love which is taught by culture or society or the media.
1) If we feel we cannot afford to lose the one we love, usually we will end up losing them even faster.
2) Love blinds us to a fault till we lose the direction of the relationship.
3) Love makes us make the wrong decision, because we lose our objectivity and thus become ruled by our emotions only.
So in the end we need to think deeply on what really love is, it will probably take a while to get the answer, but once the answer comes, relationship with the ladies only grow stronger over time.
04-05-2021, 10:21 PM
I will always scroll in If I see someone match my expectation, I will send out a greeting and ask if there is any chance to proceed.
04-05-2021, 10:22 PM
you need to act fast if you meet someone that you like, because opportunity will not wait for you, you need to grab it
04-05-2021, 10:23 PM
1) buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
2) give her allowance every month
3) spend lots of time with her
4) bring her for holiday :p:p:p
not everyone can do it.....haiz
04-05-2021, 10:24 PM
Yeah, we all should stay safe.
No one is safe until everyone is safe.
ya virus is too contagious, vaccine also cannot be a solution of it at the moment
04-05-2021, 11:18 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
Tks for all the posts. I hv been very busy. I'll try to reply to all posts soon.
STAY SAFE!! Get vaccinated asap!
Bro WB
05-05-2021, 01:05 AM
Good evening to all samsters,
Tks for all the posts. I hv been very busy. I'll try to reply to all posts soon.
STAY SAFE!! Get vaccinated asap!
Bro WB
Great thread. You stay safe too bro! :)
05-05-2021, 03:25 PM
Excellent thread! Have to learn from bro warbird :)
Tks, bro
1) buy her gifts for every occasion: Birthday, Valentine day, Christmas
2) give her allowance every month
3) spend lots of time with her
4) bring her for holiday :p:p:p
Tks for the post.
Too nice and too needy.
Not cool and too easy gal will not appreciate.
I agree, bro.
U recommend pay DW levy as well ah?
You like to play hard to get?
Not exactly, but be dominant and assertive.
Prefer mode one.
Yes, always be Mode One.
It's been a while, Warbird :)
I will just add some penny thoughts:
Actually the love which is viewed as love, makes us lose our objectivity, and makes us less manly till we lose the one we think we truly love. Perhaps we need to think deeply what does love consists of, not the love which is taught by culture or society or the media.
1) If we feel we cannot afford to lose the one we love, usually we will end up losing them even faster.
2) Love blinds us to a fault till we lose the direction of the relationship.
3) Love makes us make the wrong decision, because we lose our objectivity and thus become ruled by our emotions only.
So in the end we need to think deeply on what really love is, it will probably take a while to get the answer, but once the answer comes, relationship with the ladies only grow stronger over time.
Bro, tks for the great post. I couldn't agree with you more.
Yes, as I have alluded to numerous times before, when a man loves a girl, he loses his objectivity, and his prior dominant behavior changes.
He cares too much, becomes too needy, too insecure, and is very afraid of losing HER. Ironically, she will now find him repulsive, even if she used to like/love him very much before.
The same needy and overcautious behavior occurs when a real-life Don Juan meets his 'dream girl.' He could get hundreds of beautiful girls without any effort, but he will definitely fail w/ this one most important girl in his life. Why? Because he thinks he is NOT good enough for HER!!
I will always scroll in If I see someone match my expectation, I will send out a greeting and ask if there is any chance to proceed.
Ths, bro
you need to act fast if you meet someone that you like, because opportunity will not wait for you, you need to grab it
not everyone can do it.....haiz
Good advice. Be Mode One.
ya virus is too contagious, vaccine also cannot be a solution of it at the moment
Bro, get COVID vaccine asap! It gives excellent protection against severe illness and death.
Great thread. You stay safe too bro! :)
Bro, tks. You keep safe too.
Good afternoon,
I would encourage every eligible person to get COVID vaccine asap.
The two currently available vaccines in SG are equally good.
I had my first jab only recently.
I waited a bit because I thought I had anaphylaxis 5-6 minutes after taking a muscle relaxant and analgesic for severe neck pain many yrs ago. I was in a clinic and I treated myself with i/m epinephrine. In retrospect, I had a vasovagal reaction with hypotension and bradycardia due to the pain. Whereas, a rapid pulse is usual in anaphylaxis. I also had no other symptoms of anaphylaxis.
Other vaccines may be available here soon. But don't wait, get it asap. To protect yourself and your loved ones.
Here is an informative article. The vaccine will greatly reduce the risks of getting severe disease and death.
Bro WB
07-05-2021, 12:11 PM
Good morning,
I just posted the following in another thread.
Originally Posted by addict999 View Post
Hi bro warbird..nice to see your posting again. How are u and your bao yang coping post covid
Hi bro,
The pleasure is all mine.
Since Mar 2020 I hv been to KTV only twice, both at Dynasty. Once for a look-see and once when I was invited to celebrate two friends' business success.
The standard of women/girls working in the nite scene in SG is now even worst than in the pre-COVID period. And, according to an experienced China lady, many of these women are raking in $30-50K a month! The weaker performers are making $20-30K a month.
I believe the FLs here are having a field day too.
All at the expense of our fellow cheongsters!!
I'm fortunate in that I still have my two long-term LPs in SG, LS n TY. I see one of them every day.
I have seen some of the photos of girls/women working at Lido. Mostly plastic. Many are old aunties.
Bro WB
08-05-2021, 09:23 PM
WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service :(
Nice share bro warbird!
15-05-2021, 11:25 PM
WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service :(
Nice share bro warbird!
Bro, tks.
Lots of money for mostly plastic aunties.
Very sad.
Bro WB
Good evening,
The pussy market in SG is deplorable. It's getting from bad to worse.:(
If you pay peanuts, you get plastic aunties. If you pay millions, you still get plastic aunties.
I have friends and bros who had paid millions to keep singers n they all got cheated and dumped in the end. Their singers were no Xi Shi. In fact, they were mostly plastic aunties. Isn't that depressing?
IMHO, 99.9999% of men are completely clueless about girls/women. They think because they are too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, too young or too old, or for whatever reason, they are NOT good enough for their dream girls. Their negative mental frame guarantees that their 'girls' (actually plastic aunties in most cases) will find them repulsive. They could get their pussies by paying and paying, but they would never capture their hearts.
OMG, who wants to capture the heart of a plastic auntie?
I now like to share a secret. I knew a long time ago that beautiful girls are NOT attracted to a man's looks, despite popular belief. But this one is quite different.
One of life's great secrets, according to Tucker Max.
I can confirm that Tucker Max is absolutely correct, although I never thought much about it, after analyzing my personal experiences over many decades.
Many girls, some of them quite pretty, had offered themselves to me for BY. I was pleasantly surprised because they were friends or guimi of my LPs. Some were very persistent. My LPs must have said great things about me.:D
Once I met a pretty 20 yo girl from Jiangsu at Las Vegas, 5th fl TAM in 2013. I asked for ST, she said no way. Then I asked if she would consider BY, and she said no. After 30-40 minutes, I casually mentioned that I had two mistresses, one in SG and one in Fujian waiting for a visa to come. She suddenly changed her attitude. She asked about their monthly allowances. Actually quite modest, but I told her. She then asked if I would consider taking her as my 3rd mistress.:D Well, I ended up doing ST on her. She returned to China before the expiration of her tourist visa. I didn't keep her because having 3 LPs in SG would be a bit too taxing.
Women definitely like men who are desired by other women. It's a form of social proof.
Bro WB
02-06-2021, 04:33 PM
Good afternoon,
I have learned and improved a lot since I started this thread on 14 June 2009. I was a newbie then, and it was quite an achievement for me if I could pick up KTV girls outside KTV. Wasn't that pathetic?
I changed the name of the thread a few years ago to reflect more accurately my primary mission.
Actually, merely getting and keeping the most attractive girls or dream girls of your type is not enough. You want to own their hearts and keep them addicted to you emotionally and sexually.
Derek Drake of Shogun Method fame wants to 'enslave' women of his type. No, not for me, because as a badass gentleman, I don't want to 'enslave' anyone. I merely want my dream girls to become addicted to me.
I have carefully analyzed many case studies of the man-woman relationship. And research papers on mating and evolutionary psychology. I have tried to connect the dots.
The story of King Fuchai, Xi Shi, and Fan Li is a classic tale, which is most insightful and illuminating.
Fuchai was the king of Wu and Xi Shi the extremely beautiful SYT. Fan Li? A slave to former king Go Jian of Yue, who was taken to Wu to serve as a slave to Fuchai. So Fan Li was a slave of a slave.
BTW, Fan Li was already an ah pek, being 28 years older than Xi Shi.
How did Fan Li win the heart of Xi Shi? Ponder on that...
Several reasons. Fan Li did rescue Xi Shi once.
But, most importantly, Xi Shi greatly admired Fan Li's emotional n self-mastery, intelligence, knowledge, trustworthiness, reliability, loyalty, courage, fearlessness, and unflappability.
Fan Li liked (loved?) Xi Shi very much, but he didn't need her. He offered her and another pretty SYT to King Fuchai. The rest, as they say, is history.
What is the moral of this famous story?
What is extremely attractive to very beautiful young women is a man's masculine character traits and behavior. His emotional strength and self-mastery are pivotal. And he behaves like the Prize and he believes he is the Prize
If you truly understand what beautiful women want in a man, and if you have awesome emotional strength and masculine character traits, you could get the most beautiful girl of your type. You will have no competitors.
Of course, gold diggers are the exception as they are only attracted to MONEY. They are psychopaths. We should avoid them as if they are lepers.
Any comments?
Bro WB
03-07-2021, 05:00 PM
Good afternoon!
I'm disappointed that most of my friends and kakis are still having difficulties in getting and keeping girls of their type.
They have not improved very much since I met them a long time ago.
Their negative subconscious beliefs, which were acquired during childhood and early teens, have been very resistant to reprogramming.
I just received a piece of new advice from a 'guru.'
His MO is a bit too crude for me.
It may work well with most girls, but you will be in big trouble if just one girl reports u to the police for sexual molestation. Or a gold digger may demand a big compensation.
So don't do it his way. Think and behave like the PRIZE.
Make the girl so wet in her panties n she will want you to do it. No, she may beg you to do it. It has happened to me.
Your comments?
Bro WB
04-07-2021, 05:03 PM
Very nice share bro WB, thanks! :)
04-07-2021, 05:43 PM
Good afternoon!
I'm disappointed that most of my friends and kakis are still having difficulties in getting and keeping girls of their type.
They have not improved very much since I met them a long time ago.
Their negative subconscious beliefs, which were acquired during childhood and early teens, have been very resistant to reprogramming.
I just received a piece of new advice from a 'guru.'
His MO is a bit too crude for me.
It may work well with most girls, but you will be in big trouble if just one girl reports u to the police for sexual molestation. Or a gold digger may demand a big compensation.
So don't do it his way. Think and behave like the PRIZE.
Make the girl so wet in her panties n she will want you to do it. No, she may beg you to do it. It has happened to me.
Your comments?
Bro WB
Bro WB, if a, girl allows a guy to make her wet, chances are, she wouldn't mind to let him go further with her.
Rarely would that be one that can get very wet yet ask the guy to stop from having sex. Unless she's a ultimate cock teaser.
Side track a little, I used to have a friend who had a cctv installed outside his house. Whenever he brought a ONS or fling home, he made it A SOP to french each other outside the door so that to prove its willing party for the romp.
04-07-2021, 11:05 PM
Very nice share bro WB, thanks! :)
Tks, bro
Bro WB, if a, girl allows a guy to make her wet, chances are, she wouldn't mind to let him go further with her.
Rarely would that be one that can get very wet yet ask the guy to stop from having sex. Unless she's a ultimate cock teaser.
Side track a little, I used to have a friend who had a cctv installed outside his house. Whenever he brought a ONS or fling home, he made it A SOP to french each other outside the door so that to prove its willing party for the romp.
You're right. If you could make a girl's panties soaking wet just by holding and kissing her hand, she won't be able to tahan n would want you to fxxk her asap.
I used to have a FB, a 19 yo tall Msian Chinese girl from Sarawak, who complained that I didn't have a heart. Why? Because I would fxxk her only once a week. She got so wet that she always brought an extra pair of clean panties. Our RS lasted until she got married at 22 in Sarawak.
A CCTV is a great idea, tks.
Bro WB
05-07-2021, 08:49 PM
you need to determine the type you want before you start to hunt. Like me, I know I love babe, then I will hunt in search for their profile and details which suits me. Then, start attack her, sending message and ask for date. As long as face thick enough, can secure the girl in short time
05-07-2021, 08:51 PM
look for someone who makes you erect when chit chatting, that definitely is a girl you would like to proceed with
05-07-2021, 08:52 PM
WTF $20 to 30k for this type of fark service :(
Nice share bro warbird!
definitely sometime need to have enough money in order to get date
05-07-2021, 08:53 PM
Great tips from Master Warbird and all here! As a man, every lady deserves to be treated with respect, no matter her background or circumstance. Yes, some do not reciprocate, but i feel it's better to rise above and take to positives with the negatives. Sometimes, you only see true colours after a few tests.
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
05-07-2021, 09:59 PM
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
No need 6 months, usually less than that
07-07-2021, 04:52 PM
you need to determine the type you want before you start to hunt. Like me, I know I love babe, then I will hunt in search for their profile and details which suits me. Then, start attack her, sending message and ask for date. As long as face thick enough, can secure the girl in short time
look for someone who makes you erect when chit chatting, that definitely is a girl you would like to proceed with
definitely sometime need to have enough money in order to get date
usually true colours will appear after 6 months
Thank you for your pointers. Are some of the girls in sugarbook FLs?
No need 6 months, usually less than that
Yup, Usually less than 6 months.
07-07-2021, 05:23 PM
Tks, bro
You're right. If you could make a girl's panties soaking wet just by holding and kissing her hand, she won't be able to tahan n would want you to fxxk her asap.
I used to have a FB, a 19 yo tall Msian Chinese girl from Sarawak, who complained that I didn't have a heart. Why? Because I would fxxk her only once a week. She got so wet that she always brought an extra pair of clean panties. Our RS lasted until she got married at 22 in Sarawak.
A CCTV is a great idea, tks.
Bro WB it's a rather delicate balance between having just enough heart from being just a fucker. Once too much is involved and the RS needs to end, will be painful or might even be tragic. See so many love crime that ended up killing or injuring the partners.
Best to know what you really are seeking.
Remember, there's no free lunch and no such thing as absolutely no string attached.
08-07-2021, 04:57 PM
it's a rather delicate balance between having just enough heart from being just a fucker. Once too much is involved and the RS needs to end, will be painful or might even be tragic. See so many love crime that ended up killing or injuring the partners.
Best to know what you really are seeking.
Remember, there's no free lunch and no such thing as absolutely no string attached.
Tks, very wise words.
There is always a significant emotional connection in any sexual relationship lasting for more than a year. One partner will end up liking or loving the other more, sometimes much more, and a breakup could be unbearable...
Yeah, if a badass gentleman is too successful with his dream girls, there will be unexpected negative consequences.
He always wants to leave them better, in as many ways as possible, than when he first met them. This could be very difficult if his dream girls are too deeply addicted to him, both sexually n emotionally.
Careful planning is needed. He should start distancing himself from her. Do it slowly and gently to lessen the impact.
Bro WB
08-07-2021, 05:39 PM
Tks, very wise words.
There is always a significant emotional connection in any sexual relationship lasting for more than a year. One partner will end up liking or loving the other more, sometimes much more, and a breakup could be unbearable...
Yeah, if a badass gentleman is too successful with his dream girls, there will be unexpected negative consequences.
He always wants to leave them better, in as many ways as possible, than when he first met them. This could be very difficult if his dream girls are too deeply addicted to him, both sexually n emotionally.
Careful planning is needed. He should start distancing himself from her. Do it slowly and gently to lessen the impact.
Bro WBindeed. Human always have the tenancy to become possessive and obsessive, especially when feeling insecure in a relationship. Be it between lovers, parents and children, or even between BFF.
Once that happens, things become very complicated.
08-07-2021, 10:05 PM
Tks, very wise words.
There is always a significant emotional connection in any sexual relationship lasting for more than a year. One partner will end up liking or loving the other more, sometimes much more, and a breakup could be unbearable...
Yeah, if a badass gentleman is too successful with his dream girls, there will be unexpected negative consequences.
He always wants to leave them better, in as many ways as possible, than when he first met them. This could be very difficult if his dream girls are too deeply addicted to him, both sexually n emotionally.
Careful planning is needed. He should start distancing himself from her. Do it slowly and gently to lessen the impact.
Bro WB
Nice sharing. Care to share examples of leaving them slowly and gently? Reduce frequency of communication and meet ups till it comes natural for them to let go? Would you meet up once a while or just let it die off?
10-07-2021, 07:21 AM
Times up just ignore all calls and blocked social apps etc.
10-07-2021, 11:41 AM
Going through a relationship at this moment. Close to 1 year already. Alot of up and down.
Now come to realise that sometimes would have to let the gal know there are others available if she do not treasure the relationship. Some gals just take one kindness for granted.
At a cross road now, have a younger nicer gal appear. Trying to make mind on how I should keep now. After 14/7 decision time.
A cool down period with gal a now. And see how gal b is before big decision.
10-07-2021, 03:25 PM
Going through a relationship at this moment. Close to 1 year already. Alot of up and down.
A cool down period with gal a now. And see how gal b is before big decision.
I would just keep both a secret from each other. In fact if I've 20, all 20 won't know they have any competition at all. They'll all think it's exclusive.
This will help you keep your options always open especially if you've 100s in your Black book, you won't scared no girl.
Also marrying, dating, sex are 3 different things. They need not be in the same person. And each need not be 1 person (except that marrying you need to watch the law, if you're already legally married in sg).
10-07-2021, 03:31 PM
Nice sharing. Care to share examples of leaving them slowly and gently? Reduce frequency of communication and meet ups till it comes natural for them to let go? Would you meet up once a while or just let it die off?
Yes reduce frequency of communication.
Reduce meet ups.
Let it die off.
If you're already married or in a committed relationship, breaking off from the other girl and especially if she is very attached to you, is dangerous cuz she may turn around to tell your spouse or girlfriend.
So better to let it die a "natural death".
Also I've many cases as recent as last week where those that died a natural death I suddenly miss them (mostly for fucks), and re text them back. Usually about 70% will respond positively cuz you didn't indicate a break. They most likely may miss you too.
11-07-2021, 03:49 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters,
My special thanks to the following bros for such excellent n insightful posts.
indeed. Human always have the tenancy to become possessive and obsessive, especially when feeling insecure in a relationship. Be it between lovers, parents and children, or even between BFF.
Once that happens, things become very complicated.
Yes, bro.
Human relationships are always very complicated, even between identical conjoint twins.
One reason is that most humans are selfish, insecure, jealous, fearful, and greedy.
Nice sharing. Care to share examples of leaving them slowly and gently? Reduce frequency of communication and meet ups till it comes natural for them to let go? Would you meet up once a while or just let it die off?
Yes, let it die off. Also, read bro entering's posts below.
It largely depends on the type of relationship. A legal marriage with young children would be the hardest to break up and a causal FB would be the easiest and all the others in between.
A note on RS with WLs and FLs. This should be among the easiest to part company. But, sometimes, the client or, extremely infrequently, the WL herself becomes attached emotionally n sexually. It's usually unrequited love. It can be tragic for the client.
The situation is very different if a man and his mistress aka lao po have been together for over a year. Could be a dangerous situation for the man if he wants to dump the girl who is still addicted to him and, especially if she is a local. Much less troublesome if she is a foreigner. I have done that many times. I always leave them better than when I met them.
Times up just ignore all calls and blocked social apps etc.
Yeah, just go cold turkey.
Going through a relationship at this moment. Close to 1 year already. Alot of up and down.
Now come to realise that sometimes would have to let the gal know there are others available if she do not treasure the relationship. Some gals just take one kindness for granted.
At a cross road now, have a younger nicer gal appear. Trying to make mind on how I should keep now. After 14/7 decision time.
A cool down period with gal a now. And see how gal b is before big decision.
Bro, tks for sharing.
Don't think too much. Why can't you keep both the old girl and the younger nicer girl? I often do that.
I would just keep both a secret from each other. In fact if I've 20, all 20 won't know they have any competition at all. They'll all think it's exclusive.
This will help you keep your options always open especially if you've 100s in your Black book, you won't scared no girl.
Also marrying, dating, sex are 3 different things. They need not be in the same person. And each need not be 1 person (except that marrying you need to watch the law, if you're already legally married in sg).
Tks, bro.
A man is always the prize n should never have a scarcity mindset.
Yes, legal marriage, dating, and sex are very different. It's very difficult for a man to find a girl who could fulfill all his needs.
Yes reduce frequency of communication.
Reduce meet ups.
Let it die off.
If you're already married or in a committed relationship, breaking off from the other girl and especially if she is very attached to you, is dangerous cuz she may turn around to tell your spouse or girlfriend.
So better to let it die a "natural death".
Also I've many cases as recent as last week where those that died a natural death I suddenly miss them (mostly for fucks), and re text them back. Usually about 70% will respond positively cuz you didn't indicate a break. They most likely may miss you too.
Bro, very good advice.
Bro WB
07-08-2021, 04:57 PM
Good afternoon,
There will be more COVID variants that might be more contagious and more deadly.
I don't believe relying solely on vaccines is the solution. Just look at the recent data.
This pandemic is a stress test for a country's governance, healthcare standards and its equitable delivery, and civic unity and responsibility of residents.
As for each individual, it's time to maintain optimal health and optimal immunity. Because your very survival will depend on it.
Only the fittest and the smartest will survive.
It's time to reflect on what humans have done to planet earth, even though it's just a pale blue dot, and to one another.
Bro WB
11-08-2021, 04:42 PM
Good afternoon to all samsters,
I'm very worried that COVID vaccination could give many uninformed people a false sense of security. I would be remiss if I didn't share the following articles:
Herd immunity ‘not a possibility’ with Delta variant
Head of Oxford Vaccine Group says vaccination won’t stop spread altogether.
August 10, 2021 4:34 pm
LONDON — Herd immunity is “not a possibility” with the current spread of the Delta variant due to it still infecting vaccinated individuals, the head of the Oxford Vaccine Group Andrew Pollard said Tuesday.
Pollard, who was involved in the development of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, told the U.K.'s All-Party Parliamentary Group on coronavirus that, unlike measles — where 95 percent vaccination of the population would stop transmission — the same couldn’t be said for coronavirus spread by the Delta variants.
“That does mean anyone still unvaccinated at some point will meet the virus,” he warned. Pollard said that vaccines may slow the process of transmission, with data indicating that people who are vaccinated and test positive seem to be shedding the virus for a slightly shorter period of time. However, given the circulation of the highly transmissible Delta variant vaccination wouldn’t stop spread altogether.
“We are in a situation with this current variant where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals,” he said. “I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is perhaps even better at transmitting in vaccinated populations. So that’s an even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine program around herd immunity.”
Pollard explained that one of the strongest arguments for vaccinating children is to protect adults. However, he said that vaccinating children wouldn’t completely stop transmission and that there was an urgent need to ensure adults are vaccinated the world over. Countries around Europe are currently discussing whether to offer a vaccine to all teenagers — with varying decisions being made.
Fauci warns more severe Covid variant could emerge as U.S. cases near 100,000 daily
I’m Vaccinated And Still Got COVID-19. Here’s What A Breakthrough Case Is Like.
Jeff Dingler
Mon, 9 August 2021, 9:00 pm
Get vaccinated asap. Stay safe.
Your optimal immunity will be the best protection for your life and health.
Bro WB
11-08-2021, 11:31 PM
Awesome thread by bro warbird, thanks! :)
12-08-2021, 12:25 PM
No health no wealth boys. There will be Lambda variant coming soon as countries fatigue out and their systems & medical personnel get strained to the max. Its going to be some time before the Fat lady sings. Prioritize your health & limit your risky activities. Death = Game Over.
14-08-2021, 04:41 PM
Awesome thread by bro warbird, thanks! :)
Tks, bro.
No health no wealth boys. There will be Lambda variant coming soon as countries fatigue out and their systems & medical personnel get strained to the max. Its going to be some time before the Fat lady sings. Prioritize your health & limit your risky activities. Death = Game Over.
Bro, tks for your timely and prudent advice.
"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything."
Good afternoon,
The 'sex scene' in SG is very bad due to a severe 'supply and demand ' imbalance. 僧多粥少!
According to a China agent here, most China women are getting 25k-30k sgd a month from their boyfriends! And these women are plastic women or aunties. A younger plastic girl could ask for 50k and up a month for full BY!!
I call this insanity. I have paid, and am still paying, 30-35% of the 25k-30k rates for full BY. And my girls have mostly been natural, cute n pretty SYTs. I had an HK SYT and a tall realtor who wanted much less.
Hopefully, the 'scene' will improve AFTER the COVID pandemic.
Let me sum up the current deplorable situation.
If you pay peanuts, you get aunties.
If you pay millions, you get plastic aunties.
Isn't life crazy? Too many well-to-do men with a scarcity mindset, and who are clueless about women.
I may start a new thread called "Love in the time of COVID."
Bro WB
14-08-2021, 08:31 PM
Would just like to do some sharing here.
Around 2 months back I broke off with this PRC girl that I got to know a year ago on Wechat. I believed I was a simp when I first got to know her.
When we first started, she was renting a room with a room mate, so when it came to sex she said this: 我不要去酒店,不喜欢做完事就拉裤子走人的感觉。It was a hint that she wanted her own room. So I went out to find a room for her where the owner allows friends to visit kind. After much searching manage to find. And also I helped to pay her rental. Along the way she wanted a new phone, so I bought it and also paid for the monthly phone bills. On top of that it was grocery trips and buying gold for her when she said she made a fuss that I didn't get anything for her. Also got a ring for her. All these just for some pussy. Now looking back it was a mistake on my part. If a girl wants you, there is no need to go through all the hassle.
15-08-2021, 08:52 AM
Would just like to do some sharing here.
Around 2 months back I broke off with this PRC girl that I got to know a year ago on Wechat. I believed I was a simp when I first got to know her.
When we first started, she was renting a room with a room mate, so when it came to sex she said this: 我不要去酒店,不喜欢做完事就拉裤子走人的感觉。It was a hint that she wanted her own room. So I went out to find a room for her where the owner allows friends to visit kind. After much searching manage to find. And also I helped to pay her rental. Along the way she wanted a new phone, so I bought it and also paid for the monthly phone bills. On top of that it was grocery trips and buying gold for her when she said she made a fuss that I didn't get anything for her. Also got a ring for her. All these just for some pussy. Now looking back it was a mistake on my part. If a girl wants you, there is no need to go through all the hassle.
Some lessons needs to be learnt, just don't make the same mistake twice.
I think there is not much sense in regret, rather than a bit of introspection to see what can be learnt from that episode. She was with you for 10 months, so that's not too bad and I hope you had some memorable fucks in between.
15-08-2021, 08:57 AM
I have paid, and am still paying, 30-35% of the 25k-30k rates for full BY. And my girls have mostly been natural, cute n pretty SYTs. I had an HK SYT and a tall realtor who wanted much less.
$7.5K seems to be around the lowest possible minimum, that's roughly how much I am paying as well.
S-pass is around $3000 (I pay less, but that's quibbling just want to give some benchmark numbers)
Rental and utilities is around $1500
Allowance is around $3000 or $100 a day.
This is not luxurious by any means since a girl always likes to indulge in small things once in a while - a trip to Sephora or to someplace not expensive like Zara once a month is already $1000+, Foodpanda every now and then can add up to another $1000/month
15-08-2021, 10:31 AM
Would just like to do some sharing here.
Around 2 months back I broke off with this PRC girl that I got to know a year ago on Wechat. I believed I was a simp when I first got to know her.
When we first started, she was renting a room with a room mate, so when it came to sex she said this: 我不要去酒店,不喜欢做完事就拉裤子走人的感觉。It was a hint that she wanted her own room. So I went out to find a room for her where the owner allows friends to visit kind. After much searching manage to find. And also I helped to pay her rental. Along the way she wanted a new phone, so I bought it and also paid for the monthly phone bills. On top of that it was grocery trips and buying gold for her when she said she made a fuss that I didn't get anything for her. Also got a ring for her. All these just for some pussy. Now looking back it was a mistake on my part. If a girl wants you, there is no need to go through all the hassle.
To some women, especially those that are single or divorced, even some masried ones, as long as you are not single, they feel that they lose a lot or sacrifice to be with you, hence, you need to make up to them monetarily. I used to think likewise, but not anymore. We do put in feelings and effort to maintain the relationship if money has to be involved actively, why spend on one pussy when you can have variety going for the professional WL in GL?
I remembered years ago I met this lady who's married to a Singapore man, she asked for branded gift, first a Hermes bangle, I refused, then a Bvlgari ring, I also refused, but I still scored a round with her without all these gifts. Then when she tried asking for allowance, I told her to fly her kites. For those who thought their pussies are casted with diamonds, find those Roberts who love to be chopped. Excuse me.
19-08-2021, 04:20 PM
Would just like to do some sharing here.
Around 2 months back I broke off with this PRC girl that I got to know a year ago on Wechat. I believed I was a simp when I first got to know her.
When we first started, she was renting a room with a room mate, so when it came to sex she said this: 我不要去酒店,不喜欢做完事就拉裤子走人的感觉。It was a hint that she wanted her own room. So I went out to find a room for her where the owner allows friends to visit kind. After much searching manage to find. And also I helped to pay her rental. Along the way she wanted a new phone, so I bought it and also paid for the monthly phone bills. On top of that it was grocery trips and buying gold for her when she said she made a fuss that I didn't get anything for her. Also got a ring for her. All these just for some pussy. Now looking back it was a mistake on my part. If a girl wants you, there is no need to go through all the hassle.
Tks for sharing your experience w/ this PRC girl.
Mistake? Not if you really liked her and you have learned from the RS. Every encounter is a valuable lesson.
Many PRC girls who are in SG are very mercenary. Is the girl a WL?
Bro WB
Some lessons needs to be learnt, just don't make the same mistake twice.
I think there is not much sense in regret, rather than a bit of introspection to see what can be learnt from that episode. She was with you for 10 months, so that's not too bad and I hope you had some memorable fucks in between.
Bro, I agree.
$7.5K seems to be around the lowest possible minimum, that's roughly how much I am paying as well.
S-pass is around $3000 (I pay less, but that's quibbling just want to give some benchmark numbers)
Rental and utilities is around $1500
Allowance is around $3000 or $100 a day.
This is not luxurious by any means since a girl always likes to indulge in small things once in a while - a trip to Sephora or to someplace not expensive like Zara once a month is already $1000+, Foodpanda every now and then can add up to another $1000/month
Your calculations are correct. I heard the market rates for full BY are much higher now. Higher damage for lower quality women. Most of these females are way too old for me to call them 'girls.'
To some women, especially those that are single or divorced, even some masried ones, as long as you are not single, they feel that they lose a lot or sacrifice to be with you, hence, you need to make up to them monetarily. I used to think likewise, but not anymore. We do put in feelings and effort to maintain the relationship if money has to be involved actively, why spend on one pussy when you can have variety going for the professional WL in GL?
I remembered years ago I met this lady who's married to a Singapore man, she asked for branded gift, first a Hermes bangle, I refused, then a Bvlgari ring, I also refused, but I still scored a round with her without all these gifts. Then when she tried asking for allowance, I told her to fly her kites. For those who thought their pussies are casted with diamonds, find those Roberts who love to be chopped. Excuse me.
Well said!
When I started BY in 2009, I was already an ah pek. I was a newbie at the time n I thought a pretty SYT aged 18-21 was a grand prize. Big mistake.
When I refused to buy expensive gifts, some of them would say, "我的青春都给你了。“ They were trying to convince me why I should buy them the gifts. In retrospect, these girls were gold diggers.
Took me many years to reprogram my NEGATIVE subconscious beliefs. It's a totally different ball game now.
I'm the grand prize to all my dream girls, current and future, in my subconscious mind.
This is the only correct mental frame. It's magical.
Please achieve this winning mindset, whatever it takes.
Bro WB
19-08-2021, 04:52 PM
If I were single or divorced, looking for a girl to be my live in gf, then BY will be irrelevant. If she treats me well, I will reciprocate the same.
If I were attached or married, merely looking for FWB, then I will want to be very clear about what I can and will do. Don't lie, don't BS, don't commit to something you cannot deliver. The end is, best case, she is heart broken and walks out of it. The worst, she wrecks havocs, chop off you GGJ and kill herself.
19-08-2021, 10:25 PM
If I were single or divorced, looking for a girl to be my live in gf, then BY will be irrelevant. If she treats me well, I will reciprocate the same.
If I were attached or married, merely looking for FWB, then I will want to be very clear about what I can and will do. Don't lie, don't BS, don't commit to something you cannot deliver. The end is, best case, she is heart broken and walks out of it. The worst, she wrecks havocs, chop off you GGJ and kill herself.
Bro, tks so much for sharing your thoughts and expertise.
I'm a bit different.
Good evening to all samsters,
I like to grow w/ my dream girls, together, every day, in every way possible.
That is the only way for a relationship to stay healthy and flourish. It's a win-win situation.
I always make sure I leave a girl BETTER, in as many ways as possible than when I first met her.
I came across the following on "the highest form of love between a man and a woman" a few days ago. It struck a chord...
I have translated the Chinese msg into English. I have also taken the liberty to alter and/or add some phrases to make it closer to what I believe is the ideal LOVE relationship.
IMHO, the following describes the highest form of love relationship between a man and a woman, a combination of eros and philia.
"A man’s highest form of love for a woman is to be a mentor to her. To personally teach her, step by step, the requisite skills and emotional strength for survival in any society and under any circumstances. He also bestows on her enough resources, support and protection: Financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual. He will make sure that when and if he is not around, she will live well, with dignity and be fulfilled and happy."
"A woman’s highest form of love for a man is to appreciate and admire his masculine character traits, specialized skills, his value to society, intelligence, and emotional mastery. She helps and encourages him to achieve his full potential, affirm his uniqueness, reach his goals, and she teaches him self-love and love for others. She will make sure that when and if she is not around, he will be able to take good care of himself and continue to give value to society."
Any comments and criticisms?
Bro WB
28-08-2021, 09:55 PM
Good evening!
Many men try every which way to get attractive girls of their type to like them. They think that is the quickest way to get into their pants. But their behavior and body language often make them appear insecure and needy.
Big mistake.
I receive this email from Allen on this interesting topic.
Don Juan,
By far, the biggest mistake men make when they want to turn a woman on...
Is thinking that LUSTING FOR YOU somehow comes from LIKING you.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
You see, whether or not a girl "likes" you and approves of you has nothing to do with whether or not she wants to wrap her legs around you and bang your brains out.
In fact...
Women are more likely to fantasize about having sex with a guy they don't particularly "like" in the traditional sense.
That's because LUST and LIKING exist in different areas of her brain.
"Liking" is generated in the rational, logical part of the brain.
And "lust" is activated in the deeper, more primal, animal part of the brain.
The good news is...
That a woman's primal, animal brain is much more powerful than her logical, reasonable one.
And guys who know how to activate it have an insane amount of choice with women.
When you think about it, we men aren't that different.
I'm sure there's been a girl you didn't particularly "like" or connect with...
But you wouldn't hesitate to slide into bed with her and tear her clothes off.
The main difference between a man's brain and a woman's brain...
Is whereas a man's primal lust is triggered by a woman's physical appearance, a woman's primal lust is triggered by the signals his BODY LANGUAGE gives off.
That's why carrying yourself a certain way will make a woman squirm in her seat...
Bro WB
28-08-2021, 10:51 PM
I like to share a tip from Mr. Mike Haines.
Tip of the day:
“You don’t get pussy by being attractive. You become attractive by getting pussy.”
I couldn't agree with him more.
A bit crude, but very true.:D
29-08-2021, 12:25 AM
I like to share a tip from Mr. Mike Haines.
Tip of the day:
“You don’t get pussy by being attractive. You become attractive by getting pussy.”
I couldn't agree with him more.
A bit crude, but very true.:D
That's a very good quote!! :)
08-09-2021, 06:53 PM
That's a very good quote!! :)
Tks, bro.
.................................................. ........
Good evening,
I like to share some insights on what is very attractive to women from Mr. Mike Haines.
"Women are attracted to you because you have a stronger frame than they do."
"Women would rather fuck an ugly guy with a strong frame than a handsome guy with a weak one."
"A girl can ONLY get horny for you if you have a stronger frame than her."
“Be a man. Act like you have answers.” (Bill Burr)
Any comments?
Bro WB
08-09-2021, 10:05 PM
Tks, bro.
.................................................. ........
Good evening,
I like to share some insights on what is very attractive to women from Mr. Mike Haines.
"Women are attracted to you because you have a stronger frame than they do."
"Women would rather fuck an ugly guy with a strong frame than a handsome guy with a weak one."
"A girl can ONLY get horny for you if you have a stronger frame than her."
“Be a man. Act like you have answers.” (Bill Burr)
Any comments?
Bro WB
Hi Bro WB, what is this frame refering to ? Hope to get your enlightenment
09-09-2021, 10:22 PM
Hi Bro WB, what is this frame refering to ? Hope to get your enlightenment
Bro, tks for your question.
"FRAME" is the frame of mind or state of mind or mindset, and in the context of attracting women, refers to a man's emotional strength, self-mastery, and other masculine character traits including courage, dominance, confidence, non-neediness, ambition, intelligence, specialized knowledge/skills, trustworthiness, reliability, compassion, n kindness, etc.
I forgot a MAN's value to society and that he is God's gift to all beautiful women in the world. If all of the above is truly your frame of mind at the subconscious level, you will have no competition in getting all the most attractive girls of your type.
Bro WB
10-09-2021, 05:27 AM
Thanks for sharing bro WB.
10-09-2021, 10:17 AM
Bro, tks for your question.
"FRAME" is the frame of mind or state of mind or mindset, and in the context of attracting women, refers to a man's emotional strength, self-mastery, and other masculine character traits including courage, dominance, confidence, non-neediness, ambition, intelligence, specialized knowledge/skills, trustworthiness, reliability, compassion, n kindness, etc.
I forgot a MAN's value to society and that he is God's gift to all beautiful women in the world. If all of the above is truly your frame of mind at the subconscious level, you will have no competition in getting all the most attractive girls of your type.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
If I may add - self assured, peace of mind, giving, not exploitative, making them feel they can trust you.
It's all in the mind and playing with their minds with enough sincerity. True power.
12-09-2021, 04:04 PM
Bro WB,
If I may add - self assured, peace of mind, giving, not exploitative, making them feel they can trust you.
It's all in the mind and playing with their minds with enough sincerity. True power.
Bro, tks for your post.
Yes, self-assuredness is more than just self-confidence. My two Nanjing women like to say 要很笃定,很冷静 or very self-assured and very calm, coolheaded and imperturbable, no matter what happens.
Peace of mind and tranquility are also vital. Yes, especially in life and death situations. That is when we can separate a real MAN from tens of thousands of little men/boys. Unlike in ordinary circumstances when a man may be able to fake it.
Don't forget to be ASSERTIVE, but not aggressive. Be dominant, not domineering. Be in control, not controlling. Big difference. Very big difference.
All of the above are results of a MAN's awesome emotional strength and self-mastery at the subconscious level.
Be fearless. Like a zen master.
Yes, in the last many yrs, I hv also alluded to the importance of generosity, empathy, compassion, kindness, loyalty, responsibility, reliability, and trustworthiness. A man's word is his bond.
I hv also stressed the importance of giving unconditionally. See my post on the highest form of love between a woman and a man.
Last not but not least, a MAN should think and behave like the prize from the first second he meets his dream girl until the last second he is with her. :D
If you have ALL the masculine character traits I have mentioned here and in my previous post, do you think you will have any competition in getting your dream girl? Unless she is a psychopathic gold digger.
Bro WB
12-09-2021, 07:00 PM
Nicely replied, Bro WB.
I think it also obliges the man to discern the woman accurately.
13-09-2021, 10:12 PM
Nicely replied, Bro WB.
I think it also obliges the man to discern the woman accurately.
You have made my night!
Yes, must choose a girl with intelligence and good character if you want her to be a long-term partner.
Bro WB
15-09-2021, 12:14 PM
Good morning,
IMHO, extremely few attractive and cute SYTs of my type from PRC will be coming to Singapore after the pandemic. Actually, there has been a dearth of these highly desirable girls since 2016.
Sadly, we will be getting only plastic women/aunties and very old aunties.
Unless the very attractive young woman knows you very well and wants to be your long-term sexual partner, she won't come here. If you do happen to see one, you can be certain that she is the GF, lao po or mistress of another man here.
Bro WB
16-09-2021, 12:37 PM
Good morning,
IMHO, extremely few attractive and cute SYTs of my type from PRC will be coming to Singapore after the pandemic. Actually, there has been a dearth of these highly desirable girls since 2016.
Sadly, we will be getting only plastic women/aunties and very old aunties.
Unless the very attractive young woman knows you very well and wants to be your long-term sexual partner, she won't come here. If you do happen to see one, you can be certain that she is the GF, lao po or mistress of another man here.
Bro WB
There is basically no nightlife in Singapore so how to get pretty gals coming?
16-09-2021, 01:29 PM
There is basically no nightlife in Singapore so how to get pretty gals coming?
When there's a will, there's a way.
Great thread bro warbird!
18-09-2021, 08:47 PM
There is basically no nightlife in Singapore so how to get pretty gals coming?
Bro, very difficult.
When there's a will, there's a way.
Great thread bro warbird!
Yes, bro.
There are ways, we just need to look a lot harder and leave no stone unturned.
Cheers to all bros,
Bro WB
20-09-2021, 08:59 PM
when i was in, those guys love to tackle me after like my video, will start asking for my facebook and wechat account to get connected. If they guy is ok, i will give them too
20-09-2021, 09:00 PM
Bro WB,
If I may add - self assured, peace of mind, giving, not exploitative, making them feel they can trust you.
It's all in the mind and playing with their minds with enough sincerity. True power.
trust and first impression is very important
20-09-2021, 09:01 PM
if you really love a girl, you will find some ideas to tackle her, different people use different tactics
20-09-2021, 09:02 PM
I think a good approach is sharing about yourself first to the lady that way she will be feeling more relax and willing start the conversation. Remember to spice up a notch once in a while as you are looking for something more and not looking for friend zoned. Stay playful but not like a jerk, there is a fine line. :)
when the girl willing to talk to you you already half success
23-09-2021, 04:59 PM
when i was in, those guys love to tackle me after like my video, will start asking for my facebook and wechat account to get connected. If they guy is ok, i will give them too
Hi Sammy,
Thanks for the post.
23-09-2021, 05:19 PM
Good afternoon,
I received the following from Mike Haines several days ago. He is a red pill man and I don't always agree with his frames, methods, and actions, but this narrative is interesting and it illustrates some of his masculine character traits.
It also caught my attention because he approached an 18 yo girl n he used terms such as unconscious incompetence and unconscious competence, which I have alluded to a few times in this thread. Mike is 30 and he thinks he is old for an 18 yo SYT? Wait till he is an ah pek and then it would be a true litmus test of his masculine strength and emotional mastery.
I have done minimal editing to make it more readable.
Last Saturday afternoon I was sitting around at home bored.
Nightclubs still aren’t in Dublin yet, and I’ve quit online dating, so I have very little to do.
So I went out.
Not to get girls.
(Which I’m trying to avoid right now, for the purposes of spiritual growth.)
But simply to have an adventure.
So anyway, I had a couple of drinks and walked into the city.
There was a massive “bloc party” type thing going on.
Lots of hot chicks around…
I’m walking through the street and I see a rapturously beautiful girl leaning against the wall talking on her phone.
She’s young, small, blonde, with long tanned legs, wearing Air Force 1s and a short so skirt it barely covers her panties.
I walked past her.
A few yards away, I turned back to look at her. She looks at me and then looks away.
OK… ok… fine.
I walk back there, slowly, not looking at her.
Then when I’m a few feet away from her I hold out my hand.
She looks at me but she’s still on the phone.
“Hi, I’m Michael.”
She puts the phone away immediately.
We get to talking and I sit down beside her.
Turns out she’s 18.
I tell her I’m 30, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
I start teasing her.
She says something (I can’t remember what), and I use it as an excuse to do a take-away.
I make a “weirded out” face and get up as if to leave. “Well, anyway, I gotta go…”
“Shut up!!” she smacks me, grinning.
I’m standing in front of her now.
I get her to stand up and hug me as if I’m about to leave.
We hug… I look into her eyes…
Pupils are massive, big goofy grin = green light.
I kiss her and she kisses me back hungrily.
Her lips are warm and sweet.
I explore her body with my hands.
Her ass is perfect.
So tight and round and perky.
We go off together and get lost in the night…
Not bad for the first cold approach in weeks.
It used to be that I would need a massive state of “momentum” to approach a girl this hot.
And even if I could approach without momentum, I wouldn’t be able to escalate.
But this was SMOOTH.
No momentum is needed.
No buildup.
No fake confidence.
Hadn’t cold approached a girl in maybe 6 weeks.
Hadn’t even spoken to another human being in 7 days.
Walk outside…
See a 9/10…
Kiss within 3 minutes…
Not trying to do anything.
No desire for any particular outcome.
Happy if she wants to talk to me.
Happy if she does not.
This is the kind of thing you can expect when you get good at this.
It goes from:
Unconscious incompetence
Conscious incompetence
Conscious competence
and finally to…
Unconscious competence.
That’s the sweet spot.
And that’s the end result of learning this or any other skill.
It becomes programmed into your muscle memory and reflexes so that you can do it without even thinking about it…
And without strenuous effort…
Without fear…
Without lust of result.
Talking to girls may be hard when you're starting out.
It might seem like you're fighting an uphill struggle to remember to do 13 different things, and it's just too complex.
But like anything else, it becomes more and more effortless over time.
Everything is hard before it's easy.
Yup, he was smooth and he didn't give two hoots about the outcome.
Bro WB
29-09-2021, 08:53 PM
Good evening,
Mr. Mike Haines just sent me a new email.
His methods may work well with many heterosexual girls/women because they don't have a choice. A bad boy or jerk is more attractive than a wussy nice guy. But I know these females will flock to a real badass gentleman, provided they are lucky enough to find one. Sadly, 99.9% of them will never meet one in their entire life. Now you know why so many women are frustrated and bitchy.
Here is Mike's email.
Bro Warbird,
How to tease a woman into a SEXUAL FRENZY....
Never apologize. Never explain.
These lines are spoken by John Wayne’s character in the1949 film She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
They are words to live by.
Whatever you may think of Trump, even his harshest critics now realize that his refusal to apologize — even when he made clear mistakes — was one of the reasons he won the election.
People are sick and tired of cowardly leaders (in business and politics) who will apologize for anything and everything.
It just breeds resentment.
When Trump refused to apologize for anything, it was refreshing to people.
“Here is a man who won’t be pushed around easily — even when he’s in the wrong!”
This is attractive to people.
Apologizing is an easy way to “defuse” a situation..
But it also shows WEAKNESS.
Namely, it shows that you’re willing to lose face in order to take the “easy” way out of a crisis — and this is innately a bitch move.
Never apologize to women — even when you’re clearly in the wrong.
No woman wakes up and thinks, “You know what I really want? A man who knows how to apologize to me.”
I can assure you that when women are masturbating with their vibrators, they’re not thinking about a man apologizing to them.
They’re thinking about a man grabbing them by the throat and fucking them like they’re a cheap whore.
Give her the GIFT of being the kind of man who she’s EXCITED by… sexually and emotionally.
Men will apologize to women thinking they’re someone doing her a “favor” — when in fact it’s the opposite.
All you’re really doing is destroying her FANTASY of you and making it so that she can’t get wet for you.
All demands for an apology are a SHIT TEST.
She is really trying to see if you will SUBMIT to her.
And if you do — it lets her know that you’re not the type of man she wants to reproduce with.
(Though she may stay with you to be a provider while she goes out and fucks alpha males).
It's ok to apologize to a girl if you're clearly wrong. Go ahead, but just say it once.
I'll introduce Mr. Hayden soon. He is almost a badass gentleman.
Bro WB
29-09-2021, 11:12 PM
Great share bro warbird, many thanks! :)
30-09-2021, 10:44 AM
In short, its to be a REAL MAN, not a sissy gayish mommy boy.
Bro, tks for your question.
"FRAM BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&E" is the frame of mind or state of mind or mindset, and in the context of attracting women, refers to a man's emotional strength, self-mastery, and other masculine character traits including courage, dominance, confidence, non-neediness, ambition, intelligence, specialized knowledge/skills, trustworthiness, reliability, compassion, n kindness, etc.
I forgot a MAN's value to society and that he is God's gift to all beautiful women in the world. If all of the above is truly your frame of mind at the subconscious level, you will have no competition in getting all the most attractive girls of your type.
Bro WB
02-10-2021, 08:59 AM
Making mistake is human, but when the same mistake is made twice or more, that's an idiot. As for apology, its ok for a man to admit it, more importantly, to be sincere and to mean it, just like that the little words, don't just rattle like anything else.
Personally, I do not agree what Trump did is refreshing. When you are wrong, just admit it, but when you try to deny it, or pretend to be apologetic, it's worst.
02-10-2021, 06:39 PM
Good evening,
Mr. Mike Haines just sent me a new email.
His methods may work well with many heterosexual girls/women because they don't have a choice. A bad boy or jerk is more attractive than a wussy nice guy. But I know these females will flock to a real badass gentleman, provided they are lucky enough to find one. Sadly, 99.9% of them will never meet one in their entire life. Now you know why so many women are frustrated and bitchy.
Here is Mike's email.
Bro Warbird,
How to tease a woman into a SEXUAL FRENZY....
Never apologize. Never explain.
These lines are spoken by John Wayne’s character in the1949 film She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
They are words to live by.
Whatever you may think of Trump, even his harshest critics now realize that his refusal to apologize — even when he made clear mistakes — was one of the reasons he won the election.
People are sick and tired of cowardly leaders (in business and politics) who will apologize for anything and everything.
It just breeds resentment.
When Trump refused to apologize for anything, it was refreshing to people.
“Here is a man who won’t be pushed around easily — even when he’s in the wrong!”
This is attractive to people.
Apologizing is an easy way to “defuse” a situation..
But it also shows WEAKNESS.
Namely, it shows that you’re willing to lose face in order to take the “easy” way out of a crisis — and this is innately a bitch move.
Never apologize to women — even when you’re clearly in the wrong.
No woman wakes up and thinks, “You know what I really want? A man who knows how to apologize to me.”
I can assure you that when women are masturbating with their vibrators, they’re not thinking about a man apologizing to them.
They’re thinking about a man grabbing them by the throat and fucking them like they’re a cheap whore.
Give her the GIFT of being the kind of man who she’s EXCITED by… sexually and emotionally.
Men will apologize to women thinking they’re someone doing her a “favor” — when in fact it’s the opposite.
All you’re really doing is destroying her FANTASY of you and making it so that she can’t get wet for you.
All demands for an apology are a SHIT TEST.
She is really trying to see if you will SUBMIT to her.
And if you do — it lets her know that you’re not the type of man she wants to reproduce with.
(Though she may stay with you to be a provider while she goes out and fucks alpha males).
It's ok to apologize to a girl if you're clearly wrong. Go ahead, but just say it once.
I'll introduce Mr. Hayden soon. He is almost a badass gentleman.
Bro WB
Never directly apologize or admit.
Charm and keep the engagement going the way you want it.
Bad but playful, always able to give pleasure in the mind, the heart and nether so that she cannot ignore or forget you easily and of course she will overlook the past.
If she wants you or likes you, she will let you know.
But don't be predictable, be spontaneous so that she doesn't get bored and behave SOP with you.
Anyway, don't get too serious with her but stay sincere and compliment her as much as she deserves. It shows that you appreciate her.
She also won't want you to be too serious with her.
You may not be who you think you are to her.
And she is also not the only one that she thinks she is to you.
My 2 cts.
03-10-2021, 08:57 AM
Making mistake is human, but when the same mistake is made twice or more, that's an idiot. As for apology, its ok for a man to admit it, more importantly, to be sincere and to mean it, just like that the little words, don't just rattle like anything else.
Personally, I do not agree what Trump did is refreshing. When you are wrong, just admit it, but when you try to deny it, or pretend to be apologetic, it's worst.
The worst are those who did it before a country wide event, and shed crocodile tears :p
04-10-2021, 10:38 PM
Need advice from the guru. I recently upped a 40 yr old maid on second date. Small frame, big boobs, beautiful hair. Graceful like aged wine. I heeded the advice here, stay cool and calm. The day after sex, she texted me ask whether I love her or my ex wife, wanted a caring man who dotes on her, love her heart not her body, ask me to be her boyfriend, then ask how long will relationship last.... Appear so clingy and needy.
I can do with her, but I enjoy her company as she's mature n sexy. How should I answer her question?should I reply at all?
05-10-2021, 09:07 AM
Need advice from the guru. I recently upped a 40 yr old maid on second date. Small frame, big boobs, beautiful hair. Graceful like aged wine. I heeded the advice here, stay cool and calm. The day after sex, she texted me ask whether I love her or my ex wife, wanted a caring man who dotes on her, love her heart not her body, ask me to be her boyfriend, then ask how long will relationship last.... Appear so clingy and needy.
I can do with her, but I enjoy her company as she's mature n sexy. How should I answer her question?should I reply at all?
While pending for our guru WB to reply, I have my view on these, some ladies, especially the older ones, may not have an intimate relationship after a long while, thought they would not be with anyone ever in their current life. Then you come along, something strike them, like a drowning person in the choppy sea, chanced upon a floating tree, will try all means to grab and won't let go.
You may want to tell her, the reason you had sex with her, it's because you like her, but at this moment to ask you to commit for a lifetime might be too premature. Depends how to tell her, she might either be upset or glad that you are being honest. The last thing you want to lie is, to pretend to be committed to her, but the reality is, you just want her body and sex.
05-10-2021, 06:38 PM
While pending for our guru WB to reply, I have my view on these, some ladies, especially the older ones, may not have an intimate relationship after a long while, thought they would not be with anyone ever in their current life. Then you come along, something strike them, like a drowning person in the choppy sea, chanced upon a floating tree, will try all means to grab and won't let go.
You may want to tell her, the reason you had sex with her, it's because you like her, but at this moment to ask you to commit for a lifetime might be too premature. Depends how to tell her, she might either be upset or glad that you are being honest. The last thing you want to lie is, to pretend to be committed to her, but the reality is, you just want her body and sex.
I see. Yea that made sense. Thanks for the advice. She said she wants to settle down as she is old, find a husband after her work ends here in Singapore... How would you advice I communicate at this point on, in my text messages, to ensure a second third or more sessions without the commitment? Do I tell her straight in the face I just wana enjoy her body? Or is there a sleeker way to navigate the conversation?
05-10-2021, 09:33 PM
I see. Yea that made sense. Thanks for the advice. She said she wants to settle down as she is old, find a husband after her work ends here in Singapore... How would you advice I communicate at this point on, in my text messages, to ensure a second third or more sessions without the commitment? Do I tell her straight in the face I just wana enjoy her body? Or is there a sleeker way to navigate the conversation?
If I were you, just tell her you had some bad experience in the past to commit too deep too fast. Tell her she gave you good vibes but you want to spend more time with her to see it can blossom to something more meaningful. Ask her not too be too pushy and wants a commitment urgently, this will put a strain on both. If she still insists and wants a commitment, I suggest you move on. If you mislead her and she goes nut, you may be having unnecessary nuisance.
05-10-2021, 11:20 PM
If I were you, just tell her you had some bad experience in the past to commit too deep too fast. Tell her she gave you good vibes but you want to spend more time with her to see it can blossom to something more meaningful. Ask her not too be too pushy and wants a commitment urgently, this will put a strain on both. If she still insists and wants a commitment, I suggest you move on. If you mislead her and she goes nut, you may be having unnecessary nuisance.
Solid logical advice bro. Thanks a lot. Will apply diligently.
09-10-2021, 10:17 PM
Great share bro warbird, many thanks! :)
In short, its to be a REAL MAN, not a sissy gayish mommy boy.
Tks, bros.
Making mistake is human, but when the same mistake is made twice or more, that's an idiot. As for apology, its ok for a man to admit it, more importantly, to be sincere and to mean it, just like that the little words, don't just rattle like anything else.
Personally, I do not agree what Trump did is refreshing. When you are wrong, just admit it, but when you try to deny it, or pretend to be apologetic, it's worst.
Yes, if a man is clearly wrong, he should admit it.
Never directly apologize or admit.
Charm and keep the engagement going the way you want it.
Bad but playful, always able to give pleasure in the mind, the heart and nether so that she cannot ignore or forget you easily and of course she will overlook the past.
If she wants you or likes you, she will let you know.
But don't be predictable, be spontaneous so that she doesn't get bored and behave SOP with you.
Anyway, don't get too serious with her but stay sincere and compliment her as much as she deserves. It shows that you appreciate her.
She also won't want you to be too serious with her.
You may not be who you think you are to her.
And she is also not the only one that she thinks she is to you.
My 2 cts.
Good advice, tks.
The worst are those who did it before a country wide event, and shed crocodile tears :p
Need advice from the guru. I recently upped a 40 yr old maid on second date. Small frame, big boobs, beautiful hair. Graceful like aged wine. I heeded the advice here, stay cool and calm. The day after sex, she texted me ask whether I love her or my ex wife, wanted a caring man who dotes on her, love her heart not her body, ask me to be her boyfriend, then ask how long will relationship last.... Appear so clingy and needy.
I can do with her, but I enjoy her company as she's mature n sexy. How should I answer her question?should I reply at all?
Bro, tks for sharing.
Bro JC has answered your questions. I'll add my comments.
You just had sex w/ her once n she wanted commitment? Too fast! Something was wrong.
Was the sex FOC? How is her character?
Don't forget the Rule of Five. A 40 yo woman is likely to have five sexual partners or more.
You should behave like the prize.
Finally, don't forget that women age like beer, whereas men age like fine wine.
While pending for our guru WB to reply, I have my view on these, some ladies, especially the older ones, may not have an intimate relationship after a long while, thought they would not be with anyone ever in their current life. Then you come along, something strike them, like a drowning person in the choppy sea, chanced upon a floating tree, will try all means to grab and won't let go.
You may want to tell her, the reason you had sex with her, it's because you like her, but at this moment to ask you to commit for a lifetime might be too premature. Depends how to tell her, she might either be upset or glad that you are being honest. The last thing you want to lie is, to pretend to be committed to her, but the reality is, you just want her body and sex.
Bro, good advice and obervations.
I see. Yea that made sense. Thanks for the advice. She said she wants to settle down as she is old, find a husband after her work ends here in Singapore... How would you advice I communicate at this point on, in my text messages, to ensure a second third or more sessions without the commitment? Do I tell her straight in the face I just wana enjoy her body? Or is there a sleeker way to navigate the conversation?
Yes, be frank w/ her. Be Mode One. That would be surprisingly attractive.
If I were you, just tell her you had some bad experience in the past to commit too deep too fast. Tell her she gave you good vibes but you want to spend more time with her to see it can blossom to something more meaningful. Ask her not too be too pushy and wants a commitment urgently, this will put a strain on both. If she still insists and wants a commitment, I suggest you move on. If you mislead her and she goes nut, you may be having unnecessary nuisance.
Tks, bro.
Solid logical advice bro. Thanks a lot. Will apply diligently.
Bro, pls give us an update.
We are all here to learn.
Cheers to all samsters!
Bro WB
Bro WB
09-10-2021, 10:46 PM
Thanks Bro Wb.
Not paid sex. No money or materialism involved. I heeded the advice, was completely frank, admitted I have soft spot for her sexy figure and mature attitude but said im cool wun force her for another meet up if she uncomfortable. I was relaxed and cheeky in my communication. She ended up become the pursuer, hinted she like me also blah blah... I have been playing cool since. Sometimes tensionthe rope snometimes loosen it. I somehow became the prize now:D
18-10-2021, 08:59 PM
Thanks Bro Wb.
Not paid sex. No money or materialism involved. I heeded the advice, was completely frank, admitted I have soft spot for her sexy figure and mature attitude but said im cool wun force her for another meet up if she uncomfortable. I was relaxed and cheeky in my communication. She ended up become the pursuer, hinted she like me also blah blah... I have been playing cool since. Sometimes tensionthe rope snometimes loosen it. I somehow became the prize now:D
Congrats, bro.
I'm very happy for you.
Bro WB
18-10-2021, 09:41 PM
Good evening to all,
I received the following article from guru Chase Amante 6 days ago. It's very interesting and thought-provoking.
Hot & High Maintenance Girls OR Average & Low Maintenance?
WHAT'S INSIDE: the old player debate... when it's time for the long haul, do you pick the hottie or the girl who treats you well?
There comes a time in most men's lives when they decide to pick ONE girl for the long haul.
Staying a bachelor forever, with no responsibilities, is a nice idea.
And some guys do it.
But it gets lonely.
You won't be picking up forever.
Many guys who go the long-term bachelor route end up effectively celibate... or they settle into LTRs with just a single girl (de facto married).
And you're probably not going to have kids without a serious relationship... a few guys manage it, but not usually.
So odds are, sooner or later, at SOME point, you're going to look to pick a girl to keep around a good long while.
At that point, the Big Question emerges:
Do you choose a good-looking girl you can be EXCITED about... despite the fact she's going to give you a much HARDER time?
Or do you choose an average-looking girl who will make life EASY for you... even though she isn't going to be the best looker?
This question is not as easy to answer as it might at first seem...
The #1 ( thing men prize in women is beauty.
I don't think we can really argue about that.
Women can't argue it either.
And while they may tell each other "you look so beautiful" when one of them gets fat or dyes her hair some ugly shade or whatnot...
Women KNOW what really looks good, and WHO does.
And the more beautiful a girl is, the more she knows she can DEMAND from men.
She knows it because men come up to her and offer it themselves!
Every beautiful girl has guys offering her all sorts of things.
And it's not just "any old guy offering things."
She is having guys who are the cream of the crop offering it.
We're talking men who are:
Financially successful
Witty and intelligent
Cool, sociable, and charismatic
Good looking guys themselves
Are they all TOTAL CHADS?
But they are generally well-rounded, attractive packages.
Most beautiful girls (unless they have personality disorders) have had a selection of desirable men as partners.
Thus, when YOU date them, they tend to expect a LOT.
Now, you're on the email list... and you may own some of my books or courses... and presumably you've been out in the field a good bit.
So odds are, you have turned yourself into a pretty attractive guy in your own right, and you know how to hold your own in a frame war.
EVEN STILL, these girls will push you.
They are always going to want more than what you give them.
They expect you to be more successful... to do more things for them... to take better care of them.
You, for your part, are a busy guy and do not have all this time to spend on them.
But you still have to listen to them push, complain, and deliberate aloud about whether they should stick around or not.
Generally speaking, you can get these girls to cook food... but they usually won't be good at it.
Nor will they have the drive to GET all that good.
They may or may not be tidy (depends on their personalities).
However, I can tell you every beautiful girlfriend I've had (and maybe it's just bad luck on my part) has been a SLOB.
She looks good as a woman.
But take one look at her PLACE and you'll be wondering what hurricane swept through.
And guess what... if you live with her, that's what YOUR place will look like too, unless you want to spend all your time tidying up.
(when I've lived with girls like this, I've taken to having cleaners over 4x a week... and STILL somedays the place ends up messy!)
For as good as they LOOK, good-looking girls sure can be a headache.
So maybe you ditch the lookers, and start looking for a more homely girl to take care of the home?
It's easy to do in the age of dating apps when mediocre-looking girls go on apps to meet studs!
Any guy can get together with girls 2 or 3 points below himself in attractiveness on an app. All he has to do is swipe.
I can tell you I have friends who went this route.
One of them switched from dating hot yet crazy club girls to marrying a short, homely kindergarten teacher.
When I looked at her chubby face up close, below her droopy eyelids I noticed she had a bit of a mustache on her upper lip.
When I asked him if he was really serious about this girl, he had nothing but PRAISE for her.
It was obvious he'd been burned by too many dramatic hotties and just wanted a girl he could have an EASY relationship with.
A mutual friend of ours and I mourned his passing into the land of "ugly girl settled down dom".
But I guess he was happy. He seemed it when I saw him last. Today I'm told they have two kids (or was it three?).
On the other hand, I recently browsed a forum online where guys discussed this topic.
One of the guys there mentioned a friend of his who switched from dating cute girls to wifing up a Plain Jane who took care of him.
He said the friend had gained a ton of weight (he used to be fit) and spent all his time sitting on the couch now.
"He says he's happy but when a guy is letting himself go that bad you know he's just given up," the guy said.
Another forum member chimed in to add "I know guys who've done the same thing and they are all miserable."
She'll cook for you, clean for you, the drama will (probably) be a lot less because she KNOWS she'll never get another guy like you...
But on the other hand, YOU will know you always could've gotten done (possibly much) better.
Is this the right compromise to make?
Believe it or not, they have research on what the best call is to make.
Scientists who study relationship satisfaction have discovered relationships where the wife is better looking than the husband are happier.
The husband is happier because he has a wife who's "above his league" in terms of looks...
Meanwhile, the wife is happier (according to the scientists) because the husband values her.
But what of the drama and nurturing element?
Might a man not be happier with his homely wife who takes good care of him than he would be with a beauty who's a crummy homemaker?
Yes, he absolutely might.
Just because a study finds ON AVERAGE something is true doesn't mean it will be true for you.
There are all different sorts of men in the world...
Some of us care a LOT about the girl's looks.
Some of us don't care nearly so much.
Some men REALLY want an easygoing relationship.
Others are fine with some drama, and view that as the price you pay to get the "cream of the crop."
Some guys want EXCELLENCE...
Meanwhile, some guys want ease...
Often this is determined by your past history.
Guys who've had a hot girlfriend who really dragged them through the wringer (like that buddy of mine) may run to a homely girl as their refuge.
Guys who've dated a Plain Jane yet found her no more accommodating though may decide they might as well get a girl with LOOKS, at least.
But it may just as well be determined by personality.
I've been in this business for 15 years, and I've seen all types.
Every guy has his preferences, his personal history, his predilections.
Here's a guess though...
If you're on this list, you're the sort of man who doesn't shrink back from a challenge, and probably wants the best he can get.
If that sounds like you, odds are you want a good-looking girl, too.
I would encourage you not to write off girls who are lookers just because you had one or two who was too much drama.
There are girls who are all types out there.
Every hot girl is going to be higher maintenance.
However, if you find one with a good background, who's had positive relationships, and doesn't have anything really wrong with her...
Well, you may just have found a hottie who's a handful, but won't COMPLETELY break your back.
And that's a girl worth holding onto (if you ask me).
Chase is a bit long-winded.
Personally, I would choose the highest quality, 'superchio' 18 yo SYT of my type I have sighted. And for a long-term partner, I would need time to qualify her n make sure she has good character. She also must be kind and intelligent...and be submissive to me.
The COVID pandemic has resulted in a classic 'cuffing season,' during which there is a severe imbalance of supply and demand for very attractive girls/women. 僧多粥少. The reasons are obvious. But we should never settle for second best.
Bro WB
25-10-2021, 09:03 PM
Good evening,
When you see a beautiful girl of your type and you think you're not good enough for her, for whatever reason or reasons, you're right. You have a weak frame n you won't get her. Just give up. Even if you're a young, intelligent, and good-looking billionaire with the body of an Adonis. You will fail to capture her heart. In fact, she will find you repulsive. You may buy her body if she is a gold digger.
If you don't think you're the prize to your dream girl, she can sense it 10 meters away. Everything you do or say will be wrong, very wrong.
Here is a recent email from Marni.
Stop Saying These 4 Words
I’m going to share a mistake with you hear that A LOT of guys make when approaching women.
In fact, it just happened to me the other day while I was out with a friend.
As you probably know, I’m more than happy for guys to come over and approach me (since this is what I preach)... AND even with my mask on... I'm a social person, so I crave interaction even if it's from a distance....
But when they commit this mistake, it makes me cringe.
And the mistake I’m talking about is telling us right away that we should ignore you.
This is exactly what that guy communicated with the first 4 words he said to me:
“Sorry to bother you.”
In his mind, he was probably being polite.
But it comes across as, ‘Let me apologize in advance for wasting your time and annoying you.’
It’s the exact opposite of what confidence is…
And it’s why we immediately get turned off when a man approaches us in this manner.
Think about it… he’s literally saying that he’s about to bother me. Why would I want to keep talking with him after that?!
I'm going to be so un-P.C. here but this is the kind of weak frame a beggar would have.
Except instead of begging for spare change, this guy was begging for my attention. And begging is the keyword here because if he felt like he DESERVED my attention, he wouldn’t feel the need to apologize for bothering me.
This is something a lot of guys overlook...
And in all the years I’ve been coaching men, I’ve noticed it a ton. They’ll be so focused on what they’re going to say AFTER they get her attention, that they completely neglect what they’re actually saying to GET her attention.
It might not always be “sorry to bother you” in those exact words. But the sentiment is usually the same. Some other examples are:
“You’ve probably got a boyfriend, but…”
“Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?”
“I hope I’m not disturbing you”
Basically, anything that communicates you feel like you’re beneath her… or that her time is more valuable than yours.
That doesn’t mean you need to be rude when you approach her. You can still politely get her attention without it seeming like you’re groveling.
For example, a simple “excuse me” to get her attention is a million times better than, “sorry to bother you.”
If she’s in the middle of something or seems busy, you can also acknowledge that in a confident and socially intelligent way, rather than an apologetic way.
The guy who approached us the other day could have said something like, “Excuse me, I can see that you’re enjoying your lunch, however I had to say…” and then go ahead with the reason he was approaching us.
It’s not so much that those first few words are going to create strong attraction (although they can when you have your tonality and body language on point)...
It’s more that you’re AVOIDING saying something that’s going to trigger landmines that blow up your chances before you’ve even begun.
So that’s something for you to think about from now on…
How exactly are you getting a woman’s attention when you approach her… and what is it unconsciously communicating about you?
Because if this is something you’re guilty of, just changing this one tiny thing can make a HUGE difference in how women respond to you.
However, this is only one of the mistakes that guys make when approaching women.
Mistakes that practically kill your chances with her right from the get go. And most guys are completely unaware they’re even making these mistakes, which means they never correct them and start seeing the success they deserve.
My analysis: A man is a loser NOT because he uses these four words or any other words. The root cause of his problems is his weak frames and the fact that he believes the very beautiful girl is the PRIZE.
Until he can successfully reprogram his subconscious mind, and make his frames very strong, reading any ebooks or watching any videos will do little to improve his chances with a very beautiful dream girl.
Don't waste your money. Your improvement must come within you.
Bro WB
10-11-2021, 04:29 PM
I just posted the following msg in another thread.
Very good share bro warbird. Thanks! :)
Bro, you're welcome.
THE single most important factor in finding and keeping ATTRACTIVE girls of your type for sex is:
Having An Abundance Mindset or Mental Frame
(Which must come from your subconscious mind because you can't fake it.)
Everything else is secondary.
Very few men could grasp this simple concept and even fewer men truly have this miraculous mindset. It's better than gong tao and voodoo magic.
Bro WB
11-11-2021, 10:20 PM
other dating site such as or facebook dating. The main advantage is can choose the profile that you are interested to proceed
11-11-2021, 10:22 PM
Good evening,
When you see a beautiful girl of your type and you think you're not good enough for her, for whatever reason or reasons, you're right. You have a weak frame n you won't get her. Just give up. Even if you're a young, intelligent, and good-looking billionaire with the body of an Adonis. You will fail to capture her heart. In fact, she will find you repulsive. You may buy her body if she is a gold digger.
If you don't think you're the prize to your dream girl, she can sense it 10 meters away. Everything you do or say will be wrong, very wrong.
Here is a recent email from Marni.
Stop Saying These 4 Words
I’m going to share a mistake with you hear that A LOT of guys make when approaching women.
In fact, it just happened to me the other day while I was out with a friend.
As you probably know, I’m more than happy for guys to come over and approach me (since this is what I preach)... AND even with my mask on... I'm a social person, so I crave interaction even if it's from a distance....
But when they commit this mistake, it makes me cringe.
And the mistake I’m talking about is telling us right away that we should ignore you.
This is exactly what that guy communicated with the first 4 words he said to me:
“Sorry to bother you.”
In his mind, he was probably being polite.
But it comes across as, ‘Let me apologize in advance for wasting your time and annoying you.’
It’s the exact opposite of what confidence is…
And it’s why we immediately get turned off when a man approaches us in this manner.
Think about it… he’s literally saying that he’s about to bother me. Why would I want to keep talking with him after that?!
I'm going to be so un-P.C. here but this is the kind of weak frame a beggar would have.
Except instead of begging for spare change, this guy was begging for my attention. And begging is the keyword here because if he felt like he DESERVED my attention, he wouldn’t feel the need to apologize for bothering me.
This is something a lot of guys overlook...
And in all the years I’ve been coaching men, I’ve noticed it a ton. They’ll be so focused on what they’re going to say AFTER they get her attention, that they completely neglect what they’re actually saying to GET her attention.
It might not always be “sorry to bother you” in those exact words. But the sentiment is usually the same. Some other examples are:
“You’ve probably got a boyfriend, but…”
“Do you mind if I talk to you for a second?”
“I hope I’m not disturbing you”
Basically, anything that communicates you feel like you’re beneath her… or that her time is more valuable than yours.
That doesn’t mean you need to be rude when you approach her. You can still politely get her attention without it seeming like you’re groveling.
For example, a simple “excuse me” to get her attention is a million times better than, “sorry to bother you.”
If she’s in the middle of something or seems busy, you can also acknowledge that in a confident and socially intelligent way, rather than an apologetic way.
The guy who approached us the other day could have said something like, “Excuse me, I can see that you’re enjoying your lunch, however I had to say…” and then go ahead with the reason he was approaching us.
It’s not so much that those first few words are going to create strong attraction (although they can when you have your tonality and body language on point)...
It’s more that you’re AVOIDING saying something that’s going to trigger landmines that blow up your chances before you’ve even begun.
So that’s something for you to think about from now on…
How exactly are you getting a woman’s attention when you approach her… and what is it unconsciously communicating about you?
Because if this is something you’re guilty of, just changing this one tiny thing can make a HUGE difference in how women respond to you.
However, this is only one of the mistakes that guys make when approaching women.
Mistakes that practically kill your chances with her right from the get go. And most guys are completely unaware they’re even making these mistakes, which means they never correct them and start seeing the success they deserve.
My analysis: A man is a loser NOT because he uses these four words or any other words. The root cause of his problems is his weak frames and the fact that he believes the very beautiful girl is the PRIZE.
Until he can successfully reprogram his subconscious mind, and make his frames very strong, reading any ebooks or watching any videos will do little to improve his chances with a very beautiful dream girl.
Don't waste your money. Your improvement must come within you.
Bro WB
some good sentences to tackle the girl
11-11-2021, 10:23 PM
Hope can kio some hot and sexy girls outside ktv
sure can, now tech is so advanced
11-11-2021, 10:24 PM
What is the difference between Taoist and Buddhist sex?
perhaps the position there, some differences
21-11-2021, 07:27 PM
Thank you Bro WB for the awesome thread. Best thread in SBF imho.
I have just finish reading from start to end and took a lot of notes.
All of the info here are very Valuable and are Timeless!
And have proved to be very useful…
Thank you Bro WB for the awesome sharing for past 11 years lol.
22-11-2021, 01:16 AM
other dating site such as or facebook dating. The main advantage is can choose the profile that you are interested to proceed
Please la, bro warbird does not need sugarbook
22-11-2021, 09:54 PM
other dating site such as or facebook dating. The main advantage is can choose the profile that you are interested to proceed
some good sentences to tackle the girl
sure can, now tech is so advanced
perhaps the position there, some differences
Tks for your posts.
Thank you Bro WB for the awesome thread. Best thread in SBF imho.
I have just finish reading from start to end and took a lot of notes.
All of the info here are very Valuable and are Timeless!
And have proved to be very useful…
Thank you Bro WB for the awesome sharing for past 11 years lol.
Bro, tks for your post.
You have made my day!!
Yeah, I started this thread 11 1/2 years ago.
I have learned a lot from everyone here, including the naysayers who have forced me to reanalyze my strategies and practices more critically. I have tried to rectify my mistakes and to improve constantly.
Unfortunately, my improvement has been painfully slow. I have to overcome many negativities in my subconscious mind, imprinted during childhood.
If I could sum up the most crucial revelations about getting attractive girls I have learned in the past 11 1/2 years, after extensive reading, researching, personal hands-on experiences, and reflecting on mistakes by myself and others, here they are:
THE most attractive masculine character trait and the hardest to achieve?
What would be the next most important factor?
The frame of a high-value man (aka the Prize) with an abundance mindset, at the subconscious level.
Third? Health and virility.
Please la, bro warbird does not need sugarbook
Bro, tks. Everyone may need sugarbook.
Good evening to all samsters,
Bro WB
30-11-2021, 11:40 PM
Good evening,
What an auspicious night!
About two weeks ago I received the following article on A HIGH-VALUE MAN. I have done very minor editing.
A High Value Man
by Stormrider
Your frame should be:
"Let me find out if this girl is interesting."
This is the frame of a high-value guy with abundance.
Women are used to guys rewarding them for being pretty and nothing else. So their default state is to give you the window dressing.
That's why she appears uninteresting.
You reward her for window dressing, which causes her to view you as a low-value guy with no standards.
A high-value guy asks for more than window dressing.
I qualify a woman on her interests, hobbies, goals in life, things she likes to do for fun, etc.
It is only when she opens up to me and reveals what is unique about her that I show interest.
Her effort = my reward.
I do not supplicate. I only appreciate a woman that has depth to her.
And the more I appreciate her unique self, the more I bring it out of her. In a sense, I am almost molding her to be her best self around me.
And after she's completely opened up to me and made an effort to express her real self, that's when I reward her with...
"I just realized that not just are you sexy but you are also (insert unique quality). I really like that about you. Let's hang out sometime."
This paints me as the validator.
I'm the source of validation, not her.
She was the one who qualified herself to ME.
This frame will probably skip over most people's heads.
It doesn't matter if I am on text, in the nightclub, at the gym, social events, etc. I prompt women to make an effort to open up their unique selves to me and show me more than just window dressing before I show them any type of interest.
This makes her see me as a high-value guy with standards and also makes her feel appreciated for being her, and not just another pretty face.
She feels comfortable showing me different shades of her. Something most guys don't see. This is what romance is. Being naked in front of another person. Metaphorically.
In short, my frame is she has to seduce ME with her feminine charms and interesting personality before I validate her and escalate things.
Now whether or not she is willing to submit to my frame is a whole different story.
I set the frame. If she doesn't submit, there is no romance.
Of course, being a high-value man is a lot more than having the right mental frames. However, if you don't have the right frames and an abundance mindset, nothing else matters. It's a prerequisite. Even if you're a very powerful, rich, intelligent, handsome, and sexy real-life prince.
Bro WB
30-11-2021, 11:57 PM
Wow so much info, takes time to digest. Thanks bro warbird :)
02-12-2021, 12:00 PM
Hi warbird bro
I read your thread with interest. Your thread started with picking up KTV girls and interestingly morph inti a general pickup game/techniques for guys.
Unlike you my target market of preference are not kTV girls primarily because I don't agree with the fuck and dump mentality. Women are after all still humans and equal to us and if u treat them right especially emotionally we can all enjoy the process of being together and learn from each other life experiences.. That I think puts meaning into this whole experience coupled with the pleasures of the flesh... More wholesome I guess.. I generally Prefer some emotional gamification with rules set out initially with no commitment and just companionship and plus because I'm married and I prefer to be on the safe side in terms of lowering risk of stds.
Ironically you would be surprised that emotions and non commitment can Co exist if its done correctly. And how many married women actually lack the emotional stimulation plus sexual needs.
Of course occasionally when emotions spillover and one party usually the women can't let go.. u can meet with a disaster or 2 for those clingy ones. But generally because rules are set out cealry disclaimer prevails and what will be left hopefully will be a nice everlasting memory of the tryst and perhaps ensuing freidnship.
I agree with your the tencniques of confidence and approach... I do find some guys lack these awareness and skills especially this above average looking ones. But emotional play is much more complex and requires a different skill set.. Looks can only get you so far..
My target market usually consist of middle income married or divorced pRCs Usually to Singaporean men (feel sorry for these guys) or middle income pdmm.. Malaysians either PR.. On permits here working in retail or sales managers to executives... Singaporeans who are all married or divorced to avoid being too committal.. I get to meet them in variety of locations from the library to restaurants and cafe because Im not shy approaching anyone...I usually shun those that need exchange of $ for needs kind.. and because of this I rarely spend any $ besides going for meals coffee dayuse hotels etc.. In fact the fair share of gifts I have been showered with means outgoings are more often than not, matched ...
I would end with my belief that the approach game is only step 1...what comes after determines the expericne you will get outta of the whole companison ship journey. Also I would say if u r married and like to deviate outside also make it a point to treat your wife with the same standards as your flings.. I made it a point to do that cos that's the right thing to do... I just have a tendency to not stick to 1 partner for life but that does not mean u deliberately have to ill teat your spouse. Life's short and fair.. Do unto others what u wish they do unto you.
Just sharing... Cheers and peace out.
04-12-2021, 05:54 PM
From my other thread.
I like what you said bro warbird. It sounds like reading The Game by Neil Strauss or Street Hustler by Tom Torero.
Bro, tks.
Yeah, we all read. But reading alone is not enough. It's about doing and being.
Hi bro warbird, may I know where is your hunting ground nowadays? It seems like the ktvs in peace centre will be closed for good soon?
The last time I booked a woman was on Jan 9th, 2020 at The Lord in PC. I did meet a new girl, who was introduced by a lady friend, last Oct for dinner. She was not my type.
I have had more than one LP most of the time since 2009. I have been quite satiated. The need for another pussy is not urgent. Besides, there has been a dearth of my type of young women and SYTs in the last 3-4 years.
I had enjoyed free tours or outings to TAM and PC joints since early 2009. TAM joints closed in Jan 2015 and PC joints have been effectively closed in March 2020.
Where would I find new girls? Perhaps I would get girls directly from PRC, TW HK, or Thailand after easing of travel restrictions.
Bro WB
05-12-2021, 12:06 PM
Hi warbird bro
I read your thread with interest. Your thread started with picking up KTV girls and interestingly morph inti a general pickup game/techniques for guys.
Unlike you my target market of preference are not kTV girls primarily because I don't agree with the fuck and dump mentality. Women are after all still humans and equal to us and if u treat them right especially emotionally we can all enjoy the process of being together and learn from each other life experiences.. That I think puts meaning into this whole experience coupled with the pleasures of the flesh... More wholesome I guess.. I generally Prefer some emotional gamification with rules set out initially with no commitment and just companionship and plus because I'm married and I prefer to be on the safe side in terms of lowering risk of stds.
Ironically you would be surprised that emotions and non commitment can Co exist if its done correctly. And how many married women actually lack the emotional stimulation plus sexual needs.
Of course occasionally when emotions spillover and one party usually the women can't let go.. u can meet with a disaster or 2 for those clingy ones. But generally because rules are set out cealry disclaimer prevails and what will be left hopefully will be a nice everlasting memory of the tryst and perhaps ensuing freidnship.
I agree with your the tencniques of confidence and approach... I do find some guys lack these awareness and skills especially this above average looking ones. But emotional play is much more complex and requires a different skill set.. Looks can only get you so far..
My target market usually consist of middle income married or divorced pRCs Usually to Singaporean men (feel sorry for these guys) or middle income pdmm.. Malaysians either PR.. On permits here working in retail or sales managers to executives... Singaporeans who are all married or divorced to avoid being too committal.. I get to meet them in variety of locations from the library to restaurants and cafe because Im not shy approaching anyone...I usually shun those that need exchange of $ for needs kind.. and because of this I rarely spend any $ besides going for meals coffee dayuse hotels etc.. In fact the fair share of gifts I have been showered with means outgoings are more often than not, matched ...
I would end with my belief that the approach game is only step 1...what comes after determines the expericne you will get outta of the whole companison ship journey. Also I would say if u r married and like to deviate outside also make it a point to treat your wife with the same standards as your flings.. I made it a point to do that cos that's the right thing to do... I just have a tendency to not stick to 1 partner for life but that does not mean u deliberately have to ill teat your spouse. Life's short and fair.. Do unto others what u wish they do unto you.
Just sharing... Cheers and peace out.
Tks so much for your post.
When I started spending more time in SG in late 2007, I had the 'fuck and forget' mentality. It was great fun as the FLs were young and pretty then. However, they literally vanished over the next 2 years in SG.
I had to find them in high-end KTVs. I then opted to have longer-term relationships because it's emotionally and sexually more fulfilling. It's great for health.
My preference now is for very cute 18 yo SYTs with the right body/limb proportions when I first meet them. They must also have ZERO plastic surgery. They are very rare as I don't settle.
As I have posted before, in the last 7 years, I have sighted only 3 such SYTs. The last one was TY whom I met in 2018. She is still with me. Now a uni student. She took the SAT yesterday. She wants to transfer to SMC or NUS. Her IQ is surprisingly high.
BTW, getting girls of my type is only the first step. I want to keep them and own their hearts.
My offer to bro Don_Juan to show me his 'super SYTs' has no expiration date. This offer is also for all samsters at SBF. I just want to admire them.
Bro WB
05-12-2021, 12:08 PM
My post in another interesting thread:
Re: Wife having affair?
Originally Posted by IamGood View Post
Discovered a used condom in the toilet bin ytd.
Never asked her. She must be having an affair cos its not mine
Originally Posted by IamGood View Post
No la i dont want to lose her. She is pretty, nice shape and good in bed thats why i marry her. She used to live a promiscuous lifestyle and have slept with numerous guys, she is quite open about it.
Think after marriage she not enough to have the same cock in her pussy all the time.
Guess this is the price to pay for choosing outward beauty over homely girls.
I want to be brutally honest.
Leave her asap even if she is the most beautiful, the sexiest, and the most intelligent woman in the world. Why? She is not trustworthy. The real dangers are HIV and STDs.
You chose the wrong woman.
Do you know the Rule of Five?
"Before you think I’ve turned into some kind of sex puritan, it’s important to understand that we are all born with a set amount of bonding glue. This glue is required to connect with a member of the opposite sex for love that is practical or romantic for the goal of creating a family. Each episode of casual sex, which contraceptives enable (along with other medical advances like antibiotics that treat sexually transmitted diseases), permanently reduces the amount of bonding glue you possess.
The best way to explain how bonding glue works is to use the old analogy of adhesive tape on a box. When you want to ship a package, you seal it with tape. The recipient can open the package by peeling off the tape, which will retain some stickiness, perhaps enough to ship a new package, but far less than when it was fresh off the roll. If you keep applying and removing tape from a box, it will soon not stick at all. Each time you have casual sex, you’re applying tape to a box and then removing it.
Women lose far more bonding glue than men with each sexual encounter. I believe that most women will only retain enough adhesive to sleep with between one to five men in their lives before irreparably damaging their ability to love any man. This is why contraceptives are disproportionately targeted to them—if you can get women to have casual sex with only a handful of men, your depopulation agenda will be a guaranteed success.
Men, on the other hand, barely lose any bonding glue with a casual sex encounter. Consider that the deepest I was ever in love was three years ago, well after I achieved a surplus notch count. Before that relationship, I was self-aware enough to slow down fornication when I felt it was beginning to damage me, with sufficient bonding glue remaining. I’ve also met many men with notch counts higher than mine who can still bond with women in a reasonably healthy way (as much as modernity allows), but a woman with the same notch count is likely to develop a severe mental illness. Any child she makes will be accidental and raised in a broken home.
I’m not attempting to portray sleeping around as more justified for men than women, because there is nothing noble about pursuing non-reproductive sex, and a man who finds himself doing so is certainly the product of a declining society, but women are far more affected by casual sex than men. This is why the past is full of societies that valued the virginal status of women. Men instinctively knew, even thousands of years ago, that the best chance of creating a successful family is when the woman had all of her bonding glue intact."
I couldn't agree with Roosh more. After carefully reflecting on all my relationships since I was a young man, I have to admit that he is RIGHT!!
I sincerely believe that a woman who has had more than 5 sexual partners is unable to truly love any man again. Sorry, excepting her sons.
Also google Corey Wayne's High Body Count Women.
Cheers and good luck!
Bro WB
05-12-2021, 12:11 PM
05-12-2021, 12:33 PM
Re: Wife having affair?
Good morning,
A bro gave me 8 or 9 points this morning, thank you! I'm unable to reciprocate as he didn't leave his nick.
"Wife having affair? 05-12-2021 08:06 AM Thumbs up! Ur advices is good."
Pls PM me.
Also, feel free to ask for any advice.
I look at a relationship from ALL angles. Girls/women are also welcome to share their side of the story and ask for my advice.
Bro WB
06-12-2021, 10:07 AM
My post in another interesting thread:
Re: Wife having affair?
Originally Posted by IamGood View Post
Discovered a used condom in the toilet bin ytd.
Never asked her. She must be having an affair cos its not mine
Originally Posted by IamGood View Post
No la i dont want to lose her. She is pretty, nice shape and good in bed thats why i marry her. She used to live a promiscuous lifestyle and have slept with numerous guys, she is quite open about it.
Think after marriage she not enough to have the same cock in her pussy all the time.
Guess this is the price to pay for choosing outward beauty over homely girls.
I want to be brutally honest.
Leave her asap even if she is the most beautiful, the sexiest, and the most intelligent woman in the world. Why? She is not trustworthy. The real dangers are HIV and STDs.
You chose the wrong woman.
Do you know the Rule of Five?
Bro WB
I couldn't agree more with bro WB.
If wife cheated then better leave her and get things sorted out before crisis no matter how pretty and good sex. In long term this will ruined lives.
Tough to live normal life when no trust. What about babies? What about when she come home late?
Today a condom had many usage. So why not ask and speak frankly about it.
09-12-2021, 01:16 PM
I couldn't agree more with bro WB.
If wife cheated then better leave her and get things sorted out before crisis no matter how pretty and good sex. In long term this will ruined lives.
Tough to live normal life when no trust. What about babies? What about when she come home late?
Today a condom had many usage. So why not ask and speak frankly about it.
Thanks for your post.
Only a wuss will stay with a wife who is fucking other men.
Divorce her asap. 长痛不如短痛。
Bro WB
09-12-2021, 03:29 PM
Excellent thread here, thanks bro warbird! :)
10-12-2021, 12:04 AM
All this work only if she likes you
Good evening,
What an auspicious night!
About two weeks ago I received the following article on A HIGH-VALUE MAN. I have done very minor editing.
A High Value Man
by Stormrider
Your frame should be:
"Let me find out if this girl is interesting."
This is the frame of a high-value guy with abundance.
Women are used to guys rewarding them for being pretty and nothing else. So their default state is to give you the window dressing.
That's why she appears uninteresting.
You reward her for window dressing, which causes her to view you as a low-value guy with no standards.
A high-value guy asks for more than window dressing.
I qualify a woman on her interests, hobbies, goals in life, things she likes to do for fun, etc.
It is only when she opens up to me and reveals what is unique about her that I show interest.
Her effort = my reward.
I do not supplicate. I only appreciate a woman that has depth to her.
And the more I appreciate her unique self, the more I bring it out of her. In a sense, I am almost molding her to be her best self around me.
And after she's completely opened up to me and made an effort to express her real self, that's when I reward her with...
"I just realized that not just are you sexy but you are also (insert unique quality). I really like that about you. Let's hang out sometime."
This paints me as the validator.
I'm the source of validation, not her.
She was the one who qualified herself to ME.
This frame will probably skip over most people's heads.
It doesn't matter if I am on text, in the nightclub, at the gym, social events, etc. I prompt women to make an effort to open up their unique selves to me and show me more than just window dressing before I show them any type of interest.
This makes her see me as a high-value guy with standards and also makes her feel appreciated for being her, and not just another pretty face.
She feels comfortable showing me different shades of her. Something most guys don't see. This is what romance is. Being naked in front of another person. Metaphorically.
In short, my frame is she has to seduce ME with her feminine charms and interesting personality before I validate her and escalate things.
Now whether or not she is willing to submit to my frame is a whole different story.
I set the frame. If she doesn't submit, there is no romance.
Of course, being a high-value man is a lot more than having the right mental frames. However, if you don't have the right frames and an abundance mindset, nothing else matters. It's a prerequisite. Even if you're a very powerful, rich, intelligent, handsome, and sexy real-life prince.
Bro WB
10-12-2021, 01:18 AM
Wrong thread
10-12-2021, 01:31 AM
Wrong post
25-12-2021, 10:59 PM
Merry Christmas to all samsters,
I like to share some of the words of Mike Haines. BTW, I don't always agree with him...
What is FAR more important than how you look, is how you present yourself…
Your presence… your vibe…. your “energy” as a man.
“Vibe” is a weird word for something intangible which we’ll discuss more in
detail later.
But for the time being, just understand this:
Men are attracted to a woman’s appearance
more than anything else.
But women are attracted to a man’s vibe more
than anything else.
And you’ll be approached by women far more because you have an attractive
vibe, than for your looks.
What is “vibe” exactly?
It’s hard to put into words, but I’ll try to explain it using a little analogy.
“Vibe” as the music of the snake charmer
Having an attractive vibe is like being the snake charmer.
And the “snake”, in this metaphor, is the woman.
When you have an attractive vibe….
it has an almost HYPNOTIC effect on the women
around you.
Despite being a fairly “ugly” guy, I’ve cultivated a
mesmerizing, hypnotic sexual vibe that draws
women to me like the music of the snake charmer.
So as we go forward, keep this in mind.
Making yourself look as good as possible is an important ingredient to getting
female interest and attention, and being approached by women who find you
attractive. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
But there is a much bigger part of this that is not as obvious as looks are — and that’s your VIBE.
It’s hard to “define” vibe in a single word, but here are some rough definitions.
Your vibe is:
- the way you walk into a room
- the way you look at her
- your posture and body language
- the way you move (slow, deliberate gestures and movements)
- being relaxed and loose
- being carefree
- feeling as comfortable in a loud, intimidating nightclub as you would standing
in your own bedroom in your pajamas
- being completely at ease around people
- being able to project “smoldering sexual intensity” with your eye contact,
body language and other non-verbal cues
- having a relaxed, easy-going demeanor
Yes, I have to agree with Mike.
Strong masculine (mental) frame = Awesome sexual vibe
Watch Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. He had an awesome masculine frame and sexual vibe. He was only 164cm in height.
Good night!
Bro WB
26-12-2021, 07:55 AM
Bro WB,
Vibes refer to the energy people can feel. When the vibes are there, the girl will resonate with you in full alignment of words and actions .
The idea here is you are in control and she's happy to be led.
My 2 cts.
26-12-2021, 09:03 AM
Bro WB, first of all, wishing you and all a great festive season.
About vibes, easier say than done. These are a little unlikely to be groomed but bornt. Besides, for those with many prospects, it would be easier than those with one and only.
Women can have very sharp six sense, as most of them are not out there looking for a good fxxx, the moment they sense an average Joe who's only horny and hot about their bodies, they will run for the fire exit.
My own experience is, just be yourself, don't try to be someone else's. Imitation is rarely liked.
26-12-2021, 12:43 PM
Bro WB,
Vibes refer to the energy people can feel. When the vibes are there, the girl will resonate with you in full alignment of words and actions .
The idea here is you are in control and she's happy to be led.
My 2 cts.
Of course, if you get the bad vibes, then need to manage the situation.
26-12-2021, 05:34 PM
Bro WB,
Vibes refer to the energy people can feel. When the vibes are there, the girl will resonate with you in full alignment of words and actions .
The idea here is you are in control and she's happy to be led.
My 2 cts.
Bro, tks.
Bro WB, first of all, wishing you and all a great festive season.
About vibes, easier say than done. These are a little unlikely to be groomed but bornt. Besides, for those with many prospects, it would be easier than those with one and only.
Women can have very sharp six sense, as most of them are not out there looking for a good fxxx, the moment they sense an average Joe who's only horny and hot about their bodies, they will run for the fire exit.
My own experience is, just be yourself, don't try to be someone else's. Imitation is rarely liked.
Bro, tks.
A strong frame and sexual vibe come primarily from the subconscious mind. Can't fake it. Very difficult to reprogram the subconscious. I'm still making very slow progress...
Of course, if you get the bad vibes, then need to manage the situation.
Yes, bro.
More from Mike Haines.
The vibe of an attractive man is hard to put into words, but you “know it when you see it.”
Vibe is an intangible quality about a man, where
just by looking at him, women can tell
“This guy gets laid. He’s at ease with himself and
women. And he has no problem getting sex
whenever he wants it.”
This is the essence of attraction, for a woman.
It’s all about the man’s demeanor and presence — and what these things indicate
about him, namely that:
• he is successful with women
• he is at ease, relaxed and loose
• women naturally gravitate towards this guy and he has sexual relationships
with them easily
When a woman gets this “feeling” from you, she
will either approach you or make it so obvious
she wants you to approach her that even a baby
could figure it out.
So how do you cultivate this charismatic, magnetic vibe?
There are basically two parts to having an attractive vibe:
(1) internal (biological)
(2) external (skill, practice)
It’s very important to understand BOTH of these aspects of being attractive — as one on its own will not work.
I’ll give you an example.
There are lots of little tricks and techniques I can teach you to make you come across as more attractive.
For example body language techniques, walking techniques, eye contact
techniques etc.
These are all EXTERNAL. They’re “learned”. They’re not innate to you. They’re
SKILLS which you get better at with practice.
However, there is a DEEPER ELEMENT to being attractive — and this is
something I can’t teach you.
It comes from WITHIN YOU.
It’s part of YOUR BIOLOGY as a man.
You might even say it’s your “essence” as a man.
To give a simple example of the importance of biology:
You could have all the tricks and techniques for appearing attractive in the world. However, if you’re suffering from a mental illness due to a chemical imbalance in your brain, then it won’t work.
If you’re sick… unhealthy… or otherwise disordered and out of balance in your
biological system, no amount of learned techniques and tricks will plaster over the problem.
Attractiveness = Health
Health = Attractiveness
This is a very important concept to understand.
Being attractive and being healthy are not two different things. They’re the exact same thing.
Strong (masculine) mental frame + good health = Male attractiveness
Any comments?
Cheers to all samsters,
Bro WB
26-12-2021, 09:08 PM
Great thread. Got lots to learn from bro warbird!
28-12-2021, 10:48 AM
came across this many many years ago ... thought of bro warbird instantly :D
we share the same perversion with many bros here ... SYT :p
29-12-2021, 12:47 PM
Great thread. Got lots to learn from bro warbird!
Tks, bro.
came across this many many years ago ... thought of bro warbird instantly :D
we share the same perversion with many bros here ... SYT :p
Bro, tks.
Great quote!
You have not posted here for over 6 years! Where have u been?
Loving cute and pretty SYTs is not a perversion, even for a lao chee ko pek. I like my lao pos to be 18 yo when I first meet them. Then we could grow together, in as many ways as possible. Yes, even growing old together.
TY is now 21. She has asked me many times: 我们会永远在一起吗? I never answered yes.
Bro WB
29-12-2021, 02:58 PM
Tks, bro.
You have not posted here for over 6 years! Where have u been?
Bro WB
popped in irregularly ... just busy with figuring out life's messiness :cool:
i posted recently in sammy's 20 year anniversary thread
Congrats Sammy! :D
this forum has been a lifesaver ... history will show its more than a forum to get sex
i have a high sex-drive which i consider normal ...
sammyboy allowed me to safely satisfy my physical needs without going insane
cos my partner has low sex-drive, no intimacy, different beds for many years ...
discovered soap-land with syt's, juagen and best of all ...
a lover for last 15 years whose 26 years younger than me ...
met her at a reflexology place thru here ... best ever lovemaking every time i kid you not ... covid has put a pause
but yes, from the outside i look like a normal professional with family of 2 kids ... nobody knows
honestly just hanging on for the kids sake ... but soon they will be independent of me ...
so the next chapter is unknown & will be most interesting ... :p
physical needs and intimacy is paramount in life and needs to be satisfied in a wholesome loving relationship ...
take great care in choosing your life partner ... be compatible in this aspect
high drive + high drive, low +low ... don't be high + low
recipe for unhappiness ....
cheers :D
was going to post in "Best Sex you had" thread
to me what i have experienced as the best is what i called ... "excitedly relaxed"
lovemaking last 1-2 hours
most times i am pumping away but can joke and laugh ... slow down, then pick up speed, change position etc
relaxed and at same time charged up ...
after one round ... chat, then i get worked up again for another round ...
both of us feel the same why ...
i wonder if this is normal or common? ... cos i have never read or heard about such feelings
i know its real bcos we are in that "Flow State" (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
where suddenly 2 hours have past when it feels like only 20mins ... we are so focussed on what's at hand :p
cheers bro :D
29-12-2021, 09:24 PM
popped in irregularly ... just busy with figuring out life's messiness :cool:
i posted recently in sammy's 20 year anniversary thread
was going to post in "Best Sex you had" thread
to me what i have experienced as the best is what i called ... "excitedly relaxed"
lovemaking last 1-2 hours
most times i am pumping away but can joke and laugh ... slow down, then pick up speed, change position etc
relaxed and at same time charged up ...
after one round ... chat, then i get worked up again for another round ...
both of us feel the same why ...
i wonder if this is normal or common? ... cos i have never read or heard about such feelings
i know its real bcos we are in that "Flow State" (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
where suddenly 2 hours have past when it feels like only 20mins ... we are so focussed on what's at hand :p
cheers bro :D
So good to hear from you again!
You're describing a form of Taoist sex.
Making love frequently to girls who are much younger is good for a man's physical and mental health. It has rejuvenating effects.
I'm much older than you. When I started this thread, I was already an ah pek.
My sincere advice for all men and boys.
"You don't stop making love to young women when you get 'old.' You get old when you stop making love to young women."
Erectile dysfunction is a strong predictor of death. Although no definitive data are available, I believe that most men with new-onset ED, due to physical causes, have a life expectancy of fewer than 20 years. Sometimes much fewer.
Bro WB
29-12-2021, 11:40 PM
"You don't stop making love to young women when you get 'old.' You get old when you stop making love to young women."
Erectile dysfunction is a strong predictor of death. Although no definitive data are available, I believe that most men with new-onset ED, due to physical causes, have a life expectancy of fewer than 20 years. Sometimes much fewer.
Bro WB
Jialat, since I was 12, I always make love to women a lot older than me. Even when I was 30s I like fucking 40-50s women.
Looks like I'm getting old faster. 😅😅
30-12-2021, 09:54 PM
Jialat, since I was 12, I always make love to women a lot older than me. Even when I was 30s I like fucking 40-50s women.
Looks like I'm getting old faster. 😅😅
Relax, bro.
There are many other factors involved in aging. Perhaps you have good genes and you have taken good care of your health.
Nothing wrong with being a gerontophile.
Bro WB
31-12-2021, 12:01 AM
"You don't stop making love to young women when you get 'old.' You get old when you stop making love to young women."
Great advise. Will always bear this in mind! :D
01-01-2022, 08:59 PM
Great advise. Will always bear this in mind! :D
Yeah, don't forget.
Wishing everyone a blessed New Year!
Bro WB
03-01-2022, 11:22 PM
Been reading quite a bit of this thread and gain quite a wide perspective as a young bird of <25 y/o.
However the real life sharings seem to be focused around WL and PRC girls for BY. Does this apply to non WL local SYTs?
07-01-2022, 03:22 PM
Been reading quite a bit of this thread and gain quite a wide perspective as a young bird of <25 y/o.
However the real life sharings seem to be focused around WL and PRC girls for BY. Does this apply to non WL local SYTs?
Bro, tks for your post.
The answer is YES!
It's more about improving yourself in every way possible than about the girls/women.
However, my tenets will not work well with psychopathic gold diggers, both WLs and non-WLs.
Avoid them.
Bro WB
08-01-2022, 10:25 PM
Good evening,
My post tonight, in another thread.
As much as i agreed as i read alone, then again how to quantify this statement
"I believe that most women will only retain enough adhesive to sleep with between one to five men in their lives before irreparably damaging their ability to love any man" is this an opinion ? or are there empirical stats to quantify it?
Good evening,
"The Rule of Five' was Mr. Roosh's tenet based on his experiences n observations.
I couldn't agree with him more. I hv reached a very similar conclusion after analyzing ALL my sexual encounters n relationships, and those of everyone I hv ever known. I hv also pondered on the sexual relationships as described in all the publications n news I hv read since I was a teenager. And many stories I hv heard.
The number 5 is only a rule of thumb, a rough estimate, and it could be 3-4 for some n 6-7 for others. A girl loses more glue with every new man.
Every girl is different. Some heterosexual virgin may never love a man.
In fact, many believe that a woman ONLY truly loves her son, unconditionally. Just like your mom is the ONLY woman who truly n unconditionally loves you. A few moms don't even love their sons.
I must admit that there are very rare exceptions. But how do you prove that a woman truly loves a man?
How do you quantify love?
Bro WB
09-01-2022, 01:36 AM
"You don't stop making love to young women when you get 'old.' You get old when you stop making love to young women."
Erectile dysfunction is a strong predictor of death. Although no definitive data are available, I believe that most men with new-onset ED, due to physical causes, have a life expectancy of fewer than 20 years. Sometimes much fewer.
Bro WB
Occurs to me - practice makes perfect, use it or lose it.
It's all about skills and habits including the heart, mind and body, to achieve a decent level of internalizarion or mastery.
09-01-2022, 11:16 AM
Bro WB
Occurs to me - practice makes perfect, use it or lose it.
It's all about skills and habits including the heart, mind and body, to achieve a decent level of internalizarion or mastery.
I couldn't agree with u more.
As they say, USE IT OR LOSE IT.
Love-making can be as strenuous as you want it to be. My HR has reached over 150/min during vigorous sex. Good cardio. My resting HR is around 58.
After every COVID jab, I had refrained from strenuous activities for 3 weeks. I just let my LPs be on top, both cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. It was very satisfying too.:D
09-01-2022, 11:23 AM
I couldn't agree with u more.
As they say, USE IT OR LOSE IT.
Love-making can be as strenuous as you want it to be. My HR has reached over 150/min during vigorous sex. Good cardio. My resting HR is around 58.
After every COVID jab, I had refrained from strenuous activities for 3 weeks. I just let my LPs be on top, both cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. It was very satisfying too.:D
You are like Frequent Flyer :D
09-01-2022, 08:22 PM
You are like Frequent Flyer :D
With many air miles too :D
09-01-2022, 08:55 PM
I couldn't agree with u more.
As they say, USE IT OR LOSE IT.
Love-making can be as strenuous as you want it to be. My HR has reached over 150/min during vigorous sex. Good cardio. My resting HR is around 58.
After every COVID jab, I had refrained from strenuous activities for 3 weeks. I just let my LPs be on top, both cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. It was very satisfying too.:D
Dear Bro WB,
Did you notice any change in HR after the jabs? Or in performance?
And pls could you advise what is LP?
Roosh V and C Sledge, both great authors.
10-01-2022, 12:03 PM
a woman ONLY truly loves her son, unconditionally.
this part i agreed 100% . proven with affirmation.
All wives and GF love however intense are all conditional
which will disappear without the slightest trace once the
conditions all no longer in existence.
12-01-2022, 01:24 PM
this part i agreed 100% . proven with affirmation.
All wives and GF love however intense are all conditional
which will disappear without the slightest trace once the
conditions all no longer in existence.
Very well said
13-01-2022, 09:43 PM
You are like Frequent Flyer :D
With many air miles too :D
Bros, tks.
Dear Bro WB,
Did you notice any change in HR after the jabs? Or in performance?
And pls could you advise what is LP?
Roosh V and C Sledge, both great authors.
Dear bro Thor, tks.
I hv not had any changes in my HR or performance after my jabs.
LP = lao po 老婆
Roosh is a bit controversial. Charles Sledge is a friend
this part i agreed 100% . proven with affirmation.
All wives and GF love however intense are all conditional
which will disappear without the slightest trace once the
conditions all no longer in existence.
Very well said
Bros, tks.
Good evening to all samsters,
I like to share this brief article.
Why You Should Never Marry a Woman That You Are "In Love" With
by Aristotle the Hun
My main purpose is to warn the many eager men that what they are so eager for might become the worst thing that ever happened to them.
There are a number of mental health problems that occur in women more frequently than men. For example, Bipolar Disorder sufferers are 75% female. Several other personality disorders as well as depression are primarily female problems.
Here is the warning:
"Love" has the ability to mask serious mental health problems. When the love wears off, the problems become obvious and you end up sharing life with the Wicked Witch of the West.
Never marry anyone you are in love with.
Wait until the "high" wears off so you have a better chance to know what you are getting into.
I couldn't agree with him more.
Just to be fair, a young woman should not marry a man with whom she is deeply in love.
Bro WB
20-01-2022, 11:28 PM
Good evening,
I'm not apologetic for simultaneously keeping 2-3 SYTs/young women of my type as my LPs since 2009 despite my advanced age.
It has definitely made me a happy and satisfied man. It has been great for my health: Mental, physical, sexual, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. I have also learned a lot from my girls.
In return, I have always made sure I leave my LPs much better than I found them.
Here is a recent epidemiological study on men who are 'unlucky' in love.
Unlucky in Love? It Can Damage Men's Health, Study Finds
Cara Murez Jan 11, 2022 Updated Jan 11, 2022
TUESDAY, Jan. 11, 2022 - (HealthDay News) -- Men who are broken-hearted or just unlucky in love could be more likely to have health-damaging inflammation, new research suggests.
Serious breakups and solo living for many years may increase the risk of ill health and death — but apparently only for men, according to the researchers behind a new Danish study.
"Small numbers of breakups or years lived alone is not in itself a risk of poor health," the study authors noted.
But the combination of long-term solitary living and multiple failed relationships is shown to affect levels of two inflammatory markers significantly, the investigators found.
The research team, which included Rikke Lund and Dr. Karolina Koch Davidsen, both from the University of Copenhagen department of social medicine, used data from the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank for over 4,800 participants (aged 48 to 62) between 1986 and 2011. This data included information on serial partnership breakups supplied by most of the participants and the number of years lived alone supplied by all participants.
Information also included educational attainment, early major life events that might have an impact on health, weight, long-term health conditions, medicines that can affect inflammation and personality traits.
Blood samples measured the inflammatory markers interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP). ( Warbird: Actually, it's hsCRP or high sensitivity CRP).
About half the participants had experienced a partnership break-up, and a similar percentage had lived alone for more than one year, according to the report published online Jan. 10 in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
The highest levels of inflammatory markers in men were found in those who had experienced the most partnership breakups. They had 17% higher levels of inflammatory markers than those in the comparison group.
Inflammatory markers were up to 12% higher in the group who had spent seven or more years living alone. The highest levels for CRP were found in men with high educational attainment who had lived alone for two to six years. For IL-6, the top levels were in men who had spent seven or more years living alone.
No such associations were found among women, according to the report.
That may be partly explained by the inclusion of just 1,499 women in the study, but the authors also suggested that men tend to externalize their behavior following a partnership breakup, by drinking, for example, whereas women tend to internalize, having depressive symptoms. This may influence inflammatory levels differently.
The team also pointed out that participants had an average age of 54, when the consequences of exposure to inflammatory chemicals have not yet peaked. Men also generate stronger inflammatory responses than women of the same age, the team pointed out in a journal news release.
However, immune system competence wanes with age, which can lead to the systemic low-grade inflammation associated with diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, the researchers said.
"The levels of inflammation in our study are low, but they are also significant, clinically relevant, and most likely a risk factor for increased mortality," the study authors explained. There are "notable numbers of people living with low-level inflammation," they added.
"Since the number of one-person households has been increasing throughout the past 50 to 60 years in most high-income countries, this group of people going through relationship breakups, or who are living on their own for different reasons, are part of at-risk groups," the study authors said.
More information
The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more on chronic inflammation.
SOURCE: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, news release, Jan. 10, 2022
Any comments?
Unlucky in love? Improve yourself relentlessly. Become awesome with women. Become the top 1% of men. Aim to become the top 0.1% of men.
Now you know why I like long-term relationships with pretty SYTs/young women of my type. My health depends on it. It's a matter of life and death.
Bro WB
21-01-2022, 12:36 AM
Unlucky in love? Improve yourself relentlessly. Become awesome with women. Become the top 1% of men. Aim to become the top 0.1% of men.
Now you know why I like long-term relationships with pretty SYTs/young women of my type. My health depends on it. It's a matter of life and death.
Bro WB
Bro WB,
Men seems to be the weaker sex literally here. Mitochondria in our cells actually come from the mother.
"Unlucky in love" does not seem to apply because so much is actually in our hands.
I learnt the importance of 4 Chinese words from my fav ML today who gives me very good manhood therapy. The words are 正常幸福。
Our attitude in life must be to treat the unwelcome, negatives,unpleasant as 正常, and to learn to identify and treasure the things that bring us 幸福。
So here in relationships and expressing love towards the girls we like, we must be able to connect with them in ways that are fulfilling and enjoyable (幸福), and handle and respond to the unpleasant (正常).
This requires the right disposition and skills (verbal, emotional, physical, etc). This doesn't require luck on a daily basis. It's about how we treat ourselves and the girls in the context of this thread (though it's a narrow coverage). If more of them have this 正常幸福 attitude aside from the profit motive, life would be even more enjoyable.
22-01-2022, 04:21 PM
Bro WB,
Men seems to be the weaker sex literally here. Mitochondria in our cells actually come from the mother.
"Unlucky in love" does not seem to apply because so much is actually in our hands.
I learnt the importance of 4 Chinese words from my fav ML today who gives me very good manhood therapy. The words are 正常幸福。
Our attitude in life must be to treat the unwelcome, negatives,unpleasant as 正常, and to learn to identify and treasure the things that bring us 幸福。
So here in relationships and expressing love towards the girls we like, we must be able to connect with them in ways that are fulfilling and enjoyable (幸福), and handle and respond to the unpleasant (正常).
This requires the right disposition and skills (verbal, emotional, physical, etc). This doesn't require luck on a daily basis. It's about how we treat ourselves and the girls in the context of this thread (though it's a narrow coverage). If more of them have this 正常幸福 attitude aside from the profit motive, life would be even more enjoyable.
Bro, tks for your excellent post and advice.
Men and women are very different. Are men really the weaker sex? It depends on your definition of 'weaker sex."
Yes, every encounter is a learning experience.
Your mental frame or mindset is the most important determinant of your happiness and 'success.'
Happiness comes from within you and has nothing to do with any external factors, persons, or circumstances.
Accept whatever is happening to you at this moment. Be relaxed, self-assured, happy, thankful, and at peace NOW.
Bro WB
26-01-2022, 10:18 PM
Good evening to all samsters,
I just received the following interesting email.
She Will Test Your Nerve
by Joseph
What are women attracted to?
I think it can be summarized in one word...
Nerve means:
calmness under pressure
and a willingness to take risks
Just think to yourself how hard it is when you tell yourself "I must be confident."
Confidence is a positive expectation of success.
But, approaching a woman, making a move of any sort, is always a risk.
It always entails some degree of uncertainty.
You simply can't know what she will do. All you can do is make sure that you make as good a pick as possible, and give it your best.
Phony confidence is often kidding yourself that you can tell the future. You can't. It's always a risk.
But, that's just it...
Women want a man who is prepared to take a risk.
A man with nerve.
How else can she know if he is for real?
Look around the animal kingdom. Females choose males that will take risks, that have nerve. Females choose bold males, males willing to risk standing out and being vulnerable (to danger).
To understand why this is, go to your library and find a book by A. Zahavi called "The Handicap Principle."
One of the themes of this book is that...
Females face the problem of deciding which males are for real, and which are bluffing.
In humans, this means, among other things, which males will be dependable and which are mere users.
The only way to sort out the bluffers from the rest is to test them by demanding that they pay some cost or take some risk that a bluffer can't pay (a "handicap").
In simple terms, females test your nerve.
It may help you to keep your nerve by realizing why they must do this.
A woman that had sex indiscriminately would end up pregnant and alone (a nightmare!). She would be used and trashed by all sorts of men.
Therefore she has to have some way of sorting out the genuine suitors from the potential users.
Knowing this may help you not to take her tests personally.
And realize why it is vital for her to do this (and vital for the reproduction of the species, for, in short, the welfare of babies).
But (I hear you say), when I genuinely care about a girl, she rejects me because I come on strong and fail to be a challenge.
Well, think about it. Anyone can come on strong early. It is cheap, it pays no cost, takes no risk, spends no precious time.
It indicates that you, in your need and indiscrimination...
Have latched onto her out of desperation.
And what this means is that once your lust is sated, you may tire of her.
The truth is, when you come on strong, she has no way of knowing if you will be dependable.
If on the other hand you show her persistent attention without coming on strong, and over a period of time, it shows her that you are willing to take the time (pay the cost) necessary to get close to her.
But that takes nerve.
She'll test you to see if you'll break into a tantrum...
Or if you'll chicken out and start avoiding her...
Or if you'll get petulant when she pretends not to see you...
Or to see if you'll start pretending that you aren't really attracted to her (to guard yourself against getting hurt, i.e., losing your nerve)...
And so on.
You've got to keep your nerve. Don't lose it in any fashion.
Just keep on being pleasantly attentive to her and gradually upping the ante, but without chasing her and being needy.
Write it on a piece of cardboard.
Put it in your shirt pocket.
Take it out to read it when she does something unexpected that upsets you...
Yes, all girls/women are most attracted to a man's masculine character traits and his emotional mastery/strength.
Be fearless (but not foolhardy) and stay calm...
Bro WB
30-01-2022, 08:43 PM
Dear Bro WB,
These are both incredible insightful articles.
After my first major breakup in 2016, I literally had heart pain 24/7 but no health indicators of a problem. Then one Doc told me about broken heart syndrome. All heart pain disappeared when I met my next gf, and then having a long term relationship and people at home, always helped me stay at peace.
And the NERVE - yes, great advice. Women aren't testing men to be mean, it's their way of generating attraction. Use it, don't be scared!
All Bros - don't isolate yourself, stay connected to people.
Thanks Bro WB for these great insights.
30-01-2022, 09:49 PM
i usually catch girl in, which is my favourite, i will daily sexting her
30-01-2022, 09:50 PM
Very well said
cannot deny most girls nowadays are so materealistic
30-01-2022, 09:52 PM
try to do something that your gals love, if your girl loves romantic, brings her to the dining restaurant
30-01-2022, 10:05 PM
Of course, if you get the bad vibes, then need to manage the situation.
any good idea on managing the situation?
30-01-2022, 10:31 PM
any good idea on managing the situation?
Nowadays I seldom encounter situations like bad vibes.
Even if I don't feel the girl is really my type, I would generally go in and generate better vibes.
If it's really bad vibes, like cannot have eye contact or establish or achieve mutually pleasing progress, I would back out. It becomes a one off. The girl is not of the right disposition or type.
Sometimes it's unpleasant. No love lost. It's rare.
Otherwise the key is good vibes that can be picked up by the girl. She will respond. Sometimes she feeds back to me. It will be mutually pleasing.
Speaking from experience. Of course, I don't have a monopoly on each and every girl, so I would like to think any girl is not exclusive to me. The magic is to enjoy every moment possible with each girl whenever old or and new experiences emerge. Like being invited to be showered or spontaneously given a lap dance by her after some sharing from her. When the magic is lost, then move on. Sometimes the contact is just lost, to my regret. Vanilla ones are not worth cultivating, so off my list. Sometimes the ones I don't really like but they still offer no resistance, I can take it since I already know what I want at that time.
01-02-2022, 09:30 PM
Dear Bro WB,
These are both incredible insightful articles.
After my first major breakup in 2016, I literally had heart pain 24/7 but no health indicators of a problem. Then one Doc told me about broken heart syndrome. All heart pain disappeared when I met my next gf, and then having a long term relationship and people at home, always helped me stay at peace.
And the NERVE - yes, great advice. Women aren't testing men to be mean, it's their way of generating attraction. Use it, don't be scared!
All Bros - don't isolate yourself, stay connected to people.
Thanks Bro WB for these great insights.
Tks, bro,
You have made my day!
i usually catch girl in, which is my favourite, i will daily sexting her
cannot deny most girls nowadays are so materealistic
try to do something that your gals love, if your girl loves romantic, brings her to the dining restaurant
any good idea on managing the situation?
Nowadays I seldom encounter situations like bad vibes.
Even if I don't feel the girl is really my type, I would generally go in and generate better vibes.
If it's really bad vibes, like cannot have eye contact or establish or achieve mutually pleasing progress, I would back out. It becomes a one off. The girl is not of the right disposition or type.
Sometimes it's unpleasant. No love lost. It's rare.
Otherwise the key is good vibes that can be picked up by the girl. She will respond. Sometimes she feeds back to me. It will be mutually pleasing.
Speaking from experience. Of course, I don't have a monopoly on each and every girl, so I would like to think any girl is not exclusive to me. The magic is to enjoy every moment possible with each girl whenever old or and new experiences emerge. Like being invited to be showered or spontaneously given a lap dance by her after some sharing from her. When the magic is lost, then move on. Sometimes the contact is just lost, to my regret. Vanilla ones are not worth cultivating, so off my list. Sometimes the ones I don't really like but they still offer no resistance, I can take it since I already know what I want at that time.
Tks for posting and sharing.
Good evening,
Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed Lunar New Year 2022!
Huat Ah!
Bro WB
02-02-2022, 03:49 AM
Great thread bro warbird. A happy new year to you too! :)
02-02-2022, 04:34 PM
Need to find more pretty masseuse to repair my heart :D Happy Chinese New Year to all!
06-02-2022, 09:56 PM
Great thread bro warbird. A happy new year to you too! :)
Need to find more pretty masseuse to repair my heart :D Happy Chinese New Year to all!
I like to thank all samsters who have posted in this thread since its inception in June 2009.
I have several interesting quotes:
A woman will not make you happy if you are not already happy. You must make yourself happy. She is just the icing on a cake and should never be your entire life or reason for existence. - Speakeasy
Your issue is you do not have enough prospects and certainly no plates. If you had plates or attractive prospects, you would not put up with silliness like taking forever to get the girl's number.
With women, the rule is cheesy but true. Talk to one and you'll have none. Talk to many and you will have plenty. - Stoic
Women act on the "emotions" and "feelings" you generate in them, never logic. Throw logic out when dealing with women, and ignore what they say.
Women will say one thing, then do something completely different. A woman's actions will tell you everything.
Furthermore, never get frustrated or angry with women. Just get disappointed. - Mr.Positive
If you are unsure, always err on the side of patience and restraint. Slowing down the game, especially early, drives women crazy and into your hands. - Samspade
Give her a little "sneak up from behind kiss attack around the neck" (or something physically affectionate) that's so stereotypical in romance movies yet not used enough in real life.
I've never not had a girlfriend giggle, smile, and squeak with delight after doing this, but that's just something I like to do. - Qmanchoo
Happy Lunar New Year to all of you!
Bro WB
can fill some time reading from pg 1 :D
13-02-2022, 10:44 PM
can fill some time reading from pg 1 :D
Bro, how many pages have you read?
Good evening to all samsters,
I quoted a guru in Oct 2014.
It's worth reading again and again, for me.
When you behave as THE MAN, you are giving her the most DIRECT “SIGN” of your sexual worthiness - the sign that says you are her missing component, you are the masculine to balance her feminine.
The other “signs” of power are like a roundabout route to a destination instead of the direct route. The other signs are unclear from a sexual perspective since they are not distinctly sexual. After all, a woman can have money, and a man’s looks may be deceiving.
But a man’s actions speak louder about his sexual attractiveness than his wallet, his looks, or his words:
If he BEHAVES like a MAN, he probably IS.
DING! Sexual desire in a woman is now stimulated.
Think of it this way:
Great looks/great wealth/etc. = signs of power = possible sexiness
BUT BEHAVING as A MAN= “proof” of power = definite sexiness
By directly stimulating the “nerves” responsible for triggering a woman’s sexual desire, you BYPASS all the inefficient methods and create an expressway to attraction.
Behaving in a MASCULINE way means being relaxed while also being confident and dominant, and not having emotional reactions to things.
And what do all these behaviors have in common? The answer is EMOTIONAL STRENGTH.
My theory is that women respond to this like nothing else on earth because the truth is that this is the greatest sign of power, and the most difficult to achieve, the most difficult for a woman to find in a man.
You see, money can be given or lost by sheer good or bad luck, looks can fade and be deceiving, but emotions are the great equalizer. Everyone is challenged by their own fears, so the man who conquers his own emotions is usually the ultimate victor.
For example, let’s say you are faced with a great challenge in your life. Whether it's financial, social, or anything else, the fact is, if you are emotionally secure, calm, cool, and confident, you will usually end up conquering the problem and getting back on top of things.
But if you start to fall prey to negative emotions, you will be at the mercy of whatever happens to you and you will be relying on your luck. We all have heard of successful people who have had it all go down the drain and then commit suicide. Do you see how your emotional strength is the truest sign of your personal and inherent power?
A guy who does not get emotionally “messed up” or “bogged down” by life’s challenges, is a guy who will overcome those same challenges.
He will be a man in FAR GREATER CONTROL of what happens in his life, than a man who is a millionaire and is not an emotional winner.
A guy who has his emotions under control and has banished his fears has the power to achieve almost anything and overcome almost any obstacle.
Women understand this on an intuitive level, beyond the conscious.
Women desire to be with this type of man because he makes them burn with pure sexual desire.
As I explained before, at first, you may have to just ACT like the MAN. This is a good start. But don’t stop practicing until you become THE MAN, instinctively.
The irony of it all is that when women sense that you are THE MAN, you will then suddenly be flooded with all the things you have learned NOT to need- affection, support, love, sex, kindness, etc.
Being emotionally strong means you don’t need any particular girl, it means you don’t get jealous, it means you dump “problem” chicks immediately, and don’t play into their games since you know you can find better.
It means that you do not do anything to “win” a girl. You are THE MAN and that’s enough. This means not ever buying a woman something out of the fear that if you don’t, she will “like you less”. If you allow such fears to show, to exist, she will think lowly of you. Put simply, she will think you must be pretty inferior if you feel you need to buy her things.
Most guys talk too much and smile too much in an attempt to win a woman’s approval. Forget the song and dance. All the extra effort to please women comes from fear or belief in romantic lies.
And it always backfires. Women are repelled, feeling that these guys are UNSEXY or they would not be trying so hard.
That doesn’t mean you should not make yourself as good-looking, intelligent, and accomplished as possible. But notice these traits have nothing to do with her. You make yourself sexy by concentrating on improving your confidence, your looks, your personality, etc.
Now, there is a difference between doing something out of ass-kissing and doing something because you would do it for a buddy. Women can tell the difference, and if you do something friendly that you would do with a guy buddy, it’s all right. But it must be clear to her that you are only doing it because you felt like it, and not because you felt you needed to impress her.
When you first meet a woman, be safe: NO FAVORS, COMPLIMENTS, OR GIFTS. For at least 3 or 4 months. And have NO emotional responses to things, period.
If/when a woman says you are so cool and distant, don’t you dare change and become too mushy, because the truth is SHE CRAVES A GUY WHO IS COOL AND MASCULINE.
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You'll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever...
Does your wife/lover want to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire...
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem "IF."
Bro WB
So become THE MAN. You will never, ever become fearful abt anything in LIFE. You'll never be zealous or emotional or angry, ever...
Your wife/lover wants to leave u? That is her loss! Many prettier gals r lining up for u. Secretly in love w/ a gal for yrs? She will beg u to make love to her n become sexually addicted to u soon! Facing bankruptcy? You will make a comeback n become a billionaire...
Aspire to become THE MAN in the poem "IF."
Bro WB
14-02-2022, 09:15 AM
I read twice every page.
14-02-2022, 08:45 PM
i will grab my type of guy in and initiated to date him out, to keep our relationship ongoing
14-02-2022, 08:46 PM
That's one of the best advice there is. Many a time we give in to the decisions made by the small head, only to look back and say,"WTF, did i do THAT?" Life is too short to waste on bad food and worse fucks. Live it up while you can get it up!
yes we need to make good use of our life
14-02-2022, 08:46 PM
the people that we love at the first sight is not easy to get, grab when meet
14-02-2022, 08:47 PM
Really play so big.
Thanks for a great thread Bro WB.
hehe play big then can get big reward too
the people that we love at the first sight is not easy to get, grab when meet
this is commercial. can't say no true love, but 99.99% fake.
17-02-2022, 09:25 PM
I read twice every page.
Pls share some of your exploits.
this is commercial. can't say no true love, but 99.99% fake.
I have known you for a very long time!
Do you remember the singer FL Yi Ting? I wrote a nice FR for her.
She was introduced to all of us by bro Denden 7070 in August 2008. She was 20 yo and was tall, fair, quite pretty, and had a proportionate figure. One shot was only $80-120.
If a client met her at her HFJ joint Sakura, she would play hard to get.:D
She returned to work as an employee hostess for TAM in May 2009.
She called me n asked if I wanted to fxxk her. I said how much, she replied $500! I said NO and the most I would pay was $200. She said no way. She called me back a week later n said OK.
My point is that you couldn't get a girl like YT even if you pay much more now. And most of the girls/women are plastic. And many are aunties.
Bro WB
25-02-2022, 08:28 PM
Good evening,
What an auspicious night!
'Guru' Allen just sent me this article. Actually, I have read something very similar before.
It's good to read it again.
Here Is How to Get DUMPED
Don Juan,
Are you the jealous type?
I hope not!
Jealousy is one of the quickest and surest ways to get DUMPED.
Jealousy is a sign of insecurity. It indicates a lack of confidence on your part. And it is an instant turn-off for women.
When you act in a jealous fashion you tell her that you don't feel worthy of her love and that you're worried she will find one of the many, many guys out there who are better than you.
Not to mention the fact that jealousy is an incredibly annoying personality trait. Which definitely will not help you.
Project Confidence
Never forget that women are attracted to confidence in men.
If a woman realizes that you lack confidence, then she will lose respect for you. And if she doesn't respect you, she won't love you, as respect is a prerequisite for love.
Every time you act like a jealous idiot, you deservedly lose more of that respect. And she will start to look around for someone better. Someone more confident and less jealous.
Now, don't try to tell me that you're the jealous type not because of a lack of confidence, but because you really love and care about this girl. Or because you can't trust her.
I'm not buying it... and she won't either.
Your Insecurity
Jealousy is about YOU and your feelings of insecurity. Your lack of confidence. Your feelings of inferiority.
It's your problem. It has nothing to do with her.
(And if you really can't trust this girl, then why waste your time. Find someone that you can trust.)
So what do you do if you ARE the jealous type?
Do This!
Well, since you know that when you act in a jealous fashion you push her away from you, and when you act in a confident fashion you draw her toward you, then it's simple really.
Let her do whatever she wants. Give her all the freedom she wants. Do not try to control her.
Don't complain when she goes out with her friends instead of you. Smile when she says she's going to have lunch with an old boyfriend. Encourage her to go to that male strip club if she wants to.
Proudly display your confidence to her.
And know that ACTING CONFIDENT in the face of these circumstances (which make most men jealous, because most men are not Don Juans like you) will actually draw her to you.
By doing this, you brilliantly turn a negative personality trait (jealousy) into a positive personality trait (self-confidence).
Opportunities to Shine
You should welcome these types of situations and view them as opportunities to display your confidence to her... and to draw her closer to you.
So the next time you start to feel those pangs of jealousy, and you start to worry, and you start getting anxious, and nervous — remember this article and think...
"Awesome! This is an excellent opportunity for me to display my confidence, to set myself apart from all those other guys, and to blow her mind."
It is powerful stuff.
Good luck!
26-02-2022, 12:35 AM
One should be comfortable with himself.
Jealousy is what ppl have but you don't want them to have.
Envy is what ppl have you also want to have.
Generally the first is a negative destructive energy.
The second can be a positive energy.
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